#believe it or not though Kalim is my favorite of the group
Leona looking like he just overthrew Farena on his card sitting on the throne with that pose. I am looking sinfully 👁️👁️. I really appreciate how Leona really looks like he is in his element, definetly he has never looked more princely than he does now. I'm so excited for this event, I really believe we are FINALLY going to meet the Kingscholar big bro!!! We got Felmier grandma, Viper sister, so now I hope Farena makes an appearence. Also more Cheka shenanigans, hopefully!!!! (kinda disappointed Ruggie and Rook are not included tho)
Also I bet Crowley is gonna send us over there with Leona to try and find a way home. Like every time. Sigh.
[Referencing this post!]
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👆 Me Y’all right now 😌 Oh, but I’m sure the Leona fans are doing juuust fine… I don’t know if I can say the same for their gems and keys though 💦
bxsvsjwbw NWURrrAajUUYNAUR DONmT lET LEoNA OVERTHROW hiS BRImoThER AnD SiT ON THAT tHRonE 😭 it makes him too sexy hot BUT YEAH, L*ona looks really in his element here 🤡 definitely very powerful, very regal!! Like he knows all the moves you’re going to make and has already calculated ways to counter them…
HNFZhxbbzhababBHHFHHHHGGGGHH JUST LOOK HIm, LOOK At ThE FAcE THIS bASTARD iS MAkI NG I WAnNA JUST. UGHHHHHhHhHHGHH **aggressively shakes him like I’m making a frothy cocktail**
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I sure hope we get to meet a member of Leona’s family 👁️ My money’s also on Farena being the most likely person, but I wouldn’t be opposed to meeting Leona’s sister-in-law or even totally new characters twisted from those in The Lion King! (I have a bias for birds, so if there was a new character at all, then I’d want to see twisted!Zazu~) And, of course, hopefully we see the return of Cheka!! Lil’ guy needs more screentime, he’s been sorely missed since his cameo in the first Halloween event 😂
I think it’s still possible that Ruggie and Rook go home with us for the event (they just won’t get new outfits/cards), it depends on the circumstances. For example, Kalim went to Silk City for the Scalding Sands event despite not being one of the characters that got a Yasmina Silk card. Something similar could occur for Ruggie and Rook; maybe they’ve come to spectate in an event or a ceremony but not participate in it themselves (so they wouldn’t get special attire).
I don’t think Crowley will?? There’s only been one major instance of him sending Yuu to a new location to research a way home, and that was Glorious Masquerade. All of the other times when Yuu visited someone’s homeland, it was because they were invited to join for an event (ie Kalim invites them to Silk City’s fireworks festival, Epel invites them for Harveston’s sledding race). Other events like Vargas Camp may have Yuu tagging along for practical purposes (ie helping the teacher). In fact, Crowley sending Yuu away to new places for the purposes of finding a way home is actually a very uncommon excuse used to shoehorn them into exploring Twisted Wonderland, it’s definitely not “like every time”.
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ladyazurith · 2 months
Cater Diamond Analysis
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Honestly, my first impressions of Cater were…not good. When I very first started playing Twist, I picked Idia as my starting character because I love Hades (not the Disney version but the classical Greek mythology version, though the Disney version is great he’s a terrible representation of Hades but I think everyone knows that) After playing the game Azul quickly became my favorite (That’s why my first Broken Mirrors story was about him) and just Octavinelle in general. 
When I first picked up Twist I kind of sped through books 1 and 2. At the time I was still knee deep in the MHA fandom and was playing the game because a friend recommended it (they’d followed the JP release) And didn’t really absorb much. Books 3 and 4’s release is when I really started to pay attention. My Ao3 page definitely reflects this given stories started appearing in April of 22. 
The first thing I really remembered about Cater was Beans Day and I was overall just annoyed with him because I wanted to spend more time with Jade. And Cater it seemed was the reason he kept leaving. 
Another thing is I have Cater’s Birthday SSR from the first year (it was the very first Birthday Card we got in the EN version) I do not remember pulling for it, let alone actually getting his card but it’s there so…*shrugs* 
It wasn’t until I saw a music video on YouTube set to Kill the Lights, that I even took a second glance at Cater as a character. The video made me compare him to Twice from MHA (I was again still attached to the fandom at the time) and I loved Twice, so I started digging more. Twice has an incredibly tragic backstory and it made me curious about Cater’s. 
After that I dug through all the information I could about Cater, both in EN and JP releases, I watched translations of all his available vignettes or others he was in, and events he was a part of. I’ve always loved picking characters apart and I found that Cater was far more complex than I first gave him credit for. There are a few key cards/events that I believe are essential for understanding who Cater is.
First is of course is Heartslabyul’s chapter of the game. I know a lot of people will point to this and say it’s why they don’t trust him or take him seriously, but context is key. Yes, he does “manipulate” the group into doing some of his chores.  But in the wider context of the story, Cater is often left doing a lot of extra work around the dorm. Picking up the slack, because of his clones and making up for the mistakes of others. (Trey’s CR Card is a good window into this, along with Trey’s Star Sending Card) And honestly, this is about the worst thing he does throughout the entire game. 
What is also shown is that Cater is very forgiving. He’s never actually upset with Riddle for the way he behaves. It’s not that he condones his actions, but he knows why Riddle behaves the way he does and tries his best to be understanding while also helping the 1st years navigate the situation and in a way protect them. (He even asks Trey if he’s okay with what’s going on when Ace and Deuce get kicked out) Even at the end when Ace gets on Riddle for his apology Cater chastises him. In the end, Cater is very conflict averse, he doesn’t really want to fight with people, and would rather everyone just get along (this is part of why he Kalim and Lilia all get along so well in the LMC) I think some people see his reaction in the manga, and take his reason for not wanting to step in wrong. Personally, I don’t think it had completely clicked with him that this wasn’t an altercation that could be ended peacefully. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. 
There are a lot of hints that Cater is fairly depressed under his happy come-what-may attitude. His Labcoat personal story is less than subtle about it, (Vil and Lilia straight-up talk about what the Mandrake Cater tried to hide meant), And even his CR card shows that he’s not really a fan of all the socializing he does, and finds it exhausting. He also isn't afraid of death, at least as his clones, in the Heartslabyul Manga he takes a spear to the chest to save Deuce, and in Chapter 2 he creates replicas of the Diasomnia Spelldive team and allows himself to be trampled. The level he's nonchalant about it is a bit disturbing, especially because he can remember what happens as his clones (he makes a comment about not being able to use them to study because the information can get jumbled up) and they have been stated to *be* him. (this is part of why I HC that Cater's clones can confuse Rook's UM because he can't tell a clone from the real Cater)
Another really important one is Cater’s Halloween SSR (and really the first two Halloween events), His SSR is one of the few times we get to see his thoughts so clearly. He’s excellent at hiding his true thoughts and feelings. The conversation he has with Lilia and Kalim about not being really close to anyone, and preferring to keep people at arm's length is heartbreaking because it comes from a place of moving around, being forgotten, and being hurt. Everything Cater does is an effort to get people to remember him, from his guitar to his magicam account. 
At the end of his SSR is a very touching moment between Diasomnia as Lilia comforts Malleus, Cater’s left to the side feeling completely bitter about all of it. Angry Lilia thought he could ever understand him when he had connections like Malleus, Silver, and Sebek in his life. Connections Cater doesn’t feel he can ever make. The follow up to this is when he’s still standing there and gets the call from Trey who yells at him because he’s not in Heartslabyul to help solve a problem there, and gets called a liar when he explains what he was doing. (People sometimes ask me why I don’t like Trey and this scene right here is part of that reason.) 
As for the rest of the first Halloween, the only time we really see him relaxed is in Lilia’s card. Every other time he’s working, solving problems, or helping other people. Even at the very end when everyone else was relaxing at the after party, he was off comforting the Ghosts who felt guilty about causing all the problems with their picture in the beginning, helping them feel better and bringing the subject up to others.  
In the second Halloween event, he was one of the possessed missing students. I don’t think everyone realizes this but all the ghosts made the ones they’d possessed act in the exact opposite of their true nature. (Vil who he was stuck with is a great example, he was crying acting like someone who had no self-esteem, but the things he was saying were in complete contrast to his behavior, which in reality Vil acts like a very self assured person on the surface but deep down he’s a doubt ridden insecure mess. Kalim is another he was angry and violent) 
Cater was forced to be cruel and malicious, which lines up with being the opposite of who he really is from the little bits we’ve seen. He often tends to go out of his way to help people. When they needed help in the final act of Endless Halloween when the other students appeared he was the first one to step up to help take care of it. In Silver’s card, he took the time to console him and give him advice but even his advice to live in the moment and don’t care about what happens in the future tells us a lot about him.
Even Beans Day and the fact he stuck with Yuu (something that first annoyed me) is an example of this. A lot of people saw “us” as a liability and ditched the MC in the very competitive game, but Cater didn’t he stayed, and in the end, they almost won. 
Other notes along the way are he never really talks positively about his family. He’s always complaining about how overbearing his sisters are. How they treated him like a doll. Bought presents for him that were meant for them, not him, etc. And I know what he says about his dislike of sugar and how it came from one incident as a child BUT that’s not very likely. I have a feeling it was more than *one* incident and a repeated dismissal of his own autonomy in his family BUT that is just a theory. Personally, I think he downplayed the event like he seems to do a lot of these things. It’s very clear he generally conceals how he truly feels about an incident. 
He even comments about how he doesn’t want to go home over winter break because he knows his sisters will just put him to work. In his second year birthday jacket card he talks about how his sisters take him shopping and force him to carry everything. Every time his family comes up it's never in a positive context. 
In his Silks card, it’s shown he has a problem buying things for himself. Jamil pokes him about it, while he’s buying souvenirs for other people, and in the end, makes Jamil pick something for him. We get hints that Jamil can see past the facade he puts up and that makes Cater nervous BUT we also know Jamil absolutely trusts Cater. He left Kalim in Cater’s care in Silk City, and even though Kalim doesn’t generally eat anything but Jamil’s cooking (not even his own) Kalim is the one that judges Cater’s culinary crucible meal. And the way Jamil conducts himself in Cater’s birthday interview. 
Cater also tends to treat people as people. He’s never really been intimidated by Malleus, not the same way other people are (outside Yuu/MC), and will talk to him freely. When realistically he has more reason than most to be afraid of Malleus. It takes a bit of stringing of different card stories and events together, but Malleus has knocked Cater unconscious with his magic before. Because in Malleus’s first Birthday card, he talks about the incident, where Lilia invited him to the LMC, to play music, but he accidentally knocked the members unconscious. We know that Kalim arrived late in his 2nd year and that during Cater and Lilia’s first year, they were very quickly the only members of the LMC until Kalim joined. Meaning when the incident took place the only available victim was Cater. 
I also know Cater talks about not having a lot of money/not coming from a wealthy family, BUT I know this isn’t true. While it's not likely his family is as rich as I’ve made them in my stories, they are NOT poor. First off they move AT least every two years, and that is NOT cheap to do. We know his dad works for a bank, but there aren’t many positions at a Bank on any level that would require the person to move so much. Bankers are some of the wealthiest people period (not the tellers or general employees but those wouldn’t require moving)  Looking into it, his dad is most likely an investment banker which make $$$. This is also backed up by the fact that he does chase trends that take an incredible amount of money, and he’s talked about doing things like going “Glamping” which costs upwards of 1-1.5k/night  Then again maybe his perception is warped by Kalim lol. 
As far as his relationships go. I do think his perception is a bit skewed from past experiences. Riddle seems to care an awful lot about him/considers him a friend. I think this is very much a case of Riddle taking Cater at face value, not having the social awareness to realize Cater is faking most of what he’s doing. While Cater is still stuck on the idea that Riddle is just another shallow friendship for him. 
I also think Kalim thinks more of their friendship than Cater does. I also always wonder how Vil can insist the only thing Cater wants out of him is fame when *Kalim’s standing right there* While Kalim isn’t famous in the same sense Vil is, he’s INCREDIBLY wealthy and it wouldn’t take much for him to leverage that for his own fame, but we don’t really see him doing that, yes he does make posts with Kalim but it all seems to be in line with his friendship with him and things they do with the club, and the time Kalim invited him to Silk City. There is no hint Cater takes advantage of him at all (which I think plays into why Jamil trusts him)
Speaking of Vil, the reason I ship Cater and Vil is very detailed and delves into the nuance of their interactions and relationship otherwise. I know it’s easy to point at Vil’s “What it means to be a Brand” R card Vin, where Cater talks about how attractive he is and talks about dating him. (I’m still mad they took that out of the English version) as a reason, and while it is part of it Vil doesn’t tell him he won't date him, he tells Cater he can’t afford them. (Which to me sounds like a shallow comment?!?! When he calls Cater Shallow, gets a bit on my nerves but that's another rant) 
But what really sells me that Cater’s feelings for Vil are real and not part of his fake facade is his Birthday Jacket interview. He picks Vil as his choice of sibling and then goes on to talk about why he looks up to and respects Vil. It’s not about his physical features, but other traits he likes and appreciates. He seems to understand Vil. And this is my take on it but I think part of why he likes Vil (either romantically or otherwise) is he sees a kindred spirit, someone who puts on a mask to face an uncaring world that expects impossible standards, and the need to always be ‘on’ and performing. Remember it's clear that Cater doesn’t enjoy what he does social media-wise and the like, but it's something he feels like he has to do.
Trey is otherwise not someone he’s super close to. To me, their relationship comes across more like coworkers at a stressful job, than actual friends. Cater himself has said more than once that he’s not close to *anyone* and Trey in the star sending even talks about how even after all the time they’ve spent together Cater still doesn’t seem to trust him with his true self. Trey tends to be very dismissive of Cater’s complaints and Cater in general. And straight up TO HIS FACE told him he’d always be closer to Riddle. (As someone who didn’t have childhood friends themselves, and even now struggles with friends that line right there hurt a lot. That the idea that if you didn’t make a friend when you were a child then you could never be close to someone more than they are to someone else hurt and made me angry. And did not help my opinion of Trey AT ALL  Length of time is not the only qualifier to a strong friendship) But yet tends to also be dismissive of Riddle in some cases?!?! And is willing to manipulate him so there's that. 
I did an entire write up of Lilia and Cater’s relationship, but a summary is that I find it one of the most unique and complex in the game. Often times Lilia tends to treat the other students like he’s a mentor figure. Not just Diasomnia, but all of them in general when he interacts. Cater however isn’t treated that way and seems to view him more as an equal, and has been shown to listen to and take advice from him when he’s otherwise shown to be very stubborn and determined. And it's possible he intended to stay in contact with Cater when he attempted to leave in ch 7. Cater tells him that he can hit him up on Magicam at any time which means Lilia hasn’t deactivated his account (Cater would likely know that) and Lilia doesn’t tell him he can’t like he had with other attempts to stay in contact, but he doesn’t say he will either so it's more up in the air. 
Idia…also seems to listen to him!?! Honestly Idia and Cater’s relationship also probably deserves their own post. I don’t ship them, mostly because I think they’d end up in a self destructive spiral. BUT I do think they could be friends, like really good friends if they could both get past some of their issues. They have a lot in common, especially when it comes to being lonely and detached certain everyone will just forget about them someday. 
Over all Cater is an extremely complex person, and really about the only character who we don’t know a lot about. Most of what we have on him is how other characters view him, (which is why I think there is a lot of misconception and distrust of his character for people because they buy into what they see on the surface and move on)  and a few scraps here and there into who he actually is under the surface which completely contradicts the persona he presents. 
I have a lot of headcanons for him, and while I noted a few here in this, I tried to keep this to most extrapolation from what we see directly in canon. I love Cater, and I hope this helps some people have a better understanding of who he is. 
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olivyh · 2 years
Since you accept reqs for your aus....
How would villain kalim react to an mc who can see through his happy go lucky facade?
You can choose 1 or both routes:
An mc who actively tries to expose him
An mc who actively tries to help Jamil!
I honestly forget about my villain!Kalim au sometimes, even if there's so much to work with. It's still one of my favorites, though!
-He did everything in his power to keep up his facade
-He was everything that he taught himself to be, everything that his father was, everything that would make the people of his homeland love and adore him
-It had worked for his entire life. Of course, when he was younger he didn't understand the poisonous power that his kindness could hold. He was merciless-cruel, even.
-But he changed. He put on a smile, acted as though he was innocent and he couldn't do any wrong.
-Even at NRC, Kalim was known as the sunshine of the school. Always bubbly, talkative, more than willing to help everyone out. He was so generous, so willing to throw everything to the side in the name of supporting someone who he knows may very well be taking advantage of him.
-Even including the poor, magicless prefect
-At first he believes that he had them as wrapped around his finger as the rest of the school, someone he could use to defend himself and who would stand up for him when he uses those crocodile tears to get his way
-Kalim saw the way they looked at him when Jamil overblotted, as though they were looking through him and his fake tears as he stared at Jamil in a way that he knew would have made the servant tremble as he had when he was a child.
"Nobody will ever believe you-" You heard quietly from behind you, turning to see Kalim skipping up to you playfully, slipping on the sand of the dunes as you stare at him, eyebrows knitted on your forehead.
"Prefect? What's wrong?" He chirps. You turn to see Jamil, staring at the two of you with an indiscernible expression painted on his sharp features, eyebrows knitted on his forehead as his mouth lays partly open. He notices your gaze and turns away.
"What did you just say to Jamil?" You ask quietly. You had thought it was suspicious that Jamil, someone who was always so in tune with his emotions, who was so thoroughly in control of everything all the time could just... snap. At first you believed that it was the stress he was under, as well as his past. But after hearing what Kalim said...
You look up at the white-haired boy's face and see how strained his smile has become, how his eyes seemed to narrow in your direction. You feel a chill creep up your spine as you turn to the rest of the group, noticing how Floyd looks between the two of you curiously, the corners of his mouth turning down as he walks backwards, face contorting into his familiar goofy grin.
"Whatcha talkin' about?"
"Nothing!" Kalim chirps, smiling and skipping along with the rest of the group. You sigh and continue the trek back to the dorm, trying to ignore the gaze of the eel as he pokes and prods at your back, practically begging for you to spill everything that you'd been thinking about.
-And when you actively try to help Jamil? Even if it's little things such as cleaning or cooking, Kalim would do everything in his power to keep you away from him. He's not above putting even more work onto Jamil's shoulders and then pulling you away so you can't help under the guise of needing help with his studies.
-But even as he pleads, gives you puppy eyes and spoils you with jewels and riches worth beyond anything that you could imagine... you still refuse him, lightly pushing him away
-He decides to step things up a bit, walking around with tears in his eyes and sniffling. Everyone asks him what's wrong, and he, of course tells them everything about you turning him away. How could you be so mean? He was nothing but kind to you...
-Before you know it, even your own friends are asking for you to deal with him as much as you can, baffled at how your normally kind personality is suddenly gone when dealing with the bubbly heir
-You become socially ostracized, crammed into the same corner that Jamil was after his overblot. Forced to eat alone as Kalim pays off your friends and spoils them as a reward for staying away from you...
-It pains them to do this to you... but if you can do this to Kalim, who has been nothing but kind and giving towards you, you could do much worse to them (as Kalim hinted during one of his cry sessions, surrounded by the other students)
-ADeuce might stick around more, as with Grim. I also feel like the Octatrio would know what was going on (If not all of them... then Floyd would.) Kalim can't hurt the Leeches due to their family also being influential in the Coral Sea, so the two of them are safe.
-But the vast majority of NRC would be against you
It was one mistake. Just one. You had been talking to Jamil, alone in his room, trying to find a way to help him as much as you can.
"You need to leave," You practically beg him.
"Leave?" Jamil scoffs. "If it were that easy, I would be gone by now." He sits back on his bed, running his hands through his now unstyled hair and frowning, allowing his stone-grey eyes to fall closed. "It's not possible."
"I-it's not?"
"He has everything. I may be able to outsmart him, yes. It's not that difficult... for the most part," He takes a breath. "But he's richer than either of us can imagine, and he has the people on his side. He would be able to find me in an instant, not to mention the possibility of someone else ratting me out and sending me back to him.
"There has to be some sort of way-!"
Jamil frowns, sitting up and staring at you with an expression that was equal parts annoyed and... exhausted. You could see how badly he wanted to leave, the longing that swam in his normally cold and apathetic eyes.
"The only way would be if he gave me to someone else... and if that person decided to set me free," The boy's shoulders sink in defeat. "There's no way he would let me go. And if I asked there's no telling what he would do to my family."
"Come home with me." You stand, suddenly determined. "The second I can find a way back to my world... grab your family, and come with me. He can't find you all there."
"I-" He knits his eyebrows. "That could work, yes..."
"Then let's do it," Jamil nods.
"I-" He takes a breath. "I'm just going to take my sister. My parents wouldn't leave."
"You..." You take a tentative pause. "You should tell her, so she's not surprised." He nods, reaching over and grabbing his phone from the nightstand, dialing the girl's number and disappearing into his room's bathroom as a tired voice sounds from the speaker.
Little did you know that Kalim was listening to your every word, despite having checked to make sure that he was absolutely asleep and creeping to Jamil's room, keeping your conversation as quiet as possible.
"How could you?" You ask the heir one night after a party, cornering him in his room as your fists shake at your sides and your eyes glisten with tears that threaten to spill. "Why would you do this?" Just moments prior, Jamil had admitted to everything that Kalim had been doing to the both of you- his manipulation of your friends and the reasoning behind your sudden drop in popularity matched with everything that Jamil had to face when dealing with the boy. You had agreed to take him and his sister back to your homeworld. How did it all go so wrong?
"Do what?" He asks, tilting his head slightly, wide red eyes looking up at you as though you were a lost puppy and not a master manipulator of some six hundred students.
"Y-you... turned everyone against me!" You groan and begin to pace angrily, avoiding looking at the boy in fear of the waves of wrath that you know would pull you down. "You sent Jamil and his sister away from each other and their family!"
Kalim pouts, eyes welling with tears as he sniffles. "Why would you say such a thing?" He wipes his eyes with his sleeves, curling in on himself and shaking. "I could never... you were just so-so mean to me! A-and Jamil asked me to! He said it would make them happy!"
You gape at him wordlessly, jaw hanging open. "H-happy?!" You practically growl. "You stole them from their home! Jamil worked his ass off to get into NRC and you just-"
"Prefect," Another voice sounds from the doorway. "Enough."
"Ace!" You turn. "Are you hearing this?"
"Hearing you interrogate Kalim?" The redhead scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Duh. I thought everyone was fucking around when I heard the rumors, but now..." Your heart sinks as you stare silently at your friend, eyebrows knitted on your forehead. Kalim whines softly and looks away, biting his lip and wiping his eyes again, chuckling under his breath.
"It's okay! Really! Just a little m-miscommunication!" He grins and bounces up to Ace, smiling brightly as Ace looks at him, and then back to you, face painted in disbelief.
"Dude, Jamil can make his own decisions. I dunno why you felt like you have to protect him all the time," Ace rolls his eyes, leaving the room with Kalim in tow as you stand silently, tears racing down your cheeks. Your face burns in anger and embarrassment as you stare at the door, chest heaving with labored breaths that do little to help the storm raging in your mind.
You silently walk out of the room, ignoring the burning stares of the Scarabia students as you walk towards the mirror chamber, mind racing as determination and defeat are pumped into your bloodstream. You were going to take the dorm leader down, even if it killed you.
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ravynous · 2 years
it starts with a small flap。
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▌| character/s: riddle rosehearts, kalim al-asim ▌| request: Hey, may I request some headcanons of the dorm leaders react to a MC that is a lot like kanao from Demon slayer? (Vil, Riddle, Kalim) ▌| warning/s: mean jabs (riddle’s part), mentions of assassination (kalim’s part) ▌| author’s note: excluded vil because I have no idea on how to write him… ALSO, WINGING KALIM’S ‘CAUSE I HAVEN’T READ HIS STORIES YET (the requester deactivated TT) ▌| link/s: masterlist
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle collared you after you pointed your nichirin katana at Crowley’s neck after he failed to explain where you ended up at. In your defense, the floating coffins and “masked man inside the mirror” resembled a demon’s blood art.
What a great introduction for the both of you! You’ve got a house warden who’s warning his freshmen (Ace and Deuce) that it’s dangerous to interact with the new prefect, someone who has broken multiple rules already; and you’ve got yourself an eerily silent new demon slayer who only speaks after tossing a coin – both students who are at odds with each other.
Ace and Deuce never took his word regarding the prefect though. After all, they were the ones that experienced your protective nature firsthand in the mine incident. The housewarden only grew more agitated – couldn’t they see that he was looking out for them?
“Clearly, you were born to parents with no great magical capability. And as a result... You lack even the basic education necessary to attend a school such as this. It's quite sad.” Riddle’s jab towards your lack of an academic background felt humiliating, but… you felt infuriated all the same. How dare he, a person who doesn’t even acknowledge his own mistakes when enforcing his rules, condemn you.
“And? I may have not grown under my biological parents’ guidance, yet I managed to receive genuine love and care from my masters and sisters, something that you have obviously never gotten. How pitiful.”
The tension between you peaked the moment before Riddle’s overblot. You thwarted Riddle’s attempt of collaring your friends using the second form of flower breathing, Honorable Shadow Plum. Your blade chipped where the metal collars hit as Riddle’s magic turned stronger. This effectively made him lose his temper (which was not your initial goal…).
That statement of yours was absolutely the trigger to Riddle’s overblot. Since your breathing style was made up of mostly offensive attacks (and could end up killing him), your role was mostly deflection. Trey and Cater were in awe when you sliced a tree – that the blot monster threw at your group – in half.
After that fiasco, your friendship with Riddle was gradual. He began apologizing for his hurtful comments, and you did the same.
You offered to help him after his overblot, adapting the physical therapy exercises you’ve done with your sisters for injured slayers. Riddle’s strength and stamina has improved little by little under your guidance.
Appreciates your quietness, there’s enough chaos in NRC. Can’t help his worry when you begin following some of the Queen of Hearts’ rules without questioning them. It reminded him of the strictness of his mother – the invisible shackles masked with ‘motherly love’. Your situations might not be the same, but the similarity lies in the repressed wants and emotions.
Riddle was horrified at the state of the Ramshackle dorm because you lacked any sort of housework skills. So, he offered to tidy it up a bit together, with you doing most of the manual labor (like, moving heavy objects and placing the newly bought wooden planks), and him using magic to clean higher places.
You bonded over your shared love for sweets. He’s a bit upset that he can’t recreate your favorite, ramune – which you described to be a sugary lime-flavored soda, so he introduces you to his favorite, a strawberry tart. Riddle believes that he should do something to give back for all your efforts. (Maybe ask Trey for a favor when changing the tart’s flavor.)
When you eventually become comfortable with Riddle, he loves listening to your stories back home! Although nearly all of them involved your deadly missions, some were of your family and fellow demon slayers. He’s interested in your katana and the way the Butterfly Mansion functioned, seeing as the current head – Shinobu – was both a slayer and a doctor. You’re both interested in medicine too, and this serves as another bonding activity for you.
Overall, you have a calm relationship with Riddle. It’s built upon shared interests and desire to improve. Both of you also use teatime to read science and alchemy-related books, and he tutors you in subjects you have difficulty in.
Kalim Al-Asim
It hurt to be around him at first. Kalim’s demeanor reminded you so much of a close friend back home – one that was kind and warm and giving – gave you a helping hand when you were struggling, gave time to listen to your troubles, and gave you advice that changed your views in life.
Yet you could pick out their differences with such ease. He reminded you of home, but not quite. It took time to adjust to his presence, longer than others.
Kalim’s confused whenever you show a conflicted expression when he comes into view. He’s questioning himself if there was ever a moment that you’ve spoken face-to-face that would cause you to actively avoid him.
Greets you every morning – he’s never smiled so brightly as the time you waved back and showed a small smile. Slow progress is still progress!
He has long learned to avoid surprise hugs after you elbowed his face due to defensive instincts.
Kalim always strikes up small talk, since he has now found someone who was genuinely interested in the stories of his daily life. It’s quite chaotic in your opinion, and Kalim takes it as a win whenever he hears you hiding laughter. Friendship was easily formed because of his cheerful demeanor.
He remembers that the prefect was from another world, and he makes it a personal mission to introduce Twisted Wonderland’s own wonders to you.
“We've known each other a while now, huh? But there's still so much I want to learn about you, and so much I want you to learn about me. No need to spell that out, I guess... Ha ha.” Kalim was so transparent about his feelings, yet – your only reply was a short hum. There’s expectancy in his gaze as he watched you play with the coin with your knuckles. He liked your voice – soft, gentle – resembling the fluttering of his heart when your lips curl into a smile.
“Then… Please wait until I am fully comfortable. I will lay myself – my past – bare before you, the same as you have done to me.” And Kalim agreed – he’ll forever remain thankful for your companionship.
Kalim had grown accustomed to you becoming protective of him (and by extension, Jamil too). The number of assassins that targeted him were nothing to you, disposing of the bodies as quickly as they appeared. He has expressed worry over you, and reluctantly let it go after you’ve assured him it was fine.
There was a time that you visited Scarabia that you accidentally passed out in the desert due to the unfamiliar and scalding heat. Grim had panicked after trying to pull you up and was in near tears when he told Kalim and Jamil that his henchman had died (you were alive, just exhausted). That was also the first time Kalim has used Oasis Maker in front of you. 
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▌| written by RAVYNOUS — please do not copy, edit, screenshot, or repost any of my works. Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Hi, may I have a match-up for Twisted Wonderland? My love language giving is words of affirmation and physical touch and receiving is gifts and physical touch. I believe myself to be a pretty chilled-back person but I have been told by people that I can be pretty uptight with schedules so anyone who is lazy and would call it stupid I can't stand. So, I probably wouldn't get along with someone like Leona. It's not to be confused with people like Kalim or Floyd who like to do things on the fly. It's more that if I want to be at a place I'd like to be there 5-10 minutes beforehand. Also please just stick to students, preferably first and second years but if you think of someone in 3rd year it's fine. But uh anyways yeah, besides being uptight I could be considered a perfectionist but then at the same time I just give up at times like last week when I said I felt like I was failing Chemistry class (I have a 94) but then I proceeded not to study but I gave up the night before. At the same time though I feel like I play a mother figure in my friend group always worrying about them getting hurt or stopping someone trying to jump off a wheely chair into the garbage. (Yes this was actually something that happened last week) But yeah I think that's everything I hope you have a good day ^^
Oh man I know the perfect person:
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He absolutely adores that you're always on time with things and plan stuff out in advance, he loathes being roped into things on the fly. In fact, it's probably one of his favorite things about you. He also appreciates how much hard work you put into things, but might get upset to see you giving up. He'll be there encouraging you to keep going forward, but won't be too pushy since that annoys him as well.
Azul also likes giving small gifts, just leaving something on your desk that he found or bought for you. He also melts the moment you say anything nice about him.
As for physical touch, he'll be flustered at first but his favorite thing to do is wrap you up in his arms. It feels weird only having two arms to do it with, but he makes do.
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dearestones · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Jade Leech #2
Warnings: Fluff.
@sunshine-draws Request: Hello! I've just finished reading all of your rules ^^ I do apologize if I break any of them by accident, as it would be entirely unintentional.
I was wondering if you would be able to do a TWST matchup for me? Romantic, if you don't mind?
Appearance: I'm a 5'6 ft (167cm) demigirl, more on the fem-presenting side when it comes to clothing. I have tan skin (I believe the color's name is Sienna?), short black hair that reaches just below the shoulders, and dark brown eyes (they almost look black). For body shape, I'm rather skinny with very few curves.
Nicknames: Sun, Sunny
Hobbies/interests: Drawing/painting, writing, various video games, taking care of animals
Description: I'm described as the Team Mom of the group, with a bubbly and fun-loving personality. I ADORE terrible jokes, and my sense of humor is almost broken at this point. I'm also an honors student, ranked #28 out of my whole school, and a part of the National Art Honors Society! I'm very passionate about my interests, and actively take leadership positions in group settings (I usually help tutor my peers ^^). 
I'm unfortunately very talkative, too. I get so engrossed in a conversation that I lose track of the outside world. I'm also extremely dense in romantic terms ^^; Someone has to be VERY forward, for me to pick up on it. I usually overwork myself, too, forgetting to take care of myself due to hyperfocusing on my academics. I give out advice, but I usually deny it for myself. I yearn for freedom and a carefree life, using escapism to cope for lacking fun experiences.
I show affection through acts of service and compliments, but I prefer receiving quality time and physical touch. My favorite characters are Ace, Kalim, Floyd, and Silver!
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After going through the description provided, I believe that you best pair well with Jade Leech! 
At first, when Jade meets you, he thinks that he has you all figured out. As a people watcher, he knows how to categorize people, to segregate them by threat and possible pawn in Azul’s plans. Because of your bubbly and fun loving personality, Jade thinks that you’ll be easy to take advantage of. After all, what better bait to lure you in than by your own hand? 
However, Jade’s feelings towards you will eventually change. As an Octavinelle student, it’s basically his duty to outshine the other dorms by having stellar grades. He’s basically always in the top fifty students, possibly in the top ten sometimes, but even he is somewhat surprised by how you’re an honor student at your own school. True, there are others who can share the same acclaim, but he finds himself somewhat intrigued. And you’re also part of the National Honors Society? He could possibly gain something from you if he plays his cards right…
Don’t worry, though! It’s not always transactional or objective when it comes to Jade. What really hooks him is when he realized that you have a predilection for the arts! Did you know that he is part of a culture club? Perhaps you could try drawing and painting the mountains? What about the scenery? The fungi? You’re so talented! Do you do commissions? Jade would definitely like some paintings of his favorite mushrooms! And if you’re worried about payment, don’t worry about that. He’ll work something out… 
(Don’t worry, it’s not a contract! If you’re not interested in money, he’ll give you discounts at Mostro Lounge). 
In addition to your love for the arts (please give him some tips on how to draw better, he likes drawing too, but you’re so awesome!), he’s more than happy to listen to you talk about your interests. Passion is something that Jade can relate to. Hours can pass and he’ll never tire of hearing your voice talk relentlessly about what makes you live life to the fullest, what makes you the happiest. 
You’d do the same for him, right?
Tutoring your peers? Hmm… Interesting, very interesting—he says this with a sly smile on his face. Are you getting paid for such services? Are you doing this out of the kindness of your heart? How about the both of you set up an appointment with Azul so that you can start tutoring sessions in Mostro Lounge? Think about the increase in revenue if you were to advertise your skills as a tutor? Azul is more than fair… All you have to do is sign a contract with him! Ah, you don’t want to? That’s quite all right, he was just joking, of course!
Once Jade realizes that he adores you (it’s because you’re interesting and definitely not because you’re so sweet and kind and knowledgeable about the arts and utterly adorable when you’re passionate about your interests and oh my it looks like he’s somewhat enamored, what a conundrum!), he’ll try courting you. Subtly. You’ll never know this upon first glance, but Jade is somewhat of a coward—like most moray eels. Courtship under the sea is always fraught with  danger, which may be due to rejection… or if your chosen lover decides to eat you instead.
When subtlety doesn’t work (bouquets made out of mushrooms don’t work on you? what about specially made meals that he made free of charge? still no?), Jade will eventually have to seek out your friends and ask what you like. If not, he will go into a deep dive of human courting rituals—and he will collect great ideas for future dates with you—and then try them on you.
And if you’re still oblivious? Jade will just state it outright. 
(No, he’s not blushing. He isn’t blushing. Eels don’t blush, did you know that? He’s simply standing under lights that make it appear as if his face was red, and his heart is definitely not beating out of his chest, but this is definitely a confession).
He will never admit it, but when you tell him that you reciprocate his feelings, he will feel so relieved. A large rush of breath will leave his lungs and he’ll gently pull you close. Eventually, he’ll gain the confidence to squeeze you tightly against him, but for now, he relishes in your warmth.
When you’re finally together, Jade starts taking care of you. Well, not all of the time. He finds it amusing to watch you struggle sometimes, but if you get really stressed out because of your studies, he will take charge and make sure that you’re getting enough rest and food to keep you going. If you insist on overworking yourself, he will have no choice, but to gather you up in his arms and just hold you. It’s called a trap, but if you insist that he’s cuddling you, he will nip you on the cheeks or your earlobes.
If you want fun experiences, then go to Jade! He’s always on the hunt for all things interesting. With him, every day is an adventure, even if at first glance it can be subtle. He has your best interests at heart, though, so when you least expect it, what starts out as a study date might abruptly shift over to a hike in the mountains or perhaps you’ll spend a day skipping class (don’t tell Floyd or he’ll hijack your date).
Overall, time spent with Jade will either end up with both you hyper fixating on both your interests or Jade gently teasing you until he gets to make you laugh. (You have such a pretty laugh and a vibrant smile! The fact that he’s the one who did that gives him a sense of pride). Basically, you can say goodbye to having a boring life and say hello to a whirlwind of experiences with Jade!
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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parallel-selfs · 9 months
Fireworks of The Scalding Sands
Followed Mewshi Q's playthrough
"Hey guys."
"After hearing that comment, now I want to come just to spite you."
(Jamil especially doesn't want Alice to go because they just stopped blotting two days ago and doesn't know if it will come back)
Alice did not use five clocks, they just used their smartphone alarm.
"Good morning, you two."
You're not getting shit, Crowley.
"Man, I thought I would be getting a break from seeing your face constantly. I'm just kidding."
(This happens a week before Malleus overblots, so Lilia having a stomach ache could be from his cooking biting back at him, lying to let Malleus go alone, or the side effect of losing his magic)
"Firefly, calm down. Jamil isn't saying any of that or uninviting you. Jamil, what are you trying to say?" Snake boy takes a breath and explains a bit better.
"I understand your point, but I highly doubt anything like that would happen. But if it makes you feel better, I'll protect Malleus by using Grim as a flamethrower." Malleus chuckles at the idea of them protecting him and comments he will be well guarded.
Looks around. "This is place is beautiful."
Books it to grab Grim and pull him out.
Pulls out glasses to see it. "Damn."
"Nice, we get the ride in a limousine."
Immediately takes out phone after seeing Cater taking pictures.
"Malleus, you good?"
"That's dangerous."
They're quietly watching the scenery go by. This is the first time they're really traveling.
Takes a picture of the fountain, then Jamil and Malleus.
"Grim! Don't be a troublemaker."
"Guys, we already knew his family is rich. Why are you surprised by everything?"
"Hey, sorry for keeping you guys waiting."
"Cater, can you send me that picture later?"
Kalim, stop piling more work on him without his permission.
"Bye." Waves to Kalim.
"I'm okay with whatever."
Jasmine and Aladdin.
Tries to not make a face of doubt.
"Why not? I think it's cute."
"Bell peppers and garlic sauce."
"Jamil, let her join. I don't want to be the only girl here."
"I believe it's because it looks like dragon scales."
(Can't tell if they would like it or not because even though I had the chance to try dragon fruit, we never ate it ;-;)
"Now he's going to cause chaos on purpose."
"I'm always down for some ice cream."
"I'll take a picture with you."
Oh yeah, remember that in the movie.
Looks at the tower, looks at Grim. "I'm technically not suppose to eat bread." Which leads to the group questioning why and Jamil panicking on them being allergic. "It's nothing like that, Jamil. I have a gluten intolerant, but don't worry about it."
Secretly eats a slice with jam.
Alice glances over at Jamil and Najma. They're envious.
Looks down at Grim. "Tell me why I should." "I don't know, will you behave for the rest of the travel or do I need to pay the vase?" Trey tells them to stop teasing him, they pull him out.
Holding Malleus's hand and leaning against him while they walk that some people are mistaking them as a couple. Then he whispers to them and disappears to mess with the direbeast. They're enjoying the show.
Shares the same reaction as the group.
"Um, Jamil, could I have something else besides the coconut water?" "Could I have a pineapple juice?" (Since the coconut water is in the coconut, the pineapple juice is in a hollow out pineapple.)
Chuckles at the "hanging out with my date buddies."
"Oh honey." (Poor kid.)
"I remember hearing a recipe about putting peanut butter in a date, then covering it in chocolate to recreate a candy in my world. I probably should do that because I miss my favorite chocolate bar."
"I doubt anything bad is going to happen to him."
"Come on, Trey."
"Wait, what?"
"But you could have told us before we left Kalim's house."
Chuckles at Malleus's cluelessness.
Places wallet and phone in their robes and towards the back.
"Excuse you."
"Sounds like a plan."
Also buys the dad shirt.
"Can I have some?"
Smugly, "wouldn't that be an indirect kiss?"
Glares at him. "How dare you."
Malleus gives them some of his ice cream after seeing their pouting face.
Alice has a bag of small souvenirs for everyone at the school.
"Obviously." (I watched the video of all of the fireworks going off at once)
"Hm?" Looks at their person and see a monkey trying to steal their glasses.
Hands on hips with an angry expression.
"Go do it, you may not get a chance like this again."
Nuzzles against Malleus to stay warm.
"It was fun to explore and try something new."
"I don't know, I can't dance." Malleus teases them and pulls them onto their feet to start swinging them around.
"You know, back home I watched fireworks every year because it was for the celebration of my country's independence. But the fireworks got boring because it was the same thing every year, always the same fireworks. But this time, I'm actually enjoying it and feel amazed by it. It's nice."
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I actually laughed when you decided to kill Malleus (also adopting Sebek is great, he just want to be good boy). Which actually interest me: Are there any other characters you dislike/least favorite but the fandom seems to love them?
[Referring to this post!]
When I first saw that ask, I immediately knew I wanted to kill Malleus, but I had a hard time deciding on what to do with the rest of Diasomnia. (I feel like most people would want to kill Sebek for being loud/annoying?) I thought it'd be funny if I adopted Lilia, so I was considering it... but in the end, I thought Sebek fit the role of the family child more.
I've already mentioned before that I dislike Malleus and Leona (though admittedly, I like Leona a little better now... but his personality still often rubs me the wrong way). However, I do not like the Dorm Leaders in general that much (the only exception being Kalim, and I believe he is the least popular of that group).
That's not to say that they're poorly written characters, that I "hate" them, or that I don't find them interesting. I'm actually pretty “meh” when it comes to Riddle, Azul, Vil, and Idia. I'm okay with them, all things considered, but I'd take the Vice Dorm Leaders (or even Ruggie or Ortho) over the Dorm Leaders any day. I just feel like the rest of the fandom loves and hypes up the Dorm Leaders as a concept so much that my indifference to them is considered to be an outlier.
Here's a clear example: I still remember the shock from the fandom when chapter 6 part 1 first came out. Most people were panicking about the kidnapped and worrying about Idia experimenting on them. Some were even jokingly saying they would beat up Idia if he touched a hair on Leona or Azul's head. Meanwhile, I was just chuckling about how absurd the situation was and only semi-concerned for Jamil (not because he got kidnapped, but because he has to be trapped in the same room with Azul for an unknown period of time).
Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoy writing the Dorm Leaders, I just don't find myself deeply connecting with them or flocking to them for personal comfort.
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Supporting Characters - Dorji's Dogs
I found this in my drafts a few days ago, even though I’d forgotten this existed so here. Have some some old protective doggos. 
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Name: Currently Claudius and Hadrian Medusa, but their true name is currently not known
Both: The Medusa Dogs (by most people that don’t know them), Les chiens de garde de Méduse (by Rook), Claud and Hade (by Epel and later the other first years), Copper and Towser (by Vil), Harasa Geida [Good Guard Dogs*] (By Kalim and Jamil), Dorji’s Dogs (By Dorji’s friend group and Dorji’s clients), and the Blacktip Rockfishes (By Floyd and sometimes Jade and Azul)
Cladius: Claud (by Epel), Copper (by Vil), La Némésis de Méduse (by Rook), Sebates (by Floyd), Haris Waghaei [Protective Guard Dog*] (by Kalim and Jamil)
Hadrian: Hade (by Epel), Towser (by Vil), L'euthanasie de Méduse (by Rook), Redfish (by Floyd), Harasa Ganoni [Lawful Guard Dog*] (by Kalim and Jamil)
Gender: Both believed to be Male, but not known due to shapeshifter species’ gender ambiguity
Species: Shapeshifter, currently taking the forms of a hybrid of crocodile and a bloodhound 
Eye Color: Black Pupils with Yellow Sclera
Fur Color: Brown-Green
Affiliation: The Gorgon bloodline, namely the Medusa family, which is currently Dorji Medusa 
Occupation: Dorji’s Protectors
Both: Not many know what the two are like outside of Claudius’ and Hadrian’s protective nature of Dorji Medusa and their passive-aggressive nature to those the two don’t know that rival’s the Leech twins at times, and seemingly unwillingness to open up to others while outside Dorji’s bedroom or Ramshackle dorm. Within the Pomefiore and Ramshackle dorm, the two dog-like creature seems to be much different. The two dogs seem to have a protectiveness over the younger years of Night Raven College, especially when Vil Schönheit, Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengotto and the Leech twins is nearby. The two shapeshifters also seem to be very smart and wise, as they both have displayed abilities a normal dog wouldn’t be capable of doing, and seem to have a lot of experience in the world they live in compared to most students, even above Lilia and Malleus’ level of experience. The two shapeshifters also are known to be prankish around the school, particularly to Vil, Azul and those they disapprove of, but the Claudius and Hadrian have been helpful to the students and staff of Night Raven College to those they seem to favor, ike Dorji’s friend group and seem to have some empathy for people, as they have been known to help out those in distress, most notably Epel Felmier during the events of Chapter 5.
Claudius is known for his more aggressive personality compared to Hadrian’s, and seems to take more after Dorji’s selfish and manipulative nature. As, Claudius seems to know how to get the things he wants when he wants, and not show not much remorse for it. He is also fiercely more protective of people he considers he needs to protect than Hadrian, most notably first years like Epel Felmier (whom Claudius has protected from Vil Schonheit’s punishments and scoldings multiple times according to Dorji). Claudius also seems to be more tired out and confused easily by new things he encounters. But, unlike Dorji at times, Claudius seems to have self-awareness of his more aggressive behaviors and seems to address his behaviors in some forms by trying to rectify his action if he feels it’s that bad. Dorji also mentions Claudius is one of the two the demands more attention and care from Dorji and those he likes and feels comfortable around, like Quentin, Epel, Rook and Adahy. 
Hadrian: Hadrian is known for his more playful and helpful nature compared to Claudius’, and much more friendly and easy to approach which seems to take more after Dorji’s more laid back and leaderlike personality seen in Chapter 5. Hadrian is often the one who people will play with and feed him due to Hadrian’s open and helpful acts he does to most people he encounters, but the shapeshifter does seem to not be blinded by his playfulness as he will be more careful around those he deems not so friendly like Vil, Azul, Ruggie Bucchi, and Leona Kingscholar. Unlike Claudius, Hadrian does not seem to play favorites with people and seems to treat them equally, though if you know Hadrian well enough he is biased towards Dorji’s friend group and Kalim and Jamil. Hadrian seems to be pretty open to new things, but seems to be cautious about it, he also seems to be more prankish and empathic of the two shapeshifters, as he can be seen around people by himself if they seem down or they’re in a strange mood. Hadrian also has a notably more underestimated by others since he tends to put an air of goofiness around himself. 
Background: According to Dorji, Claudius and Hadrian might be really, really old shapeshifters who originally got involved with his family or bloodline (Dorji himself isn’t sure) due to one of Dorji’s ancestors dying saving the shapeshifters’ family from certain death at the hands of a monster hunter. To thank the ancestor for his kind deed, the shapeshifters made a deal to protect the ancestor’s bloodline and help the family live comfortably. Dorji says since then his bloodline the Gorgon family (a family similar to the Shroud family, well-known for being versed in healing and protective charms) has been prosperous, and has become a extremely wealthy family for their knowledge at healing. Dorji says even he’s not sure about the validity of the family story since the two creatures do not talk about their past often, and his family isn’t great at keep records. But Dorji does know that these two used to be guarding his grandfather, as he says he somewhat remembers them from his childhood, and the two shapeshifters seem to remember him as well. 
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* I maybe wrong with my Latinized Arabic translation, since I couldn’t find a good, reliable source for Arabic language on the internet and I do not speak Arabic, I am open to criticism/help for those who are fluent or have knowledge! *
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