#bamf luke
mearchy · 3 months
The best fics are the ones that recognize that although Luke Skywalker may APPEAR on the outside to be a normal friendly twink who happens to have cool powers, especially when contrasted with such ship partners as Boba or Din or even Han, he is arguably the scariest person alive in the galaxy around the prequel era. AND, crucially, he is also a fundamentally weird guy. This man was homeschooled on a rural farm his entire life and then apprenticed to a swamp gremlin who showed him how to tap into the cosmic power of the universe. He blew up the death star age 19, killing approx 2 million-ish Imperials. He is a vortex of Force power that can communicate with the ghosts of dead Jedi. He’s staring into the distance and mumbling to himself and doing Yoda aphorisms and casually pulling out the “yeah I could crush that guy into a paste with my mind (:” and nobody around him knows what to do with that. I think he is a character who has very little frame of reference for how a Jedi or a person in general is supposed to act and there is some thing about him that is by necessity really fucking weird and a little scary but he’s so nice that it can throw you off the scent a little bit. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Dawn of Hope
This is going to start in that weird place where we are taking canon and making it simultaneously better AND very much worse.  Also, as always, I may be ignoring or ignorant of some part of canon that contradicts this stuff, forgive me. 
While there are many changs we need to address, the biggest is that Anakin does not choose Palpatine, or Fall, during the fight between the Council and Palpatine (Also, because I truly believe that it is the point of no return for Anakin’s fall, he did not kill the Tuskens). This does not actually make anything better.  
Anakin’s refusal caused the three way fight to last a bit longer, but also ended with Mace Windu’s death. The Force began to scream that Anakin needed to get back to the temple immediately. Anakin disengages from the fight and escapes.  Palpatine let him go, since this was still in line with several of Palpatine's plans (I fully believe that Palapine had a plan for any eventuality). Palpatine calls for Order 66 and Anakin arrives back at the temple mere moments before the 501st.  Anakin is horrified to see his men firing on, and killing, the Jedi in the temple and ignoring his attempts to order them to stop (it is important to note that in this, there is no indication in the Force or their behavior why the clones have suddenly started shooting Jedi; also Fives report in this one was not intelligible enough-due to being drugged-to give either Anakin or Rex information about the chips).  His help gives the appearance that the temple can start evacuating (they rebuffed wave one) and Anakin is told by one of the temple guards that a group of initiates had been locked in the council chambers for safety, but they need a counselor to unlock the door to evacuate them.  
Anakin goes down and unlocks the chamber, and just as the initiates look up at him with hopeful eyes, believing that they have been saved…Anakin is knocked unconscious by the temple guard, who had been one of the guards that betrayed the Jedi. The guard then slaughtered the children (all of them, including Reva as the guard had not been as conflicted) and dragged Anakin away (Palpatine now intended to torture him into Falling) as the other traitor guards disabled the last of the protections for the temple, letting the clones come back in to kill everyone.
 Another change was that early in the war Cody took a hit to the head that, unbeknownst to everyone, broke the chip. The extra time it took for Palpatine to call for Order 66 meant that Obi Wan had reached the upper levels and that Cody had joined him there when the chips activated and every clone, except Cody, started trying to kill any Jedi (for apparently no reason).  Cody and Obi Wan are able to escape, but there is a part of Cody that will never forgive himself for the fact that they both had to kill some of his brothers to do so.  They are able to get to Coruscant, where they meet up with Yoda at the ruins of the Jedi temple.  They see the surveillance video (the clones attacking, the temple guards that betrayed them, Anakin being captured, the younglings being slaughtered). 
The next step is obviously to rescue Anakin. Now both Yoda and Obi Wan are self aware enough to admit that this would have been the goal for no other reason than that Anakin was part of their lineage. However realistically he is also the only other Jedi they know is still alive, a powerful fighter, and would be a devastating enemy if he could be coerced to fall (they do not know for sure that this is the goal, but there are only a few reasons to take Anakin alive). Knowing that they would need to rely on the Force to move quickly Cody is sent to collect Padme before she can be used against Anakin. 
By the time Yoda and Obi Wan find Anakin, he has been tortured but has not fallen. Obi Wan is able to escape with Anakin, though Yoda gives his life for them to do so.   Anakin injuries mean that his remaining flesh arm and his legs have to be amputated. The stress causes the twins to be stillborn and the measures needed to save Padme’s life remove her ability to have any other children.  
Obi Wan and Anakin are the last Jedi in the galaxy at this point. Through chance or circumstance everyone else died in the Purge(This includes Ahsoka. With the extra time and without Rex having knowledge of the chips, she is eventually killed by the clones; the fight did enough damage that the ship still crashed into that moon, killing everyone on board-including Maul).  They are only just able to get the mechanics to replace Anakin’s missing limbs, and the four keep on the move to lay low.  By the time both Padme and Anakin have healed from those first few days, 18 months have passed and the galaxy continues to grow darker. 
Bail Organa’s fledgling rebellion has been found out (a combination of the lack of a daughter had Bail focusing on the rebellion more, and moving just a hair too fast, and Palpatine not having Vader to deal with-both not spending time focused on his recovery and not needing an enemy to point Vader at one he has healed). Bail and Breha have been executed as warmongers and traitors with a Palpatine approved puppet installed as the new ruler of Alderaan. Any friends that any of the four might have had were swept up in the aftermath of the failed Rebellion. 
At the two year mark Palpatine, who no longer has any use for the Clones, as he had recruited a natborn army in the meantime, issues another Order, this time for the last remnants of the GAR to kill themselves. 
Cody is the last Clone of the GAR in the galaxy, and none of four of them know about the chip. 
These four have no friends, no help, and no hope. And they survive in this galaxy where they can rely only on each other for another 8 years.  
In that time neither Anakin nor Obi Wan fall. This is not due to some extra attachment to the light, but the fact that there is nothing the dark can offer them. How do you resurrect an entire culture? Who would they even try to bring back? Because they do not know about the chips, they do not have one person, even Palpatine, that they can blame or get revenge on. 
Also during these 8 years the four form a Force bond, tying their life forces together.  Though the bond is deliberate, and of the Light Side, none of them are quite sure if it is ‘If one dies, we all die’ or ‘we all have to die for one to die’. Frankly, in the galaxy they live in, they figure there is not much difference.  This bond does have the effect of slowing all of their aging to the slowest (Anakin, with his Force connection ages at one third the normal human rate once he reached maturity)
10 years after Order 66 and the Purge, our four feral survivors find an artifact that will take them to a new timeline.  It has not been used often, because there is no control over where or when they will be dropped, there is no way back, and most people do not want to chance that they will end up somewhere worse. Our four are not worried about worse, they know that they have the worst timeline, and they have no one to try and come back to. So they activate the artifact.
It drops them into the canon timeline, during A New Hope, on the Death Star,  just before Darth Vader strikes Obi Wan Kenobi. This derails Old Ben’s attempt at martyrdom. Darth Vader is immediately distracted by Padme Amidala, looking older than he remembered but younger than she should be (had she lived).
As they all recognized an older version of Obi Wan, and guessing that the tall being in black is the bad guy, the four dimension travelers grab Old Ben, the teeny boppers (Luke, Leia, and Han look unbelievably young to them) with the Wookie and the familiar droids (as none of them look like they belong on the Death Star) and hustled them onto to only ship that does not look imperial (A Corellian Freighter) and escape while Vader is staring at the spot where Padme Amidala had appeared. 
The only reason that they were not immediately shot out of the sky is that Vader realized that Padme was on that ship and made sure no one shot the Millenium Falcon. 
The Millenium Falcon, and everyone she holds, escapes. They take some time to make sure that they are not being followed before Han, with input from Leia, sets a course to the nearest Rebel Base. There is enough confusion that he does not even ask about payment. 
Then everyone turns to the four dimension travelers.  Obi Wan, the younger, looks at Old Ben and goes ‘Hello There’ in a tone that is distressingly flirty for a solid half the ship. Anakin rolls his eyes, whacks Obi Wan (the younger) upside the head, and goes ‘set up a threesome between yourself, you husband (Cody), and yourself later’. 
Old Ben looks far too considering for Luke and Leia’s piece of mind. 
It is Padme who introduces the four dimension travelers, with a brief overview that they were from a different timeline.  Upon Padme introducing Anakin, Luke perks up and goes ‘Oh, you’re my father’
Anakin practically squeals with excitement that he (Luke) must be one of the babies (Padme also got visibly excited and interested in the answer), and asks if he is Luke or Leia.  Luke somewhat blankly answers with his name. A moment passes then Luke goes ‘BABIES???’ At the same time Leia goes ‘LUKE OR LEIA???’
At some point in the midst of this chaos Luke manages to tell Anakin that the Anakin was killed by Darth Vader (and clarifies that Darth Vader was the tall fucker in black). 
Both Anakin and Obi Wan feel the wince in the force coming from Old Ben at that statement. Old Ben, for his part, fully expected to be dead before having to have this conversation on ‘from a certain point of view’ with his niece and nephew. He also did not expect to be having this conversation with another version of himself with three people he had loved and lost to decades earlier. 
Old Ben manages to get out a single ‘from a certain point of view’ before Anakin goes ‘Oh, other me is Vader. I Fell’
Old Ben agrees (which increased the Chaos quite a bit and it takes some time for those revelations to sink in). It is at this point here a minor, but somewhat critical misunderstanding occurs. Once Anakin found out that this universe’s version fell, he muttered that it must have been the torture. Anakin has made an assumption that this Anakin was also captured by the Guard and was tortured until he Fell. Old Ben hears this and assumes that his Anakin was tortured to fall at some point before he killed the younglings (in this one Old Ben never found out why his Anakin fell).  Neither are speaking directly enough about what had happened to catch onto the mistake (both had had time to come to terms with what happened, it still is deeply traumatic and neither really wants to talk about it), though it will be resolved quickly and without real drama. 
Padme asks about her own fate, given that it is clear that neither of her children recognize either of their parents by sight. Old Ben says she died in childbirth. Padme, very used to Obi Wan’s ‘from a certain point of view’, drily asked how much Anakin’s fall contributed to her death.  Old Ben winced and admitted to the choking and throwing. 
Old Ben also admits that he has not seen Cody since Utapau.  No one on the ship is aware of the chips, so no one knows to disagree when Cody goes ‘so I went insane with my brothers’. Old Ben, Cody, and Obi Wan compare notes and realize that the clones ‘going insane’ happened a bit later to Obi Wan then it did to Old Ben.  They come to the erroneous, but understandable, conclusion that Obi Wan’s presence when Order 66 went out (not that they know that is what happened) somehow kept Cody from going crazy. 
On the other side of the ship Padme and Anakin are making a concerted effort to get to know their now adult children. 
Then they arrive at the Rebel base and additional, hilarious chaos. The Rebellion expected the Corellian freighter carrying Leia Organa (and were ecstatic that Leia, at least, survived Alderaan destruction) with R2D2 and C3P0.  They neither expected nor did not expect Han, Chewbacca, and Luke. They very much did not expect the Corellian freighter to be carrying: Presumed dead General Anakin Skywalker, Very officially dead Padme Amidala, not one but two General Obi Wan Kenobi (Possibly dead-no one has seen or heard of him in a decade, still has the highest bounty in the Empire; Also visibly different ages), and Cody (who was supposed to be on a mission somewhere in the Cadavine sector and looking much younger than he should). 
Our four dimension travelers are abjectly overjoyed, as anyone they recognize has been dead a long time as far as they are concerned, to see the people of the rebellion. It is in this set of explanations that there are many revelations. Including, but not limited to: Vader’s fall was not from being tortured (Anakin posits that Vader chose to Fall to try and save Padme, then killed her anyway); The revelation about the chips in the Clones; The revelation of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, twin children of Anakin and Padme. 
The Leaders of the Rebellion starts to recall any Force Sensitives, Clones, and anyone who the four dimension travelers would have recognized. There are many happy reunions (including Old Ben reuniting with the Older Cody; which eventually also results in a foursome with the younger Obi Wan and Cody) As soon as it is clear that the dimension travelers intend to stay, the Rebellion starts to plan how to use having 2 Obi Wans, 2 Codys, a non fallen Anakin, and a living Padme in their fight against the Empire (the propaganda potential alone is glorious).   None of them are really in the position to be on the frontlines, but there is still plenty they can help with.
Anakin does put his foot down, that they will not hide that they come from a different dimension. Some of the rebellion had talked at first at playing that the four had been put into some kind of status (since three of the four were presumed dead, and the fourth was also genetically identical to enough people that the stasis is realistic).  Anakin pointed out that doing that would essentially steal Old Ben and Older Cody’s identity. Plus, and this was the argument that actually worked, hearing that Anakin was a dimensional traveler from a timeline where Anakin chose not to fall AND did not cause his wife’s death would both piss Vader off and, possibly demoralize him.
Anakin and Padme take special missions to squash Vaders psych like a bug.
It works.
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need-a-name-101 · 5 months
Grover is a freaking badass and episode five is just the beginning.
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myevilmouse · 1 year
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mariahjade2 · 1 year
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Episode IV Luke’s not having any of it!!  He doesn’t hold back his emotions. Skywalker Sunday Luke
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
Why does everyone act like Luke is this short little munchkin man. Mark Hamill is 5’9” y’all.
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firealder2005 · 2 years
Whumpcember 2022 Day. 14 SHAKING
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43564692
Reva watched with blurry vision as the farmer couple gently carried the little boy - Luke, they’d called him - back inside of their homestead. Her hands shook as she still felt the phantom pressure of her thumb on the ignition switch as she hovered her lightsaber over the boy’s inert body, bathing him in a blood-red glow.
Her gaze remained on the slowly reviving child as he was taken back into the safety of his home. She felt her arms shake as she remembered just how small he had been as she carried him back to his family - the family that had fought tooth and nail to keep him safe.
From her.
Kenobi was beside her, hand on her shoulder, and she could still feel the tears she had shed over the horrible action she had contemplated rolling down her cheeks.
She had almost murdered that little boy. To get back at his father - at a man he didn’t know even existed.
She was a horrible person.
She was no better than Vader.
Kenobi had offered her comfort, and she appreciated it, but it didn’t erase the fact that she had driven herself down the same merciless path Vader was on.
The only relief she had was that she, at least, had the heart to pull back from murdering innocent children.
“Ben,” the woman gently called. Reva recalled the moisture farmer Owen screaming her name, alerting his wife to Reva coming for her and their nephew. She flinched at the reminder and kept her eyes on the cool, desert sand, feeling her whole body shake as Beru approached.
“Beru,” Kenobi answered, voice sounding relieved. “How is he?”
“He’s waking up,” the woman answered, sounding just as relieved. “Got a concussion, but nothing he won’t recover from.”
Was it Reva’s imagination, or did Beru sound like she was trying to console Reva too?
Why were all these people so determined to forgive her? For trying to murder a youngling? She didn’t deserve their forgiveness, or comfort!
The shuffling of sands made Reva tense, her body giving a shudder as Beru knelt down beside her. What was this woman thinking, Reva was dangerous, she had tried to kill her nephew, she should be shunning her, not getting closer-!
Then Beru gently wrapped her arms around Reva and pulled her into a firm, welcoming hug.
Reva froze, for once her shaking body not moving a muscle as the farmer tucked her chin on Reva’s head. She let out a small, choking sob as Beru quietly hushed her.
“Why?” she heard herself ask, voice shaking. “Why a-are you-?”
“Doing this?” Beru finished. “Because I know a hurting soul when I see one.” she gently held Reva’s face in her hands, giving her a soft smile. “Out here, on Tatooine especially, you get pretty good at finding those who are hurting, who have no hope.” she leaned in closer, like she was sharing a secret. “We may standoff with offworlders, but many of us here care about each other - even about those we don’t know. It’s something Owen and I teach Luke.”
Beru moved her hands down to softly, yet firmly, grip Reva’s shoulders. “No matter who a person is, no matter where they come from, deep down, they may be hurting - and we do what we can to help.”
Reva watched as Beru’s face broke into a real smile. “Would you like something to drink? And perhaps some bacta for that wound you got there…” Reva felt her eyes rapidly blink back more tears at Beru’s mothering.
“You too Ben,” Beru then said sharply. “You’re not getting away until I can take a look at those injuries!”
Reva let a small, quiet, wet laugh leave her at Kenobi’s affronted expression. She took Beru’s offered hand and hobbled at her side, Kenobi trailing them, back to the homestead.
Inside, Owen the farmer had the kettle on, and was slowly stirring something on a pan, when he glanced up and saw the bedraggled group. He raised a brow and scowled at Kenobi, and gave a deep frown to Reva.
“Beru…?” he cautiously began.
“Get the medical bag please, dear,” was the only response Beru gave her husband. Owen glanced at the pan and kettle, and seemed to go to point to them, before Beru said; “I’ll keep an eye on it! Just get the medical bag - now, please.”
Owen set down his mug, shot another suspicious look at both her and Kenobi, before exiting the kitchen.
“Don’t mind him,” Beru reassured her guests. “He’s standoffish and protective on a good day - he gets even worse on bad ones. Especially if Luke is endangered in any way.”
Reva bit her lip, feeling her belly lurch as guilt rose up in her again. But Beru seemed to sense it, for she placed another comforting hand on her shoulder before walking quickly to the kettle, checking on it, and then pouring a few more mugs of whatever was inside.
“Here you go,” the kind woman said, placing a mug in front of both Reva and Kenobi. “Drink - you’ll feel better.”
Beru turned back to check on the pan, and Reva hesitantly sniffed the mug. A warm, atomic flavor rose to her nose - something she hadn’t tasted for a long, long time…
“Hot chocolate?” Kenobi asked, taking a small sip.
“Hmm-mmm,” Beru answered. “It’s Luke’s favorite. Owen was making some for him to sip on before he goes to bed - although,” she turned around and gave them a wryly, amused smile. “I’m afraid it’ll only make him hyper. I’m betting Luke gave Owen the kicked Loth-cat eyes and the pudding of a man caved.” she whispered conspiratorially to them. “I’m the only one immune to those eyes, by the way.”
Kenobi let out a small chuckle, and Reva saw a slight, sad look in his exhausted blue eyes.
Ah, right. Kenobi had been friends with Skywalker before he turned. Hearing about his former brother’s kid must hurt.
And yet, he had chosen to watch over Luke anyway. To keep him safe.
Reva had to admire that. Especially since he only went off-planet to rescue the boy’s twin sister.
That was when Owen reentered the room, a bag swinging from his hand. He took Beru’s place at the stove, exchanging the bag for the pan, and went right back to making whatever he was making.
Whatever it was, it smelled good and made Reva’s stomach growl.
“Here we go,” Beru said as she unpacked the medical bag. “Afraid we don’t have much, and I can’t use all of it on you two since…well…” she exchanged a fervent look with her husband, and Reva picked up the slight thought of slave trade from her mind.
Huh. Not only did these people protect a child who was not of their own blood, but they also risked their necks to help escape slaves.
“I don’t mind,” Reva said, voice a little scratchy. She cleared it, and continued; “And…thank you. For everything,” Beru smiled and went to work on the cauterized wound Vader had given her, and Reva slowly raised her eyes to meet the blank stare of Owen Lars.
“And…” she went on, keeping his gaze. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and- and for what I almost did.”
Owen didn’t say anything, just raised his hot chocolate to his mouth, but he gave a curt nod in acknowledgement.
It was something so small, but it seemed to take the gargantuan weight of guilt on Reva's back and float away with it.
Mind you, she still felt terrible for going after their child like that.
She was still angry and hated Vader with a burning passion.
She looked around at the three people with her, sipping the hot chocolate as she did.
Beru, kind and forthright.
Owen, steady and unyielding.
And…Obi-Wan, understanding and righteous.
Maybe with these people, she can find her footing and get back on the right track.
She glanced at where she presumed Luke’s room was, and saw the little, peeping blue eyes of the child as he peeked into the kitchen. No one else seemed to notice, though Obi-Wan seemed to twitch.
The child met her eyes, and she slowly lowered her mug and gave him a small, hesitant smile. He curiously stared back at her, gave a little wave, and darted back into his room, mug of hot chocolate in hand.
Looking back over at Obi-Wan, when Beru moved to dig something else out of the medical bag, she leaned over and whispered to the Jedi;
“I’ll keep him a secret,” she promised, staring resolutely into his calm eyes. “Him and the girl. I won’t say a word about who they are.”
Obi-Wan merely inclined his head, but she caught the brief flash of relief in his posture as it was confirmed that Reva wouldn’t be a liability to the children’s safety.
And of course she wouldn’t, she thought to herself as Beur finished wrapping her side. She had been terribly wrong to use Leia as bait, and then use Luke to get back at Vader.
The real revenge, the right way with Vader’s children would be to protect them - from him, from the Empire, from the Inquisitors, and from the Emperor.
If those lousy bastards wanted to get their hands on those kids, they would have to deal with Reva Sevander.
For she will not, could not, allow another child to die if she had something to say about it.
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doctorcanon · 1 year
Tales of Mash Up Characters in Part 2: As Told in Gifs
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Sorey (bonus Mikleo as Jayce)
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madeofsplinters · 2 years
Everyone in Star Wars is either a child laborer, a child soldier, or a child politician.
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violentbirds · 5 months
Anyway I got back into starwars again and this fanfic^ by @jackdaw-kraai has been one of my faves. Vader redemption, found family, BAMF Luke, world building, & humor.
Here’s some illustrations & sketches
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Madness in two parts
This is a two part idea, feel free to take one or both. As always please let me know if this has sparked your creative juices. Some of this may be a touch sad, a touch bleak. It is Star Wars after all, and this serves as both a fix-it and not. It does ignore both the Bad Batch and the rumors of Cody on Tatooine.  Also, though it can be read as Gen, I do see it as light CodyWan
Part the first starts on the Death Star, in the moment that Darth Vader strikes Obi Wan Kenobi down. At the moment Obi Wan vanishes, a few dozen storm troopers abruptly change targets.  Without so much as a twitch to indicate the change in priority, these troopers begin to take out the rest of the storm troopers with an impressive speed and accuracy. They even hit Darth Vader, knocking him to the floor. All this to the astonished gazes of Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca. Soon the troopers were the only imperials standing.
They each remove their helmets to reveal nighon identical faces. One of the troopers, with a prominent scar curling around his eye and a blaster in hand, steps up to Darth Vader who is still flat on his back.
This man looks down at one of the most feared men in the galaxy and says “To paraphrase my General, hello there you miserable bastard” and shoots Darth Vader in the face, killing him (No Anakin redemption for this part, sorry). 
Then this man looks up at the other troopers still standing and says, “Take the bridge and the comm center first. Stun any brother that fights us. Kill any nat born that resists.”
And frankly it should have been ridiculous, a few dozen troopers against the hundreds if not thousands on the space station. However these clones were freshly freed and very very angry. The imperials never stood a chance. 
Three of the troopers gently corralled the escapees (who are decidedly not resisting, these are not the same stormtroopers that couldn���t hit the ground using gravity) towards the trooper with the curled scar, commenting that they would finish their general’s final mission.  
Another picks up the discarded cloak and lightsaber with a reverence bordering on worship. He hands it over to the trooper with the scar.
The scarred trooper introduces himself as Cody, still clutching Obi Wan’s robes and lightsaber close.  He says that in his last moments, Obi Wan had struck out wildly with the Force to free the clones around him, the remnants of the 212th (Vader had made sure to keep the 212th close, hoping to use them if he ever found Obi Wan and it was exactly as awful as you are picturing). In that brief touch of mind to mind Cody was able to glean his general’s last mission, to protect Luke Skywalker and rescue Leia Organa. 
As soon as they took control of the Death Star, Cody turned that control over to Leia and the Rebel Alliance. Wooley is the one who gets to shoot and kill Tarkin (I don’t actually know why but it felt right). Cody starts the medics on dechipping the other chipped clones. It takes time but he convinces Leia that this is not a trick and she should comm the leaders of the Rebel Alliance. 
Just after the comm connects, Boil (also among those freed by Obi Wan) begins to bleed out of his eyes, nose, and ears then drops.  Confusion and concern rise from the Rebel Alliance, and the defectors from the Imperials. The freed but chipped clones are not confused. They knew it was coming. 
Cody explains, quiet and gentle in a way he had not been allowed to be in almost two decades, that his general’s last attempt to give them freedom was a wild thing. Uncontrolled and imprecise. Akin to hitting the chip with a large hammer instead of cutting it out with a scalpel. It broke it but also did untold damage to their brains. The only freedom he could give them was a few hours of freedom before death. 
They arrange for a rendezvous with several of the Rebel Alliance Cells to full take control of the space station, they may have locked up or killed anyone who did not want to defect but the longer they went the more chance that enough of the 212th remnants would die that the DS would be put back under Imperial control. One by one the clones freed by Obi Wan drop, bleeding but going into death with a smile because they died free. 
Cody lasted the longest, long enough that Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor arrived. Just long enough to collapse into Rex’s arms.  Rex pleads for him to hold on but Cody looks at him with a bloody smile and says ‘I need to follow my general. I want to follow my general.  Who knows what trouble he has already gotten into.’ 
And dies smiling, dies free.
That leads up to part the second. 
Cody opens his eyes to see he was back on the bridge of the Negotiator. He is surrounded by clones but no nat borns, they are above Coruscant.  He does not yet know it but it is the middle of the Naboo crisis, just as Qui Gon Jinn is telling the High Council that he would take Anakin on a Padawan. Nor do they know yet that the entirety of the 212th was aboard and that none of them were chipped any longer; to a man they physically match Obi Wan’s age in this time and the Force has gone as far as to fix the accelerated aging.
The comm officer reports that Coruscant’s communications office is asking them to identify themselves.  The sudden appearance of a futuristic (being from 10 years into the future), and heavily armed, ship makes people very nervous. 
Cody is put on the line and when asked to identify himself responds with “Commander Cody of the 212th battalion serving under Jedi High General Obi Wan Kenobi.” He may not know where or when he is, but he wants it clear from the get go that he holds no allegiance to the Empire (in fact he holds little allegiance to the Republic either), he would rather be shot down than be mistaken for an Imperial ever again.
The being on the other end goes, very quietly to themself, ‘that is a lot to unpack’ then clocks the that this Commander Cody said the magic word of ‘Jedi’ and not my circuses the entire thing over to the temple’s comm center (This specific part is based off a story my mom tells, she worked for a while in customer service testing the cords for the product that her company sold if they did not work. She also was unfortunately not the kind of person that would transfer someone if she could help, even if it was not her job so the sales team for her company started transferring anyone who said the word Cord to them, even if it was a question of what kind of cord the product took). 
Down in the temple, in front of the High Council, this Obi Wan is decidedly from this time. A senior padawan who is on the verge of being rejected again. Before they can offer even a temporary decision on what to do with Anakin Skywalker, the High council is contacted by their comm center, stating that a battalion has appeared from nowhere claiming to be under the command of High General Obi Wan Kenobi and would like to speak with them. Also that the authorities of Coruscant are very uncomfortable with the heavily armed ship in orbit who is claiming allegiance to a Jedi, could somebody take care of that. 
Everyone looks at Obi Wan, who is confused. The last time he was even a general was over a decade before on Melida/Daan. And he doubted that they would call themselves a battalion. 
The High Council puts a pin in the Anakin debate, figuring this takes precedence. They formally invite Cody and entourage (Ghost Company) down to meet with them.  In the time it takes to arrange things the clones are able to confirm that the ones going to the surface do not have chips. 
The clones have not quite realized that they are back in time.
They do realize something is up when Ghost company is escorted into the council chamber and realize that not only are all the high generals there (even ones they know for a fact are dead) but so is their very young looking general, a tall man that Cody had seen in a few of their general’s holo’s, and a small child that is clearly Anakin Skywalker (Waxer may have squealed over their internal comms at how cute the child skywalker was).
Cody rallies quickly (you cannot tell me that this man, who followed Obi Wan Kenobi around for three years, does not have a plan for surprise time travel). He gives a precise report, all military formality, of exactly who he is, who the clones are, an approximation of when he was from (timekeeping was not the chips strong suit), the war, Order 66, every fact he knows about the Empire. Then finishes with the fight between  Vade and the General, the General’s death and his last actions to free what clones he could (he was reluctant to discuss the consequences, in that freeing him as Obi Wan did killed them. Cody was quick to assure the younger Obi Wan that it was one of the greatest gifts that the Jedi could have given him). 
All the while all the clones are radiating adoration towards Obi Wan (I really want Obi Wan, on the verge of being rejected again, never feeling quite good enough, to be faced with a battalion of men who love him and think he is the best thing ever. As a treat.).
It takes a direct, if hesitant, order from Obi Wan to stop the 212th from storming the Senate outright. 
It is decided that the clones would escort Padme, her retinue, and the Jedi back to Naboo where they would assist in breaking the blockade (read: Cody told the High Council that they would be going if they had to hijack the queen’s ship as soon as it left orbit).  The clones make it exceedingly clear that they are following, and protecting Obi Wan, first and foremost, The Jedi in general second, Themselves third, and the rest of the sentients in the galaxy a distant fourth. 
Little Anakin is more than a bit horrified to realize what he would have become. Various clones, who are not going to blame a 9 year old for the things he did as an adult in another life, talked to him about how he had changed over the war (becoming more reckless and less caring both clone and innocent lives in favor of completing his objectives) and they might not know why he became Vader, they suspected it was not within the 9 year old.  They also told, exaggerated as only second or third hand versions of a story can be,  stories about their general. In particular telling him stories of Obi Wan in his Padawan years (stories that Obi Wan had told them himself, during the war) that serve to make Anakin believe that Obi Wan is the coolest person ever (slave revolt anyone). 
The clones are also really careful to make sure that Obi Wan understands that they are pleased to see him as he is now, not just for the person he could have been in a decade. This was the other reason they focused on stories that would have already happened to this Obi Wan, they did not want to give Obi Wan additional imposter syndrome regarding himself. Most of the clones spent a fair amount of time side-eyeing Qui Gon, not being outright hostile (though some were more than others; Obi Wan could be a little too honest on certain types of painkillers so a few of the medics and some parts of ghost company have heard some less than stellar stories about Master Qui Gon Jinn). 
–Look I just want a few days of Obi Wan being pleasantly baffled at this large group of men who adore him and want to be around him and tell stories about how awesome he is (stories that he lived through, not just stories of his older self), particularly on the tail of the implied rejection from Qui Gon–
 They reach Naboo and the Trade Federation blockade is almost laughably easy to break. Several companies from the 212th are sent to liberate the camps the Nabooians are in.  Nute Gunray just straight up surrenders. Maul shows up but before he can fight anyone or lure the Jedi away, he is shot by a slug thrower carried by Cody.  It is all anti-climatic. 
At the precise moment that, in the original timeline, Qui Gon Jinn died, Obi Wan suddenly staggered to one side, bumping into Cody. 
He peered at the commander as he straightened back up, “Cody, you’re you again”. 
The Negotiator had arrived, straight from the Death Star.  
The memories settled in quickly, and Obi Wan had only a brief breakdown when he remembered what Cody had said about his method of freeing the clones. 
Obi Wan has details that Cody did not, like that Palpatine was the Sith (Cody knew that Palpatine was the Emperor but did not know he was Sidious, because no one actually told the chipped clones anything) but is also very unwilling to go to the Jedi temple, or even Coruscant. He outright tells Qui Gon and the Jedi High Council that if he steps foot on Coruscant he will hunt Palpatine down.
He also decides he will not be rejoining the Jedi (Though from the perspective of the Jedi he was leaving, not refraining from rejoining).  They will always be his family, but twenty years virtually alone in the desert had not been enough to wipe the memories of feeling Order 66 go into effect. It could not wipe the memories of the temple in the aftermath.  In fact in many ways he was less socialized than he had been and the thought of being around that many different beings was excruciating. 
When the 212th, complete with their general, depart from Coruscant (having dropped off Qui Gon Jinn) they leave with Anakin Skywalker (who no longer thinks he should be a Jedi. Qui Gon objects but is reminded that they do not compel or make anyone be a Jedi, it is a choice).  Obi Wan looks down at the 9 year old very seriously. 
‘I cannot teach you to be a Jedi’ Obi Wan says, ‘we cannot have the bond that I had with your counterpart, because I can’t guarantee that I will always see you instead of him. And you deserve far better than to be compared with my demons. I can teach you control, and we can collect your mother. Then we can see what the future holds.’
They do find Shmi and free her, she decides that she and Anakin will travel with the 212th for a time. This turns into something more permanent as her own maternal instincts kick in immediately upon meeting this battalion of physically 25 year olds with enough trauma for 6 times that amount. 
Their next stop, after picking up Shmi, is to head toward Kamino. By the time they reach it the CC’s have just been born, the first to be at double aging. The Alpha's are chronologically 6 months old and physically 18 months and the Null are chronologically 1 year, and physically 3 years old. They are even 2 years before the trainers arrive. The 212th collectively registers their complaint of their treatment in the previous timeline (they steal all the kids, Jango Fett, and genetic material; There may also have been some crude/rude phrases written in Kaminoan now decorating the halls of Tipoca city). 
To be entirely honest I am not sure how much this would fix and how much it would make it worse.  However I know that from here on out, everything is much much weirder.  –Ok Here’s a breakdown of the timeline as I use it: Cody is listed on Wookipedia as being born in 32 BBY, the same year as the Naboo Invasion. Wookipedia also lists Jango’s recruitment in 32 BBY. The Nulls and the Alpha’s were decanted before the CC, as far as I know and I wanted them to be significantly older than the CC. So the Alpha’s and the Null’s have triple aging. The Kaminoans realized their product would age past their prime for the war, we are running with the Kaminoans are fully complicit and know when Palpatine plans to spark off the war, too quickly. So they slowed the aging to double in the CC and CT batches. So early 32 BBY Jango Fett is recruited, The nulls are decanted 4 months later, the Alpha’s 4 months after that, and the CC’s that include Cody 4 months after that (their growth tubes matured at the same rate, though their aging was different ) at the very end of 32 BBY. The Naboo Invasion occurred in mid to late 32 BBY and travel time between Naboo and Kamino, with a stop at Tatooine puts the arrival of the 212th not long after the CC’s were decanted – 
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need-a-name-101 · 4 months
This is a hydra Peter Parker Au fanfic. 
my dumbass brain just forgot to put my fanfics on tumblr like great job dude.  
here is the summary.
Natasha Romanoff stood in the helicarrier. The shield headquarters, the one her old organization had vowed to take down. That was not her mission, her mission was to find what had been lost. She would, after all she is the black widow. One doesn’t become a master assassin, one feared by many without becoming good at finding.
Peter Parker is sixteen. He works at sister Margret's. He spend most of his day as spider-man, avoiding his past. Peter has many regrets in life. Not stopping the robber who killed his uncle, befriending Wade, stabbing that guy when he was five who turned out to be his trainer. But his biggest regret right now was somehow getting in SHIELD’s radar.
As one thing leads to another Peter's past is slowly creeping up on him and he doesn’t know that yet.
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myevilmouse · 8 months
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Luke surveilled the sea of carnage, breathing hard.  The slavers had placed thermal detonators in every holding crate.  At his appearance, they’d blown two before Luke’s lightsaber had severed any appendage capable of exploding more. 
The field of gore-spattered limbs and splintered debris underscored his failure, made it impossible to tell the difference between dead scum and murdered unfortunates.  Luke absently wiped the back of his hand under his nose, unsurprised at the bright red smudge that painted the skin.   
Desperate yells and banging shifted the Jedi’s focus. 
A nosebleed was nothing, and despite his failure, still-living slaves awaited rescue.
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reignof-fyre · 4 months
Book!Alicent: ambitious woman who wanted her son on the throne and emotionally and mentally abused a child to obtain her goals, began smear campaigns against Rhaenyra and rhaenyra's sons with absolutely 0 proof they were bastards, waved off Jace, Luke, and Joffrey's deaths as "bastard blood spilt in war" and wished rhaenyra would die in childbirth, demands lucerys' eye BEFORE Rhaenyra requests that aemond be questioned sharply about where he heard that jace, Luke, and joff were bastards
Show!Alicent: whitewashed victim-complex who had many traits that are, in actual fact, rhaenyra's. Boring. Bland. Religious fanatic.
Book!Rhaenyra: fully desires her birthright, the Iron Throne (and why shouldn't she?), delights in her feminism, never once wishes she was a boy to please her father, named heir at nine years old, adored by the smallfolk, best friends with laena velaryon, apple of her dad and uncle's eyes, is verbally abused and smeared by the greens because she has the audacity as a woman to know what she wants. Likely Jace and Luke are Laenor's with the Baratheon/Arryn looks because rhaenys has black hair and rhaenyra's grandfather was an arryn with brown hair *gasp* genetics is a thing
Show!Rhaenyra: indecisive about being heir, constantly wishes she was a boy, whitewashed and victimised and written blandly
Book!Daemon: morally grey anti-hero who loves his family and the targaryen Dynasty and does questionable things, loved by the smallfolk, adored by rhaenyra, raised a literal army to put his brother on the throne, had ample opportunity to overthrow viserys and never did, was thousands of miles away when rhea Royce died, loved laena, loved rhaenyra, loved his children, even rhaenyra's three sons, fought to the death for rhaenyra's claims
Show!Daemon: I am villain he-he
Book!Rhaenys: never held her not being named Queen against Rhaenyra, was disinherited by Jaehaerys, a bamf bitch who loved her family, openly and proudly supported rhaenyra, had black hair streaked with white
Show!Rhaenys: I shall take my anger out on an innocent party and hold onto my resentment for years and insist the succession crisis isn't my problem when my granddaughters are in danger by association because that makes sense
Book!Otto: plotted and schemed for years to have his blood on the throne and conspired with his equally conniving daughter to do so
Show!Otto: pretty much the same, yeah
Show!Aegon; drunk, sad-boy rapist chad
Book!Aegon: drunk, sad-boy rapist chad who refuses to take his sister's birthright
Show!Aemond: whitewashed victim sad-boy
Book!Aemond: cold, calculating sociopath who willingly and happily kinslayed his nephew Lucerys over an incident years in the past of his own making and went on to commit genocide in the riverlands and take Alys Rivers as his spoils of war
Show!Helaena: dragon dreamer baby girl
Book!Helaena; sorry, but she's actually pretty irrelevant but she's still a baby girl
Show!Daeron:...doesn't exist? Yet(?)
Boom!Daeron: just as sociopathic and murderous as aemond, also commits genocide by burning an entire village to the ground
Show!Laena: kind of just around???
Book!Laena: best friends with rhaenyra, also likely her lover, loved by Daemon and Rhaenyra both, did not die by ordering vhagar to burn her, actually died much more tragically, rider of Vhagar, all around bamf
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in-any-universe-ever · 2 months
so as someone who has been in the fandom from the begining I've some modern aus:
A moment alone by lockandkey a sexy modern au or Glass cases a longer more serious/fantasy au. Worth checking out other stuff by the author: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42804750/chapters/107528643https://archiveofourown.org/works/42664581/chapters/107172348
A losing game by monkkeyslut is a modern au, another author where all their works are well-written and worth a read: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44212429/chapters/111180982
Money, Power, Glory by Anonymous is THE gangsta au: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43075137
ask politely (clothing is optional) by corviids a hot streamer Luke au: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45052549
scream by 10tacles is an og author and wrote amazing HOTD and lucemond fic, check out their other stuff too:https://archiveofourown.org/works/42972819/chapters/107970216
The Holiday by Archimedesprinciple is a fic that everyone who has read is obsessed with. So good, a Christmas fluff feast that is also super witty: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42626853/chapters/107075508
The Key to Your Heart by Avonne is deeply touching and soft. This fic has some switching and buff Luke which goes against the fandom norm but well worth a go, small with the author's other works, especially their office series: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43177428/chapters/108518793
prize - this is THE Lucemond Bible, it had something like 10k kudos and was the most popular Lucemond (second most popular HOTD) fic until its deletion and reload. It’s available to read to anyone with an account here and it set many of the trends we see in fics now, captive Luke, Lemoncakes, pearls etc. it’s beautiful prose and well worth the hype: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51995536?show_comments=true#comments
Anywhere Where He Is - similar to prize this is an upload but the author is revising the text so it’s a little different but no less impressive a second time around. It’s ABO and also set many of the trends we see in the fandom now: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49875514
give you back to me - did for modern aus what prize did for canon fics. Set the dynamic of a thotty Lucerys and toxic Aemond that’s incredibly popular: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42408978
Love resembles a Misty Dream - a Lucemond big family, Aemond out the penis away please, arranged marriage classic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44101587/chapters/110891622
The Beast you’ve made of me - our current reigning number one fic is incredible and spans the dance of dragons ft. the most bamf Lucerys ever: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42640521/chapters/107109810
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🏛.ೃ࿐ READ ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES IS SWINGING ⸺ this is the first book in a pjo au that i am working on, it is based on the books AND is not really based on the tv show series as i started it months before the show came out. it starts in the titan's curse and thus contains spoilers (for those who have only watched the show) for the lightning thief and sea of monsters. it is a slow burn luke castellan fic, with a little bit of grover underwood sprinkled in although as i'm writing it, i am currently considering that luke/oc/grover be the end pairing in the series. only time will tell what the endgame pairing will be. currently the book is focusing on found family and the roll the oc plays in the pjo verse.
🏛.ೃ࿐ SYNOPSIS.▌ ❝Through out the three centuries that Sarah's been apart of the Hunters, she's come to realize that being a Demigod thoroughly sucked. Growing up as a child of Hades in the Puritan village of Salem, Sarah never once had it easy. But she had been happy, happy to be alive, happy to be apart of the Hunters. The threat of an impending war is imminent, and while Sarah is far from being at the center of it, the sword of Damocles still swings precariously over her head, for Sarah was a hero that had been happy for far too long. perhaps after three hundreds years of living a relatively joyful life for a Demigod, it was time for Sarah Willoughby to sacrifice something.❞
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHAPTERS.▌ Currently Published: 001 Prologue, 006 Chapters, 002 Misc. Chapters
🏛.ೃ࿐ CONTENT WARNINGS ▌Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Prophecy, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Families of Choice, Past Relationship(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Period Typical Attitudes, Internalized Homophobia, Historical Inaccuracy, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Percy Jackson has a Twin, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Original Character Death(s), Canonical Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Enemies To Lovers, Luke Castellan Redemption, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Injury, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Bianca di Angelo, Protective Siblings, Sibling Love, Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Monsters, Luke Castellan-centric, Original Character-centric, Complicated Relationships, Serious Injuries, Good Parent Hades (Percy Jackson), Necromancy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies
🏛.ೃ࿐ RELATIONSHIPS ▌Luke Castellan/Original Female Character(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hades/Original Female Character(s), The Hunters of Artemis & Original Female Character(s), Maria di Angelo/Hades/Persephone, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo & Original Female Character(s), Clarisse La Rue & Original Character(s), Grover Underwood & Original Character(s), Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHARACTERS ▌Original Child(ren) of Hades (Percy Jackson), Original Child(ren) of Apollo (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, The Hunters of Artemis, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Original Jackson Character(s), Original Child(ren) of Aphrodite, The Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Kronos, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Castor, Pollux, Chiron, Ethan Nakamura, Dionysus, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
🏛.ೃ࿐ AVAILABLE ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
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