#best senpai award
leaderoffestivals · 6 months
Harukawa Sora FS2 4*: Way of the Finishing Move
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
Scenario Writer: Kanata Haruka  Season: Winter   Characters: Harukawa Sora, Mikejima Madara. Kiryu Kuro, Amagi Hiiro, Morisawa Chiaki, Nagumo Tetora
< In the Training Room.>
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Sora: Please help Sora out with training. Thank you so much!
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Madara: Yep, that’s the situation right there! I hope everyone can come together to help Sora-san achieve his wish, somehow ☆
Tetora: No, wait. Even if you say “That’s the situation right there”, I haven’t the foggiest clue what the situation is at all… … 
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Chiaki: I'm in the same boat too. However, it’s the duty of a hero to help those in need. If Harukawa wishes to train with me, I’ll be his training partner for however long it takes!
Kuro: Hmm. I don’t mind either, but can we at least know why you want to train with us? 
One can’t really train without knowing what the goal is, after all. 
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Sora: Yes! Sora REALLY wants to master a finishing move! It’s the Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ (2) ♪
Hiiro: Hmm? What’s a forward downward diagonal punch? Is it a kind of spell or something? 
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Tetora: OH! Could it be a command from that fighting game? You know, the famous one!
Kuro: Oh, that one, huh? The one that’s surprisin'ly tricky to execute properly. I see, I get what you’re talkin’ about now. 
Any guy would wanna try imitatin’ the techniques they see in manga and games at least once. 
Harukawa, you probably want to try out the moves you’ve been usin' in yer fighting games, am I right? 
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Sora: HaHa~! Bin~go, Red Onii-san. Sora will award you a flower seal~ (3)
In the beginning, Sora tried asking Shisho and Senpai for advice, but they’re not very knowledgeable about martial arts at all.
That’s why Sora ended up practising in the dorm room while looking at the game screen, you know~?
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Madara: Hahaha. And when I came back and saw Sora-san performing a strange dance in our dorm room, I couldn’t help joining in the dance as wellll ♪
Sora: Urgh. It’s not a dance, okay~. It’s a Finishing Move!
Madara: Whoops! Sorry, my bad! You’re absolutely right. Anyway, that’s the reason why I invited you here after seeing you so worked up about it after all. 
Everything has a purpose and place. If it’s a place to practise martial arts you need, then there's no better place for you than SHIN after aaall!
Madara: Now then. For that reason, once again—Would everyone be willing to help Sora-san fulfil his wish? 
Great! It seems like everyone is willing to lend a hand! Well then, let us start our Circle activities without delay ♪
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Tetora: Now, Sora-kun, try loosening your fists a little. Don’t rely solely on your fists to strike—try twisting your hips to inject more power into your punch! 
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Sora: Got it! TAKE! THAT! And THAT! 
Chiaki: Whoa, you're looking good! Those punches of yours have some serious power behind them ♪
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Sora: HiHi~! Punching rhythmically like this makes it feel like Sora’s playing a fun music game! It’s almost as if Sora can see the notes coming in from the front, huh~?
TAKE! THAT! And THAT! Sora will be trying his best to aim for a Full Combo now ♪
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Kuro: Oi, oi. You shouldn’t be losin’ yer focus and thinkin' of other games during warmup, should you?
If you get too carried away, you’ll run outta steam and bonk before achievin’ yer goal, Harukawa. 
Sora: You’re right! Thank you, Red Onii-san. Sora will remember that since Sora doesn’t have much stamina.
However, doing this is so much fun, it feels like Sora’s health is actually being replenished instead~ ♪
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Madara: HAHAHA! Sora-san seems perfectly warmed up nowww!
Let's strike while the iron is hot! Now that warm-up is done, shall we move on to the training for your Finishing Move? 
Sora: Yes, please! Sora will be in your care!
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Tetora: Anyway, for those who are unfamiliar with fighting games, I’ve managed to find a video demonstrating the technique. 
Madara: Oh, that’s helpful. … … Hmm, hmm. I see nowww. It’s that kind of move, huh? 
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Madara: Hm~mm. Performing this move leaves you wide open for a counterattack, doesn’t it? It doesn't seem very practical for actual combat at aaall.
Hiiro: Hmm. I agree with Madara-senpai. The part where you jump after landing a fist on the opponent's chin is totally unnecessary. 
If your attack misses, you won’t be able to dodge while in mid-air, and end up exposing your flank and other vulnerable areas. 
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Kuro: Oi, oi, you guys. Stop goin’ outta yer way to say things to crush Harukawa’s dream. 
Chiaki: Exactly, you two. Saying stuff like that feels like you’re interrupting a hero’s transformation scene!
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Tetora: Moves like these are cooler when they’re hot-blooded and flashy, aren’t they? It’s so not cool to rain on other people’s parades!
Anyway, Sora-kun, could you show us the Finishing Move you’ve got now? We won’t be able to give proper advice until we know what needs fixing, right? 
Sora: Got it! Sora will show you his punch at full power~! Here it goes… … 
HaHa! Forward Downward Diagonal Punch~ ♪
Tetora: Here, I’ve recorded Sora-kun’s move as it is now. Let's take a look at it. 
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Sora: Hm~mm? There’s no force behind it at all~. This isn’t a Finishing Move, it’s just an ordinary jump. 
Sora has a long, long way to go after all~. What in the world is Sora doing wrong, Sora wonders? 
Hiiro: Well, I think your small size is a major reason why you lack power, Sora-kun. The person using this move in the game is very muscular, after all. 
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Madara: That’s true, but having a small build doesn’t mean one can’t generate an impact, right? With a little technique, even small things can be made to appear huge, you knowww? 
And Chiaki-san, with his rich experience in hero shows and stunt work, should be able to offer some insights on how to achieve that, riiight ♪
Chiaki: Ahaha… I think the same could be said of you, Mikejima-san. 
However, it’s true that I can give some advice based on my experience to you.
The key idea to remember is—to contract when needed, and to extend when needed. 
For instance, right before jumping, you should fully contract to gather as much power as you possibly can—
—and then unleash all that power at the moment of the jump, extending fully into the punch as you connect with your opponent’s chin. 
If you do that, you’ll have an impressively flashy uppercut! 
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Sora: Hm~mm? Um… … So, contracting fully before extending—?  
Tetora: Ahaha. Morisawa-senpai just dumped a bunch of unexpected theory on you, huh. It’s detailed, but then, it might be hard to understand this advice just by listening. 
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Kuro: In that case, why don’t I demonstrate what that means for ya? Pay close attention, Harukawa—
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Tetora: WOW! As expected of you, Taishou! That was incredibly powerful just now!
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Sora: Yes! It felt like the character from the game was right in front of our eyes!
Kuro: Haha, thanks fer the compliment. But more importantly, did you understand how the move works from what you saw just now, Harukawa?
Sora: Yes, Sora has got it perfectly~. Sora will give it a go, so please watch carefully! Here it goes~~
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Sora: Urm, how was that? Did Sora manage to perform the Finishing Move properly just now? 
Chiaki: That’s amazing, Harukawa! That was powerfully and perfectly done!
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Hiiro: Umu! I felt a powerful intensity that made me instinctively raise my guard just now!
Oh, I get it. The key to this technique lies in this very intensity. With such an effect, there’ll be no opportunity for the opponent to attack Sora-kun's exposed flank or back because their guard will be raised high despite themselves!
Sora: HuHu~! This achievement is only possible thanks to everyone here at SHIN. Sora can call himself a Finishing Move Master now~ ♪
AH! However, there are still many Finishing Moves Sora has not mastered yet, so it might still be too early for Sora to call himself a Finishing Move Master now, huh… …? 
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Madara: Hoho~! It appears there are still many techniques Sora-san wishes to learn about!
This is a good opportunity, so let’s practise other Finishing Moves today as well~ 
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Sora: In that case, let’s all fire out Energy Blasts together! It’s Down Diagonal Forward Punch~ (4) ♪
Kuro: Harukawa, that’s hella impossible, even fer me… …
The End
Translator’s notes: 
必殺技 (hi-satsu-waza) in the title: Sure-kill-technique or finishing move in computer games.  
Sora is saying the controller commands which will activate the 昇龍拳 ShoRyuKen in the fighting game, Street Fighter.
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3. Sora says 花丸 Hanamaru here: This refers to the encircled flower seal (equivalent to a gold star) JP teachers award to children for good work at school. It looks like this.
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4. Sora just suggested that everyone perform the 波動拳 Hadouken in Street Fighter.
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5. It's not proofed, so if you spot anything and/or wish to give feedback, please DM me.
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 10 - Forced to the Starting Gate
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Itaru: (I think it’s about time to head out… ah, right.)
Itaru: (Now that I’ve got a rough idea of our performance schedule, I’d better apply for paid leave before I forget.)
Boss: Chigasaki-kun, may I borrow you for fifteen minutes?
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Itaru: --Of course.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Boss: It appears you’re all here.
Itaru: (Looks like there’s a few of my colleagues… and a handful of younger guys too.)
Boss: I called you all here to ask if you’d be interested in participating in an urban development project that our company is currently working on.
Boss: The project itself is already in its final stages, so what we’d like from you is to provide support in the form of an induction course.
Itaru: (So this is that large-scale overseas urban development project. The one about creating a theater establishment and developing the surrounding area to be a center of arts and culture…)
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Itaru: (I checked out the outline since it was related to theater and sounded interesting.)
Boss: It’s not mandatory, of course. It would just be something to do alongside your current jobs.
Boss: That said… there is a reason you all were chosen specifically.
Boss: As individuals who are important to the company’s future, I truly hope you consider becoming core members of this next project.
Itaru: (Eight racehorses competing in the promotion race line up at the gate. Favored to win is Communication Skills Demon, but My Parents Are Absolutely Loaded is also attracting quite a lot of attention.)
Coworker A: I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.
Coworker B: I’ve been interested in this project for quite some time now, so I’m honored to be part of it!
Itaru: (The gate has opened and both of the favored horses have taken off running.)
Coworker C: Considering the state of my current workload, I should be able to participate in the induction course.
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Itaru: I… sorry, can I have a little more time to think about it?
Itaru: (If it weren’t for the timing, I probably would’ve been all in, but…)
Itaru: (Honestly, I’m so busy with the troupe and the Fleur Award right now that I just don’t have time to think about anything else.)
Boss: …Ah, because you have your own theater company to worry about, right, Chigasaki-kun? Please do consider it based on your schedule with that in mind.
Boss: However, the theme of this urban development project is the arts, which is why the other team members were really hoping to work with you, Chigasaki-kun.
Coworker A: …
Itaru: I thank them for considering me.
Boss: I’ll set up another opportunity at a later date to explain more on what the induction course entails and to introduce the project’s team members. I hope to see you there.
Itaru: I will seriously consider it.
*Door closes*
Itaru: …
Coworker B: He seriously can’t just say he’ll consider it and then refuse.
Coworker C: Must be nice being in a position where you can just quit the company if worse comes to worst.
Coworker A: Well, it is a popular theater company, and the fact that it’s generally well-known definitely doesn’t make it any easier for the company to deal with him.
Itaru: …
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Itaru: (If you’re gonna say it, at least do it behind my back.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: I’m so sorry, but my hands are full at the moment.
Company Employee A: I see. I apologize for dropping it on you so suddenly.
Chikage: Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
Itaru: …
Itaru: Wanna head somewhere a little nicer, Senpai?
Chikage: …I don’t even want to try and guess where that might be, but go on.
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Itaru: The hell is that supposed to mean?
Chikage: Haah, I suppose I can’t say no. I’ll go with you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Punching SFX*
Itaru: Start by cheesing it and then follow that up with a double finishing move and K.O.! Man, is there any greater high than this?
Chikage: If you’re going to try and hide the way you actually feel, do it a little better.
Itaru: …Ughh, this is so stupid. Why can’t it just be the people who actually wanna be part of the promotion race at the starting gate?
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Itaru: I mean, they should dip if they don’t wanna do it. Directing hate at me isn’t gonna go anything.
Itaru: There’s supposed to be a fine line between noobs like them and a mid-tierer like me. Why is it that the more of a mid-ranker you are, the less human rights you get?
Chikage: There aren’t really that many mid-level people to begin with.
Itaru: The company knows what to expect from the “Elite Chigasaki-san”. That’s why they’re hiring guys fresh out of college to steadily raise them into the perfect corporate slaves.
Itaru: I get why my colleagues are so desperate to advance their careers by using their outer appearances and mild manners to do so.
Itaru: From their point of view, it’s gotta be infuriating to see a guy who acts so carelessly while chasing after both theater and a career.
Itaru: And hit ‘em with a triple combo finisher-- But I’m just trying to figure out where I stand, so just eff off.
Itaru: Must be nice for you, Senpai. You go overseas a lot and get to level up your career stats in the least complicated way possible.
Itaru: And the things people say about you aren’t nearly as harsh, either.
Itaru: Me, on the other hand, I’m just stuck being the “can-do guy” who does a little better than decent work around the office.
Itaru: At the end of the day, I’m just a mediocre handyman at best.
Itaru: Even if I’m not being treated like the favorite, I still don’t slack off with my work. I may not be the most motivated, but I’d like to think I’m still doing everything I’m supposed to.
Chikage: You sure move your mouth and your hands a lot.
Itaru: What am I even trying to do in the first place?
Itaru: Should I sell my soul and become a corporate slave like you, and aim so high that no one can ever possibly complain about me not being good enough, or should I try and attain a rank that’s purely “Itaru Chigasaki”?
Chikage: Dad jokes and pro-level dodging techniques, huh? (1)
Chikage: Anyway, shouldn’t your first step be thinking about what you want for yourself?
Itaru: What I want… Well, I guess just to maintain the status quo so I don’t have to deal with everyone’s complaints about me… No, actually, maybe I want to speedrun my way to early retirement with passive income…?
Chikage: Then stop spending money on pulls and start investing.
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Itaru: Absolutely not.
Itaru: …I originally chose this job based on the benefits and was lucky enough just to get in, so it’s not like I have any real desire to climb the corporate ladder.
Itaru: Most of the troupe have more than one thing on their hand, but they all have dreams and love what they do.
Itaru: And then there’s me who’s job is just a source of income. I feel like I really don’t have a whole lot to bring back to the troupe.
Itaru: It’s an important time for Spring Troupe to compete, and here I am getting caught up in a promotion race while all my coworkers talk behind my back.
Chikage: So you’re in a position where your hobby is more useful to the troupe.
Itaru: Exactly. To be honest, I wonder if there’s even any point in me continuing to be an office worker, but I don’t have the backbone or the self-confidence to just quit and do theater as my full-time job.
Itaru: Basically, I just wanna have something to fall back on.
Itaru: Ugh~, who would’ve thought I’d still be having these kinds of student problems even now… You ever think about this kinda stuff, Senpai?
Chikage: Well… there’s a variety of upsides to my job.
Itaru: A variety?
Chikage: A variety.
Itaru: Oh, okay. By all means, don’t elaborate or anything.
Chikage: No matter where you are, there are always two sides to things. There’s the side where you’re appreciated and the side where you’re disrespected. It’s not just you.
Chikage: The same goes for me, just with a different set of people. I guess I’m just glad to even be able to do theater activities in the first place.
Itaru: But if we’re actually nominated for the Fleur Award this time around, I doubt the company’s gonna be too eager to accommodate for that.
Chikage: Well, the company does have a performance-based evaluation system. If you can’t contribute to improving the company’s image, you’ll be told you need to be giving your work your undivided attention.
Chikage: At any rate, that doesn’t change the fact that we need the results of our next performance to be good too.
Itaru: I guess you’re ri… Hell yeah, I win! Haaah, I feel better now.
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Itaru: Oh, right, didn’t you get asked to do something annoying too, Senpai?
Chikage: Ah… I was asked to accompany a client on an overseas business trip as an interpreter, but I had to decline because I just don’t have the time for that right now.
Itaru: Guess even cheaters like you have it hard sometimes. But y’know, I’m sure there’s tons of people who would kill to have the opportunity to do some sightseeing while all you have to do is be an interpreter.
Chikage: Well, it’s not to a country that I particularly want to go to.
Itaru: But you know the language, don’t you?
Chikage: I guess.
Itaru: Yeah, okay, we get it, you’re cheater.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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(1) Itaru says “役職 『茅ヶ崎至』 に至る” (yakushoku “chigasaki itaru” ni itaru), literally “Attain the position of “Itaru Chigasaki”. The joke is that the verb “to attain” (至る; itaru) and Itaru’s name are the same kanji and have the same pronunciation, hence why Chikage mentions dad jokes.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Hi hi! I have a weird question/thought after seeing the talk about Idia's use of language. There are a lot of things that are just unable to translate from Japanese to English, and some things that get changed as short hand. The whole nerdy implications of Idia using "-Shi" are basically absent from EN, instead he seems to use "Mr." (If I recall correctly) which really doesn't give the same impression? In your personal opinion - is there anyway you'd personally localize it? Stick with the same? Remove it completely? Use "M'lady/M'lord" instead? (haha)
Hello hello!! I love your "M'lady/M'lord" solution more than I can say ♡ It is associated with the past while still being used by some people in present-day just for fun, which is just like how Idia speaks! That would have been so great for the English-language adaptation!
As you say, Idia's honorific for others has (kind of) been translated as "Mr." on EN, but only in a select few places.
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For the most part it has just been removed, but the curious continuity makes it seem like he thinks that only Malleus, Azul, Grim and Riddle are (sometimes) worthy of "Mr." (the Riddle screenshots below are even both from the same vignette).
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And then there is the Harveston sub-plot between Sebek and Marja, where Sebek refuses to refer to Marja with an honorific until she proves herself worthy of respect (by fixing his plushie).
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At that point he awards her with an extremely respectful honorific (equivalent to "-sama," and the same word Silver uses with Lilia).
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Marja, however, immediately gives him permission to refer to her in the same way he has been throughout the entire trip.
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Idia is a psuedo-narrator for this sub-plot, commenting on Sebek's disrespectful way of speaking in both languages.
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But on EN he then proceeds to refer to Marja in the same way as Sebek (and everyone else) does.
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This has the unfortunate result of making Idia look odd for mentioning it in the first place, when the odd person is actually Sebek, as everyone else is using a respectful honorific with Marja.
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Idia using "M'lady" and everyone else (except Sebek) using "Ms." probably would have been a lot more successful in getting the situation across to people who may not be familiar with such Japanese-language nuances!
As for what I personally would go with...this conundrum reminded me of this amazing joke by @anottercoffee on Twitter:
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And I would be very tempted to go for the "fansubber" solution of translating everything literally, but just having the words doesn't mean that the players are going to understand the nuances, and might cause even more confusion.
If "-san" and "-senpai" are just mouth-sounds to someone, they're not going to understand the significance behind Riddle and Azul dropping it from Leona and Riddle's names in important moments, for example.
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But maybe that's okay! Because at the moment, the alternative that we have is everything getting removed from everywhere, and no one has the chance to understand anything at all.
The best comparison I have come across is Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, where authors incorporated languages that are completely invented, giving no one any chance of understanding them.
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Japanese is a language that already exists, so it seems like it would actually be less of a challenge to introduce world-specific terms like "-sama" and "-chan" for people to either glaze over as a world-building aspect that doesn't interest them, or to gradually adapt to through sheer repetition, so by the end of Book 6 they might have a greater-than-zero understanding of the nuances of a foreign language (much like another magic-school series did with Latin).
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The manga is actually approaching the honorifics in a different way than the game and giving “Mr.” to everybody, so Azul’s “Riddle-san," Crowley’s “Trappola-kun” and Deuce’s “Diamond-senpai” are all now Mr. Rosehearts, Mr. Trappola and Mr. Diamond (more here).
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So it seems that VIZ Media did not agree with Aniplex USA's localization?
What is going to be the most interesting is the novel! Slated for an August, 2024 official English-language release, the novel is also being overseen by VIZ Media.
This means that we might see "Mr." being used everywhere (to uphold continuity with the manga), but the novel goes much deeper into character relationships than the game, and relationships are what honorifics are all about.
Cater, for example, uses them with everyone:
“Usually, Cater does not ever yobisute anyone. When he calls to Trey, he always adds ‘kun’ to his name...When Cater uses Trey’s name like this, it is only when he is really serious. Only when it is important.” -Twisted Wonderland the first novel
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Is Cater going to be calling Trey "Mr. Clover"? And how are they even going to localize these sections describing a feature of a language that is not being spoken? It gives us a lot to look forward to!
In the end, writing out Japanese-specific honorifics into English might actually cause more confusion than it's worth, which is why Twst (and so many other foreign-language-adapting-to-an-English-speaking-audience properties) has gone in the direction that it has.
I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they know more than we do about what is going on, and that there are important reasons behind the choices they have made.
But I also think that the sheer popularity of the "fansubber" approach to this situation is a good sign that maybe people are sometimes okay with not understanding things, as properties like Lord of the Rings and Star Trek have shown us!
While too late for Twst, it will be interesting to see how this situation continues to evolve in the years to come. Maybe, one day, we will even get an official localization that introduces honorifics directly!
If such an experiment fails it will be most expensive for the localizer, and money is likely a large factor behind why companies might be reluctant to take such a gamble and would rather play it safe and just have everyone say "Mr."
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 10: Forced Into The Starting Gate
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Itaru: (I should start getting ready to leave… Oh, right.)
Itaru: (Now that I have a rough idea of our performance schedule, I should apply for paid leave.)
Boss: Chigasaki-kun, can I borrow you for 15 minutes?
Itaru: — — Yes.
Boss: I believe this is everyone.
Itaru: (Everyone being me and a couple of my colleagues and… They’re only guys I don’t mesh with, huh.)
Boss: The reason I called you all here is to discuss whether you would be interested in participating in an urban development project that the company is currently promoting.
Boss: I may be asking you to participate, but the project is already in its final stages. What I would like from you is to provide support.
Itaru: (A large scale urban development project overseas? It’s the development of a theater facility that will become the center of arts and culture and its surroundings.) 
Itaru: (I looked over the synopsis because it seemed interesting that it’s got to do with theater.)
Boss: Participation is not mandatory, of course, as this will run parallel with your current work.
Boss: That being said… There is a reason you were chosen.
Boss: As individuals who are considered the future of this company, I would like you to become core members of the next project.
Itaru: (Eight horses have entered the gate for the promotion race. The most popular one is Outgoing Ghost Monster, the one attracting attention is Rich AF Parents.)
Colleague A: I will do my best to meet your expectations.
Colleague B: I’ve been interested in this project for a long time, I would be honored to participate!
Itaru: (The gate has opened, and all horses have started running at the same time.)
Colleague C: Considering the progress of the work I am in charge of, I should be able to participate as well.
Itaru: I apologize… Could I ask for some time to think about this?
Itaru: (I would’ve probably participated if it wasn’t for this timing…)
Itaru: (Honestly, my head is filled with the theater company and the Fleur Award, I can’t fit anything new in there.)
Boss: … Ah, you also have your theater company to think about, Chigasaki-kun. Please make sure to consider your schedule.
Boss: Because this project’s theme has to do with the arts, the team members asked for you to be included as well.
Colleague A: …
Itaru: I’m grateful.
Boss: I will set up another opportunity to explain the training’s content and to introduce the team’s members, I’d appreciate your participation.
Itaru: Thank you very much.
[Door clicking]
Itaru: …
Colleague B: He can’t just think about it and then refuse.
Colleague C: Must be nice to be in a position where you can survive even if you quit your job.
Colleague A: It’s a popular theater company, and since they’re so well-know it’s probably hard for our company to deal with too.
Itaru: …
Itaru: (At least talk about this somewhere I can’t hear you.)
Chikage: I’m really sorry, I’ve got my hands full at the moment.
Employee A: Is that so? I apologize for springing this on you so suddenly.
Chikage: Feel free to let me know any time I can be of help.
Chikage: …
Itaru: Should we go somewhere good, Senpai?
Chikage: … I don’t even want to guess what that is, but let’s hear it.
Itaru: What’s that supposed to mean?
Chikage: *sigh* You don’t give me much of a choice. I’ll keep you some company.
[Punching sfx]
Itaru: Delivering a crit and then a hook combo, aaaand KO! Ah, this really is the best way to go at it.
Chikage: You’re not hiding your true feelings at all.
Itaru: *siiigh* I really hate this. Only those who want to participate in the race for career advancement should enter the gates.
Itaru: And anyway, you should just quit if you don’t wanna do it. Directing that hatred towards me is just wrong.
Itaru: Being a level between a noob and a mid-ranker is so lame. You don’t have as many rights as a mid-ranker does.
Chikage: Not that there are a lot of middle level players around.
Itaru: I understand that the company has high expectations for the “elite Chigasaki-san”. That’s why they hired me after I graduated and diligently raised me like cattle.
Itaru: I make use of my physical appearance and do everything half-heartedly, but I can understand how desperate my colleagues are to advance their careers.
Itaru: From their perspective, someone who has several irons in the fire and talks flippantly is probably really annoying.
Itaru: And a triple combo finisher— But still, I’m trying to figure out where I stand, so I wish they’d let me be.
Itaru: Must be nice for you, Senpai, you travel overseas and advance your career in a non-complicated way.
Itaru: The criticism you receive probably isn’t that harsh, either.
Itaru: Me on the other hand, I’m stuck being the “capable guy” who does decent local work.
Itaru: At the end of the day, I’m just a handyman.
Itaru: Even if I’m treated favorably, it’s not like I’m being lax with my work. I may not be motivated, but I want to believe I’m doing everything I’m supposed to.
Chikage: Neither your mouth nor your hands seem to be letting up.
Itaru: I wonder what I should be aiming for to begin with.
Itaru: Should I become a corporate slave like you, and aim for a high place where no one will complain about me, or should I reach a position that will scream “Itaru Chigasaki”?
Chikage: Sounds like a conversation you should be having with your father. (1)
Chikage: Shouldn’t you think about what you want to do first?
Itaru: What I’m aiming for… Well, I guess I want to maintain the status quo, so I won’t get criticized as often. No. I want to retire as early as possible with passive income…?
Chikage: Stop spending in gacha and start investing.
Itaru: That’s asking for too much.
Itaru: … I chose this job because of its benefits, and got it out of luck, I’m not really looking to advance my career.
Itaru: Our theater company is somehow made up of people who mostly engage in two trades at the same time, but they all have a dream and enjoy what they do.
Itaru: Compared to them, my job is just a source of income. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t have much to give back to the theater company.
Itaru: Even though right now is an important time for the Spring Troupe, I’ve found myself caught up in the promotion horse race with my coworkers talking behind my back.
Chikage: In your case, your hobby is more useful to the theater company.
Itaru: ^ This. Honestly, I keep wondering whether I’ve got any reason to keep working as a salaryman, but I don’t have the courage or confidence to focus solely on acting.
Itaru: I wanna have some sort of insurance, so to speak.
Itaru: *sigh*~ To think I’d have such student-like worries at my big age… Do you never think about such things, Senpai?
Chikage: Well… My job’s got various merits, you know.
Itaru: Various merits?
Chikage: Various merits.
Itaru: I see? Looks like you won’t elaborate.
Chikage: No matter where you work, there are times you’ll be praised and times you’ll be criticized. And it’s not just you.
Chikage: It’s the same for me too, depending on who’s looking at me. I think I’m satisfied with having my theater activities praised.
Itaru: But if we’re actually nominated for the Fleur Award this time, it’ll be difficult to get the company to accommodate for you.
Chikage: The company evaluates your performance, after all. If you can’t contribute in improving the company’s image, you’ll be told to focus on your work.
Chikage: That being said, this doesn’t change the fact that we need to bring good results during our next performance.
Itaru: That’s true… Okay, Winner! *exhale*, I think a load’s off my shoulders.
Itaru: Oh, yeah. Weren’t you also asked to take care of something, Senpai?
Chikage: Ah… I was asked to accompany a client to an overseas meeting as their interpreter, but I declined because I don’t have the time for it.
Itaru: Guess cheaters have it hard too. Though there’s gotta be people who are jealous of the fact that you can go sightseeing as an interpreter.
Chikage: I mean, it’s not a country I really want to go to.
Itaru: But you understand its language.
Chikage: Guess so.
Itaru: Okay, we get it, you’re cheating.
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
(1) the actual exchange here involves itaru making a joke with his name (『茅ヶ崎至』に至; "chigasaki itaru" ni itaru), and chikage replying with 'you've got both dad jokes and undodgeable attacks'. i had to entirely drop this and let it get lost in translation because i couldn't come up with a dad joke
(2) the literal translation for the episode title is 'forced gate-in', but because i wasn't sure this term is actually used in english, i decided to change it
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yaoisex · 10 months
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There is a new reading project and Chiaki is there alongside some great senpais! That's amazing!!
I really think Chiaki should win this year's Best Seiyuu Award. He's literally everywhere lately, everyone wants him in their projects and he's working so much! HE DESERVES TO WIN!! (I checked his tag on Twitter and many fans think so too). He won Best New Seiyuu a few years ago. I think it's time for him to win the big price now!!
I just want to hug him! He's working so hard and still stays so down to earth, relaxed, friendly and so so precious. I love him so much 🥺
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castellla · 2 years
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ok but fr kikuri is my fave because
1: same hat - i too, am 30something and on substances For Reasons.
the audience is basically handed a diagram that says: why does kikuri drink so much? :( -> oh right, yeah. Capital-and-Other-Isms
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2: audience stand in - thank you for laughing at bocchi-chan's faces. wipes tear from eye they are funny
3: best damn mentor for a non-sober person award - look, seika can have the 'responsible person' stuff. who doesn't appreciate a distant, yet loving manager? the kind of person who secretly makes her kid sisters dumb friends 401k's and starts dumping whatever she can in there cause you think they're gonna do it? compounding interest compounds.
not this scrungly oneechan. come to kikuri's awesome boozehouse of fun and mistakes for the 'oh, you're pretty fucked up too! nice lol. like sux actually but Nice throws bocchi-chan a life-saving liferaft like it was nothing (come back here bitch i said i Owe you my Life)
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and, well, she's so salazzled all the time that she's running Default Kikuri.OS which seems to be: just a happy lil guy. just here 2 have a good time and help other people have a good time also. if there's swears to be said, she might do it. if there's horny flirty things to be said, or perhaps, senpais to get handsy with...
will there be property damage: yes & it's why i'm worried she's Without a Home :sob: but it's worth noticing none of the property damage was damaged in anger - just like, drunken childlike joy/lack of impulse control. christ, you put a hole in the wall that easy? do you work out? are you on the straight dude workout regimen? ...o-or the not straight girl workout regimen? ...anyway, this does not negate the fact that shit did get broken.
will vomit be vomited: yeah, but in anime it's really funny and i can't smell it. i mean her throat probably hurts like fuck and shes gotta be nauseous tho
will thoughtless comments be commented: yes, but i feel like a villain for saying so!!!! oh well.
but i ask the Perceivers among us to consider what kind of things they last said when drunk - stupid? embarrassing? overly horny? - and remember that she's drunk basically All the fucking time. like all the time. the fact that she manages to say anything BUT the worst shit anyone's ever said out loud is a testament to her character as a human.
seems like the drunker + more rejected feeling she gets = sometimes, the harder in she leans to "keep tapping the skinner box of love until love come out"
Various Content makes her do a brock eyes opening thing to indicate shit's hitting a little different for ol kikuri-neechan
e12 -- bocchi-chan is gonna have a fucking panic attack at the worst possible moment; the dutch angle is kind enough to let us know kikuri saw that happen and gets it. i mean, wtf is she supposed to do from even the front for her, other than hope she'll be okay? thankfully, kita wanted to be a constellation so bad she watched her, saw it about to happen, and shredded to saved bocchi's hide. s-stupid femme beautiful rock princess i love her to death
consider her past; she started drinking to overcome the overwhelming anxiety of stage fright because she had no choice but to play music live for people. bocchi had nicobicobouga (assumed name) because the internet was around - but people older than her just didn't. if you wanted to play, and for people to listen, they'd have to be standing in front of you. yeah, shit sucks, actually. if you perhaps... suffer from social anxiety so badly you couldn't speak to your classmates, but wanted to play music soooo fucking bad because you couldn't imagine a life with you in it otherwise?... what other options did she have? booze is easy to get. especially in japan, and i imagine especially in a music setting. (i am a loser with sensitive ears so have no firsthand knowledge, however.) frankly i want kikuri to get a weed card slash dealer but that's just for me personally as a stoner dyke
she is lightly pushy about offering bocchi - who is of course, underage - alcohol. however, i really doubt it's her intention to do a hey bocchers. wanna WEED? at her: she is probably literally not able to cognitively remember the previous conversation(s) they had about it. she's never taken her 'no im too babey to alcalahol :(' and gone 'lol, sure. PEER PRESSURE, WOOO!' and kegstanded the poor little dweeb against her will.
given how just literally drunk she is and the level of impulse control that typically affords, i have to imagine: in the second in front of her: all she sees is - hey, look who it is! it's ol' bocchi-chan! bocchi-chan who is clearly having a Hard Time Coping. wonder if she wants a drink to chill out! better offer her some so she can have it. hey bocchers wanna Weed
...but the hardest thing about alcohol if you're underage is getting it! so, she offers, but hitori gotoh has the moral compass of a (insert competently-written metaphor - we'll definitely fix it in post!), so she truly seems content with not touching it until she's Of Age. uh, okay, "content" might not be the right word. aside from her own cynical, but not inaccurate mind palace excursions into the possible future that awaits her if she were to start drinking. plenty of people drink underage and don't become alcoholics - bocchi herself just has too much physical anxiety to cope with the thought of something that could have such enormous stakes. for her, the stakes of 'drinking' are social more than anything - she's paralyzed with worry about becoming a disappointment and burden to her loved ones. and she doesn't trust future bocchi to not do that. she sees every road as yet another slippery slope to humiliation and rejection. it is an utterly miserable way to live.
the human brain is wired to comprehend 'social rejection' with 'the threat of death.' for our evolutionary ancestors, not being able to fit in with the group meant getting ditched out in the middle of nowhere, literally left to starve and die alone. this is partly because one of our evolutionary legs-up was our ability to communicate with others, form groups, and cooperate. this is hunter-gatherer level lizard brain shit. it's important because we have to all understand: one way or another, we're all wired this way. it's more complex now, because society and technology have become more complex. but brain-wise? 'oh god, am i saying too much about LIZARDS and CAVEMEN' feels the same to bocchi as 'i was so annoying, even my own family would leave me alone to starve, because i was that permanently, irredeemably loathsome.'
a caveman bocchi-chan would be interesting. unga bunga
on a brain level, this is the fight-flight-freeze response bocchi is experiencing when she has her very funnily animated episodes. is it funny she's doing that? well, sort of... her face is pretty funny. her reaction is pretty funny. her internal experience is that of someone so absolutely petrified with the thought of being 'annoying' that she cannot proceed with her life.
no, she can't make an instagram - haven't you ever seen someone attention whoring so bad, you wanted them to die alone? no? ah, well. what if you thought they deserved to die for the sin of wanting attention? - she has an entire mind palace about it and screams like a broken speaker and all her friends are like 'shit! sorry! won't ask again. we cool?' and shes like 'oh yeah. my bad' and that WORKS, MAN, FOR SOME REASON.
it's nijika. nijika is the key. nijika's the reason kessoku exists. she's so fucking reasonable and normal and responsible and caring and kind. she goes, "excellent slapstick, chums. i shan't blame you all for being Such Big Lesbians All The Time, because i love you for it, but perhaps let's get out of the direct line of public sight, where harmful misunderstandings can occur, and wrap things up as cleanly as we can? no need for shame or angst; i don't need those apologies! ayamaru ga iranai! (would she yoko kanno/maaya sakamoto? huh. not very roccku...) she has her priorities straight.
we know who raised her, so nijika-chan is nijika-chan, but it's silly to pretend there'd be no influence. 'you're suddenly my only family and it's my responsibility to step up and Protect and Raise you right' is a hell of a drug. (seika i starts crying ALSO OWE YOU MY LIFE)
4 hot anime woman - they are free to obsess over without being a lil freak, so that's nice. okay maybe scratch the freak part ive been typing this for way too long for that qualification anymor
6 "shinjuku, i LOVE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" if not the point i fell in love with her, the point i definitely fell more in love with her
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absolutebl · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
tagged by @jenos-sociopath thanks hon! 
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag: g2ky BL Mutuals 2022
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
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Old Fashion Cupcake, it came out of nowhere so I had no expectations, but it still managed to be way better than I was expecting. Absolutely brilliant and one of my favorites of this year. (Full review here.) As a BL it’s not perfect (that award goes to Semantic Error) but as a show for ME it was almost exactly what I love best in the world from acting to filming. A marvelous piece of cinema. 
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My Ride, a charming little pulp with a fantastic cast and script. Slow burn and really beautiful, this one defied all expectations (I don’t expect much from the Thai pulps) and remains really dear to my heart. Full Review here. 
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Cherry Blossoms After Winter, Korea went very classic Japanese yaoi with this one and added super atmospheric touches and a nod to equal rights and soem very old fashioned tropes. That’s what was unexpected. Korea usually sticks to a very specific kind of BL, this was not that kind, it made it a particularly nostalgic viewing experience for me. Full review here.
I’m not mentioning some of my other favorites of this year like Minato’s Laundromat, Takara, Bad Buddy, Blueming, DNA Says Love You etc... because they didn’t surprise me, they were what I expected from those industries and talents.  
What has been the BL that you felt a disappointed with this year?
Blue of Winter AKA Judo Boys - Korea should stay away from pulps 
Love Area: Part 2 - I didn’t expect much, it still disappointed 
Love in Spring AKA Spring of Crush - I expected BL, it wasn’t 
The Tuxedo - yeah, what the ACTUAL fuck? 
Check Out - such a killer intro episode last year, such a terrible series this year
Our Days - what a shit show, why did I watch the whole thing? I’m disappointed in myself. 
Coffee Melody - my much anticipated Pavel’s next BL and it was so lackluster  
Even Sun - how to blow good chemistry on a bad script 101 
Love Mechanics - how to blow good chemistry on a bad script 201
Sky in Your Heart - OMG no, what happened? worst chemistry ever 
Senpai, This Can’t be Love! - turns out, it can’t be love
Kabe Koji - I was robbed 
Enchanté - grumble 
KinnPorsche - yeah, BITE ME 
Kissable Lips - he fucking DIED? 
A few of these I still rated well, because they were decent BLs by BL standards, it’s just I gotta reset my expectations. 
What has been your favorite BL this year?
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Favorite BL couple of 2022
Aside from the leads of the 4 favorites already mentioned? 
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Michan & Koichi 
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Minato & Shin 
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Takara & Amagi
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Pat & Pran
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Pluem & Kewin 
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Vegas & Pete
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Daisy & Intouch
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San & Aei 
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Rain & Payu
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
Top 10 BLs to SUCK in new fans. 
What's your non-BL favorite for this year?
Hum, good question. 
A Business Proposal 
Love and Leashes
So who wants to go next? 
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coralcatsea · 4 months
Random thoughts regarding different fandoms:
(I've seen/read these, I just don't engage with the fandoms that much. These are just thoughts based on what I have seen of the fandoms.).
Death Note: Endless memes. Constant poking fun at all the overthinking going on. Putting these dramatic characters in goofy scenes about cake and friendship. The jokes never get old for me. I don't see much discourse, maybe an occasional conversation about whether or not Kira was right. 😆
ATLA: Zuko getting teased. Kataang and Zutara battling it out while Zukka laughs and slowly rises higher, taking more and more people as it goes. I'm not that interested in the ships, but Sokka ships are the best. NATLA wins the "not as bad as you could've been award" and "the effects were decent". Lots of fun analysation.
Percy Jackson: I feel Nico is a fan favourite. The main discourse I've seen for the fandom as a whole is whether or not Annabeth treats Percy well and whether or not Piper is annoying. A lot of people compare Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (the characters), and those who have read both seem to agree Percy is better. Like ATLA, there's a new live-action series that is a mixed bag, but much better than the old, horrible live-action movie (and sequel) in the past.
Zelda: DOWN WITH KOROKS vs STOP KOROK ABUSE. Everyone loves Sidon senpai. Glory to Master KOHGA. Most of the stuff I see right now is BotW/TotK related, but there's still some good stuff for other games, as well as the AUs people do with different Links meeting. Midna is the best sidekick.
Hazbin Hotel: I'm wary since there's LOOOOTS of discourse in this one. The fans can be pretty funny, though. I love the song edits and that there's a whole ship tag for Vox's unrequited obsession with Alastor. I also like watching people analyse the characters and writing.
Helluva Boss: Well...I once again like watching people discuss the writing. But I am hesitant to engage with any fans because I have a weird relationship with this show and don't think I really qualify as a fan. 😅 I watch it because it's so bizarre to me I can't look away. One time I gave characters different colour schemes for fun, and I got a bunch of annoyed asks from someone taking it too seriously. 😆
She-Ra: Catra Applesauce Meowmeow is a poor little meowmeow. Cat. I like the cat memes. I also love the comparisons between Scorpia and Kronk. Entrapdak is probably one of the better ships, yet has haters for some reason. The accusations have the same vibes as Beauty and the Beast accusations.
Owl House: Tons of Lumity. Personally, I'm more invested in Eda and her relationships with the other characters. Belos and Hunter get compared to Ozai and Zuko. Hunter is very popular. Everyone side eyes Disney for what they did. HOOTY SUPREMACY HOOT HOOT.
Miraculous: The Adrien vs Marinette discourse makes my brain hurt, but I'm glad we all pretty much agree Astruc does everyone dirty. Canon? What's canon? Usually I like and try to follow canon. Not here. Who tries to follow canon in Miraculous? The fans write the show better than he does. Love all the fan comics I see for this show. Chloe could've been more interesting. We all make fun of Smooth-Brain Gabe. We came for the Love Square and then started to hate it. Then Emonette and Emodrien came and reignited our interest.
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crusherthedoctor · 11 months
Tbh, the more I think about frontiers, the more it feels “artificial” it looks like a sonic game, and has elements people wanted, but it doesn’t feel natural. When I look at superstars, thats how I see sonic as a franchise. But when I look at frontiers, I get constant mixed feelings, especially with how it handled certain characters and story. I don’t know, but frontiers was probably a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It's not just the obvious qualities, like how it's piggybacking off of Breath of the Wild, or how various aspects of the level design are cobbled haphazardly in a way that detracts from the intended open world experience, or how bland everything is and how "Starfall Islands is meant to have its own aesthetic and style" doesn't work as an argument when there is no aesthetic and style for the environments, or how the writing feels a lot more Archie-esque, or how the voice actors sound less "I'm doing a low-key portrayal of these characters" and more "I'm genuinely depressed and bored IRL", or how The End is nowhere near as gripping as its manifestation of death schtick warrants, or how Tails says he's Wildly Inconsistent, or... everything to do with Eggman. Because even putting all that aside, the little things are frequently off as well.
Like cutscene pacing for example. There are so many moments with unnaturally drawn out pauses between characters during a conversation, and them just kind of fucking around and merely existing, the latter of which was something that the Pontaff games frequently got criticised for by fans. Then there's the specific way that references are often pulled off: they rarely feel natural and non-intrusive, and with how shoehorned they can get, you get the impression that they're desperately trying to convince you that they're totally Sonic fans to compensate for not actually knowing the games past the surface. Especially since half of them aren't even accurate references. Like shit, why not add an overdone Snapcube reference while you're at it, might as well given fans remember that more than they do the actual games at this point.
And I know I keep bringing this up, but I must stress: why is it that, nearly a year since the game originally came out, and despite all its popularity and acclaim, and fans taking any opportunity they can to boast about said acclaim ("It won an award!")... I can never find sincere praise for it that doesn't boil down to vague "They fixed it!" refrains, with maybe a side dish of Fuck Pontaff at most? Why am I more likely to find someone who can explain the ins and outs of why they like ShtH, ironically or unironically? Why am I more likely to find someone who can explain in helpful detail why they like Sonic Underground? Why are these diehard fans of Frontiers so reluctant to actually discuss the game, instead of repeating "It's the best because it is, please notice me Flynn senpai" over and over?
I'm sure they'd say that Frontiers' widespread adoration by the fandom shows they did something right. As if popularity automatically equates to quality. As if I can trust what a fandom that has grown to care more about portrayals that openly shit on the games has to say in order to convince me that I just don't get it, maaan.
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littlelambreads · 1 month
A3! Fan Fiction — “I’m Youth, I’m Joy!” // Episode 1
Synopsis: Hanako is talented at acting, but is not ready to leave the nest. She struggles to fully bring out her abilities because she is comfortable where she is. She has an internship she has to do so her parents suggest she try interning overseas.
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Masumi: Thanks.
Girl: Ah~ That street act was so good!
Boy: Yeah! It was really cool how they acted out a sword fight even when there was none!
Girl: Right? I feel like I could almost see real swords in their hands. Street acts are the best!
Hanako: …
Hanako: An entire community dedicated to theater arts is really cool, but…couldn’t I have done my internship back at home? Mom, Dad…Why am I here? Why couldn’t I stay with you?
Izumi: Is everyone here?
Taichi: Here, here! Autumn Troupe is assembled!
Juza: Oi, Settsu. Isn’t that your job?
Banri: Ah? It’s not like it matters.
Juza: It’s not good to slack off. Do your job.
Banri: What did you say?
Taichi: Ban-chan! Juza-san!
Sakyo: You two…
Azami: It’s always like this.
Omi: Now, now…
Hisoka: Zzz…Autumn Troupe is loud.
Homare: Hisoka-kun, we are about to have an important meeting. It is best if you wake up. Here, a marshmallow.
Hisoka: Om. Nom, nom.
Tasuku: Mikage, if you’re awake please stand on your own two feet.
Guy: Sand? Feet? Shall I go get the foot pumice stone?
Tasuku: I said stand, not sand.
Azuma: Fufu. Perhaps I should invite Winter Troupe to a foot spa? It’s rather a nice feeling.
Tsumugi: Ahaha… Winter’s here, too.
Tenma: Ahem. All of summer ‘s here.
Yuki: Way to go, leader.
Tenma: Was that sarcasm I heard?
Yuki: It’s not all about you.
Misumi: Wah! It’s a triangle formation!
Kumon: Oh, I didn’t realize! We are kind of standing in a triangle shape!
Kazunari: Seriously? Go us!
Muku: Good for you, Misumi-san!
Misumi: Hehe.
Chikage: Summer troupe is as close as ever.
Itaru: What are you saying senpai? Spring troupe has familial bonds.
Citron: Mother is here!
Masumi: I wouldn’t mind if the director and I became a family.
Tsuzuru: That’s not happening!
Masumi: Tch.
Sakuya: Yes! Spring troupe is all here.
Izumi: Great! Everyone’s here.
Izumi: Things have been progressing smoothly with our performances and they have been gaining traction with the public because of the Fleur Award and features on Spotlight. We have had mixed plays and plays with other troupes. We have also focused on each individual troupes’ strengths and I want to continue to build that. However, I also want to grow our versatility. I want our troupe to experience as many things as possible so they can bloom with vibrancy!
Tenma: Heh. What a thing to say.
Banri: Yeah, it’s not bad though.
Tsumugi: I wonder what it could be?
Sakuya: I’m excited!
Izumi: For this season and this season only…I want to add one new actor to each troupe. 
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ehliena · 2 months
There’s Time for That
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Asta/Yuno
Summary: Yuno knew what Asta was going to do after the ceremony. He opts to go on a mission instead of attend. Klaus has something to say about it. Spoilers for Chapter 332-333 of the Manga.
Can be read on AO3 or under the cut.
It was early in the day in the Clover Kingdom and the Golden Dawn Headquarters was already a flurry of activity. A select few of them were about to go on a mission to scout out if there was any demon activity in the Forbidden Realm.
In his office, Yuno was just going over some last things before he could tell their team to go. He knew he had to do these checks not because the members of his Brigade were lacking, but because the mission was a joint one with some of the Black Bulls.
Ever since the mission in the Spade Kingdom, the Bulls’ reputation had improved somewhat, but they were still the Bulls. As the Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn, he had to be prepared for anything to go wrong. Their Brigade’s reputation was on the line.
A knock sounded on his door, and it opened. Yuno didn’t bother looking up, he could tell who it was by the person’s footsteps.
“You should be there.”
“Klaus-senpai,” Yuno acknowledged the older man. “I have a duty to the Clover Kingdom.”
“You also have a duty to the Spade Kingdom,” Klaus pointed out. “Yet you’re here instead of there because of that person. But you aren’t even going to his awards ceremony when everyone else important to him is. And isn’t it about time you stop calling me senpai, Vice-Captain?”
“It’s Yuno,” he reminded. “You’re not going either Senpai.”
“I was assigned to this mission.”
“So was I.”
“I know you asked Captain Vangeance for this assignment,” Klaus argued. “I just don’t understand why you would miss Asta’s biggest day.”
“It was a long time coming, this award. He should have received it a few months after me. Everyone from the Hage Church will be there.” Yuno paused giving Klaus a look. “Everyone.”
Klaus stared at him pointedly. Yuno sighed.
They really were just children when Asta had started asking Sister Lily to marry him. Yuno thought he knew what love was back then. That it was simple and uncomplicated, much like how Asta was as a person.
In the years since he had joined the Golden Dawn, he had a lot of people confessing their love for him, but he politely declined.
How could they love him if they did not know him. There was only one person who really knew him.
Another difference between him and Asta.
Asta loved openly and freely with varying degrees. With Asta, what you see is what you get. He loved their little family in the Church. He loved his comrades in the Black Bulls. He loved Yuno, as his best friend.
But most of all Asta loved Sister Lily.
Yuno knew this, and also knew that Asta would no doubt ask her to marry him again. As he did on the daily when they were children. As he continued to do as a Magic Knight whenever he saw the nun.
It was ridiculous when they were children, and back then Yuno didn’t mind. He knew she would always say no, Asta would be dejected, vow to never give up, and would do it all over again the next day.
That was when they were children. Yuno thought things would be as it had always been. He thought that he wouldn’t feel anything but minor annoyance whenever Asta professed his love for Sister Lily.
Things changed when they saved Hage from the elf-possessed Digit Talis. Yuno felt a twinge as soon as Asta had told the nun those three words: I love you.
It was only a tiny twist in his chest, and, at the time, he brushed it off as something from the battle even though he barely broke a sweat.
Later on, much later on after Asta was accused of being a devil worshipper and put on trial, he realised what it was: jealousy.
Not jealousy that Asta was showing how persistent he was, nor in the sense that he wanted Sister Lily. But jealousy in the sense that he wanted Asta’s devotion.
Even at Yuno’s award ceremony for making it to the rank of Grand Magic Knight, Asta’s eyes were on Sister Lily. Sure enough at the after party, he had heard the telltale sound of the Holy Fist of Love connecting Asta to the floor.
Yuno knew that Asta would never see him in that way.
“Are you worried that she would accept?” Klaus asked, bringing Yuno back to the present.
“No, of course not.” Yuno shook his head. “She sees us as her younger brothers. She would never.”
“I see.”
“Besides, Asta doesn’t see me that way.”
Klaus studied him. Yuno hated being stared at, but he was used to Klaus doing a great impression of being a mother hen.
“Why don’t you change it then?” Klaus suggested.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Klaus pushed up his glasses. “Asta isn’t exactly unpopular. Though his fan club isn’t as big as yours, they do exist. He probably doesn’t even know it.”
“He what?”
“And aside from his fans,” the other man continued, ignoring Yuno’s interjection. “He has several close friends who also seem to be interested in him, two of whom are royals.”
Klaus paused to let that sink in. Then he continued.
“While merit will get him to the top, being the fiancé or husband of a Royal could get him to sway the nobles to supporting him in becoming the Wizard King. Those two know that. And they do hold affection for him. Not that he’d ever pick up on it if they didn’t tell him first.”
Yuno knew which two Klaus was referring to. Mimosa never really kept her emotions hidden. It was a well-known secret in the Golden Dawn that their Royal member was smitten with Asta.
As for the other one, Noelle, Yuno really had no idea. But he was certain that if she did confess to Asta, he would misunderstand because he was as dense as a board.
“Don’t wait until it’s too late, Vice Captain.” Klaus advised.
“Call me Yuno, Senpai.” Yuno smiled. “And I won’t.”
He had time. And he intended to be clear about his feelings so Asta would not misinterpret his words.
The most important thing is that Yuno had time.
They were still competing on who would become the Wizard King after all. His feelings did not change the fact that he had to defeat Asta. Then he’d tell the other man how he felt.
Yuno had time.
Until he didn’t.
A/N: I have feels about Yuno not being there at Asta’s award ceremony. Especially since Asta was at Yuno’s. I’m also planning to write another Yuno-centric fic focusing on chapter 334.
Anyway. Please tell me what you thought of this. And feel free to point out typos! ^-^
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thornheartcat · 9 months
Fiona's 2023 Anime Awards
Thoughts on anime this year!
Top 5:
Pluto (even has my mom's seal of approval!)
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Heavenly Delusion
Undead Girl Murder Farce
probably Scott Pilgrim Takes Off once I get around to it (I KNOW I'M GONNA I SWEAR)
Show that most came closest to making the top 5 but I think I'll still like Scott Pilgrim better: My Happy Marriage! I want what they have...
Most underrated show: BULLBUSTER. I know robots aren't very in right now or whatever but it's a robot workplace dramedy! Give it a chance!
Runner up: Synduality: Noir. Also robots. This one has such Eureka seveN vibes and I mean that as like one of the highest compliments I can give! I missed shows like this! Bring shows like this back! Also it's from the writer of Bunny Girl Senpai! If I say that will you watch it?
Most overrated show: Oshi no Ko. This shit was 60% monologues about how "the entertainment industry is bad, actually" by volume. Snore.
Runner up: JJK2. I mean it's like fine I guess but at this point JJK is like a vehicle that delivers cool fight scenes to my eyeballs. If you ask me to care about the characters or the mechanics behind the cool fights I will laugh at you.
Most niche show I enjoyed: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer. You have to be in so deep in the world of visual novels and eroge to really appreciate this show but I've been in too deep since I was like 14 so I love it!
Show that most should've been bigger: Undead Unluck. I know it's floundering here because it's a Hulu exclusive and Hulu has literally not even spent a single fucking tweet promoting their exclusive anime for some goddamn reason but give it a chance I am BEGGING YOU. Heavenly Delusion and Synduality: Noir had this same problem but Undead Unluck is based on a SJ property so you'd especially think it specifically would be bigger!
Show that most surprised me: Tearmoon Empire! I didn't know I wanted a show about Marie Antoinette getting sent back in time to prevent her own guillotining, or that I wanted that show to be primarily a comedy, but I got it and I love it! I hope it gets another season, I want to watch Mia bumble her way into becoming a better person and making the world a better place some more!
Runner up: Helck! I'd heard good stuff about the manga so I wasn't surprised it was good but I was surprised at just how well it shifted from comedy to drama and how emotionally invested it got me. Every week of that flashback arc had me yelling "NO!" at my computer when each episode ended because I wanted to know what happened next so badly!
Show that most was just sorta there but I had fun anyway: Mononogatari. It's such standard shounen fare and the art and animation rarely rises above the level of even "competent" but by the end of the second half I found myself genuinely invested in the characters? Also the second OP goes hard as hell
Runner up: Spy Classroom. It's not the best spy show out there, but if you've already watched Princess Principal and Spy x Family and you want more anime spy content it's there for you. I liked the girls and their unique abilities, and the narc episode is counterbalanced by the extremely hilarious and period accurate WcDonald's that is "White Fortress".
Worst anime: A Girl & Her Guard Dog. The premise is already not my cup of tea (not a huge age gap fan and especially not a huge fan of the girl falling for the guy who basically raised her, Bunny Drop style, though at least this series is up front about all that rather than luring unsuspecting people in with wholesomeness), but its execution is what really kills it. There's nothing more profoundly unsexy than the love interest behaving like an overprotective sitcom dad. Also doesn't help that the art and animation are straight DOGSHIT. I feel so bad for the animators, they must've been on an insane crunch, you can really feel that they kinda just shit this one out and you just know they're not proud of it and wish they could've done better work. I also feel bad for fans of the manga, the art there isn't terrible and while translating it to animation was always gonna be a little hard this is a particularly tragic attempt.
Most anticipated of 2024: Delicious in Dungeon and Dandadan!!!!!!! GET HYPE BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year
Warning: Potential spoilers, flashing lights
Title: The Anime Journey
Editor: SonsofKorhal9
Song: Try Everything
Artist: Shakira
Anime: Erased, Re: Creators, To Your Eternity, Clannad: After Story, Your Lie in April, Haruhi series, Angel Beats, Wandering Witch: Journey of Elaina, Made in Abyss, Ranking of Kings, My Senpai is Annoying, Wotakoi, Golden Time, Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?, The World God Only Knows, Mushoku Tensei, No Game No Life, Akudama Drive, Spirited Away (film), Your Name (film), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (film), Belle (film), Wolf Children (film), The Boy and The Beast (film), "Josee, the Tiger and the Fish" (film), Spy x Family, One Piece, Code Geass, Haikyuu, Run with the Wind, Yuri on Ice, Fate Grand Order, Himouto! Umaru-Chan, Fate Carnival Phantasm, Azur Lane, Pokemon, Persona 5: The Animation, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Sword Art Online, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, Kill la Kill, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (anime), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Netflix live action), Death Note (anime), Death Note (Netflix live action), K-on!, A Place Further Than The Universe, Hanayamata, Durarara, Konosuba, Hayate the Combat Butler, Gintama, Nichijou, Oreimo, Cowboy Bebop
Category: For fun
Awards: Anime Expo 2023 - Fun & Play Runner-Up Nebraskon 2022 - Best in Show
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leonsliga · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
(also yes you're the only bri i know here 🤭 and GURL your reply tags in that leon post got me HOWLING)
OH MY GOD ICE ILYSM 🥹🫶 first of all, I feel so honored to get this ask that words are just kinda failing me rn. Second of all, I’m honored that I received this ask from you of all people, one of my fave tumblr girlies (I’m not crying, my eyes are just peeing ok?)!! Seriously though, you’re so sweet, thank you so much!! I feel blessed to be the only bri you know on tumblr…there should be an award for that or something 😂 haha I was hoping you saw those reply tags!! Glad I could make you laugh (me going completely feral over Leon hasn’t been entirely fruitless after all…senpai ice noticed me 🥺) Best believe you’re getting one of these from me…stay tuned :)
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aeoki · 2 years
Grand Slam - The Blood-Vomiting Beast: Chapter 4
Location: Yumenosaki Grounds (Sports Festival) Characters: Touri, Tsukasa, Souma, Yuzuru, Eichi, Wataru & Mika
Tumblr media
Mika: Ngh~ I don’t like this… There are a lot of martial artists here, it’s super scary…
Yuzuru: Oh, you’re representing “Team CosPro”, Kagehira-sama?
Mika: Yeah… We’ve got so few people, we’re actually in a pickle, though.
We were talking about whether we should send “2wink” twice in a row since they look the same, but it might not look very good on the outside.
Souma: I see. So that is why you were chosen instead of one of the Aoi brothers.
Mika: Yeah. I’m not that good at sports, but… At this rate, my turn will come sooner or later.
Also, I’m the oldest in “Team CosPro”. I’ve gotta do my best.
Souma: That is a wise attitude. Let us display good “supotsumanshippu” and compete fair and square ♪
It is time to battle…! 
Eichi: “Wait, wait. Don’t start on your own now.”
Wataru: “Yes. We’ll explain the event first. In ‘Clairvoyanstar’, each player will be provided with a gun.”
Tsukasa: Hmm. It appears to look more like a Clarinet than a gun, though.
Eichi: “What a perfect way to describe it. Can you see there is a microphone attached to the gun?”
“If you face the mic and sing into it, something will be filled inside the gun according to your singing abilities and the volume of your voice. After that, simply pull the trigger and that very something will come out.”
Tsukasa: Something? What else would be shot out of a gun if not a bullet?
Eichi: “That is for you to find out ♪”
Wataru: “There is more to the explanation. Please face the gun towards the sky when firing.”
Eichi: “That’s right – The sky with nothing in it is your target.”
“Visualise your target in the empty sky. In order words, ‘Clairvoyanstar’.”
Tsukasa: No, umm, I don’t understand at all.
Souma: A picture is worth a thousand words. We have no choice but to try, regardless.
Eichi: “It’s exactly as Kanzaki-kun says. Alright then, the event starts now ♪”
Wataru: “Now, the event has begun! How many points can each idol get within the time limit…? ☆”
Mika: That explanation was so sloppy! It was so hard to understand!
Souma: Hmm. I need to let my voice out into this mic…
…With this, the gun is filled with something, correct?
Tsukasa: (Fufu ♪ A chance at victory!)
(I had my guard up thinking Kanzaki-senpai was not an ordinary person judging by his appearance! But he is a mere amateur seeing the way he wields the gun! It appears he’s not used to it!)
(If singing abilities matter, then it isn’t a simple competition to compare our shooting skills!)
(Even I have a high chance of outdoing Fushimi-senpai who is skilled in handling guns!)
(Victory is mine for this round!)
Souma: Ohh! The spot Suou shot is now sparkling and glittering!
What is that? Fireworks? But how could it light up so well in the daytime…?
Eichi: “Fufu. I see you’re all surprised. There is an invisible screen placed in the sky. It will reflect a variety of colours when you shoot at it.”
“The louder your voice is, the bigger it will be. And the more skilled your singing is, the more beautiful and brighter it will be.”
Wataru: “We shall make arbitrary decisions and award points to each shimmering, colourful ‘star’ based on its size and beauty. That is the event. Do you all understand?”
Eichi: “Incidentally, Tsukasa-kun’s ‘star’ wasn’t very interesting, so I suppose I’d give it a 3. The total score is out of 100.”
Mika: I-Isn’t it unfair that the judges are from StarPro!?
Tsukasa: Yes! Onii-sama, you two plan on assigning low scores to the other teams while STARMAKER PRODUCTION receives a high score, don’t you? That is injustice!”
Eichi: “How rude. We will judge fairly.”
Wataru: “That’s right.” 
*Whispers* …Hurry and shoot as much as you can, Mr Butler. We’re buying time for you.”
Tsukasa: “How foul! You have no intentions of hiding that at all…! This is a farce! I object!”
Touri: You idiot~ There’s no way Eichi-sama would do that.
Their strategy is to annoy Tsukasa and have Yuzuru gain as many points as he can at the same time, right?
Tsukasa: Isn’t that cowardly…!?
(Gyaah! They’re toying with me this way and that! Contrary to what I thought, NEW DIMENSION may not be dominating this event!)
Yuzuru: Hmm. If it is not a simple shooting contest, then it is rather disadvantageous for me.
Mika: I’ve been saved then… Ehehe, Yukkun, I won’t lose to you or the others.
Souma: Yes. I do not wish to be on good terms. Let us battle with all that we have.
(...Fortunately, we were able to see the plan for the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” during this event.)
(It may be a sports festival on the surface but we are not contesting our physical abilities.)
(I now know we are competing with our “aidoru” abilities.)
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bangtaninink · 2 years
Hello friend! Glad to see you're alive and I hope doing well 😊
For the drabble prompt, I'm feeling a little angsty with a hopeful ending using Lewis Capaldi's Forget Me with either Koo or Suga. Thank you! 💜
drabble 003 member min yoongi (suga) au idol
—— here's the song!!
the way you see it, right now, you have two options:
stay, compose yourself, and pretend like bts' 20-minute stage starting right now is not going to kill you
excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, where you'll camp out until they're off-stage.
as much as you want to take option two, disappearing for that long — with fans filming their next lot of fancams as long as you're in sight — will arouse too much suspicion, and you're under enough heat from management as it is.
you take a deep breath, and out of sheer instinct, clap as the crowd does, feigning a smile as the host announces bts' stage is commencing.
next to you, iseul — the only group member who knows why you can't stand bts — subtly eyes you, gauging your reaction.
you're proud to say you know enough about music to know how to keep in time with a beat, and the way your head nods along to their song is a reflection of that; but it's automatic, habitual, and happens as you stare at a prop on the back of their stage at an adequate enough distance that it looks as if you're watching bts themselves as they dance.
next to you, iseul shifts in her seat as if fixing her posture, but the way her arm conveniently nudges your side doesn't go unnoticed by you. your eyes widen, lips forming an o, as you pretend to be impressed at a signature bts dance break, hands clapping a little faster.
you hate these end-of-year award shows. you hate that you probably look like a seal right now too.
for the rest of the performance, you plaster on a polite smile, taking your cue from the rest of your group members to react appropriately to what happens on stage. as one song transitions to another, iseul leans over, hand cupped around her mouth, whispering in your ear as if she was gossiping away like a teenage girl about the cute boys in front of you both.
"how much are you hating this right now?" she asks.
you nod your head frantically, grinning.
"i hate my life so much, dude," you reply with clenched teeth.
"guys, guys, guys!" yuki says, waving her hand frantically to gather the members together. she leans into the circle, lowering her voice. "i just heard from sana senpai that there's an after-party happening at a club in hongdae."
"oooh, an after-party!" sara says, grinning. "wait, are we invited?"
yuki rolls her eyes. "i don't think sana senpai would've told me if we weren't."
"so cool," nari says.
"apparently bts are actually gonna be at this one too."
your shoulders fall, and you sigh quietly, reaching for your hoodie.
"yeah, i'm gonna pass on that," you say, rummaging around in your bag for a hairtie.
"what? why?" sara asks, eyebrows furrowed momentarily before they smooth out again when she smirks. "oh. do you have a date?"
"no, i just don't feel like going to a party."
"please," nari says, rolling her eyes. "you? miss three-soju-bottles-minimum? i highly doubt that."
"maybe i just want to look after my liver for once, unnie."
"tch. whatever. killjoy. come on. let's hurry up and get back to dorm so we can change."
"you're really not coming?" yuki asks, holding a dress up to her body as she looks in the mirror.
"i'm good," you say, not looking up from the book in your hands.
"damn. i was really looking forward to taking shots with you, nee-chan."
"have some with iseul. she's the next best drinker after me."
"yeah, but... i wanted to dance as well, and she doesn't dance as good as you."
"i heard that," iseul says, looking pointedly at yuki as she walks into your shared room, holding a pair of false eyelashes. "_____, help me put these on."
you snort, but sit up on your bed, putting your book down and taking the eyelashes and glue iseul holds out to you.
"the blue one's pretty, yuki. wear that one, not the green skirt," you say, spreading glue along the band of one set of lashes.
"yeah? really?" yuki says, grinning. "okay, thanks!"
iseul scoffs as yuki runs out of the room and into the bathroom to change, shaking her head.
"'doesn't dance as good' she says," iseul says. "she's lucky she's cute, or i would've ripped her extensions out."
"she's right though. i dance way better than you," you say, blowing on the glue.
"wow. bitch."
you laugh, nodding your head for her to shut her eye as you position the eyelashes on her lid.
"okay, i was thinking."
"wow. that's rare," you mutter.
"shut up," iseul says, pinching your leg. "i was thinking you should come to the after-party."
"are you for real? you know why i don't wanna go."
"i know, i know — but! you could wear that lace bodysuit, and that nice leather skirt, and look super hot. maybe make out with someone and piss yoongi off. make out with someone more famous than him. god knows you could pull anyone in that outfit."
"no one's more famous than bts. you're crazy."
"so make out with one of the other members then," iseul says, shutting her other eye for you to apply the lashes onto.
"are you kidding? those guys are all loyal to each other. they'd never even look at another member's ex. they have their own weird bro code on top of the universal bro code," you say, frowning.
"c'mon, dude. you could totally do it. if you don't make out with someone... i dunno. collect some digits. show your tits. just do something to piss him off, because if you don't come to the after-party and we all do, he's kinda gonna win."
you sigh as you cap the tube of lash glue, annoyed that somehow, iseul's right. being the only member of your group to not attend would say a lot, and you'd be damned if you let yoongi have the upper hand — not after he'd included a song on their new album that the both of you had worked on years ago without crediting you anywhere. you were certain that, even with your history, as an artist, he'd understand better than anyone how important credit was. it was a petty move, a childish move, one that you were sure he made just to piss you off.
it was sad to say that he succeeded.
"okay, fi—"
without finishing your words, you look up to find iseul standing in front of you, already holding out your outfit.
"senpai!" yuki calls out, waving her arm.
"yuki! you made it!" sana says, jeongguk's hold on her waist loosening as she runs over to your bandmate. "is it just you?"
"no we're all here." yuki looks around, confused. "i guess everyone must've split off already. hi, sunbae."
jeongguk raises his glass with a smile and a nod when yuki greets him.
"come on, let's get a drink," sana says, excitedly taking the younger's hand and leading her to the bar.
at iseul's side you sigh, but there's very little chance it'll be heard with how loud the music is. you nod at her suggestion to get a drink, following her to the bar, leaning up against the sticky countertop as she orders drinks for you both.
to iseul's credit, she's cleaned you up very nicely for tonight, if the way heads turned towards you the minute you all walked into the club is anything to go by. the bartender sets your drinks down in front of you, and you don't miss the way his gaze quickly falls to your cleavage before back up to your face with a grin.
"enjoy, ladies," he says; you don't grant him a response.
"look at that," iseul says, leaning in close to speak into your ear, loud enough to be heard over the music. "and you didn't even need a boob job to make your chest stand out. where do you wanna go?"
"home?" you suggest, taking a sip of your drink; iseul shoots you a look. "i dunno. wherever. i'm just gonna follow you tonight."
"nee-chan!" yuki cries out, waving you over. "let's have shots — before i'm too drunk to remember!"
you and iseul laugh as you walk to the other end of the bar, greeting sana and mina when you see them. it isn't long when five tequila shots are laid in a row on the bar, and you all pause as yuki retrieves her phone to take a video.
"cheers!" she cries, sana and mina doing the same.
"cheers, bitch," iseul says, knocking her glass against yours before downing the shot in one go.
"idiot," you say, doing the same.
"let's do another one," yuki says, despite the wince that clouds her face.
"are you sure?" mina asks, laughing and signalling to the bartender for another round. "it doesn't look like you enjoyed that."
"yes i did!"
as much as you hate to admit it, for a while, you do have a good time, switching between drinking and dancing. you almost forget why you didn't want to come.
that is, of course, until you see him.
your hips slow when you spot yoongi against one of the walls, one arm draped across the shoulders of one girl, the other around another girl's waist. the three of them laugh at something hoseok is saying, but you can't hear anything but the music, and you barely feel the hands on your waist, none of your attention on whoever it is you've just been dancing with for the last ten minutes.
since the two of you broke up months ago, you thought you were somewhat okay, while also stupidly holding onto the idea that maybe he was also quietly, in his own way, taking his time to grieve and get over everything the way you were. seeing him now, however, looking perfectly fine, makes you realise that may not be the case.
you weren't ready for this. you'd made a conscious effort to distance yourself from anything that could possibly lead back to yoongi and to bts, even going as far as changing up your music style entirely when producing new songs, since your normal style had yoongi written all over it — it was a risky move, but one that had, surprisingly, benefitted the group and gotten you on everyone's radar after the release of your second album. still, only you — and to a degree, iseul — know how many times you've stood in the shower, letting your tears mix with the water, or about the password-protected folder on your camera roll you look through in the dead of night when you should be sleeping, or the USB drive tucked away in the bottom of your bag filled with songs that no one will be hearing anytime soon.
is yoongi really ready to forget you?
"hey," iseul says, bringing your attention back to the present as she leans away from whoever she's been dancing with for the last ten minutes too. "you good?"
there's concern written all over her face, and belatedly you realise it's because of the way your eyes have started to water, clear enough to see even with the strobing lights. when you don't reply, she follows your line of sight, dread washing over her.
"oh no. hey, ___—"
"i think i'm gonna go home now, seul," you say, brushing away the hands on your hips to weave through the crowd of people on the dancefloor.
"wait! hol— wait, _____!"
"woah, woah, woah! is that _____ noona?" jeongguk says, craning his neck to look over people as you step away from the dancefloor, passing the bar. "damn, she looks hot in that outfit."
"stop that!" sana cries, slapping his chest.
"i'm just saying! i still like you more though, babe."
"not that!" she jerks her head to the side, and jeongguk finds his gaze falling upon yoongi.
"oh. shit. my bad, hyung."
"i told you, hyung," namjoon says, shaking his head. "you had to go and put on that whole playboy act tonight, and now look."
"what, namjoon? what am i looking at, huh?" yoongi asks, frowning.
"hyung, she saw you," hoseok says. "when she was dancing. she saw you with those other girls."
"if your goal was to piss her off, well then, you succeeded," namjoon says, taking a sip of his drink.
"i was trying to see if she was over me or not, actually," yoongi says, scoffing.
"well then that was literally the most idiotic way you could've gone about doing that," seokjin says, rolling his eyes. "seriously, yoongi. if you wanna get back together with _____, maybe be an adult about it."
"oh yeah? and what do you suggest i do, hyung?"
"how about, hmm, i dunno, go after her? like, right now? that would be a nice first step, don't you think, guys?"
"i'm gonna get a stomach ulcer from this," jimin groans, picking up his drink.
"no, you're gonna get a stomach ulcer because you've been chasing tequila shots with vodka sodas," taehyung says, eyebrow raised. "this will give you a headache, because that's what i've got right now."
"why are you still standing there? go already!" seokjin says, shoving yoongi's arm. "god, seriously."
"well, what if i get to her and it turns out she is over me?" yoongi cries, motioning towards where you'd gone. "what, i'm just supposed to go be an idiot in front of her? let her laugh at me and mock me?"
"jesus christ, i give up." seokjin groans, motioning for namjoon to take over.
"hyung," namjoon says. "why would she run off like that after seeing you with another girl — sorry, girls? if she was over you, she wouldn't have cared and would've kept on dancing with... i dunno who that was. did anyone see who had their hands on her waist?" the other members shrug.
"yeah, hyung," hoseok says. "if _____ noona was over you, she'd probably be going home with someone tonight, because i dunno if you guys saw that skirt she was wearing, but holy fucking sh—"
"i will punch you in the throat, jung," yoongi says, glaring.
"so fucking go already, hyung!"
yoongi huffs out a frustrated sigh, finishing off the rest of his drink in one last gulp before grabbing his jacket, muttering a half-hearted apology when one sleeve unintentionally hits sana's arm. he leaves the rest of the members to talk amongst themselves, no doubt airing out their frustrations about him, but he doesn't care — not when he needs to find you somehow.
he deduces that you're probably no longer in the club anymore when he spots the rest of your group members scattered in the crowd. frantic, he approaches iseul.
"hey. do you know where _____ went?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed.
iseul looks him up and down, crossing her arms over her chest. "why should i tell you?"
"iseul, come on. i need to talk to her."
"could've talked to her back in august, sunbae. or september... october... even novem—"
"okay! okay. i fucking get it." yoongi looks up at the ceiling and sighs, ruffling his hair. "look. i get that i've been a dick about this whole thing, but this hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows for me either."
"mmm, could've convinced me back there — and, oh, actually! i think you did convince _____ of that! respectfully? you should go back to your girls, sunbae. just leave _____ alone."
yoongi knows he deserves to be chewed up and spat back out onto the pavement like stale, tasteless gum. he has no energy to fight iseul because he realises she's completely correct.
fortunately for him, as if by divine timing, just as iseul finishes lecturing him, the door to the female bathroom swings open, and you step out, dragging your finger under your eye where your mascara has smudged.
he can tell you've just been crying, but instinctively, yoongi looks at your outfit first.
hoseok was right.
holy fucking shit.
"oh fuck."
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