#worse thing is that my sister is also a little freak who can drag any metal utensil through her teeth without an issue
ohitslen · 1 year
Brilliant Dynamites Neon is quite the character alright. But you know what establishes him as the little sicko he is??
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This fucking thing. The fact that he is “smoking” a sparkler. Do you know what that means??? That this guy is holding that thing between his teeth, the handle from the sparkler, which is metal.
This is what should give away how much of an actual freak this man is. What kind of lunatic do you have to be to hoLD A FUCKING METAL STICK BETWEEN YOUR TEETH.
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loungemermaid · 1 year
No.1 Everlark Shipper
for @jhsgf82, based off this post by @goldrushenthusiast and some of the tags/replies I left on there. crossposted to my ao3!!
We’re standing in the disgustingly hot July heat, the sun beating down on us, already burning the tops of our noses. Really, for the sake of all us Townies, the town square should be covered. I’m pale enough, but some of these kids, like little Lottie Sayers over there, are too white to be outside now. She looks like she’s going to burst into flames at any second. I look around at the sea of sweaty necks and brows, looking for a dark braid instead a blonde one. Not for me. For my idiot brother. Everdeen has her hair up in a crown of braids today, and she’s in a pretty little dress, shows off her little waist. The hair and dress make her look sweet, maybe flirty, but she’s (as always) scowling. Can’t imagine why Peeta likes her. She looks fuckin’ mean. Stuck up. Also, the fact she can kill things and drag ‘em through town? Something tells me you’d have to make sure you toed the line with her, or else. Kinda like how Mama is to him. Well maybe that’s it then.
I have heard about Everdeen for comin’ on Eleven Goddamn Years now. I know everything there is to know about this chick that can be known without actually saying a word to her, because he’s never said a word to her. I’ve seen the sketches, the letters, the truly awful attempts at poetry, the (admittedly, pretty good) pencil drawings that took weeks for him to finish scattered across our room for Eleven Years. I’ve heard the soliloquies(see, Mrs. Marks? I’m payin’ attention) practiced in the mirror, the grand planned gestures, the paper flowers and ribbons gathered and then abandoned after Sweetheart’s Day, every instance of young tender love and I could not be more sick of it. It ain’t-isn’t. Isn’t real. Not a lick of it. If it was, he’d talk to her. If she’s too scary, which again, she sure as shit looks that scary, maybe move on? Maybe pick someone different? Hell, it can even be another Seam girl, if that’s what he’s into. Leevy’s got that same little tits and long legs thing. And she actually smiles. But whatever. One day something will break it, and then I won’t have to fuckin’ hear it ever again. 
That weird Trinket woman is just about to pick the girl’s name, and I’m still wondering what it takes to get someone’s hair that big, that pink, that shiny when she reads out the slip. Primrose Everdeen. Well. Shit. I don’t know what this is gonna mean, when her little sister dies. When her dad died, Peeta talked for months about how we needed to help her. I kept telling him it wasn’t the time or place, that the last thing she needed was some over-enthusiastic Townie meddling in her shit. She already had it rough enough. We could tell she was taking care of everyone now. That her mama wasn’t doin shit, and she was the breadwinner now. I remember thinking it was weird, and how I couldn’t imagine it, then I thought about how that’s just what older siblings do. That that’s what Rye does for Peeta and me. A buffer for when Mama’s on the war path. Even when she ain’t-isn’t. Isn’t coming after me, he protects me all the same. She usually doesn’t come after me, and that somehow feels worse. I owe ‘em both a lot of beatings. Rye used to take the blame sometimes, but we all kinda quickly realized I could get away with significantly more than he could, and especially more than Peeta could, poor fucking kid. Never understood why she hates him so much.
There’s some screaming and shuffling, and I look over and there she is, her face showing real emotion for once, screaming that she’s volunteering. I can’t imagine that. How would you ever do that? And then it sinks in. Shit. Everdeen is gonna die. I look over at Peeta, who looks like he’s gonna spew. Shit. What am I even gonna say to him, when this is over? While we walk home?  Happy fucking birthday! That girl you’ve been obsessed with your whole life is gonna get gutted by some teen-freak Career. It’s too awful. I just sigh and brace for the boy’s name. Almost over. One more year of it for me, two for him. 
And then that pink and green bitch calls his name. I’m shocked. I can’t move, or see, or hear anything, and then it’s too late. He’s up on the stage and it’s too late. I can’t volunteer, can’t save him, can’t fix it. Once again he’s getting more punishment than his fair share. This kid that cries when he sees a hurt wild dog. That cried when he learned we ate our baby pigs. That’s been in love with the same girl for eleven years. The girl that’s going in with him. Shit!!! She’s going in with him!! They’re gonna die in there together. Well, I think darkly, they’re gonna have to talk now. 
I go and look for Rye, and we both just stare at each other. He’s not saying it, but he’s thinking it. “Yeah, I know. I should’ve. I… I couldn’t make the words come.” I hate myself.
I’m expecting him to scold me, to yell. Being the parent’s favorite makes me the least favorite brother. They neither one like me much. Well, that ain’t-isn’t true. They like me just fine. They’re just very jealous. I would be too, if I was-were gettin’ beat for minor shit that don’t even matter, and someone else wasn’t. I don’t expect him to hug me. He does, pulling me in close, even kissing my forehead like he did when I was little. I don’t even wipe it off this time.
“Hush. It isn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t do anything right neither.”
He smiles a little. “Either, you mean. But it doesn’t matter. It’s going to be okay. Besides, I think she’d kill him, if you went in instead. It wouldn’t be a good sacrifice. She’d hate him even more, especially if you didn’t come back.” He shook his head. “God help me for what I’m gonna say, but it’s better this way. If he comes back, JoAnn won’t think he’s worthless anymore. If he doesn’t”, his breath shudders, “if he doesn’t, well. Then she never touches him again.”
I swallow around the lump in my throat. The one thing she only did to him. Rye got beat, sure. But he didn’t get touched like she touches Peeta. It… it’s not that she straight up sleeps with him. But it’s…uncomfortable, to even watch. Humiliating. Can’t imagine what it feels like. “Right. Well, ready to say” Oh I can’t say goodbye. I blink some rogue tears. “To send him off?”
“Yeah.” He says gruffly. “Yeah.” I can tell he’s thinking what I am. This is gonna be a shitshow.
It’s worse than I thought it’d be. We’re all standing there and not saying anything. Rye at least held him while he cried. JoAnn is world class, says something truly evil. Says she’s rooting for Everdeen, and if there was any fondness I ever had for that woman, it’s done. She runs out, even though all the rest of us are begging her to not. I scoff, but Peeta is laughing, no, cackling. Like nothing has ever been so goddamn funny. 
“Love you too, Mama! Hope I get to see you again!” He yells out, voice hard and bitter. “God. What the fuck?” He scrubs at his face, leans back, screaming and laughing and sobbing into his hands. 
Rye runs after our useless fucking parents, trying to talk sense into them. It’s pointless. Anyway, we’re almost out of time. Almost out of time. I can’t fuck it up again. 
“I know it ain’t great timing to be asking you a favor, but do one for me anyway?”
“God, Soren. What?” He sighs, clearly not in the mood for whatever he thinks I might say. I sit down on the saggy sofa, clapping his shoulder.
“I need you to tell her. Please. She deserves to know.”
He huffs, rolls his eyes. “It’s all a bit pointless, ain’t it? Nothing either one of us could ever do now.”
“Yeah, but I know you. You’d never be able to live with yourself if you never told her. So you’ve gotta. Find some way. Do one of those grand gestures you’re always planning. Or, fuck, I dunno, do it private. Over coffee or whatever. But tell her, little bun.” I’ve never called him that. Not sincerely, anyway. That’s what Dad and Rye(mostly Rye these days) call him. But, it felt right. “I’m really sorry I didn’t”
“Don’t be.” He cuts me off. “I get it. Don’t be sorry. In fact, promise me. You don’t get to feel guilty about it.”
I swallow hard again. The Peacekeepers are coming to take me away. I clap him on the shoulder one more time. “Alright. I love you. Uh, good luck and all that. And happy birthday”
It gets him to laugh, even if it’s just a dark laugh. “Thanks. Uh…see…mm. See you later.”
“Yeah. See you later.” I don’t know if I believe he will, but I know he can win this. I hope he does.
I try to keep my promise, of not feeling guilty, for not stepping up and going in for him. It’s not easy. Suddenly our room feels too big, too empty.  Rye and I haven’t moved a damn thing. There’s still a half finished drawing on the desk, a pair of silver eyes. I wanna puke everytime I see them. I do my homework downstairs in the bakery now. 
We’re closed on the day of the interviews. We close a little more now, though not as much as I thought we would. Dad hides, crying in long showers or disappearing on errands, and JoAnn, Rye and I are stuck in the bakery together, avoiding curses and rolling pins being hurled at us. Now that Peeta isn’t here, I’m getting on her nerves more. I’m sporting black eyes now too, though I don’t let them show. I can’t cover them like Peeta does, and I’m a little paler than him anyway, but the little tube of concealer he left behind does fine enough. 
We all sit on the couch, pretend to be a family over some tea and cookies. We’re eating more fresh, a result of the sympathy money. People have been spending a lot on baked goods here lately. The mayer orders a cake a week. Madge must know we’re feeding Prim and Mrs. Everdeen(Mama does too, and she hates it. Dad catches an ashtray to the nose for it). She likes Katniss too. 
Anyway, my baby brother is talking to Ceasar Flickerman, and they’re playing off each other like they’ve been co-hosts for decades. He’s charming. Affable. He could make this a career if…when he wins. And then Ceaser asks about a girl, his whole body shifts. He gets a little nervous, a little small, tries to shift the conversation but Ceaser ain’t having it. He pushes Peeta again. Say it say it say it, you little dork, or I swear to god. I’m staring at his face in the tv. Maybe if I think it hard enough he can somehow get it. You promised.
He clears his throat. “Well, there is this one girl…”
I sink back into the couch with a sigh of relief. There you go, bro. Took you long enough.
She even goes for it. When they change the rules(which I still can’t get over, but maybe young love is more exciting than child murder for those people.((if that’s the case, can we make it a matchmaking game? I’ll volunteer. I’ll host.)) I just don’t know if I trust it) and she’s up in that tree, screaming his name, I know it’s over. She likes him too. She tears through the Arena just to find him, looking very camouflaged and very dead by the river. He flirts, and she giggles and blushes. What? Maybe she’s just soft for him. Good. It’s what he deserves. Hard for everyone else but soft for him.
For a few days I’m worried I’m gonna have to watch my baby brother lose his virginity on national television, but as cuddly and kissy as Katniss is, she’s clearly not very experienced. She won’t change around him, she blushes every time they kiss. She’s actually sweet. A giggly, nervous, even precious little thing. She looks even tinier next to Peeta, so short and thin and fine boned. They fit each other. They’re striking together.
It’s all anyone can talk about, but for the first time I don’t mind hearing about it all. I join in at school, spilling all the secrets I know. It’s a little shitty, but I can’t help it. It’s so…excuse the dopey ass phrasing, but as one teacher said, life affirming to see. My homelife is worse, but if they really can win and win together, it’ll be like a real life miracle. Hard proof that not everything always has to completely fucking suck, all the time. That sometimes, good things happen to people. Sometimes good things happen to the people who deserve it the most. 
The berries give me a heart attack. I’m on the edge of my seat and I don’t think I breathe the whole time. I don’t know what to expect. Are they gonna let them live? Are they gonna blow them up? Send in mutts again? Let them live and torture them on the air? I almost shut my eyes, bracing for the canons, but instead Templesmith is shouting, telling them to stop, that they both won, and he did it. He actually did it. I’m jumping and screaming and laughing and we’re all hugging even, because he fucking did it. He won, and he got the girl of his dreams. This one time, it actually works out for him. This time, Peeta gets what he wants.
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karrenseely · 10 months
I remember
I was emotionally and verbally abused by my parents. That little girl is very much a part of me, of my memories. And she is hurting so very much, worse, she's reliving the abuse over and over and over. I remember being reassured when I was 2 or 3 that my sisters and my bodies were similar. I remember playing dress up in my mother's clothes and having a blast. I remember pretending to be pregnant and getting laughed at by friends and made fun of. I remember getting my toenails painted by an older friend and loving it and not understanding why she needed permission from my parents to do it, when she had just painted my sister's nails (I had asked for the same but she was only willing to do my toenails). I remember trying to figure out how to use a pad after getting into my mom's menses supplies and having her discover me and yell at me, she was angry but in retrospect I can see that she was also very frightened, she knew.
I remember being picked on and bullied relentlessly from 3rd or fourth grade on, because I could never completely hide the fact that I was a girl. Everyone knew I was freak. I had few freinds. I would generally spend recess alone, playing in the sand, with rocks that I pretended were ships...
I remember thinking I was the only boy in the world that was a girl. I was so alone.
I remember the day that I discovered trans people existed, and being so relieved and terrified all at once. I wasn't the only person in the world that was stuck like this.
Given I came out to them in the early 90's when I'd never heard of a kid like me, all the trans people I knew of transitioned well into their adult lives, my gender dysphoria had to be beyond severe. I needed their help. I remember them telling me it is just a phase, that my feelings weren't real. Godsdamnit, how is 15 years of feeling like my body was wrong a phase. They knew this, they had to know this, at some point I must have declared myself at least once before school age. Given all those early childhood memories that are so hard to find in the first place and most of them involve me being myself. They had to know. So how the frack could it possibly have been a phase? Because they were my parents, I believed them. For about 1-2 weeks I felt better. Until I realized they were wrong and I needed their help to feel better. I didn't know what to do, I'd gone to them and they'd dismissed me, dismissed my suffering, my anguish. I felt so lost. And I didn't feel like I could say anything to them, because I had no idea how I knew they were wrong. I was a young teenager, I didn't have the words, the concepts, or vocabulary to explain who I was. What's worse, I was already very ashamed of what I was before I had even come out to them. I understood I was something bad. I don't remember them saying anything specifically negative about trans people before I came out, but since drag was such a common comedic tool of the time I can see me watching these and my parents reactions contributing to it, then there was their opinion on lesbian and gay people. Not that I had any clue about my sexuality, my gender dysphoria was so bad that it eclipsed even trying to figure out my sexuality. But I think I also learned this from my peers at school where the F word was thrown around like it was nothing. Where starting around 3rd grade it was made clear to me that me being a girl was bad, sick, perverted, by my peers, my mother yelling at me about getting into her things didn't help. Nor did how the media depicted people like me outside of the object of a joke role. Eventually I told them again, I was a girl. I honestly don't know if this was the second time or not that I came out to them. My memories of my childhood are broken and scattered. Most of them lost. But I did. They then proceeded to once again tell me I was a boy, that I wasn't real, that its normal for boys to dress up in female clothing occasionally, that even my dad had done it sometimes... They refused to understand how much I was hurting, how much I needed their help, puberty had started and my body was changing in horrible icky ways.
I started self harming. Almost every night I would try to make the testosterone stop with induced torsion, or I would put tourniquets on my legs, out of some misguided fantasy that I could get a lower torso transplant to just finally be me. None of it worked.
I remember talking to my grandmother on the phone and her commenting on how my voice was starting to change and how wonderful that was, while I immediately began to experience horror and terror, because it was happening and I so desperately didn't want it to. I remember vividly being told in no uncertain terms that I was to NEVER tell my sister about my perversion and really bad things would happen if they ever found out she knew. The worst part was that after these talks, they would never mention it again, and so I felt ignored. They never checked in with me to see how I was doing. At some point they took me to a psychologist. I remember I was so elated because they were finally getting me help. I knew the first step was seeing a psychologist at the time. But he was horrible. He blasted me with judgemental questions. "Why do you think you're a girl? Do you like boys or girls? If you like girls this would make you gay if you were a girl. Do you want to be gay? and many others, one right after the other with no time to process or even come up with a response. I was in tears by the end of that session. Worse it would take me a long time to trust a psychologist again. I refused to see him again, he hurt me so much.
My parents switched me to a different psychologist in the same office. She was nicer, but I was still too scared to say anything else to anyone. Every time I'd said I needed help up to that point I was met w/ disbelief, derision, dismissal, or outright hostility. I felt so very very very alone. I was just a little a girl who needed help from the adults in her life but they weren't helping, they were making me feel worse and worse about myself. I never talked in any detail with the second counselor about my gender dysphoria, in fact I can only think of two or three times it came up in all those weekly sessions. My parents continued to shame me through all of this. I remember them telling my counselor they didn't mind if I cross dressed so long as I only did it in my room. Except that what they meant was so long as they never see it, or anything associated with it, whether it's in my room or not. Nevermind that the only time I was crossdressing was when everyone was forcing me to be a boy, so actually it was me crossdressing that my parents wanted to see. When I wasn't crossdressing, I was wearing female oriented clothing just trying to find relief from the pain of being forced to be a boy. There was no one I felt safe to talk to. It was just me and I had learned to hate myself thoroughly. I remember every adult I asked for help said no, said they couldn't help me, ignored me, or outright hurt me. How the hell did I manage to survive all of this? I remember my mom finding my tucking underwear in the dryer and going off on me, yelling at me, screaming about what if my sister had found it. I remember my sister finding her bra and clothes under my bed, and leaving an angry note calling me a pervert. And how bad that felt, my own sister (whom I desperately wanted a better relationship with) thought I was horrible too. And also being terrified because if my parents learned that she knew then I was in for a whole heap of trouble. Though as far as I know they never discovered this while I was living at home. I remember weeks after I got that note from her, finding out she (my sister) had borrowed my silk shirt without asking me and left it on top of the laundry pile where the cats ruined it. I was furious, she had called me a pervert for borrowing her clothes, but then she goes and borrows mine like there's nothing wrong with her doing it, but for some reason it was horribly wrong for me to do it. And she literally couldn't understand why I was so upset. And complete frustration because I couldn't say why I was so upset due to my parents prohibition.
I remember the last time I saw my sister, her telling me she missed her brother, and feeling so hurt by that. I hadn't gone away, I'd tried to keep in touch with her. I was still me, but instead of the euphoria I should have been experiencing at getting to be me, instead, I was going through so much grief.
I remember trying to come out that one last time with my parents over winter break in college, but my grandpa was getting really sick, and I didn't want to hit them with my problems again too. A month later, I'd heard he was getting better. So I sent a letter to my family coming out to them one last time, and putting my foot down, stating I was me. They told me I shouldn't tell my grandfather, it would kill him and that he had cancer. My sister got to fly out and be with him. I wasn't given that option, I could only talk to him on the phone. They never told me when he died. They did tell me I was no longer part of the family, any family. I lost nearly everyone I ever knew in one day.
I remember joining my middle school orchestra and finding a refuge there. I felt safe there. Until a transfer student came in and started picking on me relentlessly. It was horrible, my safe space was gone. Eventually he stopped participating in Orchestra, no idea why but I was so grateful.
I remember my mom finding my stash of clothing catalogs that I would peruse through imagining that I would get to wear these pretty clothes some day, or just get to be myself some day. She trashed them all, one of my few things that I had to comfort myself with. And she called me wrong, deviant, horrible for having them, and yelled at me for continuing to have fantasies about being myself.
I remember our middle school had a spirit day where everyone was supposed to dress as wacky as possible, and my home room teacher put fingernail polish on my nails, just dabs, but they were there and I was ecstatic no one batted an eye in my homeroom class at it. For a brief time that day I could pretend to be me and it was normal, but then a girl in orchestra noticed them and yelled loudly that I was wearing nail polish. I spent the rest of that hour scraping the polish off of my nails feeling terrified and miserable. I remember getting a new bed and my mom interrogating me to make sure the movers wouldn't find any of my perverted materials when they took my old bed out of my room. She was terrified someone else would learn of my perversion.
I remember the day I was talking to my sister over the phone and said something bad about our parents. She told me she was cutting off all contact with me. The last person I had know, the sister I'd always hoped to have a closer relationship with, had abandoned me. I was alone. It was too much, I'd lost too much. I attempted to commit suicide later.
I remember being in shop class, sitting at a table with two other girls and giggling with them like mad, having fun, feeling close with them, and looking up and seeing my teacher give me a strange look and instantly being terrified that he had guessed my secret. And immediately began distancing myself from those girls. Despite how I yearned for their friendship and those brief moments of joy.
I remember in an act of desperation getting some books on being transgender from a support center in Georgia, and gave them to my mom to try and help her understand what I was going through. But having her yell at me about giving them to her instead, having her say she didn't understand, and then after reading them telling me I couldn't possibly be trans because I didn't fit ALL the stereotypes the books highlighted and twisted meaning out of the books that fit her bigotry.
I remember, in desperation, calling PFLAG in our city, asking them for help. They asked me what I wanted them to do. I had no idea, I just needed help with my parents. I was a kid, I had no clue what that help could look like. But the guy on the phone said if I didn't know, he didn't think they could help me. He couldn't work miracles apparently. The one place that was supposed to help LGBT kids, wouldn't help me. I was so fucking alone. No one would help me.
Why wasn't CPS called? Oh wait, because it was and is still ok to abuse LGBT+ kids.
I remember asking my parents, in highschool, to join me for a counselling session because I needed to come out to them... again. My mother bullied me about why they needed to go with me, non-stop, until I finally gave in and came out to her without anybody to help support and mediate for me. I remember her yelling at me afterward about how wrong I was, how I was going against God. That I was going to hell. I remember she cancelled all my therapy appointments after she dragged that confession out of me, and didn't tell me. I was devastated when I finally figured it out after asking her what happened to our appointment. She told me that counseling wasn't helping and I didn't need it anymore. That counselor was the first one who had tried to help me, even if only a little. Once again I was alone and isolated. I remember a bunch of girls in orchestra having lunch (I think it was a field trip of some kind) and inviting me to join them. I was too terrified, 1) that they were doing it just to hurt me later, and 2) if it was legit then that other people would figure out my secret. And so I spent lunch eating alone on the grass despite yearning to say yes and join them. These girls invited me a few more times throughout the year, but eventually stopped because I kept refusing. I remember asking to watch "Philadelphia" because it sounded like a good movie and I loved Tom Hanks, But my mom interrogating me about if I was trying to tell her I was gay or telling her I was trans, again.
I remember getting a bag of plaster powder dumped on me as I was walking through the halls trying to get to another class because I was the freak that couldn't completely hide the girl inside. There was constant bullying from boys and girls. The only place it didn't seem to happen was in Orchestra.
I remember praying with everything I had every single night that I would wake up a girl. And being so devastated every morning when it didn't happen. I remember the horror of learning that my parents had sent me to a psychologist to cure me of being a girl and realizing they wanted to erase me. I remember having dreams where I was a girl, and everyone accepted me, and I finally got to be myself, only to wake up and realize I was still living in a nightmare world and none of those wonderful things had happened. These were the worst dreams, because I was happy in them and then I would wake up and the misery returned.
I remember our pastor telling us how being gay was a grave sin, and gay people are wrong, going to hell, I don't think he even knew of trans people. I found out later he advised my mom to disown me.
I remember my mother yelling at me that she'd rather I was dead than be trans. This echoes in my head over and over and over. I remember staring at her in disbelief, she couldn't have meant that right? Right?!
I remember understanding that my parents loved an imaginary boy, but hated me and wanted me dead. I remember I was garbage.
[Edited for additional memories] 12/23/23
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butwhyduh · 4 years
A Date to Remember
Damian Wayne x Superman’s daughter reader
Damian is 20, reader 19, Jon is her little brother at 18 and Kon acts like an older brother to her.
Warning: angsty and kidnapping
You’d always told Damian that the sunset on the Kent farm was the best in the world. Damian smiled a little as he drove down the long road to Smallville. Damian had thought about classic dinner date in one of Metropolis’ fanciest restaurants but you insisted on meeting him in a barn.
He felt underdressed. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. Why did he let Jon help him get dressed? He felt ridiculous but at least he wore sensible shoes. But deep down Damian knew you world like it. And he was certainly willing to feel a little foolish for you.
Clark was off world and Lois was on a mission. Jon had his own date in the city so it was the both of you alone tonight. How long had it been since the two of you were alone without someone around? Between his half a dozen brothers and your family with literal super hearing... yeah it’s been tough. So being 50 miles from everyone was kind of a dream.
Damian pulled in the driveway with some flowers and walked up to the house. He knocked on the door only for it to swing open. Damian noticed the splintered door frame and his heart sped up. He called your name. Act like the rich billionaire son while working like Robin, even though he wasn’t quite sure he still wanted the name.
He scanned every surface and he noticed a small scratch near the back door after looking through every room. Most people wouldn’t even notice it. You weren’t there. He looked closely and saw drag marks in the gravel path to the barn. His heart was thundering at this point. You weren’t in the barn either.
You were half Kryptonian but the genetic inheritance was complicated. Jon had won the lottery with having most of his father’s powers and not being as sensitive to Kryptonite. You had lost it. Hypersensitive to Kryptonite and only some speed and increased hearing and strength. Barely about the average human. You weren’t a fighter.
Damian pulled out his phone to call Jon.
“Bit busy here, Damian,” Jon said, sounding far from amused. Damian could hear kissing noises in the background and frowned. He didn’t want to hear that.
“Your sister is missing,” he said and he heard a lot of movement on the phone.
“The door jam was kicked in and there are scrap marks of her being dragged away. I think she’s been kidnapped,” Damian said. His voice felt tight. He, son of Batman, let his girlfriend get kidnapped. “Whoever it was clearly waited until she had no other Kryptonians around to grab her. It wasn’t a coincidence that she was taken tonight. Can you get out here? I’m calling father to try and trace her. Her phone is missing too.”
“I’m leaving in 5. Damian, if Luther has her, she can’t handle Krytonite,” Jon said, worry bleeding into his voice. “It’s like it poisons her.”
“I know. But we don’t know who has her. Let’s hope they don’t know she’s part Krytonian,” Damian said, already mentally moving on to his next step. Contact Bruce. Get the bat computer to trace her. Look for more evidence. Don’t freak out completely that she might be poisoned by Kyrotonite.
“Okay. I’m about to fly. I’ll see you soon,” Jon said before hanging up.
You woke up with a cough. You head throbbed and your stomach rolled as you laid in a bed? Maybe a couch? It was a horrible feeling but you knew exactly what it was: Kryptonite. You couldn’t forget what how that stuff made you feel. You tried to look around to see it but the room was completely dark. Night vision would be nice but you got human eyes. Your slightly enhanced hearing heard nothing but the wind outside. Okay, you were ground level or higher.
You tried to twist in the cuffs that bound your hands only to cry out. There was the Kryptonite. It was on the outside of the cuffs and you almost threw up at it touched your skin. You were cuffed with Kryptonite to a hospital bed, you figured. What other bed had areas perfect for cuffs? Your legs were equally restrained and you felt so exposed in the dark room.
Your dad was off world. He wouldn’t hear you if you called for him. But Jon might. But if you yelled, someone might come in and who knows what they would do. You’d wait a little bit longer. You wanted to fall asleep. The Kryptonite made you feel so dull. Like the first time you were exposed to it.
You were all of 4 years old. Your dad had brought you with him to the Justice League meeting. Relatively safe and Batman promised Robin would watch you. Dick was so excited to be a babysitter. You had hugged him tight enough to hurt before running to the climbing wall.
“Hey!” Called the 16 year old. “I brought games instead!”
You warily walked back over to him and card games and board games fell out of a duffle bag as he opened it. Half the stuff you were far too young for. You bent down as he scooped up his gameboy. You pulled out some games and open a side pocket to grab a small metal box. Dick sat down his gameboy carefully before turning back to you.
“Don’t open th-“ he started before you pulled open the box to show a bright green stone. Followed by you throwing up all over his bag of games. You dropped the box and sat on the floor. Dick quickly closed the box with the piece of Kryptonite and put it in his pocket. He had boroughed one of Bruce’s bags that apparently wasn’t fully unpacked.
“Dad, I don’t feel good,” you said as Clark ran over. Dick looked at you so guiltily.
“I didn’t know,” he swore. “I’m so sorry.” Bruce stood by quietly.
“We need to talk later,” Clark had told Bruce and yeah, they were mad at each other for a while.
Jon arrived shortly in a dress shirt and slacks and he looked at Damian just as weird as Damian looked at him. They had basically switched clothing.
“Not to judge but that’s date clothing? You told me to not wear flannel,” Jon said accusingly.
“That’s because your sister wanted me to wear this,” Damian said back. “Let’s focus on finding her. Father’s calling me now. We’ll change in a minute.”
“Hello, you’re on speaker phone,” Damian said.
“Her tracker is showing a warehouse owned by Luthor Corp in downtown Metropolis,” Bruce said. “Do you need help? I can see if Dick is nearby.”
“No thanks. Jon will help me. Thank you, father,” Damian said before hanging up.
“Luthor. I knew it,” Jon said with a frown. “Wait, you put a tracker on my sister? Does she know?”
“Now is not the time. Let’s get to Metropolis,” Damian said, changing the subject while both got dressed. Jon nodded and offered his arms. “I’m not being carried like that. I’ll hold on your back,” Damian said. Jon rolled his eyes and nodded again.
As they flew over corn fields and pastures, Jon began to question Damian. “So when did you put this tracker in? Does she even know? Where is it? Do I want to even know?”
“It’s sub-dermal in her forearm and I haven’t told her yet. And it’s irrelevant right now as it might save her life,” Damian said and Jon looked disgusted. “We need to focus on saving her and then you can be her angry brother.”
You moved and the cuffs burned your skin. You gasped and screamed “Jon! Kon!” You called out to them hoping one of them would hear you.
“Dad!” you cried frantic. There was no way he would hear you. “Damian! Jonathan! Conner!”
You panted and your head pounded. You were so tired. You’d lose consciousness if no one saved you. Then who knows what they would do to you.
“Superman!” You screamed desperately before finally passing out.
“Did you hear that?” Jon said as they flew towards the Metropolis skyline.
“No all I hear is wind. What did you hear?” Damian said.
“Y/n. She’s calling for us,” Jon said speeding up.
“Is she okay?” Fear bled into Damian’s voice.
“I can’t tell. I’m trying to hurry,” Jon said flying quickly towards the industrial area of the city. He landed on the roof of a warehouse. Jon’s eyes glowed as he looked through the building.
“7 men. 4 posted outside the door to the room that’s she’s being held on the 2nd floor. Her heart rate is steady and she isn’t screaming any more. Almost sounds asleep,” Jon said after his analysis.
“Probably tranquilizer. Father’s data said this building is used for research purposes. Does that fit?” Damian asked.
“Uh more like research subject holding. Maybe a small lab on the first floor but other than cameras everywhere, there isn’t much science stuff that I can scan. But also the basement is sealed off,” Jon said.
“Lead bound. You can check it out while I rescue her. 4 guys is nothing,” Jon said making a fist.
“Hold on. Luthor would probably have her surrounded by Kryptonite. Just in case one of you look for her. And that’s the last thing we need,” Damian said. “I’ll rescue her and you look for the basement. Knowing Luthor, it’s probably an entire facility of experiments below. He just hadn’t gotten her room ready yet.”
Jon looked frustrated. “Fine. You rescue her but be careful. She is the weakest of us. She’s not invulnerable to bullets or anything.”
“Most of the people I rescue aren’t either,” Damian reminded him. “And I’m certainly not taking a chance with my beloved.”
Jon looked over to respond but Damian was already gone. Just like the rest of the bats: silent goodbyes. Jon quietly moved down to the first floor. He was working but at the same time, his ear was trained on his sister’s heartbeat. Jon might be the younger sibling but she didn’t have powers and he felt so protective.
Damian rolled his eyes at the 5 ways he could see that the security sucks in the 3 minutes he hung out the window before climbing in. Large rafters and guards who didn’t bother to look up. Not to mention the fact that they let there be a solid wall between the set of guards which meant that Damian was easily able to jump down to knock them out in pairs without the other set knowing. If the security was any worse they would leave the door unlocked.
The door wasn’t unlocked but it was a deadbolt that Damian easily disabled. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was on purpose. He gulped before opening the door. What if you were really hurt? Or dead? Ignore and get in there.
Damian opened the door and he felt white hot rage. You were tied to a bed and were unconscious. You were in a nice dressy shirt and sweatpants. They’d clearly taken you while you were getting dressed. Damian wanted to kill them. He had to take a breath to help you. Jon was taking them out and Damian was on rescue. He had to stay level headed.
Even the cuffs on your wrists were inadequate. If they had attempted to restrain Damian, he would have gotten out in 3 minutes. When he was 6 years old. The Kryptonite had left nasty red burns on your skin and he clenched his jaw at the sight. Jon better be punching extra hard.
Damian picked you up bridal style and you groaned a little before turning your head against his chest. The farther he got you from that fucking Kryotonite the better you were. He took you to the roof and you started waking up.
“Damian,” you said softly and a little confused.
“Hey you’re awake. How are you feeling?” He asked looking all over your face for injury.
“Kryptonite. I hate that stuff,” you said. Damian grabbed your hand and you hissed. He looked to see bright red knuckles. You’d clearly fought at some point. He certainly knew the signs of punching someone.
“You fought back?”
“Yeah and hitting someone in a helmet and body armor sucks. I got just a few in before they pulled out the damn rock. I throw up every damn time,” you said shaking your head.
Before Damian could comment on how brave and stupid it was to punch body armor, there was a huge crash down on the first floor as someone flew in the building through the window. You grabbed him tightly.
“What the hell is that?”
“Kon. Conner’s here. I’m up here,” you yelled.
Conner flew up to the roof. “Are you okay? What’s going on?”
“Kidnapped. Damian and Jon saved me. He’s still down there actually. Can you check on him?” You said. Damian suddenly stood up.
“What if you were a distraction and the real problem is downstairs?” Damian suddenly said with clarity. The Kryptonite alone was enough to hold you down. The half ass security was to hold their attention when they rescued you. Jon was already flying back down before Damian could say more. Damian weighed his options: leave you alone, bring you with him, or stay out of it and while the last sounded nice, he’d have to go in case of more Kryptonite.
Before Damian could decide, Kon was back on the roof. “You’ve got to come see this.”
Downstairs was a lead lined basement. That alone had you nervous. Jon stood by the door. Little spattering of blood could be seen on his hands. He had a hard look.
“Warning: this is going to be messed up,” he said and you were even more worried. You walked in to see cages. Kids. Unconscious adults lay around in the hallway. “They were experimenting on them.”
You felt nauseous.
“My father is on the way. This is much bigger than I thought,” Damian said messing with his comms. His free hand was on your shoulder protectively.
There were 8 kids in cages. Bruce was running tests on their blood and investigating the area as you helped to get them out of the cages. What a terrible Valentine’s Day.
“Beloved, let’s get you home. We can stay at the farm tonight. You need sleep,” Damian said worried. You looked at him distracted.
“They’re just kids.”
“Come on. Let’s go. Kon is going to stay there too. Just for the night,” Damian said helping you up. Kon flew you both back to the farm.
“I’m going back to help. You okay, kid,” Kon asked as Damian inspected the house.
“I’ll be alright. Just help those kids,” you said.
“Yeah, of course,” he said ruffling your head. You rolled your eyes. “But seriously, the way you screamed I thought you were being murdered.”
You stiffened. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
Kon knew when to quit. Something he had learned from Tim. He gave you a big hug and flew off towards Metropolis.
“Hey. I made your bed so you can sleep,” Damian said quietly. “And a change of clothes.”
You nodded and went upstairs. Damian helped pull off your shirt and put on a sweater. He looked at the marks around your wrist and red knuckles but didn’t note any more bruises or cuts. You pulled on sweatpants and climbed in small twin bed that Lois kept for guests. The pink and yellow flowery quilt felt warm and comforting on your skin. Damian lay beside you after changing and looked at you seriously.
“What is it,” you asked.
“I was so scared tonight. I have been doing this for years and I’ve never been so worried,” he said softly and you looked down and flushed. If you weren’t so freaking sensitive to Kryptonite this wouldn’t have happened. Damian gently lifted your chin and you looked at him.
“I was scared to lose you,” he said running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m going to drive you absolutely mad because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.”
“Yeah?” You said with a little smile.
“Uh hm. But first sleep,” he said and your body certainly agreed. You curled into him and rest your head on his chest. His arms held you tightly before rubbing your back. You fell asleep to Damian staring at you. He stared at you all night, not even sleeping when Kon came in a few hours later.
“I have to know what all that was, Bruce,” you said at the Batcave the next day. “I was in there.”
He looked at you for a minute. “They were experimenting with meta DNA. All of those kids have gifts and they wanted to take you too. There were even plans to inject those kids with your blood to see if it would affect them.”
You shivered a little at the thought. Lex Luthor and his obsession with Kryptonian DNA.
“All the records were burned. Most of the warehouse too. Your brothers were.... thorough. And Clark will be home in a few days,” Bruce added.
“Yes. And he’s furious at Luthor. Probably will call soon. He wanted to let you sleep earlier. We’re just running programs here. Why don’t you and Damian go upstairs,” he suggested.
“Bruce Wayne,” came a stern voice behind you. You turned to see your mother, Lois Lane, looking like she was going to beat up Batman. “You put a tracker in my daughter without her permission?”
“You what?” You said.
“Actually that was Damian. Though I want to point out that it helped save her life,” Bruce added. Lois slapped him soundly across the cheek. Bruce just blinked and rubbed his cheek.
“Damian, you put a tracker in me?” You asked shocked. You’d assumed Jon had heard you or Damian’s detective work brought them to the warehouse. Not an invasive tracker in your body. “What the hell?”
“Well I can explain..”
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Grade A Business//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief semi-nudity, slight language, two suggestive comments, y/n drools on fred but like in a cute way
Summary: As one businessman makes a trip across the ocean to talk to new investors, he meets his new partner, someone a lot more familiar than he was expecting. 
Prompts: Only One Bed with dialogue prompts “if we get caught, I’m blaming you” and “I don't want to be alone”
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Day 2 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge
  Fred had never gotten used to traveling on Muggle airplanes. He never had a need to before, not with everything being a train ride, floo network, or apparition away. But as he and George progressed into adulthood, and the businessman life no less, they found themselves constantly on the move and needing a fast and easy way to travel without drawing suspicion. Except for the one time that Fred’s magical briefcase set off every airport security system imaginable, but he’d learned from that mistake. 
He was relieved to be exiting the JFK airport in New York City, clutching his luggage and thanking Merlin that his feet could now touch solid ground. Being in one of those huge steel contraptions was nothing like flying in a broom. He had no control over anything and it drove him absolutely insane. Luckily, he was safe now, and one step closer to being done with this awful business trip. 
At the beginning of their business endeavors, Fred and George would travel together, trying to pick up business at other locations for Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes. But as the shop grew and the locations became more and more foreign (so far having shops in Paris, Cairo, and Madrid) the brothers realized that the operations would have to be solo missions to allow for the other to run the shop for longer periods of time. Usually Fred didn’t mind taking the trips by himself. In fact, he rather enjoyed the alone time and flexibility in schedule. But this meeting was supposed to be a big one, and he was feeling quite nervous about having to tackle it himself. 
Big investors located in the states were meeting with him to discuss opening a joint operation in New York City, combining his shop with another renowned wizard business that they deemed would be most profitable. Fred groaned internally just thinking about it. He didn’t want to have to share this new shop with anyone, no matter what the new investors thought. What if the other co-owner was a horrible person? Or worse, what if they had no sense of humor? They’d ruin the Weasley reputation and make it some boring book store. Or puzzle shop? Honestly Fred didn’t know much about the other business, just that he already didn’t like it. 
Hailing a cab, a trick his sister-in-law Hermione had shown him years ago, Fred lugged all of his prototypes--skillfully hidden from Muggle eyes and detection systems by layers of spells--into the trunk before hopping in, giving the address of the hotel the investors had booked for him. He was about to shut the door when a panting scream startled him enough to make him stop. 
“Wait! Hold the cab!”
Doing as he was told, Fred kept the door open and allowed the stranger to climb in, suitcase and all. 
“Thanks,” you said, Fred noting your distinct British accent and strikingly familiar features. “I really need to get to my hotel, I appreciate it--”
Shocked, you finally looked at your ride partner’s face for the first time. Soft brown eyes. Freckled face. Bright ginger hair. 
“Fred?! Fred Weasley?” You knew for a fact you weren’t mistaken, this was definitely the Fred you remembered. Or maybe it could have been George? It had been so long since you had seen either of them. Since Hogwarts, in fact. 
Luckily, Fred nodded, confirming your belief that this was the older Weasley twin and saving yourself from heaps of embarrassment. “Y/N L/N, what are you doing here?”
Fred and you both wore matching grins, stretching from ear to ear. What an insane coincidence. What were the chances that you two would be in the same cab, in the same city, in the same foreign country?
“I’m actually here for business,” you said. “After Hogwarts I opened my own shop--”
“Excuse me,” the cab driver interrupted, wasting no time with politeness nor formalities. “But I have cars lined up behind me and I don’t know where you wanna go little lady. So let’s get on with it, if you will.”
“Oh, yeah of course. It’s, umm, oh shit which hotel was it? It’s on 53rd and 10th, I know that…” You trailed off, trying to remember what your hotel was called. You dug around in your purse, hoping to find a piece of paper with the name on it. “I think it was called--”
“Lotus Hotel.”
It was Fred who had interrupted you, once again, and once again you were just as bewildered as before.
“That’s right,” you said after a few seconds of confused silence. “Yes, yes the Lotus Hotel please,” you told the driver with confidence. Turning back to Fred you tried in earnest to understand what was happening. 
“So same location?” the driver asked, to which Fred confirmed before you were speeding off down the crowded streets of the city. 
“Oh, I get it,” you said in understanding. “Same hotel as me?”
“That is correct, love. What are the odds?” He wiggled his eyebrows in a half suggestive half just plain goofy manner, awkwardly shuffling so that his long legs had room amongst your many bags. 
“That is quite a coincidence,” you agreed. “Funny thing is, I didn’t even choose the location. I have a business meeting in the morning with possible investors and they set everything up for the stay.”
Fred’s mouth practically dropped open at what you had said. “You’re kidding. These investors don’t happen to be Robbie Goldstein and Rachel McMillan, do they?”
“Ok, you need to stop doing that,” you said, officially freaked. “That’s the third time you’ve predicted something and it’s starting to creep me out. You never were very good at legilimency.”
He hushed you quickly, hoping the cab driver hadn’t caught onto the magical term you just used. Thankfully, he was too focused on the roads to notice. 
“Ok, Y/N, one last question.”
“And then you’ll explain how you know all this?”
Fred ignored your question and continued with his own. “You said you opened a business. Are you perhaps meeting with another business owner to discuss a collaboration on a new store opening in the city?”
“Yes!” you said, eager to know how Fred could have known that. Was this another one of his pranks? Did he have hidden cameras in the cab somewhere? “How do you know all this?”
He only laughed, a joyous and very relieved grin overtaking his face. Sticking out his right hand, he grabbed yours and shook it eagerly. “Well, Miss L/N, it’s a pleasure to be reacquainted. I’m Frederick Weasley, your new potential partner.”
“You know, you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Oh thank Godric, I was worried you’d think I was grown up and mature now.”
You laughed heartily as you dragged your bags out of the cab, thanking the driver before he grunted annoyedly and drove off. Your drive from the airport had gone faster than expected, mostly due to the fact that you and Fred had so much to catch up on. 
After he and George had left Hogwarts in their grand exit, they’d created the shop they’d always dreamed of, parking it right in the middle of Diagon Alley. You, on the other hand, went about creating your success in a much more conventional way. After finishing your last year of school, you started working full time at Zonko’s at Hogsmeade, trying to save up enough money to start your own business. 
Many long hours and tiring days later, you opened up your little place, a toy store and puzzle shop. It was a similar setup to what the Weasleys did, but as you described it, “my toys don’t blow up in the user's face.”
You were now very excited for tomorrow’s meeting, the one you had been dreading beforehand. Your business was much smaller than Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and this would be your first international location. You were afraid that the owner you would be forced to work with would be some stuck up rich big whig who wouldn’t allow you to keep any of your small business charm in the new location. But learning that you would be working with Fred, well that was a relief for many reasons. 
Fred rang the hotel desk bell, chatting happily about ideas for the shared shop and new products that fit with what both of you wanted to do. 
“Hello there,” said the hotel receptionist, coming around the corner. “What can I do for you today?”
“Two night stay for Frederick Weasley,” said Fred. “Should’ve been booked by Robbie Goldstein.”
The young man typed quickly into his computer before offering Fred a hotel key card. “Here you are Mr. Weasley, room 504. We serve complimentary breakfast from 6 to 9 every morning down in our west hall. If you need anything don’t be afraid to call down and we’ll assist you in any way we can.”
Fred nodded at the man. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” He turned to leave before you grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back. 
“Wait for me,” you said. “I’m not finished talking to you yet.”
Fred smiled and waited behind you as you took your turn at the desk. 
“Y/N L/N, also booked by Robbie Goldstein.” 
He clicked away again but paused for a few seconds, seemingly confused. “You said Y/N L/N?”
Starting to get nervous, you nodded. “Yes, that’s me. Is the reservation not there?” You didn’t want to think about having to find somewhere else to stay, especially because it was getting so late. 
“Oh no,” the man replied. “It’s here all right.” Ignoring the confused looks you and Fred were giving each other, the receptionist handed you a hotel key card and gestured to the elevator. “Thank you for choosing to stay with us. You’ll be staying for two nights in room 504. Don’t forget to enjoy our complimentary breakfast from 6--”
“I’m sorry,” Fred interrupted. “But that’s my room. You did say 504, right?”
“Yes sir,” he replied, not bothering to try to understand the predicament. “Mr. Goldstein booked one room for the both of you.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Fred, silently asking him to help you figure this out. But instead, Fred just broke out laughing, having to brace himself on the front desk. 
“I guess that’s what you expect when you let two investors who specialize in pranking shops make the room accommodations.”
“This isn’t funny Fred,” you said, although you had to give Robbie and Rachel credit for this joke. Turning to the receptionist, you sighed and ran your hands through your hair. “There’s at least two separate beds, right?”
He glanced down at his computer screen before looking back up at you with a guilty smile. “Well, about that…”
“Alright, I’ll take the couch, I’m sure it’s a pullout, it has to be.”
Fred stood in the doorway watching you mumble mostly to yourself. As tired as he was and as much as he wanted to just lie down and sleep, somehow watching you freak out about the sleeping arrangements was a much better use of his time. 
He watched as you threw the pillows and cushions off of the couch and felt around for a lever, something, anything that would allow you a place to rest. Your face lit up as you felt a small impression and yanked with all your might, only causing you to thump backwards onto your butt on the hotel room floor. 
Kicking off his shoes, Fred jumped onto the bed, sighing as he let his body relax. “Come on in darling, there’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
He opened one eye slightly, just enough to see your reaction. You were trying again to make the couch open, although you both knew that it wasn’t a pullout. Nevertheless, you kept pulling at every spot you thought could make a difference. 
It reminded Fred of the good old days, back at Hogwarts when you two were so close. You were always so stubborn, and he didn’t realize just how much he had missed having you in his life. He always wondered what happened to you after he and George left, but with the shop opening up and the war around the corner, he never had the thought to write you or track you down. He hoped this time after you two parted ways you would still remain in touch. 
You groaned loudly, slapping the couch with one of the pillows you had thrown earlier. Nothing was going as planned and you couldn’t be more annoyed. 
“Fine,” you huffed. “I’ll just sleep on the couch, no need for a pullout.” You stomped over to the bed and angrily pulled the blanket from off of him. 
“Hey!” he shouted, trying to grab it back but you were too quick. “That’s not fair, it’s cold!”
“If you get the bed,” you said, wrapping yourself up, “then I get to stay warm. Now go to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He couldn’t help but giggle at the small bundle of you wrapped up in the hotel quilt, looking like an angry little burrito. Standing, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the corner, followed next by his undershirt before he unbuckled his belt. He turned to face you slowly, feeling your eyes on him as they peeked out of your wrapping. 
You quickly turned your gaze and glared at the floor. “What are you doing?” you said, hoping Fred didn’t see the blush rising to your cheeks. He did. 
He continued to undress, leaving him only in a pair of red boxers that left little to the imagination. “Going to bed, as you said,” he replied nonchalantly. He grabbed a toothbrush from his suitcase and made his way to the bathroom, making sure to walk extra slowly and give you a longer show. 
“This is so unprofessional!” you yelled after him. 
“We’re not business partners until tomorrow, love,” Fred said with a mouthful of toothpaste. “As far as I see it we can do anything we want tonight.”
Rolling your eyes, you shed the large blanket and grabbed an oversized t-shirt from your bag, hoping you’d be able to change before Fred finished in the bathroom. As he emerged, he saw the tail end of you throwing the shirt on, flashing your thighs and part of your panties for half a second. He averted his eyes out of respect, but that didn’t stop his imagination from running away with what he just saw. 
You shuffled past him, taking your turn in the bathroom. How in the world had this happened? How had a nice catch-up with a friend turned into an awkward back and forth the night before the most important business meeting of your life?
All you wanted to do was fall asleep, go through with whatever tomorrow brought you, and pretend like this never happened. But as you came out of the bathroom, you saw that Fred had taken the blanket back, leaving you with nothing except your t-shirt and an uncomfortable couch. 
“Fred, let me have it,” you said, trying to yank it from his grip. 
“No,” he mumbled, voice muffled by one of the many pillows he was cuddled with. 
“Frederick Gideon Weasley, give me the blanket now or so help me…”
Instead of responding, he just reached out and patted you on the top of your head before rolling over and pretending to snore. He was infuriating. 
You sulked back to the couch, accepting your defeat. You pulled out all of the clothes in your bag, hoping they could form as some sort of makeshift blanket. But after a few minutes of shivering and curling into the smallest ball possible, you realized that you’d never manage to sleep like this. Fred was staring at you, partially amused and partially concerned. You looked away. 
“You can always share with me, you know,” he said, patting the bed next to him. 
You scoffed and turned away. “Like I said, Fred, we’re soon-to-be business partners. Imagine how that would look! I’m fine right here, thank you.”
After a few seconds of silence you snuck another look at him. He hadn’t moved an inch, and was instead looking more concerned than before. “You’re going to freeze to death over there.”
“Well maybe that’s because someone stole my blanket.”
“The blanket comes with the bed, and the bed comes with me. Take it or leave it.”
It took everything in you not to scream. You wanted that warm, soft, comfortable bed more than anything at the moment. You needed it. Oh but it would send such a bad message if anyone ever found out…
“If we get caught I’m blaming you,” you relented, trudging over to the bed and crawling underneath the covers, ripping the blanket from a very amused Fred. 
“Who’s gonna catch us, Robbie and Rachel? They’re the ones that set this up! Trust me, nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It better not,” you said. “And make sure you stay on your side of the bed, I mean it! No touching.”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Fred said, rolling slightly closer to you. “You act as if we’ve never done this before. We’ve slept with each other dozens of times.”
Your face went red at his words, wishing he would have phrased it a different way. 
“You know what I mean,” he said quickly, hearing how his words came across. “But the amount of times we’ve cuddled up in the Gryffindor common room or up stargazing in the astronomy tower. It’s just me, there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“We were also 17 and a lot closer back then,” you retorted, remembering the fond memories you had from your high school days. 
Fred huffed and returned to his side. “I’m not saying we weren’t. I just wish you weren’t acting so different now. It’s like we’re barely friends anymore…” His voice drifted off, wishing that he could go back and change the past. It had been 8 years since he last saw you. 8 whole years. Maybe things would’ve been different if he had tried to stay in touch. You’d never even visited his shop in those 8 years, never seen everything he was so proud of. He was stupid to think that one reunion was going to bring back a friendship that was practically already dead. He was even more stupid to think that maybe, just maybe, fate was giving him one last chance to shoot his shot, close to a decade later. What a right idiot he was. 
On the other side of the bed, less than a meter away, similar thoughts raced through your mind. 8 years. Why hadn’t you, in 8 years, made one trip to visit their shop. Sure, there was a war going on and you were busy starting your own shop, but things had been fairly calm the last few years. Why had you never reached out? Almost subconsciously, you reached out physically for Fred. Your hand brushed up against his back before you tensed and drew back. You both stilled for a few moments, before Fred rolled over, facing you. 
The two of you just stared at each other, both playing mental images of what your lives could have looked like the last 8 years if just one of you had done something. 
“You’re not seeing anyone, are you?” Fred asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head. He moved closer. 
“Are you?” you asked. He shook his head. You moved closer. 
Your faces were now about a foot apart. You moved your hand to rest it between your face and the pillow. Fred copied your actions. You laughed softly, the movement causing a strand of hair to fall into your face. 
Fred reached his hand out to move it before hesitating. “Can I?” His voice was so soft, so full of care. His hand hesitated in the air for a second before you nodded. He brushed the strands behind your ear, fingertips so gentle that you got chills up and down your spine. He let his hand linger before it moved to cup your face. “I’ve missed you.”
You smiled and leaned into his touch. “I’ve missed you too, Freddie.”
His hand left your face and moved down to your waist, eyes not leaving yours in case you ever grew uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him just like you used to do all those years ago. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and hummed contently, before both of you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“Freddie, Y/N! How are ya!”
Robbie Goldstein, a plump man with fading hair ran up to greet you and Fred in the lobby of his and his partner’s office, shaking both of your hands fervently. 
“Hey Robbie,” said Fred, slapping the man on the back. “I’m glad to be here.”
“Same with me,” you said, glad you could finally meet the man with whom you’d been discussing business through letters in person. 
Robbie looked between the two of you, sly grin on his face. “Ah, so I see you’ve already met them. Wouldn’t happen to be because of a little mishap at the hotel last night, would it?”
You groaned internally, hating that someone else knew about the previous night, but Fred only laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“A great prank, I must admit, but Y/N and I actually go way back. I’ve known her since I was 11 years old, so nice try. I couldn’t imagine how that would’ve gone if we were complete strangers.”
Robbie’s face fell a little before he shrugged and nodded his head in defeat. “Well, what are the odds of that?”
“Astronomical,” you said, giving Fred a subtle tap with your foot. 
Robbie gestured for the two of you to follow him into the conference room where discussions about the new business would commence. “Well, I’m glad that you two seem to get along then, this is going to make things a lot easier. Oh, and don’t worry about arrangements tonight, I’ve decided not to let my joke stretch on and I booked another room for one of you for your last night in town.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Fred, and stepped into the conference room. “Thanks Robbie, that makes things a lot easier.”
“Yeah,” said Fred hesitantly, “thanks for that.”
He shut the door behind you and straightened up. There was no place for personal feelings in this business negotiation. He needed to do what was best for his company and yours, no distractions. No thoughts of crushed hope that suddenly plagued his mind. 
Fred hated the bed he was sleeping on. Granted, it was the same bed as the night before, but this time it felt different. It felt like it was mocking him. You had been the one to offer to change rooms and it seemed like you couldn’t wait to get out of there and to your own bedroom, free of any Weasleys. It made Fred sick to think about. 
He had just gotten used to the idea of something happening between the two of you. Last night, it all seemed perfect. You had cuddled the same way you had before, talked like nothing had changed. Hell, he even woke up with you lying sprawled out on top of him, a little trickle of drool falling onto his chest. He didn’t mind. 
But now, everything that happened the night before seemed like a dream. 
Fred knew he’d at least get to see you sporadically from now on. Your business negotiations with Robbie and Rachel went great, and the two of you, three counting George, were going to be combining forces and opening a joke and toy shop in the city sometime within the next year. It went exactly how Fred had wanted it to go, and yet so horribly wrong at the same time. 
He didn’t want to only interact with you as a business partner and casual friend. He wanted so much more than you were willing to give him, and having to see you and write you and work with you was going to be torture for him. He buried his face in the pillows, gripping the large blanket to his chest, wishing it was you instead. Stupid Robbie and his stupid pranks and stupid business and--
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Fred lifted his head to check the clock. It was 2 in the morning. Who in the world would be knocking this late at night? Fred slowly got out of bed, too tired to bother putting anything more decent on. He looked through the peephole of the door but his eyes were too blurry to make anything out. Groaning, he unlocked the door and pulled it open. 
Standing in front of him, clothed in the oversized t-shirt from last night and a pair of booty shorts, was you, looking nervous and embarrassed. Fred hadn’t noticed the previous day, but the shirt you had been wearing was one of his old Quidditch practice jerseys, all beat up and way too huge on you. He remembered the day he gave that to you, or rather when you stole it from him because you complained about it being too cold. Fred had to hold back a laugh at the irony. 
“I, umm,” you started, not knowing what to say to him. How were you supposed to explain that you missed him so much that spending one night away from him was too much for you to bear? How last night had been the best sleep you had in years because of how content and at peace he made you feel. How could you convey all of your feelings to him at this very moment?
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Fred wasted no time in picking you up, laughing as you screamed and kicked your legs around. “Fred Weasley, you put me down!”
He did as he was told and threw you onto the bed before jumping, arms and legs spread out, and landing straight on top of you. “I’m so glad you're here,” he said, peppering your cheeks with kisses. He pushed himself up, scanning your face to make sure what he did was ok, but you grabbed his face in your cheeks and pulled him down into a long kiss. Fred smiled through the kiss, almost laughing at how everything was working out. Maybe fate did have something to do with it after all. 
Fred pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “So,” he said, mischief glinting in his eyes, “how about we put this bed to good use?”
Tag List: @famdomhideout​ @amourtentiaa​
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saturnsummer · 3 years
flutter and kicks
notes: from lay's @/__ryubeom tweet + a pregnant solhwi anon ask. in headcanon form since it's more spontaneous! 
hello tumblr fam! i know, it’s been long... but ficfest and all has kept me kinda busy. a little different this time! a headcanon after a long time, since it’s more fun and easy on the eyes!
extra notes: drumstick reference to hospital playlist episode 4! a little reference to @scripturiends twitter au “dynasty” at the end. have fun! as usual, grammar mistakes by me!
attorney sol and prosecutor joon hwi have been married for a couple years, now well into their early thirties.
sol and joon hwi always take walks in the parks and wondered what it would be like if they had their own.
sol was initially hesitant, with her experience of broken families and having no dad figure. what makes her think her child could grow up in a loving family, if she didn't have one she could be a role model or look up to?
but joon hwi had it worse, having been an orphan from young, and raised by his uncle, his cousins, aunts and relatives ostracising him. yet, he still believed in the happy family he always wanted with sol.
he dreamt of kissing his kids good morning, sending them to school before going to work and sending his wife to work. on nights, they would work on their kid's homework together in fun ways and tuck them in bed after bedtime stories. they would spend the weekends at parks, meeting with seungjae's kid, and the children of their friends.
sol came round eventually, seeing how joon hwi never stopped believing. this time, it was different. joon hwi is not her father, nor is he her step father. he is han joon hwi, the man that saved her lives multiple times. han joon hwi, the man that stood by her when lee man ho was her biggest threat to her family. han joon hwi, the man who loves her, despite being a klutz in school.
he is han joon hwi, the man that loves her for every imperfection and perfection she has.
sol and joon hwi start trying for a baby, which is especially timely when kang sol's mom asks when is she gonna have a grandchild to hold and byeol pipes up saying she would love to have a brother as opposed to sister. (15 years with sisters have made her wonder what it would be to have a little baby boy in the house instead.)
a few weeks after their first time trying passes and sol has been feeling more tired. she's been busy with case after case at kang and park, so she doesn't think much.
only when she misses her period, she freezes. as stressed as she was, even in law school, she has never missed her period or was late. with shaky breaths, she wonders at the slightest chance of having a little life grow in her, as her hand unconsciously travels to her stomach.
sol is excited, but nervous at the thought that maybe nine to ten months later, she would have a child she can call her own in her arms.
over the weekend, sol raised this to joon hwi. joon hwi stops everything and even though he is beyond excited, he stays calm looking at how nervous sol is. together, they go out to get two pregnancy tests, where sol takes it.
the ten minutes of waiting were a complete torture for sol, as she paces back and forth.
"sol, stop pacing. you're going to burn a hole in our floor."
"joon! what- what if it really happens? i'm not ready! how are we ready? you just started your career in the prosecutor office, and i'm buried under cases! i can barely take care of my mom and byeol and myself, what about the child? oh no, what if i'm a bad mom?"
"honey, sit down. look, we'll get through this together okay? no one is ever ready for their first kid. remember seungjae-hyung? he freaked out the day juyeon-noona went into labour and he's a doctor! it's okay, just calm down, alright? do you want warm water?"
when the timer rings, they look at both the tests, showing the double lines indicating a positive test.
sol was pregnant. sol was going to be a mother. joon hwi was going to be a father. their family was starting.
shaking, sol finally let her emotions hit as her tears fall. she was so caught up worrying about herself, life, her work, family; she hadn't had time to process her own feelings on her own. she wanted the feeling of joy of holding her child. she wanted to know what it was like to share a mother's bond with a child.
joon hwi, looking at his wife, only hugged her as she teared up in happiness. his dream of having a family is finally coming. even better, his best friend, his biggest cheerleader, was next to him.
"what are you crying about? you should be happy!"
"j-joon h-hwi ah... we're going to be parents.."
but their journey was far from over. they booked an appointment with juyeon and made juyeon stay quiet about this. seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeats of their unborn child was enough to move sol to another round of sobs and joon hwi held his wife's hand while the tears ran down his face. together, they smiled, knowing that a life was born and growing.
all could have been hidden, but seungjae walked in that moment, asking if his wife wanted to join for lunch. sol and joon hwi were prepared to lie, but having a printed ultrasound scan in their hands, and the fact that they were in juyeon's clinic, a OB-GYN clinic, confirmed suspicions.
"juyeonnie, do you want to go for— joon...hwi?"
"ah, congratulations sol. congratulations joon hwi." seungjae only smiled looking at the best people he knew become parents. he recognised the pride in joonhwi's eyes, the same eyes he had when juyeon told him they were expecting.
the new parents smiled at their brotherly figure as they wished them a good lunch.
but out from the corner, yeseul spotted joonhwi and sol as she walked into the clinic and she locked eyes with sol. sol slams the door shut and drags joon hwi back and groans, letting a defeated whine.
"sol-ah, what's wrong?"
"yeseul is here! she's probably here for a regular check up, the one she told me about last month!"
and with that, their phones started beeping with countless notifications.
yeseul could put two and two together, especially when it wasn't just sol, but joon hwi in the clinic as well. she texted her boyfriend, bokgi, who spat out his soup when he was eating with yebeom, who sent a string of messages to the group chat.
when sol opens the door again, yeseul only gives a sheepish smile.
"yeseul ah..." sol sighs and joon hwi only smiles, too happy to hide this secret.
"sorry unnie, i can't miss the moment. congrats unnie, oppa! hello, seungjae-oppa, juyeon-unnie!"
"thank you, yeseul. we'll see you next week, as usual?"
behind them, seungjae grumpily argues with his wife.
"why are my ex-classmates seeing you more than i do? i literally work, like, five blocks down at the police station! they live all over seoul!"
"honey, let me see yeseul first, okay? then let's go get lunch. i heard they are serving drumsticks in the canteen today.”
pregnancy wasn't easy for sol. she insisted on working, despite attorney park's orders to take on lesser cases in court. sol couldn't find it in her heart to reject her clients.
yeseul, working closer to sol, would lunch with her to make sure she eats for the sake of her baby. joon hwi did his best to join, despite sol's arguments to not bother and that she can care for herself.
her morning sickness was bad, and she would wake up giddy and nauseous. many times, joon hwi wanted to call jiho to ask him to cover him, but sol would not let him do it. she'll pull herself together and go to work, and promise to take work lightly.
on days she couldn't get out of bed and she was too tired, her mother would come over and cook her nutritious soups, stock their fridge with vitamins and supplements and tonics for sol.
sol's cravings were also odd. she was never one to like sweets, but she found herself craving sugary cakes, cookies and pastries. joon hwi made it a point to stock their cabinets with cookies and buy a cake whenever he could for his wife.
joon hwi was honestly the best husband anyone could ask for. he helped to tidy the house, clean the house while sol was resting. he made soups and tucked sol in bed on her down days.
sol felt bad that she was being cared for and doing nothing in return, but joon hwi would always remind her that she was already doing the most important job, which is to literally grow their kid inside her.
many nights before bed, they would sit together and their hands would rest on her stomach, as they whisper sweet things to their to-be child.
when sol first felt the kick of her child with joon, they smiled so wide, all exhaustion from reports and arguments in their offices were gone. all that mattered was their child responding.
yeseul was beyond excited, as she helped sol with getting furniture and clothes. the study group came together to help them set up a new cot in their small apartment, as the ladies sat while looking at the men, fixing a cot with much difficulty.
aunty yeseul was the first to buy a stuffed bunny for her unborn child, and sol b, even though she was usually cold, offered to babysit in the future.
eventually, attorney park made sol work at home instead of going to the office. she argued that professor kim eunsook was able to teach while pregnant, but attorney park only said "yang jonghoon's orders" and it was enough to shut her up from any complaints.
of course, professor yang. the only person attorney park really is afraid of and listens to.
when they found out that sol was having a boy, joon hwi was lost in thoughts, wondering if he will grow to be like himself. but sol only placed a hand over his and gave a comforting smile.
"remember what you said at the beginning? whatever it is, he will be of the next generation. from him, it will be different."
they then would discuss how they wanted joon hwi's dimples, sol's twinkling eyes and cheekbones and joon hwi's charming smile.
closer to the due date, jiho stepped in to cover for joon hwi as he started to work half days, afraid of leaving his wife at home. sol, now heavily pregnant, really only commuted to the bed from the bathroom and then to the table, where she would spend most of her time reading or doing something relaxing.
yeseul made sol put her on speed dial with sol b, just in case, and so they would be the first to know too.
the morning came when sol woke up to a wet bed and shook joon hwi awake when the contractions kicked in. joon hwi snapped out, grabbed their hospital bag and guided sol to the car where both of them spent the next day in the hospital as sol went through nine hours of labour pains, and another two hours pushing her baby boy.
joon hwi never left once, standing by her side and holding her hand as she pushed her baby out, wiping away the sweat from her face.
when the time came for him to be held in his mother's arms, sol only smiled, knowing that as tough as the past ten months of working, no caffeine and staying up late nights was, it was all worth it for the little life in her arms.
as his son's hand grabbed onto joon hwi's finger, joon hwi made a promise to love this child unconditionally, to guide him in the right direction and bring him up well. sol was right. from him onwards, it will be different.
welcome to the world, seungjun.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me: Jasper Hale x My OC Fleur Swan, Chapter 5
AUTHORS NOTES: None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
I recall your soul had a taste like Gardens, flowers, Warm Winds, Warm Winds By SZA FT. Isaiah Rashad
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The ride to the hospital was a little hazy and disorientating but I had made it just fine. I was sitting in the hospital room while a nurse was checking my vitals. The double doors had burst open and I see my dad and Bella rushing over to me.
“Fleur, are you okay?” Dad asked.  He then saw Tyler sitting on another bed next to me. 
“You and I are gonna talk!” 
“I’m fine dad calm down.”
“I’m sorry Fleur I really tried to stop.”
“I know it’s okay, I know you didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
“No it sure as hell is not okay!”
“Dad, it wasn’t his fault really. Go easy on him.”
“I will not, you could’ve been killed, do you realize that?”
“I do dad but I wasn’t, I am fine. I just got a bump on the back of my head.”
“You boy can kiss your licenses goodbye.”
The double doors opened again and I was met with a familiar face, Carlisle Cullen had entered the room.
“I heard one of the chiefs daughters was here. I got this one Jackie” He said smiling as he approached me. 
“Oh doctor Cullen hello.” Dad said.
“Let’s see here Fleur, it seems you took quite a spill. How are you feeling?”
“Uh, my head is a little sore from when I hit the concrete but other than that I feel fine.”
“Look here for me, your vitals look good and you luckily enough don’t have a concussion but you might experience some disorientation from the adrenaline  you had. I’m going to prescribe some pain pills please wait here for me to write that up for you. After that you’re good to go.”
“I’m so sorry Fleur I really am...” Tyler was soon interrupted by the curtains being pulled in front of his face. 
“Great, thanks Dr.Cullen.”
“No problem.”
“You, this would’ve been a whole lot worse if Jasper didn’t get to her.” Bella said.
“Uh oh.” I thought to myself I knew someone would’ve seen him.
“Jasper? I like that boyfriend of yours more and more everyday. He’s your son right?” Dad said.
Carlisle looked up before looking back down quickly at my chart.
“Yeah he is his son dad, I mean he got to her so quickly is was amazing.” Bella continued.
“Oh, umm Bella... Could you tell Jasper I’m okay I’m sure he’s freaking out too.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Bella turned and left, Carlisle must’ve been wrong, I had to be concussed. Bella being civil with me? What alternate universe did I enter just now?
POV Change: Bella’s POV
I went to go find Jasper not just for Fleur but, I was also curious how could he of gotten to her so quickly. He was across the lot from us something was going on with this family and I was going to find out what. I was just about to turn the corner when I heard Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper talking.
“This is really bad, 15 students saw what happened Jasper I understand why you did it of course but still.” Rosalie said
“You should’ve thought this through a bit better Jasper.” Edward added.
“Look I wasn’t going to let her get crushed to death by a van. I know you would’ve done the same thing for Bella.”
Edward just looked at him angrily. Carlisle ended the stare down quickly as he noticed I was listening from the corner.
“I think we should continue this in the my office.”
“Jasper, Edward, can I talk to you two?”
They both approached me, looking apprehensive as if they didn’t know what I was going to ask.
“Jasper first off, Fleur wanted to say that she was alright, she didn’t want you worrying about everything. Second h-how did you get over to her so fast?”
Before Jasper could answer, Edward had interjected.
“He was standing right next to her Bella.”
“No he was not, he was standing across the lot with you.”
Edward let out a soft laugh before continuing. 
“You hit your head when Fleur pushed you out of the way, you must be confused.” Edward said.
“I know what I saw. Stop trying to make me out to be a liar!” I said getting angry
“And what exactly was that?” Edward asked. 
Jasper just stood there, he wasn’t getting much of a chance to talk. It was hard to be around Bella. He was getting more thirsty at the minute but, he continued to stand there not knowing what to do.
“He stopped the van, he pushed it with his hand! Did you not see the dent he left in it?”
“Well no one’s going to believe so...”
“I wasn’t going to tell anybody. I just need to know the truth.”
 “Can’t you just thank Jasper for saving your sister and get over it?” Edward said curtly.
I looked at Jasper and quickly said a “Thank you.” I then looked back at Edward.
“You aren’t going to let this go are you?”
“No, not at all.”
“Then I hope you enjoy disappointment.” Edward said before walking away, dragging Jasper along with him.
I scoffed before turning around going back to the hospital room. I would have to tell Fleur about this later... if she’d let me.
POV Change: Jasper
Once Bella was out of ear shot I smacked Edward on the back of the head.
“What the hell was that?” I asked
“What do you mean.”
“You wouldn’t even let me get a sentence in.”
“I was trying to save you... I could hear your thoughts. You weren’t coming up with something fast enough.”
“You didn’t exactly do a very good job on it! I mean c’mon Edward you said “no one’s going to believe you.” How much more suspicious can you get than that!”
“I’m sorry Jasper.”
“Sure you are.” I then stormed out of the hospital wanting to go back home.
POV Change: Fleur
“Here you are Fleur, there is your write up. I already notified your Pharmacy. They should be done in an hour.” Carlisle said
“Thank you Doctor, I appreciate it.”
“No problem, call me if you experience any bad side effects with the medication.”
“I will, have a good evening.”
Carlisle left soon after. Dad helped me up and carried my book bag and purse for me.
“Dad you don’t have to do that, I can carry my own stuff.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Who’s going to get my car, I left it at school.”
Bella had come back after talking to Jasper, she seemed confused about something.
“Oh uh, I’ll take you to school tomorrow, you can pick it up that way.” Bella suggested.
“Sure that sounds fine... are you okay with taking me tomorrow?”
“It’s not a problem.” She said... she had a slight smile on her face.
“I’m gonna drop you girls off at the house. I’ll get your medicine and then get something for dinner okay?”
“Yeah sounds good.” I said.
“Sure.” Bella said.
The drive was nice, quiet but, it wasn’t filled with tension. It was the most comfortable I had ever been around Bella. It felt strange the last time there relationship was like this was when the were 4. It seems like such a distant memory, but a fond one to her. As much as I tried to fight it, it hurt to always fight with her sister. Deep down, she loved her, and hoped Bella felt that way too. When we got back to the house I had started to head toward the door when Bella walked next to me.
“Hey, uh... do you mind talking to me tonight in your room?”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“Thanks, and uh... thanks for pushing me out of the way.”
“No problem.” I said.
It was 6 by the time dad had left again, I was up in my room wanting to finish that essay for English when a heard a soft knock on the door.
“Come in! It should be unlocked.” I said
Bella had come in, she looked nervous as if she didn’t know what to do. 
“Umm, I have a lot to say, do you mind if I sit down?”
“Go ahead, I won’t stop you. Is something wrong?”
“How can you be so nice to me? After all the things I’ve done to you?” She asked.
“Hey I haven’t been completely innocent... I’ve said some pretty hurtful things to you too. It’d be insane to say I haven’t hurt you as much as you hurt me.” I said.
“I think I deserved them... I didn’t exactly stick up much for you when mom was... well you know.”
“I think we both need to let this 13 year grudge go... you have to admit, it’s exhausting.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
“Let’s start over shall we? I think it’s sad, we’re twin sisters and usually can’t stand being in the same room as each other.” I said 
“Yeah, let’s start over...Geez it’s crazy... It feels like a weight has just fallen off my shoulders.” Bella replied.
“Me too.”
She then surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. Was it awkward? Of course it was but, it’s Bella she’s always been awkward.
“Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”
“Yeah, uhh... do you remember much of what happened at the accident?”
“Uh oh.” I thought to myself for the second time today.
“I honestly don’t remember much after hitting my head. I blacked out for a bit. Why?” I lied easily.
“Uh... nothing it’s just Jasper seemed to have stopped the van with his bare hands.”
“Really?” I asked in fake shock.
“Yeah... he hasn’t done anything else like that before has it?”
“Not that I can think of.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Go for it.”
“What’s going on with you and Edward... Seems like there’s some tension there.”
“I honestly don’t know... one minute he’s nice to me and the next he’s snapping at me.”
“I think he likes you.”
“Yeah, I mean when I first started dating Jasper, he was the same way around me.”
“So what do I do?”
“Just let him get to know you, warm up to him a bit. You never know what can happen.”
“Thanks I will... I’ll leave you alone now.”
“Okay, come back up if you need anything else.”
“I will... and Fleur?”
“Love you.”
I was shocked, I hadn’t heard her mutter those words to me in so long.
“Love you too.”
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paperstarwriters · 3 years
The arcana crew as beast-kin
Why? Because I wanna :P
General notes:
Everyone is based off of the card they’re associated with
Beast-kin tend to have magic that lets them look human (three forms; 1: anthropomorphic beast, 2: human with animal ears/wings and tails, and them as a normal human—I’ll be focusing on the animal aspects)
Just because they can do glamour magic doesn’t mean they can do other types of magic.
They still have their familiars, don’t worry.
If you wanna reference for the first form, just watch Beastars. The design is pretty similar (mainly thinking about the birds)
If you wanna reference for beast-kin in general check out the manga “Milady Just Wants to Relax” it’s what I’ve based the abilities off of and just beast-kin in general.
This sly fox :)
It’s probably because of my ties with anime but I imagine him like a multi-tailed fox
It’s purely so that you have more tails to cuddle and snuggle with.
You know how when foxes are in the snow they leap into the air then get their whole upper half stuck in the snow?
Well, when Asra hears something they want to catch, or they’re playing with Faust, they sometimes just... well....
It’s funny to see honestly.
Lowkey acts like a dog sometimes. They Loves the pats and chin scratches he can get and will whine until you give him more.
Sometimes you wake up to their tail(s) in your face. Good or bad, you decide.
In most folklore that have them, foxes aren’t exactly trusted, so often, Asra uses his glamour to make himself look like a human. However, when a customer runs unsavoury or maybe there’s just some mean brat that he wants to scare, his shadow still shows off his ears and tail(s)
Cuddles??? Cuddles!!!! Foxes are just so fluffy... Asra is no different. (In fact he might just be even fluffier)
Hate to delve a little into angst territory, but as a child since he was an orphan and all, Asra probably learned to basically act like a dog or a cat depending on the person to get more food, or to convince them that they’re a harmless beast-kin.
Design wise, I love humanoid bird designs with their wings doubling as their arms and hands. Don’t ask me how this works logically right now we’re talking about crazy fantasy elements anyways, let me have this.
One thing I cannot get out of my mind is:
Nadia has her back to Lucio and he’s just talking and chattering nonsense. Then Lucio says something insanely stupid or offensive and whoever is talking to Lucio can see Nadia behind him just—
Whips her freaking head around 180°
It’s worse if she’s somewhere dark cause then you just see two red eyes coming into view as she slowly turns to glare at you.
Our queen is proud of her pretty talons, honestly probably spends a day sharpening them with Portia.
Goes out flying with Chandra at dusk if she has the time, and if you can fly (via spells, wings, a broomstick, etc.) you’re welcome to come along
Super accurate hearing. Honestly. It’s hard to hide an injury from Nadia even without her being an owl but she hears you Yelp in pain on the other side of the palace and she’s there in minutes.
Pretty problematic when she has headaches though :(
Preen feathers with her!! She’ll love having you card your fingers though her feathers making them less itchy. You’ll often help her preen after a bath, but honestly she’ll appreciate the sentiment anywhere but during an important meeting. It’s hard to concentrate when you’re providing her such wonderful affection.
Please don’t make owl jokes. She doesn’t like them. Sometimes she just avoids saying “who” so people don’t make that annoying joke. (It’s Natiqa’s favorite joke to make please spare Nadia the pain.)
“...and to whom will I be sending this?” “don’t you mean to “who” Dia?” *glare*
This is a happy raven ok? HAPPY. no birdie in a cage, ok?
The look we all know is probably his second form leaning to the first. Nadia’s would look somewhat similar
Crows & ravens are pretty dramatic birds. Reminds you of someone doesn’t it?
Idk if Edger Allan Poe even exists in this world, or any variant of it, but if it does... ooohhh if it does... this guy is totally gonna recite the poem in a dramatic flourish, and when he’s drunk you can sometimes find him chanting “ever more” same applies to any and all raven/crow themed media.
Screams. A lot. “Caw, caw b**ch” or “quoth the raven: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
Once convinced a bunch of birds to just go n take a dump on Lucio & his statue. He helped the servants clean when the work was dumped on them but they all agreed the bleat he made was hilarious(more on that later)
Shiny thing collector. Portia tried to get him to clean his stuff up but he has since bribed her out of it with a ball of yarn.
He and Portia make an odd pair of siblings, they’re still pretty much the same though. Crows are kinda just cats with wings.
“One day Illia, I’m probably just gonna eat you.”
*overly dramatic offended gasp*
All in good humor lol
Speaking of, their familiars are the same animal as they are!
So sometimes Julian scoops up Malak and says in a dramatic fashion (because however else would he say it) “I’ve found you my long lost brother! Oh how I’ve missed you!”
Portia does the same (more on that later)
Because his sister is a cat, Julian sometimes does a lot of cat-like things. (Case in point, he bleps. Tongue just kinda left out after yawning or something.)
Flies around with Malak often, like Nadia does, and sometimes carries Portia around with him. Will do the same for you if you want him to, sometimes if you don’t want him to as well. Expect to be grabbed from the ground and flown up into the sky at some point.
Bread. Boy loves his lobster claws but bread is a close second. “Aww yisss motha freaking bread crumbs”
Sometimes on a bad day, he just walks in dragging Pepi behind him who has her mouth latched on his tail
(If this were modern times) “you know, like, nya~!”
Look. Portia is so sweet to be around. But take that plus PURRING? And a soft as all frick FUR?
Honestly I think that sometimes when with Nadia has a bad headache, Portia purring is a great way to calm her down. You—you lucky MC, get to fall asleep to that.
She falls asleep on your lap and you are stuck there. Bound by a rule that transcends time and space. Her purring does little to aid the fact that YOU NEED TO PEE. The universe does not care of your internal tides, for your lover, who is also a cat, rests in your lap.
When she’s chasing down Julian for something stupid he often yells about being hunted. All in good fun!
“Mazelinka!!! Portia’s hunting me again!!!” “I wouldn’t be chasing you if you’d just clean your stuff!!!!”
Small boxes are her jam! Julian hates them, and like other birds doesn’t like closed spaces, but Portia loves em.
Good at squeezing into and out of tight places. Which is really helpful for sneaking around, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Swishy swishy tail.
Cast a little light spell for her to case down. She loves it, you love it, Pepi loves it— everyone wins! (Except for the furniture she crashes into)
Yes, she has picked up Pepi before and yelled very loudly for Julian to hear (often after he’s made the joke of his long lost brother Malak) “Oh Pepi, you’re my favorite sister!!!”
On a bad day, Malak may be found in Portia’s mouth. He’s completely unharmed if only a little ruffled, but it’s gotta be a pretty bad day to find her doing that.
If Camio is in her mouth it’s same business as always. She won’t kill hem either but if Mr. Sh**bird doesn’t shut up she’ll make him shut up. You don’t even know why he keeps coming back.
Not all cats like cuddling, but like Pepi, Portia LOVES it. So long as you’re the right person and not someone unpleasant.
Please don’t step on the tail.
As much as she doesn’t like baths she still does properly was herself. She just really doesn’t like it when her fur is all wet and clings to her body. Do you have a spell to dry her off quickly? Please use it. Save her the misery.
pretty sure he’s even bigger as a bear. Like, it’s probably because of the added fur but— woah... Big. Bear.
Big arse bear with scars is SUPER intimidating buuuuut you saw him sitting in the sunlight with Inanna once, just napping in the sun. He looked so peaceful and so dang fluffy!!
He enjoys headpats and gets very flustered at belly rubs. He’s seen you do so to Inanna many times probably kinda wanting you to do the same to him though he would never willingly admit it.
When you two get closer expect to spend some time with his head in your lap. Pat his head rub his ears, Inanna may get jealous if you don’t also provide her attention
Just don’t let him fall asleep there, he’s gonna have a sore back later and you’re going to have numb legs.
Hunting, swimming, carrying you, this boy can do it all.
Unlike his usual(cannon) self, Muriel probably doesn’t carve any bear statures. The only one he’d have was probably a gift from Asra. Carves birds, bunnies, foxes, and wolves instead. Does NOT carve goats. Never have never will.
Again I hate to go int angst but Muriel probably wants to get his claws removed somehow. It’d hurt and it probably insanely unsafe, but they were used as weapons before and its one of the things on him that everyone is afraid of. If he could he’d probably try to change his teeth too.
Show him that claws aren’t something to be feared. They don’t have to be a weapon. They help him climb and hunt food and sometimes to even carve wood. Like humans and knives, his claws aren’t bad or inherently evil, and neither is he.
Giant. Teddy Bear. You will be getting hugs and falling asleep with a Giant Teddy Bear.
He probably keeps in his mostly human form though, because he stands out less that way and he looks a little less intimidating.
Short little bear tail on his butt. Plz don’t touch, he’s going to be blushing so hard if you do (let’s be honest, that’s all the more reason to do so)
In “Milady Just Wants to Relax” Beast-kin are feared as monsters and I don’t think it’d do Muriel any good to have to live with that kind of fear from everyone. However, when you come around un afraid and eager to provide head-pats, but patient enough to let him get comfortable with it, Muriel will probably start using less energy to try and glamour himself.
Sometimes he’s so caught up with you that when you go to the market together he forgets to cast a glamour. While some do get scared off most of the people who you buy from are only a little surprised and take things in stride. They still treat him like he’s human, and he’s forever grateful for that.
If I could write a beast-kin version of his route, the moment you and Muriel meet Morga is probably when you first realize he isn’t human. And it’s because Morga pointed it out.
“Why didn’t you fight? As a beast you’re stronger than them.”
He knows you’ve spent time with Asra but he probably assumed they kept it hidden from you most of the time.
Just love him please. Platonic or romantic doesn’t matter, just give him headpats and belly rubs and boop his nose. Keep him assured that you aren’t afraid of this giant teddy bear.
We know of both first and second forms. They’re pretty much cannon, but just not a ghost.
Which means you finally get to pet the fluffy white fur.
This also means his horns can do an irritating amount of damage.
Also he’s so much more noisier now
*loud stupid goat noises*
It’s fun to make him bleat a lot. He tends to bleat when embarrassed. If you’re topping him expect a bleat every time you pin him to the wall.
Tries to butt heads with EVERYONE. Please stop him, Lucio is the only prey animal in the lineup!
Seriously, how has he survived this long?? Muriel is a bear! he could just.... chomp.
not that he would obviously, but I don’t think Asra would hesitate after what he’s done to you and his parents...
Portia too for that matter, if she realized that Lucio had forcefully given Julian the plague, Lucio would be forever running from a feral cat.
I know he’s probably skilled in fighting or whatever, enough to take down various fantastical beasts, but stiiiiiiilllll.....
Is it obvious I dislike Lucio?
Grouchy bias aside, Lucio is really good at climbing. Like I’m pretty sure he’s a sword fighter so just imagine him leaping onto ledges in order to get the high ground.
Still uses eyeliner. I don’t know how since he has fur sometimes, but yeah, he still somehow uses eyeliner.
Honestly he probably keeps in a mostly human form or just entirely human form for that reason exactly. It’s just easier to look good when he’s more human.
But if you wanna pet his luxurious fur then he is all but willing to take on his goat form. In fact, if he turns into his goat form around you (which is always) he pretty much expects you to brush his fur or just run your hands through his fur. He will whine very loudly if you don’t.
Spare everyone else’s ears (especially Nadia’s) and just give him the head pats.
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kaywinchester · 4 years
Souless Sam
anon asked: girlieeeee i got sumn gooood shit for u aight, can you do a sisfic during when sam lost his soul BUT like for some reason he still cared about you some how and still protective over you like he was before he lost soul? if this makes sense!!
Word Count: 1,998
summary: sister!winchester gets captured on a hunt and Sam shows that he still worries about his little sis, even without a soul.
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So, Sam lost his soul. At first it was really strange, and it still is. Sam has always been my empathetic, awkward, goofy older brother. His personality without a soul was so much different than the real Sam, and I didn’t like it. Souless Sam was cocky and careless, and for a while, I thought he could care less about me and Dean. Until one hunt gave me a little bit of hope. 
Dean was excited for this hunt because he was getting a little annoyed with Sam lately. He acted like he wanted nothing to do with hunts and just went off doing who knows what. Dean could also see that souless Sam was starting to affect me. I missed my big brother so much, Dean hadn't found new leads or thought of any plans that could get it back anytime soon. So for now, I knew we were stuck with how he was.
“Are we going or what?” Sam sassed.
“Can you at least try to act the least bit invested.” Dean snarked.
I walked in with the last couple of things that Dean asked for. “Thanks sweetheart.”
We packed the car and drove to the location where the last crime was reported. Searching the property, none of us found anything. It was quiet, which meant that something or someone was hiding, watching us. I followed closely behind Sam and Dean, when I heard a noise.
“Did you guys hear that?” I whispered, looking behind me. 
“Nope.” Dean brushed if off, thinking I was just hearing things.
I stopped when I heard the noise again. It sounded like a creak of a door towards the back of the house. Looking back, I saw that Sam and Dean hadn’t noticed I fell behind and kept walking. As I started walking to catch up with them, something grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth. I tried to scream to alert my brothers but whoever grabbed me, dragged me in the other direction. I tried fighting back the entire time I was being dragged, until the person shoved me into a chair and bonded my wrists and ankles with rope.
“DEAN!” I shouted as loud as I could before I was gagged. 
“What did I just do.... All because I was distracted, I got caught. Dean is gonna be pissed that I wasn’t paying attention and got myself into this mess.” Was all I could think in that moment, besides the fact that I was face to face with the bad guy. 
The guy that took me stood in front of the chair I sat in. Looking at me, he took his phone out of his pocket and dialed someone.
“Hey. Tell him we got one of them.” 
Dean’s POV
Sam and I were walking around some more until I turned around and didn’t see any sign of Y/N.
“Where’s Y/N?” I said as I turned to Sam.
“Who knows....” He shrugged. I had just about enough of Sam’s attitude, soul or not. I sighed and walked back in the other direction to look for her. For all I knew, she could’ve been taken by something nearby. Sam followed me and acted like he was looking for Y/N. 
We walked into the house, which ended up being dark and empty. “They have to have some hideout somewhere...” I said, looking around to see if there was any doorhandles or whatever.
“I think I heard someone talking.” Sam said as he pointed in another direction. 
“How do you have that good of hearing?” I was skeptical, thinking Sam was just saying stuff.
“No, I’m serious. That’s the way that we last saw Y/N anyway.....” Sam said. 
“Well, I guess we can take a chance and go look.” I said as I gathered myself.
After the one guy made the phone call, three other men showed up. I could tell one of them was getting too excited, since I saw teeth..... confirming that they were vamps. One of the other guys wheeled over a table with a bunch of tools on it.
“This one looks nice.” One of them said in a really creepy way.
“I can tell she’s gonna taste real good.” Another one added. Normally I wasn’t too intimidated by monsters, since I’ve seen my fair share. But some of them were just hands down creepy. The first guy that dragged me came over and kneeled down.
“Anything you wanna say?” He laughed, taking the gag out of my mouth.
“Nice dentures, dipshit.” I said. His face turned red and he raised his fist and collided it with my cheek.
“Alright, let’s just get this over with.” He said as he went over to the table next to me. He hung a blood bag on a pole above my head and rolled up my sleeve. Now I knew what their plan was, I was gonna have my blood drained.... great.
He put a rubber band around my arm and tied it tight. I cringed as he stuck a needle in my arm and watched my blood go out through a tube. “Now we’re talking.” The guy smiled.
The four of them joked and laughed about a few things and talked about what they were going to do with you, then left the room. I tried to get my one arm out of ropes so I could stop my blood from leaving my body. After trying countless amounts of times, I just sat there and hoped Dean had noticed I was gone.
After the first blood bag filled up, the one guy came back in and switched it out for a fresh one. I was starting to feel light headed which was not a good sign. My instinct to fight was still there, but the dizziness started to take over and I ended up passing out. That’s the last thing I remember.
Dean’s POV
We had found a cellar that was a tucked away in the house towards the back. That’s when I started to hear more noise, and some voices. This had to be where they took Y/N. 
Sam was behind me, I broke the heavy lock that was on the door and opened it as quiet as I could. We snuck down the creaky stairs that led to a hallway. There was a group of voices that were circling one area which led to a room. 
“I’m gonna peek in here and see how many of them there are. Go find Y/N. If there are too many, I’ll call you.” I told Sam as I kicked the door in. There were four guys that stood there in shock. Sam saw that there wasn’t that many and went off to get Y/N. 
I was in and out of consciousness at this point, from losing all of that blood. I heard some commotion coming from the other room. There was a lot of pounding and banging on the walls. I heard creaking of a door and opened my eyes slightly to see a tall figure. I thought it was one of the vamps until they came close enough to my face for me to recognize them. It was Sam.....
He kneeled down in front of me and cut the ropes off my wrists. He took the needle of my arm and tossed it aside. “Y/N?” He tried to get my attention. I hadn’t heard Sam sound this worried in a while, he almost sounded like himself, like he cared.
“Sammy...” I said weakly.
“How much blood did they take from you?” He asked.
“I dunno, like th-three pints.” I said, not really remembering how much they took.
One of the guys Dean was fighting managed to get away. He made the mistake of running into the other room where you and Sam were. Dean ran up behind him. “Sam! Heads up!.” Dean alerted. Sam turned around and clocked the guy in the head. He grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off the ground.
“If you, or your other pathetic slugs ever try and touch my sister again. That’s the last thing you’ll ever do.” Sam spat. 
He threw him back on the floor, Dean went and dragged him out of the room to take care of him, just so I didn’t have to see it. Sam looked back at me and lifted me up. “We’re gonna get you home, kid.” Sam said gently. 
He carried you out of the cellar and to the car. Dean followed behind after he made sure the place was clear. “Hey, she okay?” Dean asked, rushing over.
“Yeah, she’s a little out of it. Tried to drain her blood, they almost did.” Sam explained.
“Let’s get her home, I think she’ll be okay, she needs rest.” Dean said as Sam placed you in the car.
As soon as I felt the leather seats in the back of the impala, I laid my head down and immediately fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was in my bed. I felt so much pressure in my head, like it was about to explode. As I tried to sit up, it felt worse. I almost fell over as I tried to reach into my nightstand drawer for some ibuprofen. I stood up and held onto the wall as I walked to my bathroom for some water. That’s when Dean walked in and saw me standing.
“What are you doing?” He asked surprised.
“Getting some water.” My voice croaked. Dean helped me walk back into bed.
“How long was I asleep?” I asked.
“Almost two days. You started breathing weird at some point, it was freaking me out.” Dean said.
“Sorry, next time I’ll try to just lay there and not move.” I joked.
“You really worried me.” Dean spoke.
“I’m really sorry. I just got sidetracked because I thought I heard something and I just wanted to see if I saw anything, but obviously that didn’t end well.” I trailed off, not sure what kind of mood Dean was in.
“Look, I should've listen to you, we could've gone and checked it out together. Just don’t worry about it, can’t change what happened. Glad you're okay, kid.”
I was really surprised with how Dean was acting towards the situation. Even if I ever was injured, he would always have something to say about how I needed to be more careful. I took the opportunity to tell him what I thought about Sam.
“How’s Sam?” I asked.
“Fine, he’s in the library. Why?” Dean asked, wondering why you had a sudden interest in what Sam was doing.
“Have you found anything else out about his soul? He seemed different, on the hunt... He seemed like he actually cared about me. I haven’t seen him like that in a while, and I know he still doesn’t have a soul and that I should be careful. But when he found me and talked to me, it seemed like the real Sam.” I explained.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I mean he is still Sam in there somewhere, but we can’t know for sure.” Dean said. 
Sam walked up and stood outside the door when he heard me. He listened for a while until we moved on to a different subject, then he knocked.
“Hey, good to see you’re awake.” Sam said a little awkwardly as he just popped in to see you. I nodded and smiled.
“Sam, thanks.” I told him before he left the room. He nodded as he left.
I didn’t know what happened back there with Sam acting like himself. I didn’t even know if there was a possibility of getting his soul back. But he was still my brother and I wanted to have hope that I could get him back. So I hung on to that little moment, that little piece that would make us want to get Sam back.
Requests Are Closed
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moons-writings · 4 years
Cinderella au - aftg
Ok ok, I know that I’m supposed to be working on my vixen!neil au (and I am! It’s just taking a bit because I apparently can’t write short fics to save my life), but I just watched the live action Cinderella and I have Thoughts. 
Neil is Cinderella, because while Andrew is totally the one with the evil barely-related family, it wouldn’t make sense for Andrew to go to a ball. Also, when Neil’s mom dies, his situation becomes worse, like Cinderella.
Lola is the evil stepmother but Nathan never goes to jail or dies. There’s no stepsisters (there could be if you want the Moriyamas, but I don’t because that just adds a whole other layer that I don’t want to deal with, also we like things soft) but the rest of the inner circle fills that role of pushing Neil down
Nathan has some high rank and is affiliated with the army. He’s not a captain or general by any means but has a reputation of being lethal.
Mary was the one with the real power (maybe a countess or foreign duchess), so Nathan married up. When she died, Stuart wanted to take Neil under his wing, but Nathan didn’t want to lose hold of the one thing that tied him to power so he argued that Neil should stay with him because Lola could provide some “maternal love”. 
Neil is forced to do household chores and clean up after his father and his circle’s kills. He’s also forced to learn how to use knives to help them in the future
Bee is the queen, she is sisters with Abby, who marries Wymack
Andrew and Aaron are Bee’s kids, Kevin and Dan are Abby and Wymack’s
Wymack is part of the army, maybe the general or something. He teaches Dan the people skills while Kevin cares more about being the best swordsman
Aaron follows his aunt and becomes a healer while Andrew becomes a skilled cavalier
They all play a sport *cough exy cough* that they made up when they were little kids (and that’s why the rules are so screwed up)
Aaron wants a ball because he fell in love with a foreign princess (Katelyn) but Andrew doesn’t like her so Aaron wants Bee’s approval to trump Andrew
When he were younger, Andrew was kidnapped by Drake and he saw some human trafficking and Drake almost got to him. Renee saved him and got him to the royal guard. Andrew became an advocate for cleaning up the kingdom and became close friends with Renee
Bee adopted Andrew and Aaron when Tilda first abandoned them. Tilda tried to take one back but Bee made her realize that guilt wasn’t going to make her a good mother so Tilda left them in Bee’s care
Nicky and the twins know each other and their relation. Nicky’s parents are influential so although Bee has tried to save him, she can’t really take him away without causing a scandal, which she doesn’t think will be good for him. Instead, she suggests that he study under an ambassador. Nicky gets to travel and meet Erik, the prince of some place more powerful than Bee’s, and thus Luther’s, kingdom. Nicky is happy and lovesick and takes over as ambassador to Erik’s kingdom
Aaron wants a ball
Bee says yes
Andrew is upset because Bee says everyone has to go, so he spitefully says that EVERYONE includes commoners, so now the whole freaking kingdom is invited
Bee privately thinks this is funny and that maybe it will mean that Andrew will find a nice boy
Dan thinks its hilarious and while Kevin is upset that it’ll take time away from practicing, it’s making Andrew take out his anger during practice
Invitations go out, announcements are made
Nathan decides he wants to go in order to social climb
He doesn’t want Neil to go because having a kid will make him look less serious
Neil doesn’t care but Matt, who is one of the servants (stable boy), wants to go and wants Neil to go because he wants his friend to have fun
Lola sends Neil to Allison’s dressmaking shop to order a dress
Allison has Renee over when Neil goes. Renee takes one look at Neil and sees someone who’s been hurt and needs help. Allison sees a fighter with horrendous fashion taste. Allison tells Neil she’ll make the dress only if Neil agrees to let her make a suit for him and if he’ll save the money to get something decent to eat
Neil agrees because while the suit thing might be weird, he’s not about to give up free money
Renee goes and tells Andrew because she thinks he might want to know about the corruption in the nobility
Andrew decides he wants to see this for himself so he decides to lurk around when Lola goes in for a fitting
Neil accompanies Lola because she wants to flaunt her power over him
Andrew sees Neil and is like “ooh pretty boy”
Neil sees Andrew and is Suspicious and kinda recognizes him as one of the princes
Allison sees all this and makes Andrew measure Neil for Neil’s suit
Renee laughs at Andrew’s pain
The “yes or no”s start here, but with Neil flinching away from Andrew when Andrew goes to measure Neil’s torso
Andrew is suspicious and a bit angry at what this might mean, because he saw how the trafficked kids reacted to other people and he know how he reacted the weeks and months after getting kidnapped so he knows something is up
Allison drags out Lola’s fitting as much as she can to give Andrew and Neil time to talk, as well as to give Neil time away from Lola
Andrew tells Neil to meet him in the woods if he wants to get away from his father
Neil is still suspicious but figures it couldn’t hurt, and besides, he’s definitely faster and a better fighter than some prince, right?
Neil and Lola go home and Lola complains to Nathan about how long Allison took, Nathan lets her at Neil 
They meet in the woods the next day
Andrew wants to grill Neil when he sees how hurt he is, but Neil doesn’t really want to talk, so they exchange truths
They meet a couple more times like this (the ball isn’t happening for another three weeks because it takes time for this stuff to be planned and organized)
By the second week, the rest of the royal family has noticed and elected Dan to follow Andrew because Aaron and Kevin are both annoyed at Andrew for various reasons
The day Dan follows Andrew is also the day Matt comes with Neil. Matt had followed Neil because he wants to meet this person who is making Neil happy when he isn’t with Matt
Andrew is annoyed and tells Dan to annoy someone else, so she goes and talks with Matt. Matt now wants to go the the ball too
Slowly the foxes come together, and by the week before the ball, the royal cousins have taught the others exy.
Also, as the ball has been approaching, Nathan has swung between ignoring Neil and causing immense amounts of harm
This causes the foxes to rally even more around Neil
The week leading up to the ball, Nathan was scarily calm because the royal guard has lightened up on patrols and so Nathan isn’t as worried about getting caught
Neil tells the Andrew this privately and Andrew makes a note to get Neil away from his father asap
The day of the ball, Nathan and the inner circle go. They make plans to leave at midnight.
Neil isn’t really planning on going still, but Matt shows him the suit Allison had made for him (Allison gave Matt the suit because she didn’t trust Neil not to ruin it before the ball) and Dan had sent them a carriage, so it would be a waste not to go. 
They don’t their names called because only the women and distinguished guests get to be announced
Andrew abandons Aaron when he sees Neil
Bee has already given Katelyn her stamp of approval when Katelyn was the first to arrive and she saw how lovesick both Aaron and Katelyn were
When Andrew gets to Neil, Matt leaves him to find Dan
For a solid hour everyone is happily paired off, Renee watching fondly as Allison makes snide remarks on others’ outfits, Aaron and Katelyn dancing, Matt and Dan talking, Neil and Andrew in the gardens. Kevin is talking with the daughter and apprentice of a blacksmith (Thea) and Nicky is pissing his parents off with Erik. 
Then, when Neil comes back inside with Andrew, he sees a) the time and b) Nathan
He’s not sure if Nathan’s seen him, but he tells Andrew that he’s got to go, so he runs like the speedy little fucker he is. In his haste, he leaves a shoe, because Renee and Matt annoyingly made him change into bad-for-running shoes because his shoes were too dirty
This makes Renee, Dan, and Allison the Fairy Godmother(s)
Andrew picks up his shoe and decides that when he finds Neil, he’s going to get him shoes that fit better
At home, Neil finds that the inner circle minus Lola is back. They start to beat him up, and when Nathan and Lola get home, they continue to do so. Nathan can’t cripple Neil permanently because everyone would notice, but he does break his leg and slash him up
He’s about to break the other leg when the Foxes break down the door. Kevin, Renee, Dan, and Andrew utterly ruin Nathan, and since they’re royals, they’re untouchable
Nathan and the inner circle go to jail
It turns out Aaron proposed to Katelyn at the ball, so Andrew proposes with the shoe Neil lost. Neil is confused, but elopes with Andrew.
Dan, Allison and Nicky laugh, Renee and Kevin shake their heads for different reasons and then Nicky freaks out because he wanted to throw elaborate weddings for his cousins, but now Andrew has ruined it
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binniewon · 4 years
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Paring: BTS/Female!Reader
Summary: You had never let yourself fall into love because every time you did you got hurt but when seven boys come into you life and seem to ruin everything you might actually find a reason to fall.
Warning:Mild language, mention of panic attack, reader has a bad past, mention of alcohol abuse 
Word Count: 8k
A/N: Hi loves so this is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time I hope that you enjoy it! Also I am sorry if there are any mistakes I edited as best as I could I have never written this much lol!
You could hear the light laughter of kids playing on the playground, the small talk that would be made between friends, sisters and brothers it was all so fresh in your mind even as you walked out of the orphanage doors and out into the cold dark world you looked back at the place that had so many bad memories but in them were also good ones strangely you would miss this place.
You walked the streets with a small trash bag of clothes and an envelope in your pocket with money the wind brushed coldly across your face as you sat on a bench the swish of the river in front of you was a sweet sound to your ears where would you go now all you had ever known was the orphanage but now you were eighteen and on your own the first thing on list was finding a place to sleep tonight.
The loud talking and laughing of people in the streets was a drastic difference from the quiet orphanage you knew, you knew that you would need to get that place out of your mind it was one chapter in your life and now it was time to start the next one.
“Um…ma’am where can I find a motel” you asked a random lady that walked past you she smiled sweetly at you and told you the directions to the nearest one which was only a few minutes away you thanked her and started walking you were tired but you could make it.
You unlocked the door to the cheap motel room and was immediately hit with the strong stench of alcohol and cigarettes you pushed it aside it was only a temporary living place until you could figure out what you were going to do.
That night was a bit rocky you had your normal nightmares that you have been having since you were young who would have ever thought that your own mind would trap you in a never ending saga of screams and cries for help, you don’t remember your childhood before the orphanage that much you were sure that it was your brains way of protecting you all you knew was that it was terrible if the fact that you spent most of your life in a rotting home with broken kids and an even broken system said anything.
You woke up to screams that you later realized was your own it took you a quick second to recognize where you were you wiped the sweat off of your face and stretched your limbs before you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom you slowly stripped off your drenched clothing and stepped into the shower the sudden icy water hit your warm skin and you jumped back you thought that the water would eventually get warmer but you were wrong if anything it got colder that morning you showered with freezing water and the fresh image of your nightmare still hanging over your head.
After your shower you put on some clothes that were way too tight for you but it was the only thing that you had and you didn’t have enough money to buy new ones you figured that you would go to the library and try and apply for collage on their computer you knew that it wouldn’t be easy but all you could do was hope that you at least go into one even if it was a community college you figured that collage would be your next step in life your next step on a new journey.
The refreshing smell of books welcomed you with open arms as you stepped into the library the librarian gave a kind welcome and asked if you need anything “No thank you” you said as you started to walk to where the computers were you slowly let your fingers brush against the books on the shelves a library was always your safe place you came here when you were angry, sad or even happy. It was something about the atmosphere that made you feel safe like as long as you were here nobody could hurt you.
You slowly sat down on the chair and turned on the computer not knowing what you were looking for you typed in collages in my area and you were met with a long list of names you were sure you would be here for a while.
A small tap on your shoulder made you jump as you woke up out of your sleep “I’m sorry Miss I wasn’t trying to scare you but you had fallen asleep” the librarian from early said to you with a small smile on her face “oh thank you” you said as you sat up and stretched your arms before you went back to what you were doing.
You got out of your sit and started towards the door you had found a few collages that caught your eye but it was closing time, gradually you made your way down the street looking at all the different shops and people with gigantic smiles on their faces as they looked at their friends or loved ones you wished you had that but you had fallen so far away from socialization that the slight thought of talking to another human scared you why did you have to be like this maybe if your head wasn’t so messed up you could allow yourself to fall into the arms of love and life but that might never happen.
The loud growl of your stomach made you quickly look around for an affordable meal it wasn’t long before you found a gas station the light jingle of the bells on the door alerted the cashier that they had another customer they said a lazy welcome and continued looking down at their phone. You rolled your eyes and looked around for anything that could count as a meal as you walked back up to the front you realized that they had actually food you ordered two pork burritos the cashier bagged your things and told you to have a good night you smiled and walked back into the coldness of the night.
You unlocked the door to your room and made your way over to the bed after you had changed into your sleepwear you grabbed the bag with your food and began to eat it wasn’t the best thing that you had ever had but it would suffice.
The next morning you woke up to feeling like you were going to puke you quickly made your way to the toilet and threw up all of your dinner after you fleshed the toilet you sat there and looked back on your life how everything led you to this moment you had never been shown any attention it is probably the reason that you are so afraid of people now but you knew that everything that happened to you happened for a reason you just needed to figure it out.
For the next two years of your life you had made little progress the only thing that you could actually be happy about was the fact that you got a job it was nothing major you just worked at a book café it was really the only place that would hire you and the only place that you wanted to work at you liked the atmosphere it was calming.
You recently applied for a collage and was still waiting to hear from them until then you would continue your life as you had “Y/N” an excited name called out for you it didn’t take you long to realize that it was the voice of your boss and owner of the café Jade “It came in it freaking came in” you looked at her dumbfounded what was she talking about what came in “Jade what came in” she looked up from the mail in her hand and then at you “Are you flipping stupid or something the collage finally wrote you back you will found out if you got in or not” she said as she laced her fingers together and looked at you fondly “I will open up the shop and you can read this good luck” she said as she handed you the mail and patted your back.
30 minutes you sat there for 30 minutes before you actually opened the damn letter even then you couldn’t read it this was going to decide the next stage in you live your next chapter if you didn’t get in then you really didn’t know what you were going to do next. You let out the air from your lungs and quickly looked at the paper as soon as you did it was on the floor Jade walked in and saw your face and the paper on the floor and thought the worse “Oh I’m sorry sweetie you can try again or a different collage” she said as she came and hugged you “I got in” you said quietly still surprised “What did you say” she asked as she pulled away from the hug “I got in” you said again she looked at you with wide eyes “You got in oh my gosh my baby is going to collage” she said while she jumped up and down this is your next chapter and you were going to make the most of it.
You got your luggage out of the back of Jades car when she found out you didn’t have many clothes and you didn’t have a suitcase she took you on a shopping spree which you repeatedly declined but she still dragged you out of your foul smelling motel room and to the mall you can truly say that, that day was the best day of your life.
After you had gotten everything out of the car you turned to Jade as she stood there trying to hold back her tears never once in your life had you cried you figured there was no reason to, it only gave you a headache and it didn’t solve anything but when you looked at her the only person who had ever shown you love and compassion someone who had quickly became you mother and friend the tears came out on their own accord you didn’t even realize it until Jade ran up to you and put you into a bone crushing hug “I will miss you” you said sadly as you pulled away from the hug and looked into her eyes you had so much that you wanted to say to her but that was the only thing that would come out “I miss you too now go have fun but learn also call me when you have the chance” she said as she hugged you one more time you smiled at her and looked at the building it is time to start writing you next chapter.
The following months had gone smoothly you had surprisingly became friends with your roommate it turns out she was a foreigner exchange student from Korea her name was Eunji you both had a lot in common she was also an orphan and had gotten into a small collage in Korean she told you that as soon as she got the chance she left that she was tired of seeing the same thing over and over again and that she wanted something new.
As you both walked down the collage halls you saw that they had an exchange program and one of the place that you could go was Korea you really wanted to go but you didn’t want to go alone you figured that you would ask Jade since she was your only friend but you weren’t sure if she wanted to go back it didn’t really sound like she wanted to but maybe with you being with her it would be different.
“Eunji I have something to ask you” you said carefully as you ate a bit of you salad “Yes” she stopped what she was doing and looked at you giving you her full attention “I saw today that they have an exchange program and on there they had Korea and I was planning on going and I was wondering if you would like to go with me” you said as you looked at her you could tell that she was contemplating and you kind of hated yourself for asking her you knew that she went through so much while she was there why would she go back “Okay I’ll go” she said nonchalant you looked at her surprised “You will need a translator no” she said with a small smile on her face it was settled you were going to Korea you needed to tell Jade.
“Make sure to spray anyone with this if they even get close to you also be careful of what you eat your body might not be used to it and-” you chuckled “Jade I’m fine I have Eunji” you said as you looked at your new best friend with a smile “Okay but be careful please” she said as she hugged you one last time “I will”.
You and Eunji sat down in your sits and buckled up “Welcome Passengers” the flight attended started to tell us everything that we already knew so you slowly started to block her out and look out at the evening sky it was so beautiful the light calling of your name woke you out of your day dream “We should go to sleep we won’t be there anytime soon” Eunji said to you as she started to get comfortable in her sit you decided you would listen to her so you slowly got comfortable and started to fall into the arms of sleep.
You woke up and saw that the sun was starting to rise “Miss would you like something to eat” the flight attendant asked nicely you nodded your head and got something for you and Eunji you figured she would be hungry when she woke up you were right as soon as she opened her eyes you heard her stomach growl “Here I got you a sandwich” you said as you handed her the box of food she thanked you and sleepily started to eat her food you looked at her and thought you couldn’t have asked for a better best friend she was going back to her past to make your present better nobody had ever done that for you when she looked at you, you held out your pinky to her “Promise me that we will always be friends no matter what” she looked at you weirdly but still put her pink in yours “Promise”
You walked out of the airport and looked out at the many buildings this was defiantly going to be different “Let’s go get some food I’m starving” Eunji said as you both got into the car “Have you ever had Korean food” she asked you as she started up the car “No” she snickered “Well you’re eating it today” you both laughed at her sass filled statement “Okay I’m excited”.
The night life in Seoul was amazing it seemed like there was more people out during the night time than during the day but you actually liked it since you had become friends with Eunji you had gotten out of your shell more it was like she had a cure to everything that was wrong with you or you thought was wrong with you Eunji just said it was your personality but you disagreed with her, she was like this happy pill that would make you forget about your messed up past she helped you begin your new chapter you don’t know where you would be without her maybe still in your dorm room curled up in your blankets trying to get away from the thoughts in your mind Eunji was your savior.
“I love it already” you said as you and Eunji sat down and looked at the Han river the sound of the running river relaxed your body you could get used to this “I am glad that you like it I wasn’t able to ever enjoy the Han River this much but now that I have someone to enjoy it with I think that I might enjoy staying here with you” she said as she looked up at the sky and then at you with a smile “Best friends for life” you said as you held out your pinky “Best friends for life”
The irritating sound of your alarm woke you up annoyed you blindly searched for your phone not finding the object you peaked your head out of your warm covers and saw that it wasn’t on your nightstand where you left it last night “Good Morning Y/N get dressed we have class in an hour” you looked behind you and Eunji standing with your phone in her hand with a smile on her face you rolled your eyes annoyed yet you still got out of bed you guess she was excited.
You both walked up to the large stairs at the college entrance “Wait we do have all of our classes together right” she looked at you and laughed “Y/N you will need to learn Korean at some point, I won’t always be there to translate” you looked at her like she was stupid “I know that Eunji I have already started to learn on my own I was just asking a question” she looked at you flustered “Umm...sorry we have all but one class together” you nodded your head and started toward the school.
The school setting was completely different than Americas but you knew that you would adjust fast “Hi my name is Eunbin what is your” a guy said to you as you walked into your Anthropology class “Y/N” you said as nice as you could while walking to a sit at the back of the class “Nice to meet you Y/N would y-you like to me my friend” his heavy accent was kind of adorable you could tell he wasn’t good at English so the fact that he was trying to be friends with you even though there was a language barrier touched your heart “Sure” he cutely clapped his hands together and sat down next to you now you weren’t as scared to be in the only class that you didn’t have with Eunji.
You looked up from your lunch when you heard Eunji’s voice you were surprised to see that she was not alone but with seven other people “Y/N I met some new people from my class met Kim Namjoon he also speaks English, Kim Seokjin but you can just call him Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook” they all waved at you with sweet smiles on their faces “This is my friend Y/N” you bowed your head in respect “It was nice to meet you Y/N but Eunji we have to leave now we have another class in a few minutes” Eunji told them bye and excitedly sat down in front of you immediately you could tell something was different about her but you just brushed it off and went back to eating your food as you put your head down you saw something out of the corner of your eye Jimin and Taehyung were holding hands and not in a friendly way.
You looked at Eunji confused but she was in a daze “Eunji, Eunji EUNJI” she looked at you with a haze to her eyes “I think I might be in love” she said you nearly chocked on air even more confused as to who she was in love with because she had to know that there was something else going on with those seven boys “Who are you talking about” you asked her innocently “The boys they are so handsome and charming and smart and-“ you interrupted her “Totally in love with each other” she looked at you like you were crazy “No they aren’t they gave me their number even if they were I wouldn’t mind having all of them” she said with a smirk on her face “Okay” you said not wanting the conversation to go any further.
A few weeks later you were sitting in your dorm room working on your Korean when there was a sudden knock on the door you sleepily stood up and went to answer the door but before you could Eunji came out of the bathroom with a beautiful red dress on she did a quick look over in the mirror and went to open the door “Eunji baby you look-wow” you heard the voice of Jimin say it had only been a few weeks but you could tell that they had all gotten really close to Eunji in fact you had started to see Eunji less and less “Where are you going” you asked her as you went back to your spot before the sudden disruption “To the club I would have asked if you wanted to come but I know you don’t like big crowds I’m sorry we might be able to do something together soon but right now I have to go bye” was all she said before the loud bang of the door filled the silent dorm room you could tell that you were slowly starting to lose your best friend.
A few months pasted and Eunji was barely at the dorm room anymore a few weeks after that night she came clean about being in a relationship with the boys she told you that they had an open relationship but they were willing to only love each other and her nobody else. Because the boys lived off campus she had basically started to live with them you only saw her in your classes together or when she comes to get more clothes to be honest it hurt you to your core the second person that you allowed to see you the actually you and she treats you like you’re a random person in the collage.
You knew that she usually came to the dorm on Friday so you waited for her you were going to tell her that you were moving out of the dorm and off campus with Eunbin but you were in for a surprise when Hoseok Yoongi and Namjoon came instead of her “Oh hi Y/N how are you” you knew that it wasn’t their fault but you couldn’t help but feel like they took Eunji away from you “Where is Eunji” you replied coldly “She is at our dorm we came to get some of her clothes since we were already out” Namjoon replied with that disgustingly sweet voice of his “Wow look at you begin great boyfriends” you said sarcastically as you wrapped your arms around your body and looked away from them “There in the left closet” you said and got up to leave the room them being there was a little too much for you “I can’t help but fill like you don’t like us” Hoseok said in Korean you scuffed and turned to him “No I actually don’t” you said and walked out of the room slamming the door behind you.
It might have been the fact that you were Eunji’s “best friend” or it might be the fact that you seem to be the only person on the plant that hates them but after that day it seemed like they were always around you and most of the time it was without Eunji even though it wasn’t anything major you still noticed the difference and quite frankly you didn’t like it.
“Hi Y/N” Taehyung said as Him and Jimin walked up to you during lunch you did what you usually do and didn’t reply you just got up and went to leave “It is rude to not reply to someone who is talking to you” Jimin said sharply that statement made you upset “And it’s not polite to take someone’s best friend from them” you said and started to walk away but a grip on your wrist stopped you “We’re sorry okay we just want to be friends whatever we did to hurt you we’re sorry” you chuckled and folded your arms “I don’t fucking care about your sorry okay just get the hell out of my life you can have Eunji she doesn’t want me anymore” you turned around and saw Eunji standing there with her eyes wide “What makes you think I don’t want you in my life Y/N” you laughed “You got to be kidding me not only did you basically move out of the dorm you don’t talk to me unless it has something to do with the guys and when I ask if you want to hang out the answer is always the same “I can’t today I am hanging out with my boys” and honestly I’m fucking tired of it Eunji I came to Korea so that I could continue to write the new chapter in my life so that I could get away from the demons that haunt me every time I closed my eyes I came here with you but I think it would have been better if I came by myself I want you to know that I am leaving the dorm tonight and moving in with my real friend” you said as tears rolled down your cheek as you went to pass her she grabbed your arm “I thought we were Best Friends for life” you ripped your arm out of her grip “I thought we were too” .
You don’t know why but ever since you ended your friendship with Eunji the nightmares had gotten worse you had also developed a rather unhealthy liking to alcohol it seemed to numb the pain that you constantly felt in your heart also since that day you had become more reserved you barely spoke to Eunbin even though he tried to break through to you, you decided that you would never fall that deep into anything again whether it was love or friendship the only thing that had ever come with that was pain.
On a Saturday night you were out at a pub and for some reason it had been a particularly bad day it might have been that you only got one hour of sleep since the nightmares were so bad or it could have been that you were suffering from a massive hang over from Friday. It was well over Midnight when you decided to leave the pub and attempt to head back to your dorm while you were walking you accidently bumped into a group of guys you mumbled a sorry and kept on walking but the guys didn’t really take kindly to that “Watch were you’re going” one of them said you didn’t reply and you didn’t stop either one of the guys came over to you and turned you around “Y/N” confused as to who would know your name you looked up and saw Jungkook looking back at you with his doe eyes “Why are you out here so late” Jimin asked concerned as he walked towards you it didn’t take long for you to realize that Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook were the guys that you bumped into you quickly got out of Junkook’s grip and stepped away from them “Leave me alone” you said as you turned around and started to walk away from them.
You could hear them right behind you so you speed up into a jog you assumed that they weren’t going to leave you alone so you started to run and hope that you were faster than them but you were wrong they quickly caught up to you and grabbed you “Leave me alone I j-just want to be alone” you said as you hit the chest of whoever had taken hold of you. You felt their arms wrap around you and pull you into a hug “It’s okay Y/N it’s okay” you realized that they person that was holding you was Taehyung you didn’t want to admit it but it felt good being in his arms you actually started to melt into his touch but reality crashed down on you and you pulled away from him “Stay the hell away from me”.
They all looked at you confused at your sudden outburst “Y/N what is wrong with you” are they stupid or something this is all their fault why else would you be out here half drunk and an emotional train wreck “We aren’t going to hurt you Y/N” Jimin said as he carefully walked towards you “Why don’t you just let go hm” he said as he cautiously held your face in his hands “Let us make you feel better” was the last thing he said before he smashed his lips against you’re the warmth of his kiss heated your whole body you slowly started to let yourself fall deeper into his passionate kiss when you felt hands travel down your arms and light feathery kisses on your neck “Just like that baby” Taehyung’s deep voice whispered in your ear.
Never in your life had you felt this type of love before guys usually ran away from you but it wasn’t like you were so egar to talk to them either but you wanted this you wanted to feel loved and wanted like you were now, Jimin slowly pulled away from you and started to kiss the other side of your neck the light sting brought a slight moan out of your mouth Jimin walked behind you to allow Jungkook room “Babygirl you look so beautiful like this” Jungkook said sweetly before he slowly kissed you his kiss was drastically different than Jimin’s his was more slow and careful it was like he was killing you slowly.
The sudden realization that you were kissing your ex best friend’s boyfriends dawned on you and you pushed him away “I have t-to go” you said as you ran away you could hear them calling your name but you ignored them how could you do this?
That night you cried so hard that you almost threw up the only thought running through your head is you needed to get out of here there was nothing for you in Korea anymore you contacted your collage but they said you had to live there for a who year you had only been here for six months so you had a whole six months left before you could leave you would just count down the days until you could get out of this place.
A few days later a light knock on the dorm room door woke you out of your slumber Eunbin usually gets the door at this time of night and he also knew that you had been having a hard time so you just figured that he would get it. As you started to fall back asleep another knock sounded it was then that you remembered that Eunbin was not here but with his family on a trip, with a huff you got out of bed and went to the door.
“Can we please talk” it just so happened to be the three men that cheated on your best friend you snickered and went to close the door but Jimin put his foot and jam it before you could close it “We aren’t leaving until you talk to us” Jimin said you bit your tongue and turned your head annoyed “Fine we can talk through the door but you aren’t coming in here” you were holding your ground they weren’t getting through to you that easily you could hear one of them huff “W-we are sorry Y/N we don’t know what got into us that night but Eunji hasn’t really talked to us since you guys stopped being friends in fact she stays in her room most of the time the others have been trying to get through to her but she isn’t budging” you were actually worried about her it wasn’t like Eunji to not want to be surround by people she loved “I-is she okay” you asked concern dripping from your words “We don’t know” Taehyung said you could tell he was equally concerned you huffed and opened the door fully.
They looked terrible their hair was in disarray and they had large bags under their eyes it looked like they hadn’t slept in days “Come in” you said as you turned around and walked into your small but homey living room “You guys don’t look so well” you told them honestly Jimin sadly smiled but didn’t say anything “So why are you here again” they looked at each other and then back at you “We needed a place to stay being in the house with her is just so…-” Taehyung stopped but Jimin picked up where he left of “suffocating” he said as he looked down at Jungkook’s hand and slowly intertwined their fingers together “Is it okay if we stay here” Jungkook asked shyly you wanted to be cruel and tell them no but they looked like they were about to lose their mind you knew that feeling and you wouldn’t wish it upon anybody “Fine you can have my room I don’t think Eunbin would take too kindly to random people sleeping in his bed” you said as you got up “the bathroom is the first door on the right and my room is right after it Goodnight” you picked up the blanket that Eunbin always kept on the couch because he was always cold, the couch wasn’t the most comfortable place to sleep but you hoped that they would only be here for the night.
“Thank you” Jimin said as they walked towards your bedroom you didn’t say anything if they didn’t look like death warmed over then you would have told them to leave and never come back.
You woke up gasping for air another nightmare when would they stop you got up and walked to the bathroom as you stood in front of the mirror you rolled your strained neck and turned on the cold water you let it slowly run through your fingers it was a nice contrast from your burning skin you quickly washed the sweat from your face and walked out of the bathroom.
As you sat down on the couch you looked around for your phone and realized you hadn’t brought it with you when you got the door “crap” you said quietly hopefully the boys were asleep carefully you walked towards the door to your room and opened it as quiet as possible you knew you left it on your night stand but it was so dark that you couldn’t see anything you had to trust that you knew where you were walked, you jumped back after you knocked something off of your desk you stopped for a second and held your breathe when you were sure that you hadn’t woken them up you quickly tried to locate your phone “Who’s there” you heard a sleep filled voice say “It’s just me” after that the lamp on your night stand turned on you had woken up Jimin “I’m sorry I was looking for my phone” he looked down and handed it to you “Thanks” he smiled and rested his head on his hand while he looked at you it didn’t look like he had been to sleep at all yet he looked 10 times better than he did earlier you smiled at him and made your way out of the room his eyes followed your every move “Goodnight” you said as you went to close the door but he quickly got out of the bed “Wait” he whispered as he followed you out and shut the door behind him and lend against it “What’s wrong” you asked him as you leaned against the wall opposite of him “Nothing I’m just not tired anymore”
You guys stood there for a while and talked quietly to each other “Why don’t you have a boyfriend” he asked you suddenly but you just looked at him “or girlfriend?” you chuckled “I don’t believe in love” you said as you looked down “All my life up until about two years ago I had never known what loved felt like being an orphan isn’t something that guys or girls look for in a partner” you said as you raised your eyebrows “Why” you asked suspiciously “No reason” he said with a small smile for some reason his eyes drew you in it wasn’t like they were anything magnificent just your normal dark brown but they were so beautiful you sadly allowed yourself to get lost in them for the first time in forever you allowed yourself to fall and it was then that you felt the tears roll down your cheeks “We should go back to sleep” you said as you started to walk away but he grabbed your arm before you go get far enough away “Why do you do that” you looked at him confused “Do what” you asked him “You allow yourself to let go but then you put your walls up again” how did he know that you had only ever really talked to him twice and one of those times he kissed you “You’re not good at hiding your emotions” he said “Why don’t you allow people in” he gently let go of your arm “Because Jimin when I let people in I get hurt I always get hurt and it’s not fair what have I done for the world to treat me so cruelly I-I just want to feel love you know I want to allow myself to fall but every time I trust someone they do something that makes me feel worthless like I don’t deserve love and honestly Jimin I’m tired I am so tired” you said as you let your head fall on his chest “Why am I not allowed to feel loved” he slowly wrapped his arms around you “You are Y/N…you are” was all he said as he slowly rocked you both back and forth.
You didn’t hear the door open but you felt arms wrap around you from behind “What’s wrong baby” the voice belonged to Taehyung “N-nothing” you said but he just chuckled “I know that’s not true Y/N but you don’t have to tell me I will wait on you” for the first time in a long time you allowed yourself to truly fall and this time someone caught you.
The boys left the next morning and promised to text you every day and surprisingly they did you guys slowly started to become friends. It was a few weeks after that day and you were sitting and watching YouTube on your computer when loud banging on your door got your attention you quickly got up and went to answer the door it was Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook but this time they were with the other boys and you didn’t see Eunji but you did realize that Taehyung was holding a sobbing Jimin and Jungkook had tears streaming down his face as well “Can we please come in” Namjoon asked sweetly but you could see behind his façade “Of course” they all slowly shuffled in you closed the door and turned toward them “I-I we don’t know how to tell you this” you looked at them with curiosity in your eyes “Just tell me” Namjoon looked at Yoongi “We can’t find Eunji”
You were furious how they hell do they not know where Eunji is and why are they coming to you and not the police “Y/N can you please stop pacing” Taehyung asked you nicely you stopped and looked at them ready to yell at them again when your phone rung you answered it without looking at the caller id “Hey Y/N how have you been” it was Eunji you knew her voice it was the same voice that would talk you out of your panic attacks after your nightmares the same voice that promised that you would be best friends forever “Eunji where the hell are you” the boys all perked up at her name but didn’t say anything “I want you promise me something Y/N” she said with a shaky voice “Eunji just please tell me where you are I’m worried” you could hear her take a deep breathe “Y/N just promise me something can you do that for me please” you wanted to say no and yell at her for scaring you but you didn’t “Yes I can” you heard her snuffle “Promise me that you will find love” you huffed angrily “Why would you want me to promise you that right now, where are you” she just chuckled “Y/N we bonded over our past because it was so similar we were each others rock I found love but I slowly fell out of love but I can tell you that it helped me and that is why I am on a plane and why I am leaving Korea” you almost dropped your phone “Eunji why” your voice cracked “Korea isn’t for me Y/N it is only filled with ghost of my past it is not the place for me but it is for you I could tell when you stepped off the plane so please just promise me that you will fall in love I want to know that you have a shoulder to cry on and someone to annoyingly wake you up in the morning” you took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes “I-I promise” the tears where falling fast but you didn’t let Eunji know you could tell she was already crying “Best friends forever” she said sadness laced in her words “Best friends forever” “Bye Y/N” you heard the line go dead and it was then that you fell to the floor sobbing it hurt so much because you could tell that, that was her last goodbye to you.
It had been two months and you only ever left your dorm to go to classes and you only left your room to eat or use the bathroom that day you cried yourself to sleep and when you woke up you cried some more Jimin wasn’t really helping he did admit that he never loved her but she had become a really good friend to him the other guys tried to be there for you but every time you looked at them you saw Eunji.
“Y/N” Eunbin called out for you with a soft knock on your door you let out a soft yes “There are people here to see you” you grabbed a blanket and made your way to the door when you opened it Eunbin came into your sight sympathy written all over his face you gave him a forced smile and made your way down the hall, when you stepped into the living room you saw the boys all standing there “Hi Y/N” Jin said you were surprised that they had recovered so fast but you had this feeling that they were all just like Jimin and had only looked at Eunji as a close friend “Hi guys” you said as you sat on the couch “How are you doing sweetie” Hoseok asked as he sat next to you and put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug “I’ve been better” you said honestly they all hummed in agreement “Would you like to go out to eat with us” Jungkook asked with a smile on his face you didn’t have anything better to do “Sure”
After you guys had eaten you all walked around Seoul it reminded you of your first night in Korea you were so amazed at the night life and all of the people and somehow it still amazed you, your favorite part about Seoul is the Han River you come here because it helps clear you mind so as you stood and looked out at the river you allowed all the thoughts in your mind to disappear you looked to your side and it looked like the boys were doing the same thing a smile managed to make itself to yourself and in that moment you thought that you had never seen anybody more beautiful than them.
After that you guys spent almost every day together and if you were being honest with yourself you were starting to fall for them but you couldn’t tell them that it would make things different between you all you didn’t want to ruin a great friendship because they made you feel safe also since you had become friends your nightmares had stopped it might be because one of them is holding you every night.
They had convinced you to move in with them after Eunbin had to move back to his home town after his mom got sick but you weren’t complaining you loved the warm feeling that they gave you every time they complemented you or pulled you closer.
“Hey Y/N are you free tonight” Namjoon came in your room with Jin behind him “Umm… I think so yeah” they smiled “Great we are having dinner tonight we have something to tell you” you slowly started to panic but smiled anyway and told them okay you prayed that it wasn’t anything bad you had finally started to feel safe, wanted, and maybe even loved.
You walked out of your room and saw them all sitting on the couch when they looked at you their jaw dropped you didn’t know why it wasn’t like you were in a dress but they all quickly recovered and acted like nothing happened “Are you ready” Hoseok asked and you laughed a bit “Yes I am”.
When you got to the restaurant the waiter took you all to the reserved table and you noticed that there were nine seats instead of eight but you just brushed it off as a mistake. You were proven wrong when Namjoon got up and said that there was going to be someone else joining, you were confused they usually tell you this kind of thing but you guessed it was a surprise and oh were you surprised when a girl was on Namjoon’s arm when he came back she sat in front of you and introduced herself “Hi I’m Cho-hee nice to meet you” you introduced yourself and bowed in respect.
The rest of the night went normal they weren’t paying as much attention to you but you didn’t mind “Do you want dessert” the waitress asked when she came back to your table Yoongi looked at you all since he was paying “Sure” Cho-hee said they all said they wanted dessert except you “Y/N are you sure” Taehyung asked and you just nodded your head.
“We have something that we need to tell you Y/N we figured you should know since you are our friend” Jin said, that hurt, Taehyung quickly responded “Best friend” and that hurt worse “Ok” you said as you looked at Jin but Jungkook spoke instead “Cho-hee is our girlfriend” and that killed you, you looked down trying to register their words they had a girlfriend and they are just now telling you and in front of her you couldn’t even get words to come out so you got up and ran out of the restaurant.
The cold air on your wet face felt soothing as you sat down on the bench that you and Eunji sat the first day in Seoul you don’t know why it hurt so much because you knew that they didn’t feel the same way they couldn’t they always introduced you as their “friend” or “best friend” and if they did something that to some would seem intimate they would make it known that they only saw you as a friend.
After sitting there for a while you got up and decided to walk around you didn’t know where you were going you just knew that you couldn’t sit and listen to the thoughts in your mind anymore. When you stopped you realized that you were in the same place that you shared the kiss with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook the place where you believe your feelings for them were born.
“Y/N” you heard you name being called and looked up you saw two people running towards you they were too far so you couldn’t tell who it was until they got a little closer and you realized it was Yoongi and Hoseok you heard what sounded like Yoongi tell Hoseok to tell the other that they found you “Why did you run out like that” Yoongi asked as he walked closer to you “I-I don’t know” you lied of course you knew it was because you loved them you finally admit to yourself that you love them but it was too late now they already have someone else “You see Y/N I think you do know and you just aren’t telling me or us” Yoongi said as he crossed his arms you saw out of the corner of you eye that there was more people running towards you and you knew that it was the other guys “Are you okay” Taehyung said when he reached you he tried to grab you but you stepped back he furrowed his eyebrows confused “What’s wrong” he asked concerned “I don’t know” you said quietly as you looked at your shoes suddenly finding them interesting “Can you please stop with the lies Y/N just spit it out” Yoongi raised his voice you could tell he was upset “I-I” he huffed “Spit it out” you looked at them “I love you there I said it are you happy now” you asked angrily nobody said anything they just looked at you with wide eyes.
“I wasn’t going to say anything because I knew something like this would happen I don’t even know why I love you or when it started but I can say I hate myself for it I knew that this would happen it always does so just tell me to get my things and move out and you don’t want to ever see me again” nobody said anything for a while “But we can’t do that” Jungkook said as he walked closer to you “Why is that” you asked confused
“Because we love you too”
You sat up quickly out of the bed and ran to the bathroom you hated throwing up it was the worst, you felt a hand rub your back “Are you okay baby” Namjoon asked sleepily you must have woken him you and if you woke him up then you woke up the others “Y/N are you okay” Jin asked as he came running into the bathroom Yoongi and Hobi right behind him “I’m-” you didn’t finish that sentence before you lend over the toilet again “You don’t think” Hobi asked as he looked at Yoongi and then Jin “I’m not pregnant Hobi” he looked at you sheepishly but still replied with a you don’t know that “You do realize that for a whole year I lived off of gas station food right I am sure it is just food poisoning I will be fine” They all just smiled at you and helped you get off the bathroom floor.
As you laid back down and looked at them you thought about how lucky you were all your life you had been looking for a reason to let yourself go free and a reason to truly let someone love you and you love them you didn’t know but they were in front of you the whole time they were everything that you could have asked for they allowed you to fall and they caught you they always caught you.
“What” Jin asked you sweetly you smiled…
“I love you”
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Also i remember that you did an essay on nextgen relationship to witchcraft ??
i would like an mini essay on how each next gen tap to their other half (whitelighter and cupid) ?🥰
[this is where i’d put the link to the next gen’s relationship to witchcraft IF I COULD FIND IT] rip lmao but yeah!! bc basically everyone in the next gen is a halfling so i feel like there’s really like A Lot here like witchlighters are already just like hella rare and then pj parker and peyton are very possibly the first cupitches to exist ever y’know what i bet i can find? my mini essay on cupids & whitelighters yeah boi so i think the primary distinction between whitelighters and cupids comes down to like. head vs heart. and i know whitelighters are like innately good people who want to help others through good deeds blah blah blah but there is an inherent Logic to the process. whereas cupids are just a lot more fuck around/find out. it’s the same thing with orbing vs. beaming orbing you think of a place and you’re there beaming you feel a place. if pj and melinda were to swap bodies neither of them would be able to teleport. so i think the way that they were raised/trained also impacts that a lot so let’s go chronological order and start with wyatt
so, full disclaimer here, i am going off my own writings here as there are some blanks left in canon (i.e. who has what powers) also i made leo a whitelighter again bc like. a) i wanted to b) melinda’s a witchlighter which would be objectively fucking weird if leo was not a whitelighter ik the comics had this whole think about ~latent whitelighter dna~ but like girl what. and then also c) and i’ve talked about paige and motherhood before but i really don’t think paige wants to whitelighter for her kids bc she doesn’t want to be viewed as like,, as business associate to them bc that’s weird it’s one thing for your brother in law to be your whitelighter it’s a whole new can of worms for your mom to be your whitelighter. on top of that paige is still a charmed one and a witch so like. she definitely does not have the time to be the entire halliwell family’s whitelighter. but leo’s right there just give him healing and orbing hell he loves being a whitelighter just reinstate him. like come on. amirite lads? it doesn’t matter if i’m right or not this is my story and i’m sticking 2 it. okay let’s rock n roll
wyatt powers are projection, orbing, orb shield, healing, telekinesis, telekinetic orbing and he is a half split mother’s a witch father’s a whitelighter. i mean i think wyatt was really definitely as like The Witchlighter like at magic school all that like yes paige is a witchlighter but paige did not go to magic school and grow up around a bunch of little witches i think teleportation powers are Insanely Rare for anyone who’s not a halfling so the fact that wyatt can just. orb. he can heal. like this is Insane. but unlike a dency type situation where like these powers are so rare they basically have to be self taught i think there are a good amount of whitelighters at magic school who can teach him how to master his skills there’s also paige and leo so like. he’s pretty much covered. that and the whole whitelighter thing just really does come naturally to him like he was doing all this batshit crazy stuff from the womb like he healed piper from the brink of death at like age two. wyatt’s whitelighter powers are a fuckin breeze. i also think wyatt sort of id’s a little more as a whitelighter than a witch just bc chris is like so witchy wyatt feels like okay i must be more whitelighter by default. like chris will go out demon hunting and wyatt just like. doesn’t really want to do that so wyatt think’s it’s because he’s just more of a whitelighter more of a pacifist by nature. it’s not really it’s more just like chris is fuckin crazy but it doesn’t really matter. i also think that since wyatt is one of the only people with healing when the cousins are in trouble they almost always go to him, which only sort of adds to the Whitelighter element. i also don’t think wyatt has had any charges yet bc like. he’s really young he’s like 22. but i think he definitely will i think that’s something he would want to have. i think the elders also have some slight reservations about giving him charges bc like. very high probability he will fall in love with them.
chris powers are telekinesis, telekinetic orbing, orbing. does not feel very whitelighter at all. i mean for starters, wyatt’s totally Stacked with whitelighter powers that he just seemed to immediately have mastery over chris not so much. and it’s also like. everyone in the family Expected wyatt to have healing and then literally no one expected that of chris. like he tried he read about it all that and whenever he would try the sisters would just be like it’s okay hey you know not everyone has healing healing it’s big like not everyone can master it paige couldn’t heal til she was like 30 it’s nbd so chris is like yeah :| okay :| but it kind of bothers him how it’s like. his family just knew he wouldn’t be able to do that. and beyond that i think chris really does have this desire to prove himself in the craft to prove he’s a strong, talented, capable witch (which he is) and that’s really where he directs his focus. the power he hones the most it telekinesis. orbing and tlk orbing kinda of take a back seat simply bc they just aren’t as strong of combative powers (however, paige let him in on the insider secret that you can orb hearts of demons so that’s p fuckin cool. leo like Freaked out when paige told him this because he’s just a kid!! he doesn’t need to be hearing all of that!!! and paige is like yeah, just a kid who fights demons, leo. he’s seen worse and chris just looks at leo like yeah i mean i have and leo’s like cool gonna go have another parenting crisis). basically while chris knows he is a witchlighter he very much does not feel like one. he identifies as a witch. full stop. (side note he does not know he was the time traveller who came back to fix the timeline and if he found out and found out that he convincingly posed as a whitelighter and people actually believed him i think he’d lose it laughing)
melinda powers are empathy, orbing, telekinesis, telekinetic orbing. i think melinda views her Main Power as empathy, i think melinda considers herself to be more of a pacifist. again, this is kind of in relation to chris, so it’s like considering yourself to be short bc your brother’s 6′5″, but like. melinda is short. and she is more of a pacifist. i think given her empathy which is technically a whitelighter power tho it is much power likely she inherited the power from her aunt phoebe, she’s not really like. a fighter or a powerhouse or anything i think she also inherited piper’s want of a normal life. in my writings melinda is actually a nursing student i mean she’s a freshman in college but like. she wants to be like a nurse or a doctor she hasn’t entirely figured out how that would work with her like. Witch Schedule. but she kind of doesn’t care?? like she has a full family of charmed ones. they can save the day by magical means; she can save them by mortal ones. she also just like as a fun fact with her empathy powers can diagnose things really well because she can just like. feel what other people are feeling. so yes i think she’s really more whitelighter than witch i think if people ever saw her out and about with her whitelighter (i gave her a new whitelighter that isn’t leo in canon explanation is the elders are kind of worried the halliwells are getting a bit too cliquey little bit too much of a feedback loop there and they don’t really have the best relationship to the elders so like. now that one of them has kind of broken off into her own path they’re like okay can we give her a new whitelighter. just to kind of make sure they don’t all hate us. out of canon explanation i think it’s more fun for melinda to have a whitelighter her age instead of constantly dragging her dad to davis). i also think melinda is the most likely out of any of the next gen to receive a charge, but again, this is like, way out bc she’d like. 18. i also think she would keep her whitelighter on speed dial bc i think she’d be Super Nervous about fucking shit up like so bad for the first couple while. like eventually she’d get the hang of it and be confident and capable in herself and her abilities but for the first bit she’d be like. so so so anxious like s1 piper need to have everything be perfect when it most definitely is not.
tamora powers are molecular combustion, healing, invisibility, psychic link with kat. so. tamora’s technically like only 1/4 whitelighter as neither of her parents are whitelighters, her maternal grandfather is a whitelighter and that’s it. so that’s why both her and kat are a little less whitelightery that the rest of the next gen tamora can’t even orb. which was like genuinely a shock as literally every other witchlighter in the family can orb, but she just straight up cannot. she can heal, though, and is the only one beside wyatt with that capability, so her whitelighteryness is still there. she just can’t orb. and then while molecular combustion as a power obviously came from piper, healing, invisibility, and even her psychic link with her twin are all very whitelighter-y. (side note, it is specifically the whitelighter part of the twins that give them this link just like how all whitelighters are linked to their charges, them being twins just like. amplifies it. it also allows kat to always be able to orb tamora to her side and sometimes orb her other places without ever seeing her but that bit still doesn’t work that great. so while part of it is a Twin Thing, it’s also a whitelighter thing, which is why like warren and sheridan do not share a psychic link. note pt.2 the girls powers were bound when they were kids bc they had i mean like p dangerous powers at least tam did but as established by the fact that paige could always orb despite having her powers bound, their whitelighter abilities were always active. kat could always orb, tamora could always heal, their psychic abilities stayed active.) and like, because of this it’s the same though i’m just leaving the parenthesis before i forget, tamora for the longest time had no offensive power the only thing she could do was heal. she was also kind of like the coward to kat’s fearlessness or even just like henry’s popularity. she’s the shyest out any of her siblings, a lot more reserved, she has anxiety, blah blah blah. so she never felt very witchy. she had her whitelighter power and her cowardice. and kat was off running around having a wild time and henry was reading about the most terrifying demons known to man shit that have clawed their way out of the underbelly of the earth and tam’s just like. like no?? stop??? oh my god??? and then around age 14 when the girls entered high school they unbound their powers and started to train them and tamora just really only felt more uncomfortable in her own skin bc like. molecular combustion, man. and piper would teach her like how to use her powers like okay you just really really angry and you throw out your hands like BAM and she blows up a chair and turns to tamora with that cute lil grin on her face like okay now you try and tamora just feels so out of place man. like her aunt piper is this fuckin powerhouse and this power is like. it’s just too much for her like she always somehow felt like there was some cosmic swap some mistake in the grand design where she and kat got mixed up somehow and she should have freezing and kat who’s bold and fun and brave and strong should be able to blow things up. because this isn’t her. this is too much for her, it’s too loud it’s too. strong. that being said, she’s always had a knack for it, which she doesn’t realize bc like. it’s a very rare power. but she was able to gain mastery over it faster than piper did in her day. so piper knows it’s not a cosmic mix up. she knows this is the power tamora was meant to have, and some day she’ll grow into it. it’ll just take time. but yeah. witchcraft is not so much tamora’s speed she doesn’t like. necessarily identify more with her whitelighter half (or fourth but whatever) but she does just. like she likes those powers more she feels more comfortable with them. i think if she were to body swap with kat she’d be perfectly fine at orbing too. in regards to charges she is Also 18 so again long way out i think she would be open to the idea but it would necessarily be something she’d like really really Want to do i think like her whole dynamic with peyton would really be her jumping off point for whitelightering but if she got someone who was a lot more just like. into making bad decisions i don’t think tam has the backbone yet to tell them off. 
kat powers are molecular immobilization, orbing, omnilingualism, psychic link with kat. absolutely no on the whitelighter front. yeah she can orb and is omnilingual doesn’t even register those as whitelighter powers. considers herself a witch through and through. is not wise, is impulsive, is reckless, is a witch. would never take a charge. if she did, she’d go on all their adventures with them bc that’s just the type of person she is. doesn’t to the vague, gentle guiding of a whitelighter she is not vague. she is also very close with chris bc they have such similar ideologies. but yeah. she’s not a whitelighter.
pj powers are levitation, astral projection, beaming, sensing love we have exited whitelighter territory and entered cupid territory i think pj very much identifies as Cupid-Witch i think she is Thee hyphenate i think she wholeheartedly embraces both parts of her craft as the eldest of her charmed ones set she does feel the need to like Set a Good Example she measures out all her potions ingredients perfectly and mastered spell writing from an early age she treats the craft with respect. she doesn’t necessarily treat the cupid practice with respect that’s not quite the right word there’s no dignity it’s all fun. bc love is fun!! her and parker have a running betting pool on various relationships in school. melinda would sometimes put down money, now that peyton goes to school with them she’ll also place bets. henry jr also does this despite having zero magical abilities to sense anything he thinks that makes it more fun. but yeah. pj views herself as cupid. she loves giving relationships the little Push they need to blossom. people think it’s because she has an advice columnist for a mom and they like trust her bc like. she’s nice and her dad’s a relationship therapist her mom’s an advice columnist and almost everyone has at least one friend that pj has had a hand in their relationship so if she sets something up they’ll trust her. the school newspaper suggested that she actually start an advice column or a matchmaking thing but she turned it down bc like. she doesn’t do remote, y’know. her cupid powers are very personal, she needs to see it irl all the move parts before she makes a judgement call. but yes. very cupid. loves saying it, too. people are like wow you’re so good at relationships she’s like yeah i’m basically cupid lmao. parker boos every time she makes that joke.
parker powers are premonition, beaming, sensing love. so parker definitely considers herself a cupitch not just a witch but she doesn’t go as far pj just bc that’s not like her mo. pj does have a slightly higher eq than parker a bit more of a gentle touch they stay neck in neck in their betting pool because of parker’s premonition power however pj knows her sister can see the future and frequently engages to change the circumstances. parker does meddle as much as her sister. and like yeah parker is p witchy she does focus a lot on combat she did turn her cupid ring into an athame bc like. fuck yeah. but she isn’t like chris or kat where she’s like I Am A Witch Full Stop she really does see herself as a cupid she had yet to like. Set Up a relationship like pj does but she doesn’t consider herself any less cupid for that she is a cupid that is who she is. she’d just like. a tiny violent one. 
peyton powers are telekinesis, beaming, sensing love. again kind of like parker where she still very much identifies as half cupid she just doesn’t do mayn cupid things. i mean she’s also like 14 so like give it time but yeah pj was ten and putting couples together on the playground like it was wild. and it’s not like parker where she doesn’t have the eq to do it like parker just straight up doesn’t know what to say to steer to people together she’d just be like hey u to r in love with each other so. have at it. like baby peyton could probably get it right in the very subtle classic cupid manner she’s just too shy. like she could not imagine just walking up to someone and talking to them lmao. especially not about love. and since the girls aren’t full cupid they don’t have temporal manipulation they can’t move through time nor can they slow it down to speak to people’s subconscious but if she could that’s what peyton would do. bc she does love love in the very true cupid sense she just like. like talking to people?? aaaaaa amirite lads.
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For the asks, 11, 18, 19 for Edgeshot and the soggy noodle (Jeanist) please?
Oohhhh, thank you for sending one in!! I actually did number 11 for these two way back when I reblogged this for the first time in this post (one of your asks actually aha) but I’m going to write out some more/re-write what I’ve written slightly different most probably lmao
Warning: will be mentions of bad coping mechanisms, depression, death and self destructive tendencies and thoughts. Please read with caution. I’ve put number 19 under the cut for this reason.
11. Bad or petty habits.
Okay well, they’re both incredibly bad at dealing with stress and tend to have a habit of overworking themselves.
Jeans gets incredibly fidgety when nervous, however always tends to pick and scratch at his hands. So he’ll always have something with him that he can fiddle with, such as a ring or charm or just the hem of his clothes.
He also is really bad at taking care of himself for some reason, mainly with things like injuries and stuff like that, but still.
Also. Petty habits? His puns. Please, it’s his puns he just cannot stop himself.
Shinya overworks himself, as said earlier, but it just has to be emphasised.
Sometimes (very rarely) he can tend to make a snarky remark relating to someone complaining about their family, with a response along the lines of “oh yeah same” or “ahaha yeah, it’s really annoying huh?” or literally just hitting them with the “yeah, they’re dead.”
He mostly does it to villains as a way to make them actually hesitate, when they say stuff like “oh I’ll kill your friends and family blah blah” he simply answers with a “too late” and he hates how spontaneous he says it.
Obviously, this doesn’t happen often because, well it’s kinda obvious and he has respect towards his family, but some days he just cannot help himself, he considers it a very bad habit.
18. Things they’ll never admit.
That they are tired. Or stressed. Or overworked. Or mildly injured.
They are so stubborn and they just will not admit it.
Also, when one is mad at the other, they don’t like admitting when there is something that they’re mad/wrong about.
They are just incredibly stubborn and will wait for ages. And eventually they feel bad but are still stubborn so don’t want to admit that they want to speak to the other.
Not that they need to admit when one of them feels lonely or sorry or just really bad about something when they aren’t speaking. Because it’s definitely plastered all over their body language.
(To those who don’t want to read number 19 because it does have some pretty heavy angsty stuff, please feel free to leave it here ❤️)
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them. (Read carefully, contains some sensitive stuff as specified in my warning ^^)
Okay, like I said, these are pretty heavy and contain quite sensitive stuff so please be careful. I’ve wanted to talk about these particular headcanons for a while, but didn’t know how to.
I have a headcanon that Tsunagu has killed someone in the past, and possibly more than just one person. It was all accidental, well, mostly.
When he was younger, about 12, I can’t remember what age I said in ‘When it Rains...’ but he was young. He couldn’t control his quirk and his quirk often would be way too powerful for him and his body to handle.
He found himself rushing to help some kids from a villain but his quirk ended up going haywire and he basically strangled the villain to death, whilst doing serious damage to himself and hurting his sister by doing so. He was just so angry and out of control, his mind was screaming at him.
This spirals him into a very very dark mindset, and he starts to blame himself for everything. The kids at school knew what happened and called him a “freak” and he had no friends.
As time went on, he often got told that “his quirk wasn’t suited for being a hero” and taunted that he should just stick to “making dresses and playing hairdressers” which had a really big effect on the way he saw himself.
He started to agree with them and when they told him that “you can’t be a hero now, you killed someone! Better to just start fresh, yeah?”...he also agreed...and well, I’m sure you can imagine what that leads him to, since I’d rather not go into the details of that too much at the moment...
His sister has to feel all of this pain that he goes through, and this makes him feel even worse.
He manages to get through this with the help of his sister, and a couple of friends that stuck with him throughout it all. And he goes to UA with his mind still clouded with doubts.
He knows he’s weak, he’s thin and not of a suitable fighting form. His quirk is too powerful for him to control and also not suitable for being a hero, but with the help of others and teachers and family he manages to pull through.
As he becomes a hero, he starts to feel better and more proud of himself, however there is still that little comment at the back of his mind telling him that he is weak.
Everytime he fails to rescue someone, or accidentally injured or goes too far with capturing a villain, it takes a huge toll on his self confidence and he starts spiralling again. Even if it wasn’t his fault he will still take the blame. It all brings him back to that moment when he was 12.
This often leads him to overworking himself to the point of passing out or collapsing, and often one of his friends or interns will have to usher him to somewhere he can recover. He lets his health deteriorate and lets any injuries go untreated.
He is the type of person to carry every failure, tiny mishap and any failed missions, completely on his own back. He converts it all to regret and this makes him feel weak, stupid and helpless. He could be on the other side of town and hear of a villain attack that got someone injured and he’d blame it on himself. These thoughts get carried with him until he finally just has to break down and let it all out.
This usually happens at home, where it’s obvious to anyone that he needs to talk about it, even if he doesn’t want to. Or at their usual top 5 meet ups, because they understand and they all listen to him and comfort him beca they know how much it affects him.
Often, in these mindsets, he will end up over using his quirk and injuring himself with his recklessness, however....this time it’s quite deliberate...he just lets it happen.
This carries on until he’s quite a bit older, and even then he still gets moments where his mind starts to slip.
When he meets Shinya, it helps a lot with his mental health, due to them having so much in common (and just being a couple of generally traumatised and depressed heroes who can barely look after themselves properly). They help each other get through the hardest parts and they understand when one feels the way they do.
(I’ve got many other little things that relate to this rather depressing headcanon, but it’s a heavy subject so I won’t write them out unless someone asks and actually would like me to, just for me to make sure you guys are comfortable and okay)
—————got to switch to Shinya now aha—————————
Okay so we have his backstory (which I am still working up the motivation to finish the whole thing)
Shinya ends up killing a large group of the villains that ambushed his village. He didn’t know how it happened, how he did it, or anything like that. But in a moment of rage and adrenaline and pure unbridled emotion, he shot forwards and killed them instantly, brutally.
In the moment he didn’t care. He was scared and had just seen his family and friends die in front of him.
However, once he learnt exactly what he’d done, and how severe it actually was, that’s when he started to feel the regrets.
At first it was not much, but as he started to try to live a normal life again and interact with others, that’s when it became an issue.
He noticed how others glared at him. He noticed the fear in the other people’s faces as they walked past him. The looks on their faces as they acknowledged the broken, empty face of this child and how scared they were of his past.
Slowly this all made him very self conscious and worried about how others saw him. He started to feel more doubtful and less trusting than he was, even with barely any trust left in him.
He trained and trained, overworking himself and using his quirk way too much. This allowed him to gain experience, yes, but it also drained him of having any sense of what a childhood should be - draining his memory of living a normal life.
People were always intimidated by him, and over the years he got used to it, but there are always times where he felt that no one would see him how he really was. Just a lonely person, robbed of a happy childhood and innocence and someone who can’t find it in him to trust anyone ever again. The only person who would understand was his sister, since she wen through the exact same experience and was with him through it all.
When he meets Tsunagu, he finds himself starting to trust again, and found that he was one of the only people that he felt safe with.
Then he started meeting other pro heroes, some with tough backstories themselves, and it just made him feel less alone.
Of course, there will be days where his past haunts him, and he feels the blood of all the lives he’s taken and failed to save on his hands and it terrifies him. It drags him down. These days he ends up shutting himself away.
He doesn’t take care of himself properly and ends up collapsing and becoming ill and rundown.
However, these moments happen. And being with those who he finally trusts and those who are there to help him feel safe...that’s what allows him to recover
That’s what allows them both to feel human once again, despite their pasts and doubts. Despite their flaws and failures. They seek happiness in each other and they find safety in their friends...and that’s what keeps them going.
Thank you for asking! Sorry for how morbid that end one was, but it really is one of my most prominent headcanons for these two, especially poor jeans, and I actually kinda feel a little better to have you guys know it now, so that when I sort of reference it in my writing, you know what I’m going on about.
Please send some in guys, I would love to give you some headcanons on whatever character you’d like to send in! Love you ❤️ This is the post for the questions!! I’m going to bed for now, but please feel free to send some in for me to answer tomorrow, I’ll get to them as soon as I can!!
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paradisewithinpain · 4 years
How They Respond to "I'm Fine"
Not even gonna lie, this boy can be OBLIVIOUS
can tell something's wrong but won't push it once you say you're fine
(he doesn't like it when you snap at him)
he eventually forgets about it and carries on with life
but after a while, he starts to see you're progressively getting worse
and every time he asks about it?
"i'M fiNE"
he starts to get worried and will think he's doing something wrong
poor boy
asks you to meet him in the astronomy tower
the two just sit in silence before he starts apologizing
you stare at him
"the fuck are you on about?"
he explains he's seen your behavior and how he thinks it's his fault
you stare at him for a minute then you start laughing
poor boy is over here like 👁👄👁
when you calm down you explain what's been going on
he just listens to you rant for a solid 20 minutes
he's just nodding along, agreeing when needed
when you're done, you feel as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders
you kissed and thanked him before leaving
harry has no idea what he did but he's glad it worked
if there's anyone more oblivious than harry
probably wouldn't even notice until Hermione or Ginny or sOMeONe wHO iSN'T oBLiViOUs points it out to him
then it all clicks
the distance
the quietness
the fake smiles
it hits him like a tRUCK
he doesn't know what to do at first
then it hits him
what is it that you both love with a passion?
asks you to meet him outside your common room
shows up with the invisibility cloak and he leads you to the kitchen
you find a small picnic like space in front of the fireplace with all your favorite snacks
even the ones you adore but he finds absolutely repulsive
you throw your arms around him, a small thank you slipping past your lips
the two of you talk and eat till morning
when breakfast comes, the house elves find you curled up against each other, asleep
this girl is probably the only reasonable one
she'll figure it out pretty fast but she'll drop hints that she's knows something's up
when you finally do come to her, it's in a secluded corner of the library
she's doing the extra extra credit
you find her and sit in front of her
she tries not to show it but she's freaking out on the inside
you start off with apologizing for your distance and she brushes it off, telling you it's ok
it's silent for a minute
then you RANT
she just sits and listens to your problems
and when your done, she offers reasonable solutions
best girlfriend honestly
this boy (like Hermione) would probably pick it up pretty quickly
this boy will straight up get frustrated about what to do
should he get you a gift?
but what if you dont like it?
should he ask if you want to talk about it?
but what if you dont want to?
you would notice he becomes very on edge around you
you confront him about it and this boy just spills
your heart swells as he explains that he wanted to do something but didn't want to upset you further
you start explaining what's going on and he understands completely
the two of you just start talking and end up having a mini therapy session
when you peck his cheek and tell him you would like to do this again sometime, he gets all flustered again
It doesn't matter who you are
"Ginny, I'm fine-"
literally will not take any of it
it doesn't matter how many times you tell her
she's not gonna push you but she certainly will not put up with the crap you're giving her
you end up ranting to her after a quidditch match
gryffindor had won against slytherin and of course there was a party
you obviously wanted no part but you let your friends drag you to the gryffindor common room
you sat quietly in the corner until Ginny came and took your hands
you expected her to lead you to the dance floor
but instead she led you to her dorm
she sat you down on the bed and took your hands in hers
"talk to me, (Y/N)"
but you stayed strong and explained everything
she just listened and rubbed her thumb against your hand
when you finished, she smiled and laid with you, pressing soft kisses on your temple
you cuddle till the sun came up
I have a mighty fine feeling that this boy is just as stubborn as his sister
"Fred, I'm fine"
"And I'm Filch's favorite student"
thankfully for you, he let up on his pranks so he could spend time with you (much to George's dismay)
he's also really good at making you laugh
it doesn't even have to be a prank
he'll just say or do something stupid and no matter how mad or upset you are
this boy never fails to make you smile
but despite his dorky demeanor
he is SOFT
he took you out to the quidditch pitch one evening to watch the sunset
i know
you had been doing slightly better due to Fred's constant jokes
but he was not about to let you go by without explaining what got you so down
he casually brought it up and you knew there was no running away from it now
when you told him about what was bothering you, he cracked the occasional joke but never really tried to derail the conversation
when you finished, he took you in his arms and told you how much he loved you as he pressed soft kisses to your neck
you swore you had never simped harder in your life
this little mastermind
so I have this idea that fred is the one who comes up with the ideas for the pranks but george is one who kinda puts it together
he'd come up with some weird elaborate plan to make you feel better
it'd probably involve multiple parts and A LOT of glitter
but in the end, you watched in awe as glitter danced around you
(if you don't like glitter it'd probably be water or smth)
you immediately knew George was behind it and you followed the trail of glitter or water
it led you to a hidden passageway and at the end of the tunnel it was no surprise you found George waiting for you
you laughed at his glitter/water covered appearance and helped him clean up
only to get some on you as well
it eventually turned into a full blown war with glitter/water bombs being thrown at every turn
in the end, you two laid out of breath by the shrieking shack
"so are you going to tell me what's been going on or do I have to go commando on your arse again?"
you laughed but explained yourself in the end
just like his twin, George threw in a joke or two but never drew any attention away from what you were saying
when you finished ranting, George took your hand in his and kissed it, making eye contact with you the whole time
"you're a badass, you know that?"
I'm pretty sure the only reason he caught on so fast is because he does the same thing
"(Y/N), are you ok?"
"I'm fine-"
he was dragging you to the room of requirement before you could even finish your sentence
when he opened the doors, you gaped in awe at the small bedroom that lay before you
he led you to the bed and sat your ass down
you tried to convince him you were okay but he still wasn't having it
he even pulled his iconic, "my father will hear about this" line
"dray, your father doesn't give two shits about me."
"Mum does. And you know she'd haul your ass faster than I could"
you knew there was no getting out of this
as you explained your troubles, draco's demeanor kept shifting
when you talked about someone getting on your nerves, he looked ready to murder
when you talked about how little sleep you were going, he went all soft
when you finished, he held out his arms for you
you knew how much Draco despised physical contact sometimes so this was a huge win for you
as you laid together, you felt a small kiss fall upon your head
"If you ever feel like this again, let me know, okay?"
"Just as long as you don't beat anyone up."
Sarcastic little shit
I love him
this boy is SO OBSERVANT
you literally can't get anything past him
so it's really no surprise to you when he calls you out on how you're acting
you brush him off but this boy is so ambitious
he watches closely how you wince when someone is too loud or how often your eyelids droop
so because of his dedication to you, he comes up with a brilliant plan
it starts out with you meeting him after classes are done for the week
he takes you to the library where you finish up your homework for the weekend (he gives most of the answers)
when you're done, he leads you back to your common room and tell you he has a suprise for you tomorrow
when breakfast comes around, a letter is dropped in front of you and your smile grew as you read the familiar handwriting
Following the instructions in the letter, you came down to lunch dressed up slightly
during the midday meal, Blaise is no where to be seen
but before you can look for him, Malfoy approaches you and leads you to the great lake
you jaw drops as you take in the small picnic set up before you
Malfoy leaves as Blaise appears out of nowhere in a nice black button down and black slacks
he leads you to the blanket set out and hands your flowers
"(Y/N), you know I'm not good with emotions but I wanted to show you that I cared. I might now be able to understand but I can still listen."
so that's what he did
he listened to you talk for almost an hour as you went from ranting about your troubles to rambling about your favorite things
you somehow found yourself with your head in his lap, hands waving around as you explained the way airplanes worked
he just sat, admiring you
and he just listened
He lives because I said so
this boy is literally one of the softest human beings on the earth
you better believe he can see right through your little charade
so what does he do?
he does ever little thing that's ever made you happy
doesn't matter how big or small
he's just looking to make you smile
because it hurts his heart to see you upset
will literally show up outside your class with one of your favorite snacks in his hands
or will hand you your essay completely finished so you can spend time sleeping instead of writing
doesn't matter what it is
this boy LIVES for you
so one day you're having a particularly rough day and you find yourself waiting outside Cedric's class
when he spots you, he immediately ditches his friends and makes his way over to you
the bags under your eyes are evident and anyone could tell from a mile away that your literally on the verge of exhaustion
Cedric takes your hands and leads you to the prefects' bathroom
he leaves you to do your thing, promising he'd be there when you finished
when you were done, the two of you made your way to his dorm and you laid together
you started talking out of the blue and Cedric being the admiral man he is
when you finished ranting, you realized you had gotten up and started pacing about halfway through
you groaned and put your face in your hands as you sat back down
Cedric was not having it
he pried your hands of your face and littered it in kisses instead, a message of encouragement in between each one
you're so kind
you're smart
you're crazy good at transfiguration
you make me happy
I love you
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papergirllife · 4 years
I'll Be Your Home
Chapter 12 of Chasing The Flames
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*gif credits to owner
When Jaemin decided to tend to his drunk boyfriend, it was too late. Jeno had just confessed his feelings for you. He looked on at the hallway, your back was facing his, so you didn’t know he was standing right there, watching the tension filled scene unfold before his eyes.It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but what other way to solve this now than to just wait for your reaction?
Y/N backed away from Jeno at what he just said, he could see a bit of her eyes, they were displaying a hint of shock and disbelief, her lips parted, speechless. She finally noticed Jaemin, her eyes tearing up at his sight. Jaemin was going to try to explain himself, but his reactions are still slow from Jeno and Y/N’s sudden confrontation of feelings.Y/N walked up to Jaemin in quick hurried steps, eyes barely looking at Jaemin.
“I’m sorry for everything, I’ll go now.”
Y/N ran past Jaemin, seconds later a loud bang of the door could be heard. When Jaemin finally registered what had happen, he ran to the door, only to notice you boarding the bus that had just arrived. He ran towards the bus reaching your window, only to notice the bus starting its engine, beginning to drive away.
Jaemin desperately banged at your window, mouthing the words ‘I like you too’ over and over, he noticed your expression changing when you finally looked at him, he could see your brows being furrowed, your lips mouthing something, but he couldn’t tell what it meant as the bus picked up speed, sending you away form him.
Jaemin walked back to their dorms, head hung in sadly, his lips were down turned. He walked back into his own room, only to see Jeno silently crying on thier bed. Even though he felt bad, he figured Jeno could be feeling even worse. Jaemin wrapped his arms around Jeno, head dipped into the crook of Jeno’s neck.
“It’s going to be okay, Jeno ah. She’s just in shock, give her some time.”
“I fucked it all up, Jaem. She’s going to hate me.”
“No she isn’t, she’s way too kind to do that. Just wash up and get some sleep, okay? I’ll call in sick for you tomorrow, you’ll need to rest or you’ll get distracted at work.”
Jeno only nodded, his eyes closed, but mind wandering back to that scene, wishing it had never happened.
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When I got back, the first thing I did after shutting the door was breaking down behind it. Why did I say that? I could still see the disappointment on Jeno’s face when I rejected him. Was it wrong? What about Jaemin? Did he mouth the words ‘I like you too’ or was it my tears blurring my eyes? My head and heart hurts, I don’t know what to do. What if I’m the reason they’re breaking up if they do? Even if they don’t, I’ll be a wedge in their picture perfect relationship.
I picked myself back up from the floor, footsteps heavy as I dragged my body to wash up for the day with all my remaining will power. Before going to sleep, I called in sick for work for the next three working days, making up a food poisoning excuse.
The next few days consisted of me being numb of all feelings, whenever I ate, I hurled everything out again. Tears staining my face as I was perched in front of my toilet bowl. I don’t know how long this could go on, empty stomach and sleepless nights. I could feel my anxiety levels rising back to the time I was still in high school, the social life there that took a toll on me was also the reason I chose to travel all the way to Seoul, my clean slate.
Would I need to run away again?
Calling Jaemin and Jeno worried was an understatement. These past days, they had a problem practicing the collaboration stage with the 127 hyungs, but they pulled through it, with the encouragements from Jaehyun and Jungwoo who are rather close with Jeno and Jaemin. The other dreamies however, have been stressed over their feelings even yours as days pass and still had no sign of you at work, the projects they had known you were going to participate in were substituted by other staffs.
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They had tried calling you multiple times, Chenle tried going to your place behind their backs, but was stopped by Renjun when his plan was accidentally spilled by the all too clumsy Jisung. Renjun said you needed time to think, and that barging on your doorstep would be the last thing you wanted. Although they understood what Renjun was saying and abided by his words, they couldn’t help but to miss you. Other than Jeno and Jaemin being so smitten by you, your personality gave their dorms a sense of homey warmth, the others missing your bubbly presence as well.
It has been two weeks, and still no sign of you. Jaemin was starting to think that you had quit, until he asked Mr Kang of your situation and he had only said that you had went on a holiday after non stop of work those past months, confusion written on his face when Jaemin hadn’t known about it, many staffs were aware of how the dreamies enjoyed your company.
“I think it’s time the two of you talk it out with her.”
Renjun said this in the middle of them having dinner, Jeno having noodles in his mouth, making him choke on his ramyun.
“We don’t even know where she went.”
Jaemin recalled his conversation with Mr Kang, remembering you still had a few days of leave left.
“She’s at home. I check up on her from time to time, but she doesn’t know that, so be careful not to mention that.”
They knew Renjun and you were close, but they didn’t know you were like a sister to him. This just makes Jeno feel guiltier, he fucked up so bad but not once any of his members blamed it on him, not even the usually hot tempered Renjun.
Jaemin was nervous when he was getting ready to meet you that morning. He was always confident, when he first debuted and won the hearts of many nctzens, when he shamelessly pursued for his best friend turned boyfriend Jeno, even when he had hurt his leg he was confident he would’ve been fine. But the Jaemin reflecting back on the mirror was jittery, his teeth chewing on his bottom lip.
Jeno was in no better shape, but the two of them had cleaned and dressed up well to see you, switching out their days old sweats. The two of them had decided to walk to your place, since it isn’t that far away from their dorms. They had picked up a bouquet of flowers from the old lady’s stall by the park near your home.
Jaemin’s hand felt heavy as he reached up to knock three times against your door, hoping for the best.
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I should’ve checked to see if it was the delivery man before swinging my door open, I must look like shit now, not having good sleep for days, drinking, I don’t even remember when I last combed my hair, thank goodness I bathed today.
“Jeno, Jaemin...
“Can we talk?”
“I don’t know if there’s anything to talk about.”
Even speaking to them felt like my throat was constricting on its own.
“I think you do, but I’m willing to speak first if you want.”
Jaemin was gentle, the way he carefully picked his words before he spoke them. Jeno was silent, eyes avoiding mine, cheek in teeth. This is all my doing, I thought it would’ve been for the better, to not get involved, to just react the right way, but is the right way always correct?
I went to the kitchen to pour them water with my shaky hands as they sat down on the couch, when I sat down in front of them, their attentive eyes looked up as mine went down to look at a spec of dust on my floor.
“Y/N, I don’t know if you realised, but you were never at fault for anything, Jeno and I aren’t in a fight, and both of us are interested in you, not only Jeno.’
“We like you Y/N, I know this sounds very weird to you, and it’s not everyday you’d hear something like this, but both of us agreed to like you, okay wait this sounds fucked up.”
Jaemin was running his hands through his hair as the gears in his head turn, just as yours was spiraling into a heap of messy thoughts. Jeno, who was silent ever since he came in, spoke up.
“Y/N, we’re both bisexual, and when I first saw you, I was really frustrated with myself, I thought I only liked men, because I was never attracted to the women in the company, even when Jaemin made me confront my own identity, I was angry. I might be wrong, but maybe you’re in denial as well. The times we spent together, you and me, you and Jaemin, all three of us, those times felt so right,, don’t you think?”
Jeno reached forward to hold your hands in his, his thumb tracing shapes on your knuckles, his fingers loosening up your tensed ones, his eyes gentle, far from the ones that were full of charisma on stage. I swallowed down the rock that was caught up in my throat and started to speak.
“You want us to date? As in all three of us in one relationship?”
“It’s called a polyamorous relationship, but only if you’re comfortable with it, we don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for. But the real question should be, do you like both of us, Y/N? Have you ever thought about it?”
“It’s the one thing that keeps me up at night. How can I like both of you? Is that natural?”
I could feel the tears threatening to escape once more as I recalled the many times I thought of myself as a freak, a greedy bitch, a homewrecker, and many other ugly things.
“Y/N, calm down. Look at me, it’s alright, Nana’s here, no one’s judging you, and there’s nothing unnatural about what you’re feeling, feelings can’t be defined as normal or not. And to be honest, I’ve grown to not bother to define them as I grew up. Isn’t it better to always follow your heart? Just like how the fairy tales teach us, instead of what this cruel society spews on the internet?”
Jaemin was kneeling in front of me, his hands cupped both mine and Jeno’s, his eyes full of sincerity, just like his words. I looked at Jeno, his eyes looking into mine as he gives me a supportive smile along with a slight squeeze. The reasons why I fell for them are evident as I take in their caring expressions and words. This small little house suddenly feels more like a home then it ever has.
“Okay, I won’t beat myself over it anymore. and if I do, will the two of you be there for me?”
“Of course.”
Jaemin reaches up to gently wipe away a tear that escaped the corner of my eye.
“So is that a yes? You’ll be in a relationship with us? We’ll take it slow, I promise, no rushing.”
Jaemin asked as his eyes scan my reaction, Jeno looking silently, praying for my approval.
Jaemin reaches out to hug me, his warm embrace lasted short however, when Jeno pulled him off of me.
“We agreed to take it slow, Jaemin.”
Jaemin immediately went back to his seat, a guilty look on his face.
“Sorry Y/N.”
“It’s alright, you can hug me. Come here Jeno, Jaemin.”
The two boys hugged me so tightly, I had to remind them to not squeeze me to death. Even though this was not how I planned my first relationship to be like, I don’t want it any other way, as my cheeks start to get sore from all the sudden smiling.
Jeno and Jaemin after facing so many difficulties and set backs, finally won your heart, as their arms wrapped around you, not wanting to ever let you go.
There would probably have other problems that they’re going to have to face, but they’ll never be alone.
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*Guys, this is the end of Chasing The Flames. Thank you to everyone who read this series, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever wrote, and I know that many of you may wonder why I didn’t write about their first date or something before I ended this series, it’s because I think it’s time to say goodbye to this work of mine, it’s been almost a year I think. The good news is that you can always request for scenarios from this story, like their first kiss, date, fight, or even smut. Lastly, I would like to thank all of you once again, for supporting me along this journey, thank you.🥰
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precious-whumps · 4 years
a rokka no yuusha/braves of the six flowers whump summary
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hey all, i didn’t know there was such a thing as whumplr until recently. my excitement is immeasurable and my day is made, and i thought it’d be fun to join the community with this offering~
i see that y’all know about rokka and gif the boy a lot, but it seems like most don’t even know about anything that came after the anime. i was so obsessed with the characters and the story that i purchased the light novels and was not disappointed — at least on the whump front. the books are kinda pricey since barnes and noble was the only retailer i found that had it and the author never continued after volume 6, so if you happened to want to know the whumpy details, i’ve got them for you right c’here.
be warned though! there’s major spoilers from this, not limited to the identity of the seventh and the climax to the first (lol only...) main conflict since context, at least for me, adds everything to the moment. i also don’t have the books with me, so the descriptions here are just off the top of my head. small plot details might be wrong. once i get my books out of storage, i’m happy to post excerpts if anyone’s interested in that :)
alrighty so vol 2 picks up right after the end of the anime. the braves make it into the howling vilelands (book translation, i can’t remember what they called it in the anime), but they’re soon accosted by tgurneu. adlet has this spike thing with crystallized saint blood on the tip. after some desperate fighting and help from hans and mora, he manages to get close enough to stab tgurneu with it. the beautiful dumbass just stands there though, watching, waiting for that sweet sweet vengeance. tgurneu looks up at him and says, “are you seriously trying to kill me?” then, lightning fast and with inhuman strength, he punches adlet square in the face. the hit fractures his skull, knocking him out instantly, and sends him flying into the woods. he rolls and hits a tree i think. fremy screams for him :’c
mora gets to him first. i definitely remember that she feels his neck for breaks. it might have been my imaginings, but i’m pretty sure she pulls his arm across her shoulder and carries him in a semicircle around tgurneu who hasn’t died yet. hans comes up and takes adlet from her, saying he’ll get everyone to the next checkpoint which is a cave that has a special protective barrier the saint of the single flower made however long ago it was. he runs with both adlet and chamo (who’s been poisoned) on his shoulders all the way there. tough kitty. the others catch up eventually ‘cause they were dealing with more fiends attacking them and having trust arguments with each other, fremy and mora specifically with fremy ending it by outright saying that she’s worried about adlet. at the cave, they’ve laid him down by the spring, and mora heals him with the power of the mountain since bones aren’t rolonia’s forte. he’s still unconscious for a few more hours, until evening i think. she notes his resilience when he wakes up.
this volume also introduced me to the joys of hans whump..he gets my absolute favorite kind here. it’s revealed that tgurneu got to mora some years before, threatening to murder her young daughter if she doesn’t kill “at least one brave.” but she’s smart and dedicated, so she recruited rolonia, trained her to be both a strong enough fighter to be chosen as a brave, but also to be an insanely powerful healer too, because mora’s plan is to kill a brave to free the daughter but then immediately have rolonia resurrect them. she’d decided to use adlet since he was both healthy (had the best chances of being revived) and the easiest for her to deal with (lol), but there’s a hiccup in her attempt to separate him from the group. she ends up with hans instead because he sensed something was fishy, wanted to scope the situation out himself. it’s too late to fix it, so she fights her little heart out with him, finally managing to get a solid, heavy punch to his chest, stopping his own heart. she collapses from the licks he got on her and has to drag herself to his body. she pricks his jugular, all the while rolonia’s freaking out cause she wasn’t in on the plan, and the rest of the team swarms them. mora just yells at rolonia to pump hans’ spilled blood until his heart starts up again even as the others are yelling at her, believing she’s the seventh. i think adlet gathers the situation a bit and kneels by hans’ side across from rolonia, asks her if she needs him to do anything. i don’t remember the dialogue exchange, i just know that he’s holding hans as he comes back to life, and the poor guy, this hardened, i-ain’t-scare-of-no-things assassin, touches his neck where he was pricked, then starts screaming from the realization that he was dead. i love it. i’m so unbelievably salty we didn’t at least get the second season for this scene alone.
oh i also remember a flashback scene from when adlet met rolonia on atro’s mountain, it might’ve been in this book. it was one night, after a long day of struggling just to get nowhere with his training, he lamented that he was born a man, meaning he could never be a saint and have the power he needed to get revenge for his village. rolonia had her own issues at the time too, mainly that she didn’t want to be a saint, so the two ended up sobbing together all night.
vol 3 didn’t have a whole lot of…anything really. it was mostly goldov’s backstory (he takes a beating, i think, with nashe by his side for a little bit while he’s recovering) and the braves running around in circles like idiots trying to find nashetania. she loses her arm *shrug*. i guess i can say this one was important since it was showing the first signs of adlet’s strong man veneer cracking. boy’s getting stressed out by this whole leadership thing.
vol 4 also didn’t have much physical whump, but the emotional is pretty nice. it’s actually my fave in the series because it made me cry ;-;
the braves push deeper into the vilelands and come across the ruins of human villages. now, there’s a fiend with the special ability to implant parasites into the brain stem of humans and control them. they can still be ‘alive’ even after they should be dead, like this small army of zombies have long since starved to death, but their minds are sort of still there. and one of them just so happens to be adlet’s childhood friend rainer, the kid that he thought died with his sister. rainer heard information from the fiends that he knows the braves need, so most of the book is him trying find a way to tell them. he’s not able to until the very end as he’s lying in the woods, dying for real and singing a song from their village because it’s the last thing he can think of. he sort of recognizes adlet, saying, “you look like someone i know,” just before he’s gone. hans tells adlet it’s okay to cry if he needs to, and he’s all, ‘no i’m fine, we need to go.’ he takes a few steps away then stops and says, “actually, hold on,” then “presses his face to a tree trunk and weeps.”
vol 5…i gotta admit, i honestly don’t remember this one very well. adlet gets “beat to a bloody pulp,” but i can’t visualize it since some of the plot was hard to follow, and he’s honestly had worse already so i was barely registering it. the braves suspect him again of being the seventh, and real evidence comes forth showing that he likely is, and fremy tries to kill herself to protect the braves? like it’s just a big dramatic thing. so it’s kinda half revealed that tgurneu, who ~somehow~ still isn’t dead, has some kind of control over adlet involving ~the power of looove~, and it’s starting to be more clear that he has an unnatural compulsion to protect fremy. so like, yeah, he’s having to do a bunch of shit to stop her from killing herself, stop the braves from trying to help her with that, and stop them from suspecting him. i think fremy shoots him in the leg? i legitimately cannot recall. i do remember that he finally manages to craft a lie that convinces them that hans is the seventh and that fremy doesn’t have to kill herself, that her death might actually hurt them. she’s kneeling on the ground for some reason, he runs over to her, just stands there again looking at her, asks if she’s okay. she feels bad about him being injured and gently places her hands on his torso to keep him steady. it’s a super sweet image to me, yeet. he drinks some potion thing goldov uses to keep pain at bay with the warning that he’ll “be in hell once it wears off.” that’s all i got for this one, sorry >.<
and finally vol 6. it’s fully revealed that yeah, tgurneu is mind controlling him to love fremy so that she can fulfill her engineered purpose (she wasn’t aware of it. she’s such a brilliant, sweet girl, i love her so much), which is to drain the magic from the braves’ crests while they’re in the vilelands. of course, this will kill them as soon as the protection from the land’s poison is gone. so adlet’s for sure the seventh but he never knew it until now (or he didn’t accept it, i think he did realize it back in 5). his entire life was manipulated for this scenario. most of his POV in the book is his mental breakdown dealing with all of this. like he tries to force himself to stop loving fremy and being willing to betray his friends and destroy the world for her, but he just can’t shake the control, making him cry again from the stress.
at some point, he and hans are cornered by tgurneu’s special forces. they’d reverted to enemies after the previous book’s shenanigans but when hans realizes what’s going on in adlet’s head, he feels bad for him. adlet doesn’t do much fighting, leaving hans to deal with it. “not an inch of his skin is clean of blood” as this fight goes on. later, to keep adlet from causing any problems, tgurneu has one of the big fiends swallow him. he’s stuck in there a good while with its weird prehensile organ cinched around his throat and the potion wearing off.
finally towards the end with the rest of the braves coming to the rescue, he finds the will to escape and attack tgurneu, thanks to some clever situation-manipulation by mora once again.
a good slash to hans’ gut takes him out. adlet holds him again for a minute before chamo has one of her swamp fiends also swallow him for safe keeping lol.
oh i should probably mention that the prologue for this one showed a younger adlet still in training with atro. he’s told to ‘surprise me or gtfo’ because up to this point, he’s shown zero promise or skill, relying only on his need for vengeance. this is when he’s first given the saint blood spike, and it’s also shown that this was when the love spell took effect - a dream about a girl he doesn’t know but wants to protect at all costs. he has to figure out how to use the weapon in a way that no fiend would see coming. so he holds it up and stabs his own chest.
now back to his final battle with tgurneu. he conveniently had two spikes only, used one already that didn’t work because tgurneu is actually a fig-tree thing that controls any fiend that like..vores him, so the saint blood only killed his meatsuit before (he’s now in a large bird-like one). adlet knows he won’t get another lucky stab in, so he lets tgurneu rip his stomach open. he slips the crystal from the second spike into the wound, then grabs tgurneu by the face. his now toxic non-saint blood bubbles up into his throat. tgurneu, ridiculous fool that he is, can only watch dumbfounded as adlet pries his beak open and spits a mouthful of that blood into him. it reaches the fig portion of his body, killing the new meatsuit and forcing him to retreat. he’s helpless like this. adlet only has to go pick him up, tear the fruit-body apart to reach the fiend’s core. adlet stands there, holding the core in his palm. it’s occurring to him that everything he’s become is about to be gone because the love spell was the only reason he became the strongest man in the world. then he crushes the core and collapses, half dead.
fremy goes to him and tries to treat his wounds, but his blood burns her hands. the fiend army is still bearing down on them, so she wraps him in her cloak and carries him on her back herself to the next safe zone. at some point, he wakes up a little bit while they’re still running. his mind is so scrambled, and he feels an indescribable terror that knocks him back out. five hours pass, and when he wakes up to the others arguing about what they should do with him, he finds that he doesn’t feel anything for fremy anymore. he looks at her sitting next to him, says her name like three times, but he can’t summon back that love he felt so strongly.
hans is just in the background sleeping off the second healing session he must’ve had with rolonia. everyone’s pretty worn to the bone.
and that’s basically it. there’s cliffhanger plot stuff that i’m sad i’ll probably never see developed further. oof not to mention the destruction of adlet’s character and his romance with fremy. i can only assume yamagata-sensei intended to rebuild it in the next arc considering tgurneu truly believed that adlet’s capable of achieving the impossible. but yeah, i’ll compile some excerpts for y’all when i can xx
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