#because it's never too early for christmas music
mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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pseudowho · 9 months
Post-ShibuyaAU! Grey Nanami Kento...
🎄Christmas Headcanons
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
As an accompaniment to my story, Grey (link here); an AU where Nanami survives Shibuya exploration because I'm never going to be over his loss.
Merry Christmas, from Haitch, @silkspunweb and Greynami
Part 1 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Part 2 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Warnings: Severe injury (burns, eye loss), PTSD, alcohol use, depression, light smut, angst, AU headcanons
Before he met you:
AU!Nanami Kento who is barely holding himself together on the first Christmas after the Shibuya Incident, healed but not.
AU!Nanami Kento who spends most of his December evenings drinking himself to sleep, in a sleepy haze on the sofa while Christmas specials run quietly in the background.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts hunting Curses of his own jurisdiction, losing track of the days as he sweeps from case to case, kill to kill, nobody's servant.
AU!Nanami Kento who finds a family home and all of its corpses while he's on the hunt for a Curse; stepping over the bloodied threshold, shoes crunching on stained broken glass, he only realises it's Christmas Eve by the stockings hung out and the little broken bodies of their owners beneath them.
AU!Nanami Kento who cries himself to sleep.
AU!Nanami Kento who works through Christmas despite being ill, trying to numb his fear and loneliness, isolated but unable to ask for help.
AU!Nanami Kento who ends up in Shoko's care again; not taking care of himself, not sleeping, and not eating, so a cold grows into an infection and he welcomes in the New Year in a feverish daze in a Jujutsu High hospital bed.
AU!Nanami Kento who declines all visitors, the curtains pulled round his bed.
AU!Itadori Yuuji, Ino Takuma and Gojo Satoru, who leave Kento's gifts by the door for Shoko to collect.
After he meets you:
AU!Nanami Kento who would have planned to keep his head down and keep working, ignoring the Christmas lights and music...if not for you, so excited as the holiday approaches, making his heart swell.
AU!Nanami Kento who grasps your joy with both hands, clinging desperately to the hope for a happier life.
AU!Nanami Kento who lets you know he's ready to partake, by quietly sending his Christmas playlist to you. You never mention it, but begin a silent exchange of each adding new songs to the playlist. Kento hears you giggling in the kitchen as he adds a new one while brushing his teeth.
AU!Nanami Kento who looks at Jujutsu High, and all of its orphaned, abandoned or lonely children.
AU!Nanami Kento who kisses you back into the sofa cushions when you give him an unequivocal yes to his cautious Christmas Day Grand Plan proposal, with you, laughing and squeaking as he nuzzles with glee into your pyjama collar.
AU!Jujutsu High Staff and Kids, who begin to receive lovingly handwritten Christmas Day invitations from Kento and you.
AU!Nanami Kento who brushes off any offers of compensation from those who accept his invitation- and everybody accepts. Just bring yourself, he insists.
AU!Nanami Kento who doesn't take a mission for weeks; he's far too busy making lists, ensuring everyone attending has gifts to open, making recipe and aesthetic Pinterest boards and sharing them with you. Your evenings are spent toe-to-toe on the sofa, feet affectionately rubbing against each other's, discussing recipes and decorations.
AU!Nanami Kento whose love for you only grows when you throw yourself wholeheartedly into making preparations with him. You take up crochet; Kento becomes a plant dad, keen for his home to look more homely.
AU!Nanami Kento who sets his alarm early on Christmas morning, only to find you've beaten him to it and are already in the kitchen. He can't resist sneaking up on you, and you shriek in a puff of flour when he picks you up from behind, spinning you and popping you up onto the counter, scarred face blowing raspberries into your chest as you hit at him with a wooden spoon.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts the Christmas playlist, spinning you round the living room for just one song; there's just so much to do.
AU!Nanami Kento who bakes the gingerbread and pastries while you prepare the dinner, flicking flour and potato peelings at each other as you sing along (badly) to Christmas music.
AU!Nanami Kento who has a momentary pang of anxiety about his scars and eye patch, before you hand him the ugliest Christmas jumper he's ever seen in his life. He looks at you in disgust, but his face breaks into a smile as you step out in your matching jumper.
AU!Nanami Kento who struggles weakly as you pin him against the wall, pulling his cardigan off him and replacing it with the jumper. He struggles a little harder when you replace his eyepatch with a Christmassy one.
AU!Nanami Kento who can barely reach the Christmas tree light switch, for all the presents stacked around it.
AU!Nanami Kento who is overjoyed when people begin pouring through the door, shedding coats and scarves, bearing gifts of food, drinks, and board games, with Inumaki bringing his whole carefully packed games console.
AU!Nanami Kento whose home is suddenly, overwhelmingly full of love, laughter and merriment, watching you ensure everyone has drinks and snacks while he finishes dinner. Being in the kitchen makes it easier to hide that he's tearing up a bit.
AU!Nanami Kento whose dining table ends up too small to hold all of the people, so it holds the food instead, and the people find perches on chairs, the floor, footstools, in a giant Christmas picnic.
AU!Nanami Kento who is too full-up to move...but never too full to thrash Inumaki and Yuuji at Mario Kart.
AU!Nanami Kento who gives Maki some more burn ointment and a short one-armed squeeze, while she and Yuuta warm up the mulled wine in the kitchen.
AU!Nanami Kento who is just so bad at charades.
AU!Nanami Kento who almost weeps with laughter watching you, Nobara and Megumi play Twister after too much to drink.
AU!Nanami Kento who has left mistletoe above an unreasonable amount of doorways, starting a drunken cheek-kissing competition between the party attendees. Takuma Ino is winning, ambushing all passers-by in the bathroom doorway, male or female.
AU!Nanami Kento who was, of course, happy for Yoshino Junpei to bring his mother too; she spends the evening smoking and laughing by a garden firepit with Shoko, while Junpei, Yuuji and the others begin an irresponsible arm wrestling competition.
AU!Maki who wipes the floor with everyone.
AU!Nanami Kento who spirits you away to a dark, quiet nook, peeking round the corner before pulling the cupboard door closed, kissing you deeply and sinking his fingers into your hair to the distant sounds of revelry, which might as well be a hundred miles away.
AU!Nanami Kento who, to his surprise, welcomes Satoru as a late attendee. There is a quiet exchange at the door, before Kento allows Satoru to pull him in for a hug. Just one. It's Christmas after all.
AU!Nanami Kento who must accept many more hugs before the night is over, everyone overjoyed by their gifts.
AU!Nanami Kento who chokes up a little bit when he opens his first present from you; a tie, identical to his leopard print one lost at Shibuya. Found it on eBay, you insist as he pulls it on over his Christmas jumper to applause.
AU!Nanami Kento who waves everyone home with you, snuggled beside him under one arm, until the house is finally quiet and still, the love still remaining in every nook, every cobweb, every scrap of wrapping paper.
AU!Nanami Kento who curls up on the sofa with you, warm and whole under a blanket, until the kisses get deeper and hands start wandering-- let's get to bed, he insists, discarding your Christmas jumpers on the floor.
AU!Nanami Kento who has finished off Christmas in the very best way (in his humble opinion); in between your legs, gazing at you in unadulterated adoration as you whisper your love to him in the lamplight.
AU!Nanami Kento who reaches over you into his bedside drawer, just before sleep washes over you; just one more gift, he hushes behind your ear, and your heart leaps into your throat as his fingers unfold in front of you, to reveal a single tiny square box.
Merry Christmas, you beautiful little sausages.
-- Haitch xxx
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dadvans · 3 months
chick flick moments (bucktommy)
[i can’t stop thinking about tommy’s favorite movie being Love, Actually.]
Tommy hasn’t really talked or seen his family in roughly twenty years. His firefighting career has never been enough, if they were ever keeping tabs, to make up for his dishonorable discharge. And honestly, it’s been fine with him. His family has always been the suffocating kind of conservative and earning their love stopped being a hill he would choose to die on for longer than they’ve been radio silent.
Someone is keeping tabs though, or maybe the news of his recent heroics have a broader reach than he thought, because a few months after getting a medal for the cruise liner disaster response, someone reaches out. Tommy is hesitant to engage because he’s pretty happy without them in his life, but maybe at first it was a cousin or uncle, but that’s followed by one of his sisters trying to get into contact, followed by his mom, followed by his dad. And they’re persistent. Maybe they do want to make amends. And maybe he doesn’t need his blood family but there’s that tiniest part of him left that still wants that connection.
This is how he gets suckered into the most miserable Christmas dinner of his life. It’s not actually Christmas, it’s a few days before when the whole clan can get together, and it’s just as claustrophobic and awful as ever, every word spoken saturated in judgment and triple meanings that Tommy long since has lost the muscle to withstand.
Evan had wanted to come with him, said a whole bunch of shit about how they were PARTNERS, and how it could not be nearly as bad as his own parents were, but Tommy’s extended family holiday dinners are like a Los Angeles Miserable People convention crowded between the dining room and kitchen tables, and Evan’s still licking some wounds after surviving Gerrard’s brief yet nightmarish tenure back at the 118, maybe next time. This first round Tommy needs to do solo. So, Evan drops him off around the corner in the afternoon with a promise to come pick him up later that night.
Evan checks in with him pretty frequently, sending him stupid videos and things he finds on the internet, but Tommy gets hit immediately by some pretty barbed comments about being a grown man on his phone who doesn’t give a shit about the olive branch he’s being offered, so he stops checking so much.
Finally, halfway through too many glasses of wine and an early evening roast that make his memories of MREs seem like a pleasant dream, his phone starts going off pretty insistently. It’s Evan.
The doorbell is about to ring and i need you to be the one to answer it.
Well, that’s worrisome. He’s pretty close to the hallway though, so he types back: ok.
The doorbell rings. He shoves away from the table, waving everyone else back down. “I’ll get it.”
Evan is at the door. He has his phone out with a little plug-in speaker, and oh God, a stack of cue cards—
Unbelievable. “What are you doing.”
Evan enthusiastically hits play on his phone and as tinny Christmas music starts to play, holds up the first card: TELL THEM IT’S CAROLERS
He shakes his head. “Evan, even if they believed me, they would probably love that and would come check it out.”
“Tommy, who’s at the door?” His uncle calls from the dining room.
Tommy rolls his eyes and shouts back, “Planned Parenthood asking for donations!”
“Tell ‘em were eating dinner and to get the fuck out of here!”
Tommy looks at Evan pointedly, eyebrows raised, hands in pockets as if to say: well?
Evan flips to the next few cue cards:
“Evan,” Tommy says, softening.
Evan fumbles the cards to the hand holding his phone to pull something out of his back pocket, a piece of paper he gives Tommy, before flipping to the next card: I MADE THIS RANSOM NOTE IF YOU NEED TO BE KIDNAPPED flip AND WE CAN GET OUT OF HERE
It’s easily the stupidest grand gesture anyone’s ever directed at Tommy. He looks over the piece of paper, words threateningly put together cut out from Evan’s copies of Food & Wine and Men’s Health. He nods to himself, smiling, then looks up at Evan who is cheesing back.
“Yeah,” he says, feels for his phone and wallet in his pocket, before dropping the paper to the welcome mat and stepping outside, ready to escape back home to the only family he needs.
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
Neighbor Pt. 4 - Christmas Edition
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt Murdock dreaded Christmas until she gave him a new meaning to it.
Words: about 2.3k
Genres: FLUFF, light angst
A/N: Merry Christmas Eve!!! <3
Part 3
The holidays were finally here, and Matt Murdock was dreading them.
He used to love Christmas. Before his accident, he remembered waking up at three in the morning to the sound of his father wrapping gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve. Yeah, his father had a match on Christmas Eve one year, and Matt was disappointed when he told him he had to stay home. He watched the match on their old TV, lights on the Christmas tree twinkling behind him, blood splattering on the camera as Battlin’ Jack Murdock knocked out his foe. Matt sauntered off to bed after that, passing the tree with missing presents, not giving a damn because the greatest gift he could have was watching his father win on TV. But Matt remembers that crinkling noise of tape on wrapping paper and the growing excitement in his chest that his father did get him a present. 
After the accident, and after his father was murdered, Christmas started to feel less warm and more of a thing to get by. The only time he ever felt anything close to how he did before was going to mass. Even mass started to lose its lure as he got older and understood the heartache that came with Christmas, mostly from prayers—prayers only he could hear because of his senses. Parents prayed to God for a Christmas miracle to afford gifts, and orphaned children prayed for someone to adopt them in time for the holiday. 
Christmas hasn’t been the same for Matt for a long time. He still attended mass at his old church, said hello to Father Lantom and the sisters who practically raised him, and continued to carry that heaviness in his heart that’d been growing since he was a kid. It will never go away. 
It was worse living in Hell’s Kitchen alone. But at least in recent years, he had Karen and Foggy to celebrate Christmas with. Except, this year was different. After years and years of space her father needed, Karen’s dad was finally ready to reconcile with his daughter. She left work early Friday to drive up to Vermont. Foggy was spending Christmas with Marci’s family this year, all the way in South Jersey. This left Matt on his own for Christmas for the first time in years. He didn’t know what he would do. 
Come Christmas, the entire apartment was nearly empty. Everyone had left to go to the country to visit family. Everyone but her. She was alone today as well…soft classical music played from her apartment—she never played music too loud, unlike other tenants. The movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas played in the background, too. And Matt’s mouth started to water and his stomach growled when he smelt gingerbread cookies from her oven. 
To feel closer to her, Matt reached for the latest book in braille she brought him. She said it was one of her favorites: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. Matt was never a big fan of literature, but for her, he could be. While he couldn’t make sense of some metaphors (he blames law school for teaching him to take things very literally) he still appreciated the way authors could write beautifully. And he loved reading what she loved. 
When she tried to explain the allegories and metaphors in the book, Matt joked to her about a book his father used to read to him all the time: The Giving Tree. That was the last book he ever read for pleasure, juvenile and silly as it was. His father read it to him before bed every night. And there it was again, that familiar ache and break in his soul whenever he thought of his father. 
He closed the book and closed his eyes as he let the sounds of the smell of her apartment fill his senses. He longed to be there with her. He longed to say hello. Eventually, he would work up the courage. Eventually, he fell asleep instead.
Matt woke up to a gentle knocking on his door. He shot up on the couch, disoriented, and clicked his phone for the time. It is 6 PM, the automated voice read. Matt felt his heart drop as panic set in. He fell asleep for that long?!
When he listened for the knocks again, he realized it was her at his door. Matt panicked again and ran his hand through his chocolate brown hair, hoping he wouldn’t look like a mess when he answered his door. He cracked his neck and adjusted his shirt as he walked over to answer. He didn’t bother to hone in on his senses to get a feel for what she had with her if there was anything at all. Matt opened the door. 
“Hi Matt,” she said, her voice an octave higher out of nervousness. “Is now a bad time?”
“Oh no,” Matt answered quickly, running a hand through his hair again. “I just—was… I accidentally fell asleep,” he ended up admitting sheepishly. There was no use in lying. 
“No plans either today, huh?” She asked a hint of irony in her tone. Matt huffed out a laugh, ignoring that tugging feeling in his heart. 
“Well, I might attend mass later, since I at least didn’t sleep through that,” Matt answered. “Merry Christmas, by the way.”
“Merry Christmas!” She exclaimed, and it was then that Matt finally noticed she was holding a plate of gingerbread cookies in her hands. “I baked some cookies and thought you’d like some. Some have frosting and some don’t. I wasn’t sure what you preferred.”
“Are you kidding? I don’t discriminate cookies,” Matt smiled, taking the plate from her hands graciously. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” He suddenly felt guilty—he didn’t have anything to offer her. 
“I wanted to,” she shrugged. “You’re the only person here I can share this day with, so why not?” 
Matt smiled softly, wondering why she was celebrating Christmas alone. No family, like him? 
He wasn’t sure what to say now. Well, he knew what he wanted to say… he knew what he wanted to ask. But he wasn’t sure if he had the courage to. 
“Well,” she said, “I’ll leave you to it. I hope you like them,” there was a hint of urgency in her voice like she too was holding something back. Uncertainty. He wasn’t a stranger to it. 
“Hey,” Matt suddenly said, swallowing his pride, his lonesome, his fear. “Would you—if you’re up to it, would you want to join me for Christmas mass? It’s at my old Catholic Church a few blocks down. I could—use some company.”
“Really?” She jumped at the opportunity. Matt’s heart skipped a beat. “Even though I’m not that religious, I could go?”
“Of course,” Matt answered, “they always welcome strangers. It starts at 7:30.”
“Well, okay,” she answered happily, “I'd love to join you.”
“Alright then,” Matt said. “I’ll come by your door at 7. Until then, I might finish this plate of cookies.”
She laughed. He wanted to tell another joke just to hear it again. 
The walk home from Mass was quieter than the way there if that were possible. Perhaps, neither of them was used to being with the other outside the apartment—or maybe, both of them had a lot to say but no idea how to say it. What did Matt want to say?
It’s been a while since he went to mass with anyone. For her to accompany him to something important to him meant the world. She didn’t know how much it meant to him for her to join. Most people groaned at the idea of going to church—but her? She nearly leaped at it. It made him even more curious as to why she was alone on this day, but he would save that question for another time. Right now, he was just grateful. 
She reached in her pocket for the keys to the building. Matt listened closely to her. Her heart was beating slightly faster than normal from walking. She was taking shaky breaths from the cold. When the door finally opened, Matt held it for her to walk in first. He was thankful they didn’t run into any trouble on the way home. 
“I’m not used to the building being this quiet,” she said on the way up the stairs, in an attempt to make conversation. 
“Me either,” Matt said. “I could get used to it, though.”
“I hope I’m not too loud,” she laughed lightly.
“You?” Matt scoffed. “You’re a dream of a neighbor. You drop me off books and now cookies.”
She laughed again, “You save me from bad dates. I guess you’re not bad of a neighbor either.”
When they finally reached their floor, Matt walked her to her door and listened from the outside, just in case. It was quiet, and still. Safe. Safe for her to walk in. She paused at the door, that familiar uncertainty filling her voice again as she spoke. 
“That was beautiful,” she said softly, “the service. It’s been a while since I’ve been to something like that. I forgot how fulfilling it was.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Matt said. “Most people find it boring—which I suppose it can be, but on days like today, I could really use it. It…gets lonely during the holidays.”
“I understand,” she whispered, leaning against her door. She didn’t want to leave him. She didn’t want this to be the end of their night. “I feel the same.” 
“Yeah,” Matt spoke gently. “Thank you for joining me. It means a lot to me.”
“You’re welcome,” she sighed. “Before you go, I do have one last thing for you. Do you want to come inside real quick, before we say goodnight?”
Matt was stunned by her question—it was at that moment he realized he’d been waiting for her to ask it.
“Sure,” Matt tried to sound as calm as possible. She smiled and unlocked her door. 
Matt tapped his cane in front of him to walk inside. If her apartment wasn’t intoxicating enough, being inside was downright exhilarating. A soft vanilla scent wafted through her apartment. There was a suede couch in the living room and a velvet carpet. Matt took a seat on her couch as she sauntered off to her bedroom. Her bedroom…
“Okay,” she softly announced, reappearing in the living room. “Hold out your hands.”
Matt rested his cane on the floor and held out his hands smiling. She sat down next to him, her knee touching his. She placed what felt like a thin rectangle, wrapped in paper, in his hands. 
“You can open it,” she giggled.
Matt began to slowly rip at the present, careful to not completely rip it apart. Whatever he held, it was upside down. Matt flipped it in his hands. It was a book, of course. When he ran his fingers over the cover, his heart nearly dropped in his stomach. 
⠞⠓⠑ ⠛⠊⠧⠊⠝⠛ ⠞⠗⠑⠑
The Giving Tree
Translated in Braille 
The Giving Tree. His childhood book. The last book his father ever read to him. A book he hasn’t picked up in years. 
“I know it’s juvenile,” she began to explain as she saw the utter surprise on Matt’s face, even behind his dark glasses. “But there’s something special about revisiting childhood books. They shaped us. I remember you told me your dad used to read this to you all the time. I thought maybe you’d like to have a new copy in braille.”
Matt was overcome by so many emotions—the thoughtfulness behind her gift, the memories it brought him, the feelings he hadn’t felt since he was a kid—it was all too much, too much for him to pretend like this didn’t impact him. It did. So many things made sense for him at this moment. From being the only two left in this apartment on Christmas, to the book she’s gifted him.
He whispered her name, placing the book in his lap. He didn’t care if his next actions were too forward, it was the only way he could convey what he felt. He took both her hands in his and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles, feeling each bone slowly and the way her fingers melted in his palms. 
“Thank you,” he uttered, choked on emotion. His heart felt too big in his chest. “This means a lot to me. I wish… I wish I could explain it better,” Matt whispered. “I love it. Thank you.”
“Of course,” she whispered in return, surprised at his sudden vulnerability. “I’m happy you like it.”
Suddenly, Matt pulls his hands away from hers, placing them on the cover of the book. A dark expression fell over his face. “I didn’t get you anything. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, Matt,” she laughed, “it’s not about that for me. Your reaction alone was more than I could ever want. And spending this dreadful day not alone for once was the best gift of all.”
She walked Matt to the door. It was getting late and she felt ready to go to sleep. It was an emotionally exhausting day but fulfilling. She only wished it didn’t have to end with her alone. Spending Christmas with Matt was a treat. She didn’t know how badly she needed it. 
Before he was completely outside her door, he turned around and offered a small smile. 
“If you ever get lonely,” Matt began in a voice above a whisper, “Christmas or not… I’m only across the hall.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she smiled, “the same sentiment applies to you, too.”
When she shut her door, Matt waited to hear the click of the lock. He stood for a moment, book in hand, cane in the other, heart on his sleeve. He left a part of himself with her. He wanted her to keep it forever. 
For once, Christmas didn’t feel lonely and it didn’t feel like something he once longed for. There he was, holding a part of his childhood in his hands carefully, while perhaps a glimmer of a future waited on the other side of the door. 
TAGS: @mattmurdocksstarlight @yentroucnagol @danzer8705 @allllium @i-marvel-bitch @mattsgirlsworld @babygrlmurdock @writtenbyred @uncle-eggy
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rexlroze · 6 months
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𝟏 — 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Hobie Brown / SpiderPunk x Fem! Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Use of Y/N, no physical description of reader (other then their clothing), Swearing, Mention of Alcohol, Mention of bugs, Violence/Fighting, and mostly Fluff I think.
A/N: This is my first time EVER writing a proper fanfic so if it sucks. Yeah. Idk- I tried my best tbh and hope y'all like it cuz if not, idk either. I'll be doing a tag list so if you want in, uh. Comment or sumn ig. Leave tips for me to improve in areas you think I need improvement! Also this isn't exactly canon to Earth-138. It's set in the early 2000s cuz no way am I writing for the fucking 1960s or whatever fuckin' year that mf comes from. I don't do requests nor do I plan on doing so. Happy Reading! 💛
Chapter 1 >>> Chapter 2
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Recently, you just moved out of your parents house into a small cozy apartment in the North of London. About 200 miles away from your mummy and daddy dearest.
“No ma, I've already rented out my parlor. 'm not changing my mind at the last minute.” You grumbled into your phone as your mom hounded you with questions about literally everything. Your health, food, water, apartment and your new parlor.
Your new parlor, you were proud to say. You had finally rented out a small shop in Camden which was about a 10 minutes walk away from your apartment.
The only problem was that the area where your shop was grounded, it was in a small narrow area where people barely passed by and only a few residents lived and since you couldn't really afford a better place due to the flies that flew out of your wallet when you opened it and your limited budget, you just had to deal with it.
“Just know, if you ever need anything sweetie, me and your pops are always here.” Your mother reassured you sweetly but you could hear the concern trailing behind her voice.
“Yeah thanks, ma. Love you, and dad.”
“Love you too, sweets. But if you need anything like money, food or even—”
“Ma.” You cut her off abruptly.
“I'll be fine, alright? I love you.”
“We love you too, sweetie.” She finally answered after a second of hesitation.
With that, you hung up the phone. Beeps punctuated the silence hanging in your room before you let out a deep sigh.
You sunk into your bed, looking up at the ceiling. As supportive your parents tried to be, they didn't really trust you with your career choices. The first time you told them you wanted to be a body piercer, they laughed and brushed it off… that was until they figured out you were being 100% serious.
You were grateful they didn't try to stop you, not directly at least because they never failed to mention and suggest a few other paths of careers. They got to the point of getting so desperate that they even suggested acting school but alas, you were as stubborn as a mule.
You got your license around 2 months ago. You can still remember yourself squealing and hopping around in your (old) room like a five year old who just got a puppy for Christmas. You couldn't wait to finally quit your side job (which was being a boring cashier with fake smiles and a faker kindness towards the karens that walked in and ruined your Monday mornings) and start your own little business in London. Your literal dream.
I'll get to work tomorrow. You thought to yourself since it was pretty much late afternoon now, turning the next 3 hours into a continuation of scrolling on your phone, listening to music on blast from the speakers sitting by your desk and knocking yourself out with some cheap bottle of booze that you bought during your ride to your apartment from the airport.
Making your way through the streets of Camden, you didn't fail to see the liveliness of it. People busy with their own lives, friends giggling, children skipping, couples holding hands, staring at one another with heart eyes. 
Something squeezed your heart at the sight of the adorable couple. It reminded you of what you could've had with him if he hadn't… but unfortunately, what life throws at you isn't really under your control no matter how much you wish it could be.
You brushed off the nostalgia quickly and turned a corner, finding your parlor that you had rented about a week ago. You were met by sudden silence. The streets were quiet and empty other then the two teenage boys who were giggling and had run away after when you arrived, disappearing into a narrow alleyway.
You walked to where they previously stood just to see a poster. Specifically a band poster that was vibrant with different colors. A lanky punk boy posed in the middle of the poster with a guitar slung over his shoulder accompanied by three other members.
You couldn't help but get lost in the beauty of said punk boy. Honey-coated eyes that shone back at you, the color complimenting his ebony complexion along with his puffy jet-black hair that were braided into wicks, jawline so sharp that it made you wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers along them.
You shook your head, breaking the love trance you were stuck in. You didn't have time for dating, falling in love or whatever, not that you wanted to either. Your eyes zeroed on the big font at the bottom of the page.
“Spidersica, performing this 9th March at 9:30pm.” You read out loud to yourself. Almost 2 weeks away. Shrugging, you turn back to your shop. You'll decide what to do with that information on a later date.
You twisted the door knob that was attached to the black sleek door with the obscure glass window adorning it. The gold paint was scraping off the knob revealing the silver underneath. Besides that, when you turned the knob, the door didn't budge. You twisted it once more. Nothing. You pushed the door while twisting the knob the third time. Nothing again.
Slamming your body against the door in frustration, making the door burst open and you fall through it onto the cemented flooring. The bell atop the door chimed, swinging back and forth, mocking and taunting you.
Get the door fixed, you made a mental note as you pushed yourself up back onto your two feet. Running a hand over your T-shirt and straightening it.
You scanned the room, eyes roaming over the unused facility. Cobwebs decorating the corners of the roof, dust bunnies waving at you from the floor, old cream wallpaper peeling off the walls revealing the cemented wall beneath, the polluted air making you have a cough fit after you inhaled some dust accidentally.
Unshed tears pricked your eyes as your coughing fit wore off after a little while. “This could use some renovations,” you croaked out to no one in particular as you switched the light switch on.
The light bulb lit up producing a very bright light (brighter than normal) that illuminated the room. At least something works— your train of thought was cut off when the light bulb abruptly exploded.
“Just had to jinx it,” you grumbled, placing your hand onto your face.
You found your way to some curtains beside the door, pulled the long dirty brown pieces of linen apart, revealing a huge window that let the warm sunlight seep in and lighten the dark room. You slid the windows up to let the toxic air out and fresher air in. 
Get the curtains replaced. You noted down somewhere in your brain as you took in the hideous pattern of the curtains.
You walked around the shop, letting your hand trace the long wooden counter that extended from the wall. Dust collecting at your fingertips that you wiped off on your shirt.
Making your way through the shop, you found a recessed door that was fixed into the left wall on the opposite side of the parlor. You gently turned the door knob not wanting to repeat the incident that transpired a few minutes ago. It opened without a fight.
When you peeked your head in, you found yourself in a small closet room. Metal shelves up against both sides of the wall with various random and dirty objects decorating them. The closet was just as filthy as the rest of the shop.
You found boxes, some small, some large sitting at the other end of the closet. That must be the furniture! You think, making your way towards them.
As you pick up one of the boxes carefully, wrapping both arms around the box that was bigger than your own head. You suddenly yelped falling back on your butt, the box falling into your lap.
“Fuck no!” You screeched in horror as you saw a cockroach fly up in the air. “Nononononono.”
You dashed out the closet, almost tripping on your shoe laces that came undone who knows when, slamming the door shut so the pesky rodent wouldn't escape and terrorize the rest of your shop as well. “What the fuck!”
Mental note 3, get pest fucking control. So far, the day was not going as planned.
You released a deep breath pulling your phone out from your back pocket to check for damage. You've never been more grateful for the invention of phone cases in your life. You doubted your phone could bear another crack on it's already kinda-fucked-up screen.
Pocketing your phone once again, your hands rested on your hips. You stared at the floor trying to calm down. “Fuckin’ hell,” you murmured to yourself rubbing your eye with the heel of your palm.
You kicked off your left shoe and turned back to the closet, mentally preparing yourself for the battle your a lifetime.
After fighting for your life and clearing out your closet of any other unpleasantries that may surprise the living Christ out of you, you pulled out your phone and began typing in some to-dos into the notes app. Tile installment, cleaning, probably pipe replacement, a door fix, bulb and wiring replacement, paint, decoration and all that stuff with the budget of five fucking hundred pounds. Just yay.
You left the parlor with determination to accomplish your goal; renovate. You thought as you found your way through the door and back on the streets of Camden.
In a matter of a few hours, you had managed to hire a few mechanics and workers to, one, install marble floorings into the parlor, two, get any pipelines or such fixed, three, get all cracks and crevices in the walls plastered, four, fix the door lock, and fix, rewire and reinstall the lightbulb. All in the cost of four hundred and thirty pounds, and with the seventy pounds left, you could buy the paint, curtains, and other pleasantries as such.
Walking through the appliances stores, your phone on hand as you check off a few to-do boxes. Satisfaction bloomed in your chest to see how much you had done in the matter of a day. 
A small smile spread across your face as you made your way towards the next shop when a sudden boom behind you made you stop in your steps.
Screams fill the air but they're tuned out by the sudden high-pitched ringing in your ears. People passed by you running towards the exit and evacuating while you just stood there, unable to move for some reason when finally, your head snapped towards the chaos to see what everyone was running away from.
Green Goblin. You had seen him on the news whenever you scrolled on your phone for too long or when you scrolled through the TV channels and ended up on the news channel but never did you think you'd see him in real life but if the Green Goblin was here then…
Abruptly, the villainous individual who was flying abounding on his hoverboard and terrorizing everyone in the mall was knocked off by a swift kick. The one who delivered it was quick, you only saw the red and blues colors blurring together. Oh my fucking god, no way.
Slowly, the blurs of color started mashing together into an appropriate form. It's Spider-Punk. THE fucking Spider-Punk. And you were seeing him not through tv, but through your own goddamn eyes.
You watched as the Green Goblin regained his composure and lunged towards Spider-Punk. The two vigilantes participating in a violent game of tango while you stood there wide-eyed and stuck amidst the chaos sitting in the front seat.
It didn't take long for both vigilantes to notice your presence. All at once, a shout broke out from the red masked punk, “move!” when a broken piece of the wall was thrown right in your direction by the one and only Green Goblin. You saw the white's of Spider-Punk's mask widen.
Move. An inner voice in your head screamed. You couldn't. Move, goddamnit! Nothing. It felt as time had slowed down.
The stone piece inches away from your face, ready to smash your skull in when suddenly a silky white rope connected to your side and pulled you towards it. A hand wrapped around your waist and suddenly, now you're in the air.
Your heart thumped in your ears from the sheer amount of adrenaline and fear coursing through you as the two of you swung out the appliance store.
Your arms were subconsciously wrapped around his neck, your face was buried into the curve where his neck met his shoulder. You peeked your head up to see yourself high up in the air, and a glimpse of blurred green chasing the two of you.
You sucked in a shaky breath, you wondered if he could hear how loud your heart pounded, like it was gonna erupt from your chest anytime soon.
You felt heavy air hitting your back when he abruptly turned a sharp corner and now you're sitting on a dumpster in an alleyway who knows where with a vigilante in front of you checking for any major injuries.
“You alrigh’, love?”
It took you a minute to register his words due to the daze but you finally managed to choke out a “I'm fine,” your voice was slightly breathless but you didn't focus on that right now instead, you focused on the individual in front of you. 
You quickly took in his wardrobe. A red spandex bodysuit, spiked mohawk, leather jacket, collar, spikes, nets, guitar, red boots, blue laces— blue laces? well damn…
“Aight, take a breather f'me, lovelie. ‘m gonna go deal w’him, ay? Take care!” He shouted, his voice fading as he ran towards the exit of the alley and swung away before you could manage another response.
What the fuck just happened?
You slowly recovered from the incident that happened just three days ago. An hour long face call with your parents who had seen you on the news swinging around in the arms of Spider-Punk. You lost count after sixteen of just how many times your parents had asked you if you were okay.
You had paid off the workers to get the job done while you were away, now you could only hope they hadn't robbed you and were currently flying to another state with your money.
You didn't have much left to do from your to-do list. The only thing you needed was some paint and furniture. You had ordered the paint (and paid) online, it would be at the door of your parlor in about a few hours. Or at least that's what the notification you gotten had said.
As you were currently laying in bed clicking away on your computer and chewing on the back of a pencil you randomly found in your backpack and an orange sofa that you found in your fridge, something ringed in your head.
The concert, you were supposed to look into it when you got home. Unfortunately, it had pretty much slipped your mind due to your little experience about a day ago.
You clicked away, opening a new tab, “Spi…der…si…ca… baa…nnd.” You pronounced each syllable carefully while you typed away.
Pushing down the enter button, you were met by a white loading screen that led you to another google page. You clicked the first link and found yourself on another website.
“A popular punk band in london with the following members: Karl Morningdew, the bass Guitarist, Riri Williams, the keyboardist and Mattea Murdock, the drumist followed by their BandLeader, Hobart Brown, the guitarist—” Your voice slowly faded out as you saw the image of a familiar punk boy pop up that you had gotten lost in just a few days ago outside of your parlor. “Huh.”
You scrolled through the website until your eyes settled onto the information you were looking for, “Spidersica, publicly performing on the 9th of March.” The information was followed by the location and other necessary details.
“Eh, screw it. I gotta socialize anyway,” you blurted out, clicking off the tab.
After finishing another can of soda, you finally had gotten ready to go back out after locking yourself in your house for the past forty-eight hours. Patting the pockets of your jeans to make sure you had your phone and keys in them, you escorted yourself through the door of your apartment.
You soon find yourself making your way down the three quarter turn stairs and back on the roads looking up in the sky for a particular rebellious masked vigilante.
You didn't know what for, maybe to thank him. Or maybe just curiosity at its finest. You shrugged the thoughts off and continued making your way to the parlor. You didn't have time for a cat and mouse chase where the mouse doesn't even know he's being chased.
After all, you were no one special. Just a normal everyday civilian whom his job was to protect.
Finally arriving at your parlor, it looked a lot less abandoned than it did when you arrived three days ago, the front door opening with ease when you pushed the keys in and twisted the knob which was also replaced. You could tell due to the shining new gold color coating it.
Polished white marble tiles installed in the once cemented flooring. The crevices in the walls were filled out along with the old cream wallpaper removed. An air conditioner was fixed into the wall above the recessed door, a fixed bulb and working electricity.
Those were some major improvements but that didn't change the fact the place was still filthy as fuck.
You sighed and grabbed a broom that rested in the corner of the closet, pulling your headphones over your head and began sweeping away.
After you finished sweeping, you decide to install the new curtains you had bought. They were a dark marengo made of a silky smooth material. As you tried to push the curtains into the metal pole, the bell aloft the door began chiming signifying somebody had arrived, when you turned the door, you were met by a man who stood in a blue-ish uniform, a clipboard in his hand while he tapped the back of a pen on it.
“Uh hello, delivery for Y/N Y/L/N?”
“That would be me.”
“Oh, please just sign here.” He turned the clipboard around to face you, offering you the ballpoint he had.
You walked over, taking the pen from his hand and signed the piece of paper where he had told you to.
He put the clipboard away, taking the pen back from you as he stepped out and came back in with a large box placing it down onto the tile flooring. “G’day, madam.”
He politely bowed his head while you let out a small “thank you” after he tilted his head back up and walked back out the parlor.
You picked up the box that was immensely heavy, probably because of the damn paint cans in them, Sherlock, you had just assumed they most likely were the paints you ordered.
When you turned away, placing the box onto the counter, suddenly the bell chimed once again. You spoke without looking up, “did you forget something, Mr.mailman?”
“Mailman? Hardly.” A familiar angelic voice spoke, making you freeze, Spider-Punk—? You thought as you turned to the voice with wide eyes, but to your surprise. It was someone completely different.
“You good, love? You look like you just seen a ghost.” Honey-coated eyes, ebony complexion, jet-black hair, sharp jawline, is that-?
“Oh my god,” you breathed, “are you Hobart Brown?” your voice was a higher pitch than usual but you couldn't help it. “Oh my god, what are you doing here—” you were abruptly cut off by him.
“Okay okay, I'm gonna cut you off right there, love, first of all. Just call me Hobie. Please.” He chuckled, a small smirk on his face, “and well, second of all, I heard you did piercings, hm?”
“Oh. Uh… okay then, Hobie. Yes. Yeah, I do piercings, why?” Well, that's a stupid question.
“I was wondering if you could do mine, because as you can see, my face is pretty clean.” He smiles softly, pointing to his face that didn't bear any piercings… yet.
“Oh yeah, um. I'm not really open yet—” you cut yourself off at a sudden realization. “Wait, how'd you find me?” You raised an eyebrow, you only remember telling everyone in your circle about the parlor yet.
“Oh, one of my friends told me.”
You raised your eyebrow higher, confusion bubbling in you. “Can I know their name?”
“Yuri.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
Yuri? As in your goddamn BEST FRIEND Yuri?
“Yuri Watanabe?” You asked, expecting a no.
"You know her?"
Of course I know my damn best friend, dumbass! That's what you wanted to say, but instead you held your tongue.
“Well yeah, she's my best friend. We met at a bar back in York.” You didn't know why you were telling him, you didn't even know if you could trust him. After all, he was just a random stranger— sure he was famous or whatever but you still just found out about him like three days ago.
“Huh, I don't think she's mentioned you but nice to meet you, er…?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you too, Hoba- Hobie.” You quickly corrected your small error.
“Y/N.” He looked like he was trying to remember something from a long time ago. Suddenly his eyes lit up, “oh yeah, she has mentioned you a couple times if I think about it.” He gave you a polite smile, “Do you need help? with whatever you're doing?”
“I said do you want help?” He repeated, “seems like you could use some.” He observed, eyes roaming around your unfinished parlor.
“Do… are you looking for something in return?” You were confused by his sudden offer. He had to be wanting something in return, right? I mean, he learned your name like JUST a minute ago.
“Nah, just wanna help you out. Plus, you could prolly use some company, ay?”
“I mean… wait, why would you wanna do that? Aren't you busy with things like… practice or something.”
“Do you want help or not?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes.” You answered with a small voice, biting down on your lip gently.
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @the-kr8tor @hobieszeze @missshelleyduvall
Banner(s) by @/cafekitsune
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the-oblivious-writer · 10 months
Carpenter Sisters Headcanons
Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter
Notes: Just some headcanons of my favorite sisters (aka my beloveds). Wanted to give you something since I've been pretty inactive this month partly due to the Christmas special I'm planning (which is coming soon) I also just love Sam & Tara sm, they will forever live on no matter what
Sam Carpenter
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We should all already know this but, Sam is all the above when it comes to Tara. Big sister? Check. Dad? Check. Mom? Check, check, check
Makes Tara carry around a bunch of self-defense weapons like a taser, pepper spray etc
Texts like an old man. She doesn't know a whole bunch of "text lingo" so Tara uses that to her advantage. She'd text you "Kys" thinking it meant "keep yourself safe" because that's what Tara told her. She definitely uses these emojis: 😂 🙂
Is completely lost when it comes to "slang terms" and abbreviations. Tara: "You ate that Sam." Sam: "Ate what? I'm not even eating." Tara's laughed/made fun of her for it while Sam remains confused
Hates being called Samantha. It reminds her of how her mother would scold and ridicule her. When Tara started calling her Sammy, she couldn't be any happier with the given nickname
Never got Tara's love for Horror growing up, but tried to understand for her. In her opinion, it's illogical how most of the characters act, but Tara likes it so she doesn't mind giving it another try
Definitely introverted. She's more outgoing with people she's comfortable with; Tara, Mindy, Chad. Growing up, she never socialized a lot
Will always set everybody else's plate before her own
The Core Four have game nights and it can get... intense. Let's just say on multiple occasions (whether that was Tara buying her out during monopoly or Chad and Mindy giving her yet another +4 in Uno) she has been extremely close to flipping the table
Could laugh to the point where she's gasping for air, I can imagine her and the Core Four just wheezing over the dumbest things
Definitely had "the world doesn't understand me so I cope by blasting music very loudly in my room, not gaf who I piss off" phase. One of the songs she would blast was Creep by Radiohead (canon event. I can't interfere.)
Tara Carpenter
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Could sleep anywhere, and always sleeping any chance she gets. I'd say she's a night person, and hates being woken up so early in the morning. And I can imagine she's a sleep talker too
Growing up she had a favorite stuffed animal she carried around everywhere with her and refused to sleep without it
She was a thumbsucker growing up, which she was teased for
Never learned how to ride a bike
She's always hated needles. Whenever she was forced to get a shot when she was younger, she refused to take it without Sam being in the room with her. Sam would let Tara squeeze her hand as tightly as she needed to
Cannot drive for shit. I just know this woman is a bad driver, Sam and the others just hold on to dear life and cross their fingers when Tara gets into the driver's seat
Her car is a complete mess, like you'll just find the randomist stuff in there. There's probably no limit to what you could find if you just try hard enough
She wakes up in the weirdest positions and thinks, "How tf did this even happen-"
Bullies kids on roblox (I don't make the rules)
If someone messes with Sam, they better count their days
She can get soo competitive. If she's winning, you'll know. Can get cocky when celebrating, chanting and everything
Her, Chad, and Mindy would put together one of those "performances" when they were little in order to convince Sam to let them stay up late or have a sleep over. Sam said yes every time
Tara's a shark defender. She believes they're extremely misunderstood creatures
A/N: I need a Sam & Tara for Christmas
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
baby, please come home (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
Merry early Christmas! It’s becoming a little tradition for me to write a Christmas one shot with Hotch every year. This year it’s smutty! (You’re welcome) If you don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! And enjoy this one shot full of filth to get you through the end of the year. Love y’all mwah 
Summary: Hotch has been overseas for three months and counting, and now it looks like he won’t be home in time for Christmas.
Warnings: beard!Hotch (yes that’s a warning), mention of marriage, Hotch is a (playful) asshole, smut 18+ only pls minors dni!!!, unprotected p in v (wrap it irl pls i beg), oral (m and f receiving), sleepy sex, cockwarming, lots of teasing, Hotch being pussy whipped as one of y’all said on one of my other fics 🤪
WC: ~3k
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Christmas is your favorite time of year.
You have no idea why, since all your family did on Christmas was bicker and fight when you were younger. You received presents that confused you, like chocolate “coal” in your stocking and underwear under the tree (because you didn’t “believe” enough, apparently).
Somehow, through it all, you made it your own. The twinkling lights, the fun decorations, the music that you can’t ever get enough of. It’s nostalgic, for a time you never really experienced, but wanted to so badly. The happy holidays. The happy family around a warm fire.
Now that you’re older and on your own, you make it perfectly catered to you because that’s what you deserve.
This year, that means decking the hell out of the apartment. Especially since it looks like you’ll be spending it alone.
Your boyfriend — well, fiancé, except he refused to corner you into a decision right before he left to go overseas, even though you told him you didn’t feel cornered at all — can’t be here, not like he hoped. He went overseas three months ago, expecting to be back after only three weeks. But his assignment is taking longer than he expected.
Much longer, because now he won’t be here for Christmas. You’re trying not to let it tear you up inside.
It’s not like he can control his assignment. And he’s apologized — profusely — multiple times. So much so that you’ve told him to stop. He’s forgiven. It’s alright. You understand. Christmas can wait. You’ll leave the decorations up (which you do anyway) and Christmas can happen once he’s stateside again. No worries.
It does hurt, but you can’t tell him that. Again, not his fault. And he’s already worrying about so much over there. Not to mention, you only get to speak to him once a week. You’d rather spend that time focusing on good things.
You head downstairs to pick up your package, which is another box of lights. You want lights around every doorway, and around the ceiling in the living room. And a few more strands on the tree. Okay, maybe you should’ve ordered another box.
As you ascend the stairs to get back to your apartment, you think of Aaron’s face, how he’d look at you if he saw these lights. How he’d shake his head with a smile, quietly take everything from you, and hang up the lights exactly where you want them.
You wipe away a stray tear as the elevator doors open on your floor. Unlocking the apartment door, you decide the best way to get through this is blast your favorite Christmas music and put on your comfiest pajamas. Maybe some hot chocolate, too. Maybe a Christmas movie on the TV instead of music. You’re pulling out all the stops.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas plays on the TV while you sip your hot chocolate, gazing around the room. You’ll need to find a chair tall enough so you can reach the ceiling.
God, if Aaron saw you standing on a chair, he’d kill you. One time, you were standing on your desk chair to reach the top shelf of your bookcase, and when Aaron walked in, he promptly wrapped his arms around your body and hoisted you down.
“This is why I’m here,” he had said. “I’m tall enough to reach these things so you don’t have to hurt yourself.”
“Yeah, but you were busy!” you argued.
“Never too busy for you, honey,” he said, grinning as he kissed you, then reached for the exact book you needed.
Before you realize it, you’re grinning too, thinking of this memory. You wish he was here. You know he wishes he could be here, too.
Sometimes you wish he wasn’t so damn important. You wish you could talk to him more than once a week, and at least Skype with him or something. All you’ve been able to do is talk to him on the satellite phone, only when he calls you, because the number changes every so often. And sometimes the calls end unexpectedly, other times he has to go (but at least gets to say goodbye), but regardless, they’re never long enough.
It’s unfair. It sounds childish, but it’s true. It’s fucking unfair.
“Ugh,” you groan, wiping angrily at your cheeks. Get it together. It’s time to decorate. Aaron will be home soon.
You have no idea when. But soon sounds better than eventually.
You set your hot chocolate down and grab the lights, getting ready to turn this place into a damn Winter Wonderland.
Halfway through the movie, you have the lights around the ceiling and are working on tearing open the next box. Next on the list are the doorways. You should have enough for the bedroom, bathroom, office, and spare room doorways. Not sure about the kitchen, though. You might need another box. Damn.
“Damn,” you say out loud when you find a knot in the strand. Huffing, you sit down on the couch to begin the detailing process. It’s always a hassle.
Especially when you have your favorite movie playing, so you keep getting distracted. Eventually, you resign to watching the screen and detangling later. You probably won’t sleep tonight anyway, so you have all night to keep decorating.
Right as your favorite part is on, there’s a knock on the front door.
You’re not expecting anyone, so you ignore it, hoping whoever it was will leave. Or got the wrong apartment, maybe.
But they knock again. Jesus. Fine.
You leave your (second) mug of hot chocolate on the kitchen counter as you make your way to the front door. You lift onto the balls of your feet, looking through the peephole, and—
“What?” you whisper to yourself, fumbling with the deadbolt and yanking the door open. “What? Aaron?”
You leap into his arms, not caring that he’s in the hallway. Who cares? He’s here. He’s home. Finally.
“Hi honey,” he whispers, close to your ear. “I missed you.”
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” you murmur, tears springing to your eyes and flowing freely. You sniffle into his neck, inhaling sharply. It’s really him.
He carries you just inside the door and shuts it, giving you both some privacy. He wraps his arms around you even tightly, exhaling. He’s needed this hug badly for weeks. Ever since he landed over there, really.
You lift your head to look at him, eyesight still blurry with tears. “You’re really you? I’m not dreaming?”
“You’re not dreaming, honey,” he says, then kisses you sweetly. “I’m here.”
“Thank god,” you breathe, pulling him back in for another kiss.
Here is when you notice his face. It’s not clean shaven like it usually is — which you understand. There isn’t exactly time for shaving overseas or even razors available to shave with, you imagine. But it’s…different.
The last time you saw him with a beard is when he had a few days off, and he didn’t shave. But that was a few days. This is…almost three months worth.
“You okay?” Aaron chuckles. You’ve just been staring at his face, with your palms cupping his cheeks.
“You have a beard.”
“I do,” he grins. “Do you like it?”
“Still deciding,” you admit. “I’m so used to you with a clean face.”
“Me too,” he says. “I’m ready to shave, if I’m honest.”
You shake your head slowly.
“No?” he raises an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Mm,” you pause, your mind running wild. It’s been so long since you’ve hugged him, felt him. Who can blame you for your mind venturing to…other activities. “Reasons.”
“Oh?” he bites back a smile, adjusting his arms around you, widening his legs. He knows what he’s doing. He knows what you’re doing. “What are these reasons?”
“I think you know,” you tease.
“I think you’re being shy,” he teases you right back. “C’mon,” he nods, his jaw moving underneath your palms. “What is it?”
“Just…” you pause, burying your face in his shoulder. You’re still too shy to ask for what you want, especially something like this. It feels so embarrassing.
“Take your time,” he coos. “You know you need to ask for what you want.”
“Can’t you just read my mind this once? Profile me?”
“It doesn’t work that way, sweet girl,” he says. “What is it?”
“I just missed you,” you deflect with a shrug, but nothing can hide the temperature your body has risen to. “That’s all.”
“Mhm,” he hums. “And how did you miss me?”
He’s relentless, and you hate him for it, but you love his shit-eating grin just as much.
“I missed you being inside me,” you admit. “And…” you trail away, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
“And?” he presses, though he knows exactly what you mean.
“And…” you try again. “And, I missed it when you— you know. Put your…yeah.”
He laughs, fingers squeezing your hips, massaging soothing circles. “What are we going to do about you being so shy?”
“I’m trying!” you protest. You’ve never been good at wording these things. He knows you so well that you’re used to just letting him take the reins. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you, honey, I’m sorry,” he calms down, moving his hands to rub up and down on your arms. “Let’s go to bed.”
You deflate, thinking you’ve ruined the moment. “Bed?”
“Unless you’d rather I eat you out right here, yes,” he says.
You gasp. “Aaron!”
“What?” he laughs. “Come on. I’m not teasing you anymore, let’s go.”
He takes your hand and guides you down the hall to the bedroom. You sulk the entire way.
“You’re an asshole sometimes, you know,” you mutter.
He spins around and scoops you up in one swift movement, plopping you down on the bed just as quick. You squeal once you land, all of it happening so fast. He grabs a pillow and places it under your hips, and you just know this is going to be a long night.
You squirm, though, not uncomfortable by him but impatient. And awkward. It always feels weird after it’s been so long, but only because you get in your head about it. Aaron doesn’t ever make it awkward or uncomfortable. He does the opposite.
He kneels before you, tugging your pajama pants down, taking your underwear with them. He leaves gentle kisses in his wake, covering every inch of your skin until you’re practically on fire.
It’s different with the beard, obviously. A little scratchy, but good. Soft. Arousing in a way you didn’t think about.
“God, I missed this,” he says, mostly to himself as he spreads your legs.
His lips travel further, to your inner thighs and over your mound, but not where you need him. Until he covers you with his mouth in a sudden movement.
You squeak and he hisses, pulling back. “Sorry, honey, I’m— Fuck. Okay.”
“Are you okay?” you ask, mistaking his words for something else.
But when he looks up at you, your stomach flips.
“I’m okay, I’m—” he pauses to smile. “You’re so beautiful, I just— It always gets me.”
“Aaron…” you pout. How is he so sweet when he’s between your legs, with a mouth that sinful? How can honey and desire drip from the same tongue so effortlessly?
“You tell me if it’s too much,” he says. He looks wild, like he’s holding himself back with everything he’s got. “I know you’re sensitive and I might get a little carried away.”
You reach your hand down to ruffle his hair, smoothing it out before messing it up again. And tugging, pulling his head closer to your core. He smirks.
“Go ahead,” you tell him. “Please.”
He doesn’t need to be asked twice. Ever.
He dips his head and covers you with his mouth, his tongue delving inside of you immediately, his favorite thing to do. It’s different with his beard, but the sensation is far more arousing than it is anything else. Your grip tightens in his hair and he groans into you. He loves it when you do that, as if you have a choice. It’s almost always an involuntary reaction to his actions. He knows your body so well, even after time away.
He barely comes up for air before returning, wrapping his arms around your thighs, keeping them open. You buck your hips further into his mouth, crying out when he sucks on your clit. Your toys can’t compare to him. They’ll never measure up to his tongue. Or the way his stubble feels.
One orgasm down and he’s already chasing you toward another. Both of your hands are in his hair, holding on for dear life, and he’s nearly incoherent. Another orgasm rips through your body, leaving your legs shaking as he soothes you with gentle touches.
But it’s still not enough.
You claw at his shoulders until he gets the message and crawls up your body, face to face with you, his beard shiny with the remnants of your climax. His hair is everywhere, all your doing, and his grin is wild as he leans in to kiss you.
“Inside me,” you whine, working on kicking his pants down his legs.
He laughs as he helps you, unbuttoning his pants and shoving them down. He barely has time to kick them off with his boxers before you’re gripping his hips, pulling him in. You hook your legs around him and pull him closer, making his arms falter. He feels his head brush against your core and he cusses, leaning his forehead on the bed next to you.
“Come on,” you murmur, still impatient. “I’ve missed you, please, I need you—”
“I know, I know,” he coos, lifting his head to kiss you. “I know. Let me get a—”
“We don’t have time for a damn condom, Aaron, get inside me now.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, and if he wasn’t so sweet, you’d slap the shit out of him.
“Yes, please, I’m serious, can you just— Fuck.” He pushes inside of you in one motion, giving you everything like you’ve asked, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
“Better?” he asks, smirking into your neck.
You nod, whimpering, rocking your hips already, begging him to move. So he does.
There’s a certain way that Aaron moves that in unlike any other experiences you’ve had. And maybe it’s simply because he took the time — and wanted to take the time to get to know your body. Now he knows exactly what rhythm you need, whenever you need it, without you having to ask.
Though, sometimes you are impatient and you try to speed things up, the way you hook your heels together and lock him in. His only response is to do as you wish, and wrap his arms around you, between your body and the mattress, to keep you as close to his chest as possible.
“There you go,” he whispers, mouthing at your neck. In between his own heavy breaths, he quietly coaxes you toward another edge. “Let me feel you, honey, let go. You can let go.”
You’re a whimpering mess as you nod, the sensations too much after time away, and yet exactly what you needed. It isn’t long before he works you to your third orgasm, and you cling to his shoulders as you ride out the high.
You always know when he’s about to cum, the way he presses his hips impossibly close to yours, holding himself inside of you as deep as he can. You feel the telltale twitch, his breath hitches, and he collapses.
It’s been a while since he’s let go inside of you, and the consequences will be dealt with in the morning, but right now, it soothes you. Right now, it’s the warmth that you need.
You fall asleep in each other’s embrace, Aaron behind you with his arm draped over you. But it isn’t long before you’re waking up to movement in the bed.
“Sorry,” he whispers into the dark. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“What’s the matter?” you ask, rolling toward him, and when you do, you feel the issue. You can’t help but giggle.
“Sorry,” Aaron sounds embarrassed. “I was just gonna get up, you go back to sleep.” He tries to move out of bed, but you grab onto his arms, pulling him back down.
You shake your head, even though he can’t see. “You’re not going anywhere when I’m right here.” Fully awake now, hungry even. You snake your hand down to his erection, smirking when he hisses as you wrap your hand around him. “I’ve missed this,” you say, moving gently. “Can I?” you don’t need to clarify what you want.
“You’re not too tired?” he asks, but you’re already pushing the covers back.
“Never,” you murmur, stretching out, your mouth now even with his pelvis. You take him into your mouth, humming contentedly. You never thought you’d miss something like this, but you missed everything about Aaron.
His moans are quiet and his hands are gentle against the back of your head, slightly pressing you down further. You don’t mind. If anything, if you were both more awake, you’d want him to hold you down.
Just when you think he’s almost reached his peak, he pulls you off of him. He says he wants to be inside you. You couldn’t think of any place better.
Slowly, with pauses to kiss you because he can’t help himself, he maneuvers you until you’re back the way you were sleeping. With him behind you, he pulls your leg up, placing a kiss behind your ear as he enters you once more.
It’s blissful. He holds you tenderly, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you against him as he rocks into you.
After you both reach your highs once again, you fall asleep with Aaron still inside you. Normally he tries to move, but you know he missed you, because this time he only moves closer.
As he kisses your temple, he whispers, “Merry Christmas, baby.”
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jo-harrington · 10 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.04 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: The summer is ending, school is about to start, the seasons are changing...and so are things between you and Eddie.
Previous Part: Corrective Action
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual Pining and Slow Burn, Fluff, Food/Eating, Talks about the Future, Romantic Tension/Sexual Tension
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Eddie had always had a sweet tooth.
His mom swore, up and down, that her only craving had been for Zebra Cakes when she was pregnant with him.
His favorite food as a baby had been mashed peaches.
And now he was sure his body was chemically composed of more Dr. Pepper than water.
So it should have been no big surprise that he was so attracted to you.
So it should have been no big surprise that he would have planned a snack cake taste test extravaganza for your usual Sunday Not-a-Date Date.
You'd revealed early on that your grandparents were both "in the sugar business."
"My grandpa," you told him once as you walked through the mall window shopping on your lunch. "Worked the chocolate chip line at the Maurice Lenell bakery."
"Are those the fancy cookie tins--"
"That they sell at Christmas? Yes."
"Wayne always gets one with his holiday bonus," Eddie reminisced. "The pinwheel ones with the red sugar on the outside are my favorite."
"And my grandma worked at the Hostess factory," you continued. "She always always brought home boxes of rejects. I probably would have been too shy to make friends at school if they hadn't flocked to me for baked goods."
Because of this though, you had never fraternized with the enemy, as Eddie so dramatically put it: Little Debbie.
"And now," his gaze turned dark and mischievous as he threw open the doors to the van. "You shall feel the full power of the dark side."
He outdid himself, truly.
Piles of snack cakes from the gas station, sorted into two neat little stacks, a little notebook for scorekeeping, and a 6-pack of Mountain Dew as a palette cleanser.
“You keep saying,” he said as you settled in amongst the pillows and blankets he’d set up in the back so you’d both have a cozy spot to snack. The radio was softly playing in the background. It was nice. “That you wanted to drink the water in the mall fountains. Did you know that Mountain Dew is the closest you’re gonna get?”
You’d both run garbage late one Wednesday night and thrown coins into the fountain on your way back to your stores. And that’s when you’d revealed your deepest darkest secret.
“Because they’ll both probably kill me in the end?” You joked.
“No, because Bromine is in both.”
“Ok nerd.” You snorted.
“Not…a nerd,” he shoved you as he plopped down beside you. “But I did this project for chemistry class last year. On Mountain Dew. And how it gets that color. And it’s also how they keep the fountain water clean. Or pool water? I can’t remember exactly right now.”
“Ok nerd.”
“I’m sorry,” he clutched his hand over his heart. “My lady wanted to taste only the finest of fountain water. And I deliver her the closest thing and am openly mocked? Twice?”
You stuck your tongue out at him and slapped his shoulder, then asked what the rubric was for the taste test.
And then you snacked til you made yourselves sick and did what you always did, balanced conversation and companionable silence.
That was a new thing. The silence.
Not for the two of you, but for Eddie.
He wasn't used to silence, he was used to loud music, noises and raucous laughter and adventure--real or fantasy--with his friends, but since the two of you started hanging out, he was getting used to the silence a little more. Enjoying it. Savoring it. Looking forward to it.
The anticipation of waiting for something wonderful--thoughts or observations or confessions--coming of your mouth made him feel warm inside.
Eddie had pondered your friendship earlier in the day as you'd run in to let him know you couldn't take lunch together.
"There's this crazy long piercing line and I'm just running to get a slice of pizza and then going back up. I'm so sorry, I'll see you after work ok?"
Your energy was frantic and your words faster than lightspeed, but your eyes were filled with concern and care for him. The little hitch of your eyebrows and the extra pause you took so you made sure that he understood that you weren't ditching him you just...couldn't do lunch and didn't want to leave him hanging.
Even when everything was falling apart around you, you cared to make sure he understood.
It was nice.
And it wasn't just you. But it was nicer when it was you.
He didn't get a lot of understanding like that. Especially not in Hawkins where his last name and his appearance caused everyone's hackles to raise a little. And even the people who did want him around...well it was hit or miss if they decided to stick around.
But since working at StarCourt, things had been different. He had a boss and coworkers who liked him, inside jokes with people who worked at other stores. He had you. He wasn't Eddie The Freak Munson. He was Eddie from TapeWorld. And Eddie from TapeWorld seemed to help people warm up to Eddie Munson.
What a weird concept. People wanting him around. Coming to StarCourt and being around people who accepted him and valued him...understood him. He'd only felt that way with Hellfire...and with Corroded Coffin.
People were good and people liked him. A sweeter treat than all the Hostess in the world.
It had been a few months now; a few months of an actual job, a consistent crush friend, and everything seeming to look up for him. Give or take a few minor hiccups but...he was feeling good.
And school was starting soon, maybe this would be the year the tide turned? No more waiting for the future to finally happen for him; he was making things happen for himself.
It might finally be his year...
"So," he leaned over, into your personal space, and fished a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. "Kyle gave me this thing yesterday."
"Oh yeah?" Your eyebrows raised in curiosity as you happily munched on a sugary treat.
He'd spiraled a little bit when he'd been handed the sheet. Three little words at the top.
Schedule Change Request.
Way back at the beginning of summer, after the initial shock that he'd gotten the job at TapeWorld, he figured he was just counting his days until he was fired and that the start of the school year would have been the final nail in the coffin if he made it that far.
Instead Kyle was...asking him to stay.
"I’m probably not gonna be able to give you as many hours with school,” he sighed. “Which is a real bummer. But I’ll put you on as much as I can."
"You're not kicking me out?" Eddie asked, shocked.
"What? Are you nuts? Ed, you're like...my best guy! I need you here. Selling those guitars, getting those sales bonuses. And because you're my buddy. So make sure you put your for-sure days off on there...you know I'm gonna forget.”
He explained it all to you, which led to you cackling loudly.
"Oh my God," you laughed. "Eddie!"
"What? I know it's silly."
"No, I'm not laughing because of that," you began. "My first position at Claire's had been a summer job too and I seriously thought that I was gonna get fired once school was back in session."
"Yeah. And it's a real thing because no one tells you that you're done when summer's over. You're gonna see come Christmas, Kyle will have to hire seasonal associates--and hey, ok...seriously if Gareth or Dave come asking for a job...it might seem fun...but don't--and he'll have to make sure they have end dates on their paperwork otherwise it's a whole thing."
You went on and on about helping your old manager with paperwork and you'd forgotten to put an end date as you were filling everything out. And then someone's mom came to complain at the end of the season when their kid was let go.
"And she kept screaming and screaming. And that's why I have a strict parent policy at work. Even though I'm the reason that got so fucked up; trial by fire. Jen was pissed."
Eddie reached out and unwrapped your hand from the Sno-Ball that you had crushed as you told the story. He adored it when you got so animated, but the poor little pastry was now just a mess of crumbs and frosting and marshmallow goo on your fingers and now his as he plucked the half-destroyed treat from your grasp.
And the thing was...
The thing was, Eddie wasn't...he was decidedly not smooth. He was gross. He was a gross boy. He hacked loogies and did spit handshakes with the guys all the time. He had no five second rule when it came to food dropped on the floor; it was an optical inspection and then usually straight down the gullet.
He could be romantic and seductive if he wanted to be; he could charm the...ahem...pants off some people if the need arose. And he had.
But that wasn't this.
This was a caught up in the moment of having a good time with his friend and doing what he would have done if one of his buddies crushed a snack cake. He'd be his usual gross self and expect them to groan and screech and laugh at him. Boys will be boys and all.
This was a too little too late moment of realization as he, Eddie Munson, lacking the foresight of having napkins in the van for this little snack cake taste test since he usually wiped his honey-bun-icing slick hands on his jeans after he unhinged his jaw and shoved it in on mornings when he was running late, saw no other way to clean sweet frosting off your hand except to lick it off your thumb.
The van suddenly got smaller and hotter as his tongue traveled up the pad of your finger, over the ridge of each joint and to the center of your palm. His eyes traveled up to meet yours as he flicked the sweetness off of you, and his breath hitched when he saw the way your eyes widened.
How was he supposed to deal with this? How was he supposed to handle this epic potential fuck up right here? How was he supposed to stop his brain--and maybe some other parts of him--from wanting to take the hand that gently held your wrist and pull you closer so he could kiss the sugar from your lips and not just...
Lick it off your hand.
Jesus, he was an idiot.
Caught between a rock and a hard dick.
Hard place. Fuck.
But that was the conundrum right? Because Eddie did want to kiss you; he enjoyed kissing...a lot actually, and it would be...nice if all of these dates were actual dates so that he could just kiss you and squeeze you and all of the nice things that came with...having someone who liked you back. So he didn't have to shoot Kyle a dirty look every time he teased "have a nice lunch with your girlfriend" knowing fully well that it was exactly what Eddie wanted.
He'd heard the spiel many times when Kyle had come back from his own lunch and then stood over Eddie as the younger man unpacked shipments, and told him, flat out, hands on his hips "you just need to ask her out man I'm getting sick of this."
And the guys had teased him a bunch.
And Wayne kept asking when you were coming around again.
Well this could be it.
A horrible start to asking a girl out on a date but wouldn't that be a funny story, and Eddie really did like a funny story.
This is. This is the moment.
Eddie opened his mouth to say something and so did you. You both backed down from actually saying anything. Eddie's hand tightened on your wrist and he was sure he could feel your heart beating faster. And was that you leaning a little closer to him? And did your eyes look at his mouth as he licked over the seam of his lips really quickly for courage.
He opened his mouth again...
Courage. He could do it. This was gonna be his year, and you were gonna be his girl.
...and then slammed the broken remains of the SnoBall in.
Quite literally slammed, shoved, fingers flailing as he tried to smoosh the chocolate cake and pink-coated marshmallow and remnants of frosting inside.
He let go of your wrist and then backed away from you as far as he could.
You let out a nervous laugh and looked down at your messy hand. You tried to use a discarded wrapper to clean yourself up when Eddie just...pulled off the flannel that he'd layered on to help wipe you off instead.
Like he probably should have done in the first place.
You didn't say anything, just smiled gently at him, like you always did. Always patient. Always forgiving of his mistakes.
What had you even been talking about before?
"Note to self," he muttered around the SnoBall. "Never becoming a manager."
Your eyes crinkled a little as your smile got bigger and you grabbed onto the front of his shirt and shook him a little.
"Save yourself!"
The rest of your evening went by unremarkably.
You both got too hyped up on sweets and Mountain Dew, ran a few circles around the van in the StarCourt parking lot, headbanging and screaming, after Eddie threw on a tape he said the two of you could dance to. Then to Dairy Queen where you soaked up all the sugar with chili cheese dogs.
An otherwise normal Sunday for the two of you.
Mishap forgotten.
Nerves forgotten.
Misplaced feelings...forgotten.
For now.
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.05
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24hlevi · 9 months
is it too early in november to ask for christmas themed gen v headcanons? like kissing under the mistletoe or smth
it is never to early dear friend! i love this so much thank you for requesting 🫶🎄
— christmas with the gen v characters
gen v characters (marie, jordan, emma, cate, & sam) x gn!reader
warnings: none!
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Marie Moreau -
- marie has always loved christmas, but after her parents passing's she didn't really celebrate it in the orphanage, so when you came around and wanted to celebrate it with her, she was so happy
- she absolutely adores walking around the city at night to see the snow and all the pretty lights lit up while drinking hot chocolate with you, despite how freezing it is, she loves it
- marie enjoys a few christmas movies, like the nightmare before christmas that you will be watching with her every day before christmas with a different movie each day, and if you have the old school rudolph movie she will go insane
- you'll have to put up mistletoe on your own and not tell her because she lowkey thinks it's dumb and will gently shove you when you kiss her under it but is smiling
- she will buy presents for everyone she's friends with or cares about, and gets you a lot of different gifts for the holiday, and will wrap them very prettily, usually they are wrapping paper coded so each person has a different wrapping paper
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Jordan Li -
- christmas is one of jordan's favorite holidays in general, and that love only expands once they have you around and can buy presents for you, which will be a lot
- their favorite activity is decorating the tree, they don't like real ones because of how much work they are so it'll be a fake one, but they love putting up the ornaments and the star on the top (they think the angel is creepy)
- they will take you to every christmas party or event imaginable, and yes they might make you both dress as versions of santa for shits and giggles
- they are gonna make you watch the old school holiday movies they have them on dvd and will watch them consistently throughout the month
- mistletoe is a must, they are continuously pulling you under it to kiss you or you pulling them to it, either way wherever one is yall are kissing under it
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Emma Meyer -
- god is this girl obsessed with christmas, like. obsessed. she loves the music, the decorations, the traditions, everything
- emma will make you put up decorations as soon as thanksgiving is over, and she has lots of decorations, the place is covered in lights and tinsel you can hardly sleep because of how bright it is
- she is the best at wrapping presents they come out looking so pretty and she loves making bows with ribbon around the box but dies a little inside whenever someone just cuts it off instead of carefully taking it off
- girlie is definitely putting up mistletoe somewhere without telling you just so she can kiss you unexpectedly just to point up to the plant with a grin on her face
- alcoholic eggnog is a must for christmas eve, she will have so much because she loves eggnog and will be passed out on top of you to wake up christmas morning with a massive headache
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Cate Dunlap -
- cate isn't the biggest fan of christmas, she hates the music, thinks all the decorations are a bit too much, but she will still get presents for people
- she mainly spends the cold days inside with you watching the snow fall, usually with a coffee spent in a comfortable silence
- she doesn't spend a lot of time wrapping presents, she'll put it in a bag or box and call it a day, but she'll put a little more effort into your gifts
- kiss her under mistletoe and she will roll her eyes and grumble about how stupid that is but you can tell she likes it
- she puts up a little tiny tree to put in the corner cause she hates spending a lot of time decorating a giant tree so she settles with a small one
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Sam Riordan -
- sam hasn't celebrated christmas in a while, so when you brought it up to him on celebrating it with him, he was overjoyed
- he obviously knows santa isn't real by now, but he still wants to set out cookies because he's still a kid at heart
- he will not open any presents until he has a hot chocolate in his hands and the fireplace is on or at least the tv station with christmas music playing
- he definitely doesn't know the thing about mistletoe so when you kiss him under one he is so confused so you will have to explain it to him
- he rips apart the presents wrapping paper entirely, don't put too much effort into making them look pretty cause they will be destroyed in two seconds
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thoseboysinblue · 9 months
Mistletoe Magic
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Gif by @lovelynikol16
Christian Pulisic x reader
You find yourself caught under the mistletoe with Christian.
Wordcount: 1500+
Requested: No
Warnings: Swearing
You wander up to the door of the house marked by the address Christian sent you earlier. Adjusting your hair slightly and taking a deep breath, you knock on the door and wait for someone to answer.
"Hey you, I'm glad you could make it," Christian engulfs you in a hug, placing a light kiss to your cheek. He accepts the beer and small bag of snacks you brought as a thank you for the invitation.
"Thank you for inviting me," you smile at him as you remove your coat and hang it in the small closet in the entryway of his house.
"I would've invited you to stay if I had known you were going to be in Milan," he narrows his eyes at you.
"It was kind of a last minute change of plans, and I didn't want to impose," you offer him a smile.
"You're never imposing, you know you're always welcome to stay anytime, y/n," he says as he leads you into the kitchen, you noticing the traditional Christmas decor scattered around.
Your job as a travel blogger means that you hop around quite a bit. You'd stayed with Christian several times in London since it was a good starting out point for many of your adventures, but you haven't visited him in Italy until now.
"So what brings you to Italy for the holidays?" he asks, pouring you a glass of wine while he opens a beer.
"I'm writing something on Christmas markets," you shrug at him, "I wasn't supposed to come here actually, but needed to make some alterations due to a few things, so here I am."
"Well, you know I'm always glad to see you," he smiles, a genuine smile.
Your friendship with Christian started several years ago, right after his move to Chelsea. You both happened to be at the same event one evening in London and found a small bit of comfort in having someone from "home" close by.
You often spent time with him when he was home during the summers, blocking off a week or so from your travels to be able to visit him. You had become friends with several of his friends and things were just easy between you.
You both took a bit of heat for the natural flirtation that seemed to flow back and forth, but never had it gone beyond that. You were friends with him, not someone he grew up with, but someone who had earned his trust over a period of time and vice versa.
"I think you invited me here early because you wanted someone to do the dirty work for you," you chuckle as you arrange various platters of food for the twenty or so guests he had invited over for a small holiday gathering.
"We might have time for some actual dirty work," he quips at you as he glances at the time on his watch.
"Aww, the Italian model scene not to your taste?" you grin as you chunk an grape at him which he somehow manages to catch in his mouth.
"Honestly, I haven't had much time for all that," he shrugs, "been trying to get settled in here and really trying to stay focused right now."
"Well, you seem to be settling in just fine," you smile softly at him as you finish the last tray.
He turns on some Christmas music and grabs your hand and twirls you around a couple of times, both of you laughing as you dance and sing along.
As the other guests start to arrive, Christian introduces you to some of his new teammates as well as their significant others. You also greet his former Chelsea teammates you had met previously as well as his international teammates, a couple of them having made the trip from Turin for the party.
"It's good to see you," Weston grins as he gives you a warm hug.
"Yeah, you too, Wes," you roll your eyes at the mischevious look on his face.
"He made a move yet?" he nods towards Christian who keeps glancing over to you, curious as to what his friend could possibly be saying that has you looking slightly flustered.
"What? No! He would never, you know we aren't like that, at all," you shake your head.
"You sure? I mean, I've never seen two people flirt as relentlessly as you guys do and never take it any further," he narrows his eyes at you.
"Well, that's just how we are, harmless flirtation, that's it," you offer him a beer.
"You spending the holidays here with him though?" he continues pressing you.
"I'm in Milan, writing for my blog, he didn't even know I was here until he saw my story yesterday. I have my own hotel, so no, I'm not 'spending the holidays with him'," you use air quotes to mimic his previous statement.
"That's a shame, I'm sure he'd love unwrapping you as a gift on Christmas morning," he chuckles as you swat at him.
You continue chatting with people as the night carries on, engaging in a few drinking games and you and Christian carrying on your usual flirtatious banter.
You head to the bathroom and when you return, everyone has moved from the kitchen and dining area over to the living room to continue playing party games.
Christian is leaning in the doorway between his living room and kitchen, looking at his phone when you approach him and wrap your arms around his waist and tuck yourself under his arm as he naturally moves to drape it over your shoulder.
"This has been a good party, Chris," you smile up at him, "I've had fun getting to know everyone and catching up with some of the others."
"It has been fun, hasn't it?" he smiles back at you, "I hope Wes hasn't given you too much grief."
"Oh, I can handle him, you don't have to worry about that," you shake your head.
"Oh, I know, if anyone can take him down a notch or two, it's you," he chuckles.
"Hey, you two," you hear Wes shout over everyone, "look up," he grins.
The two of you look up simultaneously, before your eyes widen and meet with Christian's.
"Fuck, I forgot I put that there," he stares at you, suddenly unsure of what he should do.
"Well, I'm pretty sure it's bad luck if you are caught under the mistletoe and don't kiss, so..." you trail off.
"Yeah, I think so too, and I mean, we don't want bad luck following us around do we?" his eyes flick from your eyes down to your lips and back to your eyes.
"But we don't have to, if you don't want to, y/n, I don't want to force you into anything," he looks at you sincerely.
"It's just a kiss under the mistletoe, Christian," you smile softly at him as you move your hands around the back of his neck and inch closer to him.
"It's probably full of nargles, anyways," you grin as he closes the distance and you hear him chuckle under his breath.
"You sure?" he asks one more time, his lips mere millimeters from yours.
You nod and close your eyes, pressing your fingers into the back of his neck and encouraging him to close the gap.
His lips brush against yours softly and timidly, before he slides his hand up to cup your jaw and pull you into him a bit further. You kiss him back, slightly surprised at the immediate butterflies that erupt in your stomach.
The kiss lasts a few more moments before you both pull away and smile shyly at one another.
"About damn time," Wes whistles at you.
It suddenly hits you what just happened, Christian kissed you, albeit somewhat forced by holiday superstition, but he still kissed you, and you kissed him. And you didn't expect to like it as much as you did.
You quickly rush down the hallway and into the first room you find, shutting the door behind you, needing a few minutes to get a grip on everything.
You lean with your back against the door as you take a few deep breaths, closing your eyes and calming yourself before you get too overwhelmed.
You hear a soft knock at the door, "y/n, are you in there," you hear Christian ask quietly.
You turn and open the door, letting him in before quickly closing it behind him.
"Are you ok?" he looks at you, his eyes full of concern, as he moves to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Yes, no, I don't know," you sigh, leaning into his touch as he cups his hand along your jaw.
"It wasn't supposed to feel like that when you kissed me," you breathe out, "I wasn't supposed to feel anything, it was supposed to be a kiss between friends under the mistletoe, no big deal."
"It wasn't supposed to feel like what?" he asks quietly. "Wasn't supposed to feel like butterflies and fireworks and like your insides were suddenly on fire?"
You look up at him, curious to know if he was telling you he'd had the same unexpected reaction.
"Because, that's what I felt a few minutes ago, and I'm kind of hoping you felt it too," he says leaning his forehead against yours.
"Yes, I felt it too," you close your eyes.
"Want to see if that was just a one time thing?" he whispers against your lips, smiling when you pull him closer to you and connect your lips back to his.
This kiss is different from the first, it's not shy nor timid, it is full of certainty and desire. He kisses you like you are the oxygen he needs to breathe. He runs his tongue along the seam of your lips, silently asking for entrance, and moans softly into your mouth when you allow his tongue to press against yours.
You can't deny he's a good kisser as you sink further into one another, tangling your fingers into the hairs at the nape of his neck, and damn it, he knows what he's doing with his tongue. You have to stop your thoughts from running away with themselves as the two of you allow your hands to roam over one another's bodies, gripping each other as closely as you can.
You pull away from one another breathless and dizzy, a grin spreading on both of your faces.
"Definitely not a one time thing," he chuckles pecking you on the lips again.
"No, I don't think so either," you shake your head.
"So what now?" you ask him, realizing this has just changed everything between you.
"Now, I think we have to go back to the party," he sighs, "but I want you to stay later so we can talk."
"Ok," you nod.
"Would you consider staying the night?" he grins cheekily at you.
"I might, but don't get too far ahead of yourself," you grin back at him.
"No, no, that's not what I meant. I mean I would like for you to stay, and talk, and keep kissing me like that, but we don't have to do anything else until we figure things out," he says quietly, placing another delicate kiss to your lips.
"I think I can handle that," you lean your head against his chest, listening to the way his heart is pounding.
"Ok, so let's figure out a polite way to kick everyone out," he chuckles kissing you one more time before opening the door and ushering you back towards the other guests.
Tag List:
@chilwellspulisic @neverinadream @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @lunamelona @tall-tanned-tattoo @lizzypotter14 @xjval @notsoattractivearenti @bracedes @landoslover
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kissitbttr · 10 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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hugejk · 9 months
“Hold this” PG6
tiny little blurb tbh 😋
nun but fluff 💕
The day after christmas was always hectic for you. Getting gift cards and money as gifts because you didn’t really have anything on your list anymore. So spending the day going to various stores with your boyfriend was always the plan.
Waking pablo up early, already excited and ready to go shopping. Pablo was not a morning person, shaking him vigorously to wake him up.
“5 more minutes….” he said turning over taking a heap on blanket in his arms.
“it’s already been 20 minutes cmon” you said dragging the n. After you said that he finally sat up, his short hair barely messy.
“pablo stop giving me the stink eye let’s go already.”
“i’m not giving you anything” he said finally getting out of bed. going straight to your shared dresser and pulling out some jeans and a plain white tee. You gathered a few things, your wallet, those gift cards and money, lipgloss and eyelash glue.
Pablo stretched some more and got his shoes on, grabbing his keys and looked to you to make sure you were ready. Even though you’ve been ready for an hour already.
driving there was always you favorite part, you had your music on playing whatever was on shuffle, you and pablo have this tradition where whenever you go shopping you have to get a new starbucks drink to try. So when pablo pulled into the drive through you got excited.
As he pulled up to the speaker he realized he never asked you what to get, and as the lady on the other end started to speak he looked at you nervously.
“what is it this time?”
you unbuckled yourself and leaned over him and started speaking,
“can i get two venti salted caramel mochas please? Extra whipped cream on one of them”
pablo could never understand the concept of ordering drinks at starbucks, all the choices and sizes always confused him. So most of the time you did the ordering.
as he payed for the drinks you gave him a little peck on the cheek, you pointed to the window as the woman standing there had your drinks.
now you guys were on your way to the local mall to see what stores there was. You already knew what you wanted to get. pablo on the other hand, had no idea what he was getting or where he wanted to go.
as he pulled into the parking spot you pulled down that little mirror in the car (pls tell me you know what it is😭) and started checking your makeup, reapplying your sparkly lipgloss. pablo stared at you in awe, the way you looked just had him in a trance.
“alright let’s go”
“i love you”
“i love you too pablo” you said as you kissed him and opened your door getting out of the car. As pablo immediately walked over to you and took your hand in his you guys started walking over to the entrance.
“ooo look at that dress! do you think they have my size?” you said looking at a dress through a window.
“amorcito, we haven’t even seen all the stores.” he said with a little disbelief in his tone, in a blink he was in the store looking at a black sparkly dress with you.
“we can come back and look at it cmon” he said dragging you out the store. One store caught your eye, bath and body works. Your favorite store, they had everything! body wash, lotion, body spray, and candles. You dragged pablo in the store and immediately started smelling the body sprays they had on display.
“does this smell good to you? I like it” you said as you kept smelling a new scent they released, holding it to pablo’s nose as he sniffed it too.
“that does smell really good” as you looked at him a lady walked up to you guys asking if you needed a bag,
“no thank you”
you looked at pablo and took the bag she offered and put the body spray in the bag walking over to the candles and smelling them, pablo relentlessly followed you. As you continue around in the store you told him about work drama, asked him how certain things smelled, stupid questions. Pablo’s favorite part was checking out, as soon as he stepped out the store he told you he had a headache.
you reached in your bag and pulled out a little pouch with advil inside, taking him to the vending machine and paying way too much for a water. It seemed like pablo just couldn’t stop complaining as he started begging you to get some food.
you sighed and took him to the food court with various options for food, but he already was in line for a random burger place. You followed him and scanned the menu
as you guys finished eating you went to some random clothing store, looking through all the pants and shirts. Pablo behind you on his phone carrying clothes you want to try on. Holding a shirt up to your torso you turn around and ask him,
“does this look good on me?”
“of course it does, everything looks good on you”
“okay! here hold this” you said as he dragged on behind you his arms shaking from everything he was holding. You made your way to the dressing room and took all the clothes you had and went into a stall. Pablo finding a seat and still scrolling on his phone.
But this specific outfit had you questioning if you wanted it or not, you walked out and called for him,
“does this outfit make me look weird? i can’t tell if i like it or not, does it make me look fat? does it-“
you got cut off by pablo telling you that you look gorgeous in everything, you looked in the mirror behind you and put your hands on your hips. you walked back to your stall and put on the clothes you had on originally finally deciding what you were gonna buy.
walking with pablo to the register with him still holding everything you thanked him for his hard work. As the woman at the register told you your total, you pulled out your wallet until pablo had already had his card out and put it in the pay thingy (you know right? 😭)
you looked shocked, you had the money to pay for it but he payed for you anyways. She handed you the bags and you gave them all to pablo of course. And made your way back to the car.
A/N: i got lazy towards the end 😜
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ch6sos · 2 months
random choso headcanons
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i <3 choso i <3 making odd ball headcanons so here u guys go
content warning mentions of "metabolism", social anxiety/anxiety (not bad though) + motion sickness, and this is not proofread and lowercase so if any of those Like makes you tingle please don't read this my sweet
he’s emo as hell, he listens to emo music. now he's the one i actually imagine listening to my chemical romance, pierce the veil, etc. (bc with nanami I feel like he'd listen to more 80s-90s rock music but this isn't about my first husband)
he suffers from insomnia and finds it difficult to sleep unless he has someone he cares about in the room or at least snuggling with him.
peacemaker: he is a peacemaker when it comes to his brothers.
"hey yuji, you should really share with him. "
he has an earthy aroma—he often uses colognes with earthy notes that are not overpowering (i  think he might be sensitive to strong scents).
i imagine him experiencing motion sickness. for some reason, i imagine him feeling dizzy in a car, or being unable to handle a rollercoaster without feeling extremely unwell.
would probably work at your local hot topic especially if this was set during the 2000s era where hot topic was actually catered to the alternative scene. or a tattoo shop!
several piercings. on his left ear, he has an industrial, a triple lobe piercing, and a conch— his right having a double helix piercing, a tragus, and a single lobe piercing.... and then he has an eyebrow piercing and a labret piercing :)
enjoys watching christmas movies because a lot of them are about family!
deeply family-oriented, he genuinely just wants to grow up with a family. a big one, too.
thus he may have a fear of being alone, which makes me believe that he is introverted but also genuinely afraid of ending up alone as he grows older. he values the presence of family and wants to ensure that they always surround him.
he comes across as a bit shy initially, not necessarily awkward, but it takes some time to get to know him.
still not too talkative but genuinely chill to talk to.
has a lot of accessories when he wears outfits, especially bracelets or necklaces. 
black is what you find in his closet. just black (and a couple of purples and reds but mainly black)
he be thrifting them outfit pieces too idc idc he not a shein warrior
is a bit insecure about his dark circles and markings on his face (i could imagine he still has the markings but they look more like a scar rather than what it looks like in the actual manga/anime) so he begins to cover them up with concealer sometimes.
eats a LOT of junk food and somehow doesn't gain weight. bro probably can eat a whole box of pizza with wings and doesn't even gain a pound.
he is genuinely clueless/oblivious when it comes to relationships like he doesn't know when someone's flirting with him unless they tell them straight up. and when they tell him he's like:
"...oh! me...?" because he genuinely thinks, “wow, someone likes me?!?!”
plus he would ask before initiating even after being in a relationship
“do… do you mind if i kiss you?”
“cho we’ve been dating for five months”
“oh… i’m sorry for asking… again.”
spends a lot of time on his hair !!! he has to wake up early sometimes just to do his hair. and he doesn't plan on cutting it, only trims it once in a while.
when he's home he either has it down or has it in a ponytail. he even has a silk pillowcase so it never gets frizzy.
cats or dogs— no. he likes turtles. he even has a pet turtle.
i think that he wouldn't vape or smoke the way people might expect him to. i believe he may have a weak immune system, which would make it difficult for him to engage in such activities.
socially anxious as hell bro tweaks out when he has to order at a restaurant... 
but overall he’s an anxious person, i feel like he’d suffer from anxiety a lot (as someone who has anxiety i just can tell he’d be the type to have it too)
when he dates someone he's really touchy with them because he craves physical touch. he especially enjoys when someone plays with his hair he falls asleep in a millisecond.
he loves sketching in a notebook, he loves drawing nature a lot! he likes going to the park or a forest and drawing what he sees. he also enjoys drawing people and i imagine he always draws pictures of yuji too, and he shows them to him.
tease him and his face is red, his eyes are widened, and his face is in absolute shock...
literally the sweetest guy ever; he's always looking out for everyone and makes sure everyone around him is okay
he's always cold thus needs someone to cuddle him.
is fascinated by some amphibians and watches national geographic sometimes when he knows they're going to talk about amphibians. especially frogs!
his most used app on his Black iPhone 13 Pro Max would be Spotify and he is top 0.1% listener for some underrated metal band
creative hobbies more than physical hobbies (sketching, journaling, sewing)
when he laughs it's like a silent soft chuckle, and he usually covers his mouth when he does it
gets emotional easily, especially when he receives love. for a long time, he couldn’t believe that he would ever be loved so when he is receiving affection he gets overwhelmed and tries not to cry because he thinks “how?? why me?”
he loves holding hands. he tries not to freak out but when someone holds his hands when he’s freaking out or just in general, he loves the feeling of their warm hands against his very cold ones
apologises alot even though everything is not his fault
when he’s mad he needs time to cool off especially because he gets emotional easily. he needs time to himself before calming down before discussing his emotions with someone.
speaking of emotions, i don’t think he’d be bad at expressing emotions or speaking about it, at first yes but he begins to grow better at it and plus sometimes the way he shows emotion is more impulsive and involuntary rather than on purpose
listens more than talks because he is too busy getting sidetracked by his own thoughts or he genuinely can't talk to people sometimes
he has a fidget toy because he is always fidgeting with his fingers so yuji got him a fidget toy (probably a fidget spinner) and was fascinated with it and it didn’t help it just something he distracts himself with when he doesn’t feel like being present in a conversation or just in general
cried when yuji graduated and gave him the hugest hug of his life. and i don’t mean a few tears he BAWLED he was bawling because he was so proud of his little brother.
spends time with yuji a lot sometimes more than his own friends and they always go to the arcade or mall together
yuji got him a picture frame of him and choso posing and choso cried for several days because he couldn’t believe he has such an amazing brother
learns gen z lingo just for yuji
“oh yuji! that was very w rizz of you!”
“i didn’t know you had that much aura!”
I  Love Him
Missing him come back emo king
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clouisluvr · 10 months
i need a part 3 of sean diaz hc IM STARVEDDD‼️
ask and (11 months later) you shall receive!
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- deep conversations always happen whilst laying on the floor. he’ll lay on his back with an arm propped under his head and listen intently to everything you have to say
- hangs on to your every word if youre talking about something important like .. his eyes will go kinda big because he’s so focused on you he kinda forgets to blink LOL
- grabs onto your hands when hes nervous, like just clutches onto them and squeezes. likes when you rub the back of his hand with ur thumb for extra reassurance
- sean sees the world so artistically and beautifully so a feature of yours you’ve never noticed before is accentuated in his art. a beauty spot you didnt notice, a dimple you never knew about. he loves every little detail about you
- faye webster enjoyer! indie pop lover in general tbh. loves listening to music with you (earbud user because he hates how headphones feel on his head) and will always think of you when he listens to certain songs
- i think if you told him you like his hair long he’d let it GROWWW. like so long he can tie it into a bun, but it would annoy him after a while and he’d cut it to like ep1 length. will let you and daniel put his hair in pigtails with bows (he’ll joke about being coquette)
- loves going on drives with you. sometimes daniel tags along but he prefers when its just the two of you. definitely likes listening to frank ocean whilst the sun sets (it reminds him of gta😭)
- has a bad habit of putting on this cynical teen front (like his journal entry about trump winning LOL) and you give him an outlet to be sincere and sensitive which leads to him opening up about his mom
- sean feels a weird sense of guilt when he criticises karen in front of daniel because he knows he’s too young to really remember and feel upset about it. but he feels even worse doing it in front of his dad because he feels like his emotions take up too much space. like it overshadows the betrayal his dad must feel.
- so instead he adopts a mostly indifferent, partially angry attitude towards his mom leaving to disguise the genuine sadness and resentment. the inability to understand how she could just up and leave. when you give sean the space to actually .. feel everything, he breaks down. it deepens the bond he has with you, he feels theres no judgement to be cruel, selfish, or upset around you.
- seans newfound sensitivity from dating you also lets him be unashamedly happy about the holiday season. he is done pretending to be over christmas, bring out the ugly jumpers and candy canes!!
- esteban is in SHOCK. sean is up early during his winter break to *checks notes* decorate?? convinced it must be crack.
- not sure what the american equivalent of winter wonderland is, but he saves up money from his part time job to take you, his dad and daniel to a winter festival! he kinda breaks the bank but has no regrets!! gets you hot chocolates and treats, also spends an embarrassing amount on game tickets trying to win you a prize😭 you tell him its ok but he will keep trying until he gets you SOMETHING!
- at some point he’ll sneak off with you to give you the sweetest kiss ever. will hold your chin in his hand and tilt your head up to kiss you. he’s not huge on pda (especially with his dad in the vicinity) BUT he’s in such a good mood he cant pass up the chance. starts smiling through the kiss because he’s so happy
- that definitely inspires art of you looking flushed with slightly swollen lips but a look of warmth in your eyes. probably gives it to you as a christmas gift! tells you its one of the many many moments he felt himself falling even more in love with you
- he hates the cold but loves the excuse to cling to you constantly. “sean.. i need to pee.” “pretty sure if i let go of you i’ll instantly get frostbite soo..”
- nervous and geeky when you guys first start dating, but gets SUPERRR suave as time goes on it kinda makes you weak in the knees. will cup your cheek mid conversation and stroke your cheek with his thumb. will backhug you and kiss your neck. will kiss the back of your hand if hes feeling VERY romantic… whore activity tbh!
- hickey enthusiast omg its BAD hes an addict. but god forbid you give him one because he will freak about lyla seeing and giving him grief over it. has a thing for marking you and knowing you like how it feels
- loves when you wrap your arms around his neck!! gives him this super strong sense of security, he’ll always wraps his arms around your waist.
- HATES when people talk at the movies. you, sean and daniel all went to see fnaf and daniel would not stop turning to both of you to explain the lore incase you were confused😭 not even whispering mind you! infuriates sean but its him telling you and daniel to stop talking that gets the reaction of an angry parent asking him to “be quiet or leave!” his eye twitches when you and daniel start laughing at him LOLL
- ushanka hat bandit. will wear them even during SUMMER! always paired with a tank top and jeans or a striped hoodie. i think sean has slutty hips so u love the tank top x low rise jeans combo he wears in summer LMAOO :P
- likes to cuddle with your back facing him so he can kiss your shoulder.
- likes to post discreet pictures of you on his main ig but his spam account is like 90% you LMAO. posts photodumps filled with dumb text messages between you both and candid pictures of you
- gets overprotective of you in a similar way to how he is with daniel, sometimes you have to remind him you’re there to protect him too
- will lay his head on your shoulder when hes in need of comfort. also a subtle way of asking you to play with his hair (he will melt)
- likes if you put your hands in his jacket pocket when it’s cold so he can hold it in there!!
- goes through phases where he ALWAYS wants to be on the phone with you. like you could be on the way over and he’ll stay on call until you’re in his house
- has a bad habit of getting into petty arguments with you that start off playful, like debating over what the best chocolate bar is but he’ll end up taking it too far and getting legit mad LMAO. you both end up cackling about managing to argue over chocolate
- plans his future with you in it. knows he always wants to be in close proximity to you, daniel and his dad no matter what! he can’t imagine life without you and tbh he doesnt want to.
not sure what hits me at like midnight that makes me wanna write hcs but as always im too sleepy to proofread so ignore any mistakes! also sorry if you dont celebrate christmas, i was projecting a little LOL
hope u all enjoy!💗
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
MW2 men + General headcanons
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Price, Gaz, and Rodolfo
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Keeps a hello Kitty keychain in his pocket at all times (and can’t sleep without it)
Insists on getting stuffed crust every time he/someone orders pizza
Spends a lot of time daydreaming
Is always listening to music (It keeps him alert and helps keep his anxiety away)
Has bad sensory issues + ticks and intrusive thoughts
Hates cilantro (but doesn’t think it tastes like soap)
Isn’t allowed to use sharp objects in the kitchen
Sometimes eats toothpaste *as a treat*
Has a library card and only uses it to check out joke books intended for 3rd grader’s 
Never returns the books and now has thousands of dollars in late fees
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His favorite food is cherry pie
 Eats multiple bowls of cereal a day (Price is becoming concerned)
Isn’t a huge fan of his Mohawk, but he thinks it makes him look tougher
Reads romance books in his free time
Meticulously shapes his eyebrows every few weeks
Drinks orange juice after brushing his teeth every morning
Spends way too much money on Marzipan De La Rosa + cries every time it breaks
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Smells like vanilla, leather, and sage with a hint of roses
Keeps hard candy in his pockets at all times
Rudy is the only person he trusts to cut his hair
Lives on his family’s ranch outside of Las Almas
Frequently invites Los Vaqueros to his ranch and always makes sure they have a warm meal and a safe place to sleep
Comes from a long line of Vaqueros, and named Los Vaqueros in their honor
Gives great, albeit unsolicited, advice
His favorite song is California Love by 2Pac
Makes sure both TF 141 and Los Vaqueros know they can come to him for anything, even the most small of problems
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Has three older sisters
Is a natural ginger
Spent most of his childhood in Australia
Watches early 2000’s romcoms in his bunk when he’s deployed (and always ends up sobbing into his pillow)
Has a wide knowledge of Middle age and Saxon history
Loves a good mocktail
Reads a lot of Historical fiction
Has accidentally eaten dog treats (thinking they were cookies) on more than one occasion
His hat was a gag Christmas gift from Laswell but he thought it was serious + is his favorite gift he’s ever received
Dresses up as Santa every year and forces everyone to sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas
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Didn't join the army when he was 18, and instead worked on yachts and charter ships for a few seasons
Struggles with self confidence + often feels like he doesn't belong with 141
Has very strong opinions on the PlayStation vs Xbox debate
Really admired Ghost, but is too nervous to tell him
His favorite video game is DBH
Is in a secret Book/Movie club with Price and Soap
Develops a crush on almost everyone he meets
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Has family in South Texas and spent a lot of time there as a kid
Has always dreamed of being a singer/songwriter 
Was a very shy/socially anxious kid (and still struggles with social anxiety)
Is a a massive soccer fan + was captain of the neighborhood soccer team
Growing up he spoke Spanglish at home. Which is why he doesn’t really have an accent despite understanding a lot more English than he speaks 
When speaking English he often trips over his words + has to ask Alejandro for the right word/translation
Is a follower, not a leader
is 4-6 years younger than Alejandro
Has several older sisters who helped raise him
First met Alejandro when he was 10-12 years old because he briefly dated one of Rudy’s sisters
After they broke up, Alejandro still came around to visit Rudy, and the two quickly became like brothers
Wasn’t interested in joining the Army at first, but Alejandro convinced him
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prettyoddfever · 14 days
Local God doesn't fit Ryan Ross
I'm still getting a couple questions about this, so let's go through each line in the beginning of the song...
In 1998, you bought a B.C. Rich: Here's how Ryan described his actual first guitar that his dad bought as a present around 1999 (the year was generally ballparked in interviews): "I kept begging my dad for a guitar. I picked out an off-brand, a Harmony, I think, out of the Sears Christmas catalog. It came with a battery-powered amp. It was $100 for everything." That is such a far cry from a B.C. Rich.
You were a master shredder from the jump: Just no. Ryan told Ultimate Guitar that "In the beginning, probably about the first year, I just tried to do it on my own. It was really, really frustrating. So I took lessons for a little while." And the songs he was trying to play in the early years were easy. Spencer told Drum Magazine in 2007 that “blink-182 was a great band for Ryan to play to because the guitar parts were all three-chord songs. But Travis Barker’s drum parts were so far musically beyond that – it was just frustrating.”
Blew them all away with the Ritalin kids while I was shedding through my sophomore slump: None of this applies. Ryan & Spencer were basically just messing around in a garage for years. Here's Spencer reminiscing: “I set up my drum kit in my parent’s garage. Ryan would then come over and he’d bring his first little 25 watt amp with him and we’d go from there. We’d cover songs, try and write our own; it was great fun. A couple neighbors came over and complained about the noise... As long as we didn’t play too late, most people were really cool about it." Spencer talked about how they came up with original material that was "20 or 25 songs that were just horrific sounding, just horrible.” Ryan said that “they were some pretty terrible songs!" In late 2003 their band was trying to get into a small local battle of the bands, but meanwhile some of their peers like Kyle Lobeck were in solid bands that were playing actual shows (ex: Brown Eyed Deception). The Summer League wasn't in that scene.
You had so many chances to become a star, But you never really cared about that: Yeah he didn't seek fame itself, but he absolutely cared about the big chances that were presented to P!ATD because being bigger & more famous would allow the band to do what they wanted. So this one is iffy idk.
And all of this is just taking Local God at surface value without looking at the context of where it falls in the album. Viva Las Vengeance was brilliantly done in my opinion. The songs are deliberately arranged to tell a story, and Maggie symbolizes so much. It doesn't make sense to me for Local God to be about Ryan. I mentioned more in this post about how song lyrics are up for interpretation, though, so that's just my opinion.
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