#because they are wizards and muggles who marry each other
maedhros-erchamion · 2 years
I like ASOIAF and the Targaryen history is an interesting part of the whole story. Some of them were good, some of them were ambiguous and others were straight up monsters. I don’t have a problem of enjoying some f@cked up characters. However I have seen some weird things from some targaryen fans that make me unconfortable when I go in the tags. They are people who unironically believe that Targaryens are better than others not because of the dragons let’s say, but because they have silver hair and look like barbies basically. They again unironically complain when a Targaryen marries or has children with non Targaryens because there is a possibility that their children will be born with black or brown hair or something and this is bad for some reason?
Finally, I want to say a big thank you to these people because the story of ASOIAF is really creepy and they made the overall experience even worse.
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Golden - Weasley Twins x Reader (Soulmate AU)
Request: Would you do one where a shy Hufflepuff is Fred and George’s soulmate? Maybe they are connected somehow like a song or marks or something and it takes them a while to find her because she’s so reserved but they end up bumping into her and finding out?
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It was common knowledge within the wizarding world that the age of twelve was the most common to find your soulmate. You weren't sure why twelve was the magic number, but you were never the type to question to origins of magic. What you were sure of that twelve passed by with no soulmate to speak of, then thirteen, and then fourteen. It was in your fourteenth year of life that you had given up the notion of having a soulmate altogether. Your parents had found each other even before going to Hogwarts and you had now been lapped by your younger sibling who had matched their first year.
Your parents marks glowed golden on their pinkies - a lifelong reminder of the most important pinkie promise they ever made. Your brother's soulmark was a simple streak on his shoulder from where he brushed against his soulmate waiting on the sorting ceremony.
Before you first touched your soulmate, the mark on your skin was just a dark patch. Muggles that fell in love with wizards or witches often just mistook the patch for a birthmark. The marks on your skin, however, could never be mistaken for anything but a soulmark. You had two marks that were completely separate from the other. The first was a line around your waist and the second a handprint from mouth to ear. The line on the waist could always be a hug from behind. It was easy enough to believe. But the hand print? You tried to keep the worst out of your mind.
It had been almost two years since you had given up on your soulmate. Exams were just around the corner and then you were out. You were quite tempted to just move into the muggle world and never have to deal with the concept of a soulmate again. You'd marry someone who, even though they weren't your soulmate, treated you well. And wouldn't that be enough in the end?
With that thought in your mind, you turned in your final examination to Professor Umbridge, who you were quite sure never even got a soulmark as it seemed impossible that anyone could love her. A huge wave of relief washed over you as you exited the Great Hall and, just for a moment, you allowed your eyes to close and a deep breath to escape your lungs. It was over.
Your moment was short lived as a chorus of "Get down!" rang out behind you, before a set of arms wrapped around you, yanking you to the ground. Your body slammed against the rough ground, but your head was caught before it hit by another set of hands. Still, your heart raced as you tried to catch your breath.
"Shit," one of the voices said - the one with his arms around you. He transitioned from holding onto you to rubbing your back. "We are so so sorry." "We let out fireworks. Thought the coast was clear but obviously we were wrong," the other voice said, hand still supporting your face. "Here, let us help you up," he offered. You had barely made it upright when the boy in front of you began to scowl. "Fuck, Umbridge," he seethed. "I'm sorry but we have to go."
Instead of leaving you, the boy pulled you along. The other tailing closely behind. "What are you doing?" you asked. "Unfortunately, you're an accomplice now and we're about to be caught." "Accomplice? I just met you!" "Yeah? Explain that to Umbridge over a hot cup of tea and a puddle of blood. You should be thanking me!"
It wasn't until you made what felt like four laps around the castle before you quit running. You didn't even know where you were and you had been attending Hogwarts for seven years. All you know was that you were in a tiny broom closet with two boys you just met. "Lumos," one of the boys spoke, and you finally got a good look at their faces. You rolled your eyes. You should have known it was the Weasley twins. You had never really met the two but the entire school knew of the mischief they caused. It had been far too easy for you to steer clear of them up to this point. "Fred," the twin on the left, George, asked quietly. Fred was looking down at his hand, then up to you. In the dim light you could barely notice the golden glow that now shone on his hand. "It's you," he spoke gently. "What do you mean?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed. Hesitantly, Fred reached his hand up to your face, placing it where it had been only moments ago. "You're golden," he smiled.
"My whole life I was wondering how I would get those marks," I laughed. "I always feared the worst, just because of where they are. Did you feel the same way?" He shook his head. "I always just assumed it would be a handshake." You rolled your eyes. "A handshake wouldn't give you this, though." You pulled up the other sleeve of his robes - nothing. No mark whatsoever adorned him. "That doesn't make any sense." When your eyes rose up to meet Fred's, he was looking beside you, at his twin, whose forearm revealed the missing piece of the puzzle. He, too, glowed gold.
Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
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glisten-inthedark · 4 months
Ok hear me out!
Post war Drarry fic in which they work at the ministry and Yada Yada
But! The Malfoys are going through a redemption arc because I said so and Lucius struggles to understand all things muggle (trademark). Now, he doesn't become an angel and he's still deeply prejudiced and still has a mean streak a mile long, but he's trying so give him a break. (He's the one asking, not me).
As they do so, Harry watches as his preconceived notions of the Malfoy family go down the drain especially as he learns they do love each other.
As Draco and Harry become friends (and oh boy does Harry wish they were more and no Ron, he's not obsessing again!) He sorta gets adopted first by Mrs. Malfoy who always gives him the best biscuits ever (don't ever tell Molly that), and makes him tea when he's under the weather.
And then suddenly and out of nowhere Mr. Malfoy and him are playing wizard chess while Harry tries to explain what a toaster was to no avail. It was fun watching Lucius get frustrated by it, though.
Suddenly, Harry is also the one receiving chocolates sent from the Malfoys once a week, and he's also the one they invite over for dinner every chance they get and watching Mrs. Malfoy go on and on about finding Draco a lovely witch to marry makes his skin boil.
But then once Draco comes out as gay, he was expecting for hail and hellfire but instead he got Lucius saying they could find a prestigious wizard for him to marry and somehow the idea of Draco with some other bloke was even worse the idea of him with a woman.
At first, Harry thought he didn't stand a chance because he wasn't the right gender, turns our Draco did like men, but not him and that was way worse.
But Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Weasley somehow also become quite close and Harry may or may not have heard a conversation between them once while under the invisibility cloak as he finds Narcissa also knows what is like to lose a child. According to what he heard, the Malfoys struggled to conceive and Narcissa suffered through multiple miscarriages and through a still birth. As these two form an unlikely alliance, they decide that Harry and Draco should be together because I too said so.
So now they are meddling while Harry is forever salty that Draco doesn't want him, somehow got adopted by two very distinct families, has to deal with an constant confused Lucius that never knows what in the world is a blender and why does he think the idea is so fascinating and with a Ron who's very frustrated with everyone
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Click here for my masterlist.
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Prompt - ‘You saw me start to believe for the first time.’
Requested - @katsuniverse​
Notes - Happy Speak Now month! Request a fic for any of the remaining Speak Now tracks, click my masterlist to see which songs are left!!💜
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The difference between you and James was that he came from a family that showered him in love, a family with two parents who married for love without caring what other people thought, a family that couldn’t care less about blood purity and keeping family lines ‘clean’.
Your family only cared about that, muggles were respected less than house elves, if you even dared to glance at somebody who wasn’t of pureblood descent then they’d be sure to let you know how much of a traitor you were to the family. Your parents didn’t love each other, they loathed each other, sure in public people believed they were the perfect couple but the reality of it was they couldn’t have a single conversation behind closed doors without it turning into a screaming match.
Perhaps that was why you and Sirius had been fast friends. From a young age both of you had known this life wasn’t for you, the prejudice and judgement coming from people who thought they were so much better than others just because they were purebloods. Both of you forced to attend the parties that were only hosted in an effort to show how superior one family was from the other, a similar one hosted the next week just to prove who was better.
You hated those parties and yet you were made to attend each one of them, mainly sticking with Sirius and trying to stifle your laughter as he made fun of the stuck up witches and wizards around the room.
Going to Hogwarts was the break you needed. Finally being away from your family, from their high class rules, their cruel words and harsher glares, the parties and the arguments. It was a relief to leave home but their judgement still followed you down the Great Hall.
You and Sirius traded apprehensive looks. Both the Y/L/N and the Black family had been Slytherin’s for as far back as anybody could remember, it was expected that you and Sirius would follow that tradition.
You had known for years that Sirius was determined to be in any house but Slytherin, promising that he would find a way to trick the hat if he needed to. You thought he’d be ok though, Sirius was your best friend and nothing at all like the Slytherin that surrounded you on a daily basis, you didn’t think it would be a struggle for him to be placed anywhere else. You figured he’d do well in Gryffindor, he was one of the bravest people you’d met after all, never one to back down even against his father’s fists and mother’s sharp nails that left marks after one too many glasses of wine.
You yourself were torn, of course you hated everything your family stood for, of course you wanted to break free from them but thinking that and actually doing it were two different things. You had no love for your family but you knew their disappointment would still hit hard if you were placed anywhere but Slytherin.
“Now what should we do with you?” The hat asked once Professor McGonagall placed the ancient thing on your head. “A brilliant mind, older than your years aren’t you? Cunning and quick on your feet. But not Slytherin, eh?  For as long as I can remember the Y/L/N’s have been Slytherin’s. Of course that doesn’t mean you have to be. No, no I don’t think Slytherin is where you belong. A brave girl like you belongs in…
Gryffindor!” The Hat exclaimed and you felt your eyes widen in shock, gaze immediately seeking out Sirius who was beaming at you, up on his feet and whooping as you forced yourself off the stool and over to him.
“Breathe.” Sirius whispered as the remaining students were sorted, you not paying attention to any of it as your mind flooded with fear of what your family would do. “We’ll be fine.”
You glanced over at Sirius who smiled at you, knocking into your shoulder softly and you nodded, taking a deep breath and finally focusing on those around you. Opposite you were the two boys you’d met on the train, the pale boy with scars scattered around his face and hands sat across from Sirius and the boy with messy brown hair and warm eyes was facing you.
“You two alright?” James asked and you watched as Sirius glanced at you before grinning, taking the attention of you for a moment.
“I’m brilliant, mate. Merlin, mother’s going to be furious with me!” Sirius exclaimed and you couldn’t help but join in as Remus and James laughed, feeling some of the tension leave you.
You were a Gryffindor. There was nothing you could do to change that, no amount of angry words or letters could change that now. So instead you let yourself enjoy your first night at Hogwarts, pushing all thoughts of your family aside as you laughed with Sirius and the two others who would all become your best friends before the year was finished.
Over the years James had watched you closely. He had known when he was eleven that you were special, had known you were important. You were one of his best friends, he was always going to look out for you.
At thirteen he realised he liked you, at fourteen he realised he loved you. He never said anything though, he didn’t want to risk losing you. Every time somebody brought up love or crushes you always shut down, tuning the conversation out and refusing to take part, it didn’t matter how much they teased and nudged you, you never spoke about it.
James had been curious for a while, he’d even gone to ask you about it a few times but Sirius always seemed to know when he was going to, pulling him aside and distracting him with something or just subtly shaking his head when James approached you.
It took a while but eventually Sirius realised James was going to keep asking you so he waited until you’d gone up to bed and told him about your parents. Of course James already knew about them, he’d watched you rant about them, watched you tense up when the family owl flew into the Great Hall, watched how you stopped eating and zoned out when the school year was over and you knew you’d be going back to them.
Once Sirius told him James figured it made sense why you thought love was stupid. His heart ached that you thought all relationships were doomed, that the only example you had was set by those who married for status and not for love.
James wanted to change your mind. He wanted you to see that love was real, that it was a good thing, that it could work.
He went to bed that night with his thoughts racing, knowing he had all summer to come up with a way to get you to believe in love.
By the time autumn had arrived James had created and thrown out more plans than he could recall. He didn’t have a solid idea by the time he boarded the train and sat down next to you, his smile softening when he saw how tired you looked, knowing how draining the summer was for you at home.
He decided then and there that he didn’t need some elaborate plan, he didn’t need the others to help him come up with one either. All he had to do was show you that counting on somebody, that spending time with them and letting yourself fall wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
“Here.” He murmured to you, the word nearly getting lost in the noise of the train, everybody excitedly greeting each other as they made their way into compartments.
You looked over at James, eyebrows knitting together as you looked at him. James couldn’t help but grin as your face lit up when you took one of the cupcakes James held out to you, something Mrs Potter had taken to making and sending him off with at the beginning of the third year.
You and James easily fell into conversation, James careful not to ask too many questions about your summer even as you asked about his. Sometimes you did talk about it but it was usually in the early hours of the morning when everyone else had gone to bed, you and him alone in the common room feeling like the secrets you shared there were safe to say.
It wasn’t long before Remus and Sirius joined the two of you and soon enough you were back at Hogwarts, happy to be back home.
“Come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?” James asked as he caught up to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder when he saw you leave the Great Hall.
You looked up at him with a smile, a smile that James loved putting on your face and swore he’d keep there. You didn’t move from under his arm letting him lead you out of the castle, if anything you shifted closer to him when the autumn air hit you.
“Don’t we always go to Hogsmeade together?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him questioning.
“No, we always go with Sirius and Remus.” James told you and it was true, all four of you always went together unless Sirius was trying to impress a girl but that usually ended with him finding you all a few hours later. “I’m asking you to come with me.”
You stayed silent for a moment, feeling a wave of nerves run through you. You’d known for a long time now that you liked James. You hadn’t wanted to admit it to even yourself for so long but you couldn’t deny the fact that he was the one you sought out after a bad day, he was the one you went to for a distraction, he was the one you looked for when you entered a room, he was the one who took a weight of your shoulders upon seeing him after spending the summer with your family.
You loved James and it terrified you.
Nothing good could come from it. You knew what relationships turned into, you had watched as even the best intended relationships turned cold and cruel. You couldn’t have that happen between you and James, you’d rather never tell the man how you felt than watch as you and he turned into something dark and twisted.
And yet even with the sliver of fear you felt you had never been all that good at denying James Potter of anything he asked for.
“So,” James stretched the word out when you had gone too long without answering him. “Will you come with me?”
“Yeah, I’ll go with you.” You told him, a small smile on your face as you felt excitement mix with your nerves and fear.
A few days later found you pacing the lengths of your room, thankful that the other girls had left for breakfast, leaving you alone to freak out about going out with James. You don’t know why you were so nervous, it was just James and it wasn’t a date.
Yet some hopeful, traitorous part of you wished it was.
“You know he likes you right?” Sirius’ voice startled you out of your thoughts and you whipped around to face him, glaring at him for frightening you.
You’d ask how he even got into the girls dormitories but you had long since given up asking how Sirius did half the things he managed.
“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” You told him stiffly, turning away from him to busy yourself with rifling through your trunk.
“Come off it Y/N/N. He’s a good lad, one of the best, he’ll treat you right. What’s so wrong with giving him a chance? I know you like him too.” Sirius sighed, moving further into the room and onto your bed.
“Don’t you think I know all that?” You snapped, glaring at your oldest friend before taking a deep breath and moving to sit next to him, letting him wrap his arm around you to pull you closer and resting your head on his shoulder. “I just, I can’t Sirius. I can’t risk losing him, I can’t risk falling into the same trap every other couple we know has, I won’t jeopardise what we have now for us to end up hating each other.”
“Y/N, you’re not going to end up like our parents. They never loved each other, you know that. You won’t be dating James because you’ve been ordered too, because he’s a pureblood who only calls about popping our heirs and looking good to other purebloods. Neither of you care about that stuff.” Sirius told you softly, resting his head on yours and letting his eyes fall shut as silence washed over the two of you.
“I really like him.” You finally confessed, voice barely louder than a whisper but Sirius heard, a sad smile spreading across his face.
“I know you do. Go out with him, enjoy yourself, let yourself be happy.” Sirius said and you nodded, taking a moment to gather yourself before pulling yourself off the bed.
“See you later?” You asked as you slipped a robe on, ducking into the bathroom to check yourself one last time.
“I wanna hear all about it!” Sirius grinned as you rolled your eyes, heading down to the common room and seeing James waiting for you.
“You ready?” He asked, a smile spreading across his face as he saw you and you smiled back nodding. “You look beautiful by the way.”
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks, your smile turning shy as you ducked your head, following him out of the common room.
“Thank you.” You said softly, suddenly so unsure how to act around James despite having been friends for years. “You look good too.”
The walk through Hogwarts was silent, James wondered if he was making the right call. He knew how nervous you were, Sirius had been distracted all morning and only settled once he announced he was going to check on you. Your fears were clearly deeper than he had originally thought but then he looked over at you and knew he would never regret this.
He just had to hope you didn’t regret it either.
“You remember the first time we came here?” James asked you with a smirk, watching as you rolled your eyes again but your smile widened and that’s all James needed.
“I’d known you for two weeks, you can’t blame me for being cautious!” You defended yourself, James laughing and the sound made you relax a little bit.
“You were terrified.” James grinned and you nudged his shoulder.
“We were eleven, who gives an eleven year old an invisibility cloak?”
“I told you we’d make a rebel out of you.” You and James continued talking and laughing, reminiscing on your years at Hogwarts until you were completely relaxed, no nerves or fear running through you as you let yourself fall into the familiar comfort of James’ company.
After that day at Hogsmeade you decided not to overthink every decision you made. Of course one outing didn’t automatically fix everything you believed but you were willing to at least follow Sirius’ advice of giving it a try. You were still terrified of losing James, of turning into your parents but you also really wanted to be with James.
So one outing turned into two then three until months had passed and you and James were spending all your free time together, of course that didn’t deviate from your usual schedule but this year it was different. This year it was filled with shy glances and gentle brushing of hands which neither of you were brave enough to grab, it was filled with sneaking out and wandering the grounds together, of somehow getting to know each other more which you hadn’t thought possible.
Tonight the two of you sat outside by the black lake, James had enlisted the help of the others to make a picnic, getting as much food as the house elves would give them and setting up a spot for the two of you.
The food had long since been eaten and the sun was finally beginning to set. James rubbed his hands on his thighs, desperately trying to remember the speech he had planned earlier but coming up empty each time.
You looked out at the water, at some point you had shifted closer to James and rested your head on his shoulder. If somebody would have told you you’d be here months ago you’d have laughed in their face but now it felt right, everything about these last few months felt right.
Falling in love with James Potter felt right.
“You okay?” You murmured softly, not wanting to disturb the peace but James had been quiet for a while now and you hadn’t missed how nervous he’d seemed throughout dinner.
James wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was amazing, he was sat with the girl he loved leaning against him, so happy for every second he got to spend with you and yet he was also nervous because he was so desperate to tell you how he felt, needing you to know that he loved you, to know you were his world.
“James?” You said again, moving so you could look over at him.
“I love you.” James blurted out, his eyes widening at the same time as yours did.
He hadn’t meant to say that, well ok he had but he had a whole speech, he was going to ease you into it. The last thing he wanted was to scare you off and have you leave him.
“James,” You said softly, shocked at his words that left you equal parts nervous and overjoyed.
“No, wait, just let me…” James trailed off with a sigh before sitting up and turning to face you properly. “I know you don’t think this is going to work, I know you look at your mum and dad and hate what they have but that’s never going to be us. We’re choosing each other because we want to, not because of something as stupid as blood purity. I know you're scared but let me show you how good we can be.”
James watched you closely, part of him expected you to bolt but then he watched your face soften into a smile, he watched as the tension that had built in your shoulders left and you looked at him like it was your first time really seeing him.
James Potter was watching you believe for the first time.
Believe in him, believe in love, believe that he could be the one for you, believe that it wouldn’t end in spite and hatred but it could just be love.
“I love you too.” You finally said and James let out a surprised laugh, a grin spreading across his face as he stared at you.
You were in love with him.
“Can I please kiss you?” He asked, his voice coming out more of a beg causing you to laugh softly as you nodded, shifting closer to him and savouring the feeling of his palm cupping your cheek, memorising the way his thumb ran across your cheekbone as he held you like you were a prized possession.
“I really love you.” He murmured before pressing his lips to yours.
He had been waiting for so long to kiss you and now that he finally knew how your lips felt against his he knew he’d never be able to go without. One taste and he was addicted. The kiss was soft but eager, the two of you gripping each other, desperately trying to get as close as you could.
When you finally pulled away you were both panting for breath, James rested his forehead against yours to keep you close to him, not ready to let you go yet.
“So you’ll be mine then?” James asked breathlessly and you couldn’t help but smile brightly at him as you nodded. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this, I’m gonna spend the rest of our lives proving this will last, that it will always feel this good.”
You really hoped James was able to keep his promise, the way he made you feel in this moment was enough to push any doubts out of your head. How could something that feels this beautiful ever turn into something so dreadful? You wanted to believe that love wasn’t like that and you were more than happy to let James be the one to prove it to you.
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@rottenstyx​, @asherhunterx​, @canadailluminate​, @filmsbyblair​, @j-cat​ , @cinderellacauseshebroke​, @black-rose-29​, @chickensrule​, @rosaliedepp​, @ppgrayson​, @onyourgoddamnleft​, @divanca2006​, @silverose365​, @tc-blossom​, @mystic-writings​, @touchdeprivedwh0re​, @alexxavicry, @alwaysclassyeagle, @carmellasworld, @maeve-7,  @father-violet​, @izzyyy-1, @kaitieskidmore1, @mrslizzyolsen, @idli-dosa,  @siriusstwelveyears, , @polyglot-noodle, @bubsonnobx, @f-sant, @fairydxll, @valluvsu, @sjprongs, @uwiuwi , @parkerxdunbar , @betzabobababi, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @alexparkxr , @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @momoewn, @secretsthathauntus, @psychicbouquetgladiator, @evvy96, @iluvweasleys, @eonnyx, @audrie-bryant, @lunalovegood156, @pank0w, @anjelicajoyce, @elcve
@soldierheart, @libraryofsweetpotatoes, @instantpeachhologram, @devilacot, @canty0us33,  @missabsey,  @dunno--what-to-put-here
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
marauders!au where the war never happened and they all got to go on and live happy lives :) its set years later, when Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna and Hermione are going into their first year.
I haven’t come up with an actual plot yet :/ but this is the setting, and they are all around their early-to-mid-thirties at this point. it's likely just domestic fluff and slice-of-life type shit, with Harry still getting into impossible amounts of fuckery whilst stressing at least 10 different adults (as he should tbh)
i can't decide whether this is set in the 90s or in the modern!era so i left it ambiguous
Barty Crouch Jr, now Professor Barty (just Barty, Crouch is my father), teaches DADA and his fiancé, Evan Rosier, is a Magizoologist who travels during the school year, comes back home for the holidays and weekends to spend with Barty, either on Hogwarts grounds or at their own home. Barty has a close friendship with McGonagall, who is Headmistress, and Poppy (who are married, but no one figured it out).
Dorcas and Marlene play International-Level Quidditch: Dorcas for England, and Marlene for Wales or Ireland (undecided). Everyone thinks they hate each other from the way they treat each other during games. They played for the Holyhead Harpies until they got recruited, and their wedding was basically the biggest, most dramatic and over-the-top graduation party Hogwarts had ever seen, hosted in the Potter Manor. everyone was hungover for days afterwards
Lily and Snape are best-friends-turned-rivals, who achieved a Mastery in Potions at the same time, and are both the youngest people to ever do so. Sev specialises in theoretical potions, and Lily specialises in experimental work, altering old potions and creating new ones. She commandeered the entire basement for her own potions lab, and Remus helps her research in his spare time.
Pandora started publishing with Xenophillius (the definition of gender-fuckery; no-one knows how they identify, not even Xeno), and they publish the most outlandish work they can, alongside Pandora’s books!! They also run Xeno's Quibbler and a couple other independent newspapers. They live out in the countryside w/ Luna. Barty & Evan are their only walking-distance neighbours, but they floo to their friends houses semi-regularly
MaryLily and StarChaser are co-parenting Harry, and being godparents/family friends of Draco, Blaise Zabini, Ron, Neville and Luna. When Harry is at pre-school, he makes friends with Hermione, and the four of them introduce Dr and Dr Granger to the magical world over the years, instead of the two month crash-course Hogwarts gives
Mary is an artist, and since she was raised half-blood, absolutely adores the technique and process of muggle painting, later enchanting it to move and learn and talk. She doesn't own anything that isn't stained with paint, bleach or hair dye. She is famous for her work, in Magical and Muggle circles, but is almost completely anonymous, and they only know what she looks like because of a group portrait she painted
Regulus is an independent researcher of old Pagan traditions and 'Muggle' magic, how different solstices and days (like All Hallows Eve) affect the Magical community, etc. He visits Barty at Hogwarts with Harry every few weeks, and later with Hermione as well, so they grew up learning about the secrets at Hogwarts, in the library, and with the teachers. Also friendly house rivalry, and the adults completely split on which houses they will go into at Hogwarts. Evan started a betting pool.
James and Sirius are the wizarding private investigators. They work everywhere, for everyone (no matter what. they don't need to charge more than what people can afford), and love it. James absolutely adores the 'Sherlock Holmes' vibes, but they are both Sherlock Holmes b/c they are simply too baddass not to be!
Remus opened a bookstore-cafe, and him and Sirius live in the flat above it. It’s really popular and became the place for students and young queer people. The bookstore stocks everything from really popular and really unknown books and authors of every genre. The regulars also notice all these really famous but really mysterious friends of Remus who come-and-go (artist!mary, author!pandora, athletes!dorlene, etc). And then, of course, is the “private” investigator boyfriend, who couldn’t be less subtle at anything if he tried.
Alice is still an Auror, and the Best of the Best, but she is so fucking fed up of the politics, DMLE, and Ministry in general. She is starting a revolution/reformation from the inside- and if that doesn’t work, quit her job and do the same thing from the outside! Frank ended up in law and becoming a Lawyer, and is glad he did, because it might be the only thing that will keep his partner out of jail if she decides to commit treason. They love Neville to bits, and would do anything for him!! They built a whole-ass greenhouse when he discovered his talent.
Peter Pettigrew works part-time with Remus at his place, but is currently training with Gringotts/other cursebreakers to become a professional cursebreaker! it is taking a long ass time with a lot of testing and work to put in, but Peter finds it interesting and it meant that he always has more stories to tell the kids when he sees them, which is a bonus because children are hard to entertain.
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greenerteacups · 7 months
I power read Lionheart months ago and it's been living in my brain ever since. In random moments, I see/think about your characters in the world around me. Like: a couple in the park holding hands? I start musing on your Draco's PDA thoughts. I remember the handholding moment as the Third Task started. I see a threadbare book in the thrift store? I wonder how fired up Hermione would be if someone asked her if wizards had an obligation to fix Muggle goods. If Reparo can fix a roof (and costs a witch nothing), should impoverished Muggles have to fight with their insurance company after a storm? On and on. I love it.
Thanks for opening up your asks for questions! Seriously, that's a badass move. There have been a few stressful moments in my life where--bing!--I check Tumblr and read one of your answers and I'm immersed in your HP world again, carefree and curious. <3
I have about a billion things I could ask/am curious about, but I'll restrain myself to two. This time. ;-)
Draco's mentioned once or twice that Harry & Ron don't understand him and Hermione. I was interested in that moment right before Draco follows Hermione to the Owlery. Harry stopped Ron from saying anything, and Draco recognizes that he's probably just as ignorant about Harry and Ron's friendship. So: 1) Is it too spoilery to ask what Harry (dear, sweet boy that he is) has noticed about Hermione & Draco? Does he think of them as one nerdbrain, or is he like Draco? Hermione? Weren't they married like, ages ago? I'm so fascinated by what others see when they look at Draco and Hermione because good GOD, what a power couple. And 2) Could you speak to Harry and Ron's relationship? Is Harry like, "Ron, you've gotta kill that Hermione pipedream," or is that topic irrelevant in the face of Quidditch gossip and less relationship-driven moments? Their (Harry and Ron) connection just seems so...necessary. It's beautiful.
I hope you're doing well! Thanks again for sharing such an immersive, gripping story with us.
Aw, this is so touching, thank you! I'll try to answer your questions as best I can without spoilers or breaching any rules on author-answer-ethics. Standard disclaimers: anything not in the text doesn't count, if I want you to believe something I have to give you a reason to believe it in the body of the fiction itself, and you're free to disagree with anything I say here. For the purposes of these types of questions, I'm basically just a fan who knows what the author had for breakfast this morning.
Harry knows that Hermione and Draco are... something. I think this comes through most in the arc of Book 4 where Ron separates from the group, and it becomes a tricycle of Draco, Hermione, and Harry. Harry is miserable, and it's not just because Ron leaves (although that's a large part of it); he's now in the position that Hermione occupies for most of the original series, where he understands very clearly that his other two friends, while both loving him very much, are First in each other's minds. He has a number of remarks that start to show his irritation with this, though he tries his best to be understanding — it is a similar dynamic to him and Ron, after all. (Fun story: I didn't realize until late in my drafting how much Hermione and Draco's dynamic echoes Harry and Ron in canon, from meeting on the train, the paying-for-candy moment, the Sorting, the class partnership, etc.)
All this to say that Harry looks at Hermione and Draco and sees a wall, in the same way that Draco looks at Harry and Ron and sees a wall. He doesn't understand it, but he knows that's deep water, and he knows he's usually better off not touching it. (Some of this comes through in Ron's conversation with Draco by the pumpkin patch; there's a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to "whatever the hell you and Hermione have got going on," along with a quick gloss on their weird pseudo-spiritual mind-meld connection, which was meant to give a glimpse into how the rest of Gryffindor sees them: eerily well-suited people with separately terrifying abilities who, when together, sail merrily off into their own universe of intelligence/plots-and-schemery and become a black hole of You Don't Want To Fucking Know. I sometimes amuse myself by thinking of Dean and Seamus giving the first years PSAs on Do Not Approach the Wild Swots In Action.) And he, like most of Gryffindor Tower, would have to be blind not to see how much they favor each other. They're always together. There's really nothing that they can do to hide it.
Which is probably why he pulls Ron back in the Owlery moment. He understands that what Hermione is dealing with is something that Draco, perhaps only Draco, can fix. She needs to hear a very specific kind of reassurance, and she needs to hear it from him. In the same way, when Hermione tried to calm Harry down before the plan to rescue Sirius in the third book, she failed miserably; they love each other intensely (they're siblings! the muggle-born twins!) but they're extremely different, and of all the Quartet dynamics, they're the ones who seem most at peace with that. Harry and Hermione's friendship works because they get what the other needs and they get that sometimes it's not them. (Harry more than Hermione, because she's still working on the concept of "sometimes people do not want my help" in general, but still.) There's a reason basically no one ever speculates about them being involved outside of a joke, because no one who knows them would think they could work romantically. They love each other, but they weird each other out, and they're content with that.
In contrast, Ron and Harry's friendship is more of the soul-bonded, life-partners, "he is more myself than I am" kind of friendship. Catherine and Heathcliff dig-up-the-corpse-to-lie-down-with-it type of shit. When Ron gets a death scare in the finale of Book 3, Harry goes fucking ballistic. Likewise with Harry's portkey fakeout in the end of Book 4 — Ron loses his shit. They are deeply, irrevocably attached to each other in an almost codependent way, which is the product of Harry's "first friend ever, like literally fucking ever, not nobody else, not one" situation meeting Ron's "first person who ever loved me as Ron and not so-and-so's brother" situation. So just as you put it, really: necessary and beautiful (and messy).
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jaegerisim · 10 months
When 11 year old Mike Wheeler boarded the Hogwarts express with his best friend Will Byers, all he could think about was how happy being here made him.
Being a Wheeler meant his life was already laid before him: get sorted into Gryffindor, marry another pure blood witch, have kids with her and continue the family line of Gryffindors.
All his family had been Gryffindors, which meant that they were one of the most anti-Slytherin families in the whole Wizarding World.
That wasn't a problem for him though, because his best friend was going to be sorted into Hufflepuff like his brother and mother, Professor Joyce Byers. Although he could be sorted in Gryffindor, like his father, Lonnie Byers, an Auror. Lonnie had been a well known Auror but after a terrible accident, the man had become violent and abusive. Fortunately, in drunken ire, Lonnie had decided to run off into the Muggle world, never to be seen again.
While on the train ride, they met: Lucas Sinclair; a sweet Black boy, his friend Dustin Henderson; a curly-haired boy with an impish grin and a pet cat called Mews, El Hopper; a gentle and shy girl whose father, Jim Hopper, was head of the Gryffindor house; and Max Mayfield; a girl with a strong personality and hot temper that matched her red hair.
Will and Max quickly befriended each other and Mike would be lying if he said that their immediate friendship didn't make him a little jealous. So Mike would constantly try to pry Will's attention away from the girl, winning himself a snarky remark or two.
By the end of the ride, all of them had become an inseparable group of friends. Mike had found El, extremely charming but his favorite would always be Will; with his big hazel eyes, endearing bowl cut and warm demeanor, who could blame Mike.
As they entered The Great Hall, all the first years stared at the enchanted ceiling with awe and wonder, yet Mike only had eyes for the young Byers.
The Sorting began and Mike trembled with anticipation, even though he already knew what house he'd be sorted into.
"Byers, Will!" called Professor Hopper.
Will squealed with excitement and ran over to sit on the stool.
Mike gave Will a reassuring grin and suddenly someone caught his eye. A blonde young man stared at Will with a pair of cold, blue eyes. Mike didn't think much of it, since he was more interested in his best friends head being swallowed whole by the Sorting Hat.
A minute of silenced passed until the Sorting Hat yelled "Slytherin!"
Mike's eyes widened. Slytherin? How could the purest, most angelic being be sorted into the house of villains? Surely that must be some sort of mistake! Mike waited for the Sorting Hat to laugh and say, "Just kidding, Hufflepuff!" But no, no such thing happened. For a fleeting moment, Joyce's eyes met Mike's and he noticed the woman's confused state.
Will didn't seem to mind being sorted into that house, apparently, as he skipped towards his table being met with enthusiastic cheers and pats on the back. An older girl with dirty blonde hair whispered something to him and he giggled, whispering something back. He recognized the girl, her name was Robin Buckley and his sister would always complain about how annoying her jokes were and how she couldn't stand her.
The Sorting continued as if nothing were wrong, as if the Sorting Hat hadn't made a mistake! It infuriated Mike to no end how nobody was speaking up about Will. Not even his brother or mother.
Mike was sorted into Gryffindor (surprising no one), Lucas was too, El was sorted into Hufflepuff, Dustin into Ravenclaw and finally Max into Slytherin. Mike couldn't help but notice how Lucas deflated a bit when Max went to high-five Will, earning a hug from him and Robin. Billy Hargrove, a 4th year Slytherin with a nasty attitude and Max's stepbrother, smirked at them with disdain.
Mike fell asleep feeling something was terribly wrong. Will couldn't possibly be evil! He was such a nice and caring soul! Still, he was determined to not let Will being a Slytherin ruin their friendship, especially since they shared Potions and Herbology together.
Mike detested Potions and Professor Creel seemed to detest Mike even more.
"Well done, Mr. Byers! What a wonderful potion, indeed." Professor Creel patted a delighted Will on the back "10 points to Slytherin"
Max and Will cheered and Professor Creel smiled proudly. A smile that disappeared the moment he saw Mike's own potion.
"Mr Wheeler that isn't a potion, that's your mother's stew!" cackled Professor Creel "5 points from Gryffindor and Mr Sinclair that potion is going to explode any second now"
Both Lucas and Mike's potions, promptly exploded. Mike thought he heard Will snicker softly.
The months passed until finals were just around the corner. So The Party was sitting in the library studying.
"Will! Can't you tell your mom to go easy on our Transfiguration test?" asked Mike.
"No, you know how Mom is super strict about not showing favoritism to me and Jonathan." chided Will, straightening his green and silver tie.
Mike felt a pang of pain whenever he thought about the snake embroidered onto Will's cloak or the green and silver colors adorning his uniform.
"Anyways, are you going to come to the Quidditch match this Sunday? It's the final between Slytherin and Gryffindor!" Lucas interrupted popping up from behind them.
"Of course!" piped up Will "Personally, I think we're gonna win the cup this year. Billy is such a good seeker and Tommy is a menace as a Beater! Although Nancy is a brilliant keeper and Jason is a great Team Captain"
Mike really wasn't interested in Quidditch but since Will was going, he supposed he would too.
He went to the Quidditch match sticking close to El who wasn't interested in it either. They'd grown pretty close this past year and people, mainly Lucas, were insisting on how they both looked like a couple. Mike really didn't understand why they said that but he played along with it.
Max and Will sat next to each other laughing and cheering their team on, booing whenever Gryffindor scored and clapping when Tommy took down Gryffindor's Chaser with a Bludgeon to the ribs.
Mike's insides burned with jealousy. It was obvious Will had found a new best friend in Max but hopefully that wouldn't mean he'd stop wanting to be Mike's best friend.
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etaindelaserna · 3 months
Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
I mean…how much time do you have?😏✨ In no particular order:
1) Zoro x Nami (One Piece)
I‘ve been in love with their dynamics from the very beginning: the navigator and the one with no orientation skill whatsoever. Orange and green. They bicker like an old married couple, but respect and trust each other blindly. It started out with Zoro protecting Nami from Buggy’s crew, her helping him out during fights but I fell head over heels for them once the Arlong Arc came around: he read her like a book and trusted her enough to make a point. That sealed the deal. Then he watched over her while she was ill and from there one I noticed how he always looks out for here, making sure she is safe🥺🧡 Just ✨They just make sense to me.
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2) Damon x Elena (TVD)
I actually don’t recall when I started to ship them. It must have been slowly, just before the „fake“ kiss happened when Katherine came back, somewhere between their banter and low key flirting. I think I fell for this ship because of the factor Damon. Him being fiercely loyal and desperate to get Katherine back, only to realize she never loved him and then falling in love with his brother‘s girl. AGAIN. The tragedy and the tension whether Elena would fall for him too, made this so fun to watch. The final nail in the coffin was when he told her, he loved her but compelled her to forget. Oh, and of course the dance…
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3) Sookie x Eric (Sookie Stackhouse Novels)
The moment Sookie laid eyes on Eric for the first time and him shamelessly flirting with her in front of Bill, I was a goner. Bill always gave me an ick feeling. I just never understood why Sookie was interested in him apart from the fact that she couldn’t hear his thoughts. In the books there was always a spark whenever Sookie and Eric met. I liked that Eric was down for anything as long as it involved Sookie (going undercover to an orgy for example), that he was always (brutally at times) honest with her, that he protected and cared for her no matter what. He respected her decisions. There were no silly games between them. As far as vampire feelings for humans go in this universe, I do think he loved her deeply. As for her: she loved him too but also knew that it would never end well. Such a sassy, sexy ship.
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4) Captain Jack Sparrow x Elizabeth
One if my original all-time favourite ships. The sparrow and the swan. I liked their dynamics in CotBP but grew obsessed with them during DMC. Her being restricted by society’s expectations of her and him being the adventurous, clever pirate she had already read about. I mean pleeeeeaaase: the themes alone! She longs for freedom. He and his lifestyle are the definition of freedom. She has a fierce and untamed nature just like the sea. He is in love with the sea. I think Jack brings out her true self just like she brings out his. She matches his scheming talent but I always thought Elizabeth to be more ruthless than Jack. I don’t know what I expected but her ending up alone on an island, married and back in the corset was not it.
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5) Hermione x Draco (Harry Potter)
Another one of my original ships. The muggle born and the son of an old wizard family, who hate muggle borns and are/were loyal to the Dark Lord. The drama, tension and potential storylines with this setup is off the charts. I think I fell for them once the 3rd movie came around. That slap and Hermione urging Hagrid to take Draco to the Madam Pomfrey was pure gold for my shipper heart. I started to get obsessed with them when I read the 4th book and they stumbled upon him during the world cup. I always and forever will read this scene as Draco warning them about the dangers of the Deatheaters disguised behind his typical insults. There were both lines in the movies as well as in the books that always made be believe that Draco might have had a crush on Hermione at some point. I was waiting for a redemption arc in the last book which never happened. I also always thought that Hermione needed a partner who matched her intellect to be truly fulfilled and who appreciated her Slytherin traits (cunning, ambition).
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6) Sakura x Kakashi (Naruto)
So, this is a complicated one. He is 14 years her senior and her sensei. That is problematic. I didn’t ship them when she was a child. BUT: I liked the idea of them, if the circumstances were different (same age or time travel AU). Kakashi seemed to appreciate her intelligence and her talent for chakra control. He never made her feel weak and he always protected her the best he could. During Shippuden his reaction was always shown when Sakura suffered because of Sasuke. And Kakashi looked rather heart broken and sad for her. He watched over her and cared for her during the last battle. The incredulous (at times murdering) look he gave Sasuke when he mistreated Sakura was glorious. His whole mission was to make sure she survived. So, yeah, if the circumstances were different…also the hand on the cheek is canon🥺 Sakura deserved someone who appreciated her love and loyalty.
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7) Claire x Jamie (Outlander)
What I liked about this couple right away (in stark contrast to Frank to whom Claire is married to) was their back and forth, the easiness with which they held conversations with each other and the pure fun they had while doing so. They played off each other without any hassle. Just two people with the same intellect, temper and the same humour hitting it of. This combined with the twist that Claire is the experienced one in all sexual and romantic matters while Jamie is the virgin was absolutely addictive. They just matched. Their chemistry was off of everything that is considered holy.
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6) Hannibal x Will Graham (Hannibal)
At first I enjoyed their strange friendship, which quickly turned into mutual respect. May it be due to the actors or how the scenes between them were written but the chemistry was wild right from the beginning. The classical seduction to the dark side trope with a twist: Will is actually just like Hannibal and fights against the urge to kill but actually understands killing. To him just like to Hannibal it makes sense to kill. It even is beautiful. That dynamic hooked me from day one. The back and forth of their ideals. I think Hannibal was rather quickly aware of his feelings for Will. The fact that Will at first rejected him and his whole being but in the end fell for him as well, was fascinating to watch. Just pure and raw.
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8) Jaime x Brienne (A Song of Ice and Fire)
I love the tropes surrounding this couple: him, beautiful on the outside but ugly inside and her, ugly on the outside but the heart of a true knight inside. Beauty and the best. Their banter and clash of ideals is what attracted me to them (as well Jaime trying to get a reaction out of Brienne with his constant insults and borderline teasing). The way Jaime unknowingly started to grow a soft spot for the wench and slowly opened up to her, losing his hand (his identity as one of the best swordsmen) to protect her virtue all led to the best scene between them: the bath in Harrenhal. I fully shipped them afterwards. It‘s hard to imagine that Jaime had ever been this vulnerable with anyone but his brother before. He keeps on protecting her and she reminds him of his oaths. Just beautiful ✨
9) Buffy x Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
I was so obsessed with them at some point in my life — it wasn’t healthy anymore. First because of the ridiculous sexy way Spike played around with Buffy as his next slayer to kill. He was cunning and dangerous. Later because of how loyal, funny and good he was even without a soul. Him being a hopeless, awkward romantic while Buffy was straight to the point was a fun dynamic. In the later seasons I felt sorry for him because of how he was used and treated by Buffy but at least he got to go out like a true hero.
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10) Beth x Daryl (The Walking Dead)
This was an unexpected one. I liked Daryl as a character but Beth was just a girl in the background who cut her arms. They were pushed together for a few episodes and because their views on life and their experiences were so different, it created this interesting dynamic. Somehow they worked. Daryl helped her get stronger and Beth helped him to deal with his emotions. She was innocent. He was rugged and beaten down by life. There was something delicate between them that was never allowed to grow.
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13) Rae x Finn (My Mad Fat Diary)
Just two nerds obsessed with Oasis and each other. Typical teenager drama. Because of her seize and her body and mental issues Rae doesn’t think she deserves Finn or that he is even interested in her. She convinces herself to the point that she gives her v-card to another guy around her body seize. Finn on the other hand has already decided that he likes Rae and is all cute and touchy with her. The cuteness of their relationship and Finn‘s straight forward „Idk what your problem is but I like you just the way you are“ endeared me to this couple. Also Rae is hilarious.
14) Asoka x Rex (The Clone Wars Series)
Another problematic ship due to her being his superior and him being (at least) physically older when they were first introduced to each other. I think it‘s the fact that Order 66 looms on the horizon and all the drama and heartbreak that comes with it, what got me into this ship. Asoka transforms from an insecure padawan who gets her squad killed into a formidable force user and along the way she earned Rex‘ respect. Plus I‘m a sucker for how fierce she gets every time Rex is in trouble/attacked. They protect and care for each other and if they weren’t Jedi and Clone I could totally see them as a power couple.
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How about a story where Draco and the reader are in an arranged marriage and they have feelings for each other but think the other one hates them?
This is a little bit jumbled, but I hope you still like it.
A love like in the tales
When you were young, you used to be obsessed with the most cheesy love stories. Your mother used to read them to you when you weren’t able to do so yourself and later on, you continued reading them. When you knew all the stories, you even smuggled some muggle books to your room. You loved the tales of bewitched princesses who could only be delivered from the curse by their true love or the penniless girls the prince fell in love with regardless of their origin. You knew that one day something like this would happen to you too. You would meet a man you would fall irrevocably in love with, a man you would marry and start a family with, a man who would love you just the way you were.
But as you got older you realized that this would never happen to you. Your family looked forward to the day you would get married since you could remember. But not because they wanted you to be happy and be loved but because they wanted you to honour your family name and continue the bloodline. And that was only possible if you would marry. A man they would approve, of course. Unimaginable what would happen if you would fall in love with a man who wouldn’t satisfy all their requirements. Or even worse, a man who wouldn’t be a pure blood.
The (Y/l/n)s were proud to say they were one of the last pure blood families of the wizarding world. And one of those who had a great reputation and loads of money. So the only man who would be worth considering as your future husband would be someone who would fulfil all of these criteria too. But unfortunately, they weren’t many men who did so. And those who did were, in your opinion, anything but acceptable as your future partner.
And as time went by, you started taking much pleasure in frightening off your potential partners as soon as possible. So whenever your parents set up a date for you, you tried to beat your own best time in scaring the other one away. Your parents were furious. They wanted to give you the chance to choose your partner on your own, out of those they had selected for you, but as time went by, you didn’t even tried to give them a chance anymore, just caring about getting rid of them again. Because by now you had lost your faith. You didn’t believed in true love anymore. You didn’t believed that it existed at all, but in your case, you were absolutely sure, that it was hopeless. Neither would anyone ever fall for you nor would you ever fall for anyone. Well, anyone except one.
You didn’t exactly remember the moment you realized you were in love with Draco Malfoy. Well, to say you were in love with him, might be slightly exaggerated. But there was a strong force that drew you towards the handsome boy with the grey eyes. You didn’t noticed it at first but then, slowly, just like falling asleep, you grew to care more and more for him until at some point you had realized that there was no turning back.
The funny thing was, that originally you hated him. You still did, of course. At least you thought so. In your first year at Hogwarts, you only heard the stories about the Slytherin prince. Since you were a Slytherin as well, much to the approval of your family, you saw him in the common room sometimes, always surrounded by his so-called friends. But since he was one year older than you, the two of you never actually spoke to each other. You highly doubted that he had ever even noticed you. And at this point, you didn’t mind. Something was intimidating about him, something, that made you forget what you wanted to say or do whenever his gaze unintentionally met yours. All you could do was flush and look away quickly. And because after those rare moments you strictly avoided looking in his direction again, you had never noticed the small smudge grins that appeared on his face, whenever he watched you reacting to him that way.
But this relationship changed when you, somehow -you weren’t even sure how it happened yourself-, became friends with Luna Lovegood. She was a Ravenclaw in your year. You had never actually cared about the house pride of the other Slytherins, but also not much about the students from the other houses. But there was something about Luna, that was special. Whenever she was around you couldn’t help but feel happy. And at some point, she became your best -and maybe your only true- friend. The other Slytherins didn’t approved of that. They made fun of you for spending time with her and called you a traitor for standing up against your own housemates when they were bullying Luna. And one boy did so in particular.
Draco was always one of those people to put their house above anything else. And that you didn’t do the same made him furious. When he couldn’t get to you by reasoning, he started treating you like some leper. Some things he had told you to hurt you really bad, but a part of you secretly enjoyed the tiffs with the boy. Because whenever you were fighting, you felt some satisfaction to stand up against him. And as a bonus, you were sure that he noticed you at those moments and you didn’t have to be scared to get caught when you looked at him. Little did you knew, Draco thought just the same.
And it went on and on like this for years. But as you grew older and the world became a darker place, the invisible tie between the two of you faded more and more. And even if after the war everything the Malfoys had done seemed to be forgiven, you just couldn’t forget what they had done. You didn’t blame Draco for everything that had happened, especially because in the end, he had chosen the right side. But there was one thing that was still in the back of your mind.
The fact, that Luna had been caged in the Malfoy Manor, came to your mind whenever you saw the blond boy who had by now grown to a man. And even though Luna assured you, that they had never actually harmed her and that Draco was actually really nice to her and tried to protect her in his own way, you cursed the butterflies that danced in your stomach side by side with the overwhelming hate you felt towards Draco. At this point, you thought it would be best to just avoid him as much as possible and just forget him and move on as soon as you had graduated from Hogwarts as well. But your fate had different plans.
Or more explicitly, your parents. Because while you thought now that the world was a safe place again and the good had finally won, you would be free to go your own way, the plans of your parents didn’t changed.
You had always imagined that the worst thing that could happen to you was marrying a man who you didn’t love. But you were wrong. The worst thing that could happen to you was marrying a man who you loved but who didn’t love you. But when that realisation hit you, it was already too late. Because while when you were younger, your parents never wanted to force you into any relationship, by now, they were impatient. And that’s why they decided that if you wouldn’t choose a groom yourself, they would do it. You knew the pressure that was lying on them. During the war, they had sympathized with Voldemort and now they had to pay the prize. And even though nothing particularly bad had happened to anyone in your family, the reputation of your family was damaged. And the best way to get out of this misery, your parents thought, was to get their only daughter married. A beautiful wedding with the right people who would be invited and highlighting the love and harmony in the family would help them to get up again. And besides, they were your parents, so they knew what´s best for you. And in a few years, when you would have a loving husband and some children you would be thankful, wouldn’t you?
Another family thought just the same. And so, your parents met up with the ones of your potential husband. And they agreed that this arrangement would be the best that could happen to them. And their children of course. And when everything was already set, you were faced with accomplished facts, no need for a discussion. No matter how much you screamed at your parents that they would ruin your life, that you hated them, that you wished you had never been born, no matter how much you cried and begged, there was no way to change their minds. And when they told you who you were supposed to marry, you didn’t knew whether you cried from relief or from the bitter realization, that your husband would never be able to actually love you.
And now you were standing here, right in front of him, looking into his eyes. You couldn’t define the emotions that lay within them.
Was it love? Unlikely.
Was it hate? Most likely.
He was about to give his entire life to a woman he hated. And he had made sure that you knew.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself in marriage to your bride (Y/n)(Y/l/n)?”
“No, you don’t understand. I can´t. I can´t marry her. I won´t!” That’s what he said when he found out.
“Will you love and honour her as your wife and be faithful to her for the rest of her life?”
“Anyone. Anyone but her.” His words echoed in your head. Were there tears in his eyes?
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n), have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself in marriage to your groom Draco Lucius Malfoy?”
No, you haven’t.
“Will you love and honour him as your husband and be faithful to him for the rest of his life?”
You wanted to. You really wanted to. But could you? Did he want you to?
Your gaze was locked with his. This was perfect. Everything here was perfect. The location, the dress, the guests. And even your groom. It was all you had ever dreamed about. But if you -which may or may not had happened sometimes- had imagined your marriage with Draco, you had always imagined it … different. And you didn’t mean the decoration or the make-up. You meant that the boy who had somehow, no matter how much you had been fighting, always given you this feeling of security and safety, would look at you with love and admiration. Not with guilt and disgust. When you tried to look into his eyes, he quickly looked away. You had been aware of the fact that your groom probably wouldn’t love you. That he may never grow into loving you. But you had always thought that you would feel just the same. You would have been fine with that. But the idea of having to spend the rest of your life with a person who was, in whatever way, important to you, but who detested you with every fibre of his body was just unbearable. Now you felt tears stinging in your eyes as well.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n), I take you as my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart. I will love you, cherish you and honour you all the days of my life.”
Oh, how much you wished he would. But you knew he never would.
When his hand touched yours, you flinched. He froze and looked at you. You wondered if he hoped that you would back down again, get you both out of this nightmare. But you couldn’t. And he knew it. His hands were nearly as cold as the ring he put on your finger. His hands were calm, but you could hear his voice shaking as he spoke up again.
“Wear this ring as a sign of our love and faithfulness.”
Now, all that separated you were a few more lines. A few more lines you had to speak. Draco had done his job. Now it was on you. You looked around as if there was a small spark of hope left that someone might step in at the last moment. But as you looked into the eyes of your guests, all you could see was whether pity or hope. They pitied you for your fate, a fate many of those people shared. They were hopeful that this might be the beginning of a new era. And you couldn’t be the one to ruin it. You just couldn’t. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to focus on the man in front of you again.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, I take you as my husband. I promise to be faithful to you for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us apart. I will love you, cherish you and honour you all the days of my life.”
It was all you wanted. But still, you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep the promise you had just given him. Because he didn’t want you to. And you didn’t want to if he didn’t want you to.
Your hands were sweaty. The ring nearly slipped through your fingers. You could feel them shaking as you put the ring on Draco´s hand.
“Wear this ring as a sign of our love and faithfulness.”
“I validate this marriage. You may kiss the bride.”
Quickly, Draco lent down to you and pressed a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
The people applauded but you stood there frozen. You had imagined kissing him so many times. More often than you were willing to admit. But no matter if it had been sweet and innocent or with all the passion, in none of your dreams it had been as emotionless as this one. Draco threw you a sad smile before he grabbed your hand and pulled you down the aisle. You followed him. Everything felt so unreal. As if it wasn’t really you who was in this room right now. As if you were watching yourself from the outside.
And it felt like this for the rest of the day.
You were smiling, but it felt fake.
You were dancing, but it felt mechanic.
You were talking, but it felt like someone else had put those words into your mouth.
Your life wasn’t yours anymore. Someone else had taken it over and you just obeyed.
And then, finally, it was already far after midnight, the last guests left. Even your parents said goodbye, telling you with a wink, to enjoy the rest of the night, in their minds probably already naming their grandchildren.
Now it was only Draco and you. You stood there in uncomfortable silence.
“I´ll go to bed.”, you finally said.
“You can take the main bedroom. I will sleep in the guest room.”, he answered, avoiding your gaze.
“You don’t have to.” The words slipped out of your mouth before you thought about it.
Draco laughed. But it sounded cold.
“C´mon (Y/l/n), what did you expect? That in the moment we´re married I will start to love you? That I meant what I said earlier? I did this because my parents wanted me to. That’s all. We will figure out how we will get through this soon enough. But now just leave me alone.”
His words were like a punch in your face. You knew that he was thinking like this, still, hearing him saying this out loud made your heart break once again. But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had hurt you.
“I meant I could take the guest room.” Your voice was just as cold as his. No shakiness. The temperature in the room was now beyond the freezing point. “But if you insist… And besides, I´m a Malfoy now, too. And believe me, I hate this just as much as you do.”
When you were walking up the stairs you heard him shouting: “You´re not a Malfoy. You will never be. You´re not worth it!”
You slammed the door behind you. Quickly you tried to get the ring, that Draco had put there only hours ago, off your finger. It hurt to do so since it fitted so tight. And when you finally managed, your finger was swollen, and you could see a red mark where the ring used to be. And as you listened to the beating of your heart, pumping in the same rhythm as the pain in your finger, you finally allowed the tears, that you had held back the entire day, to fall.
When Draco passed your room and heard the small sobs coming out of your mouth, it broke his heart. Not only to know that you were sad and there was nothing he could do about it, but to know that he was the reason you felt like this. He had always imagined that the worst thing that could happen to him was marrying a woman he didn’t love. But he was wrong. The worst thing that could happen to him was marry a woman who he loved but who didn’t love him. Because that was the truth. He loved you with all his heart from the moment he had noticed you for the first time. And the true reason he had enjoyed bullying Luna back in school was that you would notice him too. Not in the way he wanted you to, but you did. And whenever the two of you were fighting, he had secretly admired your courage to stand up for your friends. He had always hoped that the hate you felt for him would someday turn into another feeling. He had known it was more than just unlikely, but he had always told himself that there was a chance. A chance that he had now lost. The day, he finally got united with the girl he loved, was the day he lost her. He didn´t know what to do. All he wanted to do now was get into your room and take you in his arms, telling you that it would be alright. But he knew that this would only make things worse. The best thing he could probably do for you was to leave you alone and give you the space you needed.
And so he did. A few weeks had passed since your wedding. And he was trying his best to avoid you. He was still sleeping in the guest room, he hadn’t kissed you since the wedding, he hadn’t even touched you at all. And he was barely even speaking to you. Only when other people were around, the two of you acted as if you were a happy couple. But as soon as it was just the two of you, you lived your own lives. At first, you had thought that this was the best way to handle the situation, but by now you weren’t sure about this anymore. Because you knew that someday this would have to change. You knew that one day you would have to start a family and when you would have kids, you would have to play pretend the whole time. But this was not the only reason you wished your husband to make some kind of move on you. Since you´ve been with Draco, you felt more alone than you ever had. All of your friends had by now their own lives and you barely ever saw them and the shitty job you were allowed to keep until you would have kids you would have to take care of like it was expected from you, wasn’t bringing you any joy at all.
So the only person in your life who was there was Draco. But he didn’t seem to care. Because he had a great job, met new people every day and could go out whenever he wanted, while you were sitting alone at home. There wasn’t anything interesting that happened in your life at all. And when you asked Draco about his, he barely ever answered. The only time you actually saw him was when you had dinner and then, you were almost always sitting there in complete silence.
But today was different. While you were eating your food in silence, as usual, Draco suddenly put down his cutlery and cleared his throat. You looked at him in confusion.
“I have talked with my parents today.”, he spoke up. You just nodded. “They were asking me why we were sleeping in different rooms.”
You nearly choked on your food.
“You have told them?”, you wheezed. You had always thought Draco wouldn’t want them to know. Just like you.
But Draco shook his head. “The housekeeper had told them.”
Draco´s parents had insisted on you getting a housekeeper in addition to the house elves. And now you had an idea why.
“They asked me if everything is okay. Between us, I mean. I told them they don’t have to worry.”
“Everything is okay, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, great actually.”, you threw him a smile. Both of you knew it was fake.
“So are you okay with that?”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes. “With what?”
“Sharing the room.”
The thought of Draco sleeping in the same room as you set free a million different emotions. On the one hand, you could feel a certain kind of excitement and hope but on the other hand, you knew it would be torture to lie next to him every night. But was there any other way? What if you would deny it and Draco would tell his parents? What would happen if this was going to fail? It for sure would only get worse.
And you kept silent for the rest of the evening. You went to bed shortly before Draco. But instead of laying diagonally onto the bed as you usually did, you lay down on the right side. If you would move only a few centimetres, you would fall out of the bed, since you lay so close to the edge. But it was better than being close to Draco. You wanted the space between the two of you to be as big as possible. When you had snuggled into the sheets, you fell into a restless sleep.
Not even an hour later, you woke up again. Draco was now coming to the bed as well. You could feel the mattress lowering under his weight when he lay beside you. When you opened your eyes flattery, you caught the man staring at you. When he realized you were still awake, he quickly turned away again.
“Night.”, he mumbled.
Then you turned around, your back was now facing Draco. With a swish of his wand, he quickly turned out the lights. Only a few minutes later, you heard his breath slowing down.
But you couldn’t fall asleep again. You could feel the heat he radiated, you could smell his scent, you could hear his steady breath. All of this had some kind of magical allure on you. You had to fight the urge to just snuggle yourself against his chest and give in to the sweet sleep that was waiting for you, making you forget all of your problems. But you just couldn’t. Because the heat was too warm, the scent too strong and his breath too loud. Hour after hour passed. And you were still lying there, unimaginably tired, but unable to sleep. You sighted in frustration. After almost four hours of rolling around in the bed, you finally gave up. You wouldn’t be able to sleep as long as Draco was by your side. Silently, you slipped into your slippers and sneaked out of the room, then out of the house. When you walked around the garden and felt the cold air of the night hitting your skin, you calmed down immediately. And when you looked into the sky, seeing all the stars shining up there, a bittersweet sentiment filled you. Because while you still felt alone, looking up at the stars somehow comforted you.
And you went on like this for many nights. As soon as Draco fell asleep, you sneaked out into the garden, watching the stars, until the sun came up and Draco would wake up soon. And after he left for work you had some time to catch up on the sleep you had missed in the night. But it wasn’t enough. You could feel yourself getting more and more unpleasant and weaker. On good days you managed to sleep four to five hours. But if Draco had some meetings you had to accompany, or you would meet up with your parents, you sometimes didn’t get to sleep at all. All you could do was fight against the urge to fall asleep all day. But in the night, when Draco lay beside you, you just couldn’t fall asleep, no matter how hard you tried and no matter how tired you were.
One day, it was particularly bad. You had just prepared dinner and now you were waiting for Draco to come home from work. But you knew that this would take some time. You went into the living room, sat down on a couch, grabbed a book and started to read. But not even after two pages, you felt your eyelids getting heavy and slowly you drifted off into sleep.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)?” You heard the soft voice speaking to you, but you didn’t react. Soon you realized it was Draco, but you didn’t care. All you wanted to do was get more sleep. But as you felt his hand touching your shoulder tenderly, you woke up immediately, and jumped up, looking at him with widened eyes. Draco looked just as terrified as you at your reaction, but he soon got himself together again.
“Time for dinner.”
You just nodded.
You were sitting at the dining table, silently. But for the second time since you lived here, Draco broke the silence.
“You know, if you would sleep at night, you might not be so tired all day.”
You just shrugged your shoulders in response.
“I don’t think this is good for you.”  
“Why do you even care?”
“Because you´re my wife?” It was more a question than an answer. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“C´mon Draco, we both know you would rather have it any other way than that.”
“That´s not true.”, he mumbled. You raised your eyebrows and tried to ignore the increased rate of your heartbeat.
“Well, you didn’t act like that the last months, for sure.”
“I just thought… Never mind.”
“No Draco, tell me. I´m curious.” You could feel the frustration of the last few months finally breaking through the surface again. You knew that this wasn’t what he wanted. But neither it was what you wanted. And for sure, it wasn’t your fault that you were in this situation.
“Tell me why you hate me so much, you can´t even talk to me. Or look at me. I mean I know you don’t like me. And I get it. But this situation isn’t my fault. So stop blaming me for this and stop treating me like shit!”
“I know this isn’t your fault.” His voice sounded quiet, almost precarious.
“Then tell me what is it then? Is there anything I have done wrong? What can I do that you will finally notice me?” You didn’t mean to sound so desperate, but you just couldn’t help it. What had you done that this man detested you that much?
“I thought you wanted it that way.”, he said. Your face fell.
“Want what? Being ignored? Being hated? Being alone? Feeling absolutely miserable? Because let me tell you something Draco. I didn’t choose that. I didn’t want to…”
“You think I want that?”, he interrupted you. His voice was now louder again and he sounded angry. When he finally looked at you you could see his eyes sparkling defiantly. “Do you think I wanted to spend the rest of my life with a woman who hates me? Who can´t even stand it when I touch her? A woman who is so scared of me that she can´t even fall asleep when I´m in the same room as her?”
You looked at him in surprise. You had never seen it from his point of view because you thought he didn’t care about you. But if he did, your behaviour towards him must have been just as cruel as his towards yours.
“Draco, I didn’t mean to…”
“Don’t tell me that (Y/n). I know what you think about me. And I can´t blame you. That’s why I wanted to give you the time you needed. But you only pushed me away further.”
“Because whenever I tried to get to you you were the one who pushed me away.”, you tried to explain but Draco was way too furious by now. He jumped up from his chair and with a few steps, he was standing right in front of you. You stood up as well, but still, he towered you for several centimetres. You could feel his hot breath on your face as he spoke up again.
“No matter how much time I gave you, no matter how much space, you just grew to hate me more and more. I know I can´t force you to love me, but I thought…” He lowered his voice again and looked down at his feet. “I really wanted this to work, you know? I really wanted this to work with you. Because I… Do you remember back in school? You were the only one who ever stood up against me. And I admired that so much (Y/n). I admired you. You were everything I was looking for in a girl. I mean, I knew you hated me but still I thought that one day we might be able to do more than just fight. And then my parents told me that I would marry you and for one second, I thought that I might get everything I ever wanted. But when I realized that you didn’t feel the same and that you never would… I could be happy with you (Y/n), I really think I could be. But not if you can´t be happy with me as well.”
You looked at the man in front of you and tried to process what he had just told you. Somehow it all made sense. Not that you would have done it the same. But in a different way, it was just as illogical and twisted as your way to deal with the situation.
Draco seemed to process his words just like you. And he seemed to get to the conclusion, that he might have told you too much. He took a step back and cleared his throat.
“Just… just think about it, okay? If you have an idea how we can work this out, then just tell me. And if you don’t… I want you to be happy and we will find a way you will be. And if that means we have to end this… Just take your time.”
He glanced at you one last time, while you were still standing on the same spot as if you were rooted there. Then, he turned around and left the room. But just as he crossed the sill, you realized that you didn’t want him to go. You never did but this time you wouldn’t let him.
“I don’t need time.” Draco froze as he heard your voice. “I never did. Neither did I need space. I just… I just needed you.” You could feel your face heating up as you confessed.
Slowly, Draco faced you again, looking at you in disbelief. Carefully, as if you didn’t want to frighten him off, you took a few steps toward the blond guy in front of you. You could bring yourself to smile shyly at him, unsure of how he would react. Draco mirrored your behaviour, even though you could still see his eyes glistening suspiciously.
“And do you still want this?”, he asked in a low voice.
You nodded and your smile only brightened when you saw the relief on Draco´s face.
“If you want it too, of course.”, you smiled.
“I think this might be worth a try.”
The rest of the evening you used to get to know each other. You were surprised that within a few hours you learnt more about him than in the last few years. And everything he told you about him, you absolutely loved.
It was nearly midnight when you ran into danger to fall asleep on the couch for the second time this day. That´s when Draco told you you should probably go to bed. And you obeyed even though you could have spent much more time on listening to him.
When you entered the bedroom, you noticed that Draco was standing on the sill, looking at you indecisively.
“What is it?”, you asked him when you sat on the bed, while he was still standing in the doorframe.
“Is that okay for you? I mean I don’t want to pressure you into this. I can sleep in the guest room again. It´s alright for me. I just don’t want to ruin this again. And you really need to sleep properly.”
You could feel your heart widen at his words. You knew he was genuine. But this time, you really wanted him to stay. Not only because of the housekeeper. You had no doubt that tonight you would sleep way better with Draco by your side. So you just smiled at him and patted on the bed beside you.
“It´s alright.”
“Are you sure? I mean…”
“Draco, we´ve already wasted so much time. And I really don’t mind.” But then another thought crossed your mind. “But if you don’t feel comfortable…”
But before you could even finish the sentence, Draco was laying right beside you on the bed and smiled at you cheekily. You just laughed and laid down right beside him. With a swipe of his wand, Draco turned the lights off.
This time you didn’t turn away and didn’t lie close to the edge. You faced Draco, and even though you could only see the contours, you felt as if you had never seen something as beautiful and peaceful.
You were nearly drifting off into sleep when you felt a hand tenderly touching your waist.
“Is that okay for you?”, Draco whispered into the dark.
Instead of answering him, you moved closer to the man beside you and nuzzled your face into his chest. You could feel the heat he radiated, you could smell his scent, you could hear his steady breath. But this time, the heat was comfy, his scent lulled you in and his steady breath calmed you down.
And the last thing you could remember before you finally fell asleep was a small kiss, that was placed on your temple and a soft voice that was telling you: “Goodnight my love.”
Yes, you were his love, undeniably, just as he was yours. The relationship you had was for now strange and unstable, but you would have time to work it out. And little did you know that in Draco Malfoy you would find everything that you had ever dreamed about when you were younger. Your story wouldn’t be one of those they would write tales about, but it was yours and it was genuine. And that was all you could wish for.
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romance-lover77 · 1 year
Newt Scamander x Fem Muggle reader
Plot: Your’s and Newt’s daughter asks for a baby sibling
Warning: Smut +18 (sorry if the smut writing is horrible) Part 2 is the link below
You’ve been married to Newt Scamander for 5 years now and you guys have a little girl of 4 years, she is a half-blood since you are a muggle. You and Newt met each other during the dark age of Grindelwald since Jacob Kowalski was your store neighbor because you owned a bookstore and coffee shop. One day while Jacob and Queenie were on vacation for their Honeymoon. Newt appeared injured and you happened to find him and brought him to your apartment. You knew nothing about the wizarding world and you had no idea who Newt was. You healed him and Newt had asked if he could stay with you for a few weeks because he had to stay hidden. So Newt and you spent weeks together and in that time you guys bonded and he educated you about the wizarding world/magic and his magical creatures. You fell in love with his magical creatures and with him. He also fell in love with you, deeply. You guys got married when the dark age Grindlewald was over. Now living in London in a cottage with your daughter and your husband Newt.
It was night and you were tucking in your daughter to sleep and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight Lottie my sweetie” you smiled and Lottie smiled.”Goodnight mommy”. You were about to leave until Lottie spoke. “Umm mommy I actually wanted to ask something for my birthday since it’s coming up”. This really brought you curiosity since it was rare for Lottie to ask for anything, she was exactly like her father Newt selfless and always did the right thing. “ohh yea sure sweetie you can tell me, Me and daddy will try our best on getting you the present you want”. You smile happily. Lottie looked a little nervous and was playing with her hands which made you wonder why she was acting that way. “Well I was wondering if you and daddy can-can give me a baby brother or sister for my birthday”. You were in shock and blushing really hard since obviously your daughter didn’t know how babies are made and where they come from, it actually wasn’t that easy. You really didn’t know how to explain to her that it’s not that easy and you didn’t know if Newt wanted another baby.You would be happy to have another baby but maybe Newt didn’t want another baby. “Sweetie” you sit on her bed where she’s laying. “I’m sorry to tell you but that birthday wish won’t be really easy to grant, maybe me and daddy won’t be able to”. Lottie looked a little sad and looked down “why?”. You felt bad and said “well…. because babies are really expensive and right now we can’t afford to have one right now” . you really tried your best to come up with a lie, hopefully that she would accept it though you did wish you could give her a baby brother or sister. Lottie frowned and said “oh it’s okay mommy I understand”. You really felt bad, you really did and your curiosity took over. “Lottie sweetie, where did you get the idea of wanting a baby sibling?” Lottie, still looking down says “well it’s because I see other kids have brothers and sisters, always looks like they have fun and share. I want someone to share with and play with. and also uncle Theasus always tells me stories about him and daddy having fun as kids. so I thought maybe you know…”
Now you understand it all, Lottie felt lonely since she didn’t have any friends. She acts shy and antisocial just like Newt. She was exactly like Newt, special. and other kids thought Lottie was strange. Which hurt you because she was your daughter she didn’t deserve that. You disliked kids who picked on your precious daughter and hoped one day there would be kids wanting to be friends with her. Now you really didn’t know what to say, but now you wanted to do something about it. You hug Lottie who then hugs you back. “Oh sweetie I know what you are feeling, I'm sorry that you feel lonely, I just want you to know that I love you and that I'm here okay. And I'll see what I can do okay I have to discuss this with your daddy”.
Lottie felt excited and smiled “is that a maybe!?”. You chuckle “don’t get excited your daddy also has to be involved in this, I just want you to know if Daddy and me decide no, please understand. Like I said a baby can be expensive, but if Daddy and I decide yes just know that the baby won’t be here for your birthday it might take some time okay?”
Lottie smiles and says” I understand mommy!, thank you for considering it!”
she kissed your cheek.you loved seeing your daughter happy. “Alright now little missie you gotta go to sleep now it’s late, Goodnight”
You get up and as you're standing at the doorway Lottie says “Goodnight mommy!” you smile and turn off the light and close the door. Now that was the moment that you started to feel nervous that you had to ask Newt if he wanted to have another baby.
Newt has been a bit busy lately with traveling and helping magical creatures around the world. He literally just got back from scotland today and was now working on some paperwork that he had to do. He must be exhausted and you probably imagined this wouldn’t be the right time to ask and discuss but you knew that this had to be the time. So you go to yours and Newt’s bedroom, you see that his suitcase was in the ground and immediately knew that he was down in the habitats taking care of his creatures. So you go down there and see him without his coat on, only his waistcoat or vest and his white dress shirt sleeves rolled up. You thought he looked so handsome, still wondering how he fell in love with you. Newt was taking care of the graphorns and you walked up to him. “Hi honey, what are you doing?”
Newt looks at you and smiles “Hi love, i’m just seeing how the graphorns are doing, is our sweetie in bed?”
you smile because you know how much Newt loves yours and his daughter, you loved how he was such a good Father. “Yes she is sound asleep now and well I know that you’re busy but I came down here wanting to talk to you about something and it has to do something about Lottie’s birthday”.
Newt looks at you curiously and feels kind of worried that it might be something serious. “Is everything okay?”. you smile kind of nervously and play around with your hands and Newt noticed this. He knows that when you play around with your hands it means that you are nervous about something. Newt got kind of worried and frowned .”Oh no no, everything is fine umm you know what I’ll just wait until you come to bed, if not and i know that you are really busy, we can talk about this tomorrow, Goodnight..”. You just speed walk away without letting Newt answer back and you get out of the suitcase. Newt couldn’t focus on work seeing you nervous like this, he got worried so he tried finishing his chores as fast as he could so he could speak with you.
You got dressed for bed and were now laying in bed reading a book that you enjoyed. When Newt got out of the suitcase and locked it as soon as he got out of it. He looked at you reading and noticing how you were a bit shaky. He was about to speak when you looked at him and said “Newt I prepared your bath for you, you can take a bath now”. Newt frowned but he knew he should take a bath first so he can talk calmly with you. So he went to the bathroom.
As soon as he left ,you put your hand on your chest and took a deep breath. You are really nervous to actually tell him, thinking maybe he doesn’t want anymore kids or maybe he doesn’t desire you. And just thinking of making love with Newt makes you so nervous. You and Newt haven’t done it in a while since he’s been very busy with work and you thought maybe he wouldn’t like your body anymore, and you did gain a bit of weight. You were feeling really insecure.
Newt got out of the bathroom and was in pajamas, ready for bed. You tried not to make eye contact with him and he sat next to you in bed noticing how you were avoiding eye contact. Newt then says “My love, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Lottie’s birthday?”
You gulp and slowly put your book down and still without any eye contact you say “ well….. you see, Lottie did something very unusual, she asked me for a birthday present”.
Newt smiles, his heart warmed because his daughter finally asked for something and thinking that he will happily give anything for his precious daughter.”That’s brilliant!, what did she ask for?”
That's when you gulp and stare down at your fingers and start playing with them. “She asked for well ummm… a baby brother or sister”. Newt’s eyes widened, being really surprised with the birthday wish his daughter wanted.
You noticed the silence and you started to feel the panic and imagined that Newt was going to say how he doesn’t wanna have kids with you anymore.
Newt then spoke with his eyes still widened “what did you tell her ?”
“Well I told her that I had to discuss it with you first but she shouldn’t get excited because a baby can be expensive and well it’s not easy to get a baby, so now we are here to discuss it”.
Newt is now blushing and looks away shyly now, him not making eye contact but you thought this meant that he didn’t want to have a baby.
he then says “what do you think?”
you then take a deep breath and with a shaky voice “well if i’m being completely honest Newt I want to have a baby, and our daughter said that the reason she wants a sibling is because she sees other kids with their siblings playing and that she wants to experience that.” you finally look at Newt in the eyes with a sad expression and Newt looks at you too and sees that expression, while frowning. “Oh Newt.. our daughter is so lonely and you know she doesn’t have any friends and it hurts me. This is a birthday present I am willing to give. I don’t want her to be an only child, I don’t want her to grow up lonely. I know sometimes you dislike your brother Theasus but you guys are there for each other and you guys had your fun times together. I want Lottie to have that.. but I would understand if you don’t want to have kids anymore”.
Newt then hugs you which surprises you because he barely hugs. He then whispers in your ear. “I am also willing to give Lottie her present”. Which sent shivers down your spine then he ends the hug and faces you again and cups your face. “who said I didn’t want kids anymore, I want to have many kids with you y/n even if it’s 8 or more”. Your face turns completely red, feeling your heart beat really fast.
You then clear your throat and look away in embarrassment “Well that means that we have to try and make a baby as soon as possible, it’s been a while since we’ve done it because you’ve been busy with work and we hadn’t had a chance and I’m sorry if i’m not as good as I use to be because i’ve gained some weight”.
Newt just smiles and thinks how cute you are just rambling but Newt did agree that he’s been busy and you guys haven’t had the chance to do it in a while. He’s actually been wanting to do it since forever and was always upset that work wouldn't give him a chance to make love to you. He missed your body so much, he missed caressing it and kissing it. He missed your soft lips against his. He missed you so much that when he would travel he would have to pleasure himself to calm himself down. He also didn’t want to bother you because he wanted to do it so much that he wouldn’t mind how late it would be to do it after he finished work but he knew how tired you were after being a stay home mom. Doing the chores in the house and taking care of Lottie, you would even sometimes help him feed his creatures when he was doing paperwork that he had to finish.
He just smiled and said “you have no idea how i’ve been wanting to make love to you ,my y/n. I don’t care if you lost weight or gained weight or whatever weight I love you, let’s make a baby”.
You smile and blush”I love you too Newt, i’m ready”.
Newt starts kissing you, both your tongues have a fight with passion. Newt starts to unbutton your pijama and lay you down on the bed getting on top of you. He then starts kissing your neck and you close your eyes in pleasure. You start helping Newt unbutton his pijama as well and taking off each other's pants and underwear, all clothing imaginable. Leaving both of you naked and all your clothes on the ground. You saw Newt’s erection making you feel wet down there and hungry for him. Newt then starts sucking on your tits, his tongue slurping them making you let out a small moan. He then starts caressing your whole body and especially your hips and legs. He loves how thicker you got and soft and plump you feel, making him get bigger down there. he kisses you again, your tongues touching and then puts a finger on your clit and starts rubbing it making you let out gasp mixed with a moan “ahhhh! oh my goodness!” You could literally feel his member get even bigger and rubbing your abdomen making you ache for him. Newt then with both hands cups your breasts and starts massaging them while kissing your neck, how much pleasure he was giving you. You literally couldn’t resist anymore. You need him inside you now. you start moving your hips back and forward aching for him. “Newt please I need you ! I can’t resist anymore” Newt agreed he also couldn’t resist anymore and now you were so wet. Newt lifts up your legs over his shoulders and spreads them finally putting his member inside you making you both moan. At first Newt started with a slow rhythm, pulling it out and back in slowly which still felt amazing for you until Newt started thrusting faster making you moan uncontrollably “AHHH!!!!! NEWT! OH MY!!!!! FASTER!!!PLEASE!!!.
Newt was also moaning and grunting in great pleasure. Both of your bodies sweating, the sweat making your skin sticky and making smacking noises, even more friction, skin to skin. Newt was going crazy because now he was pounding you vigorously that it made you eyes roll back making you feel euphoria. “AHHHH-TH-I-I-S F-E-E-LS S-O-O GOOD!. Newt also moaned “Ahh Fuck! Y/N you’re so tight. He started thrusting faster feeling like he was almost coming to an end as well as you. He felt your walls close around his member. “AHHH!!! I’M COMING!!!!” and you came onto his member, Newt still needed a few more thrusts until he came ,spilling his seed inside you. “BUGGAR! ah!”. Both of you panting and sweating, lowered down your legs. He lowered down and kissed your lips and you kissed back. He was still inside you, taking it out making you let out a whimper. Both yours lips separate and he stares at you with so much love saying “I love you y/n” and you too stare at him with love saying “I love you too Newt”
Newt just lays aside you, spooning you and the blankets over you guys.Newt's nose nuzzling your neck and cheek.
“Oh Newt that was amazing, how much I missed doing this”
“I missed it too we should make time to do it more often and I want to impregnate you many times”
You just giggled “first we have to keep trying for this one until I get pregnant, hopefully this is the target”
Then you gasp in horror, making Newt jump a little and freak out a little.
“What’s wrong ,my love?”
You then cover your eyes with your hands feeling shame. “Newt oh gosh, We probably woke up Lottie and she heard us, we were really loud this time and you didn’t put on the Muffliato charm, or did you? please tell me you did”
Newt got pale because he realized that he forgot to put on the Muffliato charm and you guys were really loud that probably even all the creatures could hear in the inside of his suitcase.
Newt slowly says to you “I-I forgot to do it, we were so in the moment that I forgot to cast it”
You also got very pale and covered your face in so much shame .Thinking how you probably traumatized Lottie and thinking what you would tell her if she asked what the noise was coming up from your room last night. you were hoping that Lottie was deep asleep and heard nothing.
It was the next morning and you woke up like being hit by a truck because you only got a few hours of sleep since the rest of the night you couldn’t sleep just thinking of your daughter Lottie might have heard you and Newt last night. You look at your right and see Newt still peacefully sleeping. He did sleep all night because he’s been very tired from work and plus obviously making love takes a lot of energy. Just looking at him sleep so peacefully makes a smile appear on your face and you reach out your hand to his face caressing it gently. You thought “how did I deserve you Newt?”. You get out of the zone, sit up from bed and stretch your arms. “Okay now to get up to make breakfast for both my loves”. you then proceed to stand up from bed but then there is a painful feeling on your abdomen which makes you fall onto the floor with a loud thump, You also start groaning from the pain and that loud thump woke up Newt. The first thing he noticed that you weren’t on the side of the bed and heard you groaning. He immediately got worried and jerked up from bed running to the other side and saw you there laying on the ground in pain. His eyes widened and kneeled to the ground next to you holding your upper half of you body to sit you up, just the slightest movement on your abdomen made it hurt. Making you groan “ah ah ow”. Newt again worried and scared asked you “love are you okay? what’s wrong?”. You look up at him feeling bad for making him worried. “I'm okay Newt don’t worry it’s just that my abdomen is in pain, I think since we haven’t had sex in a long while that I wasn’t used to it anymore and last night you pounded into me a little too hard.” Newt looked horrified and guilty for making you be in pain. “Love, I'm so sorry for hurting you…, you need some rest”. He proceeds to carry you bridal style and places you on the bed. Newt then starts to freak out and cover you with the blanket and fluff your pillow. “I'm going to make breakfast a-and help Lottie get ready and wash the dishes”. Newt starts saying all this too fast until you interrupt him to calm him down. “Newt Newt! please calm down, please don’t feel guilty, it wasn’t your fault i’m the one who told you to go faster anyways it’s because we haven’t done it in a long while and my body wasn’t used to it anymore. I’m gonna be okay, okay? Please don’t worry, like you said all I need is rest”.
Newt calms down and just nods while not making eye contact because he’s embarrassed. You smile and tell him to come to you which he does. You reach out your arms and pull him closer to you. Both your faces inches apart, you start kissing him and he starts kissing back. His hands on your hips and your hands cupping his face. The kiss ended and both of you separated. Just nuzzling each other's noses. “Newt, can you please make breakfast and help Lottie get ready for the day ”. Newt says “anything for you love” and kisses you one last time. Then he separated from you. While you read your book in bed he started to dress up. Putting on his trousers, white dress shirt, waistcoat and his boots. You must admit you couldn’t resist staring at him; he looked so attractive with his waistcoat. He then placed a kiss on your cheek saying “alright love i'm going to make breakfast and help Lottie get ready for the day”. You smiled ,whispered a thank you and he left the room.
He went to Lottie’s room and sat on her bed, where she was sleeping peacefully. He smiled because he loved his little girl and he hasn’t seen her for weeks since he went to scotland for work and arrived yesterday in the afternoon unable to see her since he had to be done with some papers for work for that same day, and take care of his creatures. He then gently starts moving her shoulder so she could wake up. “Sweetie… Sweetie, it's time to wake up”. Lottie opens her eyes slowly and looks up at Newt, it took her a second to realize that it was her daddy. When she did she stood up so fast in excitement and yelled, “Daddy you’re back!I missed you so much!”. She hugs him and he hugs her too. He smiles and says “I missed you too my sweetie”. Lottie then jerks back and is now facing Newt with such excitement “Did you see the dragons!!!?”. Newt chuckles by the excitement Lottie was showing. “Yes I did and they were huge, their skin was very dark, and very spiky and their eyes purple”. Lottie’s eyes widened with amazement and said “wow amazing!!!! I wish I could have seen it!”. Newt chuckles “one day you will when you are older”. Lottie was so much like her father, they liked and disliked almost the same things, Lottie was shy and antisocial like him, she loved creatures just like him, she even looked like him. Green eyes, freckles on face, same nose, same colored hair, but she did get some qualities from you, her mother. She got your face shape, she got your long luscious eyelashes and your lips as well.
Lottie then looked serious, looked down at her hands and started playing with them. Newt noticed this and frowned. He knew what this meant, because you would also do it and Newt learned that whenever you did that meant you were nervous and Lottie had gotten that from you. He asked “what’s wrong sweetie?”
Lottie looks up and says “I talked with mommy yesterday and I told her that I want a baby brother or sister for my birthday and she said that she would discuss it with you. Did mommy and you talk?”
Newt grinned now knowing why Lottie was acting that way. “Mommy and me did discuss it yesterday”
Lotties eyes widened “And!?”
Newt smiled softly, “mommy and me decided that you deserve to have that gift but just so you know it’s going to take some time”
A big smile appeared on Lottie’s face and hugged Newt so tightly. “Oh thank you daddy I love you so much! I can wait!”
Newt again hugged Lottie “I love you too sweetie”
Newt then says “Now it’s time to get ready for the day, I'm going to help you get ready today”. Lottie smiled and got up on her feet and started jumping on her bed “yay!”
Newt helps Lottie pick out her clothes ,put on her shoes, and brush her hair then it was now time for breakfast.
They both got down to the kitchen and Newt started making breakfast while Lottie was on the table drawing. Newt was horrible at cooking even magic couldn’t help him but he was trying, he wanted to help you since he knew that being a stay home mom was also a hard job and also because you were sick. Newt made some kind of burnt porridge pancakes, some burnt scrambled eggs and banana smoothies. He literally did what you usually do for every Saturday Breakfast. As he was making the banana smoothies. Lottie asked him about you. “Daddy I just realized where’s mommy? why isn’t she here?”
Newt while busy answers,”mommy isn’t feeling well today so that’s why i’m making breakfast”. Lottie then furrowed her eyes with worry for you. She then asked while Newt was trying some of the banana smoothie to see how it tasted. “Daddy, is that why I heard mommy yell really loud last night? because she was in pain?”.
Newt eyes widened and spits the smoothie harshly by the shock. Newt’s whole face became red in embarrassment and shame. Lottie did hear after all and now he didn’t know what to tell her. He was hating himself for forgetting to cast that damn spell.
Newt couldn’t make eye contact with his daughter and just slouched a bit, looking at the floor. “w-well sweetie y-yes.. your mom was in pain last night and couldn’t sleep”. Lottie nodded her head in understandment which made Newt ease a bit but Lottie again asked “I understand but why did I keep hearing the bed make noises daddy?”. Once again Newt tensed up, unable to come up with a lie and answered. “w-well since her back is in pain I was helping your mommy and I was massaging her which made the bed make noise”. Lottie then said “ohhh that makes sense, I really hope mommy gets better”. Newt sighs in relief and calms down. Thinking that next time he will remember to put that spell.
A month has passed and you did get pregnant which made you and Newt so happy. You both had to explain to Lottie that the baby was in your stomach and in 9 months the baby would arrive. Lottie never felt more excited though she did feel a bit sad that it takes a long while. You and Newt had told all your friends and family about the pregnancy news. Everyone was Jacob, Queenie, Tina, Dumbledore, Theasus, Bunty, Professor Hicks and Kama.
Newt of course had made more time for you, and some of that time was making love and actually remembering to put the spell on everytime now.
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voldemorts-tap-shoes · 11 months
Era #3 of @cruelsummer-ficfest
Red ❤️ / Lover 💗
Nothing New
Ron didn’t bat an eye when she said they should postpone the wedding.
While everyone else was distracted squealing over Ginny’s lavish ring and slapping Harry on the back in congratulations, Ron had looked over at her from across the living room at the Burrow, and she got the sense that they both knew it was coming. Knew the words she would say when they stepped out into the orchard for a breath of fresh air, away from the suffocating happiness of the new engagement, because she’d had them stuffed away for a while and Ron had always been extremely perceptive—that was nothing new.
And it wasn’t even about Harry and Ginny; that was just the spark that lit the mountain of insecurities building up inside her. They were supposed to get married in a month, and at this point, cold feet would have been an improvement.
Ron hadn’t even argued with her, just nodded and said, “I’ll tell Mum,” and though Hermione knew that the news would break Molly’s heart, she also knew that with those three words, everything would be taken care of. Molly would take care of everything because Molly was great at taking care of things. Hermione wasn’t even great at taking care of Ron, and worse at taking care of herself. What about the everything else that would come along once they were married—a house, a family? What if she couldn’t do it? Ron deserved better.
So he’d gone inside and told his mum to postpone the wedding—postpone, not cancel, she was very clear about that. Hermione had followed and told Ginny she was happy for her before she went home and cried herself to sleep.
They still kept separate flats for reasons they’d never bothered to look too closely at, always quick with a rationale. Hermione’s place was closer to work. Ron kept odd hours working his shifts as an Auror. They slept most nights together at one place or the other, anyway, so what difference did it make if they hadn’t officially lived under the same roof since Hogwarts?
At least, it hadn’t felt like it made a difference until the old beaded bag Hermione used as an overnighter sat untouched in her closet for a week, and she went to sleep every night in a bed too big for just her, bribing Crookshanks with treats so there was some warmth between the sheets to sooth the nightmares she had never managed to fully squash.
They still saw each other every day, and the simple diamond ring never left its place on Hermione’s finger, and she told herself that it wasn’t a big deal, the pause they had put on their wedding. It wasn’t like they had broken up.
But sometimes at night, sharing a bed with only her second-favorite ginger, it felt like they had.
Ginny wanted to look at wedding dresses right away, because of course she did. She looked radiant in everything, lighting up the room in one gorgeous gown after the next. People love an ingenue, and Ginny certainly was that, between her meteoric rise to Quidditch stardom and her fairytale romance with the Boy-Who-Lived-Long-Enough-to-Defeat-Voldemort. Witch Weekly was already heralding the Potter-Weasley wedding as the social event of the year—though which year wasn’t specified, as they hadn’t even set a date yet.
Hermione wasn’t exactly faking smiles as Ginny changed from satin to lace to brocade, but she was definitely forcing them. She thought of the tulle monstrosity she had let her mum talk her into selecting, safely tucked away at the tailor’s for the time being, and took another large swig of champagne.
Maybe it was the dress. When they had started planning the wedding, they had discussed Muggle traditions versus wizarding ones and all the superstitions that went along with them. Apparently “don’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding” was a universal no-no, so when she wanted Ron’s opinion about the poofy princess gown, he had assured her she would look beautiful in whatever she picked—which was very sweet but not at all helpful.
As usual, Hermione hadn’t relented, and Ron finally agreed to let her show him something similar—he remained insistent that he didn’t want to see the dress—in one of the bridal magazines scattered around her flat. But he had just sort of shrugged and said, “I dunno, it looks pretty,” which also didn’t help, and so she had stuck with the decision but maybe also cursed their wedding in the process.
So maybe it was the dress.
“You didn’t have to come,” Ginny said later over dinner, when it was just the two of them and not every one of their female relatives and what felt like half of the Harpies team. “I shouldn’t have even asked, considering.”
Hermione rolled her eyes and scooped another mouthful of pasta. “I’m your maid of honour.”
“You’re my best friend first,” Ginny retorted. “I’m glad you were there, but—”
“No buts. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
They ate in silence for a few minutes before Ginny spoke again. “You’ll figure it out, you know. It’s you and Ron. You always do.”
An innocent farfalle noodle bore the brunt of Hermione’s frustration as she stabbed it with her fork. “I think I really fucked it up this time.”
“Nah.” Ginny’s nonchalance was equal parts reassuring and infuriating. “You just need to figure out what’s bothering you. What scares you? Is it the wedding or is it the marriage?” Hermione didn’t answer immediately, taking another pesto-covered victim, and Ginny dropped her fork with a clatter, eyes wide. “Okay, I thought that would be an easy one.”
“Well, it’s both, but it’s not the marriage. I mean, it’s not about Ron.” If she was sure of anything, it was that her doubts were absolutely, definitely not about Ron. “It’s…marriage. In general. What if I’m not any good at it?”
“Not any good at what?”
“Wife things. The cooking and the cleaning and the taking care of kids…I’m terrible at that stuff.”
Ginny snorted. “Ron knows. Trust me, we all know.”
“Thanks for that.”
“I’m just saying. He knows who he’s marrying, Hermione.”
“But what if I don’t change? He’s already Victoire’s favorite uncle, so I know he’ll be super-dad when the time comes, and then will he still want me when I’m nothing new, the same old Hermione who burns baby formula and always picks out the wrong toy?”
“Okay, I hope this is as stupid a question as I think it is but…does Ron want you to change?”
“Well, no—I mean, he hasn’t said—”
“Then you’re bloody mental. I say that with love.” Ginny reached across the table for Hermione’s hand. “Look, I can tell you this stuff until I’m blue in the face—and I will, if you want—but I think you need to hear it from Ron. It doesn’t mean anything coming from me.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“I’m totally right. At the end of the day, you’ve got to have your head on straight going into this, so take whatever time you need. But talk to Ron. And if you need help re-planning the entire wedding, I’m your girl.”
“It has gotten a bit out of hand, hasn't it? My parents were just so excited about everything, especially my mum. I didn’t want to let them down.”
“I’ve only been engaged for a week, and I’ve already seen all too well how the plans just spiral when you’re the only daughter. I’m sure it’s worse as an only child. But it’s not their wedding.”
“You’re right again.”
“No shit.” Ginny gave her a soft smile to balance the quip. “Talk to Ron,” she said again. “You’ll figure it out.”
She’d had too much to drink tonight, champagne at the bridal shop followed by merlot at dinner, which should have knocked her clean out til morning. But it was the middle of the night, and Hermione was awake.
Hermione was awake, and she wanted Ron.
His flat was silent when she Flooed in, and for a moment she almost turned around and went home, not wanting to wake him up, too. But then she heard her name from his bedroom, his voice low and questioning and enticing, and her feet carried her toward the sound without hesitation.
Ron was half sitting up in bed, and he didn’t look like he’d been woken by her arrival. He probably hadn’t been sleeping either, though he didn’t look half the wreck she knew she did. She thought she’d utterly ruined things between them, but he looked just the same as always. Maybe he wasn’t as torn up by the wedding postponement as she was.
Or maybe she just hadn’t ruined things and needed to stop jumping to all the worst conclusions.
Hermione slipped under the sheets beside Ron and tucked herself against his side, breathing out a contented sigh when his arms wrapped around her. “I’m glad you’re here,” he murmured. “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you, too.” She pressed her nose against his neck and inhaled, letting the scent of sandalwood soothe her nerves. “I’m sorry.”
“Shh. Don’t be sorry.” His hand slid up and down her back, the motion tugging her t-shirt up to expose a strip of bare skin underneath, and she shivered as the cooler air hit it. Ron slept in practically nothing and still radiated heat, and she snuggled closer to him. “I just need to know you’re okay.”
“That depends.”
“On what?”
“You. Us.” She pulled away to look at him, afraid of what she would find in his expression. “How badly I’ve screwed things up.”
Ron leaned in and kissed her, and she let herself get lost in it for a moment before he pulled away to reply. “You haven’t.”
“You still want to marry me?”
“Anytime, anywhere.” He sat back and raised an eyebrow at her, and she felt like an entire ocean had formed between them. “But I’m not the one who wanted to postpone the wedding.”
“I’m sorry,” Hermione said again, and Ron shook his head.
“Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me. What’s going on?”
Hermione took a deep breath, trying to quiet all of the thoughts and fears that swirled in her mind enough to get the words out to explain. Ron may as well have been a boggart sitting there as anxiety took hold again. But a boggart didn’t have Ron’s bright blue eyes, full of love and concern for her, or the warm hand that enclosed her fingers in his with a gentle squeeze.
“I’m scared of failing.”
She watched his lips twitch up with half a smile, and she knew he was thinking what a Hermione thing to say, but he just nodded for her to continue.
“I’m scared I won’t be good enough for you, that I’ll be a terrible wife and a terrible mother and then we’ll just be biding our time until I lose your attention and you find someone else who can be those things for you.”
“Hermione,” Ron started, and her name was almost a laugh, because she was being ridiculous, and in her rational brain, she knew she was being ridiculous, but she just couldn’t shake it. “I don’t want anyone else. Not now, not ever. Did—” He turned suddenly serious as he paused. “Did I say something? Or do something, to make you feel—”
“No!” Hermione hurried to interject, and Ron’s face relaxed. “No, it’s not you at all. I’ve just—I don’t know. How can a person know everything at eighteen and nothing at twenty-two?”
“Hermione, you’ve forgotten more than most people know in a lifetime. What are you on about?”
“I know how I feel about you. I love you more than anything, it’s not that. When we were young and we had first gotten together, it all sounded so easy—to be fair, everything sounded easy at the time after the hunt and the locket and Voldemort—but I had this perfect little fantasy about our life together. Now that it’s here and it’s real—I’m just overwhelmed.”
Ron exhaled and then pulled her into his embrace again. She settled against him like she was made to fit there, her cheek against his chest, her legs braided with his, and she knew that everything would be okay. She wasn’t sure how or when, but everything would be okay as long as she had Ron.
“I can’t tell you that our life is going to be perfect, but I’d like to think we’re pretty damn close.”
“This feels pretty perfect, right now.”
“And all the things you’re worried about—being some master chef, and never putting a diaper on backwards, or whatever—Hermione, those aren’t the things that are going to make you a good wife or mum. The love you have for the people in your life is what makes you those things.”
“You’re right.”
“I usually am.”
“Prat.” Hermione chuckled and gave him a light slap on the arm. “I wish we could just get married like this. That’s the other thing, I let the wedding plans get way out of hand.”
“Okay. Why don’t we?”
“Why don’t we what?”
“Get married.”
“Now. Tonight.”
“What do you mean? It’s the middle of the night.”
“I mean, the wedding is a party. The marriage is just a spell. Like an Unbreakable Vow, but…y’know, happier.” Ron untangled them enough to look her in the eye, to gauge her reaction, but she already knew what her answer would be to his crazy idea. “We’ll go wake up Harry or George or someone and have them do it. Just for us. No one else even has to know. And then, whenever we’re ready, we’ll have the wedding. As planned, or toned down if you’d rather. And look, you’re already wearing white.”
He tugged at the hem of her t-shirt—it was his, really, one of many things she had swiped from his wardrobe over the years—and gave her the grin she loved so much. Hermione smiled back as she replied, “This is completely mental, you know.”
“Well that’s nothing new, for us. Is that a yes?”
Hermione threw her arms around Ron’s neck and kissed him, pulling back only when she realized if they didn’t stop now they might not leave the bed til morning. And she didn’t want to wait any longer to marry the man she loved.
“Absolutely. Yes.”
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runin-reads · 5 months
Trans James Potter headcanons
This is just me brain dumping for my current prongsfoot WIP where James is a stealth trans guy and how this would affect the way he navigates relationships and his place in society. I try to base my writing on canon text so let me know if anything is inconsistent with the books
Not much would change. I see Sirius as someone who genuinely doesn’t care for a guys physical traits when it comes to falling in love. He’s perceptive and can see past a persons facade in seconds. He sees James as just another guy and falls for him because of his character— anatomy be damned. So wrt to their relationship they’d still be obsessed with each other and fit into that ‘two bodies one soul’ narrative
Nothing is off limits between them so I imagine Sirius would be very involved in James’ transition. He helps him do his T shots and he’s always the first person to notice and be told when James goes through a certain change
James would be the type to identify as a guy his entire life. It’s established in the books that his parents were very doting and wealthy, so even though they’re elderly I think they would accept James as their son and he’d have the support available to transition early on. James would be such a different person if his parents didn’t spoil him as a child, so I want to keep that aspect of his upbringing no matter what.
the way he would view his trans-ness would differ greatly from the current generation. I imagine there would be a huge dissonance between him and the label “trans” because he’s seen himself as a guy for as long as he can remember.
His idea of masculinity would be very hetero-normative given the time period he was raised in. His parents were happily married his entire life and I think their relationship would influence how he imagines his own future to be like. He wants to be a father to a child and a husband to a wife, and he subconsciously decides that that is the way a man should be.
In Snape's Worst Memory it’s implied that James cared a lot about what others think. While he and Sirius are antagonising Snape James kept looking back to see if the girls (namely Lily) were watching. I think being trans would only heighten this urge to be cool and popular. He’d love the attention he got from girls because it affirms his masculinity and he’d put a lot of effort into maintaining his image
I’ve already written about how prongsfoot (james/sirius) is queer coded. To add to that, there are two possible ways by which James deals with his not-so-platonic feelings for Sirius. One, he accepts these feelings much more easily than he would have in canon because he’s already trans so what’s a little more queerness. Two, he denies these feelings, preferring to stick to the hetero-normative standards set by his parents and society. (Both possibilities are based on my own experiences as a trans guy so trust me, trans people can still experience internalised homophobia)
On a more lighthearted note he’s the type of guy to try to put a permanent sticking charm on his packer/STP device lol. Key word: try. Sirius would talk him out of it but he would at some point find a way to use magic to keep his packer from falling out in the changing rooms etc.
His confidence would only grow once T starts taking effect on his body. He'd probably brag about his bottom growth to Sirius which, unbeknownst to James, ends up flustering Sirius a LOT
He doesn't bind because even though puberty blockers weren't used back in the 60s/70s, let's just say Monty and Effie found a magical alternative like a potion for example
idk if the wizarding world has its own equivalent of gender affirming care and I highly doubt JKR ever wrote about it, so I'll go off on a limb and say James uses both muggle and wizarding methods to transition depending on what's more convenient for the plot of my fic
If j/s did fool around I think James would be pretty bossy in bed lmao and he'd be very adamant that Sirius should avoid 'female' terms for his body and stick to words like 'cock' or 'front hole'
It would take a long time for James to be open to intercourse so uh they'd get very creative in the meantime
not an expert on magic but James would definitely find a way to like charm his packer so that it gets erect and he can continue living in stealth.
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elenasalvatore666 · 28 days
Prompt: Harry and Hermione are forced to adopt Delphine and (the daughter of Bellatrix and Voldemort)
You can use all my ideas for your fanfics. There are works in which Harry decided to help Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter by adopting her, thereby removing the mark of the daughter of the most hated wizards from her, and Hermione helps him take care of the child. But if circumstances forced Harry to adopt a child?
The idea: Harry and Hermione will be definitely a couple. During the war, Bellatrix gave birth to Delphini. Only Narcissa Malfoy knew about her existence from the survivors after the war. Narcissa lied in the forest, saying that Harry Potter was dead, thereby she saved his life, thereby he formed a "life debt". During the battle, Delphini's parents die. Narcissa must take care of her niece, because if it becomes known about the child's origin, the girl is doomed. To give Delphini a chance for a better life, it is necessary to create a legend about her parents. The child is already demonstrating magical emissions, which means that he is magically strong, therefore, risking throwing a child to Muggles is not an option. The truth may come out. So, we need to find a couple of wizards who have not been in sight for a year. Narcissa knows (she learned from the huntsmen Ron stumbled upon or from some kind of death eaters) that for a while Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were alone, no one saw them. The ideal option. Of course, Delphini would have a bright future if her "father" was the savior of the magical world, and her "mother" was the brightest witch of her generation. (How to explain to Ron why he didn't see Hermione's pregnancy or the baby was Narcissa's idea. The legend remains at the discretion of the author - for example, the hunt itself lasted longer, and Ron was away longer,; Hermione took a pregnancy-accelerating potion, and then the baby was hidden. But everyone should believe in it). Narcissa meets with Harry and Hermione and suggests that they marry the child to their own. Harry and Hermione refuse, they are disgusted by the idea of having anything to do with this child, and they do not have such a relationship, plus they are planning a relationship with the Weasleys. But here Narcissa calls Harry to the duty of life. If he doesn't pass the child off as their daughter with Hermione or refute it, then Harry will die. Harry also has to take care of Delphini. Hermione has a choice, but if she refuses, Harry will die (the author can also come up with another reason why Hermione cannot refuse). There are no options. They agree. The important condition is that it must be a secret. Of course, the Weasleys take this turn badly. Ron hoped for a relationship with Hermione, Ginny hoped for a relationship with Harry. But now everything is changing. And Harry and Hermione don't see each other romantically yet. But even worse, both Harry and Hermione don't feel good about Delphini. To them, she's just the offspring of those who killed all of Harry's loved ones, tortured Hermione, and made their lives hell. But as the story progresses, Harry and Hermione begin to have feelings for each other and fall in love. They will also gradually begin to perceive Delphini as their own daughter, who is not responsible for the actions of her biological parents. Also, the author of the fan fiction can add adventure storylines, including the future story of Delphini.
If you have any questions/suggestions about the application, do not hesitate to contact us in the comments or in private messages.
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off-phelia · 2 years
Ok this might be an awful request but I hope you can get some inspo from this. They think the reader is dead, because the reader was reportedly at the potter’s that fateful night. But instead she transformed into an animagus and has been looking after Harry.
Maybe you could write about some mischief the reader gets up to (possibly with McGonagall cos I just think the cat version of her would be so fun to prank)
Then everyone finds out the reader is alive in the either the shrieking shack or during an order of the pheonix meeting (or something else it’s up to you)
Hope you can do something with this!
They are referring to this post.
I want to write so many things for this story!!
It's a little long...sorry sorry 👉👈🥺
Part 2 - soon
Thanks for bringing me more concepts! Please keep asking!! 💓💝💘💞
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Lily and you were friends since your second year at Hogwarts. You both being muggle-born, so it didn't take so long for you two become close.
Unfortunately, when you learned that Remus was a werewolf, the two of you drifted apart a bit. She hung around with Snape and you became a supporting member of the Marauders.
You two still helped each other and talked, but she got annoyed when the boys did something against Snape or other students.
In turn, you didn't like Snape. He was always handing you over to the monitors when you brought in some forest creature to tend to and seemed to watch your steps in every hallway. To say it sent nasty shivers down your spine was an understatement.
It wasn't until he called her mudblood that you were completely reunited with her again.
You'll always remember the argument you and the boys had that night. Saying that if it weren't for their stupidity, Lily wouldn't be upset.
Later when Lily and James got married and found out they had a baby on the way, you were asked to be the godmother (since Lily's sister didn't want to participate in this).
You were working at the ministry when you heard the Potter's were hidden.
At that time the world seemed to be turning upside down.
You went to visit Lily that fateful night.
It wasn't hard to figure out where they were, as you used your mind-reading ability on Sirius.
At the time you didn't know about the prophecy and just thought they wanted to keep their little nephew at home for some reason.
Honestly, you thought he was sick and that a visit seemed like a sweet and welcome way.
When you arrived at the Potter's it was James who greeted you. He looked surprised for a moment and was quick to pull you inside.
He looked a little nervous and asked you, very seriously, what were you doing there and you replied shyly that you had been snooping into Sirius' mind.
His expression seemed to relax slightly, for a moment he forgot about your legilimency.
You had a pleasant afternoon with all of them. Laughing at James' jokes and having fun with small, chatty Harry. Lily looked very pleased to see her husband enjoying himself after so long.
This is your last concrete memory of that day.
Searching your mind, you might remember walking out and bumping into someone you knew who was close to the Potter's house.
You remember a strange name or nickname you called that person.
After that it's all a blur.
The sound of people talking, then the quiet sound of nature and then you think you've fallen to the ground.
You couldn't move and soon your whole body ached. It was unbearable and makes you want to scream and squirm just thinking about that phantom sensation.
Then your vision goes out and you hear al the background something like "obliviate" before everything become dark.
You were confused and lost when they found you the next morning. Not knowing who you were or where you were.
You spent a few months hospitalized at St.Mungus recovering and when the aurors showed up, you were advised to stay away from the wizarding world for a while.
"For your own protection" - they said.
They got you a new address and a new name.
Number 11, Privet Drive. The last residence on a street of equal house.
Honestly, if you had known what was to come, you wouldn't have sighed as you set foot in that garden.
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rosie-love98 · 4 months
A Version Of Eileen's Life:
It must all begin from the beginning; 1931 to be precise. For four years, Aurelius Dumbledore (a.k.a “Credence Barebone”), had been working for the supreme Dark Wizard, Gellert Grindelwald. As an Obscurial who managed to live to adulthood, Aurelius was an extreme rarity in the Wizarding World. Unfortunately, because of the parasitic Obscurus, Aurelius’s life still waned. Naturally, Grindelwald knew this sad fact and needed a plan, an “heir” to his weapon. 
While Grindelwald sent his numerous minions to find more Obscurials, the searches had proven to be futile for one reason or another. Eventually, Grindelwald began to come up with another idea; Obscurial or not, Aurelius was still the son of Aberforth. Thus, Aurelius was not just the last of the Dumbledore clan, but he was the nephew of Aberforth’s brother, Albus Dumbledore-Grindelwald’s main foe. Nothing could hurt Albus more than his own relative-present or future-joining Grindelwald. So it was decided, a new Dumbledore must come forth.
After much consideration, Grindelwald settled on the once-prestigious Prince family. It was said that Sacar Prince was a famous potioneer about two centuries ago. But, upon numerous competitors, betrayals and bad deals, Silvanus’s descendents struggled greatly. The latest of the lineage, Silvanus Prince and his wife, Melinoe Suspirio, was no different. Because of this, Grindelwald thought it easy to persuade the Princes’ to let their daughter, Eleousa, work for him.
In time, Aurelius and Eleousa would meet. Slowly, the two would become acquainted with each other. This was mainly due to their skills; Eleousa was impressed with Aurelius’s Obscurus, along with his romantic side. For Aurelius, he was impressed with Eleousa’s intellect, and her fascination with resurrecting the dead. Long story short, the two young wizards shared a passionate love for eachother. As a result, a baby was on the way.
Unfortunately, Aurelius would be completely unaware of his upcoming child. Shortly after a failed mission in Bhutan, Aurelius would reconcile with his father, Aberforth, and succumb to the Obscurus only a few days later.
 Sometime later, little Eileen came into the world. Unfortunately, Eleousa would die not long after her daughter was born. As a result, Eileen would be raised by Silvanus and Melinoe as if she was their daughter. Even going by “Prince” rather than “Barebone” or “Dumbledore”.
As Eileen grew up, the Prince family would see her as a disappointment. Especially as Grindelwald would reach his final downfall. In spite of her cold environment, Eileen tried making the best of things. For instance, she was loyal to her Slytherin House, was skillful in gobstones, potion-making along with spell-casting. She would often try to form a connection with her late mother by researching spells for reviving the dead. However, by the time she turned 21, she felt something absent in her life. Then, when in the Muggle World, she met Tobias Snape…
As a rough-and-tumble Teddy Boy, Tobias Snape was part of a group known as “The Web-Spinners”. Another member was Tobias’s best friend “Severe Seymour”, along with Seymor’s girlfriend, Lydia. However, The Web-Spinners weren’t the only gangs in Cokeworth as they were fiercely rivaled by the “Sweet Deaths”. During one altercation, a naive Eileen was in the gauntlet and would’ve been killed had Tobias and Seymor not stepped in. Eventually, Tobias and Eileen hit it off. 
Yet, while Eileen saw Tobias as a potential husband, Tobias saw Eileen as more of a “fling”. Disgusted, Seymour and Lydia often confronted Tobias about such a mindset. Urging him to either marry Eileen or break things off better the relationship gets even more serious. Events later took a turn when Tobias, Seymour and Lydia were at a pub-the same pub the Sweet Deaths were visiting. Thanks to his drunken boasting, Tobias had started a fight that escalated into a major catastrophe. In the end, Seymour and Lydia would be killed by the Sweet Deaths.
Remorseful and horrified, Tobias was at a loss on what to do next until he’d learn that Eileen was an witch. He begged her to bring back his lost friends but Eileen told him that resurrection isn’t what the Wizarding World does. So, Tobias made up his mind; he’ll marry her and, in turn, she’ll find a way to bring back the dead. Eileen knew not to make promises she couldn’t keep, but she could never say “No” to such a magical potential as reviving the deceased. So, in 1953, Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince would marry to the horror of the latter’s family. Silvanus and Melinoe would loathe their granddaughter for choosing a Muggle over her enchanted pure-blood; ultimately cutting her off altogether. 
In time, Tobias would quit being a Teddy Boy, move himself and Eileen to the last house at Spinner’s End along with becoming the reluctant father to a raven-haired boy, Severus. Yet, alcoholism and fruitless job-hunting would take a toll over the years. With these factors and Eileen’s failed experiments, Tobias grew more aggressive than ever before. At the expense of her own son, Eileen kept hanging on until Tobias and Eileen would eventually face Death themselves. Leaving Severus in the cold.
Well...what do you think for a theory/headcanon?
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nightingale2004 · 4 months
For my Sherlock Johnlock and Potterlock fans. Allow to present a few headcanons for the potterlock au
The Holmes family was originally a pureblood house and part of the original pureblood houses that are filled with Slytherins and Ravenclaw minds
Sherlocks mom fell in love with a muggle in hogwarts who was a Hufflepuff (the man is literally a Hufflepuff. TELL ME I'M WRONG!!)
Sherlocks mom was a Ravenclaw.
After the parents had Sherlock and his siblings, the house members of the Holmes family were cautious of this and what it could mean for their status, but they decided to accept Sherlock's father in their own way including Sherlock and his siblings
This is also set in the marauders era
Despite being half-bloods, Mycroft was the slytherins pride and joy. Best friends with Lucius and many high tier slytherins from very wealthy families and a lot of connections.
Sherlock was a Ravenclaw sass drama king. Never had a lot of friends because of his deductions, rival with severus for obvious reasons, and he called out Dumbledore a long time ago so...THE SAVIOR OF HOGWARTS EVERYONE!!!!
Eurus Holmes is Slytherin and hangs out with Moriarty and his boyfriend Moran, and soon after, they are the ones running the death eaters and they are actually a force to be reckoned with
John Watson is a Gryffindor alongside Lestrade, and they are actually decent Gryffindors compared to the marauders themselves and hated their pranks especially on severus
Molly is a Hufflepuff (you can't tell me otherwise)
John fought in the war alongside Lestrade and the marauders, John still gets injured but he comes back and he starts a career as a doctor.
Lestrade is the head auror, and Mycroft is one of the heads of the ministry department of security and law. (It's been a minute since I've seen Harry potter. Don't judge me)
Sherlock still becomes a consulting detective for both wizard and muggle kind and meets John during one of his cases.
Sherlock did have a relationship with Irene Adler (who is an obvious Slytherin) before he met John, but they broke it off after she left him and stole from him... again.
John was married to Mary (also Slytherin), even during his partnership with Sherlock, but she died during a battle between herself and old death eater foes. Leaving him and their daughter Rosamund alone but Sherlock made sure to protect them.
Mycroft and Lestrade got together after Sherlock introduced them a few endangering life moments later where they both expressed concerns and got to know each other from there.
All I've got so far. Enjoy
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