#bastet is talking shit again
bastetwastaken · 5 months
Okay, so hear me out.
Enemies to lovers fic where Atem is a fallen prince desperate to prove himself so he can restore his families reputation and Yugi is the unfortunate one who gets sucked into his quest with him....
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Why people need to stop acting like Ana did nothing wrong
Listen, I love Ana, she's one of my favourite characters... but people need to stop acting like she's a saint. Specifically with her dynamic with Cassidy.
Cause yes, she's one of the few characters that acknowledges his trauma with Overwatch, yes, she acknowledges that he didn't really get a choice and that he was thrown from one bad situation to another.
But fans forget that she was complicit in it, she still trained him, he was still in Blackwatch until the day the Swiss base exploded and we shouldn't act like she couldn't have done anything about that. Because we saw that happen with Genji, he was moved from Blackwatch to Overwatch.
Also I think people forget that Ana only really started to feel guilt in the later years of Overwatch. This isn't just for Cassidy but literally every she did in Overwatch, including her mistreatment of Pharah, her pushing away her daughters dream in favour of her own wants.
I said this to my friend once, "The fact that Pharah takes after Cassidy more then Ana says a lot."
Said this in a previous post too, she could also be taking after her dad, but if that's the case it still says the same thing. Ana wasn't there enough or supported Pharah enough, there's a reason Pharah doesn't think Ana is proud of her.
Also, again something I mentioned in another post, but Ana, in Bastet, had no intention of reuniting with Pharah. It wasn't until after she met up with Cassidy that she met up with her. This implies to me that Cassidy was the one who talk Ana into talking with Pharah. Which also kind of explains why Cassidy his awkwardly off to the side during the Amari's conversation in "New Blood", along with his bitterness towards Ana. I would be bitter too if I had to talk my maternal figure into talking to her daughter again.
Not only that I think people gloss over the fact that at the very least Ana had an emotional affair with Reinhardt while she was married to Sam? Like, you don’t have the dynamic they had without years of romantic history.
I'm not going to touch on the shit she helped pit Mercy through as well cause I'm saving that for a Mercy centric post but the fact that Ana seems to brush off Angela's anger at her still using the biotic rifel is concerning.
Saying all this I do want to reiterate that Ana is one of my favourite characters and the reason for this is because she doesn't suffer from the same problem fans do. She's aware she fucked up and is trying to be better, yes she messes up but she's human, she feels like a real person trying to get better for herself and her loved ones. That's what I love about her. That fact that she's willing to change and acknowledge her faults is very heart-warming to me and I hope we get to see more of it when Story Missions come out.
The main reason I made this is the same reason I post about Cassidy. The fandom treating Ana like a saint over simplifies Ana's character to "everyone's mum/grandma" when in actuality she's a very complex, nuanced character.
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shibainu2006 · 2 years
Welcome to the queen's quarters!
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Requests are open!!
3 characters at a time
No smut
Only fluff, angst, and comfort
I do art as well!!
I take requests regarding my MC and yours as well!!
Depending on your request and how detailed it is, you'll either get a headcanon or x reader.
It's gonna be a surprise
I might not be able to get ideas for certain requests, so don't get your hopes up too high for it to be written. I wanna be able to give good quality, and sometimes my brain doesn't do what it should.
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Twisted Wonderland MC ✨️deep dive✨️ (will get updated every now and again)
Reign was born and raised on Earth. Y'all know this.
Before reaching Twisted Wonderland, she was taken from her own house, and taken to a special place in Egypt where they do rituals n shit to make you what is basically a vessel to one or more deities.
Reign didn't consent to this. Not even a lil.
Tattoos were painted on her back from pure molten gold.
One representing Sekhmet and the other Bastet.
Of course, after days of being there, and being treated like an actual goddess, she was brought to twisted wonderland.
She had no memory of this ritual, and only by Jamil's overblot did she learn of what abilities she had.
Turns out, she can take the form of the two goddesses, or turn into the animal they represent.
So lioness or cat.
The sad thing is that she has bad control and almost turned Jamil into a Magicam hashtag.
Eventually she does learn to control it, and can better use it to protect loved ones.
Of course, using these abilities takes a huge toll on her body if she does it long enough.
No. This is not magic.
No. The crimson flowers won't do a damn thing.
No. Riddle's unique magic can not stop her on a rampage.
Yes. She does remember Disney movies. History class can be quite a doozy when she's in the room!
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Physical strength: 10/10
Mental strength: 6/10
Emotional strength: 7/10
Magic: 0/10
Stamina: depends... what is she doing?
Leadership capability: 10/10
Patience for others: 5/10
Academics: 8/10
Potions: 9/10
History: 20/10
P.E: 3/10 (she will sit and do nothing)
Social skills: .... People are scary...
Empathy: 10/10
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Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 213 lbs
If sorted into a dorm: Savanaclaw
Age: 19
Favorite subject: History
Best subject: History
Least favorite subject: Physical education
Worst subject: physical education
Favorite activity: Drawing and literature
Favorite food: anything sweet
Least favorite food: Peas
Club: Basketball club
Floyd's nickname for her: Shachi-Chan (Orca)
Nicknames: Prefect, Herbivore, evil Prefect, mom, couch potato
Talent(s): Singing and drawing
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"You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?"
"I hate suck ups..."
"Your prefect has arrived to save the day... As per usual..."
"Y'all got a pool!?"
"We worked really hard on that...."
"If you wanna fight, then I'm right here."
"If another one of you overblots, I'm gonna commit a crime so heinous that even prisons won't know what to do with me"
"You're not alone, y'know.. I completely understand that feeling."
"Please stop..."
"I certainly would have lost my sanity without your help. Thank you!"
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Other MC's
My moots
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My sister
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WARNING: Any who act out of line here will be handed logic, get reported, and blocked.
ShibaInu2006's content: Do not copy my content. I will find out, and you will be publicly embarrassed for it. I'm not working hard just to be copied.
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station-118 · 5 years
Based off of a conversation I saw in the 911 fox tags between @eddiediaz-buckley​​ and an anonymous tumblr. I saw it and just had to write an imagine. Though I kind of ran with it and made it my own!
Summary: He's a 100% a dog person, but this mangy old three legged cat literally follows him into his apartment. Plops on the rug. Throws up on it. From there on Buck's a cat dad.
Part One, Part Two
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He’d been at the store getting grocery’s when he first saw the cat. Honestly the thing looked like it was ready to drop dead at any second. It had three legs, was missing half of it’s left ear, had a huge scar across its left eye, and was missing patches of its orange fur. He’d felt bad for the poor thing and had given it some of the bologna he’d bought.
He hadn’t realized the cat had followed him back down the block to his apartment until he opened the door and the cat raced passed him into the room. The cat had looked around for a moment at his place, seeming to size him up and judge him. Then the cat had made it’s way over to the rug between his sofa and the tv and had just plopped down. Then the thing proceeded to throw up on the rug.
Honestly Buck had no idea what to do. Had the thing just adopted him as it’s owner? Is this how people came to own cats. Did they just force their way into people’s homes and the people just say, ‘fuck it’ and let them stay? He stared at the mangy cat for a moment, and the cat stared back at him, it’s tail flicking around lazily. Then the cat turned away from him, jumped onto the couch, curled up, and went right to sleep.
“Well, looks like I’ve got a cat now,” Buck muttered, setting his bags on the table in the kitchen.
He cleaned up the vomit off his carpet, then put his grocery’s away. He’d have to go to a pet store to get supplies, and he’d have to find a vet to take the cat to. He didn’t know much about cats, but he knew it couldn’t be okay for the cat to be missing patches of fur. But hell if he knew anything about cats, he’s always been a dog person.
The next day he went to the pet store and bought a shit tone of stuff. Cat bed, water and food dishes, a dozen or so cat toys, a collar, cat food, cat treats, a cat carrier, and a scratching post. If he was going to have a cat then he was going to do it right and get the thing everything it could possibly need.
He set all of the cats things up in his apartment pretty quickly, and by the time he was done it looked like he’d always had a cat. And the cat had weaved around his legs, rubbing it’s head against his legs, and purred, almost as if to say thank you. He spent twenty minutes online looking up nearby vets before he found one close by that had a five star rating. He’d called and managed to get an appointment for the cat to see the vet two days from now.
Two days later found him standing in the vets office with his mangy old tabby cat. The vet had been a bit shocked when he’d first seen the cat, and Buck had explained how the thing had just followed him back to his apartment from the store and claimed him as his owner. The vet had laughed, shook his head, and began examining the cat. As it turns out the cat was female and had mange. The vet had prescribed a topical medicine to help with get rid of the mange. And then he’d gotten the shock of his life when the vet told him the cat was pregnant. So not only did he have one new cat, but soon enough he’d have several new cats.
He’d taken the cat home and had just sat on his couch staring at it for a good hour.
“Why me huh? I have no idea how to take care of a cat! And I’m not home half the time! I mean I could get Carla to stop by while I’m at work to feed you,” Buck muttered
The cat just flicked her tail at him and curled up on the couch and went to sleep. He still wasn’t sure what he wanted to call her. He was still thinking of names to call her when there was a knock at his door. He jumped off the couch, the cat giving him the stink eye for a moment for disturbing her sleep and rushed over to the door. He was surprised to see Eddie standing there with Christopher.
“Bucky!” Christopher shouted, hugging his legs.
“Hey buddy! What are you two doing here?” Buck asked, hugging the boy.
“I’ve got some stuff to do that I can’t bring Christopher with me for, and Carla isn’t available to watch him today. And you said you wanted to see him so I figured you wouldn’t mind watching him,” Eddie explained, shrugging his shoulders.
Buck couldn’t help but smile at this. He thought Eddie was never gonna want to talk to him ever again after the fight in the store several weeks ago.
“I don’t mind, we can hang out all day and play video games,” Buck stated, high fiving Christopher.
“Yeah!” Christopher cheered.
He moved passed Buck and towards the living room but stopped for a second when he caught sight of the cat sitting on the couch.
“You got a cat!” Christopher squealed, rushing over to the couch as fast as his crutches would let him.
He plopped down on the couch next to the cat and started to gently pet her. The cat leaned into his hand and began purring up a storm.
“You really committed to the lie huh?!” Eddie asked, staring at the cat his son was petting in disbelief.
“Huh?” Buck questioned, glancing over at Eddie in confusion.
“When you showed up at the store a couple weeks ago and you lied and said you where there to get cat laxatives for a cat you where going to adopt. You really committed to that lie and actually got a cat,” Eddie explained.
“Oh right that. Ugh I’d actually forgotten about that. This was a complete accident actually. The cat just followed me back from the store and waltzed right in and made herself at home in my apartment. Its actually more like she adopted me then the other way around,” Buck stated.
Eddie couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing, tears coming to his eyes at how hard he was laughing.
“Oh my god Buck, only you,” Eddie muttered, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“What’s her name Buck?” Christopher asked, glancing over at him.
“Ugh, I haven’t thought of one just yet. Hey, maybe you could pick out a name for her?” Buck suggested, walking over to stand next to Christopher.
Christopher beamed at this and glanced back over at the cat that was now curled up on his lap.
“Mhm… Bastet!” Christopher proclaimed, smiling down at the cat.
Buck glanced over at Eddie for a second, confusion on his face.
“He’s going through a phase. He’s really getting into Ancient Egyptian history and mythology. Bastet is the goddess of cats, home, fire, sunrise, music, dance, as well as family, children, pregnant women, and fertility,” Eddie explained.
“Oh! Well that’s a perfect name. And guess what. She’s gonna be having kittens soon,” Buck said, kneeling down next to Christopher so he was at eye level.
Christopher’s face lit up at the news and his smile got even bigger, if that was even possible.
“Can I help take care of them when they come?!! I’ll help look after them, and feed them, and pet them!” Christopher rambled, looking back down at the now named Bastet.
He stared at the cat like she was really the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess. Buck couldn’t help but smile at the boy.
“As long as your dad’s okay with it,” Buck stated.
Christopher glanced up at his dad with wide puppy eyes, and Eddie melted at the look unable to say no, not that he would have said no anyway.
“Yes, you can help Buck with the kittens when they get here,” Eddie agreed.
Christopher cheered, then went back to petting the sleeping cat.
“Well I’ve got to get going now. Good luck getting him to do anything other than pet that cat for the rest of the day,” Eddie stated, patting Buck on the shoulder.
He snickered as he made his way out of the apartment, and Buck couldn’t help but smile. It looked like things where finally getting back to normal with his and Eddie’s friendship after the lawsuit and the argument that ensued because of it. And it was all because of this cat that had adopted him as her owner…
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mitchiemoo · 4 years
Close Up-Part 2 (Johnny Joestar x Reader)
Summary:  You are an upcoming, young actress, starring in your first major film. For publicity, the studio suggests you begin a relationship with your co-star, British thespian Diego Brando. Reluctantly, you agree, and soon find yourself at odds with Johnny Joestar, former Hollywood star. After losing his career and the use of his legs, Johnny offers to help you achieve fame but cautions the price. Is it really the fame you want? Or something else?
Warnings: Explicit Language
Word Count: 3,360
Part 1
Dating Diego Brando had its perks.
It had been little more than a month since you and he started dating, long enough for you to acquire a taste for the finer things wealth and status could provide. Expensive restaurants, glamorous parties, exclusive events, it seemed like nothing was too good for Diego. At first, it was overwhelming. Before every important event, he lavished you with elegant dresses and designer shoes. You tried to protest but Diego insisted, claiming you were now a part of his carefully cultivated public image. “All they know is what we choose to show them, darling.” He said. “They’ll never know the real you.”
If you were honest, sometimes it felt like you barely knew the real Diego. You were supposed to be his girlfriend, but you knew nothing about his personal life, his hobbies outside of acting, or even his family. In front of the cameras, he played the role of doting boyfriend so well that you almost forgot this was all part of some publicity scheme. His charisma as an actor was undeniable but as a person, he was cold and distant, sometimes even awkward.
At first, it seemed your fear of being defined by this relationship was coming to fruition. Just a day after the fundraiser, pictures of you and Diego together appeared all over social media with articles like “Brando’s Mystery Girl” and “Who is she?” Your Instagram followers practically doubled over night and when you walked onto set that day, a pair of studio executives greeted you enthusiastically. Apparently, the studio heads were very pleased with your relationship and commented on how smart you looked together. You had smiled politely and thanked them before heading to your dressing room to get into costume.
This was supposedly for your benefit, but it felt like you were reduced to glorified arm candy. On the red carpet, you’d smile at the cameras and feign interest in what Diego was saying to the reporters as you clung to his arm. Occasionally, they’d ask what designer you were wearing or how filming was going, but mostly you were ignored in favor of your British boyfriend. So you were ecstatic when the studio managed to book you a solo interview with talk show host, Panacotta Fugo. This was your chance to really show off your own charming personality and cement yourself as a rising star.
The ultimate “fuck you” to Johnny Joestar.
You hadn’t forgotten his hurtful words and arrogant demeanor. At least Diego dressed up his arrogance with politeness and snark. Johnny clearly didn’t care who he insulted. His words echoed in your mind every time you practiced your lines or smiled into a camera and it made you hunger for fame more than the vintage wine and stately mansions ever could. Diego had whetted your appetite, Johnny stoked it into full blown hunger.
You really hoped you didn’t run into him tonight. It was Steven Steel’s 54th birthday party and Diego received an invite, courtesy of Steven’s young wife, Lucy. Even if Johnny was there, the mansion and its crowd were so large you could probably hide in plain sight and never cross paths. That was one thing you hated about these Hollywood parties. It felt like you weren’t nearly famous enough to mingle with most of the people there. Small talk was painfully awkward, and most of the time you were happy to let Diego dominate the conversation.
Currently, you were standing in the living room of the Steel mansion, clutching a cold drink and listening to Diego passionately explain the differences between a utahraptor and a velociraptor to a very confused Lucy Steel. Frankly, you weren’t sure how the subject of dinosaurs came up or where Diego learned so much about them. You zoned out partway through the conversation. It was hot and loud, and your feet hurt from standing all night. At least you weren’t in heels. For a leading man, Diego was shorter than average and very self-conscious about his height. All the shoes he bought you were either flats or had a two-inch heel. Not that you minded. Especially when you went to events like these.
Lucy, bless her, seemed to notice your red face and tired eyes. “Oh, are you alright?” She asked, touching your arm. “You look faint, do you need to sit down?”
You nodded weakly. “Yes, please. It’s very hot in here.”
Diego wrapped an arm around your waist. “Do you need to go home, love?”
“No, I’ll be fine if I can sit somewhere quiet for a bit.” You croaked out.
Lucy tugged you out of his embrace and led you through the crowds and down a maze of hallways. How could someone live in a place so large? Did she ever get lost? It was just her and her husband, why did they need so much space? What if you couldn’t find your way back to the party? She turned, suddenly, and pulled you into a small sitting room with two couches, a glass coffee table, and some paintings on the light-colored walls.
“Please, sit down. I’ll let in some air.” Lucy said, scurrying over to one of the windows to the right. She was so sweet.
You sat down on one of the couches and pressed your glass against your forehead. Why did people stop carrying fans with them? “You don’t mind if I take off my shoes, do you?” You asked her.
“No, not at all. I took mine off ages ago.” Had she? You weren’t paying attention. Most of your mental energy was diverted to acting like you were enjoying yourself. You set your glass down on the table and slid out of your shoes. Much better.
“Stay here as long as you need to. I have to get back to the party.” Lucy said, apologetically. "It was nice meeting you."
“Oh, I’m sure Diego’s dying to finish his paleontology lecture.” You told her.
She failed to suppress her giggles. “He’s so devoted to you. You two make such a good couple.”
You resisted the urge to scoff and forced out a smile. Sometimes you forgot how your relationship appeared to others. Wholesome and loving, far from the pragmatic business deal it really was. You’d take it as a compliment. “Thank you, we’re very happy together.”
Lucy disappeared around the corner and you were left alone. You sighed and tucked your legs up underneath you. No one told you fame was lonely. It was isolating, being on the brink of stardom, knowing this role could make or break your career depending on how you marketed yourself. Were you really ready to tackle this interview all on your own? You’d been telling yourself this was what you wanted but would you know what to do? You desperately needed guidance, someone who understood what it was like.
“Oh, hey.”
You looked up and locked eyes with the last person you wanted to see tonight.
Johnny Joestar.
Who invited him? Your heart pounded in your chest and suddenly the room felt like it was 100 degrees. Out of all the rooms in this place, he had to pick this one? And how had he managed to sneak up on you like that? A scowl crept onto your face and you moved to pick up your discarded shoes. Time to leave.
“Wait,” He said. “I’ve been lookin’ for you all night. But it’s hard to maneuver crowds in this thing.”
You crossed your arms. “What do you want? To humiliate me again?” You asked. He wouldn’t catch you off guard this time. If he started throwing insults, you’d retaliate with your own. At least, that’s how it went when you thought about it in the shower.
Johnny looked down at his lap and ran a hand through his wavy blond hair. “About that. I wanted to apologize for what I said at the fundraiser. It was completely out of line and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.”
Your expression softened a bit. He was…apologizing? You didn’t think someone like Johnny ever apologized. This definitely wasn’t in your shower script.
“I know this doesn’t excuse my behavior, but I’d been drinkin’ beforehand, and Diego brings out the worst in me. Seeing you with him made me mad ‘cuz I think you could do so much better.” He continued.
You raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you basically said I didn’t have ’star material.’”
“You don’t.” He said bluntly. “But you have potential, which is why I wanna help you.”
“I don’t want your help." You stated. "I forgive you for what you said at the fundraiser so don’t insult me further by saying I can’t do this on my own.”
“I’m not insulting you. I’m speaking from experience. Right now, you’re in a dangerous spot. What happens if Diego breaks up with you tomorrow? You haven’t established yourself yet so say good-bye to the fancy parties and red-carpet events. You’d lapse back into obscurity.” Johnny said.
“I’m more than just arm candy, you know. Next week I have an interview and Diego won’t be there.” You told him.
“Who’s it with?” Johnny asked.
“Uh, some guy named Panacotta Fugo.” You replied. “I mean, he’s not exactly Mariah Bastet but he has a decent following.”
Johnny’s brows furrowed. “Ain’t he on that really intellectual show where they talk about ‘the deeper meaning’ of films? I heard the guy’s a real Jekyll and Hyde. Super nice one minute and the next he’s rippin’ out your throat for using the word ‘less’ instead of ‘fewer.’”
“I’ll be fine, thank you. I can be very charming and intellectual.”
“See, this is what I mean.” Johnny said. “Doesn’t matter how charming you are. Interviews aren’t like acting, you don’t get a script. If you freeze under pressure or can’t think of a good answer, you’ll flounder around up there and make a fool of yourself.”
“How hard can it be? It’s a tv interview, not a master’s dissertation. All I have to do is answer a few questions about the movie, tell a few little stories, and look nice.” You knew what you were doing. You'd seen plenty of interviews before.
Johnny sighed and reached inside his dark blue suit jacket. He pulled out a pen and a paper napkin and started writing.
“What’re you doing? I don’t want your autograph.” You said.
Johnny shook his head and muttered something under his breath. He returned the pen to his pocket and wheeled over to you. “Here.” He held out the napkin. “It’s my phone number. If you change your mind, call me. No judgement.”
You searched his face. It was still set in a hard scowl but nothing in his expression suggested any sort of malice towards you. His eyes practically pleaded for you to take it. Was this his way of making up for his behavior at the fundraiser? A part of you wanted to accept. Johnny had been in the business a long time; he knew what he was doing. But your pride wouldn’t let you accept. You wouldn't be satisfied with success unless you were the sole reason for it.
“I said I don’t need your help. Keep it.” You said, hardening your expression.
“Christ, woman, take the damn napkin.” He replied. “I wanna help you.”
“Because I wanna make things right between us.”
“Fine.” You snatched the napkin from his grasp and grabbed your shoes off the floor. You couldn’t be in the same room as this man anymore. “The interview is at 8 o’clock Saturday night, if you’re interested.”
“I’ll be watching. Good luck.”
You stood up and brushed past Johnny. His eyes followed you out of the room, shoes in one hand, napkin clenched in the other. You weren’t sure whether to burn it or trash it. Burning it would be more dramatic, but Johnny himself belonged in the trash. You weren’t a charity case and didn’t Johnny himself say no one in the industry really cared about you. He’d eat his words. Or you’d eat yours.
You were surprised to learn the green room wasn’t actually green.
Instead, the walls were an off white, beige color and the floor tiles were made of linoleum. You were seated on one of the two black leather couches, anxiously fiddling with the plain gold bracelet around your wrist and bouncing your leg. There were a variety of drinks available, both hot and cold, and although you were thirsty, you didn’t want to miss your cue to go on-stage because you were in the bathroom.
Your eyes were glued to the tv screen in the corner of the room. It was tuned into commercials now which meant you were due to go on at any minute. Despite reassurances from both your agent and Fugo himself, your stomach was tying itself in knots. You weren’t intimidated by Fugo, who was very proper and polite despite his eccentric fashion sense and scholarly demeanor, nor were you worried about the crowd. You were worried about yourself. This was all you. You couldn’t just look pretty on Diego’s arm and let him lead the conversation. If you came off as aloof or empty headed, nothing would save you.
“We’re ready for you, miss.” One of the stagehands poked his head in and beckoned for you to follow.
With a shaky sigh, you stood up, glanced in the mirror on the opposite wall, and smoothed the creases of your dark skirt. Just breathe, you told yourself. This was no different from being on set with Diego and the director. There were just a few more cameras and a whole lot of extras.
You waited just off stage as the studio lights turned on and Fugo faced the cameras. “Welcome back, everyone.” He said coolly, adjusting his collar and straightening his tie. “Our next guest is a Hollywood newcomer. Starring alongside Diego Brando in one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year, please welcome…” Fugo announced your name to the crowd and the stagehand nudged you out onto stage.
You were greeted by a round of applause as you made your way across the stage to the empty armchair beside Fugo. He greeted you with a small smile and a strong handshake. “It’s so nice to have you here.” He said.
“Thank you for having me today.” You replied, settling into the chair.
“So, this is your first major movie role, correct?” You nodded. “How are you dealing with all the new attention? What’s it been like for you?”
You bit your lip as you tried to formulate an answer. “Oh, it’s been difficult to adjust but I’m lucky to be surrounded by supportive people.”
“That’s important. You need people like that to keep you grounded.” Fugo shuffled the papers on his desk and you visibly relaxed. If all the questions were this easy, you could totally handle this. “Phantom Blood is one of my favorite novels. Robert E. O. Speedwagon weaves such a compelling narrative and Norisuke Higashikata is such a revolutionary director, I’m very excited to see how he’s going to adapt the pervasive themes of social inequality and classism. Can you tell us about that?”
You thought this was a typical Victorian love story with supernatural elements. Classism? Social inequality? Sure, Elena’s love interest, Dorian, is a poor tailor who leaves her to seek fortune in India and his rival, Jonah, is a wealthy merchant who deals in exotic goods, but you certainly weren't aware of any major societal commentary. There were vampires, for Christ's sake.
Your silence prompted Fugo to clear his throat and ask another question. “Are you a fan of the book too?”
You laughed, nervously. “Well, I was supposed to read the book in high school, but it was super long, so I just used SparkNotes to pass the quizzes.”
Dead silence. Your heart sank and the laughter died in your throat. Why wasn’t anyone laughing? Usually anecdotes like that got a huge laugh out of the crowd and showed how endearing and relatable you were. This had the complete opposite effect. Now you looked like a vapid, lazy, slacker who didn’t care about the source material at all.
Fugo looked genuinely offended. “You’ve never read the book?” He asked, eyebrows knitting together.
“Well, I, uh.” You tried to stutter out an explanation. “Th-the, um, writing was hard to follow, and the author kept going off on these weird tangents that didn’t have anything to do with the plot.”
“Those ‘tangents’ are part of the stream of consciousness narrative that Speedwagon as an author is so known for.” Fugo stated. “How are you supposed to faithfully portray Elena as a character if you haven’t read the source material?”
Your heart was pounding in you ears and you felt sick to your stomach. Fugo was making you feel like a complete idiot and you were proving him right. What were you even supposed to say? You couldn’t bullshit or make something up, he’d know. You took a deep breath and swallowed. Calm down. Stuttering and blurting out incomplete sentences would only make things worse. “As an actress,” you started. “I feel like an adaptation of any work should be able to stand on its own without having to access the source material. It should be judged by its own merit as a film, not by how well it adapts the book.”
You wrung your hands together in your lap as you watched the gears in Fugo’s head turn. “Of course, changes will have to be made.” He said. “But at what point does it cease to be an adaptation and instead take on a different identity? If the characters have the same names but wildly different personalities, can they really be considered the same characters?”
“I-I don’t know.” You were practically shamed into silence.
Fugo was still talking. “Say, if you wanted to adapt a Shakespeare play, let’s say Macbeth, and instead of being strong-willed and clever, Lady Macbeth was a passive character who wasn’t invested in her husband’s plot to take over Scotland or he was a content courtier with no ambitions.” Suffice to say, you hadn’t read that book either. “Isn’t your co-star, Diego Brando, a Shakespearean trained actor? What would he think?”
He was probably enjoying this. You could practically see him propped up in his bed, wearing a smoking jacket and a smug look on his face. He was probably drinking some expensive red wine that cost more than your rent and the next time he saw you; he’d chastise you for going off script like this. Diego claimed you weren’t ready for something like this when you’d told him but said he wouldn’t stop you from doing it if you were determined. Maybe you should've listened...
Tears welled up in your eyes. No, you wouldn’t cry. Not on camera. But the lump in your throat was right there and if you answered, you knew you’d lose your composure. Hadn’t you been humiliated enough? You just wanted to go home and die.
Your saving grace came in the form of one of the producers. He turned Fugo’s attention away from you and pointed at his watch.
His mood changed so fast it gave you whiplash. “Time for a commercial break everyone. Our next guest will be on…”
As soon as the lights dimmed, you rushed off stage and back to the green room to grab your things. That was a train wreck. A complete mess. You sneaked out the back door and hailed a cab. The tears were falling freely now, and the cab driver gave you a sympathetic look as you choked out your address. At that moment, you were questioning your whole career.
You reached into your purse and fished out a tissue. You went to wipe at the tears before you noticed how thick it was. It was a napkin and there was writing on it. Oh. You completely forgot about that. In blue ink was a number and a name.
Johnny Joestar
You swallowed your pride and dialed the number.
Tumblr doesn’t seem to like me. Maybe it’s because I’m new but my posts never seem to show up under the tags. Oh well. I update this story on Ao3 every Friday night if you wanna check me out over there. Thanks for reading!
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
Gods’ Children AU
OOPS IT’S ANOTHER AU. Lol will I ever stop thinking of these? Probably not. 
So yeah, once again, I in my infinite sappy dorkiness have come up with yet another KISSteria AU. I’m only a little sorry if this is incredibly stupid, but I thought it was a good idea, so I decided to write it out. Shout out to @cosmicrealmofkissteria for letting me ramble to her about this AU idea a couple weeks ago :) Hope you guys enjoy this!
So in this AU:
The Gods of Sphynxia’s pantheon are all regular old mortal humans. They’re just humans, that exist on Earth, and do human stuff.
The Patron Gods of the Warrior Troupe, however, are their parents. 
What does this look like, you ask? WELL... 
Set and Sekhmet have the kind of relationship where everyone’s lost as to how Sekhmet puts up with him.
They bicker like, a lot.
But that’s just how they work. There’s no malice in their bickering, and they would rather hurt themselves than even dream of hurting each other. And if it ever does turn into a full-blown fight, they’re able to work it out eventually (it definitely involves angry sex).
Also Sekhmet doesn’t put up with Set’s shit, because she’s kind of a badass.
Set owns a biker joint, and used to be a biker himself, but left his gang after he opened his bar. He was known as the gang’s resident hothead with a “temper of chaos”.
Sekhmet is a kickboxing instructor that used to be a full-time prizefighter. She doesn’t anymore, however.
Bomani is their adopted son; his parents were murdered when he was very young. Set and Sekhmet were their next-door neighbors in the apartment building they lived in, and offered to take him in afterwards.
Well, I say offered; it was more like they fought like hell to make it happen because they were both VERY aware of what the foster system is like, and Bomani was so young and for crying out loud hE JUST LOST HIS PARENTS.
The murderer is, thankfully, in prison. For a while he received letters from both Set and Sekhmet that… let’s just say if the murderer got killed while in prison, the letters would lead to Set and Sekhmet being potential suspects.
Sekhmet and Bomani are the only people you’ll ever see Set be soft around. Everyone else gets his “I have no feelings dumbfuck” side. But it doesn’t change the fact that he would take a bullet for either of them. 
Sobek and Thoth are awkward soft gays that are a beautiful blend of jock and intellectual.
They actually knew each other in high school, and funnily enough had crushes on each other. They ran into each other years later, realized their old feelings were still there, and started dating… and years later they got married.
They like… almost never fight. Sure, they debate, and when they’re tired they’re a little snippy, but they almost never argue. And when they do, they talk it out and have sweet make-up sex afterwards.
Sobek is a professional swimmer and is seriously dedicated to it. The amount of trophies and medals he has is certainly proof of that. Maybe he’s not the quickest-thinking person, but give him time and he can come to a solution for a problem eventually.
Thoth owns a bookstore that has a pretty respectable vintage collection. He’s probably the definition of academia. He’s very smart, has a career as a bookbinder and loves to read, and can quote word for word the beginning paragraph of Pride and Prejudice and the entirety of The Tell-Tale Heart. He’s a skinny, glasses-wearing guy who has really nice handwriting, and loves his husband and son.
(And no, he totally doesn’t stare shamelessly at Sobek when he’s not wearing a shirt… just kidding he totally does)
Dalila is their son, born from a surrogacy, that again, both of them would take a bullet for. They both love to smugly boast about him taking after them; he’s a really good swimmer, and he loves to read.
One of their biggest “proud dads” moments was when Dalila got sent to the office by his first-grade teacher after he kept speaking out in class… by protesting that Christopher Columbus didn’t actually discover America and his voyage led to Indians becoming slaves. (The teacher, of course, neglected to mention that part) 
Ptah and Khonsu are long-term boyfriends that banter with but will raise hell for each other and for Masika.
Like with Set and Sekhmet, they banter, a hell of a lot, but there’s never any malice in there.
What’s funny is, whenever they do argue, usually it’s about a little ridiculous thing. And there will without fail be a point where they stop, take a step back, think about what they’re doing… and crack up laughing.
Ptah is an architect, and he does a very good job; his architectural firm has gained a lot more clients thanks to him. He also likes to build things himself.
Khonsu is an ethologist with a specialty in nocturnal animals. He is very passionate about his job; he will literally go on rants about how intelligent bats actually are and how people zombify them simply because of their connection in fiction to vampires. One time it actually led to him calling someone out on their evident racism, and to Ptah dragging him out of the room before he got into a fistfight.
Masika is actually Ptah’s godson. Though a series of unfortunate and very messy events for all involved, Masika was transferred into Ptah’s custody, and he and Khonsu now co-parent him.
Officially it’s co-parenting; but Masika’s considered them his actual parents for years now.
Masika has a troublemaking streak, and likes to pull admittedly-impressive pranks on people. Ptah blames Khonsu as an enabler, and Khonsu doesn’t protest that because he knows it’s true.
Not that Ptah can say anything—he loves Masika.
Their snark definitely rubbed off on Masika; there’s been many a time where he’s come home with a note from his teacher for being “disrespectful”.
But as mentioned before, even though he’s a snarky, wild little shit, both Ptah and Khonsu would raise hell for him. 
Isis and Horus are… pretty much couple goals. They’re a dynamic duo. They’re so in sync with each other. They just… work.
Basically they’re the relationship everyone wishes they had, and that some people are skeptical of its existence.
Isis is a therapist, and has a big clientele because of how good of a therapist she is.
Horus is an ornithologist—or as Sobek calls him, a bird nerd. In fairness, he really loves to study birds. His office is filled with statues of different birds, posters of bird anatomy, the works.
They adopted Vinneketh as their son when he was a little boy. Vinneketh was literally dropped off at an orphanage by his parents, who never explained why and instead just left him there. This, as a result, left him with deep abandonment issues.
And his biological parents better hope they never run into Isis and Horus, because these two are prepared to fight them over this.
A memory that still breaks their hearts to think about is from about a month after they adopted Vinneketh. He decided he was going to wash the dishes for his new parents, and while doing so accidentally dropped and broke a plate. He instantly burst into tears, desperately apologizing and begging them to not send him away.
It’s still a long and winding road, and has involved a lot of therapy and gentle reassurance, but Vinneketh is doing much better.
Also, in the future: Bastet and Hathor are the lesbian power couple that declare themselves Ayesha’s moms, since she already has two dads. Vinneketh and Demon know better than to argue against that. Ayesha’s just stoked to have two moms alongside her two dads. 
In summation: all these couples would all take a bullet and/or raise hell for their sons. So even though they may not be their biological parents, they’re incredibly capable of loving them just as much as a parent should.
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bastetwastaken · 2 months
Writing for fandom is a real struggle right now, but I've been working on something not fandom related and that has been helping.
If I don't ever manage to get back to fandom writing, I want you all to know that I appreciated every moment I got to share with you. TW: Injury, blood loss, reference to drug use.
Everything hurt.
He didn't think he'd ever experienced pain like this. It was blinding, burning, maddening…unending.
He dragged himself another few feet, his body sliding across the floor littered with shattered glass and who knew what else, then his arms gave out. His too hot face pressed to the cool surface under him was almost a relief, and had the pain been more manageable he might have even enjoyed the feeling.
His eyes slipped closed, he was so tired… but how was he meant to fall asleep when everything hurt so damned much?
A sound drew his attention, the clatter of something metal on the wooden floor and he forced his eyes back open, had he knocked something over? No, he wasn't moving. More noises of shattering glass and thuds against the floor reached him as the man moved around the next room. That's right, he was here.
He opened his mouth to call for them, to ask for help but his voice was hoarse from screaming earlier, throat sore from crying and it burned with whatever cocktail of drugs he'd taken.
Ah, yeah.
He remembered now.
With a sigh he pulled his arms under him and pushed, groaning as he forced his upper body off the floor. With what felt like a tremendous effort he turned himself around, his back hit the wall behind him with a dull thud. The noises in the other room paused, but then continued soon after.
A sharp pain stabbed through his stomach and into his chest, drawing a strangled gasp from his lips.
Isn't dying meant to be painless?
No one answered his unspoken question.
More frantic sounds came from the other room but he couldn't bring himself to care anymore.
Here, slumped against the wall, sharp glass from the mirror he'd smashed stabbing into his thigh and who knew how many different drugs tearing apart his insides, he felt strangely at peace.
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tu’er headcanons that i probably should’ve done and posted along with the main oc post but it’s too late now
can i just say that he’s short lol. taller than awilix by a few cm
sentimental as hell, his temple is cluttered with lots of offerings. he’s kind of a hoarder but shhh
big tea lover, adores holding tea parties and little get togethers in his temple. naturally loves bubble tea as well 😌
natural recluse, aphrodite keeps trying to drag him out of his shell but he’s just a loser like that. also hates drawing attention to himself
yes he listens to pop music. do you really think a gay rabbit twink wouldn’t stan loona?
very private about his past. he won’t tell anyone.
good memory! you’ve got to have one when you’re matching people around the world anyways
cordial but distant relationships with most of the gods. hates violence so he won’t talk with the more chaotic gods at all. he’ll work with them in battle but not anymore than he has to
a cardio bunny, does a lot of running in some terribly short shorts. does a lot of gymnastics as well, it’s partly an excuse to wear bright lycra but being real flexible comes in handy in many different situations
sensitive hearing. you guess why :P
eyes change colour from red to light pink according to what mood he’s in. red is happy, negative emotions are very pale reds and positive & romantic emotions equal bright pinks
can change his appearance to some extent - can remove the bunny ears and tail (as he’s not actually a rabbit god, just somewhat associated with them)
romantic/god relationship/nsfw stuff below the cut!
romantic headcanons
naturally he’s very romantic. loves a big gesture but definitely not anything too gaudy or attention grabbing, something like chocolates and a teddy bear is very up his alley
subtle flirt, says little comments and compliments here and there to test the water then he pounces (or bunny hops?). he’ll keep up with whatever you’ve got if he’s looking for something carnal and isn’t afraid to talk dirty to get what he wants out of you
but if he’s romantically interested then’s he’s very easily flustered and embarrassed. he’ll only do that if he’s really into you though~
moves very slowly in a relationship but he falls in love quickly. it’s always been an issue for him but he’s learnt a lot of self-control so you’ll have to really show your dedication to him to gain his trust
god relationship stuff - kinda nsfw lol
also if someone isn’t included that doesn’t mean i hate them (hi cu chu...) i just got tired and these are the more obvious relationships i thought about lol. maybe send in an ask about other gods ;^)
achilles - gay alliance 🙏 they have that gay relationship where there’s a lot of flirting but they’re just having fun. tu’er shen recommends romantic things for achilles to do so he can get those brownie points (and he’s totally on the threesome list for achilles and patroclus lol)
amaterasu - friends! they like to geek over cute things while they go shopping with each other and tu’er shen helps pick out outfits for her dates. they often have tea together as well :)
aphrodite - they’re very close friends, they also have a mentor relationship. they’re very emotionally open with each other and it’s very common to find them talking to each other over tea. both will hunt you to the ends of the earth if you talk shit about the other
apollo - another gay alliance 🙏 apollo brings out the fun in tu’er shen and they do a lot of dumb stuff together. tu’er shen still dunks on apollo tho as he can never get a partner cuz he’s a clown. and they’ve messed around before, usually it’s for some god who wants to see two twinks making out (or doing something worse!) ;^)
bacchus - the top to tu’er shen’s bottom. yet another gay alliance 😳🙏 essentially just apollo but more intense. tu’er shen has done a lot of kinky stuff at bacchus’ parties that he says he regrets but they both know he likes being a thot lmao
bastet - like aphrodite but more playful and fun. tu’er shen basically knows that if he goes to visit bastet and they go out that he’ll end up having a one night stand somewhere and he’s not mad about it. tu’er shen gets teased a lot by bastet as well :^)
chang'e - a very quiet and peaceful relationship. sometimes chang’e will drop in for tea and they’ll spend some time enjoying each others company, otherwise they’re not super close. they’ll acknowledge each other with a nice smile and wave :) also tu’er shen really adores her relationship with hou yi as well (duh!) but less likes talking to hou yi cuz he’s a bit cocky
cupid - i refuse to write anything about this bobblehead lmao. cupid’s probs jealous about all that extra time tu’er shen is spending with aphro but he pros doesn’t care that much otherwise cuz he’s more popular lol
freya - just like aphrodite and bastet but tu’er shen sees her less. tu’er shen is a bit intimidated by her but whenever they get to talk they get on very very well. lots of romantic fluff between them
essentially aphro, bastet and freya are trying to get tu’er shen a boyfriend but he won’t let down his walls so getting laid is a decent alternative lmao. also aphro/bastet/freya and tu’er shen spend a day every few weeks watching romance films and naturally they’re common guests for tea :)
mercury - not a very close relationship (like chang’e!) but tu’er shen sometimes has him over for tea when he gets time between serving as a delivery boy as merc makes tu’er shen laugh. they might’ve messed aroudn a few times but it’s very casual :^)
mulan - one again they’re not super close but tu’er shen likes to help mulan take a break every now and then and she updates him on what’s happening. tu’er shen basically idolises mulan as well, he’s a bit starstuck by her whenever they talk lol
neith - they’re pretty close actually! they have a lot of things in common and they often hang around mortals any play matchmaker or just pretend to be human. it’s all very fluffy lol
nu wa - same as mulan, tu’er shen is very in awe of how regal and powerful she is. rarely do they meet up together but nu wa is a very smart and witty guest who sometimes knows tu’er shen better than himself
raijin - i mean... naturally i ship them but outside of that i will say that tu’er shen disliked him at first because he’s so loud and rowdy but seeing how friendly and loyal raijin is + them mascles + the fact that he’s just fighting for fun unlike many other gods makes him develop a lil ~crush~ on raijin. if i’m not shipping them together then they’d have tea together that would lead to casual sex lol
but yes, i’m shipping them together so suck it lmao. essentially they’re the bara jock and twink prep pairing which is how god intended it to be :^)
ravana - same thing as raijin inviting people in for ‘tea’. tu’er shen knows that if he really wants to get dominated he’s gotta see ravana in private and ravana is always ready... it’s rare when bunny boy has that urge but when he does they do stuff that’s intense enough for apollo to blush :^)
serqet - fashion. style. runway. nouns! they’re style buds and they help pick out outfits for each other and she comes around often for tea to gossip together~ he’s also a bit imtimdated by her but she’s very nice to him lol
tu’er shen likes to help neith and serqet make and try on outfits. that’s also how he’s got all those sexy bedroom outfits...
nsfw stuff :^) i mean who else is gonna write it lol
i like saying he’s a bottom but he’s vers and bottom leaning. adjusts accordingly for his partner as he’s happy to do whatever
flexible, no gag reflex, etc etc. he’s a pro and he knows it.
he doesn't actually have that much sex though as he’s (mostly) reserved. he is basically horny at all times but extremely good at controlling himself
prefers long sessions where he can release all that pent up energy and really get his partner to enjoy themselves and get into the lovin’ mindset. is ready to go again and again and again otherwise...
big collection of sex toys. it’s how he spends all that time alone...
loves roleplaying and wearing femme outfits. stockings are hot :^)
and with that eye colour thing, hot pink is when he’s really turned on <3
semen kink, actually likes swallowing. he likes a big finish, what can i say
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FIC: Surpassed All Men VI
“We need to get going.” The greeting was somewhat sharp, sharper for sure than Jo had ever heard from the other, as she looked up from her seat underneath the big, broad tree on the corner of the property. Jo raised a brow as she finished chewing the last of her millionaire's shortbread, giving the other an equally sharp look to the tone. “Come on, up and at them - we’re running late as it is.”
“Oh hi Gabe, how are you? Oh, that’s good, I’m goin’ fine - shit’s just been a little weird, nothin’ too bad. What’ve you been up to? Oh, interesting. Me? I’ve been doin’ nothing much just waitin’, pining even, for your return.” Jo found herself replying sarcastically, raising a brow up at the other as he stared down at her, his own lips twitching slightly. There was a hand held out to her, and pulling herself to her feet with his help, she brushed off the back of her plaid skirt. Jo smiled a little as she looked up at the impatient and almost nervous look she thought she could identify on the other’s face, tilting her head up at him. “I’m guessing you’ve got an answer for me?”
“That I do, gorgeous, and I’ve got a meeting to take you to.” “So, what’s happenin’ to me and what meeting?” “Meeting of your new kind, Jo, and I’ve got the very good pleasure of welcoming you to the club of the divine.”
“Is this about Grey researching gods and god-lore lately?” Jo raised a brow and found herself frowning as the other gave a customary wiggle of his in return. “Oh yippee, guess I’m goin’ to need to avoid wooden stakes for a while, right?”
Gabriel let out a laugh as he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm as he guided her back towards the remote country house that she’d lived in for almost three decades. “Pretty much, gorgeous, and now we get to go introduce you to your new compatriots-”
“My what?” “The others of your kind, clearly. You know, like if you were a lovey-dovey girl I’d take you to meet Aphrodite and Bastet and-” “Rati?”
Jo laughed at the whistle that the archangel gave her along with that eyebrow wiggle as he looked down at her.
“Trust you to go for Karma’s consort, Jo.” Gabe let out a laugh of his own shaking his head. “Just another example of exactly why you’re in the group your in I guess that you went straight to the kinky sex goddess.”
“What? I’m real bendy these days and I really would like some pointers.” Jo blinked up at him innocently, grinning widely as the other let out yet another loud laugh before Jo asked, “You said an example of my group?”
“Why gorgeous, you’re part of my favorite crowd,” Gabe responded gently as he finished laughing, shaking his head before patting her hand. “You, my dear, are part of my old crowd.”
“Oh, I’m not-” “Yes you are, Jo, you are-” “A fuckin’ Trickster?” “Only the best option there is, gorgeous. Now, let’s get going-”
The diner was so stereotypical. It felt like an old shoe to Jo as she walked through the door, ducking under Gabe’s arm as he’d held the door open, and breathed in the smell of day-old pies, grease and the bitter scent of burnt coffee.  It was just like the places she frequented on the road and would sit for hours with her laptop, a local paper, and a white chipped coffee cup getting refills before leaving a 200% tip when she’d leave. However, those were usually filled with other patrons dotted around at the booths rather than completely empty except for the one supernaturally elongated booth and no servers insight.
“Oh fuck, this is gonna be like the last time-” “Shh!”
Jo found her mouth covered by a heavy palm for a moment as she started to comment, reflecting on the last time she walked into a room full of gods before Gabe looked at her until she nodded sharply at his finger over his own lips.
Dropping his hand, the archangel turned back towards the group with a flourish of his arms out wide and dramatic with the air he always seemed to fill up the space that made Jo smile to see, before they went straight back into his pockets as he approached the table. “Well, well well, look who we have here,” Gabriel spoke cheerily as he approached, though Jo could see the sharp set to his shoulders and back as if he wasn’t as calm as he was projecting to be. “Is it just me, or is there not enough pie here?”
There was a moment as Jo shuffled a few feet back behind the other towards the table, and tilting her head as she tried to assess who on earth might be sat about the space. None of those facing the door looked familiar, and the looks of surprise or bemusement on those faces seemed at least not as concerning as the serious talk the angel had given her while she’d gotten ready for this meeting. That was until she spotted the slightly pointed ears and then noticed the familiar sneer as one of the gods, or rather, tricksters turned his head.
“Oh, you have got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” Jo heard herself snarling the words out before she realized she had spoken and already broken her silent promise to let the archangel make the first signs of greeting. She blinked and found herself standing at the open end of the large C-curved booth, hands slammed heavily on the tabletop with the cake tin she’d held smacked down with it, as she stared heatedly towards the one trickster she recognized all too well. “What the fuck is the motherfuckin’ fairy doin’ here? Didn’t go you cryin’ off into fairyland after last fuckin’ time?!”
The fairy had his head twisted towards her at that point, dark brown eyes fixated and heated with a longstanding fury in them as she stared back equally hatefully. “Where got’st thou that goose look?” Puck snarled the words out, staring back at her something fierce, before he added spitefully, “Please tell me the dumb blonde isn’t who this meet-and-greet is about, Crow you foul lying bird.”
“Oh, it is the girlfriend-” “For the last time, Whiskey, she’s not my girlfriend.” “Regardless, it is the one Puck got all snippy and quiet about then, right?”
Jo barely twitched at the talking happening around her as she continued the fierce, staring contest with the fairy-trickster, lip curled into a nasty snarl as she stared back before two large hands tugged her back from the side of the table closest to the sneering boy-man. Shaking her head, Jo shrugged out of the archangel’s hold before she looked back up towards him with an angry look and a raise of her brow. “Really? You warned me ‘bout behaving myself around the rest of them but neglected to mention the fairy asshole who kidnapped my daughter was goin’ to be here?”
There was a pause before she watched the other run a hand over his face with a deep sigh before the sound of raucous laughter from the table started up - voices layered over one another in a range of tones that made her want to shudder but also join in - and she turned to look curiously around the table again.
None of them looked particularly recognizable for her. Next to the fairy at the end of the booth to her left was a gorgeous looking woman with alabaster skin, dark flowing hair and bright green eyes that Jo noticed were running over her as if evaluating every small detail of her as she gave a high pitched, wicked sounding giggle. The dark black Greecian style dress reminded the hunter of something in her own wardrobe at home but much darker and finer, with the fine golden threads and gold metal weaved through the fabric and wrapped around the neckline; and the only other discernable part of her identity that did little to help Jo identify her was the golden apple pendant on her necklace.
The fairy was of course beside her and Jo found herself sneering as she caught his own cunning eyes, before she glanced to his right and the eldest of the group sat reclined back in the vinyl booth. His wiry black hair was thick and surrounded his friendly yet older face, covered in a thick beard and both dark hair was peppered with silver hairs through them, and above the beard were dark eyes that sparkled deep within with both age and amusement. He seemed unsurprised and unaffected by both her and the angel’s interloping on the abundant buffet of desserts and pie that covered the table before them all, but he had let out a loud, cawing laugh like the sound of a black birds call.
The next two men were sat very close together, in a way that made Jo suddenly feel homesick to go cuddle up on the couch with her favorite person and a bottle of honey the same way one of them with the long thick hair and braid down one side of his head was sipping from a bottle of maple syrup. His arm was stretched over the red vinyl of the booth behind the shoulders of the equally dark-haired man beside him. The other man was leaning a little too comfortably against his side, and Jo noticed the shimmering feather inked into the shaved side of that god’s head as he barely glanced up from the notebook in his hands. Both, however, were laughing, and the bird-like sound of the shorter-haired one matched the darker man beside them unlike the warmth of the other’s.
The last of the group at the table, though there were clearly a few spaces left free for more arrivals, was a pouty, young-looking man. Jo raised an eyebrow looking at him curiously, finding the man far younger-looking than the rest and his constant tapping on the mobile phone he held rather than paying any attention to the table at large. He was cute, much in the same way she’d noticed the equally youthfully appearing fairy was, but Jo found herself rolling her eyes as the way he seemed to remind her of her own son’s antics when he merely smiled stupidly and tapped repeatedly as the mind-numbingly annoying ding of his phone messages.
“That... I didn’t think about that.” Gabriel admitted quietly as he rubbed at his face, trying hard not to catch her eye as she looked back up at him before he shrugged a shoulder. “Though you all got through that just fine, your girl is off-”
“Galavantin’ with her... ugh, don’t remind me.”
“Yes, exactly. All’s well that ends well, and so instead let's focus on more important things, waruwi.” The slightly lisped voice cut over Jo’s pained groan as the eldest of the gods spoke up in his firm but deep tone. Turning to look back at the bearded man, Jo frowned a little at his beady look. “Little one, welcome. You may be unfamiliar with our beings - excepting our fairy gamarada of course - and you should be welcomed more appropriately. Please, have a seat.” Jo blinked in surprise to see the man jerk his head to the side like a bird before two chairs appeared beside one another between her and the archangel. “Gabriel, perhaps you would join us still while we assess your friend here.” The man’s words sounded like a suggestion or question, but the look on the older god's face made it clear it was an instruction that made Jo want to laugh at the idea of the archangel being bossed about.
Sinking into her chair, Jo crossed her knees and drummed her fingers on the tabletop as she looked about the group for a moment before she caught the curious golden-brown eyes of one of the cuddled up pair. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at her, while his partner still doodled in the notepad cautiously. “I should say, Crow, if the young girl is friends-”
“Pile of shit featherfucker.” “Puck, that is rude. We do not know the relationship between them.” “Oh, we know Whiskey. I watched them all cuddled up-” “Years ago. Your grasp on time is worse than the rest of us.” “-and she was so defensive of him the first time I met the idiotic, bitchy brat.”
“Oh my god, you still fuckin’ pissy about that?” Jo growled the words out as she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms and glaring across at the one trickster she was familiar with. “I thought you already made me rue the day with your taking my daughter.”
“I didn’t keep her did I?” “You couldn’t have if you wanted to.” “You surely jest. Just because you have a spark of anything above the knuckle-dragging nature of your kind doesn’t mean I will forgive, forget or ignore my promise.”
Jo let out a sharp laugh, not even noticing the way that her and Puck’s snapping at one another had drawn the full attention of the table - the goddess beside the fairy turning her head and grinning with a touch of madness at the swirl of the promise of chaos between the two of them, and even the young dirty blond had sat his phone down to watch them. Shaking her head, Jo hissed out at him with a wink. “Someone get the fuckin’ fairy a glass of sweet cream, maybe he’d be more likable drunk.”
As soon as she finished talking, Jo felt something strange inside of herself - like something had suddenly settled into place as if she’d had a knot somewhere inside and never realized until the muscle had finally relaxed and returned into the spot it always should have been - and then suddenly every glass on the table turned to the thickened cream instead of the various coffees and fruit drinks the gods had been sipping on. One of the god’s, the one with the feather tattoo, let out a squawk of surprise as he’d been sipping on his own drink at the time as it changed from thick, purplish fruit juice into the sugary gold of sweetened condensed cream.
There was a beat of silence before that manic giggling started again from the dark-haired woman - loud, high pitched and maddening to hear - as she lifted her own glass that had once been wine and was now cream. She turned the glass upright, and Jo watched in confusion as it seemed to pour an endless stream of cream out onto the table, more than should ever be held in the glass, and slowly began to overflow and drip down to the floor and spread all over the corner of the table near her. The giggling continued, and the blonde found herself drawing back and lifting her feet off the ground as the cream continued to pour.
“Oh! Oh, this is hilarious! Oh, Puck, dearie, isn’t this funny!” The woman exclaimed, but Jo could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up at the sheer mania of it, before the woman dipped her long, black fingernailed hands into the puddle of cream as she tossed the glass down to the diner floor where it continued to pool out the liquid and then flicked her fingers towards the fairy beside her. Her flick splattered white droplets over the unimpressed, borderline furious look on the other’s face before she lifted her hand to do it all over again with another manic laugh. “This is a marvelous first impression, little girl, truly marvelous.”
“You do that one more time, Eris, and I will-” “Which outdated slander will do give me this time? You’re still a kriòmyxos after so long my dear friend.”
“You’re the fool here, you witch.” Puck snapped the words back out, wiping the small drips from his angled cheek. Jo found herself shifting back when that same venomous look was directed back towards her. “Why are you so frustratingly human?”
“Me?! I didn’t do anything!”
That got a laugh from the other end of the table, as the blond man lent forward and extended the hand not clutching his phone towards her. “Oh yes ye did,” his accent was smooth and lyrical and Jo found herself blinking in surprise at his speaking for the first time. She took half a second before reaching out to shake the man’s hand in greeting, raising a brow at him. “And it sure seems like your first time, right girlie? I do love seein’ a cherry pop.”
“Excuse you-” “Your first deliberate act, and I wish I had your saucy wink sweetheart, but alas not all of us are so blessed.” “..What?”
There was a beat as she stared at him, before a much nicer laugh cut over the manic giggling happening beside her, and the blond took his hand back after the shake. “Oh, girlie, you have a lot to learn.” The man smiled at her and Jo blinked a few times, thoroughly reminded of the innocent grins she would get from her own son whenever he was simply and innocently pleased by something. “Gwydion, from Wales, nice ta meet ye. You’re Joanna-”
“Jo. I go by Jo.” “Sure thing, Joanna, it’s good to have you onboard.”
She felt her eye twitching at the man’s deliberate reuse of her full name before he dropped his grin from her face at the ding of his phone again before the dopey looking smile formed on his face again. Gwydion seemed nowhere near as uncomplicated as the others as Jo shuffled in her seat and looked back at the woman beside her who was slowly stopping her own giggling.
“Joanna, huh? So dull,” The woman jumped in, raising a finely manicured eyebrow at her before Jo tilted her head back at the black-haired woman. “You’ll be wanting to change it to something more dignified and less like a laikàs soon enough unless Whiskey was right and you’re a moikalìs.”
“Eris, that’s enough,” Gabriel cut in, his hand moving from the plat full of pie he’d collected for himself with the clatter of his spoon to rest against the back of Jo’s chair with a glare towards the dark-haired woman Jo was recognizing as the Greek goddess of chaos and trickery. “Jo’s not at all like that, and Crow- why did you even invite her anyway? You knew how she would behave!”
Jo heard that bird-like laugh come from across the table again as the oldest trickster smirked back, smile sharp and eyes dark and clever as he pinned the angel with a look that made the blonde shrink back a little - filled with age, wisdom, and mischief that she used to think would die with age but never experienced herself. The name was unfamiliar, and she knew when she got home she would be researching quite a few of these gods within minutes.
“Balanda, you forget that we have so few of our ilk such as your friend - a womanly form-” “Hey!” “A permanently womanly form, as only Eris was free, her presence should always have been expected.”
“Nicimos,” There was a quiet voice and Jo found herself looking at the man staring at his cream-filled glass in horror and the man beside him who was gently stroking a hand over the hair of the other in a way that was ever so familiar before she looked towards the one with the braid as he looked at her curiously. “Stop worrying over your drink, you can replace it. We advised we would help the girl, even if she did ruin your drink.”
“You’re right Jackie,” The other said in a thickly accented voice, sounding like some angry terrorist or villain from one of the action movies she loved, and Jo had to bite down a laugh as she watched the man wiggle his nose for a moment before the cream disappeared from his glass into the same thick, red as before. He shook his head again, waving a hand towards her and Gabriel before looking up at the man in a way Jo was fairly certain was how she looked at her own husband. “I am struggling with this game, lyubovnik, perhaps you can do the socializing today?”
Jo found her eyes widening as she took in the taller man’s face and recognized slightly the voice to the names that had been bouncing around, as well as the beading on his large ornate necklace looking like something from her childhood tales from her father’s research books. The blonde found herself unconsciously, and a little giddily, slapping at the man beside her’s arm repeatedly as she stared back at the curious tilt of the Native American god.
There was a familiar chuckle before Gabriel tapped her hand with a smirk. “Oh, so you recognize someone aside from Puckstick do you, gorgeous?” He leaned to the side towards her and spoke not entirely quietly but clearly mocking her excitement in a way she found herself slapping his arm again a little harder just to get a gruff exhale of air. “Okay fine, fine, Jojo meet your fellow American - Wisakedjak. I believe you’re aware of him?”
“You shut up and don’t embarrass me.” Jo hissed the words quietly back at him, feeling her cheeks heating up as there was a harsh giggle from somewhere to her side that she could not tell if it was the manic woman or the bloody fairy as she tried to force the flush out of her face. The other god tilted his head the other way, looking between the bickering pair as Jo could tell she was blushing further. “I.. hi, I’ve, uh, heard a lot about you. Nice ta meetcha.”
“Oh? And what did you hear, iskwês? You do not seem the type to have heard my myths, let alone any of my friends.” “Oh, man, no-no. My dad was always givin’ me stories-”
“Lyubovnik, I believe you were someone’s bedtime story,” The man cuddled up to Whiskey’s side said in a teasing tone, and with far more friendly feeling than any of the others had. Jo found herself frowning however as Gabriel’s hand came down over hers in a protective fashion, flashing a look towards the slightly sharp set on his face before she looked back at the other as he handed the notebook back to the other god. “Your win, Jackie.”
“Too bad, I thought you’d win this time, Kutkh-” “Since when would he ever win? Dullest one of us all.” “Eris, you dare-” “Don’t try to correct me about your bird-brain boyfriend, Whiskey.”
Jo glanced about curiously but let out a sigh as clearly well-established fights and arguments began to break out amongst the gods and smaller conversations bled out now that she’d had a small introduction to most. She noticed Gabe snap quietly under the table as the feather-tattooed man introduced him to her as Kutkh and the eldest of them all made sure to direct the conversation away from her entry with a smooth transition towards directing Eris’ sharp tongue towards the other blond at the table, as the cream-filled glasses all returned to normally excluding one, and the dangerous look on the fairy-man’s face darted between her and the angel beside her but with a muted, simmering type of rage that Jo knew would follow through one day as he lifted his glass still as her own, confusing flash of power had made it.
The conversations flowed about, and Jo found the reassuring hand on the back of her chair settled the nerves as the Greek woman began questioning her about her history, when her powers and changes had begun and all kinds of invasive questions that made her shrink back on occasion; all while Puck added in his own nasty comments here and there, the blond man at the other end of the table asked far too many questions about her so-called siblings and her husband that made her nervous to say more than a name for, and the three men on the other side of the booth simply nodded along or asked more appropriate questions here and there. It was overall slightly awkward but not too uncomfortable with the safe hand behind her supported her through it all.
She had actually found as during a lull in questioning left the table silent for the first moment since they'd arrived, that cracking open the antique cake tin she'd been given by Bobby and Jody a few years back to uncover an entire tin full of triple chocolate cookies had endeared her slightly to everyone but the still scowling fairy and the manically giggling woman, who smiled at her one moment and scowled the very next. The topic had immediately turned to her trying to ascertain the favorite treats of each of those tricksters at the table she cared to learn about - ginger spiced cookies, and thick molasses treacle tarts, shortbread but 'not the Scottish kind' and an exotic sounding dish that she half thought was made up with sponge cake, chocolate and coconut - and then turned more onto her own favorites that made her blush furiously when she admitted to a love of frosting that had the man beside her laughing hard.
Jo was just asking a question of the Australian across the table from her about his comment about native kinds of honey and honeyants - her unstoppable craving for the golden liquid having been voracious over the last few weeks - when there was the sound of the diner door opening and the bell over the door. Most of the other gods barely reacted to the idea of another arrival, as if aware that they had been missing one all along, and Jo found herself following the same behavior of the others by not looking around until the sharp tone and greeting made her jerk in surprise.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.” The voice bounced around the room, and Jo felt her spine jerk upright from where she’d been leaning on the table towards the older man’s storytelling, and her neck ached something fierce as she turned to look towards the man swaggering in through the door - one hand thrown wide, and a bright red sucker held in the other - as the new god tugged the fedora from his head with a flourish. “I see the party has started without me, but with my replacement.”
She could feel the jerk of the hand on the back of her chair but didn’t even move to turn to look at the angel beside her as she blinked her eyes repeatedly at the double before her. Well, almost a double. The clothing taste was a little stuck in the 1920′s, and his swagger made her pull a face as it exuded smugness and arrogance rather than the more subtle cockiness of the man beside her.
“Loki! Oh dearie, how long has it been?” Eris cried out, standing and stepping into the pool of spilled cream that had been forgotten in the previous clean up, rushing towards the Norse Trickster with a sharp hug that looked to be all elbows, sharp lines and uncomfortable under Jo’s eye, before she crowded the god towards the table. “You’re just in time to see your deceiving friend and the newest trickster on the block.”
“I had heard.” The voice was gruffer than Gabriel’s, Jo noticed it immediately, and as Loki moved towards the table and gave a hard stare towards the angel for a moment, she could see more differences than similarities that she almost thought might just be the things only she could tell. There wasn’t the softness, or sweetness in the god’s eyes, and there was none of the ease with his movements which seemed peculiar for her, before the god gave a sharp nod towards the man also wearing his face. “Gabriel. How have you been? Heard about what happened. That’s rough-”
“It’s why I came to you in the first place.” “And yet you didn’t keep up your end of the bargain to staying out of it.” “What can I say? Humans can be convincing.”
“So I can see.” Loki replied with a harsh sounding laugh that made Jo recoil a little bit, even as she could hear the rest of the table’s occupants go back to their own discussions - something in her sure that every ear however was tilted towards this conversation - as he stepped towards her chair. She barely refrained from pulling her hand back as the god pulled it up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Enchantee, you must be the alluring Miss Harvelle that my dear friend Gabriel is so taken with-”
“It’s Mrs. Grey actually, and ain’t nobody taken with no one else.” Jo growled the words out, sliding her hand out of his grip sharply as soon as his lips touched her skin, jerking it back to her lap with a tiny scowl as something about him felt off. Probably because he looked like her friend - the one and only angel she’d never been let down by, let alone one of the few friends she could say the same of - but with none of the parts of him that she could tell made the angel who he was and not who this wicked smirking god was. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m sure it is, darling, I very much look forward to welcoming you to our fold.” “Did you not hear the married part, Loki?” “Since when does that matter? You getting all pious and virtuous on me, Gabey-baby?”
Gabriel snorted, shaking his head as the Norseman moved around the table and slid into the spare space beside the Welshman, and Jo felt the hand move off the back of her chair subtly to rub at her back for a moment before the angel began distracting his dopple-ganger into a conversation about some confusing joke or other - the words ‘witness protection’ confusing her but ensuring it was something unnecessary for her to worry about.
Shaking her own head, Jo looked about the table, her sugar cravings getting to her before frowning at the array as nothing caught her eye that would fill that tiny hole wanting more of her honey. Looking about the group and the way they seemed to blend seamlessly together, the blonde found herself frowning as she watched the other American and his Russian partner last of all, and found herself smiling as the man beside her snapped a honey bear jar into being for her and she realized, snapping the lid back, that this would have to do until she got home to her real hunny.
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Carry On
My submission for the With Love, From Wakanda fic fest. This story has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally figured out a way to end it. It’s set back when Hennessy and Erik were at MIT and is written from her POV.
Warning: Fluffy Angst? Is that a thing? Just go with it. Brief, and somewhat graphic description of a miscarriage. Also, the photos used below are not my own.
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The Kompound was all abuzz as Erik ushered Angel and the twins into the house. The birth of the prince and princess was a bittersweet moment for me. Though I was ecstatic for our new additions and I was happy for my sister wife and Erik, I couldn’t get over the slight bit of jealousy I felt towards her. While the rest of the family surrounded Angél, each one fighting over who would hold the twins first, I retired to my bedroom, not wanting to appear bitter. As I lay across my bed staring up at the ceiling, the soft pads of footsteps attracted my attention. He never could sneak up on me.
“Can I come in?”
“It’s your house, Daka.”
“Come on now, don’t be like that. I just came to check on you.”
I shrugged, turning so that I was facing away from him.
“I’ll be alright, I just needed a little time to myself. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.” He crawled into my bed, pulling me into his massive arms.
“Talk to me, Princess.”
It was an awkwardly warm day in Cambridge, Massachusetts and instead of enjoying the warm weather at the annual campus pool party, I was in my apartment throwing up my entire existence for the 3rd time today. What the hell is wrong with me?
The sickness began right after Christmas, but I hadn’t thought much of it. That is, until I missed my period. I can’t possibly be...
I gagged and heaved until my throat burned before finally settling on the floor beside the toilet. I opened the cabinet under the sink and retrieved the pink box that I had thrown under there for such an occasion. I reluctantly pulled the test out and followed the instructions printed on the box. After waiting the suggested 5 minutes, I looked down at the stick in horror.
“Pregnant,” I whispered out loud. I had just begun the first year of my graduate program and my “partner” for lack of a better term, was in and out of town with the Navy. I sold weed to make a living and he was a mercenary for the US government, neither of which screamed ideal parents for an unborn human. Nope, it had to be a fluke, a false positive. I was in the process of banging my head against the wall of the bathroom when a pair of perfectly pearly white teeth and gold canines filled my phone screen.
“Yes my love?”
“Wassup Princess, still not feeling good?” I could hear laughing and water splashing in the background, a tell-tell sign that he was at the party and wanted me to join him.
“Nah, I just threw up again.”
“Aight that’s it, we going to the hospital.”
“No! That’s really not necessary. It’s probably just a stomach virus.”
“All the more reason for me to take you to the doctor. You not getting me sick. Put some clothes on, I’ll be there in 10.”
The line disconnected before I could utter another word of protest. Though I was thankful to have someone like Erik in my life that cared for my physical well-being, I knew I wasn’t ready to have my worst fears confirmed by an official test. I slowly stood up from the floor and made my way to my bedroom. I pulled on one of his wife beaters and a pair of his basketball shorts, my go-to choice when I wanted to be comfortable. True to his word, he pulled up 10 minutes later and helped me down the stairs and into his NSX.
The lights of the hospital were bright and unnerving as we sat in the waiting room.
“Chiron? Hennessy Chiron?”
“That’s me,” I called as I followed the woman to the exam room. We went through the usual hospital semantics before she gave me a small plastic cup to pee in. Well, no turning back now.
Much to my dismay, Erik sat in the exam room the entire time, wanting to know every detail of what was said firsthand. I hated it, how protective he was over me. This was one instance I wished he treated me like his usual smash and dash hoes. He held my hand as the doctor entered the room, smiling bright.
“Congratulations, according to our tests, you’re about 8 weeks pregnant!” I groaned loudly and I just knew that Erik was having a mental breakdown until his deep voice broke the silence.
“I’m gonna be a daddy?”
“Yes sir, you’re gonna be a daddy. Mom doesn’t look too thrilled about the news, though.”
“N-No I’m fine. I’m just processing everything,” I replied with a shaky voice. He could tell I was lying, but chose to kept quiet. He knew I’d speak up when I was ready and I knew he’d be ok with whatever decision I made moving forward.
“You know you cute as fuck carrying my baby,” Erik’s deep voice called from the phone that was propped up on my nightstand. He was away on another JSOC mission, but facetimed me nightly to check on me and our unborn baby. I was only 3 ½ months, but he swore my skin was glowing and my face was getting fatter. I hated it.
“Well you better enjoy this one, because this the only one you getting from me,” I pouted, looking down at my hardening stomach. I never admitted it to Erik, but I was terrified. How could someone that didn’t have a family, raise a child? I didn’t want our baby to grow up with the same questions and fears that I had.
“Get out ya head, Princess. You’re gonna be a great mother.”
“How do you always do that?”
“You’re my best friend, Sunshine. I always know what you’re thinking, especially since you can’t control your facial expressions for shit,” he grinned, flashing that smile I loved so much.
“We miss you,” I confessed.
“I miss y’all too, but Daddy will be home next week.” I smiled at that. The apartment was too quiet without him there and I missed my nightly belly rubs.
“Get some rest, Princess. I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Yes Daddy. I love you.”
“I love you more.” He blew a kiss at the screen before disconnecting the line. I snuggled deeper into the covers, wrapped myself in one of his hoodies and dozed off, dreaming about what life would be like once the little bean was born.
Pain. A sharp, piercing pain in my lower abdomen that was so strong it woke me from my sleep. I lifted myself from the bed and made the short journey to the bathroom. I fumbled for the lightswitch and gripped the edge of the sink as the cramps became more and more intense. I was mortified when I pulled down my panties to see them soaked with blood.
“This can’t be happening,” I thought aloud. I had just recently come to terms with the fact that there was a life growing inside of me only for the universe to decide that I didn’t need it. As I sat on the toilet and my body expelled the remaining parts of my unborn child, I began to weep. I was hurt, both mentally and physically and to make matters worse, my comforter was somewhere on the other side of the world defending a country that didn’t give a damn about us. I was angry, more angry than I had been in a long time and although I knew that situations like this happen for a number of reasons, I couldn’t help but feel like this was completely my fault. Like the universe was punishing me for being so ungrateful for such a precious gift.
“Princess, I’m home.” Oh now you’re just fucking with me, Bastet. As usual, I heard him before I saw him, his combat boots pounding heavily on the hardwood floors of the apartment. His expression quickly turned to panic when he entered the bathroom and saw the blood all over the floor.
“What happened?”
“I lost it, E. I lost our baby,” I wept into the bend of his neck. He didn’t speak, but stroked my back in comfort.
“It’s ok, baby,” he finally said after a while. “It’s ok. We have the rest of our lives to try again.”
“Who said I wanted to deal with you for that long?” I asked, chuckling through my tears.
“Girl please, you know you ain’t going nowhere,” he replied with a swift kiss to my forehead. I couldn’t argue with that logic. He was a permanent fixture of my life that I couldn’t possibly imagine living without. “Why don’t I run you a hot bath and get you cleaned up? I’ll even add that milk and honey bubble bath you like so much.”
“I’d like that a lot. Thanks, Erik.”
“Aye, just because you ain’t carrying my baby no more don’t mean you gotta stop calling me Daddy. I like that shit,” he said with a wide grin.
“Of course you do.”
We had been lying together so long that I didn’t even realize that I was crying until I felt his hand brush away a tear.
“You remember what I told you back then?” he asked as he placed a kiss to the top of my head.
“You said that you’d love me forever, with or without a baby.”
“And I meant that shit. Angel and I know how you feel about the twins, baby girl. We all know it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment, but don’t ever hide your feelings from me, understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good,” he responded before licking a long stripe from my chin to my forehead.
“Nigga did you just lick me?”
“Yes I did, now bring ya fine ass downstairs and meet our kids.”
@vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @champagnesugamama @sociallyawkward18 @trevantesbrat @hoopshoney @purple-apricots @supersizemeplz
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bd-steelyfam · 5 years
We've all heard of standswap. But what about standswap-dadswap?
//So the dads and the SS!dads switch places, huh? This is such an interesting scenario! Will they get along with each other? Will everything go haywire? Will sadness happen?
//I was only able to fit the stoplight trio here because I don't have time to properly make up characters for Emperor, Osiris, and Bastet. I also used their stand names for the unnamed standswap characters for a placeholder.
Steely Dan <=> Deacon Blues
Deacon and Terunosuke will get along very well because they relate to each other (both of them had pretty fucked up backstories and have to hide their real, more mature personality behind a childish attitude).
And the same could be said for Illuso. Both of them spent most of their childhood being lonely because of their stand powers.
When Illuso talks about his teammates (he calls them best friends to avoid suspicion), Deacon remembers his old friends back in his SDC days. He probably sees himself in Illuso and feels a little melancholic.
Deacon and Gwess can get along too, as they have to fake a smile and carefree personality to make everyone else not worry about them.
Unlike Dan who is pretty sarcastic and sassy, Deacon speaks more honestly, as he despises people who aren't direct and honest about their words.
Alright. Enough of the sad shit. Deacon and Terunosuke occasionally read books together and tell each other about their specific interest in comics (the former is into American hero comic books, and the latter is into mangas and light novels).
Deacon would probably at some point tell them about his adventure from 1989. Then Illuso sighs and comments, "Darn. Just like Padre."
He likes to show them his proud machinery and inventions to the three, which of course amuse them because of how absurd they work.
"What does this thing do?"
"Oh! This bad baby right here lets you read while you sleep, write while you sleep, and eat while you sleep!"
Deacon and Terunosuke are the ultimate short depressing smartass solidarity.
Meanwhile Dan and Deacon's kids? Eh... could maybe count.
His personality made him hard to get along with them, especially Velare. At first, he can hardly relate to them (his backstory is plain and nothing really gutwrenching happened to him, unlike theirs and their father's).
But then, after some time, they start to warm up to him. Behind his catty attitude, he is actually a pretty nice and caring person (even though it isn't really that obvious because of the way he generally acts).
Velare is going to get along with Dan first, because he is a pretty patient person and can handle his new dad's (?) unfamiliar attitude.
Tojiko is probably be slightly annoyed by how sassy and snarky Dan is. Dan would just comment on his chuuni behavior just to annoy him even further.
Since Dan is pretty good with cooking, Prada would sometimes watch him do the kitchen work (even though she's just more mesmerized by the way the stove fire dances around the pan). He would try teaching her how to make simple dishes, even though it's reduced to a pile of ash by the end of the day.
Of course, Dan cooks godlike food. Which somehow reminds them of their father's....
Rubber Soul <=> Yellow Temperance
Unlike the loud and obnoxious Rubber Soul, Yellow Temperance is generally a well-mannered and elegant man. This makes the three kids a little taken aback because they're not used to the quieter and nicer version of their dad.
Since Yellow is skilled in singing (and acting) and Akira is good at playing his electric guitar, they both spend a lot of time together! Akira would sometimes show Yellow how to use his guitar, and in return he teaches him how to sing properly.
Like Dan, everytime Hazamada becomes annoyed and acts like an ass to him, Yellow would do things like making sassy remarks to annoy him even further.
One time Anne asks Yellow about himself, and then he tells her about his bizarre adventure from Singapore. She replies, with a monotone voice, "Wow. I've been there with my father, ya know."
"Wait, really kid?"
"Yeah. Was kinda wild."
Yellow can cook pretty well, unlike Rubber who is absolutely not allowed to touch anything in the kitchen.
Because Yellow "disappeared" for twelve years, his kids are more than happy to see him back again. There were tears and laughter too. Even Surface is crying.
.....except the "him" is Rubber Soul, a greasier and more irritating version of their father. He has no choice but to tag along and act like him.
The stoic and serious Surface doesn't like Rubber Soul at first. His annoying way of talking hurts his ears, but because he's "their father" he just ignored it.
Like father, like son is the best sentence to convey Red and Rubber soul. They both are loud and act all cocky, which makes Surface's life a living hell.
SS!Anne is no different either. She is used to Yellow's calmer and more composed personality, which makes her a little suspicious. Whenever Rubber did or say something stupid, she would just shake her head and say, "Wow. Dad's job must've been weighing on him pretty hard, huh?"
Either way, the kids are very relieved to see their "father" back home safely without a scratch. If only it would last forever...
Devo the Cursed <=> Ebony Devil
From the surface, Devo and Ebony share similar traits. From their ungodly amount of scars to long hair, both of them look the same. Their personality isn't that different either.
...which surprised Vittorio at first.
Because Ebony was separated from his son years ago, he saw this as his chance to be a better father. He'll spend as much time as he can with him, as Vittorio and his long-lost kid looks the same to him.
Related, Ebony has poor eyesight and probably thought that Vittorio is his kid because of their resemblance.
Ebony, half-crying and started to take off his tough guy shield: "My son.... I am sorry for causing trouble for both your mother and you..... I promise to become a better father from now on."
Vittorio, eating an entire can of spray cheese: "What"
You know that clip of a wrestler that broke a claw machine's glass and gives all of it's toys to a crying kid? That's him.
Being dead in 1988 makes Ebony not familiar with things like video games, so Vittorio is more than delighted to show him things in his game and take him for a small walk around his hometown.
"What is this small screen that you can open and close like a book?"
"Dad that's a computer. Do you hit your head on the kitchen counter again?"
"Computer? But the last time I saw them, they look bigger and wider than this."
"Hold on a second"
The boy sometimes tell Ebony about his team (which he refers to as friends), and Ebony is somehow reminded of his old friends.
"There's this really cute girl that I like, but she's sickly and I'm afraid if I somehow hurt her unintentionally"
"Can relate."
They watch soccer games, eat outside, and Vittorio introduces Ebony to more things. Just classic father and son bonding time.
Unfortunately for Dolly, he never had the chance to properly memorize his father's looks and true nature. His mother just said that Ebony is a horrible and cruel murderer, which makes his first meeting with Devo not so wonderful.
Not seeing his father since he was two, Dolly just thought that Devo is actually his father and acts grouchy and all angry at him.
"I despise you. Mom told me that you were a very evil and violent man. You must've done something very bad for mom to have left you-"
Then Devo realizes he wasn't talking to Vittorio. Which pisses Dolly even more because he thinks his own father forgot his name.
Then of course, they get along really slowly. Everytime Devo wanted to ask Dolly about what just happened, Dolly curtly replies, "I don't know!"
He then gives up just takes Dolly outside and spend some time together with him to make the kid satisfied.
Devo just rolls with whatever this kid wants.
And then Dolly becomes more softer acting around "his father", because he himself wanted to spend some time together with him after a long time.
"Sorry for yelling at you, dad."
".....whatever you say."
By the end of the day, Dolly feels content about "his father" being back in his life. Even though he doesn't show it directly, he just wishes that he won't be gone like last time...
//So now. Who do you think deserves the best father of the year award?
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
So let’s talk about Bastet
Wow, so I just got off of work to not only find out we got lore content, but actual legit lore that is verrrrry important. So where do we begin?
Well the short story takes place after the second Ana comic Old Soldiers, in the perspective of both Ana and Jack. Getting into detail of what they have been doing and what’s next on their agenda. Alongside a very well designed skin that I’m sure will appear in the next update, but we also get some personal information about our older characters.
Now I have been getting messages about what happened, shit the news has engulfed the trending on Twitter, but we have a confirmation of certain relationships with our older soldiers. The good news: well Soldier:76, the second most established character in the game, is confirmed as Gay/Bisexual. As noted from a previous relationship he had with the pictured man he had looked at in the Reflections comic (who is named Vincent which I will damn admit is the name I want to have my son named for so long). The “I Guess” news is that Jack and Gabe has their own relationships, but not to each other (rip R76 until we get further info). Gabriel had a family and Jack wasn’t able to promise the good life to Vincent.
This is where we reach semi Voltron results with confirmed characters. I mean granted we have known this S/O previously but it seems rather...slapped on to deconfirm other relationships. Then again we have glossed ourselves in pounds of theories and speculations that we should’ve seen this as another result. It’s a shame, but I am all for these new relationships.
My question now is what was Gabes family like, THATS what I want to know. I self ship all I want but it always stings when you know there was a relationship. But that’s the way it is in imagination ain’t it?
Anyways feel free to discuss your thoughts on the new lore.
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eternal-trolls · 6 years
can i ask abt viorem? ive seen the name around a ton but never asked!
i know i said lady bastet was a mess but i take that back shes nothing compared to viroem
none of my trolls compare to viorem
shes croeles dancestor and hitche is basically one of her only friends
shes a raging alcoholic and hates herself and everything but shes constantly drunk so it doesnt even matter to her all she wants to do is drink away her fucking problems and doesnt understand why hitche wont let her do that when hes around
she always ends up actually talking about her problems when hes around bc again, he wont let her drink she also doesnt drink around him bc she knows hes had alcohol problems before but likeobviously she doesnt have a problem she has a problem
she gets into fights especially when drunk she loves pissing off other highbloods and beating the shit out of them bc she has no self control and knows she can take what she dishes out and if she cantshe has a gun and that solves everything
 shes kind of a bitch, sarcastic, and not very empathetic in generalbut shes a damn mess so like....
she will 100% commit crimes with people bc she loves just breaking things and letting all her aggression out until she fucking collapses and starts all over again
Birnex and Deleea try to help her but she always insists she does need help until shes around Hitche then shes like ah shit maybe i do need help
Imenze and her are friends bc theyre in the same friend group and also bc she usually goes to the bar he works at to get drunk he cuts her off without her knowing before she can start too much shit and throw up on the floor
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels Creation, Part 32: Hope in Strange Places. Sean and Declan
Sean: *I’d stalked into the house, intent on ripping  Declan a new one over letting Sin get shot, but so far that wasn’t going according to plan. The ghost shifter was growling right back at me*
Just how the FUCK did you let him walk into a shit storm of bullets? You’re supposed to keep him OUT of trouble, not aid and abet it!
 Declan:  I looked at the irate reaper and tried to put myself in his place. Really. I tried. But dammit, I don’t work for him! Glaring right back at him, I retort…
“I would have liked to see you try to stop him! You know as well as I do, he only allowed me to be his “bodyguard” as a bone to you four.”
 Sean: Gods dammit Declan….*running a hand through my dark blonde hair in frustration as I turn away from him for a moment, only to turn back,*
What in the seven hells were you doing on the streets of Caldwell anyway? You were only supposed to be checking the warding around the Brotherhood’s mountain and Layla’s cabin. You were supposed to go back to Brazil after that! And fighting lessers? That’s outside our jurisdiction. Annalise was specific in what she wanted of the Reaper Corps and she’s never exactly been a fan of Sin’s anyway. She’s a rule follower and he’s a rule-maker or breaker, but not a follower. He doesn’t bow to any of the deities but he does try to respect them and interfering in the destiny of a member of her species is going to create ripples.
 Declan: Leaning back against the wall, crossing my arms.
“The way I hear it, she’s not in charge anymore anyway and the new guy is a little more lax, so get your panties out of a twist.” Shrugging, “We were going for a drink.”
 Sean: A DRINK? *My head’s about to explode. I don’t fucking believe this!* You let him get shot over a DRINK?
 Declan: My wolf growls at me internally. ‘Who the hell does this puny reaper think he is? We could rip his throat out!’  I growl back mentally ‘this “puny reaper” wields a hell of a lot of power. More than we do. And he’s pissed and worried, but yelling at Sin didn’t work so he’s transferring it to us. So calm down and let me do the talking. We all have the same goal. Helping Sin put the worlds back in balance and seeing he lives through it!’ Pushing myself away from the wall, I square off with Sean.
“You can take a fucking breath and listen or we can have at it. Either way is fine by me, but my wolf is in favor taking your throat out. Not that it’d actually kill you, but he can have fantasies and it’d still get bloody.”
 Sean: *My eyes narrow as I look darkly at him. I’d like nothing so much as to take him up on that at this point. Growling at Sin hadn’t gotten me anywhere and my frustration at the failure to contain him and keep his movements concealed from the Horseman needed an outlet. But I only spit out,*
So talk.
 Declan: For a few seconds there it looked like he was gonna’ take me up on punchin’ this out, but Sean’s not a hothead by nature. Yeah, I’ve been told he’d been a warrior as a human, but I’ve also seen enough to know the sword is never his first inclination unless it’s life or death.
“After we looked at the warding -- Zav did a good job there, by the way, so your female’s as safe as anyone on this plane can be right now -- Sin took us into Caldwell. Misted us onto a penthouse balcony overlooking the city. I didn’t have a say in it. I know he had an interest in a female in the city not so long ago so I thought maybe it was his way of closing down the emotional tie there, but it was more than that. We stood on that damned balcony and I watched his face. He was looking back, letting his regrets come to the surface…remembering her. Not the young female I first thought he’d come to get closure on, but HER. His wife. Eve.” Shaking my head, “He was saying goodbye to his hope of finding her, goodbye to the mortal world, Sean. He doesn’t intend to survive this. I could read it in his face, in the way he held himself. So I suggested we go get a drink. Sometimes a guy will talk over a drink about things he won’t talk about any other way.”
 Sean:  *I rubbed both hands over my face, my anger not gone, but certainly taking a backseat to worry.*
I’ve sensed before that he’s gotten a kind of fatalistic attitude about this fight. He wants this battle. He’d prefer it was just him going into it, but knows that’s not possible. His emotions are – resigned. Like his entire existence as a reaper has been building to this moment. He feels like it’s an ending and he’ doesn’t have any curiosity about what comes next. If he goes into it like that, he’s going to go in reckless. And he’s going to die. I can’t let that happen. Sin is the only one of us who could take on Lucifer and that’s who’s behind the Horseman, egging him on, whispering that he could take down the Creator if only he had enough power. No matter what it takes, Sin is coming out of this alive.
 Declan: I hold my peace for a minute as I eye the reaper. I may not be the empath he is, but even I can sense the steely determination behind that declaration.
“Even if it costs you your existence? The one that you now share with another? Knowing you’ll go into the ‘long sleep’ of angels and reapers and there’s no chance you’ll ever be reunited with her soul?”
 Sean: *Damn, Declan knows where to hit. It hurts unbearably to think about leaving Layla behind. Setting my jaw, I answer.*
Even if it costs /all /of us our lives. The stakes are too high. If we lose, not only does the mortal realm become a slave existence, if mortal souls are allowed to live at all, but the Planes of Ascension will fall, their guardian gods will be slain, and all those pure, ascended souls they had protected will be consumed by the Horseman as well. His power will be unimaginable and Lucifer will fire him like a loaded gun at the Creator. If we win but Sin dies, it only changes the face of the enemy. Lucifer wants to rule it all anyway. He’ll roll through us like water through a sieve and do the same. No, *grimly* we have to win and Sin has to survive. Somehow we have to help him find a reason to survive it.
 Declan: “Well then, letting him get shot might have solved that problem.”
 Sean:*I shoot the dark-eyed ghost-shifter a hard look, stony-eyed and grim.*
Just what do you mean by that?
 Declan: “The reason we got involved is we heard a female shout out. Sin’s sat on the sidelines while you prep for the battle because you asked him to, but I’ve never known him to be inactive this long. A week, maybe two, yeah, but not like this. The Fates have kept him well occupied with voluntary ‘assignments’ up until now.  Since the five of you met in Hawaii nothing has come in. They must know what’s going down and want him under wraps too, but the fact is, he’s gotten antsy with the inactivity. So a female in trouble gave him the excuse he needed to play Lone Ranger again. You and I both know he’s never gonna’ walk away from that, and I kid you not, his eyes actually lit up when he heard her yell. But this was no ordinary woman.”
 Sean: What do you mean, “no ordinary woman”?  *Shaking my head in confusion.* Why does that matter?
 Declan: “When I scented her I picked up vampire, but also something else. She smelled like Zav, too. An angel. She was a vampire/angel hybrid and what’s more she was a frigging warrior.  She fought like a celtic banféinní and she caught Sin’s eye. To the point where after she de-matted out he talked about there being no place he couldn’t find her after this battle was done. And to do that he has to survive, Sean. He talked about surviving.”
 Sean: *My jaw dropped.*
He what?
*Sin has had liaisons before. Hell, Danu, Freya, Kali and Bastet had all been his lovers at one point or another in the last 35,000 years. He kind of ‘fell’ into them when one thing led to another and when that part of it was over, the friendship was even more solid and a kind of platonic affection remained. Though the sex had been casual, the alliances were deep and enduring. But the only female he’d ever actually looked for was the one he’d finally despaired of finding -- his wife.*
 Declan:  I repeat myself...
“He said he was going to find her again.” Shrugging, “It surprised me too, but I’ll take it. It means he’s beginning to think there’s a reason for there to be an ‘after’ for him and that means he’ll fight for it. And so him getting shot up might have been the best thing that could have happened.
 Sean: But why….?
*The reasons that a female could spur Sin to go looking for her churn through my brain. Surely, he would have recognized his late wife’s soul if it had been reborn? Zav had recognized Kalare’s immediately. But how could a human soul be reborn into a vampire anyway? They only get one life. And an angel? The Nephilim soul of a vampire/angel hybrid would probably be interesting, but /that/ interesting?  Finally I shake my head and give up.*
It doesn’t matter /why/ it happened. It just matter’s that it did. The Fates may have withheld requests from Sin but it seems it’s not because they lost interest. They just gave him a new door and he walked right through it. Maybe they’ve got a vested interest in seeing him come through this, too. I don’t try to understand those females. The sisters of the Creator are above my pay grade.  Whatever they have up their sleeves, it seems like it benefits all of us.  
 Declan: “Exactly. So you wanna calm down? The risk was worth the outcome. You got the bullets out and Sin will be completely healed within another couple of hours.”
Walking to the refrigerator, I pull out a longneck. “You wanna beer? Boss is gonna be out there on the beach for at least another hour. You know it’s where he goes to think things through and I’m betting SHE’S what he’s thinkin’ through right now.”
 Sean: *With a shake of my head I decline.*
Sorry, not this time. I want to get back to Layla. *smiling a little* With the end of this so close, I try to spend as much time with her as I can.
 Declan: “I hear you. I miss Celia. It’s like having half of me gone.” Taking a long drink, and then sitting the bottle on the counter.
“Go on, get outta here. I got this. I’ll let you know if he needs you.”
 Sean: Thanks Declan. And I’m sorry I jumped down your throat.
 Declan: Waving my hand dismissively, “Water under the bridge, man. I get you. We’re good.”
 Sean: *He’s given me a lot to think about, but more, he’s given me hope that Sin’s going to find the will to get through this on his own. And that if the Fates decided to step in we may have more powerful allies than we first believed.*
Yeah, we’re good man. *With a nod, I mist away to Caldwell, to the mountain, to Layla.*
#DarkAngelsCreation #HopeInStrangePlaces #Renegades #RRPG #BDB #AU #Reapers #Vampires #Angels #Wolfen #Ghosts
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doctormelapples · 7 years
Mythology Asks
Here’s some more of those asks I got asked for,,
Anubis: How do you feel about death? Death is inevitable and doesn’t call for the unnecessary Atum: What are your greatest imperfections? What does this mean?? My greatest imperfection is that I can’t really think straight like every at all? Bastet: Do you have any cats? no but I wish honestly Hathor: What brings you joy? Finger painting Horus: What is one thing you've had to fight for in your life? fight for my right to paaaaaaaartay by the beastie boys Osiris: Do you believe in the underworld? not really? Like nothing is real and everything is fake Ra: Do you have any major responsibilities or importance? I don’t really think so? Like I’m really out here not being dependable and shit so Thoth: Do you like to read/write? Indeedy do Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you've ever done? Like rollercoaster terrifying or like meeting up with someone you haven’t talked to in years terrifying Bran: How is your health? She,,, is hurting Brighid: Tell us about your relationship with your father. He’s a solid dude Cernunnos: What is your favorite animal? Una Gatita?? Danu: What is your relationship with your mother? Solid homie Morrigan: What do you think happens when we die? Nothing our brain stops working because it doesn’t have suitable nutrients for it to work Olwen: What is your favorite flower? Yellow roses, because yellow roses mean friendship Rhiannon: Have you ever been betrayed? YEET Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to? Honestly I hate,, but like indie pop rock or like Kpop and that’s it Freya: Have you ever been in love? I dont think so Freyr: Do you have any children? Nop Hœnir: Are you a silent or talkative person? Depends on who I’m with. Usually silent tho Iounn: How old are you? 17 in two weeks Loki: What is the best trick you've ever pulled on someone? It’s just a prank bro. I don’t play tricks on people Odin: What is your family like? They really out here,, livin Thor: Would you consider yourself pretty powerful? I mean sure, but like not really? Tree: What have you done with your life? What are you going to do with it? Wow,,, why are you calling me out like this,,,?? I haven’t done shit tbh. And I want to see the world and do things that make me happy because nothing is real and the mainstream thought that you need to contribute to society and make money and do reasonable things with your life is toxic and will make no difference to any thing in any kind of long term. Aphrodite: What do you think of yourself? I’m extra like 99 times out of 10 Ares: Are you an easy person to anger? If you know what makes me angry. I’m really easy to annoy tho Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist? I’d like to but I don’t have enough confidence in myself to say that without a good minute of self loathing Apollo: Do you play any instruments? Nop Dionysus: Do you drink? Yop Hades: Do you have a bad reputation? Depends on who you talk to Hekate: Have you ever tried to communicate with the dead? Fuk outta here Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything? yeep Poseidon: Are you a moody person? God yes and I hate myself for it Zeus: Are you a confident person? Nop,, ah actually depends on what I’m being confident about, but usually no I think Jupiter: Would people say that you are intimidating or fairly approachable? Jesus Christ,, but again,,, depends on who you are, probably mostly approachable Pluto: Where do you think we go when we die? No where, nothing is real Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night? Night Mars: Have you ever gotten into a fight? Yes Minerva: Do you generally give good advice? Idk people say I do but I’ve never heard of her so Proserpine: Have you ever felt trapped? yeep Plutus: Do you have a job? god I wish Venus: Have you ever had your heart broken? Yop Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can? I actually Hate being home very very much, unless a have people over Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what? I do, usually of someone coming and interrupting whatever I’m ignoring
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bastetwastaken · 9 months
I've been really struggling to write fanfiction recently.
I don't know why, but I just have no desire to write any of it. It's been months now and I haven't even opened my WIPs, haven't even thought about the next chapter of my long fic. I have no desire to start something new.
I hate that I'm feeling this way about fandom, but I fear I've lost my passion... I want it back so badly but I just don't know how to find it again.
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