#because i bought it less than a month ago
willow-moon-23 · 14 hours
Black Cat and Her German Shepherd
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Aaron Hotchner X Fem!Reader
Summary: The tables have turned and now it's time for her team to meet her spouse.
Part 1
Word Count: 2437
Standing in the kitchen, her hands braced on the counter. She takes a long slow breath. Hotch walks up behind her.
“Are you feeling ok, colonel?” He wraps his arms around her from behind.
She glances back at him. “Fine. Just thinking.”
Hotch studies her for a moment longer. “Are you worried about me meeting your team?”
(Y/N) lets out a sigh. “No.” Her answer was flat, but Hotch could tell she was fighting a lot of thoughts in her head as she glares at the cleaned dishes on the counter.
“Then what is it?” He asks patiently.
She pushes off the counter, pushing Hotch a step away as well. “My team,” She starts slowly as she turns to face him. “I’ve told you the stories. They are a motley crew of hardened soldiers. They hardly have a filter when talking to higher ups and even less of one when talking to each other.”
“I’m aware.” He nods, letting her talk through her thoughts.
“They’re good men. I trust them with my life.” She speaks slowly.
Hotch brushes her hair from her face. "But?"
(Y/N) hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know. I can’t figure out why I’m hesitating like this.” She runs a hand through her hair and looks up at her husband. “You’ve met the captain before. Only because I got hurt, but you’ve still met him and he likes you. He always asks about you when I come back from leave.”
He nods along. “He gave me his number in case anything were to happen to you.”
“Yes. He’s a good man.” She agrees with him and begins pacing. “I know they won't judge us for any reason. They might make jokes if they are comfortable enough.”
Hotch walks up to her again and holds her shoulders, effectively stopping her pacing. “You’re overthinking it. Take a breath, colonel. I’ve never seen you this worked up. Not even when you’re being deployed.”
She does as he says and takes a slow breath. “This feels more nerve-wracking than a month-long mission and I can’t figure out why.”
“Maybe there is no ‘why’.” He rubs her arms gently. “Maybe you want to be sure that both your lives can coexist and not clash. There's no harm in wanting things to go well.”
(Y/N) looks up at the ceiling. “Maybe you’re right.” She drops her head to rest against Hotch’s chest. She slowly wraps her arms around him. “Stop reading me.”
Hotch chuckles. “I didn’t have to profile you to know all of that.”
She hums. After a moment, she pushes back. “Cap and Gaz said they would be here in ten. Johnny said he’d catch a ride with Ghost. Meaning they would be late because of him.”
“Do we have everything ready for them?” Hotch’s hands rub her back idly. He glanced around the kitchen, seeing all food was ready.
“Yeah, I just need to set the table and change.” She tilts her head as she thinks.
Hotch looks her up and down. “What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?”
“I’m in workout clothes.” Her tone was flat. She looks down at her sports bra and leggings with a raised eyebrow.
“I think you look great.” He winks.
(Y/N) rolls her eyes. “You’re awful. I’m going to change.” She turns away from him and walks to their room. Hotch chuckles as he watches her leave the kitchen.
Once the door closes behind her, he begins taking out the silverware and glasses to set the table for her. He sets it identically to when she had made dinner for his team about a month ago. He walks around the kitchen one last time making sure everything that needs to be turned off is before walking to their room. He knocks twice before entering. Hotch smiles and walks up behind (Y/N).
“I like this shirt.” He comments, leaning down to kiss her cheek.
(Y/N) closes her eyes and hums. “You should. You bought it for me.”
“Yes, I did.” His voice was smug. Before he could compliment her again their doorbell rings.
(Y/N) chuffs. “Saved by the bell. Take a second before you come out, yeah.” She pats his chest affectionately before walking out and closing the door behind her. She smirks as she hears Hotch groan behind the door. She takes a deep breath before opening the front door. She is greeted by her captain and one of her sergeants. “Evening boys.”
“Good to see you, colonel.” Price steps forward and envelopes her in a warm hug as she lets them into her home.
She accepts his hug and turns to Gaz. “How was the flight over?”
“Not too bad. Cap slept the whole way here.” Gaz laughs and offers her his own hug.
(Y/N) shakes her head and hugs him. “No surprise there.” She hears her bedroom door open behind her and pulls back. “Boys, my husband, Aaron Hotchner.” She steps to the side as Hotch enters the space next to her.
Price was the first to extend a hand. “Good to see you again, agent.”
“Likewise, captain.” Hotch shakes his hand, with a nod.
(Y/N) motions toward Gaz. “This is Sergeant Kyle Garrick, or Gaz, as we all call him.”
“I thought he’d be taller.” Gaz stage whispers to (Y/N) before extending his hand.
(Y/N) rolls her eyes. “I told you he’s barely taller than you.”
Hotch takes Gaz’s hand with a chuckle noticing his wife's banter with the sergeant. “A pleasure to meet you, sergeant Garrick.”
“Gaz is fine.” The sergeant gently corrects him. Hotch nods mentally takes a note.
A loud knock at the front door had (Y/N) turning to open it. ”And there are the last two.”
The four are met with Johnny’s grinning face the second the colonel opens the door. He immediately pushes into her house, hugging her tightly. “Bonnie, it’s been too long.” He squeezes her as if he hasn’t seen her in over a year.
“It’s been three days, Johnny.” (Y/N) pushes the Scott off with a raised eyebrow.
“Three days is three too long.” He practically whines at her. Gaz and Price chuckle behind them.
“He’s been whining the whole way here.” Ghost steps into the house and closes the door behind him. The tall Lieutenant towered over all five of them in his black hoodie and face mask.
The colonel chuffs. “No surprise there.” She turns to her husband. “This-”
“John McTavish, they call me Soap.” Johnny interrupts her with a grin and eagerly shakes Hotch's hand.
“Is our other Sergeant.” (Y/N) sighs. “And this is Lieutenant Riley. He prefers Ghost. Boys, this is my husband, Aaron Hotchner.”
“Federal Agent.” Ghost looks him up and down.
“Unit Chief.” Hotch nods, taking Ghost's hand.
Ghost hums and turns to (Y/N). “How’s the side?” he jerks his chin toward her.
(Y/N) shrugs. “Healing.”
Johnny bumps Hotch's arm. “So, how ya manage to tie ‘er down?” Gaz chuckles behind Johnny. “Couldn’t ‘ave been an easy feat.”
(Y/N) lightly smacks the backside of Johnny’s head. “He didn’t tie me down.” She glares at him. “Get in the dining room before I throw you out already.”
“Awe, don’ be like that, Lass. Just poken’ a bit of fun.” Johnny grins, knowing she’s not actually mad at him.
“Go.” She points to the dining room.
Johnny holds his hand up in surrender and walks into the other room with Gaz and Ghost behind him. Price chuckles. “Pay them no mind. They were all excited when you told us to come for dinner.”
Hotch steps next to his wife and gently rests a hand on her lower back. “I’m glad you all could make it. I know you’re going back tomorrow. So it means a lot to both of us that you took the time to stop here first.”
Price smiles. “Anything for one of ours.” He turns and walks into the dining room.
(Y/N) sighs and looks up at Hotch. “Any initial thoughts?”
“Your stories of Johnny don’t do him justice.” Hotch laughs softly.
She shrugs. “He’s something else alright.”
“Come on, they’re waiting for us.” Hotch softly nudges her forward.
“Fine.” She takes his hand and heads in. She takes her seat next to Hotch’s after passing out plates to everyone and looks around the table. Her team was all happily joking with her husband as they all settled in. Her team thanks her for the meal and eagerly digs in. They haven’t had a properly cooked meal like this in a while, so they enjoy it when they can. All of them make sure (Y/N) knows how thankful they are before the questioning starts.
“So, how bad has it been, been’ married to this one?” Johnny was the first to break up the sound of utensils on plates. (Y/N) glares at Johnny.
Hotch laughs it off. “Honestly, not much has changed for us. We love spending time together. Marriage just seems to work for us.”
“He puts up with me, it’s all I can ask for.” (Y/N) chimes in as she cuts another bite to eat. Her lighthearted comment brings a chuckle to everyone.
“You have a little one, right?” Gaz leans forward to ask Hotch.
“I do. Jack is at his aunt's house right now.” Hotch smiles as he talks about Jack.
Price turns to (Y/N). “He likes you?”
“He does.” She nods. “I mean, he better, I’ve been in his life since he was born.” She looks over at Hotch with a smile.
Price chuckles. “Fair enough.” Price turns to Hotch. “She told us you were a prosecutor before working with the BAU, correct?”
“Yes, I used to work as a prosecutor. I changed fields so I could do more good than I was doing then.” Hotch easily takes over the conversation. Telling them how he felt as if he could do more good being a profiler than he ever could as a prosecutor.
Her team continues to ask more questions, mainly about Hotch’s job and how he treats (Y/N) when she's home. Once everyone was finished eating the boys immediately help (Y/N) clear the table and wash up, not that she even asked them to. If anything, she told them not to, only to be, politely, pushed aside. Hotch stands next to her as Johnny and Gaz tell him about a mission they went on where they had to detangle (Y/N) and Price from a tree after a rough landing. (Y/N) and Price exchange glances when the two add more details than were true. A few eye rolls and scoffs were shared at the story.
Once all the dishes were done and Johnny finally finished another one of his stories, (Y/N) moved everyone into the living room. There Hotch tells them a bit more about what he and his team do. The team listens eagerly, hanging onto nearly every word. (Y/N) smiles to herself as she watches them. After a minute she feels a soft tap against her shoe. She looks up to see Ghost staring at her. He nods his head toward the kitchen. (Y/N) gives him a soft nod.
“You boys want tea?” She interjects softly as Hotch finishes his thought.
“I wouldn’t mind a cup.”
“Yes, please.”
“Sure, Lass.”
She nods as they accept. “Aaron?” She stands and looks down at her husband.
“I’m alright, thank you.” He smiles up at her.
“Ok. Give me a hand, Simon?” Ghost merely stands and follows behind her. The two walk into the kitchen as the four continue talking.
“You trust 'im?” He asks the second the two are out of earshot.
“With my life.” (Y/N) looks up at the lieutenant.
Ghost stares at her with matching seriousness. “He good to ya'?”
“Very.” She answers easily.
He nods. “If he tries anythin’.”
“You’ll be the first I call.” She interrupts his thought.
Ghost grunts. “'is team know you?”
“Met them a while back.” She nods.
He nods. After a long pause, he speaks up again. “I like 'im.”
(Y/N) chuffs. “Really? I couldn’t tell.”
“Don’ get cheeky.” Ghost narrows his eyes at her.
“Wouldn’t think of it.” (Y/N) turns to prepare tea for her team.
Once the tea was ready, the two brought out the cups and passed them to each member. They all say their thanks and ease back into asking questions. To Hotch’s credit he takes Gaz and Johnny’s lighthearted banter and runs with it. The night goes on with loud laughs and well-meant jabs at each other. Hotch got to sit back and watch (Y/N) and Johnny have a back-and-forth on whose fault a misplaced rifle started a five-day hunt for said rifle was. Sitting in his living room with his wife and her team allowed him to see just how close they all were and how much they cared for each other.
As the sun started to go down the team realized they should be heading out. They all said their goodbyes for the night, giving hugs to their colonel and strong gripped handshakes to Hotch. They thanked Hotch and (Y/N) for the meal and headed out the door.
Price stops by (Y/N) and rests a hand on her shoulder. “You have a lovely house. Thank you for having us over.”
“Thank you for accepting my invitation to join us.” She rests her hand over his.
“We’ll always come when you call, love.” Price smiles at her.
She returns his smile. “Drive safe.”
He gives her shoulder a light squeeze and tips the brim of his hat to her and nods to Hotch before walking to his car. (Y/N) and Hotch stand outside watching each of them get into the cars, Johnny waves at them as he and Ghost drive off first. Price and Gaz follow out the driveway.
Hotch wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder. “Feel better?”
“I do.” She leans into him. Her hands hold his arms.
“You sure, you look pensive.” He tilts his head to look down at her.
She waves off his worry. “Price mentioned something about our next mission. It’s nothing to do with you meeting them.”
Hotch could tell she was being honest. “You think I meet their approval?”
(Y/N) nods. “Ghost likes you.”
“He barely said a word.” Hotch raises an eyebrow.
“That’s just how he is.” She shrugs. “I’m surprised you couldn’t tell, Mr. Profiler.” She teases.
“I think it was the twitch in his eye every time I touched you that made me think otherwise.” Hotch laughs. “You have a good group around you. They genuinely care for you.”
(Y/N) gives his arm a squeeze. “Yeah, they’re a good bunch.”
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mollypaup · 1 year
this is my phone “thing i spent $50 on that just needs to be able to take photos of my cat, hold podcasts and music, and send texts”, she is in a protective case and also has every disease known to man. She has fallen down several flights of stairs 45 times (25 times i also fell down the stairs in solidarity), been spiked directly into the ground by me on accident 94 times, and fallen in the sink 6 times. I have replaced her screen 2 times. Her current screen has cracked 3 separate times and one crack resembles the legs and body of a spider.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Finally wiping my old windows laptop that I hate. Why did I not know it was going to be this easy
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I would rather be anywhere else doing anything else than work today
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Lumberjack Tales - The Hairy Bear
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Summary: He doesn’t want to have company.
Pairing: Lumberjack!Ari Levinson x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, spanking, orgasm denial, possessive Ari, a hint of dark/grey Ari?
Rating: Explicit
Square filled for @julybreakbingo: Square filled: "Park"
Square filled for @eclipsingbingo: Held down
This story is part of my Lumberjack Tales masterlist
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Solitude. No people. No stress. No noises. That’s how he likes it, and he wouldn’t want to change it for anything.
He chose this life. After selling his company for more money than he could ever spend, Ari bought a forest to build a huge, luxurious cabin for himself alone. He’s got everything he needs. And what he doesn’t get, he can make with his strong hands.
Some people may call him crazy. A former CEO and successful businessman turning into a lumberjack building his furniture on free terms. Ari doesn’t care. He gives a shit on other people’s opinion.
Today is one of the rare days he must drive to the only town near his private forest. Ari hates leaving his solitude and meeting people. After a bad divorce, he’s not the most social person.
But – a man gotta eat even if he’s got a beautiful garden behind his cabin and a lake filled with fish. He needs more to fill his pantry. Beer, toilet paper, and batteries do not grow on trees.
“Mr. Levinson,” Susie, the clerk from the grocery store chirps when Ari walks toward the checkout. “Is that all?” She glances at the two shopping carts filled with everything he’ll need over the next weeks. Maybe even a month, or two. “Plastic or paper?”
“Paper,” he grumbles under his breath. “Plastic is bad for the environment.” Ari shakes his head at his words. Years ago, he would’ve given a shit on the environment or nature. He was obsessed with making money, a pretty woman, and fast cars.
“Sure,” she gives him a tight smile but says nothing. “Just a minute.” She snaps her fingers at the new bag boy. “Sean, get over here. We have a customer.”
Ari would like to roll his eyes as the boy groans loudly. He was on his phone, undoubtedly making a TikTok video to share with his two followers instead of doing his job.
“SEAN!” She grunts when he doesn’t move an inch. “If you don’t come here in a second, you are fired.”
“Man, if I made my first million with my video, I’ll quit,” Sean grumbles while reluctantly starting to pack Ari’s groceries into paper bags. “You will see. I’ll get out of this shitty town in no time.”
Ari holds back a comment. He learned that it’s better to shut your mouth and not get involved with the town’s folk. Unlike the cheery clerk at the grocery store, most people in this sleepy little town do not like him.
Especially because he stopped them from clearing the forest he bought. “Cash or card?”
“Card,” Ari swipes his card over the device. “Have a good day.”
Before Sean can grab the bags to carry them outside, Ari wraps his arms around the paper bags to carry them out of the store.
“Idiot!” Susie mutters. “You had to piss him off. Now he won’t come back anytime soon.”
Sean harrumphs. “This is the only store in town. Your love interest will be back. This doesn’t mean he wants to take you out…”
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Back in his cabin Ari busies himself putting the groceries and toiletries away. Only to make a list for more. Soon it will be winter, and he needs more supplies. Ari hates driving to town during winter. He tries to leave his cabin less during the cold times.
His dog lies on the carpet in front of the fireplace in the living room, yawning loudly as his owner tells him they’ll need more wood.
“Come, buddy. We go for one last round for tonight,” Ari clicks his tongue, causing his dog to jump up and follow him toward the door. The Estrela Mountain Dog walks next to Ari as he steps out of the cabin.
Ari closes his eyes and inhales the air deeply. He can already smell the approaching thunderstorm. “We need to hurry, buddy. I know how much you hate getting your fur wet.”
He flashes his dog a smile before buttoning up his red-black checkered plaid. “Let’s go, Bear. We don’t wanna miss dinner.”
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“HEY! STOP! This is private property!”
You are already out of breath when the man and his dog chase after you. All you wanted was to go for a swim in the lake. How should you have known that the forest is private property? You camped in forests all your life without getting into trouble.
Now this big guy is chasing after you like a madman. “STOP! You cannot come to my property and steal…”
“Bear. Get them!” The man calls for his dog. The giant beast speeds up to outrun you. It jumps at you. Pushing against your back so you land on the ground, face first in the mud. Rain is pouring down on you, soaking your shorts and shirt. “Good job!”
The dog sits down on your back, making you groan loudly. “Get off me you beast.”
“Hold them down,” the man approaches you and the dog. He crouches down next to you to rip your baseball cap off your head. “What are you doing on my property?"
“I wanted to go for a swim, dude! I camp not far away from the lake. I didn’t know this was private property! Who buys a fucking forest!! That’s just wrong.”
“Dude?” He laughs. “Bear, we caught an angry wood nymph, not an intruder.” The man clicks his tongue, and the beast finally gets off your back. “There are warning signs, lady.”
“I told you,” You struggle to get on your knees, groaning as your back hurts from the dog’s attack, “I didn’t see a sign. I camp wherever I want to.”
“Not on my property,” he snaps at you as he gets back up. “Come on, the thunderstorm will only get worse.” He holds out his hand as you struggle to get back on your feet. The dog got you good. “I’ll show you the way back to the road.”
“Fucker,” you slap his hand away and get back up on your feet without his help. “You can’t let your dog attack people.”
“You are an intruder, and he tried to defend my property.”
“Dude, do I look like a danger to you, your dog, or your property?” You size the man up. He quirks a brow. “That’s what I thought.” While you try to rub the dirt from your knees and shin, the man huffs.
“You walk around my property with your little backpack and believe you get away with it? Lady, this is not a park. You can’t just come here and waltz around my property like you own it.”
“I got it, okay. This is your forest, and you hate people,” you wrinkle your nose as the rain runs down your face. “If you’d excuse me now. I’ll find my way out of your forest and into the next to put up my tent somewhere else.”
“In the middle of a thunderstorm?” He asks. “You’re not only a criminal but crazy too. You’ll get yourself killed.”
“Well, good thing that I’m not your problem, Mr. Property,” you turn around to walk opposite the way you came from. “Have a nice life.”
“Lady, that’s crazy,” despite his former behavior, he follows you. “The rain is going to get worse. You’re going to catch a cold or worse.”
“Anything is better than being around you,” you side-eye the man. If he gets too close, you’ll get your pepper spray out and show him what happens when he messes with you.
“Wait…wait up,” he grabs your arm to stop you from running off.
“Don’t touch me,” you try to wiggle out of his grasp. “I’m warning you! I got the black belt!”
He releases you but blocks your path. “I won’t hurt you, lady. My name is Ari, this is Bear.” Ari points at his dog. “He didn’t want to hurt you. If Bear wanted to hurt you, you’d be dog food.”
“You have a way with words, huh?” You look him up and down. “So…where is this street?”
“We can’t walk through the forest now,” he sighs and points toward something in the distance. “If you don’t want to walk through a forest in the middle of one of the worst thunderstorms this area ever experienced, you should come with me to my cabin.”
“Right,” you curl your upper lip. “I’ll go with you to your cabin so you can make a filet out of my ass. I won’t go anywhere with you.”
Ari snorts. He starts laughing as you watch him. “I don’t want to eat you, lady,” he grins. “I mean, I love to eat a lady out.” His eyes drop to your soaked shorts, “but only if she begs me.”
You look down at your soaked clothes. Your backpack gets heavier per minute and Ari is right, the rain is mercilessly pouring down on you. “I’ll take a picture and send it to my friend with our position and your name.”
“Be my guest,” Ari poses for you. He grins into the camera when you snap a few pictures to send them to your friend. “What about Bear?”
“Fine,” you snap a few pictures of the dog to send them to your friend too. “If you kill me now, you’ll get hunted down by my friends.”
“I won’t take the risk,” Ari winks at you. “Come on. I want to get out of my wet clothes and have some coffee.”
You begrudgingly follow Ari, hoping he’s not a psycho killer or looking for a basement wife…
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“See, I’m not a killer,” Ari hands you another cup of tea. “After the storm calmed, I’ll drive you to town. You shouldn’t camp in the only other forest around here.”
“Why?” you take a sip before looking at him. You cannot deny that he’s not as bad as you believed he was. Ari offered sweatpants and one of his plaids to you. He shared his dinner with you and brewed tea for you.
“Let’s say the men around here a rather…hmm…how do I put it…”
“I think that sums it up,” Ari sits on the other side of the couch to give you space. After the first minutes he knew, you’re not a bad person and now he tries to make you see, that he’s not a bad guy either.
“Hmm…crap,” you sigh deeply. “I wanted to do something reckless for once and now, my friend will laugh about me.”
“You never camped before, right?” He watches you drop your gaze. “Why did you lie?”
“My friends bragged about their adventure trips, and I only ever soaked in the sun or visited museums during holidays. I bought a tent and…you know the rest.”
Ari snorts. “You’re the worst camper I ever met.”
“Fair,” you shrug and giggle as his eyes drop to your legs. He subconsciously licks his lips and shifts in his seat. “So…” you scoot a little closer to Ari, “how long are you living here…alone?”
“Hmm…?” He lifts his eyes from your legs to meet your eyes. “A few years.” Ari murmurs. “I left my old life behind to live here, on my own.”
“Must’ve been a good life,” you scoot even closer to look Ari in the eyes. “This is not a normal cabin. It’s rather…luxurious.”
Ari drops his eyes to your lips, licking his own. “I was a businessman before becoming a lumberjack.”
“Lumberjack,” you purr the word. “You mean the big guys wearing plaids and cutting wood.” This time, you lick your lips. “You must be very strong if you cut wood all day.”
“Not all day, sweetness,” Ari scoots a little closer, his thigh brushing yours. “Only if I need wood for my fireplace.”
“Hmm…” you get bold and move your hand to his bicep, squeezing hard. “Very strong.”
“Strong enough to throw you around if you come to my property and try to swim in my lake,” he moves his hand to your thigh, toying with the sweatpants you’re wearing. “I can spank you too, to make sure you’ll never break into anyone’s property again.”
Your eyelashes flutter, and your lips part. “You think I’d let you spank me for breaking into your property?”
His cheeks dimple. Ari dips his head as his hand creeps higher until he can press it flat against your mound. “I think you’d let me do anything I want to do to you.”
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“Look at you,” he purrs in your ear. “Such a good girl, kneeling for me. I bet,” Ari circles you to watch you kneel in front of his couch. He pushes against your shoulders, forcing you to bend your upper half over the couch. “Hmm…what a nice ass you have.”
Ari cups the back of your neck to hold you down on the couch. He’s not too rough but makes sure you can feel his strength.
“I’d love to just fuck you, but you’d only cum all over my cock. I need you to feel the consequences of your actions in your bones.” Ari runs his free hand over your ass, humming as you start to whimper. He grips one cheek roughly, testing your reaction. “I’ll use this body to my liking, and you won’t deny me.”
You choke out a moan when the first smack hits your ass. “Yes…”
“Count, little tramp,” his features harden, and he smacks your cheek a little harder this time.
“Again,” he slaps your other cheek, making it sting. “Again!”
“How many can you take?” It’s not a question. Ari told you he’ll give you ten, and you’ll take ten with pleasure if you get his glorious cock in return. You’re already soaking wet and cannot deny that the next smack pushes you closer to the edge.
“All you have to give, sir,” you whimper. “Three…”
“Good girl,” he soothingly runs his hand over your stinging cheeks. “Seven more and you’ll get something nice.”
The next smacks come faster and harder. “Four, five, six, seven,” at eight you’re out of breath and cry out in pleasured pain.
“Eight, nine,” he slaps your ass with both hands. “And lastly,” he slams his hand between your legs, hitting your clit. Your legs tremble and you soak his hand with your cum.
“Oh God…” You can’t come down from your unexpected high. Ari grabs you by the back of your neck to push you onto the couch.
You end up underneath him, whimpering as he moves one hand to your crotch to lift your butt to help him sink into you. He pokes your entrance, impatiently pushing the first inches into your weeping hole.
“Fuck, that’s a wet cunt,” he groans in your ear while conquering your cunt with one hard thrust. “Yeah, you’re a good girl.”
Pressed into the furniture by his hard body you can’t do anything but lie there and let him slowly fuck into you. Your juices soak his cock, and his balls with every deep thrust.
Ari is by all means not gentle. He fucks you for punishment, to make sure your body knows you did a bad thing. “Oh, baby. I lied,” he whispers in your ear after a particularly deep thrust. “I’m going to keep you here for my pleasure.” He thrusts three, or four more times, always avoiding hitting your G-spot.
Ari purrs your name and fills your cunt seconds later. “Aw, don’t whine, baby,” he sinks his teeth in your neck to leave another mark on your body. “This was punishment. You’ll cum when I allow you to cum.”
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He groans against your neck, teeth grazing over one of the marks he left. Ari is a man possessed. After he filled you for the first time, he took his time to rub cream into your ass. He toyed with you, fingers and tongue bringing you to the edge, only to not let you cum again.
With your hands restrained to the bedpost, you can only watch him move on top of you. Your hands itch to touch him, but you haven’t earned it yet. You’ve been a bad girl, and he won’t allow you to get more than he’s willing to give.
Ari slowly thrusts into you, thick cock rubbing against your walls. “I want you to cum for me. Come on, little tramp, soak my cock. I want to fill this slutty hole up.”
“Please—” you eagerly meet his thrusts. “I need…please…Sir…A-R-I…” You shudder through your high. Your whole body sizes up and for a moment, you fear you died and ended up in heaven. This is the most intense orgasm you ever experienced, and it takes your breath away.
“Good…” Ari thrusts one last time and stills his hips. His warmth fills you again, and you wonder how many times he already fucked you before he let you come. “Good girl. So, fucking good for me.”
He collapses on top of you, exhausted and satisfied. “Fuck…” you breathe out. “Fuck…fuck…that was…”
“Damn, this cunt feels so good. I’m glad you’re a criminal wanting to break into my property. I didn’t have such a good fuck in years…”
“Well…I got two more weeks off so…” you wiggle your hips, making Ari groan. “I could just invade your property for a little longer and you can punish me again.”
Ari lifts his head to look at you underneath him. He smirks, liking your idea. While you look up at him, mirroring his smirk Ari plans to keep you forever…
Part 2
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literaila · 10 months
I'd love to request a reader who's obsessed with love languages (me fr) and is trying to figure out what peter's is without directly asking him
obviously r gets caught in the act
Thank you so much!!
tasm!peter x reader
warnings: teasing, fluff, complex relationship issues (lying)
a/n: i do believe peter’s love language is physical touch/words of affirmation but that’s a conversation for a different time
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“would you rather run errands with someone and hold hands, or run errands with someone and get kicked out of the store cause you’re ‘disturbing the other customers?’”
peter momentarily pauses his chewing, raising an eyebrow at you. “one of these scenarios involves me getting escorted out of the grocery store.”
“yeah, but because you’re having too much fun.”
he shakes his head. “no such thing.”
“clearly, there is.”
he rifles through the remainder of his food, like digging for gold, but his cheek is twitching, and his eyes are thoughtful as he looks down. “why cant i have fun and hold hands with you?”
“okay,” you point at him, leaning back. peter, though you’d put his food across the kitchen table, so you could sit face to face, was adamant that you were too far. so now there’s only a table corner separating the two of you. and these questions, of course, building up a careful foundation. “first of all, i didn’t say it was me—“
“who else would get us kicked out of a grocery store?”
“and second of all, because that’s not the question. holding hands or ribs-hurt laughing?”
“both of those sound equally painful,” peter keeps leaning towards you like he knows something you don’t. which he doesn’t.
you lean forward too, undeterred by his challenge. “so you’re a completely-silent-errand-running-with-a-healthy-five-foot-distance kinda guy?”
“we literally went shopping today.” peter gestures back to the kitchen, where bags of produce and sugary containers (peter’s pickings) remain. after dinner, you’d both swore, but you’re having a hard time finishing your food. “you know what kinda guy i am.”
so it goes, on and on. you asking peter the same type of hypothetical questions you’d been all day. he hasn’t seemed to question it, besides a couple of ill-fated looks.
and you do. know, that is. peter did almost get you kicked out of the store today, when he’d tripped over a sign and knocked down a whole shelf of boxes. this, he claimed, was the crime of a faulty layout. though, he’d bumped into the sign in the first place because he refused to let go of your hand, even when it was less than conscientious.
this, though, you don’t bring up.
“if i bought you a gift,” you continue, ignoring his carefully planned out bantering techniques. “would you want something expensive, or something heart-felt?”
“why is that a question?”
you stare at him, nonchalant, gesturing for him to continue.
“are you buying me a gift?” he asks, rolling his eyes at you.
“maybe. your birthday’s coming up.”
“it is november,” he says, dryly.
“good memory.”
peter snorts. “my birthday is in august. you know, like, two months ago?”
“hmm…” you lean your chin on a hand, staring into hard honeysuckle eyes with feigned confusion. “i must’ve missed it.”
“you got me a spider-man calendar.”
“don’t recall.”
“i can go get it,” he points over his shoulder, leaning, again, towards you. enough so that you can feel his breath, smooth and challenging. “it’s just in the bedroom.”
“answer the question.”
he sighs and leans back again, almost laughing. “heartfelt, obviously. like my very cherished spider-man calendar. which is for this year, i might add.”
“what a wonderful gift,” you smile too, adoringly, “you should thank whoever got it for you.”
peter furrows his brows, though not in confusion. “i did,” he says, softly, trying to break you.
but you remain where you are, smiling as cool as you’ve been all day.
which is to say, of course, that you’ve been dancing circles around peter and hoping that he hasn’t noticed.
you hadn’t even thought of it until two days ago, when out to lunch with your friend and she mentioned a book—fabled and probably recommended by some hot-shot magazine—about how to connect with your partner.
“love languages,” she’d said to you, “are the basis to every relationship.”
and this must have been true because despite a rough patch between her and her girlfriend, they were now as solid as always. and you could tell this, just from how at ease she’d seemed.
which, naturally, put you on edge.
not that you doubted peter, or your relationship with him. besides some run of the mill insecurities, peter was probably the loveliest person you’d ever met. so it was probably a bad thing that you had no clue—not a single suspicion, or thought—what his love language was.
thus, the questions began. and peter’s dubiousness doubled with every one you asked.
evident because he was still watching you. “are we acting out a scenario in which you need a visa and i agree to marry you?”
you kick him under the table. “what? i cant ask you questions?”
“i think this is the fortieth one today.”
“i’ve asked, like, three, and you haven’t even tried to answer any of them properly.”
“you know we’re in a real relationship, right? i know your favorite color and everything.”
you stand up from the table, grabbing your take-out container, and his, and walking to the kitchen.
peter trails after you, clearly noticing your evasion. “do you actually need a visa?” he asks, leaning against a counter, almost knocking over one of the grocery bags. “cause i think you’re supposed to tell the person you’re getting married to. so i can ask you some questions.”
“doesn’t seem like you’re having any problems with that.”
peter snorts and comes behind you while you grab something out of the first bag. his hands are warm as they wrap around your waist, resting on your stomach like a possession. “what’s up with you?”
“i’m unbagging the groceries.”
“you’ve been acting weird all day. do you need to talk to me about something?”
“no.” you pull away from him, putting some apples in the fruit bowl. “you’re crazy.”
“yes. i am the crazy one.”
you hum and walk around him, carefully not meeting his eyes.
after a couple minutes of this, with peter pretending to put things away, you break, uncomfortable with the silence.
“painting a room together,” you start, “or cuddling?”
peter pushes off of the counter, his teeth peaking behind his lips. “cuddling, obviously. you’re a terrible painter.”
he moves about a foot away from you, staring, again, like he knows something you don’t.
“what?” you ask him, closing a drawer. you cross your arms.
“nothing. nothing.”
but peter is grinning at you.
“what’s with your face?”
“what’s with yours?”
you roll your eyes at him, not moving. peter copies your stance, and the two of you remain as still as statues, testing one another.
finally, peter laughs. “you think i don’t know what you’re doing?”
“posing hypothetical questions?”
“i know what love languages are, baby,” peter steps closer to you. his hands just lingering by the seam of your shirt. “you’d make a terrible detective.”
despite the heat running through your body at being caught, you narrow your eyes at him. “me? it only took you all day to figure it out.”
“that’s cause i was giving you the benefit of the doubt. i thought you really wanted to know.”
“i do,” you cross your arms, bumping into him, offended. “i would’ve given up like three hours ago if i didn’t.”
“you’re crazy,” he says, simply. his look is amorous. “you could’ve just asked me.”
“no. i should know just from spending time with you. that’s couple 101.”
peter actually laughs. right in your face. he leans down, resting his chin against your head for support. “cant say i’ve ever taken that class.”
“well you should. it’s very informative.”
“okay, professor, then what’s my love language?”
you open your mouth. then close it. you push him back. “i’m not telling you.”
“oh,” peter tilts his head. “why not?”
“cause that’s cheating. figure out your own love language.”
“you think i don’t know what i like?”
peter shakes his head at you. “you just don’t know.”
“you just don’t know,” you poke his cheek. “you couldn’t even decide which cereal to get. we have three boxes now.”
“that’s called choice paralysis,” he informs you, as if you didn’t have this conversation earlier. “and you agreed to that.”
“sure,” you say to him, turning away.
“you’re a sore loser.”
“we’re not playing a game.”
“the elaborate ‘would you rather’ scheme wasn’t a game?” he asks.
“it was an informative questionnaire.”
peter gets in your way as you try to walk out of the kitchen. “then why hasn’t it informed you?”
you roll your eyes at him again. “c’mon, peter, you know that data can take weeks to process.”
he runs a hand up to your face, easily trapping you. “you just don’t know” he repeats softly.
he’s getting close again; resuming the game he’d lost earlier.
“you don’t know,” you say, stubbornly, not meeting his eyes.
“i know i like you,” he answers, breath marring your reaction skills.
and before you can even smile in response, peter is kissing you.
his lips are soft, pushing at you like he wants you to admit defeat. consoling you into a loss. convincing you to back down.
but you refuse.
you pull away, pushing his hand off of you. “that’s cheating.”
“we never set any rules.”
“well you’re breaking one.”
peter leans and let’s it go, crossing his arms as he looks at you, very arrogantly. “that’s okay,” he shrugs.
you attempt to catch your breath while peter stares at you, clearly thinking that he’s won.
“okay,” you say, pouting. “tell me. what’s your love language?”
peter smiles voraciously at this. he takes a step towards you, molding his body heat into yours.
then he shakes his head, his smile falling into something sweeter. “i don’t know,” he whispers to you, hand reaching down for yours, hair in his eyes. “physical touch, probably, before. but i like everything with you. i always want more, doesn’t matter what it is.”
you brush the hair out of his eyes, smiling.
though your intents are less than straightforward, there’s still a part of you that curls under this confession, like it just can’t take it.
“that’s sweet,” you whisper, leaning into him. he’s bent down so his nose is to yours.
peter hums, breathing in the smell of your skin, and pulling you closer and he stands there, lingering on the briefest of touches.
he tilts his head a bit, lips lined up with yours.
and you smile. “i’m not telling you mine,” you whisper to him, quickly pulling away and moving to the table, whistling as you do so.
you start to collect the trash you’d left there, hearing nothing for a moment, but peter’s heavy breathing.
you smile at the sound of his defeat.
“now that’s cheating,” he says, and you laugh.
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t-lostinworlds · 6 months
Big, Hormonal Heart | Bucky Barnes
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》 PAIRING: bucky barnes x pregnant!female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: established relationship (marriage), fluff fluff fluff
》 SUMMARY: It'd probably take more than one lifetime for Bucky to list reasons why he was so lucky to call you his wife. He was certain your big heart was one of them. One that grew even more with pregnancy hormones. It was sweet, how you to got so upset when they got his order wrong. Your meal was perfectly fine. But when his wasn't? Oh it was a crime.
》 WARNINGS: pregnancy, a dog named Snow and Alpine the cat, pet names (doll, baby, my love, sweetheart), emotional!r (she cries. like, most of the fic), husband!bucky being the sweetest, domesticity and just overall fluff (pretty tame fic ngl)
》 WORD COUNT: 2.5k+
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A/N: this idea was super random. i saw an insta reel of a pregnant woman having mood swings over some food and then everyone was sharing their experiences in the comments and i got inspired so here ya go alksalkss. DISCLAIMER! I'm not pregnant nor have i ever been lol. I did as much research as i could but still, don't count on me to be 100% accurate.
++ ALSO this was written in just a few hours. this isn't my best work. just something i wanted to write as an exercise since i haven't written anything in months. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
Bucky Barnes was one lucky man.
If someone had told him years ago that he was going to live in a quaint home in the suburbs, a lovely backyard space for a dog and a cat to enjoy, and that he'd be married to the absolute love of life, an angel on earth who was now carrying his first child—
He honestly would've stared at them dead in the eye, wondering how someone could make such a cruel joke.
Yet here he was, actually living it, a life that seemed so much like a dream.
Though he was quickly reminded of how real this was as he stood in the nursery, glaring at the manual that came with the crib you two had bought from the furniture store.
It looked simple enough at first—putting together ready-made pieces should be easy, right?
Not when you have countless amounts of screws that more or less looked the same but were actually not because each served a different purpose. 
He was in the middle of figuring out how to install the legs to the main base when you walked into the room with your two bodyguards—Alpine the Cat and Snow the five-year-old Samoyed—in tow.
"How's it going, handsome?" you hummed as you reached his side, arms wrapping around his waist, your warmth immediately easing the frustration he had about this goddamn crib.
"It's…" he sighed, gesturing at the wooden pieces scattered around the floor. "Going."
You laughed at that, kissing his clothed shoulder before standing in front of him.
Bucky held your waist then, pulling you as close as he could given that your baby bump was in the middle of you both.
He honestly couldn't begin to express how much comfort and warmth covered his whole being every time he was met with the absolute love in your eyes.
And Bucky was sure his gaze shined the same.
So many people have pointed it out on numerous occasions, the twinkle in his eyes every time they land on you—his beautiful wife.
"I was thinking," you murmured, resting your hands on his chest, moving up his shoulder and down again in a sweet caress. "How about a quick break while we order some food?"
It was only about an hour after lunch, so Bucky wasn't particularly keen on filling his stomach some more.
But you, on the other hand, were nearing the end of your second trimester. It wasn't out of the norm for you to be hungry at this time, given you were eating for two. Plus, there was an added layer that your little peanut probably had some super soldier serum in their DNA—the baby's appetite could be enhanced for all he knew.
Other than that, the last thing Bucky wanted was an angry and hungry pregnant wife. So it wasn't really a hard decision to make.
"Okay, let's get you something to eat," he said.
Ever the observant person that you were, you quickly noticed his choice of words.
"For me?" you asked, brows furrowed. "You're not hungry?"
Bucky shook his head. "Not really."
Your bottom lip went.
He instantly knew he said the wrong thing.
"But I'm hungry," you murmured, eyes starting to glisten.
He could never explain it even if he tried, but whenever you got upset, your bodyguards always seemed to notice it. The two have always been protective of you and that only grew tenfold when you got pregnant.
Today wasn't an exception.
Snow barked at him, whining his complaints as he put his fifty-pound body between your legs, slightly pushing Bucky back. The furball was well trained though, so his protectiveness never went too far beyond being vocal about it. Alpine, on the other hand, was sitting a foot away, glaring at Bucky—quite the traitor given that she was supposed to be his cat, but he couldn't blame her for loving you, either—as if she knew it was his fault you were upset.
But still, Bucky wasn't quite sure what he'd done wrong.
"I know, sweetheart," he said slowly, a little confused, trying to navigate around Snow who was pawing at his leg as if trying to push him further away. "I'll order some food for you."
"But you're not hungry," you repeated, body slumping with sadness.
"I'm not," he agreed, quickly cupping your face when a tear slipped from your eyes. "But hey, hey, that doesn't mean we can't still order food for you, doll."
"No, I know," you sniffled.
"So, what's making you upset, hmm?"
You buried your face in his chest with a shaky breath as you said,
"I don't want to eat alone."
Bucky paused, pressing his lips and swallowing down a laugh because he couldn't have you thinking he was making fun of you. He wasn't. But you were so adorable it made his chest ache.
"Okay, okay," he hummed, kissing the side of your head as he rubbed your back in comfort. "I'll order something for me, too."
A few minutes later, your little family migrated to the living room. You both were sitting on the couch together, the two furballs sprawled at your feet as a random show played on TV. Various take-out bags covered the coffee table, way too many for two people but hey, that's what fridges and microwaves are for.
Fondness filled Bucky's bones as he watched you settle your food on your lap, doing what he called your Cravings Satisfied Wiggle.
He couldn't contain his chuckle.
You looked at him with furrowed brows, words a little muffled with your mouth full. "What?"
"Happy?" he asked, reaching over to wipe the sauce on the corner of your mouth.
"Very much," you giggled, eyes wrinkling at the corners.
Even after all these years, the sight of your pure joy still made his heart stutter, chest growing warmer when you leaned closer with a pout.
Bucky met you halfway for a short yet sweet kiss.
"Thank you," you hummed, even though there was no need for you to thank him for ordering you food.
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
Reaching over the table, he took the one and only paper bag that was for him, because again, he wasn't that hungry.
"What's wrong?" You turned to him in concern.
"It's not a big deal," he reassured with a smile, shrugging because it really wasn't. "They got mine wrong."
You frowned. "You didn't get the nuggets?"
"No, they give me the burger meal," he said. "They must've misheard me.
Bucky immediately perked up when your lips started to tremble.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly, cupping your face to wipe away your tears.
"You—" you sniffled. "You didn't get your nuggets."
Bucky pressed his lips to stop a smile.
God you were so fucking cute.
"It's okay, baby," he soothed. "I'm fine with a burger, too."
You cried even harder.
Snow and Alpine quickly stood, all alert and concerned as they nudged your leg.
"You wanted the nuggets, Bucky," you insisted, choking back a sob. "But you didn't get it."
He carefully pulled you closer, rubbing your back in comfort as you laid your head on his shoulder. "I know, but it's okay—"
"No, it's not!" you protested, all teary and frustrated, pulling away to glare at him. "You deserve to get what you want. Y-You deserve all the good things after e-everything."
Bucky might honestly start crying too with how sweet you were being.
"Oh doll, come here," he placated, pulling you in for a hug while trying to navigate the food on your lap.
He could take it away for safety, but he'd already learned his lesson the hard way. Taking food away from a pregnant woman was a death sentence.
"I want you to be happy," you sniffled, burying your face against his neck. "You wanted the nuggets and they disrespected that."
It took so much for him not to let out a chuckle. Because as much as Bucky hated to see you crying and upset, he couldn't deny how adorably funny this whole conversation was.
But you'd always had the biggest heart. Whether that was crying over those rescue animal videos, emotional scenes in movies, to feeling upset over something he was experiencing—your empathy was always high.
What more with the pregnancy hormones in the mix?
"How about I ask them to change it?"
Again, wrong thing to say.
He needed to get better at this.
"But they're probably so stressed and overworked already," you sobbed. "A-And it's about to rain. I don't want the delivery guy to get wet in the rain. T-They already don't get paid enough."
"Hey, hey, it's okay," he hummed, rubbing your back. "Will you look at me, my love?"
You lifted your head then, Bucky's heart aching at the absolute distress on your features—pout in full play, eyes a little bloodshot with tear stains on your skin.
He cupped your cheeks with a soft smile, placing gentle kisses all over your face, unrelenting until you let out a whine of protest. He stopped then, thankful to see that you'd calmed down now.
"I promise you, the burger meal is perfectly fine with me. I'm not mad or upset about it. I don't mind it at all," he said.
You took a calming deep breath and nodded. It only took a second for you to look at him sheepishly.
"Sorry I overreacted," you whispered, embarrassed.
"Hey, none of that," he lightly scolded. "All the emotions you're feeling will always be valid."
You smiled, small yet sweet, leaning in and kissing him with as much gratitude as you could muster.
"Besides, it makes me feel so honored to know that you're willing to fight for my chicken nugget rights."
"Shut up, Barnes."
You and Bucky always had a nightly routine and it usually consisted of the two of you getting ready for bed in your own different ways. They were intertwined, but not exactly the same. Like you'd be doing some skin care in the bathroom while he would be brushing his teeth.
But ever since you got pregnant, your routine became more in sync.
It usually started with a bath that he'd run for you. Most of the time he'd end up joining you, the length of said bath varying since that usually depended on what mood you were in. Bucky was always at the service of meeting his wife's needs, after all.
Recently, now that your bump wasn't particularly easy to navigate, he'd helped you get ready for bed. From getting dressed to your skin care, including rubbing some moisturizer on your stomach. That part was one of his favorite things to do.
Then it was the typical things, getting dressed, brushing your teeth—this one you stopped him from doing it for you even though he was more than willing—and overall just getting ready for bed.
Once you’d settled on the pregnancy pillow that Bucky fluffed up for you, he'd sit near the foot of the bed to give your sore feet a massage while you read a book.
Tonight, right when he was in the middle of doing that, he heard you sniffle.
Bucky looked up in concern, catching you already staring at him with tears already in your eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked, looking you over. "Does something hurt?"
"No, I-I'm okay. I just—" You cut yourself off with a sob.
Bucky quickly moved beside you, pulling you onto his lap as he wrapped his arms around your form. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, body shaking as you cried.
"Hey, hey, talk to me," he murmured against your hair. "Tell me what's wrong."
"It's just—" You let out a shaky breath. "You're always taking care of me."
"Of course, sweetheart, you're my wife," he said. "And not only because it's my duty as your husband, but because I love you so much."
That made you cry even harder.
"I l-love you too, so much," you sobbed. "But I haven't been able to take care of you lately and that's not f-fair."
Bucky felt his heart grow as if it wasn't already bursting at the seams.
How could someone be so selfless and sweet?
"You're pregnant, my love," he stated the obvious reason as to why. "Besides, I'm capable of taking care of myself. It's alright."
"No, it's not," you argued, pulling away slightly to face him. "You deserve to be taken care of, too! You deserve to get pampered a-and a break but you're always fussing over me and taking care of me instead. I'm not helping with any of it. I'm just making it harder for you."
"No, absolutely not," he stated firmly, holding your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. "I love taking care of you. It honestly makes me feel so fulfilled and happy when I do."
"Really?" you sniffled.
"Yes. It's the least I could do with everything that you've been going through right now," he said truthfully, adding with a chuckle, "Hell, if I could carry our baby so you wouldn't have to go through all the pain I would."
That earned him a small laugh.
"But I want to take care of you, too," you admitted after a deep breath.
"You already are," he hummed, thumb stroking your cheek lovingly. "You're taking care of our baby and my heart, and those are very important to me."
You scrunched up your nose adorably.
"That was so cheesy."
"But it's true, though."
You smiled, cupping his face. Bucky turned his head to kiss your palm.
"Thank you," you sighed fondly. "For putting up with me and for everything."
"First off, I'm not putting up with anything," he reassured, kissing your other palm before adding, "Second, you never have to thank me for taking care of you. Never."
You nodded, leaning closer to press your lips against his, pouring all your love and gratitude into it. Bucky kissed you back with the same fervor, never needing words to express what you truly feel for each other.
He felt so content—feeling your lips, your fingers tangled in his hair, and your little peanut asking for attention too, kicking the second Bucky rested hand on your bump.
When you let out a soft, needy whine, he was ready to take the kiss even further.
That was until a wet tongue met his cheek.
Bucky groaned in annoyance, pulling away to see Snow giving you a kiss, too. He couldn't be angry at the dog for ruining the moment when your lovely laugh echoed in the air. Alpine jumped on the bed a second later, nudging her head against Bucky's chin before walking over to place a loving paw on your bump.
His smile was as bright as it could be as he watched the scene before him.
A wonderful home, a wholesome family that involved his beautiful, loving wife and two furballs, his family that was only getting bigger in a few months—
Bucky Barnes was one lucky man.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
↬ thank you for reading lovely! reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated! ++ consider supporting me on ko-fi if you can!
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© t-lostinworlds, 2023 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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bunny584 · 5 months
Thinking about our boys this fine evening,,
What would their reactions be if you bought them a present?
A/N: My love, I’ve been sitting on this ask for MONTHS. Just chomping at the bit to do it justice. I hope it’s everything you wanted. Enjoy this fluffy fluffy drabble with a lil sprinkle of angst 💕
C/W: Nada, the boys just being adorable. Established relationship. I hope this gives y’all as many delulus as it did me.
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“You’re never going to guess what I got you for your birthday, dimples!” 
Your pretty finger digs into the crater in his left cheek that you’re so fond of. 
Suguru swallows a grin. 
Two things. 
One, you’re the only human in this lifetime and the next, who could call him that and wake up the next morning. 
Two, he knows exactly what you got him. 
Because you’re oblivious in a way that made him fall for you in the first place. 
To you, birthdays are sacred. And must be treated like National holidays. All week you’ve been padding around the apartment, glee in your footsteps. 
You’ve been staring at him. A whole galaxy in your eyes. Precious little giggles escape you at every turn. Because there’s a secret only you are privy to. 
Or so you think. 
Suguru has heard you badgering someone over the phone. 
“No no, it can’t be purple. His favorite color isn’t purple. It’s indigo. The shade between royal blue and violet. Blue. Indigo. Violet. ROY-G-BIV. Rainbows. Indigo.”
You almost flung your laptop off the balcony   two mornings ago. 
Instead of just closing the browser displaying shipment confirmation for the silver analogue watch with the indigo face and chrome bezel. You tossed the entire laptop away and Suguru had to lunge to catch it from shattering.
You are clumsy. 
And terrible at surprises. 
And he adores you. 
More than he knew possible. 
Suguru shrugs out of his grey peacoat. Dinner was phenomenal, yes. But now he needs you on his tongue for dessert. 
He watches you step out of your heels, somewhat upset you didn’t let him take them off for you. 
“On the couch and close your eyes!!” You squeal before disappearing into your bedroom. 
“Yes ma’am.” Low chuckle spilling from his lips. 
You’ll be the one following orders in a second. 
Suguru does as he is instructed. Back against the plush couch. Legs spread a little further than usual. 
You’ve had him stiff as a board the whole night. Doting over him. Petting his thigh. Pretty lips full of quick kisses and “Happy Birthday baby” and “I love you.” He almost took you at the dinner table. 
But he’s a gentleman. 
At least, before you get behind closed doors. 
“Are you ready for me, birthday boy?” You call out. And your voice alone strips him of manners. 
“I’m ready to be inside you, gorgeous.” Suguru palms the length of his shaft. 
“Suguru!!! Behave.”
In a matter of seconds, your full body weight lands on his lap. You straddle him and his hands fly to your rounded hips. 
You are wearing significantly less clothes than you were 2 minutes ago. 
Suguru eyes flare open. The zipper on his suit pants nearly breaks. 
“Ohhh, my pretty girl.” 
His eyes violate every inch of your negligée. Lacy. Delicate. Riding the gentle dips and curves of your beautiful frame. Saliva pools in his mouth. You have no idea what he’s going—
“Eyes closed!” Your tiny palm can barely span his face. 
“Alright, alright.” Suguru hikes you further onto his hips. His rod thundering against his fabric. 
“Before you start, baby. Reach into my jacket pocket for me?” 
“What?” Suguru always loved how pretty you sound when you’re shocked. 
“Do it.” 
Your fingers scramble to follow his order. Always so compliant. His name, tangled with an airy little gasp escapes next. 
“Suguru Geto, what is this?!” 
Eyes still closed, Suguru flashes a mischievous grin. You’re so pretty when you’re stern with him. You punish (reward) him with a quick slap on his chest. 
Suguru pulls his lids open. He finds you holding 2 nearly identical boxes. A bigger one in the right, a demure one in the left. 
You’re flushed up to your ears and Suguru hasn’t ever seen a woman so beautiful. 
“What is this?” You probe again, eyes glossed over. 
Suguru gently works the smaller box out of your hand. 
“A present,” he plants a chaste kiss on your pouty little lips. 
“But it’s your birthday. And I wanted to surprise you. I saw this—“
“—silver analog watch with an indigo face and chrome bezel, I know baby.” Suguru’s lips find your flushed, warm cheeks. 
“So I got one for you too.” He opens the smaller box, just as you reveal his surprise. 
Yours is daintier. Scaled down to your small wrist. Both of your initials inscribed at the base of your watch. 
Mist coats your eyes the way it does. The way your love coats him. In all places. All at once. Gentle. Refreshing.
A blessing. 
“You are the love of my life. In this lifetime and the next. Thank you for the birthday gift, sweet girl.”
“Satoru, Jesus Chri—are you kidding me right now?” 
“What’s the matter, baby?” 
Your boyfriend was born with a silver spoon and a silver tongue. 
An expert at rolling, whipping and twisting words until they’re saltwater taffy. Sweet on the mouth. Sticky in reality. And at its worst, kryptonite to the person consuming them. 
As if he didn’t just steal the pink satin bow, from your head. And your hair falls in a slow cascade around your face. 
Satoru slides into the seat across the dinner table. Candlelight kissing his high cheekbones. Tonight makes it three years from the day he asked you to be his. 
Not that it matters, really. Because time crumbles to stardust around him. 
Every minute, every second with Satoru feels like the first. Your heart can’t tell the difference, and you’ve stopped trying to. 
A mischievous grin reaches his 10-carat diamond eyes. Razor sharp, and a reminder to everyone within a 1 mile radius that he’s not of this world. 
“You’re gorgeous.” Satoru toys with your hair tie. Deftly knotting it into a bow on his wrist — an egregious accessory next to his cuff links. 
“Save the pillow talk, Satoru!”
 “What?” He retorts, slinging his elbow over the back of his chair. Dangling his newest prized possession in your face. 
“Is it so bad that your boyfriend wants to feel close to you? You won’t let me sit next to you — I’m desperate.” 
You feign a gasp and lean over. Hushed because what you’re about to say is sacrilegious. 
“The Strongest Sorcerer in the modern era won’t survive sitting across from his girlfriend instead of next to her? Don’t let the bad guys hear that.” 
Bellowing laughter erupts. His base low and clear as an alpine lake. Your soprano a feather light harmony. 
Unbridled joy that is so unique to your relationship echoes throughout the dining room. Waiters and waitresses send fond smiles your way because the restaurant is dedicated to your celebration.
Satoru’s lips find the back of your hand. Embers from the candle catch the golden flecks of sunset in his Mediterranean Sea. Eyes with still waters, tonight.
He’s beautiful, your boy.
“Happy anniversary, princess.” 
“Happy anniversary, my love. I have something for you.”
 You glide your hand out of his grasp before he locks it in. Eyebrows already crawling to the center of his face. 
“I told you not to get—“
Always one to give, never one to receive, Satoru narrows his gaze. You know that look — he’s planning on tripling his retaliation gift. 
Satoru reluctantly takes the box out of your hands, while you watch on bated breath. 
His full lips hang open. Cotton candy dusting the tip of his nose, blooming to his ears. He’s never like this. Taken aback. Full of surprise.
Your full name tumbles out of his mouth. Almost foreign to your ears, but indulgent when coated in his rich, loving tone. 
Satoru pulls the leather bracelet out of the box. An infinity symbol woven in the center with your initials and his initials flanking either side. 
Before you get a chance to breathe again you’re standing in his arms. In the middle of the empty room. Face nearly eclipsed by his large hands.
“Baby,” Is all that escapes him before he crashes his lips onto yours. 
His tongue immediately begs for entry. Faint taste of mint chocolate ghosting your taste buds. 
It’s comforting. It’s dizzying. It’s Satoru.  
“L-let me explain the gift.” Panting out of his embrace. A light sheen already coating his eyes. He’s statuesque except for his thumbs that strum the apples of your cheeks. 
“Of course.”
“You’ll probably live forever, fighting demons and such—“
“Curses, baby. The demons are just personal.” He laughs. 
Satoru flashes another smile, but this one is blue. Melancholy in a way that tugs on your heart strings. You draw him in for a quick kiss. 
A mere bandaid on a lifetime of third degree burns.
“I know I’m not invincible like you and your friends. And you spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with the fact that I’m a Normie.” 
Satoru’s nose crinkles. “It’s not a crime to not see curses.” 
“I rather you not see them. I don’t want you subjected to that.” Grit in his voice and his eyes glaze over. You know that Satoru is watching gruesome memories on his mind’s big screen. 
“I know, handsome.”Your hand cups his face and he subconsciously unravels in it.  All but purring into your warmth. 
“But that doesn’t change the fact that the world needs you for far greater things than it needs me.” 
“Do not talk like—“
Your finger presses against his lips. Your boyfriend has a real habit of cutting you off and at this rate you two will never get to enjoy your dinner. 
A small chuckle escapes him. He’s sorry. And you continue.
“I got you that bracelet…because..” Suddenly shy under his undivided attention, you drop your gaze. Thumbing his new gift instead. 
You pause. He pauses. Everything around you halts.
Then it all tumbles out at once. 
“You’re it for me, Satoru. The One. Forever and always. In every life we’re reborn in, even if I can’t stick around as long as you can in this one.” 
Cheeks incinerated by your confession, you muster the courage to lock eyes with him once more. Nearly flat lined at what you see.
A crystal tear sliding down one side of his face. All of his sharp lines and angles, like melted butter. Mouth ajar. Moused. Imperfect. Like his heart is splayed open on his chest for the world to see. 
Hearing his name jumpstarts his engine. Satoru lifts you into his arms and strides toward the exit in milliseconds. 
You toss your head back. Full of breathy giggles because this is the man you know and love. The modus operandi that made you fall so deeply for him in the first place. 
“Dinner! Baby our dinner!” You squeal a little too late, given that he’s 4 more long strides away from the door. 
“It’s taken care of. I’ll have them send it to the house.” Eyes straight ahead. A man on a special grade mission.
The two of you come to an abrupt stop just shy of the front door. Satoru rakes his glassy eyes over your flushed face.
“I would die for you. You know that, right?” His voice cracks. Actively staving off the flood threatening the rim of his eyes. 
“You and me…you know that I…I lo—, I’ve…you’re the only…fuck.” 
Satoru draws in a frustrated sigh. Tossing his head to the side. Hopeful that looking at anything else in the room would make this easier.
 “You know why I cant.. I can’t say it baby I—“
“I know, Satoru. I know.” 
‘Because love is the most twisted curse of all.’
And he believes that the moment it falls off his tongue, you’ll be taken from him. 
Your lover’s presence is grandiose. Demanding. Loud. Noticed from miles away. Earth shifted on its axis when he was born. 
A loan from Heaven’s stash. He’s a gift to mankind and your personal Moon.
But his love is the opposite.
Found only in quiet moments. Moments when his shield, breast plate and sword clamor against the hardwood floor after saving lives time and time again. 
When you wake up to him staring at you, caressing your cheeks. A gentle wake up call because he needs a kiss. A temporary reprieve from his nightmares. The demons that haunt him day in and day out.
When he comes home early from every single mission. Just to get back to where his heart is. 
His love is woven into your satin pillow cases, that hold his triumphs with students, his frustration from work, his regrets. 
His love is painted on walls of your apartment. The walls that could barely contain his grief. Wails loud enough to shift earth’s tectonic plates. That heard him scream in your arms. For months. All because he lost his first love at his own hands. 
His love glows under the moonlight. When he is buried deep inside you. Rambling about giving you a son first, then a daughter. Because he has to teach his boy to be strong. Strong enough to keep up with him. Strong enough to watch the world burn for his sister if it has to. 
Satoru Gojo is not soft, but he loves you softly. 
Another tear glides down his porcelain skin. Somewhat ashamed that he can’t swipe it way with his hands full of you, he flashes a lopsided smile. It makes his otherwise ethereal coalescence of features so boyish. Tangible. 
Satoru presses a salty kiss against your lips. And it’s the sweetest he’s ever tasted. Pulling away briefly, to affirm you in a way that only he can.
“Infinity, baby?”
“Infinity, baby.”
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splatanastamprr · 27 days
Been thinking about this a while so as the Shattering Spirits are being rolled back soon here are my thoughts on the Sky Economy. a VERY long post.
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Event Spacing (1)
I joined right after Season of Prophecy ended, Season of Dreams was to start in about 3~ weeks? not sure since it was a long while ago.
Later seasons I notice rather than getting up to a month of season downtime, we now get as little as less than a week to break between seasons. Season gaps became slim. Hardly time for off season daily candle quests that make racking up normal candles easier.
On top of this, “Days Of —“ Events became more and more prominent, being mashed on top of Travelling spirits and new off season cosmetics that cost white candles. There’s no room to breathe, its almost a punishment to players who’ve taken breaks from the game after burning out from having to candle run consistently just for new items. Cosmetics that they miss out on get price hikes from their original value in reruns with the new ticket system. It’s a cycle of fomo and it’s what’s killing the playerbase in the first place.
The lack of spacing seems pretentious in a way, since nearly with every update, a new game breaking bug is rolled out, makes it feel ironic since season down gaps have been cut for seemingly no reason.
Ticketing (2)
A while ago TGC added the ticket system denoting inflation in the sky economy, it was made to remedy the fact people can’t keep affording everything with candles.
Yes it did help somewhat, as the tickets are very easy to collect, but with 3 new ftp cosmetics that are bought with these tickets and some things costing up to a weeks worth of tickets it’s easy to have to skip these items because some people just don’t want to do more daily searching on top of the already daily quests from the questgiver.
Returning items not only are insanely expensive but additionally do not equate the energy spent grinding in their original release (The Days of Sunlight towels from last year have no right being that expensive whatsoever.)
Candles (3)
Early 2021, around March the Daily Light “Chevron” was rolled out as a way to farm light without feeling the pressure to grind insanely hard daily (since very many people were asking for a way to get candles more leisurely, since candle running was very time consuming)
It became redundant as the prices for candle items was driven up very far. Not to be so “back in my day” but genuinely the need to candle run extensively in the way we do now wasn’t as big as it is now.
This is funny. Because now I see people asking for the same thing. A faster, less grindy way to candle run.
the first in game event I participated in was the first Days of Bloom, the cherry blossom cape was 70 candles (which to me was VERY expensive at the time). The following year’s wisteria cape cost 105, then the next tulip cape cost 110. The first price driveup was already kind of nuts to me (is the cape really worth a 35 candle mark up to the first one?) It’s hard to even prepare with the aforementioned small event gaps, it’s punishing to newer players and players who’ve skipped events out of burnout without any time to prepare for candles unless you pay real money to get candles quickly.
Assuming an average person clears their chevrons daily (15-17 candles) and heart trades with their friends (-3 for every person traded with) it’s hard to afford everything that comes your way. Travelling spirit prices are near doubling what they used to, items now costing over 100 candles with the inclusion of the batshit expensive nesting shop it really burns people out knowing you can’t afford everything you want in a game you already grind daily in. It’s demanding.
IAP items (4)
Do I even have to talk about this. The Sunlight Chunky sandals cost more than you can buy actual sandals. Why are in game cosmetics costing up to $25 USD. Huh. I could buy a whole meal for that.
Cute little items cost only a dollar before but now they’re like $3 and its kind of bonkers to me. I have to pay $3 whole dollars for a tiny jellyfish on my shoulder. is this not crazy. im not crazy right? dont wanna get deep into this but jesus my wallet
So why do I care so much? (5)
Sky is a game I hold near and dear to my heart. But I notice people including myself have stopped playing for the same, very painful reason. The fact that Sky is very buggy with little to no compensation to players as well as the Economy being so. So very bad. as well as the shithole that was shattering (the hype for that season was so crazy because yay lore!!! no actually Fuck you crab stunlock 100000)
I know people will be “Well you don’t HAVE to buy — item”, but the game’s userbase is driven completely on grinding for new cosmetics. The active playerbase is driven on just candlerunning. The lore is interesting but there’s hardly anything in game to go off of, there’s little to no curiosity for what the game is and it’s story because it gets more and more arbitrary as TGC refuses to talk about it in game. (Jenova Chen saying that games are not an effective storytelling format really pisses me off sorry)
The cycle of fomo that is essentially required to keep the playerbase going just makes me feel like this game is made on popsicle sticks and prayers (thanks aspen for this line). I can’t find myself to love sky in the same way I used to as a moth.
anyways this is really messy. Sorry. but like damn this is kind of a sad thing to me. made this post because a rant on yt got misogynistic in the middle out of nowhere so i wanted to give my own take minus the misogyny
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
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MDNI 18+ BLOG -> ageless blogs and minors WILL BE BLOCKED
pairing ✭ bf!jongho x f!reader
synopsis ✭ when you come home from a less-than-perfect day, your boyfriend is nowhere to be found, but you don't want to call him and ask him to come home while he's out with friends. even though he'd drop everything if he knew you were struggling.
content/genre ✭ smut 18+ MDNI, established relationship, non-idol!au, hurt to comfort, slightly angsty, relatively fluffy (certainly the fluffiest thing i've ever written here)
word count ✭ 2.5k
note ✭ so this was something i really needed to write for myself, i think. for those who don't know (which is all of you lol) i have adhd. where i see it the most in my own life is chronic procrastination. it's something i've had to learn to cope with a lot throughout my life. a lot of times, when i feel the need to avoid feeling the stress of my personal life, i'll scroll on instagram or tumblr forever. which then leads to a heaping ton of guilt in the following hours as i try to make up for lost time. it's a wonderful cycle.
anyway, this is to say, that coping alone can be incredibly difficult. don't get me wrong, i have a handful of wonderful friends (who go to school across the country) and an angel of a therapist, but i often romanticize having someone there to help drag me out of those hopeless cycles. and not because i think i need someone to do it for me, but having that person is a really comforting thought. and, today, that is jongho i guess 😀
that being said, this mc doesn't necessarily have adhd, but they are certainly experiencing something that i experience very frequently as a byproduct of it.
like, is this smut? yeah, but im allowed to be emotional 😗
warnings ✭ mc is stressed af, protected sex, really soft sex (they're in love 😤)
It was a terrible day. One of the worst you’d had in a while. Nothing seemed to be going your way. You’d ripped your favorite pair of tights this morning when getting ready in a hurry after waking up super late. You’d locked yourself out of the apartment. The seven dollar coffee you’d bought for yourself to cope with aforementioned events had spilt all over your desk, ruining the book you had just received as a gift from a coworker. And, to top it all off, your boss had demanded you to stay late to finish what was supposed to be his job.
So when you finally made it back to your apartment, after waiting in the lobby forever waiting for your landlord to let you in, you wanted nothing more than to collapse on the couch with your boyfriend and fall asleep in his arms. 
You were plagued with fatigue as you slipped out of your work shoes and made your way through the kitchen and into the living room, not finding him anywhere. The bedroom the two of you shared was also completely vacant. Nothing had changed since you’d left this morning. He hadn’t been home all day.
Maybe he’s just working late, you thought, slightly defeated knowing you’d have to wait for him, not knowing how long it would take. 
Trying to take your mind off of it, you scrolled on your phone for a completely indiscernible amount of time, feeling completely defeated with the day you’d had. Moving in with Jongho months ago has been an incredibly helpful step for you. Before the two of you had lived together, you were a master of procrastinating your own feelings. Constantly letting yourself rot away in your bed and letting the day pass you by. Only to be plagued by that crushing guilt that came with letting a day go by unproductively. Living with Jongho had given you someone to hold you accountable. To pull you out of bed because sometimes it was impossible to do it on your own.
But on nights like these, where your boyfriend was nowhere to be found, which was not a common occurrence, you felt yourself slipping back into the endless cycle of losing yourself in your phone for countless hours. 
Hours passed and the sun was almost completely down before you received a text from your boyfriend.
| jongho 🐻🤎: hey love, sorry i had to stay late for work today. i’m gonna go get some drinks with my coworkers.
| jongho 🐻🤎: that ok?
God, you felt so helpless. How horrible and controlling of a partner would you be to tell him ‘no?’ Did he ask? Yes, but you desperately didn’t want to be the girl who always needed to be by her boyfriend’s side. Telling him he couldn’t go out with his friends would make you feel like such a nuisance. You stared at the screen for a good two minutes, biting your thumb, trying to think of how to respond.
| jongho 🐻🤎: y/n? 
| jongho 🐻🤎: i can see you read the message. is everything alright?
Before you could even draft a response, his name flashed across the screen. Taking a deep breath, you slid your thumb across the screen, answering the call.
“Hi,” you picked up.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You could hear some of his coworkers in the background. He must already be at the bar. 
You held in a sigh, “Nothing, I’m alright. Why?”
“Y/n, you read and didn’t respond to my message. Like you were overthinking a response."
You didn’t say anything. Overthinking yet another response.
“Love, I don’t even want to be here that badly. If you need me to come home, I will. But you’ve gotta tell me.” He was being so patient with you. So much more patient than you thought you deserved, though he would certainly disagree with that.
You took a deep breath, nearing tears, “I–” this was so incredibly hard, “Can you please come home? I didn’t really have a great day.”
“Of course, I’ll be there in about thirty minutes. Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
“No, it’s alright. I just need to see you.”
“Ok, just hang in there alright. Why don’t you hop in the shower, and we can watch a movie when I get back. I’ll pick up some takeout on my way, too.”
When you hang up, you force yourself to get out of bed and get in the shower. It’s so rewarding and feels so relaxing that you can’t imagine why you ever couldn’t get out of the bed in the first place. But, of course, you say that every time. 
By the time you had gotten out of the shower and dried your hair, Jongho had made it home with the takeout he’d promised in hand. 
When you left your bedroom, you saw him sitting on the floor in your living room. He’d lit a candle on the coffee table and set the food down with it. You could tell he’d changed out of his work clothes into a hoodie and basketball shorts, mirroring your almost identical outfit. He didn’t notice you at first. He was chatting to someone on the phone, seemingly a friendly conversation, and not one you wanted to interrupt. When he saw you, though, you heard him say goodbye to whoever was on the line. 
Throwing his phone down on the couch, he got up from the floor and met you at the door of your bedroom. Pulling you into a big hug, he placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“No pressure, but, if you wanna talk about your day, we can.”
You shook your head, “Not really. I just wanna eat, I think.”
The two of you ate, sitting in comfortable silence on the floor in your living room. You noticed as you took in the scene around you, that Jongho had turned off all the overhead lights in the room. Leaving only the candlelight and the string lights around the ceiling to illuminate the room. There was something about warm lighting that made everything feel so much more cozy and comfortable. 
Your boyfriend wasn’t the most physically affectionate individual, but he never failed to make you feel loved. He always noticed the small things. He was hyper aware of your emotions in the least patronizing way possible. It was little moments like bringing home food for you and turning the cool-toned overhead lights off that reminded you that this man knew you better than anyone.
And that wasn’t something that happened overnight. He tried harder than anyone you’d ever met to know you. Your likes, dislikes, discomforts, phobias, and even your little habits. He knew it all. What he knew most is that you desired so bad to have someone to pull you out of your slump. Which is why he had come home early.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t stay out with your friends,” you whispered, staying focused on the food in front of you.
“I didn’t come home because I felt any obligation to. It’s not that I couldn’t stay out with my friends. It’s that you needed me here at home, and I wanted to come home and comfort you.” He ran a hand over your hair as he finished up his own food. 
That was another thing you loved about him. He wasn’t saying this because he wanted to make you feel better. He wanted you to know that you were not alone. That you were free to feel your feelings, and he’d always be right beside you to comfort you through them.
“Thank you,” you looked up at him, “I love you, you know that, right?”
“How could I ever forget? I love you, too, y/n.”
After the food was gone and the coffee table was cleared, Jongho had put on a movie laid down on the couch, holding out his arms for you. When you finally sat between his legs and leaned into his chest, he pulled a quilted blanket over the two of you, wrapping his arms around you.
You paid very little mind to the movie playing on the TV. Instead you were focused on the rhythm of his breathing, the steady beating of his heart, and the minor movements his chest would make when he let out a soft laugh whatever he was watching.
He played with your hair, running his fingers through the strands, softly brushing his fingers over your neck with each pass. This position couldn’t have been more comfortable. Being with the man you loved as he comforted you in the way he knew best with absolutely no complaint was more than you could’ve ever dreamed of.
Jongho would claim that it was the bare minimum, but you always felt the need to let him know how much he really amazed you. 
When you reached your hand up to his cheek to brush your thumb over the skin, he looked down at you, completely forgetting about the movie playing. He grabbed your hand from his cheek and kissed your fingers, your palm, the back of your hand, the inside of your wrist.
Pulling yourself up to his face, you kissed him as softly as he’d done to your hand. Everything was so soft. From the way he kissed you to the way he caressed the skin under your hoodie right above the waistband of your shorts. From the hand you had in his hair to the way he lifted you to sit more comfortably in his lap.
He kissed your neck just as softly. You sighed contently. Fully basking in the way he took care of you. His movie was fully disregarded at this point as he gripped the bottom of your shirt.
Looking into your eyes he asked, “can I take care of you, love?” You nodded, helping him lift the sweatshirt over your head. 
Before you could even comprehend the nakedness of your chest, he lifted you into his arms and carried you to your shared bed. Laying you on your back. Your bare skin taking immense comfort in the softness of your sheet. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw his pants off to the side.
He immediately went back to kissing you. Hands moving from your cheeks, down your neck. His thumbs caressed your collarbone as his lips brushed the crook of your neck and then your shoulder. You shuddered when one of his hands took your breast. His lips met the other one, causing you to let out a breathy moan and weave your fingers through his dark hair.
He continued to kiss and touch every inch of your torso. When he got to your waistband, he left a small kiss under your belly button. His big brown eyes meeting your own as he pulled your shorts and underwear off together. Tossing them to the side of the bed. 
Lifting one of your legs onto his shoulder, he kissed your inner thigh, still meeting your eyes. The eye contact wasn’t broken until his thumb met your clit. Brushing over it slightly, making you toss your head back into the pillows under you. His mouth replaced his thumb, slowly teasing you. 
With his free hand, he took your own hand, the one that wasn’t gripping his hair, and threaded his fingers through yours. Thumb brushing over the back of your hand.
He felt so good. His tongue working so hard to make you feel pleasure. Everything was so gentle, but felt so euphoric. His fingers pumping in and out of you as he sucked on your clit. You felt like you could’ve floated away with the way he caressed your hand and your thigh. It wasn’t long before you were washed with a wave of pleasure. Everything was hot. You felt it rush through you from your ears down to your cunt. He kissed your thigh one more time after you came, fingers pushing you through the finale of your orgasm. 
Your breathing was ragged when he made it back up to your face, kissing you tenderly. Reaching a hand beneath the pillow under your head. He pulled out a condom. Before he could open it, you plucked it out of his hands, tearing it open as he stripped himself of his own underwear before you rolled the rubber onto his length. He groaned at the touch.
“You ready?” He asked, grabbing your arm and kissing your wrist.
You nodded, smiling, “yes. please, baby.”
When he pushed into you, you gasped and threw your head back again. He kissed your neck and shoulder, slowly thrusting into you. On most occasions, you’d beg him to go faster, but his subdued nature in this moment was so incredibly comforting. His thumb massaged your clit.
He kissed you deeply as he thrust into you. Completely overtaking your lips with his own. His kisses were so full of passion that your head spun. His adoration for you was so evident from the way he looked into your eyes when he stopped kissing you. Your foreheads pressed together, separated only by a thin layer of sweat. 
“I love you so much, y/n,” he says, just above a whisper. So close that you can feel his breath tickle your lips when he says it.
You moan softly, feeling yourself reach a second high, “I love you, too.”
It’s only a matter of minutes before you reach your orgasm. You grip his shoulders tight as he coaxes you through your climax. Walls fluttering around him as he finishes inside the condom. 
He kisses your lips once more before pulling out. He pushes himself off the bed to throw it away. When he comes back, he slides back into bed with you. Breath still slightly ragged. 
You laid on his chest, listening to his heart beat once more.
Running a hand over his stomach, you said, “Thanks for coming home early today.”
“Of course, love. You know I’d drop anything to come home to you if you were struggling.”
“I just feel like such a nuisance asking for you to come home,” you groaned.
He ran a hand over your hair, “I will never ever see you asking for help as a nuisance. Sometimes you just need a little push. Or sometimes you just need to lay in someone’s arms. I will always be there to do that for you. No matter the circumstance, ok?”
You wanted to protest, tell him he was too much, too good to you, but he kept going, “I trust you. I know that when you ask me to come home, it’s not because you're insecure or controlling. It’s because you need help, and I want you to always feel comfortable asking for it.”
He’d left you just a little bit speechless. All you could respond with was a gentle kiss on his lips.
For him, though, that was more than enough.
note ✭ ok this shit got really personal 💀 but i did really enjoy writing it. it's not often that i write a whole oneshot in one sitting but i did today (other than my minor break to eat dinner).
also, i was actually between writing this for vernon or jongho because i felt like they both kinda fit the vibe (sorry if the knowledge that this could have been a hansol fic makes anyone sad), but maybe i'll write something similar for him next time i'm feeling it
again, i hope you enjoyed this! thank you so much for reading 💗
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princessvelaryon · 23 days
I’ll Wait For You, and I’ll Burn - Preview
Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader (Jace’s sister)
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Synopsis: You are at attempting to enjoy your engagement party to Gwayne Hightower, your boyfriend of 6 months. Half of the guests are shocked to see the arrival of your brother’s best friend and most importantly, your ex, Cregan Stark. Although nervous to see him after your break-up two years ago, you cannot resist him when he asks to steal a dance and to talk to you, for one last time.
Themes: Angst, fluff, smut, flashbacks, non-linear story, childhood friends to lovers, childhood sweethearts, high school sweethearts, break-ups, ex’s, slight family drama
“You’ve never been a big drinker, Love. You never were able to hold your liquor well. You couldn’t help but smile at the memories of you, Cregan and your friends all sneaking liquor in high school. Cregan, being a Stark, always had the highest tolerance. You tried to keep up with him but every time, it would end up with Cregan carrying you home bridal style in his strong arms.
“Matter of fact, you never drink this much unless you’re nervous or upset. Or a bit of both.” He leaned a little closer to you to whisper, “You know how I know? Because you were never nervous around me. Expect maybe the first time we—“
“Cregan…” You warned halfheartedly. Part of you, the part you were trying do desperately to ignore, was wishing for him to continue his sweet sentiments. “Besides my low tolerance, you know exactly why I don’t drink a lot.”
The smile dropped from his face and his grey eyes swirled with sympathy and regret. “I know…and I’m sorry.”
You looked away from his piercing eyes, at a loss for words yet again. The silence was uncomfortable and you were hit with a wave of nostalgia for a time when you could simply exist with Cregan in periods of comfortable silence, completely at peace with one another’s presence.”
“What do you think your fiancée would do if I kissed you right now?”
You tried to fight your smile but it appeared on your face for a split second before you got a hold of yourself and put your stone mask back on. Cregan still caught it, of course. He always noticed every little detail about you. He still knew you better than anyone, better than you knew yourself.
“You wouldn’t dare. I’m a married woman.”
He looked down at you with a soft smile on his face and mischief sparkling in those grey eyes you still could drown in like the sea after a storm.
“Not yet.”
You lifted your hand from his shoulder to hold it right in front of his eyeline. The warm lights in the room hit the large diamond just right, causing it to sparkle, making it impossible to ignore.
Cregan narrowed his eyes at your ring, all signs of mirth disappearing from them entirely. He took your hand to pull it closer to his face, examining the diamond. You tried to ignore your heart skipping a beat at his large fingers tenderly holding your finger, as he had done many times in the past. “Since when do you like pear shaped diamonds?”
You looked down, unable to bear his eyes boring into yours any longer. “I don’t. Gwayne does.”
Cregan scoffed. “I bet he does.” You looked back up at him only to be met with another smirk.
“What?” You couldn’t help the irritation burning in your chest, about to bubble over.
“Youre marrying a man who doesnt rven know what kind of jewelry you like? That’s very amateur hour of him love. That is practically romance 101. I learned what kind of jewelry you liked by the time i was 16 years old. Don’t you remember? I bought you that promise ring with your house colors for your birthday.”
You could feel the familiar feel of tears beginning to sting the back of your eyes. “Of course I remember.”
“Do you know why i picked that ring out for you? Because i listened to what you said. You found rhat ring at the mall and its all you could talk about for weeks. I cant imagine you chose your engagement ring with less thought.”
You try to stuff down the nosgalgia at the memory of the best birthday you have ever had. You tried to remain strong but you were faltering. Cregan could tell. He could always read you better than you could read yourself.
“Your point is?”
“He doesn’t listen to you”
“Oh and you did?”
Any hint of mischief was gone from his face, replaced with a serious expression.
“I let you pick out your own engagement ring. I had it custom made for you, exactly the way you wanted it. I’m surprised your Southern man couldn’t extend the same chivalric courtesy for his future wife. The ring she is supposed to wear until her dying day.”
“Not everyone has your Northern honor, Cregan.”
“You do”
“I’m not a Northerner anymore. Old Town is my home now. It’s been my home for the past two years now.”
Melanchony returned to those grey eyes you love so much. “You remember those birds we always used to compare ourselves to? The greylag geese?”
Melanchony returned to those grey eyes you love so much. “You remember those birds we always used to be obsessed with when we were children? When we got older, we would compare ourselves to them? The greylag geese?”
You knew exactly where he was going with this. “You know I remember.”
He continued, “If you kill a grown one hunting, you must wait for its mate to return to mercy kill them. Otherwise, they will grieve themselves to death.”
He joined your hands together as he had done countless times before.
“We are mated for life, you and I.”
Author’s Note: So this is a snippet of a much longer fic I’m planning on posting later this week, I just have to organize all my jumbled ideas, smooth out the dialogue and of course, figure out the family situation because of all the damn inbreeding. This is a modern story and I want to include all our favorite characters but since every Targaryen and Velaryon is a double cousin, I have to figure some things out. Like I need to find a way to incorporate dad Harwin and stepdad Daemon while also having Jace x Baela and Luke x Rhaena. I have to make a damn chart to make sure I don’t make anyone accidentally related.
Trust me, this is not my best writing for the fic but it is the snippet of writing with the least amount of spoilers in it so I wanted to post it for my Jace & Cregan girls and to see if people want to see more because I’m doubting myself. The way I write, I picture it like a movie in my head but the problem is that I need my writing to match what I see in my head and there is a bit of a disconnect sometimes.
I saw @benjinotes and @eldrith talk earlier about how they wanted Jace/Cregan/Benji chasing after their ex so it motivated me to finally work on this again.
HUGE thank you to @cregansdingdong for reading this for me the other day and encouraging me.
I also promised this fic to @cregansfourthwife. I couldn’t have done this without @entitled-fangirl and @jacaerysgf
I promise I’ll tag all the other Cregan and Jace wives when I post the full thing!
The fic was originally supposed to be a Benjicot x Reader because if anyone would crash their ex’s engagement party or wedding, it would be Benjicot. I even thought about it being Jace but I landed on Cregan and I think you guys will see why when I post the full story. I hope I didn’t write Cregan OOC because I’m used to writing for Jace. I think I might write different version of this story for Jace and Benjicot as well.
The full fill will be a very long one-shot, probably around 15K words, and it will be a non-linear story with a few flashbacks and a lot of memories and nostalgia. Fluff, smut and a whole lot of angst.
I will list more themes and warnings in the full fic but they would be a bit of a spoiler for the snippet.
Inspired by the songs: Lover, You Should’ve Come Over - Jeff Buckey, I’ll Be There - Jackson 5, These Eyes - The Guess Who, Down By The Water - The Drums
Inspired by the films & shows: Kill Bill, The Notebook, Sweet Home Alabama, Outlander, The Vamprie Diaries, Gilmore Girls
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bad268 · 1 month
Aftermath Affair Pt. 4
(Oscar Pisatri X Reader + Ex! Lando Norris X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 1
Requested: Nope, happy 5 years!
Warnings: Airing dirty laundry lol, that's about it. Based on the song from Hamilton (not Lewis)
POV: Second Person (You/your/They/them)
W.C. 1710
Chapter Summary: Y/n L/n posted a new video, and everyone's hearts stop.
As always, my requests are OPEN
<-Part 3
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~~(^Both from Pinterest)
You moved in with Oscar that night. All you took were your clothes. Everything that Lando bought you now burned you, and you couldn’t give a fuck less about what he bought you. You wanted nothing to do with anything related to Lando. He reached out once, asking where you were. All you said was, “Ask Ava.” He understood then. At least, you assumed he did because you blocked his number and every social media account he had before he could respond. 
You heard from Oscar that Lando was a wreck. You laughed it off because he did this to himself.
Your subscribers noticed the change. Your personal channel content changed from video games to vlogs. You were going out and doing things, in London they learned, and they loved to see it. You still played games, but fewer racing games and more random games you always wanted to play. Your subscribers also noticed how happy you were. They were convinced you and Lando got engaged.
Little did they know, you were falling for a different man.
Your subscribers were thrown for a loop when your shared channel with Lando was deleted. You decided it was time to delete it. They bombarded your socials almost immediately, asking what’s going on. They tried to see if it was rebranded or saved anywhere, but it seemed like your entire relationship was ripped from the internet. Your Instagram was void of Lando, your channel no longer had videos with him, and you didn’t follow him anywhere anymore. They didn’t even notice until then.
Y/n L/n just posted!
“A Letter to Lando”
“By now, you will have all seen that the shared channel is gone,” You opened the video. You were sitting in your new recording room. It was more open than your last one, more bright. You had a large window that brought in a lot of natural light, and it was more your style. The last one was just Lando’s recording room that you borrowed, so you couldn’t change it. When you moved in, Oscar told you to make this space yours in any way you wanted. It took a while, but you felt at home for once. “I deleted our shared channel because I am erasing myself from this narrative.“
“I’ve filmed this video at least three times at this point,” You took a breath as you felt tears well up in your eyes again. It’s hard to talk about what happened. Not only the way in which you found out about the cheating but also how you reacted. It was one of the darkest times in your life, and it took a lot to come back from. “I’m sorry, but it’s been a struggle trying to find the words to share this. As many of you have seen on Lando’s Instagram, Lando and I are no longer together.”
Oscar still had to follow Lando on Instagram for team purposes, and that’s how you saw that he posted a hard launch with Ava. 
You still did not know how you wanted to tell everyone what happened. You looked off at the wall. Your viewers couldn’t see it, but there was a picture of you and Oscar from a few months ago. You went out to celebrate 1.5 million subscribers. Oscar insisted, saying it was a huge milestone, and you didn’t want to make it a big deal. He insisted and dragged you out of the apartment. The picture was taken right after you accidentally knocked ice cream onto his nose. Lando wouldn’t even celebrate 1 million with you. Remembering the happiness with Oscar made you smile.
“Clearly, we’re not together anymore,” You sighed as your smile faded. “I’m not going into details, but I hope they’re happy. My friends always said he would do what it took to survive, and they were right. I was blinded by his words and his actions. That’s on me.”
“You talked about how long you have been in love with her, and how you didn’t believe in true love until you met each other,” You let out a breath as you thought of your next words carefully. “You told the world how you brought this girl into our bed, and in explaining your love story, you have ruined our lives. Do you know what my friends said? They called you an Icarus! That’s how my friends reacted, so I’ve decided that I’ll let you wonder how I reacted when you broke my heart, when you tore us apart.”
“I kept every letter you ever wrote to me,” You chuckled lightly as you pulled out a few pieces of paper. “The letter you first asked me out with because you were too scared to ask me face to face, the letter you wrote when we hit each milestone, random letters where you just professed your love, and letters that I would have cherished forever. I also kept the letter I wrote to you when I found out. I thought about reading a few lines out,” You insinuated by opening one of the letters before pulling out a lighter. You had already opened the window and had a bucket of water by your feet, and Oscar was standing outside with a fire extinguisher just in case. You chuckled lightly as you skimmed the loving words that had now turned sour in your eyes. At that moment, you decided you wanted to watch it burn. “I’ll let you all wonder how I reacted when he broke my heart.”
Your soft smile as you read slowly turned to a scowl before you lit the corner of the paper and looked directly into the camera. “Lando, you don’t deserve to see how I reacted. You don’t deserve anything from me. The world has no place in our bed, and they don’t get to know what I said. I am burning the memories, the letters that might have redeemed you. Lando, you can sleep in your office with only the memories of when you were mine.”
You lit all of Lando’s letters one by one before dropping them in the bucket once they were destroyed. Then you grabbed your letter to Lando. You skimmed through the multiple pages of it, remembering the feelings before lighting the corner. “You didn’t give me the decency to tell me yourself. I had to learn of your affair from your friend, so you forfeit the rights to my heart. You forfeit the place in our bed. I hope you’re happy with yourself, Lando.”
You threw the last letter into the bucket and gazed at the camera. Finally, you felt at peace.
“One last note to Lando Norris,” You paused, allowing a small smile to envelop your features, “I hope you burn.”
The reactions were almost instant. You sat on the couch curled up against Oscar’s body, rewatching Sex Education. It was one of your favorite shows, but Lando hated it, so you never got to watch it. Oscar binged it once, so he was always down to rewatch it with you. You heard your phone going off, so you pulled it out of your pocket to check it. However, Oscar immediately took it out of your hand and powered it off. 
“Hey, what’s that for?” You chuckled as he moved your phone away from you. “I was gonna check that.”
“Shhh, the show is playing,” He whispered as he leaned toward your ear before turning his attention back to the show. 
“You’re insufferable,” You laughed as you turned your attention back to the screen. It didn’t hold your attention long as you looked back over to Oscar. You were leaning against his chest with your arms wrapped around his waist, so you were looking up at him. He had an arm around your shoulder while the other rested against your thigh that was lying over his lap. You got lost in your thoughts.
Oscar was everything to you. You felt more free whenever you were with him. At first, he gave you the space to refind yourself. He even supported you throughout the journey. Any game you wanted, he bought. Any new hobby, he tried it with you, so you wouldn’t feel alone. He never pushed you to do anything, but he did support you in everything you wanted to try. 
You never felt this supported with Lando. Looking back, he was toxic. He only wanted to play racing games or stupid games. You wanted to try other things, and he would be condescending. He always pushed you to fit the cookie cutter mold that other racing drivers’ girlfriends fit, but that was never going to be you. Oscar encouraged the change because staying in the same thing for too long can burn you out. It was true.
At some point of your staring, Oscar looked down at you with a smile. It wasn’t until he left a kiss on your forehead that you noticed.
When you first moved in, Oscar was very respectful in giving you your space to heal. He made sure to give you multiple spaces where you could retreat to including your own room and recording room. As the time moved on, you slowly migrated into his room for movie nights and late-night binges, and it eventually became you two staying in the same bed all night. Oscar never pushed you away. He wanted you to know that he was there for you whenever you were ready, and he was willing to wait as long as he needed for you. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” He said with a quiet tone, not wanting to disturb the peace.
“I think I’m ready,” You replied in the same tone. You moved to sit up a little more before grabbing Oscar’s hand, “I’m ready to give us a chance.”
“Really?” Oscar asked as he started getting excited before calming back down, “Wait, I don’t want to rush you if you aren’t ready.”
“That’s exactly why I’m ready,” You laughed as you leaned back into him. “You gave me the space to become comfortable again. Oscar, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this comfortable and free with someone in my life! You have been everything but pushy, and I’m ready to try us.”
~~~ Part 5 ->
Tags- @barcelonaloverf1life
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mjr-acourtofdreams · 3 months
Didn't Love Me. I Ain't No Fool.
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Azriel x Y/N
warnings: angst...? I don't know if there is anything else?
summary: you meet Feyre at the paint studio you two clicked right away and became good friends, soon enough you got to meet the rest of the IC and started forming friendships with them. Azriel and you had a spark at the beginning or at least you thought you did... you two started seeing each other shortly after, keeping each other company in the deep hours of the night and telling each other the darkest parts of each other, he said he loved you but oh how things couldn't have been anymore different...
Winter Solstice a time where we gather with our family and friends to exchange gifts, drink and visit with each other it is a wonderful time of the year, it has always been my favorite time of the year... been.
Everyone has made their way back to their rooms for the night dinner went well lots of laughs and stories told. I am not exactly part of the inner circle but after becoming great friends with Feyre she invited me to a family dinner one time and the rest is history, these people are like my family now. I picked up my glass and took the last sallow. I was the last one in the living room making my way back to my room, I changed into some comfortable night clothes and was about ready to rest for the night when I remembered I forgot some gifts that I didn't put under the tree.
Making down the hallway with the arm full of gifts I stopped dead in my tracks has I heard hush talking coming from bottom of the stairs slowly making my way the top of the stairs I peeked down staircase my whole body teased, there standing was Azriel and Elain. They were so close oh so close to each bout ready to kiss, I can smell the arousal from here it was too much I took a step back feeling a hard body behind me glancing form the corner of my eye I seen Rhys then I felt him trying to get past my mental shields I drop them "go to you room y/n." I gave him a small nod and sped walked to my room and locked the door behind me.
I shouldn't be upset about what had happened I have seen the way he looked at Elain and how he started to get closer to her and seeing me less and less. We were never really an official thing I mean we talked a lot and we slept together, and I would be crazy not to say it wasn't the best sex I had in a while but with all of the bonding that we had and a strong friendship even if was with benefits I would be lying if I said I didn't form feelings for the shadow singer. The deal was sold one night after he snuck into my room after a mission, and we spent the night together we didn't just have sex we made love and after we cuddle close to each other before he drifted off to sleep, he told me he loved me I believed him. What a fool I was to let him break those walls of mine to let me fall for him, I know better now.
I stood in front of the mirror looking at the work I put into this outfit a smiling being bought on my face. I wore a black gown that had sparkles all the way through it that looked like starlight, with slits coming up both legs and stopping at my hips, the back was open while the straps gently wrapped around my neck with a soft chain then it drops down to a plugging neck line, my eyes were done with a smokey look and my hair was pinned off to one side and my natural waves danced across my back. Tonight, everyone is going out to Rita's it seems like it's been forever since I see them all together it will be nice to catch up with them all and with the news a heard from Feyre a couple weeks ago, she told me that Azriel and Elaine made it official to everyone. Since that night I caught them in the hall I decided to completely stop going over there and seeing them other than Feyre but that is going to change because I miss the friendships, I formed those amazing people and it look those weeks or months to build myself back up from the heart break if that was even worth calling what Azriel and I had it was just one siding but now since back to a better self and not going to go crawling back to a man that clearing never really truly wanted me, he is going to truly see what he is missing.
Short time passed and stood in front of the packed bar the music and laughter poured out to the empty streets taking a deep breath I made my way to the door. It didn't take me long to spot the whole inner circle in the booth they always sit at while here, looking them all over before I make my way to them, I seen Aziel and Elaine sitting to close together there wasn't room to even breath through and he had his arm flung around her shoulders she was resting her head in his side while he smiled down at her fondly I let a small hurt smile flash across my face and shake my head realizing right there that didn't love me and never did.
Azriel POV
Smiling down at Elaine while she leaned into my side I glance back up to where Cassin was going on about the building he destroyed in summer when my eyes landed on and focused on the figure that was making their way over to our table blinking and swallowing hard, I realized that it was y/n straighten up and slide my arm from Elaines side and sit up and looked me with questionable face but I couldn't take my eyes off of y/n as she comes to the table she looked absolutely divine, I haven't seen or heard from her since solstice and I haven't been able to seek her out busy with missions and well Elaine, oh Elaine glancing over to her on my side she was now talking to Mor on the other side of her.
"Hello everyone!" the sweet voice that was sweet has honey now sounds like it has been hardened. Feyre jumped up and pulled y/n into a hug. "I'm so glad you came!" Feyre's smiled beamed at her friend y/n's smile matched hers but there was less sparkle in those beautiful eyes, she slid into the booth right across from me I couldn't take my eyes off of her something felt like it was pulling me towards her even my shadows wanted to leave their master to go to her sides. I cleared my throat it all of a sudden feel dry, to dry. "Hello" she picked up her drink and slowly took a drink and looking down into the glass "How are you?" I tried again to get her attention one of my shadow flew over the tabletop and wrapped around her wrist she glanced up them looking straight into my eyes it felt like she was looking into my soul cutting right through me. "Hello, shadowsinger." there was ice in her voice I felt my body flinch at the coldness in it, this wasn't right I shake my head and looked her back in the eyes "what is going on with you, haven't seen you in weeks, months and you are so cold." I paused and looked her watching her face for any changes she let out a small low chuckle that sounded more like a huff like she hasn't laugh forever then she looked at me the hurt in her eyes were too much to bare to look at then she spoke with no emotion in her voice at all "well, that what happens when love lets you down." she stood from her spot and walked away through the crowded and I felt it then something shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Lads. I have a trial shift at this coffee shop on Monday and I think the weather is still going to be hot but idk if wearing shorts is acceptable at this workplace or not. Further details in tags
#my previous/most recent workplace was pretty relaxed in terms of uniform. you were encouraged to wear shorts or whatever you felt#comfortable in if it was hot. the only necessary uniform items were polo shirt & apron; they didn’t even get on my case if i forgot my name#badge. but this place?? i don’t know#i’ve gone back about a year on their social media and i can only find a few photos in which people are wearing shorts#and they’re ALL men. i see women wearing cutoff linen trousers but i don’t own any of those types of trousers#which makes me wonder if there’s some kind of unofficial standard that’s higher for women. or is it just because women get cold easier?#i DO NOT get cold easily. i can overheat in like. january#plus just general movement is harder for me atm because of my bad knee. i sweat from the exertion of just walking so the less clothes i can#wear in order to mitigate this; the better#i think either my birth control or my painkillers also make me sweat more than usual lol :(#i did see a review stating that they have air conditioning as of a month ago but who knows 1) where it is and 2) if it works#it’s probably just pointed directly at the customers and not behind the counter where i’ll be standing suffering among the equipment#i wish i’d taken the time to notice what was happening when i went in to interview. but it was a cold rainy day so wouldn’t have had much#bearing anyway. if I’M in long pants (and i was that day) you know all is fine#i just don’t know what to dooo. i mean i have long pants i can be relatively cool in but they’re festival pants with ridiculous patterns#on them and they’re also too big for me because i’ve lost weight & apparently gone down to a size 14 (!!) since i bought them#nothing says ‘i will be a great worker’ quite like my green festival pants with pink flowers on them falling down in the middle of the room#i was pondering leggings but when i wear just leggings and not a dress or anything with them i feel all exposed and nasty#even if i Know they’re not see through. i just can’t do it#my shorts are kind of long shorts and i also have ‘smart’ shorts but i don’t have anything like cargo pants or cutoffs or linen trousers#idk. i would message the hiring manager and ask about dress codes during the hot weather but she said it’s her annual leave#so she won’t even be there.. also i think she hates me & the only reason i’m anywhere close to a job offer#is that her lesbian second-in-command saw me wear croissant earrings to the interview and identified me as one of her own#i have no proof of this but i feel it’s true. anyway. i think i’m going to wear khaki green jeggings; bun my hair & try not to die#honestly my hair is usually the number one reason for me overheating lol. like the temptation to shave my head gets stronger every summer#OH MY GOD i just forgot my fucking trump card i cannot believe this!!!! my knee. my injured knee. that i often wear a brace on for pain#relief. see but the thing is; if i wear the brace will they become worried about my pain levels & therefore my ability to do the job?#i don’t wear the brace that much anymore. but if i wore it - INSTANT excuse to wear shorts. hmmmmmmmm#let me know what you think i should do lol. and help me pray for the heatwave to break#personal
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everythingne · 10 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ wing damage, chapter one (mv1)
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Eldest of the Halliwell girls, Y/n (or Nadine) gets her heart broken by the man she’s supposed to wed in six months. Four years of love slipping down the drain faster than she can try and grasp at the remaining water droplets.
But... not all hope is lost as far as the f1 community is concerned and they might be right, since Max seems to be trying to get a little closer to his team owners eldest daughter.
max verstappen x influencer!halliwell!reader / fc: sophia la corte (and various ginger women on pinterest.)
warnings & notes: cheating, mentions of alcohol, small age gap (24-27), strong language, probably inaccurate f1 information, using a name as a placeholder for y/n bc i’m not typing that every time, dates are off by two days in the beginning. deal.
EDIT: I love nadine too much to scrap her story even tho christians a BITCH, so for all intents and purposes in this fic, congrats! a spice girl now owns oracle red bull racing 😭
(part two!)
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“Do you want me to confront him?” Max asks, sitting down next to me in the paddock. His hand comes to squeeze my knee, my father rubbing my back as he deletes every photo—every memory of Jacob Taylor from my phone.
Four years down the drain.
My friends back home at my apartment are currently bagging up his stuff. Both Mona and Ally will move in with me, just like college again, once his stuff is empty. My bare apartment will soon be filled with our old nick nacks but i can hardly be happy about it.
The man who spent 50k on an emerald cut four karat ring with a real gold band, cheated? The man who cried when his mom told him she loved me, cheated? The man who cancelled an entire film set because it conflicted with my schedule, cheated? The man who won over the hearts of not only Geri Horner, but Christian Horner? He was the one who cheated?
Jacob was (strong emphasis on the was) the highest standard I ever held. Now, I didn’t even know what standards to have anymore. Anyone could be a cheater. I never stood a chance.
“It’s fine, Max.” I say softly, wiping at my face again to try and make it look less like I’ve been sobbing since I found out as soon as the plane touched down two days ago. The paddock is buzzing, qualifiers getting ready to start for the first GP. The warm Bahraini sun beats down on the track and I can see the heat wiggling above it. Even in March it’s as hot as summer over here, and part of me misses the gloomy, smoggy streets of London right now.
“It’s not fine!” Max groans at me, throwing his head back in exclamation. I know he’s sick and tired of hearing me say it for the thousandth time, but if I say it’s not fine, I’ll break down. And we can’t have that.
“Max,” GP's voice calls before Max can go on another tirade about killing Jacob. Max turns and I can see the hesitance in him to leave my side. He’s been like this since I met him the first day he raced with Red Bull years back—instantly the two of us clicked. When the days got hard, or his dad got on his back a bit too much, I would appear by his side and with a tiny smile somehow I'd fix everything. After I became his sort of 'chauffeur' when one of our drivers got sick in Abu Dhabi his first year, and we got stuck in an hour of traffic with nothing to do but talk, we became basically glued to each others sides.
I think having my unwavering support made a lot of the transition into Red Bull easier for him. And in moments like these, where he's watching me with a keen eye, I don’t know how I lived so long without his calm presence at my side. I was only a five years old when my Mom bought Red Bull Racing, it’s been my entire life, and every racer who has passed through our team has never stuck to my side like Max Verstappen has.
“Go.” I nudge his knee when I see his hand twitch and hover by his helmet, eyes darting to me and then GP who waits in the doorway, so I supply, “I’ll be here when you get back.”
Max nods, giving me a departing hug before he gets up and starts tugging his racing suit on. Immediately my mother replaces him, turning my head to card his hands through my hair.
“Oh, honey.” Geri coos, squeezing my arms as she lets me lean into her, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong, Mama.” I sigh, leaning into him and letting his wrap his arms tight around me.
“No, I trusted that boy. That’s what I did wrong.” She says back, before handing me back my phone. We sit like that for a long time, people passing us without asking. Everyone knew. I had found out the same way they all did—on social media. Jacob didn’t even have the balls to tell me himself. Fucking coward.
Eventually someone calls my mother away for some celebrity, sp I force myself to sulk off to a hidden corner where I can munch on chocolates and watch Max from a little tv. Not as good as my usual perch next to my Mom, but I don’t need the public seeing me the day I find out my fiancé of several years had been cheating almost the whole time. With his co-star.
Fucking hell.
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liked by maxverstappen, danielricciardo, charlesleclerc, and 124k others...
nadinehalliwell: before and after max won
tagged: bbhalliwell
gerihalliwell: love u lots mini ginger spice!!!!
⤷ nadinehalliwell: mama ill cry </3
charlesleclerc: maman says hello and that she will have wine for you when you come to monaco
⤷ arthurleclec: nadine you are very beautiful do not let a man win -- maman
bbhalliwell: bahrain was NOT ready for the halliwell girls !!
maxverstappen: you and your sister together is recipe for disaster
⤷ danielricciardo: bet they're planning ur downfall.
⤷ nadinehalliwell: beware both of u 🔪
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I knew returning home to my apartment was going to be hard. I had spent a few days with my mom and Bluebell home in Nottingham.
Being in my mothers had been refreshing enough to start and heal my heart. I also learned that my mom was really fucking good at healing, it involved a lot of wine and a lot of cursing.
My apartment in Monaco had been a home full of happy memories of moving in with Jacob, and our time living together everyday I wasn’t at grand prixs and he wasn’t on set. Memories of our families and friends together with us, and now it would be just me.
So empty. Alone. White walls with no decorations anymore. Just staring at me, closing in slowly.
Opening the door I sucked in a breath of pure agony. My mother's warm hand around my shoulder a soft reminder that even if I felt abandoned, I wasn’t alone. Not by a long shot. And as the door clicks open, my hand finds the lights instinctually, and my eyes widen to dinner plates.
“Welcome home!” a chorus cheers and I laugh, all my of old friends circled around the end of the foyers hallway, wine glasses and soju bottles in hand. I can’t even speak as tears fill my eyes and the girls run to me, waving my mother off. She kisses my hairline, tells me she'll text me when she gets home, and shuts the door as my friends cart me into the kitchen and wipe my tears and fix up my messy hair with giggles.
“Tonight!” One of my friends—eventually I source the drunken giggles to Ally, “we will make you so hot and sexy, he will regret it.”
“And if he comes crawling back!” It’s Mona now.
“We will rip his dick off!” Marija shouts and the girls raise shots to me.
“Guys—what is all of this?” I can’t help but laugh, and then the three look at each other and smile.
“So… you’ve heard of a revenge dress, right?” Ally says slowly, and it all clicks.
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liked by maxverstappen, charlesleclerc, christianhorner and 976k others..
nadinehalliwell: ‘little black dress, who you doin it for?’ 🖤
tagged: monanotlisa, allycameragirl, marijaswrld
maxverstappen: Is this that ‘hot girl era’ thing?
⤷ charlesleclerc: i think so.
monanotlisa: absolutely sexy. as per usual.
allycameragirl: FUCKKK UR HOT 🖤🖤
landonorris: one direction???
⤷ nadinehalliwell: ofc you know it’s one direction.
⤷ landonorris: cannot tell if this is a compliment or not but thanks ?
marijaswrld: 🧎‍♀️ < me
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trensu · 1 year
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Thanks to @livenarrator for picking out the fabrics with me AND helping with the very tedious prep work at the start. (I hate ironing SO MUCH).
I bought the pattern off Etsy months and months ago and today I finally finished making it! I am definitely not making another quilt any time soon; I am a very impatient person and much prefer smaller projects that can be done in a month or less. That being said, I did want to show it off a bit because it turned out WAAAAY better than I expected to!
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