#been chipping away at this for a while and im pretty happy with it :))
mokadevs · 1 year
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"i want to see more of that side of you"
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loves0phelia · 1 month
Please write about Rafe who believes in love and a reader who doesn't! I love your first fic btw
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Summery: the request
Words: 1k
Warnings: small injury, grammar mistakes (feel free to correct me)
A/N: thank you so much for this request! xxx
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Ever since you and Rafe met, he has been head over heels for you. He would follow you around like a lost puppy, he would get you anything you could possibly want, and always make sure you were okay.
In a way you loved how much he cared, but sometimes the feelings he left you with, made you confused.
In your head love was nothing but a useless feeling. The lovey dovey movies were fake and unrealistic, the people holding hands or kissing in the streets were disgusting and anyone who tried to prove you wrong was definitely not sane.
So why was Rafe Cameron making you feel this way? 
“Good morning pretty, got you your favorite like always” He says the second you open the door to his black pick up truck, and hand you the chocolate chips cookie from that bakery you adore.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to get me something every time?” Even though you wish you kept your lips in a straight line, a small smile took place on your lips.
“But if i stop bringing you snacks how else will i see this pretty smile of yours?” immediately your cheeks became red, so you turned your head to look out the passenger window as he finally started driving away.
After what felt like hours, you got the courage to speak up and asked him where he was taking you.
“Well I figured you wouldn't like the movies because you claim its “too romantic” so I decided on going up to the hill with some food and a book, we could spend the afternoon together until sunset. Also I brought my laptop in case you changed your mind about rom coms…” he uttered the last words anticipating your reaction to them.
“Are you serious? that's like the most rom com thing ever!” you threw your hands above your head and looked at him in disbelief.
“Come on Y/n just give it a shot please” you looked at him with a glare not breaking against his attempt at begging.
“for me?” your fake anger vanished the second the words left his mouth. His soft blue eyes and pouty lips had you in a choke hold. You could never refuse him even if you tried.
“fine” Rafe shouts in victory before grabbing your hand and shaking it while still holding the steering wheel.
“You're not going to regret it baby, i swear” his happiness calmed and now you could only hear the soft music playing on the radio and the harsh sound of his engine. 
What you hadn't noticed though was how his hand was still holding yours on top of your thigh for the rest of the ride. 
When the car finally came to a stop, Rafe jumped out and rushed to your side to open your door. While holding the small bag with the cookie you haven't eaten yet in your left hand your right one grabbed his so he could help you climb out. This gesture was almost too familiar now.
You stood a few feet away as he grabbed the cooler filled to the brim with various beverages and snacks. Your breath hitch when you noticed his arms flex beneath his gray shirt. 
“You ready?” you snapped your eyes away from his muscles as fast as light and quickly nodded, unable to speak any word.
In silence you both climbed the small trail up to the hill. While you could've been watching the blooming flowers, your mind was on rafe, you were daydreaming not paying attention to anything.
“shit” were your last words before tripping over a small branch on your path. your exclamation immediately made Rafe turn on his heels, he dropped the cooler to the ground and ran to you, examining the damage.
“im fine Rafe i just wasn't paying attention” you tried to comfort him but his gaze was fixated on the small cuts over one of your knees.
“Do you want to go back? we can do this another day” he asked concerned and almost already getting ready to turn back the way you came from.
“No rafe. Really I'm ok it's just a small scrap and I don't want our day to be ruined because of me” you almost pleaded.
“Are you sure you can walk? cause i can carry you” he suggested.
“don't be ridiculous, you're already carrying all that” you laughed and optimistically went back on the way.
the entire pathRafe and a small furrow in his brown and he stayed close to you in case of another accident, he was ready to catch you,
When you two were finally settled on a blanket led on top of the grass he began unpacking.
“So a movie or a book? also I'm warning you, if you choose a book you need to read to me.” he smiled innocently.
“book please” you answered shyly before taking the book from his hand. instantly rafe led his head on top of your lap and snuggled while grinning, knowing what he was doing,
but surprisingly you did not comment, nor move away, you stayed like that even when you began to read the words out loud.
he was so peaceful he almost looked asleep but the soft and smooth movement of his thumb over your small injury proved you he was definitely awake.
“Whats up” your brows furrowed wondering why he was asking. 
“you stopped reading.” You hadn't even realized you had stopped and you definitely didn't realize he was looking up at you, admiring you for almost 2 minutes before saying something.
“i was just thinking how much i appreciate this,i never realized before now how much i enjoyed it” 
“yea?” He sat up with the brightest smile.
“mhm” you hummed and you felt like a magnet was pulling you to him so without a thought you crashed your lips on his.
he made a noise of surprise before rapidly returning the gesture while sliding his fingers in your hair and holding you to him.
passionately you and Rafe kissed until you couldn't breath and that's how you realized love was actually the best thing to ever feel.
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pathologicalreid · 2 months
spenwer weid hanahaki pwease 💐💐💐
perennial | S.R.
unrequited love brings spencer to his death bed, unless you can rescue him
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst content warnings: hanahaki au, spencer reid gets a degree in yearnology, terminal illness, happy ending, surgery, doctors, this is a made up disease, mentions of other diseases like cancer and briefly mentions reid's addiction and schizophrenia, and death. word count: 3.01k a/n: if you don't know what hanahaki disease is, neither did i until bri asked. look here for some background. i did not come up with this concept. im not that creative.
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He had never quite been able to pinpoint the date he fell in love with you. He wasn’t sure if it was the say you laughed at his jokes or the way your hair shone in the sunlight. He just knew that he loved you, and it was killing him.
It wasn’t killing him in the colloquial sense, it was physically going to end his life. The deep, brutal love he felt for you had been slowly chipping away at him for well over a year now, ever since you waltzed into his life. Haphazardly, he tossed the packet that his doctor had given him onto his coffee table, the papers ungracefully fanning out over the oak surface as he did.
Leaving his apartment today had effectively drained him of energy, prompting him to call out of work – something he had been doing with alarming frequency these days. Luckily, Hotch was able to give him leeway, but it couldn’t be long until Spencer got into trouble. Someone else would notice, he was sure you already were.
Yours was the face he always saw when he closed his eyes. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn your features were tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. Despite his exhaustion, he was wary of falling asleep. He didn’t want to see you in his dreams, lest it cause his health to deteriorate even more.
Trying to take a deep breath, something caught in his throat, causing him to stumble over to his pathetic-looking balcony. Leaning over the railing, he lost himself in a coughing fit, letting the petals that were poisoning his lungs fly out of his mouth.
Once Spencer got his bearings back, he straightened up. Blinking tears out of his eyes, he watched the purple flower petals float away in the wind. He was watching the petals when he noticed you, walking determinedly along the sidewalk, your jacket flowing behind you. Was it five o’clock already? Had you already gotten out of work?
Splitting himself in two, he hoped you weren’t going to come to his door while also hoping you were headed to see him. He knew that the dull ache in his chest only grew worse when you were closer, but the possibility of seeing your beautiful eyes provided him with the bravery that he needed to confront that pain.
Watching you disappear into the apartment building, he waited until he heard a knock at his front door. He took the wobbly steps required to reach the front door, clearing his throat, and letting a petal fall to the floor just before he undid the lock and deadbolt.
You swung the door open, not even waiting for him to open the door. He waited as you studied him, eyes flittering across his body – just taking in the state of him.
Spencer had never been overly large or muscular, he had been lanky pretty much from the get-go, but over the past year, he had become frail. You swallowed thickly as you took in the way his sweater practically hung off of him, “Hi, Spence.”
His chest ached at the familiar nickname, everything about you was familiar. “Hi, Y/N,” he greeted politely, and he watched your confidence falter for just a moment before he silently pulled the door open. “You can come in if you want,” he felt as though there were an angel and a devil on his shoulders. One would beckon for you to enter the apartment, and the other wanted to banish you. The only problem was that he wasn’t sure which was the angel, and which was the devil.
Nodding, you stepped into the apartment, your shoes tapping against the hardwood before you took them off. His throat tickled at the recognition that you remembered his preferences for shoes in his apartment. Shoving your hands in your jean pockets, you peered up at him, “What happened to you?” You asked with concern violently apparent in your tone.
Narrowing his eyes, he cocked his head to the side, “What do you mean?” He had to bite his tongue from saying you happened to me.
“Hotch said you called off, and I noticed you had been doing that a lot recently,” you said, your voice a gentle caress.
Your observations of him sent him into another coughing fit, and he silently hoped you wouldn’t notice the flower petals that scattered the floor. Purple anemones created a pattern of lovesickness in the entirety of his apartment. His skin burned where your hands landed on him, gently ushering him to the couch.
Gratefully, he accepted the tissue that you had held out for him, allowing him to conceal his flowers. “I’m worried about you, Spence,” you confided in him, unable to hide the silver that lined your eyes.
He waved you off, shaking his head as he launched into another coughing fit. Once he gathered himself, he looked up, avoiding your eyes, “I had a doctor’s appointment.”
Your eyes widened in recognition, “Did you finally get your cough checked out?” The inquiry was innocent enough, but he couldn’t help but cringe inwardly at the words that had come out of your mouth. How was it that something as pure as worry could cause him so much pain?
He didn’t answer your question, leaning back against the supple leather of his couch. With a sigh, he allowed his body to meld into the cushions, it was almost enough for him to just fall asleep.
Flinching as you set a hand on his knee, he finally met your eyes, “Spencer, are you sick?”
He knew what you were asking, you wanted to know if he was ailing. Maybe if he had cancer or something that could be removed from his body. Maybe his opioid addiction had finally caught up with him. He didn’t think he looked jaundiced, but maybe his liver was failing.
Perhaps you were thinking about something more psychological, he was at the age where he could have a schizophrenic break. You knew very well that that was a fear of his.
There was also a strong probability that his years in the BAU were just starting to catch up with him. “Spencer?” You breathed, holding your breath as you were afraid of what he could be hiding from you.
“In a manner of speaking, yes,” he was sick. A patient in the doctor’s waiting room had called him a love-sick fool, and they had been right.
You spluttered for a moment as you searched for the right thing to say. Telling him you were sorry felt like a waste of words, an apology couldn’t help him now. “Is there a cure?” You asked him softly, leaning closer to him until he could smell your floral perfume – the world was cruel.
Taking a moment to clear his throat, Spencer answered your question while tucking a flower petal up his sleeve, “There’s a surgery, but it comes with… risks.”
His answer didn’t satisfy you; risks weren’t enough for you to sit and watch him die. You pulled your hand off of his knee, sitting on the floor and folding your hands in your lap, “But without it, you’ll die.” It was clear to you that whatever was going on with Spencer was serious, and if his illness was fatal, you would do anything in your power to help him.
“Most likely,” he confirmed, the both of you knowing he had already run every probability relating to his own survival. It was all he could do to not reach out to you as your teary eyes finally flooded over.
Wiping furiously at your face, you scrunched up your nose in frustration, “You have to do it, Spence.” Your voice was insistent.
Sighing, he shook his head despondently, “I can’t.” He noticed the way you bristled at his answer, but he couldn’t elaborate.
The risks that came with his surgery would be devastating. He would lose you. You wouldn’t die, but every memory that he had of you would die. That was a sacrifice that Spencer wasn’t willing to make.
Truth be told, he was afraid. He was afraid of forgetting you. Forgetting the way you sang along to every song on the radio – even if you didn’t know the words. Forgetting the way you liked to dance in the kitchen while you cooked. Forgetting the way you protected the people you cared about so fiercely.
Forgetting you was a nonnegotiable term. He’d rather die in love with you than live in a world where he had never known that feeling.
His fear of forgetting you greatly outweighed his fear of death.
He took a deep breath, which only resulted in more coughing. Your soft hands guided him tenderly, helping him to lie down on the couch. “Will you look after her?” He blurted, looking up at you as you returned from the kitchen.
Setting a glass of water down on the coffee table, you crossed your arms in front of your chest, “Look after whom?”
“My mom,” he clarified, his voice gravelly from all of the speaking he had done today.
Your lips parted in surprise, evidently that had not been what you were expecting him to say. “You want me to take care of your mother after you…” you couldn’t even finish the sentence. “You won’t even fight to stay with her.”
He couldn’t find the courage to explain his sickness to you, so he let you form your own conclusions. If you wanted to operate under the assumption that he was a coward, so be it. At least he still had you. “I can’t fight it, Y/N. I don’t expect you to understand, but I do want you to respect that.”
Shaking your head, you looked down at the floor, not meeting his eyes anymore. Looking at your pretty eyes was a privilege he had lost, it seemed. “I can’t,” your voice wavered as you stepped backward, stumbling over a pile of books on the floor before you turned and walked out the door, taking bits and pieces of him with you.
Laid back on his couch, Spencer wiped his own tears before that too became arduous. Left in his apartment to rot, he thought about this disease. This unexplainable disease that he had never even heard of before being referred to a specialist.
There was one cure for Hanahaki Disease, and that was to turn unrequited love into requited love. You had the ability to cure him, and all you needed to do was tell him you loved him.
And it had to be the truth.
Even if he did get the surgery, he could return to work. He could meet you again, which would confuse the entire team, including you, but he’d still be damaged. His doctor had told him just that morning that his lungs were past the point of no return.
You deserved better than that. You deserved someone who had the lung capacity to kiss you breathless. You deserved someone with the guts to tell you how they feel.
All of that was purely hypothetical because in order to re-meet you, he’d need to survive the surgery.
The surgery he refused to get.
Either way, he was going to lose you. That realization knocked the air out of his lungs, causing him to turn over on the couch in a fit of coughs. Bringing a new meaning to ‘hacking up a lung,’ he continued his fit until there was a pile of purple flower petals beneath his face.
It was fitting that the flower petals were anemones. He had thought that from the very beginning. Anemones were perennials. Perennial, meaning lasting for an infinite time – enduring. Just like his love for you.
When the surgery was first offered to him, he challenged the doctors. Insisting that his love for you could endure any surgery. He was a man of science; he didn’t fully comprehend how a cardiothoracic surgery could affect your memory. Then again, he was coughing up fresh flower petals on the daily.
The click of the latch on his door caught his attention, and you stepped through the door. He was surprised to see you, and even more surprised to note the red rimming your eyes. You had been crying – over him. “I thought you had left,” he murmured, watching you carefully.
Nodding absentmindedly, you kicked off your shoes. “I did, I… I was going to go home, but on my way to the metro, I passed that deli that I know you like. You need to eat, I know you haven’t been eating right - or at all, actually.” You took a deep, shaky breath, setting the deli bag on the coffee table. “It’s just soup, I thought it might help soothe your throat,” you informed him, rubbing the back of your neck as you crouched next to him.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Spencer insisted, even if the smell coming from the bag made his mouth water.
Wiping a hand down your face, you cleared your throat, “I was thinking about you. What if I went with you to your next doctor’s appointment? There could be a clinical study or something available. My college roommate works at Johns Hopkins now, maybe she has an in.” The hope in your eyes was almost enough to break his heart.
He smiled at you sadly, “There’s nothing, I’ve asked.” That part was true, he had called in every favor that he had in order to find answers and solutions. Either no one knew what he was talking about, or they told him things he didn’t want to hear.
Tears welled in your eyes again and he reached out to wipe them from your cheeks, his hands trembling in time with your bottom lip. “I refuse to believe that this is the end. This can’t be how it ends.” You looked at him pleadingly, “Are you sure you won’t get the surgery?”  
He nodded regretfully. Losing all of his memories of you was a fate worse than death.
Bowing your head, you let loose a sob, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Spence.” You apologized incessantly to him, “There’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”
His own eyes grew teary until he was just looking at your outline, a blurry visage of the girl that he was dying for. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” he insisted, reaching over and smoothing down your hair. “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me,” he whispered, having a hard time speaking as emotions caused his throat to swell.
 “Please get the surgery,” you spouted, eyes widening as if you hadn’t even expected yourself to say that. “Please, Spencer if you don’t do it for yourself, then do it for me,” your words started to merge into pleas.
Silent, Spencer watched you as you unknowingly begged him to forget you.
Taking a shuddering breath, you looked at him, watery eyes boring into his. “If for no one else, then save your life for me.”
“It’s not that easy,” he breathed.
You brushed off his excuses, “Spencer, I need you. I need you to get this surgery because I absolutely have to have you in my life. Please, you’re my- I’m…” you faltered over your words. He watched as you desperately searched for the right thing to say, “god, can’t you see I’m in love with you?”
Spencer’s chest ached as he grew fearful. You didn’t know what you were saying.
“I love you!” You shouted, surprising even yourself. “I love you, and I need to keep loving you. So, I need you to get this surgery.” You swallowed thickly, “Please, Spencer.”
He felt like he was out of tears to cry, “Just so I understand, what kind of love are we discussing?” Platonic love wouldn’t do it, not for this.
Leaning your head back, you stared at the ceiling helplessly, “Like the soul-crushing, yearning, I’d-marry-you-tomorrow-if-you-asked kind of love.”
Nodding slowly, Spencer leaned forward, and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, prompting you to kiss him back. It was soft and careful – the two of you were oh, so careful. “I love you too,” he said, knowing damn well that his yearning had nearly killed him. “But for the record, I’d do a much better job of asking you to marry me,” he pointed that out because he did plan on marrying you one day.
Laughing despite the tears that were still flowing down your cheeks in steady streams, you tilted your head at him, “Does that mean you’ll do the surgery?”
For you, he’d move heaven and earth, but he knew that the surgery wouldn’t be necessary. “Come with me to my next appointment, you can meet my doctor, I’m sure he’d love to meet you.” Spencer’s doctor had, after all, heard everything about you.
“Okay, of course, I will,” you told him, burying your face in your hands. “I’ve been sitting on that for almost a year now,” you admitted, causing his heart to clench.
Propping himself up on his elbow, he eyed you curiously. He wasn’t expecting to return to his old self immediately, but Spencer felt like there was some sort of weight lifted from his chest – like getting over a bad cold. “Hey, Y/N?”
Your eyes widened, “Oh! Your soup!” You moved to get up and grab a spoon from Spencer’s kitchen.
Quickly, he reached up and grabbed your hand, tugging on it until you toppled down onto the couch. You landed gracefully, being careful so you didn’t hurt him. “Actually, I was thinking about something a little more along these lines,” he said, poking his head forward and kissing you again.
Nothing but slow, gentle kisses today. The two of you had all of the time in the world. He leaned back onto the pillows, never separating from you. Finally, he let the scent of your floral perfume drown his senses.
For once, it didn’t fill him with dread.
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emjiroki · 1 year
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I couldn't contain myself, I had to write something for Reo. He's been plaguing me.
Nagi's stepsis! Reader x Reo (kinda enemies to lovers sort of)
Wordcount: 1k-ish
TW: Dubcon (Reo is a perv and a little selfish and a lot impulsive), explicit scenes and language, all characters over 21+, this wasn't rushed but written pretty quick cause my brain was working for once. Hope everyone enjoys 💕 likes, reblogs, and comments always appreciated.
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Reo always acted like he hated you, couldn't stand that you were even on the planet, despite being the one to insist on staying at Nagi's place. Where he knew you would be. Nagi's pretty stepsister who, Reo claims, is the bane of his existence; always arguing with him and being pouty like the spoiled brat you were.Nagi had explained to him on the ride over that you were just staying with him for a bit as you finished up the last semester of university before you moved into an apartment with one of your friends; But how was he supposed to keep up the facade and act like he wanted nothing to do with you when you were flouncing around his best friends house every time he showed up, with your glossy lips and gorgeous eyes that begged him to fuck your throat till tears were spilling from them. He'd never admit it to anyone but his favorite piece of material in his spank bank was a picture of you at your birthday dinner last month, wearing the tight houndstooth pattern skirt he had bought for you and and looking absolutely gorgeous in it. Had he handed you the gift bag and barely uttered a happy birthday before heading off to the gym with Nagi? sure but it didn't mean he liked you. Just... begrudgingly tolerated you. Despite stroking his cock till it was nearly raw every night to thought of fucking you full of his cum and make you his girl.
Reo had been trying and failing for the last hour to concentrate on the game him and Nagi were playing online with Yoichi and Hayoma; but the only thing in his mind was you and that whiney voice of yours. Bratty. Pleading with "Shiro-ni" to let you have the big tv in the living room to watch one of your dumb movies, despite having a perfectly good fifty inch flatscreen in the guest room you were staying in to use. Reo couldn't help the way his dick had jumped at your begging, his breath stuttering as all the blood in his brain rushed south. He wanted you whiney and begging for him, tone dripping with lust and brain full of nothing but him.
"Died again. Damn it" Nagi groaned rolling his eyes when he Chigiri taunted him over the headset, "what is up with you tonight?". It took a moment for Reo to realize Nagi was talking to him.
"Huh? Nothing, what's up with you?" He retorted, shifting uncomfortably in the beanbag as his cock throbbed and strained against his sweatpants, "been letting us get our asses kicked".
"Me? You're the one over there spacing out thinking about my sister". Reo's heart began hammering in his throat and he could feel his face heating.
"Oh god as if" He scoffed, rolling his eyes and breaking contact to look away, "She's so goddamn annoying".
"Right, I know you like her dude" Nagi said simply, getting up to switch his controller now that the battery had died before the next round.
"Whatever, Im gonna go piss I'll be back" Reo said, his jaw tight.
"Grab those chips we got at the convenience store earlier while your out there". Reo waved him off as he shut the door but he would grab them anyway. He didn't actually have to piss, he just wanted to leave the room and break the tension, Damn that white haired bastard for calling him out and being right.
Reo didn't see you when he walked out into the living room, the last twenty minutes of your movie still playing and setting the room in a bright glow. It wasn't until he got to the doorway of the kitchen that he saw you, sprawled out asleep on the couch, the throw blanket you had been using falling off onto the floor and leaving your shirt rucked up and short sleeps shorts on full display. He nearly swallowed his tongue when he realized you were wearing one of the T-shirts he had left over here, an old one from when he was in BlueLock. The sight of your soft skin with the cotton pulled up, knowing you most definitely were not wearing a bra underneath, had his blood running hot again; saliva pooling against his tongue and his cheeks burning like open flames. 'Chips, get the chips' He chided himself, turning his back and going to the cabinet to pull the bag out. But then he was in the doorway again, bag lightly gripped in his hand as he stood there a moment, just gazing at you and wondering about everything wrong with him. Everything inside him that was shuffling his feet forward to get a look under your loose shorts, just a look. He'd just pull them to the side real easy and you'd never even know. He was on his knees at the side of the couch, chip bag forgotten on the floor, feeling equal parts shame and excitement as he hooked his fingers beneath the soft material; feeling the lacy edges of your panties. You were so warm under his fingers and it made him throb to think about how wet you'd be, what you'd taste like. He bit back a groan as he let his mind wander for a moment, thinking about how sweet you would be against his tongue and how much he craved it. Craved it like a dog. He couldn't help the feelings of shame dissipating as the mental image of you spread bare and dripping for him broke the last of his restraint. It would only be a taste, just to quell the urge and allow him a little self indulgence. That wasn't wrong right?
Reo was still delicate as he moved your shorts and underwear to the side, not wanting to risk waking you by trying to take it all off, his bright purple eyes taking in every bit of skin he could see until he finally had your pretty pussy on display.
"God, angel just look at you" he murmured just below the volume of the tv, inching his face closer to your exposure until he brushed his nose against the wiry hairs at your mound. He was fulfilling every fantasy he had the moment he sucked your clit in against his tongue, running the slippery muscle up to nudged at the sensitive little bud before dipping down to taste at your entrance, your body tensing beneath his hand lightly on your hip. He couldn't get too greedy, not wanting to wake you but also so so desperate to make you cum so you'd drip against his tastebuds. He tried so hard to be gentle, delicate and light with his menstruations but the more of you he tasted, the drunker he became; vision growing hazy and his moans getting harder and harder to hold back. He was trying so hard not to buck his hips, to not cum in his pants like some inexperienced teenager, rolling and suckling your clit with his lips and tongue stimulating you so much your hips began to unconsciously chase his mouth anytime he attempted to pull away, which only drove him more crazy. You wanted him, you needed him,at least that's what his fuzzy brain was screaming. Craved him as much as he craved you for the first time and his animal brain wasn't about to let up and disappoint you. He needed you to cum for him, needed it like his lungs needed air, and any thought other than getting you to that high was irrelevant; his cock heavy and leaking through his underwear a distant thought. Drool was smearing from his lips against your puffy clit and the light rub of his teeth against your sensitivity had a breathy moan gracing his ears. Reo thought he had died and gone to heaven when he felt a hand card through his violet hair, and not that you had awoken when a desperate groan had spilled from his lips and vibrated against your pussy. He didn’t stop, trying in vain to gain his breath as his heart sat like a rock in his stomach and he was barely able to look up knowing that you would be looking at him.
"Reo?" you mumbled sleepily, pressing up against his fervent mouth even as uncertain butterflies burst through your stomach. You could practically feel the heat radiating off his face as he grunted a confirming sound, not able to tear himself away even as he gained the courage to flash his gaze up to you when you didn't push him away. The stars in his eyes were infectious, addicting in a way you weren't expecting as he looked at you; his pupils blown wide and expression pleading you not to reject him as he pressed closer to devour you and bring you to your high. You were a lot closer than you thought, the feeling of him spitting messily against your clit sending you over the edge with a cut off moan, your hand clamping over your mouth so as not to alert Nagi, your legs tensing around Reo's broad shoulders and shivers running up your spine. He eased back just as your toes uncurled, pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs and smearing your slick against your skin and across his chin. You giggled breathlessly, focusing on the feeling of his shallow breaths and the softness of his hair beneath your fingers.
"Reo, if you wanted me so bad all you had to do was say pretty please" You admitted quietly, watching as the purple haired man smirked and bit your flesh teasingly before shouldering his way past your thighs till your legs were around his waist and his lips were hovering over yours, the pussy drunk look on his face only sending heat to your core again. He kissed the corner of your lips and then your cheek before trailing down your throat to your pulse point, a shaky breath and groan fanning your skin.
"P-Pretty Please"
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meowlod · 7 months
furina x fem!reader | comforting your girlfriend.
(angst + alot of comfort, fluff, hugs and kisses) god i think im going to cry again.
“Ma chérie, where are you?“ You yell out to Furina, whos nowhere to be seen in the pretty house she lives in recently. Looking around and trying your best to find your girlfriend, you see her hat on the ground, and a bunch of pieces of her hair next to it, making you even more concerned. You run outside at the dark night to search for her, because there is a chance she could be outside. No birds chipping, no human talking, no one is outside as you walk around. Until you stop to hear a couple of familiar quiet whimpers and sobs nearby, possibly Furina crying. You run to the place where you hear the sad noises, only to see Furina sitting on the grass alone, her hair short from cutting them, darker clothes, hugging her own knees as she doesn't notice you until from your concerned voice. “H-huh…?“ You run towards her to crouch down, sitting next to her and giving her a tight hug, making her sobs quiet down, but not stopping as she slowly wraps her own arms around your body, burying her messy face into your shoulder, continuing to sob. “F-furina..! Why are you— are you okay? please don't cry, you know i hate seeing you cry..just, please..its okay, everything is okay..“ You tell her, patting her head and caressing her hair, trying everything to calm her down. “I'm sorry..i'm sorry…i don't want you to see me like this..“ she mumbles into your shoulder, making your heart break while you're slowly starting to tear up yourself. “Shh..shh..tout va bien…it's okay..i'm here for you, i love you, and you should remember that.“ Your own tears falling down from your eyes, you hug Furina more tighter, rubbing her back gently back and forth to comfort her. “R-really..?“ “Really. And it's a promise. I will never leave you, even if i'm on the edge of dying.“ From the answer she got, her eyes widen, making her eyes water once again. “No! No, no..don't say you will die! You will live with me, forever..please…“ Hearing her voice break, you sigh and let out a small laugh, giving her a kiss on the cheek a couple times. “I'm sorry, so sorry, really. I won't die, i will live forever with you, live a happy life and it's a promise.“ “…Promise?“ she looks at you with those pretty puppy eyes of hers, making your heart melt from the cuteness. “Pinky promise. Now, do you wanna make some macarons with me? Hah..i remember when we both tried, but the kitchen was so messy..“ She wipes her tears away and smiles, scoffing playfully. “…Hmph, but it was your fault, you couldn't cook!” You laugh at her pretty face, giving her a kiss on the lips to show her more affection. “Oh, really? But i saw you accidentally dropping the bowl of the egg whites we were gonna use for the macarons, making the floor all mes—“ “TCH. Thats not true! Are you seriously saying all this only to make me feel ashamed?! Oh come on, please, just spare me some sympathy..“ She whines and playfully slaps your shoulder. ”Pff— pfft..fine. Then we should just stick to buying macarons, and go shopping together, even get your favourite desserts, okay? We will try again in 2 days.“ She smiles and kisses your lips before standing up, taking your hand and running through Fontaine, to her house. “Tomorrow, you're gonna buy me all the desserts and macarons, my love..oh, i've been thinking about so much…we should get married someday.” “Is my lovely Furina already thinking of a marriage? How cute.“ “Tsk..no- well, maybe- but- ugh, stop messing with me! …yes, yes! I want to marry you, okay?! I just love you alot, you take care of me, help me with my insecurities..i've never had such a sweet and pretty person such like you care for me. I trust you so much.“ “Flirty now, are we? Haha, i love you too, my sweet.“ “…Hehe. I love you too, ma chérie. Now, can we go home and cuddle together? Yawn…huh…i feel so tired.“ She clings onto your arm as you both walk home together, to cuddle with eachother and start a new day tomorrow.
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tessiex17 · 6 months
You will be happy to hear that this is a 2 parter (second part is in development) since this is infact already 2,147 words WHICH IS KINDA LONG FOR ONE CHAPTER
This does have a fem reader BTW!!!
Short description: set when rayman is attending collage in America before he became famous and he gets invited to a party where he meets y/n
(Also if there are any mistakes/errors in my spelling PLZ let me know as written helps me improve with my dyslexia so any feedback will be amazing 😋)
Tw: alot of swearing, smoking and alcohol, abusive behaviour
"What am I doing?"
Rayman muttered to himself regretfully as he walked down the cold grid iron streets to the address the party was supposedly located. Rayman has always been a social creature, he loved the idea of meeting new people and going on adventures with them but that mindset had been slowly chipped away during his time in America. Specifically American school. He struggled to make social connections in his classes and was quickly deemed an outcast by his peers which was heart breaking for Rayman because he know it was only because he was alien, the people that liked to make fun of him made that fact pretty clear. It was something he couldn't change and even though he didn't choose to look the way he does or be where he's from he still got hate for it and he never really understood why.
Which is why he was shocked when he was invited to a house party by one of his class mates. He just knew he couldnt miss this opportunity to finally mend his social status and make a friend! Which leads him here. Walking towards the door of a house he's never been at before. He let's out a Sigh before raising his fist and firmly knocking the door. He knew he was at the right place, the sound of music and enthusiastic people could be heard quite clearly through the door (it made him almost feel bad for the neighbours).
Before rayman had the chance to knock once more the door swung open revealing the very drunk but very happy class mate that invited Rayman in the first place
"BROOO! You made it! I thought you where gonna be a no show"
The class mate ushered rayman in shutting the door behind him.
"Hehe what can I say, im a man of my word"
Rayman chuckled slightly nervous but intertained by how friendly his class mate was being. He finally takes a look around the house to see that this party was a lot bigger than he thought. There was at least 10 people in each room. Some where in groups chatting away to eachother, some where playing drinking games and others where dancing. A small smile started to grow on raymans face. Everyone seemed to be having fun so it shouldn't be so hard for him to join in right?
"If you wanting a drink feel free to grab whatever you want in the kitchen!"
The drunk class mate spoke a lil more slurred but still sounding enthusiastic. Rayman just gave him a smile and a small thanks before watching him stumble back to a group of people he must have been previously chatting with. 'Now what?' Rayman asked himself as he looked around anxiety curling in his gut like a snake. Does he just go up and chat to someone? He decides before doing anything he should take his coat off which he then hung up on the pegs by the door. He walks further into the house seeing people having fun. ' they make it look so easy' he thought to himself sullenly but a small creature in the corner of his vision distracts him from his thoughts.
"A cat!"
Rayman says aloud to himself before following the cute Calico cat into the kitchen. He doest pay much mind to the people as they seem to be talking amongst themselves. He crouches down In front of the cat petting it gently
"Arnt you just a sweetheart~"
He cous while scratching behind the cats ear. He spots a purple collar and a little silver name tag around the cats neck reaching for it to find out what the cats called. He flips the little silver tag and reads it
"Well hello kaya, aret you a cutie~"
Kaya looks at him Acknowledging he is speaking to her. She let's out a high pitch soft meow that makes rayman chuckle. He always loved animals.
"Of course your making friends with the animals considering you practically are one"
A voice filled with poison and Sadistic Humor spoke from behind him. He looked away from the cat and up to the owner of the voice. It was a guy in a very generic outfit and a blue hat.
"Excuse me?"
He spoke confuse hoping maybe the guy was meaning it as some sort of distasteful joke? Oh lord how he hoped.
"Who the fuck invited this thing to the party!"
Blue hat guy shouted loudly while pointing at rayman looking around the room as he did so. A few people began to giggle and rayman could feel all hope for having a fun night disappear.
"I'm not a 'thing' dipshit!"
Rayman retorted embarrassment making his face feel hot.
"Well what are you then huh?"
He leaned in close to raymans face. There was a short moment of silence before he continued
"Because all I can see is some sort of alien freak!"
The smell of alcohol was reaking from his breath. Rayman didn't like how close he was. How angry he was getting the more he talked. He opened his mouth to speak.
"What the fuck is your problem!"
An angry feminine voice spoke causing both rayman and the drunk guy to turn and face her. She stormed towards the both of them before pushing the drunk guy away from rayman.
"You asshole!, what gives you the right to speak to anyone like that!"
Oh lord was this girl mad. Rayman looked up at her in disbelief as she shouted at the guy who was previously insulting him. Was she defending him? She stood tall in front of rayman making sure she was blocking him out of the drunk guys line of site.
"Hes a fucking freak just look at him!"
The drunk guy slurred his words trying to justify his point but the scowl on the girls face just grew deeper.
"Your fucking disgusting"
She spoke lowly to him
"Thinking you have the right to speak to somone like that, do you think your better than him because he's not from here or something?"
She asked with genuine confusion In her voice
"Is that why? Do you feel more entitled than him because he looks different from you?, because if that's the case then that sound pretty fucking racist if you ask me"
She quirks her brow as if asking a question. He stays silent but his anger is clear on his face
"Men like you disgust me"
She spoke her words laced with anger before she turned around and faced rayman. She jerked her head to the side indicating towards the door
"Let's go"
She said kindly to Rayman who looked up at her like she was some sort of godess that saved him. He nodded quickly before grabbing his jacket and following her outside.
"Well that was a shit show"
He muttered to himself while following after her. She made her way to the sidewalk before taking a seat on the edge of it. She looked over to rayman and patted the place next to her offering him to sit down which he does. The air is chillie enough to see your breath as a moment of silence fell apon them. She pulled a packet of cigarettes out her pocket before offering one to him which he decides to take.
"Thank you..."
Rayman spoke timidly.
"Not just for the cigarette obviously but for everything that went on in there"
That got a little giggle out of her. She brought the cigarette up to her lips taking a long inhale of it.
"It's okay, that guys was being a prick"
She faced rayman with a slightly sullen expression.
" I'm y/n, I don't think I got your name?"
"It's rayman... thank you y/n"
She chuckled again a small smile growing on her face.
"You've already thanked me"
She spoke sweetly
"besides I couldn't just stand and watch. That guy was being cruel for literally no reason"
"People stand and watch all the time"
Rayman spoke sadly but honestly his eyes avoiding hers
"Your the first person who hasn't..."
He looked back up at her to see her intently watching him. There was something behind her eyes he couldn't quite place. Anger?, sadness?, he wasn't sure but he just knew that the feelings weren't directed at him.
"Don't say that man, your gonna make me cry"
She joked half heartdly the sound of her voice wavering was clear.
"Oh nonono!, im so sorry!"
Rayman spoke in a panic
"I wasn't trying to upset you-"
"No no, don't worry!"
She placed a finger over his lips in order to get him to stop talking. He's silent. Pleading eyes staring up to gentle one's as she moves her hand away from his mouth.
"It just makes me upset that nobody was willing to help you before. Don't feel like you need to sensor yourself for my benefit"
She spoke softly to him. Rayman was starting to feel like he didn't have to be so much on edge now that it was just them two alone which was new for him. Usually he had to be more alert if hes gonna be by himself with somone. Even thought he didn't know y/n that much he still felt safer alone with her than back in the house. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and so did he.
They sat there together for a while. Talking and laughing between cigarettes and alcohol. Y/n decided to share a good few bottles of her own alcohol with rayman. It wasn't the nicest of drink but it was good enough and strong too. It didn't take long for the both of them to be intoxicated. They where sitting closer together now the alcohol making them loose the concept of personal space as they chatted.
"Hey this place blows, why don't we go back to my place?"
Y/n suggested as she took another swig out her bottle
"We have been sitting outside getting drunk ourselves, would be warmer at yours too"
Rayman spoke semi to himself as he pondered on the idea
Y/n whined as she grabbed one of raymans shoulders and shook him playful chanting "My house! My house!" Over and over while laughing
"Okay okay!"
Rayman laughed placing his hand ontop of the one y/n placed on his shoulder in hopes it would get her to stop shacking him
"It is better than staying outside the party we kinda just walked out on"
He chuckled as he stood up reaching a hand out for y/n to help her up. She takes it as rayman pulls her up onto her feet. Y/n thanks him before giving herself a big stretch followed by a pleased groan
"Ahh~ Alright!, let's go!"
She glanced over the floor making sure she didn't leave anything behind before looking at rayman a smile spreading across her face.
"We're actually not that far from my house probably like a 10-15 minute walk roughly"
She tilts her head a little to see if raymans okay with that. He gives her a smile and a goofy thumbs up.
"All good, lead the way!"
He smiled enthusiastically. Y/n just laughs before turning around and walking down the street. She checks over her shoulder to see if rayman is following and motions with her hand for him to catch up. Rayman jogs up next to her before sticking to a walking pace. He doesn't know if it's the alcohol or not but he's having more fun tonight than he has in a while but whatever it is he doesn't want this good feeling to go away. Then suddenly y/n gasps
"Oh my god! I just released somthing"
Y/n spoke in a shocked voice
"What is it?"
Rayman look up to her worried as they walked.
"I can order McDonald's!"
Rayman playful hits her shoulder while chuckling
"You bitch, I though you where gonna say something serious"
"I am serious!"
They both laughed as they walked
"Somthing to eat does sound good though"
Rayman agreed and nodded with this idea they began cooking up
"I just want food"
Y/n whined as she walked down the street and before they knew it they where at her house.
"Home~ glorious home~"
Y/n sung aloud to herself while approaching the door making rayman chuckled in amusement. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her key sticking it into the door and opening it. She stood to the side of the door before doing a little bow while gesturing rayman to enter
"Ladies first?"
She teased as rayman walked by rolling his eyes but the smirk on his face was hard to hide. She chuckled at his lack of a reaction before closing the door behind them
End of chapter 1
So what did u guys thinkkkkk 😋😋
I gave the reader and rayman a silly lil dynamic bc I love bammy interactions I think it's so funny so I made them bams
If you have any feedback LMK and i wanna hear ur opinions of if it should stay platonic between rayman and the reader or should I make it more romantic 🤭
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bottlesofrouge · 3 months
on one condition.
harry styles x original character
part two.
word count: 8.5K
Tumblr media
13 JUNE 2018
jackie: why is my sex crazed neighbor standing at my door asking for you
jackie: i think he has gifts????
14 JUNE 2018
lynn never replies to jackie.
it’s not that she doesn’t care, she just… doesn’t care. why should she accept whatever stupid, empty apology harry’s going to offer her. he wasn’t really sorry, she knew that. she also knew that she really wasn’t angry with him.
she lets things build and build until she finally reaches her breaking point, and unfortunately for harry, he was on the receiving end of one of those snaps. there was nothing more to it.
(she is a little curious as to what his gift was)
“lynn,” jane calls for her attention. the girl was sitting in front of her at one of those stone picnic tables at the park. she has melted ice cream running down her chin, and her hands were covered in stickiness, but god, lynn couldn’t love her any more.
“hmm?” lynn hums, reaching to wipe her messy face before the ice cream has a chance to pool on her shirt.
“i’m just happy you’re here,” she grins at the older girl, and lynn’s heart melts just like the ice cream.
amelia’s dance camp ran later than jane’s today, so lynn decided to take her to the park just because it was easier for her. they wouldn’t have to go all the way home, and jane could entertain herself. but, then they passed the ice cream shop on the corner, and lynn couldn’t say no to her sister’s puppy dog eyes.
so, then they were inside. jane ordered mint chip in a bowl because it was green, and green’s her favorite color. lynn asked for chocolate with rainbow sprinkles on a sugar cone.
they weren't outside for more than two seconds when jane decided she doesn’t like mint after all.
“you can spend the night at my place if you want to tonight.” lynn offers, and she sees the younger girl’s face light up.
“yes! yes!,” she chants, and lynn reminds her to lick her ice cream cone.
jane, amelia, and lynn are laying in lynn’s bed, watching a random movie that amelia had chosen. growing up, the two of them could never agree on what to watch. ninety nine percent of the time it was because they were all nearly a decade apart (lynn was twelve years older than amelia and twenty two years older than jane). and the other one percent was because amelia just liked causing problems.
but, amelia was older now which meant they could watch more mature movies while jane slept soundly next to them (which is exactly what is happening right now). they were surrounded by tons of blanket and pillows, and more popcorn crumbs and kernels than lynn would like.
honestly, deep down, she didn’t really care. her sisters could turn her apartment upside down and she would happily clean up after them because (most of the time) it meant they were having fun. and she wanted her sisters to have the fun, care-free childhood she didn’t get.
silas: i’m home. i know you must have been worried sick about me since i left.
lynn: you spent a singular night at the airport... did you want me to send a card?
silas: flowers would be appreciated as well
lynn: im glad you got home safe, silas. you know that.
silas: i know, lynn. what are you up to?
silas: besides ignoring jackie.
“amelia, take a picture with me,” her sister leans in the frame and sticks her tongue out. “its for silas.” the middle sister only hums before turning her attention back to the movie.
lynn: attachment: 1 image
silas: pretty girls
lynn: too sweet silas
lynn: im not ignoring jackie im ignoring her neighbor
silas: she said he was hot
lynn: she thought chad was the epitome of hot
silas: fair
“can you maybe turn the ringer off?” amelia’s eyes are still on the television as she speaks.
“yeah, sorry,” she turns the ringer off, and slides her phone away from them. “i wanted to spend time with you tonight anyways. i feel like i never see you.”
“im growing up,” amelia rolls her eyes. “it’s not like i died.”
“i was just saying i missed you.”
and it was true. lynn felt like she rarely saw amelia (besides when she was busy driving her to whatever extracurriculars she was participating in at the moment). she was always out with friends when lynn stopped by for dinner, and really, amelia just didn’t come around as much as jane did.
amelia doesn’t say anything, and the moment’s passed so lynn lets it go, and turns her attention back to the movie. no one speaks again until amelia offers to watch jane in the morning so lynn can attend her hot yoga class.
15 JUNE 2018
"you really didn't have to do this," her finger's tracing the rim of her mug as she speaks. "i said it was fine."
"i know," harry replies. "but i wanted to."
gemma's sitting across from him at some local cafe by her apartment. he missed dinner with her (again) so, now he's up at the crack of dawn (really it was nearing seven in the morning) to make it up to his sister. he didn't necessarily want to be there, but he needed to be. that is if he wanted to save whatever was left of their relationship.
and really, he shouldn't be blamed for missing the dinner. lynn was sleeping in his bed, and he couldn't leave her. what if she woke up and needed something? like a gluten-free beef stew that took fifty-five minutes to make. or maybe a vegan red bean and rice skillet. he definitely didn't spend an hour scouring the internet and his cabinets for an allergen-friendly meal. no, because that would be crazy.
"mom said you were seeing someone," she raises her brow towards her brother, and harry can feel the sweat on his forehead already forming.
"its not anything serious. we're just," he panics and chooses gemma's earlier words. "seeing each other at the moment."
harry doesn't know a lot of things. like why the sky is blue or what the answer to seven thousand times ninety-three is. he doesn't know how wifi works and he doesn't know any other language besides english. but (more importantly) he doesn't know why he told his parents that lynn was his girlfriend.
it slipped out too easily. they were sitting in some restaurant a few days after, and his mom asked about her and he said it. it was supposed to be a joke because they had known each other for mere days, but then he saw the look in her eyes and he couldn't tell her that they didn't exchange more than five words with each other since they left that stupid barbecue.
"well, i'd like to meet her," gemma's grinning at him and it makes him sick to his stomach. "whenever you're serious and not just seeing each other at the moment."
"yeah," he smiles back at her, trying to ignore the bile rising in his throat. "for sure."
maybe he wouldn't be in this mess if he just would've talked to lynn when he ran into her on campus the other day instead of opening his goddamn mouth and letting whatever misogynist bullshit fall from it.
and if that wasn't humiliating enough, showing up at her friend's apartment with chocolates was icing on the cake. her friend (who he now knows as jacqueline) was so incredibly nice, but he probably looked like a complete psychopath. just showing up at a stranger's house... looking for someone that didn't even live there. he hated himself so much.
he looks at his sister for a second and instantly wishes he hadn't. growing up, he always felt like he was looking in a mirror when he looked at her. the two had the same dark brown hair and green eyes. their smiles were a bit lopsided, and their laughs sounded nearly the same.
now, when harry looks at his sister, he sees everything he's missing. gem graduated college at the top of her class, and she earned her spot as a top public relations specialist for a marketing company having only worked there for a year. she's married the love of her life, and they own a house that's close to his parents. gemma's family dinner invitations never get forgotten, and never once has her wedding invitation "gotten lost in the mail". harry's never seen his mom give her that look (except for the time she landed in the county jail), and their dad always, always lets her know just how proud she makes him.
harry wishes he was her sometimes.
the two siblings sat at the table for nearly an hour. she talked about andrew, and his absolute obsession with model trains. harry thought it was rather interesting, but gemma thought it was the hottest thing ever (ew). she filled him in on the extended family drama that she learned about at last month's family dinner, and he doesn't know how to tell her that he'd rather talk about anything else. really, anything. so, he brings up drew's model train collection again.
gemma's running late to work, so harry takes their used mugs to the drop-off station and follows her out of the coffee shop. saying goodbye to his sister was always bittersweet. bitter because he really did love her. she had the kindest soul and cared for him so much. honestly, he rarely saw her, but that was mostly his own doing. they lived thirty minutes apart and most days the drive seemed a bit too much.
saying goodbye was sweet because he felt like he could finally breathe when she was gone. gemma was suffocating in the most motherly way possible.
"i'll come see you," she says with her arms around his neck. "and... what did mom say her name was? lynn?"
there's a hum a few feet away from them and harry opens his eyes to see lynn standing less than two feet away from them.
it's honestly like a scene from a movie, and harry is punching the fucking wall (metaphorically of course) because how could something like this happen in real like. if the two would've said goodbye inside like gemma insisted, this entire thing could've been avoided.
he's staring at her with so much intensity, begging her silently to please not say anything. but, he's harry, and nothing good ever happens to harry.
"wow harry, brown hair and pretty green eyes. you must be really restraining yourself," and in any other situation, he would've laughed because, he'll admit, lynn was funny.
"who's this?" gemma's looking in between them and harry just really wants to die.
"i'm lynn," she reaches out her hand. "and you must be his-"
"my sister!" he interrupts. he pulls his shirt collar away from his neck. when did it get so hot outside? "lynn this is my sister, gemma. gemma, this is lynn."
"oh wow, this is such a great coincidence," gemma's smiling at lynn. "i'm running late, but you two should come over this weekend. drew and i would be happy to cook dinner. it's been so long since harry's had a partner."
lynn looks over the top of her glasses at harry, and she's smiling one of those fake smiles that don't reach her eyes, and fuck, he was done for. he could feel his heart beating all the way in his fingertips, and he's not sure what he's embarrassed more by. the fact that lynn knows he's lied to his sister, or the fact that she just told everyone on the street corner that he hasn't dated anyone in so long.
"actually," lynn says, and that smile is still glued to her face. "harry, why don't you tell her?"
"we were going to invite you to mine this weekend," harry's talking so fast that lynn can't get a word in. "i'll text you, alright? you've got two minutes," harry taps his watch, and gemma's eyes widen. she hugs harry, and yells a goodbye to lynn as she's running into her office building next door.
"your partner," lynn's looking at him with her arms crossed in front of her. "as if i would ever be with someone like you."
"you don't know me, lynn," he rubs his eyes, trying to push whatever tears were threatening to fall back in. because really, he shouldn't be crying, but he was absolutely mortified. maybe if he stood close enough to the edge of the sidewalk, a student driver would clip him. not enough to kill him, but a little amnesia and maybe a light coma would be pleasant.
"look, im sorry, okay? i didn't mean to make you-" his voice cracks and suddenly death by student driver isn't sounding too bad. "i want to talk if you're up for it. we can grab dinner there," he nods his head towards a random restaurant across the street. "maybe tonight at 7? only come if you want. no pressure. i don't even have your phone number so no annoying texts or unwanted phone calls."
he doesn't even wait for her to respond before turning around and feeling the hot, fresh tears slide down his face. he shouldn't be crying. there was no denying that. but, harry hasn't felt this humiliated since his mom held that make-shift intervention. he knows it's a little dramatic, but he would rather drop dead than feel this level of embarrassment ever again.
embarrassment has always been harry's least favorite feeling. his body always went warm, and his face and ears burned so badly, he knew they were hot to the touch. he hated feeling that way because his body was so telling. anyone around him would be able to tell that he was completely humiliated, and that just made him feel horrible.
when he gets back to his apartment, jacqueline is just walking out of hers. if he's quiet enough, he thinks he'll be able to go undetected because the girl always takes the stairs. no matter the time of day or how many bags of groceries she was carrying, jacqueline would never be caught taking the elevator.
except for today, apparently, because as soon as she locks her door, she turns to the right and starts making her way to the elevator.
"hey," she smiles warmly at him. "headed to professor sullivan's class?"
"fuck," harry bangs his head on his door a little too hard before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. how did he manage to forget the singular class he has been attending nearly every day for the last two weeks?
he clears his throat and turns to offer jacqueline a smile, but it comes across in a way that suggests he might be going slightly crazy. "uh, i don't think so. maybe next time."
"are you sure? she has a really strict attendance policy," jacqueline says. honestly, harry hates the idea of taking a journalism class, and he wasn't sure why a fifth one was added into the course study. he was majoring in public relations and to him at least, five journalism classes was overdoing it just a bit. "you can come over and copy my reading notes if you'd like. then, you can drive us so we won't be late."
"are you sure?"
"i really don't want to take the bus if im being honest," harry laughs a little before telling her he'd be right back.
he gets his school bag from the desk in his room, and meets jacqueline in her apartment. the two sit on her couch while harry copies her notes from whatever reading they were supposed to do over night. the girl offers harry coffee, and comes back from her kitchen with a to-go coffee cup filled with the best oat milk latte harry has ever tried.
"thanks again for the notes, jacqueline," harry says, closing his notebook and leaning further back into her couch. the cushions are so soft. he could probably fall asleep right now.
"please, call me jackie. consider the notes a thank you for driving me," she smiles at him, and harry takes a moment to really look at her. jackie looked the complete opposite of lynn. she had dark, curly hair and deep brown eyes. her skin was tan, and she was significantly shorter than him. she's always smiling, even after taking the ungodly amount of stairs, and harry thinks she's probably the nicest person he's ever met.
"we can carpool from now on," he says. "since i'll be going there anyways."
she offers him another warm smile and decides that they should get going because jackie hates being late, and to her, being on time is still considered late. they take the elevator down to ground level (thank god), and she follows him to his car. harry silently thanks whatever higher being may be listening for convincing him to throw away all of his tear-stained and snot-filled drive-thru napkins from earlier.
"i tried to give lynn your gift by the way," jackie says while looking out the window. "i don't want you to think i didn't."
"thank you," he replies. "i shouldn't have brought them. i just felt bad and... i don't know. it was stupid of me."
"it wasn't," she speaks with such sincerity, it makes harry smile. "she's not usually like this," jackie lets such a long sigh out, and harry can see her breath fogging up the window. "the lynn i grew up with would've written you a five-page thank you note just because you thought of her."
harry knows jackie's only venting, but he isn't really sure what to say. he didn't really know either of them, but he can't help but wonder what exactly she meant by that.
"sorry," she smiles at him again, and harry wonders if that's the only facial expression she ever makes.
"there's nothing to be sorry for," he replies, and she turns back to look out the window.
the two sit next to each other in class, and harry is glad to see that jackie seems to hate professor sullivan's lectures just as much as she does. he finds himself constantly checking the clock, and it's like the minute hand barely moves in between each glance. the longest he's gone without looking so far has been a whopping seven minutes.
during a particularly long speech about the importance of credibility, which is something harry had learned about during his first year here three years ago, jackie leans over and scribbles in the top corner of his notebook. when she leans back, harry takes a look at what she wrote.
omg move on already
he feels himself grinning as he pencils a 'god i know' in the margins of her notebook.
the two do this back and forth for the entire lecture, writing to each other when professor sullivan went on rant after rant. and when professor sullivan pointed at harry to answer some question he wasn't paying attention to, jackie answered for him, pretending like she couldn't tell who the woman was pointing to.
"she gives the worst lectures. i swear im always on the brink of falling asleep." jackie says as the two walk down the hallway of the very oversized communications building.
"tell me about it," harry accidentally bumps into her with his arm. "i don't even know why this was added to my course study."
"yours too? they added two to mine right as i'm about to graduate."
"that sucks," harry says. "i've got to make a stop real quick. is that alright?"
"actually, my next class is in twenty minutes upstairs," jackie slows down her walking and nods to the staircase a few feet in front of them. of course, she's taking the stairs.
"alright," harry says. "if you ever want to study or anything, my front door is always unlocked."
"i'm not sure if you're serious, but you shouldn't go around telling people that," she jokes. "i'll see you tuesday?"
"tuesday it is," he nods.
jackie offer a small wave as he leaves, and harry feels a little sick the entire seven-minute drive back to his apartment. he wasn't sure if it was the fact that he was going to have to face lynn now, or the fact that he didn't know if she was coming that made him so anxious, but that doesn't stop him from throwing up in the community trash can.
picking out an outfit feels like the hardest thing harry's ever done since he spent a week in an organic chemistry class. he didn't really know where they were eating, and he didn't know if he was supposed to be trying to impress lynn. the only thing he did know was another mick jagger cosplayer comment might be just what he needs to set him over the edge. he opts for jeans and a white polo shirt from his short-lived student coaching stint at the beginning of freshman year.
harry's deciding which cologne to wear (or if he should wear any at all because what if strong smells give lynn a headache) when he throws up again.
the drive to the restaurant feels way shorter than when he had made it earlier today. it was like he had blinked and he was there. the nearly hour-long drive with rush hour traffic was a complete blur.
he decides to sit on a bench that was conveniently located outside. the restaurant seemed to be a tex-mex situation and harry wanted to cry because that was his least favorite kind of food. he loved mexican food, but there was something about white people putting their own spin on dishes that kind of grossed him out.
he waits for ten minutes, and then twenty, and by this time harry's starting to get a little embarrassed. the amount of times the hostess came out to ask if he was ready to put his name in for a table was already at three, and he thinks he'll have to leave the country if it reaches five.
she comes out the fourth time around 7:30 and harry gives her his name because firstly, he's starving. and second, he cannot let her ask a fifth time.
"if your date doesn't show up, i get off in twenty," she winks at him and harry can feel his cheeks warm. he licks his lips and goes to take her up on her offer because she was insanely attractive and harry was incredibly bored.
"no need," lynn is standing next to him with one of her fake smiles on her face. "if you would've given me more than a second of your time, i could've told you i was free at 7:30," she says, leaning down so her lips were level with his ear. she kisses his cheek before standing up and asking the hostess if their table was ready.
"you could've texted," harry says as they follow the girl. "you have my number."
lynn looks at him with furrowed brows, and harry taps his forehead. "that's right. you ignored the gift i left with your friend."
"so flowers are supposed to make up for what you said?" lynn crosses her arms in front of her at the table, and orders a double jack and coke when the waiter stops by a second later.
"i'll have a water, please," harry smiles politely and waits until the guy leaves before turning back to look at lynn. "they were chocolates actually."
"even worse," she stares at him blankly before yawning, like spending time with harry is the most boring thing to do in the world.
"i really didn't owe you anything," being around lynn brings out the worst in him. "me saying that women thank me for bringing them home is somehow worse than you continuously implying i have this great big fantasy of fucking myself, right?"
"you're right," she takes a drink from her jack and coke. "i was having a rough day. i'm sorry."
harry gasps and puts his hand over his chest. "lynn apologizing? did hell just freeze over?"
"ha ha. you're so funny, harry," her tone is robotic. "but i mean it. i'm sorry. and i have a proposition for you."
"what might that be?" harry leans forward, and lynn raises her brow like she's expecting harry to say whatever sexual innuendo he's biting back. and of course he doesn't make it because that would be wildly inappropriate (but it definitely involves the bright red lipstick she's wearing).
lynn asks him if he would be interested in fake dating her, and harry sits there as she explains it and pretends like that wasn't the entire reason he had invited her out to the restaurant in the first place. he was expecting to beg, maybe even get on his hands and knees, so he was happy to sit back and watch lynn list out all of the pros and cons with pleading eyes while he enjoyed the taco salad he had ordered a little while prior.
he feels a little bad for not interrupting her before she got to the ten-minute mark of her very well thought out proposal. she even included how she was completely okay with labeling it as an open relationship so harry could sleep with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted without worrying that someone they knew might see them, and he had to admit that that condition alone made his answer an immediate yes.
"i'll do it on one condition," harry drinks from his water glass and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "you can't fall in love with me."
"ah, there's the harry i know," lynn flicks her crinkled straw wrapper at his face, and it lands in the middle of his salad. he frowns and tries to fish it out with his fork, but he decides he's not really that hungry anymore. "something tells me that won't be a problem."
17 JUNE 2018
in her twenty seven years of being alive, lynn has never met her boyfriends' families. of course she met luke's, but lynn had known liz and robert way before she and luke were even a thing, so it felt wrong to count that. her college boyfriend's parents were dead (or so he told her for the entirety of their relationship), and the guy she saw briefly after him never became serious enough for her to even learn his parents' names.
so, here she was, sitting at a dinner table surrounded by harry's immediate family. harry had cooked some kind of italian chicken dish that lynn had to chase with a gulp of wine after each bite. it wasn't that it was that bad, she just hated chicken (and also it was that bad).
she had expected it to be awkward, meeting his parents and sister for the first time, but this was borderline unbearable. no one really spoke besides his dad when he would ask gemma about her new promotion at whatever company she worked for. his sister always answered with a polite smile, but lynn could tell it made her uncomfortable by the pitying glances she would give harry after she answered.
"so, lynn," marianne lightly dabs her mouth with a napkin. "your mom tells me you dropped out of school to work in a bakery. any plans of going back?"
john laughs under his breath at this, and lynn feels her face growing incredibly hot. "not at the moment, no."
"well certainly that'll change, right? i don't think decorating cakes would be a long-term career for someone who seems intelligent like yourself," his dad says. marianne scolds him quietly, and lynn can feel harry tensing next to him.
part of her wants harry to stick up for her, but he doesn't. instead, he pushes his food around his plate, doesn't even look up from the table. each second of silence that passes feels more suffocating than the last.
"i think six figures for overseeing my bakery that i spent years building is a pretty good career, don't you think, john?" it comes out so incredible rude, but lynn means it. she wasn't going to sit around and feel belittled by grown adults. harry might be able to sit back and take it, but there was no way in hell she was going to do the same.
"kathleen didn't mention it was yours," marianne smiles at her like she's trying to diffuse whatever situation is brewing. "sounds like lots of hard work. we'll have to stop by sometime."
"yeah, maybe," lynn's offering the older woman a smile that was just as fake as hers, and she feels harry nudging her with his elbow as if she was the one who did something wrong. she wasn't going to apologize or whatever the fuck harry wanted her to do, so instead she excuses herself to the bathroom.
when lynn had brought up the idea of fake dating, she had assumed it would be more of a social media relationship. he could change his facebook status to in a relationship —with lynn adams, and lynn would post a few instagram stories. nothing too crazy, just a little soft launching to keep her friends off her back. nothing could have prepared her for something like this.
when she returns to the table, her dinner dish is cleared, and instead there is a small dessert plate sitting in it's place. there's a sheet cake sitting in the center of the table, and gemma is smiling uncomfortably as her husband takes a picture of her with it. when she sits down, she's able to catch the "congratulations gemma" written in pink icing. god, this was going to be a long night.
lynn's in the kitchen washing the dinner dishes when his family decides to call it a night. they don't come in to say goodbye to her, and she thanks god because lynn doesn't think she could stand to be around them for two more minutes.
"lynn," harry's leaning against the door frame, and lynn keeps her back to him. she shuts off the water even though half of the dishes were still remaining, and dries her hands with the dish rag sitting next to the sink.
"lynn," he tries again. "i'm sorry."
"why don't you stand up to them?" she leans against his sink. "i would never let my dad talk to you like that, harry. especially if you were doing me a favor like this."
"what?" his eyes move from the ground to her face. "what about the way you spoke to him?"
"im not apologizing for that," she scoffs. "he had no right to speak to me like that."
"he's an adult and you're-"
"an adult too," she pushes past him because quite honestly she was done with this conversation. lynn puts on her shoes by his front door and ignores harry repeatedly asking her where she's going before storming over to jackie's apartment.
18 JUNE 2018
"yeah, she's here," she hears jackie's sleepy voice coming from her front door. "sorry she worried you, harry. see you tomorrow."
lynn pretends she's been fast asleep when jackie gently rubs her arm and asks if she wants to move to the guest room.
19 JUNE 2018
"im just saying, why do we have to still be in class when she doesn't."
"okay, you've got a point," jackie's swinging her feet while she sits on the stool at his breakfast bar. "at least we get to work together though."
harry passes her mug across the bar, "yeah, i guess so."
professor sullivan canceled their class today, and instead sent everyone a link to a hefty seven-five-question pop quiz, and harry was less than thrilled about it. especially because the cancellation email was sent out thirty minutes before class started.
"i think we should take yours first. that way we can use my course material to answer," jackie takes a sip of the coffee harry made her and hums. "and then we can take pictures of each answer and use them to answer mine."
and that's what they do. harry reads the question, jackie looks up the answer, and then he takes a photo of whatever answer they've selected. it takes nearly an hour and a half and three cups of coffee to complete the seventy-five questions. harry even apologizes at one point because his folgers and chobani sweet cream coffee creamer is no match to jackie's oat milk lattes. she only smiles at him, and takes a second cup.
"oh my god," harry leans over to look at the girl's laptop screen.
"we should've known the questions were going to be in random order," harry taps his phone screen. "i can take yours for you if you want. so you don't miss your next class."
"thanks, but that one was canceled, too. i think they're having a power outage in that building."
jackie and harry sit there for another two hours taking her quiz. she reads the first few words of three questions at a time and harry goes through all seventy-five photos to see which one held the correct answer. the two move from coffee to the half-empty bottle of red wine harry had started drinking last night, and by the time they're done, they're sitting on his couch with merlot-stained lips and two '96%'s displayed on their laptop screens.
and harry really doesn't know what led to them eating dinner at his kitchen table, but they do. they're eating cheap chinese food right out of the container along with a few more glasses of red wine. at one point, they forget the glasses altogether and pass a freshly opened bottle back and forth between them until it's nearly empty.
"i don't think you're as mean as lynn says you are," jackie says, her lips pressed to the bottle.
harry feels like he's been punched in the stomach when he realizes lynn had told her about their situation. not because he was embarrassed, but because he really, really wanted to taste the merlot on jackie's lips.
"it's an open relationship," harry says, and jackie offers him a closed-lipped smile. "we could-"
"ask me another time," the girl interrupts. "when i haven't had a bottle of wine."
jackie stands up and takes most of their dinner mess to the kitchen before harry stands up to help her. they throw most of it away, and jackie puts their dirty silverware into his dishwasher.
they're standing by his front door a few moments later. neither of them are talking, but jackie's looking at harry in a way that makes his entire body warm.
"for the record," her finger runs along the side of his hand. "i really wanted to say yes. goodnight harry."
22 JUNE 2018
lynn's been sitting outside jackie's apartment with two full boxes of pastries she had stolen from her bakery before it closed today for at least twenty minutes. she knocked for a solid five minutes before resorting to calling the girl. she had gotten to call number thirty-seven when the elevator dinged and jackie walked out with harry trailing right behind her.
"hey," lynn calls for their attention. "i've been calling you."
her friend shrugs and lynn pretends not to notice the way harry's lips are faintly stained red. or the way the red is the exact same shade as the girl's lipstick. "must've left my phone."
jackie unlocks her door and invites the two inside and lynn waits for harry to be right behind her before whispering an "expected nothing less" which makes harry roll his eyes.
"you said this was an open relationship, lynn," harry says. the two are whisper arguing in the doorway of the apartment while the sound of jackie rummaging through her liquor cabinet echoes around them.
"yeah, open as in you're free to sleep with a random girl from the bar. i didn't mean..." her voice falls because she's not really sure what she meant. "whatever, these are for your parents. my apologies for being a bitch the other night."
"maybe you should bring them back tomorrow... for the dinner you're supposed to be attending."
"i'd actually rather kill myself," she says. "tell them i said hello."
"you promised, lynn," his voice is soft. like he's pleading with her rather than yelling at her in a way that jackie can't hear, and he's rocking on his feet moving just the slightest bit closer to her.
"and you promised you'd come to my sister's dance recital today," she pushes the boxes further into his chest. "i can assume you were busy with something other than your journalism quiz."
"something in addition to my journalism quiz," and lynn wants to smack the smirk right off of his face. this whole thing made her feel a little sick. "please lynn, i'll come to the next one. i swear."
"since you've supplied the last two times," jackie's standing in front of them with a bottle of jack in one hand and two cans of coke in the other. she smiles one of the smiles lynn used to find so comforting, but this time, it only makes her stomach churn.
it wasn't even two weeks ago when jackie was so concerned about her. she doesn't understand how she could go from that to whatever the hell she was doing with harry. lynn wouldn't have minded (at least she thinks so), but jackie could've at least asked her. harry was her boyfriend after all.
lynn leaves jackie's apartment with the two pastry boxes, dinner plans for tomorrow, and silas on facetime.
"please tell me it's not as weird as it makes me feel," lynn props her phone against the dashboard so she can see silas's face.
"honestly el... you're sure you told her you were together?"
lynn nods and turns her blinker on to get out of the complex. "after i told her how horrible he had been to me, too."
she had already told silas about the fake relationship because the two tell each other everything. "he probably showed a little interest in her. think about it. chad and her broke up how long ago and she still talks about it."
"i don't think she's that desperate for male attention."
"maybe not. but definitely desperate enough for attention from people who resemble chad."
lynn hums, "yeah probably."
"i cannot put into words how much i hate chad." silas says. "jackie deserved so much better than him."
"what if harry's that, and im just standing in their way?"
silas frowns at her. "i find harry extremely attractive, but i would never do that to you, lynn. open relationship or not. there's just some lines you don't cross."
"yeah," she's not sure if she agrees with silas entirely. "i don't know. we're not even together. i have no reason to be mad."
"she thinks you two are together. that's a little fucked up, lynn," and really she's nothing but grateful for silas. he always made everything feel just a little bit more okay. like she wasn't crazy for being upset with jackie. "i'll talk to her and see where her head's at."
"have i told you how grateful i am for you?"
"not today," he grins. "but i do take venmo and paypal. i'll send the handles your way."
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pagodazz · 1 month
spare patrick/michael andersen headcanons to cure my brainrot mayhaps?
are you a god send????? I have literally been sitting here rocking back and forth waiting for someone to ask for more of these PLEASE IM SOOO HAPPY TO PROVIDE!!!!
Recently I've been thinking a lot about how Michael and Patrick function as a "We", I think it's so interesting because all the other characters we deal with when they have an entity they want them out and are begging to be saved while it's just not like that with them.
they're able to communicate with each other and they're able to understand each other's needs. They're very dependent on each other or atleast Patrick is VERY dependent on Michael, which to be fair he's like a parasite, a chip in Michael's head, right??? Which is what I think separates them from everyone else, Patrick and Michael are not like Evan and HABIT, Evan is HABITs favorite toy, Patrick and Michael are MADE for each other.
Now I've even thought about what this means for dating and stuff HELP. as someone who has a stupid crack ship or Vinnie w these guys (but you can use this for ur own or just ignore this part of you don't see them in relationships), I've tried to find something that makes sense,, and it's pretty much just polyamory but your 2 boyfriends share a body. A two for the price of one type of deal HELP. I don't think Patrick is one to actively seek out romance but if it happens to be something that finds him, I don't think he'd have the strength to really push it away, him and Michael really only knows how to run. I think they'd be a package deal if you love one you have to love both because they're JUST THAT INTERTWINED. I don't see them as being very romantic with each other, but I can see them being so in touch with each others emotions that they can't help but feel the same things.
Michael would probably explain his situation to people and if they're not able to understand him and accept him he can't be with them because what is the POINT. If they don't accept him for all the shit he's got going on, they could never really even love him. And I think he would want Patrick to be loved too, he doesn't want him to be alone even if Patrick is with him, he knows it's just not enough sometimes.
I think Michael would write stories when he was in the ward, him and Patrick would come up with ideas because the other kids would be too scared to talk to them. Instead of playing with the others Michael would hide off In a corner writing stories or just playing alone when in reality he's actually playing with Patrick. They would come up with endless stories and Michael knew he wouldn't share them with anyone else, except maybe Shaun.
The stories would probably be more true stories, even if Michael didn't know they were, Patrick would. Patrick obviously would wait a long time before ever revealing to Michael that they both truly know more than anyone could ever know. Michaels stories would be dark and violent, they'd be horror filled, he wouldn't be able to write about happy things, because he doesn't have anything happy to write about.
MICHAEL ANDERSEN IS A STONER, it's easy for him and it feels good, even when he does too much and gets paranoid he's just glad his head isn't screaming at him and all he really has to worry about are the figures he see out of the corner of his eye, which he'd see if he was sober anyways.
I think he is a big fan of stuff from the 80s - early 2000s stuff. I think he'd have the original Xbox and a box tv. IM TALKING OLDD.
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I think there's just something about it that's so him,,, AND HE WOULD SO OWN A PLAYSTATION ASWELL. he's such a gamer to me, he wants to make up for all the shit he missed out on.
I think he would really like this one hulk game "hulk ultimate destruction",,, I USED TO BE OBSESSED WITH THAT GAME AS I KID.
I like to think in my own slenderverse world Vinnie (& Shaun would too) would show Michael all these games and get him OBSESSED. he's definitely a my sims guy, NOT REGULAR SIMS,, IM TALKING THESE FUCKERS
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I feel like he would absolutely ADORE THIS GAME. am I projecting?? absolutely. But they are SO HIM TO ME.
have some pictures that make me think of Michael and Patrick
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roachemoji · 11 months
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Stranger Things S2 01
this is just me live blogging watching ST none of my thoughts are v coherent enjoy <3
STARTING OFF REAL INTERESTING BUT REAL TALK when you have like a cool haircut how do you expect not to be found if u do a crime???? LIKE I LOVE YOUR MOHAWK AND I GET IT U DONT WANT TO COVER IT BC OBVIOUSLY BUT!!!!
this is NOT the focus obviously its about the fact theres other kids from the lab BUT AKSHDAKSJDKH
also the boys have grown SO MUCH !!!!!!! i forget there was actual real time between when these were filmed KSJHD im so excited to see Will and his perpetual bowl cut
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Will is so tiny ..... and little? oh hes being teleported into the fucking upside down again baby boy im so fucking sorry also ilu but why would you just walk outside away from wher eyour friends WERE to look at the horrifying shit world you were trapped and almost died in ????? aSDKJH
Im gonna have to DM you on discord or something so i can properly save all the things you have to say about the timelines and how the Russian shit plays into that because was anyone calling El (im assuming he's referring to her) is Russian??? IK this is possibly the third (?) timeline we've seen (genuinely let me know if i can do that its ok if not i forget tumblr has Dms)
NANCY AND STEVE ALSO BESTIES IM CRYING STEVE IS hes trying so hard are they dating my brain is so full of queer shit that im so deadset on platonic hetero relationships - i paused for one second and unpaused and they kissed SO THAT ANSWERS MY QUESTION
idk what relationships to pay more attention to bc the dynamic between Mike and El interests me the most because of how compulsory everything feels and how El is going to navigate a completetly new environment and how Mike will cope with that? (im assuming its not well)
OH is this the !!! the guy that i see people talk about all the time YEAHHH THE BLOND MULLET MAN AND MAX what the fuck is his name Billy??? He looks trans
I love Mr Clark so much and everyone who looks bored in his class just doesnt GET IT
JOYCE MY MOM WHO IS THIS GUY HES??? GOOFY AND SHES SO HAPPY ??? BOB !!! i have no initial bad opinions of him bc hes silly and goofy and he makes Joyce so happy and she deserves to be SO SOSOS OS HAPPY and nothing but happy
IF i have to endure another god damn Hopper flash back im gonna throw up and scream and cry and lose my mind and I won't recover and I'll never come back
Im in call while I watch this episode because i really wanted to get through while and actually use my brain bc i don't that often - but my roommates bird is sitting next to her mic and farting really really softly into it and its making me lose my fucking mind
ADN STEVE TOO!!! IM SORRY YOURE A THIRD WHEEL BUT its the start of season 2 how do we feel about polyam relationships between them where the audience for that point me in the correct direction
God i feel so ba for Will like to be??? singled out like that especially in elementary school? hell.
REALLY starting to see how this might be a different timelinei have no idea how ???? Joyce would.... trust them??? UNLESS THIS IS A HOSPITAL no its not ho films ina fucking hospital like this
also theyre mentioning the upside down
I understand needing to go back to the only place that fully understands that it exists and you need a place to talk to someone and also monitor him physically without being dismissed as insane - but i dont understand how Joyce OR Hopper would trust the Lab again after everything happened??????
I'm glad that he's actually getting help, and im glad that Joyce and Hopper are there to make him feel safe and support him given everything but !!!!!
this iS THE. He has PTSD. when did they get the word to describe that akjhaskjdh NVM HE JUST SAID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO IS PRETENDING LIKE EVERYTHING IS NORMAL HELPFUL BC IT SURE THE FUCK IS N OT FOR ME ????????? also who is this DR hes kinder but "i need you to trust me" to JOYCE AFTER THE BRENNER SHIT ???
also them NOT MENTIONING IT WHEN THEY LEAVE BUT JOYCE UPSET ABOUT THE WHOLE "i need you to trust me" THING B UT NOT BRINIGN UP BRENNER?????? susususususus timeline shit anyway EM @ me tell me wahts up kiss kiss mwuah mwuah
OH they've upped their guinea pig game on entering the upside down and the gatelooks fucking uglier and uglier LOVE THE TORCH glad it works but no wonder the gate looks angry???
ough i have a feeling her older brother is gonna ..... trigger me a lil but we'll get through it
If YouR fRiEnD jUmPs OfF a ClIfF 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
realizing they defenitely can't tell her parent's what actually happened to her an di hate that im gonna oaufkahd girl im so sorry im so sorry im so osrry UPSET BC SHE AS A CHARACTER DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE I WISH THEY HADN'T DONE HER DIRTY LIKE THAT
all the photos of her would make me so ill to look at like god NANCYYY THE GUILT AND B LAME GIRLIEEEE
also Mike rebelling after experiencing that kind of trauma and losing Will and El even though Will came back he's not the same of corse he's struggling - calling it with the !!!! WALKIE TALKIEEEE girl i miss her too
HONESTLY props to him again for not like invesigating something that was probably gonna be HORRIBLE he'd survive a horror movie
BOB i love you so far and ik that being a step parent in these situation (even tho hes only dating Joyce its the same) is so hard especially when there are kids involved BUT YOURE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB
love me a tech who accidentally ignores the alarms going off (i couldnt hear the song playing it feels important - unintentially placing importance on all the music in this show now thank u em)
OohuaAHDAKJH OH WILL IS GONNA get ,,,,, yoinked back again isn't he ouguhadhAKHDJS interesting that it really only affects the *outside* like doors are now portals in a way ? i cant remember if it affected the inside of the arcade immediately or not
Wood Waffle Hours !!!!!!!!!! OH NO CABIN HOURS??? IS SHE. IS SHE. BIG EYE BALL EMOJIS LET ME SEE MY GIRL LET ME SEE THE BABY GIRL !!!! this entire scene makes it seem like shes a fucking AKSJDHA freak ass creature
thank u for reading these were my thoughts
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halotopicecream · 2 years
You’ve always been a weak person when it came to your boyfriend, Minhos voice.
You’re bored, sitting in your boyfriends dorm waiting for him and his members to come back from practice, which should be almost over by now. What can you do to pass the time, you may ask?
Well, watch your boyfriends face cams of course.
So you opened YouTube on the tv, opening your account and going to the search bar and typing in ‘Stray Kids Minho face cam’ and you got more than enough videos to keep you im entertained until he returns.
You click the first one you see, which is his ‘Thunderous’ face cam, one of your favorite songs of theirs. Watching Minho perform was always entertaining; seeing how me glided across the stage and does the moves like he was born doing so always has you entrapped.
The video ended quicker than you thought it would and you let the next one load up. “Tiger Inside? Have I not seen this one? Odd, it’s really popular.” Your mumble, sitting against the couch cushions, munching on your favorite chips.
It started, and the minute it did you were sitting up.
He looked so good. The music started and your pretty sure you stopped blinking once it did, not wanting to miss a single move from your partner.
Then, he came to the center, they familiar confident sass in his walk as he sang and danced. He looked so… animated, and you couldn’t look away. From they way his lips moved to his his body went along with the music perfectly, it was impossible for you to look away.
As the part ended you got around for the remote, pointing it to the tv and restarting that part once again. It went again, and you replayed it again, and again, and again. At this point you’ve lost count of how pant times you’ve watched this part and decided you needed to move on to finish the face cam, but after his part went again and you let it continue on, your fingers twitched with the need to see it again.
Your brain was telling you to play it again and you listened.
“What is it about this? Why can’t I… look away?” Just then the door moved open just as you replayed his part again. The laughter of fur boys quickly filled the somewhat silent space, and you felt a smile creep onto your lips as you heard them put their things down.
“Hey Y/n! What’cha watching?” Jisung asked, standing behind the couch and bending over it so he was next to you, eyes on the tv. Right then Minho was in the center again, doing the part that has you trapped in a never ending loop.
“Minho’s face cam. I was bored and found this one and now I can’t stop watching it.” You answered bluntly, not really caring how you sounded while replaying the tv for the nth time that hour.
Jisung held back his chuckle, walking away from the couch to go grab your boyfriend. Minho was listening to something Jeongin was saying when the quokka tapped his shoulder, and Minho reluctantly took his gaze off of the youngest to him.
“What? Cant you see Jeonginnie is telling me a very important sorry right now?”
“I was making fun of how Changbin nearly hit his head on the wall—“
“See, important.” Jisung sighed.
“Your girlfriend is watching your Tiger Inside face cam and I think she’s obsessed with it. She’s been replaying it since we got back.” That got his attention and Jisung knew that. One of his favorite things to do was use your name to get Minho to listen to him, which usually resulted in getting scolded or a sulking Minho because you weren’t coming to see him like Sung had said.
Minho sighed and switched spots with the younger, chubby cheeked male, telling him to listen to Jeongins story (that wasn’t even a story, he wants to add) so he can go see you. Jisung nodded, more than happy to listen to their makanae speak.
Making his way to the living room, he say you watching his most replayed part from that performance he he smirked, loving the affect he had on you. Seeming to sense his presence, you turn around, finally looking away from the tv to give him a stare.
“What?” He teased, sitting on the couch next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer to him. You happily cuddled into his side, but continued to give him the stare.
“Did you put some kind of drug into your vocal cords before this performance,” you gesture to the tv. “Or what?” Holding back laughter was something Minho was usually good at, but seeing the seriousness of your face face him break into giggles.
The sudden noise caught you off guard and you scowled, not wanting him to laugh but to give you answers. “Y-Yah! This isn’t a laughing matter Min! I’m serious, do you drug your vocal cords so people can’t stop watching your part over and over again?” God you’re so cute.
Minho let out one lays chuckle before pulling you into a kiss, his hand holding firmly on the back of your neck so you can’t pull away to grill him further. You put up no fight, practically melting into his touch.
Once again, Minho loved the affect he had on you.
Breaking away, Minho kissed your cheek, giving you a smug smile that told you he was going to tease you.
“You like my voice that much baby?”
“You drugged it!”
“Did not! I’m just an amazing singer.” You froze, racking your brain for a good comeback.
“Well yes of course you’re an amazing singer, but you still did something to your voice for that performance!” Grip still firm on your neck Minho pulled your closer, tilting your head to look at him.
“You said the same thing when you heard Taste.” You groaned. He really is impossible. You half-heartedly punch his chest, closing your eyes momentarily to focused of the feeling of his hand on the back of your neck before your re-opened them.
“Well yeah you’re not wrong—“
“You actually say that when you hear me sing all the time.” Uh oh, busted. You chuckled, shaking your head before nudging his chin with your nose. “I just love your voice and don’t understand how it’s so amazing— how you’re so amazing.” You whisper. It’s only for him to hear and he knows that.
Minho lives off of your praise and you know that, wanting to make sure he knows he’s missing and his loved he is the best you can. Said male seals your lips together again, slow and passionate. You only breaks apart at the sound of fake, over dramatic gagging.
The both of you whip your heads around to see Hyunjin hunched over, giving you both a disgusted look that has you snickering.
“Go somewhere else with all that lovey-dovey kissy stuff, some of us are trying to go on with our lives.” He whines, crossing his arms other his chest.
Minho smirks at the blonde. “I am too. She’s my life.” The younger once again gagged, moving away as though the room stinks. You laugh, pinching his bicep to regain his attention.
“Why’d you have to gross poor Jin out?” He pouts.
“He asked for it. ‘M not gonna stop loving on you because they’re here. It makes me wanna love you more so they know you’re my baby.” You let his chest with an adoring smile.
“I think they know that already Minho.” Not to Minho they don’t. He wants to make sure these idiots know that you’re his and that they can’t have you (even though, none of them would dare steal you away from him, they think you’re to cute together).
Minho pulls your closer so his lips are right next to your ear, a smirk replacing the sweet smile he had earlier. “Baby, if you wanna hear my voice you can always just say that. You know that if you ask nicely, I’ll give you anything you want.” His voice is almost breathless in your ear, and your whole body stiffens.
He’s got you right where he wants you.
“Now c’mon, wanna hear you sing for me next.” He grabbed your hand, dragging you off of the couch n’s away from the tv. The look on his face told you that tonight, you would be calling in sick for work tomorrow.
Because you are going nowhere, anytime soon.
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thefairygodmonster · 2 years
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Been chipping away at trying to figure out oranhamme again.  He’s always been one of the hardest characters to lock down. His proportions are always hard and figuring out fashion/color is something Im still working on BUT I will say Im pretty happy with this right now even if its not quite finished.  More info below if you’re curious as to why there are certain design choices. 
Oranhamme is a dreamon ( dream demon) who hails from his own realm but visits others in hopes of finding new inspiration for his craft. He’s an artisan of many practices but his main love and passion is cooking. 
Personality wise, Oranhamme is a social butterfly, flamboyant, charismatic, talkative, hospitable while also being a little gossipy with a small hint of a temper. He has a deep southern drawl that he picked up somewhere on his travels. To keep it simple I’d say hes a combination of Guy Fieri, Benoit Blanc, and Gordon Ramsey. My current voice claim for him right now is Ken Paige
His fashion is meant to be eclectic but still ***good*** in the sense of ‘you wouldnt think those things would go together but he pulls it off.” His outfit mainly consists of a casual almost beach like shirt and short pants with sandals to capture his more laid back friendly nature. His belt/wrap/glasses are meant to be more striking and make him pop.  The waist wrap and the fabric bracelet are also functional in that they are actually his apron and headband that he uses for cooking. THey are merely folded up and added to his outfit so he can whip them out whenever the urge to make and bake hit him. 
Thanks for reading!
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technoartist · 8 months
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“Oh, yeah, I don’t really use my bed all that much anymore. I like just make my whole body go limp and lay down in the corner of my room. It’s like… dying, but without the overwhelming realization that there is no afterlife, y’know?”
AAAAA Amazing Digital Circus OC time. Im still not totally happy with her color palette, but here’s Dina! She’s a wooden marionette, always speaking in a casual monotone voice, talking about the most existential shit you could possibly imagine. Here’s some extra notes about her:
Her strings only show up occasionally, yanking her back before she could go to certain areas (ex: she could try to open up the door to her room, but then the strings would tug her back before she could touch the doorknob, only letting her go in a few hours later). Wether or not the strings would allow her to go somewhere seems to be pretty arbitrary most of the time, she doesn’t really question it anymore.
She likes to hold her limbs very loose, always having her arms flail behind her as she runs.
Adding onto that last point, she likes to drape herself over people that she likes… despite the fact that she’s actually pretty heavy vgfff-
While she hasn’t been in the circus for very long, the paint making up her shirt and pants are somewhat chipped and faded, and trying to touch her could easily lead to getting a splinter.
The flower on her hat is always droopy and slightly wilted.
The pattern on her vest is supposed to be an arabesque design (albeit heavily simplified) - she also has a bit of an Arabic accent! She only knows a few words of the actual language itself, though.
Jax kinda stopped bullying her after her first few weeks in the circus - every time that he tried to pull a prank on her, she’d just give him a blank stare before saying something like, “Oh. A water bucket on the doorway. That kinda reminds me  about how we all just suddenly gat here. You know, how we were all just going about our day to day lives only to have our lives changed for the worse for the crime of existing. I like to think about what would it be like if that happened again. We could disappear at any moment and-“ Jax just slowly started to walk away at that point, but she just kept on following him while talking. It took several hours to get her to stop.
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Here’s an alternative version of ref!
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whumpshaped · 10 months
🎨 What do you think is your most creative whump idea?
i honestly dont know. im not a very creative person. i rly only write the same two things over and over again
😈 What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to an OC?
ok so ive done some pretty bad stuff.
what ive done to dottie in dollhouse is pretty wild i think (limbs chopped off and fitted with horrid prosthetics, vocal cords snipped, trapped in the dollhouse for years and years and years without getting any reprieve from that pain)
pumpkin in ksw got the short end of the stick (years of captivity while their body was slowly chipped away at in multiple rly cruel ways then death but i'd say the worst might've been either the acid stuff or their eye being plucked out)
seth in glitching also wasn't a happy fun time (red room whump with a bunch of gore then alternate endings of death and forever captivity or an 'escape' w tremendous amounts of trauma and i'd say the worst was the scissors)
and again dave in deal with the devil has been tormented pretty badly (maybe the worst was like the boiled alive part)
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styxnbones · 1 year
For cass: essentials 5, 8; life 7; death 3; clans 10, 12
ty im so happy ppl are interested in cass!
Essentials 5: as I touched on in the last ask, her sire is Astrid Hallman- originally a 10th gen Carrier Malkavian. Many year's prior to Cass' embrace, Astrid diablerized her own sire and became 9th gen which meant that Cass was embraced into the 10th generation as well. Cass first met Astrid as one of the rare gigs she would take for more legitimate private investigation type work among the many criminal contracts. Astrid was paranoid (as she always is) about being followed/hunted by someone and didn't want to approach the cops so she managed to get Cass' contact information. It was a simple job- extremely clear that no one was on to her and easy enough to prove, and Astrid payed quite well. A month later Astrid contacted them again, and again wasted their time. Same the next month. However Astrid was paying well and also had the benefit of being hot so Cass didn't mind. Eventually this turned into a proper relationship despite the red flags on both sides. Until, inevitably, Astrid's paranoia turned on Cass and caused her to think they had been lulling her into a sense of security while actually having found her out, which caused her to frenzy- killing Cass in the process before frantically embracing her when she realized what she had done. After that, still too afraid of having been sold out for diablerie, and now with the added problem of an unintentional childer, Astrid's controlling tendencies shot up to 11. She rapidly blood bound Cass and used that along with Dominate to keep her shut up in the apartment for a number of years until Cass could gradually chip away at her resolve and make a break for it. Their relationship is manipulative and controlling on both sides, since Astrid is chronically Paranoid and Cass's curse takes the form of Megalomania/NPD. Though, while Astrid genuinely loves Cass in her own fucked up way and just wants them both safe from the many dangers she perceives around every corner, Cass's resentment has only grown as time spent away weakens the blood bond.
8: technically, Cass isn't in v5 and therefore doesn't have any Touchstones TM, but if she was Lila and Rowan (who I mentioned in the last ask) would definitely be among them
Life 7: Cass is baptised and her dad had intended to raise her presbyterian- which was part of why her mother divorced him and went back to the US. Consequently she never actually grew up religious, and even with a small amount of dabbling in the occult since entering kindred society she still doesn't really buy into the Noddist mythology though obviously the existence of the supernatural is now undeniable.
Death 3: As is evident, Cass is a Malkavian. However, she hates the assumptions people make when that comes out, especially since she prides herself on being "the sanest malk you'll ever meet," so they often deliberately mislead people about what their clan is. It's easiest to go for Giovanni/Hecata as all the proof they'd need is to let someone watch them feed since they have the Grip of the Damned flaw. Likewise with Lasombra and the Cast No Reflection flaw, though that is preserved for very specific company.
Clans 10: Toreadors are a bunch of inattentive airheads as far a Cass in concerned. Good to have around if you can tempt them with something shiny, and they're rarely a serious threat.
12: The closest Cass has ever gotten to a Tzimisce was witnessing some poor fleshcrafted creature they found on it's last legs in a warehouse attempt to lash out at the coterie before being put out of it's misery. It was honestly pretty pathetic so she doesn't hold much respect for whatever particular Tzimisce did that, but having heard more about what Vicissitude can do in the hand of a master she's certainly wary of them in general.
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utapri-hcs · 2 years
The lads as dumb shit my friends have said pt4
Eiji:What scares you?
Reiji:A gun and Myu with a gun
Reiji:Dear lord, will Ai Ai ever love me the way I love him?
Reiji:Why the heck are we so low??
Ai:Not as low as your iq
Ren:Taco bell gives you teleportation powers
Ren:I’ll wake up next day in the hospital
Ranmaru: So how’s the porridge tasting? Oh wait I don’t know because I’m still eating chips
Yamato: I would eat Ai’s hair, looks like cotton candy
Natsuki:Politely :)
Otoya, going over to kill a spider:Okay okay, I got this
Otoya, after he slammed down and it jumped off: Okay, I don’t got this
Ren:Ran-chan saltiness is enough to give McDonald’s a run for their money
Reiji:Did you know that you can tell a person by their emojis?
Reiji:As you can see Nattsun here is a very lovey dovey person whoooo is very wholesome and innocent while Eiichan…likes to emotionally dance...
Tokiya:Do you even have a source for this?
Ren:The source is just trust me
Syo:Why not just take Quartet night hiking?
Ranmaru:We can’t, Reiji is like 98, he’ll die out there
Syo:How did you even do that cm to ft conversion in your head?
Ren:I’m a k-pop stan
Tomochika:Let’s go lesbians!!
Haruka:Oh right I’m a lesbian...
Ringo:This is an educational Netflix, purely educational…Yep!
Syo:Nobody has to cater to your ideas
Ren:Two people already have
Syo:Fuck you
Tokiya:Aijima-san…what do you mean by you want to dress up as a minion and steal the moon
Cecil: :)
Eiji:How is school Nagi?
Nagi:Someone stole the entire toilet
Otoya:Is Natsuki not allowed a MacBook?
Syo:He microwaved his last one so he isn’t allowed anymore
Syo: Ren saying that he is just daddy Devito
Reiji, calling ai: Aiai I really need your help, I need legal advice. Myu is interrogating me, what do I do-
Ai:Die *hangs up*
Haruka:He made me a poem 🥺
Tomochika:You get a poem and I get a quiz in the morning, what is this??
Natsuki:Awwww it’s so cute! Look at the stickers
Ranmaru:Did Syo give you those?
Ranmaru:Get that shit away from me
Ranmaru:Where was my happy birthday yesterday bitch?
Yamato:….Happy birthday…?
Ren:Don’t give me love at first sight, give me love at first ass kicking
Eiichi:Sometimes Van will be like, Eiichi, I’m sad. I’ll be like what’s wrong? And he’ll just not respond back
Tomochika:I wasn’t that drunk
Haruka:You drank so much that you challenge the boys to a push up competition
Tomochika:….D-Did I win?
Eiji:Look at that…beautiful Manhattan
Yamato:Wow San Francisco is pretty
Reiji:We get along so well!
Ai:Ranmaru and Camus get along as well as a house on fire
Van:First rule of skincare is to uh... have skin
Otoya:You just gotta be your best prawn!
Masato:Okay we are now called yearbook planning.
Ren:NOO we could’ve been furry friends!
Yamato:What is that called? The lab apron thingy
Nagi:First, science tower and now a fricking lab apron???
Otoya:What’s a female bull?
Syo:A COW???
Syo:When did they get so many children
Ren:Children are just unlock-able DLC
Natsuki:Ringo sensei, what does exclude mean?
Ringo:…you mean exude??
Tomochika:Yeah you would see Otoya sitting down next to Haruka in the pool and being like “…hey 👉👈” all shy. While like I’m drowning in the background
Nagi: That’ll cost you $100!
Syo: But I gave you a kit Kat yesterday???
Otoya:Natsuki is like a care bear, I can’t let him down
Natsuki:I used to own spiders!
Masato:…like willingly??
Tokiya:What is that in your hand?
Otoya:A kiwi
Tokiya:And what are you allergic to
Otoya:Kiwi- ah I do see why I’m coughing so much now yeah
Syo:You got me a thesaurus for my birthday
Ren:And look where you are in English!!
Yamato:I am…
Nagi:A monkey. Thats exactly what you are
Ren:Is the hot chocolate finally settling in?
Otoya:I realised I’m lactose intolerant
Van:You just like Naruto bcs of the sexyjitsu
Ren:No I like the sexy Sasuke
Yamato:We aren’t dating though?
Van:We aren’t yet
Reiji:So I’m there and I’m tearing up a little. Then I start tearing up a lot
Yamato:My name is Yamato like as in Yamato
Masato:Never say de-SU, say des
Ren:Are you supposed to tell me that my animal and mangos are lying to me?
Reiji:Yeah, my mum hasn’t booked it yet, she forgot
Tokiya:Kotobuki you’re like 36 and your mum still books appointments for you?
Reiji:Yeah, she’s nice. I love her
Syo:Would you kiss Ai for a million dollars?
Reiji:Like what type of kiss are we talking about?
Van:I don’t bite, I might bark
Otoya:What’s an ancient artefact?
Ranmaru:I’ll fucking snatch that weave
Ringo:You can’t, it’s super glued on
Syo:He thinks he is cool if he acts like a Soundcloud rapper
Ranmaru:What was that?
Syo:I don’t know, maybe your hearing is going off
Ranmaru:Shall we take this outside?
Syo:I don’t think you could handle me with your old bones
Yamato:Shion says that I smell like-
Nagi:You smell?
Otoya:Sniff me up!
Nagi:I would rather not
Van:Luigi almost died!
Ren:When in doubt, put it in your mouth!
Shining:Come along now kids, let’s take drugs!
Cecil:I’ll get my friend to posses you
Ranmaru:Who the fuck is your friend? Casper the ghost?? Get out of here.
Reiji:I can’t handle this anymore! At least Danny Devito would treat me well!
Ranmaru:Why the fuck do you keep mentioning Danny Devito???
Masato:We are trying to teach Cecil Japanese, he knows mango so far
Natsuki:So pretty good start!
Ren:In MILFs we trust
Ren:Cmon sir, sing fergious for us to jog our memory
Ryuya:Are you sure? *sings a bit*
Ren:Nevermind, never sing again.
Ren:My mum was a straight A student. Who did Tango, volleyball, basketball, music, knew 8 languages. volunteering at the church, hospital, charities. Has a duo major at Uni. Has two businesses. Is a professional beautician, baker and chef. Went to nationals for debating
Reiji:My mum used to steal fruit-
Otoya, talking about Natsuki and Syo: I wonder how they’re so close. Did they come out of the womb holding hands???
Natsuki:Tell Otoya kun, I’m making a bird cage!
Natsuki:Because I like Syo-chan! :D
Kei:We already know Reiji started the assignment. He’s a fucking gronk like that
Reiji,mouthing to Aine as soon as Kei turns around: I haven’t started at all
Reiji:I’m so screwed
Otoya:Why do you say that?
Reiji:I feel it in my bones
Otoya:No please not the country music!! Oh wait it’s Ed sheeran
Otoya, meeting Masato: Edna????
Eiichi:LEOS club but with a g
Yamato:Geos club?
Nagi:No you idiot it was the Lego club
Reiji:What’s no.6?
Reiji:No but like how do you write guitar in English
Tokiya:Can I ask you something?
Ren:I’m not marrying you
Syo:Do you know what Ren does to try to stop talking like Van? He becomes a furry
Ranmaru:Sitting next to someone with COVID is better then sitting next to a furry
Ranmaru: See she’s even praying for you, pick a goddamn struggle Reiji
Ren: See plan B is I become a rapper. I already got a job and like I can sing too. I’m a triple threat
Masato:Yeah a triple threat to my ears
Otoya:What would your rapper name be?
Ren:Lil Ho
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rainbowpairofdice · 1 year
Hello, my darling friend! I’m sorry for my recent absence, the holidays and all that you know?
I’m not sure if you’re still on your vacation but if so, I hope you’re enjoying it! If you’re no longer on vacation, how was it? What were the highlights of your time away? I didn’t get any snow where I am! It did get down to the teens though which was cool but it’s already back up to like 60F so it was nice while it lasted and of course it’s always nice when you make it out of the unusually cold weather without any burst pipes or major power outages so I’ll take it as a win! Also, I’ve acquired Hail Mary and I’m so excited to read it! However, I’ve got to finish reading the fellowship of the ring and I’ve got 372 pages left so I dont think I’ll get to Hail Mary until sometime in January!
I am taking about j&j yes!!! I have to admit, I got a little weepy seeing the pictures of them. Jenna was/is my favorite YouTuber and has been for like four or five years and I adore Julien with all my heart and keep up with him when I can with his streams. They are my one and only “celebrity” couple and I’m just so happy for them. They both looked so happy and seeing him talk about his wedding and how he’s a wife guy now was just so very sweet. And no, I dont think I’ve ever had mango! I’ll have to give them a try when I can!
I’ve not seen Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man! I keep meaning to and I always forget! Which is so funny because I just rewatched Tobey’s Spider-Man movies! Absolute classics. I’m really surprised you’ve not heard of glass onion! I guess it just shows the bubble I’m in online but it’s the second movie technically to Knives Out if you’ve seen it! If you haven’t, I highly recommend watching Knives Out and Glass Onion! They’re mystery movies that have the same detective in them, Benoit Blanc, and in their world he’s like the best detective in the world and he’s played by Daniel Craig! They are some of my favorite movies for sure. Also the cast for both movies are amazing!
I’ll definitely send a pic of my tree and all the other stuff we talked about me sending pics of in January when im no longer on anon!! Oh, that reminds me! I’d still love to see pics of your bags when you get the chance if you’re back home! I know this is a shorter message so I hope you don’t mind! I’ll be doing a speed round then sending this off to you! I hope you enjoy the last few days of 2022!!!
Speed round: is there an era that you like more than others when it comes to aesthetics? I feel I love the 70’s aesthetic/fashion/music etc as well as the 80’s!! Which I suppose I get from my parents who grew up/were born around then!
I know this is very basic but I can’t remember if I asked you your favorite color(s) so I’m asking now!!! For me I’d say my favorite colors are brown, green and blue!
Are there any weird food combos you enjoy? When I was younger my cousin had me eat Mac and cheese with ketchup… and I did enjoy it. However I don’t really eat it anymore unless I have one of those little Mac and cheese cups and even then it’s kinda rare that I still eat that. I do like spicy stuff with something sweet like I’ll eat hot chips with strawberry yogurt sometimes if I’ve got both.
Do you tend to dream when you sleep? I used to not really dream but I think the past couple years I’ve dreamed quite a lot more than before! I know just last night I had like three separate dreams because I tend to wake up in the night tossing and turning before going back to bed and sometimes a new dream will start!
Do you have an inner monologue? I’ve seen some people say they don’t have a voice in their head for thoughts and etc! I do have my voice in my head when I read or think etc. also are you able to picture things in your head easily? Like when people say “picture an apple and make it rotate” is that something you can do? I kinda can I think? It’s always hard to explain because I picture things when I read I’m pretty sure and afterwards when I think about things I’ve read I can picture the scenes but I can struggle to when it comes to creating faces and making an apple rotate in my mind. It’s a weird thing to ask but I’m pretty curious because everyone has different answers!
What do you do to calm down/relax? I tend to take a hot shower if I’m in a mood/want to relax. Or I try to do things I know will give me a pick up. Sometimes spending time with people helps or even just time with a pet in my room watching tv.
Are you more of an indoor person or outdoor person? I like to think I’m a good mix! I really do enjoy being outside when it isn’t too hot and I’m not being devoured by mosquitoes! But that can be a struggle to find the right time to head out for some fresh air! When the weather allows me to I do enjoy being out in my backyard to read or out in my garage with the door open to just hang out somewhere that isn’t technically inside. I do spend quite a bit of time inside though and need to work on being out in nature more.
I hope you’re well and enjoying this last week! Sending love and good times! ❤️
Hiii, hun! Happy Friday!! Hope your week has treated you well thus far!!
Sadly, I’m back home in the cold. I really enjoyed my time in PR this year for the holidays. I’d do it all over again next year if I’m able to! Highlights? I’d say the concert I was able to attend as well as spending Christmas Day at the beach and just enjoying the sun!! It was really nice to see other people outside of their homes and just enjoying the holiday like any other day!!
That’s good to hear that it never got that cold in your area!! Up north, a lot of pipes froze in my area, but luckily not ours. 60°F sounds like luxury when the highest it’s gotten this week was about 35-40°F!! You’ve obtained Project Hail Mary? Woop woop!! January book club!! I have to get back into reading it so I don’t fall behind lol. I tend to be a relatively slow reader, but if I’m really into a novel, I can get through it relatively quickly so let’s see!! (One of my resolutions for 2023 is to get through the stack of books on my desk that have been staring at me for almost 4 months 😅).
You haven’t seen the Spider-Man movies with Andrew Garfield? Okay, now you have to lol!! I think they’re pretty good and the way Andrew portrays this universes Peter Parker is kinda neat. To be frank, I haven’t heard of a lot of things lol. It wasn’t until very recently, I saw multiple posts on my feed about Glass Onion and how good it was that I now have to make time to watch it!!
My multitude of miscellaneous bags? *rubs hands together* alright here we go!!
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As you can see, I have a preferred character lol. I’ve cut back on buying them only because there are still many of them I haven’t worn/used. Which, I’m okay with. Just waiting for the right day to wear them!!
Speed Round Answers!!
Preferred Era? To be honest, I don’t really think about eras too much because I don’t have much knowledge of them. I’d probably say the 90s only because of my limited knowledge of the time.
Fav. Color? It ranges between yellow (sunflower yellow) and purple; pink had also snuck its way in there!! Recently though, I’ve really liked the color orange (tangerine orange or that range between orange and peach in color)!! Idk man, I think all colors are cool in some way!! I think it’s just the artist in me 😅.
Weird food combos? Okay, so awhile ago, I’ve tried to explain this to my friends, but they think I’m weird for it. When I was younger, my mom would make what’s called “farina,” which is essentially hot cereal/oatmeal almost, but not quite. Anyways, I would have that with unsalted crackers and butter because it kinda balances out how sweet the dish would be when combined with unsalted crackers and the saltiness of the butter!! Idk how else to explain it lol. It just works. So I’d say that. Hot chips and strawberry yogurt? Now that’s a weird food combo!! But if it works, it works.
Do I dream? Oh, definitely!! The other night, I had such a weird dream about this dude that I didn’t recognize who had a crush on me and tried everything to convince me to go out with him. All while my family is also hackling me to give this guy a chance because he’s such a nice person and, apparently, I had dated him before in the dream and he wanted to prove that he had changed from the last time we apparently dated. It was a roller coaster of events and from what I can remember, he was kinda good looking so I was a bit convinced lol. This was the first time I’ve remembered a dream pretty well in a long time.
Inner monologue? Oh, definitely!! I always think about it as an initial gut reaction to situations! I want to say I can picture things in my head very well, but I find it hard to put what I think in my head as a 3D concept in front of me at times!! It’s almost like I want to make something how I initially picture it, but once it doesn’t look how I imagined it, it discourages me a little to want to keep going, if that makes any sense. I’ve mentioned it before, but going into this new year, I want to try and get back into art again without having that initial monologue keep me from doing so. It’s been soooo long.
To calm down/ relax? Hmmmm… depends on how I’m feeling. Most of the time, my go-to is listening to music/having a particular song on repeat. The monotony of it helps me fall asleep. Other times, I watch YouTube and have it in the background until I fall asleep. A hot shower truly does help to reset the body to help it relax!!
Indoor/outdoor person? When I was younger, I loved being outside!! Find any excuse to do so!! Nowadays, I’d rather be inside cause I feel like I’ve gotten lazy over the years. I want to try and be outside more and try to take in my surroundings as much as possible. There are many things I wanna do, but never seem to make the time for it .-.
Hope you’re doing good as well, love!! Send all the love and positive vibes your way!! Until the next one ✨
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