#bc all of my siblings were too scared to climb up that high
poorlittlevampire · 1 year
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i love this lyric it reminds me of when i was like seven and all the neighborhood kids were out playing and trying to climb a big tree in one of our yards and no one could do it, but i finally found my way up it only for everyone to leave the yard and i couldn’t get down and none of them heard me call to them for help so i had to jump and landing hurt a lot bc i was too high up
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cornishpixiez · 2 years
something from the absolute denial of everything is sacred
(black brothers fluffy sibling dynamic bc i love my little boys 😭)
“Come down!” Regulus anxiously pleaded, his head out of the window as he watched his brother climbing up to the roof, “You’re not supposed to do that. It’s dangerous! Mother is going to be angry at us.”
“Mother won’t know unless you tell her,” Sirius looked down and smirked with mischief. His eyes had an overflowing glow that Regulus was almost envious of. In the past, he wanted to be just like his brother. Sometimes he still did.
“I’m not lying. That’s a sin!”
“Oh, won’t you calm down? I’m not asking you to lie,” Sirius reached the last step of the very unsafe improvised ladder and threw his legs across the edge of the roof, “Just don’t say anything. That’s not lying, it’s withholding information.”
Regulus fidgeted with the hem of his perfectly ironed dress shirt, considering his brother’s words. He’d been like this since starting to attend Hogwarts. Every time Sirius came home for the summer, he was less like Regulus’ brother and more like a stranger who looked exactly like him.
A stranger who enjoyed lying and was fond of disobedience. Someone who cursed under his breath, skipped nighttime prayers, slept through his music lessons, and clapped back at their au pairs. A menace. He tempted Regulus to do the same.
He didn’t.
Because Regulus was terrified of whom his brother was becoming. Yet, he was secretly mesmerised. How could he sleep soundly after breaking so many rules? He sinned with such ease, and even when caught doing it, Sirius took the punishments defiantly. 
He took punishments in Regulus’ place, too - even though it made the younger brother guilty, even though he confessed to it on Sunday service anyway. Sirius lied to protect him, though it was still a sin. He didn’t care.
Regulus secretly wanted to be courageous.
He wasn’t.
“Shit, that’s stunning,” he heard Sirius gasp, slightly breathless from climbing.
“What is?” Regulus frowned at the sound of a bad word.
“The view. C’mon, you need to see it!” Sirius said with an excited tone to his voice.
Regulus sighed, “It’s just the same as looking out the window, Sirius. Come down, now.”
“It’s not! You have to see it. C’mon, Reg.”
“Please! Nothing bad will happen, I promise!” Sirius poked his head out of the roof again. He smiled reassuringly, and something in Regulus broke a little. There was his brother, the one he knew. Not Hogwarts’ Sirius. His Sirius.
“Okay,” Regulus agreed, looking around him as if he was being watched. Sometimes, he felt Walburga’s eyes were omnipresent. Measuring his every step. “But just for a little bit, and then you have to come down with me.”
“Deal,” Sirius grinned, stretching his hand out to him.
Regulus climbed slowly, with uneasy steps and sweaty hands gripping hard on the ladder. He flinched when it bent - just a little, but enough to make his stomach drop and a scared shriek slip out of his dry lips. Sirius encouraged him until he was high enough to grab him by the wrists and pull him to his feet, “Here you go!”
“I’m— I’m never doing that again,” Regulus dropped Sirius’ hand, his legs quivering in fear.
“Shush, now. Look,” Sirius looked away, gesturing toward the skyline. He beamed, fascinated, and there was a good reason for it.
The sky was pink and gold, with just a hint of blue underneath that looked almost lilac where it touched the other colours. Regulus could almost taste cotton candy clouds - something achingly sweet that melted at the brush of the tongue. Sunset embraced them with amber. The city roared underneath it. Cars, people, buildings. Yet, the sound mixed into a muffled buzz. Almost comforting.
Sirius was right. It was not the same as looking out the window. .
On the roof, hearing Sirius tell stories - funny and thrilling and secret ones, only reserved for Regulus’ ears - everything felt all the same. As if the bond between them would never change. They were Blacks, after all, and no one understood it but them.
The stars were bright in the sky when Regulus realized he had broken a rule. How long had they been there? An hour, maybe? He disobeyed his mother, but it felt safe to do it. He just had to take one look at Sirius’ comforting smile to know he was looking out for him.
Then, on the roof, they felt like the world's kings. Their world, not God’s. Not Walburga’s. 
Oh, but how things changed.
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Imagine them staying on the island and Nagito is so protective over his little siblings hhhh they're all a big family now and the Warriors love themmmm
Despite having completely forgotten all that happened to her, Nagito doesn't allow Teruteru near Kotoko unless supervised and Nagito gets scary when he's supervising so he usually just stays away (nagi knows teru wouldn't do/say anything to the children, but he's very overprotective and low-key scared that they will remember everything someday)
Ryota is Jataro's favorite. They're working on a short anime together. He sometimes does artsy stuff with Ibuki (it gets a little crazy with all the paint and glue everywhere), and Kazuichi gets along great with both him and Masaru
Masaru and Nekomaru are nearly inseparable, and he loves Akane too (she has to be supervised because she doesn't understand how climbing and jumping off buildings could be dangerous and Nagito almost died the first time he saw them hanging out)
Kotoko adores Sonia, she's being taught how to be a little princess too. They play dress up together often and have tea parties. She likes Gundham too, but it's mostly just because of his cute animals. He got her a little bunny and she dresses it up in cute little outfits
Monaka's favorite is Izuru, and she likes Imposter as well. She likes solving puzzles and coding games with Izuru (I hc it's a hobby of his, in memory of Chiaki and all), and she's programmed a few of Kazuichi's creations
Nagisa sticks with Hajime the most, he helps out with the chores and they mostly just talk. They go to the library with Nagito at least once a week and read together. Hajime and Nagito are the only ones he's not afraid of asking help from.
Nagito is all the WoH's #1 fave. Monaka and Nagisa like to just chat, read or play puzzle-like games with him. Jataro likes to draw with and on him, and Masaru loves him dearly but prefers to hang out with the others (Nagito can't keep up with all the running around). Kotoko gives him makeovers all the time, she loves his fluffy hair and compared him to her bunny (probably put the bunny on his head once to see if it'd blend into his hair). He's constantly walking around with makeup, thousands of cutesy hair pins and random hairstyles and (a bit messy) nail polish. He never takes anything off, and Kotoko is very proud of herself for making him look "adorable" (he thanks her for her hard work). They've all called him dad at least once (Nagisa also called Hajime dad one time).
Nagisa and Kotoko start secretly working together to make Nagito and Hajime start dating already, and soon all five kids are coming up with plans and scheming how to make operation komahina a success. The others on the island help out sometimes
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Cries..........this ask is everything to me hold on. This is so cute. Anon I love you (/p) your brain is so goddamn huge. I’m sobbing over literally all of the Nagisa hcs and Kotoko giving Nagito makeovers they’re all so cute
Ryota and Jataro 🥺🥺💞💖 I wonder what kinda anime it would be? My bet’s on a magical girl or mecha anime. Maybe a comedy? Idk man but I do know Ibuki and Jataro would rope Kazuichi into letting them dye his hair for him. He ends up with extra eye-searing neon strips in green and yellow. It clashes horribly with his jumpsuit and they all love it
Nagito panicking over Masaru and Akane is hilarious skfnskdnksbx I can just see him almost crying out of relief when Nekomaru finally gets them off the roof and Masaru back safely into his arms. (You clearly hear Masaru complaining about it but he does hug Nagito back.) Akane’s careful in her own way, she’s a big sister herself after all. Buuut Nagito still worries bc seeing her dangle Masaru from her bicep when they were on top of the barn was absolutely terrifying
Sonia Gundham Kotoko dynamic so real?? Gundham considers Kotoko more Nagito’s kid but he does let her run around with the Devas when asked. Also she basically just claimed one of the horses on the island and Gundham insists on teaching her how to “properly tame the dark steeds!!” (He means how to take care of them and not scare them. She’s like. 10, he doesn’t want her or the horses getting hurt.)
Also!!! Sonia and Kotoko playing dress up is so cute? I like to think they curtsey every time they see each other and it’s a little inside joke between them haha. Also them braiding each other’s hair!! Kotoko probably borrows a ton of ribbons from Sonia
Izuru and Monaca coding together!!!! I feel like she would be curious about the NWP, maybe they work on it together while Hajime rests. Also I can totally see her programming Kazu’s inventions to mess with him a bit because she thinks it’s funny how high he jumps skjfskdnksbx. He’s super suspicious of whatever she hands him now but she’s genuinely helpful a lot of the time so he isn’t too too hard on her. (She’s still not allowed to have access to any remotes though)
(Also Izuru making little games in honor of Chiaki has me so soft I’m in love—)
Nagisa calling Hajime “dad” has me 🥺🥺 your honor I am simply a sucker for these two...........him asking Hajime and Nagito for help and them only also made me kinda wanna tear up a little but me being emotional over him isn’t the point
Back to Matchmakers of Hope now huh dkfjskdnkd. I like to think Komaeda and Hajime look at each other after the kids slip up and reveal that they were trying to get the two together and both of them just snort. Their kids basically had to push them together smh
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hi! Saw your post about Sap and Tubbo and I’ve missed their dynamic sm so I wanted to send in a request! How about lee Tubbo and ler Sapnap? Maybe Sapnap wanted to see if Tubbo was just as ticklish as he was back then and uses one of his favorite tactics a bunch, raspberries?
Still the Same summary: sapnap wants to know if tubbo is still as ticklish as before, in his own sapnap way. a/n: sorry for the wait :( low motivation bc of personal stuff happening, but im doing a bit better so i wanted to get this out asap! hope u enjoy :D warnings: swearing, sapnap is Evil (/lh) w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
Everyone always says it’s easier to clear your thoughts from a high altitude. Why is that? No one knows, though no one is going to question it either. It’s always nice to enjoy the breeze from up above.
The only problem is, finding that high altitude and then having to climb up to it.
Tubbo closed his home door behind him, glancing around to find some sort of easy-access place he can sit for a while. As the boy walked around, he was quick to notice the gentle breeze that brushed against his cheeks and over his nose.
He sighed, enjoying the perfect weather present on this day, deciding to start walking down the path to town. As he walked, he chuckled as he recognized the spot he was standing at.
The day he and Sapnap had a playful bicker. It involved Tubbo making fun of the demon for miswording something, and a playful fight lasting afterward. The boy chuckled to himself, then his eyes widening.
Thinking about his old friend reminded him of the hill they used to hang out on. The perfect altitude to sit at, might he add. Now walking with intention, Tubbo smiled at the old memories that were unfolding in his brain.
“Here it is, it feels like it’s been years,” Tubbo spoke softly, arriving at the same hill he and Sapnap used to goof off on ages ago. He smiled contently, plopping down on the grass, and leaned against an oak tree that sat on the hill.
He let his head relax back, enjoying the nice breeze brush through his hair and the convenient shade the oak tree provided for him. The people were right, this is a good place to clear some thoughts up.
Meanwhile, a certain demon was also heading somewhere to relax for the day, wanting a break from all the serious ‘bullshit,’ as he would call it. Sapnap looked up at the tree that rested on his favorite hill and saw a figure under it.
He smiled to himself, recognizing a certain ram hybrid settled underneath the shade of the luscious tree. With a mischievous smirk, Sapnap tip-toed up the hill, avoiding any crinkly leaves or twigs along the way, motivated to startle his old friend.
Oh, how much Sapnap missed being so goofy and carefree. It was honestly a natural instinct to playfully mess with Tubbo, almost like how siblings always try to push each other's buttons. It’s safe to say he saw the boy as a little brother.
“Tubbo!” Sapnap squealed, whipping his head around the tree with a giddy smile. “Sap… Sapnap?! Where did you even come from?!” Tubbo gasped, holding his heart dramatically at the sudden scare.
“From down the hill, you goof.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t, why’re you smiling then?” Sapnap sniggered, earning an eye roll from the ram. “Because you’re annoying, and it’s making me smile because of how annoying you are.”
The demon snorted a laugh. Tubbo really was the sassy boy he always remembered.
The two settled underneath the tree together, just catching up. They really needed it, it was obvious on both sides that they both missed each other dearly.
They missed the playful bickering and fights they’d have over literally nothing, maybe a piece of bread if anything. Tubbo especially missed the warm feeling he got while around Sapnap. Was it the feeling of coziness inside of him, similar to the feeling of home you get when you’re around someone you’re genuinely fond of- or was it just that Sapnap is warm because he’s a literal fire demon? Probably both.
All was content and nice until Sapnap had to bring up a redacted memory, one Tubbo couldn’t think about without a wild blush spreading across his face.
“Hey Tubs, do you remember the tickle fights we used to have? Well, not exactly fights since you never put anything up- Ow!” Sapnap rubbed his shoulder where the boy flicked him, a grumpy but obviously flustered scowl painted on his face.
“Embarrassed, are we? C’mon, it’s not like you’re still that ticklish anymore!”
The embarrassed squeak that left Tubbo really just made all the dignity he had left drain away.
“...Or are you?” Sapnap continued, his curious glance turning into a dark grin. “Hey there- buddy, friend, mate- you d- don’t gotta… gotta do it… actually I think it’s getting late and I should be getting home!” Nervous giggles poured out of the boy, shuffling backward on the grass.
Sapnap just shook his head. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, Tubbo. Not until I get my answer!~”
Oh shit. A surprised squeal left Tubbo as he was wrestled onto the ground, though the boy was strong as well and fought back. “Oh, actually fighting back, are we?~ Now that’s a change!” Sapnap teased, making Tubbo’s body go limp.
‘Teasing makes him go all jelly, got it.’ Sapnap thought with a snicker, looking down at his friend.
“S- Sapnap… dohoHON’T- SAHAPNAP!” Tubbo barked out a laugh, trying to twist on his side away from the prodding fingers on the right side of his ribcage. “Nuh-uh, you aren’t going anywhere, mister!” Sapnap sniggered as he pushed the boy’s hips on the ground, drilling his thumbs into the bones in the process.
A loud shriek left Tubbo, failing to buck Sapnap off of him. He fell limp against the grass, knowing that he wasn’t gonna get out of the predicament anytime soon. Not that he exactly wanted to, though.
“Remember you can tell me to stop whenever you’d like me to, bud.” The demon’s face softened into a more reassuring look, slowing down his tickles. Tubbo nodded, opening his mouth to speak before being interrupted with another screech.
Sapnap’s fingers found the sides of his lower stomach, massaging his fingers into the soft skin. This seemed to be successful, Sapnap found.
“SAP-HEHEHEHAHA- F- FUHuhuck ohohoff!” He continued to squirm, stomping his hooves in the plush grass behind Sapnap. “D’awww, Tubbo!~ That wasn’t very nice, was it? Maybe I should remind you of my favorite tactic?” Sapnap raised an eyebrow, relishing in the immediate anticipatory high-pitched giggles that emitted from the smaller boy.
“Do you remember? I think you do, champ! I think you remember all the nibbles and raspberries I used to give to your cute lil’ tummy- and oh how bad they tickled!~ Are you excited? I think you areeee, I can hear your tail thumping on the grass!”
Note taken; Sapnap was still as evil as before.
“Y- Yohou’re so mehehean!” Tubbo whined, covering his bright red cheeks, his shirt riding up with his arms raising. “Uh oh, Tubbo… Look what I have here! A perfect snack right in front of me!~” The man cooed, dragging his dull claws over the ram’s belly before leaning down and blowing a big raspberry right beneath his belly button.
“SHIHIHIHIT! N- NOHOT THAHAT!” Tubbo shrieked, arching his back up. “Not this? Alright, your wish is my command, champ! Guess I have no choice but to do this instead…” He chuckled slowly before beginning to gently nibble on Tubbo’s lower belly, moving up the side to nibble near his waist.
Fuck Sapnap and his stupid stubble, and his even dumber fangs.
“SAAAAHAP- NONONONOHOHOHO!” Tubbo pleaded, weakly pushing at Sapnap’s head, but the damn thing didn’t budge even a centimeter. “No? Okay!~” He giggled, going back to plant another raspberry over the side of his belly.
Arching his back again, the ram dug his hooves in the grass to try to ease the sensations at least a little bit, but the ticklish stubble dragging around his tummy kept making him go limp. “F- FUHUCK YOHOU- Y- YOHOU’RE SO BAAAHAD!” Tubbo retaliated, yet again trying to twist away but his hips were only pushed back down onto the grass.
“I think you need a little manners lesson, don’tcha think, Tubso?~ N’awww, don’t pout at me, you know I’ll just have to do… this…” Sapnap huffed in a breath, Tubbo squealing in anticipation, but then silence.
Tubbo relaxed his muscles as the raspberry didn’t happen- never mind. It happened.
“FUHUHUCK- PLEEEHEHEHEASE!” Tubbo’s body went completely jelly, the tickling too much for him to fight back anymore. Sapnap looked up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You were so bold a few seconds ago, what happened? Hmmm?~ Cat got your tongue, Tubbo? Let’s fix that.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around Tubbo's waist so he couldn't buck away from his attack.
Raspberry after raspberry, Tubbo knew he couldn’t handle it anymore. “STOHOHAHAHAP! E- ENOHOUGH!” His voice was squeaky and tickled-out, taking deep breaths as he laid down completely limp on the soft grass.
“You alright there, Tubso?”
“Here, let me help.” Sapnap smiled, but it was softer this time- way different than the evil grins he was giving while tickling the life out of the poor boy. The demon laid the ram across his lap, gently carding his fingers through his plush hair.
“C- can yohou… keep gohoing? But- gehentle this t- tihime?” Tubbo stuttered out, Sapnap audibly cooing at the sweet boy. “Of course, it would be my pleasure- seeing how evil I was earlier.” He jested, earning an exaggerated noise of agreement from Tubbo.
He snickered, tracing his dull claws in random shapes over the boy’s belly, letting them graze up and down his sides and back down to circle around his hips. The affectionate light tickles were making the tickled-out boy sleepy, as he curled up in the warm demon’s lap and softly snored as sleep swept over him.
“Sleep well, bud. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ve missed you, y’know that?”
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hgsn-moved · 3 years
oh i have one!! i was in 5th grade and in the playground there was this massive tree that hung over where people liked to play soccer, me and my friend were actual little fucking gremlins and climbed/ swung on whatever possible after school. So we saw this tree and were like yeah we're about to graduate, why not climb this big ass tree. The branch closest to the ground was like 10 feet up but grew up higher so it hung off like 15 feet off the ground and was like 30 ft long, NOT stable, which did not deter us at all<??? anyways.
She climbed on my back because we didn't want to really try to shimmy up this tree bc it had ants on it (remember this). She made it fine and climbed a bit up so she got mid way on the branch. I was wooping, she was proud, and she commented smth about how bouncy the branch was (LOOKS AT YOU). I told her to get down bc it's myy turrrrn and I scrampled up that tree after getting on her back. I was really happy with how high up it was, but a little disappointed bc i did climb up a higher tree on the same playground, but thats when i noticed the "bouncy-ness". so then i promptly climbed back down and NO IM LYING I JUMPED ON THAT MFUCKER FOR SOME REASON?? I WAS LIKE LOLOLOLLL BOUNCY BRAN-. and it broke obviously. it really was like a, i was in the air then i was on the floor kinda moment. the sound was so loud it and sounded like lighting, everyone in the area started running towards us. i was a bit too preoccupied bc i got the wind knocked out of me and i started running around like a beheaded chicken. my friend was standing in shock because APPARENTLY the branch was ON TOP OF MEEEEE. the only reason why i didnt come out of it with broken bones was because there was a CURVE that fit right above where i laid. she walked over to the branch because im like running in circles inconsolable, and there were fucking termites in the tree burrowed in the branches. so my friends processing this, im running around, and our moms and siblings came down to see what in the goddamn was going on. anyways we werent in trouble, my mom was just glad i didnt break my arm again. every one was talking about the massive branch in the field the next day, and we were SO scared we'd get caught, bc one of the teachers said whoever did this would get expelled soo. but no we were fine, we told a few friends and the expressions they had.. anyways hope u had a nice day ro lol i love reading these confessions.
HELP you have such a gift with storytelling
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
Can I get a list of all ur ocs?
Well anon youve done it, you made me make a list of all my major OCS in one place. I hope your happy with yourself. Under the cut for obvious reasons, may link in my blog desc later.
Modern/BTD verse!!
Jilly- Ferret beastkin little creature, was recently turned into a werewolf by vincent as well so she's running around on full moons in a wereferret wolf hybrid creature form. Chaotic and friendly and wants to be everyone's bestie. She has the most energy in the world and is very kind hearted. Banned from most Claires for stealing and from one Home Depot for climbing the shelves. Prone to living life with rose colored glasses on and seeing the best in everything/everything even when there's nothing there. Socialization is a must for her and is why being basemented/kidnapped broke her psych so quickly and developed severe stockholm. Sometimes overly talkative/enthusiastic and can scare people off. Even if she sees someone shes decided shes friends with be noticeably 'evil', will convince herself it must be for some reason/her fault and ignore it.
Ciggy- Undead punk still learning to harness his powers to interact with the world as a ghost. Was sacrificed by a cult he joined for free concert tickets and to get laid. Likes to cause problems on purpose both pre and prior death and he's not above possessing someone once he learns how to. Was called Rooster in high school before he dropped out because he's loud, obnoxious and always screaming. And also has bright red dyed hair. Looking 4 ways to become less ghosty bcs he wants to be able to help raise his infant daughter, whom he died before he could meet. Bit annoying and in your face, likes poking at bruises, his or others. Kind of a sad heart seeking attention through volume and persistence.
Mike: Vampire loser! Sells drugs and lives at raves. Was turned when she was attacked by a coked out vampire (whom she supplied the product to) and has major scarring on her face and chest. Needs a somewhat constant influx of blood so shell sometimes take victims back to her place and chain them up, slowly draining them over time. Feels bad (ish) about it tho so it is possible to survive her if you are nice and or interesting enough. Kind of desperate for a friend and for love. Is a stalker. If she likes you enough/finds you interesting, she might just appear in your house one night and start rummaging through your fridge like nothing is wrong and youve been besties for years. Its best to indulge her and be friendly, otherwise she could turn violent quickly if her feelings are hurt.
Kilaine- Regular human woman, but fucked up. Born and raised by an elite waspy society she had an interest in the human body and pain tolerance since she was young. Quickly learned that these traits were socially unacceptable in most professions, so she became a doctor. The only family she cared about was her younger sister who she lost in a car accident, where they were flipped over and trapped inside while it was afire. While her sister burned up in front of her Kilaine only lost her left arm and had major burns on her body. This tipped her descent into sadism and she is now madly obsessed with bringing her sister back no matter the cost. Rude and offstandish, clinical.
Dragon age verse!
Thurwen- My main Hero of Ferelden with a bad temper and a heart of gold. City elf from the Denerim Alienage, 18 at the start of origins. She's a reaver warrior with a lot of pent up rage which sometimes scares others when she lets it out in battle. Over the years she's grown less moody as she's had to take the role of Commander. Crude sense of humor and violent impulses, very sensitive to the plights of others and tries often to help. Never seen crying in public but only cries to herself at night- major martyr and hanged man complex.
Caz- My circle mage elf inquisitor who was an apostate before the conclave. Blood magic, but make it sneaky. Wary of strangers and new faces, always dealing with the impulse to flee/find a high vantage point. Endless curiosity about the unknown/ the forbidden/ naughty, was supposed to be made tranquil for it but she escaped. Kind of a little creature as well, lived on her own for a while as an apostate in the woods, filed her teeth down to sharp ends to make herself look more intimidating (shes 5 ft tall) and less cute (her elf ears are huge and expressive, which shes embarrassed about)
Dag and Thagna- Carta twins! Professional lyrium smugglers since birth pretty much. Raised casteless in dust town and had to work their way up the chain of command by themselves. Dag is the brother, Thagna the sister. Their father traded them to the carta for drinking money and their mom died in childbirth so they have somewhat of a codependent relationship. Both charismatic and calculating, friendly and agreeable but won't hesitate to put a dagger in your back. Hard to pin down morally or physically, squirrelly bastards.
Reila: Dalish elf who works for the inquisition/ is the inquisitor in some aus. She has an extreme fixation on elvhen history and rebuilding what they have lost. Not a people person, prefers solitude. Takes some time to warm up to shemhlen as she has a hard history with them. Good friends with Caz, who recruited her in the first place. Doesn't understand very many social cues and finds societal expectations limiting and frustrating. Fondness for halla and hooved animals, which she finds graceful.
Elder scrolls verse!
Valkya: Near seven foot nord woman whos over a thousand years old by the events of skyrim. Tall and buff, two handed warrior and compulsive hero there to bask in the spotlight save the day. She was killed at the start of the events of Elder scrolls online and had her soul ripped out and sent to coldharbor and she's just been a pain in the ass about it since then. Her body can physically die and will not regrow pieces. Her soul however will escape and teleport to the nearest source of power where her body will regrow from an aetherial plasm until its whole again. Loud and brash, friendly and jovial. Actually pretty keen especially after centuries of life but prefers to play dumb as it makes people underestimate her. Plus, she really does enjoy mud wrestling and drinking contests and acting generally like a rambunctious frat boy. Ha developed a bit of a substance problem and a problem with acting out, as after being alive so long she would turn to anything to dull the ache inside of her that never goes away.
Espira- My Dragonborn! Redguard from Hammerfell who was briefly in the Ash’abah due to killing undead while protecting her parents water farm as a child. Ran away from them after years and went to Cyrodille, then to Skyrim and was caught crossing the border. Reserved, kind and soft spoken, she's a sword and shield warrior who's committed herself to doing good in the world by helping others. Dislikes killing and anything messy but believes it is often necessary in order to protect the weak. She blacksmiths often to save money on the upkeep of her own equipment, and takes up metal jewelry working as a hobby with the excess material. Prone to trusting others too much and giving too many second chances, as shes always looking for ways to make even the most hardened criminal a second look at life.
Riley- Espiras little brother who she locked in the wardrobe during the event of the water farm attack. In preventing him from doing violence against the undead she kept him from being conscripted into the Ash’abah. He's way more chaotic than his sister, and suffers from a case of little sibling syndrome in which he will often pester/poke at people just to get a rise out of them. Still kind hearted as his sister, he tries to hide it because he believes that the world is a cruel place and the cruel survive. Despite that belief he is often still unable to force himself to be cruel/careless, only making a show of it so that others leave him alone and don't see that he's very sensitive and emotional. Deaf in one ear due to a magic mishap in his youth, he trained and enchanted his most beloved rats to live for years and sit on his shoulder, alerting him to noises he would not otherwise notice.
Felria: Evil vamp :/ chaotic evil dunmer necromancer. Small and devilish and likes dead bodies too much. Manipulative and cunning, she loves acting. She's a trained assassin for the dark brotherhood and is the speaker. Likes dressing up for missions and wearing disguises like its all a play. Loves toying with people more than she loves killing them, will act in ways that cause as much trauma as possible for other people just for fun and she finds the reactions interesting. Considers herself too far removed from most people's perception of morality and of her so it's hard for her to trust someone or see them as worthy of knowing her. Finds the psychology of grief and fear to be interesting and wants to study them first hand. The hero of kvatch.
Herren: Fifty something year old rat woman looking for something to keep her going. Ran away from her wealthy family in her youth when they wanted her to take charge of the household, instead became an infamous jewel thief and swashbuckler. Spent most of her life traveling and stealing and double dealing. She's smarmy and sarcastic, a serial romancer of the highest caliber. Bit of a show off and a hedonist, always looking for the next good party or new product to snort. Her family died off due to the hard times she wasn't there for and she keeps looking for bigger and bigger heists to fill her appetite as she's chronically bored and lonely, though wont accept intimacy and will scoff at it out of the belief she doesn't deserve it. Irresponsible and selfish, lonely and terrified of any sort of commitment. Fun to party with though!
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
i want to start posting from my ironstrange college au (remember the makeup fic i posted in like november? i’ll link it below but it’s from that verse) so! let me explain it:
reminder that this is an au and it’s my au, so i decide how this all goes!
IronStrange (duh)
Christine x Hope Van Dyne* (this gets complicated)
Eventual Pristine
Past Stony, Past Stucky
(Lowkey I’m also figuring out if Rhodey x T’challa could be a ship? they both seem too independent but i also might add it in)
Character Notes:
Tony deliberately never specifies if he prefers to go by Anthony or Tony. People call him both, or also his friends call him Ant. Stephen does not/has never called him Tony, he’s always known him as Anthony.
Happy just tends to go by H or Harry (anyone who calls him Harold receives a death glare, but as a joke Rhodey got him a T-shirt and the pattern is just name tags that say “hello my name is Harold.”)
Rhodey just goes by Rhodey bc Tony *insisted* that all their friends call him that and plus he doesn’t hate the nickname.
Natasha is part of this but she doesn’t go to school with the rest of the group. She’s Tony’s half sister and is the biological daughter of Maria Stark and her best friend. She lives in Italy with some of Tony’s extended family and her bio dad. Few people know of her existence, or they know her as Maria’s niece (for her own protection). It doesn’t rly matter that Howard has no idea who she rly is, he wasn’t with her the entire time Maria was pregnant w Natasha bc she was in Italy (and brought Tony with her)
- Tony and Rhodey are roommates, and they live two floors above the four suitemates. The four suitemates are: Christine and Pepper (who share a room) and Stephen and Wong (who share the other room) despite that, the six of them tend to move fluidly in between both spaces.
- Hela and Carol
- Val and Hope
- Thor and T’challa (Bruce spends a lot of time w them)
- Bruce, Sam, and Loki (as chaotic as it sounds btw)
- Bucky and Happy, who I’ve decided are very close. (btw nobody particularly enjoys the fact that Sam and Bucky live next door to each other, when they’re Busy their roommates can be found w Stephen and Co. or one of the other Odinson siblings).
Friend Groups (note: people overlap/belong to multiple groups, this is also not the full list bc that could go on for a long time):
- The Main Six: Tony, Rhodey, Stephen, Wong, Christine, and Pepper.
- Team Big Brain: Tony, Bruce, Stephen, Hope, Carol, Christine, and Bucky.
- Doctors: Stephen, Tony, Christine, and Bruce.
- Dumbass Protection Squad: Hela, T’Challa, Carol, Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper (usually).
- Psych Majors: Pepper, Wong, T’Challa and Loki.
- Stark Industries: Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy.
- People who Like Astrology: Loki, Bucky, Val, sometimes Christine.
Storylines (There’s no established time frame for this really, but it doesn’t follow mcu canon or any canon):
- Stephen and Tony are lifelong friends. They met on the first day of kindergarten and went to school together in NY (where both their families lived at the time) until middle school. For unspecified reasons, Stephen’s parents opted to move the Strange family to Nebraska before the start of 6th grade. Stephen and Tony were Devastated but were already inseparable at that point and stayed in touch. A business opportunity moved the Starks from NY to California. Stephen stayed in Nebraska for high school but Tony’s parents sent him to boarding school (read: Howard sent him away to avoid having to actually parent, and he thought he was lifting a burden from Maria. This was Not The Case, as she loved her son dearly and would call him everyday. Tony appreciated this more than he ever thought possible.)
- Howard and Stane viewed boarding school as a chance to groom Tony into something malleable and submissive enough to take orders from anyone. His obvious feelings for Stephen (with whom he was still incredibly close) were a Great Concern, so the executive decision was made to set Tony up with Steve Rogers, a blond athlete from his school. It was a way to keep Tony’s sexuality controlled, and Howard didn’t think Stephen was anywhere close to the level he wanted Tony to be (of course, Howard didn’t think his son lived up to his expectations anyway. It was more about control). On the surface, Steve was sweet and everything you could want in a partner, and he even charmed Maria into liking him. She genuinely believed he’d be a good match for her son, so it hurt when she found out what he was really like. Rhodey was Tony’s boarding school roommate for all four (4) years. They met and hit it off overnight, Rhodey instantly feeling brotherly love and the need to protect Tony (or “Tones” as he called him. Rhodey is usually the only one to call him that). Rhodey and Steve did Not see eye to eye on anything, least of all how Tony should be treated. Steve was terrible to him, and Rhodey’s heart broke when Tony admitted he was too scared to break up with him.
- Reenter Stephen. After a particularly bad day, Tony called Maria and Stephen sobbing, missing the two (2) people he talked to more than anyone except maybe Rhodey. It was then he confessed what kind of boyfriend Steve was, and Maria gasped before saying, “Dump him. Let me handle the rest.” That very day, Stephen left school early and traveled to see Tony. It was 2am when he finally arrived, throwing rocks at the window and then scaling the side of the building once he had Tony’s attention. Stephen and Rhodey met the next morning, when Rhodey came back from classes and found his roommate asleep him.
- “So you’re the one who climbed in through my window,” Rhodey said. “For a good reason, I assume.” Stephen confessed it was because he loved Tony and wanted to be there for him, didn’t want him to hurt. (It’s fair to say, though, that Stephen visited before/Tony went to visit him, and they’d spent secret time together over the summers). Tony, believing himself incapable of love, didn’t reject Stephen’s confession but assumed it was only love between friends. The summer before they all left for college (Rhodey, originally from Texas, was also going to school in NY with Tony and Stephen. NY was a big part of who they both were, and they both dreamed of studying there together), they finally started dating at Maria Stark’s motherly demand.
- This demand came a short time before Howard and Maria died, and it also came with admissions of guilt and lots of tears. “I was wrong about Rogers,” she said. “You don’t have to accept what I say or forgive me, but I know Stephen is the right one for you. I think I’ve always known.” (No shit, everyone knew) Knowong she was genuinely sorry, Tony forgave her not knowing that she would die a few months later.
- Most of this canon I’ve created takes place starting in their junior year of college, so everyone has gotten to know each other quite well. I’m sure the more I write from this the more I’ll flesh out relationships between certain characters, but one I want to mention is that Tony and Bucky are very close and co-presidents of the “I Dumped Steve Rogers for Peace of Mind” club. Steve goes to college in the next state/a little further north (that’s as specific as it’ll get for now) and dated Bucky the group’s freshman year. Tony didn’t know any of this until Bucky brought him over one day, and after they (Tony and Bucky) had a talk about the way Steve is as a partner, Bucky realized some things and dumped Steve. He remains angry at them both, especially Tony, from a short distance away which terrifies Tony.
- Sam and Bucky kissed for the first time at a truth or dare night Thor and T’Challa hosted in the group’s sophomore year. After they kissed (Sam initiated) they both shyly admitted feelings for each other.
*Now here’s where things get a little dicey. I started this au with Christine and Hope together for no particular reason, maybe they were on a club sports team together and started dating from there? But Pepper fell in love w Christine at first sight, and it got worse and worse the more they got to know each other. Much like Stephen and Tony, they’re the kind of people who meet each other and just click, even if the eventual path to Pristine involves lots of tears and jealousy for Pepper that Stephen never really experienced. He didn’t feel jealous of Tony and Steve’s relationship, because he wasn’t at boarding school with Tony and there wasn’t much he could do. But as a supportive and concerned (and honest but kind) friend, he was always encouraging and there to listen to Tony. Is Pepper going to be as good of a friend to Christine as Stephen was to Tony while Christine gets ready to marry Hope after undergrad??? that’s the question my forthcoming college au fic will answer.
Also mentioned in my forthcoming fic (which I’m still writing rn)
- post undergrad Wong works as a museum director/curator (havent decided yet, maybe he works his way up the ranks) and double majored in psych and history.
- Stephen, Tony, Happy, Rhodey, and Wong all live together and the rest of the group lives around NYC.
- Stephen, Christine, and Bruce (The Doctor friend group) are all pursuing medical degrees while the SI friend group is transforming the company completely.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk! Congrats on reading all the way to the end lmao. I second guessed posting this a lot but then i remembered that it’s mine and I’m just sharing pre-fic thoughts lol. Thanks for reading/for your support of my work y’all!
Read the makeup fic (it doesn’t have a title) here.
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ziracona · 4 years
I reread your bit about rin in the last chapter and oh my god im crying. You did my girl justice. I'm so proud of her and i'm glad she had fun. I love the thought that she's helping him in little ways. ;') and oh my god. i love the myers siblings. Do you mind if I ask for hcs? because oooohhhmygod. need more
Awww thank you so much! I really liked the Adam-Rin segment too. I wanted to talk about Rin, but being an Onryo made it so I just couldn’t feasibly in the bulk of the story. Really glad I still got to give her her moment in the sun. : ) Adam’s such a great dude too, and I’m so happy he found meaning the way he did and keeps up such an active and deep relationship with someone who’s passed on. It’s not an easy thing to do, but I think it’s kind, and meaningful. And sure! I’m not sure if you mean Laurie and Mikey or Judith too since I got a few Judith asks yesterday, but ima assume this is ILM related and you’re looking for post-fic Laurie & Michael (sorry if that’s not the intended ask TuT). I did more but this is already a lot so I didn’t post them all haha. Here you go!
Laurie would be very unlikely to make the first move in a romantic relationship. She’s so used to prioritising survival, even when she’s okay again her brain is always, “keep homeostasis” as her directive, and adding a relationship does not fall under that listing. That said, she definitely still develops feelings, and would want things to happen. But I think it would be slow. I think with Laurie, she’d be going to lunches and having long talks and drinks and staying up and falling asleep on the couch together, in and out like each others’ presence belongs in their respective homes, come to each other for support and with hard days and for life advice, go to the theatre together and let them buy her a drink like they always do without being asked, brought back a nice gift from a trip, she waits up for them to get home to greet them, for like 1-3 years solid before one day they just take her hand and kind of smile and she realises she’s been in a relationship for two years and they just never said it, and maybe they won’t now, maybe not for another two years, but they know it, and she’s so happy.
Michael never cuts his hair short, but does not mind Laurie making him let her give him ponytails when they’re working on something, because it does get in his face.
Laurie softballs Michael for a while, since, well, she’s trying to help him reintegrate into society as a human being after having had a childhood that was basically just a 15 year stretch of psychological trauma, and being kind and supportive is a must. But after a few years, she’s gotten much more comfortable and sibling-ish in her interactions. She’ll definitely still be serious and supportive if anything happens and he needs it, but she’ll also give him shit for eating her food or not getting up off the bed she’s trying to make. He enjoys annoying her and does it for fun. Will hold eye contact and eat the cupcake she was saving just to watch her flip, like a cat batting an orange off a counter (or, you know, a sibling who’s feeling /that/ vibe rn.)
Laurie is 99% of Michael’s impulse control. If he and Quentin do something together without her, it /will/ be a disaster, because where Laurie inflicts neutral levels of chaos on the group w her lawful, Michael will almost instantaneously get Quentin to swap from lawful to chaos if she’s not there. They will both be fine, but there /will/ be something on fire when she gets back.
Laurie, walking into the house and seeing then throwing objects into a burning wastebasket in the living room: I don’t like what I’m seeing. Bring me up to speed.
Quentin: So, we maybe have illegally destroyed a car—but it’s okay! We had a good reason! Plus, we destroyed the evidence. Let me explain. So, this guy-
Laurie: :/
Michael: *gives her a ‘what’s your problem?’ gesture*
Michael and Laurie physically fight for nostalgia’s sake sometimes (for fun-get exasperated and performatively MMA. They would not actually injure each other).
One time, Laurie and Michael were walking home together from a movie and a guy drove by and whistled at Laurie and said something vulgar, and Michael stepped into the road and smashed the front of his car with his foot. It was beautiful. They did have to flee the scene but Laurie was /gleeful/. The dude in the car saw his gd life flash before his eyes and rethought some life choices.
It is a long time before Michael is willing to take any kind of meds for his psychosis (very understandably), but when Quentin eventually graduates Med school, six or so years later (bless u Jake for forging him some credits), he is willing to try a few given by him. It is not a good or easy couple of months, but he does it.
Michael gets along surprisingly well with the survivors. Most of them are pretty intimidated, but he’s genuinely chill, and they’ve been through weirder shit so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s like “Welp. This might as well happen.” and accept him in. Meg is a big thot. She’s into Susie and would never cheat and Susie knows this, but Meg will still flirt like crazy with Michael bc it’s her personality, and Michael, who’s never had this ever happen, is /beyond/ confused. Every time she says something stupid like, “Damn you’re tall. If I wasn’t a married woman, I’d climb you like a jungle gym.” He gives her the exact look Sam gives Gollum when he’s dissing potatoes in lotr.
Since she knew his and his family’s whole names and his wife’s face, Laurie tracks down Sujan’s family and tells them everything she can about what happened and how good he was, and what a difference the first person in the realm who was kind to her made.
Michael really enjoys traveling. He’s been cooped up his whole life. Spent 15 years in one little white room, and then 40 in reproductions of Haddonfield in the realm. Really, except for his solo journey from Wisconsin to home, he’s never left the state of Illinois. He goes with the survivor squad on their group trips, once he’s comfortable enough, and is consistently amazed. He’s not a very visibly emotive person, and can’t physically be bc of his psychosis symptoms, but his eyes will get big seeing the northern lights from a platform, and he’ll grab Laurie or Quentin’s wrist & point to make sure they’re seeing it too, and Laurie has never been so happy. After his first trip, he very much looks forward to the annual event.
Dr. Loomis is the only thing Michael as an adult has ever feared. (Obviously all humans feel temporary fear, like if a car comes at you or someone with a gun. But past instantaneous shock-fear, I don’t think Michael has ever been afraid of anyone else). This is based off of canon, because to me Michael reads as scared of him, especially in Halloween 2. He pauses and then retreats from Loomis in the first film, and when he sees Loomis running down streets looking for him in 2, he hides (I actually really love the Michael pov in Halloween 2 in the open. It was very humanising). Then, at the end of 2, when he’s blind and Laurie and Loomis have filled the room with ether, and Loomis tells him it’s over, he stops trying to find and kill Loomis and freezes. I genuinely think because he was scared of Loomis and has been for years (after that treatment constantly in isolation as a child, how could he not be?) and has known since he was 6 Loomis wants to kill him, so when he basically says “I’m about to kill you,” he believes him and it scares him. It’s the axe that’s been waiting to drop since he was a kid.
Laurie goes to cons with Nea, Quentin, & Min occasionally, and has dressed up as all three OG Star Wars protagonists like the lovely huge nerd she is. Has also made Michael sit down and watch all the movies w her.
Michael and Laurie go visit Judith a lot. They’ll pack a picnic lunch and talk with her and about her at her grave. It was very hard the first time they went there, especially for Michael, but after a while, it helps. It’s a way to deal with what was done in the past that makes it seem surmountable. It also helps to deal with the loss of someone they both cared for. When they go, Laurie always gets Michael to tell her something about her older sister she hast heard yet. David tracks down an old high school album from 1963, and is able to get three pictures of Judith colorised and they’re able to have a nice full-color photo of her to hang up in the house.
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elijahfitz · 5 years
and introduction.
meet elijah.
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hey guys! im lina! im 18 and im in the cst timezone. im currently a freshman in college and ive also been rping for like 6 years now ( i started on the neopets chat boards. if thats not an embarrassing fun fact idk what is ) but i havent rped since this summer since school was and still is kicking my ass. im really into musical theater, marvel & dc, and disney! i also used to be a lifeguard at a great wolf lodge for 2 years so if u want any funny stories about stupid children, or even just wanna be friends, lmk! im also SUPER sorry this intro is so late. i was gonna do it yesterday but then my friends wanted to hang and it kinda went downhill from there. im actually posting this like 20 min before i have a lab practical so i wont be able to reply until late tonight, but like this post to plot or anything!
some fun facts abt elijah:
he was adopted when he was around 3-4? he was abandoned and left on the back of a merchant cart headed to corona, where he was then discovered and then put into the local orphanage since no one was sure where he came from or who left him. all he had was a stuffed bear (named wooly), a basket of water and fruits to eat, and a letter that explained that:
his name was elijah
he was 2 (born on february 28th)
his parents couldnt care for him, so they hoped he would be found by a kind soul who could either take care of and love him, or else get him to someone who could
they loved him and only left him in the hopes that he would have a better life
he lived in the orphanage for almost 2 years and the few months before the 2nd anniversary of his arrival, rapunzel & eugene visited the orphanage that eugene grew up in and fell in love w/ eli, promptly adopting him soon after. he barely remembers anything about his abandonment and time in the orphanage, but always wanted to find his birth parents and let them know how he turned out. he kept the bear and basket in his room but carries the letter around with him in his wallet wherever he goes.
his full name is elijah frederic fitzherbert. he was given the middle name frederic in honor of his grandfather.
but, he much rather prefers eli. doesnt mind formalities but insists on people who know him to call him by his nickname. except he HATES being called “highness” bc he thinks it sounds stupid. he wont get upset per se if u keep referring to him as “your highness” but he will get annoyed
he very much wants to fulfill his role as “corona’s golden boy” by contributing back to his people. he worries for the kingdom more than he worries for himself and is always trying to prove that he is worthy of being a prince rather than just some random kid who got lucky enough to get adopted. most of his days are spent doing modest favors and helping out the townspeople or visiting the villages surrounding the kingdom.
when he’s in the castle you can almost always find him in the kitchen! boi loves to bake and cook. he loves the way food can bring joy to everyone. he often makes goods to give to the townspeople or the kids at the orphanage, where he volunteers at least every 2 weeks when hes not busy w prince stuff.
has an acute fear of disappointment. he feels so much pressure to prove his worth that came from growing up thinking if he did anything wrong he’d be sent back to orphanage, esp since his parents had another child. they wouldn’t want or need him anymore. he mostly got over this when he broke a vase when he was 12 and tried to run away from home, except he fell out the tree that he used to climb out his window and broke his leg lmao. his parents assured him that no matter what he did they would still love him and never abandon him, and his dad also taught him how to climb trees and roofs without dying (much to his mom’s chagrin). even tho hes pretty much over it, it kinda lingers subconsciously. thus, he overcompensates in everything he does and gets overly anxious about small problems
growing up he thought the stories that his dad told him about his past were so cool, despite the fact that he would almost always only hear those stories when he was being taught lessons of what he shouldnt do. he used to run around pretending to be flynn rider and his dad played along, planning play heists for them to do together (think scott & cassie in that one scene from ant man and the wasp) but they stopped when eli hit that age where he thought it was embarrassing to play w his dad. but, it really helped him bond w eugene and help him work on his coordination bc eli is CLUMSY AF
eli legit trips over nothing at least twice a day.
he bonded w his mom through art tho, which eventually turned into aesthetic desserts and meals! thats another reason why he loves baking and cooking so much.
when his 1st sibling was born when he was 5 at first he was jealous. he didnt get much attention at the orphanage due to the fact that there were so many kids and he was just starting to get used to the idea of having parents didnt have tons of kids always trying to win their affection and attention. he thought having a little sibling was the worst thing in the world and would hide from his parents bc if they couldnt find him they couldnt send him away. he hated his sibling.
until he met them. the second he saw their chubby face he was hooked. he swore that he would do anything and everything for them. and that continued when his parents adopted his other siblings as well. he absolutely adores them and acts like the protective older bro role
thankfully, with such a large age gap eli never rlly had to go through any of those petty squabbles that siblings usually have. he was always pretty protective of them tho and would fight when he thought they were being reckless and dumb out of his own fear that if they got hurt he would be an awful big brother (again, fear of disappointment)
he loves to travel bc his mom would always take him to these extravagant kingdoms and on these amazing sightseeing trips
this boy is hopeless when it comes to love. i can imagine lots of ppl liking him on top of all the ppl throwing themselves at him bc royal, but him being completely oblivious and thinking that no one likes him.
he had rlly bad ADD as a kid but its gotten better as hes grown. he still occasionally struggles w executive functioning tho and always gets rlly frustrated when he cant focus or remember
like i said earlier, clumsy af. no coordination. the only athletic ability he ever had was horse riding and running
that said he has a horse named may (short for mayonnaise. dont ask
he likes music a lot. prob learned piano at a young age
he probably is at the party bc royals? idk
EDIT: although (currently) unknown to eli, his true birth mother is maleficent. when eli was 2, his birth father took him away from her and had her suppress eli’s natural born powers. his father realized he was unfit to care for him, so he was the one who abandoned eli.
wanted connections!!
obv his parents and siblings? i mean cmon
one ( or both???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) of his birth parents!!!!! they dont have to know that eli is their son or mayb they do and are too scared to tell him, but being trapped together will eventually make it revealed
childhood friends! people he met when he traveled w his mom or met at royal social functions? i rlly also want friends that he would hang w at all the royal galas and stuff and they would go do dumb stuff like look sneak out and look for secret passages of make bets of who could dump more crab cakes into the stuffy duchess’ purse when she wasnt looking
people who know him solely through his family
someone who likes eli and eli legit has no clue, no matter how much they flirt and drop hints
people who hate eli! or even just dislike him, which makes him upset bc he doesnt like the idea that there are ppl who dont like him in the world. mayb bc sometimes he gets super highstrung when things arent going how they should b and he like lashed out at them once or something. maybe they hate his parents and on principle hate him. idk
someone who was w eli in the orphanage
past relationships? i feel like hes never rlly had a bad breakup tho, its just that they prob just didnt work out. hes also bi so they can b any gender. hes still looking for his otp
idk, legit anything. send me those plots man
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fanfictionquotess · 6 years
Rec List: The Umbrella Academy
Part 1  Part 2 I’ve been hit hard by cupid’s arrow and fell in love with The Umbrella Academy. It’s all I’ve been reading this past week. So, I’ve decided to start compiling my rec list now.  Everything listed in this rec list are gen fanfics.  I most likely will only ever read gen fanfiction for this fandom (unless I see a particular Klaus x Dave or Agnes x Hazel fic that catches my interest). In addition, this list only includes completed works. I’m also going to include an all encompassing drug-content warning because Klaus Hargreeves. 
Total Fics Recommended Thus Far: 26 This is my second Rec List, so feel free to let me know what you think of the formatting and whether or not I need to make adjustments (like splitting it up into two parts bc this is more than I expected). 
As always, my inbox is open to rec list requests.
 Is the sadness everlasting? (love, I think it is) by ArmedWithMyComputer
Words: 3161   Chapters: 2    Post-S1
Summary:  A look into what Klaus' newly discovered ability could mean for the siblings.
Things Aren’t Quite the Same by oscarwildechilde
Words: 6632   Chapters: 1   Pre-S1
Summary: Ben reads to Klaus when the dead get too loud for him to beat. He’s always there for him, and always will be.Ben and Klaus’ friendship and the start of Klaus’ problems.
Simpler Times by  bucketbarneslove
Words: 5181   Chapters: 1    Pre-S1
Summary: On one of the last nights that the Hargreeves siblings get to be anything close to normal, Klaus suggests they have some fun. His idea? Heading over to the 24/7 doughnut shop and getting absolutely trashed on sugar.
Ghosts of You(th) by SilvertonguedClotpole
Words: 10,110  Chapters: 1    Post-S1, e10 au
Summary:  It was a mausoleum, and right now it was probably the best chance they had at hiding from those chasing them. But of course, a mausoleum isn't just a mausoleum to Klaus. It was a hell. And his siblings were about to see a true glimpse of what it was like being Klaus Hargreeves.
When they're forced to hide in the cemetery, the siblings get more than they bargained for when they have to fight to remain hidden, and fight to keep their brother from toppling over the edge.
For the Record by aye_of_newt
Words: 3645   Chapters: 1  Post-S1, e10 au 
Part 1 of Vague AU
Summary:  Diego finds Klaus' police record.
I know That Everyone Gets Scared by MidnightRavenFromTheClock
Words: 2945   Chapters: 1  
Summary:  What if the Hargreeves siblings did a little better?
Some have names but most do not (If you find one, please let me know what piece I've lost) by  Brain_Brainson
Words: 3235   Chapters: 1    Post-S1
Part 1 of  Real Names, Fake Names, Chosen Names
Summary:  Five has only been around for a week but already Klaus won’t leave him alone.“You need a name,” he says, hanging upside down from the couch.
“I have a name,” Five says.
Comments: Did anyone say Non-binary!Five?
I've been searching for my Father (I can not explain why he grows old) by  Brain_Brainson
Words: 5481  Chapters: 1    Post-S1
Part 3 of  Real Names, Fake Names, Chosen Names
Summary:   Despite being the perfect fairytale villain, Five doesn't actually hate their Dad.
Comments: Somehow I missed p2 and need to rectify that immediately In all likelihood it’ll also be recommended.
Secrets I have held in my heart (are harder to hide than I thought) by  Brain_Brainson
Words: 7732  Chapters: 1      Post-S1
Part 4 of  Real Names, Fake Names, Chosen Names
Summary:  Your Family is caught up in some emotional bullshit and everyone is ignoring each other and it’s making you feel things you don’t wanna feel?Well, what the fuck do you do then?
Comments: I really love their portrayal of Luther.
Something of a Success by magikfanfic
Words: 3130  Chapters: 1     Pre-S1
Summary:  Klaus is the first to know.
Comments: CW for Major Character Death. In particular, our boy Ben.
A Little Family Bonding by dirkygoodness
Words: 1954   Chapters: 1
Summary:  Each and every one of them flaked on world-saving as soon as it was out of his mouth.So instead of getting up and being productive Five jumped down to the local liquor store and stole two bottles of whiskey for himself. If everyone else wasn’t going to give a shit, then maybe he’d give it a try too.
Whatever It Takes by Galliumite
Words: 1033   Chapters: 1   e10 spoilers
Summary:   A One-shot in which the probability map in episode 5 of the show gives a name that Five doesn't want to see. And that leads Five to responding to Luther's threats towards Dolores slightly differently.
Comments: An interesting AU idea. 
Ordinary by Fourfivesix
Words: 987  Chapters: 1   Pre-S1
Summary:  Klaus wishes he was ordinary like Vanya.
The Boy At The End Of The World by Devilbaby
Words: 2093  Chapters: 1
Summary:  There's no crying in the apocalypse; water is too valuable a commodity to be wasted on tears and sorrow. The world didn't care about his suffering, so neither did he.
A character study about Five, why he is who he is and why he does what he does.
Your Father Isn’t Here by GiuGiu
Words: 2388  Chapters: 1    Pre-S1
Part 2 of TUA Kid Fics
Summary:  “We wanted to be bird feeders.” Number Four grinned, leaning over to pick a chia seed off of Number Six’s ear.
“Like the one we made during crafts.” Number Six elaborated, pushing his brother’s hand away from his face. Grace had used last week’s recreation time to make peanut butter bird feeders with her children. She had carefully written the report asking for permission, justifying her choice with data about gross motor skills and basics of biology instruction.
This had not been in her contingency report. She would need to be more thorough next time.Or, raising seven four-year-olds while having limited free will isn't easy.
Comments: Grace-centric and beautifully written.
Just In Case by starsandsupernovae
Words: 1171   Chapters: 1
Summary:   Vanya and Five are kids and it's cute and happy and then it's not
Blood Like Lemonade by Ford_Ye_Fiji
Words: 2860  Chapters: 1
Summary:  Hunting high and low to seek revenge, Brand new moral code, got made reluctant renegade. Leaving empty souls when he avenged, Evil spirits flowed he drank the blood like lemonade.
-Five's sordid past comes to light in, quite possibly, the most unpleasant way
Comments: Really cool idea to explore, personally.
breathe in, exhale (the blood flood) by doc_boredom
Words: 852  Chapters: 1
Summary:  Diego Hargreeves held his breath and counted to five. Not second by second like a normal person would, but minute by minute, until his lungs threatened to explode.
-Also known as Diego Hargreeves carved my heart from my chest and I let him do so willingly.
show me how to struggle gracefully by Karturtle (karturtle)
Words: 3197   Chapters: 1  Post-S1
Part 1 of you ask me where i've been(like i ask you where you are)
Summary: Ben watches his family as it heals, and starts to do a little healing himself.
love you without any strings attached by Karturtle (karturtle)
Words: 4739   Chapters: 1  Post-S1
Part 2 of you ask me where i've been(like i ask you where you are)
Summary:   Ben and Klaus have been a pair ever since Klaus was old enough to drag his brother into mischief.
I’ll never dance again by The Séance (TheHavok)
Words: 322   Chapters: 1
Summary: ONE SHOT, Klaus Hargreeves badly dealing with losing his lover.
bright by classyfanperson
Words: 1133   Chapters: 1    Pre-S1
Summary: There's no reason Klaus can't have pretty things, even if he has to steal them.
Every Mountain You Climb Takes Me Further Away by siriuslyrose
Words: 3061  Chapters: 1   Pre-S1
Summary:  In 1989, Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopts seven babies from around the world. By 2007 only one remained.
They all left for slightly different reasons. But for all six of them it was The Monocle that forced them out the door. Ironically, he was also the reason his Number One never follow them.
This is the story of how the Umbrella Academy went from Six (Seven) members to One.
Elide by Willowcatkin
Words: 484    Chapters: 1
Summary: And even when her home crumbles to nothing around her, no one will hear it. Debris born from grudge that stems deep into its foundation falls. Rocks and ash drift like stardust, muffling and soft like sound through water. The walls that used to block out the notes, amplifying them and distorting their intricately crafted meanings, collapse and fold like the delicate flutter of a butterfly’s wings.  
Comments: One of my personal favorites. I always love characters studies written with such nicely flowing prose.
And Then There Were None by friedlieb_ferdinand_runge
Words: 1005  Chapters: 1
Summary:   They were all broken in the end.
if you must mourn (don’t do it alone) by AndreaLyn
Words: 2120  Chapters: 1
Summary:  They're putting the grief in Hargreeves.
or “How the Hargreeves family moved on (except for the one who refused)"
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feverwildehopps · 6 years
Fever’s Zoot Oc Q&A
Hey peeps! Thank you so much for sending me questions! I’m always really excited to let you know more about my chars and hoping you guys find at least some interest in them :)
Some of these questions I edited so they could pertain to all three of them and like, a few I left out bc I don’t have the right answers right now. Either way, I hope you enjoy this Q&A and learn a little something
• What are their favorite snacks?
Spencer - Strawberry Pocky
Waverly - Yogurt
Lotus - M&Ms
• Do they keep their rooms clean or messy?
Lotus' room is a mess but she calls it "creative chaos"
Spencer's pretty tidy
Waverly doesn't have a messy room for long, she has her weekly clean up day
• What are their favorite songs?
These characters obviously live in the future so they know songs we haven't even heard yet, but if they lived in our time their favorite songs would be
Lotus - Born This Way by Lady Gaga
Spencer - Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Waverly - Stacy's Mom by Fountains Of Wayne .....she likes it, it makes her laugh
• Do they play any musical instruments?
Lotus didn’t take the time to learn any musical instruments
Spencer had a lot of time on his paws so early on he picked up piano and learned how to play the viola at school
Spencer taught Waverly how to play piano
• Which are their favorite music genres?
Lotus doesn’t care about music genres, she only cares about songs that “matter” (as in songs with exquisite lyricism and meanings)
Spencer likes soft rock
Waverly likes upbeat, happy-sounding pop music
• Do they believe in ghosts?
Lotus says she doesn't believe in ghosts but that's only to get on everyone's nerves, however she does try to summon spirits with Spencer and Waverly sometimes
“Lotus you’re scaring the ghosts away..”
• Who's a procrastinator?
Not Lotus, she's driven
Waverly tends to procrastinate because she can get caught up in videos or games... or texting Spencer
Spencer doesn't necessarily procrastinate but he utilizes all the time he has to make everything 100% perfect
• What’s the longest they’ve ever stayed awake?
Waverly's an early bird so she's only stayed up till about 3-something in the morning before she couldn’t handle it anymore
Spencer's stayed awake until 7-something
Lotus is hard core and pulls all nighters sometimes (as long as she has an energy drink)
• Do they like the warm or the cold?
Lotus is very particular and likes a very particular temperature in between hot and cold. But if she had to choose, she likes the warm
Like his species, Spencer prefers warm climates
Waverly isn't bothered all that much by the cold
• Do any of them play sports?
Lotus was in Track and Field in high school - like her dad
Waverly and Spencer don't.. sports..
• Can they cook?
Spencer can, his mom taught him how to cook and he learned a couple kitchen tricks in his own too bc he likes it
Lotus can and her food's pretty good
Waverly can but she's not all that great at it
- and now for character-specific asks -
• Do Waverly and Spencer have best friends besides each other?
Yup, Spencer's best guy friend is a beaver named Drew and Waverly's gal pal is a red panda named Junko (“june-ko”)
• Is Lotus always a killjoy?
Not… all of the time.. but most of the time
• After Lotus was recently born, how did Waverly handle a new edition in the house?
You know how little kids have baby doll toys? That was Lotus to Waverly, but much more special. Waverly wanted a little sister and when she got one, she spent all her time with her - feeding her, giving her baths, changing her, playing with her, making her laugh, climbing into her crib and reading books to her - Waverly was such a big help, basically any time Lotus started crying, she'd tell her mom and dad, "Don't worry, I got this."
• At what age did Waverly meet Spencer? And how did their meeting go? Also when did Spencer get to meet her little sister Lotus?
Spencer and Waverly met on the first day of 6th grade when they were 11 and their meeting was short and sweet ^^ all Spencer could really do was say his name because he was too enamored by Waverly... “she’s so pretty” he wondered if he could ever see her again and there she was in his first class...
His first meeting with Lotus was... awkward.. Lotus: I hear you have the hots for my sister. Spencer: .......the “hots-”?? How old are you??
• What are their favorite flavors of ice cream?
Spencer likes Strawberry
Waverly likes Mint Chocolate Chip mostly because it's close to her favorite color, though Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream is a close second
and Lotus likes Buttered Pecan
• If Lotus was born before Waverly, would she ask for a sibling from her parents like Waverly did? Or no?
Lotus doesn’t mind a little alone time but being an only child might make her feel alone sometimes. Getting along with a baby/little kid in the house might be difficult at first but she warms up to it because she still loves her family - especially her sister! Also a little sibling can do her bidding….
• Is Waverly a fan of cameras?
Yeah! She knows what cameras take the best pictures and videos
• What are Spencer and Waverly's biggest fears? And why?
As we know, Spencer was violent as a kid, and his dream is to be someone to trust and depend on, so he’s afraid his patience might be tested one day and he lashed out and hurts someone he loves without really meaning to…
Waverly sometimes invades other’s space because she can’t always contain her curiosity, and her biggest fear is getting into serious trouble for going way to far with that and losing her friends’ trust in her
• Do Spencer and Waverly ever have babies?
Yes, they have one. I have a whole story thought up in my brain about it, but I didn't think anyone here would be interested in any of that? I know it’s venturing a little far from the original Zootopia characters anyway so I’ve just been keeping the info on their kid between me and peeps on discord, but regardless I thought it was a good way to give a bit of closure to Spencer and Waverly’s “growing-up” arc because now they’re adults with a big responsibility
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philcphobic · 6 years
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[ TWO / THREE ] hello, KRIS again & this is my son CHOI TAEWOO ! he is the younger brother of @rnicohq & he Does Not belong here ... but here he is anyway ! he’s a memeber of WAIKIKIS and he’s the gang’s somewhat imcompetent thief. if you’d like to plot smash that heart & let’s create something beautiful !
he was born to a wealthy man and a beautiful, beautiful woman whom of which his father did not deserve … at all ! looking back on it now, taewoo doesn’t really understand how his mother could’ve fell in love with a man like him but she always told him that them meeting resulted in the best things in her life ( aka her children uwu ) and she wouldn’t trade that for the world !!!
he’s the youngest of three children, but some things aren’t meant to be. it just b like that sometimes. you see, taewoo was really young when their parents divorced, like it literally happened maybe a year or two after he was born !! unfortunately ... both of his siblings went with daddie dearest ...
so, now that he and his mother were on their own with little money to their names ( with absolutely no help from his father obviously ), they struggled financially. they stayed with his grandmother, and he began seeing less of his mom because she started working two jobs to be able to provide for the three of them.
as he grew up, taewoo always wondered why their father didn’t want to see him even part time, but that’s none of his business. he doesn’t really know why their parents just agreed to never see the children the other had, so he lowkey thought it was just always something about him specifically.
to ease his worrying, his mother always told him that their father was a bad man, and that his siblings ... wanted nothing to do with him ! they all apparently HATED him !! it made him feel ... really alone, because he would’ve liked to grow up with his siblings ... someone to teach him how to do this or that, or to hear experiences from so he knows what to do / doesn’t make the same mistakes ...
he would’ve liked to have someone to depend on other than his mom & grandma since he didn’t want to burden them.
he had heard nothing about his siblings; his mom was adamant on not telling him anything other than the fact she was mad at them ... ( this is important for later ).
on nights he wasn’t able to see his mom his grandmother always reminded him to do the best that he could in school so one day he could support his mom when she was too tired to continue working two jobs at night.
the most logical thing to do was not ask for help from anyone and let he and his mother suffer for a couple years … in turn, he worked his ass off in school to become one of the top students every year !!! however, this caused him to lack a social life since he always wanted to study, study, study ... he needed to do well, you know?
he thought if he wasn’t successful in school and didn’t eventually have a good job one day he’d be a disappoint to his mother who worked so hard for him day and night.
he also grew up resenting his father ( as he should ) & siblings since they seemed to have all the money in the world, right? he doesn’t understand why they couldn’t share !!! or try contacting him ! truth was ... grandma and mom probably blocked them out hardcore if they tried but ... taewoo wouldn’t know that; how would he?
they believed he would be better off without them. perhaps they were afraid that taewoo would get into trouble, just like his siblings did. they didn’t tell the young boy that nico disappeared from their father’s watchful eye when nico was in middle school ( taewoo was 6-8 years old !!!!! ) and that his sister also disappeared just a couple years after until several years later ...
his mother finally told him during his second year of high school, which is almost a decade after nico even went off to join his first gang ... you cannot imagine how upset he was because like ... how could she just choose to NOT tell him anything? those are his siblings ...
all taewoo had to go off of were photos all these years ... so when he saw & met nico after all this time ... instead of expressing his worry he ... let out his anger instead? he knows his brother means well now, but he is also blinded by LIES his mother told + he doesn’t really want to listen to his brother’s side either so ... taewoo is just being difficult.
it does not help that their sister is missing probably because of nico’s enemies ...
taewoo also knows it isn’t nico’s fault deep down, but he blames him anyway out of pent up confusion on his own feelings towards his brother being in his life a little more
( ANXIETY, DEPRESSION ) in all seriousness, taewoo ... struggles like ... a lot. he’s put so much on his shoulders and his heart is too soft to request for any help from anyone. it’s a lot of stress on someone young, and the worry that he’ll someday fail or that he’s doing this and that wrong constantly plague bis mind ... he underestimates himself a lot, and he overthinks everything to the point where it’s unbearable. he’s trying his best but he’s sinking faster than he’s climbing.
anyways, taewoo thinks he wants to be closer to his brother, and he thinks the only way to do so is by joining ... u guessed it ! a gang !!! however, taewoo also wants friends ... and since he’s never really had any before, he’s desperate ... so why tf not, right?
however ... taewoo is stupid, and met someone who wasn’t apart of rose golden and joined the WAIKIKIS instead !!! but it’s fine, because in the end he does get friendships out of it all, you know? he also hoped he could learn to be a lil more … independent? be more care free as opposed to scared of everything?
he lived his entire life in a bubble, protected from both the dangers and the wonders of the world because his goal was so straightforward. he was to do well in school, get a job that paid well so he would be able to pay his mom back for ( still, to this day ! ) working so hard to provide for the both of them; he’s never considered the option of stepping out of line in fear he’ll jeopardize his grades or something … like the nerd he is.
so he probably joined sometime after he turned 18? thank you jeno @guiltheavy for introducing him to waikikis ... even though rose golden was the goal, in hindsight, he doubts they’d accept him since he is not even close to being as wealthy as he could be to join them anyways ! plus the waikikis ... are just ... more his style ...
he really doesn’t like being in gang bc … you know … gangs do dangerous things but he’s glad that waikikis are like … super chill and not that … terrible per se. even though he’s been involved for a year you’re going to find him a scaredy cat ! super scared of doing anything dangerous — probably definitely squeaks when a gun is fired within 25 feet of him SFHJDSFND
he doesn’t belong in a gang and he knows it !!! but he’s still determined to … become one of them … even though he technically is one of them … he’s been assigned as a thief for the gang, but because of taewoo’s morals to be a good person, he’s somewhat incompetent. he’s successful in stealing, definitely, but he feels so bad he tries to return the things he’s required to steal half the time ... he believes the longer he’s in waikikis, the tougher he’ll become ...
uhhhhhhhhhh he’s a babie pls protect him ,
although he doesn’t seem like it, being naive and pristine, he’s really intelligent. he lives with his nose stuck in a book, and he’s filled with so many facts that he could write his own encyclopedia. his knowledge allows him to have many different skills, despite not immediately displaying them to people ... ever. he’s got medical knowledge and he knows how to repair a range of things ... he’s not completely useless !
the thing about taewoo is that he likes knowing everything, so he learns as many things as his brain is willing to handle. first aid is something he was interested in for a long time, as he wants to one day become a doctor.
he is a university freshman studying biomedical science, and he takes school seriously. he puts school before his gang duties and no matter what, his education will ALWAYS come first. he would do anything for his mother, and he wants to succeed for her. he needs to do well in school or else he would just ... he’d be really sad ok.
in summary of taewoo, he’s 98% book smart and 2% street smart. he’s very much inexperienced and so, so naive ... but he’s trying to do better. he constantly says he’s willing to do dangerous things but he’s really scared if he actually has to do these said dangerous things … yes he’s an absolute mess.
pure to the point that it’s just sad. like i said before, he’s lived in this bubble his entire life with one goal in mind, and that did not include having even a tiny bit of a social life outside of one or two friends. like ... he’s never held anyone’s hand, never went on a date, never kissed anyone ( someone please kiss him !!!!!!!!! ), never got real hugs except from his family ( someone PLEASE hug him !!!!!!!!!!! ), never had a significant other …
don’t say any sexual innuendos around him, he will not get it !!!!!!
he’s trying his best,,, that’s what counts,,,
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slommyyyy · 6 years
marvel asks!!
this is rlly long folks prepare your asses
steve: are you small or tall?
im rlly fucking short!!! bitch!!! im like five two!! hopefully i get a growth spurt soon bc bitch i dont wanna climb shit
bucky: what’s your favorite memory?
i have a bunch actually!! im gonna limit it to three bc aa theres too many,, 
SO!!! i had met viv about two months prior, and it was the summer and i was outside!! stargazing bc!! damn b its fun!! and we were texting bc ahe just woke up, and then!!!! a neighborhood cat came, and we talked abt the cat and stars and it was so nice??
anytime from when i was little at night!! stars, catching fireflies, going to the local water park, being at the beach w my mom and eating pizza, grilling hamburgers outside w my brother... mmm man i cant tell you HOW happy summer makes me?? we used to sit outside and catch fireflies and swim in an old shitty pool, and have to go inside ONLY if the amount of airplanes that flew over us was had a factor of 3, bc that number was my fav hgckygvk
fjbueod this sounds stupid bUT!! i rlly love skyping my friends?? like watching vine comps w steph and izzy, or that one time most of us all got in one MASSIVE call and micah flipped me off in front of my mom,, but anyway i had a call w my friends, and they all went out/ to sleep, and by myself, i realized?? these people make me feel so happy?? like i had been really sad for a long time and everyone just made me... good??? i watched the sun rise that morning, and i felt rlly complete man, like a new chapter of my life was starting
sam: what makes you happy?
my friends, music, and art a lot!!! also dogs in general,,
peggy: what’s your favorite era?
dude have you seen the music i listen to?? 80s/90s are my shit
thor: what’s your favorite weather?
if im outside?? warm to the point where youre sticky with sweat, but its pleasant, and dont feel like youre dying. if im inside?? summer rain!! i like the calming patter of rain and the thunder kinda just?? being there man!! watch a movie and listen to music to that jazz!!! play a ukulele or read a book!!! that weather makes me so happy
valkyrie: what’s your favorite drink?
cherry cola!! BUT!! i like the kind from those cool machines at movie theaters!! since like the canned stuff??? tastes brown w a liiiiittle bit of magenta. the bottled stuff??? more magenta but still mostly brown. the theater stuf??? hoLY SHIT!!! ITS LIKE BRIGHT PINK!!! MUTED W SOME BROWNS AND TASTES SO GOOD!!
heimdall: where do you see yourself in 5 years?
dude i cant plan the future tbh?? like maybe at college?? maybe taking time for my mental health?? idk!! also lmAO w my luck id be dead,, have you SEEN how much i get injured??? i fell off one (1) stair and broke my ankle for three weeks fsuvbeieu
korg: are you optimistic or pessimistic?
im actually realistic tbh?? i have a bad habit of looking at things from a point where its realistic to the point where its apathetic and,,, i gotta fix that man,, (also im not including my anxiety inthat bc iF I DID LMAO IDK W H A T ID BE)
peter: are you good at keeping secrets?
yeah!! unless its smth serious, then i try to get the person help from someone im POSITIVE is trustworthy, unless im positive its under control :0
ned: who is your best friend?
no!!!! no picking!!! i love all of my friends in dif ways!!! my friend cc?? my meme-y jam bud who complains abt our english teacher!! em?? fuCKIN RAD!!!! izzy?? we talk abt girls and how we love our moms!! lui?? a badass bitch!!!! kyra and jo??? my b99 buds!!! my brother was my only friend for literal years!!! id say more but this would get way too long i love all of my friends!!
michelle: do you like to go to parties?
lmaO NO IVE GOT RLLY BAD SOCIAL/GENERAL ANXIETY,, that and im never invited to any uyebve
liz: who was your high school crush?
this rlly cute girl in a few of my classes!! im too scared to talk to her thOUGH HBCEUIBS
aunt may: who or what are you most protective over?
my brother!!! holy fuck man i nearly decked some kids when i was little,,, this sounds edgy but my brother had some issues w social settings, so he was bullied, so i helped stand up for him!! we took boxing lessons for two years bitch!! got pizza on thursdays after!!.
t'challa: what is the most important thing your parents taught you?
my mom taught me to always do what i love, and i love her man,, wonderful woman,,,
shuri: are you a good driver?
bro i cant even drive and have a fear of cars
nakia: what causes are you passionate about?
a lot actually!!! rn its mostly LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, and gun control!!! i rlly enjoy arguing, but only the kind where both sides listen to each other, yknow?? bc people yelling hurts my head efvhbied
okoye: do you speak more than one language?
no,, i only speak english and have the german abilities of a two year old
m'baku: are you vegetarian?
no, sorry!! i dont eat much meat tho so i could probably go vegetarian p easily lmAO
killmonger: sunrises or sunsets?
ooo!!! i love both!! i love seeing sunrises in the morning, but i think i gotta say sunsets!! the colors are rlly pretty
peter quill: what’s your favorite song from your childhood?
my brother and i used to SCREECH hooked on a feeling its a fuckin bop
gamora: do you like to dance?
its fun but i physically??? cant?? my body doesnt know how to move so i awkwardly sway to shitty 80s music uekfbs
nebula: do you get along with your siblings?
yeah!!! my brothers one of my closest friends, and even though hes older than me,, im still shook by how old hes gotten,,,, bitches stay off the roads hes got no coordination
groot: are you quiet or talkative?
it depends on who im with!!! or how my brain is working that day!! with large groups im rlly quiet but in front of a crowd or with one to four-ish friends i know well??? ill talk your ear off,,, also sometimes my brain says!! socializing is hard so oh well
rocket: have you changed a lot since you were younger?
hdfubvyuedsvbdsiUHDBSCUI HELL YEAH!!!! dude ive developed my own opinions and gotten a lot more bitchy.... but also ive stayed the same in a few ways!! i still love art and music, and have obsessions really deeply
asgard: if you could move anywhere, where would you pick?
anywhere w my friends!!! 
brooklyn: where do you feel most at home?
outside late at night chatting w friends tbh?? it just feels right
wakanda: what is your hometown known for?
thank u @prcngx for tagging me!!! ily!! but you tagged a bunch of mutuals so i dont rlly have anyone to tag!!!! you monster!! ily!!
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wildheart-warriors · 7 years
Timelines: Chapter 1.5
Willowpaw, Redpaw, and Spottedpaw’s apprentice ceremony, bc I felt bad about just time-skipping over it.
“Keep still! I don’t want you messing up your coat,” Swiftbreeze chided. The she-cat was doing her best to groom Willowkit’s unruly fur into submission, while Redkit fidgeted beside them. Spottedkit lounged in the dirt nearby, her dappled coat ungroomed and full of leaf shreds from the medicine den.
“You’re certain he knows?” Redkit’s voice wobbled anxiously as he shuffled his paws. Anxiety bubbled in the young tom’s gut and sent nervous energy through his limbs.
“Yes, I spoke to Sunstar yesterday,” Swiftbreeze mumbled around Willowkit’s fur. The little she-kit’s pelt had tangled just behind her ears, where she couldn’t reach it herself.
Redkit gulped and bit his tongue. He wanted to press further, to make absolutely sure, but his mother was already keyed up enough. She’d get snappy if he didn’t drop it.
“If he messes up your announcement, I’ll cuff his ears myself,” Bluefur cut in, slipping out of the nursery with her own kits in tow. Redkit smiled nervously, though her assurance did ease his worry just a bit. At least he knew there were more cats than just his family on his side.
“It’s not as if you’re the first,” Spottedkit chimed in. “Featherwhisker told me that there’s a Windclan cat, Dawnstripe, who was born a tom and decided she wanted to be a she-cat instead.”
“Yes, of course,” Redkit murmured, more to himself than anyone around him. He was only working himself up and he knew it, but it was awfully hard not to think about what could go wrong.
Stonekit slipped on a patch of half-melted snow on his way out of the nursery, and cut off Redkit’s internal anxiety loop by colliding with him. Swiftbreeze groaned loudly.
“Bluefur, would you help me? Willowkit’s got tangles in her fur and I haven’t even touched Spottedkit yet.”
“Sorry, Redkit,” Stonekit squeaked. He only laughed, though, batting at his younger denmate’s ears.
“Watch out, once I’m an apprentice I’ll be able to kick your butt for something like that!” He growled, grinning at the younger tom. Stonekit swatted him in the nose and tumbled to the side, laughing as he took cover behind his sisters.
“Redkit! Stop it, you’re going to get all messy again,” Swiftbreeze hissed. Stonekit stuck out his tongue.
He didn’t have time to pounce on the offending kit. Sunstar emerged from his den, nodded to Swiftbreeze, and mounted the high rock to call the clan together. Bluefur gave Spottedkit a few more swift licks, and Swiftbreeze sighed in resignation as a tuft of fur stood straight up on the back of Willowkit’s neck.
“All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!” Sunstar’s voice rang out across the clearing, and Swiftbreeze quickly bundled her kits towards the center of camp.
Redkit let himself be herded along, apprehension building once more in his stomach. Something was going to go wrong. Would Adderfang say something? His father hadn’t looked at him the same since he’d said he was a tom. What about Patchpelt and Leopardfoot? He hadn’t had a chance to tell his older siblings yet, what if they didn’t like him anymore?
Cats streamed from every corner of the camp, all of them eager and full of pride when they spotted Swiftbreeze and her litter sitting just below the high rock. Adderfang emerged from the warriors den and Redkit looked down at his paws, but their father hurried over, sitting beside his mate and children. Redkit stole a glance around, spotting Stonekit watching from outside the nursery, and his older siblings grinning at him from a few tail lengths away.
“It is time for Thunderclan to welcome three new apprentices into its ranks,” Sunstar began, his warm gaze resting on the three kits. “Willowkit, please step forward.” Swiftbreeze gave a last, valiant attempt at getting her daughter’s fur to lie smooth. It was in vain.
Willowkit practically skipped forward, staring eagerly up at her leader. “Willowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to begin your apprenticeship. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Willowpaw.”
“Poppydawn,” a dark ginger she-cat rose from the front, puffing her chest out with pride. “You are more than ready for your first apprentice. You demonstrate patience and understanding, as well as fine hunting skills. I expect you to pass on all you know to Willowpaw.”
Willowpaw rushed to touch noses with her new mentor, throwing Redkit and Spottedkit an excited, almost disbelieving look. Redkit blinked encouragingly, but Spottedkit was too busy staring at Featherwhisker to give her sister the time of day. She would be last in the order. And that meant Redkit was next.
“Redkit, please step forward,” Sunstar looked nothing but proud, but it did little to quell Redkit’s anxiety as he padded forward. Still, he did his best to look brave and excited, puffing out his chest and meeting his leader's’ eyes. “You have reached the age of six moons old, and are ready to begin your training. From this day on, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Redpaw.”
Sunstar paused, and Redpaw swallowed thickly. He knew what came next. “In addition, you will no longer be addressed as a she-cat. Redpaw, from this day forward, is a tom.”
Time stood still, and Redpaw held his breath. He refused to look at his clan mates and kept his gaze fixed on Sunstar. He waited a moment, and then another. Silence had never sounded so sweet. Sunstar cleared his throat, and went on.
“Halftail,” The tabby tom padded forward from behind Redpaw. “You have shown your prowess as a mentor before in training the departed Snowwhisker. You have a resilience few cats can match, and the intelligence needed to overcome great obstacles. Though Redpaw may face more challenges than he deserves, I expect you will teach him what he needs to know to survive, and to become a great warrior in spite of adversity.”
Redpaw almost sobbed, relief swamping his body as he turned to face Halftail. His mentor looked nothing but proud. He had to hold his breath as their noses touched, too afraid that he would start crying like a kit if he didn’t. It was over, and everyone knew, and no one cared, and they still loved him.
Halftail and Redpaw sat together beside Adderfang and Spottedkit. His sister looked starry-eyed, and Featherwhisker quickly climbed the high rock to stand beside Thunderclan’s leader.
“It is my honor to announce that Starclan has sent us our next medicine cat,” Featherwhisker purred. The clan murmured quietly, though they had all known for moons that Spottedkit would train under the medicine cat. “Spottedkit, please step forward.”
The calico she-kit took her place, bits of herbs still clinging to her fur as she stared up at her soon to be mentor. “You have reached the age of six moons old, and expressed a desire to learn medicine and the ways of Starclan rather than those of a warrior. From this day on, until you have earned your full name, you will be known as Spottedpaw. I am proud to take you on as my apprentice, and at the next half-moon you will travel with myself and the medicine cats of the other clans to be accepted by Starclan at the moonstone.”
Featherwhisker bounded down and the two cats touched noses, Spottedpaw absolutely beaming. The clan erupted into cheers around them, a roar of ‘welcome’ and approval that nearly overwhelmed Redpaw.
“Willowpaw! Redpaw! Spottedpaw! Willowpaw! Redpaw! Spottedpaw!”
Once the cheering died down, Sunstar dipped his head to them. “That is all, meeting adjourned!”
The throng of Thunderclan cats began to disperse, some calling congratulations to the new apprentices as they passed. Most importantly, though, were Patchpelt and Leopardfoot.
“Congratulations, little brother,” Patchpelt purred, and Redpaw’s heart soared. Leopardfoot cuffed him lightly over the ear.
“Adderfang told us already, but I’m glad the whole clan knows now. You’re happy with this, right?” Leopardfoot mewed.
Redpaw nodded so hard he almost fell over. “I-I was so scared, that you might not...like me anymore,” he admitted. His sibling’s eyes softened and they ducked down to nuzzle him.
“Hey, nothing could ever do that, you hear? You’re our kin, regardless of what you’re called. We’re not going anywhere, and neither is anyone else,” Patchpelt murmured. Leopardfoot purred in agreement, and Redpaw let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“Thank you,” he mewed, and his voice cracked in the middle, sobs of relief threatening to spill out.
“Enough sappy stuff. Go see your new mentor, maybe he’ll show you around the territory!” Leopardfoot said. Redpaw nodded, butting his head against each of them one last time before he turned and raced towards Halftail.
For the first time all day, he felt like everything was going to be okay.
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jungnoir · 8 years
babysitter!monsta x;
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a/n: hello!! so if you’re new to this little babysitter!kpop group series, you can read the first “installment”, babysitter!got7, here and the second, babysitter!bts, here! for this request~ also, it’s been a while since it happened but i hit 1200 followers, so thank you so much and i hope i can keep writing for you lovelies :D
so!! the general gist of this whole series is several kpop groups all kinda find themselves broke af in high school and split up into different groups as a part of this huge babysitting conglomerate
initially, hoseok is the first one to find out about this cool group of fourteen other teenage guys who literally just go around town babysitting for dough
and hoseok knows no sane person would give them a serious job at this age so he’s like!!! hey guys let’s do babysitting for money!
which sounds like a pretty good idea to the guy cause i mean he likes kids and... hey.... it’s money. what could go wrong?
everything, hoseok. so many things 
at first, hoseok is kinda shy with the kiddos he first meets, but once he gets a nice idea of their personalities, he’s “all in” (pls laugh)
50% meme 50% jungle gym 100% all man
hoseok is so strong and flexible like??? the kids love hanging off him and using him to climb around on
he once asked kihyun if it was appropriate to benchpress the kids
kihyun hit him
kids love hoseok bc he’s very energetic
hoseok usually gets the energetic kids anyway when they work, because he’s got so much energy and excitement and he’s so fun that the kids with even the worst amounts of stamina pretty much wear themselves out at some point with him
kids also love him because he always lets them win
like most of the kids he babysits have older siblings who think their siblings are annoying bc of all the energy they have and usually won’t play with them at all
so hoseok is like??? why give them more grief when they barely get to work those chubby legs elsewhere
it’s almost kinda ridiculous the lengths he goes to to put a smile on a kid’s face
like they’ll be playing hide and seek or something and he’ll hide behind a water bottle or something
if it makes the kid proud they found him, then he doesn’t care :)
hoseok has to beware sitting down on the ground bc like,,, flocks of children will just come at him at once and pummel him to the ground
the last time that happened he got kicked in the head like four times
kids love getting picked up by babysitter hoseok ok
since he’s so strong and can basically juggle tons of kids at once
like a lil kiddo will hold their hands out to him bc they want to get picked up and he’ll just scoop em up in one arm without much thought and the other kids are like :O 
kid: you’re really strong!
hoseok: yeah? i’m strong like superman?
kid: *nodding enthusiastically*
hoseok: *leans in like he’s telling them a secret* that’s because... i am
kid: !!!!
he has this little inside “secret” among some of the kids that he’s superman so sometimes the kid will be talking to their friends at the park while hoseok is there and the kid will almost let slip that they know superman
and hoseok will make eye contact with them and put his finger up to his lips with a grin and the kid will wink at hoseok and turn back to their friend and be like anyway!! let’s go play on the slides 
it gets so bad that he gets a call from a parent one day like “hey uh... my son keeps saying he wants superman to fly up to his window and read him dr. seuss???”
and hoseok is like “tell him superman has to enter by the front door today, i’m on my way”
he’s always on call and always dependable like that bc these kids steadily become his pride and joy and he really just wants them to have that big brother figure that they can look back on as a happy memory
and in most people’s opinion, he’s doing a pretty great job
this child is... help him
changkyun is very apprehensive when hoseok brings up the idea of them babysitting
it’s not that he doesn’t like children per se, it’s just that they tend to scare him... kind of
he finds their opinion of him reflects what kind of person he really is so if a kid is cold to him he’ll think “oh my god... i’m a terrible person... did i kill someone in my past life? i must have killed someone, the child knows”
but he’s also the youngest out of them all so most people think he might be better with kids?? lmao like that makes a difference
but when changkyun first babysits, the kids are kind of in their own world so he thinks he’ll just do the minimum and then stay out of their way
until he’s like watching the avengers on tv (bc that’s the highest movie rating he can watch around the children) and one of the kids just. climbs. into his lap.?.
and changkyun is like um
and the kid curls up against his chest and lays their head on him and wraps their little hands around his arm and is all comfortable
and changkyun awkwardly lays his arm across their lap and the kid snuggles into him and actually falls asleep on him!!!
and changkyun is literally ded like this is the cutest thing that has ever happened to him ever
he’s thinking the child trusts me!! they’re snuggling into me!! they’re drooling on- hey wait a minute
then the other shows up and curls against his other arm and falls asleep and he’s just :DDD
the three of them end up falling asleep like that and when the parents come home, changkyun is passed out on the couch with the kiddos laying every which way all over him and snoring into the atmosphere but it’s the cutest thing
from that day on, changkyun just gets so cute around kids
he practices their names before he babysits, he sets out special games in case they wanna play, and he even brings snacks for them too like he’s so serious about being prepared
bc his voice is naturally deep, he always has to make it sound softer so the kiddos don’t get disturbed by it
he can really only talk the way he usually does around the kids he’s known longer
but one time a kid he had babysat for a while had surprised him and when he yelled his voice was so much lower than the kid remembered and they were like UHHHH
but after that, the kids make him speak in a really low voice like darth vader bc they think it’s pretty cool
somehow always ends up with hair accessories in the weirdest places when he gets home
there’s like a pile on his desk and whenever people come over they’re like changkyun do you have something to say
and since changkyun is the youngest he can’t blame it on a sibling so he’s like,,, i can explain
tbh if any of the boys sit in on one of changkyun’s babysitting dates they’d have so much blackmail fodder it’s not even funny
but changkyun would pretty much do anything for his kids
if it means dressing up like harley quinn and getting his hair died with kool-aid, he’ll live
bc at the end of the day, he’s happy and the kids are happy and it’s probably the most fulfilling job to him so he can never really complain
hello here is lee “i want to have my own kids soon” minhyuk
this boy has been ready for fatherhood since he was born
but no really he was probably the happiest to start babysitting
he doesn’t even really care about the money like he’s just happy to be here
he just has this nice warm aura that makes kids so comfortable instantly 
minhyuk: hello!! i’m minhyuk, but you can call me minnie :)
kid: like minnie mouse?
minhyuk: i don’t know... *pulls out a pink polka dot clip on bow out of nowhere* you tell me
kid: :O
he has this v special voice for talking to kiddos and it literally just shocks ppl over the age of twenty when they hear him use it???
like he’s just hanging with hoseok and then he gets a call from the parents of one of the kids and they’re like “can you babysit this friday?? we’re having date night” and the kid jumps on the phone like “minnie!!”
and minhyuk immediately changes to Cute Voice Mode and hoseok is so like.... whoa... who is this man
minhyuk is the best with kids that are super young bc they literally just flock to this sweet childish man??? like older kids kind of roll their eyes at him but the babies see him as like an idol
when minhyuk can’t avoid babysitting the older kids, he tries his damn hardest to relate to them
“how do you do, fellow kids”
no but jokes aside, it’s not necessarily that it’s hard to relate, it’s just that the older kids kinda hate that they have a babysitter
especially this goofy dude who’s supposed not that much older than their older sibling??
but oh... they haven’t realized the power they have at their fingertips
if they ask if their friends can come over, he plays the cool older brother card
every one of their friends is always like!!! who’s this hot dude chilling in your living room???
minhyuk just laughs and is like “a friend of (insert sibling/relative that lives in the house that would seem the least suspicious), don’t mind me. do you guys wanna order a pizza or something?”
and no matter who, almost always those friends never find out minhyuk’s the babysitter
so the older kids end up opening up to minhyuk bc they realize that he’s actually pretty cool and he’s not just great with lil kids
and that minhyuk has a lot of cool, random talents
so he grows the title of cool older brother from most of the kids he regularly babysits and it warms his heart soooooo much he loves being a big brother figure to them
and he’s always there to give advice or even go the extra mile as to take them places if he’s free
like “you wanna go to the arcade and your mom said it was cool?? i’m on the way prepare to get your butt kicked in table hockey”
or “you need someone cool to drop you off at prom cause you didn’t get a date this year?? should i wear the blue tie or the red one”
i believe minhyuk doesn’t have siblings so being something of one to all these kiddos is really refreshing for him and it really just makes him feel like he’s needed which is what he loves
and a lot of people are pretty much certain he’ll be the best dad when the time comes because he’s literally great with kids of all shapes, sizes, and personalities and he can never not brighten up even the saddest child
also this!!!
someone help him
was about as apprehensive as changkyun, but unlike changkyun, didn’t warm as fast to the idea of babysitting as changkyun
i mean he wanted to do it and he’s pretty much a dad to the boys already but like...... what if they don’t like him
that’s literally all he cares about
he frets about it every time he gets assigned a kid no matter how long he’s been babysitting because he just!!! wants to be liked by the children and he doesn’t want it to be awkward but he still makes it awkward 
but he can get away with it sometimes because he’s cute so
and minhyuk and hoseok are always like hyunwoo!! stop being tense! it makes the children tense
and hyunwoo is like “I WOULD IF I COULD I SWEAR TO GOD”
he literally has to start off suuuuuper small like he has to assist kihyun while he babysits bc he’s that bad
kihyun gives him one (1) task and it’s to put a diaper on the baby and like not even a minute after kihyun leaves him to it hyunwoo walks into the living room with the naked baby with this helpless look on his face
and kihyun is so done
while the other kids are laughing their asses off at this grown man who looks like he’s putting together a rubix cube when it’s just a baby’s diaper. hyunwoo. please
but he ends up finally learning all the basics at some point, so he’s allowed to start work with the first kid
but the kid is like?? crying??? not two seconds into meeting hyunwoo for the first time
so he just stands there all awkward and kinda heartbroken bc he really wanted to make a good impression and yet he already made the baby cry
even tho the mother assures him that the baby is just nervous bc it’s his first time being away from his parents hyunwoo is just like beating himself up over it and blaming himself and regretting everything
but eventually, the parents leave, and the kid quiets down
hyunwoo sets him down and the kid just kinda walks away and hyunwoo thinks he’s trying to run away from him but everywhere hyunwoo goes, the child is just quietly following behind
when hyunwoo goes to make lunch, the kid is just peeking around the corner at him with wide eyes, like he’s trying to figure out if hyunwoo is a threat
and at first hyunwoo is really confused abt it bc whenever he would walk up to the kid he’d sprint off in another direction, but if he just kept his distance and “ignored” him, the kid would follow him around, even chancing to stand or sit right next to hyunwoo if he did a particularly good job of ignoring him
so hyunwoo feels bad but he also knows that trying to initiate things on his own would probably result in a mess and maybe more crying so he just keeps to himself, watching tv on the couch and pretending he doesn’t even notice the child
and he tries his best not to grin in triumph when the kid clumsily climbs onto the couch and cuddles into hyunwoo’s side, laying up against him as they watch cartoons together
hyunwoo isn’t even really sure if he’s done a good job by the time his job is over??? like he’s utterly lost on what to say to the kid’s parents when they come back and ask how it was bc tbh he felt more like he was taking care of a cat instead of a child
but once they pay him and hyunwoo is about to take his leave, he feels something thud against his calf and he freezes, looking down to see what had just smacked into him
and it’s the kid, arms linked tight around hyunwoo’s leg with tears in his eyes and a pout on his lips “don’t go, please :(” 
hyunwoo can’t even hear the mother coo over her son because hyunwoo is on cloud nine now
and he’s so endeared when he crouches down to be face to face with the kid bc the kid doesn’t run off or cower under hyunwoo’s steady gaze like usual
“i can babysit again, if you want! but next time, you’re going to have to talk to me, you can’t just run away every time i look at you, okay?”
and the kid shyly nods and shocks hyunwoo even more when he throws his tiny arms around hyunwoo’s neck and yanks him into a tight hug. so tight that the mom actually has to pry him off so hyunwoo can get home before it gets too dark out, and the whole way home hyunwoo is just so proud of himself like “who said son hyunwoo couldn’t babysit? well, everyone, but i proved myself wrong so it doesn’t matter”
after that he just becomes a whiz with the quieter kids bc they find him to be just like him and they feel much more comfortable around him than the more intrusive babysitters and hyunwoo ends up finding his calling :”)
made for this
initially awkward like hyunwoo but not as bad as hyunwoo
the nervousness is just bc he’s never really taken care of other people’s kids before so he just needs to find his way
but it surprisingly comes very easy to him??
like he already kind of takes on the motherly role in his group of friends bc he’s literally the only one with any common sense (don’t get him started on last year’s impromptu boy’s trip to the skiing mountains. hyungwon got left behind at the bus stop, minhyuk lost his phone in the taxi to kihyun’s house, hoseok only brought earphones and a bottle of water, hyunwoo forgot to pack underwear, jooheon ended up getting there safely but left to go back home and sleep as soon as he saw the state of the other boys, and changkyun didn’t even bother bringing more than two sets of clothes because “it weighed too much”)
kihyun swore he’d never let that disaster repeat itself
so from then on he’s been kind of the one that takes care of everyone else, even if he does it with a snarky attitude and a scowl on his face (jooheon said his scowl is cute but kihyun almost drop kicked him for it)
when kihyun first gets assigned kids, he tends to fold up in on himself at first, liking to observe and see exactly what he was working with before he made any hasty moves
which usually works for kihyun bc he can really just look at a kid for three minutes and he instantly knows what he needs to tame and what he can work with
he also tends to adopt a very distinct stern tone that minhyuk affectionately calls the “mom voice”
which is startlingly nostalgic when you hear it bc it’s like shit. when did my mom get here?? oh wait nevermind it’s just kihyun yelling at hoseok again
it usually works on kihyun’s regular set of kids quite well so even though he’s more of a warden than a babysitter to them, he’s fine with that
until he meets his match, of course
he doesn’t even get a chance to check out this new kid bc she’s already checking him out
like instantly when she sees him she goes to her mom and is like “he looks like a killjoy”
and right off the bat kihyun is like “i’d take offense to that but i don’t accept insults from people 1/4 my size”
and the kid’s mom is almost appalled at kihyun but then the little girl is smirking to herself, telling her mom to head to work and that she and kihyun would get along just fine
which is a Lie
kihyun has never in his life met someone so stubborn in such a small body like does this kid eat anger for breakfast
no matter what he says to her, she insists on doing the exact opposite and his mom voice does not work on her at all
the kid probably threatens to call the police every time he tells her to finish her veggies
like it literally feels like god created this child just to test kihyun?? he’s almost convinced that maybe she’s being promised a later bedtime or a trip to disneyland with the way she sticks to her role of the ultimate brat
like kihyun is absolutely exhausted after the first time he babysits her, but he’s completely lost when the little girl’s mother tells kihyun that she wants him to babysit again, bc the kid “liked him a lot”
so the second time kihyun babysits, he’s a little more wary of the child and thinks to himself that maybe the kid actually had something up her sleeve bc why would she request him again when last time all they did was bicker?
she still remains a practically untamable brat but she does tend to chill at times, which kihyun is eteranlly grateful for bc he swears if he didn’t have that pastel pink hair, he’d be able to see a whole patch of grey strands on his head by now
yet she still keeps asking him to babysit
so one day he’s managed to get her to sit still for a movie, kihyun on his phone texting hyungwon about how much trouble the lil girl is when he gets an urge to pee so he leaves his phone on the couch and rushes off to the bathroom
and the lil girl is obv curious as heck so she reaches over and reads his texts
by the time kihyun comes back, he’s wide-eyed, looking at this kid whose only emotions seemed to be rage and slightly calmer rage, crying on the couch with his phone clutched in her tiny hands
immediately kihyun clicks into protective mode and rushes over to kneel before her, looking around her to see if maybe she had hurt herself or if she was feeling sick, but then she speaks through sniffles “do you... really hate me?”
and kihyun freezes, looking at the open conversation on his phone before looking back to the little girl who looks so heartbroken by what he said
and he isn’t really sure why she would care with the way she treats him, so he’s just like “well, don’t you hate me? I thought this was a mutual thing” and he tries to awkwardly laugh it off, but she shakes her head stubbornly as always, pouting down at him
“you’re the only babysitter that’s ever come back”
kihyun swore he might’ve burst into tears right then and there but instead he just pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried into him, patting her back and whispering “it’s alright, kiddo. i don’t actually hate you. i could never. who else could be as witty as you are with me?”
and she’s just like “really?” in a really vulnerable voice
and it becomes apparent to kihyun that her acting out was a call for attention, as she was an only child and her mom was always working so she rarely ever got to see anyone except the front door pouring in babysitter after babysitter that didn’t care about her, just the money they got for the job
so when her mom comes home late that night, she’s worried that maybe kihyun might’ve been mad for staying longer than he intended and would probably demand more money
but instead she sees kihyun passed out on the couch with the little girl curled up on his chest, snoring and drooling on kihyun’s hoodie
and the mom just sighs, her heart swelling and smile turning peaceful for the first time in a while
oh my god, he never knew this was his calling
usually when ppl would see him, they would never assume that he did babysitting on the side
i mean, maybe for money but not for fun?? or bc he actually likes it???
but like, contrary to how he appears, he actually loves being in the presence of kids bc they make everything so fun and exciting!! like you have no idea how refreshing it is to hang with a kid excited about stars after you’ve spent the better half of your week around angry and hormonal teenagers
like jooheon literally looks forward to just letting out his dorky and fun side with a bunch of kids who aren’t complaining about finals or upcoming college apps
because even tho he relates and all, sometimes it just puts a huge damper on his spirit and he needs to recharge around some tiny humans who just wanna play video games and get a stomach ache off pizza rolls
and sure it’s cute when the kids call him hyung or oppa but you know what he really loves? being called honey
that’s the name he gives the kids to call him so they’re literally just running around yelling “honey!!” all the time and it’s the sweetest thing
and sometimes the parents get confused cause the kids are like “i wanna see honey!” and the parents are like ??? whom
he always takes the kids to the park too bc he tends to have the more energetic kids, so they’re usually hanging off monkey bars or sliding down slides on their bellies and sometimes he’s running with them, having the time of his life on the playground like he’s a child as well
sometimes parents and nannies and older siblings at the park will see him in all black and with his resting bitch face while he sits on the bench or something and they’ll be kind of put off by it
but then one of his kids runs up to him yelling “honey!! i got a cut!” and his expression will morph into this cute sad look and he’ll pull the kid into his lap and pull his handy first aid kid out of his backpack while he’s like “ahh, it’s not that bad, kid. honey’ll fix it up in no time, you just gotta promise to be careful running around, alright?” and the kid nods really fast after he bandages up their cut and they run off and literally everyone around them is swooning
he’s also the cool babysitter bc he always gets the kids to do chores or whatever, but he promises to get them something cool in return
“if you sweep and mop the kitchen like your mom’s been telling you for the last three days, i’ll take you out for ice cream cones” “extra sprinkles too???” “you’re gonna have to make that kitchen sparkle if you want extra sprinkles, kid”
and parents love him bc he always somehow gets the kids to do things the parents can never get him to do?? bc jooheon knows how to make it fun
suddenly eating veggies is now the only way to keep monsters out of the closet or from under the bed at night bc “monsters love kids who eat lots of candy, but they hate a kid who eats veggies at dinner time. they think it’s yucky”
some people wonder if maybe jooheon encouraging wild imaginations is a good idea in the long run but he swears by it, bc he knows orking the imagination is a good sign of mental development and will really encourage them to do what they love in the future
and, okay, one of his kids found out he likes to rap in his spare time
so she was like “!! teach me how to rap for my talent show” 
and at first jooheon was rlly reluctant bc he didn’t know how that would go down, but the little girl looked so passionate about it so he helped her write a (v clean and appropriate) rap about why homework sucks
and she invited him to come to the talent show to watch
so he ditches his last class of the day to make it to her school, and when he arrives the girl’s parents are shuffling him to a seat and he’s nervously chatting with them, his nerves getting the best of him bc he knows this lil girl in particular is pretty shy
but then she comes out on stage dressed almost exactly like jooheon and he just 💘 he’s ded
and she starts doing her rap and even tho she stumbles over the pronunciation a bit, she sounds so cool and jooheon is so proud and as soon as she’s done and does a little bow and mic drop he shoots out of his seat clapping like crazy before her parents can even fathom what they’ve just witnessed
and even tho she only wins second place, you bet your ass jooheon is treating her like a superstar the whole time, so much so that she might as well have won first place after all
(she won first place in jooheon’s heart and that’s all that matters)
if kihyun wasn’t already completely worried about hyunwoo, he is about hyungwon
hyungwon kind of?? is sort of responsible??? but just barely?
he usually keeps to himself around new people and around kids it’s really the same
like he doesn’t know if he should approach them or if they should approach him
he’d much rather be at home catching z’s tbh
“hyungwon you have to talk to the children” “i’m fine” “hyungwon you’re babysitting you have to talk to them” “no thanks” “hyungwo-” “i’m good”
kihyun is completely convinced that they should just leave hyungwon out of the babysitting idea altogether but hoseok is like no!!! we do this as friends or we don’t do it at all!!!
hyungwon: if that’s the case, i don’t mind breaking off this friendship here and now
but then hoseok threatens that hyungwon was gonna make him cry and hyungwon gave in (not until after some pouting on his part tho)
hyungwon has to be eased into babysitting so he ends up going with jooheon to do it, but he stays in his own little world and only moves to get new diapers or something
never to make snacks bc jooheon does not want to get sued for hyungwon accidentally poisoning the children with his terrible cooking
in fact, it takes hyungwon a long time to warm up to the idea of babysitting, so much so that the others are starting to wonder if hyungwon is even really paying attention when he helps babysit with the others
but then jooheon unexpectedly gets sick and has to cancel on a babysitting job and the parents are pulling out their hair over the phone with kihyun bc it’s so last minute and they really have no other options
and the other boys are completely booked so hyungwon is just like *raises hand* “i’ll do it...?”
and all the boys are completely stunned into silence (that is until the parents on the other line are like “hey anybody home!!”)
so, they send hyungwon to do the job
and at first, hyungwon is really nervous bc, sure, he’s watched jooheon work with all kinds of kids plenty of times (save for the times he’d disappear into some remote part of the house and nap) but he’s never been left alone as the sole Adult over all the children so he’s just kind of
freaking out
so when he gets there, he’s expecting like a bunch of crazy high-energy kids bc kihyun was shoving hyungwon out of the door with the parents’ address before he even explained exactly who hyungwon was babysitting
but then the dad is handing over this sleepy kid on his shoulder and he’s like “he mainly sleeps and eats so hopefully you can handle that” and then they’re gone
and hyungwon is super surprised bc the kid instantly curls into him with zero complaints
he’s just quietly snoring in hyungwon’s ear and hyungwon is like.... wow... same
so for a few hours he’s just letting this kid cuddle him while hyungwon watches tv on low volume and he nearly clocks out himself but he also knows that if he actually falls asleep he might not wake up for hours so it’s best he just stays awake
and when the kid has finally finished drooling on hyungwon he rubs his eyes all cutely and the first words out of his mouth are “what’s for lunch”
hyungwon, internally: SAMEEEEEEEE
bc hyungwon cannot cook to save his life he takes the kid out to get pizza and hyungwon manages to get the kid to play some arcade games with him but overall the kid is just super quiet and laid back and hyungwon could almost kiss jooheon for picking this job, over all other jobs, to miss out on
hyungwon is actually shocked at himself for how easily he falls into the big brother role, but of course he’s used to having a younger brother so it just clicks with him after a while
and nearing the end of the babysitting job when the parents come back home, the kid is just chilling on hyungwon while they watch tv and the parents are like “we’re really sorry honey oppa couldn’t babysit you this time, buddy”
and the kid is super nonchalant and just goes “i like this babysitter better, anyway”
and hyungwon is !!!! ecstatic, happy, elated, wow who knew babysitting was this rewarding and nice
hyungwon is practically on cloud nine, all smug when he goes back home and calls kihyun telling him the babysitting job was over and he’s just bragging about how easy it was and how much of a piece of cake it ended up being and kihyun is just like “yeah that’s great and all, now i’ve got you booked for four kids next week. one of the kids likes to claw on things and the other is a loud newborn baby”
hyungwon:... uh bad connection gotta go
hyungwon is a work in progress but he’ll get there
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