#begrudgingly it has made my music experience better this year
fallouttboy · 9 months
hi my english major is having a field day rn at 2:20 in the morning so i will do what i do best and write about it and hopefully it makes sense
sometimes i think about how i went to london as a graduation present for getting my ba in english and then i think about how for 5 days i was walking the same soil as poets and artists and musicians walked all those years ago. the same cobblestone walkways that were walked upon by shelley. the same lakes at which writers pondered their mere existence at, longing for the current to take away their pain so they can begrudgingly release a happier serial this month instead of the bleak and dreary that their audience so loves (but would their audience love them at their happy or is their misery the key to success?).
i cried when i woke up on the plane and saw english pastures, blocked out like a quilt of green and yellow, crops in the off season but still taking up their space. i breathed in the cool november air at the airport and realized that this truly was just where i was meant to be.
i find home to be a tricky word to define. when i was fourteen i described it “not as your physical space-though that can be true too- but wherever you feel like you belong”. at the time, i knew the feeling but did not have the words to articulate yet. i still don’t fully believe that i do, though now i certainly have more of a grasp on the concept of home. fourteen year old me was correct, though i am now abridging the concept: home is where your soul becomes one with your body. some people may have one home, others have many, and im thankfully one who has a couple that i am aware of.
for me, it was walking around alone in london, and even deeper so as i was walking in salisbury and at stonehenge. i took a moment in the courtyard of the majestic Salisbury Cathedral (post tour of the site and post adjacent market wandering) and admired her. i had never seen a proper gothic cathedral before, from actual gothic times. i had never seen anything older than, oh, jamestown in virginia? to see something of such grandeur and age in person stunned me to silence. i was shocked. i was in awe. i was almost frightened by the rate at which my emotions and heart were pounding in unison. as the clouds rolled in for yet another rainy night, i understood in that moment the purpose that i had been considering for years: life, as an experience, is not meant to be viewed from the same window. you are meant to see the world, meant to experience exactly what i have been saying in this post.
being a human extends so far beyond the realm at which we typically function at (generalizing!). it is not just you. it is you, your ancestors, their ancestors. it is the poetry that rings bells in your mind. it is music that was written 500 years ago and yet you have never heard a truer piece of art. it is the cave paintings that bring a tear to your eye because they were made by humans.
and one thing that is sometimes difficult to conceptualize is the fact that artists are human. just like you and me. the people who created the cave pieces are human. they were depicting their lives: the local wildlife, who they lived with, how and what they ate. it was them telling a story of themselves. all of the great writers, and all of the not great writers, were all humans and they all depicted emotions that are, more times than not, just impossible to put words to in ways that are better than theirs. all of the greek scholars that came up with math concepts and the cartographers from new zealand that created maps of the ocean thousands of years ago-all of them were human. they are just as much a part of us as the dirt is of the earth.
art is the key. art has always been and will always be the whole fucking point. humans will, as long as we can, create art (in whatever medium) to express our lives. we want to express ourselves. we want to be seen. we want to be known.
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becausegoodbye · 2 years
my favourite albums of 2022
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Cole Pulice – Scry
A tipsily gorgeous collection of electroacoustic experiments, pulse and breath, woodwinds and worms. Saxophone is one of my favourite instruments when played quietly, and one of my least favourite when played loud – and here it's not only soft, but held aloft by beds of gorgeous synthesisers and signal processing and piano: a diamond on a velvet pillow. A cat luxuriantly rolling around in textures. There's a focus and a bliss here, a dreamy pushing of fingers through soil, that I find beautiful and rare.
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Stella Donnelly – Flood
I get the sense that some of Stella's fans were disappointed with this album, but I encounter it differently. If you only see it in conversation with Beware of the Dogs, then I can understand it coming across like its paler and more withdrawn cousin, but if you go back to the Thrush Metal EP, the chain of songwriting provenance is clearer, and it's Dogs that starts looking like the outlier. Once you approach it on those terms, Flood reveals itself as a frequently sublime album of chamber pop: an exhale alone over a cup of tea, a wistful gathering of self, and a series of minimalist choices leveraged to maximum effect. The parts that work the least, imo, are when she's trying to be more like Beware of the Dogs (the prime example probably being the odd decision to start the album with the chin-thrust-out drumbeat of 'Lungs', a song that can't keep that up for long before unfolding into the gorgeous soft melodic reverie it really wants to be, and only begrudgingly switching back for the close). Likewise, the parts that work the best are when it's allowed to settle into its own understated catharsis: the devastating hummed suggestions of 'Underwater', for example, or the unknowable clear-eyed kindness of 'Flood', which for me is one of the songs of the year.
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lee (asano+ryuhei) – FK_LV
Like a homeless king, magisterial and unafraid, with loose bits hanging off him and a roar like a broken engine. There was a period around 2011-2014 where it felt like lee (asano+ryuhei) released a new album of genius sample-mashing beats every few months, and needing to buy them all was a genuine strain on my budget. Nowadays the pace has slowed, but the albums themselves haven't much; there's a particular vein they mine, and they simply do it better than anyone else. There are moments when all the constituent pieces are clashing in ways that are ugly or incomprehensible, but then they resolve, transcendently, into a wretched and ragged kind of beautiful that you can't quite get anywhere else.
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The Beths – Expert in a Dying Field
An absolute corker of an album, spirited and thoughtful and brimming with ideas for making this kind of pop-rock reach above itself. 'Knees Deep' was my most-watched music video this year by a comically large degree – it remains, just, my favourite thing – and when that and the straightforwardly brilliant single 'Expert in a Dying Field' were all that was out, I thought there was a chance that this album would be a genuine all-timer. When it came out and I heard the full album, it wasn't quite consistent enough to reach those heights, but it's still great, with '2am' in particular capping the album off with vulnerable and shambolic verve. Liz Stokes is so skilled at writing lyrics that you only really notice on the third or fourth listen, once they've already worked their way inside you, and a lot of my favourite lines of the year belong to her.
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Florist – Florist
"19 tracks that culminate the decade-long journey of friendship and collaboration". Within this overgrown opus lie some of the most gorgeous songs you'll hear, surrounded by the quieter sounds of the people who made them, the place they were made in, and the exploratory muddling sounds of people in place and place in people. Part of me can't help wishing that Florist had reigned it in and made a perfect album – which you could absolutely do here purely with cuts, without needing to add a thing – but I also appreciate the weight of this more fulsome gesture. This is an album that understands music not as a thing that stands separate from the world, but as an enmeshed product of its material and social environment, and it wants everybody – every snail, every leaf – credited.
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Horsegirl – Versions by Modern Performance
The influences are written all over this record – it's a reverent restewing of 80s and 90s indie-rock, with the flags of Sonic Youth and the Flying Nun roster flying the highest – but there's a youthful communal vitality that makes it more than that. Even though the vocals are deadpan, the lyrics cryptic, and the sonic palette full of dissonance and dissolution, this is a plainly joyous album. These teenagers from Chicago are having a great time making this. Even before reading about it, I could have told you that there has to be a whole community behind these kids, and a golden thread of that knits itself into every song.
[This music video captures something of it I think]
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Time Wharp – Spiro World
Kaye is brilliant, and this spindly gem of an album goes where it wants. In a way, it wears its influences as openly as Horsegirl; they're just so much more all over the place. Here's a dense Steve Reich instrumental pulse; here's a krauty Popol Vuh prog breakdown; here's a tightly-produced Aphex Twin scatterbeat; here's some loose and traipsing piano reminiscent of Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou. But far more than these by-the-numbers descriptions imply, it's an instrumental album that ultimately feels guided by sensory experience more than anything: how does this feel? how does this feel? how does this feel? Underpinned by the experience of taking feminising hormones (the 'Spiro' of the title refers to spironolactone, and the album's alternative title is One Must First Become Aware Of The Body), it's an album that comes over you as a series of electroacoustic waves, swelling around you in foam, dissolving the distractible mind until you're lifted out of it.
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Julia Jacklin – PRE PLEASURE
I liked this album when I first heard it, but it was only after sitting with it for some months that I realised I loved it. The things it succeeds at are all totally familiar – an emotionally vulnerable singer-songwriter, writing songs with lyrically distinct focuses, paced such that they build on each other thematically – but this album succeeds so wholly that it made me remember why lyricists even attempt that kind of thing in the first place. 'Magic' feels infinitely deeper and harder-earned when you've already heard 'Ignore Tenderness'; 'End of a Friendship' hits so much harder when you already know the familial emotional groundline established by 'Less of a Stranger'. Every song is its own perfect short-story universe, but it's only in conversation with the others that the real miracle – the overstory, the impression of the life behind them – takes place. A lot of the music I'm drawn to these days is either instrumental or ambient or otherwise concerned with unsayable truths; it's startling to be reminded of the things we do have to try to say.
All my love is spinning round the room
if only it would land on something soon
but all my words are caught up in a cloud
you know someday you'll have to say it out loud
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
my life has changed since i re-learned how to scratch the itch in my brain
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sugaruapologist · 2 years
Ok these are my Levi headcannons HAHA. It's not organized by any means and its a mix of post war Levi and Survey Corps Levi. Most of these are baseless, just things that i think he would like or do.
• All SFW!!
* really likes to collect art pieces and candles he stumbles upon
* is interested in learning to play music. I see him with a piano and violin
* loves cats.
* bc he loves cats, he cares for the strays he finds and leaves food out for them if he can
* would probably try his hand at painting if he had the time
* better at decorating than people give him credit for. he'd be into the darker decor but knows just where to put things to keep it neat yet interesting. never looks cluttered or out of place
* would probably have loved to live in a cottage after the war had they not discovered the existence of the rest of the world
* would probably even love gardening
* spends a lot of time post war in his garden and tending to it if his leg allows him
* if not his garden, has lots of plants that he waters
* secretly names his plants
* rescues plants that arent being nurtured correctly at a shop and nurses it back to health himself
* can see him being a fantastic cook
* but not a very talented baker. maybe just the basics like simple cookies and brownies
* in his garden, grows strains of tea leaves to make his own tea blends
* after the war, spends SOOO much time reading, especially science and history.
* because of him reading science books, learns the names and positions of constellations and stargazes frequently
* may even invest in a telescope
* takes trips to the beach with the other survivors every year, even if all he does is sit in the shade and read with tea
* gripes about how messy the beach is but secretly loves the memories made every year and how his friends (family) are happy and excited
* loves to go out in public and people-watch
* maybe now that the war is over, he can try his hand at painting even more
* if he gets good enough at it, would do portraits of his fallen friends (incl. Eren)
* very good at fixing clothes and refitting them
* shoes too
* extremely prestigious about keeping his hands and nails neat and clean at all times
* wears gloves when hes cooking because he doesnt want his hands to get messy
* may write a book about his life and the things hes experienced
* talks in great detail about the friends he made in the Survey Corps
* still goes horseback riding if he can, but struggles because of his leg, so doesn't go as often as he wants to.
* Tends to the local horses sometimes though, because he kinda misses the stables at HQ
* takes Gabi and Falco to museums "to give them something to do out of the house" but really because he wants to learn about the world that has now been opened up to him
* kept his survey corps gear and uniform as a keepsake to remind himself where it all started and what had to be sacrificed.
* keeps said gear in pristine condition
* does eventually go to therapy!!! but only bc everyone forced him to
* begrudgingly goes but will never admit that it helps
* of he doesnt write a book about his lived experiences, he writes in a journal every day as a way to talk to Hange and Erwin. It keeps him grounded
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Few things are better in life than the feeling of a bare cock cumming in my pussy.
Of course some guys are a bit shy when it comes to sex and fucking a girl bareback. While not common for me, especially when I’m enticing them to cheat on their girlfriends with me, every once in a while a guy insists.
And that’s what happened with Eric. Eric was one of my ‘friends’ boyfriend. They had been together for ages. He was cute but a bit shy and a bit geeky. But he had all the right attributes for me, a cute face and big hands.
What also made him adorable was how loyal he was to Hannah. My flirting can be both persistent and pretty obvious. After over a year of trying to get his attention and have some fun with him.
I was almost going to give up until one night I found myself out with a bunch of our friends including him, but not Hannah. We had started early in a bar and it had all the hallmarks of one of those marathon, multi venue nights. I locked my sights on him and made sure the guys around him kept him well lubricated with alcohol
Luckily I had dressed for the occasion with a short leather skirt and a tight white top that was just a little see thru to my lace bra.
When darkness hit and we ended up in a dance club I started my campaign in earnest. Being the shy type that he was, dancing wasn’t too much his thing. So I had to drag him on to the floor along with some others in the group.
I’m of course I woman of restraint and patience so I didn’t launch straight into the bump and grind. But I did dance with him and around him so he could get used to it. His nervousness was palpable.
Fast forward a few hours, a few venues and quite a few drinks and we ended up in one of those clubs oozing sex and all sorts of natural and synthetic chemicals. We had lost quite a few from the group. But the hardcore remained. Eric and I had become one night drunken soulmates as we took turns helping each other navigate the treacherous drunken journeys faced by any seriously intrepid bar hopper.
And now the dancing was not restrained at all. We were not just touching, we were pressed into each other. His hands were glued to my hips as I pressed one way, when spun around and pressed back into him the other. I could feel his excitement. I could feel his stiff cock. We went on and on. The dancing getting more intense and his poor balls getting bluer.
When the last ones in our group called it a night and it was just us, I decided it was time to take this to the next level. I told him we should go. He was a little surprised it was so late and it was just us. So I said we should catch one cab and since I was closer, he could drop me off first and then head home. Of course that not what I actually thought.
We found a conveniently dodgy looking taxi and climbed in. As we set off, I gave the driver a flirty look and asked if he could turn the music up. He looked back at me and grinning turned up the dance station he had on.
I told Eric that I still felt like dancing and kinda wished we were back in the club. As soon as he nodded in agreement, I shuffled over to him before I moved up and sat on his lap. I moaned softly as I felt his semi hard cock under me. Then I squirmed to the music as I rubbed myself over his lap. Similar to the club but just with some different geometry.
I saw the taxi drivers eyes in the rear view mirror and I smiled to myself. Unfortunately, of course, the change in position caused my short skirt to ride up. But not quite fully. So I helped it along with some subtle sweeps of my hands. Suddenly my skirt was totally on my hips. My ass framed by a black lace thong on display for Eric.
My face turned on an even more wicked smirk when I felt Eric’s hands move to my hips and then down to my sides, touching at least some my bare ass cheeks.
We continued for another few blocks till we got to my apartment. Now it was crunch time. I told him this area was a bit dodgy and would he mind seeing me to the door. Or he could come up and sleep on the couch if he didn’t wanna waste money on taking the cab across town, reminding him Hannah was out of state with her family.
He was all hesitant and nervous. So sweet but he couldn’t not walk with me the short distance so he went to get out and I quickly gave the driver$20 and as Eric was out the door, told him to scram. He just laughed as I got myself out and repositioned my skirt.
As we walked the short distance through the front of the building, the taxi screamed off as the driver tooted his horn. I smirked at Eric as I said it looked like he was staying here now. Of course I had no intention of him sleeping on my couch. So I decided to ramp it all up right from there.
As we stood at the entrance of my building I leaned in to him and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him down to me as I gave him a hard kiss. He pulled back slightly but then o could feel his urges take over as he leaned in. I let my tongue dance in his mouth as the sloppy and slutty kissing continued.
After a good moment or two of this, I broke away before taking his hand and pulling him into the mid sized apartment complex. As we waited for the lift and the kissing continued. The size and layout of the complex meant it was unusual to run into other people especially at this time of night. So with the assumption of privacy I gave him a big grin as the doors closed. We only had 9 floors to go but I still managed to get to my knees and unbuckle his jeans, pull his cock from his underwear and start sucking before the doors opened.
He tried to pull away at first but was already against the wall. By the time the doors were opening though, his hands were on the back of my head, encouraging his cock into my mouth. With no urgency at all as the lift shows no sign of moving I kept sucking his cock. But then the doors closed and the lift travelled back down. As it slowed I hurriedly put his cock away while I stood up and fixed myself up.
The doors opened and a couple walked in, surprised to see us there. I smiled back at them as I pressed back into Eric. Subtext reaching behind to feel his hardness. Through his still unbuckled jeans. This time we did get out on the 9th floor as our fellow travellers continued on.
I spun around and laughed as I lead Eric to my apartment. Eric’s face looked embarrassed but he showed no sign of retreat. So I continued my assault on his morals and I lifted up my skirt again so it was back over my hips. Then as I got to my door I reached behind me and pulled him into me. I grinded back into him, unlocking the door with one hand and and pulling his cock back out with the other.
We tumbled through the door into the small apartment. The couch was right in front of us. I turned to him and offered him the couch and then after a silent pause and a wicked grin, I offered an alternative.
Adorably, he told me the couch was fine. But I just smirked as I leaned back into him and meet his mouth as we kissed. I whispered into his ear that his cock is going feel so good when it’s in my pussy. He let out an groan and then I grabbed his hand and led him to my bedroom.
Once in there I pulled his jeans all the way down, pulling his boots off and helping him out of his jeans. Then I lifted the shirt up to help him remove it. Now he was completely naked and I admired his toned body with better muscle definition than I was expecting and a nice hard cock pointing out in front.
I feel back on the bed and gave him a wink as I pulled my thong to the side. That when he killed the mood and asked if I had a condom.
That’s killed the mood in the past, but I was committed to having fun with Eric so I took it in my stride. I told him he didn’t have to cause I was on the pill but like a good little boy he insisted.
So I went into my bathroom and returned with a condom. It wasn’t something I used that often. In fact this one had expired and was also a medium sized which I didn’t think was gonna work for him. Of course, I had a pack of large ones that were brand new in my cabinet, but Eric didn’t need to know that.
I sat on the bed in front of him as I removed the condom from the wrapper and placed it over his stiff cock. I struggled to get the condom stretched over his impressive size and I could tell it was already dry and brittle. But I managed to get it two thirds of the way over his cock.
Once I begrudgingly wrapped it up I pulled him on to the bed and on his back. I straddled him and lined up my dripping pussy with the head of his cock. I lock eyes with him as I lower myself down onto him. Both of us moan as the tension of the night now focuses on his cock and my pussy. I lift up and then push down. I keep going, quickening the pace and increasing the intensity.
I keep going harder to the point where the bed starts to creak and groan. Eric’s hands make their way to my breast through my top. I pull it off to let him have a more sensory experience as I keep fucking him. He pulls my bra down exposing my breasts allowing him to aggressively fondle them.
Our combined moaning continues to crescendo as I keep fucking him. Every once and a while checking the condom to see if it has given up yet. Alas, it holds on.
Eric is getting more and more into it now. Being very active in the fucking as he thrusts his hips up to meet me. I can feel him trying to reposition himself. So I pause my assault briefly.
He moves out from under me and roughly pushes me on my back. He quickly gets in between me and puts my ankles over his shoulders. He drives his cock deep inside me and instantly restarts the hard fucking in our new position. He keeps going and going. Now his assault on my pussy becomes relentless.
His stamina holds and his nice big cock gets me close to cumming. I’m moaning in ecstasy. As he slams into me as hard as ever, I feel something different. I move my hand to the base of his cock as it slams into me to confirm. Sure enough a broken condom is now bunched up at the base of his cock. It rubs against my lips as he drives his bare cock into me. A broad smile comes across my face as a guttural moan escapes me.
I look my legs around his waist keeping him against me. I tell him that I think the condom has broke but that I’m so close to cumming I plead with him to keep going.
I see the flash of fear on his face as I tell him. He slows briefly but my pleads and moans convince him to keep going. I’m so close to cumming but need a bit more from him. My breathing is so ragged and my moaning intense. I can sense he is close to. I squeeze my pelvic muscles as much as possible to clamp his cock. He starts grunting and I feel his cock swell. I plead with him to keep fucking me and he does, with more intensity than ever. He grunts and groans loudly. We are both totally entranced.
I scream obscenities as I go over the edge. Then i feel him slam deep inside me and hold it there. My orgasm floods my body as I feel him empty himself directly into my unprotected pussy. I look at his face and smile as I see the annalistic pleasure travel through him.
We hold it there for a few moments before he pulls out and collapses next to me.
As the light comes into my room, I slowly open my eyes. It must be mid morning. I feel Eric spooning me and I feel his cock pressing into my ass. I’m still wearing my skirt around my hubs and my bra only slightly higher up around my waist.
I get up trying not to disturb him and go and have a shower.
I’m a little bit nervous about what his more sober and stress relieved attitude will be. I decide a cooked breakfast might help him process it and recover. So I put on a short bath robe and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.
A short while later he emerges from the bedroom wearing his boxer shorts, looking sheepish. I smile at him and tell him I’ve got some bacon on the go. He walks over and stands behind me telling me how good it smells. Then he presses his body into mine.
20 seconds later he has me bent over the kitchen bench. His bare cock driving into my unprotected pussy. I smile to myself through my moaning and groaning
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movie marathon ~ duncan shepherd;house of cards
word count: 1298
request?: yes!
@mikhalxngdon “The reader is a hardcore cinephile and she and Duncan wanted to do a movie marathon and it was almost like a decision of life and death. Duncan KNOWS his girl is very exquisite with her taste in movies so if her boyfriend EVEN dares to choose a stupid movie she will force him to sleep on the couch. Movies weren't just a "thing" to watch it was an EXPERIENCE.”
description: in which she is very picky about her movies, so he has to choose wisely for their movie marathon
pairing: duncan shepherd x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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One of Duncan’s favorite things about his girlfriend was her love for movies. Not just a casual love for them, but a hardcore cinephile. On their first date she talked for nearly an hour straight about her favorite movie and why it was her favorite. She knew things that no one else had ever known in regards to movies.
But she was also something of a movie snob. She was one of those people that decided what movies were “true cinema” and what wasn’t. Duncan found this out the hard way during one of their movie marathon dates. It was Duncan’s turn to choose, so he decided to start with a raunchy comedy movie that he hailed as one of his favorite movies of all time.
They didn’t even start the marathon. (Y/N) had been so offended by his choice that she straight up left and didn’t talk to Duncan for a full day.
After that, when it was Duncan’s turn to pick the movies for their marathon, it became a challenge to make sure (Y/N) was happy. She would always be watching him closely as he’d enter the living room, carrying a handful of DVDs. She’d eye them, trying to decide if she’d be staying or not.
On the night of his next turn, (Y/N) showed up to Duncan’s place with wine and take out as Duncan was setting up the TV. She walked into the living room, a smile on her face, before looking at the TV with a confused look.
“Disney Plus?” she questioned.
“Uh-huh,” he replied. “We’re having a Disney marathon tonight.”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look that he had seen few times before. Duncan got up to stop her before she could walk out.
“Hey,” he said. “Where are you going?”
“To find a better movie marathon,” she replied.
“What’s wrong with Disney?”
(Y/N) scoffed. “The fact that you have to ask is highly offensive itself. You really think I’m gonna sit here all night and watch some kids movies?”
“When was the last time you watched a Disney movie?”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and shrugged. “I don’t know, when I was like 10 I guess.”
Duncan wrapped an arm around her shoulder to guide her to the couch. Reluctantly, (Y/N) allowed this, placing the wine and food on the coffee table in front of them.
“You can’t judge these movies because they’re animated,” he said. “That’s how you miss true masterpieces. Especially recent Disney movies, which are just beautifully made and have all sorts of messages, not to mention great songs. How can you judge them when you haven’t watched them in years?”
(Y/N) settled back against the couch, begrudgingly accepting Duncan’s movie marathon theme. Duncan smiled and dipped to kiss her cheek. She tried not to smile back as he rose from the couch to get glasses for their wine.
She had to give Duncan props, he decided to start off on a high note with a Disney classic: Mulan. Despite her earlier protests, (Y/N) actually really liked Mulan. It was one of her favorite movies as a kid and, although it had been so long since she watched it, she still loved it to that day. She tried not to make it so obvious as she sang along under her breath. Duncan smirked at her as he sipped his wine.
“Seems like you enjoyed that one,” he commented when the end credits started to roll.
“It’s a classic,” she responded with a shrug. “Hard not to enjoy a classic, even an animated classic.”
Duncan was smiling triumphantly to himself. (Y/N) stuffed her mouth full of food, not wanting to admit Duncan may have been right just yet. There was still plenty of time for her to be proven right.
“If you put on Frozen I’m breaking up with you.”
Duncan chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m not into Frozen either. Way too overplayed.”
Instead, the next movie that Duncan chose was Moana. It was another movie he figured had a great message, and kick ass songs. It didn’t even feature a love story, just a strong female lead and Dwayne Johnson playing a cocky demi-god. What more could one ask for?
(Y/N) was much more obvious with her enjoyment of this movie. She cuddled into his shoulder and swayed along to the music. When he looked down at her, she had a sheepish smile on her face. He felt a cocky sense of pride swell within him to see that she was having such a good time, but he was also just glad that (Y/N) was enjoying the movies.
“I need more movies with Dwayne Johnson like this,” she said when Duncan got up to bring their emptied plates to the kitchen. “He does so many awful action movies, but he could be doing something so much more heartfelt and cinematic.”
“No one would take him seriously because of the action movies,” Duncan commented. “But it’s nice to see you’d be willing to give him a chance if he were in more movies like this.”
“I’ll give any actor a chance eventually. You know my dislike for Adam Sandler, but Uncut Gems was probably the best movie of 2019.” She settled back against the couch as Duncan re-entered the room. “The wine is starting to hit me. I feel so sleepy.”
“One more movie then we’ll go to bed,” he insisted. “I saved the best for last and I want you to watch it.”
With the wine in her system making her feel warm and tired, (Y/N) cuddled into Duncan’s side again and started the last movie he had decided to put on, a recent Disney film called Soul. It was one of few Disney films that had peaked her interest because she had heard so much positivity about it. She never got around to watching it because it didn’t feel like a priority on her “to watch” list.
She came to regret that by the time the movie ended. At some point, (Y/N) had moved from Duncan’s side and sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes wide as she watched the breathtaking animation before her. It was like the tiredness had been completely wiped from her body and now she was engulfed in the world the movie had created. She barley even noticed when the end credits finally started to roll, or the tears that were falling down her cheeks.
Duncan had been watching her more than the movie the entire time. He had a slight smug feeling knowing that she had the reaction he was anticipating, but he was also just glad to see that she had really enjoyed the movies.
When he turned off the TV and turned on the lights, (Y/N) winced against the sudden brightness. Her cheeks glistened with the streaks of her tears and she quickly wiped them dry, although what was the point? He had already seen her cry through the whole movie.
“Ready for bed?” he asked.
The tiredness suddenly fell on her again and she yawned. Duncan smiled and walked over to pick up his sleepy girlfriend, causing her to giggle as she held on around his neck.
She put on one of his t-shirts and got into bed, enveloping herself in his warm blankets. Duncan slid into bed next to her and took her into his arms, wrapping her in warmth.
“Did you enjoy the marathon?” he whispered.
She nodded her head against his chest. “You were right, they were really good movies.”
“Wait, can you say that for me again?”
She smiled. “You heard me, I’m not repeating myself.”
Duncan chuckled and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight love.”
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humanoidtyphoons · 3 years
hitskarin as my favourite kdrama otps au! not all of them technically work, but shh, we’re living in a world that it does. 
cunning single lady. once upon a time, hitsugaya toushirou and karin were the happiest and most in love couple ever. then toushirou quit his job, and continuously failed to find investors. eventually, karin just can’t handle overworking herself, and decides to get a divorce. years later, hitsugaya toushirou is now a successful businessman, and kurosaki karin... is not. it would be fine, except karin finds out that it was her idea that made him successful, and she wants compensation, dammit! deciding to join his company as in intern, thus begins the cat-and-dog quarrel between divorcees, who hurt each other terribly, but also, cannot get over each other either as easily as they’d like.
because this is my first life. hitsugaya toushirou has a great apartment, but owes a lot on his mortgage. enter kurosaki karin, who has focused on her writing career and never dated, and is in need of an apartment. because it’s not acceptable for a single man, and a single woman, in reality, a landlord and his tenant, to share the apartment, they decide to get married to prevent suspicion! everything will be fine! they’re not going to fall in love! they make a contract outlining how their marriage of convenience will make everything simple and beneficial to them both. they can communicate easily, because they don’t have feelings for each other. but that soon changes, and love, unfortunately, has a way of making even what was the most simple of things the most complicated...
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo. kurosaki karin, university student chasing her dream of weightlifting, develops a crush on her friend hitsugaya toushirou’s cousin, grimmjow jaggerjaquez. at first, hitsugaya toushirou teases her, and decides to help her out, because, well, they are friends, and friends help each other right? but soon enough, finds himself falling in love with her. but the question is, will karin return his feelings?
the last empress. kurosaki karin is a bright and vivacious musical actress that marries emperor hitsugaya toushirou, who has been broken hearted ever since the death of his first wife until he meets and falls in love with karin. or so it seems. in reality, toushirou marries her as a means to cover up his scandalous affairs and terrible crimes, with karin none the wiser, until she becomes involved in a mysterious murder that sets off events that threaten the monarchy itself, and she realizes how vile the monarchy truly is, and becomes determined to expose the crimes that the royal family have tried to cover up all this time. you won’t believe what happens next!
touch your heart. kurosaki karin a popular actress because she’s pretty but bad at acting, and unfortunately, gets involved in a drug scandal, so her career is essentially over. however! she is offered a second chance: if she gets work experience as a secretary for a lawyer for a couple of months, which is the role for the exciting drama she wants to star in, there’s a high possibility for a comeback! meanwhile, hitsugaya toushioru, attorney at a law firm, cold-hearted and arrogant, is told by his boss that he needs a secretary, and who better than the goddess kurosaki karin herself (whom hitusgaya toushirou has never heard about because he’s uninterested in the acting world)! unhappy about it, but begrudgingly accepting, it’s only three months, he tells himself, with gritted teeth, it will pass, will sparks fly as these two meet and dislike each other from the get go...?
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
hi! I'm the anon that sent that other writing prompt with wilbur being all sneaky and detective mode. Here's another one if you want! :D Tommy and Techno are being bullied and Wilbur notices them acting slightly differently and just goes and fucking beats them up. If you cant tell i really like the idea of wilbur just going full detective mode and techno and tommy just never realize it
Wish you were who you said you were
Brrrrrrr I’m bad at answering asks but here we go!
To be completely honest I really hate how this came out, I tried to make it seem better but I don’t know what else to do, anon I’m really sorry but here we go.
Some of this is actually based on real life experience! So that’s fun.
This is based in the fd!au by Antarctica bay! Go love her! But I’m not tagging her in this shit story, sorry.
TW: For Some Bullying, nothing too graphic or extra
“I’m just saying that I don’t think that it was that good of a character arch,” Tommy said, pushing the apartment door open.
“That’s because you can’t read, did you try gettin’ good?” Techno said, slipping off his shoes, ignoring Tommy’s rebuke, he looked up to the living room and saw Wilbur sitting on the couch with someone he didn’t recognize.
He was going to ask who it was but Tommy beat him to the punch.
“Hey Wilbur, who’s that?”
“Oh this is Griffin, he’s a new student and one of my teachers asked me to show him around and he’s pretty cool,” Wilbur said, gesturing at the boy next to him, he gave a little wave, “Hi,”
“Griffin these are my brothers, Techno’s got the pink hair and the gremlin is Tommy,”
“Shut up,” Tommy flipped him off, heading towards his room. Techno sat down at the kitchen table, pulling out a homework sheet. He grabbed his earbuds when he heard Wilbur swear.
“Wait, where’s my phone?” The lock on Tommy’s door clicked, “Oh come on!” Wilbur jumped over the couch and ran up to the door, pounding against it furiously, “You child! Open the door!”
Griffin looked nervously between Techno at Wilbur, as if asking if this was out of the ordinary, Techno shrugged, calling to Wilbur, “Careful, we don’t want to get another noise complaint.”
Wilbur pounded on the door harder, “You gremlin! Don’t make me Jimmy the lock because I will then you’re dead!”
After a few minutes of fruitless threats and pounding Wilbur snapped and started digging around the hall closet for a wire coat hanger. Techno continued with his Government class’s work, he was so focused he didn’t realize Griffin had sat in the chair next to him, trying to start a conversation.
Griffin yanked one of his earbuds out, “Why are you ignoring me?” He asked, Techno raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not, I was just caught up in my work,”
Griffin rolled his eyes, “Sure, anyways, I wanted to ask you, why do you look so mad all the time?”
“You’ve known me for like 10 minutes-”
“I saw you in the hallway a lot earlier, I guess we have a lot of classes near each other, but you looked really mad, or annoyed I’m not really sure, but you just seem to constantly have a resting bitch face,”
Techno shrugged, “I’ve heard that before, I guess I do but-”
“Did you know a lot of people stare at you?”
“A lot of people stare at you, or are you too caught up with yourself to notice that?”
Techno sat there, not sure how to respond, Griffin being in their apartment and him just casually insulting him.
“Heh, wow, can’t believe-” Griffin was cut off by Tommy shrieking. Wilbur had managed to unlock their door and jumped at Tommy, wrestling him for his phone back.
Griffin watched the scene before them, confusion sparking in his eyes, “Is that- is that, how do I say this, normal?”
“It’s a semi-normal thing,” Techno said, peering around Griffin, trying to get a better view of his brothers.
“Wow, I get what they said about you being pretentious,”
Techno shook his head, “What?” He paused, “Did I do something to offend you?” Griffin shrugged and walked over to Wilbur, who was just coming out of Tommy’s room with his phone in hand, hair disheveled and clothing wrinkled. They sat back down on the couch, chatting and laughing like nothing happened, Techno started back on his work.
He got in the zone, music back on, he fell into a rhythm and finished his Government work and half of his math work when their front door opened and Phil stumbled in. His shoulders were tight, clothes wrinkled and bunched, he set his stuff down on the table next to Techno’s backpack.
“Hey Techno, hey Wilbur, who’s this?”
“This is Griffin, he’s the new guy at school and he’s actually pretty cool,”
Phil snorted, “He’s ‘pretty cool’? That kind of sounds like an insult Wil,”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way! He’s just shy but once you start talking to him,” Techno rolled his eyes but said nothing, yeah he seemed ‘real shy’. Phil smiled, “Is he staying for dinner?”
“Griffin wanna stay for dinner?” Wilbur asked, looking him in the eye, Techno silently hoped he’d say no.
“If you’ll have me,” Griffin said.
“Of course, I’m heating up leftover lasagna, are you okay with that?” Phil asked, turning on the oven. Griffin nodded, “Yeah!”
Techno bit his tongue and tried to go back to his mathwork. Soon he cleared off his and Phil’s stuff off the table, Tommy, after some prodding, came out and set out plates and utensils.
They all sat down, Tommy talking about the next basketball season and Phil telling them of some ridiculous customer who tried to use a coupon that was 3 years past the date. Griffin was quite for most of it, laughing along with Phil and rolling his eyes as Tommy talked about the stupid things the other boys on the team dared him to do.
“This is really good,” He commented about the food.
“Thank you, it’s just a recipe from the pasta box though,”
Techno stayed quiet, working his brain, trying to figure Griffin out. He didn’t say anything rude or backhanded and seemed like a normal, slightly nervous guy. Techno didn’t know if he had upset him in someway or what, maybe Griffin was just having an offday? Techno knew he wasn’t always the friendliest person and he could have been more accommodating, maybe it would have made Griffin feel less on edge.
The rest of the night seemed to go off without a hitch. Griffin helped them clean up, thanked them for the meal and Wilbur for showing him around, then left.
Techno had trouble falling asleep, thinking about the stuff Griffin said and Tommy shifting restlessly in the bunk above him, sleep was near impossible.
People had called him sarcastic and pretentious before but it never really bothered him, so why did Griffin saying it make him feel nauseous? The other thing was Griffin said people were staring at him? That was never good, were they talking about him or making fun of him behind his back?
Techno didn’t sleep much that night.
He managed to get about 3 hours of sleep between anxiety flashes and panicking to make sure he submitted the assignment on google classroom but he was able to forget about Griffin.
Until someone yanked on his hair while he was walking down the hall, hard. He stumbled back, surprised, when an arm was sloppily thrown around his shoulders.
“Hey man, you’re heading to Green’s bio class right? For the first period? I missed that period yesterday,” Griffin said, Techno frowned, trying to pull away but that only made Griffin tighten his grip.
“Yeah,” Techno said curtly, trying to avoid Griffin’s gaze, “Why do you care? Aren’t you a grade ahead of me?”
“Not in this subject, I was just wondering, could you show me the way?”
Techno eyed him up and down, he really didn’t want to be around Griffin but if they were going to the same place then there really was no avoiding it, begrudgingly nodding, “Sure.”
Techno led him down the hall with Griffin still gripping his shoulder sharply, Techno didn’t know if he was aware of what he was doing or not. They entered the classroom when Techno was finally able to pull away and get to his desk, he sat down and followed the directions on the board while Griffin talked to the teacher.
More students filed in, sitting on the deks, wandering around, chattering amongst themselves. The bell rang and Miss Green introduced Griffin;
“Hello everyone, I hope you had a good day. We have a new student, Griffin, would you like to say a few words about yourself?”
He stepped forwards nervously, waving, “Hi, My name is Griffin, I moved here from Taiga Township, I’m 16, I like weightlifting and I play the trumpet,” He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, “Sorry, I’m not very interesting,”
Techno started zone out, Griffin made his brain hurt, he seemed so shy and awkward around other people, he was polite and despite his height was overall none threatening. So why did he say that stuff last night? Techno knew he didn’t imagine it, he hadn’t even met Griffin before that so he didn’t know if he offended him or not- it all made Techno’s head spin.
Griffin shuffled to his desk, the empty desk behind Techno’s, and sat down. Techno could feel him staring but chose to ignore it, trying to focus on the lesson. Mindless note taking calmed his head and nerves slightly, it felt nice just to follow along. The class was relatively easy, Miss Green finished with their notes and gave them a worksheet, saying that if it wasn’t finished in class it was homework. Techno worked on it until the bell rang, then packed up his stuff and headed towards his next class.
As he walked down the hall he heard footsteps coming up behind him when someone threw their arm around his shoulders again, gripping the same sore spot on his arm tightly.
“Hey man, could I get the answers from Bio?” Griffin’s strident voice filling his head. Techno shifted his shoulder.
“The notes or the worksheet?”
“No, you should have paid attention,” Techno responded curtly, he had a short internal argument about how he was being a hypocrite.
“Oh come on man! Cut me some slack, I just moved and everything has been really stressful, please?”
Techno bit the inside of his mouth, he didn’t want to just hand Griffin the answers for something he did jackshit on but at the same time he did just move…
“Ah yes! Thank you man! Wilbur invited me over after school today so I’ll get them then!” Griffin suddenly released Techno, half jogging through the mosh pit of people in the hall, “Thanks again!”
Techno just sighed and continued to his next class, arm aching, hoping this wouldn’t become a routine.
It became a routine.
Everyday after bio Griffin would do the same song and dance of running up behind him, wrenching his hair, throwing his arm around his shoulders and asking for notes or homework answers. Techno would oblige, he didn’t want to disappoint Griffin and add stress after the guy had moved from the town he spent his whole life in.
But after a week it got old, Techno grew tired of it, he didn’t mind giving his friends answers if they had an off day or needed help or a break but this was pushing it, Griffin didn’t even do anything in class! He would just sit there and throw little paper balls everywhere, he didn’t even attempt to try.
Techno heard footsteps behind him and tensed up, a familiar arm tossed around his shoulders.
“Hey man, I can’t make it over after school today-”
“I’m not giving you the answers,” Techno interrupted, Griffin balked, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“It’s been a week, you need to start paying attention, I’m not giving you the answers anymore,” Techno tried to keep walking, wiggling his arm against Griffin’s now tightening grip.
“Come on- we’re friends! You wouldn’t leave a friend-”
“We’re not friends, you and Wilbur might be but we are just acquaintances, classmates at best. I don’t owe you anything-”
Techno was cut off when Griffin yanked him to a locker bay, slamming him against the metal.
“You think you’re cool? That you can talk down to me? That’s not the case,” Griffin gripped the front on Techno’s hoodie, other hand grasping the same tender spot on his arm. Techno’s heart was in his throat.
“You either give me the answers for our Bio homework or I’ll beat the shit out of you. If you’d like a reference your little brother has seen me in the weight room, are we clear?”
Techno’s mouth was dry, sharp tendrils wrapped around his chest. He felt small under Griffin’s dark stare. Eventually he was able to choke out;
“Good, I’ll get them from you later,” Instantly Griffin let go of his shirt, walking away, leaving Techno to try and collect his thoughts.
Tommy didn’t really talk to Griffin all that much, he had spent a lot of time at their apartment and seemed rather nice, just a little shy. He spent most of the time with Wilbur, doing homework or talking loudly. Tommy’s hand hurt from the constant pounding on the walls to get them to shut up. He had never seen them without each other.
Which was why he was surprised to get home and see Griffin sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.
“Uh, what are you doing here?” Tommy asked, taking his shoes off, Griffin looked up nonchalantly, “Just hanging out,”
“But Wilbur isn’t here, he’s at work,” Tommy pointed out, how did this guy get in?
“He said I could still come over,”
“That’s... weird,” Tommy trailed off, trying to find the right word.
“What is?”
“You just-just being here without Wilbur, it doesn’t seem right,”
“I don’t see what the big deal is, you’re just being aggressive but I guess that’s normal,” Griffin didn’t look up from his phone.
“What the hell are you on about?”
“I don’t want to repeat myself, of course that would also mean you would have to be shut up for once and listen,”
“Wow, you’re an asshole,” Tommy walked into the kitchen.
“You’re one to talk,”
“Stop talking shit, you don’t know me,” Tommy shot back, voicing growing louder, grabbing a cheese stick from the fridge.
“I know enough-”
“No you don’t! Shut-”
“God you are so loud man, do you ever shut up? Like at all? How about for once you just try to use your indoor voice? Or did you forget? This is why Phil always has a headache.”
Tommy paused, had he been making Phil more stressed?
“Wh-what do you mean?” Tommy cleared his throat.
“No but it’s obvious, he constantly talks about having headaches and how he wants some peace and quiet, it’s pretty clear he’s talking about you.”
Tommy swallowed, the apartment suddenly seemed too small, or he was too big, Wilbur had always teased him about his sudden growth spurt.
“What no come back?”
“Shut up man,” Tommy retorted but it had no real bite, he shuffled into his room and stayed there, he wanted to be along. He also locked Techno out, who was not happy about that, he ignored everyone until Wilbur pounded on the door telling him that dinner was ready.
Tommy walked out, heart dropping when he saw Griffin at the table. He stayed quiet throughout most of the meal, he’d laugh along with his brothers but didn’t offer much to the conversation.
Once they had finished Techno started on the dishes and, surprisingly, Griffin helped.
The rest of the night was normal, Griffin hung around for a while more before leaving, Tommy stayed in his room most of the night, anxiety getting the better of him. He didn’t want to cause Phil more stress, he already worked so hard. Wilbur helped with the bills and Techno did most, if not all of the chores, and Tommy realized he didn't do anything for them.
He messaged Tubbo, trying to take his mind off the panic that started to burn itself into his chest. They got into a call, Tubbo talking about the stray cat in his neighborhood and how it finally got close enough for Tubbo to pet, and how he now has a bandaged hand.
They continued to talk, Tommy’s anxiety starting to drip away, at least he wasn’t a burden to Tubbo, completely.
Griffin was spending more and more time at their apartment and it was starting to fry at Tommy’s nerves, the man was always there. He had also started to join in on his brother's teasing, which wasn’t a big issue.
But it also kind of was.
His brother’s jokes were always fun and lighthearted, they usually didn’t go too far and they were just that- jokes. Griffin’s jokes were stupid and borderline hurtful, a person can only go for so long hearing things like, “You’re such a fucking moron, how’d you even pass preschool?” or “Look, it’s the human version of a headache,” or “This is why you have to cheat off Tubbo, too fucking stupid to understand,” before it got too draining.
The only time he seemed to get a reprieve was when he stopped talking or just left the room all together, leaving the room was too noticeable and could ruin the mood so Tommy would just sit there, biting his tongue, and he continued to do that even after Griffin left.
He was tired.
When Wilbur had invited Griffin over he hadn't expected it to go so well. Griffin was easy going and funny, he and Wilbur would talk for hours, Techno and Tommy seemed to tolerate him and Phil liked him so their fate was sealed. He had been hanging around for a few weeks when Wilbur started to notice a few things.
First off Tommy was quiet, not every once and awhile but all of the time, he just didn’t seem to speak and if he did it was in an intentionally quiet tone.
Secondly Techno; he had been more jumpy then usual, Wilbur had tried to mess with his hair like he normally would but Techno would jerk away. When Wilbur asked Techno shrugged, “You scared me,” Wilbur grabbed the sides of his face, chittering at him in a singsong ‘baby’ voice “Awwww! I’m sorry my little Technoblade I’m sorry,”. Techno flipped him off and shoved him away.
Phil would randomly mess with his hair when bored or zoning out but most recently when Phil had gone to, Techno had ducked away.
Wilbur briefly considered if Griffin had anything to do with it but quickly pushed it away, he trusted him. Wilbur had racked his brain trying to think of reasons as to why his brothers were acting differently but he kept coming back to Griffin. They had started acting this way when Griffin showed up but Wilbur didn’t want to point fingers just yet, he’d just have to watch.
He got his answer in two days.
Wilbur had been heading to his math class when he saw Griffin run up behind Techno, grabbing his hair and pulling him back. Techno turned to face him, shoulders slumping, he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it off to Griffin, whose eyes lit up.
He took the paper then walked past Techno, shoving him too hard to be friendly. Wilbur frowned, changing course, he walked up to Techno and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey what the fuck was that?” He asked sharply. Techno’s face faltered and gave him away but he still tried to play dumb.
“What was what?”
“The thing with Griffin with the paper, what was that?”
Techno froze, just staring at him, Wilbur could see the internal panic in his eyes.
“Don’t mentally check out on me,” Wilbur said, snapping his fingers in front of Techno’s face, “What happened?”
They stood there for a moment, much to the dismay of the other students, before Techno bolted. He dodged away from Wilbur and slipped into the crowd before Wilbur could grab him.
Wilbur groaned, calling after him, “What good does running do? We live together!” But he got no response.
Which is why he jumped Techno right as he got home from school. He had cut through a few neighborhoods and hoped a couple of fences to beat Techno home.
He grabbed his wrist firmly, trying to drag Techno into the living room, “I’ll give you credit, you managed to weasel out of the conversation for, like what, three hours or so? Nice going Tech, real clever.”
Techno said nothing, just staring at him with a blank expression.
“I’m not letting go of this so you can space out as much as you want, I’ve got nowhere to be,”
Techno scoffed, “I can definitely space out long then you can,”
“You’d think that-hey wait! Do not try to distract me, now tell me what happened earlier or I’m going to crush you,”
Techno shrugged, avoiding his gaze, “It’s not a big deal, just the answers for our Bio homework-”
“What do you mean why? He just needed some help-”
“Yeah but you don’t give answers, I’ve never seen you give direct answers to anyone other than Skeppy and Niki, that’s not like you.” Wilbur stared Techno down, trying to get him to break.
“So? People change, why are you so fixated on this?”
“It’s just that- You’ve been- both you and Tommy have been acting differently recently, it all started when Griffin showed up and I just- I don’t know, I’m kind of worried,” Wilbur trailed off, not sure what else to say.
Techno sighed, tapping his fingers on his knee nervously, “Uh, well, you're not wrong on the Griffin thing, uh, he,” He groaned, “Why is this so hard? Griffin did kind of threaten me and I know he has been saying shit to Tommy and he just laughs it off but I can tell it bothers him-”
“Hold on, he what?” Wilbur’s eyes narrowed, “He’s been talking shit about Tommy and threatening you? What the hell is wrong with him! He never seemed like the type of person to do this- are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine Wilbur, It’s not that big of a deal and-”
“It is a big deal! He acted like he was my friend, like some timid shy guy, and then he does this shit to you guys- what the hell is his problem!” He had stood up and started pacing, fist against his mouth, eyes flashing with fire.
Techno stood up, placing a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder, “It’s okay! It’s okay, it’s not that bad,” He wasn’t sure what to say to placate his brother when he was this mad.
“Oh I gonna kill him,”
“Don’t, you get suspended and then it’ll mess with your job and-”
“Okay fine, I’ll get him some other way but he’s never coming back here.”
It had been two days, Wilbur was just waiting for the right opening. He had acted pleasant around Griffin but everytime they would run into his brothers Wilbur saw what they were talking about, things he had previously tried to ignore, Tommy’s forced smile after a joke, Techno trying to pull away from Griffin’s iron grip on his shoulder, Griffin’s not so friendly shoves, and it made his blood boil.
Wilbur knew he had to confront him that day. It was after lunch, they were cutting through an empty locker bay when Wilbur shoved Griffin into the wall, arm across his chest.
“Wilbur what the fu-”
“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find out how you’ve been treating my brothers?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Don’t lie-”
“What has gotten into you? I haven’t done anything to your brothers!”
“Shut up, you can blabber and lie all you want, I don’t care, but if you ever even come close to my brothers I will beat you into the ground, do you understand me?”
Griffin said nothing, he just glared back at Wilbur.
“They are very important to me, never forget that,” He let go of Griffin, who half slid down the lockers.
Wilbur walked away, feeling confident that Griffin would stay away, otherwise he’d make him.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
Fearless (S.H.)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: Steve tries to make your ruined prom night a little bit better. Based on Fearless by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 2,1k
Warnings: None
A/n: this was previously posted on my old blog @/kissingsucks. I deleted that blog a while ago but I want to repost some of my old work from there. It’s been slightly edited because it kind sucked lmao
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You honestly didn’t know why you thought this night would go well. You’d spent hours getting ready; perfectly curling your hair, painstakingly applying makeup, and slipping into your beautiful deep red dress. You and Robin had sat giggling in your room and listening to music, preparing for the night ahead: prom. You hadn’t wanted to go, but Robin insisted. Neither of you had gone to many dances throughout high school and she decided that the two of you needed the ‘experience’. So you begrudgingly agreed and bought a pretty dress from Macy’s at the mall the next town over. After getting ready the two of you sat on your porch, waiting for your ride. Eventually, Steve pulled up in his car and stuck his head out the window.
“Wow, you two clean up nice!” He yelled. You and Robin laughed before hopping in. You called shotgun and Robin climbs into the back, mumbling under her breath. Steve turned up the radio before speeding off towards the school. 
Steve pulls up in front of Hawkins High and turns to you and Robin. 
“Ok both of you,” he says in a mock authoritative tone. You see Robin roll her eyes and a smile creeps across your face. 
“No drinking, no drugs, and you must keep a three-inch distance between you and your dance partners,” he says, listing each rule off on his fingers. 
“Ok dad,” Robin replies sarcastically. You chuckle before jumping out of the car. 
“We’ll be fine Steve,” you assure him. He sighs before reminding you that he’ll pick you and Robin up at eleven. The two of you wave and he drives off.
“I wish we could’ve convinced him to come,” you say to Robin as the two of you make your way to the front door. Robin shrugs before replying, “he graduated last year he’s probably too embarrassed to show up here”. You nod, knowing that it’s probably the truth. But deep down you wished he would decide to come along. When Robin had suggested attending prom, you had imagined the three of you dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Steve in a gorgeous, well-fitting suit. It was a silly fantasy. A result of an even sillier crush on Steve Harrington. It had developed over the summer. You had worked at Scoops Ahoy along with him and Robin, and there was just something about watching him flirt with girls in the stupid sailor costume that made you blush. You thought you did a pretty good job at hiding it but you were convinced Robin knew. Though Steve still seemed oblivious, and for that you were glad. You didn’t want to destroy your friendship. You and Robin push open the doors to the gym and step inside. The dance was themed “city lights” and the gym was adorned with metallic streamers and colorful lights. You smiled widely, and step in, high hopes for the night ahead.
But here you are, an hour later, sitting alone on the bleachers. Prom had been fun for about fifteen minutes. You and Robin danced to Duran Duran and you were practically squealing with happiness. Then you went to grab a cup of punch. The line was long, it took you nearly five minutes to grab cups for you and Robin. You turned around, only to see her huddled in a corner with none other than Tammy Thompson. She was smiling wide and the two were speaking in hushed whispers. You sighed, realizing you couldn’t interrupt her now. If you did you know she’d kill you later. So you trek up the bleachers and drink both cups of punch. And you sit. And sit. And sit. You were too scared to dance alone, and nobody seemed interested in asking you to dance. Robin and Tammy were still off in their own world and there was no hope of stealing Robin back anytime soon. So you found the closest chaperone and asked to use one of the office phones. 
The phone rang once before he picks up.
“Steve it’s (Y/n),” you reply. 
“Hey, is everything ok?” He questions.
“Um…” You’re unsure how to answer. “Can you just come pick me up?” you say. You hear shuffling on the other end of the line. 
“Yeah give me a few minutes and I’ll be over to pick you guys up,” he replies.
“It’s just me,” you tell him. “Robin is staying.” The shuffling stops.
“Oh. Well, I’ll be there soon anyway,” he says before the line goes dead. You smile at the chaperone and head outside to wait
A mere fifteen minutes later Steve’s car pulls up. It had begun to rain and your hair had lost the artificial curls you’d spent hours perfecting. You sit on a bench out front, your hands crossed against your chest. As soon as you see him you jump up and practically run to the car. As soon as you got in Steve gives you a questioning look.
“Jeez y/n what happened to you.”
“Nothing Steve, it just got boring,” you reply in a huff. Steve furrows his eyebrows.
“Where’s Robin?” he questions.
“She’s talking to Tammy,” you reply and Steve nods, understanding dawning on him. 
“No one else to talk to?” he questions. You shake your head. 
“I only danced for like ten minutes it was so stupid,” you reply, letting your annoyance show in your tone. You heard Steve chuckle beside you. You steal a quick glance at him. He’s staring down at the steering wheel in front of him, hair in his eyes. Under the soft glow of the singular street light of the parking lot, he looks almost angelic.
“Well that’s not a real prom experience,” he says turning towards you. You shrug before averting your eyes, hoping he didn’t catch you staring. You sit in comfortable silence for a moment, and you wonder when Steve is going to put the car in drive. But instead, he suddenly turns up the random Janet Jackson song playing on the radio and throws open his door. He steps out into the rain, practically soaking his t-shirt immediately, and runs around to your side of the car. He opens your door and extends his hand to you.
“What are you doing Steve,” you question. He smiles widely before grabbing your hand and pulling you outside.
“I’m giving you the full prom experience,” he answers mischievously. You stand in front of him, feeling the cold rain run down your shoulders. Steve begins dancing badly, wildly jumping around and swinging his arms.
“Steve!” you yell, scanning the parking lot to make sure no one can see you.
“Come on Y/n! Have some fun!” he yells back at you. You hug your arms close to your chest. Not quite sure what to do. Steve runs over and grabs your hands, forcing you to jump along to the music with him. You giggle which causes Steve’s smile to widen. Eventually, the two of you are drenched, laughing wildly, and clumsily dancing with each other. The pavement seems to glow under the streetlight and the thunder rolling in the background makes the moment feel magical. You stop for a moment to catch your breath and you grasp Steve’s hands. He holds them to his chest. Staring at you, smiling and breathing heavy. His hair is wet and matted against his forehead, his cheeks are a deep rosy red, most likely from the cold, and he has never looked so beautiful. Suddenly the radio crackles, a commercial break interrupting the music. And the moment is broken. Steve drops your hands and straightens quickly. You blink, the magic you felt only moments earlier dissipating. 
“I should uh, get you home,” Steve says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You nod, and head for the car. Your soaked dress squishes as you lower yourself into your seat and you make a face. You hear Steve chuckle slightly beside you. 
He puts the car in drive and heads off towards your house.
He drives along the road, the radio quietly playing, filling the silent air. You look at him, trying not to be too obvious. He runs his hands through his wet hair and you feel a pull in your gut; yearning. You had been kidding yourself. It wasn’t simply a silly little crush. It was a butterflies explode in your chest kind of crush. A sweaty palms and averting eyes kind of crush. A type of crush that is always in your mind, occupying your dreams and thoughts. The kind of crush that never gives you a moment to breathe. The kind of crush you’d dance in a storm with, ruining your best dress, just for the chance to be close to them. And as you’re lost in your thoughts, Steve looks over to you in the passenger's seat and gives you a small smile. You’re frozen, unable to look away from his deep brown eyes. And for a moment he looks like he wants to say something but then the light turns green and he turns back to the road. You look away, your cheeks burning, and stare at your hands. 
A few minutes later, Steve pulls into your driveway. 
“Well here we are,” Steve says, staring up at your house. You turn slightly towards him.
“Thanks for the ride. Sorry I made you leave early to get me,” you say quietly.
“Hey don’t worry about it. I’ll always be around to give you a ride if you need it,” he says, turning towards you. You glance at the clock on his dashboard and curse under your breath. Steve furrows his brows and glances at the clock himself. It is ten forty-five.
“I should go inside, you probably have to pick up Robin now,” you mumble, fumbling with the door handle. 
“Here I’ll walk you up,” Steve says, unbuckling his seat belt. 
The two of you walk up the walkway towards your front door. The silence that hangs between you is awkward, something that has never happened with you and Steve before. You arrive at your door and you dig in your small clutch for your keys. You find them and put your key in the lock before turning to Steve. 
“Thanks for picking me up early,” you say to him. He shrugs, his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah no problem,” he says, kicking a rock off your porch. You start to turn towards the door but stop yourself.
“And thanks for the mini dance party back at school. You stopped my night from totally sucking,” you say with a slight laugh. Steve smiles slightly, looking at the ground.
“Yeah of course, glad I could help,” he replies. You smile, waiting to see if he’ll say more but he doesn’t. For a fleeting moment, you feel brave and you lean over and give Steve a quick peck on the cheek. He jumps back, eyebrows furrowed. 
“(Y/n) I…” He looks at you, confusion clearly written on his face. You cringe before turning to escape into your house. You wonder how you could’ve been so stupid, thinking he might’ve felt the same way. But before you can step into your house a hand grabs your arm and pulls you back. You turn and lock eyes with Steve. His eyes are soft but determined and his face is tense. Before you have a moment to think his lips crash into yours. For a moment the kiss is awkward, teeth knocking into each other. But then the two of you find a rhythm and it’s flawless. You pull away, gasping for air. Steve smiles down at you, his eyes blown, a soft smile gracing his face. For a moment the two of you stare at each other, the air practically buzzing. Steve leans down and kisses your forehead before pulling away. 
“Well I guess I better go pick up Robin,” he says, chuckling.
“Yeah she‘ll kill you if you're late,” you say breathlessly. Steve squeezes your hand before turning and heading back to his car. You stand at your door and watch him climb into his seat. Before he drives away he sticks his head out the window. 
“I forgot to tell you earlier, but you look beautiful!” he yells to you. You giggle, feeling like a schoolgirl with her first crush before thanking him. He pulls out of your driveway and drives off. You finally open up your front door and collapse against the door frame. And you sit and wonder why you thought this night was going to go horribly. Because it turned out to be the best night of your life.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Prologue
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other. 
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Eventual smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption.
But in this chapter - themes of a sexual nature.
Author’s note: Everything in bold italics is a flashback. Yay! This is the first part of my sugar daddy/sugar baby Maxwell Lord x f!reader Christmas fic. If you want to be tagged in future parts please let me know! Enjoy x
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It was an exciting day for the staff at Black Gold Cooperative, and exciting days at Black Gold Cooperative were often hard to come by. Every year Maxwell Lord would begrudgingly allow his staff to take a few hours out of their work schedule to help decorate his main headquarters in time for Christmas. Christmas music boomed throughout each floor as everyone from secretaries, associates, chefs and cleaners would help each other engage in festive decorating. It was so much fun, everyone was beaming and laughing. The staff made sure to enjoy every second of it because they knew by tomorrow it would all be over.
Brittany, one of Maxwell Lord’s three assistants, had designated her input to the main lobby as she ushered in loggers who had cut down the forest’s biggest Christmas tree. They were pushing it into the lobby but struggling to get it through the double doored main entrance. Fern and pine cones nudged off the tree and rolled along the red carpet in the entryway.
“What are you just standing there for? Go help them!” she commanded the doorman, Andreas, with a roll of her eyes. The tall and strong built doorman walked over to the loggers and asked them if they needed any help.
Brittany turned around when she saw the dazzling yellow gold fairy lights strung delicately along the grand staircase. Her heart stopped when she saw the man of her dreams walk down them. Her very own prince Charming. Maxwell Lord was in a daze as he looked around the lobby of his company’s headquarters. Christmas lights sparkle and shine all around him, tinsel and banners strung up over paintings and portraits. Maxwell would never involve himself with the Christmas decorating but he did have a duty to check that it wasn’t overly tacky each year.
His dark blonde hair glistened golden under the fairylights that surrounded him, and he looked so incredibly smart in his light blue suit jacket, lilac shirt and royal purple tie with matching pocket square. Of course he looked just as smart every day but it was always special when he chose to wear colour instead of just chiaroscuro. Brittany caught on to Maxwell’s confused expression when his eyes locked onto the struggling loggers and his doorman pushing a Christmas tree through the double door.
“What’s going on over there?” Maxwell asked as his other assistant, Stephanie, who handed him his go-to black coffee. Brittany approached him with a wide smile.
“They’re struggling because we decided to get a bigger Christmas tree this year. They’ve spent the past half an hour trying to push it through the door.” Brittany explained, scrunching her nose up in dismay.
“And who’s idea was it to get a bigger Christmas tree?” Maxwell asked, folding his arms against his chest. The loggers had finally pushed it through and were now trying to position it just by the left of the grand staircase. Maxwell huffed out an annoyed sigh as he saw the mess of fern that had trailed in behind the tree.
“Andreas’ idea.” Brittany pointed at the exhausted doorman who was now covered in dirt from trying to move the Christmas tree. That was a lie. It had been Brittany’s idea to get a bigger tree. Stephanie narrowed her eyes and shook her head at her colleague.
Maxwell Lord sauntered away from his assistant’s and to the shop that was located just by the main reception help desk. He’d go there everyday and purchase the same bar of chocolate and chat up the lady who he had working behind the counter. 
Everyone continued with their decorating, humming the lyrics to Do They Know It’s Christmas by BandAid which had just been released that week. Seeing everyone so jolly lit a fire in Maxwell’s heart. It reminded him of his own childhood.
The only reason he kept up with the tradition of decorating Black Gold Cooperative for Christmas was because his father used to allow it too. And it was one of the only times of the year he got to spend with him. Maxwell remembered the way his father would lift him onto his shoulders and encourage Maxwell to put the star on the top of the tree. Once the young boy managed to do so, the whole of his father’s office would cheer and applaud for him. The pride was something that elated a young Maxwell and he loved the validation that he got from, not only his father’s inferiors, but most importantly, his own father.
Maxwell would accompany his father around the office and watch as he gave gifts to his employees. He was more than generous, handing things out such as expensive bottles of champagne and tickets to Santa’s grotto to those he knew had families.
“I want to go see Santa,” a young Maxwell wailed one year.
“And what could you possibly want to see Santa for?” Maxwell’s father laughed, pinching his son’s chubby cheeks. “You already have every single toy you could possibly want.”
Maxwell frowned, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling. “I want to meet Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.” the child admitted, folding his arms and puffing out his cheeks.
“I see.” Maxwell’s father chuckled before picking his son up and planting a kiss on his forehead. “You know daddy’s busy, but what if you ask mommy to take you?”
“Mommy never takes me anywhere.” Maxwell frowned sadly and his father nodded understandably, his arms tightening around his son as he hugged him. He knew his wife was an absent mother but there was so little he could do about it.
“Maybe next year, huh son? Would you like that? Daddy can try and get some time off work.” Maxwell nodded sadly as his father put him to the ground. “Now go to your playroom. I want you to finish writing your Christmas list so we can send it to Santa Claus.” His father encouraged. “Remember I want you to do your best cursive handwriting. Can you do that for me?”
Maxwell nodded happily before padding away to his playroom. Despite his father’s empty promises, he never got the chance to meet Santa Claus or speak to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  He never got to experience the same things as other children his age did.
"Mr Lord, I was thinking we position the Christmas tree here. Decorate it with black and gold baubles, of course— oh, and tinsel too. What do you think?" Brittany asked, interrupting her boss’ thoughts. She twirled her finger in the air, gesturing for the logger’s to rotate the tall pine tree into a slightly new position. "That's much better. Now, Amanda wanted an angel on the top, bit I was thinking a gold glittered star would be much more fitting-"
The star at the top of the tree. Just like his childhood. Maxwell shook away the painful memories. He held his hand out, in a motion that would connote ‘stop’. Brittany listened. "I don't care." Maxwell said, looking up at the tree and shaking his head. Brittany’s grip tightened around her clipboard as she followed her boss to the grand staircase.
"Right, of course. My bad sir. But I was thinking how nice it may be, for you to have a Christmas tree in your own office?"
"And what purpose will that serve?" Maxwell asked with half a sigh before taking a sip of his espresso. His face soured at the bitter taste and he threw the practically full cup into the trash. He had forgotten how fast his hot drinks would turn cold during the incoming winter period. "What the fuck does it take to get a decent coffee around here?" He muttered to himself, but loud enough for Stephanie to hear. Stephanie scowled. No matter what she just couldn’t make a nice coffee.
"It would look nice," Brittany beamed. "Festive."
"No." Maxwell replied, checking the time on his gold wristwatch. Slightly alarmed, he turned away from the lit up staircase and he began to approach the elevator, Brittany continuing to follow quickly behind him.
"Sir, don't you like Christmas?" Brittany asked her boss curiously.
"No." Maxwell repeated, his voice just as monotone as before. He really didn’t want to talk about this.
"But why not?"
"Brittany do I pay you to ask me questions?" Maxwell snapped, spinning around on his heel and grabbing his assistant by her chin. She looked up at her boss, fluttering her dark eyelashes which framed her emerald coloured eyes.
"No sir." She replied innocently, biting her lower lip. Maxwell smirked, his grip tightening on her.
"What do I pay you for?" he growled quietly, his face just inches away from hers.
"You pay me to look pretty and be there whenever you may need any assistance." Brittany remembered his exact words from the day he hired her.
"Good girl," Maxwell praised. "I don't appreciate all these questions from you. You want to put your mouth to good use? I suggest you shut up and head to my office. Undress yourself. I'll be five minutes."
Brittany nodded with an eager smile spread across her face and bolted up the grand staircase. Once Maxwell had shared a few polite sentiments and signed a few autographs from the loggers who had come in with the Christmas tree, he took the elevator to the 22nd floor of his office.
Amanda, who was manning the desk outside of Maxwell’s personal office, rolled her eyes as she noticed Maxwell following Brittany in there just minutes after. Knowing what they’d both be up to, she continued filing her nails - trying to get the perfect shape when her colleague, Stephanie, practically fell out of the elevator when the door slid open to the 22nd floor of Black Gold Cooperative’s headquarters.
In shock, Amanda dropped her nail file on the floor and her head bolted upright, gaze following a heaving and panting Stephanie. Stephanie ran to the desk, grabbing the corners so hard her knuckles turned white, panic spread across her face.
"Stephanie, what's wrong?" Amanda asked, tilting her head slightly.
"She's here." Stephanie was gasping for breath, fear prevailing in her ice blue eyes. Stephanie didn’t have to say who exactly had entered the premises because her tone said it all.
"That's impossible." Amanda scoffed, rolling her eyes and picking her nail file up.
"I saw her," Stephanie continued. "Downstairs. In the lobby. I was trying to make Mr Lord a new and improved espresso and she just threw her fur jacket on me - like I was some kind of coat rack. She'll be up here any second now. Where is Brittany?"
That’s when the fear dawned on Amanda.
Now also panicked, Amanda looked at the large double doors at the end of the room which led into Maxwell Lord's personal and private office. Stephanie's gaze followed and her ruby red lips parted into a perfect ’o’ shape. "She's not… is she?" Stephanie shook her head in disbelief. Amanda nodded her head, agreeing to Stephanie’s insinuation. "What the hell do we do?!"
"Oh no oh no," Amanda began pacing around in circles behind the desk. "They don't train you for this!" She exclaimed, holding her head in her hands. "I think we better go tell them that she's here before she walks in on them."
"Are you kidding me?" Stephanie gasped, placing a hand on her hip. "Fine. You go. I do not want to be the one who interrupts Maxwell Lord IV when he's in the middle of you-know-what." 
"He'll be grateful!" Amanda pointed out, urging Stephanie enter Maxwell's office. "Look, what sort of guy wants his mother to walk in on him going down on a random girl?"
Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Mr Lord doesn't go down on any of us."
"He goes down on me." Amanda smiled proudly.
"You're lying." Stephanie tutted.
"Am not!" Amanda argued.
Neither of the girls noticed Mrs Maxine Lord walking straight past them and into her son’s office. She froze at the door and a wicked smirk planted across her lips when she saw a disheveled Brittany wipe her face with a silk handkerchief, provided courtesy from her boss. Maxwell’s brown eyes widened as he saw his mother standing there with her hand on hip. Brittany was practically shaking in fear as she discarded the handkerchief and tightened the ponytail in her hair.
“Mrs Lord!” Brittany exclaimed with a teary eyed but polite smile. “How unexpected it is to see you. Can I get you anything?”
“You can leave.” Maxine said bitterly. Brittany nodded and ran out the office. Maxwell zipped his pants up and slouched into his chair as his mother took a seat opposite him. “Do you want a lawsuit?” she asked her son with a frown.
“What are you talking about?” Maxwell sighed, taking a comb and fixing his dark blonde hair.
“You keep fucking your assistants. One of them will rat you out and try suing. I just know it.” Maxine shook her head, placing her Chanel purse on her lap. “And Maxwell, I don’t want the future heir of Black Gold Cooperative to be the child of some no good under qualified assistant. Heaven forbid.”
“Mother, why did you come here unannounced?” Maxwell sighed, wanting to change the subject immediately. Maxine composed herself before forcing a grin.
“I spoke to president Reagan,” she beamed. “He said we can host this year’s Christmas gala at the White House.”
“Okay?” Maxwell rolled his eyes and took out a stack of papers from underneath his desk and began flicking through the pages. He figured if he looked busy, then maybe his mother would leave him alone.
“Maureen will be there.” she cooed, snatching away the papers that were in her son’s hand.
“And?” Maxwell sighed again, frustration building up inside of him as he looked at his fingers, thinking her abrupt action had given him a paper cut.
“Oh come on Maxwell!” his mother exclaimed, annoyance prevalent in her voice. “Think about it. Your future child’s grandfather could be president Ronald Reagan! And Maureen is quite the natural beauty. I mean - before she had all that work done. It would truly be great for the business. Can you imagine the publicity?”
“Do you hear yourself?” Maxwell shouted and stood to his feet. “I am not interested in Maureen, nor will I be attending this ridiculous Christmas gala. Jesus Christ - I don’t even support Reagan.”
“Yes you will attend the gala Maxwell, because I say so.” Maxine raised her voice just as loudly as her son, asserting her authority. “I think you’re forgetting your roots. Your father founded the annual Black Gold Cooperative Christmas gala. Now imagine how he’d feel if he knew you had no interest in showing up.” Maxwell’s heart stung and he dropped his head in shame. She was right. He would be disappointed. “I will page you the details,” Maxine promised. “In the meanwhile - I want you to sort this dirty business you have going on with your assistants. You want a whore? You could at least pay them for being your whore.” she spat in disgrace.
Maxwell knew his mother didn’t mean her words and the last thing she would want is her son frolicking around with someone who he paid for sex and sex only. She wanted him to find a suitor who was just as wealthy and well respected as him. 
However it did strike him with an idea. What if he were to hire someone who could be there for him whenever he needed that release? His assistant’s were on thin ice and he understood that there was always the potential of an impending lawsuit. That would be more than damaging to his reputation.
He needed someone new. Someone who would be more than happy with satisfying his sexual desires. Someone he could easily come to a mutual agreement with him. He’d have his lawyer draft a contract. But it wouldn’t be easy. If it got out to the public - that Maxwell Lord was looking for a partner just to simply gratify his sexual needs - the tabloids would eat him up. Luckily, Maxwell Lord was cunning, scheming, and he had the perfect idea.
Taglist: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-way
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jungkookie1998 · 3 years
Smeraldo (Jin X Reader) Pt.2
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🌼 Summary: You decide to start a new life in the town you grew up then, but everything has changed. There are many new places in your old town, including a flower shop with a peculiar name.
🌼 Genre: romance, fluff, strangers to lovers
🌼 Warnings: None, unless you can’t handle Mr. WWH
🌼 Words: 3.6K
🌼 A/N: This is my second part of this story; I’m thinking of doing a few chapters for this story in particular. As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy :)
🌼 Previous Parts: Part 1
The next day had come, and you were sitting up in your bed feeling very dazed. You had not slept that well last night; You were too giddy from the excitement, part of you not understanding why. You knew one thing though. You needed coffee. You decided to begrudgingly get out of bed and headed over to your pour-over drip. You were the kind of person that did enjoy using appliances and electronic devices for convenience, but when it came to your coffee there was nothing that beats a pour-over cup of coffee. Sometimes, a little extra time and work to you was worth it to truly savor certain experiences. You delicately pour the boiling water over the coffee dripper, watching as the coffee grinds form into a puddle and drip slowly from the bottom and into your cup. You smelled the hints of chocolate, caramel, and sweet nut. You took the filter with the remains of the coffee grinds and threw it away after it finished, added a little bit of milk and sugar to help with the bitterness, and then finally took your first sip. It was smooth, lightly sweet, and brightened up your mood. You grabbed some fruit salad you had made the other day to eat for breakfast. You decided to enjoy some morning cartoons while sipping on your coffee and eating your fruit. You weren’t really a big breakfast person, you never had much of an appetite in the morning but still, you try to be healthy. You finish your breakfast and coffee and go to clean it up and put it away. You go to the bathroom, clean up a bit, and go to pick up an outfit. You decided you wanted to look cute, but still be comfortable as you were doing a lot of work on the house. You wore an older loose floral top and whitewashed overalls on top. 
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You put your hair in a high ponytail to keep it out of the way while you do work. After you finished, it was time to get started on the house. You grab the supplies and equipment you bought and go to the kitchen. You had decided to try to upgrade the house to be more modern, and while you had to wait for the appliances you had ordered, you still needed to fix the piping and paint the cupboards/cabinets and drawers. You get to work on the pipes first. Luckily you had learned this skill when renting a run-down apartment in college and took care of the pipes quickly. You took the old pipes and set them aside for now, and went to grab the paint. You had concluded that you wanted the cupboards to be a light mossy green, and the drawers and cabinets to be white. It took a few coats to perfect it, but you managed to finish them. You grabbed this old custom-built table your grandmother had once used as a mini island and painted it to match. Luckily everything in the kitchen looked brand new with just a simple paint job. You checked the time. About two hours had passed by, and it was now 10 am. You knew everything would take a few days to truly dry so you left it as is and put the unneeded paint cans away, but kept the green color you had used for the cupboards. You were going to paint the outside of the house today. You headed outside and got to work. This time you used a big paint roller and bigger brushes to shed some time. You checked the time again. You had finished about half of the house at this point, and two hours had passed. You thought it would be a good time to take a break and eat something and rehydrate. You kept it simple and made yourself a sandwich since the kitchen was mostly unusable. You quickly ate and grabbed some water bottles before heading back outside to finish painting. You were determined to at least finish painting before Jin came over because you were hoping the flowers would really pop and match the house. It wasn’t for any other reason… you told yourself. You had no one to impress… you kept telling yourself. Another hour went by and you were almost finished. You rushed slightly, afraid Jin would get here before you had finished. You wipe the sweat off your forehead and raise your arm and cheer to yourself. “It’s finally finished! It looks so beautiful.” You truly felt like the house was becoming yours more and more. You put everything away quickly and head inside to cool down a bit and freshen yourself up. You decided to take a break until Jin arrives. You listen to music and draw to pass the time. You were getting really into it, as your drawing was coming out nicely. As you were putting the final touches on the drawing, you heard a car door slam. You hop up a little startled and look outside the window. Standing next to a small black car was Jin, who was reaching into the back seat, his arms full of flowers. You rush to go outside but slow once you walk outside to seem composed. You study him while waiting. He was wearing a plain white top, some dark shorts, a dark blue cap, and some plain white shoes. For anyone else, this outfit would be boring or normal, but on him, it looked quite fashionable and comfortable. You shook the thought away. Jin closes the car door with his hip and looks over towards you. “Oh, hey. Sorry if I’m a little late.” You smile and shake your head. “No, it’s completely fine. It’s not that late.” It was only 3 pm, you had plenty of time. You go to grab some of the flowers in his arms, and Jin quietly hands them over and heads to the back of his car and opens the trunk. He grabs what appears to be a bag full of equipment and some bags of fertilizer. You place the flowers on the ground over in the grass and go to help him carry the other things. Jin follows behind you. “Thanks, Y/N.” He smiles again and puts everything down. “Alright, so we have quite a lot of flowers to plant so we should get started.” You roll your sleeves back and nod in understanding. “So Jin, What do you think of these areas for planting?” You point at the areas that are in the front of the house but on the sides. You wanted the flowers to be visible and for them to bring out the beauty of the cottage. Jin nods. “Yes, I think these are the best spots for them. Would you be okay with me being the one that arranges them?” You let out a sigh of relief. “Yes of course. In fact, I’m quite happy that you will.” Jin chuckles to himself and gets up to scope the scene and map out his arrangements. He discusses the plan for the flowers with you, and you start planting. You both plant side by side and start with the lily of the valley. You find it too quiet, so you decided to try talking to him, to get to know him. “So Jin… tell me about yourself.” Jin smirks to himself and responds. “Tell you what? My life story?” You giggle and roll your eyes playfully. “Sure. Whatever floats your boat. It’s better than working in silence, you know.” He scoffs and looks amused. “Well, not much to say. I’m 28… I’ve lived here for a few years now and opened my shop alone. I don’t have family here but it’s quite lively and peaceful here. I spend my day surrounded by flowers and wouldn’t have it any other way.” You can’t help but think about how cute it is that he likes flowers so much. “How did you become so interested in flowers by the way? Not that it’s weird or anything. It’s actually quite sweet.” Jin’s ears flush red in embarrassment, but he has a calm exterior. “Well… I’ve always liked them since I was young, honestly. I do find them quite beautiful and delicate, but I think what really got me was the meanings behind them and the joy they bring to people. Flowers are more symbolic than people really think. They’re used for love, celebration, thankfulness, and even death. In a way, they kind of follow you throughout the steps of your life. It’s something so simple but means a lot at the same time. Maybe that seems lame.” You shake your head and look him in the eye. “Not at all. I never thought about it that way. That’s amazing. Just like the story you told me, flowers really can be so meaningful. It’s a shame most people don’t know more about it.” Jin smiles brightly, in excitement. “I’m glad you feel the same. I don’t normally talk about this stuff with anyone so it feels nice to know someone can understand how I feel.” You both had done a complete row of flowers and were ready to start on the next row. You wiped some of the dirt from your arms and hand Jin one of the water bottles you had brought out earlier. “Thanks.” He took the bottle and started sipping it. You stretch and look back down at him. “So besides flowers, what other hobbies or interests do you have?” Jin pondered a second before responding back with, “Well, I enjoy cooking, traveling, playing games, watching comedy, singing, playing the guitar… many things. I’m usually trying out new things.” You hummed and suddenly felt excited. “Oh wow, we are very similar. I like to do most of those things, I just can’t play guitar.” Jin had just finished his side of the flowers and stood up to dust off his shorts. “Oh really? I should teach you to play it sometime.” You blushed a little, at the mention of spending time together again. “Yeah sure. You could come anytime. I’d be fine with anything.” Jin smiled at you again, your heart started thumping a little quicker than usual. “Actually, before that, I don’t know if you’ve seen the carnival they have here but I haven’t felt comfortable going alone so maybe we could go together? I don’t really know many people here.” Your mind was screaming, shouting YES YES YES. You tried to compose yourself, so you didn’t come across as excited or too enthusiastic. “Yeah, of course. I’d like to see more of the town as well.” Jin nods and bites his lip lightly. “How about… this weekend? Maybe Saturday?” You know you’re not busy and can make it, but you wanna play with him a little. “Hm… Saturday… I suppose that works. It’s a date.” You turn quickly to avoid seeing the look on his face and play it off as you picking up your water bottle to have another drink. Jin comes closer to you and reaches his hand out towards your hair. You turn around, not expecting him so close, and you swallow your water quickly and start coughing. Jin becomes startled, and then his face twists into worry. “Are you alright?” Your face flushes in embarrassment and your coughing comes to a halt. “Y-yes I’m good thanks.” You bite your lip, feeling awkward. Jin reaches out again, brushing away some dirt that somehow ended up in your hair. “I was just trying to get this off, didn’t mean to startle you.” You hum in thanks and look over at the work you two had done so far. Well, looks like there’s not much left to go. We should finish this. Jin agrees, and you two start again, finishing up the last row. You two finish and Jin sighs in content. “It’s perfect. I’m glad we managed to finish today.”
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He looks around and looks over towards you again. “Do you have a hose?” You make an ‘ah’ sound and run over towards the little storage shed near you. You open the door, and move through the maze of random objects in your way and grab the needed hose. You make your way back to him and hand it over. You show him where to hook it up, and he tests it. He puts it in the proper setting and makes his way to the flowers and starts to water them. You watch as he gently mists the water over the flowers, noticing the rainbow it had created and smiled. You decided you wanted to do some watering, and asked him if you could have it. He goes to hand it over, but as you go to grab it, you pressed the handle down and ended up spraying water everywhere. You scream from the coldness of the water and fling it out of your hand, and slowly glance over at Jin, feeling embarrassed. He was also soaked from the water, but you couldn't help but notice his white shirt now clinging onto his- wait are those abs? You gulp and look away quickly, trying not to get caught. You get up and start laughing. “Oh jeez.. I’m sorry. I’ll go get us some towels.” You dash off before he can say anything, and rush into the house to grab the first set of towels you can find. You grab them and head on out back to Jin. When you reach him, you hand him a towel. He takes it from your hand, and before you could react he threw the towel over your head and started trying to dry your hair. You look up at him startled. He smiles down at you reassuringly. “Just trying to dry you off quickly, I wouldn’t want you to get sick.” Your heart fluttered from the gentleness of his voice. You couldn't really deny it at this point, you liked Jin. You weren’t usually this easy to fluster, but there was something different about him. As much as you wanted to know what he was thinking, you didn’t want to ruin anything before it started and kept quiet. You took the towel you had left in your hand and stood on your tip toes and started to mirror Jin, drying his hair and then gently wrapping it around his broad shoulders when you finished. Jin cleared his throat and moved away. “I have some extra clothes in my car that I keep for emergencies, do you mind if I change?” You nod and hold your hand up at the house. “Of course, come in whenever you’re ready. The bathroom is the first door on the left. I should probably do the same.” You head inside, and start ripping apart your bedroom to find an outfit to change into quickly. You find something suitable and throw it on, before Jin comes inside. You clear everything away in record time and head back to the front of the house, just in time for Jin to come in. He walks over towards the bathroom and looks back in reassurance. You nod your head, confirming he’s correct and he goes inside. You decided to make some tea, to warm both of you up. You decided on a rose tea, thinking Jin might really like floral teas...for reasons. The smell of the tea helped to relieve the tension you didn’t realise you had been holding. You took a deep sigh and placed the teas down on the table. Jin came out of the bathroom, wearing an identical outfit as the previous one. You guessed that it was his working outfit. Jin looks over at the tea and smiles brightly. “Is that rose tea? Thanks. That will help a lot.” He sits down and starts to sip at the tea. He hums in delight. You giggle to yourself. “Jin, it's getting late, would you like to stay for dinner?” He tilts his head and thinks to himself. “I don’t mind, but could I help you cook? I like cooking but I don’t do it very often these days since it's just me.” You blink in surprise. You knew he mentioned he liked cooking earlier, but we’re still surprised. You weren't used to men cooking really, most relationships or friends you had didn’t even know how to cut an onion. “Sure, of course. Feel free to look around and decide what you’d like to make.” Jin gets up and starts to look in the fridge. He nods to himself and grabs a few items. He then moves to go to the cabinets, but you just remembered you painted, so you quickly pipe up, “Wait! Let me grab them, I forgot I just painted the cabinets. What would you like?” Jin chuckles and starts giving you the list. You grab each item as he lists them. “Honey, Corn Syrup, cornstarch, Frying Oil, sesame seeds… a big pot for frying, a sauce pan, and another pot for soup.” You set everything down on the counters, and look over to him. “Are you making YangNyeom Chicken (Korean Fried Chicken)?” Jin nods and finishes grabbing the ingredients from the fridge. He holds up some tofu. “I’m going to make some Doenjang Jjigae (Soybean Paste Stew) as well, if that’s alright. You have everything for it.” You nod in excitement. It’s been a long time since you’ve had them homemade... since your grandmother passed away. Jin motions for a cutting board and knife, and you grab each of you a set, and some bowls (both big and small) for mixing, and anything else you might need. You both start to get to work, and you follow behind Jin, not wanting to get in his way. You decided to start the rice first, so it would be finished in time. Jin starts cutting all the vegetables to have them prepared ahead of time. You start the oil, to have it ready for later, and then start to cut the chicken to bite sized pieces. You mix up the cornstarch and water mixture, and coat the chicken. Jin finishes cutting the vegetables, and goes to start the soup. He puts everything in, and starts heating it up. He goes to make the sauce, and uses gochujang, corn syrup, ketchup, a little honey, and more to make the sauce. He takes a spoon and dips it in to taste it. He nods in approval. “Chicken can go now.” He watches the stew, and occasionally taste tests and adds things in. You start to fry the chicken, and wait for it to get a solid crust and take it out to rest a little, and then fry them all again. This time you waited for them to turn golden brown and you finally finished frying them. Jin quickly tosses them in the sauce, and adds sesame seeds on top. You grabbed dishes for the food, and started to plate everything. You also grabbed some kimchi. You both set the table up, and smile at each other. “Let’s eat.” You motioned for Jin to sit, and he did. You grabbed some water for you both to drink and finally sat down to eat. You both start to dig in. Jin moans in happiness. “This is so good. Sometimes I surprise myself with how good I am with cooking.” He shakes his head in disbelief and you laugh. “You’re right, it’s great. You have some nice confidence.” You keep eating, and sip at the soup. Everything was perfect. You listened to the sounds of Jin in bliss, enjoying his food and couldn’t help but find it super cute. You couldn’t believe a man like him was sitting in your kitchen and eating with you. You both finish eating, and Jin gets up and heads over to the dishes. You rush over and try stopping him. “You don’t have to do that!” Jin smiles and grabs a sponge despite your protests. “Let’s do them together. I wash, you dry. I don't want to leave you with everything.” You purse your lips and just grab a dish towel in compliance. You glance at him every so often, noticing different features of his everytime and admiring them. He has such long eyelashes, you envied him. His eyes were a beautiful brown; they were a dark chocolate brown in the dark but in the light they were almost a milk chocolate. His lips… you couldn’t even go there. You suddenly felt shy and focused on drying the dishes. You both finished, and Jin looked at the time. “I should definitely get going. I had fun though, and thank you for dinner.” You waved your hand, replying with, “Oh not at all! I had fun too. Please be safe on the way home!” Jin grabs his phone from his pocket, and hands it towards you. “Can I have your number just in case?” You try to hide your smile as you grab it and punch in your number. “Alright, here you go.” Jin puts it away, and goes towards the door to leave. You follow, to see him out and he suddenly says, “Ah.... and Y/N…!” He turns to face you, a little closer than you expected. He smirks in a playful way and whispers softly, “Don’t forget our date this Saturday. I’ll come pick you up. I’ll text you when.” And with that, he leaves you standing there a blushing mess. After you watch him leave, you go to your bed and start squealing into your pillow. Your heart was a mess, and you didn’t know how to handle it. The date couldn’t come quicker for you. 
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Taking Chances 1/4
Keanu Reeves x Reader (A/n- Why’d i write this brain? Why? Also, to any French speakers, my sincerest apologies if I botched the translations, it’s been a while since I’ve done any of it.)
Warnings- None, I think. 
“I don’t know about this,” Y/n sighed despondently, folding her arms across her silk clad chest as she watched him put on his shoes. 
Typing the laces of his shiny black shoes, Noah glanced up at her, clear green eyes, behind round spectacles meeting hers with nothing but love and quiet reassurance. She didn’t know if he was tired of her whining by then, but if he was, he was good at keeping it at bay, “It’s going to be fine darling,” he sat up, planting his hands on the sheets, still messy from their sensual morning session, “Come ‘ere,” he beckoned sweetly. 
Begrudgingly, Y/n pushed off from the wall near the open Victorian doors that led to the balcony, which in turn overlooked Paris. When she stood before him, clad only in a flimsy silk, pink robe, nothing beneath and her feet bare, Noah pulled her into his lap, holding Y/n close, “What are you worrying your little pretty head about, eh?” The pad of his finger tapped the tip of her nose and him nuzzling the crook of her neck had Y/n’s smile splitting wider, “I know you, and you’ve got this.”
“You’re just saying that,” she leaned into him, seeking further comfort. Wishing that they could just stay in the room for the rest of the day, without any commitments or consequences. But they couldn’t, Noah was there for work and Y/n was supposed to be writing. "Supposed to be" being the operative term. But it was all new territory for her, new city, new apartment, and entirely new career. It was all just happening so quickly.
Thankfully though, she had him.
"I'm not," Noah affectionately pecked her cheek, "I know this is a lot for you, but I believe in you, I just need you to believe in yourself."
"Yeah," she exhaled, looping her arms around his neck, skimming a finger along the back of his neck and smiling when he hummed at her touch. "I'm sorry that I'm being such a baby about this," she pouted, quickly kissing his cheek.
“You are not being a baby,” he reassured between brief kisses, travelling from her cheek to Y/n’s lips. Noah’s hand stayed low on Y/n’s back, the comforting warmth of his palm seeping through the thin material, urging her to lean further into his touch, “Tell you what, why don’t you go on a little solo adventure today? You’ve been stuck with me ever since we got here; you’ve barely gotten a minute to put anything to paper and the only place you’ve seen besides the cafe across the street is the university,” Noah used his free hand to shift a few stray locks from her face, tilting his head so their gazes could meet, “You could take walk through the city maybe hop a metro, go somewhere for inspiration.”
“Babe,” Y/n giggled, taking his face in her hands, his 5 o’clock shadow rough beneath her soft touch, “You’re not in England anymore, I think they call it a train here.”
Noah hummed in amusement, “Actually, I think it's called la rame here,” his enunciation was perfect, reminding Y/n that Noah was far more traveled than she was, having experienced and picked up on several languages along the way. Sometimes, it was hard to believe that he’d spent a whopping five years in Washington, just for her, when Y/n knew that he much preferred exploring the world, spending no more than one or two academic years in one place. Noah was a gypsy of sorts, an English one, who’d picked up an adoration for world history along the way. Always moving, teaching at different universities and sometimes going on archaeology excavations. But when they’d met, he’d taken up a position at a respected university, giving it his all just so they could be together. He was happy, Y/n knew he was, they both were, though, when the offer from a school in Paris came through the mail, she took note of the way his eyes lit up. It was an opportunity to travel again, that time with some to share in the experience. And though he’d deterred the idea, lying to protect her feelings when he said it didn’t matter if they stayed or went, Y/n knew him better and decided that after everything, the least she could do was make a sacrifice for him. And here they were.
“I love it when you speak smart to me,” her flirtatious wink was enough to have him blushing and subsequently leaning in for another kiss, one longer than the others. Y/n’s fingers tangled in his honey, short, loose curls, while her other hand laid flat on his chest, trying to push him into a laying position.
Groaning quietly in protest, with dwindling resolve and barely any ability to refuse her, Noah, gently moved the offending hand away, “We shouldn’t,” his objection had her frowning, “I can’t be late,” letting his large hand cupping Y/n’s cheeks slip down to the knot holding her robe closed, tentatively tugging strip of fabric, he continued, “And we both know if you take this off I won’t be leaving for a while.”
Summoning up her most seductive pout, Y/n trailed her feather light fingers down his chest, “No goodbye orgasm?”
Chuckling, Noah gently encouraged Y/n into a standing position, placing his hands on her hips, “Not today love,” he bent to kiss her quickly, “But maybe later we can have a welcome home orgasm later, when we get back."
The moderately sized, high ceiling Victorian styled apartment hadn't become much of a home to Y/n yet. There were still boxes tucked away in the corners and none of the furniture belonged to them. Though, Y/n supposed that when one traveled as much as Noah did, home stopped being a place and started being what was constant, who was constant. For him, that was Y/n, she was his home. Maybe he could be hers too. 
"Okay," Y/n breathed quietly, walking him to the door, "I'll text to let you know where I'll be, and I’ll see you when we get home. I love you," she endeared at the front door, when he was already standing beneath the threshold.
"I love you too darling," he caressed her cheek one last time, urging his messenger bag further up his shoulder, before setting off. With one final wave and a blown kiss from her end, Noah was gone, taken down by the elevator.
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"Cut!" The voice rang through, signaling the halt of everything that was happening in front of the camera. The director sighed quietly, staring hard as she scanned the set, specifically on where most of the extras were gathered, "There," she pointed an accusing finger to the patio dining area at a cafe, "That doesn't look right." Barking someone's name, she waited until an Assistant Director was at her side before continuing harshly, "What the hell is this doing here? I said authentic pieces from the region, this says made in China."
Keanu watched as Alicia, the director shoved the center piece to the young girl's chest, not caring if she got a proper hold on it before walking away as she continued, "Fix it, else you'll have to use your last paycheck as air fare back to L.A!"
"Dios mio," a husky female voice groaned beside him, accent thick, "She's such a bitch." It was his co-star and the movie's female lead, Ayiana. She was Spanish, though years living in America had made her English exceptional.
Keanu glanced towards her way just as she was working against the wind to brush some dirty blonde hair away from her face, "Yeah, she's pretty intense."
"Poor Clara," Ayiana frowned deeply as they started towards their trailers, “I hope she gets that prop, before Alicia loses both their heads.” When they approached the first set of trailers, Ayiana offered Keanu a friendly nudge on the shoulder, “Well this is me,” as she went up the brief bout of metal stairs, getting the door open, she stopped him again, “You know, the nanny has Emmy tonight, and Mark and I are going to that cute little pub nearby, you should come too.”
“I don’t know,” Keanu rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Going out for drinks that night did sound like it would make for a good time, and he and Ayiana’s husband got on pretty well anyway, but Keanu didn’t want to intrude on their time together either, “I don’t wanna be a third wheel.”
“Tonterías!” Ayiana huffed, shaking her head and folding her arms, “You wouldn’t be a third wheel,” though her English was exceptional for someone who’d moved to America in their adulthood, Ayiana’s accent was thick, especially when she spoke quickly, making it a bit difficult to understand what she was saying. Though, Keanu got the jist of it, “You will come. We meet in the lobby at seven, be there!”
Chuckling, Keanu just nodded, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “Okay,” he agreed, knowing he didn't really have a choice in the matter. Even if he’d decided to bail at the last minute, she and her husband would probably come up to his room and give him an earful, “I’ll be there,” he waved, walking off. 
Keanu’s trailer was just a couple over from Aiyana’s, and on his way, Keanu glanced upwards to the sky, just as the low rumbling of thunder combated the noises he’d grown used in the little town in Luxembourg; the faint hum of air conditioning units and birds chirping. A storm was brewing, it had been plastered all over the local news, and heavy rains, accompanied by gusty winds, thunder and lightning had been predicted to start that night and last through the next three days. Thankfully though, after Keanu was finished with drinks that evening, he hadn’t planned to leave his hotel room until it was all over; hopefully he’d gathered enough to pass his time.
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“Shit,” Y/n huffed, nearly on the verge of tears as she ducked beneath the under croft of a local pub. Standing outside the closed doors, she could hear the sounds of loud chatter and music wafting through the cracks, the aroma of booze evident. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten herself in such a mess. The storm, which she’d only learned about when she was caught right in the midst of the beginnings, had prompted the close of all routes back to Paris, and worse yet, her phone had died, just when she’d taken it out to call Noah. Worse yet, Y/n’s search for a pay phone had been fruitless, even as she’d walked along the sidewalk, attempting to ask anyone who’d stop to hear her. Y/n supposed that her efforts might have been successful if she spoke a little French, but alas, Noah had always been more linguistically skilled than she’d been.
Groaning quietly, Y/n spectated the downpour, briefly glancing at the milky sky, occasionally interrupted by frightening flashes of lightning. It really had come down heavy and all at once. Or perhaps, Y/n had just been too enthralled with the quaint, vintage looking town that she hadn’t noticed the first drizzle. Either way, dwelling on it wouldn’t have made any difference, she was already stuck and the least she could do was go into the bar and hope the person at the counter spoke a bit of English. 
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“Téléphone,” Keanu could hear the urgency in the young woman’s voice, her accent botched, and probably the reason the bartender was ignoring her. About three stools and a couple patrons separated them; he’d just gone to stand there, intent on ordering a second round of drinks, but from the minute she’d caught his eye, Keanu had forgotten all about everything else. Even with wet hair sticking to the sides of her face and drenched clothes clinging to her frame, she looked absolutely  gorgeous. He didn’t know her, but he wanted to.
In fact, Keanu might have even gone as far as saying that he felt as if he were being drawn in; enticed by a beautiful, though seemingly desperate woman. Without much thought of anything else, he started wondering what had upset her so much, what was a girl like her doing all alone, soaking went anyway? He had to know.
Swallowing his nerves, planning on using the guise of assistance, Keanu weaved through the small crowd separating them, “Hey,” he tapped her shoulder, causing her to jump and yelp in surprise, “Shit,” he huffed when she turned, holding her small had to her chest, just over a small portion of deliberately exposed cleavage. Her eyes were frenzied and frightened and her lips, agape and quivering, though he didn’t know if it was because she was afraid or just cold. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” sheepishly, he offered his best shot at a smile, understanding when she didn’t really reciprocate.
She did look relieved though, slumping her shoulders as her breath caught, “You speak English.” The woman didn’t seem to recognize him in the slightest and Keanu actually found that the fact made her even more attractive.
“I do,” he nodded, “First language and everything,” when she didn’t laugh at his shoddy attempt at a joke, Keanu nervously cleared his throat, opting to carry on, “Is everything okay?”
“No,” she nearly sobbed, hanging her head, defeated and sorrowful, “My phone’s dead and I need to call home and say I won't be back, before-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Keanu tentatively reached for her shoulders, trying to offer some comfort and slow her sobs, “It’s going to be alright.” Retracting one of his hands, he felt around in his coat pocket, eventually producing his own cell, quickly unlocking it before offering it to her, “Why don’t you just use my phone? And then we can go from there, sound good?”  
In an instant, she was visibly soothed, her breaths and tears slowing and a new glimmer of hope twinkling in her eyes, shining brightly even in the poorly lit pub, “I…….thank you,” the first signs of a smile broke through and she breathed another sigh of relief, “You have no idea how much this means to me, really, I’ve been wandering around this town for almost two hours, looking for a phone. So thank you,” she smiled wider, “I’m Y/n by the way.” 
Y/n offered a small hand, which Keanu readily took, matching her grin, “Keanu.”
“Wait,” she furrowed her brows, proceeding to blink quickly, “Keanu Reeves,” her jaw hung slack for a minute, though, it wasn’t long before she was regaining her composure, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognize you.”
“It’s okay,” he reassured, not wanting her to feel bad about it, especially since he was actually pleased that he hadn’t. Being famous was nice, usually, you were treated well, got seated immediately at restaurants and everyone wanted to give you free drinks. But, especially when you were trying to make new friends, it got in the way. Everyone wanted to know you because of what you were, as opposed to who you were. "Why don't you go somewhere quiet and make your call, then you can join me and my friends for drinks?”
Y/n’s lips quivered in indecision, internally debating Keanu’s offer. It wasn’t like she really had anywhere to afterwards, and after the evening she’d had, a stiff drink was definitely more than appealing. With a breathy exhale and a soft sniffle, Y/n nodded, “Okay, thank you Keanu,” and with one final backwards glance, she wandered off to the hallway near the bathrooms, where she could make her phone call in a quieter area. 
“No problem Y/n,” he breathed, knowing she couldn’t hear him, and still in complete awe of her, already excited for her return. Huffing, he approached the bar again, snatching up one of the flimsy, cardboard drink menus, barely able to focus on the options displayed. As he leaned forward, the fingers of his free hand absently drummed the worn wooden surface, and as hard as he tried, Keanu couldn’t help but let his imagination go wild with thoughts of the woman he’d just met. There was just something about her, the way she’d smiled despite her distress, the sparkle in her pretty eyes when they locked with his, the way he’d spotted her, out of every other woman in the entire establishment; like it was faith. Did he even believe in faith? Did he still believe in-
“Hey,” a petie hand touched his elbow, rousing his attention, and startled, Keanu turned back to Y/n, his smile immediately growing at the sight of her, internally relieved that she seemed far more relaxed, “Thanks again,” she offered his phone, “I seriously don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here,” after he’d pocketed his phone, Y/n moved to stand next to him at the bar counter, loosely mirroring his posture, noting the discarded menu between his forearms, “Next one’s on me.”
“Oh,” Keanu shook his head, pushing the menu away, “You don’t have to do that, it’s just a phone call, and I’m sure you have people that’ll be worried if you don’t check in,” briefly, he glanced at her, just to see if she’d give anything away. Was she there on vacation with family? Was there a husband or boyfriend waiting? A wife or girlfriend? Anyone that would make the way he was feeling when she stood that close wrong? When, even after a minute, Y/n didn’t offer anything much, Keanu tried to dismiss it, “Besides, you’ve had a rough night, let me get this one.”
“No,” Y/n put her hand over his just as he’d moved to get his wallet. Both shocked, their gazes fell to their joined hands, and Keanu found it hard to ignore the softness of her palm, how her touch sent sparks  up his arm and Keanu swore he’d never experienced anything like it, “I insist.” For a moment more, Y/n held onto his hand, then, as if just realizing herself, she awkwardly pulled away, immediately starting to avoid his gaze, “Um….” Y/n stuttered and for a split second, Keanu was worried that she might change her mind on spending the rest of the evening with him, Ayiana and her husband, he was just starting to look forward to have someone that wouldn’t make being the third wheel so uncomfortable. 
Though, as quickly as she hesitated, Y/n mustered up another smile, shaking off the moment and going to rummage through her bag for her purse, producing a gold card, “Drinks!” She declared with a breathy giggle, hoping to fill the flustered silence, actively avoiding his gaze, hoping she wouldn’t get lost in it again. 
It was definitely going to be a strange night. 
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana  @keandrews @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves  @planetkt
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
The Music of the Night
Ship: Geralt x Jaskier
Warnings: Someone gets stabbed
Premise:  The family goes to a music concert, courtesy of Jaskier, and Geralt gets to experience something he never has before.
Author’s Note: I was hoping to post every five days, but unfortunately with classes starting and the larger Medieval AU this fic was a long time coming. I was more liberal with Geralt and Jaskier being open about their feelings, or at least I tried to be.
Hope you enjoy this fanfic and thank you so much to the 42 people who liked my last Geraskier fanfic as well as the 6 people who reblogged it.  Know that every single one of you contribute so much to my happiness and my determination to continue writing!
Notes about pieces, historical accuracy, and other such things in end note. Ao3 link in reblog
            “Alright, are we ready to go?” Yennefer shouted down the hall. Geralt ground his teeth, staring at the array of weapons laid out in front of him. It was a very important night, one that Jaskier hadn’t shut up about for the better part of three months. A guild of musicians was in a town neighboring Yennefer’s newest stronghold, and the house’s resident bard had been adamant that this would be a perfect family outing, and that no one was getting out of it. This hadn’t entirely been surprising, and Geralt had begrudgingly agreed to the whole endeavor, not being a huge fan of enclosed crowds. When he’d realized that maybe going to a concert unarmed in the middle of what could only be described as the Continent losing its collective mind was a bad move, his intensely minute planning, something that both Yennefer and Jaskier teased him mercilessly about since he’d properly brought Ciri into the family, had spun out of control. Now there the Witcher was, staring at the various knives, daggers, swords, and other miscellaneous weapons that he’d found lying around the house, wondering which to take and which to leave. The two usual swords were among the bunch, of course, but somehow Geralt knew that Jaskier wouldn’t take kindly to them being brought, something along the lines of ruining the atmosphere. Still, he had to bring something and as the banging in the hall grew louder Geralt wondered how he’d ever easily made up his mind about arming himself before.
           “Geraltttt!” Jaskier’s voice came singing down the hall, followed almost immediately by the banging of the door. Rushing over, he planted a quick kiss on Geralt’s cheek, something which never failed to bring on a blush, and shook his head excitedly. “You look lovely in everything darling, I promise no one will be in the mood to glare.” Geralt smiled fondly, if a bit exasperatedly, at the bard, before shaking his head.
           “That’s not it. I, well, was trying to choose.” He gestured towards the table and Jaskier, turning around and surveying the paraphernalia, nodded thoughtfully.
           “Hmm… tough choice.” He brought his hand to his chin for a moment, before his eyes lit up and he picked up a dirk sheathed in black leather. “I’ll take this one!” Checking to confirm the blade was indeed steel, Jaskier smiled up at the, admittedly baffled, Geralt, who couldn’t understand the bent that Jaskier was taking.
           “Jaskier, I-”
           “Oh and of course the others will need something too!” Jaskier scurried into the hallway. “Guys!! Geralts got his weapons laid out, better get one!” There was an incoherent reply from Yennefer, and the quick footsteps of Ciri, who, running into the room, grabbed a thin knife, this one wrapped in ordinary leather with green silk woven into the hilt, an old gift from a grateful pawnshop owner if Geralt could remember right. Geralt frowned as Ciri ran back out of the room, but before he could raise a protest Yennefer had waltzed in, scanned the table, and ran off with an elegant dagger, a whirling pattern built into the blade. Geralt immediately gave a grunt of protest at that, but Yennefer simply raised an eyebrow and walked out. Jaskier, returning, walked up to the poor Witcher, who was running about three paces behind the entire ordeal, and gave him a smile. “Thank you for thinking of that! This should be a relatively calm affair, more serious you know, but hey, protection is always a must!”
           “I… those were for me.” Geralt shook his head. “I couldn’t choose which to pick.”
           “Well, we’ve whittled down the selection haven’t we?” Jaskier smiled indulgently. “Now hurry up and choose yours now, you know how much I’ve been longing for this, and nothing is going to stop me from enjoying tonight. Especially not a late indecisive witcher.” And, pressing a kiss on Geralt’s nose, and nearly falling on him in the process, Jaskier ducked out, leaving the slightly bashful Witcher to pick up a weapon, another dirk, this one wrapped in old worn leather with half rubbed off runes cut into it, and run after him.
           The venue was already quite crowded when they arrived, and the front seats full. Jaskier gave a dramatic groan at that, but Ciri, muttering a quick word of assurance, ducked off to find four seats. Geralt could barely make her out, as she slipped quickly and quietly between various patrons, but he trusted in her abilities not only to find a good spot but to be able to take care of herself. The latter part of that trust had been harder to build up, the first few weeks they were together Geralt felt as if he were walking on melting ice, worried about the various ways he might put his newfound family in trouble. It had taken a lot of lectures from Yennefer and coaxing from Jaskier for the Witcher to finally accept that Ciri wasn’t a waifish girl in need of coddling; after all, hadn’t she survived without him? Through war and death and a cult chasing after her? No, Geralt now knew that being a good adoptive father didn’t mean locking one’s daughter away, even out of paternal worry.
           As Ciri waved the band over to a set of seats in the third row, Jaskier admitting that the choice was “not bad at all”, Geralt reflected for a moment on where he was now in life. He’d never thought at the beginning of his life he’d be a witcher, and he’d never thought at the beginning of his witcher life that’d he’d be destined for anything other than a lonely life, walking the Path with the cold determination of someone who knew no other way. How odd fate had proved out to be, and how grateful Geralt was that he’d been wrong. How happy he was that his life had changed, that he had changed, for the old Geralt knew nothing about either reflection or hope, not in the way current Geralt did, and as he slipped into one of the creaky wicker chairs set up around the semi circled stage, Geralt glanced at the family around him. Yennefer was enquiring after Jaskier the type of music that was to be played, the bard replying with a garble of songwriter facts and music theory that no one but himself understood, while Ciri was scouting the people around them, trying to determine where they were from no doubt, as she’d once confessed to Geralt seeing Cintran refugees always gave her pause, even if she no longer felt the urge to walk up and say hello. It was a happy sight, despite everything that had happened, the mistakes, the goings, the years apart. It was nice to have a night such as this, and as Jaskier turned to glance at the Witcher he seemed to wink, as if to say to Geralt, see, I told you this was a good idea. Geralt lifted his eyebrow, but he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face, and as the people hushed and the musicians came out Geralt found himself very happy he’d let that bard follow him around.
          Geralt wasn’t entirely sure what he expected out of this night. He knew that it wouldn’t be the same experience as tavern songs, that this wasn’t going to simply be a group of bards, that the singing would be minimal, and that the songs would be longer and more complicated. What he certainly wasn’t expecting was the sheer beauty that hit him. The song started with one musician playing a fiddle, a low pleasant sound, which rose up in a variety of trills. It put Geralt in the mid of early springtime, the birds just emerging from their nests, or coming up from where they’d left. It made him think of the fields right after a frost, buds beginning to dot the trees, the world coming to life again. Slowly the other musicians, of which there were about 60, began to join in with the lone player, adding to the effect of a world waking. The music chased away the rest of Geralt’s thoughts, and he found himself leaning forward, as if somehow he could envelope himself in the notes floating around the theatre.
           A glance over at Jaskier made evident that the bard was also feeling affected by the music, for the bard had clasped his hands over his mouth, though every once in a while one would float up, as if guided by the music, and Jaskier’s eyes would close. It was a side that Geralt hadn’t really seen before, for though he knew of course that Jaskier loved music, loved it in an all consuming way, he didn’t show it often, mostly joking that no one wanted to hear the intricacies of Dorian mode, or listen to him sing the praises of men and women long dead. A warm feeling filled Geralt’s chest, and he was almost choked by the sense of fondness that he felt, surrounded by what Jaskier loved best, watching him in his element. Turning back to the performers Geralt thanked every god he could think of and all the ones he couldn’t that Jaskier had brought the family, and that Geralt got to be around such a beautiful being and share in such a beautiful experience.
           The music continued, each song more beautiful than the last. After what Geralt could only call the springtime piece came what seemed like four, but Jaskier later told him was only one split up into different “movements”. Their, or rather its, tone was dark, and even when the song seemed faster Geralt only felt agitated, rather than happy. Deciding he didn’t like that as much as the first song, though Ciri rather seemed excited by the frantic energy of it, Geralt was glad when four guild members stepped out and began playing a calmer song, this one another split in four, why did songwriters do such a thing? The second part of the four songs was quiet and soft, almost like a lullaby, and when the third part started again at a bright tone Yennefer, who’d dozed off, jerked up in her seat, to the great amusement of both Ciri and Jaskier, who giggled so incessantly that someone behind them told them in no uncertain terms to either shut up or go home. After that was a song much more based in the flutes and the reeded instruments, which consequently sounded much more fluid and loose, bringing to mind a great city with lazy morals and interesting sights. Geralt was enjoying himself immensely, a happiness only added to by Jaskier’s occasional squeals of glee and raucous clapping at the end of each song, as well as a whisper in Geralt’s ear whenever the Witcher seemed to get lost.
           The night was fading away and as the musicians announced that this was to be their last piece the crowd moaned, and shouts of encore echoed through the hall. The musicians stood up and bowed, causing many in the audience to jump to their feet in applause, and some even to begin to walk out, much to Jaskier’s annoyance. “They’re going to miss the best of it.” He scoffed, sitting back down as the stage emptied. Emptied that is except for one woman. She paused, waiting for the noise to calm down, before placing her fiddle on her shoulder. “This is it.” Jaskier whispered, and then she began. Immediately Geralt was blown away. Although there was only of her, multiple notes were certainly coming out of the instrument, at a breakneck pace, which had Geralt in mind of a horse, frantic and wild. The song developed, as a sweet melody came out of the endless pounding of hooves, only to be brought down by another melody, this one thick with panic and fear. The momentum kept going, pitches rising, melodies crashing into each other. It felt more like a torrent than a song, so swept away Geralt felt, giving him an odd sense of dread. Suddenly everything smashed into one another, and the song dropped, giving one the lingering feeling of discomfort. Turning to Jaskier, Geralt looked at the bard with raised eyebrows, not entirely sure how to convey what he’d felt. Jaskier glanced back at him with what seemed like satisfaction. “Based off a poem,” he explained, “of a man trying to save his son, only to be chased by a specter, one who promises the boy happiness and luxury if he goes with him, only to take his soul and kill the boy.” He sighed, seeming much happier than Geralt felt, for a pit had begun to form in the Witcher’s stomach. “Imagine your writing being immortalized in such a way… one day that’ll be my piece Geralt, just you wait. I’ll be the one striking fear into your heart.”
           “I hope not.” Geralt responded, a bit brusque for he couldn’t get the image out of his mind. “It sounds like a terrible poem.”
           “Tragedy is immortalized better than glory. I’m sure you understand that. Besides, it’s just a story, and one that can bring all people together. You thought her playing was beautiful didn’t you?” He gestured towards the woman, who was receiving heaps of deafening applause. Geralt nodded slowly. He couldn’t deny the talent of both the musician and the songwriter. Still, the music sat uncomfortably over him, and as the family made ready to leave, he couldn’t help but let everyone pass in front of him, thinking of how even if the scenario in the poem itself wasn’t true, the general idea certainly was real enough.
           Outside the air seemed to clear a bit, and the group fell into happy chatter. Ciri was still on about how bombastic that second song had been; “I can’t believe how loud they got sometimes! It was like the roof was going to fall!” Yennefer said nothing, rubbing her eyes slightly, but the look on her face was one of contentment. And, of course, Jaskier seemed ready to burst, talking this way and that about all sorts of things. “Did you see the way the fiddle bows were all together? And the vibrato on that first flautist, I couldn’t believe it! Shame that vibrato isn’t exactly a lute thing. And I can’t believe how much work the composer must’ve put into those pieces! I mean, I can barely read two clefs, imagine being able to read four! Maybe I should consider that for the next big project…” His voice carried off, and Geralt smiled indulgently, knowing that for the next few months there’d probably be horrendous amount of noise as this bard tried to put all he’d seen to good use in his own music. Inhaling the cool, fresh air, Geralt began to feel the shroud of that last song shake off, reminding him of how beautiful he’d thought the first song was.
           The reverie didn’t last forever though, for as the group made their way out of the stables – Yennefer had insisted on no stays at the inns, for who would spend that much money when there was a perfectly fine home only five miles away – and into the woods the atmosphere seemed much more oppressive. When two men stepped out of the shadows Geralt tensed, wishing he’d brought his swords after all. “What brings you to stop in these dense woods?” Jaskier called out, swinging out of the saddle, a move which caused Geralt’s throat to constrict, and made him simultaneously want to protect and strangle the bard. The men said nothing, and Jaskier shook his head, shrugging his shoulders and holding his hands out to the tall, ragged figures. “Well if you say nothing I cannot help you, and will assume that you’re playing a rather insipid game of hide-and-seek. Now if you don’t mind it’s late, and I’d rather spend a cold night like this in bed than staring a statues.” Going to turn Jaskier stopped in his tracks when one of the men piped up.
           “Those are some nice horses. Nice clothes too.”
           “Oh you think so?” Jaskier turned around. “I’ll admit I do agree my fashion is impeccable, I’m glad you can see that. But unfortunately I think your judgement on horses is rather lacking. I mean of course Lyra is the loveliest girl, but honestly could you say Roach is anything close to nice?” He gestured towards Geralt, who gripped the reins. The men on the road had the sense to look slightly uneasy at the realization that a witcher was amidst the party, but “evidently they had a scarcity of sense, common or otherwise” Jaskier would later say, for they both looked back upon the bard, and the bulkier of the two drew a ragged sword out of its sheath.
           “We’ll be taking Lyra and Roach now. And the horses of those lovely ladies.” The second began walking towards Yennefer and Ciri, the former of who raised her eyebrows, and the latter of who looked extremely unimpressed.
           “Do what you want.” Jaskier threw his hands up, as if in surrender. “I must warn you however that one such lovely lady is unused to having her horse stolen out from underneath her, and I daresay mages aren’t known for their forbearance.” The two men halted for a second, and the one closer to Jaskier turned towards the bard. Geralt by now had begun to slide off Roach, looking backwards to make sure there were only two such men, and taking care to be as silent as possible. Jaskier looked as unruffled as ever, and even when the bulky man took a step towards the bard, he stayed in his position, leaning slightly against Lyra, arms crossed at his chest.
           “It’s no good lying to us.” The bandit, for that was most surely what these two people were, had a voice that could only be accurately described as gravely. He pointed his sword towards the bard. “I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”
           “How menacing of you.” Jaskier deadpanned, and as the man lunged and Geralt made for his weapon it seemed for a moment as if Jaskier was truly about to get struck.
           The surprise on the other man’s face was one of complete terror, as his compatriot dropped like a stone. Jaskier pulled his dirk, now drenched to the hilt in blood, out of the man’s ribcage, turning to Geralt, who was likewise frozen. The last bandit distracted Yennefer made quick work snapping her fingers, and in place of the man soon stood a very confused rabbit. Whirling off her own horse Ciri stepped towards the animal, who made a weird sort of strangled sound before bolting into the forest. Walking over to Geralt, Jaskier handed the Witcher the dirk. “Could you hold this for me? My handkerchief is in my pocket, and this doublet is newly made.” Careful to avoid using his right hand, Jaskier pulled out the square of linen, and wiped his hands and the dirk, before sliding the blade back into its sheath. “Thank you darling!” Jaskier planted a kiss on Geralt’s hand, causing the inevitable blush. The poor Witcher still felt like he’d somehow missed something, and as he looked around at the rest of his family, already back on their horses and starting to move on, the Witcher wondered how he’d become the pacifist in the family.
           The rest of the ride was quite a jumpy one for the Witcher, who kept expecting various monsters, highwaymen, and other of the sort to come jumping out of the trees at any moment. By the time Yennefer’s place was in sight, Geralt felt an immense sense of relief, and as the group all untacked their horses, Ciri, determined to be the fastest of the group, already combing Melusine, Geralt stayed silent, ears trained on the soft sounds of the night outside. The cleaning done and the hay placed in the stables, the family filed back into the house, Geralt at the rear, locking the bolt to both the stables and the house firmly behind him. “Did you enjoy yourself?” Jaskier immediately asked.
           “A bit too long for my taste, but you couldn’t deny the talent.” Yennefer yawned. “Thank you for having us attend Jaskier.”
           “Of course my dear Yennefer.” Jaskier dipped into a short bow. Yennefer snorted and walked up the stairs, the bath was definitely going to be hogged for the next hour or so.
           “I liked all of it!” Ciri declared, plopping down on the rug in front of the fireplace in the main hall. “It reminded me of the kinds of concerts my grandmother liked to see. I was glad to go to such a thing again.” She smiled softly, and Geralt and Jaskier both walked over to the girl, enveloping her in a group hug. Ciri hummed happily. “Thank you both.” And giving each of the two a quick hug she too went up the stairs, closing the room to her door with a bang, as was custom.
           “And you?” Jaskier looked over to Geralt. “Don’t you dare say anything about a filling-less pie this time. I know you lied through your teeth then, and I’ll know you’ll be lying now.” Geralt smiled, old memories swirling through his mind, how long ago that seemed now.
           “I liked it. It was…” he paused, trying to find the right words, “different. All the songs were different, but they all fit together. And I felt, carried away.” He lay back on the carpet and sighed. “I felt almost as if there was a spell in the air.”
           Jaskier nodded, flopping down besides Geralt. “That’s how I feel too about it. You hear this piece sometimes, and, I can’t even describe it but your entire soul is lifted up, and you just start to drown in it, but you don’t even mind, you want to be further enveloped, further dragged in. That’s what true music can do. Cast a spell without magic.” Geralt turned to look at Jaskier, who himself was staring into the fireplace. “One day I’ll do something like that.” He continued, his eyes warm and full of determination. “I’ll create something like that.”
           “I think you already have.” Geralt said, and Jaskier turned to smile at the Witcher.
           “Yes. I think, well, I’ve seen how people react to your music. Even those in the shittiest taverns in the shittiest towns. They seem, almost younger, as if their cares have lifted.” Jaskier’s smiled widened, and he pressed a kiss to Geralt’s jaw.
           “Thank you my dea, you have no idea how much that means to me.” Standing up, Jaskier reached out his hand and helped pull Geralt up. “Now be a darling and help wash this dirk, I know that you have your fancy way of cleaning these blades of yours. Then come to bed, it’s late, and I’ll chase away the spirits of the forest.” He laughed at Geralt’s expression. “What? You think I didn’t notice? That last piece seemed to send you out of your skin! And even before that idiotic attempted attack you look ready to throw yourself in front of everything.”
           “Cruel of you to notice.” Geralt replied, and Jaskier laughed.
           “Well then I must be cruel indeed, for I notice everything about you.” He kissed Geralt softly then, and the Witcher felt the familiar feeling of love and contentment wash over him, something he never thought he’d be able to feel in his younger years.
           “There’s nothing cruel about you. Even if you’re wicked with a knife.” And, returning the kiss, Geralt went quickly to take the dirk and wash it off, the music of the evening still in his head and the love for his current life in his heart.
End Notes: For all the music nerds out there, I know that these would all be considered songs rather than pieces, one of these are based off a full symphony, and another based off a string quartet, but seeing as I don't think Geralt would use such terminology, indeed most of said terminology didn't exist in the 13th/14th century, which is the time period I would put this series into the real world, I chose to refer to pieces as songs, composers as songwriters, and make vague mentions of most instruments.
String instruments such as violins, violas, and cello originate from the 16th century, most likely around the 1530s. I took creative liberties again, after all this is a fantasy series.The pieces that are vaguely referenced are as follows: The Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan Williams, Dvorak Symphony No. 9 "from the New World", Dvorak String Quartet 12 "American", Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin, and Erlkonig originally by Schubert for piano and voice, adapted for solo violin by Heinrich William Ernst and based off a poem by Goethe. The last one is my personal favorite of the lineup and I would highly recommend checking out both the piano and voice lieder and the violin solo (Hilary Hahn's my favorite).
Hope any of you found this enlightening and once again thank you for reading.
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kingsten · 3 years
CELINE: So often in my life I’ve been with people and shared beautiful moments like traveling or staying up all night and watching the sunrise, and I knew it was a special moment, but something was always wrong. (...) But I’m happy to be with you. You couldn’t possibly know why a night like this is so important to my life right now, but it is. I think this is a great morning. 
JESSE: It is a great morning. Do you think we’d have other mornings like this?
@cir ——— 14.) The timeline in which they took a chance they didn’t in canon.
Brian traces the silver band on Peter’s ring finger. 
It’s an unpretentious piece of vintage work with an engraving of a mostly worn away rose. Peter shifts, pouting even in his sleep from the sunlight hitting his face. Brian watches quietly, curious of what Peter’s reaction will be when he wakes up. Brian can hardly remember most of what transpired the night prior but it’s coming back to him in hazy fragments but mainly the crumpled 77$ receipt from a wedding venue with their vows messily scrawled out on the back is the main indicator that last night was not a dream. 
Peter, after sleeping in for a few more minutes stirs again. He groans, rubs his eyes with his hands then freezes in that position. Brian holds his breath as Peter pulls his hand away to inspect the cold metal while still half asleep, half hangover. It takes a minute for the significance to register then his eyes cut suddenly to Brian who holds up his own hand to show off the near identical ring on his own hand. 
“We met at a party” Peter states but Brian shakes his head. “or it was the cafe?”
“I think it was in that one class— remember?” At least that’s when he thinks is the first time he saw Peter. “Business fourteen something. I showed up for three classes but couldn’t understand french so I dipped.” Jae’s eyes roll so hard the wired frames slip down to the bridge of his nose and he slides them back up. “I don’t care about how you met I just want to know why you got married? Who the fuck gets married after knowing each other half a year?”   
“Actually, we’ve known each other five months and a half. I know because we met after Peter’s birthday and— ” Jae and Peter both give Brian a hard look and his voice falls but he finishes his thought. “and It’s...uh, now... december.” then sits back in his chair. Jae holds the look longer than Peter before he turns back to his cousin and shakes his head. “RIP to your taxes.... have you even told your mom yet?” It’s a valid question and Brian’s ears perk up though he doesn’t expect that he has given Brian hasn’t mentioned it to his own parents either.
It’s a bridge they’ll cross once they get to it.
Now, regardless of the time and date of their technical first meeting. Brian likes to think that their official meeting was in the metro, while waiting for the last train to come. He remembers this clearly because it was the first time he’d seen Peter outside of the cafe or rather, to be more specific, without a laptop in front of his nose. Sure, even in this case it was tucked safely beneath his arm to be opened on the chance that there’s a free seat available. 
“What are you always working on?” Brian asks, sitting down without invitation in the seat across from Peter. The fact Peter is distracted enough by the question to leave his laptop closed is a small victory in Brian’s book.
“Excuse me?” 
Brian is used to Peter’s blunt speech. In the cafe he quietly says his order then goes back to being silent unless he’s on a business call. The lonewolf silent type is kinda Peter’s thing even when in the midst of a group of coworkers. But there’s something about him that catches Brian’s attention and he’s been working slowly to chip away at that outer exterior by bringing him extra sweets on the side in an effort to get to that other side of Peter that Brian’s yet to see but knows is there. And tonight he’s got a few minutes to kill. They’re not exactly strangers— at least not by Brian’s definition. They both have a few stops before they part ways. What better time than now? “Are you a business man? My dad is always working on finance stuff on his laptop too.” Peter remains silent. Brian takes it as his sign to continue. “He owns a shop. A cafe bookshop in Jersey.” 
“So you are American.” Peter speaks up and it catches Brian by surprise. “I thought you might be Canadian.” 
The fact Peter thought about him makes Brian grin a little before he nods.
That’s the subject that breaks the ice and gets them to talk, so much so that Brian misses his stop but pretends that he’s getting off at the same station as Peter where they both get off then talk even more. Brian’s able to draw out interesting thoughts and commentary from Peter and vice versa. Things like what Peter does on his laptop to discussing their biggest fears, observations of their surroundings and their shared experiences of being only children are brought up. They even touch on the topic of love and how it impacted Brian’s recent breakup and Peter’s long past break up. 
It’s in the middle of that that his phone vibrates, cutting them both off mid-sentence.
“Oh, I’ve kept you for too long.” Peter says apologetically as he glances around their surroundings, uncertain of what time it is but Brian shakes his head. “Honestly, I could’ve stayed on that subway until...forever. I like talking to you.” He says before taking another glance at his phone. “It’s just. There’s this thing I promised a friend that I’d— “
“It’s ok.” Peter interrupts. “It’s late and we should both head home.” 
Brian nods. “Yeah. I’m sorry for interrupting your evening. I know you said that you had work to do and God, It’s so late— I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet.” 
“No, no, no it’s alright. I don’t eat after 7.” 
“Is that like a french culture thing?” Brian asks, curious. He doesn’t get it but he can begrudgingly respect it. It tells him Peter’s very disciplined or likes schedules which he could’ve guessed. Peter laughs, and it still strikes Brian how much his whole face changes with it even as he shakes his head. “Doesn’t everyone do that?” Peter replies, eyes still warm. Brian almost forgets to answer the question. After a beat he finds his words. “Oh,uh, I sometimes wake up at like 2 AM to make ramyeon. Don’t tell my roommates but it’s the only time i don’t have to share with them.” 
“You should get going then. Is it your roommates wanting to know where you are?” Peter comments, nodding to Brian’s hand when the phone goes off repeatedly. “It’s the group chat. Nothing important.”
Just Jae asking where the fuck is Brian. Kate wondering why the hell hasn’t Brian shown up yet. Angelina wondering when more drinks are coming and the inevitable: who is going to kick these people out of the house after their social filters take a nosedive after the clock strikes midnight in, roughly an hour to thirty minutes.
Yet, Brian is still hesitant to say goodbye. Peter doesn’t move either and it’s almost as if he’s waiting for Brian to make the first move to end their time together. 
“So there’s this party over at my place tonight. I — I say that like it’s not going on right now but you should come over and we can have a few drinks, talk about uh what did you say you’re reading Fred....?”
“Friedrich Nietzsche.” 
“Wait, like, for fun?” Brian has to take a minute to let that information sink in and almost reconsiders his previous invitation because frankly he can’t think of anything more boring than Nietzshe. Peter shifts his weight, waiting for Brian to get back to the point. ”Ok, maybe we won’t talk about that but do you want to go? I’m sure by now you’ve figured out I’m not a psycho.” 
"What if I am?” Peter smirks. Brian gives him a once over, standing back like he’s truly considering the possibility then leans in close, too close. “I don’t know what if I’m into that?” Peter grows quiet again, blinking a few times and uncertain of what Brian’s about to do before the other leans away again.
“Come to the party with me.” Brian turns up the charm voice low, warm and inviting. ”It’ll be fun.” Peter knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s clear by now that he’s hinting for him to at least stay the night. He could say no, tell him that he’s not interested in parties but then he gives a small nod and the rest of the night moves in a blur. That tends to happen when Brian is involved. Time seems to blur from one minute to the next in the way that:
One minute they’re in the park, then the vague familiarity of Brian’s place — loud music, flashing lights, pushed closer by a crowd of dancing people. And a few drinks in it’s Peter who breaks the tension between them and throws caution to the wind when he kisses Brian. 
Time and everything else moves entirely too fast after that. Some days they both have to take a seat and remind themselves that it’s ok to go slow, but it’s hard when the clock is ticking down and they both know Brian graduates in December and after that? Where do they stand?
Six months after their chat on the subway they wake up in some shit hotel in Vegas. Bed hair, hung over, admiring the vintage silver on their ring fingers together that Brian picked up for cheap in a pawnshop in L.A. Peter, who always finds ways to surprise Brian is more calm than he anticipated. Brian takes advantage of the slowing in time to make Peter laugh just to see his face transform in that way that made him infatuated before they move onto the next chapter.
It is the start of many good mornings.
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wernerherzogs · 5 years
there it is, finally! the list of my favourite hl fics of All Time.
disclaimer: some of these i have read only once and forever ago, but i’ve got them saved in a folder, and i vaguely remember them Meaning something to me when i read them, but basically -- if you read something from this list and end up not enjoying it, sorry not sorry! i operate on nostalgia sometimes, it’s possible i wouldn’t be that into some of them now, too, but whatevs!
i made myself stick to one work per author, otherwise this would be endless, but if an author’s nickname is bolded, it means i’ve had the time to read all of their works, and recommend them all.
i’m fairly certain i’m forgetting stuff (especially those stories that i’ve never saved/bookmarked), so i’ll try to keep this updated fairly regularly -- whenever i remember an old fave, or fall in love with something new. i’ll make sure to reblog this post then.
the order is completely random. this is a list where every work carries equal significance, even if not always for the same reasons. it was supposed to be alphabetical, but turns out i’m far too lazy for that. (shocker.) i took the liberty of shortening some of the original summaries, because this post is going to be Too Long anyway. rip.
enjoy! hopefully.
blackjacks running down my back | sequel by dangerbears (+ lj) (~10,000) 
AU. university stuff. best friend stuff. music stuff. sappy stuff.
try to not remember (rather than forget) by hereforlou (59,602)
He hadn’t left, but that’s what it had felt like most of the time. Just as if one day Harry had up and left him.
(Or, the one where Harry wakes up.)
Like Real People Do by moodlighting (58,469)
Harry is Louis' soulmate but Louis isn't Harry's - it takes Harry a while to figure it all out.
a prayer for which no words exist by Eliane (34,313)
Louis is a few seconds away from blowing up a rather important section of the New York subway when he sees Harry for the first time.
Who Painted the Moon Black by throughthedark (requires an ao3 account) (95,697)
“People died,” Harry whispers so quietly Louis strains to hear. “People died, and I killed some of them. How does life just go on after something like that?”
Louis shakes his head. “I don't know. It just does.”
hold on to your stars before they fade by adelagia (31,740)
The first time they meet, it is sunrise, and Harry is naked.
(Or, the one where Harry is a lost fairy, and Louis takes him in.)
Lambing Season by HelloAmHere (24,544)
“Shut up,” Louis says, an involuntary grin tugging at his mouth. It’s not every boy who will stand in the middle of a cold barn in a suit and play musician trivia. “I’m Louis.”
//lambing season brings sleep deprivation, noisy alarms, cold barns, demanding animals, and warm strangers.
Wild And Unruly by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (123,655)
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy (149,570)
A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
the dead things we carry by MediaWhore (25,316)
“Oh,” Mrs. Padley says, clearly taken aback. “You two know each other?”
There are some things people never fully come home from. Until, one day, if they’re lucky, home comes to them.
i believe him when he tells of loving me by bitterlee (28,894)
louis doesn't remember harry. harry takes him home.
Come Along With Me by darkofthenights (28,032) (requires an ao3 account)
An AU where Harry is a magician and Louis doesn't believe in such a thing.
Dust Off My Wings by eravain (19,882) (+ download)
AU where the boys are cottage neighbours, Louis develops an obsession with the mysterious boy next door, and the end of summer is really just the start of everything else.
Boys of Summer by sharktoothedfawnskinned (49,545)
What he wants is for this to be a forever thing, not someplace Harry spent the summer once.  What he wants is for this to be more than a memory.
(New Jersey beach town AU.)
ever ever after by hattalove (22,645)
“Happily ever after, huh?” he can’t help asking, in a voice that’s softer than he’d like. Harry seems to sense the fragility of the moment. He settles down, containing the excited flailing of his hands, and mirrors Louis’s position. “Of course,” he says. “Don’t you have those here?” Louis bites his lip. “M’ afraid not. It doesn’t really work out that way for most people.”
or, an enchanted AU. sort of.
heroes of the orange skies by queenmcgonagall (30,656)
Louis likes bathroom walls and Sharpies, Harry likes metal, Zayn likes Liam and Liam likes Zayn, Niall is wise, and they all go to the zoo.
Empty Skies by green_feelings (134,048)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.
Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
nocturne in silver and blue by tinyweirdloves (97,594)
louis is a fallen star and harry brings him home. told over the course of fourteen years.
life does not go backward, nor does it tarry in yesterday by bottomlinsons (4568)
Louis and Harry are Knights of the Round Table and Camelot has a dragon problem. (Arthurian AU)
In This Light by exhilarated (99,234)
Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
our little corner of the world by brownheadedstranger (29,913)
AU. Louis is stuck in his mom's diner for the summer. Harry is the line cook with a pickup truck.
Every Arrow That I Aim Is True by estrella30 (24,890)
Louis doesn’t say anything again so Harry whispers, “Just stay here with me for a while, yeah? I’ll take care of you.”
Louis is quiet. He never picks his head up, but Harry can see the pillow move from where he’s nodding and his fingers tighten around Harry’s. “Yeah,” Louis says. “Yeah, all right.”
i'm not calling you a liar (just don't lie to me) by hazmesentir (33625) (requires an ao3 account)
Louis can't stop lying. Harry runs a farm. Somehow, he squeezes the truth out of him.
An Eternal Enigma by goldenquill (67,478) (+ download)
Louis is a reluctant king with a head full of fairy tales, and Harry is an emotionally challenged musical prodigy. Zayn is a hopelessly romantic painter, Liam is the castle’s resident ghost with sporadic amnesia, and Niall is the accidental head of the kingdom’s most prevalent spy ring. Very loosely based on the lives of Ludwig II of Bavaria and Richard Wagner.
all my love was down in a frozen ground by navigator (16,033)
Louis goes to the woods.
AU very loosely inspired by the creation of Bon Iver's first record.
walk my days on a wire by sunshiner (38,586)
“We’re here because we have inventive managers,” Louis says, giving Harry’s leg a little nudge with his knee, but all that’s going around in his head is, I think I'd be in the same spot in every possible universe.
or, when actor Louis Tomlinson used to daydream about dating Harry Styles, this is not what he had in mind.
take my hand (and my heart and soul) by bananasandboots (45,623)
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
Or, the one where Harry hasn't spoken to his best friend in sixteen months and can't remember why.
These Inconvenient Fireworks by wontsitstill (190,000) (+ download)
Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one another eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
things have gotten closer to the sun by starseas (49,276)
when a solar flare is announced to end the world in twelve days, harry reunites with the people that he used to know better than the back of his own hand.
Harry Styles Cooks... by sunsetmog (ongoing)
In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker.
Or: Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them.
101 Uses For Dragon Eggs by colazitron (42,249)
Louis just got back from a three week assignment yesterday and today was only supposed to be paperwork he needs to do to finish that up, before he was going to leave early and enjoy the weekend. And then Zayn, the traitor, emailed him about a bloke who was rumoured to have found a dragon egg and apparently live tweeting the whole thing.
Don't Want Shelter by FullOnLarrie (ongoing)
Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago…
When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own.
Escapade by dolce_piccante (requires an ao3 account) (146,241) (+ download)
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He's rich. He's handsome. He's reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
Whether Clouds or Clear Skies by onewasturning (25,861)
“Harry,” Louis says, “last night I had an experience bordering on profound.”
“You’re making it sound like you did something sexual with my muffin,” Harry says.
Or, Louis gets into the habit of stealing baked goods while Harry’s busy keeping tabs on the weather.
the dead of july by whimsicule (117,446)
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
In the Clear by aclosetlarryshipper (80,751)
After Princess Gemma and her fiance Niall are captured by the witch from across the land, Harry and Louis are forced on a journey together to save them.
Featuring Lumberjack Liam, Magical Zayn, unsolicited tattoos, and untangling the past.
Also known as The Larrietale.
a house built out of stone by robpatFF (22,486)
Louis has a used bookshop and Harry has a habit of claiming things that don't belong to him.
out of the blue corner by fallingaway (85,422)
Louis is a boxer banned because of doping. Harry is a journalist following the story.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents (28,542)
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
dancing in the dark by clairdeloune (74,709)
Harry comes out and it brings more than he's expected.
Untangle Me by suicxne (103,000) (requires an ao3 account)
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
California Sold by isthatyoularry (123,536)
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
you came into my life by disgruntledkittenface (57,180)
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
like cabbages and kings by you_explode (60,875)
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland.
Loyal Knight and True by rainbowninja167 (51,569)
Oh, Harry thinks, mouth open on a silent gasp. This is how it happens.
In contemporary Oxford, Harry Styles and Niall Horan run a magical bookshop, unbowed by an entire academic establishment that insists magic doesn't even exist.
for now (and forever) by orphan_account (sadly can’t remember the actual author) (83,283)
"Listen to yourself," Harry laughs, shaking Louis' shoulders. "Don't you think it's a bit weird to con the country you're supposed to be serving?"
Louis is going into the Army, Harry is going nowhere, and there's nothing like a little identity fraud between friends.
Say You'll Remember by whisperdlullaby (93,521)
au. louis and harry are best mates that are only half aware that they're also soulmates. alternatively, louis goes to university and harry travels the world, and they always manage to find their way back to each other.
takes place over nine years, in which they love and hurt, make mistakes and learn, and above all, grow.
Faking It by TheCellarDoor (46,173)
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Battle Cry by Velvetoscar (21,377)
Harry's got a heart, a soul, and a band. And with that, obviously, comes a future paved in great success, right? So all he has to do is win the Battle of the Bands, right? Simple.
What's not so simple is the fact that Louis Tomlinson is his biggest competition. And also happens to be made of everything that Harry's ever wanted.
Take Me Where I Cannot Stand by LoadedGunn (13,988)
Harry can agree that being husbands in space presents some challenges. Sometimes they have to escape mindless cannibals, sometimes they're being held hostage, sometimes Louis doesn't want Harry to get pregnant, and sometimes someone slips on a banana peel. But that's all part of the fun, isn't it? They could have been juggling geese.
(Firefly AU where Harry and Louis are co-pilots in life.)
Just Me, You, And This Box of Matches by tomlinsunshine (87,020) (requires an ao3 account)
Louis is fairly sure that his new neighbour is going to destroy him. And also their apartment building, and the dumpsters outside, and all the forests within a thirty mile radius. But. Mostly him.
you're an egg if im an egg by giraffesaretall (1252)
au where one direction are eggs.
831 notes · View notes
A Midnight Reminder (one-shot)
Synopsys: Ben Hardy has been dating the Reader for little more than a year now, and their relationship has been amazing so far. But when some things are revealed and insecurities flare up, she’ll need to remind him of who owns her heart.
Pairing: Ben Hardy x f!Reader
Genre: fluff, toiny bit of angst, SMUT
Warnings: SMUT (unprotected sex and all that good jazz. Wrap it before you tap it, guys.), swearing, jealousy
Word count: 3499
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“I have better things to do on my Saturday nights,” Ben said as Roger Taylor and then smugly smiled. “I could give you their names.” On cue, Gwilym as Brian May rolled his eyes and that’s when the director called cut. The two men stood up and stretched their legs, looking at a makeup artist who was doing the finishing touches on Rami’s hair, and Joe who had just decided to tag along, since he wasn’t in the scene. But that was not what took away Ben’s attention. There in the corner talking to Lucy was the most beautiful girl, with Y/E/C eyes that sparkled like diamonds and a smile that always took his breath away. “I hope my name is the only one you’re giving away,” Y/N said, giving him a small smile when Ben finally caught up on the fact, that she was actually there. In a second’s time, he had sprinted across the set and Y/N, anticipating his next move, had already jumped up, their bodies colliding as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms had a death grip on his shoulders. “You’re here, you’re here, you’re here,” Ben kept mumbling in the crook of Y/N’s neck and she just vigorously nodded as a response. Without thinking much, he started to make his way back to his assigned trailer when she muttered in his skin, “Are you not gonna let me say hi to Rami? Or introduce me to the rest of the guys?” “Nope,” Ben popped the ‘p’. “I haven’t seen you in two months, so forgive me if I wanna spend all of my time with my girlfriend. Alone.” At the last word Y/N saw his pupils dilate and a shiver went down her spine, but she had to be the grownup, even though her heart screamed to give into the mind of that horny teenager.
“Come on,” she said pecking his lips. “I wanna meet Queen.” Begrudgingly, Ben set the girl down and interlocking their fingers, he led her around the set to meet the guys. “Okay, that’s Gwil, Joe and you know Rami. Great, now you’ve met them, let’s go,” the excitement in Ben’s voice as he thought of spending time alone with Y/N was palpable, but she just laughed, pulling him back.    “Don’t be rude,” Y/N kissed him quickly. “I’m here for two whole weeks, so we’ll have enough time. Besides, I don’t think I heard them call wrap, so you still have work to finish.” Ben groaned and dramatically let his head flop down on Y/N’s shoulder. “But you’re here,” he whined, wrapping both arms around her waist. “Wow, you really have him wrapped around your finger,” Joe said, but it was not meant in a mean-spirited way. Y/N shrugged. “What can I say- he has me the same way.” Sooner rather than later, the guys were called to re-set, and they ran through the scene a few more times, Rami finally joining in before they wrapped for the day. Ben was the first one to dash to hair and makeup, sprinting to wardrobe just so he didn’t have to waste any second, he could be spending with Y/N. When he found her again, she was talking to Allen Leech and the man was completely in awe. Ben grinned, seeing her get along with his fellow cast mates so well and came up from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Hey, my Ben’s back!” Y/N smiled pecking his lips. “Allen and I were talking about going to your trailer and just chilling. Maybe order a pizza or something.” “Sure, you were. Or is that just your way of saying you want pizza?” “I’m off the fucking diet, so if you wanna talk shit about me enjoying life, I can go straight home.” Ben didn’t say anything just smiled and kissed her cheek, as he, Y/N and Allen all made their way to get together the rest of the gang and hang out.
The cast, including Lucy all, sat in the ‘Band’ trailer, just talking and discussing things. Loud laughter erupted through the small space as everyone cackled at what Allen’s reaction to his first meeting Y/N had been. “I’m just a huge fan of her music and movies. Can you blame me?” Y/N just waved a hand in a ‘stop it’ motion and snuggled closer to Ben. The man smiled down at her, and honestly, he couldn’t say that Allen tripping over a bunch of wires and stumbling over every single word that tried to make its way out of his mouth, was that off from his own experience. Y/N was an actual Rockstar and an Academy Award-winning actress. They’d met when he first had heard the rumours about a biopic of Queen being made. Instantly, Ben had gone to the closest studio to his London apartment to meet up with the person that would be his drumming teacher when he’d walked into someone, literally making the person fall on their ass. “Holy, shit! I’m so so sor-“ but he stopped mid-sentence seeing the one the only Y/N Y/L/N brush off the dust from her jeans. “ ‘S fine. Should’ve been watching where I was going anyway.” She looked up only to see two big green eyes and a wide goofy grin. “You’re Y/N Y/L/N.” The girl chuckled extending a hand. “And you’re Ben Hardy.” He started nervously laughing. “You know who I am.” On the inside he was feeling like a child on Christmas, the giddiness almost making him bounce on his feet. “I do,” she smirked before walking around the man and towards the exit of the studio. “And if what I’ve heard from Rog and Bri is true, I’ll be seeing you around. Top candidate for the role of mister Taylor and all.” Ben stood there, in the middle of the hallway, a dumb grin stretched across his face until his drum teacher clapped down on his shoulder, bringing the man back to reality. “You look happy.” “I just met Y/N Y/L/N.” “Ah,” his teacher smiled, leading them to the practice studio. “Well, then you might want to keep your fangirling on the inside. You’ll be seeing her a lot around here.” And he had. She was there to record another album while Westworld was on break, her playing one of the main characters and all before she went back to LA to start filming. But it was three months down the line they had formed something akin to a friendship. It was the middle of the night, when he’d seen her again, tears streaming down her face as she stormed inside the studio and suddenly, she had screamed. Ben was by the drums, trying to memorize the beats to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’ when the loud yell had scared him. Instantly, he was out of the recording booth and saw a hunched over form sobbing in her hands.    “Are you alright?” he wanted to smack himself the moment those words left his mouth. Of course, she wasn’t alright. No one cries like that when everything is good.    “I- yeah,” Y/N said, wiping a tear away. “What are you doing here anyway? It’s past one o’clock already.” “Practicing,” Ben said, and she just nodded. Slowly he made his way next to the couch and sat down beside her. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N shook her head and rested her cheek against his shoulder. “Just hold me, please.” So, he did. He wrapped both his arms around the girl and hugged her. Together they laid down on the sofa and fell asleep. After that incident, they became closer and closer until the man finally gathered the courage and asked her out for a coffee. The smile she had given him had made his heart stop. Ben was so far back into the memories of how he’d met the girl and had fallen in love with the talented human being, it was when she said words he never expected to hear, that brought him back. “You know, if things had been different, it wouldn’t be me and Ben here together, but me and your lead singer,” she pointed at Rami with her chin, who chuckled at that. That threw Ben for a loop. Of course, he’d heard the rumours of the two stars of Night at the Museum hitting it off behind the scenes as well, but never did he think it was true. Media always liked to speculate. When the two had started filming the first movie, tabloids absolutely loved writing that the actors who played the love interests in the movie had a romance of their own going on off stage. Instant jealousy rippled through his veins as he looked at Rami, who had his own hand on Lucy’s knee, her eyes wide and looking back and forth between the two. “And what happened?” she asked. Ben felt Y/N shrug. “I don’t know. I think we kinda decided to try it out because everyone else was saying how good we looked together, how great the chemistry was and blah blah blah. But as the ‘relationship’,” Y/N put the word in air quotes with her fingers, “progressed, it just didn’t feel natural. It felt like I was dating my best friend, but not in a good way.” Rami nodded along, looking off into the distance. “We tried to see what everyone else saw, but ultimately it was not what either of us wanted or needed. And honestly, I know you feel the same Y/N, so I’m just gonna say it- kissing you off-set was the weirdest fucking thing ever. I think that is why it took us until the third one to actually do anything. Just the thought of you that way made me feel weird.” Her loud laugh echoed through the trailer, but Ben couldn’t stop thinking about the new revelation. She had been together with Rami. Not for long and neither seemed to have enjoyed that kind of a relationship, but still. It was a pretty big thing Y/N had kept from him and the actor didn’t like it. Of course, he realized how unfair he was being towards the two, all of that having happened years ago, but when you’re surrounded by the glitz and glam so much, it’s hard to sometimes distinguish what is real and it makes you question things. “Don’t take this wrong, Rami, but even if we had ended up having something serious, it wouldn’t have lasted long.” “Yeah,” the man nodded and looked down at Lucy with the same fond smile Y/N looked up at Ben. “Why’s that?” the blond asked, uncertainty in his eyes. Y/N seeing this sighed and slid a palm to cup his cheek. “Because I found love in you. And I could not fathom being with someone who doesn't own my heart.” There was an audible ‘aww’ from Gwil and Allen, but Joe scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. The bromance between the two was one of Y/N’s favourite things as Ben always sent her funny snaps and Instagram messages of the two goofing around. "Gross," he muttered and the trailer was overtaken by laughter.
Y/N’s head was heavy as she leaned against Ben’s shoulder, as they made their way together to his trailer, after four more hours of talking and giggling with the cast. “You alright?” he asked, the deep voice she adored so much laced with concern. “Mhm,” she hummed, closing her eyes for a second. “Just tired.” He pressed a sweet kiss to her temple and wrapped his arm tighter around her waist. “We’re almost there.” She walked the rest of the way with her eyes closed, trusting Ben to guide her and not let her trip over things or hit her head at a low hanging sign. With a soft click. Ben unlocked his trailer and he let Y/N step inside first. She didn’t even wait for the door to be closed when she pulled off her pants and shirt. “Giving me a show, are we?” Ben smirked, eyes raking up and down his girlfriend’s body, but both of them knew, he was just teasing. Y/N was so tired she could fall asleep while standing up. Gently, he scooped her up in his arms and went over to the bed, placing her above the covers, while he quickly got rid of his own clothes. A soft whine of ‘come here’ fluttered through the air, making his heart clench. As he laid down, Y/N pulling the bedding from underneath her and over them, Ben wrapped her in his embrace and sweetly kissed her. “Night, love.” “Love you.” Y/N fell asleep in a second, but Ben seemed to be doomed never to close his eyes. The thought of her being with Rami had overtaken every part of his brain and he hated how bitter it made him feel. She wasn’t in love with his costar, Y/N was in love with Ben, and he knew it without a doubt, so why this new revelation made him so jealous, was beyond the Brit. “Baby, you okay?” her voice was raspy with sleep and Ben sighed, turning to his side to wrap an arm around her midsection. Her worried tone made his chest hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “About what?” “About you and Rami? Why didn’t you tell me you had a thing with him?” Y/N was becoming wider awake with every passing second, so she leaned up on her elbow to better look at Ben’s face. “Because, as I said before, it wasn’t even a thing. And what does it matter? That was more than two years ago, and nothing came of it. He’s like a brother to me.” A devilish smirk appeared on her face. “Is someone jealous?” Y/N whispered leaning up and letting her teeth nip at Ben’s ear. He groaned feeling her hips roll into his as she had hiked her knee over his side. “Can you blame me? You’re this amazing actress/ fucking rock and roll legend at this point. How could I not be when you could have anyone you wished to?” She continued on with the motions, eliciting delightful moans from Ben. “And have you seen yourself in the mirror, darling?” Y/N groaned, feeling him stiffen with every movement their bodies made. “Fuck, if I let myself go off every time, I read a comment on any social media about how much of an Adonis you are and how much everyone wants to be with you, I’d handcuff you to the bed and glue myself on top of you, just to make a statement that you’re mine.” Ben’s mouth quirked up. “You know, that doesn’t sound that bad. Actually, that sounds like fucking heaven.” His hands settled on her soft sides, as they helped her keep a steady rolling rhythm. The fabric that separated the two was beyond offensive in Ben’s opinion, but there was just something about teasing Y/N and in the end himself, that made the climax of everything so much more amazing. “Ben, I need you,” Y/N’s voice was desperate. The man just hummed as his lips lazily moved up and down the column of her throat, and he smiled, feeling her get more and more frustrated. But it was when she pulled his hands away from her waist and pushed them up and over his head, pushing him on his back and grabbing his wrists in a tight grip, an animalistic growl reverberated through the air and his bones. “Now,” her voice was low and dangerous and holy shit did that turn him on. Instantly her nightshirt was off, and her panties followed suit, Ben practically ripping his own boxers away. There was no time for foreplay, as the ache in both of their bodies had become insufferable. As much as Ben wanted to slam up and be hugged by Y/N’s velvety wall, he let her grip his member at the base and slowly ease down. Profanities, that he didn’t even know he knew, passed Ben’s lips and Y/N echoed them by pressing their lips in a tight kiss. It had been so long, too long since they had been together like this, she was almost sure she’d burst just from the feeling of him being sheeted inside. Ben gave Y/N a minute to gather her breath and as she did so, he felt her stretch and adjust, and once again mould to him. Her mouth was by his ear, praising him and whispering confessions of love as her hands moved up and down his biceps. It was in that moment, that Ben wanted to punch the living daylights out of himself for ever doubting Y/N and her feelings, for ever thinking that she was with him simply because it was easy and practical. Because in reality, it was far from it. The distance and work lead to fights and tears, and they had to solve the issues, rather than abandoning them, which is what both had usually done. If they didn’t, the pair knew all of the brilliant moments spent together, the tender lovemaking, and gentle laughs would crumble. And never had Y/N or Ben wished to keep something so much as they did with one another. “Can I move?” Ben’s words were a plea because suddenly not moving was incredibly uncomfortable. The soft moan rippling from Y/N’s throat was all the green light he needed, so clasping both his hands down on the small of her back, he pushed his hips up, until he had bottomed out and then slipped almost all the way out, leaving only the tip in. Her sigh of content was a sound Ben assumed he would only get to hear in heaven. Yet there he was, biting down on the shoulder of the most gorgeous girl he’d ever met as she marked his neck with love bites of her own. “I love you,” he groaned feeling Y/N tighten around him as his shaft finally hit that spot that made her Y/E/C eyes roll to the back of her head. “I love you so fucking much.” “I love you too, Ben,” her reply was breathless, but her gaze was fiery and piercing. “And don’t you ever forget that or doubt it.” Each word was accentuated by a harsher snap of her hips. The sounds of their bodies colliding, and Y/N’s slick having coated both of their thighs, sweat sliding down their frames and onto the sheets was more than obscene. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he could feel the release approaching like a freight train, but at the same time, Ben was not about to cum first. Detaching their lips from the heavy kiss the pair had been engaged in, he licked the pad of his thumb and brought it between them. The second Y/N felt him touch her clit, she saw white. Her vision blurred at the edges and the hold she had had on Ben’s arms became so strong, her nails broke his skin in places. Instantly, she wanted to apologize, guilt settling in her chest, but the movement of his finger became more erratic and without a warning, she was cumming all over him. It was like the orgasm had been pulled from somewhere deep within her soul, for she had never actually felt on the verge of passing out. Y/N screamed Ben’s name into the dark and if he hadn’t had a hold on her body, she would have most likely fallen off the bed, her thighs and stomach spasming so hard. Ben shut his eyes, forehead scrunching up as Y/N squeezed him so painfully hard, she almost pushed his member out of her, but instead, he trust up a few more times and let bliss take over his body. She felt him release, hot thick streams of cum filling her up and painting every inch of her walls. Ben remained like that- still buried to the hilt inside her warm and now leaking center- for what felt like an eternity, but not nearly enough, before Y/N rolled off of him, a whine of discontent making its way into the air that smelled of sex and love.    “Do you think anyone heard us?” Y/N asked, already being pulled back to dreamland by Ben’s steadying heartbeat.    “Well, if they did, then they will definitely know, who made you feel that good.”    And with a snort, Y/N closed her eyes.
***    Lucy’s head was laying on Rami’s sweaty chest, both of their breathing laboured. “Do you think they heard us?” she asked, big eyes drooping closed from the activities they had taken part in. Rami shrugged, pulling Lucy’s body closer and together they fell asleep.
Joe’s eyes were wide as he stared at the ceiling. “I hate my life,” he muttered and turned to the side, just in case his neighbours decided to go at it again, placing a pillow over his head. No matter which pair.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take): @16wiishes @wanderingsami @desir-ae @thiccio-and-thicciet @roseslovedreams @vesoleil @gloomybisexualemo @kostyaownsmyheart @perriwiinkle @screaminggalileochickenwrites @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife  
A/N: I’m so tired and stressed and holy shit does everything feel like it’s happening all at once.
I have two fics of Roger (both set in the 80s Retro and 70s Vintage world) lined up to write. On is in the early days of how they met and then another one is revolving around the Golden Globes.
P.S. what did you think? 
P.S.S. my tags are always open.
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