#behind the cradle affair
pomefioredove · 2 months
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summary: vil falling in love with you type of post: short fic characters: vil schoenheit additional info: romantic, FLUFF, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, takes place during/after book 6 author's note: vilyuu is such a good and underrated dynamic I'm never not obsessed with it. always thinking about him. holding them like dolls making them kiss mwah mwah
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One might be bold enough to assume that actor and model Vil Schoenheit had been a victim of Eros before.
With the world under his thumb and millions of adoring fans at his beck and call, it was easy to fantasize about the image of a shining star that had left a string of broken hearts behind him. His persona of perfection gave off such a dazzling impression that any other truth is simply unimaginable. Beautiful, talented, devoted...
...Untouchable to such a degree that the very truth of the matter was that Vil Schoenheit had never been in love. He had no use, let alone time, to indulge himself in something that he found distracting at best and frustrating at worst. For most of his life, romance was nothing but another part to play, a frustrating rumor to dispel, a disaster to witness, something that nagged at him from the outside yet never made itself a home within him.
This idea of the confident heartbreaker Vil Schoenheit was nothing but a reflection of the image he put out, shone back at him by tabloids and fan accounts. It was a hollow interpretation, fueled by fantasies of a Vil that didn't exist in flesh and blood. And so, every time an invasive interviewer or pesky reporter inquired about the state of his personal affairs, he answered truthfully: Vil Schoenheit could easily go throughout life focusing solely on his career, on improving himself, and not miss out on anything at all.
There have been very, very few things that Vil has called himself an idiot over. That answer was one of them.
Because the very second he saw you again after being separated by Styx, the want to smack you for being so reckless in coming after him was only secondary to his want to hold you and cry until his water-proof mascara was running.
Love is such a strange emotion. Vil could never understand why Rook was so obsessed with it, how the vice housewarden fell in love with every beautiful person he saw. For his whole life Vil thought it to be painful, to be distracting, to be finite and often times nothing but a shallow reflection of all of one's ugliest traits.
And now, it made him feel weak and messy. He hated feeling messy.
...And yet, what he wouldn't do to have his lipstick smeared over your mouths. To have you see him with his hair undone and eyes bleary with sleep, and to see you in that state as well. It was not the time, nor the place, but he wanted to cradle you in his arms until this terrible, sickly feeling of longing you'd left him with went away.
For the first time in his life, Vil was suddenly terrified of being alone.
No, not alone- he was terrified of being without you.
To never see your smile again would be a fate worse than death, worse than growing old and haggard. How terrible to think that just one simple person could so easily undo everything about him, and yet, he wanted more of that very feeling. He would unwrap himself layer by layer for you if you asked, taking off all of the years of discipline and poise, and lay vulnerable before you so that you could be soft and simple together. Vil had always regarded romance as difficult, but falling in love with you was surprisingly easy.
He did not have to save Grim from the Underworld, despite what he claimed. Such a risky move cost him everything he loved, everything beautiful about him, everything except for you. And as much as he mourned for himself, he knew he would do it again and again if it meant saving the smile on your face.
And perhaps he was too wishful with his thinking, but he could have sworn he saw that same familiar glimmer of affection and admiration in your eyes when you met his gaze. As if you couldn't even see the pasty, wrinkled mess he'd turned into, and were peering at something behind it.
It made him feel utterly exposed and offered him no comfort, but the thought that you were looking at something not even he could see lingered in the back of his mind, even after his magical energy was rejuvenated.
He had become so familiar with everyone around him being a mirror, reflecting his carefully crafted image right back at him, showering him with two-dimensional praises, that being seen as an object of flesh and blood and tears was a strange notion. To behold his presence and see a person with wants and needs and flaws rather than a flat surface, a decorative magazine atop a coffee table, left him with a strange feeling in his chest. The thought both bothered and warmed him.
Vil Schoenheit was so hopelessly in love with you, and it didn't hurt. It wasn't difficult or ugly or forced, it took not even the least bit of effort. He sunk into the feeling like a warm bath which never grew colder, and he let that be his new reality. It felt strange to imagine that there was a time where he didn't love you, where he didn't look at you as if you were the moon itself, where you weren't such a part of his being that he couldn't imagine life without you.
And he never expressed these feelings in words. They existed inside of him, running through his veins like the very blood that kept him alive and warm, and they weren't distracting, just another part of him that he kept tucked away to occupy his thoughts on rainy days.
...But the best part of it was that he didn't need words. Because when you looked at him, when you saw the Vil the not even he could see, you could already tell they were there. The mirror, the pane of glass that had always existed between himself and others, was non-existent for you.
Vil thought that someday he might be able to see himself through that glass the way you did, but he was perfectly content with simply looking at you instead for the time being.
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devilfruitwriter · 10 months
falls in love easily {Taz Skylar}
Summary: Life comes at you fast, and often in uncertain ways, at least that's what you find yourself thinking when it's almost five in the morning and you're waiting for the cast of the upcoming Live Action One Piece Netflix show in their makeup trailer, and you realise you might have finally found your people. (And the way you try not to think about how you might genuinely be falling for the actor who you've been joking about being in love with since day one.)
Need to Know: They/Them Reader. Makeup Artist!Reader. Fluff through vignettes. No use of Y/N.
A/N: 3424 words. Unedited and probably a mess but I love him your honor. Now idk if it's good, but I hope you enjoy it. There's mentions of drinking. Let me know what you think, or if you have any prompts for Taz or any of the rest of the cast! <3
Taglist is always open, please comment or message me to be added! xx
Taz has started bringing you coffee, and damn if you don't love him for it.
"Don't let it go to your head; they love everyone," Emily rolls her eyes but her expression is fond. You stick your tongue out at her, still cradling your steaming take away cup with both your hands, looking between them in the makeup trailer they share with you and Emily's makeup artist.
"Yeah but me the most," Taz sits a little higher in his chair, his smug little smile is levelled at his co-star, though you see his gaze flick to you and the grin you're trying to hide behind the rim of your cup, "that's the point of the coffee, isn't it?"
"You have a few other redeeming qualities," you chime in, struggling not to laugh at the whole situation, especially as Taz makes a show of practically preening at your decidedly backhanded praise.
"Told ya," he's outright beaming now, "loves me the most, as they should."
"As I should?" You hear the disbelief in your own voice rise as you lower your cup, crossing your free hand over your chest.
"Obviously," Taz, however, does not seem phased by your indignance, looking at you with wide, bright eyes, like it's the most simple thing in the world, "you're my makeup artist, if you loved one of them more I'd consider that a great betrayal of our bond."
Emily can no longer contain her laughter.
You take a moment to ponder and sip the coffee he'd brought you, mulling over his words.
"I've known Emily longer," you pointed out, though Taz shook his head, managing to keep his composure and keep up with the bit.
"And I've worked with other makeup artists in the past; what matters is the here and now," he says with an almost believable sincerity, "and here and now, I love you the most, and I buy you coffee, and I'm gonna be real sad if you don't say it back." Endeared by his antics, the words tumble from you -
"Of course I love you the mostest -"
"- the mostest! -" he echoes under his breath with a pleased kind of triumph.
"- the mostest? -" Emily, however, has her whole face scrunched up, muttering amid her laughter like she can't quite believe she'd heard you say that.
"Of course I love Taz the mostest -" you doubled down, now outright grinning, "not that it should have to be stated; this is a well established love affair we've got going on here, was that not clear?" Gesturing between yourself and Taz, who's once again looking particularly pleased with the bit, the two of you share an amused look before both turning to Emily in the makeup chair beside you both. She gives you both a thin, amused smile, her laughter having died down.
"Oh it's clear," she smirks at him, "considering that even Kiki won't swap trailers with me -" though there's no real malice behind it.
"You have not asked Kiki to swap with you," Taz rolled his eyes good-naturedly, "you love us."
"And we love you," you assured her, playing up the saccharine quality of your voice once more.
"But not as much as you love each other," she pointed out.
"Obviously," Taz nodded, right as you agreed;
"That goes without saying."
(Later, when you ask him how he takes his coffee, he cracks an eye open where he's relaxing as you're laying his wig for the day, slight smile on his lips, telling you that's not how this works.
Music fills the little trailer in the in-between moments, loud enough that Emily and her own makeup artist can't hear the specifics of your conversation. You give pause, waiting for the spirit gum to dry, echoing his words back to him as a question, amused at his apparent courteousness. He nods, now watching you, as if confused by your question.
"How am I meant to let you know I love you otherwise?" You snickered, playing off the earlier joke. It did the trick, however, as he huffed a quiet laugh of his own. Still, he tells you how he takes his coffee, and you, triumphant, turn to the counter for your next product.
"Or you could just say," he adds after a moment, and you can't help but freeze. You don't even need to be looking at him to hear him grinning - this moment is doing strange things to the affectionate feeling in your chest, but you do your best to ignore it. Turning back, his eyes are closed again, settled back in his seat, waiting as patient as ever.
"That's too easy," you hope he can tell you're smiling too.)
"I'm so sorry, love," Taz is leaning against the side of your trailer, cigarette in one hand, and blue, plastic lighter in the other, "my lighter's dead, you don't happen to have one?"
After being called in even earlier than usual to assist with Jeff's Buggy makeup for the shoot today, it takes you a moment to catch up. It takes you a moment, and a yawn, but you reach into one of the side pockets of your backpack.
"Yeah, gimme a sec," you mumble through your yawn.
"Fuckin' love you," Taz mutters gratefully, shoving his own, empty lighter into his back pocket, "I know it's a filthy habit but -"
"I don't judge," you shrug, finally handing over the lighter that had been buried in the bottom of the pocket. Instead of heading in, however, you joined him, leaning against the trailer, tipping your head back to look at the lilac sky as it began to turn gold.
The quiet spark, pop, sizzle of the cigarette isn't an unfamiliar sound given the industry you work in. Taz thanks you quietly as he hands back the lighter, and you give a tired smile in return; you had an energy drink and probably a coffee waiting in your trailer but you would rather take these few moments of peace where you could get them.
"I thought you vaped," you mused after a moment. Taz makes a noncommittal noise as he breathes out a lungful of smoke.
"Left it in the accommodation," he admitted. He offers the cigarette, but you shake your head, "probably smart, like its a bad habit, yeah, but also I don't exactly know where this came from, I found it in the bottom of my bag, it's..." he gives a thin, self deprecating smile, "questionable."
"Sounds like a you-problem, my guy," you tell him, shifting over to lean against his shoulder, closing your eyes for the moment. You hear him laugh and agree, and a comfortable silence stretches out between you.
"It definitely is," he agrees after a moment, "can I ask why you carry a lighter with you if you don't smoke? Not that I'm not grateful -"
"That's why."
"In case someone needs a lighter."
"That's sweet, that's very lovely."
"I do try," you hum with a slight smile. After a moment, he wraps an arm around your shoulders, continuing to blow smoke into the wind, away from you.
"You doing alright, love?"
"Always," you sigh, leaning into him in the moment, "I'll be alright, I just need to get some caffeine into me."
"Coffee's waiting for you inside," he told you warmly, giving your shoulder a squeeze.
"Yeah," you mumbled, before admitting, "I like hanging out with you though."
You can't bring yourself to open your eyes and gauge his reaction, but he doesn't let you go.
(He keeps borrowing your lighter. Sometimes it's those early mornings, sometimes it's on set, during the few scenes where Sanji's smoking; before anyone else he'll come to you. You start carrying your lighter in your pocket just in case.
"So you've just given up on having a lighter of your own?" You teased, lighting the herbal cigarette they were using for filming.
"Why would I need one? I've got you," he smirks back, and damn he's just as charming in character as he is out of it. "Thanks, love," he wraps you up in a one-armed hug, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before the cast and crew is called to stand by for the shot.
Taz is the kind of affectionate you could really see yourself getting used to, and he's definitely taken notice.)
Between the wig, the makeup, and covering up his tattoos, Taz's spends just over an hour in your makeup chair, depending on how much of Sanji will be seen on any given day.
"Scenes like today might be my favourite," You're working diligently away, already a half hour into your routine and mind on autopilot as you take Taz's hand to keep it still while you added product to your brush. You hadn't even realised you'd said that out loud until he responded.
"Scenes like today?" His voice is gentle but amused; you can hear him smiling but can't bring yourself to meet his gaze, suddenly feeling flustered that you'd voiced that thought at all. "Come on, love, you can't just say that, what d' you mean by that?" And it takes you a moment of deliberation to decide if you want to answer honestly, applying concealer to his tattoos as you feel yourself grow flustered.
"I like all your scenes," you mutter dismissively, "I feel lucky that I get to see so much of the show being filmed." Which isn't a lie, you're on standby on set to touch up makeup throughout the days, and you love the production and what you've seen of the show thus far... but it's also not the whole truth, and you know Taz can tell.
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, and when you look up finally, you can see the way he's smiling, but he's thankfully not looking at you. For a moment, you're glad Emily's not filming until later in the day, her call time not for several hours, so it's just you and Taz, and his playlist to fill the silence. But you make the call to swallow your embarrassment and voice the compliment that had been idling in your mind.
"I like watching you cook on set the most," you say without a hint of hesitation, and he looks to you quickly, almost like he's surprised by your honesty, but you weren't finished, "I know you've really immersed yourself in the role and put in a lot of effort and training; it really shows, especially when you fight and when you cook." There's something in the way he's looking at you that starts to overwhelm you, and you have to break the moment, break eye contact, go back to covering his tattoos or your not sure what you might do. Even your tone shifts, a little flustered, a little awkward, a little jarring after how sure you'd just been, "I, you know, I appreciate you and stuff, but you knew that."
There was a warmth to the silence that followed. When you finally sat back to grab the colour correction pallet, you could see Taz still watching you with genuine affection in his gaze.
"You're very kind," he says softly.
"Nah, it's just true," you huffed an awkward laugh.
"Don't hit me with that 'nah, it's just true' shit," he snorted, shaking his head, "you're being very kind and I appreciate that," he told you with firm honesty, matching the tone you'd addressed him with just moments ago, "lemme cook you dinner some time, 'cos I have been practicing," he agrees with pride, "and I'd take any excuse to show off, 'specially to you."
"Thought we established that I already love you, you don't have to prove anything to me," you ducked your head as you loaded your brush with product, unable to keep the grin from your face.
"Yeah, but this love-bit is a two way street."
"Okay," you said after a pause, finally meeting his gaze once more, and your smile grows wider.
"Okay?" Matching your excited energy, Taz grins widely at you, and you nod.
"Yeah, dinner, eventually," you laughed, "whenever we both are up for it. I'd really like that."
Something is... different now. Something has changed. Taz can't help but mention, as you're securing his wig, that it's going to be hard for him to think of anything but your kind words during filming today. Sheepishly you apologise, but he waves you off quickly - nothing to apologise for, he assured you.
But something is different.
(The silly, little fantasies you've been having on occasion, or more accurately, have been trying to ignore on occasion, have only gotten worse.
And more domestic.
They leave you feeling that kind of giddy-sick and unprofessional, the kind of daydreams that remind you at two in the morning that you should be sleeping and really shouldn't have a crush on your coworker.
Except you can't stop picturing small moments, like a sunlit, mid-morning, music playing on your laptop, the two of you moving around each other to make breakfast together on your day off. Or sharing quiet conversations and laughter while making dinner and -
When you both finally have a night off, he mentions how he's invited some of the other cast members to join you both. You've never been so relieved and disappointed all at once.)
Lines and jokes get messy and blurry; late nights on set, Taz almost falling asleep in your makeup chair as you're removing his wig for the day, nights out that both he and Emily invite you to, and a burgeoning friendship with the rest of the cast, and quiet moments spent in the back of Ubers lamenting how early you all have to get up the next day.
Usually you're the first one to bail, considering you're usually getting calling in even earlier than the cast, but some of the more responsible ones, or the other members of crew who have been roped into these various shenanigans, will split the Uber bill with you. The others all seem to understand why you have to leave early, but still, they're sad to see you leave.
What you tell absolutely none of them is that your self restraint is wearing incredibly thin when it comes to Taz already, and you know you're so close to doing something you can't take back.
Because he gets somehow more tactile when you're all out together; his arm around you, kisses your temple, your cheek, elated to see you whenever you meet up again after any amount of time. The way he laughs, the way he just talks to you, making you feel like you're the most important person in the world in the moment he gives you his focus and attention, and your brain gets all giddy and foggy when he calls you 'my love'.
So you need to leave, before you do too much, or say too much... well, too much more.
("My love -" and there it is again, his voice above the music, cutting through the crowd where he's spotted you.
"Yes, my darling Taz," you greet him with a sunny smile and open arms as an invitation to join you. Beside you in the booth, Emily and Inaki are playing slaps, and somehow neither are doing well, but thankfully they're both enjoying themselves.
Taz slides seamlessly into the booth beside you, pressed up to your side. Immediately his focus is stolen by his castmates' various yells and shrieks and slaps, and he half drapes himself across you and the table in front of you to get closer to their game. You don't even really mind, simply enjoying the moment, his proximity, and trying to figure out how long before you should head home. These three have the day off tomorrow, but you've been called in to assist with the hair and makeup for Mihawk.
"You're thinking very hard," Taz muses, as if remembering on whom he was leaning. Giving him a nudge, you grin.
"Just got work tomorrow unfortunately -"
Emily pats you sympathetically on the shoulder, Inaki immediately shouts that she's cheating, his eyes bright and wide. You push Taz back so he's no longer half-leaning over you to instead offer your shoulder to Inaki; he gives a decisive pat and declares he and Emily even, while you lament that you should probably hit the hay.
Emily and Inaki put their game on hold to say goodbye, Emily hugging you tightly and telling you to message when you got back to your accommodation, before they returned their focus to each other, and trying to pick a new game. Taz slides from the booth, giving you room to get out, and walks with you to the door.
"Surely you're not leaving," you grinned, but he's already shaking his head, throwing an arm around your shoulders as you get out onto the street.
"Making sure you make it to your taxi, or Uber, or whatever, okay."
"My hero," you teased, but still pulled out your phone to order your ride back to the hotel. Taz is humming something to himself that you can't quite pick all the while, "should be here in three minutes," you say softly, turning your attention back to him for the moment. The sight of his affectionate, smiling face has something softening in your heart - "you don't need to stay out here, I'll be fine, the bouncer's -"
"I work hard to my top ranking with you," Taz tried to muster up as much seriousness as he could, but it only served to endear you further, "no way I'm letting something happen in these three minutes and you end up liking some fuckin' bouncer more than me."
What you want to say is 'that will never happen'.
What you actually do is kiss him.)
It's not nothing.
This thing between you both is something, but you're not quite sure what. Because at first neither of you talk about what happens on those nights out, or how it keeps happening, but it never feels strange when you see each other at work. Still you tease each other endlessly, and there's something about the way he tries not to laugh when you're doing some kind of nonsense bit while doing his makeup, and how you'd fallen asleep against each other when Inaki invited people over to hang out and watch movies together.
Somehow after the wrap party, you, the main cast, and a few other members of the crew all ended up back at your accommodation. Most had left in the wee hours of the morning, but Inaki's passed out on your sofa, and a few of the other makeup artists had decided to squeeze into your bed like sardines, while you and Taz haven't moved from the wicker armchair on your balcony for hours.
The sunrise paints him golden in this moment you never want to end.
He's halfway through telling a story that has you practically wheezing, and you want to tell him that you'll miss him, miss these moments, miss whatever it is the two of you are, that you might actually love him, but instead what comes out is -
"You bastard, you know you've ruined me for other actors," you're beaming from ear to ear, watching the sun rise, and you hear him practically giggling as he leans against you.
"My grand plan has succeeded then."
"Grand plan?"
"Grand plan," he confirmed with a slight nod, "since I met you and you pointed at me," he points out to the horizon for emphasis, "and you said I was going to do great things with this role, even though you'd barely even met me; I've been gone for you ever since," he admitted with a snort of laughter, as if embarrassed by the recollection.
"You what?" You shifted back, eyes wide with surprise, only to be met with Taz's confused smile, like obviously.
"You've been nothing but a support this entire time, how is this a surprise?" He chuckled; seeing how obviously flustered you were becoming, his smile softened to something endeared, "you make yourself very easy to love, you know that, right?"
So much is running through your head at once, a million things you'd like to say, questions you have, what-ifs you could dwell on, but you don't.
"Oh thank god," you breathe, wrapping your arms around him, "I love you too," you're beaming until you're kissing him, this moment golden and absolutely perfect.
Taglist: @annssell @deadsnothere @hobbitsnapes @notdaninotfound @uncertainturquoise
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Happy House || Young President!Coriolanus Snow x reader
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Summary: This is a happy house, we’re happy here, right?
Warnings: infidelity, toxic Coryo, mild violence, if there’s anything else lmk!
Wc: 505
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
In the quiet morning light that filtered through the windows of the grand dining hall, your family sat at the polished mahogany table, seemingly the picture of domestic bliss.
Coriolanus, his chiseled features etched with a façade of contentment, sat at the head of the table, his newspaper spread before him. Balanced on his lap, was your three year old daughter, her tiny hands occupied with a toy.
You sat opposite him, watching the scene with a practiced smile, your eyes betraying none of the turmoil that churned within you. You sipped at your coffee slowly, your eyes moving to your eldest as he shovels spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth, oblivious to the tension that hung in the air.
As if on cue, the nanny entered the room, cradling the youngest member of the Snow family in her arms. Your heart twisted at the sight of the woman, the nanny’s eyes darting to Coriolanus, who met her gaze with a knowing look. You forced herself to smile as you took the baby girl into your arms, your fingers tracing the delicate features you had come to love despite the circumstances of your birth.
“Look who’s awake,” You softly say to your daughter with a bright expression as she smiles up at you. But as you look up, you catch Coriolanus beckon the young woman over to him. It was the subtle exchanges between Coriolanus and the nanny that made your blood run cold.
A glance here, a lingering touch there—each movement a betrayal that cut deeper than any knife. You swallowed the bile rising in your throat, forcing yourself to focus on the facade you presented to the world.
Later that day, as your family made a public appearance, you plastered on your most convincing smile, your hand resting lightly on Coriolanus’s arm as you both posed for the cameras. Lucky Flickerman’s question about another baby drew a forced chuckle from your lips, “Maybe not for a while,” You responded, feeling the venomous look Coriolanus shot you from your peripheral.
It wasn’t until you were alone in the privacy of you solar that the facade finally crumbled. Coriolanus’s anger boiled over at your comment, his words cutting like shards of glass. Your own fury matched his, your heart pounding in your chest as you dared to confront him about his infidelity.
“What do you mean ‘maybe not for a while’?” Coriolanus’s voice sliced through the tense silence, his anger simmering just beneath the surface .
Your bristled at his tone, your own frustration bubbling over. “What do you think I mean, Coriolanus? We already have three children to care for, and I’m not eager to bring another into this mess. I’m not a baby machine for heaven’s sake.”
Coriolanus’s jaw clenched, his gaze darkening. “Mess? Is that what you think of our family?” You shot back, “It’s what you’ve made it,” your voice tinged with bitterness. “You think I don’t know about your affairs? About the way you’ve been sneaking around with my servants behind my back?”
Coriolanus’s eyes flashed with anger, his fists clenched at his sides. “How dare you accuse me of such things? You know nothing!” “I know enough,” You retorted, your own anger rising. “I’ve seen the way you look at her, the way you touch her when you think no one is watching.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Coriolanus scoffed, but there was a hint of unease in his voice. “Is it, Coriolanus?” Your voice was sharp as you enunciated his full name, your eyes narrowing as you met his gaze head-on. “You can deny it all you want, but I’m not blind, I’m not stupid. I see what’s happening, and I won’t stand for it any longer.”
Coriolanus’s face twisted with rage, his hands trembling with suppressed fury. “How dare you speak to me like that? I am your husband, and you will show me the respect I deserve!���
“Respect?” You laughed bitterly, your heart pounding in your chest. “You lost any right to my respect the moment you betrayed our marriage vows-“ Your words were cut off when Coriolanus grabs your forearm, harshly pulling you close to him as you felt his breath fanning your features, your breath catching in your throat as you struggled to comprehend the betrayal.
Before you could react, the doors to the solar swung open, revealing your children and the nanny, frozen in the threshold. Your heart sank as you watched Coriolanus hastily release his tight grip on you, plastering on a false smile as he turned to his son with outstretched arms.
“My boy,” he said, his voice strained. “Shall we go play outside?” With a final glance in your direction, Coriolanus left the room, leaving you to pick up the shattered pieces of your reality. As the nanny awkwardly averted her gaze, you gathered your daughters close, your voice trembling with suppressed rage.
“Next time,” you said to the nanny, not bothering to look at her, your voice tinged with bitterness, “you should knock before entering a closed room. Understood?”
The nanny nodded mutely, her eyes downcast as you led your children away from the shattered remnants of your once-happy home. But deep within you, you knew that the facade they presented to the world could only hold for so long before the truth tore your family apart at the seams.
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beybaldes · 1 year
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft
Roy Kent × Fem!Reader
word count: 9.8k
summary: jamie tartt once told you Roy needed someone to show him it was okay to be soft; Roy has found that person in you
content warning: spoilers for the plot of 'the couple next door' by Shari Lapena, tooth rotting fluff with the whole Kent bloodline and the Richmond boys, neither reader nor Roy has parents because I said so, allusions to smut but basically non written.
a/n: this is technically a part 2 to my fic ‘it was simple, it was sweetness, it was good to know’ but can 100% be read as a standalone fic!! Thank you for all the love on the first part I acc can’t believe the amount of love and support it received 🥲🥲
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"Hey, hot stuff." Your hands came to rest against Roy's shoulders, squeezing, then moving slowly across his collar bones and down his chest, coming to rest connected just above his heart. A featherlight kiss was pressed to the shell of his ear, and then another behind his ear, followed by a trail of quick kisses down his neck until your face was buried in the crook of it. "How's your book?"
"Fucking great." Roy answered back, voice low and mellow, maintaining the peaceful atmosphere in your living room.
Ever since you'd moved in together a year and a half ago, your entire house had become a sanctuary for the two of you. Roy's new position as manager made it so that even though you worked together, you saw much less of each other during the workday - mainly because it wasn't at his leisure to go in and out of your office all day any more. Even if you did spend every minute of every day around each other, you knew you could never get sick of Roy; you'd become quite the experts at communicating how you were feeling and what you were thinking, especially since every time he tried to keep you out, you would figure it out anyway.
"I mean, I've had my theories throughout about who did it, but I'd never have guessed this." Roy missed your touch as soon as you let go of him, reaching out so that he could hold your hand in his tightly while you walked around the couch to take a seat by his side. "I thought surely, what, with the husband having the affair he did it - and I was half right, the husband staged the kidnapping."
"I knew something was up with him!" You gasped, wrapping your arms around Roy's waist as you curled into his side, the hand that had just been holding yours pulling his blanket to cover your lap then moving to rest across your shoulders. "How was the husband involved? He didn't hurt the baby did he?" He used the palm of his hand to press your head against his chest, tucking your hair back behind your ear and then moving his hand to rest against your bicep, scratching his fingers gently into the exposed flesh there. "Oh my god, he didn't, like, get rid of it so he could be with the neighbour did he?"
"Slow down, slow down," Roy shushed, folding the corner of the page he was on, something so close to the end of the book you could count the pages if you tried. He pressed a chaste, warm kiss to the crown of your head, placing the book down beside him on the couch. "Let me explain, Angel." Roy's other hand, now free from holding the book, cradled your chin gently, tilting your head up so he could press a tender kiss to your lips. "So Anne's dad-"
Another gasp slipped past your lips. More then anything, you wanted to let Roy explain the plot of what he'd been reading, but his nightly updates had kept you on the edge of your seat. Despite not having read a single page, apart from the 2 chapters you read aloud to Roy earlier in the week when he was feeling a little under the weather, you were completely and utterly enthralled; desperate to know how it ended. Besides, this daily discussion was the highlight of your days. No matter how good or bad your day had been, if you'd gone out of your way to ignore each other or talked nonstop: Roy still talked and you still listened. "What did Anne's dad have to do with it?"
"You'll see." He chastised, pressing a kiss to the tip-of your nose before continuing with his explanation. "Marco assists in kidnapping the baby, why? Because his business is going out of money and he plans on faking a ransom note for asking for the exact amount of money he needs to pay up to save his business." Roy slid his hand under the blanket, pulling your legs up and into his lap as you brought your head up from against his chest. Threading your fingers through his hair, you looked at him confused. "Anne's parents are rich, remember? But they won't give him the money so he stages this kidnapping to force them to pay the ransom."
"No." You gasped, you hand clapping against your mouth. "Why wouldn't they give their son in law the money? They do know it directly affects their daughter and grand-daughter, right?"
"They won't give him the money because they don't like him, so get this, the guy who convinced Marco to stage the kidnapping was hired by Anne's dad." Roy laughed at the gasp you let out, you completely enthralled with the story and him completely enthralled with you. He always was. "Anne's dad staged the whole thing because he wanted Anne and Marco to split up. And just when you think everything's okay because they got the baby back; Anne murders the neighbour because she had been having an affair - with Anne’s dad.”
You were practically jumping in your seat.
Sometimes you wish you had the same amount of patience as Roy so you could actually sit down and read with him. Most of the time, however, you were more then happy to listen to him passionately talk you through what he was reading, were happy to watch that wonderful smile you loved so much curl onto his lips.
"But-" you repeated after Roy, pressing a kiss to his cheek, urging him to hurry up with his ending; you were waiting to hear it.
"But, Anne doesn't remember killing the neighbour, so there is this whole unreliable light cast on the whole story; it might not have even happened!" Roy expected to find you staring at him in shock, some commentary on what you think happened on the tip of your tongue, but it never came.
Instead, he found you staring at him with complete adoration, like you'd watched him mould the galaxies in his hands, hang the stars in the sky and spin the world on his fingernails. To you, he did, he really did. You leant forward a little, using the hand that you'd tangled in Roy's hair to pull him closer to you so that you could press your lips to his. The kiss was soft and tender, something that Roy, ever intense, had really come to enjoy through out your relationship; you brought out this entirely different side to him that he wasn't even sure existed until he met you.
"I love you." You murmured against his lips, going in for another quick peck before you pulled away, gracing him with the sight of a smile. "I love how passionate you get when talking about the stuff you love, and that smile - ugh that smile, Roy - you're killing me here."
Roy was certain he was doing the right thing. So certain, in fact, that he'd bought the ring the day you got together: Phoebe's accusation in your living room that you were getting married telling him everything he needed to know. The life Roy had dreamed of was right before him, all he had to do now was take it. "Marry me."
"What?" The hand that had began to caress his cheek as you kissed and the hand in his hair stilled; your entire body stilled in fact, and as quickly as he'd become confident enough to ask the question, he'd become nervous again.
"Fuck, what I meant was; will you marry me?" Roy shuffled underneath you, pulling out a ring box from somewhere behind him, though you weren't sure where considering you knew his pyjama bottoms didn't have pockets. "I'm not the kind of guy for a big speech thing, but I wish I was because you fucking deserve that kind of thing. You deserve a lot more then I can ever give you, actually, and yet you still love me day in and day fucking out. I'll admit, sometimes I don't get why you do."
"Roy..." You whimpered, tears brimming in your eyes as you moved both of your hands to cradle his face.
"But you do. And I'd truly, really, be the luckiest man in the world, if you would marry grumpy, old me." Tears had formed in Roy's own eyes, the pair of you totally overwhelmed by the intimate and tender moment. You'd never been more in love with Roy then right now. "Please fucking say yes, I'm an absolute mess without you"
"Yes, please." You whispered, hands still cradling Roy's face even though your eyes remained on the ring in front of you. It was as if he'd peeked inside your brain and made the perfect ring; it was simple yet elegant and entirely you, it was really perfect. This time, you answered louder. "Please, yes."
You pulled Roy's face to you, pressing a firm and hot kiss to his lips. You let your hands leave his face, sliding up and over his cheekbones until you reached his hair, twisting your fingers into it and pulling him even tighter against you, deepening the kiss as you did. "A million times yes, Roy, yes, yes, yes." Tears had begun to freely flow down your cheeks, though there was not an ounce of sadness to them. You were insurmountably happy - over the fucking moon. "I'd say yes in every fucking language in the world if I could. I love you Roy." You bit your lip back between your teeth, trying to contain your smile since your cheeks burned. "Mrs Kent." A giggle slipped past your lips. "That's me."
"Fuck yeah, that's you." Roy growled, pulling you into him and pressing a kiss to your lips. His grip in your hair allowed him to tilt your head back slightly, giving him the perfect angle to push his tongue past your lips with a tug of his hand on your hair. If he had already put the ring on your finger, he'd have picked you up and taken you to bed then and there with the moan you let out. "Now, Mrs Kent, you going to let me put this ring on your fucking finger or what?"
You were thankful Roy had proposed on a Friday night; not only because that meant you didn't have to worry about how late he kept you up or how quickly you needed to regain the ability to walk straight, but because it gave you the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday to figure out how to tell your friends. Phoebe and Molly were coming over for dinner later that night, but you had a slight feeling you weren't actually going to have to say anything to them - you had no doubt Roy had consulted Molly over it, and Phoebe, well, you just knew she'd pick up on it the second she saw you.
"C'mere." Roy groaned beside you, not giving you the chance to move yourself before he was wrapping one arm around your waist and the other under your thigh. He slid you across the bed with ease, years of training still paying off despite the fact he hadn't played on a pitch in nearly 4 years now. Placing the leg he'd grabbed over his own leg, he pulled you flush against him, chest pressed to chest. "Good morning, Angel, sleep good?"
Roy's voice had a deeper edge then usual to it in the morning. "Always do when I'm with you, Handsome." You purred, gently scratching your fingers against his chest. "Although I've got this awful kink in my neck, must’ve slept funny."
"I can think of a few other kinks you've got." Roy murmured against your shoulder, pressing open mouthed kissed along it and up your neck. When he nipped at the sensitive skin just under your ear, you pushed yourself away from him, not out of want, but out of necessity.
"We've got guests in a few hours, remember?"
"I can do a lot in an hour alone." Given how late the two of you had been up doing things, you'd slept in till lunch, but that didn't make the sound of sleepy and slow morning sex with Roy any less appealing. God, the thought of it alone had you wanting to cancel everything ever and stay here forever.
"Hmm, that you can do." Pulling his head out of the crook of your neck, you pressed a kiss to his lips, tangling your hands into Roy's hair and trying impossibly hard to get even closer to him. "Show me what you got, coach."
A growl rolled out of Roy's throat and he was quick to get started on his own assault of your lips, fully using the position he'd pulled you into to his advantage.
After everything the two of you spent your early afternoon doing, you only had 2 hours to make sure everything was ready for when Molly and Phoebe showed up, and since your cooking skills ended at turkey dinosaurs and pizza, you left most of the work down to Roy. He let you help prepare ingredients, standing behind you with an arm wrapped around your waist and a hand guiding your hand to cut things a specific way. But when the time came to actually cook the meal, he guided you out of the kitchen, encouraging you to go and get ready with a soft kiss; one to your cheek and another to your temple.
When you'd showered and gotten ready, you made it your turn to kick Roy out of the kitchen, promising not to touch anything unless he asked you to. You made sure to set the table all nice and proper for Phoebe and Molly's arrival, still slightly starstruck by the actual use of the dining table and not just eating dinner on your couch like you'd become so accustomed to before you and Roy moved in together. Sometimes though, especially when Phoebe stayed over, you'd all eat dinner together on the sofa, spy kids playing in the background, for old times sake. And before you knew it, you'd heard the knock at the door.
Swinging the door open, you knelt down immediately, sweeping Phoebe into your arms and hugging her tightly. With her head tucked in between your shoulder and neck, you stuck out your left hand at Molly, wriggling your ring finger enthusiastically. Phoebe squealed your name, wrapping her little arms tightly around your neck; even though you'd seen her two days ago when you picked her up from school, she still missed you as much as if she hadn't seen you for a million years.
As you went to stand back up, phoebe kept her grip on your neck, a silent plea for you to pick her up. Even at 9 years old, she still loved being paraded around in your arms, taking full advantage of your love for her and her love of being close to you. You pulled Molly into the house by the hand, kicking the door shut with your foot and leading them to the kitchen, where Roy was finishing up dinner.
"Hi, Uncle Roy!" Phoebe opted to stay in your arms instead of wiggling out of them to give Roy a 'hello' hug, knowing he was busy cooking and shouldn't be interrupted.
"Hey Phoebe, dinner will be ready in 2 minutes, okay? Why don't you go and grab your phoebe mug from your room before we all sit down?" When you and Roy moved in together, it was a unanimous decision that Phoebe needed her own room in your house; and when you were moving her things from Roy and your separate houses into your new house you got her a 'phoebe mug' as a housewarming gift. It was a bright pink ceramic mug, her name written once by you on the front and once by Roy on the back - it was the only thing she would drink out of when she was at your house.
The second phoebe had slipped out of the room, you turned to Molly with a squeal, the two of you grabbing tightly onto each other and jumping around the kitchen. Roy watched fondly as the two of you gushed over the ring Molly had already seen a thousand times. She took your hand in hers, running her finger over the ring with a featherlight touch, tears filling her waterline. Molly grabbed your hand and pulled it over her shoulder, hugging you again, though this time more tenderly, more teary-eyed.
"I'd say welcome to the family, but I think you've been a part of it since the day you met Phoebe." Tears began to fill your own eyes at the words she whispered against the shell of your ear. "You make him so happy, so, so happy, and that's all I could ever want for Roy. It's all I ever way for you." Molly pulled away from the hug, wiping her thumb under your eye as your tears threatened to spill over. "He loves you. We all do. I love you."
"I love you too, Molly." Just as quickly as she'd pushed you away, you pulled her in for another hug, squeezing her tightly as though it would convey everything you were feeling. It did.
At the sound of feet running down your hallway, Molly jumped away from you, quickly wiping at her own eyes before turning to face her little girl. She gently took the mug from her hands and passed it to you, ushering her to the dining table while you and Roy plated up.
"What did she say to you?" Roy asked, knocking his hip against yours as he he started putting food into each plate.
You pulled Phoebe's favourite cordial off your shelf, pouring some in then moving past Roy to get to the sink to dilute it. "Nothing." He couldn't see the smile that formed on your face as you thought on what your future sister in law had said to you moments prior. "Just that she loves me, she loves you. That she's happy for us."
Roy wrapped an arm around you from behind as he came to join you at the sink, leaning past you to put his cooking tongs in. "I can't wait to see Phoebe's reaction." Roy murmured against the skin of your neck, pressing a kiss there then spinning you around to face him. "She absolutely adores you. She's gonna be over the fucking moon."
"Not more over the moon then me." You pressed another kiss to his lips, making sure to keep the cordial far away from you and Roy incase it spilled.
Roy turned his back on you, picking up two of the bigger plates. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."
"Oh really?" You asked, picking up the final big plate and Phoebe's smaller own. "I get to marry the love of my life and be officially related to some of the people I love the most. I think I win."
"We'll see." With one last kiss the two of you headed towards the dining table, all four of you tucking into dinner and telling each other about your weeks like clockwork; though you and Roy refrained from one pretty big event till after dinner.
When your food was all finished, you'd given Phoebe a bigger bowl of ice cream then usual, immediately prompting her to be suspicious. "Either I've been really good at school this week, or you guys have done something really bad."
"It's not like that Pheeb's, we're actually celebrating." Phoebe's head perked up at that as she mentally checked it wasn't anyone's birthday, or 'uncles day,' or Mother's Day, or 'future aunties day' (as she'd dubbed it) and she'd forgotten. When she ruled that she definitely hadn't forgotten anything, she turned to you in wait.
"What are we celebrating?"
"Me and your uncle Roy-"
"Holy shit." Smiles crept on all three of your faces as Phoebe pieced it together in her mind. "Are you getting married? Please tell me you're getting married?"
"Are getting married." As you brought your ring adorned hand up for her to see, Phoebe burst into tears, jumping off of her seat and running around to the other side of the table where you and Roy sat. She was quick to climb into Roy's lap, wrapping one arm around each of your knecks to pull you into a hug.
"This is the best day of my life." She whispered, her words coming out in a whine as she tried desperately hard to keep her tears in. "Do I get to be a flower girl?"
"Of course you get to be the flower girl, what kind of fucking question is that?" Roy scolded though a smile remained on his face, you wouldn't have anyone one else as your flower girl. Your niece was barely walking and besides, not that you'd ever admit it with them present, but you much preferred Phoebe to any blood relative you had.
Phoebe's face turned into a frown at Roy's words. "You owe me £1, uncle Roy."
"After the S-bomb you dropped before? I think we're even."
When Monday rolled around, you were extremely nervous. It wasn't that you thought any of the people at Nelson road would react badly to your engagement, you knew non of them would, you were nervous in the way you are at 8 years old on Christmas Eve - in a giddy way when you can't wait for what you feel to be shared.
You'd come up with a plan in bed the night before - announce it to Beard first, then to the boys, and then you'd make your way up to Rebecca's office to announce it to her, Higgins and Keeley (who'd you thankfully knew would be at the dog track this morning for a meeting).
To execute step 1 with no interruptions, you made sure to arrive an hour earlier to work then you usually would - knowing that Beard liked to show up early and the boys would show up as close to practice as they could get away with. Just as you expected, Beard was alone in the office, only a couple of other people in the building at all, making for an easy entrance.
"Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of you two showing up earlier then you ever have in the 5 years I've known you." Beard asked, his feet perched high up on his desk and an open book dropped against his chest.
"I needed to ask you something, actually." Roy wrapped an arm around your waist, rubbing soothing circles into your skin, silently encouraging you to ask what you wanted to ask.
"Fire away, Katniss."
"I actually wanted to ask, um, well, if you'd walk me down the aisle?"
Beard stilled, then took a shaky breath, then stilled again. He slowly picked up the book from his chest, dog-eared the page and swung his feet down from his desk, standing and crossing the room so that he could stand in front of you. "You, you-" Another shaky breath. "You want me? Me? To walk you down the aisle?"
"Yeah. You're the closest thing I've ever had to a father and-"
Beard pulled you into a hug, something he'd never done before, and tentatively wrapped his arms under yours, pinning you against him. He was warm and smelled like cinnamon, and though you'd never been a big fan of the scent, you found right now that you'd happily bask in it forever. "Yes, of course I will, it'd be an honour."
No further words were exchanged between the two of you until he pulled away, quickly wiping at his eyes before turning to Roy with a scowl. "I can fight, just so you know." He took a step closer to him, and you swore you'd never seen Roy so afraid as when Beard stuck a firm finger in his chest. "If you hurt her, I'll hurt you." Then he retreated to his chair, picking up his book and replacing it against his chest. "So when were you thinking? I always thing spring is the best time for a wedding."
The three of you discussed everything from what date you were thinking to ideal song choices while you waited for the changing room to fill up, wanting to make sure everyone had arrived before you shared the news. When Roy had done his 6th head count and found everyone had arrived, he nodded towards the door, asking if you were ready to go and tell everyone. You nodded, letting Roy lead the way and hanging in the doorway of the coaches office until Beard was at your side.
"You didn't have to threaten him, you know. He's never hurt me once, I don't think he's going to start now."
Beard folded his arms across his chest then nudged you gently in the side as the the two of you came to stand next to Roy, him shouting 'whistle,' silencing the changing room. "Hey, that's what dads are for."
"Before I start, someone grab Nate and Will from the boot room." Jamie, being closest to the boot room, dashed in and right back out, Will and Nate right behind him. "Right. Angel, the floor is yours."
You thanked Roy before turning back to the boys, all of them waiting anxiously as they waited to see what you had to say that was so important Roy had even called Will and Nate out. "I need to know if you're all available next June - we're talking the end of June, early July." Thankfully, your job at Richmond often required planning things far in advance, even if far in advance was a year away, so no one expected anything as you started to speak. "I know it's the off season but I need you all here, in Richmond. Especially Colin."
"Why especially me?" Colin asked, one hand nervously wringing the other.
"Because I absolutely refuse to get married if my man of honour won't be able to make it."
The whole changing room erupted into a chorus of gasps, quickly followed by cheers and players and kitmen alike swarming you and Roy with hugs and cries of congratulations - which, for once, he actually entertained.
Colin was the first to reach for you to pull you into a hug, his hands shaking as he did. "You really want me to be your man of honour? At your wedding?"
"Of course I do, Col." It didn't get any less tearful asking people to be apart of your wedding. "Your my best friend. I love you." No sooner then Colin had pulled you into another hug had you been torn out of it, by a very excited Jamie.
"I can't fucking believe it me. Well, I can actually, but I also can't." He pulled you in for an even tighter hug then Colin had, probably down to the fact he had more excitement then nerves coursing through his system. "Feels like yesterday me and Phoebe were sat on your couch convincing you Roy did love you, and now look at yous."
"Will Phoebe be at the wedding?" Isaac had spun you out of Jamie's hold and into his, keeping one arm around your shoulder as he spoke to you. "Cause I don't want to be the only person eating the turkey dinosaurs; there will be turkey dinosaurs right?"
"Of course there will be, Isaac." Will pulled you out from under Isaac's arm and into a sweet, although brief, hug. "Right? Otherwise I might have to RSVP no."
"Im sure it can be arranged, what, with all of Roy's footballer money." The two laughed at your words, though a certain footballer turned coach found them more amusing.
"All my footballer money, huh?"
"I hope the fact I'm only marrying you for your money doesn't make you want to call off the wedding." You teased, spinning around and wrapping your arms around Roy's neck.
He pressed a slow and sensual kiss to your lips, ignoring the teasing shouts and cheers from his team. "Hmm, you're lucky you're cute." Roy pressed another kiss to your lips, paying no mind to the curious stares of the team around him. Though when they began to linger for a minute too long, he pulled away from you with a sigh. "Right, 50 laps, all of you." When no one moved, he raised his voice. "Now!"
Roy intertwined his fingers with yours, waving a goodbye to Beard but promising to be back before the boys had finished their 50 laps.
Keeley had reacted just how you expected her to - with many screams and squeals and a tight hug that nearly knocked you off the ground. Rebecca and Higgins were much more reserved in their responses but each offered a hug and a congratulation's to the happy couple. Roy kept your fingers intertwined the whole time, squeezing your hand tight each time someone reached out for a hug but putting up with their love otherwise.
You couldn't wait to marry him.
Knowing that the off season would start around  the beginning of June, you'd decided early on the last week of June was the perfect time for the two of you to get married. And while the end of June was still a month and a half away, you were seriously considering calling the wedding off.
When you'd found out you were pregnant in February, you knew you had to keep it a close secret until you'd finished the first trimester, just incase anything happened to you or the baby, and each week since you'd found out you kept swearing to yourself you were going to tell Roy. You still hadn't. Which brought you to right now, where you were crying on the floor of your ensuite bathroom at the dead of night, at just over 12 weeks pregnant and a baby bump beginning to show.
Given the cold weather of early spring you'd kept it hidden pretty well so far, but with the progressively warmer weather, it was getting harder and harder to hide. Above that, you were now very much aware that since the baby bump had appeared, it was only going to get bigger - and you were in absolute tears over wether or not you were still going to fit into the outfit you'd picked. While your choice of outfit for your wedding wasn't anything extravagant, it made you feel extremely pretty, and hugged you in just the right way - it wouldn't if you were four months pregnant and with a baby bump that you felt was the size of Saturn.
One particularly loud sob had you clamping a hand over your mouth, hoping and praying to anything out there that Roy hadn't heard you. You didn't want him stressing, especially when you were crying over trivial things considering the life you'd always dreamed was within your grasp.
Roy's eyes blinked open though he wasn't entirely sure why, however, when he rolled over and attempted to wrap his arms around you, he was met with cold and empty sheets. The cool feel of the sheets beneath his fingers had him shooting awake; clearly you'd been out of bed a while, and considering it was pushing 2am, his first thought was that you were sick. Which wasn't too far from the truth.
Slowly, he made his way towards your en-suite bathroom, rubbing at his eyes to get him to wake up quicker. Pushing the door open, his entire being froze at the sight of you crying on the bathroom floor, him immediately falling to the ground next to you and pulling you into his lap. One hand brushed your hair out of your face while the other cupped the back of your head, pressing it into the crook of his neck. "It's okay Angel, I'm here, I'm here."
It took Roy roughly 15 minutes of rocking you gently in his arms and whispering soothing words into your hair before your sobs calmed down enough that you could talk without your words turning into a whimper. "C'mon Angel, talk to me." The way Roy oh so gently cradled your face had tears springing to your eyes again. "Or is it about me? Do you want me to call Molly? I'm sure she wouldn't mind-"
"No, it's about me." A fresh set of tears were rolling down your cheeks, but the heaving sobs that had been coming from your chest before ceased. "It's me, I've ruined everything."
"I just wanted to wear a nice fucking outfit on my wedding day, and I can't, and its making me so sad it's stupid." Roy's thumb continuously wiped at the tears that were furiously running down your cheeks. "And it makes me even more sad because, because, I'm getting everything I've ever dreamed of and I'm sad over something stupid like what I can wear."
"It's not stupid, Angel face." Roy murmured against your temple, the scratch of his beard against your skin familiar and comforting. "Nothings stupid if it makes you so upset. Just talk me through it, yeah? Why can't you wear what you picked? Did it get damaged or something?"
"No, no, it's fine, it's just- it won't fit me anymore." Roy pressed a kiss to your temple, immediately spouting words of reassurance that it would still fit you and if it didn't he'd hire the best tailor in the world to make it fit and that regardless, you'd look incredibly beautiful no matter what you wore. You shook your head gently. "It's not that Roy, it's, I'm-"
You readjusted yourself in Roy's lap, turning so that your legs were either side of his, caging him in. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking down at the bump you could just see through one of Roy's old jerseys you'd fallen asleep in, while you avoided his concerned gaze. "It's not going to fit me anymore, because I'm pregnant, Roy."
Silence filled the bathroom.
When you finally gained the courage to look up at Roy, tears were pooled in his eyes, that wonderful smile of his making the most tender appearance you'd ever seen. "You're pregnant?" He whispered, mumbling the two words over, and over, and over again. "You're pregnant."
Before you could ask Roy if he was okay, he was pressing his lips to yours, allowing the tears to fall from his eyes though without the noise of a sob. He simply kissed you over, and over, and over again, only pulling away when he could no longer contain the smile that what pulling at his lips. Your hands cradled his cheeks, wiping away each tear gently with the pad of your thumb. "I can't believe I'm crying." He scoffed, though didn't move away from to ur touch as you continued to wipe away his tears.
"If it makes you feel any better, I find the vulnerability of it incredibly hot."
One of Roy's hands moved from the side of your thighs to cup your cheek, pushing hair back behind your ear as a watery smile took over his face.
"You know," Roy paused, tenderly running his fingers up and down the side of your neck as his hand slipped down from your cheek to hold you there. "If you'd come to me 5 years ago, back when Ted and Beard first started, and told me in 5 years time I'd have everything I'd ever dreamed of? And, with the gorgeous woman from the office outside the changing rooms? I would've laughed in your face and told you to fuck off." After a moments thought, he added. "I probably wouldn't have let anyone get close enough to me to tell me that in the first place, to be honest."
"Look how far you've come." You mused, one hand slipping into the hair at the base of Roy's neck as his tears slowly stopped. "Some might say that I've made you go soft.”
Roy laughed, head tilted back against the bathroom wall as he was prevented from throwing it back further. The tilt of his head upwards granted you the perfect position to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He smiled at you softly, bringing his hand forward from the side of your neck so that he could cup your jaw. "To be loved, is to be changed." He hummed, his chest tightening as tears filled your eyes once more.
"I love you, Roy." You whispered, as though even saying it would break the sincerity of the words slipping from your lips. Although you'd said them a thousand times, it was like Roy was hearing it for the first time all over again. "Like I really, really love you Roy." Leaning forward, you rested your forehead against his. "So much... so much so that I feel like I'm never going to be able to express it enough, like if I don't get it out of me, I might die."
Roy pressed a searing kiss to your lips, sliding his hand back up your jaw and under your ear, tangling his fingers in the hair there. "I love you too, more then i ever thought I was capable of loving anyone.” Roy leaned in for another kiss then pulled away with a smirk as you ground yourself into him. "Want me to show you how much I love you, yeah?"
Roy put his hands back to their original place under your thighs, slowly moving the two of you from your position on the bathroom floor to standing once more. When he was standing, you held in his arms with your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, you continued the clash of tongue and teeth you'd started moments again. However, before he could get started on showing you just how much he loved you, you leaned away from him, eyes running over his whole face. "You might have to hold off on doing that thing with your hips, y'know, because of the baby."
"I'll stop doing that when the doctor tells me to stop."
Fortunately for you, at your next check up the following Thursday, the doctor gave you the all clear - on the health of the baby and the fact Roy could continue working magic with his hips. Considering you were nearly 14 weeks along, the ultrasound technician had offered to let you know the gender of the baby, but both you and Roy had agreed that you didn't want to know. You so seriously didn't want anyone to know, in fact, that Roy made a show of ripping up the envelope that contained the baby's gender right in front of the ultrasound technician after she offered it out to you; her suggestion of a gender reveal dying on her tongue.
Roy had been nothing but attentive since he'd found out; moving at your beck and call even more then normal, so much so that people around Nelson road were beginning to notice.
"Alright, what's going on?" The second Roy left your office, Isaac, Colin and Will crowed into the room, locking the door behind them. If you weren’t such a veteran of their shenanigans, you'd be getting concerned. "Are you dying?"
"Why would I be dying?" You asked, clicking the email you'd been writing closed, giving the three lads your undivided attention.
"Roy's been following you, like, more then usual though." Isaac stated, folding his arms tightly across his chest. "Weird, innit."
Before you could question what they found weird about you talking to and hanging around your fiancé, Will stepped forward, his hands tucked sheepishly in his pockets. "You're pregnant, right? I'm like 80% sure you're pregnant."
Your hand came to rest against the small bump you'd concealed under your Richmond sweater.
"Holy fuck boyo." Colin gasped, smacking his hand into Will's chest. "She is. How did you know?"
"She's glowing." Isaac and Colin tilted their heads in sync while their gaze remained directly on you, as though they were trying to see what Will saw. When it appeared they couldn't, Will let out a sigh, scratching nervously at the back of his neck. "I don't know; maybe it's the lighting."
Silence took over your small office space, the four of you alternating between staring at each other and the hand that rested against your stomach.
"Angel, you got-" Roy paused at the sight before him, scanning the room with a pointed glare. While Isaac had had the sense to lock the main door to your office when he started his interrogation, it had seemed he had forgotten to lock the connecting door from your office into the changing rooms. You'd never been more thankful to be in an office with two doors.  After a few more seconds of assessment, he seethed out a "Fuck! Not a word of this to anyone, yeah?"
All three lads nodded in silence, scurrying from the room after a particularly harsh glare from Roy had told them they had overstayed their welcome in your office. As your head fell into your hands due to the stress of it all, Roy crossed the room, slipping his fingers into your hair and scratching gently at your scalp. "They're not going to tell anyone, Angel, don't stress."
"But, what-"
"No buts, or what if's, or anything." Roy chastised, pulling your head out of your hands and crouching down to meet you at eye level. He took your hands in his own, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. "We tell everyone when you're ready. And if that's after the wedding, then that's after the wedding." Roy pressed a kiss to your knuckles. "And that's that."
You let out a long sigh, weight lifted from your shoulders at Roy's gentle touch and soothing words. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
"You've mentioned it once or twice."
You were too scared to put your outfit on. After almost 10 months of planning every detail and waking up to see your engagement ring on your finger, you were finally getting to be Mrs Kent. And you were too scared to go out there and get dressed.
When Will, Colin and Isaac found out you were pregnant, it was on accident, but going out there, before your man of honour, bridesmaids, Phoebe and Beard to put on your outfit would be intentionally revealing your baby bump. It was so stupid, you thought, to be this worried about something that would make people happy - that would make you and Roy happy. But a small part of you just wanted things to work out how you'd planned then in your head; like being able to wear what you'd picked to marry the love of your life.
However, you wanted to get married to Roy more then you cared about keeping the baby a secret.
Everyone gasped as you walked into the main part of the hotel room. You'd forgone a dressing gown in favour of getting ready in the comfort of pyjama shorts and one of Roy's old jerseys, wanting to have a part of him with you even though you wouldn't see him the night before the wedding.
Roy had actually wanted to forgo the traditional 'no seeing the bride bullshit,' him in favour of spending every second he could get with you, but Keeley and Jamie had convinced him it would make that moment of you walking down the aisle all the more special. Though as you walked into the room, you'd wished more then anything you'd convinced Keeley to let him stay with you. All you wanted was his hand in yours as you did this.
All eyes fell to the shadow of a baby bump that could be seen through the loose material of Roy's jersey; it was the one he wore at his very first Richmond match, Kent printed and worn proudly on the back. No one moved or even dared to breath.
"Surprise?" You didn't mean for it to come out as a question, but the tense silence and feel of everyone's eyes on you had you shying away from your friends and family in a way you'd never done before. "I'm pregnant!"
Molly was the first to move, crossing the length of the room and pulling you into an embrace. "I love you." She whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I'm going to be an auntie." Within seconds the remaining people in the room swarmed you into one big group hug. Each of Colin, Keeley, Rebecca and Beard whispered congratulations to you, telling you just how beautiful you looked and how excited they were to see you walk down the aisle. Phoebe, however, pulled the funniest face at you, her brow tense in the spitting image of Roy.
"You're not wearing that, are you?"
Phoebe had magically broke the tension of the room, smiles all around as Molly and Keeley ushered you back to the other side of the door, helping you into your outfit and making sure your hair stayed in the way you'd styled it when you got changed. Fully dressed and feeling yourself, you stepped back into the main room with newfound confidence.
You were going to marry Roy - Roy who updated you on his book every night and valued your opinion on it, who still brought you lunch everyday at work, who was willing to hold you on the bathroom floor at 3am when he should've been sleeping, who made you feel like you were the only person in a room that mattered - and you couldn't be more excited.
Colin held your hand the entire drive from the hotel and the whole way from the car to the church doors. Only two pieces of wood separated you from everything you'd ever wanted. He pressed a featherlight kiss to your cheek and wished you luck before heading inside, leaving just you and Beard outside the building.
"You nervous?" He asked, moving his hand so that it rested lovingly on the small of your back.
"It's Roy." Roy always made you nervous. From the smile that had you weak in the knees when he actually decided to show it, to the butterflies the simple movement of his fingers against your skin caused; Roy had you swooning every time he looked at you. "I can't wait to get in there."
"Can you wait a second?" Ted Lasso was stood behind you, hands bashfully tucked into suit pants pockets.
"Ted." You gasped, opening your arms but not leaving Beard's side. The American rushed towards you, scooping you into a tender hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't make it..."
"Well, you know how Roy is, stubborn, hard-headed," Ted had aged a little since you last saw him on English soil, but he still held that quintessential ted spirit to him; even though he looked a lot more tired then you ever remembered him being. "Will do anything for the people he loves. Even if that's calling someone everyday for 8 months straight and convincing them to clear their calendar."
Roy who called one of your favourite people daily until he convinced them to make time to come to your wedding despite the fact they'd have to fly halfway across the world to attend.
"Well, I'm glad you're here Ted." He pressed a kiss to your temple, unwrapping himself from you and flattening out the front of his suit.
"I'll see you in there." Ted walked to the doors Colin had entered through moments ago, stopping and turning back to you at the last second. "You look beautiful by the way, you're practically glowing." With a knowing wink, Ted slipped through the doors, finding the way to his seat to wait for the ceremony to begin.
"Well, I think we're really ready now." You mused, linking your arm though Beard's. When you turned to flash a smile at him, you saw eyes filled with fondness, tears threatening to cloud his vision if he thought about the scene before him for too long. "Aren't we Willis?"
"Lets go, sweetheart." The pet name struck you to your core, your hand squeezing his bicep in reassurance. There was no one else you'd want to walk you down the aisle. "You're getting married!"
The ceremony ran perfectly. Willis walked you down the aisle and handed you off to Roy after whispering what you were certain was a threat in his ear. Tears brimmed Roy's waterline the whole ceremony, but they didn't spill over under you were pronounced husband and wife. No one commented on the tears that ran down Roy's cheeks, and you didn't think anyone was ever going to bring it up; a mutual understanding settling over the room that the Roy Kent that stood at the alter wasn't Roy Kent football sensation, but that he was Roy Kent, loving husband.
All those years ago Jamie had been completely and utterly right, all Roy needed was someone to show him it was okay to be soft. Thankfully, he had found that in you.
"Nell, go back to sleep baby, daddy's here."
Roy had his back turned to you as he rocked Penelope in his arms, murmuring some song that you couldn't quite make out under his breath to help her get back to sleep. In the 4 weeks since Penelope - or 'Nell' as Roy had lovingly started calling her - had been born, Roy had more then proved himself to be the amazing dad you knew he would be. Though he'd voiced his worries about not being a good dad several times throughout your pregnancy, each time you'd soothed away the worry; scratching your fingers against his scalp and reminding him of everything he'd ever done for Phoebe.
Phoebe had been the most excited to meet the baby, begging her mum to let her come over every single day after school so that she could spend time with her newborn cousin (even though that time was mostly spent with Phoebe in your lap with Nell in hers).
The Boys at Nelson Road came in for a close second when it came to being excited to meet the baby. Will, Colin and Isaac had made it their duty to show up to you and Roy's house every day after training when you were 7 months along in order to paint the babies nursery and build all the furniture that you'd bought.
They were even worse when you went into labour.
Roy had called Beard to let him know the two of you wouldn't be able to make it to work that Tuesday, and Beard loaded up the coach for a group trip to Richmond's hospital. You had the whole of AFC Richmond crowded in the waiting room, arms filled with stuffed animals, balloons and flowers. Jamie had charmed up the nurse who you were charged to, convincing him to let all of the players into your room at once. While most of the team fawned over the baby, gave you their best wishes then made their way back to the coach, Colin, Isaac, and Will asked to hold her, tears filling their eyes as they took in the sight of the tiny baby.
"She's beautiful." Colin whispered, lightly running the tip of his finger up and down her button nose. "With your parents, you're going to be the coolest kid ever. And Uncle Colin is going to make sure of it."
"You know," Will whispered, stiff as a board as he held Penelope on his arms, scared to even breath less it hurt the baby. "I remember that day I saw you with Phoebe in Tesco, and I told you I didn't realise you were a mum." Roy shot you a confused glance, reminding you you'd never actually filled him in on your trip to the supermarket that day with Phoebe. "And now you are one. It almost doesn't feel real."
"I've never held a baby before." Isaac admitted, the most relaxed holding her despite his inexperience. "It's weird, innit. Like, this baby I'm holding right now started out nothing and now she's real and alive and in my arms…Spooky."
Jamie, however, you practically had to force to hold Nell; and even then he was scared shitless. When you managed to convince him to take a seat on your hospital bed, he seemed less tense about holding her, but the ever present crease in his brow told you otherwise. "She looks just like you."
"She's got Roy's nose, and I bet she'll have his eyebrows too."
Jamie's eyes never left the baby, even as the other boys slipped out of the room with one last goodbye and a promise to come and visit Nell again when you got sent home.
"Ask us what her full name is." Roy kicked Jamie's foot, finally snapping his attention away from the newborn.
"You what?”
Apparently, he hadn't been listening, the tender tone to Roy's voice leaving as soon as it had arrived. "I said ask us what her full name is, fuckhead."
Jamie didn't ask you, he wasn't sure he could get the words out without choking up, the suggestion of the question springing tears to his eyes.
"Her full name is Penelope Jamie Kent." You hadn't seen Jamie so upset since Roy dragged him into your office, sobs wracking his body, two years ago before the journey up north to play against Manchester City at the Etihad.
He pulled Nell closer to his chest, hugging her as best as you could hold a baby, then passed her to Beard, pulling Roy in for the tightest hug you'd ever seen the two share. When Jamie came to hug you, he pressed a kiss to your cheek, whispering in your ear; "You've made Grandad go all soft." And after a brief pause. "The rest of us too."
Beard didn't stay long after Jamie left, knowing the coach was only waiting on him to return to training. He muttered something under his breath, pressed a kiss to Nell's head and then handed her back to you, pressing a kiss to yours. "Jamie’s right. Spitting image of you. Though I do agree she has Roy's nose."
"I hope she gets his smile." You quietly confessed, not missing the way Roy's lips curled up into the wonderful  smile you loved so much. "We got something for you." Roy pulled out a gift bag from next to your 'we need to go to the hospital the baby is coming' bag and handed it to his fellow coach. Beard waisted no time opening the gift, a soft smile curling on his lips as he pulled out the mug, 'worlds best grandad' printed on the front and a Richmond crest printed on the back. "I love you...dad."
A tear silently ran down Beard' cheek but he didn't wipe it away, pulling you and the baby in for a group hug. After a tight squeeze, he opened up his arms, a silent invite for Roy to join. He did so without question, thanking Willis for everything.
Beard had used the mug at Nelson Road everyday since.
Nell had made a total of 3 visits so far to Nelson Road; every Thursday afternoon being the day you'd come to the dog track with her and disrupt afternoon training so that the boys could fawn over her as an end of the week treat. Tomorrow would be her 4th visit, and yet, Roy had been the one to wake up and tend to her when he'd have to be up in a few hours to coach Jamie and you could essentially sleep in until 12 and still be on time.
As he put Nell back inside her cot, you wrapped your arms around his waist and slid them up and under the front of his t-shirt. "You're such a good dad, Roy."
"Only cause you make me a good dad." He turned around in your hold, your hands now up the back of his shirt, his arms now over your shoulders/
"That doesn't even make sense." You countered, resting your chin against his chest so that you could look at him. Roy took the opportunity to press a slow and tender kiss to your lips.
"Fuck off, it totally does."
At a whine from Nell, the two of you fell silent, not wanting to wake her after Roy had just put her back to sleep.
"She know it makes sense." The two of your were looking down at Nell's tony from where she slept soundly in the crib.
"She's only agreeing cause it's you." You lowered your chin so that the side of your head rested against Roy's chest, giving you a better look at your beautiful baby girl. "She's a total daddy's girl already, you know."
"Gets that from her mother." Roy paused after he spoke, realising quickly that his words hadn't made much sense or come out in the way he intended. "I meant, she's a total me, girl. Like she loves me a lot because you love me a lot. Fuck."
"I knew what you meant, handsome."
Roy quirked his eyebrow at your response. "You did huh?" He swept you off your feet, literally, carrying you back to your bedroom with a slip in his step.
You hand slapped against his bicep, a gasp slipping from your lips as your pieced together Roy's words paired with his suggestive tone and that glint in his eye. "The doctor said no sex for 6 weeks, Roy."
"No penetrative sex for six weeks." Roy clarified, laying you down on the mused bedsheets and kissing his way down your form; starting with scrapes of teeth against the sensitive skin of your neck, all the way down to the thick skin of your thighs. "The guy said nothing about oral."
an : thanks for reading this far *mwah* I love you <33 I hope you enjoyed this!!! Please feel free to send in a request for Roy or Jamie I'd love to write it!!!
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simonrillleyyysss · 9 months
⋆˚✿˖° “shes 𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭!”.⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
married!ghost x innocent? faithful!reader
angst, smut
The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.
Minors dni;
By reading this, you are agreeing that you are being exposed to sexual and explicit content, read with caution.
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warnings: name calling, slapping, groping, mean!ghost,crying,minor religious terminology, degrading, reader is naïve, breeding kink,masturbation,throatfucking,cumshot,spitting,choking, hair pulling, squirting, biting,oral sex(m!receiving),forced alcohol consumption ,corruption kink,affairs
note: HINTED catholic READER!
this innocent & religious reader stuff is so fun to write its like engraved in my mind☁️
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“Hail Mary, full of grace..”
Soft knees pressed against the leather of the bench infront of the matured, wooden seats behind your hunched frame, eyes closed over as your chants turned into soft whispers, enjoying the ambience of the peacefully quiet chapel.
A soft squeal from the large doors to your right caused your head to noisily perk up, two individuals stepping in.
A seemingly dignified couple, consisting of a pale, red headed woman with freckles a pretty, sage summer dress and sunglasses; a solemn expression on her face, hands pressed together.
And a stately, broad shouldered man. Somewhat intimidating, shy-blonde hair bleached and buzzed, scars littering his knuckles and a long; faded blemish across his neck—finishing just along his adams apple protruding from his throat, a few scars and quips across his face.
The woman gave you a curt nod, you responding with a gentle smile.
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“Are you alright?”
You quickly enquired minutes later, when the woman had tears rolling down her rosy cheeks, quickly helping her wipe them away and sit down, her partner nowhere to be seen.
‘Struggling with pregnancy?’
‘I’m sure it will work out soon, I’ll keep you in my thoughts.”
Once you had got familiar, she gave you her number and information, a lovely woman she was; Eve was her name.
Meanwhile, you stood outside the chapel, sitting on the pearly, marble steps as you sorted your purse.
A clicking sound caught your attention, your eyes flickering to the side momentarily, glaring behind you. Stood there, was the same man from earlier, lighter in hand and a cigarette perched between his full lips, inhaling the nicotine.
‘You really shouldn’t be doing that out here, Sir.’
Surely he would’ve stopped.
Nope, he just kept smoking the stick, exhaling the soft wisps of tobacco smoke through his nose, waving it away from him, humming.
‘This is a chapel.’
“You’re a smart girl, aintcha’?”
You frowned.
‘..Is that your wife?’
A silence, his lips forming a thin line as they pressed together, eyes staring ahead as if-in thought, tongue running along his bottom lip.
He snickered, his brow cocking as he threw away the burning bud of tobacco.
“Don’t say sorry, nuthin’ to be sorry for.”
‘Okay, sorr—..’
“You apologise a lot.”
Sheepishly, you ran a hand over your neck.
He chuckled, holding a hand out.
“Simon, Riley. Simon Riley.
‘Y/N L/N.’
His wife emerged, her arm entertwining with his as she gave you a nod, watching them walk away.
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“Thank you for
Inviting me over.”
You were currently laying in Eves big pool, pretty pink bikini glued to your soft skin, crucifix necklace dangling between your cleavage, drink inhand.
Simon watched from the kitchen window as you and Eve soaked in the water, his expression neutral as the sun shone onto the garden.
What a slut.
The soft recoil of your tits as you shifted in the pool sent blood rushing to his cock, his hand rifling beneath his boxers, lifting his heavy length and slowly palming it.
His free hand cradled his heavy, full balls; full of semen that Eve was wasting, that you could be using, you could be the one that could have his hot cum spurting into your pretty womb, cock bullying the walls of your cervix
Before he knew it, he was spurting strings of healthy cum onto his rough palm, cock jolting slightly as he let out guttural growls, biting his lip.
It would be your pussy, someday.
He promised himself that.
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“You want a drink?”
His gruff voice questioned, sitting on the chairs in the yard, facing the large pool adorned with floaties, sitting on the edge of the pool as you kicked your feet.
‘I don’t drink, thank you.”
“Take a drink, come on.”
‘Seriously, I’m not a drinker..’
You protested, but to no avail.
He had a hand on your chin, pouring the nasty liquid in as you grimaced, shaking your head.
“Wasnt so bad, was it,bird?”
He chuckled, stroking your cheek rewardingly and humming, silver eyes narrowing as he leaned forward, looking down at you.
“You’ll warm up to it soon.”
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It started off as subtle.
He’d be walking past you in the aisle at church, rough finger pads gripping at your waist for a bit too long.
Hands landing on your thigh as he helped you say a word in a verse.
Leg brushing against yours as he explained his and his wife’s history.
Then it got obvious.
Hands groping your ass as you stood on your tiptoes, hovering in Eves kitchen as your hands rifled for snacks.
Fingers curling around your hair and tugging gently if you were debating.
‘It’ll stop soon.’
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You were meant to be a good friend.
A good girl.
An idol for the children at Sunday school.
Now here you were, kneeling in your friends bathroom as her husband shoved his cock down your throat, gagging and gasping for air as he pulled you back by your hair, yanking on it roughly as you winced.
“Dirty slag.
“Bet you get off on es’.”
“Virgins are meant to act like virgins.”
Red ring of lipstick coating the back of his cock, head bobbing back and forth as you continued to milk him dry—tears rolling down your cheeks, gargling spit back while saliva rolled down your chin as you fondled his heavy balls, thumbs rolling over them.
White semen coating your face.
A good friend supports her friends.
A good friend doesn’t fuck their best friends husband.
‘ah—ow!! simoOOn!’
“That’s it, gonna fill you up with my fuckin’ cum.”
“Gonna be a great mommy, big swollen tits.. Pretty baby, too..”
‘mngggh!! ah! ..feels so-so good—wait,wait wait—Simon.. feels like’ m’gonna..”
Heavy balls slapped against your ass as he bullied his cock inside you, pretty pussy gushing and squeezing around his length, his thumb rolling circles over your puffy clit, squirting over his toned abdomen with a squeal, chuckling lowly.
Your pretty pink lips kissing along his scars dotingly, hands sliding over his shy-blonde buzzcut,his canines biting into your collarbone as you sobbed out, shaking your head as he lifted you up, hands on your hips as he pounded you against him.
Your best friends husband.
Bullying your virginity away with his fat cock.
Gripping your hair with his skilled hands, tugging it back so he could kiss your neck, slapping your fave with a harsh sound as you cried out, cheek turning a red colour as he wrapped his hand around the crucifix necklace, yanking it back to cut off your air, letting go once he felt you climax again, your cum gushing all over his wife’s sheets.
His white, creamy sperm spilling into your swollen womb, cervix bruised as you cried out.
“Innocent slut, hm?”
“Fucked my baby into you, doing what eve can’t do..”
His fat fingers plunged into your hole, stuffing the cum inside, slapping your tits as you opened your mouth to catch a breath, dropping his spit lewdly inside, shoving his fingers inside your mouth as you gagged, swallowing it.
“Nice and tight.”
His promise is fulfilled.
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flowerandblood · 25 days
The Fall from the Heavens (35)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: oral sex, smut, angst, swearing and being a bitch ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Never before in her life had she felt so fulfilled, so free, as in the fortress of which she was now lady. Harrenhal, though at first grim and grey, when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds seemed to her to be some ancient keep. By her and her husband's orders, their belongings from King's Landing and Dragonstone were brought to the stronghold in great carts.
She ordered new furniture made of wood for them − great ornate oak bookcases to fill with their books, desks and chests for their garments, and something that filled her with particular joy − a cradle for their child, something that reminded her and her husband every day that they were expecting their offspring.
To her delight, she found that although in the company of Baela, the guards and the servants, her husband was harsh, the moment they were left alone in his quarters his demeanour and voice softened.
He no longer closed his mind, exchanging his thoughts with her as he had when they were children, discussing with her current affairs.
She felt that at last there was no resentment between them − their frequent and intense intimacy was proof to her that they both wanted this marriage and what it brought with it, that being next to each other was in itself an aim for them.
Her husband began to see the pleasurable value of her achieving fulfilment − he took delight and satisfaction in her moans, in driving her to the brink of madness, in knowing every bit of her naked body perfectly.
His closeness, him deep inside her, his mouth licking and sucking her puffy bud, his fingers invading between her tight slit had become something natural to her, something craved, and each fulfilment in his arms calmed her.
Encouraged by his openness in these matters and the fact that his attentive approach was helping her to discover her own femininity, she decided not to remain indebted to him, wanting to know that she appreciated his efforts and was able to repay him.
The echoes of Alys' words about what men desire deep down had taken root in her heart as a significant piece of advice. She decided to slowly explore how her husband and his body would respond to her touch, to her caresses, to her involvement.
At first, she merely brushed and sucked the skin of his neck as he lay on top of her in the tight embrace of their bodies, moving lazily inside her with his face snuggled into her hair. She felt a shudder run through his body, his breath became heavier, his cock pulsed inside her greedily betraying what he was thinking.
"− ah −" He breathed out, sinking his fingers into her cheek, pressing her closer, encouraging her not to stop, her hands squeezing his firm buttocks making goosebumps appear on his skin.
She discovered, to her amazement, that his nipples were also very sensitive − the first time she licked them and clung to them, sucking on them with a hum, letting him pound into her with deep, sloppy thrusts, she heard him gasp, surprised and bewildered.
"− what − mghm − fuck −" He muttered, a helpless, low groan of pleasure escaping his throat as the tip of her tongue swirled around it. He became more vocal, panting hard, clenching his fingers in her hair, pressing her to his chest as his painfully swollen cock opened her little cunt with the impatient, sharp pushes of his hips.
His fulfillments were longer and stronger than ever before − he moaned and panted exactly as she did, ashamed in a way of his helplessness and what he was letting her do to him.
He pretended when it was all over that nothing had happened, and she didn't discuss it with him, letting him keep up the pretence that everything was as it had been before.
Their intimacy was simply pleasurable and natural to them, so they each pursued it relentlessly, treating it as a wordless expression of their affection, the eternal longing and closeness they needed.
Much to her husband's displeasure, Baela decided to stay in Harrenhal longer after what had happened.
"I sent a letter to Dragonstone. I described to father what had happened." She said, looking at her fingers thoughtfully − the two of them were sitting under one of the trees near the fortress, wanting to get some fresh air during the sunny day.
While her husband did not approve of her leaving their chamber in his absence, fearing for her and their child, he did agree that she should do so in the company of Baela, which she did.
She looked at her cousin, horrified.
"What? Gods, was that necessary?" She muttered, imagining in the back of her mind how horrified her mother would be at the word that someone had tried to poison her, and that she would surely insist that she return to Dragonstone. Baela sighed heavily.
"I promised my father that I would be there for you and I will keep him informed of what is happening here." She explained, shrugging her shoulders.
She looked at her with a smirk, stroking her slightly rounded abdomen with her palm.
"Are you his spy?"
The corner of Baela's mouth lifted in a smile.
"Yes. He told me to watch how your uncle treats you, and though I have no sympathy for him, only a fool would fail to see that his intentions towards you are sincere." She replied, her face sad and tired. She blinked, seeing that something had been bothering her for some time.
She figured she wasn't returning to Dragonstone for more than just her reason.
"Has something happened? You can tell me."
"Should I complain to you about your brother? That doesn't sound fair." She muttered, taking a small white stone from the ground, turning it between her fingers.
"He's my brother, but I know his nature. You can tell me what troubles you. I will not judge you." She assured her, wanting her to know that she had no bad intentions.
Baela pressed her lips together and nodded − her eyes reddened as she swallowed hard and looked away, shrugging her shoulders.
"I have a lover here. One of the guards."
She blinked, looking at her in disbelief, not knowing for a moment what to say.
"We promised each other we'd both stop doing this before I came here. But I can't. I don't love him. Not in that way. I mean −" She choked out and fell silent, swallowing hard, trying with all her might to stay calm and not cry.
"− I mean − we don't fit together − he's important to me, close to my heart, but − I've only now realised, looking at you, that it's impossible to change a man's nature −" She said and clenched her eyelids, bitter, hot tears of shame running down her face, which she covered with her hands, as if she was terrified by what had just come out of her mouth.
"− gods, what have I done −" She mumbled out, whooping with her crying − her hand quickly rose to her back, stroking it reassuringly.
She didn't know what to say, what to do, what she could advise her in such a situation.
She swallowed hard, feeling the discomfort and pain, understanding in a way what she meant, yet feeling pity in her heart for her brother, not knowing if he would be able to take any more rejection.
"− did − did Jace −"
"− he did the same thing − in Winterfell, with that Snow girl, that whore, that fucking bastard −" She hissed, wiping her cheeks hot with rage.
"− I lied at the time that I was also having an affair with a guard to hurt him − to make him feel what it's like when someone fucks someone else behind your back −"
She only blinked at her words, horrified at how it looked like, that neither of them were faithful to each other.
Baela looked at her quickly and shook her head, as if she only now realised what she had said.
"− forgive me − I didn't mean − I didn't mean to offend you −" She muttered quickly, looking at her with big eyes.
"− no, no − I just − you surprised me − I mean − I didn't suspect it was that bad −"
"− me too − until I flew here and was left alone with my doubts and thoughts −" She stated after a moment of thoughtfulness, wiping her nose with the top of her hand, trying to calm her breathing.
"− I realised − watching you throw yourself into his arms when we arrived here − he didn't even see me − your husband − it was your moment, your reconciliation − and I don't even miss him − I don't think about him, even though I should − I feel really free and lonely here at the same time − I just would like to love and be loved like you −"
Her cousin whispered, and she embraced her and hugged her forehead to her temple, stroking her back reassuringly − Baela broke into tears and cuddled her face into her neck, trying to hide from her thoughts and what she herself was feeling.
For some reason, her words had ripped her heart apart.
Her thoughtfulness and despondency did not escape her uncle's attention when they were left alone after their supper together. Finally only in her nightgown, she lay down on the bed and sighed − his gaze immediately followed her.
"What is it?"
She looked up at him, snapped out of her reverie.
"What are you thinking about?"
"About Baela."
He blinked and hummed under his breath, looking towards the fire, spreading himself comfortably in his chair.
She didn't know how much she should tell him, but she needed advice.
She had no idea what to do.
"She doesn't love my brother and I don't think he loves her. Not the way one loves a wife or a husband."
"I don't know what to advise her."
"Don't advise her anything. Don't interfere in their affairs. Your intervention will only make things worse. Let them resolve it between themselves. In your condition, you should not focus on such matters and take on someone else's infidelity." He replied dryly, and she looked at him surprised, furrowing her brows.
"How do you know about infidelity?" She muttered, and he threw her a long, bored look.
"I caught them in the act. He fucked her instead of guarding your chamber in my absence. I wanted to shame him and reprimand him, but when I saw Baela, I gave up. The humiliation was punishment enough for both of them." He sneered, tapping his index finger against the armrest, sitting in profile to her.
She felt a cold sweat on the back of her neck at the thought that he had not shared this knowledge with her.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Her husband looked at her sternly.
"Because I don't play in spreading rumours in the court. Other people's promiscuity is not worth burdening my wife, who is expecting my child, with it. She is a grown woman. If her father or her mother couldn't raise her properly, you won't be able to either."
"Do not speak of her like this. She is suffering deeply."
"And she is finding comfort." He replied coldly. "I don't want to hear it."
"If your mother had forced you to marry Maris Baratheon instead of me. Would you have taken me into your bed?" She asked, looking at him expectantly.
He threw her a quick, surprised look, not expecting this question completely.
"− I −"
"− answer honestly −"
"− I don't know the answer to that question −"
"− your answer according to good manners should be: no −"
"− it's not the same thing −"
"− it's exactly the same, Aemond − I understand what you mean, but judgements have no power when we can't judge ourselves as harshly −"
"− I wouldn't be fucking proud of it or brag about it to my cousins −"
"− she didn't brag, she despaired − she regrets it but doesn't know what to do −"
Her husband clenched his jaw and bowed his head, burying his face in his hand.
"− I will not concern myself with her betrothal and I expect her to stay away from my marriage − I advise you to do the same −" He said dryly, rising from his seat, undoing the buckles of his emerald tunic with an impatient motion.
She swallowed hard, playing with her fingers, feeling her heart pounding like mad, her stomach clenched in discomfort.
She knew that part of her heart was agreeing with him, but she didn't want to admit it.
When he finally lay down beside her, putting his eye patch down on the table beside the bed, they were both silent for a long moment. She didn't push him away, however, when his hand went to her lower abdomen, a tender, calm, circular motion of his fingers stroking the place. She sighed quietly, placing her hand over his, feeling her anger slowly begin to leave her.
"− isn't that what you expect from me? − honesty? −" He asked in a hoarse voice. She looked up at him, meeting the calm, warm yet dark gaze of his healthy eye. She nodded and moved closer to him, their foreheads touching.
"− yes −" She whispered. As his hand slid to her waist she let him to embrace her, his arms snuggling her into his body, allowing her to take refuge at his side from the gloomy thoughts that flitted through her head.
However, the next day something happened that she had not anticipated.
Her brother arrived in Harrenhal at the behest of their mother.
The mood was tense, to put it mildly. The distance between Baela and Jace was palpable and, as they were not married, her uncle had assigned them separate quarters.
He was furious.
"I don't want him here. Let him take his betrothed and get the fuck back to Dragonstone." He hissed in her direction, walking around their chamber like an enraged lion, breathing heavily.
She stood watching him with her heart in her throat not knowing what to do.
"We can't just send him away, my mother might become suspicious. Let him stay a day or two and then…"
"− good gods −" He breathed out, burying his face in his hands at her words, as if trying not to explode. He finally sat down in the chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, staying in that position for a moment.
She approached him slowly and knelt in front of him with a quiet rustling of her gown, grabbing his upper arm, exposing his face − she met the look of his eye, frustrated and tired.
"− I know − I know, my love − I'll try to resolve it somehow, but give me time to think −" She muttered, wanting him to understand that all this was not her desire, that also all she dreamt of was holy peace for them and their child.
Her uncle sighed heavily, looking away, clearly inconsolable by her words. She knew he wanted to add something else, but fell silent when he felt her hand on his knee, traveling up to his thigh. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, tense, his lips parted slightly.
He shuddered as her fingers slid between his legs, stroking gently and teasing what was beneath them. His manhood pulsed hard in his breeches under her touch, and then again and again, swelling and hardening from those gentle, innocent caresses.
She heard his breath become heavier, his hand slipped into her hair, stroking her head, betraying what he was thinking about what was about to happen.
How she wanted to compensate him.
Her nimble fingers untied the material of his breeches, spreading it to the side, revealing his half-hard, throbbing erection. She leaned down, stroking it in her palm, placing soft, butterfly kisses on the area where his veins were clearly outlined, barely brushing his bare skin.
She heard an exasperated sigh escape his lips, his hips involuntarily bucked towards her, pressing his twitching, long cock against her face, searching for the source of the rubbing.
She knew he was looking at her, and that he derived an unspeakable satisfaction from the sight before him.
She gasped at the thought, wanting to give him everything he could possibly want, and following Alys' instructions, she decided to take her time − the tip of her tongue traveled from the base of it to the very tip of his length, swelling more and more in her hand, she heard him tilt his head back, feeling and seeing it.
"− fuck −"
Her hand clamped down on the base of his root, giving him a few encouraging, soft squeezes, meant only to tease him, its tip turning all pink and hard, moist from his own wetness.
"− warm me up −" He muttered. "− it's a chilly evening −"
She felt her walls clench greedily around nothing at his words, sticky from her moisture, knowing what he wanted.
She directed the fat, glistening head of his cock against her lips, sliding it in a little, licking it encouragingly − his two hands clamped down on her hair, the soft, gentle thrust of his hips sliding it deep into her mouth, its tip bumping against the back wall of her throat.
"− so eager to taste my seed − ah − barely fits −" He exhaled, keeping his fingers clenched in her hair, thrusting between her lips as he saw fit, slowly and reverently, making her feel safe even though he was in complete control of what was happening.
Each time he slid deep into her throat again with a lewd click of her saliva, she teased his entire length with her moist tongue, licking it and sucking it inside, squeezing it so that a low, throaty moan came out of him again and again.
"− I could watch it all day − your pretty mouth full of my cock −" He gasped, and she hummed, squeezing the base of his erection that didn't fit in her mouth with her hand.
She moved her head up and down, feeling the tears of exertion begin to run down her cheeks each time the tip of his manhood hit the back of her throat, making her gag, breathing loudly through her nose to keep from suffocating.
"− fuck, you are too good at this −" He mumbled as if he were in pain, the chair he was sitting on began to creak loudly as his hips quickened their pace, his breath raspy and shallow. His manhood began to twitch and throb between her lips betraying that he was embarrassingly close to fulfilment as her hot tears rolled down her cheeks one by one.
"− don't stop − please, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop −" He panted, gripping her hair tightly in his hands, not letting her escape the deep, greedy thrusts of his hips, making her whimper with exertion.
Something in the sounds he was making, boyish and charming, in his helplessness, in how much he wanted to feel vulnerable at least for a moment, made her feel her sticky wetness running down her thigh, her swollen slit pulsing around nothing.
"− I know − I know, please, I know − uh,gods,fuckkk −" He gasped, a low groan mixed with a sigh of relief broke from his lips as his body went breathless all over and his warm spend spilled deep into her warm throat. She swallowed the first wave with difficulty and jumped up along with him as the door to his chamber opened suddenly, startling them.
She slid his manhood out of her mouth with a loud splat, covering her face to avoid screaming and choking at the same time, some of his seed staining his breeches.
Her figure kneeling before him was covered only by the ornate oak desk standing before her.
"Your Grace. Shall supper be prepared in this chamber with Prince Jacaerys and Lady Baela included?" The servant asked, and she swallowed loudly, trying not to make a sound, feeling her heart pounding like mad.
"− I − yes −" Her uncle muttered in a shaky voice, trying to keep his voice cool and hide the fact that he had just came, and his wife was kneeling in front of his untied breeches.
When the servant left her husband closed his eye and breathed out loud, leaning his head against the backrest, pale. She pressed her lips together at the sight, wiping her cheeks wet with tears of exertion, trying not to laugh.
He looked at her after a moment with resentment, as if it was her fault and sighed through his nose, frustrated to see the look on her face.
"− you and your wise ideas −"
"− don't you wish your wife to reassure you in this way? −" She asked softly, placing her chin on his knee, smiling contentedly. Her uncle sighed heavily − clearly something about the sight he saw before him made him content, because his hand rose to her head and stroked her soft hair in a lazy manner.
"− make sure the door from my chamber is locked next time −"
Even though she knew he was still unhappy about her brother's arrival, her treatments, whatever he thought of them, calmed him and made him accept his presence temporarily.
Baela and Jace walked into the chamber in silence and took their seats at a distance from each other − Baela sat opposite her as usual, with her uncle to her left, but her brother did not take the seat next to her − he sat on the opposite top of the table, facing her husband.
She knew this was some kind of challenge to him, her uncle's lips pressed together in a thin line, in his gaze something she knew perfectly well.
The servants tasted all the food and drink in their presence before the table was set. Her husband let them go when everything was ready, wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible.
"How are you feeling, sister?" Jace asked, putting the roast on his plate and tearing a piece of bread, but not giving it to Baela, who held out her hand to him.
She threw a quick glance at her uncle, who was watching her with a look that told her he was thinking the same thing she was.
Something was about to happen.
She swallowed loudly at the piece of pate she had just had in her mouth and sipped it with the apple juice the maester had prepared for her, telling her that she should avoid wine until after the birth.
She grunted, correcting herself in her seat.
"I am well, brother." She replied softly.
"I hope your daughter is born healthy." He said lowly, taking a sip of wine from his goblet.
She felt a cold sweat on her back at his words, looking up at her husband in horror, seeing on his face exactly what she had feared − a wide, dangerous grin not reaching his eye, his gaze cold and frightening.
"− Jace −" Baela hissed.
Her brother shook his head, frowning his eyebrows, feigning surprise, taking a bite of the roast into his mouth.
"− what is it, my love? − wouldn't my uncle love his daughter? − or would he be afraid that he would do to her what he did to his own niece? −"
"− how dare you −" She asked in disbelief, wanting to tell her brother that he was an insolent fool and that he should leave at once, however, her husband forestalled her.
"− your betrothed told you that she fucked one of my guards? − is that why you are acting like a cunt? −" He chuckled in a way from which a cold shiver ran through her, her heart in her throat. She glanced at Baela, who froze, staring dully into her plate, breathing heavily.
A terrible, uncomfortable silence fell around them that seemed to last an eternity − she didn't even know when she clenched her hands into fists.
"− yes, she did − but how could you know this, uncle? − did she lie in bed with you too? −" He asked mockingly, she and Baela cast quick, terrified glances at each other.
"− that's enough −" She hissed.
"− no − my nephew deserves the truth −" He grinned, and Baela rose from her seat, knowing what he wanted to say.
"− SIT THE FUCK DOWN −" Her husband growled in her direction. They both threw him shocked glances, his gaze expressing, however, that he was completely serious and if she left, blood would be shed.
Baela sat back in her seat, all quivering.
"− I caught her in the act − she was so preoccupied with him, or, I beg your pardon, with what he was putting into her, that she didn't notice me at first − I just wished to reprimand my guard − he was supposed to keep my wife safe, not −"
"− I said enough, husband −" She said, looking at him warningly.
He knew that look and what it meant.
That one more word out of his mouth and he would spend the night in his chamber alone.
He turned his head and fell silent, looking involuntarily at her brother with a smirk of satisfaction on his face.
"− did you know? −" She heard Jace's voice pointed in her direction and she looked at him, surprised.
Her brother was looking at her all red, something in his gaze that surprised her.
"− did you know about this? −"
She felt an overpowering, deep, hot shame at the thought that she could not deny.
"− you're my sister − we promised each other we'd both end this − she deceived me − why do you forever let to make a fool of me? − why do you never stand up for me? −" He muttered in a voice filled with regret.
She was horrified by the realisation, which came upon her suddenly, that he was partly right.
If her husband had betrayed her with another woman, wouldn't she expect her brother to tell her?
That he would have shown her concern, warned her, protected her from the pain?
She lowered her gaze to her plate, feeling tears under her eyelids herself. Jace got up and walked out, followed by Baela, who only muttered a brief, tentative apology.
One by one, tears began to run down her cheeks as soon as the door closed behind them − she had to hide her face in her hands to keep from bursting into sobs.
She heard her husband sigh heavily, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, the pleasant sizzle of a fire burning in the fireplace behind him. She heard him pick something up and move it towards her − when she lowered her hands she noticed it was a tray of lemon cakes.
That summer day when she came to comfort him, a lemon cake tucked into the pocket of her skirt.
"− eat −"
"− I don't want to −"
"− eat − these are your favourites − I ordered them to be prepared with you in mind −"
"− I don't want to eat lemon cakes now, Aemond − I −"
"− it's easier for him to blame you than himself − to accuse you in his mind instead of taking responsibility for his actions −"
She snorted, shaking her head, looking at him with regret.
"− didn't you also behave similarly to him until recently, uncle? −" She asked in a trembling voice. Her husband swallowed hard and closed his eye, remaining silent for a moment. When his eyelid opened, his gaze was already calmer.
"− I did −"
As he placed his hand on the table top, extending it towards her she felt a squeeze in her heart, because even though he had made so many mistakes and hurt her so much, for her he had truly made an effort.
There was no reason for her to pretend otherwise.
She lifted her hand uncertainly and placed it on his. Her husband hummed under his breath, stroking her skin with his thumb, pleased apparently that she had not rejected him, that after moments of anger they were able to calm and speak with each other.
Something in that thought touched her.
"I love you." She muttered, looking up at him from under her lashes on which her tears shone.
Her uncle looked at her with wide-open eye, as if snapped out of his reverie, shocked even though he had heard these words from her mouth before.
"I mean it. I really do. I'm not speaking of the cloying affection described in the books I read as a child. What I feel is painfully real."
She saw his nostrils twitch at her words, his jaw clenched, his eyebrows arched in a way as if he was trying to fight what he had just felt.
His lips parted, but nothing came out of them for a long time.
"− I didn't reply to your letters because I didn't want you to move on − because I didn't want you to forgive yourself − because I didn't want you to forget about me − because I couldn't move on − because I couldn't forgive myself − because I couldn't forget about you −"
He said, looking at their hands, stroking her soft, warm skin with his fingers, at the same time being somewhere far away, as if he had returned with his thoughts to that evenings when he had read her letters.
Her heart filled with heat and pain at his words, at his confession, which was proof to her that both of them had only been pretending all along, trying to preserve their dignity by not accepting their longing, grief and desires all these years.
Only when they were left in the darkness of his chamber could their true reconciliation have happened.
There was something beautiful to her in the fact that they only hugged each other that night. Her husband, lying behind her, embraced her waist, their fingers entwined together lying on her womb. She felt safe sensing closeness of his body, his warm breath enveloping her bare neck.
Though with others he remained the same cold, cruel, mocking man, with her he became who he had been eight years ago, being the husband and companion she had always seen in him.
Baela set off on her way back to Dragonstone the next morning, informing her that she and Jace had broken off their betrothal. She wished to inform her grandmother and father about it, knowing that they would not force her to do anything against her will.
They said goodbye as if they were friends, hugging each other tightly, however, apart from her, neither her husband nor her brother came out to bid her farewell.
To her husband's frustration, her brother remained in their fortress. He ate his suppers separately and hardly left his chamber, but his mere presence made her uncle lose patience.
Although she didn't want to do it, she had to act.
With a heavy heart and trepidation, she went to his quarters, however, to her surprise, she did not find him there. She left, looking around the corridor and stopped one of the servants.
"Where is my brother?" She asked, the young boy turned behind and pointed his finger at the other, less frequented part of the stronghold.
"In Alys Rivers’ chamber, Your Grace."
She looked at this young boy wondering if she had misheard herself.
"By what right does anyone visit Alys Rivers without my knowledge?' She hissed, feeling a squeeze in her throat at the thought that, apart from her guards, no one was to cross the threshold of her quarters until she left Harrenhal.
Her cousin had delayed answering her letter, surely still feeling humiliated after the way he had learned that their betrothal was not in force.
However, she knew he would eventually succumb and intended to send Alys away to the Eyrie anyway.
The boy swallowed hard at her words, surprised.
"− I − the Prince said you personally gave your consent, Your Grace − how would I question his words? −" He muttered, and she clenched her eyelids and nodded.
"− go for him and bring him to his chamber − tell him that I will be waiting for him there −"
Indeed, not long after, her brother joined her in his rooms, closing the door behind him, looking at her uncertainly, his brow furrowed.
"− what's it? −"
She stood up from her chair, turning her face towards the window, trying to calm her breath, her hand on her womb.
"− Alys Rivers − I didn't allow you to see her −"
"− she's my aunt − I don't need your permission, sister −" He replied dryly.
She looked at him angrily, walking up to him, looking him straight in the eye.
His gaze seemed distant and empty to her, filled with bitterness, sadness and pride.
She knew that look because she had seen it sometimes in their uncle's eyes.
He was broken.
Something in that thought made her close her eyes, trying to regain her composure.
"− she's a dangerous woman − I value her, but she manipulates others easily −"
"− I know I am easily manipulated − I have found that out painfully on my own −" He said calmly. "− is that all? −"
"− is that why you are not returning to Dragonstone? − because of her? −" She asked, turning to follow him as he moved ahead of her and spread out comfortably on his bed, taking an apple in his hand from a silver bowl standing on the table, tossing it thoughtlessly.
"− maybe −"
"− why? −"
"− she tells me about our father − about Harrenhal − about her dreams −" He muttered, staring blankly at the ceiling, playing with the fruit between his fingers, thoughtful.
Something in his words, in the fact that, like her, he longed deep down to understand where he came from, made her heart fill with compassion and empathy towards him again.
She approached him slowly and sat beside him on the bed, bowing her head. For a moment they remained in complete silence.
"− forgive me − for not telling you − Baela despaired greatly and regretted what she had done, but it could no longer be taken back − I am not going to defend her − she did, however, tell me that you had not remained faithful to her either − that you had lain in bed with another woman in Winterfell −"
Jace pressed his lips into a thin line at her words, tossing the apple high into the air, catching it in his hand again with a loud smack.
"− did she also tell you that she had a lover herself at the time? −"
"− she told me that she lied to you at the time so that you wouldn't see how much you hurt her −" She whispered, her brother throwing her a quick, horrified look. She saw him swallow hard and close his eyes.
"− it doesn't matter anymore −"
Silence fell between them again.
"− I want to admit, however, that there was a grain of truth in your words − I want to support you, but I feel that whatever I don't do, you will reject me −" She muttered.
"− you are the one who has always rejected me −"
His words stabbed into her heart like a dagger.
"− forgive me −" She said.
Her brother let out a loud breath, his eyes red.
"− I want to take her to Dragonstone −"
"− who? −"
"− Alys Rivers − I want her to see something beyond Harrenhal −"
His words surprised her so much that the obvious question crossed her mind.
"− Jace − did you and her −"
"− if you desire the truth so much, let's call a spade a spade − I'm a bastard, just like her − I live in a great fortress, eating from silver trays, while she is locked up here like some prisoner − how is she different from us? − what did she do to deserve a fate so worse than mine or yours? −"
He asked with a fury that startled her, his words, so direct and bold, made her feel overwhelming shame.
How is she different from us?
What did she do to deserve a fate so worse than mine or yours?
She swallowed hard, not knowing what to answer, how to react to his words.
"− but what will our mother say? −"
"− I will gladly introduce our father's sister to her −"
"− Jace −"
"− I've decided − I, not you − I take responsibility for this −"
She lowered her gaze, feeling that her hands were trembling all over with terror, her brother, however, seemed confident in his decision.
"− I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm taking our aunt with me −"
Author's note: No, Jace did not sleep with Alys, lol. In case this is not clear from the chapter, I would like to add it so that you do not panic unnecessarily. The next chapter will be Alys' POV, so you'll find out everything there!
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driaswrld · 7 months
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LADY DRIA WRITES . . . ˚ ༘ *
🪷 dearest gentle reader, in matters of love and longing, prince satoru comes to the realization that love may only visit the fearless, whilst prince suguru comes to terms with the taste of hope on his tongue... 5k words.
🪷 prince gojo x reader x prince geto jjk regency/royal au, romeo & juliet esque balcony meeting, fruit flavored jealousy.
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CHAPTER TWO. . . ˚ ༘ *
Sleep eludes you tonight.
Two nights have passed since the first feast and despite Areta’s consistent chatter of appearances and well needed fun time for a lady of your stature — you’ve chosen not to attend the others for the time being.
You’re assured that Satoru’s presence at the feasts and balls in between remain slim to none unless called upon by his mother, a notion that you would be grateful for under any other circumstance to dodge the question everyone at the palace court whispers behind your back—
( why hasn’t the prince married her yet? )
—but you miss him.
Embarrassingly so.
With palms outstretched, you cradle your weight against the concrete rail of the terrace adjoined to your bedroom. A wisp of wind cooling your cheeks, realization settling in.
You miss Satoru — your best friend, your person.
You miss when he’d sleepily stumble into your alcove by the palace’s west wing and lay dramatically before you, begging you to paint him or at least sketch the width of his shoulders ; begging you to 'immortalize the omnipotent beauty of the realm’s strongest' — his words not yours.
The way he’d linger by your side, laugh at your jokes and make even cruder ones of his own—
This yearning settled deep within your bones akin to that of a grieving widow doesn’t feel the way it should feel when one misses a friend.
( satoru does not yearn for you in this way, you know it. )
It’s hot, a boiling pit within your stomach and it never leaves your veins—
—not until two nights ago, that is.
Two nights ago when he reappeared.
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“Your highness?”
Dearest gentle reader,
in these delicate matters
of love and longing—
“My lady,” Suguru calls out in a similarly hushed fashion. “You're awake.”
Down below the terrace, he stands on the trimmed lawn in his sleep trousers and shirt, dark hair tousled and eyes half lidded — you would've laughed at him if the air between you two hadn't settled with something else.
“I couldn't sleep,” you respond, watching with bated breath as he steps forward, one foot resting atop a raised brick in the mud, eyes trained above, where you stand.
“You often take late strolls, your grace?”
Suguru laughs, breathy, soft. “Your grace,” he repeats your words, mockingly. A few dark strands fall over his eyes as he tilts his head back to look up at you. “You’d think having me in my sleeping trousers alone would be enough for you to discard all formalities—”
( right, this encounter is improper. )
“Forgive me, Suguru,” leaves your lips in correction. You lean further over the terrace rail, body bent in near half to gaze down at him. “It isn't often I speak with men while in my dressing gown.”
“Dear God, I hope not.”
A laugh of your own breaks through and he joins in unison.
So far, and yet so close.
A soft silence soon passes over the two of you under the moonlight.
Suguru, who’d been away for so long, could make years of absence feel null — as if he’d been residing here with you all this time. As if he had been keeping your company in tow, as if the breath of your laugh belonged to him.
As if he hadn't left you.
“I wondered,” Suguru breaks the silence, pale fist wrapping around a stray vine along the wall. “If I would get the chance to speak with you like this.” He whispers, but even from so high above, you hear him clearly in the night's silence.
You know what he means. Just us two. You’ve wondered the same, albeit too often through the years.
Why didn't you write to me? You want to ask. Why didn't you come to visit? Follows next in your brain. Did you move on? Did you fall in love?
( have you been happy away from me? )
“Did you read my letters?”
—often we forget
just how greedy
the heart can be.
“All of them,” Suguru breathes, almost like it hurts to say.
As if it pains him physically to remember how he tore the wax seals open with his teeth, licked the flap of the envelopes and nearly cried when it tasted of you—
“More than once, more than I ought to.”
Suguru grips the vine tighter in his fist, stilling himself and invoking restraint. This isn't his place, not anymore.
If he had it his way, he’d be on the terrace with you, and he’d tell you every thought he had about each word you’d written, with his hands, his teeth, his tongue.
“Suguru. . .”
It reminds you too much of your childhood.
Often you would chase after Satoru and Suguru.
Always both, never one.
And though you knew your fate as a Princess — who would marry a crowned Prince — your foolish heart, so greedy and naive. . .
“I have my obligations.” It leaves your lungs like a lie, something you won't even begin to believe.
You're betrothed to Satoru. It's set in stone.
But the both of you know that's not why you're saying no. “The solstice ends in a week and you will be—” He'll be gone again.
“I’ll not wait a whole week.” Suguru’s voice is still quiet, but even you can't deny the raw hunger behind his words. “If I apologize and say that I wish—”
“You will do no such thing,” you warn, shakily. “Not now, not. . . because of this.” Not because in nearly every way that matters, you’re Satoru’s.
( i wish i told you. i wish i wasn't too late. i wish )
Suguru wished he had stayed.
He wished he had made do on the promises he made to you as children and been at your side, not just as your friend but as the man you would marry—
All those things he had sworn upon his own heart. . .
“Who’ll marry you if you spend your days swinging a sword and broadening your shoulders?”
“And if I say I will, what then?” Suguru had scoffed at your cousin back then. At the mere age of twelve.
“Aren’t there girls your age you can follow around? I don’t care if you’re a princess, we’re not friends.”
“Don't be so crass, Satoru.” Suguru grumbled, grabbing ahold of your hand and tugging you forward the moment you fell behind. “She's my friend.”
( and yet. )
Lady Dria writes : Prince Geto to assume royal estate in the North following rumored betrothal to mystery woman! Is this the end of our beloved royal trio?
( duty came first. )
“I don’t know why you’d believe he’d ever want to court you.”
“I’ll let you keep your tongue,” Satoru scoffed, stepping between you and one of the ladies at court the day after Suguru left. “But address the Princess so loosely again and I swear—”
That night, you cried in the confines of Satoru’s private chambers, your fingers bleeding ink and red wax staining the front of your dress.
What was her name? How long had Suguru known it was arranged? Why didn't he tell you? If you ask him now, will he tell you? Is he ever coming back?
Does he love her?
And it was then, when you didn't have any more words to write, nothing left to say to Suguru that he might not have known, did Satoru tell you,
“I’m here.”
And you believed him.
“Name—” Suguru calls to you and you shake your head, straightening your posture and leaning off the terrace rail. “I wanted to say it before, you were gorgeous at the first solstice feast. . . Still are, even after so long.”
Suguru bites back the words he really wanted to say. I dreamt of you, you look the same.
“You flatter me,” it leaves you breathily, and the beats of your heart elude your better judgement.
“Perhaps, silken gloves suit you, my lady.” Suguru's words hold an undertone that’s lost on you in the moment, yet still you smile at him.
He doesn't see the expression on your face when you turn away, craning his neck to find something— some inclination that he has a chance—
“Goodnight, your highness.” In your voice he finds it, that small sliver of nostalgia, and his heart grasps it in earnest.
Beloved reader,
I fear I must also
impart the knowledge—
Satoru stops dead in his tracks, a single peach colored rose falling from his palm.
—that there are always
three sides to a story.
From across the way his cerulean eyes lock with Suguru’s darker ones, and there is nothing to be said, as they both know what the other is thinking.
You are not worthy of her.
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Morning gives way to the first of three hunting days.
As per the terms of the competition, all commoners go ahead before nobles to keep the proceedings fair.
Satoru sits still atop his horse, cerulean orbs downcast and flitting through the mass of bodies in the crowd riding ahead of him.
“Have you and Suguru finally fought?”
Satoru’s eyes widen for a brief moment, turning his head to the side and loosening his grip on the horse’s reins, his mother standing at his side, caressing the mare’s mane with jewel adorned fingers.
“I’ve no idea what you mean, mother.”
The older woman scoffs, the horse leaning eagerly into the touch of her palm.
“When you and Suguru were but meek babes, you two had your first fight you know.” Satoru’s mother smiles a little at the memory.
Back then, both boys were merely toddlers and squabbling with tiny fists over nothing but a simple rattle.
Neither would concede to the other.
Even so young, they fought as they still do to this day. As rivals, as best friends.
“Did I win?” Satoru asks, lifting his gaze to the scenery of dawn before him, drowning out the eager shouts of men and women alike, placing their bets for the competition to come.
“No,” she responds and Satoru’s lips curl into a small frown. “The rattle you fought over snapped in two, ‘toru.”
This isn't about a rattle, is it?
“I won't concede, if that’s what you’ve come to ask of me.” He affirms, and his mother shakes her head, stifling a laugh.
“She isn't a rattle, nor is this a battlefield—” Satoru’s mother is observant, painfully so. “I asked your father to arrange the match myself for the sole purpose that I know you care for her, and I would not subject you to a fate not of your choosing—”
( she can choose, whereas a rattle could not. that is the sole difference is it not? )
“But you would have me sit here and let her choose him?”
Satoru Gojo is many things.
Selfish, spoiled, strong. Greedy even.
He fights for what he wants and he remains determined to win no matter what.
But when it comes to you. . .
Doting reader,
our beloved Prince Satoru
has yet to realize—
“I did not raise a selfish fool. Maybe a proud fool but not a selfish one—” She smacks the side of his leg to which he immediately recoils with a pout on his lips. “You never win love, you earn it.”
As if love can be akin to fleeting favor.
“I am selfish,” Satoru confirms, not shy of shame though. “She would hate me for it, if she doesn't already.” He hangs his head for a brief moment, a puff of a sigh leaving his parted lips. “But can you blame me?”
Satoru is many things.
But not blind.
How can he tell you that he cares for you, that he’s fallen helplessly and carelessly in love with you knowing that he’d be imprisoning you to a fate he loathes?
Whispers behind your back the more you are seen with him or without, the more he puts off the betrothal, the more he leaves your side the more he hopes you’ll learn you don't want him—
That this life, at this palace is less than you deserve.
And yet. . .
—that love is not
a war you march into
of your own accord.
He’s selfish.
“Have you asked her what she wants?”
No, because he’s afraid you’ll say what he wants you to. That you don't want him.
That by the hour you grow more miserable the more he keeps you waiting, tethered by a short thread just waiting to snap—
Satoru convinced himself that if he waited just a little longer, that maybe you’d grow tired and snap the thread all together in one go.
And then the marriage wouldn't happen, you’d contest it and he'd agree. He could keep you close like before, without breaking your heart, even at the cost of his.
“Satoru.” His mother warns, deep azure boring into the side of his face. “That debutant at the dinner—” God forbid she did raise a selfish fool, who would selfishly self sabotage—
“I never touched her.”
“You say that and then you do these things as if I'm to be convinced you've changed.” His mother sighs, as if history has come around to repeat itself. “You don't even realize you're clutching your end too tight.”
And you’ll break if he doesn't let go.
“I can't tell her.”
“You must.”
Who is he to condemn you to the life of a Queen?
In the same way his father did his mother?
That spark in your eyes will go dim, and he’ll watch you give yourself to your duty and it’ll kill him, even worse than you not wanting him will.
He’d prefer you hate him altogether.
“Are you happy with father?”
Darling reader,
perhaps love
only visits the fearless.
“Your father is a good man.”
Satoru would rather die by his own hand before he hears those words from your lips too.
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“My lady?”
You visibly wince, cowering behind one of the marble columns in the ballroom.
The few chandeliers that provide light do little to help your situation as Areta’s voice had already notified a few of the dancing nobles of your presence — to which you were met with confused stares.
“Please, keep your voice down.” You hush her, sliding around to the other side of the column where Areta stands, eyes wide and curious.
Areta’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, her lips parting, about to question your odd behavior.
You're hiding. Or at least trying to.
You had no choice in coming to tonight's festivities, as you were already knee deep in your pre-arranged afternoon nap when your dearest mother barged in and asked ( read : demanded ) that you attended tonight's ball to quote en quote ‘keep up appearances.’
With much practiced skill, you’ve eluded Satoru and Suguru by barring yourself in your room recently.
But, cowering behind a column won't get you far, right?
“I don't think hiding is what I mean when I encouraged you to have fun, my lady.” Areta speaks hushedly, joining you behind the column, two full glasses clutched between her fingers. “And if it’s the Prince who you—”
“Oh, spare me, which one?” You chuckle, tilting your head back onto the marble with an eye roll.
“You’ve had trouble with Prince Geto too?” Areta gasps, though not shocked, the young girl's eyes gloss over with curiosity — ever the devoted gossip.
( perhaps if you stay here and sip drinks with Areta, no one will even notice your presence ! )
Devoted reader,
our protagonist
has a pattern of
terrible judgement.
“Hardly trouble, I’m afraid.” You take one of the glasses from Areta’s hands and bring the rim to your nose — grape juice. How fitting. “Trouble would be better, I can handle trouble.”
What you can't handle is both your childhood friends driving you mad with feelings you never even knew existed.
One who torments you with mixed signals and provokes new feelings in the pit of your stomach.
And another who stirs and awakens old feelings inside of you that you thought were long lost.
“Well, I doubt trouble is what you need presently, my lady.” Areta chuckles a little, her voice soon trailing off as she takes a sip of her own drink. “Oh! You wore them—”
“I thought perhaps,” You murmur, more to yourself, fingers fiddling with the edge of your silk gloves – the same black ones from a few nights ago. “I’d wear them once more before I set them aside.”
Now that you think about it, Satoru never said anything about the dress or the gloves — not that it matters to you anyway.
Faithful reader,
it matters.
Too much.
“They're quite beautiful, as are all Prince Satoru’s gifts.” Areta affirms with a soft smile as you drink from your glass, leaning off the column and straightening your posture. “But, I thought he usually had more of an affinity for lace—”
“I was called?”
You jump just a little, turning immediately to meet the source of the intrusion, to which you bump straight into Satoru, spilling the contents of your cup on both of you.
“I’m sorry—” “Grape juice—”
You take a few steps back, immediately crouching to retrieve your fallen cup, but Areta beats you to it, not shy of shooting you a quick wink before she scurries off into the crowd. Deviant.
“You don't like the wine tonight?” Satoru hums, outstretching a hand to pull you to your feet, and you hesitate for a moment.
Only for a moment.
“I didn't think drinking would be wise,” You take his hand, silk sliding soft against his awaiting palm. You don't miss the way his shoulders tighten. “And grape juice—”
“Is your preferred drink of choice, I know.” He finishes, cerulean orbs gazing into your very soul.
You can feel the thrum of his pulse speeding up against your fingertips, calling you, like a siren song. . .
( you should've stayed in bed tonight. )
Admittedly, Satoru was never the type to drink either. He could never hold his alcohol, hated the taste, even if it was just a drop in fermented fruit.
Grape juice was his drink of choice.
And then it became yours.
“I’m sorry, again.” It leaves your lips in a hurry as you look away from him, pulling your hand back as soon as you're upright. “My head must've been somewhere else. . .” Last night on the terrace. Your mind remains there.
Is Suguru going to magically appear too?
You furiously rub a fist over the purple stain forming at the front of your gown. “I need to change my dress—”
“It's not your fault, silk can be slippery.” Satoru bites back a grunt, bringing a palm to your elbow as he guides you off to the side, towards the adjacent corridor. “Come, I’ll help.”
( what's his problem with the gloves? )
You follow his lead, a sigh escaping your lips as you both come upon the nearest alcove in the dim light.
You can barely see the velvet cushioning of the sofa tucked away neatly in the back.
The soft moonlight falling through the open window brings a sense of calm when you take a seat, eyes catching on the violet smudge against Satoru’s pearl white vest.
Often in your youth between balls, you, Satoru and Suguru would sneak off to the nearest alcove you could find, pry the window open and sit together on the sill—
“Your vest—” He follows your gaze as he bends a knee, kneeling at your feet casually.
Satoru presses his middle finger over the damp fabric, and unabashedly sticks the digit into his mouth. “Mhm, that's grape juice.”
“Satoru!” You scold.
He only laughs, strands of snowy hair bouncing with each shake of his shoulders. It's a very Satoru-like laugh, but there's something else you can't quite place—
“It's just a juice spill, I’ll live.” Satoru’s smile dips into his cheeks. Dimples. “Hated this stupid thing anyway, I should be thanking you for ridding me of it,” he murmurs, rolling his shoulders back to slip the vest off, muscles taut against his shirt with each movement of his arms.
“Hey— hey—!” You raise your palms to push against his chest to stop him, heat rising at the back of your neck. “Don't do that—” It comes out too late because Satoru is in the middle of rolling the vest off his arms. "You can't just undress—"
The way Satoru only leans forward, shades of azure searching your gaze for something, it's like he's daring you to not look away as he slips the vest off his arms bent behind him.
( why did you run away from me? )
You hold his gaze, the longest you have in days, manicured nails digging into the fabric of his shirt.
( why didn't you give chase? )
“Name,” he whispers, as if he’s holding back, but he refuses to look away from you. Not right now.
“Don't look at me like that, ‘toru. . .” You whisper, and it takes everything inside you not scream at him, to say everything you've been wanting to say, everything that's burning your insides.
( don't look at me as if you know desire. )
“Name.” Satoru calls your name, firmer this time, just as his vest drops to the floor behind him.
His knees burn, or maybe his eyes — he doesn't know, his mouth has gone dry and oxygen eludes him.
He's not how he was in your youth.
Satoru slides a pale hand up to grasp one of your palms against his chest, pads of his fingers hooking under the dark silk, and in one fluid motion, he's pulling the glove off your hand.
“That's disrespectful,” you breathe, voice barely audible, the echo of classical instruments sauntering through the vacant corridor. “You can't have two times the favor in any competition—”
“It's not your favor I want.” Satoru grasps the silk in his palm, biting back a grimace.
I’m jealous, he wants to say. Instead he leans closer, and without letting go of your bare hand, he’s aiming to toss the glove over your shoulder and out the window.
“Satoru—!” You retract your hand from his chest to paw at the glove, trying to get it back, and his breath tickles the skin of your throat, his eyes looking down at you, only this time a few shades darker — royal blue, cobalt.
Perhaps, silken gloves suit you, my lady.
( so that's what suguru meant. . . )
“Are you—”
“Jealous? Me? Never.” Satoru rasps the words out like a cancer, his heart seizing and doing somersaults against his ribcage.
“I have to commend Suguru though, the North does make the finest silk. . . Any lady would be glad for such a gift,” he whispers. Even praising Suguru is like an act of surrender to him.
“I wasn't going to say jealous, my Prince.” Your brain melts to a mush of questions.
Satoru isn't jealous because of you— no, that can't be right— he’d be jealous if someone bet on the same horse race as him and won—
( you’re thinking too much, name. )
It's the assessment of his audacity that has the back of your neck heated.
Satoru bites down on his bottom lip, and for a second he squeezes his eyes shut.
Everything burns, it's a miracle he can still see straight.
“What were you going to say?”
You swallow, hard.
Satoru’s face is so close to yours that every word he speaks reverberates through your being like electricity. “I was going to ask if you were okay.” A half truth, really. "Your vest is stained—"
First, you were going to ask if he’d lost his damn mind.
“God, name.” Satoru grunts, dropping the glove dramatically onto the velvet sofa, instead moving his hand to cage you between his arms, his hips against the outerskirts of your dress. “You don't even know what you're doing. . .”
His lips curve into a smile, dimpled cheeks staring back at you.
“Satoru—” It’s innocent enough, the way he leans forward enough to press the side of his face against your cheek.
It’s innocent enough, the way his hand grips your hip, firm and reassuring, the way he’d guide you on horseback. You only pretended not to be good so he'd teach you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes against the shell of your ear, his lips soft against your burning skin.
“Do you even know all the ways a woman can be seduced?” It's a sultry tease that has your nails digging into the sofa under you.
Silk gloves, he wants to say. Men seduce women with silk.
Satoru dips his head in a swift motion, his mouth planting a ghost of a kiss to the corner or your lips, and his dimples deepen when your head moves forward to chase his taste, something you’ve never had but crave with every inch of your being.
“Satoru.” You whisper, desperate. He hates himself for wanting this so bad.
He doesn't make you wait long as he presses his lips to yours, it's rough, hungry — he sighs into your mouth, shoulders drooping like he’s finally found what he's been searching for all his life on your tongue.
He’s kissed you before, on the cheek, side of your neck, corner of your mouth — tasted the salty tears of your youth, licked his lips and drank in the remnants of your flavored lipgloss.
He was too young then, too foolish, too afraid to want more.
Satoru’s tongue slips past your parted lips, teeth on wet pink muscle and a shiver runs down his spine when he tastes you, truly tastes you for the first time.
Grape flavored and starving.
Your hand reaches for the collar of his shirt to tug him closer, to pull him deeper into you.
Slender fingers wrap around your wrist and your body trembles, unravelling, unravelling for him until—
He stops.
“Name,” Satoru breathes it in a broken whine, lips wet and swollen with you, each exhale he makes tickles your chin. “We have to stop.”
He’s made a mistake. A foolish one.
“‘Toru, it's okay,” you urge him, moving to pull him closer but his grip on your wrist tightens, keeping you still.
A frown forms on your lips when you see his gaze downcast, unable to meet you, and that gleam in his eyes — guilt.
“We should stop.”
Darling reader,
we all know
how the saying goes. . .
“Why?” The way it leaves your mouth so innocently, so small, in the same tone you had when you were little, chasing behind him no matter how he tried to leave you behind—
( why won't you look at me? )
It makes Satoru hate himself more.
“I’m a gentleman.” Satoru clears his throat and rises to his feet, folding his vest haphazardly over his arm. “You're a lady— a Princess— I can't just. . .”
“You can't just what?” Satoru doesn't recognize the bite behind your voice, the thread he kept toying at with razor blades finally thinning out, ready to snap and break apart. “You can't take me in a dark corridor as you do the other girls?”
He sputters.
It is that. But it's also so much more.
Nothing has changed. And you're not stupid, maybe slow, but never stupid. This isn't about a grape juice spill. It isn't about titles or being respectable.
( it’s about the three of you. )
Is it jealousy? Is this all about a stupid pair of gloves? About his pride? Why? Because he won't let Suguru win even if it means—
“Look at me.” Satoru is slouching in front of you, holding out his palm for you to take. He’s sincere, raw. “I swear to you, the way I feel about you cannot be likened to a secret in a corridor.”
( and yet, you always wished you were one of those girls with him in a dark corridor. )
. . . it's all downhill
from the first kiss.
“Your excuses again—” Satoru steps back when he feels silk stinging against his outstretched palm in a slap of rejection.
The glove he pulled off your hand, the glove Suguru gave to you, falls to the floor.
“And what even is it that you feel?” Your tone reverberates through his bones and Satoru’s considering finding purchase on his knees, where he’d show you what exactly he feels, he'd drink you in, drown in you and be done with the aftermath. “Do you enjoy this? Making me feel like a fool while you stay the bachelor—”
“This engagement was never my choice!” Satoru’s tone raises an octave, brows dipped and frown deep. “And I never—”
That's not what he means to say, not now.
( i never touched another since i laid awake thinking of you. )
“And that's why you won't touch me? Because I'm not your choice, I'm your duty?”
“God, ofcourse I want to touch you—” A guttural groan leaves him then, a rumble in the back of his throat. “If you would just understand—”
He’s a gentleman. Is what he says every waking moment he spends lying to himself that this is for you, that this is for your own good. . .
Because he knows—
( if he touched you now, he’d never stop. )
“Even now you can't say it.” How long have you known Satoru? How long have you been by his side, or rather, chased after him while he remained out of your reach? How long— “That you want me.”
It's almost comical, the way Satoru’s breath hitches in the back of his throat and the palm at his side forms a fist.
He wants you.
“Say it.”
Tell me you want me, tell me it’s me, tell me you feel what I feel too—
“I can't.”
You don't deserve this, I can't give you what you want, hate me so it hurts a little less—
You rise to your feet, the grape juice bleeding into your dress forgotten. “I always thought you were the bravest person to ever live. . .” The strongest. Prince Satoru, the realm’s omnipotent son — “You’ve fought in all these wars and you’ve fought and fought—”
Ever since you were children.
Satoru was every bit a soldier, princely and polished to perfection with his blade. He’s never lost a battle, you're sure, poets write about him.
( what does it feel like to be fought for? )
“Why won't you fight for me, Satoru?”
Satoru Gojo is many things.
Selfish, spoiled, strong. Greedy even.
He fights for what he wants and he remains determined to win no matter what.
But when it comes to you. . .
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
Sorry, I’m so selfish. Sorry, I don't want you to leave. Sorry, it should be me and not him.
Sorry, I'm paralyzed in love with you.
He’s not asking you to stay.
This is what he wanted, right? For you to hate him — who is he kidding, you wouldn't hate him even if tried to make you — for you to realize he isn't what you need.
“You won't even give me one reason to stay.” Your throat hurts, you can still taste his tongue in your mouth, grape and mint, mint and grape. “Of all things, I never thought you to be such a damn coward—”
“I’m the Prince, for fucks sake!”
Your lips part then shut again, and Satoru takes a step back. This barrier between you two was always there, wasn't it? Invisible, cold to the touch.
Don't question me, I'm the Prince, he had said the day you asked him why, why can't I come play with you and Suguru?
( why won't you let me in? what are you so afraid of? )
“Then if it pleases the Prince,” It comes out shakier, in a voice that's barely your own.
Satoru picks it up before you do, you sound like a child — the same way you used to when he left you behind. “I’d like to be dismissed.”
The Prince.
Not your Prince.
( does a heart make noise when it shatters? )
“No,” Satoru steps forward, and you step back. It's like a sick game now, and with every thrum of his heart he swears he’ll die. “Name— just. . . no.”
He’s selfish. He knows that.
After this you’ll run off to Suguru won't you? And he’ll be there with open arms and words as soft as silk—
Satoru would know. Because he did the same thing once Suguru left.
But that was before it was this, before this was everything, before—
“Then forgive my defiance to the crown tonight.” You murmur and turn away, the glove is left behind.
Satoru is left behind.
You never win love, you earn it.
L’Incomparable is hardly the jewel on Satoru’s mind when you walk away from him for the second time.
( before he knew he loved you. )
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🪷 taglist : @angelshimaa @yunymphs @todorokies @satocidal @maeby-cursed @rinniessance @cinnaboonn @shegetsburned @starry-grace2 @selfishdoll @shuuennovirche @wishmemel @riaki @yazzzmints @aphroditisxc @gojorbit @izakyun @satoruoo @irisxyphium @zwtari @/lollipop974 @r0ckst4rjk @softgirlgonehaywire @lilvampirina @brianmaysclog @/baepsays @xxemmarldxx @/adoraspace @/hikaorinx @/lanecass @/theloveofnagiseishiroslife @/bajbbq @/jiraiyaisgod69 @/gojo-sunglasses @/in4rizaki @/chimsblogg @xkittiecatx @lordbugs @soultoru @ladytamayolover @the1exiled @pasta-warlord @drogonfruitzen @sexeyess @siren776 @v0ctin @scinclaitnoir @gugggu6gvai @shartnart1 @nnanamii @vanevafu @lillmyg @nikitopia @altyx @beaniedoodz @fubukeys @simpforramenboy @sinnerstardoll @coco-cat @melancholia-k
820 notes · View notes
chrollohearttags · 9 months
face to face • nanami kento
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synopsis: a steamy rendezvous with your boss and lover becomes even more complicated when he decides to answer a phone call from the last person you wanted him to.
content + themes: infidelity/affairs, backshots, hair pulling, toxic relationship with reader + gojo, alcohol use, praise kink, slight foot play, squirting, pussy eating, pleasure dom nanaminnn (and he’s a lil toxic too), ofc reader calls him daddy
word count: 3.5K
📝: so this lil hc is gonna take on a mind of its own I see 🌚 LMAO y’all enjoy though. Like I’m really ready to make an entire story out of this. Tell me if y’all are team Gojo or team Nanami.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :── ・ 。゚☆: *.
“I’ll be back in a bit. Don’t wait up for me..”
the text bubble going from lime green to bright blue in a matter of seconds as it was delivered..the contact on the other end more than likely wouldn’t even acknowledge it until hours later, you were certain of it. All but betting on the fact that it’d be left on read as well. A clear sign of how pretentious and petty they were..the culprit in question was none other than your boyfriend of three years, Satoru Gojo. A term you used rather sparingly nowadays; due in part to the fact that he hadn’t been much of one in the past year or so. To the majority of others around you, your union could be described as nothing more than mere goals. Your friends would constantly talk the two of you up and confess that they were jealous of the fact that you had bagged such a handsome, fine, sweetheart of a boyfriend. However, as the age old cliche stated..looks were rather deceiving and behind closed doors, your relationship was in utter turmoil. Arguments by day and steamy make up sex by night; doing very little to compensate for the pain he put you through. Hearing stories about how he was at the club with this girl or caught texting that one. Granted, you knew he was the quintessential playboy type when you first made his acquaintance and although he promised you were different, vowing to prove so if you gave him the chance..it was merely another one of his many lies. It didn’t take long before the chivalrous facade dropped and he revealed his true colors. There wasn’t much he had to offer nowadays and quite frankly, you were going through the motions; living as mere roommates if anything.
however, you had begun to find solace elsewhere. In the arms of another man, who just so happened to be much closer than anyone would ever expect! No more were the nights of crying yourself to sleep when you were cradled in the arms of none other than your boss and newfound lover:
“Kento…hi, baby…”
“(Y/N), my love. You look absolutely stunning. Please..come in.”
Nanami Kento, the newly appointed chairman and chief operating officer of SorceTech, the biomedical engineering conglomerate that you had been employed at for the better part of three years. A Fortune 500 company with an excellent reputation and it couldn’t have been in better hands in terms of leadership. Kento was a man of few words but one of integrity, promise and strong conviction. He had vowed to serve this company to the best of his ability and ensure that every employee was treated with dignity and respect under his authority. Not only that, he planned to implement all sorts of helpful changes and he stuck true to that. Regardless of the adversity, he stood on his words at all times. It was just a few of the redeemable qualities that drew you towards him. And once he appointed you as his faithful executive assistant, it was only a matter of time before that beautiful professional relationship blossomed into something more. The attraction was almost instantaneous..how could it not be when you were so perfect? Hence the reason he didn’t seem to care when you told him you had a boyfriend, especially one that hadn’t treated you with the utmost care and respect. His only response: “my apologies, I figured that you’d be seeking a husband by now. Three years with no proposal sounds like a mere waste of time to me.” It was that sentiment alone that solidified the fact that Kento..regardless of technicalities, was your true soulmate.
so whilst Satoru was out doing God knows what on this lovely Friday evening, here you were enjoying the company of the dashing blonde, who had so gently taken your hand as he ushered you over the threshold of his high rise condominium. Placing a soft peck atop the knuckles before pulling you into his barreled chest. Sporting an oceanic blue suede robe and matching slippers, Kento curled you in his grasp and initiated a brief makeout session, one that had your heart thumping through your flesh. It was the same sensation he invoked every time you two met like this. The sheer thrill of being in love with someone who reciprocated it but the possibility of being caught also lingered on your mind. He knew there was no time to squander, so without any more words being exchanged, he’d deepened those pecks..slowly and delicately gliding those spaghetti straps of your silk dress, peppering the skin with kisses on the way down. The scent of vanilla wafting through his nostrils as he inhaled your perfume. Soon, his lips would make home against the sensitive crook of your neck..where he had placed kisses several times. Slowly but surely, you two became one, right there in the comfort of his living room. It was something he’d never grow tired of, even if you were meeting under less than ideal circumstances. Naturally, he would’ve loved it if you were coming over as his woman and not one he had had to share. Especially when he knew the other man didn’t deserve you whatsoever. He was more than aware of Satoru’s reputation. Hell, he knew him long before you did so it baffled Kento when he popped up with someone like you on his arm. He knew it could only lead to disaster in the long run because he was a pretentious manwhore. Only considering himself in the grand scheme of things…
hence why any guilt absolved when he got you alone and licked every inch of your skin, undressing you along the way. He knew you wouldn’t or couldn’t leave him anytime soon nor would he ask such a thing. Old habits were hard to break and when you spent three long years living with and curating a life with someone, up and leaving wasn’t always a menial task. There were so many times you wanted to walk away, leave and just never look back. But he dragged you back in..even though the feelings were no longer there, you couldn’t part ways. So whilst you were in his arms, he’d make your nights much easier. Bringing you joy and true love when possible.
“I’ve missed you..” “You just saw me at work, Kento.” Giggling into his ear as his hands grabbed your breasts and made subtle squeezes. Even so, it had been a few hours too long since he’d felt you and that wouldn’t suffice. “And I thought about you all day long.” By this time, your bra had hit the floor and they were exposed to the crisp air radiating from the AC. That skin tight ensemble shuffled around your torso and your top half left completely nude. That’s when you’d feel his muscly arm hook around your waist and scoop you into his grasp, prompting you to place your arms on his neck so he could carry to the bedroom. The entire trek there was filled with sloppy, slow pecks..ones that continued as he laid you flat on the mattress, allowing your back to mesh with the cushy linen. Your limbs soon tangled into a heap of passion..touching, caressing and stroking one another’s flesh. Your fingertips lingering on the sides of his smoothly shaven, chiseled jawline whilst his own delicately toyed with your upper body. Running those digits along the curvature of your hips and waist, planting gentle kisses on the way down. But not before suckling on your nipples, just to watch your reaction.
“You always did like when I do that..”
“Yes, I love it..and I love you.”
taunting you with deviant glares and light chuckles as those lips trailed further south, eventually reaching your mound. Where he’d tear away those thin panty strings with his teeth and discard them..it was blatantly obvious that he wasn’t here to play around tonight. He wanted you, needed you even and desperately. It didn’t matter if you’d go back home to your sorry boyfriend afterwards or if you told him you loved him and didn’t mean it. Right now, his one true desire and wish was to please you.
“Yeah? Well I’m a man that believes in actions over words so I’ll be glad to prove just how much….I love you.”
and it was with that declaration, Kento dove head first between your slightly parted thighs. He’d pry them wide open on his way down, licking each one with a long, dredged glide until he reached that center. Which was already glistening with slick..just awaiting his touch. Whilst at work today, you couldn’t keep your mind off of him! His cologne, his attire..all of it was getting you hot and bothered. You wanted to snatch him up from his meeting and ride him to kingdom come, right there atop his desk. You even wore something extra revealing just to capture his attention and he’d certainly noticed because when you bent down to retrieve a pen, he’d run a hand up your leg and squeeze your asscheek lightly. It was the subtle flirtation throughout the day that made these steamy late night hookups all the more fun!
“Here, give me your hands, my love.” Giving you a tone of absolute reassurance that he’d take care of you. Clasping your fingers together as one, (y/n) kept those legs to either side and allowed him room to maneuver. Kento loved when you kept your heels on. It was something so sensual about the YSL heels and diamond anklet he gifted you, drudging across his back as he ate you out. He’d start with gentle kitten licks; getting his bearings before going full fledged. He’d part those fat little pussy lips his tongue, letting the tip graze your clit, which made you tremble. It didn’t take long before you’d hear the sound of slurping noises arise from his mouth. He’d snatch his left hand away for just a moment to pull them further apart and dive nose deep into that flesh. Before proceeding to let you clench it for comfort once more. He’d latch onto that swollen little bud and suck until that slick began to dribble down his chin. A sloppy, nasty mess of his saliva and your arousal mixing around in his mouth. He was absolutely enamored with pleasing you..it was his one and only priority, to ensure that you were satisfied. He’d stay down there, bobbing his head up and down until you began to convulse, attempting to push away but you’d only wind up grinding yourself against his face.
“Aaaah! Ken….I’m gonna come, baby..”
But to your dismay, he couldn’t allow that just yet. As much as he wanted to see you reach your ultimate bliss, he wasn’t coming up until he felt like it. Switching to a combination of fingers and lips, Kento would work your little cunt over until he felt that tight squeeze before tugging those digits out and placing them into your mouth. Hoping to pacify you for a moment. The quintessential give and take he was working towards drove you insane. “You taste so fucking good, my love. I can never get enough of you.” He’d resume his teasing, now with that thumb pad pressing to your clit and tracing tiny circles. He’d rotate it around until he felt you clamping down and that’s when he’d allow you to finally reach your peak.
the only word he’d utter before you wet him up with a stream of juices, that he’d happily drink. If that philandering asshole wasn’t man enough to appreciate you, he’d gladly take on the role! Still coming down from that climatic high, (y/n) trembled against the crisp white sheets, crying from the immense pleasure. He’d brush the side of your face whilst feeding you soft kisses to calm you down. Tasting yourself with slow pecks…moaning into your mouth. He was so infatuated with you, loving every moment that you got to spend together. In a quick, swift motion; his frame pressed gently against your own, Kento would lean up only by a hair’s breadth to ease inside of you, mumbling against your lips to stare into your eyes as he became one with you. “Look at me, baby. Look at me..”
Whispering softly with a sweet tone. He always made you feel so safe and secure when you made love. A lot more than what could be said for the man you laid next to every night. Kento eventually eased himself inside..tip and then carefully, inch by inch, you became one. Your back arching immediately.. “..oh God. Kent..take me, please.” Pleading with your arms and legs coiling his entire frame. Eventually, he’d feed you slow, deep strokes. Each one calculated and careful to ensure that you felt the pleasure you desperately deserved. After about five or so thrusts, he’d shift his head for your faces to meet. It was his favorite view in the entire world..staring at literal perfection whilst being inside what felt like heaven. “..you’re so warm..and tight, angel.” Admitting in a breathy huff, gritting his teeth and trying to maintain his composure. He couldn’t understand for the life of him why that fucking idiot would ever treat you less than that of a goddess, less known be unfaithful. Not when your pussy was this damn good..was he insane?! Regardless, Kento enjoyed his time wisely with you. “But you’ll let me stretch it out, won’t you? He pushed that idiot out of his mind and pressed his cock further between your spongy walls..even drumming up sloshing noises; your slick forming a thin membrane between his thighs. “Fuck…yes!—that dick feels so good.” Confessing in a soft whimper, crying from the intense pleasure. To which he’d quickly quell you..gliding a thumb underneath your eyes to wipe the tears away. Placing that thumb into your mouth shortly thereafter.. “..shh..it’s okay. Don’t cry. I know it’s a lot but you take me so well. You’re doing so good, baby. Just relax.” Praising you without so much as a second thought. It came naturally when you made him feel like a new man. Pressing a palm to your forehead, Kento glared into your eyes before shoving his tongue into your mouth for another kiss. Legs coiling his back as those hips rammed into your center. The collision of your flesh causes a recoil and clapping noises to fill the room. He could feel himself twitching and pulsating inside of that pussy..throbbing and waiting to burst..those feelings were like none other. And needless to say, your boss was loving every single, solitary second. Removing those shoes as he noticed the tension in your legs, Kento began to knead his fingers into your calves to ensure they didn’t cramp up from the constant motion. Your anklet dangling by his ear and his wristwatch refracting from the light whilst he rubbed on your feet.
“You’re so close..so am I, sweetheart. But I don’t want to come just yet. I still need to savor you a little while longer.”
blurting out the sentiment while gliding his lips over your ankle, toes and top of your foot. His tongue delicately glides over them, popping a couple into his mouth to suck on. If this man didn’t stop, you were going to be living in his fucking skin! But shortly after, you’d feel his already sluggish thrusts completely halt and that’s when he’d pull out. Prompting you to turn over and arch your back. That plump ass was no joke either but if he took one more glance at that gorgeous face, nothing would’ve stopped him from nutting all in that pussy. This way, he had a tad bit more control. Once you were on all fours, arms underneath your head, he’d tease that throbbing cock against your folds before gliding it back in. Causing you to grip the sheets on instinct. Your face remained buried in the pillowy mattress top when those thrusts resumed. It took only mere seconds to regather his bearings but once he had his pace back, he’d continue fucking you senseless..thrashing you around and watching that ass jiggle with each movement. “G-ahh! Fuck…your body is so beautiful. I can stare at it forever.” Doting on you with that dick nestled deep between your folds. Keeping his palm pressed to the small of your back and ever so gently, slipping his thumb in between our cheeks; eventually pressing into that other aching hole. “God and you’re such a mess..so fucking wet. I won’t be able to hold out much longer.” Layers of silky cream began to form all over that shaft. He couldn’t take much more but he’d persist a bit longer; playing the long game to ensure that you were more than satisfied. Clawing into the crisp linen, (y/n) rolled your hips and threw your ass back against him, meeting each of those strokes. “Oooh shit..you’re fucking me so good, daddy. Thank you so much.” Crying out through sucked teeth and trembling lips. Just then, his tempo faltered just a bit from hearing your words. Especially at being called such a name.
“Mmph..don’t tell me that, sweetheart. I might not ever let you leave.”
suddenly, you’d feel a light grasp on your throat and your head tug back before the warmth of his breath cast over your ear. “I mean, you’re mine after all…this pussy, this beautiful body..your heart. It all belongs to me. I don’t care about him..you’re mine. Daddy’s the only one you need.”
reaffirming both you and himself as he sped up momentarily, just enough to bring you right to the edge. It was almost as if his strokes were calculated. Intricately maneuvering inside of you to prod at your spot but not press too hard in hopes of inducing an orgasm. He could hear you whimpering and even asking him for permission to come. “Shh..not yet, not yet.” But he had to wait for the right moment to allow it. And it would seem that the ideal timing would arrive when you heard the faint buzzing of a phone..your eyes were squeezed shut and your face was once again planted in the mattress; completely unaware of what was about to transpire. Hearing a soft chuckle emit from Kento, you didn’t even have time to process what was going on when you felt a hand coiling your hair and pulling your head up.
“But I think now is as good of a time as any..” with you right on the brink of climatic collapse, he’d continue pounding at an almost drill-like speed, imploring you to let go any time you felt like it. To which you didn’t disappoint!..those sheets instantly flooded with your stream of juices. You’d find yourself quivering and convulsing uncontrollably after holding back for so long. “OH MY GOD!—FUCK!” Screaming out in pure bliss, even whimpering as if you had been completely broken. You couldn’t even contain yourself; it was so immensely powerful. But alas, that moment of ecstasy would soon be coupled by the satisfaction of revenge when you’d hear the faint crackling of a secondary voice, yelling and cursing..one that was rather familiar, with a mortified face to match! Having just come to the realization of what your lover was up to, you’d peer down underneath you and see your phone illuminated and in the midst of a phone call. You’d reach for it and attempt to answer but to no avail…it was too late to cover up your tracks. “Satoru! What is it?—“ However, that wasn’t all…you could see a small box in the corner with a photo of your own reflection..but on the main screen?
“Where the fuck are you, (y/n)?! What are you doing?!”
was your very irate and unhappy ‘boyfriend’ Satoru, who had just possibly witnessed something no man would ever want to: his lady getting off at another man’s hands. More so specifically, one he knew personally. But there was no love lost or friendship between the two of them, considering the pain that he had caused you beforehand. So it came as no surprise that Kento was going to take much pride in answering his questions. Cupping you by your throat once more, he’d twist your head around to plant a kiss atop your temple.
“For God sakes, Satoru. Stop yelling. She’s exactly where she should be..with me, where she belongs.”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :── ・ 。゚☆: *.
@udontknowmegotit @ajii-i @mitsuyasblackwifey @spaceforher @pluto4444 @queendijaaaa @kiiikixo @soanis @23victoria @bleach-your-panties @thabiddie23 @pharaohanubis0 @lunerenzo @prettypink-princesss @buttercupmuffins @iluvmeomm @jujutsualy @poppis-playhouse @nieceeee
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bruh-myguy-what · 2 months
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Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader Requested by: @baddest-batchers Warnings: Massive fluff, I think I actually cried writing this?, I've not been handling the season finale well because I miss Tech a considerable amount, pining for reader from Tech's perspective, a lot of adorable emotions from our usually pragmatic boy Word Count: 2K Summary: While fixing the Marauder with you, Tech reflects on his feelings and he's completely enamored by you. A/N: I'm not handling Tech's death well. Whether it's his death or his just being CX-2, I don't really care, I miss him so desperately and this fic healed so many parts of my heart even though I actually wept while writing. I love that you requested this, friend! I hope it's exactly what you were looking for (or at least close!) and I absolutely agree, this was indeed a Tech prompt. All of these requests have been so wonderful and I cannot express how much it means that people like my writing enough to send in requests! Thanks guys!
Requests are open if you have anything you'd like to send in!
It was an ordinary affair for you and Tech to work on the repairs for the Marauder simultaneously. There were consistent restorations that needed to be made and things to be updated, so having another experienced individual helped jog said matters along. Though the clone was hesitant at first, after months of rapport building, he was grateful.
Not only was he finding himself appreciative for the extra set of hands, but Tech discovered that he was quite enjoying your company. You were clever, agreeable, and understanding, along with that you seemed to always find his endless wealth of knowledge pleasant. The accurate way you managed the repairs of his ship, first by managing his hesitancy well and then demonstrating consideration for his methods before ever handling something he cared so much about, really surprised him. Your approach to his usually off-putting demeanor was a welcomed change in his life and the way you subtly encouraged him appeared to warm his heart in a way he hadn't previously encountered.
He'd found that his eyes lingered on you from afar longer than he realized, only noticing that he'd been staring when you'd look over and smile at him sweetly. The light in your eyes, whenever you'd smile at him, twinkled so effortlessly, almost as if there had been stars placed directly behind them solely to enchant him.
It was as if you were another creature entirely, one he'd never analyzed, one he knew nothing about- because everything you did fascinated him. All the ways in which you carried yourself, laughed with his brothers, tended to Omega, your wit, the charm you retained...it all was remarkable to him. He began to notice himself craving your attention. Tech dreamed of you laughing for him, smiling at him, every moment he was awake you invaded his thoughts.
So to have you crouched down beneath the hull of the Marauder, handing him parts and tools for repairs made him impossibly delighted. This was a life he could get used to, for a long time. The ability to bond with you- and only you- in this way for the rest of his short life, he would fight for it, no matter the threat. If this was what life could be for him after he and his brothers no longer needed to fight, he would be far and beyond content. He'd feel whole.
"The spanner now, please," Tech's smooth tone echoed back to him from off the metal hull.
Taking a moment to grab the tool, you placed it squarely in his hand, "Of course." Your voice was sweet as ever to his ears, the sensation of your fingers grazing his gloved palm sending tides of bliss to his heart. How he desired to remove his gloves to truly discern how your hand might feel in his. Odd thought, he knew, though nevertheless one he often had run through his mind. Other equivalent ones situated themselves among his standard reflections; such as how your cheeks might feel cradled in his palm, or how your eyes might sparkle even more at his displays of affection toward you.
These introspective ideas were not ones he had been programmed with, he understood that very well, but then again wasn't that the whole point of him and his brothers? They weren't droids. Even with protocol and planned executions, wasn't the beautiful part of having your own identity the potential for...emotion? Sentiments?
The brilliant clone pondered these notions for many hours during hyperspace travels, staring endlessly into the streaking atmosphere while everyone else lay in their bunks asleep. Upon his further analysis and pensive state, he conceded that he did, indeed, love you. Even though he expected it to never be possible, for him anyhow, it clearly was. And there it was, staring up at him with stunning eyes and an adorable smile- all wrapped up in one woman who waited for further instruction to aid his work.
"Whatcha smiling at, silly?" A giggle brought him out of his reverie and he cleared his throat, handing the spanner back to you while muttering a quick 'my apologies'. "It's no big deal, you know I don't mind," another soft chuckle at his sudden behavior change. "Just curious what has you in such a good mood lately. You never smile this much- not that I'm complaining, of course. You look happy and I like that, it suits you." The smile he watched spread across your lips brightened your eyes so preciously that Tech felt as if his heart were going to lock up. You were absolutely breathtaking in the setting sunlight, the warm glow radiating your beauty.
It wasn't too long after your comment that he acknowledged he'd been staring once again. Tech blinked a few times, regaining his composure- sure to remember the planet's rotation cycle so he could bring you out into the setting sun one more time before leaving so he could truly memorize the way you looked in such a spectacular site. "I suppose it would be an alarming circumstance to see my sudden change in attitude if you are accustomed to my rather pragmatic and steadfast manner." He spoke slowly, trying to gauge his words carefully, looking back up at the repairs he was currently working on.
To say he was usually practical was an understatement and even he knew that, but he continued nevertheless- "Screwdriver, please."
A quick hum in reply from you and the tool was now in his hand, his heart buzzing at your lingering touch, making certain he had hold of the screwdriver before pulling away. "Though," Tech found himself speaking before he realized, hesitating after the word left his mouth.
Should he continue? Would you be uneasy at any admission of his affection, or even just simple favor, toward you?
He found himself suddenly apprehensive at the possibility that he could ruin the favorable conditions he'd found for himself with you. But with your reassuring voice, you spoke his worrying thoughts away, "though, what? Got too many thoughts running around that extraordinary mind of yours to just pick one?" The pleasantness in your prodding had a warm smile of his own spreading across his lips now while he worked against a stubborn bolt.
"Only a few at this very moment, so it would appear, mesh'la." Tech's reply was soft, soft enough that he thought only he'd heard himself until you stood beside him now. He glanced to see your head tilted with ever lovely, inquisitive eyes prompting him to continue his outspoken thought. Realigning his eyes to the bolt, Tech licked his lips anxiously, "Ah, I must have spoken aloud without realizing." He clarified softly, a burning sensation rising to his cheeks.
"Well now you gotta continue," you teased with a smile, "It's not every day that your genius mind only has a few thoughts in it to speak of."
Tech knew he was skating near a precarious edge, but the more you gazed at him expectantly, the less he cared and only desired for you to continue your total obliteration of his typical sensible behaviors. Taking a deep breath, the enhanced clone steadied himself before expressing, "At present, I have found that my foremost thoughts are exclusively about you. During the maturing of our relationship these last few months, it would seem that less and less of my thoughts are as constructive as they had been prior to our closeness, as troubling as that may sound." At your silence, Tech chanced lowering his arms to stand before you unimpeded by work, attention entirely yours.
The rise of your brows and the slight part in your lips made his heart thud painfully against his chest. Though, he noticed the sparkle in your eyes hadn't dissipated, perhaps he wasn't ruining anything as he thought he had been. "I am mindful that it may come across as peculiar, or eccentric, for me to have said that," Tech began cautiously, calculating your evolving expression. "Nevertheless, it is the truth. I...find you to be the most compelling woman that I have personally had the fortune of knowing. You are quite literally the only part of my life that I find myself frequently enchanted by." As he spoke, Tech found it easier to alleviate himself of the mountain of praises he'd been repeatedly considering when in your presence. He discovered he could continue voicing your worth, just as he could gaze at your beautiful face for an indefinable amount of time if only you'd allow him.
In the face of your silence, Tech cleared his throat once again to calm himself of his growing concern. "Though I'm aware of my capacity to express thoughts without stopping, I must say that your added input on this matter would prevent the inclination of my elevating heart rate."
"Tech..." The way his name left your lips did the contrary of what he had just requested, scrambling his heart rate instead. Tenderness touched the curve of your lips as you stepped forward close to him, directly into the space he usually reserved for only himself until he saw how much more exquisite you were when he had the opportunity to look down at you. This close he could see every mark, every small scar, the way the color of your eyes shifted as they glanced back and forth around his face.
"Stars," he breathed, "you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, mesh'la..." Tech muttered to himself in wonderment. As if no barrier had ever existed between you, Tech reached out to caress your face, marveling at how you reacted by pressing your cheek further into his touch. "If you were to provide me the honor of showing you my devotion, I would be certain to surpass any expectations you may put forth." Spellbound by the intimacy he'd found himself in with you, Tech longed for more. He yearned to feel the softness of your cheek on his skin, not through his filthy gloves. The way you deserved to be admired was wholly and profoundly, without any impediments. As his eyes danced between yours and the way your smile began to fade, Tech brushed his thumb along your cheek, cursing his GAR regulation blacks. You'd hardly said a word other than the sweet whisper of his name before you approached him, and even if this instance was all he'd ever receive from you, he'd relive the memory a hundred times over. Though he worried he'd said too much again.
Or maybe you were as entranced as he was, presently. "My dear, I don't mean to ruin this moment, however, I-" and before he could finish speaking you'd surged upward toward him, pressing your lips against his.
Astonishment rushed through the normally sharp clone as he felt the weight of your body pressed against his chest plate. After only a moment, though, Tech reacted- refusing to squander his opportunity to kiss you as he had dreamt many times over.
Wrapping his arms around your smaller figure, one hand came to rest between your shoulders and the other cradled your head affectionately, holding you as close as he could possibly have you. The plush of your lips brushed so flawlessly against his as he admired the softness they possessed. Tech knew upon impact that he would never tire of this, of the ability to hold you as he was, nor his newfound gift to kiss you.
You pulled away all too soon for his liking, the sigh escaping his lips sounding as pathetic to him as he was sure it sounded to you. Your smile was even more gorgeous than he'd seen it yet, though he was sure it was due to the recent discovery of just how incredible your smile tasted against his lips. Tech debated whether he should move at all for fear of you slipping away even sooner, but relented to adjust his goggles, matching your smile. "I believe that is a sufficient response to my yet posed question."
With yet another unpredictable act, you cuddled closer into his space, folding your arms in between your chest and his, and tucked your face into his neck. "I'll be happy to answer any others you may have with the same reply, whenever you need, handsome." You replied with a soft laugh.
Encompassing you once again within his embrace, Tech felt his cheeks warming, noting how the sun had disappeared beneath the horizon and he knew couldn't blame that for his reddened face. His breathy chuckle rumbled against his chest plate, "I shall keep that at the forefront of my thoughts."
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zablife · 9 months
Disrupting Tommy's Work Day
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A/N: A quick, smutty blurb inspired by this GIF by the very talented @alicent-targaryen. 🔞
"Mr. Shelby? Mr. Shelby?" the voice on the end of the line echoed. "Are you listening?"
Tommy cleared his throat as he stared down at his shoes. "I am, please continue."
"As I was saying..." the voice droned on unimpressively as you reached up from your place below Tommy's desk. He looked heavenly like this from your kneeling position, the chain of his pocket watch catching the light and reflecting back down to you in little winks. "Do it, do it," it beckoned like a siren song as he swayed on the balls of his feet. Unable to control yourself any longer, you began stroking over the soft fabric of his bespoke trousers, your mouth dropping open in appreciation of the way he was hardening under your touch. You watched the delicate material tent nicely, hoping he would soon find it unbearable to stay clothed. You bit your lip as you looked up at your lover, a hint of mischief in your eye as your nimble fingers reached for the fastening of his belt.
Tommy's icy blue eyes gave you a warning glare, his stern gaze full of fury. However, you had no intention of playing fairly today. He'd kept you waiting too long with promises to set the affairs of Parliament aside. You could have cared less if Churchill himself were on the line, you wanted Tommy and you would have him. Within moments you'd freed him from his confines and you were holding his cock like a prize, his thick length pulsing in your hand as you salivated at the sight of it.
Your tongue had barely swiped the first drops of precum from his angry red tip before you felt his strong hand lacing into your hair and pulling you back harshly. Your opposite hand flew to his, full lips in a pout as you batted your lashes at him. How dare he deprive you one more moment, you thought?
Then with a devilish smirk, Tommy gave in, nudging you backward and trapping you between his thigh and the desk. He plunged his full length down your throat in one harsh push, hips pressed forward and hand resting firmly on your shoulder as you whimpered. You struggled for breath at the base of his cock, nose pressed against the soft curls of his pubic hair, feeling the wetness gather between your thighs as you were rewarded with what you desired most. He held you there until your lungs burned, desperately tapping his thigh. A chuckle rose from his throat as he released you, commenting to the man on the other end, "I am in good spirits today. Thank you for asking."
As you heaved for breath, Tommy grabbed your chin harshly, wiping a string of saliva across your cheek and smearing your lipstick while you smirked back at him, understanding his game. He wanted this, wanted you to continue your perverted pleasure. He leaned down, tearing your dress from your shoulders to expose your breasts and you continued on licking and sucking at him greedily as he grasped the edge of the desk for support.
When his own breathing became labored he ended his call, slamming the receiver into its cradle as he grabbed for your elbow to pull you up. "What the fuck was that, ey?" he asked. Pinching your nipple so hard you gasped into his mouth, "I couldn't wait any longer."
"That was naughty," he scolded. "Do you know who I was talking to?"
"No and I don't fucking care," you spat at him in a bratty tone.
Tommy's eyes flashed with anger and desire melded into one dangerous impulse. "We'll see about that after I've punished you," he hissed into your ear as he turned you to face the desk. You shuddered as you felt him jerk your skirt up over your bare ass, listening to him pump his shaft behind you. When he was this worked up, only one thing could satiate him. You smirked as he pressed your cheek to the cool, wooden desk, pleased you were finally getting the attention you deserved.
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kaznejis · 1 year
Public display- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part 1 - Public Affair 
Word Count- 6012
A/N- The support for Part 1 was honestly overwhelming- I did have initial plans for a part 2 though did not expect that many people to be interested! From me to you, enjoy this sequel packed with angst, fluff and action. Thank you ;) 
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Monaco, six months earlier. 
“Records state that our friend over at Hydra owns this hotel,” Natasha mumbled beside you, her head bowed low and red-waves loose beneath a wide sun hat; complimented by a long, strapless designer dress, as commissioned by Tony. The two of you were the staple of the average residents of Monte Carlo, having essentially raided every designer outlet in the area. High-end cars rumbled throughout the street as heiress after heiress graced the steps of the grand hotel before you. 
“I’m pretty sure he also owns three other hotels on this stretch.” you snorted, Squinting up at the large, stained-glass windows of the hotel; the click of heeled boots and the spray of dancing water created a mirage of noise around you. The area was the opitimy of money; whilst you had flown in on a private jet- once again, courtesy of Tony- you felt like a fraud, your disguise almost see-through to the ancient, traditional blood of manicures and snobbery surrounding you. 
“We suspect he’s funded the majority of the Hydra operations that have been appearing over the last couple of years,” Steve grumbled over the comms, the pant of his breath evident as he paused to speak, “If we can take him down- Hydra will have lost their biggest investor.” 
“It’s not an end to an all, but it’s definitely something,” Natasha replied; her voice a constant mumble beside you, ever playing the role of an undercover spy perfectly. Natasha remained the constant, solid force in missions; always watching your back, always giving her all. You found yourself constantly following her footsteps in more circumstances than one. Looking to her for guidance. 
“Me and Steve are nearing the South entrance,” Bucky’s voice rumbled through the comms, your other guiding force entering the picture. Bucky’s strength and resilience and love tended to bleed into you, etching your soul and adding even the slightest element of care to every move you make. Every punch, every throw, every beating- Bucky was ever prevalent in your mind. He had gripped your hands and face and waist in the privacy of the back of Tony’s jet- inhaling your scent and ingraining it into his memory as he had told you to be strong, be safe, be vigilant. Adoring, you had stared up at him; cradled his metal hand and nodded along- forcing him to vow that he would do the same as he implored you to do, “Everybody stick to the original plan- Y/N and Nat; you can advance to the front desk.” 
Moving instantly, the two of you began to climb the steps to the entrance; feigning the image of two friends chattering, enjoying their holiday or returning from an early lunch. It didn’t matter what image you could create, as long as it was believed. Upon reaching the entrance, the doormen smiled at you, bowing graciously as they presented the open doors of the hotel’s entrance. 
“Easily done,” You gritted out behind a grin, bowing your head thankfully towards the men, “Go to the reception and get as much intel as you can; I’m going up to the penthouse.” 
“Y/N, are you sure?” Natasha turned to you then, her own saccharine smile gracing her features though her eyes remained down-turned with worry, “We can skip the intel and go together, take him down fast.” 
Vehemently, you shook your head, grasping her hand and pleading with your eyes, “We need that proof Nat, without records we’ll have nothing but a suspicious murder to show for this mission- we need to know what the income for this place is being turned over towards.” 
Natasha nodded reluctantly, “Be careful, okay?” her eyes closed for a moment as she allowed herself a breath before she departed from you, not allowing a second look as she strutted towards the desk where an unknowing, young male attendant awaited her. The perfect target. You set off towards the hotel’s corridors instantly, signs displaying a large quantity of numbers and different suite types directed the way as you explored the quiet corridors; the click of your heels the only sound present. 
As you turned a corner on the second floor; two familiar figures jogged from the other end of the hallway. Smirking, you bowed your head- your own sunhat creating a guise over your features as you headed towards them. “Miss, miss?” Steve panted, slowing as him and Bucky reached you, “We recommend that you vacate this hallway there is a-” 
You raised your head then, an eyebrow raised as you revealed yourself to the two, “Am I really that unrecognisable?” 
As Steve stuttered, Bucky smirked as he approached your side- wrapping the metal arm around your waist and planting a kiss at the side of your face, to which Steve rolled his eyes and turned away, “Of course not Doll- Steve’s just in ‘Cap Mode’” 
“Speaking of which.” Steve raised an eyebrow, moving to continue his pursuit. 
“Of course,” Bucky mused, beginning to depart only to return to your side and lean towards your ear, “That dress looks amazing on you by the way, Doll.” He replicated your initial smirk, jogging backwards and throwing you a wink before turning to follow behind Steve- who had already disappeared around the hallways corner. You continued on your own departure then, affording him a final smile before continuing your climb towards the penthouse. 
One foot in front of the other, over and over as you trailed the extensive halls of the hotel. 
For the room regularly occupied as a safe house for one of Hydra’s most powerful assailants, the lock was surprisingly easy to crack. The twist of a hairpin and the slightest pressure did the job- the lock clicking as the door swayed, its brass hinges squeaking abrasively, the sound loud and grating in the silence of the hallway. 
“I’m entering the lair,” you whispered into comms, loud enough for it to be heard throughout the ear pieces though quiet enough to deter detection from outside sources. A quick scan of the room told you that it was empty, though recently occupied- half-drank bottles of alcohol and cigarette stumps littered the table, complemented by the clothes strewn across the floor, “Give me five minutes.” 
“Be careful, Y/N,” Steve replied, “Nat’s got the intel, we’re a few blocks from the hotel and all civilians have been cleared from the nearby areas. Tony has got eyes on the penthouse from above- see you in five.” 
Double clicking the button attached to your ear piece- you affirmed that you had heard Steve’s words; silently confirming the start of your undercover exercise. Bypassing the mess within the entrance- you turned instantly to left; the plans that you had covered extensively highlighted that the office was to the left; gather evidence, wait for the suspect, kill the suspect, escape. It was a simple plan with simple steps- an exercise you’d done countless times, you could practically do this with your eyes closed. 
The gathering of evidence was the easiest step- a range of highly confidential material lay open across the large mahogany desk within the office; letters, invoices, even bills for the hotel itself. Within no time you had snapped pictures of the most interesting aspects, though not before a piece of paper caught your eye. It was at the corner of the large pile of letters; sticking out almost intentionally, as if asking to be found. Pulling it from the pile, your heart dropped instantly as the words before you became clear. 
The Avengers, America’s greatest heroes, have finally turned to you as their target. Their plan will be ever-predictable; the one feeling the most boisterous and courageous will most likely volunteer themselves to be sent up to your penthouse during one of your annual stays as the others split off into teams. A strategy that would work, if you didn’t have my intel on your side. Ensure that the area is cleared and that the evidence is obvious. Make it too easy for them. 
I hope you will repay me for the assistance. 
It was a trap. It had all been a trap, and you had fallen directly into it. 
“Were you never taught not to snoop through someone else’s belongings?” A gruff voice sounded behind you, the click of a gun’s safety being turned off immediately following. 
“What is this?” you gritted out, hands raised beside your head as you stared determinedly at the desk, “Who did this?” 
“That’s none of your business, Sweetheart,” the man spoke, his tone laced with confidence, “Now- let’s do this the easy way, shall we? You’re going to come with me, tell me a little bit about this whole operation of yours and then we kill you. Understand?” 
You turned then, hands still raised in the air as you refused to show any signs of fear towards the man- he stumbled slightly at your movement, the gun in his hand wavering as he was shocked at your own confidence as you looked the man directly in the eye; face impassive as ever. “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.” You gave the man no time to think as you immediately fell to your knees, rolling in between the man’s legs and slicing a cut into his thigh with the knife concealed into the thin sleeves of your dress, “All I can tell you about this operation, is that I’m here to kill you.” 
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” The man turned instantly, firing two shots towards your legs; the sound of the bullets deafening at such close range- your trained, meticulous instincts only allowing you a split second to roll away- the momentum allowing you to unholster a gun at your thigh-holster. You stood instantly, the gun poised precisely between your hands as you aimed it at him. You clicked off the safety, aiming the gun and- 
“Doll? Doll, were those gunshots you?” Bucky’s voice sounded through the comms, his voice tinged with worry- the plan had been to execute a clean, quiet kill; knife, poison, brute force. A gunshot did not come under the category of clean, quiet kill, setting off the alarms instantly, “Doll, we’re coming up there please answer me, please let-” 
The falter you had offered at the sound of Bucky’s voice caused you to pause for too long, within no time the man had bowled into you, slamming your back into the wall and ripping the earpiece from your ear, dropping it to the ground and instantly crushing it beneath his boot. Shit. 
“Now, we’re not going to do anymore playing around,” He growled into your face, his breath hot with anger against your cheeks and his arm barring you against the wall as you squirmed, “No more secret weapons, no more dancing around.” As he spoke, an entourage of armed men entered the room, an array of red pointers displayed against your chest. As the men entered, an explosion sounded nearby. 
Tony, they had taken Tony down. The Iron Man had survived worse, of course- but there was little the team would be able to do for you now. You were grossly outnumbered. As panic began to numb your senses; the worry clouding your eyesight- the butt of a gun connected with your forehead; effectively knocking you out. 
Three days, three days you were locked up in that basement. Another safe house, another dingy and dilapidated building occupied by the Hydra informants. Blood had dripped into your eyes as you hung from the wall- arms encased by chains and your lifeline hanging by a thread. 
“Your little boyfriend isn’t coming to save you.” They had spat, phlegm splattering against your cheeks as they had laughed- laughed at the so-called ‘Avenger’ that they had tricked so easily. You hadn’t blamed them- you had felt foolish, like the naive child you had once been; too excited by a chance at finery, revenge. Vengeance for Bucky and Steve. It was only in the darkness of what could’ve been night, as evidenced by the lack of torture you were given during those hours, that you allowed yourself to cry. Cursing yourself and your stupidity. 
You had wanted nothing but Bucky in those moments. Nothing but the intertwine of your legs under cold sheets and the tickle of his stubble against your skin; the giggles that it would garner from you as you begged him to stop. Every moment, every breath was spent thinking of Bucky. It was only when the sound of gunfire and a door crashing above you sounded that you felt like yourself again- the sound of familiar boots against the stone floor and the harsh grip against your face, the look in Bucky’s eyes as you had looked back at him- the relief crumpling his face as he sobbed, his grip on your face never loosening. 
Something changed then, between the two of you. It became real, the knot forming between you solidifying. It felt like forever. 
New York, Present day
“You kids really do think that I just have an unlimited sum of money, huh?” Tony mused from the kitchen counter, stirring himself a cup of coffee early in the morning, “I just held a huge charity gala, which was a success by the way, no thanks to you two.” 
“That’s because you do, Tony,” You gritted out, your fists clenched beneath the dining table, anger and determination fuelling you, “I need you to host a press conference, I need-” Bucky gripped your clenched fist beneath the table, uncurling it and intertwining his fingers with yours, his gaze sincere as he nodded comfortingly, you took a deep breath, “She tried to ruin our lives, Tony. We need to expose her, we need to do something.” 
Tony sighed, pausing midway as he raised the cup to his mouth, his gaze mirroring Bucky’s as he watched you from across the room, “Fine, kid. I’ll book you a room, reach out to a couple of my contacts. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you,” You nodded, your eyes teary as you smiled at Tony before turning to Bucky; his gaze remaining a solid force as he watched over you, continuing to grip your hand. 
“It’s gonna go fine, Doll,” He assured, dragging your hand with him as he moved to settle back in his seat. He was almost a mirror of that night in the kitchen- all sleep-tousled hair and his crumpled pyjama shirt; the evidence of the lines of a pillow still prevalent within his cheeks. The two of you had spent every second together since your conversation in that hallway, and the night that followed. His gaze a constant presence beside you as you worked out what to do, how to garner adequate revenge against those that had wronged you. 
The presence of those days in Monaco had always lingered at the back of your mind, and you assumed Bucky’s too. Whilst the team had managed to take out the army of men within the safe house you had been held captive at; your initial attacker, the Hydra informant- had escaped.
The reveal of a potential informant within the Avengers too shook the team- many outside of the Avengers itself refused to believe you, refused to take it further and potentially expose one of their own; one of the people that they worked alongside every day. 
You couldn’t blame them- though the failure to reach justice left you feeling empty, wronged. You had survived days of torture- only to be saved, returned and expected to let everything go back to normal. To scrub the blood from beneath your fingernails and climb the quinjet, onto the next operation. The events of the PR relationship and the lies that unfolded caused these thoughts to re-emerge; thoughts that had been submerged by training in the gym and the crinkles beside Bucky’s eyes. 
You felt like a pawn- a chess piece in the game of the rich and powerful. Orchestrated and trained to be used. 
During the days leading up to the conference, Bucky was a constant presence beside you- a hand on your back, fingers intertwined, a kiss to the side of your hair- it was almost like he was afraid to let go, afraid that the relationship posed before the public eye was all too real; that it truly had meant something. Despite it meaning nothing.
You had told him as such, a hand smoothing back his hair as you sat cross-legged on your bed, “The whole time I was thinking of you.” You had smiled, your cheeks warming as he cocked his head to the side, a chuffing sound escaping from his mouth as he allowed himself to breathe. 
“Me too, Doll,” He pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he inhaled your scent, his face pressed to your hair, “I’m sorry everything got so twisted-”
“No, no. It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Doll,”  He smiled sadly, those beautiful crinkles at the side of his eyes forming, “I should’ve known, I’ve run into a number of problems with those public representations executives- I should’ve known.” He nodded as he spoke, wholly convinced that this was his doing, not theirs. 
“I promise you, Buck. This wasn’t your fault and I will assure you of that until the day I die,” You vowed, your voice harsh with the iron-clad anger within, “But before I can show you- we have to take them down.” 
“I’ll be there, Doll, right behind you on that stage. If you need me to step in I will. I will be there.” 
Words wouldn’t have sufficiently amounted to display your awe of him, your love, the way you wanted him by your side forever- so, with your hands on his cheeks, you pulled him in- pressing your lips to his and pouring every words that you had never said to him into the kiss; smiling against his lips as he reciprocated, brushing a hand to the back of your neck and gripping- pulling you into his lap as you laughed into his mouth, lips never departing. 
In a way, that moment of reprieve; of love, prepared you for what was to come. 
The constant static of the Avengers tower surrounded you and raised the ends of your hair as you traipsed the hallway- the day of the conference. Your speech was written and had been studied meticulously, your words at their harshest- inflicting every cruel feeling that had been inflicted upon you, not just in the past week but during your time in the Avengers. The ever-watchful eyes, the unwanted criticisms, the ignorance and the altruism regarding yourself as a living, breathing human being. 
The people had never truly cared, they never would. But exposing their malice and manipulation would provide you with the revenge you deserved. The revenge you all deserved. 
The sound of heels clicking hastily caused you to pause, halting in your tracks as the footsteps were aimed purposefully in your direction, though before you could turn and face the intruder, a shrill voice sounded, “So, this is your big plan, huh?” Sophia, her once bouncy curls now reduced to an unruly hairstyle as she had evidently not stopped to allow the time for a meticulous hair routine that morning- her own actions were catching up already, even without the extent of her crimes being exposed, “Expose me?” She continued, reaching you finally as she waved her hands in her face- her nails raw, bitten down to their nail beds, “I was doing what was best for you-”
“You almost ruined my life!” You snapped, hair flying as you swung around to glare right back at her- your tone severe as you advanced, “I almost lost the love of my life because of your lies. And for what? A bit of money, fame.”
“You could do so much more, Y/N” Sophia shook her head, tone condescending but almost sympathetic as she widened her eyes at you, “You could be the biggest celebrity on the planet- we almost got there but you had to ‘fall in love’ with that-”
“Don’t even go there, Sophia.” You shook your head before repeating yourself, “You almost ruined my life- so I’m hitting the nail in the coffin for yours. What was it you said, me going public with Bucky would be ‘career suicide’?” 
“You’re going to regret this, Y/N.” She yelled after you, a cliche statement- though out of character for a simple representative like Sophia. The statement caused you to pause upon turning the corner towards the conference room- check the stability of the gun beneath your shirt and the knife stored in the boot of your shoe. 
“What’s up, Doll?” Bucky’s voice called from beside the door to the conference room- leaning up against the wall, one leg cocked before him as he stood in a full embellished suit and tie. Grinning, you shook your head, stopping in front of him to adjust his tie and smooth back his hair, “It’s gonna go great,” He nodded, his head tilting as he followed your ministrations against him, “You’re gonna take those bastards down, yeah?”
Nodding, you continued to grin at him, standing back to appraise his figure, “It’s going to go great.” You affirmed, accepting his hand as he led you towards the door. 
“Everyone’s here, a little scattered around but I’m sure you’ll get a chance to see everyone afterwards,” Bucky pushed the large doors as he spoke, the grip on your hand moving to lay on your back as he pushed you into the room. Cameras instantly begun to flash in your face, Tony’s influence already attracting the attention of the press as they yelled questions at you and demanded answers, “Everything will be answered shortly,” Bucky nodded at each individual absently, leading you through the crowd towards the selection of seating occupied by a number of Avengers. 
Wanda instantly vacated her seat and jogged to you, as much as her heels could allow, pulling you into a comforting embrace as she effectively stole you from Bucky, “You’ve got this Y/N,” she pulled back to grip your shoulders, squeezing as her bright eyes shone towards you, “Bring them down.” 
“Thank you, Wanda,” you smiled, turning to the rest of the group you watched as each member gave their own affirmations, the love you felt almost overpowering as you smiled and nodded tearfully at each Avenger- exchanging hugs and touches as each person moved to reassure you. As always, Bucky remained an ever-present figure within your peripheral- standing to the side and allowing you your moment as you made your way through each Avenger. 
Eventually, once the tears and the laughter had sufficed, you turned to Bucky. 
“Good luck,” He smiled, his eyes glazed over and gaze piercing in that way it always was as he stared down at you- a hand moving to brush the hair from your forehead and the tear tracks from your cheeks as he gave his final blessing. With one final nod, you turned- climbing the steps towards the raised platform as you took in the sheer amount of people present within the room. Not only had the entire Avengers team arrived, but the majority of Stark’s Enterprise itself had too, alongside a swarm of reporters each carrying their own equipment and abrasive opinions. Sophia sat in the very front and centre- her gaze severe as she glared up at you, awaiting her own demise and preparing an escape as a bag lay secured and ready to grab beside her chair. You could only nod at her, maturity remaining the bargaining factor as you reached the microphone, cleared your throat and arranged the papers before you. 
Bucky smiled up at you, an encouraging nod all you needed to begin. 
“I’d like to begin by thanking you all for coming today. I would like to recognise that this conference may be detrimental to many though it is necessary. Necessary for the so-called progression of the Avengers that you all vouch for, yet fail to accomplish,” taking a moment to pause, you surveyed the crowd- each member stunned into awaiting silence as they stared up at you, your next move a vital one, “During my experience within the Avengers- my accomplishments have been diminished to nothing but monetary value and publicity. I didn’t join the Avengers to be moulded into this, this object that you can flaunt at my expense. These feelings came to ahead when I was recently involved in a PR public relationship,” a sudden entourage of camera flashes begun, this is what they had been waiting for, “My relationship with John Walker was entirely organised by the Avengers’ Public Representations Department- my role as an idol to many young people was reduced to the latest on the front page of hundreds of tabloids.”
You turned then, a projector lowering behind you as you grabbed its remote, “I would like to present you with evidence of falsified documents within this department- majorly regarding my own real relationship with,” you paused, turning your gaze to Bucky, he nodded, “fellow Avenger, James Barnes.” 
Gasps could be heard throughout the room as an uproar instantly began at the sound of Bucky’s names- questions, shouts or simply looks of shock were directed your way as you stared stone-faced into the crowd. To the side, Bucky was grinning- head-bowed and chuckling as the Avengers surrounding him held their own grins. Finally.
As the uproar died down at your own lack of response, you clicked the button on your remote- displaying a picture of the document Bucky had been forced to sign with a side-by-side comparison of the one you had signed. Refusal stilled you, refusal to look back and see the contract that had almost destroyed your relationship- tied chains around the sincere love you felt and locked you in place, on display to the ever watchful eyes of the public.  
Instead, you continued to watch the audience- see their own individual reactions as the lives of those around them came crashing down. Your eyes turned to Sophia then, still seated and cross-legged in front and centre. You expected her eyes to be shining, regret spoiling her features as she would attempt to make an escape from the room, bag clutched and unruly hair flying as she would flee. 
Her face held a different tune. 
She was grinning, her pearly-teeth shining as her eyes flickered between you and the screen- her cheeks twitched as if she was holding in a laugh. Her reaction led you to turn to other members of the crowd, who’s faces sung a distinctly different chord.
They looked horrified. 
Tony stood then, his chair flying backwards as he barked orders to Friday, “Turn this off, stop the broadcast Friday. Who the hell did this? Get whoever did this out of my system!”
“What-” you mumbled to yourself, gripping the stand before you as you turned, confused as to how pictures of a contract had caused such a spectacle. 
The pictures of the contract you had edited together and annotated were not displayed upon the screen. Instead, it was a video. You breath sped as you saw what you were watching, your own horror poisoning the breaths in your throat and weakening your knees. Front and centre, the focal point of the video was you. 
You from six months ago in Monaco. It was a video of you hanging from the wall; body binded with chains as your face was covered in blood and dark bruises prominent on every inch of your skin. The blood that had clouded your vision could be seen from an outsider's perspective here- oozing from a gash on your forehead and filling your eyes, painting your eyelids red and glueing them together. 
Struggling to breathe, you couldn’t tear your eyes away- you could only watch as your breaths hitched, the fight kicked out of you as you simply hung there. The men that had beaten you were not present in the video, though it was very obviously almost-immediately after one had taken place, your wounds were fresh, too fresh. 
“Y/N? Y/N, you need to look away from that for me, okay?” A voice sounded behind you, pleading  in its timbre, familiar and comforting as a hand attempted to turn your face, “We’re doing everything we can to get it off, Steve and the team are getting everyone out but I need you to look-” before the voice could continue its begging, a ear-piercing eruption sounded throughout the room. The walls of the conference room and the projector itself bowing inwards- the heat scouring your skin as the voice from before pushed you down and shielded you with their form. 
You could only look at the figure, who turned out to be Bucky, in shock as he knelt over you; the ringing in your ears violent as he pulled you up, yelling at you to run and dragging you from the room. The rush of open wind pulled you from the depths as you entered the adjacent hallway, the side of the building entirely open due to the explosion- “What is going on?” You cried, gripping Bucky’s hand as the two of you rushed to the nearby stairwell. 
“I think they’re back Doll,” Bucky turned to you as you entered the safety of the stairway, “We need to get as far away from here as possible- if that video tells us anything, they are back for you.” 
“Sophia,” you whispered, your eyes wide as you reached a conclusion, gripping Bucky’s arm as you pulled to a stop, “Oh my god, Buck, Sophia!”
“No, Y/N, we can’t go back-”
“No, no. The informant, Buck. The person that warned Hydra, it was her,” your brain sped erratically, remembering the grin she had given you as the video had begun to play, the threats to your life, “She warned Hydra, we have to stop her.”
Bucky opened his mouth, a reply forming- but before he could speak, a jolt of electricity passed through your fingers as the volt was directed into his back. You could only watch as the man you loved collapsed before you, “Well, aren’t you smart,” Sophia’s voice grated from behind him, her heels clicking as she continued towards you, “I told you that you would regret trying to ruin my life, so here we are.”
You spared her the honour of a reply, instead opting to jump at her, kicking the baton from her hands and pinning her to the ground, “You are finished, Sophia.” 
“No, she’ll be just fine,” another voice piped up from lower down the stairway, that same gruff voice from Monaco. He was here, “You could join her, Y/N. Live under my care and provide me with a bit of intel every now and then- you would be ridiculous to reject such an offer.”
“Well then I guess I am,” You spat, within a split second you had raised yourself from your crouched position, effectively lifting Sophia by the shoulders and slamming her head into the ground, knocking her out cold. The man was visibly displeased with your decision as evidenced by his change in stance as he instantly stormed up the stairs towards you, hoisting himself over the railings and engaging you in combat. You had trained for this, the long, winding months of your recovery were fuelled by the focus of sparring in the gym. You fought back swiftly, your movements precise as you delivered a kick to his gut and a clip across his jaw in quick succession. 
“Someone’s been working on their fighting,” He mused, using the distraction of your reply as a chance to grab you by the hair, spinning you in place and pinning you against the wall, “But you’ll still be the little rabbit I saw in that basement. 
“Go to hell,” You snapped, jabbing an elbow backwards and using your other hand to unholster the gun from beneath your shirt. Reversing the roles between you two, you watched as he cowered against the bannister, visibly unprepared for you to have hidden a gun within your formal outfit; not suitable for combat whatsoever. You faltered, considering simply handing him over to the police- instilling justice in its traditional form. 
But then you thought about the root of the operation, the torture that you and Bucky faced at the hands of Hydra- at the disgusting men that resided within the walls of those hydra bases. You instantly delivered a shot to his head, the bullet pinging against the metal of the stairway behind him as it tore clean through his skull. 
Wasting no time, you rushed over to Bucky’s pliant figure, sprawled on the ground as his body hitched with electricity every handful of moments, though he seemed to be coming back to consciousness; the speed of his super soldier healing and the bang of the gun pulling him back to consciousness, “Bucky, Buck. I need you to wake up.” You shook him, cradling the back of his head in your palm as you awaited a response. Sophia lay, similarly knocked out behind you, her mouth slack and blood leaking from her ears as she lay there. She would face the traditional methods of justice- handed over to the authorities for her attacks and barred from society for her infiltration. 
A groan sounding below you pulled your eyesight back to Bucky, stroking the sides of his face as he opened his eyes groggily- squinting in the light of the stairway, “Your face, Doll.” he mumbled; making you aware of the blood dripping from your potentially broken nose and the swelling of your eyes.
“You should see the other guy,” you laughed, gesturing to the bodies behind you, “Literally.”
“Shit, Doll.” Bucky swore, rubbing at his side as he hoisted himself upwards into a seated position, “We need to get out of here.”
“Wait, we need-” sighing, you closed your eyes briefly, gesturing to Sophia behind you, “We need to get her out of here; hand her over to the authorities the right way. She needs to be interrogated, find out what she know.” 
Bucky nodded, his face grim as he pulled himself to stand, with the support of your arm, aiding you in lifting Sophia up and limping together as you carried her from the scene- the beams of the destroyed hallway creaking with each step- the building beginning to fall apart above you. 
Once the situation was explained, with Sophia and a handful of armed men being escorted from the scene into an entourage of police vans. Bucky returned to your side, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you into a kiss and gripping at your sides, careful in avoiding your sore spots. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay Doll,” he nodded sincerely, his eyebrows scrunched as he stared down at you, “I was so scared I was gonna wake up to you gone again.” 
Shaking your head, you pulled Bucky into another kiss- threading your fingers through his hair and caressing the base of his scalp, “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”
As you embraced, you turned to watch the scene before you- firetrucks extinguished the fires erupting from the explosion; hoards of employees stood aimlessly, simply staring up at their place of work, now diminished to ruins and rubble. Steve and Natasha were helping injured civilians find help whilst others kept the crowds away from the damage. Most amusingly, Tony stood only a few feet away from you and Bucky, simply staring up at the building; hands on hips and lost in thought. 
“Buck, we’re gonna have a shit-ton of paperwork to fill out.” 
Shocking events have arose at the recent Avenger’s conference as Y/N L/N revealed that her relationship with John Walker was indeed fake and instead she is in a long-term relationship with fellow Avenger, James Barnes. Our reporters watched in shock as Y/N revealed this- though, me personally? I knew it all along! Count me as your most trusted source in celebrity love lives- I’ve never been wrong!
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izvmimi · 8 months
cw: selfship content. halloween themed. female reader. multiple children are mentioned, all named. family fluff.
You sigh, running gel through your son’s freshly dyed sandy blond hair for what feels like the third time in the last twenty minutes as he frowns in the mirror and points to portions where his curls have overpowered his desire to mimic Dynamight’s signature spiky tips.
“Maybe we should just cut this part?” Izumi asks, a slight whine in his voice. You shake your head and tut.
“Be patient with me, honey,” you insist. He doesn’t seem so sure, brow furrowing which you smooth out with your non-sticky pinky. He whines again and you look to your other son instead to prevent yourself from being just as frustrated with him. Aki is sitting quietly and waiting patiently, kicking his feet as he sits on the edge of your bed and it makes you chuckle, because somehow the two-toned wig suits him a little too well, and you can imagine Shoto as a kid with the exact same peaceful expression on his face as he entertains himself.
You finally come up with styling that your eldest will accept and he gives you a thankful hug then starts to run off, almost tripping over a plastic gauntlet as it falls off his arm, poorly adjusted. Aki looks at you and then his brother, eyes wide in shock, and you find yourself laughing, because again, he’s got Shoto’s mannerisms down a little too perfectly.
“Mom!” Izumi immediately calls out, not bothering to pick the gauntlet up, pointing at it helplessly. 
“Baby, it’s not broken, don’t worry,” you reply softly, coming over.  You scoop it up and kneel to readjust it just when Izuku comes in, a little Red Riot on his hip, and your only child with a traditional costume, Atsuna the Good Witch, trailing close behind holding her father’s hand in a bright pink glittery dress.
“Is everything okay?” Izuku asks, tentatively. He’s dressed as a mummy but his heavily bandaged up face only sparing his curls, his eyes, parts of his nose and his mouth reminds you too much of every time he’s been practically chained to a hospital bed. Atsuna, as though summoned, runs over to tap a visibly anxious Izumi’s shoulder with her wand and he bristles at her but doesn’t snap and you’re thankful that your irritable son still loves his little siblings more than anything.
“The gauntlets won’t stay on,” Izumi grumbles. You fasten them carefully then remember you have tape and ask him to hold on. Izuku adjusts Kenji who’s sucking on a lollipop with zero cares in the world on his hip and frowns sympathetically.
“Aw, that sucks, buddy! You know whose costume doesn’t have gauntlets-“ 
“Izuku,” you warn as you rummage through the drawers for a lasting solution to the Gauntlet Affair.
“I’m just saying!” He calls back. Atsuna floats up to her dad’s eye level then taps her wand on his nose as well and he smiles at her before booping her on the nose as well. She giggles as 4 year old girls are wont to do and Izuku figures out her bid for attention and cradles her in his other arm.
“Aren’t you the cutest witch?” He praises her and she replies, “Princess witch, Dad! Princess witch!”
“Yes, Princess witch, of course!”
They play together for a moment while Kenji finally decides he’s had enough of sitting still and insists on slipping out of Izuku’s grasp to sit with Aki instead. Aki carries him awkwardly on his lap, still kicking his feet as he waits. Kenji thrusts his saliva-covered lollipop in his face but Aki shakes his head instead and smiles without consequences.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you finally secure the gauntlets with enough tape to last sixteen years of play. Izumi, now overjoyed, throws a few punches then jumps for joy.
“Okay, let’s go!” He insists, beaming and despite your earlier unrest, this also brings you to a grin.
“I just don’t know why he doesn’t think I’m cool too,” Izuku mopes as the two of you stand back at the edge of the curb, watching Izumi, Aki and Atsuna collect candy from a particularly well decorated house. Atsuna stands ahead, singing “Trick or Treat!” and gets the oohs and ahhs she deserves while Izumi pretends to be tough and gets candy regardless, and Aki is tremendously polite as usual, bowing as he’s treated as well. 
“Let your kids escape you for one night, Izuku, please,” you reply. He pouts again and you giggle. “Just on our short walk here we passed by five Dekus, I think you’re liked enough.”
“It’s not the same!”
Izumi might look nearly exactly like Izuku but that similarity is bidirectional when it comes to pleading with you.
Kenji looks at his dad and shakes his head too solemnly which makes you nearly burst out laughing, and then he offers you a now nearly completely consumed lollipop stick that almost sticks to your Dorothy costume wig if not for your artful dodge. You peck his forehead to distract him as you gently remove it from his sticky fingers, then continue to watch ahead at your older children.
“And he banishes us,” Izuku adds, displeased. 
“He’s banishing you, not me,” you correct.
“I can’t stop people from asking me for autographs.” Izuku’s close to another why-doesn’t-my-son-love-me spiral, as Izumi often sends him in, and you pat his cheek sympathetically.
“I know, and that’s why I appreciate the mummy costume this year, although it’s not working with our theme, baby.” You pinch his cheek. 
“I think considering half of us are cosplaying as my high school friends, and the other half the Wizard of Oz, we don’t have a cohesive theme anyway,” he retorts, crossing his arms. He looks satisfied with his response and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you telling me I should have dressed like Ochaco?”
The blood drains from his face.
“When did I say this?”
“Careful,” you reply icily. He gives you a nervous smile, then kisses you on the forehead. You let him defrost you, and Izuku pulls away as both of you receive a group text.
We’re turning the loop, we’ll meet you halfway? Your friend texts you and Izuku. With that text, there’s a picture of Bakugou’s son dressed as a little Deku which makes you stifle a laugh. When you turn to Izuku, he’s positively elated. It’s the original suit too, the very first costume he’s ever had at UA and looks almost perfect, and Izuku raves about the attention to detail and how he can’t wait to see the little boy in person.
“See you’re someone’s hero!” you whisper as the kids finally make their way back with their hauls. Atsuna and Aki obediently hand the buckets to you to inspect the candy before you hand them each a piece, and move on to the next. Izumi frowns but reluctantly hands his bucket to his dad.
Izuku takes it and ruffles his hair before Izumi runs off ahead, Aki and Atsuna following close behind. Izumi suddenly stops, and turns to Izuku.
“Dad, race me?” he asks. 
Izuku is happier than anything to do so, and you watch your family run down the street, as sweet a sight as can be.
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bakhiu · 3 months
18th Floor - Geto Suguru x Reader
You and Suguru have been casually hooking up for awhile. The two of you finally meet up after some time apart and you break the news that you have a boyfriend. The two of you agree on one last hookup before parting ways.
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✩ Artwork: JUHi on Twitter (NSFW) ✩ Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader ✩ Rating: Explicit ✩ Contains: public sex, jealously, cheating, public humiliation, feeling realization ✩ Available on AO3
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“Waiting alone for an hour is pathetic enough, getting a sympathy drink takes it to a level I don’t want to experience again.” you glanced behind you, the older man who sent the drink over winked at Suguru. 
“I’ll make it up to you.” Suguru tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I always do.”
A late summer sunset, an overpriced cocktail at a half empty rooftop bar and Suguru’s shoulder brushing against yours. You rested your elbow on the guard rail, admiring the last few rays of sunshine disappearing behind the cityscape.
“Were you waiting long?” he asked, leaning against the balcony. 
You turned towards him, admiring the way a sunset could make even the worst people look warm and inviting. 
“Waiting alone for an hour is pathetic enough, getting a sympathy drink takes it to a level I don’t want to experience again.” you glanced behind you, the older man who sent the drink over winked at Suguru. 
“I’ll make it up to you.” Suguru tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I always do.”
There were worse instances of his lack of care; him leaving you stranded after your birthday bar hopping extravaganza was high on your list. There was also the incident where he hooked up with your ex roommate at your best friend’s wedding. Suguru argued it wasn't hooking up, he was just getting a blowjob. It was always an apology, an excuse, an argument, nothing was ever his fault and yet this time, it was. 
“It’s fine.” you replied coolly, staring into the pool of melted ice in your glass. “One more drink and I’ll be going home.”
“Seriously?” Suguru scoffed, glancing at his watch. “Since when do you go home so early?” 
“I have someone waiting for me at home.” you gazed up at Suguru. “I think it’s time we end whatever this is.”
“So, I take it this will be our last night together?” 
“What makes you think we are hooking up tonight?” 
Suguru tugged your arm towards him, pressing your body firmly against his. His finger gently nudged your chin up, giving you a quick wink. “You think your little boyfriend is going to stop me?”
“No,” you wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips hovering over his. “I’m going to stop you.” 
Before you could pull away, Suguru pressed his lips against yours, his hand cradling the back of your head to deepen the kiss. You resisted, pressing against his chest and surprisingly, he relented.
Three weeks ago was when Suguru last saw you. When did you find the time to date and get a steady boyfriend? He didn’t see you on the dating apps he trolled to pass time, and you gave zero indication during casual conversation that you were dating. 
Suguru could send you a text and within two hours you’d be at his place, naked and writhing under his touch, begging for more. He showed up to your place a few times after one too many drinks with Satoru, and you were both naked within the minute, barely making it to the bedroom half the time. 
While your relationship wasn’t serious by any means, it was mutually beneficial when it came to social events. Suguru being able to rely on you as a plus one for work related events was enjoyable for two reasons. One, you made the rounds and talked with Suguru’s coworkers and potential investors, charming them with polite conversation and debates about current affairs. Two, you let him fuck you in his office, leaving the door slightly open so his coworkers could hear your soft moans. By definition, you were single, but Suguru had you in the palm of his hand. Well, he thought he did up until now.
No one could make you feel as good as he did, a fact you admitted more than a few times while bouncing on his cock and cumming for the fifth time. And yet, another man has the sole privilege of being able to fuck you whenever they want. Knowing your sex drive, you two probably fucked on every surface of your apartment by now. 
“Listen, maybe we can talk about this–”
“We can have one drink and then I have to go.” you interrupted, hitting send on a text that Suguru didn’t notice you were typing out. “My boyfriend will be home late tonight, so I need to kill some time.”
Suguru forced a smile, motioning towards an empty table a few feet away. You were expecting him to pick a more secluded seating arrangement, waiting for the opportunity to caress your inner thigh and whisper filthy things in your ear. 
“Surprised you didn’t pick the back corner.” you stated as he pulled a chair out for you. 
“Did you want a more private spot to chat? We can go to my car.” Suguru questioned innocently.
“No thanks.” you responded flatly, opening the menu to look at the lengthy list of cocktails, wines, and craft beers.
Your mind drifted to the day Suguru picked you up from the airport. Your returning flight was delayed twice and the airport was packed, no rideshares or taxis available for the next two hours. Despite him complaining over the phone and making you walk a mile to the short term parking garage, you thanked him profusely by giving him a blowjob in the backseat.
There was another time where he drank too much at a bachelor party and called you, begging for a ride. You heard his friends cackling in the background as he climbed into your backseat, telling him to enjoy his midnight snack. Before you could question why he chose that spot, he told you to hurry up and park somewhere so you could sit on his face. Suguru made you cum twice in the backseat before demanding you drive to his place so he could fuck you in the comfort of his own bed. 
Another time, Suguru borrowed Satoru’s car for whatever reason and proposed that the two of you ruin his leather seats as payback for when Satoru–
“Are you going to order or just stare off into space the whole night?” Suguru questioned, interrupting your rumination of car sex escapades. 
You felt heat rush to your cheeks as the server smiled and greeted you, pen poised on his notepad ready for your order. After quickly ordering your drink, you turned to Suguru who was staring at you with that stupid smirk again.
“Thinking about all the car sex we had?” he questioned with a wicked grin. 
“You’re disgusting.” you scoffed. 
“That wasn't a no~” Suguru replied in a sing-song voice. “Does your boyfriend know how much of a freak you are?”
“That’s not your business.”
“I think it is. How else will I know if he’s fucking you right?” Suguru questioned, scooting his chair closer to yours. 
“Why do you care?” you questioned, ignoring his hand caressing your knee.
“Is he that gossipy coworker who asked if you were single at the holiday party?” Suguru ran his finger delicately up to your thigh, gauging your reaction. “You’re too afraid of him blabbing his mouth at work and ruining your reputation so you put on this innocent good girl act.”
Your breath hitched as Suguru trailed his finger back down to your knee before returning his hand to the table. The server arrived with your drinks, setting them down on the table and promising to check back in later.
Quickly reaching for your drink and almost knocking it over, you took a long sip and winced as the alcohol hit your stomach. Suguru took a slow sip of his whiskey sour, trying to hide the pleased look on his face.
“You’re right about the coworker part.” you finally answered. 
“And the rest?” 
“He’s…pretty tame, so I tone it down.” 
Suguru took another sip of his drink before placing his hand on your thigh, the coolness of his palm making you shudder. You glanced up at him, his eyes locked on yours as he slowly inched his hand closer to the hem of your skirt, his fingers tracing the underside of the fabric.
“That must be so hard for you.” Suguru whispered, his hand gently nudging your thighs apart. 
“He treats me with respect, not like a sex doll.” You retorted, trying to steady your breathing. 
You could have closed your legs, pushed his hand away, gotten up and left but you didn’t. Instead you let his hand travel dangerously close to your heated core, not caring if the nearby patrons noticed. Suguru’s eyes darkened as he leaned closer, his lips ghosting over your ear.
“Poor thing, you must be so pent up.” His finger softly pressed against your clothed clit, slowly circling. “Do you have to finish yourself when he cums after five minutes of missionary and falls asleep?”
You pressed your thighs together, but he did not pull his hand back. Suguru used his other hand to lift your chin, gazing deep into your eyes. You bit your tongue, not wanting to give Suguru the satisfaction of knowing his ministrations were getting you worked up. He put more pressure on your clit, circling faster and in wider strokes.
“Want me to make you cum in front of all these people?” he questioned, a devious smirk spreading across his face.
“This is so wrong, Suguru.” 
“It didn’t stop you all the other times I made you cum in public.”
“I have a boyfriend and–”
“I don’t give a fuck.” Suguru pressed a soft kiss on the nape of your neck. “One last time and we’re done.”
“Fuck it,” you groaned as he slowly moved up and down your slit, wetness seeping the fabric of your panties. “One last time.”
“Too bad~” Suguru cooed as he pulled his hand away. “Cheaters really are the worst, especially easy ones.” 
You resisted the urge to slap the stupid smirk off his face but you reached for your drink instead. You quickly drank the remainder of the liquid and set the glass down a little too hard.
“Well, I guess I should get going then.”
“We’re having so much fun.” Suguru replied innocently, running his finger around the edge of his glass. “One more drink?”
You abruptly turned towards Suguru, leaning into him and placing the palm of your hand on his belt buckle. Immediately spreading his legs open, you began palming his cock, watching it harden under his slacks.
“Who's the pervert now?” Suguru questioned, glancing down as you trailed your fingers over his growing erection.
“I want to be wet and ready for my boyfriend, so I’m going to go home and touch myself.” you whispered in his ear.
Suguru groaned as you squeezed his cock, grabbing your hand and pressing it harder against his erection. Fingers tracing up your thigh, you worked your way up your skirt, softly rubbing your clit. 
“My boyfriend thinks I get wet waiting for his cock.” you whispered, inching your face closer to his. “In reality, it’s because I touch myself to the thought of you fucking me.”
Suguru cleared his throat before abruptly scooting away from you, quickly reaching for his wallet and throwing a hundred dollar bill on the table.
“Get up.” Suguru demanded, glancing at his watch. “Now.”
“Excuse me?” you questioned, smoothing your skirt over.
“Touching yourself in front of all these people,” Suguru mumbled as he yanked your arm. 
“Suguru, what the fuck–”
“Get up, or I’ll fuck you on this table in front of everyone.” You almost tripped as Suguru dragged you towards the exit.
“Where are we going?” you asked, trying to steady your breathing. 
“Back to your place.” Suguru replied immediately, fishing for his car keys. “I want to meet your boyfriend after I fuck you on his bed.”
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Suguru had your legs spread, two fingers deep in your pussy as he steered with his other hand. 
“Rub your clit.” Suguru demanded as he pressed harder on the gas. “Stop stifling your moans, you aren't fooling me with your pathetic attempt at disinterest.”
You let out a soft moan, your fingers quickly tracing circles on your clit. Wetness pooled out onto Suguru’s leather passenger seat, but he didn’t care. He would make you cum a million times on his seats if it meant keeping you away from your loser boyfriend.
“Impatient?” Suguru mused as he rapidly pulled his fingers in and out, admiring the loud squelching sound. 
“Shut up.” you breathed, gripping his wrist in place. “Take this exit and make a left.”
Suguru followed your instructions, curling his fingers and slowly massaging your sweet spot. You cursed, lifting your hips and grinding on the palm of his hand, desperately chasing your high. 
“Which building?” Suguru asked as he yanked his fingers away.
“I was so close!” you cried out, reaching for his hand again.
“The longer you take to give me directions, the longer you have to wait to cum.” Suguru brought his fingers to his lips, licking the essence of you off his fingers delicately. 
“Red brick building, at the corner of Ridgeside. My parking garage entrance code is 2489, spot number 107.” 
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You glared at the parking garage elevator, wishing to whichever god that was listening to make the doors open now. Suguru noticed your pouting and bit his lip, not wanting to antagonize you further. 
“This is a new god damn building!” you blurted out as the elevator remained paused at the 6th floor. “Why does this elevator take so long to work?”
Suguru tugged your arm and pressed your body against his, tilting your chin up before locking his lips to yours. You placed one hand on his chest and slid the other slowly down his torso, ghosting your fingers over his crotch. He grinned, breaking the kiss off and turned to press you against the wall. 
You pulled him back into a kiss, your tongues tangling with each other as you gripped his growing erection. A soft moan escaped your lips as Suguru’s thigh pressed against your cunt, an invitation to seek some much needed relief. 
“Suguru, let me touch you.” you moaned as he pressed his thigh harder against your thrusts.
“Keep going baby,” Suguru whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to your neck. “Think you can cum before the elevator gets here?” 
Your heart skipped a beat, desperately wanting to cum but worried that someone was on the elevator and would see you in a debauched state. You turned your head to the side, noticing the elevator was still stuck on the 6th floor. The leasing agent warned you that the elevator was notorious for being extremely slow but it was going to be fixed soon. This was almost a month ago and it clearly was not fixed. 
Suguru grabbed your waist and rocked you harder against his thigh, his forehead pressed to yours as you breathed heavily. You were close, dangerously close, but too nervous to cum right there when someone could appear at any moment.
“Stop worrying.” Suguru demanded as he angled his leg in a different position, eliciting a sweet moan from your lips.
“What if someone catches us?” you breathed out, slowly stopping the grind on his thigh.
Suguru grunted, gripping your hips harder and urging you on faster. “You could have came by now if you weren’t so stubborn.” 
“You were the one edging me the whole ride here!” you retorted, pushing his hands off your hips. 
Before Suguru could quip back, the elevator dinged and you both quickly pushed away from each other and readjusted yourselves. Suguru cleared his throat and greeted the groundskeeper who was pushing a cart of trash out of the elevator, his view partially blocked.
You quickly walked into the elevator, heart pounding as you pressed the 18th floor button. Suguru leaned against the wall next to you, the corners of his lips turning up into a smirk. Once the elevator started its ascent, you turned to glare at Suguru. 
“What? He didn’t see us.” Suguru shrugged and stepped closer to you. “Let’s continue, we have 16 more floors to go.”
Suguru towered over you once more, his thigh nestling between yours and you lowered yourself slightly, slowly rocking your hips back and forth. You were taking a gamble on being interrupted again, but you could cum soon if you were able to concentrate on something else. 
You wrapped your arms around Suguru’s neck and pulled him into a kiss, feeling him smile before reaching to cradle the back of your head into his hands. You opened your mouth slightly and Suguru eagerly deepened the kiss, his tongue wrestling with yours. You rocked your hips faster, grinding harder against his thigh, feeling the pressure build up rapidly. Suguru broke the kiss off and leaned in to whisper in your ear. 
“You’re so close, I know you can cum for me.” 
You glanced up at what floor you were on and you prayed you were stuck on 6 like the groundskeeper was. Suguru’s hand traced the outline of your breast through your shirt before squeezing it a few times gently. You moaned, arching your back into him, silently encouraging him to continue his ministrations. 
Suguru lifted the hem of your shirt, snaking his hand up to your breast and pulled your bra down. He pinched your nipple softly, smiling to himself when you gasped and glanced back at what floor the elevator was on.
“Stop paying attention to that.” Suguru snapped as he squeezed your breast harder. “We’ve been stuck on this floor for the past 4 minutes.”
“I can’t,” you groaned. “I need more, please let’s just wait until we’re in my room.” 
“You will.” Suguru commanded, lowering his thigh away from your dripping cunt. “Spread your legs.”
You spread your legs, forcing yourself to not check what floor you were on. The longer you held back, the higher the chance of someone walking in and knowing Suguru, he would make you stay on the elevator until you cummed, even if you reached the 18th floor. Suguru’s fingers quickly found their way to your entrance, immediately shoving two fingers in your vagina, causing you to moan loudly. It was exactly what you needed.You were right on the edge of cummming, just needing a little bit more to cum. 
Before you could ask Suguru, he shoved another finger in and placed his thumb over your clit. You moaned loudly, squeezing your eyes shut as your orgasm washed over you. Chest heaving, you opened your eyes and noticed Suguru immediately pulling away, leaving your disheveled body out in the open as the elevator doors opened. Horrified, you scrambled to adjust your skirt and top, forgetting that Suguru had yanked your bra down. 
“Sorry about that.” Suguru bit back his smile, trying to appear as sincere as possible. “We had a bit too much to drink and she couldn’t wait.”
You glanced up and realized it was your neighbor down the hall; the two of you spoke often in passing as she worked in the building across from your workplace. Your neighbor, looking a mix of horrified and embarrassed, stepped to the side and averted her gaze. You yanked Suguru’s arm and ran out the elevator, feeling your whole body burn hot. You could have killed him, and you probably would once you got into your apartment. Scrambling for your keys, you shakily unlocked your door and slammed it shut behind you once Suguru crossed the threshold. 
“You fucking asshole.” you seethed, glaring at the back of his head as he surveyed your apartment. 
“Your fault you took so long to cum.” Suguru shrugged as he walked down the hall towards your bedroom. 
“At least take your shoes off!” you shouted, trailing after him once you clumsily took your own off and threw them by the front door.
You walked into your bedroom and Suguru was standing by the window, admiring the view of the city skyline. You cleared your throat and waited as Suguru turned around before pointing towards his shoes. Suguru wouldn’t admit it, but he was too eager to fuck you after getting caught, his cock throbbing painfully against his slacks. He sat on the armchair in the corner, slowly unlacing his shoes before placing them neatly to the side.
“Think your boyfriend wants to sit here and watch me fuck you?” he grinned as you walked over and towered over him.
You leaned in to kiss him before slowly trailing your fingers down to unbutton his shirt. Suguru eagerly complied, tossing it to the side once you finished unbuttoning it. He quickly unbuckled his belt and threw that on top of his shirt before making quick work of his pants. You glanced down and noticed his cock straining against his underwear, a wet spot forming at his leaking tip. Biting your lip, you slowly kneeled and gingerly kissed his erection, eliciting a soft hiss from Suguru. 
You peeled his underwear down, admiring how his cock slapped against his abdomen and twitched at the cool air. Tossing them to the side, you softly palmed his cock, glancing up at him with a soft smile as you licked your lips. Before Suguru could force your lips to his cock, you squeezed the tip of hit hard, grinning as he tried to push you away.
“What the fuck that hurts.” Suguru spat but you moved your hands to his balls and squeezed just as hard. 
“You embarrassed me in front of my neighbor.” you spat as you stood up, sliding your skirt and underwear down in one motion. 
“That was your neighbor?” Suguru resisted the urge to laugh, not wanting to piss you off even more. “Afraid she’s going to tell your boyfriend?” 
“Nope,” you replied flatly, removing your top and tossing it in the pile with Suguru’s.
“So why am I being punished for making you cum?” 
Stradling Suguru’s lap, he tilted his chin up to you and stared down at him, feeling his chest heave under the palm of your hand. You contemplated how to break it to him, how to get your revenge on him and it finally clicked.
You slowly got up and motioned for him to stay seated. Suguru stared as you turned you back to him and made your way to the bed, sitting on the edge and spreading your legs. His heart raced as he watched you scoot a little further back on the bed and prop one leg up, your fingers trailing towards your clit. 
“Now, you’re going to watch me make myself cum and you can’t touch yourself until I say so.” you gauged his reaction, smirking at how he glared at you.
“That’s not fair, you already came.” Suguru argued, feeling his cock throb harder. 
“It won’t take too long.” you replied with a smirk. “It took us about an hour to get back up here to my place from the bar?”
“Don’t…” Suguru pleaded. 
“I think you can wait another hour.”
“Your boyfriend could be home any minute now.” Suguru argued. “Do you want to get caught again?” 
“There is no boyfriend.” you answered, shrugging as his confused expression.
“So you lied?” Suguru questioned, trying to sit up. 
“Just wanted to see how jealous you’d get.” you replied. “Sit back down and watch me play with myself.” 
Suguru was seething but he listened to your instructions and leaned back into the chair, trying to ignore the now painful swelling of his cock. He replayed the conversation in his head to try and distract himself from the soft moans you began to let out. Was I jealous? Suguru thought to himself and then the words he spoke to you as he dragged you away from the bar replayed in his mind 
“Fuck.” Suguru groaned as he threw his head back. 
“Enjoying the show?” you teased as you slipped a finger into your vagina, throwing your head back as pleasure washed over you. 
You didn’t realize Suguru was making his way towards you until you felt the bed dip under his weight. He was now towering over you, pushing your hand away and placing them above your head. He pressed his lips to yours and before you could return the kiss, he pulled away and stared at you until you shifted uncomfortably. 
“No more lying.” he stated as he pressed another kiss to your lips. 
“So, you were jealous?” you grinned as he rolled his eyes. 
Instead of answering, he rolled away from you and laid next to you. Suguru tugged your arm and instead of curling into his side, you chose to straddle him and grind your pussy against his cock. Suguru groaned, staring up at you as you rocked your hips back and forth. He reached for your face and pulled you into a messy kiss, your heart pounding. Breaking the kiss, Suguru held you there, lips ghosting over yours as he placed his hand on the small of your back, encouraging you to grind harder. 
It would take a lot more work on your end to admit that he was jealous, but Suguru knew it was time to end this game of playing it cool. He wanted you from the very beginning, that was obvious when he continued to sleep with you, but he wanted to keep his options open out of greed. But no one else made him feel as good as you did. There was no doubt in his mind that there was something more between you two and neither of you wanted to admit, until tonight. 
And so, the back and forth game would continue, just for tonight, until one of you finally admitted how badly you wanted the other, and no one else.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 13 days
♡ ฿Ⱡ₳₦₭ ₴₱₳₵Ɇ | ₮₩Ø | ♡
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♡ Pairings: fratboy!jaehyun x chubby!fem!reader, fratboy!johnny x chubby!fem!reader (appearances by other members)
♡ Genre: college au/angst
♡ Summary: It's been weeks since your last arguement with Jaehyun and you've refused to speak to him since. He doesn't know who or what has your attention but the fact that it isn't him is eating him alive. It makes no difference to you, who's confident in your choice to be with Johnny but when you show up to the frat house unexpected, accidentally revealing your little love affair, you bring out a side of Jaehyun you've never seen before. One that might make leaving him in the past a bit harder than you anticipated.
[Part One Here 🖤]
♡ Word Count: 2.5k-ish
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♡ Warnings: none really except that this part is Jaehyun focused so Johnny's only around for a second (the next one will be more Johnny focused). It's heavy on the angst. Most of the fratboys are dickheads to women really. There's also mentions of drinking/casual sex and strong language.
♡ A/N: At last I've written part two. It took me a bit because my health has been kicking my ass but I was determined to add to this lil fic of mine so I hope you beautiful humans enjoy this chapter.
P.S My usual thank you to @anyamaris for reading this before I posted it. I'm in terrible need of a second brain lately and I appreciate you for so happily stepping up to be it 🖤
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You fight. You cry. You get back together again. Fight. Cry. Get back together again. That’s the way things have always been between you and Jaehyun. He knows it isn’t healthy but, in his own twisted way, it’s the only way he can trust that you care about him. There’s no justification for it, nothing you did to him in the past that warrants such cruel and unusual punishment. 
Jaehyun’s addicted to the rush of getting back together. The desperate, passionate moment when your bodies collide after a week or so apart. Both of you too filled with need to care about what tore you apart in the first place. He can only get that with you, he only wants it with you.
But this time he took it too far, did a bit too much in his attempt to make you jealous, and now you won’t even speak to him. When he knocks on your door your roommate lies and says you aren’t there, refusing to open it more than a crack to shoot him down. Every call goes to voicemail, every text message left undelivered, and on the rare occasions that you run into each other you treat him like a ghost. 
Seated on the sectional couch at the heart of his living room, Jaehyun stares into the void of faceless partiers swarming the frat house. The beer cradled between his fingers has the top popped off but has barely been touched. The chattering of his frat brothers scattered across the couch might as well be miles away. 
A girl in a black mini skirt sneaks up behind him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, “You look sad, baby. Need me to cheer you up?” She licks her lips, planting soft, wet kisses down his neck the way she did a few nights ago when he was in need of some rebound sex that more than failed to satisfy him. 
Jaehyun pats her on the arm, shrugging her off, “Thanks but, uh, no thanks.” 
“Wait. What?” she frowns, arms folded across her chest, “You’re joking right?” 
Scooting closer to Jaehyun, his frat brother Taeyong places a sympathetic hand on hers. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t think he wants to play with you anymore." At the other end of the couch their brother Yuta raises his beer, winking at the girl, “But I will. I volunteer!” 
“Fuck you, Jaehyun and your asshole friends!” the girl huffs, storming off into the crowd. 
“Wait! Are you sure?” Yuta calls out after her, “Don’t you know what they say about Japanese guys with long hair?”
“Did she say fuck her in the asshole?” Doyoung, the most innocent of the frat brothers asks, his ears turning red from one too many shots. 
“Who’s getting fucked in the asshole?” Mark asks, flopping down beside Yuta on the couch. He’s younger than the other guys, probably shouldn’t be here, but they all have a soft spot for him, especially Yuta, so he gets to stick around. 
Yuta pouts, laying his head on Mark’s shoulder, “No one, sadly.” 
“Can you guys not be pigs for two seconds? Grow up” Jaehyun snaps, chugging down his beer so fast it makes him dizzy. 
“Ooh, someone’s cranky tonight” Taeyong teases, “What’s got you so uptight? You’re usually the worst of us.” 
Doyoung pours himself another shot, taking a quick, adorable sip of it. “She blocked him. On everything. Won’t even talk to him. So sad.” Jaehyun’s tempted to throw the empty bottle at Doyoung’s head and, unlike when you threw your shoe at him, there’s no way he could miss the shot. But Mark swoops in, wedging himself between Jaehyun and Taeyong to provide some comfort. “Aww, man, your girl broke your heart? I’m sorry. Hugs?” 
As Mark embraces Jaehyun, Yuta rolls his eyes at the display. “His girl?” Yuta laughs, “Hardly. He fucked her. By that standard mini skirt was his girl too.” 
“Oh and her!” Taeyong adds, pointing to the curly haired girl in the corner.
The others pile on, making a game out of spotting girls Jaehyun’s slept with. Jaehyun snatches free of Mark’s hug, refusing to sit through anymore of this. He’s ready to storm off himself but doubles back to clarify something. “She isn’t my girl but she’s not like them, alright? So respect her or I’ll hit you so hard every meal you have until next semester will need to be through a straw.” 
Taeyong throws his hands up, leading the others in easing up on Jaehyun, “No problem, bro. We were just fucking with you. We’l respect her.” 
“Uh, excuse me, am I interrupting something?” you ask, clearing your throat. The sound of your voice makes Jaehyun’s heart skip a beat and when he turns around to find that pretty face staring back at him, his heart all but stops. 
“N…no, we were just, wh…what are you doing here?” he stutters, a glimmer of emotion showing through for the first time in a long time. “I thought you hated me.”
You knew this day would come. It’s going on 3 weeks of evading any form of interaction with him but you knew that one day your luck would run out. You’d have to experience this moment. This conversation. The feelings you had for Jaehyun haven’t subsided easily. It stung to accept that he could never feel for you the way you wished he did but it was easier to let go when you had someone soft and loving to land on. 
Johnny hasn’t been your rebound, he’s been the furthest thing from it. You adore being with him. He does all the things you ever wanted a guy to do. He’s silly in ways you don’t always get but that’s just a part of his charm. He’s thoughtful and patient, never making you question if he has eyes for any girl other than you. You don’t hate Jaehyun. You don’t even have the time to when Johnny exists. 
“Hate you? No but have you…” you begin to whisper, burning under the spotlight of his frat brothers’ gaze, “Have you talked to Johnny?” 
Jaehyun’s a statue, rendered immobile by his confusion, “Talked to Johnny about what?”
“Baby!” Johnny cheers, popping out of the crowd to sweep you up into his arms, “What are you doing here? I told you I’d come get you.” 
“I know but my roommate was headed over here so I thought I’d save you a trip.” You try to clue him in that something’s happening but he’s showering you in so many kisses that you ultimately give into it, giggling like the happiest girl in the world. 
“Johnny, people are watching” you finally manage as your feet meet the ground again, Johnny’s arms secure around your waist. 
“Baby, I don’t care about people…” Johnny stops himself short, noticing precisely which people you happen to be referring to. 
The sadness on Jaehyun’s face tells you that he and Johnny haven’t talked about this. Not once. You catch yourself feeling bad for him, knowing the pain he feels oh too well. It’s the same pain that he dished out to you without remorse or reason and the thought of that turns your empathy into satisfaction. Revenge, bittersweet but successfully acquired all the same. 
“Jae, I’m sorry, really” Johnny apologizes, approaching Jaehyun to make peace but peace isn’t of interest and apologies aren’t enough. 
Jaehyun barrels past Johnny, nearly knocking him down in the process, “Fuck it, you can keep her. Have fun.” 
“Wait! I’m really…” Johnny calls after him, torn between chasing down his friend and staying here with you. 
Patting him on the shoulder, you give him a little peck on the lips, encouraging him to go ahead. “Johnny, I’ll be fine. Just do what you need to do.”
“Are you sure?” If you ask him to stay he will, no questions asked, no second guessing. If chasing after Jaehyun means hurting you he’d never do it in a million years. 
You crack a gentle, reassuring smile, “I’m sure. Now get out of here.” You playfully push him on his way and he kisses you on the back of the hand before letting go, rushing off into the direction Jaehyun was headed in. 
Jaehyun deserves a bit of pain for all he’s done to you but in both of their absences it sets in that maybe he isn’t the only one being hurt in all of this. Imagining how hurt Johnny would be at losing a friend, you feel the sudden weight of guilt the likes of none you’ve ever had to bear. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Especially not here in front of everyone.
“Aaah, a good old fashioned love triangle. The tragedy! The heartbreak!” Mark says, head thrown back dramatically.
Taeyong throws a pillow at Mark, shushing the younger man. Mark catches it, cuddling it in his arms like a stuffed animal. “What? I like love stories. I wonder, how’s it gonna end?”
Yuta grins at you, kicking his feet up on the coffee table, “Yeah, cutie, you’re the one they're gonna kill each other over. You tell us, how’s it gonna end?” 
Wiping your increasingly sweaty palms on your dress, you feel the spotlight on you growing brighter and you can’t stomach it. You take off out into the night, navigating the minefield of passed out partiers to get across the front lawn. Yuta’s words echo in your mind, “You tell us, how’s it gonna end?” 
Like you have all the power. Like you’re the only one responsible for any of this. How’s it gonna end? You have no clue but you wish that the ending, however bad or good, would come already. 
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You should be at a movie theater right now cuddled up beside Johnny eating overpriced snacks. Instead you’re standing in the frozen section of a fluorescent lit gas station contemplating which freezer burnt pint of ice cream you’ll drown your sorrows in tonight.
Somewhere in your purse your phone is on silent, no doubt blowing up with texts and calls from both of the men you find yourself tangled up with. The adult thing to do would be to go back to the party and face this problem straight on. Or you could demolish the snacks piled into your arms and pretend this never happened. 
“The second one, for sure” you decide, fumbling with the freezer door handle to retrieve your ice cream of choice. 
“Is there another party going on that I don’t know about?” Jaehyun asks, watching you from the end of the aisle. You groan, abandoning your ice cream mission to get as far away from him as possible. He steps in front of you, blocking your path, “I’m not stalking you. I promise. I just needed some air and I…anyway, let me help you.”
Jaehyun skips over to ice cream, popping the freezer door open. He pokes out his lip, eyebrows furrowed in as he scans the options. “There we go” he grins, plucking your favorite ice cream from the shelf on the first try. You’ve never explicitly told him which one it was and you try not to be impressed by the fact that he cared to take note of it but deep down inside you are.
“Come on, I’ll pay for it” he insists, leading the way to the register. It takes him a few steps to realize that you haven’t followed and he spins around on his heels to find you staring at him in disgust. 
“What I meant to say was, may I pay for your things, my queen?” A group of passing girls giggle as he bows to you with all the elegance of a man who’s in the presence of royalty. 
“Cut it out. You’re embarrassing me” you whine and he responds with a twirl that brings him closer to you, the already defrosting ice cream jumping from hand to hand. 
“Aah but I just want the queen to be happy and I do hear this is her favorite.”
“Oh, I’m a queen now? And what does that make you? My royal jester?” 
Jaehyun stares into your eyes, his expression turning serious, “If that’s what you want me to be.”
“It’s a little too late to be what I wanted you to be, isn’t it?” you ask, your voice shaking more than you’d like it to. 
“I don’t know, is it?”
He asks you the question like his whole life depends on your answer. He’s always been the one who had the upper hand, standing over you, his whimpering prey, with a knife to your throat that could end you at any time. It’s strange to be on the other end of it now but, unlike him, you’re prone to taking mercy on poor, wounded little animals. While you may not have it in you to strike the killing blow, you’re content to let him lie here and bleed out. 
“You know what? Suddenly I've lost my appetite” you say, emptying your snacks into his arms, “I’m sure there’s enough girls in your phone to share that with.”
This isn’t some melodramatic exit where you walk away expecting him to follow you. Running into him in the first place wasn’t the plan. Yet you’re barely out of the gas station parking lot when the tiny hairs on the back of your neck begin to stand on end and you just know he’s trailing behind you.
“Will you at least let me take you home? You shouldn’t be walking alone. There could be psychopaths out here!”
You pick up speed repeating to yourself, “Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around. Don’t—”
“I love you!” Jaehyun shouts for the entire block to hear. It’s his voice but those can’t be his words. Fueled by rage, you ignore your own advice and turn to confront him. 
“Take it back!” you demand, refusing to accept his profession. Of all the things he’s ever done to manipulate you this has to be the lowest he’s gone. 
“No, if I mean it then why should I?” 
“Because you’re lying! You’re a liar! It’s what you do. It’s what you always do!” you scream, the anger you’ve held in for months overflowing. 
“Okay, I am a liar. A liar and a piece of shit who couldn’t commit to you cause I was too afraid of getting hurt so I hurt you first” he admits, “And that’s not for you to fix. Maybe I need fucking therapy, I don’t know, but I do love you.”
“That’s not enough!”
Jaehyun sees you motion to leave again and grabs your wrists, locking them at your sides. “Then tell me what’s enough and I’ll do it. It can’t be too late for us. I’m falling apart without you.”
Tears run hot down your cheeks and he cups your face, kissing them away. It feels nicer than you want it to, more calming than repulsive. You were out, done with him forever, and look at you now, standing under the streetlights melting into the palms of his hands.
But this time is different from the others and far more dangerous because for once the liar isn’t lying. He loves you and it means it. Why the fuck does he have to mean it?
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 3 months
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All of my work is rated M or E (18+ only. If you’re under 18 this isn’t the space for you) and is ofc or xfemreader unless otherwise noted. Mind the tags. No use of y/n. You can also find me on ao3. My Misc. Masterlist is here and Star Wars Masterlist is here.
I do not give permission for any of my work to be translated, reposted, or plugged into AI.
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Aemond Targaryen
they say I killed you (haunt me then) - Aemond x ofc Wylla Karstark | completed | Wylla Karstark is content with her life in the far reaches of the North, happy even. She has everything she ever thought she needed. Until Aemond Targaryen tumbles from the sky, abandoned by his dragon and left at her mercy.
Paper Crowns - mafia au | Aemond x ofc Viserra Velaryon | Completed | Viserra Velaryon has never buckled under the weight of her legacy, of all that she stands to inherit. The oldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, she has always understood her place in the world, in her family. But when her grandfather passes, leaving behind an incomplete will and a bloodthirsty widow intent on securing her children's inheritance, she finds herself in the middle of a war that she isn't sure how to fight. Her enemy? The boy she once loved, the man she's learned to hate.
Iron and Ash - When he looked at you it was as if he had peeled the dress from your body, the skin from your bones; you had never felt more bare than when the prince gazed from across whatever room you were in, his eye fixed on you and you alone.
You've Got My Body (Flesh and Bone) - Her violet eyes crashed against his like waves against a rocky shore and the mismatched jewel tones of his gaze had her feeling dizzy; she could just make out her reflection in the facets of the sapphire he wore in place of his right eye. Without thinking, she raised her other hand, tracing the line of his scar even though she knew he couldn't feel it beneath the knot of roughly healed tissue.
Shimmer - He was hot to the touch, as if he burned with fever, and you supposed in a way, he did. He burned for you, he burned in the way that only a dragon could, with the same fire that you felt heat your own
Daemon Targaryen
Meet Me In the After - Daemon Targaryen x oc Sabitha Blackwood | upcoming | The realm holds its breath as Queen Aemma approaches the end of her pregnancy. The king proclaims loudly to any that will listen that she will finally give him a living son, an heir, and all around him rejoice. But Aemma knows, after two stillbirths, three miscarriages, and a son lost in the cradle, that Viserys will not get his wish. Dreams plague the queen, dreams of fire and blood and a dead boy in a cursed crown. Sent to court to attend Queen Aemma two years prior, Lady Sabitha Blackwood is privy to all the queen's fears, to the anxieties that plague her daughter, Princess Rhaenyra, and the pressures of court that eat at her dear friend, Lady Alicent Hightower. Stuck in a loveless marriage with a husband who grows crueler with each month that passes without an heir of his own, Sabitha finds herself preening under the attentions of the king's brother, Prince Daemon Targaryen. As the two fall deeper into a torrid and dangerous affair, the worst comes to pass.
The queen is dead, the king's heir with her, and all eyes fall on the young women closest to her. Will Rhaenyra truly be named heir? Why do the king's eyes follow Lady Alicent? And what does Sabitha know that puts her in the gravest of danger?
When It Comes To You (My World Is Deep Red) - “Is that what you seek? A great love story?” she asked with a raised brow, dismissive of the notion that Daemon Targaryen would be swayed by something so simple as that.
Salt in the Wound | completed | There was a reason they said the Targaryens were closer to gods than men; it wasn’t just their dragons that held them separate, that held them above. No, it was the way that once every handful of generations, one came along that held the ability to tear the world apart with their bare hands, to rend it with their teeth, to melt it down and attempt to recreate it in their own image.
evening star | Daemon Targaryen x Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen | A queen, locked high in her tower, a rose in a glass case.A knight in the form of a sharp tongued, silver-haired princess.A violet-eyed villain who speaks like a lover. Alicent has hardened herself against the promise of a gentle touch. Daemon has learned to taste love in the blood he licks from his blades. And Rhaenyra, lost in the fog of her father’s neglect, finds that she is the tie that binds. What does it mean for the realm when the Queen in Chains, the Realms Delight, and the Rogue Prince come together to create a light in the dark?
Jacaerys Velaryon & Helaena Targaryen
For the Love of a Princess - “Your fascination with me will be your death,” she said, arching up toward him, his shaky exhale ghosting over her face. She had no idea why she said it, though surely her mother would call for his head if they were caught, a replacement for the eye her desperate bid for justice could not procure.
The Conquerors (Visenya, Rhaenys, and Aegon I Targaryen)
Afterlife - She was not the wife he had wanted. He was not the husband she had wanted. All that connected them was lost now. “It should have been me.” The words came out in a whisper and Visenya wept.
Aegon II Tagaryen
Lips Like Lightning (Skin So Sweet) - This moment was just a miniscule light in the dark. But any light was better than none. Tomorrow she would leave, heading home to Volantis to start the new year back in her real life. And Aegon Targaryen, whoever he was, would go back to the people in the pictures.
heaven is not meant to house a love (like you and I) - Aegon Targaryen and his wonderful, fantastic, very good day. A they say I killed you (haunt me then) outtake, set one year before the main story. A birthday gift for @emilykaldwen
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nothankyoudear · 1 year
When Arthur was crowned the King of Camelot, and Merlin the royal consort immediately after, it was only normal for the servants to expect one of them to be assigned to the newly titled consort. After all, what is a royal without a servant?
However, months pass without a new assignment and switches in positions, and the entire castle is left more or less confused when Merlin can still be seen picking up tomatoes from the market, and sweeping up floors while humming a tune.
Because not only has the new royal consort not been assigned a servant, he is still acting as a servant.
When asked why he's still doing duties of a lowly servant, Merlin simply answers with how he likes doing the work.
But that obviously can't be true with his continuous grumbles about filling up the bath, or murmurs about how stupid clotpole should just learn how to shine his own bloody armour, so Camelot soon becomes ripe with theories.
Tragic tales of abandonment, sly murmurs of infidelity, and cruel narratives of betrayal and anger, all begin emerging.
Whispers begin to spread in the kitchens about the indignities that Merlin must have committed to be faced with such a fate as a royal. Young maids gossip about possible affairs Merlin is having with one of the knights, and rumours pass from stall to stall in the markets on how the king has already grown sick of the new consort, and has simply distanced himself by quietly assigning Merlin back to his previous duties.
After all, Merlin was the king's manservant before he was his consort. And kings are never serious with servants.
Time pass. Arthur never acknowledges the rumours, and Merlin simply answers with the same answer every time he is asked the question of why. And without fuel for the fire, the people and their whispers soon calm.
Then, on one fateful morning, as the king and the royal consort return from their hunting trip, the consort's boot falls off.
The crowd can only watch in shock as, seemingly by reflex, Arthur Pendragon—The King of Camelot, ruler of Albion—kneels at his consort's feet, and begin putting his boot back on.
He murmurs something about Merlin being careless and dimwitted, and yet still cradles the back of Merlin's ankle as he ties the laces of the boot. He then promptly gets up, and simply walks into the castle with Merlin behind him like nothing had happened.
The crowd explodes into noise.
In the king's chambers, the door is shut behind them before Merlin asks:
"What was that?"
"That, was so that they know I'm actually a great husband who doesn't mistreat you, and you're just a stubborn idiot who like complaining about things you asked to do."
A laugh echoes through the room.
"You love me."
".... Go away."
And with that, rumours about the king and his royal consort never appeared in Camelot again.
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