#because thyme is a pun on time
thatndginger · 1 year
my approach to witchcraft is a very... lazy approach? I'm a big proponent of "if it feels right" methods and doing only as much as you feel capable of
which leads to me wandering around my kitchen holding a teacup full of burning paper and thyme, clutching some coyote foot bones in the other, and muttering grumpily at my household guardians that we don't have to do this ceremony shit they can just eat whatever food I forget to put away because ~ADHD~ mean I will always leave food out
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I was looking up angels in literature for reasons and I was INSULTED to find out Julius Thymes is not listed. FURIOUS I tell you
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
It was known that whenever your soulmate got a scar or a bruise you'd get a flower in the same place. The flowers coincide with how they were feeling when they got the scars/bruises. As the scars/bruises faded, so did the flowers.
Sam and Valerie had figured out they were soulmates because they got the same flowers in the same area every time their soulmate (or soulmates. They weren't sure how many they had.) got hurt. Some of the flowers never faded, showing that their soulmates scar never did either.
As time went on Sam got more and more interested in how the soulmate marks work. Found as many resources as she could, and when she ran out of them, she started experimenting. The experiments didn't last very long. Everyone was very upset with her. It didn't matter, she had proof that the flower meaning guide she found was accurate.
Cass had always been careful to hide her soulmate marks when she'd been with the League. They were a sign of weakness. They were also a sign of a potential traitor. Her father told her to never look at them.
When she left, she found them interesting to look at she didn't understand why they were there or why they appeared or disappeared. They just did. They were pretty. She saw them on other people sometimes too. While she hid them when she was in public as she only wore her Orphan costume and then kept to long sleeves and pants, she took joy in admiring the pretty flowers.
She learned what they meant and what they were after she was adopted by Bruce. She wasn't good at reading words, so the "Flower meanings list" wasn't very helpful, but Steph and Tim helped her figure out their meanings.
Steph didn't mean to hide her soulmate marks, but it was easier sometimes to hide them along with the bruises and scratches and other injuries than it was to avoid covering them up. She started to suspect that Cass was her soulmate when she saw flowers pop up when she got hurt. She thinks Cass noticed flowers appearing on her whenever the other got hurt, too.
After they confirmed their status as soulmates, they started to suspect that they had at least one more. There were a few thyme (courage, strength) sprigs and tansy (hostile thoughts, declaring war) littering them both showed that whoever their other soulmate was, was probably a spitfire. Their soulmate's flowers eventually stopped appearing so frequently.
Valerie left Amity, promising Sam to call as often as possible. The new city, Gotham, was dark and gothic. Valerie knew Sam would love the place. The fact that her soulmate could so easily fit in with the villains made her hope they never decided to settle down here.
It wasn't easy to adjust to the place, given how dreary and loud and crowded it was. She had to deal with too many idiots trying to pickpocket her. It was enough to make her wish she'd gone to a city closer to her hometown. Like Faucett City.
It really didn't help that there were vigilantes that had decided to take an interest in her. Dumb vigilantes that had decided to name themselves after animals. It's almost as bad as Danny's pun. Or "Superman".
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fumifooms · 6 months
Do you think hanahaki-AU fits DunMeshi? As one of magical traps/curses of the dungeon, maybe. I only thought of Chilchuck's flowers: hemlock (pun intended. Also small light flowers giving headache), clover/shamrock (so Irish! Also sweet - and Chilchuck dislikes sweets), thistle (so prickly - and Celtic too) - and there my imagination stopped. And thank you for hosting the marchil event, it was great!!!
Oooh! You know what yeah I see the vision! I’m not a hanahaki person myself but yeah… Yeah I could see it. Out of any fandom, for the fantasy manga about funky speculative fauna and flora it could 1)make sense for it to exist in the world and be in line with canon and 2)be very interesting to explore. I imagine it’d be a sort of parasitic plant that grows in you not unlike how tentaclus and cracks in walls… I do feel like they’d have found a way to cure it and get rid of them in the world though, but it could be that people who can treat it are rare especially since it’d be a delicate operation. But a straight up magical curse from the dungeon would also be very interesting.
I really like your picks for chilchuck!!
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I tried to look for flower meanings and you undersold hemlocks their poison are straight up terrifying. Hemlock also reminds me of the word wedlock, if that adds anything… Because of their poison they’re associated with pain and self-sacrifice, had trouble finding anything that didn’t start and end at "they’re bad news" lmaoo. Clovers are more of a no-brainer with meanings like hope, faith, love and luck. I associate them with youth as well but looking it up that’s just a me thing… Luck could be fun in an ironic way considering his life conditions, but also fun for the lucky very precise shots he makes like when he threw the knife at the dragon or with his bow, though he would hate having it be attributed to luck instead of his own hard-earned skills haha. And omg the Thistle…….. I’m obsessed with that actually. Sensory horror wise it’d be really interesting to read how it’s like coughing it up, ESPECIALLY with the sweet taste accompanying it oh my god. If we’re going with a marchil angle, the fact that she’s a sweet person… He dislikes sweets and he hates that he loves her. It reminds him of her and he hates it, the thistle in his throat is also her, his love for her is a thorn in his side, he loves her and it hurts him and he hates it all. It’s so Chilchuck to just suffer in silence and do jackshit about an unrequited love except beating himself up for it, sigh…
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I’m sorry Thistle thistles are a Chilchuck thing to me now <3 You know I always underestimated how wild thistles look… It really does look like the flower is in a green jester costume with a funky little collar. Kui you visionary Thistles are also small and round and cute… What the prickles? No no that’s just little hair ahoges <3
I don’t have any particular ideas for everyone else… Forget-me-nots are a very Marcille pick with devotion, true love and remembrance… I also associate Marcille a bit with buttercups. Also Queen Anne’s Lace, which besides beauty symbolizes sanctuary, safety and refuge… Their seeds are edible and kind of taste like thyme btw, hah, time. They’re all softer kinds of flower, no poison or thorns afaik, and I think it suits her. Unrequited love with her wouldn’t be something as acid, it’d be a more poetic sort of ache, doomed longing that feels like a bruise rather than salt in an open wound.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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ToT Bonnie i love you but that is not how it's pronounced
-"stardust" are you the starhead bitch from the trailers
-i feel like i'll have to ask the librarian for a book eventually
-THE RUNNING ONE IS CALLING OUT SIF LOL (for running from his problems) (hmmmm Sif what problems r u running from?)
-ugh. it's the starhead bitch
-plot twist the star head is Siffrin and that's why he's depressed :P
-their name is Loop. i don't trust them
-"Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves."
-LOOP CAN READ THE PROFILES? WHAT KIND OF META BULLSHIT IS THIS </positive i fucking love meta bullshit>
-hm is Loop some sort of weird representation of the player. or a god.
-learn WHAT?
-hm feel like this game might explore some of the moral iffiness that tends to arise with time loops. is a friendship genuine if one person knows exactly what the other will say?
-"don't eat pineapples. you're allergic" fuck you. i WILL eat pineapples and i WILL enter anaphylaxis and i WILL die stupidly but it will be WORTH IT
-maybe Loop was a normal person who got stuck in a time loop for too long and fucked up somehow? and that's why they're like this
-idk if i'll zone out much i don't wanna miss any differences
-altho if there's a difference won't i zone back in?
-then again there's a lot of dialogue
-maybe this will be plot-important somehow?
update after being gone for a bit:
-Tears weewoo
-side note i am so glad i fought that thing that dropped the crest even tho it was hard. fighting it again on future loops is gonna suck tho
-also fun fact right after i died to the Tears i ran ahead and accidentally got crushed by the rock again. which i think is bullshit because I RAN TO THE SIDE OF THE ROOM
-back to more important things. like Siffrin saying nya. or the thyme pun.
-ODILE SAID IT. look she has a phd or whatever equivalent there is here probably, she's like 40, i think she's earned the right to do whatever the fuck she wants
-Isabeau is AOBB (Assigned Omelette By Bonnie)
-"It'd be awful to keep yourself from becoming a person you feel comfortable with just because it would upset someone else."
Breaking news: the game where the protagonist uses he/they, two other major characters use they/them, and there is a conversation explicitly referencing pronouns and giving them, unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-uh... why are the Vaugardians freaking out over crab. does the Change religion ban it?
-Vaugarde is weird. first, they have a VERY SPECIFIC RULE where entering the FIRST ROOM of a house is fine, but any further is rude. second: crabs??? ok i guess???
-an openphrase... ya mean a password?
-fuck it i am fully in "taking gratuitous extensive notes" mode
-hehe protector craft is gullible :P
-oh hey tasteful artistic nudes. so this room's resident is an art student. hopefully their grasp of anatomy was improved :]
-Mira said what the crab instead of what the hell
-"what the CRAB did you let Bonnie do when we said no!!!"
-checked it again. the people are "doing fun things" eh so what if an art student draws porn, that's on me for peeking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still hope it improved their grasp of anatomy. if the anatomy was bad and the narration didn't tell me i would be disappointed in it :P
-ooo drawn tarot card. isn't the Six of Swords a bad one? i feel like it's foreshadowing somehow but i don't feel like looking its meaning up
-i fucking hate the triplet Sadnesses they're so annoying
-the reason the Mandela Effect with Berenstein/Berenstain happened is because Sif equipped the e
-OH? saving records party progress if you loop back to that spot :0
-yippee i beat the Sadness boss that changes its type (this is like the first enemy that does that i think)
-Mira are you hungry
-this question keeps popping in my head but where the fuck IS Siffrin from plot twist the kid was right and he's from the sky idk i'm saying random shit
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ashclouds366 · 4 months
hi boba, may I please humbly request an art of my oc? her name is Thyme, and she was one of the very first original ocs I ever created. :) (technically I created her and her two brothers all at the same time, but that's neither here nor there.)
here are some facts about her:
her hair is basically chin-length, maybe a little longer? It's usually unbrushed because she forgets. she has brown hair but she dyed it pink and now I can barely visualize her without the dyed hair. she's short and like. fairly muscular? more muscle than average. eyes are dark brown. teeth are crooked/misaligned. (she was supposed to have a retainer and those rubber band things when she used to have braces, but she just. did not wear them.) she has one of those silicone chewelry necklaces. it's pink and it's in the shape of a crystal, like these:
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she's basically never not wearing it. it's like her signature item at this point. whatever she's wearing is up to you, idk what she wears other than the necklace. also her age could be anywhere from 12 to 17 because I have been so inconsistent with her age. she ages as her story progresses but I lost track of the timeline, so. yeah. she likes skateboarding (she's terrible at it) and kickboxing (I know nothing about kickboxing but her lore is that she took several years of classes and she's good at it, so I'll have to take my own word for it.)
here are some less relevant facts about her because once i start talking about my ocs i can't stop:
She's the youngest of triplets who were named after the first pun their parents thought of. The American education system is the root of all her problems. She's been to space, which was Less Fun Than It Sounds. She has bitten people more than once and will likely do so again in the future. She has ADHD. She's stuck in a never-ending cycle of codependency with her siblings, and this is not changing anytime soon. She's bisexual. She's frothing at the mouth with rage. She loves her family so much. She's my horrid little daughter and she would greatly benefit from chilling out for like five seconds. I think I created her in middle school.
anyways I love her very much and would be forever grateful if you drew her :)
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i love her SO much <3<3 i had so much fun drawing her, and im really proud of how these turned out :)
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
(Missed last year’s?? Check me out!!)
This year had lots of personal high highs and lower lows, so I’m glad I had games to distract from things 😂Without further ado, here’s my year in review:
Pivot of Heart - I’m unsure of the current status of this one, but I played it earlier this year and fell in love with the MC, the art, and was intrigued by the tarot inspired gameplay!
My Alien Roommate - I will 100% be supporting the Kickstarter the MOMENT it’s live. I was actually upset when I reached the end of the demo knowing good and well it was only a demo so that’s how you know I had a fun time 🤣 also, how can you not wanna romance an alien?? That’s what I thought. 
Our Life Now and Forever - On one hand, if you’re plugged into the VN scene, you’re already aware of this game and there’s no need for me to draw attention to it. On the other hand, to quote Billie Stevenson, “I do what I want.”
Infinite Blue - Oh man did I have fun with this one! To say I’m excited for the full game is an understatement! (review for this one is on the blog too btw)
Error143 - Seeing people simp for Micah Yujin has added 10 years to my life because a dark-skinned love interest getting THIS much attention??? Players be ready to risk it all for him and I love it. Also yeah he has my attention too, I am not immune, TF you thought this was???☠️
Garden of Seif - I’m not much help in selling this game because I just straight up inhaled it?? Everything was on point, from the characters, to the unraveling story, to our LIs and supporting cast, and of course, can’t love a game with loving the MC (at least, that’s how I work)
Fully Released & Played (at least 1 playthrough)
Gilded Shadows - The brain rot for this game is so real??? So. Damn. Real. It got to a point where after I played so many routes and unlocked multiple endings that I had to stop playing so I could work on my game! And there’s still content on the way?????? Oh to live at the same time as GS 🤗
Sifting Thyme - I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t my favorite high school otome game.  And I thought long and hard about the many other games I’ve played. And I have played a lot of high school romance/dating sim games ☠️ But this one takes the cake!!--and because food is involved, pun intended. If I could have played this in one sitting I totally would have.
An Everyday Love - Check the tags on this blog. I never shut up about this game. Seriously. 
Butterfly Soup 2 - Sequel’s only been out for like 2 months and I’m already begging for a third.  
Blanket Cat & Teacup - The first is a cozy visual novel that gives storybook/ younger me watching Reading Rainbow vibes, and the second is a puzzle, point and click narrative about an introverted frog girl who needs to get tea ingredients for her party, and both these games reminded me of the healing power of gaming. 
Still Shinning - Simply and lovely in its execution. I need to check out this dev’s other titles as well!
Portrait of a Texas Family - If you play no other games on this list, play this one. I don’t have any better words other than “I love it” and “this family and their love and their worry stick with you”.
Dusk & Dawn - SFHJSHFJSEJE THIS WAS SO GOOD LIKE WHAAA??? Black female MC, demi rep, superheroes, 2 dating options, multiple endings/dead ends, ughhh this game had it all. The only thing stopping it from being perfect is a sequel. And no, there’s no announced sequel so we can sulk together...
Fully Released (& still on 1st playthrough)
Wylde Flowers - I suck at farming sims in general, but this game has a special place in my heart. It’s the definition of charming + cozy and it was made to be played in bed so shoutout to the Switch port!!
ValiDate: Struggling Singles in your Area - I want to go in depth about this game when I’ve played all or majority of the routes, but for now just know I also believe this game was made for playing in bed LOL.
Gemi’s Gushies
(a list within a list of games that have devs trucking along in the background and I want to spotlight for y’all)
Band Camp Boyfriend
Ise and Kai
The Closet Door
College Craze
Trouble Comes Twice
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alln64games · 5 months
Gex 64: Enter the Gecko
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NA release: 25th August 1998
PAL release: 26th February 1999
JP release: N/A
Developer: Crystal Dynamics, Realtime
Publisher: Midway (NA), GT (PAL)
N64 Magazine Score: 59%
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Gex is a series of platformers that started out in 2D on the 3DO before moving over to the PlayStation with Gex 2 in 3D (which was then ported to the N64). While the series is seen as an alright platformer, it’s mainly known for its humour. So how well does the humour hold up?
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I think the bigger question is “was the game ever funny in the first place?”. The attempts at humour seems almost entirely disjointed with the game itself, with almost all of it being a random selection of quotes from Gex himself, spoken at random intervals – they have nothing to do with what’s happening on screen and they repeat very quickly. It’s like making a pun when there’s no thyme or plaice for it – it doesn’t work without context.
Most of the rest is in the level names, with the levels themselves being generic themes. There are a few moments, such as Gex in a bunny outfit fighting Elmer Fudd, where the parody creeps in to the actual level, but definitely not enough to be a focus of the game. There’s also a few musical rip-offs, most notably the Indiana Jones and James Bond themes.
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For the most part, Gex is a very generic platform game that doesn’t do anything special with its levels. It also has a few crippling issues. It’s extremely difficult to judge where objects are in relation to each other, so you’ll end up missing a lot of jumps because you thought a platform (or Gex) was somewhere else.
The camera is also atrocious – even on manual mode, it likes to try to “correct” itself. This means that when you’re running on a narrow platform, at some point the camera will decide to quickly turn around to be behind you. This may sound good, but it also affects your controls, so before you’ve had time to react to the camera change, you’ve already ran off the side of the platform due to Gex turning in relation to the camera.
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Gex doesn’t have enough moves to keep the game interesting. You have a jump and tail attack, along with an awkward to use high jump and a running kick, both not really needed. Sometimes a collectable will be slightly out of reach, but there’s enough in the level to just ignore those ones
He can also climb up walls, but this is only possible on a very small number of walls and the feature is never used for anything interesting.
Enter the Gecko is a surprisingly unimaginative game that is quite annoying to play.
On the PlayStation, Enter the Gecko is genuinely enjoyable and well-executed, if rather lacking in scope and imagination. But even if this was a perfect N64 version, it would struggle to impress we Nintendo devotees. With the likeso f Banjo and Mario being benchmarks for platforming perfection, Gex 64 appears creatively bereft by comparison.
- James Price, N64 Magazine #21
Remake or remaster?
There a semi-emulated remaster of the PlayStation version in the works. At the time of writing, it’s unknown if this will include any of the N64 specific levels.
Official ways to get the game.
There is currently no official way to get Gex 64, but that will change shortly.
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zeck143 · 2 years
ideas for Cas9 tactical:
Yes they're all puns, fight me
snap draggin
bites enemies for 10-15 dmg to health, and pings for Cas9 on map
pulls multiple enemies to a center point (like ash's snare) for 5-10 dmg, immediate release
take stalk
attaches to first enemy to come by, alerts Cas9 pins outline to them for 5 seconds, can plant multiple stalks
(kind of like Hound, but is triggered rather than instant and can only attach to one player at a time)
(...so sort of like ash’s passive but better)
branch out
creates a small platform to walk across, up to 6(stealing Catalyst's concept tact because I’m still bitter)
thorn down
thorny patch that deals damage and slows because Alec was right when thinking of it first
(fucking catalyst)
aloe there
pulls players within range to 1-2M away, causes 5-10 dmg to enemies(after typing it out, i thought “oh fuck that's just Roadhog's hook”)(or path’s zipline if you attach it to an enemy)
at bay / bushed away / bush back
pushes enemies back a small distance (like 2-5M) for a small amount of damage, pretty much a punch at a distance(might rework this because the image of it funny as hell to me)
patched up
something something health
power plant
something something shields
names without abilities
bark's bite
rough patch
plot twist 
thyme crunch
party thyme
hem locked
feeling vine
log in/out
I’m already dead set on his passive being called “Upsy Daisy” which, revives allies in a quicker time and gives them a small bonus of health
He was supposed to be named Catalyst because his ult relied on vials of catalyzing agents (technically they can also be called an enzyme). He holds out his bowl and you can choose to heal or harm and throw a distance (either the L or R button). Sort of like Moira? Only it doesn’t bounce around and is grounded, lasting for... 8-10 seconds? Not sure if that is a fair amount of time.
I remember when the dev’s were testing out abilities with the Dummy’s Day Out event. They had an ability that allowed an immediate heal for a certain radius. Problem with that included you being the center of the heal, and it also healing enemies (from this event, they fixed Mirage’s ult into ‘dance party’. remember seeing 6 mirages standing in a field? good times).
If you think it takes too much time, think of Newcastle’s, Path’s or Ash’s ults. You need to aim those strategically and can’t immediately spam throw them down without tact like you can with Lifeline’s, Caustic’s or Horizon’s. I mean you can, but it might not be as accurate if you want to plan things out.
The ult still needs a name though. Hm.. Vile vial? The plant’s named Captain Fuzzy Britches... Fuzzing around? It’s based on oleander (appearance), venus fly and guarana (as a mouth and center), lotus flowers (roots), and vine snakes (body). As well as a made up plant called “whistler reeds” (typha sibilus aurae) to explain the noises it makes. It sounds like when you blow through a leaf or grass to whistle. So like a chimera. I wanted to add more animal genes, but too much and it’ll be obvious. Nature’s course?
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thepunmaster · 2 years
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I posted 28,265 times in 2022
That's 21,509 more posts than 2021!
157 posts created (1%)
28,108 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,724 of my posts in 2022
#double lifeblogging - 52 posts
#anon.txt - 20 posts
#unreality - 16 posts
#described - 14 posts
#pattoncakes! - 11 posts
#reblog game - 11 posts
#time for crab - 10 posts
#dsmp - 10 posts
#ai generated - 9 posts
#what - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#brain's got into a dopamine-seeking loop and is endlessly refreshing notifications again? tell your friend to tell you to do the thing you'v
My Top Posts in 2022:
We have decided to make a new pinned post to reflect some changes, and the fact that we wish to be fully open about being a system.
Hello, we are the Puns System. We are traumagenic and have over one hundred members. Our collective pronouns are he/they/fey, and we enjoy poetry, animals, and various fandom-related things.
Our blog for original posts is @theoriginalpunmaster, and our system-related sideblog is @themanypunmasters.
We tag things as #x tw, #tw x, or #x mention. We usually tag #long post. If we reblog a version of “do you love the colour of the sky”, we tag it as #colour of the sky. If you wish for us to tag a certain thing or type of post, you need only to ask.
We would prefer if no nsfw blogs follow us.
You may send asks or message us at any time, and are, in fact, encouraged to.
Below are some of the alters who will be or are using Tumblr, and their corresponding tags. We will add to this as necessary.
#plant.posting - Parsley, he/him. This is me, and also the alter who has been writing the post thus far. I am 15 years old on average, though my age varies from 12 to 17. I am similar to an angel, though without the halo or religious connotation. I enjoy botany, the wind, and stargazing. I tend to be an aggressive protector, though we do not use many labels.
#fishbitch>D - yo i m Meenah from Beforus, ey/em/eir, fish/fishself, or water/waterself. i m a homestuck fictive obviously but dont ask me why the brain chose me 2 b all fleshed out + almost a host instead of anenome of the other trolls we have cuz idk. >D looks like a fish n i think thats cool
#eclipse.text - this will be the tag for the time subsystem, we all use he/him and xi/xim/xir pronouns. dark thyme (that’s me) is 17, likes tea, and enjoys playing minecraft. i’m the one who will probably be using tumblr the most out of us three. light thyme is somewhere between 5 and 9, he really likes chocolate and we might make a sideblog for him (and other littles) to reblog stimboards and animal pictures on, and other things like that. gray thyme is a 12 year old cryptid, he rarely fronts and i have no idea what he likes.
#pattoncakes! - I’m Patton, she/them! I’m a very upbeat, positive alter! I’m a fogtive of Patton Sanders (Sort of in between a fictive (alter based on a fictional character) and a factive (alter based on a real person), in a way that makes it confusing which one I am or how much of each I am!) I like dad jokes and cats!
#pearlescentperegrine - absynthe, they/them and si/sin/sir, im a winged person (hence the tag “pearlescent peregrine”) from an alternate sorta victorian-era england where some people have wings an stuff. i like watchin hermitcraft
#anon.txt - This will be used for alters who do not wish to reveal themselves, when we are blurred and are not aware of who is fronting, and other reasons that we/an alter would stay anonymous.
16 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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See the full post
18 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
ok i dare u.
make a pun with this fish (btw her name is shiny :D)
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oh, a sarcastic fringehead! she's magni-fish-ent! i sea that just one pun won't be enough to hold to scale, she deserves the fin-est jokes i can shell out :3
27 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
the concept of being “overqualified” for a job is a construct of capitalism, because employers want their employees to be dependent on them so they can get away with more shit without losing workers. if you have more qualifications than necessary for the position, especially if you have a lot more, you could very easily get a different, better-paying or higher-quality job if you become unsatisfied with your current one. if you just barely meet the qualifications for your current job, almost any others that you would be able to find would be a downgrade, likely with a lower rank and pay.
this intertwines with the majority of employees getting severely underpaid, so that even in higher positions they might struggle with or be unable to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, which feeds into the culture of competition and the societal pressure to have the ultimate goal and dream of climbing up the metaphorical company ladder, instead of being satisfied and happy on a figuratively lower rung, as most “lower” positions, while absolutely essential, are not paid enough to reflect their necessity, and are treated with very little respect. in this essay I will
64 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
424 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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babsvibes · 2 years
BTS + once more with peeling!
Once More With Peeling
Behind the scenes under the cut!
Was really proud of this title. We’ve got the food pun, we’ve got this time element with “once more” that ties it to Maybe In Thyme, and my favorite bit is that “once more with feeling” is usually said in a theatrical sense, right? “Read the line again but this time give it a little more oomph, hm?” And in the beginning Zeke is trying to stick to a schedule, a script, rehearsing things in his head. What finally works for him is when he lets go of the lines, tries again, and speaks from the heart with feeling. But genuine feeling. Idk, it’s fun lol
Sliding a barber's comb through tangle-free hair, Zeke brushed at the stray curl that refused to tame. He tsk-d and tapped at its reflection on the mirror in front of him.
This intro with cousin Laurie was actually written probably, mmmm, a year and half before it was posted? This was supposed to be a prequel to Maybe In Thyme with Tina and Zeke still in high school called Achey Bakey Heart. I ended up scrapping the idea (obviously) but reused a lot of scenes from it in this piece.
“If you’re done doin’ a Help in there, I need the shitter real-real bad.”
If this sounds like natural US Southern dialect to you, it’s because it is lol. If it doesn’t, we’re from different parts of the South. My favorite part of this fic was writing how I actually talk in the bar after a few too many shots.
Zeke turned, almost shy knowing his secret spot had been found out, and saw his dad at the edge of the room.
Originally, I was going to include a piece in here about how him and his dad had a rocky relationship because of the canon hints that Zeke’s not had an easy or “conventional” childhood. I thought it ended up distracting too much from the piece. Still don’t know if I actually think Zeke and his dad would get along at this stage in his life, but eh that’s a thinker for another day.
“Heyyy listeners, thanks again for tuning in on this lovely Spring-a-ding-ding day!” Zeke groaned at the cheery host’s terrible pun. “That’s right, it’s spring. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and love is in the air!”
It was also supposed to be Valentine’s Day, so it was extra annoying that the radio DJ would play “When a Man Loves a Woman.” Not sure why I shied away from Valentine’s Day? Probably I couldn’t logically piece together in my head how Bob and Linda’s vacation timeline would correlate with Tina and Zeke’s date.
“What?” Tina asked, peering down at her clothes. “Does it not look good on me?”
“No no, I like it! A lot! Seriously, it accentuates your-” Zeke abruptly stopped digging his own grave when he noticed the slight tug at the corners of her mouth. His shoulders fell and, with a matching but much bigger grin, he rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Aw hell, you’re just yanking my chain.”
I don’t think enough people utilize how sneaky savage Tina can be lol. She’s monotone, but she likes to tease too, man.
“Have I ever told you how much I love your hugs?” Tina snuggled impossibly deeper. “They’re so… comfy.”
The main ideas I try to think about while writing zekina are comfort, soft romance, and easy smiles. Plus, the best part of a big guy is the hugs, and I think Tina would really dig that.
“Once More, With Peeling Burger. Comes with apple peel chips,” Zeke read aloud.
I still don’t know if the chips were supposed to be on the burger or on the side.
“Zeke, no, we’re supposed to be on a date.”
“You act like that’s going to stop me from coming around and putting on an apron.”
This is the most romantic line in the whole piece. Nope. Don’t care about my heavy-handed sappy dialogue towards the end. THIS is what romance is. A confident, joyous, and supportive team taking on the world together.
The one time he tried having a conversation with the kitchen equipment, Bob had been swift to correct him on their accents. Zeke just didn’t have the pitch.
People seemed to really like this part, which is awesome. I kinda get it? But also… I liked other jokes better lol
“It won’t be hard.” Tina shrugged. “They’re all lesbians.”
Unless specified otherwise, every side character I write is some flavor of queer
“JEEsus!” Zeke yelped and both the peeler and apple flew from his hands. “You got a permit for those sneaky feet?”
“It’s the shoes, remember? I switched from my stompers.”
This was a line that was supposed to tie this universe to Ketchup and Fries. Idk if the timelines aaaactually work out, but yeah this, K&F, and Maybe in Thyme (obviously) are supposed to be the same universe.
Her fingers unfurled slowly but with purpose as she held her palm against his. For as light as the touch was, Zeke felt every shock of movement. The nerves came alive with the gentle graze of her skin against his calloused hands, the same hands he was so sure would never be able to feel anything this soft again. Hard labor had a way of stealing simple joys, but Tina was always something of a miracle worker—at least to him. As though a bubble settled around them, the rest of the world melted away from focus. Only Tina, his hand, and the growing tension remained. His thumb twitched under the pressure, and she stilled her exploration, waiting. He took the opportunity to feel for himself, letting his fingers curl around hers.
Getting me to write anything that isn’t dialogue is like pulling teeth, but I thought “what could possibly be more soft, more classic, more romantic than some intimate handholding” and thus I put on my big girl panties and tried a bit of prose.
They learned to cherish the quiet moments of the in between, and Zeke peeked out of the corner of his eye to catch Tina cleaning the prep station. He smiled to himself. Thanks to their easy back and forth, interrupted only by chiming from the patrons requesting service or loudly retelling an adventure about their dearly departed, time flew with the orders.
I reread this and can tell that I thought this was too fast of a transition but was too tired of looking at it to slow down lmao
“Don’t be cranky, Martha,” another woman next to her said. “Just because you can’t unlock your computer without calling your granddaughter doesn’t mean it's the devil.”
I am Martha. Martha is me. We are Martha.
“Sometimes… sometimes, I think you’re thinking about someone who would be… less difficult.”
Mmmm I don’t feel like I got into this idea enough on WHY Tina would feel like this. On one hand, most everyone has an innate insecurity that loving them is hard and not worth it (thus it’s super sexy to be told uhhh nope that is not the case). On the other hand, Tina’s a confident young woman that isn’t afraid of going after what she wants. The behind the scenes part is that Tina wanted to wait until they were both settled to start a romance. In my universes, she had the full college experience and knows that what she wants from Zeke is much more serious than a fling. She wants it to be real. There needs to be a sense of security from both parties before that dream can be realized.
With a mouthful of cinnamon sugar and apple, they let the day’s mess that still surrounded them wait as she regaled him with tales about their customers and all the little mishaps in between.
I liked this line. I think I need to get more into the sense of taste when I write.
The CD, with its nearly faded sharpie scribbling on full display, didn’t mock him. If he had to guess, maybe it was also just waiting for this years-long mission to come to a close.
Mix tapes. Again, classic romance and, again, tying us to Maybe in Thyme. More about this in a sec lol
Zeke cut her off by tossing her keys to her. She “ahh-d” and ducked, letting the keys hit the glass in an unfortunate clanking but nothing was broken, so it counted as a win. Tina swiped her keys from the ground and said her thanks before taking off once again. What a woman, he thought.
This is so funny in my head. Have y’all seen Letterkenny? There’s one Wayne line that goes “I thought it was pretty funny when I said Florida State seminal vesicles and nobody laughed.”
“You got me all types of twitterpated, you know that?”
I feel like Louise here, wanting to gag at the sappy scene, BUT this line was pretty fun to write I’ll admit lol. My sister nearly cried I think when she hit that, so success!
And finally, the CD playlist! Ever since the Mono episode, I associate Tina romance with like 80s music. The playlist itself changed a couple hundred times because, even though they inspired ME while writing, they weren’t exactly the most romantic songs. The only one I refused to budge on was She’s a Beauty, despite it literally being about sex work. So I did a little finagling and called it out in universe so I could keep it. That’s my secret if I want to do something even though it doesn’t actually work. Just get a little meta with it, let your character make a mistake, and go for it.
Wow I had more to say about this than I thought! Hope you enjoyed this long ass behind the scenes on Once More with Peeling!
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dadjokestop · 15 days
If you think dad jokes are just for kids, think again! These dad jokes for adults bring a whole new level of wit and humor that’s perfect for grown-ups who appreciate a good pun. Get ready to chuckle (and maybe groan a little) with these ten hilarious dad jokes designed just for the more mature crowd. Whether you're at a party or just hanging out with friends, these jokes are sure to lighten the mood! 1. The Doctor's Prescription Q: Why did the doctor carry a red pen? A: In case they needed to draw blood! 2. The Forgetful Chef Q: Why did the chef break up with their partner? A: They just couldn’t find the thyme! 3. The Fitness Buff Q: Why don’t scientists trust atoms? A: Because they make up everything! 4. The Sneaky Egg Q: What did the egg say to the frying pan? A: “You crack me up!” 5. The Lonely Bike Q: Why can’t bicycles stand up by themselves? A: Because they’re two-tired! 6. The Misunderstood Pizza Q: How do you fix a broken pizza? A: With tomato paste! 7. The Time Traveler's Dilemma Q: Why did the time traveler visit the bar? A: To have a drink before it happened! 8. The Clumsy Cow Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground beef! 9. The Sassy Cookie Q: Why did the cookie cry? A: Because it felt crumby! 10. The Cheesy Musician Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? A: Nacho cheese! There you have it—ten dad jokes for adults that are sure to tickle your funny bone! These jokes prove that humor knows no age limit and that a good pun is always appreciated. So the next time you need a laugh or want to break the ice, whip out these dad jokes and watch the smiles (and groans) roll in!
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crystallinearts · 3 years
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naughty flower boys get the thyme out pot
it hangs so he can’t topple it over and escape (... tho he CAN launch himself out of it if he wants to TRY to escape)
and there’s Kris............ ready to hang the pot from a fan and play You Spin Me Round while Flowey screams for help
you can blame @starfoam for the fact that this exists and I’m posting it here first because I could NOT keep this beautiful image contained to just my RP blog <3
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
I've never EVER had second male syndrome in any of the Boys Over Flowers versions I have watched (rarely have it in general) but oh boy oh my god oh holy crap the tears I shed!!! and the feelings I had while watching this scene!!! Damn you, drama!! (affectionately)
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*starts bawling*
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He really can’t but look at him, he knows already what her answer is gonna be, yet he still wanted to shoot his shot. And normally, I’d be disgusted by characters that do this and be all like: “she doesn’t want you dude, stop your pity party” BUT not only did I never disliked Ren (on the contrary), he was always a loyal friend to Thyme and Gorya first and everything else came second, so much in fact that I thought for almost ten episodes that in this adaptation Ren was not in love with Gorya or liked her a little but I was wrong, obviously. He was truly selfless all that time.
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Dew!! Ohmygod he has such a bright (no pun intended) future ahead of him. You could so clearly see the pain followed by resignation in his face. And the way he looked down? My heart dropped to the floor, I felt heartbroken for him.
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You are, but so is your other half lol You’re made for each other!
And this moment here worked for me because of two things: Ren confessed his heart out in a really beautiful and heartbreaking way AND made Gorya realize she was never gonna get over Thyme, so she needed to go back and fight. She had been running for too long.
For a moment there I was hoping Gorya would chose him, for real. The way he described how he could build a life there, just for and with her? I was attacked. I wanted to throw this story that I know well out the window and wanted this version to create a new ending and I feel like the biggest hypocrite saying that because back when the show premiered I saw the scene when he saved Gorya and was like “nope buddy, it’s not working for me” and I swore I’d never see the the charm of Ren. BUT I’m the world’s biggest clown and I deservedly cried for it. In the end, I know there wasn't any choice for Gorya to make, not really. As I knew Thyme had done nothing wrong (in my eyes the biggest victim in his mother’s “i’m terminally ill” plan), and still needed her, but logic was not at home while watching this (but of course, irl the logical option would be Ren lol no question about it).
For me, this episode brought back the magic the show had and lost for a few episodes and it did with full force. But Tu and Dew just slayed it and destroyed me. They owned the episode. I know Thyme, Kavin and MJ had a beautiful moment too and that the ending was shocking but I just couldn’t move on from the feels Ren and Gorya’s bridge scene made me have. Rewatching the scene felt just as bad. I find myself wishing for a drama with the two of them in the future as leads. I feel like it's needed haha
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
(casserole anon from… a very long time ago 😅 here to say thank you so much for the series on casseroles!! I have saved all the recipes and I am excited to try them; the pierogi casserole sounds especially intriguing. I hope you’re staying warm!)
ah! yes! i did comfort foods at the beginning of winter... I innovated a new casserole since then!! I should share it!!
Well. It's not insanely innovative. It's just that I took an old family recipe from Dude's family, which we'd made a few times, and combined it with an amalgamation of half a dozen things off the Internet, and have come up with an easier way of eating the recipe than the original one which was off the back of a packet of seasoning or something.
So, I present:
Modified Chicken Parisienne
The main important thing here is the sherry. It's distinctive because of the sherry. I also like to flavor it with thyme. The original recipe had you bake the chicken in the sauce and then cook the rice separately, and then remove the chicken and thicken the cream sauce with sour cream at the last minute.
This seems silly to me when you could just bake the rice in as part of the dish. So I looked up chicken and rice casserole recipes, and am making that now! Since it’s fucking snowing out and the heat’s broken at work and I froze my ass off all day, here’s a good chance to share it!
So you can use basically any vegetables in this. For excitement, I took my bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs and browned them briefly, skin side down, in a hot cast iron Dutch oven, in lard, while I got everything else ready, and then left them sitting on a plate to the side while I did the rest of this.
Start with aromatics. I used several small onions and two medium carrots. You could also use like, celery, fennel, celeriac, whatever. I put those in the hot fat for like 5-10 minutes while I chopped everything else.
I diced some garlic and threw that in. Then I cut up a whole bunch of fresh broccoli, dicing the stems really well and cutting the florets apart. I threw those in and mixed them around, and then threw in a cup or two of sliced mushrooms I’d bought special for this because I love mushrooms. You could also use spinach, kale, cauliflower, green beans, peas, corn, I mean, any vegetable you care for. (Ideal way to use up anything in your freezer you have no other plans for.)
I stirred all that around, and then put in 1.5 cups of white rice, and stirred that really well also. I then tossed in about 1/4c of sherry. Stirred that around some, and then put in 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup.
To that I added a cup of water and 2 cups of milk, and then put in a little extra water just to make sure. I added salt, pepper, oregano, and rosemary, because I’m almost out of thyme, which lends itself to puns but does make me sad.
On top of that I nestled my 2 chicken thighs. The recipes call for more chicken than that but there’s only two of us and so I don’t bother.  I’d say put a piece of chicken (thigh or breast or leg) per person you’re serving. I don’t bother having enough chicken for the leftovers, as I find skin-on chicken doesn’t reheat appealingly. You could also shred cooked chicken into here if you’d rather, it doesn’t matter.
Then I topped the whole thing with ehhhh like a cup of shredded cheddar cheese, because the chicken casserole recipes call for it and I love cheese. It’s clearly optional here. I had the chicken thighs skin-side-up so I put the cheese around them, not on top of them, in the hopes that the skin will crisp a bit.
Into a hot oven I put the casserole, uncovered. Bake at 350-375 until the chicken is done, 35-45 minutes probably.
Serve hot.
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drkineildwicks · 3 years
Another Aken/Hamada Snippet:
Obake is…absolutely no good in the kitchen
Yes theoretically he should know how to cook it’s chemical reactions and following instructions is a thing but he has never felt compelled to do more than figure out coffee and instant ramen we’ll just leave the cooking to Cass she knows what she’s doing
This does not mean he stays out of the kitchen
He’ll hang out in the kitchen and bug Cass while she’s working and be varying levels of helpful while doling out stupid puns
You can’t do that, Cass—you don’t have the time! *holds up container of thyme*
Cass: Bob get out
Obake, of course, stays out of stabbing range
He also did this to Momakase when they were dating, which was one reason he was totally banned from the kitchen
He’s more inclined to humor Momakase, only because she can throw knives
Cass cannot, Cass kicks him out repeatedly but lets him come back in because he’s tall and there’s stuff on the top shelf she needs
And it gets him in range to smack him in the face with batter
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