#bc i used to call him nagito all the time
ultfan · 4 months
btw i don’t call him nagito bc i don’t know him like that. we’re not friends. i’m keeping a social and emotional distance
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hi!! i rlly like ur writing and wanted to request smth🥹
can i request byakuya, nagito, kokichi, rantaro and hajime reacting to reader being jealous? or the other way around💗 thank you!
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A/N: Thank you!! And I love this prompt, I had a lot of fun writing this and thought it was really cute and funny on some parts so I hope you enjoy it as well!! And as usual spelling errors
Plot: Reacting to their S/O being jealous then them being jealous as well
Characters being used: Byakuya, Nagito, Kokichi, Rantaro, Hajime
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When you're jealous:
Thinks you're being ridiculous, calls you ridiculous
He thinks there is no reason for you to be jealous, when you're the only person he actually doesn't mind being around Plus isn't it kind of impressive how he can separate the world from Byakuya and not Byakuya
He's does love you but that doesn't mean he won't keep his mouth shut, like start insulting you lightly tho bc he don't wanna hurt your feeling that much and questioning if you trust him when it comes to others and this relationship so have to explain to him that it wasn't him you didn't trust, it was the person he was around
Asks who your jealous of so he can distant himself from that person so you don't have to be jealous anymore but won't tell you that part
IF you're jealous of Toko, he'll be bewildered like HOW and WHY!? He thought it was pretty clear he disliked being around her so why are you feeling that way!? You better have a good reasoning, Since Toko/Jack does follow him wherever he goes. To keep you from feeling that way again, He'll bring you with him every time Toko comes around
Tells you never to be jealous of that imbecile or anyone of that matter as if you can control it like 😭
When he's jealous:
I don't think he'll understand it at first but give him a few minutes, then he'll understand it then hate it and blames it all on you.
Like he wouldn't straight tell you he's jealous of some lowlife you hang around, but would make up a surprising reasonable excuse of why you shouldn't hang around them like
If you ignore his excuse and continue hanging around the person he'll join as well despite whether it's a private conversation or not and would gladly argue if one of you have an issue with it
I feel like when Byakuya is jealous, he would obviously not tell you that he's jealous but try to give you reason on why you should stop seeing that person and will constantly be around you more than usual and if you question it he'll question you back asking if he can't be around his lover
You'll have to found out on your on that he's jealous and when you confront him about it, he'll at first try to deny it then try to explain it in a way so he doesn't sound jealous but instead it makes him sound like he's needy so then he'll just agree and tell you he's jealous but would be arrogant about it and tell you it's your fault for not being considerate about his feelings but he's just being a bit petty
You'll have to distant yourself from that person so he doesn't have to feel that way anymore
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When you're jealous:
He thinks it’s his fault why you feel this way.
Would apologize and tell you that he’s the worst for making you feel such a thing and would continuously insult himself while saying he’s even unworthy of being in your presence
You have to tell him he’s not the problem and it’s just you, yourself feeling this way against the person he’s hanging around
I feel like he wouldn’t really know what to do with your jealousy because despite what you said he still feels like it’s his fault for making you feel such a thing. So he would would ask if you want him to stop hanging around the person all together and he’ll do it gladly
He’ll literally start bashing you with compliments. He doesn’t want you to feel as if he’ll ever leave you since you’re genuinely one of the only people who would put up with him and the only single person who would actually surprisingly to him feels a romantic way about him
You would have to tell him that you don’t want him to lose a friend just because you’re feeling this way so since he doesn’t really not what to do other than comfort you and tell you you’re the only one for him and that you're his main hope in the world, he’ll distant himself from the person just for you
When he's jealous:
Wouldn’t tell you, feels as if he’s bothering you if he did tell you and thinks he should be grateful for the fact someone like you even looked his way
So basically in other words, you gotta find out on your own man. I feel like he’s the type to watch you and that other person talking from afar and if both of you look his way he’ll just smile casually and wave as if he wasn’t just debating whether to speak with you or leave the room
Despite all this I feel like he’s the type to distant himself from you rather than having to ask you to distant yourself from the person and wouldn’t actually discuss his feelings with you since he would feel like he’s bothering you.
So you had to pull him away in private and discuss with him about it, he’ll start apologizing and would feel bad for making you even waste your time discussing this topic with a “worthless trash” his words like himself.
You had to remind him that his feelings mattered as much as yours when it came to the relationship and you would grateful distant yourself from that person if it made him feel him better and would comfort and reassure him that your eyes only land and are only interest in him
he’ll try to started bashing you with compliments but you kept on shushing him and remind that you’re thinking about him right now not yourself
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When you're jealous:
Thinks it’s the most funniest shit in the world and would make fun of you/tease you for feeling that way
I feel like he might be little toxic and just wants to see your reaction at times so he would purposely ignore you at time and give more attention to the person your jealous of just to see your reaction and would feel smug about it. But he swore he only done that only ONE Five TIMES
He does secretly thinks you being jealous is really cute and funny but would only mention the funny part. Would straight up make you confess why you’re jealous then he ends up fake pouting and asking if you don’t trust him with other people
Even if you do try to explain how you do trust him and it’s just the person, he already knows that and just wants to mess with you a bit
Exaggerated over the whole thing and tries to make you look like your in the wrong but you both know it’s just an act Would fake cry if you called him out on his act too early and would say you’re being mean to him
After once he’s finally done having his fun, he’ll try to comfort you while teasing you at the same time and would just tell you he won’t leave you unless you leave first or would tell he’s the most loyalist and truthful person to ever exist in your life Obviously a lie
He wouldn’t tell you but he would distance himself from the person your jealous of and would insult them/give backhand compliments so you can understand he’ll never feel a single thing for the person and only wants you obviously wouldn’t tell you none of the things he did, but you would notice it on your own
When he's jealous:
Wouldn’t tell you, wouldn’t even let you know. And if you do find out, he’ll continuously deny it and starts throwing random subjects just to change the topic
I feel like he’s the type to want more of your attention when he’s jealous, like he’ll be more teasing and bothering you more especially if you’re with the specific person he’s jealous of.
He’ll quite literally pop out of nowhere and bother you guys regardless whether he’s annoying you or not
He would fake cry and fake pout more than usual if you’re barely giving him any attention so he’ll do that just to get your attention
He’ll probably be more insulting/making fun of the person he’s jealous of even in front of you at times so you can realize how much of a annoying loser the person is and hang out with him instead
If you do defend the person at times from his insults, he’ll be secretly annoyed and gets more jealous but just acts it off and fake pouts at you
Once you do find out about his jealousy at this point he won’t even deny anymore and purposely over exaggerate with fake tears and fake pouts and say that you been knew about his feelings and was “purposely” trying to make him feel even worse
Even if you deny it, he knows you wouldn’t do that and just wants a reaction so for his sake every-time you hang around the person, you take him with you and slightly distant yourself from the person a bit
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When you're jealous:
Once you tell him, he would specifically like to know what he’s doing with the person that is making you jealous so when he hangs out with other people he doesn’t do it again so you won’t jealous anymore
He thinks that you being jealous is really cute and lightly tease you about it but he does take your feelings seriously and would actually do something so you won’t feel that way again
He wouldn’t really distant himself from the person but would spend more time with you just to reassure you that he wants you and only you and not that person
He take you out on dates or bring you out to one of his travels or just you and him hanging you in general.
He’s not really the one to start PDA but doesn’t really mind it but if it’s for making you feel better and reassuring you and if you don’t mind as well then he’ll try to hold your hand or put hand arm around you a couple of times
But if you do want him to distant himself from the person regardless of the fact he’s spending more time with you. He wouldn’t really understand at first and questions you a bit but if it makes you feel better he’ll do it, but he won’t distant himself from the person for that long since he considers them as a friend
He’ll probably tell the person about your jealousy so they won’t think he’s purposely wanting to get away from them
When he's jealous:
He wouldn’t even notice that he’s was jealous, he’ll probably assume that he’s upset with the person for no reason and look past it since he isn’t the type to jump to conclusions
I think it’ll take like 2 days or less for him to realize that he’s jealous, like how to took him to bit to realize when he was gaining feelings for you.
So once he finally gets that he’s jealous, he wouldn’t really know what to do and would assume that the feelings would go away on its own. But at first He’ll try to be in most not every conversations you and that person and would feel slightly annoyed if you and that person hug at times.
He won’t beat around the bush about his feelings or keep it hidden away. So once his feelings goes a bit too high for his liking, he went and talked to you about it
He was glad that you were understanding and he didn’t want you to distant yourself from the person but you did it anyways just for him. He can’t help but wonder how lucky he is for you at times
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When you're jealous:
When you told him that you were jealous, he thought it was really cute at first but was also worried because he didn’t want you to feel that way
At first he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t the problem so he asked you if you trusted him with hanging out with others and you had to reassure him you did trust him and it was just the person he was hanging around
He would feel somewhat responsible if you been feeling this way for a while now and hasn’t said anything till now, so he’ll try to make it up to you by spending more time with you than with the other person
He even apologized once for not noticing your feelings sooner but you told him he didn’t need to apologize and it was just you feeling that way with that person
Would distance himself from that person. But if it’s Chiaki that you’re jealous of, he can kind of understand why since him and her spend quite a lot of time together and she usually tags along with the both of you during hangouts so he would talk to Chiaki first about it and she’ll obviously be understanding about it
She even went over to you and decided to let you know that she has no romantic feelings for Hajime and it’s only platonic. She thinks you and Hajime are a great couple and doesn’t want to get in between of that
He would reassure you and plan hangouts with you more than you guys often do just to make sure you know that he only loves you and only wants you
When he's jealous:
He realized his feelings right away and was so embarrassed about it and didn’t want you to know or find out. It’s not that he doesn’t like communicating with you it’s just he finds it a bit embarrassing being vulnerable in front of you at times so he’ll keep his mouth shut about his jealousy.
I think Hajime is the type to be a bit insecure when he’s jealous and wants to show you off more and impress you. Because unlike you, Hajime isn’t a ultimate and is just a reserve course and if it’s an ultimate he’s jealous of he would feel even more insecure because he would think they are quite obviously better than him and doesn’t want you leaving him for them.
First he would try to show you off a bit, and do more PDA if you’re fine with it ofc like holding your hand in public more or putting his arm around you more and hugging you Maybe kissing if you’re at that stage in the relationship would def do more PDA If the person he is jealous of happens to be in the same room
He doesn’t want to be that insecure of himself so he’ll talk with Chiaki and she should tell him to discuss his feelings with you but he told her how he didn’t want to result to that yet and instead she gave him a different kind of advice and that’s to win you over like a video game, despite the fact you’re already his
He’ll tried to impress you with his video game skills, like when all three of you are hanging out Chiaki would purposely like Hajime beat her in the video game just to impress you but you had a feeling something was up because Hajime never beat Chiaki in a video game before so why is suddenly beating her now?
You asked for some privacy with him and Chiaki left the room so you can talk with him alone, you started questioning him and he didn’t want to lie to you so he confessed about his jealousy and you went straight away and reassured him
You had to let him know that wouldn’t leave him even if he’s a reserve course and you’re not, you’re not going to leave him over something as silly as that. And told him he doesn’t need to impress you or win you over or anything because you’re already his
He was slightly flustered and embarrassed about your words but nonetheless he would feel grateful for you and your words as you hugged him. Maybe a small cuddle session but it was cut short because Chiaki came back in and he got embarrassed and moved away from you.
You guys went back to playing video games and Chiaki went back to constantly beating Hajime and you in the video games but we ain’t gonna talk about that
He didn’t need to ask you and you already put a distance with the person he was jealous of. Bro never felt so happy and in love with you in one single day
Hope you enjoy! - Manij
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theamityelf · 2 months
vampire komakamuegi au What if Makoto started looking at meat in disgust. I feel like he'd see the meat as himself in the blood sucking shit. Vegetarian makoto And, how do the others survivors support makoto bc being the vampire hosts' 'favorite' can't be easy.
This is a great question. I could definitely see him walking into the kitchen while Hiro is cooking some kind of meat, seeing the red in it, and just really feeling woozy and repulsed. Bonus points if it's the morning after he's been fed on and he was already feeling kind of out of sorts before he saw the meat.
Nagito and Izuru have to make sure to supplement his diet with things like eggs and beans to make sure he's still getting enough protein.
As for the other survivors:
Kyoko is doing her best to plan out an escape. She can't talk about it out loud with the vampires in the house, so when she needs to loop the others in, there's a lot of hastily-scribbled notes that later get burned to ashes, on the stove.
The acuteness with which the vampires seem to notice when the humans are feeling especially hopeful means she has to be careful; if she told everyone 'We're going to escape tomorrow,' the vampires would know something was up when everyone suddenly smelled tastier than usual. (She could tell Byakuya, since he wouldn't have too strong an emotional reaction until a plan actually starts working, and she could tell Hina, since her emotional reactions are always strong anyway, so a spike in hope from her could mean they're escaping tomorrow or she remembered she left half a sandwich in the refrigerator.)
As far as directly supporting Makoto, she can't always keep him in the loop about what's going on, but she checks in on him and remains vigilant about how much time he's spending with the vampires. When Nagito or Izuru tries to subtly separate Makoto from the group, Kyoko notices immediately and protests to it. If she overhears them in Makoto's room at night (and she sleeps with her door open for that exact purpose), she knocks on Makoto's door loudly to make sure they can't get lost in the moment.
Through the locked door, she calls out, "Makoto, are you okay in there?" If he's too drained to answer, she picks the lock and lets herself in. She can't stop the vampires physically, but she can potentially cramp their style enough that they leave. Next time there will be a chair blocking the door in addition to the lock, though, so she needs to use this skill sparingly. (Also, Nagito might take to feeding on Kyoko earlier, on days where he knows Izuru is going to feed on Makoto, so she's too tired to interrupt.)
Initially, Byakuya's main way of helping Makoto was by calling out Nagito's weird behavior toward him. Basically, trying to (for lack of a better word) kink-shame Nagito into leaving Makoto alone. This did succeed in dissuading Nagito from being too openly bloodthirsty in front of the others, since he knows Byakuya will just consistently ruin the moment, but ultimately it just moved the behavior behind closed doors.
Byakuya is pretty openly testing out what kills vampires. He might set Nagito's sleeve on fire, but Nagito just casually puts it out. He might casually try to stake him, which also doesn't work. This is treated very matter-of-factly by all parties involved; it's not even an "Oops, it didn't work," kind of thing; Byakuya just crosses something off his list and moves on.
And Byakuya is often telling the others to check on Makoto or stay with Makoto, if he can't do so himself. When he can be around Makoto himself, they sit close together and he glares at any vampire who enters the room.
Hiro and Hina stay positive, both as a means of keeping the energy up for their eventual escape and lowkey because it means Makoto isn't the only one with appetizing blood. Kyoko does this a bit, too. At first, Hiro was really scared of being bitten, but after the first few times, he's just slightly off-put by it. And being a good sport about it, again, takes some of the heat off Makoto.
Hina specifically is the first to pick up on the fact that they can use Nagito's adoration for Makoto to earn more stuff. Like, if Makoto isn't eating all that much, Kyoko or Byakuya would initially chalk it up to him not wanting to have his blood sucked, but Hina will observe, "It's because you don't have any of his favorite foods in the fridge! How come he's giving you your favorite food if you won't give him his?" And they get a better variety of food. She's also the one who first argued that they need to be allowed to open windows for fresh air. Basically, while Kyoko and Byakuya are focused on finding a way to escape and finding a way to be safe once they do escape, Hina is covering the conditions they're living in now.
Toko is doing a little bit of all these things; she's trying to stay alert, and she's staying positive by her standards (just very determined to not be deadweight). She's new to being a part of a social group, so she isn't really sure how to help, so it usually takes the form of staying with Makoto when Kyoko or Byakuya asks her to. Like, if the other survivors are leaving the room for some reason and Makoto has to stay behind, Kyoko will ask Toko to stay with Makoto.
And when he's feeling unwell, maybe they all sleep in his room to make sure the vampires don't mess with him.
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masadd · 2 years
hi im going to like introduce myself bc i can.
im masad, thats what i primarily go by but u can also call me saturn !!
now im just gonna list the stuff i like (the more stars by one means like i like it more)
- genshin impact ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- umbrella academy
- omori
- doki doki literature club
- marvel
- twisted wonderlands
- cookie run kingdom
- cosplaying ⭐️
- drawing ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- roleplaying ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- writing / reading stuff ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- talking to friends ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- pokemon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- fruit bats
- owari no seraph
- undertale & deltarune ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- bbc sherlock ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- my hero academia ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- lucifer
- steven universe
- adventure time ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- project sekai ⭐️⭐️⭐️
- danganronpa
some dont have stars just bc ive fallen out of it a lot but it doesnt mean i dont like it anymore … now im gonna list all my favorite characters in general
- rui (pjsekai)
- emu (pjsekai)
- five (umbrella academy)
- zhongli (gi)
- ayato (gi)
- baizhu (gi)
- nahida (gi)
- pantalone (gi)
- dottore (gi)
- venti (gi)
- aether (gi)
- paimon (gi)
- N (pkmn)
- volo (pkmn)
- dr strange (marvel)
- epel (twst)
- idia (twst)
- vampire (crk)
- espresso (crk)
- mika (ons)
- ferid (ons)
- flowey & asriel (ut)
- ralsei (dr)
- spamton (dr)
- sunny (omori)
- capt. spaceboy (omori)
- sherlock
- lucifer
- ella (lucifer)
- simon (at)
- steven (su)
- kiibo (danganronpa)
- nagito (danganronpa)
- aizawa (mha)
i havs autism . my current biggest interest is simon from adventure time im absolutely losing my marbles over him so
fun facts:
- ive spent around $350 on zhongli. $70 on nahida . $70 on kazuha . $50 on xiao . $100 on cyno. currently saving for baizhu
- im aroace, gender apathetic, and use any pronouns
- my favorite characters of ever right now are simon petrikov, shōta aizawa, and zhongli
i might reply or smth later when i realize i forgot smth
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red-signal · 2 years
The protagonist is Hajime Hinata, he does the classic danganronpa protag move, passes out and wakes up in the building, but PLOT TWIST THEYRE ON A FUCKING ISLAND INSTEAD. THE BUILDIJG IS ON AN ISLAND. Instead of monokuma greeting them, it's Usami [later renamed monomi] [picture below]
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He meets the other students, and they get called down to the beach area, and FUCK YOU MONOKUMA. Usami gets her ass beaten by teddybitch and she's now monomi. Rules get explained blah blah. And usami gets SHOT. BY A GUN. MULTIPLE TIMES. and WOOOO USAMI ISNT DEAD!!! but she erased all their memories :(. Various things happen, Togami throws a party and gets killed, shocker. He got stabbed multiple times under a table
The blackended cut out the power and got dead by a trap. It was teruteru, he gets cooked alive. NOT EVEN JOKING WATCH THE EXECUTION ON YOUTUBE ITS FUCKIN VRAZY
And we find out, the organization responsible for the end of the world was World Ender [who fucking named it that]
And nekumaru and kazuichi are fucking CONVINCED nagito is the traitor, but monokuma reveals another motive so they just forget about that [the "motive" is a game. Somehow that works bc ->]. Next day, Mahiru is gone. Kazuichi somehow knows they were going to the beach so she's probably just there right? NO MOTHERFUCKER SHES DEAD AS HELL.
Long story short, fuyuhiko almost did it, but peko killed her for him, yk to save him. And FUCK. PEKO ACCIDENTALLY SLASHED HIS EYE MID-EXECUTION. but he's not dead
And they throw another party, where ibuki performs "I Squeezed Out The Baby, But I Have No Idea Who The Father Is" [good song, it's on spotify listen 2 it]
And akane almost fucking dies, but nekumaru jumps in and almost dies for her, but he's a robot now bc he can't die bc he didn't kill anyone
And alone, ibuki, and nagito get the Despaur Disease, symptoms are different based on everyone. Nagito gets the Liar Disease, Akane has the Coward Disease, ibuki has the Gullible disease.
And WOOOAAH hiyoko and ibuki are fucking DEAD. mikan did it, she had despair disease. Her symptoms were remembering things, oof childhood trauma.
They go to an amusement park [and it's honestly kinda fun, this game puts them through fun things sometimes :)] and SHIT MONOKUMA WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE OIKE THIS. they got sealed in a fun house and can only get out if somebody murders. And there is NO food they ahve to kill to get out to eat
AND BY COD. ROBOT NEKUMARU IS FUCKING DEAD. the blackended used his HAMPTERS to activate nekumarus sleep mode, and tied him up on a wall thing and set a timer so he'd fall down and fucking die
The blackended was gundham tanaka [NO MY BOY /REF] [context for the fic. Btw] and he'd never admit it but it was a self sacrifice for everybody else there. He dies and OHMYCOD THIS SHIT. I AM CRYING. THE HAMSTERS. THE HAMSTERS ARE FINE THEYRE GOOD BUT HOLY SHIT. ITS JUST I AM CRYING. WATCH EXECUTION ON YOUTUBE OR SOEMTHIGN HDHGHWFGHHHH
and nagito planted BOMBS everywhere, and they need to diffuse them
And MAJOR FUCKING PLOT TWIST. everybody's back? Reality is crumbling, ?? And nagito is talking to someone, and he REPLACED HIS OWN HAND EITH JUNKOS. HE IS FUCKING SICK /NEG
Ultimate despair/despair remanents are explained, a group of people who spread despair everywhere, and its basically a cult. She manipulated them so bad that they alm committed mass suicide on a whim because she told them too.
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paperbooart · 2 years
i LOVED hearing your thoughts about togiri!! i love all the thought you put into thinking about how they would interact after the 5th trial bc, while it makes sense for the pov to be from makoto's, its a shame we missed out on byakuya and kyokos potential interactions. if i may add i think a nice detail would be for kyoko to take off her glove and extend a hand to byakuya, silently asking for his trust while exposing herself. byakuya obviously recognizes this as big feat and is the main reason why he comes around to her. i also think it would be cool if they had a more explcit rivalry/competitiveness with each other. theyre so similar to a point where they even have the same flaws, and i can imagine it would be pretty annoying to see how ugly your flaws really are when you see them on someone else. sorry if this was a lot but i just love what you wrote ! :3
oh my god imagine if we actually got a temporary pov switch to kyoko like the temporary nagito pov in dr2 PLEASE that’d be so cool 
you understand… you understand. i flip my shit for kyoko taking off her gloves at significant moments (the one moment in dr3 that immediately made me glad i watched it)
i was also thinking it’d be funny if the way kyoko approaches byakuya post-trial is she just busts into his room using the master key because i don’t remember if he ever learned that her having that key was the lie makoto ignored, but that would be a funny way for him to find out, like HOW did you get in here ma’am 
YES I WANT SO MUCH MORE OF THEM AS RIVALS getting in each others way because they think of things at the same time, when they’re talking to makoto he’s like ‘haha byakuya said exactly the same thing’ and kyoko’s like what the hell. get him out of my brain. and vice versa like remember when byakuya was like ‘a dead body is just an object’ and kyoko’s like ‘he’s out of line but he’s right’ i bet she’s just like a little grossed out that she doesn’t feel much different than him. he’s just louder about it. 
i feel like all we really got of them as ‘rivals’ was byakuya making weird demands and kyoko very mysteriously accepting them. like him taking her key. from a personal pride standpoint that is a wild thing to agree to. or in chapter 4 when he straight up was like ‘youre annoying. you guard the body.’ LIKE GIRL WHY ARE YOU NOT THROWING HANDS. i bet even byakuya is unsettled by her total non-reaction to everything he says to her. 
nabbing this tag from my post because it is relevant thank you clown-chaoticz
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like byakuya wants them to be cool rivals so bad but kyoko is far too calm and collected and he is an angry little man. any time he thinks he’s won an interaction with her, like when he calls her out in front of everyone and demands she explain herself or hand over her room key, she pulls some weird shit and is not even the slightest bit ruffled. 
i’m so glad you enjoyed what i wrote btw yall are enabling my madness AHDJGH i literally have a word doc i add to almost daily, of just scattered thoughts about danganronpa, so any opportunity i get to spill them (if it’s a topic i have already thought about, like anything to do with naegirigami for example) i’m like OH BOY 
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
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yes!! also reposted with a sc rather then answering bc the wording meant it wouldnt show A
Nagito Komaeda N$FW alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The first few times i think he would be pretty emotional, he might even cry, but definitely clinging to you softly and thanking you, telling you he loves you so much (if you’ve already said i love to one another by that stage). It happens later on as well, but less often.
He’d usually hold you or let you hold him, soft conversation or a gentle silence for a while, perhaps a nap. And then he’d go run a bath or something, he doesn’t want to feel sticky all day.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He hates himself, but he loves your body. Your hands are so gentle, soothing and soft. He likes your hands.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
I’ll be honest if it was down to him he’d do it on the sheets everytime, he feels like it would be dirtying you if he did it inside, you’d have to reassure him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
At first he hides all of his sexual thoughts, scared you will hate him for it. As your relationship progresses he feels more comfortable.
He has a secret praise kink. He likes being complimented, but thinks he doesnt deserve it
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No sexual experience. He’s very messy? You can tell his movements are uncertain, and he messes up a few times, but it’s not like he knows nothing at all yknow?
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
when hes tired he prefers you on top, but he enjoys any position that allows you two to be close together to be honest
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
he might make a few jokes? but not many, not beyond a few teases
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I feel like he usually doesnt, but sometimes if he wants to make an impression he might trim or shave.
It does match the drapes, with occasional hairs the same colour as his old brown hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
hes always very gentle. the intimacy level depends on your personal mood,, but he can be very loving and soft at moments.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
yeah he does. I dont think he’d feel too embarrassed if you found him either
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
bondage!! being blindfolded !! he likes being degraded to an extent
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
he doesnt care LMAO hes happy enough to do it anywhere, public or private this man is down
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
he likes you coming on to him, he likes feeling wanted if that makes sense
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn’t insult you. Tease you? Call you needy? Yeah. But he can’t find it in himself to call you anything insulting
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
both. he loves pleasuring you, he loves making you happy,, but equally the first time you sucked him off he probably cried from knowing you wanted to pleasure him as well. he’ll never ask you to, never.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
At first he’s definitely slower, he’s still unwell (although recovering!). The longer he has the faster and longer he can go
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he likes quickies! he doesnt have a preference on quickies or not either,, but his cheeks will be very red and hair tousled afterwards so most people will guess what you two where up to if you do
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
yes!! very much so
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
see the pace question,, same thing here!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
he doesnt own any, bar perhaps one or two, but he enjoys experimenting with them. if youre into them he’ll buy a whole lot, the mans rich
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he does love to tease! moments where he’s more dom especially, he has an almost sadistic streak that comes out to play at times
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh hes loud. whines and loud moans, he doesnt even try to silence himself
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he LOVES lingerie. either him wearing it or you wearing it,, if you called him your pretty boy he’d probably melt.
also a switch.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
uncircumcised, uhh roughly 7? i feel like he’s packing i wont lie
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Research on google by yours truly has stated people with Frontotemporal Dementia can get an increase in s3xual desire,, i know the implication is that the coma cured Nagito, but i think some effects may be long term / permanent. So i think he may have a fairly high sex drive,, he’s good at masking it though… kind of.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
pretty soon, he likes to be held or hold you on his chest.
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inumaki-roll · 4 years
i was curious how the DR (( nagito, hajime, makoto, rantaro, shuichi, chihiro, byakuya, izuru, kazuichi, & kiibo if that’s okayyahdsh sorry)) & AOT guys would react if their s/o who is selectively clingy w certain people kinda back off suddenly because they just feel.. embarrassed?? like when they were a kid people reacted negatively to their clinginess and would ignore them for it. and they just feel so dumb to show emotion & showing their clinginess? and they feel like they’re being a bother and being annoying too... & suddenly just feel like closing off from the world lol? i’ve been feeling like this recently and i’d love to see what they’d do if that’s possible please!! thank you so much!!
hi anon !! i’m this way too dw HWKWBWN 
i hope it’s alright that i only did the danganronpa boys and eren, armin, jean, + levi but if you want i’ll def redo it later with more of the boys !! i’m really sorry today has been a wicked long day for me bc of doctor appointments and i have to write an email to my principal of my school because of a certain incident so i’ve been a little stressed with that and report cards coming up </3
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- mod rantaro ✧・゚: *✧
- he can completely understand 
- he’d make sure everyone left you alone and he’d let you stay in his dorm during the day and night 
- he’d love the clingyness please 
- he wouldn’t even get annoyed with it either 
- if you thought you were annoying him he’d be so panicky 
- waving his arms everywhere while frantically telling you how much he enjoys your company 
- he’d be so mad at the people who told you you’re annoying 
- constant reassurance- headpats, hugs, light kisses on your face, and lots of hand holding 
- he might act a bit annoyed, but as soon as he sees your insecure about coming off as annoying he softens right up 
- he’d make sure no one messes with you because he can be quite intimidating 
- he stays by your side all the time in public 
- he would mention how he enjoys having you around him and he’s delighted that you’re so comfortable around him 
- in public hed let you hold onto his elbow if you’re feeling like you don’t belong in a conversation and if you got really uncomfortable hed leave right now away 
- he gets so flustered when you cling to him 
- he loves it when you’re sitting right near him while he’s working on a computer 
- he gets all smiley please he’s just too cute 
- every so often he’ll turn his head away from the screen and plant a little kiss on your cheek to show that he’s not ignoring you 
- i think he’d rather just hang out with you in each other’s dorms during freetime instead of socializing anyways 
- he’d like teaching you little programming things 
- he’s worried he might bore you so he programs something to your interests 
- he’d literally never get tired of it bc he can be quite clingy as well 
- lots and lots of affection 
- he’d love it if you stayed with him while he worked on something 
- he’d love showing off and showing you how to do mechanic things 
- hed literally YELL at anyone who calls you annoying 
- he could never even think for a second you’re annoying or too clingy 
- he’d bop someone on a head with a wrench for you <3
- omg please. 
- nagito would feel like he wouldn’t deserve your clingyness 
- he’d tell you that over and over again too 
- he’d watch his words carefully to not say something that may offend you 
- he wouldn’t even mind that you’re clingy, sometimes he might get a little like “woah this is a lot of affection for me and i’m not used to it” and may accidentally distance himself for a short time but would recognize that he did that and remembers that you need someone and hed apologize and would never leave you alone again 
- he’d smother you with affection right back 
- he thinks you’re more deserving of affection than he is, so he gives back the same energy 
- tsundere hajime would be so like 🤨🤨🤨
- he wouldn’t know how to respond at first but he’d warm up quickly because he also likes the attention 
- all the affection makes him feel so,,, special 
- he loves it even though he may need a break once in a while, due to his stress 
- he never ever even thinks of you as annoying and will argue with someone who thinks you are 
- like a full on argument 
- he’d  always tell you how much he values your quality time 
- he might sometimes accidentally mirror your actions and “cling” a bit too by subconsciously draping his arm over you when your next to him or always being able to find your hand while walking together 
- he’d be so confused on why you’re clinging to him, since he’s not a very touchy person
- he’d ask you this too and he’d understand that he’s special because you aren’t like this with everyone 
- he’d do anything for you to make you feel more comfortable about being a clingy person and he explains to you that it’s not your fault you’re like this and to not get mad at yourself because it’s a normal feeling that lots of people go through 
- he’d  always have a hand holding yours or an arm around your shoulder
- he’d think it’s very endearing that you’re clingy 
- so much quality time spent together finding random things to keep each other occupied 
- sometimes he can feel exhausted or just drained and will just flop himself onto you and just lay in your lap and let out a big sigh and literally lay there forever 
- he’d also enjoy it quite a lot 
- he’d always offer for you to tag along if he’s going somewhere but he never wants you to feel out of place 
- he’d literally welcome all the affection pls 
- he’d literally go “aww” at it too 
- he’d feel so content when he has your attention 
- rantaro supremacy 
- okay why do i think he’d ruffle your hair as a way of intimacy too 
- flustered emo detective
- he’d hide his face a bit when he receives a lot of attention because it gets him so blushy 
- he’d be a little hesitant but,,, lots of pecks on the lips 
- he’d also never even dream about calling you clingy or annoying because it could make you upset 
- he wants you to be content and comfortable so he’ll always let you be near him
- play with his hair while he works on a case i’m ajsjkabssk
- he’d immediately feel less stressed and worked up 
- oh boy 
- he always loves the clingyness because it helps him understand humans better 
- he likes seeing all the different types of affection that you can give and will remember it and test it out on you later 
- he like offers you little things for hanging out with him 
- he’ll give you a flower for just being near him please he’s just too <333
- “y/n! thank you for your time today. i collected valuable data, now saved to my memory bank and it also let me get to know you better. i think it would’ve been a bit rude that you did not benefit from this so i hope you accept this flower as a sign of my graditude and as a thank you for being an extraordinary s/o.” 
- also a bit confused 
- why do you want to cling to him ?? he can get violent and loud sometimes ?? 
- he might be hesitant to accept the affection but would warm up 
- he would be very,,, quiet while receiving affection 
- like he becomes so focused on that 
- will fight anyone who thinks you’re annoying 
- when he finds out you’re really only like this around him he’s so shocked but honored 
- he’d try his best to make you happy and comfortable 
- he’d love love love holding hands 
- bae would be shy shy 
- he’d be so scared to mess up 
- he’d literally freeze the first time he gets affection and would melt right into it 
- like just pull him into a tight hug for the first time and he’d just freeze and go 
- “y/n.... i-i really like this. can we stay like this for a bit? please?” and would hug you back tightly 
- then he gets used to it 
- he welcomes all the affection and he smiles widely whenever you go to him and he tries to hide it 
- he’d try his absolute hardest to make you happy and would cling right back 
- he’d be flustered and try to act tough at the same time akshakue 
- i think he’d like tracing his fingers around your back and arms 
- big hugs 
- you have to let go first on hugs, he never lets go [hes scared he might loose you] 
- gets a little nervous and panicky if you aren’t being your usual clingy self 
- he wouldn’t really respond 
- he’d let you cling onto him and will let you follow him around 
- he’d warm up to it very slowly
- and one day randomly returns the affection 
- i think he’d like little kisses on the knuckles or hands 
- he wouldnt get annoyed because he’s one of the only ones who’s treated this way by you so he wouldnt want to hurt your feelings 
- if you did get insecure he would give reassurance by a kiss and a “pep talk” 
- won’t tolerate anyone calling you annoying 
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kiyosimp03 · 2 years
How would kiyotaka act around other classes? (In hopes peak)
Does he ever get caught and then released bc politicians and government officials come and get him?
Attention: I’m using the fabricated pasts of the V3 students as their real pasts. Spoilers from Danganronpa Killing Harmony, if you want a spoiler free version, feel free to ask.
For most members of the other classes Kiyotaka is just the a little bit Hall Monitor whom keeps the Hope‘s Peak Students out of trouble. Unless he had to help them Personally at some point. I mean, there’s a reason that later on he is called Mom in the class chat.
So.. he probably already used his connections to put the dad of Kazuichi Souda behind prison bars, threatening to kill him if he ever said something mean to his son again. 
Befriended Kokichi and D.I.C.E and as a result probably taught them a few things about taking care of themselves. To his initial dismay that led the prankster kids to often troll the Crazy Diamonds, until Kiyotaka made it clear to them that the Bikers were no danger to anyone.
Also he tries to teach Nagito some self confidence and obviously get him some psychological help. Even if he was hit by a truck once or twice as a result. At least his connection to Nagito helped him to improve his protective gear greatly. He can now get hit by a truck without even getting a scratch.
Kiyotaka also led a negotiation with Fuyuhiko about Yasuhiro‘s debt. Intimidating him and earning his respect. Even if the Yakuza kindly requested him to stay away from his clan. (Meanwhile he waits for the right opportunity to recruit Kiyotaka, in turn Kiyotaka patiently waits for the day he is ordered to kill Fuyuhiko)
Plus he often scolds Hiyoko for bullying others.
So the students of the Hope’s Peak (other classes) see him as either one of those two things: Mom/Psychologist or very uptight Hall Monitor. Later on (when he is in the middle of the second year it’s only Mom to most of the students, besides Fuyuhiko and Peko who refer to him as useful threat)
And i should not forget to mention his special relationship with Maki, who may be an assassin too, but was, unlike him forced into it. He even convinced her that she doesn’t have to continue being an asassin if she doesn’t want to (He even offered her to take out the cult that had forced her into becoming an assassin, an offer that she gladly took) Kiyotaka is also mainly responsible for the fact that she could stay in Hope’s Peak even after giving up both ultimates (it’s stated that while she keeps the orphanage she grew up in running, she wasn’t even fond of children at that time)
It basically went like this:
A Teacher of the 79th: Introduce yourself to your seniors
Maki: I‘m Maki the Ultimate Child caregiver 
Kiyotaka: *thinking* No you’re not.
Let’s just say at some point he had to help all of the students at least once, leading his plan to stay unnoticed in Hope’s Peak to fail in every single way possible.
So the students either love him or tolerate his very existence for the sake of keeping this school standing. Meanwhile he laments his fate of being noticed. He just wants to gather enough evidence to murder Junko and get his degree. 
Kiyotaka: what did i do to make this children stick on me, like i was their mother?
Me: Maybe the things you did for them?
Kiyotaka: i was merely showing them some basic Human decency.
Maki, Kokichi, Souda, Nagito and others: Something we were never shown before, Mom.
It becomes even better when he is buried in gifts on mothers day. Also Mondo getting a cup with „a dad“ written on it on father’s day. 
Kiyotaka getting caught on a mission would indeed be funny. But his professionalism wouldn’t allow it unless being caught was also part of the mission. Like being a distraction for another assassin trying to kill an government official.
Like, could imagine the following scenario:
Some other assassin: *Wants to kill some government official, but there isn’t enough evidence to prove them guilty*
Kiyotaka: *befriends said assassin, saying that they have the same goal*
Kiyotaka: *gathers evidence, fabricates evidence*
Kiyotaka & some other assassin: *get caught because Kiyotaka already handed in the evidence*
Unknowing police officers: *arrest both*
And then sometime later an government official will explain the very confused Police officers why they have to let Kiyotaka go immediately. Then everyone apologizes to Kiyotaka and the random government official drives him straight home (or on special occasions like this, they‘ll invite Taka to grab some food. Like:
The fucking Prime minister: Let him go.
Police officer: sir, he tried to kill you.
Prime minister: No he didn’t 
Prime minister: i know it sounds confusing but he really saved my life there
Prime minister: *hands them the evidence*
Police officers: *look at the evidence, apologize at least a thousand times*
Primer Minister *to Taka*: Now Kiyo, are you in the mood for some food?
Kiyotaka: sure, thank you sir.
Kiyotaka’s order is either a Happy Meal with black coffee or a long subway sandwich with cookies.
Is anyone here confused by Kiyotaka’s age? 
Yes the other assassin, but only for the first five minutes.
I hope the answer was to your satisfaction, otherwise feel free to ask me again <3
If you’re Happy with the answer, feel free to send me another Question anyway :-)
Otherwise reblogs and comments are very appreciated, hope you have a nice day.
PS: thanks for the question!
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nagitolovebug · 3 years
Oh no what happened when bebi and kamukoma got separated by ff? Also it would be amazing to read about the whole bebiverse if you ever did want to write a whole fic on it!!!
>:3 Izuru knew it was coming. How could he not? In the days approaching Bebi's first birthday, he has a decision to make- take his family and run, or let the FF take them and see what happens. Ultimately, he decides letting the FF take them would be the path of least resistance, less strenuous for everyone. So he does nothing. He watches his husband plan for Bebi's birthday party, pile of horrible, handmade plushes and blankets waiting for them. The day they turn one, their parents take them to the beach. Izuru didn't want agents rooting around and destroying their home. They watch Bebi toddle on the beach, smiling silently. They were always a quiet baby. They hadn't even cried when they were born. He sees the FF agents approaching on the horizon, far earlier than he had anticipated. He thought he'd have more time with them. He kisses Nagito like he's never gonna see him again, holds him close to feel his heartbeat. "Nagito. Whatever happens next, do not doubt that I love you." "Izuru..?" And then he holds Bebi's face and it hurts him looking at their eyes and how they stare at him like they know. "My precious child. You have irrevocably changed my life for the better. You are the most important thing in my life, and I love and cherish you deeply. If you remember anything of your father, remember these words, my dear Bebi. I love you, and always will." Izuru had been under the impression the agents coming for them were peaceful, not putting up a fight as they were surrounded. Nagito had no idea this was going to happen at all. "IZURU, TAKE BEBI AND RUN!" It's the first time Nagito has ever been in any way authoritative with Izuru, but Izuru knows this is the safest for everyone so he doesn't. Especially because he doesn't wanna separate his family. And Nagito's heart breaks when Izuru lets himself get shackled. Nagito is backing away desperately, holding Bebi bundled up so tight in his arms, pressed against his chest "Don't touch my baby- don't TOUCH MY BABY- STAY AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE, YOU CAN'T DO THIS! LET GO, LET GO- IZURU! IZURU, PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME, THEY'RE TAKING THEM, PLEASE DONT TAKE AWAY MY BABY, PLEASE-" Izuru twitches, hearing the screams, clenching his fists and his jaws, eyes stinging at hearing someone he loves beg so desperately and not being able to do anything about it. A god for the very first time feeling helpless. He's never felt more human. He wishes being human didn't mean being disgusting and ashamed and useless. Nagito manages to slip the ring he had received from Izuru around his neck onto his baby's neck (a keepsake in case they're never reunited) before his is tased in the back by an agent, crumpling to the ground immediately as someone grabs his baby, thrashing and kicking and screaming himself hoarse demanding the give his baby back, don't touch his baby, give them back. When Bebi is ripped from their father's arms, they begin to wail, horribly- sounds they had never made before wrenched out of them in fear and confusion. Izuru hadn't expected they'd use force. Watching his husband crumple to the ground makes him see red, incapacitating one of the agents detaining him and ready to kill the other. Until Makoto Naegi approaches him holding Bebi. There's blood on his jaw and he could kill Naegi faster than he could blink, but he wouldn't try anything- not when his baby was in danger. "Don't hurt my child. Don't touch my child. ....please. They haven't done anything." "My sins are mine alone. Free Nagito and Bebi. I'll comply without struggle." "I'm sorry, Izuru-kun, we can't do that." Izuru flinches. Nobody except Nagito called him that. Junko did once and he tore a clump of her ugly pigtail off her head. "Don't call me that. Free my husband and my child at once-" "We won't hurt you. I promise. The baby will be safe while you all receive treatment. I'm here to help you, not to punish you." "You tased Nagito-" He sighs. "I made them promise not to use force. Byak- Togami’s men are...not used to such delicate situations. I really am sorry. Komaeda-kun has been
through a lot, right? I dont wanna make his rehabilitation any harder by worsening his health." "If any harm comes to either of them-" "I will not let anything happen to Komaeda-kun or the child-" "Bebi." "Bebi, Kamukura-san. I swear on my life." "What is your pathetic life to the safety of my family? Pray that your life is all you lose if you break your promise. If there is a single scratch on either of them, I will make sure you and your loved ones suffer before I crush you under my heels. I swear on my life. And that's a promise that holds weight." He turns away. "Put us in the same room. I wish not to be separated." "....of course." The moment they're left alone together, Nagito slaps his husband across the face. He's incensed. He's grieving. He doesn't understand why his husband didn't save their baby. "Don't speak to me. Don't look at me. You let them take Bebi away. We're done." He isolates himself in a lone corner on the ship, back turned to Izuru, curling in on himself and sobbing. Izuru eventually goes over, wraps himself around Nagito, allows Nagito to thrash and weakly try to hit him before he turns around and bawls into Izuru's chest, Izuru rubbing his back and pressing a single kiss to the crown of his head. "...I'm sorry. I didn't want to put Bebi in danger. I'll get us out of here soon." By the time they are ready to be put under, Nagito has finally grown compliant and is entirely in a daze, Izuru coercing him to calmness with constant promises of their escape. On their way to the pods, he hears the softest, "Papa?" and goes berserk. “Bebi, please give me back my Bebi, I need to hold them.” He headbutts the person escorting him and they pass out (how lucky!) and dodges agents jumping for him and runs to Bebi. They're all reaching for their guns thinking he's gonna hurt the kid but he falls to his knees and just holds them, and he can't even do it properly bc his hands are shackled, but he touches them all he can to make sure they're alright and the sobbing is haunting. "Please don't take them again, I'll do anything you want, please don't take my baby, my baby, they're all I have- please, just an hour, fifteen minutes, just- just let me see they're ok, I need to see for myself that they're ok-!" And it's...the notorious, fearsome Servant....begging. It's incredible to see him reduced to that. Bebi's just got their chubby little arms around Nagito's neck and they're resting on his shoulder and it's the quietest and calmest they've seen Bebi since they were taken- they cry incessantly for the longest time, only stopping when they pass out. Nagito rocks them and pets their hair and frantically checks their ribs, their heart, making sure there’s no bruises. Izuru never got to say goodbye. He chooses not to go see Bebi when Nagito lashes out. Makoto turns to him but he just holds a shackled hand up. "It'll only make it harder." And he doesn't say for whom. Nagito kisses Bebi's face and their head and pets them and whispers, "I love you so much, more than anything in the world, please stay safe until I come back for you. Bebi, my darling baby, I will come back for you. I won't leave you. I'm so sorry." And then asks Makoto to jab him with the tranquilizer so he doesn't have to watch his baby get taken from him again. The last time Bebi sees their papa outside the pod is when his arms go limp around them and he's dragged away.
This impacts them all for years to come. The entire family gets a certain anxiety around Bebi's birthday, so much so that Bebi never wants to celebrate. Bebi (and Hajime, for that matter) has nightmares of their Papa screaming and terrible separation anxiety, latching onto the items they had with them during the program (Nagito's jacket and Nagito's ring)- if at any point they do not have those 2 items with them, it's likely they'll panic. Bebi didn't have their own room for the longest time because Nagito would wake in a panic and have to check and make sure they were still in the house, or insist they slept on the bed in between him and Hajime. Later on, if Nagito or Hajime are away on missions, or they are apart from the twins, they'll spiral into panics insisting that their being apart will result in someone's death. The trauma from being separated from their parents is hugely influential to how they interact with their family and their motivation for reviving the NWP...and starting another killing game.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
Bestie when you can may I request a nagito x fem reader who is a intp (totally not doing this bc I am a intp that’s for sure🌝)
I changed my theme around so that the colors match with the colors on my blog
Go big or go home yk😉
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Nagito with an INTP!S/O
Warnings: None
Mod Ibuki: Hey Hey Hey!!! Sorry this is past pride month sOBS. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!!
Quiet? Prefer to be alone rather than be among crowds? No problem! Nagito isn’t much of an extrovert himself, so it works out better. More often than not, your time is spent alone with Nagito, of which he has no issue with. Hey, it’s more attention that’s on him!
Nagito is grateful that you are a good listener. Despite it taking him a bit to open up to you, he needs someone who can listen. He often doesn’t want feedback, either, a mere presence and a comforting hug is enough.
Nagito finds it absolutely adorable when you are concentrated. The focused look on your face never fails to bring his lips to a smile. If you caught him staring, he’d apologize and probably be a bit embarrassed, but it was worth it in his eyes since he got to see such a hopeful, beautiful sight.
You are a pretty creative person, which Nagito also loves! Creativity is incredibly hopeful, so he’d be eternally grateful if you decided to share your ideas with him. He’ll sit and listen with an adoring smile, giving gentle nods and praises.
Nagito is pretty bad at hiding things from you. If he tries, he usually fails due to your intuition, or he just feels plain guilty. He couldn’t hide anything from you, it has never once succeeded.
If you think about the future, Nagito would love to talk about it with you! Whether it be career ideations, or having a family, Nagito would love to daydream with you. He tends to do it quite often on his own, so to have someone to talk about it with is perfect.
Nagito has learned to trust your gut, since more often than not it’s right. He called it a sixth sense. You can usually tell when you need to leave a situation or a person, so it’s pretty beneficial to both you and your lover.
Nagito has no issue letting you figure things out on your own! He understands wanting to do something by yourself. He finds it quite funny though that you never seem to want help until last minute, which is why he tends to call you stubborn in a teasing manner.
Work in bursts of energy? Cool! Just don’t wear yourself out and Nagito is okay! On the chance you do wear yourself out though, Nagito is there to take care of you.
You are convinced by rational arguments, not opinions. Nagito can admire that, as he also looks for that in an argument. Yet, he takes opinions into consideration as well, which is why it’s good that you’re there to tell him to look at the facts and evidence, not the feelings.
If you like to debate for fun, Nagito would love to do that with you! Whatever topic it may be, he’s sure it’ll be fun for the two of you, no matter who wins or loses. More often than not he gives up because you just look so cute talking about something that interests you...
Nagito loves being playful! It takes him a while since he doesn’t want to potentially scare you off, but once you’re at that stage where teasing and jokes are frequent, he goes all in. Whether it be tickle fights, randomly laying on each other, or inside jokes, he loves it! He thinks it’s a sign of a healthy, long lasting relationship. “You missed a spot, babe.” “Angel, I haven’t gotten there yet.” “Doesn’t mean you didn’t miss a spot.”
If you tend to run late, Nagito does his best to help you with gentle reminders that you need to be somewhere. He is up decently early, so he is able to make sure you get where you need to on time. “Time to wake up, angel.” “I don’t want tooooooo.” “I know, baby, but you have to. C’mon, I made us a nice breakfast.”
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floorbe · 4 years
Can I get some good ole sdr2 boys with and an s/o who barely notices major pain? Like, that paper cut was a nightmare, but they could take a sledge hammer to the knee and they'd hardly react?
Yes absolutely! SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT//
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
-Very concerned. He’s worried that someone is going to try and hurt you and you won’t even notice until it’s too late
-Which isn’t too far fetched considering his ultimate
-He teaches you about safety and self defense, training you how to use some weapons and also kick ass
-Becomes more protective over you. He starts making sure you’re okay each time you see him. A little annoying, but he has good intentions
-Offers to take you to a doctor to see if there’s something wrong with your pain receptors
-If you come home majorly injured and he’s the first to notice it, he will kind of freak out
-Depending on whether it’s life threatening or not, he may call an ambulance or just get someone to drive you two to urgent care
-Kind of blames himself whenever you get majorly injured. Even when it’s not his fault. You have to reassure him that you’re okay, even if you do have to wear this new dumb cast for a while 
Gundham Tanaka
-At first he thinks you just mean you have really high pain tolerance, and he respects and admires that
-“How did you acquire such strength?!” Lowkey he wants to learn to have that much pain tolerance as well
-Then one day you scream out in pain and nearly collapse on the floor, and he is terrified. What could possibly hurt so bad for someone like you?!
-Turns out one of his hamsters just bit you on the finger... now he’s officially worried
-He tries to cast some spells to help with how your body sends pain signals, but they don’t work
-He settles for taking you to a “lower being”, AKA a doctor
-He becomes a bit more protective over you, gently tugging you out of the way of an upcoming pothole while walking, reminding you of a step that you could trip on, etc.
-Enlists his Four Dark Devas of Destruction to protect you! He needs all the help he can get
Hajime Hinata
-He’s kind of baffled by it. How is it that you’re so apathetic to major injuries but cry because of a paper cut?
-“Y-Y/N! What happened to your leg?!” “Wha-? Oh. Huh, I dunno, must’ve scraped it on something?” “There’s a hole in it!”
-Tries to think come to a logical solution behind it but he honestly is lost. He tries researching it and ends up lost there, too
-He’s worried there’s something wrong with your nerves, so he takes you to see a doctor
-He tries to be with you whenever you’re doing something potentially dangerous, like cooking
-Is always kinda worried when you go out alone. He just doesn’t want you to come back with a fatal injury and not realize it until it’s too late to fix
-He nearly dislocates his shoulder busting into your room when you scream... only to find out you’d just accidentally stepped on a lego
-He sighs, rubbing your back as you try and soothe your foot
Kazuichi Souda 
-The first time you come back with a major injury you hadn’t noticed just yet, he screams louder than you have ever heard him scream before
-He almost passes out, too. “Y/N, holy fuck! You- your-!”
-Once he settles down a bit and realizes that you’re not reacting whatsoever, he’s really confused. Was this a prank on him? 
-You explain that you just don’t really feel major pain. And then he gets really eager all of the sudden
-“Really?! Wow, that’s so cool! Can I hit you?!” He’s so interested in this that it’s almost weird. Almost. He just likes learning how things work, so you’re not that surprised
-He’s really curious about it, always asking questions. But he’s also secretly really worried, which is another reason he asks so many questions
-One day he sees you crying on the floor out of pain and almost calls an ambulance. And then you admit that you just stubbed your toe, and he’s back to being really confused about your pain tolerance
-Makes excuses to go places with you that you would usually go to alone. “Oh, you’re going to the store? Th-that’s great, I need to go there too, a-actually!”
Nagito Komaeda
-Doesn’t think much of it until you come home with, like, a stab wound after being mugged or something and hadn’t noticed it bc it was somewhere you couldn’t see
-THEN he starts to worry. How many times had you been majorly injured and just didn’t realize? You, his precious Y/N?? 
-No, no. This will not do. He is not risking losing you! 
-So then he takes you to about every doctor he can think of, getting second opinions, etc. 
-You have to sit him down and soothe him, but he’s still a little shaky about it. He eventually returns back to normal, just a little more openly protective than before
-“Hey, Y/N! Welcome home! How’s your body?” 
-Worries that his bad luck will impact you, too. He may distance himself a bit after learning this
-You’re able to rope him back in after a lot of reassurances
Nekomaru Nidai
-Luckily for you, he’s very skilled in knowing when people are hurt, even they themselves don’t realize it! As the Ultimate Team Manager he’s gotten very in tune with people’s bodies
-Still worries how you don’t feel much pain when it’s severe, though
-What if something happens and you don’t even realize before it’s too late?
-He tries to help. He offers to take you to a doctor, maybe he try and massage your pain receptors?? (It doesn’t work, but you appreciate it)
-Then one day you’re writhing in pain, and he’s in immediate protection injury mode
-“Where does it hurt, Y/N? Let me take a look at it. Let’s move you to a resting position.” 
-And then he finds out you just hit your elbow on the wall and he lets out a huge sigh in relief
-He tries to be more wary about your injuries, and definitely makes you go to your yearly check up
Teruteru Hanamura
-Very worried about you. How can you not feel severe pain?! What if something happens to you?!
-“Y-Y-Y/N! Your arm!” “Huh? Oh, I didn’t even notice.” Meanwhile your arm is broken
-He tries to keep you away from the cutlery in his kitchen. He will not let you help him cook unless there is no chance you will get badly hurt
-So then one day, he hears you scream louder than he’s ever heard, and he’s positive his soul left his body. He’s never run so fast in his life
-When he sees you just have a paper cut he’s so relieved. And also frustrated. He was worried you actually died or something!!
-He has a habit where he just. Subtly checks your body to make sure you’re okay whenever you see him
-He’s nearly passed out so many times from fright when you come back with a major injury. He’s faint of heart, please be careful
-Always insists on taking you to a doctor whenever you say something “isn’t that bad”. Because that usually means it’s very bad
Byakuya Twogami
-Very worried. Very, very worried. Even if he doesn’t outright state it
-Insists you tell him whenever you feel even the slightest amount of pain
-You’ll catch his eyes roaming over your body multiple times a day to check over your wellbeing
-Will try to remind you to be more careful of your surroundings, especially if you two are in a place where it’s easier to get injured
-Will take you to the doctors, and even get a second opinion. He tries a lot of methods to help you out
-He nearly breaks your door off it’s hinges when he hears you yell in pain
-And then sighs in relief when he realizes you just jabbed your hip on the corner of a desk
-He holds your hand more often than before so he can pull you out of the way if necessary. It also just comforts him 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
V2 playing Aming Us?
Mains orange with a green leaf.
Gets crewmate role 90% of the time, though he’s usually one of the first few killed. 
Either that or he’s sus bc he so-happened to be standing near the body.
Asked “Hey how do I go in vents like __ did?” once and genuinely meant it.
As an impostor he kinda sucks at killing, so he needed help from Chiaki.
Mains dark green with toilet paper or white with a green leaf.
Always gets impostor role.
Tho he wins without having to do much of anything.
Never kills but prefers sabotaging to see the “hope” of his crewmates trying to win.
The one time he finally gets a crewmate role, the game glitches and he’s kicked out.
But bc of another glitch he somehow got all the outfits and pets unlocked.
Just his luck, huh?
Ultimate Impostor
They have all the hats and outfits unlocked, constantly changing them and their colors for each game, usually to mimic their classmates.
Ironically is never the Impostor.
But sometimes they’re voted out first just for having that name.
They like fair discussions and hate ppl who just say “sus” without proof.
Mains yellow with pink flower.
The millisecond she gets impostor role she beelines to Mikan and kills her.
She doesn’t care if everyone sees her, she gets a kick out of it.
Though if Mikan gets the impostor role, too, she’ll be pissed off and rat her out as soon as a body is found.
She’s a mean crewmate who’ll yell at everyone to hurry with their tasks while slacking off herself.
Hajime def made sure to have the censor chat on.
Mains purple with medical mask.
Usually has medbay tasks and is too nervous to go anywhere else when she’s done with them.
Only trusts Nagito, Hajime, and Ibuki.
Impostor role scares her and sometimes she’ll call a meeting just to get everyone to vote her off.
Hiyoko bullies her relentlessly.
Mains red and alternates between the egg, cherry, cheese, and chef hats.
Kinda disappointed there’s no cooking-related tasks, only the vending machine task, so the game is kind of a letdown.
But he still tries to help.
First time he got impostor role he was scared and accidentally killed Ultimate Impostor and felt so guilty he cried.
Mains black or purple with ram horns, bear ears, bird nest, or wolf ears
Has the bundles with the dog, hamster, bedcrab, and squiq (of course naming them after his Dark Devas)
Usually off on his own doing tasks which doesn’t give him a good alibi.
But he gets furious if someone accuses him.
Prob takes the game a little too seriously sometimes.
Mains pink or cyan with a flowerpot hat.
Her Ultimate Gamer talent truly shines here, as she’s excellent at all the tasks and is the smartest impostor.
Is usually the one helping others with card swipes (esp Hajime).
Gets bored after finishing tasks and sometimes falls asleep waiting for everyone to be done.
Mains black, white, or dark green with a hockey mask.
Always following Fuyuhiko around so they have alibis for each other.
As an impostor she’ll kill everyone except him, which outs her as the impostor quickly.
Mains yellow with a black suit and a black fedora.
Peko is basically his bodyguard, even if she’s the impostor. She’ll never kill him.
Will get pissed if another impostor kills him or he’s accused of being one--which gets him voted off quick.
Mains red with either flower hat.
Screenshots a lot of stuff from the game.
She and Hiyoko have each other’s backs so they have alibies.
Is usually the one Hiyoko trusts enough to reveal her impostor role.
Mains brown with an egg hat.
She gets competitive as an impostor, wanting to get the most kills before anyone else finds her (or any other impostors does).
Nekomaru is usually her alibi during discussions.
Mains black or dark blue with a knight helmet or toilet paper.
Insists everyone sticks together in groups of three.
Wishes he could challenge impostors to a fight instead of being helpless against them.
Also doesn’t entirely understand that the living crewmates can’t see the ghost chat
Mains dark blue with a military suit and a crown or hockey mask.
Gundham and Kazuichi usually stick close to her, giving all three of them solid alibis if they’re crewmates.
Is actually a good impostor.
Mains pink or lime green with a mechanic suit and goggles, along with a robot pet.
Often gets most of his tasks in electrical and is terrified to go in there.
Will get very defensive if someone accuses Sonia.
But he was horrified when she killed him as an impostor.
Mains purple or black with ram horns or a mohawk.
Usually sticks with Mikan to watch her scan or encourage her to finish her non-medbay tasks.
Actually likes being a ghost and won’t mind if she got killed.
Definitely records her game for trends like the ghost one or "c00chie man"
Mains black with a black suit.
He’s already a pro given the “Ultimate Gamer” talent within him, so he gotten bored of the game easily.
Doesn’t really care if he’s voted off based on proof or just the word “sus”.
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Hey idk if youve done this alreadh but im curious about your body headcanons for the sdr2 cast!! An anon sent some in for characters previously (the one where they said things like angie has vitiligo and stuff-i love them and they really stuck with me haha) and i wanna know your headcanons!! :D
Hmhmm this one I might be listing off the spot lmao. I feel like my hcs are mostly just. Common hcs but hey I never said I wasn’t basic skdjksjdks
cw for. Everyone. Yeah kdjfksjdks
Hajime…..I like to think he’s slightly buff? Maybe that’s not the right word. Toned? Idk, I hc that he jumps around hobbies a lot because he wants to find something he’s good at, so that includes sports. I like the idea that a few stick with him, like swimming and basketball. I imagine he also has light scrapes and scars on his legs from falling, both with skateboarding and general Clumsy Shit.
Also this one switches a lot but with Trans Hajime, I can see him with top surgery scars.
Oh ah, I like freckled Hajime!! It’s cute. This one goes with the sports hc, but I like the idea that he’s kinda tanned. Entirely unrelated but I also like the idea that he has calluses from playing guitar.
Chiakiii!! She’s soft bc I said so. Specifically her thighs, arms and stomach + some stretch marks. And moles all over. Projecting big time onto a cute fictional girl, call that self care <333 /j
uhh other than that, I imagine she has bags under her eyes from staying up late gaming. Also tan Chiaki my love. Shh I know she probably doesn’t go outside for days on end. In my defense I tan easily and I imagine she does too. Again with the projection. Shhhh
Oh oh!!!! I forgot to mention but!!!! Chiaki gets a ton of moles. I saw the boob mole and went !!!!!! fellow mole haver!!!!!! and went nuts. This is the one weird niche entirely irrelevant thing that can get me to like a character, just. Being able to point at them and jump up and down with joy over them also having moles. Idk why it’s just therapeutic <33
Nagito’s bony. Skinny mf. Could probably cut cheese with his elbows. Maybe grate it on his collarbones. Cuddling with him would be a fight to see if you can find a position that doesn’t end with something poking you in the gut. I mean this affectionately, he’s bony as shit but he’s my bony fucker <3
Pale asf, sunburns if he’s in the sun for more than two minutes. His eye bags could hold the entirety of his life’s trauma. Sharpest features ever. Sometimes I hc that he looks greasy, and other times I hc that he looks ethereally pretty in a ghostly way. Either way he always looks like he’s had the soul sucked out of him by a Dementor.
You can probably definitely see the veins in his hands. They’re. Very There. Also I’ve brought this up before but he definitely has big ass hands. L a r g e hands, all the better to head pat you with. This was originally so much more pining but I decided no I’ve exposed myself enough on this blog skfjksjdkd
Oh last minute thing, I think he’d be tall as fuck. Specifically 6’0 or taller. Also he probably (definitely) has at least a few scars from his childhood, particularly that plane crash. And I like to think he has glasses when he’s older. I’m so sorry that his section is so long I have so many thoughts about him ;;;;;
Okay uhh Imposter? Mmm. Idk actually. I do think they’d have callused fingers but soft hands. Probably from having to adapt to using a ton of different talents for their Imposter Agenda. Also stretch marks probably, all over their body.
Teruteru uhhhhh. God. Can you tell I don’t think about some characters ;;;;; Idk I don’t have much that differs from canon. I like him. Oh but he probably has cook hands? Chef hands, whatever you wanna call them. Probably faint scars from cuts and burns from when he was still learning how to cook from his mama.
Mahiru……hmm well freckles obviously dkjfksjd. I think she’s tanned as well since I feel like she likes sunlit shots. Idk I don’t have much. I like to think she’s got a stockier body type though.
Also not necessarily her body but I like her with an undercut!
Peko’s buff <3 it’s canon <333 /j
N ee way yeah. Buff Peko my love. Also she probably has a few scars from handling her sword when she was younger and less experienced. I also feel like she would have contacts she wears when she trains bc fuck exercising with glasses
I don’t really have anything for Hiyoko until she gets her growth spurt. Afterwards, I imagine she’s tall and kinda thin? Mainly bc of fast metabolism probably, though when she’s older maybe she’d be a little less spindly.
I don’t know if her hair would be bleached or not, but if it were, I like the idea of her letting her actual hair color grow in. If not, I think Ibuki might help her try a few sections of dyed hair? Idk I just like the thought
Ibuki is a fellow bony bitch. I mean this lovingly. She’s skin and bone. Skeleton rocker lady
Probably tan, I imagine she spends a lot of time in the sun. She strikes me as a summer person. Oh, I also saw some art of Black Ibuki with vitiligo and loved that!! Also calluses from shredding guitar, obviously
Hmmm I like the idea that she rollerskates? So possibly some bruises or scars on her arms or legs from falling on concrete when she was still learning. Oh oh I imagine she has a ton of piercings!!! On her ears, nose, lips, brows, tongue, belly button…….maybe she has a split tongue too idk. Also she totally gets a ton of tattoos when she’s outta Hope’s Peak, prove me wrong.
Mikan uhhh. I like tall Mikan. She deserves the height. 5’8 to 6’0 Mikan good 👍
Hmm she probably has scars all over, particularly on her arms and legs. Uh. Idk I imagine she’s curvy probably. What do I say for her I don’t have anything skjdksjdks
I’m not even gonna lie I don’t have a damn thing for Nekomaru. Or. Wait nevermind here’s a concept: buff Nekomaru but like. If you’ve seen those wrestlers who have fat on them that hides some fucking crazy strength? Yeah that’s him. Also hairy asf.
Gundham……tall vampire vibes. I’d say he’s a stick but also I feel like he’s the slim type of muscular. Idk how to describe it. Shigaraki type muscle? Male gymnast. No nevermind those guys have visible muscle. Shigaraki type it is
Hmmm I think this is canon but probably a few scratches from his pets. His arms and legs mainly but I’m sure the Devas have scratched up his neck at some point or another. Just a little though. Also piercing fiend Gundham my beloved. I also like him having a couple tattoos when he’s older. Ibuki probably helped him heheh
I’m torn between Fuyuhiko being skinny as shit and Fuyuhiko being tiny and buff. I like both………hhh
His hair is probably bleached. Peko probably helps him re-dye it when his roots start growing in. I also like him having glasses
Uhhh tooth gap Fuyu’s cute. I used to have a super small one before I got my braces, I imagine it’s the same for him. Him, Ibuki, and Gundham are probably Tattoo Buds.
Kazuichi…..I want so bad to say he’s a weakling just to make fun of him but he’s a mechanic that probably works with heavy machine parts a lot and he probably has some sick biceps. But he probably also smells like hair dye, oil, metal, and Monster Energy. Win lose situation I guess.
I like to think he has a couple piercings? Not as many as Ibuki, but maybe he’s got like. Second or third place in the class. Also he totally filed his teeth to be sharp like that
Akane!! Buff lady, could probably deadlift me or something. She’s definitely got some scars from running around, especially when she was first learning parkour. Ummm oh, I like to think she has a chipped tooth or smth like that from falling roughly as a kid.
Soniaa <33 in my heart she will always be tall and have at least some muscle. Novoselic is a war country if I remember correctly, she’s definitely got some military training in her.
Idk why but her with heterochromia just popped into my head. That pretty greenish blue gray that she has + maybe brown or hazel? I think that’d be cool. And hip dips.
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
Me, to Luja: So tell me about yourself
Luja: No
Me: ...ma'am I need to write the story—
Luja: Good luck <3
[now that I do think of it, ALTERNATIVE's main duo that's established right at the beginning is literally a chiller but edgier Katsuki and way worse sUrViVe Nagito genderbends]
Luja Sen, she/her
Anyways, Luja and Romila are friends from middle school (the story starts with the beginning of their high school at AoS (Academy of the Specialised) which was essentially founded by Nyx). Luja gains her Specialisation (Ferrokinesis: The Ability to bend metal) at the age of twelve, so she has it for a lesser time period than Romila.
Luja primarily wants to become a scientist. Her family is happy with that, because it's praised and everything, especially in our society.
She has a gifted child superiority complex. Being a gifted child + Specialised means that she hardly had many friends in school. Her family had tried to get her to socialize....which didn't go down too well.
She believes that most people are annoying because they waste too much time on useless things like gossiping and what not, which she never showed much interest in and doesn't like to be dragged into those nonsense.
She is friends with Romila since they do share the same taste in stuff and were the only Specialised ones in their class. And they kinda stuck together for most of middle school and went into high school.
She has a problem when it comes to seeing Romila since she tends to see her bad parts and is like, "It's a phase" considering that it's not necessarily affecting her. Romila doesn't get too cranky with her since she fascinates her, with her passion™ for science. Also because she isn't all self sacrifice UwU.
Luja cares for her own self above others (but tends to put Romila pretty close to that hierarchy, which is why she's one of the only two Romila trusts during the Mansion of Death (the other person is Kratanos)) however she also does want to keep what friends she has and is generally caring towards them.
She has a genuine love for science and loves to discover how things work and why, and her favourite facet is Physics. She does want to invent things and honestly just make stuff easier for the Specialised who face a LOT of issues, especially when it comes to amenities since the government is an ass about accomodations and they gained the Fundamental Rights like ten years or so ago in the ALTERNATIVE timeline. And they gain an additional right ("The body won't be harmed for science") when they graduate from school, after signing a contract that they dedicate themselves to helping the government when called upon. (The whole contract is stupid and basically oppresses them more especially the punishment for not abiding by it).
With her goal of becoming a scientist, she wants to use her talents to make accomodations specifically for them so that she could have done something.
The things she fears the most is failure. Failing as in being unable to accomplish her goals. She is afraid of it because it's an unknown variable that's constantly haunted her and she's working hard for it to never reach her.
I suppose there's a way for her to confront that fear during the Mid terms at AoS where she essentially "loses" in the practicals due to her......teamwork issues.
Everyone thinks of her as stuck up and isn't interested to listen to her much and since she views the others as annoying people with annoying habits, she tends to fail to regulate them, causing Romila to win instead (yes, it's THAT unfortunate of a situation) in their match, which causes her to review a LOT of things and she tries to see what caused her to lose after having a severe breakdown.
She develops an inferiority complex in respect to Romila and then spends a long time wondering where she went wrong.
Rena (who somehow clung to her) tries to cheer her up but gets turned back halfway, but she still stays on and Luja is like, "Wtf" until she sees Romila going entirely off the deep end (she presents an interesting contrast to how Koldin sees Romila as well, she sees Romila's behavior and considers it as a justification for her own self....she uses Romila to justify herself a lot (since if you asked Romila, Luja was more or less fine according to her since she wasn't being a doormat and stood up for herself) while Koldin sees Romila as the reason he should cling onto his own stuff) and realises that she could be on the path to destruction herself and accepts Rena's help and tries to be more open to others which leads to the Mid terms parallels in the Archenemy of Society arc where she "succeeds" instead and manages to get the class together enough to escape the situation.
However it doesn't mean that her fear of failure has entirely vanished into the blue, she just reviews the ways she can fail better now and works around it to avoid it and has more confidence in her own self. But she is still scared of failing and would love to avoid that more than anything. However she's chiller after that.
Her intelligence is more or less on par with both Romila and Kratanos, making them the three main strategists in the final battle against the bigots (which is basically a rerun of the Mansion of Death situation but way way worse and fucked up and has different leads to it).
The thing is that, no matter what I do, she winds up feeling like one dimensional/repetitive, which is something I am trying to amend about all the characters (I mean, I had to revamp a lot of characters so it will probably take me a long long time to actually get to writing.........sigh besides she stands up like a cardboard amongst people (I mean, you have Romila and Kratanos with extremely complicated storylines and then you have her. Just there))
So the main question is how to make her more interesting as a character and on par with the rest while still keeping her character flaws and personality?
I think the easiest way to go abt this is to view her as a sassy Bakugo. They have the main points in common. They're salty, don't like to socialise, feel inferior to a certain someone while still having some semblance of confidence and a terrible fear of failure
Now as much as I hate to compare your character to another one, it makes it a lot easier to have them become - as my English teacher would say - more. So I am sorry if this comes off as offensive-
For Bakugo, he became interesting by playing a big part in the mc's main story and we do get a few scenes where his vulnerability is shown. I assume it's the same with your character but...what rlly ties the knot for me when it comes to Katsuki is the fact that his problems...are more than just an inferiority/superiority complex. His whole thing stems from background especially (*cough* abusive mom *cough*) and the fact that he's not the main character (or rather that the story isn't being told in his perspective).
These facts make us over think and want more of him. The mystery draws us in which is why I think Luja's character is so perfect for someone in the background. She doesn't like to reveal things abt herself and is pretty dismissive to most things on top of that (plainly just salty). Her character rlly draws you in and the best way to portray those kinds of characters is through another character. Ofc, you'd have to get to their POV eventually but it's important to note that most of the details should come from someone else's POV (an observer, if you will) instead of info dumping and starting straight with hers. A character that's mysterious with a very simple yet relatable story attracts a LOT more attention and interest when seen from someone else's perspective than when you kickstart it from theirs.
Ofc, if u are planning (or already have) started the story from her POV, that would be a bit problematic in terms of interest. But not a train wreck. This is where my other point comes in. The point of making a character have more than one problem
Different ppl as well as characters have a main problem but also different ones, no matter what way you look at it. It seems that even you are confused with all ur character's ins and outs (dw, we've all been there... I am still there tbh) and a solution to that is backtracking a bit and looking at their life from the very beginning in HEAVY detail (like more than u already did). Think abt what other trauma could have been caused, what doubts and fears could have slowly crept it's way to her heart and head (I am a sucker for long-lasting doubts that develop over time) and anything you can even so much as GRASP on. If you look at it and see it as a possibility, try to fit that into her character and add it subtly in different places (as subtext or a creative pattern, wordplay, doesn't rlly matter as long as it's not openly stated bc, remember, the key thing to these types of characters is mystery).
For example, a fear of failure can stem into anxiety before the character has even lost smth later in their life. They probably get rlly anxious when evaluating smth but don't show it much or at all so no one notices. This adds even MORE to the character bc you can build it up after other events. Like once they have failed, they could probably get even more anxious and then develop a bad relationship with the person who beat them (double the points if it was a friend). You could build all that up and turn it super toxic instead of jumping right to the healing. It makes it more interesting, doesn't it? Plus, reevaluating almost everything including world views after 1 loss is...kind of hard to believe even with anxiety (no offense)
Adding a lot of little problems and thinking abt how Luja's behaviour can impact other characters helps a terrible lot if ur doing most of the story from her POV. Especially since she's probably the most relatable character (from what I've heard anyway). I have a certain saying... it goes like, "It's better to have a relatable and connecting character than one with a problem that is too big for normal people to fathom."
I like characters with heart-wrenching problems that I would never be able to relate to (take maybe Shigaraki as an example ig?) But my favourite are the ones that make me feel as tho I made a real connection
Also, I would like to say...if ur looking to progress her character even further, I would debate on whether it's the complete end to the novel or if there'll be a second part. If it's a second part, keep some of Luja's issues. Make her get better but not completely "YAY, I AM DONE BEING TORMENTED". If it's the end of the novel/series/etc., make it so that she's resolved most of most of her issues. They don't have to be completely gone but they have to be a lot better compared to how they started. And how i would work that out is a mind map but knowing ur a scatterbrain...lets talk it out where everything is all over the place
Luja's main thing is to gain confidence in herself and be finally ok with losing, right? If you ask me, that's a tough one but not impossible. I think to get her from point A to point B is to put up a bunch of events like:
Get her super anxious when doing smth
Lose to *insert person*
Have a breakdown and over think on what she could have done better (on the project or whatever she lost at)
Get even more anxious and totally mess up the next thing
Lose once again (double points if it's the same person as last time)
Overthinking abt how she's not good enough
F i g h t i n g f r i e n d s c o z d r a m a
"YoU'rE nEvEr GoNnA gEt BeTtEr If YoU kEeP tHiNkInG aBoUt YoUrSeLf"
Over think abt no. 8 bc out of options and ideas and ✨a n x i e t y✨
Try listening to others more and become b e t t e r
Win smth (bc creator forbid 3 losses in a row to start depression)
Lose again (there is gonna be a bit of back and forth but is necessary for development)
"I tHoUgHt I wAs FiNaLlY dOiNg SoMeThInG rIgHt AnD nOw LoOk"
"Losing is not th3 3nd of th3 fucking world, you lunatic"
*insert psychology somehow idk*
Another loss
"I'm angry...but I'm ok"
Note that idk where bullying would come in and these are only how I would think it to go-
A character like this isn't rlly my strong suit when it comes to them resolving their problems but they are fun to write and think abt-
................................did I just give you advice on how to traumatize? I-
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mvltimagines · 3 years
heya I'll send in a matchup!!
I'm mari! my pronouns are she/they
My love language is Quality time, I'm not really into like Physical touch because I tend to get uncomfortable or irritated- but If my partner is into it, the least I will do is hand holding or cuddles (me being the big spoon bc I cringe at the thought, i hate people putting there head on my shoulder- I remember my friend did it to me and i scrunched up and almost kicked her away from me) But quality time is a biggie, I just like someone being there and we could just spend time together.
I'm an Ambivert! I tend to be very socially awkward and I need someone to start a conversation with me, because if not then silence. I tend to be more shy around new people or sometimes family if I don't know what to say, But majority with friends n family I'm pretty cheerful and talkative. I'm always laughing or being extra, crackin jokes and just being myself! I also tend to flirt with my friends and joke about us dating (like i told my friend that I am her girlfriend and called her "babygirl"). My friends would say I'm really nice and funny, I always try my best to be there for them and give the best advice when they need it the most :) I am reliable and understanding, I try to think about how the other person feels, but sometimes I say stuff without thinkin. Though, I also have been told I am too forgiving, a pushover, oblivous and not vocal. which has caused a lot of friend ships to end for me. I'm trying to better those cons but honestly sometimes I am so desperate to have at least one friend and sometimes I can't help but be that way. I'm not v vocal about my thoughts or feeling unless it is with a friend I trust or someone. I have been through bullying and drama that caused a lot of pent up anger and made me sort of insecure. Which sometimes I get so angry for no reason when I think about it, though I am building my confidence with oversized clothing :> I think I am pretty readable at this point, my family says they know how i'm feeling because of my face ( they say I mope.), but also when I don't like something someone says I start to get quiet and shut down. My answers start to get short too, but I mean it's for the best. Though I can suddenly blow up at someone if they push it ( touching me without permission, poking at me if I say stop the first 3 times, but i give this " u better fkin quit I'm not playing." look and tone if I get annoyed and that leads me to just get up and leave or start yelling.) I can get moody, so sometimes I am irritable or just feelin lazy. I PROCRASTINATE SM, like its unreal. I would like someone who can open to me or that I can do so with them :>
I talk alot. like alot, sometimes i start like being the fkin flash and or chat about anime so much and or drama i've heard.
my hobbies r learning the piano,writing and editing:D (like those video edits people make of characters or people them.)
I mostly spend my time watching youtube, on tumblr and or just doing random stuff :)
the fandom i'd like is haikyuu!!
i hope this was some good info doe,, (i may or may not request a hc of Nagito with some angst dunno kfbiebfiu)
Hey Mari! Thanks for the request! Sorry this took so long!
Based on your Description, I ship you with:
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Ryūnosuke Tanaka!
As an introvert, I can definitely relate to not being able to starting a conversation without having someone to carry it. It’s frustrating as fuck.
This is one of the points where I feel like Ryū would be a really good match for you.
I feel like you both became friends with him seeing you from afar in class and wanting to approach you, get to know you more, but honestly being too intimidated.
Until one day, he bucked up the confidence and finally sparked a conversation with you during one of the periods he had with you.
Honestly, his humor and personality is a breath of fresh air. He’s supportive, patient, and absolutely hilarious in all the best ways.
When you both started dating, he treated the situation like he was trying not to break glass constantly.
I have a feeling physical touch is one of his love languages, but it’s definitely not a priority and he wants you to realize you’re 10 times more important than a hug.
“Is this okay?” “Are you comfy with this?” “Do you want me to stop?” “I can dial it back if you want.”
Constant reassurance, this man needs.
He would notice how you behave around your friends whenever it comes to physical affection and never wanted to be the victim to an accidental punch or kick.
Ryū wants you to crave his affection like he does with you, not cringe at it and despise the idea of it, so he’ll dial it back as much as you need him to, without issue.
You want quality time? You’ll get sick of this guy by the amount of times he’s at your place
“Mariiiiiii. Open your door. I’m outside. We’re getting ice cream.” He’d spam your phone, waiting eagerly in your driveway, twirling just car keys around his fingers expectantly.
Dates with Tanaka are actually pretty chill, despite what some may assume.
He’ll suggest double dates with Michimiya and Daichi, going out to eat, movies, and theme parks, etc. it’s honestly what you’re both feeling in the moment.
He likes going to eat sushi, steak joints, and other types of takeout, so if you like another type of food, that’s probably the most of what you’ll be eating for dates.
He honestly couldn’t care less, just as long as he gets to spend time with you and see you having fun with him.
I feel like you both share a similar sense of humor.
Tanaka’s definitely the type to joke about ‘kissing the homies goodnight’ or how ‘it isn’t gay if you have socks on.’
This humor is mainly towards Noya, though.
He’d totally dial it back if you expressed it made you uncomfortable, he just saw how you were like that with your friends and lowkey wanted in on the fun lmao
He’s a little afraid of being vulnerable, but is slowly trying to inch out of that social stigma.
Goes to you a lot for advice and just so he can have a hand to hold whenever he needs it, and appreciates how supportive and accepting you are of everything he is.
Always tries to help you be more vocal with what bothers you. If he makes you upset and you fall in that dry place, he’ll confront it and make sure everything’s okay.
Ryū is a lot more observant than others and what he seems to believe
Whenever there’s an energy or tone change with you, he immediately notices it. He’s not stupid and knows when something’s wrong.
“Hey hun? You’ve been a little less talkative than usual. Everything good?” He’d ask, looking at you with a gentle expression.
Always there for you. Always. He’d drop whatever he’s doing if it means you’re okay and safe in his comfort.
Gives you his hoodies and shirts. Doesn’t even care if you don’t give them back.
He honestly just thinks you look so fucking adorable and he can’t resist giving you an oversized shirt of his.
Ryū is a big procrastinator too, but his saving grace is his constant motivation to do better.
“Yo Mari. You wanna work on homework together? I have 0 motivation and I need you there to remind me of it.”
He knows that being in a more structured environment helps with work ethic, so study dates are his go to whenever he has stuff to get done, and you do too.
Makes him feel good knowing he can be a help for you as well.
Oh my god. Your rambling is his favorite.
Whenever you go on for minutes on end about something you’re passionate about, he can’t help but swoon.
He’s putty now. This is your fault.
Ryū is surprisingly a good listener when he wants to be.
He’ll ask questions, and remember all the little things about you that make you smile.
“Ryūnosuke, are you okay?” “Of course. Don’t mind me. I’m just head over heels for you is all. Go on~”
Ryū would love to hold you, but he respects your boundaries when it comes to that kind of thing.
Doesn’t mind compromising with being held.
Slowly prefers being little spoon after cuddling with you once or twice, gently and hesitantly moving his hand over to hold yours in complete relaxation.
Overall, Tanaka loves everything having to do with you, and will go above and beyond to make you happy and prove his loyalty towards you.
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