anti0angel · 4 months
Как думаете, что бы было, если бы люди стали зверьми?
Всё человечество стало жить на свете, в котором каждый похож на животного или любого другого живого существа, к которому тянется душа на протяжении жизни. На это влияет взгляд на жизнь, переживания, внутренний мир, а также остальные духовные аспекты. Дети , подростки и взрослые, впрочем все живут по этим законам. И школа , основанная девушкой - волшебной огненной птицей , ныне падшей, не исключение. За все время существования учреждения дети разделилясь по своим компаниям, так скажем, по маленьким частям общества.
Образ может изменяться со временем, в зависимости от того, как поменялась личность объекта. Так скажем, если душевно грязный человек смог искупиться, то его облик изменился бы. Это дало бы такому человеку возможность спастись от зла, творящегося в мире и так далее.
Когда живой человек становится умершим, то исчезает и оставляет за собой какую-то вещь, или часть себя. Например, юноша, который был при жизни волком оставляет за собой свою главную особенность, например, клык.
Мораль ау: быть собой, не стесняться своей личности и души.
Что осветлялось бы: проблемы взаимодействия между молодым поколением, психология.
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tinseltina · 2 days
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trying to make fanart of leona from @kiame-sama's humans are extinct twst au (warning it is a yandere au and 18+ so minors DNI)
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appendingfic · 1 month
Need to find like one god in fantasy pantheon to be the remnants of the old age who's still sort of around. can't be one of the "big" ones like sun, crafting, war, death - can't be like one of the prissy elven gods
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islandofsages · 8 months
So i got some silly idea, Can i request Savanaclaw dorm with male raccoon beastman reader 🦝 (who is also a third year Savanaclaw student) that likes to ✨ collect trash ✨ and ✨ dumpster driving ✨ Like, He is not poor but he just likes to do that. Thanks! Have a great day!
characters: the savanaclaw boys x male raccoon beastman third year reader
tags: platonic, fluff, imagines format
warnings: none
author's notes: i feel like i made dumpster-diving sound like thrifting in this ... i love thrifting can you tell
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Leona Kingscholar
“...Whaddya think ya’re doing?”
Oh, you thought it was obvious but apparently not. You're dumpster diving obviously
A better question would be what is Leona Kingscholar doing near a bunch of dumpsters. You point this out to him
He actually seems to ponder that question for a second. What is he doing there, entertaining some dumpster-diver? Then he realizes that it doesn’t matter
His face merely contorts into an irritated frown and he mumbles something about “fucking raccoon beastpeople and their weird habits” then walks off
You watch his silhouette grow smaller by the second then shrug to yourself. His loss
He doesn’t say anything when you come back to the dorms carrying the junk you get from your scavenging but you can tell he’s somewhat curious of what you found
One time you come back bringing a wholeass couch and it’s somehow in mint condition - he’s more bewildered by the people who’s throwing the trash than you at this point
It’s definitely not for him but as long as you don’t bother him and that you’re happy, he doesn’t say a word about your habits.
Jack Howl
He tries not to be too judgemental since there’s all kinds of people in NRC and he feels like he’s definitely seen weirder things by now
He’s a little confused but he got the spirit! Spirit of what exactly? Spirit of supporting you and respecting his upperclassmen obviously
He’s somewhat stiff around you since you’re older and he doesn’t want to offend you in any way - so you make an effort to make him more comfortable around you
You’d tell him about what you find in your little adventures and he seems to be amused by the kind of stuff people easily throw away here
“That’s part of the magic! Plus, once you get used to the stench and filth, it’s really not all that bad.”
He believes and trusts your words but he still won’t try it for himself. He’ll leave it all up to you and your expertise
Sooner or later, with enough storytelling, a smile on his face becomes a common look for him whenever you’re around
You’d even bring him back stuff you found that you think he’d like (after thoroughly washing them and bringing them back to the best condition of course)
Whenever you see him use the stuff you give to him, whether it’s a decoration in his room or it’s on his person, you feel a little proud of the bond you’ve nurtured with him.
Ruggie Bucchi
He understands the need to stoop to that level but when you tell him you don’t even need the stuff you collect and just do it for fun, he’s silent for a bit
Still won’t judge you for it! Plus sometimes he gets the good stuff from your scavenges so he’s not complaining
Once he gets curious enough, he’ll tag along on the diving… and it’s not as bad as he thought it would be
It’s stinky and dirty but sometimes he really hits the jackpot in some of the dumpsters. It’s like a thrift store but even cheaper somehow
“(Y/N), look at what I found! Are you seeing this right now?”
You unironically become dumpster-diving buddies and the two of you would review the stuff you got after each session to decide if you’re going to keep some or not
You guys can probably get a lot of clout if you start a YouTube channel
You two grow a lot closer after enlightening him of the joys of dumpster-diving, which you aren’t too surprised about since it’s a common bonding experience for you raccoon beastpeople
But as you look back on your memories of junk-collecting and look forward towards Ruggie's laugh, you can’t help but laugh with him.
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yuurei20 · 1 month
Twisted Wonderland the Novel English Translation Review: Excellent
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Did a quick read-through of the English-language novel (not a word-for-word comparison with the original novel yet), and: it is an excellent translation!
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Some quick notes about the more language-sensitive parts:
・As in the English-language game, Grim is referred to as a weasel in the prologue. In the original game, the original manga and the EN manga, he is called a Tanuki.
・Much like the EN manga, the original game/manga’s use of the word “egg” has been changed to “fledgling.”
・The incantation for Riddle’s unique magic is: EN Novel: "Are you ready for your sentence? Sentence first! Verdict afterward."
EN Manga: “Are you ready for your sentence? The verdict comes afterwards. Any last words?”
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・The conversation where Yuuya explains where he is from is very similar to the original novel:
"I'm from Nihon," Yuya told him. "Ni-kan?" "Umm. Ja-p-an." Yuya tried the English name of his country, but that apparently did not click for Crowley either.
・The references to Japanese schools beginning in spring and NRC being more closely related to schools in Europe and America have been retained.
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・Curse words have been changed into things like “punk,” “dunce,” etc., with Ace repeating “dodo” fairly often.
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・The line where Ace tells Yuuya to drop the honorific from his name was changed. Instead, Yuuya thanks Ace by saying “I really appreciated your help yesterday” and Ace responds, “This isn't some highfalutin rich-kid school. You don't need to be so polite."
・The line where Deuce tells Yuuya to drop the honorific from his name was changed to Deuce protesting against Yuuya thanking Ace first instead of thanking him first.
"How come you said Ace first?" Deuce protested. "I'm first."
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・Cater consistently refers to Ace, Deuce, Yuuya and Grim as “Acey, Deucey, Yuey and Grimmy. At least once he refers to Riddle as “Riddley.” No nickname for Trey.
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・As there are no honorifics Yuuya refers to Riddle by his first name only, Ace refers to Trey by his first name only, and Deuce refers to Cater, Trey, Riddle and Malleus as “Diamond,” “Clover,” “Rosehearts” and “Draconia.”
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・The incantation for Trey’s unique magic is: "White to red, red to white.”
・In the original novel Ace says “Thank you,” in English, while in the English translation he says “merci.”
・”Beastpeople” are called “beast people” instead of “beast men.”
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・Yuuya reflecting on how Chenya does not use an honorific with Riddle was changed to, “Yuya had only ever heard Trey talk about him so casually.”
・The line about Cater using honorifics with everyone except Trey in serious situations was changed to, “He usually sounded so lighthearted when he called Trey's name…And Cater only said his name so seriously when it was truly important.”
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・The EN game switched from “magical healers” to “medical mages,” and the novel went with ”magical healers.”
・Ace refers to Riddle without an honorific just once in the original novel. This is commented on in a line changed to, “You’re already bossing him around.”
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・(There is a typo where Cater and Trey are talking about Riddle’s upcoming duel, and a line that Trey says is attributed to Deuce. Deuce is not in the scene.)
・(There is also a typo where Enchanted Mine (changed from ”Dwarf Mine”) is written as “Enchanted Mind.”)
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・Ace’s original line of “the way a kid turns out doesn't determine the value of their parents” was written backwards in the EN game, but the EN manga and novel are both accurate to the original game/manga/novel.
・Cater’s line in the original game/manga/novel admonishing Trey for hiding his true feelings has been upheld in the novel as well as the EN manga, with only the EN game rewritten to Cater admonishing himself, instead. (This was possibly subject pronoun confusion.)
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・Much like the EN game, Leona’s “Be prepared” was rewritten in the EN novel.
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inkblot22 · 6 months
What's Worse?
I finally finished this. This unpostable thing. It's done and even if it's bad, I do not care. In the end, it ended up being 4k words and I'm okay with this. Header by @/cafekitsune
Who is this fic for? I tried to keep this one very neutral despite the many references to body parts, so anyone who can handle it is free to read! Keep in mind that pronouns such as you and they are used to refer to the reader. The reader is human and does have hair.
TW for coercion, noncon, dubcon, allusions to a physically and emotionally abusive dynamic, captivity, everyone is at least a little bit untrustworthy in this, mentions of the smell of blood, beastman-specific oddities and anatomy, violent and morbid similes. Just in case, I'd like to say that this is DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. A lot of the stuff is more so implied than explicitly stated, but it's still there.
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The day he moved up a grade and began his “internship” is the same day he took you with him. Sure, Grim came along, but you’re often so busy, or he’s often so busy, either way. So you haven’t seen your familiar in months, and your life is filled with Leona.
You don’t know why he did this, but the first night you were there, he tapped your uvula with his fingers as he orally serviced you so feverishly that you left teeth indent bruises on his knuckles from biting down so hard as you tried not to be loud. He wore them like jewelry, and you know his brother saw them. Everyone at the table knew what happened, because, according to Leona, no matter how often you shower, the way you smell will always give you away.
That was a little over six months ago. As far as captivity goes, it’s rather cushy. You stay within the confines of the Afterglow Savannah’s palace. Sometimes Leona gets a bit aggressive and you take it, but you’re fed, clothed, and possibly pampered. It could be worse. It could be far worse. You could be in the dungeons. 
You actually don’t know if this place has a dungeon, come to think of it. The last time you asked Leona, he asked you if there was an issue with the room you shared with him. When you tried to explain why you asked, he called you a “dumb herbivore” in a very fond tone of voice, then fell asleep. You didn’t try asking again.
It didn’t stop you from wandering. As it turns out, the Afterglow is mostly populated by beastmen… beastpeople? Aren’t all people beasts? Whatever, the point is, you’re basically the only person in the palace with muted senses. You often think back to Rook, wondering how he trained himself to use his senses so well. You tried to practice once, but Leona caught you hiding a  ball and chucked the thing out the window, telling you to find something better to do with your “skills.” You sure used one of your senses, at least.
Unfortunately, these “muted” senses, despite them being completely sensible for your human state of being, have led to some issues. For instance, when someone approaches you, you don’t notice until they’re within your field of awareness. Beyond that, according to Leona, Farena, Cheka, and Farena’s wife, you also tend to just reek of blood.
You have no idea why, and you’ve never noticed this before. You get out of the shower, having scrubbed hard enough to rid yourself of any dirt but not enough to create micro-abrasions on your skin, and Leona still complains about it. You play fight with Cheka, gentle enough that neither of you gets harmed and he’s giggly, and he pauses his mirth and wrinkles his little nose before asking if you got hurt. Zuri, Farena’s wife, regularly would stop you whenever she saw you, her eyes wide as she asked you if everything was okay. The palace staff didn’t say anything, but they’d constantly be re-filling your first-aid kit, one that was “gifted” to you and one that the staff and Kifaji (despite him being human like you, or maybe just not obviously a beastman) insisted that you carry at all times.
But out of all of them, Farena was the worst. If you were in Cheka’s nursery, even just seconds after the kid fell asleep, Farena would pop out of nowhere. If you lingered a bit too long in the kitchen or hallways, anywhere too far from Leona’s wing, he’d approach with a smile, his arms spread wide. If you came to the dining hall without Leona’ his glowing brown eyes would find you, the intensity akin to a sudden knife wound. His persistence in being around you was all blanketed by his uncomfortable implications when he spoke to you.
Even so, you happened to somehow get lost. The hallways are sort of color-coded, but you’ve passed this same hallway several times, enough for you to be okay with admitting that you’ve been walking in a circle for the past twenty minutes. And, much like the devil, as soon as you thought that if you were there any longer, a certain lion-man would appear, Farena popped up and scooped you into a hearty hug as greeting, your feet coming off the floor.
“Leona’s partner!” He never calls you by name. It’s always just that. You are Leona’s partner, not your own person, you guess, “I knew I’d find you eventually.”
“Yes. Hello, your highness.” You wheezed as he placed you back on the floor.
“Oh, you’re so prickly, just like my baby brother. You two are a perfect match- he does like a bit of bite.”
You rarely knew how to respond to him, so you often didn’t. You just stared at him, like a total moron, but he continued talking like you aren’t giving him the most anserine of looks- a word he has used to describe you before, basically to your face.
“I’ve heard that you forgot your first aid kit. We don’t need you tripping and scratching yourself on Leona’s dresser again, and not with an inability to heal yourself.” He never gave you time to answer, “Of course, I know you aren’t magic, but those of you without it have made some wonderful inventions to make up for that.”
“Oh. Yeah, I just left for, like, two seconds so I could return something to the kitchen.”
He nodded, thoughtful, still smiling, “Well, did you hit your head? You’ve been walking in a circle, and you didn’t even stop to say hi to me.”
“No. I, uh.” You cast your gaze down the hallway closest to you, then looked back at Farena, “I am a bit lost. I guess someone else is usually with me when I’m wandering around.”
Leona is not the only person in his family with a cunning streak. You are marginally aware of this, and when Farena’s eyes narrowed, you sucked in a breath.
“Hmm. You’re right, Leona’s partner. It is rather strange not to see you by my baby brother’s side.”
It struck you multiple times in the past that the amount of times you bumped into Farena couldn’t possibly be a coincidence. He’s a king, so why was he never ruling or whatever kings did all day? It was incredibly strange, and you made the same subtle discomforted motions like clockwork. He usually pretended not to notice whatsoever.
His grin was always too bright. You did prefer Leona’s smirk, “Very well. It looks like I’ll need to escort you back to Leona’s quarters, won’t I?”
“Uh. I mean, if you’re not busy.”
“You’re such a mousy thing. Come,” He offered you his arm.
You took it, and true to his word, he led you back to Leona’s wing, then straight up to the door. He knocked, and you ducked out of his arm to cautiously open the door. Leona strolled out of the bathroom, hair and skin wet, his eyes not even skimming over you before they flashed to his brother, who strolled in as though he owned the place. Maybe he did. Who owns a palace if not the king?
“Ah, Leona! I found your partner, wandering the halls like a lost lamb.”
As soon as the words process in Leona’s mind, his green eyes are sliding to pin you down. Your limbs feel like lead, and you don’t move or emote, lest he strike. He’s like a snake when he’s like this, which is ironic. Perhaps it’s not ironic, and just comedic. Who knows?
Regardless, Farena keeps talking, “And I missed you at lunch! What a shame. They had your favorite, you know. Meat! And lots of it. Don’t you ever get hungry, being in here all the time?”
If not for everyone talking about the way your skin smells, that comment could have been written off entirely. It didn’t feel great, being indirectly told that you smell like fresh meat, and Leona wasn’t helping much.
“Mmm. No. I don’t like my meat that rare.” Leona grumbles, taking a seat on his bed and waving you over. “Hey, c’mere and braid my hair.”
What was worse? Being told you smell delicious or being told you didn’t smell delicious enough? It was one of those things. You cautiously tied off his braids, capping both of them in beads that Cheka had gifted you. His hair was wet, clinging to his skin as desperately as the water did. You caught yourself watching a drop sliding over Leona’s tattoo and hummed softly. 
Farena was still talking. You didn’t hear the beginning, and you didn’t care about the end, so you completely tuned him out so you could finger detangle the rest of Leona’s wet hair. While you were ignoring Farena, you were pointedly all too aware of Leona’s sounds of pleasure. It took you a while to get used to it. You were a primate, and he was a lion. More lion than ape. He snorted and rumbled, huffed and chuffed, his face twisted in a scowl. 
“Ah, what a shame. I’ll have to speak to you later, Leona. Perhaps you could talk about those plans with Zuri. I’m sure she’d love to listen.” You tuned back in as Farena turned to the door, opening it before remembering himself and waving at you, “Bye bye, Leona’s partner!”
When he was gone, almost as soon as the door was closed, Leona twisted his torso to grab you around the waist and pull you into one of his kisses. You read somewhere that the reason men kiss so… wetly is so they can mark their partner. It makes more sense if they just didn’t want to kiss with dry lips, but you’re no kissing expert. Leona is not an exception to this, you supposed. He always licked his lips before pressing them against yours, slicked with his saliva and often accompanied by a quiet, barely perceptible growl. 
His kisses were dizzying. Possibly because it was difficult to breathe while kissing someone, and possibly because you were usually held in a crushing vice whenever he kissed you. Your poor ribcage had been squeezed many times. 
And just as soon as it started, he dropped you unceremoniously and stood up, walking past your sprawled body on his floor, “We’ve got some big dinner to get to. Get dressed.”
You scrambled to your feet, “Big dinner?”
“Mhm. It’s some official’s birthday. I can’t be bothered to remember who.”
That made enough sense. In the time you’d been here, you’d learned pretty quickly that it wasn’t exactly worth it to go out of your way to be remembered positively by everyone, especially not since you were… with Leona. In all the time you’d been here, you’d never been sure about what the nature of your relationship with him was, either. Asking would get you some kind of snarky or irritated answer, and not asking but thinking about it made it hard to focus on anything else, so you didn’t think about it.
“Oh. You see Grim today?” You asked while getting dressed in your own green and black dashiki, like a couple’s outfit in the matching pattern of Leona’s.
Like he always did, he stared for a moment before making a few small adjustments. It was funny, he couldn’t be bothered to care about his own appearance, and yet, when it came to you…
“Yeah, He’s good. Still working on the mage stuff.”
“Mmm. Okay. Thanks.” You mumbled, lifting your arms so Leona could look you over again, “What?”
“You stink like my brother. If we had time, I’d fix that, but…”
“What does he smell like?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking what I smell like?” He snapped, and you flinched. Sometimes his irritation came with physical indications, but heavier than the physical indications was the energy around him, “Forget it. Stay close to me tonight.”
You usually did. You hated parties here, but more than the parties themselves, you hated the strangers who came up to you and just said whatever. Last time, someone approached you and asked how big Leona’s wallet was for you to stick around. You’re learning to like nobility less, not that you particularly liked them before..
You’re tucked against Leona’s back for the entirety of the evening. He’s like a ward. People see him and walk the opposite direction unless they’re drunk or stupid, and those types are in short supply at the beginning of the night. Unfortunately, by the middle of the night, amongst sips of his drinks and nibbles of various finger foods, you felt exhausted and Leona was straight up pissed.
You wondered why for a bit too long. You barely even realized when you ended up back in his room, outside on his balcony. He was stewing, pouting like a toddler. You unstuck yourself from his side and sat in one of the chairs.
“Mmm.” He grumbled. He often did this, putting a noise to his emotion, but no words to explain himself. You’d wised up and figured out early on that it was best not to approach him for this type of thing, “Hey, runt.”
Uh oh. He tended to use that nickname before he did something foul to you. You squirmed in your chair and flinched as he turned around and yanked his shirt over his head. His pants went next. Leona didn’t bother with underwear.
“C’mere. What are you hidin’ in the corner for?” He mumbles, “We’ve got time now.”
Your uh oh gets multiplied. It’s not that you aren’t attracted to Leona, or that you’re not in the mood. It’s not that you’re terrified of him, not that you’re confused by his awkward libido. It’s that you honestly don’t know what he sees in you, sprinkled with a bit of relationship insecurity. You’re here because of him, you and Grim have a home because of him, but what’s going to happen when he gets bored with you? 
He looks over his shoulder at you sharply, “What the hell are you doin’? I said c’mere.”
You swallowed and took a few steps forward, stripping as you walked. The night air makes your skin tingle with goosebumps, your nipples hardening and a shiver rattling through you. It’s a very strong possibility that these feelings have beset you based only on the fact that someone could look up from Zuri’s garden and see you and Leona, both naked on his balcony.
 When you’re standing in front of him, he just stares, one of his hands ever so gently stroking himself. You think it’s funny, the phrase “playing with yourself,” because that is what it is. His fingers softly paw at his heavy balls, gliding up the base of his shaft to tweak the head of his cock under his foreskin. He doesn’t break his gaze on you to look at himself. The hand that is not busy with himself reaches out to grab your waist, just above the start of your hip, and yank you closer.
He’s not gentle. Not really. You know he has the capacity to be gentle, but he doesn’t really seem to care. In the past, when you’ve pleaded with him to be gentle, he’s told you that he would treat you like glass if he thought you were made of it, but since he’s seen you suffer worse (what is worse?) he doesn’t see the point in bothering. That doesn’t change the fact that his touch often hurts. Now is not an exception, and you make your displeasure clear with a soft noise of discomfort.
“Shhh. You wanna tell me what happened earlier?” Leona mumbles, pressing his face against the skin on your stomach, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.
You absolutely hate it when he smells you like this, but that’s not important right now, “Wh-what?”
“With Farena. You looked freaked out.” Leona ever so lightly kisses the pit of your bellybutton, “He do anything to you?”
You’re not a fan of Leona acting like this. While it seems like he cares, you know from past experience that he’s typically, if not always, on the brink of a jealous meltdown. His jealous meltdowns almost always end with you sitting alone in the bathroom, tending to your own wounds as he sleeps like a kid who just threw a tantrum. So you decide to give a simple answer before distracting him, at least for a moment.
You scratch the nape of his neck, since he doesn’t like you touching his ears, “He was just his usual off-putting self. Nothing else.”
Leona grunts and looks up at you, so you take your chance. You lean down, sitting on your knees, and press a mock-reverent kiss to Leona’s thigh. He’s surprisingly hairless, for someone who is more lion than ape. You suppose the same could be said for yourself, as someone who is more ape than lion. 
Leona’s unimpressed face slants into a smirk, and his hand that was previously fondling his genitals slides to cup your cheek, fingertips rubbing behind your ear.
Now that it’s right in front of your face, you wish that you hadn’t decided that this was the best option for distraction. You think maybe anything would be better than catching those barbs in the back of your throat. The little softly-curved nubs circling the base of the head of Leona’s cock flare out a bit, resembling one of those Elizabethan ruffs, tattered by the passage of time and reduced to the skeleton. They aren’t sharp, not truly, but they’re uncomfortable, especially when you forget that the more worked up Leona gets, the further they poke out and the harsher they feel. It’s similar to someone’s very carefully blunted fingernail and fingertip rubbing against your cheeks.
You try to suck up your carefully hidden disgust and press a soft kiss to the very tip of Leona’s dick, wetting your lips with his salty pre. Surprisingly, he doesn’t taste bad. You would think that his skin, his cum, would taste bitter and harsh, but it’s not the worst thing you’ve ever tasted. Perhaps that’s a silver lining in this wicked situation.
Regardless, a quiet grumble from him makes you snap back into the reality of where you are, and you figure you may as well get to work. You slide your lips down to his base, wincing as the spongy head of his member punches the back of your throat and his hand slides back to grip your nape.
“You trying to bore me to death, runt? You know I hate this teasing shit.”
That’s right. He absolutely loathes it. You bob your head a little more expeditiously, trying to ignore the slick mixture of drool and pre that is escaping from the corners of your lips and the ever-increasing strength of Leona’s thrusts against your face.
Despite your senses being the most dull in the palace, you can sort of hear the festivities downstairs, and Leona chuckles, standing with your head still cradled in his hand so he can actually start thrusting. It always begins with you trying to set a gentle pace and it always quickly dissolves into chaos. He’s lazy, but if he’s anything more than lazy, it’s a shameless pleasure chaser. You would think that you would have learned by now.
“You can’t hear them. They’re not at all concerned with me, they’re wondering where you went off to. But everyone knows that you belong to me, so they should know that you’re with me.” Leona mumbles. 
You gag, his dickhead wetly popping against the back of your throat as the fluids in your mouth froth with the speed of his motions, gooey trails roping down to cling to your cheeks and collarbones, connecting to Leona’s shifting hips. At least he doesn’t stink today.
A bug lands on your shoulder and flits away as you choke on Leona as he shoves his cock down your throat. Maybe you should feel a bit more grateful that this is happening partially outside, and that way you can have constant reminders that you’re still alive and not in some form of purgatory, serving time for your very minor moments of humanity when you were alive. 
Leona snarls, “You’re just so cute, with those lips wrapped around me. I wonder if my brother would keep flirting with you if he knew that you were like this in private.”
The implications of that statement are absolutely lost on you. You’re aware that Leona knows how you feel about your current life to a degree, but he doesn’t give a damn about your emotions. Whatever he’s talking about is absolutely just him babbling out some sex-addled nonsense. As the barbs scrape against your uvula, you gag and try to push his hips away so you can catch your breath for a second.
He doesn’t let up. Sweat is sliding over his skin, beading into crystal pearls and sliding down to flavor the skin in your mouth with their salt. If you don’t puke from his roughness, you’re going to puke from ingesting so much sodium. His smirk grows and his fingers massage the base of your head as if he isn’t pounding into your throat.
“Aw… too much? Maybe if you were a bit more active, I’d be done a bit sooner.” He coos.
You don’t fully hate Leona. He has given you somewhere to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear, for both you and Grim, but whenever he gets like this, taunting you even though he’s using you like a cheap sleeve, you feel an indescribable, hopeless anger. Regardless, you bring one of your hands up to the copious amounts of drool and pre and sweat that are covering your skin, collecting the goop on your fingers. You cup his ass with your non-gooey hand and spread that cheek, plunging a finger into his asshole and aimlessly crooking your finger.
His hips spasm, his hand fists into your hair and he lets out a low grumble, “Rrr.”
You slowly ease your other gooey finger into his ass and hope that he will cum soon so you can catch your breath. You need a shower, and he’s probably going to just go to bed after this. You’re more tired than he is, and you’re actually beginning to think that you both might be a bit tipsy. You need this to end, and you need it to end soon.
Your prayers are answered. You feel his cock bob in the back of your throat, the glans tapping that soft spot that makes you feel it in the back of your nose, and he yanks your head back, your lips releasing him with a somewhat loud pop.
His cum is hotter than it has any right being. You suppose since he runs hot, it’s not that shocking, but you’re also aware that the whole reason that the balls are not an internal thing is because the human body is way too hot for sperm to live for long periods of time inside of the body. This information is irrelevant, however, because Leona has just made the mess on your skin that much worse. You sigh as he lets go of you, flopping back into his chair and gesturing to his cock again.
“Can you clean me up before you go running off?”
You’d love to tell him no, to ask him to shove it, but you grunt your acquiescence and tongue-clean his messy skin, as if you aren’t covered in more slime than he is. Once done, you stand up and gather your clothes, placing them in the laundry bin in the bathroom and getting in the shower.
You scrub a little harder than usual, but not hard enough to break skin, not even enough to create micro-abrasions. Once out, you throw on one of Leona’s gaudy yellow tees and take a seat on the bed. He’s already curled up under the covers, but the soft tapping of his tail lets you know that he isn’t sleeping. You slide under the covers yourself and Leona rolls over, pulling your back into his chest.
“Hey.” He mumbles into your hair, “You stink like a fresh kill.”
What’s worse? Smelling like blood in a den of predators or being in the den of predators to begin with?
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rakiah · 2 years
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Akanda & Akedya Siam
They grew up in a wealthy family in Scalding Sands, their mother is a famous opera singer and their father a Spelldrive pro player, striker for the Burning Sands team.
Both parents are beastpeople, mama is an Abyssinian cat and papa is a tiger.
They’re always together. Never have been separated.
Love their mama a lot and so does she.
Incredibly good swimmers thanks to their dad, unlike their mama who can’t bear it.
Doing mischief since birth because only their parents can identify which is which.
Their UM appeared when they were 5, consequently they were assigned a special teacher to teach them how to manage their magical power.
Each of them has his own voice but they learnt to speak the same voice at a very young age.
They like shiny things because their mama used to wear a lot of golden bracelets. When they were kittens, she left some of her jewels in their basket to help them sleep when she was performing.
They bite/chew a lot so beware. Can't always say if they do because they like you or they want to annoy you.
▪️School life
Wished to be in Scarabia but ended up in Pomefiore. They fully accepted their fate after seeing Vil.
End up a lot in Scarabia nonetheless for napping under the home-like sun.
Like to hangout with the freshmen (not a shared feeling for most of them) but usually go by themselves.
They’re pretty good students but their attention span is really low. They constantly need new interactions to not lose their focus.
They don’t like reading. Utterly. But someone reading for them can make them deeply attentive and quiet.
Vil — Admiration, their new shiny mama
Kalim — Friend (bonus homeland pal)
Jamil — Dislike very much, too sneaky
Silver — Nap friend, he’s like a magnet if Silver sleeps they have to sleep on him too
Floyd — Meal Enemy to Partner in Crime
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twistedwonderworm · 2 years
hihi! Just ignore this if ur requests r closed but, Can u do headcanons for vice dorm leaders w/ a kitsune s/o? Orthos part can be platonic or if you choose to not add him , thats fine with me (╹◡╹)
Hi! So sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy! And even though Ruggie and Ortho aren't vice housewardens, I decided to add them anyway.
Vice housewardens with a kitsune s/o
With platonic Ortho
Trey Clover
Oh that's cool. He thinks you being a kitsune is really cool and stuff but he's not all over you like most people. He respects your boundaries.
He's been friends with Che'nya for years so he's used to being around nonhumans. Though you're likely to be the first kitsune he has ever seen so he'll still be curious.
And while your tail might be the most enchanting to most, Trey's favorite part about you are your ears. He loves it when you doze off while you two are relaxing together and begins to scratch between your ears.
Ruggie Bucchi
He's seen people like you around the school but he's still delighted since he doesn't see any around where he lives
Absolutely loves your tail but won't tell you because that's embarrassing. He has a tail too so he shouldn't be as enchanted with yours as he is.
He'll nap cuddled up to your tail as you talk about the differences between kitsunes and other beastpeople. He would listen but he's tired from being so overworked.
Jade Leech
Might be one of the most interested in learning more about you, behind Rook of course. Being a merman, he is pretty new to beastpeople so he has a lot of questions.
Your ears are his favorite part about you too, the way they twitch and how they fold back when you're angry or scared. He just loves watching how your ears move at different times.
And when you trust him enough to let him touch around your ears, letting him pet you, oh he is absolutely infatuated. There is no one as darling as you.
Jamil Viper
Is Jamil curious about you? Yes. Will you ever know he is? Of course not.
He is so composed almost all of the time, and even though he wants to know more about you, he tries to keep an unaffected air while around you.
His fingers twitch whenever you are nearby because he wants to let you so badly. See for himself just boe soft your ears and tail are, but he just stuffs his hands deeper into his pockets and tries to ignore it.
Rook Hunt
This man is obsessed with you. It's obvious that he does get very interested in people that aren't human. At least he doesn't try to hunt you.
He still makes the weirdest comments about you though, and he absolutely loves touching your tail.
Constantly asks you to open your mouth so he can admire your teeth. "They're so sharp! I wonder how much damage your bites can do~"
Definitely going to ask you to bite him for 'research' but he won't push if you say no.
Ortho Shroud
Ortho is a curious little child, robot or not. And if he doesn't know anything about kitsunes beforehand, he'll look up information.
Though he has no problem approaching you and asking you about the information. Making sure it's right and maybe learning something that he couldn't find on the web.
Lilia Vanrogue
He traveled so much and has seen so much over the years that he has definitely seen kitsunes before. But they never fail to charm him with their twitchy ears and cute little tails.
You are no exception dear, Lilia is so charmed by you. He especially likes popping out of nowhere and spooking you. He hopes your tail will poof up like a cat's when you're startled.
If it does, he'll be so pleased and reach down to grab it. He'll be gentle and won't pull but if you don't want him to touch it, he won't. He's a gentleman. A gentleman who loves pranks but a gentleman no less.
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What do you think constitutes as a 'monster'? In the scary monster Halloween event mummies, vampires, werewolves, skeletons and dragons seem to be monsters but there was also the ghost pirate, so do ghosts constitute as monsters? Is 'monster' a term used for creatures that aren't part of the main four species (humans, fairies, merpeople, beastpeople)?
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I honestly don't think what counts as "monster" and "non-monster" is a huge distinction to make, nor is it strongly defined in the world of Twisted Wonderland. I also don't think it's something as simple as "these specific 4 races are not monsters and anything outside of these 4 are monsters" because that's just a really arbitrary decision. The labels themselves (if this is the case) are also extremely unfair, as it implies negative things about the non-dominant species when they really haven't done anything to warrant it and can't control the population of their species to come "out" of that monster label. I think it's much more likely that what makes something a "monster" is how it compares to a human in terms of life functions. For many of the "monsters" listed (vampires, mummies, skeletons, ghosts, etc.), they have unnatural means of coming into existence. These creatures are not "born" like a normal living creature would be. Rather, they "turn" or are "made" somehow. In the case of the werewolf, they're also "unnatural" in a magical sense because people are not able to shift into different forms on their own. Even beastmen cannot just assume beast form; Jack's the exception due to his UM. Merfolk need to take a special potion to maintain their human forms, and can only shift in cases when they want to revert back to their merforms from their human forms. They'd need to take another transformation potion to gain legs again. Because a werewolf defies these constraints, that may be what makes them "monsters".
Finally, we come to dragons, which is a particularly special case. We learn that Malleus himself, being a dragon fae, has ancestors who are real dragons. We also learn that beastmen are descended from real animals, and, from this, can probably also deduce that merfolk are also descended from various sea creatures. For this reason, some fae, beastmen, and merfolk are "monstrous" in some regard. However, the label "monster" is seen as derogatory, and is meant to be clearly distinct from just "animal" (see: Malleus's reaction to Rook saying he is "more monster than animal" in Rook's PE vignette). Therefore, beastmen and merfolk are off the hook for this discussion, since their ancestors are animals and not "monsters".
I also considered intelligence being a factor for the monster/non-monster distinction, but that doesn't seem to hold up when you consider that Phantoms and Grim are also called monsters or beasts. Buuut there are cases of intelligent Phantoms, and Grim himself is capable of human speech which is incredibly remarkable. We also don't know enough details about dragons themselves to know if they are "wild" and incapable of human speech. The one thing I could say about dragons that makes them different from humans (and thus fit into my earlier proposal) is that they probably produce eggs that have to be incubated to hatch (similar to chickens, I guess??), if Malleus's birth is anything to go off of. This creates a distinction between human reproduction and dragon reproduction--and since Malleus and other dragon fae have elements of both, it supports the idea that it can be difficult to reconcile with one's humanity vs being seen as something inhuman from the start. This could explain why Malleus takes such offense when Rook comments in the vignette I indicated: it's questioning his humanity.
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wagestuck · 2 months
question about the world. are there more "Beastpeople" (Humans with animal parts/features) or is Jade the only one?
jade in this universe doesn't have the whole dog thing goin on.
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moonyasnow · 1 month
Another question about Spike!
Does he dislike dogs? Kangaroos are known to go into the water, wait for a dog/wild dog/dingo to get close, and drowned them. Yikes.
Follow up question, his feelings being treated like a dog by Prof. Crewel?
Thank you very much for the question! ^^ I love being asked stuff about my OCs~
The big thing about Spike and his 'aggression' is that people expect him to be a lot more aggressive, violent and dangerous than he actually is; I imagine it's a stereotype for kangaroo beastpeople honestly. He's the kind of person who'll only get aggressive if the other person starts it, or he feels like they're a threat to him or someone else, and he'll always give a very clear warning for them to 'back off' first
I'm even imagining he just doesn't go swimming in public at all anymore, because he had lots of experiences with everyone else running out of the water when he got in. So if his friends invite him to the beach he just...sits there, on one of the towels they brought. Not even bothering to bring swimclothes because he already knows he's not gonna get in.
I don't think he himself cares much one way or the other about dogs. If they're nice I think he'd like them, especially the bigger dog breeds; he feels like he has to treat the smaller ones like porcelain, and thus ends up feeling kinda self-conscious around them
As for the thing about Crewel, I don't think he'd mind: he's neutral. He'd be really confused about it wondering why he was calling him a dog, but he'd get used to it. And he's pretty good at following orders anyway, so unless he's supposed to be mixing a potion he's already made before he appreciates the guidance
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
@nyx-of-night @theolivetree123 @babyghoul138 @mishig
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The Gilded Spear Quest better have some continuation on it in the future I'm so pissed at how high risk no reward that quest is. Brother Jordan, my PC almost got raped like 20 times, got shot by arrows, starved into desperation 5 times (my luck was shitty ok I couldn't find food lmao), got harrassed by pirates and beastpeople with only the Robin buoy I carved as emotional support. Not To mention I had to pay Zephyr 15000 pounds for a ride (probably not required but I had too much money I just wanted to spend lol)
Don't fuck with me with that purification exam what the hell would you have done if my PC became impure at during the mission I'm going to choke you.
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 6 months
idk why I draw the second one with that tongue sticking out.
A missed opportunity of having a derpy-looking MC with sheep horns in my fanfic for book 2 cuz beastpeople but it's aight.
I wanted to make my own Yuu/Yuki/MC sprites but too lazy to make poses
Yuu-sona or Yuki-sona based on my ongoing Retelling of Yuu fanfic in ao3. Check other posts for fanfic link cuz im lazy
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skeletap · 6 months
Now that i have Spinal Tap's body drawn out for his ref i can have a thornimp anatomy lesson about... their hands legs and feet!
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(Spinal Tap's hands, with Skeletor's hands to scale/compare)
Thornimp hands are proportionally larger than that of other eternian peoples (with the exception of their cousins, the caligars), and feature four long fingers with sharp claw-like nails. The white markings on their hands are actually one of the portions of their body with soft skin rather than scales.
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(Spinal Tap's legs, and closer detail at his 'raptor feet')
Thornimps are semi-digitigrade, walking on their tip-toes but capable of walking flat-footed. Their feet are tridactyl, with a vestigial spur in the inner-portion of their ankle. The hallux (big toe) features a long talon at the end the toe rather than a clawed toenail, and is used for defense. The hallux itself can raise upwards (as featured above), which thornimps do to either muffle the click of their hallux talon when they walk, or to do the opposite and 'click' their talon against the ground for certain body language such as threat displaying or just simply stimming.
Unlike their hands, only the underside of their feet are skin, with the top-side being tough scales.
The thornimps' walk-cycle, unfortunately i cannot animate an example, is essentially how an earthling would if walking around on their tip toes. A thornimp's step features a signature 'click' of their hallux talon (unless draw up), and they move swift and gracefully. Thornimps are also one of the fastest eternian people on foot second to the Beastpeople, and can run up to 45mph/72kmph!
Thornimps are also fantasy lizard-bird-dinosaur people. So if you can envision a cockatoo or parrot doing stuff from hopping around to dancing to tapping stuff their their talons or holding things to shred with their beaks, thornimps do that too, and Spinal Tap might do it as well.
And that's your thornimp anatomy lesson!
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Dialogue Comparison: Cloudcalling Event (pt1/3)
The tournament’s original, English-language title of “Catch the Tail” was changed to “Bead Brawl” on EN.
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This resulted in changes to in-game dialogue:
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Original Vil: Since it's "Catch the Tail,”I suppose they’re meant to invoke the tails of animals?
EN Vil: Hm, since it's the "Bead Brawl," I suppose these are central to the competition.
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Original Grim: If it’s a tail then I’ve got one, too!
EN Grim: Hey! I want some beads too!
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Original Vil: I see—braided "tails," then. Worn by others besides just lion beastpeople.
EN Vil: I see—these beads are a sort of "mane" that those who aren't lion beastfolk can wear, too.
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Kifaji’s name was changed to “Neji” on EN.
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While the game’s original title of Tamashina Mina seems to involve the Swahili word for “festival” and “kifaji” is Swahili for “food,” “neji” is Japanese for “screw.”
(The title of the event is "Tamashna Muina" on the official OST!)
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Kifaji refers to all characters by first-name-sama.
Leona refers to Vil with the “-sama” honorific at least twice during the event.
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Original Leona: All right, all right. It seems Vil-sama can't wait to hear what I have to say. Well, it's not anything bad.
EN Leona: Fine, fine, if you're so eager. And really, you should be.
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Original Leona: Oh, right. Understood, Vil Schoenheit-sama.
EN Leona: Oh right, that. Your wish is my command, Vil Schoenheit.
(Leona will sarcastically slip into formal speech, sounding much like Jade.)
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In the opening of the event Leona explains that the hot spring he will be taking the group to used to be called the Elephant Graveyard.
This was removed both from his dialogue here and from his dialogue during Spectral Soiree, so there is no mention of elephant graveyards on EN.
(Another holdover from Spectral Soiree was the localization of "hot spring eggs" to "elephant ears," explained here.)
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The hot spring resort Elephant Legacy was changed to Ivory Springs, resulting in in-game dialogue changes.
Original Kalim: All right, let's go see the elephants!
EN Kalim: All right, where's the ivory?
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The first time we saw Leona refer to Malleus as “Tsuno-yarou” (possibly meant to be an insulting twist to the prefect’s name for Malleus of Tsuno-tarou), it was localized as Hornster.
During this event it has been changed to, “horned jerk.”
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Not uncommon on EN, there are instances of exclamation points being changed into words, including Cheka’s entire exchange with Kifaji.
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twistmusings · 2 years
Savanaclaw - Heats, Ruts, and mating seasons.
CW: Discussions of non-human anatomy and heating/rut/mating cycles and how they impact the boys. (It is of note because I know this come up for mating cycles a lot in fiction, but there is no talk of nonconsent in this at all, if that's a concern.)
Note: All characters are depicted as being in their mid to late twenties in this!
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Leona Kingscholar
In the traditional sense, Leona doesn't have a heat or a rut. From a science perspective, Lion beastpeople follow a pretty similar mating routine to their wild lion counterparts: lioness beastpeople don't follow any set ovulation schedule and ovulation must be induced by the act of reproduction. This means that there's no ruts for Leona at any time of year.
Instead, what largely dictates his sex drive is going to be his partners. He has a pretty low sex drive on his own, but he can also smell their arousal on them which will help put him into the mood.
That being said: his partner might not be the only thing that dictates his sex drive, though. Biologically his brain won't register just when his partner is horny, but when mating season for other species are happening too. If he comes in close contact with someone going into a heat or a rut, he's probably going to be hot and bothered by it and that will, in turn, come out in the bedroom with his partner. (He doesn't really explain this to his partners if they aren't beastpeople, so it can seem pretty out of the blue when he asks them if they would like to get in the mood, lol. Suffice to say that if you aren't aware of it, his sex drive definitely spikes at certain times of year during mating season even if it isn't his own mating season.)
Talking anatomy-wise: his dick is not barbed the way that most felines are. It doesn't, however, look the same as a human penis. It outwardly resembles a human dick in shape, except the entire shape is tapered and there are a few keratinized bumps rather than barbs. They aren't sharp, and they function to induce ovulation in lion beastpeople, but of course otherwise they just feel like small bumps or ridges. It does not have a sheath and doesn't retract into his body the way it does on wild lions.
Since his biology and mating cycles don't dictate it any particular way, Leona doesn't really cater to any specific role in be bedroom re: top/bottom or dom/sub.
Ruggie Bucchi
Hyena beastpeople are similar to lion beastpeople: they don't have a set time of year that they rut. AFAB hyena beastpeople have ovulation cycles throughout the year, though most matings happen during the period from April until June. Ruggie does not experience a rutting period at any time during the year.
Like Leona, Ruggie can also smell his partner's interest. He does have a sex drive in itself, and will pursue his partner if he's in the mood, but will similarly usually get interested if they are aroused and he can smell it on them.
I feel like it's important to say that... hyena beastpeople have extremely unique anatomy when it comes to mating. TLDR: all hyenas have a penis or a psuedo penis that's function is to ensure that the AFAB hyena beastpeople have to be consenting for mating to occur. This is to say: Consent is hugely important to Ruggie. He will always be very upfront about asking his partner if they are interested and there will be a lot of foreplay involved because he needs to make sure that they're in the mood before he proceeds.
Again, similar to Leona, his brain is wired to get in the mood when he smells others in heat or rut. During peak heat and rut seasons, he will sometimes seem to get randomly horny, but unlike Leona, he will explain to a non-beastperson partner why he gets so hot and bothered during other species' mating seasons. He gets a lot of awkward as fuck boners, though, so forgive him if he gets hard when it's not entirely appropriate.
His dick more or less looks human. Maybe just a touch more pointed at the tip and narrower at the base of the glans, but you would be hard-pressed to notice it.
His biology does sort of dictate how he approaches his partner for sex. If he gets horny because he can smell that his partner is in the mood (or if his partner is a beastperson entering rut/heat), he's a lot more submissive with his approach. He refers to it as being 'mating brained' and it just means he will follow whatever orders his partner gives him in the lead up to sex and will be cautious to listen if they revoke consent or seem displeased.
When he's the one who gets horny first, though, he doesn't really have much preference for dom/sub or bottom/top. It really just depends on how it goes.
Jack Howl
Jack does have a rut. It usually hits between January and March each year, and it really, truly embarrasses the hell out of him. Heats also happen in wolf beastpeople at this time of year, so biologically it tracks that's when his rut will peak.
He is monogamous through and through, so him being unfaithful will, quite literally, never be a concern when it comes to Jack.
Now him being a horny, pathetic mess? Yeah, no, that's a very real worry. He gets it super bad, random boners, fevers, weakness of his muscles-- all of it.
Smelling his partner turned on will turn him up to a 10 immediately. He's still Jack, though, so this is going to fluster him and he's not going to know exactly how to approach asking for sex until he's fully settled into a relationship and very comfortable.
Jack's dick is probably the most different from a humans out of everyone here because he does have a knot. His knot won't be able to tie him to someone unless they have anatomy to clamp down on him or just have some amazing muscle strength to flex down around him. His knot is visible when flaccid and hard, and when he gets close to climax it will swell. If his partner is a beastperson with the anatomy to clamp down on his knot and tie... well you're going to be cuddling for a while. Probably around 20 to 30 minutes while you wait for his knot to stop swelling.
His rut is wild. It's amazing both how uncharacterisitc it is and yet at the same time he's still very... Jack. He is nearly constantly flustered because he has no control over his dick and he gets hard at the drop of a hat. He gets irritable and horny and miserable for hours at a time and if you're lucky you might catch him rutting against his pillows or bedding out of desperation. He is extremely shy about asking for a hand with it even if he does have a long-term partner, so they will probably have to approach him about wanting to help him through it first.
If his partner does want to help him through it, he's got some pretty incredible stamina and a super low refractory period during his rut. He will more than likely need several rounds a day to keep him from being miserable. As I said, he's shy about asking to do things, so if his partner wants him to knot them or tie them, they're probably going to have to ask.
His rut lasts around two weeks, give or take, but only happens once a year.
If his partner does stay with him through a rut, he's going to be extremely affectionate towards them throughout and after. He isn't good at putting it into words, but he really appreciates the help.
Bonus: Chenya
Chenya does have a rut, but it's not as intense as Jack's is. His is moreso an increased sex drive from early spring to late fall each year. AFAB cat beastpeople don't have set ovulation cycles and are instead induced throughout the mating period, so, in turn, Chenya doesn't really have the intense, urgent need to mate.
Like the others, Chenya can smell the arousal on his partner. It turns him on, and he will definitely use it as an excuse to tease and play with them a little, at least until they ask him to sleep with them outright.
He also can get turned on by other peoples ruts and heats, so he will experience a slight increase in his sex drive during certain parts of the year, but since his own mating period is so long it's hard to notice.
A key difference with Chenya is that when he can smell that his partner is aroused in public, he will get hella territorial. He will be antagonistic to anyone else who approaches his partner, and is very protective of them.
His dick resembles Leona's-- tapered and has keratin bumps or ridges but is not barbed.
When it comes to sex, he can get kind of rough during his rut season if he's particularly excited.
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