#best quiz game on play store
mycryptosuite · 2 years
Sure Game For Midweek 20/07/2022
Sure Game For Midweek 20/07/2022
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inknopewetrust · 2 years
Oh, Baby, it’s Halloween
Summary: you and Eddie raise a baby… only you’re not a couple and the baby isn’t real… and now Tina’s Halloween party changes the trajectory of your lives forever. Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader [WC: 10k] Warnings: language, discussion of drugs, idiots in love, you all have been too kind which makes me nervous to post this. Quick Links: Masterlist | Part One | Part Two
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“What about this one?”
From the other end of the rack, Gareth held up a pair of pants high above his head. Eddie took in the look carefully before shaking his own.
“No holes, remember? I literally just said that like a second ago.”
Who knew picking out clothes for Halloween would be so hard?
“I don’t know why you even have to dress up. Most of the guys will just throw on a leather jacket and call it a day. Greasers from the fuckin’ Outsiders or some shit,” Gareth mumbled as he put the pants back in the lineup of the other hundred pairs on the rack.
Hawkins thrift had a hefty supply of men’s pants with and without holes because the rich and fortunate changed fashion quickly.
Small blessings for those living paycheck to paycheck.
“That’s practically what I wear every day,” Eddie sighed, sifting through the opposite end where a pair of Levi’s in vomit green disgusted him. “And I just have to look the part, alright? It’s one night.”
“Look the part,” his friend snorted, “you’re just trying to impress her. You could wear a potato sack and if she liked you in that, impressing her would be the least of your problems.���
“Is that so bad?” Eddie stopped browsing and stared down at Gareth.
“What? Trying to impress her?”
“Yes,” Eddie answered bluntly causing Gareth to breath in deeply.
To Gareth, no, it wasn’t a bad thing. High school was a zoo and for freaks like Eddie and himself everything was like walking in a glass cage. They were oddities; stickers on pristine windows that said ‘kick me’ and ‘dunce.’ He figured long ago that happiness was something not given or sought, but uncovered from personal discovery and self-preservation.
Eddie walked a tightrope.
One week ago he was assigned a partner that Gareth had passed in the hallway intermittently and thought, ‘oh, she’s cute,’ but Eddie never mentioned her. He didn’t talk about girls the way the jocks or preps talked about them; he didn’t ogle often at the cheerleaders in their little skirts because Eddie’s doctrine told him it was rude—even if he was as hormonal as the rest. He harbored those feelings like a scared little boy and now here he was, with Gareth in Hawkins’ only thrift store, trying to find the perfect pieces for a Halloween costume on a Thursday afternoon for one girl.
Gareth wanted Eddie to be happy. The curly-haired sophomore just didn’t trust people to not play a game with his best friend. He didn’t want to see the person he looked up to most be the laughing stock of high school because he fell head over heels for you.
“No,” he answered honestly, “it’s not a bad thing. I mean,” Gareth snorted, “if Katie Yang told me tomorrow she loved me, I would run off in the sunset with her and never return.”
Eddie barked a laugh. It would never happen. He was pretty sure his fellow senior member of Hellfire swung a very different way—but he couldn’t let Gareth’s dreams of marrying her falter. It would make Gareth too sad to even participate in Eddie’s campaigns.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie went back to searching, “she’s my Katie Yang.”
“How about these then?” Gareth held up another pair and for what Eddie needed them for, they were perfect. He left his spot at the end of the rack, snatching them from his friend's hands and grinned.
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“Click got me with a pop quiz today,” Nancy whined as she leaned against your locker early Friday afternoon. She had her chin tucked against her chemistry textbook and trapper keeper.
“I don’t know anything about the War of 1812!”
“Does anyone know anything about the war of 1812?” You countered yet her disappointed face did not lift. Yes, some kids knew what had taken place but Nancy missed the lesson. She missed the lesson yesterday because all she was thinking about was how the relationship between herself and Steve was bullshit.
Bullshit. The exact word that you had used to describe it before Eddie swept you away.
“Linda Fischer did! And that Buckley girl that plays the trumpet? She knew all about it; answered nearly every question when it was over.”
“Maybe it’s because they have no life and just study all the time?”
Nancy scoffed, “I study all the time too and look where that got me.”
“It’s just one quiz, Nance,” you swapped your red calculus notebook for the blue history one. Bilbo was perched inside of your locker as you went about collecting your things for the next hour. “I don’t think your grade will suffer.”
Steve’s booming laughter echoed in the hallway.
“Doubt it,” Nancy muttered bitterly as the clang of lockers being hit sounded behind her. Steve smiled radiantly as he tossed a baseball in his hand—it was October, in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere Indiana, and he still managed to find and toss a baseball for fun.
“Doubt what?” He smacked his gum loudly as Nancy turned to copy the way he leaned against the lockers beside yours.
“Click’s pop quiz on the War of 1812,” you cut in before Nancy could. Everyone was required to take Junior American History and everyone remembered that pop quiz well… simply because everyone failed it.
“Oo,” Steve scrunched his nose, “Click is one haggard old broad, isn’t she?”
“The most haggard,” Nancy sighed. Steve peered over her shoulder and tipped his head at Bilbo.
“How’s the baby?”
“Baby is doing just fine, Steve. Just fine.”
“Yeah, mine too,” he winked as if what you said was a joke when it was far from it. Bilbo had mellowed out quite well, actually. It felt like a glitch in the system in many ways but the doll barely made a noise anymore. Two or three tantrums a day made life with Bilbo Munson-L/n a breeze.
“And Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson? What’s he like as a partner?” Steve questioned, “you seem to get on well.”
“Why? Because I’m nice to him?”
“I’m nice to him!” He took your words defensively, “doesn’t mean he isn’t a freak.”
“He’s a good partner, great, even. And you are not nice to him. Last year, you and Tommy would shoot spitballs at Hellfire every day until Higgins told you to stop.”
“That was Tommy’s idea.” He still went along with it. The amusement Steve still felt from the prank made your stomach turn.
“Eddie’s actually trying. We’re doing rather well I’d like to think.”
“Tell that to Tammy and Greg when he didn’t do his project in O’Donnell’s last spring. He nearly cost them their own grades.”
“Well,” you gripped the door to your locker. As you did, your thumb grazed that picture of you and the boys as Star Wars characters a few Halloween’s back. “O’Donnell’s a bitch. She has it out for everyone.”
That’s exactly what Eddie had told you.
“Yeah, right,” Steve said in disbelief, “he put you up to this? Makin’ everyone believe he’s actually gonna graduate on time like the rest of us?”
“Steve,” you huffed. He was angry he wasn’t succeeding at project parenthood and you and Eddie were. The fact that he and Nancy had barely spoken two sentences to each other that entire week also increased his belligerence.
“We’re all managing the best we can. Eddie’s a good partner. It surprised me too but here we are, almost done, and he’s done nothing but stay true to his word.”
Well, mostly. You tried to forget about the school day on Wednesday.
“He giving you free weed or something to get him a good grade? I heard he’s gonna deal the party which means it’s only gonna be fun for an hour before everyone is high and annoying.”
“Hey,” Nancy narrowed her eyes at Steve, “why is everything a deal? If she says he’s a good partner, then he’s a good partner. End of story.”
“So, you’re defending Munson now too?” He rose his eyebrows high beneath his three strands of hair that fell onto his forehead. “Jesus… it’s the literal apocalypse. Apocalypse!”
“I’m not having this conversation with you.”
Done with Steve’s antics, Nancy turned her body away from Steve and back to how she was originally standing. Inside, her mind was fighting every physical urge to apologize and revert back to her timid self of one year ago.
But she could feel the way your demeanor changed when Steve began cutting on Eddie. You were her friend—best friend—and Nancy Wheeler would be dammed if her boyfriend was going to make you feel that way.
Steve was growing. However, he was far from perfect.
“Nance, come on…” Steve complained as he rested his head on her shoulder. She ignored him the best she could at the moment.
“Are you going to the game tonight? Last one for the year,” football game. Nancy’s wide eyes were hopeful that she wouldn’t be stuck standing by a wild Steve and the popular kids she didn’t like.
“No,” you shook your head, grabbing Bilbo out of the locker and shutting it. “I’ve got Bilbo and I have to study for that Spanish test from last week when I get home.”
“You had Bilbo yesterday! What happened to Eddie doing his fair share?”
“He has Hellfire tonight and when we went through our plans, I told him I would take the doll when he had his club. He swapped Sunday so if you aren’t hungover from the party, we can get breakfast or something.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Nancy’s waist, pulling her tightly against him as she breathed out heavily.
“Fine,” she grumbled, “but you’re picking up the tab.”
“You’re really going to study for a Spanish test on a Friday night?” Steve asked, brow quirked and judgmental.
“Tell me, Steve,” you shut your locker, “with Halloween and all of my other homework on Sunday, when would I have time to study for the test? Some of us do study and I know that might surprise you.”
“Ouch,” he winced, pouting as Nancy tried to wiggle from his grasp, “You’re being mean. I blame Munson. He’s corrupting you.”
“Blame away,” you began walking backwards from the two lovers as the clock ticked rapidly toward the end of passing period. “I rather like the person I’m turning into.”
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“Have you thought about your costume yet?”
As you stepped out of Clay’s calculus class, Eddie snatched the homework (that the teacher had been passing out not a moment before) from your hands.
He had left Click’s history class five minutes early to catch you before Nancy drove you home. To make frivolous conversation, he asked about calculus and joked about you getting a tutor which left him burned when you told him he should get a tutor too—for all of his classes.
A few hours earlier, he had seen Nancy and Steve snug as a bug beside your locker as the hair’s arrogant attitude turned two faces sour. Eddie had observed it in passing; walking out of the lunchroom with the rest of the Hellfire members he shared it with only to pass your locker without you noticing because the two lovebirds held your attention.
The look on your face then was different than it was now. Relaxed, gratified. Another week was completed and Halloween was tomorrow.
“So…?” You waved a hand in front of his face. Eddie was staring into space; the kind where you don’t realize it because your thoughts are running either a million miles per second or not moving at all.
“Hm?” He asked, standing a bit straighter after realizing he hadn’t answered your question.
“Have you thought about your Halloween costume yet?” You questioned again as you slipped another notebook into your backpack.
“Got it yesterday, actually,” Eddie’s grin made your stomach flutter. He had that devilish smirk that made the football players angry as he stood on tables and jeered at their dull ignorance of being jocks.
“And it is what?”
“A surprise,” his eyes flicked to the pictures in your locker and this time, you caught him looking. Backing up a bit, the hand that wasn’t holding your backpack by its handle traced the edges of the pictures and plucked them off one by one from their spots.
“This one is from the Fourth of July last year,” you motioned for Eddie to take it and he did. “Nancy’s mom had us take all the kids to the fireworks at the fairgrounds.”
“Ah, the fireworks,” Eddie recalled, “pretty sure last year I graffitied Mayor Kline’s garage door the same time those were going on.”
“You didn’t,” you put the other picture in your hand up to your lips, hiding your mouth in bewilderment that he would openly admit to that. That shit made the news.
“Oh, but I did,” Eddie declared in a whispered excitement. The way he scrunched his nose at your disbelief made you beam from underneath the picture. “In big fat letters: if you repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth.”
“In protest of Kline’s decision to build that mall? He was going to sell Forest Hill’s land, right?” You removed the picture from your mouth as the reality of his act of political artistic expression came to full realization. Eddie didn’t do things like that just to get a rise out of people. He did it because he hated the guy and without protest, who knew where he would be living at the moment.
“Yes, ma’am,” he held his chin out proudly, “saved the people of the trailer park. Local hero and all…” he boasted with a smile before handing back the first picture.
“So, you and Wheeler have been friends for a bit?”
“Since we were little,” you nodded your head and stuck that picture back onto the metal locker. Eddie took the second one you offered. “Our parents went to school together and I guess they’re not in the same tax bracket anymore but Karen Wheeler and my mom still get together every Sunday to talk shit about Nancy’s dad.”
“Not yours?” Eddie snickered.
“No,” you dropped your backpack on the ground and faced him fully, “my parents get along just fine. But these little dweebs,” you pointed your finger at the boys in the photo, “are the same ones from the car the other day.”
“This one,” he pointed to Mike, “is Wheeler’s brother.”
“Mike,” you gave him an ‘uh-huh,’ “and this here is Will Byers—who I don’t babysit,” you looked up at him, “and these two… these two are the worst offenders of them all.”
Eddie hardly doubted that. Two cheeky smiles hanging onto your shoulders as your arms wrapped around theirs. A curly haired Han Solo and a grinning Luke Skywalker.
“Dustin Henderson and Lucas Sinclair. I’ve babysat them since I was like… eight.”
“You’re good with kids then?” He quirked a brow, genuinely asking.
Every second he could spend getting to know you better he grasped tightly.
“I guess,” he looked back at the picture and saw the joy on those kids faces. They were happy to be there; they were happy to be in your presence and he couldn’t blame them in the slightest. “It’s as good as a job as any but I don’t know if I’ll ever want my own. Maybe if the right circumstances present themselves I’ll change my mind.”
“But they’ve got nothing on Bilbo, right?”
“Oh, no,” you laughed and grabbed the picture back, “Bilbo runs circles around them. Doesn’t talk back, does his homework on time…”
“Are you going to bring Bilbo to Tina’s? Not really sure Sandra Dee would be seen carrying a baby.”
“My dad offered to make sure any tantrums would be dealt with. We are free to live our lives as childless parents,” you joked and Eddie imagined this Halloween but also a hundred more. “You can pick him up when you drop me off.”
Childless or not. A part of him couldn’t imagine it without you.
“You have,” Eddie cleared his throat, eyes darting around the hallway before landing back to you, “you have really nice parents, by the way.”
“Thanks,” taken aback by his honesty, “I mean, I think they’re just like everyone else’s but yeah, I guess they’re nice.”
“Not everyone’s parents would have let me stay at their house all afternoon,” he shoved his hands into his jacket’s pockets and leaned against the lockers with a slouch. “Some of us drew the short straw in that department.”
Eddie never talked about his home life. You knew of Wayne because he worked at the plant with your dad, but no one ever really talked about it. In sixth grade, he was out for a week because his mom died. The teacher passed around a card for you all to sign yet no one said a word when he returned.
“Well,” you shrugged to pretend it wasn’t as heavy as it seemed, “the families we’re given don’t have to be the ones we choose. These kids,” you pointed to the picture you just put back, “are my family even if we don’t share any blood.”
“You know,” Eddie gazed at you with tender eyes that you wouldn’t have caught if you weren’t in tune with your own emotions. “You’re a little too smart for your own good.”
You laughed, grinning from ear to ear as you leaned down to grab your backpack again. “Not at math, though.”
“No,” Eddie shook his head. He ducked his head, feeling the heat creep onto his neck until it found its way on his cheeks. His hair hid what you couldn’t see. You grabbed your science textbook and Bilbo before closing your locker. When he willed the tint away, he watched the way you adjusted the bag on your shoulders with one hand as you held Bilbo in the other.
“I guess not math.”
“I’d rather have the emotional intelligence anyway,” tossing your head in the direction of the door, Eddie animatedly sprung himself from the lockers and back into the emptying hallway. Two cheerleaders nearly ran into him and he lifted his arms like he had been caught for murder.
Emotional intelligence. If you had stronger, clearer emotional intelligence you would have taken the initiative to ask Eddie out. You would have realized your crush on him was firm and unyielding enough to warrant an actual date.
But the “not date, date” of Tina’s Halloween party loitered between the two of you. Neither had mentioned the “not date” besides the costumes you were going to wear that wouldn’t match.
As you navigated the halls together to exit the building, Eddie walked beside you and every so often, his arm would brush yours. Not on accident.
“Dustin and those kids, they’re in middle school?”
“Eighth graders…” just the thought that next fall they’d be in high school made you feel really old. “They’ll be coming here next year.”
“I’ll have to tell Gareth about them,” he said, “maybe when I’m gone he can recruit them for Hellfire.”
“You gonna graduate on time, Munson?” You smiled, knocking your shoulder into the arm that kept grazing you. As dramatically as Eddie could, he stumbled and rubbed his arm like it hurt.
“That’s offensive, you know that?” He feigned insult. “If I don’t, I’ll just welcome them myself. The lost sheepies are the ones that are easiest to catch.”
“Lost sheepies,” you repeated softly. Eddie pattered his way back beside you.
“They’d probably like you a lot,” you told him when he returned. “Will would take a minute to warm up to you but I think Dustin would cling to you. He likes the… weird ones.”
“First I’m not gonna graduate on time and now I’m weird?” Eddie threw his head back. “You’re killin’ me today with this defamation.”
Defamation. ‘Where the hell did that come from,’ Eddie thought to himself.
“I don’t think you being weird is a bad thing, Eddie,” Eddie. Not Munson or anything else. It was something he’d never tire of hearing. “You just embrace it. Weird is cool—even if Billy or Tammy or Carol don’t think so.”
“You’re pretty weird yourself, mama.”
The end of the hallway was quickly approaching and Eddie jogged forward, opening the door for you and holding open.
“Thanks,” you told him, “for both the… compliment and the door.”
“It’s what fellow weirdos do for each other,” at the end of the walkway, Eddie realized he was going in one direction and you the other.
The end of Friday had been reached. Only the Halloween party was left.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?” He asked as if the answer wasn’t clear. You nodded, head giving an enthusiastic bob you’d be thinking over later.
“How will I know what to look for if you don’t tell me what your going as?” You shouted as he walked toward his van. There wasn’t a part of you that cared what other people thought anymore.
Carol and Billy get fucked. There was only one life you’d remember and you’d be dammed if Eddie wasn’t a part of it in some way.
“Don’t worry, mama,” he turned around and kept walking backwards. A smirk playing on lips like it always belonged there. “You’ll recognize me.”
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“Okay,” Nancy came trotting back into her room from her mother’s closet, “here,” she tossed a small red scarf into your lap as you sat on her bed.
“What’s this?”
“The ascot I said I’d give you,” she said like it was obvious. Nancy fiddled with the black tie on her shirt in the mirror above her dresser.
“Nance,” you called over to her, catching her eyes, “have you ever seen Grease?”
“Of course I have.”
“Then you’d know that Sandy doesn’t wear an ascot… just red shoes.”
“No,” she objected, “she definitely wears an ascot.”
“Tell that to Olivia Newton-John,” you got up from the bed and went straight to her closet, pulling it open to reveal a small stack of VHS tapes at the bottom. Grease was the fifth one down and on the back, Danny and Sandy at the senior carnival fun house was plastered on the back.
You handed it to her on unsteady legs as the red heels you wore were beginning to become unforgiving. One night, just one night.
“See,” you told her, “no ascot.”
“I swear to God she had one,” Nancy looked in wonder before handing it back to you. “But you’ve got the shirt and leggings and belt. That’s good enough.”
“No jacket though,” you sat back down on her bed.
“Maybe there’s a reason you couldn’t find it,” she giggled to herself like a schoolgirl.
“Oh, yeah?” You questioned. All this dancing around… you didn’t want Monday to arrive and end with Eddie never speaking to you again. Wishing upon a shooting star, whatever confidence you could muster tonight would have to manifest itself into reality.
Project Parenthood was not going to end on your watch without you asking Eddie Munson out on a date.
That was what you came to terms with Friday night.
You just hoped he didn’t think you a fool for believing he might actually say yes. You also didn’t take Eddie to be the kind of guy who’d be embarrassed that a girl asked him out. What if he wanted someone to be forward? What if he liked confidence and strife over classic gender roles being challenged?
The guy was as non-conformist as a person could get.
“Well, maybe Billy Hargrove would lend me his,” you joked and she dropped the tube of mascara she had just picked up back on the dresser.
“Billy Hargrove?” She spoke in a harsh whisper as her hand searched for it again. “What the hell—“
Nancy took one look at you and saw the mischief all over your face. It was a joke. You were joking. You wouldn’t let Billy Hargrove touch you with a ten foot pole.
“I think if Eddie Munson heard you say that he would keel over.”
“I think if Eddie Munson heard I had a big fat crush on him he’d keel over.”
Nancy thought it was nice to hear you admit that.
“Die from excitement or die from embarrassment?” Nancy laughed as you fell back against the bed. Her pillows sounded a “poof” as you laid against them.
“Hopefully not that latter.”
“I don’t think he would die from embarrassment… if my opinion means anything,” she returned the wand to the tube before sitting down beside your reclined figure on the bed. Nancy took your hand in hers and squeezed it.
“Eddie is the strangest, weirdest person I think I’ve ever laid eyes on but if he can make you happy, then that’s all I want for you.”
“Even after what I said about you and Steve the other day? You still want me to be the one to ride off into a sunset?”
Nancy shrugged, looking down at your hands entwined. “Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. Maybe Steve just isn’t the one.”
“But he’s the Joel to your Lana.”
“Tonight, yeah,” she sighed, patting your hands with her free one, “but the bullshit has to stop. I just don’t know how to tell him.”
“Nance,” you fidgeted your hand out of hers and sat up on your elbows. Nancy’s room full of cream colors and pinks was juvenile while her experiences and feelings were far from it.
“It’s true though, isn’t it? It’s been two years and sometimes I feel like I don’t know him at all. Where his mind is at, concerns… I try and get him to open up but he just won’t. How am I supposed to be a good girlfriend when all he wants to do is party and hang with friends on the weekend?”
“This has to be your decision,” you told her candidly, “and perhaps after tonight you’ll feel differently.”
“We still on for breakfast tomorrow?” Nancy got up from the bed and went back to her dresser. “That way I can tell you all about it because Eddie’s taking you home.”
“Yeah, we’re still on.”
“And then you can tell me all about how Eddie is actually, surprisingly, a good kisser,” she laughed as you stuffed your head into her pillows.
“You really sound like Barb; you know that?”
“No, no,” Nancy shook her head, putting up a finger in the mirror, “Barb would say, ‘you really think Eddie Munson would be a good boyfriend? Don’t you remember when he hotboxed weed in his van at lunch last year and Chief Hopper had to tape off the parking spot because little kids were accidentally given a second-hand high?’ That’s what she’d say.”
“And then she’d ask if he made it to second base,” you grinned, turning over to stare at her ceiling. “Only to be followed with a very loud ‘eww, I can’t believe you did that!”
“I miss her,” Nancy said fondly, “she wasn’t the biggest fan of Steve but she’d want me to be happy. She’d want you to be happy to so,” she gave you that knowing look, “you’re gonna put on some red lipstick and drink a couple beers and by the time Eddie Munson knows what’s hit him, he’ll be so in love no other girl could compare.”
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That was the first word that popped into your mind when you thought of the scene around you. It was nine-thirty, there were cars parked sloppily on the grass and students scattered everywhere. The music was blasting from Tina’s stereo so loudly it might burst your eardrum by the time the night is over and it helped none that the one thing you wanted to find was missing—somewhere in the house or the yards but not beside you.
Third wheeling with Steve and Nancy wasn’t fun when they argued on the ride over.
You sat in the back of Steve’s BMW wishing to be sucked into the seat only to never be seen again. Nancy’s attitude shifted from excited to upset and Steve was just being an asshole about the whole “parties are fun and we’re going to stay the entire time” conversation that started the argument. Those feelings lingered when the car parked, when the three of you made it inside, and then when you found yourself stuffed into a corner beside a curio cabinet.
“Oh, God,” Nancy mumbled when Billy Hargrove—alongside Tommy Hagen and the rest of the goons who couldn’t separate themselves from the freshest meat—clocked the three of you standing away from the entry way’s makeshift dance floor. “Don’t start anything,” she told Steve who looked in the direction she stared.
Besides the crushing weight of the party on your shoulders, stepping out of your comfort zone in a Halloween costume that Nancy picked out for you made your hands shake with tension. The confident thoughts of earlier running out of your mind the second everyone started looking at you like a fish out of water. A couple guys whistled, the girls judged. There was no happy medium at a place like this.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington,” Tommy gloated as Billy challenged Steve. He pulled off his sunglasses and Nancy turned around to you.
“Let’s go get a drink, yeah?” She asked with pleading eyes. You glanced at the group of hot-shot boys—their gazes watching you and Nancy like pieces of meat for taking and it made your skin crawl.
“Yeah,” you let Nancy hook her pinky through yours as the two of you trekked past groups of your peers quickly getting drunk and eating scattered snacks in the kitchen. A couple, whom you didn’t know, were swapping tongues beside the stove.
On the counter beside open bottles of booze, a bowl fitted with dry ice and a ruby liquid sat being consumed by a boy in a toga. He chugged a red cup down before filling another one and doing the same. That was ‘pure fuel’ or the one drink that could send anyone to that drunken bliss with so much as a sip. Nancy peered into it like a mysterious lake.
“Do you want any?” She picked up two red solo cups, offering up one for you but you looked around for the fridge instead. Behind you, next to the two making out, the fridge was left cracked open.
“No,” you walked the small space to the fridge and grabbed a cold can of Pabst Blue Ribbon out of it. It was a party; Tina was going to buy the cheapest beer she could. “And I wouldn’t suggest you drink a ton of that either.”
“Why?” Nancy contested, swiping the cup into the bowl. “Aren’t we supposed to have fun? Get drunk and make stupid mistakes while we’re young? Just be stupid teenagers for one night.”
She was still pissed off at Steve.
“If you’re going to drink that,” you cracked open the can in relief when one of your nails didn’t break, “try to know your limit, alright? I don’t want to babysit you over the toilet later.”
“Deal,” she chugged the cup over the bowl as Steve rejoined the two of you. He began protesting her actions immediately and she replied by using his words against him—the same ones he used to argue to stay at the party. Nancy filled her cup again, slammed it, and wiped the excess of her face before leaving the two of you in the dust.
“You say somethin’ to her?” Steve turned to you with an accusatory glare. “She’s been weird all week.”
“She’s been weird or you’ve been ignoring her?” You countered unexpectedly.
“I haven’t been ignoring her.”
“I’ve seen you with Tammy Thompson more times than I can count this week and every day when Nance takes me home, you don’t kiss her goodbye.”
“We’re partners, remember?” Steve scoffed. “You should know that more than anyone. Where is the freak anyway? I can smell the weed; I know he’s here yet he’s not with you…” He was mad too. Steve and Nancy both angry at each other made everyone else in their paths feel the scorching ire of their pain.
“He’s not my date, Steve… He’s my partner, remember?”
Rolling your eyes, you brushed past him and left him in the kitchen alone. A quick escape through the door that led to the backyard let the cool breeze meet your face and the sting of Steve’s words fell from you. It was a rather nice October night. It was just cold enough where jackets could be enjoyed but the Midwestern urge to remain strong in the breeze left many without one. There was a bonfire raging in the back and friend groups scattered on the lawn.
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Katie Yang was sitting around the bonfire when her eyes caught the door to Tina’s house open and close.
Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull—not from the smell of weed surrounding her, but from the fact that Eddie hadn’t been lying.
An hour ago, Eddie rolled up to Tina’s with a backpack full of drugs yet that wasn’t what everyone talked about as the fast murmured rumors made their way through crowds of students like tidal wave. With the three other members of Hellfire that had been invited because they were seniors, the whispers surrounded them first before someone had the will to approach them.
“Shit,” She didn’t know their name, “did you hear about Munson?”
“What about him?” Katie asked them and they threw their head back, hair going a wild as they screeched.
“He’s dressed as fucking Danny Zuko! And not the cool one!”
“Danny Zuko…” Katie trailed off, furrowing her brows as she tried to place the name. “From Grease?”
Eddie was musical, yes, but he didn’t like a ton of musicals.
“You’re joking,” one of the members of Hellfire said before moving through the living room crowd and peeking out through the blinds of the closest window.
“Holy fucking shit!”
He stuck out like a sore thumb. He was wearing the classic all black, tight jeans with a white cardigan sweater embossed with a red ‘R’ sewed into the side. Eddie’s hair was pulled into a ponytail and while he didn’t wear the look often, some of the drunk girls in the yard were ogling him like they’d jump his bones in an instant. When he came inside, the students gawked before realizing their weed had arrived and while they jested with Eddie, their words didn’t hit him. Katie could see the way their words brushed off his shoulder and he kept looking at the door.
So, an hour after that she saw you walk out of Tina’s house dressed as Sandy, Katie had to bite back the first remark that came to mind. She picked a couple blades of grass off the ground as Eddie rolled papers next to her on a tree stump—the glow from the bonfire lighting his work.
“Why’d you decide to go as Danny?” Katie proposed, watching you lean against one of the columns and drink the rancid PBR like it was water.
“Why not?” Eddie replied but focused solely on the ratio of weed to paper in his lap. Every time he put a rolled one down next to him, someone would swipe it, light it, and disappear before he could complain.
“Didn’t take you for a man who’d grovel for a lady, that’s all.”
“I don’t grovel, Yang,” he quipped and she smiled, folding her arms over her bent legs and laying her head on it.
“Besides, you see me crawling now?” Eddie motioned to the papers in his lap. “Little miss Mary Jane is the priority right now.”
“You sure about that?”
Eddie heard the way she crooned, her eyes flicking from his own to the house. His heart skipped a beat. The knowledge that if he looked now, he’d see you there—perhaps not even looking in his direction—but available for him to admire for a time. Since the moment you told him you were going as Sandy, he dreamt, daydreamed, about what you’d look like. How the vision he conjured was nothing compared to the way you’d embrace every part of yourself in an outfit like that.
“I can roll, if you want,” Katie suggested as he contemplated throwing the weed on the ground and forgetting all about it. He did admit once that he’d consider going sober for you. Before he could even object, she took the baggie from beside him and put a hand out for the papers.
“Gareth told me all about it,” she admitted. Eddie couldn’t even be mad. “Go get that girl, Munson. It’s not every day your dreams come true.”
All he could muster was a tight smile for her.
There were a lot of people in the yard. Every face blurred the brighter the fire got; some littered in the grass, others standing, a few on stools or stumps. Your feet were aching as you gripped the banister to relieve the pressure. A half drank PBR clutched in one hand as you stared down at your feet. Eddie sauntered over to the house as you shifted your feet. His quiet steps against the grass not alerting you that he had been sitting in the backyard at all.
Eddie planted himself a foot away from the deck in front of you, swallowing his fears and trying to embody the voice of surprise that mimicked the exact moment in the movie. A little accent, a little bit of the ‘ol greaser swagger.
Just a guy, seeing a girl, and absolutely smitten in the way in which she looks.
And only Eddie could get that smile to creep onto your face.
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The not date, date was simple.
It had taken you an entire hour to find Eddie on a property no bigger than the Wheeler’s and the moment you heard his ‘surprised’ voice, you knew the evening had changed for the better. For two hours, you sat beside one another and just talked. He talked about his hobbies and joked about his nerdy interests while you detailed your own and he listened as intently as you had for his. In his stupid letterman cardigan and his stupid ponytailed hair, Eddie sat beside you on the deck—backs against the railing as you sat on the wood floor—and admitted that he hadn’t ever planned to wear a costume in the first place.
“So,” you knocked your heeled foot against his converse, “where in the world did you manage to find that sweater?”
“This old thing?” He pulled at the lapels, “I have a bunch of them in my closest. What? You’ve never seen me wear these before?” He lived for the giggle that left your lips. Painted in a candy red, it was hard not to look right at them.
“Oh, yeah,” you faked support for his lie, “all the time, Eddie. It’s your best look obviously.”
“That’s what I said!” Eddie cackled, drawing a can of beer to his lips. “Gareth helped me. His sister used to watch Grease all the time so he had a pretty good idea of what I was looking for.”
“I’ll have to thank him then,” you moved your hands to sit in your lap, fingernails making a small clicking sound as they met before looking over at him.
You leaned your head in as he would have done. “Because he helped you pick out those jeans.”
For a second, Eddie was stunned silent. His lip quirked, eyes sparkling and wide with utter fascination that you had just explicitly flirted with him when he had been planning to make all the moves on Halloween. It was his moment; his situation that he grasped tightly and ran with because if it wasn’t him, he felt it would slip through his fingers.
But you had just given him hope that his feelings may have not been one sided. That your kindness and acceptance of him wasn’t misplaced in pity but instead in attraction.
“Well,” he said lowly, “then I guess I have to thank Wheeler then, too.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because she told you to dress like this and I think you just walked out of a fantasy I didn’t know I had.”
The surge of butterflies hit your confidence like the wolf blowing down the house made of sticks—wavering for a second before standing tall again. Eddie had a blush dusting his cheeks yet he didn’t hide from you; a tightrope growing thicker for every word shared, every sentiment revealed and accepted.
“I guess I should dress like this all the time?”
Eddie nudged you playfully, appreciating that you reciprocated it and swayed back toward him. “I think I like the way you dress everyday a little bit more.”
“Yeah, me too. Kinda miss those rings… you're not ‘Eddie’ without them. Or the vest, leather jacket… any of it.”
He looked down at his ringless hands only to agree. There was a nakedness to his appearance without them. He had his necklace, but no bracelet, no rings, no chain, no handcuff belt, and it felt different even if it was just a costume.
“I am surprised you chose this Danny to dress up as.”
“Mhm,” you nodded, “I guess it’s ironic for me too.”
“Ironic?” He questioned. “How?”
“When Danny and Sandy realize they like each other,” you spoke carefully to find the right words. From the time you’ve spent with Eddie over the last week and two days, he listened to everything. He remembered much more than he let on and he read people, their emotions, and their words with caution; “they change themselves only to fall back to who they were because no one has to change to be loved.”
“Do you remember when I said you were too smart for your own good?”
You laughed, glancing at him for a second too long before biting your lip. “You don’t have to stop being ‘Eddie’ for people to like you. I’m more than content with Eddie Munson “rockstar” than I am Eddie Munson “letterman Danny Zuko.”
“Wow,” he said, drawing out the word slowly, “did the girl next door just say she liked me?”
Only Eddie would joke about it. And only Eddie could make you feel good about admitting it.
“Well,” he said when he let the thought process through him, “you should know that you don’t have to be “hot girl Sandy” for me to like you either. I am more than content with “head in a book” and “Bilbo’s mama” than I am “leather bound in red heels.” And as he did whenever he wanted to invade your personal space more than sitting close, he leaned in, down to your ear, “but before you run off and never wear this again, indulge me?”
You turned your head at his words. He was so close. The smell of his cologne mixed with two cans of beer, one joint, and three cigarettes right beside you—arms touching, head barely two inches from yours. If this was a fantasy and he had begun the conversation two hours before with one of the most iconic lines from the film, all you would have to do is embody her like Nancy had told you and reply in kind.
Eddie could see the cogs turning in your head. Thoughts on how to go about it racking every part.
“Come on,” he leaned back, scrambling to his feet so quickly he almost knocked over his can. Eddie extended a hand, helping you stand before leading you back to the closest end of the deck. He let go of your hand and held them out in front of him as if telling you to stay before backing away.
“Okay, wait, wait, wait!” Eddie dug into the pocket of his white sweater and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Tapping one from the pack, he held it up as an offering with enthusiastic eyes.
“Trust me, alright?”
You nodded, hands laid out along the railing of the deck on either side. The temptation was biting at him; the way you were effortlessly drawing him in. Closer and closer until he couldn’t breathe because he was so consumed by you that all he needed was one… little… taste.
He lifted his hand toward his face, showing you what he wanted. Eddie had the unlit cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers, pulling it away from his lips untouched.
“Open your mouth a little bit,” he said and watched as you followed his direction with no complaint.
Eddie stepped closer, hand going over your right arm that was outstretched to lift the cigarette toward your lips and inching the filter forward. You watched his eyes drift down, taking in the way your lips looked so different yet all the same coated in that red lipstick.
“You ever smoke before?” He asked lowly; voice an airless buzz against your face.
“Once or twice,” you admitted and he nodded, hair pulled back in a ponytail by a black scrunchie you could barely see. The sounds of Bon Jovi’s Runaway playing loudly around you.
“Then indulge me in this,” he replied as he let the filter land between your lips and let his fingers go. The cigarette teetered there between the red as they held it; Eddie not pulling back as he dug into his pocket again and pulled out a lighter.
“Still alright?”
You hummed around the stick and his knees nearly buckled at the sound. But he had to keep his cool. Eddie had to be suave; Eddie had to be tempting.
His thumb sparked the fire and it burned bright between you. The reflection of the blaze shining in both of your eyes and captivating, if only for a moment, the seconds before the brink.
Eddie held the flame to the other end and when it lit, he backed away quickly. He bit down on his lower lip, nodding for you to do it and briefly, you felt a little ridiculous as the scattered students of Hawkins high disappeared around you. Their presence not important compared to the one dressed as letterman Danny Zuko.
The butt sizzled and flashed its angry red. You had yet to breathe it in. Eyes watching his every gesture as he stood there, waiting expectantly for you to make the move. He made his, you make yours, and then he would have to go again. A game of chess with two idiots in love.
Your demeanor changed when you breathed in the stick for the first time. Once or twice his ass, Eddie thought as you didn’t even lift your hands off the railings to grab it away from your lips—just held it there between them as the smoke escaped from the sides.
‘If he can make you happy, then that’s all I want for you,’ Nancy’s admission playing loudly in your head that balanced the rapid thumping of your heart.
If you hadn’t known Eddie held a candle for you before, the way he was looking at you now was enough. If his admission wasn’t enough, his eyes were. Utterly captivated by the way you stood—confident and seductive. Hip slightly jutted out, your heeled feet helped bend one leg and the image was perfect. Seared into his brain forever as the moment he realized that you were the one in his dreams.
A fantasy where he was the strapping Aragorn—a hero, courageous and strong, with his Arwen—timeless and headstrong, kind and forgiving.
Your eyes broke away from his stare and out to the yard. The cigarette’s smoke left your lips again. Eddie rose both of his hands into a prayer position; fingers meeting and resting against his lips right under his nose. The anticipation was killing him.
In an instant, your eyes returned and what he saw sent him to an early grave. He met his maker and was cast away like Icarus as you adjusted the way your posture presented you from the top of your head, out your fingers, and through your toes.
Sandy to Frenchie to Rizzo be dammed. You embodied something greater than them all and he was lucky enough to be at the receiving end of it.
And then you said it.
You indulged him in a fantasy he didn’t even know he had until you told him what you were going as.
“Tell me about it,” manicured fingers took the cigarette away from your lips and the smoke billowed into the night, “stud.”
And like Sandy does in the film, you dropped the cigarette and put it out with your shoe, arms going back to the decks railing and looking back at Eddie. Checkmate.
However, Eddie couldn’t have you get the checkmate. He couldn’t have you be the one to end up on top when he had been planning this for days. Since the moment he shrieked outside of Gareth’s window that he had a crush on you—fully formed and not a silly grade school one that made him want to tug pigtails and call you names. Eddie shook his head, dropping his hands from their position and drew close. He caged you into that spot and with the permission in your eyes, one of his hands grazed your side.
A brush of knuckles along the fabric of your shirt, belt, then pants, before his palm became certain. Running along the same track his knuckles had just traced before settling on your waist.
“Indulge me one more thing,” Eddie’s breath barely hitched when you rested one hand on the arm he had around you and the other gripped his sweater. He took his other hand and rested it on your jaw, thumb caressing a spot as his fingers gingerly held your head.
“Let me take you out. On a real date where I can bring you flowers,” he smiled the same time you did, “and your dad can tell me to have you home by nine but I’ll have you back at nine-o-five because I can’t stop kissing you in my shitty van.”
You pulled him closer, hand clutching his sweater tightly to keep him to you. “You beat me to it.”
“Yeah, mama?” He smiled, eyes consistently trained on your red lips. “You gonna ask me out?”
“I can’t,” you could barely function with the way your heart leapt, “I’ve already got a date.”
“So, that’s a yes?”
“Yes and are you gonna kiss me, Munson? I don’t think I can—“
Eddie didn’t let you finish. He pressed his lips to yours and you accepted them eagerly. His gentle touch a haven as the deal was sealed. Your hand that rested on his forearm moved to his hair, tugging out the scrunchie because if you were going to kiss Eddie, all of him had to be part of it. He reveled the feeling of your fingers weaving into his hair; lips threatening to grin as he got his girl and you got your boy. Nervousness subsiding, all that was left was the tenderness of being two people in love.
No longer two idiots in love; no longer two fake parenting partners.
But a pair fit like two puzzle pieces made for one another.
And when Mr. Allen collected the dolls on Monday, he revealed that each had a floppy disk inside their plush bodies that recorded the number of tantrums and minutes passed between them until soothed. As it turned out, you and Eddie had the best times in the class and in all of Mr. Allen’s years of teaching, Eddie Munson was the first one to prove him wrong. The ‘A’ on top of his assignment sheet at the end of that week became his most important achievement at the time.
Not because he managed to care for a fake baby, but because in the end, he walked out of the class hand and hand with you knowing that everything—no matter what would happen in his life—would be okay.
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[Mario Bonus Round Sound: Oh, Baby, it’s Real]
The early morning sunlight trickled into the room from the breaks in the blinds. Everything was sterile; light woods and itchy fabrics, the bed wasn’t comfortable but it was better than the chair. A bag sat in the corner unzipped and its contents unflatteringly pulled out of it. There were fast food wrappers on a tray table with empty cups sitting on the windowsill ready to be basked in sunlight.
Eddie had never been more tired.
The chaise was a second option because he couldn’t have the bed and he would never ask to have it anyway. The chair had grown increasingly unworthy of his attention after sixteen hours of pacing and sitting, pacing and sitting. He could barely keep his eyes open. The kind of tired that Eddie was feeling made everything sluggish; his body laid out on the green piece of furniture, his hand skimmed the cold tile floor as the sounds of a tile cleaner passed by the closed door.
If someone asked eighteen-year-old Eddie Munson where he thought he’d be at thirty, sitting here, in a hospital in Los Angeles would not be his first assumption.
Mega rockstar? Hot-shot guitarist with the best hair? Those were more probable than this.
But he let the whirring of the machine act as white noise. However, in the life that he wouldn’t trade for anything, quiet never lasted long.
“Mr. Munson?” A hand shook his shoulder, nudging the sleep he wished for into the back of his mind to be dreamt of another time.
“Mr. Munson,” the voice called again. Eddie cracked an eye open and saw the nurse give him a small smile, pity for the obvious tiredness that drooped from his face. “I’m sorry to wake you but there are visitors outside and I didn’t want to bring them in because of…”
She didn’t need to say it. People posing to be friends or family just to get a picture or a story. It was something he had to deal with, yet never got used to. It wasn’t natural nor normal to have to hide pieces of a person’s life because people felt entitled to every piece of them. The price of fame was high; the balance of privacy and publicity was a difficult seesaw.
Eddie sat up, the nurse pulling back and waiting for him at the door. She had seen many people walk through these halls, sit and stay by their partner’s side during the most life changing moment they’d ever have and Eddie was no different than the best of them. As he past the bed, he rubbed a foot covered in a yellow blanket and hospital grade sheets gently before exiting the room.
“I put them in a room down here because they were adamant that they were family,” she told him, her glasses swinging on her scrubs and hair graying at the roots. “One young man was particularly vibrant in his language… Claims he’s her brother but I don’t think they look anything alike.”
Eddie chuckled, squeezing the woman’s shoulder as she pointed to the door that she had huddled them all in. “I think I know exactly who that is actually.”
“If you bring them in the room, have them try to be quiet. You don’t see much silence up here and I’d rather give the opportunity for peaceful rest.”
“Will do,” he said but deep down, he felt that silence wouldn’t last if the gaggle of people he believed to be beyond the door to the other room turned to be true.
“Congratulations again,” she said and left him in the hall.
Eddie could hear the chatter beyond the threshold; bickering and the distinct sound of plastic wrap around flowers and balloons crinkling through the air. His life had changed so much from 1984. Each year more difficult and challenging—unprecedented and terrifying but here he was, an established adult man with his life (sort of) put together. Everything was clicking into place and most of it stemmed from the moment Steve Harrington and a girl named Lisa drew two names out of Mr. Allen’s bowls from home.
He walked through the doorway and saw fifteen smiling, giddy faces beaming back at him with balloons, bags, and flowers in their hands. Dustin was holding a teddy bear, El, Max, and Lucas were carrying bags of food for everyone to eat for lunch.
“Surprise!” They shouted in scattered exclamations of excited cheers.
Eddie had never been so happy to have a family—one of his own and one of his choosing.
Dustin was the first to barrel into him, throwing his arms around Eddie and hugging him tightly. It set off a chain reaction in the room. Arms and bodies squished, Eddie couldn’t tell if it was Hopper, Wayne, or your dad who rubbed the top of his head like he was a dog. Either way, the love was felt; the love was absorbed and it spread further into the hospital than just that little room. Fifteen connected souls bonding over something new.
“Congrats man,” Steve extended a hand, grasping Eddie’s with a firm grip as Robin hung off his shoulder. “Never thought I’d see you like this. But it also confirms that you and Y/n do the deed and I don’t like thinking about that.”
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled tiredly. They could see how drained he was. Only the older ones in the room could relate to how Eddie was feeling. “I didn’t think I’d ever be here either.”
“But you know what?” Nancy piped up from beside Steve. “I never had a doubt that you’d be a good dad.”
“Thanks, Wheeler,” hearing that from Nancy meant a lot. Dustin popped up again from beside Nancy, tucking himself in between her and Eddie. He still had that bear clutched in his hands.
“Can we meet him?”
El looked excitedly at him, “can I hold him!?” It was her first time doing something like this.
“Only if you keep your trap closed,” Eddie warned Dustin, face serious as it could be. “That nurse will kick my ass if you throw a rager in there, alright? So keep the volume low…” Eddie stopped, thinking on it for a second. Fifteen people all at once would be like running a race on a Hawkins street with a million other people. “And we’ll go in groups. Grandparents first, then godparents, then everyone else, ‘Kay?”
“Eye-eye captain,” Dustin saluted him but kept on Eddie’s heels as everyone exited the empty room to transition to one with two. The door was left cracked open, the quiet nature of the room wanting to be left undisturbed had to be broken.
They had traveled all this way for this moment.
“Let me go in first,” Eddie told them, the older adults giving him fond smiles because he was taking it as seriously as they hoped he did. Maybe that project parenthood assignment had left a lingering impact on him. Maybe Eddie Munson had just matured into the person he always wished his parents were and wasn’t going to screw it up because life could be unkind sometimes. “I’ll come get you.”
Fifteen people who hailed from Hawkins were left in the hallway as Eddie re-entered the room. He tried to keep his footsteps quiet but in the end, it was useless because the second he turned the small corner that blocked his view of the bed, you were sitting up with the television remote in your hand. Across the way, Grease played silently on the screen.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him as you tried to keep your voice low. “Did something happen?”
Eddie shook his head, walking straight over to the side of the bed where he took your hand, kissing the back of it before rubbing his thumb against the back of it.
“We’ve got a party bus of visitors from Indiana,” he said, looking over you to the plastic bassinet that was positioned beside the bed. Wrapped in a white blanket—in a perfect swaddle—was his little boy. “They’re all waiting outside the door and won’t take no for an answer,” he joked.
“My parents out there? Wayne?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, thumb still running across the back of your hand. “I think your mom has already cried. Her eyes are kind of puffy.”
“Don’t tell her that,” you muttered, taking your own look at the little bundle. On the sticker behind his little head, one last name, un-hyphenated, was written in black ink behind him. One family, one unit.
But his name wasn’t Bilbo.
“Can they come in?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “just tell them to be quiet.”
Eddie smiled at you. Even in his tiredness, he could never hide the joy in his eyes. He was proud, eons beyond it in reality, but you had given him something he’d never dreamed of. A family. He would always have Wayne but now he had your parents, he had the kids, he had friends beyond Corroded Coffin and the people he worked with.
“I love you. You know that right?” He ran his free hand over your forehead, brushing the hair there and bending down to leave a kiss.
“You tell me every day,” you smiled, “and I love you too.”
“Then I guess he should meet his grandparents, huh?”
And when Eddie brought in your parents, Wayne, Hopper and Joyce, the sight brought you back to the first time Eddie ever stepped foot in your house.
How your dad watched reruns on the T.V. while you peeked out the blinds for him. He had known it then that Eddie was your forever. An arm wrapped around the man he considered to be the closest thing to a son he’d ever have, your father smiled at you the moment he saw the look in your eyes. Your mother skipped you completely and cooed at the little boy.
“Oh, baby,” she whispered at his chubby little face, “you have the best parents in the world.”
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Tag List (Closed):
Thank you all for reading and supporting this fic series. I hope you enjoyed the last part and will stick around for any other Eddie writings I may do in the future. If you have been tagged in the tag list, I would humbly ask that you like and reblog to support but I also love reading and interacting with comments! I just love to hear from everyone so chat away—I want to know your thoughts.
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
okay, so i noticed requests are open [hi, hello, i've been lurking for ages 0////0] and i'd like to request leviathan (who i was assigned on the google play version) and beelzebub (who i was assigned on the erolabs version) with an oddly morally ambiguous reader! [an example: they believe that hurting innocents is not justifiable, but arson is ;)]
Hey there @eratism! First, thank you for being patient while I get to this, I know it's been like a while ;.; and congrats on getting Levi in the quiz and Beel on the other platform! (I got Beel on apple store version and Mammon on erolabs) This is an interesting request, so I will do my best with it! ^^ I'm hoping it's up to your standards.
💚You chide him often for having Bael do all the work, but at the same time, you don't make it easier for Bael in the first place...going around with Beel in the city and starting riots or commotion with many parties in the streets and the back alleys of Avisos. 💚You believe that it's never okay to consume a human, but encouraging Beel to devour various devils that piss you off makes you happy that he does it without question. 💚Cheating in games or bets is inevitable in Avisos, but you and Beel do it so often there are rumors of a 'devil bonnie and clyde' in Avisos. So many devils have been conned out of their possessions and money, but also this pays for most of the tabs that Beel has run up over time in other countries of Hell. 💚You also help him escape his duties often by distracting him, and helping him come up with new ways to thwart his nobles, including suggesting stronger sleeping pills to put them all to sleep when he needs to leave. Avisos needs their king, but you need him more.
💜Threatening people is probably on your high list of things that one should not do, but you can't stand how some of the citizens of Hades speak about Levi behind his back, and therefore you record a few instances and threaten to send them to Levi if they don't stop. The thing is they weren't saying anything particularly bad, but it doesn't matter to you, anything can be said to his face if it's worth saying.
💜You find the way the Leviathan punishes his nobles a bit extra, especially sometimes seeing that there are visible bruises on their necks, but you often tell him whenever one of them pisses you off knowing this would happen.
💜Leviathan's jealousy should never be provoked, but it comes in handy if you want something done by Levi himself. If he sees you asking one of his nobles for help more than him, he takes it up for himself to do the things for you, but at the cost of his nobles getting chewed out for being 'too friendly'.
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luxuriousmalfoy · 1 year
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Pansmione)
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wc: 884 | ao3 | femslash february: day 14, Hit Me With Your Best Shot | hp shipuary: day 14, free day | fluffbruary: day 14, Idea | hp saffics femslash bingo: N2, lightning gen character | fluffy february: day 14, free day
@hpshipuary @hpsaffics @fluffbruary @fluffyfebruary
“I see you’re taking advantage of the time off,” Pansy taunted, sitting across from Hermione in the hotel ballroom. All of the semi-finalist quiz bowl teams were sent there to socialize the night before their tournament. While most of the students were chatting with competitors and enjoying the break, Hermione sat in the corner with a deck of flash cards. “As if they’re going to ask the questions you’ve written down anyway.”
“They’re not question and answer cards,” Hermione said. She held one up. “Many of them are formulas.”
“They provide us with formulas.”
“While you’re skimming the formula sheet for the one you need, I’ll have recalled it immediately.” Hermione relished in the unease she’d put on Pansy’s face—but it didn’t last long. 
“Alright, well while you’re still recovering from burnout, my mind will be quick and relaxed from giving myself a break when necessary. After all, I plan on having fun rather than playing wallflower all night.”
Hermione frowned. She had a point. 
“Who says I’m not going to have fun?” Hermione fired indignantly. “I was just looking over my cards briefly.”
“Sure.” Pansy smirked at Hermione and stood up. “Care to prove it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have a fake ID, so I figured we could get bottles at the ABC store down the road if we’re careful.” Hermione actively had to keep herself from a pearl-clutching gesture. 
“I think I’ll pass,” she said. “I’m not that eager to prove myself to you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Hermione rose to her feet, meeting Pansy’s eye line. “We’re 18—we’re still in high school. This is the night before the tournament—which we have to be up at 6:00 AM for, by the way. I’m not risking my acceptance at Hogwarts University to drink with my biggest rival.”
“How sweet,” Pansy said, raising an eyebrow. “Your biggest rival is little old me?”
“Is it too late to suggest you shouldn’t let it go to your head?” With a chuckle, Hermione pocketed her index cards and moved past Pansy to where her teammates from Gryffindor Prep were playing a game of Slapjack.
Once they were all sent to their hotel rooms, Hermione went back to flash cards. Her roommate, Lavender, had decided to hang out in another room—which left her with the perfect studying conditions. Until she heard a knock at the door. 
After looking through the peephole, she rolled her eyes and opened the door.
“These are non-alcoholic, I promise,” said Pansy, holding a six-pack of Fanta Orange. “They aren’t caffeinated, either.”
Hermione held open the door for Pansy to enter, but still wasn’t sure why she had.
“I have some popcorn,” Hermione offered, holding up a bag. At Pansy’s nod, she threw it in the microwave. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I came,” Pansy said, kicking off her shoes and hopping onto Hermione’s bed. 
“Among other things.”
“You’re the only really driven person here.”
Hermione scoffed. “At a quiz bowl tournament? Hardly.”
“Okay, well, you’re at least the most driven person here.”
“I’ll bite—what are you on about?”
“How do you make yourself care about it?” Hermione saw a similar look on Pansy’s face that she had seen earlier, when Hermione had chided the ABC store idea.
“I don’t make myself care,” Hermione said honestly. “I just do. I’ve always loved any excuse to use what I learn in the classroom outside of it. I also love the competition of it all.”
“The competition isn’t something I struggle with,” Pansy said. “I am very competitive. It’s just difficult to care about the academic part.”
“Why do you do quiz bowl?” Hermione took the popcorn out of the microwave and sat down next to Pansy on the bed. “Let alone captain a team?”
“My mother got me the position,” she said with a cringe. “She was Slytherin Academy’s quiz bowl captain back in the day.”
“This is our last tournament of high school, right? Try to lean into the part you enjoy—the competition.”
Hermione had never enjoyed when people invaded her personal bubble. She was never a hugger, or a cuddler. She very much did not like breathing the same air so close to people.
With Pansy, in this moment, it felt different. She felt different. Her eyes flickered to Pansy’s lips in the tiniest fraction of a second, but neither girl moved. 
“I should get to bed,” Hermione said finally, handing Pansy the bag of popcorn they hadn’t even opened yet. “Go ahead and take the popcorn.”
“Right—thanks.” Pansy practically leaped from the bed and slipped on her shoes again. “Good luck tomorrow.”
“Captains, shake hands,” said the announcer the next morning. Hermione’s nerves were already off the charts before a match, and being eye to eye with her rival captain didn’t help. Especially after the way they’d looked at each other the night before.
She and Pansy met in the middle of the stage and shook hands. Through her smile, Pansy whispered, “Losing with grace strengthens character, Granger. Remember that.”
Hermione was sure her ears reddened more than was healthy as she took back her position behind her buzzer. That’ll be leaning into the competition, alright, she thought. 
When she caught Pansy’s eye, she mouthed, ‘Hit me with your best shot.’
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theiris-storyvault · 2 years
"You heard me, take. it. off."
Jimin X Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: funny
Summer was here.
All it took for you to realize this was a broken air conditioning unit, and piles of damp towels in the hamper. You slouchily sit on the couch in front of the fan, desperately trying to get all the air you can. It was currently 50 degrees outside, and unlucky for you, your aircon was beaten, and the company said it would take 3 days before a mechanic could go over to fix it making you even more pissed than when you woke up at 6 in the morning drenched in sweat.
Your best friend on the other hand had suggested buying you ice cream and having a water day by the sprinkler in your backyard to cool down. He arrives with a smug grin on his face. You raise your eyebrow, at him, wondering what he had going in his mind. "They thought I was sexy at the store" He cockily tells you. You found him irritating, possibly because of the heat, but maybe it's also because you liked his stupid little cocky ass. Regardless, you rolled your eyes at him, standing up to take the ice cream from him. "Yeah? Bet they were lying to get you to buy more" You say, walking to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. You licked the now melting ice cream quickly. He snickers, following you over. He leans on the kitchen island, closely to look at you teasingly. "It seems to me that someone's jealous," He says, lapping his own dessert. Irritating. You thought, rolling your eyes again. He laughs, knowing he was winning the teasing game, so you decide to play along instead.
"So, what else did they tell you, Mr. hotter than the summer?" You quiz him. He smirks. "They asked to see the body beneath this tee. They said they'd bet I was smoking" He says, pointing toward his body with his lips. "Oh really now?" You taunt, walking out to the backyard. He follows questioningly. "Yeah? Do you not believe that I have a smoking body?" He repeats himself, yearning to get praise from you but you didn't budge. "Fuck no, I'm a see-it-to-believe-it kind of girl." You push, taking a seat on the beach chair you'd put out for your water fun later on. "What are you suggesting," He says, crouching beside you. Ice cream now leaking on his fingers, making you chuckle. With a pushing tone, you stare him in the eyes, "Take it off".
He was frozen. "What?" He croaks, with his voice quieted down now. You smirk knowing you had him⏤ hook, line, and sinker. "You heard me, take. it. off." You repeat. You watch as his adam's apple bobs slowly up and down signaling he was nervous. Your eyes were on him now, teasingly, you licked your ice cream suggestively, not breaking your gaze. He slowly lifts his shirt, revealing his body to you, and by the time his shirt was strewn over to the grass, you couldn't hold it any longer, you then burst into laughter catching him off guard. "You are so fucking full of yourself!" You shout, before dumping the melted ice cream on his chest. You make an escape by running away, triggering the sprinkler on your way. "What the fuck, Y/N!". He screams before running after you.
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ashestoshadows · 6 months
Indigo Disk E4 (plus Champion), their Trials and Party Members
I was hoping to help people as I didn't have any real help during the DLC, so I wrote a rough list of each of the Indigo Disk's Elite Four and their teams, trials and whatever moves I was made aware of during my battle with them. So here it is below. Be warned, this is unbelievably long as I also make notes at certain points for tips and help
Chrispin, the fourth and lowest member of the Elite Four:
Trial before battle; make a super spicy sandwich (as written by game08 below)
Onion Chili Sauce Jalapeno Chorizo Mustard
After the trial and onto the battle under here;
Party Members: Talonflame (uses sunny day, perfect for WW and Hydro Steam and also uses Brave Bird too, so no Ogerpon during the beginning), Fire-type Rotom, Exeggutor, Camerupt, Magmortar, Blaziken (Teras into a fire type, speed boost, focus blast and a real ass tbh)
Best Pokemon here would be, at least from my experience, Walking Wake (if you have it, that is, I don't know of any good replacement for WW if you don't have him. Maybe Azumarill?) and Garchomp (Ground Tera type and Adamant nature: Bulldoze (or Earthquake), Sword Dance, Rock Tomb, and Dragon Claw) alongside maybe Water type (Wellspring mask) Ogrepon.
AN: I say maybe Earthquake as it will also hurt your second party member you throw out unless they're a flying type, so that's why I mentioned Bulldoze instead as a less strong alternative making sure you do accidentally KO your own Pokemon in the process.
Drayton, the dragon-type elite four is the second rank under Kieran.
Trial: Use no Pokemon that weren't from the Terariaum or weren't caught from you (like Pokemon from other games for example) and fight three people. From my experience, have a Duraludon and an Abomasnow. Both are at level 80-86-ish for being able to beat this easily.
AN: Abomnasnow (Lax nature with Ice Punch, Blizzard and Sheer cold) should hold Leftovers and use Ingrain every time you enter a battle to slowly regain health and then take it from there whilst the Duraludon I used has a Quiet Nature and has: Dragon Claw, Flash Cannon, Metal Busrt and Breaking Swipe. I hope this has helped a little, and if the Pokemon you catch don't have those above natures you could either use a mint or just hope it doesn't play any part in the battle :p
Party members: Dragonite, Flygon, Kingdra, Haxorus (focus sash, earthquake), Sceptile, Archaludon (dragon-tera type)
AN: Zacian is perfect for most, if not all of these people with small bits of tinkering, obviously. But Zacian is literally unstoppable.
Amaryas: the steel type elite four (she is fucking weiiierdd…. like real weird.)
Her trial: Fly through rings on your mount around the terrarium and there are Magnemite ones that add more time to your counter. Get to the goal in time and you succeed.
Her party members; Skarmory (rocky helmet, stealth rock), Alolan Digglett (focus sash and earthquake), Scizor (bullet punch), Runiclus (leftovers, protect), Empoleon, Metagross (steel tera type, headbutt, hard press)
(AN: Be very careful when going against her Metagross, it knows Hard Press, a move that could more than definitely OHKO and likely could since it does the most damage with full health. And if you aren't fortunate and or weak to it? She'll likely sweep you clean. I used my Zacian (Adamant Nature, Crowned: Sword Dance, Sacred Sword, Behemoth Blade and Crunch) and my Slither Wing against her (Adamant nature: Superpower, Leech Life, Low Sweep and Bulk Up) for the most part before having to eventually bring out Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon to take over due to Cranberry fainting who helped ease through Metagross and Runiclus while Zacian handles Empoleon and some of the others.)
Lacey, the fairy type elite four, and the third strongest:
Her trial: A Pokemon quiz!
What part of the body does Pikachu store electricity in? Answer: cheeks. Pikachu stores the electricity in their cheeks.
What part does Venonat's body act as a radar? Answer: The eyes. Its eyes are like radars!
Which Sinistea is an antique and not a phony? Answer: the middle one, the middle has a mark of authenticity on the bottom when it spins around.
Which minior is the pink one? Answer: the one on the middle-ish bottom right-hand side of the screen.
Which part of Granbull does Lacey use as a pillow? Answer: the tummy/stomach area.
Team/party members: Granbull, Whimsicott (focus sash, light screen), Slowbro (quick draw, tailwind, flamethrower, sitrus berry), Primarina, Alcremie (alluring voice, leftovers) Excadrill (fairy tera type, high horsepower)
(long AN: Again Zacian comes in helpful here, while i'd also recommend also having a Tinkaton with you to help try and sweep her, while trying to take as little damage as possible. (Tinkaton, Naive nature with Steel Tera type: Gigaton hammer, Metal claw, Draining kiss and Sword dance) whilst Zacian has an Adamant nature like earlier with fairy type: Behemoth blade, sword dance, metal claw and play rough in case. She does use her Excadrill as mentioned before and I recommend having something that can be strong against fairy but not faint to ground as I was lucky enough to have high friendship with both and they dodged it and was able to KO the ground type. Or you could give Tinkaton a Focus sash in case it does hit and be left with one HP while Zacian still holds the Rusted sword
Champion Kieran:
His team: Dragonite, Politoed, Incineroar, Grimmsnarl holds a Focus Sash, Porygon-z, Hydrapple (Teras his Hydrapple to become a fighting type; an Iron Valiant or Zacian does wonders with his team is used right)
AN: I literally had no business beating his ass with two Fairy types but succeed. Iron Valiant (Adamant Nature, Fairy Tera type: Moonblast, Sword Dance, Spirit Break and Drain Punch) with my Zacian now mainly running Fairy and fighting over steel instead. (Adamant nature, Fairy tera type: Sword dance, Sacred sword, and Play Rough with Poison Jab)
And unfortunately, your Pokemon don't get ribbons or anything of the sort from winning so a major bummer, but whatever I guess. Plus, Kieran has no right to walk about with Pokemon who literally get for the most part OHKO'd, seriously. It makes you wonder what the others who fought him were using to get him to such a high ground or grandeur to think he was unstoppable.
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miamignonette · 1 year
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katistrophe · 1 year
8 shows to get to know you better
Rules: list 8 shows for your followers to get to know you better
Tagged by @awordwasthebeginning - thanks ^^
This is going to be a pretty weird mix given I don’t watch all that many TV shows and I’ve taken to watching Danish ones when I do.
1. Star Trek, primarily Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Thoroughly to blame for my latent space nerd streak
2. Mythbusters - proooobably the reason fact checking still can be a reflex for me sometimes (though sometimes I wish it were as explosive as it was on the show)
3. Rejseholdet - early 2000s Danish crime series, sort of proto-Scandinoir, and pretty much the show I learned understanding spoken Danish with. Also to blame for the fact that early on my Danish vocabulary consisted of „hello, my name is Kat, I live in X and study at Y“ and „murder, death, dismemberment, serial killer, knife, axe“. That definitely needed explaining, and the explanation is this.
4. Den klassiske musikquiz - it’s a quiz show about classical music in the style of a British panel show. Puns, slightly bizarre outfits, music by people who have been dead for at least a century, ridiculously obscure knowledge… sounds about right up my alley.
5. Den store bagedyst - the Danish equivalent of GBBO. I still can’t bake pretty cakes, but I have been known to start thinking about how the giant cookies from the cafeteria could be a biiit better if they’d gotten fifteen seconds more in the oven. Also one of my best friends got me to watch it because she wanted me to feel better about my German accent.
6. Mayday - plane crashes and how they happen, or how they’re avoided. I’m just weirdly fascinated by seeing the long chains of events that lead to things going wrong, and just as importantly, how to make things go less wrong
7. Horatio Hornblower - well, it has parts, it counts as a series, right? Also it has ships. And a protagonist who starts as an awkward noodle.
8. …I’m also going to have to say Genial daneben. Source of so many in-jokes between my sister and me, and many a New Year‘s Eve has been spent playing the game (except making it a freeform guess thing like the show instead of giving three choices)
Tagging, hm… @toooldforthisbutstill , @having-conniptions , @tatzelwyrm , @theherondaels , @ackerschnacker , @thattalviel , @black-cat-aoife and whoever wants to do this!
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orphancookie69 · 2 years
Nintendo Switch: Monster Prom XXL
The best days of our lives, high school? Prom? Kind of. Here we are with another choice game, because really, choice games only have as much of an audience as it does because most people don’t feel like they have agency in their own life. Let’s jump in...
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There’s only 3 weeks left until prom and you haven’t got a date yet..and you’re a monster. But that’s okay ‘cause at your high-school everyone else is too! These are the stepping stones into the world of Monster Prom: XXL - the bundled up, content filled edition of Monster Prom, a one-to-four player competitive dating sim that will have you thinking: I never knew I was into that! https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/monster-prom-xxl-switch/
My Thoughts On The Game: 
Locally, you play up to four players per one screen. There are two terms: First term is the classic game, second term is the DLC. You choose between zombie, frankenstein, pyro, or blob. Pick your name and your pronoun and then start. If you play short, its 3 weeks until prom/long its 6 weeks until prom. Goal is to get a date for Prom. Your dating options are: werewolf, siren, poltergeist, demon, vampire, kraken, computer, and Medusa. This is a retrospective game, you are an adult thinking of your high school days at Monster High. You start off with a magazine quiz, this creates your characters base stats.  Each week is broken down into 3 parts: morning, noon, night. You pick where you want to go on campus: auditorium, class, library, outdoors, gym, and bathroom. Each segment has scenarios that pop up and depending on your answers your stats/relationships with the people change accordingly. Noon is always the “who do you sit with” game, as I remember that being a real thing in high school.
Game Price: $5, good value for a game on sale for $5 (full price $15).  There is also an online option, maybe that’s a way to do multiplayer to compete for someone’s affections? Background music is pretty cool. Each time you play you unlock more stuff. Long term game play is in unlocking all the endings/all monsters as dates. Second time around I decided to try and focus on one character and see if a more concentrated effort did not wield me a prom date. Well, I had a date we just did not go to prom so I guess it worked! There is a gal that functions as the in game “shop” but I have not yet gotten to a point that an extra object helped me out. There is a lot to unlock so the hours of gameplay seem endless! 
Funny I failed the first round but in real life did not get anyone in my actual school to ask me to my own prom so go figure. Already found a sequel for this game, I have it saved on my wish list. Sequel is Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp XXL, not made by the same person who made the first game. You can definitely feel the younger generations made this as there a lot of the more “modern” ideas at the base of a lot of the questions like “democracy is broken”. Definitely for adults by adults, there are a lot of adult references I don’t quite remember being there when I was in high school but it makes for good gameplay! Would you have invited me to prom if we were in the same high school? 
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Free National Lotto Banker For Today 23/07/2022
Free National Lotto Banker For Today 23/07/2022
Free National Lotto Banker For Today 23/07/2022 Free national lotto banker with the best one sure banker carry on national lotto today and a live national lotto banker today with national lotto sure banker. Ghana national lotto live banker for today is ready for everyone of our FANs and website visitors, I believe it will drop live, Just play it and see. National lotto banker two sure live drop…
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freepassbound · 4 months
2. Do you like smoothies?
6. What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
15. Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
39. What was the best part of your day today?
40. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
2. Do you like smoothies?
They're alright? I don't really go out of my way to get them very often - smoothie store ones usually have too much stuff in them for my liking - and I don't have a blender, so... 🤷‍♂️
6. What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
Just simple small bookmarks. Get them pretty frequently in the mail as freebies from various nonprofits - I've got a stockpile of probably a couple dozen at this point.
15. Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
Just one - a basic bamboo. It does not have a name. 😅
39. What was the best part of your day today?
It's really tempting to say it was when the work day ended - I spent most of the last two days only with the most vexing bunch of kids (and they've been extra vexing of late) - but there were a couple good moments in there: one class took a quiz and then there was nothing else to do so we played a little game about some different aspects of what the country was like at the time, and that had a few highlights; also when I was grading I saw one student had almost fallen for the word pun gag answer, but had caught themselves and gotten it right (circled and erased the punny one).
Honestly, there's always something awesome with the kids when you're a teacher - that's how they get you to keep coming back.
40. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
Cold, pitch dark, and fans going - exactly what I get seven months of the year!
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paypant · 6 months
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quantifynorthamerica · 8 months
Mastering the Metal: 7 Professional Tips for Perfect Metal Painting Every Time
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When it comes to construction projects, metalwork is often a centerpiece, providing structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. And when metalwork is front and center, a flawless paint job becomes a necessity. 
So, how do professionals achieve that perfect finish, void of streaks, bubbles, or chips? The answer lies in mastering the art and science of metal fabrication and metal painting. If you're in the construction industry, understanding some key tips can be a game-changer.
Our world today is so advanced that it's no longer sufficient to just slap on a coat of paint and call it a day. Professionals in the construction industry understand that metal painting when done right, can transform a project from average to awe-inspiring. So, buckle up as we delve into these seven tips that every professional must know to excel in metal painting.
1. Proper Surface Preparation is Key
Let’s kick things off with a universally acknowledged truth: the secret to a sensational paint job is all in the prep work. It's like baking; even if you have the best ingredients (in our case, paint), if you don’t prep right, that cake (or metal surface) is not going to look or taste good.
Firstly, get up close and personal with that metal surface. Inspect every nook and cranny. Using a wire brush or sandpaper, be the hero that banishes away old paint, rough patches, or any rust trying to claim territory. This isn’t just about aesthetics; a super-clean surface means paint clings better and resists chipping.
But wait, there's more. After your cleaning spree, you're not just ready to splash on the paint. Take an extra moment to prime that metal surface. A good primer acts like the best wingman, ensuring that your paint looks good and sticks around for the long haul.
2. Choose the Right Paint
Stepping into a paint store can be like entering a candy shop for adults. Rows of vibrant colors, shiny tins, and, oh, the possibilities. But while all those options can send your imagination into overdrive, remember this: metal is no ordinary canvas, and it demands its special kind of paint.
Think of your metal surface as a VIP guest. Would you serve just any drink to a VIP? No, right? So, always select high-quality, metal-specific paints. Epoxy and enamel paints are like the champagne of the paint world for metals. They not only provide a gleaming finish but also stand the test of time. For more details visit us at https://quantifyna.com/.
And here's a tiny secret: those premium paints? They're not just about brand bragging rights. They genuinely offer a richer color, longevity, and protection that standard paints might struggle with.
3. Use Appropriate Tools
Imagine trying to eat soup with a fork. Sounds absurd, right? Similarly, using the wrong tools for painting can lead to frustrating results. For metal painting, your tools are your trusty sidekicks, ensuring that every stroke is purposeful and effective.
For those smaller areas or intricate details, brushes are your best friend. They offer precision and control. When covering vast metal expanses, rollers come into play. They're the speedsters of the paint world, letting you cover ground quickly. Want to feel like a painting superhero? Grab a paint sprayer. It promises a silky-smooth finish faster than you can say "perfect paint job."
But remember, quality matters. It might be tempting to save a few bucks on cheaper tools, but trust us, investing in top-notch brushes, rollers, and sprayers can make the difference between an "okay" and an "oh wow" paint job.
4. Opt for Multiple Thin Coats
Alright, pop quiz time. What's better: gobbling down a whole chocolate bar in one go or savoring it piece by piece? Similarly, in the painting realm, layering thin, delicious coats is much more rewarding than a thick, hurried slather. Think of it as the art of patience. Each layer, meticulously applied, contributes to a result that's nothing short of masterful.
Thin coats have their party tricks: they dry quicker, minimize unsightly drips, and avoid those pesky bubbles. So, instead of rushing for that intense one-coat coverage, embrace the zen of layering. After each coat, take a breather, let it dry, and give it a once-over. You're not just painting; you're crafting a masterpiece.
5. Mind the Weather
Weather isn't just about deciding if you need an umbrella or sunglasses for the day. When you're knee-deep in a painting project, Mother Nature can be your best ally or your trickiest adversary. It's like planning a picnic; you wouldn’t head out without checking if rain is on the horizon, right?
For painting, especially with metal, the elements play a starring role. Paint adores a warm, dry day. It basks in it, dries uniformly, and flaunts its best colors. However, throw in some unexpected moisture, chilling cold, or sweltering heat, and you might find your paint acting all sorts of moody.
Keep an eye on the forecast. A dash of planning can save you heaps of rework and disappointment.
6. Regular Maintenance is Essential
So, you've painted that metal surface, and it looks like a million bucks. But wait, the journey doesn't end there. Think of your freshly painted metal like a garden. With a bit of regular care, it'll continue to bloom and impress.
Every so often, play detective. Whip out your magnifying glass and inspect for any chips, scratches, or signs of wear and tear. Addressing these minor hiccups early can prevent a more significant headache later. 
A gentle cleaning routine can also work wonders. Keeping the metal free from dust, grime, and corrosive agents ensures the paint continues to shine bright like a diamond.
Still in doubt? Remember that "metal painting services near me" search on Google? They often provide maintenance insights or even services to keep your painted surface in tip-top shape.
7. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The world of painting isn’t static; it's as dynamic as the latest fashion week. New shades, innovative techniques, breakthrough products: it's all happening. So, why not be in the know?
Just like you wouldn't want to be the last person to know about the latest blockbuster movie, staying updated in the metal painting world ensures you're always a step ahead. Be a trendsetter, experiment with the latest products, and flaunt those results.
Subscribing to industry magazines, joining online forums, or attending workshops can be your golden ticket. Soak in that knowledge and dazzle with your up-to-date expertise.
Metal painting, when executed with precision and expertise, can elevate the overall look and durability of any construction project. It’s a combination of artistry, science, and patience. By mastering these seven professional tips, you're well on your way to delivering stellar results every time. Whether you're a seasoned professional or someone looking to delve deeper into the industry, remember that perfection lies in the details. 
Read More:
The Hidden Costs of Not Cleaning: A Guide to Industrial & Warehouse Wall and Ceiling Cleaning
Elevate Your Cleaning Game: Insights from Commercial Coating Services International on Rafters and Ceilings
Decoding Commercial Flooring: Which is Right for Your Business?
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hajicide · 11 months
on falling in love during childhood, and never recovering
sitting underneath the californian sun, i realize that i've wanted to kiss you since we were seven and playing on the playground. i scraped my hands and knees that day, tripping on the turf and you looked so worried for me. you helped me pick the little plastic beads off of my skin while i cried for the teacher. you didn't leave even when the snot was dripping down my face and i felt so cared for, so loved, so cherished.
i wanted to kiss you again, in fourth grade. by then the class had divided the cliques into boys and girls, but we still played together. you, me, and our friend named from the constellations. we would pretend to be heroes and villains, cops and robbers. our favorite game was the elements, where i would control wind, he would control fire, and you would control water. we would play on the big kid playground, the one next to the parking lot.
i remember us in class too, a few months before my eleventh birthday. we'd both scored perfectly on the practice spelling quiz, so we didn't have to take the main one. it was just us two that passed, so we spent the twenty minutes the spelling quiz took just sitting on the floor together, reading. i don't know if you remember, but i was being bullied then. but you still looked at me like i was worth something, like i was something to be cared for, cherished, loved, and all that.
i wanted to kiss you again and again, with more and more frequency all through middle school. the day you announced that you were dating one of the older girls from the grade above us, i was destroyed. i made up a fake boyfriend on the spot just so i wouldn't have to hear you talk about her and pretend it didn't hurt. you gave her your first kiss in one of our friend's backyards at night, when the energy of a years-end party started to decline.
you broke up a month later, when she started cheating on you. i didn't tell you then, but i was glad she was a terrible person, because it meant that you were single again. free from her.
i wanted to kiss you again, when our friend invited a small group of us to stay with her and her mom in their cabin on the lake, the one in the mountains. you bought a wooden sword at this variety shop in the village. you still have it, i think, stored away in a closet somewhere. i remember we bothered our friend (the one you considered a cousin) and sat on the arms of her armchair to look at memes she showed us on her phone.
i came out to you on the trip for the first time, afraid of your reaction. i was bisexual, but you didn't really care.
i think i loved you more, then.
in high school we both moved schools. you started to attend high school in another city, an hour away, and i went to the public school by my house. i missed talking to you, seeing you, but we still met up once a month or so. i stopped falling for you -- well, i stopped noticing it at least. i got my first girlfriend the winter of freshman year and i was happy, for a while. then we broke up, got back together, then broke up again. through it all, you were oblivious to the real reason i couldn't love her in the way i should.
i got another girlfriend, then a partner, then a boyfriend, then another girlfriend, then another partner, then another girlfriend, all to distract myself from thoughts of you.
in our final year of high school, you moved back to our city and lied about what district you lived in so you could go to my school. i felt to cared for then, as a friend.
i introduced you to my friends, to my life, to the person i'd become when you were gone. i showed up all my flaws and you'd smiled in the face of them, a sweet and genuine smile. and then you told me that you thought you loved my best friend.
i supported you through it, like i had with every other girl. when you started dating, kissing, loving each other, i was there for you through it all. when she dumped you i was there, holding you hand and rubbing your back through it all. i gave you advice on what to do to win her back, how to show her all the care in the world.
i moved away the next fall, off to a big city across the country so i could get as far away from you as possible. it didn't work. we talked when we could and you crept your way back into my heart without me even realizing it. you asked me to pick sometihng up for you and even though it was a two hour commute from my place, i picked it up for you, just because you asked.
and then i came back for the holiday season. we made plans to meet before i left and we spent the whole day together. we got coffee in the morning and just talked for hours, about anything and everything we could think of. you invited me to the bowling alley to see your brother and your dad and i accepted, so we went. after, i had to pick something up at the grocery store for my dad. you asked to come with me, not wanting to leave just yet. we shopped, talked, and drove around for the better part of three hours, just basking in each other's presence. then you invited me into your house when i went to drop you off at home, and i said yes.
i stayed to meet your dog, stayed to catch up with your mom, and stayed for dinner. you got me a salad, just because you'd remembered that i was a vegetarian
it was all these little things, you remembering my favorite color, my affinity for art and reading, you recalling my love for dogs, that made me fall for you all those years ago.
i tell my friends that i loved you for ten years, from ages four to fourteen, but i never tell that how i got over you. i don't think i ever will
when we talked about my friend, the one you were in love with, you told me that you don't think you'll ever love again. you quoted something you read, about how "guys only ever really fall in love once in their lives, they'll never fall in love with another person" and i understood how you felt then.
i've only ever really fallen in love with someone once in my entire life, and i don't think i'll ever stop loving him. i don't think i'll ever stop loving you.
it's been years since then. we met in 2009, although i don't really remember it. i was visiting my cousin at kindergarten, before i moved into this prison of a small town. you were there, at the back of the line to head to recess. by the fall, i will have loved you for fourteen years.
i don't think i'll ever stop.
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notes: um so this is a big word-vomity and for that i am apologetic! usually the stuff i write is so much more polished, but this just kind of sprawled out of my chest in a gas station parking lot. i typed this directly into my notes app and then when i got home, i copy-pasted it into tumblr and hit post haha...
this really is more of an open letter to someone whose attention i crave. it definitely isn't a healthy relationship, i know, but i can't just... abandon 14 years (14!) of care like that. this turned out a lot more rambly and venty than i thought it would so,,, enjoy i guess?
if you read this far, i appreciate it! i love you, and i hope the rest of your life is everything you want it to be. i hope you are loved and you love others with your whole chest. i hope you find the beauty in everything around you. i hope you found the beauty in this grotesque expression of love. i hope you find beauty in love. thank you for reading <3
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supercaliwhat · 1 year
WallyGallery Archives Volume 1: Post 6/5/05 04
The following is an archive from my previous diary entries. This website is temporary, though I'm making an archive of previous posts.
Post 6: Children's Day/Cinco de Mayo 2023 (May 06th 2023)
Dear Diary, may the force be with you. Oh, that's another one. This one's about 2 more celebrations I experienced and had the most fun out of on May 5th. Children's Day and Cinco de Mayo. A famous Korean holiday and a famous Mexican holiday in which both countries rest and have fun, for their respect towards children and victory over the French in 1862 respectively Let me tell you about my experience in terms of Cinco de Mayo; none! Becuase I live in Korea and because no one celebrates other festivals in Korea, the only way I could celebrate this big holiday was 'googling' some stuff about history and taking a quiz about Mexican culture. After that, I watched the news only to find out that today was Children's Day 100 times, without a single mention about the very famous time of the year, which is sad to see for me. Nonetheless, my Children's Day experience was much better than learning about some Mexican history. I did something that is obviously the most suitable thing to do in Children's Day; playing with friends! To keep this as private as possible as this whole thing is public (I just broke the fourth wall!), I will just share some anecdotes that are mostly about myself. The main thing I did with my friends was probably chat and playing some games. The firsst thing was at McDonalds however, and I for the 100th time, ordered the cheapest menu and an ice cream. After that, I went shopping at Daiso, only to get lost because of the Korean and size of the shop. I did manage to get some props for a play of the "The Diary of Anne Frank" play. However, my card was declined in front of the employee who helped me scan the barcodes which embarrased me twice. Nonetheless, I bought my items again, and then I could take the items safely. But then, I lost my umbrella and came back to the store for a third embarrasment. And by the way, I lost the items, I don't know where it is. Be gone, 5 dollars! The next thing I can remember was walking. After minutes (if not seconds) of getting lost and seing a doppelganger of my friend, I returned to the gaming spot. I played almost 5 hours of games with my friends and believe it or not, I spent 10 dollars in games there. And yeah, that's pretty much it about the games part, aside from the fact that I learnt that Shrek is a 'green beauty', according to friends. And finally at 7, I was exhausted. It was a Friday after all, and Children's Day felt less meaningful as a day to celebrate children. I still don't know the name of the guy who made the day, nor do I know the exact purpose. But still, as a (semi-)child, I think I made the best out of it by doing my part; playing like a kid and appreciating what the adults did for us, such as making a holiday for us! At home, I did my homework (haha) due Sunday and waited for my favorite comedy shows to open... Until I learnt that Hollywood is having a writer's strike. Despite this, I still believe that overall, this Children's Day was extra meaningful and fun because of the time I got to play, and the fact that I earned 150 dollars (from family and family)!
Special Post: May the Fourth be With You (May 04th 2023)
Dear Diary, may the fourth be with you. Why? Because I am of course celebrating 2 of the most celebrated occasions for Thatcher fans and Star Wars fans. You may be wondering this: "Why isn't today a holiday?" or "Shouldn't we celebrate Cinco De Mayo or Korean Children's Day tomorrow, May 05th? (Update: I had lots of fun with my friends for a few hours, so I appreciate May 5th more than May 4th haha)" But don't underestimate the day before a national holiday, I want to make you think twice about this very 'normal' Thursday, as well as sharing my experience. Now let's start with the origin of this day. May 4th 1979, Margaret Thatcher was sworn in as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Conservative Party leader had a unique characteristic from the start. She was the first FEMALE Prime Minister of the UK. I obviously admire her for this, because many didn't think that women can do these things (some people still do). As PM, Thatcher famously became the 'Iron Lady' by making an ambitious plan of improving the UK economy. During her 11-year reign, the longest in UK history, the UK economy went from poor to fantastic by drastically decreasing unemployment. I also love how she was a skilled diplomat by visiting Gorbachev, the future USSR leader. However, she remains controversial due to her horrific 15 percent interest rates from citizens and destroying some cities' infrastructures as part of her economy plan. Nonetheless, I still admire Thatcher for her actions and symbolizing the phrase 'May the Fourth be With You' after she assumed office. However, there is another reason why I am writing this special entry ahead of time.
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Post 5: Goodbye April (April 30 2023)
Dear diary, today is the last day of April, so I'm writing this in case no one remembers what happened this month.
Before we begin, I'd like to mention the lack of 'Diary-ness' and weird format of this week's entry. I just wanted to try something new, and I also got the inspiration from news. Literally.
I finished a lot of meaningful things this month. The play "The Diary of Anne Frank", finising the STUCO election, and finishing this month, obviously. They were all especially meaningful because as much effort I spent, the outcomes were good and helped me a lot.
I've seen multiple people face some major consequences because of their actions, to say the very least. Trump got indicted, which was kind of shocking to me. Tucker Carlson got fired, and Don Lemon was also fired. I'm happy that both were 'punished', but also feel weird, because they were all major media figures in our lives that just were gone. Aside from this, it's still sad to hear that companies are continuing layoffs.
Some Pentagon files were leaked including some Korean stuff, which frankly freaked me out for a bit. However, I quickly realized that I didn't need to be worried, or should I be worried?
Ryuichi Sakamoto, whom I can tell was a famous composer, died this month. Although I'm not a fan of Japaense music in general, it is sad to see a great composer pass away, especially because I heard some of his great scores.
Back to some personal stuff, BCC sports day was a mixed bag, but overall success! Although I didn't get any updates on that missing jacket (I can confirm that humanity is lazy), I can reflect on it now and I admit it was a fantastic event, espcially with the food.
April 18th was US Tax Day, and you can already tell how sad I am, not because I hate the idea of taxes, but because of how many people cannot afford to pay their taxes suffer, yet how many people are struggling; how not to pay taxes.
After my first month of subscribing to 'The Economist', I am safe to say these 3 things: It did not change my media bias, I got much better global news and social news than other news websites like Reuters, and that I think it's worth paying the $20 a month!
According to the UN, India is now the most populated country in the world, millions ahead of China. Does this impact (or bother) me? No, because I think it doesn't change South Korea's low birth rate problems. I have other concerns! But I think it's interesting to see another global power rise in current politics.
Today was April Fool's Day!... If it was April 1st. Personally, I was very low key since it was a Saturday, but enjoyed a bunch of TV Commercials and comedy shows!
Despite the money and tension being spent, 2 global issues are still spiraling out of control: The Russia-Ukraine war is still heating the world globally, and gun violence has killed over 11,500 people, according to ABC News. How is this related to me? Well, both are matters that not only divide the world, but political sides, and I don't want the world to fight this much, obviously!
Congratulations to Israel who turned 75. Although a country recently met with more civil unrest, Palestine, and resentment from many (if not most) Arab countries around it, I still have to respect such country for surviving this long. It also has a special place in my heart this month because Israel is a country mostly made up of Jews, the main victim of WWII. It's unfortunate to see that they have to go through another crisis after one.
Did anyone realize it was Earth Day? 22th of the month no one cares. I didn't even know it existed, only to know that the microdust still sucks. I was probably depressed that day.
Believe it or not, South Korean President Yoon successfuly sang an 'icebreaker' song 'American Pie', one of my favorite country songs (obviously) to Joe Biden, and it's a top headline! I hope things go well between the two countries, obviously
Last but not least, I have to say that 2 things are coming very soon: The end of the SCHOOL YEAR!!! and my 14th (13th) Birthday. Both will be very monumental and truly important to me, and I cannot wait to meet both! 9th grade, being able to sign up for services that were locked behind a "You must be 14 or older" message and blocked me from using my own money, WOW! I would be truly flabbergasted when it actually happens to me.
And that's the end of the story, Diary. And P.S. today's the 30th of April, and that's when Adolf Hitler died! Although it's quite ironic, I'm a bit happier now.
Bye, bye Miss American Pie, Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry, And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye, singing "This will be the day that I'll die" (The End.)
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Wait for the next archive 3 minutes later! (If you are staring at me working at this...)
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zetasattic · 1 year
Day 133, Impromptu Family Time
On Thursday we had an impromptu family time. We went to the mall where Best Buy didn’t have my ink but that’s ok. Wayne got what he needed at Bass Pro and the kids found treasures at the book store. When we got home they got pizza and we played SKIP BO. I love that game. While we were playing the game we were simultaneously playing Song Quiz with Google. Try playing two games at once! It’s…
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