#batwing sleeve top
susoriginals · 5 months
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Vintage Blue & White Blouse Dolman Batwing Sleeve Top by A New Approach Women's XXL Fits Extra Large to 2X Only $10
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thethirdromana · 8 months
Jenna's costumes, rated
By actual popular demand (of at least one person), here are my thoughts on Jenna's Blake's 7 costumes, from the sublime to the very, very 70s.
Screengrabs from here (they prefer their images copied, not linked) and record of what Jenna wears when from here. And if you want more Blake's 7 costume snark (mixed with some love), here are Avon and Servalan.
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As seen in The Way Back, Space Fall and Cygnus Alpha.
Not many decent screengrabs of this one, which is a pity since it's one of my favourite early Jenna costumes. It's delicate and pretty at a point when all the other characters are wearing something rough and practical, which helps to sell the idea that Jenna the smuggler was a cut above the ordinary criminals she's locked up with. I would wear this. 8/10.
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As seen in Cygnus Alpha, Time Squad, Seek-Locate-Destroy and Breakdown.
Well, the pretty costume was nice while it lasted. The pattern Jenna is wearing here is one I would associate primarily with ironing boards or perhaps baby-led weaning. It has a wipe-clean air to it. The collar adds to the overall playschool vibe. 0/10, I hate it.
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As seen in The Web and Mission to Destiny.
Something I don't understand is why most of the costumes on Blake's 7 are beautifully constructed (look at anything Servalan wears) and then there's this. It's an unremarkable red dress with random bits stuck to it. The weird collar bits, made from leftover fabric from Jenna's previous weird collar, look like they would come off if you tugged on them, or chanced this in a hot wash. 4/10.
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As seen in Duel, Project Avalon and Deliverance.
Matching outfits!! I'm torn, Jenna is very much losing the cool smuggler vibe at this point in favour of being the Designated Girl, and the fact that she gets the pink power ranger costume doesn't help with that impression. On the other hand, this is a gorgeous piece of costume design: plausible, flattering, well-constructed. Jenna, Blake and Gan are all looking great here. So, reluctantly, I have to approve. 8/10.
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As seen in Duel, Project Avalon, Project Avalon, Bounty and Deliverance.
There are a few clothing trends I've never quite understood. Jumper dresses with cutouts. Peep toe boots. Cold shoulder tops. The clue is in the name; I don't understand the circumstances under which you would want to wear what is otherwise a warm and cosy item of clothing that randomly leaves some part of you to freeze. I would otherwise like this fun, futuristic space-y top, but all I can think of when I look at it is this: aren't her arms getting cold? 6/10.
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As seen in Orac.
Simple, classic, flattering. The belt echoes her favourite necklace! I really like this, so of course Jenna only wears it for one episode. 9/10.
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As seen in Hostage and Redemption.
Ack, I should like this one. We're getting a lovely sense of Grim Future fashion trends here in the repetition of batwing sleeves and belted tunics. She looks comfortable and sophisticated. Stylish Smuggler Jenna is back! The problem is that she looks like a pearly queen and I just can't get past it. 7/10.
Also, if I might be permitted to digress: what the ever-loving fuck is Cally wearing?
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As seen in Shadow.
It says something about how Blake's 7 treated its female cast that I couldn't find a screenshot of this costume where Jenna was the focus of the frame. And it's such a pity because I really like this. It has all the same things going on as the pearly queen outfit minus the pearly queen-ness. 9/10.
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As seen in Weapon, Pressure Point and Countdown.
I think I might have been watching too much of Rosamund Pike in the Wheel of Time, because I love this costume. I admit that the vibes are all wrong: this is a dress for an aristocratic sorceress, not a floaty tunic for a high-class smuggler, but I simply don't care, it looks fabulous. 15/10, fight me.
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As seen in Horizon and Pressure Point (pink) and in Killer (blue).
It's February 1979, Abba are at number 2 in the UK singles chart with Chiquitita, and don't we know it from Jenna's costume choices. Jenna's outfits are that bit too much of their time for me to love them (and the contrast with Blake's Robin Hood chic isn't helping), but there's definitely an extra point here for her silver boots. 7/10.
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As seen in Trial, Voice From the Past, The Keeper and Star One.
It's time for the biker leathers and for Jenna to wear a different necklace! Amazing that it's taken her this long to get on board with the leather trend that Avon was on since Time Squad. She must have squeaked her way across the Liberator in this but she makes it look so cool. 10/10, glad she got so much use of this one.
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As seen in Gambit.
This is a poor imitation of the blue sorceress dress, unfortunately. Deep colours look great on Jenna but black is too severe. Should have given this costume to Servalan instead. 5/10.
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As seen in The Keeper.
And we end with another red dress with bits stuck to it, except that Jenna, by now very much being treated as eye candy, has a lot more cleavage on display. But instead my eye is drawn to the Art Deco fish pattern she seems to be wearing like a sporran. Blake's 7 costume design: never knowingly unbaffling. 6/10.
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shelikescloth · 9 months
Historical Jedi Cosplay Part II
In the first part, I tried to distill down the essence of what makes a jedi outfit look like a jedi outfit. Since then, I have gotten deep into the High Republic, so I wanted to add a few illustrations of female Jedi from that project.
Avar Kriss in her everyday wear as a jedi. We have boots, pants, and three layers up top. She seems to have a wrap undershirt, a wrap tunic, and then her little pauldron/tabard thingy. And then of course her belt. She also has those armor vambraces and some kind of armor panel on her feet.
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Here she is in her white-and-golds. It's essentially all the same elements but fancy (although she does seem to have the same boots). Pants, undershirt, tunic, and tabard. And then a cape on top.
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Keeve Trennis has a similar arrangement in a slightly different style.
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Orla Jareni is an outlier in that she wears white all the time. It seems to just be a fashion choice rather than representing anything in particular, although she is a Wayseeker and as an Umbaran has chalk white skin as well. Who knows, she's a weirdo who I love. She seems to have an undershirt with long sleeves, something that has those little tabards sticking out, an over jacket thing with the wide sleeves, and the final vest on top. But it's kind of hard to tell because they're all white.
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In Phase II, taking place 150 years before Phase I, you have padawan Matty Cathley and knight Oliviah Zeveron. Padawans in the High Republic have matching under-belts to their lightsabers, but their outfits have some variation. Matty has the 3-layer combo of undershirt, tunic, and tabard. Oliviah does too.
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Master Silandra Sho has a little more variance, with her draping belt and short batwing tunic. Since the white stuff on her arms is wrappings, I imagine the white on her chest might just be sort of a scarf or kerchief, but it could be a sleeveless undertunic.
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Gella Nattai has a cool gold chest plate sort of thing under her tabard:
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Barash Silvain favors a lighter palette, and also has a cool cape skirt thingy:
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Overall, it seems like the Jedi had a much more unified look in their golden age, and not just in the temple robes. In the prequel era, it seems like some jedi just wear their normal robes all the time, while some might have a somewhat fancier version for formal occasions
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theblogghoulette · 2 years
Graceful, Batman. (Papa Emeritus IV x Reader Fluff)
Hiya! Back again with another Twitter writing! This is just a little fluffy thing inspired by Copia’s batwing outfit- I swear I love this man sm. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1089
AO3 chapter: here
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Copia had been very excited to switch up his wardrobe after becoming Papa. It was truly overwhelming how many outfits he put together, and of course he needed a second opinion. Neither Nihil nor Sister Imperator would spare the time of day for his little fashion show, there was far too much to do around the Ministry. There was, however, one other person he knew he could count on to give opinions nearly as important as his own- and that was you. You, what others would see as a normal sibling of sin, were special in Copia’s eyes. Not only did he value your opinions, but also your company and friendship. So he sent an invitation to your chambers asking you to meet him in his. 
It was later in the day, so you had finished your tasks for the day already. Quickly grabbing something to eat, you made your way down the winding halls, wondering what the important business Copia wanted to discuss was. Whatever it was, you were always nervous when he formally invited you to visit him. In normal terms, he’d find you in the hall during the day and invite you to ‘hang out’ later that evening, which you would obviously accept. A lot of the siblings had not been very fond of their new Papa, but you never had any distaste for him. In fact, you quite liked Copia. He had a calming aura around him and surely he appreciated you accepting him as the new satanic pope. At least, he let on a sense of favoritism towards you. Which is the reason you’re here, knocking on his door in the late evening upon request. 
The door swings open to reveal Copia in his bathrobe and new papal makeup, excitedly motioning for you to come inside. Once you’re in the room, he shuts the door and pulls you in for a tight hug. “Thank you so much for coming on such short notice,” he says as he pulls away from you. “It’s no problem at all, Papa,” you reply with a smile. Copia lightly grabs your hand and leads you sit on his small couch. You take your seat and look up at him, confused. “What was the important business, Papa?” You asked. His face flushed with embarrassment, momentarily returning to the nervous and feeble man he was when he was the Cardinal. Once he composed himself, he answered your question. “Well, I was hoping you could give me an opinion on the outfits I’ve put together for the next tour.” You stifled the laugh threatening to escape as you nod, accepting your role as fashion expert for the night. 
Copia’s face brightened at your agreement to help him. He knew he could count on you. Quickly, he shuffled into his bathroom and closed the door. You waited patiently, hearing the sound of something falling and a few mumbled curse words before the bathroom door opened and Copia stepped out in his first outfit, walking towards you and giving you a spin. He had black pants that looked like they had been chewed up by a dog, but somehow worked so well paired with a black button up shirt, the sleeves ending with frills. “Aw, I think it looks great on you!” You say, gazing up and down his body in observance. He grinned, running behind him and picking up a few mismatched objects to show you. 
“I have a ton of accessories to go on top, too! There’s this vest, these jackets, this cool hat!” Copia showed you everything he had put together excitedly, almost like a little kid. It was so heartwarming to see him this psyched up. You observed every accessory as he tried them on, giving him your approval whenever he looked at you with his bright, mismatched eyes. When he put the hat on proudly, he stopped and grinned devilishly. He had a sudden idea and you could see the gears turning in his head as he took his hat off and handed it to you. “I have one more accessory. Wait here!” He said, backing away slowly and bumping into the doorframe before slipping back into the bathroom. 
Patiently, you waited. You tried ignoring the giggles erupting from the other room, unsure of what exactly you needed to be prepared for. The door creaked open slightly and you leaned to get a better view. “Close your eyes!” Copia shouted from hiding. You did as you were told, feeling suspicious but trusting it wouldn’t be too bad in the end. The floorboards creaked as he approached you softly. There was a squeaking noise coming from somewhere, it sounded like… leather? ‘Surely he didn’t get a leather outfit,’ you thought. A waft of air hit your face and a whoosh sound was heard. It almost sounded like a cloak had been thrown. “Open them!” He instructed. When you opened your eyes, there was Copia. He stood before you with bat wings, in what you assumed was supposed to be a “scary” pose.
You couldn’t hold back your giggles  as you stared at him, brandishing the most serious look he’d ever worn on his face. He looked offended when you began laughing and went to lower his arms. Before he could do that, though, you wrapped yours around his figure and pulled him in for a tight hug. With a sigh, he returned the favor and wrapped you in his wings. No matter how disappointed he was that he didn’t scare you, Copia could never turn down a hug. “I didn’t scare you, did I?” He asked sadly. “You terrified me, Papa.” You replied. He perked up upon hearing this, “Really?” You nodded into his chest, pulling away enough to look up at him. His wings were still draped over you. “You should try to scare people on stage,” you suggested with a warm smile. He smiled back and nodded his head. “Good idea.”
You investigated the wings closer, honestly impressed at the detail. Copia then gasped, pulling you out of thought. “Oh, I forgot! Would you like to see my papa robes?” Excitedly, you nodded. “Yes, of course!” He outstretched his wings and ran towards the bathroom as if he was flying. It was cute and funny until he ran directly into the door frame again, bonking his head. You winced at his pain, only laughing when he sat up and rubbed his head with a chuckle. “Graceful, Batman,” you laughed. Copia glared at you and disappeared to the bathroom.
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cha0s-boyy · 4 months
here have some of the "human ocs i never post about" (some info about them under the cut :3)
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[ID: digital drawings of six human characters in a simple lineless style. 1. a very tall, thin man with very pale skin, straight gray hair, and pale blue eyes. his hair is short on the sides and slightly longer and messy on top, and he has 5'oclock shadow. he has thick eyebrows and a scar on his cheek and nose. he is wearing oval-shaped glasses, and a black priest's cassock with a white collar. he is standing with one hand raised, and has a neutral expression. 2. a tall, broad-shouldered man with tan skin and straight black hair. his hair is medium length and is parted on his right. he is wearing black sunglasses and a black suit. he has a neutral expression. 3. a mid-height, thin person with brown skin, straight black hair, and brown eyes. they have no notable bust. their hair is short and spiky. they are wearing black eye makeup, and have several ear piercings, including dangly cross earrings. they are wearing a black spiked collar, a black off-the-shoulder batwing sweater, a gray rosary worn like a necklace, a black belt with D-rings all around it, black pants with lace-up sides, and black platform boots with buckles on the sides. they have one hand on their hip and have their mouth pushed to one side. 4. a small thin girl with fair skin, straight blond hair, and hazel eyes. her hair is shoulder-length, and is parted in the middle and otherwise unstyled. she has freckles on her cheeks and nose, and her front teeth stick out. she is wearing a brownish backwards baseball cap, an oversized dull green shirt that is half tucked in, a brown belt, oversized brownish pants, and faded red sneakers. she has one fist raised and she is smiling. 5. a tall, stocky woman with fair skin, straight light brown hair, and light brown eyes. she has a small bust. her hair is tied in a pony tail, except for a few strands on her forehead. she is wearing a white shirt with red sleeves, black athletic shorts, and red and turquoise running shoes. she has one hand on her hip and the other arm is raised in a flex, and she is smiling. 6. a short, fat woman with dark tan skin, curled brown hair, and dark brown eyes. she has a moderate bust. her hair is parted on her left, and is straight on top but is styled into fluffy curls farther down, so that her hair looks shoulder-length. she is wearing oversized glasses, gold clips in her hair, a patterned orange tie-front cropped button-up, a darker orange skirt, a belt with a large gold buckle, white knee-high socks, and orange and brown platform heels. she is holding an orange purse in one hand, and she is smiling. /end ID]
ok so these characters are supposed to be in a kind of paranormal horror story but it's kinda turned more into an action-comedy with a mystery background =_= i'll try and bring it back but we'll see
for the characters! we have: father killian, who is the worst priest ever. sucks at christian doctrine but what he IS good at is building illegal and ethically dubious custom weaponry and fighting vampires and demons and werewolves with it. the vatican hates him. agent john smith, who works for the government and that is pretty much his entire personality. he's not married to his work; he IS his work. doesn't consider himself a person but rather an extension of the united states government and its interests. rajani, who is goth and likes to cause problems and be difficult. will NOT just give you a straight answer to the damn question. figure it out. 🖕 darby, who is an 11-year-old tomboy who hangs out in a group of troublemaker boys whose hobbies include kicking cans and owning slingshots. her parents wanted her to be some sort of high-class socialite but they instead got an androgynous delinquent who only wears clothes 3 sizes too big for her. wyn, who is a jock. stereotypically strong but not the brightest. she's got a good heart tho. her full name is wynifred but she goes by wyn because it sounds like win and that is what she likes to do. sherla, who is an amateur sleuth and likes to dress like it's the 1970s. she wants to find The Truth and Proof and all that. her current job is babysitting but ideally she'll make her way into something like investigative journalism. people underestimate her because she's fat and feminine, but she is capable of doing hard work and getting her hands dirty.
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At The Bar - Indiana Jones X Female Reader
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Title: At The Bar
Indiana Jones X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Partygoers (Mentioned), Brody (Mentioned), and Franklin Boyd (OC) (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,904
Warnings: Reader wears a dress, Reader's hair is long enough to be put up, Reader wears heels, parties, bar mentioned, alcohol, slight suggestiveness, Franklin the misogynist, nervousness, anxiety, teasing, taunting, yelling, fighting, assault, unwanted attention/flirting, name-calling (nothing bad but unwanted as mentioned previously), slight angst, and fluff
You smoothed down the red wine velvet dress as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You turned your head side to side as you admired your hair. You did your best by putting it up in a low bun, the stray hairs framing your face. You smiled at your appearance in the mirror. The dress you had chosen showed off all of your curves nicely. It had half-batwing sleeves, flowing at the middle of your upper arm. The neckline was low, but not too low, the fabric crossing over on itself so it didn’t show anything scandalous. The skirt of the dress cut off right at your calves, leaving the rest of your legs bare. Along with your stockings, you had on your black ankle strap heels. 
You looked amazing, beyond amazing even. Your outfit could easily fit you well into any high society event that you could ever dream of attending. If anything, you were dressed to impress. You just hoped that tonight wouldn’t be one of those nights where you would have to sit through a boring dinner or a small talk about politics. You were only going to an event at the museum Indiana worked with. You didn't really care for parties, but this event was important to him. And you were happy to help. Even though you didn’t want to attend. 
Flinching in surprise as a pair of arms wrapped around you, you smiled looking up and back into the mirror to see Indiana standing behind you. His chest pressed firmly against yours as he peered at you through the mirror. “Looking good.” He whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against your earlobe. A shiver ran down your spine, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. “So beautiful.” He kissed your cheek before moving away from you. “Ready?” He asked you, wrapping his arm around your waist as he led you out of the room. 
You let out a small sigh, smiling up at him, “As I’ll ever be.”
The large conference room was decorated with white marble table tops, gold vases filled with pink rose petals, and tall glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The long banquet hall that stretched out the length of the building was decorated with red silk and gold accents. The tables and chairs set out around the room were polished silver and had red satin cushions on them.You figured they only used them for special events. You stood next to Indiana, admiring the decorations as more people arrived. Some of the older women gave you little smiles of recognition while others ignored you completely. That was just how some of them were. You felt a bit of nervousness seep into you, as you knew how these types of events could make you feel. You never had been a big fan of large parties or any type of social gathering. Not only because they didn't interest you in any way, but because they scared you. The fear of being judged and ridiculed by everyone else always came along with them.
Indiana's hand around your waist tightened a tad, gaining your attention. You looked up at him as he gave you a small smile and gestured to the dance floor with a nod of his head. "Want to dance?" He asked, letting go of your waist and extending his hand towards you.
You nodded shyly and took his hand gently. "Sure." You replied as you laced your fingers between his. "Just one dance. You know how terrible I am at the Waltz." You joked as he led you to the dance floor.
He chuckled quietly as you began dancing to the slow music of the jazz band. "Oh, believe me, I know." He teased as he pulled you closer into his body. "That's why I suggested we take classes together." 
You shook your head quickly as you stared into his eyes. "To stop me from embarrassing you?" You mused as Indiana simply shook his head.
He glanced around the room, if you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he looked nervous, "No, I do that to myself already." He teased, before continuing, "I just thought it would be a nice activity to do with each other. You know, spend more time together." He shrugged slightly, looking back down at you. "Minus all our adventures."
You hummed, leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to Indiana's lips, "That does sound tempting." You continued to dance, "I'll think about it."
Indiana grinned, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead, "That's my girl." He enthused before twirling you out and back into his arm, making you laugh.
As the music ended, the small dancing crowd turned to the band to applaud before Indiana led you to the bar. You lent against it as Indiana glanced around the room, finding Brody waving him over. Indiana turned back to you, "I'm going to speak with Brody. Buy yourself a drink, I'll be right back." He said, his hands brushing your waist as he left you at the bar. You watched him go, taking in how amazing he looked in that suit of his. 
You couldn’t help but stare. You felt your cheeks flush when he turned back around, smirking and winking at you before he disappeared into the crowd again. Sighing dreamily, you turned to the bar, waved the bartender down, and ordered yourself a drink. As you waited, you felt a presence beside you, side-glancing you found a man beside you, flagging the bartender down before he turned to you. You tapped your foot anxiously, praying that the man wouldn't talk to you and would just mind his own business and leave you be.
You inwardly sighed, you spoke too late. Deciding to be civil, you glanced at the man with a smile before turning back to the bar. Maybe he’d get the hint.
"Hello, I'm Franklin. Franklin Boyd." He introduced himself, offering his hand to you.
You turned, mentally curing to yourself. This Franklin character was tall, but not as tall as Indiana. He had dark black hair, but not the brown hair you admired on Indiana. And Franklin had blue eyes, not the sweet chocolatey brown as Indiana's. He seemed nice, but even if you weren’t dating Indiana, you wouldn’t have been interested. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." You went to shake his hand only for this… Franklin to take your hand and press a kiss to your knuckles; surprising you.
"Wonderful name, very fitting for you. So, can I buy you a drink?" He offered you another smile.
Your stomach swirled with nerves, unsure of what to say. "Uh, heh… No, sorry. I already have one." You spoke, just in time for your drink to be placed in front of you.
"How about I buy you a second drink, darling." He asked, leaning his side against the bar, giving you a once-over as he smirked.
You mentally cringed, almost feeling queasy, "No, thank you." You politely declined, grabbing the small glass of your liquor of choice, and taking a sip.
Franklin's smirk turned into a frown, his blue eyes glinting with annoyance. He leaned forward, placing a hand on the counter between the two of you. "Look, I don't like it when girls refuse my advances. They shouldn't be allowed to." He told you, anger leaking into his voice.
You rolled your eyes. Great, he was one of those. You placed your drink down, turning to the man, "Listen, I don't know what your issue is, but I'm not interested. If you want to get with someone then you need to work past whatever it is you're trying to do here. Chivalry isn't dead, so work on yours." You finished, turning back to the bar.
"Hey! Don't turn your back on me!" Franklin called after you, grabbing onto your wrist tightly. Turning you around. You tried to pull your hand away from his grip, but he refused to let go. "How dare you speak to me like that! Do you think that I won't make you regret it if you continue to disrespect me? Now listen here-"
You watched as Indiana placed a hand on Franklin's shoulder, squeezing tightly in a warning. You had totally missed when he walked over, you mind racing, heart fiercely beating, and you had only what you would call tunnel-vision. Indiana's eyes were dark, his features hard as he glared at Franklin. You had never seen him like that. "Let her go." He growled, voice deep and menacing.
Franklin scoffed, "Like hell I will. She disrespected me!" 
You watched as Indiana's knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip on the man. "And you're disrespecting not only me but my wife. So, if you want to keep your job, Mr. Boyd. I would advise you to let go of her before I report you to the head of the council." Indiana threatened as you watched Franklin's face grow pale.
As fast as lightning, Franklin dropped your wrist, before speed-walking away. You sighed, taking your wrist in your hand, and rubbing it gently. Indiana sighed, stepping closer to you. He gently raised his hands, taking your wrist in his as he examined it. His gaze moved from your wrist to your eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, his tone soft and caring.
You nodded, letting out a sigh of relief, "You called me your wife.”
Indiana paused, eyes widening slightly, “Uh… I did?” He asked and you nodded. You watched as he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. “Uh, I’m sorry about that. Must’ve slipped out.” His cheeks reddened slightly.
“No, it’s alright, Indy.” You spoke, your heart racing for an entirely different reason now. “It was… Sweet.” Indiana nodded, before you spoke again, answering his question. “I’m alright, by the way.”
Indiana pursed his lips, glaring at the ground. "He should've never laid his hands on you," Indiana spoke, voice deep but the tone still soft. "If he did anything els-"
"But he didn't." You interrupted him, maneuvering your hands to intertwine your fingers with his, making him look up, "If he had, I would've kicked him right where the sun don’t shine." You smirked, giving him a wink.
Indiana smiled, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. "Well, I suppose that would have made things quite interesting." He said with a chuckle, before leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes and sighed contently at the feeling of his warm lips pressed against yours. His arms came around your waist pulling you into his embrace, as his free hand moved behind your back bringing your body flush against his own as the other stayed on your waist. Pulling back, you let out another happy sigh, looking up at Indiana with a shy smile.
"How about," Indiana began, licking his lips, "How about we go home? I've already spoken with Brody. No other real reason to stay here." He explained with a smirk, leading you away from the bar.
You laughed, nodding. "Yes please, Indiana." You said as you both started heading out of the party. "I'd like nothing better than to go home and cuddle with you."
"Good." Was all he responded, before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
You giggled as you wrapped your hand tighter around his.
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thecursedprince · 1 year
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Monster High Draculaura Doll, Vampire Heart in Extravagant Black Ballgown with Elegant Headpiece and Accessories
All hail The Vampire Queen! Draculaura Vampire Heart doll looks like she’s stepped right out of a dark fairytale in her gore-geously gothic gown.
Awestruck gasps will fill the vampire court as their undead queen Draculaura descends the ballroom staircase with a black train draped behind her like a shadow.
Her breathtaking look features a lacy white bodysuit, a satin bustier bodice with sheer puff sleeves, a cut-out cage skirt with hand-tacked ruffles at the hem, and pink “pearl” embellishments.
Heart-shaped bangs curl above smokey eyes with rooted lashes, while face-framing braids show off her chandelier earrings and twist around an elaborate batwing headpiece
Draculaura doll’s majestic look is complete with ornate lace-sculpted shoes that have a bat-topped spiral staircase at the heels.
With a doll stand and deluxe, displayable packaging, Draculaura Vampire Heart doll makes a fangtastic gift. She’s the skulltimate edition to any Monster High collection.
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Did @aliengirl's CAS Challenge again this time with a lookbook for this alien goth babe
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[ID: a Blonde, goth alien lady Sim with a violet complexion, droopy antenna, pointy ears, green eyes with black sclera, tattoos and an athletic physique is wearing various outfits. Her blonde hair is bobbed and has been partly dyed black with a red ombré.
The first outfit is her everyday look.
It is casual outfit with a corset-like top, pleated skirt with a studded belt, ripped tights, boots with batwings, pentacle shaped earrings, and a spiky choker with a heart shaped ring, and she also has a spiky cuff on her left wrist. She also has a spiky black manicure and dark lipstick.
The Second outfit is formalwear.
She has spider shaped earrings, a black wrap dress, a corset-like choker, fishnet stockings, and spiky platform heels. She also has a sparkly black stiletto manicure.
The third outfit is her athleticwear.
She has a black torn crop top with the words "disassociating in progress..", a cranberry red fishnet bodysuit underneath, black and white split tone cargo pants and socks, and spiky goth crocs. she also has spiked ear plugs and a choker that resembles dripping blood.
The fourth outfit is her Pajamas.
She has an oversized tee with Ghostface from the Movie Scream, ripped Garter stockings, and black slippers with a face mask.
The fifth outfit is what she would wear to a party.
The outfit consists of a black minidress with sheer fabric sleeves, a plum corset, gothic Fishnet stockings, chunky black boots, a choker with a black gemstone, and rose earrings She laso has glossy Black lipstick.
The Sixth outfit is her swimwear.
She has a corset-like bikini top with a pinstriped bikini bottom. She also has pentagram-print platform slides, a rose choker, an edgy earring, and a black garter on her right thigh.
The seventh outfit is what she would wear when it's hot outside.
She has a red and black striped crop top with rips that are held with safety pins. She also has a fishnet shirt underneath and a corseted mini skirt with edgy earrings and a rose choker. Her socks are sheer and she has goth crocs.
The eighth outfit is what she would wear on a cold day.
She has a puff sleeve bodysuit with a queen ann neckline and lace trim, a red cargo maxi skirt, chunky black boots, a sword necklace, rose earrings, and a pentacle chain belt. She also has glossy black lipstick. End of ID.]
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Decided to make her into an alien who dresses goth because that's her favorite human subculture.
Unnatural Skintone/All the Tattoos/Long nose/green eyes/Medium and straight platinum blonde hair with two extra colors/Goth/earrings and a necklace
Credits below the cut
Purple skin tone/hair/Tattoos/eyes/teeth/Antennae/Pointy ears
Corset top/pleated skirt/ripped tights/batwing boots/pentacle earrings/choker/lipstick/eye makeup/Spiked Cuff
Wrap Dress/corset choker/stiletto nails/spider earrings/fishnets
Workout Gear
Crop Top/fishnet bodysuit/sweatpants/matte sneakers/earrings/blood choker/mismatched stockings
Ripped stockings + Garter panties/T-shirt/Scream Graphic/flats
Party outfit
Dress/stockings/Boots/underbust corset/choker/earrings/lipstick/eyeliner
Corset top/striped bikini bottom/slides/garter/rose choker/edgy earring/eyeliner/lipstick
Hot Weather
Safety Pin Crop top/fishnet undershirt/corset miniskirt/rose choker/platform sandals/earrings/lipstick/eyeliner
Cold Weather
Puff sleeve body suit/Cargo Maxi skirt/Pentacle Chain Belt/chunky boots/rose earrings/sword pendant/eye makeup/lipstick
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winters-mistress · 7 months
"Ciri?" Geralt asks, glancing up into the mirror so he could see his daughter. "You finished your veg? You know our rule."
And that rule was Ciri could have dessert after she'd finished her vegetables. Of course, it was different is she was trying a new vegetable Eskel or Vesemir had grown on the grounds, she was only expected to try it, and a full portion if she liked it. Which had worked well to get many different green vegetables down her, only pumpkin and mushrooms went untouched.
Now, however, the rule was simple. Finish the vegetables we both know you like, and you can have your dessert. And in this case, after Ciri had finished her performance in her latest school play, her father had bought her a mcdonalds as a treat. Carrot sticks after her little burger, then he would give her her little portion of fries and the little cupcake and ice cream cone.
Geralt frowns as he doesn't hear an answer. His girl had been chatting non stop since her performance, only being quiet when she began tucking into her little burger.
"Ciri?" He's got excellent hearing, surely he can't have misheard again.
Geralt pulls to a stop at the red light, taking a moment to properly look at his girl as she sat in her car seat.
And he smiles.
There, in her pretty silver dress Eskel and Jaskier had teamed up to sew -the one with what looked like a hundred layers of sparkly silver tulle and a matching top with a lace batwing sleeve overlay- with the crown he had bought her three days ago, wings still attached to her shoulders smashed against the seat, ketchup and mustard smeared over her little lips, the girl lay fast asleep. Her head leans against her shoulder, chin to chest, blonde curls just as wild as his own hair could get, she breathes in and out, deep and calm, exhausted from her performance and lulled by the car noise.
Geralt chuckles, glancing at the empty carrot stick bag near her open hand. A deal's a deal, he'll hide her cake from lambert and give her a scoop of ice cream in the morning.
And so, Geralt drives the rest of the way up the mountain to their farm, looking over at the three cars that litter outside the main doorway, turning the ignition off and opening his door, exiting.
Reaching in, Geralt unbundled Ciri from her car seat, sliding his right hand behind her shoulders, taking an annoyingly long time to find her knees from the torrent of tulle she wore. Ciri stays asleep, slumping into his arms as he grabs the bunch of roses he had given her.
The girl stays asleep long past the moments where he cradles her head, protecting it from the doorway as they enter the main living quarters of Kaer Morhen farmland and stables. She isn't aware of her grandfather smiling at the two of them, nor is she aware of the fact her father replaces her pretty dress, wings and crown for her purple horse pyjamas that Yennefer had bought her that summer.
Geralt tucks her into her blue bedding, pressing her Kelpie plushie into her arms, filling her water bottle and replacing the apple and salted crackers he keeps by her bedside table.
"Goodnight, Princess." He whispers, kissing her head. "Sweet dreams."
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susoriginals · 1 month
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Vintage Blue & White Blouse Dolman Batwing Sleeve Top by A New Approach marked Women's XXL Fits Extra Large to 2X Only $10 
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ranseur · 1 year
the different t-shirt cuts thing is so real - over the past few years i've realized that i don't hate t-shirts in general, i just prefer ones that are wider, and short-sleeves aren't the devil it's just that the ones on "women's" shirts are TOO short so it's an uncanny valley between tank tops and like, Actual Sleeves. personally My solution is to introduce a third Common Shirt Silhouette, the batwing shirt, and that can be The Non-Binary option if we must gender things, because obviously that's the best kind anyway
yea the 'women' tshirt cut always feels so constricted in the armpits! while the 'womens' neck hole (? XD) is more relaxed than the 'mens' cut; which can be pretty small sometimes. you win some you lose some u_u and right on. the more options the better, i say!
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trendilyyours · 3 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FREE People Next Vacation Deep V-Neck Open Back Smocked Waist Top.
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vintagebitchgifts · 7 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Woman’s Boho Floral Print Lace Trim Batwing Sleeve Tunic V Neck Dress.
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shanysfasions · 2 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 4-7 DANA BUCHMAN white green black paisley satin top M.
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bluewhisperpup · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VaVa Batwing top with Color block trim and side ties 🔴.
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poshtreasures18 · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kim & Cami XL short sleeved batwing knot front top v neck with eyelet cutouts.
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