#and now there arent any trees i can climb :-(
poorlittlevampire · 1 year
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i love this lyric it reminds me of when i was like seven and all the neighborhood kids were out playing and trying to climb a big tree in one of our yards and no one could do it, but i finally found my way up it only for everyone to leave the yard and i couldn’t get down and none of them heard me call to them for help so i had to jump and landing hurt a lot bc i was too high up
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messmersflame · 6 months
wanna help me and my cats out?
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hi im neo, and those four are my cats.
being physically disabled and unable to work, making sure that they get enough exercise and enrichment can be... taxing on myself to say the least.
their last cat trees recently broke, and they dont really have that many toys any more. while they do get outside on leashes, it's not regular enough due to my physical health being the main factor on if i can do that. they have a lot of shelves for climbing around the place, and i'm currently working on putting up some more and making a climbing surface with some carpet for them, but i'd still like to be able to have a bit more for them.
this is not to say that they arent happy and healthy- i go above and beyond for all four of them. the problem lies in that me needing to do more walks and things with them, as their current setup is not really adequate, means that i physically end up struggling for my own needs.
i have POTs, a degenerative spine condition, fibro, and a heart problem related to connective tissue disorder (currently being invesitgated). this along with my own mental issues makes things very exhausting! i always always put my cats first, but my own health then falls by the wayside. this has a cycle of me crashing and not being able to properly provide for them for a few days beyond just food.
i did also have another cat, who would be the main source of play and companionship for the last two cats pictured, especially his brother (third pictured). he unfortunately passed due to unforeseen medical issues that caused a severe unrinary blockage. ever since then, those two have been restless and often get into near-fights, as the brother specifically has the most energy and now doesnt have his bonded partner. he has even begun to harass the other two, which has led to at least a few actual fights with the oldest sister who is getting on a bit in years, so it's not good for her either.
more toys and areas to explore, and places for the others to hide, would be helpful in this!
i have a wishlist of things that would help make my cat's lives happier, and my life caring for them easier.
it's a UK amazon wishlist, however i will be looking at more local stores for any other options or things that i can get for them as well.
if you can't/prefer not to help via amazon, i have my paypal and revolut (please ignore the deadnames on both <3).
this is not an emergency, it would just really, really help my QOL and that of my cats. thanks for reading, reblogging, or helping <3
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melusinealarice · 1 year
Somewhere in Panem with the victors the 74th year
Katniss climbing the tree
Gloss: Really Haymitch, this is the girl that got an 11 as a training score??
Cato falls
Haymitch: At least she got up the fuckin tree.
Cashmere: It’s fine someone else will get her.
None if the carriers climbing
Enobaria: You gotta be kidding me.
Johanna and Finnick join on the couch
Johanna: Even Finnick’s kids could climb a fucking tree,
Finnick hiding laughter
Brutus: At least our kids made it past the blood bath, can’t say the same for either of yours.
Johanna: I bet you wish they’d kept one of mine around right about now.
Gloss: its fine, she’s a sitting duck, they can just shoot her, its not like she can dodge it, or move.
Glimmer misses shot
Haymitch: Did that girl ever hit any target with her arrow? Because mine did.
Cashmere: We told her to grab a short distance weapon, she has no aim.
Enobaria: that’s embarrassing, for the careers. Cato will get her, he doesn’t miss.
Cato fires arrow and misses
Brutus: Oh my god, I can’t watch this, im getting second hand embarrassment.
Haymitch: Can none of your kids climb a tree???
Cashmere: I guess not.
Marvel throws spear and misses
Finnick: None of them can aim either, this is just sad
Peeta: lets wait her out, she has to come down at some point.
Haymitch laughing hysterically,
Some time later
Katniss starting to cut down tracker jackers
Gloss: Did all our kids seriously fall asleep,
Cashmere rubbing her temples: Yea, they did
Johanna: Who sleeps that heavily in the arena??? Shes making so much noise how are they not awake?
Enobaria: She’s gonna die from those jackers before that nest falls,
Nest falls and careers scatter
Brutus: I need another drink,
Glimmer dies
Cashmere: no comment,
Some more time later
Katniss plots with rue to blow up food
Gloss: they aren’t gonna fall for that.
They fall for it
Haymitch: you were saying?
Enobaria: This year sucks
Katniss kills Marvel
Gloss: Ok im leaving now.
Cashmere: yea i think im also gonna head out…
Johanna (drunk): LOOSERS HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Finnick: ok Jo, come on, that’s enough for you,
Takes her alcohol
Johanna: no fairrrr, you never take Haymitch’s alcohol
Haymitch: he knows not to mess with me
Finnick: Every time you get drunk, you end up in a fist fight, or breaking something, or both, Haymitch just passes out.
Finnick picks Jo up and carries her to the elevator as she continues screaming and fighting
Haymitch to Brutus and Enobaria: Haha, your tributes arent as cool as mineeee,
Brutus: at least our girl doesn’t look like she wants to vomit getting close to her supposed lover.
Finnick returns
Enobaria: that was fast?
Finnick: I locked her in her bathroom,
Haymitch: Didn’t she just break down the door last time?
Finnick: I handcuffed one of her hands to the pipes and the other to the door.
Elevator doors open revealing Johanna, drenched in water, still handcuffed to a pipe, and the door.
Finnick: I give up. *sits down*
Brutus: what the fuck is wrong with you.
Both Finnick and Jo simultaneously: A lot.
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trash----panda · 16 days
(guys pls i spent 30 minutes writing this)
Dione are a race of aliens dedicated to science, they are currently an open species. Residing on Nio.
This is Alder, Alder is a Dione, from the continent "Valis", you can tell by his smaller coat and blue/green/lime/grey/silver coloring, making him much better suited for the forest continent. If he were from the ice continent he would be closer to white/black/cream/baby blue with more markings and fur to help him blend in, as well as his ears would be perked instead of floppy.
Alder here has webbed digits like all the Dione and floppy ears. His head crest are made of a hard bone plating to protect his brain when he is hunting. The points can go in any direction but most commonly point back, they never have more than 5 points.
Dione's paw pads are sticky, helping these amphibious critters grab items under water. They've even started using this organ to climb trees and walls, it works like a gecko's pad.
Alder here is a tall pup, most Dione only up to his chest, he was given proper nutrition at the institute, promoting healthy growth.
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The mask Alder wears is provided by the Institute, an organization dedicated to improving life on Nio, they make the masks as well as are in charge of schooling and nurture of young pups. The masks themself are there to provide comfort to other species interacting with Dione, since they lack facial expression it emotes for them. Unlike a simple screen the mask is made up of a cybernetic mesh that also strengthens and processes electrical signals, like a pair of glasses for Dione. (The institute isn't evil, promise).
The institute is responsible for jobs, once pups reach 18 they are tested to see if they can go on voyages (sent into space). These voyages are usually for study, abduction, and dissection of new species on other planets, only the pups with scores higher than 80 are permitted. If a pup is contaminated or interacts with an intelligent species not on the allowed list, they will be locked out of their ship controls and abandoned. Earth is considered out of bounds as the life there appears extremely violent, avoid interaction at all cost.
The test can be pretty stressful so they are allowed their visors, as most arent dumb enough to cheat, if you cheat you are probably going to end up stranded on whatever planet you landed on. Alder is one of the few dumb enough to cheat...
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Dione have 6 organs on their face, the top two being a hole, it clicks to aid their echolocation, it can only click unless a deformity morphs it's sound into more of a whistle or hiss.
The middle two are filled with a jelly-like substance, this substance receives and processes the electrical signals that they pick up, like a platypus, it helps them to see the difference between living and non-living.
The bottom is their nostrils, it's what it sounds like, they have a pretty decent sense of smell.
Dione have 2 mouths and 2 stomachs, their normal mouth, located on the chest, has access to both stomachs while the tail mouth only goes to storage. Though they evolved it to hold excess food they now use it just to store valuable items they enjoy, as it has less moisture and wont damage most equipment.
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Alder has provided a photo of his home in Valis and has requested i share it with you all, please be nice to him he is bad at taking pictures
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So remember my Dione friends, DO NOT, cheat on the test, or else you'll ended up stranded, hungry, and alone with only the local fauna to keep you company. Have fun.
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Wtf is the deal with these bananas!
So having a banana shoved in his face was not what Legend  expected to start that day with, but that was what happened, and it pissed him off, I mean hell he thinks he has the very right to be pissed off he was littarly just sleeping, they all were also the last day just wasn’t good, getting shifted to a new Hyrule that looked like its been devoid of life for a century and all they’ve been doing is walking, just walking! So m getting woken up before the sun has even properly risen by a fucking dude with a banana isnt exactly on his list of fun things. 
What didn’t help was when everyone wad actually getting up the dude(who was crouching down like a fucking animal or something) jumped back and threw a banana and hit Legend Right. On. The. Fucking. Nose. And ran before Legend could get a good look at his banana assaulter. 
"you okay legend?"
Okay so what if there was a random group of 8 travelers who had seemed to be extremely prepared with weapons and armor, of course he has never seen any of there gear its fine. But they also seemed very unprepared asking for directions to Kakariko town? From random strangers like littarly just a random person not selling anything just standing there, like hello 99% chance that’s a yiga they may not be the hero of courage but yiga aint above attacking travelers. So yeah he was confused and worried. 
And sure he may have been following them all day after telling Zelda he was just going around towns getting supplies, but this was important, did Link mentioned he knew almost everyone in Hyrule, like EVERYONE. Yeah so having almost 10 strangers who don’t know how to get to Kakariko but are geared up definitely set of some alarms in his head. They finally settled down, the small multi colored one was cooking while Link was up in the tree, he was this close to shooting them all just to get them away from the pot out of disgust after seeing what he cooked, maybe after figuring out what there deal is He'd be able to make them a good meal because it looks like they haven't had a good one in a while. 
 after that disgusting dinner they finally fell asleep, armor off, except that one stupid familiar one, he had quite… interesting markings on his face, they kept calling him rancher and Twilight but he disregarded there names and called him face guy(even though he wasn’t the only one with face paint on) it seemed three separate people had watch and he waited till the third one was getting tired to sneak up to the one who had- questionable fashion choices and in true Link fashion crouched down, and shoved a fucking banana in his face, he also threw banana's at the others to wake them up and get there reactions threw another one at blue hat just for good measures and ran, climbed a tree and waited.  
And god was blue hat pissed, hes glad he did this early in the morning cas hes sure blue hat would have tan after him if he wasn't so out of it. Everyone was waking up though now, watch guy currently being the short one came rushing back as everyone inspects the bananas confused. "you okay legend?"
"oh yeah Sky im just peachy getting woken up at the crack of dawn by some stranger throwing fucking bananas at me! Feeling great!" oh god Link is really glad be didn’t do this any other time he would have gotten a good run in. the tall armor guy, one of the more intimidating ones spoke up, he seemed to be the leader. "Legend I know your upset but lets move on with it, we can atlest get on the road faster now, hopefully get yo Kakariko today or early tomorrow." Did they know anything? It would be a day and a half walk to dual peeks stable a day if they didn’t take any breaks and were quick on there feet, aswell as  another half a day to kakariko, and that’s if they arent stupid and take the wrong trail(he cut down the sign when he was starting his journey and no one bothered to put it back up) either way they were heading to the stable it seems like so link might wanna go ahead a bit and warn the stable staff.
He telaported to the stable trusting that everyone seems to wake up slowly and they'd be there for a bit. the stable staff were happy to see him, he knew them all and honestly hes 90% certain he alone is keeping all the stables in business. He walked up to the front desk. "Link! Welcome to dueling peeks stable how are you doin? Need a horse, want horsly, or Aurora" 
'not today sorry, I came to warn you about maybe 8 strangers' Links rapid signing and the word stranger emiditly set of the stable master. "have you tried bananas?" 
'threw them at them this morning, they just seemed
Confused and pissed off, no happiness or excitement definitely no eating of bananas' that was blue hat, he was pissed off. Honestly Links happy he did it to wake them up or else blur hat would have seen him and run after him he swears. 'they are suited up with weapons and armor, but they also don’t know shit for traveling, don't even know the way to kakariko' 
The stable master nodded along with him.
"those weirdos, we'll keep an eye out for them tha ks Link, you following them?" he quickly nods "ah Link just like you, thanks again for warning us" Link nods then teleports back to them, and they were still packing, almost done to be fair, bjt still packing just ad Link thought. 
It was a pretty uneventful day, no one caught him although blue hat was grumpy all day and surprisingly white cap dude, but still nothing happened, I mean they were intresting at the shrines and tower but didn’t really touch anything at the comand of the one they called captain.(even though he didn’t seem like he was the leader at all) They made it to the stable which none of them seemed to recognize it yet again setting alarms off in his brain and he notices everyone at the stable avoided them and the stable master was snappy with the leader who seemed to do all the talking. 
Link decided to teleport to just the other side of dueling peeks so he could walk in and  bring no extra attention to him, luckily the stable master seemed to get the drift, even asked the usual banana question he asked to everyone. although it seemed even the normal treatment he caught the attention of the 8 even though they tried there hardest to be desecrate they were horrible at it. It was most noticble though when he was cooking a whole bunch of food, he was low on supplies and holy shit did they stare. 
"I cant take It anymore, what are you making it smells really good!" surprisingly nicer then he originally  "Wind!" blue scarf grabbed the kid from the back of his shirt like a little puppy, harsh. "sorry bout my little brother, we've been traveling all day and haven't ate yet." and he has no idea what comes over him but for Hylia knows why he offers it up, his fucking food. 'do you guys want some' he was half suspecting them to not even know sign, even though it’s very common to speak or atlest understand it in Hyrule hes 80% certin there not from here.(god this is how everyone must have felt when he just kinda showed up randomly) they did infact know Hylian sign, which confirms they seem to all be Hylian.
Blue scarf looks over to the leader who has finished getting bed for all of them, god this is going to be an interesting night. He answers "Were all good thank yo-" with the protest of the smallest one, blue hat, and explorer guy(he wonders off a lot) the leader sighs. "actually if you wouldn’t mind, I know were a big group so if you don’t want to we really would be okay" 
"no we wouldn’t old man none of us know how to fucking cook" another inexperience point for them, who travels, and with how geared up they are it seems like they've been traveling for a while. Link decided to just get to cooking, he already probably has enough for everyone but that would end up making a dent in his supply so he just makes a quick soup instead, pumpkin soup because he bought, a fucking lot of pumpkins from kakariko last time he was there. 
who would've fucking known pumpkin soup was a favorite, or atlest he hoped that was what it was. They reacted like they’ve never had food ever in there life, but hell who is he to judge. All he wanted to do was figure out if there a threat or not. 
After they devoured the food(some had two rounds) they seemed to be getting ready to sleep, Link would have ignored it completely if he didn’t hear his very own name in the midst of there hushed conversation, at this point he was itching to just pull a sword out and demand they tell him who they are but they all seem to be seasoned fighters and as skilled as link is against a hord of monsters the only people he's ever fought are the yiga with at most 3 at a time, which are in no way equivalent to 8 mostly older looking skilled fighters.
 So he kept an eye on them, he "slept" outside so if they were to wake up he'd be able to still hear inside but also could follow them outside. Therfore another sleepless night full of cooking and organizing the slate passed by with no shenanigans. The odd group were getting ready to leave to kakariko asking the stable master directions, he could tell he was unhappy to point them to one of the few remaining towns but did it anyways as to not seem suspicious. Link decided It would be best to go teleport to kakariko and warn Impa instead of follow them for the short way up. So he payed the stable master handsomely thanking him for keeping his identity quite and teleported away befor he   refuse. 
And he was off.
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
hi fray bg3 you are one of the only people i trust with bg3. do you have any headcanon ages or heights for the main camp group (+ any extras u are particularly fond of). thank u hugs and kisses
im the worst person because im a day late to this. but yes. i will provide.. the headcanons
now these arent all like solid. im chill. these are liquidy headcanons that may change and be influenced. i would love to hear counter arguments in the replies also hehe
im doing lads first and then lasses for no reason other than im gale insane
age - 45-55, i can entertain 30s if i have to but it's mostly just me being polite. i can also take him older because i fully believe he was chosen of mystra long enough for it to effect his aging. i like to think morena his mother is older than most people put her at (i think of her around her 80s - i love the idea of tara being a 'grandma' figure to gale and she's having her old lady parties with his mum). and that gives me playing room for age to be older, but not necessarily look as old as i put him at. but also i don't think gale's physical appearance is even that help, my ex who was 32 looked older than gale, my ex who was 55 looked younger than gale. my mother looks younger at gale at 59. so !!! i just like to play with middle aged hence the 10 year gap in my headcanon. i also think gale would lie about his age. ALSO!! he's a fucking wizard if you're not fucking about with a wizards age (and gender and sexuality) what are you doing. but also yes if you tell me you think gale is 37 or 38 i will nod and say that's ok. i can roll with that
height - i can put him anywhere from like 5'7" to 5'9"... i can't see him being taller. i just can't. afhiri is also 5'0" so like i gotta be realistic i don't want him to be a fucking tree she needs to climb. he still kind of is like this like i'm being KIND to the man i'm adding inches out of PITY. nah ok so i use the shorter height mod to make afhiri's model 5'0" under the assumption it's 5'7" by default, so when putting afhiri and gale next to each other with the mod enabled, he's roughly around 5'7" and 5'9", give or take because flat services are deceiving in this here video game....... 5'7" feels good though. feels organic.
age - bro confirms it i don't really have to say anything here. he's 24
height - i wanna give him a respectable 5'10" honestly. no real movement needed it just feels right. he's defo taller than gale for sure but more just feels uncomfortable to me.... but he definitely feels Taller....
age - 263.. this is just his age in idle champions. i dont fucking know
height - i think hes the smallest of the LadsTM i'm putting him around 5'5" - 5'6". barely anyone, if anyone, will agree with me on this. it's okay if you don't. if you think he's taller, i'll take his knees so i'm validated
age - once again canon aged at 350
height - well. i'm saying 6'4" - 6'5" i don't have much more to say on this. just feels correct. esp with new wood elf edition lore where "max height" for one is about 6'0" so he has to be big to 6'0". but i don't see it being more than this
age - well minsc age is weird but i assume he was like 40ish when he was frozen. or late 30s. i reallyyy enjoy the idea of him being so stupid but being at the age where society expects you to be smart. its beautiful to me. like poetry
height - bro is an easy 6'0"-6'1". this is absolutely not for lusty galexminsc reasons. it might be. ok it is. but also its right yknow? its right. im right. moving on
age - she's 22 in idle champs and i also enjoy the idea of her being the youngest in the group but also if she is 22. that means afhiri is older than lae. and i think that could be the cause of some friction... so yeah i can accept 22.
height - ok so. gith are typically very tall. you're gonna see the majority of gith around 6'0" to 7'0". sometimes they can be shorter than 6'0" but that's like rare. ur like insulted for being that small. you the RUNT egg. but i don't see lae'zel being so tall. i can see her being runty. i also talked this over with a friend and she agreed on runty egg. 5'9"-5'10" not entirely runty egg but.. still needs to over compensate for not being usual gith sized.
YEAH BABY GIVE THAT GITHYANKI A COMPLEX OR TWO!!!!!!!!! sorry lae ur dealing with ur young age AND ur small height
age - ive always seen shadowheart as young. she gives such intense teenage girl vibes sometimes like i just. shes not emotionally matured man. shes such a high school bitch when she wants to be. HOWEVER... she is canonically older than 40 because there are 40 years of documents on her life from when she was already giving up memories to shar. however it could just be all her life documented from the second she was taken by sharrans when she was a child. so shadowheart anywhere from like 50-60 years old. ish
height - hmmm around 5'4" - 5'5" ... average shart. :) feels organic. i once again have little to say
age - soo i've been thinking of this more recently and i change my mind on my original hc for her height. so now i think she was likely about 18 or 19 when she was sold to zariel and spent 10 years there so i'm thinking she's like 28 or 29 ^_^
height - 6'2". i feel pretty solid on this!! mostly because i'm 5'2" and i dated someone who was 6'2" and that height difference just feels Right for how much taller i think karlach would be to me
age - ouughgh we know she's over 200 years old but i think close to 200 is just too young for how she is. so i'm gonna say 300-400 but i'm more inclined to say she's closer to 400 than not. i think she's "middle-aged" ish for a drow and this is the best i got. drow experts feel free to chime in as long as u don't try to make her young. if u do that i'll eat u
height - well this made me find out that drow are a short race. 4'7" to 5'5" in height. so minthara simply has to be short. i assume she wears heels and stands on boxes to be taller because she likes to feel tall. but she's uh. she's small. i'm gonna say like 5'3" to 5'4". this is So funny to me
age - about 150, but could be older! i don't see it being younger. bless someone on reddit writing this for me so i can just copy and paste but..... she says she's a 'small child' during the year of the bright blade so:
1347 DR = Year of the Bright Blade 1368 DR = BG1 1492 DR = BG3 124 years passed between the first and third games. 145 years passed since Year of the Bright Blade. A small child should be about 5 years +/- few years. Therefore, her age should be about 150 years.
thank you random reddit user!
height - 5'5" or 5'6" mostly going by my minsc headcanon and how their height difference looks to me in their cutscene together hehe.........
oh you said any extras i'm fond of.... i do not have the energy to even ATTEMPT to illithid right now so i'm gonna do it for barcus for fun . <3
age - i'm gonna say my boy is like. in his 60s-70s. :)
height - about 3'4" ish. averageyish gnome height. :)
i like barcus he's so divorced. he and gale are the most divorced men in baldurs gate 3. and theyre going to kiss. anyway
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vikingost · 11 months
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Part 4 of my Landskap oc series! (Now with picture!)
This part is dedicated to Härjedalen,my absolute fav cause its where im from :DDD
Härjedalen is a boy who is slightly above avarage in height,and is also rather skinny.He has fairly long brown hair and hazel eyes,aswell as rather pale skin that looks more tanned than it actually is due to him often being covered in dirt.
He is physically around the age of 6-7,but both looks older than he actually is and acts younger sometimes.
He likes to dress in either the style of Adam Sandler,or as a viking.He constantly also likes wearing a bear skin cape,which is still being debated whether or not its real..
He also has a lot of scars because he gets himself injured way to often,by for example climbing trees,using knives,trying to start fires,thinking that boars are friendly cause they arent carnivores,the list goes on- (Most of these injuries are based off ones i got as a child lmao,dont pet boars kids.)
Härjedalen is a rather akward boy who is non-verbal (*cough* autistic *cough*) unless he’s in trusted company,which is mostly his sister.He rarely thinks before acting which can land him in trouble.
He fondly remembers his founders,and has a slight hyperfixation on the viking age and norse mythology.To this day he swears that he does not believe in any of the old norse vaesen (despite being one of the few that can see them) but he still does things to not anger them.Just in case yk..
He can be very expressive even when using gestures to show what he means.
he enjoys using his reputation as a sparesly populated landskap and the fact that he is often overshadowed by his sister to hide how odd he really can be (If you are ever in härjedalen,check if something called bykampen is gonna happen soon,its a once a year sports competition between some villages and its the most entertaining shit i swear-its like a drunk finn made the sports.)
Härjedalens best friend is his sister jämtland,but he can occasionally get along with trondelag and Dalarna.He and his sister both get along better with norway and his landskap (idk How to say it in norwegian-) because of How long they belonged to norway,and to this day Härjedalen has yet to get many friends.
Härjedalen’s Favorite animal is the bear! (He also has the worlds largest wooden bear,at around 80 tonnes and over 10 meters..)
His favorite flower is the flowers of the cloudberry,and his favorite color is green,just like his sister.
His favorite food Also includes swedish tunnbröd,just like his sister,however,Härjedalen enjoys tunnbrödrullar,which is swedish tunnbröd with mashed potatoes,hotdogs and various toppings which is rolled into a roll (Mm yes,the floor is made out of floor).
His intests include hiking,climbing trees,looking at animals,trying to catch said animals and failing,carving wood and watching cartoons (He deffo likes Alfons Åberg).
He also likes picking berries and mushrooms,however,he has on several occasions nearly eaten deathcap because he thought they were edible.
Overall,Härjedalen is a sweet,accidentprone boy who has little to No social life!
(next part is a mystery ooooooh)
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shinydixon · 2 years
"As for the “she ruined his life,” please. His life was already ruined. Motherfucker was a grown ass man living in a dirty 1 bedroom trailer with his uncle (because he has no parents), making speeches about how much high school sucks but he can’t get his grown ass out of there. He plays games with 14 year olds instead of getting a job. Statistically, he was gonna go to jail at some point for carrying a lunch box full of drugs around a high school and selling drugs to minors."
so, you resort to classism? who says his life was ruined? sure it seems he hasnt had the best childhood, but that doesnt mean his life is ruined. theres nothing wrong with being "grown" and living with a relative(s), especially when you have money struggles. and saying that he and the trailer is dirty is pushing gross stereotypes about poor people/people who live in trailers (bc not all of them are poor).
eddie being stuck in high school can be a multitude of reasons, maybe he has a hard time focusing/understanding subjects. maybe he missed a lot of school picking up jobs to help wayne out, and hes just a bad student! who knows! its not like he purposefully held himself back. (sometimes there are teachers who fail you on purpose, happened to my brother.)
and whats wrong with him playing a GAME with younger kids for a CLUB? if thats the case, you should be angry with the 18 yr old basketball players playing with lucas, whos 14/15.
and yes, indirectly, chrissy killed him. bc if it wasnt for her wanting something stronger, eddie wouldnt have went to his trailer to find and sell it to her. if she had taken the weed from the first deal, eddie wouldve most likely still been alive.
AND, we dont know how steve felt about eddies death, with dont know how any of them besides dustin felt bc of the stupid "2 days later". but if i were to say "chrissy doesnt care about eddie" (pre + post deal" and "eddie never cared about chrissy", I would be the bad guy.
also, you guys say every. single. time. "dont generalize all hc!! we arent ALL bad" yet its ok for you say "You Eddie munson / steddie fans all have worms for brains" ? if you get to say that all the time, then we should get to generalize too, its only fair.
stop being hypocrites
That person is doing what people in hawkins were doing ; judging Eddie without knowing him.
There are so many reasons why people fail schools and it's not because they are stupid, it's because school is not for them(mind you that Eddie is a DM, which means that he must have been good at math and also, since he creates the campaigns, he has a good imagination and an excellent ability in writing and narrating).
It's like that example "if you have a monkey and a fish and you ask them to climb a tree, obviously the fish can't do that, but he definitely can swim better than a monkey" (I don't know if that makes sense).
Also, I get so mad when people judge adults that lives with relatives.
I'm 27, I have a job and yet I still live with my parents, do you wanna know why?
However I've bought a car and once I finish paying for that I'll be able to look for a place on my own, hoping that there's something I can afford.
About Steve, we don't know how he reacted to Eddie's death so, what point are you trying to make?
Do you know that Eddie wasn't crying because it was chrissy that died but because he was traumatized by seeing someone dying like that? As I said he did the same with Patrick and I assure you that he wasn't his friend at all.
Finally, about what you say, why should I be like them? If you want to generalize every hellcheer, then be my guest, I won't be like that(even though this person is clearly a chrissy Stan, not an hellcheer considering how they talk about Eddie).
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This is like...sooo tmi so if you see me on a daily basis like,,,irl. Like at school. Pls dont read this.
Cw: weird mental health stuff/ me talking about low motivation
So basically its the time of year where my body just shuts down. My bones feel like lead, it takes forever for me to get out of bed, and I just generally feel like crap. I love winter but the physical toll its taking on me this year is actually driving me wild. I woke up this morning and genuinely couldn't move my arm for 10 minutes because my bones just feel so heavy. And my joints are getting worse too. I can hear my ankles and knees popping every single time I walk, but especially when I walk upstairs. And most of my classes are upstairs at school. And my immune system also gets weaker, and because of that my psoriasis gets worse. I literally just go to school and then rest.
And thats a problem because my parents both have a physical disability. So all the chores go onto me. But guess who can't do them because I'm fucking depressed and in physically pain constantly? Me. My back constantly seizes up and i literally needed my dads help throwing taking the trash out the other day. I can barely stand long enough to do a "simple" load of dishes. (Simple meaning one for the deep clean we do of our kitchen every 3 months. Its gross. I wish they would rinse their dishes out.)
And all of this is affecting my mental health really badly. This probably sounds gross but I'm just now taking a shower. Its been 3 weeks. And I know its not their fault, but one of my friends made an off-handed comment one day and that made me feel a million times worse. And I've been really snappy lately and I feel so bad about it constantly. And my mom and I think I was misdiagnosed with ptsd because I dont exhibit any symptoms and honestly never did. Autism and ptsd share symptoms and I just dont think I have ptsd from whats happened in my past. And my brother also thinks he may be autistic. Autism also runs in our family, so...yeah.
I also feel like shit because I haven't been taking as good care of our cats as I should be. I love them and want to see them happy, but my parents also refuse to help clean their litter boxes. And thats the big thing I struggle with. And one of our cats has been doing their business on the floor. No matter how many times we clean it up,she still does it. And its really irritating, but i also think she just...cant get into the box. She's like...12-13 and I've been trying to get my parents to buy better things for the cats. We have 4. And we dont even have a cat tree for them. And my cats love climbing. They would have so much fun crawling on a cat tree. And I cant do anything about it because im a highschool student who cant even get a job. I don't even have my drivers learners permit yet.
And that's another thing!! I honestly think my parents are done parenting. My brother went off to college, and everything fell onto me. And like I understand that my parents work hard and that they're older (mom is 54 almost 55 and dad is 52 almost 53) and they need to rest but god damn. Im still a child. Most people arent the sole cleaner, cooker, and pet caretaker. Most people my age don't make grocery lists for their parents. Most kids my age focus on their part-time jobs and school. They actually did stuff before my brother went to college. I just want them to understand how I feel about it. I like cooking and I dont mind cleaning, but it becomes a problem when im the only one doing it. And yeah, I get $50 in allowance every month, and I'm grateful that my parents are able to afford to give me that much, but my mom always pulls the "we give you allowance for chores,". Chores is things like un/loading the dishwasher, taking the trash out, cleaning litter boxes, making bed, ect. Not cleaning the entire trainwreck of a kitchen by yourself and trying to make sure the floor is clean before your friend comes over for the first time in months. They're not parenting anymore, and it makes me upset. I feel like im just a random person in their house. Genuinely, my mom spends more times working on her acrylic nails than actually parenting. And she wonders why I get so irritated with her. She says hi to the cat before she does me.
And I don't even know if my dad likes me anymore. I think im just another financial burden to them. Im just a depressed high schooler with chronic illness who can't even go to school everyday. I feel so useless. I dont even know if I want to go to college. I don't even know how I have friends. I'm not a nice person. I get mean and defensive really easily, and my teasing turns mean really quickly.
I don't know why I am this way. Am I cursed? Is someone even reading this? All I do is shut people out and listen to music. I don't know why I became so rude. I just want to be remembered. But at the same time, I don't think I'm worth remembering. I'm not exceptional at anything. Even my once okayish writing has gone down greatly. I used to get praise for my reading skills and now I can't even read a 300 page book.
I feel so gross and useless and im depressed. How worse can it get? Im also extremely paranoid. I constantly feel like people are judging my every move. Even when im alone in the shower. I still feel people watching me. I should've probably told my therapist about that when I was still in therapy but my dumbass didn't even think to talk about that. Just that oh i saw my friend. Oh i started public school again. You know what? No one cares. And I probably wasted my therapists time. And my dads. Having to drive me across houston just to see her. No wonder no one likes me. Im fucking irritating. Thats why I have 3 friends at school. And 3 friends out of school. And one of them doesn't talk to me anymore, and another lives out of city.
The other is wonderful and amazing and I want them to constantly be happy and comfortable but I cant do that at my house because my parents don't help. Im starting to realize im kind of like a live in cleaner. Thats all I ever do in my freetime. Cleaning up after my parents. My mom acts like shes 15 and my dad doesn't rinse his dishes.
Thats another thing. Along with them not really parenting anymore, I think they've given up on me. Specifically on trying to get me to school. I miss school about once a week to once every couple weeks because I have bad flare ups. As I'm typing this, I can feel my legs aching. It hurts. And it makes it hard for me to go to school like that. The last time I did my back starting seizing during UIL rehearsals. And I couldn't leave. But today was one of those days and I genuinely felt like crap. My dad just agreed and didn't argue. Normally he argues with me about it because "I need to suck it up and do what the rest of us do.". I understand that everyone hurts and has bad days, but I genuinely get so bad during those days. And everyday has been one of those days for the last 6 months. But my parents don't really discipline me. They don't track my every move. They dont even make grocery lists anymore. Or really go to the store often. But our fridge and pantry is filled with a bunch of junk. Leftovers, empty foods that need to be thrown away, and literally so much more.
My mom is also a hoarder and constantly buys new things for herself. Like with her nail stuff. Im glad shes got something going for her outside of work, but why does she need 50 different glitters? I guess one could argue that im the same way with paints, but I dont leave my paints all over the living room area. And she literally has so much clothing. And most of it is on her floor. Its almosy unwalkable and I constantly stumble in her room. And our garage is filled with mostly her stuff. Clothes, old books, even her teacher stuff. Why does she have so much??
It irritates me because she'll say she doesn't have money for something, such as a cat tree, but then buy like...$200 worth of clothes and makeup at walmart, when we could've bought groceries and a cat tree with that. She just...irritates me idk.
Anyways, yeah. I think this is long enough for now. Goodmorning, goodnight, good...whatever idfk. Remember to drink water and eat something.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 1 year
Nice fake-out with the drone, I think this is the first time the demon movement was paired with the movement of a real object.
Why the fuck did these guys rent the burning building from Midsommar? Or the cult church in Mandy? Perfectly triangular buildings are super sus now.
Ooooh we got ourselves an OG cabin clock.
Are they just jumping right into it? No build up? Just deadites from the start? I guess I would take anything over stupid family drama.
Uh.... well, that just happened. A scalping 5 minutes in.
I guess this isnt the first time there was a cold open featuring a possession and a bunch of gore. I guess my face blindness made it so I didnt realize that none of the actors I saw were in the trailers.
Okay, we got a rocker chick who I mistook for Mia for a sec who I guess is pregnant? Interesting so far.
How old is this lady that he has several kids? She doesnt look that much older than her older daughter.
"Hey Bridget, Moms on nights so we're watching all the Freddy movies in a row."
"Even the shitty ones."
"There arent any shitty ones."
Excuse me, did we watch the same Dream Master? Dream Child? Freddy's Dead? I love Freddy but he has as many bad movies as he does good.
I like this strange small child with her baby head battering ram.
Oooh, is mom using overtone on her hair? Her hair looks like mine when I used to dye it. When I could afford to dye it. (I got a better paying job so I can start to do that again!!!)
So Beth is forever young mom's sister, interesting.
Staffanie is fucking awesome.
Oooof... Ellie, did you send a text or an email? Two calls and a voice mail are easily forgotten when someone is super busy on the road.
Also, Beth, listen to your sisters voicemail when she leaves one. Call without voicemail is a chat, call with voicemail is important.
Wait, what was this bank built on top of? Or did Mia deposit the Necronomicon into a bank vault to keep it safe?
Are people in movies just not scared of the dark? Of bugs? Of-
That pizza was still good to eat, just a little smooshed.
"Weird shit like this gets locked away for a reason." Bridget is smart. Bridget should throw that book out the window right now.
The Necronomicon, now featuring a tooth/claw lock with a blood release. Not seen that before.
Is this actor on the vinyl trying to imitate Dr Knowby from Evil Dead 2? Like obviously hes not the same guy but the way hes talking.
Oh no, haunted turntable. You see, that's why CDs and MP3s are the superior formats.
Well great, you just had to take the book and vinyls and now your mom is haunted.
No tree roots available? Ropes and cables will make a good substitute! Cant do an evil dead movie without a little bondage.
Eeew, how many fertilized eggs did you get in your dozen? Where did you get them?
Sorry kids, your mom is a tweaker now.
You think the elevator is going to work in a blackout?
Um... I would be worried if a 'dead bodys' eyes reopened. I know there can be post-mortem spasms but the eyes perfectly reopening and nothing else moving is very strange-
FUCK I SCARED MYSELF. I have my tablet next to me and I saw movement in the screen reflection and I almost jumped out of my skin. It was my hand moving to set down my glass of water.
Hm... this feels like a new ploy for the deaddites. Play dead for a while and then reanimate in the creepiest way possible? I like it.
This is when you jump down the broken stairs and run for your lives. Hell, most elevators have little ladders in the shafts to climb up and down. Fuck it, take the cable and rappel down, just get the fuck away from the possessed tweaker with a glass shard.
Do not kiss a freshly made tattoo. That is very unsanitary.
Wasnt an eye popping out and going into someones mouth in Evil Dead 2? Like, wasnt it Henrietta and Bobby Joe?
El is doing a poor impression of Annie from Hereditary. You need to smash your face against the door way faster than that.
Sorry neighbors, but its every man for themselves now. Not even a gun can save you now.
Yeah Danny, you see cursed shit, you leave it ALONE. I love antiques and mysterious vinyls as much as the next antique enthusiast, but that book was CLEARLY fucked up.
Little girl whose name I forget, grab Staffanie, you're gonna need her.
Oh no, Bridget's face is haunted. We gotta cut it off. Should we do it Mason Verger or Nick Cage style?
It might be easier to convince your daughter to leave the apartment if you move the dead armless boy from view.
Oh Kassie... I cant be too mad. At your age I would have done the same thing. I remember getting scared when I saw my mom walk into a wall and faceplate on the ground. I would have done anything in that moment to believe she was okay (she was, she was super sleepy when she hit the wall and the fall dazed her. She only had a few bruises after)
Bridget, you are not Phoenix Wright! You cannot eat glass and not expect serious internal injuries! And you are not Rohan Kumakura, so put that cheese grater down!
Oh no Bridget... I'm so sorry they couldnt save you before you got impaled. And I'm sorry Kassie that you had to do that to your sister. This being a family and not a group of mostly unrelated friends is making this a lot harder.
Danny with the good ideas now. Where were your good ideas when you climbed into the bank vault?
Chekhov's soldering iron coming in clutch.
The mom is too big to fit inside the vents... is the armless kid in there wiggling around?
IF YOU ARE TYING UP A CORPSE YOU THINK IS GOING TO RISE AGAIN, TIE THEM UP SUPER TIGHT!!! Also Beth, keep one ear open in case the kids need you.
Oh, I guess mom is thin enough to fit in the vents.
Is the mom making a Lilo and Stitch reference? Putting her nail in the vinyl and making the noise come out her mouth?
They are killing a lot of kids in this movie. Barring any deaths from the TV Show, which I abandoned after a while, I don't think they've killed kids before. I'm assuming Bridget is under 18.
I guess this Book works differently than the one in the last movie. 6 kills and no rain of blood yet.
Kids... what are you doing to your mom? Why are you putting your hands in there?
So this is what the elevators in the Overlook Hotel look like from the inside. And of course this built up to a clear Shining reference.
It didnt rain blood, it flooded blood.
Oooh! Theres a truck with a wood chipper attached to it in the garage! The deaddites can't possess a body that's a pile of mush!
I'm going to see that thing in my nightmares. Holy fuck, what were the designers got this movie thinking when they made this monstrosity? Like, I'm legit scared to look at it right now. I'm trying to not look directly at the screen but I also don't want to miss anything.
Kassie will not become your Saffanie! You don't need one!
You must choose your destiny, the chainsaw, or the boomstick?
You know, I was criticizing Beth for wearing her shoes inside the apartment, but they helped keep the chipper from hurting her.
I can't even begin to imagine all the therapy that Kassie is going to need once this is all done. She will never be able to be around wood chippers again. Or chainsaws. Or elevators. Or look through a peep hole.
That garage MUST smell awful. Theres blood EVERYWHERE. Before I was on birth control I had super heavy periods and the bathroom would reek of blood during my heavy days. That's a tiny drop compared to the ocean of blood in that garage. How did that lady not IMMEDIATELY smell it? (Unless shes like my old boss and lost her sense of smell)
I see... the cold open is a result of these events. The Mandy Midsommar temple cottage wasn't demonic, just the girl who can't smell.
Good job
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chimaerra · 3 years
trying to verbalize anything abt me is so fucking annoying like. the best way i can explain my music taste is fucking shaking my hands. also same way to explain the sports/exercise methods i like. this makes perfect sense to me and literally no one else
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parismemes · 3 years
“windows are doors though just so we're clear” “windows are just mini doors if you really think about it” “the WORLD is against you, ___” “if you have to claim things that aren't doors are doors then you admit your argument is weak” “you were ABOUT to argue that rotating locks are wheels dont even deny it dont even try to deny it” “the waters have been chummed--” “YOU CANT JUDGE THE STRENGTH OF MY ARGUMENT WHEN YOURS IS BASED UPON FALSEHOODS” “look windows are basically like those doors cut in half where its separate and you can swing the top or bottom open independently” “ohhhh LOOK AT THAT, you’re using OUTSIDE SOURCES to win an argument. typical” “NOT THIS SHIT MY COWORKERS HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS ALL DAY” “the bees are buzzin!” “also would you count a door twice since it goes two ways or just once” “Windows are doors because I can climb out one” “literally going to climb out my window tonight now” “literally opening and leaving through my window as we speak” “you all are horrible human beings“ “Because I climb out my window door? U can’t take my window door from me” “oh so we're horrible because we're correct” “there is no winning, only chaos!” “don't think you can exclude yourself, you're not an exception” “ok but fruits dont have blood, ___.” “i said fruit juice is the EQUIVALENT OF BLOOD. FOR THE FRUIT” “dont make me bring the kool aid man into this again ill do it ill go there” “hey guys in unrelated news do you think if you turned the kool aid man upside down it would look like a jellyfish a little bit” “fruit juice is NOT equivalent to blood because the fruit does not circulate it” “yeah his fruit juice is jiggling out of there” “KOOL-AID IS NOT FRUIT JUICE” “god i love it when the kool aid man looks like a jellyfish” “IT IS AN ARTIFICIAL BEVERAGE CREATED BY CAPITALISM IT IS NOT FRUIT JUICE” “what is capitalism if not the FRUITS of labor” “capitalism is the EXPLOITATION of labor, it is the exploitation of the fruits and therefore not the fruits itself” “fruit juice is literally also the exploitation of fruits” “the literal point of fruit is to be eaten so that the seeds can be shit out somewhere else” “youre exploiting the fruits for their juice. how does that make you any different than jeff bezos” “i will have a debate about that” “if power corrupts then is capitalism not inevitable, just like fruits?” “power isnt inevitable in and of its self its all a societal construct and therefore man-made” “dolphins don't practice capitalism.” “ok and? humans do and we've got so much history to prove giving someone too much power? is bad. just like. giving someone too much fruit juice. will kill them” “boom bitch eat my kool aid jellyfish” “no i think theyre pretty similar :)” “just because i could probably die from an insane amount of orange juice does not mean that everyone will die from any fruit juice.” “you can die from too much of literally anything that doesn't make it capitalism” “no those are the same thing” “Capitalism deez nuts” “thats like me saying "trees are kind of similar to broccoli" and you replying "OH SO TOMATOES ARENT FRUITS THEN THEYRE JUST SIMILAR TO FRUITS HUH"” “not all windows fit the criteria of doors. but when they do. they ARE doors”
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dyketubbo · 3 years
im rewatching doomsday (comps of all povs of course) and. yeah i just.. feel bad for the lmanburgians. i dont know how i could just. say these people deserved it, when they all sound, panicked and desperate and so so fucking sad. long long ramble under the cut as i recount the events and pick out a bunch of little things
even the day before then is painful. ranboos panic room. ranboo and tubbos talk (tubbo admitting that hes wrong, saying he believes that history is repeating itself and trusting ranboo because he believes in his loyalty), fundy showing the ring toss. tubbos surprise at being told to kill dream before stating that quackity would be in control if he didnt (god, did he plan to fail?). tommy being so so excited. everyone playing ring toss and cheering on jack. tommy still believing in tubbo. tubbo panicking. ranboo and tommy and techno talking, ranboo giving them info. dream placing walls and quackity instructing tubbo on where to kill dream. dream lying about the community house. the entire community house debacle. just, everything.
and then doomsday itself. having to frantically get there because it started early, tubbo only having diamond armor to protect him, fundy standing still after he sabotaged them. tubbo and ranboos genuine despair about the apiary.
tubbo eventually going nonverbal and actively putting himself in danger, not even moving away from techno at first and getting in the way of the firework launcher. tubbo trying to save tommy from the fireworks, ponks broken "dont come over here!" after she was trying to save his cat, tommys face falling and desperate attempts at convincing techno, ranboo going "its all gone", niki spiralling and silently burning down the tree, quackitys pure anger. all the death messages.
jack going "what is there left to protect", tommy brokenly trying to accept that its gone as tubbo and quackity blankly do accept it. jack going "i lost everything again". tommy desperately trying to understand dream, on the verge of tears as he asks why dream didnt just hurt him. his low health and food as hes unable to do anything anymore, his quiet gasp as he spots ghostbur, tubbos tiny shake of his head when dream says dream and tommys story wont be over.
tubbo and quackity breaking the repeaters. ghostburs "i didnt even know we were fighting". ghostbur finding out phil let friend die, hes pained "phil? but i- i gave, i gave phil to look after. and dream found me friend, and technoblade said we were friends", tommys pained talk about technoblade. "we were never his friend. to him, all of this was just an act of politics, an act of clout and a-a social ladder, and you won't remember. tubbo you will, and to you big q, this was a friendship. but to technoblade, this was a ladder. and techno climbed to the tippity talk. do you wanna know the only way you can go? on the ladder? -- and once you reach the top of the ladder tubbo, you can only go down."
quackity asking to sing the anthem again, him strumming as ghostbur sings (and tubbo and tommy joining in). ghostbur forgetting the second verse because it blew up. quackity remembering it, them stumbling through it. tommys "tubbo? im so so sorry", tubbos quiet "its okay." the four all singing together. tubbo looking at the lava with an ender pearl in his hand, tommy correcting quackity and going "our l'manburg". ghostburs speech about friend, about people not taking him seriously just because he has memory loss.
meanwhile.. phil and techno were laughing. cracking jokes. phil mocks them as he spawns withers on the apiary, going "ohhh noo not the bees!". techno shouts at tommy and shoots at him and tubbo. he kills jack and doesnt even notice that it was one of his lives lost. jacks death itself proves that it doesnt take any particular intent, doesnt have to mean anything to the killer. techno and phil were willing to kill people. it would be foolish of them to act as if there were no risks in the terms of canon lives, especially with phil. phil doesnt take ghostbur seriously, treats his despair as an opportunity to drill in a lesson. the most either of them lost was some of the dogs and used up potions, fireworks, and wither skulls
and then theres dream. dream whose been harming the l'manburgians since the beginning, who had taken tubbo hostage, offered eret a chance to betray them all, who had been the man in tommys walls and offering money to tubbo and jack to try and get them to destroy things, who tried to get tommy to kill tubbos villagers. dream, who took tommys discs over and over, who killed tommy twice in one day, who stopped caring about his friends that loved him and were so so loyal. dream, who helped schlatt and pushed wilbur deeper into his spiral, who even then tried to manipulate tommy.
dream, who helped destroy l'manburg the first and second time, who took advantage of tubbo so he could have a premeditated kidnapping of tommy. dream, who abused tommy, physically, psychologically, emotionally. dream, who degraded tubbo and had taken ranboos memory book (which btw, since ranboos memory loss counts as a mental disability with the memory book as his aid, thats dream taking the thing that aids ranboo in dealing with his disability).
dream, who had been the reason l'manburg was created. dream, who got to destroy l'manburg three times. dream won. and techno and phil dont regret it, dont care.
maybe l'manburg was never meant to be. and sure, it started with stealing and an attempt to monopolize on potions but. that wasnt even l'manburg then, was it? it was just wilbur and tommy having fun. l'manburg came after. after the police hurt them. l'manburg started as a silly little revolution, led by a naïve man who thought he could win wars by saying no. it was a place for a family, a place for them to escape from dream. it was a place to try and escape the harm of those outside the walls. it was meant to be safe, even if those against them made it hard to be. it was made from love. it was meant to be happy. it was a symphony, however unfinished.
so. i don't know. i just feel, bad. they never really won, did they? tragedy after tragedy, death after death, destruction after destruction, betrayal after betrayal, hurt after hurt. and now what's left of them, really? out of the founders, erets doing the best and even shes doing awful, forever trying to make up for what he did. tubbos paranoia led him to developing nukes in a desperate attempt to stay safe, because he was taught to stay quiet and keep his emotions to himself, because his death was "justified", because nukes and walls and weapons are the only way he can feel safe anymore.
tommy went through months of abuse, lost all of his lives and suffered upon coming back, suicidal but unable to bring himself to do it because limbo is worse, feeling lost and like he has no family anymore other than wilbur, who he knows is hurting him but cant bring himself to leave, who loved lmanburg so so dearly and only wanted a home, still doesnt have one (tommy from everywhere, tommy from nowhere at all). niki who loved lmanburg and wilbur so much that it hollowed her out and made her bitter and shes so used to being spoken over that all she can think to do is raise her voice and get pissed, who cant see wilbur as a good person anymore because shes hurt and hasnt truly recovered and she doesnt know how to cope without being angry.
jack manifold feels forgotten, hes lost all his lives and crawled out of hell and no one truly noticed, he doesnt even believe that niki really cares, hes desperate and has made his purpose to be spiteful and angry because he cant deal with the emptiness that comes when he realizes theres no point. fundys desperate to have friends, family, a partner, anyone thatll love him, anyone thatll keep him safe, slowly killing himself with cigarettes and disowned because of giving too little too late, because he was too little too late.
and wilburs lost himself. spiraling, paranoid. a young, naïve man who wanted to fight swords with words, who wanted to impress his father, who wanted a nation of his own to feel safe, who was so effected by erets betrayal that he cant trust anyone but himself, whose possessive nature eats him from the inside out, desperate for control and unable to let go of the only person he knows loves him unconditionally
all because outside forces kept pushing, kept destroying, kept ruining them and hurting them and traumatizing them and taking away their homes and pets and loved ones. and i just. cant feel happy for the ones that hurt them, i cant feel victorius, triumphant, any of that. i just feel bad that the l'manburgians never got to be a family. i know they arent the best people but shit, i love them anyways, love them because theyre flawed and because theyre *people*, people who tried so so hard and got pushed so so much and. fuck, i cant be happy that the people who loved nature and play fought and laughed by campfires and read poetry and re-enacted theatre and loved each other and wanted to *live* (even if they were willing to die, if it meant giving everyone else a chance).. lost. they lost.
canonical years of work down the drain in one day. records of history gone, now only remembered in full by a traumatized teenager who was taught not to talk about his negative emotions, and even he misremembers some parts. they didnt even lose fairly. they had no chance. they couldnt have prepared for withers, for tnt rain, for the hounds. they were poor, weaker than their opponents, sabotaged by one of their own. thats.. tragic.
doomsday was a tragedy. i cant agree that it was deserved. i cant agree that they had it coming, that they deserved to lose homes and pets and limbs and lives and land because they werent the greatest people around.
a small country of less than 10 people (at both creation and destruction) now a giant crater in the ground, remnants of a parisitic egg taking over the land. and it wasnt even lost fairly. three people were stronger than an entire nation, even with all of its allies. two anarchists working with an abusive tyrant. so, no. doomsday wasnt deserved. people dont deserve tragedy. there were better ways, i truly cant be happy that the way chosen was violence. i cant.
l'manburg's citizens deserved better. they really did. the ends dont justify the means. and god, am i fucking tired of "justice". if justice means choosing violence over love and respect and caring about those less strong than you, i dont wanna hear about it. fuck that man, id rather love and be loved than constantly give a shit about making up for hurting others by getting hurt, thats stupid and cruel and i cant see it as okay on a moral level. not when the people that got hurt deserved to be loved and cared about and protected and *talked to* instead of constantly shot down.
of course for the narrative i can enjoy violence and characters getting hurt and i do like how "real" it all is, the despair and dissonance in tone and how terrifyingly messy it all is. out of story perspective- honestly rather cool even if it makes me feel bad. in story perspective- holy fucking shit no that wasnt deserved and god i hope everyone hurt will be able to heal and learn to love and be loved again because thats such a terrifying thing to go through. from a detached pov i can appreciate the insight into everyone involved and i like the plotlines that came from it, but from a compassionate pov i just wish the l'manburgians were allowed to be happy and treated as equals so they didnt have to go through all of this
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
through the green glass door (*) loki laufeyson x reader
+++++++++ Guess who watched the first Thor movie 😁😁
(*) - leads to smut but it doesnt go all the way. but like, its super suggestive lol
Song: lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by panic at the disco
@cynic-spirit +++++++++
"do you have any idea what the consequences will be if i get caught?!"
i exclaimed as quietly as possible,  my three friends giggling as they huddled around me.
"y/n, youre the most agile person we know. and we've all been dreaming of the fruit off that tree for ages. please."
Lenore said and i rolled my eyes.
"if i get caught im taking you three down with me."
i said, gripping the tree bark on the outside portion of the wall.
"we believe in you."
she said as i began climbing. i couldnt believe id let them talk me into this. but they were right, we had all been wanting the fruit off this tree for a very long time. it was forbidden to any outside the palace walls. something none of us had ever or would ever have the pleasure of enjoying. until now i suppose.
"im at the top."
i called back down to them still on the ground. they all cheered and clapped, jumping up and down as they giggled. but i wasnt triumphant just yet. i could see the tree, barely touching the branches of the one i was in. just over the garden wall.
"youve got this."
i whispered to myself, stepping as lightly as i possibly could towards the wall. there was a creaking and i paused, taking a deep breath. it was fine. this was fine. so i kept going, jumping onto the top of the garden wall as the edge of the branch snapped. i took a staggered breath, still hidden within lots of leaves. but there, like a light in the distance i could see the golden fruit. i plucked one off the branch, its smell as it got closer becoming sweeter and sweeter.
then i saw another, plucking it too and tossing both to the ground below. there i saw the three of them, rushing over and picking them up. i grabbed another that was close enough to reach and dropped it down, so each of them could have one of their own. they all celebrated with happy noises of content as they devoured them. as i looked back up to grab another fruit i noticed there were none left nearer to me.
i complained, seeing one of the golden fruits just past the wall, barely out of reach. i knew i shouldn't be greedy but i went through all this trouble, it would be a shame to not have one for myself. so i stepped further, to the edge of the wall. i found a branch sturdy enough and planted my foot on it. i took one step, then another, and so on until i was nearing the trunk of the tree and the fruit i had seen from the wall.
i whispered, plucking it off the branch and sinking my teeth into it. it was just as sweet as it smelled and i was glad i had continued on my journey over the wall. that was at least until i took one wrong step, another branch breaking under me. then it was one branch after another, falling straight on my face in the grass below the tree. i groaned, lifting my head and my eyes going wide. there in front of me was a pair of black leather boots.
"um, i can explain."
i started, looking up and pausing again. there in front of me was the young prince, holding a book in one hand and a pear in the other, looking just as surprised to see me as i was to see him.
"im sure thats one hel of an explanation having dropped from the sky."
he stated and i moved to my knees quickly, bowing in front of him.
"yes, my prince. i am truly sorry."
he laughed and i looked at him confused.
"please, stand."
he said and i did as told, bowing my head.
"i have not seen you before."
"my prince?"
i raised a brow, watching him as he leaned against the tree.
"where do you come from?"
i cleared my throat.
"outside the palace my prince."
he laughed again.
"do you think me an idiot?"
he asked and i stopped breathing.
"of course not, how could you? you are but a peasant."
then i drew my brows.
"now you wait just a minute! i may not be of noble birth but that does not mean you will disrespect me. arrest me, for all i care, but i will not be spoken to like a-"
he said and i stopped.
he shook his head.
"what is your name?"
i opened and closed my mouth a couple times. then i inhaled sharply.
he stood off the tree, tucked the book under his arm, and offered me his hand.
"well y/n, i am of the impression that you are in need of a new dress."
i looked at him funny before looking down at my outfit. i was dirty and my skirt had torn when i fell out of the tree.
"you arent going to arrest me?"
i asked hesitantly and he smiled.
"i am not."
he said and i slowly took his hand.
"my prince i, i dont believe-"
"you dont need to believe, just trust me."
he said and i nodded. i followed him blindly inside, walking openly past the guards up the stairs and down a long glimmering hallway. it didnt necessarily feel right, but something about him made me want to keep walking. to keep following him.
"my prince-"
"call me loki."
he interrupted.
"um, loki, right. uh where are we going?"
he squeezed my hand before pulling me into a room.
"my chambers."
he said and i froze, the door closing behind us. then out of nowhere a woman appeared, bowing her head.
"bring us one of my mothers old dresses. my guest is in need of some new clothes."
he said in a suave tone, the woman walking past me and out the door.
"i dare say, my prince, i am not worthy of wearing the queens garb."
he looked at me and smiled, pulling a chair out from under a small golden table and sitting at it.
"i think she would disagree."
i smiled back in amusement and joined him at the table.
"why are you being so nice to me?"
i asked and watched as he took a drink.
"it has been a long time since someone has been able to get over garden wall and not get caught. i admire that."
i raised a brow.
"so you like that im mischievous?"
i questioned and he smirked.
i made a small noise of disbelief.
"i should have guessed. the midgaurdians call you, what, the god of mischief? it only makes sense you would like someone sneaking into the palace garden."
"my lord."
i heard from the door and both our gaze turned to the girl, holding a blue dress.
"ah yes, a perfect choice."
i watched as he took it from her, shooing her away afterwards. and then he started towards me, making me more curious.
"for the lady."
he said, offering it to me and i smirked at him.
"care to help me put it on?"
i made a face, realizing what i had just asked and almost couldnt believe myself for being so bold. but part of me also didnt regret it. and i couldnt help notice the knowing smile across his face as he led me to his bed. there he laid the dress out and moved to help me.
"a bit intrepid for someone who believed me to want to arrest them."
i looked over his face for a moment.
"theres something about you i cant get off of my mind."
"and that is?"
he asked, stepping behind me and undoing the top op my dress slowly. i just stood and stared ahead as he did so.
"though i know we could both be in large amounts of trouble with the king if he were to find out i am here, i still feel like i can trust you."
i said, looking at him over my shoulder and we both examined each other. his face was soft. softer than before. and the golden light peaking in over the terrace railing made him look more ethereal.
"i can trust you, cant i?"
i asked and his gaze shifted down my face.
"you can trust this."
he said calmly before capturing my lips in his. it was gentle and i could feel my heart knocking a my rib cage to be let out. i was kissing the boy prince. the heir apparent. and gods did it feel great.
i whispered when he pulled away, looking between his eyes for any reason not to trust him and coming up with nothing.
"do you still wish for my help?"
he bargained and i nodded.
"i wouldnt want anything else."
it was said in such a hushed tone im sure no one else would have been able to hear it had they been in the room. i stood there as he stripped me slowly. He began with finishing the top of my dress, letting the lacing down and pushing the fabric down off my shoulders. as the dress pooled at my ankles i was left there in my sark, a small shiver traveling up my spine as his fingers traced up my arm.
"may i?"
he asked, placing his other hand firmly at my waist, tugging at the fabric. i swallowed hard, almost feeling like i shouldnt be doing this.
i said quiet and bold.
"you are quite the woman."
he noted, pulling the sark up over my head and dropping it to the floor with my dress. i should have felt more exposed standing there naked but my back was still to him.
"Thank you my prince."
I said with some form of sincerity. He kissed my shoulder.
"I told you, call me Loki."
He whispered into my ear, sending goosebumps over my skin.
I half moaned, leaning back into him as his hands found their way to my hips again.
"May I touch you further?"
He questioned and I nodded against him, feeling his hand trail up my torso painfully slow. He kissed across my shoulder, up my neck, and onto my jaw before spinning me around swiftly. I gasped at the sudden movement, looking over his face as he stepped closer to kiss me properly. When he pulled away I noticed his clothes had also vanished, gone in a flash of green.
"May I make love to you?"
He asked, barely gracing my lips with his own.
"Please do."
I whispered against him before kissing him, again and again, until my back hit the soft silk of his bedding.
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I'm at a road block with one of my current WIPs. It seems like it should be so simple but I'm coming up pretty blank! Do you have any ideas to spare for shenanigans for teenagers roaming around a strange city to get into? I want it to be fairly light-hearted, certainly nothing, like, Project X-level, but I do want them to be kids staying out late, getting into a bit of tomfoolery, and pissing their guardians off like proper rowdy teens
Oh yeah. Here's some ideas (some of which I may or may not have committed myself):
-Staying out at the local park to the late hours of the night hanging out with friends, maybe running around, playing some kind of game, play fighting(big stick= sword = sword fights in the park), climbing trees, etc. Most towns have a 'curfew' where cops will start to check spots like the park to make sure kids arent out until like 2am.
-If there's any kind of water in town like a beach, river, pond, lake, etc they can go for a little late night swim or walk along the edge of the water. Coming home in the middle of the night soaking wet is always a sure way to piss off guardians
-Wandering around a mall, shopping center, store. If they have access to their parents money maybe like spending it on useless random shit for fun
-Tagging/graffiti/street art on sidewalks, streets, parks, parking lots, old buildings, etc
-Breaking into old run down buildings to pretend to be ghost hunters likely with like fake apps on their phone
-Going to a late night or 24 hour food place and just goofing off and eating an absurd amount of food in the middle of the night
-Breaking into a construction zone/ no walking zone because that place just so happens to have the best vantage point for star gazing and whose gonna let a bit of caution tape or traffic cones stop them?
-Breaking into the local school/ highscool after hours to hang out. Could be just the sports fields, outside grounds or even the classrooms
-Sneaking out of the house at 1 am to walk to the gas station/convienence store for snacks
-Sneaking into the neighbors yard while they're away to either pet their dog/cat or use their pool
-Breaking into the community pool after hours
-Just driving around town at night, talking and blasting music in the car
That's all I can think of for now. Hope these help :)
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The Crown, The Sword, and The Gay
Not So Stormy Knight
A/N: there's a lot more people in the taglist lol. I'm still working o an upload schedule but yeah enjoy! (its on of the shorter chapters I have writing but yeppers)
(also let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist!)
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words: 1490
summary: Virgil doesn't want to deal with this mess but he was sent to deliver a message so, theres not much he can do
pairings: eventual prinxiety, eventual intrulogical, eventual moceit, Remile
warnings: some potty language (not much), stress, anxiety, pretentious character, violence (near the end), talking down to someone
(let me know if there's any other)
Virgil didn't want to deal with this weird shit so early but, he didn't really have a choice. He made eye contact with who he could only assume was the prince, who was not panicked in the slightest and just shrugged. When Virgil got a good look as to who this servant lady had pinned to the ground he almost laughed out loud, it was none other than the stuck-up, self-centered, overall piece of shit Trent. Now he was actually glad to be delivering this stupid message.
Virgil was awoken in the early hours of the morning (incredibly rude but that's besides the point). “Get dressed and meet me at the workstation in 20 minutes.” When Virgil's brain finally decided to be awake enough to process words, his blood ran cold as he realized who was speaking to him. Commander Arlott. Virgil knew better than to question his superior so he did as instructed.
The Commander wasted no time to speak as Virgil arrived,“Virgil, I need you to deliver this message to Sir Trent Ortiz” Arlott held a letter with the royal crest sealing it “Sir, with all due respect, why not send one of the squires?” Virgil had always been careful with how he spoke to people in power since they could make or break his entire life plan, “Since Trent is ...assisting King Leonardo, by keeping Prince Roman safe, he is in an undisclosed location. I need someone of trust and my Seneschal recommended you.”
Commander Arlott always talked slow and calmly, no matter how much stress he was under, Virgil always appreciated that. “Understood?” Arlott sounded a little irritated, “Yes, sir.” Virgil didn't want to make that worsen, he knew his commander was known to have a temperament.
As Virgil loaded his things, he took a moment to examine the map. The Commander had explained it was going to be a three to four hour trip, so at least he could get back the same day if he was quick enough.
He arrived, about three hours later, at this secluded tower in the middle of nowhere. He had almost believed he was lost as he couldn't see the tower from above but it was meant to be a lot lower than the trees around it so as to not be spotted and spark curiosity. The Tower was incredibly daunting. He had to admire the measures taken for the tower to be hidden. They built the tower deep into the forest, very far away from the path, they made the tower shorter than the coast redwood trees surrounding it, and they made it incredibly hard to find as the path was infuriatingly confusing and it was located in a dense part of the forest.
After he got over how intimidating a tower can look, he noticed a carriage near the entry of the scary building. Virgil remembered how his Commander had told him there wasn't supposed to be anyone there other than Trent and the Prince. But he could clearly see someone waiting in the carriage.
Virgil noticed how his stomach felt like it was a black hole, he didn't really want to be the person to inform the death of a Royal. He left his horse near the edge of the forest and started sneaking closer to the Tower, as to not be spotted by the man in the carriage. He quickly climbed the steps of the tower and reached a door, yet there were more steps. He decided to check anyway, when he opened the door he saw nothing but a room with a few recognizable belongings, similar equipment as his, definitely where Trent was sleeping, that or the prince had an affinity towards knight equipment.
He heard some commotion at the top of the tower, so he begrudgingly headed up the steps. As he heard the voices rise even more, he quickened his step and tried to listen in. He wasn't able to make out what they were saying but he recognised Trent’s unpleasant and overall irritating voice and a random lady. As he reached the door he heard the voices stop and a thud, followed by groaning.
Virgil opened the door to see something that till this day he will say was one of the most hilarious sights, Trent Ortiz being held at an armlock by some servant woman. He tried his hardest not to laugh at the sight, which was pretty easy considering he still felt anxious and overwhelmingly confused, as funny as the sight was, what in the world had happened? As he raised his gaze to look around the room, as if it would have any answers, he locked eyes with a browned eyed boy, who he quickly identified as the prince Trent was supposed to be protecting, his robe gave it away. The prince just shrugged and yawned as if this was a common occurrence, which it may as well have been, he didn't know much about what being a royal felt like.
Ruth looked up and spotted the young knight with a terrified look on his face, in an effort to comfort him, she gave him a smile “Hi darling, what brings you-” she stopped talking as Trent tried to get out of her grasp “Don't struggle, you’re going to break your arm!” she tried to warn him.
“As if, get off of me, witch!” Ruth sighed and was about to give him another warning but Trent saw Virgil and spoke up again “Virgil, what are you doing standing there?! Get this old hag off of me!” Before Virgil could do anything, Trent continued trying to break free from Ruth’s grip but ended up breaking something else. His arm to be exact. Trent screamed in pain. Ruth immediately let go, it was never her intention to actually hurt him. Trent curled up holding his arm close to his chest.
Roman wasn't really paying attention to the situation, until he heard the scream. He got close to see both, the knight and nurse were okay. Ruth pushed him back as Virgil kneeled down to try and help the knight in pain. Ruth went to one of the trunks and got some fabric that could be used as a temporary sling. She tried to get close to Trent but he backed away slightly, Virgil spoke up “Maybe, I should put the sling on him.” Ruth nodded and gave him the fabric.
When Virgil finished tying the sling, he stepped away from Trent and Ruth decided to speak “It’s in his best interest to see a doctor, he should probably head back.” Virgil nodded, seeing that as the best option. Ruth spoke again.
“You should probably take him back soon, we don't want the injury to get worse.” at that Trent broke his silence “Prince Roman is supposed to be under knight supervision at all times.” Roman rolled his eyes and tried to reason with him
“My father will understand. You’re hurt and need to go get your arm checked out. I can be without a knight for a few hours.” Trent didn't budge “No. Your father gave me a direct order and i’m not going to disobey.” Roman looked at him like he was mad.
Ruth decided to ask the young boy who had stayed silent in the corner. “Virgil, was it? Honey, are you a knight?” Virgil looked up and nodded. “Well, he can stay with Roman and I can take you to a doctor in the carriage.” Trent scoffed. “They made me the Prince’s knight because of my skill; you can’t just replace me with someone who acts as a messenger.” Ruth did not like that at all, Virgil reminded her of Remy and her motherly instincts were kicking in
“Right now you arent of any help because you're hurt!” he fired back quickly “And who’s fault is that?” Ruth didn't want another screaming match to start “I warned you didn't I? Just let the boy be Roman’s temporary knight and later on they'll find a ‘better fit’ replacement as you put it.” Trent looked annoyed but begrudgingly agreed.
Virgil looked at the Prince as the other two were arguing, he was quiet and his eyes seemed to be distant, his posture made him seem annoyed but his face didn't show it. Ruth signaled him to help Trent to get down.
Virgil seemed to be doing the same as the prince and ignoring Trent arguing ‘how Roman couldn't be left alone in the tower’. He helped Trent into the carriage and turned back to see the servant lady talking to the prince, she gave the royal a hug and turned to the carriage, Virgil helped her in.
Roman and Virgil watched the carriage leave. Virgil turned to tell the royal how it’d be better for them to head inside. But he saw the monarch already headed to the tower, and he quickly scrambled to catch up with him.
@meowthefluffy @shade-romeo @pattonsmile @sevencreepycatsinacoat
some aren’t working i’ll see if I can fix it :(
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