#bbc cucumber
maxer-blaster · 11 months
The hardest Con O'Neill poll:
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Cucumber Day 5 Watching Con's Filmography
(I also listened to a short story he'd been in, scroll down a bit on my page and you'll find it. For everyone who watched this and needs a refresher only on Con, someone finally posted a compilation on youtube. If you haven't seen the series, you'll probably be lost. But I'm sure its a fun out of context watch)
Summary wrote after binging the entire series in one day.
Please, Please, Please go online and check every warning for this show. Not only for the graphic hate crime but see everything they warn about. Protect yourself. This review will discuss sexual topics, nudity, and substance abuse, and age gaps.
So the show. I think it was fun, not the best tv show, and has some mixed messages, but a fun watch.
I grew up in a household/town where sex wasn't discussed. Especially queer shit. This show is very in-your-face about it and I admire the shit out of it. The friendships felt lived in. The experience of being a young queer 'hunted' by older queers was explored enough to not make Henry a complete hypocrite, sadly. But the focus was always more on Henry, even in the end, Henry still got off on the image of a 20 something during sex.
Fully noting, I did skip scenes. Some things were just a bit much for me, so I took the liberty to save peace and move on. Yet, the show does seem to balance heavy moments with joy and comedy. Hell, during a fucking funeral, some guys need to go check their dicks for hair. And you know what, I feel that if Lance were there, he wouldn't even be suprised.
I loved Freddy. Holy shit, at first, I was worried about how he'd be treated, but by the end, I was rooting for him. Obviously, the guy is just so used to being hunted for his body. This topic was brushed on with the teacher, and not really felt by the plot or the characters around him. I'm happy he felt like he could leave and just grow up as a person. I'm so happy they let the audience see a time jump where everyone turns up okay, and happy.
I'm not a queer man, but I know this shit can resonate. I've seen queer men online discuss these same points. Predatory age gaps, the pressure to be hot, aging, commitment, and communication issues in relationships...This isn't the best show for all that to be taken seriously but I'll leave that discussion to that community.
So Con's character, Cliff, was right about Henry in episode 1, and I fucking love when writers do this shit. "You always did that. Never had affairs, just obsessions." Cause in the context, yes, Henry never cheated. But he never has deep relationships; he has brief obsessions until things get too serious and he needs to move on. Hell, In episode 8, that's the conclusion Henry comes to himself. "Maybe one day I'll come to terms to it...being gay". Cause he wants intimacy but fears men and getting close to people. It's that closeness he struggles with.
The things that bugged me about the series
The entire bit about the boys playing chicken for internet attention. Again, I know this is a thing. But now a days we legitimately have children doing this stuff unknowingly for people online. Or parents unknowingly showing their children on tik tok for millions of people. I know people who were groomed, and avoided it like crazy growing up as a kid online. I cringed every time this plot point was mentioned, feeling like a kid was a second away from getting hurt. It just felt a bit much to touch on for me in this type of show. Again, they tried to have their cake and eat it too by showing Harry get a slap on the wrist, but it just didn't feel like it justified the plot line being there in the first place. Seriously, what did it add to the story besides showing Henry that maybe he should go back home? He could have done so many other things. The only funny bit is when Cliff commented how fucking weird straight people are sometimes.
Cliff says in ep 1 he had a history of going after older men when he was young, and the age gap is boggeling. Again, this could mean he only had a crush on him. But if we're going to bring up how wierd it was, then why is this and the teacher sub plot where minors brought up the only time its mentioned. Like yeah, the teacher-student situation was fucked up. How about the 30 and 40-year-olds going after people in their early 20s. "I'm horrified to discover I have standards." Fun line Cliff, yeah. But they are literally minors. Age gaps and taking advantage of younger queers is a real issue in the queer community. There should 100% be a place to talk about it. But when every 'likable' character does it without issue, then it's still a problem. Hell, this is why Freddy's plot felt so out of left field in ep 8 with Cliff and him fucking before running off. I don't know why he did it, knowing that Cliff wanted him for his body? Or maybe he just wanted comfort after that argument and knew he'd get it by having sex? I genuinely want to know other interpretations. If Freddy felt like this, it would have been more satisfying for Henry to learn his lesson and not use 20-year-old Freddy as wank material for the next 6/7 years. Also, Freddy running away from Cliff with his pants down was just funny.
Now, wash most of that out of your head!
The fun part that we have all been waiting for-
(Yes, Cliff is kind of a douche early on. Enjoying eyeing Freddy and praising Henry for leaving his boyfriend for a 'young boy toy'. But, as the series goes, it dies down. Cliff, pre-episode 6 was a fun jackass. Post-ep 6 is one of the best characters in the show and the best friend you could ask for.)
I have seen most gifs online for this character. The soft outfits, smoking, suits, smiling. And fucking YET. The three scenes to me that make me love this character are-
"And obviously, I could take a statement. Have a briefcase with me, files and a pen. Because solicitors get searched entering a prison just like everyone else, but I'd still have a pen. Because a pen is all I'd need, really. I think it would take me a second to lean across and insert the pen through his throat. Right here. At the base. Straight through to the spine. (I could do that.) He'd bleed out in seconds. Dead. So... that's what I'll do. With your permission." I need Izzy to do this speech. Please god. In all your infinite wisdom. In this moment, I 100% felt that this lawyer would murder the murderer of his friend in sheer rage with a fucking pen.
Cliff pulling up(no crutches *curtsies with a smile*) to save Henry's ass from saying something stupid to the cops after their place gets ransacked. Stepping in and ensuring Freddy doesn't assault someone in front of cops.
"I look forward to the tribunal because the law is magnificent in this regard. It's not up to us to prove homophobia, it's up to you to prove homophobia does not exist. Best of luck. Thank you." AHHHHHHHH Smarmy, confident, smiling Con, I love it. Maybe the hottest thing Cliff does in this series, the outfit, the glaring before hand, the confidence, and AHHH.
His stand-out moments are when he's being a loyal, caring motherfucker. Trust me, after days of seeing a sad, depressed, miserable Con, seeing him thirsting after men was fun. Seeing him make dick jokes and act like an 'Elder Gay' that protected his own did heal my soul. But there was just a fucking genuine happiness he brought to the role.
I love that, even though he's a character Henry can rely on, Henry would never stay at his flat. (Obviously, cause then the plot wouldn't happen, but I like to think they know they'd both bring out the worst in each other).
Henry uses him for his knowledge of the law when doing cagey shit. It's great. Like getting his job back or doing the whole weird shit mentioned above for extra money. Seeing Cliff doing his best to stay semi-professional and not visibly judge the shit out of Henry for essentially being a soft core pimp is so fucking funny. Also, his 'that's our song' speech, where he goes on about how people steal underground culture, was fun.
The funeral made me respect Cliff, as he knew how to handle the situation. Keeping the situation safe enough in public so that Henry could have his own time to break down.
When Cliff didn't push, let Henry grieve on his own time, it was beautiful. Many of us would have immediately pushed that boundary. Trying to let ourselves feel better by stopping someone else from having destructive emotions. But Cliff knows better. Hell, when Henry is crying we see Cliff tearing up. Showing that Cliff knows to just step back tells us so much about how these two men care for each other.
Now a tiny praise corner about writing an Elder Gay lawyer character-
The sheer joy in Cliff knowing he could use the 'law' to protect queer people. Both for Lance and for getting Henry his job back. If Cliff is as old as Con, he'd have been a lawyer starting in the 1990's. He would have in practice during queer legalization post-thatcher in the UK. There's a good reason he seemed to be the happiest when they got home after getting his job back. He would have been taught Section 28 as a queer man.
'The fight for sexual equality however, was far from over. Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, introduced by the Conservative Government under Margaret Thatcher, banned local authorities from ‘promoting homosexuality’ or ‘pretended family relationships’, and prohibited councils from funding educational materials and projects perceived to 'promote homosexuality'. The legislation prevented the discussion of LGBT issues and stopped pupils getting the support they needed. Section 28 was repealed in 2003, and Prime Minister David Cameron apologised for the legislation in 2009.'
He went from learning about all that shit as a young lawyer(who fucking survived the AIDS crisis), plus worse, to using ANTI DISCRIMINATION LAW for LGBTQ people! (kinda) So yeah. There's a very good fucking reason why that scene made me pause and stim for the fucking life of me. He was the happiest one when they came home, belting and smiling! So much has changed over his life and AHHH-
(This just hurts knowing this defence is all still legal where I live. And rights are being stripped every day... But hope still exists...yatta yatta.)
The friendship between Cliff and Henry feel so lived in. Burrowed and nestled. Clearly, Cliff has his own sad law show going on in the background and Henry is where he can let his (glorious) hair down.
I think it's funny as shit that when Henry panics and tries to find someone in mind to keep him in the moment sometimes he accidentally imagines Cliff. In a 'I've heard way to much about my friends sex lives so I think I know what it looks like' kind of way.
I also think it's funny that in the two times we see him in time jump to the future (At the table toasting Freddy and in Bed) Cliff is still not entirely gray after 6-7 years (obviously, they didn't think/want to age him up or do makeup just for a gag). However, Icon behavior.
His outfits? I would wear most of them. He is gender and life envy. Again, I think Cliff could have been a character to show how happy some people are without relationships. We get this vibe from him with the whole 'you're not tied down' speech, and I wish that was a concept explored more on TV.
He's the least depressed lawyer character I have seen on TV. If I could be a Cliff Costello type, I would go into law.
I think a good mix of the best parts of Cliff Costello and all of Val Pearson is who I want to be as an 'elder'(again, I turn 21 in January). Confident, loyal, willing to stick up for others, funny as shit. Maybe has a more stable love life than them, and hopefully not any substance addictions, but god. They just have so much joy when you know these characters had to have lived through such shitty times for queer people.
At first, I did this just to explore Con's work. But I think this has all helped me feel some hope for the future. What people need is support and love and a place to exist.
Overall ratings
Cinematography: 7/10. Fun edits. Fun motifs. Loved the opening, and the sound effects to suggest certain things to the audience was fun.
Story: 6/10. Would be higher but some shit just got stuck in my craw. Again, the show just got better and better as it went and by the end I just felt satisfied. Would be an 8 ish if not for my issues mentioned above.
Characters besides Con: 7/10. Everyone plays really fun parts. Everyone is shitty in their own unique way, and for the most part, they get what they deserve. Even if they haven't really learned their lesson yet (Henry, I swear to god you are on a wire). Satisfying arcs for everyone besides Henry, but that's the point. I'm happy the Collective wheedled out into a more realistic ending where these people could go on and live happy lives and not coddle the man.
Con: 8/10. He is so much fun, and he is having so much fun. I wish he was in it longer, but in every scene, he is in, he eats it up. He goes from serious lawyer to best friend in a flash and it just makes me so happy. Cliff is up there with my favorite performances, some of his actions just kill the vibe a bit for me. Again. Any series where Con smiles is a win. Also, I love that he bodied a character who uses movement aids, and it just made me more excited to see what he'd do with Izzy for S2.
OVERALL: 6-7/10.
Not an easy recommend but could be a fun rewatch when I start losing somd hope about our community, while trying to see the real issues that exist to this day...or see more people online criticize queer people for wanting to have sex.
I would love to know your opinions about Cliff, thoughts about my thoughts, and more below! Have a Lovely day/night, everyone!
Next on the docket: Kisses in the Dark. An 8 ish hour audiobook on Spotify! Seems to be a supernatural horror Staring Con O'Neill and Rhiannon Clements(hopefully not a romance, since, with the person I googled, the age gap is 28 years. It's a bit different with voice acting...but now that I know? eh). I will be listening to that on Saturday (the 17th), and will have my thoughts on that here soon. I've been warned it was recorded during the pandemic at homes. So if you want to join in, prepare yourself for that.
As always, some of you lovelies who suggested/commented on my last few posts! Thank you so much!
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ringasunn · 2 years
TWICE in one day a showrunner has given me a non-answer about a Con O'Neill character. 😑🤣😭
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hellobitches990 · 2 years
Reblog if you’re still an active member of the BBC Sherlock / Granada holmes / acd community
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zevampirex · 1 year
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Just have found this old one in my files, i like that smile🙃
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carrymelikeimcute · 11 months
Suggest me shows to watch for con o'neill cuz im sad
Oh BOY have you come to the right place! Currently on a real Con safari over here.
I recommend Uncle first and foremost, because it's a comedy. Con plays Val, who's quite similar to Izzy in some ways (fiercely protective, insightful, funny, occasionally aggressive), but in drag/genderqueer with a more nurturing presence. Which is wonderful.
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On a more drama-y note. Happy Valley is an intense northern noir crime show where Con appears regularly in season 2-3 as Neil - very babygirl, very cute.
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More niche, but he's in season 2 of 'Ordinary Lies' a slice of life drama set in a warehouse. Each episode focuses on one character that works there and he appears in most episodes - his focal episode is the first one in the series and it is heart breaking but has some lighter moments.
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Cucumber (and I believe one episode of companion series Banana) is an LGBT drama, again with comedy moments. Con plays a lawyer and best friend of the main character. Very funny but also really dark in places (explicit in places, so be warned). I saw this when it came out in like 2015 and it was really solid.
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The most niche example I've come across so far is a podcast called 'Kisses in the Dark' about a supernatural sort of vampiric killer (Con). Have only listened to episode one so far but it's very dark and creepy. It's on youtube, audible, lots of places.
There are random episodes of UK shows too, like Midsomer Murders, Wild Bill etc. Which you'd have to look up on his imdb, but these are the big ones I've seen right now.
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thedowneyheart · 10 months
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Con O'Neill in Cucumber (s01e05)
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tylerxrbtwhp · 8 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | Sherlock Holmes |
NOTE: This is entirely my favourites so if it offense any of you, I don't care. It might seem mean, but this is how everyone is. P.S: ISTG I'm actually nice 💀
Henry Cavill's Sherlock Holmes:
En Garde https://www.tumblr.com/ithebookhoarder/700363473057628160/synopsis-your-husband-has-always-been-protective?source=share
Bewitched https://www.tumblr.com/cinebration/700022517638840320/bewitched-sherlock-holmes-x-reader-request?source=share
The Experiment {1} https://www.tumblr.com/sherlocksoft/720044593814667265/the-experiment?source=share The Experiment {2} https://www.tumblr.com/sherlocksoft/721735199838355456/the-experiment-pt-2?source=share
Dangerous Games https://www.tumblr.com/callmemaeverick/700148734404820992/dangerous-games-sherlock-holmes-x-femreader?source=share If Only You Would Know https://www.tumblr.com/espinosaurusrexex/709047438545190912/if-only-you-would-know?source=share Run Away https://www.tumblr.com/multific/699612561573920768/run-away?source=share It Takes Two https://www.tumblr.com/frost-queen/734448194490089473/it-takes-two-reader-x-sherlock-holmes?source=share Pulse Point https://www.tumblr.com/st-juliet/700595018092675072/can-i-request-an-nsfw-fic-sitting-on-sherlock?source=share A New Years Kiss https://www.tumblr.com/make-me-imagine/705226568468971520/a-new-years-kiss?source=share Unfailing Confidence https://www.tumblr.com/cinebration/700296882676711424/unfailing-confidence-sherlock-holmes-x-reader?source=share Only You https://www.tumblr.com/thisisawonderfulusername/704360254583996416/only-you-cavillsherlock-holmes-x?source=share Dance In The Winter https://www.tumblr.com/darlingdekarios/722523690629234688/dance-in-the-winter?source=share Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock Holmes: https://www.tumblr.com/iamsherlocked1479/713022583842422784/admit-it?source=share
Hold It Together https://www.tumblr.com/iamsherlocked1479/723734057530408960/hey-could-you-do-a-smut-where-virgin-reader-is?source=share
My Muse https://www.tumblr.com/specialagentlokitty/720463481796771840/sherlock-x-reader-my-muse?source=share
Stolen Love https://www.tumblr.com/freckles-things/704444975185821696/stolen-love-bbc-sherlock?source=share
Brother Dearest https://www.tumblr.com/starks-hero/697324677898584064/brother-dearest?source=share
What A Lovely Inconvinience https://www.tumblr.com/starks-hero/712182074421985280/what-a-lovely-inconvenience?source=share My Type https://www.tumblr.com/specialagentlokitty/719588419383230464/sherlock-x-reader-my-type?source=share Exact Opposite https://www.tumblr.com/lykaonimagines/702753577537568768/exact-opposite-sherlock-x-reader?source=share My Favourite Person https://www.tumblr.com/specialagentlokitty/718640213077950464/sherlock-x-reader-my-favourite-person?source=share Don't Be A Brat https://www.tumblr.com/iamsherlocked1479/735527507205423104/dont-be-a-brat?source=share
[No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/yandereaffections/188283801811/sherlocks-beyond-concerned-for-how-you-react?source=share
[No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/mykinkyyandere/685510432203603968/imagine-the-reader-coming-to-sherlock-for-help?source=share Robert Downey Junior's Sherlock Holmes: Oblivious Pain https://www.tumblr.com/just-dreaming-marvel/686875499130191872/oblivious-pain?source=share
And Then There Were Two https://www.tumblr.com/nikoruistyping/676683580767895552/hi-again-this-is-the-anon-from-before-if-i-can?source=share Robert Downey Junior's Sherlock Holmes, Series:
In The Game Of Love {1} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/662704224159793152/in-the-game-of-love-1 In The Game Of Love {2} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/663945231671181312/in-the-game-of-love-2
In The Game Of Love {3} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/664791573947662336/in-the-game-of-love-3 In The Game Of Love {4} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/666249575040974848/in-the-game-of-love-4
In The Game Of Love {5} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/669679249658150912/in-the-game-of-love-5 In The Game Of Love {6} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/670429416861614081/in-the-game-of-love-6 In The Game Of Love {7} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/670665006890778624/in-the-game-of-love-7
In The Game Of Love {8} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/670681378996748288/in-the-game-of-love-8
In The Game Of Love {9} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/670781776622469120/in-the-game-of-love-9 In The Game Of Love {10} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/672584933855870976/in-the-game-of-love-10 In The Game Of Love {11} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/675767664185163776/in-the-game-of-love-11
In The Game Of Love {12} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/676397774885011456/in-the-game-of-love-12 In The Game Of Love {13} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/676412402640797696/in-the-game-of-love-13 In The Game Of Love {14} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/676841121888043008/in-the-game-of-love-14 In The Game Of Love {15} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/677125955018457088/in-the-game-of-love-15 In The Game Of Love {16} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678402072761270272/in-the-game-of-love-16
In The Game Of Love {17} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678567136800686080/in-the-game-of-love-17 In The Game Of Love {18} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678588326088966144/in-the-game-of-love-18 In The Game Of Love {19} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678643863030808576/in-the-game-of-love-19 In The Game Of Love {20} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678682570019487744/in-the-game-of-love-20 In The Game Of Love {21} https://just-dreaming-marvel.tumblr.com/post/678765024046694400/in-the-game-of-love-21
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
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Description: You don’t want to get caught up in a friends with benefits situation with Sherlock so you attempt to go on a date. Key word attempt.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: 18+ p in v sex, oral (male recevng) kinda shaming but not too bad.
Your intentions were never to get caught up in a friends with benefits situation with anyone, especially not with someone as peculiar as Sherlock Holmes, but that was before the worst and probably most stressful days of your lives. He had to admit he couldn’t solve a case and you barely got through the day while managing to keep your job after the mess up with authors and the books they had written, honestly there needs to be less people with the surname smith in the world. You had both found yourself collapsed and slightly drunk on the sofa of 221B, you’re not denying it wasn’t good sex. Because in all honesty it was probably the best sex you’d ever had and he clearly enjoyed it because he kept coming back for more, to be specific exactly twenty three times in the space of three and a half weeks. It was becoming clear he never really was stressed every time, but how can you reject an offer from a man so good looking. You’d always been fond of his dark curls, baby blue eyes and especially the way he sirts clung around his biceps. But you hadn’t looked at him that much? Well that was a lie you found yourself staring at him whenever you could, and he enjoyed it, especially when he mentioned it during the deed. But now it has to stop, you have a date and you’re walking down the stairs in the nicest dress you could find, because you like this guy, and that's when he saw you.
“Can we have a moment?” He stood up eyes already scanning your body
“I told you last time was the last time.” You sigh picking up your keys 
“Why?” He moans almost like a child
“Because it's not good for roommates to be in a friends with benefits situation. It causes problems.” You weren’t exactly lying, every American rom-com had explained that.
“Fine then, what if we weren’t friends? I never liked you much anyways, there's more to life than books you know. One has to open their eyes to broader horizons” he sighed moving in front of the doorway
“Good to know, now one has to go, I have a date.” You mock him as you push past. You feel his hand on your wrist stopping you in your tracks, his touch burned your skin, your body craves him.
“A date why would you do that to yourself?” He asks
“What do you mean?” You say pulling your wrist away subtly checking it to see if he really did burn you, of course he didn’t.
“Why would you want to go to a semi decent restaurant and conversate with a person you barely know and hope that they’re not just looking for a one night stand?” 
“Because I barely know him and he’s a sweet guy who can pick out a good restaurant. How would you know anyways, you’re afraid of commitment.” You snap back but he pulls you again, you can tell by the look in his eyes, somehow you were going to pay for that.
“Don’t make me order you.” His tone depended and his eyes were filled with lust. You rolled your lips together before you said your reply
“I’d like to see you try.” You gulped, never letting go of your eye contact. He let go biting the side of his cheek as he watched you leave the building, he was angry but he felt the need to ruin that confidence. He knew by the end of the night he’d have you on your knees one way or another begging for him.
Somehow despite the slight detour of that conversation you had managed to make it to the restaurant on time. Jamie was already there dressed in a smart shirt, fitting for the restaurant you were at. His eyes lit up when he saw you.
“Hey i’m so glad we can finally do this” he stood up and made his way to your side of the table and pulled out your chair.
“Such a gentleman” you laughed as he tucked you into the table. You open the menu and he surprises you with ordering a bottle of wine for the table.
“So how is work?” He asks 
“Oh you know same old same old” you sigh
“Yeah but did you close the Anderson deal?” He pressed on
“Unfortunately not yet, but let's leave work at the door.” You ask
“For now sure.” He smiles, the rest of the date was fairly normal with all the usual things being asked. Your gaze switches from picking at your sub average food towards the man entering the building. Oh god, you could recognize those curls from a mile away. For fuck sake Sherlock. The waiter smiles warmly at him as she leads him to the table exactly next to yours.
“I think- is that, Sherlock Holmes?” Jamie exclaims
“Yup” you sigh “unfortunately so” you head falls into your palms
“Oh I didn’t expect to see you here!” He wears a fake smile as he sits down at his table shuffling his seat.
“You two know each other?” Jamie asks excitedly 
“Yes we do.” Sherlock replies looking at the menu
“Remember that weird roommate I was telling you about?” You glare at him, ensuring he knows what you’re suggesting 
“That's him, no way!” 
“This is Thai food, I thought you hated Thai food.” Sherlock looks at you “and have you not noticed the sub standard way he’s dressed along with the notebook he has to take notes to improve his publishing skills. What was it? Uhh, Jason, are you sure this is a date?” He smirks
“It's Jamie, and uh I- well maybe I was” Jamie stutters and looks over to you.
“Why are you here sherlock? And if you wanted help you could’ve just asked. Don’t lead me on for three months then take me on a crappy date.” You begin to pack up your stuff.
“Wait, please I- uh i’m sorry.” Jamie does move from his seat
“Uh huh sure looks like it, hope you enjoyed your free lesson because my meal was crap.” You look over to the manager of the restaurant who looks somewhat hurt by your words. Feeling bad you slam a £10 note on the table before storming off.
“What can I get you?” The waitress asks Sherlock.
“Sorry but change of plan.” Sherlock folds the menu up and places it on the table and hands a tip to the waitress “sorry for the trouble” he smiles and follows you out of the restaurant.
You stood outside the door to baker street red with anger, not only did he push his way into the date, but he also ruined it. Yeah maybe it was a bad way but it was supposed to be a way to get over his stupid dick, not that he needed to know that.
“I’m sorry, my intentions weren’t-
“Don’t start that Sherlock, you’re a good detective but a shit liar.” You huff pushing through the door.
“Well i was unsure given how you left” he followed you up the stairs, you stopped in your tracks. Oh he’s really done it now.
“How i left?” You sighed, Sherlock stood back slightly he’d never seen you like this before “you mean me telling you didn’t wanna be your stress relief anymore and actually trying to be an adult. What were you so unsure about? Please enlighten me.”
“How about the past three weeks of practically begging on your knees for me?” He snapped back
“Oh yeah sure because it only takes one person to fuck, how about last week or about two hours ago if I remember correctly, do you want me to go on. I told you we can’t do it anymore! Why do you think I was on this date?!” You paused knowing you’d said too much
“What are you talking about?” He tilts his head
“I may have only gone on this date because I didn’t want to think what we had was becoming something else, you don’t do all these normal people things.” You laugh to yourself “I was trying to get over your dick.” 
“Why should you?” He stepped closer, you took a stepback back until you hit the wall.
“What do you mean?” You ask, he answered swiftly by latching his lips to yours, pining you between him and the wall, your lips part as he pushes his tongue through causing you to send a whimper into his mouth
“Just admit it, you need me. I know I need you.” He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, he carried you into the apartment and dropped you against the door where he began to take off your clothes. You reached to undo the buttons of his shirt and he smacked your desperate hands away.
“Why?” You whimpered 
“Because you wanted someone else, you denied me of what i wanted. Now you have to wait for what you want, until I decide you’re forgiven.” His eyes were dark with lust as he pawed your body removing your layers. He turned you around and spread your legs apart. You heard the familiar sound of his belt unbuckling and then the tingling sensation of him rubbing his cock up and down your slick folds. He entered you with one hard thrust causing your face to press into the hard wood of the door as he fucked you.
“Fuck-sherlock plea-“ he cut you off covering your mouth with his hand.
“Wouldn’t want Mrs Hudson to hear now do we?” He continued his movement causing the door to rattle, he rubbed against the soft spot inside, his thickness and curve entered you perfectly. His cock rubbed your insides just right, tightening the coil inside you.
“F-fuck Sherlock. Gonna cum.” You whimper as he grunts, pushing you closer to your release. 
“Fuck- so tight.” He moaned. Your body’s heat began to rise as you grew ever closer to you release, he let it build up gripping harder and pushing deeper waiting, until he stopped. He pulled himself out, wiping the sweat from his brow and straightening his collar. 
“What the hell?” You turned around watching as he sat in his chair tucking his hardness away.
“I’m stopping you from getting what you wanted.” He said holding his hands together in his usual pose
“Why would you do that?” You ask slightly irritated at the mess he left you in
“You did it to me, I thought it was only fair.” He tilts his head pulling a sarcastic smirk.
“You’re a drama queen.” You walk over to him “and an ass” you kneel between his legs “and you’re-“ 
“Choose your next words wisely.” His hand gripped your chin pushing your lips together. You gripped his wrists and pulled them away, snaking your hands down his thighs, back to his hardness.
“And you’re incredibly jealous.” You say with a smile, his thighs clenched as your hands run over his crotch and unbuckling his belt. He let out a long sigh as you took his cock into your hands. You pumped him for a moment, allowing his body to relax into the chair before circling your tongue around his tip, your saliva mixing with the salty taste of precum dripping from him. You licked a stripe up his shaft eventually sinking your mouth down, swallowing as much as you could.
“That's it, take it all for me, good girl.” He hissed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You bobbed up and down moaning onto him, sending vibrations down his shaft.  You pulled back up, sucking on his tip and pumping him with your hand. His thighs clenched as he pushed you away. “Not yet, can’t cum too soon.”
“Why? can't go again?” You smile
“Don’t ask stupid questions love.” He sniped back as you straddled his waist “you gonna cum around my cock” he watched as you placed your entrance above his hardness.
“You going to let me this time? Or are you- shit!” You yelped out as he thrusted up into you. You panted over him as you sunk down pushing him deeper
“What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?” He smirked and began pushing back up into you as you grinded along with the pace. Your hands gripped his shoulders to steady yourself as the motion rocked his chair. His lips traced your jawline down to your neck, he sucked leaving red marks along your neckline. His arm wrapped around your waist allowing him to hold you up as he thrusted hard into you.
“Fuck sherlock , j-just like that.” You whispered as he cock pushed deeper rubbing perfectly on that sweet spot inside. He groaned at the sensation of your walls tightening around him.
“Fuck, you gonna cum on my cock, soak it, just the way i like it.” He moaned moving his thumb to your swollen clit adding to the sensation. The chair began to rock and creak with the motion of your bodies colliding.
“Oh god Sh-Sherlock gonna cum.” You squealed as your body clenched around him, his touch burned your skin. You needed him, the way he made you feel didn’t even come close to the way anyone else could.
“I bet Jamie couldn’t make you look like this, paralysed over my cock.” He let out a groan as his pace stuttered. “You want me to cum pretty girl?”  
“Yes, please, I want it.” You begged rocking on his lap.
“Where do you want it pretty girl?” He grunted
“In me, please, I want you to fill me up. Sherlock please, I need it. All yours, only you.” 
“I’ll give it to you- fuck. Gonna paint your insides white.” He bit down on your shoulder, lavishing you neck with kisses as he came, the squelching sound of him pushing his thick white ropes further into you filled the room. You stopped rocking, resting your brow on his with a smile, his eyes locked on yours before he leaned in for an exhausted sloppy kiss. He pulled away admiring the marks he left on your neck.
“What?” You asked as he traced his fingers around them.
“Now when you or anyone else looks at these, they’ll know you’re mine.” He smirked as you sighed 
“Your arrogance will be the death of me”
“As long as its only because i fucked you to your grave, thats fine. But don’t go too soon.” He pulled you in for a tired hug, you hummed happily, savouring the moment. It wasn’t often Sherlock Holmes showed you affection.
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This is a very random brain ramble BUT
In the bbc Sherlock series there’s an ongoing joke that people expected Sherlock (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) to be taller, so I just googled how tall Benadryl Cucumber actually is and he’s 183 cm??
I DID expect Benefit Cosmetics to be taller??
I’m weirdly disappointed now??
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antisocial-cheesepuff · 7 months
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my brother finally saw sherlock
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Just realised something...
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hellobitches990 · 1 year
Two tickets to Barbie please
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softestqueeen · 11 months
let the light in
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pairing: sherlock holmes x reader
summary: After a particularly frustrating case, all the consulting detective needs, is closeness.
warnings: just pure teeth rotting fluff
wordcount: 904 words
a/n: just a cute little one shot with my favourite detective. the name is inspired by the song “let the light in” by Lana Del Rey, cuz I feel like it fits the vibe I was going for in the end. and now enjoy <3
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His last case was one of the hardest he ever had the solve. Even though Sherlock Holmes loves the thrill of a case that really challenges him, it also frustrates him to no end if he can’t find the culprit the moment, he has all the evidence.
This case had involved multiple chases with no success, countless sleepless nights, and even more nights that he didn’t get to spend with you.
Countless nights sitting in his chair thinking, while he could hear your soft snores from down the hall.
He missed you even though he saw you every day. He saw you when you told him to eat something, when you told him to take a break, when you told him to go to sleep. But it wasn’t the same when he couldn’t really spend some quality time with you. When he couldn’t have deep conversations with you, when he couldn’t look at you, when he couldn’t hold you and really feel you.
To say he ached for you was putting it lightly.
The start of your relationship was not easy. Suddenly Sherlock had someone he really trusted. Someone who always listened to him and always cared about him. Someone who would wait and be there for him when he came home at night. Those were not things that were easy for him to get used to, especially since he had never really loved someone.
But for you he tried, and, in the end, it worked out. Still sometimes your relationship has to come second. He doesn’t like that, but he has to get his cases done, especially since he doesn’t take on that many cases anymore. He found a new thrill.
When Sherlock finally entered your shared flat in the middle of the night, he didn’t expect you to be up.
But here you were, sitting in his chair, wearing on of his robes and reading what seems to be one of your way too cheesy romcoms. In the background a jazz record could be heard, one of your favourites. He couldn’t even begin to explain how relieved he was to see you.
But unfortunately, the one he thing Sherlock Holmes was horrible at asking for was the one thing he now desperately needed most.
All he wanted to do right now was hold you close and hear your voice. He wanted to really feel you with his whole being and not just feel your hand grazing his when handing him a cuppa.
He lightly knocked on the door, not wanting to startle you. You looked up from your book and immediately saw your boyfriend looking back at you. A smile now adorned your face, which caused a warm feeling to spread through the detective.
“Case solved?”, was the first question you could voice, even though a hundred more were currently going through your mind. You really hoped it was solved, because that would mean you could finally spend some time with your boyfriend again.
“Finally!”, he answered, a smile now starting to appear on his face too.
At hearing his answer, you immediately got up and hugged him for what felt like the first time in weeks, even though it could have been only a week at most.
You nuzzled into his chest while he tucked his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the smell of your body wash. 
“Why are you still up, my love?” It was not a question of importance but more one to break the silence and to finally hear more of your voice.
“Well, I couldn’t sleep and thought I would wait up for you. I’ve missed you.” Your words made Sherlock think. These days he often considered your feelings, especially when he’s doing something that could make you mad. But he never considered that not only did he miss you, but you also missed him the same. He was not the only one deprived of your touch, you couldn’t touch him either.
He unconsciously pulled you closer while he got lost in his thoughts.
“How about we go to bed, huh?” Your voice immediately put him back to reality.
“Theres nothing, I want more right now.”, he answered truthfully. You pulled away from him and took his hand in yours, already on the way to your shared bedroom.
You were already wearing your pyjamas, only wearing one of Sherlocks dressing gowns on top of them.
While you got under the covers Sherlock took off his suit before carefully placing it on a nearby chair. He also got into his pyjamas before joining you under the covers.
He immediately took a hold of your waist before pulling you into him. You were now both laying on your sides, legs intertwined, facing each other. You had one of your hands on his chest, feeling his steady and now relaxed heartbeat, while your other hand slowly drew shapes on his back.
All the while Sherlock just held you close, happy to have you close to him again.
While holding you, he wondered how he went on with life before he met you. Before you were there for him, held him close and showed him what love felt like, or that love could feel so incredibly good. But when he kissed you now, just before you fell asleep in his arms, he knew that he doesn’t need to worry about having to live without you ever again.
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed this little drabble, please consider giving me feedback and leaving some notes (likes, comments, reposts). please also consider checking out my ao3!
taglist: @silvermagnolias @milywatermelon
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John: Why would you think any of this is a good idea?
Sherlock: probably because im a danegrous sociopath with a long history of violence
Sherlock: i don't know how you keep forgetting this
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thedowneyheart · 10 months
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Con O'Neill in Cucumber (s01e07)
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