#bathena are evan buckley's parents
cbartonscoffee · 6 months
If you think Bobby and Athena are not Buck's parents I recommend you watch Fight or Flight again. Why you ask? Well because 1) Athena clocks that Buck is going to try to unlock Chimney's phone in a frankly ridiculous way instantly which leads to 2) helping him get the information they need out of the phone and driving his through the country instead of detaining him (as she should because among other things he broke chain of custody) and this happens after 3) Bobby signals for him to follow Athena and 4) gives him the ground rules in front of her which include: "don't leave her sight", "don't lie, don't withhold any information", "don't break the law" and, the greatest hit because it gets a scoff from Athena "don't do anything that's going to force her into early retirement".
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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thefrsers · 7 months
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#a family that ride or dies together #no one does it like the 118
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eddiespornstache · 3 months
Athena and Tommy 100% have the sort of mother and son in law relationship where they get along like a house on fire and are teamed up against Buck at all times
Buck complains to Bobby, “How come she likes him better than me, her own son?” and Bobby has to remind him that technically and legally he is not actually Athena’s child
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(After the Madney wedding reception and Buck’s accidental outing)
Bobby:…Buck would like us to be nice to Tommy. Athena: Absolutely, I can do that. Bobby: Buck would also like us to be civil to his parents. Athena:…We are Buck’s parents. Bobby: His other parents. Athena: Oh, those assholes? Hell no!
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whineandcheese24 · 4 months
my unpopular opinion for the day: i don't like the way the 911 fandom shoehorns the firefam into a nuclear family situation. Bobby may be a father-figure for Buck, but he is not really his father and Athena is definitely not his mother. neither of them raised Buck, or even knew him when he was a kid, and that's kind of a big part of being a parent
the thing that pisses me off is the mom!Athena thing, because it feels like the only reason people say that is because of Bobby and Athena's marriage. Buck and Athena never had that kind of relationship. she may affectionately scold him, but like Bobby she didn't raise him, and unlike Bobby, she doesn't feel any kind of responsibility towards him. she loves him and cares for him, and he's part of her family, but that doesn't make her his mom. in fact, Buck already has a mother figure, and it's MADDIE. frankly, Maddie is more of a parent to Buck than Bobby is
and this goes for Maddie, May and Harry too. Bathena are not parent-figures for Maddie. Athena is Maddie's friend, and Maddie's on-screen relationship with Bobby is almost non-existent, same with Buck and Maddie's on-screen relationship with May and Harry. they're not siblings, as far as we know they barely know each other.
I just hate the way people want to shove Buck and even Maddie into the Grant-Nash family like a little nuclear family cutout. Bobby will always feel responsible for Buck, more so than he does for the rest of the firefam, and Bobby is one of the most important people in Buck's life. but being a parent isn't just about a relationship dynamic, it's about child-raising, and money, and teaching.
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
We lost Madney wedding planning 😢 Henren bonding with Mara 😢😢 Bathena shenanigans with Harry (and May?) 😢😢😢 and Buck coming out to his loved ones 😢😢😢😢 by skipping to the wedding due to the shortened season.
This ain't just a fanfic gap it's a CANYON!
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icyfox17 · 19 days
Im at a palace rn (yayayay it's so cool) and the actual castle is closed till 12 so im exploring the gardens (plural. There are so many of them) and i cant stop thinking about royalty 911 au with king and queen bathena and smol prince buck growing up running around on the castle grounds and hiding from his whatever babysitters back then were called LMAOO
The squires or whatever theyre called being like ur majesty im sorry we cant find him
And bobby Sighing and going to the gardens himself, knowing exactly where buck has run off to to hide (secret garden that only bobby and athena and like the closest guard to them know about) and finding buck whos not even trying to hide, hes distracted by making a giant pile out of the fallen leaves that he plans to jump onto, and he just watches buck for awhile, content to see his little boy having fun (hes a Softie) and eventually buck turns to him and is like "daddy look!!!" and shows him the giant pile and gives bobby puppy eyes and so bobby sighs and picks up buck and throws him onto the pile (gently) and buck laughs and asks for him to do it again and bobby listens but eventually they need to go back to the castle lest athena send a search party for them bc they have dinner soon and the two of them need to clean up before it and so he picks buck up with a swing, making buck giggle as his stomach drops, and then after walking with buck dangling over his shoulder for a bit, he readjust and places him properly sitting on his shoulders andd i justttyyjfjdjdjfjd sosbsisbsodbdjdb
Smol!buck running ahead in one of the many castle mazes being like I GOT THIS and ignoring bobbys calls to slow down and then getting lost and scared and crying until bobby finds him and picks him up in a tight hug and ensuring buck that no matter what, he'll always come to find him, he'll always find his way back to him shfdohsfndkbs sosbsosbsodbdjshfjf
And ofc when buck grows up you could have knight eddie from another kingdom whos retiring from being like in the Guard after the last battle (yknow like him being an ex soldier yayayayaya) but he doesnt want to stay retired and one of his higher ups knows that bobbys been looking for a personal knight (bodyguard) for his son whos been refusing every candidate ever, insisting he doesnt need one (ignore the threats theyve been getting from other kingdoms as tension and war is breeding) and eddies unsure but Holy Shit the pay and benefits are amazing his son will be able to be taken care of better than he could here and so he takes the gig and enemies to lovers buddie guys ddo u hear me
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bellabrady · 2 years
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incorrect buddie quotes part idk
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mags-yaps · 4 months
back on my bucktommy shit, but fr, the ONLY ppl allowed to give tommy a shovel talk are (1) bobby and (2) athena. that is THEIR son !!
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mafiatsunafish · 7 months
Not us seeing 911 is now moved to abc and hope buddie will finally be canon
Just to pulling our hair at the risk of losing Bathena
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strwbrrysauce · 2 months
new headcanon:
after ocean's 9-1-1 buck went down a rabbit hole of heists and thefts and other white collar crimes and could absolutely pull them off now
he goes on a rant about them one day near athena and she's just like "you remember i'm a police sergeant right buck??"
oh i absolutely believe that would happen.
there is no way that silly little audhd freak (said affectionately) doesn’t go down research rabbit holes that to anyone else would look incredibly suspicious, but to his real family, they’re just one of the many things that make buck who he is
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antisocialpyromaniac · 3 months
Bucket List for S8
More adorable Buck x Tommy
Adorable Bathena
Eddie sorting through his feelings
A Henren (or just Hen) and Buck conversation
Why is Chimney called Chimney?
A conversation between Buck in his parents.
More Father! Bobby, and Mom! Athena
Gerard causing angst
Eddie comfort!
Chimney and Hen shenanigans
I wouldn’t be opposed to buddie
Fire Fam!!!
Happy Episodes
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lonelychicago · 2 years
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Here’s part one of the first Grandpa Bobby sorry, this one will come in parts and this first part is more Bobby and May centric.
“When May finds out she’s pregnant she tells Bobby first because she’s not sure how Athena and Michael are going to react but she has no doubt about Bobby. And she’s right. He’s all, I love you, what can I do to help, this is exciting and scary, do you need anything, let me make you something to eat, do you need a blanket?”
Thanks for the prompt @mattoidmeerkat
Step By Step: Pt. 1
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh. Shit.
Pacing the floor, May was sure that she was going to wear a hole in the bathroom; stopping abruptly she framed her hands against the side of the sink, letting out the long breath she had forgotten she was holding, watching as it moved her bangs slightly against her forehead.
A plan. She needed a plan. A doctor. She needed a doctor. Help. She needed help.
Her mom was going to freak, despite the leaps and bounds their relationship had made over the last few years, she was going to be pissed. Her dad was out, murder was never on the agenda for today. She loved David, but she felt like giving the poor man a heart attack this soon after the wedding wouldn’t have her winning any step-kid-of-the-year-awards. That left her with one option: Bobby.
Bobby had a plan for everything.
Picking up the tests and shoving them quickly in her purse May ran out of the bathroom, waving a quick goodbye to Josh and Maddie who were posted up outside the breakroom waiting for their shifts to start.
Her mind swarmed with thoughts as she made her way to the firehouse. Could she really do this? What was she going to tell Harry? What was she going to tell Darius? What was she going to tell anyone?
The ride to the station was a far shorter drive then she wished it was in that moment. Looking up at the building she couldn’t help but smile, despite what the world thought about her family, May had spent some of her favorite times in the firehouse. Most people didn’t know that it was her own hideaway during finals: she had a mostly quiet place to study, a minimum of five people who were ready to quiz her at any given moment, and a step dad who always made sure she had a hot meal.
She gets why everyone loves it here, because she does too.
“You’re going to love it here too.” she said as she looked down towards her flat stomach.
Her eyes went wide as she threw the door open; nope, that didn’t just happen.
May walked as calmly as she could as she entered the garage door, it was nearing 7 am, meaning A shift had come off call about forty-five minutes ago. She had heard Bobby sign off so she knew that the team should have mostly cleared out by now. She waved to a few of the B shift that she had met in passing before she walked up the stairs to the Captain’s office.
Breathing in slowly she knocked on the door, hearing a muffled “come in” as she let out the breath and pushed open the door.
“May! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” Despite the small concern in his voice at her surprise visit she couldn’t get past the excitement on his face when he saw her.
She wasn’t sure how to answer his questions; what was she doing here? Was everything okay?
She also couldn’t decide if it was best to just shove the tests at him and run or beg for forgiveness and ask him to protect her from her mother.
So she did what she had been wanting to do for what felt like hours, she cried, and once the tears started there was no stopping them.
Bobby was out of his seat and in front of her before she realized what was happening, “May I need you to talk to me, what’s wrong?” He was doing a visual search for injuries and she could see the wheels turning as he tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered to him between sobs as she brought her hands up to cover her face, “I’m so sorry”.
“Hey, hey, none of that, come here.” He replied back as he pulled her into a hug, letting her tears turn the navy of his LAFD polo black.
“I’ve got you, it’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
When the tears had subsided enough that he felt comfortable pulling away, he reached over his desk and handed her tissues; allowing her to put herself back together before he started talking again.
“How do you feel about breakfast? There’s a great diner down the street, and I can be done here in about five minutes. I just need to sign off on Buck’s accident report.”
She couldn’t help the snort that came out at her stepfather’s comment. Her brother was a walking accident.
The diner was surprisingly empty for 8 a.m. on a Wednesday, so they chose the booth closest to the back before settling in. She wanted to look up at him, to meet his eye, but she knew she would spill as soon as she did.
“Well, hello, Captain,” instead May chose to look up at the waitress as she introduced herself.
“Good morning, Betty,”
“Now I know this isn’t your pretty little Sergeant,”
“No ma’am, this is my wonderful stepdaughter May.”
May could feel her insides churn at the praise. Was he still going to think she was wonderful? Was he still going to love her? She was currently glad that she didn’t have anything in her stomach, or she would have lost it right then.
“Well, aren’t you as pretty as your momma!”
Gulping down air, May managed a smile at the older lady. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“Grape juice for my favorite fire captain, and what can I get for you?”
“Just an orange juice, please,” she was able to answer before the waitress walked away.
She was doing her best to avoid the conversation for as long as possible, “Grape juice?”
He chuckled as his eyes scanned the menu. “If I drink coffee after a shift, I’ll never get to sleep,” he replied.
She appreciated the bogus conversation more than he knew. Grape juice had been a staple in the Grant-Nash household since Bobby moved in. How many years ago had that been now?
She also knew that he didn’t need to study the menu. She was sure the crew ordered from here at least three times a week.
Before she could get to lost in her head, Betty returned and sat their drinks down in front of them. Her eyes locked with the orange in the glass, and she watched as the purple sloshed across the table as Bobby sat it down after taking a sip.
The smell hit her all at once, and before she knew it, she was out of the bench and making her way across the restaurant; where she found herself locked in the bathroom for the second time that morning.
She let her stomach settle, as she leaned against the door. It had been three hours, and she was already tired of all the running around and hiding, especially in bathrooms.
She was hiding from her mom and dad. She was hiding from her brothers, from Darius. At this point, she was hiding from a couple glasses of juice and a sweet old lady in a diner.
After she was sure that she wasn’t going to dry heave and taking what felt like the thousandth deep breath of the morning, May found herself sliding back into the booth.
She snaked her eyes up to take a chancing glance in Bobby’s direction, his own eyes still roaming the menu.
It all came out before she could stop it, “I’m sorry!” It was a loaded apology, and she wasn’t sure which thing she was apologizing for first.
She could sense his eyes on her before he asked, “Have you told your mom?”
She met his gaze softly before whispering, “I haven’t even told you.”
“Do you want to tell me?”
“I’m…I’m pregnant.”
She looked up at him, and he chanced a look up at her. Their eyes meeting for a second, before she looked away.
She moved her mouth, but she couldn’t make the words come out. That was the first time she had said the words out loud, and all he had said was ‘humm.” She wasn’t quite sure what to do what that new information.
She hadn’t noticed before, but during her trip to the bathroom, he had exchanged their drinks. His strawberry milk sat closer to him on the side of the table, and what she assumed was a sprite now sat in front of her.
He picked up his menu and sat it on the edge of the table, before he looked up at her again. This time holding his gaze there, “what can I do to help?”
She could feel the tears flowing before she thought to stop them, and at this point, she had no more energy left to hold them in, “I don’t…I don’t know.”
The next thing she knew, he was out of his seat and sliding in the booth next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Shouldn’t she be done crying by now?
Again, her voice was only slightly above a whisper, “I don’t know what to do, dad.”
His hand stilled only slightly before continuing to rub circles on her shoulder, “why don’t we start with a doctor and maybe your mom?”
“Can we go in that order?”
She felt him chuckle against her and press a kiss to her forehead, “whatever you need, step by step.”
If you have ideas or things you’d love to see feel free to send a message or an ask!
Also if you want me to start doing notification tags for this series let me know!
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gayofthefae · 1 year
Listen I love Buddie angst I hate Madney angst. I’m like Buck.
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radiation-run · 2 years
Bobby and Athena at Buck’s bedside while he’s in a coma?
I went ahead and started filling out the paperwork for them 🥹
i just really need Phillip and Margaret to know Bathena aren’t joking around
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