#best cow milk brand
chandni0867 · 3 months
Find the Best A2 Milk Brands in South Delhi
Explore South Delhi's premier A2 milk brands, renowned for their pure, rich taste and health benefits. Sourced from select cows, these brands prioritize freshness and quality, perfect for health-conscious families. Indulge in the superior flavor and nutritional advantages of A2 milk, elevating your daily dietary choices.
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ananda-products · 2 years
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ishtea · 2 months
Cow Calf girlfriend♂ that you can milk whenever you want
it’s too little to fend you off from it’s squishy little udders and if you grab it’s lower lower udder hard enough it’ll just whimper and melt into your control completely, leaking it’s boy calf milk all over itself like a dumb little animal
it makes you coffee everyday, and shifts nervously as you eyeball it’s puffy lil girl udders or it’s pathetic soft boy udder, deciding which creamer you’d like today.
you can brand it to mark it as your own cattle, put a lil tag through it’s ear, reminding it everyday that it is property, a pet at best, a piece of meat at worst.
it sleeps outside in a barn *anyone* could break into… you don’t really care what happens to it overnight, as long as you get your milk in the morning~
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copperbadge · 1 year
Ok, bone to pick with your gjetost info! Yes, ski queen is the brand that you'll most commonly find in the US, but the red packaging is NOT the only option. That's the cow's milk version. The real/best kind, which is in the BLUE packaging is made of GOAT'S milk. It is funkier & more interesting. Perhaps also more of an acquired taste, but that's the good stuff. Team blue packaging!!!!
Oh shit I had no idea! I thought red packaging was just the way all of it came, like, I've never seen gjetost or brunost without red wrapping. I'll have to look for the blue!
....I'm literally going to be in Amsterdam this Monday, and I have directions for how to get to a good local grocer. I bet I can get some blue wrapper while I'm there. ADDING IT TO THE AGENDA.
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
Random TF 141 + friends headcanons (Pt.4)
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Warnings: mentions of drinking
• Rodolfo was that one kid who thought chocolate milk came from brown cows. Alejandro constantly teased him about it for years
• You know those protein bars you can buy at like every corner store? Yeah, Gaz hates them with passion and would rather starve than eat one
• As a kid, König only ate apples if they were cut into slices
• Soap particularly loved painting when he was a kid, the passion for arts has always been present in his life
• If Farah didn't do what she does as a living, she'd love to have her nails done professionally. She's always loved the idea of low-key but well-made and beautiful pieces, but never had the chance to wear them
• Valeria only uses one specific brand of nail polish. That's the only one she trusts and knows won't get ruined, even when doing stuff she usually does (running errands etc)
• The iPhone morning alarm sound gives Gaz heart attacks no matter how many times he hears it. It's literally the flashback meme for him
• Laswell doesn't like driving. She does travel by car to work and usually she's the one behind the wheel when going somewhere with her wife (she's an acts of service type of person), but she doesn't particularly enjoy it
• Rodolfo hates strong smells like gasoline or bleach. Naturally he got used to them fast, but that doesn't mean they don't bother his nose
• König has the full collection of those colorful McDonald's glasses (the Fifa World Cup 2018 ones)
• Ghost rarely drinks to begin with, but he has a specific dislike for beer. Don't know where it came from, he just doesn't like the taste
• Nikolai has such a high alcohol tolerance there isn't anyone who comes near his level on the team. The closest anyone has ever been to beating him was when Price and Laswell managed to keep up with him for a while, but then both of them ended up knocked out on the counter. Nik had to take them home and the next day he didn't stop teasing them about it
• Back to my Hay Day dumbassery for a second - somehow Valeria's level passed everyone in a couple of weeks and you better believe Alejandro was super jealous. Unsurprisingly, Soap and Gaz also argued about it
• Horangi didn't even know the game until he saw König play one day. The latter finds it quite relaxing, especially because of the animals and chance to decorate. He's that one player who has a bunch of decorations all over his farm, somehow looking horribly out of place yet put together at the same time. He's also the friend who helps with requests and does the best he can at Valley season. He feels bad every time he can't feed his animals, so he always makes sure he has every crop and component needed for stuff he has to make. Sometimes the game stresses him out like that, but it's mostly to help his mind relax
• Horangi forgets to play a lot to be honest. He only started because König begged him until he gave in, but he can't be bothered enough to play all the time when off duty. Even then, his farm is simple but effective: buys only the stuff he needs and doesn't really care about additional details (yes, König takes offense to how plain his game looks)
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catgirltitty · 1 year
Mocha starts her weekly stream like usual, but a wardrobe malfunction arouses her viewers' curiosity!
[breast expansion, lactation, milking, furry]
“Meowdy gamers! I’m Mocha, and this is The Mo-Show! I’m gonna jump in and play some Shaftcraft, today I thought I’d just chill and answer some Q&A while I work on my zombie farm.”
Mocha eyed her setup, making sure everything was perfect. The half-cat, half-cowgirl had soft, cream-colored fur, with a chocolate-brown spot right on her snout. Not a hair of her bangs was out of place, and her gold-blonde streak caught the glow of her ring light just right. Her white work blouse was in place, showing just the right amount of cleavage. She adjusted her posture, making sure her whole chest was in the shot.
While she was looking, a pop-up played across the top of her screen.
@moofan7 donated $1
“Thanks for the donation, friend! Remember, every dollar you donate to the stream goes to the charity of the week. Plus, every dollar gets matched by our anonymous partner. This week, it's all going to help trans kids buy new clothes!”
Mocha was fairly proud of the amount of money she raised for charity every week. She didn’t feel the need to share that the ‘anonymous partner’ was, in fact, herself.
"If you have a question, share it in the chat! If it gets 10 upvotes, I’ll answer it! Please, nothing too personal and no sexual stuff. If you do that, you’re gonna get banned. Seriously, that shit’s not cool.” A frustrating number of people online thought it was okay to ask invasive questions about her body, or try to get her to indulge their kinks on stream. Luckily, she had a great team of mods that nipped those viewers in the bud. Mocha was happy to use her attractiveness in her streams—on her terms, doing the things she wanted to do when she felt like it.
She didn’t owe her viewers anything else. Most of them respected that. Those were the ones she was streaming for, and the ones who made streaming something she looked forward to.
“Alright, first question! ‘Can we ask about demihuman stuff?’ Absolutely, just be respectful.”
These were some of the more common questions she got in her Q&A sessions. Sometimes it got on her nerves, but she tried to keep in mind that her human fans were just curious.
@moofan7: whats it like having fur?
“It’s pretty great if you ask me. I put a lot of work in to keep my coat this lustrous, though. As long as you keep it clean, it’s like wearing a cozy blanket at all times.”
@9tailtrouble: demi here. what products do you recommend for fur care?
“Great question, 9tailtrouble. It really depends a lot on your species, but FurLux is a good brand that covers a wide range. My personal favorite is Taúr-faire, but that’s specifically for cows. I assume you’re a fox? I’ve heard from other foxes that Red Coature is pretty good if you’re willing to spend a bit extra.”
Chat started excitedly popping off. Little emotes of a gray cat with a confused look on her face dotted the messages.
@tinkretor: :joule: :pog: @momijams: JOULE SIGHTING @moofan7: girlfriend jumpscare @moofan7: jk joule im ur biggest fan @theinfirminator: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule:
Mocha looked at her stream feed. Sure enough, Joule was visible making dinner in the kitchen. Mocha couldn’t help but smile; her newest girlfriend had already wandered into frame so many times it had become a running joke.
After the chat calmed again, 9tailtrouble responded.
@9tailtrouble: yeah im a fox :D i really love yuor streams!! I admire you so much 0///0 @9tailtrouble donated $5
“Thanks, 9tail, I’m so honored to hear that! Let me know if you try those products.”
@theinfirminator: you have two gfs, rite? wats that like @subbywoofers: mo is so cool
“It’s the best. I love them so much! It takes a lot of love and trust to make it work, but it’s so worth it.”
@theinfirminator: how did you meet?
“Pap and I met in college. We were both skipping the same lecture and decided to hang out! That was… something like eighteen months ago. Then we met Joule when she became our roommate, and she started dating us around a year ago.”
@momijams: yall are adorable together! @theinfirminator: will we get a paprika sighting tonite?
“Not tonight, she’s out with a friend. I’ll let her know you asked, though!”
@momijams: its ok if this is too personal but. im dating a cowgirl and i want to learn more to about what its like so i can take care of her when were married @momijams: ive heard that its.. a lot @momijams: do you have any tips??
“Wow, congrats momijams! It's a bit too personal for the stream, but message me after and I’ll give you some advice. I think it’s really sweet that you’re trying to learn to take care of her!”
@momijams: thank you :) i want to treat her right @momijams donated $10
Mocha continued answering her viewers' questions. Before she knew it, an hour had already passed. It was probably the best stream she’d had in a while.
Until one message caught her eye.
@9tailtrouble: maam. your shirt
Mocha checked her feed. A pair of wet spots had soaked through her blouse, revealing the pink bra beneath. Twin white streams trickled off her chest and into her lap. Blood rushed through her cheeks. Fucking hell, when did this happen?
In a panic, she made to shut down the stream. And I was having such a good time, too, she thought. Her mouse hovered over the red "END STREAM" button. She hesitated.
“You know what?" She turned to the camera. "You all have been so lovely today. Here’s a little treat.”
She began unbuttoning her top, only now noticing how tight it had gotten; it was near to popping open, anyway. Her breasts had swollen several sizes up throughout the stream. No wonder I'm leaking...
Once her shirt was fully unbuttoned, she let it fall to either side, revealing her straining bra, dark and damp from the lactic bounty leaking from inside. Milk streamed down her belly, dampening her fur.
Chat was going wild.
“That feels better. Now back to the Q&A.”
@momijams: can we ask about… this
“I’m in a good mood, so go ahead! Don’t go overboard, though.”
@momijams: okay so. wow. i heard cowgirls produce a lot, but i wasnt expecting this muich @momijams: is this a normal amount??
Mocha blushed, hoping it wasn’t too obvious. She always enjoyed it when people commented on how much milk she made.
“Yeah, this is a pretty normal amount for a cow my age. Usually I take suppressants to keep it down to a manageable amount, but I think I’m a little late this month!” She gestured to her leaking tits.
@theinfirminator: how does it feel?
“Pleasant, most of the time. Most of the day I can hardly feel it. But this,” she hefted her boobs. “If they get much bigger than this, they start to ache.”
That got them curious.
@9tailtrouble: they grow? @tinkretor: mocha is so PRETTYYYY @moofan7: BIGGER THAN THIS? They’re already so big! @momijams: how big do they get?
Mocha was getting just as excited as them. This is fun! I should talk about this stuff more often! She would be lying if she said this wasn’t turning her on a bit, as well.
“Judging by the G-cup bra they’re about to destroy, right now they’re probably about a K-cup. The biggest I’ve ever gotten is a Q-cup.” She held her hands out several inches from her bust.
@momijams: how doyou deal with them? @9tailtrouble: thats so huge, omg @9tailtrouble: i wish my tits did that!! @tinkretor: do you have to. Express? srory if thats too much
Mocha was really getting going, now. “Mm hmm, every day I have to-” Mocha had an idea. A grin spread across her face. This is gonna get me suspended for sure.
She put a finger up to her lips, pretending to think about it. “Well,” she drawled, “maybe it would be better to demonstrate. Joule, love! Can you come over here?”
@moofan7: is this really happening? @9tailtrouble: no way. our mo? @momijams: what an exciting new direction for the channel @momijams donated $25 @subbywoofers donated $50 @subbywoofers: mo this is so cool tysm
Joule poked her head out from the kitchen. “What’s up, Mo?”
“Come over here. Say hi to the fans!”
“Hi, fans! Thanks for supporting my girlfriend!” She reached the desk, only now seeing Mocha’s state of undress. “Oh. Since when is this that kind of stream? Not that I mind.”
“I’m trying something new.” The swollen cowgirl unstrapped her bra, letting it fall. “Now, if you would please milk me?”
Mocha’s tits heaved as her breathing suddenly got easier. I didn't realize just how tight that bra was getting… Her nipples, thick as little brown thumbs, were spraying arcs of milk now.
Joule visibly gulped. “Yes, please!”
The lanky catgirl stood behind Mocha’s chair, wrapping her arms around. “I almost can’t reach! You’ve let them get way too big today.”
Her paws found the leaking teats. Mocha gasped as Joule’s fingers expertly worked the swollen breasts. The spray turned into a hose, shooting milk warm milk across the desk, the keyboard, the monitor.
“As you. Can. See,” the breathy cowgirl had trouble forcing herself to speak through the stimulation. “The best. Way. To express. Is through. Hand. Milking.” She let out a low “Moooo~” as Joule rolled a thick teat between her knuckles.
@momijams donated $40 @subbywoofers: good work, joule :joule: @moofan7 donated $25 @9tailtrouble donated $75
After a minute, her breasts had visibly gone down in size. Mocha held up her hand, signaling Joule to stop for now. The catgirl obediently let go, releasing the heavy, wet breasts with a PLAP.
“That’s the most effective way to do it. On suppressants, I need to do that for about an hour every night. Without suppressants, like right now, it’d probably take two or three hours to get me back down to normal size.”
@moofan7: doesn’t seem so bad @9tailtrouble: that was. wow. @9tailtrouble: im kinda jealous NGL @tinkretor donated $100
“It does have its perks,” agreed Mocha, reading the chat. “It’s not always easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” She looked back at Joule, thoughtful.
“I’ve had a lot of fun tonight. And you all have been so generous with the donations! I can’t thank you enough.” She sighed.
“But I’m gonna try. Here’s one last treat before I log off. Joule?”
“Yeah babe?” the catgirl licked her lips.
“Show them what happens when you suck a cowgirl’s tits.”
Joule didn’t hesitate. She pounced on Mocha’s left tit, wrapping her lips around the stiff nipple. She began slurping down milk, rolling the teat with her tongue. Her hand reached up to stroke the right teat, tugging and playing with the spraying bud.
Mocha began growing. Each boob was quickly regaining the mass it had just lost, swelling outwards as they kicked into overdrive to feed the hungry mouth. Mocha moo’d frantically, grabbing her girlfriend by the scruff and pulling her tight against her growing flesh. The exposed right nipple was growing alongside its breast, nearly two inches long and spraying cream from a dozen thick arcs. Droplets of milk flecked the camera lens. Soon, each breast was the size of a prize-winning pumpkin and still growing.
@9tailtrouble donated $75 @momijams donated $120 @momijams: educational :) @theinfirminator donated $90 @theinfirminator: we love you mo! @9tailtrouble: not how i expected tonight to go. thank you mo, you rock!! @moofan7 donated $50 @subbywoofers donated $500 @tinkretor donated $100 User @xXTheMoShow94Xx suspended. Chat log ended.
“Well, that’s a new record.”
Joule held the measuring tape around her girlfriend’s bust. “109.4 inches.”
Mocha sat on a groaning stool in the master bathroom, watching the stream recording on her phone. She wanted a measurement before they got to work at milking her down to size again. It’s gonna be a long night. I don’t think Joule minds, though. Paprika won’t mind when she gets home, either.
She set down the phone, looking out over the expanse of her bust. “I’m fucking huge.” She grinned, then moo’d with an aftershock of the last climax.
“Well, only one thing left to do about it.”
User: Mocha @theMoShow 9:47 pm (PST) What a great stream tonight! Thank you so much to all my amazing fans. For those who missed it, future streams will be going in a slightly new direction. Next week’s show will be on our new channel at onlyfurs.com I’ll see you all then!
This one was a lot of fun to write! It ended up being like 4x longer than I initially planned, and I think it's all for the better. I really enjoyed making the stream chats in particular. Oh btw, sex workers are workers and deserve rights. Thank them for all the amazing things they do!
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What kinds of brands do you think will pay M to post about? Dior already said no and Cartier basically said in the page six article why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free bc she already wears the Cartier stuff she got from Harry and trevor
Back to Madewell and Tieks.
I’m honestly not sure where she’d fit in the branding space. Her fashion style is very 90s. Her lifestyle look is very 2010s California reality star. Everything about her is very “early 2000s basic bitch” but she’s best known for her royal connections. It’s not cohesive.
Is seems like she’s trying to channel Diana, but even that doesn’t turn out well even though she works at it.
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chandni0867 · 3 months
Discover Top A2 Milk Brands in South Delhi for Pure Nutrition
Explore the finest A2 Milk Brands in South Delhi, offering unmatched purity and nutritional benefits. Sourced from the best dairy farms, these brands ensure you get the highest quality milk delivered to your doorstep. Experience the difference with A2 milk, known for its digestibility and rich taste. Choose health, choose the best.
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lyriquette · 22 days
Old RWBY AU descriptions from the Frosen Steel server - 3/29/2021
The battle of the fast food restaurants - Premise: Red Robin versus Schnee Fried Chicken versus Penny's. This is also the story where the "Summer Rose prankster ficlet" comes from.
lilac — 03/29/2021 3:41 PM
...I hate that I spent several hours on this AU instead of studying xD
The Schnees discovers a secret recipe from times past and work with the Gele family to create a multimillion lien fast food monopoly. Jacques takes over and becomes the poster image of the Atlas-fried chicken brand. Despite the hostile takeover and overall crappy attitude to family, Jacques has good PR and has decieved everyone into thinking he's a kind, chicken-loving man.
And a Colonel. Naturally Ironwood isn't pleased.
Meanwhile, Winter has had enough of her crappy dad, knows he stole the company from mom, and swears to create an empire to take him down. She takes the rest of her family to a small apartment she bought.
Sadly Winter isn't the best at business. It also doesn't help she has the worst tastebuds for the job. No one lets Winter near the stove in fear of her creating another dark cuisine abomination. Even Whitley, whose skills amount to boiling eggs with a mild chance of causing death and destruction (hamster you will be missed), would rather head off to the execution grounds (kitchen) than let Winter come close.
The only time her family let her cook.
Winter: lets just add some oranges, some vinegar, coffee, milk, mustard, ketchup,, asparagus. There it has all the flavors.
Winter: -takes a sip- excellent. And now to add the secret ingredient. Love.
Winter: -adds a whole cow's heart- perfect.
Dinner: Winter: enjoy! -produces a steaming hot pot of a black creamish-liquid bubbling.-
Willow: …my daughter, are you sure this is…edible.
Winter: of course. It's great. It has every flavor under the sun.
Whitley: …I think there's something moving in there.
The contents suddenly beat rhythmically, tendrils slowly coming out of the pot before stabbing at everything within reach.
Everyone ducks for cover.
Weiss: !@#$
And no one in the family let Winter near a pot again. And after an incident in the military academy, Ironwood made a proclamation: “Cadet Schnee is not permitted inside a kitchen under threat of expulsion. “anyone who witnesses Cadet Schnee enter a kitchen and does not report it will be guilty by association.”
It's Weiss who ends up inheriting her sister's dreams. And she pairs up with a friend she's met on Atlas, Penny Polendina who declared she'll make a fast food company just cause everyone else thinks that Jacques company, while tasting good, is inhumane with its employee practices and even worse to those he considers improper folk. Penny herself doesn’t really know what she's doing cause lacking taste buds, but she has Weiss who knows what tastes good and what works. So she can watch people cook with new recipes, see what Weiss considers good, compile the cooking data, and determine the most optimum cooking methods. It ends up that Penny becomes the face of the company with the name of the chain being Penny's. (Cause a white-haired girl would just have people associate her with the Schnee's / Jacques company.”
As the store starts to form complete with new recipes and cooking methods, Jacques notices it's Weiss and starts creating obstacles such as threatening their producers, petitioning the Council for more yellow tape around new companies, threatening workers, driving prices down to strangle this tiny company before it could get started.
However, he soon has other problems as a new, fairly-established chain invades into his turf – Red Robin.
So in this universe, Ruby and Yang end up getting injured from yang’s journey into patch with Yang losing an arm and Ruby taking a severe blow to the back of her head. Yang still ended up a Hunter, but the sequela of Ruby's injury was unnoticed until Qrow swung her around in a circle and she puked on him. Turns out after her injury she can’t stand moving too fast or spun around without suffering from severe vertigo, and when her semblance ended up being Speed, that made it even more impossible to be a Huntress.
Raven ends up keeping a closer eye on her family after Qrow berates her. Of course, she acted like she didn’t care. But seeing Ruby made her remember Summer, but it's seeing her daughter without an arm that makes her want to do better.
She's a coward. She knows it. Even her Semblance knows it. One could interpret her ability as to find her loved ones, but in reality, it's because she knows it's because these are the people her heart knows it's safe. It's why she never returned after Ozpin told them of the hopeless odds they were facing because she's afraid of being rejected with her return. The clan was important , but in the end, it was an excuse. Being the leader of the Branwen clan and being part of her family weren't exclusive.
She's met her daughter and step-daughter a couple times under the guise of a kind stranger that'd pop up on occasion. Always with straightened hair and contacts and looking nothing like the graduation picture. She and Yang and Ruby become close, though she avoids Taiyang and Qrow. It's also her that puts Ruby onto a new path after discovering her being bummed out about not being a huntress like her mom.
lilac — 03/29/2021 3:50 PM
Turns out Summer Rose was a godly cook and baker, and if she hadn’t become a huntress, she would’ve wanted to have her own restaurant instead. And thus all the energy and ruthlessness and focus that Ruby put into being a Hunress in one life was channeled into another goal. It also helped that Raven had plenty of old things from her school days from Summer, including half-made recipes in the margins of books that became refined over the years.
Before long, she's had a successful restaurant, happy she achieved her mother's dream, but it's when other people, seeing a kid not even reaching her majority succeed, sabotaged her and ended up getting her restaurant closed on a technicality that she discovered a truth of the world that if you didn’t have enough power, others will drag you down. It's from them then she learned the art of corporate espionage and became intrigued in this sort of combat,, and she ended up studying the experiences of the very best including one Jacques Schnee and his own hostile takeover of the Schnee Fried Chicken.
When Red Robin (qrow’s suggestion of Red Crow was rejected by Ruby) came back as a single restaurant and others tried to bully her out again, she employed even nastier responses including episodes of fake food poisoning, bribing and blackmail – the ruthlessness and off-the-wall thinking she would display against Grimm in another life were channeled to her enemies instead. And before long, she's the one buying up restaurants from people who just want her to leave them alone and converting them into Red Robins.
In a few short years, Red Robin becomes a dominant chain in Vale with unique recipes with loyal employees. Unlike Jacques, she's always been taught by Yang to appreciate those who were kind to her….and those who weren’t could go screw themselves. And she’s willing to pay a premium for loyalty.
Funny enough, the one outside her family who gets her best is Junior and the twins. Back when she was trying to rebuild her restaurant from its previous destruction, she got a loan from the local criminal. She looked shabby like a fairly good-looking girl who fell on hard times and seemed like she was one step from selling herself to survive in Vale. However, staring at her silver eyes that seemed like the angry shimmer of steel… Maybe it was the danger sense he had that allowed him to survive when cooperating with criminals like Cinder and Torchwick in another life, but he had a feeling this girl could either be his greatest enemy or his greatest ally.
A bit incredulous at the thought,, he still trusted his gut and let her have a loan at a fair rate.
Turned out it was a smart move. He learned later on that he wasn’t the only person she took loans from. Turns out the ones who offered her absurdly high interest rates to the point where she would need to sell herself had all been arrested. Apparently Ruby had connections with the Hunters and Huntresses including their intel. Those that didn't get initially purged destroyed themselves with the in-fighting, the cause of which wasn't entirely understood. The only mafia who survived and stood strong was his, who was the only one who offered a fair price.
It's also from this that he understood something. This entrepreneur of a girl was not out for profit. She was out to fight, and it just so happens that the economy was the battlefield she chose.
Sometimes he wondered if Ruby who was now his boss after she successfully became a monopoly in Vale would be an even better Huntress. On the random days she'd just appear in his bar and stare enviously at all the dancers (why?), she'd always ask about the state of the things in Vale, particularly on his side. And he could see the happiness in her eyes at the chance for conflict. Lately though the happiness in her eyes had died down.
Everything was too calm in Vale nowadays. Other than a Schnee Fried Chicken which tried to make more of a splash here before it petered out, there was no one in Vale to rival her.
It was then when she looked like she was in the dumps that she made a comment, complaining things were too peaceful.
“Maybe I should expand into another kingdom…”
“. Eh why? That’s more trouble than it's worth: you might lose the investment, then the tariffs, the government pushback, lack of home field advan- ….all those things are just plusses for you, arent they. -_-
The last thing he heard of her was Red Robin taking on the Schnee Fried Chicken and “pitting herself against a master.”
Tl;dr Jacques inadvertently creating his own worst enemy a kingdom away, and in the ensuing battle between two giants, a Penny's finds the space to live.
lilac — 03/29/2021 5:38 PM
Qrow's had a lot of regrets. The biggest one was that he wasn't there for his nieces when they needed him most - he couldn't stop Yang from losing an arm and Ruby losing her dreams from being a Huntress. It's why he lashed out at his sister when he met her in Mistral - to the point where they destroyed the bar they were in from their fight.
He just didn't get it. Why she would abandon something precious like having a family and true love for a bunch of thieves and bandits - yes, he used to be part of those crooks, but as far as he was concerned, he owed them nothing. Every piece of food he had was acquired from his own efforts, and even the transcontinental tickets that brought them to Vale was bought on his and his sibling's efforts. Survival of the fittest, after all. But Raven, after becoming a Huntress, returned back to become the head, abandoning her real family for a bunch that only were obedient because of her power.
Maybe that's why he treated his nieces as well as he did. Part of it from love, part of it from sheer guilt that their mother / aunt refused to be a part of their lives.
His sister's daughter, Yang...he wished they were closer. He'd always be around to help her out when she got in trouble and made jokes with her. But ever since the incident, there was always that distance that couldn't be breached.
He could understand the resentment. He knew that his sister was her mother and never said a thing, and she lost an arm because of it. When he offered to talk about her, she just shook her head and said she didn't care anymore - Summer was her mom. Why should she care about someone who abandoned them?
lilac — 03/29/2021 5:59 PM
He still did his best to help her out, even if he sensed that half the time she just wanted to punch his face in. It's probably why he took up his role as human punching bag as well as he did, helping her train and get used to her arm and its replacements as she grew. Even when her father and his best friend recovered from his depression and his self-doubt, their sessions continued.
As for Ruby, she always wanted to be a Huntress like her mother. No one knew at the time that the blow to her head would make her dream impossible. Sure, nothing would happen so long as she kept under a certain running speed, but as soon as any bit of rotation was involved at that speed or getting to a speed beyond a normal person's limits, she'd start to feel extreme vertigo. Heck, just from spinning her around in his arms (and how they initially discovered the problem), she'd puke.
She's tried hard to overcome the issue, and there was a hope that her Semblance would help offset it. But she ended up getting the worst one for her problem - Speed. And she was eliminated from the pre-selection at Signal Academy - and as much as he wanted to pull strings for her, he knew that this was for the best.
Ruby had been devastated. Cried. Railed against the world for half a day before calming down. In a way, she knew this was likely going to happen, but it still obviously hurt. Though one day, the clouds in her eyes disappeared and were replaced by steely determination - and she went about asking about her mother and how she liked to cook.
lilac — 03/29/2021 6:50 PM
Yang had been around at the time, and so he regaled them with stories about Summer in school.
"Though getting married and taking care of you two made her chill out quite a bit, make no mistake that your mom was a horrible little hellion to the point where Beacon's Headmaster Ozpin once commented that he would rather resign than live through that period of his life again."
"Part of that was because Summer took getting flung off a launching pad at Initiation personally."
"What do you mean by landing stra-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
"So Summer made it her personal mission in life to prank him to death," Qrow explained, "So for four years and thirty-two pranks in total, the Headmaster had suffered through having the legs of his chair cut so that he'd dramatically fall in place and give him a scare, his hot chocolate spiked with laxatives which was why he began carrying a thermos, the toilets in his room and nearby areas being loaded with either cherry bombs or colorless jello, a small device at the bottom of his cane that would only beep at random, very delayed intervals which made him think he was having a hearing problem, his bedroom door superglued shut, and various other inconveniences."
His two nieces stared in awe, never having heard this side of their mother.
"She was never really caught but by that time, everyone knew who was responsible, and that's because when Summer pranked everyone else, she didn't have any qualms about letting people know who did it. Hell, I'm pretty sure if the Headmaster had just asked, Summer would admit it to his face. But Oz was the type that never did anything unless he had the cards in his hands, and Summer never left concrete evidence as a matter of professionalism."
"What was Mom like with...the rest of her team?" Yang asked after some hesitation. Qrow looked over at Yang, knowing it was a roundabout way of asking about her birth mother.
"So my team...was your mom and dad and me and my sister, Raven. We were team STRQ, and we were the best of the best" Qrow said confidently as he tilted his up nose snootily and tilted his eyes shiftily, "And I was the bestest of all."
"Stop bragging," Yang retorted with a smirk. Ruby laughed.
Qrow threw his hands up, "Okay fine you caught me. Your mom scared me to death."
More giggling from his nieces.
"I think the bravest ones in my team are your dad and my sister for marrying her." The girls didn't bat an eye with the polyamory; after all, they were in the family of Hunters and Huntresses. It was pretty common.
"So your mom ever do that thing where she smiles but it's not cause she's happy but that she's really angry," he gave an exaggerated shiver.
A pair of nods.
"Yeah, your mom did that to me and my sister on the very first day after we made teams," Qrow said, "We kinda ganged up on her in a fight to become the leader of the gro--"
"Hey, don't look at me like that," Qrow whined as his audience stared incredulously at him, "I was sixteen and dumb. Besides after I told you about your mom and the Headmaster, do you really think she suffered in silence?"
"...So what'd she do?" Yang asked expectantly with a smirk.
"Well, first of all, the Headmaster made your mom leader in the first place. It's why it was named team STRQ." Qrow explained, "my sister and I didn't agree and so we decided to have a fair free-for-all." "Aaaand then we double-teamed your mom first." He ignored the again judging stares, "Naturally your mom complained, and I was stupid enough to tell her that everything's fair in war. My sister who shared my brand of stupidity agreed with her. And then your mom smiled and also agreed with me, thus we smugly thought we won. So... what did you think your mom did?"
"She pranked ya to death!" Ruby laughed.
"Yup. Got in one, kiddo. For two weeks, we had to watch everything we eat, wear, and touch cause we were scared it was rigged with something. And it still wasn't enough. And because I was again young and dumb, I complained, and Summer threw my words back at me, "Everything's fair in war." And then gave me the not-smile, which I began to learn was the scariest thing ever"
"What'd she do though?" Yang smirked, clearly gleeful at his suffering.
"Well...." Qrow said with an amused smirk as he counted his fingers , "I was subjected to itching powder in my clothes - my shirt, my socks, and my underwear which was awful, hair dye in my shampoo that turned pink in the sun, a stink bomb detonating when I blindly hit my alarm clock - though I think your mom suffered as much as I did with that one." He laughed, "Her words exactly were, as she was choking in our room, 'Okay. I didn't think this through...' But the one that convinced me to surrender was waking up on my school mattress in the middle of the fountain. At that point, I at least was smart enough to surrender when I did-"
"But not enough to not go against her in the first place," Yang cajoled.
"Hey, we can't all be as smart as you brats are," Qrow laughed as he ruffled both their heads to varying complaints and smiles.
"But I can at least say I was smarter than my sister who still didn't surrender after that. And that's when I discovered why the Headmaster made her the leader. Cause she's an evil genius - which is probably why she has such smart daughters." He smiled before continuing, "My sister got tagged by glitter bombs at one time, and she saw your mom laughing right in front of her. So she started screaming murder and chasing after your mom. Now given that it took the two of us to fight your mom, it probably wasn't smart on my sister's part, but your mom ran anyway."
"And that's because she wanted to lead her to hell. Your mom rigged a section of the Emerald Forest with traps. I don't know how she got that many smoke or paint bombs, but the Emerald Forest became the Rainbow Forest in the span of a single day. "
"The final straw was when Summer found these small Dust-powered Van de Graaff genera-"
"Van de whaa?" Ruby asked.
"You remember the science museum where there was this big orb with electricity inside it, and when you touched it, it made your hair go up? The one that made Yang looked like a blonde porcupine."
"Well, Summer bought a bunch of portable Dust-powered ones, and she hid them everywhere. She even replaced our dorm's doorknob with one and painted it over to look like the doorknob. That combined with the week of utter paranoia and lack of sleep she's lived because Summer could focus her evil mind on one person, my sister finally raised the white flag," Qrow grinned.
"I'm surprised that you all managed to get along after all that," Yang said after laughing at the mental imagery, "What happened?"
"Well about that..." Qrow said with a somewhat embarrassed air, "My sis and I. You could say we were the bumpkiest of country bumpkins back then. The most we knew about fine cooking was throwing some meat and wild herbs in a pot and calling it a meal. Beacon's cafeteria was, to us at the time, amazing."
"And then?"
"Well, your mom didn't have any time to actually cook in the first three weeks cause she was too busy making our lives miserable," Qrow explained, "So after we surrendered, she promised no pranks and offered to make dinner. Admittedly, we were planning to be petty and saying whatever she cooked was bad, but..."
"When your mother brought out the spread from the dorm kitchen - juicy seasoned chicken that practically fell off the bone, soft fluffy bread fresh from the over, braised glistening savory pork, sweet chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven, I think we were too enraptured with the meal to make any complaints. And then we dug in. My sister almost ate herself sick." he laughed before adding with a smug tilt of his head, "I of course was more sophistica-"
The expected retort didn't come from the girls in front of him but from behind him. He turned around to see a smiling Tai who had just gotten in with several takeout bags.
"Dad!" both girls excitedly scrambled to help out with the bags.
"Don't believe your uncle," Tai laughed, "He pigged out most of all. At least Raven could walk back under her own power. We literally had to roll Qrow out of the dorm kitchen that day cause he couldn't even move! And he swore to behave as long as he could eat like this every day."
"Ouch. Couldn't you leave me a little bit of my dignity, Tai?"
Qrow grumpily said amidst the girls' peals of laughter.
"There's no way you could have dignity left after we had to roll you across one floor and up a flight of stairs," Tai smirked, "Besides I think Summer said it best." He raised the pitch of his voice slightly in imitation while facepalming, "If I'd known I could buy you off with a well-made meal, I wouldn't have spent all that money on pranks."
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jules-has-notes · 10 months
The Chicken Song — VoicePlay live performances
For this post, I want to let you do a bit of compare-and-contrast. Below are two performances of the same piece, two years apart. As with a lot of VoicePlay's more theatrical skit-songs, every iteration is a little different, and delightful in its own way. Especially in comedic numbers like this, "Elvira", and "Road Trip", where the guys are trying to make each other laugh almost as much as they're trying to entertain their audience.
title: The Chicken Song
original song / performers: American novelty song also known as "The Rooster" ; first two verses included in the New Christy Minstrels' "Bits and Pieces" medley (1962)
arranged by: VoicePlay
version 1
This video was recorded during VoicePlay's concert at The O'Shaughnessy theater at St. Catherine University during the 2014 Arts Midwest conference in Minnesota.
performance date: 19 September 2014
My favorite bits:
Layne playfully admonishing the videographer while clucking
Eli's tokyo-drift skibble at the end of each chase
"Anybody wanna milk me?" ::delighted pointing at the audience response:: "Oh, okay!"
"Big guy." ::patpat::
::half-heartedly points at his raised hand:: "’T’s’muh branch."
Eli's smug grin at Geoff's reaction to him taking over, "And an awful lot of it."
Layne, Geoff, and Eli's startled smiles at one audience member's distinctive laughter
Tony repeatedly trying to refuse his assigned role, only to get annoyed when the others don't immediately back him up. "C'mon!" 😠
"I don't think we have that."
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Tony's improvised dialog, "Hey, my name is Maggie. Welcome to Matt's," is a reference to Matt's Bar in Minneapolis, where the guys had been very excited to go for a lunch of "juicy lucy" burgers before the show.
Since they were in Home Free's neck of the woods for the conference, the guys had a chance to catch up with Rob Lundquist and Tim Foust.
Tim live-tweeted the show in his typical wry fashion, including some arboreal appreciation for his fellow bass singer.
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version 2
This performance was part of a benefit concert for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation hosted by the Alpha Epsilon Phi fraternity at Stanford University. Tony got stuck in Florida because of Hurricane Matthew, so their old friend Paul from Vox Audio agreed to pinch hit. Which made it even more chaotic than usual.
performance date: 7 October 2016
My favorite bits:
Layne shaking his tail feathers
Eli and Layne's little finger wiggle high-five
Earl and Layne cracking each other up with livestock jokes, then everyone giggling even more when Geoff calls them out on it
Eli laughing so hard he has to take a knee
::elbow bump::
Geoff asking the audience, "D'you guys know what Chiclets are?" only for Earl to immediately pull one out of his pocket
Paul accidentally skipping the second refusal gag and grumbling about not getting paid enough
::wolf whistle:: "Shaddup."
Eli doing his darnedest not to laugh at Paul's waitress antics, to the point of angling himself away from the rest of the group
Paul's incredible scream
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The "California cow" / "happy cow" / "best cheese" banter was referencing a series of ads from the California Milk Advisory Board that aired in the early 2000s.
The Chiclets gum question was asked at least in part because that brand had recently been discontinued.
Young lads Layne, Earl, Geoff, and James May recorded a live audio version (without the waitress verse) for 4:2:Five's album "Time Machine" way back in 2004.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Cow Appreciation Day 
Dress up as a cow and forego the beef by heading to Chick Fil A on Cow Appreciation Day for a free (and cow-free) chicken entrée. Cows will thank you!
1995 marked the beginning of the cow revolution, when herds of beef cattle everywhere decided to take a stand for the future of the bovine race. Far more intelligent than the others, Heff R. Jones (now known as Eaton Birds) took his limited grasp of his owner’s language and painted “EAT MOR CHIKIN” on a billboard.
With this daring move he set in motion a movement among cows everywhere, to encourage us to eat more chicken, so we wouldn’t be eating them. Cow Appreciation Day commemorates Heff (I’m sorry, we mean Mr. Birds) and everything he’s done for cattlekind.
Learn about Cow Appreciation Day
Cow Appreciation Day is a day that has been designed to raise awareness about cows and appreciate everything that they do! You will see some weird things going on during Cow Appreciation Day. A lot of people dress up like cows for free food, and that’s just the start of it! So, we hope that you have a spare cow suit handy. We are reminded of all of the amazing products that cows bring our way, and a lot of people like to milk the occasion. Sorry for the awful pun…
History of Cow Appreciation Day
Alright, it’s a fun story, but ultimately Cow Appreciation Day was the clever brainchild of the Chik-Fil-A company, creating the story of the daring cow to encourage people to skip their favorite burger joint, and come to their local Chik-Fil-A instead. Little did people know that indulging in this bit of fanciful celebration would introduce them to a fundamental truth about fast food.
There isn’t anything quite as delicious as chicken. Chicken can be prepared any number of ways, but there’s a rich, juicy, light flavor it brings to the table that just beats out beef on every front. Rich marinades, the delicious taste yet healthful taste of grilled chicken, or wings dipped in Barbeque Sauce, however you like it it’s impossible to deny that chicken is an incredibly versatile meat.
Also… It’s not beef, so that makes Eaton happy, and saves cows everywhere one more day. Speaking from a health perspective, chicken is also immeasurably healthier for you, and has been shown to not be a harbinger of quite as many carcinogens as you find in beef. Isn’t that thoughtful? By saving themselves, the cows are saving you. That’s what you call a win-win proposition!
How to celebrate Cow Appreciation Day
Well, this is the simplest thing ever honey! You just find your way down to your local Chik-Fil-A and indulge in a great tasting meal made with tender juicy chicken. While you’re at it, dress up as a cow and you’ll win yourself a free entrée. You might say that Eaton and his crew have been working hard with Chik-Fil-A to make the prospect of eating their feathered (ahem) friends a lot more enticing. Children get free sandwiches, adults get free entrees, and everyone goes away happy on Chicken Eatin… We mean Cow Appreciation Day!
There are a lot of different ways that you can celebrate Cow Appreciation Day. Why not hug a cow? If you are lucky enough to live close to a cattle farm, why not pay a visit? You can spend some time close with these animals, showing your appreciation for them in the best possible day! Of course, we are sure that cows probably don’t know that there is a day just for them, but you can make them feel like this is the case by giving them some much-deserved attention.
Another great way to celebrate Cow Appreciation Day is to celebrate and support local dairy farmers. Why not take a trip to your local farm shop and make a purchase from there instead of buying your groceries from a branded supermarket? You can also go out of your way to make sure that the local farmer in your area knows how much you appreciate all of their hard work and effort. After all, it is always good to make people feel nice, no matter the date or occasion, right?
Of course, you can spend some time finding out more about these animals. Did you know that cows are very social? This is another reason why you should make them feel appreciated on this date and pay them a visit. Cows are emotional and social creatures. They form tight bonds with their family and friends. This is especially the case when it comes to the relationship between calves and their mothers. If they are separated, they will show extreme distress.
There are a lot of other interesting facts about cows as well. Did you know that they can create a monumental 125 pounds of saliva every day? That is pretty insane, right? While cows don’t actually have four stomachs, as some people believe, they have four chambers in their stomach. These are the abomasum, omasum, reticulum, and rumen chambers, and they all help with breaking down the tough grass that they digest. This is why they produce a lot of salivae!
Another fact is that cows create a lot more milk when they are happier. This is something that has been concluded in a study, showing that cattle have lived a happier life, creating more nutritious milk that has a greater amount of calcium. This probably should not come as much of a surprise. After all, as humans, we tend to be more productive when we are happier!
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funnuraba · 4 months
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H5N1 update of the day that I know no one wants to think about: a Michigan farmer has released information about the actual conditions of an infected farm for the first time. (Report is here.) Turns out:
All along, the CDC has been severely downplaying how ill the cows are getting; some are dying of dehydration, others having spontaneous abortions
FARMERS HAVE NO IDEA THE DISEASE IS AIRBORNE. They're focusing only on fomite transmission. As a result, the infections are spreading to every cow despite the efforts this one farm made to keep them safe. Workers on the farm are all being constantly exposed to the airborne virus, with no safeguards except washing their hands.
I would expect the CDC to keep outright lying to us, failing to track H5N1, and failing to tell anyone about the actual ways to prevent spreading this incredibly dangerous pathogen. Fomite transmission will probably be a thing, but you also need high quality respirators and protection for your eyes. Trust me when I say the CDC doesn't care if you live or die at this point. You all are gonna have to spread this information on your own. Find non-CDC sources who are already doing the work on Covid. Human-to-human transmission is coming, and it'll be happening for a while before we know it's here.
Other good things to have around besides respirators, your number one best friend, always make sure you're getting a good seal;
CO2 detectors: the higher the CO2, the more infectious viral particles lingering in the air will become. For example, airplanes are a major source of infection that tend to have horrific CO2 levels, sometimes in the 2000s. (You're shooting for somewhere around 600, I believe; this does not mean there's zero risk of infection! If you unmask near someone infectious, with good CO2 levels, you can get infected!) Aranet is the Covid Conscious standard, but there are also cheaper brands out there. Focus on circulating air by opening windows or doors.
Air purifiers with HEPA-grade filters. These clean particles from the air. (Also good for pollen, pet dander, wildfire season, etc.) Wear an N95 when you clean or change the filter. For Covid you want something that cleans five times an hour; I don't know if H5N1 will be the same.
MERV-13 fabric: you can place this stuff over vents in your home to act like a respirator for the vent. I've seen someone say lower levels like MERV-10 work just as well, but can't confirm. I've also seen people using these as curtains for their doors in situations where non-maskers live in the same house; I can't confirm that works either.
Your HVAC or heat pump or whatever you have: For Covid this should be set to ON, not Auto, which will keep recirculating the same air. This also goes for your car's AC and heat. ON, not Auto!
An elastomeric mask: These are more hardcore reusable masks with P100 filters better than the N95s. Make sure you think your purchase through; I got a P100 a while back, but it turns out it doesn't work with my glasses! I did wear it around the house when I got Covid, though.
KNOWING YOUR PETS CAN ALSO CATCH IT AND SPREAD IT: Keep your cats inside and your dogs WAY AWAY from dead animals or birds, period. Pets have been catching Covid and suffering the same aftereffects this entire time. Cats exposed to H5N1- infected raw milk have a 100% death rate so far!
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Please. The recipe for dessert in a cup. It's very important
Hiya anon!
My immediate instinct is to give you a happy little grin and refuse to speak another word until I have the chance to make some for you first.
As this is the internet and I can't extend that invitation, I supposed I'll cave and do my best to write it down here from memory.
Bear in mind that these servings will seem small, because the resulting drink is very intense. I hope you're ready for a lot of detailed instructions XD
Brainrot's "Dessert in a Cup" Hot Chocolate:
(makes roughly 6 teacup servings, or 3 big mugs if it's that kind of day)
1/4-1/3 cup of cocoa powder (more notes on this later)
1/4-1/3 cup of sugar (adjust to taste)
4 cups of milk
Vanilla extract
IF YOU ARE OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE: brandy or rum (optional :3)
Start with a heavy-bottomed saucepan/pot off of the heat. Blend the cocoa powder and sugar, then add the first cup of milk a splash at time to make a paste and then a sludge. This keeps it from clumping and will help the flavor cook better later.
(About the cocoa powder - in my experience, cocoa powder bought in Europe tends to be significantly stronger than what I find in the States. If in the US, use 1/3 cup. In Europe, go for 1/4. When I lived in South Asia, I found that intensity varied by brand and how long the import journey was. The further the powder has traveled, the more stale it's had the chance to become. Go for a measurement in between)
Put the saucepan/pot on the stove at a medium-high heat and add the rest of the milk. (Note on the milk - I've made this with regular cow's milk and lactose free milk. I have not made this with a milk substitute, proceed at your own risk if you want to try that)
Stir it consistently so it doesn't stick or burn. You want to take it off the heat just before it boils, but you don't want it to actually boil or it won't taste as good and will likely clump or make a mess. Look for large amounts of steam and frothy swirls on the top, that's often a sign of an impending boil.
After you've taken it off of the heat, add a splash of vanilla. I would say "measure it with your heart" but after this hellsite's fiasco with vanilla extract measurements I'm going to say about 1-2 teaspoons. Mix it in and marvel at how the smell gets 5x richer.
Make sure you stir the pot between serves to keep all of the richness from sinking to the bottom. If it's legal and a good decision for you personally, I highly recommend adding a little brandy or rum to make your insides feel even warmer when you drink it.
Anyways, there it is! Please let me know what you think if you try it!
Cheers -
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themomsandthecity · 10 months
Are European Baby Formulas *Really* Better Than Ones Made in the US?
I live my life by the Reddit Click Theory (something I just now invented on the spot), which states: the number of clicks it takes to get to a piece of information on Reddit is directly correlated with its status as a conspiracy theory. One click? You're probably safe. Five clicks? You're in anti-vaxxer territory. Anyway, as I Googled "best baby formula" to feed my twin boys, Reddit threads professing the life-altering magic of HiPP, Holle, Kendamil, and other European baby formulas kept rising to the top. Upon further research, it became clear that there is a fairly sizable faction of parents who prefer the standards of European Union baby formulas to American recipes. "We dug into this trend in 2019, prior to the infant formula shortage," says Dina DiMaggio, MD, FAAP, medical research director at Bobbie Labs, an offshoot of the organic formula brand that supports research on infant feeding. "Our research, which focused on New York City-based parents, found that 20 percent of families were using illegally imported European infant formulas [bought through unregulated third-party websites]." Parents who utilize EU formulas regularly cite that the EU has stricter standards for baby formulas than in the United States, with non-GMO, grass-fed dairy, and organic ingredients being frequently thrown around. If you look at third-party sites, this is echoed in the reviews, which bemoan the use of corn syrup, pesticides, and sugar levels in American formulas. "The rise in this trend came while consumers were beginning to understand the difference between EU and US regulations in other product categories," says Dr. DiMaggio. "Just as people were taking a closer look at what was in the products they were purchasing for themselves, it's natural that they started to do the same for their babies." What Are the Main Differences Between EU and US Formulas? In scrutinizing labels, I found that both EU and US formulas contain the same key ingredients: a milk source (usually from cows; though sometimes sensitive formulas are made from goat's milk), lactose, vegetable oils, and whey protein. As with labels for personal care products, ingredients for baby formulas are listed with the ingredient that's in the largest quantity in the formula at the front of the label. Related: The Best Baby Formula of 2023, According to Reviewers Largely, the differences between formulas can be attributed to requirements that the Food and Drug Administration - which regulates baby formula in the United States - sets for brands to meet versus what the EU requires its formulas to meet. "Both the FDA and European Union have specific and strict standards for infant formula with nutrient requirements and labeling laws," says Anthony Porto, MD, FAAP, MPH, Chief Medical Director at Bobbie Labs. Let's take a closer look at where the regulating bodies' standards differ, shall we? 1. DHA The EU requires DHA - an omega-3 fatty acid that plays an important structural role for brain, skin, and eye development - to be between 20 to 50 milligrams per 100 calories; however, the FDA and US formulas have no DHA requirement. Though, importantly, many formula companies in the U.S. still enhance their formulas with DHA. 2. Carb Sources There are also differences in sugar in the varying formulas. "The EU also has a limit on how much of the carb source can come from an alternative sugar source other than lactose, which is the sugar found in breastmilk," says Dr. Porto. 3. Iron Most US formulas include more iron than formulas made in Europe.This is because the FDA requires US formulas to meet certain requirements for the level of 30 nutrients, one of them being iron. Formulas in the US are fortified with iron at 12 mg/dL. Okay, So What Should I Buy? Which formula to buy for your babe is a deeply personal decision. "It's important to remember that both US and European formulas provide safe and healthy nutrition for… https://www.popsugar.com/family/european-vs-american-formula-49314493?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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wellnesswisea2 · 10 months
Unveiling the Best Deals: Exploring A2 Ghee Price and Quality
Embarking on a journey to enhance your well-being through A2 ghee? Understanding the dynamics of A2 ghee price is pivotal. In this guide, we unravel the intricacies surrounding A2 ghee pricing, ensuring you make informed decisions aligned with your health goals.
A2 Ghee Price: Navigating the Landscape
Navigating the landscape of A2 ghee pricing requires a blend of discernment and understanding. Let's delve into the various aspects that contribute to the cost of this golden elixir.
Quality Matters: The Foundation of A2 Ghee Price
In the world of A2 ghee, quality is paramount. The source of milk, predominantly from cows with A2 beta-casein protein, sets the stage for premium quality. Understanding this foundational aspect helps justify the nuances in A2 ghee pricing.
Craftsmanship at Its Core: Impact of Production Process on Price
The intricate process of transforming milk into A2 ghee plays a pivotal role in determining its price point. From traditional churning methods to modern techniques, the craftsmanship involved influences the overall cost. Artisanal processes may command a higher price but promise unparalleled richness and purity.
Certifications Speak Volumes: A2 Ghee Price and Quality Standards
Certifications and adherence to stringent quality standards contribute significantly to A2 ghee pricing. Products certified by reputable authorities assure consumers of purity, nutritional value, and ethical practices. This reinforces the value proposition and justifies a higher price tag.
Brand Reputation: A2 Ghee Price vs. Trust
The reputation of the brand can impact A2 ghee pricing. Established brands with a history of delivering quality may have a slightly higher price point, reflecting the trust they've earned. Consider this when making choices that align with your health aspirations.
Market Dynamics: Understanding A2 Ghee Price Disparities
While it's natural to seek cost-effective options, compromising on quality may lead to a diluted experience. Striking a balance between budget considerations and product integrity ensures a harmonious synergy of health and value.
A2 Ghee Price: A Buyer's Guide
Armed with insights into the factors influencing A2 ghee pricing, let's explore a buyer's guide to make informed choices.
Research and Compare Brands: Beyond A2 Ghee Price Tags
Embark on a journey of discovery by researching and comparing different A2 ghee brands. Look beyond the price tag and delve into the company's ethos, sourcing practices, and customer reviews. A comprehensive analysis guides you towards brands aligning with your values and preferences.
Deciphering Labels: A2 Ghee Quality Assurance
Deciphering product labels is crucial in the quest for the perfect A2 ghee. Look for labels indicating A2 beta-casein content, organic certifications, and transparent sourcing information. This ensures you're investing in a product that meets your nutritional needs and adheres to ethical and sustainable practices.
Peer Insights: Explore Customer Reviews for A2 Ghee
Peer experiences are invaluable in gauging the true worth of a product. Explore customer reviews to gain insights into flavor, consistency, and overall satisfaction levels with different A2 ghee brands. Real-world testimonials provide a holistic view, guiding you towards a purchase aligning with your expectations.
A2 Ghee Price: A Reflection of Quality
In the dynamic landscape of nutritional choices, A2 ghee emerges as a beacon of quality and purity. Its price, far from arbitrary, mirrors the commitment of producers to excellence. As consumers, embracing the nuanced journey of A2 ghee pricing empowers us to make choices resonating with our health aspirations.
A2 Ghee Price Section
Now, let's specifically delve into the section on A2 ghee price, exploring the various considerations that play a role in determining the cost of this sought-after product.
Sourcing Excellence: Impact on A2 Ghee Price
The sourcing of milk from specially bred cows is a cornerstone of A2 ghee quality. This commitment to excellence naturally influences the price of A2 ghee. Understanding this connection allows consumers to appreciate the value embedded in every jar.
The Craftsmanship Premium: A2 Ghee Price and Production Methods
The meticulous craftsmanship involved in the production of A2 ghee contributes to its premium pricing. Whether through traditional methods or modern techniques, the dedication to delivering a product of unparalleled richness adds intrinsic value.
Certifications: Upholding A2 Ghee Price Integrity
Certifications are not just stamps on a label; they are a testament to the integrity of A2 ghee pricing. Products adhering to rigorous quality standards may come with a slightly higher cost, but this premium ensures consumers receive a product of utmost purity.
Market Dynamics: Balancing A2 Ghee Price and Quality
A2 ghee price is not just a number on a shelf; it's a reflection of the delicate balance between quality and affordability. While seeking budget-friendly options, consumers must be mindful of maintaining the purity and nutritional richness that A2 ghee promises.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is A2 Ghee Worth the Higher Price Tag?
Absolutely. The higher price tag is a testament to the quality and purity of A2 ghee. Investing in your health by choosing A2 ghee is a decision that pays dividends in the long run.
What Factors Justify the Premium A2 Ghee Price?
The premium A2 ghee price is justified by factors such as sourcing from specially bred cows, meticulous production processes, adherence to certifications, and maintaining high-quality standards.
How Can I Find Affordable A2 Ghee Without Compromising Quality?
Research and compare brands, decipher product labels, and explore customer reviews. Balancing affordability with quality ensures you find the perfect A2 ghee that aligns with your budget and health goals.
Do Certifications Really Matter When It Comes to A2 Ghee Price?
Absolutely. Certifications are a guarantee of quality and ethical practices. While they may contribute to a slightly higher price, they ensure you're investing in an authentic and pure A2 ghee product.
Can A2 Ghee Price Fluctuate in the Market?
Yes, A2 ghee prices can fluctuate based on factors such as demand, sourcing costs, and market dynamics. Staying informed allows you to make optimal purchasing decisions.
Any Tips for Finding Discounts on A2 Ghee Without Sacrificing Quality?
Keep an eye on promotions, subscribe to newsletters, and consider buying in bulk. Many brands offer discounts and promotions, allowing you to enjoy premium A2 ghee without breaking the bank.
Navigating the realm of A2 ghee price requires a blend of discernment and understanding. By unraveling
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sakumasmut · 1 year
madara with a lactation kink ramble altered my brain chemistry... oh my god im already on my knees for this man but that ramble has awoken something in my. on easter no less. god bless- DGKDH
oh how itd be so great to be given a nice little bell and maybe a cute little headband with horns and ears so i can ride madara while he milks me. he's always so enthusiastic about it too. i need to be bent over his knee and spanked so that im "branded" by his handprint. i'd drool all over his cock and give him the best and sloppiest head with my tits around him. and best bet he has those little pumps on my nipples as i do so. whatever he wants, I'll do it just for him. I'll moo if he wanted. i think he also has like a dumbification kink. cooing and going on about how good I'm doing and how i dont need to think. just be a good source of milk and a nice hole to stuff. i mean- hahahaaaaah-
i need him carnally rei i can't- this tour event is also giving me feelings so i need a distraction by him using me up to the point of mind breaking, cant think, drooling dumb status
- 💚 (debating on writing a silly lil fic atp of just this. indulging myself. as an easter treat. fuck the cream filled chocolate eggs. let me be filled instead)
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arghh he’d be so happy to see you behaving like this for him…absolutely overjoyed he gets to enjoy your milk and also stroke your body that’s dresses up for him. so right about dumbification also, you don’t need to think just need to let your cow bell jingle and moo while he pumps your breasts.
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