#benjamin greene fic
silverwolfdesign · 1 year
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🡒 ✨ 𝐄𝐰𝐚𝐧 & 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐚 • 𝘉𝘦𝘯 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴 & 𝘈𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘈𝘳𝘫𝘰𝘯𝘢.
❝𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦? 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵.❞ - 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚, 𝙁𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙘
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birdiebortnik · 11 months
Green Carnations chapter 9!!
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! My heart is gushing from the flash fic and the fluff fic 🥺
Soooooo tasty! 😋
Imagine Gabi and her Mama having their own girl's day out. It's been a while since they got to spoil themselves together because of the wife's pregnancy and taking care of Benji. Gabi can't help but ask if she was difficult when she was a baby. The wife laughs and tells her all about her tiny terror days. How flustered Miguel got as a new dad. Her early soccer spark. How demanding she was with cuddles.
Gabi gets embarrassed and tells her to stop, and the wife laughs and is like, "Don't get mad at me, you asked!"
♥️✨Girls Day ✨ ♥️
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Your heart had broken once when Gabi confessed why she was bummed out.
We don't do stuff like we used to, Mama
Of course you had a mini-crisis in front of Miguel, by saying you were the worst mom and the like, but before you could keep berating yourself with unkind words, he offered a solution.
"Go on a girls date with her and have fun."
You had mopped in his chest and hugged him tightly while saying you'd be lost without him. But in reality, he was right.
Ever since Benjamin's pregnancy and birth, and taking care of him it had been a long long time since you bonded with Gabi, she was growing up fast. And sometimes you'd catch her staring at your nail polish and vanity things. You knew she loved sports, but there was little times where she'd just stare at you with piqued interest as you applied makeup whenever you had a date with Miguel.
So you organized a day entirely to you both. The first stop was a pedicure and manicure. She'd giggle as the woman in charge scrubbed her feet. She had chosen a clear nail polish on her feet, so did you but with a French finish on them.
"Are you having fun, mi amor?"
She nodded with a beam as she gasped upon the acrylist bringing in a nail polish box full of colors.
"Pick one."
"Where are we going later?"
"What do you wanna do?"
"Can we go to get some ice cream?"
"Of course, Solecito" She had picked a baby blue nail polish, just as her soccer team uniform.
You walked side to side, admiring the different shops in the mall, and finally reached the Ice cream parlor.
She asked for a Vainilla topped with caramel and nuts, you went for a frozen yogurt.
"Hm?" You wiped her chin off a stain of caramel.
"Is Benjamin difficult to handle?"
"Oh? At first he is because you have to keep an eye on him most of the time, keep him clean and such."
"Was I a difficult baby?" You giggled and looked at her.
"Ay princesa. You nearly got your father green hairs." She giggled and looked at you.
"Oh yes. You were a tiny little gremlin that loved to bite Papa's fingers. He was always soo nervous when it came to handle you. He was all careful. A gentle giant." Gabi's eyes lighted as she tried to imagine her dear Papa trying to do all the things you did with Benjamin.
"He was so happy when we went to the doctor and he told us that you were a girl. He didn't sleep that day thinking in ways to call you."
"He named me after Uncle Gabriel didn't he?"
"Correct, yes." You nodded with a smile, "And when you were born? Good lord. Your dad was Mr. Worrywart." Gabi laughed softly as he ate her ice cream.
"He has always loved you. And made sure to have a lot of pictures of you."
"Is that why we have a bunch of photos of me all blurry and weird?"
You tittered and nodded.
"Yes, those are precious to him. I remember when you would just cling to his leg and demand him to cuddle you."
"No way!"
"Oh yes, you can ask him if you want. You've always been a Papa's girl."
"Don't get jealous, please?" She'd grab your manicured hand and smiled, you just giggled.
"What else can you remember?"
"Well, I remember you almost falling down the stairs cause you were fast" Gabi covered her mouth in embarrassment, "I also remember you getting your first ball. You were so fusy after watching a soccer game with your dad."
She scrunched her nose in disbelief and laughed
"Dad was the one that actually introduced you to soccer. The more you grew, the more you loved it. You'd always watch his favorite games with him and play afterwards."
"You love Papa?"
"Oh yes. You have no idea."
"I think I do, I mean. You're always watching him all... lovey dovey. He's a bit more secretive about it, but he loves you."
"I know, mi amor. You, Benji and him are the best things that have happened to me."
"Even though sometimes Papa is a bit cooler than you?" She looked nervous on her words but you just cupped her cheeks and squeezed her softly.
"Oh no. no. Don't worry, I know he is. Though, sometimes I do wonder if I am a good mom to you?"
She blinked and stared at you curiously.
"Who said you weren't?"
Tears welled up in your eyes slowly, but you just hugged her tightly instead.
"Yeah. I mean, sure sometimes you get mad and are kinda scary when scolding Papa, but you always try your best, and I appreciate that."
"Who taught you that word?" You'd ask in between little sobs.
"Our teacher. She taught us to express our appre... appreciation to others."
You now wanted to hug that woman.
"She taught you well. And It means alot for you to say that. Really." You kissed her forehead.
"You know I love you, right?"
You nodded as she cupped your cheek and giggled.
"Of course I do, mi amor. C'mon. I have a surprise for you."
At the end, it wouldn't be a Girl's Day without shopping. You'd get her a new set of crayons, some art kit and of course a little toy makeup set.
She'd show Miguel her nails and the stuffs you'd get her. She ran to her room to try her things, as you stayed with Miguel.
"Thank you." You kissed him, "She's so wonderful. Even though she thinks you're cooler than I." He chuckled and pulled you closer.
"Had fun?" He'd hug your waist.
"Best day ever."
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 9
Severus Snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hello my fellow snape lovers. i think you will love this chapter. hehehehe. thats all i am saying. and you might hate mcgonagall. </3
you can thank harry styles' song 'fine line' for the ending of this chapter. oop.
thank you for reading so far and for all your kind comments, likes and reblogs! I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
i apologise in advance for any typos or anything along those lines, i suck at proofreading.
Your throat tightened as you stared at your dishevelled appearance in the dirty, old mirror that sat crookedly in your greenhouse; overgrown vines of poison ivy enveloping it, slowly reclaiming it.
"Shit..." You muttered, angling your face to gaze at the marks that Snape had so graciously left on your jaw. "For Merlin's sake..." You spun away from the mirror with a distressed huff and headed towards your cabinet in a sweep, kneeling down against the mossy tiles, searching for a herb of some sort that had healing properties. Or something along those lines. You were desperate at this point. "Dittany, dittany..." You mumbled to yourself, digging through shelves and shelves of dusty glass jars and containers. At once, your eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning as the sight of a worn label caught your attention. You thumbed the dust off of the yellowed and faded label, reading it aloud, "D.. di-di-an...y?" You muttered, only noticing how worn the writing really was once you pulled it out into the light. How long has this been in here...?
That has to be dittany, you thought, curious eyes scanning the long and slender, deep mossy green stem that branched out with smaller rounded leaves. You blew against the jar with a sharp breath, a ball of dust and dirt puffing up in your face. You coughed and quickly retrieved your wand, swiftly flicking it to make the heap of dust dissipate. Well, you'd certainly lacked on cleaning your cabinets during the past year, but it's not like that kind of thing had any space in your mind. It was full of... other things.
Your fingers clutched the lid of the glass jar and lifted it upwards, a gentle, spicy yet mountainous smell filling your nostrils. As you placed the lid down with a loud clack, you reached your hand into the jar to retrieve a stem of dittany. You hoped to god this would work, otherwise you'd reluctantly resort to make-up, and that would be even worse. Not that you were awful at using it, but your skintone was almost impossible to match perfectly. You padded back to the rusty mirror in your greenhouse, the richer herbal smell of the dittany invading your lungs as you held it up to your face, preparing yourself to rub it vigorously against the darkening fingertip marks upon your jaw.
"Merlin, please, let this work." You mumbled with a deep breath, pinching the dittany and beginning to massage it into your marked face. You couldn't bear to watch for fear of it not working, so you shut your eyes, avoiding your own reflection. Desperately rubbing a herb against your face to get rid of some suspicious looking marks so the man you were seeing wouldn't accuse you of seeing someone else? Yes, that's you. Dedicated clown.
Hesitantly, you wrenched open your eyes. From what you saw, the herb had done nothing but give you a red rash, in fact, it actually highlighted the purpling bruises. You wanted to launch a rock through a window. Why couldn't Snape just keep his hands off of you? Why did he always resort to touching you? Not that you were complaining- well, actually, this time you were. His reckless actions were going to get you in trouble, but you couldn't exactly blame him. You hadn't told anyone that you were seeing the infamous Benjamin Bluewater. So why wouldn't he... grab your jaw in a fit of rage? Speaking of this, you hadn't really discussed a label with Ben, though, sometimes, he made you think that he wasn't particularly interested in putting a label on your relationship. It didn't bother you, but you'd prefer to know what you were. Were you exclusive? Not exclusive? Was he dating or seeing other people?
What really piqued your interest was what Snape would think of you dating Bluewater. He despised that boy with a burning passion. He'd probably lose a lot of respect for you, surely? But Ben had changed, you'd seen it for yourself.
"Hagrid, tell me that you didn't willingly let the students approach Buckbeak without proper guidance..." You sighed deeply, perched on a felled tree stump as you watched the half-giant-half-man gather some herbs from his personal garden. As the day had progressed onwards, the marks that littered your skin had died down a little, so much so that Hagrid hadn't noticed. Perhaps the dittany did help?
"Am tellin' ya, Y/N, the boy didn't listen!" Hagrid exclaimed, quite clearly stressed. He picked and pulled at the luscious shrubs rather aggressively, placing the stems and leaves into a wicker basket he was holding in his opposite hand. "I told 'im ta' stop!" He continued, his voice strained and panicking. Hagrid stood straight for a moment, his head shaking in a quick back and forth motion. "T-They're gonna want to 'ave Buckbeak slain, I tell ya," he stuttered, "they won't let this go! I'll lose me job too, Y/N!" His voice went up an octave as he glanced at you, his eyes glossed with fear. Hagrid truly cared for his animals deeply, and it pained you to see him so distressed over an accident.
"Hagrid, it'll be alright, I-"
"Y/N," Hagrid interrupted you, a stern look adopted his worn features. You instantly shut your mouth. "This is the Malfoy's we're talkin' abou'. They don't care for nothin', n' they ain't care for anyone but themselves." He finished, turning to look at his hut for a moment, big and grey clouds were starting to push their way across the dim blue sky.
"So... there's no other way? Buckbeak will be killed...?" You asked hesitantly, a lump forming in your throat as the thought of the silver hippogriff slipped into your mind. Hagrid was right, Buckbeak didn't deserve this. But what could you do? You were powerless.
Hagrid only nodded at you gravely, averting his eyes back to the garden in front of him, sucking in his bottom lip as if to stop the tears that had formed in his eyes from falling. You quickly rushed from your tree stump to Hagrid, wrapping your arms around him as much as you could. In this very moment, all you could offer the man was comfort. And so you did.
"It'll be alright, Hagrid." You mumbled against his musky smelling, tatty brown jacket, pressing the side of your face into his large, protruding stomach. A sharp inhale of air sounded from above, and you knew he was sobbing now. "It's okay." You whispered with glossy eyes, leaning back to glance up at Hagrid as he stared sorrowfully at the ground; his big, brown eyes wet with regretful tears. Gods, this was breaking your heart.
"He don't deserve this, Y/N!" Hagrid cried, his gigantic hands rushing to clutch you against his shaking body as he sobbed. "He don't, he's a good boy, he is." He muttered through broken cries. You had to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from breaking down into sobs too. As much as you wanted to cry with Hagrid, you wanted to be strong for him - like he was when you came running, crying hysterically because of... Severus.
It felt weird to use his first name. You hadn't used it since... you couldn't even remember when. You only called him Snape now, and it hurt you to do so.
A couple days had passed by since your incident with Snape, and he had found himself lurking in your greenhouse, sneakily searching for ingredients for his upcoming future classes. The screech of an owl hooked Snape's nose up and away from your cabinets and to the door of your greenhouse. He ducked, cursing, as a Spectacled Owl swooped over his head, the sweep of it's wings making Snape's raven-black hair fly outwards. He watched as it dropped a rather beautiful bouquet of flowers on your desk with a muffled thud, proceeding to fly out of an open ceiling window and perch itself on a tree branch to the right of it. The owl hooted as it watched Snape curiously with big, beady eyes. The Potions Master observed it for several seconds, his eyes narrowing inquisitively. Once he deemed it safe to move, Snape shuffled towards the bouquet, his eyes instantly finding a note attached. He slowly shifted his fingers towards it, opening the folded piece of parchment. His brows furrowed as it read:
Dearest Y/N,
I hope these stunning flowers find you well, the moment I saw them, they instantly reminded me of you, and I had to have them.
Since the day we parted from each other, you have not left my mind. You have ensorcelled me. Enchanted and charmed me. The sweet sound of your perfect laugh lives in my mind, and Merlin, how I miss the way that your smile bewitched my heart each time I had the honour of laying my blessed eyes upon it. 
I do hope Hogwarts is treating you well. If it isn't, you know where to find me.
B.B x
Snape's stomach instantly twisted into a painful, egregious knot as his eyes continuously scanned over the sentimental note. You were seeing someone? Since when? More importantly, who was 'B.B'? Was it serious? It seemed to be, from Snape's basic knowledge of flowers, he knew they were high-quality, expensive ones. The thick, shiny material they were cocooned in also added to his conclusion. Whoever you were seeing was willing to spend a good amount of gold on you. Then, perhaps, was it an admirer? Someone trying to court you? No, it couldn't be, the note said-
Almost as fast as those thoughts had entered Snape's mind, he wiped them away, shaking his head aggressively as he let go of the note between his fingers, backing away from the flowers like a fearful doe. No, he wasn't doing this today. Not ever, actually.
Snape's eyes reluctantly fell to where you usually left a quill and parchment - specifically for him to note down what he'd taken. But it wasn't there. His brows knitted together, perplexed, as he glanced around the room for your quill and parchment. His eyes fell back onto the bouquet of flowers that 'B.B' had sent you. Snape's jaw clenched as he grudgingly padded forwards again, his hand reaching out slowly to lift up the neatly-wrapped bouquet. His hunch was right. That damned bird of yours had dropped the large bouquet on top of his quill and parchment, almost like a silent 'fuck you'. Snape had to force himself not to hex the poor animal as he retrived the materials, placing them beside the flowers to quickly scribble down the ingredients he required.
Snape felt something like a knife poke at his heart as he let his eyes glance over at the handwritten note again, staring at it with cruel eyes. A wave of disgust rushed through his body as he re-read the sickly sweet words. As much as he despised and envied the person behind the note, he couldn't help but agree with how they described you.
Over the next week at Hogwarts, more and more notes, flowers and small gifts began to turn up in your greenhouse. You had felt a bit smothered by Ben, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt - perhaps gift-giving was his love language. As time went on, you noticed that Snape began to slack in leaving notes of what he'd borrowed for his lessons. This confused you slightly, Snape was not someone that neglected agreements or promises. So, you just put it down to being an accident rather than on purpose. You weren't sure if you did that for the peace of your own mind, or hoping it was true.
Snape found himself assigned to the nightly patrol shift this Friday evening. He was a little miffed about it since he had planned to kick back in his room and bury his nose in a book he'd picked up on a subtle trip to Hogsmeade. Ever since he'd read that note in your greenhouse, he'd turned a little more bitter towards people. Including you. The only way he had figured out to hide something as petty and trivial as the feeling of jealousy was by acting a little colder to people. Everyone knew him as the callous and heartless Professor Snape, so it's not as if the students or staff alike would be alarmed by his extra bitterness.
As the Potions Master was strolling absentmindedly in the outside grounds of Hogwarts, two shadowy figures had caught his eye. Instinctively, he drew his wand, his fingers tightening around it. He crouched down a tad, narrowing his eyes in a feeble attempt to try and work out who the possible intruders were. Surely it was just two students out after curfew, right? Though, that idea came crashing down when he heard the sweet sound of your muffled laugh. His body ran cold as another heavenly, song-like giggle reached his ears. What were you doing out so late at night? …And who were you with?
"I'm sorry I kept you so late," Ben said quietly, squeezing your hand as you glanced up at him, the two of you strolling through the outside grounds of Hogwarts. The two of you kept your voices down as it was past midnight now, and you weren't exactly desiring the idea of getting caught. "I didn't expect the pub to stay open past eleven o'clock!"
"It's alright, work was rather stressful this week anyway. I needed a good break." You giggled, quickly placing a hand over your mouth to muffle it. Ben couldn't help but grin amusedly at your widened eyes.
"And you told me I had to be quiet," Ben mused, his eyes flicking back to the ground in front of him. You rolled your eyes at him and nudged him with a playful elbow. "But what happened with work? Annoying first years?" He teased. Oh, he had no idea.
A class of seventh years had been stressing you out since Tuesday afternoon when Jasper Greenlichen, a very intelligent and passionate budding Herbologist, made some fatal mistakes on a mock exam. The second you handed his results back to him, you hadn't expected, nor prepared yourself for such an intense meltdown of emotions. Since that moment, he was nonstop asking questions and asking for your expert opinion on certain ways to structure answers. The boy was absolutely obsessed with improving, and it was becoming extremely tiring for you. You could only help him so much.
"I wish," You groaned, shaking your head for a moment. "Seventh years, actually, one of them had a total meltdown when he did quite badly on a mock exam I'd set up for them." You explained, sighing exhaustedly. "From then on, it was chaos for me. I'd actually started dreading teaching for once!"
"Oh blimey," Ben grimaced at your words. "Sounds terrible." He added with a laugh, pulling you into his arms with a tug. A quiet squeak slipped from your throat as you fell into his chest, his hands snaking down to your waist suggestively.
"Ben," You warned, trying to hide the smile that was tugging at your lips. The bright, pale moonlight glimmered down upon the two of you, illuminating you like two shards of broken glass in the sunlight.
"What?" He asked innocently, frowning as if he was being falsely accused of murder. "I've missed you." He muttered. Your stomach twisted at his words. Had you missed him as well? The only time Ben had poked at your brain was when you'd been with Snape...
"Me too." You replied, staring up at him. Did you just lie to him? Perhaps. Is it terrible if you felt nothing the moment those three words left his lips? Definitely. What a fucking mess.
With Ben facing against the moonlight, the shadows cast on his face made his nose appear slightly larger, and his eyes seemed to turn dark. Were you imagining this...?
Before you could continue to question yourself, Ben's smile faded and his brows furrowed as his hand rose up to your jaw, grasping it gently with his fingertips. Your blood ran cold as he angled your jaw towards the light, encouraging it to illuminate the fading bruises on your jaw. Fuck, there was no way this was happening right now.
"What's this?" He questioned softly, his tone flat. You swallowed, anxiety bubbling at your fingertips as they began to tingle. What the hell were you meant to say?
"Oh, it's nothing," You laughed lightly, leaning away from his concerned touch. Sure, some bouncing bulbs could have caused small, red marks on your face, right? "I was teaching some first-years a couple days ago, some bouncing bulbs got loose." You quickly lied, smiling up at Ben, praying he'd just let it go.
"Are you okay?" He asked once more, his eyes flicking up to yours, burning with worry. A wave of relief washed over you as he believed you. If you'd told him the truth, you weren't sure how he'd react. Perhaps he'd curse Snape's classroom to smell awfully for eternity, or maybe he'd do worse... but you didn't want to think about that right now.
"Yeah, I'm alright, it's happened before." You laughed again, quietly, staring at Ben for any sign of doubt on his face. He continued to study your injured jaw, not seemingly convinced.
"Alright," he nodded at you with a curt sigh, letting it go. "As long as you're not in pain." Ben smiled down at you, pressing a gentle kiss to your marked jaw, trailing his lips to towards your parted ones. A gasp left your lips as Ben pulled you closer to him, his fingers digging into your waist hungrily. He kissed you a little harder, and you had to push him away slightly, releasing yourself from his lips.
"Ben, remember where we are." You said quietly, nodding to the grounds of Hogwarts that the two of you were currently stood in. "Someone could see us." You warned, a sheepish and awkward smile picking at the corners of your lips.
"So what?" Ben smirked as he leaned in to kiss you again, his reckless personality rearing it's head once more. You placed a firm hand against his chest, placing some space between you.
"I'm serious." You said again, your tone switching from playful to stern. Ben sighed, nodding, as he waved his white flag and surrendered to your demands. "Thank you." You smiled up at him, patting his chest gently, watching how as he turned his head, that familiar looking shadow cast over his features again, transforming him into your true desire. You tore your gaze away from his face as your heartbeat began to pick up in speed, memories of you and a certain brooding Potion Master flooding your mind. "I should really get going now." You quickly muttered, swallowing the lump of anxiety in your throat as you glanced to the right, avoiding his eyes.
Was this how your life was going to be now? Everytime you looked at someone you tried to move on with, his face would appear? Everywhere you looked, the thought of him would slide into your mind effortlessly - at this point, you were wondering if he had slipped you some sort of potion when you weren't looking.
"Oh right, yeah... I forgot it was so late," Ben laughed awkwardly, noticing your subtle change in demeanour. He wondered if he'd done something wrong. "I'll come and see you again soon, Y/N." He pushed past the niggling feeling in his mind and smiled at you, leaning forwards to press a kiss to your cheek. His hand brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and you returned his smile, the overwhelming feeling of guilt beginning to nibble away at your bones. This man was treating you like a princess and all you could think about was the man that had roughly grabbed you by your jaw the other day, leaving bruises on it.
"Send me an owl first, I'd like to be prepared this time." You hummed, referring to how Ben had caught you in your messy casualwear, tending to the plants in your greenhouse and covered in filth. It wasn't a pretty sight - well in your opinion, at least. "See you soon, Ben." You smiled at him as you turned to leave, a ghastly, freezing breeze of cold air suddenly tickling your skin.
"See you later, and... get back safe, please." Ben said wearily as he glanced about, having noticed the sudden drop in temperature as well. You nodded at him and pulled your shawl tighter around you, trying to ward off the cold that was now biting at your bare shoulders. You'd quickly slipped on a dark, rich emerald green dress that fell to the floor, and was slightly cinched at your waist in a shirred fashion, with baggy, ballooned sleeves that reached your wrists. You'd also opted to bring a thick, warm dusty rose-coloured shawl that was currently wrapped tightly around your shoulders.
Walking back to the grand entrance of the castle, your brows knitted together as your eyes stared at the ground that was suddenly frosting over, wilting flowers and withering plants. A feeling of uneasiness permeated your ice-cold skin as you let your eyes glaze over the frozen ground, the clouds above you suddenly turning deathly grey. Your heart began to pound as you immediately took off in a sprint, desperately trying to reach Hogwarts before whatever the hell was coming could get to you.
The air was dead, silent and motionless. Only the sound of your crunching footfalls and your chattering teeth pierced the blanket of silence. You were praying that you were only imagining this, there was no way you could fend off a dementor. As you ran, your hands began to clench and unclench, a layer of sweat forming within them as you continued to run as fast as you could, your chest heaving with complete fear as the cold began to invade your body. You felt as if you were going to die right then and there, dementor or not, your heart was going absolutely mental, pounding against your ribs like an insane prisoner, begging to be let out. Your legs began to slow as the freezing cold began to overpower your body, numbing your legs and sending you tumbling to the ground. You fell to your hands and knees, tears streaming down your face, still desperate to escape as you clambered forwards in vain.
The chilling temperature was becoming too much for your body to withstand, and so you fell to the side, a paralysing scream leaping from your lungs as your worst nightmare suddenly swept in front of you. It floated in front of you, as if taunting you. The haunting noise of a rattling, sucking-like sound surrounded you like a bubble. You stared up at the dementor, your mouth agape in horror, fearful tears brimming your eyes as you watched on helplessly. Your lungs burned with each strangled breath you stole, your limp body falling backwards against the ground, as the dementor glided closer to you, finally kissing you.
You felt as if you were drowning. Your lungs felt as if they were filled with water, stealing your breath away, leaving you to suffocate. All you could see was the dementor, it's menacing appearance rendering you immobile. You were paralysed. You couldn't move, you couldn't run away. This was it, this was how you died.
Then, suddenly, a bright white light pierced the darkness that had almost swallowed you whole. It was almost blinding as you glanced towards it, your vision blurring. You struggled on the ground, your eyes fighting to stay open as they caught a glimpse of what looked to be like... a... doe?
As you let your eyes roll back to the gloomy and black sky above you, it felt like you were in slow motion - everything was spinning and the lids of your eyes were feeling heavier and heavier; the freezing cold that once had you within it's grasp subsiding. The roar of rushing blood in your ears muffled the screaming voice from afar. You wanted to scream out, to beg them for help, but you couldn't. Your voice was no where to be heard.
As you laid motionless upon the frosted grass, your muscles relaxed, your body finally caving as the black abyss swallowed your vision.
A quiet rustling of what sounded like metal against metal stirred you awake. You felt your fingers twitch as you gradually shuffled the tiniest bit against some soft sheets that you'd been carefully wrapped up in.
"She's awake." A soft, feminine voice called out from beside you; your eyes slowly, but painfully fluttering open.
"How are you feeling?" A familiar, warm voice poked at your ears. You blinked as your eyes followed the source of the sound, a blanket of relief encasing you as you saw Professor Lupin perched on a chair beside where you laid.
"Erm," You croaked, sitting up on your elbows in a leisurely manner. "What the hell happened?" You asked quietly, confused. Glancing about the room with squinted eyes, you noticed that you were in the hospital wing, sat in a bed, neatly wrapped up like a cocooned caterpillar in blankets.
"You were attacked by a dementor." Lupin put it simply, though he kept his tone soft, a hint of concern laced beneath. "Do you remember anything?" He further questioned you, curious. You looked back to him, letting yourself fall back into the bed. "Here," Lupin reached into his pocket, pulling out a chocolate bar. "It'll help." He said, offering it to you.
You took it gratefully, unwrapping the crackly plastic covering slowly, feeling your mouth suddenly salivate at the sight of the sugary treat. "Thank you, Remus." You smiled weakly at him whilst trying to wrack your brain for any remaining memories of the attack, taking a bite out of the chocolate. You sat there for a moment, staring down at your lap as you sifted through your memories, chewing at a slow pace. You remembered leaving Ben, then the cold... that was it... "No, I'm sorry." You mumbled, feeling a little useless.
"Don't apologise, we're all just very glad you're okay." Remus smiled at you, his moustache twitching. You nodded in agreement with him, keeping quiet. "You were lucky that Severus was there to save you that night." Your eyes instantly snapped to Lupin's, widening in surprise.
"Wait, what?" You choked out. It felt like someone had just punched your chest. Snape saved you? How did he...? Remus seemed a little concerned at your reaction as his brows knitted together in slight curiosity. "Sna... Severus was the one...?" You breathed out, shock stiffening your body, your throat tightening as your lips spoke his name.
"He was." Remus tilted his head at you, inquisitive blue eyes studying you. "He was on duty that night and heard your screams."
You couldn't believe what was coming out of Remus's mouth. Were you dreaming? Were you in some horrible, twisted nightmare? You had so many questions running through your mind that you couldn't keep up.
"Also, you keep saying 'that night', how long have I been... here?" You questioned Lupin, your voice weakening as you glanced around the hospital wing, noticing how empty it was. Only one other person was here and it was a student dressed in a Quidditch outfit with an icepack resting on his forehead. You deduced that he had probably fallen off of his broom during a match.
"Just over two days, Y/N." Remus replied slowly, continuing to observe you for any possible ailments. You blinked.
"What day is it?"
"Sunday," The professor replied before twisting his arm to check his watch. "Six fifty-two in the evening, to be exact."
"Right," You exhaled slowly, staring up at the ceiling, becoming lost in your thoughts. You thought you were alone outside. Why did- how did Snape know you were there? Did this mean something? Was this his way of- no, don't be silly, for Merlin's sake.
It's merely a coincidence, you chastised yourself. I should be glad he was there, I wouldn't be sat here right now if he wasn't, you thought, sighing frustratedly through your nostrils.
"I need to talk to him." You said quickly, beginning to sit up but Lupin quickly pushed you back down into the bed, his mouth flattening into a straight line.
"You need to rest." He replied sternly, his hand resting firmly against your shoulder as he forced you back down.
"I feel perfectly fine, Remus. I appreciate your concern but-"
"I'm sorry, but it's Madam Pomfrey's orders." He cut you off, an apologetic look softening his features. You sighed at him, a little irritated, but you understood where he was coming from. You did need to rest up, you didn't feel like you were in the best of headspaces. You still felt a little disorientated.
There was a moment of silence before you reluctantly gave in, giving Lupin a soft nod, avoiding his eyes. "Fine." You settled into the hospital bed, glancing out at the window to your right, watching quietly as beads of rain dripped down the glass pane.
"If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask me." Lupin smiled warmly at you. You hummed quietly, returning his smile.
"Actually, Remus, erm," You cleared your throat, shuffling under the pale white sheets. "I was hoping to ask you if you could mentor me? To produce a patronus charm?" You asked, fidgeting with your fingers. Lupin's brow quirked at your proposal.
"Of course," Remus nodded as the surprised expression that had slipped onto his face clearly showed that he wasn't expecting you to ask him such a question. "We can start on Tuesday, seven o'clock. My classroom."
You felt your body relax at his answer. "Thank you so much." You said, your smile widening.
"It's my pleasure, Y/N, now please, get some rest." A gentle chuckle rumbled within Lupin's chest as he tilted his head at you like a parent would at their child. You scrunched your nose up at him jokingly and rolled over onto your side, tugging the blanket up and over your shoulders.
"Goodnight, Remus." You said quietly with a hint of amusement in your tone, closing your eyes. As the echo of his receding footsteps began to grow quieter and quieter as he left, you let your body finally rest, gradually dozing off.
"Shouldn't you be resting?" Snape's deep, languid voice echoed from behind his door, sending a nervous shiver down your spine. You'd slipped out of your hospital bed once you had woken up, determined to pay Snape a visit, despite the storm of butterflies swirling in your stomach. When you checked the clock before leaving, it had struck almost eleven-thirty at night.
You pursed your lips, slipping inside his office and leaning against the back of the door as it clicked shut. "How did you know it was me?" You asked a little awkwardly as your eyes flicked to Snape who still had his nose buried in a pile of assignments atop of his neatly-arranged desk. A flutter of envy flew through your chest as you silently admired how organised the man was. Your desk was a mess, you barely had enough time to keep it clean, let alone organised.
"Few people opt to bother me at such an... ungodly hour." Snape sighed, rather exhaustedly, not bothering to glance at up you. Usually you'd chastise him for ignoring you, but you felt like you owed him your life from the whole ordeal a couple days ago, so you chose to brush past the bitterness in his voice. Snape spoke again after several seconds of silence. "Speaking of, what is it that you need from me?"
"Erm," you choked, eyes falling anxiously to the floor, "I just wanted to... say thanks." You said, silently dreading Snape's reply as you looked back up to find him staring at you. Your body ignited at the sight, and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn. Nothing has changed then, you thought, a little embarrassed and somewhat disappointed in yourself.
"I believe we spoke about saying 'thanks'." Snape quirked a brow at you, his dark eyes scrutinising you as you leant against his office door. You huffed at him. He paused for a moment, studying your weak, pale-looking body. "Nevertheless, you're welcome. I suppose such a situation... warrants a thank you." He added, tone flat.
There was another blanket of awkward silence. "Who were you with?" He asked. Your blood ran cold. Here we go, you thought.
"Remember a year ago, when we were brewing the Mandrake Draught?" You spoke hesitantly, avoiding Snape's intense gaze. He hummed, as if to encourage you to continue. "Remember when we spoke about Benjamin Bluewater?" You added, voice going quiet at the end. You braved a glance at the Potions Master, who now looked very disappointed. Fuck.
"You were with... Bluewater?" Snape tried to hide the jealousy in his voice. "Why were you with such a scoundrel so late at night?" You flinched at his harsh tone.
"He's changed, Snape, he's not the same troublemaker as he was in school," you sighed, "he's working at the Ministry of Magic, for Merlin's sake."
"I highly doubt a boy such as him can 'change', Y/N." Snape hissed, averting his eyes back to the parchment in front of him. He felt his skin burning with anger as you spoke about Bluewater so casually. Your heart leapt at the sound of your name leaving his lips.
"And how do you know that, Severus?" You scoffed at him. Snape's hardened eyes snapped up to yours, your harsh tone obviously hitting a nerve in him.
"Boys like him do not change, Y/N, they merely manipulate you to think so." He sneered at you. "And a woman like you is an easy target." He added, igniting a once-extinguished rage within you.
"Excuse me?" Your brows furrowed together furiously. Snape stared at you, an icy glare plastered on his pale face. "A woman like me?"
"You are far too trusting, Y/N," Snape bit, baring his teeth as he rose from his desk, "you are a true Hufflepuff. You have no respect for yourself; you struggle with the prospect of being alone so you reduce yourself to be with a lowlife such as Bluewater." The booming of your heart began to deafen you as you listened to Snape's ruthless words, each syllable digging a knife deeper into your chest. "Are you so afraid of the idea of loneliness that you really think you belong with a miscreant such as him?" He spat at you as you spun on your heels, rushing towards his door, the reality of his words becoming too hard for you to handle. You were breathing so heavily that each breath you took was starting to burn your throat, like you had swallowed the thorny stem of a rose.
Your shaking hand hovered over the handle of his office-door, lingering as you debated between running away like you always did, or confronting your fears.
You turned around, facing Snape with glossy eyes and red cheeks, unafraid. "You have no idea what you're talking about." You hissed at him furiously, stalking towards the raven-haired man with such determination that it made him flinch out of surprise.
"Don't I?" Snape mused, returning to his usual stoic and cold demeanour. He stood tall, towering over your shorter figure, his lips curling up into a sneer as he bent down to look at you in your teary eyes. "I taught the boy for seven years, Y/N. You think I do not know him better than you do?" 
"I..." You stuttered, snapping your jaw shut as you tipped your chin down, submitting to Snape's cruel tone. 
"You deserve better than him." Snape said quietly, softening his tone as he noticed your form trembling with bottled rage and frustration. He pitied you in this moment, in fact, he wished he could save you from such heartache, but it wasn't his place. Not now, not ever.
"You don't know what I deserve, Severus." You bit back in a harsh whisper. Snape's jaw ticked and your chest tightened as his name fell from your lips for the first time in months. He swiftly moved from behind his desk in a sweep, his long, billowing cloak trailing behind him as he stood in front of you; an unusually calm expression softening the cold, unfeeling glare that once laid upon his features.
Snape parted his lips, staring down at you, mulling over his words for a brief moment. "No, I don't," He said quietly, tilting his head at you, studying your distraught eyes. "However, that does not mean I can't usher you in the right direction." He added, clasping his hands behind his back. "It... pains me to see you so... unhappy." You looked up at him, a stray tear embarrassing you as it rolled down your cheek. You quickly swiped it away, and looked away from him, staring at the record player that you had accidentally triggered all that time ago. You felt another bout of tears brim your eyes again as your mind replayed the tender memory of you and Snape sharing such an intimate moment together.
"How did you know where I was that night?" You questioned him quietly, ignoring his previous comment, desperate not to break down in tears in front of the man you had grown to adore.
"It wasn't hard to pinpoint your location when you were screaming bloody murder." Snape replied, a hint of faint amusement lingering in his tone. You huffed at his words, prompting him to quirk at brow at you questioningly.
"Yeah, well," You swallowed thickly, glancing back up at him through your wet lashes. If you asked him any more questions you were certain you'd start hysterically sobbing. "Thanks. Again." You choked out, nodding gently.
Severus hummed at you. He felt unusually warm as the two of you were silent, quietly savouring the rare, peaceful moment.
Your cheeks had pinkened again as you studied his face, your stomach going bananas as your eyes became glued to his. You felt yourself subconsciously leaning towards him, slowly, like the pull of two magnets. Snape's breath hitched in his throat as he watched your eyes drop to his lips, eyeing them hungrily. He hesitated slightly, his mind beginning to race with plentiful amounts of reason as to why he should stop what was about to happen, however, he found himself tossing them to the side, carelessly.
The way the soft, amber hue of the candles illuminated your wet cheeks made you look so fragile, he just wanted to cradle you indefinitely; an aching urge protect you from the outside world. You felt Severus nudge his prominent nose against yours in a gentle, tender gesture; your eyes fluttering at the intimacy. His hot breath was dancing across your face as the two of you grew closer, noses grazing.
Though, before your lips could meet, Snape's office door swung open, revealing Professor McGonagall clutching a candle dressed in her nightgown.
"Severu- oh!" She gasped, watching as the two of you quickly dispersed from each other. "Am I interrupting something?" McGonagall eyed the two of you inquisitively, her lips pouting together. You cleared your throat and clasped your hands together in front of you, blinking quickly. Your cheeks were still scorching hot.
"No." Severus quickly answered, broadening his shoulders as he dared to glance at you. He straightened his posture and averted his attention to his older colleague, staring at her expectantly. "What's the matter, Minerva?" He asked, an underlying tone of irritation in his voice. Your heart fluttered as you looked to Severus, noticing his usually pale face had a tinge of pink to it.
"Black is in the castle." She said with a worried voice, prompting you to snap your head up at Minerva. What? Sirius Black is inside Hogwarts?
Part 10!
oooooo THEY ALMOST KISSED? mcgonagall the cockblock, whoops. i hope you enjoyed another long chapter, please let me know what you thought!! <3 have a great day/night, im about to get some much needed rest :) im so excited to write the next part tomorrow oh my lordddd
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hii! No need to rush but could you do a fic where the reader is also a spider-person and gets sucked into Miles’ dimension just like in itsv and noir and them get a long really well and end up being shipped by the rest? I think it’d be quite cute :D also sorry if this isn’t that elaborate ToT
hiya anon !! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯ dw about it !! i just hope you like this <:))
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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well, this was certainly a conundrum. the flashing lights of brooklyn practically blinded you, coupled with the sudden sounds and buzzing from the people, establishments, and cars passing by. you were disoriented, your spider sense was out of whack for the time being, and you could only wonder, 'this isn't my city... where am i?'
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you aimlessly wandered around the city, accidentally bumping into people here and there, almost getting run over when you missed the green pedestrian light, and bumping into a few too many streetlamps. you hated how familiar yet foreign this city felt to you; one minute, you minding your own business while swinging around your city, doing your rounds and all. but as you were swinging... you felt yourself gravitate to something. everything else around you--leaves, newspapers, plastic bags, even you yourself were getting drawn to this force.
it turned out to be a portal that opened up from somewhere else into your world; and try as you might to resist it and its pull, you were eventually sucked in and thrown into this city. "what i would give to... find someone who had the slightest clue about what the hell is--oomph!" you exclaimed as you felt a slight tingle crawl up through your shoulders, raise the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck, but the sudden collision between you and what felt like a tall man had interrupted that sense of yours from telling you what, or who, exactly was in front of you.
"oh, good heavens, you okay there?" asked a gentlemanly, kind of dapper-sounding voice. the man you bumped into held you up, with you eventually clinging on to him as you nearly fell over due to how disoriented you were from this new city's endlessly bright lights and loud noises. "i'm fine... sorry." you murmured as the man held you up and dusted you off a little. you got a better look of the guy and he tipped his fedora a little, and you noticed when you glanced at his attire from head to toe, you felt the tingle again through your bones this time--and you could tell he did, too.
"you're like me." you both announced in unison. you sighed in relief and felt yourself smile from underneath your mask. "yeah! yeah, i am, and you are! ok, um... do you have any clue where we are?" you asked him, hoping the monochrome man in the trench coat and fedora had any idea where you two were, but it seemed he was just as lost as you were. "i'm afraid i'm in the dark about this whole place too. i was kind of hoping someone would come along and show me around, but i guess the universe is too much of a joker to take peter parker seriously." he said with a slight chuckle as you sighed in disappointment, now.
"well... guess we're both lost, parker, was it?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow as he tipped his fedora again and nodded. "peter benjamin parker, please to meet ya." he said as he extended his gloved hand. you introduced yourself, and you noticed peter looking over your spider suit in awe. "you have such... a wonderful taste in fashion." he said with a smile underneath his mask. you smiled back, without even seeing his smile. "thanks, i've been told it's a little too colorful, though. i was considering toning it down, but i'm glad you like it." you replied. "ah, i've got the same problem, too. a lot of people have told me my getup is more like a mortician than it is a private investigator, let alone as a 'superhero'." he rambled a little as you listened to him.
"i guess we both have our problems with how people see us, then. but it's better than facing those problems alone, no?" you asked as you looked up at him. "certainly is." he responded. you two had agreed to swing over to the nearest rooftop and find answers from there, and all the while, you two talked on and on about each other's home universes and the lives you two lived there. "sounds cool, your universe, i mean. what if i brought you like, maybe, a glow in the dark ceiling decor?" you offered, to which peter almost lost his grip from his webbing. "you decorate ceilings? with... things that 'glow in the dark'? fascinating..." he said as he held on to his webbing tighter and his hat as the wind threatened to blow it away. "i'd love to have you over, though! maybe after this whole debacle, i can show you all the finest spots my home has to offer!" he said as you two swung around, and you found yourself agreeing to it already before even knowing him for an hour.
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after the whole collider fight, you rushed up to peter and embraced him tightly. "i knew you could make it out, with a champ like you, of course you would!" he exclaimed happily as he held you tightly. "and so did you, big man." you said as you chuckled in excitement and happiness at your group's victory. you could feel everyone else's eyes on you two, and the best part was... they were waiting for this moment to happen ever since you two joined their ensemble.
"i told you they had something going on together." peni said with a smile as ham held her hand, blowing a comically loud and exaggerated sniffle into a cloth he summoned from his hammerspace. "they were always destined to be in love!" he exclaimed as he cried into the cloth. you looked up to see them all looking at you and peter, and you immediately took your hands off him, a little hastily and still smiling widely like a dork. "we're just really happy we won!" you tried clearing it up, but peter wouldn't let go of you and still hugged you tightly. "yeah, we won, now lemme hug 'em, yeah?" peter said as the others chuckled, with some crying out of happiness for you two.
you looked at peter, with peter looking back at you. you placed both of your hands on his cheeks and smiled. "can i... visit your world for a little bit, when we find a way to do that safely?" you asked him as he leaned a little closer toward you. "oh, darling... i'd let you be with me every time. i do wanna see your world, too--maybe the universe will finally come along for peter benjamin parker now and let us be happy at each other's sides--" "oooookay, that's enough people, move along, chop chop, let's go home." said peter b as he cut off your peter at the sight of how loving he was being to you. "quick word of advice, if you two get married, never invest in a spider-themed restaurant, they will hate you forever." he whispered to your peter, who took mental note of that.
"guess this is... goodbye." you told him as you held his hand, not wanting to let go. "no, doll... it's a see you soon, i promise." he said as he swiftly planted a soft kiss on your forehead as he let go of your hand and lifted his mask up to show you his face--his charming, sweet smile that promised to meet you again very soon.
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @connors-cumslurper
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jaylienpotter · 1 year
Peter Pettigrew headcanons!!
Has heterochromia, one eye brown and another green, big round eyeshape
Sandy blond hair
Round chubby face, plus sized, the shortest out of all the boys (including the Slytherin Skittles)
Gets some freckles during the summer
Has a gap tooth and button nose
Had a lot of acne in his early teenage years but stopped drinking milk and his skin got a lot better, eventually very soft (apparently he was lactose intolerant)
Bites his nails since he was a kid
Eats as a coping mechanism for his (somewhat high) anxiety
Had body issues for a while but through talking about it to Lily, both of them learned to love who they are and how they look, as well as to be kind to themselves
Asexual and in the aromantic spectrum (completely aro and repulsed by romance / demiromantic who had a crush on James and then on Benjamin Fenwick, depending on the fic)
Has no patience for the stupidity of his friends (yet does nothing to help the situation, finding it entertaining) but is very patient with their struggles
During pranks, he's usually the distraction or lookout, since he's very attentive and sneaky, able to go anywhere unnoticed as a rat animagus
Knows everything that happens in that castle. E v e r y t h i n g
Gossips a lot with the girls (especially Mary)
Never loses a bet, nor a game of chess
Smarter than people think, he's simply uninterested in academics and dyslexic
Comics enthusiast, has a collection (favourites are Marvel)
Funniest of the Marauders
Plant dad, his favourite subjects are Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures
Friends with Prof. Sprout and Hagrid
Has a love for frogs, gets a toad during Hogwarts
Terrible alcohol tolerance and gets awful hangovers (usually involves puking), always says he'll never drink again and never goes through with it
Despises the smell of tobacco
James's neighbour and childhood friend, looks up to him
Will let others step over him yet jumps ahead to defend Remus or Sirius if they're getting made fun of or insulted
Hates horror movies that are unrealistic, pays more attention to the characters' dumb bad choices than the scary parts (will complain about it)
Has an okay relationship with his parents however claims they're overprotective
Gets along with his sister even though she's a squib (will fight anyone who speaks badly of her)
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red-n-ded · 1 year
The Ultimate Team-Up (reverse!AU)
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Miguel Davidson, also known as Mirage, tries to steal rare 1994 Dodge Viper for money, unaware that it's a young Autobot in disguise with a protective green Dodge Challenger as a brother.
A Transformers Reverse AU of Noah meeting Mirage and the Autobots in Rise of the Beasts then joining forces to get the Transwarp key
Ao3 Fic Sneak Peek Below
Miguel Davidson remembers what the world looked like before it all went to shit. He remembers living in a beautiful home under blue skies and luscious green grass with smiling parents.
But that was when he was barely out of college.
Smog and grime fill the atmosphere and the smiles on his parents’ face are lifeless and covered in blood. Manipulated and brainwashed civilians walk the streets cheering the names of Megatron and his Decepticon task force with UniCorp’s face and logo painted on every flat surface on Earth.
For a while, Miguel felt alone in this dystopian world, just messing with officials and stealing cars and technology left and right when. He couldn’t leave all the credit to him, much thanks to his charisma and maybe a bit of help from his hologram tech. At least he's putting his optical engineering degree to some use.
They call him the Mirage, the illusionist thief. Kind of flattering. 
Kind of dumb but it fits.
Luckily for him, he’s not the only one with a dumb nickname.
Benjamin O’Brien, or Bumblebee the young speed demon insists Mirage to call him, was the first friend he made while wandering the 1984-remake environment. They met during a protest and they found each other as roommates when they were hiding.
Months later, they found each other as teammates when the scout convinced his leader, Orion Cullen or Optimus, to let the thief join their rebellion.
Bee doesn’t talk much, both literally and figuratively. Mirage knows a little bit about him.
He’s a few months younger than him, likes 80’s music, hates the Smiths but listens to them 24/7, dreamed of being a race car driver since he was little, and is a scout for the Freedom Racers, followed by stories of raids he led with the yellow Camaro he built from scratch in the racing pits of Optimus’ speedway.
Bee is also mute.
After a year living and working together, Bee told Mirage the story of losing his voice in a riot a few years back. Decepticon member Blaze Sobolov, nicknamed Blitzwing, shot him in the throat, getting multiple pieces of metal lodged in his vocal cords. From that day on, Bee now speaks through a built-in radio and soundboard in his smartwatch with the occasional sign language.
It didn’t bother him before but as time went by, his throat started to get infected, swollen and red. The team feared the worst if left untreated but they’re not in the position to go to the hospital and get help, afraid of getting caught by the Decepticons.
Mirage isn’t willing to wait for Bee’s throat to fully close up and goes out to do what he does best; Steal.
He got a tip that someone is willing to give loads of cash in exchange for luxury cars, specifically ones hiding in UniCorp parking lots. That money will allow Mirage to buy the materials he needs to build a magnet that could keep the metal pieces away from Bee’s throat and temporarily save him. It's only until the revolution is over and they can go to a real doctor.
Sneaking in was the easiest part. A few holograms here and there and he was within seconds. He wandered the parking lot holding a photo of the targeted car, careful to not make noises in the cramped concrete building. Luckily for him, it didn’t take too long for him to find it.
Two cars lay in front of him in the corner of the first floor.
One is a forest green 1970 Dodge Challenger, looking slightly beat up with scratches near the bottom of the metal and the bumpers.
Parked right next to it is a bright orange 1994 Dodge Viper RT/10. It shined as a distinct opposite of the old Challenger. The paint is shined and polished with a brightness that burns his eyes and the metal looks so smooth as if it was manufactured straight out of the factory.
“Goddamn!” He exclaims almost jumping in excitement. Getting this money will be easier than he thought.
“Do you hear that?”
“Shit.” Mirage quickly covers his mouth, realizing the echo from his excitement. Footsteps and mumbles of soldiers made Mirage flinch, quickly crouching down to hide behind the Viper.
The thief muffles his excitement, giddily shuffling towards the orange Viper, brushing his hands over the clean paint, a smile leaking onto his face. He does smell some rust near the undercarriage as he crouches. Mirage worries for a moment that it might affect the price but waves it off. Some air fresheners and a bit of charm could cover it up. 
Ignoring the rust, this car alone would be enough to pay for Bee’s magnet five times over. In addition with the Challenger, which with a bit of paint and buffers, doesn’t look too banged up-
“We’ll check it out later.”
Oh well, one will do.
Mirage quickly got to work. He stands up next to the driver’s seat, pulls out a wire from his bag and snuck it into the lock, pulling it to hear the click of the lock.
“Mirage is in.” The blue-haired rebel whispers, excited to get his ticket to extra cash out of the concrete parking lot. Unfortunately for him, it was quickly short lived when the lock went back down.
For a moment, Mirage was confused but quickly brushed it off to try again.
Then he tries again. And again. And again.
“You’re a real piece of shit.” Mirage wants to laugh. It’s as if the car is making fun of him, like it’s playing a game that only it knows the rules. Or maybe it just doesn't want Mirage to get inside.
“That’s how you want to play then.” Mirage grumbles, trying to ignore the fact that he’s scolding a car like a naughty child, before pulling on the wire again to get the lock loose. Before the car could lock it back in, Mirage pulls on the door handle to open. 
“Ah ha! Gotcha!”
The thief immediately hops into the navy blue and black leather interior, bouncing on the seat and drumming his palms on the steering wheel. He sits back and lets himself breathe, taking in the mix of bitter iron and new car smell and feeling the plastic of the dashboard and radio.
“Now this is what we call a car.” He mumbles before bending down to hotwire the car, pulling out a piece of the dashboard under the steering wheel to reveal multiple wires hanging out but burnt red and black dust fall from the compartment making Mirage cough. There’s even rust inside? Jeez, who owned this thing? Some car care.
Small sparks light up the dark car as he tries to start up the car with routine ease. The car starts to rumble a bit, waking from the sparks. For a moment though, he sits back up with a smirk to look back at the black and green Challenger, “Don’t get jealous, baby. I’m coming back for you later.”
“NYPD! Come out of the vehicle with your hands up!”
Mirage turns towards the window and outside a couple feet away from the car are two police officers, aiming their guns at him with stoic expressions. The thief doesn’t even flinch, rolling his eyes and his cocky smirk returning his face. He rolls down the window and leans his head out the door.
“Hello officers. How may I help you?” Mirage asks with a natural suave, hoping the two will be distracted enough for his two hands to finish hotwiring the car.
The police don’t waiver from his charisma but are confused at his unshaken confidence. “The hell? We said to come out of the car! Or we will engage!”
Mirage laughs but he fumbles the wires a bit faster, “Sounds like the night shift is getting to you. How about we relax, go out for donuts or somethin’?”
One of the officers leaned over to the other, guns still pointing at the thief, “Sir, that’s Mirage. He’s one of the rebel racers. The one with the holograms.”
Mirage’s smirk grows into a big grin, “I see my reputation precedes me. Want an autograph or-”
The car’s radio buzzes to life, interrupting Mirage’s retort. His smile shrinks into a worried stare. The dials spin frantically between different stations before buzzing in white noise. If Mirage listens close enough, he can hear a voice.
“Kris! Bzzt! Kris! Bzzt! Can you hear me?” An urgent voice filters through the static, almost too buzzed for Mirage to translate but enough for him to slightly recognize a few words.
“The hell?”
“Are you listening to me?!” Mirage’s head shot up from the radio to the officers, looking more annoyed than before and slowly creeping up towards the car. “Get out of that car or we will shoot!”
“Screw this. I’ll get you pretty boys later.” The white noise continues to buzz in the back and Mirage, not willing to push any more buttons, rushes to open the door. He grabs the door handle and pushes to open but the sudden noise of the lock startles the thief, even more when the door refuses to open. “What the hell?”
“Kris. Bzzt! Please calm down. Bzzt! Just unlock the doors.”
“Who’s Kris?” Mirage yells amidst his confusion. 
“Get out of the car!” The officers are barely five feet away from the car door and his grip on the handgun grows tighter on the trigger.
“I can’t!” Mirage yells through the glass, banging on the window and kicking the frame, "It won't open!"
“You have three seconds to get out of the car!” One of the officer’s threatened as the safety of the gun clicking.
His original confidence has all but faded away, staring at the two uniformed men with panicked eyes. He’s not going to get caught now. He punches the doors and digs his heels into the plastic interior hoping to loosen the door but the car refuses to budge. It even seemed to flinch at every hit.
“Stop kicking me!” A child’s voice drips out from the car but oddly enough, not from the radio. “Noah! I can’t… I can't breathe!”
Was that a kid?
The green Challenger comes to life as well. The angry-sounding roars of a waking engine thundering so loudly that it made the concrete of the parking lot shake. Mirage and the police officers jump at the mere sound of it. The headlights flash on and the car inches towards the orange Viper ever so slightly.
“Kris, stay with me.” The voice returned, with an accent Mirage recognizes to be Puerto Rican, muffled by distance and no longer coming from the radio but from the other car. The urgency didn’t leave but it sounds gentle, comforting to the ear as the child’s voice starts to hyperventilate. “Please calm down. Cadimus Prime said to stay hidden.” Cadimus Prime?
“They have guns!” The child’s voice cries with a desperate voice that makes Mirage’s heart crack, his kicks faltering at his begs.
“Kritical, listen to me.” The hispanic voice, edging from urgent gentleness to growing fear, and softly grumbling to reassure the other car.
The orange Viper doesn't respond. The wheels begin to squeal and spin so fast that black rubber stained the stone floor like the car was having some kind of panic attack.
Mirage stops kicking the car, his head spins towards the police and hands pressed against the window in surrender. “Don’t shoot!”
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
Some Strings Attached
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: It was supposed to be a quick fuck. No strings attached. That was all. But six weeks later when you’re staring at two pink lines you realize there were some strings attached. And now you have no idea how to find the father because you only know his first name.
Warnings: Mentions of abortion, drinking, this chapter is a bit angsty
Word Count: 1.5k
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
A/N: I kind of hate this chapter, but I think that's just my brain telling me it sucks because it's so short
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Turns out finding someone who’s first name was the only thing you knew about them was much harder than you thought. Jake might not have even been his first name. It could be his middle name or a nickname for all you knew. And the only other things you could remember were that he was from Texas and he was in the Navy. As far as you knew that could all be a lie and from your search he didn’t have much of a public social media presence. This whole thing completely backfired on you. You should have stayed celibate. Then you wouldn’t be in this position. 
Technically you still had an out. There was still time left to go to the clinic, but every time you thought about that it made you sad. No, this pregnancy wasn’t planned. And no, you didn’t really even know the father even if you knew who the father was. It wasn’t going to be easy, but when you finally told your parents and their faces lit up after the initial shock you knew you were making the right choice. Because dad or no day, this baby would always be loved, it would always have the best support system, because you had the best support system.
“Still nothing?”
“No, still nothing. Next time you get knocked up by a one night stand maybe get a little more information.” Cassie quipped on the other end of the phone.
“Ha. Ha.” You responded dryly. Cassie was trying to bring some humor to the situation. It had been two weeks since your first ultrasound and you had another cheek coming in two weeks. So far there was no bump, no one knew you were pregnant unless you told them. Which was how you wanted it right now. The only person outside of your parents and Cassie that knew was your boss. 
Out of everyone, you were most afraid of disappointing Mr. Benjamin. He had taken you under his wing the second you got hired on at the office. He knew your end goal was to become a lawyer and he was determined to make that happen. An unplanned pregnancy was the last thing you needed and you were scared he would no longer feel confident in your ability to achieve that goal. You had expected him to be upset, but he was the opposite. Turns out his eldest was an ‘oopsie baby’ as well.  He didn’t sugar coat that it wouldn’t be easy, especially as a single parent. He did say that if there was anyone more than capable of making it work, it would be you. 
“Yeah, next time I get knocked up by a green eyed mystery man I’ll be sure to say ‘hey, just in case you knock me up can I get your information?’. What dick deflator that’ll be.” You snorted at your own comment as you skimmed Ralph’s selection of prenatal vitamins. There were so many options and for the life of you you couldn’t remember the brand your doctor had recommended. You were focused on the bottle in your hands, reading about everything that was in it while Cassie droned on about something on the phone. So focused that you didn’t notice you were no longer the only person in the aisle until they spoke up.
“You’re pregnant?” Your body went stiff. It wasn’t a voice you heard often, but it was one you knew. 
“Cassie, I gotta go.” You hung up without so much as a goodbye and turned to face him. Standing with a basket hung on his arm, in a pair of service Khakis and a look you couldn’t quite read on his face was Jake. The Jake. This was definitely not how you envisioned him finding out. Hell, you hadn’t even figured that out yet. You wanted to find him before you got that far. 
Jake took a few steps closer to you and a wave of nausea hit. Whether it was from the baby or the situation at hand you weren’t sure, but it hit you hard and you were trying to keep a straight face. 
“Uh..yeah. I’ve been trying to find you, so I could tell you. Haven’t had much luck…o-obviously.” You let out a nervous laugh as you dug through your purse. Eventually you found the extra ultrasound picture you’d had printed. The one with all your information written on the back in your half-print-half-cursive handwriting. You’d made it that way in case you did find him and had decided to just leave a letter on his car or something when you wussed out on actually telling him in person. “Here, this was the first ultrasound.” Your hand was shaky as you held the glossy paper with the grainy photo of a blob on it. 
Jake softly grabbed it from you. Reading him was hard, but the second he looked up at you after a solid minute of staring you knew how he felt. 
“I don’t want any part of this.” It felt like a gut punch even though you had prepared for this kind of reaction from him. It was a lot. Even more so when you find out in the middle of a chain store vitamin aisle. “If you had some little plan to get pregnant for money or benefits it’s not going to work. I’m not ready to be a parent. I don’t want this kid. Keep it or not. You’re on your own.” He said it so coldly. Not at all warm and inviting like he’d been that night. You damn sure didn’t deserve to be called a gold digger.
Jake tried to hand the ultrasound back to you, but you just shook your head and shoved his hand back towards him. 
“Keep it. Throw it away. I don’t give a fuck.” You turned away from him. As much as you wanted to scream at him, this wasn’t the place. “It’s now or it’s never. If you decide you want to be part of this baby’s life, decide now, because whether it's a year or ten from now, I won’t give you the chance again.” The last thing you wanted for this baby was to have a flaky father. “With or without you, we’ll be just fine.” The nausea was ten times worse as you fled the aisle and the store all together. Completely forgetting about the reason you’d even gone in the first place. 
Any strength or confidence you’d had just now when facing Jake had been replaced with a steady stream of tears. Your car was silent except for your sobs. It took – well you weren’t sure how long it took you to calm down enough to drive home, but eventually you did. Finding Cassie waiting at your front door with two bottles in her hand – one sparkling grape juice and the other wine.
A raised eyebrow prompted Cassie to explain. “To celebrate I found Jake! Wait-” Her eyes narrowed and inspected your face closer. “You’ve been crying. Is this a pregnancy cry or did something happen?” You let out a heavy sigh as your key slid into the lock. 
Some time and a half-eaten pizza later the story was out. Telling it out loud made you feel even dumber than you already had. Of course he was going to react badly. This had been a no strings attached deal and here you were, attached to him by not just a string, but a fucking chain. You couldn’t exactly blame him for reacting the way he did. Doesn’t mean it didn’t feel any less shitty. 
Cassie, who was now almost a bottle of wine deep, looked as pissed as ever. 
“So he didn’t give you a chance to explain? Just called you a gold digger and said fuck this kid?” Swallowing hard you let out a nod. More or less that’s what he had said to you.”I’m gonna kill him.” You watched as she took the last swig of wine and then slammed the bottle down on the counter top. “I-I’m gonna castrate him! Yeah, s’can’t get anymore sweet girls like you knocked up!” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the empty bottle from Cassie. It was getting late and she was only over because tomorrow you guys were going to start packing your apartment up. You had yet to find a new place, but in the meantime you were going to crash at her place until you figured this whole thing out. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Cassie frowned at your words, but you just stood up and started searching your cabinet for ibuprofen and a pedialyte packet. When you looked at Cassie again she was starting to nod off. “Are you going to keep this whole ‘drinking for you and me’ schtick up the entire pregnancy?” You laughed as you helped her over to your couch. 
Cassie nodded, popped the ibuprofen and downed half the glass of pedialyte before collapsing on the couch and letting you tuck her in. 
“You’re gon’be such a good mama.” The redhead mumbled in her sleep, clutching onto the couch pillow. And you weren’t sure why, maybe it was the pregnancy or everything that had happened but it brought tears to your eyes. 
Jake or no Jake this baby was going to be loved.
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All We Need - Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader - Chapter 1
A/N: chapter one to my topgun maverick fic, i hope you guys enjoy it! As always feedback is always welcome and request are always open.
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x fem!pilot!Benjamin Reader (Athena)
Warnings: mentions of the mission for the movie, mentions to death angst and fluff, naval inaccuracies
Note: the reader is 28 and went through topgun when she was 20 (youngest in history for this story) Rooster is 34 Jake is also 28 (for this story them, Pheonix and Coyote went to top gun together when jake was about 24)
Part 2
I sighed as I pulled into the familiar driveway of the home I shared with my best friend Jake. I noticed that his truck wasn’t there so I assumed that he would be at my Aunts bar The Hard Deck.
Normally I would have gone as well but I was told six hours ago I had been recalled to TopGun in the middle of a six month deployment within an hour of being told I was on a plane, I wasn’t even able to send any of my family a message saying I was coming home.
A few years after Jake and I joined the Navy my parents had also moved back to San Diego to be closer to the entire family.
As I turned the car off I grabbed my duffle and headed onto the porch. Unlocking the door and stepping inside i saw my cousin sitting at the kitchen table. As I closed the door her head shot up and she ran towards me.
‘Y/N!!’ I giggle slightly as i wrapped my arms around her.
‘ Hey Amelia’
She pulled away some tears in her eyes.
‘No one told me you were coming home’
‘They couldn’t because they don’t know yet, I only found out about six hours ago.’ She nodded before wrapping me in a tight hug again. ‘I missed you Thena.’
Before i could respond i heard footsteps coming down the hallway of the bungalow, my head shot up as i looked at the small girl waddling down the hallway rubbing sleep out of her green eyes, blonde hair a mess. Her eyes shot wide open and she started running across the living room.
‘AUNTY THENA’ i laughed as i crouched down and scooped her up in my arms.
‘Hello Miss Daisy.’
‘Daddy home?’ She says through a yawn as she snuggled into my neck.
‘Not yet sweetie” she gave a small nod as i saw her eyes close. I turned to Amelia with a look that she immediately understood and moved to the kitchen to get her stuff and head out the front door. I slowly moved to grab my duffle bag and made my way to Daisy’s room to put her back to bed. As i went to put her down her grip tightened.
‘You have to go to bed sweetie.’
‘No I missed you.’
‘Want to have a sleepover then?’
Again she just nodded as i slowly made my way to my room finally she allowed me to put her down. It was a tradition to have sleepovers when Jake was on deployment or when i got home from one. I quickly grabbed a pair of flannel pants and Jakes old Navy t-shirt and went to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. When i got back i noticed Daisy was asleep so i moved to grab a book, I was going to read the folder again to look at who I would be teaching but that could wait. As i started reading my eyes started to feel heavy before drifting off to sleep. I am not sure how long I had been asleep but i heard the door to my room shift slightly and the weight of my book lift from my grasp as there was a kiss placed on my forehead and the door closed again.
Jakes POV
I was standing in the Hard Deck with Coyote, we had been the first ones here out of the recalled squad, both of us being stationed in San Diego, the first group to walk through was Phoenix with two others i didn’t know. Soon we were introduced to Payback Fanboy and Bob. I went up to grab some beers from Penny when I saw more uniforms filter through, all of whom i recognised as other topgun graduates.
“What the hell kind of mission is this” i was broken out of my thoughts by Penny asking the question
“ I don’t know must be serious”
“Jake, just remember up in the sky you have someone who needs you here.”
I nod lowly at Penny, thoughts drifting to my 5 year old daughter, beside Coyote, Athena, Penny and Iceman, no one knew about Daisy, that is the way we wanted it since she came into our lives 5 years ago no more than a few weeks old dropped at my apartment with a letter from her mother a girl i barely remember saying she was giving up all parental rights and that I had full custody. It just so happened that Athena and I were both stationed in San Diego, after I called her she came to my apartment to see me with a distraught look and child in my arms. My best friend quickly took Daisy from my arms told me to pack what i needed and come stay with her and they would work it out together. When i got to her house later that night Admiral Kazansky was sitting in the living room Athena explaining the situation to ‘Uncle Ice’ who made sure that we were always stationed together and on seperate deployments.
I was broken out of my thoughts by Phoenix yelling across the bar.
“BRADSHAW is that you.” I turn to see Rooster walking across the bar so I turn and walk back to the pool table taking the cue out of Bobs hands
‘Bradshaw as I live and breathe.’
‘Hangman you look…..good’
‘I am good….I am too good to be true.’ I look up to see Rooster roll his eyes next to Phoenix
The conversation continues and i chime in making my arrogant comments to continue the Hangman personality that everyone knows and loathes.
“Everyone here is the best there is, who are they gonna get to teach us.” Phoenix stated which caught my interest there was only two pilots i could think to teach us Athena who was not here yet……..and Maverick.
‘The best of the best isn’t here though is she Phoenix?’ Bradley answers and I see her face drop slightly. I knew Athena’s history with Bradley and I know her and Phoenix are close having done many deployments together before, she is definitely Athenas best female friend bordering on a sister bond.
‘Where is she hangman?’ Phoenix says in a low voice Coyote and Bradley looking at me as well. My breathe hitches
‘Deployment 3 months now but we haven’t been able to contact here for the last month and a half.’ I say sadly and they all nod, we know that it is normal to not have contact but between the four us we know she normally only gets sent on the tough and dangerous missions. Rooster pats my shoulder as he walks past ‘she will be alright Jake, shes tough.’ I nod slightly in response.
Suddenly the juke box was ripped out of the wall and keys of the piano started, i roll my eyes I know whats about to happen, i approach the bar Coyote not far behind me when I spot Amelia across the bar, Amelia who is supposed to be looking after Daisy, i shoot a look at Coyote who just nods and i take off around the bar.
‘Amelia, is everything okay where is Daisy?’ The panicked look on my face is enough to make her giggle.
‘She is fine, she is at home probably having a sleep over right now.’ Amelia knew of the tradition between Athena and Daisy, I quickly look at Penny.
‘Just this once Hangman, you can ring it up tomorrow,,,go’ she said with a wide smile, i quickly ran towards the door to my truck and took off down the street towards our house.
When i finally got there i noticed her car in the driveway and the porch lights still on. I entered the house quietly and made my way towards the room that had been empty for three months i slowly push the door open and smile at the sight in front of me. Under the light of the night light is my best friend, curled up in a pair of flannel pant and my old shirt from flight school which she denies she took, curling into her side is a mess of blonde hair belonging to my daughter. I move to take the book out of Athenas hand and turn the light of before pressing a kiss to my girls foreheads, slowly making my way out of the room with a wide smile on my face.
Readers POV
The sound of my alarm buzzing woke me up turning to look at the time seeing it was 0500 groaning slightly i threw my legs over the side of my bed and made my way to the bathroom careful not to disturb the sleeping 5 year old next to me. As i made the walk to the bathroom i could hear snoring coming from Jakes room shaking my head and giggle slightly at the fact he still tries to deny he snores. I showered and got dressed in my uniform, i quickly headed back into my room to grab my duffle with my flight suit and the folder of information before heading out the front door to my car. After a short drive I arrived on base at 0600 i had a meeting with Cyclone Warlock and Mav at 0730 and the squad is reporting at 0830. I headed into the recreation room smiling slightly when i notice that it hadn’t changed since my topgun days 8 years ago. I sat at the bar with the radio and finally opened the folder to read exactly who had been recalled and as I began reading i recognised all the names some more personal than others, one thing i did notice was next to 9 names including mine, Jakes and Mavericks had in bold letters: PERMANENT POSTING.
- Phoenix: my best female friend and like a sister too me
- Bob: he is like my younger brother we met a year ago on his first station after he graduated top gun I took the shy WSO under my wing when i heard people saying mean things to him
- Payback and Fanboy: very close friends of mine where there is one the other always follows that was the running jokes when we were deployed together
- Coyote: Jakes best mate, my close friend and Uncle Javy to Daisy
- And finally Rooster: my heart dropped looking at my older surrogate brother I knew he was an amazing pilot but he was family and that made me worry especially with Mav here as a teacher
All the listed names to be here permanently were my family which made me nervous, looking through the names of the reserves i recognised a few but knowing Cyclone wanted me to pick from the permanent members terrified me, I had to choose my closest friends for a suicide mission. I had the documents laid out looking at them lost in thought.
‘You’re here early’ i jumped and turned around to where the voice came from. I quickly got up a smile on my face and ran for a hug
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‘Hi Uncle Mav.’
‘Hi kiddo, why didnt you tell us you were coming back’
‘I only found out an hour before they put me on a plane then when i got home i crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.’
‘So team leader and instructor that a lot of responsibility for a lieutenant.’
‘Lieutenant Commander now Uncle Mav.’ He looked at me in shock ‘surprised Uncle Ice didn’t mention it’
‘I haven’t spoken to him yet when did this happen’ i laugh
‘About a 2 weeks ago’ he nodded before looking down at the folder, ‘you and him going to be okay?’
‘I don’t know kid, i really don’t’
‘You need to tell him Uncle Mav, aunt Carole would be mortified if she knew she was the reason this happened.’ Mav looked at me in shock ‘12 year olds hear everything Mav.’ I knew about Mav pulling the papers, Mum and I had been staying with Carole and Brad while she was sick, he was 18 and wanted to join up, i heard the phone call where carole asked Mav to pull his papers but no one ever knew and I never spoke of it until now.
‘We are going to be a permanent squad after this Mav, you are going to have to work it out.’
‘We have to get through this first, i don’t think everyone is going to come home from it’ i nodded lowly, i had done my fair share of dangerous missions but this one scared even me.
‘Then lets train them so they all come home.’
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Musings-of-a-rose's Fic Recs
Musings-of-a-rose’s fic rec list (never complete and always adding!)
This will always be a work in progress, as I will always be adding fics! 
If you need more and can’t wait for me to update, you can search on my blog for #fic rec and all of them will come up!
Frankie “Catfish” Morales:
Fix You by @astoryisaloveaffair
Howl by @astoryisaloveaffair
My Drug is My Baby (age gap) by @astoryisaloveaffair
Run Through the Jungle by @astoryisaloveaffair
The Bachlorette AU by @icanbeyourjedi
Sex Worker Frankie AU by @prolix-yuy
Still of the Night (Signs/Triple Frontier mashup) by @foli-vora
Trustworthy by @need-a-fugue
The Candyman by @hopeamarsu (this is a series but I’m linking chapter 1 here)
Oberyn Martell:
Burning Bright by @tropes-and-tales
And So We Sing in Elegies by @haildoodles-writing
Pero Tovar:
My Mercenary Bold by @astoryisaloveaffair
Petrichor by @rainontherooftops
Cathedrals of Our Own by @haylzcyon
The Cross by @blueeyesatnight 
Safe Haven by @marvel-and-mischief
Wedding Night by @absurdthirst
Zach Wellison:
You’re So Classic by @chaoticgeminate
Inn Over Your Head by @javierpinme
Max Phillips:
Take the Pain Away by @icanbeyourjedi
Dave York:
Baby, Let the Games Begin by @wyn-n-tonic
Maxwell Lord:
Shutterbug by @lowlights
What’s Love Got to Do With It by @storiesofthefandomlovers
Din Djarin:
Healer by @bestintheparsec
Marcus Pike:
Our Last Christmas by @supernaturalgirl20
Javi G:
Insatiable by @javierpinme
Hush by @javier-pena
Agent Whiskey:
Harder to Hold by @brandyllyn
The Traveler by @silksaddle
Marcus Moreno:
Yo Te Prometo by @marvelousmermaid
Here Without You Now by @wyn-n-tonic
Javier Peña:
Better Love by @disgruntledspacedad
It Takes Two by @icanbeyourjedi
Self Sacrifice by @albertasunrise
Into the Dark by @juletheghoul
Hermosa by @keala on Ao3
Joel Miller:
Days of You and Me by @wyn-n-tonic 
That’s a Real Fucking Legacy by @wyn-n-tonic
Dieter Bravo:
Disturbia by @astoryisaloveaffair
Win a Date With Dieter Bravo by @icanbeyourjedi
Simulated by @prolix-yuy
Teacher Ben (SNL):
Love, Wings, and Football by @icanbeyourjedi
Rainy Days by @chaoticgeminate
Well Read by @wyn-n-tonic
The Thief
Enigma by @javier-pena
Tim Rockford:
Apple Pie America by @rainontherooftops
Jay Castillo:
The Wedding Date by @icanbeyourjedi
Triple Frontier Boys:
The Audition by @astoryisaloveaffair
Santiago “Pope” Garcia:
The Best of Us by @a-bang-for-your-bucky
Benjamin “Benny” Miller:
I Got Away With You by @mermaidxatxheart
I’ll Be Your Brightside by @dameronscopilot
Only You by @albertasunrise
Timing Is Everything by @theewokingdead
Benergy by @theewokingdead
La Primera Fiesta by @marvelousmermaid
Looking For You by @green-socks
Commitment Issues by @coweye
Sunshine State by @brewsterispunkk
William “Ironhead” Miller:
Return to Honeymoon by @carni-val
Bucky Barnes “Winter Soldier”:
Paint Me a Memory by @mermaidxatxheart
My One and Only by @mermaidxatxheart
Almost Had Me Believing It by @tuiccim
Poe Dameron:
The Bet by @no-droids
The Art of Falling by @brandyllyn
Clint Barton “Hawkeye”:
Sure Shot by @astoryisaloveaffair
Rhett Abbott (Outer Range):
Sacred Oasis by @wyn-n-tonic
Selfish by @dameronscopilot
Lessons by @wyn-n-tonic
Tommy Miller (The Last of Us - HBO):
That’s a Real Fucking Legacy by @wyn-n-tonic
I’ll Have Another by @wyn-n-tonic
Violent Delights, Violent Ends by @ay0nha 
I Need You to Tell Me I’m Good by @psychedelic-ink
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silverwolfdesign · 1 year
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🡒 ✨ 𝐄𝐰𝐚𝐧 & 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐚 • 𝘉𝘦𝘯 𝘉𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴 & 𝘈𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘈𝘳𝘫𝘰𝘯𝘢. ❝𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘢 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥, 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶.❞ - 𝘾𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙁𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙮 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙩
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Emily and Aaron's teenage daughter is exactly like her mother.
The only person who considers that a problem is Elizabeth.
Hi friends,
Another day, another mommy issues fic.
I had the idea for this when washing my hair, which is apparently when I have my more unhinged ideas. And writing it this evening has helped me distract myself from the increasing anxiety I am feeling about starting my new job tomorrow!!
I hope you enjoy this, I forgot how much I enjoyed writing them with slightly older kids, and I'd love to know what you think <3
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: Difficult mother/daughter relationship (duh, it's me writing about Emily and Elizabeth)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“Do we have to go?” 
Emily sighs as she turns to look at her daughter, raising her eyebrows at the 14-year-old before she looks at herself in the mirror again.
“Vi, you know we have to,” she replies as she adjusts her dress, critically looking up and down at her reflection, “Your grandmother asked us to go so we’re going.” 
It was yet another night spent at yet another event her mother had requested they go to. Ever since she and Aaron had got married and had children they’d been invited to more and more things like this, their mere existence, a family Emily was sure she’d never have perfect for Elizabeth’s public image. Emily was able to dodge some of the events, using the kids and their hobbies as excuses as well as her and Aaron’s work, but she knew when to pick her battles. And tonight wasn’t one of them. 
Violet leans against the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest as she sighs, “How come Jack gets out of going?” 
Emily chuckles as she takes one last look at herself before she turns and walks towards Violet, “Because, honey, Jack is at college a few hundred miles away,” She lowers her voice and mutters under her breath, “Lucky kid.” 
Violet nods and stands up straight, “Dad is helping Benny with his tie, apart from that he’s ready to go. I talked him out of his light-up Spiderman sneakers.” 
She smiles as she thinks of her 12-year-old, the boy a double of his father right down to his more serious nature. He was quiet, reserved in a way neither she nor Violet were, and she knew it made her daughter protective of her younger brother. Something Emily hoped would continue forever, through the difficult teenage years that occasionally reared their ugly head, outbursts from the young girl that almost made Emily feel sorry for her own mother.
“Thanks, sweetie,” Emily says, tucking some of Violet's dark hair behind her ear. Just as wild and untamable as it had been when she was a toddler, a curl to it that neither Emily nor Aaron were sure where it came from. She looks at the dress she’d chosen for Violet to wear, the dark green material of it suiting her perfectly and she smiles, “You look very pretty.” 
Violet beams, smiling in a way that reveals her braces, and Emily watches how her cheeks pink up with embarrassment, “Thanks, Mom. You look pretty too.” 
“Vi, Em, we’ve got to get going.” 
They exchange a smile at Aaron’s shout up the stairs, and Violet rolls her eyes, “You just had to marry the most punctual man on the planet, didn’t you?” 
Emily chuckles and places her hand on Violet’s shoulder and squeezes as she turns her daughter around and leads her out of the room. 
“He has his uses,” she says, waggling her eyebrows as Violet looks at her, already laughing before the teenager reacts.
“Oh god, Mom. Gross.”
“How are you holding up sweetheart?”
She smiles as she looks at her husband, gratefully taking the glass of wine he offers her as he stands next to her, his arm snaking around her waist so he can rest his hand on her hip. 
“I’m surviving,” she says, looking at the dancefloor and smiling as she spots Violet and Benjamin dancing together, both of them laughing, “At least they are having fun.” She leans into his side, seeking out his comfort, “I miss the days when we could use their early bedtimes as an excuse to leave,” she says, sighing as he kisses her temple, “Or a case.” 
He smiles against her skin and kisses her once more before pulling away, “Sorry for retiring and throwing a spanner in the works for you.” 
She hums and tilts her head to look at him, “I’ll forgive you,” she says, winking at him, “It’s kind of my fault too for accepting that promotion.”
When he retired, content for Section Chief to be the highest he climbed in the FBI, she was the obvious choice for his replacement. It was a promotion she’d gladly accepted. Whilst she missed being part of the BAU, the timing, and the opportunity to spend more time with her family, were perfect. 
Even if it did mean she no longer had a valid excuse to dip out of her mother’s events early. 
Any further conversation is cut off as Elizabeth walks over with a man Emily vaguely recognises, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tries to remember who he is. 
“Emily, Aaron,” Elizabeth says as she comes to a stop in front of them, “You remember Russell Shaw,” she says, indicating to the man with her, “He’s the Head of Georgetown Day School.” 
It clicks into place, and Emily has to stop herself from sighing. Ever since she and Aaron had become engaged, and it became clear to Elizabeth that the relationship was going to last, she’d been insistent that they sent Jack to private school. It was something both Emily and Aaron made clear they didn’t want, and they repeatedly told her so again and again. Her comments about it only got more frequent after Violet and Benjamin were born, and her distaste for them going to public school, no matter how excellent the schools were, never wavering. 
This wasn’t the first, nor did Emily think it would be the last, time that Elizabeth blind-sighted them with one of her friends who just so happened to be a head of a private school. 
“Your mother tells me you have two children,” Russell says as he shakes Aaron's and then Emily’s hands. 
“Three,” Aaron corrects, his hand landing on Emily’s hip again, squeezing tightly in a way he knows she needs in moments like this, “Jack, our eldest, is at college - Yale,” he says, smiling as he always did when he thought of how his son had chosen Emily’s alma mater over his, “Violet and Benjamin are 14 and 12,” he adds, nodding over to them on the dance floor.
Russell smiles and casts a glance at the children, “Well,” he says, turning his attention to Emily, “Your mother tells me you’re interested in them potentially joining Georgetown Day School,” he says, and Emily grits her teeth, her eyes flashing to her mother’s as Aaron holds her even tighter, “We’d be delighted to have some Prentiss’ in our school community.”
“Hotchners,” Emily says, not missing how her mother tenses as she corrects the man in front of her.
“Excuse me?” Russel asks, clearing his throat, and picking up on the rising tension. 
“My children are Hotchners,” she repeats, a wide, yet fake, smile on her face, “Not Prentiss’. And we’re perfectly happy with the school they currently go to,” she says, looking at her mother, her gaze hardening as her eyes meet hers, “My mother must have got her wires crossed.” 
Elizabeth glares at her for a beat, her disapproval clear, before she turns to Russell, “Come on Russell, I believe I saw the O’Briens,” she says, leading him away, another look thrown over her shoulder at her daughter, “They’ve been dying to see you.” 
Emily feels the tension leave her body and she allows herself to sink into Aaron’s side, “She is unbelievable.” 
Aaron runs his hand up and down her side, soothing her in the only way he could until they got home, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Do you want to go?” 
She shakes her head and presses a kiss to his cheek, “It’s okay, it’s just easier to stay,” she sighs, draining the rest of her wine, “I wouldn’t mind another glass of wine though.”
He smiles and stamps a kiss against her lips, before he steps away, “Another glass of wine coming up.” 
She blows out a steady breath and shakes her head, but barely has a moment’s peace before a hand wraps around her wrist and drags her out into the hall. She frowns at her mother as they find themselves in relative privacy, and she pulls her arms out of her grasp.
“Mother, what is-”
“Did you have to be so rude to Russell?” She asks, her voice a low whisper as she shakes her head, “He was only trying to be nice.”
Emily rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, “I wasn’t rude,” she says, “And how many times do I have to tell you we aren’t sending the kids to private school.” 
She sees a familiar wave of disapproval wash over her mother’s face, an expression she’d been on the receiving end of for as long as she could remember. From back when simply skimming her knees by playing outside would seemingly warrant it to now, being a mother herself and making decisions for her children that Elizabeth would never agree with.
“I just think you’re being narrow-minded-”
“I’m being narrow-minded?” Emily asks, chuckling humourlessly as she shakes her head, “You’re the one trying to force me to send my kids to a school I have no interest in sending them to,” she says as she spots Aaron approaching them over her mother’s shoulder.
“Is everything okay over here?” Aaron asks, standing next to his wife, his hand finding its place on her lower back, the curve there that seemed to be carved out specifically for him.
Elizabeth shakes her head, “Talk to your wife Aaron,” she says, sounding exasperated, “She’s putting your children’s futures at risk because she’d rather spite me than put them first like a mother should.” 
Emily’s mouth falls open, the accusation enough to shock her briefly into silence, and just as she’s about to respond, she’s cut off by another voice entirely. 
“You can’t speak to her like that.” 
All three of them turn to look at Violet standing just a few paces away, her arms crossed over her chest, and her face furrowed into the frown she’d inherited from her father. 
“She’s an excellent mom,” Violet says, stepping closer and cutting her father’s attempts to stop her, “And I don’t want to go to some stupid private school. I like my school, with my friends,” She looks back and forth between her mother and her grandmother, “You of all people don’t get to imply that she’s a bad mom.”
“Vi,” Emily says, stepping forward and squeezing her daughter’s shoulder, “It’s ok,” she says, smiling reassuringly when Violet turns to look at her, “Go get your brother and meet us by the car.” 
Violet looks like she’s going to argue but she nods sharply and leaves, disappearing just as quickly as she’d appeared. Emily briefly catches her husband's eye, and she doesn’t miss the absolute pride shining on his face. Elizabeth hums disapprovingly and shakes her head. 
“That girl is just like you.” 
Emily feels Aaron tense next to her and she reaches for his hand, squeezing it tightly, a silent reminder of his years old promise to never say anything to her mother, to leave those battles for her. 
“Yeah,” Emily says, smiling as she nods her head. It was something she’d been told since the moment Violet was born. Their similarity looks wise the first thing that people often drew on. As Violet got older and her personality developed it only got clearer just how much she was like Emily, traits and habits that she’d been chastised for her entire life shining through her daughter in a way that she could only see as positives. Things that would be a strength as she got older, instead of the hindrance her own mother clearly still saw them as. “She really is,” she looks up at her mother, their eyes meeting, “And I don’t see anything wrong with that.” 
Violet is out of the car and up the stairs to her bedroom before Aaron can even get the key back out of the front door. 
“Vi-” He calls up the stairs after her, but Emily squeezes his arm and shakes her head.
“I’ll go talk to her honey,” she says, smiling at him before she turns to Benjamin, “Time for you to go to bed, sweetie.”
Benjamin nods and wraps his arms tightly around her, “Okay Mom,” he says, not negotiating to delay his bedtime like he usually would, “Love you,” he squeezes her tightly one more time before he disentangles himself and throws a look at Aaron, “Love you too, Dad.”
“Love you buddy.”
“Love you, Benny.”
Emily and Aaron speak simultaneously and smile as they watch their son run up the stairs, and she looks at her husband, “I’ll go speak to Vi, meet you in the living room after?”
He nods and kisses her forehead, “I’ll make the hot chocolates.” 
She sighs contentedly as she briefly leans into him, “I knew I married you for a reason,” She pulls away and heads up the stairs, coming to a stop outside her daughter's room to knock on the door.
“Vi, it’s me, honey.” 
There’s a brief pause before she hears a response through the door, “Come in.” 
Emily pushes the door open and feels her heart clench as she spots Violet sitting in the centre of her bed. She has her legs against her chest and her arms tight around them, her chin resting on top of her knees. 
“Am I in trouble?” Violet asks, her voice shaking in a way that was uncharacteristic, “For telling Grandma off?”
“Oh, sweetie, no,” Emily says, joining Violet on the bed, reaching out and grabbing one of her hands, “If anything, your dad is probably planning on raising your allowance for saying some things he wishes I’d let him say years ago.” 
She hadn’t missed the not-so-subtle smile on her husband's face the entire journey home, or how he’d kept looking at a very quiet Violet through the rear-view mirror. 
Violet laughs and nods, squeezing Emily’s hand, “I’m sorry though, I hope I didn’t make things worse.” 
“You didn’t, Vi. I promise,” she assures her, “What you said was sweet.” 
“It’s true though,” Violet says, shifting closer to Emily, “You’re the best mom, and I hate that she was trying to say you aren’t because you won’t send us to some school. She’s the bad mom.” 
Emily sighs, “Vi-”
“It’s true!” Violet exclaims, her voice raising slightly, “You’re always sad after we see her, and she always says something mean. It drives us crazy.” 
She frowns, her eyebrows knitting together, “Us?’
Violet nods, “Yeah, me and Jack and Benny.” 
“You…talk about it?” She asks, guilt simmering in her belly at the realisation that she hadn’t hidden any of it as well as she hoped she had, that her children had picked up on everything she’d tried to protect them from. 
“Yeah,” Violet replies, as if it was obvious, “Why do you think Jack always calls you after we’ve seen her? Or why Benny and I don’t argue about bedtime or fight with each other afterwards,” she shrugs half-heartedly, “It’s our way of trying to help.” 
Emily sighs and pulls Violet into a hug, something she gratefully returns, her arms tight around her mother’s neck. 
“Oh sweet girl,” she says as she strokes her daughter’s back, the nickname she’d stopped using three years ago when Violet declared she was too grown up for it slipping out, “You guys always help, no matter what.” She pulls back and smiles at Violet and cups her cheek, her thumb catching a stray tear that had escaped past her lashline, “And I’m sorry I didn’t protect you from it all a little better.” 
“Mom, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Violet says, a wry smile spreading across her face, “You’ve raised some pretty smart kids, even if you have sent us to crappy public schools.” 
Emily barks out a laugh and briefly presses her forehead into her daughters, “I’m going to let the cursing go this once, but please don’t do it in front of your father, you’ll give him a heart attack and I quite like having him around.” 
Violet nods in agreement and her smile fades, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip, “I’m sorry if grandma is mad about tonight.”
Emily shrugs it off and stands up, “Leave your grandmother to me,” she says, offering a hand out to Violet, “Now, Dad said he was going to make me a hot chocolate, and I have a sneaking suspicion he will have made you one too.” 
The teenager smiles widely and jumps up off the bed, surpassing Emily’s hand to link her arm through hers, her head on her mother’s shoulder as they walk out of her room.
“Do you think we could convince him to watch Real Housewives of Orange County with us?” 
Emily smiles and kisses her daughter's temple, “I think you could convince him of just about anything right now.” 
Violet hums to herself, “Maybe I should yell at Grandma more often.”
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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ladamedusoif · 9 months
Books (Professor!Ben x OFC Lydia)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 14
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist.
Follow @ladameecrit for my writing updates!
Pairing: Professor!Ben x OFC!Lydia (part of the Visiting universe)
Word count: 848
Warnings: Language, angst, pining
Rating: Teen
Summary: What’s the harm of imagining an alternative future, when you’re lonely this Christmas?
This Fic-Mas story can be read as an add-on/deleted scene to Chapter 8 of Visiting, 'Sister Winter'.
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Iceland has this thing called Jolabokaflod - literally, “book flood”. It can mean the rush of new books published for Christmas gifts, or it can mean the tradition associated with them. 
Put simply, the idea is that on Christmas Eve, you exchange books with your nearest and dearest. And then everyone snuggles up in bed, armed with hot chocolate and candy, and reads their new book. 
It sounds like heaven. 
The book flood tradition pops into your mind as you place a neatly-wrapped selection of books under the tree at your parents’ house on Christmas Eve. And with it, a pang, and another thought. 
Ben would love that. 
“Fuck,” you mutter to yourself, trying to fend off the thoughts of him. “I think it’s time for bed.”
You creep up the stairs, last one to turn in for the night, and nestle in with your hot water bottle. 
You wish he was keeping you warm, girl. 
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Sleep doesn’t come easy. And you begin to imagine, to let yourself daydream (if one can call it that) about an alternative reality, an alternative future, if only for the night. 
It is Christmas, after all. It’s canonically a time for what might have beens, for counter-factuals. What was A Christmas Carol, if not that? And - even more obviously - what of It’s A Wonderful Life?
Alright, you think, maybe it’s not quite the same. Clarence the Angel had to show George Bailey how much better he made the world, and how wonderful his life actually was. And Dickens showed Scrooge terrible things, to help him change - a far cry from the cosy scene you were about to conjure up. 
Still, the point stands. What if things were different? What if things could be different? 
You close your eyes and let your mind wander, telling yourself it’s just idle fantasy. It’s not hurting anyone. Right?
So indulge. Find comfort in thinking about how it might be, could have been. Imagine the comfort of books, of warmth, of him.
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You had thought for a long time about the book for Ben. Eventually, you settled on a personal favourite, one that reflected your personality, your interests, yourself: The Belly of Paris, by Émile Zola. You knew he hadn’t read it - “just Thérèse Raquin and Germinal”, he’d told you as you raved about Zola’s books - and you wanted to see what he thought. 
The edition is a recent translation, a handsome paperback, and you wrap it up in brown paper and add a length of dark red ribbon, placing it under the tree to await Christmas Eve. 
The next day, it’s joined by a matching book-shaped gift: this time wrapped in dark green paper, your name written in his distinctive handwriting on an old-fashioned gift tag. 
Christmas Eve is idyllic: mulled wine, old movies, talking and preparing food for the next day’s meal as the snow falls softly outside. By about 8 that evening, you’re settled cosily on the couch and your eyes land on the little packages. 
“Time for book flood, I think.”
Ben smiles as you reach under the tree and retrieve the gifts. “You want to open them here?”
“I’d rather do it in bed, baby. C’mon, grab some hot chocolate.” 
He follows you upstairs to bed, making you giggle as he purrs in your ear: “Gonna make you read soooooo much, Lyd. We’re gonna read so hard.”
You wiggle your eyebrows at him as you join in the suggestive jokes, pulling him close to you. “Well, you know I can keep reading for hours, Benjamin.”
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You can. And you do. 
Ben’s book gift to you is a gorgeous vintage copy of Love in the Time of Cholera, which you clutch to your chest in delight. He opens his parcel carefully, a wide smile spreading across his face as he recognises the title. 
“Émile. Of course.”
And now it’s just the two of you, side by side in bed, the only sounds the occasional crackle from the tall candles you’d lit in the bedroom, one or both of you sipping your hot cocoa, and the turning of the pages. 
Without lifting his eyes from Zola, Ben’s left hand finds your right, and holds it: safe, secure. Your thumb traces over his tattoo, making him hum quietly with pleasure. 
“Imagine if we hadn’t figured things out”, you muse, eyes still fixed on Garcia Marquez. 
Ben turns and looks at you, eyes warm and expression most serious. “Not figuring things out was never an option.”
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When you wake in the grey light of Christmas morning, it takes a moment for you to remember.
The pain hits you all over again. The fantasy - simplistic and all as it might have been - had been too convincing, and facing reality feels even harder. 
You can hear your family already waking and pottering about the house, little nieces stampeding out of the spare room they’re sharing with your sister and brother-in-law for the holidays. 
Craving the warmth of a familiar hand on yours, you turn over and cry into the pillow. 
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lostfirefly · 8 months
Trembling, crawling across my skin, feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine (Ch.1)
This fanfiction story is my present for my friend @yujo-nishimura, whose birthday is today! Sending hugs from Russia and wish you a lot of Crocolove!
Two things inspired me to write this fic: One of my fav songs from which the title is taken and Elena and Damon's dance (from The Vampire Diaries, S1). My 1st attempt to write the story about this character.
Description: Yujo is a young girl whom her father has betrothed to Mr. 3. She and her sister come to the ball, where she meets one of the members of the Cross Guild Corporation Sir Crocodile.
Warnings: No warnings
Words: 1307
Sir Crocodile x OC
The title is taken from "Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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"I can't believe we're going to the castle ball tonight!" A blonde girl with curly hair and brown eyes was bouncing happily on the bed.
"Helena, calm down," another girl with green eyes sitting by the dressing table answered her in a calm voice. She brushed her brown hair, occasionally glancing in the mirror. 
"I'm so impatient. We're going to see your fiancé, Mr. 3 again, Yujo! He's so cute!" Helena jumped off the bed, spinning around the bedroom. Her light white dress in small florals fluttered beautifully in the air. 
"I don't know. He doesn't seem like a bad person. Writes nice letters and courts quite non-trivially.", Yujo put her hairbrush down on the table, slowly stood up and walked over to the closet. "Stop spinning around, Helena. Our parents are expecting us for breakfast."
The day passed in preparation for the trip to the ball. After breakfast, Helena and Yujo strolled around the large summer garden and talked about many things. Helena could hardly contain her excitement for the evening, dreaming that she would be able to meet a wealthy young man at the ball.
"And I also heard that either all the members from Cross Guild Corporation are expected to attend, or at least just one. They're some kind of tycoons. I bet they're all handsome and young."
"I've never heard of them." replied Yujo calmly, gently running her hands along the branches of the trees. 
Finally the evening came and Yujo and Helena walked down the steps of their house down to the front entrance. It was a warm summer evening, and a large white carriage drawn by two red horses was waiting for them at the gate.
"Oh, my God! Ball, ball, ball, ball!" Helena ran up the stairs faster than anyone else. 
"You're incorrigible!" Yujo laughed as she watched her sister hop into the carriage. She lifted the hem of her mauve colored chiffon dress and sat down carefully next to her sister.
"What if Mr. 3 isn't coming alone? What if he brings someone cute?"
"Who? Mr. 2 or 4?" Yujo put her arm around her sister's shoulder. "Our parents are already there. For all I know, our father was going to discuss some kind of deal with Mr. Jinbe. And mom probably wants to gossip with everyone. 
It was already dark when they arrived at the gates of a large castle made of gray stone. 
"Here we are, here we are!" Helena jumped out of the carriage and adjusted the hem of her mint-colored dress. "Yujo, where are you?" 
"Coming!", Yujo stepped out of the carriage and looked at her sister. "Let's hurry up or you're going to die of impatience. Just please behave yourself."
They walked into a huge spacious hall. There were tables covered with white and gold tablecloths all around. A large crystal chandelier adorned the ceiling. The ladies were dressed in their best clothes, and the men were all in suits. 
There were whispers, negotiations, and girlish chuckles coming from various directions. 
"Good evening, Yujo, Helena!" a skinny man with a funny hairstyle in the shape of the number three, walked up to Yujo and kissed her hand. "It's nice to see you here. I brought you both some wine.”
“Thank you so much!” they both said in unison. 
"Say, Mr. 3, is it true that the owners of Cross Guild are expected to come?" Helena giggled and sipped her wine a little at a time.
"I don't know about the others, they seemed to have some pressing business, but one is definitely coming." said Mr. 3, looking around the room. "And why are you inquiring, Ms. Helena?"
"No reason..." Helena blushed. 
"I'll leave you ladies alone for a moment," Mr. 3 bowed and stepped aside.
"I heard there's a swordsman there and he's available, and he's pretty cute," Helena poked Yujo lightly in the shoulder. 
Suddenly all voices were briefly silenced and heavy footsteps were heard.
"Ladies, let me introduce the member of the cross guild, Sir Crocodile." Mr. 3 turned back to the girls. "This is Yujo, my fiancée. And this is her little sister Elena."
A tall man with purple hair and dark eyes stood before them. He had a coat thrown over his shoulders and a hook hand.instead of one arm. Yujo was surprised, but tried not to show it.  
“Nice to meet you,” Crocodile kissed the girls’ hands. “So young and so beautiful.”
Helena turned red as a lobster hearing these words. She lightly rubbed her sister’s hand. 
“You see? You see? The hook!” Helena whispered to her sister. Yujo lightly stepped on her sister's foot, silencing her.
“Excuse me, ladies. I have to speak with one man and I’ll come back to you,” Crocodile said calmly. 
“Woooow! He’s so.. So handsome.” Helena was so amazed by Crocodile that she seemed to forget how to breathe. “There seems to be another one there, but I don’t remember who. He must be somewhat unremarkable, since I don’t remember him. I wish I could see the swordsman. Who’s better, that guy with the hook or the swordsman? What do you think?” 
“I have no idea. Aren’t there other people there or what? In this Cross Guild,” Yujo quietly asked her sister, watching Crocodile out of the corner of her eye.
Helena shrugged. “Don’t know. I’ve heard about these three.”
Yujo's father, a plump man of short stature with gray hair approached her with Mr. 3. They had a long discussion about the upcoming wedding ceremony, the guest list and the menu. Yujo found herself looking for Crocodile with her eyes the whole time. 
Finally the start of the ball was announced and Mr. 3 took Yujo's hand and led her to the center of the room. The girls had to stand in one line, the man in another. Yujo found herself in front of Crocodile. The music started. Everyone stepped towards each other, touching one palm to the palm of their partner's hand. Holding their palms side by side, they moved smoothly in a circle. After making a couple of circles, everyone put their second palm to the partner’s palm.
"Sorry you have to settle for a hook," Crocodile said dryly.
“That’s ok,” Yujo said and smiled. 
After making a couple more circles, everyone came closer to each other. The men put one hand on the girls' waists. Crocodile hugged Yujo with a hook. 
Finally the dance ended and everyone bowed to each other. At the same moment, Helena ran up to Yujo.
“God, the chemistry between you just killed me!”
"What?" Yujo asked. She felt as if her mind was clouded during the dance.
"I'm so jealous of you. I want it too! You should ask your Mr. 3 to introduce me to a swordsman!" Helena was almost jumping next to her sister.
“Will you calm down? We are at the ball after all. What if someone is looking at you now, and you are behaving inappropriately,” Yujo laughed, noticing how her sister pouted. Yujo looked around the hall and saw how Crocodile approached her father. They shook hands and started talking about something.
“Yujo, this is Mr. Magellan. He will marry us,” she was pulled out of her thoughts by Mr. 3, who approached her with a tall man, his face resembling a mandrill, with very sharp teeth and thick beard. 
“I have to admit, your bride is amazing, Mister 3. Can’t wait to perform your ceremony,” Magellan said and kissed Yujo’s hand. 
While the all-important potential guests were discussing the upcoming wedding, Yujo was catching more and more that she was thinking about Sir Crocodile. What was it? A charm after the dance? Or is it something else?
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daredevilexchange · 3 months
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the full extent of the law
fic by @roipecheur, art by @42donotpanic
Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply
Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics)
Relationship: Rahul "Ray" Nadeem/Matt Murdock
Characters: Ray Nadeem, Matt Murdock, Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Nihar Nadeem, Seema Nadeem, Tammy Hattley, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones (Marvel), Danny Rand, Turk Barrett, Karen Page, Sami Nadeem
Additional Tags: Mystery, Character Death Fix
Summary: Ten days after taking a bullet to the head, Ray wakes up in the hospital: a family man with an absent family, a career man with a hopelessly tanked job. He's left to piece back together the life he counted on losing, a task that feels impossible until the collision course of his old life and his new one entangle, and Matt Murdock asks his help in investigating an art smuggling operation backed by an unknown player. The work makes Ray feel like himself again for the first time in months, even if working around Matt in particular holds its own unique set of challenges that Ray had to grit his teeth and ignore.
Surviving certain death means a series of repeated events: waking up, and doing it the next day, and the next, and the next.
If that summary doesn't make you want to run and read some delicious angst and mystery and getting-together fic, featuring a cast of legends including the one and only and beloved Ray Nadeem... *winkwink*
Fanart of the ship Matt Murdock/Ray Nadeem from the Netflix/Disney+ Daredevil tv show. The fanart depicts Ray and Matt snuggled up on a couch together, Ray has his arm wrapped around Matt’s shoulder and has his face turned towards him, while their legs are stretched out in front of them, socked feet propped up on a coffee table. There is a laptop on Ray’s lap and Matt has a blue cup lifted to his mouth, drinking something. Matt is dressed in an orange t-shirt, light grey sweatpants and forest green socks, while Ray wears a red t-shirt, khaki pants and dark socks with blue tips. They’re sitting on a dark brown couch, and either side of them are two big, red throw pillows, and a green blanket is thrown over the one arm of the couch. The atmosphere is playful and romantic, Ray is smiling softly at Matt, while Matt has one eyebrow quirked in a playful gesture.
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beefcake-penguin · 7 months
Tagged by my beloved moot: @occidentaltourist (Thanks broski ✊🏼🥺) and instructed to tag 9 people i want to know better Last Song(s): A Change is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke - Tap Water Drinking by Lewis del Mar - Jesus Christ by Brand New - Sour Breath by Julien Baker - Forever by Breaking Benjamin (I'm givin' y'all my most beefcent (beefcake recent) top 5 ✊🏼😐) Currently Watching: Scavengers Reign (incredible animation. A masterpiece. Nothing else like it) Three ships: SUPERCORP!!! Scully and Mulder (my beloveds ✊🏼🥺) and… Avatrice 🥺 (i wuv them!) Favorite color: Green 💪🏼🟢 Currently consuming: Chicharrón empanadas 🤤 First ship: Scully and Mulder (my beloveds ✊🏼🥺) Relationship status: alone but beefcepting (beefcake accepting) of it ✊🏼😔 Last movie: Poor Things (3rd time I've rewatched it) and The Zone of Interest (as a Jew, it was truly one of the most haunting movies I've ever seen in my life) Currently working on: another 'corp fic I'll never publish because of my beefxiety (beefcake anxiety) ✊🏼😔
Tagging (no pressure, my beloveds moots ✊🏼🥺) @pinkjover @goldrushgold @katiemcgrathisdaddyaf @appropriatelystupid @ostropest @fazedlight @lonelydiary @dragomirkingsman @valdier and any of my other beloved moots who would like to beefticipate (beefcake participate) 💪🏼🐧
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