#because it’s fucking brilliant.
bookinit02 · 10 months
i can’t stop thinking about how carefully-worded crowley’s speech was. like. he DEFINITELY spent time practicing that—over and over in his head, or maybe even out loud while he waited for aziraphale to get back😭 and he said it even AFTER things started to go wrong because he thought maybe it was the only thing that could change aziraphale’s mind😭😭 ohhh i’m having so many feelings
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lbhslefttiddie · 1 month
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youve heard of sex flowers get ready for the flower that makes you into a celestial shoujo herione complete with particle effects you cannot turn the fuck off and creates a wifebeam so powerful it can incapacitate and maim and keeps making you burst into tears and fall on your ass which makes the wifebeam More Powerful and you also cannot turn this off either. and is also still, sort of, a sex flower
from one of my favorite fanfictions, Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pam, a fic that defies description in the best possible way
#arts#shen qingqiu#svsss#listen im not saying that ive spent a cumulative half a year reading this fic and then trying to make an arts for it#and then getting frustrated and stopping because i couldn't figure out how to make sqq shimmery enough#but like. im not NOT saying that#this is the FOURTH time ive started something for this bitch it haunts my fucking dreams and yet the opalescent glittery sqq evades me#perhaps you o unlearned fool look at this and say hmm that's too many colour layers and glowy effects but oh how wrong you are#if it doesnt make you literally fall over yourself at how otherworldly and radiant he is then there is room for improvement yet#perhaps you look at this and you think Wow!!! this gives me literally NO ideas what this fic is about#well Let Me Tell You. i have no fucking idea how to summarize this fic#its not often the tags in a fic give me pause but i saw this and as i read the tags i was increasingly just like What#but i have no idea how to describe it. the tags arent NOT accurate but i was SO unprepared for what happened in like an extremely pos way#if i were tagging this i think i would give it the no archive warnings apply label if that matters to you#the author seemed they wanted to leaned towards over caution rather than risk missing anything re tags because This Is A Weird Fic#but oh my fucking god#i am gripping you by the shoulders i cannot stress enough how charming it is#brilliant characterization especially with airplane in the first scene#and also so much fucking funnier than i thought possible for the general setting summary tags and buildup#its just. ough. its good
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ozzieinspacetime · 7 months
Trevor Hills being Pathetic Blorbo #1 and your enjoyment of him being said Pathetic Blorbo #1 just adding on to the games pre-existing meta commentary is,, so good. They made him as miserable as possible and god it really worked.
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the second con learned the show was gay he put his whole pussy into making izzy visibly besotted with ed and 13 year old girl jealous of stede and im so grateful.
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inazumaneko · 1 year
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Probs shouldn’t post this but fuck it, concept sketch for a future scene in “Brittle Bones Speak Brilliant Truth”
You can read it here!
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moss-sprout · 1 year
Fizz: *insults Siren, calling him selfish and pathetic for deciding not to kill himself*
Kappa: Yo wtf, stay away from us. I'm not helping you with anything
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bl0rbohandbag · 11 months
I was going to say that Lilia was pleasantly wrong and that Malleus is nowhere near as bad as Mallenoa sounds, that he is actually pretty level-headed and calm despite having his moments and is considerably less temperamental and more mature than his mother but you know what. I forgot we are currently in this entire situation because of his selfish desire for everything to remain unchanging and poor emotional management to the point he overblotted and put not only Lilia but the entire NRC under a sleeping spell because of his unwiligness to engage with upsetting emotions and letting go of people he loves.
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alliekitaguchi · 6 months
i know that ahead of tomorrow's episode, we're all ruminating over the idea of there being no doppelgangers amongst them, but consider the idea that there are.
and they guess WRONG.
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bahoreal · 11 months
god torchwood was such a shitty gritty dark little show with a budget of £5 and all the sets that abandoned london underground stations had to offer but godamn theee most phenomenal cast godamn eve myles picked that show up on her shoulders and moulded this awful unlikeable brilliant character in gwen that i rooted for and hated and rooted for and wanted to fistfight like every other episode and it was brilliant and the supporting cast were so fucking phenomonal and i just. god. if only it had been better
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asthevermincrawls · 1 year
"War as a moral metaphor is limited, limiting, and dangerous. By reducing the choices of action to 'a war against' whatever-it-is, you divide the world into Me or Us (good) and Them or It (bad) and reduce the ethical complexity and moral richness of our life to Yes/No, On/Off. This is puerile, misleading, and degrading. In stories, it evades any solution but violence and offers the reader mere infantile reassurance. All too often the heroes of such fantasies behave exactly as the villains do, acting with mindless violence, but the hero is on the 'right' side and therefore will win. Right makes might. Or does might make right?"
– Ursula K LeGuin, from A Wizard Of Earthsea's afterward
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camellcat · 4 months
WTFFF I thought thirteen would be my new girl crush love of my life heart eyes wife you-came-after-twelve-you-must-be-better-than-they're-all-saying bbygirl and then I had to sit down and watch as she told a man who (if he were not a murderer, of course) literally every regeneration before her would've LOVED and FULLY SUPPORTED that "the systems aren't the problem. how people use and exploit the system, that's the problem. people like you" </33333 !?!?
#WHERE IS THAT POST THAT SAID NINE WOULD KILL THIRTEEN FOR BEING A CLASS TRAITOR#WHY WOULD YOU SAY “ERODE PEOPLE'S TRUST IN AUTOMATION” ALL WORRIED AND CONCERNED LIKE THAT???#WHEN DID YOU START LIKING AUTOMATION OVER PEOPLE THINKING AND DOING THINGS FOR THEMSELVES???#AND WHY ARE YOU TRAVELING WITH A COPPER??? WE HATE COPPERS??????#did we FORGET into the dalek?? how about how he treated danny?? god there's so much more I can't even remember off the top of my head#(I understand soldiers are different from cops but c'mon don't even PRETEND twelve would've been any nicer if blue or danny were just COPS)#also a bit off topic bUT MAY I JUST TALK ABOUT ARACHNIDS IN THE UK FOR HALF A GODAMNED SECOND—#I know the companions are usually the ones to do the doctor's dirty work here but like#I just can't see the other doctors NOT having the business man lure the spider for being so fuckin annoying about it#like I was genuinely surprised when they had him do that whole song and dance about not doing it and then he actually just. didn't do it#the doctor LOVES fucking with evil rich business men this is PERFECT. plus why not get back at him for being awful to their companions?#absolutely gobsmacked thirteen let him act like that. I am wrong in thinking that the others would've shut his shit down a LOT quicker??#anyways. I love jodie whittaker and it's just so upsetting to have her doctor do something so wildly off#THIRTEEN PLEASE I HAD SUCH FAITH IN YOUUU I WAS IGNORING THE HATERS AND FOR WHAT#I can SEE the other doctors in her still I can FEEL them they're there she's doing an AMAZING job but. oh my god. what did they make her do#I can't even say she feels ooc as a whole because jodie is bloody brilliant. it's just these... moments. that don't make ANY sense to me...#especially coming off of twelve?? I get the radical personality switch but that belief is a core part of the doctor. or at least I THOUGHT#thirteenth doctor#doctor who#I still love all of you who love her and reading ur posts/fics but I. will not be making any myself. I do not think.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 9 months
Reginald Copperbottom is so well characterised for a guy who wasn't even named when back in the day?? He's an coward that'll turn tail and run the moment danger approaches. He'll give up the leadership of his entire organisation just to survive another day, but ALSO he'll give it up to anyone who truly proves their dedication to the clan. He'll rant and incite a revolution about honour and underhandedly kill someone out of spite (twice). He'll throw his gun to a stranger who's also wanted. He's definitely gay for his right hand man who he brought back from the dead. Do you see what I'm getting at here
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mightymizora · 6 months
When you see something that is so egregiously out of character (not a little bit off but literally “who even is this person?”) and it has fanart, 35k views, 2k kudos, hundreds of comments… honestly it makes me wonder what on earth is going on with people?
I am proud of what I make but man I wonder why I’m making it here sometimes.
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captain-crowfish · 1 month
hello hello !!
I wanted to ask, who's your favorite character from Boxtrolls ?? it's one of my most favorite movies nyehe :3
Hihihi!!!! Thank you for reaching out! always a pleasure to chat with some other Boxtroll fans... Boxtrollers? I love Eggs, Snatcher, and Winnifred in the film, but if I had to pick just one, it would definitely be Snatcher.
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He's an absolute blast to try to analyze and try to get into his head, and I notice a new thing about him every time I re-watch the film... yes, all 63 times. I get the feeling that, the moment he learns Eggs is still alive, he starts to lose himself. He's kind of an idiot, but he makes up for it in cleverness. He knows just how to find people's weakness and exploit it for his own gain, and this is what makes him so formidable. He sees nothing but his own ambitions, completely ignoring his own weakness, and that ultimately leads to his demise. Heck, in the final scene, Eggs is telling him that he doesn’t need to eat cheese to be powerful, he is already powerful. He got people to listen to him. (although for all the wrong reasons) And what does he say to that? "I have made me, boy." Because despite Eggs making a brilliant point, Snatcher is still, exactly where he's wanted to be his whole life, eating cheese with the White Hats. Even if he only got there kind of on accident, and before that, he did the same thing to Eggs that the White hats did to him, pushing those beneath him in the social ladder even further down for the sake of gaining power. Also, in calling Eggs 'boy', he acknowledges his own progress in breaking through societal labels, it's the nicest thing he's said to him the entire movie, and he's still talking down to Eggs. So in this final scene, Eggs and Snatcher are both correct. They both want the exact same thing, to have their own identities and be accepted for it, and they achieve it by being the opposite of what they’re stereotyped as. Eggs, by being kind and brave, Snatcher, by being clever and manipulative. And that fact alone makes the little film-analyst in my brain squeal with delight.
Another thing I enjoy, and I've probably mentioned this before, every fan-depiction of Snatcher that I've seen is slightly different. We all have our different interpretations of this guy, and I think that's a key indicator as to how complicated he really is, and I love him for it. Just a bonus thing I want to admit, interestingly enough, in the novelization of the film, (Not to be confused with 'Here Be Monsters!') Winnifred ends up being my favorite character,
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even if that is mostly due to how the book is only told from the direct POV from either Eggs or Winnie. As much as I dislike the novel, it provides just the right amount of extra details to really flesh out her character. She's so bored with her home life that her coping mechanism is somewhat self-destructive, and that description both over-exaggerates and summarizes her arc in the book. Again, it's a pretty bad novel, but it's a blast to compare & contrast with the film.
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meteors-lotr · 25 days
4 16 18 and 33 for the ask game?
Oh god many at once okay
4. Which movie from the Lord of the rings is your favorite and why?
I have always found it very difficult to actually rank the lotr movies, cause not only all they all very similar in quality but they’re all also so connected to each other, so it’s difficult to think of them as separate from each other.
With that being said, I must say that The Fellowship of the ring is my favorite. It’s the movie where the main characters are actually all together for the majority of it, which like I know why they all had to be separated but it’s fun to see them all actually interact, which if you know me you know that I love seeing characters actually talking to each other. I mean I run an incorrect quotes blog for fucks sake.
16. Do you have a favorite orc?
My dad and I have always loved this dude lol
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His name is Guritz
18. Favorite soundtrack of the series?
Listen I will always love the original lord of the rings soundtrack, it is nothing but iconic
Buuuuuut, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey soundtrack is just, very good. Like, very good
There’s of course the actual like, sung songs, like Misty Mountains and Blunt the Knives, but there’s also the classic Concering Hobbits music, the tragic My Dear Frodo, the foreboding Axe or Sword?, the whimsical The World is Ahead, the elegant but extreme Roast Mutton, the lighthearted A Very Respectable Hobbit, and the ever epic Out of the Frying-Pan
The music sets up the journey ahead so well, with it mostly being fun and exciting, but with an underlying dark tone throughout it, also the fact that the instrument of Misty Mountain became sorta the main theme is really brilliant and I get actual goosebumps every time it plays. Howard Shore knew what he was doing with the soundtrack, and he did it well. If you’re ever bored then check out the wiki page for the hobbit soundtrack, Shore goes into why he composed the songs the way he did and it’s all very fascinating to read.
33. What’s your favorite fight scene between all of them (Movies)?
This may be controversial, because yes I know that the battle of helms deep is incredible, as is the Moria Battle and Thorin’s duel with Azog
But I wish to draw all of your attention to the battle with the trolls, in the first Hobbit movie
It’s not a long battle, or particularly epic, but it shows of the strength of The Hobbit movies, with it being the dwarves and their relationships with each other. Because while all of the fellowship battles are great, it’s mostly just one character as an individual fighting against the enemy.
The dwarves all fight as one unit, taking advantage of each others strengths and covering each others weaknesses. You can see them boosting each other, doing combo moves, throw each other weapons, it’s all very cute and it’s very fitting for them, because they were all trained like this. In the scene where they do the dishes at Bilbo’s house, they are seen doing the same thing, and it makes sense for them.
I think it’s the most apparent in the trolls fight scene, because it’s simple, and a not very long fight, which I don’t like needlessly long fight scenes so that works for me. The music is also amazing, the Misty Mountains theme returning once more. I think the scene with the trolls is just brilliant as a whole, it’s one of my favorites of the series
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ohitslen · 11 months
Brilliant Dynamites Neon is quite the character alright. But you know what establishes him as the little sicko he is??
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This fucking thing. The fact that he is “smoking” a sparkler. Do you know what that means??? That this guy is holding that thing between his teeth, the handle from the sparkler, which is metal.
This is what should give away how much of an actual freak this man is. What kind of lunatic do you have to be to hoLD A FUCKING METAL STICK BETWEEN YOUR TEETH.
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