#because im not an idiot like some of y’all
melaniedragonnsfw · 6 months
Frankly, in this day and age, I feel ashamed to live in a world where people use fanfics as sex ed.
You can get pregnant if you had your period the day after fucking with no protection.
Yes you also can get pregnant if you do it on your period.
The copper IUD can be used as an emergency contraceptive. It is literally shoving a nuke up your pussy. I would recommend to anybody. (however having it put in does feel like shoving a nuke up your pussy too. But it’s probably not as bad as going through labor lmaooo.)
The pullout method sucks and you will get stds and accident children. Stop it and wrap up.
Your partner is a bitch and a liar if they say that using a condom doesn’t feel good. What also doesn’t feel good is gonorrhea and childbirth. So, pick and choose my friend.
No, being cummed in is not worth the STDs, UTIs and raising an ugly child. (Lets be real if you’re getting sex advice from fanfics,,, your kid gonna be ugly as shit and is gonna grow up to be a failure. Wrap it up)
People lie and cheat all the time. Get STD tested even if you think they are loyal.
Birth control is sexy. So is condoms. Use both to be ultra sexy.
Wash your sex toys. Idk what the fuck is wrong with y’all. Your genitals don’t produce antibacterial soap. Clean that shit. You will get a yeast infection or any other bacterial infection.
Speaking of sex toys, if you don’t clean your toys and expect your partner to use them, you’re crusty as hell. And frankly if your partner gets sick. No, poisoned by your biohazard dildos, you should be dragged to the middle of the town square and burned at the stake.
Losing your virginity should never hurt. Your boo just doesn’t care enough about you to get you wet. idk what else to say.
Your pussy shouldn’t be tight. That means you’re not aroused enough. Try ticking your clit or something.
People with dicks can also get yeast infections and UTIs.
Squirt is not pee. Pee stinks like pee. Squirt slightly smells like a vagina.
Not everyone is into the same kinks as you and you should always ask before introducing them to your partner.
Fucking someone with poor hygiene can increase your risk of infection.
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raeofgayshine · 6 months
I had the best time of my life pitching a silly little idea to stream tonight and watching them bring it alive even more.
It’s amazing that I can just go “Hey what if Tim stalked villains instead of Batman and get adopted by Ed and Oswald.” And chat immediately goes “Yes and”
Before I know it, Tim is kind of best friends kind of enemies with Red Hood Jason, and they bicker and bully each other constantly but that’s just their fucking dynamic. They argue over whose death is more valid, Jason who actually died or Tim who only died legally. They follow each other around the city sometimes just to fucking annoy each other. Jason isn’t allowed in Oswald’s house because he’s dead and Oz doesn’t want rotting child stinking up his house.
And oh Martin from Gotham is also there, and Tim’s his big brother and it’s fucking great. Tim goes by The Quandary and works alongside Riddler when he’s younger while Martin follows Oswald’s footsteps but somewhere as they age they start to cross over. Tim gets more interested in using business to control Gotham like Oz did. Decides it’s time for a new name, and this one actually kind of gets assigned to him.
Because hey everyone said he looked like that Drake kid who disappeared years ago, whose face haunted the back of milk cartons for years before he was declared dead. They were already calling him Drake. Why not take on the title. Especially when it provides cool dragon branding that no other villain in Gotham has.
And sure Jason is a shit about it, but Tim gets to be a shit right back because Jason just stole Red Hood from Joker.
And Zsasz loves being an Uncle and giving Tim dubious advice and showing him fun ways to kill.
And it’s just a fucking messed up crime family, all because Tim is fucking unhinged and loved what Riddler and Penguin did and he stalked villains because they were ~cool~ and exciting and he’s a fucking freak.
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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sleepyhead0720 · 11 months
hi hi !!
do you do/ are you comfortable doing a sibling! reader? if u do can i request zoro’s sister x sanji or nami’s sister x luffy? (or maybe both👀) thank youu!! i would love to have u write it. ur work has me kickin my feet and shi🤭
Omg tysm<3!! I actually never expected for ppl to really like my works! I actually find this concept very interesting and if u want Nani’s sister x Luffy lmk, but for now it’s Zoro’s sister x Sanji! Unfortunately I couldn’t come up with anything for a oneshot idea so I went with Headcanons! If u wanted a oneshot dm me or lmk!
You have a sister?
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(Srry couldn’t help myself from adding this gif)
-Zoro and Sanji fight a lot, no surprise there
-the crew actually didn’t know that the two of you were siblings,
-everyone just assumed the two of you ‘liked’ eachother due to the two of you constantly napping together
-That irked Sanji so he decided to make a move on you before moss head did
-When Sanji confessed, Zoro got a little overprotective which caused a fight and revealing that y’all were siblings
“Why are you-“
-they are both honestly so surprised
-Sanji because the both of you are nothing alike, he even though the two of you liked eachother
-Zoro because He’s surprised no one knew him and you were siblings (and surprised you actually liked the stupid cook)
-Once everything was set and done(and Zoro finally calms down), Zoros actually relieved that you ended up with swirly rather then some other idiot you found on the street
-Sanji still picks fights with Zoro from time to time but still respects him considering he one day could be part of his family
-Zoro actually trusts Sanji more considering his personality and him knowing that you’d come to him IF he ever were to hurt you
-Sanji treats you normally and even shows of how much you love him infront of Zoro (which will cause a fight between the two idiots)
-overall they are pretty chill about it but still get into fights over you from time to time
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arachnoia · 1 year
holy shock ➶ . ˚ ༉‧₊˚ˑ༄ؘ | miguel o’hara
miguel o’hara x fem! reader (nsfw!)
a/n: literally I love you guys smmmm! i’m so glad you guys loved ‘gone’ 🥹 here’s pt 2!
again im trying new things bc im not rlly a smut writer but if y’all want smut, im down to write it! it’s j not my strong suit and y’all can prob tell.
warnings- this has a lil nsfw, p in v, lil bit of angst, untranslated spanish, second part to gone
pt1- ‘gone’ pt3- ‘finally’
“HE TOLD YOU HE DIDN’T YOU IN HIS LIFE? WHAT?” Peter looked at you wide-eyed and Mayday raised her eyebrows even though she has no idea what was going on. But her dad sounding shocked was enough to get a surprised reaction from her.
“Sort of…” you whispered. You kept looking at the sun’s glare, as if it had the solution to your crumbling “love life”.
“What do you think we were, Peter? What is your perspective? Why was Miguel your first thought?” You remarked. You felt your voice slightly crack from your questions thrown at Peter.
You also felt a little irrational.
You were angry too.
Not at Peter of course, but of how pathetic you think you look right now.
A slew of emotions piled onto you suddenly, all negative.
“Y/n…Aren’t you guys best friends?” His answer shocked you when it shouldn’t.
If you said yes, you wouldn’t be lying because that’s how your relationship looked like. But it’s not how it felt. It felt like something more.
“You could say that,” You said, glancing at the hyper cars from below.
“Thank you…”
Miguel looked startled as he turned in your direction below. “For what?”
“Saving me. My thigh feels better and thank you for uh, saving me,” You yelled, smiling awkwardly. Hopefully he couldn’t tell how nervous you were from up there.
Miguel leaned his head to behind you, “What do you have there ?”
“Oh, fuck right! Uh, these are for you,” You swung up and held out a plastic white bag, plastered with “THANK YOU”s and “GRACIAS”s.
You felt so stupid.
You sounded so stupid.
He probably thought you were stupid too.
“I- uh…got you some empanadas. I know you like them from Doña Rosa’s restaurant, so…here.” Miguel’s eyebrows were raised and he chuckled. “You didn’t have to, Y/l/n.”
Stuttering? Really?
You blushed and felt nervous. He’s your best friend?? Why are you feeling this way??
You retracted your arm with the bag before Miguel grabbed your arm and sucked his teeth. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t take them now, Y/n.”
Your face felt like it was on fucking FIRE.
“Gracias hermosa,” He said smiling and snatching the bag quickly.
He said it in a teasing way, which lead you even more confused as to what the hell it meant translated.
You tilted your head in confusion, “What does that mean?”
What if he said he didn’t like them?
He turned around and shrugged. “Means ‘thanks bud’. So thanks, bud.”
His nonchalant tone made you bite the inside of your cheek as you frowned at him, who was already opening up the bag of empanadas and munching on a fig one.
“Yeah, you’re welcome, bud.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“I just need time to breathe and take a minute, Peter. It’s not every day one of your best friends just tells you ‘Oh! You’re dead to me, you bastard, I hate you, I want you gone from my life!’ That just doesn’t happen,” you said, feeling an immense wave of sorrow hitting you, replacing the anger that was just there.
Peter, in his 38 years of living never ever thought he would be in this situation; giving relationship advice to his 27-year-old colleague.
“Have you tried talking to him about it?” That was the first thing to mind. As you can tell, he isn’t really good at this.
“Well yeah-“
“How did it go?”
You glared are him and your tone turned sarcastic, “How does it look like it went?”
The sky’s sunset looked beautiful. It had an array of warm and gorgeous reds, pinks, oranges, and yellows, with a hint of violet.
“Well, he blocked my number! He unfollowed me on his super duper secret Instagram-”
“Wait what? Miguel has Instagram? He’s such a…”
You laughed a bit, “…Deadkill? Why? Is it because he has the humor of an 80-year-old man? He’s not that boring, Peter. He has social media.”
“Y/n. The man says ‘Oh shock!’ Like man, just say oh shi-” Peter stopped and looked at Mayday, who was already looking up at him and was smiling cutely.
“I mean ‘oh shiitake mushrooms’…”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “Well he cut off all communication from me! The bastard even blocked me on SPOTIFY. He deleted our shared playlist-”
“Woah. WOAH! Shared playlist? Me n MJ do that!” he gushed.
You nodded, “And he was the one who added the majority of the songs. Pinche puto.”
“Yeah, yeah. Um Y/n, hey I don’t know. Talk to him?” He said, giving you a sassy tone with his hands on his hips. ”Peter, you’re setting me up for failure…”
“It would be, you know, more real if you just talked it over. I’m not sure about the whole picture as to what happened between you two but Miguel has always been so…depressing and you really did brighten up his life to some extent.”
“Hey, before you start being all mopey, just talk it out. I know Miguel just wouldn’t be irrational because he’s just a very level-minded person.”
If only he was…
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“You didn’t want to laugh. But the more he dramatically moved his hips, the less control you had until you busted out cackling.
You caught him dancing to Bachata while he was washing dishes in his apartment.
Why were you in his apartment? You came unannounced to hang out, thinking he wouldn’t really care, until you walked into him dancing to his bachata playlist.
“You should definitely teach me. I see you listening to this all the time,” you said, giggling.
He jumped and turned around, giving you a scowl. “Ay dios, what are you doing here?”
You walked infront of him and put your finger against his lips, “Shh. You should definitely teach me how to dance this.”
He stopped and gazed at you for a few seconds before he went over which led you to twirling around and him having his hands resting at your hips as he helped you sway them.
You were going to probably scream into your pillow once you got home and cry since you’ve been going at this for 30 minutes.
You felt kind of bad feeling that way about your best friend, but holy-
The current song stopped and you felt his breath against your ear as he whispered, “I can hear your heart beating fast. Are you alright?”
Before you said anything, he interrupted you just studying your facial features. He studied your lips, nose, beauty marks. The silence was then caught off by him kissing you.
You felt your heart stop for a second before you returned the kiss.
He pulled away and smiled, “I see that you didn’t try to stop me, hermosa.”
“I don’t think I should stop you,” you whispered, getting a low chuckle from him before he carried you bridal style towards his sleeping quarters and laid you on his bed. He barely came back from a mission and was still in his suit while you were in your regular clothing.
“I see, you like calling me ‘hermosa’? What does that mean?”
He smirked at you and pointed at you, “It means beautiful, just like you.”
You got up a bit from your laid position and kissed him even harder, pulling his weight on top of you as you both were drowning in each other.
“Oh fuckkk…” He groaned, squeezing your ass before he started attacking your neck, leaving you with red and purple love bites. He reached for your collarbone and stopped.
“W-Why’d you stop,” you whined. You didn’t know what to feel at this point. Here you were, with your best friend who you had a crush on, making out in his bed. Did he feel the same way? You had to pinch yourself before you could decide it was an illusion.
It wasn’t.
“I need permission. Can you-“
Before he responded, you took off your shirt and slid down your pants, leaving you in your panties and bra. “Continue.”
He smiled and started to play with your clit and kissed you at the same time, as you moaned in the kiss.
“F-Fuck, O’Hara-“ you moaned
It’s safe to say that you still couldn’t believe what happened next when he asked for permission again.
He pushed a button from his watch, placing it on his nightstand to reveal his almost godly sculpted body…and his very, very long member.
Your eyes couldn’t help but widen, which he noticed and chucked.
“Do you think you take it?“
“I don’t know, but I can try,” you muttered. You didn’t know what just happened with your newly found confidence but you were rolling with it.
He ripped your panties off and put a condom on. He then, aligned his erected member to your vagina and went in.
“It hurts-“ you whined before he kissed you.
“Just take it, you’re doing good right now, cariño.” He said as he moaned a bit, enjoying how tight you feel around him.
‘Cariño’…that was new.
That’s what Doña Rosa called her husband whenever he came at random times in her restaurant when the two of you were ordering empanadas.
That’s what lovers call each other, right?
It didn’t take long for you to almost pass out from his girth entering in and out, giving you a wave of euphoria and a bit of pain.
Your mind was rushing at different places, all while hearing his little grunts and moans.
You were probably going to be sore tomorrow but it’s fine.
“I’m- I’m about to-“
“Yeah, me too,” he said before you both finished, feeling him fill you up.
“Shhh, sleep. You need rest now,” he said as he kissed your forehead and your eyes fluttered. He wrapped his sheets on you and patted your head. You softly smiled. It smelled like him and it smelled so good.
You recall him putting on some clothes and leaving, but thought he would come back.
You realized he didn’t when you woke up.
The only thing he left was a note on the other side of the bed you laid on, telling you that he felt every emotion opposite for love towards you. He wanted you to be gone from his life.
All you could do was just stare at a wall and cry.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Peter…are you sure that talking to him in person would help? I’m just-“
“Nervous? Yeah I get it. When me and MJ had our troubles, it’s always best to talk it out. Look at me now!”
“Peter, I’m looking at you and all I see is a middle-aged man in a superhero costume with a pink bathrobe, raccoon eyes, and a baby.”
Peter glared at you and rolled his eyes, “Wow I’m offended-“
You put up your arms, “Hey I’m sorry but that’s what I saw!”
“Mhm? Well, just talk to him. If he told you that in person-“
“He didn’t…”
Peter fumed, “Stop interrupting meeeee! Alright. That makes more sense then, honestly.”
You raised your eyebrow, “What do you mean by that?”
"What exactly did he do?"
You stared at him blankly, "He wrote a note.”
Peter scoffed and smiled cockily, “Miguel isn’t the type to do that stuff in writing!”
You cocked your head towards Peter, “And? What are you trying to say?”
Peter chuckled, “He didn’t mean it! That’s what it meant!”
You felt like your brain cells might have died from the statement Peter made.
What the fuck?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
yeah idk what I just wrote either.
tags ❤️‍🔥 (some don’t work and i’m so sorry 😭)
—— @catr4dora @leftcupcakedefendor @ushygushybaby @viriexo
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omgpoindexter · 7 months
more nurseydex fics!!!
i’ve been doing my duty properly and reading some different nurseydex fics on ao3 lately 🫡 i tried to find some that are more recent, however i inevitably found some that are older but slipped through the cracks for me.
here are some of the ones i came across that you need to read! i might make this a thing again if anyone is interested, im sure y’all have been much more on the ball with reading nurseydex fics than i have over the years but i do love reccing <3
suddenly this summer it’s clear by @dessertwaffles
The summer before senior year, Nursey and Dex become closer than ever.
Or, Nursey and Dex's developing relationship, as told through their text messages.
i was absolutely grinning the entire way through this. it’s a texting fic, with images rather than plain text (so clever!) but their personalities are so strong and their interactions are just perfect! and you know i love a texting fic
getting used to letting go by @jennybeantime
Dex was supposed to have a fancy job in some city upon graduation, but his plans changed once his uncle died and left the family home in Maine to him. Without immediate obligations of their own, Nursey, Chowder and Farmer follow Dex up there to help him clear it out and clean it up.
this fic is BEAUTIFUL. if you haven’t read it then please do yourself a favour and do it now. it captures certain feelings and emotions so effortlessly and i felt like i was in a little maine bubble living this story with them. i can’t believe i missed this one before, please please read!!
got the feeling you’re the right thing after all by @bisexualnursey
Two and a half years after he breaks up with Dex to go to grad school across the country, Nursey runs into him again when he visits New York for the holidays. What starts as them just rekindling their friendship quickly turns into a whole other thing: a 100% no-strings-attached friends with benefits arrangement while they’re in the same city.
Which is totally chill because Nursey is definitely over Dex. He swears. He’s going back to California soon anyway.
i seriously CANNOT BELIEVE i never read this before but i think i was in my inactive era when this was posted. it’s just so perfect!!! all the feelings and interactions with not only dex and nursey but all the other characters, friends and family, they all felt so real and i loved them so much. i’ll be rereading this a LOT! you should too!!
here i am (leaving you clues) by @averteddeyes
Will loves Nursey. Nursey loves Will. Will isn’t really quite sure how to deal with it.
(Alternatively: Will learns acceptance through poetry, hesitant communication, and brightly colored sticky notes.)
this is really gorgeously written. angst warning, because ouch!!! also poetry as a love language, like a really good selection of poetry, i really enjoyed it and how it weaves into the story. and the bittydex friendship is so important to me!!!
volta by @plusoultres
volta (n.) a turning point or point of change in a poem, most commonly a sonnet.
Or, five times a poem doesn’t reach its intended recipient, and one time it does; five drafts, and one work completed; five turning points, and one ending.
the second fic was inspired by this one, and thank goodness it was because this one totally slipped through the cracks and i’m so glad i read it. their banter is just brilliant and i love the variation in medium, and the poetry is beautiful! i could quote lines from this but im not going to. just. read it
things got weird (when we made out) by @andtimestoodstill
Nursey is being stupid about this. He knows he’s being stupid.
super fun and really cute, i love it when these two are just being idiots. great inclusion of the other teammates too. read it for this line alone: “[You’re doing] That thing where you forget to look like you hate Dex and just stare at him like some Victorian lady who just saw a hot dude for the first time.” because it made me laugh out loud
things that go bump in the night by @smashthatlikebitty
The first time it happens, Dex rolls over and flings so many obscenities in Nursey’s direction that even his Grandmother would have to sit down — and she cursed so much at Dex’s cousin’s wedding that the whole family has been banned from that church ever since.
Nursey just stills in the dark, one shoe off. A languid, infuriating presence. “Chill, man.”
essentially all the times nursey’s clumsy ass wakes dex up in the night. oh how i love pretending these two roomied their way into a relationship! this is so cute, smiled all the way through
some things take two people to build by @cricketnationrise
“You are the single most dramatic person I have ever met,” Dex mutters, trying valiantly to hide his grin.
Or, 5 times Dex wishes their relationship was real +1 time he doesn't have to
this was so fun, yet again i love them being idiots!!! these two in new york city is so important to me. and i for one would LOVE to read the work party 5+1 fic. just saying
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This made me think how much hanma and draken have this funny enemies thing going on so imagine ur pissed at shuji or just sick of him not making a move yet? Y’all act like a couple but this mfer never made it official? Like why is his hand always in the back pocket of ur jeans? Why does this mfer offer u the last bite of his donut? No tell me why tf does he hold ur hand in a crowded place?🤨And when u lowkey joke about oh are u in love with me? And he laughs saying “don’t be silly doll” doll? (I’ll end him I swear) so u flirt with draken and yknow how he hates his guts that’s why u do so to piss him off and I think pissed shuji very sexy tbh wow 🤲🏽👍🏽and the thought of losing u to another man? And that man is bald with a braid? Aw hell naH Shawty he confessing so fast🤭😳
No because making draken the sacrificial goat is killing me lmao. Dw we won't do draken dirty here I've got a work-around.
also massive apologies to you vivi i'm sorry you knew abt this for an inordinate amount of time
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it takes idiots (reader and shuji) many months, jealousy and miscommunication, and some prettiness to finally make it official.
cw: fem!reader, reader loses her temper and shuji is super needy so its a lil more subby!shuji smut, cream pie, unprotected sex (don't recommend, be safe out there), ye idk im gonna go pretend this isn't posted now, peace ✌️ ~2.2k
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God but hear me out it starts at a toman party. Shuji and you are acting the way you always do. You're literally in his lap lounging in the corner of the couch. He's playing with the hem of your skirt, flipping the end between his fingers and rubbing the skin of your thigh. You're talking to Yuzuha who's occupying the chaise lounge. You haven't seen her in a while, she's been abroad with hakkai on so many modelling gigs lately. And she totally misreads the situation. She's like, so how is it, finally being together?
At first it's silly, though you have a tinge of want at the end of your words when you joke back with, "Well we've actually been married for three years, we just never found the right time to tell you all."
Yuzuha clocks it as a joke, but not as a sore spot for you. Or maybe she's so shocked and that's why she won't let it go that easily. "Hanma what the hell is wrong with you?"
"Undiagnosed ADHD and probabl-"
You give your friend a we're-going-to-talk-about-this-later look as a baffled Yuzuha cuts him off. "Wha- Hanma god damn it I meant-no- you know what I meant."
He offers a half shrug, "What? M'young."
That's when you excuse yourself blankly to get another drink. The insinuation that Shuji was still playing the field left you a bit numb. He wasn't. You knew that he wasn't because you were with him 90% of his waking hours. Hell you'd platonically (as platonically as you and Shuji ever really were) slept in his bed last night and woke up next to him. The bastard slept with his arms around you and snored in your ear half the night and he has the balls to joke like that? His words stung like a betrayal of the highest degree.
In the kitchen you found Draken looking for a pong partner. Perfect, you decide, a distraction with alcohol built in.
He tells you casually between turns he's fresh off (another) a break up with his on again off again girlfriend and you feel a dark part of you light up and a wicked idea is born.
You throw the pong game. To the point where Draken has to give you pointers. Has to get real close and talk lowly in your ear about how we need you to aim for the left one this time okay? His honeyed baritone sends shivers down your spine and you wonder for a second how much better this scenario would be if it were Shuji in your ear. Shuji's hands on your hip, his thumb dipping below the waist band of your skirt.
You huff a little. Nah fuck him. it's time to put your plan into action. You throw with your usual accuracy. You get the point. Out of the corner of your eye you see a certain skunk striped boy half-fixated on your game.
Showtime, you brain screams.
Excitedly you hop in Draken's grasp, throwing your arms around his neck and revel in his pleased laughter. "You're up again," he says as he puts you down and steps back. You stop him by the wrist, tug him back a little.
"Wait can you help me line it up again?" You bat your lashes a bit, playing at being drunker than you both know you are.
"Sure thing." You feel his warmth and relish in it, stalling and pressing into him. It's a miss, but the tiny peck under your ear he plants feels like a win.
The ball splashes in a cup on your side and you opponent, Kazutora smirks. Draken offers to drink it but you refuse. It's cheap beer. It's rough going down. Draken puts his hand between your shoulders and says that for such a pretty little thing you sure can hold your alcohol. The praise, more than the alcohol, warms your cheeks.
It's the last shot and you make it. You excitedly turn around in Draken's grasp and catch his lips in yours. You never intended for it to be a just celebratory peck, but you pull away, blushing a bit and stuttering apologies to make it appear so. Draken drawls out some praise for his pretty girl that won the game and draws you back in by the small of your neck and pulling the plush of your lower lip between his teeth.
You hear Kazutora cat whistle and know, you just know, it's meant to alert his buddy Shuji. Mentally you apologize to Emma but after she's regaled you and the girls with all the filthy details of the nasty make up sex she and Draken have, somehow you think she won't mind this little show, given that's all it was.
You hope she'll also forgive the two heavy punches Shuji lands on her Kennyboy before Kazutora pulls your next friend back and you can get back between the two again. People are staring, hoping for a fight. Some even boo when Emma whisks Draken away by the collar of his shirt and you try to push Shuji away.
"Fuck him," he spits and looks at you, "you too you little shit," he accuses and pulls you away by the wrist.
God, you're a certified sucker for that crazy look in his eyes. It's the first thing you think when Shuji slams the door of a spare bedroom in Pah Chin's house. You can't help it. There's nothing like Hanma Shuji slipping into his aggressive chaos mode on this earth. His irises glow with his emotion. And, wow was it easy to forget that he had you pressed against the door of this room with all his energy and attention fixed on you.
His fingers were knotted in your hair and you vaguely noted his growl asking you what the FUCK you thought you were doing.
"And who are you to ask that? I'm not yours. We're not together Shuji. Never have been. You're young, still right?" You shoot back
"Tch, that's what this is about?"
Maybe he had you caged against the door but liquid courage had you fighting back. You shove his chest. "Yeah. Yeah that's what this is about. What the fuck right do you have to treat me like I'm yours? You drive me everywhere. You hold my hand. You share your bed. You kiss my forehead. You make me breakfast. You know my secrets. You call me yours. But you can't make it official? What the fuck is up with that?"
With every sentence you've pushed Shuji back till he was perched on the corner of the bed.
"How the fuck is that fair, huh? You want me to be yours Shuji? Then tell me you're fucking mine." It's not a request. It's a demand. An ultimatum. A last chance to be honest with you.
He's looking up at you still as a statue, emotion so unreadable it unnerves you. You know how he wears almost any emotion. He rarely surprises you, and yet...
"I'm yours."
Shuji says it quietly at first like there's a lag between his awareness and speech. You're shocked he's caved so quickly and you stutter out an "Excuse me?"
"I'm yours." He repeats, more confidently. "God I'm so fucking yours." He's dragged you by the hips to straddle his lap and his lips are on yours and you swear you can taste the adrenaline on his tongue.
It's every bit as addicting as you guessed to properly make out with Shuji. You don't know how long you've been sat on him attached in this kiss but when you tug him by the hair to catch your breath and hear him groan at the tension you think you've died and gone to heaven. He's mumbling little "all fuckin yours, baby" up and down your neck and you feel his voice reverberating in your throat.
You grind down on the swell of his hardening dick and smirk a bit, lips ghosting his, "all?"
He's shimmying out of his pants, when you slide off his lap to kneel on the floor. You're met with a sizeable bulge hidden under tight black fabric and you damn near moan just at the sight of his freed dick springing up to tap his abs when you pull the last offending piece of fabric away. "Shuji you're so fucking beautiful." You say as you brush your fingers over his length carefully. His mouth opens in an amused playful smirk but you're on him immediately, stealing his words by licking a stripe from base to the tip that you pop right in your mouth. His jaw hesitates and then goes slack as you look up at him and take as much of him as possible.
You don't know what you expected but he is not quiet. He's mumbling praise and expletives and he exhales the hottest, breathiest moan you've ever had the pleasure to hear, let alone cause, when his tip hits the back of your throat and you swallow around it. You smile around him and want to giggle but you settle on humming around him. You force his fingers in your hair into a fist telling him to set his pace but he pulls you off instead. He's panting a bit and you feel a pang of pride in your chest.
"Need to fuck you. Need your pussy." He's already clamoring to help you up and discard your skirt. You do him the honor of not remembering his words as needy and stuttered as they were just this one time.
You climb over him to straddle his hips and stroke his cock once, twice, before running the tip along your slit. Rather than taking the tip you pivot your hips and pin his dick to his abs and run your soaking lips along his length. The sensation of his hot head nudging your clit brings you to your elbows, moaning in his ears.
Big hands grip your ass and grind you even harder into his dick. And between the warm stimulation and the nails digging into your skin you're already on the fucking edge, but you'll be damned if the first time you fuck Shuji you don't cum around his cock.
Finally after your relentless teasing you lined up his dick and hovered over him bobbing just enough to tease his tip with the velvety walls of your pussy. Shuji can barely whine a "fuck, doll stop teasing me cant take it," before you've sunk down and taken his cock whole and he's groaning and squeezing your ass, pulling you onto himself with bruising strength. You're suddenly laying on him again, collapsed down to your elbows with the power of your orgasm, while your fluttering walls only spur him on.
The weight of years of fantasies of this moment hit him at once and before you can process it, he's bear hugging you and rolling over to take the lead. Fuck, how could he not? After pining after you for so long, imagining getting to finally fuck you and promising himself that he'd make sure you wanted no one else when he was done with you.
It's endearing, you think, how he mutters as much to you over and over as he makes your pussy his as he fucks you through your high and beyond. You giggle and moan and gasp and think this is exactly how you pictured sex with Shuji to be needy, whiny, unexpected, a little rough.
You can read him so well that when his breath hitches just right, you wrap you legs around his waist, ignoring the stuttered warning of his own impending orgasm. Instead you gripped his hair, pulled his face to yours and breathed, "Gonna make me all fucking yours?" over his lips.
Immediately he pulled away from your kiss, unable to coordinate as he lost his composure and filled you, half locked in place by your legs. Muttered curses and filthy nonsense about how you feel around his is all he can get out until he's spent, finally latching his mouth on your shoulder to give an affectionate bite, not unlike bites you'd exchanged as friends a few hours before. You let him lay on you a minute or so to recover before he pulls back and sits up on his knees to look down at you, at his handiwork.
"Holy shit."
"Yeah," you agreed.
"Why haven't we done that before?"
"Hm...something about you being young?" You tease as he eases out of you.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. We already fucked that issue away," he jokes back and combs his fingers through some minor tangles in your hair, "S'not like I meant it anyway, y'know."
You catch his hand and tug it, wanting to be closer, "You're free to prove that to me any time."
In true Shuji form, he gasps in that goofy performatively dumb way he likes to as he brings his face close to yours for a kiss, "You mean I can do this again?"
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 46
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
habits of my heart by tusslee
Keith swallowed nervously, afraid to ask what it was Lance wanted, but his mouth was ahead of his brain, “What do you want then?” “You. All the time. In every sense. It’s insane.” Lance said with a laugh that sounded a little manic. “I want to hold your hand and shit. I want to just be near you, like some love-sick girl, but I think that’s what I am. I think I fucking love you, holy shit.”
no bc i need yall to understand how batshit insane i went when reading this specific piece of dialgue in-story the first time. im pretty sure i actually gasped out loud. the easy immediate and pained you oh i did not recover for a long ass time
2. falling by tusslee
Lance was also not entirely the idiot everyone thought him to be. Oblivious in some aspects, yes. Naïve to an extent, also yes. But Lance knew a little bit of the psychology behind dreams and how they were basically your subconscious projecting your fears, or whatever. Okay so he didn’t know the exact details, but he knew enough to piece together why his fear of falling was quickly becoming the main focus of his dreams night after night. And of course like everything else that went wrong in Lance’s life, it was Keith’s fault.
I LOVE ME SOME GAY METAPHORS ‼️‼️‼️ like i wonder why you are afraid of falling lance!! and i wonder what is going to soothe that fear!! hm!!! what mystery!!! what intrigue!! HM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. curing space blues by tusslee
The weightlessness of zero gravity doesn’t apply to feelings, Lance learns.
i'll read homesick lance and awkward but determined to help keith a thousand times in a thousand different ways idc. it never ever gets old. bc it's just so true that is what happened is it not. this is them
4. wherever you will go by tusslee
“I want to be someone you count on and come to when you’re upset. I want to be important to you, Lance, because you’re really important to me.” Silence stretched between them when Keith lost the nerve to continue. He kept his eyes on their hands, noticed the color contrast between them and wondered if it’d look so profound if it was more than just their fingers twined together.
first of all. lance calling keith red and keith calling lance pretty. send tweet. second of all. choked up by his own difficulty expressing emotions but so deeply loving that he tries anyway keith makes me actually sob with my real tears every single time. without fail. keith i love you keith you are so everything keith you do all that you do with everything you have to give
5. Guy That I'd Kinda be Into by spirkylurkey
Lotor thinks Lance is cute. So does Keith. They're all in a floating space-castle together. This is going to be a problem. i miss the good old days!! when messy dumb comedic gay love triangles were abundant!! they were so much fun!! and so for you i present a messy dumb comedic gay love triangle. i also miss the animatic that used to exist with the song from the title. old voltron you were a mess and a half and i miss you truly
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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dlyansworld · 3 months
Why do you hate me?
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Pairing:Y/n and Matt Sturniolo
Summary: Matt and you are enemies, but for some reason he’s been a little more tolerant to you lately. He’s in his room, and you’re hanging out with Nick and Chris in the living room. They go out, and you get bored.
Warnings:None just fluff
Hi my name is Nikki this is my first story i’ve ever written so i don’t even know if this is good or not but if anyone reads this and thinks it’s shit please tell me but don’t be rude.I hope y’all like this💕
I’ve been hanging out with Nick and Chris for a while and they decided they were gonna go out. It was weird though because I don't talk to Matt and they kinda just left me here.
I got bored so why not go to Matt’s room. I knocked on his door 3 times before entering, I finally opened the door after no answer then I was met with.
“Get out,” he says with an attitude and looks back down at his phone. “Why am I bored Matt, your brothers left and I'm all alone now?” I say with a smile.
“I don't care if my problem gets out,” she doesn’t even look back at me. “oh ok” I was kinda hurt but I'm used to it. When is he ever nice I laugh at myself. but what I didn’t know was that he noticed that I was upset by his words.
He pauses for a moment and notices you’re upset. “Are you upset?..” “No it’s whatever” he sighs “Now I feel bad you don’t have to leave” he has a look in his eyes but I can’t quite read it.
“Can I ask you something tho” “What is it?” he looks confused because I’ve never asked him something. I mean we haven’t had a conversation this long and this civil before.
“Why do you hate me? I mean I've tried to be nice. '' I just flat out said that I didn’t think I was gonna ask it. “I don’t hate you you’re just annoying”
“bruh” but that’s not what I said because that would be odd but that’s what I just felt after he said that you know sometimes we just have that moment when we just wanna say that.
“ok I mean I can be but why do I make you annoyed” he sighs and puts his phone down “I don’t know I just get irritated when you’re around"
“stop avoiding my question” I get confused why can't he just answer the damn question. “I’m not avoiding it, you just “annoy” me, your voice is irritating, the way you act, everything” he responds, that word again annoying I can't be that annoying, but I'm quite hurt I don't know why I just am so I say this. “wow ok fuck you im out” 
he sighs and lays his head on the table “I’m an idiot” “yea I know” I say still standing at the doorway he pauses “Wait, are you still there?” “I was waiting for you to stop me. He asked why I was waiting.” He doesn't say anything for a bit, and I start getting nervous.
“Can we start over? I don’t think you’re that annoying, I think I’m just irritated in general” I finally decided to spit out the truth since he still didn't get it “Matt can I tell you something” *welp I get go back to* a whisper I heard. Ok he's not responding, spit it out, stop being a baby.
“I’ve liked you for a very long time and it made me so upset when you never saw, I mean I was giving you a hint after I hit and you never saw it and I’ve tried to be so nice and all I’ve ever got was you being rude so that's the truth. but I think I should just gonna go now”
he becomes silent after I say all of that “Are you serious? You like me?” he stops me from leaving with his words “yes Matt I always have” he’s speechless for a moment “Well I feel like an idiot right now Sorry for being a jerk to you” he becomes more quiet but.
“it’s ok I should go now” As I'm walking out the door he stops me and grabs my hand, and if I'm being real right now it feels like a movie. “Can I ask you something real quick?” “Yeah?”
He pauses for a moment and looks at her “I Well” he pauses for a second, alright can he just spit it out now I think? “I like you too But I never thought you would like me” 
I was very surprised by his answer and didn't believe him so I said “You have?” he hesitated for a moment before he leaned forward and held her hands. He’s so close, only an inch from her lips
He kisses her, their lips touching. The kiss is gentle and soft. He pulls back a few seconds later. “Does that answer your question?” I lean back in for more. And with that, the brothers burst through the door. “What the fuck” Nick and Chris say at the same time.
Ok that was my first story ever and I really hope you guys like it, if you think its bad please don't be rude but gives me tips I would love to hear on how I can improve, Love Nikki
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kairolee2004 · 7 months
Hello, may I request from Demon Slayer? The Reader takes (separately) their beloved partner into sauna and teaches them how to hit each other with vihta, how to jump into a cold lake or snow in the middle of the sauna, and how to throw more löyly to make it hotter? You can also enjoy cold drinks while in sauna to ease up the heat. Could I request this with Giyu, Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro, and perhaps Tengen? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Another Demon slayer ask already? Omg fun!! :)
Thanks to ________ for the request!!! <333
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Sauna with… Giyu
• 🌊 It was already difficult enough to get Giyu to come on this mission with you up to the frozen mountains.
• 🌊 Of course it was even more difficult to get him into the sauna!
•🌊 He kept saying that it was a waste of time to stop at the inn when you guys were miles away from the location.
•🌊 With a little convincing and promises of kisses and cuddles later throughout the night… HE ACCEPTED!
• 🌊 As ya’ll sat in the sauna relaxing, Giyu looked at you. He saw how relaxed you looked and kinda loved it.
“You know reader… seeing you like this. All warm and calm, it makes me so happy that I came on this mission with you. Not saying that it isn’t a pleasure being around you!”
• 🌊 You sure as hell were happy that you brought your lovely partner.
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Sauna with… Sanemi
•🍃 This man likes them- PLEASE DO FIGHT ME ON THIS!
•🍃 Feels like Sanemi dragged you to a sauna. Gave the excuse that he’s always ‘sore’ and that he needs to ‘relax’ a lot of the time.
•🍃 Gotta believe the man because he’s paying for most of the stuff.
•🍃 He likes it when the people put in lavender scents. It of course calms both of you down.
•🍃 Cuddles or holds you throughout the whole time y’all are there.
“What? Ok what if I want to hold you, it doesn’t mean anything. I just care about you idiot!”
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Sauna with… Gyomei
•📿 Goes to the sauna 2 times a week!!!
•📿 If he could, man could have a membership!!! Have all the sweet deals and high quality stuff.
•📿Takes you to places like that very often.
•📿 The owners love him and very much adore you!
•📿 Holds onto you the whole time.
•📿 While your talking and holding onto him, he has some… non-holy thoughts about you and he needs to pray STAT!
“My darling, you sound so happy and calm and it brings me so much happiness that you are comfortable around me. Thank you for your love.”
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Sauna with… Kyojuro
•🍱 This man definitely orders drinks in mountains!!
•🍱 He’s got 5 drinks down before you can finish your first.
•🍱 Begging the owners if he can order food or even bring food bit sadly know.
•🍱 I feel like you would sneak in some sweet potatoes for him. You love him that much <3
•🍱 Would definitely secretly run out the front door and jump in the snow. Then run his cold ass back in the hot room.
•🍱 Definitely falls asleep.
Thanks for reading!!! Sorry I wont be doing Tengen, I had things to due and I officially didn’t have energy to write for him and plus~ Im sick with a virus- NOT CORONAVIRUS!!!
See ya soon!!! - Cookie
Requests are: Open
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teyamloak · 1 year
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Angry… part 1
↳ neteyam x fem! human reader x lo’ak
✩ warnings: neteyam is 18 lo’ak is 17, y/n is 17, fighting, cursing, and jealous.
✩ synopsis: neteyam has always had some hatred toward you. lo’ak and you are best friends, nothing can separate you too. On this particular day, you were sunbathing when Aonung and his friends started to pick on you, they quickly stop once neteyam comes and helps you....
✩ note: hi everyone, this will be my first time writing. it will probably be bad so sorry.
when I was younger I was always alone. I’m a human, that has to be the loneliest race ever. I was born in pandora with another baby named spider, I never really liked him though. when I met lo’ak I finally realized what it meant to have a meaning. I didn’t have parents I didn’t even have a family. Jake was always nice to me but I knew deep down he didn’t want me around. I reminded him of himself when he was human, it was sad really. Don’t get me started on Neytiri, she hated me and she showed it. she never liked me, said I should be with my own people, says I will cause trouble for her sons. she says this while knowing that…
lo’ak is my meaning. my best friend. my reason,
we had just moved to a new village it was pretty, the people were so different it scared me lowkey. since day one of getting here, I was getting bullied, and today was no exception.
Aonung and his friends had found me sunbathing.
“what are you doing over here, freakkkkk.” he stretches out the k in freak.
“where is your lil boyfriend is he off with some other girl??”
“leave me alone aonung, and he isn’t my boyfriend he’s my best friend something that you don’t have.” his friends start to instigate the conversation “ohhhhh” “you going to let her talk to you like that”
“stfu y’all are literally my friend, idiot.” with that, aonung started to walk closer his friends quickly following right behind him. “listen her y/n if you’re lil boyfriend doesn’t want you anymore you can always come be with me, god knows how much i want you to be a slut for me.” the smirk so clearly on his face while saying that. my whole body shakes of disgust for some reason i felt dirty even though i clearly did nothing wrong.
i can see from the corner of my eye aonung’s hand start to go up, about to be reaching for my hand but stopped when he heard “aonung you know you don’t want to do that.”
“you know exactly what will happen once you do” i with everybody else was shocked to see neteyam.
neteyam has hated me since birth lo’ak says it’s because he doesn’t see “good” in me. but i think it’s because he’s jealous of me for taking up lo’ak’s time.
aonung was the most surprise, he knew that neteyam didn’t like me.
“wtf are you doing here neteyam this isn’t your bitch.” “who is he calling a bitch” i say in my brain.
“watch your mouth, aonung you know exactly what this is and how much she means to my brother.”
“i don’t like her but my brother does so i have to protect her whether i like it, or not.” neteyam makes sure to say this louder then anything he has said previously.
“y/n stop looking stupid and come over here or do you want to stay with these idiots?.” quickly i moved my small feet towards him god knows i didn’t want to be anywhere near aonung.
neteyam and i we’re starting to walk away when aonung yells out
“her pussy must be so good if she has the sully brothers so pussywiped” “maybe after you’re done you can let me fuck her” with that neteyam was off before i can turn around i see ao’nung on the floor with his hand on his check, bleeding.
“never talk about her in that manner again she not yours, she’s ours” who tf is “ours” who was he referring to? god im so confused….
neteyam is dragging me towards another land. when i say dragging i mean he was literally dragging me.
we had finally stopped after what felt like an hour of him dragging me. he dropped his hand from the arm he was dragging and turns around, making eye contact with me and says “you can not leave my watch anymore, who knows what ao’nung would have done if he was alone with you”
“he likes you y/n, did you know that?”
“why would i care he means nothing to me” “plus the only man i’ve ever cared about is lo’ak” the eyes that were once yellow and concerned were now dark yellow and filled with what seemed to be jealousy.
“why must he be the only guy you see”
“what are you talking about”
“why can’t you say something nice to me, why can’t you say “thank you for helping me neteyam” instead the first thing you have to bring up is lo’ak newsflash he wasn’t there, i was, can i be that hard to pay attention to ”
“wtf are you talking about??? you have been mean to me since i was born you’ve never tried to talk to me, shit this is the first conversation we have had since i was a baby.”
“don’t you ever wonder why” “no not really i don’t really care about it”
“god it’s because i see you, i see you y/n”
“once i saw ao’nung about to touch you i knew that i felt something for you”
“The reason why I haven’t been nice to you or talked to you is because of lo’ak.” “he has told me that he was yours” “his" "yes his"
"he has told me that you were his future mate and it made sense all of those years, I believed him, but now I know you aren't his mate, you are just strangely attached to him like a lost puppy" "lo’ak has told you that I am his?" “lo'ak is nothing more than a friend"
just as I was about to say more neteyam come closer to me, and now I can’t hear anything but my heartbeat at this moment I felt “good” not dirty like before.
neteyam was quick to grab my hand, and for some reason I let him. this is the first time neteyam has ever touched me. this is the first time my heart has ever started going crazy.
as if the planet knew what was about to happen lo’ak popped up.
“y/n I’ve been looking for you everywhere I heard what happened- he stops as he sees neteyam’s and my hand together.
“neteyam what are you doing here?” “I was just leaving,” he says simply and starts to walk away. but for some reason I didn’t let go of his hand I grabbed it tighter. lo’ak took notice of my action.
neteyam turns his head towards me and tilts his head an action that I’ve noticed his whole family does. he looks at me then his eyes start to go down my whole body and stop when our hand comes into view.
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he doesn’t even have to say to let go off his hand, his face so clearly says it for himself. he looks mad, very mad. what did I do? I didn’t do anything wrong, why was he so mad at me even after he told me his feelings for me?
quickly I let go of the hand that I was once holding. I missed it so much, in so little time that i had felt it, I missed the warmth of his big hand on my small hand, I miss the feeling of being “good” even though he so clearly didn’t want to have anything to do with me at this moment, what had just happen?
neteyam walks away nodding his head towards his brother without saying a word to him, but for some reason, lo’ak knows exactly what he is saying. As quickly as he comes he was gone..never in my life have I wished for him to return but today it was different, why?
should i make a part 2??
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fathertaurus · 2 years
A Fezco Blurb
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A/N: If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know that this shit has been sitting in my drafts since the season 2 premiere and this bitch is STILL not done but it has some good scenes in it that I really want to share and this is one of them...so....enjoy :)
I feel like I should also mention that this about halfway through the fic so a bit of info for more context: the reader is Rue’s older sister (by a year). Because I can never tell when my writer’s block is going to strike just know im going to be posting the whole fic but just in blurbs!
Warnings: drug use, alcohol use, crude language 
“I—damn, I’m so…” She hiccuped, “Embarrassed.”
Fez immediately interjected, hands waving her off and everything, “Nah nah nah, none of that.”
Through the blur of her vision she watched as he moved from her flank to the sink across the floor, his hand grabbing at the drying towel on the hook before he turned the faucet on.
“Did you drink?”
In her mind the answer came to her instantly: hell yeah she drank, she had to have been up 4 shots by the time Fezco even showed up, and then the extra 5 that followed to build confidence. But when she tried to say it, to will the simple fucking word off her tongue it just wouldn’t come out. Instead what did follow was a deep gulp because now she was sitting thinking about what an idiot she was to mix brown and clear liquor and it wasn’t the best reminder to her stomach.
“Imma take that as a yeah.” He called back but it seemed to be more of a mumble to himself, still busying about with the sink.
Y/N nodded slowly, so as to not make her even more dizzy, before resting her head against the wall beside the toilet. She was fucked, she was so fucking fucked up.
The sound of the same pair of feet coming back towards her brought a sliver of comfort, even with her eyes closed, she was happy to know (or at least the part of her that was sober) that despite her current predicament it wasn’t scaring Fez off.
Bending down slowly the red head raised the now cold and damp towel to her forehead, pressing it against her clammy skin as gently as possible. She smiled
“Feels.. nice.”
“I know B.” He whispered, lowering the cloth down the side of her face to the crook of her neck, creating rhythmic movements of patting and rubbing. “Aye, but you gotta tell me all the shit you did tonight.”
Y/N groaned, pressing her head even further into the cold tile. Sober Y/N knew this information was important and that she needed to communicate it because she had never been in this scenario before but Fez clearly had and he wanted to help. On the other hand, fucked up Y/N was this close to vomiting again and it was definitely preventing her from wanting to open her mouth.
But Fezco was insistent.
“C’mon Ma, you not gon get no better if I can’t help you.” He mumbled back, pulling the towel off her neck and setting it at his side which only earned another whine from Y/N.
With a shaky hand placed over her eyes so as to think (and block out the bright ass light), the other one pushed her from the wall to sit up straight against the tub behind her. Doing her best to ignore the way her body rocked back and forth she sucked in a deep breath and contemplated.
“I…yeah, I smoked. C-Couple blunts with, friends.” It was a slow paced pack of words but Fez seemed to follow fine, his whole attention still wrapped up in her and only her.
“What else?”
“……Coke, did lines with…, Chrissy and M-Maria.” She breathed, the folds in her forehead rooted up high in her state of deep thinking.
Fezco nodded, “How many lines y’all do?”
It was at this point that she could feel all the energy in her body hitting the 5%-0% range, all of the talking and the thinking running her down almost instantaneously. So with what little strength she had left she slowly raised her hand to reveal two digits, praying that that would be enough.
“Okay okay, well you gon be fine but yo ass is definitely crossed right now.” Raising his hand he nonchalantly moved the loose strand of hair in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear, the heat of his fingertips lingering around the edge of her jawline as he seemed to..hover in that place for just a moment. Until he pulled back.
Sober Y/N made a note to remember that to the very best of her ability.
“You got the spins too and that shits not gon go away until you either finish yo business here in the bathroom and knock or if we sober you up.” He explained, finally sitting down on the floor across from her. “But imma be real with you, you not gon like either option. ‘Specially if this yo first time.”
“Wanna go home.” She whispered, head lulling over to rest on the cold porcelain of the bathtub, the only thing keeping her from slipping straight on her back to the floor. Though at this point that sounded a bit better, probably would feel even better against her damn clammy skin. 
Though eyes nearly shut Y/N could see the way the amber hair angel watched her. There was pity in his eyes-- but not the kind that could tie a person’s guts into a knot from embarrassment, no, this was the kind of pity that showed concern, worry, care. 
Fezco seemed to be contemplating as well, eyes going slightly blank as thoughts quite obviously ran behind them, even taking a moment to rub at the stubble of his beard. 
“You want me to take you?” 
Probably the most coherent statement she had made in the past hour or so but there was nothing in her that needed any time to ponder over any other sort of options. She didn’t give a fuck about this party anymore, her insides felt like they were burning, the room was beginning to vibrate, and now she had the only person she wanted to show up to this shitshow tending to her. 
Silence seemed to evade the bathroom in its entirety, and it was warm--comfy, a golden hue tinging the sound in a way that wasn’t describable but so familiar, as if they had sat and stared at each other a million times before..whether in this lifetime or maybe a previous one. 
And as Y/N peered at him, holding the eye contact for just one moment more--like she wasn’t fucked up, like she wasn’t clutching every physical thing in her reach to stabilize her, like she wasn’t sweating not because of the alcohol but because the man before her might just be the most goddamn gorgeous person she’s ever seen, she swore, he smiled. 
“Alright I gotchu.” Fez nodded slowly before tossing the wet rag into the sink above them and tucking his phone into his back pocket.  
A/N: hope you enjoyed! 
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loserforeddie · 2 years
Shot In The Dark Part 2 (Male/GN)
Hi! im so sorry this male/gn version took me so long! I really hope y’all like it!
Summary: When the popular good-grade student start to talk to Eddie Munson, he thinks it’s too good to be true. They become quick friends, but when y/n asks him out, learns that it was too good to be true...
Part Two of Shot In The Dark 
Warnings: angsty but turns to fluff, SUGGESTIVE AT THE END, Eddie sucks on some nipples- but nothing too hardcore, making out, grinding.
Thank you to everyone who loved this series :) I'm beyond thankful!
I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes-
Male/gn version
Word count: 6k
. .  .
Eddie refused to leave his room for the next two days. Deciding instead, to get high in his room and forget about everything that happened between you and him.
The whole ordeal just felt too painful, too fresh in his mind.
Being the town freak, he knew he had a reputation. He knew that he was always going to be treated differently. And for the most part, he was okay with that.
He was okay being the outcast, being the weirdo that no one wanted to get too close to. He didn't mind it, because he just wanted to be himself. He didn't want to conform to what society wanted him to be. 
The only thing he wanted was to be who he was. 
But that day, that day in the parking lot. That made him rethink his entire stance.
He hated the fact that someone so random could make him feel like this, that some person who he had rarely talked to before a few months ago, could make him feel this shity.
He hated how, for once, just for an instant, he thought maybe he had a chance to have that stupid high school romance.
Eddie Munson was never one to search out any romantic partners. It was futile. No one wanted to be seen with the town freak. And he was too busy anyway.
Or at least, that's what he told himself.
Truth be told, he was kind of lonely. As much as he loved his bandmates, his DND group, and even his uncle, he wanted something more. Something deeper.
And for a moment, he thought he found that, with you.
But he supposed he was just being an idiot. Why the hell would you ever want to be with him? When you were…you.
So, here he was, in his bed staring up at the ceiling. High out of his mind.
He groaned, swinging his arm over his eyes, wanting to block out the world from his own mind.
He heard a knock at his door, and he groaned as Wayne let himself in.
“You doing all right there, kiddo?”
Wayne had started to notice the difference in Eddie’s demeanor. When he came home that night after you had asked him out, he noticed how Eddie was quieter, and a sullen expression was written all over his face.
Wayne didn't ask any questions, though, which was something that Eddie loved about his uncle. They had a silent agreement that when things got too rough for either one of them, the other one didn’t bring it up.
 But Eddie could tell that he was worrying his uncle, and a part of him felt bad.
 However, the other part of him just couldn't seem to care. Just about anything. He felt numb to anything else around him.
 But Eddie sighed, “Yeah, just not feeling great right now.”
Wayne nodded, saying nothing.
“Well… let me know if you need anything, alright?”
Eddie just nodded and listened to his uncle's footsteps as he left.
He knew, sooner or later, he was going to have to come out of his shell, he knew sooner or later he was going to have to face you again. To watch your judgmental eyes bare into his, feeling his soul being crushed under your weight. He just couldn’t bare it.
Your face, laughing at him along with your friends, made him want to sink down into his bed and do absolutely nothing for eternity.
. . .
When Wayne had finally decided that Eddie needed to go back to school, he knew he wasn’t ready.
The whole drive in his van, all he could think about was how pitiful he would probably look in front of everyone. 
And then he realized, his friends would ask him what happened to him. Why he just fell off the face of the planet for a few days.
He bit his lip as he tried to think of an excuse. 
“Just had a bad trip, Rick gave me some bad weed man, had to stay home.” Yeah, that sounded believable.
But little did he know, most of the school had already heard about what happened with him and you. Much to his dismay.
“Was it really true? You really turned down Y/N?”
Eddie grimaced at the mention of your name, “No, it was all a fucking joke, Gareth. Y/N didn’t actually want to go out with me, it was some stupid dare.”
But Gareth wasn’t convinced, “Are you sure? Y/N’s really not the type to do something like that.”
Eddie grumbled something under his breath and Jeff whispered to Gareth, “Dude, drop it.”
Suddenly, one of his little sheep pipped up, “Uh, Eddie? Maybe this is stupid- but my sister knows Y/N. They have P.E together. And she said that Y/N hasn’t come to school for the last few days.” Mike Wheeler said.
Eddie raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, well, I cussed ‘em out pretty good when I found out. Y/N probably just didn’t want to show his face around here.” Eddie finished his sentence with a growl.
The boys took the hint and decided to change the subject. 
But still, Eddie couldn’t get you out of his god damn head. 
As the boys spoke to one another, his mind was elsewhere. He hated how he had talked to you when he last saw you. A twinge of regret ignited in the pit of his stomach. Even if it was some stupid dare, he still knew that he still cared about you.
However, he looked back at all the events that lead up to the parking lot. It had him thinking, was it all a dare? Even you helping him study? Even you walking into his favorite record shop? Even you coming to see his band? Was that really all coincidence? Or was that, too, part of some soul crushing dare?
If so, he had applauded your commitment. 
He just couldn't stop thinking about the way your eyes shone with genuine tears. As if you were actually hurt about him turning you down. But he tried his best to convince himself that those tears were merely due to the fact that he had screamed at you in front of the whole parking lot.
A part of him regretted it, he wished he would have talked to you in a more calm demeanor. But he didn't, and now he felt the guilt rising up to his throat.
Why the hell should he care this much? You where the one who had pulled a stupid prank on him, obvousily he was going to be upset.
He had to remind himself of that fact everytime he felt guilty, trying his best to just move on already-
He was grumbling to himself, picking off the salt on the prezels he packed for his lunch, when two cheerleaders walked up behind him.
They both stared down at him, crossing their arms.
“You know,” the brunette one said, startling him, “what you did to Y/N was totally uncalled for.”
The other, a blonde, nodded, “Yeah, the name calling was just a dick move. You could have just said no and moved on.”
Eddie raised a brow, “First, Y/N started it by asking me out as a fucking joke. Secondly, I could care less.”
The first cheerleader arched her brow, “Asked you out as a joke? What are you talking about? Y/N never makes fun of anyone.”
But Eddie rolled his eyes, “Save it, ladies. I saw Y/N friends laughing and pointing at me as he asked me out. And believe me, I’ve been asked out as a joke before, and that’s usually how it goes.”
The other one, the blonde, gaped at him, “Oh my god- you really thought Y/N was joking. No! Oh my- Jesus christ.”
The two cheerleaders looked at eachother before shaking their heads. 
“You’re so stupid,” the first one said rolling her eyes.
“Seriously. Y/N would only ever talk about you. Since like, last year. When you guys had english together. All Y/N would talk about was how funny you where, making ‘em laugh. And then when Y/N finally worked up the courage to ask you out, you went and yelled your god damn head off. You really need to take a hint.”
“Yeah,” the blonde one said, “to be honest Y/N all but stalked you, really. he knew what days your band played at the hideout, and what your favorite song was. Hell, Y/N even knew that your least favorite class was, which was O’Donelle’s.”
Eddie’s eye’s where blown wide in disbelief. He felt his heart beating wildly in his chest as he tried to concentrate on what these girls had just told him. 
You, had really actually tried to ask him out? Not as a joke? 
Oh my god, was he fucking stupid.
. . . 
As soon as the next period started, he was already inside his van. 
He really could give two shits about skipping, this was more imprortant.
His palms were sweaty, and his breathing was so irregular he swore he thought he was going to faint.
He turned on his van quickly, hands shaking with the key in the ignition. 
You, someone he had no chance with, had genuinely been trying to ask him out? The someone he was so fucking enamored with he lost sleep over? The someone who he thought he wasn’t good enough for, had been actually trying to ask him out?
He felt like such an idiot. 
The whole ride to your house, he felt his hands shake beneath the steering wheel. his eyes were glued to the road, but his mind wandered elsewhere.
What was he even supposed to say to you? What was he supposed to do?
He bit his lip, trying his best to keep his thoughts in. 
When he pulled into your driveway, he breathed a sigh of relief seeing that no cars parked outside. Meaning, that hopefully, your parents weren’t home. 
He turned off the engine, silently watching his hands shake on the wheel.
When he finally stepped out of the van, it was as if his body moved on it’s own, his legs carried him to your door.
He could feel the sweat accumulate on his hands, and his legs felt like pure jelly.
His throat felt so tight, and he suddenly realized he had no idea what he was going to say to you.
Was he supposed to apologize? Supposed to beg for forgiveness and admit his feelings for you too?
He scoffed at himself. Yeah, like that would work.
He couldn't even be upset if you were mad at him, he would be mad at himself too.
He felt a strong punch to his gut as he remembered the horrible things he said to you. Remembering your face, you're beautiful, ethereal face. He remembered your eyes, scrunching up in pain as he said those terrible things about you.
He wanted to run away, at that exact moment he wanted to run. He hated how he treated you, and how he basically ruined something that could have been so magical.
He swore under his breath.
“’Should just go,” he said, “Y/N  probably doesn't want to see me anyways. It's just better if I-”
But he stopped in his tracks, watching as the door flung open.
And there you stood, hair disheveled, your eyes look puffy and red, and you were dressed in an oversized shirt and shorts.
Your face was shaped in annoyance, with a hint of anger.
“Are you just planning to stand outside my house all day, Munson? Waiting to yell at me again?”
 He winced at the anger in your voice, although it was well deserved, it still made him feel like shit.
“N-no! I…I came here to…say I’m sorry…”
You stayed silent, watching his face.
And all of asuden, it all spilled out.
“I said some really… shitty things. None of which I meant, I really shouldn't have said all that. You didn't deserve it, really, you're sweet and kind, and considerate of other people. You've always been nice to me, and I mean, people aren't nice to me. I shouldn’t have said that to you, I just thought… I thought it was all a joke, seeing your friends, and seeing them laugh at me. It's just… I never thought that someone like you could actually like me… because… because I really like you. and I know I fucked up my chances, and I know I ruined everything. And I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I'm a fucked up dick, you don't deserve that. I just… I just hope you're okay. Don't let a dick like me are you down, Y/N. I was just a stupid jerk, and I'm really sorry. I don’t-I don’t want you to forgive me, because I understand why you’d be so upset, you have every right to be. I just wanna do something, to make up for it, y’know? Anything, Y/N, I just want you to know I’m sorry.” 
He fidgeted nervously with his rings, feeling his stomach twist up in nerves. 
You stared at him, your eyes sharp and poised. 
“Do you mean it?” Your voice was shaky.
“About being sorry? Of course, Y/N, I’m so sor-”
But you cut him off, “No…no about-about liking me.”
He sucked in a heavy breath, bitting down on his lip before responding. “Y-yeah….yeah, I really like you, Y/N.”
You stayed silent for a minute. 
“I’m sorry Eddie…I don’t-I don’t know what to think. I…I really like you, a lot. But what you said, it really hurt-”
Eddie interrupted you, “I know! I…I know,” he stared into your eyes, gulping down the lump in his throat. 
“I know. And I’ll do anything, anything to show how sorry I am. Really, Y/N, please tell me what I can do.”
You bit your lip, “I…I don’t know. Eddie, I think you should leave.”
At your words, Eddie could have sworn his heart broke, his stomach dropped at your words. He could even feel tears well up in his eyes, but he blinked them away. 
He wanted badly to get on his knees, beg you to let him do something, anything, to make it up to you. The thought that he made you feel this way, made him feel so shitty he was going partly insane. 
But, he wanted to give you what you asked. 
“Yeah…yeah, I understand…just- if you need me, I’ll be here.”
You nodded, and he could see a small tear drip down your cheek. 
“Goodbye, Eddie.”
. . .
Three days past since he went to your house. And it hasn’t been easy on him. 
Every day, he racked his brain for any ideas about how he could make it up to you. To show you how he was, truly sorry. 
But no matter what, he couldn’t think of anything.
He had been continuously sullen for the last few days, and his club mates had begun to notice. 
“Eddie?” Gareth asked, “You ok man?”
Eddie nodded, munching quietly on his pretzels. 
Dustin shook his head, “He’s still upset about the whole Y/N thing. And the fact that Y/N just came back yesterday.”
“Yeah,” Mike said, “he’s having relationship problems.”
Eddie flung one of his pretzels at Mike, causing him to shut up.
“One more word, Wheeler, and you’ll regret the day you were born.”
It was an empty threat, and the boys knew it. But the depression in Eddie’s voice still made them uneasy. 
“Did you try apologizing?” Jeff asked. 
Eddie barked out a dry laugh, “Of course I did!”
He sighed, “But Y/N just turned me away, saying that I need to give ‘em space. Which yeah, I understand, but…I don’t know, I just wanna show how sorry I am.”
Gareth shook his head, “Na man, you gotta give Y/N space, it’s only fair.”
Eddie let out an exasperated sigh, “No shit, Gareth. But how do I then prove that I’m really sorry?”
The table fell silent.
“Well…” Dustin said, “maybe a romantic gesture? To show how sorry you are? I mean like, maybe you ask Y/N instead, but make it really romantic like.”
Eddie stared at the boy, mulling over his words.
Untill, suddenly, and Idea hit him. He smiled at the boy, “Henderson, you’re my new favorite freshman.”
. . . 
Eddie had very low patience, so waiting for you was killing him. 
But still, he knew he owed you this much.
He waited a few more days, but his heart still pulled when ever he saw you drifting down the hallways.
His stomach would drop as soon as he saw your face, however. Your sunen eyes and tired expression just making him feel worse. 
But, he had a plan now.
He knew you stayed late at school fridays, usually studying or finishing up homework. 
He decided to wait for you, outside the library. His hands twitching with anticipation.
When you finally came out, you nearly fell back when you saw Eddie’s face. 
“Wow!” Eddie said, surging forward to grab you. “Jesus Christ, Y/N, I didn’t mean to give you a heart attack,” Eddie said, chuckling to himself.
But you just gave him a pout, “What are you doing here, Munson?”
He couldn’t help but let out a small wince at the use of his last name. Your tone sharp, stabbing him through his heart. 
Nevertheless, he stood his ground, “I’m here to show you that I’m seriously sorry.”
You rolled your eyes, “Ok. And how are you going to do that? Wait for me like some pervy stalker?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, and he couldn’t help but think about how cute you where when you got mad.
He had to stifle a laugh as you furrowed your brows in an attempt at a scowl. An adorable pout on your face.
But he composed himself, “No, just…just let me take you out.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him, “Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?”
He nodded, “You did. And I waited. But…but I really do want to show you how sorry I am.”
At his confession, your eyes softened. You bit you lip, hesitaint, “If I say yes, to you taking me out, then what?”
Eddie chuckled, “Then I take you out on a date, sweetheart.”
To his delight, your cute pout made a return.
He laughed, “I’ll take you on an amazing date, to make up for what I did. I really do want to make it up to you, Y/N. And if you say yes, than I promise to make it worth your while.”
You looked into his eye’s, heart beating out of your chest, “Alright, Munson…I’ll hold you to that.”
. . . 
When Eddie had said he was taking you to Lover’s Lake, you rolled your eyes. 
“The makeout spot, Munson? Really? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m not someone who’s particulary intrested in fooling around on the first date.”
He laughed at that, “No no, we’re not doing anything like that, sweetheart. At least not yet anyway.”
You pinched his leg.
“Ouch! Hey I’m driving here!”
You giggled, but your eye’s became hard, “I still…haven’t really forgiven you yet. What you did… that really hurt.”
Eddie bit the inside of his cheek to keep from whimpering, “I know, really I do. Belive me, you have every right to be upset. But Y/N, I want you to know that I really do like you. Like a lot. It’s kind of embarressing actually.”
He laughed akwardly as you stared at him.
“When did you realize you liked me?”
You asked the question so seriouly, it took him aback.
“U-uh, well. I think…when you were walking down the hallway, it was a few weeks after we talked at the libray, and after we saw eachother at the record shop. You where laughing at something one of the cheerleaders…or maybe it was one of the basketball players? But, whoever it was, they made a joke and your laugh, jesus. I felt my entire world drop, like nothing could match that feeling of knowing I liked you. And your face, it was just so pretty. Your laugh too, god I felt my knees buckle. And…and then I got mad. Well, I got jealous. Jealous because I wasn’t the one making you laugh. Jealous it wasn’t me you were walking with in the hall. And then I realized…I was so into you it made me go partly insane.”
The awkward silence almost killed him, he anxiously tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.
But before he could say anything else, you spoke.
“Last year, we had Mrs. Clicks english class together. You would always come in late, even though it was the last period of the day. But still, you’d walk in like you owned the place, a goofy smile on your face. And…and I felt like I had to hate you. Like I had to conform to what my firends told me about you. But then I noticed how…genuine you where. You did what you wanted, you were yourself. You didn’t live up to anyone expectations because you made your own expectations.”
You took in a long breath, “Then one day, when Heather, the cheer captain, told me…some nasty things. I came into Mrs. Clicks class with tear stains running down my cheeks. No one asked if I was ok, no one cared. But, when you walked in, you saw me. And after class you asked if I was ok. And then…you gave me this,” and you pulled something out of your pocket.
His bandana. 
His eyes went wide. Oh god, he didn’t even remeber that till you brought it up.
You smiled, “You don’t even really remeber that, do you?”
He laughed, “No…not really. Sorry, I just thought I was helping out some poor guy.”
You smiled, “I know, that’s why I liked you, because you where just so natural. So naturally sweet, funny, charasmatic. You where just naturally you.”
His hand gripped the steering wheel tightly. He tired his absolute hardest to not show how much your words had just flustered him.
“I heared…I heared about the things that Heather said to you. So when I saw how upset you where, I don’t know, it struck a cord with me,” he thought back to that day, remembering it suddenly. 
“You…you thanked me for the bandana and then you whipped your tears from your face. You where upset because you felt bad but Mrs. Click didn’t have any tissues. So I gave it to you.”
You smiled, “You told me, ‘You can keep it, it sucks seeing someone cry over someone’s stupid opinoin.’”
“Yeah, well…socitey’s shit so might as well just be yourself right?”
You giggled, “Right.”
“Every since then I’ve kept it. It’s actually kinda embarrassing. But that’s when I knew I liked you. I was to nervouse to do anything about it, though. You where just so cool, and of course I was so stupid that I didn’t even say anything to you till a year later.”
You giggled, your eye’s fluttering over to his.
God, what where you doing to him?
. . .
When you finally got to Lovers Lake, Eddie was almost busiling with nerves. 
“So, Munson, what exactly are we doing here?”
Eddie gulped down the lump in his throat, “I-um- I had…I had dinner planned for us.”
You raised an eyebrow, “What? Are we gathering berries and nuts?”
He dug the heel of his boot into the dirt below him, “No…I have takeout. It’s from Enzo’s though, real fancy.”
Your eye’s widened, your mouth gaping at him, “Eddie! That place is expensive! Even for takeout!”
Eddie nodded, “Yeah well, I told you I’d make it up to you.”
You shook your head, “You’re making it to hard to be mad at you.”
He smiled triumphinly, “Isn’t that the whole point, sweetness? To make you forgive me?”
You rolled your eye’s, but he didn’t miss your playful smile.
The night became one filled with laughter, even after finishing dinner, you two still talked till late into the night. First, you two had dinner, which then spun into you two talking for hours.
You laughed at Eddie, “You’re telling me, that you where the one who left those mock love letters in Mr. Hansons desk? Oh my god you’re a maniac.”
But Eddie just shrugged, “It was real easy too, I think he even thought it was Ms. Kelly sending him those. Oh my god, the look on his face when he realized it was a student, priceless!”
You both laughed, and you felt you cheeks start to hurt from all the smiling you where doing.
At first, you had tried to play hard, not giving him the satisfaction of forgiving him just yet. But, Eddie had so much natural charisma, and was so naturally funny, it made it hard to stay so mad at him.
Not to mention, he was so nice to look at-
“What can I say? I have a way with words I suppose,” Eddie said, shrugging.
You giggled, “Your confidence amazes me, Munson.”
He smilled at you, “Well, I try.”
You smiled back at him. The whole night had been so amazing. 
Then, Eddie had shown you the stars, and intrestingly, he knew a lot of the constellation and told you all about each one he knew.
You both laid on your backs, on top of the grass, as you peered up into the night sky. You could hear Shot In The Dark by Ozzy Osbourne playing quitely in his van.
“And then that’s the big dipper, that one is the little dipper. And I think…yeah that’s Orion's belt. See, those three there make a belt kinda shape.”
You stared into his eye’s, making him laugh, “Sweetness, you’re gonna miss the stars if you keep looking at me.”
You bit your lip, “I can see the stars just fine. Your eyes reflect them. And I think you’re more intresting to stare at then the stars.”
He felt his face become hot, your words taking him off guard.
“O-oh. Thank’s…”
Thanks?! Come on he had to say something more than that!
“But, I think you’re much more intresting, sweetness.”
His eyes looked back into your, as you broke into a soft smile, your eye’s shining in the moonlight.
Oh god, he felt like he couldn’t breath. 
“Thank you, Eddie. For everything. I really appreciate it. No one… no one’s even done something like this for me. Thank you.”
Eddie’s mouth fell open, trying despratly to find something to say.
“I…well, I really wanted to make up for how I acted, sweetheart. You didn’t deserve that. And- and you don’t need to thank me, I wanted to take you out here. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, actually.”
You raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean, for a while?”
He saw a small smirk form on your lips, and he began nervously playing with the rings on his fingers.
“Well…I mean, ever since I realized I liked you, I’ve been thinking about where I would take you on our first date. At first, I thought maybe a picnic, but then I thought that’d be way to messy, plus I have no Idea how to cook.”
You laughed, scooting closer to him.
“And then I thought, maybe Enzo’s. But then I realized I have very little money and very very little nice clothing for somewhere like Enzo’s.”
Eddie’s face was a few inches from yours now, “And then, at lunch a few days ago, one of the freshman I know said that I should do something romatic for you, something to show you how I was, truely sorry. And then I thought, ‘what’s more romatic then dinner under the stars?’ So…yeah, here we are.”
You smilled, your head leaning in closer. So close, in fact, he could feel your breath against his face.
“Eddie…that means so much, I’m glad,” you said, smiling.
For a moment, you both lay there, still. Eddie perring into your eyes.
He saw, quickly, how your eyes flitted down onto his lips, until going back to his eyes.
“Eddie…” you said, slowly.
Before you could say anything else, he spoke quickly, “Can I kiss you?”
You smiled shyly. And nodded.��
And his lips where on yours.
You tasted…perfect. So soft, so amazing. 
Eddie almost creamed his pants when you moaned into his mouth, a shaky hand coming up to grasp his hair.
His hands came up to cradle your face, as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. 
He groaned into your mouth as he felt you tug softly against his hair, the kiss slowly becoming messier and messier. 
He had to push you away so he wouldn’t do anything to valgur.
You where out of breath, your lips swollen. You had never looked prettier.
“I forgive you…by the way.”
He smiled, a goofy, happy smile, “I’m glad.”
You smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. 
You two stayed like that, still and in the moment. Staring into eachothers eyes, and smiling like idiots. 
“Can I…do that again? You’re a nice kisser.”
Eddie could all but laugh, “Sweetheart, you don’t even need to ask.”
Your lips colided with his, but this kiss was much diffrent than the first. Much more heated, more passionate. 
And Eddie felt the blood rush straight to his dick when he felt you minover your way onto his lap.
His hands fell to your hips, fingers only touching you lightly, afraid he might scare you off.
But the moans you let out, oh god. His head felt fuzzy.
When you broke away, he was sure that would be the end of it. But he felt your lips trail down his neck, sucking lightly against his throat.
“Eddie?” You voice was quite as you spoke, “Is this alright?”
Eddie had stoped working, his mind blank as your hips grinded against his. 
“Oh god-sweetness it’s more than alright,” he moaned loudly as you nipped his pulse point. “B-but Y/N you might have to get off soon. Don’t know how- how long I can hold off.”
“Hold off on what, Eds?”
Your voice was playful, down right seductive.
He never would have imagined, you being this forward-
His hands grasped your shirt, playing with the hem of it.
“Why don’t I take you out to dinner first, Y/N? Than after, we can have all the fun we want,” he said, winking.
You moved away from his neck, arcing a brow, “Didn’t you already take me out to dinner? I mean, I consider this a dinner, don’t you?”
You batted your lashes sweetly, a small pout forming at your lips.
And he couldn’t stop himself from using his teeth to bite down gently on it. Urning a suprise yelp from you, which quickly turned into a moan.
He couldn’t help it, you just looked so…delicious.
“Sweetness, weren’t you the one who said you didn’t fool around on the first date?”
You giggled, “I don’t. But that’s mostly because I don’t go out with many guys.”
He raised an eyebrow, “I find that very hard to believe.”
“It’s true! Well…it’s mostly because I’ved like this one guy for like, a whole year now. So I just had to keep turning down other guys. Took me a whole year to ask him out.”
Eddie chuckled, “Yeah? He must be a lucky guy, than.”
You smiled, “I think I’m the lucky one.”
He smiled up at you, the moonlight beaming off your skin.
“Y/N…I need to know. Do you want to stop right now? Because I don’t want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
You looked away from him, you squirming in his lap, “I mean…I don’t wanna go all the way- especially because this is, like, our first date. Just…just wanna…”
You looked everywhere but his eye’s, and Eddie raised a brow at your shyness.
“What, is someone getting soft on me now? You’re adorable.”
His hands slowly inched their way to your thighs, and he kneaded them softly. Earning him a small whimper from you.
“I just…wanna do something nice.”
His lips where back on yours without another word. Nipping against your bottom lip, sucking againt it. 
Your hands cradled his face so delicately, and Eddie could swear he felt himself melt. 
His hands still held onto your thighs, but slowly moved up. Making sure to stop at your upper thighs, not wanted to go any farther than what you wanted. 
You moaned into the kiss as Eddie slipped in his tongue. His hands squeezing your flesh as he found his jeans straining.
You must have felt it, too, because he felt your hips buckle down against him. 
His eye’s rolled back as he felt you desperately wriggle against him, looking for any friction you could. 
He moved from your mouth, making you wine as he did so. Until his mouth connected with your neck, kissing and sucking on it gently, leaving a few marks.
God, the idea of marking you up- if his pants weren’t straining before, they definitely where now.
The high-pitched moan you let out made him go down further, till his mouth found the buttons of your blouse. 
He growled, a some-what primal urge struck him as he ripped off the top button with his teeth.
“God, Eddie! Holy shit…”
His eye’s went back up to yours, “Sorry sweetness. This alright? We can stop now if you want.”
He was so lost in thought, he forgot that he had wanted to be gentle with you. This was only the first date.
But you nodded veimitly, “Please, Eddie. Want…want to feel you.”
He couldn’t help but groan at your words, he looked back into your eye’s, searching carefully to make sure this was ok.
You gave him a small nod, bitting down on your lip.
He smiled, looking up at you as he used his teeth to rip off the other buttons. Till your bear chest was exposed, your nipples hardening as the cold wind blow against them.
Eddie could almost feel himself droll.
Eddie easily tore off the rest of your shirt, leaving you a whiny mess.
“Eddie,” you moaned, “your turn.”
Eddie smirked, “Alright sweetness.”
He didn’t waste any time before ripping his jacket off, as well as his shirt underneath.
Your hands immediately went to his chest, your hands feeling up any spot you could reach, and your lips attaching themselves to his skin.
“God, Y/N. shit,” he swore under his breath, your touch addicting. 
“Eddie…” your hips rocked against his, begging slightly.
“Oh god,” he whimpered out slowly.
He couldn’t help it, his hips thrusted up to meet your slow grind. And he felt his eye’s roll back.
“Eddie,” you moaned right in his ear, and he swore he almost passed out. 
At that, his mouth began a trail of kisses down the right side of your chest, his tongue swirling against your nipple.
His other hand teasing you, cupping your ass to make you grind on him more. 
He swore, the high moan you let out made him see starts. And your hips grinding down on his, made him feel so goddamn lightheaded.
He switched over, his lips leaving a trail of kisses as he gave the same attention to your left side. 
You two stayed like that, till your chest was all marked up and littered with love bites.
“Sweetness…as much as I would love to continue this, we should really get you home…” he said, a glint of disappointment in his voice.
You pouted, “But-”
“No but’s, Y/N, it’s almost morning, I gotta get you home.”
“But… I didn’t do anything for you.”
He smiled, “Then, for our next date, you’ll just have to owe me.”
You grinned, “Next date? You’re cute, Munson. What time? I was thinking…today, six-thirty? You pick me up?”
You fluttered your lashes, and he laughed, “Y/N,” he said, buttoning back up your blouse, “You have no Idea what you do to me.”
. . .
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
“If this is zot3 I will egg your house”
Here’s your proof! 😭
GOOD GOD this fuckwit genuinely makes a million profiles and anons themself 100%. Or they have some batshit followers who take whatever they say as gospel and thrive off negativity. I have blocked them and all anons I receive from them and their other accounts and I don’t know how the fuck they keep getting through to me but for gods sake im gonna take this person down, I swear to you.
Also, im not pretending to be anything. I don’t sit here telling y’all “secrets” about Larry? I’ve strictly given you info im allowed to share (never explicitly about Larry, but some about louis because I’ve worked with him and he’s wonderful and other industry stuff you guys enjoy learning about), and my experiences. My further info I DO NOT SHARE because I don’t think it’s appropriate/im actually not allowed to. I’m not trying to seed anything by saying that by the way, im just trying to give y’all context that I know how things work so it doesn’t seem like im not telling the truth/making false claims. This bitch is obsessed with me. Sorry for being angry and negative here, but im sick of it.
Anyway, thank you for the confirmation, Anon. I’m not letting this go on any longer. None of us should be treated this way. I’m all love and light and open for conversations, and don’t get me wrong, I will have open conversations with folks who disagree with me/correct me when im wrong, but im over this bullying. I feel like a mother right now. I wanna protect you all from this idiot, as well as myself, because we don’t deserve this shit.
I feel weak as fuck getting riled up about it, and would love to just respond with a funny gif like I love to do, but this is it. I’m done.
Also, does anyone know if this person has a twitter?
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swervestrickland · 1 year
stupid shit under a read more
somehow, just as pride month is starting, it has managed to become hostile on this website. not in regards to pride, but in the circles of people on my dash.
and i will be attributing that to one dumbass famous asshole motherfucker, but i’m also gonna attribute that to people actually believing that the personalities we put out to other people on the internet are the whole truth, and believing you know what’s going on in everyone’s minds. and i will, also, attribute it to the fact that none of you can just be fucking normal without sending each other anon hate. i’ve seen hate being sent to people from both sides of a stupid fucking issue, and it’s really, dreadfully disappointing. it makes all of you look like idiots. and the vaguing’s just as annoying.
i’ve been on this website for literally? 14 years. with this same account. this exact same blog. my entire teenage and adult life is on here. i’ve grown as a person here. a Lot. and yet, now, probably because of some personal shit i’ve dealt with in the outside world as well, i’m finally thinking of taking a real fucking break. and that SUCKS. because i’ve always liked it here. but i think, for now, i need to stay off for a while. im gonna take my own advice.
its so funny bc i was gonna try to let the stupid punk shit go and then a vague from a mutual about “if you wanna know what’s going on with stu and uno breaking up watch roh” was what broke my camel’s back lol just because i reblogged something about tony breaking up uno and stu and tagged it with “WHAT” like i cant even tag shit with my thoughts without being fucking condescended to through a vague lmao. so yeah. it took 14 years but ive had enough of other people on here. gonna try to make friends in real life ok. emphasis on try
I’ll be back in time for Hangman’s birthday week. and by that i mean i’ll probably just queue my posts and try to reblog everyone’s, because i’ll be out of the country then anyway.
gonna try to add some stuff in the queue to last a few days but we’ll see. if i make hangman gifs, i’ll post them to the gif blog as usual but i won’t reblog them here. don’t wanna deal with this blog right now.
bye for now, y’all
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unknownspecies · 1 year
Ship your moots + trope.
I dont have as much time as of late with holidays and family so i only did some mutuals buuuuuuuuur if i get another anon ask I’ll do the rest lol. enjoy! For those that didn’t get one send in an ask about you specifically whether to ask who i ship you with or (for those in this list) a more detailed elaboration!!!
@toorumi-deactivated20221231 + iwa;chaotic and sane trope
iwa makes sure to keep you in line. youll be his feral dog but sometimes, just sometimes, he’ll indulge in your shenanigans and youll find yourself with an extra pair of hands (whether it be helping you or helping you beat someone else up 😎) 
@zorotits + hirugami;one bed trope
this would happen either right before y’all gett either or right after. either way he’ll be flustered to no extent and you’ll be flirting with him to no extent (not helping at all, huh 🙄) ngl i see him trying to get you to sign a document stating that you wouldn’t try doing anything frisky to him during the hours of 10 pm to 6 am
@maplesuna + suna ; accidental confession trope
this is exactly what happened. hes the one who accidentally confesses to you after you happened to either find a folder filled with your pictures OR hes drunk and he makes a small comment on how he loves you. dw you make him elaborate later on ;)
@sookisaurus + oikawa/tsukishima (one k or two?); pining trope
alr bb. This man. he falls in love with you first and hardest. you gave no idea hope much he loved you before you NOTICED him let alone become friends with him. not to mention that he would find the most idiotic ways to try to comes when in reality it was him just being super annoying (oikawa) or acting like you don’t exist (kei. speaking of. i saw a liscensw plate that said “kei” for the first three characters) eventually yall get together then he gets more annoying with his affection >:|
@kuroosdarling + geto ; that piggyback trope
Aims im throwing a curveball at you and im shipping you with geto. you know that one trope where you either getdrunk, tired or your feet armor broke one way or another so you can’t walk properly? superhero geto is here to save the day! his back bro… 🤤🤤🤤 ok one second imma be right back after looking at some geto fanart. ahem ok anyways. geto’s muscular, wide, rock hard, sexy, mouth watering, eye catching back is now your resting spot. and he loves doing it too. So do yourself a favor and start buying cheap sandals ;)
@crescentkaze + kenma ; mutual pining trope
I would hate watching y’all. you guys are literally pining for each other and making it vvvvvv OBVIOUS. And EVERYONE ELSE CAN SEE THAT YALL LIKE EACH OTHER. both of you will walk up to me all hours of the day reciting POEMS that yall made for each other and crying that the other doesnt like you. i will kill myself before this ever happens but i swear yall will eventually get together then act all tsundere to each other afterwards then i will literally jump off a cliff 😐
@daiception + nishinoya ; idiots in love trope
this is a hilarious situation. i would love watching both of you fall in love with each other. tbh it wont be anything dramatic. it’ll mainly be yall doing this “Ayo noya you see that woman over there?” “The one with s bubble butt?” “Yeah her butt is nice isn’t it. anyways you see the guy behind her” “yuh” “why did he decide to come out in that outfit. he really looked in the mirror and said that he looked good” “ duuuuude. imma beat him up for scarring my lady’s eyes like that” daichi in the back: “noya no-“ you: “noya yES” (this situation is totally not because i watched some hipster in a restaurant with stupid fashion sense nope not at all)
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