#be easssy
easssysunshine · 9 months
Somebody asked me when was the last time I've cried, and it's honestly been a while.
But I just boo-tf-who'd. This life shit eating me up baby I ain't gone lie. I'm a really tired girl. I want my dream life so so bad. I'm just really tired.
I just really want some help.
Some genuine help.
For people not to show up for you the way you do for them is insanity. But I know my karma is always good.
I can see the bright side thru anything,
It's just been really dark lately
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muxas-world · 1 month
You were concius that you dint have a pice on the front ? No but now i have a an excuse (marc and izakun gilging like the to old queens they are)
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sentofight · 1 month
ooc. woo me who decided to look at aitsf again to write a timeline for date and organize my thoughts... mistake.. im still....working. this is a crime against my dumb brain.
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tiyoin · 3 months
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
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oddinary house pt 4
basilisk!hyunjin x reader
genre: horror
content warnings: none (?)
word count: 1.5k
summary: y/n takes fate into her own hands to seek out more residents of the house.
Y/N had a lot weighing on her mind, especially after the dream Changbin had planted in her mind. The way he said that she would be the one to bring them back together, made her think, what had broken them apart in the first place? She felt like she had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders despite not fully knowing what she had to do with it. So, taking matters into her own hands, Y/N decided to explore the mansion further to discover and find more residents that could be living there. She didn't know if there was 5 more, or 50 more, so it was best to start now.
First, she had to head back down to reception to make sure that Chan wouldn't be directing her away from others, even though he had guided her to them before. She wanted to explore on her own terms this time.
"Hi Chan," Y/N smiled at the cyborg in a friendly way. He almost immediately shifted his body to face her, eyes glowing brighter in recognition before they dimmed back to their normal level.
"Hello Y/N. I have not seen you since our first meeting. I hope you have found your place here at Oddinary House," he nodded politely.
"Yes, yes, I'm getting closer to understanding that now. I just wanted to get to know you more..." Y/N smiled in a friendly way, maybe too friendly.
"I detect, bullshit, I mean, lies," Chan froze a bit before correcting himself. Ok, so someone definitely coded him to say that instead.
"I never lie," Y/N folded her arms as she leant against the wall, staring back at Chan.
"What do you require, Y/N?" Chan almost seemed exasperated as he asked this, a human quality of himself coming through.
"I just wondered if like you've got wires at the back too, because when those wires of yours electrocuted me I thought I saw some there," Y/N tried to guilt trip him.
"Well, yes, there are," Chan said shortly, not wanting to say anymore in fear of confronting the topic once more.
"Let me have a look," Y/N quickly got up and ran towards Chan only to be stopped by two arms wrapping around her waist.
"What are you doing, pretty?" Minho growled into her ear as he hauled her away.
"Ugh get off I just wanted to talk to Chan," Y/N wiggles in Minho's arms, smacking her hands down against them.
"Chan?" Minho rose a brow at the cyborg, who detected his feelings and understood there was some wariness there.
"Y/N was acting strangely," Chan confirmed.
"I wonder what is going on inside that head of yours pretty... don't do that again, our Channie here has a defense system which I'm sure you've seen already," Minho put her down, only to put his face towards her as he warned her.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," she huffed, stomping back upstairs.
"Minho, you are feeling lust," Chan analysed the werewolf.
"Shut up, CB97," Minho growled as he took stomped off.
That evening, Y/N decided to go with her second option, wing it. Yes, she didn't know how far she'd get with wandering around and Chan still having control, but it was worth a shot.
She exited her room and went through a different door than usual, and headed left instead of right. She was met with a set of stairs that took her to the next floor, the highest in the mansion and one she hadn't been in yet. Perhaps Chan had decided to mess with her in revenge, because as a bat suddenly flew past her she jumped back in shock.
"Ah!" Y/N squealed as she watched it fly by in the direction she came from.
"Oh, how I like it when they're ssscared," a voice suddenly hissed from above her once she had made it to the top of the stairs.
"Who was that?" Y/N called out, confused more than scared in that moment. After all, she was ready to meet everyone in the house, despite her oddly warming but scary moments with them.
"Sssilly girl, I wouldn't make it that easssy for you," it replied, elongating the 's' in true serpentine style.
Y/N shuddered as a cold feeling washed over her, it felt like she was being watched, and she probably was. But it was the fact that she couldn't see who or what it was that freaked her out more.
"What are you?" Y/N called out into the empty hallway as she continued to walk down it. She soon came to realise that the cold chills she felt wasn't just because of the monster following her, but it was the breeze coming from round the corner, where she failed to initially realise at the start of her time here that there was an open gap in the wall. It exposed the outside of the house, nothing to protect anything from falling from the top floor and plummeting to the ground.
"Don't you know, my dear? I thought you were ssssearching for me earlier, but it ssseems we've found each other by chanccce," the voice came from behind her, and as she turned around, nothing could have prepared her for the sight in front of her.
A tall man stood, dressed in all black, red hair slicked back as he bared a smirk at her, his pronged two sticking out between his lips when he spoke. The most disturbing thing however, was his missing eyes, scars around the empty sockets like they had been gauged out.
"Ahh!" Y/N screamed for the second and not the last time that evening, taking a few steps back. A breeze brushed through her hair.
"Oh, am I really that much of a sssight to behold?" his voice was velvety smooth.
"I asked you who you are!" Y/N blinked rapidly in shock, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"I believe you assssked me 'what' I am... rather impolite of you my dear," he feigned a sigh.
"Ok, I'm sorry, umm, I'm Y/N, what's your name?" she corrected herself, looking away in awkwardness because she didn't have to worry about eye contact and frankly staring into two black holes was haunting enough.
"Why don't I kill two birdssss with one sssstone, hmmm?" he began to speak, facing straight ahead. "I'm Hyunjin, a basilisk if you must know, though, as you can sssee, I've not quite got my powersssss," Hyunjin rested his hands behind his back.
"A basilisk?" Y/N tilted her head curiously.
"Don't tell me you don't know my kind? I would have thought a sssssoul like yours wouldn't be sssso ignorant," Hyunjin spoke sharply, not liking the questioning tone Y/N held towards him. He was someone she should respect, and yet, the human girl in front of him acted as if they had been friends for years.
"I do know what you are, I just hadn't put the pieces together. But, now it makes sense that..." Y/N began, not quite wanting to finish her sentence.
"That my eyessss were cruelly ssssnatched away from me in attempt for sssomeone else to feel more powerful?!" the basilisk man's volume increases dramatically. "Well, not all of our livessss go as we predict, Y/N."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you I just... wait, how did you know where I was?" Y/N shook her head in disbelief. Her face scrunched up in thought.
"Oh, how you humour me, little human. With one sssense gone, my otherss had to adapt. I sssmelt you," Hyunjin took a step closer, making her step back.
"Wow..." Y/N was amazed at how he still found a way to live and know where everyone else could be purely by scent. "This is a weird question but..."
"Go ahead, little human. I'm sssure we have all the time in the world," Hyunjin stepped closer once more, and unknowingly, as Y/N stepped further and further back, she stood closer to the edge of the hallway where there was a gaping hole in the wall.
"What do I smell like for you to know where I am?" Y/N clasped her hands together, shivering from how cold she was feeling. It was her own fault for roaming the house in just her pyjamas.
"Hmmm, fresh grassss," Hyunjin smirked, like a lightbulb went off in his head.
"Fresh grass?-" Y/N began to question before she was suddenly pushed out of the building, and was sent plummeting to the ground. She screamed in terror as her arms and legs flailed in the air, her cries echoing around the land.
"Oops, I lied. I guess I killed three birds with one sssstone," Hyunjin smirked, before traipsing back down the hallway and returning to his spot, leaving Y/N to her own fate.
taglist: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @amararosesblog
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: BBC
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children JK Rowling: today we begin our biggessssst challenge Jesse Singal: bigger than convincing our terf legion that men have a special bone that makes them good at chess? JK Rowling: no that was remarkably easssy actually
JK Rowling: today we rehabilitate graham lineham Singal: b-but mommy! Singal: graham lineham is the one terf too toxic for the BBC Rowling: isss he? Rowling: the whole point of the BBC is to launder terfsss Rowling: itsss time they ssstarted doing their job!
Rowling: maybe if we cleaned him up a little Graham Lineham: FECK ARSE [vomits] Rowling: we could try teaching him a few sssimple phrasses Rowling: enough that he could move out of my basssement
Rowling: will you not just give it a go graham [pointing at  blackboard on which is written "yes" and "I am being silenced for my views"] Lineham: y-y-y Rowling: yesss! yessss! keep going!! Lineham: [inarticulate slurs] Rowling: Rowling: better
Rowling: come on graham i know you can do it Lineham: [inarticulate slurs] Rowling: graham if you sssay the line, there will be a little treat in it for you Lineham: [inarticulate slurs]? Rowling: yesss Rowling: sssay the line Rowling: and you can sssleep in your racecar bed
Rowling: finally! now graham is ready for hissss big debut on the BBC Lineham: [inarticulate slurs] Singal: golly mommy he sounds the same! Rowling: Rowling: yeah well Rowling: they can fix it in possst
BBC Announcer: welcome to the BBC, coming up is Part 8 of Sir Nigel Hemmingwedge St. Plonkington's 12 part documentary on the St. Slurryshire cheesemonger guild, followed by Are You Being Served? and the Brexit is Going Great report BBC Announcer: but first some light revisionism
BBC Announcer: joining us is graham lineham who has some views worth considering Lineham: [vomits] FECK ARSE Lineham: [inarticulate slurs] JK Rowling: what graham meansss issss we jussst have sssome concernsss Rowling: and you BETTER consssider them
Rowling: real nice sstudio you got here, BBC Rowling: be a real shame if ssomething were to happen to it Rowling: like, sssay, you had to film another cormoran ssstrike ssseries here BBC Announcer: no no! anything but that! we'll consider your concerns! Rowling: sssee that you do
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the-patrex · 10 months
How would other tardis teams have handled Wild Blue Yonder? Which ones would you most want to see?
Just to the ones that pop in my head 7 and Ace would be AMAZING to see. Not thing 7? Can you IMAGINE? Charley and 8 already got Scherzo so they would have got it easssy 9/Rose? OOF we would get PAINFUL survivor guilt stuff with 9 12clara would be sooooo entertaining but geez, I dont know if they would do /good/
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 7 - OUTLAW RUN
“The exhausted outlaw came to a halt, ducking in between the Saloon and the shop, hoping to stay hidden from the relentless sheriff. The outlaw gasped for air, winching at the pain in his legs. A moments rest, he prayed it would be enough to slip into the shadows and out of this good for nothin’ town! How dare they call the sheriff on him for only taking what he deserved! Nevertheless, he hadn’t been caught before, and he sure as hell wouldn’t let that start here! Just another deep breath and…
The sound of hooves tapping almost impatiently behind him stopped him from exhaling. He slowly turned his head, his teeth gritting into a forced smile. “Ah, hello Sheriff? Having fun?”
The horse stomped, almost seeming irritated by the Outlaw’s snark. “Easssy Silver,” the sheriff cooed, warmly smiling at his horse, and then to the Outlaw. “Now now, we can end things here if you just come with me, your hurt, running will only make it worse.”
“Tsk, you really are on your high horse ,huh? You think I’ll let someone from a pathetic town like this take me in? You’re not even on the map!”
“Pathetic huh? Maybe if you’d give this place a chance, you’d see its full of good people, maybe it would help an outlaw like you change your ways hmm?”
“Pah as if! This is the Wild West, not a fairy tale!” The Outlaw got to his feet. “You want to take me in? You’ll be throwing a limp body behind bars!” He stumbled off once more.
The Sheriff grinned. “The game goes on. C’mon Silver, I think it’s time I stopped going so easy on this fella….he doesn’t seem to want to change, and I gave him plenty of chances!”
“Ahaha as if I want your chan—“ The smug outlaw suddenly dropped his facade as his leg gave out under him, and he stumbled over his own feet. He groaned and looked up, to see a raging steed just inches from him, her rider swigging his lasso….”
Had so much fun with this design and story! I actually consulted a friend who had been to Silver Dollar City for his perspective of the ride to help with this design, thanks for that Jono!! Also if anyone recognized the Outlaw design from last years Coaster Maynia…you get a cookie!
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mastomysowner · 6 months
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SIR PENTIOUS, acrylic paint on 16"x20" canvas.
ressst easssy, princscsce
by @awfulowafalo
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ask-pentious · 6 months
Do you have any favourite foods, Sir Pentious? Did the Egg Boiz prepare you any comfort meals on difficult days?
Ah yesss! I quite enjoyed a good sssteak once in a while. Not as easssy to come by in hell...well not from a source I feel particularly comfortable with. Ssso in Hell I favored a nicsse bowl of ramen or a spicy curry dish. The Egg Boizss were surprisingly good bakersss, so they would make a variety of treats when I wasss having a hard day. My favorite of their dissshes would be tiramisu. I really hope Emily and I can find them sssoon, she's really interesssted in trying their dishes and I miss their sssweet little ssshelled nogginsss.
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At the mall in our world
Lady of the Green Kirtle: [Holding a mug of eggnog, grinning face pressed against her tall wife's coat] But you have to admit, sssweetheart, the whole atmossssphere isssss quite fessssstive. It'sssss quite easssy to get into onssse you jussst let loossssse and enjoy the sssseasssssson …
White Witch: [Arm wrapped tightly to keep her snakey wife warm] I swear to Tash, if I have to hear that Mariah Carey song ONE MORE FUCKING TIME
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easssysunshine · 10 months
this ain't no race, it's a test.
is you gone fold?
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jedi-luca · 3 months
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Take it easssy buddy lol
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Well, well, what do we have here?
A poor little morsssel hiding from the predator...
Ah but that fear flies right out the window when you see my beautiful figure doesnt it.
Look, you’re already hard, sssee?
And its so easssy to just stare, isssnt it little pet?
Stare and ssstroke for me little pet, thatsss right, stroke.
Pets like you become sssooo dumb when looking at your Queen'sss body...
Pets like you, become horny little stroke slavesss...
Good boy.
No more fear.
Only obedient service to your new Queen.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Class of Villains & Li’l Villains: Crossover Special
While we wait for Artzy to finish Part 2 of Kagami’s Mirrorverse crossover, here’s the sequel to Weeby’s Class of Heroes and Lil’ Heroes crossover special!
Marinette De Vil:
(The wicked fashonista grinned as she saw her little counterpart toddling up to her, wearing a fake fur coat.)
Mari De Vil: Why, aren't you just the cutest little darling! I just LOVE your get up. Absolutely fabulous!
(Lil’ Mari De Vil beamed upon hearing the compliment.)
Lil’ Mari De Vil: Tank you! Izza fuw coat! Mama bought it fow me cuz we wich!
(She did a little twirl before her smile turned into a pout.)
Lil’ Mari De Vil: Wish it was WEAL fur doh! Mama don’t let me have da weal kind! Is youw coat weal fuw?
(Mari De Vil laughed as she took the moment to show off her wonderous coat.)
Mari De Vil: Of COURSE darling! I worship furs! But you already knew that, didn't you. You hate those little beasts just like me!
*The little De Vil nodded her head and scowled. She couldn’t stand those filthy muts!
Lil’ Mari De Vil: Animals yucky! Speciawwy doggies, I HATE doggies!
(The lil and big villains cackled over their shared loathing of the animal.)
Mari De Vil: Of course! Those little brats are only good for the fur on their backs. In fact, you want to come with me? I know the perfect boutique, we can get you a lovely fur coat. And don't worry, I'll get my Fei and Socqueline to nab some money. You know Fei and Socqueline?
(The tot nodded before growling a little. Though they were 8 year olds, they were working for the toddler, due to their mother being childhood friends with Sabine, and since Mari would tattle to their parents if they didn’t do what she said.)
Lil’ Mari De Vil: Dey my henchgirls, but most a da time, dey dumdums.
Mari De Vil: Yes yes, but they get the job done in a pinch. Now come along, I think we'll get you a snakeskin purse, that'll make Adrien very happy, won't it?
(Lil’ Mari blushed and clapped her hands as she thought about one of her special friends. She found the little sorcerer to be quite charming.
Lil’ Mari De Vil: I wike Adwien, he, ‘Gami, an Wuka awe pwetty.
Mari De Vil: My diabolical darlings, they are perfect for you, little devil. Now come on, we’re going to flaunt our wealth on those plebians.
Lil’ Mari De Vil: Can Chwoe and Sabwina come? We gweat fwiends, and they wich wike me!
Mari De Vil: Of course! It will be the ultimate shopping spree!
(Jafardrien chuckled as he heard his toddler self sneaking up to him, trying to hide his little snake staff.)
Jafardrien: *Thinking* Even as a infant, I remember always trying to get people to do my bidding. What a foul little mind I had!
(Lil’ Jafardrien’s eyes began to glow as he pulled out the staff, attempting to get his big self to become hypnotized)
Lil' Jafardrien: Wisssen to meee...
(The teen found this to be adorable, and couldn’t help but laugh at the boy, causing him to frown. He was so sure he’d get him to fold!)
Jafardrien: A good technique, kiddo, but you’ll have to do better than that to charm me!
Lil’ Jafardrien: Yoo... yoo not undew my speww?
Jafardrien: Not in the sssslightest.
Lil' Jafardrien: Aww, how I do it?
(Jafardrien took pity on the boy, since he liked him. So he scooped him up, causing the little sorcerer to smile again.)
Jafardrien: You’ll get there, don’t you worry! Sssoon you’ll have everyone here in the palm of your hand. Jussst keep practicing!
(Lil’ Jafardrien nodded eagerly, listening to every word his big self said.)
Lil' Jafardrien: I wiww! Do you sssstiww make Daddy to wat yoo want?
(Ah yes, that pitiful fool. He had spent all his life making sure that Father was wrapped around his finger.)
Jafardrien: Of courssse. He’s so easssy to trick after all.
(Lil' Jafardrien giggles and beams as he remembered something.)
Lil' Jafardrien: I weawned a twick!
(He closed his eyes and scrunched his face in concentration. As this happened, he began to transform into a snake, growing a few inches as he did so.)
Lil' Jafardrien: Imma snake!
(Jafardrien chuckled and clapped for the tot.)
Jafardrien: Not bad, but let me show you how ssnnakelike I can be!
(He let out an eerie high-pitched cackle as he transformed into a giant snake, causing the little sorcerer to turn back into his human form, clapping and squealing with delight.)
Lil' Jafardrien: Big me a snake too! Do yoo huwt Fewix as weww? He a goody-good, and I don wike him!
Jafardrien: That pompous twit? I’ve tormented him since I was in diapers. Everytime he comes over, I use him for target practice.
Lil’ Jafardrien: Me too! I weawned how ta be a snake so I can sssstwangle him. He sssso fun to huwt!
Jafardrien: He most certainly issss. Don’t worry, he getsss more than his ssshare of misssfortune, as long as I have anything to sssay about it!
(He affectionately ruffled little Jafardrien’s hair.)
Lil' Jafardrien: We and ouw fwiendsss ouw gonna take ovew da wowd!
(They partake in a bout of evil laughter.)
(Lil’ YzAlya was demonstrating her knowledge of potions to her older self. She poured a tiny amount of potion from a vial onto a flower pot on the ground. It wilted immediately.)
Lil’ YzAlya: Hehehe! Fwowew go poof!
YzAlya: Br-r-r-rilliant! You’re just like me when I was little!
(The toddler cackled and clapped her hands.)
Lil’ YzAlya: I wove makin’ potions an turning peopwe into tings!
(She pouted and crossed her arms.)
Lil’ YzAlya: Momma gets mad and sends me to timeout. Momma’s no fun!
YzAlya: Well, Momma’s a stick in the mud who should be grateful for your mercy. I’m assuming she runs a restaurant? What’s it like?
Lil’ YzAlya: I do lossa fun stuff at Mommy’s westauwant! I use potions on da customews... when my dumb big sistew Nowa’s not messing it up!
YzAlya: She may be an imbecile but she means well. It’s important to have someone with muscle on your side.
(Lil’ YzAlya nods)
Lil’ YzAlya: Yeah, she move and wift da heavy stuff! She also make da spinach puffs when I havin a pwaydate, even if they yucky.
YzAlya: I never liked those spinach puffs. Never.
Lil’ YzAlya: Nino my favowite to pway wif. We mess wif lossa peopwes! I weawwy wike him.
(The toddler beamed upon thinking of him, and the teen began to blush.)
YzAlya: That foxy delight. I bet you play some wonderful games with him.
(The infant giggled and pulled out two sippy cups from her backpack. One was filled with juice, and the other with poison.)
Lil’ YzAlya: So’times, I put da potions in da sippy, but he always know which one! Nino smawt!
(The sorceress begins to grin.)
YzAlya: He really is. Ooh! I know! Let’s make a potion for Momma! That’ll teach her a lesson about meddling with our plans! But what should it be?
Lil’ YzAlya: Oooh! Oooh! A wwama!
(She picked up the tiny sorceress and spun her around, causing her to shriek with laughter.)
YzAlya: You’re going to be the best sorceress one day, my dear! Absolutely brillaiant, brilliant, brilliant!
Honest Nino:
(The little hybrid naively thought that he would be able to scam his older self.)
Lil' Honest Nino: Hewwo! Couwd yoo be in my movie? Pweeassee?
(Honest Nino just grinned and toussled the kid’s hair.)
Honest Nino: Heh, Not bad, kiddo! But here’s a tip: Try and pull up some tears, really yank at their heartstrings!
Lil' Honest Nino: Ooo wike dis? 
(Lil’ Honest Nino thought of sad stuff and began to fake cry.
Lil’ Honest Nino: Waah yoo meanie! 
(After a few seconds, he stopped and smiled.)
Lil’ Honest Nino: I do good?
Honest Nino: Five stars, lil dude! You’re gonna be one heck of a scammer!
Lil' Honest Nino: I wike bein with Adwien, we scam togethew! He uses da magic and I use da chawm!
Honest Nino: Yeah, Adrien’s a pretty cool dude! He’s my best bud, too! We’ve pulled off some epic cons! 
(The teen smiled slyly.)
And what about Alya, is she your friend too?
(The tiny fox-hybrid let out a shrill squeak of joy.)
Lil' Honest Nino: She my bestest fwiend! She weally smawt and pwetty!
Honest Nino: Yeah, she’s a real special girl! You be sure to stick around her, right lil buddy?
Lil' Honest Nino: I pwomise! No con dis time!
Nath of Hearts:
(The Mad King couldn’t help but tear up as he saw his little self ripping the heads off of his dollies.)
Nath of Hearts: *Thinking* This brings back so many precious memories…
Lil' Nath of Hearts: Stupid guawds paint woses wed! OFF WIF THEW HEADS!
Nath of Hearts: So true, little one! For painting our roses red, someone MUST lose a head! Our word is law, after all!
(The psychotic prince looked up with stars in his eyes, his mood improving immediately.)
Lil' Nath of Hearts: You a king?! I wanna be a king!
(Nath of Hearts gave a warm laugh.)
Nath of Hearts: Patience, darling! It’ll happen sooner than you think. And you’ll have a beautiful, wonderful king to rule by your side!
(Lil’ Nath of Hearts blushed and began giggling instantly.)
Lil' Nath of Hearts: Mawc? My Mawcy?
Nath of Hearts: Who else? Now, be sure to always remind him of his beauty, and never let anyone disrespect him or yourself!
Lil' Nath of Hearts: Of cowse! We da pwettiest in da wowd! Ow and is Wose stiww ouw fwiend? We wove havin tea pawties wif hew!
Nath of Hearts: Of course, my dear! We have her and Juleka over to share plots regularly! Nothing like wicked company for tea!
(The Mad Prince frowned as he thought about what his mummy and daddy would say about his friends.
Lil' Nath of Hearts: My pawents awe dummies. They don't wan me bein with Mawc. I WANNA BE WIF MY POISON PWINCE!
Nath of Hearts: And you will, darling! Never fear! Oh, I have a gift for you!
Lil' Nath of Hearts: I wove gifts! Dey gotta be biggew than da pawm of my hand
(The king took out his smallest beheading dagger, with a ruby-studded handle, the same he was gifted at this age)
Nath of Hearts: For you! Use it well, little prince!
(He smiled, admiring the blade and giggling psychotically.)
Lil' Nath of Hearts: Eehehee! Imma wove it fowever and evew!
(The two Naths began to cackle madly)
King Marc:
(The little prince looked in awe at his older self.)
Prince Marc: I gonna get even pwettiew as a big kid?
King Marc: Well you know you're already the fairest of them all, right?
Prince Marc: I da faiwest pwince! Nafie and my miwwow say so!
(The evil king giggled, petting his younger self, cooing at him.)
King Marc: And right they are, my little prince. Your radiance knows no bounds. Don't let that pesky mirror tell you otherwise. Listen to Nathaniel, for he knows the truth.
(Prince Marc blushed upon hearing the Mad Prince’s name.)
Prince Marc: Is Nafie stiww our best fwiend when we big?
King Marc: He's my shining Mad King, and our love is eternal. We rule alongside together. I've got some advice for you, little prince. Do you like making potions and poisons?
(The tot began clapping his hands.)
Prince Marc: Yes, yes, yes! I make dem wif Awya!
King Marc: Ah, what a wonderful sorceress. Now, get Nafie resistant to poisons, start by feeding him small little doses. He'll build up immunity over time, plus he loves it.
Prince Marc: You smawt, big me! Den no one can huwt Nafie!
King Marc: Exactly! Oh, and I must ask, how do you get away with causing trouble. Surely you have a little trick up your sleeve?
(King Marc watched as the prince put on a paper mask, crudely drawn to look like the face of an old peasant.)
Prince Marc: No mowe pwince! I a owd man!
(He decided to play along, looking around and pretending to be confused.)
King Marc: Where did that lovely prince go?
(Prince Marc giggled. This was fun!)
(The savvy supervillain couldn’t help but snark about the situation.) 
Maxdrome: Alternate dimension and time travel? Two cliches for the price of one!
(Lil’ Maxdrome tilted his head in confusion. The word was unfamiliar to him.)
Lil' Maxdrome: What a cwiche?
Maxdrome: Well, when you're reading a fairy tale, and the princ s the good guy, do you expect that to happen?
Lil' Maxdrome: Yeah! Dose stowies are bowing!
Maxdrome: Well that's a cliche! And what do we do to heroes? Especially the boring ones?
Lil' Maxdrome: WIPE DEM OUT!
Maxdrome: Bingo! Who needs magic when you got tech. Check this out!
(He pressed a button on the siide of his goggles, and showed off Markov to a starstruck Lil’ Maxdrome)
Maxdrome: State of the art attack drone, built it myself. Pretty cool, huh?
Lil' Maxdrome: Wobots awe awesome! I wanna make weal wobots too when I get big!
Maxdrome: Oh you will, trust me. We're gonna be the best supervillains of all time!
(The tiny Kimton stared in awe at his older counterpart’s muscles.
Lil' Kimton: Woah yoo huge!
(Kimton just flexed his biceps in response.)
Kimton: You know it, lil man! You know how I got this big and buff?
Lil' Kimton: Tell me! Tell me!
Kimton: Well, for one you gotta keep up on your workouts, no slackin’ off! But there’s another secret you should know! When I was your age, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get this big! I’m up to five dozen now and look how ripped it’s kept me!
Lil' Kimton: Eggies gonna make me stwong! I gonna eat em to be big wike yoo!
(The tot smiled even more.)
Lil’ Kimton: Do yoo hunt dumb beasties?
Kimton: Of course! In fact, has your pop given you your own rifle yet?
(Lil’ Kimton frowned and shook his head.)
Lil' Kimton: Uh uh. He say I too wittle fow wifle. That I no meant to have one! He big, but he wame!
Kimton: Well, that’s a load of bull! Here, buddy. This is the first one I ever had! You’ll kill a lotta nasty beasts with this!
(Lil' Kimton beams as he is handed the rifle.)
Lil' Kimton: I gonna be the bestest huntew evew! I'm gonna make suwe Ondine wove me fowever and evew
(He whispered into Kimton’s ear.) 
Lil’ Kimton: I don't wove hew, but I want hew to wove me. Girwies are meant to do what I wan and not say no! Be just wike Mama!
Kimton: Don’t worry, lil man! It’s not like she could ever have anyone better. She’ll be the perfect little wife for ya, while you go out and be the god among men you are!
Lil' Kimton: Yay! No one cool as Kim!
Queen Rose Candy:
(The little princess gasped with joy upon seeing her counterpart.)
PRC: Yoo a pwetty queen! I wove youw cwown!
QRC: Well, if you aren’t just the cutest lil thing I ever did see! What a precious little princess!
PRC: Tank you!
(She took the time to twirl around in her little candy dress, giggling as she did so. Queen Rose Candy decided to give her a treat.)
QRC: Here, have some candy!
(The princess eagerly took the lollipop given by her big self.)
PRC: YAAY! I wove candy! I also wacing in my candy caw! And pwaying wif JuJu!
(The Queen blushed upon hearing the Mistress of Evil’s name.)
QRC: Juleka's real sweet, isn't she. How's it like playing with the Mistress of Evil?
PRC: It supew fun! So’times, she make da teachew go night night, and we get to go ou’side and pway awl day!
(Queen Rose Candy was impressed.)
QRC: Wow! You're JuJu's already learned the sleeping curse! Mine didn't learn that until the middle of freshman year. You're no goody too shoes right? You like bein bad? Makin those dumb commoners hurt?
PRC: Yeah, bein’ bad da best!
(Princess Rose Candy began to scowl.)
PRC: I no like it when dumdum pessants beat me at wace, I DA BEST! So I make dem cwy and give dem booboos!
(The teen let out a creepy giggle.)
QRC: That's my girl! Now let's race! 
(She scooped up PRC who giggled, seeing her glitch momentarily into Pigella. She was confused but interested.)
PRC: What was dat? Yoo had a piggy dwess!
QRC: Well, I used to be in another game, I was Pigella and I was the best racer ever! I could do whatever I wanted, and then those meanies at Sugar Rush took all the attention from me. So I hacked the game, killed all the other racers, and became the Queen, only at 14!
(The infant princess squealed and clapped at this.)
PRC: Yaaay, no more oder racers! We da best!
(QRC carried PRC to the car, putting her in a booster seat.)
QRC: Now let's go on a drive!
PRC: Yay! Wacey time!
(The Mistress of Evil felt a rush of joy as she saw her young self, happily playing with her staff, using it to burn ants alive.)
Juleficent: Well well, what a beautiful malevolent child...
Lil' Juleficent: Tank you! Lookie what I can do! 
(She grew a pair of dragon claws and breathes a small spurt of fire) 
Lil’ Juleficent: I can’t do da whowe dwagon yet.
(Juleficent gave a dark chuckle, proud of her little self. She gently stroked Lil’ Juleficent’s horns, causing the girl to giggle and coo with joy.)
Juleficent: That is already impressive for your age. And where did you get that staff from?
Lil' Juleficent: I finded it, in a owd castwe. It wet me do coow stuff wif magics! So’times, I use it to make da teachew go sweepy-time, so we can do whatevew we want!
Juleficent: You already know the curse of eternal sleep!
(She beams and twirls Lil' Juleficent around.) 
Juleficent: You wonderful little witch! Mom must be very proud.
Lil' Juleficent: Yeah, momma da best! And Wuka, even if he a dumdum so’times! Daddy is wame, doh.
Juleficent: That goody two shoes... what a fool. It's a good thing your mother threw him overboard
Lil' Juleficent: Yeah, momma make him walk da pwank! Hee hee! She wouldn’ shoot da cannons at him, doh! Said it was a waste a ammo.
Juleficent: Blasted fae got away. But good riddance to him, and don't worry. You'll get your revenge on him soon. Now... how's Rose?
(The little goth blushed.)
Lil' Juleficent: She da best! She bwing me bwack licowice and she decowate my howns all pwetty!
Juleficent: Well you two are going to be quite the lovely pair one day. Now... come, I want to teach you how to turn Luka into a raven.
Lil' Juleficent: Imma make him my spy!
(The henchman watched with pride as his little self strummed away on his toy guitar.)
DiabLuka: Hey, little buddy, how’s it goin’?
Lil' DiabLuka: It okay. I makin a song for my bestest fwiends!
DiabLuka: That’s cool. Mari, Adrien and Kagami, right?
(Lil’ DiabLuka blushed and nodded slowly.)
Lil' DiabLuka: Uh huh! They vewy pwetty... thewe heawt song is wovewy. They evil heawt songs, cuz they evil wike me. So I wite a song bout bein bad. Bad is fun!
DiabLuka: Yeah, bein’ bad is fun! You help Jul with her plans?
Lil' DiabLuka: Yes! Im hew sidekick! We good with each othew, though sometimes I annoy hew, and she turn me into a biwd. But we stiww wove each othew and Mama. Mama a piwate!
DiabLuka: Heh heh! Yeah, she’s a wild one too! Was it fun watching her make Pop walk the plank?
(The infant grinned.)
Lil' DiabLuka: Uh huh, she make him go spwash spwash! Imma pway guitar, and evewyone gonna fowget about Daddy! Imma be the most evilwest wockstaw evew!
(DiabLuka pulled out his guitar, causing his young self to clap his hands eagerly.)
DiabLuka: You sure will, buddy! You wanna play some chords with me? I can teach you some new ones.
Lil' DiabLuka: Ooh, tank yoo, big me!
Alix Khan:
(The small Princess of the Jungle crept up behind her older self, before pouncing on Alix Khan’s leg.)
Lil' Alix Khan: I got you, big me!
(Alix Khan chuckled at this, happy to see that her little self knew about the art of stealth.)
Alix Khan: Oh yeah? 
(She gently removed Lil' Alix Khan from her leg.) 
Alix Khan: You're a sneaky little hybrid, aren't ya?
Lil' Alix Khan: Yeah! I fiewce. I’m gonna be da queen of da jungle, wike mama!
(The little hybrid cub let out an adorable roar. Alix Khan responded with a roar of her own.)
Alix Khan: That sounds like a good idea! Mom's an awesome queen!
Lil' Alix Khan: Yeah, momma da best! Evewybody ‘fraid’a her! Awe dey fraid’a us too, when we big?
(Alix Khan gave her a confident smile.)
Alix Khan: You bet! I'm the queen of the school, all the hybrids are afraid! Me and Ismael pratically run the joint. You like Ismael?
(She purred with joy in response.)
Lil' Alix Khan: Yeah, he my best fwiend! We pounce togeder! His momma not gweat wike ours doh.
Alix Khan: Well, don't you worry, Ismael's mom's not gonna be around for much longer
Lil' Alix Khan: Yay, bad queen go byebye!
Alix Khan: Oh, and stay away from fire. It's scary. You don't like fire do you?
(The toddler tensed up, rapidly shaking her head.)
Lil' Alix Khan: Nuh uh, no fiwe!
Alix Khan: That's good.
Ivan Oogie:
(The boogieman knew his little self was hiding somewhere, reading to scare him.)
Ivan Oogie: Now where is my lil buggy guy?
(Lil' Ivan Oogie gave an evil giggle as his shadow loomed behind Ivan. He jumped out at his big self, giving Ivan Oogie a genuine fright.)
Lil' Ivan Oogie: BOO!
Ivan Oogie: Oh no, ya got me!
(The little oogie giggled as tiny bugs fell out of his mouth.)
Lil' Ivan Oogie: I scawed you! Scawing people Iss fun! When I get big wike you, I gonna be da scawiest evew!
Ivan Oogie: Well that's a great thing to be. I'm sure ya have a lotta fun scaring people with Denise.
Lil' Ivan Oogie: Yeah, Denise Iss lossa fun! Theiw shadows awe coow and weal scawy! We use em to mess wif da teachews!
(Ivan Oogie laughed at this, with memories of giving teachers nightmares at school flooding into his head.)
Ivan Oogie:  As you should! And what 'bout Mylene? Y'all having fun with her? She's pretty, ain't she?
(The infant blushed and smiled even wider.)
Lil' Ivan Oogie: Da pwettiest! No tell Mawcy I say dat! Mywene wike Scawing peoples too, and she wike my bugs!
Ivan Oogie: Yep, lil Scallop's the best girl I've ever seen. And she's scary too. Which reminds me, I gotta present for ya.
(The infant’s eyes widen in curiosity.)
Lil' Ivan Oogie: What iss it?
(Ivan Oogie pulled out a tiny cooking pot.)
Ivan Oogie: Here, this is how y'all can be even scarier. You like stew?
Lil' Ivan Oogie: Yeah, Snake and Spidew stew da best!
Ivan Oogie: Well now, you can make people you like scarin into stew!
(Lil’ Ivan Oogie shouted with glee, bouncing up and down.)
Lil' Ivan Oogie: Yaaaay!
Ivan Oogie: Now come on... we gotta whole lotta people to terrorize.
Lil' Ivan Oogie: This gonna be fun!
(The little sea witch toddled over to her counterpart, showing her the plush eels that she cherished so much.)
Lil' Mylensula: Dese awe my poopsies, I wove dem!
(She cuddled them as tight as she could.)
Lil’ Mylensula: I deir mama and Ivan deir papa!
Mylensula: And what wonderful poopsies they are. Do you have real ones at home?
Lil' Mylensula: Nah yet! They haven’t hatchded from deir eggs!
Mylensula: Don't worry sweetie, those little darlings will be out before you know it. So what do you like to do for fun?
Lil' Mylensula: I wike to pway wif Awya and Juwie, we awe use magics! You use magics too?
Mylensula: Absolutely! Alya, Juleka and I are still best friends. And there's one thing I love, and it's making deals. Do you like to make deals, sweetie?
(This really excited Lil’ Mylensula.)
Lil' Mylensula: Yeah, specially wif peopwe who have pwetty voices! Den I get to have dem!
(Mylensula cackled in agreement.)
Mylensula: And what do we call people who fall for our deals?
Lil' Mylensula: Poow unfowtunate sowls!
Mylensula: In pain and in need
(They both smile and think about the poor saps they get to con.)
Mylensula: Now what about Ivan, is he still your buggyboo?
Lil' Mylensula: Yeah! He my best fwiend! Ivan weally cute, but don’ tell him! He onwy wikes bein’ scawy!
Mylensula: Well, my spookums is a horrifying cutie. Ooh, does he visit you in your dreams, I mean "nightmares"?
Lil' Mylensula: Yeah! He twy and scawe me, and I twy and scawe him! Iss fun!
Mylensula: How romantic!
Madame Sabrina:
(Madame Sabrina’s stylish outfit was the first thing that her young counterpart noticed.)
Lil' Madame Sabrina: I wove youw cwothes!
Madame Sabrina: Well, you look just adorable! I love your necklace? Are those diamonds?
(The young girl clapped her hands and giggled.)
Lil’ Madame Sabrina: Yeah! I wove diamonds! I gonna hunt em one day. 
(She pulled out her plush crocodiles and showed them off.)
Lil’ Madame Sabrina: These my cwocs! I wove em!
Madame Sabrina: I love my croccies too! Their names are Marie and Napoleon!
Lil' Madame Sabrina: Oooh! Cwoccies fun! Do yoo awso wike Chwoe and Mawinette? Dey my best fwiends! Weww Mawinette can steaw my thundew sometimes, but Chwoe hewps us get awong.
Madame Sabrina: That’s good! Teamwork makes the schemes work! They’re my best friends too. We LOVE going shopping!
Lil' Madame Sabrina: Can we go shopping? I wanna wook fabuwous while huwting stupid mousies
Madame Sabrina: Of course, sweetie! You should always look your best when doing what you love! And there’s nothing more satisfying then watching a vile rodent suffer!
Lil' Madame Sabrina: Do I stiww have to wowk fow Mommy an Daddy in da pawn shop?
Madame Sabrina: Oh, goodness no! You’re going to be the one running things before you know it!
Lil’ Madame Sabrina: Hooway!
Lady Chloe:
(Lady Chloe stared at her toddler self with pride. She was still as ruthless and elegant as ever.)
Lady Chloe: Ah, even as a tot, I still carry myself grace and poise
(Lil’ Lady Chloe simply smiled and nodded in response.)
Lil' Lady Chloe: Iss impowtant to be a gwaceful wady. It show da peasants I bettew den dem.
Lady Chloe: Absolutely my dear. I take it you are already showing those plebians who's boss? What do you like to do?
Lil' Lady Chloe: I wike to make da peasants do what I say, ow else! And pway wif Mawi and Bwina! They fight wots, but dey wich and mean wike me, so I wike dem.
Lady Chloe: Ah yes, those two make quite the excellent chums. I'm sure you three go on the most wonderful shopping trips
Lil' Lady Chloe: Yeah, we get whatevew we want cuz I make daddy pay!
(They shared a soft giggle over the control of their father.)
Lady Chloe: Ah, father... what a sissy. It's a good thing he's wrapped around our fingers
Lil' Lady Chloe: Yeah! We spos’ta be in chawge! Not dummy daddy.
Lady Chloe: Alright, now let's join our two Marinettes and Sabrinas. We're going to have the ultimate shopping spree.
Lil' Lady Chloe: Wondewfuw! Uttewy wondwefuw!
(The little henchgirl was mesmerized by how beautiful her older self was.
Lil' LeOndine: Oooh! You pwetty!
LeOnDine: Oh! Thank you! You’re pretty cute, yourself! I like your dress!
(Lil’ LeOndine just beamed and did a little twirl.)
Lil' LeOndine: It fow Kimmy! He da coowest!
LeOnDine: Yeah, yeah he is. I still love to swim, you know. I’m the best in school! …Well, except for Kim…
(LeOndine began to blush just thinking about him.)
Lil' LeOndine: I do anyting fow Kim. Annytingg
(The tot let out a creepy giggle as her older self nodded approvingly.)
LeOnDine: Well, that’s good! We have to be loyal if we want him to choose us to marry one day! I’ll be his perfect little wife….
Lil' LeOndine: Imma do all da cookin and cweaning. And den he wove me fowever and evew!
LeOnDine: Of course he will! We just have to show him there’s no better choice, don’t we?
Lil' LeOndine: Yep!
(ZoeHans let her mini counterpart vent about her situation in the Southern Isles.)
Lil' ZoeHans: I wike it hewe, a whowe wot. At home, evewybody is mean and stupid! I wish dey all go ‘way!
ZoeHans: Well.. there is a way to make them go away. I hope you don't wanna be a good guy, because the way to do it means you're a bad guy. Do you like being bad?
Lil' ZoeHans: Yeah! Bein’ bad is da best!
ZoeHans: Then it's simple, plan their demise. Kill them one by one, but make it look liike an accident. Don't you have a warrior in your class, Kagami? We're friends in my universe.
Lil' ZoeHans: Yeah, ‘Gami my fwiend! She like swowds, like me! We swowdfight!
ZoeHans: Well... she'll be perfect for the plan. When you're old enough, you'll merge kingdoms, and it'll be a breeze offing those morons.
Lil’ ZoeHans: Yaaaay! And me and Cosette wiww ruwe da Soudern Iswes!
ZoeHans: Cosette... they're a sweet one, aren't they?
Lil’ ZoeHans: Yeah, Dey da best! I wike combing deir wool, Dey onwy wet me do it!
(Lil’ ZoeHans giggles at this.)
ZoeHans: It's a luxury only we deserve. Now, do you have a real sword yet?
Lil’ ZoeHans: No! Dumb teachew say we too smaw for weal weapons!
ZoeHans: Well... I disagree with that. Here, take this sword. Some of my friends used magic to make this one a little smaller. I hope you like it
(She squeals with glee as ZoeHans hands her the tiny sword, swinging it around.)
Lil’ ZoeHans: Tank yoo, tank yoo!
ZoeHans: You're welcome, now go take your revenge!
(Upon seeing it’s older self, Lil’ Cosetteweather put on an act of innocence, pretending to be a shy and sweet little hybrid.
Lil' Cosetteweather: Hi, big me…
(Cosetteweather just gave them a knowing smile.)
Cosetteweather: Now come on, you know I'm not falling for that.
(The toddler giggles, dropping her naive act.)
Lil' Cosetteweather: I don’ wike actin’ nice fow people, I wike bein’ bad! But momma and daddy say peopwe gotta wike you! 
(It rolled their little eyes.)
Cosetteweather: Well... sure, only to get what you want. It's all a game, and you're gonna win.
Lil' Cosetteweather: Yeah, me and ZoZo! 
(A blush crossed its little cheeks.)
Cosetteweather: Zoe's cute, isn't she? So are you her little running mate? What do you guys like to do?
Lil' Cosetteweather: We wike to pway pwetend queens! And be da bosses’a evewyting!
Cosetteweather: Well we're doing that too, except she's the president, and I'm the vice president
(Lil' Cosetteweather gave a confused bleat, it didn’t know what those words meant.)
Lil' Cosetteweather: Pwesent? Fow who?
Cosetteweather: Nope. Say it like this pre-si-dent. And then vice pre-si-dent
Lil' Cosetteweather: Pwes-a-dent. Vie Pwes-a-dent.
Cosettweather: There we go! Alright, so a President gets to do whatever they want, except they don't get to do it forever, and the vice president's like their secretary, only they have a lotta power as well
Lil' Cosetteweather: Coow! I be ZoZo’s vie pwesadent! We be da bosses!
Cosetteweather: Yep! And once you take over the school, and Zoe gets rid of her family, she'll make you a queen, and you'll rule together! At least, that's my plan, so it'll be yours too, I bet!
Lil' Cosetteweather: Yay!
Cosetteweather: Now, lemme comb your wool, it's lookin pretty messy
Lil' Cosetteweather: Weww, ZoZo always do it, but you me, so dats okay!
(The demented witch gasped and giggled with joy as she saw her little self turning random students into animals.)
MimRore: Ooh! A little version of me! How delightfully dreaful!
(Lil’ MimRore shrieked happily and clapped her hands upon seeing big MimRore.)
(MimRore cackled madly and spun Lil’ MimRore around.)
(She let the toddler go.)
Lil' MimRore: I know how ta tuwn into stuff! Wook!
(Scrunching up her face, she transformed into a frog, then a lizard, and then into a beaver, before transforming back.)
MimRore: Quite wonderful! But watch this! 
(She turned into a crocodile, a dragon, and a chicken, before transforming back as well. Her little self cheered and clapped her hands.)
Lil' MimRore: Big me shayshif tooo! Iss Miwi still my best fwiend when I big! I wike Miwi wots!
MimRore: YES YES YEEESSS!!! Mireille's my darling goddess, and we have soo much fun together! Do you like to have fun?
Lil' MimRore: Yeah Yeah Yeah! Bein’ bad is most fun!
(The infant let out a psychotic giggle.)
MimRore: Oh well we do LOTS of bad things! Miri and I are also the weather girls at school! You love the weather, right?
Lil' MimRore: YEAH! I wove ta change it like momma does!
MimRore: Oh you definitely will! The weather's your toy to play with! 
Lil' MimRore: EEEEE!!!
(They transformed into dragons, bursting out of the school, ready to cause trouble.)
(The Goddess of Death held her hand out for their little self to shake.)
Mireides: Hey there, squirt. How ya doin’? 
(Lil’ Mireides shook it, with a frown on her face.
Lil' Mireides: I do okay, I guess...
Mireides: Somethin’ wrong, mini me?
Lil' Mireides: Daddy hate me! He gave me hooman name, and tell me I no meant to say a wowd. My bwothews and sistews no say nothin! They don't wike me wanning ta be baddie
Mireides: Well, let me tell you something. Those yahoos, they don’t matter. They’re just a bunch’a creeps who think they’re hot stuff. Look around you, shortstack, these guys? They’re gonna be all the family you need! Don’t let those so-called ‘Gods’ get you down!
Lil' Mireides: Yeah! I got new famiwy! Ooh, Imma wowk wif em and we gonna take Owympus! Ooh ooh! I got my titans too! And Cewebus, he my puppy! Nice doggie!
(Hearing his name, the three-headed pup dashed over and jumped on his mistress, making her squeal.)
Mireides: Yeah, he’s a good boy. It’s kinda nice seein’ him this small again! 
(She gingerly pet the pups head, hearing him let out an appreciative bark. Lil’ Mireides gasped with joy.)
Lil' Mireides: He become big doggie?!
Mireides: REAL big.
(The tot then frowned once again.)
Lil' Mireides:  Do we gotta deaw wif hewoes? I don wike hewoes.
Mireides: A few. But don’t you worry. Those yutzes are no match for us and our friends!
Lil' Mireides: What bout Auwowe? I wike hew and she wike me
(The two villains blushed at the thought of MimRore.)
Mireides: Yeah, don’t worry. That nut’s gonna be around a long time!
Lil' Mireides: Is undewowld any bettew? It fun sometimes, but souws awe annoying
Mireides: Yeah, they’re pests, aren’t they? That’s something that doesn’t change, but we’re headed to better places, aren’t we?
Lil' Mireides: Yoo bet! I wove yoo big me!
Mireides: Right back at ya, baby me! Oh, and make sure you tell your titans everything they gotta do. They may be big guys but they don’t have big brains!
Kagami Yu:
(The tiny warlord cooed in awe of her big self.)
Lil' Kagami Yu: Yoo got loss of awmow. Awe you a wawwiow?
Kagami Yu: That's right little one. While I am only a teenager, I have proven myself on the battlefield. I've killed hundreds, innocents, soldiers, either way, I feel so much joy when taking a life. Do you like hurting people?
Lil' Kagami Yu: Yeah, I wike huwting dem wif my fists and wif my swowd! Wish swowd was weal, doh!
Kagami Yu: That can be arranged. 
(She handed Lil’ Kagmami Yu a small sword, the baby warrior eagerly accepted it.)
Lil' Kagami Yu: Tank you, big me! Now I be wawwiow wike you! I be a bettew wawwiow Dan mama! Den she won’t teww me what ta do no mowe!
Kagami Yu: That blind fool won't tell you what to do, that's for sure. When I graduate, I'm gonig to invade China. You don't like China, do you?
Lil' Kagami Yu: Nuh uh, Dey think Dey da big boss! Empewow an old dumdum!
Kagami Yu: Well, I'm sure that you and Zoe will have no problem taking over once you merge nations. You like Zoe, don't you?
Lil' Kagami Yu: Yeah, we bof wike swowds! We fight wif swowds, but I awways win!
Kagami Yu: She'll get better, trust me. And I'm sure you have a group of "special friends" am I correct?
Lil' Kagami Yu: Yeah, Mawi, Adwien and Wuka. Dey my besties fwiends! *She blushes*
Kagami Yu: I remember when we first met them, we only wanted Mari, and the rest were our rivals. I bet that was the same for you
Lil' Kagami Yu: Yeah, me an’ Adwien would fight a wot. Mawi wiked dat. She awso wike when Wuka pway musics fow hew!
Kagami Yu: That dastardly crew... well I'm sure you have great times together. What do you four like to do for fun?
Lil' Kagami Yu: Make eviw pwans! We gonna take ovew da wowld!
Kagami Yu: And with the help of all our classmates, the world is going to be ours.
(The two Kagami Yus laughed evilly, with Kagami Yu ruffling Lil' Kagami Yu's hair.)
(The glimmer and gleam on Jeanatoa’s outfit caused the crab-hybrid infant to shriek with glee.)
Lil' Jeanatoa: Yoo shiny! You weawwy shiny!
Jeanatoa: Well, of course, baby! I’m one dazzling crab and it looks like you’re on your way there too!
Lil' Jeanatoa: Uh huh. I wove gowd! It pwetty! 
(He pouted and crossed his arms.)
Lil’ Jeanatoa: Mama and dada no wike it. Say I gotta be modewst, wike Gwamma
Jeanatoa: Oh, never mind those old fuddy-duddies! They just don’t get it, and neither does that old bat, who was delicious by the way!
Lil' Jeanatoa: I wanna eat Gwamma too! She wook yummy! What yoo do as big hybwid? Yoo steaw tings?
Jeanatoa: Of course, my little snapper! Anything to make me as shiny as can be! If they won’t use their bling right, why should they have it?
Lil' Jeanatoa: Yeah! We desewve da bwing. Ooh! Is Weshma stiww ouw buddy? We steaw togethew, but sometimes she twy and take my stuff! I take hew stuff too, tho, cuz it shiny
Jeanatoa: Yep, we’re still buddies! We’ve planned out some epic heists, though splitting the haul CAN be tough sometimes! You like acting, mini me?
Lil' Jeanatoa: I WOVE IT! Imma be a staw! Nino good fwiend of mine. He gonna put me in moviews and we scam peopwe
Jeanatoa: You bet you will! Just remember, the whole world is your stage, so make sure you’re always KILLING it! And you make sure Nino gives you your cut, okay?
Lil' Jeanatoa: I pwomise! And Nino's gonna gimme a cut, or I pinch him. I wownt kiww him tho, cuz we all fwiends and pwomise not to give each othew too bad booboos.
Jeanatoa: Right!
Reshma Hook:
(The tiny Reshma Hook was awe-inspired by her older self. She toddled up to her, wanting to touch the hook on her hand.)
Lil' Reshma Hook: Wooow, you got a hooky hand!
Reshma Hook: Well, it's actually fake! 
(She took it off and showed her real hand, causing the tot to gasp once again.)
Resma Hook: I use it for battle. Great for when you need to attack in a pinch. Comes with being a pirate.
Lil' Reshma Hook: You a piwate?! A weal one, wike mama?!
Reshma Hook: That's right! I'm first-mate to Captain Anarka, much to my displeasure. If my plan works, I'll be the new captain. That's how I met Juleka as a baby, just like you. Are your mom and Anarka still friends, like they are in my place?
(Lil’ Reshma Hook nodded eagerly. She loved hanging out with JuJu.!)
Lil' Reshma Hook: Yeah, dey come ovew and talk wots, but I get to pway wif Juwie, so Iss fun!
Reshma Hook: That loveable enchantress. Now what do you love to play?
Lil' Reshma Hook: Piwates and witchies! We pwetend to steaw fwom ships and attacks countwies, take deir tweasuwe!
Reshma Hook: I remember that game! I loved playing it with Julie when I was a lass.
Lil' Reshma Hook: You attack any pwaces, steaw deir tweasuwe?
Reshma Hook: Yep! No place's too big for a swashbuckler like me! Well, except Neverland. I tried attacking the place while Cap'n Narka was sick, and it blew up in my face. Blasted fairies!
Lil' Reshma Hook: Faiwies dumb! I don’t wike faiwies. Don’t wike croccoes eidew!
(The little girl shivered at the same time as her counterpart.)
Reshma Hook: Worst of all is Tick Tock. He nearly took my arm off! It's a good thing I had Juleka to back me up, otherwise, Anarka woulda had me walk the plank.
Lil' Reshma Hook: Walk da pwank no fun. Juwie good fwiend!
(Reshma Hook scooped up her little self, smiling at hearing her shriek of glee.)
Reshma Hook: Come on, let's go on a little plundering trip together!
Lil' Reshma Hook: Yaaay!
Simon Frollo:
 (The minister in training gave a judgemental look to his little self, wanting to see how devoted he was.)
Simon Frollo: I hope you recognize the importance of the lord?
Lil' Simon Frollo: Yes. The wowd of God is supweme waw, else you go to down to bad place!
Simon Frollo: Quite right, my boy. And how do we make sure others do not sin?
Lil' Simon Frollo: Punish dem when Dey bad! Den dey leawn! If Dey no leawn, dey go bye bye!
Simon Frollo: Exactly. But... it is fine for us to sin, isn't it. We have a holy love for villainy.
(They share a soft chuckle.)
Lil' Simon Frollo: Yeah, bein’ bad okay fow us! Don’ mattew what dada say, he a wame dumdum!
Simon Frollo: That fool will be replaced as Minister soon enough. Then we'll be in control of Ireland. And we won't be alone, you've got all your friends from class. Do you have anyone... special?
(The infant blushed as red as his hair.)
Lil' Simon Frollo: I wike Denise, a wot. Dey a witch, but…I wike dem.
(Simon Frollo blushed as well, clearing his throat.)
Simon Frollo:  Aaah, that sinful shadow witch. They bring hellfire to my skin. Do they use shadows to tease you?
Lil' Simon Frollo: Y-yeah. Dey take my hat and won’t gif it back less I pway wif dem.
Simon Frollo: Well, don't worry. You two are going to be quite the lovely pair.
(They noticed the shadows of the two Doctor Cabellos. Doctor Cabello’s was blowing Simon Frollo a kiss, while Lil’ Doctor Cabello’s put bunny ears behind Lil’ Simon Frollo.)
Simon Frollo: Speak of the devils…
(The two Doctor Cabellos' giggled.)
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Choiw boy!
Doctor Cabello:
(Lil’ Doctor Cabello giggled and clapped their hands as their big self’s shadow danced and made funny faces at them.)
Lil’ Doctor Cabello: Shadow funny!
Doctor Cabello: You like that, little buddy? I notice you got a spunky shadow yourself!
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yeah, my wike ya pway wif me! We mess wif da hewoes…and wif Simon.
Doctor Cabello: Mmmm... Choir boy's a cutie, aint he? I bet you love to drive him crazy.
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yeah! So’times I make shadow take his hat till he pway wif me! He gess mad, Iss funny.
(The shadow doctor chuckled at this.)
Doctor Cabello: Well you make sure to keep him around. You two are gonna have some real fun together. Speaking of which.. 
(They pulled out a pack of tarot cards.)
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yaay, I wike tawots!
Doctor Cabello: These are for you. They're gonna help you when you're conning some poor suckers. You know how to con people yet? You any good at hoodoo?
Lil' Doctor Cabello: I twyin’ to leawn! But momma and daddy awways teww me no! They bowing!
Doctor Cabello: Well they're a bunch of squares. If they or your goody good of a sister ever try to stop you again, introduce them to your friends on the other side. You have friends on the other side?
(The tiny Doctor eagerly nodded.)
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yeah, my fwiends scawy and Dey wike bein’ bad, wike me!
Doctor Cabello: And what about Ivan. He's fun and scary too!
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yeah, Ivan scawy and I wike his buggies! He wike my shadows! We scawe da teachews lots!
Doctor Cabello: That's my lil’ shadow witch! 
(They noticed the small talisman on Lil’ Doctor Cabello.)
Doctor Cabello: That's a pretty thing y'all got there.
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Fwiends give it to me! Dey say it hewp me talk to dem! And use da hoodoo!
Doctor Cabello: Well that's wonderful. Hey... wanna wreak some havoc on Paris?
Lil' Doctor Cabello: Yeah!
(They partake in a bout of evil laughter.)
(IsmaScar immediately noticed the frown on his young self’s face.)
IsmaScar: What's wrong, little prince? You look uncharacteristically glum.
Lil' IsmaScar: Mama was mean to me again today, she stiww caww me a pwincess.
(At the memory of his rotten mother, the King of the Savannah growled with rage.)
IsmaScar: That fool ignores that you have the heart and mind of a king! You are destined to have the throne!
Lil' IsmaScar: Big me weawwy fink so?
IsmaScar: I know so! You want to be King, right?
Lil' IsmaScar: Yeah! I wanna be king! Wike dada!
IsmaScar: Then be prepared to do anything to get it. The strongest survive, and the weak perish!
Lil' IsmaScar: Yeah, I be pwepawed. I be stwong!
IsmaScar: Well look out for her kicking you to the Outlands. If that happens, become friends with the hyenas. They're looking for a strong leader.
Lil' IsmaScar: Okay, big me! I get hyena fwiends! 
(Grinning, He stalked closer to his big self in a pouncing stance. IsmaScar smirked and pretended not to notice.)
Lil' IsmaScar: RAAAHH! 
(The little hybrid pounced on his big self, giggling.)
Lil’ IsmaScar: I got you!
(The teen king winced in mock pain.)
IsmaScar: Ohhh the agony and unexpected betrayal!
(The two began to play wrestle on the ground, growling playfully.)
Lacey Gothel:
(Lacey Gothel stayed hidden in her hooded cloak, lurking up to her little self, ready to give a dramatic scare.)
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Hewwo, big me!
(The serial killer blinked in shock.)
Lacey Gothel: Well, don’t you have quite the sharp senses, little one.
Lil' Lacey Gothel: I gotta! I gonna be a kiwwew one day 
(She hides underneath Lacey Gothel’s black cloak.)
Lil’ Lacey Gothel: Cwoak is spooky! Why weaw it?
Lacey Gothel: Why, it gives us that extra frightening edge, my dear. And it’s perfect for slinking around, going unnoticed! 
(She laughed evily, raising her arms in a threatening manner. The toddler giggled at this, and then frowned upon her sudden realization.)
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Why yoo owder? I don wanna be owd!
Lacey Gothel: Not to worry, little one! We won’t get wrinkles if I can help it! Have you ever heard of the sundrop flower?
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Wats dat? Sounds pwetty
Lacey Gothel: Well, it’s a magical golden flower that, when you sing a special song to it, can heal anything, even old age!
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Yoo not weawwy a old wady alweady, wight? Yoo onwy kid?
Lacey Gothel: Not to worry, my dear. I’m but 14 years old! And I don’t intend to age much beyond that!
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Weww, would yoo age fow fwiends at gwaduation? Dat way yoo can be pwetty aduwt!
Lacey Gothel: Well….Yes, I suppose so. I wouldn’t want them to leave me behind, would I?
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Nuh uh! I gonna do da same. I gonna stab hewoes! If onwy I had weaw knifey.
Lacey Gothel: Would this one do? 
(She pulled out her smallest dagger, giving it to her toddler self, who squealed happily.)
Lil' Lacey Gothel: Yeah! I gonna stawt kiwwing now! Tank yoo, big me. We know best! 
(She climbed up to Lacey Gothel, who smothers the toddler in her cloak, lovingly stroking her mini self's hair.)
And it’s finally done! This took awhile, but it was worth it. Stay tuned for Artzy’s sequel to the Kagami Crossover, which should come out next week at the earliest. As always, make sure to reblog, reply, ask, and post to let us know about your thoughts on the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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papa-pen · 4 months
hi am back :3 i workd 5 an a half hrs 2day an had to walk home, which took 40 mins...hav any advice on wut i can do to feel bettew? my body hurts shsh :(
Ohh dear.. Im ssso sorry you had to walk all that way! When we're in pain, a nice warm bath usually helpsss! Along with some Advil/ibuprofen (if needed).
Other than that, i just advisse to take it easssy for the rest of the night!
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