#because i don't want them to think that i'm just an annoying picky eater
majesticmagics · 26 days
i am BEGGING restaurants to stop putting cheese and garlic on LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVER
#LITERALLY TWO OF MY WORST FOODS AS AN AUTISTIC PERSON#sob sob#i'm going out for lunch with my family tomorrow#and we're going to this place that my sister suggested#and she's like ''oh yeah the food there is so good''#and the menu is. literally THE most unfriendly to my flavour of 'tism#one time my sister took me to a restaurant on a whim and i was happy to go because i trusted her#but i looked at the menu (after sitting down) and nearly had a panic attack#and no i can't ask for anything to get removed because whenever i do it's like a 50/50 for if it actually gets removed#and then i feel like an asshole asking for them to fix it#because i don't want them to think that i'm just an annoying picky eater#bc i've already asked once#for example this place does a chili but they put cheese on it (there is no menu variant without cheese)#but like previously mentioned cheese is no bueno para mi#like i can sometimes have it but only in very specific circumstances#and cheese on top of chili is NOT it#i love chili though#but if it arrives with cheese then i can't just scoop it off. it's already been Contaminated#one time i ordered fish and chips with garden peas and they gave me mushy peas instead and i can't eat that#so i sent it back and they came back a few seconds later with the majority of the mushy peas scraped off#but it still had the residue all over the fish and the chips#and i can't eat that!!!!!#and then because it was a pub and not a restaurant i had to stand awkwardly at the bar trying to get someone's attention#it was awful#anyway i should make a vent tag#shapes.vent
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lifmera · 3 months
Hello, I don't know if your matchups are open or not, so I'm sorry if I'm bothering-
In case they are open, may I get a matchup for hazbin hotel and genshin impact?
About me: I like being called Angel, I'm around 5'4 tall, I have some parts of my hair dyed in blond, my zodiac sign is cancer, I think my mbti is ENTP..? I'm not sure-
About my personality: I can be really shy and timid when around people I don't know, especially in crowded places. But around my friends I'm way more outgoing and extroverted! I can't stop talking once I begin and I can have a hard time listening to other people talking.
Likes: I'm really happy when someone stops what they're doing to listen to me, or when they just make sure that I know they are paying attention! I also like candies, like, a lot-, and I love to sleep! Even though at night it's always difficult for me to fall asleep, during the day I can sleep whenever or wherever I want lmao. Another thing I like but I never do, is physical touch. Even though I don't touch people a lot, and even avoid it, if someone really close to me, that isn't my family(because I also dislike their touch) asked to hug or cuddle me, I'd love to! :D
Dislikes: I don't like spicy food, and I'm a really picky eater. I hate when someone ignores me, it's honestly quite annoying, especially when they're next to me/online. Hate when someone wakes me up, just let me sleep!!!
Some interests: I looove hazbin hotel, I've been a fan since 2020! I also like to play games like genshin, Minecraft, and most importantly, visual novels!! I love visual novels, especially when they're horror ones! Another thing I like is horror, but not a lot of blood- I prefer more psychological horror, you know?
Some random things: I relate to some characters, some of them are Komi San, Coraline, Runa, Yae Miko, Qiqi, Klee and more! My favorite color is pink, but I like all the colors!! I loove colorful things :D I can get distracted easily, and gather a lot of useless information. So if someone has a random fact, I'm definetly dying to hear it!!
Sorry if it's too long, you can ignore this- thank you if you read this, take care of yourself!! <3
Match ups are always open 🩷
The characters i’ve match you up with are…… VAGGIE & AETHER!
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He definitely doesn’t talk much, and loves to listen to you!
Tell him about your stories, they’d make him happy.
When he first met you, he was more extroverted. This man knows EVERYONE.
He’d take you on adventures with him!!
He’s pretty busy, but he’d definitely make time to talk to you, or if you dont wanna go on adventures with him- he’d always bring a souvenir!
He definitely would love to cuddle after a long day. This man needs a BREAK and you’ll be able to unwind with him. 🩷
He definitely doesn’t sleep often. So he’d stay up with you at night!
He isn’t a picker eater, but he’d make anything you want! This man can make ANYTHING.
Instead of waking you up, he’d probably leave notes for you!
If he’s with you, he wont ignore you. Although hes busy, and he has a lot of friends, he will always make time for you.
I also think he’d prefer psychological horror. Although he fights a lot, he isn’t a fan. I think it would make him squeamish.
He definitely has a bitch ton of random facts to share. He’s always doing something somewhere!!!
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She’s also a pretty shy person at first. She definitely doesn’t talk much.
Once she gets to know you though cus of the hotel!! She’d be really close to you.
She’d love to listen. I think Vaggie doesn’t like to talk much unless she thinks she has something more “important” to say!
I don’t think she’s much of a picky eater either, but she respects it. Not everyone has the same food tastes!
She’s ALWAYS listening. Even if you don’t think so. She’ll ask questions!! Or if you asked her any questions- to make sure she’s listening, she’ll tell you every single detail.
I think Vaggie would dislike horror- but only be cause of her eye. She definitely would agree that she dislikes gore!!
She doesnt really have facts- she tends to be more reserved, and rather listen to you.
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albonoooo · 5 months
got tagged by @wanderingblindly, thank you my beloved <3
what colour are your eyes?: a mixture of blue, green and grey that looks puddle-coloured most of the time.
tell me about your pets/your dream pet: after 15 wonderful years, our family dog paul (i named him that when i was five lol) unfortunately passed away in august 2023, i loved that dog more than most people. (there were some pictures of him here, but i got nervous that someone i know might see this so i removed them lmao). i'd love to get a dog or a cat at some point later in my life, but not now or any time soon.
share some interesting fact about yourself: i'm genuinely incredibly boring, so much so that i had to ask for help to find an answer here. the council decided on the fact that i know how to ride and own a motorcycle and am also a member in an mf in my hometown.
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: i guess the first time i was properly involved with fandom in any capacity was during my teen wolf days.
do you have any phobias?: i don't know if it's bad enough to be considered a phobia, but i'm terrified of heights. there have been several instances of me breaking down crying despite trying to keep it together while being in very high places (usually while having to climb dodgy stairs in very high buildings, among other things).
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! and i hate it because it's so so limiting and annoying. i am incredibly sensitive regarding taste and texture and i have to physically force myself to hold back visceral reactions to foods i don't like. it'd probably be easier to list the foods i can eat tbh.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: first some fries, then burger, fries, burger, fries, finish the burger, finish the fries. anything else is weird (what the fuck do you mean you eat them completely separately, liquid???)
winter or summer: winter all the way. i sweat easily, my body generally doesn't cope well with heat and i prefer bundling up and being a little cold over feeling too warm.
favourite fanfiction tropes: i LOVE a good au, any au really, but especially the cute ones. i'll read almost anything at least once and so there's just too many things i have read and enjoyed to list here. also, anything with an enemies to lovers situation. i am a sucker for that.
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: both! i'm a full-time student (english major, history minor) and i am one of the student assistants in the english department's student office. i've also had other, less fun part-time jobs in the past.
what is the last country you visited: the netherlands and belgium during a day trip (by motorcycle) in june or july last year, i think.
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: i've haven't ever even considered living that long. i've always had a fascination with ireland and scotland, so based on looks and vibes alone i'd go there. or somewhere with solid winters, like a scandinavian country or finland.
who was your first crush?: hannes (played by nick romeo reimann) in the vorstadtkrokodile movies. i was ready for marriage, dreaming up a life together and everything. it also lasted until i was like 12 years old, so about six years in total. he really had me in a chokehold.
how did you get into f1 fandom?: after my interest was peaked by f1 edits that randomly popped up all over my social media one day (thank you algorithms), i did what i always do when something like that happens and opened tumblr to see what's up. and then i got stuck lol.
i have no clue who has or hasn't been tagged already, so feel free to ignore this!! @hrhgeorgerussell @bright-and-burning @borntogayz @lil-italian-disappointment @liamlawsonlesbian @piastrisms
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bisluthq · 11 days
And Taylor also mirrors her partners very clearly, maybe not down to food but yk she does. Sometimes I wonder if she stayed single for a year or two what kind of person she would show to the public and what kind of things she would find out about herself. Without having a partner to match clothing vibes, to impress or adapt to. I think after a while she would find it more liberating than she thinks.
I have never really been in a relationship and I'm so used to live my life, do what I want, go where and when I want to than tbh I can't really imagine myself suddenly having someone to really take into account does that make sense? I'm also quite introverted and prefer to stay home and there's nothing more annoying that people trying to drag you somewhere when you don't want to or make you feel bad cause you don't want to go. And there's something very liberating in having the choice to go out and do things only when you feel like it.
yeah I think it’s something I also need to consider as I said. Re the food like it’s nothing especially dramatic but my first ex was very into like sport and gym and meal prepping and shit so I was into that too and our treat meal was sashimi with beer and I’ve never had that combo since we broke up lol and I’m not sure I even like sashimi that much like it’s not my favorite sushi type and he was very into spicy foods which like as am I so we’d eat a lot of really spicy shit, and then my platonic wife situation was vegetarian leaning to vegan so I was vegetarian leaning to vegan too and really strict about it even though I like meat and fish and frankly am not that fussed about the ethical implications, then my longterm ex was very omnivorous and really liked my cooking so I used to cook a lot and be very adventurous in that but she didn’t eat spicy things so I just wouldn’t make a lot of the things I like and I’d make other stuff instead, and my current partner is really a very picky eater so there’s a lot of stuff he doesn’t like/eat and I mostly don’t order those things either and I certainly don’t cook them at home (he’s said post break like he thinks I should - for example I love olives and he haaaaates the fuck out of them but he said it’s messed up I don’t get myself my favorite pizzas - because all my favorite pizza toppings include olives tbh I even like them on Margaritas - or include olives like as a snack for myself just because of him and that’s a dramatic one because it genuinely is an ingredient I LOVE that I just removed from my diet entirely but like there are a LOT of things he doesn’t like/eat and I have essentially cut them out of my diet too) but fortunately he does like spicy things so that’s nice lol. And obviously I do have things I do and eat that are for me but I definitely adapt depending on who I’m seeing which is obviously not a bad thing per se because that just makes me a decent partner but I do wonder like what all I’d like if I spent a year living by myself and not going on dates lol. I know even on dates that aren’t serious I tend to order in line with what the other person wants like if the person gets a beer, I get a beer or cider and if they get wine then I get wine (which is actually what I want), and if they are a teetotaler I’ll get a 0% drink even if they’ve told me they’re okay with me drinking. I definitely mirror. And it’s like… even if I’m paying lol (which I do with girls on early dates) I don’t order things I think they won’t like even for me lol.
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jewishvitya · 1 year
I'm having the second day of heavy anxiety. And I have no reason for it, so I don't know what to do about it. I'm going to vent about random things, stream of consciousness, not trying to make points at anyone. Literally just. Venting out bad feelings about whatever it is through an unrelated topic.
I feel like left-leaning spaces are so comfortable with insults that I'm just. Not.
For example, insulting someone's appearance as long as it's a man. Including height, smaller penis sizes, or balding. I've seen trans men point out how these affect them. One said that to him, it's insulting cis men (who are probably average anyway) by saying they look like him. And one saying that he can't tell the difference between queer people and TERFs that insult his baldness, both are basically agreeing that he ruined something in himself when he chose to transition. Also, "micropenis" as insult uses an intersex trait to degrade someone. And I know I'm holding up marginalized groups here, but I don't think anyone should be insulted for harmless things about them. Address behaviors and ideas, not appearances.
In general, I don't see how "you aren't man enough" is a productive approach for us to take. A person's appearance shouldn't be a target. People just look how they look and there's nothing wrong with that.
Another thing I see a lot is insulting someone's language. Either spelling or grammar, I don't care. There's no reason to do that. If someone misspells something, maybe there's a learning disability, maybe it's their second language and they're learning, maybe they were never taught how to spell correctly and they have more important things to dedicate their time to, like earning money to eat. Maybe there's no reason at all. I don't care. Either way being condescending about this is classist, ableist, and xenophobic. I still remember being dismissed by native English speakers, getting told "first learn English, then try to talk to me." Language is a tool for communication, and as long as you understand the message, it did its job.
Spelling or grammar aren't indicators of intelligence, and intelligence isn't an indicator of morality. It doesn't even tell you if someone is correct or not! Showing someone you think they're stupid adds nothing. It just lets you feel superior at someone's expense. And holding up intelligence as a virtue that puts you above someone just reeks of eugenics to me.
You can't make these kinds of insults harmless by throwing them at a bigot. When you target a trait many people have, you'll hurt the many people who have that trait.
I've seen someone get frustrated because he made a video complaining about picky eaters, and then autistic people chimed in to say they don't really have a choice in this. He went "well, obviously you're exempt!!!"
How is it obvious, though? You're still complaining about a trait they have. Should they have to disclose that they're autistic to get permission to keep a sensory nightmare out of their mouths? Do you think this will make them feel suddenly less annoying for having a trait that you rant about?
Why do you even care? Picky eaters aren't limiting what you can eat. Why should they have to deal with food they dislike? How often do you force yourself to eat things you hate? Would you want to do that every day, or would you rather stick to the food you enjoy? Or are you better because you happen to have a broader selection, so you get to actually choose to have fun eating? Why is it so important for you to be able to rant about this harmless trait, that people telling you "my disability puts me in that position" doesn't make you rethink this?
I don't know why this feels related to the other examples. Making sense wasn't the point of this post anyway. Just... getting some of the negative feelings out of my head.
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Hi, can I please have a match up with a male character for genshin?🙏🏼
For my personality : I'm definitely a big introvert, I need time to open up to someone but once you know me, I can be quite playful & I like teasing my friends/family.
I'm an INTP, which means I'm often stuck in my own head, when I'm with my group of friends, I don't talk a lot since I'm more focused on my own thoughts. I usually prefer to listen than talk.
I can be quite talkative when I'm interested by a subject & I can be rambling a lot because of my excitement.
I always need to analyse everything, like I need everything to make sense & if a little detail doesn't make sense then it's going to disturbs me.
I'm stubborn & prideful, probably my 2 worst traits.
My love language is probably acts of service, I'm not very direct & open with my feelings but I think actions speak louder than words so I like to do little things for others.
My dislikes :
I hate big crowds or loud places, they make me uncomfortable, I prefer quiet & chilled places.
I don't like clingy people, I need my personal space & I can be easily annoyed if someone doesn't respect it.
I don't like people who are too extravagant, like when they're too loud or when they're overreacting, I feel like they just need attention or they're not genuine.
Physical affection for me is also a no or it needs to be minimal like holding hands for example.
I'm a very picky eater so there are a lot of aliments I don't like.😅
I hate judgemental people, who are judging when it doesn't concerned them or without knowing the full story.
I don't like it when I'm ignored or when someone is interrupting me when I'm speaking.
My likes & hobbies :
I love anything sweet, I have a huge sweet tooth!
I'm whipped for animals, I just can't resist them! I'm definitely more confortable with them than with humans.😅 (I'm a cat mom by the way!)
I love poetry, sometimes I try to write poems but I don't think I'm good at it so I prefer to just read some.
I like writing in general, like I said before, I tend to be stuck in my own head so writing my thoughts helps me emptying my head & organize my thoughts.
I enjoy nature, so I like to take a break & just walk in some quiet & peaceful places like forests for example.
I like talking about random facts, if I think something is interesting then I want to share it with others.
I love baking & cooking! It's probably my biggest love language! It always makes me happy when I see my family enjoying my food!
I think I'm a good listener so I'm always honoured when someone comes to me too seek for my help. I always like helping people by listening & giving advices.
I'd love to travel & discover the world, it's probably my biggest dream.
Thank you in advance.🤗
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Diluc, 。・:*:・゚☆
You and Diluc unknowingly find yourselves involved with one another.
The young master of Dawn Winery is a popular figure among the people of Mondstadt. Most of those who interact with the Ragnvindr heir best describe him as a courteous gentleman who tends to come across as either quite frank or, according to the young Klee, grumpy. But regardless of what people perceived him to be, there was more to the aloof and handsome noble than meets the eye.
The first time he notices you is when he volunteers to pick up the weekly order in place of Charles from the nearby bakery. Despite being dressed plainly and covered in a bit of flour, your quiet comeliness catches his attention as you greet him. The stoic man had never been one to make small talk but finds himself learning that you travelled quite a bit after taking note of the knickknacks decorating perched on your store's shelves. By the end of the visit, the nobleman returns to Angel's Share with an extra box of pastries and a quiet liking to you.
As the years passed, the two of you gradually became good friends. It became customary for either of you to visit the other's establishment occasionally. Your workers would catch a glimpse of the uncrowned king and you within your back office, nursing a cup of Valberry tea as he tries your latest pastry creation. On the other hand, you would be occasionally found on one of the high stools at Angel's Share while providing some feedback regarding the new items on his menu. It was much to the surprise of everyone when the two of you collaborated on a set course meal during the Windblume festival, an endeavour which received praise from the residents.
Speaking of the citizens, a growing number of them had taken note of the Pyro-user's change in demeanour. Yes, Diluc had always been a gentleman, and yet no one can deny how the usually intimidating man's gaze would turn soft upon settling over your figure. From hanging his coat over your frame to protect you from a gust of cold wind to going as far as to keep you company as you stop to pet every cat or dog that crosses your path when during the walk home and putting aside a small dish of imported sweets from Inazuma or Sumeru to go with your cocktail, courtesy of Diluc when visiting the tavern. It doesn't take a genius to see that the said man has grown fond, if not quite infatuated, with you. And Diluc very well knows this.
Over the time the tavern owner has known you, he has gotten a better idea of your mannerisms. He knows you to be a dedicated and tenacious individual when it involves your profession as a patissier. Or how you prefer to splurge on kitchen equipment which would ease the workload for your employees. And like any average person, the Claymore user knew you to opt for a short walk around the city to clear your mind after dealing with people after a busy day. But like many, there were also times when you pushed yourself a little too hard…and in those trying days, you would sometimes end up at the tavern for a drink or two.
One summer evening, the Winery owner happened upon your bleary-eyed figure sitting between a mirthful Kaeya and Venti at Angel's Share. It doesn't take long for the Pyro-user to realize that the two must have bugged you to drink a little more than usual, leading to the point where you were in no condition to walk home alone. Handing the towel to a nearby Charles, Diluc can only glare at the two troublemakers as you bid both the bard and captain a good night before escorting you home.
Typically, you had always been a talkative person when alcohol was involved, but Diluc becomes somewhat self-conscious when you stare at him with a silly grin as he walks you home. With a well-posed question, It doesn't take much for you to share what was going through your lovely head. There was a saying that drunken words were honest thoughts, and Diluc was no stranger to them as he was used to dealing with intoxicated patrons…But the usual stoic expression on the Pyro-user's face is quickly replaced by a flustered one when a confession tumbles past your lips.
With his mind running, the Pyro-user's is well aware that he doesn't need to even look at a mirror to know that his face must have been the same shade as his tresses. The seconds must have turned into a few minutes, and Diluc pauses when he catches the tight-lipped smile on your face as you attempt to change the subject when you two finally reach the door to your home.
That's the thing words; once a person starts measuring how much to tell, they keep everything to themselves, leaving others to misunderstand. Diluc was never one to act upon his emotions. Yet, when you begin apologizing for making him uncomfortable and urging him to forget about it, he finds himself reaching for your hand. The young tycoon has never been good at expressing himself, yet he finds himself determined to respond in kind to your feelings.
Archons, the man has never met a stubborn person like you whose contagious smile and presence lit up his dreary existence; He fell in love with you a long time ago but just never found the resolve to tell you in fear that it would be too much of a burden. For years he's maintained friendly relations, as you deserved much better. And yet his feeble attempts to distance himself from you never works out as he constantly reminds himself of you as he goes on with his everyday life.
And yet love, the elusive mystery that is it, seemed intent on finally catching up to the Ragvindr heir when he witnessed the red blooming over your cheeks. The tension in Diluc's frame dissipates as he notes the faint grin on your lips as he meets your gaze, only then finally noticing how close the two of you stood next to each other. He watches as you reach toward his face, tentative fingertips grazing his jaw ever so slightly.
At that moment, he lets himself indulge, letting you feel his cheek before finally leaning into the touch while staring into your bright gaze with utter fondness. In the quiet darkness, the Pyro-user rests his gloved hand over yours as he affirms his affections. And being the witty person you had always been, you dub the red-haired nobleman a mischievous rascal, to which he reciprocates with a small laugh.
The two of you would have stayed wrapped up in each other but found yourselves slightly shaken at the sound of the nearby bell chiming. Finally taking note of the late hour, the winery owner slowly is prepared to bid you goodnight but is beaten to it when you press a chaste kiss against his cheek. Flashing the winery owner an affectionate grin and bidding him a good night, the Pyro-user can only gape as you swiftly disappear behind the safe confines of your home.
Sleep takes its time as Diluc lays awake in bed that night. His thoughts drifted towards you and the events that had transpired that evening. Ever since his father's death and his adoptive-brother's revelation, he's been adamant in keeping people at arm's length to spare both himself from becoming attached and getting hurt. Unfortunately, you had effectively wormed yourself past the high walls of his heart, and now he cannot seem to find it in himself to distance himself from you any longer. Ultimately, he's decided to hold and cherish you despite not knowing what the future holds.
Today's been busy, especially when the Ludi Harpastum is just around the corner…Ah, it seems you have someone waiting to be served! And it doesn't seem like any regular customer…
╰ ☆☆☆☆╮
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voidthewanderer · 6 months
5,6,17,18, and 23 for all 3. Hier sind kekse.
@bleumanouche || Fifty OC Questions
Buckle up, because this is a long one! Got to have a lot of thoughts about these guys.
5. What's something you'd never put your OC through again?
Crow + Arsenic: Separating them for as long as they were. The more and more their relationship shows, the more and more I realize that the both of them would have been driven to the absolute brink of depression and hopelessness that they'd never see each other again. It's something that I do want to touch base with in A Different Life, but I'm not sure I'm even ready for those two to have that conversation of what exactly ran through their heads as literal centuries passed. Crow especially so since Arsenic at least made empty attempts to drown his sorrows. Crow never partook in chems, alcohol, or anything; they were stuck with their thoughts. Arsenic could at least get so shitfaced that he'd forget for a few hours.
Ripper: Honestly, him losing his family... twice. He always has that nagging feeling that maybe if he'd just stayed in his lane and didn't destroy that Protectron, that they'd all be together. Deep down, he knows that they wouldn't have been happy at it would have been for the sake of the kids, but they'd all be together, through the thick of it all. At least before the bombs, he did still have contact with his kids even though they were on the other side of the United States.
6. What's your OC's go-to comfort meal?
Crow: Chicken Tortilla Soup; they specifically make it with more of a white soup base and thicken it up enough so it could potentially pass off as a stew. Not only was this something that their mother would make for them when they weren't feeling well, it was the meal they made during a chicken soup 'challenge' Arsenic had posed for his cooking class he'd been hosting. It was the meal that really had caught his attention to them; making the meal even more special and comforting to them.
Arsenic: Creamed Chipped Beef; it's simple, it's quick, and there's just something about it. Yes, he's a foodie, but sometimes the basics is all you need to just enjoy yourself and remember simpler times.
Ripper: Chicken Picatta; Ripper is a picky eater (to put it nicely). But his grandmother always made the best food, even when it was something he wouldn't eat otherwise. This was the best of everything, food he both loved and would reject; but whatever magical thing he thought she did to it made him so happy. Sure, it was more just the capers he'd say no to, but he never would say no to his grandmother. Crow's the only person who's managed to recreate her recipe and it makes him so happy.
17. What's your OC's star sign?
I genuinely have a hard time understanding sun, moon, and rising signs; I'm not gonna lie. I know they involve time, but that's about as much as I know, so I'm gonna just put the simple.
Crow: Cancer (June 29)
Arsenic: Taurus (May 7)
Ripper: Sagittarius (December 11)
18. What kind of drunk is your OC?
Crow: Does not drink. They don't enjoy the taste of alcohol and don't particularly enjoy being around others who are drunk; Arsenic and Ripper included.
Arsenic: The filter is off entirely when he's drunk. If you somehow didn't know if he liked you or not, you'll know. He's also a bit more clingy, especially to people he wants to sleep with. Unfortunately, with his already minimal filter turned down to zero, it also makes him a bit more combative, willing to fight anybody who actually talks back to him.
Ripper: He's extremely jovial, almost to an annoying extent sometimes. He's loud, wants to sing, dance, do everything he can to become the center of attention. He thinks he's helping everyone have a good time, but sometimes people just want to drink quietly and he doesn't realize just how much he tries to force others to join in on his fun. If he were just being like that by himself or with others who are similar drunks, it would be fine, but he tries to get everybody to do the same; which can be quite frustrating.
23. What's your OC's favourite memory?
Crow + Arsenic: Meeting each other. It's cliche, yeah, but these two definitely wouldn't be who they are now without one another. Crow was so proud to have caught Arsenic's attention with just knowing how to cook and the fact that someone that they felt was extremely attractive actually wanted to give them the time of day? And Arsenic actually wanted to be around Crow; he wouldn't ever deny that. He wanted Crow in his life and the fact that they wanted him back was amazing.
Ripper: Holding his kids for the first time. Don't ever make him choose between if it were holding Cody or Amy. Just, getting to hold both of his kids for the first time when they were born. That absolute feeling of nothing else in the world mattering except the tiny little human that he tucked close to his chest. Though, if pushed enough? He will admit he loves the memory of Amy's birth and holding her just a little bit more because seeing his four year old sitting on the hospital bed with Amelia, his daughter gently being held by her so that Amy was resting on Cody's lap. He'll tear up thinking about it every time.
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What’s their love languages?
Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
For Idia x Yume 👀💖🐰
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(art by @bunnwich)
What’s their love languages?
In general Yume is a big quality time person. If you are someone they care about you will know because they just like spending time with you!
With Idia, they enjoy being around him even if they are just sitting close by and doing separate things. Yume knows he isn't the type or person who would waste his time being somewhere he didn't want to be/with someone he wanted to be with. So they think its nice knowing Idia choses to spend that valuable time with them.
At first they aren't much of a words of affirmation person (because its embarrassing to say things out loud sometimes), but over time they realize that that's one of the love languages Idia needs/responds best to. So they become quite good at it; and eventually, it becomes one of their better love languages.
Other than that they are a big acts of service and physical touch person! They do small things for Idia all the time that he really appreciates; like going the little extra mile to make sure he's comfortable in a social situation ect. And they are a touchy huggy person that Idia will just have to get use to, which will be easy bc that man is touch starved and actually loves it when the two of them cuddle like cats don't @ me.
like literally:
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In my opinion, Idia's biggest love languages are acts of service and giving gifts. A lot of the time, especially in person, he can't properly express his feelings through words. So he uses gifts and actions to do it instead. Yeah Idia might not always say all the cliche cheesy stuff, but he's the type that if the person he loves had a problem he would literally stay up all night trying to solve it for them.
That's more valuable than empty words to him (which is so ironic that he loves words of affirmation). For him acts of service and gift giving are almost the same, giving someone a gift is his way of looking out for him. Which increased the difficulty a little when he finds out Yume has trouble accepting gifts (especially expensive ones).
But eventually, he gets them to see that it's just his way of caring for them. He almost sees it as selfish:
Getting a new phone for Yume so he can talk and message them whenever without their brothers looming over their convos, Fixing up something that broke at the Ramshackle so Yume doesn't have to work extra shifts and miss spending time with him, researching on his own to figure out how to help them with their nightmares so they can sleep soundly next to him... He comes to find out that Yume really doesn't like asking for help and can be pretty stubborn about it. But eventually, he gets them to understand that he doesn't want them to be uncomfortable or sad if he can help it, and they start letting him take care of them more and more. He's a big fan of receiving Physical touch and Words of affirmation. But at first he's not used to them in a romantic sense, but enjoys it a lot, even if it can be overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes he worries that he's being clingy/annoying but Yume shuts that thought process down real quick since their the one to initiate it most of the time.
Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
I'm a firm believer that Idia lives off microwave meals, instant food, snacks, and nutrition bars. This man literally said "taste doesn't matter as long as you get your calories" and yet he still eats like a bird. So yeah he's not allowed in the kitchen until he gets that mindset outta here. Yume usually cooks (sometimes with Ortho as assistance!) They're not like a top-tier chef but they know the basics and are smart enough to expand on them through their own research/asking their friends and bro for tips. Despite his "taste doesn't matter" attitude I still think Idia is picky about some foods, which Yume doesn't mind because they're a picky eater too. So, its not too much of a big deal to keep in mind what they both like and make it accordingly. Eventually, I think Idia would get self-conscious about never being the one to cook which would lead him to want to be the one to clean up as a way to "make up for it" and try and live his best "way of the househusband" life. He's not very good at it at first, but like anything the more he works at it the better he gets; and it becomes second nature to help clean up after Yume. (He thinks of it as playing support for them, which he doesn't mind doing forever if that's what they need.)
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Been seeing a lot of shit about 'narcissists' on tiktok lately, framing them in a bad light and, whilst I have nothing against narcissists and I understand they're people just like us, the things they're describing on tiktok just seem like undiagnosed autistic people????
Take this one for example:
He starts with "I'm gonna butt into this conversation and make it about myself" and whilst that it something that can be annoying, neurodivergent people often engage and try to relate to conversation content by talking about themselves, we don't understand sometimes that it's rude.
Then it's the "sad story to tell" which is just the autistic thing of talking about certain things at apparently inappropriate times. I know it's something I personally have done a lot, almost exclusively for humour and I understand that sometimes it can genuinely be inappropriate so I'm working on that, but again, it's not because I think everything is about myself. I'm just trying to engage in the conversation and don't know how.
"Master of one-ups"? And we can just go back to the same point. Neurodivergent, and specifically autistic people try to engage in conversation and with other people by replying with something that relates back to us. If you feel like it's undermining you, ask us about it?? Ask we we do it, tell us what it feels like and more often than not, we'll attempt to find another way to communicate because I know that a lot of autistic people have a big fear of making people feel bad (from the autistic people I've met irl).
- side note, not everyone will find another way because that might take up too many spoons, but if they explain to you why they do that, it might stop feeling hurtful when you know that they are just trying to engage with and be friendly with you.
The next point is that they will "have a complaint about everything we order" and will complain that they "know a better spot" the entire time. Don't get me wrong, this can be a bit annoying, but autistic people are mostly notoriously picky eaters, mainly because of bad sensory experiences regarding mout texture, method of eating, temp difference, spicy stuff, and so on. So if you've taken them. Somewhere where every single food item is something they've not tried before, then they're gonna be a bit distressed because they don't know what food is a safe one to eat which is probably why the suggest another place.
Not because their palette is "more refined" than yours, they just know where to go where food is safe.
And this is something I've found can be applied to the apparent 'narcissistic parent abuse' thing, especially when it's neurodivergent kids on tiktok talking about it.
When I say this, that if you think you've suffered with this type of parent, I've no doubt that you struggled through your childhood and were emotionally/mentally abused and/or neglected. And what I am about to say doesn't at all excuse their behaviour, you can resent everything they've done as much as you want, but understanding why can be a bigger step towards healing.
I have seen many tiktoks and posts about these types of parents and I relate to every single one of them, but after spending a few years coming to understand my own autism, going through a traumatic experience with my mother, and evaluating a lot of my parental trauma at the same time, I can tell that many of the things she did were likely a result of undiagnosed neurodiversity, most likely autism and/or adhd because those two are both prevalent in our family.
Whilst sometimes I still do, I am in the process of trying to stop holding what she did against her, I know that she did and does love me an immense amount, she just struggles.
This is not to say we don't still get into massive arguments, and I don't absolutely despise her sometimes. But those moments pass and I no longer feel like I was unloved as a child, which is something I struggled with a lot, just that she was struggling to communicate with me as much as I was with her.
I'm not saying you have to forgive this parent, or even love them like I do mine, but at least try to get some perspective on it, and stop dragging narcissists through the mud, they don't deserve it, they're people like you and me.
Understand what has happened, resent them for it, sure, forgive them, don't forgive them, I don't care, but at least try and understand what happened but their perspective, look at their behaviours and see if you really think it was them being self-centred or simply just a lack of communication.
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light679 · 2 years
Can I have a team matchup please
I'm a straight short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo also a infp. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. , unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. I accidentally snap at people and I find people's pain hilarious so if someone gets hurt there is a good chance I will laugh at them. I sound meaner than intended sometimes. I can have trouble showing that im thankful at times. I pick at scabs as a nervous habit. I love to add alot of lemon juice to my tea to where it's more lemon than tea. When I'm woken up early with low sleep I am very mean and grumpy. I cant tell when people are joking and take it seriously. I do have asphergers which is a form of autism. Becuase of it I am a very picky person with foods and such.
I am very kind but people take advantage of it and I don't usually fight back. I also have adhd and I can go on forever about something but I don't know when to stop and should be told to if it's getting annoying. I have self esteem issues at times as well.
I am a bit overweight it isn't shown well I have thick thighs and am just a but chubby around the stomach it isn't noticeable unless I wear somethign small I usually wear large t-shirts.I have a few weird talents. I can put my foot behind my head while standing and both while sitting down. I can burp for 14 seconds. I have been told I have resting bitch face. When someone stops talking to me my attention goes to something else so I won't be able to hear what they said if they say something again so I end up saying what alot cause I loose focus easily. I am incredibly stubborn if I want something done.
My favorite type is dragon type
For a battling style I like variety in my team so we can take on almost anything
Thanks for the ask! I’ll do both the team and the trainer matchup in the same post!
For the team:
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Lucario is very good at sensing emotions and I think would be a very empathetic and compassionate partner when you have some of those higher anxiety, nervousness and overthinking days. I think Lucario would also be a really great Pokemon to not only stand up for you when you’re having trouble, but also teaching/urging you to stand up for yourself.
Type Null:
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You mentioned that you care a lot for others, maybe even more than yourself. I think Type: Null is a good choice for someone compassionate and caring given its history. Type: Null needs someone to care for it, but also would be someone that does truly care for you and is in your corner always once you’ve shown it love. Given that you also mentioned you’re stubborn and work hard when motivated when you want something done, I think that energy would go well with training and working hard with Type Null to earn it’s trust and friendship.
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I think this would be a great dragon type for you given the fact that Deino is not a picky eater. Since you mentioned being a picky eater, I think having a Pokemon that is happy to eat anything is a great match. That way, if there’s something you don’t like, or turns out in a way you don’t like, you have a Pokemon that’s happy to eat it for you.
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Since you indicated dragon types were your favorite, I figure it’s only natural to have more than one on your team. Goodra is another Pokemon that would be really great at taking care of you. Goodra is in general a very straightforward and calm/nurturing Pokemon, and I think it would make sure you’re being taken care of/take care of yourself.
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You mentioned being afraid of heights. On a Pokemon journey, there’s likely lots of things up high that may need to be reached. I think Tropius is a great option because it not only can fly to reach the things you need, but is naturally tall and has a longer neck to reach taller spots. If you did have to fly to a location for any reason, Tropius is a very sturdy Pokemon that would likely be one of the best to keep you safe. On top of that, the fruit that Tropius makes is also edible, which you could make your juice with to go in tea! :)
Legendary: Hoopa
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Trainer: Milo
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I think Milo would be a great match for you! Milo seems like a very sweet and gentle individual, who would be very kind and loving to comfort you in the moments where you feel anxious or nervous. As the first gym leader people face, he’s likely often encouraging nervous first-time Gym Challenge trainers and likely has good advice. As a Wooloo wrangler, he’s of course incredibly strong, strong enough to defend you if anyone tries to bully or be mean to you. Being a country boy, I think he’d have a lot of fun singing your hearts out to country music in the fields as you spend afternoons with your Pokemon.
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bansheemilk · 1 year
There is an idea that I don't understand. No wait. I do understand but I am hoping you will just for a second look at something differently. The idea is that we, as people, will always think we are right about our tastes because that's "just what we like". So the theory is you will automatically think your musical, culinary, cinematic or artistic tastes are the best. Not true in my case. I have shitty taste in food. I am a picky eater. There are lots of foods I don't like. But they are not bad foods. They are loved by millions and millions of people. How can I say that I am right when loads of people (who are not stupid) love broccoli, biscuits, kale, brussel sprouts, really just cooked vegatables in general. My taste is very much like an annoying 5 year old. Do I now like those foods? Nope. I'm standing by my bad taste. But I admit it. I have bad taste in food. (My musical taste more than makes up for it as I've never met anyone who likes as wide a variety as me).
But should I say definitively that I am right and billions are wrong? I saw an article saying that there is a debate about whether the Tim Burton version of Addams Family os good or not. Actually it is not a debate anymore than Spider-Man climbs walls is a debate. He interpreted it the way the creator wanted. You can prefer other versions but be an adult and accept you are wrong. I like Bloodsport but it is a shitty movie. I admit it. The Addams Family is supposed to be confusing. Gomez is supposed to be shorter and uglier than Morticia. That's what Charles Addams wanted. You're supposed to wonder how Gomez got Morticia. And you're supposed to feel uncomfortable about them as a family. Not simply charming "dark jokes" but a truly dark and somewhat wicked family. Not an opinion. A creator decides what their creation is. You can be mad that Spider-Man climbs walls but if you think he "isn't supposed to" you are wrong. Just as I am wrong about many foods. Why is it so hard for humans to compartmentalize their feelings? It's honestly a big reason why I must limit my social activities. I don't like how one sided and cocky people tend to be. You're right because you feel that way? Really? If I feel like I look like Chris Hemsworth do I really look like him? Of course not. If I think Annie Hall is a brilliant movie does that mean there's nothing frightening about Woody Allen? I like Stallone but he has made a lot of shitty movies (most of which I like....I know, I know. Sorry. He's just fun to me). I thought Amber Heard was gorgeous. Doesn't mean she isn't a terrible person and I wouldn't date her (I'm sure she is wondering). As a kid I was confused at the depth of some athletes cuz I thought they were all so stupid. While I still don't care about sports I was wrong. Clearly you can be a physically gifted person and smart at the same time. One has only to look at 2 minutes of a Muhammad Ali documentary to see that.
It's simple. 2 things can be true.
Oh well. I don't feel lime blathering on anymore.
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seongyoonjoong · 2 years
I grew up pretty well being proud that I was different and odd and weird. I liked not being like everyone else. Yes, there were times where I wished I was more like others and wasn't able to be. But *shrug* whatever, that's just how I was. Never handed my homework in on time, if I handed it in at all or even completed it. It was like pulling teeth to get me to do chores. Even though I knew it would take 5 minutes, I knew I should do it... but I just didn't. It was never out of spite, I just couldn't. I was easily emotional, people yelled, I cried and was called sensitive. I got tired quickly in social situations. I was a picky eater and would get lectures and made to "try" food I knew I didn't/wouldn’t like. I got angry and upset when I saw someone doing something wrong.
Always told I was lazy, stupid, not trying hard enough, picky eater, too emotional, sensitive, talks too much....
I didn't realise what I was doing at the time as I got older. I held myself back from talking. Allowed others to talk over me as I was afraid they'd get angry if I stopped them or cut back in. Just shrugged when people around me complained that I never talked to them anymore. I didn’t want to annoy them by talking too much. Life was fine because that's just how it was, how I was...
Until covid happened and I saw so many tiktoks pop up on my fyp. People talking about their lives and struggles they were going through. I was like... shit that sounds like me, must be a coincidence... until things just matched up too perfectly.
I was officially diagnosed with combined type of adhd. I'm not lazy, I struggle with doing tasks that don't spark joy or that I have no motivation for. I'm not stupid, I take in and retain information differently than others. I am a picky eater, but not because I'm stubborn or want to be difficult, but because I have a problem with some textures and I have my comfort foods. I talk a lot because my brain runs a mile a minute and I need to get it all out. It took me two hours to fall asleep every night because brain wouldn't be quiet. I get overwhelmed, over stimulated and it causes me to react emotionally a lot of the time, or to shut down. All of these things and more, that I would use to put myself down, that others would use to look down on me... it wasn’t because I was "just different/weird," just that I grew up with undiagnosed adhd.
I'm finding different ways to live more comfortably and easier for me. So have things gotten better? Yes and no. I feel better about myself, I comforted that I wasn't "just" something, and I belong to a very nice community with people that understand me. But after learning to mask my symptoms for years, I decided enough is enough. That I wouldn't mask anymore. It makes me feel better... the people around me wouldn't agree. I get in more fights with my family. My attitude, my facial expressions, my refusal to back down, and refusal to allow things to be swept under the rug, they don’t like it. I can see them mentally rolling their eyes when they get annoyed at something I do and I remind them it's my adhd. It's like they think I'm just using it as an excuse, as a label I've just added. They don't care to research, to learn more, or to even ask me what they can do to make things easier on me... nothing.
At this point I don't know what I do. I don't want to go back to masking my symptoms, it's exhausting. But I can't take them misunderstanding about things that aren't in my control.
Idk, sorry about the rant on here. I just needed to let it out. If anyone had any advice, please feel free to comment or DM, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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celiaelise · 2 years
I feel like I have the stupidest combination of dietary hurdles in the world.
(**disclaimer: I am not calling these issues "stupid" as a way of being negative towards my body, myself, or anyone who might experience something similar. I am quite fond and appreciative of my body. I am only saying it because I think it is genuinely silly and ridiculous that my body so rejects such a fundamental part of its operation as taking in nutrients.)
picky eater (autism edition): not bad enough that people will realize unless I tell them, I can manage at most restaurants by finding the mildest thing on the menu. No fish, nothing spicy (cutoff starts at pepperoni, no I'm not kidding), very few sauces are acceptable, no toppings on anything. But I'm also just generally adverse to any food unfamiliar to me. I will get scared or freaked out. I have probably said the words, "plain and dry" at least a thousand times. I eat a lot of meat but I'm very particular about the texture.
ADHD: so I've already got that forget to eat/don't notice I'm hungry thing going, and then I'm also medicated, which actively suppresses my appetite, and, at the worst times, makes most food seem repulsive. (luckily that last part has been pretty rare since my main source of food stopped being a college dining hall)
Depressive symptoms/executive dysfunction: literally I just don't wanna do shit. I need food that requires the least possible effort. Sometimes I don't eat because I don't have a clean bowl to microwave canned food in. Also sometimes I just don't get around to buying food! I'll plan to grab food from a drive-through omw to work, but then end up running too late to make a stop. Cooking??? Love the concept, but it's absolutely out of the fucking question. Cannot even imagine a life where that is a frequent option for me.
okay here's where it gets even more stupid.
Lactose intolerance: again, not bad enough to where it's something I need to be vigilant about all the time. I can eat fast food pizza no problem, (I'm not convinced it has much real dairy in it anyway) I can eat regular ice cream with only mild gassiness. (and I do!) What I can't eat, is milk, milkshakes, protein shakes. You know, all those classic mental illness substinance hacks? Nope. Instant hurting tummy.
Oral allergy syndrome: a lot of people don't know about this, even those who might experience it. You know all those annoying seasonal allergies to, like, every living thing that grows outside? (I'm told that the area I live in is one of the worst for allergens in the country, and possibly the world. I haven't researched it myself though, and I've never lived elsewhere.) I have those pretty bad, and I'm already on medication for them. But it turns out that the proteins from those plants that trigger my allergies look pretty similar to the proteins in many forms of raw produce. And my body does not like that. I'm probably not going to start sneezing from standing near carrots, but I will feel an uncomfortable itch inside my throat and, what feels like, my inner ear if I eat more than a little of most kinds of raw fruits, vegetables, sometimes even nuts. It would be very hard for me to die this way, but it's also very hard for me to comfortably make my way through a salad. And what's that other go-to, "oh shit I didn't/don't have time to eat but my body still needs nutrients ahh" solution? That's right, smoothies!! Smoothies made out of raw fruits and veggies. 😑
So, yeah. That's why my diet's fucked up! I kind of just wanted to write all this out as validation to myself, but I'd definitely be interested if anyone else can relate, has suggestions, would like to express their condolences, etc.
Mostly I survive off of bread products, meat, and lots of different kinds of sweets. Oh, and fries. I specifically drink a lot of icees/slurpees/what have you. Cola flavor ONLY! It's like the only caffeine I ingest, and I don't even do it for the caffeine! If anything it makes me more sleepy. (I am already always sleepy, that a whole nother "stupid health problems" post.) I'm hoping to develop an easy and affordable way to reproduce the coke icee experience at home, probably with a blender, preferably without the caffeine. I don't think it could be that hard, but I haven't had much energy to put towards that project.
Similarly, I've started to look into things like lactose-free protein powder or protein bars, but I don't have a lot of energy for that research, and, as aforementioned, eating new and weird things scares me. Plus, specialty stuff like that tends not to be cheap! I think drinking new things is actually harder for me than eating them, tbh. I find powdered drink mixes generally unpleasant. The only things I can drink easily are water, and a few select sweet drinks, if they are very, very cold.
I actually have a consistent and specific craving for things that are sweet and very cold! I don't really know why. I know some people crave eating ice because of iron deficiency, and I'll not deny I've enjoyed a good ice crunch in my time, but it's really just that it has to be cold. And sweet. I used to keep popsicles on hand all the time, but I haven't gotten around to replenishing that supply in a few months.
I've also had this grand plan for several years of preparing a large batch of custom "trail mix" consisting of things like roasted pecans, dried fruits/berries, (idk what they do to process them, but they haven't triggered a reaction for me) and, of course, dark chocolate chunks. (I love chocolate sooo much, she is my mother, she is my best friend, she is everything to me.) But alas, little progress on that front as well.
I've actually even briefly considered trying to see a dietician, but the thing is that I absolutely do not trust them at all!! Like I'm sure there's a good one out there somewhere, but I am not going to waste my time finding them. These losers will be like, "ummm, so your BMI--" bitch, I'm stocky!!! I am short and squat and there is nowhere for fat or muscle, of which I have a considerable amount, to go!! BMI is quite literally fake bullshit science, please get off my back. Also I am just assuming they will not be respectful about the way my mental health impacts my eating habits. Most people just don't even wanna hear about that.
And of course there's just the thing where I am a young person, living on my own, in this specific place and time. Money is not abundant, support and community has to be fought for every step of the way, and sometimes it really feels like the world wasn't meant for those of us who aren't in a romantic relationship. (At least if you're not rich.) Like, you almost need at least two incomes and sets of hands per household in this economy.
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nimbooz · 5 months
1 5 6 7 9 for kamal as well :P
Are they associated with a certain colour + what colour do they wear the most?
Mostly teal, some green :) and they usually wear these colours as well as white, and maybe the occasional gold accent
5. How do they dress + practicality vs aesthetics
In my head this whole thing is animated so I have full wardrobe control but i need to keep it simple (because in my head this is a pre-existing series that is currently in preproduction).
His clothes are flowey and made of cotton, and he dresses more for comfort and practicality. Cords and bags and stuff are made of reed and/or leather, leather sandals, and the sort. I'm currently trying to figure out which eras in history I want the Navaka world to mainly draw from so I don't have much of an outfit but it's definitely on the looser side.
6. How do they wear their hair and do they care how it looks?
In his culture (rn it's named iranavatu but I will most likely change that), having healthy and silky hair is a very important thing societally. It shows that you live good and is seen as an important trait to look beautiful, regardless of gender. kamal has sleek, back length hair and keeps it down, sometimes tying it into a bun using the cord on his wrist (growing up it was when it was hot and he was fishing or doing any kind of manual labour).
7. Favourite animal and why?
I can't think of just one but hunting birds that live near water are what comes to mind for me. I feel like they would grow a little fond of swans since swans remind them of Dhanush? Graceful, delicate and resilient, but kinda annoying in person
9. Fav food, picky eater, dietary restrictions?
Kamal comes from a fishing village, he's very used to having fish in his diet and loves fish. I can see his favourite food being a sweet food, maybe something like payasam (which irl is a malayali dessert made of coconut milk, jaggery and rice or rice noodles). Kamal definitely has a big sweet tooth in my head.
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wrong-melody · 3 years
Teen!Hanma, General Headcanons
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Chatacter: Hanma Shuji (16 years old)
Pairing: Hanma x Female Reader
Type: SFW.
TW: None, headcanons are based on what I personally think and my own analysis، they aren't necessary right and I don't force them on anyone.
Hair + Hanma 
He would be the type who walks beside you and pulls your hair hard enough for you to be irritated and laugh at your reaction.
He would take your hair tie and wouldn't give it back until you beg, but even if you did, he might just say "you know what? I will use it. Go find another one". Even if it was pink in color with a cute butterfly or unicorn, no matter how it looks, he would use it on his hair at the same moment and good luck for your short hands to reach his head.
If you decided to style your hair and work hard on it, expect him to mess with it at one point through your day "you look better with messy hair". It is his way of giving compliments and probably he wanted to touch it. 
Annoying small things + Hanma 
If you wear bras, he would pull the straps because he likes the sound of the 'smack' it makes when it goes back to your body. But Shuji doesn't know how much that hurts sometimes. 
You two are drinking (coffee, soda, juice etc) but you need to use the washroom and so you gave him your cup ? Of course your drink mysteriously is half way or almost finished. He even wouldn't know which cup is for who if you bought the same drinks. Don't be angry, it is unintentional. He just doesn't mind really even if you drink his. 
Take your eyes off of your plate for a second and some meat is messing. Yes. It is intentional this time and he is as quick as a ninja. Bring it to him and he would shrug it off "seriously? I just saw you eat it and now you accuse me? Lets not start a food war and eat like decent civilians". You would question your memory many times.
He would extend his foot in front of you so you would trip over it and almost kiss the ground and break your teeth, but catches you on time every time, thankfully. He just wants to feel your warmth without asking and causes little harmless heart attacks. He lives on your reactions. 
If you have younger siblings I feel like he would have difficult times dealing with them, mostly because they are scared of this giant human, and for him, they aren't fun. You know that mentality that "I'm 16 years old. How do you think I can keep up with children? They are boring" (said your childish boyfriend). but one day your siblings are being brats and annoying more than usual ?? Believe me, Hanma took the lead and this is how they opened up to each other 😂. He would trick them into telling him all your embarrassing stories. Kids don't lie so you can keep denying as much as you want, he won't even listen to you. "Your little sibling told me you make their ears bleed becoz of your terrible singing skills. I wanna a free concert. Do one for me". He will annoy the hell out of you to sing for him but don't give in. If you did, you will be recorded and your amazing performance is gonna be his ringtone 😂.
Cooking + Hanma
Hopefully we are all agree that Hanma can't cook. He lives alone and probably his refrigerator only has water bottles or cheep bears. If you wanna visit, please pass by the grocery store first. He absoulty knows nothing about cooking but that doesn't mean he can't have opinions "I don't think this is how you are supposed to cut carrots, they aren't even in shape, your cooking skills suck as mine" just because one peice of carrot is a little bigger than the others. There is one time when he messed up the spices and your food had a questionable taste, he 100% blamed your skills. But seriously, he eats all things you cook even if you weren't the best at cooking in the first place. I don't see him as a picky eater but he has clear preferences. He would ask to be taught the easist things that can be done because cooking is boring. He isn't gonna waste time on it if he can quickly make something to live on. If you were baking a cake or cupcakes he will annoy you to ice it himself. Drawing skuls, writing HANMA, he will just be creative with his ugly icing but "it doesn't matter how it looks if it tastes delecious, right?" And you can't beat this logic. He would want to cook with you. See, keyword is (with you), which means him doing nothing but annoying you. Its gonna be fun though 😂.
Danger + Hanma 
He will persuade you to do things you have never done. "Skip the last class, you are just going home 1 hour earlier, it's not a big deal". Your parents told you must be home by 11 sharp ? He will try to make you go back by 11:30 "C'mon, thirty minutes aren't a big deal. Just tell them you lost track of time"
You would watch him buying beers/alcohol and no one is checking his ID. You can't be almost 2 meters tall and have tattoos if you are just 16, right? It's impossible, right?
He will convince you to try smoking and drinking with him even if you denied him few times. He would bring it up.  
Late night drives are about you on the back of his bike and him driving over the speed and skipping the red lights. 
There was a time when a police car chased both of you to give you a speeding ticket but they never caught you, thanks to him for being an expert of the small alleys and shortcuts. 
It was worth the thrill, the nice warm air and the bond that is getting stronger between you and him. Nights and days like these are many when he can't find any interesting fights. 
Animals + Hanma 
I mentioned that on my fiction but 10000% will hand you a small frog 🐸 because you just look similar to this creature. Not that you are disgusting don't get him wrong but you are just as tiny 🥺 "see, they look like you. Cute little thing" that's what he says but the truth is for teasing purposes. If you don't like frogs and started to run away, be sure he is running after you with the devil in his hands. 
I personally believe he prefers bigger dogs rather than smaller ones but surprisingly he has a good relationship with animals. I just don't see him having pets because 1: he can't afford the money and time for them 2: he is irresponsible and he is aware of that. 
But say you have your own pet, he would play with them and they would like him. He would ask you about their care routine and show interests but that's it. He will go with you if its time to walk your dog for example, and he might do it himself. He is generally nice to animals in comparison to humans.
This is why he gives me the vibes that he would catch small frogs after the rain, talk to them sometimes, tell them all his thoughts and secrets until they jump from his hand, they can live on their own and they don't get attached to humans.
But he would dislike spiders and insects. 
Pictures + Hanma 
He would take pictures of you when you aren't paying attention. He will capture almost all of your facial expressions. But he will only show you (or blackmail you) the most embarrassing pictures of you. Picture of you drooling, having some food between your teeth, spacing out with your mouth open, there are many. You won't know about the nice pictures of you at all, that would just expose how soft he can be and soft Hanma is hidden most of the time. 
Hanma is 192 cm tall. So taking selfies with him depends on you. If you are 170+ cm you are just .. as tall (😂 said the 157 tall writer) so taking selfies isn't a problem but if you are shorter then we have different stories.
You need to ask him if you want to take selfies because with your short hands he won't be on the camera range, so he has to either take them by himself or he bends a little bit down to reach your height and be on the camera (he always tell you that he is gonna break his back because of you being VERY short 😂). Or you have to stand on a chair or a box. 
Period/catching cold or illnes + Hanma 
He would be quiet around you when you are sick and catch cold, "its no fun when you are sick, get well" his teasing levels will go from 100 to 85 for you just this time 😂. See how special you are? You should be thankful he isn't annoying you and hiding the tissue box somewhere in the room.
but always mixes your cold medication with your yummy soup and ruin its taste. His intention is under question. To tease you or he really wants you to get well ? You never know.
The teasing level will go lower than that depending on the severity of your illness. If it's more than cold, he would visit you more if it's something serious. 
If you were to be hospitalized, he would come every other day and will always tell you stories about what he does "and in the end, you better get well soon to rule the world with me". 
If you are on your period he will be gentle (according to the gentle definition in Hanma's dictionary)
He is a giant human heater by default so heating pads are unnecessary when his hands are on top of your lower stomach.
You aren't in the mood to talk? You wanna silence ? You have it. 30 minutes maximum before he breaks it with a silly joke. As expected from Hanma.
If your emotions are all over the place in these days, he will try his best to tone down his annoying jokes and behaviors. keyword again: tries.
Study/school + Hanma 
Boy has dropped school, so if you are peacefully studying at home he will visit "Two brains preparing for a test is better than one right?" That's what he said but he just sits beside you and colors the black and white pictures in your textbook, draws random stuff, writes his initials and "I ♡ H" or " I LOVE SHUJI" on every page of your books/notebooks. You know how in kindergarten parents write their phone numbers in the first page of notebooks under their kids full name and class number? Shuju will write his number under your name as if you were a kindergarten kid. Oh? you are a high school student and you don't write your name anymore? Don't worry he will write your name for you and his phone number, just in case you got lost you know.
He would distract you with silly stories, videos, memes, you name it. And will ask you to take a snake break every 10 minutes. Probably he came to your home to eat food ? Probably.
He would take your pens away. If you are allowed to use a calculator in your school, he might play with it until he change its settings and you have no idea how to set it back. 
"lemme see what the hell you are studying. if X+10 =10 then find the value of X. Can we change X to H ? If Hanma fought 10 guys we will have 10 dead bodies. So the value H is so strong"
If you study something that requires a lot of your memory space like History or Literature, for example, you need to study about how kingdom X was destroyed by a Kingdom Y, he will create his own version of that history and that's what you will remember, Hanma's version. Good luck in the test. The teacher might praise your creativity for creating a new the history of these kingdoms.
You both would laugh at his lame jokes and suddenly the moon is in the sky and you studied nothing. Of course it is not his fault at all. He was just helping you, to make sure you aren't so stressed and relaxing.
If you scored bad on a test "you know you can always set the school on fire, I will help you" he is trying to make you laugh + comfort you at the same time. Clever Hanma.
Say you have a bad relationship with a teacher, they are being mean to you, Hanma would walk you to school just to see that teacher, and he will find ways to prank them. He will find their car/bicycle and break their tires, or attach a fake parking ticket, he will show his graffiti talent on their cars. He will write SHINIGAMI with red spray and the whole school will think the teacher has been cursed. Hanma is smart enough to not be caught on the car camera tho, so the SHINIGAMI remains a mystery.
Emotions + Hanma 
You would have your moment of silence amd they are comfortable.
He wouldn't mind having quiet times. He appreciates silence and would be a great listener if you needed to talk. 
If things were serious, he would listen and catch between the lines sometimes. 
He would have days when he is being very quiet. Very very quiet. 100% unlike his usual self. Days when his brain is full of thoughts and he is having a time with himself to think.
And when he has these days, he will kind of isolate himself from everyone and be somehow distant from you. 
He doesn't really know how to approach his own emotions so he might struggle with yours too. But the more you are together, the more he learns about you and himself. 
He would joke around his pain and laugh at himself sometimes just to not show you how hurt he is. You have to read between the lines to know what's hidden behind these jokes.
But he can snap and everything will overflow.
You already know how Happy-Hanma looks like and how Angry-Hanma looks like. He wouldn't try to hide his anger. His presence would feel different anyway, the atmosphere around him or his aura would feel different too. You will know and he will make it clear that he is angry without saying a word. 
It depends on the reasons and the causes but I don't think Hanma would be violent towards you as the first thing to do if he is angry. 
He might get calm if you insert some logic into his mind but as I said he can snap and be violent. 
He can break things, but that doesn't happen a lot. He would prefer to get himself into more violent or bloody fights until he calms down. 
Or at least until his physical pain from fights is stronger than all the emotions he has at these moments. 
I don't see him as the type to apologize, at least not by words. Actions speak louder for him. He would do the little things you like, his first attempt is to tell some jokes which would fail of course. But give him the chance to try, he knows when he has messed up and he will try in his own ways to make it up for you. 
I don't see him to be the type who would be quick to get attached to people for sure, but he would have difficult times dealing with any breakups or death of those who he considers close (did you see how he reacted to what happened to Kisaki? I won't say they have a nice friendship but hey he won't react like that if Kisaki wasn't close to that extent for him). Things would be more difficult once he realizes how empty his life is, and how your presence can fill it. But it is also when he realizes that how shitty he is as a person and that deep down he is not the best. Far away from it. There would be the conflicts inside of him no matter how much you assure him.
But as he gets older, he would stop doing most of the above. He used to joke about himself and laugh at his own pain? He would stop at one point. Not because he doesn't want to, or because he became mature and learned to handle his hurt self better, but because he couldn't, anymore. (Present age Hanma in all timelines). 
As he gets older, he wouldn't talk much about himself as he used to. Not about him keeping secrets (which he does anyway) but he changes the directions of the conversations to be more about you and less about him. More about your days and work and less about his. He does it a lot without you realizing that. And really if you have a long time relationship with him, at one point you would realize that you don't know him well or at all, and all the things you have known are just from his past self that doesn't exist anymore and the unresolved inner conflicts from his younger self would evovle into something more miserable, and this is a red flag because that where his manuplsntion tactics are coming from.
As he gets older, he would be more quiet. I think this is true seeing how he acts in all the timeskips but that comes with the things that used to cause adrenaline rush into him. 
The things that used to be fun aren't fun anymore, which means he seeks his adrenaline from something else, more dangerous and crazier things that are harmful for himself and everyone around too. 
I think General adult Hanma headcanons deserve its own post. I'm thinking to write that but tell me if you are interested.
Feedbacks are appreciated
Thank you for reading.  
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Any hcs for billy boi? Nothing in particular, just whatever you got up there.
OHOHO I have so many headcanons for Billy boi no worries. If you ever want to know of anything specific, I gotchu.
Make sure to look at my Billy Loomis Masterlist for some more!
General Billy Loomis Headcanons:
Billy both hates himself and thinks he's also better than everyone.
It's a weird juxtaposition, because he does have some degrees of narcissism and quite the ego and confidence in himself. Yet at the same time, thoughts of all his flaws run through his head constantly as stares at the ceiling at night.
Billy plays the radio in his room constantly, and ever since his mom left he seldom turns it off anymore. It drives his dad crazy and he doesnt care.
Billy isn't rich like Stu, but he's well off enough. He had a cellphone in 1996 after all.
Billy's mom leaving was a catalyst, and I firmly believe his sociopathic tendencies were a coping mechanism.
That being said, he was always a bit disturbed. His mother smothered him and had some sort of undiagnosed psychosis, and his relationship with his dad wasn't great. This negatively affected him growing up, and his mom leaving was just what had him snap. More HCs on his home life Here.
When his mom left, he would call local hotels from a phonebook he got from the police station for weeks on end. He never found her. He's since burned that phonebook.
So, in canon, I feel like Billy definitely didn't love Stu and was using him for sure. But I personally absolutely hate that idea, so that will never apply here sorry lol.
Anyway, Billy falls in love with people and not genders. He develops intrigue that turns into romantic interest over time that develops into sexual attraction. While crushes weren't that rare, love was. He had a crush on Sidney, but the only person he ever genuinely fell in love with was Stu. More HCs on Billy's romantic and sexual preferences Here.
Hot take, but I don't think Billy hates anyone in his friend group until after his mom left. He always thought he was better than them, sure, but his thoughts on Sidney and Stu were positive and Tatum and Randy were neutral (though Randy annoyed him a lot with how bad he was macking after his girlfriend like step off bro wtf.)
But then his mom left and Roman's video was seen and then his thoughts turned to These.
Billy's room has a lot of blacklights.
Billy was not a gamer and thought video games were actually lame as fuck BUT would've loved horror video games if anyone introduced him to them and I will die on that hill.
He'd be a huge Silent Hill fan.
Billy remembers the names of his favorite celebrities and the two he loves the most are Anthony Perkins and Jodie Foster.
He thinks Jamie Lee Curtis is overrated lol.
Ironically enough, slashers are his least favorite horror genre, although he still likes them. His favorite is psychological horror, because he feels its Deep(tm) and he's a lil pretentious.
While he loves horror movies most and is a movie snob, it's not like he doesn't like any other genres. He also enjoys Mystery, Thriller, and On the Run movies. He also likes non-history and non-animal documentaries.
Billy actually cares a lot about his looks. He knows he's hot and he takes pride in it. He'll also use it to his advantage.
He genuinely thinks the greased hair look and middle part is sexy as fuck and keeps it until he's like 30. Then he starts looking like Skeet's look in Jericho. And once he hits his 40's he starts growing out his facial hair.
He's a picky eater, but he is open to trying things out to see if he'll like it.
Gaslighting and manipulation come so second hand to him, a lot of times he doesn't even realize he's doing it tbh.
Billy actually isn't as misogynistic as I like to portray him lol. He doesn't hate women, just has that typical 90's male mentality on them. He only killed Maureen and Sidney for revenge, and Tatum was likely Stu's idea (but I hc it was Billy's bc he realized he was in love with Stu). If I'm being honest, Stu is the more misogynistic one in canon, for multiple reasons lol.
Billy really likes when he intimidates people. It makes him feel powerful. He's the kind of person who'd rather be feared and respected than liked.
He prefers people shorter than him. Stu is the exception, not the rule.
Billy hates the beach. He prefers rivers or pools. Especially rivers. Something about being in water surrounded on both sides by nothing but forest feels cathartic to him. Makes him feel like no one else exists in the world except himself and whoever else is with him there.
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