#benefits of eating carrots
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Benefits of Carrots in Your Daily Diet - Access Health Care Physicians, LLC
Learn about the carrot benefits, uses of carrots, and the potential side effects of their over-consumption. Read our blogs.
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crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
yes i am feeling normal <- still thinking abt the fact that chat got phil to switch to eating only golden carrots and golden apples and what that can mean For hc phil :)
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missbaphomet · 2 years
Eating cinnamon glazed pecans out of spite for those assholes on reddit. I worked my ass off this week, even if my body is too busy healing to show it. At the bare minimum I walked 15 miles this week, and that's an accomplishment if nothing else. It's a great start to the long road of my weight loss, and I deserve to eat something unhealthy but yummy once in a while <3
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healthywaysfitness · 5 months
The Easy Way To Blend Pineapple, Carrots And Ginger Juice
Introduction To The Easy Way To Blend Pineapple, Carrots And Ginger Juice Pineapple, ginger, and carrot juice is a refreshing and nutritious drink that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals to boost health and support tissues in the body. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to prepare this delicious juice and the health benefits it offers. As…
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alisonwritesimagines · 5 months
Wayne Family Garden ~Batmom Imagine~
Summary: Your plan on growing a garden. However, you don’t have a green thumb. Luckily, you know someone who does.
Author’s Note: I'm obessed with the Wayne Family Adventures on WebToons. Like you don't know how obsessed I am with them.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: fluff, Poison Ivy and Harley know the Batfam's identies (its canon)
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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"What do you think Alfred?"
"I think having a lemon tree could really benefit the garden and our groceries," Alfred tells you.
"Maybe we can have an apple tree too?" You said.
"Sounds delightful. And Master Bruce agreed to your garden?"
"Yup. Said we can have it on the side in the backyard. And we can grow whatever we want," you smiled.
"We should start off small then," Alfred said.
"Right. So then a lemon tree, an apple tree, and carrots?" You asked.
"Sounds good to me," Alfred smiled.
You had been growing more bored around your home now that most of your kids were adults and had moved out of the mansion. So after seeing a good amount of gardening TikToks, you wanted to start your own little garden. But there was one slight problem, you didn't know how to garden.
So there was one person you could think of who could help you start off. You didn't want to bother Alfred more than what he has to deal with so you used your husband's technology to find a certain someone.
The apartment complex looked a little run down but yet again, you knew this was where they would be laying low. You knocked on the front door, only to see Harley Quinn opening it up.
"Mrs. Wayne? Whatcha doin here?" Harley asked you.
"Hiya, Harley. I'm looking for Ivy. Is she around?" You asked.
"Yeah. What's going on?" Harley asked.
"Harley. Who is it?" You heard Ivy ask.
"It's Y/n Wayne! Batman's wife!" Harley said excitedly.
"Hi, Ivy. I came here to ask for a favor," you tell her.
"Uh sure. What's up?" Ivy asked.
"I am currently planting a garden at my home but the problem is, I don't know how to garden. I was wondering if you can help me out," you asked her.
"Don't you have a butler who also knows how to garden?" Ivy asked.
"Yes but I don't want to bother him more than my family already has. And besides, I need more females around the house," you mentioned.
"What are you trying to grow?" Harley asked.
"I would like to start off with a lemon tree, an orange tree, and an apple tree. But I know those take a couple years to grow but I would like to begin growing carrots, tomatoes, and green beans as well," you tell her.
"Those are good to start off with," Ivy mentioned.
"Thanks. So will you come by my house with me and help me get started? I have the tools and everything to start off," you asked her.
"Yeah. My schedule is clear for today," Ivy shrugged.
"Thank you! Harley! You can come over too," you invited.
"Oh sweet!"
Whenever it was a light night, meaning that there was barely crime for once in Gotham, the whole family would get together for dinner. However, they were surprised to see two new comers joining you all in dinner.
"I expect you all to behave yourselves for the night. Ivy and Harley are my guests as they helped me with my garden today," you tell your family.
"Yes mom."
"And no hero or villain talk in the table. I would like a dinner where we can just eat like normal people for once," you say as you prepped the table.
During dinner, everyone ate peacefully but kept a close eye on Harley and Ivy. It was mainly you talking about the garden and your plans for it.
"What are you planning on growing in the garden ummi?" Damien asked you.
"I would like a lemon, orange, and an apple tree but I know those take a while to grow. But I'm also planning on growing some carrots, green beans, and tomatoes to start off," you say excitedly.
"Just make sure to follow the instructions I gave you," Ivy said.
"Of course. And I'll call you in case anything happens," you smiled at her.
The next few weeks, you were proud of your work. The trees were starting to form slowly but surely. You kept notes to check your progress as well as making sure everything was going smoothly. So it wasn't a surprise for the batfamily to see Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy come to their house every week to help check on your garden.
"They're growing good," Ivy tells you,
"Thank you!"
"If you want, I can help you speed up the process for the trees."
"I know I should wait but I do want to try baking an apple pie and make my own orange juice."
"As long as you keep maintaining it you should be fine."
"Mmm. Okay. Let's do it!"
Cassandra and Stephanie quickly rushed over to Harley's and Ivy's place with the bag from their mom. It had been a couple weeks since Ivy and Harley last visited you and your garden. Cassandra knocked on the door, waiting for one of them to answer.
"What do you kids want?" Ivy asked as she opened the door.
"wanted us to drop this off to you," Stephanie said as she handed her the bag. Ivy looked into it before smiling. A fresh apple pie along with a pitcher of orange juice and lemonade were placed in the bag.
"Tell her we said thank you."
"We will!"
"Let her know that if she wants to start something new, have her call me," Ivy tells the girls.
"We will!"
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healthycentre · 2 years
Nutritional Benefits of Carrot Juice
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With the increase in technological invention, globalization, and industrialization, the time we have for ourselves and to take care of our health has reduced as a generic norm. As a result, we often face various health skin and health issues that hamper our everyday life. There exist various natural remedies and foods that hold great properties that are known for the advantages that they hold for skin, health, and vision. Carrot is one such natural food that holds various nutritional properties for skin, vision, and health. There exist various benefits of drinking fresh carrot juice and therefore one should incorporate it into their diet.
Carrots are nutrient-rich root vegetables that hold numerous health benefits. Owing to the high nutritional properties of carrot juice for our skin, vision, and health, we must consider consuming it very frequently. This article talks in brief about the various carrot nutritional benefits:
Read More - Click Here
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rosytintedlights · 6 months
RZ!Michael Myers x Gender neutral Nurse!Reader
Summary: Reader pushes for Michael to have a lunch he’ll finish for once
Warnings: None, just fluff :)
700~ words
”Is it really so hard to just give him an extra scoop of mashed potatoes instead of the carrots? I mean, seriously, what’s the problem?” (Y/N)’s voice rang out, annoyed by the basic lack of caring among the kitchen staff. They really didn’t think it’d be so hard to switch out what was on the tray, especially since Michael’s meal ticket was just like everyone else’s. The whole point of having meal tickets was so that each patient would receive a meal that they could finish.
”If he can’t suck it up and eat the damn vegetables on the plate, then that’s not my problem! I’m not making exceptions just because that freak is a picky eater.”, the kitchen manager spoke with irritation, clearly not willing to budge on the matter. There was a heated glare shared between the two, only to be interrupted by Dr. Loomis before (Y/N) could get more personal with the argument.
“(Y/N), what’s taking so long on Michael’s food? You know we serve him first to get him out of the dining room quicker.” Dr. Loomis scolded. He turned his attention to the kitchen manager, asking what the hold up was. “Tell me, what is the problem? We are all well aware of what Michael gets like when he’s irritated.”
Piping up to defend Michael and themself, (Y/N) spoke bluntly to get to the point. “All I asked was why we couldn’t switch the mushy carrots that Michael always picks around for a second scoop of mashed potatoes. As a nurse, and especially as his nurse, I need him to start eating the whole tray of food. I really don’t see what the issue is, everyone would benefit. Michael gets a tray of food that he’ll actually eat all of, I get to chart 100% of the meal eaten, and we get him back to his room without a fuss.”
“Why should I make an exception for him when it wasn’t on the meal ticket to begin with? It’s not like he’s allergic to the shit! He shouldn’t be treated special just because he’s a picky eater.” The kitchen manager argued, still disagreeing with (Y/N). Sighing and ignoring the protests from the kitchen manager, Dr. Loomis gave the go ahead to change Michael’s meal. And with a satisfied grin, (Y/N) took his tray and headed to his table.
Michael was sitting alone as always, either glaring at people who got to close or simply staring at the table. His posture, though it had always been pretty terrible, looked especially tense today. Today had been one thing after another for him; Prodding from Dr. Loomis, multiple broken crayons and dry markers, a ripped mask, a new patient getting too bold with his personal space, (Y/N) busy with charting instead of sitting with him during free time, more prodding from Dr. Loomis. To put it bluntly, he was not happy. Without much choice but to behave, at least, unless he wanted to get his few privileges taken away, Michael balled his hands up while resting them on the table and he patiently but irritably waited for his food.
His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar hand setting a tray down in front of him. Without glancing up from the table, he quickly assessed what was on it, already prepared to shovel in the pudding and eat around the carrots. But.. there were no carrots, or any mushy vegetables for that matter. In its place was extra mashed potatoes, and while not exactly the best mashed potatoes he’d ever had, were still far superior to bland carrots with no brown sugar to add to them.
“Do me a favor and eat the whole tray this time, otherwise you might not get this kind of privilege again.” (Y/N)’s voice broke him from his thoughts, and he turned his gaze toward them slightly. Silent as always, Michael showed his appreciation by simply eating the food like he was asked to, starting with the potatoes he’d been gifted instead of the chocolate pudding. When he finished, he was escorted back to his room. When lunch was over and everyone had been escorted back to their designated locations, (Y/N) stayed behind in the dining hall to help clean up. Starting with Michael’s table, a soft smile spread on their face at the sight of an empty tray.
Waaaaahh my first post! I know it’s a little short, but I’ll get better the more I write >:D I can’t wait to write more and get more scenarios out <3
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becomingthatgirl111 · 8 months
How to stop overeating while on your period because I have a good week but as soon as it’s my period I crave sugary sweet foods and just oily foods
this happen to me during my period. if your body is asking you to eat more, go for it, but with healthy choices and foods that help you feel good during your period.
some examples:
dark chocolate
and also tea: cinnamon, ginger, turmeric or rosemary
my favourite for these days is ginger.
and you can make something filling and nutritious with some of these foods. i would say:
toast with avocado and a fried egg or smoked salmon, add chia seeds on top for example.
a fruit salad with the aforementioned fruits.
a bowl with greek yoghurt, banana, oatmeal and dark chocolate.
you can also opt for a baked fish and a vegetable side dish.
and if you're hungry between meals, nuts and dried fruit are filling and have many benefits.
the point is not to stop eating but to learn to eat well and what your body is asking for. a nutritious meal will always fill you up and you won't need sugary or oily food.
and if you feel like eating "junk food" for a day, there is nothing wrong with that. it is positive to find a balance.
and remember to take care of yourself during your period days.
remember that i am not a specialist in this, it is what i usually eat and researched that it is good.
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goingmerryfics · 6 months
Wow I really love your writing Style 🥰😍 your mute writing is amazing. Would you do reader having a dating night with Kid and Killer?
Date Night w/ Kid & Killer
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Content: Gender Neutral reader, no NSFW :)
Notes* Thank you so much for the compliment! Kid and Killer seem to be really popular and honestly I totally get it. Hope you like this!
When Kid is passionate about something, he doesn’t half ass it. He goes full throttle
So during your relationship, he tries to keep you happy as much as possible while still being his sour self, of course
While you try to give him the benefit of the doubt, there are times where you feel like you’ve been put on the backburner in place of his ambitions, so you have to find a way to express this to him without it sounding like an attack or else he’s probably going to take it the wrong way
Luckily, the one thing you’ve been learning while dating each other is how to communicate
So when you eventually bring up that you two haven’t done anything in a while and you miss your date nights, Kid secretly sets course for Sabaody Park
“Don’t worry, I know just where to take you.”
The smirk makes you nervous, but he won’t tell you where you’re headed no matter what
It’s perfect- the thrills, the food, the games- it’s the best place to head for, since it’s like a little break for the crew as well
You two head off, and hopefully you like roller coasters because that’s what he’s headed for first. Anything that will toss you around- he loves it. It’s like sailing in a storm, but with less of a chance of dying
If you aren’t so much into the loops and twirls at 50 miles per hour, he’ll kick back on the ferris wheel and watch you with a smile as you point out the view
He’s actually shitting himself up there though, but he hides it well
He’ll cheat on any games he can to win you a prize
If he can’t win, he’ll steal it
Either way, you two end your day grinning ear to ear, hand in hand
It’s Killer’s idea to prompt a date night between the two of you
You’ve been seeing each other romantically for a while now, but date nights are usually hard to schedule in-between the duties you both have on the ship
Eventually he manages to get a free couple of hours and he immediately comes to find you
You’re finishing up your chores when Killer grabs you in a hug from behind
He leans up towards your ear and whispers,
“Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done
You had no idea what to expect, but you finished up quickly- any time you could spend with your boyfriend was worth rushing for
When you finally met him in the kitchen, he was busy cutting carrots and seemingly prepping for a meal
When he spots you, his mask is askew and he’s chewing on something
Snacking as he cooks
He didn’t expect you to be done so quickly, and he’s a bit disappointed that he couldn’t surprise you with dinner
But you’re not upset at all- you quickly grab an apron and come to his side to help
Now that the two of you are working together, meal prep and cooking goes a lot faster than it would have if Killer had done it himself
Despite the fact that you two wouldn’t stop kissing each other 
And wiping sauce on each other’s faces
Finally, when dinner’s done and you two are seated to eat, Killer lights a candle and takes your hand in his
He expresses how, even if you two don’t get much time together, he still values your relationship and you
The two of you start a tradition to find each other at meal times and continue cooking with each other
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newtonsheffield · 10 months
Of course it’s Gregory Fertile McGee Bridgerton is the one that ends up being a teenage dad 🤦‍♀️
Well, Gregory feels that Lucy’s eggs are partially to blame for the fact that all he has to do is look at her and she’s pregnant again. He uses protection! He does! He used protection every time the first time because he might have only been eighteen but he was responsible. He’s a responsible guy! He was thoughtful when they were hooking up, he always ordered her takeaway and his bathroom was full of little amenities for her to use! And sure, his sperm bested one condom but he doesn’t feel that that should tarnish his reputation as a considerate guy!
And it worked out didn’t it?! He already knew he was falling in love with Lucy when they found out she was pregnant with Katie and sure there was an awkward few months of them living together but they’re being honest about what they want now. They’re in a committed relationship, they’re raising a very adorable daughter who’s nearly two years old and Gregory might be a little biased but she’d the greatest baby that’s ever existed. She has adorable little pigtails and Gregory loves being a stay at home Dad.
“Gregory Hugo Bridgerton!”
Gregory froze, stretched out on the floor with Katie stretched out on his back with her chin resting on Gregory’s head. “Daddy’s in troubleee.”
Gregory tutted at his daughter’s sing-song, “Daddy is never in trouble with Mummy.”
Though it wasn’t true, she never called him Gregory, let alone his full name and he could hear the panic in his girlfriend’s voice.
“She used your big name.”
Gregory groaned, catching his daughter as he rolled. “Well Daddy had better go and see why. Finish eating your carrots kiddo.”
He strode up the stairs two at a time, trying to squash the panic fluttering in his chest as he made his way to their bedroom. “Everything okay?”
Lucy was sat in the middle of the bedroom floor, her hair piled on top of her head and one of his shirts was hanging on her slight frame. She had her head in her hands staring at something on the floor that he couldn’t quite see.
“You tell me, Greg.” Lucy lifted her head with a shuddering breath and he saw the panic in her eyes before his eyes fell on what she’d been looking at.
There were four pregnancy tests on the floor.
Gregory fell to his knees, his heart pounding as he cradled her face, “Luce. This is amazing. This is amazing I’m so Happy.”
Lucy relaxed against him and her eyes softened, “I’m happy as well but I am furious at you.”
“At me?!” Gregory squawked “how is this my fault?!”
“You have super sperm! This is the second time you’ve done this to me!”
Gregory flushed, “Well, we’re… young. I’m not even 21 yet, I’m in my sexual prime.”
Lucy rolled her eyes, “Your sexual prime? Gross.”
“You’ve benefited from my sexual prime thank you!” Gregory huffed, “And excuse me! Obviously your IUD isn’t doing a whole lot!”
“Let’s leave my uterus out of it,” Lucy tutted, “She’s occupied again for the second time before her 25th birthday, she’s stressed.”
“I’m just saying, clearly one of your eggs slipped passed the thing!” He motioned with his hand, “It’s your fault for having slippery eggs! My guys just ran into it accidentally!”
“Oh is that how it works?” There was laughter in her eyes now, “Slippery eggs?”
“Well, I’m not an expert Lucy.”
“Well, you obviously are an expert.” Lucy tutted, “Because again: I’m pregnant again!”
“This might actually kill Anthony.” Gregory breathed, “He’s not a young man.”
“Well, I should probably warn Kate that her husband’s about to go completely grey at the very least.”
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dandelionbitch · 7 months
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I'm learning to draw! I'm taking pictures from around my city (either from Google Maps or going out and taking the reference pics myself) and thinking about how unused patches of land could be repurposed to benefit people and the Earth! Every plant I draw will be edible and/or native to my region. Here I've drawn:
blue false indigo (which is a nitrogen fixer AND provides winter interest with its huge seed pods);
calendula (which is edible and attracts ladybugs, natural predator to aphids);
carrots (which as we know are delicious, though not so much when they go to seed);
chives (delicious and deter pests); and
two evergreen shrubs, thuja occidentalis.
I kinda tried to do everything with this garden, creating something pretty, low-maintenance, and attractive to pollinators. There's still a lot of considerations to make though. Even though I know for a fact that this road it's next to isn't busy, it's still right up next to where cars' exhaust pipes drive by. Thus, I wouldn't really recommend eating the calendula or chives. I assume the carrots would be fine since they're underground, but I don't actually know that for sure. If that's still an issue, or if the soil is just too lifeless/compact for carrots, we can pretend it's yarrow instead.
Also the tree in the background is redrawn from the original photo, so it's probably a Bradbury pear (blegh) but we can just say it's a chokecherry now.
Sorry it's blurry, I don't have a scanner so I took a picture with my phone. Also the sky was colored in digitally so I wouldn't waste all my blue ink.
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the-pen-pot · 2 months
Spearing a piece of carrot, Arthur grudgingly chewed it. There had been a disturbing lecture yesterday about the benefit to the body of vegetables. It had been long, and full of words that Arthur didn't understand like "vitamins", but the look on Merlin's face had been similar to that faint, helpless horror he'd displayed over the little animals in the water. Arthur hadn't the heart to say that he was a prince and a grown man and he didn't have to eat his vegetables if he didn't want to.
I'm so glad you liked that bit. It entertained me 🤣
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spiribia · 1 month
In spiribia's America, more 'cozy' farming etc. games could have a satiety meter. If it depletes to empty, you won't incur a huge penalty, but will simply not be at optimal performance, and doing tasks will cost more energy. Also, you can prep and store meals for later, and food is plentiful from your gaming #farmerlife, so this isn't meant to be a stressful mechanic, just something that engages you with the cooking element. Maybe after a few days at completely empty you will pass out briefly because taking care of yourself is important too. Food has both a satiety volume (affecting how much of the meter it fills up when consumed) and duration (affecting how long it fills up the meter). Eating watermelon for example can fill up your satiety meter a lot, but only for a short time. A homecooked beef, carrot, and potato stew will fill your meter a lot for a long time and give you benefits to boot. Eating the same exact food too many times in a row without any variance will cause you to get kind of jaded of it, meaning any additional benefits are diminished or eventually no longer apply, but the food will still fill your satiety, giving you the base performance boost of being well fed for its duration. Hopefully encouraging you to cook different things. You can also stack benefits by eating multiple foods that provide benefits if you want to be super optimal, but fullness limits your capacity. Not a game designer so maybe none of this works at all. That’s the beauty of
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Episode 4: Dungeon Meshi is it Kosher?
Golem time!
Since basically the golems function as almost a plant bed it should be okay to consume the vegetables provided by the golem. Also since unlike these characters you're Jewish so there needs to be one benefit and that should be some produce. Since we're tight with the golems I bet we wouldn't have to kill them either.
Now the food
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You know that moment when a meal is perfectly vegetarian until someone adds bacon to it? Yeah that's this. Fortunately we can leave out the bacon. Basilisks are like 95% chicken except for the tale. I was doing research and hybrid vegetables are forbidden so I feel like this would be too on a technicality
אֶֽת־חֻקֹּתַי֮ תִּשְׁמֹ֒רוּ֒ בְּהֶמְתְּךָ֙ לֹא־תַרְבִּ֣יעַ כִּלְאַ֔יִם שָׂדְךָ֖ לֹא־תִזְרַ֣ע כִּלְאָ֑יִם וּבֶ֤גֶד כִּלְאַ֙יִם֙ שַֽׁעַטְנֵ֔ז לֹ֥א יַעֲלֶ֖ה עָלֶֽיךָ׃
You shall observe My laws. You shall not let your cattle mate with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed; you shall not put on cloth from a mixture of two kinds of material
Cabbage (1 head)
Carrots (2)
Potatoes (4 large size)
Onions (2 med. size)[3]
Thick-slice Basilisk bacon[4] (8 slices)
Salt and Pepper (to taste)
Water (a generous amount)
Turnip salad
Turnips (2 med. size)
Carrot (a small amount)
Carrot greens (to taste)
Olive oil (to taste)
Salt (a pinch)[3]
Woohoo! Kosher
Next meal
Freshly Stolen Vegetables and Chicken Stewed with Cabbage Accompanied by Plundered Bread
I think the fact that it's stolen might just negate kashrut here
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Ironically this is all kosher if we just ignore the stealing part.
I'm surprised the crepes don't have milk or egg or anything but I'm guessing since this is a Japanese show and Japanese cuisine doesn't use that much dairy! Yay!
Spicy Chicken and Whole Stewed Cabbage
Chicken (400 grams)
Cabbage (stolen, 1 head)
Carrots (stolen, 2)
Onions (stolen, 2 med.)
Cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper
Wheat flour (stolen, 60 grams)
Olive oil
Bread flour (stolen, 250 grams)
Water (160 ml)
Bread starter (stolen)
Olive oil
This feels like when you're reading a label and it says kosher but by reading the ingredients list the food in question is so artificial that you're not sure if you should eat it
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I DONT KNOW THE SPECIFICS BUT SOFT DOM!MINHO?? like it could be the reader just in need of being doted on or something and turns into sex or something 🥹
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Pairing: Minho x Reader
Genre: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Word count: 1k
Warnings: 18 + MDNI, Oral sex, Soft dominance, orgasm denial.
A/N: thank you so much for your requests.... i am loving soft dom minho so much we defiantly need more of him
When you came home today, Minho was the last person you expected to see. “What are you doing here?” His eyes became soft as he saw your tired eyes.
“You haven’t texted me all day," he said, cutting carrots.
“Sorry, it's been so hectic." You are still confused about why Minho would visit you. He wasn’t your boyfriend. You were just playing buddy.
“Did we have a play session booked, sir?” You said, placing your bag on the hook.
"No. You didn’t answer my texts,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
“So you let yourself into my apartment because?” The corner of Minhos' mouth turns into a smile.
He placed the knife down as he walked over to you, putting his finger under your chin. “If you read your text messages, you’d know,” he said, lifting his chin to look him in the eyes.
He turns back towards the kitchen. You can’t help but look at how his ass looks in the slacks hugging his thighs. Curious about the text he sent you; you open your phone.
“What are you doing tonight? I’m coming over.”
“Are you ignoring me?”
“I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.... but I know where you hide the spare key, remember.”
You giggle to yourself as you read the last text he sent.
“Go wash up dinner is almost ready," he said, not even looking up from the chopping board.
After having a quick shower, you throw on a T-shirt and panties.
“Sit,” Minho says, gesturing at the dining table full of food.
“Why are you here, Minho?" you ask, placing your hand on his chest.
“Does my little kitten not want me?” He says, kissing your nose.
You sit at the table. Minho plates your food and sits beside you. "Are you not eating?" Your eyes widen.
“My kitten has had a hard day. I want to make sure she eats first." He grabs a scoop of rice and adds some kimchi to it before feeding it to you.
“Oh, this is so good… thank you, sir”, you smile while covering your mouth to chew your food.
Minho pulls your hand down by your wrist and kisses your lips softly. “I will always take care of you," he whispers.
You and Minho finished eating, so you took his plate to the sink to wash up.
“So, tell me about your day”, he says, turning you around and trapping you between his body and the sink.
Minhos's veins bulged as he gripped the bench as you told him how stressful your job was. He brushes a string of hair behind your ear. "Kitten," he says softly.
“Yes sir”, you reply.
“We need to talk about you ignoring me” his mouth forms a mischievous smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck as your lips hover over his. “Do we?” He chuckles as his hand rests on your hips.
“How many times do I need to tell you? I hate being ignored,” he growls. "I'm going to have to punish you,” he says, brushing his lips.
“Punishment…. What's that?” You are just being cheeky to him now; Minho acts tough, but deep down, he’s a softy. Even during your play sessions, he checks in more than most dom would.
“Don't”, he growls as his lips clash with yours, his hand sliding down to your ass. You grin against his lips, your hands running through his hair. He pulls away, a smirk on his face. He knows he can't stay mad at you for long.
Grasping the backs of your thighs, he lifts you up to wrap your legs around his hips. He stops kissing you briefly. You trace your lips down his neck as he walks you to the bedroom.
Placing you on the bed, he kneels on the floor, lifting your legs over his shoulders. He kisses down your thighs. His kisses are passionate and gentle at the same time as he continues moving down your thighs, teasing you as he moves. He looks up at you with desire. You can feel the heat radiating from his body as he explores every inch of your skin with his lips.
His hands move up your body to your hips, gripping them firmly as he kisses his way back up. His breathing is heavy, and you can feel his desire as he moves up to your lips, connecting with them in a passionate and deep kiss. He pulls back with a mischievous smile on his face.
"You are driving me crazy." The words send goosebumps across your body.
Minho lifts your shirt slightly, letting the cool are brush across your skin. Minho licks down your breast flicking your nipple as he works his way down your body. His touch and tongue send tingles throughout your body, and his words send you a wave of pleasure and anticipation. You can't help but feel excited about what he has in store for you.
He traces circles around your navel with his tongue, his hands skimming along your thighs as he moves lower. His hot breath sends shivers through your body, each touch and lick more tantalising than the last. You can feel your heart racing in anticipation as he explores every inch of you.
Placing a kiss along your underwear line sends a shock up your body. You giggle as Minho's eyes lock with yours, and his lips move closer to your body. The pleasure builds until it reaches its peak when Minho finally devours you.
Your hands gripped onto the sheets as Minho eats your pussy like he’s been starved. Sucking and flicking your clit with his tongue as though this may be the last time he does this. “You are so good tonight”, you moan, causing Minho to press a smile into your heat.
Bunching the sheets in your hands, you arch your body, causing Minhos tongue to lick up your pussy to your clit.
Your vision blurs as Minho reaches under you and stabilises your body while holding onto your ass. "Please, I want to come", you whimper under his touch.
Minho stops immediately. You feel yourself coming down from your high instantly, your eyes opening as you start breathing heavily. "next time.... think about this moment before you decide to ignore my text."
Taglist: @daceydeath @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @cakeracha @9900z @uwuitsjungwoo @armystay89
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isthehorsevideocute · 3 months
Thoughts on that trend on tiktok and IG of people feeding their horses fruit rope candy and doughnuts, candy bars, and cheetos?? It drives me crazy but everyone says irs fine because it's a small amount-.-
Honestly, it usually is fine in small amounts. I had a pony that loved licorice. I had one that would get a pumpkin muffin after horse shows. Lots of them like apple cider donuts ginger snaps and carrot cake. Peppermints are a common treat for horses, You shouldn't feed horses chocolate, potatoes, avocados, or caffeine. You also shouldn't feed them lawn clippings because of potential hazards from chemicals and potential for botulism. Bear in mind the daily calorie intake for a horse is more than ten times that of the average human just for maintance (15000 calories) and their stomachs can hold 10-20 gallons (and that is considered small for animals of their size)
Also beer. A lot of people think it's weird that horses can have beer but for some horses its actually medicinal. Horses can sometimes get a condition known as anhydrosis which is when they aren't able to produce enough sweat. As a treatment we often give horses a can or two of Guinness twice a day to help them sweat more and to help lower their body temperature. Brewers grains and yeast are common supplements to help horses with digestive health as they act as a probiotic.
For cheetos in particular, sure horses really shouldn't eat dairy (because lactose) but its a corn chip. Corn is an ingredient of most horse feeds anyways.
Most of those things don't have anything horses can't eat; sugars, their diet is mostly carbohydrates and plant based sugars, horses are herbivores but they can eat animal based protein like eggs, gelatin (a common additive to joint supplements), or krill/fish oils, vegetable oils are a typical additive to feed (though you shouldn't overloaded them with fats as horses don't actually have gallbladder so they cant store bile, which means they can't break down large quantities of fat in one go)
Corn and wheat are in a lot of horse feeds (though they are Inflammatory and toxic if moldy so you do want to weigh the risks and only feed as absolutely needed if using them as a regular feed)
Just for perspective, my 1400lbs mare eats about 4 pounds of a feed with molasses, wheat, and soy as a calorie source, roughly 5 lbs of Alfalfa hay, 36 lbs of grass hay, a half pound of ground flax seed, and she spends all night nibbling on grass (which is sugary compared to hay). Thats A LOT of food.
For supplements she gets apple cider vinegar, garlic, and grape seed extract. Pretty much all of those are toxic to dogs but horses can have them and even benefit from them. They have anti-inflammatory effects that help horses with arthritis, and allergies as well as helping to repel flies
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