#because she doesn’t understand the force
lucy-bladeshield · 3 days
It’s poetic how Figueroth Faeth, the girl who’s horns grew in and didn’t know who she was anymore, the girl who’s life turned upside down, who’s mom can’t talk about feelings with, who turns into other people to hide herself and make herself feel more understood because she can’t understand herself and if she can’t understand herself and where she comes from how could anyone else? The girl who’s girlfriend is a pheonix who, too, struggles with who she is and where she came from, who sent her a meteor shower from the dawn of time, professing her love for her, who’s girlfriend is a pheonix and she a pit fiend who cannot be set alight
Is the champion of the once known goddess of dawn, and light and justice, of certainty and new beginnings turned to rage and anger and conquest, who’s love for her wife is so strong her name is the first thing she said after centuries of silence, who’s followers forced her into something she’s not, and despite even that, she refused to let them hurt her wife or her sister, the most important people in her life, even if it meant the end of her own, she herself becoming a pit fiend for awhile, being forced to change into someone she doesn’t know to hide herself, her past hidden behind walls of rubble and stone
For Figueroth Faeth to hear her name, start singing the best rock songs talking about the Dawn Of Justice, songs so great Ankarna’s very own fiery Pegasus showed up, of Fig herself being so staunchly loyal to her own friends, who goes to classes for her best friend’s mental health, even when it’s the last thing she wants to do
It’s just poetic really
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pagannatural · 2 days
2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
-Meg possesses Sam which forces the brothers’ dynamic to develop. Dean really reclaims a sense of himself this episode after spending all season in various degrees and types of turmoil over what to do about Sam. I don’t think he ever really considered killing Sam, but he agonized over his role and what he should do. He lied to a drunk Sam in Playthings and said he would kill him.
- Dean has called Ellen multiple times about Sam going missing, so much so that Dean doesn’t even refer to him by name on the phone, he just calls asking Where is he. Dean says “I’m losing my mind here.” He’s desperate to find Sam. I wonder if Dean ever lost Sam when he was a baby, like at the store or something.
- Dean also says it’s like when John went missing all over again. Dean sought out Sam for help and comfort when that happened. It’s a little kernel of insight into Dean’s state of mind when he broke into Sam’s house in s1, he was probably a lot more afraid than he let on to Sam because he was trying to keep it together.
-when he gets to the motel room Dean kneels in front of Sam, who’s sitting on the bed. He’s off to the side rather than right in between Sam’s legs but when he zeroes in on the blood on Sam’s shirt, on his lower stomach, he starts moving aside Sam’s jacket and touching the bloody fabric. It looks very intimate. Dean reaches directly into Sam’s personal space and even moves his clothes aside to check for injury.
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This quick shot of his fingers feeling Sam’s stomach is particularly intimate. Meg!Sam says that he doesn’t think it’s his blood. Dean certainly thought it was Sam’s blood, he wouldn’t have been considering other options at that moment. So Dean is touching Sam’s wound on his lower belly, as far as he and the viewer know. It’s a sexual and feminine image. Although he’s not actually injured, Sam’s body has been invaded and controlled by a demon. It’s a sexual assault parallel, a first taste of Sam’s fall from grace. Throughout the episode, Dean fights for him and refuses to harm him. As long as Sam is still in there somewhere, Dean will protect him.
-Meg is inside of Sam’s brain and body and she has a pretty good understanding of Sam. She’s acting the way she thinks he would and also in whatever way plays to her advantage with Dean, so she has a primary interest in the nature of their relationship. She knows about Dean’s promise to John and to Sam about killing him, so she must have some access to his memories. She plays up Sam’s pleading eyes more than anything, which means she knows Sam’s memories that this has worked on Dean in the past.
- Dean reacts with deep skepticism to the gas station clerk telling him that Sam was drinking, smoking, and behaving violently.
Dean has also picked up on a couple of other specifics that aren’t like Sam: the name he gave at the motel is the name of a Bon Jovi band member, which Dean doesn’t think Sam likes and isn’t one of the names they would recognize for each other; and if Sam did smoke, Dean seems convinced he wouldn’t smoke menthols. He knows Sam so well.
- Dean says that smoking and throwing bottles at people sounds “more like me than you” which tells us that Dean is sometimes an angry drunk and sometimes a smoker, both of which make perfect sense for his character. There’s a lot we don’t directly see on the show.
-Sam moves differently, seems more feminine, and when Dean continues to insist he might not be a murderer he looks annoyed and almost rolls his eyes. Jared Padalecki is so good at being Sam possessed by Meg.
-Meg is basically begging Dean to feel horror that Sam killed someone- a hunter! with a family! caught on camera!- but Dean is like Ah fuck okay I’ll just run through the crime scene cleanup checklist quick and then we can take a nap together at home before we go okay babe? Babe u okay?
- Meg!Sam asks Dean to kill him, kinda using the puppy dog eyes but not quite selling it because it’s not needy enough, and Dean says “I’ve tried so hard to keep you safe…I can’t. I’d rather die.”
This is Dean admitting outright that his promise was bullshit and that he will either save Sam or die trying, and he’s faced so many trials to be completely sure and ready to say it. It doesn’t matter what Sam does. Dean had to understand more consciously his feelings for Sam before he could commit to this because it’s a fundamental part of who he is and his love for Sam. He feels guilty about his love, but he can’t doubt the strength of it and I think this is where he first accepts his role as Sam’s savior. The way he looks at Sam here is with such open love and desire. He’s like Wesley looking at Buttercup.
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-Dean calls the phone company to get Sam’s location by pretending Sam is his son. He says “my son” and calls him Sammy and fuck if it isn’t the cutest. Dean is Sam’s dad now. Succession.
-Meg!Sam is so irritated that Jo is carrying a torch for Dean. She seems to be using Sam’s real memories and feelings to get what she wants, and in this case I think Sam is probably annoyed by Jo’s crush and wishes she understood she doesn’t have a chance with Dean, so Meg is using her weaknesses. She really enjoys using Sam’s characteristics and twisting them. For example, after tying Jo up she uses the puppy dog face again and says “c’mon it’s me, you can tell me anything” which echos Sam’s role as sympathetic ear to the victims and other characters. So when she talks about Jo wanting Dean and Dean not wanting Jo and then attacks her in a very sexually charged way, it feels like she’s playing with both their desire for Dean and Sam’s desire to be more like him. She seems to be telling the truth in these scenes, just truths that Jo wouldn’t want to know. So telling her You want him but he doesn’t want you and aren’t I the next best, when Sam in reality does not want Jo, makes Jo into a proxy to act out unrequited love for (and from) Dean.
-Meg!Sam shoots Dean and he falls into the water from the dock and Jo finds him soaked and bleeding and you have three guesses as to the first words out of his mouth (“where’s Sam?”).
-Bobby asks where Dean is so Meg!Sam tells him Dean’s with a girl somewhere. Bobby asks if she’s pretty and Meg’s eyes go black and she says “if you ask me he’s in way over his head.” The visual cue and emphasis make it clear Meg is talking as herself here, not as Sam, and it seems like she’s talking about Dean’s situation with Sam. It’s also a pun because she thinks he’s underwater, but regardless she’s connecting Dean being with some girl and Dean being in trouble because of Sam.
-she also smirks at Dean pretty wickedly and tells him “you wouldn’t wanna bruise this fine packaging” ie Sam’s body that she knows Dean thinks is mighty fine. What I wouldn’t give for her to taunt him more in this way.
- she tells Dean he’s worthless, he can’t save Sam, and the people he loves would be better off without him. Which means his worst beliefs about himself (as far as Sam knows) are that he isn’t good enough and that he’s actually bad for Sam. Why? Why would Sam know that Dean fears he would be better off without him? He’s protected and cared for Sam his whole life, both Sam and John have explicitly told him that they’re grateful, and even Dean can’t blame himself for the way he and Sam grew up. It’s possible this is about the fact that Sam is in danger hunting with Dean, but he would’ve been in danger in law school too. It fits better with Dean’s guilt over his feelings for Sam and his knowledge that Sam is in love with him. Sam knows that Dean blames himself.
-Dean refuses to hurt Sam when Meg!Sam is punching him, and she punches him four or five times. Then when Sam is back unpossessed, Dean punches him in the face. When it was about saving Sam Dean refused to hurt him, but now that Sam is safe it’s like his anger at Sam comes pouring out. He needed some form of resolution for the fact that his little brother scared the shit out of him for a week straight going missing, murdered someone and didn’t even help clean up the crime scene, pistol whipped him, shot him in the shoulder, punched him, named his worst fears, threatened to bite his own tongue off, and pressed his finger into his wound and laughed. Obviously Sam did none of those things and it was all Meg, but I think it’s completely understandable that Dean reacted this way after not only keeping his shit together for Sam all that time but also actively protecting him. It’s a reasonable trauma response for him to have fought back. I’m not saying it’s ethical or anything just that it’s exactly what Dean would do and it gives his episode arc some catharsis.
-for his part, Sam isn’t upset with Dean for punching him. He never is. As evidenced by Sam’s little smirk when Dean makes joke about Bobby’s charms for keeping the demon from “getting back up in there.”
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-Dean checks in with Sam in the sweetest way, gently prompting him to answer if he’s okay. Sam explains that what’s troubling him isn’t the memory of his own hands killing a man, it’s the knowledge that even then Dean wouldn’t kill him. They both know for sure now.
-Dean teases Sam about having a girl inside him and Sam grins. It’s just one of many references to Sam having someone inside him and otherwise sexually being referred to as the girl.
-Dean’s “if it’s the last thing I do I’m gonna save you” hits different when you’re on tumblr and you know the show ends 13 seasons later with Dean dying and Sam living out some kind of a life.
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totallyunidentified · 17 hours
I haven’t been able to write anything since the finale tor a couple reasons BUT here’s a little drabble for Omega
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Maybe she wasn’t force sensitive or whatever Ventress had called it.
Maybe she could just feel things like Hunter can.
She doesn’t truly understand the force. Her brothers hadn’t been able to understand it.
She had decided that it was just there.
It was the humming in her ear when she made a split second decision
It was the tug on her heart when she saw people in need.
It was the warmth she felt when looking at her brothers.
Maybe she didn’t need to understand the force.
She felt it. Surrounding her. Helping her. With her every step of her journey.
Maybe the force isn’t something to be explained. It’s something that is just there.
She hopes it is.
She’d heard stories.
Throughout the bases and from pilots she flew with.
That feeling of someone who was lost finding their way back again.
She knew that feeling.
She felt it when she flew.
Every time she powered up the engines.
When she hit the lever for hyperspace.
When she ran the diagnostics.
There was always that feeling of being watched.
It wasn’t that chills down your spine give you goosebumps kind of thing.
No this was warm hot chocolate after a long day out on patrol in the middle of nowhere, the feeling of one of wreckers hugs. The feeling she felt when crosshair told her “Good job”, the feeling of when Hunter smiled at her finally at peace after their long time fighting for the freedom to feel this.
The feeling she felt when she was flying. Alive, free, she felt like her heart could explode out of her chest. Happiness.
She felt that whenever she flew.
Some of the other rebel fighters spoke of the powers of the force.
They said that loved ones are part of it after they moved on.
She figures that’s a good way to see it.
Because that way
Just maybe.
When she flew.
He was there too.
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lovelyo · 3 days
Penelope is a Wallflower…BY CHOICE
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Aight, I’m tired of this “Even a wallflower can bloom” propaganda that Netflix keeps trying to force feed. Penelope is a self imposed wallflower. Through season 1 and 2, Penelope has not tried once to befriend debutantes or talk to anyone in the ton that’s her age, at least from what we’ve seen. It’s not like she tried and people were like, “gtfo my face” and that no one wanted to talk to her. Hell, Edwina tried to strike a convo with her and she ended it quickly to go sniff out Colin’s ass.
I understand how hard it can be to put yourself out there. A full blown introvert is writing this shit right now, but you can’t complain that no one notices you tied with your constant “pretty bridgerton” asshole comment when you put zero effort in talking or courting. That’s the kicker for me, she complains about being a wallflower when she made herself one. But we all know why she didn’t try to socialize; how else was LW supposed to get her content.
Penelope isn’t a victim. Penelope chose to not interact and be unseen cause she wanted to be a fly on the wall for LW for exploit, profit and disdain, more son in S2. She didn’t care about courting cause she only wanted Colin. One of the reasons why she’s doing what she’s doing now is because of Colin saying he didn’t want to date her(should’ve stuck to your guns Colin).
The upcoming season is proof that if she just tried, she would’ve been seen.
It’s not cause she’s shy, it’s not cause she has anxiety, it’s not cause she’s reserved. She is awkward, I give her that, but when it comes to men. She’s completely fine engaging in talk with women(and completely fine in tearing them down).
You know who really embodies a true wallflower: Francesca. From what we’ve seen and known from spoilers, trailer and even her promo, Francesca is reserved and rather stay to herself. She won’t deny anyone a conversation, unless the people are obviously creepy or the topic gets uncomfortable, but she’s nervous cause it’s her first time out on the marriage mart and sticking to the walls is what comforts her at the moment; it’s how she copes.
Francesca doesn’t want to be seen cause she feels she ain’t ready for the marriage mart and is nervous.
Penelope doesn’t want to be seen cause she’s a borderline sociopathic gossipmonger.
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highladyelenna · 3 days
Many people seem to have the idea that you shouldn’t read FAST bc it’s a novella and not important. But i really think everyone should ready it because it really sets up for SF. Obviously.
So something stood out to me. When Feyre is talking about her building a grave for their father so Elain could have somewhere to visit him bc she had burned his body. She says that she had invited Nesta many times and she had turned them down every time. I think this really shows how Feyre was trying to extend any sort of olive branch for them to spend time together, but met with a wall. I’m SF we see why Nesta acts this way. But I’ve seen a lot, not every, but a lot of Nesta fans forget that Nestas POV isn’t the only thing to take into consideration. Feyre did try to spend time with Nesta, did try to rebuild a new relationship with her. And obviously Nestas trauma prevents this from happening and she pushes them away, which is a realistic trauma response. But I don’t think it’s fair for those fans to say Feyre “forgot” about Nesta, or “let her destroy herself”, or “treat her like an outcast”. And when Amren made a comment about Nesta saying “Let’s see if she shows up drunk” Feyre said “Leave Nesta out of this” Basically telling Amren to not use Nesta to make Cassian mad. Making me confused when fans say Feyre never defended Nesta. She even defended Nesta to RHYS multiple times. Ain’t he beginning of the book telling him “She’s my sister you will have to forgive her some day” and saying “If you blame one you have to blame the other” calling him out for being a hypocrite about Elain and Nesta. Even in ACOWAR she defended Nesta to Rhys when he made a joke about Nesta. She said “my sister isn’t some wild animal”. Just something to throw out there since it stood out to me.
Another thing that really stood out to me was Feyre asking Nesta to come to Solstice.
It starts off by Elain telling Feyre she invited Nesta to their dinner and her reply was “you have your lives and I have mine. This comment kind of backs up my point about the fans that say Feyre “treated Nesta like an outcast”. Nesta made herself into an outcast. Feyre even told Elain “Nesta is still apart of this family” Elain later says that Nesta said she didn’t want to come to anything. Ever. Again outcasting herself from Feyre and Elain.
In the tavern she notices “For every once that Elainbhad gain, Nesta seemed to have lost” Noting that Nesta was withering away. Much to like how she was when she was back in the Spring Court after UTM. This really sets up forSF as to why Feyre decided to force Nesta out of her isolation. She sees her sister withering away, drunk all the time, killing herself if the slowest way possible. Feyre knows how that feels (aside from the drinking) so why would she just sit by and continue to allow that? Especially since she had wished that anyone would have stepped in when she was in that position. She then tells Nesta “Solstice is the day after tomorrow. What will it take for you to be there” “For Elaina sake, or yours?” “Both”. Feyre outright telling her that she isn’t there just for Elain but for herself too. That she wants Nesta to celebrate it with them. Nesta says “It’s not even our holiday. We don’t have holidays.” I think this really shows how Nesta was choosing to be cruel towards Feyre. Because let’s not forget that Solstice is Feyres BIRTHDAY. And Nesta knows that. Feyre asks “Why? Why this insistence on distancing yourself.” Instead of getting angry or blaming her for their falling out she asks her why. Giving Nesta the opportunity to open up to her sister. Obviously Nesta doesn’t have to but a lot of fans again seem to ignore this and say that Feyre never cared or didn’t see that Nesta was struggling. When Feyre is leaving she just says “Please come” and Nesta says “My rent. It’s due next week. In case you forgot.” Which again was just Nesta choosing to be mean and vindictive.
While I understand that Nesta is going through something, all of them are. They all are going through so much. They all are going through the after math of UTM of Hybern, Elain being made as well as Nesta, Elaina dan Feyre losing their father just like Nesta, Feyre being tortured by Amarantha for 3 months, just as Nesta was tortured by the cauldron. Yet Nesta is the only one who is being so cruel on purpose. And yes, trauma is different for everyone, but trauma is not an excuse. Your actions still have consequences. Though in SF we see why Besta acts the way she does, she still acted the way she did and that doesn’t change.
I am glad she’s healing! I’m glad she has the Valkyries. I’m glad she started to make amends with Feyre after she saved Feyre and Nyx. I’m glad she finally went to see her father’s grave. I can’t wait to see more of her growth.
But I’m tired of some fans completely ignoring and excuses all of her actions. The point of her character is to admit and take accountability of her behavior and to move on from it. To grow. To learn. If we just completely excuse it, ignore it, then we aren’t doing her charcater development justice! We’re throwing the whole point of her journey into the garbage!
Anyways, this is my opinion. These are just my thoughts since I’m rereading the series. If you have a different opinion awesome! I will not be arguing with anyone so if you have anything negative to say, say it somewhere else not in my page. Keep it respectful and I’ll gladly hear your takes. Otherwise, I won’t give you the time of day. 🩷
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dreamchasernina · 12 hours
Your opinion on "Love is a battlefield" comic ? I rly see some ppl on tumblr call a nice guy or incel cause of this.
I’ve been wanting to talk about that comic for a while so thank you for asking me this. So I got the lost adventure comics a month ago and I enjoyed them very much. When I got to this specific comic I suddenly remembered that everyone found it problematic so I was glad to finally read it myself to see what the problem was.
So if some of you haven't read this comic it's about Aang and Katara, where Katara pressures Aang into a training session to see him firebend. Aang thinks Katara wants to talk about their kiss right before the invasion, but is disappointed to see it’s not. Katara actively tries to avoid talking about that, so she starts attacking Aang so he would fight back. Aang locks himself in a rock like he does in the finale and tells Katara he doesn’t want to train, until he gives in, firebends the rock like a volcano almost hurting Katara. After which he just storms off.
I’ve read a lot of ATLA comics and some of them do have moments where the characters are not themselves. But, never have I seen a comic that mischaracterizes the characters as bad as this one. Genuinely, does Aang seem like someone who would get angry and lash out with his bending? Forget the avatar state, that’s when he is so consumed by rage he loses himself. I’m talking about Aang getting casually angry and actually bending in anger? Looking at the show Aang gets angry multiple times, in the great divide, in the finale, the chase, just to name a few…and never ever does he use bending in anger, EVER, except in The Desert because he is so consumed by his rage about losing Appa. The whole The Desert episode highlights how Aang is not himself, that’s why it’s so impactful, because Aang is a complete opposite of who he usually is. Outside of that episode, Aang never uses his bending in anger, ESPECIALLY at people he cares about.
And even more importantly, is this writer trying to tell me that after the storyline where Aang learns to fire bend and hurts Katara in his recklessness, he is so traumatized by that he swears off firebending completely, doesn't want to use it ever again until he discovers fire is not meant for destruction and he just needs to learn to control it...after all that YOU WANT TO TELL ME AANG RISKS HURTING KATARA AGAIN WITH FIREBEDNING BECAUSE HE GETS MAD???? WHAT IS THIS WRITER SMOKING. Talk about character assassination because what the hell is this? How was this ever approved? Two episodes before this comic is supposed to take place Aang tells Zuko “now I know you understand how easy it is to hurt the people you love”…he accepts Zuko because he admits he needs to control his bending so he doesn’t hurt anyone unintentionally…and you want me to believe 2 episode after this Aang almost hurts Katara unintentionally with the element he was afraid to use again for 2 seasons?? Truly, I do not understand how this got published.
Now, as obvious as it is that Aang is out of character in this comic a lot of people don’t notice that Katara is very much not herself either. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT KATARA PEOPLE! Katara, the most gentle and caring member of the Gaang, who has spent the entirety of the Bitter Work episode telling Toph not to put too much pressure on Aang and try positive reinforcement and a gentle nudge in the right direction to teach him…STARTS THROWING ICICLES AT AANG WHEN HE SAYS HE DOESNT WANT TO TRAIN AND IS VISIBLY UPSET???? She sneaks up on him, splashes water on him, laughs at him and then proceeds to attack him to force him to train. Oh yeah, that’s definitely Katara right there…this writer definitely knows the characters…
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I don’t know who wrote this comic, I heard it’s a ZK shipper? If this was written by ZK shipper it suddenly makes sense because they wrote Aang exactly like Zuko would've behaved. Zuko is the one who’s known to lash out in anger and firebend at people he’s angry at, NOT AANG. Now, I can’t confirm nor deny this claim, again I don't know who this writer is, but I need them to sit their ass down and watch the damn show and never touch these characters again.
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lurkingshan · 17 hours
“I want you to be happy, or at least free.”
It’s the way Zhou Luo means it. He is suffering not because Nan Ya won’t be with him, but because she’s trapped and miserable and seeing her living that way hurts him. I believe him when he says he just wants her to find peace, even if that doesn’t mean being with him. He wants her to be free to make her own choices and tell the truth about her wants. His love for her has evolved into something far less selfish.
“Harm me, then.”
And that’s what ultimately gets through to Nan Ya. She has not been loved selflessly since her mother’s death. She has been surrounded by men who just want to use and take from her and disregard her humanity entirely. But here, finally, is a man who sees her. Who understands what matters to her and helps her protect it. Who has taken care to learn about the things she likes so he can share them with her. Who will disregard his own desires to give her what she needs. For a woman for whom desire has always been tainted by violence, it must be a bit intoxicating to finally be on the receiving end of such a love.
“Between my lover and me…”
And we see that they truly do fall in love. This is not a salacious affair based in sex, despite the magnetic chemistry between them. Zhou Luo is spending his nights helping Nan Ya work, reading her poetry, and talking about their lives. He helps her literally carry her burdens, shows her beautiful places, and gives her reasons to smile. They’re spending time together because it’s the source of happiness for both of them. He knows her worries and her struggles and he helps her as much as he can, while she pushes him not to lose focus of his future. We can see them become lighter and happier because of their connection, and see Nan Ya finally get to experience the pleasures of love. They’re good to each other and for each other; it’s all the outside forces that get in the way.
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alexa-fika · 2 days
Zoro and Sanji accidentally becoming parents to a little girl. Maybe they saved or protected her during a fight. She's a little sassy especially when Zoro kinda snaps at her but she's just standing up for herself. Other than that she's a complete sweet heart?? Only of you're okay with it!!!
Dual Training ( Sanji x gn!child!reader x Zoro)
A/N Reader heres is a little older, close to teen but not quite I tgink this is a flop, I din’t know where to go with jt so it kinda ended up pretty weak and im pretty sure this is not at all what you had in mind but I couldn’t come up with anything, im sorry Anon 😭 I have fail you
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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They frown, ducking to avoid the kick sent their way, swinging their bo staff Sanji’s way, forcing him to retreat. Just as he did, Dokucha turned to block Zoro’s attack, slowly sliding their staff up the sword until they were able to push him off; forgetting about the blond behind them, they charged towards the swordsman, trying to deliver a hit in his upper body, only to let out a groan as the attack was stopped by Sanji
“Okay, Okay, I give!” They exclaimed as Sanji kicked away their bo staff, Zoro having taken the opportunity to hold them at knifepoint, the sword inches away from their neck
“You’re too slow in your attacks,” Zoro commented, sheathing his sword
“My speed is not the problem.”
“Then what would you say is?” Sanji questioned, handing them their staff
“That you guys are absolute tanks!” they exclaimed
“You’re just weak,” Zoro quipped back, rolling his eyes
“And you’re just a jerk, but you don’t hear me saying that, do you?” The snapped back
The swordsman sends them a glare but doesn’t reply, opting to lie down
“Mon amour, we want you to strengthen your reflexes; that’s why we have you spare both of us at once,” Sanji explains
“Why both at the same time? Can’t even beat one of you, so why have both of you come at me at once?” The child whined
“Because your fighting style mixes both the use of weapons and the use of the body to fight," Zoro muttered, opening his eyes to glance at them
Sanji chuckles at their reaction, lighting a cigarette and blowing and exhaling a cloud of smoke
“I don’t use weapons nor my hands to fight for that matter, so I can only help you improve your fighting with your lower body; musclehead over here is a savage and knows about fighting with brawn and no brain and can help you work your staff.”
He lets out a scoff at that
“Say’s the one who fights like a mule, kicking his way out of everything.”
They sighed as, once again, the bickering resumed between the two
“Knock it off,” they call, standing in between them breaking the fight off as they glared at each other
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For always looking out for me and helping me become stronger,” they exclaim, sending them a grateful smile
“It’s no problem, mon/ma chéri”
Zoro just let out a grunt at their proclamation, at which they grinned, knowing the greenhead struggled with expressing himself verbally, easily understanding the underlying meaning of his actions
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Im sorry yall, but I have an idea for the next one, I think it’s gonna be a cook
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graveyardlifeguard · 3 days
The Breakup
Summary: After his IA investigation, you and Tim have a conversation in the station parking lot.
Tim Bradford x Reader
Warnings: Heartbreak?? Couple of cuss words somewhere
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It had been a long day. In all honesty it had been a long week. Between Tim absolutely ghosting me and lying to me, some random man showing up to my apartment, and Tamara telling me she was moving out, I didn’t how much more I could take. I was currently waiting outside of the station while Tim was inside finishing up his IA investigation. I don’t understand how this all went to shit so quickly. I still don’t fully understand what Tim has been up to. And why it’s so imperative for me not to know but for Angela to be in the loop. I knew the relationship was new, but it just didn’t seem…fair.
My head shoots up as I hear the front doors open, breaking me from my thoughts. Tim looks exhausted and I’m sure the investigation with Jacksons dad had taken a toll on him. I push off of my car that I had been leaning on and meet him at the trunk.
“Come here.” I say, opening my arms for a hug. He easily walks into them where we stand for a moment, just embracing.
“How’d it go with IA?” I ask once we both move to separate.
“I lied. About everything. But I mean, it saved my job, right? Protected you and Lopez.”
“It was an impossible situation. I would have done the same thing if I were in your place.” I comment, I can’t imagine having to go through whatever he had to this week. Maybe I could’ve helped if I had been looped into the situation. I guess I’ll never know. Tim shakes his head before speaking up, his voice thick with emotions.
“You wouldn’t have been in my place. You never would have put self-interest over your team.”
“You thought you could handle it, you were wrong, but you made it right. So, it’s fine.” I try to reason with him.
It doesn’t look like I’m breaking through because he shakes his again and just scoffs out, “Yeah, yeah I wish it were that easy. Y/N, I just lied to two men I deeply respect, OK? I just betrayed everything I thought was right about myself.” His voice is somehow even thicker with emotion, and I can see the faint glint of tears in his eyes.
This is so wrong.
“Tim- “I start but he quickly cuts me off asking me to let him finish.
“This is very hard for me to say. Y/N I have been lying to myself for a long time. That’s clear to me now and I can’t— I can’t just go back to the way things were. Not right now. Maybe never..”
He takes a breath and I feel my heart drop into my stomach, if not out of my body in general. What does that mean? Go back to the way things were? Is he talking about us? Our relationship? It’s still new, we haven’t had any time. Was he breaking up with me?
“Wait..” I trail off, hearing the hurt in my voice. “Are you breaking up with me?"
We stand there for what feels like eternity. Tim is somehow conveying all of his emotions and none of them at the same time. It’s something that used to absolutely piss me off when he was my TO. He nods his head before he answers, “I’m sorry.”
It sounds like he is having to force the words out of his mouth. The words are laced with emotion, emotion I had really only seen out of him a handful of times. I hated it. I hated this.
“You don’t—you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to lie to me and then use that as an excuse to leave me, okay? That’s not okay. That is not okay. What you’re doing is not okay.”
It seems that all he can say in the moment is that ‘He knows.’ No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know because if he did, he wouldn’t be breaking my heart like this. He’s making it feel as though it’s my fault. Like somehow this whole situation, whatever the hell it was, is my fault. It’s not fair. This isn’t fair. I had told him before we started all this, at the beginning, that I couldn’t lose this because I would be losing the most important relationship I had ever had with someone.
“You—you are an incredible person.”
My heart begins to crack as it feels what’s coming. This is the start of a breakup speech. The one that’s only saved for special relationships, or the end of them that is. I shake my head feverishly. I can’t let him do this. It’s just not fair.
“No. No”
“No, you’re incredible, okay? You deserve so much better. That’s why I’m walking away.”
It’s just now that I’ve noticed that tears have welled up in my eyes. None have escaped yet and maybe it’s the shock of what’s going on that’s preventing them, either way I’m grateful that they aren’t falling in front of him. My brain is moving so fast that I can’t really figure out what emotion I’m feeling at this moment.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask, throwing my hand up in the air.
I didn’t realize that he was holding it but at that moment, what normally was a calming weight, feels as though its nine-hundred degrees on my skin.
“Why are you doing this?” I ask again.
All he can seem to say at the end of all of this is, “I’m sorry.” I feel his hands gently grab the sides of my head before he places a kiss on my forehead. He lets go quickly and walks away. Walks away from me, from us, from everything it feels like. I told him what this would do to me. What losing him would do to me. As I stand here watching him walk away, my mind settles on one emotion for the moment: absolute, mind-numbing heartbreak.
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sepublic · 1 day
You can tell the writers didn’t really have a plan/explanation for why Chen didn’t have Wind or Water despite apparently needing all of the elements for his spell. I know YEARS later they eventually came up with an explanation via Wojira, but if we’re being real from a Doylist perspective, they just could not be bothered to explain it. Despite Water being established in the very same season as Tournament of Elements, and Morro planned later that year, even showing up in the last second of S4!
Between this and the show being vague on how Morro got to the Cursed Realm -Tommy had to explain in a tweet that dying after doing bad things also qualifies you for it- and I honestly kinda wish/headcanoned that Clouse sent him there. Think about it…
Morro goes off to prove he’s the Green Ninja, leaving Wu. Chen hears that the Master of Wind is a lone child and realizes how easy it’ll be to claim the first element he needs. He and Clouse corner Morro, steal his power, and then banish him to the Cursed Realm to hide the evidence.
When Kai destroys the Staff of Elements, the power of Wind is released and crosses dimensional boundaries to return to Morro; Shortly afterwards, Clouse is banished to the Cursed Realm, allowing Morro to swap places with him. He watches everything that goes on from afar, gathering intel, hence his brief appearance at the end of S4.
As for Water… The writers teased that Chen knew what happened to Ray and Maya. And then never really followed up on it despite Tommy having a pretty sensible explanation in mind.
Let’s put it this way; Kai is the first child of Ray and Maya and he gets Ray’s power. He doesn’t know how to use it. Next comes Nya. Maya chooses to hold onto her power for now so that someone experienced and well trained can protect the family with it; Once Kai is old enough to use his powers, she’ll pass hers onto Nya.
Alas, Krux targets the two. He strikes a deal with Chen, who planted the idea in his and Acronix’s mind to take power for themselves; In exchange for sending his minions to help Krux capture Ray and Maya, Krux will allow Chen to take Maya’s element of Water for himself. Likewise, Chen gives Krux the Vermillion eggs he found in exchange for this boon. Everything goes as planned, Chen takes Maya’s element and then Krux holds both parents hostage and forces them to make armor for his new Vermillion army.
This is how Chen knows what happened to Ray and Maya, and explains his claim about them betraying the alliance by working for Krux (even if under duress). When Kai destroys the Staff of Elements, Water is released and doesn’t return to Maya, instead entering Nya because it was always meant to go to her.
This explains why Wu never trained Nya as a ninja until S5; She straight up didn’t HAVE an elemental power until the latter half of S4. And amidst all of the other chaos, Nya has to grapple with some mysterious element having bonded with her for some reason; In the end, she doesn’t have time to figure out or master her new element, so she sticks to being Samurai X for the rest of S4. Once Chen is dealt with, only then does she have the space to start exploring this new power and the implications of her mother’s power having been held by Chen, who claimed to know Maya and Ray’s whereabouts. S4 already set up a couple of story elements that would be expanded upon in S5, what’s another one?
…This doesn’t count for Time of course, but that was only added two years later. So it’s a bit more understandable of a retcon, whereas the writers knew about Water and Wind when writing S4 and still didn’t bother to explain it. Idk maybe Time isn’t actually an element but a ‘power’ (hence it being split into four powers across two masters), and Acronix and Krux’s beef stemmed partially from wanting Time to be recognized as an element on equal standing with the rest of the alliance, especially after contributing so much to the war effort. Being left out because they weren’t viewed as ‘real’ Elemental Masters created an inferiority complex that Chen took advantage of. Maybe the Hands of Time connected with Skylor’s mother over Amber also being dismissed as not a real element, and like them she listened to Chen, which led to her having Skylor with him.
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bigfinpie · 2 months
Some Wolfwren sketches my brain barfed out today
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I might finish the sketch of Sabine’s daydream idk
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nonbinarykai · 9 days
My hot take is that I think Kai did raise nya but he was an objectively bad and lacking parental figure (because he was like 7) who wasn’t able to properly fulfill Nya emotional needs and as a result (as well as the general stress of the situation) nya is as heavily traumatized as Kai.
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Ok it’s been more than 5 years since xenoblade 2 came out and we’ve had our fair share of discourses
But are we ready to talk about that scene where Zeke, Pandoria, and Nia are all randomly dismissive and agro towards refugees, and then the party has a lukewarm political debate for a minute before moving on and never mentioning it again like what was that
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mellomadness · 1 month
sometimes I wonder if I should take a gender studies class just so I can bitch every day about how an imaginary boyfriend is often seen as a requirement for a woman to feel safe enough to have fun at a club, or the idea that an imaginary person with a fake “claim” over me has more influence over predatory men than my own voice saying “No, I’m not interested, get lost”
#venting#hnnnnng the double standard is really really making my teeth hurt recently#(in that I’m grinding my jaw at the mere thought of this particular breed of injustice)#I honestly miss going out with my friends. I miss going to bars and clubs and enjoying the night#but I wanna go with my friends and leave my boyfriend at home for once#he gets to go out and enjoy himself all the time with his friends and they never even have to deal with unwanted flirtation#meanwhile I go out in a tshirt and jeans and get fucking catcalled or flirted with just fucking getting groceries#and it’s not a narrative on beauty or anything. it’s about men’s perception of women#specifically predatory men and men who don’t realize they’re BEING predatory#perhaps it’s because I’ve been going to this fucking gamer school for far too long#and I’ve interacted with so many socially inept/incel men from there#who don’t know what no means or dont take women seriously when they do say no#or they literally cannot read between the lines of a woman politely declining their advances#‘but she was being so nice to me’ yeah bc if she wasn’t you’d either call her a bitch or try to force her anyway#anyway. I’m angry#im tired of living in fear of morons#I’m tired of not being able to go out on a Tuesday night and just walk the town with my friends#specifically my femme friends#we should be at the club!! instead we’re trying to make sure the group is like a school of fish so we’re less of a target#and like. I could talk about this on twt or reddit but. cmon. let’s be real here#MelloMoans#really does feel like we’re going backwards when it comes to gender equality and feminism#especially with the influx of the whole sigma male/high value male bullshit#I understand how it came to be I really do but that plus the whole pick me girl thing is just another toxic view of gender identity#and all it has resulted in on both sides is a wider degree of separation between the genders#therefore allowing both extremes to dehumanize every one that doesn’t identify as sigma male or not like other girls YET AGAIN#(and therefore also opens up the door for dehumanizing lgbtq+ folks but. let’s be real. that hasn’t really gone away yet :/
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river-of-wine · 9 months
Perhaps one day people will understand that House Beneviento functions completely differently in the main story than it does in Shadows of Rose because of who is controlling it and why they are doing so
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heartslobbf · 11 months
and what if i mentioned that nanami and juri are the only (special) girls in rgu to not wear the rose bride dress. what then
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