#better collaboration and control over your projects.
rvtbooster · 2 years
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labs · 7 months
Hello again, Labs here with a recap of our test of Collections! We introduced this prototype back in September and then handed the feature to a handful of volunteers sourced from the notes on that post. Thank you again to all volunteers! 
We got so much useful feedback, and wanted to share some of that here, and reveal some next steps we’re taking. There are a couple of big projects cooking in Labs, and Collections has taken a backseat lately, but it is important to us to not leave y’all hanging. We very much want to build things with you here.
Our goal with the volunteer-based super-early phase of Collections was to see if those volunteers actually use the feature, watch what they come up with, and check whether anybody they invite to Tumblr signs up and becomes a regular user of the site. Turns out, nobody did sign up — it’s not as useful of an onboarding strategy as we thought it could be.
However, one piece of feedback we got is that Collections make great custom feeds, which people on Tumblr have been asking for a lot over the years. We hear you loud and clear: you want to supplement the standard Following / For You experience with more intentional control over feed content. That’s really important to us.
With that in mind, for those in the prototype, we’ve moved the Collections list to the left sidebar / mobile navigation as an expandable area like Account, for quick access. We like this better than putting them in the dashboard tab bar, but it’s still something we’re mulling over:
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We also heard the need for more filtering options beyond just blogs and tags. What about only including a blog’s posts that use a certain tag, or excluding posts using a certain tag? Or list tags with a boolean AND operator (“posts tagged [tag] and [other tag]”), not just the OR operator we’re using now for sourcing tagged posts. Lots of ideas on how to further customize what shows up in the feed, and better define what the feed is “for”.
There were other fun, tangential bits of feedback, too, like the desire to make these Collections a collaborative feature, so that more than one person can help build a Collection. There were also several usability issues that came to the forefront, which we’ve addressed. And there were some well-articulated thoughts and questions about etiquette, such as how to seek a blog’s “permission” to be included in a Collection – that’s something we care a lot about, to help prevent this kind of feature from being a source of abuse.
Another piece of feedback we heard repeatedly is the desire for Collections of posts. This is not really what we intended with what we built, but it’s not too far afield either. We totally agree that having better, easier ways of collecting and curating individual posts would be useful, so we’re going to investigate that as a separate project.
With all of this in mind, we’ve split the work on Collections into two separate tracks:
Shaping this feature as a “customizable feeds” solution, away from an “invite others” tool.
Building a new thing for saving and curating static posts.
Stay tuned here on the Labs blog for updates on when/if we’ll be moving these Collections tracks of work to more people on Tumblr. (If you are one of the volunteers who helped us with Collections, you’ll still have access to it for the time being!)
Thanks for reading! And please reach out to us via Support, the replies here, or your reblogs, if you have any more feedback, as always.
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xstevex-world · 1 year
Steve Harrington’s favourite musician has been the same since he was 17.
He distinctly remembers hearing Chrissy Cunningham play in his car radio during his senior year, subsequently listening to nothing but her breakout EP for a week straight - and that was just the beginning.
He followed all of work for over the past 7 years: bought physical and digital copies of all her albums, watched every music video multiple times, read every interview, saved up enough while working weekend shifts at scoops to get tickets to her sold out shows in Indiana - he had so much merch that Jonathan Byers once joked that Steve could probably make a shrine to his idol.
He had even kept up during her hitatus, almost two full years of radio silence from the star, like she had disappeared off the face of the earth. It wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened, but it didn’t help that it overlapped with him dropping out of business school to pursue a career in cosmetology and that final falling out he had with his father over his choice in education.
The day she came back felt like Christmas.
Her comeback announcement dropped on June 13th - and it wasn’t just a new post on social media or a candid shot online someone managed to snap.
It was a whole EP drop, 4 entire songs (and a music video) that he knew he was going to play on repeat after 716 days of radio silence.
That opened the floodgates for everything to start again: she went back on social media, thanked her fans for their wholehearted response to her new releases. She started doing interviews again: discussing her mental health and the impact of her mothers control in her life; her reunion with her best friend (and apparent ex) from high school; her label dropping her after it was found that her “momager” had embezzled a huge amount of money from said company, releasing her from her contract early and allowing her to find new partners, new producers, new projects.
She talks about how she’s never been happier, and Steve can’t help but beam at it. He can hear it in her music, how it’s going more against the grain of what’s popular, opting instead for etherial synths mixed with heavy guitars. She sings about heartbreak and moving on and being better than then the people who brought her down for long, now that she’s starting fresh.
Steve loves it, thinks some of the changes have something to with Eddie Munson’s name appearing in the credits of all her new material.
Truthfully, he got curious after someone on Twitter posted a screengrab of cameos made by Munson and his own bandmates in all of her new music videos. He thankful someone else made the connection, and although he’s not the biggest fan of Corroded Coffin’s music (apart from the collaboration EP they did with Chrissy: “CCxCC presents Satanic Slumber Party”, that was incredible), he would lying if he didn’t say he was totally enamoured by Eddie goddamn Munson.
Let alone the fact that he’s totally Steve’s type (big hair, bigger eyes, a complete dork with a heart of gold but who also looks like he would bite someone in both a feral dog and a “please take me to your bedroom right now” kind of way), the guy is a genius when it comes to music, spending interviews talking about the process of artistry and the importance of storytelling - even when they’re discussing songs about him, written by Chrissy about their break up, he’s still so passionate and witty, the two of them spending interviews bouncing off each other in a way that would rival his relationship Robin.
He’s fine, really, he knows logically this is just a celebrity crush that will pass if he stops thinking about it for long enough, but he’s certain that this could develop into one of those all encompassing obsessions if he doesn’t curb it now- and that’s exact what he does. He tries to put that energy into school, excelling more than he ever did in an academic setting. He meets up more often with Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and Barb, inviting them over more often for dinner or drinks, sometimes even just because he wants to make a breakfast feast and need someone else to eat it.
It’s at times like this that he misses Robin, who only has about 6 weeks left of her internship in Paris - he hasn’t seen her in person since he went to visit her a few months ago during spring break. He wishes she was her to openly judge him over this, before rambling on about her own current hyperfixation or moaning about her lack of romantic adventures since she and Vickie broke up.
They still talk on the phone every afternoon (nighttime for her), ranting to each other about their perspective day and sharing any worthwhile gossip.
Tonight’s no different, he’s telling her about the current drama happening in his classes when Robin says:
“I met someone today.”
He’s ecstatic - in his opinion robin deserves the world and the fact she’s met someone on her own in a city where she has been finding it hard interacting with people outside of her placement is a miracle in itself.
She tells him more: how she met this girl that morning at café, acting as a knight in shining armour (Robin’s words, not Steve’s) when the girl got flustered trying to order her coffee in broken French; how she spent the day showing this girl around to her favourite shops and parks and museums; how they spent hours talking about everything and nothing; how Robin hasn’t felt this way about someone since Vickie.
“So then we had dinner at that Italian place, the one I took you to, and, Steve, oh my goddess, she has the cutest little laugh-“
“Did you get her name?”
“Oh, sorry” he can hear her move the phone from one ear to the other. “Yeah it’s Chrissy.”
Steve stops his pacing. That would be one hell of a coincidence, if it was Chrissy Cunningham. She is playing in Paris the following night, the penultimate stop of her current tour. (The very show that he had been tempted to go to, since he could stay with Robin. It absolutely wasn’t because Corroded Coffin was joining her for the European leg of the tour - acting as her band, as well as performing songs from their collaboration as the encore - something that did not happen at any of the American shows). It couldn’t be the same Chrissy that Robin had fallen head over heels for in the space of a few hours, right?
“Did you get any of her socials?” He asks, cautiously.
“Nope,” she answers, popping the p for emphasis. “I didn’t think to ask, because I’m an idiot and all that-“
“Robs,” he interrupts, trying to keep his voice steady. “You’re not an idiot.”
Her hears her laugh on the other end of the line, the same kind of self-deprecating giggle she uses when she’s nervous. He wishes he was there with her so she could see him roll his eyes at her, their main way of communicating their love.
“What did she look like?”
“Oh!” She exclaims as he hears her tumbling over something (knowing Robin, probably herself). “We took a picture together, hold on, I’ll send it over.”
His phone vibrates against his ear, so he brings it in front of him, putting Robin on speaker so he can see the photo.
Holy fuck.
“Robin,” he says slowly, because he actually can’t believe it himself. “Do you know who that is?”
((Part 2))
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nasa · 1 year
Calling Long-Distance: 10 Stellar Moments in 2022 for Space Communications and Navigation
Just like your phone needs Wi-Fi or data services to text or call – NASA spacecraft need communication services.
Giant antennas on Earth and a fleet of satellites in space enable missions to send data and images back to our home planet and keep us in touch with our astronauts in space. Using this data, scientists and engineers can make discoveries about Earth, the solar system, and beyond. The antennas and satellites make up our space communications networks: the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network.
Check out the top ten moments from our space comm community: 
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1. Space communication networks helped the Artemis I mission on its historic journey to the Moon. From the launch pad to the Moon and back, the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network worked hand-in-hand to seamlessly support Artemis I. These networks let mission controllers send commands up to the spacecraft and receive important spacecraft health data, as well as incredible images of the Moon and Earth.
The Pathfinder Technology Demonstration 3 spacecraft with hosted TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) payload communicating with laser links down to Earth. Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center
2. Spacecraft can range in size – from the size of a bus to the size of a cereal box. In May 2022, we launched a record-breaking communication system the size of a tissue box. TBIRD showcases the benefits of a laser communications system, which uses infrared light waves rather than radio waves to communicate more data at once. Just like we have upgraded from 3G to 4G to 5G on our phones, we are upgrading its space communications capabilities by implementing laser comms!
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3. The Deep Space Network added a new 34-meter (111-foot) antenna to continue supporting science and exploration missions investigating our solar system and beyond. Deep Space Station 53 went online in February 2022 at our Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. It is the fourth of six antennas being added to expand the network’s capacity.
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4. You’ve probably seen in the news that there are a lot of companies working on space capabilities. The Near Space Network is embracing the aerospace community’s innovative work and seeking out multiple partnerships. In 2022, we met with over 300 companies in hopes of beginning new collaborative efforts and increasing savings.
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5. Similar to TBIRD, we're developing laser comms for the International Space Station. The terminal will show the benefits of laser comms while using a new networking technique called High Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking that routes data four times faster than current systems. This year, engineers tested and proved the capability in a lab.
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6. In 2021, we launched the James Webb Space Telescope, a state-of-the-art observatory to take pictures of our universe. This year, the Deep Space Network received the revolutionary first images of our solar system from Webb. The telescope communicates with the network’s massive antennas at three global complexes in Canberra, Australia; Madrid, Spain; and Goldstone, California.
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7. Just like we use data services on our phone to communicate, we'll do the same with future rovers and astronauts exploring the Moon. In 2022, the Lunar LTE Studies project, or LunarLiTES, team conducted two weeks of testing in the harsh depths of the Arizona desert, where groundbreaking 4G LTE communications data was captured in an environment similar to the lunar South Pole. We're using this information to determine the best way to use 4G and 5G networking on the Moon.
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8. A new Near Space Network antenna site was unveiled in Matjiesfontein, South Africa. NASA and the South African Space Agency celebrated a ground-breaking at the site of a new comms antenna that will support future Artemis Moon missions. Three ground stations located strategically across the globe will provide direct-to-Earth communication and navigation capabilities for lunar missions.
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9. Quantum science aims to better understand the world around us through the study of extremely small particles. April 14, 2022, marked the first official World Quantum Day celebration, and we participated alongside other federal agencies and the National Quantum Coordination Office. From atomic clocks to optimizing laser communications, quantum science promises to greatly improve our advances in science, exploration, and technology.
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10. We intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to test technology that could one day be used to defend Earth from asteroids. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, mission successfully collided with the asteroid Dimorphos at a rate of 4 miles per second (6.1 kilometers per second), with real-time video enabled by the Deep Space Network. Alongside communications and navigation support, the global network also supports planetary defense by tracking near-Earth objects.
We look forward to many more special moments connecting Earth to space in the coming year.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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desswright29 · 10 months
All up in your mind
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Contains: Sexual Content, Angst, Fluff, Suspense
Word Count: 3.1k
Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie, @doramilaj233, @lichuchin, @6-noir, @jackdrawsjunk, @Ippriceisright
Last Time on Half Crazy (lol):
Riri sat in the darkness of the room, in the center of her bed. She’d hacked into Shuri’s Kimoyo beads allowing them to connect to hers a while back, and now she sat listening. Imagining Shuri taking care of her the way she took care of you. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her jaw clenched in anger. It should be her. You didn’t get her the way she did. Ok, so you looked good and were a good fuck. But what else? Shuri is confused. She doesn’t know what she wants or needs.
“I’ll show her.”
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Riri was up bright and early, as she was every morning. Not much time to rest when there was a plan that needed to be put into motion. She danced around the lab as her music played over the speakers. 
“Tell Mama that I’d do it for you
This rider always want you
I’ll be groupie for you”
She sang as she smiled visions of her and Shuri making love in this very lab taking over her mind. Shuri choking her up against the wall  as she slammed her strap in and out of her. There was no kissing, no true connection.. and yes Shuri very well could’ve been using her body to relieve her stress. But, it happened; and she’d be damned if it wasn’t the best sex she’d ever had! She bit her lip as she looked over her handywork proudly.  A couple of weeks had passed since y/n came and fucked up all the progress her and Shuri were making together. Ugh, that little wife of hers had proven to be much more of a problem than Riri had anticipated. “Bitch.” She stated to herself. She wouldn’t be a problem anymore after today though. Today was the day that all of her hard work would be placed into action. 
“I try to get all up in your mind 
Is my love a crime
Cause I wanna make you mine”
For the past two weeks she played docile. Getting up early to have alone time in the lab to work on her “special project”. The rest of the day she would collaborate with Shuri with no unnecessary interactions. Not like it mattered any way. She’d been so caught up in her little reunion with her wife she wasn’t even paying her any mind and was continuously leaving Riri to her own devices in the lab. Last Tuesday she came in for an hour, then left to surprise y/n with a trip to fucking Santorini because her friend Tolu told her she’d been raving about some restaurant called Argo. Spoiled slut. But it ended up working to the benefit of Riri. She’d thought long and hard, making sure to be very strategic in the way she went about her plan.
At first she thought about coming up with away to remove Shuri’s memory of y/n. But everyone would know something was off with that. They’ve known eachother all their lives. Hm, no she knew she could do better than that. She thought about just drugging her, but that was so, primitive and temporary. And then there was Shuri’s panther suit. NANOTECH! It was brilliant! She’d just have to find a way to make the vibranium nanotechnology digestible. Riri would create a setting in her Kimoyo beads that would cause the tech to send transmitions to Shuri’s brain once it was inside of her body and then BOOM! HaHa! She’s in control of Shuri’s thoughts! It was a great day to be a GOT DAMN genius! And soon this would all be hers!  
“I try to get all up in your mind 
It stops at a crime and I'm gonna make you mine 
I try to get all up in your mind 
I'll go and do the time if it means I'll make you mine 
My eyes, yeah, they really like your smile
It stops the time, yeah, I'll stay here for a while
You give me that good feeling that I need
Why don't you take the time to really notice me? 
I try to get all up in your mind
It stops at a crime and I'm gonna make you mine
I try to get all up in your mind
Be careful what you ask for 'cause I just might comply” 
Riri laughs as the song ends. Today she’d have her Queen.
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It was 5 am. Shuri sat in the claw foot bathtub, that sat in the center of your bathroom. Her head tilted back, eyes closed, and her mouth slightly ajar as she gripped the sides of the tub. “Hmmm” She groaned, as the hot water and vanilla scented bubbles sloshed over the sides of the bathtub. Your lips were attached to her neck and you held on to her small breast as you bounced up and down on her strap. “Ride that shit.” She whispered, bringing her hand down into the water and gripping your ass hard, bouncing you with one hand as she bit her lip. To say you and Shuri were back was an understatement.
 Watching you two together now was sickeningly adorable. That is until it got uncomfortable, and then it was just sickening. But the kingdom was happy to see it. You two were making up for lost times. So in the past weeks everything you both did you did  grandiose. The two of you became insatiable when it came to sex. There wasn’t a place in the world off limits and you didn’t care who was watching. And someone was definitely watching. Shuri’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as you continued to pull her orgasam out of her. You rode her with purpose as you felt the band about to snap in your belly. “Bast!” You pressed your body into hers, letting go of her breast and wrapping your arms around her neck. Something about your slippery breast pressed against Shuri’s created waves of euphoric pleasure throughout your body. She rubs your back as you bury your head into her neck.
 “I feel you cumming Thandiwe, I’m right behind you” she continued rubbing your back with one hand and guiding your hips with the other. “You’re doing so good for me my pretty. Yes baby you’re squeezing me so nice.”Her kissing your cheek, biting your earlobe and whispering sweet nothings was sending you over the edge. You wanted to stay right here in this moment with her forever. “Oh Bast, you’re so good to my body sthandwa.” 
“Mmmhm. You feel so good. You’re my forever, you know that? Who’s better than you umama?” Her breath tickled your ear as she spoke, sending electric waves down your spine. “That’s right. Let it out f-for m-me. Oh shit sithandwa kiss me. I’m cumming for you.” Shuri gently coached you through your orgasam and followed suit. Bringing your mouth to hers you shared a kiss that sent you floating into sub space as she came inside of you. You moaned your pleasures into eachothers mouths as she continued to keep your body pressed close to hers; still slowly thrusting making sure every ounce of her was released into you as you continued the soul stirring kiss. 
“Ndiyakuthanda” Finally you break for air, pulling back from Shuri’s sweet kiss. “Nam ndiyakuthanda. ngayo yonke into endinayo (I love you too. With all that I have). Your glassed over eyes met Shuri’s just in time to see a tear fall, causing one to fall from yours as well. Both of you simultaneously brought your wet hands up to cup eachothers face, wiping away the tears and sharing a small laugh at how in sync you were. “It’s going to work this time.” Shuri reassured you as you nod in agreement. “I know it will.”
“And if it doesn’t it’s not the end of the world. There are other options. And no matter what. We have eachother. It’s us against the world My Queen.” 
“Us against the world My King.” You giggle as Shuri’s smile spread big across her face. You couldn’t think of anyone that was more  powerful, more sovereign, more supreme, or majestic than Shuri. Man or woman. So as ruler of Wakanda, you believed she deserved the title King and you referred to her as such. And every time. She loved it. “You’re trying to go another round huh?” She bit her lip pressing herself deeper into you. Laughing you immediately remove yourself from her strap. Standing to get out of the tub. “Absolutely not! We have so much to do today and I need to prop my legs up before the day begans, so I can start baking this bun!” Tapping your belly you smile down at Shuri. She grabs your thighs right beneath your ample bottom and leans up placing a delicate kiss on your tummy. “You’re so beautiful sthandwa. I’m forever grateful to call you mine. And I can’t wait to start this new chapter with you.” You smile as she stands to her feet and envelopes you in another kiss.
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Riri had to admit you two were better than porn.  All she had to do was press a button and tune in and all of a sudden she was getting a show. She huffed, as she removed her fingers from her soaking wet cunt. She’d just finished cumming along with the two of you on top of Shuri’s desk. Listening to the two of you had become a guilty pleasure. The affirming words that Shuri would say to you, she would use to coax herself into her own orgasam. Pretending it was her that was drawing the lustful sounds from Shuri’s throat. Imaging that it was her pussy that Shuri’s tongue was caressing into tranquil bliss. Turning off the beads she popped her fingers into her hot mouth removing her juices from her fingers; envisioning tasting herself on Shuri’s fingers as she let out a sultry moan. “Pull yourself together Ri. You’ll have her soon enough.” She got off of the desk, and began fixing her clothes. Today, she wore her single braids in a low bun, and a form fitting black mini dress, she’d even applied a bit of makeup and wore heels. It was a special day and she wanted to look good for Shuri.
Shuri walked into the lab at 7:40 am on the dot, cheerful from the beautiful morning she’d shared with her y/n. Her smile was bright, hair freshly braided and she was dressed in her signature all black attire though she was a bit more casual than usual. Black sweats a black T-shirt and a black Nike tech jacket. Not a piece of lint in sight. Ugh! It didn’t matter how she dressed Shuri could make you quiver with just a glance in your direction, and Riri was no exception. Her powerful stride accompanied her through out the lab as she checked on her staff and their progress. Riri watched from the top of the stairs as her heart began to race with adrenaline. Turning toward the glass she gave herself a once over brushing her hands over her curves. “Let’s go get our woman.”
Riri slowly made her way down the stairs heels clicking against the concrete floors catching the attention of the Queen. Shuri did a double take once Riri entered her line of sight not used to seeing her dressed so… feminine. Assessing Riri’s body, Shuri’s lip upturned in appreciation. The woman was definitely a looker. “Good morning Shuri.” She smiled seductively as she approached her. “Good morning Ms. Williams. A bit out of dress code for the lab aren’t we?” Shuri turned away continuing her examination of the updates to the Dora’s weapons. Riri’s eye narrowed at the side of Shuri’s face. That’s not the reaction she was looking for. “Yea, well today is a special day. And I wanted to look nice.” Shuri nodded not yet acknowledging Riri’s statement. “Great job Amahle. These look amazing.” She spoke to one of the lab techs, causing Riri to fume. ‘I look fucking amazing! And she’s ignoring me!?’ Finally Shuri turns toward Ri motioning for her to follow her as she walked past her towards the stairs. 
Shuri’s eyebrow raised at Riri in curiosity as she damn near jogged to catch up with her in her heels. “What’s the occasion?” A malicious grin spread across Riri’s face. Yes! Here we go. “I have a date tonight.” Riri looked at Shuri with intent. Looking for a reaction. Now both of Shuri’s brows where raised, eyes widening as her lips turned up in a genuine smile. Riri’s upper lip began to pull up in disgust. Quickly she recovered her expression, bringing it back to neutral. “Really!?, Well that’s great! I’m glad your getting out and mingling instead of just hanging around the lab.” Now standing in Shuri’s office, she sat on her desk facing the shorter woman who squirmed under her gaze. “I know the first couple of days here were rough when you returned. And I truly feel guilty for leading you on. I’m glad you’re moving forward Riri. And If it’s any consolation, you do look beautiful.” Shuri gave a cute lopsided smile that made Riri’s stomach turn. Shuri really had no feelings for her.
 Riri placed the best fake smile she could muster across her face. “Thank you Shuri really! I know I took it hard at first but I figured it was best that I got over it. You and y/n are honestly so perfect for eachother.” Riri turned away, walking over to a covered dish sitting on top of the mini fridge. “I brought a bit of a peace offering. An apology for all the chaos I caused.” Picking up the dish she turned back toward Shuri with it stretched out to her. “I heard that pot bread was your favorite. So I made you some. If you’ll except my effort as an apology?” Riri’s big brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at Shuri with her sad kitten like eyes. Shuri looked down at the dessert as Riri uncovered the dish. The aroma permeated the office and a slow smile spread across her face as she now looked into Riri’s and took the dish into her hands. She extended her arms out welcoming Riri into her warm embrace. Riri closed her eyes as she took in Shuri’s cologne almost moaning at her scent. “Ofcourse I will Ri. If you’ll also except my apology. I didn’t bring anything to give bu-“
“No no no! You’ve done enough allowing me to stay here after everything. I’m sure y/n wanted me gone. So thank you. Just except my peace offering. Go ahead and try a piece! I’m dying to see if you like it.” Riri’s heartbeat drummed in her ears. Her palms were sweaty and she was getting antsy. “You ok?” Shuri pulled back obviously picking up on Riri’s elevation in nerves. “Y-yea! Yes. This conversation was just a bit nerve wracking. I’m glad I finally got it out of the way. And I reeeeally hope you enjoy this bread. It’s my first time.” She let out a nervous chuckle, as Shuri smirked. This was the moment of truth. Everything she’d worked for. She’d created ten very thin magnetic pieces of nanotech vibranium the size of atoms and placed them inside of the corner piece of the bread. Marking exactly wear to cut. Once that piece was ingested the atoms would connect and attach to the wall of her stomach. Once that happened it would send a signal to her beads. From there Riri would be able to send magnetic waves to Shuri’s brain and control her conscience. She could turn it on and off as she pleased. Meaning she could make Shuri do whatever she wanted when it was on and when it was off Shuri would have no idea what had taken place. She’d only have the memories that Riri would allow her to keep. It was brilliant. 
“Well, it definitely smells amazing!” Shuri says as Riri takes the dish back from Shuri, placing it on the desk. Using a knife she had ready for use inside of the dish, she gently cut the piece placing it on a paper towel, handing it to the unsuspecting woman. “I hope you like it.” It wasn’t a lie. Even in this twisted situation Riri still wanted Shuri’s approval. She bit at her bottom lip in an effort to quell her anticipation. Without hesitation Shuri brought the dessert up to her mouth. Riri’s eyes sparkled in excitement, watching so closely that Shuri’s movements almost became slow motion. Finally, she bites into the delicacy. Shuri’s eyebrows raised and she began to nod. “Damn Ri. It’s delicious! I love it.” So much joy ran through Riri’s body she almost laughed out loud, as Shuri quickly finished it off. She settled for a goofy smile. Her body shivered. It was only a matter of time now. It shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes for the nanobits to find one another. So now we wait. A sinister smile spread across her face. “I’m so glad you like it.”
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2 hrs later
‘Nothing. NOTHINGS FUCKING HAPPENING! I can’t fucking concentrate staring at these goddamned beads all day! Did I not take into account the herb? Is it causing adverse effects?’ 
Riri looked down at Shuri from upstairs as she spoke with another technician. She looked fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Riri let out a frustrated exhale plopping down in a chair in Shuri’s office and crossing her legs. Her hands cradled her face. ‘Damnit! Was all that work for nothing! This is my only hope she’s so in love with that hoe of a wife she has that she doesn’t see me. I have to think of someth-“ 
Bzzzz, Bzzzzz. Riri’s heart drops to her stomach. Slowly she pulls her hands from her face, and looks at her left wrist as it buzzed and lit up with blue light. It worked. She’d done it. She really fucking did it. Pressing one of her beads a projection of Tony Stark revealed itself. “Your atoms are in place. Make your request kid.”
“Shuri will fall out of love with y/n when I activate the atoms. She should remember me as her girlfriend. When I deactivate allow memories of us together to remain.” 
“Sure thing kid. Transmition sent. Anything else?”
“Yes….Send her to me.” Riri pressed the bead removing the projection as she stood, walking over to Shuri’s desk leaning against it as her palms became sweaty and her heart rate picked up. She heard foot steps coming up the steps and she smoothed her hands over her dress, letting out a long soothing breath to calm herself as she waited. The foot steps got closer and closer and closer, until Shuri appeared in the doorway. She leaned against the frame, her gaze meticulously traveling Riri’s frame as she sized her up. And then her eyes connected with Riri’s. She seductively smiled with only one side of her mouth, before placing her bottom lip inbetween her teeth. 
“Hey Ri baby.”
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A/n: This next chapter is gonna be a MESS WHEW!! Stay tuned!
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jiveyuncle · 7 months
Hi omg!!!!! I just saw the book you posted for TNAHP and I am dying! It looks GLORIOUS!!!!! Turned out so beautiful binded like that! And the art is absolutely stunning, may I ask what company printed it? Like what shop did you use? I’ve wanted to print certain stories just for myself so badly over the years but there are so many places and I can’t decide and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!!! 😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing!
Hi, anon! Thank you! 💕 I was so happy getting to hold it and put it up on my shelf! Look!!! 😭💕
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I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: if you use a third party service to print any material (fics, art, art in fics, etc.) please, please, please reach out to the author/artist and get permission to use the service before printing! It doesn’t matter if someone else already has permission, make sure *you* have permission. Also consider if the art in the fic belongs to someone other than the writer (like if the work was a collaborative piece or if it features fanart of the fic) and get permission from them, too! You may have to wait for a response, or you may never get one (in which case, don’t print without permission), but it really is worth it to make sure the authors/artists feel comfortable and confident that they keep control over their own work.
This is the first service I’ve used, and I have no experience binding, so I’m just sharing what I did and what I noticed with my untrained eye.
First, the service I used is Barnes and Noble Press. Here’s a link:
You can make books publicly for sale or books strictly private for personal use. If printing fanfic, be certain that you are creating a “personal” print. It will appear like this in your projects section (note the “PERSONAL” banner above the cover art):
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As you can see - the price is pretty decent as far as books go! After tax, shipping, and handling costs, this book turned out to be $21.82.
You can choose how you want to customize the materials your book is made up of. Different materials cost different amounts (i.e. printing color pages inside is going to increase your price a lot). If you don’t know where to start, here’s the preference settings I selected for my copy:
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Now, understand that they are not editing your book for you - you’re still going to have to do all the formatting and arranging in a document yourself and designing your own cover (so be prepared to still spend a lot of time on this project). They simply print and physically put all the pieces together for you.
Lastly, I want to address quality. While this is far better quality than I could manage on my own, it’s still not 100% up to quality of most books I can purchase in a store. For comparison, I’ll show a couple side-by-side images of the fic print next to my favorite published book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Dust jacket: Feels great! Literally no complaints.
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The hard cover: A bit cheaper feeling. Definitely noticeable difference with a printed visual texture instead of real texture. The printed texture creased and wore away to reveal the white beneath. It’s visible here after just a few openings of the book. Also, unfortunately, you cannot customize the hardcover under the dust jacket, so no spine labels and you’re stuck with this color blue:
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Finally, my biggest concern, the binding of the pages: looks a lot more like a paperback that had its cover glued onto a hardcover than an actual standard hardcover. Again, I’m no expert and idk if that’s normal, what anything is called, or how this affects the lifespan of the book, but you can even see where the spine kinda hovers away from the hardcover casing and how that compares to the The Raven Boys.
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Anyway, the service isn’t perfect, no, but it works for what I wanted, looks nice, is user friendly, and allows me to hold a fic I otherwise never would have had the opportunity to. I appreciate it for that.
Hope this was helpful! Print responsibly 😊
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I'm not quite sure if I should be going to you for advice on this, but I figured it was worth a shot! So, me and my friend are co-writing a story. However, me and her have a lot of differing opinions on many things (Particularly when it comes to character relationships), and I was wondering if you had any advice for creative differences in co-writing?
Creative Differences During Collaborative Writing
Collaborating on a story with another writer can be hard, especially if you have a lot of creative differences, but there are some things you can do to make things go a little more smoothly.
1 - Figure Out a Game Plan in Advance - If you've already started the story, it may be too late for this step, but you can keep it in mind for your next collab. Figuring out a game plan before you start writing can help iron out the wrinkles before they become a problem, so it helps to get on the same page as far as: logistics (how the story will be written/who writes what), goal (is this for fun? Future publication? Posting online?), timeline (when should the story be finished? What is the deadline for each individual part?), expectations (what do you both want to get out of this project? What are your expectations of one another? How will you communicate delays and other issues? How will creative differences be addressed and resolved?), and a contingency plan for if one of you doesn't finish their part of the story. (Can the other finish it? Can a new partner be brought in? Can the other person incorporate their own characters and parts of the story into a new story?)
2 - Analyze the Conflict - When you find yourself butting heads with your partner over a creative decision (let's say you want Todd to be with Jack, but they want Todd to be with Brandon), the first thing you should do is analyze why you want the thing you want. Why do you think Todd should be with Jack? Is it because they genuinely work better? (Better chemistry, earned relationship, better outcome?) Or is it simply because you like Jack better?
3 - Choose Your Battles - If the thing you want wouldn't genuinely work better for the story, you may want to just let it go and roll with what the other person wants. Save your battles for the things that really matter to the story.
4 - Be Gentle - If you find yourself choosing to fight for something that is genuinely important to the story, instead of just saying, "I think Todd and Brandon are a bad couple, Todd and Jack work better!" Try putting it like, "I know you really want Todd and Brandon to get together, but I'm concerned they haven't had time to develop a believable relationship. Can you think of ways we can strengthen their bond in that short time? This points out the issue, explains why it's an issue, and offers a solution, which gives your partner control over the decision. Hopefully they'll realize you're right, and either agree that Jack works better, or at the very least, you can meet in the middle and find some ways to address your initial concerns.
5 - Avoid Pushing Too Hard - If they're not willing to budge, don't push it. Just do what you can to address the issue on your end if possible. If this story will be shared online or published, and you're deeply unhappy with their decision--to the point that you don't feel comfortable having your name on the project--just be honest (and gentle) about how you feel. See if there's some way to come to a compromise, and if not, it's probably a sign that this person isn't someone you work with well creatively, and that's okay. :)
Have fun with your collaboration!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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welcometololaland · 5 months
Hello Lola! This your nice ask week ask! I want to know the origin story of you as a fic writer! What was it that drove you into this life? And I'd also love to know: A someone who collaborates with other writers, what is it like to develop a story and work on it with someone else? How is that organised and scheduled? Not to get too col and corporate about it, but I was to know the strategy lol
hey cig, you know there's nothing i like more than corporate catch phrases, so i couldn't help but circle back to this ask 💜
i started writing fic when i was about 14, although none of those stories exist on the internet anymore (thankfully). truthfully, i've dabbled in creative writing my entire life - i remember sitting out the front of my parents' campervan on holiday and scribbling stories as a six or seven year old - so fic writing was a natural extension of that.
as for co-writing fic - i'd encourage everyone to give it a go if you haven't already. imo it's an incredibly rewarding experience (way better than group projects at school or team building games on corporate retreats). i think the number one thing to remember is that co-writing requires more flexibility - you have to give up any timing expectations and some creative control. but if it works, if the vibe is good, you'll end up with something even better than you could have written yourself.
one of my favourite parts of the experience is bouncing ideas back and forth and getting increasingly ridiculous. seeing the original aquarium rock disaster idea come to life in the rainbow fish was one in a long line of incredibly fun moments writing with jen (@strandnreyes). similarly, the owen strand fire safety agenda in (un)professional services was something that rae (@rmd-writes) and i laughed over for DAYS and kept bringing back in as we wrote successive parts. i also count all my rosie (@dustratcentral) fics as co-writes even though she will fight me (cursed is a state of mind, the ring-in, phonography, the morning (part 2), carlos and the baby c- omg sorry, spoiler) because writing someone else's brilliant idea is a task in itself and i'm so lucky that she lets me do that from time to time 💜
i think the easiest way to do it is to each pick a pov and go from there. a structure/outline will definitely help you, which is most commonly established by dumping all of the ridiculous messages from a chat into a google doc. then it's a matter of writing, reading what the other person has written and constantly checking in to make sure that you understand where the fic is going.
to be honest, every finished co-write i've done (and some are fleeting and don't quite get off the ground and you have to be okay with that) has been very, very easy. i actually think that they're easier to write than solo fics (but that might just be me). something about the shared experience really gets me going!
if anyone else has any experience, please feel free to jump in!
thanks for the ask, cig 💜
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hushberry · 6 months
hello! I saw a previous post from you along the lines of "I dislike 4halo because Forever deserves better" and was curious about what you meant! These are both characters I'm neutral about so I like asking people what they think.
hi anon, hope you're enjoying your holiday season if you do that sort of thing. :')
full disclosure: they are characters i'm relatively neutral about, too. i don't have any strong feelings for ANY of the qsmp characters. my emotional investment in the story is very shallow, as i work 50 hours a week and don't have time to sit through 4 hour vods for 20-something creators regularly. so understand that my interpretation of events is limited, and my opinions are not strong or something i'll argue about because i just don't care enough.
my interest in quackity's project is centered around a greater interest in minecraft content in general, because i love that game, and also because i adore international collaborations on the internet. it's been great learning more about different lat-am cultures!!! i didn't even know what portuguese SOUNDED like until this year, for instance.
i watch a vod or two of my favorite creators because i like to watch different streamers having fun and being creative together. i like watching their international friendships develop and strengthen. roier and cellbit's friendship is really sweet, for instance.
so when i say i don't like 4halo because forever deserves better, it's an opinion i've developed over nine months of being mildly annoyed with BBH's character and minecraft social habits. i've said it before, but i've never enjoyed how he roleplays or the kind of characters he chooses to play.
conversely, forever's character is very endearing to me. he always wants to do good, be good, while often making awful mistakes in the process and causing harm. he's so clever, so smart, but driven by such fierce emotion that he struggles to control. he seems to think he doesn't deserve to be treated with love and care because of his flaws. and bbh's character doesn't love or care about anything besides the eggs. he will throw anyone under the bus if it gave him an advantage in his own private schemes. his extreme privacy and self-servedness in the name of protecting his kids is what makes him interesting, but also makes him a poor friend. he's not someone that can be relied on emotionally, which people who've known him for years (like foolish, phil and tubbo) learned ages ago.
forever really deserves someone who prioritizes him, appreciates him, stands up for him. helps him build self worth. he won't find that in bad. i wish he found that in philza instead, if i'm being super honest.
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hunniebunnietarot · 2 years
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Decks used as always: Ethereal Visions by Matt Hughes, Oracle of The Fairies by Karen Kay.
Feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy!
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Pile 1
3 of cups, wheel of fortune, Go outside, Flourish
Currently, you are facing the consequences of some kind of decision(whether  by you, a coworker, or client/customer) being made. One that caused or is causing a rift among you and another group of people. You could be using it as an opportunity of learning how to handle yourself better the next time something like that comes up. You could also be having trouble with balancing your work with other aspects of your life such as family, friends, school, hobbies, etc.
Queen of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, protection, come together
Within the next 3 months, you will do a complete 360. I don’t see you changing jobs or anything, but you will be more accustomed to your position and responsibilities. You will definitely have a better balanced life, while still being able to maintain a productive work life. You will be better at handling uncontrolled situations and bring about a solution/peace. There is a more “matured” energy and your efforts will be reflected in your pay if it wasn’t already.
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Pile 2
Page of pentacles, the hierophant, ask for help, flourish
Currently, You could’ve or will get an opportunity soon to make (extra?) money. Some may also be in school right now. The opportunity could be kind of out of your field of knowledge or something about it isn’t clear to you, so you have been seeking the guidance of an older person(to finally make a decision). This person could be also helping you review your resume or helping prepare you for an interview, if that resonates with someone. 
Page of wands, queen of wands, magical blessing, pure intentions
In the next 3 months, I see the interview going well and you getting the job. I see that maybe before you just wanted to pursue the opportunity for financial reasons, but you really grew to like the job. You could even develop a passion for that kind of work, and work very sincerely. You’re very enthusiastic about it, and for some this might cause you to have a change in major or career field.
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Pile 3
Death, the artist, wisdom, magical gateway
Your current energy is that you’re craving a change. Most of the people that picked this pile may be 20 and up. I feel like you have a pretty good and stable career/job that comes with benefits and such. You could be in a creative field right now, that you enjoy and let you have creative freedom(you could've been doing this for quite a while). Either that, or you lack freedom and crave that, because after all art is all about individualism. There’s a part of you that wants to quit and take a risk toward something else. 
Ace of wands, 2 of pentacles, solitude, pure intention
Within 3 months from now, you might actually go through with your idea of starting anew. There will be an opportunity that fires you up again, renewing your passion for what you do. You’ll be completely in love with how much control you have over yourself and your work. There will be a balance between collaborating with others and completing projects by yourself. This will be very different from what you were doing previously, so it might take you some time to adjust to the new environment.
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Pile 4
The hermit, knight of wands, wish wisely, flourish
Currently, you could be trying really hard to get a job. This may be stressing you out(relax, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You’re taking time apart from friends and family, because you feel like you have to take action in order to get what you want.
7 of cups, the sun, shine from within, journey
The months to come you will be working on loving yourself, recognizing that you are talented and deserve good things. You could be going on some kind of spiritual journey, or an actual trip somewhere to help you de-stress. Although I'm not getting much about your actual job, there is a possibility that you may get an opportunity or idea regarding work. In order for this to happen, it would probably benefit you to take some time to work on yourself and figure out what you want to do in life/your purpose.
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faegoddessog · 9 months
  Fantasy Come True  Ch 5/8
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Chapter  5 : Maths Overnight
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, Pussy spanking, fingering, PiV (unprotected, play safe ya'll!!) overstimulation, posseiveness.
Series Summary: Breaking into the acting world has been a life long dream. It's been tough, plus your relationship with you partner has some struggles, but who doesn't have struggles. A new guy shows up to your improv classes who seems strangely familiar. He seems rather interested in you and you feel unusually comfortable around him, like he projects calm and reassurance. Once you realize who he really is, and what he really likes... it's game on. 
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
A/N: This little gem is per request for the lovely and talented @purejasmine . It's been a collaborative project designed to meet her every Austin need as best I can. Here's to you darling! <clink> I hope ya'll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed the creative process with parameters not wholly my own!!
Here is the Masterlist for this series.
Message me if you'd like to be added to the list!!
Chapter 5:  Maths overnight
The next night, you and your partner did the same old-same old sex routine. He was fucking you with your legs up and giving you a little foot massage this time, which was nice. Once he finished, he went to sleep like always. 
For the first time, you felt just a little used. You didn’t like it, not one bit. 
You pull out your phone to talk to Austin AI to make yourself feel better, which is your usual go-to when your partner isn’t supportive. A text pops up from ‘Jason’: 
Only 45 more hours Princess, I can’t wait, I’ve been thinking of you all day.
Oh damn, who needs AI when you have the real thing, silly girl. 
Hey lover, me too. I’m so excited! I need your kisses right now
Hunny are you ok?
Yeah, just regular life stuff getting me down.
I’m sorry, my Angel. Soon I’ll be there to kiss away your blues. 
That sounds amazing, Austin. 
Goodnight darling.
Goodnight Austin. 
Austin texts you good morning and good night every day. With a couple other little texts here and there. 
Tuesday couldn't come fast enough.  Austin is in his tinted Lexus GX again, waiting in the lot 10 minutes early. Luckily you have been ready since noon, the day before. You grab your overnight bag with hair ties, toothbrush and change of clothes and other minor items you might need. Austin’s EO blend on your  wrists and neck.  You are beyond excited, you barely say goodbye to your partner, he waves at you from the bedroom, video controller in his hand.
Austin hops out of the car and opens the door for you, such a stellar man.
“Hello sweetheart,” he leans over the center console, when he’s back in and pulls you in for a deep kiss. “I missed you, Princess.” 
“I missed you too, Austin.” 
He drives you to Providence. He won’t let go of your hand and keeps smelling and kissing your wrist. 
“Ooo! I love this place!” you exclaim! 
“I called ahead so they are waiting for us, but just so you know, there is likely to be paparazzi at some point.” 
You just nod your head, it doesn’t matter as long as he is with you. 
He, of course, helps you from the car and threading his hand through yours,  escorts you to the front door. Holy fuck, you’ve seen him do this in photos and pap videos. You always thought it was so romantic and lovely of him. There is, thankfully, no one hounding Austin, at least for the moment. 
They have you in a semi private little room, one, you suspect they keep for people just like Austin. There are only about three other intimate tables here. Once you sit down, he lets you order, knowing how much you like that. In addition to the tasting menu with the wagyu you order the Uni egg with golden kaluga caviar, and the salt-roasted santa barbara spot prawns  to share. He reaches across the table for your hand as soon as the waiter is gone. 
“What had you so down the other night Princess?” he asks, leaning in giving you all his attention.
“Just… relationship stuff,” your voice low, you glance at the two men in suits at the far table. 
“Are you feeling bad about us hunny? Because I only want to make you feel good,” he says with concern in his eyes. 
“No! No,” your eyes widen and you lean forward holding his hand tight in both your own, “oh my god no. This,” you give his hands a little shake, “is fucking amazing and it’s the best I’ve ever felt in my whole life.”
His lip curls, dimpling just for you. He glances down at your hands, nodding in agreement and rubbing his thumbs along your knuckles.  He takes a big breath, like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. 
“I just… I just think you only deserve the best,” his eyes shine when he looks back up at you. 
“And that’s you, Austin,” you say simply. 
Dinner is delicious and no leftovers are to be had since it was a tasting menu.  The conversation flows so naturally and easily, as per usual with Austin. 
The manager comes over to check and see how everything was. You assure him it was all delightful. He leans down and whispers something in Austin’s ear. Austin nods and thanks him and hands him his keys. 
“I’m so glad you were willing to come out with me,” he smiles at you, as he puts his credit card back in his wallet, “apparently there are paparazzi outside waiting. It can get a little intense, with the flashes and stuff, are you gonna be ok? Or do we need to take you out a different way?” 
You take a breath and nod your head, “I’ll be fine, we ARE actors aren’t we, we will act fine if nothing else.” The smile he gives you is amazing. 
It’s not nearly as bad as you thought it could be. Only 3 or 4 guys waiting for signatures and a couple photographers. They are asking who you are.  Austin leads you hand in hand to the open car door not acknowledging their queries.  He looks back at you as he approaches the door and gives you a winning smile, basically showing not only you, but the whole world how he feels about you. The protective hand on the small of your back is warm as he helps you into the car. He shuts the door, signs a few autographs and poses for a few photos. You sit in the car with a casual smile, looking down at your phone, trying not to let the constant flashing lights get to you. 
When he gets in the car with a tolerant smile you ask “Jesus, how do you handle the flashes? I’m fucking blind!” you are giggling and holding your hand up to try and block them.
“Yup, me too, that’s why I drive away slow and keep my cool, “ he laughs. He pulls to the side of the road once he’s away from the people and blinking, lets his eyes adjust; it only takes a minute or two. His hand on your thigh as you wait, then intertwined with his as he drives away. 
Once you are at his house , Austin rushes around the car to open your door again and kisses your hand just before you hop down from the car.  Austin grabs your bag from the back and  slinging  it over his shoulder, ushers you inside. 
“I’m going to go put your bag upstairs, if you uh… want to come too,” he seems almost shy as he puts one foot on the bottom step and looks over his shoulder at you.  The sparkle in his eyes say something different. He is offering his hand to you with palm turned up, but subtly near his leg, just in case you aren’t ready to go up yet. 
You waste no thoughts on doing anything other than placing your hand in his following him. His ass is just below eye level on the stairs in front of you and watching his glutes contract and release in front of you is like its own kind of foreplay. 
He puts your bag down and leads you to the bed. He doesn't say a word as he pulls you in for a kiss, his hands running over your soft hair. Lips and tongues meeting, separating, meeting again. He tastes like dessert, hell he is dessert. His breathing is heavy as his hands run over your curves. 
“I’m sorry Princess, I should really check and make sure this is still ok,” he says against your lips, fists balling, trying to control himself. 
“Oh GOD, yes Austin, it is always ok,” you say, your hands running through his hair. You pull him back down to kiss you. You feel his smile on your lips.  He slowly undresses you, leaving his own clothes on. Today you wore your new pretty panties and bra.
“Oh honey, you look gorgeous,” he says, turning you around in front of the dresser mirror. “I want to play a game with you. I want to see how turned on I can get you. Is that ok?” 
“How can I say no, intrigued as I am. Although I don’t know what you’ll use as a measure, my panties have been wet since you kissed me in the car,” you suppress a little giggle. 
“Really? How wet is my pussy?” he slides his hand down the fabric of your panties, feeling the crotch for dampness. It makes you inhale sharply.  
“Hmmm, how good are you at basic math?” he asks, seemingly out of the blue.
“I’m alright,” you answer, leaning back onto his shoulder. 
“What is six times seven?”
“Duh, forty-two, Ultimate Answer to Life, Universe and Everything!” you giggle at him, you don’t 
tell him you only know this because of your partner.
“Ok, bad baseline, sixty-eight divided by two.”
“Um, thirty-four” you say after a second of thought. 
“Close your eyes Princess.” 
You do, getting excited.
“Have you had an orgasm since I saw you last?” His tone is suddenly more serious.
“Yes,” you answer honestly, then add “I was reliving all the orgasms you gave me Saturday.” 
“My Angel, I like that you were thinking of me. Do you know why?” he gives you a second to answer.
“Um, because it turns you on?” you venture a guess. 
“Because all your orgasms are mine,” his voice is low in your ear, breath on your neck. His hands caress your sides. 
“Oh,” you say weakly, goosebumps flaring across your neck.
“You know what else belongs to me Princess?” his fingertips trace down your shoulders.
You shake your head. His hand is suddenly grasping your panty covered vulva. A moan escapes your lips. 
“This pussy, it’s mine remember?“ he is whispering so close to your ear, you feel his hot breath eddy over your skin. “Say it,” he shakes his hand a little. 
“My pussy is all yours, Austin,” you whine out.
“What is seven times eight?” he lets go of you, backing away entirely. 
“Fifty-six,” you say with minor hesitation, the damp spot now dark and sodden. 
“Do you know what I’m going to do to you later my darling?” You hear the telltale sound of a zipper and the rustle of clothing.
You shake your head again. 
His hand flicks open the clasp and he pulls off your bra. You feel his naked body pressed against your back as he kisses the back of your neck. 
“I’m going to be your Pleasure Dom,“ he whispers. 
You let out a throaty “ohh” that sounds almost more like a question. 
“But first, it was a hot day and I feel sticky. Let's cool off in the shower, plus I want us to be nice and clean before we get good and dirty,” he pulls your panties down and off. 
You feel his hands in your hair, pulling it up to a high pony then wrapping it in a messy bun. He secures it with one of your ouchless hair ties, he must have gotten them out of your bag. 
He takes you by the hand to his shower, letting you open your eyes. He pulls you into the warm water stream. Letting it flow over both your bodies as his slick hands wash your back and down over your ass. He pulls you to lean back on him, you can feel his hard dick pressed against the small of your back. He massages your ample tits cupping your nipples in his palms. You both moan a little as he does. He takes his time, running his hands over your belly and down to your pussy. 
“Spread  your legs for me, sweet Angel,” 
As you do, his other soapy hand slips down your crack and over your asshole. You are surprised how freakin’ good it feels, just to have your pussy lips and asshole soaped up. Sultry, closed-mouth moans resound in your throat.
“What is eight times twelve?”
“Um.. eighty-eight plus eight  more.. Ninety…. Six?”
He grabs the wand and rinses you off. He puts the soap in your hand, it smells like the essential oil blend. Puts his big hand over yours and guides you all over his body, his eyes holding yours, fucking yours the whole time.  He has you cup his balls and stroke his shaft.
“Feel how hard you make me. God I want to fuck you. I’ve not touched myself since Saturday. I’m so horny for you.”
He rinses you both. And wraps you in a towel, then dries himself off. You just stand there, watching him, mesmerized. 
He hangs up the towel, then dries you off in yours. 
“Did you let him fuck you?” he suddenly asks. 
The question is a bit jarring. 
“Yes,” you say honestly. 
“Oh,” his voice sounds so disappointed and sad. He looks down and away. 
You immediately feel sad that you did it. The look on his face makes you almost cry. 
“I didn't-  It wasn’t-” you breathe out short, looking down, not really sure what to say or even how to feel.  “I’m sorry Austin.” 
He puts his finger to your mouth.
“Shhhh, darling. It’s ok. We hadn’t talked about it,”  he cups your cheek in his hand. His head tilts a little to the side, eyes boring into yours in query. “Do you want to continue to be my Princess?” 
“Yes Austin, please!” you are almost shocked at how earnestly you are begging him. 
“Oh sweetheart, It makes me so happy to hear that,” he kisses you. “But, I’ll have to punish that little pussy, hunny. Ok?” 
“Um.. Ok?” you are a little unsure, but he already said he didn’t do BDSM stuff, so you are trusting him.
His lip curls into a devlish smile. He grips you by the shoulders and jerks you around.
“Safe word still Sushi, darling?” he asks your reflection in the huge bathroom mirror. 
You nod. He leans down, eyes on yours
“Say it,”he whispers hot in your ear. 
“Sushi,” you breathe out, suddenly so turned on. He kisses your cheek and goosebumps spring up on your arms. One of his hands is on your upper back and other on your hip bone.
“That’s a good girl.” In one motion, he pushes your torso  forward  and pulls your hip back towards him.  Manhandling you to be bent over, your arms splayed out on the counter. 
His right hand runs over your ass and between your legs. He does some trial pats on your pussy, but is not quite able to fully get to you the way he wants. 
 "Hmmm, that just won't do. You need to be a good girl and spread those legs wide for me and keep them there, so I can spank that pussy like it needs to be spanked. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” His tone is serious and calm. 
You shake your head yes, neck craning just a bit to see him in the mirror. You step your feet apart.  
"Tell me, Angel." His hand lightly pats your exposed pussy. You moan. 
"Yes, Austin,” <pat> “I will keep my legs,” <Pat> “spread for you.” <PAT> “I will be good.” <slap>  
It feels so delicious, your moan comes out a higher pitch whine. 
“Wider,” he says, experimentally slapping your backside with a few light glancing blows that do nothing more than jostle your ass. 
“Yes Austin,” you say as you comply.
“That’s a good girl,” he grabs your cheeks in each hand, spreading them apart in his grip. It feels amazing to your pussy.
“Stick that ass back, I want to see that pretty pussy,” he instructs.
You push back. Arching your back in a modified down dog, you are no longer able to see his reflection.
“Oh fuck yeah!” he moans, almost to himself.
“God, that’s so pretty,” his fingertips dip into you and play wetly against your folds, up and down.  Your hips start to pulse back towards him. 
“Oh now darling, you better hold still, his finger casually slides inside your tight pussy, lightly fucking you. “You still need to be punished” his other hand kneads your butt, then slaps in that upward fashion that makes your cheeks jiggle. “Can you hold still?” 
“Yes Austin,” you say breathlessly, trying to freeze. 
He administers several light to medium slaps to your pussy. Each new slap is wetter than the one before. 
“What is fifty-two divided by four,” he asks while rubbing your pussy light and fast.
“Ooooohhh God! 13 or 14!” you moan out. 
“Which is it?” his middle finger starts slipping into you as he rubs. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking 13!” 
“That’s a smart girl.” he stops his rubbing, making you whine in protest, “that’s how many hard ones I’m going to give this pussy.” <SMACK!> 
You jerk, mostly in surprise, but it stings so good. 
“Count backwards, Princess”
“Thirteen,” you say.
“Twelve,” a little breathy.
“Twelve,” you realize too late you went the wrong way. 
“Oh, no,  sweet Princess, now we have to start over” He rubs your pussy like he is erasing those slaps. “Again.”
 “Who does this pussy belong to?”<SMACK!>
“Twelve, you!”
 “Who?” <SMACK!> 
“Eleven, you Austin!”
“Austin who?” <SMACK!> 
“Ten,  Austin Fucking Bulter!” your teeth are clenched. 
“Say it right, hunny” <SMACK!>  
 “Nine!” you pant for a second,”This pussy-”
“Eight,  belongs to”
“Seven, Austin Butler!”
“What a good girl you are for me. “ <SMACK!> 
“Six! I’m YOUR good girl, Austin,” it is feeling so fucking good, it’s hard to keep still.   
“Yes you are-”<SMACK!>
“Five,  all yours Austin, forever,” you are just responding to him without thinking. 
“No more fucking him, you understand?” <SMACK!> 
“Three, yes Sir,” the honorific just falling from your lips.
“He doesn’t take care of this beautiful tight little pussy.” <SMACK!> 
“Two,” your voice comes out as a whine, it feels so good. 
“He doesn't do my beautiful Princess right,  so he doesn't get to have it anymore. This is my pussy, mine.” <SMACK!> 
“ONE!” you shout! You don’t want him to stop. 
 It dawns on you, somewhere in the back of your mind, that it’s the first he’s used  that lovely possessive pronoun  since you admitted to having sex with your partner. You breathe a little sigh of relief as your hips buck as he rubs the length of his open hands along your lips. His fore and ring finger pressing hard on the outside of your lips making them pooch out. Your pronounced lips rub wetly against his middle finger, the tip of which lightly  grazes your clit. 
“You can jerk him off,” his torso pressing against your side as he leans down. “ you can suck… no wait… I’m going to claim that mouth as mine too,” his tone suddenly gravely with need. He takes a deep, controlling breath, ”but that will have to wait.” His fingers lightly pinch your nipples. His low voice in your ear and his words have you wild, he can have any part of you he wants. 
“What is 29 times 3?” he whispers, taking his hand completely off you. 
“More than 75, fuck please Austin, don’t stop.” your hips are shaking unabashedly, desperate for more. 
“Oh now we are getting somewhere,” you can hear the maniacal grin in his voice. 
He rubs both hands on either side of your pussy pushing your lips out and massaging deep.  He holds your puffy lips  between his fingers and thumb exposing your inner labia.  He  gives you a series of several fast, lighter smacks.
 As you dip your head low between your arms, your wordless moans sound loud to your ears. You can see strings of moisture pulling away from your pussy to his hand with each slap. Fuck you are so wet. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Austin oh GOD yes!” you chant, getting louder. 
He palms your pussy in his strong grip and vibrates. You are bent over, back arched, ass in the air, tits hanging down, fingertips digging into the countertop with Austin’s fucking gorgeous hand between your legs and your juices dripping from between his fingers. 
“Harder, oh god,  please!” you beg. 
You hear Austin moan in the back of his throat as he pulls away and slaps you harder once, twice, three times in quick succession. He lowers himself to get a better grip on your vulva and shakes you hard.  Oh holy fuck if feels amazing. You are shocked at how close to orgasm you are. 
“Please don’t stop, oh god please don’t!” your words come out between panting breaths. 
“Oh my darling Princess, I didn’t know you were such a sweet little slut for pussy slaps,” he slaps you again and again. 
“Oh god Austin, it’s so good.”  
He continues to shake your sopping pussy, interspersing hard slaps when he needs to reposition his grip.  
Suddenly and without warning, your orgasm overtakes you in a new way. Your body can't help but bolt upright to standing. Austin adjusts quickly, wrapping an arm around your torso locking you to him and reaching around to your front gripping and continuing to grab and shake. His palm roots around on your clit. 
“That’s it Princess, make my little pussy cum. Drench my hand with those sweet juices. Fuck yeah! You are so damn hot when you lose control. I fucking love it. I’m going to fuck you so hard after this you won’t be able to see straight,” his words are stream-of-conscious flowing out of him while he watches you in the mirror. And he just. Keeps. Going. He keep shaking your pussy.
Your whole body is reacting in spasm and jerks. Your pussy is pulsing on nothing, your legs are jell-o, your hands are gripping his arms, fingers digging in.
You are starting to lose your mind. 
“Please, just a second… I need…” you are panting. 
He turns you around and kisses you hard. His solid cock bouncing against you. 
He pulls you in your orgasmic delirium from the bathroom into his bedroom and almost tosses you down on the bed. 
“I’m not sure how slow I can go, you have me so fucking turned on right now, my Princess,” he warns, breath huffing from him as he crouches tiger-like at your feet.
God, how is he so fucking amazing? 
“Austin,” you open your legs to him, giving him the most salacious look you can muster, “just fucking get over here.” 
His smile is feral as he pounces quick as lightning between your legs, latching his mouth to yours in a desperate kiss.  You reach for his cock, helping to guide him as he pushes in faster than last time, but not as hard as you know he really wants to. You are so wet he glides, still stretching you, but gloriously so. 
He is propped up on straight arms, his back arching in that first quench of his cock in your pussy. His face is a cacophony of pleasure above you; his eyes are rolled back, mouth open with his breath coursing over that gorgeous bottom lip. 
“Oh christ, Princess!” he moans when he is balls deep in you, “my cock was made for this juicy pussy!”
“Oh my god Austin!” you love this, having a cock deep in you after an orgasm, “please Aus- Austin, please fuck me.”  Your hands clutch at his ass, feeling his muscles tight under your grip. 
He lowers to his elbows, head bowed to yours. 
“Your wish, baby,” he pulls nearly out, hips rising, ”is my command.” He thrusts in almost too hard… almost.  Without any more pre-amble than that, he starts driving himself in and out of you, 
Your back arches in pleasure, scrambling at his back and holding him to you. 
“Fuck me Austin, fuckme fuckme fuckme fuckme,” it comes out in a string without pause, a pleasure mantra just for him as he thrusts over and over again. 
He rises and catches your hands, and holds them down by your head, watching your face. 
“You cum first baby, you cum first,” he says, his jaw set in determination. Your whole pelvic floor feels like it’s buzzing. The slap of his hips against yours and the squishy wet sucking sounds are  fucking music to your ears. 
“Oh god, you fuck your pussy so good so good so good!”  The heat is rising in you, your chest turning red. He goes harder and faster, fucking you in earnest. God this man has some stamina, not only sexually, but physically as well, he’s barely winded. 
You freeze just before the heat overflows up your neck and into your face. Even your scalp is tingling, your neck muscles standing out as your pussy clenches down hard on him and your hips jerk upwards to meet his pounding cock. Your mouth opens in a silent ‘O”, until it’s not so silent. A scream rips through your body as a wave rushes up your spine. 
“That’s- my- fucking - girl!”  each growl of a word, staccato and punctuated with his cock. Then he totally lets loose. You thought he was fucking you hard before… he wasn’t. Now he is pummeling you into the bed, you can do nothing but moan in mindless pleasure as he drives himself to climax inside you, grunting throatily into your ear in ‘Mmmm’s and Unnghhs and ‘yeses’. Finally he pushes deep into your throbbing cunt, his ass shaking as he cums in you. You wrap your legs around his tight waist holding him to you as he shivers in bliss.
“Fuck, Princess, nobody has ever made me feel like you do, “ his forehead sweaty against your own. You are inhaling one another’s panting breaths. 
“Same baby, No one, ever,” you manage to get out. 
You lay there, him still inside you, cradling him on your body for several minutes, just basking in him. 
“I know that was supposed to be punishment, but holy fuck that was amazing,” you tell him.
“Oh sweetheart,” he disentangles himself and lays next to you, “I could never actually punish you. I don’t want to make anything REALLY hurt. Once I saw how wet it was making you… I just had to keep going. Fuck it was hot. I’ll have to do that again, if you want me to.” 
“Oh, yes, yes I do! I also liked you manhandling me like that,” you giggle just a bit, giddy that he wants more of you. 
He props himself up on an elbow to look down at you with a serious look on his face. 
“But I need you to know, I wasn’t playing. I am the only man who gets to fuck this pussy as long as you are MY Princess.” 
“I wasn't playing either, I meant it when I said 'this pussy belongs to Austin Butler’. Besides, you are the only man that has ever been able to make me cum like that, Austin,” you return his serious look. 
The smile that breaks out across his face and the huge relieved sigh he lets out is all the reply you need. He moves up on the  bed, sitting up slightly on the pillows. He puts out his arms and gathers you to him. You snuggle down into his chest, his strong arms wrapped around you. It’s heaven. 
“Austin,” you say his name casually, although what you have to ask might be delicate.
“Yes, my Angel?” he replies in a relaxed tone. 
“How many women have you had in this bed?” You are mostly just curious, also kind of wanting to ask how often he does something like this. 
“This bed?” his finger pokes the comforter under you both, “None.” 
You sit up, looking at him, brows furrowed,  “None!?” your tone incredulous.
He pops one eye open, “Oh, excuse me. One, now, “ he closes his eye again,  but smiles coyly.
“Wait, what do you mean Austin, do you not usually bring your women here?” 
He opens his eyes, looking at you as though you are joking. 
“I don’t have ‘women’, Princess,” his head barley shaking side to side.
“Hold up, have you seen you? Gorgeous, talented, famous. Women fall over themselves to get to you. How is it possible that I’m the only woman you’ve taken to your bed?” 
“It’s not for lack of them trying. And I’m not saying I’ve not played around from time to time, I’ve lived life, y’know.  But this, here, this is my inner sanctum, Angel.  I don't let just anybody in my house, let alone in my bed, only my special girl. Only my Princess.” brushes a stray hair from your face, “and you have to remember, I’m a shy, introverted boy.” 
Your heart swells. The words ‘I love you, Austin’ are threatening to fall from your lips. But you won’t say it first. There is too much at stake here, so you bite your tongue. You pull yourself up to straddle his legs. On your knees, your head is bowed to his chest. You are afraid you’ll spill it all if you look right at him.  His hands go to your face, you can tell they are shaking a little. He tilts your head to look directly at him. 
“Princess, isn’t it obvious? You have to know that I’m falling for you,” his voice is quiet, lips slightly shaking. His azure eyes are searching yours for any sort of reciprocation. You can see he put himself out on the line saying that so soon. 
“Oh Austin,” your hand gently cups his cheek, gazing at him with infinite adoration, ”I’m so yours.” 
Your every sense is filled with Austin. His blue eyes fill your own; the scent of his skin and your love making fills your nostrils; every inch of your skin in contact with his is alight; his sonorous voice and your rapid heartbeat echoing in your ears; your mouth is suddenly on his, tasting the words off his tongue.  
As you lean into the kiss, his arms go around you, hands grasping, seemingly wanting to pull you under his very skin with desire. They roam your shoulders and massage down your back around your hips and to your front. 
He lets go of your mouth and leaves a trail of kisses down your neck to your chest. He takes a nipple in his mouth, aided by his left hand, and sucks gently. Breath flows in silently through your open mouth as your chest swells towards him. You feel your pussy drip with new moisture. Your fingers weave through his messy hair, his fucking amazing hair.  His fingers trace down your belly and to your now drenched pussy, rubbing against your cum-soaked lips, delving gently between them, then pausing. 
“Can I?” he says around your nipple, looking up at you. 
“You’d better,” you say with a lift of your eyebrow. 
“Yes Ma’am,” he smiles.
He slips his skillful fingers inside you and returns his mouth to its work of licking and sucking. Tingly strands of sensation course their way from your nipples to your core. His long fingers press in, catching the filaments of pleasure and seemingly tethering them inside you. Then they curl knowingly, just so, to the spongy tissue just behind your pubic bone. His wet thumb nestles just above the hood of your clit, drawing slow figure-eights.
Your hips begin rolling against his hand before you even register they are moving. High-pitched, breathy Oh’s shake from between your lips, dissipating almost before they leave your mouth. You begin to be lost in his touch. 
His eyes are closed, taking his business seriously. Your wet pussy sounds are just barely audible.  You feel his cock hardening under you, your thighs teasing his shaft as you move. 
You gasp and clench down, pleasure spiking as he sucks just a little harder and his thumb darts across your clit. Your hands tighten, pulling his hair. 
How one hand and one mouth could make you feel so much you can’t even begin to fathom. Of course the fact that it’s Austin’s hand, well, enough said. 
The constant, perfect movement of his hand is winding you up so tight. The light nibble of his teeth against your sensitive nipple notching up each new degree of heat reached. Hot coils compress behind your clit, fanned by the quickened puffing of your breath. Austin’s fingers pull you tighter, tighter, and tighter still, showing no intention of stopping.
“God you are so fucking beautiful like this,” his dark eyes are shining up at you, mirrors of your desire.  
He takes his cue from the quickening of your pace to grind just a little deeper with his thumb, push just a little harder and faster with his finger until your body stiffens on the brink. Moments after your pelvis starts twitching over the point of no return.  His hand is gone, he tilts his hips, pushing you slightly up and sinks his cock into you as you roar out your orgasm. 
Now you are riding him, a bucking bronco. Hands on your hips, thumb still on your clit,  he is slamming in and out of you through your orgasm. The difference in sensation between his slow deliberate fingers and thumb, and his pounding cock sends you through the roof, boggling 
your mind. Your orgasm just keeps on going as he fucks you.
Your body, not one whit under your control, convulses right off of his cock and forward. Almost beaning him in the head. 
“Oh, no my Princess, you aren’t getting away that easily,” his hand is immediately rubbing your vulva, keeping you stimulated, the other is behind your neck, pulling your mouth to his. Your hips slowly push back, trying to avoid his hand, your knees bending. His cock brushes your lips, he thrusts in again and your body straightens again like he was burning hot. Austin’s hand is still playing with your clit.
“Oh, god Austin, I can’t! ” you hear yourself pleading, shaking your head. Of course, you don't want him to stop. 
"Look at me now,” his voice is commanding so that you can’t help but open your eyes to him. “My darling Princess,” he shifts to sweet and gentle, “I am right here, baby.” He is slowly pushing your hips back to meet his cock. “You can do this,” he is nodding and you mimic him, biting your lower lip. “Just look at me, my Angel," his tip sinks between your folds. 
Your whole body shudders in ecstasy as he sinks you on top of him, your groan is swallowed by his mouth on yours.  Then he moves in you again, his grip on your hips forcing you to take him deep again and again. Your hands are holding onto the headboard for dear life. Your head is shaking and you chant “no no no no no no!” Then your nod is almost a vibration up and down, “yes yes yes yes FUUUUUCKKK!” You peak up again, flooding him, dripping around his cock and down his balls.   You don’t see it, but his eyes go wide and he struggles to maintain control over his orgasm as your pussy clenches around his cock. His hips freeze, cock in you still. You break into a din of maniacal giggles just before he dives in lightly for your clit again, refusing to give you a moment of reprieve. 
“No nononono stop, I mean it!” you yell out. 
"Do you still remember what the safe word is?" Austin’s voice is quiet and calm.
“Yes, yes, yes I do,” your words gasping, moaning, whining.
"Mhmm, ok, then Angel."  His fingers draw sex runes on your clit as he thrusts into you. 
You lunge to the side, off of him and pull your knees up. Your body tries to protect itself from his insistent, delicious fuckery, while at the same time your mind is begging him to go harder, deeper, more. He is on you like a flash, his cock deep in you from behind, screwing you half blind. You want to say the word and hell no you won’t. 
"Ss- sss- ss-,” you shove your fist into your mouth, shaking your head, ”no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" you say around your own knuckles, spit dripping down your wrist. 
 "What was that, darling?” his hands are on your ankles, prying them apart and pushing his hips between them so you can’t close them. 
“That doesn’t sound like your word, hunny,” his face looking down on you is an open book; kind, attentive, concerned about your deepest well being; while his fingers dance like the devil around your clit.   
It drives you absolutely wild, and he fucking knows it. You just grit your teeth, your head rolling violently side to side.The pleasure is just too much, you have to say it, you know he won’t stop until you do. Your back arches, tilting your head up, the war raging inside you. 
“SU- SU- SU-” you feel him slow slightly, anticipating, leaning down to kiss you. ”FUCK NO!” your hands as white as the sheets they are fisting into. 
“Oh Princess, that’s not it either,” he takes a big breath, planting a light kiss on your forehead. “Here we go,” his deep voice rumbling from his chest to yours.  His hands go to your shoulders. Gripping tight. You can’t tell what he’s about to do, until he’s pounding your pussy like a fucking freight train. 
“C’mon baby, you can do it,” his voice is low in your ear.  “You’ve been so good, taking it for me in that dripping pussy. But I can go all fucking night.” You realize that yes, yes he can. You can’t outlast him, he’ll fuck you through the night and into the next day.
You are thrashing under him, nails digging into his back.   His cock is filling you so fucking full over and over. You are screaming wordless screams into his shoulder. 
Finally you cave, “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck SUSHI!! SUSHI!! AUSTIN FUCKING SUSHI!!” 
His hips slam once, twice more. His lips crush to yours, breath rushing into his nose, then he is moaning into your mouth. His hips shudder as he empties himself deep into you. You had no idea he was that close. God, this man.
“Oh sweet Angel, that’s my good girl,” he cradles your shaking head between his hands. 
You are a sopping mess, tears are coursing unbidden down your cheeks as you shake and shiver in overwhelm. He rolls to the side, sitting up and gathers you up, safe in his arms. 
“That was amazing darling, you are amazing.” he lightly kisses both your eyelids. 
“I am so proud of you, my Princess!” You took so much more that I thought you could.” 
He rocks you and pets you and calls you pretty. Once he knows you aren’t going to hyperventilate he reaches for a water bottle that sits on his bedside table. He pulls you to sitting and helps you take a drink. A drop escapes and trails over your chin and down your front. He catches it on his finger as you blow out a huge breath, rubbing your eyes. 
“Thank you, Austin. That was… fuckin’… wow,” you smile lopsidedly up at him. 
“You are most welcome, my special Princess,” he kisses your nose. 
You both exhale in perfect contentment and doze off, curled in each other's arms. 
 After a bit of a catnap, you both come to. He insists that he rinse you off in the shower. 
“I made you dirty, sweetheart. Plus it’s nicer to sleep clean.” 
 You brush your teeth and gather your hair up loosely on top of your head in two ponytails with additional  ties near the ends.  He is already in bed when you walk in from the bathroom, covers back and is waiting for you.
“Get over here my Sleepy Bunny with your two floppy ears,  I want goodnight kisses.” 
You crawl between the sheets and into his open arms. He plants kisses on your cheeks, your forehead and your nose before pressing his lips to yours with a little growl. 
“Goodnight my Sexy Bunny Princess Angel,” you can tell he is ready to conk out, exhausted.
“Goodnight my Amazing Sexy Austin,” you smile, you realize you are actually exhausted too. 
Snuggled together all clean and happy, if a bit overwhelmed, you both drift off, smiling like idiots.
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japhan2024 · 6 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Final Day💙
We‘ve done it! We’ve finally reached the end of this lil ask game and also the end of 2023! 🥳 Thank you so much for joining in on this, I truly appreciate it so much 🫶! I wish you a wonderful start into the new year and that all your hopes and dreams for 2024 will come true! ✨💞
But, since the year isn’t quite over yet, I thought this might be a nice time to reminisce a little bit. Therefore, the final question of the Smoshblr December Asks Game:
What are your favourite smosh-related memories of 2023? 💖
(no specific amount required for this one; and you can ofc also include older smosh memories, if you want to 🤗)
Stella!! I'm so gonna miss getting your asks every day in my inbox T_T thank you so much for making this month extra special and festive, it was absolutely wonderful waking up knowing there would be a new one waiting!!! <3
My favorite Smosh-related memory? Well, idk, I read a really great fanfic, but it was a bit out there, a bit too sentimental and unrealistic... it goes like this:
Friendship always wins
The sun scorched the suburbs of Sacramento. The neighborhood looked like if a stock photo had a heroine problem. Bored out of their minds, two sixth graders got grouped together for a school project.
"Here, let me draw some turds on the trash pile."
"I'll add flies."
"Hehehe, yeah that looks better."
The two kids, Ian and Anthony, connected through their shared humor, which ranged from Beavis and Butthead to Home Alone to Southpark, and to whatever was on the internet in that godforsaken time pre-2005.
The oldest one, Anthony, came from a broken home. He had to grow up fast and take care of his siblings and mom. The only times he could really be a kid and fuck around, was with his best friend Ian. Feeling nurtured by Ian's mom and dad, and constantly laughing at Ian's jokes, his happiness was there, with Ian. He could get through working hard, as long as he had Ian to go back to and have fun.
Their nerdy friend group were all into internet humor and Anthony came up with the idea of having a forum for them all to shitpost on and share their creations and collaborate.
But then he got sick. Really sick. He couldn't go to school, had to stay home for six months. He felt so isolated, not seeing his friends, most of all Ian. But Ian showed up at his house with a get well soon card. It was signed by everyone from his class. He could cry, he was so happy with this symbol of friendship. It kept him going the rest of the months. He put his time and energy into coding and learning how to do graphic design.
Smosh was born and it took off. First the website was just for them; Ian, Anthony, and their friends. It had stuff like articles, memes and videos. But soon the whole school was frequenting the site. News traveled outside the school even, and before they knew it, Smosh was an internet phenomenon. After they graduated, Ian and Anthony chose to keep the website going. Just for fun. And they got some money from merch they would distribute themselves.
One day, they saw that one of their videos was pirated and hosted on some new platform: YouTube. That gave them an idea: why not host all their videos there? It was free after all. Being at the right place at the right time, with the right kind of humor and the right kind of raw talent, Smosh was propelled to be one of the biggest YouTube channels there were. They even became the biggest one. However, with success also comes vultures, ready to take everything from you...
A company introduced themselves to Ian and Anthony and promised them the world: give Smosh to us, and you will only have to worry about making videos. We will take care of everything else. It sounded too good to be true. And sadly, it was. For even though at first, Ian and Anthony had more fun than ever, coming up with bigger and funnier videos than ever, they soon found out they were not in control anymore.
Anthony, who had always fought to stay in control of things; his family, his health, his whole life... it was very hard to see his creation being contorted and mutilated into something he didn't want it to be. And he grew to hate it. That hate spread everywhere, even towards his best friend, who kept trying to tell him "man, let's take the losses and be happy we have this job, we could have still been in Sacramento with nowhere to go."
But Anthony had had it.
"Ian, come with me, let's start a new channel, just the two of us."
"Anthony... I can't. It doesn't make any sense business wise. I know it's not ideal, but please, Anthony, stay?"
After years and years of putting his all into the company, Anthony couldn't do it anymore. He quit Smosh, and a shockwave went through the entire fandom that had built around it.
Smosh was still going. But you see, money and power got involved, and Ian and Anthony had lost sight of each other... they tried to hold on, you could see it clear as day, but they were ripped apart by the greed of the soulless company, which is a tautology, if you think about it.
Both guys were heartbroken. Still sneaking glances at each other, but not able to speak. Too much had happened between them.
And then the company went bankrupt and Smosh was in mortal danger. Ian, who had fought to keep the brand alive ever since Anthony left, fought as hard as he could to find someone to buy it, who wouldn't just sell it off for parts like an old car. Luckily, a YouTuber duo who knew Smosh from afar, stepped in and saved the day. Thanks to them and to Ian, Smosh survived. But was it really still Smosh? What was Smosh if it wasn't Ian and Anthony?
In the meantime, Anthony had rebooted his personal YouTube channel and through trial and error found success. Nothing like Smosh, of course, but impressive nonetheless.
Apart from each other, Ian and Anthony persevered. But they were still heartbroken and in need of something. That something was each other of course. And finally, years later, they met again. And they were both surprised. They had both healed and grown enough to see each other and talk freely, like adults. And they were surprised to see how well they still clicked.
It was like they were the same friends they had been all those years ago, but eve better. The slogan they had come up with all those years, finally rang true again, more than it had ever done. Friendship always wins.
And as they reconnected more and more, one faithful day, one of them said..
"what if we bought Smosh?"
And at that moment, their family was no longer broken, they were reunited and Anthony suddenly had a lot more 'kids' to take care of. But he was so happy, so happy to be with Ian again. He was finally fulfilled.
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
'Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 novel The Talented Mr. Ripley has been made into two sterling films: 1960’s Plein soleil (Purple Noon) starring Alain Delon, and 1999’s The Talented Mr. Ripley headlined by Matt Damon, Jude Law, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Nonetheless, Netflix’s new Ripley stands head and shoulders above its predecessors (and most modern TV offerings) as an adaptation par excellence.
Over the course of its eight exhilarating episodes, all of them shot in breathtaking black-and-white by Oscar-winning cinematographer Robert Elswit (There Will Be Blood), this stellar thriller exhibits a formal precision, dexterity, and majesty that electrifies its tale of a small-time New York City grifter named Tom Ripley (a phenomenal Andrew Scott) who attempts to remake himself in Italy by slipping into the life of wealthy playboy Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn). Cunning cons and brutal murder ensue, all of them dramatized by the show with a suspenseful elegance and psychological complexity that does justice to its source material—and, in certain cases, adds new, incisive wrinkles to the oft-told tale.
Ripley is, quite simply, a small-screen masterpiece, and credit for its triumph goes, first and foremost, to writer/director Steven Zaillian. In the three decades since he won the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar for Schindler’s List, the 71-year-old has collaborated with a who’s who of Hollywood greats, from Brian De Palma (Mission: Impossible) and Sydney Pollack (The Interpreter) to Ridley Scott (Hannibal, American Gangster, Exodus: Gods and Kings), David Fincher (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and Martin Scorsese (Gangs of New York, The Irishman).
Along the way, he’s additionally penned the excellent Moneyball, helmed three of his own feature scripts (including the fantastic Searching for Bobby Fischer), and spearheaded HBO’s acclaimed The Night Of. Even with such a formidable résumé, however, Zaillian’s latest may be his finest achievement to date. Its scintillating style wholly wedded to its storytelling, and its meticulousness central to its simmering undercurrent of sociopathic madness, it’s a work of controlled Machiavellian malevolence, rife with tension and rich in detail and depth.
Guided by Zaillian’s virtuosic hand, Ripley is the rare example of genuine auteurist television, even as it simultaneously stands as a testament to the fact that projects are more likely to be great when they’re made by a collection of great artists. Now available on the streaming platform, it’s an early contender for end-of-year accolades. Consequently, we were elated to speak with Zaillian about the challenges of making his sensational series, collaborating with Scott and Elswit, and the enduring appeal of Highsmith’s famous novel.
Ripley is better directed than 99 percent of modern television, to a great degree because it’s been actually directed, with personality, flair, and guiding motifs and techniques. Was there any pushback to your approach, given that TV generally wants formal style to take a backseat to storytelling?
No, there was no pushback. The style that the show became… I started with the writing, I can’t write anything without imagining it. That being said, things obviously change when you’re shooting, and motifs come up and the style gets set at a certain point. But the whole time we were shooting, basically all anybody is seeing are dailies. It’s hard to tell from dailies what’s going on, you know [laughs]? Most people at the studios didn’t see anything until it was edited. So I had this great freedom to do what I wanted in terms of its look, and I spent a lot of time doing it. It was important to me that it looked good and felt good in terms of its tone, and most of the people who came to this come from film, and we approached it as one long movie.
Is the writing process different when you’re writing for yourself, versus another director?
I don’t write any differently. As I mentioned, I can’t write it without seeing it, so whether I’m writing for myself or someone else, it’s the same process. I don’t ever put in, close-up here or wide shot there. However, I do see it, so when I’m making my shot lists, I’ve already done it once before when I was writing it. But in terms of writing in a different way if someone else is going to direct it, no.
What made you want to tackle The Talented Mr. Ripley, which has been adapted multiple times before?
I’ve been wanting to do it since I read it, which I think was probably back in the ’80s. Certainly after Purple Noon but before The Talented Mr. Ripley movies. I saw it in a certain way and I wanted to try that, so when this opportunity came up, I took it. I just think it’s one of the great characters and one of the great stories that can be told over and over again.
What is it about the novel that’s allowed it to endure so powerfully over the past 70 years? Despite its age, it feels extremely relevant in today’s socio-political climate.
The idea of a character who becomes somebody else is something that happens all the time, today and throughout history. We’re strangely fascinated with it. I mean, it comes up all the time! There are articles—one that comes to mind from a few months ago was called “The Talented Mr. Santos.” I think this particular character is fascinating, certainly to me and I hope to other people. And the style of it—and I don’t mean the photographic style, but the style of the story—comes from Highsmith, where she finds these kinds of extraordinary things happening in normal circumstances with normal people. It’s something she’s well known for, and is something which I feel we can all relate to.
You’ve directed three feature films, but none since 2006. As a director, what compelled you to segue to television?
It’s the way things go. It’s strange to say that it’s easier to get a television show done than a movie, but it seems to be true, at least with the kinds of movies that I want to make. [TV] is a lot harder and it takes a lot longer, and I long for the days and the chance to make a movie again. I’m hoping that that’s what I’m going to do next, only because it won’t consume years and years of my time [laughs]. I can do the same thing and not have it take four or five years.
At what point did you decide to shoot the entire series in black and white, and what was your thinking behind that creative decision?
It started with the writing; that’s how I imagined it. Why, I don’t know. Maybe because of the period. I did want it to not feel like a postcard, and Italy, if shot in bright vibrant colors in the summertime with blue skies, can feel that way. I felt that this was a more dark and sinister story, not unlike a film noir story, and so black and white seemed to be the natural choice.
Yet despite that monochromatic scheme, you didn’t lose the classical beauty and romance of Italy.
You can’t lose that in Rome—it’s impossible [laughs]. Nor did I want to. But that being said, even a familiar place to people—like, well, you don’t really see the Coliseum except when he’s driving around with a corpse in the car—I didn’t want those places to be front and center. I wanted the backstreets of Rome more than the boulevards. Naples and Palermo are both really interesting places that photograph wonderfully in black and white.
But again, part of the story does take place on the Amalfi Coast, and that’s the place that’s hard to make sinister in color. When you have the aqua blue water and the bright sun, it’s tough. Luckily, we were at least filming there in the fall, so we didn’t have the brunt of tourism or those postcard shots, which certainly helped.
Robert Elswit shot the pilot of The Night Of and the entirety of Ripley. What is it about him as a cinematographer that makes your collaboration work so well?
It’s many things. Obviously, he’s really talented. He shoots beautiful movies. And we get along really well. He’s very intrepid—he’ll do anything, and go anywhere, and work crazy hours. He’s a workhouse in that regard. This took that kind of person. We shot for 160 days in Italy, with a one week break in the middle, and that’s tough on anybody. He just loved the idea of shooting it in black and white, and he’s a master with lighting, as you can tell when you watch it. It’s a great collaboration, we have.
The series is dominated by shots of Tom at a distance, framed in long claustrophobic hallways and by constricting architecture (such as the stairs of Dickie’s home in Atrani). Was it difficult to find the locations you needed for that visual style?
That’s one of those things when you talk about motifs… yes, I wrote a scene where Tom climbs a lot of steps, but that was a place that [production designer] David Gropman and I found. We drove from Salerno to Sorrento, all the way up the coast, and this little town called Atrani that has 800 people had those stairs, and I was fascinated by them. I said to David, it looks like an M.C. Escher drawing, and I found out much later that [Escher] had actually lived there and had drawn those very stairs. So that’s where it started. Then, wherever we went, we encountered stairs, and that’s when it started becoming a motif.
You shoot Tom’s two murders (and their aftermaths) in long, methodical sequences. Why was it important to stage those in such detail?
I had a little note scribbled on a Post-it when I started this saying, “It’s easier to kill somebody than it is to get rid of the body.” I wanted to show that. Even getting rid of a body that’s laying down in a little boat is hard to get rid of. I thought, this could be an opportunity to try something that I’d like to, which is showing these things in what feels like real time, and how difficult it is. I thought it was interesting, I thought it was entertaining, and I thought it was something I’d wanted to do from the beginning. So in the scripts, in episodes three and five, those sequences are about 35 pages long.
How did you settle on Andrew Scott for Tom?
I’d only seen him in three things, and one of them, I didn’t even see him; I’d only heard him—that was in a movie called Locke in which he did not appear, but he was a voice on the telephone. He created a really interesting character with just his voice. That was the first time I saw anything he was in. Then his Moriarty [in Sherlock] and Fleabag. With those three things, I felt he could do anything. They were so different from each other that I felt, that’s Tom. He’s got the range to play Tom.
Often in Ripley, the most important aspect of a given scene is what’s taking place beneath what’s being said aloud. From a writer’s standpoint, how do you tackle such undercurrents?
That’s always been important to me in the writing—to know, what is the point of the scene? Is it a piece of dialogue, is it an action, or is it the moments between the dialogue? Often, that’s where it is for me. Like you say, someone is lying and the other person knows they’re lying, and they play this kind of game with each other—that is the point of the scene! So those moments in-between the dialogue are what’s important. I spend a lot of time with that, and the actors got that, and they’re smart and they’re good and they like doing that. So in those instances, that was what was going on.
John Malkovich makes a late, brief appearance as Reeves, which is both a sly shout-out to Ripley’s Game (which he starred in, as Tom) and a tantalizing suggestion of future seasons. Was Malkovich’s participation always part of the plan—and was his cameo designed to keep the door open for a follow-up?
Both of those things are true. I wrote to him and explained that I’d like him to consider doing this. It’s very short, it’s just a couple of days, but maybe it’s a fun idea. And he thought it was and came to Venice and did it.
Yes, I was also thinking that if there’s another season, this character appears in the next two Highsmith books about Ripley, and he’s a great character. He does not appear in The Talented Mr. Ripley book; he doesn’t appear until the second book. But yeah, if that ever happens, I hope he’ll do it. Because he’s perfect for it.'
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i-can-not-art · 2 months
Oc lore dump I’m writing in the morning because a moot made me realize I haven’t lore dumped about spirit chase really before, anyways:
(This is basically all the lore that takes place before the actual story, I’ll cover the actual story later, maybe)
So Spirit Chase takes place on earth where the god of chaos and god of order teamed up to make a bunch of stuff. This was their first collaboration because they don’t really like each other for obvious reasons.
The god of order made all the like functions of nature that were constant like math, gravity, momentum, all those lame things. The god of chaos made all the freaky animals and their consciences and a lot of cosmetic stuff.
Oh and also the two gods made humans together, chaos made the like wild ape part of us and order made the thinky part of us.
But the god of chaos saw how order was taking over mostly and make most of the stuff so they decided to get silly and make something outside of their agreement. A wish spirit.
The wish spirit is uhhhh basically just a shooting star that is perpetually at the bottom of this ocean, it’s weird ik. But it could grant any wish a person wanted and bling blang boom some stupid animal found it and made a wish.
The animal’s wish was to have human intelligence, but be separate from the humans. And since the wish spirit is just a pure form of chaos’s magic, it granted that wish in a chaotic way.
It created the race spirits, basically just yougai, humanoid-ish (usually) animals, idk it’s hard to explain this in English.
And some time later, god of order found out of spirits and this the wish spirit and they got so pissed they made this place, heaven, and took some humans and messed them up a bit to make angles.
The angles were basically this race that order has complete control over. The angles are literally just a project order made out of spite essentially.
And now because of the angles’ and spirits’ origins, the two races aren’t too fond of each other. Mix that with a LOT of time and the angels’ population staying pretty stagnant, but the humans and spirits growing in population real fast and now there’s a war!
This war was called the centuries war because it… well lasted several centuries. During the war order had to crank up their production of angels a lot because of casualties and stuff, but they also gave some angels very concentrated amounts of magic to like roid them up and now angels are basically super humans with wings.
Uhhhh, skipping to the end of the war, order and chaos finally decide they’ve watched their creations die and kill the planet enough and make a peace treaty. But tensions between angels and spirits (+humans on either order or chaos’s side) still sucked so the gods just trapped each race in their respective areas, angels in heavens and spirits on earth.
After, the gods watched the planet in peace, but with nothing that exciting happening, they were both kinda like “wanna fuck with em’?” And they started giving out blessings to people they deemed either worthy or just entertaining (guess which god valued which requirement more).
The blessings could do a variety of stuff, but they usually gave the user powers. Otherwise it was usually something mundane like better luck or a hot face.
Orders’s blessings gave powers the user had to manually activate and had a set way they work. For example, fire, the user would have to manually create the fire and no matter what they could only make fire that worked like normal campfire fire.
Chaos’s blessings gave powers that the user just always had active or would activate when it felt like it. And the way it functions could change depending on the situation. For example, arms growing out of you whenever your anxious or something, sometimes they were tangible or not, sometimes they were your skin color, sometimes not, sometimes they were human sometimes not, etc.
And yeah the series is called Spirit Chase because the characters are trying to find the wish spirit because they’re my OCs so obviously their lives suck. There’s more to the story as it goes on, but that’s the way it starts.
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braveclementine · 3 days
Chapter 25
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, mentions of blood kink (reader on period)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
The first day back to school was not the best by any means. Not only did I feel the eyes watching me from not only the teachers/Avengers, but also the extra security (SHIELD agents) that Dean Fury had hired to keep an eye out on me and other potential targets. On top of that, I had started my period and was in quite a bad mood, as well as in physical pain. Plus, Steve seemed sore with me for some reason, feeling like he was avoiding me. 
I was distracted during all of my classes, the hairs on my arms consistently standing up. I felt the security and Professors could be a lot more subtle and just stop looking at me. Even Ivy seemed to be informed because she found an excuse to walk with me after my classes and even studied with me in the library which I swear she had never done before. 
To say I was frustrated by the time Psychology rolled around was an understatement. I half contemplated skipping Bucky's class since I figured he'd ben even worse than the others, but knew their worry would just peak more and they'd probably shut the school down and organize a search party for me. 
So I headed to Psychology with heavy anxiety. Despite Brocks' threat to release Steves' identity to the public, he hadn't actually done it yet. I wasn't sure if it was just a bluff, or if perhaps the higher ups hadn't let him, but it worried me. 
Bucky's class turned out to be the most relaxed of all of them. We talked about eating disorders and the how's and whys of such disorders. It stemmed a little bit into the healthy diets and unhealthy diets and he suggested that we all attempt a diet for one month and see if we felt better emotionally and physically after doing it. 
"Miss Silvertongue, please stay behind, we need to talk about your last exam." Professor Barnes said as the class started to file out. Two of the girls in front of me started to laugh, quite rudely. Ivy glared at them and when the three girls were out of the door, I heard a slight screech of pain. 
Bucky rolled his eyes. "I think Loki and Wade are rubbing off on her. Anyways, how are you feeling?" 
"I want the security gone." I growled, my frustration rolling off of me in obvious emotional waves. "I can't focus. And I hurt." 
"I know. Steve told me you were on your period. You're driving him mad." 
"He's avoiding me." I said, hurt. 
"Yes he is." Bucky nodded. 
"Why? What did I do?" I asked, heart sinking. I felt like I was going to cry, my throat constricting. I wondered if I had pushed him to far with the food play. 
"Nothing you did, really." Bucky shrugged. "It's just, he has a huge blood kink, you're on your period, and it drives him absolutely crazy. He's afraid his control will snap and he'll take you over his desk." He said this so nonchalantly that it took me a second to comprehend his words. 
"He has. . . wait what? But how did he even know?" I asked, slightly dazed. 
Bucky's lips curled into a smirk and his blue eyes met mine. "We can smell you doll." 
I went red. "No." I whispered. 
He chuckled. 
"Oh God." I moaned, completely embarrassed. "Like a Vampire? Oh God Buck." 
He tilted his head to the side. "What?" 
"I'm so sorry. It must be terrible." I covered my face with my hands. I didn't even know how to fix this. 
"Elizabeth, it's sweet smelling with a hint of sour copper." Bucky said, tugging my hands away from my face. "It doesn't bother me or Steve. Promise." He pulled me into a hug as I mumbled incoherent, embarrassing words under my breath. 
I was so embarrassed, I quickly brushed the conversation away by changing the conversation, "So if I choose one of these diets, you'll also change, right?" 
Bucky laughed, "Yeah right." 
"Hey!" I pouted. "You can't eat ice cream or desserts in front of me!" 
"Nope. I'll just eat them off of you." He teased, poking me in the side as we headed out of the classroom. I supposed we should try harder to act professional, but I don't either of us really cared. 
"So how is Steve going to survive five days with me?" I asked as we headed out of the building, towards his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid inside. He closed it behind me, getting in on the other side. 
"He probably won't." Bucky admitted. "And he's definitely not sleeping with us the first two nights." 
"And this'll happen every month?" I sighed. 
"Pretty much." Bucky admitted. "He has very good self-control Elizabeth, but when his head gets filled with to many fantasies, and you're right there, and he can smell you. . . well even he's not perfect. His mind will go blank and he'll feel guilty for the rest of eternity." 
"I would just let him." I admitted. 
"What?" Bucky asked, startled, looking over at me with concern. 
I shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "I would just let him at that point. Then tell him I gave consent." 
"Why the hell would you do that?" Bucky asked. 
"Because I love him-" 
"NO." Bucky said sternly and I went quiet. "Elizabeth, it would classify as rape and as much as I love Steve, and I love you, it's out of the question. You should never, ever do something like that. With Steve and I, sure it's different. Our headspace. . . is different but what if you weren't with us! You can't afford to have that mentality!" 
"Sorry." I whispered. 
He looked pained as he reached over, taking my hand. "I know you would go to any length to protect the people you love. But that is just one you can't do, okay? Besides," He said lightly, squeezing my hand. "I won't be letting you alone while you're on your period so you don't have to worry about Steve." 
"I'm not worried about Steve." I said quickly. "And what about you? Does my blood not affect you either?" 
Bucky laughed, "We're not vampires darling. It's not the smell of blood that gets him going, it's just what fuels him. Like I said, it means you're breed-able, which is the biggest turn on for him. The blood just fuels his blood kink, the 40s dress just spurs him on, and your consistently submissive behavior is the icing on the cake." 
I squirmed in my seat a little, but my back ached to much to get super uncomfortable and I stayed slumped in the seat, my back pressed against the warmth of the seater. 
"Admittedly, there isn't to much I know." He suddenly blushed, "Do you get weird food cravings?" 
"I put hot sauce on my eggs, have a huge craving for milkshakes, and will eat banana peppers with eggs as well." I smiled. 
"You do that anyways." He teased. 
"Yea, but I will need a lot of spicy food. Can we get those hot wings again? I actually really want those now." I said. 
"Of course we can." Bucky said, pulling out his phone. 
"NO! When we get home James." I swatted at his arm. "You can't be on your phone and drive at the same time." 
"Super soldier sweetheart." He teased, putting the phone to his ear to order 50 chicken wings to the tower along with two pepperoni pizzas. 
He also managed to find a UDF- they were far more scarce in New York than Ohio- where he bought me a cookies n' cream milkshake with cookie dough added to the bottom. He grabbed Steve a vanilla milkshake, and got himself a strawberry chocolate mix. 
"Thank you for spoiling me." I said as I sipped at the delicious drink. 
He snorted, "If you think this is spoiling, just wait." 
"I take it back, don't spoil me." I said quickly. I hated when people spent money on me. It made me feel itchy, like I didn't deserve it, especially if I couldn't pay it back. 
"Yeah, Steve hates it when I spoil him too." Bucky sighed. "And I hate it when he spoils me. Or used to, anyways. Neither of us felt like we deserved what the other person was getting us. Me, especially. Now, we just know that we love each other. So if he gets you a diamond necklace for Christmas-" 
I choked on the milkshake, "Please no. I'll feel so bad. I can't afford anything on that level Bucky. Please, please don't get me anything expensive." 
"Alright, I'll talk to him about toning it down. Maybe a car instead." This time he winked so I knew it was a joke. I still shuddered at the idea of them getting me something over twenty dollars. 
"You know I'd just be happy with books and a stuffed animal." I said. "Please don't spend more than twenty bucks on me." 
"Our limit is twenty dollars?" Bucky asked, disgruntled. 
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Cause that's about all I can afford to get for you guys!" 
"What, Steve doesn't pay you enough during the job?" Bucky frowned. "I'll talk to the punk about upping your pay-" 
I choked again. "No!" 
We argued the entire way back to the house and finally, finally Bucky relented and said he'd keep to the twenty dollar limit. 
The pizza delivery guy had already gotten to the tower before us, so we found Clint in the lobby, eating the pizza, claiming he had a right to all of the food since he had paid for it. 
"You put it on Starks' tab." Bucky deadpanned, grabbing the remaining pizza and securing my wings. 
"Same difference, thanks for dinner." He joked, heading for the elevators. Bucky rolled his eyes as the two of us went up to our floor. 
"Stupid bird." Bucky muttered. "Now what is Steve going to have for dinner?" 
I blinked, "But there's still a whole pizza left plus those 11 slices." 
"Your point?" Bucky asked blankly. 
"It's fine. I'll share my chicken wings with him." I said happily, hugging the box of said wings against my lower stomach. The warmth helped the cramps- and it was just plain warm while it was cold in the elevator- and the smell of the delicious food wafted up and I let out a moan of want. Bucky shifted next to me, taking a deep breath. 
"Watch it doll." Bucky muttered darkly as the elevator doors opened up. We headed back down to our apartment and Bucky called out for Steve while I headed to the living room to find some heating pads. 
Steve was in the living room, looking frustrated. His students' schoolwork was spread out on the floor as he sat on the carpet, trying to get everything done. 
"I may ask Tony to put an office in." Steve sighed, looking up. "Hey baby, how was school?" 
"Good." I said softly, finding the heating pad in the drawer and curling up on the couch. Bucky came in with paper plates, a gallon of milk, and three cups. "Thank you Bucky." I said as he gave me a plate, also moving the coffee table right next to me so I didn't have to be uncomfortable as I ate. 
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked. 
"'M okay." I mumbled, putting seven wings on my plate, opening up the blue cheese. "Cramps hurt though." 
Steve didn't answer right away and Bucky kicked him lightly, jerking Steve out of his thoughts. "Sorry baby." 
"It's okay." I said as he got up, sitting on the couch. 
"Pizza?" Bucky shoved the plate of food right under Steves' nose, so that his senses were invaded by the smell of tomato, peperoni, and cheese. 
Steve was still rather precautious around me, but since Bucky had explained it already, I didn't feel as bad. He also didn't go to bed with us, or the next couple of nights, but once I was on day four, he was back in bed with us, his arms wrapped tightly around me, his face buried into my neck. . . home. 
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honoka-marierose · 8 months
Yuri Lowenthal always wanted to be Spider-Man — and he’s got proof. As we chat over Zoom weeks ahead of the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, he excitedly whips out a photo of himself as a child, clad in that signature Spidey mask.
“That’s me and my sister. I must have been, like, five. That’s her as Batman. And me wearing the Spider-Man mask. If you had told that kid that when he got older, and arguably, too old, that he’d get to play Spider-Man…” he trails off. “That doesn’t even compute. It really is just a dream that I hope I never wake up from.”
The veteran voice actor has portrayed Peter Parker in various projects since 2011, but he really hit it big when he landed the titular role in Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man series, the first game of which was published in 2018. For his work, Lowenthal was nominated for best performance at The Game Awards that year.
When he returned to portray Peter for the highly-anticipated sequel, which dropped on Oct. 20, Lowenthal couldn’t rest on his laurels. In the game, Peter becomes entangled with Venom, a murderous alien symbiote with a frightening hive mind. As the symbiote takes hold, Peter becomes increasingly aggressive (both verbally and in combat), a significant departure from the happy-go-lucky character fans are accustomed to.
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“I’m gonna be honest with you, it was hard for me, because Peter is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man,” Lowenthal tells Variety. “To make Peter not friendly was difficult for me, because I’d gotten into a place where Pete was easy. Pete is me. We’re friendly and we’re helpful, and I understood all the decisions as we went along.”
“Getting him to the place that he gets to was difficult, because it felt so antithetical to who Pete is. I was exhausted at the end of those sessions in a way that I’m not usually exhausted. Psychologically, it was difficult to push Pete into those things, and it tired me out in a way that I was not expecting,” he continues.
Of course, Lowenthal didn’t work alone in crafting the symbiotized Peter, collaborating with Venom actor and horror icon Tony Todd. A big grin flashes across Lowenthal’s face when I mention Todd. “Can we just talk for a second about how awesome Tony is? He’s so cool. So cool. He’s so cool!”
“I’ve loved getting to work with him,” he adds. “That was a really big part of the process for us, because we knew it was an important part of the story. We really had to figure out how the symbiote affects Peter, not just as a blanket thing: At the beginning, how does it affect him? How does it affect him an hour into having the suit? How about two days into having the suit?”
In developing Peter’s dark side, Lowenthal drew inspiration from the properties of addiction. “At the beginning, when Pete first gets the suit, it is the best thing in the world. He’s jazzed: ‘I’ve got all these new powers, I can be a better Spider Man. It’s a win-win! I am the greatest! This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!’ Which is how drugs are that first time, and then it starts to take its toll,” he says. “That shiny new energy wears off. You’re more a slave to what it does to you than in control of it.”
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Lowenthal didn’t have to live in that headspace for the entirety of recording, though. He also played on the opposite end of the spectrum, portraying teenage Peter in a series of flashbacks. While the first Insomniac Spider-Man game picked up years after Peter became a superhero, these scenes give a rare glimpse at a naïve kid adjusting to his new powers. At one point, he even forgets where he’s stored his spare web-shooters.
“I was excited that Insomniac decided to make that first game eight years after he gets bitten by a radioactive spider, because we’ve seen that so many times,” Lowenthal says. “You didn’t get to see that part of Peter’s experience and his life in that first game at all. And while we didn’t need it, hopefully seeing some of it in this game, you’ll realize how much maybe you missed it a little bit. It’s okay to go back.”
These scenes gave 52-year-old Lowenthal a chance to flex his ability to sound significantly younger. “When I first came out to Los Angeles to be a movie star, like everybody else, so much of that work was about how I looked. I couldn’t play that if I didn’t look like that. Whereas in this world, if I can sound like that, I could be that. So, luckily, I’ve had a little a little practice in the ‘sounding like a teenager’ department.”
In the flashbacks, fans also get more details on Peter’s friendship with Harry Osborne (Graham Phillips), who returns in this game after being seemingly cured from the illness that kept him isolated for years. “We’ve talked about the relationship between Pete and Harry. We haven’t gotten to experience it yet,” Lowenthal says. “It’d be one thing to say, ‘Hey, Harry’s back. Remember? We love Harry! They’re good friends.’ What a brilliant way for them to create the relationship that we all need to feel in this game between Pete and Harry for anything to work.”
Spider-Man isn’t the only big project Lowenthal has rolled out recently. He voiced fan-favorite character Smoke in Warner Bros. Games’ Mortal Kombat 1, which released in September. Lowenthal admits he wasn’t as familiar with the franchise as he was with Marvel, though.
“I’m steeped in Spider-Man. I grew up reading comic books. I was not a big Mortal Kombat player,” he says. “In my first session with Dominic Cianciolo, who was the writer and the voice director, I’m like, ‘I love that I get to play a new character in Mortal Kombat!’ He’s like, ‘Oh, honey. Smoke is not a new character. We haven’t seen him in a while, but he’s not a new character.’”
Lowenthal adds that roles like that don’t just fall into his lap, even at his level of expertise and notoriety. “I know everybody thinks that at this stage of my career, I don’t have to audition for anything anymore, which couldn’t be further from the truth. If I’m lucky, I’m still auditioning multiple times in one day.”
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And perhaps it’s this constant auditioning that makes Lowenthal feel so connected to Hollywood’s ongoing labor disputes. At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con in July, where Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 became the first game to appear in Hall H for a panel, he made an impassioned plea in support of striking creatives. “We are here this weekend, but we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters and everybody at the WGA and SAG,” he said. “We’re able to be here because we’re in a different contract for games, but that might not last forever.”
Within months, that prediction became much more real, as SAG-AFTRA members voted overwhelmingly in September to authorize a strike against 10 major video game companies (including Insomniac and WB Games).
“We’re fighting for essentially the same things that the writers were fighting for. The same thing that our film and TV actor brothers and sisters are fighting for,” Lowenthal says. “I’m hoping that the gains that were made by the writers recently will help make our strike shorter.”
“Something that I think will affect everyone going forward is the application of AI. None of us are against technology,” he adds. “But I think because it’s so new, and has such a potential to exploit the people who helped create it — the performances that were fed into machines to create it — we just need to establish some guidelines, and an open line of communication between performers, writers, creatives and AI companies, so that we can all be on the same page.”
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Lowenthal continues, “I know a lot of people are like, ‘Y’all just want more money.’ Sure, I would love to be paid for work that I contributed to. But even more than that, it’s a consent issue. If all of a sudden, you can take our data and just make us do whatever you want to, it feels bad. I think anybody can sympathize with that and go, ‘Yeah, I would hate to get puppeted into saying something or doing something that I never did or wanted to do.’”
On Oct. 16, SAG-AFTRA announced that it will schedule more bargaining sessions on a new video game contract, in hopes of averting a second strike. For now, Lowenthal can bask in the glory of the new Spider-Man release.
“The people who work on this game truly love Spider-Man and love telling these stories,” he says. “Nobody’s coasting on that first game. Nobody’s like, ‘Well, that was good enough.’ What they tried to do with this game was to up everything, and I just hope that people feel that.”
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