#balthazar x sister reader
afro-hispwriter · 6 months
The French Mistake was a mistake
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Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles x reader
Soulless Sam x reader(brief mention)
Summary- Dean is starting to believe you and him aren't meant to be in any universe
Warnings- 6x15(doesn’t follow it completely), mentions of suicide, mentions of being admitted to a facility, break ups, so much angst, mentions of anna, lisa, and ben, dean is a asshole lowkey(in the situation at least)
Not edited
Sam and Dean burst through the window and landed on a blue mat but before they could stand up someones yelled,
"CUT!" Bells rang, clapping, and whole bunch of talking started. The brothers looked around, Balthazar was gone and that's when the confusion started.
 "Great solid fall." Someone slapped Deans ass making him jump.
"Jared, Jensen outstanding. That was just great!" Said a old man in a chair and from behind a kid started speaking nonsense.
"Supernatural, scene one, "Echo." Take one, tail slate. Marker." And closed one of those movie boxes.
"So no angels?" Sam says.
"No angels, I think."
"Should we be killing anybody?"
"I don't think so."
Sam and Dean looked at the group of guys sitting around tv screens all talking. Then one yells "Moving on" and lights start turning on.
"Thats a wrap on Jared and Jensen." 
"Who the hell are-?"
It went by quick after that. Dean got dragged up to makeup stations and got the makeup he didn't think he had on him. Sam got dragged into an interview he had no idea how to answer.
They met up again, settling on being sent to another universe where they are actors who play Sam and Dean. They walked out of the building and the sight of Baby gave Dean a huge smile. But he watched a guy throw stuff over it and saw a whole bunch of Baby's. 
"Im gonna be sick." Dean says and starts to back away.
"We need Cas." Sam says and Dean tries to do some sort of "prayer"  but that was short lived when they spotted the man. 
That ended up being fake too. Cas' name in this universe was Misha. Misha? They kept walking around the lot until they saw the trailer that said "J. Ackles." 
"Thats fake me." Dean says and pointed at himself.
"This mist be fake mine." They walked in and Dean was instantly in awe. The fish tank and the freaking helicopter. Dean looked around the trailer and noticed a framed picture on a table. It was of fake him and a woman with brownish red hair. Maybe his sister? But the picture looked a little too intimate to be that.
It made him think of you. You left the team after the showdown with Lucifer. But he couldn't blame you. He hurt you, deeply. From Lisa, all the way too Anna. He really did like you but his connection too Anna was too great. And Lisa, Lisa and him are good. He loves her and he loves Ben. But every once in a while his mind would drift off to you, wondering what you were up too.
It was a dick move. Sam called him out on it, as did Bobby and Ellen. 
All this thought of you made him want to see if you were in the universe. Sam was typing away on fake his computer.
"Hey Sammy, I want to check something." Dean says and takes the laptop and plops on the couch. He starts typing in your name.
Y/n L/n Supernatural 
Pictures of you popped up, along with a description of your character. And again the bottom in the little box there were drop down choices with answers.
Why did Y/n Carter leave Supernatural?
Why did Dean and Y/n break up?
Do Y/n and Sam get together? 
That made Deans eyebrows furrow. Why would you and Sam ever get together? But he immediately groaned. When Sam was still soulless he apparently went to go see you, wherever you were. Because apparently Sam and Bobby were the only one to know where you went. He then proceeded to heavily dropped hints that he slept with you. It had taken everything for Dean not to beat up his soulless baby brother. 
Y/n Carter must be your name in this universe. Ironic how fake you and real you share the same first name. He clicked on the option that said why you left the show.
It was released that she left the show due to personal reasons but fans speculate it has something to do with her ex of 7 years Jensen Ackles(who plays Dean Winchester aka her love interest), leaving her and marrying a now former mutual friend, Daneel Harris now Daneel Harris-Ackles. 
"Holy shit" Dean mumbled, "Im a dick here too." 
"Whats wrong?"
"I looked up Y/n, wanted too know what she was up to. Apparently im an asshole here too." He passed the computer to Sam and he started reading. 
“At least you’re aware.” Sam mumbled and Dean shot him a look. “Huh seems like you guys broke up in this universe just after dad died in ours and she left the show around the time our Y/n left us." 
"You know where she is and wont tell me." Dean says with a slight glare.
"She doesn't want you too know, and for good reasons." Sam says.
"We need to find a way to get back to our universe." Dean says and looks over at the framed picture of fake him and the woman. It gave him a great unease. 
After trying to drive fake Baby. Sam and Dean just settled on getting driven to 'Jared's place as they should say. Fake Sam had a huge house, a freaking mansion. Dean noticed a tanning bed and opened it. 
"What am I Dracula?" Sam asks and shakes his head. Dean walked over to the large curtains as he heard animals making noises.
"Dude you have a freaking camal in your backyard."
"It's an alpaca, dumbass." A familiar woman's voice made them whip around. A woman at the top of the stairs, wearing a short black dress. 
"Ruby?" Dean looks at the woman is shock and she scoffs. 
"Gen, who is it?" The next voice that popped up was so sweet but sounded tired. Another woman appeared behind fake Ruby, dean let his eyes trail over her figure before his breath hitched.
"Y/n." He breathed out and took a step forward. He watched you swallow harshly all the way from where he was. You looked so beautiful, beautiful in every universe it seems. 
"G-Gen." you shakily said and grabbed her hand. "You said he wasn't going to be here."
"I know honey, I told a certain someone not to let another certain someone into the house even though I thought I didn't have to worry about it." Fake Ruby said all of that while glaring at Sam which made him shrink back. 
"I can't be here." You let her go and start to rush down the stairs. 
"Y/n wait let me talk to Jared and I'll take you back to your hotel room."
"Y/n." Dean walked towards you as you made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey." It had been more than a year since he last saw you, at least the real you. 
"Hey? Thats all you had to say after you admitted me to a fucking psych ward!? Dean took a step back and you took a step forward. "Got me written off the rest of 5?" You shoved your finger into his chest "You didn't even bother to visit me!" You shoved him fully this time.
This must have been what the internet was talking about.
“I-I-.” Dean tried to think of something to say but he was blank.
“Oh now you don’t have anything to say. Nothing about this being good for me, that everything is going to go back to normal after I get it. News flash Jensen, nothing worked. Fuck! WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LET ME DIE?” You screamed and shoved him hard making him almost fall back. 
“Okay Y/n honey go wait in the car.” Gen grabbed you by your arms and guided you to the door. 
“Fuck you Jensen, I wish I never fucking met you.” Gen opened the door for you and the boys watched fake Ruby watch you go to the car. She took in a deep breath before whipping around to the two boys. 
“Seriously Jensen, nothing you couldn’t say anything too her? Do you know what this could do to her?” Dean bit his lip and wiped his eye with the back of his hand. “Crying, you’re crying? Jesus I don’t want to see you talking to her outside of work, you’ve ruined my friend for the rest of her life.” 
Dean looked down at his shoes in shame and it felt weird too. This wasn’t his life, so why was it affecting him this much?
“And you.” Fake Ruby looks at Sam. “We’ll talk later.” She walks up to him and wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him down to her lips. He didn’t kiss her back, the shock of the whole thing has Sam stumped. She pulled away and let out a disappointed sigh before walking about of the house. 
It was quite for a mom between them. 
“Sammy we need to go home now.” Dean says, it was so quite Sam almost didn’t catch it. He didn’t sound like Dean.
“Dean, you okay?” He watched his brother bring bath hands up and wipe his eyes before turning around.
“Im going too stop asking you about her from now on.” He says and Sam cocks his head.
“About Y/n? Dean what’s happening in this universe, is nothing compared to what was happening back home.” 
“No you don’t understand! This just proved that me and Y/n don’t work, in any universe.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. Fake me left her first another woman after 7 years Sammy. And I left her for a woman who ended up wanting to ruin us. And them I didn’t even try to go after her after you disappeared, like you told me too. Im fucked up Sam, its better this way for her.” 
“Dean don’t say that-.”
“Sammy please, let’s just find a way back.”
A/n- if people want it, planning on making more about dean x reader, but the Jensen situation in this one… there is no coming back from that kinf of situation.  so no. But I have a big plan for Deans, I really hope people want more and want too know about it😁Feedback appreciated, I will love you forever
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thisblogisaboutabook · 2 months
Bound for Hewn City
Balthazar x Reader, Azriel x Reader - Angst- One Shot
Azriel owes a debt and fate has its own plans.
“He fought for his life but finally fell captive, certain he'd come to the end of his days. His fight was over, his fate was sealed by the will of a leader of a rogue war band.”
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TW: character death, alcohol, language
“Promise you’ll be careful?”
“Of course love.”
A small smile battles against the dread I fear each time he leaves. Eight years, now. Eight years since he defected from the Illyrian army, tired of the backwards ways that were too slow to change, and decided he’d be the change in his own way.
The night he’d found me tied down, my father’s merciless hands pinning me down, moments away from making that life altering incision, robbing me of flight for the rest of my days.
We fled and never looked back.
Balthazar’s hand reaches my face, his palm a warm, comforting touch molded perfectly to the rounded curvature of my cheek. I lean into it, never growing tired of his touch.
My lashes flutter involuntarily at the connection. As I look into his eyes, my heart squeezes. “Sure you don’t want to go for one more round in the bedroom?” I tease, knowing very well that our girls wouldn’t leave us alone for a moment to do such a thing. In fact, said little girls, are peeking around the corner now, giggling as Bal gives me another kiss.
“Hurry back, okay? I’ll be waiting patiently.”
“You? Patient? I never knew you to be a liar, love.”
I roll my eyes at the jest. Patience isn’t exactly my strong suit.
Balthazar crouches down, the girls running to his arms. “Daddy!!” Celeste’s little voice is pleading as she gives him the biggest eyes possible. “Can you bring us back lolli’s this time, pleeeeaasseee?”
Balthazar pretends to contemplate the request, as if there has ever been a time he hasn’t brought them back for the girls.
“If you promise to be super good for momma, I’ll bring some back for you, yeah?”
Celeste looks to her little sister with a grin, they both cheer gleefully practically knocking him over as they swarm him for one more hug. He presses a kiss to their foreheads, mussing their hair with a broad palm playfully. “I’ll be back soon.”
His strong form raises up from his crouching position, wings tucking in tight as he moves swiftly forward, pulling me into his arms, peppering my head and cheek with kisses, before bringing his lips to mine, with a warm kiss, full of promise. I relax into his grasp, reveling in the kiss. “And Bluebell seeds for my wildflower.”
I smile at the gesture. Flower seeds aren’t necessities like the vegetable ones for our gardens, nevertheless he knows what joy they bring me.
And with that, he’s on his way to fetch supplies in the Hewn City. I watch him as he walks through the wards surrounding our home. They’re not the best, but we’ve learned to weave magic over the years, they’re enough to help keep our quaint little cabin out of view. I don’t miss the misty eyes of the girls as they watch the empty space where he’d been.
It was the middle of the night when they came.
The girls were sound asleep in bed with me, as they always were when Bal was away.
The first sign was the unmistakable boom of Illyrian wings, of several wings, there was no hiding that sound from even the sleepiest of ears.
“Girls” I whispered to wake them.
I signaled in the candlelight showing them where to hide. The loose floorboard under the bed with a shelter big enough for the two of them.
I geared up as quickly as possible. Suiting up with my leathers that Bal had worked tirelessly on for months. Our first taste of freedom after leaving the war camp, our first “fuck you” to the patriarchal bullshit that had oppressed me for so long. On our fifth anniversary, he surprised me with my very own siphons. He’d worked hard in obtaining those, crafting wood carvings, cultivating our property, and selling our goods whenever it was safe to, and was able to discreetly have a set made for me.
My heart sung when he’d presented them to me in a hand carved box of his making. The meaning was not lost on me. Yes, they would allow me to channel my power and defend myself- but they also represented exactly what we’d left Illyria for, equality. They signified that I was indeed, Bal’s equal in every way.
My siphons glowed brightly, he’d chosen a blue to match my favorite flower, the Bluebell.
I held my head high as I exited my home, my wings flaring wide in a show of defiance as I greeted the rogue band of Illyrian warriors at my door.
My siphons glowed brightly under the moonlight. Twelve towering males stood before me.
Many had fought them.
Many had died.
The leader, the largest of the males took me in, eyes catching on my siphons. In the dark his gaze was calculating and something like admiration shown in them as he took in the female he was was about to overtake- the only female Illyrian to ever don siphons.
His low, gravelly voice finally broke through the night. “Where is your husband?”
I was going to die.
I unsheathed my weapons and my siphons flared brighter.
But I would not die without a fight.
“I wait for a man who is bound for Hewn City, flying alone fetching seeds and supplies.
Leaving behind his home in the canyon wife and two children with tears in their eyes.”
Azriel was exhausted. Between Rhys and Feyre being too busy ruling the Night Court while simultaneously juggling parenting and all the joys that come with it, Mor still playing Courtier and Cassian dealing with the Illyrian war camps, helping with the Valkyries when needed, and preparing for the arrival of he and Nesta’s little one, it left Azriel taking the brunt of top secret missions.
Which brought him to the gods-awful Hewn City.
The Moonstone palace, at least, was a reprieve.
And as much as Azriel hated the Hewn City, there was a particular pleasure hall serving ale that rivaled even the best that Velaris had to offer.
And gods, he needed a drink after dealing with Keir all day.
After a stupid amount of time trying to flag down the bartender Azriel noticed another Illyrian male enter the bar.
“Fantastic.” Azriel muttered to himself. His disdain towards the Illyrians and their backward ways was not unknown among their kind.
Between Azriel’s dislike of his own kind and the fact that this male was in the Hewn City, the “probable threat” analysis was not boding well for the newcomer.
Alas, Azriel remained seated at the bar, sipping his brew and listening for any alert from his shadows.
To Azriel’s surprise the male had kept his distance instead of making the usual insults toward a “scarred bastard” of Illyrian upbringing. The male simply sat, ordered a light fare for dinner, and minded his own business.
It wasn’t long later that Azriel’s head started to feel… off. His usual stoic public demeanor became aloof, woozy.
Some of Keir’s brutes entered the bar, seating themselves beside Azriel. He bristled, knowing that this would end in a fight. Azriel threw back the rest of his ale and braced himself for the inevitable brawl to come.
His siphons sputtered as his head spun. Gods, what was in this drink? The males only smirked as they watched Azriel’s pathetic attempt to summon his power.
“Ahhh looks like the Illyrian bastard can’t handle his alcohol.” One of Keir’s darkbringers sneered.
Az tried to brush it off, pushing himself up to leave. He had no interest in a messy drunken brawl.
“Bet he didn’t even taste the faebane in this ale.”
Red flags immediately went off in Azriel’s head. Fuck, he had been so bothered by the day that he didn’t even consider his drink.
The bartender’s voice boomed “Did you tamper with my ale!?”
Azriel was too bleary to register the sounds around him. And then a darkbringer brought his fist to Azriel’s face.
Azriel threw a fist back desperately trying to take on the brutes surrounding him but in his intoxicated state and his missing powers, he was out numbered.
As Azriel became bloodied, the other Illyrian male in the bar stepped in, his siphons flaring. “Where is your honor?” his deep voice inquired.
The largest darkbringer sneered “Honor? An Illyrian dares speak of honor?” before throwing a punch at the male. The Illyrian caught the punch and twisted his arm and managed to take down multiple darkbringers as Azriel fought for some semblance of composure.
It seemed that Azriel and the Illyrian stranger would win before several more darkbringers entered the bar. Az and the Illyrian fought hard but when a knife met the strangers heart, Azriel knew the male’s Illyrian healing powers wouldn’t be enough.
The bartender quickly tossed a tonic to Azriel to counteract the poison and it took affect nearly instantly as Azriel’s powers began to come back. The darkbringers saw the siphons flare and knew they stood no chance. A few fled but Azriel managed to take down several on their way out.
Azriel fell to his knees beside the stranger who had helped him but it was too late. The male’s final breaths were approaching.
“Why? Why did you help?” Azriel asked.
The male only murmured something about the Valkyries in the rite and the Shadowsinger that helped give voice to the voiceless.
Azriel had never been taken by surprise in such a manner by another Illyrian. “You mean Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie?”
The male attempted to nod in recognition as Azriel’s attempts of stopping the male’s bleeding were failing.
“Find…. My wife.” The male stuttered. “Behind wards, in the Night and Day borderlands”
Azriel was caught off guard. An Illyrian living outside of the war camps was unheard of.
“Your wife, is she Illyrian?”
The male sputtered a “yes” before his body gave out.
Azriel couldn’t help the tear that slipped free as the male’s heart gave way, his soul returning home to the Mother.
The male had no reason to defend Azriel and yet… he gave his life in his aid.
He would find the male’s wife. It was the least he could do.
The bartender approached with bandages he’d found but Azriel signaled that it was too late.
The bartender shook his head in mourning. “He was a good male. Simply passing through for supplies, bluebell seeds for his wife, and lollis for his daughters. Came through here once every so often.”
The pang that ran through Azriel’s gut had nothing to do with the lingering poison in his system and everything to do with the fact that the male who gave his life had a family. One that he loved dearly.
“Lying there's a man who was bound for Hewn City, flying alone fetching seeds and supplies
Leaving behind his home in a canyon, wife and two children with tears in their eyes”
Azriel ignored the lingering effect of poison that the tonic hadn’t fully remedied and trudged out into the night. He would find this female and her children and pay his debt to the male who lay dead in the Hewn City.
He trudged through the night and into the early morning searching the borderlands of Day and Night for the male’s family.
As he fought through the tiredness, the hangover, the aftermath of the poison, he didn’t even notice the sounds of Illyrian wings. He fought through his daze against the rogue band of twelve but fell captive.
One of the most powerful Illyrians in history, felled twice in twenty-four hours. And now, he’d die not only with his debt unpaid, but the Illyrian who had saved him in the Hewn City died for nothing. He refused to beg or plead, not to the Illyrians. He fought as they administered faebane, taking away his powers once again.
So much for calling out to Rhys through the mental bond.
The males forced him along for some time, arms and wings bound with a sack over his head. This was humiliating in every way possible.
As the morning sun rose fully the males pushed Azriel to his knees, ripping the sack off his head.
Azriel couldn’t believe it when he opened his eyes to find an Illyrian female standing before him outside of the cabin, with her own set of Illyrian siphons.
“You’re not Balthazar…” she spoke softly yet with an air of confidence and concern. “Who are you?”
Two little girls stepped out from behind her. “Mama? Where is papa?”
Azriel choked up as he took in the enigma of a female before him, whispering, “I’ve… been looking for you”
To Azriel’s shock the band of Illyrian males only gave the female a respectful nod and took to the skies.
“Where’s Bal?” She asked, her lip quivering as if she already knew.
Azriel looked at the little girls clinging to their mother and could only manage a shake of his head.
The mother sent the girls inside, keeping a brave face and letting them know she had to speak to the male, to Azriel.
As soon as the door closed to the house, she fell to her knees with a guttural cry for her love that was lost.
Azriel gave her time before he told her the story of the male he owed a debt to, the family he would care for in gratitude for the life that was sacrificed for his own. The woman was broken. She was in pain and Azriel’s heart couldn’t take it. He embraced the female as she cried into his shoulder, comforting her for as long as she needed it.
“I'm in debt to a man who was bound for Hewn City flying alone fetching seeds and supplies
Leaving behind his home in a canyon, wife and two children with tears in their eyes.”
When she finally settled and looked into Azriel’s eyes, he knew he couldn’t tell her. Not yet.
Not that fate arranged this star-crossed meeting.
For now, he would pay his debt.
And someday, he could tell her what happened when he saw her step out of the cabin today.
About the moment that his soul found its match.
A/N I’m a sucker for cowboy ballads and when I heard this song, I knew I needed to write a fic based on it.
ACOTAR General: @lilah-asteria @thecollegecowgirl @mochibabycakes @nickishadow139
Requested tags based on excerpt I posted a couple of weeks ago: @acourtofbatboydreams @nocasdatsgay
Special apology tag to @st4r-girl-official
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ghoastixx · 2 months
you know the episode French Mistake? What if Dean and Sam get sent to the real world and find out their sister is dating someone else in the cast? Like Misha? Idk I just came up with this
The French Mistake
synopsis above
Notes: I literally LOVE episodes that I just get to copy the show and throw little old us in. It's so fun to write. I loved writing the mystery spot one, hoping this one is just as fun.
Author's note: Wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be transported with sam and dean or not, but for the sake of this being more interesting to read and not just an episode of Supernatural, you get to teleport too. Made the reader Gender Neutral. R/N stands for "real name"
Warning: Spoilers for the end of The Godfather. Cas (Misha Collins) x reader kind of?????????)
For the sake of legality, I do not own the universe, plot, or characters of Supernatural. I am a mere fanficiton author.
It was a nice afternoon..quiet..not a hunt for once.. a minute to breathe. You were sitting in the kitchen, waiting for Bobby. Dean was at the table, Bobby out and about. Sam walked into the room.
"Where's Bobby?"
"Supply run," You yawned, responding to your brother Sam.
"In this?" Ah yes, the disaster you were in. You had almost forgotten. A shame you hadn't. Dean turned to look at your brother,
"Yeah, man's a hero. We were officially out of hunter's helper." The alcohol had run dry.
"Hello Winchester's. You've seen 'The Godfather' right?" A voice that didn't belong to any of you pulled you away from the dry conversation.
"You know the end, where Micheal Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop?" Balthazar was now messing with things. Pouring salt into a bowl on one of Bobby's desks. You sat up, ultimately confused as your brothers were seething.
"Hey!' Dean yelled,
"'Dead Sea Brine.' Good, good, good. You know, Moe Green gets it in the eye, and Don Cueno gets it in the revolving door?" what was even happening.
"I said 'hey!'"
"You did. Twice. Good for you." Balthazar started going through the fridge. "Blood of lamb.. beer, cold pizza, blood of lamb- yes! blood of lamb!"
You perked up, "Why are you talking about 'The Godfather?'"
"Because we're in it- right now, tonight. And in the role of Micheal Corleone- the archangel Raphael!"
"You mind telling us what you mean?" Dean barked
"no, no, no, no, no, no no." You rolled your eyes. "Yes. Bone of a lesser saint. This vertebra will do very nicely. You're Mr.Singer does keep a beautiful pantry." You looked down at the contents of Bobby's drawer which was now on the floor.
"Raphael is after you?" Dean asked. Sam was awfully quiet."
"Raphael is after all of us." He corrected, ""You see. he's consolidated his strength, and now he's on the move."
"And where's Cas?" Sam finally asked, which grabbed your attention. You missed the angel. He was your friend.
"Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a hit list on every Samaritan who helped our dear Cas- including both of you. And so much more importantly, me. See, he wants to draw Cas out into the open." This made you frown. The thought of Cas having basically ruined his life.
"And you expect us just to believe you?" Sam asked, "Oh. Don't. You'll go where I throw you either way."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean was defensive and Sam was tense. You were trying to piece everything together.
"That's all the time we have Winchesters." He opened his jacket to reveal a wound.. he was bleeding pretty badly. You jumped up to retrieve the first aid kit, or more so what was left of it. "Where is it?"
"Where's what?"
There was some commotion behind you before there was a blinding light and the words that would ring through your ears "RUN." You were shoved through a window with your brothers.
When you opened your eyes it was so bright.. "Cut!" Suddenly there were people helping you up. Dean and Sam were also up and looked equally as confused. You looked over to see someone patting Dean's ass which made you cringe. You looked around. it looked like a t.v set of Bobby's house.
"Jared, Jensen, R/N! Outstanding! That was just great!" The Winchesters all looked at each other with shared confusion which made others around you giggle.
"'Supernatural,' scene one echo, take one. Tail slate. Marker!"
"What happened," Sam muttered, looking around.
"No angels?" You mumble
"No angels." Dean confirms. "I think."
There were people arguing about a scene, about how they 'jumped through the window.'
"What is even happening," You ask out loud,
"No idea." Sam replies. Dean picks up a piece of "window" which is really just fake. The other people keep arguing.
"Jared! Three minutes, okay!" Someone grabbed Sam by the hand, dragging him away.
"Jensen! There you are, let's get you in the chair." Someone drags Dean away.
"R/N," A voice came from behind one of the cameras. A man in a cardigan and a t-shirt underneath. He came up to you, smiling wide. "that was a really good shot, honey. Whenever everyone was reminiscing on Cas? Real heart tugger."
"Cas..?" This man looked so much like..well. A normal Castiel.
"yeah- are you feeling okay? Did you hit your head during the stunt?" You then spotted Sam.
"Uh- I have to go!"
"Dude, they put freakin' makeup on us! Those Bastards!" Dean complained, practically clawing at his skin.
"Look, I think I know what this is,"
"Okay. What?"
"It itches-"
"It's a T.V. show-" As Sam and Dean pondered, you couldn't help but glance at the "normal Cas" that was talking to one of the guys.. this was.. awful.
"We- we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles." He pointed at Dean. "You're R/N" He points at you. "And I'm Jared Padalecki,"
The three exited the studio, you looked around in awe as Dean spotted the car.
"Oh, hey. Least my baby made it." You looked over to witness someone flinging mud onto it and the pained look on your brother's face.
"Hey. Hey! What-" There are three more impalas. "I'm gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me." You nod in agreement as Sam agrees.
"yeah, I know. Me too. So, what do you think? Cas?"
You perk up, "Oh! I talked to a guy who looked like him earlier." You start to look around,
"So he's run his ass away from heaven here?" Dean spots him.
"cas? Cas! Hey, Cas! Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-what did Balthazar do to us?"
The man you spoke to earlier approached, he looks stern. Like the Castiel you know. It made something in your chest tighten. "To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most aspects yet dramatically different in others."
"Like- like Bizarro earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory." The Cas looks a little confused.
"Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" You tilt your head, but Sam pulls out a key.
"So, uh, what does this thing do, anyways?"
"It opens a room."
"What's in this room?" You ask
"Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven."
"he gave it to us?" Dean asks, almost hesitantly.
"To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces."
You sigh relief, "Oh. Okay. good. Yeah, so now.. uh, what's the deal with all this T.V. crap?" Sam asks, a bit annoyed.
"pardon?" The Cas's brow furrows
"Yeah. Amen, Padaleski." You nod as Dean says this.
"Uh, 'Lecki'" Sam corrects.
"What?" Dean mutters,
"Lecki. Pretty sure."
The Cas pulled out a packet of papers, "Man. Did they put out new pages?" He mutters.
"New what?"
"I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?" You ask the Cas who looks up at you with an almost hurt expression.
"yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid and we don't get it." Dean backed you up. Sam agreed.
"Are you guys okay?" The Castiel imposter asked. Dean grabbed the supposed script from him, flipping through it.
"Give me that. What is- these are words in a script. This isn't Cas." You chest tightens again as hope drains from your face.
"Dude, look at him." Sam mumbles as the imposter unbuttons his shirt, wearing a graphic t-shirt underneath it.
"You guys want to run lines, or..?"
Dean reads the script. "His name's Misha..Misha?"
"Oh wow.."
"Just great-" The imposter looks at you again, he's only looking at you with these mixed expressions of deeper confusion. Dean continues rambling.
"Misha? Jensen? R/N? Whats up with the names around here?" As soon as Dean says this, "Misha" laughs a bit.
"You guys! You really punked me! Im totally gonna tweet this one." He pulls out a phone.
"What's a tweet," You whisper-ask Sam as "Misha" starts to read out loud.
"Hola mishamigos. J-squared...got me good."
"I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas."
All three Winchesters begin to walk away before "Misha" yells. "Hold on, R/N! Are you still on for dinner tonight!?" You feel your cheeks start to red a bit as Dean and Sam look at you.
"Er- might have to reschedule-" You yell back as you turn away and quickly leave.
You all huddled into "Jensen Ackles" trailer. He had awful taste.. you all began to do research on yourselves. Jensen and Jared are interesting. Models and TV stars. They get to you.
"R/N.. Says here that you.. you were an actor. Also-" Sam looks up, glancing at Dean and then back at you. "You're also dating a Misha Collins." Your jaw drops.
"No way! Fake Cas!?" Dean exclaims, "That's probably why he asked you about dinner-" You bury your face in your hands. Sam clears his throat.
"Y/N, is there something you have to tell us..?"
As Dean and Sam continue to talk about how they could possibly get out of here, you take the computer.. looking at pictures of you and Misha.. you two look happy together.. your chest tightens again.
You were all losing hope as everything you tried was failing. All the ingredients Balthazar had used were now rubber.. the Impala was a prop.. nothing was working. So now you were trying to figure out what to do next.
"Me? Yes. um. I- I'll just tag along with uh-" Dean stuttered around. Misha and a crew member where standing in front of you.
"Jared...Jared here."
"Huh- since when are you guys talking?" The crew member asks as Misha looks at you,
"So..busy tonight?" You bite the frown that wants to crawl onto your face. You would like to have dinner with him, but you cannot just abandon your brothers for a man you don't even know.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Gonna work with Jared and..Jensen."
"I didn't know you guys were getting along again."
"Ah- you know...the way we are.."
"Well, call me if you need me to come get you," He kissed your cheek before leaving. You glanced at Sam and Dean as your face was red.
"I'll kill him." Dean muttered.
Turns out Jared is filthy rich and is dating Ruby of all people. She seems a bit surprised to see you and Dean in the mansion. Saying neither of you have ever been there. She seems.. defensive. You all hole up in the library of the mansion and order stuff you need. The next day, you all go to the set of Bobby's house with a solution in mind and get permission to have the set cleared for a few hours.
When you and Sam show up to see cameras, you almost wanna vomit as Dean looks sheepishly away. He did not infect get the set cleared and the Misha guy was back. So.. you all have to do a little bit of acting. You're all awful at it.
Hours seemed to have passed and the Misha guy is still "tweeting" whatever that is. Then the day is over and you're all sent away again.. That was after you all attacked what you thought was Virgil.
The rest of the experience was all hazy to you. The Misha guy had ended up taking you back to your trailer and giving you some pills and that was all you really remembered. Sam and dean tried to explain how you got back, but it didn't make much sense to you. Not that you cared much anymore. There were more important things to focus on!
But Dean and Sam never let go the Misha guy, insisting something was going on between you and Castiel. You insisted there wasn't...
But..maybe the next time you saw Castiel..maybe you could pretend he was the Misha guy for just a minute longer.
(I'm sorry this ended so abruptly and lame. I worked on this for two hours and honestly didn't know how to finish it I'm sorry!!!)
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Lady Death's Lover {III}
Lady Death's Lover Masterlist & Summary
19th Century Period AU Nesta x Cassian Secret Affair / Enemies to Lovers / Forbidden Romance Fanfiction / Characters from Sarah J Maas / ACOTAR Based on a prompt sent in by anonymous
A/N: Apologies for the delay! This weekend was a long one. Chapter 4 will still be posted on Tuesday as planned!
TW: marital abuse, sexual content, language, depression, alcohol abuse, non-descriptive sexual abuse
This story is for readers 18+. Mature readers only. Content should not be read by anyone under 18.
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Elain has been bothering me to write to you so I am only doing this to make her happy. I am still seeing Isaac Hale and I do not feel bad about it. I do not care to marry a gentleman. None of the gentlemen here are worth a lick. Besides, with Tomas’ care, I do not need to marry rich. I enjoy Isaac’s company — at least for now. Even if he is not husband material, we have a good time. 
Although I am angry with you, I do hope you are doing well. Father seems happier lately and we have started to insert ourselves back into society. We attended a luncheon a few days ago and both father and Elain seemed right at home among the company. I wore a new dress. It was nice.
Foreign, considering our hardships, but nice.
When you reply, please do not mention Isaac. You’ll be wasting your breath.
Your Sister,
Azriel and Rhysand are laughing about something but I can’t seem to think straight enough to make sense of why. We’re gambling and I’m losing, and once I started losing I started drinking which was quite some time ago. Thankfully, we’re not playing for money but stripping down with every lost hand. As of now, I’m sitting in my trousers with my chest bare and toes freed while the other two bastards at this table have donned my clothing on top of their own. 
Balthazar, my butler, enters the room to bring a full bottle of whiskey. I hadn’t even noticed that we emptied the last one. “Thank you,” I say. At least, I think I do. My words seem far away as they come out of my mouth. 
“Play, damn it!”
I blink, not realizing it was my turn. I lay down my cards. The two bastards next to me at the round table howl.
I’ve lost my pants. 
“You know,” I say, unbuttoning my trousers and kicking them off, “when one of you wins, you can choose each other from time to time instead of ganging up on me. It’s too cold to be sitting here with my cock hanging out.”
“Then start a fire,” Azriel says, dealing once again as I sit back in my chair in my underpants. 
Thankfully I win the next round and my pants along with it, but it doesn’t last long before they’re gone again.
When the door opens again, Balthazar enters with a silver tray and a sealed envelope on top of it. I can hardly keep myself from swaying as I reach for it and thank him before breaking the seal. At first, the words are blurry, but after a few minutes of deep focus, I toss it aside. “Fuck.”
“What?” Azriel asks, as Rhysand struggles in his own drunken state to undo the buttons of his shirt. 
“Mandray,” I say, pouring myself another drink and refilling theirs. “Invited me to dinner tomorrow. Talk business.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Azriel asks, sighing as he starts to help a grappling Rhysand. 
I nod, and I don’t know how long I nod for but I feel like it’s a damn long time. “It’s at his house. What if his wife is there?”
“I expect her to be,” Rhys says, flailing his arms until they’re free from his sleeves. “It’s her house. She eats dinner.” 
“Hmmm.” I lean back in my chair. “What do you think she’ll be wearing?”
“More than you currently are, hopefully,” Azriel says, putting Rhysand’s shirt over both mine and his across his shoulders. “Why does it matter? Afraid you’ll hit on her again in front of her own husband?” 
“I’m not that stupid,” I say, then add, “when I’m sober.” 
“You’ll be fine,” Rhys says, and nods at the cards face down in front of me. “Now, play.” 
“Should I bring something?” I ask, surely overthinking it, but my mind is so fuzzy that I’m honestly surprised I’m having any thoughts at all. I take another drink. “Flowers? Wine?”
“I don’t think Mandray cares for flowers or wine,” Rhys says. “Try brandy.” 
“Not for him,” I say, stumbling, which is strange considering I’m sitting. No, wait, I’m standing. Why am I standing? I sit back down. “For his wife. You should always bring a gift to the woman of the house as a thank you.”
“Sounds very gentlemanly,” Azriel agrees, “but could also be seen as you hitting on his wife.”
“I’m not hitting on his fucking wife!” I say, accidentally knocking over my glass as my arms have a mind of their own for a moment. “I mean, I don’t think I am. Fuck, she is gorgeous. Isn’t she gorgeous?” 
They both stare at me, dumbfounded. 
“Just saying,” I mumble, picking up my glass only to find it empty. Oh yeah. I spilled. “Just because I can’t touch doesn’t mean I can’t admire.” 
“Your admiration is going to get you into trouble,” Rhysand says, then repeats, “now play, damn it.” 
I pick up my cards that are coated in spilled whiskey and play my shitty hand. Azriel wins but allows me to keep my underpants on. It seems we’re picking on Rhys now. 
I save my decision of flowers or wine for tomorrow, when hopefully my head is clear enough to make the proper decision. Hopefully I’m not too sick from the alcohol by the time dinner rolls around. Judging by the clouding of my vision, I assume a headache is in store for me tomorrow morning. 
My thoughts drift to Lady Mandray. Since seeing her at Rhys’ last week, I haven’t been able to erase the image of her from my mind. She was exquisite in that navy blue dress, her hair braided, her lips full and the swells of her breasts on display. She was a work of art. 
And she’s married to the prick that is Tomas Mandray.
I know I shouldn’t complain, shouldn’t judge. I know that getting into business with him will take away my monthly financial worries, but there was something in his eye that didn’t sit well with me when we met. 
He was too confident, and that’s coming from me, who is typically considered too confident. He’s the type of man that thinks he owns everything and everyone within his reach. 
Including his wife.
I know the type well. My father was one of them. 
“Why do you suddenly look like you’re having an overly intense conversation with yourself?” Rhys asks, refilling my glass for me. 
I shrug and laugh it off, even as my thoughts drift from Mandray to my father. “Too much to drink. Deal me in.”
We play until sunrise and I fall asleep too drunk to coherently think about a damn thing. 
Which is exactly what I need. 
I’ve had too much wine. 
I don’t even remember finishing the bottle which is probably a sign for concern but I can’t bring myself to care. I feel light, and it feels good to feel light. The heaviness that weighs on me every day has evaporated and I feel absolutely nothing, but in the best way possible. 
My maid has come in twice but I’ve asked her to leave me alone for the night. I feel bad when I’m a bitch to Alis but she always takes it in stride, even if I’m sure she’s cursing me internally every time she walks away from me.
I don’t blame her. 
I curse myself, too. 
Unable to keep reading, thanks to the heaviness of my eyes, I try to sleep. After blowing out the candle at my bedside, I close my eyes and settle back against my pillows. 
Suddenly I’m somewhere else. I’m not in this house, nor am I in my father’s house, but in a different house entirely, one I’ve never been in. 
One that’s entirely my own. 
It sits on the top of a mountain, overlooking the entirety of Velaris. The starlight is brighter from where I stand on the balcony in my mind, beckoning me. For once, I feel safe, although I’m alone. There is no sense of uncertainty or discomfort. Instead, I know it’s exactly where I’m supposed to be, like the walls and all within them were crafted for me. 
My name is called and the voice is familiar. My skin doesn’t crawl like it does when Tomas calls my name. Instead, I swear my heart skips a beat.
Before I can turn to face him, he’s behind me, pulling me back into his chest. I close my eyes and breathe him in as his strong, broad arms come around me and hold me tight. 
It’s a sweet gesture, one I’ve never known in reality, but in my dream, this alternate reality, it’s what he does every night.
Every morning.
Every chance he gets. 
I feel his mouth on my cheek and I let my head fall to the side, giving him better access. Those luscious lips of his trail down my cheek, down the column of my neck, down to my collarbone. I close my eyes, wishing his hands would wander, wishing he’d fall on his knees and ravish me. 
Just as those calloused hands sweep up my sides and cup my breasts, my name is called.
It doesn’t come from him, though. 
It’s back in the nightmare that is my reality and I refuse to open my eyes. I beg the illusion my mind has concocted to stay with me a little bit longer but it dissipates.
My mattress dips and my eyes fly open. The alcohol already consumed still grounds me, but a hint of fear, of annoyance, of dread creeps into the barrier that the alcohol has created. 
Tomas is here, crawling onto my bed, still dressed but his cock is out and hard. I try my best not to cringe, try my best not to recoil, and for a moment I think I’m putting on a hell of a performance but alcohol has always made me tell the truth. 
Even when words are absent. 
He’s hovering above me and I can catch his expression from the dying fire in the fireplace. At first, he’s smiling, and even though his smile looks unpleasant, it’s more unpleasant when his smile dies and he’s watching me with disdain.
“Are you drunk?”
“No,” I say, with no hesitation.
His jaw ticks. “I smell the wine on your breath. Don’t you fucking lie to me, wife.”
Even the alcohol can’t take away what the one word does to my spirit. 
“Why does it matter?” I ask, leveling my gaze with his. “I am a grown woman. If I want to overindulge, I may.”
“You are a lady,” he hisses, his voice low, quiet. “My wife. You cannot do anything without my approval, and I do not approve of my wife drinking herself into oblivion like a fucking whore.”
I close my eyes, trying to find my way back to the happy place I had mustered up just moments ago.
“Open your eyes.”
I don’t.
“Open your eyes!”
I gasp, the hand around my neck rough, making me gasp for air. I open my eyes and the hand is gone, now resting next to my face as Tomas knocks my knees, spreading my legs.
The alcohol is doing nothing at this point. One second, I’m feeling too much, and the next, I am numb. 
I let him do to me what he wishes. There’s no point in fighting back, it’ll only cause the anger that he’s inflicting on me now to amplify. I’d rather him fuck me while I lay here, dead, than to lay a hand on me, than to leave a bruise. 
I look beyond my husband and find that burnt spot on the ceiling. I stare so long that my vision blurs and I let my mind drift back to that place, that house atop the mountain. I think of the starlight and the man whose arms held me tight. I let that image, that dream comfort me until Tomas is satisfied and I attempt to piece myself back together. 
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Daryl x reader - no angels here
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Part 7:
Jonah stood up with a small grunt of pain, and he glared in your direction, watching as you clasped your hands behind your back.
“We knew it would only be a matter of time before you showed your true face…”
“So did I.”
You raised a hand, a swarm of ravens appearing, surrounding your, swirling around you, cawing loud enough to make somebody go deaf.
They flew in all directions making everybody duck out of the way, and they raised their gaze towards you.
Your whole attire had changed, a black trench coat, black jeans with chains connected to the belt loops, from your back were two large, very beaten black wings.
The bottoms of them were nothing but bone, the feathers growing above it messy, burned, containing small holes.
“Oh how the mighty fall indeed.” Jonah taunted.
You clasped your hands behind your back again, watching as he brushed the dirt from his clothes.
“Now dear sister, one does have to wonder how you managed to escape.”
“Don’t try act so tough Jonah, we both know that you are simply just a messenger boy. Tell the bastard that sent you if he wants me dead, he can come do it himself.”
Jonah chuckled a little bit.
“Oh believe me, he will. My job is to bring that traitor back and make him pay for his betrayal.”
You hummed a little bit, moving one of your hands and you raised a finger, watching as the chains wrapped around him, bringing him to his knees.
You walked over to him, walking behind him and you stood there, placing your hand on his forehead.
“Do you think this will scare me?” He scoffed.
“No, I could care less about scaring you Jonah. I’m not interested in that.”
“Then what is this? Just a little show for your friends?” He taunted.
You hummed a little bit, tilting his head back a little bit, digging your talons into his skull, feeling the blood drip down your hand.
You grabbed something from just above his head, and you stepped backwards.
“Do you know the purpose of an angels halo?” You asked.
Jonah let out a nervous breath.
“It’s to let heaven know who can come and go freely, separate you from demons, from human souls. It’s also the source of the power, life, everything for an Angel.”
“Please… please don’t..”
You tossed his halo up and down in your hands, standing just in front of him, and you tilted your head back.
“Want to know what happens if you break it?”
You turned your head, staring him in the eyes with a blank look on your face.
“(Y/N) that’s enough.” Balthazar whispered.
He walked over, placing his hand over yours, and you turned towards him.
“They’re all watching you…”
“Not just them… the entirety of heaven will be watching Jonah…”
“Then send him back with a message, warn them to stop..”
You scoffed, looking at the halo in your hand.
“I’ll give them a different message.” You snarled.
You gripped the hall tightly in your hands, watching as it cracked, listening to Jonah and Balthazar plead you not to go ahead with it.
But you ignored them, turning your gaze towards Jonah.
“I will do what I must to protect my people. These are my people, Jonah, you made a big mistake coming here.”
He begged and pleaded for your to stop and you made him watch as you shattered the halo, and he screamed.
Light exploded him, turning his body into a pile of ash, the chains falling with a clanging sound to the ground.
“I will destroy every single one of them that comes here Balthazar, every one of them that comes after you, comes after these people.”
You opened your hand, letting the remains of the halo scatter in the wind, and you finally turned around to look at him properly.
Balthazar looked at you sadly as he watched you glance behind him only briefly to see the face of your friends painted with fear and confusion, and you locked eyes with him.
He looked past you, reaching a hand out and you arched your wing away from him, making a noise of discomfort.
“Don’t Balth…”
“You never told me…”
You took a step back, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your jacket.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
A birds came back down, sweeping past you and when they cleared you were gone and he sighed.
“I suppose we should go somewhere dry, preferably not the church, (Y/N) doesn’t like her name being spoken in there.”
Michonne pointed her sword at him, giving him directions on where to go, and he was taken to a house where he was cuffed and forced to sit in a chair.
“Tell us everhthing.” Michonne demanded.
So, he did.
He spent hours explaining everything that had just happened, giving them backstory on who Jonah was, who he was.
It took a lot of explaining, and convincing on his part, letting them see his wings, touch them to prove that they were real, and Daryl shooting an arrow into his shoulder to see if he was lying or not.
“So, let us get this straight. They’re looking for (Y/N)? Now you’re a fugitive as well?” Aaron asked.
Balthazar nodded his head.
“Take however long you want to process this, I’m not going anywhere.”
They left him there with Daryl watching over him.
They would come back day after day to ask him the same questions and his answers never changed.
Gabriel walked into the room, standing near the door.
“If what you say is true then why is all this happening?” He asked.
Balthazar sighed.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t important enough to know.”
“Then what were you? What was your job?”
“I was just a lowly scout. I would be sent to check on people and report back, I was sent to do the same thing with (Y/N).”
“You told them where she was?”
Balthazar shook his head, leaning back in the chair slightly, looking up at the ceiling.
“No. I never told them. But it was only a matter of time until they found her.”
Balthazar looked at him.
“You’re not the one who should be asking that question. I believe he sent you in here to ask it.”
Gabriel nodded his head.
“Tell Daryl that whatever information he wants on (Y/N) he can come and get it himself. She said I could tell everybody, but I believe some times he should hear first.”
“I agree, but he won’t listen to me. He refuses to come and see you himself.”
“Then he’ll never know, she won’t show herself to anybody, not now.”
“Will she show herself to you?”
“Yes, if I call for her. But I won’t do that.”
Gabriel nodded his head again.
“The things I know about (Y/N) should be passed directly on to Daryl, given how close they were I think it’s only right he finds out first. If he wants to know he knows where to find me. I’ll tell him everything I know.”
Gabriel left the room, leaving Balthazar alone sitting there.
He sighed, walking over to the window and he stood looking outside where Gabriel reported everything back to council.
Daryl was stood there, off to the side like he didn’t really want to be part of the conversation, as if he wasn’t interested.
Clasping his hands behind his back, he closed his eyes.
“Running away won’t get you anywhere (Y/N).”
“I’m not running anymore.”
“You say that, yet here you are, hiding from the very people you care so deeply about. Running from them.”
You didn’t say anything, you walked over to him and leant against the wall, away from the view of the window.
He turned his eyes to you, seeing your blank face.
“The longer you hide from this the more painful it’s going to be.”
“That’s what I deserve.”
Balthazar turned to you.
“You don’t! When are you going to see that (Y/N)? You don’t! What happened was not your fault, you were tricked into it, you have people here who you grew close to, you can have that life.”
You shook your head at him.
“The man you love is down there, and you’re avoiding him. You won’t even speak to him.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“If I can convince him to see you will you speak to him?”
“You’ll never convince him, Daryl sticks to whatever he puts his mind to.”
Balthazar turned to look out the window again, and he turned back to see that you were gone.
He knew you wouldn’t have gone far, you would’ve found somewhere to sit away from them.
You chose the highest point of the community and you sat there, arms wrapped around your knees, fully aware of the man in the roof of what was your home looking at you.
You refused to look at him though, just staring straight ahead.
From where he was stood Daryl could see you, the real you.
You made no attempt to hide yourself now, your red eyes gazing blankly at nothing, your wings neatly folded against your back.
Even your clothing was different, the soft sweaters and comfy jeans replaced with black jeans, a black shirt, a black trench coat.
It was like you were a whole different person.
You were a whole different person, you weren’t the (Y/N) they knew, the (Y/N) they all trust.
You weren’t his (Y/N).
But that look on your face, he had seen it before, that was the look you always had when you were so far gone inside your own head.
Part of him was aching to reach out, to help you, but the rest of him refused, and he turned away from you.
Making his way inside and back out of the house, he walked away from where you were sat, stopping by the house where your friend was being held.
Balthazar was leaning out of the open window.
“She won’t leave because she wants to protect this place, even if it means giving her very life to do it.” Balthazar called.
Daryl looked up at him.
“(Y/N) always protected those she cared about, and evidently that was her own downfall.”
Daryl turned away, going to carry on walking.
“She wasn’t always like that. She was once exactly as you knew her.”
Balthazar pushed himself away from the window, walking to the cot his was given to sleep and he sat down on it.
He waited a few moments, but Daryl never came, but he didn’t give up hope.
He knew Daryl would ponder the words he was told, and eventually he was right, nearly a week later Daryl finally came to see him.
Sitting down on the chair, Daryl leant back, setting his crossbow in his lap, letting Balthazar know he wasn’t afraid to use it.
“What do you know?” He asked.
Balthazar slowly sat up from where he was laid down.
“What do you want to know?”
Balthazar nodded his head, leaning back against the wall.
“Get ready for a long conversation then.”
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cas-kingdom · 3 years
THE SORCERERS APPRENTICE!! Aghhhhgh!!! “I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside.” Please??
I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside.
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The art of changing a duvet cover was well and truly hidden to you and had been since the day you’d been entrusted to do it alone. And you said entrusted, because the first time you’d taken the lead on it, you’d somehow hit your mom against the wall with the bundle of fabric while attempting to straighten it, and the day had ended with a concussion.
Ever since, you’d either required a helping hand, or gratefully managed to get someone to do it all for you. Otherwise, you quite literally would be sleeping with nothing but a sheet.
Admittedly, you hadn’t thought about these kinds of things before you’d moved into your new apartment alone. The main item on the list had been buying a bed and duvet cover, not learning to change it by yourself. However, you were genuinely concerned your bed would remain unmade forever, with the way things were going.
Dave and Becky had left an hour ago, and you’d distracted yourself from the slight heartache you felt at not living with them anymore by unpacking boxes and setting out photo frames on the mantelpiece. Your mom had always said that was the most important thing about a new place; make it feel like home, because it is.
Now, however, having reached the point in which it was closing into dinner time and you still had not attempted the quest of making your bed, you’d decided to simply get it over with. You could change a duvet cover by yourself. You were two months shy of twenty, for Merlin’s sake. You didn’t need Dave and Becky anymore. You didn’t need your mom. You didn’t need Tank. You could live alone for the long, foreseeable future… right?
Your rising frustration told you that that would perhaps take more thinking. Currently, you were somehow entangled in the duvet cover so much you could not find an opening. Your hands were frantically searching for it, for any indication on how to get out, but it seemed to be an endless sheet of fabric, enclosed on both sides. Which was slightly frightening.
Especially when you heard a voice at the door.
“Hello? Door was unlocked.”
You were unashamed to say you let out a quiet scream, startling so much you lost your balance in the middle of the unmade mattress and teetered dangerously at the edge of the bed. Two strong arms caught you before you could topple to the floor, lifting you back up.
“I hate to ask, but what’re you doing in there? Aren’t you a little old for blanket tents?”
You sighed in relief at the recognition, then grimaced in slight embarrassment, completely giving up on your mission to find the way out and letting your shoulders sag in defeat. “I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside,” you grumbled.
Balthazar chuckled, then there was some moving and shuffling until light poured in and your head stuck out from the duvet, your hair static and eyes blinking up at him. He grinned and reached out to ruffle your hair. “Can’t say I’m surprised. You never did master the art of bed-making, did you?”
You pouted and pushed the covers away from you, staring pitifully at the mess you had come no closer to fixing in the centre of your bed. You ran your tongue along your teeth and climbed over it with an intent to ignore it until you needed to sleep.
Balthazar stood off to the side, hands on his hips while he twisted around to peer at the meagre contents of the bedroom. It was pretty bare, but you’d decorated this room first, so there was more in here than out there. Not that the apartment was very big. You lived in New York, was two years into college, and worked at the local library. Thankfully, you’d saved up a lot over your time living with your brother, and you knew your mom had a separate bank account somewhere labelled the ‘Y/N Fund’, but it was still a whirlwind of a time. Though perhaps that was less to do with money and more to do with the whole living alone part.
“It’s nice,” Balthazar decided, albeit a bit reluctantly. He crossed his arms over his chest and bent to stare critically at a photo frame of the both of you on New Year’s Day, under the Times Square ball. He suddenly straightened, twirling to face you with a conclusive look on his face. “Are you sure there was nowhere bigger?”
You rolled your eyes and stood up. “I know you like to make yourself look well-off,” you said, gesturing at his trench coat, perfectly brushed hair, and old man shoes, “but not everyone can afford a house in the Hamptons.”
The sorcerer’s brows shot up. “Ooh. Sensitive today?”
You attempted to hold your glare but found that you deflated not long after, collapsing on your back on the bed. “I can’t do it,” you groaned. “I can’t live alone. I can’t even make my bed properly.”
Balthazar hummed and came to sit on the bed’s edge, patting your knee. “I’ll make your bed for you.”
“What, every time?”
He shrugged and lay back over your legs, folding his hands on his stomach as his own legs hung off the bed. “If you need me to. I’m only five minutes away.”
“Are you gonna be changing my sheets when I’m fifty years old, too?”
Balthazar snorted and turned his head to look at you. “Not sure I’ll be capable of changing my own sheets in thirty years, Y/N.”
“Exactly. I’ve got to learn to do it myself.” Your voice quietened, perhaps unconsciously, and you twisted your mouth in doleful consideration, gazing up at the ceiling. The ceiling of the room of the apartment you weren’t sure would ever feel like home.
Balthazar looked at you for a moment longer. He stretched an arm out to reach for your hand and squeezed it in comfort. “Do you wanna come home with me this evening for dinner? I’ll take you back here tonight. Might take your mind off a few things.”
You swallowed back the guilt you felt at leaving the place almost as soon as you’d arrived. Though you quickly pushed that aside when you sought for a recipient of that guilt and came up short. You had to do what was right for you, and in this moment, comfort from the sorcerer who knew her cheerlessness wasn’t just about an unmade bed, was righter than right.
“Sure Veronica won’t mind?” you asked, despite already knowing the answer.
“Are you kidding? She makes enough for ten each meal. Dave told me I should sign her up for cooking classes.” He sat up with a huff and took one more glance around the room. “You sure you can’t find anywhere bigger?”
“I don’t need anywhere bigger,” you told him, getting to your knees and unwillingly grabbing up the covers. You tossed Balthazar a pillowcase. “It’s just me here. Though I might steal Tank.”
“Good idea. I might see less of him.”
You breathed a short laugh, not oblivious to Balthazar’s pointless hatred of the bulldog. You’d had half a mind to adopt a puppy for Christmas and put it in his name. Oh, he would adore that. And you. 
“What’re you smirking at?” he asked suspiciously as he reached for another pillowcase.
“Nothing.” A sudden light bulb went off in your mind and you pointed a finger at him. “Is there a spell for this kinda stuff?”
“What? Making a bed?”
“Why not?”
Balthazar pondered on that for a moment, then his brows rose. “Perhaps. I’ll think more on it when we get back.”
“Perfect. What’s for dinner?”
Sorcerer’s Apprentice Masterpost
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the-and-sign-anon · 4 years
Voices In My Head
Pairing: Michael, Lucifer, Balthazar x sister! Reader Adam x archangel! Reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/N has been MIA for over a year. Dean has returned to hunting, Sam is out of the Cage, and Castiel is at war in Heaven. But her brothers are all that matters to her.
Word count: 1,710
“Cas, have you found Y/N yet?”
“No, Dean.” The angel sighed heavily. “I have looked everywhere, even in Heaven. I have no clue where she is.”
“How? It’s been over a year and neither of you have seen or heard from her?” Dean was getting impatient. Sam had been hunting and Cas was fighting for leadership of Heaven, and somehow neither of them had come across any sign of the missing archangel.
Cas missed his older sister dearly and would do just about anything to get her back, but he knew that losing Michael and Lucifer to the Cage took a toll on her. He’d almost hoped that his war with Raphael might bring her out of the shadows, but she was nowhere to be found.
“I went on hunts all over the country with the Campbells, but no one ever mentioned an archangel. I would guess she’s still in her original vessel, so I can make some calls and ask again.”
“Dean, I hate to say it, but…”
“What if she doesn’t want to see any of us? Because of us, two of her brothers are stuck in the Cage, one is dead and I’m fighting a war against the last one.”
“Because of us, Michael and Lucifer are both alive and the world didn’t end. If anything, she should be overjoyed to see us.”
Sam and Cas both gave Dean a harsh look. They knew there was no way Y/N would ever talk to them again, regardless of how much Castiel being her brother meant to her.
“Y/N, do you have to read so much? There’s gotta be something else you can do with your time.”
“Lucifer, she can do whatever she wants to. Because of you, she spent the last few millenia rotting in a cage with you. If she wants to read, she can read.”
“Both of you, quiet. We agreed that when I’m reading, you both entertain yourselves without torturing each other. We have calm, rational discussions and we are not petty. Remember?”
You kept your voice low in the public library, though the other patrons had grown used to your behavior. The small town you stayed in after the not-Apocalypse was calm and friendly. Everyone knew everyone else, but they welcomed you with open arms. The librarian had become your friend, letting you spend most of your days curled up in a corner reading books or talking to yourself.
Michael and Lucifer, and sometimes Adam, had grown accustomed to following you around. During the first month or two, with you being their only link to the world outside the Cage, they talked endlessly. There was a great deal of arguing, threats, and screaming meant only to irritate each other, but eventually they calmed down enough for you to reason with them. Michael was upset with his brother of course, and Lucifer was too, but with Adam’s help, you convinced them to be civil and start talking through their problems.
Your grief had subsided considerably when you first heard the screaming match between your brothers. You nearly cried when you saw them the next morning. But what really got to you was Adam. The bright young man who had been hurt because of his family and left alone only to be dragged back into the conflict struck a chord with you. He was grateful for the chance to talk with you, and while your brothers fought those first days, hardly taking note of you at all, Adam shared the few happy stories Michael had shared about you.
Strange as it was, Adam was your best friend. He didn’t judge you for the choices you’d made and he served as a helpful guide on Earth. The only one he didn’t blame in the whole ordeal was you. You were sort of like kindred spirits and both of your brothers knew to be gentle with Adam for your sake.
“Y/N, can I pick the next book you read? I know your preferences, so I figure I can pick a good one.”
“Go right ahead, Adam. I’m almost finished with this one. I'll check out your pick, then we’ll head home for the day.”
You made your way down the street with your book bag over your shoulder and Lucifer making faces at people as you passed. Adam and Michael were talking casually about prophets of old and the creation of stars. A typical Friday evening. Until a man stopped in his tracks and stared at you intently.
You stared back, taking a moment to realize this was in fact an angel, who shouldn’t know how to have found you. Your mental entourage stared at him as well, then Michael recognized him.
“Y/N, that’s Balthazar!”
“What’s he doing here? I thought angels couldn’t find her.”
“They can’t. Right? Lucifer, you got anything?’
“Mmm… No.” He got that mischievous glint in his eye that always meant trouble. “But maybe we should torture him to find out.”
“Or we can just ask him, boys. I’m sure he’ll tell us.”
The angel in question glanced around, saw no one you might have been talking to, then stayed at your side while you continued on your way. Michael kept watching Balthazar intently like he might attack you, Lucifer continued to poke at the passing townspeople despite not actually being able to touch them, and Adam tried to rein him in. When you got back to your apartment, you let the angel in and started making spaghetti.
“So, Balthazar. How did you find me?”
“You know my name?”
“Michael does. Now answer my question.”
“Ah. I didn’t intend to find you, honestly. Cassie has me on the lookout for angelic energy that might be a problem for him in his quarrel with Raphael, and I happened to catch a whiff of you. I had no idea I’d come across the more agreeable fallen archangel.”
“Who said I’m not agreeable? I’m a delight!” Lucifer threw himself onto your couch as if to prove his point.
“You’re the Devil, Lucifer. You’re the definition of disagreeable.” Adam settled in your chair while Michael simply shoved Lucifer off to sit on the couch.
“I’m the nicest Devil you’ll ever meet, Winchester.”
“Whatever.” Lucifer sat on Michael in retaliation, bringing an annoyed look to his brother’s face.
Balthazar looked at you, then the living room where you directed your voice, then back at you. If he had an idea of what was going on, he didn’t say it. INstead, he simply shook his head and focused on you again.
“Can I ask why you’ve been hiding from all your dear siblings? Avoiding the Winchesters, I can understand; Raphael, too. But why ignore Cassie and the rest of us?”
“Because I’m done with all of it. At least, I’m trying to be. A large portion of my eternal life was spent in a cage with absolutely nothing to do, in case you’ve forgotten. Now that I’m out and the world didn’t end, I’m living the rest of my life to the fullest. I’ve been reading, travelling a bit, even socializing.”
“If talking with your invisible brothers counts, sure.”
You gave Lucifer a pointed look and put the noodles in the pot on your stove. Balthazar kept looking around your home like he was trying to find something, but he was still engaged in your conversation.
“I’ve lost too much already. Now I have a home here and I haven’t been doing anything heavenly since the Apocalypse that didn’t come.”
Adam looked at you and Michael and Lucifer scoffed lightly. They all knew that even though you had turned off ‘angel radio’ as you’d heard the WInchesters call it, you had been listening to prayers. You only answered a few, and usually you stayed with smaller stuff; healing broken bones, helping children or people plagued with nightmares sleep, and lessening the pain from illnesses. You just couldn’t help it. After your first prayer to your Father, you remembered that you could hear the prayers of humans if you wished, so every night, for just a few minutes, you sat in the middle of your floor and listened. Adam and your brothers understood the importance of this, so they went silent and you answered a few prayers.
“Do you know what’s been going on in Heaven? I was going to stay out of it myself, but Cassie dragged me into it. He’s at war with Raphael.”
“Raphael is still alive, then. That’s good. I’d hate to lose another one. As for Castiel,” You drained the extra water from your noodles, dished some into a bowl, and poured some sauce on top. “I’m afraid his war is none of my concern. My life does not belong to Heaven or whoever rules there. I am happy here and I intend to stay that way.”
“Alright. I suppose I can’t change your mind.” He didn’t seem to care much, though he had a minute ago.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention this little encounter to Castiel. I know he’s been looking for me.” Your younger brother seemed a little startled by that, but you continued. “I’ve felt every time he’s tried to contact me. I like it here and I’d hate to have to relocate.”
Adam looked proud of you. Despite the fact that, as an archangel, you were much older and more powerful than him, the youngest Winchester son had come to see you as a little sister. There was so much about Earth that he’d had to teach you and in spite of everything, you were still so innocent that he couldn’t help it. Now, seeing you stand up for your right to stay out of the conflict among your other siblings, he was proud and excited.
Michael and Lucifer were a bit surprised at the slightly threatening tone in your voice, considering they’d never seen you as confrontational. You had always stood in the name of peace and civility, even when facing the Darkness (you only ever called her Amara) or seeing Lucifer’s misdeeds. But now you were ready to fight for your own peace and quiet.
“Of course. He doesn’t need to know. It’s your choice.”
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percussiongirl2017 · 5 years
No Deals
Title: No Deals
Characters: Younger Sister!Winchester x Sam, Younger Sister!Winchester x Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Balthazar
Summary: Sam and Dean’s denial leads to some divine intervention.
Word Count: 2,258
Warnings: Character death, Depression, Angels getting involved, Fluff
Square Filled: Angel Grace for @spngenrebingo
A/N: This is a reposting of an old fic, but it has been heavily edited. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Tags are open. 
Buy Sam, Dean, Castiel, Lucifer, Heaven, and Hell’s Scent Here!
      You would think with all of the deaths the Winchesters had experienced one more wouldn’t change anything. Who knew the death that would make them crack would be the death of their little sister, Y/N.
“If there are too many, you need to run, Y/N.” Dean ordered.
“I’m not leaving you guys.” You said.
“He’s right.” Sam agreed. “You’re a great hunter, but this isn’t like our other hunts. If we tell you to run, you run and don’t look back. Understand?”
“Yeah.” You huffed.
    The trio stood in the center of the abandoned building waiting for something to happen. Castiel appeared before the group with a grim look on his face.
“They’ll be here any second.” He frowned.
“Get ready.” Dean said.
     You heard hear them coming for the door before it flew off the hinges. In poured about 20 demons in all shapes and sizes. With the help of Cas, you attacked the group head on. You plowed through the first few without a problem. Then the demons wised up and tried to separate you from Sam and Dean.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled.
“I got her, Dean!” Cas called before appearing by your side and fighting the cluster of demons.
     A yelp sounded beside Cas and he saw you hit the ground. You stood up with blood dripping down the side of your mouth before going after your attacker. Sam and Dean had mowed down their circle and was joining you and Cas. Both boys had minor cuts and bruises as they helped finish off the last of the demons. 
      It came down to you and the last demon, but he was faster than you thought. His blade was buried in your abdomen before any of you could react. The demon smoked out as you slowly sank to the ground with blood soaking your shirt. Sam reached you first and pulled your head into his lap as your hands pressed against the wound.
“I’m fine.” You insisted. “It’s just a scratch.”
      Dean knelt down beside you and removed your bloodstained hands while Sam pressed his flannel to the wound. Castiel moved beside Dean and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s bad.” He whispered.
“Shut up, Cas. She’ll be fine.” Dean snapped. “Can’t you heal her?”
He shook his head. “The damage is too extensive. I’m so sorry.”
     Dean tried not to cry as the meaning of Cas’ words sank in. They couldn’t lose you.
“Hey.” You said weakly.
     Dean moved closer to hear you as you tried to wipe his tears away.
“Don’t cry.” You said. “I’m okay.”
    You removed Sam’s hand from your stomach and clasped it in one of your own. You also reached for Dean’s hand and held it.
“I’m not scared of dying.” You commented. “If it’s my time to go, then I have to go.”
“Don’t say that.” Sam sobbed. “You’re not gonna die.”
You looked up at him. “Sam, I know how bad my injuries are.”
     You started coughing up blood as you struggled to breathe. Dean could see tears lining your eyes.
“You have to make me a promise.” You gasped.
“Anything.” Dean said.
“No deals.” You stated. “No selling your soul or anything to bring me back. Understand?”
Sam and Dean nodded reluctantly. “We promise.”
“Castiel.” You managed to say.
“Yes, Y/N?” He answered.
“Watch over my brothers for me.” You tried to laugh.
“I will.” He promised.
It was getting harder for you to breathe. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too, Y/N.” The boys replied.
You looked over at Dean. “It’s not your fault or Sam’s fault. Don’t blame yourself.”
     You gave their hands a final reassuring squeeze before taking a deep breath. Your body became still in Sam’s arms. Sobs racked through the boys’ bodies as they realized their sister was gone.
     After giving you the hunter’s funeral you deserved Sam and Dean disappeared from the hunting world. Dean spent more time in his room drunk or throwing things around the garage. Sam had secluded and buried himself in research and books just to avoid human interaction. They never left the bunker anymore unless they needed food or Dean was at the bar. Castiel would visit from time to time and to make sure Dean hadn’t destroyed his liver with alcohol or to make sure that Sam had remembered to eat. It’s like they had literally lost the will to live.     Four months had passed and Cas had finally had enough of babysitting the Winchesters so he devised a plan. He contacted what brothers were still speaking to him: Gabriel, Balthazar, and Lucifer in order to execute his plan.
“Are you sure, Castiel?” Gabriel questioned. “I’m going to have to pull a lot of strings upstairs to get this to work.”
“Look at them, Gabe.” Castiel said. “They’ve been stagnant since her death. They’ve lost the will to go on because they blame themselves. Both of them are going to end up dead if we don’t do something.”
“He’s right, Gabriel.” Lucifer agreed. “The Winchesters are actually of great use to us. Right now they are just causing more work for us while they wallow in depression and liquor.”
“What do you think, Balthazar?” Gabriel asked.
“I agree with Castiel, Brother.” He stated. “The girl was important to them. To be honest, I miss her company as well. She was one of the few that understood what we have to do.”
“If I recall correctly, Castiel, Y/N said no deals or anything to bring her back.” Gabriel pointed out. “She made the boys promise.”
Castiel shrugged. “She didn’t make me promise.”
Gabriel sighed. “Very well. I’ll see what I can do. Go back to the Winchesters. At least tell them to shower or something in case this plan actually works.”
“Thank you, Brothers.” Castiel said to the group. "I appreciate the help."
     The other angels disappeared leaving Cas alone with Gabriel. Before he could leave, Gabriel stopped him.
“There will be a price to pay.” He warned. “I’m not sure what it will be, but everything comes at a cost.”
“I know.” Cas replied. “I’ll pay the price if it gets her back.”
“Balthazar is right though.” He laughed. “She was one of the few that understood what angels do and could keep a conversation going.”
     With that he disappeared and Cas returned to the bunker. Sam was in the library buried in books with his head on the table.
“Sam.” He called.
“Huh?” He mumbled while sitting up.
“Have you eaten, Sam?” Cas asked.
“Yeah.” He said while running a hand through his greasy hair.
“Get cleaned up.” Cas ordered. “We’re expecting company.”
“Who?” Sam asked.
“Just some friends of mine.” Cas said while walking out of the room.
     He opened Dean’s door to find him passed out among empty beer bottles. Sighing, Cas made his way over to Dean’s wasted body.
“Dean.” He announced.
      No response from Dean.
Cas placed a hand on his shoulder and willed him awake. “Dean!”
“What?” He muttered while rubbing his forehead.
“Sober up and get cleaned up.” Cas said. “We have people stopping by soon.”
     He left Dean to get up while he walked around the bunker and picked up trash and other discarded items. He ran into Sam and helped him return all of the books to their rightful shelves.
“What friends of yours are we expecting?” Sam asked.
“A few of my brothers.” Cas replied. “They have a surprise for us.”
“This sounds bad.” Dean grumbled while stumbling in the room. “They never have good surprises.”
“This one is good.” Cas promised.
     Before either man could respond to him Gabriel appeared.
“Cassy, a word please.” He smiled.
      They left the brothers to finish cleaning while they walked outside.
“Were you able to bring her back?” Castiel asked.
“Yes.” Gabriel answered. “I spoke with our other brothers and sisters and we agreed that Y/N should be brought back for the sake of Sam and Dean’s well-being as well as the fact that now things will get done.”
“And…” Lucifer suddenly appeared. “I get my second favorite Winchester back.”
“You know she’s going to be pissed, right?” Gabriel questioned Cas. “She made it clear that deals weren’t to be made for her.”
“She’ll be okay with it.” Cas confirmed. “When she finds out what Sam and Dean have been doing for the last four months…Well… She might be pissed then.”
     Suddenly Balthazar appeared with you by his side. You looked around confused before stopping on the group of angels.
“Boys.” You stated. “What the hell is going on?”
“You’re alive!” Lucifer exclaimed.
“No shit Sherlock, but how and why?” You snapped.
“We brought you back.” Gabriel answered while gesturing to the other angels.
“Why?” You asked. “Cas, I made you guys promise that no deals would be made.”
“No.” Cas replied. “You made Sam and Dean promise. You just told me to watch over them.”
“You’re needed more than you think.” Balthazar added.
“What do you mean?” You asked. “Is there something wrong with my brothers?”
“Let’s just say your brothers haven’t exactly bounced back from your death.” Lucifer explained.
You took a shaky breath. “Castiel, you said you would watch over them.”
“And I have.” He answered. “I can’t change the way they grieve or how long they grieve. I can only make sure that they eat and don’t do anything to get themselves killed.”
“Your brothers are fine right now.” Gabriel insisted. “We also brought you back because honestly you’re the only hunter that puts up with angels. We miss having someone who will call us on our bullshit.”
“I feel so loved.” You said sarcastically. “Do Sam and Dean know I’m alive?”
“Not yet.” Balthazar sang.
“We planned on surprising them.” Lucifer explained.
“Come on.” Castiel said while walking back inside.
     You followed the line of angels into the bunker. Castiel and Gabriel walked into the library leaving you with Lucifer and Balthazar in the hallway.
“So what’s this surprise you were talking about?” Dean asked.
“It’s something that will help you two get off your asses and get back to hunting.” Gabriel sassed.
“What’s the point in hunting?” Sam questioned. “We couldn’t even save our own sister.”
“You know she would be pissed if she saw the two of you acting this way.” Cas informed them.
“Well she can’t see us because she’s DEAD!” Dean snapped. “Why does it matter what she would think? It’s not like she can say anything.”
“Yes, I can.” You announced.
      You walked out between Lucifer and Balthazar as Sam and Dean instantly backed up with bewildered looks.
“Sur-prise!” Lucifer exaggerated.
“What the hell?” Sam said confused.
“I said the same thing.” You laughed.
“Is this some kind of sick joke?” Dean shouted.
“No, Dean.” Cas explained. “I went to my brothers and pulled some strings.”
“We had a good reason for bringing her back.” Gabriel added.
“Other than being my second favorite Winchester,” Lucifer continued, “she kept you two in line and motivated.”
“And as much as it pains us to say this,” Balthazar chimed in, “we need your help to keep the world in order.”
You stepped towards your brothers. “I told you not to blame yourselves.”
“You’re our sister.” Sam stated. “It’s our job to protect you and we didn’t. You literally died because we didn’t move fast enough.”
“Sam, I don’t blame you or Dean for what happened.” You said. “I asked Cas to watch over you guys because I knew in my heart that you would blame yourselves. I wanted you two to move on not wallow in depression and alcohol.”
     You walked over and pulled the boys into a hug.
“I didn’t realize how much we depended on you.” Dean admitted.
You laughed. “I never knew how much I was needed.”
“More than you’ll ever know.” Sam smiled and hugged you tighter.
You turned and faced the angels. “I owe you guys.”
“Don’t sweat it.” Gabriel said. “We were happy to bring you back.”
“Even angels need someone to lean on sometimes.” Lucifer smirked before disappearing.
Balthazar stood next to Gabriel. “Let’s us know when you’re ready to work again.”
     With that the duo disappeared leaving the Winchesters and Cas in the library.
“Thank you, Cas.” You said. “For everything.”
“Any time.” The blue eyed angel smiled before disappearing.
     Both Winchesters were suddenly slapped on the back of the head.
“Ow!” They whined. “Why did you do that?”
“Because you two are idjits.” You laughed.
“So we maybe we didn’t handle this too well.” Dean said.
      You glared at him.
“Okay.” Sam corrected him. “We didn’t handle it well at all.”
You shook your head. “That’s why you’re my idjits. No one else can put up with y'all’s bullshit.”
      You hugged them again and decided to go out and celebrate. While climbing in the Impala, Sam had one question he needed answered.
“Did you go to Heaven or Hell?” He asked.
     Dean saw you smirk in the rear view mirror.
“Climbing the stairway was fun, but I prefer the highway.” You hinted.
Dean laughed. “She’s definitely our sister.”
@impala-dreamer @feelmyroarrrr @mariekoukie6661 @latishiante1001 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @prompt-and-circumstances @ellie-andthemachine  @spnbaby-67 @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @meeshw777 @rideandwritethings @sleepylunarwolf @moose-and-sqruille-lover @youre-acting-like-a-psycho @waywardasfudge @amotleyworld @fallenangelsneverfade @claitynroberts @wingedcatninja @dean-winchesters-bacon @death-unbecomes-you @arses21434 @lonely-skys @mannls @internationalmusicteacher @theloudkilljoy @closetspngirl @sandlee44 @polina-93 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce
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The Novaks: The One With The Mall And The Date
The Novaks Masterlist
Characters: Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Balthazar, Castiel x sister!reader
Words: 2000
Warnings: Just a little bit of swearing
A/N: Hello fam! This part I tried to combine two ideas you sent me (the mall & a date). If you want to send me suggestions, read this and then fill my ask box :-) Just send me an ask if you want on the Novaks Taglist. Also, not my picture!
Tell me what you thought! It’s appreciated <3
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”Okay, I need new clothes,” Michael mutters to himself, leaving the mirror and walking past Lucifer, who’s sitting on the couch, with irritated, long steps.
”What’s the sudden rush, big brother?” Lucifer perks up his head over the backrest of the couch, sitting up fully instead of practically lying down as he had before.
”None of your damn business, Luci,” Michael bite back as he walks to the door, knowing that the blond doesn’t like the nickname. ”But I’m going to the mall.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows rise on his forehead. ”Because?”
”I need new clothes.” Michael simply shrugs and grabs his coat from the old and overloaded clothes rack.
”Because?” Lucifer wiggles his eyebrows now, a smirk playing over his features.
”Please don’t let the house burn down while I’m gone,” Michael switches subject, ignoring Lucifer’s question, which is the thing that annoys Lucifer the most, even though he doesn’t let it show.
Michael instead nails him with his stare, to let him know that he’s serious.
Lucifer looks nonchalant. ”Can’t make any promises.”
He also knows what annoys Michael, which is not taking him seriously.
”Where are you going?”
Both of Lucifer and Michael’s eyes are drawn to you, who’s walking down the stairs with some dishes to leave in the sink. Now you are curiously watching Michael, standing with his jacket on by the front door.
”The mall,” Michael responds quickly.
”The mall?” You quiver your eyebrows much like Lucifer had done before you.
Lucifer notices that and smirks to himself in the background.
”That’s what I said.” Michael frowns, why was it such a big deal?
”I wanna come with,” you decide, before skipping down the last of the stairs and hurrying to the kitchen.
Michael watches your retiring shape tiredly. ”Wait, do you have to…” he mutters, but mostly to himself. He knows that it’s already too late.
You’re quickly back with Michael, telling him to give you five minutes, before running up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Once you’re up on the second story, he hears you yelling for Castiel, and he feels his shoulders droop.
Three minutes later, you return downstairs along with Castiel, Balthazar and Gabriel.
Michael looks drained, mouth gaping a little.
”Heard you were going to the mall, bro,” Gabriel tells Michael as he shrugs on his jacket besides the oldest brother.
”I guess we all wanted to come,” you explain, giving Michael an apologetic yet innocent smile as you grab your beanie from the basket besides the clothing rack, putting it over your head.
”I guess I’m going too then,” Lucifer declares and stands up from the couch, brushing off his clothes. He’s smirking as he passes Michael, patting him on the back.
Michael curses you all in his head.
15 minutes later you found yourself on a train going into the city. The mall is not exactly in the city centre, but you still have to ride the train for a couple of stops to get there.
Inside the train, you had to spread out, since there weren’t enough seats next to each other. You are currently sitting next to Castiel though, closest to the window, watching the urban scenery pass you by outside. It’s that time of the year when it gets dark early in the day, and even though it’s only Saturday afternoon, you can tell that the sun is going to set soon. It’s a stark contrast to the train wagon’s yellow lightening.
You and Castiel don’t say anything to each other, not minding the silence. Sometimes you chat, sometimes you keep quiet, you can do both.
Your eyes latch onto Balthazar and Gabriel — they vary between laughing and arguing.
Michael and Lucifer are quiet too. Michael almost seems nervous, you note. You can tell by the way he’s rubbing his hands together, or rubbing them on his jeans. Lucifer looks on, obviously picking up on the signal Michael’s unknowingly sending out, smirking as usual.
You shake your head to yourself, looking back through the window, making a mental note to make sure to ask about it later.
You love the mall more than you’d like to admit. It’s just that, you and your brothers never go to the mall. You don’t exactly know why, that’s simply the way it is.
There’s just so much to choose from, so much to look at, and when you and your brothers enter the mall, others could think you don’t know each other at all by the way you just immediately disappear in different directions.
Gabriel immediately heads to the candy shop, which is no surprise, while Castiel obviously goes to the pet store to look at the guinea pigs. They’re both older than you, but sometimes you wonder. When it comes to Balthazar, he’s probably looking at watches or something like that, he does sort of have an expensive taste even though he tries to hide it. He’s definitely intrigued by that stuff though, and you all know it. Michael’s looking at clothes, as he said, and Lucifer… Well no one never knew what Lucifer was doing, so you can only guess.
As for yourself, you end up just strolling around, going into whatever store sparks your interest. You already know you’re not there to buy anything — because even if you find something you like, you feel bad about spending the money you earned at the diner on yourself rather than helping out the family as the others do.
The hour Michael had given you passes quickly and soon you all stand by the predetermined meeting point, a donut stand. When you arrive, Gabriel and Balthazar are both eating one donut each. Lucifer is impatiently tapping his fingers against the top of the table they’re sitting at outside the donut stand, and Castiel is absentmindedly staring out into nothing. You sit next to Castiel, flinging your arm around his shoulders and ask him about the guinea pigs, happy when you see the smile appearing on his face as you do so. Michael arrives five minutes later with a bag in his hand.
Back at the house, everyone quickly disappear into their own little corner of the house, except for Michael and you. You linger on the first floor, sitting at the dining table under the dim light of the ceiling lamp hanging above the table top. The plan was to catch up on the algebra homework, but you don’t really get anything done since you’re watching Michael as he’s seemingly getting ready for something, adjusting his new button-up shirt and fixing his hair.
”Where are you going?” You then ask, squinting your eyes at him once again, lifting your chin as your eyes follow his movements.
”To Mary’s.”
Now Mary’s sounds like a person’s home, but it’s actually the main competitor to Rufus’s diner where you worked. Though, Rufus can make hamburgers, fries and milkshakes, but Mary’s does serve better food.
”Why are you going to Mary’s?” You furrow your eyebrows.
”Shouldn’t you do your homework?” He counters in that voice.
The one all of you other siblings know but when you talk about it in front of Michael, he doesn’t know what you mean. Basically, the scolding, disciplinary voice that makes him sound like he’s your dad instead of brother.
Your only response is to roll your eyes and mutter curse words under your breath, and a few moments later, Michael walks out the door with a brief bye.
As on queue Lucifer comes down the stairs, and stops besides you, his lingering on the door though.
”Where did he go?”
You bend your neck and look up at your older brother that’s towering over you as you’re sitting down by the table and he’s standing next to it.
”He said Mary’s,” you respond.
”Which means Rufus’s diner.” Lucifer crosses his arms, and looking down on you for affirmation.
It may seem like it’s the opposite, judging by their personalities — Lucifer is manipulative, but he always tells the truth. Michael, on the other hand, is the one who can lie. Especially when he don’t want his siblings to know what he’s up to and where he is. Although, he thinks he’s better at it than he really is, because all of you always know anyway.
”Should we?” Lucifer asks, and smirks.
You close your math book. ”Sure thing.”
”Michael’s on a date.” An utterly confused Castiel is the first one the speak.
You are all standing outside of the restaurant, huddled together as you look inside through the large windows. All gaping with round eyes.
It’s so absurd to see Michael sitting across the table from a beautiful blonde, elbows on the tabletop, leaning in close as if he's listening intently, that you start laughing.
”Holy shit,” you snicker, and Gabriel and Balthazar start laughing too.
”Well that’s a catch,” Gabriel states, and you smack him over the chest at the comment.
”Shut up.”
Castiel is too baffled to say anything, and Lucifer speaks up.
”Let’s go inside,” he ushers, and you all leave your places by the window and instead you practically pour inside the building through the door.
Michael hears the rustling and the look on his face when he sees you is priceless.
You all laugh again and Lucifer sends him a wink.
At first Michael sends you the ultimate death glare, the one that would make you dissolve from the inside out if you hadn’t seen it so many times before. Although, if he had directed it at you alone, you would have shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
But then Michael looks a bit nervous, as things aren’t turning out as he wants them to. Even from a distance, you can tell that the conversation isn’t running smoothly. Mostly because you and your brothers keep making funny faces at him whenever he glances in your direction, and although he tries to ignore you, his fully aware of your every move, all the time.
Lucifer orders in a beer for himself and the rest of you get either coke, lemonade or a milkshake.
You’re pretty harmless, sticking out your tongues at him, crossing your eyes, laughing. But Michael is easy to annoy and you can see the way he’s trying to keep it together, clenching his jaw and fists together, as the look in his eyes grow crazier and crazier and the smile on his face more and more forced. Ultimately, he shoots up from his chair, quickly excusing himself to the blonde who looks rather offended, and tries not to storm over to you.
”What do you think you’re doing?” He hisses between gritted teeth, nailing you all with his gaze.
Now Lucifer’s the only one still grinning, the rest of you avoid his gaze.
”Leave me the hell alone!” Michael continues, more of his anger spilling out, but Balthazar interrupts him.
”Uhm, Mike?” He begins, gesturing to something behind him.
Michael looks over his shoulder and sees the table where he sat with the girl empty, the sound of the door of the restaurant closing in the background.
The oldest Novak sibling slowly turns back to you, shoulders suddenly drooping a bit. ”Now look what you’ve done.”
It quiet for a couple of seconds before you break the silence. ”I’m sorry.”
Then Gabriel, who’s closest to the wall in the booth you’re sitting in, moves further in on the seat, and you move after, creating space for Michael to sit down too.
He does, and leans back heavily against the backrest, sighing. You all feel pretty bad, maybe even Lucifer as he’s wiped the smile off his face, and it’s silent again.
”To be honest, it wasn’t going great from the beginning either,” Michael mutters after a while, clearing your conscience a bit.
”Well, at least you still got us,” Castiel answers and to his confusion, Lucifer, Gabriel, Balthazar and you all start laughing.
Michael just looks like he wants to sink through the floor, but after a moment, he can’t help but to laugh a bit too.
The Novaks Taglist: @spacetor @rosie-winchester @lillyofthefandom @nxrd-bxtch @justaboredgirl1 @hi-my-name-is-riley @steve-rogcrs @multifandom-slytherin @elma-shay @thedumbestravenclaw @castielsarsebutt @gabriels-candy-pile @fangirlpastel @mashed-fandom-imagines @yes-this-is-doggo @plethora-of-things @clairese1980 @flannel-freak @frozenheart27 @honeybeetrash
Sisfic Taglist: @evyiione @samanddeanshotsis @darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @ocean-calls-me @deepbreathssammy @extreme-supernatural-lover @mogaruke @winchestersmut @i-kdog-posts @steve-rogcrs @wordshowers @27bmm @jjsoccer11 @ivebeenraisedfromperdition @disappointeddinosaur @nicolevanderstar @frayedphan @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back @forevershadeddark @stonergirl4life95 @wxnchestervevo @captainemwinchester @rosie-winchester @violinmyhead @magical-cas @quackerstheduck663057 @falloutofmymemez @messy-buns-and-shotguns @assbutt-still-in-hell @phonegalhelp @lemonadegazeelle @stilesneedsprotection @mcallmestiles @wishedworld @catstielanddeanthedog @foe-throughthetrees @phire23 @winchesterhound @hi-my-name-is-riley @th3things-in-mymind @lillyofthefandom @pearlender @iamafishandigosplish @prasygold @super100012 
Update: I’m sorry if you guys get a second notification about this fic, but apparently the tags didn’t work and I’m trying to fix them and I have no idea what I’m doing.
As always, if you want on or off the taglist(s), just send me an ask! If you change your url and still want to be tagged, please tell me! It’s REALLY hard to keep track of.
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 years
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A Court of Fate & Healing Gwyn x Balthazar; 35 chapters; explicit This stories follows the journey of Balthazar and Gwyn, them falling in love and the bond snapping in place between the two of them. And all of this while Balthazar is about to become the new camp lord of Windhaven. (tumblr)
A Court of Covert Desire Azris; 23 chapters; explicit The journey of how Eris tries to come to terms with loving his nemesis and ending his father's reign in order to gain the claim the throne of the Autumn Court. (tumblr)
A Court of Sight and Devotion Elucien; 20 chapters; explicit (ongoing) The story follows Elain's journey back to the Mortal Lands, facing her past and present, and figuring out her bond with her mate. (tumblr)
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Ultima Ex Nobis Nessian; 22 chapters; explicit This story is based on the The Last of Us and follows Nesta and Cassian's journey through a post-apocalyptical country. (tumblr)
Ars Amatoria Elucien; 26 chapters; explicit This story is based on the Medici series and takes place in Renaissance Italy. (tumblr)
Hold Me While You Wait (canon compliant UTM AU) Eris x OC; ? chapters; explicit (ongoing) Caught between lies and secrets, Ada and Eris navigate the chaos of love and distance, struggling against the irresistible pull that binds their souls together. (tumblr masterlist)
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A Little Bit of Your Heart Azriel x Reader; in canon; 4 parts It was just a one night stand, or that is what Reader thought...
When We'll be Lovers, Lovers At Last Azris; au; 3 parts My secret santa gift 2023 for iftheshoef1tz; Azriel and Eris in Cold War Berlin, struggling with keeping their relationship secret and not losing the other and the big dream of freedom. (tumblr)
Whispers of the Forgotten Azriel x Reader; in canon; 10 parts Azriel betrayed Reader centuries ago. he is back in your life now and you have to deal with what is between you: vendetta and a mating bond.
Till Death Do Us Part Azriel x Reader; in canon; 5 parts Azriel is heart-broken over the loss of his mate. The Mother gives them a second chance though, only problem, his mate doesn't remember him...
Strokes of Fate Feysand; au; 3 parts CEO Rhysand is in need of painting for his office and his cousin, Morrigan, just happens to know the perfect person to paint it for him. (tumblr)
Ill Met By Moonlight Tamlin x OC; in canon; 7 parts The tragic story of how Tamlin and Rhysand's sister Reverie fell in love and how Tamlin's father... (tumblr)
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Helion x LoA
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Eris Vanserra
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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
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(my little story graveyard where I keep the stories I don't like anymore, but am not yet ready to delete completely)
crescent city
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Ruhn Danaan
Ithan Holstrom
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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
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the last kingdom
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Sihtric Kjartansson
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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
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marauders | harry potter
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Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Regulus Black
Theodor Nott
. .
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
. .
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-> wattpad masterlist (_fieldofdaisies_)
796 notes · View notes
Labyrinth AU
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Maxim Horvath x Female Reader
Chapter 2
Dave spent the next three days either sulking in his bedroom or visiting your favourite places in an attempt to find you but you were nowhere to be found and by the fourth day, Dave had passed panic and was now in the extreme terror stage. His sleep was troubled by nightmares and he woke up feeling more tired than when he went to sleep.
His studies were beginning to suffer as well. Bennet had to jab him hard in the ribs when their physics teacher asked Dave a question that Dave hadn’t heard because he was so tired. Luckily, Dave was able to give the right answer and the teacher moved on.
He wasn’t as lucky when it came to Bennet. Bennet was persistent and wouldn’t let the subject drop and Dave finally snapped at him when they were both back at their flat.
“My sister and I had a fight, alright? I can’t even remember what it was about and during the fight, I quoted Labyrinth, the movie that she and I have loved since we were kids, and there was a bright light. The next thing I know, she’s gone and I’ve looked everywhere for her and nothing. I can’t sleep 'cause I’ve got nightmares and 'cause of the nightmares; I’m tired and that means I’m cranky but I’m sure you’ve noticed all that. God, I miss her.” Dave ran a hand through his messy hair.
It felt good to finally let it all out.
Bennet frowned, “What exactly did you quote from Labyrinth?”
“That’s what you’re focusing on right now?” Dave threw his hands up in the air and turned away.
Bennet’s hand landed on his shoulder and spun him back around, “What did you quote?” He demanded.
Dave shook his head, “I’m not going to say it again. It was the last words Sarah says to Toby before she leaves his room and before she meets Jareth.”
Bennet’s eyes widened, “You said that to your sister?!”
“I was angry. It's a line from a movie, so what?” Dave defended himself.
Bennet groaned, “That’s not the problem! Ma always told me that words have power and the magician that came to my eleventh birthday party said that too.”
“That you remember but you can’t remember what you did with our presentation?”
Bennet scowled, “I said I was sorry about that and you’d remember the magician’s words too if he stared at you when he said them. It was like he was staring into my soul.”
“So this magician is the only lead we have. How do we find him?”
Bennet fumbled with his pocket and eventually managed to withdraw his wallet. Quickly, Bennet opened his wallet and pulled out a creased business card that had a stain on it that looked like a coffee stain.
Dave leant forward and was just able to make out the name on the card.
“Balthazar Blake?” He snorted, “Who names their kid Balthazar?”
Bennet fixed him with an unimpressed look, “Balthazar is a saint and was the King of Macedonia. He gave myrrh to baby Jesus.”
Embarrassed, Dave decided to focus on his shoes, “So how do we find him?”
Bennet gave no answer and Dave’s head jerked upwards, “How do we find him?” He repeated.
Bennet’s finger quivered as he pointed at the window and for a moment Dave couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Outside of his window, there was a man hovering in mid-air. The man gestured with his hand impatiently and Bennet grabbed Dave by his collar and pulled him away from the window.
There was a huge smash and the glass broke into shards only to fall onto the carpet where Bennet and Dave had been standing moments before.
“Were you not taught to be careful with names?” The man spat as he dusted himself off.
“I forgot.” Bennet muttered sheepishly.
“There’s a surprise.” Dave muttered at the same time.
Bennet and the man both glared at him.
“Why did you summon me?”
“I didn’t, he did!” Bennet cried, “He and his sister got into a fight four days ago. He quoted Labyrinth, he said those words, and his sister vanished. This is Balthazar Blake by the way.” Bennet directed the last sentence to Dave.
“NO!” Dave screamed back, “I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY SISTER IS!”
Balthazar clenched his teeth in an effort to control himself, “You already know where she is.”
Dave shook his head, “No. No, the labyrinth isn’t real, it can’t be. The actors were just playing roles in a story.”
“It’s real.” Balthazar snapped, his impatience returning, “You wished your sister there,” he pointed at Dave “and thanks to your inaction, the Goblin King has quite the considerable advantage in persuading your sister to stay with him.”
Bennet and Dave shared a horrified look, “S-s-she won’t choose to say with him, will she? She can’t.”
Balthazar sighed, “You know your sister better than I do,” he stated quietly, “if there is even a slim chance that she could choose to stay, the Goblin King will use every tool at his disposal to show her what life would be like in his realm.”
“I’m so sorry (Name).” Dave thought, “This is all my fault.”
He squared his shoulders, “How do I get into the labyrinth?”
“We.” Balthazar stated.
“You are delusional if you think that I am letting you enter the labyrinth by yourself. There have been fully trained magicians that have perished in the labyrinth and you do not have one tenth of their skill.”
“Ouch.” Dave muttered.
Balthazar ignored him and conjured a staff, “Now where were you and your sister standing when you fought? How were you standing?”
Dave pointed to where you’d both been standing and told Balthazar that you had been standing opposite each other when you vanished.
“Alright. Stand where you were during the argument and I’ll take the place of your sister.” Balthazar said as he moved into position.
It was only when Balthazar was standing opposite him and Balthazar had lifted the staff into the air that Dave realised what Balthazar was planning to do.
“WAIT!” He yelled, raising a hand but he was too late.
Balthazar brought his staff down onto the ground and the flat disappeared in a flash of bright, white light. When Dave’s vision cleared, he found that he was standing in front of two heavy-looking, open brass gates. Dave squinted and he could just make out the lavish castle standing in the centre of the labyrinth.
Wrenching his gaze away from the lavish castle, he looked around for any sign of Balthazar. It was only after the magician cleared his throat that Dave realised Balthazar had already entered the labyrinth and was standing in front of him.
“Are you coming or should I continue on without you?”
“I’m coming!” Dave assured Balthazar and to prove that he wasn’t lying, Dave stepped forward and entered the labyrinth.
“I’m coming (Name).”
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 4 years
The Red Witch
Jasper Hale x Reader Part 5
A/N: Part 5 is here my lovelies! Bon apetit! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 💕
Summary: Imagine being an immortal witch from the Middle Ages and being the previous love of Jasper before he was turned. You two were separated under certain circumstances and cross each other’s path once again, years later in the present era.
Warnings: Language
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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It was the year 1862. You were sitting in the private carriage of the train that early morning, on the route to Houston. This was your first time in America and you couldn’t help the excitement in you as stared out the window at the vast lands before you. Unbeknownst to Charlotte and some others, you were a countess at the time, in courtesy of your father, Count Balthazar, who was long dead. But you tried to keep your family history as confidential as possible, considering your father was a sorcerer and your mother a witch. When you grew into a young woman, you left your family castle and went your own way, leaving behind everything that reminded you of your cruel father and donated all his wealth to charity. As for your mother, she was a beautiful sea witch. After the death of your father, she was able to gain her freedom and now lives happily in a humble cottage on the coast of Scotland, close to her beloved sea, and married to the local clocksmith who loves her more than your father ever could.
The reason you were traveling to Houston was because you were recently invited out here to preform at the local theatre for charity, to which which all the funds would go towards the families affected by the war. You were a known opera singer at the time and people fell in love with your clear and soft voice that held all the emotion and sadness behind it which was beautiful to their ears. You were also quite an exceptional pianist. It originally started out as a hobby, something you decided to test the waters with, but you didn’t know it would grow into something serious, eventually venturing you out into having a strong passion for the arts like singing, acting, and even painting. When your father was around, you were never able to pursue such things. He believed they were nonsense, a complete and utter waste of time. While these activities were useless to him, they were your whole heart and soul for you. You breathed for the arts. You guess you had your mother to thank for that, she used to sing you a lullaby every night when you were a child to calm your nerves because of the visions you would have. Thankfully, those visions ceased to happen as you got older.
The gentle rocking and sound of the train had lulled you to sleep as you currently had your head leaned against the window and your feet thrown up on the seat of the train. Your hair was tied up in a bun with a peridot green ribbon while a few loose pesky strands fell about your face. A leather bound Wuthering Heights book was tucked neatly in your hands on your lap. You were wearing a simple grey long sleeved gingham linen dress with delicate black lace trim at the sleeves and your collar. A peridot green velvet ribbon was tied around your waist, your neckline sat at the bottom of your neck and covered your collarbone, and a few black buttons ran down the front of your bodice.
Your dear friend at the time was sitting across from you with her fiancé. Her name was Charlotte Griffiths, the daughter of a governor. And though she was mortal, you absolutely adored her, for she took you in when you nearly did not have a home and cared for you as if you were her own sister. Then again, you always adored mortals. This was before you had known Melanie whom you had only met in the 60s. Charlotte’s fiancé was Lord Ernest Thompson, the owner of a estate and a businessman. He was a kind, charitable, and respectable young man, and you thought he was the perfect match for Charlotte. They both were kind and gentle souls.
“Isn’t this exciting (Y/N)?” Charlotte squealed, waking you from your nap.
“Hm?” You opened your sleepy eyes to look at a blur of what most likely was your friend. “Oh of course.” You yawned, giving yourself a minute to adjust your eyes and mind to reality. “Technically you’re the one who begged me to accept the invitation for performing here and practically dragged me along.” You smirked.
“Oh admit it. I saw your face light up when you received that invitation. Anyways, isn’t this a wonderful little adventure for us? You’ve told me how much you liked to travel.”
“Well I wouldn’t quite call a civil war a wonderful little adventure.” You snarked lightheartedly, letting out a scoff before starting to dwell upon what sort of mess you’ve just gotten into.
“My god woman.” Ernest chuckled playfully, lifting his eyes from the newspaper he was reading, his glasses sitting at the bridge of his nose as he glanced at Charlotte. “Can’t you see (Y/N) was asleep?”
“Well I....I’m merely excited my love.”
“Merely?” He raised a brow.
“Oh you’re being harsh on her Ernest.” You joked along, smiling to yourself as the lovers started to lightly quarrel.
You stared out the window again, watching the scenery blur past. You have seen many lands in your time, how they have changed over the course of years, how some have come and vanished to dust. You have seen kings rise and fall. But you haven’t been here, to America. This was all foreign to you.
The train finally came to a stop at the train station and you quickly grabbed your things, desperate to get out and stretch your legs. You hastily threw on your matching bonnet, not caring that it sat crooked on your head. You rushed towards the door and hitched up your skirt, struggling with the petticoat and making sure not to go past the ankles of your boots and expose your stockings or else Charlotte would have a heart attack. You grabbed the handle and stepped down from the train and onto the wooden platform as Charlotte and Ernest followed suit.
Right when you stepped out you could feel the hot and thick damp air surround you, and you couldn’t help but bring out your fan and fan yourself vicariously.
“My goodness it’s muggy. It’s like the devil’s bollocks out here.” You breathed out.
“(Y/N)!” Charlotte exclaimed, smacking you gently with her fan. “Mind your manners!”
“You forgot your parasol by the way.”
“Oh. Right.” You took your parasol from her hands and opened it up, putting your fan away. “Wouldn’t want to forget my complexion guardian.”
You were so used to London weather, now you had to get used to this, and your corset was not helping either.
“Would you look at that Charlotte. The sun.” You made a point to her, only making her shake her head.
Once you were all settled and had your things you all headed to the nearest bed and breakfast and checked into your rooms. You and Charlotte shared one while Ernest had his own. You had just set your belongings inside before Charlotte decided now would be a good time to go to the local tea house, despite your slight dismay as you would much rather be taking a nap. You were sitting out on the tables in front of the local tea house, your head propped up by your hand and a cup of tea in your other, while chatting with Charlotte as you watched the local people pass by.
“My goodness. This heat, it’s nearly disgusting.” Charlotte fanned herself as she wiped her forehead.
“I’m sweating in places I didn’t know I had. I might as well be stripping myself bare to the bone.” You added, fanning yourself with your hand.
“I told you to wear a crinoline.”
“What? Those ghastly looking cages for your legs? Never.”
You stared off into the distance in a sort of dazed state, thinking about your comfortable bed back home, and your collection of books you left behind. You were also starting to miss your mother, wishing you were in Scotland watching the waves with her, before noticing that Charlotte had gone awfully quiet.
“What’s gotten into you?” You asked her, seeing her stare at something behind you. “Charlotte?”
“My my, I think you have an admirer.” She giggled, her youthful face lit up with giddiness as she tried to contain her laughter.
“What on earth are you babbling about?” You turned to follow her gaze and saw a tall stranger wearing a military uniform staring in your direction. You straightened up in your chair, your face firm as you started to feel yourself get anxious. You were silently hoping he wouldn’t come over to your table to strike up a conversation.
“Oh! He’s a rather fine looking gentleman I must say. Annnd he’s an officer.” Charlotte was now leaning in to whisper noticeably in your ear. You can practically hear her next you, trying so hard to contain her giggles.
“You’ve gone daft Charlotte. He’s obviously fancying you. You’re the pretty one.” You turned back around, completely disinterested.
“I think not! You know I’m engaged!”
“And how would he know that detail? Hm? A man who sees a pretty woman without any knowledge as to who she is, is most likely to approach her, without any assumption as to whether she is engaged or not. To which he’ll find out sooner or later I must add.” You ran on before taking a sip of your tea.
“Oh come now (Y/N). You know I wouldn’t.”
“I don’t know, you seem to be a little too excited upon seeing other men. I don’t hear you speak of Ernest as such, as I might recall, a rather fine looking gentleman.”
“You know I love my dear Ernest more than anything. I’m just trying to find you a suitor.”
“I honestly wish you wouldn’t.” You sighed inaudibly. “What I’m trying to say is, that gentleman over there does not know that. So just.....oh bloody hell. I don’t know. Just be prepared to decline his advances towards you.”
“You lack faith my dear.” She gave you a pitiful look before looking behind you once more. “Oh look! He’s coming this way!”
“He’s what?! Charlotte!” You hiss as you lightly slap your hands down on the table as to not draw attention. “Don’t just invite him over.”
“Ladies.” You heard the man now standing beside you as he took off his hat and lowered his head in a polite greeting.
You had gotten so nervous in the mere matter of a minute that you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out the next word that slipped your tongue. “Fuck.”
There was a brief silence as Charlotte and the stranger stared at you in utter disbelief at what a proper lady like you had just uttered. A few others who sat at the other tables near you in earshot stared at you in displeasure before looking away.
Oh just wonderful. You wanted the world to eat you alive right there so you could escape their peers.
You locked eyes with the officer for a brief moment before turning away and fixing your gaze on something else, doing your best to seem preoccupied. You wished you brought your book with you so you could bury your face in it.
Charlotte let out an uneasy laugh befor turning to the man. “Well hello officer! I’m Charlotte Griffiths.” You caught your friend extending her gloved hand out to him, to which he kissed lightly.
“Pleasure to meet you.” You heard him say in this thick southern accent you were definitely not accustomed to.
“This young lady here is my dear friend (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Charlotte. Stop this instance.” You leaned closer to her only for her to hear.
You were starting to feel embarrassed more than anything.
“Ma’am.” He now turned to you, to which you gave a short reply without making any eye contact.
“Good day.”
“You know (Y/N) here has come to preform for the opera tomorrow night. You should come!”
Charlotte you did not just.
You sat there with your arms folded and glared at her. She loved getting you into these predicaments, innocently enough. If only she knew how much it bothered you.
“Really?” He turned to you now, smiling. “I thought I heard that name somewhere.”
“Oh, well she’s only one of the best sopranos in England.”
“Ehem. Charlotte that’s quite enough. Thank you.”
You almost felt ridiculed at the moment as you felt the stares of everyone around you weighing in on you. And then that sensation started to creep on you. The same one you felt when you were a child. You glanced around, seeing and hearing the blood flowing through everyone’s veins and their hearts beating in their chests, glowing like a red ruby. You squeezed your eyes shut and pinched the bridge of your nose, silently muttering to yourself and remembering the meditation your mother taught you. Earth, fire, water, air, and spirit. You glanced up from underneath your bonnet as the sensation died down and you could finally hear Charlotte calling out your name.
“(Y/N). Are you alright?” Charlotte was reaching out a hand to clasp your gloved one, gently shaking them.
“I’m fine.” You breathed out while rubbing your temple. “It’s just a migraine.”
“Do you need anything for it?” Charlotte questioned you.
“No. God no. I don’t need any of that poison.” You got up from your seat and dusted yourself off before grabbing your parasol. “I’m going to head back to the inn if you don’t mind Charlotte.”
“Do you want me to walk you back?” The officer asked you, his voice laced with concern as he took a step towards you.
You took a step back away from him in response, still avoiding his eyes. “No. I’m quite alright. I’m pretty sure I can walk back to the inn without any assistance thank you.”
“Good day.” You nodded your head at him before turning away and heading back to the inn.
The officer was the most surprised at this situation if anything. He never received this sort of reaction before. Growing up, he always appeared to have a way with words and an influence over people, they always seemed to like him. His father called it charisma. And yet here you were, this woman he had barely just met, and you didn’t have the slightest sway from him. He was a bit perplexed at this, since he was now the one that was drawn to you.
You on the other hand, you found him to be rather bold. This had happened plenty of times before. Charlotte would bring over someone to introduce to you and it always ended up with you turning them down since everyone of them had been a cocky arrogant arshehole. But the one thing you didn’t want to admit to yourself was you were scared of falling in love. The last time you did, it didn’t end well. Ever since then, you tried to keep your distance and your emotions locked up. After all those years of isolation, you eventually led yourself to believe your curse made you incapable of love.
Tag List: @smileygirl08 @peachyevergreen @Lustdere @moonlights27 @krazykatkay456 @buckysjuicyplums @oi-itsemily @ahahanofanks @iberandom @bittergomez @holyhumorliteraturelight @bells3333 @ashdab2611 @toomanybandstocare @twilight-kpop @cricketlicket @5sosfanforever2001 @justine-en @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @shakespeareanbooty @pancake-pages @elisemurphy06 @ineffabledears @bella-stenbakken @seraphpheonix @trickylittlewitch @twilightrox @hobodolly @big-galaxy-chaos @mega-ultra-so-awesome-it-hurts @mikariell95 @decaffeinated--fangirl @lovestomanyfandoms @fairyunhappy @chaoticsimptown @leelee-ishman @hanster1998 @coricosplays @secretpickleprofessordean @itsbqueenthings @theweasleythatgotintoslytherin @corpseism
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Winchester’s x sister reader - Mission for hugs
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Hi!! Could you please do numbers 8 and 10 with the Winchesters x sister reader?💖 - Anon❤️
8. “Hug me?” Absolutely not.” “Why?” There’s people”
10. “Can you be mature for once in your life?!” “Why? You only get one life.”
Walking around the bunker, you hummed lightly to yourself. You were in a mission. The kind of mission that was going to leave you either really happy or really heartbroken.
You wanted a hug from your brother Dean.
Skipping into the library, you found Dean sat with Sam, Cas, Gabriel, Balthazar, Jody and a few other hunters.
“Hey sammy!”
“It’s Sam.”
You snickered and hugged your brother, ruffling his hair a little. Sam laughed and playfully slapped your hand away. Turning to dean, he rose a brow and you opened your arms.
“Hug me.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Why?” You asked with hurt in your voice.
“There’s people!” He huffed, “and I don’t want to.”
You pouted, walking over you kicked his shin and padded over to Gabriel.
“Hug me!” You demanded.
“Gladly sweet stuff.”
Gabriel hugged you win a grin and wink at Dean Who glared harshly. You stuck your tongue out at your oldest brother and tightened your hold on the arch angel.
“Can you be mature for once in your life?!”
You shrugged at him.
“Why? You only get one life.”
Dean didn’t say anything, he simply just stared at you and you stared right back. Breaking free from Gabriel you fell back into Balthazar with a laugh.
“Hello darling.” He chuckled.
“Hello Balthazar~”
The angel kissed the top of your head and sat down, pulling you into his lap as he did. Leaning into his chest you hummed contently.
“See Dean, at least the angels love me.”
“Even Luci hugs (Y/N).” Gabriel smirked.
“Lucifers just soft for her, everyone is.” Balthazar added.
Dean glared once more and then his eyes softened. Dean held out his arms and in an instant you were hugging him, you crashed into him with so much force his chair fell and you both tumbled to the floor.
Dean kissed the top of your head and gave you a gentle squeeze.
“I do love you (Y/N), I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
“I know dean-o.”
Rolling off dean, you were instantly pulled back into his side. Mission accomplished
Supernatural: @clockworkmorningglory @emiwrites3reads @darth-dorle
All: @sitkafay @havlindzk @drakelover78 @sammysgirl1997 @mp0625 @tc5322
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
The Photo
Drabble feat. Sonny Carisi x Reader. CW: Implied smut, language, fluff. Prompt/Request: Could I please have: 2. “Wow, I didn’t realize you were that… Flexible.” 16. "We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?!“ 19. "Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now.” with either Rafael or Sonny? @the-baby-bookworm​
WC: 940 words
“Doll, remind me why we are doing this again.” Sonny gritted as he smiled for the umpteenth time for the photographer. You smacked his arm and smiled as the camera flashed.
“Because you proposed and now we are taking engagement pictures. As one does.” You replied through clenched teeth, smiling.
“Why don’t you guys take a break?” The photographer replied, lowering her camera. “You want to appear relaxed. Not stilted.”
You nodded. “Sure thing. How long?” You stood from where you were standing and smoothed out the wrinkles from your red polka-dotted fit and flare dress.
“Take 30 minutes.” The photographer replied. “I will go through what I have so far and re-load. Take a walk around the park and come back.”
“Come on Sonny.” You replied, extending your arms to your lanky boyfriend.
Your detective turned ADA boyfriend stood and grabbed your hands. “Whatever you want doll.” He cupped your face and pressed a kiss to your lips. You smiled and ran your hands through his now silver hair. “Lets go for a walk.”
You turned to the photographer. “We’ll be back.”
The photographer waved you off and you grabbed Sonny’s hand, leading him away. You had always wanted engagement pictures done at Wolfe’s Pond Park in Staten Island. You and Sonny were childhood friends who reconnected romantically – you were a teacher at P.S. 41 and Sonny’s niece brought him for “career day.” Sonny was then a detective with SVU. After the brief reunion, Sonny couldn’t get you out of his head and he asked you out for coffee a week later during after-school pick-up.
Coffee dates became lunch dates and those in turn became weekly dinner dates with the Carisi clan and the rest of the Tottenville crew.
Then Sonny popped the question in front of Rockefeller Center in front of the big tree. As cliched as it was, you loved it.  You then had frozen hot chocolates at Serendipity and then after skating until exhaustion, had dinner at Balthazar’s in SoHo. The Balthazar staff did not miss a beat; their waitperson had overheard about your engagement and a bottle of champagne from the house was on its way over before the end of dinner. Afterwards, you both snuggled on the Staten Island ferry on the way back home. Sonny had refused to move back to Staten Island initially but he relented as you didn’t want to move from your teaching job.
As most couples do, you agreed to engagement pictures but waited until Spring arrived and thawed out the city from what seemed like an eternal winter. You both settled on Wolfe’s Pond Park, where you both spent your childhood playing at.
You both walked hand-in-hand until you made way to Wolfe’s Pond Beach off Raritan Bay. You took off your shoes, in vain hope to not ruin them. As the water crashed along the shore line, you squeezed Sonny’s hand. “Love you.”
Sonny looked to you and smiled. He cupped your cheek. “Love you too doll – always and forever. I cannot wait to call you Mrs. Sonny Carisi.”
You blushed as you drank your paramour in who looked quite dashing in his three-piece suit. You bit your lip as you raked him in. “Mmmm cannot wait.”
“Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now.” Sonny replied huskily as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Fuck doll, you have me so fucking turned on in this little dress of yours.” Sonny’s hands traveled down your waist to your ass, cupping and squeezing.
You looked around and saw no one was around. “Come on.” You encouraged him, pulling him down to the sandy beach beneath your feet.
You giggled as you stood, wiping sand off your legs and then moving to quickly fasten the buttons of your dress. Sonny clutched his chest, willing his hear to normalize. “Wow, I didn’t realize you were that… flexible.”
“All that hot yoga is paying off. Just wait til we get to the honeymoon and see what I can do by then.”
Sonny covered his hands on his face before making the sign of the cross.  “God help me.”
You grabbed your panties and looked at Sonny. “Mmmm… I didn’t hear you complaining. You plopped down next to him and looked at the time. “Still have a few minutes to spare.” You wiggled your brows at him suggestively and twirled your panties with an index finger.
Sonny eyed you. “We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?!“
You raised your arm and waved it over him. “Have you seen you? I mean, come on.”
Sonny blushed, his ears turning pink. “Okay. Lets go finish these pictures. After, we can go back home and use an actual bedroom and not get caught violating section 314 of the penal code.”
Weeks later the engagement proofs came. You sat in Sonny’s parents home with his sisters. Everyone oohed and ahhed over the pictures. Teresa squinted at one picture and frowned.
“Y/N, the pictures are great but no one told you your dress was unbuttoned incorrectly? What a shame. And why do you have … is that seaweed on your leg?”
You felt your cheeks grow pink and Sonny burst into laughter as he snatched the photo from Teresa. He looked at the picture and then at you. “Oh this one is going in a frame. Might blow it up for the engagement party.”
“Vaffanculo!” You whispered in his ear.
“Oh but I believe that is what you did.” Sonny grinned before pressing a kiss on your cheek.
Translation:  “Vaffanculo!” Go fuck yourself.
Tags: @madpanda75 @tropes-and-tales @delia26 @mgarner1227 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @the-baby-bookworm @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03 @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolon @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49​ @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea​ @zoeykaytesmom​ @differentshadesofgray​ @misssirenlove​ @esparza-army​ @bananas-pajamas @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie​ @theenchantedgalleryofstories​ @catnip987 @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty​ @ktiz90​ @evee87​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom @blk0912 @detective-giggles​ @rampantmuses​ @jazzyjoi​ @caked-crusader​- anyone else, just ask!
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imagineteamfreewill · 4 years
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This is the mobile masterlist for all non-Team Free Will gif imagines and drabbles! Stories are grouped by character and type (gif imagine/drabble).
Characters/Pairings included: Adam, Andy, Balthazar, Benny, Bobby, Chuck, Crowley, Gabriel, Gadreel, Ghostfacers, Kevin, Michael, the women of Supernatural (Jody, Donna, Charlie, Claire, Meg, and Alex), and Megstiel.
Adam Milligan Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being Adam’s Twin Sister and Him Being Protective When He Sees That Cas Likes You (Mainly Reader x Cas)
Andy Gallagher Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being Adam’s Twin Sister and Him Being Protective When He Sees That Cas Likes You (Also vaguely Reader x Sam)
Balthazar Gif Imagines:
Imagine Balthazar Being Your Guardian Angel
Benny Lafitte Gif Imagines:
Imagine Benny Going Back to Purgatory and Having to Leave You Behind
Benny Lafitte Drabbles:
“What do you mean she’s not with you? She has to be with you.”
Bobby Singer Gif Imagines:
Imagine Bobby Opposing Your Date With Dean
Chuck Shurley Gif Imagines:
Imagine Comforting Chuck as He Cries Over Gabriel’s Death Scene
Chuck Shurley Drabbles:
“You should really tell Gabriel where you are, dad. He misses you so much.” (Angel!Reader, Dad!Chuck)
Crowley Gif Imagines:
Imagine Being in a Play that Crowley Wrote
Crowley Drabbles:
“Are you sure? Because I think we’re both too drunk for this.”
Gabriel Gif Imagines:
Imagine Gabriel Being Your Guardian Angel
Imagine Teaching Gabriel How to Cook
Imagine Finding Out That You’re Gabriel and Kali’s Child
Imagine Gabriel Turning Into a Teenager So He Can Watch Over You at School
Imagine Gabriel Asking Team Free Will to Protect You, His Secret Nephilim Daughter
Imagine Gabriel Finding You Praying as a Child and Promising to Always Watch Over You
Imagine Gabriel Babysitting Yours and Dean’s Child, Then Coming Home to Find Their First Word is “Gabe”  (Reader x Dean, but Gabe is important)
Imagine Gabriel Adopting You As a Baby, and Then Growing Up Not Knowing He’s an Angel
Imagine Being Close With Gabriel and Playing Pranks on the Winchesters
Imagine Gabriel’s Reaction to You Being Pregnant
Imagine Kissing Gabriel On New Year’s Eve
Imagine Gabriel Being Turned Into a Toddler
Gabriel Drabbles:
“I’ll protect you! I promise!”
“Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens.”
“I don’t understand why you can’t believe in angels, Y/N. I mean, haven’t you ever looked in a mirror?”
“I’m always going to watch over you, no matter what.”
“Hey, scoot over! I want to be under the blanket too!”
Gadreel Gif Imagines:
Imagine Gadreel Rescuing You From Heaven’s Prison
Imagine Gadreel Protecting You, His Vessel’s Wife
Imagine Gadreel Giving Up His Grace to Live as a Human With You
Imagine Spending Your First Christmas With Gadreel and Your Daughter
Imagine Going On a Date With Gadreel
Imagine Thinking Sam is Your Soulmate When It’s Actually Gadreel
Gadreel Drabbles:
“I left everything for this! I left everything… for you!“
“You can’t leave me in the dark. You have to tell me these things.”
“It doesn’t matter what you did in the past, Gadreel. I just hope I can be part of your future.”
Ghostfacers Gif Imagines:
Imagine Telling Ed and Harry That They’re in the Supernatural Books and Them Fanboying Over It
Kevin Tran Gif Imagines:
Imagine Chuck Letting You and Kevin Have a Few Minutes Alone (Chuck is only briefly mentioned)
Michael Drabbles:
“You really don’t know anything about humans, do you?”
Samandriel Drabbles:
2k Drabble #3
The Women of Supernatural Gif Imagines:
Imagine Celebrating Galentine’s Day with the Ladies of Supernatural (Ellen, Claire, Alex, Donna, and Charlie)
Imagine Celebrating Galentine’s Day with the Wayward Daughters (Jody, Donna, Claire, and Alex)
Imagine Meg Telling You About Cas and Being Able to Tell That She Has Feelings For Him
Imagine Throwing a Christmas Party at the Bunker (Reader x Dean, but Jody is important)
Imagine Going to See the Rocky Horror Picture Show with Sam, Dean, Cas, and Charlie (Team Free Will, but Charlie is important)
Megstiel Drabbles:
“This will probably end like Romeo and Juliet.”
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lupin-shambles · 7 years
Life in the bunker is hard… HA! Who are you kidding?
In the middle of Kansas holds the strangest of the strange. You hereby stand and declare your family as Dean, Sam, Gabriel, Lucifer, Crowley, Castiel, Michael and Balthazar. (Any other character can be requested).
What do you guys get up to? Well, well, well… The adventures of the worst mix of people are waiting for you inside.
So why not waste your time reading an absolute piss-take fanfic of Supernatural, it’s not like you have a life, right?
You slowly peel your eyes open with your guard four walls high. Your ceiling isn’t covered in lamb’s blood so that’s good. What? Your ceiling covered in some supernatural crap would be the most relatively normal thing to happen to you today.
Ever so slowly you slip out of your bed checking for any mouse traps or tight wires, when you are clear you open your door with distance incase the stupid Archangel decided to put a bucket of raw eggs above it… Again.
Poking your head out your door, you look down the hallway to check for anyone, once you are certain it was clear you grabbed your airsoft gun and mini water gun filled with Holy water. You tiptoed into the kitchen, the bunker was eerily quiet for ten o'clock.
You made it to the kitchen safely and made a quick cup of tea, after you boiled it, you filled it up with more water and put a bundle of vinegar in it and blessed it (incase Crowley wanted tea).
Okay, to update you lovely readers on what’s happening, good old Satan declared a prank war on Gabriel. You could have killed him when he told you.
(Wait- I addressed the readers in a reader insert fic?! RIP Fourth wall)
*War 101 flashback*
“Y/N?” Came the nervous voice of Satan.
You groaned, it was one o'clock in the morning. “Unless you’re taking me to Disneyland, go away.”
“Well… Not exactly.” He nervously laughed.
“What did you do Lucifer?” You groaned.
“Please don’t kill me.” He begged with a tiny voice.
You shot up straight and stared at him with intense eyes, “Did you eat my bacon?”
Lucifer sent you a bitch-face. “No.”
You flopped back down on your bed, “Then what?”
He rubbed his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “I need your help.”
“Why?” You mumbled into your pillow uninterested.
“I may have declared a Prank war…” Lucifer said quickly and tensed up.
“YOU DID WHAT?!” You shouted, you grabbed your pillow and started to hit him continuously. “YOU COULD HAVE STARTED ANYTHING, HELL EVEN ARMAGEDDON BUT NOT A FLIPPING PRANK-WAR!” You took a breath before continuing, “FUCK YOU SATAN AND YOUR STUPID HORNS!”
You don’t normally swear, but when you do, it’s normally at the Angels. Let’s just say you needed a new pillow after that.
Although you were angry at him for starting the Prank-war, you teamed up with him, because you and Lucifer made a fine-assed team. It started with just Sam and Gabriel take on you and Lucifer, then Dean jumped in on your team with Cas tagging along. So naturally, Gabriel and Sam got back up, Balthazar and Crowley.
There are boundaries of course, the golden one is MICHAEL. Michael made it very clear on day one, to all of you that he didn’t want the be part of it, and if he gets pranked ‘there will be consequences’. The other two are, you are not allowed meddle with people’s personal appearances, (what’s there to say? Sam likes his hair and Lucifer’s very narcissistic) and no nudity. You threw the nudity one in considering that you are the only female in the bunker.
You all also had a personal boundary each, only one.
“My Craig.” Crowley said.
“My Sweets.” Gabriel said without hesitation.
“My books.” Sam said.
“My baby, anybody touch her I will stab them.” Dean said sternly.
“My wine.” Balthazar said.
“No cages.” Lucifer said, that’s not quite allowed but nobody said anything since you all knew Lucifer was traumatised by cages.
“Um…” Cas hesitated. “Dean.”
You all burst out laughing, “Oh hun, Dean is a person, pick something else.” You said.
“My trenchcoat.” He said.
Everyone turned around and looked at you, “Bacon.”
They all laughed and looked at you as if you were kidding. “I’m serious, touch my bacon, I’ll eat you like bacon.”
“She’s serious.” Lucifer confirmed.
You sat down after placing a whoopee cushion on the seat opposite you.
Gabriel came in with a packet of sweets, before he sat down you pulled out your phone and slyly recorded the archangel sit on the whoopee cushion. He sent you a bitch-face as you giggled like an idiot. Lucifer flew and sat beside you just as the farting noise ceased.
Gabriel pulled it out from underneath him, “Wow Y/N. Is that all you got?”
“Oh I’ve got a lot more hot stuff.” You teased. “Beside, you suck.”
“And you swallow.” Gabriel responded with a smirk
“What can I say? Spitters are quitters.” You fired back.
“Would you like some ice with that burn brother?” Lucifer piped in.
“Enjoy your peace whilst it lasts you two.” Gabriel threatened.
“Oh we will.” You smiled.
“You better fear, afterall you can’t pull a trick out of the trickster.” Gabriel remarked.
“Remember who taught you your tricks Gabriel.” Lucifer warned.
Gabriel stood up, “Oh the student suppressed the master a long time ago Luci.”
With that he left, you took a sip of your tea and spat it straight it out, the tea tasted like rotten eggs. “Gross.”
Lucifer pulled out two megaphones and gave you one with a grin on his face. “For old times sake.” He said with a smirk.
You both snuck into Sam’s room, he was still sleeping since Dean set his alarm to 11am. Although Lucifer had a different type of alarm in mind.
He nodded to you and you both counted down to three before simultaneously screaming into the megaphone.
If anything looked like a startled Moose, it was Sam waking up to hearing those three words. You both burst out laughing but then you stopped once you looked at Sam’s angry face.
You scrambled out into the hall as fast as your legs could take you with Lucifer running behind you. Then you bumped into both Crowley and Gabriel, Gabriel knew that you guys were messing with Sam so froze you both.
“You’re both going to be punished for that.” Gabriel said with a mischievous tone.
“Kinky.” Both you and Lucifer said at the same time causing Crowley to draw a strange face.
You were both dead meat.
You swung from the ceiling next to Lucifer with raw egg, baking soda, and butter dripping down you. You looked at Lucifer who mirrored what you look like.
“What else do you put in cake Sam-squash?” Gabriel teased.
“Flour!” Sam laughed.
They decided to punish you both by stringing you up and throwing the ingredients of cake at you. You sent Lucifer a bitch-face and telepathically communicated with him This is your fault.
Michael walked past with a cup of coffee, “Good morning.” Michael said as if seeing his brother and the female Winchester hanging from both legs descended from the ceiling was the most normal thing to wake up to.
“Michael help us!” You begged.
“No Y/N, you got yourself into this.” He said walking away.
“Dick.” Lucifer remarked.
“I must say Darling, this angle really brings out that fine ass of yours.” Balthazar added with a smirk.
“Oh and this fine ass is going to kick your feathery butt when I get down!” You retorted.
“Of course,” Balthazar said nodding, “And how are you going to get down?”
You sighed, you didn’t have a plan, and neither did Lucifer.
“You are all so dead after this.” Lucifer mumbled childishly.
“Topeka!” You heard your oldest brother, Dean shout.
'Topeka’ was your team’s code warning for airsoft guns. You let your team borrow your airsoft guns, and if you have never been hit by an airsoft bullet, it is the equivalent of a bee sting.
You and Lucifer immediately covered your faces as you heard the sounds of Dean and Castiel fire the air-soft at the opposition causing them to squeal and run away, yelping every time a bullet hit them. Once they were gone you all burst out laughing at the sight of one of the world’s greatest hunters, a thieving angel, the King of hell and an archangel running away from two little guns.
Once you two were cut down all of your team ate pizza in your room whilst you all discussed a new prank.
“Why don’t we knock them all out and do something to their bedrooms?” Dean suggested.
“How do you purpose we knock out two angels and the King of Rotten?” You asked.
“Well Y/N, it’s called alcohol.” Dean smirked.
“I could see that working on everyone except Gabriel.” Castiel said.
“Rose water.” Lucifer suggested.
“That could work.” Castiel said.
“Okay but after we knock them all out, then what?” Lucifer said.
A smile creeped up on your lips as an idea sprung to mind.
“Okay Y/N, spill the beans, what’s your idea?” Lucifer said.
“My friends, have you ever heard of the cup floor prank?” You smirked.
You explained the prank to them; fill thousands of plastic cups with water and put them next to each other on the floor around the 'victims’ bed.
“That’s brilliant but couldn’t the Angels and Crowley just zap over it?” Dean asked.
“Damn it! I never thought of that!” You said, your genius idea was crushed.
Or was it? You looked over to Lucifer who was sharing a smirk with Castiel.
“What? What is it?” You asked.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking brother?” Castiel said with a tone of amusement.
“I believe I am.” Lucifer responded with a grin.
⚜Time-skip brought to you by poor baby Michael⚜
The plan was simple, get everyone on the opposing team drunk.
You were pretty good at acting, so you pretended you were feeling a little sad so nobody would prank you. Then Castiel suggested to call the pranking off for the rest of the night which Michael gladly agreed to.
“Let’s crack open the beer then!” Dean said.
“I’ll have wine.” Balthazar said zapping a bottle.
“Would you like a glass?” Dean smirked.
“Oh I would love one Dean-o, only you and Cas decided to make a hole in them all.” Balthazar said popping the wine bottle open.
“So are all of you just going to drink considerable quantities of alcohol?” Michael asked staring at us all whilst reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Charlie popped in a while ago and persuaded Michael to read them all.
“Yes, and I brought rose water for us lovely archangels.” Lucifer said giving Michael and Gabriel a bottle each and keeping one for himself.
Only Lucifer’s was just filled with water not rose water.
“AW man! Good call Lucifer!” Gabriel exclaimed.
Michael looked over to you, “Are you feeling alright Y/N? You are very quiet.”
“I’m fine thanks.” You said, you lifted up the beer bottle to cover your smirk.
“Well if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here.” He smiled.
“Thanks Mike.” You smiled, he was the Grandpa of your wonderfully messed up family.
Gabriel took a sip of the Rose water, “Oh sweet spirits, I haven’t tasted rose water in centuries.” Gabriel sighed happily.
Michael took a sip and he too, smiled contently, “I think the last time I had this was before you fell Lucifer.”
You looked at them with drawn eyebrows, what the heck is so special about that drink?
“I believe the last time I had it was after a battle. We were having a party to celebrate our victory but I don’t remember much.” Castiel said.
“What’s so special about it anyway?” You asked.
“My darling it is the drink of God’s.” Balthazar said. “However tonight I shall drink wine, Rose water is only for celebrations.”
“Really classy Balthazar.” Dean remarked.
“I’ll stick to Scotch.” Crowley said with a bored tone.
“Beer does enough damage.” Sam smirked.
“Well when your liver cries out for beer, got to feed it some!” Dean said taking a swig.
“Your liver cannot cry, Dean.” Castiel piped in.
“Brother, it’s a metaphor.” Gabriel said.
“Can I try?” You said motioning Gabriel’s bottle.
“Sure.” Gabriel said chuckling.
You took a sip out of the bottle, and gave the bottle back to Gabriel. You then gave the angels a doubting glance, “Yeah, that tastes amazing!” You said sarcastically.
Lucifer chuckled, “Humans.”
“Your tastebuds are too weak to perceive the true taste of the Rose water.” Castiel informed.
“We drink and eat things that your tastebuds were not built to comprehend.” Michael said.
“I’m insulted.” You chuckled and took a swig of your beer.
⚜Time-skip brought to you by drunk Gabriel⚜
The plan had worked very effectively, unfortunately you may have had a couple of drinks. You weren’t drunk but you were a little tipsy.
“Hey Luci?” You said dragging out his name.
“Yes Y/N?” He answered.
“Can we go to Disneyland?” You asked.
“No.” Lucifer rolling his eyes.
“But we can get the little cute hats, I’ll be Minnie and you can be Mickey!” You said like an excited child.
“That would suggest we are in a relationship.” He said.
“Get a room you two!” Drunk Gabriel slurred.
“Gabriel could come!” You suggested.
“Hey I’m not saying no to a threesome!” He hiccuped.
Balthazar and Lucifer cringed. “That would be incest.” Balthazar said.
“Tell that to Michael and Lucifer.” He slurred.
“Ew have you two had sex?” Balthazar said.
“No.” Lucifer said with a repugnant tone.
“Michael and Lucifer up a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Balthazar sung like child.
Before he could continue Lucifer punched him clean out.
“No, bad Lucifer!” Sam scowled like he was a dog.
“Gosh, how far are you gone?” Lucifer laughed looking at the drunk Moose.
“You know, I used to think Dean and I had daddy issues.” Sam started to laugh. “You started an apocalypse because you got thrown out!” He started laughing again.
Before Lucifer could even punch Sam, he collapsed and hit the floor.
“Two down, two to go.” Lucifer mumbled.
Castiel cringed as Gabriel hit the high notes with a squeal.
You look over to Crowley who is contemplating his life decisions whilst swirling the Craig around in the glass.
"Crowley are you okay?” You asked.
“Demons… They have no initiative.” He said as he took another swing of his Craig.
“-YOU’LL LOVE ME AT ONCE, THE WAY YOU DID ONCE!” Gabriel sang swaying back and forth with the Rose Water in his hands.
He then tripped up over Sam and fell right over him.
“Hey Sam-squash, you’re so firm have I ever told you that?” Gabriel muttered.
You and Dean looked at each other and burst out laughing, then Gabriel passed out on top of Sam.
The rest of your team then looked at Crowley who was still stirring in his own misery.
“Crowley you should rest.” Castiel said.
Crowley looked up from the orange liquid and glanced at us all and then scowled. “Ballocks. This is another prank isn’t it?”
Castiel walked over and placed his fingers on Crowley’s forehead putting him into a deep slumber.
“Okay Dean go to bed, you’re too drunk.” You said.
“Not saying no to my beauty sleep.” Dean said and stumbled his way back to his bedroom.
“Have you guys put the sigils up?” You asked the Angels.
“Yes.” Castiel said.
They had put sigils up that stop Angels and Demons using their powers in the same room as the sigil.
“Well somebody’s going to have to put the old slacker to bed.” Lucifer said looking at Michael who had long passed out.
“Okay, let’s get this show on the road!” You grinned. “Then you and I can go to Disneyland together.” 
“For the last time - NO!” Lucifer exclaimed. 
⚜Another time-skip brought to you by a gay angel and Satan⚜
“A whole new world!” You sang as you placed another two cups down around Sam’s door.
To make the prank easier you dumped Balthazar, Crowley, Sam and Gabriel in the same room.
“Y/N, you are killing me with your Disney songs.” Lucifer complained.
“I just want to go to Disneyland…” You mumbled.
“Oh really? I didn’t know! It’s not like you’ve asked me about 100 times.” Lucifer said sarcastically placing down another four cups.
“I believe she has only asked you 23 times.” Castiel pipped in.
He placed down another seven cups filled with water, he defiantly had the steadiest hands.
“We are doing well guys!” You praised as you looked at your teams effort.
“I would say so too, only about 66 cups to go.” Lucifer chuckled admiring all the cups.
“You really like that number don’t you?” You asked rolling your eyes.
“Of course, it’s my record of orgasms I managed to pull from a woman in one go.” He said.
“Lucifer, the woman would pass out before reaching eleven.” Castiel remarked.
“Ignore him Cas, he’s just being an idiot.” You dismissed.
“Says the one singing Disney songs…” Lucifer responded.
“Hey Luci?” You asked.
“Hmm-hmmm?” He hummed.
“Can we go to Disney Land?” You pleaded.
The morning came swiftly with the noise of chaos.
“THIS ISN’T FUNNY GUYS!” Came the voice of Balthazar.
Your team were in your room as you were all laughing your asses of as the Prank took it’s toll.
“Just zap us over you idiots!” Sam retorted.
“I can’t!” Gabriel responded.
“I’m so done with this shit.” Crowley remarked.
“Why can’t you fly? Has someone clipped your wings?” Sam snapped angrily.
“No cupcake.” Gabriel scowled in response.
“Well, ladies first!” Balthazar chimed and shoved Gabriel and Sam off the bed simultaneously, there was a large crashing noise and a bunch of swearing and cursing.
Lucifer was rolling on the floor cracking up with laughter, whilst Dean was laughing so hard he wasn’t making any noise with Cas observing him with great concern.
You were crying with laughter as you used the door to supported to your shaking form.
“YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!” Sam shouted.
“FUCK!” Gabriel cursed. “WHAT THE HELL BALTHAZAR?”
“Thank you Darlings for making a lovely path for -” *THUMP*
Balthazar slipped on a cup and water and fell right back on the floor.
This caused your entire team to laugh even more - which you didn’t think was possible.
✨Don’t try these pranks at home - Kidding, you should totally try them✨
The cup prank was by far the most elaborate but effective prank, your team’s triumph was short lived however, Dean came storming through into the library where you, Sam, Gabriel and Lucifer sat.
He grabbed Gabriel’s collar and scrunched it angrily pulling him up.
“Wow, Dean!” Lucifer said rising to Gabriel’s defence.
They may be on opposing teams for the prank war but Gabriel was still Lucifer’s brother so he was obviously going to defend him when things got violent.
“Why’d you touch my baby?” Dean hissed.
Lucifer yanked Dean off Gabriel and you quickly held Dean back from Lucifer and Gabriel.
“I didn’t touch Castiel.” Gabriel smirked.
“I mean the impala moron!” Dean shouted.
That’s when Lucifer stood beside Dean and you obviously seeing where Dean was coming from.
“Oh, did you like my touch? I think pink is way more your colour.” Gabriel smirked.
“You crossed the boundaries.” Lucifer said.
“Dude, not cool.” You said shaking your head.
“This is war!” Dean sneered.
Unfortunately it all went down hill from there… Dean dunked all of Gabriel’s sweets in the strange mixtures in the lab and Gabriel was sick for two days. Then Crowley locked Lucifer in a cage and once you unlocked Lucifer he grabbed an airsoft gun and emptied every single bullet into Crowley - so Crowley stayed in bed all day covered with bruises. Then Sam decided to eat all your bacon so you ripped out the last chapter of all of his books. You had also been whining to Lucifer about Disney Land… A lot.
And now here you all were… Sheets were draped on the book shelves protecting the books, the tables were flipped providing each team a base in the small Library.
It was chaos, there was a major food fight and everybody was covered head to toe in all kinds of food. As you threw eggs and Gabriel threw tomatoes, all of you were laughing at how ridiculous this was.
Then… Michael zapped in the middle of the Library. Nobody thought twice and launched barrels of food at him. 
It came as a quick thought to you of who you just hit, gulping you dropped your food prepared to run from the oldest archangel. 
Realization seemed to click in everyone else as their face went pale. Then silence fell in the room as Michael’s wings expanded, visibly shaking with anger accompanied by the menacing glow of his blue eyes.
“Fuck.” Dean cursed.
“Hey Y/N?” Lucifer held his hand out to you. “Wanna go to Disney Land?”
You and Lucifer zapped away just in time to miss Michael clicking his finger to string everyone up and taking his sweet revenge.
Hope you enjoyed! Just a little crack fic I wrote because I was bored. I’ve never publicly posted fan fiction so please be gentle. :)
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