#beatiful breasts
bejeweled-curves · 8 months
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Just think how many oysters she must have eaten...
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sexygirluniverseai · 2 months
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Ginger beauty
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bellemjt · 15 hours
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Good morning to you guys say hi if am hot ?🥵
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femoso-seben · 5 months
Mini witch story part one
Part 1, Part 3,
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Rua walked over to the table last to arrive, her wolf familiar probably ran off to who knows where. She looked exhausted and behind her walking in shame was her familiar, Soap as she calls him. Apparently, when he was a pup he ate a bar of soap.
“You’re late,” Cordelia chimes in a teacup in her hand. As the oldest, she was the first to receive her demonic animal familiar, a big ol’ brown bear. For an old man, he sure can move fast when he is needed.
“I think you should put him through dog disciplinary training,” Sula said, this earned a growl from the wolf.
“Enough,” Rua sighs collapsing into her seat, “we are here for you,” she turns to me. You held onto my cup of milk.
As the youngest, physically, and mentally even though we all started at the same time. You were frozen in time and space. You look around, they are so much older, and time has taken ahold of them.
“Our Sire will give you a familiar,” Ophelia spoke up setting her cup of vodka down. “Then you can leave this Forrest and explore the world.”
“Why do I have to have a familiar?” You ask.
“In your absence, the mortals began a witch trial,” Rua spoke, “your familiar is there to keep you safe.”
“In their humanoid form, they have their animal attributes.”
“Like eating Soap?” Your sisters broke out into waves of laughter and looked at the poor wolf who looked down at his feet.
“Do you have any animals in mind?” Cordelia asks.
“Fluffy. Likes to be around me. Strong. Friendly. Not so demanding… a cat.”
The forest grew cold as the trees warp around you all. Soon your Demonic sire who turned you all to witches walked from the trees. You get up and bow to him.
“Little one,” he begins, “I have your familiar.” You feel yourself blooming into a smile. From his hands, a black mass forms and falls to the ground.
“WHAT IS THIS?” You shout poking the weird slimy creature. It lunged at you and gripped your leg. You let out the most horrific scream, and kick her leg throwing it off you. “WHY IS IT UGLY?”
From the back, you hear your sister cackling at you. The little slimy black thing slithers towards you. You look up at your Demon Sire who gives you a blank stare.
“Give me a cat!”
“He is very loyal.” Your sire says.
“HES UGLY AND SMALL!” You shout back picking it up with your staff.
“It’s an octopus,” Sula stated calmly. “A delicacy in Asia.”
“I DON’T WANT IT!” You look at your demonic father only to find him glaring at you. You stare at the little black blob, his Beaty blue eyes staring up at you. You think it’s glaring at you.
It moves closer climbing up your bare legs and to your chest. It sat right above your breast and two long appendages moved to your face. Your skin crawls and you feel the ICK coming. You grab it and punt it to the ground.
“ITS A PERV!” You scream and turn to your sisters for help. Rua turns away laughing to herself.
“You can always throw it away in a far-off land.” Ophelia offer.
“Don’t be foolish, our Familiars have an innate ability to find us,” Sula said.
Fear seeps into your skin. This creepy ugly perverted little thing was attached to you forever. You wanted to cry.
Your Sire and sister left you with these things.
It kept trying to climb up your leg.
You grab it by the head and look it over. An idea hit you.
“I can eat you!” You said a creepy smile crossing your face. Its little eyes and tentacles began to thrash around. You shove it into your bag and rush off to get some sauces and some vegetables.
How would you cook it? On a stove? In water? In bread? You shrug it had eight tentacles you had eight tries.
Your cauldron boiling, cutting board ready you grab the ugly thing and a knife ready to slice it up.
It transforms. In front of you is a huge tall man. You stare at his naked form. It glared at you, through a hood, holding your wrist.
“Let go!”
“NEIN!” He growls out his voice higher pitch than you would have guessed.
“NEIN!” He said again.
“I am your master!”
“Du worst much night essen.” He snaps. He glared at him. You grab his hood and soon tentacles come out gripping your fingers. You screech and yank your hand away. He chuckles.
You wanted to strangle this man.
You finally agree not to eat him, and in return he lets you go. You also forced him into some clothes. You glared at him, and he watched you closely.
You grab your grimoire and put it into your bag. You are traveling, seeing the world! Staff in hand you walk out of the forest.
The sunset was absolutely stunning, the cliffside falls to crystal clear waters. The smell of freedom was intoxicating.
You feel the skin-crawling sensation of suction cups crawling up your legs you look down to see the disgusting thing crawling up your legs and to your boobs again. You grab it and shove it into your bag trapping it inside.
This bitch was ruining your moment. ------------
@milkywayhou full verson
taglist: @maylovesyousomuch, @trgraves-valx1f0r
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halflife2facts · 7 months
a beatiful sexy breasted woman has been seen heading towards sector C. and that womans name? gordon freeman.
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blueberryarchive · 2 months
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𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧
more 80's slasher!jk
previously on steph's bathroom... // later on brew house...
Dazed and Confused echoed on the walls of the garage, the heat slowly dissipated with the canned beer that you swallowed in long gulps, the air polluted with the smell of pot. You were wearing high-waisted pants and a colorful blouse, bare feet. Robert Plant moaned in your ears as you drank another beer and damn, how good the hippies had it before, you thought.
A greased hand snaked up to your waist, squeezing so hard that you felt the beer return to your esophagus, the calloused fingers decorated with thick silver rings that ruminated over your breasts until connecting his fingers and nose with your neck, an indecent exhale taking in all the air in the room and with it your coherence.
"No, wait."
“Shh, for once in your life, fuck. Shut your stupid mouth." Rings covered your lips, a wet tongue trailing your jugular and the boiling smell of weed in his mouth.
You wanted to say his name, over and over again in that guitar solo. Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
And zaz! The garage was torn from your ears, the sun covered your body lying on the stands and you were no longer dressed like you were going to Woodstock, the backlight made your boyfriend's blonde hair and his red uniform shine.
“What the hell are you listening to? I have like fifteen minutes calling you.” His ethereal smile searched inside your backpack finding the small plastic box. “Led Zeppelin. That's new.” This time the laughter disappeared, putting on the headphones.
Your body sat up looking for a coherent explanation, Jimin laughed after listening for a few seconds.
“I didn't know you liked to hear men moan, you would have told me and I'd make you a whole album.” Your hand hit his chest and he laughed again.
"Shut up."
You both looked at each other when the laughter began to die with the summer wind, practice was over, the cheerleaders were leaving and the players were dissipating, going to look for their girlfriends or in groups to go to the bar near college. It was Friday and the vacations were approaching, you could see it in the smile of each student, in their quick walks, in the circles under your exhausted boyfriend's eyes.
"Hi, beautiful."
"Hi, handsome."
God was the only one who knew how you came to be with the Maroon Warriors' quarterback, with his sweaty hair stuck to his temple, his lips swollen from biting them, and the two small black spots on his cheek, singed against his laugh lines. Defined arms and thighs wide and hard like a horse's back.
"You like what you see?"
“If I could kneel in front of you right now, I would.”
Jimin raised his eyebrows at you, where did his silent little girl and infinitely aware of every word that came from her beloved lips go? But he couldn't lie that your words made him hard under his white pants.
His hand rose to the back of your head and brought your mouth to his. There was something so inherently bestial and delicious about the smell of sweat emanating from Jimin's uniform that he made you exhale sharply and stick your tongue into the equation.
“Mm.” Jimin frowned, opening his eyes a little to confirm that he was still kissing his girlfriend. “Are you hungry, doll?”
“I haven't seen you in two weeks, Minnie. What you' think?”
“I left you with your friends so you wouldn't get bored.”
“That sleepover was so long ago, I'm bored with them.” You moaned softly, your neck burning, someone was watching you.
“Do you want to have a sleepover with your boyfriend?” Jimin scoffed and you nodded, ignoring the joke.
Your hand removed the headphones from his ears and you chained your arms around his neck, your body throbbing with a brute force that wanted to move fast and careless, that looked for a way to drag your boyfriend to the bathrooms and strip him naked, fog the walls of the bath with your promiscuity, yours of something more viscous and thick.
“Park!” a voice shouted for the third time and Jimin broke your grotesque beatitude again.
“Fuck, I'm sick of this old man.” Jimin mumbled looking at his coach. “Sir, practice is over. Let me enjoy my girlfriend for a second.” He yelled but old Grant didn't care how much you both wanted each other.
Jimin looked into your eyes with frustration and then looked at his pants, the silhouette marked thickly along the zipper to his thigh. You smiled and gave another small kiss to his neck.
“Up up, champion.” You cheered, fluttering his hair. Jimin took your coat and covered his erection, the look on his teammates' faces when they saw him stand up was indescribable, laughter while Jimin cursed them all while he went down the steps in a funny way. "Call me." You screamed. Please, you murmured.
You took your cassette player and your headphones to put it in your backpack, you watched your boyfriend listening attentively to Mr. Grant until a furry, red mass took your attention. You still didn't know what was the team mascot supposed to be with a metal sword and eyes big and open like two billiard balls, like a hunter.
One of the players patted the big red monster's back and the man inside him took off his heavy head, his dark sweaty hair, a silver hoop hanging from his right ear. Your heart was pounding, you told yourself that you were here to watch your boyfriend practice, to support him. Of course you looked at the other players from time to time trying to find Jungkook.
Things would be easier if you just asked your friends and they pointed with their manicured finger at the headless man in your fantasies. But you didn't want them to think you liked him, specially Bobby Joe who would tell Jimin in a heartbeat, the bitch. It was just curiosity, of course. You could find out yourself.
Besides, where's the fun in that?
Two weeks had passed since the sleepover and you could feel his gaze on the flesh of your thighs, the saliva of a predator with each man that passed by you, the fangs of a hyena cruelly tempting with its tips against your skull.
Two weeks searching through familiar faces and unfamiliar ones, like playing Guess Who.
Guess who listens to Led Zeppelin to sleep.
Guess who would dare to respond with such confidence to a stranger.
Guess who would smile while he promises to rape you if he finds you?
Guess who left you with his laugh tattooed on your stomach.
And your hands sweated as you felt his gaze again. There, yes. It was him again. The mascot. Between the dark strands of his hair, under his thick eyebrows and in the middle of his sly smile. It was only a second but that's enough for you. A quick, indiscreet look.
You tried to maintain your composure, to keep your balance as he walked away inside the costume lighting a cigarette with his gloved hands. You walked down the steps as normally as you could without them realizing that your heart was being strangled, you were so close.
You walked across the grass to the back of the stadium, you looked around but it was gone, like a hallucination, like the air in the garage of your dreams.
You bit your nails thinking, you only had to wait for the stadium to be alone. Enter the locker room, find that costume and... then what?. It sickened you to think that you were so desperate. You hadn't traveled from your small town to New York for this, you hadn't earned a reputation or your scholarship to chase a loser through college.
Your cheeks were burning, you could feel your mother's gaze upon seeing you in such a state. But this time you agreed with her judgment. You stood up with your head down, you don't know how long you had spent looking at the grass, but the sunset was already bathing the empty stadium in a dusty pink.
“Nice shorts.” The deep voice said from afar.
“Fuck off.” You said without thinking before turning around.
And there it was, with the cigarette dangling from his lips, a Slayer t-shirt pressed against his arms, so short that it showed the soft line of hair from his navel to hidden in his jeans. His elbows rested on his knees as he waited for you to insult him again.
You didn't even dare to do that. Could it be him?
You clear your throat and fix your hair. “Do you know where the archery club is?”
His eyebrows unravel in surprise.
“Do you like archers?”
“Why don't you assume I'm in the club?” You interrupted, stepping closer.
His smile spread across his face again, a puff before he stood, tall and careless in front of you. He looked down and you could feel the fangs salivating, just the tip entering the parietal part of your head.
“Because I’ve never seen you there.”
And Dazed and Confused started playing, the drums pounding fast in your chest. Your lips dried as you watched him walk away.
“Are you Jungkook Jeon?”
The stranger stopped in his footsteps, his head snapped up before turning to look at you. And there was the smile you have imagined so many times.
"Then it's you." He hummed, tilting his head. “Oh, the quarterback's sweet little thing, of course.” His eyes scanned your trembling body.
And now what? Everything was so quiet, there was no one around, if you screamed no one would hear you. If you moaned, no one would hear you. If you were dying, no one would heard you.
“This heat must be killing you, lil' thing. Let’s go to the Brew House, I’ll introduce you to the president of the club there.”
"Don't call me little thing." Your brain wasn't working, is this an option? He brushed off your anger with the rolling of his eyes.
"You said you wanted to go to the archery club, isn't it to sign up?" Mockingly he took some keys out of his jeans.
"Yes, of course." You stuttered walking behind him, his broad back and walk intimidating you.
“You can put your bike in the back of the truck” His brown eyes looked at you sideways. “In case you suddenly want to escape or something.” He laughed.
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sinfulslytherin · 11 months
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New eternity.
Warning: sexual content
Summary: Draco lets you sleep over after your arranged husband treats you like shit.
I close the bathroom door behind me as I re-enter Dracos room.
The blonde boy already placed himself under the blanket of his huge king sized bed.
I can see the upper part of his toned chest peek out from underneath the sheets.
I don't realize my stare until Draco points it out.
"This could be all yours, Amara." Draco exclaims with a smug smirk and a sarcastic voice, clearly mocking me for staring.
"You mean your annoying ass? No thank you." I smirk while making my way over to the bed.
I make myself comfortable as I slip under the sheets.
As I move my legs, I feel something warm against my toes as I hear a shriek.
My eyes quickly wander over to Draco.
"What the hell, Amara! Keep your freezing feet on your side of the bed."
The blonde boy complains.
A grin plasters on my face as I take my opportunity to tease him a bit.
I scoot closer to him in a swift move as my legs touch his.
"You are such a child!-Sto-" Draco starts to complain again and tries to build some distance between us
but is quickly interrupted by another cold touch of mine.
Loud laughs escape my from my lips.
"Aww, are you going to cry?-Do I see some tear-"
I am the one who gets interrupted this time. Draco throws himself on top of me and grabs my arms and pins them down.
The grin that was plastered on my face only a few seconds ago vanishes completly.
I look up and stare into his cold, grey eyes.
Draco stares right back at me.
Not saying a word.
His eyes wander down to my lips and further down to my thighs, which got exposed as soon as we started moving more and more, pushing the blanket away from us.
The silence eats me up alive before he finally opens his mouth.
"You seem pretty happy for a girl who is entangled in a fake, forced and abusive marriage."
His eyes never leave mine.
"Maybe that's because I'm with you." I blurt out my feelings.
His eyes slightly widen but he tries to hide his suprise.
Did I just confess that he makes me happy?
Does he make me happy?
My mind wanders off to the thoughts of Draco defending me against Graham earlier.
Draco saying that he cares.
I have the feeling that I might have a chance to heal when I am by his side.
The therapy session in my brain is interrupted by Dracos voice.
"It's so hard to tell sometimes."
I look up at him, visibly confused.
"To tell what?" I ask.
"To tell what's going on inside that little head of yours." Draco says as he uses his index finger to tip on my forehead.
I smile softly.
"A lot."
"Tell me."
"That would take an eternity."
"I'd spend my eternity with you."
We both fall silent.
Dracos eyes wander down to my lips.
Back up to my eyes.
And then my lips again.
He suddenly crashes his lips on mine.
He kisses me as his left hand rests on my waist and the other one is on my cheek.
His tounge enters my mouth after I gladly accept it.
His tounge fights for dominance.
And wins.
As always.
His right hand leaves my cheek and slowly makes his way to my clothed breasts.
"May I?" Whispers Draco against my lips.
I lightly push him off of me as I sit back up. Draco looks visibly confused, probably scared that he might have done something wrong.
I suddenly take my shirt off in a swift motion, leaving me in nothing more than the boxers that Draco gave me. Dracos eyes widen and I can see him turn red.
"Yes. You may." I say as I look him in the eyes.
His eyes darken as he suddenly pushes me back down and kisses me.
"You are so fucking perfect." Draco suddenly says in betweens the kisses.
His face wanders down to my breast.
He teases me by licking my nipple lightly.
Small moans start to leave my lips.
He suddenly starts to suck on my nipple, pushing me into a whimpering state.
"Fuck...you're so beatiful. Who is my beautifuly slut, hm?"  Draco suddenly asks, instantly creating a throbbing feeling between my legs.
"I-I am..." I try to answer.
He pushes himself up again as he makes his way even further down.
His fingertips reach the boxers as he looks up at me.
I nod, signaling him my permission.
He takes off the thin fabric, leaving me completly naked now.
He looks at me one last time before I can feel his lips on my inner thighs.
He kiss es his way up.
He keeps on kissing, teasing the living shit out of me.
"I'ts Sir."  He says as he suddenly bites my inner thigh
"Sir...stop t-teasing." I moan out due to the pain.
Draco actually listens and he suddenly sucks on my clit. His tounge moving against my sex gives me a feeling of being drunk, eventhough I am clearly sober.
The euphoric feeling doesn't stop and more moans slip out of my mouth as my craving for his touch rises up inside of me.
I can feel him pushing his tounge inside.
"Fuck me..." I suddenly moan out.
Draco stops in his tracks, clearly suprised by my words.
His eyes meet mine and he seems to search for any kind of uncertainty.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yes. I want you inside of me...please." I moan, craving his touch.
"Fuck.." Draco growls as he suddenly pulls down his boxers...
Read the rest here~
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soosavy69 · 18 days
Chaos smut-shot
This is nsfw, so minors get outta here.
(srsly. imma come for you if I find out 🫵🤨)
Content: Fingering; Rough sex; Praise; Degrating (kinda?); Breeding kink; implied round two.
A plastic bag rustles as you search for the bottom to your set. 'Where is that darn thing?' You mentally grumbled. You had on a teal lacey bra and some sweatpants. You never knew trying to find the entire set would be so hard. Your fingers finally trailed over what felt like the matching piece to the set and you swiftly pulled it out. 'There you are.'
You smile triumphantly, and slip out of the sweat pants your reagular underwear, slipping on the lacey panties. A mirror on the other side of the room catches your attention, and you trail over to it. The set fit your body perfectly, showing off your curves and bust and making you practically irresistible. The lace on the panties teased the view underneath, and your breast lay just behind the frill of the bra piece.
"Damn," You said, "I look hot." Turning around to get a nice view of your ass. "Hey buttercup? have you seen my-" Chaos had entered the room, but feel silent when he was met with the sight of you. You two had certainly gotten frisky before, but he had never seen you so, sexy. The bra and panties matched his color eyelight, and the lace perfectly matches with the outfits he usually like to wear. Soft, yet spicy.
"Wha- You- uhm... What are you doing?" He walked up in front of you with blush coating his cheekbones. "Oh, hey chaos. I was just trying on some things. Decided I need more outfits like this." Stars, he cursed himself for never really noticing your beauty before, espically if you looked like this. A goddess, was all he could compare you to.
He seemed to be lost in thought, his eyes trailing up and down your body. "What do you think?" You asked, putting your hands on you hips and shifting to the side, doing a little pose. "You look- amazing." He said with a growl. "You really think so?" He could barely take his eyes off you as you trailed past him, getting a nice view of the back of you, before tearing his eyes away and biting his imagery lip. "I got some more sets in here I would like to try on, but this one was a pain in the ass to get on by myself. Can you help?" You bated your eyelashes at him innocently.
His shorts grew uncomfortably tight and he shifted in his spot. "Or, do you need help yourself?" You definitely saw the "little" problem he had in his pants. An appendage came from his back to clean the bed of the bags, then wrapped around your waist. "Did you do this on purpose?" He asked. "Do what on purpose?" You giggled. The tentacle grew more tight and lifted you into the air. He walked over to the bed and sat down, placing you in front of him.
"Before I do anything, do I have your consent?" This shocked you. You knew he was worked up from your actions, but not this worked up. "Of course my love." He huffed and spread your legs, pining you to the bed and catching your lips in a kiss. "I don't know how you are so beatiful." he whispered."I don't think there would be any words to describe how beatiful you are right now. I'm so lucky." His words made your face heat up and he chuckled.
His tentacles kept your legs apart as his hand trailed down your stomach, to the inside of your legs. "Can I touch you here?" You nodded and he pulled your panties down, and placed them next to you. He was careful in his movements - almost like he was scared to hurt you. Two of his fingers spread open your folds, him noe having full acess to you. Fuck, even your pussy was pretty. He moved his fingers between your slit, and entered you slowly. Your breath hitched and you moaned quietly. "I want you to be loud for me okay buttercup?" His fingers moved slow and deep, hitting a sensitive spot as your hips rolled in time with him. You held onto his arm and shivered against him, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
"Good girl. Your being so good for me. I'm making you feel good right?" He bit down gently on your neck. "Yes, god chaos~" He huffed against you, you were really working him up weren't you? His finger moved slightly faster and his thumb moved to rub your clit, rolling time with his thrusts to bring you closer to your sweet release. You squirmed with the added stimulation.
The knot in your stomach grew tighter with each thrust he gave you, the pleasure being almost overwhelming. "I'm- i'm close." You whimpered. "Come for me, buttercup." Your back arches as your body molds into his. He silences your cries with a kiss. He pulls away completely and your leg twitches. "You did so good for me sweetness. Can I take you?"
"Yes please." He chuckles "Good girl, asking so nicely." He shorts come down from around his waist, and he grips his cock to line himself up to your entrance.
"Please, I want it." You whine into his ear. He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, "Well, since your being so good, i'll give it to you." He slowly slipped in, your walls gently pulsing around him. Nails raking down his back, he groaned into your ear. You whimpered in response. "So pretty, so sensitive, I love you so much."
He started moving, long and slow strokes that left you trembling. Your legs losely wrapped around his pelvis, driving him deeper into you. "Look at you, so hungry for me. You love this don't you, being so vunerable under me." He speeds up slightly, so close to that spot that makes you see stars.
"Y-Yes, I- oh fuck." You moan out loudly. "I love it Chaos." His hand comes to grip around your neck, "You love it don't you pretty thing." Your eyes roll back into your head as stars cloud your vision, "Yes, Master~" You close your eyes as pleasure rakes through your body, making you breathless. "Fuck, keep calling me that princess."
He hits a spot in you and you clench around him. "Hm? seems I found it." He chuckles darkly. He slips his hand under your leg and puts on his shoulder. This new angle allowed him to drill into that spot repeatedly. It made you scream and drool, losing all sense of the world around you.
"Dumb little baby. Your mine, all mine." His tone is possessive as he repeatedly slams into you. His fingers trail down your belly until they reach your clit, and he starts to rub slow rough circles, rubbing it a tweaking it, bringing you closer to your release. A sudden rough thrust causes you to cry out, as your legs tighten around him.
He stutters and stops, his seed filling you up completely. "I gonna make you pregnant one day. You would like that would you? To be stuffed full of me. I know I would."
You nod, to dumbed out to give a proper response. "Heh, that's okay. You don't have to answer me right now." He pulls out and moves your legs to the side. His arms cometo wrap around your torso and legs, bridal style. He lifted you as though you weighted nothing and carried you to the bath.
He set you on the tolet and turned on the faucet to the bath, filling it with warm water. "How was it buttercup? Was I to rough?" He seemed to be always worried for your safety, afraid of hurting you. Hell, it toke him a long time to get him to bite you, let alone be rough. "Yes chaos, you were fine. I loved it."
You quickly pecked him on the teeth and he smirked at you. "Round two?" He offered and you giggled.
And done! I hope you liked it. I also hope I did his character justice lol
Chaos belongs to @derangedanomaly
So credits to her!
Love ya! 💋
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bejeweled-curves · 10 months
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When's it okay to take a long lookat a woman's necklace?
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sexygirluniverseai · 6 days
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mini-sae · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet
Steven grant
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Hi everyone ! So I'm gonna do an NSFW alphabet for my favorite characters. This is how I view them.
Don't hesitate to to say if you don't agree 😉.
Steven Grant :
A ( aftercare ) : Steven is nothing but a pleaser. Especially after sex. Even if he's not particularly rough with you, he always worries about you and makes sure that you feel safe and content.
B ( body part ) : Steven has definitely a thing for your breast. Either during sex or just watching a movie. He's touching them for his and your pleasure. And sometimes, just because he soothes him.
C ( cum ) : it's actually something he does not really like. He's always embarrassed by the mess he's making. He loves to cum inside you, of course, but you know not to toying with his cum.
D ( dirty secret ) : It's not much of a secret to you anymore, but he always enjoyed you feeding him. At first he pretended to be in a hurry for work and you had to put the toast in his mouth cause his were busy putting his clothes on. But it kept happening. Again and again. So now, he always tastes his food on your fingers at least twice a day.
E ( experience ) : None. Before you, Steven had never touched a girl in a sexual way. He kissed one girl, once. So you had to teach him pretty much everything. Luckily for you, he's a quick learner.
F ( favorite position ) : He's in for pretty much everything you suggest, but he's the most happy when you're on top of him. He can youch your breast while watching your face with loving eyes, all along letting you do as you please with him.
G ( goofy ) : He's so goofy that sometimes you have to take a minute before going back to business. At first, he was ashamed of his clumsiness, but you quickly reassured him. It's not like you were not clumsy yourself sometimes. Now, you were just both laughing so hard.
H ( Hair ) : Well like his alters, Steven has no hair on his chest and face. But he his hairy down there. Not too much, but enough for you to enjoy.
I ( Intimacy ) : Steven has no problems voicing his feelings for you during sex. Or in general, really. He always tell you how much he loves you. How beatiful you are. How lucky he is to have you.
J ( Jack off ) : Steven is not really into that. Before you, he sometimes touched himself, but not often. He mostly craved of emotional intimacy more than sex.
K ( kink ) : His hair. He doesn't like roughness, but when you harshly grip his hair while you're lost in pleasure, it makes him loose any control he has.
L ( location ) : Steven is not the adventurous type. He enjoy your shared bed, but he has a thing for the couch though. When you two are watching TV, and you gently running your hand on his thigh. He takes you by the hips and positions you onto him. There's something about the comfiness of the living room that he likes.
M ( motivation ) : You usually initiate sex. You know he's not a very sexual person. Sex comes after a lot of things. But when you show him that you want him, his desire appears out of nowhere, so strong and fast that you don't even have to play all your tricks.
N ( no ) : Anything that Steven considers rough and brutal. Even if you say that you like it, the idea of hurting you disgusts him. He can be very intense in his pounding, but never in a harmful way.
O ( oral ) : Have you seen a dog eating an ice cream ? Then you see. Steven could spend hours with his head between your legs. It was his favorite meal. And when it's your turn to please him, he just can't believe how good it feels.
P ( pace ) : Most of the time, he's slow and sweet. He just loves taking his time while kissing your entire face. But sometimes, he just needs to have you, possess you. He would become more demanding, but again, always careful about not hurting you.
Q ( quickie ) : It's very rare, but it happens when you surprises him at work, or when you wake up at night with a need of him.
R ( risks ) : Well, at work. The only risk he takes, is to be discoverd in a closet or in the bathroom of the museum.
S ( stamina ) : He can make love to you for hours. Sometimes, you even want to speed it up. But once he cums, he's like a baby. After making sure you were okay, you rock him in your arms and he's gone for the rest of the night.
T ( toys ) : He likes using a sex toy. He fucks you with it while you jerk him off. And sometimes, he likes to watch you use it yourself.
U ( unfair ) : There's not much unfairness with Steven. He's not the kind of making you beg. If you want something from him, it's yours before you even finished asking.
V ( volume ) : Steven talks all the time. Even during sex. Asking you if you like it. If you want to change position. If you want it harder. And when he cums, he plunges his face in your hair and growls.
W ( wild card ) : Unless you want him to fuck you, don't walk around with his shirt on. This is the cutest you can be for him. And he never can resist to take his shirt off of you and take you to bed.
X ( x ray ) : Despite not being a fan of working out, Steven has such a strong body. Well muscled and healthy. Guess he has Marc and Jake to thank for that.
Y ( yearning ) : Again, Steven is not yearning for sex. Not as much as most a people. But once he starts, he worships you to no end.
Z ( zzz ) : Unless one of the alters is fronting, Steven sleeps peacefully, his head on your chest. Your heartbeat is his favorite lullaby.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
Something great about solidarity with other trans people is watching others find joy in things that didn't work for me.
Having breasts might not have been something I enjoyed, but for my transfem friends it can be one of the most exciting things about hrt.
I'm sure many trans people have said they'd swap with someone transitioning in the other direction if they could, me included.
I just think there's something really beatiful about that.
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zombyne · 5 months
Nothing better like do a rant in my birthday (LMAO) (WARNING:BAD ENGLISH, IM SO SORRY)
Something that piss me off, is when traditional clothes are bad illustred in their own country.
And yes, im talking about Hiyoko's Kimono, don't really a fan when the official art and some fanarts show Hiyoko's kimono is just like a dress.
like if under the kimono she is just wearing only her underwear, and that's so fucking innacurate
Nihon-Buyo Kimonos are tight in the legs (also mostly every kimono too), and actually under the Kimono, there's other lil kimono
Sadly fanservice ruin this beatiful clothing, also, for the love of everything
Dont trust anime to learn how to draw "X" clothes, use real life things, one example is that Hiyoko's breast shouln't be so visible under the kimono because
1)This only happen if the person wearinf the kimono is not using a bra (Even that, the bust is exaggerated)
How thick is the fabric, same goes for the waist, here's so references
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I hope this helps
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How do you feel about this request/idea of birth denial with a chastity belt designed to plug the wearer up nicely from giving birth/push baby back in
Really hornily pleased about this but let's see what I can come up with and so here it is.
The Greek Hunter
The days passed and she was going to give birth at any moment at this point as she was told that she would given a chastity belt well because the people didn't the baby to be born and locked the belt but she had made a secret key replica but it was chained to her hands and so legs tied alone in pain naked throbbing her life out she tried her best even muffled in pain, she wanted it to end and so gagged up and muffly screaming she got over to a rock by crawling and put her arms over and began pushing as the baby rammed her tied entrance and she pushed hard and she crowned herself wide open to a full circle as she used her pain to break her chained hands as it cracked at open freeing her hands and she grabbed the gag as she let out a wail of thunder crowning further but as she throbbed her rounded birthing hips had swayed she rolled on all fours and began to wail like a demon crowning further pushing the forehead out but that is all she could do as she pushed her tied up crossed legs stopped any of the progress and pushed the baby back and she wailed pulling her head back tears roll down her cheeks as her hand encircle her taut belly her plump breasts leak and her figure arches it back as she screams to push to no progress and she look for the key and grabbed it as to remove the chastity belt and the lock on chains freeing her legs and spreading them apart as she ripped her own voice wailing to the top of her voice as she pushed the head out, her own body throbbs and her thighs shake as she gasps and holds the hot and taut belly as she pushed once more.
Gathering all her strength naked in a cave as her nails dig into her belly and as a splash of fluid came and as the baby wailed, she felt weak but by sheer will pull herself up holding her baby in her arms feeding the little girl as she went to the cave wall letting out a sigh of relief speaking in a scottish-british accent, "You are beautiful and are mine and I shall name you Deliah as you are the dandelion of my life and I could never try to hurt you." As she moved her brunette red hair out of the way as the sun showed her face a fair and youthful face her sharp chin, green eyes as her plump rose lips the beatiful great warrior as known Artemis as she took the chain and had wrapped the cord grabbed a rock and cut it off as she pulled out the placenta and stood up and walked planning how to get her revenge on the evil people who wanted to give her suffering and the will get what they deserve as her green eyes glowed the winds blew great and the people of the towns fear great as she summoned her suit and bow ready to kill those deserving pain.
And she called her lover the woman of Athens the Greek master herself Athena heard her call and had her eyes run glowing ruby red as she went for her lover as the cries of their child call upon war of those who hurt her cute little fluff girl known as Artemis the Master hunter.
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bejeweled-curves · 7 months
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I do enjoy a decorated hip. 😊
Draws attention away from the dreadful fake smile if nothing else.
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Genshin Boy's doing it for the first time with you| headcannons + drabbles
Warnings: creampies, soft smex, rough smex, breeding kinks, Kaeya being Kaeya, teasing, NSFW
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli
Genshin Impact Masterlist ◇◇ General Master list
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He never ment to go so far, he felt as he should give you more time
All around nervous
Mans touch starved
"Can. Can I hold your hand?"
What a sweetheart, vanilla, soft sex, All the way
Its actually the first time you seen him with his hair down all the way too, so soft. So fluffy
Afterwards he just wants to lay with you, with you running your fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp
Tries and hydrates you almost immediately after: "you need some wine?" "Um...water would be better." "Right...right.."
Worried he didnt deliver to your liking and your telling everyone he sucks at sex
"You're day Dreaming Y/n." "Huh? Say something Kaeya?" Bottom line it was amazing and you kept thinking back to that momment
Confesses undieing love to you forsure.
With bodies pressed close against one another Diluc panted heavily, a hand interwined with hers, forehead pressed against hers, he rutted his hips into her. Words were breathless, unable to comprehend anything that was spoken.
"D...doll.." he finally managed to moan out, her grip tightening on his hair, "I...my gods..."
"..d..diluc.." she meweled softly, he kissing her passionately she kissed back, his thrust becoming sloppy causing them to pull away in a simultaneous groan.
"I...what would I be without you..." he praised, "so good to me...so sweet...so warm...."
His forehead rested on hers, noses grazing one another, she crying out softly reaching her end.
"So beatiful...so intelligent and- oh..- intelligent and loveable..." he moaned.
"Diluc. Love- I'm- Diluc!" She cried he nearing his end as well, his hips speeding up as she cried out.
Squirting onto his cock he held her tight, "I love you! Oh I love you so damn much!" He groaned.
"I love you- Mhm- I love you." She replied, he kissing her deeply, his last strong thrust sending him over edge, her legs wrapping around his waist tighter as he came deep in her womb.
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He never really seen you in such a light at first, he's seen you bare before as you guys take romantic baths together.
He had a wet dream one night and was like: No- mhm...but maybe-
You both were taking a bath one time and you were shedding your robe and he looked away flustered
He would say having Bathroom sex wasnt his first idea of pleasing you. But it was so romantic, he setting up candles and your favorite tea and incents
Man did his eyeliner sharper than his jaw line for you
He'd be lieing if he said he didn loose a bit of control towards the end and even asked before even starting if he could fill you with his seed; you were pretty honored that he was so open with you already
Expect mind blowing first sex, he like on the downlow goes dumb for you,
The kiss hot, filled with want and need. Both bodies dripping with rose water from the previous bath. Y/n laid on the bath mat and there towels, her fingers stuck in Zhongli's wet hair. Then ex archon god had her folded over and pressed. Her knees pressed to her chest and legs rest on his shoulders. On the balls of his feet he thrusted down into her, her walls conforrming to the shape of his cock with each heavy thrust downward. When she tried to pull away from the kiss he just pulled her back into one. Keeping her moans muffled and glorified with each hot kiss.
When he finally let her pull away for air he himself was flustered in the face from lack of oxygen. The red hue adding to his already red face from being in such a postion with her.
How beatiful she was in his eyes, on full display for him, breast bouncing with every thrust, face contoured heavily in pleasure and embarssment from being in such a postion.
Without warning he sped up his thrust, each one harder than the last, the idea of her filled with his cum fueling him
"R..rough! Oh!" She tried to speak, her head tiliting back as she groaned, "s..so rough! Zhongli!"
He gritted his teeth, his fingers finding her clit rubbing furiously causing her double Stimulation.
"Zhongli! Fuck! Please!" She cried, "im so- Oh yes! Shit! Shit!"
He had never heard her speak such vulgar language but fuck was it hot, she squirted on his cock, he fucking her right through it causing her to beg him to bust his load deep in her.
He groaned squeezing his eyes shut as he thrusted harder, her skin starting to turn red from such hard hits of his hips.
"Oh...Oh..." he moaned tettering on the edge of his peak, "ah..Y/n... Y/n...Y/n. Y/n. Oh! Y/n! FUCK!"
She cried out loudly, he dumping his massive load in her tight cunt, he grabbed her chin, he forcing her to look straight up at him as he sat with his cock deep in her. Cum already starting to leak out of her as she heavily panted her eyes half lidded as her lungs begged for air causing a heavy pant on her lips. Slolwy he pulled out of her, a small river of cum chasing his cock, pulling out the tip was like uncorking a bottle, his seed steadily pouring out of her due to over filling her.
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Never thought that his first time fucking you would be in his office
He tried not to initiate things waiting till you wanted, but donr get him wrong he'll give you small signs that he's ready too
You showed up in his office on time, locking the door behind you as he looked up smiling seening you there.
It seemed like a normal greeting, he said hello and she saying the same back, Y/n kissing him softly.
Tells you he has to finish his work but catches your eyes filled with need and lust.
Teasing right off the bat, and lifts up the skirt you put on for him, you wearing no panties.
Tells you your allowed to cock warm him while she waits also hopping it helps her adjust.
Y/n bit her lip, her cunt filled with cock, and a hand up her shirt and under her bra gropping her, teasing her nipple.
"K-kaeya..." she whined his cock twitching in her making her moan.
"Last one okay little slut?" He reassured teasingly, looking over his last paper to sign, "so tight for me, you take me well, you played with yourself at home didn't you?"
Y/n flushed had been caught in her sinful activity, but lied anyways:
"I. I don't know what you mean..." she lied.
"Hmm...no?" Kaeya spoke with a smirk, "well then i suppose I should teach you."
He pulled her hand from her breast and pullled the skirt up in front.
"This..." he spoke softly in her ear, his fingers dancing over her soaked clit, "rub this and you'll feel good, or maybe you could just come to me instead."
She groaned as he chuckled his fingers softly rubbing her clit.
"So tell me...did you play with yourself earlier? If you tell me the truth I might just fuck you senseless." Kaeya persuaded, "you wanna know how? I'll bend you over my desk and take whats mind; your pussy. You'll be begging for more- cum dripping out of you like a river. But tell me the truth, did you touch yourself?"
Y/n moaned, her head falling back onto his shoulder as he rubbed hed throbbing clit. "Y-yes.."
"Good girl telling daddy the truth." He praised thrusting upward once harshly causing her to cry out, "Good girl taking such a big cock like a whore. Now tell daddy how you want to fuck the virgin right out of you."
"I..I want daddy to fuck me sensless..." she spoke hrr facr flushed with embarssment of such words.
"Good choice."
She was lifted up, and adjusted, her were brought up into the air as she leaned back, he holding the back of her head with both hands trapping her in a full nelson.
"Kaeya!" She groaned, he thrusting up into her as he chuckled.
"I'll make you feel good baby no need to worry. He told her, his strength building as he fucked her harder with each thrust, his cum filled balls slapping against her soaked cunt.
"Kaeya! Kaeya! It feels so good! Ah!" She cried out, he gritting his teeth, her cunt suffocating his cock as he squeezed around him.
"Aren't you tight baby girl-" he groaned, his cock hitting against her spot, he feeling the rough oatch of skin as she instantly melted, her legs starting to shake, "there it is! Ah! So tight- so fucking tight."
K-kaeya. I- I think- oh! Kaeya I'm. I'm. Kaeya!"
She cried out, gripping his forearm she squirted down on his cock. They groaning together as Kaeya fucked up into her, pulling another squirt from her cut. Pulling her off his cock he bit his lips, droping one of her legs he tucked the skirt up into itself, giving him a nice veiw.
"That feel good?" He questioned kissing below her ear.
She nodder as he chuckled, "yeah? How bout I pull another one from you? Then stuff you with my cum?"
Bitting her lip she nodded and he continued on.
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