#because they're always gonna end up together on my blog
Imagine, if you will, that Steve gets Vecna'd during the weapons building portion of the adventure. They're parked far away from Hawkins to prevent someone stumbling upon them and there are like a total of 4 tapes in the RV, none of which have anyone's favorite songs on them.
Steve, in his mind, hears Robin say she has a bad feeling, and it twists to be that she cruelly says Steve's the reason it's going to end badly. If Steve were a better, smarter, less pathetic person, they'd need him. He should just leave before he fucks this up for them all. Nancy piles on how he's bullshit, has always been bullshit. Dustin asks why he's even still around when they've already replaced him with Eddie. It's a bad time.
Meanwhile, Robin is freaking out because Steve just froze in the middle of making Molotov's. "Steve. Steve! STEVE!" Her shouting draws everyone and someone asks what his favorite song is and Robin's freaking out, but she thinks she knows this. "Bohemian Rhapsody! We sing it all the time together!"
"We don't even have a Queen tape!" Dustin is shouting like they don't know that already.
"Then we sing it!" Lucas suggests. "It's Bohemian Rhapsody. Everyone knows it, right?"
Robin wastes no time. She starts the song, slightly off-key, "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
And slowly, everyone joins in. It doesn't sound great, and they don't really fall into a good rhythm, though Eddie does move to tap out the rhythm of it onto the side of the RV in hopes of keeping them all somewhat in time with the song.
Robin, Eddie, and Erica, surprisingly, are the only three that know all the lyrics in the correct order. The song has some long guitar solos they can't recreate out here, so the just jump into the next lyrics.
Cannot emphasize enough that it does not sound good.
But it works.
The noise of it breaks through, reaches the part of Steve's mind that is separate from where Vecna has Steve trapped. That little portal thing Max described forms, but it's not the music that breaks Steve from his mind. Not really.
Both he and Vecna turn towards the portal because whatever they're hearing is fucking awful but Steve can see, like Max saw, that everyone has gathered around him. They are all singing, off key and as loud as they possibly can, at him. To him.
For him.
He watches as Eddie bangs out a tempo for them to follow on the RV side, as Robin sings into his chest because she's wrapped him in her arms as tightly as possible, Dustin and Erica on either side of Robin (Scoops Troop reunited). Lucas and Max are scream-singing, Max with one ear out of the headphones and a hand clutching Nancy's as even Nancy sings along.
It's the worst singing Steve's ever heard.
It's the best version of Bohemian Rhapsody Steve's ever heard.
The plot twist is this. It's not even his favorite song. It's just a song he likes well enough.
He breaks free of Vecna not because it's his favorite song, but because it's his favorite people singing it, doing their best to save him because they care about him.
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Hey! I just found your blog and I've read through your work and I love it 💗 can I request MC trying to talk the brothers out of confessing to them?
(Perhaps taking place towards the end of season 1, beginning of season 2)
The brothers tell MC they love "LOVE" them and MC thinks they're joking and when they finally realize that the brothers are being serious MC's like "I thought you had better taste... are you sure you're not just infatuated with an idealized version of me that you created in your head? I mean you can do better, besides what would the people of Devildom think? Honestly, I didn't really get the impression you liked "liked" me in that way... I think you should think it through, maybe it's because I'm a novelty that your interested in me?" Or something along those lines? The point is that MC doubts their feelings and thinks they can do better.
Thank you so much! 💓
This is one of my favorite prompts because it’s so realistic and human and authentic. Which is terrifying too because I know I’m not gonna do it justice and I’m so freaking late on this. Back on topic - what makes us special to these brothers? Is it going to last? How long until we’re nothing new? (starts playing Taylor Swift in the background while I contemplate these)
Lucifer: Lucifer is vaguely insulted by the implication that you don’t trust him to know his own feelings. Yes, he understands your self doubt because he’s the high level demon Lucifer, the best of the best, and it makes sense that you would feel intimidated by that. But to doubt his feelings is to doubt Lucifer’s judgement and that won’t stand. He knows who’s worth his time and affection (no one) and he is not willing to open himself up to such a state of vulnerability without absolute certainty. So when he says he loves you, it’s true. He’s been around a long time and you’re the only person who has been able to capture his attention and heart in such a way; he isn’t worried at all about the feelings fading or being an illusion. He is under no delusions of who you really are - the person who doesn’t listen to him and runs wild with his brothers and causes so many problems in the Devildom and also the person who brought his family back together again and who reminded Lucifer of who he used to be and could still be. He will provide you reason after reason to back his point if you need it but he really feels he should only have to express his feelings once to make it clear.
Mammon: Mammon’s feelings are definitely hurt when you question him, even if it’s coming from a good place. He knows he’s not the most serious demon and maybe he’s a bit of a tsundere but he doesn’t understand how you can doubt him after everything you’ve been through together. He’s your first man, you’re his best-friend. Mammon is no stranger to romance and flirting over the millenia; demons, angels, witches, humans, etc. He’s got options, almost as many as Asmo, but you are the only person who has ever made him feel this good, this special and loved and in love.It breaks his heart a little every time you doubt his love for you. He might not be the best at talking about his feelings but he promises that he will spend the rest of his life showing you exactly how much he loves you for you, the same way you love him for him - the good and the bad and the weird. He is yours until the end of time, whether or not you’ll ever actually be his.
Levi: Of all the brothers, Levi is probably the most understanding of your doubts - not regarding him, that’s super crazy and he doesn’t understand how you could ever think he could do better than you. He does understand how self-doubt doesn’t always follow logic so he actually does well not taking it personally when you ask him those kinds of questions. He’s a man of many hyperfixations but they’re lasting. Have you seen him with his favorite series or Ruri-chan? This man is dedication personified. He’s already added you to his list of hyperfixations and, okay, maybe he does idealize you a little but he’s not as deluded as you think. He knows you have weird, messy bits of you - just like him - and he loves that so much about you because he’s able to actually be comfortable with you. He loves you and trusts you and respects you, which is more than he can say about anyone else in his life, and he is going to be your simp long after the series finale and he only hopes you’ll agree to let him stay in your life and worship you the way he knows you deserve.
Satan: That line of questioning makes him angry, shocking. He hates that you’re doubting him and his feelings. Satan is the intellectual of his brothers (if you ask him). He’s smart enough to know that there’s a difference between lust vsinfatuation vs love, and he’s considered it for a long time before he came forward with his feelings. He knows they’re genuine and lasting; he even avoided you in the beginning to avoid catching those kinds of feelings but it happened. Satan knows maybe he can romanticize things a little, like in the romance novels that he secretly loves, but he doesn’t think it’s to an unhealthy or unrealistic level - no more than a general man in love might do. He’ll sit and discuss all of this with you for as long as necessary, reigning in that anger that stems from feeling rejected, until you finally realize that he’s genuinely in love with you.
Asmo: Okay, so Asmo gets it, you know? He’s most beautiful being in three realms and charming and funny and sweet and basically everything good wrapped into one wonderful, sparkly, good smelling package. It would make sense that any human he pursued felt a little insecure about his feelings and their worthiness. But like…it’s you! You’ve seen Asmo at his worst - the days when he’s not as beautiful or kind, when he’s selfish and cruel and narcissistic - and you’ve stuck by his side the whole time. He is going to do the same for you. He sees your inner (and outer) beauty every time he looks at you and he falls a bit more in love with you every time. He knows what lust and infatuation feels like - he feels those every day and has them reflected right back at him tenfold. You are not those things. There’s still the passion and longing and affection but it’s so much warmer and steadier, like the warm sun that Asmo used to see in the human realm. You make him better (a hard task considering how close to perfection he is) and he won’t stand for you having any kind of doubts. He’s going to love you into loving yourself until you’re unable to doubt him or your relationship ever again.
Beel: That’s…not unfair to ask him. Beel may not be the smartest brother but he’s not as stupid as others make him out to be. He is the only brother who is going to hear you out and actually take the time to think about what you’re saying. You are the first human he’s ever had these kinds of feelings for, the first person actually. Beel is not used to romance at all and so he really needs to think about the line between romantic and platonic and familial; he doesn’t want to mess up the relationship by defining it incorrectly and breaking both of your hearts in the process. He doesn’t agree that you’re not good enough or interesting enough to inspire those kinds of feelings in him; he thinks you’re the most wonderful being he’s ever come across and anyone would be lucky to know you, let alone be loved by you like he is. It doesn’t take him too long to come the conclusion that no, he is in love with you. He would choose you over food or sports or even some of his brothers; hefeels empty without you in a way that even Belphie can’t compare to. He wants to kiss you and hold you and keep you around forever to share in his food and laughs and affection. Once Beel makes his decision, it’s completely solidified. Beel is a ride or die kind of man and you know you’ll never have to doubt him once he tells you he loves you.
Belphie: Belphie is torn. He understands why you may question his love for you. He did betray you and literally kill you in another universe; he would be more concerned if you weren’t skeptical about him. However, you feeling not good enough? Absolutely absurd. You need therapy ASAP. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to him and his family, even if you are a human. He never wanted these feelings; he loathed you at first but, over the months and different experiences you’ve shared, those feelings have grown to respect and trust and love. He couldn’t stop himself from loving you even if he tried (and he’s tried). He can understand your nerves but he knows down to his very soul that he loves you and that he will always love you. If you can’t accept his feelings, he’ll be the most accepting of it, especially because he doesn’t think he deserves you at all but he will never back down from his claims and he will continue expressing his love for you until the very end.
Diavolo: Of them all, Diavolo most understands why you may doubt the longevity of this relationship. He’s the demon lord. He’s the top choice of the realm, and everyone is scrutinizing him and his choices. He gets why you might be afraid of that and what comes with it. However, he wouldn’t be choosing you if he hadn’t thought long and hard about it to make sure his feelings for you withstood all of those doubts and fears. Diavolo does not lovely easily or lightly; he’s been offered companionship from more people than he could ever care to count but he’s never seriously considered any of them. You are the first and only person to have made him fall so completely head over heels in love that he’s able to get out of his own head which is so often filled with those some kinds of doubts and questions. He may not make every decision in his life with 100% confidence but this is one that he feels so sure of that he’s willing to stake his entire future and reputation on it. He loves you and he will do everything in his power to prove that he loves you and will stay by your side as you both rule the Devildom together, putting you at the top with him - exactly where you belong.
Barbatos: Barbatos is efficient, if nothing else in the world. Do you really think that he would pursue you if he wasn’t completely sure of his feelings and your future together? This is the man who has spent his entire life dedicated to Diavolo; he’s turned away from every and any meager temptation that’s come his way. No one has ever caught his eye like you have and certainly no one has ever made him question where his loyalty lays. Of course he is still Lord Diavolo’s servant and he serves the Devildom to the best of his ability but his heart isn’t in it the same way and that’s because he’s given it to you. You are what consumes his every thought and feeling; he’s broken the rules and used his powers for you, he’s gone against Diavolo for you, he is willing to do anything so long as he can be near you and make you happy. You don’t even have to accept his love or love him back, if you really can’t or won’t, but he’s seen you in every timeline and loves you in all of them. Nothing in this world or any of the others will change that and, if you give him the opportunity, he will dedicate his every moment to proving to you why you can put your full faith in him. After all, Barbatos has never failed at an assignment before.
Solomon: Solomon can understand insecurity on your end. It’s hard to consider yourself special enough to last for someone who has seen everything. Solomon has lived thousands of years, visited the three realms, love and lost time and time again. It’s hard to imagine that you’re anything more than the next shiny toy he’s got his eye on. For someone who can never die, what is this love other than a small blip on his radar one day? Solomon can’t stop you from feeling that way because, in a way, it’s true. You can’t be a permanent fixture in his life because you’re human but he can certainly be one in your life. Solomon would argue that he’s seen so many people and places over the millenia and he has lived long enough to know himself completely, and he knows that he loves you. He knows that no matter what happens or changes, his feelings for you will never waver. He will carry his love for you until the ends of time itself. It’s his curse to bear and the only thing that would make it bearable is being able to love you directly for as long as he’s given the chance.
Simeon: Simeon is the most patient and sympathetic as you ask him these questions. He would never invalidate your fears but he will confront them with you and break them down and banish them. Simeon is an angel who has watched over humanity for as long as they’ve been around. He has seen the best of the best and the worst of worst and still he’s never been tempted to turn away from his Father for one. At first, he could have explained it as curiosity and then fondness but it blossomed into the deep, unwavering love that he feels for you now. He sees your flaws and humanity and loves you all the more for it. You have become the new object of his worship and affection; he would fall from grace if it meant being able to hold you in his arms and shower you in the love he so truly believes you deserve. He will remind you every day of why you deserve to be happy and loved; he will tell you everything he loves about you from your smile to your kind heart to your most selfish desires. So, please, just put the same faith in him and his feelings that he puts in you and let him love you.
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perotovar · 9 months
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hey sweeties!! kel and i put a list together of all the submissions we got for our event and split them into two masterlists of fics for you all to read and enjoy! this is my part of the list, so if you don't see yours give @beskarandblasters 's list >here< a look and see if that's where your fic/submission ended up!
we can't thank you enough for submitting and helping us give a voice to the smaller writers of the fandom ♥ oh, and for any multi chapter fics/series, we only read the first chapters to make it fair!
please make sure to read each fic's warnings carefully and happy reading! ♥
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@iamskyereads - Compulsion (Ezra x ofc!Beatrice)
i can't even begin to describe how much i love this fic already. it's so smart and the worldbuilding?? incredible!! it feels like a sequel to the film, or like it could easily take place in the same universe. just brilliant. and ezra's voice is so clear here, i could hear him saying every word. and the oc, beatrice, is fascinating already, i can't wait to see where it goes!
@all-the-way-down-here - This Is Why We Fight (Dieter x nb!oc!Bell)
i love the start of this. both dieter and bell have excellent characterization and the conversations being had by every character feel so real and are so important. bell's group of friends all sound like friends i would have, and i would love to hang out with them. i love the direction this is going!
@linzels-blog - Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie x f!reader)
ahh what a delightful little fic! it feels very much like an early 2000s rom com and i mean that in the best way! very cute and i love the vibes. everyone's characterization is great and i can't wait to sink my teeth into the rest of it!
@elvenmother - Context and Perspective (Marcus M x f!reader)
completely obsessed with this concept. i love a good enemies to lovers and this is such an awesome way to do it! i always see marcus m fics featuring someone without superpowers, but to have a character that's just as powerful as him? sign me up!
@kedsandtubesocks - In the Dead of the Night (Din x f!reader)
one of my absolute favorite din fics. the worldbuilding and din's creature form is incredible. i love a horror au that's flipped on its head. i also love the "creature is also the hunter" trope and this does that incredibly well. the atmosphere is off the charts.
@ghostofaboy - Rock Bottom (Frankie x original male characters)
god, i don't even know where to begin with this story. it's so raw and visceral and i can't say enough how much i enjoy it. i love reading something new and especially if it's coming from a male perspective. this is, unfortunately, something i could see frankie getting up to. frankie is such a deeply tragic character and this fic does that justice in a dark, but really intriguing way.
@ishabull - The Way We Were Drawn (Marcus P x f!reader)
ohh this is such a sweet fic. i love the imagery painted and the dynamic between marcus and reader is so sweet!
@secretelephanttattoo - Headshots (Marcus P x f!reader)
this fic is beyond sweet and so dreamy. the ideal scenario for anyone, in my humble opinion. who wouldn't want to take pictures of handsome fbi agents and then fall in love with said agent?
@lesbianhotch - you walk by and i fall to pieces (Frankie x f!reader)
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DAMN THING. i love me a nervous frankie (hello, have you read my fic lmao) and this was by far one of the cutest. i'm obsessed with reader's confidence and i just know those two are gonna be menaces once they're together. throw in some patsy cline and i am a goner. this is going on the reread list for sure.
@insomniamamma - Remain Nameless (Ezra & Cee w/ gn!reader)
ok, this one actually made me cry. i'm not sure if it's my own sleep-deprived ass that caused it but this is probably one of the most beautiful but sad fics i've read in a long time. i mean all of this in the best way because i don't normally get emotional from fics. prospect as a movie makes me emotional, though, so it doesn't surprise me that this did as well. it's such an incredible missing scene that i can, unfortunately, see absolutely happening. have some tissues nearby.
@sweetercalypso - Unlikely Friends (Joel x gn!reader)
this fic is one of my absolute favorite fics for joel. a big reason for that is i have a cat named tilly. and imagining joel reluctantly and grumpily cuddling with my tilly makes me emotional, ok??
@softstarlite - The Casualty of Love (Javi P x f!reader)
very cute! i love the awkward tension around not seeing someone for so long and there being a huge glow up maturity-wise from one of them! seeing someone in a new light is always a strange thing and i love the start to these two and their journey!
@julesonrecord - Shots (Jack x f!reader/oc)
probably one of the best post-movie fics i've ever read for jack. the way jack's trauma and therapy is handled is so fucking brilliant and tonic is one of the best fucking characters, god. eva is written so well and i just. i can't recommend this fic enough. if you like jack, hell even if you don't, give this fic a shot. i promise you'll come out of it liking it.
@coulsons-fullmetal-cellist - The Audition (Dieter x f!reader)
goddd this was so cute! dieter's insecurities don't come up very often and i absolutely love what a match he and reader make. she's so sweet with him and takes such good care of him. and he loves her so much and i love them ok
@max--phillips - A Little Lipstick Never Hurts (Max P x f!reader)
this is one of the best explorations into kink that i've ever read. it's so respectful and hot as fuck. completely obsessed with this take on max as a character and i can't get enough of the dynamic between him, reader, (and eventually dieter). it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but i highly encourage you to give it a try. max gets some well deserved lessons taught, and who doesn't love that?
@coastielaceispunk - The Gift of Lingerie (Max L x f!reader)
god, this was so fucking hot. i'm so here for a mentally healed maxwell in a healthy marriage with a fulfilling sex life lol the little bit of teasing on both their parts was beyond sexy and i loved how equal everything felt. ugh, will be rereading this one for sure.
@lotrefcp - Hidden Away (Javi P x f!reader)
i'm obsessed with a no nonsense reader with just as much attitude/sass as javi does lol i just kept reading going GET HIS ASS. an excellent start to a universe i'm excited to sink my teeth into!
@beefrobeefcal - On the Waterfront (Frankie x f!reader)
oh, this is dark. i love the vibes immediately. i've had a weird fascination with the mafia for most of my life and this has that air about it. a dark, chubby mob boss!frankie is right up my alley for sure. i love that he's still frankie tho. sensible, practical, but with an edge. mind the warnings.
@flightlessangelwings - La Estrella de Mi Vida (Javi G x f!reader)
ahhh so romantic and so tragic!! i swear, it's impossible to make javi unappealing but this fic is just so sweet and manages to make me love him even more (somehow). but i love the added drama and tension from outside forces!! i need to read the rest of it asap!
@littlemisspascal - Rockford & Roan (Tim x f!reader)
my god, i love this?? i'm not usually one for superpowers/soulmate au's but i'm in love with the practicality of this? it feels otherworldly without being too much and it's very grounded. i love the reader and the way tim is written is so believable. i love that we as a fandom have created such a visceral image of this character from only a minute's worth of footage!
@something-tofightfor & @the-blind-assassin-12 - Aphelion (Oberyn x Ellaria & f!reader)
goddd the imagery painted in this one. so heartbreaking. absolutely breathtaking. i'm a slut for vampires and i'm a slut for oberyn/ellaria. this is absolutely something i will be reading the rest of lol
@bluestar22x - The Rockford Files (Tim x f!reader)
ok this is insanely good. one of my favorite books of all time is "red dragon" by thomas harris and i felt like i was reading that again while i read this. the details of the case and the cadence of everything was top notch. obsessed with the psychic element thrown in there and i'm beyond excited to see where tim and psy end up next!
@sweetenerobert - Fiction vs Reality (Tommy Miller x m!reader)
ohhhh my god. you give me a bisexual tattoo artist tommy miller with stretched ears and i'm supposed to be normal about it??? UNLIKELY. i am extremely tempted to edit this into reality ngl but my god. this was so fucking hot lmao
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mysticbewitched · 7 months
Hey mystic
I was gonna link an ask from earlier but i cant seem to put links in here for some reason and google is not helping. Its the one about the non-dualism community and how toxic it can be. I just wanted to say I am glad others agree. I wouldn't consider myself a beginner to loa manifesting or shifting. I just think its crazy how someone says things like "just be" and someone asks them to clarify it and they respond by saying something like "do you need help drinking water."
Trends come and go, I'm sure once ND is no longer new someone else will unearth some old spiritual practice and claim its above LOA as well. I just wish everyone would be accepting and encouraging instead of what seems to be condescending because they think they know something no one else does.
Lastly I heard you say on the podcast the person you were gonna do it with is no longer in your life, sorry to hear that. I only bring this up because I believe I saw a post saying you manifested this person into your life and then they changed (I could be wrong though). I also manifested someone back (an ex) but it was a 'manifestation' and all i ended up creating was misery.
You don't have to answer this if the last part is too personal, but if you want send me a message. Just wanted to say I think you have some great views that resonated.
Great podcast btw
I completely agree with you and I'm glad that others are able to see the madness that I'm seeing.
What they usually mean by telling you all, "just be" is they're telling you to realize your true self as awareness. They're telling you to just recognize your divine nature in the present moment and enjoy knowing yourself.
I don't see why they don't just tell you to turn within and recognize your true self as awareness in this present moment without all the riddles.
I agree that everyone here should turn within themselves and listen to their inner guidance instead of relying on the "others" for advice, because then the constant search and craving for more answers will never end. However, at the same time, it's the polite and helpful thing to do to let your readers know exactly what they're looking for while you advise for them to look within themselves for the truth: realizing divine the source of your true self.
If everyone knew what they were looking for, I think they would have an easier time turning within and trusting their inner voice to lead them to answers.
I feel as if the lack of clarification on exactly what to look for is unnecessary and it can come off as mind games instead of just being direct with the readers and telling them all, "you're turning within to realize your true nature. Hint: you are always *aware.*"
I happen to notice from time to time as well that some of these bloggers feel the need to use the whole "words are meaningless" nonsense as a moronic excuse to bully or put down other blogs amongst themselves or with their anons for simply viewing things in a different perspective and I don't think that's cool for anyone to do.
That behavior isn't right. It's just plain mean.
Everyone is entitled to their own perspective and share their own views, but to publicly put down specific blog names for everyone to hear and make fun of them together? Very condescending and cold.
Oh, believe me, I'm waiting for the next spiritual trend to come out of nowhere. I wonder what it's going to be next. Now my curiosity is in flames.
To end things here, I want to thank you so much for your kinds words and the lovely compliment.
Your feedback and appreciation for the podcast means so much to me. I'm so very glad to hear that my perspective of things resonated with you.
Thank you for enjoying my podcast.
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arminsumi · 1 year
spicy #10 with Armin? I'm thinking reader and 'min move in together and he becomes hyperaware of the readers presence, scent, clothes etc. and it's too much for him to handle...
freaking love your blog btw<333
teehee thank u darlin!! hope u enjoy mwa
░ 🐬 Armin
Armin just craves you so badly that the smallest things get him going 🤷‍♀️
⚠️Cws; juicy SMUT
Notes; AFAB!gn!reader
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⚠️💦Smut cws; 'pretty baby' and 'darling', 🐶position + against wall + against the washing machine + against the countertop + in the shower/bath, 🐱eating + fingering, panty fucking, cumshot, jerking, unprotected sex + creampie
░ 🍒 While adding your clothes to the washing machine, he plucks your panties from the pile and stares at them. Then he calls you into the laundry room, "Y/n, could you come here for a sec, my darling. 'Need your help real quick..." you hear him almost moan behind the door.
░ 🍒 And you enter to find him fisting his needy cock with your panties wrapped around it. "C'mere, need to feel you, god damn." he blows his bangs out of his eyes, takes your hips in his hands and spins you around. He presses his tip into you, groaning into your ear at the plush sensation, and rubs back and forth against your clothed pussy until he shoots out a hot load. "I guess I'll be adding these to the washing machine..." he giggles guiltily afterwards.
░ 🍒 Even just seeing you change out of your day clothes into your pajamas drives him wild. He'll look at you needily from the bed and ask you to come over and model those clothes for him, but really he just pulls them right off and dives between your thighs.
░ 🍒 You'll just be casually gaming in the living room, relaxing, when he curls up next to you and lets out a needy groan. He inhales the scent of your shampoo and feels himself getting hard. He's rubbing against your leg in no time, looking up at you like a puppy. "Can you stroke me off, please please please?" he begs with big eyes. He visibly melts against the couch when he feels your hand wrapping around his cock. "Mmm, fuck 'm gonna cum all over your hand."
░ 🍒 Sometimes at night when he's curled up into your arms like a cute cat, he'll get achingly hard. He'll hug you real tight and press his dick against your tummy to get your attention. Sometimes he audibly whines until you help him out. He's too shy to use his words :(
░ 🍒 But you can bet he gets verbal as soon as he's sinking inside you. One second he's a cute boy curled up in bed, and the next second he's fucking you nastily until he's got you s(creaming) for him.
░ 🍒 You definitely can't get away with giving him a frisky kiss/teasing touch and then just walking away. No way, he'll whisk you right off to the bedroom before you can blink.
░ 🍒 If you're stood in the kitchen, no matter what you're doing, Armin will hug you from behind. Of course, nine times out of ten, he's rubbing his hardon into your ass. "Bend over for me, pretty baby, 'need to feel you so bad right now."
░ 🍒 Doesn't matter what clothes you're wearing, he always gets hard at the sight of you. He even gets hard to the sound of your voice. So many times you've had him laying on your lap, stroking his hair, when suddenly he asks you to spread your legs so he can eat you out.
░ 🍒 Trust that when you live with Armin, you can kiss showering/bathing alone goodbye. The second you announce that you're getting in a shower/bath, he's running out of whatever room he was in and stripping his clothes off. He loves supporting your body while you have a shaking orgasm from him fingering you 🚿or making the water spill over from fucking you too intensely🛁
░ 🍒 Honestly, if it's a weekend, he doesn't bother wearing anything underneath his sweatpants because he knows they're gonna be coming on and off too many times to bother with that.
░ 🍒 Armin's so impatient to fuck you sometimes. He pushes your panties to the side or only peels them halfway down your thighs. He forgets his condoms, ends up creaming inside you, probably pressing your body up against the wall. " 'm sorry, needed to have you, 'been so fucking horny today..." he groans, driving his soaked cock in and out of your heat like he's addicted.
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userparamore · 1 month
I get that you don’t like Taylor but can you not see paramores growth as band because of the eras tour they seem so happy to be on that stage every night be grateful for that
first of all i don't really understand why you're coming for me over post that isn't even mine. second of all i'm allowed to be a fan of a band and be critical of them at the same time, and i've expressed my disappointment over this since the tour was announced. i'm not gonna beat a dead horse and bring up why i'm critical of this tour again in this answer, but the act of them being on this tour really says a lot about them for me in a negative way, and i think it's hypocritical of them after preaching about sustainability and equal rights for all.
paramore is also not some small indie band no one has heard of. they've been doing this for 20 years, they've sold out big venues, played madison square garden multiple times, they played their biggest show ever on the this is why aus&nz tour with 26,283 tickets sold in sydney. multiple of their biggest songs on spotify is close to a billion streams and they have 21 million monthly listeners. all this growth they've done, they've done on their own- sure it's nice that more people discover them, but they didn't need this tour to be successful. they already were.
also for me personally, this tour leaves a bad taste in my mouth. i come from a country where if i'm lucky they tour once every album cycle. i've been lucky to see them 2 times and the last time was in 2017. they played a festival so i didn't get to see a full set. they've been to my country four times total and 1 concert wasn't a festival. the eras tour didn't have a show in my country, and i wasn't about to fight swifties for tickets that are extremely expensive. in the end my friend ended up having a spare ticket to one of the vienna shows bc the person they were originally gonna go with ended up not being able to go, and i was asked if i wanted to go. me and this friend first became friends bc we both liked paramore, and they've never been able to see them live. travelling to vienna to have that experience together, i would sit through 3h of taylor swift for. i spent close to 2000 dollars on the whole trip including the ticket, for it to end up being cancelled. very happy we didn't die, but it still sucked to have spent all that money and the not be able to go. especially since this would've been my friend's first paramore live experience.
i'm happy they're having fun playing their greatest hits for 3 months. i'm happy for my mutuals who's been able to go and have had a good time. the money they earn will probably go to their new label, and hopefully we won't have to wait 5 years for new music. but don't tell me to be grateful.
i try my best to make this community a welcoming space. i try my best to contribute with gifs and edits, and post news when there are news. i've hosted countdown events, i've hosted/made zines, i've hosted gif challenges. i want to do all these things bc it's fun to be part of this community and i love the friends i've made here. but i can still do all those things, and not have to kiss paramore's ass. i can still express myself and speak on the things i don't agree with bc it's my blog. we've had "debates" in my inbox before, people have expressed their opinions on paramore before, and it's always respectful which i appreciate. we as a community can disagree on things and still be a community.
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anathemaspeaks · 5 months
anna's prompt list
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navi. -> anna's prompt list
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welcome to my blog! request the prompt number and category you'd like, and i'll write a scenario for it! you can pick multiple prompts from multiple categories, too.
go ahead and flood my inbox 💋
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"can i borrow your sweater?"
"falling in love with you wasn't a part of my life plan, but i don't regret that i did."
"it's okay, i couldn't sleep anyway."
"you're blushing." "am not!"
"i wish you were here with me."
"dance with me!"
"is that my shirt?"
"i didn't know you're ticklish."
"your lips are really warm."
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"can i count your freckles?"
"you're home."
"delete that! i look disgusting."
"your flirting is so bad it's adorable."
"would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
"no, i’m not letting you go. it’s too early to get out of bed."
"i really wanna kiss you right now."
"you look so cute when you laugh."
"can i at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment i come home."
"i'll keep you warm. hold me closer."
“when do you think help will come?” “not for a while. i guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.”
"apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together."
"quit looking at me, you’re making me nervous."
"do you know how to knock?"
"if we get caught, its your fault!”
"do you know you snore?"
"stop threatening me with a good time!”
"because i'm in love with you, dumbass!"
or send me your own!
"were you ever going to tell me?"
"i'm done trying to help you."
"sorry doesn't fix everything."
"you didn't call. you didn't text. nothing."
"i can't do this anymore."
"you said you'd always be there for me..."
"did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me, too?"
"i guess we just weren't meant to be."
"i never stopped loving you."
"it's me - please don't hang up!"
"please don't leave me, not again."
"do you even still love me?"
"don't worry, because i'm not coming back!"
"you can go to hell."
"i know you still love me."
"hey, look at me."
"don't do this here."
"can you kiss me? one last time?"
"am i too late?"
"i wish i never met you."
or send me your own!
"do you trust me?"
high school sweethearts who broke up but then he shows up in town again.
you need a hot date for this wedding.
hiding during a mission and he pulls you so close you're almost kissing.
you call at 3 am because you need him.
"i've been in love with you for years."
you're stubborn and won't take your jacket, so he gives you his.
you choose to wear your heels but they're uncomfortable and you refuse to admit it.
he catches you stalking his mom's facebook.
having a pillow fight and it ends in a makeout.
he steals your panties and you catch him.
or send me your own!
"i'm not wearing any panties."
"not here. do you wanna get caught?"
"add another finger."
"you're so cold. lemme warm you up."
"aw, don't worry baby. i'll make it fit."
"you're so pretty like this."
"what are you gonna do about it?"
"sorry! i didn't know you were changing."
"i can't tell whether i want to make you bleed or moan."
"i hate that you're mad at me, but you look so hot right now."
"i don't bite... unless you're into that."
"spank me. please."
"say my name. louder."
"you have to be quiet if you want to cum tonight."
"just shut up and fuck me."
or send me your own!
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Unpopular Opinion that may get me cancelled:
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This may sound ridiculous but I genuinely don't ship MJ and Peter. Like there's no iteration of them that ignites any type of emotion within me whatsoever.
If I'm being completely honest. It's like "Yes, heterosexual white couple with a woman basically written to be your perfect match from day one, with no sort of later internal conflict or growth at it's basis, yes, give us nothing and argue about the same thing for 50 years"
Every MJ and Peter scene I've seen in my life I've watched like
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Completely emotionless and unmoved. There is no conflict to me. We know they end up together. It's been 70 years. The end.
MAYBE MCU Michelle and Peter from the MCU but even then that's like one specific scene from Far From Home.
But even in ITSV the whole time I was straight faced cause like....
Yeah, they get back together. Of course they do. And if they don't even better for me.
I am a Felicia Hardy supremacist. No offense to MJ but give me a strong sexual assault survivor who is wholy independent, has her own moral code and goals, and is openly ready to deal with conflict between her and Peter even if they still love each other.
Like.. enough of the 'gf sitting at home worried about her superhero bf'. I want the story where the bf is the one worried about his gf doing crazy superhero shit (Peter and Felicia)
Like you can't tell me you be watching MJ Peter scenes not knowing what's gonna happen or what they're gonna say or do they second the scene starts.
It's the same every time. Even if they try and throw in a little conflict it still ends the same.
YEAH and I'm counting NWH because we know we're gonna see Michelle again. The very obviously set up that she remembers Peter so,
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When I'm watching Felicia and Peter - talking the video game - I genuinely don't know what's going to happen, what Felicia's angle is, or how they're going to express their emotions to each other.
There's conflict that actually develops over time and effects their relationship on a deep level for years in the comics.
They write MJ to be perfect for Peter, so every argument or breakup they have is contrived or forced as hell (One More Day). And they expect me to be on the edge of my seat.
At least TASM went for Gwen.
No shade to people who ship them though and I mean that.
It's just- It's just not for me. I need some conflict and growth here.
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I will always ship Peter and Felicia first.
On the basis that their differening moral codes but willingness to see the other side while not compromising their morals plus them not falling into traditional relationship labels is just more compelling to me
Seeing a SA survivor taking back her power by becoming a vigilante, finally growing to trust a man who's face she hasn't even seen, and then coming to terms with who he is under the mask, as well as questioning her moral code of stealing - to be that's way more interesting than whatever the hell him and MJ got going on back at home.
I love MayDay tho.
This is one opinion from me you ain't gonna change. I ain't gonna argue about it. This was a Felicia x Peter blog before it was a Hobie one. Bring out the casket I'mma drop dead on this hill
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Andrew Graves Updates
This isn't really an update for Star Patient, it's more so an update for my Andrew Graves masterlist.
I'm currently working on TWO short fluffy fics for Andrew Graves, because honestly we need more fluff in the TCOAAL and Andrew simp community. Sex is cool and all, but wholesome romance is better (in my opinion).
As my nana always said, "If you want change in the world, be that change". I don't think she meant for me to make fluffy fics out of a fictional murder boy who isn't innocent or 100% a victim by ANY means, but one can only dream of turning a toxic boy into a domesticated and sappy boyfriend.
Even better news y'all, I have a whole outline for chapter 7 of Star Patient (I don't mean first draft, I mean like all my ideas and plot lines and major events all stringed together). I'm really on top of my game y'all, this is a miracle for me to be so active in my writing.
EVEN BETTER NEWS Y'ALL. I also have THREE different ideas that will be turned into SERIES, all of them Andrew Graves! I'll do a post explaining the series' ideas if anyone bothers asking about them in my inbox, but if not, then it's something y'all will just have to wait and find out about.
To be honest, this blog is probably gonna revolve around Andrew, but we can never forget Yuri either (who will one day return when Spy x Family mangas drop good content of Yuri/manga finally ends so I can write an ending for An Alliance).
Oh, and EVEN BETTER NEWS. I learned how to add pictures to AO3! This is probably useless telling people on Tumblr, but I wanted to know how to add pictures so that I could show Gemmist's fan art for Star Patient on there! Thank you to Pompomkitty16 on AO3 for bringing to my attention that RayRayWrites on Tumblr has a tutorial for this! (We credit my fellow creators up in this blog).
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This was genuinely my reaction learning about rich text thanks to RayRayWrites. I'll be honest, I thought rich text meant like coding or binary code, I didn't even bother clicking it until I saw Ray's tutorial, I EVEN LEARNED HOW TO LINK STUFF ON AO3 TOO! I CAN HAVE ITALICS ON AO3 NOW! Technology is so crazy. I feel old learning all this new and cool stuff. People on the internet are so cool and nice when they're supporting each other and growing as a healthy and wholesome community.
So yeah, that's all the updates for now. Hopefully those two fics will be out soon, then I'll get back to working on Star Patient chapter 7. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this series and remaining patient with me (really, it's extremely appreciated, some people are wild on the internet).
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spyroforlife · 1 month
not gonna reblog the actual post I saw because I don't feel like derailing and I will always just give people room to be haters on their own blogs, I understand the venting, I do. But it's always so funny to me when I see posts like "just let this ace/aro character be ace/aro you weird fuckin shippers!!"
because like
they still are
they literally are whatever they are in canon. That is always gonna be the same. The representation is not being taken away from you in any way whatsoever because other fans are doing what fans do and making silly lil shipping drawings and fics, because they just personally find shipping fun and will do it to literally whoever they find interesting and want to imagine in situationships
The creator of your fav ace blorbo is not gonna go on Tumblr.com and look in the fandom tags and see a drawing of them making out with another character and go "hmm you know what. I dig that more actually. So asexuality retconned, he's gonna fuck (character) on screen now <3"
That doesn't happen. Can seeing the ship art be off-putting if you can't see the character being like that? Of course! Yes! Not denying it! But like. They're not changing anything about the character in canon. It's not some kind of problem in fandom that needs to be fixed. Shipping just happens, pretty sure it's a goddamn rule of the Internet.
But I promise you, there is still gonna be a variety of fans who would MUCH RATHER actually focus on that asexuality and/or aromanticism and discuss that, and portray it in their works. You can follow those people specifically, and join in their discussions! And who knows, it might get more people talking about it, so you'll see more of what you actually wanna see with the character.
It's just like. Idk. I get complaining but I just start feeling itchy as soon as it takes a turn into any sort of "so other people SHOULDN'T do x/y/z with blorbo actually" because okay hit the brakes, fandom is just for fun, it's a hobby, shipping is just playing around in imagination land and who cares if people do dumb or impossible things. You can dislike it, you can want to avoid it, but trying to tell other people what they can and can't do with fictional characters??
idk man. just rubs me the wrong way I guess. And in the end I'm just ALSO bitching about a fandom thing on my own blog and this ultimately doesn't matter too much to me because I DO have a job and fandom is just a hobby for me.
But I guess I just really don't see people shipping aroace characters as a big deal, because let's be real shipping has ALWAYS been about ignoring canon sexualities, this is nothing new. People will literally just smash together whoever they find hottest, or the most fascinating, or the most fucked up, or whatever tickles their fancy. And what's happening in some weird lil corner of fandom just isn't gonna have any impact on what actually happens with the canon character relationships, and it was never about that anyway, so. who cares and let people have fun. I promise when you go back to whatever media your blorbo is from, they're still gonna be their cool asexual/aromantic selves, because canon isn't fanon
signed, an asexual who gets amusement from dumb ships because I know I personally would never do this stuff but it's fun living it through random fictional characters <3
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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One Direction friends to lovers fics where one of the characters is having a sexuality crisis as requested in this ask. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! Happy reading!
⊹ Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash / @drunkharrystyles-blog
(E, 110k, uni au) He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards.��
⊹ Heading for Limbo by @kingsofeverything
(E, 100k, famous/not famous) When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
⊹ Follow Your Arrow by Anonymous
(E, 78k, high school) It's senior year and everything is about to change.
⊹Passing By by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow
(E, 48k, vacation) the one where Harry doesn't even know he's into guys until he meets Louis on a boat trip. There's something more to their friendship but it ain't gonna be smooth sailing.
That's What I'm Here For by @taggiecb
(E, 46k, farm au) Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking.
⊹ And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works
(E, 35k, roommates) The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
⊹ Follow Your Heart by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 32k, fake relationship) “We think it would be best to market you guys as a couple,” Simon tells them. The tone in his voice makes Louis think there’s no wiggle room to even try to argue about it.
⊹ others i've seen might never be mean (but they would never do) by @cherrylouvol6
(M, 20k, girl direction) a When Harry Met Sally AU in which Louis says all the wrong things and Harry always feels one step behind.
⊹ Supposed to Be by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(M, 26k, high school au) the Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
⊹ Blush by orphan_account
(M, 15k, girl direction) the Christmas FxF Larry fic in which Louis is 99.5% sure she's straight and Harry likes to walk around shirtless and watch lesbian films
⊹ Waiting for Wonderful by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 13k, pining) Harry is willing to wait as long as he needs to for his best friend to realise that they're supposed to be together, but it kills him to watch Louis struggle in his relationship with Mackenzie.
⊹ Nobody compares to you by fallenflowercrowns / @headband-husbands
(T, 10k, tumblr au) the one where Harry falls in love twice, Louis is just incredibly sweet and supportive, and Al from tumblr is super nice but also really secretive about his identity - not that Harry can blame him, considering his own blog is run under false pretences, too.
⊹ Elle Me Dit by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 3k, girl direction) On the night of her bachelorette party she and her best friend/Maid of Honor, Harry, get drunk and wonder what they're missing out on.
—Rare Pairs—
⊹ You Don't Care About Me (One More Night) by @lululawrence
(NR, 60k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) the one where Louis pines for Harry and Nick helps ease his way into figuring himself out through a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. Things quickly turn complicated.
⊹ we're still the kings of the Friday nights by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 22k, Zayn/Louis) Zayn’s been everything, for so long now. His moral compass, his partner in crime, his ride or die. And as of tonight, the first boy Louis has ever kissed.
⊹ The Stories They're Not In by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow
(E, 10k, Niall/Shawn Mendes) An AU inspired by Niall Horan's "San Francisco," the movie Rocketman, and Elton John and Bernie Taupin's real-life relationship (except more gay).
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themushroomgoesyeet · 8 months
It's time ladies and gentlemen
Arcana characters as Disney's Hercules
I promise not all of these are gonna be Disney themed lol I'm just a Muriel simp (if you couldn't tell) and when I originally came up with the Disney princess idea Muriel as Hercules started rotting a hole through my brain so here we are! Also, we're gonna get some side character/familiar action here as well, yay!
Asra, Nadia, Julian, & Portia - the muses
Are there other characters that these four could fit? Probably
Am I going to fit them there? No
Someone needs to be the muses, and I choose these 4
From left to right (since none of the muses are named) Portia, Julian, Nadia, & the last two get subsumed into Asra
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Idk I think they'd have fun jamming out & watching Muriel do his thing
Lucio - Hades
Oh god I can hear the Lucio simps screeching at me in the comments already
But consider: am I wrong tho
Let's face it bro is the villain in every route but his own and the cynical, "better than thou" personality that they both share just fits so well
Plus this version of Hades is a Satan analog who makes binding deals with others for his own benefit, and doesn't that sound like a certain devil we all know?
Not to mention both of them are trying to escape the realms they've been assigned & make themselves god king of everything
Two words: ✨anger issues✨
Morga - Phil
And now we get to the fun characters outside the M6
I will admit, Phil is a lot nicer than Morga, but jaded older mentor figure trying to make up for failed prodigies fits
Plus, Morga was Muriel's mentor in his route
I feel like both also fit into the role of proud parent figure by the end of their respective stories
And both are disapproving of their pupil's romances lol
Inanna - Pegasus
Admittedly Inanna is a bit more no-nonsense than Pegasus is, but she can still be goofy and fun when she wants to
Incredibly supportive of their human companions, important assets in battle, their appearance started the main character on a path for a better and more fulfilling life
Not much else to say here it just works
Vlastomil and Volta - Pain & Panic
Honestly idk if I can fit Vulgora and Valdemar into the Hercules narrative, but at least I could get these two in here
Vlastomil is Pain and Volta is Panic; I realize both could probably fit into Panic's role as they are the more timid and mild mannered courtiers, but I've chosen things this way because Volta is a little bit more flighty and afraid to commit crimes like Panic, where as Vlastomil is a bit more bold (when he's allowed to be) and better fits Pain
There's also the whole shape shifting deal they can all do
Khamgalai - Zeus
This one.....is a bit weird ngl, I'm still not quite sure about it
Honestly this is the ONLY time I will conflate someone so near & dear to my heart with Zeus
Mostly this all fits into the "detached/secret family member" archetype
And....I mean Zeus in this narrative at least is actually very kind & caring, as well as a proud dad which is similar enough to Khamgalai to work ok
Plus they both act as a guide for the main character when they're trying to find/drifting away from the plot a little bit
Merf (my MC) - Meg
I know what you're thinking
And I'm going to state once again that I am a huge Muriel simp
My MC is also a self insert, and for as long as I can remember I've always identified the most with Meg, more than any of the other Disney women
Anyone who has read my fic, seen the stuff I've posted about my character either on this blog or others, or even just talked to me on the arcana discord started by @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia can probably see that our personalities are very similar
Meg is very special to me as a character and I'm literally writing a post about mashing together my beloved and one of my favorite Disney movies, I'm not apologizing for conflating her with myself
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imagine--if · 2 years
could you maybe do dating arisu ryohei hc?? love your blog💗💗
A/N: Thank you 🥰️ of course I can!! Enjoy reading 🧡 I'm gonna be getting back on track with answering more of your AIB requests that came in when my inbox was open, so look out for that!
🧡 Dating Arisu Includes… 🧡
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🧡• Okay, this guy's a sweetheart. That's these headcanons in a nutshell 🥰️
🧡• You probably met and ended up helping out Arisu through a game, and if you're a quick thinker like he is and pretty much finish each other's sentences to win and end the game as quickly and safely as possible, that one game is basically all you need to start talking and having each other's back during other games too. Once he starts hanging around and understanding someone, they're in his group of friends that have sort of formed during your stay in the borderlands, and it just works 🙂
🧡• Once you're his friend, which happens fairly quickly, there's that mutual trust and understanding for each other that just happens?? I don't really know how to explain it, but you've seen how he is, and how he cries over people's deaths that he didn't even really know very well 🥲 soft boy 10000%
🧡• Arisu's very caring and earnest, he's got a good heart even though he gets scared sometimes and focuses on survival. But you two very quickly become partners in and out of games, start talking about things you have in common, like certain computer games... and yeah, he gets attached pretty quickly 😊
🧡• It's small things like holding each other's hands so you won't lose each other during a tough round to ending up not letting go once it's over with. Chishiya gives his smug smirk and raises his brows slightly as he looks away... which is his way of saying everything without saying anything 😏
🧡• Everyone just unspokenly knows that you two are together even before Arisu and you end up talking one night about what you want to do when you make it out of the Borderlands, what there is to go back to, and he blurts out that he needs to make sure you two will stick together after it all and make notes or something for us to find if we end up not remembering anything 🥺️
🧡• It's one of those cliche starry backgrounds on the rooftop of some high-up building in the Borderlands where you're like "You want to stick with me afterwards?" and he looks you straight in the eye and says "I can't imagine it any other way," and a second later he ends up kissing you in the softest way possible 😍 aaghh
🧡• If you couldn't be any more attached to the hip before then, well, somehow Arisu manages to go beyond that. He may be protective of his friends, but the second that Niragi gets too close or Chishiya tries making you a part of his more selfish plans, Arisu's pushing you behind him and telling them to back off. Or on one of the very rare occasions you two get separated or go to different games, he'll be checking all over for injuries and wanting to know every little thing that happened 😵 someone calm him down pleeaase
🧡• He can be extremely affectionate when you're in a safe or calmer space, particularly when there aren't too many people around. The both of you comfort and understand each other, and it gives Arisu that bit more hope and love to push on until all the games are through and you can make a proper life together... he's such a romantic and doesn't realise it until you 🥰️
🧡• I've said it already but Arisu is just such a sweetheart and always puts you before himself. He really likes you two working as a team and doing things together, being able to guess each other's actions and thought process with a glance. You're that close and honest and caring couple with the relationship that everybody wants to have, and its so sweet, he'd literally die for you 🥲
🧡• So when you finally make it out of that twisted world, expect the clinginess and playing video games late into the night and having the most loving relationship ever, because Arisu is honestly the best boyfriend material 💛
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Re: this if you don't mind me expanding on it, I've always liked the thought of dealing with the cast (particularly the brothers) in a very blunt and straightforward way. As much as I love them, they don't need to be coddled and in the wrong situation, it could easily feed into an idea that they could get away with anything.
It probably depends on the 'crime' (sometimes literal, honestly) and their response. Beel is one I can't see doing it as much with, because he tends to show remorse and do what he can to repay for his mistakes a lot more often than his brothers. Because he's a sweetheart. <3
Mammon, though? Asmo? Belphie? Hell, even (especially, depending on the circumstances) Lucifer. Yeah, no, they're going to learn and I'm going to teach them.
Talking bad about your brother or someone outside of the HoL when they don't deserve it? You're going to face them and give them a good, earnest apology. Destroyed or sold someone's property? You're going to pay it back without complaint. Being immature in how you handle your frustration with someone/thing? You're going to therapy- more than I'd already encourage, anyways.
Kindness and tolerance is all well and good, but there's only so far it can go. I think I'd respond more along the lines of "I'm dating a group of adults, and if you don't want to act like adults, then you can deal with it when I don't act like I'm dating you."
Yes of course you are always free to expand upon any such posts from my blog!
And okay, blunt is probably the best way to go and I definitely think they could end up taking advantage of an MC who isn't, even if they don't mean to.
I fully agree about Beel, he's the only one who ever seems to be genuinely sorry about stuff. I mean we can barely get a "sorry" out of Lucifer at all. While I can't remember if anybody else has apologized for anything, I don't think they're as frequent as they should be.
I commend your willingness to teach them, though. That's the part where I'd be like I'm sorry but you're all ancient beings and you're gonna hafta figure this out on your own. I'd be a terrible devilsitter lol.
I kinda think this is why I generally prefer the side characters in most cases. They're not perfect by any means, but most of them do seem to be more mature. Obviously Barbatos is competent as hell and I'm like yes, someone I don't have to worry about being a total menace all the time. I think Simeon wouldn't be problematic either because most of the trouble he's caused was in the name of something good. Solomon is the least mature perhaps because he can be a tease and an asshole but I also think he's got a higher maturity level than some of the brothers.
But this is one of the things that used to annoy me about Lucifer. I think he tries to be the parental figure to his brothers, but he's just not very good at it. He treats them too much like kids and so they continue to act like kids. Not that he's any better, but he likes to think so. No wonder it's always so chaotic!
While I think it's interesting to consider an MC that loses their shit, I'm quite fond of MC keeping it together and whipping those fools into shape instead. The characters all realize that MC is the one thing they care about the most, so they start to think about things in terms of what MC would want them to do.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 23 days
You've seen me ramble about the problems with Kanade and Chapter 3, so you know how I feel. It really does feel like LINUJ went for pure shock value instead of anything narratively satisfying. I like your take on the idea, where instead of just the shock and horror, there's actual purpose and character behind it.
The twins do really seem like they would be a great cautionary tale of mutual toxicity and obsession, and I like the idea of them reuniting only because there were people in need during The Tragedy.
And I admit I'm biased, but I'm always happy to see more stories where Hibiki actually survives ^^
OH yeah, I have. I've read most (if not all) of those asks on the ASOOT blog as they were coming out and it made me realize how bad SDRA2's Chapter 3 is. And when I actually sat down to play the game myself with my friend, I went from knowing that Chapter 3 is bad to actually experiencing how bad it was for myself. Like, it went from, "Oh, it's kinda okay so far, but I know the shoe is gonna drop at some point-" to "OH WOW, it really IS that bad, dear lord." Like, Jesus Christ, this chapter was...a lot and yet full of nothing at the same time beyond just shock value. It's not as if the whole serial killer thing couldn't have worked, the problem is that all the people that's closely connected to the case gets axed all in one go, and it's kinda just...never brought up again. Like, come on. If you're going to go THAT far, at least give it SOME kind of importance to a character connected to this shitshow, like Hibiki. Who got killed off alongside Kanade. Like, thanks, I hate it. There's so many things wrong with Chapter 3 and how Kanade was handled that the best thing to do for both is to just rewrite it all from the ground up. So when my brain started giving me ideas on how it could be rewritten, I decided I needed to get it out of my system and tried to approach it in a more human and complicated way than something as twistedly evil to the point of shock value. Kanade is at least more pitiable here since you can actually understand her on SOME level but never excuse her actions as she's still toxic in her right towards Hibiki (who's also toxic to her in return). She's just not being a serial killer about it.
AND YEAH, that's pretty much what I was going for for them. I wanted to keep the nuances of their relationship on how they're mutually toxic to one another since that's very interesting to see. There's no such thing as a "perfect" victim, as there are many that have done messed up things in response to what they've been put through but still desperately needing help or even an intervention from a reasonable authority figure, and Hibiki and Kanade could've been great examples of that. But one actively chooses to change while the other doesn't...at least in one of the interpretations of how their rewritten relationship could end as would be revealed in the Chapter 6 version of this. Ngl, I wasn't sure which interpretation I liked more as I can see both versions happening, with Kanade and Hibiki coming back together through the Tragedy as some events are able to give people an opportunity to bond and mend what's broken back together again, while other times not even a world-wide disaster will get someone to change and things remain broken due to one side having an unwillingness to hold themselves accountable for their own actions. Both are feasible in this rewritten version and I decided to let this be something for other people to decide for themselves on whether or not Kanade and Hibiki can mend their relationship after being separated for so long and if the Tragedy can bring them back together through their charity events. After all, some people have their limits and Kanade still did a lot of horrible things to other people, so it really depends on whether or not you'd believe it'd possible for them to repair their relationship, even after so many years of not talking to one another. A possible rebuilt of their relationship that unfortunately gets nipped in the bud thanks to Mikado's killing game reverting them back to a state where their old toxic behavior was at it's peak, and one of them ending up killing and getting executed because of it. Either way, we could've had doomed siblings instead of...whatever the fuck canon is.
And trust me, me and my friend are right with you on that. We really wished Hibiki had survived and complain about it every now and then whenever we bring up Kanade and Chapter 3. It's just...such a waste to kill her off like that. My girl deserved better.
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sarcastic-salem · 1 year
I feel like I need to apologize and like I will never stop apologizing because I often fail to take my own advice. Like I fully acknowledge that the Heathen community needs to learn to listen better.
Loki devotees need to learn to listen to Odin devotees and vice versa.
And by Odin devotees I do not mean Folkish Nazis.
More than that, though, we need to learn to listen with kindness and empathy. And I feel like I played this role in popularizing Lokeans being pissed 24/7 and fixating on our own trauma. That's not okay because we are never to going to heal individually or as a community if we are constantly at war with each other.
"Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison: Painful and the only person you're hurting is yourself." -The Dalai Lama
Lokean who staunchly hate all Odin devotees because of Nazi assholes and refuse to hear out the good guys, this is you -- right now, YOU are RAPHAEL HAMATO.
But like....I'm just really sorry for motivating such hatred.
Like Ragnarok is about revolution, but eventually the revolt ends and things change for the better. Loki and Odin are always brothers and friends afterwards.
And I know that there are some Heathens out there that are still hesitant about people worshipping Loki. Look, you don't have to worship Loki. No one is gonna force you, but you definitely have no right telling anyone else who they can or cannot worship. You have no right trying to police someone else's religion.
Heathenry is not an organized religion, okay, and as far as I can tell a lot of the trouble in the community stems from people wanting it to be an organized religion. Like does it not strike you as a red flag that the closest thing our community has to a church happens to be a white supremacist cult?🤨
This whole One True Heathen™️ mindset needs to be abandoned. We do not all need to be recons or pseudo-intellectuals. We do not all need to be viking LARPers that for some deranged reason think that we should be slaughtering goats every holiday instead of just going to a butcher or a farmer and asking for like chicken blood or whatever. In fact, we do not all need to be meat eaters. Like as long as they're not pretentious and annoying about it let the vegan Heathens exist.
The only thing we need to agree on is that Nazis don't belong in our community.
"But there's no evi--"
Yes, there is -- Loki has been worshipped for 20 years and from what historians have been turning up lately, he was worshipped way before then too.
More importantly than that, I exist. This blog exists. I have two FB accounts full of six years worth of momentos of my worship and an entire friends list full of people who worship Loki Laufeyjarson.
So you're fighting an uphill battle here. Lokeans are not going away cause even if it's recent or newly discovered evidence, the evidence still exists.
And Loki isn't someone to be afraid of.
Like I've been meditating on the myths a lot lately. Particularly the myth of Loki's battle with Logi, the God of fire. Which Loki lost. So why is Loki a fire God?
Because Loki embodies the spirit of the hearthfire or the fireplace or the kitchen or dining room table. The place where we all gather together as families to laugh and drink and tell jokes and stories to our children. That is Loki -- Loki is home and in ancient Scandinavia if you didn't have a fire of some sort in your home, you were dead. Plain and simple🤷🏻‍♀️
That is why Loki was seen as a protector of children and families because he kept them from freezing to death.
So what does Loki losing the battle to Logi symbolize? That's easy -- Logi is wildfire.
The story of Loki vs Logi is a story of what happens when drought arrives and the heat sets fire to a home. The home burns down because we have to be careful with fire -- it can be dangerous. But it's still life-giving. We still have furnaces and fireplaces, don't we?
And we still use fire to cook our food -- in fact if you eat meat you have to use fire to cook our food.
Loki losing that fight to Logi is a tragedy and yeah, fire can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean that Loki is dangerous. All of the Norse myths -- The Eddas anyway -- are a tragedy. Odin literally let his anxiety and OCD and perfectionism drive him insane. It drove him to betray his best friend and brother. How is that not tragic?
Ultimately, The Eddas are a message of how Heathens and humans in general need to be there to love and support each other. To guide each other away from making terrible, irrational decisions like the ones Odin made that had such a horrible impact on his brother and family's life. The Aesir are the original dysfunctional family dramedy.
Loki is the fire and the home that keeps us alive and safe. And he is not a God of chaos. He is a God of family because families are chaotic just like people in general are chaotic.
That is it.
This is my opinion and my interpretation of the Norse Eddas. If this, for any reason, vibes with you then please stop fighting with people. Like you don't have to forgive your abusers or whoever but....I don't know. Try to find peace so that this community can find peace.
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