#bc then i go the whole day forgetting to eat or shower & then it gets like 5 likes
toastsnaffler · 4 months
I feel like my meds keep wearing off earlier and earlier in the day ugh.. having to lie down now im home from work I'm shattered :-(
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VACATION SEX!!!!!! Specifically thinking about either beomgyu or lix for this one idk why they are so cute and would just be so easy to fluster
Like spending the whole day at the hotel pool or waterpark subtly teasing him, eyeing him up in his swimsuit without even hiding it just to see him blush, grabbing his ass when he walks in front of you, “accidentally” grinding up against him in the wave pool bc the water was just too rough before suddenly deciding you want to go tan as he begs to stay in the water a bit longer so he can calm down bc poor baby gets hard from the smallest touches. but of course you drag him out anyway as he pretends he doesn’t like the embarrassment of having to walk in front of everyone with a boner. & sitting him down on the towel to rub sunscreen on his chest and back, paying extra attention to his nipples as he whines that you guys are in public and anybody could see, even though he pushes his chest out into your hands for more (tsk tsk again with the pretending to hate the embarrassment) and also pretending to fumble with the sunscreen and dropping it on the opposite side so you have to lean over him to get it, putting your hand right by his throat for leverage and practically shoving your chest in his face as he whines harder
AND THEN FINALLYYY after a long day of him having to endure all the torturous touches and you making up excuses to stay at the pool longer because it’s funny to see him lose it, you bring him back to the room. and he is already desperate and pliant just waiting to be thrown around and used as your little doll. he’s sitting patiently on the bed as you lock the door and put up the do not disturb sign before turning to him and shoving him down onto the bed, climbing onto his lap and grinding against him like how he’s been waiting for all day. bonus points for a sloppy kissing session with his arms pinned by his head as he can hardly reciprocate bc he’s moaning so much and begging as he thrusts up into your bathing suit, asking in the sweetest voice “please please take it off, touch me, just do anything!” and how can you resist your sweet boy who’s been so patient even though he’s been waiting so long?
and round 2 in the shower afterwards bc you can’t go to bed soaked in that chlorine water… but i had this epiphany while i was scrolling through pinterest and had to tell you. anyway i see that you’re having another busy week, remember to take breaks and relax if things get too overwhelming!! also don’t forget to eat and drink water:) nothing is more important than your mental and physical health
thank you so much<3, i'm actually gonna take a break over the weekend so everything i post is queued and i'm just going to relax for the holidays and recharge after everything that's been going on!
honestly, thank you for caring, it feels really good to have people understanding that it takes quite a bit out of my time and is also mentally as well as physically draining,
but anyway,
going on a vacation with lixie, holy fuck, the sunscreen visual you gave me was the best fucking thing in the world,
teasing him all while under the guise of simply keeping the poor baby's skin safe from the sun, brushing over his nipples, smirking as he whines about being and public, begging you to stop all while he keeps pushing his chest further into your touch and you really can’t help but notice the way he’s subtly pressing himself against your knee
whispering to him about how he’s a dirty boy, wanting to get off on your thigh in front of all these people, the little perv
he tries his very hardest not to moan from that, his lip pulled between his teeth, tiny hands fisted at his sides to keep from touching your when you ‘accidentally’ drop the lotion bottle, leaning over his body to retrieve it
after you notice how red your baby is, brushing your fingers over his freckles with a slight frown, cooing about how he’s gotten burnt all while you know damn well the effects you’re having on him. He nods along sullenly, giving his best puppy eyes and you decide to be merciful, saying you should go back to the room now so he doesn’t get more burnt
that do not disturb sign getting put to good use but he only blushes as you put it up, imagining about fifty different positions he wishes you would fuck him in right about now
he’s just so needy when you finally touch him, whining and pawing at your body, lips latching onto your skin wherever they can find purchase.
so sensitive and so worked up, moaning when you finally begin to grind down on him. he swears he can see stars, he’s so pent up from all of your teasing touches and malicious, knowing smiles
his hands rest on your hips, wanting to explore, not wanting to piss you of any further, looking up at you with the sweetest doe eyes
“can I touch, please, please, let me touch, I promise, I promise, I’ll make you feel good, I’ll make you feel so good.”
his lips leave wet kisses all over the top of your chest, a trail of saliva left behind costing your skin
but no, no because you pin his hands above his head, “no touching puppy.”
Poor puppy cries out, as you kiss him, messy and sloppy with teeth and tongue and drool and his tears mixing in, thrusting up desperately
and when you pull away you can’t help but admire how pretty he is, all messed up
“i-I’ll do anything! I’ll be good-I promise I’ll be so good!” He cries
so you take pity, grabbing the phone off the nightstand and handing it to him while you reach over to put the number in.
“okay puppy, call room service for me, make sure to not make a sound and maybe if you do good baby, I’ll give my good boy a reward~”
you slither down his body, pulling his swim trunks down right as a voice comes over the phone
“room service, how can I help you?”
sorry this is a bit sloppy and rushed, I wrote it on my phone right as I was about to leave😭
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cod-dump · 1 year
Alright, so I saw that someone wanted more food insecurity with Ghost, but idk if this counts as food insecurity—it's whatever. It includes food, so it counts. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
New Prompt: Ghost has trouble telling when he's hungry until he's literally starving and has really bad time blindness while on leave (like me).
On top of his shit childhood, Simon's teenage years brought on a whole lot of issues with appetite. Despite being a growing boy, Simon has a very unique appetite due to his previous eating habits mentioned in the other ask. He kinda fucked up his hunger levels. He would eat whatever whenever, but he was never actually hungry or at least—he couldn't really tell. This caused problems when he would unknowingly go the whole day without eating something because he couldn't find any scraps to snack on, and couldn't tell that he had been starving until his stomach loudly expressed its anger at him the next morning.
He never really acknowledged it as a serious problem. The military already gave him a set schedule and timeframe on when to eat, so it was never an issue of missing meals and accidentally starving himself.
Until he went on leave for 3 months with Johnny.
There was no longer a set schedule on when to eat since Ghost was sleeping in most of the time like the grumpy black cat that he is. So, sometimes, when Johnny's out in the morning doing whatever and Ghost wakes up, he doesn't eat—like at all. He turns on the TV and absentmindedly watches some random documentary about penguins while mindlessly cleaning around the house and—oh shit, Johnny's home. What time is it?
Why is Johnny already back home? He's supposed to be back by 7pm and it's only—Ghost briefly checked the time on his phone—7:20pm... How the hell...
That was when Ghost suddenly realized that his stomach had literally screaming at him for probably hours. He forgot to eat. He hadn't eaten since he woke up 8 hours ago. He woke up at 11, and it's already night time!
Johnny had a very disappointed expression when he found out that Ghost had done things around the house like clean up and fold clothes and shower, but didn't eat a single thing. Johnny expected Ghost to find leftovers in the fridge like he would back on base, but apparently his LT forgot to look at a clock in between his activities. He was disappointed, but he also had a pretty bad case of time blindness when he was super involved in something, so he couldn't really blame the man. They both learned something new and that info was tucked away for later.
Instead, the two went to the kitchen and Johnny made three of his signature, god-tier-level sandwiches; two for Simon, one for Johnny. It was something quick to make, and they always tasted good. It hit just the perfect spot for someone who hasn't eaten in 8 hours in favor of being productive in an empty household.
From that point forward, Johnny added to his ever-growing list of things about his Ghost. Make sure to remind Simon to eat every 3-4 hours or he will forget (specifically on leave). Simon learned to look forward to Johnny's messages telling him to grab something to munch on everyday.
(i wonder what those text reminders would look like ngl, also someone make up the type of sandwiches that Soap makes bc that man knows how to make a mean sandwich)
— 🍄🍂
Ghost is me fr. Time blindness and all
Message from Johnny: Hey babe! Go eat the lunch I made for you and some water! Be home later ❤️
Message from Johnny: I need you to go stuff your face with some food and send me a picture of your best chipmunk impression! That’s an order, soldier!
Message from Johnny: If that can of crisps that I bought you isn’t empty by the time I get home there will be no Sherlock marathon or cuddles!! I MEAN IT
Message from Johnny: I counted the water bottles before I left this morning. I will know if you didn’t drink one of them.
Message from Johnny: Simon my love, it’s been two hours since I left this morning. There’s a sandwich waiting for you in the fridge with a can of soda. Make sure to eat it ❤️❤️
Message from Johnny: if you didn’t eat the stew i made for you i will cry and there will be no kisses or cuddles!! 🥺🥺
Message from Johnny: *picture of a hotdog* I showed you my dog so be polite and show me yours
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
Common ADHD traits/experiences I've heard of !!
(I was gonna make a post about why I might be neurodivergent but I figured it'd be going a bit too personal. Also this is just easier)
(ADHD is much more nuanced and complex than I may make it appear in this post. A lot of ADHD people don't have a lot of these traits or have traits not mentioned here. For example there are three types of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive and combined) and most inattentive adhders are not going to be hyperactive lol)
Warning: badly worded (I'm stupid that's my excuse). also I'll go on personal rants as to how some of these may apply to me (whilst I can reasonate with each point listed here I won't go on a rat on all of these)
Physical hyperactivity (inability to sit/stand still (I used to think this meant that people with ADHD were incapable of. Sitting down (while constantly fidgeting or not) for one whole class)(I was an idiot)(I still am)). (Just overall constant , movement (I might have it idk I'm ALWAYS
Excessive talking
Stimming, fidgeting, general and overall repetitive movements (such as flapping hands, pacing, clasping hands together, etc)
Low attention span regarding things that don't garner much interest to you
More likely to be autistic, have anxiety or depression (or generally have other diagnostic conditions)
Ability to Hyperfocus on specific things, at times out of their control
More likely to have a lower Performance in school that most people
Proneness to addiction
Rejection sensitive dysphoria/RSD (really sensitive and afraid to rejection or criticism or disapproval or stuff like that. I'm questioning if I have it and I'm pretty sure I do bc i would have a whole breakdown bc i accidentally had a bad unintentional thought about this cool person I didn't want to hate me)(it's complicated)
Emotional disregulation (easily irritable, excited, stressed, stronger emotions, more likely to lash out, etc)(people with this are usually described to be much more emotional)
restless leg syndrome (except it's permanent lol)
Lower memory spans regarding most things
Forgetting to fulfill basic needs (such as eating, drinking, showering, etc)
Women/AFAB people are more likely to be diagnosed with inattentive ADHD (this of course does not rucking mean afab people can't b hyperactive my god)
Mental hyperactivity (racing/constant/overlapping/repetitive thoughts or stuff like that)
Impulsivity (doing stuff without thinking them fully though or not knowing why)
Sensory issues (sensitivity to sensory output such as noise, brightness, etc)
Easily bored/underwhelmed/understimulated - more likely to want to seek constant dopamine (due to l
Easily overwhelmed (whether itd be due to aforementioned sensory issues, emotional disregulation, rsd or stuff like that)
More likely to be perceived as "childish" (from what I've heard obviously this and many other things listed here don't apply to everyone)
Executive dysfunction (can't do shit at all)(ok it's more complicated than that just Google it up or something)
Having Hyperfixations (things you're DEEPLY invested in for a period of time, it can be a few days, weeks, months, sometimes more than a year, depends rly)(I'm still questioning if I'm neurodivergent but like I'm pretty sure I was in a DEEP hyperfixation mode when it came to sonic for like. A YEAR. like I literally it was literally the only thing on my brain the only thing in my life. and I would get realllytyy excited about learning obscure information about it or infodumping and I would flap my hands bc of how excited and passionate I was Abt it)(man I miss the times when I was so passionate about stuff I liked it was so fun :(( )
Higher/lower levels of empathy (I've seen this moreso been brought up with discussions regarding autism but I've also seen it brought up with ADHD itself too)
Lower levels of dopamine
More likely to be a maladaptive daydreamer
Its cause is usually heavily genetic (meaning if your family or a family member has ADHD, you are more likely to have ADHD yourself)
More likely to have insomniac/have general problems with sleep (I'm questioning ADHD. I'm writing this like... Five hours before I'm supposed to wake up for school. Great.)
There is also a higher relevance between ADHD and PTSD
If I missed something important let me know!! Also if you don't know some of he
This post is not meant to be used as a substitute for self nor professional diagnosis, though if you feel like you might have ADHD because of this post I recommend further research and conversations with trusted advisors such as parental figures or therapists/doctors (not me not listening to my own advice)(<- that was me regarding my latter advice)(I'm too scared to tell my parents about it man)(idk why)
Things to note:
ADHD is not just about little elementary school hyperactive white boys !!
There's a lot of things I mightve missed
Not everyone with ADHD has all these traits (obviously)
Some of these traits may be common due to the commonness of ADHD + autism overlap (idk though)
Apparently it's one of the most diagnosed forms of neurodivergence in kids (about 7-10% of kids in the USA are diagnosed with ADHD)(APPARENTLY idk)
There's more but I'm tired right now byeeee
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abbyslev · 2 years
A/N: this is a vday special! i do apologize, it's a bit rushed. i want to thank everyone for reading and showing support!! i love all of you and i hope you have a lovely vday💌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
WARNINGS: suggestive in some of them, implied sex in yelenas, nothing else but fluff and cuteness!!
Hange forgets its valentine’s day 100%
they get up at like 4 and realize it’s valentine’s day when they check their calendar 
goes to the store and grabs last minute flowers and all your favorite snacks along with a little teddy bear
they were on the phone with levi the whole time like “IM SO FUCKED LEVI WHAT IF THEY WAKE UP”
in the car they assemble the gift and pick up some coffee and bagels 
when they get home you’re still asleep 
they set it out on the counter and crawl back in bed until you wake up :D
Hange kisses your head with a huge smile on their face
“Happy Valentines, babe.” They whisper while rubbing your bare hips 
you look at your surprise and just fall apart in Hange’s arms
they feel relieved when you don’t catch on that they forgot
levi got you two a reservation to a fancy restaurant last minute while hange was in the middle of the store losing their mind 
you gave hange a new notebook, some new jewelry and a book they’ve been wanting for a while 
they tear up a bit </3
the dinner was amazing 
that night was lovely hange was gentle and slow 
10/10 valentine’s day 
she’s a simple gal
she makes you breakfast, put flowers in a vase and buys you a watch you’ve been looking at for a while 
you gave annie some new boxing gloves she’s been wanting 
you two cuddle all morning 
annie takes you on a small hike to an open field and you two swim in the clear waters for hours 
eat with your humid clothes and dripping hair in the grass while the sun sets 
you two change and drive home while listening to music and annie holds your hand 
that night you two tried chocolates one of her coworkers gave to her bc they didn’t like chocolate 
“this one’s like a five out of ten. Try it.” As she puts it in your mouth.
“I actually give it a ten outta ten.” You shrug while Annie starts arguing with you why it’s not that good 
you end the day off with a nice warm shower and night cuddles </3
please do not play with my wife 
she has been planning this since the day SHE WAS BORN 
flowers, stuffed animals, clothes, perfume, books, candles, robes, candy, ANYTHING YOU WANT IS YOURS 
this year she got you a lot of things including a kitten :)
the cat had stayed with eren and his gf while valentine’s day creeped up
you had opened your gift and hugged mika and she told you she had one more gift 
“mika, baby, this was more than enough,” You laugh
she hands you a very wobbly, white box
you open it and a calico cat comes out 
you tackle her in tears
“did i do okay?” 
you just kiss her bc WHAT
she cooks breakfast and everything <3
you gave her some new products she’s been wanting to try and some new running shoes 
“baby, these are so pretty. you didn’t spend a lot did you?” 
“mikasa you got me a cat, SHUT UP BABY” 
 she takes you to a garden and walk around 
lovely night with both of you in a bubbly bathtub 
you give her a back massage 
trace her back tattoo until she falls asleep
<3 she’s so perfect 
she’s a classic
she’ll cook you a lovely breakfast 
you got her a basket full of snacks from around the world 
they didn’t even last two seconds
she got you a necklace and a new hoodie��
that night you, sasha, connie and jean go out to dinner 
she likes to include them in everything and you love them so why not 
you and sasha hold hands and connie’s like “GAYYYYY”
all you can eat buffet 
connie’s idea tbh
its okay it’s all perfect and you guys are crying from laughter 
that night you and sasha watch movies while eating what’s left of the snacks you gave her 
she falls asleep with crumbs all over her face 
you fall asleep on her lap, pocky stick in your hand as the movie keeps playing 
wake up with a stomach ache but it was a 10/10 night<3
tbf she’s gonna buy you some lacy, red lingerie 
its just yelena 
its basically a normal day for both of you
you get home
there’s rose petals trailing to your bedroom 
all over the bed in a heart shape 
she’s so corny someone arrest her 
good thing you wore the lingerie 
yelena comes up from behind you 
you two literally go at it until the sun comes up 
she’s not a romantic person but yet it’s still a good day<3
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possum-quesadilla · 8 days
THE FULL OUTLINE FOR LONELY REMNANTS / CORPSEJUICE IS COMPLETE…. Now to just keep writing the actual damn thing…
I thought it would be eight chapters but it’s going to be twelve if you include the epilogue :,)
Here are the names and songs for each chapter, these are subject to change! If you wanna be completely totally in the dark, I’ll put them in a ‘read more’ so they can be avoided
- Chapter 1 songs: title song (“Ocean Breathes Salty” by Modest Mouse), “Friends In Low Places” by Worthikids, “Go to the Light” by Murder By Death, “Under My Skin” by Jukebox The Ghost, “You’re Dead” by Norma Tanega (for vibes), “Lost” by Amanda Palmer, “Lonesome Town” by Ricky Nelson, “Cut You A Piece” from 35mm, “I Will Always Think of You” from “BoJack Horseman, “Today Today” by Jack Stauber.
- Chapter 2: “I wish I'd find all the lonely remnants, Of you that left when your head cracked open” from “Coma Baby” by Nicole Dollanganger (woah! Guys it’s the title!!). Songs: title song, “Will You Remember?” by The Cranberries, “Sleepwalk” by Forrest Day.
- Chapter 3: “I'll save you from that fate, If I have to kill every angel in Heaven, I will snatch you back from the grave, And you will live to see my bed another day” from “Over the Moon” by Penelope Scott (thanks Cosmo <3 ) (No songs currently other than the title…)
- Chapter 4: “Didn't give me time to say goodbye in the way that I wanted to, So honey, close your eyes and stay like you're supposed to do” from “Pigeon” by Cavetown. Songs: title song, “A Mask of my Own Face” by Lemon Demon.
- Chapter 5: “Now you remember where you came from, Now you remember where you’re going, You’ve got to keep it flowing” from “Spiral of Ants” by Lemon Demon. Songs: title song, “Danny” by Nicole Dollanganger, “Here Before” by Vashti Bunyan, “Meteor Shower” by Cavetown, “Soap” by Penelope Scott.
- Chapter 6: “But you see, It’s not me, It’s not my family” from “Zombie” by The Cranberries. Songs: title song, “STRAIGHT DOWN” by Worthikids, “Lifetime Achievement Award” by Lemon Demon, “Army Dreamers” by Kate Bush, “Everything Moves” by Bronze Radio Return, “Memento Mori” by Crywank, “What Did You Do” by Jack Stauber.
- Chapter 7: “My body’s made of crushed little stars, And I’m not doing anything, I wanna see the whole world” from “My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars” by Mitski (guys I promise I tried to limit the amount of mitski… at least there’s no Jack Stauber bc I’m so strong). Songs: title song, “Remember My Name” by Mitski, “The Wolf” by SIAMES.
- Chapter 8: “Hey, Would it be so bad if I stayed? I’m just a ghost out of his grave” from “Ghosting” by Mother Mother. Songs: title song, “Love Will” by Jack Stauber, “dead girl in the pool.” by girl in red, “Body” by Mother Mother, “It Will Come Back” by Hozier.
- Chapter 9: “But in the end if I lose my voice, Will you forget about your love for me? But I still hold out hope that someday, I’ll be worth more than the silence left in my way” from “Canary in a Coal Mine” by The Crane Wives. Songs: title song, “Amen” by Amber Run.
- Chapter 10: “Wildfires have been eating you inside my head, Trying to smoke you out, Or burn you alive in it” from “Please Just Stay Dead” by Nicole Dollanganger. Songs: title song, “I Will Never Forget” by Kimya Dawson, “Howl” by Florence + The Machine, “Kitchen Fork” by Jack Conte, “Sense, Sensibility” by AJJ, “Putting The Dog To Sleep” by The Antlers, “My Name is Carnival” by Stranded Horse, “Rule #21 - Momento Mori” by Fish in a Birdcage, “The Apology Song” from “The Book of Life”.
- Chapter 11: “Villain and violent, Infant and innocent, Baby, both arms cradle you now” from “forwards beckon rebound” by Adrianne Lenker. Songs: title song, “Howl” by The Family Crest, “Small Red Boy” by AJJ, “Let Us Adore You” from “Steven Universe”, “The Bed Song” by Amanda Palmer, “Today Today” by Jack Stauber AGAIN.
- Chapter 12, epilogue: “And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both grow old, Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I hope so” from “Ocean Breathes Salty” by Modest Mouse (oh shit like chapter one!! That’s crazy). Songs: title song, “Nothing Man” by Sodikken, more to come!
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anas1pet · 5 months
Carry yourself like you're skinny, even if you're not thus has helped me lose weight and the one day I didn't I gained weight. If you carry yourself like you're skinny you'll trick your brain and start losing weight faster for example
"Can you hand me-" wait but skinny girls would just get up and get it so follow with the "never mind I got it"
"Can you make me-" they'll put extra calories in it and you need the steps "never mind ill make it"
Eventually you won't ask anymore
Walk like your skinny too, this fatty lazy walking isn't burning calories walk like a model fast, and confident
This also tricks other people in thinking you're confident with your weight and body so you can keep losing and losing and no one will notice and if they do "oh I'm trying this new diet for tiktok" then post a video of your before and after results and pick up some random healthy diet but keep it consistent when someone asks what diet you did remember the name
"What diet did you do?"
"Oh I did the keto diet and a couple chloe ting workouts you should try it! It was really fun!"
Keep making up different diets you're "following" and when you get through them all stick with your favorite as the lie
For the Ana's that keep a notebook buy two of the same notebook in one you'll write down your actual ana foods and all your pro ana stuff and the other write down a normal food and an inspirational quote or something normalish
For my girlie that love a good bath (especially ones that that's your only escape from your family like me) limit it to one bath a day or week and for the rest showers only sitting/ lying down is not gonna burn calories but if you're the kind that takes multiple baths a week slowly take it down so nobody gets suspicious and that way you'll build a habit keep the number of baths a week you have in your journal (ana journal for previous tip) that way you'll know when you've taken a bath and when you've showered
Ana's in highschool if you can't drive walk if possible if you're like me and live somewhere where walking home isn't an option walk other times like to the end of your road and back for me I walk 2 streets over to the river then I walk down the river well on weekends since I have kids or walk to the store if there's one by your house they just built a dollar general by mine so if possible I will be walking there
I'm a hypocrite about this next one but so is everyone else don't weigh yourself every single day once a week is good just makes sure not to weigh before you use the bathroom, after you eat or after you shower it adds up instead find a pair of jeans that are a size or even two sizes to small and try them on every day until you can wear them I'm currently a size 12/14 and I do this with a size 6/8
To my Ana's in college (this one is me) if you live on campus take the opportunity and walk/jog probably don't run you don't wanna go to class sweaty and smelly but you do you or if you're college is like mine and all your classes are in the same building lie to your family about your class times and go to the park or the gym after class I prefer the park bc it's beautiful and there's usually nobody there (this goes for highschool Ana's that have a car too say you're going to a friend's house)
Strict families/make you eat at the table you already know the napkin rules but one thing a lot of people forget is to fake chew when you "take a bite" and then spit it in the napkin don't chew the food that adds calories I read somewhere you take in almost a third of the calories from chew and spit so don't chew the food purposefully get some on your face get a napkin wipe it off and spit the unchewed bite into the napkin now here's where it gets a little gross don't put the whole napkin in your pocket just the food (unless it's like rice or something that can fall easy) this way you can use the same napkin again. If you're forced to go out and all they have is the napkins they put the Silverware in this especially works for that and you'll get lucky If you park beside the bushes bc then you can feed the animals your pocket food make sure to walk in the back when doing this so no one sees always wear laces and make sure one is untied when leaving the restaurant and stop to tie it while you do that throw the food as fast as possible before anyone notices also everyone knows about the cut and push don't do this eith finger foods at a restaurant tear it don't cut it with a fork DONT FORGET KETCHUP IS YOUR BEST FRIEND don't get any mayo based condiments (ranch, honeymustard, bbq) only ketchup or steak seasoning (0-25cal per tbsp)
Workouts, either wake up before everyone or go to sleep way after everyone nothing happens over night so try and slowly change it so you're not exhausted do an hour workout for this point (I do a flexibility stretch followed by a chloe ting then a Pamela reif cardio) then you can weigh then shower and say "oh I just woke up" ALSO DO THE WORKOUT IN YOUR PAJAMAS that way if they ask why you're sweaty/stink tell them you get night sweats and try and wake up before everyone to shower bonus points for if you have a thick blanket
Start picking up extra chores again little by little so nobody suspects anything and they think you're just being helpful if they notice you haven't eaten tell them you got distracted bc you like cleaning that way the house is clean and you're losing and they think you have an amazing new Hobbie all though it turns you into the "clean freak" of the family just battle that with the "at least I'm not a slob"
I hope you stuck around this long bc I just had a great idea!!! Meal time you sit eith your family at the table you spit your food into the napkin, it's winter/fall or just straight up cold in your house you have on a big sweater/hoodie under that sweater you have a fanny pack this way your pockets don't get bulgy and the sweater hides the pack half way through the meal (occasionally) say you have to pee or something "I drank way to much water I'll be right back" or something along those lines empty the fanny in the toilet and flush
I've been doing these for 9 years and they've really helped me and the only one in my family that knows is my husband and that's only bc I told him in highschool (I've had this since I was 11)
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Hey hey! So since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner I was wondering if you could write something about what spending Valentine’s Day with Elrond would be like 👉🏻👈🏻 perhaps it’ll help to curtail my loneliness LOL thanks so much!!
I like rushed through this bc I wanted to get it out when it's still Valentine's Day for people outside my timezone! I hope you like it! And thank you for requesting, I had like no Valentine's fics planned for Elrond, so this was perfect!
Valentine's Day with Elrond
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This man is so into Valentine’s Day, like you wouldn’t believe. A whole day, where it’s not only acceptable, but encouraged, to shower your partner with love and affection? He wishes every day was Valentine’s Day.
You wake up to find him lying beside you, wide awake, and just simply watching you with the softest expression you’ve ever seen. He’s gently caressing your cheek, tracing the contours of your face, a soft smile on his lips as you blink up at him in confusion. “My starlight. Your beauty outshines the sun, each morning it rises in hopes that it will catch you off guard, and yet even in your slumber you are more radiant than it could ever strive to be.”
Next is breakfast—he’s made your favorite, or well had someone make it, since he didn’t want to spend a second apart from you. You both eat out of your porch and watch as the city wakes up, and people begin to walk through the gardens and serenades fill the air.
Then comes the gifts, and these ranged from letters and poems dedicated to you, to a hairpin or bracelet made of mithril. Of course, he gets you flowers, how could I forget the flowers? Your whole room is filled with them by the time you finish getting ready for the day.
Elrond has a full day planned, he wants to go walking, dancing, wants to get your portraits painted, to eat fruits and candies, to go on a romantic boat ride, he wants to do everything with you. You hear him start to list everything and realize in his excitement he’s gone a bit overboard. So, you gently suggest you two narrow the list down into something more manageable. He praises your intelligence, telling you how great of a ruler you would be, how a crown should be placed on your head.
When you tell him that you would crown him as well, he blushes a bright pink that makes you smile. You maybe amp that blush up a few shades when you whisper in his ear all that you’ll do to thank him for all his gifts. Then you end up convincing him to take the fruits and candies onto the boat. Reminding him that there’s always next year for everything else he wished to do.
The boat ride is serene, there’s a few other people out on the lake, but they’re far enough away that they don’t bother you. The calm waters are dotted with floating candles, and you rest your head against Elrond’s shoulder, hand trailing in the clear waters as the sunsets. There’s music playing from the shore, and you breathe in the cool night air, the stars shining brightly above you.
Elrond tilts your head up and kisses you, a slow and sweet kiss that makes you giddy, and your mind turn into sugary mush. You kiss him back and pull him closer, thanking him once again for such a wonderful day. He shakes his head, and thanks you for being his, for staying by his side and making his life complete. You cup his face, nuzzling your nose against his, unsure of what you did to deserve someone so perfect.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority
Also, happy V-day to my Rop babes ^^^^ these lovelies and the wonderful @thesolarangel
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
do you struggle with cognitive rigidity too?
my main problem is a mix between adapting to new information about hyperfixations and my moral perfectionism. i have a set of rules about how to interact with hyperfixations — i know it's silly but i can't help it, it's just how it is. so i always get anxious about interacting with hyperfixations in the "right" way or in a "perfect" way. if i realize i may be wrong about a character or situation, for example, i start panicking and ruminating about it for a whole day or even weeks until i fix whatever I was "wrong" — it's just really hard to let go of old beliefs about my hyperfixations and it's painful to get through the process of "fixing" whatever it was. but i *have* to do it the right way so i *must always* fix what was wrong, no matter how upsetting it is or how long it takes. it happens all the time bc once i'm done with something, i find a new flaw to panic about.
in 2022 i got spoiled for a show and proceeded to spend the next 5 months thinking only about this — bc getting spoiled meant i was going to watch it the wrong way. i'd wake up thinking about it and shower thinking about it and eat thinking about it and, well, it was impossible to not think about it. my brain would urge me to fix it but there was nothing to fix bc i couldn't just forget what i knew. and it took me months of shutdowns and anxiety attacks and sleepless nights for me to finally accept that i had to let go of that hyperfixation — my brain would never stop trying to fix what was "wrong" and it'd never be enough bc it'd only be satisfied by perfection.
anyway i never spoke about this to anyone else bc people don't understand just how intense my feelings get — i feel genuine despair and anguish over this stuff, i feel like hurting myself over this stuff. do you go through something similar? is there anything you do that helps?
i do experience it, yeah. mine is more like to social situations, routines, and events, though. if something doesn't happen as i expect it to, i can get very confused and distressed. it brings out a lot of anxiety in me and i don't know how to handle the information. someone could say one thing differently than they normally do and i just don't know how to react. i don't know if the things that i usually do in that situation apply anymore, and i beat myself up a lot in the process. it feels like the end of the world if i don't do something right.
it's a mix of that cognitive rigidity and trauma, for me. what helps me is telling myself it's okay to be confused, and it's okay if i do something "wrong." a lot of the time whatever i'm worrying about is very inconsequential, so even if i don't know how to react and what i do doesn't fit as a response, it'll be okay. people will understand and if they get on me for it, well, that says more about them than it does me.
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leafiebeanie · 1 year
sooooo, in lieu of the kny x oishii milk collab that's happening now, seeing kyo posing with the familiar packaging sparked a milky memory from a few years back ( ´ ▿ ` )
leafie's story time under the cut 🤭🤭
i was visiting jpn for the first time near the end of winter and the early beginnings of spring 2018 (so around late jan to early feb), and i've heard good things about japanese milk right
so first thing i did after landing in japan and checking into the hotel, i went to buy some milk from the konbini—first one i went to was family mart.
i got the oishii brand milk (true to its name, it's super tasty and i miss it every time i want to drink milk)
and you'd think that i would drink it immediately after buying it bc i was so excited to try it—but i had the brightest idea of drinking it after i took a shower. yknow, like how i saw them do in some animes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
so i popped the milk in the fridge and went to take a hot bath
now, i'm a very forgetful person, and if it's out of sight, it's literally out of my mind (⇀ ↼‶) truly gone like my mans who left to buy milk from the milkstore and never came back jkjk
after my shower, i decided to look up places to go the next day and started making some plans with my family. then i went to sleep bc the eight hour flight had me tuckered out—man, it was lights out as soon as my head hit the pillow xDDDDD
i had a great night of sleep, all while my milk sat forgotten in the fridge 😅😅
and so you might think, okay well, surely you drank it when you remembered it the next day after another hot shower, right?
we had to check out of the hotel the next morning bc the actual hotel we were gonna stay at was further from the airport and closer to town
my milk was left behind in the fridge, unopened and forgotten 🥲🥲 (sometimes i wonder if the hotel staff found my milk and drank it themselves, but i doubt they would—bc common sense tells you it's extremely dumb and reckless to be drinking something that someone else left behind even though it looks like it's never been opened, bc there's always a chance that it's been tampered with)
anyway, sentiments for my forgotten milk aside, of course i have brilliant memory and remembered it only after we had checked out of the hotel and were halfway on the train to the next hotel (눈_눈)
i cursed myself for letting my milk slip away from me—but no matter, i can always get more today, or so i thought
so, when my parents were busy checking us into the second hotel, i went off to get another oishii milk packet from another konbini—this time i went to lawsons
and this time, i was determined to remember to drink it, but i was also stubborn and still wanted to drink it after i took a hot bath
obviously, i could've just bought two so i could just drink one now, and then the other after my bath later, right?
leafie is dumb and stubborn (not a great combi, let's be honest), so please keep that in mind as you enjoy the rest of this silly memory xD
and it was around noon, i think? or early afternoon when we got our rooms—and it was the perfect time for exploring town, so i tossed the milk into the fridge and left to akiba
believe it or not, all the excitement i had for the milk was gone bc i was busy being even more excited (ง ื▿ ื)ว about getting to explore akiba and harajuku (but regrettably, i was travelling with family, so i could only glance at the entire troves of bl mangas and doujins longingly for a whole 1.5 seconds bc it would be suspicious if i stared too long (ノ_<。)ヾ(´▽` )
but i digress, anyway—the sun sets so early in japan, like woah, it got dark so soon and most of the restaurants were closed when we were finally to eat (and while i am a foodie at heart, i somehow don't get hungry at all while i'm travelling ( ´ ▿ ` )), so we just grabbed a quick bento from the konbini and passed out on our beds soon after we got back to the hotel
side note: the orange juice from family mart is so so so so so so fresh and good omg, i miss it almost as much as i miss the milk tbh
so day 2 passed just like that, with a day well spent and feet well walked, and wallet slightly lighter than when i left the hotel that day (my coin purse grew heavier though, as i collected the loose change from breaking 1000 yen bills)
then come day 3—i was going to be in japan for slightly over a week, 9 days; so you might think, oh c'mon leafie, surely that's plenty of days for you to drink your goddamn milk!
again, no
day 3 was harajuku day, and boy was it raining when we got there
wearing two fuzzy jackets and two shirts were, understandably, quite a lot of layers when you're gonna be walking around a lot, plus the humidity from the rain and my tendency to sweat buckets—you can imagine that i looked like a wet rat that had just crawled out from the sewers x'DDD
my bangs were plastered across my forehead, i looked like a mess, and i wasn't used to the weather (i live in a tropical country where its either sun or rain xD), sweaty inside but cold outside :(((
but then it snowed a little at night!! though it wasn't like big big snowfall where you had fluffy snow everywhere, it was my first snow!! and it was fun just watching little ❄️ snowflakes ❄️ drifting down from the skies under the dim streetlamp
i'm sure you can already guess—i was too engrossed with the snow to remember my milk, all alone in the fridge
but i went to bed happy that night ☺️☺️
and then day 4 was... well, we don't talk about day 4, my family had a little argument bc some wanted to go back to harajuku for more shopping and some wanted to see new places
in the end, we went to the aquariums to see the fishies! took a few pics with the uhhh, bug looking creature that lives at the bottom of the ocean
it's a bit unsettling, but it was cute nonetheless
i sort of wish that i bought the stuffed toy version from the gift store tbh—i got a seal instead
this is starting to be more about the trip than the story about me forgetting my milk, so let's reel it back in and skip to day 9, the final day of my trip
note that i STILL haven't drank my milk despite having had 8 other days to do so 🤦🤦🤦
the return flight was in the evening, but we had to check out of the hotel at noon, so basically we spent the rest of the day at haneda airport
i had just reached the airport when i realised that yet again!!! i had forgotten my milk, left it in the fridge of the hotel and then checked out _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
knowing that this was really my final chance to taste the milk, i ran to the konbini and bought the milk for the third time now, and this time! this time!!! i drank it straight away
andit was so good!!! so tasty, ive never had a milk so good before in my life—really made me regret not drinking it earlier—i could've had one for each day i was there!!!!! but nooooo, i just had to be stubborn and forgetful hahahahhahaha (눈_눈)
and that's the end of my little milky story
so guys, if you want to drink the milk, just do it! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
don't be me and say that it has to be done in the perfect manner bc you will miss that opportunity xD or almost miss it, really
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tempestuous-cosplay · 2 years
I am having some big fucking feelings so i’ll be cringe and blog about it
So. ah. I had a breakdown in the shower today bc it all hit at once that I was neglected as FUCK. like. holy shit i had an EATING DISORDER and NO ONE FUCKIGN NOTICED??? I was constantly going to school without a lunch because “You need to learn how to take care of yourself!!!!” My friends all thought I was So Forgetful because I was always “forgetting my lunch at home” because thats less embarassing than “I can’t make my own lunch”. I always thought “I bet being an adult is a lot of work, i don;t want to be a bother.” NO BITCH, THATS THEIR FUCKING JOB
fuck man this is going full stream of consciousness. I struggled through COVID, starving the whole time bc my dad could be assed to cook anything. his GIRLFRIEND (my mom died just a fucking year ago, what the actual FUCK my guy) cooked me pancakes (the only meal i specifically requested bc i needed some comfort food)
My parents would always tell this story like it was SO FUCKING FUNNY that every time my mom would leave my sister and I with my dad for the day, she would always come back to us hungry, soiled, and distressed.LIKE MA’AM, THAT IS FULL ON STRAIGHT UP NEGLECT WHAT THE FUCK???
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m0uchie · 7 months
𐙚 the girl and the cat
⟡ you rescue a cat from the streets, but it seems he has a lot to hide from you…
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— pairing : catboy!scaramouche x f!reader
— warnings : SFW; fluff; angst? ; Childe is gay on this one, but that's only mentioned in the end and no ships LMAOO; self harm and stalking? But only mentioned briefly too
— a/n : it’s almost the same cliché thing everyone writes abt😭 I just thought it’d be cute for valentine's day!! (that's the one draft I deleted by accident. It's not as good as before, but yeah, I stopped working on it bc I got tired)
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You've never been a summer person, as the heat made your body sticky with sweat, but you also didn't like it when it rained that much. On this particular night, the drops seemed to fall all at once from the clouds, the sounds were very loud and the drivers weren't worried about the pedestrians who had just gotten off work. No matter how much they tried to walk along the sidewalk, protecting themselves from the rain under the store roofs, cars passed over puddles at full speed, giving those nearby a nice shower. It was impossible not to get wet. In your case, you were one of the poor pedestrians, tired after another busy day, and without an umbrella with you because you were stupid enough to forget it again, even though you had to walk home every day.
The water was overflowing and running down the sidewalk, and your shoes were uncomfortably wet. You sigh and speed up the step, just thinking about the moment when you'd get home soon and take off your clothes the minute you opened the door, jumping into a warm bath. However, your plans may have gone down the drain when you cease your steps, faintly hearing strange sounds of something coming from the alley you were passing in front of.
Your face curiously turns to the side. You don't see anything, but you feel a strange feeling in your chest that tells you it wasn't just in your head.
Taking hesitant steps, you decide to enter there, being greeted by what appeared to be… a cat? And he was lying behind a dumpster. The soaked indigo fur and visible bruises all over his body could be seen, shivering from the cold, as he was only being protected by the torn clothes he was lying on top of, now also wet.
You gasp, covering your mouth with one hand. "Where's your owner, kitty?” You whisper, reaching out to pet him. Crouching closer to the creature, but stopping when he hisses at you, retracting your hand back and smiling faintly. How can I help you if you react like this?…
For now you choose to take him home and try to treat him even if he objects to it. With a little difficulty, you carry him in your arms, getting bitten and scratched the whole way. You just hope it doesn't leave marks for long.
Once there, you take care of the injuries, struggling a little due to how aggressive he continues to be. The situation only gets worse when you say “Good, now you need a shower.” The cat is startled by you picking him up and immediately starts squirming to get free. His claws cling onto you, hissing and growling, his tail lashing against your face.
You let go of him and he scampers under the couch. He remains cautious, a threatening aura directed at you from beneath the furniture. You try to coax him out, offering a treat, but the cat is not having it, he claws at your feet every time you try to get closer. It's hard to be understandable, but you still try to have empathy because he must've had a hard time on the streets.
Finishing taking care of him, you set basic things for him like food and water, for as long as he'd stay with you. Taking a deep breath, you look at your injured arms and bandage them. The cat seems to be calmer now, he just stands in one place, watching you curiously from afar, but if you dared to look back or even touch him, you knew he'd get angry again and make a storm in a teacup for it.
You think maybe it's best to leave him alone for now, but you feel so bad for him. You can see that he is hungry and cold, eating from his bowl nonstop and snuggling under the blanket you left for him after drying his fur. You feel bad for wanting to just leave him alone because of his behavior…
Despite having volunteered to take care of the cat — which you decided to name Kunikuzushi — he was no longer anywhere in the house after a few days of recovery. Even so, you left the pots of food and water at the door of your house in case he came back, which curiously were always empty when you went to check.
The house was empty again. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it made you feel lonely now that the fluffy kitty wasn't there with you. Although at some nights, you could feel a fur ball being caressed by your fingers if you stretched your arms across the bed...
It wasn't strange for you, as you had a bed covered in stuffed animals, they filled that special space in your heart when you went to sleep, so you didn't bother open your eyes to check. And maybe some furniture knocked over or broken the next day if you pushed the supposed "plush" out of the mattress while you slept.
Another thursday afternoon came, and you were returning from work because you'd been released early today. This time it wasn't raining, and you had an umbrella in your hand. Maybe you should look at the weather forecast next time.
You smile seeing that the food containers are empty as always. But you were soon distracted by something else, realizing that something was wrong when you open the door of the house just by simply turning the handle, even before the key got into the lock.
Your dumb self forgot to lock the door again! :(
You enter, being greeted by the usual silence, and now you make sure to close the door properly before throwing your shoes aside and walking to the entrance of your room.
You slowly open the door, eyes wide open in shock by what you see the moment you turn on the lights: a boy, lying on your bed, his body turned on his side and well curled up under the sheet. However, you could tell that he was shirtless. His relaxed appearance while sleeping made him look innocent, as if he hadn't just broken into your house and laid down on your bed shamelessly.
He had a perfect face, long eyelashes, and soft hair (you knew because you couldn't help but reach out and curiously touch it as you sat on the bed). Indigo hair messy from the pillow, shining with the moonlight that invaded through the window, the color reminded you of a certain creature...
And those things above his head were cat ears…?
Should you call the police? You didn't know. You were in panic. This had never happened before, and your heart couldn't stop beating like crazy. With your hands shaking, you holded onto your bag, at the same time trying to reach your cell phone inside it.
It was strange how similar they were…
In a moment of hesitation, your bag flips out of your arms, dropping everything inside onto the floor. You hear the rustling of the sheets along with a yawn, and when you look forward, the boy is now sitting up, looking straight at you with wide eyes. “You came early.” He narrows his eyes, looking a little uncomfortable and worried.
“W-What do you mean?”
He simply stands up, embarrassed and prepared to leave without uttering a word before you stop him. “You’re him, aren’t you?!” you shout in an accusatory tone. It was all too coincidental to be true. The same colored purple eyes, the same hair, the same eyelashes, a tail that you could see moving around, cat ears, and the red bow that he had wrapped around his neck since you first saw him.
Kunikuzushi turns to you, the same look of a child who has just been found out for doing something bad. "…What do you mean? Have you finally gone mad?”
“I know it’s Kuni.” you murmur hopefully.
“Do you even listen to yourself right now? Are you saying I remind you of a cat?” He turns himself in by his words, so naively that you have to hold your breath not to laugh. From the conviction in his tone of voice, one would say he wasn't lying, but they shouldn't know each other and he shouldn't know anything about Kunikuzushi, it was very suspicious.
"How did you know he was a cat?" You question in seriousness, and he makes a clicking sound with his tongue. "B-Because there's cat hair everywhere in this house, and there's a bowl of cat food in front of the door, duh??"
Your eyes wander around the room, thoughtful. That made sense. Still, you were sure it was him, and you weren't stupid. He's been caught. That's why you suggested the following "so how about you stay here for a while so I can prove it to you?" You ask and he opens his mouth in disbelief.
"Are you going to let a stranger stay in your house?"
"Either that, or I call the police." You answer, cell phone already in hands.
"So you're just going to let me stay here to prove that I'm that cat of yours?" You nod, not noticing when he lowers his head to look down in frustration, mumbling something.
"Such nonsense... Aren't you glad I'm a boy like him now?"
"What did you say?" You question and he leaves aside his previous answer, replacing it with another. "That's fine with me, there's nothing to prove."
"Jusk to make sure... if it turns out that I'm not him…"
"Yes, I'm letting you go. You're staying on the couch though." You say, already pushing him to get out of your bed and go to the living room, knowing that tomorrow you'd have work and it'd be a long day for you. He leaves your room, dropping a few insulting words on the way, and you finally find yourself alone to sleep.
The sofa wasn't as uncomfortable as Scaramouche thought it'd be. He changed positions a few times before finding one he could rest in, thinking about this day and your previous proposal. Maybe if it turned out that the cat wasn't him in the end, you'd really be crazy to let someone you don't even know in your house. Scaramouche wondered if you would do this to any other guy who looked like him. Was it really that important that he was your cat? Luckly, he was Kunikuzushi in person!!
The next few days weren't so bad for him. You treated him pretty well, and to be honest, better than anyone else had. He had a house to live in and he had something to eat. The bad part was having to put up with the times he went to the kitchen to just make a sandwich and was watched by your penetrating gaze. The same when he left home and felt goosebumps running down his spine, turning back only to see your silhouette behind the window, watching him. Not to mention the times when he'd to slam the door in your face before you invaded the bathroom with him inside.
But despite everything, you thought he was adapting well.
"What's your name?" he jumps, startled by your movement under his arm. Until now he thought you had dozed off in the middle of the movie. "Uhh… Scaramouche, why?" he hesitantly looks down, being stared at by large, curious eyes.
"It's nothing, you just never told me your name." You shrug it off, trying to return to the warmth of his arms, but he pushes you by the forehead before your head could be buried in his chest again, making you pout.
It was all a waking dream for Scaramouche, and despite the complications, he had you in those moments. He had your attention and affection. He endured your interrogation about him being who he said he was for hours, enduring the emptiness inside his chest of not being able to be as much as someone else already was for you. Because he wasn't human like he was, and his presence would never replace that of a real human. That was until the day you got tired of the game between you. "Drop the act, I know you're him." you threw your things on the table. The day at work had been difficult and you decided to go out with your friends to drink before going home. Although Scaramouche knew that, because he saw you at the bar.
Well, it wasn't like scaramouche could stay home all day. He wouldn't mind not going out, but you complained when he laid down lazily without helping at all around the house.
"Scaramouche, if you have nothing better to do, go wash the dishes or something!", you always said when he started to irritate you. In that case, would you still have anything to complain about if he left every now and then? And after all, he knew your routine that he memorized when he was in his cat form, it wouldn't hurt to accompany you so you stayed safe on the path, would it?
Your job was more boring than he thought. You just sat in front of a computer all day doing who knows what. But despite that, he couldn't leave the window while watching you. The way you simply accepted being overworked just to be polite by not refusing left his blood boiling, staring at the guy who shamelessly came to your desk with a huge stack of papers until he became aware of the purple kitty's threatening presence.
"WAA!!!!-" The guy shouts, dropping some papers on the floor, immediately stretching his spine to reach them. "T-there's something behin-" He gets up almost at the same second, but the cat is strangely no longer there. Scratching his eyes with his hand, the co-worker excuses himself and leaves the place. Could it be all in his head?
At the end of the day, you gather your things to leave. Scaramouche jumps to the ground stealthily, running ahead and waiting for you to reach close to where he was before running further and hiding, so as not to be seen following you and be discovered.
He waits for you, starting to feel strange about how long you're taking to come out. You already had everything ready, you just had to take the elevator down, but why was it taking so long? impatiently, he returns to the window he was at, eyes attentive looking for your figure until he finds you next to the elevator talking to a guy, who is too close to you for his liking.
Oh, it's him again.
A few giggles here and there, and soon you are going out for drinks together. Can't you see he has ulterior motives when you smile so beautifully in front of this creep?! Or was it on purpose?... He didn't wanna know.
The way you got closer to talk in each other's ears due to the loud music, or when his lips brushed against your cheeks when you got too close, or the way you held his shoulder, looking for support. All of this had a negative effect on Scaramouche. Maybe it's a health problem? Why did it hurt so much?
But your giggles get louder with each sip, with each minute. The jumbled words you tried to pronounce without much success, droopy eyes and wobbly legs… you were drunk. At least your colleague was decent enough to drop you off at your doorstep.
He tried to get there as quickly as he could, entering through the window of your room that he left open for that purpose, and sitting on the kitchen counter as if nothing had happened. You get home, tripping over your own steps as you walked and lifting your head only when you fall onto scaramouche, not even thanking him for catching you before directly accusing him again of being the so-called cat. This time, despite your flat voice, it was noticeable that you looked irritated, but he couldn't see it in your face. He just shrugged it off, not being able to read the room and doing what he always did: teasing you back.
"You have no proof~" "I don't care, I'm tired of it." His smile soon faded when he felt something wet staining his clothes. You couldn't be crying, could you? He didn't even do anything wrong!
"I can't take it anymore, that's enough for me." You said in a brittle voice, breaking down in tears in front of him. Perhaps selfishly, Scaramouche's thoughts wandered to only himself at that time, realizing you were serious and that all his efforts would go in vain if you didn't want him anymore.
"Tired of what? You mean me?" He pressures you to respond.
It seemed silly, but Scaramouche really wanted to be human. Knowing that you'd throw him away after all the effort he put in to achieve this, like the time you caught him trying to cut his ears with scissors in front of the mirror, all the times he imitated some human habit even though he hated it, and how he changed the way he walked to make you like him and be polite like you told him. He shouldn't let it happen, he shouldn't let you get rid of him and let it all go to waste.
But despite this, what hurt the most was that you didn't seem to appreciate his efforts at all with your insistent questions. Wasn't he enough? His heart was racing and it was difficult to breathe, no matter how hard he pressed his chest with his hand, it didn't seem to go away. The realization that you no longer had a reason to keep him in your home, that he would never be human in your eyes, and that he would be abandoned again. "Kunikuzushi." he jolts in fright, startled by your hand suddenly touching his shoulder. "Why can't you just be my cat?" you ask, a sweet smile on your face and swollen eyes, not even aware of the impact your words have on poor Kunikuzushi.
Could he really be yours the way he longed to be? The same way he wanted it to be? The same way a real person can receive love? "Because you already have someone like that…" he replies, his voice lowering with each word spelled, touching your face in a loving gesture. Affection, something he didn't display much. Anyhow, you wouldn't remember it the next day, and nothing else would matter. Your head tilts to the side in confusion, "who?" "That dumb ugly ginger you go out with." he responds, his head lowered until he hears a deep laugh coming from you. "So you were following me!" you tease with a smile, making him turn his face to the wall, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "He's just my co-worker." you move closer, linking your arms around his neck as you come face to face. "Unlike you, who I come home to every day." you get closer to his face, gently pecking his lips. "I missed you... Please don't change..." you whine before moving in for a warmer kiss. But he manages to keep his head in place. You smell like alcohol, and you're drunk. He's satisfied with just a kiss from you for now. "I still don't want to see you around him though." he says in a low tone when you separate from each other. "Kuni, he's gay."
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caspersscareschool · 5 years
How long do you take to finish a drawing?? You post a lot and everything looks amazing 😋 how can it be like that lol. The more I see of your art, the more I love it 💙
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!honestly it REALLY depends! sometimes i’ll hyperfocus & draw something in 40 minutes to an hour or two but usually i’ll have at least 3 things going on at a time with no idea which ones i’ll finish and take several hour long breaks to pace and do other stuff, so in those cases it’ll take like.a day or two. ive recently given up on lineart/doing detailed sketches other than general blocking & motion/perspective lines so that kind of helps kind of doesnt
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elliot-orion · 5 years
My havorige thing about the sparks fly triad actually has little to do w sparky and everything to do w scout. He’s a nerd in the way that if other people have something wrong he NEEDS to tell them, to the point of grabbing hall or sparky’s arm, signing furiously, and forcing them over to some random couple to correct them. He’s a massive control freak too and needs like Plans A-z for everything and if he doesn’t he’ll panic (which is 100% bc when his school got attacked they HAD a bomb threat plan bc every school in America does, but it didn’t work bc NONE OF AMERICAS SAFETY PLANS WORK PEOPLE, and he lost his bf and hearing in the explosion and it took him days to realize he’d also lost his friends in the utter chaos, so now he needs to be in control all the fucking time).
But ANYWAYS where I was going w that is when sparky gets some terrible terrible idea like set a firework in a watermelon Scout steps in, hall looking hopeful, only for scout to go “the water in the water Mellon would make the firework too wet to light, let’s stick it in a hole with plastic baggie over the edges, w pennies and explode that” And halls like “NOO!” But scouts on full “eXpErImEnT” mode and you just can’t stop sparky and hall winds up being damage control bc he’s not just going to let his boyfriends get impaled by pennies damn it.
What I’m saying is scout is an entire fucking enabler who will spend all night crafting the perfect master plan for sparky to steal a crocodile from the zoo bc he wanted to and I adore him.
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cinnajun · 2 years
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: nct dream when you're sick
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a/n: funnily enough, i received this request when i was sick, and then mark + renjun caught covid hhh congrats to anon for being slightly psychic! this is more of a traditional hc style rather than my usual, but i hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
wc | 2.3k
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from worst to best at taking care of you
don’t get me wrong, jisung is a good boyfriend and all
but he is NOT going to get sick
when he sees your temperature he nearly passes out
what do you MEAN you have a 103f (39c)
he leaves the room to call his mom and make sure you’re not going to die LOL
after that … he tries his best … but he gets a second opinion on everything
and he doesn’t want to get sick himself so he’s not the most comforting
but, once again, he’s trying
you ask for chicken noodle soup and he’ll make it, but he’s on the phone with haechan the whole time trying to make sure he’s doing it right
haechan tells him to make it bland and then he makes it TOO bland and you can barely eat it bc it just tastes like water chicken
the good thing is that he WILL be at your beck and call, so you could ask him for pretty much anything and he will get it
even if it has nothing to do with you getting better
you could be like “man i really want this shirt” and he’ll buy it bc you’re sick and he feels bad
he’ll stay the night to make sure you live through it, but you best believe he's on the couch or the floor next to your bed (once again, he doesn’t want to get sick too)
practically throws a party the first time your temperature falls under 101
when you get better he will shower you with hugs and kisses (the day you’re officially no longer sick is the day you receive the most affection from him you’ll ever receive in your life)
if you think he’ll get better at the whole nursing back to health thing, he won’t
calls his mom every time
at least he helps you get better! kind of!
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ok it's not that he’s bad at it
like he makes a banger piece of toast for you to eat
he’s just a little … absent?
chenle fully believes that you know what's best for yourself and therefore will be able to treat yourself accordingly (which he’s not wrong)
you just wish he was a little nicer about it
on your worst day (aka the day when your fever is the highest), he recognizes that you probably can’t do much yourself and will help out as much as he can while still keeping himself not at risk for getting sick
gives you hot tea, washes your clothes, brings you medicine at the perfect intervals, enlists daegal to comfort you etc etc
he’s not going to be as distant as jisung is, though! he’ll kiss you on the forehead or give you a pat on the head when he comes and goes to get you more stuff
he might even sit next to you on the bed depending on how close you’d have to be
when you’re not at your worst though, you’re pretty much on your own
if you ask him to bring you something specific, he will, or if you forget to take your meds, he’ll give you a gentle reminder
i think the best thing about having chenle around when you're sick is probably how calm he is
he’s not panicked about your lifespan or anything (not like some others lol) and he knows you’ll be fine in a week or so, which reassures you whenever you start feeling like you’re going to pass out and die
he probably lies about your fever (he doesn’t want to worry you, so if it’s anything higher than 102, he’s going to say it's 101.5 or something lol)
you get better quickly! and, if you don’t, he’ll put in a bit more effort to get you better!
back to your regularly scheduled programming
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the last of team “i don’t want to get sick”
he’s a bit like chenle in that he believes you’ll be fine taking care of yourself except he kinda has a meltdown when he sees how high your fever is
he’s almost in shock someone can get that sick
insistent on taking you to the hospital but you don’t want to go because you know you’re fine so now you’re bickering over it
“you need to get treated professionally”
“i just have the flu”
“the flu kills people”
“not me tho”
so for the entire time you’re sick he’s like begrudgingly taking care of you but in a way where he doesn’t have to touch you or anything you touch
puts a mask on when he comes into your room (thanks, haechan)
makes you take a covid test like 3 times a day even though it comes back negative every single time
if your fever plateaus at 103 or above and won’t go down, he will break his “i don’t wanna get sick” persona and drag you to the hospital
if it slowly starts to get better though, he will let up considerably
he’ll also stop making you covid test 90 times a day and stop wearing a mask whenever he comes to help out
he leaves you to your own schedule except doesn’t pay attention to when you’re taking meds like chenle does, just if you're taking them
but will ensure you eat and drink water
when you get better ur gonna have to deal with like 9 million kisses
it’s your fault you deprived him of them!
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my dear renjun, aka the exact middle
if you have one of those annoying colds that just makes you feel bad but you don’t have a bad fever then he is NOT getting anywhere near you
he’d rather die than have one of those
but if you’re really sick, he’ll give in and nurse you back to health
except it’s kind of … awkward?
i imagine renjun as the type of person who never gets sick so tbh he has no clue what to do other than giving you medicine and making you drink water
you wouldn’t know it but he texts jaemin asking what he should do like every hour
imagine your dad taking care of you when you’re sick instead of your mom (unless your father wasn’t the awkward parent in which case just imagine someone who wouldn’t usually take care of you taking care of you)
that’s huang renjun!
he only ever takes your temperature when you’re asleep so you don’t have to witness him lowkey freak out over how sick you are
103?!? 104!? you’re killing him
he’d probably make whatever his mom made him when he was sick as a kid, so you’ll be eating pretty well
and because jaemin tells him to make sure you drink a lot of water, you’re drinking a lot of water. like, 20 gallons a day (okay well not that much)
he masks his panic really well though, so you (thankfully) won’t notice, not like you’ll notice with jisung lol
even though he’s not the best, renjun will probably be the one to get you feeling better the fastest because he’s relying on literally everybody else for help
the only issue is it’ll be the type of recovery where the symptoms linger for a month and a half because you returned to your normal routine immediately after your fever disappeared
enjoy the stuffy nose and linger cough !! at least your fever is gone and renjun isn’t making you drink nine gallons of water a day anymore!
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the next trio are team “i don’t care if i get sick” but in very different ways
jeno doesn’t care if he gets sick because he’s not the most out-and-about person in the first place, so, if he gets sick, the most he’ll have to do is go grocery shopping while feeling gross
jeno gives lots of cuddles when you’re not feeling well! he spends 90% of the day laying next to you and holding your hand or koala hugging you
doesn’t panic, but you can tell he’s extremely worried, which makes you feel bad
documents every single fluctuation in your temperature and makes sure you always have some sort of cold compress to help control the heat
if it passes 104, you’re straight to the hospital, even if it’s just the flu or a worse-than-normal cold
like chenle, he’ll give you medicine at the exact perfect intervals, but he doesn’t stop like chenle does
rather than rushing to get you feeling better, he wants to make sure you return to health organically, so he doesn’t let you go back to normal with literally any symptoms
once the fever is gone, he lets up a bit, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop helicoptering
any inkling it’s going back up and you are BACK IN BED!
jeno doesn’t ask for help when you get sick, which might be the best part about being taken care of by him
even if he’s worried, he’s sure to make you understand that you’re not going to die or anything and that you’ll be fine within a week or so
being taken care of by jeno means absolutely no lasting symptoms, a lot of water, and yummy food until you’re fully better
lowk you want to get sick .. tbh ..
if it means jeno will spend every waking moment with you, you’ll be sick forever
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now originally i was like
mark is def below jeno
and then i thought about it
so yea seeing your fever will make him panic because how the fuck did you end up with a 103-degree fever out of nowhere
but, in terms of making your sickness bearable, mark lee is #2 in that department!
if your throat hurts, he’ll buy you 3 bags of cough drops and 90 popsicles to soothe your throat
bequeath you 70 cups of perfectly warmed, throat-soothing tea
tells you not to talk so that you don’t irritate your throat more
your throat hurts for about an hour
feeling nauseous? mark is trusting essential oil moms and making you inhale peppermint extract while he unearths a state-of-the-art heating pad and any sort of nausea-soothing chewables he might own
nausea goes away after an hour
headache? he gives you the most impressive migraine medicine you’ve ever seen, puts a cold washcloth on your forehead, and makes sure not an ounce of bright light is shining into your eyes
headache gone
he’s like a wizard, i swear
on top of that, mark is generally a sweetheart, so he’s trying his best to cheer you up at any moment ever
he’ll recount stupid stories of the boys or tell you weak jokes that always make you smile and laugh
in the way that he panics, his comfort-performance skyrockets because he’s doing absolutely everything he can to make sure you’re barely aware that you’re sick
he’s so relieved when you’re better that he practically deflates
and then he ends up sick because he didn’t even consider the possibility of that happening lol
have fun taking care of him!! consider it reimbursement for the past week he spent breaking his back for you!
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if mark is a wizard jaemin is like a god
it’s so insane
he like predicts when you’re going to start feeling a certain way and gives you medicine to suppress it before it even HAPPENS
you might feel gross and exhausted in general, but your symptoms are always going to be minor because jaemin is a psychic and will not let them get worse than a minor headache or a bit of nausea
when you first tell him you’re sick, he’s not worried at all either
your fever could be the highest one he’d ever see and he’d just be like “okay, go lay down”
like chenle, he’ll monitor your temperature but lie about how high it actually is to make sure you don’t panic and make things worse (even if it’s high enough to make him start to worry, he’ll just suggest going to the hospital to make sure it’s nothing you’ll need antibiotics for)
will casually ask if you need anything or if anything is bothering you, but he won’t do it to the point that it starts to annoy you
similar to jeno, he’s not worried about the speed of your recovery either, he’s just focused on getting you to the point of recovery no matter how long it takes
has a pretty intense “let things run their course” mindset, and if you try to make a big deal about getting better to go back to work or school, he’ll just tell you to go to bed and let yourself relax
of course, if things get worse rather than getting better, the mindset turns off and he’s focused on a quick recovery, but that probably won’t happen
jaemin also gives lots of cuddles; hugs when you’re feeling oddly cold, or when you’re generally upset by how you’re feeling
kisses you on the cheek every time he leaves the room to go get meds or bring you food
he treats you like he normally would, which is almost like the icing on the cake with this
you don’t feel alienated at all when you’re sick, you just feel like you with a bit of gross on the side
imagine all of the boys’ good qualities mashed into one, and that’s jaemin
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thank you for reading!
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wonie-not-wony · 2 years
head canon ✶ things nct dream would do as your seatmate
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pairing. seatmate!nctdream x gn!reader
genre. fluff
warnings. none <3
a/n. yayy i now also write for nct dream! i hope u enjoy it c:
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┆ mark .. 🐯
the best seatmate u can ask for
literally has every single material in his bag
before u can even ask for an extra ballpen he's already handing you not one but TWO ballpens.
he doesn't really share his materials often, but when it comes to you he'd give his whole bag.
tries his best to compliment you everyday 🥺
like he tries to notice whats different.
your hair, your clothes, new accessories.
he just wants to shower you with love 🤧🤧
┆ renjun .. 🦊
#1 teases you like there is no tomorrow
bullies u affectionately ☺☺
he does it because u look so cute mad 😭😭
helps carry your stuff to your desk
buys your lunch when he's in a good mood 😍😍
when u take naps he literally threats everyone to shut up so u can rest 😺
he moves your bangs away from your eyes from time to time
shares his notes with you
┆ jeno .. 🐶
greets you every morning once you enter the classroom 🌤
always asks you how your doing and how your day is going <3
always eats with u for lunch 🍱
both of you help each other in doing homework 💕
walks you home everyday 🤌🤌
┆ haechan .. 🐻
loud. just loud. 😭
u won't have peace for the rest of the school year
always asks to copy your hw or teach him the lesson bc he doesn't get it 🥲
but doesn't force you to :) he doesn't want to be a burden to you
helps you with the little things like cleaning the classroom when it's your assigned day to clean.
loves seeing you laugh so he tries to make u laugh at least once a day 😔💗
┆ jaemin .. 🐰
pats your head as a greeting <3
#2 teases you affectionately
talks loud but whenever he talks to you it's softer 🍃💐
subconsciously plays with your fingers
you guys always have your 7/11 dates after school 😼😼
┆ chenle .. 🐬
let's you copy his hw when you forget to do yours 🤠🤠
gives free tutoring for the subjects you don't understand 😍
has a resting bxtch face but he always lights up whenever he talks to you
dolphin laughs in ur ear 🐬🐬
you always catch him just staring at you with his cheek resting on his palm 🦋🦋
you always ask him why he does that. he just replies with some cheesy line like " we have to appreciate beautiful things for long periods of time. "
┆ jisung .. 🐹
always buys your favorite drink and places it on your desk in the morning 🧃
when you need to focus on ur studies but the class is too loud. he offers to share his earphones for you
he waits in the cafeteria line instead of you so you don't have to stand for a long time 🤧🤧
shares his food with you :)
helps u clean up your stuff after school
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© wonie-not-wony. all rights reserved. please don’t repost, plagiarize and translate.
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