#be prepared to see more of this lil bugger
m-to-z-andbackto-m · 6 months
Bitty Dust Headcanon Time!!! I didn't do a good job at deciphering the lil' bugger-
Bitty!Killer HeadCanons
Bitty!Cross HeadCanons
I feel that he's. Awful at social interaction (at least at first) so he's a great choice if you're out of the house a lot!
Actually don't leave him alone-alone for too long, I feel like he has attachment issues so at first he'd be okay with alone time... apart from being emotionally unstable-
Once he warms up to you he'll probably stick around more and you'll probably start to understand what he likes and stuff, despite his lack of verbal responses
He probably doesn't like his face touched? I personally don't go with a no face Dust but I adore the idea/look so if you do, he probably doesn't want you touching his head
Maybe he'll let you pat it gently as long as you don't tug his hood off, you'll have to gain his trust first though, you can hold his itty bitty hands instead 🥺
Don't touch his scarf, if it needs cleaning he'll do it, probably in the shower or something
Most compatible with a well tended to Horror, maybe he'd be on edge with a Papy bitty so I wouldn't advise that pair up, unless you throw in a Horror!Paps, the difference is enough and similarities still comfortable, plus Horror would love his baby brother to be around and Dust could feel like this is his personal second chance (Like how Geno vibes with Papy!), though he won't say it
Edit: I think he'd be okay with Geno too actually, I don't see enough positive interaction between them D:
He'll probably vibe with Cross too but don't expect much interaction between them, again, good bitty choices if you're out of the house a lot!
If you want, you can try to pair/group him up with a Blue, he's tolerable, but make sure he doesn't overwhelm the tired man
You know these headcanons are if they potentially had their pasts played out, but if you don't wanna think they have backgrounds as bitties that's up to you
I think he'd like soft things (likes being wrapped in them for a sense of safety and support) and hate dirty places like the back of the microwave where Killer would venture into lol, only because the dirt and grime reminds him of bad stuff
Ketchup. He might want it spiked though, still, don't let him develop an addiction/habit-
I keep thinking it'd be cute if he hugs your hand/finger(s) (depending on the size you're imagining)
Probably watches TV and sleeps a lot, sluggish due to bad mental health/low motivation and poor quality sleep, this can be improved overtime if you emotionally bond with him and help him work out confronting his feelings which he tends to invalidate in his mind, he just needs some kindness guys
He's low maintenance, but he also forgets to take care of himself sometimes, you gotta make sure he's not stinky and hungry, actually, if you pair him up with a Horror bitty, he'll make sure Dust doesn't starve because that's just his moral compass y'know
Also he probably prefers hoodies and won't wear anything new/unfamiliar, especially if it makes him feel exposed
If you do get him to do more than just lay around sulking, maybe he obsesses over routines to feel a sense of predictability and has terrible paranoia, especially of unknown humans, bitty or not
Sensitive to change and may cause panic so tell him what will happen and when
For a small example, don't scoop him up without asking or warning him first
If you'll get home late, leave him a voicemail on the home phone so he's less anxious waiting
And don't invite people over or adopt new bitties without him being prepared for a new variable in the house, this might cause him to distaste the new person and be avoidant
Definitely not outgoing at all, but maybe a couple of times he'll accept some time outside the house
He'll want to protect you depending on how well you've bonded <3
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msweebyness · 1 year
MirrorVerse Special- Halloween Town Trolls (Happy 30th Anniversary Nightmare Before Christmas!)
Hellllo, my fine, fright-loving folks! Exciting news! This year marks the 30th anniversary of one of the greatest holiday films ever, so Sparky and I decided to celebrate by doing a special involving our characters from the Disney AU's who come from said film! Keep an eye out for two more surprises from me (one largely from Artzy, lol.) Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(Set During Senior Year)
(Holding a portal open, BluRore gazes sternly at the two Halloween Town natives standing in front of her, both bearing maniacal grins.)
BluRore: Now remember, you two. Don’t cause too much trouble. Heavens know these people have enough to deal with already, with him being about…
(Eri places a bony hand over her heart)
Eri Skellington: Not to fear, dear fairy! We have but one target in this endeavor. He alone will suffer the dregs of our mischief!
SalAnthony: Translation: We’re only gonna punk the Boogie, we won’t bother anyone else.
BluRore: (Nods with a sigh) Good. Now, with that out of the way…(smiles wickedly) Give that jackass hell!
(The two nod with devious smiles of their own, before stepping through the portal)
*SCENE CUT: Ivan Oogie’s Lair*
(The villainous Ivan Oogie cackles menacingly as he watches his bugs and critters wreak havoc in Halloween Town, ruining the preparations the townsfolk had worked so hard on.)
Ivan Oogie: (Laughs with pure malice) Lookit ‘em, runnin’ around like chickens with no heads! What a bunch’a suckers!
(Suddenly, he hears an odd tapping noise from outside his lair.)
Ivan Oogie: (Eyes narrow) What the…
(He steps outside to investigate…only to be whacked in the schnoz by a severed blue hand.)
Ivan Oogie: What in the Sam Hill?! Who-
(He’s cut off when the hand rounds back and slaps him across the face, before scuttling into the shadows around his lair. Two voices laugh from somewhere unseen.)
Eri Skellington: (From the darkness, in a voice with an exaggerated southern accent) It’s yer mama, Boogie Boy! Hauntin’ you for killin’ me, which ya did because yer a bitchass motherfucker!
SalAnthony: (Snickers, also hidden in the shadows) A little pissbaby, who’s scared of widdle bunny wabbits!
(The two just laugh at him again, angering him even further as he tries to see through the thick shadows.)
SalAnthony: Yo, jackass!
(Eri’s parasol whacks Ivan over the head, momentarily stunning him, but she disappears back into the darkness before he can spot her. This enrages him, of course.)
(SalAnthony’s hand slaps him upside the head.)
SalAnthony: Ooooh, we made him angy, Eri! I'm sooo scared! (Snickers)
Eri Skellington: Now, now, my dear doll, I believe it’s time we made our entrance, don’t you agree?
(The two suddenly appear behind Ivan Oogie, giving earsplitting shrieks as they make their most terrifying faces. He jumps, and it takes every ounce of willpower the young boogey has not to scream in terror.)
Ivan Oogie: So ya f-finally get the guts ta sh-show yer faces! Th-that the b-best ya got?
(The two give each other sly grins)
Eri Skellington: Of course not! A little friend of ours wants to say hello as well. (She pulls out a fluffy grey rabbit with green eyes.)
(The boogeyman lets out a high squeal.)
SalAnthony: He's Jesse's stress bunny. His name is Antonio. Isn’t he just the cutest thing in the world, Oogie? (Cackles)
Ivan Oogie: (Falls back on the ground and scrambles away) GET THAT BEADY-EYED LIL BUGGER AWAY FROM ME!
Eri Skellington: (Cackles with glee) What's this? What's this? He's screaming like a loon! He's pissed, what bliss! And he'll start crying soon!
SalAnthony: Damn, will he ever, hold it together? No, I think not, never to become. This fool is simply too much fun!
Ivan Oogie: (Scowls) Just wait till my Pun’Kin finds out ‘bout this! Y'all’re gonna be sorry when we slice ya up and eat ya for dinner!
SalAnthony: (Scoffs) Sorry, boyo, but your calamari cocktease doesn't scare us, and neither do you!
(Ivan is about to shout at him not to speak that way about his scallop, but Eri cuts him off.)
Eri Skellington: Well, it’s at least something of a comfort that you at least won’t kill your Tonsil Hockey partner to boost your fragile ego! (Examines her nails)
(Ivan Oogie splutters, only for SalAnthony to set the stage for the next blow)
SalAnthony: Well, Bones, he’s also got a soft spot for his baby sistew, doesn’t he? (Smirks devilishly)
Eri Skellington: (Giggles) That’s true! So much so that he’s a regular honored guest at her tea parties! (She pulls out her phone, where she had somehow procured an image of him sitting at Sasha’s small tea table with her, wearing a glittery princess tiara and a pink feather boa)
Ivan Oogie: (Eyes shoot open wide as he stammers, his face a mask of shock and mortification) WH-WHERE DID YA GET THAT?!
Eri Skellington: I have my ways, it’s neither here nor there! (Giggles) But rest assured, no one but me and dear Anthony have see-(Makes a show of ‘accidentally’ tapping something on the screen) (Gasps, covering her mouth with her hand) Oh, dear me! It seems I just sent it to the entire student body of the DuPont Reform Academy. Dreadfully sorry! (She and Anthony cackle)
(Ivan Oogie screams in rage)
(He grabs her by the throat…only for his scream to change to one of pain when she effortlessly bent his wrist the wrong way, her expression calm as she drew her parasol out)
Eri Skellington: (Icy Tone) Did no one ever teach you not to touch a lady without permission, imbecile?
SalAnthony: Never mind him, love. The gist of it is that if he’s hot for them, or they came from the same womb he did, they’re safe. Otherwise, he’s a pathetic little sociopath who gives a bad name to real boogies!
Ivan Oogie: (Puffs out his chest) The rest’a my kind ain’t nothin' but cowards who waste their time bein' goody-goody losers! I'm better than all of 'em combined!
Eri Skellington: (Rolls her eyes) Oh, yes, you're SUCH a macho man! Constantly needing to pick fights with that buffoon friend of yours to prove yourself superior.
SalAnthony: (Scoffs) The only thing he has over that moron is that he doesn't beat women.
(Ivan Oogie snarls)
Eri Skellington: (Giggles mockingly) I would almost argue intelligence too, but it's too small of a margin to really be sure.
Ivan Oogie: (Crosses his arms) Y’know, it ain't very HERO-like of y'all to come here jus’ to rough me up an’ call me names.
SalAnthony: (Rolls his eyes and groans) Why do you villains always say that? We are allowed to be petty, you know. Especially to cannibalistic homicidal edgelords.
Eri Skellington: Too true. Pity that your massive egos and minuscule brains can't handle even the most valid criticisms.
Ivan Oogie: W-Well…Y-You…Y’ALL SUCK!
SalAnthony: Oooh, nice one. Come on, Eri, let's go back to a Halloween Town that ISN’T plagued by a burlap sack-looking hick with a ‘Macho Man’ complex!
Eri Skellington: Indeed. I tire of this fool. And you know how much they panic when I disappear close to Halloween time. (Rolls her eyes fondly)
SalAnthony: Mayor's gonna have another conniption, isn't he?
(The two laugh before disappearing through the portal back to their own universe)
Ivan Oogie: Yeah, that's right! Run away! (He begins attempting to console himself) They were too scared to keep pullin' shit. Runnin' away like a couple’a pussies. I'm the best, and ev’rbody knows it.
(He feels a tap on his shoulder)
???: Hey, Dickface!
(He turns with a scowl to see who insulted him…only to drop to his knees with a squeak of pain as he’s kneed right in the groin, by none other than the daughter of his Canon Disney counterpart!)
Darcy Boogie: (Flips Ivan Oogie off, before turning to face us, the audience) Bet ya’ll weren’t expecting that. JJ!
(Her boyfriend gracefully kicks Ivan Oogie right in the head, knocking him out cold, before turning in the direction of the fourth wall.)
JJ Skellington: (Gives a dramatic bow, tipping his signature fedora) Happy anniversary, everyone!
Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
Prepare for a long-ass length ask:
"using calm mind 24/7" -> Love this
But also Belly Drum-
Lowkey picturing him as a Lioone for whatever reason-
Again, 100% agree! What else is there to say haha
BUT (as a gym leader) he has one random Ludicolo-
"Why do you have a Ludicolo when you're an electric type?"
"Because he's just a groovy lil' dude :("
My bbg-
I'm so biased towards him it's pathetic-
Imagine: Flareon Jordan <3
Hidden ability Guts and a move pool consisting of Will-O-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Helping Hand, and Double-Edge
Works well with Poison Andy (more below!) and Grass Trent (more below!) to trigger Guts!!
And just like Jordan, this move set is all or nothing. Both Flare Blitz and Double-Edge have so much recoil damage, but Jordan is okay with being Poisoned or Paralyzed by Andy or Trent to boost the damage/recoil further.
And while he could open Helping Hand or WOW for a recovery move, how would he help Virgil?
The Team >>> Him. <- Or that's what he thinks at least...
100% agree with the typings again!
"i realize this leaves him quad weak to fighting n fire" -> Which is why he's weak to Jordan haha
In a double battle with Jordan, I'd have him set up an Iron Defense first while Jordan burns with WOW.
Follow that up with a Helping Hand boosted Iron Head and it's over.
Nothing to say here when it explains itself haha
Love water type Andy!
But also consider: Water/Poison
Why? Andy is a nasty little bugger who will wear you down slowly over time. A defensive type but is capable of dealing big damage if you let him.
Imagine: Toxapex Andy with the Merciless ability and the move pool consisting of Baneful Bunker, Venoshock, Hydro Pump, and Recover.
I remember using a Toxapex like that in Pokemon Showdown. Always ends in a win or a rage quit by the other player lmao
Agree with you 100% once more
But consider: Remove Grassy Terrain and add Vine Whip for damage. Plus he does tend the whip the ball into the opponents box!
Him and Andy would be crazy together. It would be a stall-battle.
Same as Luis haha
I raise you Rock/Fighting Millie
"how rock type gym leaders tend to be the first you face in the game as theyre meant to show new trainers the ropes" -> Yes but Millie as a Radical Red/Emerald Kaizo starting Rock gym leader-
AKA: Will shut you down before your nuzlock even begins.
Something is telling me to add a secondary Psychic typing.
Too bad this means Dark type Pep beats the shit out of him-
BUT nothing that a little Destiny Bond can't fix!
If this is based off of @liverpoolfanfiction's Supernatural AU (I've stumbled across it before!) then...
Imagine: Cutiefly Alisson
OR Mawile Alisson except instead of a big mouth, it's a big glove haha
I really geeked out over this (particularly Jordan/Andy as you can tell haha), so thank you so much for accepting my request!! <3
ohmygosh i cant BELIEVE youre a showdown toxapex user LMAOOOO. i love using toxapex myself but playing AGAINST it??? every time i see that my opponent has one i hafta take a second to think abt whether i have the time for this, cause i KNOW im not going anywhere anytime soon
i actually considered making andy a poison type like real shit!!! but i didnt rlly know to put it into words without making him look like a DICK lmao
im feeling VERY inspired to do a "INSERTPLAYERHERE's pokemon team" series rn,,,
thank you so much for this lovely reaction/ask i am LOVING geeking out over pokemon n football w you <3
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
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I am Creation, both haunted and holy
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5urreal5weetz · 2 years
A/N: Formatting on here is weird lol. But I had some headcanons that I'd like to jot down.
Hank with a Single momma.
Best believe you're lucky he even spared a glance at you, let alone your life.
The only reason he hadn't killed you on the spot was due to seeing a little fluffy grunt clinging onto you. It looked to be nothing more than around the age of 2.
Its been awhile since he saw something that small. Or a child for that matter. So seeing it made him not want to itch that scratch of massacring you in front of the little one.
After that encounter, you'd find him or catch glimpses of him near you. It terrified you. You were scared out of your pretty little head.
The most wanted man in Nevada, was stalking you. It made you think he was waiting for the perfect moment to slaughter you and your baby. However, that wasn't the case.
He was just keeping an eye out. There are a lot of dangers in Nevada, y'know?
You were small and weak. If something happened to you, then something would happen to the kid.
He doesn't want that.
He only took notice of you, because of the small baby. The kid reminded him of simpler times. Cute and Innocent.
But that was at the beginning.
When you preparing dinner for you and ya lil munchkin in the old apartment, that was surprisingly untouched by anything horrid from outside, you see a big figure in your living room hovering over your child.
You were about to scream for your baby to come to you, you heard childish laughter coming from them.
So heavily confused, you look over to see them happily patting their small hands into Hank's big ones. It would've been cute if a 7 foot mass murderer wasn't in your apartment.
You'd swallow down your fear, as you called your baby's name. Its attention on Hank now onto their mother, with joy, waddled from its place over to you.
You picked them up, and have a long stare down with Hank.
After that, he just showed up like that ever since. It would be the same thing over and over again.
Though he starts bringing you gifts, like hearts or knives. Which he considers very fit to give your kid, you can never know when a blade needs to be drawn. But when you panicked and snatched the so-called gift from him, you told him to just give the gifts to you instead.
And he does. For the most part at least.
He also likes to hold the kid. Something so small in his hands, made him feel the need to protect. It was strange.
Though he holds the child so wrong. Like you caught him holding your kid by the leg, child giggling while being upside down.
"Hey I don't know if you like eat anything but you could stay fo-Oh my gosh!--Put them down! That's not how you hold a baby-"
You ended up teaching Hank how to hold them. And surprisingly he learned fast. He almost holds the baby everytime he visits.
Speaking of visits, he always shows up with either an injury or blood on him. The momma bird in you, has you worried and wanting nothing more than to make sure he's okay as well as clean. You won't let him near your kid unless he let's you clean and patch him up.
He allows you to, however he's very tense.
One time he had what looked like to be blisters on his fingers, you put Band-Aids on it. Your kid decided to get stickers and put them on him thinking it would help, they were copying their momma. Aint that sweet?
It was. To him he felt his heart melt a pinch.
Feeling something other than anger or feeling the urge to fight was strange.
Nevertheless, you've grown use to him and he does the same to you over awhile. A very long while.
He will hover over you and your kid when you're being harassed or cornered. Be by your side when you're putting your kid down for a nap or watch you take care of them.
Seeing you so affectionate towards the little bugger, make him feel like there might be hope left for this rotten world of Nevada.
When your affectionate side goes over to him however, whether being a small pat on the shoulder or something like a small hug.
He will crave for more than small touches. He even starts to softly bump his head on yours at times. You just think its him being friendly towards you.
How wrong you are.
To put it lightly, you're forever stuck with Hank. He's not leaving your side nor the kid's anytime soon. If someone tries to meddle with it, their time will be short lived.
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cant-blink · 3 years
Just rambling, DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT if you haven’t seen the movie!!
So San really was in control of Mechagodzilla. When they injected the blue goji energy, it gave Ghidorah’s neurons the strength needed to resurrect himself and take control of the robot. You can even hear Ghidorah’s roar during that whole scene; totally loved it!
What if Godzilla was sensing GHIDORAH throughout the whole movie? The whole, “He’s angry because he knows we’re replacing him with a robot” doesn’t make sense to me. How would Godzilla have the concept of a chunk of metal parts in the shape of a robot and what we intend to do with it?
Notice whenever they turn on Mecha through the use of Ghidorah’s neurons, THAT’s when Goji was able to home in on their location. He’s sensing Ghidorah’s energy and thinking his arch-nemesis was still alive, he was INTENT on killing them once and for all. Ghidorah is a persistent lil bugger, after all. 
He’s not mad at us humans, he doesn’t give a fuck about us. He’s mad because Ghidorah won’t fucking STAY DEAD!! He’s displaying the same single-minded pursuit behavior he had toward Ghidorah in the last movie. But he’s prepared to chase them to the ends of the earth, he’s prepared to battle this dragon just as he had plenty times before! Such confidence.
It wasn’t until after Mecha-San reveals himself that Goji really saw what he was dealing with. He senses Ghidorah but he’s seeing a robot! He doesn’t know how to handle this! He was prepared to fight Ghidorah again, not a stronger version of himself!
San definitely was having a blast getting revenge tho. Only to be decapitated. Because even as a robot, San must always have his head ripped off. Because Kevin.
I like to think there’s still hope for Ghidorah still being alive. His neurons live on in this movie, and maybe with that boost of radioactive energy that allowed San to take control, he can find a way to regenerate his old body once more.
Just spit-balling. Ghidorah fan through-and-through, what do you expect XD
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10  Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13  Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count:1563
Warnings: Slow Start, Language.
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Side Note: Црни лабуд, according to google translate, means Black Lotus in Serbian.
So erm. Hi guys, first time sharing something on Tumblr, normally I’m the one reading all the fanfics but after reading so many talented people’s work I thought I’d try my hand at it :) hopefully it doesn’t completely suck, any writing tips and feedback is welcome and feel free to give some constructive criticism. I’m rambling, aren’t I? Okay I’ll shut up, Enjoy :)  
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It’s the same routine day after day, wake up, shower, get dressed and go out to recruit for Damien. The streets of Brooklyn aren’t exactly safe for a girl of 13, but hey this is what happens when a pair of inconsiderate asses sell their only child to one of the most infamous and dangerous gang of criminals for the cheap thrill of getting high. One way or another a girls gotta make a living and the way I do it could land me in jail for the rest of my life, I mean I didn’t exactly picture myself blackmailing and manipulating the poor souls targeted by Црни лабуд, but that’s the shit that happens when you find yourself being shunned by the society that’s supposed to help the weak.
Anyways I was getting close to my target, just two more blocks, through the back alley and up the stairs to the apartment owned by Greg Sampson. That clever son of a gun managed to bypass the security systems of the cities bank and make off with $5,000 and get away with it, and as expected the Црни лабуд want him to be our new “financial adviser” considering our last one double crossed the boss and died cause if it. Turning to corner to enter the alley was a moment, as cheesy as it sounds, I won’t ever forget, a big group of boys were surrounding a lanky and frail lad who by the looks of it had seen better days. His blonde hair was all over the shop and his face looked like it had been ploughed into the front of a bus, blood was coming out his nose and both his top and bottom lip were split open but despite all of that he was laughing and taunting the group. 
“What’s the matter guys? Upset that you can’t keep me down?”, okay it’s official this kid has a death wish and I’m pretty sure that if I don’t do something I’m gonna be a witness to a murder, so of course my dumbass walks right into the middle of this “fight”. “So, what the hell is going off here? You boys decided to compensate for your small penises by acting like giant dicks or something?”, I could hear the lad behind me let out a laugh and a small smirk spread across my face as I looked at who I was up against, all the lads were red in the face and looked ready to put me into an early grave but I’d of liked to see them try.
 Thanks to the boss I knew basic self-defence and apparently could pack one “hell of a punch” when pissed off, the tallest of the bunch stepped towards me and picked me up by my collar at an attempt to scare me “Who the hell do ya think ya are little girl?! Don’t ya know when to stay outta other people business? Now I gotta mess up that pretty lil face of yours”. It was safe to say whatever he said and did was about as intimidating as a wet kitten and honestly quite funny, hence why I laughed before I punched the prick in his face, not my smartest move cause then I was dropped straight on to my ass. One of the tall pricks mates decided to take advantage of my situation, yelling and cursing at me as he prepared to kick me right in the face ,which wouldn’t of been too pleasant let’s be honest, but right when his foot was about to make contact the blonde lad behind me pulled himself in front of me and took the blow for me, he went flying across the floor and hit the back wall.  
Now I was pissed. As the group started to walk past me and advance on the blonde boy, I grabbed the ankle of the closest guy and pulled him down, climbing on top of him and really going in on his stupid face to try and get their attention back on me and off the guy struggling to stand.  It’s safe to say it worked, a sudden force to my ribs knocked me off the boy and back onto the floor, and then the fun began…for them at least I wasn’t having as much fun as the collection of shitheads, pain erupted from all over body, one jackass was constant kicking me in the head as the others hit whatever part of me they could reach. It felt like it went on for forever, but, in reality it was only for 30 seconds, before the boys stopped, I could hear the sounds of punches and the whimpers of pain as multiple sets of steps started to run away from me.
 I tried to sit up, but those bastards really did a number on my ribs and midsection, the pain making me cry out before crumpling to the floor, faint mummers and a moan of pain could be heard but I didn’t really care about that. Summoning my last bit of strength I pulled myself up, ignoring my bodies screams of protest, the wall becoming my new best friend as I started to limp towards my objective, I managed to get about 10 centimetres away from the alley before a arm wrapped around my waist and held me up.
“Just so you know that was fucking stupid move on your part, next time let me save the punk” ,okay hold the frigging phone who the hell is this and why haven’t I pushed his stupid ass to the floor? quickly I shoved him and “walked” away from him, royally pissed off.  “By the time you’d of got here to save him he’d of been 6 feet under by now, so go screw yourself” Perhaps I could have been nicer, but he did start it.
Miraculously I made it to the stairs and began to make my way up them, when once again a hand stopped me and I gotta be honest it’s really starting to piss me off, turning around to give this little bugger a piece of my mind, the words died in my throat as I came face to face with the blonde boy. Bruises littered his face and somehow his face was even bloodier then before, the mark from the kick was printed on his face and guilt immediately flooded my veins, “Ignore my friend, he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut sometimes, anyway I wanted to thank you for stepping in there not a lotta people would be so quick to rush in and have my back. My names Steve, Steve Rodgers and the grumpy old man over there is James Barnes” Steve stuck his hand out as a greeting and offered me what I can assume he meant as a friendly smile, though the split lips did ruin the image. Slowly a smile spread across my face and I shook his hand in greeting, “It was no problem, honestly, besides you had em on the ropes, my names y/n and it’s nice to meet you, though I can’t say the same about your friend over there.”. The boy behind Steve or Bucky scoffed at me and walked off in a huff, not that I cared, simply raising my eyebrows at Steve, mocking his friends attitude he let out a sigh and gave me an apologetic smile in response, “Well I better go after him or he’ll kick up a storm, I’ll see ya around y/n” and with that he smiled a final time and ran off after his friend. 
Returning to the task at hand, I let out a small smile at the thought of Steve before frowning, he was a good kid and didn’t need the trouble I brought, it’ll be best if I never see him again. I sighed before climbing up the rest of the stairs and prepared for the next few hours of hell I have to bring to this man, with those final thoughts I brought out my “tools” and got to work.
Okay honestly, I didn’t mean to make the first chapter so long, I wanted to provide the best in sight as to how this series will go, also the character development will be miles better in up-coming chapters. Thanks for reading :)
Rose xx
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The Couple Next Door V (Roger Taylor x Female!Reader)
Read Part IV Here
A/N: I am so sorry I couldn’t get this out on Valentine’s Day like I promised. I wanted to have a wonderful day with my boyfriend, and we ended up falling asleep and I found no time to post. I really am sorry.
But anyways, I’m not sure how well this chapter is gonna go because the last one was kinda slept on :/ BUT, to be fair, the previous one had no reader, and it was literally just dialogue, so I get it. I just really hope this one does better.
Summary: Roger goes home with a proposal to change his deal with Y/n.
(Real or Borhap! Roger. Whatever seasons your chicken.)
WARNINGS: Swearing, sLoW bUrN, EXTREME Mentions of sex, but again, No SmUt, mature romantic subject matter, I think that’s it. This one was a lil sad too.
Hun, this is about to be steamy, so this IS rated M. Read at your own risk, peeps, and if you’re under 18, maybe skip the ending of this one.
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Roger pulled into his driveway, and after he took his key out of the ignition, rather than going inside immediately, he sat in the driver’s seat listening to the loud taps of raindrops hitting his windshield. 
 He rubbed his face stressfully, glancing over to the rather expensive bouquet of flowers along with the stupid, cliché heart shaped box which only contained the most expensive chocolate Roger could find in any London supermarket. 
 "If this is too much, she’ll kill me,“ he mumbled to himself before reaching for the purchases and pushing the door open. 
 And out into the rain he went. 
 He unlocked the front door after being completely annihilated with the heavy, stinging rain falling fast and largely from the stormclouds above. 
 He was able to make it into the house before the lightning began to strike, and as he toed off his shoes in the front hallway, his hair dripping with water, the low rumble of thunder vibrating the floorboards below his socks. 
 No matter, he was safe, and at home, and… something smelled really good.
 Roger removed his soaked jacket and hung it up on a hook in the hallway behind the front door before moving deeper into the dark house. The only light that could be seen on was in the kitchen, at the end of the hall. 
 He turned into the room and stopped in the threshold, taking in your lovely appearance as you wordlessly chopped up carrots, turned away and unaware of the visitor behind you. 
 Roger quietly set the flowers and chocolates on the counter before moving behind you, and after you put the knife down, he rested his freezing, wet hands on the back of your neck. 
 Almost immediately, your shoulders rose to your ears, and you let out a loud squeal, turning on your heel and shoving Roger backward, to which he laughed hysterically as he backed into the counters on the other side of the room.
 "You scared me!” You groaned before turning back to dinner stubbornly. 
 "Ah, Love, I’m sorry. The look on your face was priceless.“ He softly combed his fingers through your hair, pushing it to the side to leave a soft, warm, innocent kiss on the back of your neck, where he’d just placed his hands. 
 At the contact, you shut your heavy eyes and hummed gently in appreciation. 
"Make that noise again, and we may end up having a late dinner,” Roger mumbled hotly, and deeply. Your face burned when you felt the drummer’s lips curl into a devilish smile against your skin.
 "Y’know, I bought you something today,“ he continued on, and you swallowed nervously. 
"Yeah?” You squeaked, to which Roger hummed in return, his hands planting on your hips over your clothes to not disturb the warmth of your body with his freezing fingers. He gave your hips a little squeeze, and let another hum reverberate in the back of his throat.
Your cheeks glowed pink, and you wordlessly brought your thighs closer to one another. 
 Make that noise again, and we may end up having a late dinner, you thought to yourself.
 "Oh yes. Because you’re such a good girlfriend to me.“ And like that, his touch was gone. 
You opened your eyes, and looked over your shoulder, where you found Roger cutting the stems off the bouquet of flowers one-at-a-time. Your eyes fell to the heart-shaped-box, and Roger put the knife in his hand down to move the box closer to you. 
”’S’ll be our dessert,“ he smiled kindly. You offered a friendly smile back, your cheeks still warm from earlier, as you turned your attention back to dinner.
 "Y'know… if we even get there,” Roger finished. Your eyes widened and you turned your gaze back to him. The little bugger was back to cutting the stems off the flowers he bought you, his lips gently upturned in an innocent grin. 
 "… Are you okay?“ 
 "Hm?” Roger opened up one of the cupboards to retrieve a flower vase. He moved to the sink, ran the faucet, and began filling it with water. 
 "What are you talking about? I feel great.“ 
 "You’re just…” You squinted your eyes. “You’re acting really weird." 
 Roger shut off the faucet, and leaned back against the counter to look at you. 
He was giving you this look… it was like how he looked at you at the Garrison’s the week before. But there was something off about it. 
His gaze seemed… Darker.
 "Just getting my mind off things,” was all he had to say before picking the vase up from inside the sink and returning to the flowers on the counter. 
You tried your best to return your focus back onto dinner, reaching for another carrot to cut up. Meanwhile, Roger was dissolving the plant nutrients in the water.
By the time you reached the final carrot, the room was still quiet, and Roger, moving to pick up the bouquet and redirect them into the vase, paused his movements to look over his shoulder at you.
 Roger watched intensely as you moved around the little area you were working in. His eyes were fixed on the back of your head, but as time progressed, he began to find it difficult to keep his eyes from viewing lower, and lower… 
 "… Y/n, have I ever told you how pretty you are?“ Roger asked suddenly. You turned to him in startled confusion, and Roger made a face of regret. He mentally chastised himself for saying that. 
This was how he picked up women. You were not just a woman. You were much, much more than that.
 You laughed nervously, and awkwardly turned back to the carrot that had nearly been forgotten on the cutting board. You tried distracting yourself from Roger’s strange behaviour by dicing each carrot slice you prepared. 
 "You do realize you’re not in public, right, Rogie? You don’t have to be that nice to me." 
 "But I’m being serious.” The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board ceased again, and you finally dropped the knife to properly approach Roger.
 You crossed your arms over your chest and sighed in pretend annoyance, though the charade didn’t last long. 
“Alright. You got me. What do you want?" 
 "A favour." 
 "What kind of favour?” you challenged with a smile, one you’d tried to suppress, but gave in to. 
Classic Roger, you thought, King of bribery AND flirting.
 Roger opened his mouth to speak again, but the words were caught in his throat. 
He suddenly went pale, and your smile contorted into one of worry. “… Roger?”
 "O-um… well Y/n, y-you see, uh…“ Roger’s gaze fell helplessly to the floor as he stumbled over his words nervously, his cheeks growing hotter with every try. This especially worried you. 
 Roger was the most confident man you knew, and watching him be this hesitant about something really bothered you. In a case like this, you would have probably made fun of him, but you could see how stressed he must have felt, so you rested a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
 It was as if your touch was magic. Roger’s stuttering ceased, and he looked at you with big round eyes. 
Then he took a deep breath. 
"Y/n, I talked to the guys today.”
 "… About?“ 
 "Us. This…” Roger gestured to the house. “… Situation we’re in.” You both knew he was stalling from asking what he needed to, but you tried to keep patient. 
“Look, Y/n, I feel awful, and I know I made a promise to you about no groupies…" 
 ”… This is what this is about?” you asked dryly. “You not being able to have women over?“ 
 "What?! No! Well– yes, but–” you removed your hand from Roger’s shoulder and went back to cutting vegetables, the sound of the blade hitting the wooden cutting board getting louder and louder as time ticked on.
 All of that stuttering just for him to tell you he needed sex. Of course you were pissed off, and Roger knew that. You had a deal. In fact, he was horrified with himself. And now that you were angry, he was certain you would say no to the burning question he needed to ask. 
 "Then go.“ You told him sharply. "Go find someone to sleep with. Just don’t bring her back here. If you’re ever caught, we are done for." 
 Roger’s heart ached at your words. He tried to speak, but, like before, he couldn’t get the words out. 
He didn’t care if it was too late, he had to tell you he wanted you; that he needed you. 
 "I said go!” You turned to him angrily as you shouted, and Roger could swear your eyes were glassy with fresh, unfallen tears, though you blinked them back stubbornly. 
 He breathlessly apologized, and rushed out of the house as fast as possible, leaving you alone in the kitchen, homemade pizza in the oven almost ready to come out, and a half prepared garden salad that would never be eaten.
 Roger stood in the candy section of the supermarket for a second time that day, red eyes scanning the shelves for something you liked. 
 Rather than listening to you and getting laid, he was more focused on rebuilding the relationship he was unintentionally tearing down. 
 He needed to apologize to you as soon as possible, and going empty handed, Roger decided, was not a good idea. 
 "Pissed off your girlfriend too, mate?“ Roger looked to his right to see another man his age, looking at the wide selection of romantically-wrapped sweets before him. 
 ”… Yeah, you could say that.“ 
 "Figured. See, in times like this,” the stranger began as he slowly walked down the aisle before reaching out and grabbing a cheap candy bar from off the shelf. 
“The best thing you can do is buy her her favourite candy bar, give her a kiss, and tell her how much you appreciate and love her.”
 Roger silently thought this to himself, and although he wanted to somehow thank the guy for his advice, he was already giving Roger an encouraging slap on the shoulder and exiting the aisle to pay for his girlfriend’s gift. 
 When Roger got home it was just before midnight. He made sure to enter the house and close the door as quietly as he could in case you were sleeping. 
 After toeing his shoes off and hanging up his once again wet jacket, he went to the kitchen. There, he set a large bag of your favourite candy bars down on the counter so the rustling of the plastic bag didn’t wake you up. 
 He pulled a carton of cigarettes out of his back pocket, and opened it to retrieve a new one. He mumbled a curse when he realized he only had two left, and he hadn’t bothered to pick any more up when he was in town more than once that day. 
 He just tossed the nearly empty carton on the table, and that’s when he saw the vase of flowers he neglected to finish preparing. 
They were placed and displayed beautifully and intricately; the definite works of a woman. Roger couldn’t pull off making such a display if he tried to do it on his own. 
 He guessed that was one reason to appreciate you: your creativity. 
 But he appreciated you for many other things. The list was just so long; if Roger had to name everything he appreciated about you, he wouldn’t even know where to start, and his rambles would surely never end. 
 He placed the cigarette between his lips, and wandered to the back door. He took his time getting there. 
There was no need to hurry. 
 He slid the door open a crack, and lit his cigarette with a lighter he’d left on the counter. 
 After the first inhale, and watching as he blew the smoke out into the wet, miserable night, Roger already began to feel a little better.
 He still felt guilty about his earlier conflict with you, but he planned out and repeated what he wanted to say to you to and from the supermarket. 
 "I don’t want just anyone. I want you.“ 
Like his journey home, Roger began mumbling the statement like a mantra between his draws of smoke. 
 After getting to the filter of the cancer stick, Roger flicked it outside before sliding the patio door shut and locking it. Afterwards, he went upstairs, prepared for bed, and went to his room. 
 There, he turned his bedside lamp on and retrieved a notebook, his book of lyrics and brainstorm ideas for songs, from under his pillow. He opened it up and began writing in it. 
 Hearing a knock on his door was the last thing Roger expected that night, but when you slowly walked in, and stared at him from your place at the door, he put the book down and gave you his full attention. 
 "Rog… Look," 
 "Y/n, it’s okay, it’s okay.” You pursed your lips, and Roger beckoned you over with his finger. 
You slipped into the room completely, and shut the door behind you. 
 When Roger felt the dip in the mattress, he reached out to touch you. He didn’t have an exact plan on what he was doing, so his hand fell to your back, and he decided to rub slow, soothing circles around your shoulder blades. 
 "… Y/n, I don’t want just anyone,“ he finally blurted out after a while of silence. 
You looked at him in confusion, and Roger’s hand stopped rubbing your back. The silence in the air was thick, and Roger tried his best not to start panicking again. 
"I uh…” He removed his hand from your back and awkwardly shifted in his spot. 
“I wanted to explain earlier that… that I wanted to um… maybe… talk to you about uh… adding onto this… this agreement." 
 The look you gave him was devastating. Big, sad eyes, and downturned lips. You felt guiltier than ever. You wanted to apologize for what you’d said, and how you acted earlier, but you didn’t even bother.
 Roger wouldn’t have allowed it, anyways. 
You asked gently, reaching your own hand out and placing it reassuringly on his thigh. Roger stared down at your hand for a moment, taking a shaky, deep breath. 
 ”… Don’t you think it’d… y'know… be easier if… we were friends but… helped each other uh…“ he couldn’t continue further than that. He tried, but he physically couldn’t say any more. 
 "Are you… suggesting what I think you are?" 
 "If what you’re thinking is that we can sleep with one another with no strings attached then yes.” His words rushed out of his mouth like a flood, and Roger felt as if he was overheating. 
He wouldn’t dare to speak, or move until you did.
 And he was glad to have made that decision. 
 You, after recovering from the shock of Roger’s confession, wasted no time in gripping Roger by the hips, and pulling yourself up into his lap. 
Roger exclaimed in surprise when you did this, and after wrapping your legs around his hips, your fingers slid back into his blond hair, and you kissed him with a hunger neither of you expected you to possess. 
 Kissing you, Roger decided, was better than he ever dreamed it could be. Your lips were soft; your kiss was forceful and controlling, only making this more enjoyable for him; and the way you were touching him– pulling his hair and tightening your legs around him– teased the absolute hell out of him. 
 And he loved every single passing second of it.
 Roger’s hesitation melted away quicker than he expected, and in no time one of his hands was gripping your thigh while the other held the back of your head.
You pulled at Roger’s hair harder, and a smirk played at your lips as he let a deep growl elicit from the back of his throat. 
You let your tongue slide past Roger’s lips and into his mouth, to which he made another, pleased noise. Both of his hands grabbed your hips, his fingers absentmindedly toying with the waistband of both your pyjama bottoms and your underwear beneath as he forced his tongue into your own mouth. 
 You encouraged him to continue when you whined rather loudly, practically begging him to kiss you like that again. 
 His confidence and ego only inflated from there. 
He moved the both of you around so you were lying beneath him, his hands on either side of your head. He dipped down to kiss and suck your neck like it was the only thing he knew how to do. 
 His hips lowered down onto yours, and you, without thinking, whined again and slammed your hips up to excitedly grind against Roger’s, who let out another deep, guttural moan. 
His hands tightened into fists as grasped his bedsheets beneath you and pulled at them tightly to restrain himself from either being too rough with you, or taking you right then and there. 
 In fact, he had to eventually force himself to pull back, but just enough to get a good look at you. He noticed your beautiful, untouched hair just waiting to be pulled; your hot, red face; your parted lips swollen from the assault of his own; and your quick, heaving chest.
 His eyelids lowered and he licked his lips. 
 You were the most beautiful thing he had ever set eyes on. 
 He shifted his hips around once or twice more, and when he watched you shut your eyes and bite your lip, he decided he couldn’t handle your erotic behaviour any longer. 
 "Fuck,“ he huffed deeply, hands releasing the blankets beneath you to grip your ass. You opened your eyes slowly, and smirked. 
You, of all people, had Roger Taylor hot, bothered, and completely at your mercy.
Roger reached over without breaking eye contact with you to retrieve a condom and a bottle of lube from the dresser in his bedside table, meanwhile, you clicked the lamp on the very same table off. 
 It was time to get to work, and see how beneficial this new addition to the deal would be for the both of you.
A/A/N: Man, I REALLY hope this chapter does well. Things are only gonna get better from here, and I promise! No more lacking!
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W4: I agree. I hope people recognize this before it is too late. Walls turn. Man and woman enter holding hands Man 1 (Marvin): I love you babes. Woman (Asha): I love you more Mar: I love you more than all the grains of sand found on the bottom of the Caribbean sea. As: (giggles) Mar: Let‟s eat (they take out KFC). Only the best for you babes. As: Honey, you know we can‟t stay as long as before due to the curfew. Mar: I know babes. We will just have to make the most of this time we have here (smiles). (They begin to eat) As: Marvin Mar: Yes babes? As: Can we go… out? Mar: Out? And we out now? As: No, I mean out to a nice restaurant. More than this fried chicken, more than coming to this spot to sit on these boxes. I want more. Mar: More? You know how long I waiting for you to say this. Well let‟s go behind the walls and I will give you more. As: Stop playing nah. You know what I mean. And as for that you know we agreed to wait a bit. Mar: So you eh like what we have here. This has become our spot. A spot we can share our thoughts, our moments, to eat ah fowl. This is ours Ash baby, and you want to spoil that? As: I know babes, but look how long we have been coming here. Let us find a new place, a better place. Here is no longer safe. Mar: Asha, you know that I don‟t have that kinda money. I just start to work, you eh finish school. You know I want to give you the best and it does take all out of me not to satisfy this heat I have for you. I have been holding back for you every time and I get nothing from you in return except for complains and what you want. As: Oh Marv… Mar: Don‟t “oh Marv” me! Why you have to bring that up for eh? Just to spoil a good thing we have going on. You want to leave all this behind? (gestures to the space) As: Baby please… Mar: (Steups) Let‟s go and anyways, it getting late, the curfew will start soon and it better for you to go and get a taxi so at least one of us will get something this evening! As: Oh Marvin, don‟t behave like that nah. Mar: Is you that have me like this! As: Please stop. Mar: No, is you who want to have a good time and spend the money I don‟t have. To have rotisserie when all I could afford is fried chicken. All I wanted was a lil‟ banga banga with you but the way you behaving I see that and a good government eh happening. Silence As: You want to? (pause) You want to? (motions to the wall) Mar: (smiles. Goes behind the wall and takes off his pants. He throws it to the side of the wall. Girl begins to walk to the wall when she hears the sound of her mother) Voiceover: Don‟t give away your rose if he is not prepared to embrace the thorns…. Mar: Ah ready! (She stops, picks up his pants turns and runs away) Mar: Asha? Asha? That b____ (he moves off the stage hiding himself) Walls turn laughing W1: Now that was too funny! W3: You eh see how he ran away!  W2: And by the looks of things, that girl eh missing out on anything. W3: What really wrong with men? They really feel that a box of fried chicken would satisfy these women? W4: Some of them don‟t understand the complexities of the female species. They haven‟t learnt the art of love, of caring and… W3: Patience W1: These people are really in a state of emergency! They have so much to learn. The rights from the wrongs, how to love, who to love and respect. W4: One, I agree with you 100%, It will take some time for them to do this. W1: How much time should we give them? We here since when? 1976? And all we living on right now is hope. Hoping the people will change, hoping that the roads will be better, hoping that they put aside politics and start working for the people. W3: Well One, all we can just do is hope one day our walls will speak loudly enough for all to hear and that chance will come. Walls turn Woman enters frantic. She looks at her watch as she waits for a taxi. Man, decently dressed, enters. Man: Hello Woman: Hi Ma: Need help? Wo: I ok. Ma: Let me help you Wo: I say I ok. Ma: Ok, ok Pause Ma: It getting late Wo: I know Ma: Trying to go home? Wo: I want to but no taxis like they stop working. You here for a taxi too? Ma: No need to. Wo: Oh? Ma: Nah, I just stay here and listen to the walls talk. Wo: Ok Ma: They have amazing stories, these walls. It is amazing what you can learn from them. Wo: The walls… they talk to you? Ma: Not just to me. To all who are willing to listen. Wo: (mimes the word ‘crazy’. Paces up and down) I need to go home. Where are the damn cars? I eh know why they don‟t hurry up and legalize PH taxis! Ma: Is that going to solve your problem? Making the wrong right? Wo: I just want to go home. Ma: We all do. (Silence) Ma: You will get a car soon. Just be patient. Wo: (faint smile) Ok Ma: There is one coming now. Taxi! Wo: Thanks Ma: That is all we want to hear sometimes. God bless mam. Wo: Thank you sir. Good bye Ma: Good bye (he watches her go in the distance. Goes behind the walls gets his tattered shirt and cardboard sheet. He puts on his shirt and spreads his ‘bed’ near the case. He makes himself comfortable) Ma: Good night walls Wall 1, 2, 3 &4: (turn) Goodnight (walls return to their original position, man smiles) There is the sound of sirens in the distance as all prepare for the first night of the curfew As the homeless man sleeps a sweet song is heard indicating that he is in a state of sleep. (Hero – Enrique Iglesias). Characters move on the stage reflecting the good times the man had with his family. He rises and moves towards them enjoying their company. They begin to separate from him and move behind the wall. The music is cut with a loud bang. The man jumps out from his sleep. Two workmen appear on the scene looking at the walls and speaking to each other. Workman 1: Yep these buggers coming down all right. The boss says that we have to get cracking soon. A new car park is the best thing for this area. Workman 2: Right Charlie! Wm1: I could see it now a new tri-level car park that caters only for those who could afford. It will make the company a pretty penny once it is managed right. Man: Break down these walls you say? Who want to break them down? There is so much history in these four walls. If they are broken down, everything will be forgotten. Wm1: Do I look like I care? These walls are an eyesore. Who will miss them? Wm2: Yeah who will miss them? Wm1: Who cares about these walls? They should have been taken down a long time ago. They are a hazard to society. They breed rats and cockroaches. I could just imagine what happen in this place. Ma: I care about these walls they have become a comfort to me they mean so much to me. My creative juices came out because of the walls… Wm2: And by the smell of you kept all of it! Ma: I begging you don‟t destroy them. They are all I have. Wm1: (stares at the man) Ok. I wouldn‟t break them down. Just give me the $50,000.00 I would get for doing the job and maybe I could force the boss to change his mind. Ma: I look like I have that kind of money!? Wm1: well in that case kiss your walls goodbye. It will be down the next curfew start. See you later… (Wm2 sends a kiss to the wall)Man walks to the walls and caresses it. He looks at them and begins to hum song that was sung during his sleep. People casually walk by, not paying any attention to him. He moves about Man: Help me save them. Will you help me? (shouts) will anybody help me! (he runs off the stage) Workmen reappear with their equipment to begin working on the wall. They mill around waiting for approval to begin the demolition. Man returns and sits in front of the wall. Wm1: What the hell man get up and move! Ma: No! Wm: What the jail is this. Man, get up so we could do we wok nah! Ma: I said no. If nobody else eh want to fight for these walls I will stand here by their side. These walls mean something to me. You may not care, yuh boss doh but I care. These walls mean something to me and I sure it means something for others as well. Don‟t break them down please. I begging yuh. Make them stronger, better. They will last for year to come and mean a lot to generations… Wm: Yuh see this shit! (A scuffle begins. A workman walks and gets a hammer and begins to hit the wall). The man shouts NO! Some attempt to stop him and others look on. Freeze Song: Hero from the line I can be your hero baby… who can take my breath away… Curtain Call
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 years
do you have a favorite character so far? any characters you expected to be the fan favorite but arent?
thank you for the ask! <3 
let’s see 
not 100% sure what you mean by expected fan favorite, so i’m just going by my reactions
season 1, Thomas was my favorite by far... and I wasn’t expecting that at *all*. he gets so boring later... but at first he’s just the most lovable lil bugger, complete with outsize ambition and NO FILTER. 
season 2, it’s Edward... that one doesn’t surprise me as *much* because I always had a soft spot for him as a kid, but I was looking for “new” favorite characters and was not prepared for just how much he absolutely, utterly OWNED this season. child-me had good taste.
in general, i thought i’d enjoy the later characters more, but, even though those early stories are much thinner, i’m getting really obsessed with the dynamic of the first 4-6 engines <3
sorry for length, but you must know by now that brevity ain’t my thing. take good care of yourself, anon, and thanks again!
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blooms-of-ice · 4 years
RP Log: Wyda and Nazyl catch up on each others’ busy lives
Nazyl Tharazyl found himself at the Heartwood residence yet again, his steps a tad lighter than usual. The night before seemed to have been rather eye opening. Seeing the lobby empty again, he deigned to head downstairs to see who he would find tonight, "Anehone here?" He hadn't made it to the bottom of the stairs yet.
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn loiters in the company bar, a neat row of empty bottles forming a wall between her and the empty seat across from her. A familiar voice, and one that she hadn’t heard in several moons, calls out. “I’m here. Who’ss here?” She responds in kind, speech slightly slurred.
Nazyl Tharazyl made it to the bottom, not wearing his typical silver armor, "Mm? Oh, evenin'! Yer uh..." He blanked, hand raising to his head, "Well this is embarrassin'. I'm sure i know yer name, but I mighta taken a few too maneh blows ta the head recentleh..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Nazyl?! Nazyl!” She gets up and slams her hands on the table, causing a couple of the bottles to topple over. “Huh?! It’s...It’s Wyda. Blows to the head? What... what’s happened to you?” Seeing the lalafell dressed in non-armor comes as a surprise to her as well. Is this really Nazyl, or simply someone who walks and talks an awful lot like him?
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Wyda...OH!" He snaps his fingers, "That's right, we were tryin' ta break ye outta prison! Gods, how long has it been...?" He went red, seeing how she seemed to remember him, but the reverse wasn't exactly true, "Gah, sorreh. I've been buseh huntin' a terrible demon that terrorizes the oceans. It's been...a stressful time." He approached the table, climbing into a stool, "Where do i even start?"
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Glad ta see ye've been proven innocent....I hope that's what happened, right? I ain't been around..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn shakes her head and laughs. “Far too long it seems...Though you never struck me as the forgetful type. Must’ve gotten a good conk on the head, eh?” She settles back into her seat and pushes the empty bottles to the side with a noticeable lack of grace. “There’s a lot to catch up on...hah! But why not start at the beginning of your tale? What sorta demon were you chasing after?”
Nazyl Tharazyl removed his hat and shook his head to rufle his hair, setting the cap on the table, "Hooboy. So...a disclaimah, the hunt itself is s'posed ta be confidential. I don't think I can take on othah huntahs without some...complications." He cleared his throat, "But, it started when I was called ta accept a platinum level leve, ta find n' slay a terrible voidsent by the name o' Focalor. All the info I had was that it was aquatic, n' that it was approachin' from the Sea of Ash."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn tries to take a sip from her bottle, only to find it empty. She peers up into it, giving it a disappointed shake. “Fo..Focalor? And did you find the bugger?”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "I've taken some folks I can trust ta deal with such awful creatures, includin' Yami. Shar uh...sorta came inta the scene on her own, was tryin' ta avoid that." He sighed, "We prepared by aidin' some Sahagin so we could ride Elbst inta battle, n' petitioned the Maelstrom ta give us a raft similah ta the Whorleatah ta combat our foe. Oh we found it."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Focalor is a massive beast. Ye evah seen the ship that's been drowned in Silvahtear Lake?"
Nazyl Tharazyl: "it's about that size. A shark with horns n' magic tendrils, bladed fins n' endless teeth.....we even had Dragonkillahs readeh ta deal with it."
Nazyl Tharazyl closed his eyes and reminisced, "Weren't enough. It shrugged off the guns n' invited chaos ta the sea, a storm that destroyed our raft n' sent us ta the cornahs of the world. We all ended up meetin' in the Ruby Sea inj the end."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Though I want to, I don’t think I’d be of much help to you. I punch as hard as a soggy pup now, after spending so much time in jail. That, and the sea and I aren’t on good terms..” She leans her face against the palm of her hand, weight braced against her elbow and the table. “Gods, that big? Sahagin? Dragonkillers? WAIT, destroyed your raft? D-did you /swim/ back to shore or something?!”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...Things happened, terrible things. Innocents were alreadeh gettin' caught up in the crossfire, n'..." He deflated some, then perked at Wyda's question, "....Kinda. I ended up doin' battle with the ebast alone, in the cold waters someplace east."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "All i remembuh was chokin' on the water, n' a bright flash....n' when i awoke, I was on the shores of an island I'd nevah seen."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "That's when things started goin' south..." He frowned, "I didn't wanna see death, especialleh of those that weren't related ta the hunt." He seemed to avoid disclosing the details on that particular incident, "I was chased by a powaful darkness, where I ended up escapin' ta Othard, where I met up with A'mariss...ah, she's me partnah of sorts. When we banished the darkness, we met back up with Yami too."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Sounds like you’re lucky to be alive! Seven hells.” She pushes an unopened bottle towards Nazyl, a concern tugging on her face. “Innocents...don’t beat yourself up too much about that. If you weren’t there, even more would’ve gotten involved. Can only do the best you can do, and sounds like you did an awful lot.”
Nazyl Tharazyl glanced to the empty bottles strewn across the table, rolling one with a finger, "We all gathahed where the Kojin live, n' figured out that Focalor had squatted there, corruptin' the waters n' the life within. We set out ta remove the source of it." He caught the bottle with his other hand, looking it over. He really shouldn't drink, but it looked so tempting.... "We did what we could. Sometimes I wish i could use magic." He sighed again, "The source was within an undahwater cave that-
Nazyl Tharazyl ||-housed the cultists worshippin' Focalor. They summoned a massive voidsent that looked much like a Kraken, n' we did battle with it n' its armeh, I think they named it Phorcys, if the mutterin's were anehthin' ta go by."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "It took a long while, but we ended up killin' the thing, n' removed the source of darkness from the Sea. Focalor has moved since then, n' now its location is unknown..."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "We've come back half broken n'...a lil' more than rattled in the head. I wish doin' this didn't cause so much damage..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn listens with as much attention as she can muster, but it’s a tad hard with all the alcohol pumping through her system. “Phor...phorcys, and Focalor. Damn, if there’s one thing the world needs less of, it’s evil worshipping cults. You said you were chased by darkness? What’s that like?”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "A figure of incredible powah, that I could do nothin' against. I dunno where it came from, or why it sought me, but without the aid of othahs, I'd not be talkin' ta ye right now."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "I...I'm not sure what caused it ta chase me." That was a lie, "Strange things happen when ye deal with creatures that can bend realiteh."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn lets out a long sigh. “I’m glad you’re here Nazyl, but I can’t help but worry. You said that this demon, Focalor. It’s still out there? And it sounds like it’s done so much already, that...well. There are risks in the business after all...” Her voice gets quieter as she talks around the topic of death, and loss. She doesn’t know quite how to word that she’s scared he won’t come back a second time.
Nazyl Tharazyl gave a half smile, weak and frail, "I...know the risks. I assure ye I'm not ridin' on some false bravado that I'm some invicible warriah. It's indeed still out there, n' I'm currentleh researchin' its wherabouts...." He lowered his gaze to the table, "Death will always be loomin' behind me. The last hunt against a voidsent o' this caliber was similar, where each moment our lives held on by mere threads. It was a miracle we even came back from that alive."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...N' yet, there will onleh be mroe tragedeh if we let it alone. Dangerous though the hunt may be, it's so that othahs won't have ta suffah. Even if it means some of us...don't make it back." he shook his head of that thought, "But, that's also why I'm a paladin, ta protect those who throw themselves with me lot. So that they can return ta quietah homes, with the thought that they achieved the impossible!"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn vacantly stares at the table, tired eyes cast downward. She wishes she can just tell him to...not hunt voidsent. But that’d be like telling him not to breathe. It was out of the question. “No one ever said being a hero was easy, right? Gods, it’s just that...I don’t know. I just don’t know.”
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn looks back up, determined to lighten up the mood. “So, was that your first time to the far east? Like it there?”
Nazyl Tharazyl gave a small laugh, "No hero is forged by ridin' it easeh. Though what we do is dangerous, it's necessareh. I don't plan on dyin' anehtime soon, so don't be lookin' like that alright?" He held a fist out, "Just wish us luck, n' we'll bag the biggest fish ye've evah damn seen." He blinked at the question, "Actualleh, no. I've been there befer once."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...So, funneh storeh. A while back I had been browsin' a bookstore, lookin' fer somethin' fer a lass I had been sweet on at the time. Turns out the store was actualleh a front fer a group of sky pirates who had been accused o' holdin' a Garlean citizen of import within their ranks. Just me luck, I happened ta be there when the Maelstrom showed up."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn tries her best to put on a happy face. “I look forward to it! When that happens, we’ll be eating sashimi for days.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "I didn't get ta plead me case, they jsut lumped me in with the pirates. So we escaped by the skin of our teeth, n' took an airship across the world, with the Maelstrom hot on our trail. Our ship was fastah, thankfulleh, n' we ended up stoppin' in the Far East...we were forced ta live there while we had a diplomat deal with the Maelstrom n' clear our names. Fer a few moons, Othard was me new home."
Nazyl Tharazyl seemed to have fond memories, from the wistful look on his face, "I got ta see the swordsmanship of the east, the legendareh creatures of Yanxia, n' even got inta some Hingan intrigue."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Oh! I even befriended an auspice! Ye know, the talkin' animals...have ye seen one?"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Sky pirates? A...a lass you were sweet on?!” Eyes open in surprise, and she shakes her head to clear her thoughts. “Ahem, okay. One step at a time, one step at a time...Anyway, that’s a pretty crazy story. Glad to know I'm not the only one the Maelstrom has wrongfully chased.”
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Auspice? You mean like...a moogle?”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Aha...does me likin' a lass realleh seem that s'prisin'? It ain't the first time someone has admitted such..." He shrugged, "Ah...not quite! Though mayhaps it's somewhat similah...I would reckon they'd think Moogles are a type of auspice."
Nazyl Tharazyl: "So, as Shiroitachi had told me...he's an auspice, a wee weasal...an auspice is born when an animal gains reasonin' aftah livin' fer ovah a hundred or so cycles! They become immortal n' can speak with us like regulah folk, it's rathah fantastical!"
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Some even possess magical powahs that can rival mastah mages...."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Wasn’t sure you had time for romance, between demon hunting and all.” She sends Nazyl a good natured, and clearly drunk, grin. “Some folk seem too busy to dabble in such things.”
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn sways a little as she considers what he’s telling her. Animals that live forever, and learn to talk. She repeats the idea in her head, and doesn’t understand it anymore the second time. “Talking weasel. Magic talking weasel? Okay, are you tugging my chain now..”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...Mayhaps now I don't have the time, aye. It's...difficult ta keep a relationship while skirtin' with darkness evereh othah sun. Eventualleh I just accepted that mayhaps I'll be a bachelor fer a long while." He smirked, "A tall tale aye, but 'tis true. I even live with a talkin' catfish by the name o' Gyosho, sent by that vereh same auspice!" he beamed, "He's a Namazu, as he tells me. They like ta live around the big rivahs."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “No shame in being single! I, for one, enjoy being a lone ranger.” She shuts her eyes as she smiles, and there’s a long enough pause to wonder if...she’s fallen asleep. But then Wyda jolts back awake. “Talking catfish?! Okay, now I’m certain you’re making up tall tales. What next, walking and talking wolves? Hah.”
Nazyl Tharazyl leaned forward as Wyda dozed off temporarily, reaching to poke her until she jolted back up, causing him to recoil, "I assure ye, it's all true! In fact, me hosue ain't actualleh far--in the Mists is where I keep me office. Gyosho acts as me attendant, handlin' much of the papahwork. Should come by sometime!"
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...Ye holdin' up alright? Looks like ye might need ta find a bed soon..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “You’re awfully confident, to keep this story up for so long...really starting to doubt myself...” She rubs at her temples, confused. “Huh? Oh, don’t worry. Just haven’t been sleeping well as of late.”
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn has noticeably dark bags under her eye, the other being covered by a bandana.
Nazyl Tharazyl: "If I hadn't seen these events with me own two eyes, I'd probableh have trouble keepin' it tagethah. Realiteh is oft more strange than aneh fantaseh book I've evah read." His eyes narrow somewhat, focusing on her eye for a moment, "...What's keepin' ye up? With this much drink I figured ye'd be down fer the count, but I s'pose ye hold yer drink well."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “I’ve learned that...There really aren’t any rules to reality, is there?” A hollow laugh escapes from the Seawolf. “I’m alright when it comes to drinking. But it’s hard to sleep when your evil twin is just a room away.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "....Evil twin?" He blinked. This is a new development.
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “I wish I could tell you that this was just some terrible, dumb lie. But yeah...” There was a lot to unpack. At the moment, Wyda had decided to just...ignore the whole situation, which made it worse. “Looks like me. Has my voice. Has my memories. It’s weird, and I hate it.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Has yer -mem'rehs-? How in the seven hells...?" He stared, mouth agape. Twins was one thing, being practically the same person, mind and all... "Now that would just plain weird me out. I dunno how much I would like havin' anothah me out in the world..." He says, but might have an uncomfortable story on that very topic.
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Explains why ye were jailed I reckon. Is this the one that uh...." he tried to recall the events prior, "She's the one with the pirates?"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn quickly downs another drink, but it does little to wash away her frustrations. “Right, she’s the reason I was tossed in jail. My old crew has gone rogue, and she was there, with them. Committing crimes and all.” Wyda narrows her eyes, a muddled doubt growing behind her eyes. “/She/ was there, and I wasn’t. I wasn’t there...”
Nazyl Tharazyl couldn't help but feel like the woman was trying to convince herself, rather than anyone listening. Whatever events had played out since he left appeared to have been rather strange, "So yer twin shacks up with some pirates...folks ye knew, n' causes trouble in yer name. I guess by capturin' the othah one ye've proven that ye've got yer own identiteh. But she also ain't in custodeh so..." He quirked a brow, "What's all happened?"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “Muneshige brought her in, and I was cleared when other members brought in proof that my twin was still out there, doing evil, even with me in jail.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Moonay...who? Twelve we've realleh been gettin' a lotta new membahs huh...has heartwood been makin' a name fer itself?"
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Well, it's good that they saw reason at least. I guess what remains is what we'll do with yer twin...."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “He’s a funny guy. Really wants to fight all the time.” She smiles, grateful for the momentary change in subject. “And yeah, we’ve grown a bit since you’ve been gone.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "I s'pose questionin' is in ordah. Though I wouldn't know how receptive she'd be..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “I’ve been talking with her. While she’s tight lipped when it comes to any future plans her crew may have, she’s open to talking about useless things.” Wyda fidgets with her hair, looking a little shaken. “Which doesn’t help me get a wink of sleep, really. Not when she’s so confident that I’m the imposter, instead of the other way around.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "I...aye, I dunno how I'd feel..." He looked down, scratching his head, "I'd definiteleh think somethin' fisheh is up. When ye both share the same past, somethin' ain't right. Eithah she ain't the real ye, or..." The other option was even weirder...but it was possible. He trailed off, not really wanting to go down that way.
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn - The corner of Wyda’s mouth pulls into a small, defeated smirk. “...Or I’m not real.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "...Not what I was goin' fer, but I s'pose that's...also a possibiliteh." He froiwned, shaking his head, "What if yer both...parts of a whole?"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “I’m pretty sure I’m real though.” She nibbles on the bottom of her lip. “Is that even possible? Then again...everything we’ve been talking about sounds pretty out there.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Truth is oddah than fiction, I've realized. There's a few storehs I have that I'm not even sure -I- b'lieve, n' I was there when they happened!"
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “If anyone walked into the middle of this conversation, they’d definitely peg us as mad conspiracy theorists.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Ta think this is tame compared ta some o' the shite I've seen in the past cycle or two..."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “We deserve a vacation. A simple, calm vacation that's demon free, and hell. Magic free too.” She chuckles lightly.
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Ain't that the truth. A whole moon o' just...relaxin', worreh free? I might get used ta that life..." He smiled bitterly, "Which is why it's probableh good that I ain't gettin' that aneh time soon. Gotta stay sharp."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “It’s not a bad thing to go soft.” Wyda sighs longingly. “Why not be selfish for awhile? You totally deserve to treat yourself.”
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn - The pile of empty bottles by Wyda clearly shows the flip side of ‘treating oneself.’ She’s none the wiser though.
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn - The pile of empty bottles by Wyda clearly shows the flip side of ‘treating oneself.’ She’s none the wiser though.
Nazyl Tharazyl glanced at the bottles. he knew the reason for such vices...kept everyone sane. But his case was a little different. He shook his head, "I'm marrehd ta me duteh, 'cause if I ain't there when danger occurrs...who'll be there in me place?" He offered a sad smile, "Mayhaps there'll be a time when I can rest, but at the nonce, it ain't soon."
Aiswyda Nuthalwyn: “You’re very responsible...that’s a good thing. Just make sure you don’t crack under all that pressure, you hear?” She sighs, but can see where Nazyl’s coming from. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from him, someday. But that day won’t be today. Wyda gets up and stretches, intoxication catching up to her. “Alright...I’m off to take a nap. Nice catching up with you, Naz.”
Nazyl Tharazyl: "Likewise. It puts me heart at ease ta know yer safe now, so get some good sleep aye?"
Nazyl Tharazyl slipped out of the stool himself, adjusting his gear. It was so strange being out of armor...
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dndeviants · 5 years
The Druid Problem
The mists surrounded the nightmares as the party rode through the Border Ethereal. The world of Barovia appeared as only ghostly echoes of itself... the trees were frosty pale, the land was a drowned blue... the night sky was black and starless... 
At Ruki’s command, the nightmares returned to Barovia proper and landed at the outskirts of a great vineyard. 
A light drizzle began to fall. Unpainted fences blindly followed a northward trail, which skirted the edge of the sprawling vineyard. In the middle of it all was a stately building, fog swirling around its eastern side. Scattered about were rope-handled half-barrels used for hauling grapes.
At the edge of the property, there was a man wearing a dark cloak and cowl, hunched over at the treeline. 
Linda felt unease. She looked to the fog beyond and swore that she saw ghostly images there. She collected herself and dismounted the nightmare. Everyone followed her lead and approached the cloaked man.
They walked through the mud toward the man. Strahd shifted his tiny bat form and scurried into Ruki’s pack to hide himself. 
The man was not alone. Others appeared to be hiding in the woods near him. Three men, a woman... four children...
What has happened here? thought Aric.
The cloaked man became aware of their approach and drew back his cowl to look upon them. His face was weathered with age and tiredness, and his hair was gray and wiry. His beard was trimmed close to his face. 
He spoke in a gruff voice, "Sorry kids. Winery's closed. Semi-permanently."
Linda blinked in confusion, “I’m not a child.”
The old man squinted at her and huffed, "Heh? Yer not? Well it don't matter. If yer lookin' for free samples or for any deliveries- gotta break it to ya- We're closed. Unless you can help us with our lil'... ahem-” he coughed, “... druid problem."
"Druid problem?" Linda echoed questioningly.
Jeeves and Aric exchanged glances. Ruki raised a brow.
The old man nodded, "Yes'm. Druids. Damn hillbillies came in and made a wreck of the place!”
He gestured angrily, “Now, I can't pick my grapes, can't run my mill, can't make my bottles, can't make my labels... and can't tend my wines. Bastards don't seem to be leavin' any time soon either." 
He huffed, "We've just been campin' in the meanwhile. I ain't gon' to Vallaki. And I ain't gon' to Krezk."
Linda looked to the rest of her teammates and looked back to the curmudgeon, "I guess we can help with that. Urwin sent us to see what was happening since he hadn't heard from you."
The man stamped his cane into the ground, "Urwin?! Urwin?! My good for nothin', lazy, shirkin' son Urwin? Who got his father into this mess to begin with? HAH! That's a laugh right there!"
He cackled and stamped his cane in the ground, twisting it. One of the children began to cry.
The old man steadied himself and faced them, sternly, "Alright. You help us with the damn hillbillies. And I'll let ya know... to let Urwin know... how his family he abandoned is."
Linda looked to Aric, unsure of how to handle the old man.
Aric simply bowed his head in a polite manner, "That sounds reasonable, any idea how many druids there are?"
"Four," he replied, but held up a pointer finger, "But just 'cause there ain't a lot, don't mean nothin'. Those druids are crafty. Got their nature magics." 
The man wiggled his fingers to accentuate the fact.
Linda turned to the vineyard, shaking her head, "Let's get to it then."
Linda stepped forth cautiously, trudging down the muddy path toward the stately building. Her party followed behind her in the same manner.
Rain began to pour more heavily, beating down on the ground and splashing mud on their boots... but the mist did not dissipate. It was ever present, no matter what, it seemed.
They came closer to the building... It was old, and made of stone, with several piles of vines laying about the house...
There was a noise in the fog. Aric turned to face it, ready for attack, but was stunned to see a Calishite man of middle age, well-groomed, wearing the red royal trappings, the marks of a general...
There was no doubting that it was Prince Zasheir. He stared at Aric, disapprovingly, speaking in a harsh, but detached voice, "You had so much potential... you cannot recover from this disgrace. As you know, my favor, once lost... is lost forever..."
Aric blinked. When he opened his eyes, the image was gone. A hallucination? Or an illusion? He looked to Jeeves, but Jeeves didn’t seem to react.
Linda heard the noise as well, and drew her revolver to prep. She leveled it at the fog, but when the mists parted, she nearly dropped her weapon... That rugged man, in full leather battle array... that crossbow, that hat... No mistake...
It was John, smirking at her the way he used to. He spoke tiredly, "What's taken you so long partner? I've been dyin' to finally rest..."
"I...” Linda began, but stopped. Mists took the image away. She shook her head. The mists were messing with her. 
Ruki paused and turned to look in the fog as everyone else had done. She narrowed her eyes at the image it showed her: A Vistani woman, roughly her age... her height... her build... wearing her armor...
No, it was her. Another version, it seemed. She gripped her staff as the image spoke with Ruki’s own voice:
"I wonder how life could have been... if mother hadn't died... and if we hadn't been cursed by devil magic so..."
There is no way to know that. Do not dwell on this now... She told herself as the image faded.
The vines twisted and crackled around them. Slithering together to form small, humanoid shapes. Hissing and crackling sounds emanated from the figures, and their needle-y appendages lashed out toward them.
Ruki gripped her staff and stepped forward, in front of Jeeves. Channeling her psychic energy, she blasted them.
Weak foes... All in front of her collapsed into vines. But there were more coming... An entire horde.
Strahd crawled out of Ruki’s pack, alerted to the danger. He blinked as he saw the vine-y constructs and flew into the air... 
He circled about the manor and observed. There were groups of the things coming from inside and from around the back of the house. He reached out to Ruki: 
“Prepare, there are more coming. I’ll call aid...“
Strahd extended his senses deep into the land around him, and smiled inwardly. Yes, that should do it...
Come to me, little ones...
Ruki acknowledged Strahd and warned her companions, “More incoming!”
Aric snapped out of his uncertainty, and gripped on the Sunsword. The blade of light sprung forth, illuminating the slithering vine creatures. Aric rushed forward and cut down one of the creatures.
Linda readied her gun, trigger happy from the illusion she saw. Bam! Bam! Bam!
Three of the monsters fell. She reloaded as more emerged from the mists... and even more started barreling out of the front door.
Linda stepped back, I’m gonna need more bullets...
Four of the little creatures slithered close to Aric, raising their clawed appendages and swiping. Aric moved defensively, but bit back tears as he felt stinging in his skin from where one of them managed to pierce his leg.
Linda backed up from the creatures swarming her, but they leaped on to her and batted at her arms and legs, tearing into her skin...
Thwack! Ruki batted away a few with her staff, but one of the vine creatures flanked behind her and swiped at calf, throwing her off guard...
Thumping in the air disturbed the field of battle. The vine creatures paused, and Linda looked up... several dark, small shapes blotted out the moonlight peering through the rain and fell on the creatures-
Hundreds of tiny bats began to swarm and pick at the vine creatures.
Jeeves took advantage of the new distraction and quickly cut down two of the vine creatures as the bats began to rip the vines to shreds. 
Ruki wheeled around and pounded her staff on the nearest construct, smashing it to smithereens. 
Strahd flew up and joined one of the swarms of bats, and allowed himself to be taken by the frenzy. The swarms moved and fell down upon the needle blights, and tore vines from the forms.
A hot rage tore through Aric at the constant attacks in this country. He felt the rage burn within him and channeled the energy of his fire-genasi soul. He outstretched his hands as a spark ignited into a cone of flame that extended from him.
Enough of this!
He watched as the blights stopped their advance to him, and reeled back as his flames turned the vines into charcoal. They held their position, frozen for a brief moment, before the rain caused their small forms to collapse, coal dust scattering in the mud.
Linda fired twice at the little buggers, picking off a few as she maneuvered herself... but they just kept coming. She watched as a few more swarmed out of the winery towards her...
Damn annoying.
She and Aric braced themselves and protected their faces as the little creatures launched at them.
Jeeves readied his crossbow and fired at the blights.
Ruki’s eyes flashed and she balled her hand into a fist- channeling her power to crush the vine blights... She watched in satisfaction when all but one before her shriveled into a pile of vines and leaves. She raised her staff and smashed the last one standing for good measure.
Once more, the bats swarmed, and tore through the remaining blights... Aric swung the Sunsword, burning the little blights, and Linda took aim at the last one rushing them-
It fell. More movement from within-
She aimed at the doorway-
And paused. Now, there were more of the little creatures, but accompanied by people wearing animal pelts, and wearing headdresses of various animal skulls. The blights seemed on edge, as did these people...
They must be druids... thought Linda.
“What is the meaning of this?“ cried a woman with a black fur cloak, and a ceremonial headdress of a stag skull.
Linda gestured with her revolver, “Your needle things attacked us."
The druids, four in total, spoke to each other in a language that the party didn’t quite understand. One of the druids fiddled with a staff and tapped it against his hand confusedly. 
The woman who called out to them initially stepped forth, “These bats...” she lowered her voice, “Is Lord Strahd among us?”
The bats all landed around them. Perching in the trees, on the fences, in the house... Their eyes glowed red in the night and a low rumble permeated the air.
“Who wishes to know, and why?“ Strahd’s voice emanated from the tiny creatures... and it seemed like the land itself.
A chill cut through everyone. The druids appeared startled as they looked around.
Once more, the woman spoke, her voice wavering, "Apologies, Lord of Land.We are the druids of Clan Kavan-Terran. The Archdruid wished us to pay back the wereravens here for their trespass, and for their attack on our grove. But since we have the Lord's attention...”
She paused, “The Archdruid would like for you to come to Yester Hill. There is something... you need there."
Linda blinked, What would Strahd need from Yester Hill?
The bats swarmed together and departed the winery, fluttering as a large, black cloud in the night.
Strahd himself appeared before the druids, seemingly out of nowhere. The druids took knee, humbly, with their vine creatures mimicking the gesture.
"Indeed?” Strahd questioned, “You say the Martikovs attacked your grove? Whatever for? And what is this... something... you speak of?"
The woman spoke, "The Martikovs hoarded a gem of life, we discovered it here, and sought to use the power to restore the grove- to find some way to heal the Land...” She let bitterness into her voice, “The Martikovs assaulted our grove as we were trying to restore life to our Guardian. This was payback. As for the something...”
She briefly looked to the vampire, but turned away, “The Archdruid was very... quiet about its nature."
Linda folded her arms, and asked, "What were you doing inside?"
The druids were hesitant speaking, but finally one of the men spoke up:
"They tried to poison our efforts for restoring the lifeblood of our grove... so we poisoned the lifeblood of this building... well, only one of them..."
Strahd pinched the bridge of his nose, patience wearing thin. “You poisoned... the wine?” All traces of amusement vanished from his voice.
The druids shifted uncomfortably.
Strahd folded his hands behind his back, and faced the druids, "Well... that is another thing that has to be handled, then. I can't have my people being poisoned and dropping dead...”
He tilted his head, adding a warning tone to his voice, “The only reason you are still alive is because no one has been injured by it, and I am curious. But that is a rather thin line to be on..."
"Today, I am merciful,” he gestured to the woods, eyes flashing red, “Begone before I change my mind."
They didn’t need to be told twice. The druids shifted into a motley assortment of animals... a stag, a bear, a badger, and a hawk before retreating into the forests, their blights following them.
Strahd took a moment to calm himself before walking over to Jeeves. He spoke to the manservant, "If I recall, you had an affinity for poison..."
Jeeves looked to Aric, uncertainly, before answering, “Maybe so...”
Strahd steepled his fingers, leveling his gaze with Jeeves, “Do you mind figuring out for me... which one of these... is the poisoned one?”
“I’ll have to consult Lord Aric first,“ Jeeves answered, “My service is to him, and him alone.“
Strahd tiredly and dismissively made a gesture before turning to the door of the winery. “Very well. Let’s go inside in the meantime. The rain is wretched...”
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and shuffled through the vines, mud and ash to retreat indoors.
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Hogsmeade: A Date?
“Hey,” Sirius mumbled between kisses placed sporadically on Cress’ neck. She responded with a small ‘hm?’, clearly distracted by his roaming hands and lips. “You’ll go with me t’Hogsmeade this weekend, right?” he whispered in her ear, then bit and sucked on the lobe gently.
She chuckled, squirming and making a slight whimpering noise at his antics. “’Course, yeah,” she answered, before eagerly pulling his lips back to her own.
Two days later and Sirius was pulling on a thin sweater, messing with his hair in the mirror for the thirtieth time. Coming up behind him, Remus tousled his locks back into a messy mop, chuckling. “If you stand in front of that mirror any longer, you’ll miss the entire trip.”
“I haven’t—oh, shut up,” Sirius said, quickly patting his hair back down before finally relinquishing his command of the mirror. James slid in after him, fruitlessly attempting to tame his own locks. The boys were preparing for the trip to Hogsmeade, which Sirius had lost sleep over in all his anticipation. Stealing away for snogging sessions all week had been brilliant, but Sirius found he was equally excited to get to parade around the shops with Cress on his arm. He’d woken up early after a fitful night of rest and gone down to breakfast alone, inhaling a large portion of biscuits and gravy before any of his friends even arrived. Over the course of the week their friends had ensured that at any given opportunity, Cress and Sirius sat beside each other. He felt sure that this wouldn’t have occurred had they not forced it—beside the moments of blissful snogging, things had been mildly awkward between he and the redhead. But this morning, Cress came up to him herself, swiftly taking the seat beside him with a wide smile on her face.
“’Morning,” she said, grabbing a biscuit from the table. He responded in kind, smiling just at the sight of her. She had a mischievous air about her that both turned him on and ignited his curiosity. “Got any special plans for the day?” she asked, glancing at him with a smirk on her face.
Sirius chuckled, taking up the banter easily, “Not really,” he said with a shrug. “Just a boring ol’ Hogsmeade trip, nothin’ spectacular. Hoping to maybe meet a good-looking bird during my excursions.”
Cress held back a snort, buttering her biscuit and not looking at him. “Well, I wish you luck in your endeavors. I myself have a riveting afternoon planned with a pretty handsy bloke.” She finally looked at him, biting down on her biscuit with gusto, a playful grin on her face.
They continued like this throughout breakfast, adamantly ignoring their plans with each other. By the time they were all leaving the Great Hall, Sirius was two seconds away from pulling her into a side corridor and pinning her to a wall.
The boys and girls had parted ways in the common room, all heading off to get ready for the afternoon off the grounds. Flirting with Cress so conspicuously all morning had sent Sirius’ enthusiasm for the day boiling even higher, and by the time the 6th year boys were all ready to leave he was practically bouncing on his heels.
“Oi, take a rest, will ya? Putting me on edge, bobbing around like that. ‘nd I need to be nice and relaxed to be on my top game for Lily.” James stood in front of the door as they waited for Peter, who was just finishing throwing on a jumper. “Besides, don’t think Cress will want to spend the day with ya if you’re acting more jittery than a pixie on a sugar kick.”
Sirius took a deep breath, heeding his friends’ advice, and tried to stand still for a moment. “Just—will you hurry up, Pete?” he said, annoyance in his voice. The small blonde boy came up beside Sirius immediately, tugging on the bottom of his sweater.
“Ready, sorry,” he apologized, which the other three ignored. The lot descended the staircase, Sirius and James side by side as they bounded down to the common room. It was clear that most of the rest of the house had already left to meet in the courtyard, so the boys hurried their pace to catch up. Once there, Sirius’ eyes glanced over the crowd to find his redhead. A prod at his side made him jump, and he looked down to find Cress just behind him, to his right.
She looked fit as hell, sporting leggings beneath a casual skirt and a sweater that hugged her curves perfectly. He briefly licked his lips unknowingly, to which Cress laughed and poked his side again. His chest filled with the anticipation he’d been feeling for days, though now it seemed to have doubled and be working overtime on his heart. He was about to spend the entire afternoon with this girl, and not just as friends but something more.
“Quit starin’, Black,” came Marlene’s voice from his other side. She walked around him to stand beside Cress, looping her arm through the redhead’s in a way that made Sirius oddly jealous. Was supposed to be his arm linked through hers today, wasn’t it? All week it’d seemed like Marlene was around when he expressly wanted her not to be, as though she needed to continuously check up on her property which she was simply loaning to him for now. Cress insisted she was only being a protective friend, and said that Marlene just wanted to make sure they didn’t go too fast. Sirius didn’t understand why that should be any of the brunette’s business, but kept his mouth shut. “You’ll get an eye twitch, f’yer not careful.”
Sighing at the sight of her, Sirius made a face. “Bugger off, Marlene. Didn’t say anything about this being some sort’ve threesome when we decided t’go together.”
The Scottish girl raised her eyebrows and her hands as though she’d been assaulted. “Ho, ho, ho, possessive lil’ bugger, aren’t we? Last time I checked, ye weren’t opposed t’the idea of a threesome.” Smirking, she leaned back into her linkage with Cress.
Sirius rolled his eyes, his face faintly burning at the mention of the three of them together. It had certainly crossed his mind on a few occasions, but today was meant to be about he and Cress getting their own time out and about together—not some friendly soiree that would end up feeling like any other Hogsmeade trip. Sensing the tension, Cress intervened. “Alright, alright, enough discussion about threesomes. Marls…” she started slowly, turning to her friend, “can join up with us later, yeah?”
Marlene smiled at the redhead, much more eager to acquiesce to her request than she’d been with Sirius. “Sure, love,” she said, smacking a quick kiss to Cress’ cheek before breaking apart from her. Stepping into Sirius’ space, she whispered, “Don’t ye dare try’n shag’er in the bloody Shriekin’ Shack,” before walking off. Sirius shook his head, chuckling quietly, as Cress stepped forward in front of him.
“Sorry about that,” she said, her smile meek. They’d both been interrupted and jabbed at by each other’s friends so many times that week that they’d quickly become accustomed to apologizing on their behalf. Sirius shrugged, his hands stuffed in his pants pockets, a sheepish smile on his face.
“So, thought you had some plans with a handsy bloke?” he offered, hoping to make it back to their place of playfulness from that morning.
Cress laughed, nodding. “I do, yeah. Thought he might get cold feet, but he showed up after all.”
At the sound of McGonagall’s whistle, they all turned their attention to the emerald-hatted woman. She called out for them to follow her and the rest of the chaperoning staff, and the student body of thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds collectively made their way to Hogsmeade. Sirius hadn’t exactly planned out their afternoon, having wanted to keep things open-ended based on what Cress might want to do. He expected a trip to Zonko’s, as was tradition, and thought they’d pop in for some sweets at Honeyduke’s to start the day, but thought it best not to assume anything else about Cress’ expectations. Though their friends were walking nearby, they’d apparently all decided to finally give the couple some time on their own—at least for now. Sirius fully anticipated a prank or two at some point during the day, but chose not to stress over the time or place.
When they made it to Hogsmeade, Sirius suggested they stop in for candy, his treat. Cress gave him a knowing, happy smile at that, as though she’d been waiting to see if he’d offer to pay for things. Neither of them had actually said the word ‘date’, but Sirius felt the common nervousness and tension that was associated with any first date—even with one of your best mates. Opening the door for her, they walked into the sound of students laughing and talking, the aisles of Honeyduke’s already lined with young witches and wizards. Purely to keep from losing each other, Sirius reached out and grabbed Cress’ hand, entwining their fingers as though he’d done it a thousand times. In actuality, they’d only held hands when they were in more private settings, but he felt now was an appropriate time to break that pattern. Tugging her along, Sirius pushed through the crowded entryway and towards some of the more popular sweets. Unable to make it very far, they found themselves wedged in the chocolate aisle, their chests pressed together as their fellow students passed behind them.
“Well,” Sirius said, grinning down at her in amusement over the situation. “Not the best first choice, apparently. D’you like citrus lemon truffles, by chance?” He reached above her head to grab the only chocolates near enough, showing her the box. Cress made a face, so he laughed and returned the candy to its shelf.
“Got any raspberry chocolate, good sir?” she asked, arching her back and pressing her chest into him more, as if she were trying to give him more room to look. All this managed to do was distract Sirius entirely from the chocolates, his body responding to being so close to hers. Pressing his lips together into a tight smile and looking up, he let out a quiet, “Hmm-hmm…” as he tried to get himself under control. Raising her eyebrows, Cress laughed and stood up on her toes, trying to catch his eyes as they wandered above her head. “In public? Really, Black? ‘m honestly not that attractive.” Still chuckling, she reached a hand up around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers, effectively making the situation that much worse for him. They kissed for a moment before a student bumped into Sirius’ back, causing him to push into Cress and her to stumble against the shelf behind them. Teetering a bit, the shelf rocked back and forth several times, chocolates dropping from their spots up and down the aisle. The two watched as it bobbed, candies falling intermittently like light rain, waiting to see if it would go completely. To their relief the shelf stopped after a few moments, and they both let out an audible sigh.
Scattered across their feet were different chocolate bars and boxes, the shelves looking much emptier now. It took them both several moments of surveying the damage before they registered it, and, looking up to meet each other’s eyes, both held in their laughter. “C’mon,” Sirius said, quickly grabbing her hand again and pulling her the opposite direction that they’d came. The two side-stepped as many chocolates as they could, as the sound of employees coming up behind them met their ears. What in Godric’s name happened? they heard one of them cry, and quickened their pace in response. Pushing through students of every house, Sirius zig-zagged their way to the door, thrusting it open and breathing a deep breath of fresh, fall air as they found their freedom.
Staggering a few feet away from the shop, the couple stopped to catch their breath, their hands still entwined. After a few moments they caught each other’s eye again, and immediately burst into a fit of laughter. Sirius leaned against the wall of the shop to balance himself, and Cress careened in front of him, their hands keeping them close. As their laughter began to die the two glanced at each other’s lips and slowly began to lean forward.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” came the aggravated voice of someone behind them. Lifting his head, Sirius looked behind Cress’ shoulder to see a blonde, boring Hufflepuff boy gawking at them. Aaron MacMillan. Cress turned around and let out a small squeak at the sight of him, stepping back so that her back met Sirius’ chest.
“A-Aaron,” she stammered, her cheeks immediately turning a bright shade of pink. The boy did not look pleased to see her, his lips pursed and arms crossed. Sirius imagined that he thought himself to be intimidating, but truly it only looked like a three-year-old about to throw a tantrum for not getting his way.
“You’re honestly here with him? Do you not remember agreeing to come with me not five days ago?” He shook his head as Cress stumbled over her response. “Honestly, didn’t picture you as a slag, Cress.”
“Oi!” Sirius called out, his body immediately tensing as he stepped forward around Cress. “Want t’get socked in the face again, MacMillan?”
The Hufflepuff scoffed. “You actually going to have a reason this time? Does that move work for you, Black, interrupting girl’s kisses and punching the bloke they’d been happily snogging?”
Sirius smirked, though his demeanor was still one of anger and annoyance. “Apparently it does.”
Aaron narrowed his eyes at this, turning his attention back to Cress. “Next time you go kissing two blokes in one week, try to only promise one of them a date.”
“Y’know what, MacMillan…” Sirius started between gritted teeth, his fist balling up as he took a step forward. Before he could make his move, though, an arm popped out from the side of Aaron, its fist connecting with his jaw evenly. Aaron stumbled backward, grabbing his face and staring, shocked. Looking entirely satisfied with this outcome, Sirius smirked at him. “I’d better go, if I were you,” he offered, and Aaron took his advice, turning and stalking off quickly.
Turning to the owner of the mystery fist, Sirius grinned. James looked rather proud of himself, as well, and slapped Sirius on the shoulder. “Looked like that bloke could use a good socking.”
Sirius shrugged. “Well, was gonna do it myself, but I guess I don’t mind the help.” Coming up beside him, Cress linked her hand with his again, her face still a bit crestfallen over the experience.
“Thanks for stepping in, James. Don’t think Sirius could’ve gotten away with punching the same bloke twice in one week without some extra detention.” She looked up at Sirius, offering him a weak smile. His heart sank at the sight of how this had affected her, still silently wishing he had gotten the chance to hit MacMillan twice.
James told them not to mention it and made some excuse about finding Lily before walking back off, leaving the two of them on their own in the avenue. Sirius turned to stand in front of Cress, sighing at the outcome of their first bit of time together. “Can we…maybe…start this whole thing over? Clearly candy was not the best idea.”
She smiled up at him, nodding gently. “Would like that. Yeah. Are you hungry? Could get lunch…see if the Three Broomsticks has a table for two?”
A table for two. Hand holding. A good socking. Definitely a date, he was becoming sure of it.
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psych-nightmare · 5 years
no 2 reflections
I thought O was outside the ‘witches’ house with a monitor in his ear, weaing a suit.
I thought I went to his place when it was all the Chinese people and the guy who prayed for us. I thought he was too shy to come down the stairs to say hi. I thought David, Mary’s husband was filming/recording so O could see. 
When that guy who prayed for me asked me to forgive everyone, I forgave O and I started coughing up some black/brown stuff. Pretty gross.
After we left that persons place we went to Olympic park. I thought I was going to my marriage w O. How ridiculous, looking back.
Once, I walked around the block 3 times and thought I heard God say if I did and pray for what I wanted I would have it. I prayed in tongues and thought some kids were following me, saying to their parents “we want to follow the teacher”. I stopped outside of Ron’s house and spat in the dirt and played with the mud with a stick (thinking of what Jesus did in the sand by drawing).
Easter day - Another time I skated to D (suburb) beach. I prayed by the lake there. I walked through the back there where the sand dunes were and I prayed in tongues. It felt like I was an Aboriginal person, before the settlement, speaking in their tongues. I was also walking funny like a horse or something. After a lot of prayer, worship and time spent in the word, I gathered up some courage. I said to one random couple “beautiful day the Lord has made”. I then started chatting with a lady who lived out of her van. She was in her 40s and was obviously a bit of a hippie, and “searching”. I gave her a word about feeling like she was searching for answers and told her that Jesus is the way, truth and life and shared some of my testimony with her. She was really touched and I prayed with/for her. I downloaded the bible app on her phone and told her to start reading. She said she felt like she was met by an angel. If this episode was just for her salvation, it would be worth it. Lord, I pray that she would have salvation and that your Holy Spirit will bring her to you. After that I went to some old man’s van where we watched the football game a bit and he gave me water. It could have been a dangerous situation, looking back. It is true that people with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims than perpetrators. 
I was watching a lot of Steve Harvey at the time and I thought him and his crew were at/around my house. I thought they were setting me up with O. I was watching my friend’s instagram stories and somehow came to the conclusion that there was some party w O that i was supposed to go to. I thought steve’s video was talking to me - “put on something nice and go out” so i did. I put on my white mini skirt and white crop top and snuck outside. I went through the downstairs laundry and over the fence. I then waited outside my front yard for a bit, thinking steve or someone would come pick me up. I was shy, thinking i’d meet O. I then walked up the street and ended up in W + Tr yard. I heard some noises like a snake or cricket that i thought O was making the noises and hiding from me. I ended up chasing what i thought was him around and around the garden. I ended up in the back of their place. “The man cave” was where i thought O was hanging out. I thought Josiah, Leroy and a bunch of people were hiding inside, being really quiet and that i was supposed to find them. i kept knocking on the door, making beats, dancing and doing stretches like a back arch thing. I also started playing my “Jesus rap” from my phone and full on dancing/praying in tongues. I felt like i was like letting go of my ex (ST) spirit or something. It was so strange. I was like doing really primitive/tribal dances and felt like my steam be smoke that was rising. I ended up kneeling down at the door of the man cave with my hand on the bricks of the house praying “bless this man” thinking i was blessing/praying for O. I then wiped the sweat from my back and drew a cross on a bull’s skull thinking that Christ would resurrect dead things. I also thought that all the landscaping stuff was what O had prepared for me. I saw in the window of the man cave “things identified are of value” with lots of little things made inside, which again, I thought O had made for me. Then, the cops came. “Why are you here?” “Have you had anything to drink or any drugs tonight?” I answered shyly and shocked, with Tr on the balcony “they know me, they’re my neighbours”, “why are you here?” they asked, “it felt safe” i replied. They then asked me for my details and when they asked for my phone number I thought they were going to give it to O or they were flirting with me. There were two men. They insisted on walking me home. I said I could do it myself and that i just lived down the street a bit. They then spoke to dad and mum. i was so scared that i was in trouble that i went to downstairs big bed and curled up. Mum was really sweet and assured me that i was not in any trouble at all.
The next few days i noticed bruises on my biceps. i thought someone, O, had forcibly held me down. I remembered a strange memory that i thought had happened. I thought I had let O in that night and that he slept on the right hand side of me. I thought i had touched his upper body and his head rolled back and that he pounced on me and had sex w me hence the bruises. (i later got a pee test for pregnancy/stds). I watched some weird sermon that confused me further. it was saying some bible story in which a husband had to consummate the marriage by force and i thought that was what had happened. After the sex, i thought i was saying to O, it was all written long ago and i saw a scroll. i told him how we should’ve been married by Oct 21 last year (2018) so we could just have sex or whatever. I thought we were already spiritually married from that date.
I thought O lived downstairs, in the spare room and mum had made him promise not to see me and just to look after me. I remember looking downstairs a few times in the middle of the night, trying to find him. I thought our body clocks had synced up as i woke up in the early morning. I thought he was lying to the right of me in my single bed and i was stroking his abs (which was actually my mattress, lol). but he had to go to work early and i’d always miss him. I was getting frustrated that i never saw him. i’d miss him in the morning and i’d get ready early in the afternoon for him to come and take me to the movies or watch netflix with me in the living room. i asked dad if he could come over for dinner. i texted my friends (CB and JG) as though they were him and ended up in an awkward situation with a guy called Branden who i thought was O. My high school friend, CB, became concerned and confused as he started contacting her. 
I thought O was at Lreef (suburb), wanting to see me. One night after bugger all sleep mum and i went to maccas. i remember a grey van in front of us wave their 4 hands out at the same time, thinking that was O and his friends. when we were driving my stomach hurt a lot when we went over bumps. It felt so uncomfortable. After, we drove past suburb C where gma lives (i thought i heard people saying it was my wedding or something) and then to LR (suburb) where i was texting O (who was actually Bran lol) asking him not to be shy and come to see me. I thought i saw him come out of a van with a beard and boner. i thought he had been living on the beach. i walked to the toilet and thought he followed me. but he didnt. i told him to come to the car to speak to me. he didn’t come. 
Once, we were driving and the car in front of me was letting out feathers. Another time, i was driving past that field on the corner of Cro (suburb). and there was what looked like a veil go past the road.
Once we went to D (suburb) for a swim in the pool. We drove past the main part/street and i saw my grandma sitting on a chair w her head on her hand, looking hopeful. I did some laps in the pool, thinking O was watching/too scared/shy to say hi. i did some weird things like touch the numbers to make some sign like the song ‘countdown’ by Beyonce about “i’m tryna make a 3 from the 2 still the 1′ on the lane numbers.
We put curtains up in my room. felt like i was being strangled by them. 
Once i wasn’t wearing a bra when sleeping. i thought dad came in and was trying to touch my face but accidentally touched my boob.s
really strange, thought my class came to my place and were standing outside my room. i told the girls to come in. i thought ishak was in my bed w a few other girls and i was showing them random stuff from the word? i think. and i was colouring and rapping random things. so strange, i know.
Downstairs, I was dancing/worshipping thinking that my phone camera was recording me and broadcasting me to a large church and i was like prophesying over people. i did this a few times, splashing coconut water around the mirror.
Mum and i walked at (colour) Hill. i thought i heard guys in the bushes. thought O was there saying things to me.
my aunty told me some story about someone - i thought it was about everyone - all my cousins and stuff at her place/my place and O stepped over Chloe w filth on him. i thought O and i had done sexual stuff and he was lying “like an african in his filth” - her words i thought.
mum and i went around near my fav lil beach - secluded i went there w my mums side cousins (suburb). i saw some massive house for sale and thought O and i had been out there cause of a music video i had seen. we saw some guy fishing and i said to mum “it’s time for me to catch my big fish”. at that wharf, some people got picked up by a boat and the guy who was driving the boat said “i have to make sure i get the right people”. i thought they were being taken to my wedding lol. i got annoyed w mum cause she didn’t bring her phone and couldn’t contact O who i thought she could contact for some reason.
i was praying heaps for some people to come and pray for me. I said to mum “the disciples are coming. u have to make sure u let them in”. I thought people were taking it in turns to pray for me outside my house in a van. I thought J (guy i used to like in HS) and J + J (youth pastors at ML) were taking it in turns there.
I also was playing music and i was like “i wish someone would play with me”. I thought O’s sisters were close - in the garage and going to come and play in a band w me.
at N. lake mum and i were sitting there. i thought O was behind me, too scared to make a move (bc i thought i would get engaged at the lake). I felt him have his hand on my back thru the chair, praying for me). and his friends encouraging him to see me. I thought i saw mila upstairs in a restaurant looking down judging me. she looked so evil. i was dancing there, “crushing satan under my feet”.
I once snuck out thinking O would find me and take me to BH (suburb) maccas. I was reading something in the word and got super excited and wanted to share it. i ended up walking to my aunties, thinking O may be there. i did it for “all the lost souls who had to take that path”. I thought O was outside saying “you made me so worried, you know”. I had some water at mindas and thought about turning it to wine lol. 
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