#benjamin greene fanfiction
illshowyourhurricanes · 6 months
if anyone is looking for something to read… check out my master list!
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lostfirefly · 7 months
Trembling, crawling across my skin, feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine (Ch.5, The Finale)
This fanfiction story is my present for my friend @yujo-nishimura. I hope you still enjoy the story, my dear :)
Yujo's wedding dress is inspired by the green wedding dress from the show “Outlander”. Sorry, I'm not very good at writing church speeches. The scene in the church may seem unnatural because of this.
Description: The Wedding!
Warnings: The action takes place around the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. NSFW part is included!
Words: 2924
Sir Crocodile x OC
The title is taken from “Dance with the Devil” by Breaking Benjamin.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @ane5e, @rorywritesjunk
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
The week passed quickly. Yujo was busy preparing for the wedding, Helena was happy that she was receiving letters from Mihawk. He was away on business, but constantly sent news.
“God, sister! I can't wait for your wedding day!! This will be my official coming out as Draculе's bride.” Helena lay on the bed, kicking her legs happily. “God, I'm so happy! And you?”
“Can I ask? Are you waiting for my wedding to be happy for me or to go out with your swordsman?” Yujo smiled, looking at her sister. 
“Why are you saying such offensive words?” Helena pouted and crossed her arms. “Of course, I’m happy for you. Aren't you happy?”
 “Maybe. I don't understand it yet, to be honest.”
“A week has already passed. It's time to understand, sister!” Helena jumped up, ran to Yujo and began to smother her with his arms. “Promise that you will allow me to visit you? I will need to tell you everything. About everything! About my children and Mihawk, about our trips as a married couple.”
Yujo looked at her sister, inspired with happiness, and could not stop smiling. “You will always be welcomed, my little sister!’ 
The wedding day has finally arrived. From the very morning there was chaos in the Watton house. Helena ran around rooms, chasing one maid after another to help her get ready. Mihawk was supposed to come pick her up in a carriage, and she wanted to look her best.
“God. You might think it's you who's getting married, not your sister.” The father said, smiling.
“Da-a-a-ad!” Helena stamped her foot and almost cried. She ran to the second floor and opened the door to the bedroom.
“Your wedding day, Yujo!!” Helena screamed joyfully in the doorway.
Yujo sat at the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. Crocodile sent the best maid from his castle to their house to help to prepare her makeup and hairstyle for the ceremony.  
Yujo’s hair was worn in soft curls or waves, with little to no height. Hairpins with lilies were stuck into her hair. 
The dress was also made to order. Embroidered chest, off-the-shoulder neckline, thin lace sleeves, wide green silk skirt sewn in with fine silver threads. Details such as pleating and corsets were also chosen. Yujo gently ran her hand over the fabric several times and smiled.  "So beautiful."
“Miss, I’m sorry, but it’s time to get dressed.” One of the maids said quietly, stuttering.
“Oh. Sorry. Yes! Of course.” 
The maids set up a screen and helped Yujo get dressed.
“Come out, come out, come out!!” Helena practically squealed with impatience.
One of the maids pulled back the screen while the other two straightened the hem of her dress.
“How do I look?" Yujo asked nervously. 
Helena folded her hands together, pressed them to her chest and fought back tears. “God! You look amazing!! Your dress is even green, to match the future Madame Crocodile.”
Yujo suddenly laughed. She walked up to Helena and hugged her. “Who will amuse me in the evenings, my dear sister? I'll miss your stupid jokes.”
“In any case, I wouldn’t amuse you for long, given the fact that I’m getting married soon.” Helena wrinkled her nose. “You didn't say anything about my dress, by the way!” 
Helena spun around a couple of times. She wore a cream-colored silk satin dress with long, loose, translucent sleeves. The high collar was decorated with a lace pattern, and the waist was outlined with a wide silk belt. Mihawk had given her that dress, which made Helena even happier.
“You look amazing, sister!” Yujo's voice trembled. 
Their father invited both sister into the carriage. Yujo's feet were getting cold. Her heart jumped with excitement every time she heard the clatter of horses' hooves. She couldn't believe she was going to marry Crocodile. She was nervous, she was worried. The man she'd kissed in the office just a week ago, whose lips had made her legs tingle, was about to become her husband. 
“It’s hard to breathe.” Yujo said quietly. 
“It’s just pre-wedding jitters, sister!” Helena stroked Yujo’s back. “Everything will be fine!”
The carriage pulled up to a large blue and white cathedral. The carriage door opened and Yujo saw a yellow-colored carpet leading directly into the building. Their father walked up to the carriage and offered his daughters his hands. Helena pecked her sister on the cheek and ran off squealing into the cathedral. 
“How are you?” Her father asked her.
“I'm fine. I'm a little nervous.”
“Well, it's normal to be nervous. I felt the same way when I married your mother. You're marrying a worthy man, my dear daughter.” He stroked her cheek.
Yujo shook her head slightly and squared her shoulders. “How do I look?”
“Like a queen!” With a tremor in his voice, her father said.
He took her hand and slowly led her down the aisle. 
The inside of the cathedral seemed larger than the outside. The white color and the golden columns added space. The entire room was filled with flowers. Everyone sighed as soon as they entered the main hall.
Yujo looked at the guests with her eyes. Yes, the highest levels of society were indeed gathered here. Helena waved happily at her from the front row, standing with her swordsman. Yujo looked down the aisle and saw Crocodile. He wore a three-piece blue-green suit. Edges, buttons, and pockets embroidered in pink and green, and cuffs of pink corded silk, also embroidered finished with lace flounce. 
Yujo felt her hands sweating and her legs moving treacherously slowly. However, she felt the butterflies in her stomach, which increased her heart beat. She didn’t hear the music, and she tried to hide her smile. 
Yujo was escorted down the aisle with her father, who stood on her left side. Together, they processed down the aisle towards Crocodile. Once they had reached the altar, the groom turned around and took a step forward to greet his bride. Yujo took her place next to Crocodile, standing on his left. 
“You look wonderful, miss Yujo!” Crocodile took her hand and kissed it. Goosebumps ran all over Yujo's body. 
“Thank you! I can say the same about you!” 
“I have another gift for you!” He bowed and made a gesture with his hand. Mister Three looked at Yujo and held up a red velvet cushion. Yujo saw a silver tiara with a pattern of intertwined laurel leaves.
“How beautiful!” She whispered and lightly poked at the pillow.
“A royal tiara for the future queen!” Crocodile replied in a firm voice. He took the ornament from the pillow, tsked at Mister Three, and as soon as he was gone, Crocodile put the tiara on Yujo's head. 
A relatively tall male who wore flamboyant ballet clothes with a swan theme and was dressed in a pink overcoat and blue medieval garments walked down the aisle. He cleared his throat.
“In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
“Amen.” Assembly responded. 
“Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“And with your spirit.” Assembly responded.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to witness and celebrate the holy union of Yujo and Sir Crocodile.”
“Dear Yujo and Crocodile, have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?” 
“I have.” Both replied.
“Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”
“I am.” Both replied.
“Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church.”  
Crocodile took Yujo’s hands in his hand. 
“I, Yujo , take you, Sir Crocodile, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.” 
“I, Sir Crocodile, take you, Yujo, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times 
"Bring the rings!" The priest said.
Crocodile made a hook gesture and Mister Three brought the rings lying on a blue cushion. It was two black and gold rings with a moss agate in the middle and small diamonds around the edges for Yujo and a stone-less version for Crocodile.
The priest sprinkled the wedding rings with holy water before handing them to each partner.
“Yujo, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit.” Crocodile placed the ring on Yujo’s hand.
“Crocodile, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit.” She placed the ring on his hand. 
“In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!” 
Crocodile hugged Yujo with his hook and pulled her closer. He kissed her hungrily, as if he wanted to show that she was his now. 
“Go in peace to glorify the Lord with your life.”
“Thanks be to God.” Assembly responded. 
“So, now you’re mine, miss Yujo. Since now and forever.” Crocodile whispered in her ear.
“Now and forever.” She repeated after him quietly. 
He took her by the arm and led her out of the cathedral to the orchestral version of “My Sails Are Set.” Yujo glanced at the guests. Helena practically drowned in tears, burying her face in her swordsman's chest. Father and mother smiled sincerely. She glanced at Mister Three. He was clearly annoyed. Their engagement was called off, and Crocodile forced him to serve him at their wedding. Such humiliation was difficult to bear.
Crocodile opened the carriage door and helped Yujo up. They drove to his castle. After a while, the guests arrived for the gala dinner. 
The men retired to Crocodile's office to celebrate the wedding and congratulate themselves on being kings of the world. The girls were in the dining room at this time. It was unusual to Yujo that the maids in Crocodile's castle already treated her as a full-fledged mistress of the house. 
As dinner came to an end and the guests began to disperse, Helena ran up to Yujo and hugged her tightly. "I love you so much, my sister!!!”
“I'll come to see you tomorrow!” Yujo hugged Helena tightly. 
The maids escorted her upstairs to her bedroom. As she looked around the spacious gray-green room, she didn't see Crocodile return. 
“I hope you're happy with today, Miss Yujo!” He said, taking her hand. Yujo felt a thousand little electric shocks run through her body as he began to run the fingers of his hand over her wrist. 
“If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the bathroom to clean up before I go to bed.” She whispered excitedly, removing his hand.
“You don’t need to ask my permission. My castle is your castle. And my maids are your maids.” He looked at her instantly.
Not knowing why, but Yujo bowed slightly and quickly left for the bathroom. She sat down on the pouffe. Everything around her was in green and gold colors. Yujo looked at herself in the mirror. The mere thought of her first wedding night with Crocodile made her blush and look like a beet. Her father had always been very strict about her interactions with young men and any advances from potential suitors. 
She took a deep breath and pulled the tiara and the hairpins out of her hair. She shook her head, straightening her hair. Furthermore, she kept repeating to herself that it was all for her father's sake, to strengthen the family's position, afraid to admit that she had fallen in love with Crocodile. She had only read about those feelings in the books she and her sister hid from their parents under the mattress. 
She got up from the pouf, took three more deep breaths, and walked back out into the room. Crocodile was standing near the window, sipping slowly from a glass of whiskey. 
"You're back." He turned to her, set the glass aside, took two large steps toward her and placed his hook on her waist. He put his other hand on her cheek and pulled her toward him. Before she understood anything, he kissed her. His tongue was sliding across her mouth.
His kisses were so respectful and so soft that she had to close her eyes and turn off all her senses just to notice that he was there. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and let out a thin moan. 
He suddenly ran his hand down her back, searching for the strings on her dress. Yujo helped untie the ties on her dress without taking her lips off his. He hissed through the kiss as he removed her dress. She quickly moved her hands to his clothes and began undoing the buttons on his shirt and pants. He quickly walked her towards the bed and gently pushed Yujo onto the mattress. Yujo propping herself up on her forearms and watching with a quirked, challenging eyebrow. She was focused on his face. He took off his own underwear quickly. No teasing. No kisses. She wanted to touch him, but also she was shy. She was shy of her feelings and shy of strange desire of his body. 
Crocodile walked up to the bed and bowed to Yujo. He started kissing her. He kissed her greedily until they both ran out of breath. He ran his hook along the outer and inner sides of her thigh.
“But if you don't want to, Miss Yujo, I won't touch you.” He whispered near her lips.
“I think it's too late to say no, isn't it?” She tried to joke. 
She put her hand on his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. He picked her up with one hand and laid her on the bed. Yujo’s cheeks flushed. Her month red. She looked between his legs and returned her gaze to Crocodile.
“More than you expected?” He grinned, knee pressing into the mattress.
Her hand grabbing his arm. Crocodile let himself fall onto her. Gently. With an obscene whisper of skin against skin and a mingled groan.
Their lips were entangled. Crocodile found himself sinking into the sensation of her bare skin on his, sinking into the sensation of her hair as he angled her head, sinking into the sensation of her mouth as she let him. Here her inexperience occurred. The almost-shy way she ran her hands down his back. Crocodile ripped off her bra with his hook and kissed her again. He moved down to her chin and collarbone.  
Crocodile put his hook on her waist and let his another hand fall to the inside of her thigh, as his mouth moved lower. He licked the underside of her breast. Yujo jumped and shivered as he traced his tongue to the tip of her nipple. Yujo parted her legs slightly and Crocodile grinned, taking that as an invitation. 
Before entering her. Crocodile paused, catching Yujo’s gaze. She nodded slightly. Crocodile laid his full weight on her and slowly entered her. She tensed and pursed her lips.
“Don't worry, the pain will go away soon.” He said and began to move slowly back and forth.
Yujo’s heart began to race with his every movement. Crocodile dropped his head against hers, closing his eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand, felt his pace begin to quicken with each passing second, and the sounds he uttered became louder. Crocodile pumps against her cervix every time as she swings between cries of discomfort muffled into her hand and groans for more, pleasure-pain. She dug her fingers into his back, feeling the pain gradually go away with his every thrust. 
“Moan for me, miss Yujo.” Crocodile whispered in her ear, and started speeding up his pace. 
She didn't even notice how she started moaning into his mouth and pulled him closer to her. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, wanting one more entrance in her mouth. He slid his tongue into her mouth, rubbing it over hers with a moan. She moaned and slowly moved her hips up to meet his every thrust. He moaned, moving his hips down against hers as he thrusts her harder. He started kissing her neck, then moved down to her hippies and gently touched them with his lips. He brought his lips back to hers, kissing her deeply.
She moaned and picked up her pace some. She moaned, feeling him go deeper and harder. He moaned, biting his lip as he felt himself getting close.
“You’re so good, my miss Yujo!” He groaned into her ear. 
“You feel amazing.” She moaned out, understanding she was close.
She smiled and moaned his name over and over. He looked down at her and smiled, kissing her softly before moving off her.
“Are you ok?” He asked and looked into her eyes. 
“Yeah.” She didn’t notice how she ran her hands over his hair. 
He pulled the cover over their bodies and slid his arms around her, kissing her forehead. He started stroking her hair.
“I'm glad your father agreed to our marriage. Now you are mine, miss Yujo. Now and forever.”
“Now and forever.” She repeated quietly. 
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thepaladinstrait · 29 days
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✮  ALEX  /  FINN  ━━━ they/he/xe/it ⋆ non binary ⋆ demisexual ⋆ pansexual ⋆ minor ⋆ infp-t ⋆ type 2w1 ⋆ south aus ⋆ dog person ⋆ black cat ⋆ depressed but sometimes i'm funny ⋆ fanfiction reader and writer ⋆ purple is my favourite colour ever ⋆ permanently dehydrated ⋆ sleep deprived ⋆ hot chocolate addict ⋆ music is everything to me ⋆ angst writer ⋆ headphones on 24/7 ⋆ i live here ⋆ spotify loml ⋆ clikkie ⋆ theatre nerd ⋆ amethysts are my favourite ⋆ crystal queer ⋆ grammar nerd but i type in only lowercase ⋆ green belt in karate ⋆ slytherin ⋆ pinterest whore ⋆ i leave unhinged tags on your posts ⋆ i can rap the entirety of hamilton ⋆ fnaf obsessed ⋆ mentally ill ⋆ #1 leave the city fan ⋆ rpf writer ⋆ autistic ⋆ i infodump way too much ⋆ professional oversharer ⋆ otter lover ⋆ reputation and ttpd stan ⋆ winning at the game of dyscalculia ⋆ poet (in theory) ⋆ perpetually curious ⋆ dreamer ⋆ stargazer ⋆ high schooler ⋆ i vent a bit too often ⋆ choker and necklace wearer ⋆ procrastinator ⋆ an absolute loser ⋆ horror movie lover ⋆ true crime podcast listener ⋆ asmr defender ⋆ victim of the spelling curse ⋆ black jewellery is superior ⋆ dark chocolate defender ⋆ uno bully ⋆ i overuse exclamation marks ⋆ scaled and icy defender ⋆ i hyperfixate way too easily ⋆ sleeps with stuffed animals ⋆ free palestine
✮  MUSIC ━━━ twenty one pilots ⋆ my chemical romance ⋆ sleep token ⋆ billie eilish ⋆ lyn lapid ⋆ ed sheeran ⋆ bmike ⋆ alec benjamin ⋆ maddie zahm ⋆ taylor swift ⋆ sabrina carpenter ⋆ we three ⋆ olivia rodrigo ⋆ xana ⋆ kelsea ballerini ⋆ conan gray ⋆ finneas ⋆ lewis capaldi ⋆ boygenius ⋆ harry styles ⋆ cavetown ⋆ gracie abrams ⋆ waterparks ⋆ dove cameron ⋆ semler ⋆ paramore ⋆ chappell roan ⋆ birdy ⋆ anson seabra ⋆ mxmtoon
✮  MY SONGS ━━━ achilles come down (gang of youths) ⋆ leave the city (twenty one pilots) ⋆ oldies station (twenty one pilots) ⋆ matilda (harry styles) ⋆ family line (conan gray) ⋆ illicit affairs (taylor swift) ⋆ the anonymous ones (dear evan hansen) ⋆ hurricane (hamilton) ⋆ slipping through my fingers (abba) ⋆ hope ur ok (olivia rodrigo) ⋆ another love (tom odell) ⋆ photograph (ed sheeran) ⋆ that's on me (ed sheeran) ⋆ the light behind your eyes (my chemical romance) ⋆ astronomy (conan gray) ⋆ love in the dark (adele)
✮  BOOKS ━━━ the song of achilles ⋆ nevermoor ⋆ keeper of the lost cities ⋆ the dictionary of lost words ⋆ if he had been with me ⋆ the help ⋆ girl in pieces ⋆ a good girls guide to murder ⋆ hunger games ⋆ divergent ⋆ the dead poets society
✮  MUSICALS ━━━ hamilton ⋆ dear evan hansen ⋆ six ⋆ mean girls ⋆ wicked ⋆ the addams family ⋆ in the heights ⋆ the greatest showman ⋆ jesus christ superstar ⋆ legally blonde ⋆ mamma mia ⋆ mary poppins ⋆ newsies ⋆ matilda
✮  MY CHARACTERS ━━━ charlie spring ⋆ patroclus ⋆ alexander hamilton ⋆ katniss everdeen ⋆ pippa fitz amobi ⋆ tao xu ⋆ remus lupin
@emailsicantfuckingsend - poetry blog
discord - conjectureandgloom
dm for personal instagram if we are close
me :) - random posts about me and my life
personal - personal vents. will be tagged appropriately with triggers if necessary. format for triggers will be '#tw ___'. common tw's will be self harm (tagged as sh), discussion of suicide (tagged as both sui and suicide), eating disorders (tagged as ed), and panic attacks (tagged as panic attacks)
finncore - posts that are mecore
alex /pos - daily positivity posts (currently not being done)
arch 🐾 - my dog and loml and baby, archie
five nights at finn's - fnaf posting
tag games - self explanatory
asks - self explanatory. tagged with url of asker or anon dearest
little guy clancy - my beloved little guy, catboy clancy <33
crop top ty - tyler joseph in the tulip crop top
the chronicles of crop top ty - visit this post for explanation
finn irl - photos of me :)
✮  NOTE ━━━ dms and discord are always open!! i love talking to new people, and i love getting new mutuals!!!! my ask box is always open to random vents or for advice, or if anyone just wants to pop in to say hey, by inbox is here!!!!! i might come off as slightly awkward though, and this is my formal apology for that. i also tend to forget that i have things in my inbox? so i'm so sorry for that too
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credit to @svnflowermoon for the intro post format
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Headcanon Alphabet Game
So, I have been really slack with my fanfic writing so I though it might be time for a prompt game of sorts. This is not a fanfiction game, I'm afraid, so no short ficlets; it's for headcanons only. But on the plus side, that means I'll be able to do more of them.
Below the cut is an alphabetized list of subjects as well a list of characters. All you have to do is send me a letter and a character name, and I'll tell you my headcanon for that combination. If you have specific questions or scenarios in mind about your chosen subject (e.g "What would this character do if this happened?"), feel free to add them, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
One character and one letter per ask, please. But there's nothing to stop you sending multiple asks😉(EDIT: Please use the ask box)
A - Anniversary B - Bondage C - Children D - Dates E - Emotions F - First time G - Gifts H - Hugs I - Insecurities J - Jealousy K - Kisses L - Love confessions M - Mornings in bed N - Nicknames O - Oral sex P - PDA (Public displays of affection) Q - Quickie R - Revenge S - Sexual fantasies T - Turn on/turn offs U - Unrequited love (or assumed unrequited love) V - Vanity W - Wedding X - X-Ray (what's under the clothes) Y - Yearning Z - Zzzz (sleeping habits)
Billy Russo (The Punisher)
The Darkling (Shadow and Bone)
Logan Delos (Westworld)
Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia)
Benjamin Greene (Gold Digger)
Dhawan!Master (Doctor Who)
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starkidobsessedgiantgremin-> editor-the-benjamin
You can call me Beetlejuice or Benjamin. Nicknames are encouraged. :]So far I have Beej, BJ, and Ben. Any pronouns but I prefer It/they (in that order) and any titles (Mr. ,Ms., Mx, Lord, Captain, etc) are fine as well :)). I’m probably one of the most annoying theater kids you’ve ever met. All I think about currently is Starcanwrecked so I’ll be nonstop making references and such, because it’s probably in my blood stream at this point. Nerdy Prudes Must Die was the first Starkid show I watched, and by objectively quality, my favorite, but my comfort musical, what what I say is my favorite, is Starship
I am the founder of
Tea with Poison (Charlotte Brontë (Poe Party) x Zoey Chambers (Hatchetfield)
DMOrin (the deadliest man alive (saf) x Orin Scrivello (lsoh)
Dream Bard (Doug Simon (Gutenberg) x (Willam Shakespeare (Something Rotten!)
Radiostory (Narrator (Pulp Musicals) x The Narrator (Cinderella’s Castle))
And the cofounder of
Sweet Smoke (Sweet Tooth (hmb) x McDoon (tto) x Junior (Starship))
(not technically cofounder but also please ask me about Royal Sweet Smoke (Sweet Smoke + The Prince (Cinderella’s Castle)))
so please please ask me about them they mean so much to me My vent tag is- the demon who isn’t there
So feel free to block that
i own these rp blogs please please interact with them <3: @miss-izzy @axel-not-axle @g1rl-1n-blu3
Green is the best color. No debate. Just green.
I am the self proclaimed number one fan of Junior Space-Claw. I timed myself recently, I can draw a full body sketch of him (with clothing) in under forty five seconds. I made neon pink sun glasses (out of paper) that I keep in my pocket for whenever I want to quote him (never got to use them yet :(() and whenever I look at his Tumblr tag, it literally just feels like I’ve blacked out and reblogged everything.
My favorite song currently changes every seventeen seconds, so the song currently suck in my head is Peanuts! From Nightmare Time. Definitely not my favorite right now, but it’s good. I literally don’t listen to music that’s not musical theater, don’t quiz me on music trivia.
I technically write fanfiction. I have two posted, but I never find motivation to write more, so don’t count on more fanfic.
Basic dni (homophobes, transphobes, zionists, etc)
Emotionally stable? Not.
Funny? Debatable.
God is dead? When you see him in hell tell him Junior sent you.
Hotel? Trivago.
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Hey!!! I'm Evan, a 29 year old white queer Australian-born punk who (unfortunately) lives in the UK.
I'm a queer greysexual gay aromantic polyamorous genderqueer unaligned trans man. I also use aroace mainly for trauma reasons.
I also use helian, novarian, stellarian and singularian under the galactian alignment system, and my gender is made up of my neurotypes, my attraction to men, favourite media and interests, and whatever I feel like at any given time.
My pronouns are:
xe/xem/xyr/xemself (pronounced zee/zem/zir/zemself)
ae/aev/aev/aevself (pronounced e/eve/eve/eveself)
Please mix and match them, thanks.
I am an ND and chronically ill multiple trauma survivor; I have AuADHD, OCD, anxiety, addiction, agoraphobia, trust issues, abandonment issues, CPTSD & coeliac disease. I heavily use music to cope with my multiple disorders and regard my headphones and Spotify as disability aids.
This is what I look like.
Special interests: The Adventures of Tintin, Doctor Who, Sanders Sides (Thomas Sanders), DanAndPhilGAMES, Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds & guinea pigs.
Favourite musicians: Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, The Birthday Massacre, The Pretty Reckless, Motion City Soundtrack, Ice Nine Kills, Delain, Within Temptation, Breaking Benjamin, RedHook, Em Beihold, Against The Current, Green Day, Jonathan Young, Caleb Hyles, ABBA, Paramore, Carpenters, Nickelback, Queen, Honey Revenge, Ashbury Heights, Stand Atlantic, Asking Alexandria, DanAndPhilBEATS, Lø Spirit, Senses & Icon For Hire.
I post about stuff like:
queer issues
social issues in general
selfies, vents and general life updates
a lot about the adventures of tintin (mainly the 2011 film)
neurodivergent issues
occasionally cute animals with absolute favourites of mine like cats and guinea pigs (and small mammals in general, but mainly guinea pigs)
my fanfiction from ao3 under kivancalcite
my favourite music (feel free to talk about music with me)
my fictional male crushes, usually villains
occasional media and film analysis that may devolve into passionate rants
What I don't tolerate whatsoever and will block you on sight as a result:
the basic dni criteria (racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, xenophobic, fatphobic attitudes)
claiming that 'narcissistic abuse' is a real thing and believing that having a personality disorder inherently makes you a terrible person
abuse apologism and victim blaming
defending people like d*pp and spacey and other abusers/paedophiles/rapists
defending the british monarchy
being a fucking tory and/or brexiteer (let's be honest, you're usually both)
defending justice system institutions such as the police force (acab)
defending the military, its propaganda, and insidious recruitment techniques
being a paedophile/map/pear, whatever the fuck you like to call yourselves
being a terf/radfem/gender critical/transmedicalist
for that matter, also harry potter and jkr fans, please fuck off
being a nazi/neo-nazi/white supremacist/proud boy/anything to fucking do with fascist ideologies
supporting putin's attack on the ukraine and the idea that we should stop supporting and funding ukraine
supporting israel over palestine and ignoring the media silence and suppression of the atrocities against the latter
supporting ukraine's efforts but not palestine's
defending the capitalist system
in turn, also defending communist regimes and shouting down survivors of them and their atrocities
being a genocide denier
being a pro-life/anti-choicer (from a pro-choice and pro-abortion person)
being a proshipper and trying to justify paedophilic, racist and incestuous ships
being into true crime that romanticises and sexualises actual murderers and serial killers and dismisses the actual victims and their families
being someone who actively profits off of others' trauma and abuse for entertainment
I also have my trauma/mental illness/abuse blog that is more specifically about those things I have experienced and continue to experience, which is @traumacodedtransbitch, which can be far more triggering and violent just so you know.
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Micheleamidalajedi's fanfiction and moodboard masterlist! 💫
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Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Kate bishop
Bucky Barnes
Luke Cage
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
Jessica Jones
Sam Wilson
Pepper Potts
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
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Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matthew Simmons
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Kate Callahan
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
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Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Katie Bell
Neville Longbottom
Minerva Mcgonagall
Blaise Zabini
Nymphodora Tonks
Rubeus Hagrid
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
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Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Helena Harper
Carlos Oliveira
Claire Redfield
Jake Muller
Sherry Birkin
Chris Redfield
Piers Nivan
Sheva Alomar
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Nick Stokes
Sara Sidle
Greg Sanders
Catherine Willows
Warrick Brown
Mia Dickerson
Gil Grissom
Riley Adams
Raymond Langston
Julie Finlay
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Tifa Lockhart
Hope Esthiem
Oerba Dia Vanille
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Snow Villers
Lighting Farron
Vincent Valentine
Oerba Yun Fang
Zack Fair
Yuffie Kirasagi
Prompto Argentum
Serah Farron
Squall Leonhart
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Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Ororo Munroe
Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme
Warren Worthington
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Logan Howlett
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Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe
Natalia Boa Vista
Horatio Caine
Marisol Delko
Jesse Cardoza
Calleigh Duquesne
Walter Simmons
Eric Delko
Kyle Harmon
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Mordin Solus
Liara T'soni
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Tali'zorah nar rayya
Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar
Liam Kostas
Kasumi Goto
Jaal ama darav
Pelessaria B'sayle
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Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Din Djarin
Ashoka Tano
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Galen Marek
Jyn Erso
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Luke Skywalker
Cara Dune
Cere Junda
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Mission Vao
Cal Kestis
Barriss Offee
Qui gon jin
Don Billingsley
Celine Naville
Santiago Garcia
Kimberly Corman
Bam Margera
Alex Law
Monica Long Dutton
Wally West
Kara AX400
Robert Lewis
Wendy Christensen
Frank Mccullen
Beverly Marsh
Connor RK900
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Christopher Robin
Mike Hanlon
Haruhi Fujioka
Ben Miller
Peter Pevensie
Mason "Mace" Brown
Susan Pevensie
Will Miller
Judy Alvarez
Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Callie Adams Foster
Tori Spring
Jane Vaughn
Murphy Macmanus
Panam Palmer
Ryan Dunn
Harland Mckenna
Artemis Crock
Adam Banks
Emma Nelson
Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Lucy Pevensie
Connor Kent
Peyton Sawyer
Edmund Pevensie
Connie Monreau
Kung Jin
Carol Peletier
Guy Germaine
Brooke Davis
Johnny Knoxville
Emily Fields
Ben Hanscom
Jacqui Briggs
Charlie Conway
Beth Greene
Luis Mendoza
Amelia Sheperd
Elliott Alderson
Heather Mason
John Wick
Takashi Takeda
Beth Dutton
Cassie Cage
Kazuma Kiryu
Megan Morse
Chris Pontius
Ellie Nash
Legolas Greenleaf
Mariana Foster
Dick Grayson
Lara Croft
Frankie Morales
Mark Renton
Julia Salinger
Rip Wheeler
Pixie O'brien
Foxy Cleopatra
Austin Powers
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dragonmasterkaylz · 2 years
Vought Prisons Warden
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This fanfiction is about a Vought’s Prison Warden and how she got revenge on Homelander, using her newest prisoner, Soldier Boy. It contains sadism, a pretty submissive Soldier Boy and also GIFS of Catherine Ward from Angels of Death.
Don’t Like? Don’t Read.
A woman with short blonde hair and green eyes watched as a Cryo Chamber was transported into the underground jail just beneath Vought Tower. She looked at who was inside and giggled before bending her riding crop repeatedly. Then she walked away and laughed even more, scaring off the other guards. She put her hand over her eyes as she laughed and then looked over at Grace Mallory.
“All for me~? Hahaha!!! That radiation of his will be very useful to me! But… he’s no good to me like this”, she said as she stomped on the chamber with her heel. Grace nodded and said, “Do what you want with him, Scarlett. But he doesn’t leave this prison”. “Yes ma’am…”, the Warden said sarcastically as she left and the doors closed by themselves. She looked at the Cryo Chamber and said, “Bring him into my office. Now!!!” The guards gulped. “Y-Yes ma’am!!!”
Scarlett looked over the Cryo Chamber in her office and sat on it before saying, “Hmm~, you’re going to be very useful to me~”. She unlocked the chamber and pulled it open before taking the mask off of his face. Ben gasped and fell out of the chamber before trying to get up on his own. A light started to bloom in his chest, until she hit him with her riding crop. “I don’t think so~!” He glared up at her and asked, “Who the fuck are you? And why am I here…?”
She sat on her desk and said, “My name is Scarlett Ripley and I’m the Warden of Vought’s Underground Prison! And you… are going to help me, Benjamin~”. Then she handed him some clothes, which he put on immediately. “What if I refuse?” “Then you’ll be under my boot just like the rest of these scumbag Supes!”, she told him sadistically. She snapped her fingers and two scientists walked in, restraining him. “What the fuck?!!” “Don’t you dare struggle!”
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“Or I swear this will be more painful than it should be!”, she told him before laughing. Ben grunted as they took him to the operating room and she followed them with a smirk on her face. He was shoved down onto the metal table and strapped down before one of the Doctors asked, “What would like for us to do?” “I want some of that radiation in here”, she said, handing them her riding crop. “We’ll see what we can do, ma’am”. “Good~”.
Ben looked at it and saw them take it apart, before asking, “What is that thing?” “Well, if you want to know so badly… I’ll tell you. It may look like a regular riding crop to you, but it’s much more than that. It’s an instrument that can suck up any Superheroes powers without fail. All I need is a sample of their blood, since that’s where your true power lies. And if I can get your radiation… I can neutralise any Supes power with just a flick of a switch~. Fufu~”.
Then the scientists took a sample of his blood and he tended up, making her smile. They tested it and said, “All we have is super-strength ma’am”. Scarlett growled and then shouted, “Well, do whatever you have to! I want that radiation!!!” They all froze as she stood up and kicked the chair around. Then she hummed and grabbed a needle before climbing on top of him. “What are you doing?!” “I saw a glow in your chest”. His eyes widened when she blushed.
“Fufu~, this IS going to hurt~!”, she told him before stabbing the needle into his chest. He fell back and screamed as she extracted some blood out of him. “Y-You bitch…!” She backhanded him and shouted, “Don’t you DARE take that tone with me!!!” She passed the blood sample to her scientists and kept her eyes on Ben. “Positive! We have his radiation!” She smiled sadistically and said, “I want as much of his blood as possible then~”. “Of course ma’am”.
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After her riding crop was perfected, she held it close to her and sighed happily. “Ahh~, this is perfect~. Thank you so much Soldier Boy! You’ve been VERY cooperative!” Ben grunted in pain as he was released and he asked, “Where the fuck is my cell then?” Scarlett smiled and said, “Oh… you’re not going into one of my cells. You’re going to help me!” He frowned and asked, “Why would I do that?” “Do you really want to go into one my cells~? It’s your choice!”
In the end he chose to work with her, but she needed to have a meeting with the new CEO of Vought. The one man she hated the most: Homelander. She cuffed Ben and walked into the Seven’s room, where he was stood. “Soldier Boy and Warden Scarlett Ripley”. She forced a smile and said, “I want Ben to work with me. He will be a great asset in keeping all of my prisoners in check!” He turned around and said, “You tried to kill my son”. “He attacked me”.
She pulled her riding crop out of her boot and asked, “Can we just speed this along?! He’ll stay in the prison with me and just help me keep the rest of them in check! Do we have an agreement, John?” Homelander huffed and turned around again. “Do what you want”. Scarlett then walked away with Ben and twisted her riding crop. “I fucking hate that egotistical bastard!”, she growled before sighing. “Why do you hate him?” “I’ll tell you later… tch!”
Then she got a message on her phone from Maeve and looked at it before smirking. “Oh my~”. They went back to the prison and she watched the Flight 37 video. She smirked and said, “If only this got leaked~. Homelander would be out of a job and he would be behind these very bars!!! Hahahaha!!!” Ben cringed and mumbled, “You’re fucking insane”. She ignored him and then said, “I repaired your shield and I have your uniform”. “Really…? Thanks…”.
A Month Later…
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“So basically, what you’re trying to tell me is that Victoria Neuman is really a ‘Supe’ that is capable of blowing off people’s heads. But she’s also a Vice President Candidate, which will make it difficult to place her behind these bars”. Hughie nodded and said, “I know what I’m telling you probably sounds mad, but she can’t be the new Vice President”. She nodded and said, “Don’t worry. I have a cell for her”. “You do?” She nodded and smirked. “Of course~!”
Then she showed him her empty cells. “Neuman, Homelander, Deep, A-Train, etcetera. All of them have committed crimes and I would love to have them all behind bars~! Eternal punishment for them all!!!” She laughed hysterically, making him shiver in fear. “Warden Ripley… is it true that Soldier Boy is your bodyguard?”, he asked. She nodded and said, “He’s also a very a effective Guard too!“ That’s when they heard Ben shout and Scarlett blushed heavily.
“H-How does he live here?” The blonde played with her riding crop and said, “As long as I supply him with beer, food and porn, he’s happy. I just wish he wasn’t watching that kind of porn”. Hughie nodded and asked, “Grannies?” “Yes! It’s disgusting! I’d rather he… hmmm…”. The young man smiled and asked, “Do you have a crush on him?” Scarlett smiled slightly and mumbled, “Maybe…”. Then she turned to him. “Anyway, I will help you. But, I want intel”.
After they agreed on collaborating, she escorted him out and sighed. “Benjamin!” She entered his room and growled as she saw him masturbating. “Stop that!!!”, she shouted before slamming her foot down on his laptop, destroying it. “What the fuck?!” “It’s been a whole month and everyday I see you masturbating over old women instead of going after the woman in front of you!!!” Ben was surprised. “Wait, do you like me?”, he asked. “M-Maybe…!”
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He stood up and nodded before walking out of the room. Scarlett’s eyes widened. “Ben…?!” “Don’t follow me!!!” He opened a bottle of whiskey and drank it as he walked down the halls, shaking his head. As soon as she confessed to him, his mind went straight to Crimson Countess’ betrayal. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like Scarlett, the two had gotten close during the last month. But he couldn’t be in a relationship again. He couldn’t be betrayed again.
Meanwhile, Scarlett was sat at her desk and looked through any surveillance footage she could find of Homelander committing any crimes. She saved it all onto one USB stick and smirked. “This should be fun, especially since his sexual activities with Stormfront are on here”. Then she sighed and sat back down, putting her feet up, before calling Annie. ‘Hello? Is everything okay, Scarlett?’ “I have a ton of dirt on Homelander… should I make this public now?”
‘Scarlett… you sound heartbroken’. Her eyes widened and she said, “I’m fine. Just answer the question”. Ben walked back into her office and watched her. ‘No, not until we got Neuman into your prison’. She giggled and said, “Okay then~. Just let me know, because I have a USB stick full of footage of him committing all sorts of crimes~! Haha!” Then she ended the call before looking at Ben with a harsh glare. “What do you want?” “I just want to talk…”.
She held her hand out, indicating that he could sit in the chair. “Listen… I can’t be in a relationship. Not after Countess betrayed me”. Scarlett scoffed and asked, “Do you honestly think I’m anything like that whore? You must be joking! I may not be perfect and slightly insane… but I would never hurt or betray you”. Ben smiled and said, “I know you wouldn’t. I suppose I just need to think about this because I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore”. “I understand…”.
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After that, Ben went into his room and started to think about everything that had happened to him. And it all proved that he couldn’t trust anyone, not anymore. But whenever he thought about Scarlett, he realised how honest she was with him. She may have been insane, but she never lied to him. Not once. He smiled to himself and nodded before throwing away his porn magazines. He sighed and mumbled, “… I think I have Stockholm Syndrome”.
Ben heard Scarlett scream and he walked out of his room to find her on the phone, her nails digging into the table. “If I take that shit… then I’m no better than the assholes I lock away, you hear me?!! There’s a reason why I refused to take it in the first place, Ashley!!!” Then she leaned back and laughed softly before asking, “Do you honestly think you can bribe me with fame? I already have Homelander’s name on one of my cells! Do you want to risk me killing him?!”
Her pupils dilated and she shouted, “I’LL KILL YOU, YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING BITCH!!!” Then she slammed the her phone down on the table before raising her leg up and then slamming her heel onto it, smashing it into pieces. The other guards were shaking in fear as she played with her riding crop while gritting her teeth. “M-Ma’am?” Scarlett then folded her arms and said, “Full lockdown of the prison”. “But we need—!” “JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!”
Unbreakable shields went over every cell and she looked at Ben before saying, “Come with me”. He grabbed his shield as she unlocked a secret passageway and followed her into it. “Where are we going?” “Ashley wanted me to take the V, but I refused… so she’s sending Homelander down here to make me”. As soon as they walked into a room filled with security screens, another unbreakable door locked them in. “No human can get in… or out”.
She sat down in her chair and he asked, “What are we supposed to do?” Her eyes darkened. “Oh, my dear Soldier Boy. Your job is to protect me~. My job is to make this as entertaining as possible~!” She said that with joy in her voice, but in reality… she was absolutely terrified. He leaned down and looked at her before asking, “Are you okay?” Scarlett then looked down and whispered something. “What…?” “Ben… I’m terrified. H-He killed my parents…”.
His eyes widened. “Why?” “I don’t know, I was too young… but he never got charged with murder. It was ‘collateral damage’ and that bitch, Stillwell, covered it up. And to stop me from taking action when I was old enough, she gave me this job. I took all of my fury out on every Supe that came down here. It drove me insane! That’s why I am the way that I am”. Then she looked at the monitors. “But now… I can turn him into my bitch”, she said, watching the entrance.
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Homelander looked at the monitor when it turned on and saw the Warden looking at him. “Why hello there Homelander~, whatever are you doing here?”, she asked with a false smile. “You know why I’m here. You refused to take the V and now I’m here to make you take it”. She laughed and said, “If you want to try, go ahead~! But just know that you won’t get very far~! This place is completely Supe-proof, thanks to me~!” He nodded and said, “Just open the fucking door!!!”
The shield door opened up and he walked through, the door closing behind him. Scarlett then pushed a button and said, “Oh… and by the way, you’re not allowed to use your powers~!” Gas filled the room and Homelander fell to the floor, coughing before glaring at the monitor. “Y-You bitch…!!!” His eyes started to glow but then his eyes turned blue again. “What is this?!” “It’s a gas filled with Soldier Boy’s radiation! Your powers are now… almost gone!!!”
Homelander stood up again and then walked to the next shielded door. “Uh uh uh~! You have to go through the other door!” He looked at the steel door that was open for him and walked through it to see a camera, along with a name plate that read ‘John’. “What is this?” “Oh?! You have to take a mugshot! Show us who you really are…! You are… NOT a Hero! You are a criminal!” His eyes widened. “Who’s with you?!” “None of your business! Now take a photo!!!”
Ben watched as he did as she asked and smirked before hitting the mute button. “You’re making him look like a complete asshole”. Then she stood up and grabbed his arm, making him look at her. “I’m sorry, but I love you Ben”. She kissed him sweetly and he kissed back in response before saying, “I won’t be able to say it right away, but I will someday”. Tears ran down her cheeks as she smiled and he kissed her cheek. “Let’s get this asshole behind bars, huh?”
“I’ve done it!!! You happy?!!” She looked through the camera and giggled as she wiped her tears away before looking through the camera again. He showed her photo and she smiled. “Perfect! You made yourself look like a true criminal… which is exactly what you are~!” The next door opened and Homelander walked in to find two syringes. “What the fuck?” “Oh yes! This is like Russian Roulette! One will eliminate all of your powers! Choose wisely~!”
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He looked at the very similar syringes and gulped before choosing the one on the right. Then he inserted the needle into his skin, hissing as the fluid entered his bloodstream. That’s when he heard laughing and he looked at the monitor. Scarlett had gone hysterical and she said, “William Butcher is gonna love this!!! Both of them had the ability to completely destroy your Superhero powers and you picked the strongest one!!! They’re gone forever!!!”
Homelander’s eyes widened. “Y-You were working for him?!!” “Working WITH him, because we share a common enemy! … You”. He asked, “What did I do to you?” Scarlett then said, “You murdered my parents when I was younger. Call it what you want, but that was straight up murder and you deserve to have your powers taken away from you”. Another door opened and he walked through it, to find Soldier Boy there. “What are you doing here?” “Protecting her”.
John laughed and said, “A weak human?!” “That’s what you are… right now. But only temporarily”. “Temporarily?” Ben nodded and said, “Right now, your crimes are being broadcasted to the whole world. Everyone hates you”. Then the monitor showed him what the news and his eyes widened. “No… NO!” The doors opened and Scarlett walked out, holding a pair of handcuffs. “Cuff him up”. He nodded and did as he was instructed. “BASTARD!!!”
Scarlett then kicked John down and put her heel in his face before laughing. “You’re in cuffs that you can’t break, even as a Supe! And soon, you’ll be in a cage that’s impenetrable!!!” That’s when Ashley walked in and asked, “What the fuck have you done to him?!” “What had to be done…”, she stated, slapping John with her riding crop. He cried out in pain and asked, “What… is that?” “It has Ben’s blood running through it, with all of his radiation~!”
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“And… NOW YOU’RE GOING TO JAIL!!!”, she shouted as she pointed at him with a malicious grin on her face. Ben looked at Ashley and said, “There’s nothing you can do anymore. He’s down”. She gasped and stood back as guards took him away. “But Vought… my job… I’m the CEO, Ripley!!!” “Do you honestly think I care? I wanted my revenge, Butcher wanted his revenge, a lot of people wanted revenge. He’s a cockroach in your organisation”.
Then she slapped her riding crop against her hand and smirked. “Also… I work for Grace Mallory, not you. You’re nothing but a fucking coward!” Ashley then ran away, just as Grace walked in with Butcher. “So… you actually did it”. “Yes, I did! Take him away!!! Unless… you wanna beat him up?”, Scarlett offered Butcher. “Nah… he ain’t worth it no more”. The guards took John away and Grace said, “We both have your thanks, Ripley. But Neuman is on the rise”.
“I’m aware and don’t worry! I’ll get dirt on her~!” The two left and she sighed softly. Ben asked, “Are you satisfied?” “No… I’d rather kill him. But, I think this kind of punishment is tons better~!!!” Then she leaned on him and said, “But… I do wish I could let you go”. He chuckled and shook his head. “I enjoy working with you actually. I thought you were insane at first, but I now know that there’s a reason behind what you do. And I’ll stay by your side until the end”.
“Thank you Ben”.
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ao3feed-narlie · 10 months
No pause in his thoughts...
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/g2jUiGx by HerneBayBeach Inspired by The Thoughts in the Pauses: Nick's Not Even My Type by Zitronenhai - what if Nick *did* come out at the end of the cinema trip? Words: 1975, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Harry Greene, Sai Verma, Christian McBride (Heartstopper), Otis Smith | Omar, Benjamin "Ben" Hope Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: cinema trip Au, Inspired by Fanfiction, Coming Out, no beta we die like imogen's dog, usual teenage levels of swearing read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/g2jUiGx
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thatbritishactor · 3 years
In Between Breaths (part 5)
Pairing: Benjamin Greene x Reader
Summary : Literature College Professor Benjamin Greene moves to the US after his divorce with Julia.  Heartbroken, he’s given up on the idea of love. Everything changes when he meets you.
Warnings: None for now, except for some cursing. I have no idea if this fic will be smutty.
Type: Slow Burn
Total Words: 2,600
My Masterlist
In Between Breaths Playlist
Part 1   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4
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Benjamin enters his flat and turns the lights on, tosses the keys on the counter and releases a long sigh. He’s greeted by his lifeless and impersonal interior: he hasn’t purchased more furniture than the necessary ones and hasn’t decorated either. He’s never been much of an interior decorator, but even him must admit that his flat looks sad and empty.
He only owns a couch, table and chairs, a bed and one nightstand. Before he moved in, his friend Edgar had referred to the place as “cozy” and Benjamin imagined that, in any other circumstances, it could be. The place was well arranged: with an open kitchen in the living room, two large windows and a small balcony. If he put plants, bookshelves, purchased a coffee table and a rug, the place would look amazing. But he feels too empty to put any energy towards home decoration. In his free time, Benjamin prefers to sit on his couch, staring at the wall and feeling miserable.
His eyes wander over his living room, pausing on the cardboard boxes in the corner of the room. A deep, familiar feeling of melancholy slowly seeps into him, and he removes his coat before discarding it on the nearest chair. He walks over to his couch and slumps on it, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes. The place doesn’t feel like a home, it looks barely lived in. He doesn’t own a coffee table, nor a TV set. Apart from the ones he works with, most of his books are still in the boxes, along with all his personal effects. He’s been too depressed to properly move into his new apartment, feeling like he doesn’t really belong here. It’s bigger than his old flat in London, but so much smaller than the house he used to share with Julia. His heart clenches in his chest when he thinks of her, and he wants to pour himself a drink to ease the feelings of anger, guilt, and sadness.
Benjamin feels lonely. It’s something he’s always felt; for as long as he can remember. As a child, Benjamin felt completely alone in the world. He couldn’t count on his parents, nor his brother. As a teenager, he had learned to fend for himself. He hid who he was, concealing the darkest parts of his being, even to himself. It was the reason he was so secretive and introverted. Benjamin had an enormous thirst for connection, belonging, and love. It seemed simply much harder for him than for other people to find those things.
It had been better for short amounts of time, during past relationships before things went south, or when he was married to Julia. Married life had been the closest he had ever gotten to feeling complete and whole. When his marriage came apart, something broke inside of him, and he feels like he’ll never feel happy again, as if he has been drained of all feelings of joy. Benjamin has lost all his hope for the future, and the things that used to interest him don’t spark anything in him anymore.
He struggles making connections here in America, feeling too emotionally exhausted to invest time and energy into new relationships. He hasn’t heard from his friends from London in months, and he can only blame himself: he’s been ignoring their calls. Benjamin didn’t do it on purpose, he simply couldn’t bring himself to hearing their sympathetic tone. He knows they feel sorry for him, and it makes him sick.
The only moments he feels devoid of this unavoidable despair, are the ones he shares with you. The second you enter his office, warmth spreads through his chest, and he feels his heart beating in his chest, as if it’s revived from a deep slumber. You are the sun after weeks of rain and cold, and Benjamin depends on the moments he shares with you as if they are a life raft and he’s lost at sea. Your smile makes him forget about his past troubles; nothing exists but the present moment when he’s with you. He loves the way your perfume lingers in the room even hours after you’re gone, and he clings to the precious smell, feeling alive for a bit longer. He steals glances at you when he knows you’re not looking, detailing you face, the curves of your body, entranced by the shape of your lips, losing himself in thoughts of you. He looks away when you glance back at him, warmth spreading on his cheeks, feeling like a dumb teenager again.
He didn’t feel like this at first: he was annoyed by the fact that your father had imposed you as his TA. But the first conversation he had with you quickly made him change his mind. You were lively and passionate, and it resuscitated his cold, dead heart. Benjamin believed that somehow, you unconsciously understood how emotionally starved he was: you made him laugh, challenged him with vigorous literary debates, even fed him sugary treats, something he hadn’t indulged in in years. You taught him how to care for his plants and watching the living things grow slowly healed Benjamin. It gave him hope, and you unknowingly taught him how to live again.
He is so grateful for you, now. The problem is, you’re his best friend’s daughter, and you’re younger than him. The feelings of guilt are strong, and he tortures himself over the fact that he shouldn’t feel like this about you. It’s creepy, and inappropriate, and he hates himself for feeling this way.
But he can’t resist. Seeing you is the highlight of his week. He remembers the first times you had assisted to one his classes, and the tremendous effort he had taken him to be able to concentrate and teach with you in the room. He could feel your eyes on him, and it made him want to disappear into nothingness.
Benjamin couldn’t have you, and it made his life much harder than it already was. He felt decreasingly depressed, and he couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t healthy that the only reason he felt better was you.
You made him feel alive, as if you were sudden color in a world in black and white. Benjamin could live solely on the sound of your laughter, your soft smiles, and warm eyes. It ached not to be able to touch you, and as months passed, it got worse. Until October 31st, where he came this close to kiss you.
The evening had been amazing: eating pizza and discussing Italy with you (you had spent your summer in Rome and made Benjamin want to visit the city so badly), arguing over horror films and your favorites from the genre, then watching two classics.
You were easy to talk to, fun to be around, and Benjamin felt light and ecstatic by the end of the night. Time flew and when the second movie ended, his heart had clenched at the thought that he’d have to go home alone, again. Sure, he had thought about kissing you in the movie theater at least a hundred times. He had to constantly resist touching you: he wanted to grab your hand when he walked beside you, throw an arm over your shoulders and hold you close. He wanted to put strands of hair that fell in your face, he wanted to rub his thumb across your lips before leaning in and kiss them. He wanted to tousle your hair, lift you off the ground, and kiss you until he’d feel dizzy. But he never crossed the line: you were off limits. You were untouchable, and it oddly reassured Benjamin. He didn’t know if he’d ever be able to be in a relationship again. How could he trust someone with his heart again? Perhaps, you being younger than him, and his friend’s daughter was a blessing in disguise.
Spending the evening with you cheered Benjamin up for a whole week: he even started unpacking his books and began to look for a bookcase. He thought that there was no harm in being friends with you. You seemed to enjoy his company as much as he did: you stayed way past the hours scheduled, time seemed to fly for you too. November went in the blink of an eye, and Benjamin found relief in time passing, telling himself that he’d soon heal from his heartbreak.
His happiness was short lived: one evening he came home and found that he had mail. He opened the letter to find the papers finalizing his divorce. His heart had sunk in his chest, and he had spent his whole weekend in bed, tortured over memories of Julia. He felt like a failure and kept wondering what was wrong with him. Why couldn’t he find happiness? Why did he have to screw everything up?
Rubbing his eyes, Benjamin decides to go to bed, giving up on the idea of doing something tonight. He had thought about reading a book or getting back to writing. But he feels too empty to focus on anything. He takes off his clothes and slides into bed, resenting the coldness of the sheets and the absence of another body lying next to him.
* * * * * * * * *
Benjamin is running a bit late for his class, and he walks as quickly as he can, feeling giddy and nervous. You’re assisting another one of his classes today, and he’s so happy to see you. He hasn’t seen you in a week as you were studying hard on your exams and had to turn in your first dissertation. It’s raining pretty hard today, and if it wasn’t for his large umbrella, he’d be soaked to the bone.
He walks across campus when he hears your voice shouting and he turns over, his heart beating fast in his chest.
“Hi!” you run towards him and Benjamin swallows, taken by your beauty. Your hair is wet, and you look positively drenched. You join him under the umbrella, sliding on leaves at the last second, and slam against his body. He catches you before you fall, grabbing your arm. He takes your hand to steady you, and you sigh in relief.
“Oh sorry!” you peer up at him, and he can see that you’re embarrassed by the shade of red spreading on your cheeks.
“It’s alright” he replies, looking down at you, and your eyes meet. His heart beats faster in his chest, and he’s almost worried that you can hear it. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine” you answer, putting your wet hair out of your face. “Thank you for catching me there.”
“Always” he says before thinking, and he remembers the first time you met: you had collapsed on the floor. You let out a small laugh, and he loses himself into your eyes. You let go of his hand, and he finally notices that he was holding you all this time. He fidgets a bit, feeling nervous, and clears his throat.
“Aren’t we late for class?” you ask, and he blinks a few times, trying to recollect himself.
“Oh yes, definitely” he smiles. “Shall we walk there together?”
“Please” you seem relieved. “I forgot my umbrella and my coat…” you explain, gesturing towards your outfit.
“That’s what living in London will teach you. Always bring an umbrella.”
He starts to walk towards the building, you next to him. The rain intensifies and you must get closer in order not to get damp. His stomach flips because you’ve never been this close to him. The sweet smell of your wet hair intoxicates him, and he feels a bit lightheaded.
You chuckle “London sounds like an awful place” before sliding again on wet leaves. He catches before you fall again, laughing.
“Those damn shoes!” you exclaim angrily.
“It’s okay” he chuckles, “Here, hold my arm” he suggests, presenting his arm to you. You look expectantly at him and bite your lower lip. Benjamin refrains himself from screaming out in frustration when you put your hand under his arm, flushing your body closer to his. He feels your warmth and briefly closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.
“How were finals?” he asks to distract himself from the fact that your body is touching his.
“Fine!” you reply out of breath, and Benjamin frowns and risks a look at you. Your eyes are glued to the floor, searching for treacherous leaves and he grins, because you’re too cute for him to handle. “I think I managed” you add before adjusting your bag over your shoulder.
“Congratulations” Benjamin muses, and you beam at him. Your smile makes his heart skip a beat and he looks away from your face, his grip on his umbrella getting stronger.
“I haven’t had the results yet. Maybe I failed”.
“I don’t see how that’d be possible. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you from other teachers.”
“You talk about me with other teachers?” you tease, and Benjamin laughs, throwing his head back.
You both arrive closer to the building, and untangle your arm from him. Benjamin hides his disappointment at the loss of contact.
“I don’t want any rumors to spread” you explain to him, smiling softly. He nods.
“I understand”.
You enter the building, and he closes the umbrella, you standing a few feet from him. You climb the stairs together, exchanging banter and talking about your weekend plans. Christmas is rapidly approaching, and you can’t wait for the celebration.
“Gift searching is a pain in the butt, but I love to eat so much” you shrug.
“I can only imagine” Benjamin declares. He hates the holiday. It always reminds him that he has no family, and that he’s alone. Christmas with Julia’s family was a mess, at least he won’t miss her horrible children.
You stop on your feet and look at him. “Who are you celebrating with this year?” you ask. “Do you have any family in the states?”
“I don’t.”
“You have to come at home then” you say, shaking your head. Benjamin’s heart freezes in his chest.
“I could never… I don’t… I’d never intrude” he stammers.
“Come on! Don’t be stupid!” you shout, stepping closer to him.
“Are you calling your esteemed professor stupid?” Benjamin jokes, trying to change the subject.
You gently slap his chest. “I am, because you’re being a dummy right now” you frown, and Benjamin bites his lip, thinking that you’re being impossibly cute again. “I mean, you’re my dad’s best friend. You’re practically family. I bet he’s going to invite you anyway.”
Benjamin starts to panic. How is he going to handle being in the same room as you and your father for a whole evening?
“I- I can’t” he says, avoiding your gaze.
“Why not?”
Your eyes meet again, and he feels his heart melt in his chest. He can’t find a single good reason why not, so he closes his mouth in defeat.
“You’ll see, it’ll be fun, Benjamin”, you smile softly, stepping a bit closer to him again. “Besides, I’ll cook. Don’t you wanna taste my food?”
Are you flirting right now? Benjamin asks himself; he straightens his back and looks down at you. “Fine.” He sighs. Your victorious grin makes him want to kiss you and he rolls his eyes.
“You won’t regret this, Benjamin” you elbow him softly. “Let’s go to class now” you quip, and turn over. He follows you, shaking his head and wondering how he got himself into this mess..
Part 6
* * * * * * 
It’s theeeere!!! please tell me what you thought about this part ??? I keep wondering if I write Benjamin correctly (cause I’m less familiar with him than with Billy...) 
Also I’m starting work monday, and sadly I will update wayyyy less than before, because I’ll only be able to write on weekends. i’m very sorry and it breaks my heart (because i love to write so much...)
Thank you for reading!
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lostfirefly · 8 months
Trembling, crawling across my skin, feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine (Ch.1)
This fanfiction story is my present for my friend @yujo-nishimura, whose birthday is today! Sending hugs from Russia and wish you a lot of Crocolove!
Two things inspired me to write this fic: One of my fav songs from which the title is taken and Elena and Damon's dance (from The Vampire Diaries, S1). My 1st attempt to write the story about this character.
Description: Yujo is a young girl whom her father has betrothed to Mr. 3. She and her sister come to the ball, where she meets one of the members of the Cross Guild Corporation Sir Crocodile.
Warnings: No warnings
Words: 1307
Sir Crocodile x OC
The title is taken from "Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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"I can't believe we're going to the castle ball tonight!" A blonde girl with curly hair and brown eyes was bouncing happily on the bed.
"Helena, calm down," another girl with green eyes sitting by the dressing table answered her in a calm voice. She brushed her brown hair, occasionally glancing in the mirror. 
"I'm so impatient. We're going to see your fiancé, Mr. 3 again, Yujo! He's so cute!" Helena jumped off the bed, spinning around the bedroom. Her light white dress in small florals fluttered beautifully in the air. 
"I don't know. He doesn't seem like a bad person. Writes nice letters and courts quite non-trivially.", Yujo put her hairbrush down on the table, slowly stood up and walked over to the closet. "Stop spinning around, Helena. Our parents are expecting us for breakfast."
The day passed in preparation for the trip to the ball. After breakfast, Helena and Yujo strolled around the large summer garden and talked about many things. Helena could hardly contain her excitement for the evening, dreaming that she would be able to meet a wealthy young man at the ball.
"And I also heard that either all the members from Cross Guild Corporation are expected to attend, or at least just one. They're some kind of tycoons. I bet they're all handsome and young."
"I've never heard of them." replied Yujo calmly, gently running her hands along the branches of the trees. 
Finally the evening came and Yujo and Helena walked down the steps of their house down to the front entrance. It was a warm summer evening, and a large white carriage drawn by two red horses was waiting for them at the gate.
"Oh, my God! Ball, ball, ball, ball!" Helena ran up the stairs faster than anyone else. 
"You're incorrigible!" Yujo laughed as she watched her sister hop into the carriage. She lifted the hem of her mauve colored chiffon dress and sat down carefully next to her sister.
"What if Mr. 3 isn't coming alone? What if he brings someone cute?"
"Who? Mr. 2 or 4?" Yujo put her arm around her sister's shoulder. "Our parents are already there. For all I know, our father was going to discuss some kind of deal with Mr. Jinbe. And mom probably wants to gossip with everyone. 
It was already dark when they arrived at the gates of a large castle made of gray stone. 
"Here we are, here we are!" Helena jumped out of the carriage and adjusted the hem of her mint-colored dress. "Yujo, where are you?" 
"Coming!", Yujo stepped out of the carriage and looked at her sister. "Let's hurry up or you're going to die of impatience. Just please behave yourself."
They walked into a huge spacious hall. There were tables covered with white and gold tablecloths all around. A large crystal chandelier adorned the ceiling. The ladies were dressed in their best clothes, and the men were all in suits. 
There were whispers, negotiations, and girlish chuckles coming from various directions. 
"Good evening, Yujo, Helena!" a skinny man with a funny hairstyle in the shape of the number three, walked up to Yujo and kissed her hand. "It's nice to see you here. I brought you both some wine.”
“Thank you so much!” they both said in unison. 
"Say, Mr. 3, is it true that the owners of Cross Guild are expected to come?" Helena giggled and sipped her wine a little at a time.
"I don't know about the others, they seemed to have some pressing business, but one is definitely coming." said Mr. 3, looking around the room. "And why are you inquiring, Ms. Helena?"
"No reason..." Helena blushed. 
"I'll leave you ladies alone for a moment," Mr. 3 bowed and stepped aside.
"I heard there's a swordsman there and he's available, and he's pretty cute," Helena poked Yujo lightly in the shoulder. 
Suddenly all voices were briefly silenced and heavy footsteps were heard.
"Ladies, let me introduce the member of the cross guild, Sir Crocodile." Mr. 3 turned back to the girls. "This is Yujo, my fiancée. And this is her little sister Elena."
A tall man with purple hair and dark eyes stood before them. He had a coat thrown over his shoulders and a hook hand.instead of one arm. Yujo was surprised, but tried not to show it.  
“Nice to meet you,” Crocodile kissed the girls’ hands. “So young and so beautiful.”
Helena turned red as a lobster hearing these words. She lightly rubbed her sister’s hand. 
“You see? You see? The hook!” Helena whispered to her sister. Yujo lightly stepped on her sister's foot, silencing her.
“Excuse me, ladies. I have to speak with one man and I’ll come back to you,” Crocodile said calmly. 
“Woooow! He’s so.. So handsome.” Helena was so amazed by Crocodile that she seemed to forget how to breathe. “There seems to be another one there, but I don’t remember who. He must be somewhat unremarkable, since I don’t remember him. I wish I could see the swordsman. Who’s better, that guy with the hook or the swordsman? What do you think?” 
“I have no idea. Aren’t there other people there or what? In this Cross Guild,” Yujo quietly asked her sister, watching Crocodile out of the corner of her eye.
Helena shrugged. “Don’t know. I’ve heard about these three.”
Yujo's father, a plump man of short stature with gray hair approached her with Mr. 3. They had a long discussion about the upcoming wedding ceremony, the guest list and the menu. Yujo found herself looking for Crocodile with her eyes the whole time. 
Finally the start of the ball was announced and Mr. 3 took Yujo's hand and led her to the center of the room. The girls had to stand in one line, the man in another. Yujo found herself in front of Crocodile. The music started. Everyone stepped towards each other, touching one palm to the palm of their partner's hand. Holding their palms side by side, they moved smoothly in a circle. After making a couple of circles, everyone put their second palm to the partner’s palm.
"Sorry you have to settle for a hook," Crocodile said dryly.
“That’s ok,” Yujo said and smiled. 
After making a couple more circles, everyone came closer to each other. The men put one hand on the girls' waists. Crocodile hugged Yujo with a hook. 
Finally the dance ended and everyone bowed to each other. At the same moment, Helena ran up to Yujo.
“God, the chemistry between you just killed me!”
"What?" Yujo asked. She felt as if her mind was clouded during the dance.
"I'm so jealous of you. I want it too! You should ask your Mr. 3 to introduce me to a swordsman!" Helena was almost jumping next to her sister.
“Will you calm down? We are at the ball after all. What if someone is looking at you now, and you are behaving inappropriately,” Yujo laughed, noticing how her sister pouted. Yujo looked around the hall and saw how Crocodile approached her father. They shook hands and started talking about something.
“Yujo, this is Mr. Magellan. He will marry us,” she was pulled out of her thoughts by Mr. 3, who approached her with a tall man, his face resembling a mandrill, with very sharp teeth and thick beard. 
“I have to admit, your bride is amazing, Mister 3. Can’t wait to perform your ceremony,” Magellan said and kissed Yujo’s hand. 
While the all-important potential guests were discussing the upcoming wedding, Yujo was catching more and more that she was thinking about Sir Crocodile. What was it? A charm after the dance? Or is it something else?
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Aerynwrites’ Dec Writing Challenge Day 30 - Fireworks || Loud booms, sparkling light, and a breathtaking kiss. Dialogue Prompts: “Wow…it’s so beautiful!”
Benjamin Greene x fem!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY!), unprotected sex, fluff, established relationship, New Years, no use of y/n
Notes: This is a gift fic for my bestie @the-purity-pen​ who I love sooooo much!! And Benjamin never gets enough love so I wanted to write him for her! Feel free to also follow my update blog and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on when I post @flightlessangelwings-updates​
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“Are you sure about this, Benji?” you asked in a hushed tone as you let your boyfriend lead you up the staircase.
“Don’t worry,” he looked over his shoulder at you with a smile, “I got you,” Benjamin gave your hand a squeeze before he turned back around and the two of you reached the top of the staircase.
Benjamin had the most romantic New Year’s weekend planned, and every surprise took your breath away. He booked a classy hotel right in the middle of the city, and the room was absolutely stunning. The bed was so soft, you almost fell asleep the instant you flopped down, and the bathtub was bigger than your entire bathroom at home. And while the view from your room was great, Benjamin promised you a better view from the roof.
A cold breeze hit your face once he opened the door to the roof and you let out a gasp.
“Come here darling,” he whispered as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, “I’m sorry, I know it’s cold, but I wanted you to see this.”
You were speechless as Benjamin led you towards the edge of the roof and the entire city glistened before you. Faintly, you heard the noise from the traffic below, but you were too high up to hear more than that. Your eyes went wide as you scanned the horizon.
“You like it?” Benjamin asked in your ear.
“Oh Benjamin,” you breathed as you turned to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips, “I love it,” you felt him smile against your skin as he deepened the kiss, “Let’s just not get caught up here. I don’t think guests are allowed.”
Benjamin let out a hearty laugh, “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” he cupped your chin and tiled your face to meet his gaze. The lights from the city reflected in his dark eyes and his smile lit up his face as he looked at you.
Just as you were about to say something, a loud boom made you jump into Benjamin’s arms and scream loudly. He immediately held you tight and close to his chest, but he also couldn’t help the laughter as the fireworks startled you.
“I lost track of time, sorry love,” he murmured against you, “The fireworks are the best, and this way we can avoid the crowds.”
Once you realized that it was just the fireworks that the city lit off just before midnight, you relaxed, but you stayed in Benjamin’s safe embrace. You turned your gaze to watch the show as you leaned against his shoulder, “Wow…it’s so beautiful!” you breathed.
“Yeah,” Benji echoed while his eyes never left yours. 
When you felt his gaze on you, you turned and faced him, “Did you really just use that cheesy line on me?” 
“Did it work?” Benjamin asked with a grin.
“Yes,” you whispered before you pulled him in for a kiss. 
As you parted your lips for him, an alarm went off from his watch. You moaned against his mouth before he pulled away just enough to whisper, “Happy New Year, baby.”
“Happy New Year, Benjamin,” you replied before you locked your lips with his once more. 
He grinned against your lips as he savored your taste, “How about we head back downstairs, love?”
“And make our own fireworks?” you replied with a smirk and a gleam in your eyes.
“Now who has the cheesy lines?” Benjamin quipped back with a laugh, which you joined in.
Giggles erupted between you like the fireworks that lit up the sky behind you, but neither of you bothered to pay attention to the light show anymore. What was in front of you was worth more of your attention than the lights in the sky. Benjamin kept his arms around you and pulled you as close as possible as he kissed you once more. His tongue immediately poked at your lips in a wordless ask for permission, which you granted right away. 
Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt his large hands roam all over your back while his tongue played with yours. Suddenly, the need for him was too great and you whispered, “Let’s get out of here.”
Benjamin’s face lit up with a smile once more as he slipped his hand into yours and let you lead the way back down to your room. The two of you made it back in what felt like an instant, especially after you took it slowly when you both made your way up the stairs. Once you reached your floor and pushed your way inside and into the warmth, you pulled Benjamin close again for another heated kiss.
A low rumble of laughter escaped his lips as you both fumbled clumsily down the hall and to your door. He kept an eye out for anything in your path while you stayed wrapped up in him and the moment you reached your door, Benjamin pinned you up against it. You let out a low moan in surprise, but Benjiman was right there to catch you before you even had the chance to fall. The two of you were a tangle of tongues and giggles as Benjamin pulled the keycard for the door out of his pocket and tried unsuccessfully to unlock the door.
In a fit of laughter, you broke away so he could concentrate for a moment, and he flashed you a soft look for a moment before he was finally able to get the card in the slot. The moment you heard the click, however, your lips were back on his and you kissed Benjamin deeply. He wrapped an arm around you as he pushed the door open with your body and spun you around once you both crossed the threshold.
You found yourself up against the door once more, only this time you were on the inside of the hotel room. Now that you two were truly alone, you tugged at Benjamin’s shirt, desperate to see and feel every inch of him. He smiled into the kiss as he allowed you to tug and pull at his shirt until he had to break away so you could remove it.
The fireworks continued outside, and the room was only lit up by a small lamp you had left on and the occasional flashes of light from the outside. Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched the lights dance against Benjamin’s skin, “You’re beautiful, Benji,” you murmured softly.
He looked at you with a fire in his eyes as he reached out and cupped your face, “Let me see you now, my darling,” Benjamin’s voice was low as he yanked at your shirt with a sudden rush of need.
A gasp escaped your throat as he lifted your shirt over your head in a flash and placed his hands on your waist. Your own hands landed on his chest and you gave his pecs a firm squeeze as you both closed the gap between your bodies once more. You swallowed the moan he let out as you brushed your thumbs across his nippes and you smirked in satisfaction against his lips. It was your own little secret that Benjamin’s nipples were very sensitive, and you loved to use it against him to get him riled up for you.
Benjamin let out a low growl into your mouth as he tugged you towards the bed in the center of the room. You followed willingly, and although it was cold outside, the room already felt warm from the heat that radiated between your bodies. As you both fumbled your way toward the bed, you each took the moment to yank your pants down and attempt to step out of them as gracefully as possible.
Except you were not graceful at all. You tripped over your own pant leg and in only your underwear, you fell forward onto the bed. But luckily, Benjamin was right next to you and immediately reached out for you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close as you both crashed onto the large, plush bed.
“Are you alright?” he asked in a whisper as he pushed you onto your back and straddled your waist.
“Never better,” you replied with a smile, “Now fuck me.”
“With pleasure,” Benjamin quipped back before he captured your lips with his own.
You immediately parted your lips for him as you wrapped your arms and legs around his body. His warmth and weight on top of you was more than welcome, and you let out a moan when you felt his hard cock between your bodies. 
“I know love,” his voice sounded strained as he kissed his way along your neck. Benjamin bit down on all the spots he knew drove you wild, and he bucked his hips against yours with every moan and cry you let out.
You tilted your head to allow Benjamin better access to you while you snaked one hand up his back. He groaned against your skin at the feeling of your fingers along his spine and he let out a loud moan of his own when you reached his hair and gave it a firm tug. It was another secret that only you knew about him: how much Benjamin loved when you tugged on his hair.
He whimpered your name as he broke away from your skin to look into your eyes for a moment. Time seemed to stand still while you gazed at each other, and the only sound in the room was your heavy breaths. But when another flash of light from the fireworks broke you both out of your thoughts, Benjamin shook his head and dipped down to kiss at your breasts.
A loud cry from you filled the room that echoed the fireworks in the background. You wrapped your legs firmly around Benji’s waist as his tongue swirled around your nipple and his large hand cupped your breasts. Spurred on by your moans, he rocked his hips against yours in a slow but steady rhythm, and even though underwear, he felt how wet you were. And he was sure you felt how hard he was.
Your hand that held his hair tightly trailed down Benjamin’s back as you reached for his underwear. With a silent request, you tugged at the waistband with a soft whine.
Benjamin broke away from your body again to meet your gaze once more, “I’ve got you,” he whispered with a gaze of pure adoration in his eyes as he lifted himself just enough to allow you to push the last piece of fabric off his body.
Another flash of light lit up the room as you also lifted your hips and slid off your own underwear while Benjamin pushed his own down to his ankles. Your mouth watered as you took in the sight of him nude as if it was the first time you saw it. 
“Fuck, Benji,” you breathed as you grabbed his arms and pulled him back down on top of you.
He laughed against your lips as he agnisted his hips and lined his cock up with your entrance. A gasp escaped your lips as you broke away when you felt the tip of his cock at your pussy. He moved slowly, like he always did at first, and he brushed the side of your face gently as he pushed himself into you. A gasp of his own echoed yours as he felt your warmth engulf him, and every time he made love to you, he was always just as amazed at how perfect you were for him.
Another flash of fireworks lit up the room as Benjamin filled you completely, and he took a moment and just stared at you in awe. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead while one of his hands slid into yours. Your breasts rose and fell with your heavy breaths and your mouth hung open as soft moans spilled from your lips. Your eyes stayed shut as you just savored the feeling of Benjamin inside you and on top of you.
“Move Benji,” you panted, “Please…”
“Anything you want, love,” he groaned as he rocked back and filled you completely again.
Your cries and moans encouraged Benjamin and with every thrust, he went a little harder. He knew you liked it when he let himself go, but he also would never forgive himself if he actually hurt you. But, the look of pure bliss on your face and the way your pussy clenched around him told Benji that you were more than enjoying this. 
“So beautiful,” he murmured against you as he squeezed your hand and sped up his thrusts, “So perfect for me, my love.”
“Benji…” you were so lost in your pleasure that you were barely able to even say his name, “Love… Fuck…”
Benjamin changed his angle slightly and held onto your hip with his free hand, and the scream that you let out told him that he hit the exact spot he aimed for. With a low growl, he thrust into you over and over again, determined to push you over the edge while the fireworks still went off behind you.
“Cum for me, darling,” he groaned as he felt his own climax quickly approach. You just felt too good for him to last much longer, “Show me how lovely you are when you cum for me.”
With another loud scream, your entire body trembled as you came hard on his cock. You held his hand tightly, but Benjamin didn’t mind. He kept up his pace as he watched your orgasm, and he found it even more beautiful than the fireworks that occasionally lit up your body.
That was when Benjamin lost all self control and he pounded into your with fervor. You looked and felt so good that he couldn’t hold himself back anymore and he rocked his hips against yours faster and faster until he felt his down climax take over. With a cry of your name, Benjamin slumped forward and completely covered your body with his own as he came deep inside you. 
You let out a deep sigh as you felt his warmth burst into you. You let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around Benjamin as you held him close. Several loud booms echoed from the outside, and vaguely you realized it was the finale of the fireworks show, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about it at all. Not when Benjamin completely surrounded you inside and out like this, and with his heavy breaths right in your ear. 
“Wow,” you breathed as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
He let out a soft laugh before he pushed himself up just enough to look into your eyes, “Did I hurt you?” Benjamin asked as his mind caught up to him and he realized how hard he pounded into you.
You cupped his face and kissed him softly, “Not at all,” you replied with a smile, “It was the perfect bang to bring in the new year, Benji,” you added with a laugh.
Benjamin blushed as he dipped his head down but he couldn’t help but join your laughter, “It was,” he admitted sheepishly before he kissed you again. 
“I love you, Benjamin Greene,” you whispered against his lips.
“And I love you,” he said your full name with such softness and adoration that it made your heart skip a beat. 
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The thief [Ben Barnes x Reader] - Requested
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Title: The thief Pairing: Ben Barnes x Female!Reader Word count: 5.3k Published: 8 April 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Warning: Food, Drinks Summary: Working as a “prop-girl” beside Ben has its ups and downs. He is a blessing to work with and an amazing friend to be around, but having feelings for him quite often distracts you from work and makes it hard to focus. Especially when you have a little thief on your hand who keeps stealing your work, doubling your already frustrating problems. Request: [x]
“Please please please write more Ben Barnes! I live for your Ben fics 🤩 Something where Ben is cheeky maybe?” - Anonymous
Bingo: [x] [x] This is part of my Make me feel Bingo Card by @girl-next-door-writes and Band--psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Card by @band--psycho
Square filled: Drunken Confession [ @girl-next-door-writes ]
Square filled: Follower Prompt [ @band--psycho ]
Ben Barnes and Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Make me feel Bingo Masterlist | Real People Masterlist
Band--psychos 1.5k Followers Bingo Masterlist
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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Working behind the scenes of a movie set has always been what you dreamed of. You were never quite determined enough to be a director, a producer or a script writer, nor did you have the passion for it, but you certainly had an aesthetic view that just fit perfectly to find the right objects for particular scenes. Therefore, you became the prop-girl. Of course, you had an official title, property assistant to be exact, but seemingly everyone preferred the prop-girl title and after years of fighting it, you just gave in. That was the least of your problems after all.
The amount of effort put into all those blockbuster movies sometimes sucked your soul out. Considering the huge amount of work you have put in, you never really looked at it as a job. You loved what you were doing even if people sometimes looked down on you for being “just” the prop-girl. Even though you had some unpleasant encounters with some of Hollywood’s sweethearts, it never discouraged you, because amongst all the rotten apples, there were always those that made you just a little happier, a little giddier, a little more excited about a new day.
There was a certain person who ticked all the boxes in brightening your day and you often caught yourself staring at him shamelessly. His positivity, refreshing personality and banter always caught you off guard and for mere seconds you even forgot to pay attention to the tasks you were supposed to be completing. You knew you were good at your job, hell you were one of the best, but seemingly Ben’s presence set you back on quite a few occasions.
As you were watching him act out a scene along with his co-star Amber Rose Revah, you tried to focus on organising a dining table for his upcoming scene, but you just couldn’t concentrate when Ben walked around the room half naked with only a towel covering the lower half of his body. No sane person could have paid attention to anything beside Ben. He walked across the set with a straight back, a wide and happy grin across his face, securely holding the top of his towel around his waist. Even if you wanted to look away, you couldn’t have possibly forgotten the view. He wasn’t just a great company, but a very handsome one to look at.
“Prop-girl, that table won’t set itself,” you heard a grumpy voice from behind you and quickly started to set the cutleries and plates in an orderly fashion. Knowing you had to work quickly finally diverted your attention from Ben and the steamy scene about to happen. It wasn’t their first time acting out their bedroom scene and each time it got even more heated. The director didn’t seem to be happy with the outcome, so he kept pushing them to do it over and over again. As you arranged the fruits in a small wooden basket, you tried to forget the tiny little weight settling in your stomach, jealousy resurfacing within you. Knowing you had no right to be jealous as a mere friend, you always attempted to mask it.
As you finished setting the table, you walked back to the gigantic prop room and started searching for another set of objects for the same scene. Each day you arranged everything in an orderly fashion, but many of you worked on different scenes, so it was inevitably a mess most of the time and things were never where you left them. You heaved a heavy sigh, trying to calm yourself down, knowing it would take ages to find what you were looking for and a frustrated state would not help your case.
“Hey, prop-girl, is the scene ready?” you heard the same grumpy voice again. It was your boss, Jerry who seemed to have a grudge against you even though you never talked back to him or went against his orders.
“Not yet, I’m trying to find the cushions for the sofa,” you replied quickly, searching on the shelves, the floor, even in the bin bags that you used to store curtains, tablecloths and bedding sets. “Ah, here,” you exclaimed excitedly as you rushed back to the set, arranging the cushions on the sofa and the armchair beside the table.
“Next time try to be quicker,” he groaned with a disgusted look on his face and left the room. You grimaced at the man, scrunching your nose, his behaviour irritating you each day just a little more.
“That’s not very professional,” you heard a voice from behind you, making you jump. Placing a hand above your heart, you took deep breaths as you turned around to look at your unexpected visitor, although his voice already gave him away. However, this time, to your disappointment, he was wearing a shirt. “Did I scare you?” he asked with an innocent expression.
“No, I just like jumping,” you retorted in a sarcastic manner, making him chuckle, revealing the little crinkles beside his dark irises.
“Sorry, I meant to surprise you, not scare you,” he apologised with a sheepish smile, one that reassured you his apology was anything but genuine.
“Your face doesn’t match your words,” you replied with a half-smile, knowing you couldn’t be mad at him.
“And I thought I was a better actor,” he huffed in fake annoyance. “I’m a fraud,” he added with a grin. But then his expression changed to a more serious one and although he was wearing a smile, it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m curious. Why do you let him talk to you like that?” he asked, his smile completely disappearing.
“Ben—,” you sighed as you called his name. “it’s complicated,” you tried to avoid the subject, but he didn’t seem to want to let it go just yet.
“You don’t have to argue, you could just tell him that the way he talks to you makes you uncomfortable,” you knew he just wanted to help, but even the thought of having a conversation with Jerry was tiring. Overthinking was one of your strongest personality traits and to get into a confrontational situation, you needed to mentally prepare, possibly practice different scenarios in which you’d act out what you’d say and how he could react. The simple thought of putting so much effort into such a small issue discouraged you already.
“It’s not that big of a deal. He is just grumpy,” you replied. “Honestly, I don’t want to argue, and I know him, he has been my boss for months and it’s not the first time I am working with him. Sure, he is inconsiderate and fairly annoying, but he is good at his job, he is just not good at communication,” you added.
“That’s not really an excuse, is it?” Ben asked with a frown. “He is in a leading position. He should learn how to communicate, how to manage his people. Mood should not be an issue on a daily basis,” he groaned, dissatisfied by your logic.
“I love that you are so worried, but I’m a big girl, I’m quite sure I can take care of myself,” you offered him a reassuring smile and walked past him to finish the last touches in the room.
“A strong and independent woman,” he chuckled. “You never fail to mention,” he added, making you let out a quiet snort. You could feel his eyes on you as you were moving around, taking care of the smallest little details, the angle of the napkins, the bows on the curtains, the corners of the cushions. As you finished the table, or so you thought you did, you frowned at the sight of the empty wooden basket in the middle of the table. You could clearly recall filing it up with fruits, but they were nowhere to be found.
“I’m telling you we have a thief in this place,” you huffed, throwing your hands in the air, earning a chuckle from Ben.
“What’s the problem?” he asked with a wide grin across his face, his happiness at your misfortune slightly irritating you.
“Each time I use real food as props, someone eats them. This is not a restaurant for god’s sake,” you whined as you headed back to the kitchen to pick up another batch of apples and pears. Ben followed you diligently as if he had no better things to do. You quickly halted and turned around, causing Ben to run into you. He got hold of your waist, steading both of you, before you could have fallen to the ground.
“Why did you stop so abruptly?” he asked with a deep frown, his face ever so close to yours. For a moment you forgot how to talk, how to articulate not even a sentence, but a single word. Your heart was beating in your throat, your pulse rushed through your veins, whilst your chest decided to ignore all the air you so desperately tried to inhale in the slowest of pace. Quickly scolding yourself, you collected all your strength and opened your mouth to talk.
“Why do you keep following me? Don’t you have somewhere to be?” you asked, shaking your head with a suspicious smile, trying to mask how much his closeness affected you, whilst being curious about his intentions.
“Not right now,” he said as he stepped back, watching you, studying you, his gaze penetrating yours, making you slightly flustered. You could feel your cheeks heat up at his intense gaze, starting your heart off in an even quicker pace. Ben was anything but a good influence on your physical and mental health. If it wasn’t your heart going mad for him, then your mind betrayed you.
“Well then find something,” you added, ruder than you wished you had. Trying to regain your self-control, you turned around and continued to walk towards the kitchen.
“I did,” he replied quickly as he started following you. “I’m assisting you,” he chuckled, earning a heavy sigh from you. As much as you enjoyed his company, his presence was anything but helpful when you were supposed to be concentrating on your work. You shook your head in a reply and as you arrived at the kitchen you picked up the fruits you needed and brought them back to the set, placing them where they were supposed to be before someone decided to stuff themselves with the props once again.
“Ben?” you called out to him, earning a humming sound from him. “Would you mind not staring at me?” you asked as you turned around, leaning against the table with your arms folded in front of your chest.
“I’m not staring. I’m observing,” he replied with a mischievous smirk.
“It’s the same thing,” you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t possibly hide the tiny smile in the corner of your lips. He certainly had a way with words and sometimes it made you feel as though you were losing against him in a battle. “Please, just go and do something. You will have to film the next scene soon,” you added, begging him to give you some space to be able to concentrate on anything but him for a second.
“Fine, I actually have to revise some of the scripts,” he grimaced, although you knew he loved practicing his lines, he loved his job after all.
“Do you want me to wait for you after you finish?” you asked and the wide, enthusiastic grin spreading across his face, made you return his expression. His smile was powerful and whenever he was happy it seemed to be affecting everyone around him, including you.
“Sure, we will finish in a couple of hours,” he nodded and waved at you as he walked back to his trailer. It wasn’t a rare event that you waited for one another and whilst you knew he only thought of it as friends hanging out, for you they meant more. Being with Ben felt like hope, even if deep down you knew you were to remain friends. It hurt, it often left you wondering how you would be able to get over him, but in the end, just being beside him made you the happiest you have ever felt, and you didn’t want to lose that even if you had to stay just friends.
It was rather dark and chilly outside by the time Ben finished. As you looked at his trailer and his silhouette appeared from time to time behind the closed curtain of his window, you knew he was rushing to get ready. You knew that the shooting never finished in time, but you still waited, because even if you could only spend half an hour with him, it was more than worth it.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologised as he stepped out of his trailer, closing the door behind him. Half of his jacket was hanging on his side, whilst his other arm already slipped into the other sleeve. His hair was a mess and the belt of his trouser was undone. He was anything but ready to leave.
“I honestly don’t mind waiting, especially when you look like a mess,” you giggled at his state.
“Not funny. I didn’t expect to finish so late,” he replied as he slipped his arm into his sleeve and did his belt.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” you smiled gently, reassuring him that it was okay. “Do you want to grab something to eat?” you asked as you looked at your watch. “It’s only 10pm so we are not that late,” you added.
“Sure, we can grab something. Maybe we could go to that little pub right beside your flat,” he suggested, and you nodded in agreement. You quite regularly visited that old Irish pub, loving the happy expression on Ben’s face as he explained how much it reminded him of the proper English pubs he grew up around, making him nostalgic. At those times he always told you stories about his past, his childhood, his family and you could have watched endlessly as he drowned in the mass of stories with a cheerful smile and blushing cheeks. You always found it interesting that people barely recognised Ben, but you didn’t mind, because at least you could have him all to yourself even if for just a couple of hours.
It didn’t take you long to arrive at the pub, the taxi Ben called took you there in about 20 minutes. As soon as you stepped inside and took a table, sitting beside each other, you ordered a burger off the menu whilst Ben asked for a fish and chips. Of course, alcoholic beverages could not have been ignored in a pub nor did they stop coming. After the first beer came the second and after the second came the third, but as soon as you reached the 5th round, you couldn’t possibly tell how many you had drank after. You felt tipsy, the pub seemed way too warm for your liking. The music was fairly loud as well, but Ben sat close enough for you to be able to hear him just fine. You have been joking about the silliest things, both of you clearly intoxicated, but daring not to admit your defeat.
“I’m not drunk,” he said, pointing at you with his index finger and a proud smirk across his face. “I’m just very happy,” he added to clarify his state.
“Happiness doesn’t make your words slurred,” you retorted quickly, catching him off guard, chuckling at his surprised expression. He was searching for the right words, almost straining himself in the process, but he didn’t seem to find them.
“Whatever,” he scoffed, but attempted to have a straight face, trying to maintain his pride.
“We are both a bit tipsy, so you are not alone,” you admitted, trying to make him feel a little better, and according to the increasingly growing smile on his face, you seemed to have been successful.
“You just admitted that you are tipsy,” he said with a proud grin. “But I never did,” he chuckled triumphantly.
“You little rascal,” you shook your head, but you had to admit that alcohol and Ben’s closeness was anything but a good influence on your judgment.
“You know, I was wondering about something,” Ben started, catching your attention and curiosity.
“Yeah, what about?” you asked with a questioningly raised brow.
“Why are you so bothered about someone stealing the prop food?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, making you frown. You expected any kind of subjects, but work in that moment. Although it wasn’t unusual, that’s what connected you in the first place.
“Because they are basically eating up my work? Those props are there for a reason. We have a kitchen they can use if they wish to. I have hours of work in those tiny little details so someone stuffing themselves with my work is just frustrating,” you huffed, slightly annoyed at the thought of someone messing with you regardless of it being intentional or unintentional.
“It really does frustrate you, doesn’t it?” he asked as he took a swig of his beer.
“Yes, it’s quite irritating. I just want to know who is doing this to me and why it is so necessary,” you grimaced as you joined Ben in emptying your bottle.
“Have you ever thought about the option that someone might eat your props for the sole purpose of getting your attention?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“What do you mean?” you furrowed in confusion.
“I mean, maybe they want you to think about them,” he tried to clarify.
“Highly unlikely,” you replied with a scoff and disbelieving smile. “And how could I even think about someone whose identity I don’t even know?” you asked, trying to argue his theory.
“Maybe it’s not the identity that they want you to think about, but just their existence. Maybe they like you, but they don’t dare to reveal themselves because they don’t want you to be disappointed or possibly, they don’t want to ruin something. Maybe it’s a childish approach, but they might have thought if they told you that they liked you, it would ruin a friendship,” he said, nonchalantly sipping on his drink, but he didn’t look at you, instead his eyes wandered around the place as if he had never seen it before.
“Ben, do you know who it is?” you asked, being suspicious about his very detailed reply.
“How would I know?” he asked with an innocent expression, making you feel even more curious about his monologue.
“Well, for one you were very detailed in your reply. Two, I just feel like you know more than I do,” you replied with a deep frown across your brows, feeling as though even the last drop of alcohol evaporated from your body.
“I just imagined what I would do if I was that mysterious thief,” he replied in a casual tone, but you just knew him enough to realise that his behaviour was more than unusual. You could have blamed it on the alcohol, his still slightly slurred speech and lack of attention were a sign of him being intoxicated, but there was just something bugging you about him.
“Nah, you know something,” you added as you slipped closer to him in your booth, placing your hand on his arm, your eyes fixed on his, trying to get him to talk with a stern look across your face. Trying to seem serious, you wanted him to spill his secret. You were convinced that you had a firm stance and that Ben would give it up any time.
But he didn’t. Instead he bursted out laughing and reached for your head, petting your hair with a sweet smile across his face. “You’re adorable when you want something,” he chuckled.
“You’re unbelievable,” you huffed, pouting.
“Come on, don’t pout, it makes you even more adorable,” he laughed, his cheeks blushing as he watched your childishly sulking form.
“I’m a grown up woman, I’m anything but adorable,” you retorted in an annoyed tone.
“Then you are cute,” he corrected himself.
“I’m not a child, I’m not cute,” you huffed, feeling frustrated, crossing your arms in front of your chest, showing just how much you despised his adjectives. You sank into the leather seat, trying to hide away from the enjoyment he felt in treating you like a small child.
“What do you want me to call you then, huh?” he asked, but this time there was no smile on his face or a humorous tone in his voice. He looked serious, somewhat determined. “Should I call you sweet and kind?” he asked as he leaned closer. “Or would you prefer pretty? Maybe beautiful and charming?” he continued, instantly decreasing the gap between the two of you after each word. “Or stunning, is that it?” you gulped, feeling startled by the mere inches between you and Ben. You weren’t sure what kind of game he played, but you have never seen him act like that before.
“I—,” words didn’t come, your brain gave up on you. There was just you and Ben’s beautiful dark eyes, blushing cheeks, stubbly jaw and slightly pink lips only inches away from you. That gap he has left between the two of you felt like both physical pain and a life-line you held onto before you could have done something you knew you would have regretted.
“I’m just messing with you,” he chuckled lightly, somewhat awkward as he leaned back into his place, leaving you disappointed as you let out a heavy sigh. For a second you thought he wanted to kiss you, that he was so close because he felt what you did. But soon your foolish thoughts disappeared, realising just how silly they made you look. As if he would ever feel more than friendship, when he was surrounded by hundreds of beautiful women every single day. You knew comparing yourself to all those stunning people wasn’t healthy, but by your train of thoughts they kept you humbled and down to earth.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” he quickly added as he realised how awkward you seemed. Making him feel guilty was the last thing you wanted to do, so you quickly put on a fake smile and shook your head.
“No, no, it’s completely fine,” you tried to reassure him. “I think we should go. We might have drank a bit too much and we have work tomorrow,” you tried to save yourself from further embarrassment.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” he said, quickly standing up, even stumbling slightly. “Oh, that was unexpected,” he chuckled and even against the weird atmosphere, you could couldn’t stop yourself from giggling at his clumsiness.
“I think that just shows how right I am, as always,” you grinned proudly, nudging his shoulder. He just shook his head and quickly asked for the bill. Before you could have even protested, he paid for the food and drinks already. Although you tried to scold him, he just shushed you and attacked your previous statement about how you were always right except when you weren’t.
As you walked towards your flat, you hooked your arm with Ben’s, just like you always did. It seemed strange at first, you still felt somewhat uncomfortable, but there was also some kind of a comfort in being so close to him even though he felt unreachable. However Ben was slightly distracted, he kept looking around as if searching for something or someone, but it was a rather quiet night.
“Is everything okay?” you asked with a suspicious gaze fixed on his handsome face. He halted and turned to you with a serious expression, one that clearly said he had something on his mind, something he wanted to say out loud, but he just couldn’t find the words.
“I really need to tell you something, but I’m not sure now is the right time,” he spoke finally, his words conflicting.
“Well, if you don’t feel like telling me now, you can tell me tomorrow. We will meet anyway,” you added reassuringly, trying not to pressure him.
“ I know,” he heaved a heavy sigh. “But I have been keeping this in for so long, I really feel the need to say it, but at the same time I’m also quite intoxicated which is messing with my head,” he explained and you weren’t sure how to reply. You were of course curious and wanted to know what he wanted to tell you, but at the same time you didn’t want to press him.
“I can’t help you with that, Ben,” you replied. “If you have something to tell me, it’s up to you, although you made me curious now,” you smiled sweetly, trying to lift the serious atmosphere brought up on your pair.
“You know, you were curious why I knew so much about your little prop-thief, right? And I did say that I didn’t know, but I wasn’t telling you the truth,” he confessed, but you didn’t know how to respond. There were so many questions in your head. Why would he lie? Who could it be? Why did they do it? But you weren’t sure what to ask exactly. Luckily you didn’t have to ask anything as Ben decided to continue his monologue. “I wanted to tell you who it was, but it’s not easy to talk about,” he sighed heavily, trying to collect the right words. “When you like someone, it’s hard to tell them, but even harder if you know that it could potentially ruin a friendship that you don’t want to lose. Stealing prop foods or not, that was just a childish way to deal with it, but I thought even if you didn’t know who I was, it would leave you curious and even without an identity I could occupy your thoughts. I thought it was better to remain friends than to ruin any connection we have had, but blame it on the alcohol or the fact that we spend so much time together recently, I just don’t want to hide it anymore,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, waiting for a reply from you, but you were just stunned.
Your eyes widened at the realisation, your lips parted as though you were a gaping fish. “You like me?” you asked as if his confession wasn’t enough, you needed reassurance.
“Yes, I do like you,” he admitted, playing with his short beard, awkwardly running his fingers through his already messy hair. He didn’t dare to look at you, his eyes wandered around the street, focusing on anything but you in that moment, fearing to see rejection in your eyes and so he couldn’t possibly see the slowly growing smile across your face.
“And what would you say if I said I have liked you too?” you asked with a cheeky grin on your face. Ben almost got a whiplash as he turned to you with a shocked expression, one that clearly showed your reply was anything, but expected.
“You have?” he asked with an uncertain tone, but with a tiny smile in the corner of lips and a hidden enthusiasm.
“Yes, for a while now actually,” you chuckled happily.
“You haven’t said anything,” he added questioningly.
“Well, you’re my friend and just like you, I didn’t dare to ruin what we had. And if you haven’t noticed, you’re a well-known actor, Ben, I couldn’t possibly say anything. I didn’t believe I had a chance beside all those beautiful actresses you are working with—”
“You are beautiful,” he cut in quickly.
“—so, I stayed quiet and decided to remain a friend of yours,” you chuckled at his compliment, still feeling as though you were in a dream, as if it wasn’t reality.
“I mean it. You’re stunning, you’re funny, you are such a hard-working person. It’s you that I like not them,” he added with a relieved smile.
“I have to admit, it’s hard to believe,” you chuckled awkwardly. “Do you maybe want to go up to my flat and talk there so we are not this exposed?” you asked quickly, not wanting to discuss your feelings in the middle of the dark street.
“Of course!” he replied and started leading you to your flat. You shook your head, feeling giddy in his presence, giving him a small peck on his cheek, earning a proud smile from him, one that was rather childish than manly, but if anything that made you even happier.
You were about a couple of streets away from your flat, but trying to contain the wide grin from appearing on your face seemed to be an even harder task than you wished to admit. Ben wasn’t blind though, he could see the smile you fought hard against and he couldn’t stop himself from mirroring your expression. He looked around, searching for paparazzi, but found none. Firmly holding onto your arm in his, he pulled you into a small ally, with a playful grin across his face. You squeaked in surprise as you felt the pulling force from Ben and seconds later the cold wall behind your back.
“Why are you trying to hide your smile?” he asked with a playful chuckle.
“I’m not, it’s just hard to believe,” you replied, still feeling uncertain about the situation.
“Maybe if you let me kiss you, that would make it easier for you to believe,” he leaned closer, running his tongue across his bottom lip. That simple movement left you breathless as you swallowed hard, and your gaze seemed to remain on his lips. But as much as you wished Ben to lean closer, he kept the distance. You wanted to nod, say yes, let out any kind of embarrassing noise of approval, but you found any kind of interaction impossible.
Instead, you grabbed his belt and pulled him closer, standing up on your tiptoes, capturing his lips with yours. For a moment Ben was caught off guard, he didn’t expect your reaction, but he didn’t need long to return the kiss just as hungrily as you did in the first place.
You have dreamt of kissing him, wrapping your arms around his neck, whilst his hands drew random circles on your back, but your dreams were nothing compared to reality. Ben’s hold on your waist was firm, but still gentle and his lips against yours felt as though they belonged to you. You couldn’t explain the weakness in your knees, the butterflies in your tummy or the complete emptiness in your mind. There was just Ben and you in that moment and you would have given anything for it to stay like that. But air was something of necessity and when you parted, Ben leaned his forehead against yours matching the rhythm of your heavy breathing.
“That, I think, made it more believable,” Ben spoke up first, making you giggle.
“A few more and it will,” you replied in the same playful manner. “On a side note though, before we go anywhere, you have to promise me that you stop eating my props,” you added, your tone scolding, but humorous.
“If—, I repeat if you kiss me like that every time I feel like stealing your props, then we can work out a deal,” he grinned proudly.
“That’s blackmail, mister,” you exclaimed, but your smile gave you away.
“And what a good one,” he smirked, mentally patting his own shoulder. “Is that a deal then?” he asked.
“Fine! But you better stay far away from my work,” you added in a mock seriousness, knowing even if he did try to steal again, you wouldn’t be able to stay mad at him.
“I think I can manage that,” he chuckled before he closed the gap between you, indulging in the moment a bit longer, knowing both of you have been eagerly waiting to be close to each other.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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Ben Barnes taglist: Taglist from now on is in a reblog.
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birdiebortnik · 3 years
This just in!
This just in! 9/10 doctors recommend watching Lupin on netflix, becoming obsessed with it, developing a liking for the artist pal, Benjamin, and then going over to AO3 and reading Green Carnations, except give it a few chapters because the author has gotten notably better at writing since starting the fic!
13 notes · View notes
shimmershaewrites · 6 years
Waltzing's for Dreamers, Chapter 17 (a Walking Dead story, Caryl AU).
Title:  Waltzing's for Dreamers. 
Rating:  PG if that. 
Warnings:  some language. 
Characters/Pairings:  Carol/Daryl, Jadis, Beth Greene, Ezekiel, mentions of Sophia Peletier, original character, Noah, Eric Raleigh, allusions to Carol/Other, mention of Tobin, Benjamin. 
 So sorry about the delay on this.  I was blocked on this chapter for a number of reasons, but then Jadis just inserted herself and the log jam cleared and I'm still not completely sure if that's a good thing, lol.  I'll take what I can get, though.  ;)
   Waltzing’s for Dreamers
    Seven years after Vegas.  Second week of April.  Aka, Prom week.   
      The auditorium is already humming with activity when she slips inside.  Ducks into the back row to hide in the shadows with the rest of the latecomers hoping to go unnoticed.  Of course, she isn’t that lucky.  The part-time art teacher, full-time pain in her ass this particular time of year definitely notices. 
  “Are we going for unfashionably late or…” 
  Carol simply uncaps her water bottle and takes a measured sip.  Mulls her words and her life choices.  Because taking the long way around?  Sprinting clear across campus in an effort not to inadvertently cross paths with her should have already been, soon to be (if not already) ex-husband?  Well.  Not only is it ill-advised and more juvenile than she’d ever care to admit out loud, it’s more of a workout than she’s ever previously realized and she vows to be a little more understanding the next time one of her students has to do the same.  Jadis, however?  Doesn’t necessarily deserve her good will but she gives it to her anyway.  Until she presses her luck. 
  “Very boho-chic.” 
  It’s not so much the words she says.  It never is actually.  It’s the way she says them and Carol fights the urge to scowl like a child, which she suspects is very much the reaction the other woman is going for.  Instead, she schools her expression and glances down at her ensemble.  The long, gauzy peasant skirt that (hopefully) hides the fact that she is too tired dealing with the prom and this play business, dealing with the kids and their respective busy schedules, dealing with Daryl’s return and all the emotional upheaval it has caused in so very short a time to really care if she hasn’t shaved her legs in a few days.  The loose, flowing tunic with its pretty paisley pattern that makes her feel like a bit of a gypsy queen and the ancient ankle boots that are broken in and comfortable and still kind of low-key sexy.  She looks back up, matches her seating companion’s lifted brow, and smiles, obviously catching her off-guard.  “Thanks.  Did you do something different with your hair?” 
  “As a matter of fact…” 
  “Very David Bowie.”
  Jadis narrows her eyes and leaves in a huff, insinuating herself with the group of flummoxed music students a couple of rows down.  Beth among them.   
  Carol barely has any time to celebrate her departure before Ezekiel is claiming the woman’s abandoned chair and dumping a pile of dog-eared scripts in her lap.  “What is this?  No.  No.  This is your dog and pony show, remember?” 
  “But I disagree, fair maiden. Twas your students, if I recall, that chose this year’s production.”   
  Rolling her eyes at him, she mutters, “Yeah.  A group of departing students with an ax to grind.”  She shudders at the memory of a week’s worth of performances of Seussical and glares at the back of Jadis’s head because the woman’s artistic vision for the show had been a source of nightmares at her house for weeks.  With even Sophia suggesting they shelve anything Dr. Seuss related until it all had time to fade from their consciousness.  When the kids had voted to permanently retire it, she hadn’t voiced any objections and neither had he or any of the other teachers involved in the joint venture except one.  “Do you really blame them?” 
  Lost in the fog of his own memories, Ezekiel intones, “I do not.  And yet, Romeo and Juliet is a marked improvement.” 
  They don’t discuss it any further because the door next to the stage opens and bright sunlight and more people spill inside, including Noah and the man she’s been so desperately trying to avoid for days now.  “You didn’t.” 
  Ezekiel doesn’t even bother to deny his guilt, instead taking credit where credit is due and seeming to delight in her utter state of shock and shrugging off her assertion of betrayal.  “Oh, it would seem that I have indeed.  You cannot run from love forever, Carol.” 
  Maybe not, Carol thinks as she studies Daryl unaware.  His dark blond hair falling across his blue eyes and the button up shirt stretched tight across his broad shoulders. The snug jeans that have more than a few of the teenage girls in the auditorium voicing low twitters of approval and her own reawakened hormones staging a revolt against her better sense.   Fortunately, sanity prevails.  After all, his physical beauty she can resist.  However challenging it might be.  The marvel of his heart beneath his gruff exterior?  Well.  That’s a different story altogether and damn Ezekiel for pushing the issue.  She knew she never should have trusted leaving him alone in an inebriated Eric’s presence at the last staff party.  Making a mental note to have a little talk with the loose-lipped band director as soon as this meeting is over, she tells him, “There’s nothing to run from.  Not anymore.” 
   “Methinks, the lady doth protest too much.”   
  “Love is overrated.” 
  “Carol, Carol, Carol.  Don’t…” 
  “Bullshit a bullshitter.  I know,” she hisses, mindful of the curious eyes that are starting to turn in their direction.  “I’ve heard it all before.  And anyway.  Isn’t that somebody else’s line?”  Feeling cornered, with her emotions more than a little bit raw due to all of the revelations of the past month and a half, she lets her anger at the whole fucked up situation bleed through.  “Your schtick is getting old and I don’t appreciate you sticking your nose in where it isn’t wanted.” 
  “I was merely trying to…” 
  “Help?” She laughs derisively.  Quietly as she looks away from him.  Knots her fingers in the folds of her skirt.   
  “Mock me if you will, but do not deny that you pine for him and he for you.  Anyone with eyes can see it.  Even those that do not know the half of your history together.  And this situation with Tobin, his very public proposal...” 
  She cuts him off with a finger to his chest.  “Is none of your business.”  Pulling the strap of her messenger bag onto her shoulder and standing, she can’t find it in herself to care anymore about whatever audience they might have.  Shoving the scripts back into his arms, she shakes her head.  “Why do you even care?” 
  “Because it makes me feel good.  And because I do not wish to see two very stubborn people make yet another mistake.  This one irreparable.” 
  “It’s our mistake to make.  Ours.” 
  “Excuse me.  Sir?  Ms. Mason?” 
  As one, the sparring adults answer.  “Yes, Benjamin?”
  “A few of us were talking and we wondered if we could go ahead and get started.  We got prom committee, too, and we still have a shi—crapton of work to do, Sir.” 
  Carol uses his distraction in answering the boy to make her escape and she doesn’t look back.  If she had?  Well.   Point is, she doesn’t. 
  Daryl’s steely gaze softens and lingers on her in concern anyway. 
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batboyblog · 3 years
If you're looking for some great must read mlm books, this is the list for you!
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Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Social Skills by Sara Alva
Silent by Sara Alva
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Hold My Hand by Michael Barakiva
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Alan Cole Is Not a Coward by Eric Bell
Alan Cole Doesn’t Dance by Eric Bell
Queeroes by Steven Bereznai
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by Nathan Burgoine
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
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Gives Light by Rose Christo
Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris Colfer
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
There Goes Sunday School by Alexander C. Eberhart
Lock & West by Alexander C. Eberhart
The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second by Drew Ferguson
Love & Other Curses by Michael Thomas Ford
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales
Tales from Foster High by John Goode
How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom by S.J. Goslee
Whatever.: or how junior year became totally f$@ked by S.J. Goslee
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan
Half Bad by Sally Green
Half Wild by Sally Green
Half Lost by Sally Green
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green
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Geography Club by Brent Hartinger
We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra
Middle School’s a Drag, You Better Werk by Greg Howard
Social Intercourse by Greg Howard
Totally Joe by James Howe
After School Activities by Dirk Hunter
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson
A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Straight by Jeff Jacobson
Haffling by Caleb James
The Red Sheet by Mia Kerick
The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune
A Destiny of Dragons by T.J. Klune
The Consumption of Magic by T.J. Klune
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A Wish Upon the Stars by T.J. Klune
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune
Flash Fire by T.J. Klune
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Every Day by David Levithan
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by J.C. Lillis
When Ryan Came Back by Devon McCormack
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Vivaldi in the Dark by Matthew J. Metzger
Life as a Teenage Vampire by Amanda Meuwissen
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller
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Hero by Perry Moore
Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
More Than This by Patrick Ness
Earth to Charlie by Justin Olson
Play Me, I’m Yours by Madison Parker
Here’s to You, Zeb Pike by Johanna Parkhurst
Junior Hero Blues by J.K. Pendragon
When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid
Jack of Hearts by Lev A.C. Rosen
Camp by Lev A.C. Rosen
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
My Awesome/Awful Popularity Plan by Seth Rudetsky
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
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Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez
Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez
So Hard to Say by Alex Sanchez
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
All Kinds of Other by James Sie
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Freak Show by James St. James
Ray of Sunlight by Brynn Stein
Imaginary by Jamie Sullivan
(In)visible by Anyta Sunday
The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis
366 Days by Kiyoshi Tanaka
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Suicide Watch by Kelley York
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Thanks to my friend @lostintrace for the art, each are characters from books on this list. If you want help picking out a book, hit my inbox!
Header: Red, White & Royal Blue (L) and Carry On (R)
Red: Jack of Hearts (and other parts)
Orange: Alan Cole Is Not a Coward
Yellow: Heartbreak Boys
Green: The Lightning-Struck Heart
Blue: Boy Meets Boy
Purple: Cemetery Boys
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