#bh6 reference??
sadsoftserve · 9 months
Just start talking and don't stop until I have a whole novel to read about your OC's ok?
Uhh, a novel? I can write a couple paragraphs.
You said just dump, so imma dump abt their lore and baskstories character by character.
Starting with Bonnie- She lives with her uncle after her mother passed, and her father wants nothing to do with her (rn that is) so Ramsey was the only other available family member she could live with. Now, the city didn't want her to live with him, for obvious reasons, but they didn't want a hooligan child in foster care. She's had a rough upbringing, so she's a fighter. She gets into a lot of fights, most of which she wins, and is currently on probation. Yes, probation. A 15 year old. So she was in the Sweet Jazz Student Correctional School, before she transferred to Sweet Jazz HS. So, as per her court mandated therapist said, she needed to join an extracurricular to keep her emotions in check and mind off of life. So she chose colorguard. (Because she gets a big flag to hit people with)
"Bonnie, you must be out of your damn mind." Ramsey sighed as he looked at her. The tension in the car was high, but he knew better than to raise his voice at a kid. Bonnie was sitting with her arms crossed and her face looking out the passenger side window.
"Look. I've tried to raise you the best I can. I know I'm not perfect. Hell I'm far from it." He rubbed his face as he spoke. He knew he was a terrible guardian. He was terrible with kids. He was terrible at being an adult.
"Am I a perfect parental figure? No."
"Do I know anything about children? No."
"Should I've picked up a book about parenting? Probably!" He said with exsauhstion as he sighed again. He looked at Bonnie, then to the ankle monitor she was wearing. "I just... want you to be safe. And not go down the same path I did." Looking at her ankle monitor brought up a lot of memories, he had pushed down. Memories he didn't want his niece to make. Bonnie looked up at him for a moment, then back in front of her.
"I'll try. No grauntee it'll work." She said softly. She wanted to change, but no matter how hard she tried it never worked.
"That's all you gotta do."
Sabrina- Her Epithet developed at age three, so for 12 years she hasn't been able to sleep. But for the most of her life, she found workarounds and remedies. But all those had stopped working. So, when Sylvie found out about the arsen amulet, she wanted it. She wanted to get rid or somehow aid her epithet into letting her sleep again. But the whole museum arc happened, and it was taken from her grasp. Her and Mera actually fought for the amulet, and Sabrina ended up breaking some of Meras bones in the process. Afterwards in the hospital, Sylvie for once apologized for everything, and Sabrina got to have a good cry.
"I'm sorry." Sylvie abruptly said, as he looked over to his younger sister who was currently fiddling with the light blue sheets of the hospital bed. "I should've known that they're were other people after it." He saw Sabrinas stiff shoulders and riggid breathing, she was crying.
She was so close to a solution, but it was just out of reach. She was going to be able to get what she had been craving for 12 years. But it was all in vain. She should've known better. None of this suffering would end. For once... She found herself sympathizing with the person who put her in this situation. She wanted the amulet for the same reason, but, that goal was unachievable. A sob came from her mouth.
"Sabrina?" Sylvie asked as he saw his younger sister cry. He couldn't help but feel bad, as if he could've done something different. But the only option right now, was to comfort her and tell her everything was okay. He walked over to her from his bed and climbed on hers, enveloping her in an embrace. One she hadn't had in what felt like forever.
Parker- Parker is Percys enteric and hyper niece. She has two perfectly alive and well parents. But then, why does she live with Percy? Well, Parkers parents don't know how to deal with her. She has ADHD and comes off as "too-hyper" or "an improper young lady". And Parkers aware of this. She knows her parents basically don't want her, but she doesn t mind. She loves living with her aunt. Percy is like her best friend, and she would call her mom more than her actual mom. Both are nerodivergent, and Parkers greatful for someone she can relate too. Though it still pains her that her parents gave her up to her aunt. Makes her feel like she doesn't belong anywhere she goes. Which is why she has trouble making friends.
Something was weighing on Parkers mind. For the last 4 years she's been living with her aunt, but she was never given ex explanation as to why. She never learned why her parents suddenly sent to to live with Percy, who was admittedly the black sheep of the family.
Percy noticed her nieces silence. It was unusual, especially for Parker. Percy looked at her, and noticed her sadder expression. "Parker." Percys monotone voice struck Parker like a lighting bolt. She looked up, giving Percy her attention. "What's wrong?" Percys monotone voice always made it hard for Parker to lie, her voice could be scary.
"Just thinking." Parker responded as she looked to her feet.
"About what?" Percy asked in response. She was going to get an answer out of her no matter what.
Parker stayed silent for a moment, trying to word what she was thinking. It was bad enough Percys monotone was freaking her out right now, but what if her question was shot down and ignored? Parker spoke with hesitance. "Why... was I sent to live with you? Did... did they not want me..?" Her voice was hurt, and insecure.
Percy looked at her niece, and gave a sympathetic smile. "No, that's not the reason." Percy put a reassuring hand on Parkers shoulder. "They didn't know how to take care of you." Percy paused as she analyzed Parkers facial expression. "They wanted you to live with somebody who knows how to care for you, and everything about you." Percy saw Parkers face look up then down again.
"Why didn't they tell me that then?" Parker asked, as she fiddled with the hem of her blue jacket.
"They didn't know how. And they didn't want you to think they didn't love you, because they do, they just don't know how to express it."
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zephyrartz-owo · 5 months
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City of Monsters you will always be famous in my heart
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usernose · 4 months
God, I do love Cedbake
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ghostpebble · 5 months
i love when everyone in a community collectively agrees that something that hadnt really affected a character in canon too much is actually a source to write ptsd in fanon
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gelatinous-globster · 5 months
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some Hiro drawings! all my other art of him is old so I did a fresh page for him :]
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drkineildwicks · 5 months
Okay before we go any further I really need you to read through sharpened teeth by @ghostpebble it took me all day to read and involved several turns about the parlor house and had me gnawing on my coffee cup it's good but it's intense
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Saying that, you should never give me even a hint of Villain Dad Obake, I will grab that and never let go and I love love LOVE how that recontextualizes the whole of Season One and what it means for Season Two (although it does make me question what happens in "Fan Friction"--Obake, my dude, how much trust did you have that Hiro would save the day you're not getting dad of the year by leaving your adoptive daughter on an island slated to explode)
Anywho, big drawing is stuff that actually happened in the fic, although Obake's described as having a tie there and I put him in his usual outfit--since Baymax sits between them on the couch I couldn't help but picture Hiro giving Obake the stink-eye like this around Baymax X'D
As for the rest...I told you don't give me this kind of AU I will tackle it like Hobbes tackles Calvin I've been having a lot of fun picturing what the implications of Obake adopting Karmi means XD
Some transcripts because I know my writing can be hard to read:
Directly beneath big art piece in the bottom left-hand corner:
Karmi: Dad stop scaring my guy friends. Obake: Who, me? Hiro: YES YOU.
Upper right-hand corner:
Karmi: Isn't it great that my dad and your aunt get along?
Below that:
Obake: No honey I'm going to be home late. Yes it's Krei Tech. Yes Krei is an idiot.
Below that:
Professor Granville: Mr. Kane this is Professor Granville, I'm leaving a message to arrange a PTA meeting-- Obake: Time to be unavailable again.
And in the bottom right-hand corner:
Karmi: Bye Dad! Off to my internship! Obake: My little baby off to destroy people.
Yes that's a Mulan reference, only really intended to do that and the big drawing but I kept thinking on this AU and I want.
In other news Obake I really need to know how you're handling the logistics of having a minor attending college because from experience the college needs to keep in touch with the parents how are you doing this when Granville would recognize you.
Also yes those are corded phones--yes they come from a tech-savvy world where everyone would be using smart phones but I come from a generation that translates corded phone as quickly reads as phone and after drawing generic-phone in the sketches I went no wait that's funny and left it.
Anywho go read this fic already why did you click on the keep reading before reading the fic seriously.
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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dashi-inu · 2 months
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Tadashi Hamada you'll never stop being sexy to me you're always fresh in my mind 🍃
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Today on Things That Remind Me of Other Things from My Fandoms, we have Drift from Transformers and Celine Simard (aka Sirque) from Big Hero 6: The Series.
Personality-wise, they’re nothing alike.
And Drift is a giant transforming robot car who wields swords while Sirque is a French physicist who uses her portal tech to carry out crimes.
But look at them! They’re basically twins! :D
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spyrkle4 · 11 months
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It's Remy and Trivia again!
Remy is 100% done w/ the fact Trivia is more concerned about the wanted poster's depiction of her than the wanted poster itself
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kickjurassic · 2 years
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Dec 18, 2016
i love designing dog versions of my favorite characters, so of course i had to do one for best dorky boy genius hiro.
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najaitspurple · 7 months
Just got my ao3 sccount active! In a few moments, the fanfic will be out!
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bomber-grl · 3 months
Getting Kidnapped and Hiro having to deal with it
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader
A/N: LMAOO love that audio and I feel like I made the title sound like Hiro having to save his S/o is a burden 😭💀
CW: Mentions of family death
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sorry I just searched him up recently again and realized he looks like a lesbian with an undercut
Once Obake uncovered the fact that Hiro was the leader of bh6 then he knew he’d have to act quick
And he had just the plan
Regardless of whether you’re just a normal person or work alongside bh6 or even makes support tools for them, he ended up (or rather his “children”) ended up capturing you and holding you hostage
Obake obviously ended up letting Hiro know in the most menacing way and in the middle of the night
What a great way to do so, don’t you think? /s😀
Hiro sneaked past Cass and snuck out while texting the rest of the group to meet somewhere
(Ended up at Fred’s house, again)
They discussed how to approach the situation
I mean normally they’d go in and wing it but you were too valuable to risk losing you
Not to mention it being a direct fight with Obake
Eventually they track down where you were, the electronics on you luckily revealing your location
They broke in and of course had to fight his “kids”
Hiro immediately went to untie you and rescue you essentially but of course things just couldn’t go smoothly
Obake himself fought with Hiro as the others were preoccupied and the thing was a mess
Especially since the location of where you had been held, was on a large boat
That was very very much sinking
It had to be apart of Obakes big plan or something because he’d never allow any mistakes
As Hiro tried surviving with Baymax alongside him you felt useless
Your tools/weapons had been taken and even if you had powers of some kind the rooms structure had something built in that dampened them
Eventually Baymax ended up flying away with you and Hiro
Upon Hiros orders of course
No was capable of taking Obake just yet and that was a point with strong evidence
Especially with how everyone looked
They all looked worn and even Hiro did
It was strange, they’d normally not be that badly injured
You and everyone else regrouped and once the team broke up to go back home for the rest of the night only you and Hiro remained
The group agreed you needed to be protected and you and Hiro settled on you staying over
Usually he’d be blushing and stuff but your safety was above such a reaction
He was deadly serious the whole way and even when you tried joking he’d say something and the conversation would die off
It wasn’t until you apologized for getting abducted that Hiros live reaction is quite literally like “wtf”
It wasn’t your fault you got kidnapped and if anything he was the one that felt like shit
He sighed and he figured it was his turn to apologize and did
He explained how scared he was and how he’s extra scared of people dear to him being hurt or worse
It was left unsaid
But it was obvious Hiro was referring to Tadashi
Tadashi was a big part of Hiros world and it was clear he wasn’t over him, and probably never will be
That was clear enough with his reaction tonight and all you could do was sigh
You told him to just get ready for bed and maybe when the adrenaline has wore off and when you’re well rested, you’d be able to have a good conversation
He agreed and although it was a bit awkward he invited you to sleep with him
He was obviously shy about it but seeing the state of him, well, you couldn’t refuse
You both went to bed cuddling
And unfortunately awoke to Cass coming in to let Hiro know of something
She caught you both but didn’t mind but did give some warnings and went back downstairs to tend to the cafe
Later you learned she had been knocking for a good amount of time and became concerned so she budged in
The group was there and wanted to talk, that’s what the piece of information was
You talked about it as a group and planned to create tracking devices that were hidden so they wouldn’t be taken
Plus, you two were of course teased by the group since Cass seemed to have mentioned finding you two the way you were in passing to them
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thefourchimes · 5 months
lots of encanto AUs i want to talk about so here you go
so uh, i've been brain rotting and hyperfixating on encanto for a bit now, and its been very fun
tho i've barely talked about some of the ideas and aus i have and want to share, so i guess i want to do that now in a way, so uh... (mirabel voice) lets go lets go
List of AUs here:
Time Travel AU
Big Hero 6 AU
[Redacted] AU (not the au's actual name, hidden for reasons)
Ghost Cocoon AU (fusion idea au i came up with of the cocoon au by @raefever and ghost grandchildren au by @jerseyk112, both found in @gamerbearmira's blog)
Giftless Grandkids AU (idea by anon, also found in @gamerbearmira's blog)
Undertale AU
Gravity Falls AU
P.S. some of these au ideas are not originally mine, but i've contributed to them in some way, and i've credited and tagged the creators
More information of the AUs found below
1. Time Travel AU
first au i've ever thought about, cool hue sisters centered, because i love them sm and i was still finding my footing in encanto and the fandom when i thought of this au, and yeah
its where isabela and luisa get sent back to the past after going after and protecting mirabel as casita falls
i gained the idea after seeing how the two older sisters were still so terrified of alma and disappointing her that they couldn't stand up for mirabel and for themselves, but as casita was falling, they weren't about to let their baby sister go, not after everything
despite this being the first au, its also still really vague and barebones in a sense, not much planned yet and its all just vibes, plus i just really wanted a cool sisters au because i love them sm
2. Big Hero 6 AU
ah yes, big hero 6 au, my beloved
came to be when i figured out bear aka @gamerbearmira's reference in one of her encanto one shots, the scooby doo one where they got arrested, and she used bh6's aunt cass' rant for alma's rant in said one shot, and then it led me to realize the potential of encanto big hero 6 au with bear, so that was fun
there's a post in bear's blog for the au, so you can check it out
there's a bunch more info that we haven't shared yet, but it's all written up in the docs for it, so yesyes
honestly been a bit since i touched the au personally, as i keep getting distracted by the other ones below
but yeah, planning on exploring of this au soon <3
3. [Redacted] AU
ah yes, this au, the 120 and counting pages one in my docs
and the 120 pages are mostly just details and planning for the au, not a single written thing yet
this au is not called redacted au, but the name itself is redacted because the word itself is a bit of a spoiler and im still trying to find a better name for it in general
i have no idea how to explain this au
first thing to mention is how its very much inspired by Take Back the Kingdom by @optimistic-violinist and @impossiblefangirl0632 (sorry for the tag, i can take it out if you'd like) and i really really recommend this fic, its so so good and it changed my brain chemistry on so many levels
so yes, i really got inspired by this fic, and it will very much be shown in this particular au with some things and tropes, but ofc im doing my own spin on stuff and the details, and from what i have rn, i think it really evolved and is still evolving as time goes on
another thing to note about this is how the idea came to be because of TBTK inspiration and a dream i had on the day i was taking a metaphysics midterms exam (this is completely unnecessary to mention but oh well, i still remember that moment so vividly)
the dream impacted just exactly how this au is going to go
what is the dream about? you'll find out whenever i get to write this au
all i can say without spoiling much is that there are lots of memory shenanigans and angst, plus the very fun trope of "your found family is your actual family"
also once more, read take back the kingdom, very good fic, 11/10, much recommend, will reread again
4. Ghost Cocoon AU
this au is the fusion of the Cocoon au and the Ghost Grandkids au, both still found in @/gamerbearmira's blog
ghost grandkids au is from @jerseyk112 and cocoon au is from @raefever, and ofc bear has a lot of ideas and thoughts for these aus in her blog
i was rereading bear's cocooned fic for the 17123723507 time and while i was at it, i remembered the ghost grandchildren au, so i decided it would be pretty fun to fuse the two aus together in some way
and so i did (first ask, second ask)
basic premise of this au is really just the ghost kids' healing and them protecting their younger selves and their family
this fusion au interested me so much that it got to the point where i actually wrote a 3683 word first chapter of sorts(?) for this fusion au already (bear has seen it but i havent posted it at all)
planning on continuing it when i feel like it tho hehe
so yes its been wild with this one
5. Giftless Grandkids AU
giftless grandkids au, my beloved
just as the name says, au where all the grandkids are giftless
all i can say is everything and nothing changes all at the same time with this
this au was sent and suggested by an anon in bear's blog
this is also the one where bear and i went wild on for the past few days
pretty sure bear is gonna be writing this au, if im not mistaken? so its very exciting
there's a lot in store for this au and it'll be fun
6. Undertale AU
undertale au yesyes
not the type where the characters are these characters tho
this idea is where we'll be throwing the grandkids into the underground for an adventure of a lifetime!
so basically characters of one media meet characters of the other media type
and the kids are gonna be going through the plot of undertale, technically in frisk's shoes here
this au is still very vibes and not much planned, there's lots of potential to play around tho, so im thinking of exploring this at some point soon
7. Gravity Falls AU
gravity falls au this time!!
now this au is the one pure vibes one, absolutely zero planning or thoughts, just vibes and aspirations for it
not even sure if it'll be like the undertale au where characters of one media will meet characters of the other media or if it'll be characters from this media are gonna be these characters of that media in this au
i just thought it would be fun to have an encanto gravity falls au idea, but still dont know where it'll be going in general
So that's about it, there's actually a few more ideas i havent mentioned yet, but let's just say these ideas are exactly like the gravity falls au vibing no planning, except much worse in a sense, so i have no idea what kind of footing there will be at all with those aus
but anyway, i digress, these are some of the ideas and aus i have and would love to share and write and uh, yeah
if you have any questions on these aus, feel free to ask if ever, my asks are open (this is the first time im saying this in a post omg help)
but anyway yes the brainrot and hyperfixation is real
if you got here to the end, congrats have a pic of my dog for your effort and dedication <333 see you around <3
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mayzi33 · 1 year
SO- You know how the BH6 members don't have official individual super hero names?
You know how people just call them Captain Cutie, Tall Girl, which were from Karmi's fanfics yet they don't really call eachother that?
You know how they just SHOUT eachothers' REAL NAMES during battle infront of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE risking their indetities EVERY EPISODE?
SO... I was thinking about it and going like "lmao they should just call eachother One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six cause its BH6 looolzzzz"
But then I went "Wait..."
Baymax- Onemax
Gogo- Two-Two (like Go-Go lol)
Wasabi- Threebi
Honey Lemon: Fouress
Fred: Fivezilla (reference to Fredzilla that should have been a thing)
Hiro: Sixio (kinda like how you pronounce Hiro's name THE RIGHT JAPANESE WAY which is kinda like Hee-roh so Sixio)
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smallhiro-one · 2 months
Hey guys!!
uhh so as I’ve said on my main acc: @gummybearinthehouseee , I’ve been busy (or just had no motivation) to post much, especially since I have found a new fandom and it’s really taken over me😔😔
BUTTT one of the main things that happened during summer was I got into this summer camp school thingie and I made some stuff like this: (I just culminated today😋)
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this was from my saw dusting class or something like that (yes, on the small block thing that is the triforce from tloz, TLOZ REFERENCE!!)
I also performed like a song and stuff on stage but anyways!!
I just thought I needed to post something like a life update. Especially since school is starting soon and I don’t think I’ll have the time anymore😭😭(man I really wasted my summer)
I think I will begin to post some bh6 doodles from time to time to let people know I’m not dead😋😋
Anyways thanks for being here!!
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 5 months
hypothetically, if the comedic relief accidentally reveals all the identities of your superhero group and tries to blackmail you, is it ok to lock them up in your basement and starve them till they die of hunger or go insane? (Bh6 reference)
um,,, no???? why would this be ok are you alright
i mean what they did isn’t ok either but this isn’t a logical response where is this coming from
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