#bi Han oneshot
restinslices · 2 months
Bi-Han x Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 2036
Summary: Who would have thought that raising a child would be the hardest thing in a world full of gods, Edenians, sorcerers, war, and whatever else life decided to throw in the mix.
Translations for future reference: 小天使 - Little angel. 爸爸- Baba/dad. 我爱你! - I love you! (I got all these translations from Google, so they could be wrong).
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If someone were to ask Bi-Han which was harder, being a Grandmaster or having a young child, he'd say the latter without hesitation. 
It's not that he didn't like being a father. It's just that kids… well… they're special creatures. Special in the sense that things that made sense to them, made no sense to the adults around them. 
Here are just a few moments that made Bi-Han wanna face the wall and never be seen again. 
Bald People 
“Chew with your mouth closed 小天使” Bi-Han used his hand to push your jaw up then wipe juice from your mouth, earning a giggle from you. He had no idea what was funny, but he learned long ago to not ask many questions. Your brain would never make sense to him and vice versa. 
To say it was a nice day would be an understatement. For the first time in days there was no rain in the area, the cold didn't bite at anyone's exposed flesh (something he didn't mind, but your body didn't process the cold the same way his did. At least not yet), the clouds didn't cast the world into darkness, no. Nothing like that. It was clear. Not a cloud in sight. No rumbles of thunder. Just a clear day. Perfect for eating fruit with his little buddy outside. 
Bi-Han made a fatal error though. He allowed himself to get too comfortable. He stopped being on his guard. 
“爸爸!” You shouted. “爸爸 WHY IS THAT GUY BALD?!”. 
Please let that be a hallucination… 
He followed where your finger was pointing, and to his disappointment, he wasn't hallucinating. You were pointing to a Lin Kuei ninja who had taken his mask off to reveal his smooth and bald head. The man- well, not just him. Every ninja looked over at the two of you in shock. 
“Hey!” he pushed your hand down. “What'd I say about pointing?” he scolded. It was all he could think to say. What was he supposed to do in this situation? He had never been advised on what to do if his child suddenly became interested in bald people. 
“BUT HE IS BALD! WHY IS HE BALD?!”. Bi-Han said a silent prayer to the Elder Gods to give him the strength to not strangle you. 
“Stop yelling! Eat your fruit!”
“But why is he bald?” at least you weren't screaming anymore. Small wins. “I'm not bald. You're not bald. I've never seen a bald person in real life. What's the word for 'bald’ in Chinese? I can't remember-”
His hand covered your mouth. He sighed. If only he could stay like this forever. 
As the Grandmaster, he wasn't afraid of confrontation. That'd be ridiculous. Didn't mean he wanted you poking at some random bald guy though. 
Your small hands pulled his down from your mouth. He hated you were so cute, with your wide eyes and chubby cheeks. It made it a lot harder to be stern with you. 
Bi-Han having trouble with being stern? You definitely had changed him. 
“But he's bald” the last word came out your mouth in amazement. Had you really never seen a bald person before? He never felt the need to show you one. Why would he? “Come on, child of mine! Let's go watch bald people today!”. Kuai Liang had kids of his own, but he hadn't brought up kids could become fascinated with bald people. Was this normal? 
Parenting was so confusing. 
“Eat your fruit” he practically begged. 
“I'm gonna go ask him why he's bald!” You exclaimed. “Excuse me! Kind stranger! Hey-” with a sigh, Bi-Han threw you over his shoulder, grabbed the bowl of fruit, and walked towards the house. 
“Hey!” Your small hands hit his back and your legs kicked up in the air. “Hey I was talking to him! Hey! Hey! Kind stranger! Why are you bald?!”. 
You continued your shouts of curiosity, all while Bi-Han continued carrying you over his shoulder. And once you both got back inside, you still hadn't understood what you did wrong. 
“It was just a question” you defended as you bit at your nails and swung your legs from your seat. “Can I have ice cream?”. 
Bi-Han sighed. 
War was easier than this. 
As soft as you had made him, he still pushed you when it came to training. 
And as silly as you were, you were still a fantastic fighter. 
It filled him with pride to watch you use your small size to your advantage. You'd dodge under the other ninjas legs, kick them in places like their shins, you'd even crawl up their bodies and startle them. 
His perfect little warrior. 
But before being a warrior, you were still a child. So it was to his disappointment, but not surprise, when you gasped and pointed behind him. Something had gotten your attention. 
“Look! Look!” You exclaimed as you ran past him. 
What he expected to see was something like a rainbow. Something that made sense to get excited over. What he didn't expect to see were two white ducks waddling next to each other. 
“They're ducks” 
“They're ducks!” You repeated after him. “They're so cute!” You ran at him and tugged on his arm. “Can I have them?! Please please please?! Can I have them both?!”. 
Would it be terrible to make a joke about cooking them?
More than likely. 
“No” he said sternly and grabbed your arm. “Go back to-”
“I wanna go draw them” you whined. You tried to pull away from him, even going so far as to try and pry his hand away, but you were a small child. 
By the Elder Gods… maybe if he screamed everytime he woke up, he'd have more patience. 
Bi-Han tried his hardest to say “go back to your training” as sternly as he could, in hopes it'd spark obedience in you. You weren't an obedient warrior though. You were a child. 
You did what he hated most. You fell to the floor, becoming dead weight in his hand. You mumbled whines he couldn't, and didn't care to hear. Everytime he tried to pick you up, you fought to stay back down. It didn't matter that he threatened to take away everything you loved. Even using the typical lines about Santa didn't work. You didn't care about Santa, or your toys, or getting an earlier bedtime, or no longer having candy, or anything else he could think of. You were in love with these stupid fucking birds now and all you wanted to do was draw them. 
“Fine!” he shouted. “Go draw your ducks!”. 
Of course, your sour mood was gone now. You ran away, leaving him behind to dismiss his men and debate on asking one of his brothers to babysit. 
Bi-Han hoped that this phase would only last a few days. 
But hope never really did anything. 
The phase lasted months. There were drawings of ducks everywhere. There were framed pictures, pictures on the fridge, pictures in between couch cushions, he even found some in the bathroom. Why the hell were you drawing in the bathroom? 
The sound of crayons scribbling on paper and you humming filled his ears when he entered your room. Ducks again he was sure. Duck this, duck that, duck every fucking thing. 
“Come on. We're visiting your uncles today”
“One more minute”. 
He sighed. He kept giving you “one more minute”. You were supposed to have left ten minutes ago. There wasn't a set time you both were supposed to be at Kuai Liangs home. He just wanted to be there by 2:30pm, but it was 2:25pm and you still hadn't left. 
“No more minutes” he didn't know why he kept trying to be stern with you. “We're going. Now.” 
He walked closer to you then, prepared to throw you over his shoulder and carry you off if he had to. Thankfully, you slammed your crayon down and showed off your drawing with a wide smile. 
“I drew us as ducks!”. 
It was true. Though the ducks weren't entirely anatomically correct, Bi-Han could still see the two ducks holding hands and smiling. You even added hair on both of you, and on the bottom in pink sat the words “我爱你!”. 
He pointed at the words and asked “who's saying that?”. 
“Both of us” you answered. “Cause I love you and you love me!”. Very true. Even if you made his head pound sometimes, he loved you more than life itself. “It's a gift for you”. 
Was it stupid to feel happy as he held the paper in his hands? It was just ducks after all. 
But in the same breath, you took two things you loved and put them together. Perhaps it was insecurity, but sometimes he worried that you weren't aware of how much he loved you. He was glad to know that although he pushed you, it didn't change how you felt for him. 
“Do you like it?”. 
Did he like it?
He left a kiss on top of your head and nodded. 
Maybe ducks weren't so bad. 
Party Time!
When Bi-Han felt himself being shook awake, he knew it could only be one person doing it. So, being the reasonable and mature adult he was, he decided to ignore the person. 
“爸爸. 爸爸. 爸爸” You whispered while shaking him. He kept his eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep. “Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dada. 爸爸”. He groaned and tried to shake you off while still pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately for him, you inherited his stubbornness. 
He felt your breath on his ear as you whispered “are you awake? Wake up”. 
Fuck. You weren't gonna stop. Maybe you'd tire eventually, but it wouldn't be anytime soon. 
He sighed, opened his eyes, then looked at you. “Why are you awake?” he grumbled, noticing the lack of light coming through his curtains. 
“I can't sleep” you complained. “I had a bad dream”. Well now he felt a little bad for ignoring you. 
“Come lay next to me-”
“I don't wanna go back to sleep” you whined. You fully collapsed on top of him, which he wished you didn't do because your head was now on his throat. “I wanna stay up. Let's have a party!”. 
“No” he answered simply. He pushed you off, much to your dismay. “I'll read you a story-”
“Nooooooooo” you whined from next to him. “Party time! Let's have a party! Dad and kid party!”. He rolled his eyes at your jazz hands. Parents needed a daily salary. 
“We're not having a party,” he said. He wasn't even sure what kind of party you were even talking about. Either way, it was far too late. “I will read you a bedtime story. You'll like the story. Then you'll go to sleep”. 
More whines. “Then the monster will come back”. 
That made him raise a brow. “The monster?” he questioned. 
Your frown deepened. “The monster” you repeated. “In my dream, there was a monster. You left me behind”. 
Oh his heart was so soft when it came to you. He could've told you to suck it up and that it was just a dream. Instead, his eyes softened and he rubbed your cheek. Your hand gripped his in response. 
“I wouldn't leave you behind”
“You wouldn't?”. 
You sweet child… 
“Never” he said firmly. That answer seemed to satisfy you. You burrowed yourself into his side and let out a sigh of relief. Poor thing. He wished he could prevent you from having bad dreams ever again. 
He stayed awake beside you, patiently waiting for you to fall back asleep. 
You frustrated Bi-Han. That much was true. You gave him headache after headache and confused him beyond belief. 
It didn't matter in the long run. It didn't matter how many times you said something inappropriate in public, or how many obsessive phases you went through. 
It wouldn't matter how many tantrums you had, or how many times you woke him up while the moon was still high in the sky. 
None of that would matter. 
He would always stand beside you. 
He would always love and adore you. 
His warrior. 
His little duck. 
His 小天使.
I haven’t written x reader fanfic in a hot minute, so I’m still a little rusty. I hope y’all enjoyed either way! While proof reading I realized that Kuai Liang would more than likely live with Bi-Han and wouldn’t have his own home to visit. But uuuhhhh it’s already to written 😀. So let’s all just ignore that little error.
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
Melting Hearts
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Pairing: Husband!Bi Han x Wife!Fem Reader
Summary: Seeing Bi Han injured for the first time when he returns from his duties, the reader is the first to help him even though he decides to be stubborn at first, but slowly melts as the reader tends to his wounds and expresses her worries and love for him…
Requested by: @belle-oftheball34 (I hope you enjoy it!)
Warnings: mentions of blood, Bi Han is injured
Word Count: .7k
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“Move, I’m fine!”
“But Grandmaster, your wound!”
Bi Han was so stubborn sometimes, returning to the temple, blood dried on the side of his head, holding his ribs.
“Bi Han-“ Seeing him like this had tears swelling in my eyes. I’d never seen him in such a state.
He always worried me when he went out for missions and coming back like this, refusing help? I wouldn’t allow him to limp around.
“Bi Han, come with me,” Everyone moved away from us as I took his hand, Bi Han’s eyes beaming at me:
“I said I’m f-fine-“
Stuttering on his words and groaning in pain, I didn’t care how much he wanted to tell himself that he was okay when he clearly wasn’t.
“Stop being so stubborn and let me help you,” I sniffled but was firm; He still decided limped away with me following, we got away from everyone’s sight and he finally dropped his tough act, letting me help him as I placed his arm around my shoulder, leading him to our bedroom.
It was easy to see that his ribs were bothering him, so I made sure to be as gentle as possible, sitting him down on the bed and helping him get out of his clothes.
“Stay here while I go get something’s to patch you up, okay?”
“Fine,” He sighed, groaning in pain, but stayed still.
I returned with some wraps for his ribs, gazes and a bowl of warm, soapy water to clean his cut.
Beginning to wrap his ribs carefully, he was fighting louder groans of pain, kissing the top of his head as I finished with that toughest part.
“I’m all done with your ribs. Now, be careful laying back. You can try to relax while I finish up, okay?”
Nodding and holding his breath, I delicately guiding him to his back on the bed, making sure the pillow was holding his head upright; he kept huffing, taking deep breaths and hissing at his ribs and I tried to be as helpful as I could, cooing and kissing the top of his head:
“I’m going to take good care of you. I know it hurts, but I have you, love.”
“I know,” He inhaled, closing his eyes as I took the warm, soapy rag, cleaning away the blood, making sure his wound was cleaned so it could begin to heal.
“Please be more careful the next time you know you’re going to face danger. You worry me till I’m sick, sometimes,” I whispered as I covered the cut, kissing it softly, “I know you’re strong, but I can’t help but worry about you.”
“They got lucky,” He growled, holding his ribs; I didn’t know exactly what happened, but regardless, he came back injured.
“I love you, Bi Han,” Connecting a deep gaze, I needed him to know how much I cared for him, ”And I hate seeing you this way. I know it’s hard given your responsibilities and the many challenges you face, but I worry every second you’re gone. I don’t ever want to lose you or see you hurt.”
The tears that were built up began to leak out, cleaning my face, quickly looking as he took my hand.
“You won’t lose me, dear,” He was confident in his words, squeezing my handle softly as he whispered, “I love you too.”
Bi Han didn’t express his feelings with words so directly. He didn’t say, ‘I love you’, often. I knew that he did, but hearing him say it always filled me with joy.
My tears faded with a small smile as he pulled me close to him, kissing me softly. I wanted to hold onto his kiss for as long as I could, but knew he needed rest, kissing one last time before I picked myself up, “I love you so much, Bi Han. You’ll be feeling better soon. I’ll make sure of it.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Grumpy Grandmaster | Bi-Han x gn!reader
↳ ❝ “Fire and caffeine - a lot of nicotine” with Bi Han. ❞
: ̗̀➛ Bi-Han isn't known for being soft or for being open - but when it comes to you, he doesn't give you the same treatment as everybody else.
: ̗̀➛ smoking
Bi-Han would do anything to ensure that his clan prospered and survived, even during the toughest of winters and the most harsh of summers; he would do whatever it took to ensure that they survived, that they continued and carried on. But he had a lot of ambition, he wanted to be a true leader and to show what the Lin Kuei were truly capable of - that they could do better than simply waiting around for threats to come.
With Sektor at his side, he would ensure that he could create a better, stronger army than what he thought was once possible. When you came along, none of that changed; Bi-Han was still just as determined and ambitious and restless. He was still just as icy and cold as he had always been.
He respected you, you were a strong and competent fighter - skilled and intelligent, ruthless when you had to be. You proved yourself time and time again from the very first day that you joined the Lin Kuei almost three years ago.
But he never quite admired you, not really; as much as he did respect you, he still looked down on you for your shortcomings. Smoking being the biggest one. Bi-Han wasn’t an idiot, he knew that you snuck out as often as possible to have a quick cigarette when you thought he wasn’t looking.
He was aware that you would be performing one duty and then disappearing from it the moment you saw an opportunity. Or that you would sit down and smoke when you were meant to be doing something he had asked you to.
He wasn’t sure why he allowed you to get away with it, and Sektor couldn’t calculate why either, but he never sought to punish you for your little habit even though he knew he should have. Part of being Lin Kuei meant that you would need to be strongly disciplined - but you never were.
Bi-Han was certain that he wasn’t going soft, he knew he wasn’t; he was still abrasive and gruff. He never raised his voice at you, though, not like he did with the others; if he was far away and he wanted your attention, of course he would shout, but he rarely scorned you or shouted in your face.
In fact, you could never actually recall a time when he had done such a thing - convinced he never did. Granted, he was always a certain level of cold and abrasive towards you, but it was never like it had been with anyone else; he seemed to prefer your company above that of the other members of his clan, if you were honest.
Like today, when he caught you outside smoking and huffed as he sat beside you, his hands collapsed between his knees as he grumbled and shook his head. 
“It’s almost evening,” he observed. “You should be getting ready to head inside, not out here breaking my rules.”
You shrugged as you looked at him from the corner of your eye, daring to laugh a little. “You think I care?”
“C’mon, Bi-Han,” you nearly sang, raising your brows slightly. “Do you really think you can scare me?”
“I’m not trying to scare you,” he grumbled, shaking his head. “But you keep breaking every single rule.”
You hummed, shaking your head as you smiled. “And what are you gonna do about it, Grandmaster?”
He scowled at you, but when he noticed the bumps along your skin, he sighed, and shrugged off his jacket before placing it on your shoulders. “You’re getting cold, you need to go inside.”
“You need to hang on,” you challenged, tugging his jacket a little closer and almost snuggling into it. “Nice jacket, though, thank you.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he huffed and looked away; he made no move to do anything, merely staying sat beside you as he waited for you to finish your cigarette.
Reminding himself that if it wasn’t for your skills and your abilities, he would have thrown you out a long time ago for bringing shame to the Lin Kuei.
But then, there was a funny feeling in his chest, and to only make matters far worse, his hands were shaking when you laughed; he knew what it was, and although he wished to crush it and to make it colder than ice, he knew he couldn’t.
He was still human, after all. Perhaps, he could justify it; it would be good for the clan if he were to take up with one of their own, it would boost their morale and it would cement his status as an honourable and decent leader.
It would look better when it came to diplomacy as well, as it would make him seem more approachable. He nodded slowly to himself for a moment, and then cleared his throat.
“How do you wish to spend the evening?”
“Fire and caffeine - a lot of nicotine and very little sleep,” you laughed, unaware that the sound made his head spin. 
He shook it off, clearing his throat. “As the Grandmaster, certain things are expected of me. I need to find a suitor. Someone who is suitable to lead at my side.”
“Alright,” you shrugged. You hated to think about it, but you knew that it would never be you. “So, what? You want me to help?”
“No,” Bi-Han stated, shaking his head. “I'm not being soft, I just think it would be better for the clan if I were to take a lover who is one of them. it would boost morale… it would look better for diplomacy if I were to take a lover from a different background than my own.”
“You are an absolute softie!” You howled with laughter, tilting your head back and giving him a good view of your throat. The soft skin was probably more than easy to bite and cover in marks to claim as his own.
“C’mon,” you grinned, nudging his shoulder. “Admit you like me.”
Bi-Han sighed heavily. “Perhaps.”
“Ah! He admits it!” You sprung up, grinning as you pointed at him for a moment. “Grumpy Bi-Han likes me and he admits it!”
As much as he hated it, Bi-Han could do very little but to roll his eyes again as he nodded slowly; a hint of a smile upon his lips. 
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 months
Yandere Raiden x reader x Yandere Fujin? Or feed my delusional mind with just Yandere mk men x reader- with that harem “no she’s mine! Not yours!”
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“Alright, men please listen up. Y/N can only choose one of us..which means you all will have to die.”
A/N: I love a delusional queen from infinity to infinityyyyyy. MHMM OFC!!! Anything for my delusional friends…I didn’t have Raiden in this one because I’m going to give you some good stuff in a separate post. I have Raiden and Fujin fighting for you in that. Plus a bonus;) this has been my favorite request so far.
Warnings: Johnny cage💀, Yandere/Toxic Themes, mentions of stalking, harassment, violence, a bit suggestive???
Requests: open 24/7
Let’s be real, the mk men are perpetually thirsty. Actually all the characters are to be honest. Did you hear the flirty dialogue?? Even the keeper is trying to get some of that action.
So really it’s no shocker that you, the new fighter, have all the attention from them.
Johnny is undoubtedly the first to strike. He may be an older man now but damn, you make him feel like he’s 20 again. He just cannot control making some kind of flirtatious comment when he sees you walk by.
“Woah, woah, woah, now sweetheart. I think you and I should have a nice long conversation. Get to know each other a little…or a lot…dealers choice.” ;)
Yeahh he doesn’t care that he has a kid and a mortgage. Cassie is grown now and Sonya doesn’t want him anymore…so free game, baby.
His eyes are hungry and he barely can hold himself back from pouncing on you—
Liu Kang and Kung Lao see this and apologize for his behavior towards you. They introduced themselves and of course did their absolute best to make you feel at home.
Don’t let this fool you though, those are some sinful monks. They are no better than Johnny and they want you real baaaad.
“So, Y/N. What is your skill set? Wait. Let me guess, you use beauty essence to trap your opponent in a daze before knocking them out?”
Liu Kang jabs Kung Lao in the stomach with his elbow, before speaking to you.
“I’m sorry for these two. You are very beautiful but please know we are just as excited to train with you as we would anyone else. Anytime you’d like to spar, please, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Ahh he’s so damn slick…he just wants a reason to pin you downnnn
“Hey! Liu Kang don’t you mean us? We all would like to train with you darling~. Some people like to fight over in the courtyard but if you’d like I have a very special place called, me casa.”
“I would also like to train with you…in the courtyard of course. I mean unless you prefer—“
“Thanks? Umm..I appreciate all of your….offers. I’m supposed to actually meet with Raiden, I’m just a little lost. Have you guys—-“
Before you could even finish your sentence all three of them bombarded you with offers and began fighting over each other, debating who actually knows how to find Lord Raiden the best.
That pretty much sets the tone for how everyone acts around you.
By a month or so into you being here, everyone knows about you. Especially the men. You’re all they talk about.
At first it was simply chatter about you being a new kombatant for earthrealm and of course mentions of your beauty.
But since learning more about and becoming closer with you, the little infatuations have turned into full blown obsessions.
No one can seem to get enough of you, even the grand masters have trouble focusing when you’re around. Hanzo and Kai Liang may disagree on many things but you are one of the few things they can get behind.
They are both trying to recruit you to their different clans so they can be fully entitled to you.
Scorpion wants extreme control over you, he wants to shape you into the perfect companion. He wants you to be just as poised as his wife once was. You already have her beauty so just let him perfect you.
Sub-Zero wants you to become his equal. What he failed to do with Frost, he will make up with you. How more beautiful you’d become if only your heart was frozen over.
Either one will stop at nothing to have you. A trophy they could boast over. For a second you ended a centuries-long feud, both agreeing on your excellence…only for it to start all over again for who is more worthy to own you.
This isn’t isolated to just them, all the men are fighting for your attention. Arguing about who you actually belong to, bragging about how much attention they got from you, and comparing it to each other. Don’t get me started on that. Mk men are so needy for your attention. Whenever they can’t get it, they resort to other ways.
Johnny is such a filthy pervert. You don’t wanna give him the time of day? Fine, he’ll take matters into his own hands.
He’s your very own paparazzi, you should be grateful that he’s taking this many pictures of you. You’re the first and only.
It doesn’t matter that he’s doing it without your consent or knowledge…. He’ll jump into the flesh pits if that meant getting the perfect shot of you…let him have this.
He refuses to share these with the other guys, it’s just for him. Over his dead body will Kano or someone else see you like this.
Shang Tsung has also caught wind of you and you’re a pretty sight indeed. He doesn’t want you to fight in the tournament. A gorgeous soul like you should be locked away in his throne room. He always tries to bribe you with fortune and power. He can offer you so much more than these rodents. If you need an extra push in his direction, a little trickery may help with that….he has no shame using an incantation on you.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao are no better. They manipulate that fact you see them as good friends as a way to be in the limelight.
They stalk you just as much as the rest, sometimes separately but often times together. It always ends up in a fight between the two tho because one person starts shit talking…
“Idk Kang. A woman like that would never be into you. Kitana barely even looks your way…what makes you think Y/N will? Besides, she called me cute.”
“Yeah, I think she’ll think it’s real ‘cute’ how I destroy you in the tournament..”
Perverted as Cage. Kung Lao is extremely touchy while sparring. He loves to “teach” you things. He never shines away from a moment to flex all of his years of training under the shaolin and that he’s a self proclaimed expert.
For some reason when he’s fixing your form, his hand always winds up a little too far up…hmm strange.
Liu Kang loves when you watch him workout or spar with others. When it’s finally your turn to be his opponent, he never holds back.
You cannot catch a break. Gifts and proposals are constantly sent to your door and no matter how much you try to decline, it just won’t stop coming. Sure being basically waited on, and desired by many is really nice. Every girls dream! But you have to admit just how it is scary having such dangerous men obsessed with you.
There hasn’t been a moment in the last few months where you’ve ever felt completely alone. The feeling that someone is always watching you has never left.
And, occasionally you would awkwardly overhear or walk in on a group of men fighting about you.
“With all due disrespect, I believe a babe like that would prefer a star like me. She’s all mine”
“Nonsense. Y/N belongs to the Shirai Ryu. Both her beauty and skill makes her a viable asset to the clan. You can fight me in hell over it, Cage.”
It doesn’t get any better when the tournament starts.
I think the men forgot they were fighting for their realms because it quickly turned into a fight for dominance.
A tournament that was once a noble cause, turned into a bloody showcase. Every man dedicating their wins to you, making sure to send a cheeky flex or wink your way.
Besides, what value did their realms hold if you weren’t there with them.
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mk-oc-imagines · 9 months
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Pairing: EvilTitan!Bi-Han x Johnny Cage | ColdStar
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1
Rating: Mature
Tags: Major Character D*ath, Angst, Hurt & Comfort, Non-Consensual touching and marking, Implied character d*ath
Parts: One-Shot
His frozen minions bring the struggling actor into his own personal quarters, the actor spitting obscenities and cursing them to Netherrealm and back, being unceremoniously thrown down on the floor, his minions leaving and shutting the door behind them.
This, Johnny Cage, stares at him defiantly, brown eyes full of life and emotions and a warm dagger of pain twists in Bi-Han's ice cold heart, slowly walking towards his captive, taking off his gloves and mask. Sub-Zero circles his captive taking in every visible detail, cold finger tips touching a warm cheek and Johnny flinches away, but Sub-Zero is undetered, trailing over exposed skin, running his fingers trough hair that are not deathly white.
Sub-Zero's white yes meet brown ones - there's still the steely defiance but now there's fear - and Johnny Cage tenses, awaiting whatever is coming in next.
Sub-Zero picks him up by the collar of his uniform, presses him against the wall and kisses him. Johnny Cage fights, bucking his body to try and shove him off, turning his head away to escape the unwanted kisses, but it only gives Sub-Zero more warm skin to map and when Bi-Han finally captures Johnny's lips in a kiss, Johnny fights harder, biting at Bi-Han's lips until he draws blood, trying to knee Bi-Han anywhere he can.
But eventually....Johnny finds out that fighting is futile and Bi-Han's heart sings.
Although the previous alternation between them didn't go without a fight and Johnny found out that it did not matter how much he fought, it did not amount to anything.
But his fighting spirit was not broken.
A bruise was forming on Bi-Han's jaw from the punch he had recieved from Johnny when he untied his hands to tie them at the front and to take off his upper armor, but was quickly subdued with an ice dagger to the throat and a believable threat whispered into his ear.
They were laying down on the sheets of Bi-Han's king sized bed, the two of them spooning, Bi-Han having a nice view of Johnny's near perfect back, running his fingers over them, his arms and neck, rewarding Johnny with gentle love bites and kisses, for being good to him but all the good thinks must come to an end.
Bi-Han felt his powers stirring, the slight tingling sensation alerted him to an upcoming danger. Tilting Johnny's head towards him, Bi-Han seals their lips in a slow, languid kiss - Bi-Han didn't mind that Johnny was unresponsive to it. He would make him his soon enough.
On his way out of the room, Bi-Han collected his gloves and mask, picking up the discarded Johnny's discarded armor, freezing it and shattering it against the wall.
Johnny won't need it in the future after everything is done.
Sub-Zero walks past his lined up minions, his Johnny Cage at the front, blue eyes staring into nothing, skin frost bitten. Sub-Zero takes off his mask and presses his lips to Johnny's - they no longer yield.
Johnny can hear the commotion outside, rolling over onto his other side to face the door, Johnny waits for his captor to come in, to snatch him up once again and take him somewhere where his friends won't find him.
The door pursts open and Johnny flinches, looking up at -
Johnny bursts into tears, covering his face with his hands, too overwhelmed to do anything. He can't look at himself, how he looks to Syzoth, hiccuping out a sob.
Syzoth is by his side in a second, breaking his chains and wrapping him in a thin sheet. "Johnny, we have to go, quick, quick!"
Syzoth is pulling out of the bed and Ashrah is there too - when did she come into the room? - helping him up and they guide him trough the corridors, thankfully not encountering any of Titan Sub-Zero's minions.
Ashrah is silent, Syzoth is telling him that everything will be alright and Johnny wants to just shut his brain off.
Sub-Zero is defeated.
Johnny feels as if a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders and he ugly cries in the safety of Wu Shi Academy, trying to muffle his wailing into a pillow.
A concerned monk enters his room, checking over his injuries, thinking that it got worse and trough gentle words, soft 'May I's, guides him to the hot spring and trough hazy mind, Johnny sinks into the water, mind going a mile a minute but at the same time not, after a while, Johnny finds himself relaxing into the water and against better judgment, Johnny closes his eyes.
A shocked gasp is what wakes him up, Raiden standing there with a tray of food intended for him, Raiden's eyes looking over his marked body and Johnny covers himself, sinking into the water, feeling violated in more ways than one.
"Johnny, I apologise, I-"
"Get out!"
Raiden murmurs an apology, leaving the tray near the hot spring and scurrying out without a second glance, looking down on the ground.
And Johnny weeps, sobs muffling into his hand, mind not comprehending why it was him.
"When we defeated Titan Sub-Zero, it was your name he called, Johnny Cage." Ashrah says softly as she checks over his healed marks.
"Mine? Or my frozen counterpart."
Ashrah pauses and Johnny looks at her. "I saw my other self, Ashrah. I looked...dead."
"Johnny Cage..."
Ashrah pulls him into a hug, Johnny resting his head on her shoulder. "Did you see yourself too?"
"No, I did not. And for that, I am glad. But for you-"
"I don't want pity, Ashrah. I'm doing mostly fine now, thanks to therapy and great support system." Pulling back, Johnny collected his shirt, sighing softly.
"I just want to leave that event of my life behind."
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014miki · 10 months
C: song lyrics (specially), no gender specification (i try), care, comfort, soft behavior, little praises. (maybe by bi-han and later by you) nothing explicit or sexual, at least for now. bi han (sub-zero) x reader. a/n: It's my first story, be kind if you're going to make a comment or request. ¡enjoy! > used song: me and my husband by mistki.
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You really cared about him, there wasn't a moment where you didn't think about him because he forever was stay on your mind, ¿how could you help it? He was your husband, by pure instinct you couldn't stop thinking about his well-being even though he is the most stubborn man on the planet. Still, he and you so doing better than most couples, anyone would have given up on your situation but you still remain stable despite the conditions you currently find yourself in. "me and my husband do it better"
Bi han had attended with his brothers a "test" that they would perform on some boys whom you did not know at all, at least you would have liked to know but he had not told you anything about it because it was not an interesting fact or one that you should know, or that was his words. Even so, you couldn't help but feel stupid sitting in that bed that you both shared, you felt insignificant and a waste of oxygen.
You couldn't help but think that you would disappear, your memories, everything you had seen and experienced with your eyes, your body, everything with you. You leaned your back against the mattress, resting your body except for your mind, you still had that guilt that tormented you every time he went on a mission with his brothers, you also worried about them but not to the same degree you did with him. Your eyes point lost at the ceiling, your gaze does not reflect anything, not even the brilliance that characterized you, impossible to do so under these conditions.
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──── "¿Where are you, bi-han?" you think aloud.
──── "Im here, dear." he's talk, you hadn't noticed when he arrived at the temple where you both stay.
──── "¡Bi-Han, are you ok!" you answer happy and you huggie him.
──── "Yes, ¿You worried for me? I have told you many times not to do it, i will always come back." scolds.
──── "Sorry.. i.. i can't.. You are my husband and me too i'ts logic my reaction for you and you brothers."
──── "I understand but i i'm a lin kuei, i'm take care of myself and others. Specialy for people i matter to me." He responds as he places one of his hands on your cheeks, caressing it a little with his thumb. You could feel how rough it was.
──── "O—Okay... please... never again you scary me for this stuff. C'mon, come with me..."
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He doesn't respond but agrees to your request, releasing your face and separating himself from you as he follows you. The look he gave you a moment ago fades as he remembers how things the day for him and his brothers today, rubbing the wound he had made on his arm a little, he assumed you had noticed it but he wished you hadn't.
As they advanced, he began to feel down and sad as he began to think about why he was doing all this ¿Why follow Liu Kang? ¿What did he having for done or have he done to improve things? For him he had done absolutely nothing and it brought back memories of how his father behaved the same or worse for him.
He felt shocked with all this, but then he remembered you, he thought that thanks to you he hadn't given up. I knew that you and he do it better, you knew that every time he was present you felt like someone special and with value and you both knew that neither of you would have a painted face and you would be united to this life today and always, not even death would separate you two.
but now it's time to tend to the superficial wounds, then the emotional ones and finally give yourself a little rest. Sometimes even a grandmaster needs a break from daily stress next to someone.
"and that someone is you."
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Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it and please let me know if you notice any errors. I hope you like my first story (maybe so it won't be the last)
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
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Icy Goddess Chapter 12
“Troubled Souls”
A/N: About the title; Welp, there’s nothing to explain! ;)
The chilly winds of Arktika blew over and gently moved the curtains Of Selviya’s room. She woke up because of it. She brushed her long glossy hair from her face. then she woke up, with an unstifled yawn that managed to escape her mouth, she quickly put her hand on her mouth while yawning, as a feeble effort to stop her yawn.
she went to the faucet to rinse her face and brush her teeth. after doing all that, she quickly wore a Lin-Kuei uniform then she headed to the main hall to see her friends.
It is the first time she wears a Lin-Kuei uniform, and she feels mixed emotions about it, but she knows that Kuai Liang will be happy once he sees her wearing it. she chuckled at this.
She heard the hushed voices of two familiar men; they are Cyrax and Smoke, Selviya doesn’t like to eavesdrop but she felt the need to do it. Because they seem troubled or something.
Selviya felt like a rude person but she didn’t like to eavesdrop further, so she quickly decided to leave them be and goes to see Kuai Liang or Bi Han.
Upon walking through Lin Kuei's old, mysterious, and awe-inspiring halls. She likes this place, and she wants to learn more about it. Sadly, Kuai Liang doesn’t mention anything to her. He only mentions short stories or short info about this place, Selviya can easily learn it all with her magic but again, she feels like she is intruding or trespassing. With a smile on her face, she mumbled.
“Time will tell”
Once again, She heard the voices of Cyrax and Smoke. She hummed in pure relief that they are still social and willing to interact with people. Despite what happened to them, they are still fighting and nothing ever broke their spirits.
Selviya wished she can help more. But she didn’t want them to be indebted to her; She doesn’t want them to feel they are independent of her and only. she just wants them to be happy and smiling after all they had been through, she just wants to be the light in their lives. Not just in their lives, but In all peoples’ lives.
She reached the man hall where she hopes that she can find Kuai eating his breakfast. She found him indeed, he was talking to a student near the table. She didn’t like to interrupt so she waited patiently for them to end the conversation.
The student left once the Grandmaster dismissed him, Then the Grandmaster left to drink tea before his morning meditation session.
Before Kuai put his hand on his teacup, Selviya greeted him “Hi! Good morning!”
He was startled by her voice, the cup nearly fell from his hand, but he kept his composure. which made her giggle at him.
“Good morning Love,” Kuai greeted back.
“Sorry about that,” she said with a smile “I was just too excited!”
“Don’t worry about it” He muttered, as he poured tea for himself.
She didn’t respond but she only gave him an ornery smile. he got used to her ornery playful smiles.
Before Selviya could say anything, Cyrax and Smoke enter the hall to have their breakfast.
She quickly turned her face to get a glimpse of them, they seem ordinary. No black bags under their eyes or anything. She quickly turns around so they won’t catch her staring at them.
Smoke and Cyrax sat on the table and started to pour themselves some water. Before they start a conversation they took a sip of water.
“Good morning Grandmaster and Grandmistress” Cyrax greeted.
“Good morning! Přátelé!” Smoke greeted with a smile.
Both Selviya and Kuai smiled at this, Selviya didn’t respond but instead, she smiled at them.
“Good morning to you too, friends!” The Grandmaster greeted them back.
Selviya thought to herself; If Kuai didn’t mention anything about his past or Lin Kuei's past in general, she would know it from Cyrax and Smoke, of course, they would tell her anything she wants to know about. It is the least thing they can do to repay her, but again, she didn’t want them to feel indebted to her. She will ask them about Lin Kuei's history after they are healed and ready to face reality once again.
Selviya thought again, she can’t just ask them about the history of the temple or their clan. She knew if she did, she would open a lot of scars and remind them of old memories and wounds they tried so hard to forget and heal.
So, she sighs and told herself once again “Time will tell”. Or she can do what Aliyaa does, Use magic! Maybe she only needs to do a “revealing spell” or what Aliyaa called it.
She is lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Smoke calling her. “Krásná! Krásná!” Tomas's voice cut her trail of thoughts
“Ooh! I’m so sorry... I was.. remembering something!” She spoke.
“Oh no worries,” Tomas uttered.
“What were you remembering?” Cyrax chimed in
“I was remembering the first time I find out I’m a cryomancer,” Selviya answered quickly.
“You are a cryomancer?!” Both asked in astonishment.
“Surprised?” Selviya smirked.
Cyrax and Tomas were surprised because all they remember was that Selviya used some celestial magic, they don’t recall her being a cryomancer like the Grandmaster.
“Selviya is full of surprises,” Kuai Liang said proudly.
Cyrax and Tomas smiled “Definitely,”
“So, umm, got any nightmares or something?” Selviya prompted her tone laced with concern.
Cyrax and Tomas cringed at the mention of nightmares. These are the remaining effects of their slavery. One was a revenant, the other was a cyborg.
“Yes, there is,” Cyrax answered.
“Same here,” Tomas told.
“Don’t worry friends, It will be hard at first but you’ll be able to recover!” Kuai encouraged with a warm smile.
They smiled to him, they didn’t say anything at all. They only offered a smile.
Selviya felt bad for bringing up the nightmares and reminding them they were enslaved to do the villains bidding’s.
As the sensitive soul she is; she doesn’t want to annoy people or say something that hurt them or offend them.
a sudden realization washed over her! She is still pregnant.. well — not really — no — she stopped the pregnancy process for a time, for a whole year. Then the pregnancy process will start.
She needs to be ready for it, It looks like she is right when she stopped the process because she can’t give birth in a dangerous environment; where two restored men suffered enslavement. She just needs to help them recover and then she will be ready to give birth to her offspring. She gently rubs her belly where she can feel the idle fetus due to the spell that Aliyaa put on her.
The Grandmaster doesn’t know of her pregnancy let alone that she casted a spell on herself to stop the pregnancy process, she doesn’t want to tell him. However, she will when the time is right. For now, she has to work, and to make sure that everything is suitable for the child or children.
Deep down, she questions if she made the right choices in her life. But, Aliyaa told her one thing that she will always remember no matter what: that is don’t regret the decisions that you makes
Looking back at it; She doesn’t regret putting the spell on herself. If anything she should be proud of herself. She only needs to create a safe environment, by helping the two men or the three men recover. Bi Han, Cyrax, and Tomas. She only has a whole year to do it, and it is enough to make them recover and restore themselves.
Once again, she was lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Kuai calling for her until he snapped his fingers to gain her attention.
“Heh, from Earth to Selviya!” Kuai called, he couldn’t contain his chuckles.
“Oh! Sorry again, Heh,” she chuckled.
His beloved had been lost in thoughts again, he couldn’t help but chuckle at her. She is so sweet, Innocent, and happy. He wants to kiss her right now, but he can’t do it in front of his friends.
Selviya decided that she will eat her breakfast. No more thinking of things that will make her mind drifts somewhere else. She took the fork and started to eat with manners so that she won’t gross them out or anything similar.
She munched on her food quietly, savoring the taste and everything. She takes glimpses of Tomas and Cyrax. They seem to talk freely and happily with Kuai. She couldn’t blame them, it had been a lifetime since they didn’t see their friend.
“So, Anděl! Tell us more about you!” Tomas prompted his voice thick with a Czech accent.
“Well, Where do you want me to start?” Selviya replied with her accent, British accent.
Secretly, Tomas loves Selviya’s accent, he thinks it made her cool and unique, he remembered once there was an assassin in the old Lin Kuei with an accent similar to hers.
Although, this brings unneeded memories, but still, it’s worth it. Since it is relatable to Selviya. His Anděl.
“Well,” He uttered, “from the beginning!”
Selviya gulped, she doesn’t like to remember everything, let alone her past, She gives a playful smile to hide her sorrow. She is an expert at hiding her emotions, she learns better.
In all honesty; She doesn’t know where to start. The moment she was born?— or the moment when she was bullied— or simply the moment that made her experience her first heartbreak and breakdown.. this brings a lot of sad memories that are best left buried in the past.
“Well.. sure!” She bubbled, faking her sorrow with a bright smile and a happy tone.
It is a miracle that Selviya is still sane after all that happened to her, she took a long breath then she started to tell them.
“Well... I will summarise my story!” She declared, “The moment I was born the doctor told my mother that I was born with a rare genetic disorder, that made my hair light blue or blonde blue, Something like this, Then when after 7 or 6 years my parents died because of me... I… I accidentally killed them.. then they put me in an orphanage. Things aren’t going well, I was bullied, and I was ignored. Then came the rich kid his name was Billy. He played with me and talked with me. He didn’t let me feel left out or ignored he was my best friend until some lunatic killed him.”
She breathed again, she continued telling her story, So far, the two men were extremely saddened because of the things she had been through. They only offered sad smiles, Hoping it would soothe her soul.
“Then... I discovered the whole truth, I killed my parents and... I have powers! and there is the magical girl Aqua! We teamed up and save the city from evil and such,” She continued, “That’s all!”
“Your story is something,” Cyrax told with a smile.
Selviya smiled. “Thanks!”
“I’m so sorry, I... I never knew that you went through all of this,” Tomas apologized on behalf of all the things that happened to her.
“Why are you apologizing? It’s all in the past now,” She stated, she can’t help but say to herself Tomas is a sweetheart.
While they are talking to each other they were cut off by the door being opened wide by Bi Han and Sareena.
“Good morning everyone!” Bi Han greeted. Followed by Sareena who also greeted them.
“Oh, good morning friends!” Sareena greeted brightly.
“Good morning!” They replied to Bi Han and Sareena.
“Smoke! Cyrax! … you guys are back?” Sareena called, she isn’t believing her own eyes.
Smoke and Cyrax are restored, they are humans again.
“Sareena! Been a long time!” Cyrax said sheepishly.
“Yeah! It's like decades had passed since the last time we met you!” Tomas exclaimed.
“Tomas.. it had been decades since you were dead..” Kuai corrected, with a sad acknowledging tone.
“Oh.. right!” Tomas responded quietly.
There is a dreadful silence in the atmosphere, so far, no one talked. They only look at each other as if someone should say anything. Still, no one said anything since Tomas replied.
“How are you today Brother and Sareena?” Kuai asked to kill the dreadful silence.
“Well, I’m good,” Bi Han answered.
“I’m good too!” Sareena said.
Selviya still doesn't say anything, she only offers a warm smile to everyone in the room. Like the sweet angel she is, she isn’t stern or gloomy, she is a happy bright girl.
Her curiosity is always piqued. She looked at Sareena, and she smiled playfully. She knew that Sareena know something of the old Lin Kuei.
She only needs to let Sareena talk about it, but she knew that Sareena loves to talk freely about anything that attracts her attention. One of those things is the old Lin Kuei clan.
Selviya doesn’t understand why she is keen to know about the old Lin Kuei, although, that she tells herself constantly that “Time will tell” and she shouldn’t open her mouth to open old wounds, especially around the four men.
She doesn't want them to remember painful memories, Just like she doesn't want to remember hers.
Once again she restrained herself from her curiosity, she must respect people's privacy and their choice if they don’t want to talk about anything.
Instead, she reminds herself that it isn’t polite when doing so.
Selviya remembered that she can hear people's souls, she felt the heaviness of their sadness when they stopped talking. They are quiet, they didn’t say anything.
Selviya’s heart is heavy by their sadness. Kuai had just remembered a painful memory that is related to the old Lin Kuei. So Did Bi han, Tomas, and Cyrax.
Sareena is sad because she isn’t a human like them, she fears that she won’t be accepted at all. Bi Han and Kuai Liang are the only ones who are nice to her.
They all feel alone, each with their sadness. They figured out that didn't move on, unlike selviya.
Selviya hesitantly grabbed her star wand, she wants to make them forget about these memories. She only wants them to live their lives untroubled by the past.
A graceful light caught their eyes. They know that these sad memories are stronger and they will remember it forever.
“Guys! I can let you forget about these memories completely!” Selviya uttered brightly.
Clutched her want star as she raise it high above her head, she offered a bright warm smile to them, as her body glowed with the most warm and intense light.
They feel happy, just like these old memories are gone!
“Memory refresh!” Selviya commanded her wand.
The wand obeyed Selviya and emitted a beautiful, warm light that surrounded them in a circular motion, Entering inside them and refreshing their memories.
Their frowning faces turn into laughing, happy ones. Their mood just changed to 180 degrees. They are more lively and relaxed now.
The light worked like a miracle that healed their troubled souls and wounds. Old, Painful memories are no more, It is time to create new lovely memories. With the new Lin Kuei with different leadership.
“No matter what happens! You won’t remember these memories!” Selviya promised them.
Their response to her all of them came to hug as they collapsed on her. She tried to push them slightly so that she can breathe.
“Oh stop it guys!” She giggled.
Although they nearly made her choke. But she brushed it off as she giggled at their cute reaction.
Seeing them happy made her happy too, she knows now that these memories are no good to talk about or remember at all. They are only making their lives doomed and worse for them.
They are lost and that’s a good thing.
But Selviya refused to let her bad memories fade, it made her stronger, more resilient, and more confident. She once recalled Aliyaa said the strikes that don’t break your back make you stronger! or a relatable idiom, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!
She wants to test her might with sweet memories and painful memories alike, she wants to live her life with its sweetness and bitterness.
Selviya can feel their souls are happy, silently thanking Selviya for her interference. But they don’t know that Selviya can hear their souls, their minds, and their hearts.
She is a perfect embodiment of a celestial living on earth. She silently offered to pour them tea and cookies that she magically made them.
They happily ate and drank the tea, they started to talk and discuss plans and related things.
Selviya is happy that they are energetic and talkative, she can tell her spell worked perfectly.
She put her wand back in her pocket, she doesn’t want to lose it, she can’t lose it.
She smiled softly as she listens to them and looked at them. She hopes the peace last forever.
Alas, But nothing ever lasts forever.
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soykichaa · 10 months
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Yo creando esta historia todo cagado en wattpad 🗿 (Es una indirecta para que lo vayas a leer ahora)
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summerwritesfics · 2 months
🩷I Have Dreamt Of A Place For You And I
Pairing: Havik/Bi-Han Length: 2103 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Post MK1, Titan!Bi-Han, Order Of Light!Bi-Han, Titan!Havik, Omega Bi-Han, Alpha Havik, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Reunions, Reunion Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Riding, Gentle Sex, Knotting
Mortal Kombat Oneshot Masterlist
Notes: Whoop, finally back to the requests I still owe, starting with this one for @cryomancerliang who asked for some Havik/Bi-Han fluffy omegaverse smut :3 Title is from “Anywhere” by Evanescence
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Bi-Han let out a breath as he observed his surroundings. The battle had been long and arduous, but it was over. He should have returned to his own timeline already, no doubt Kuai Liang would be waiting for him, and definitely stressing over his safety. Such anxiety would not do the baby any good, and Bi-Han did not wish to be the cause of harm to his brother and unborn niece.
Yet, for some reason he stayed.
There was a scent that lingered. One he had not smelt in so long, yet was oh so familiar. One he’d missed dearly. He was alone on the pyramid, no one but him remained. He was certain he was too late to catch the person it came from.
He turned around, starting to make his way to the top of the pyramid. Except, the closer to the peak he got, he realised the scent got stronger. His eyes widened. Is he still here? He needed to get up there. Now.
Bi-Han broke out into a sprint, careful not to misstep and fall. He needed to get there before he lost his chance. Screeching to a halt at the top, his breathing got heavy as his eyes met with another pair, standing the other side. Bi-Han’s breath hitched, as he let those familiar pheromones soothe him.
“Havik,” he breathed out, stumbling forward, “you’re my Havik, aren’t you?”
Havik just began chuckling before running at Bi-Han full pelt. Bi-Han didn’t have a chance to react. He felt arms wrap around his waist and then he was being hauled up off the floor, and spun around in a hug. It was making Bi-Han dizzy, if he was being honest. But the sheer joy radiating off the Alpha was intoxicating.
“My Omega,” Havik purred, finally coming to a standstill but still holding Bi-Han up in the air. “I missed you~” He lent forward, nuzzling his face against Bi-Han’s. “I was wondering how long it’d take for you to find me.”
“I- What?” Bi-Han took a moment to question what Havik had just said. “Did you know I was here? And instead of finding me you decided to make me look for you?” He huffed as havik laughed slightly. “You asshole!”
“You found me, didn’t you?” Havik teased, bouncing Bi-Han slightly in his arms.
“That’s not the point,” Bi-Han complained, kicking his legs slightly. Not enough to hit Havik, just enough to display his displeasure. Havik placed him back onto the ground, and in protest, Bi-Han fell forward, planting his face into Havik’s chest and mumbling to himself.
“Poor Omega.” Bi-Han felt Havik’s hand reaching for the back of his head, and undoing his hair tie, letting his hair flow down his shoulders. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
Finally. Bi-Han smirked. He pressed himself closer, rutting against Havik’s thigh. “I can think of one thing you can do.”
Havik’s tongue darted out of his mouth, licking at his exposed teeth. And then he grabbed Bi-Han around the waist again and fell backwards. As Havik landed on the floor, he hit with a sickening crunch that would definitely have hurt a human. A Chaosrealmer, not so much apparently. In the process he’d managed to manoeuvre it so Bi-Han was straddling his waist, and he could feel something pressing against his ass.
“Someone’s excited,” Bi-Han teased, although he was definitely a hypocrite to point that out. He could feel himself starting to get wet as well, slick starting to drip from his hole.
“Just happy to see you,” Havik retorted, thrusting his hips and jostling Bi-Han slightly, causing him to let out a moan from the back of his throat. “Seems I’m not the only one.”
Havik’s hands found Bi-Han’s belt, yanking harshly on it and snapping it. Once it was discarded, he was yanking down Bi-Han’s trousers and underwear, exposing his lower half to the world. Bi-Han lent forward slightly, bracing himself against Havik’s chest. Warm hands cupped his ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading at them, generally getting a good feel.
And then Havik’s one hand parted his cheeks, while the other slipped between, a finger pressing against his hole. The finger swirled around the rim a few times, collecting the slick that was growing, before it began to press inside. Bi-Han let out a shaky moan as it was pushed up to Havik’s knuckles. Clenching his fingers and digging them into Havik’s chest. He’d been waiting for this for aeons, he knew they had to take it slow, but he wasn’t sure how much patience he had.
“Quickly,” he quietly demanded, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of the single digit currently exploring inside of him. He felt it brush along that one spot, that one bundle of nerves that made him go wild, and he shuddered at the feeling. After all these years apart, Havik still remembered his body like it was his own.
“Shh, let me take care of you, Omega,” Havik whispered, his free hand trailing up along Bi-Han’s back. It came to the back of his neck, gliding across his scent gland, feeling at where the imprint of teeth still scarred it. Bi-Han purred, a smile gracing his lips. “Still mine.”
“Still yours.” Bi-Han gasped as Havik began to move his finger, pushing it in and out. “Always yours.”
It was slow, methodical, Havik clearly teasing him. Bi-Han groaned and rocked his hips back and forth, trying to make Havik get to the point. Even though Havik chuckled, he still pressed a second finger next to the first, and Bi-Han bit his lip at the stretch. It still wasn’t enough, he needed Havik inside him, but for the first time in so long that was just about within his grasp.
Soon, he felt a third finger enter him, and not long after a fourth. It seemed he wasn’t the only one getting impatient. It didn’t take too much longer for him to feel he was ready to take all Havik had to give.
“Alpha,” He growled, watching as Havik’s eyes squinted at him slightly. His heart fluttered inside his chest, feeling it against his ribs, recognising that this was Havik’s way of smiling. Without lips, it was hard to tell, but Bi-Han had come to recognise the little signs. “I need you, now.”
“I won’t keep you waiting any longer, dearest Bi-Han.” Havik pulled his fingers free, his hands seeking out his own lower half.
Bi-Han glanced over his shoulder, watching as Havik’s cock sprung free. He slid back slightly, lifting himself with his knees to hover over it. Bi-Han reached behind him, taking Havik in his hand and keeping him still. As he began to lower himself, Havik’s hands reached for his hips, guiding his descent. As Havik’s cock began to breach the rim of his hole, Bi-Han made a satisfied sound. Finally.
He continued to slide downwards, the word finally chanting in his head on repeat. The feeling was exactly how he remembered it. Havik filled him perfectly, it was like his body had memorised the shape of Havik’s cock, willing and able to take it even after so long. Eventually he settled, his ass pressed against Havik’s pelvis. He didn’t move, and Havik didn’t try to make him, he took a few moments to allow his body to get used to it.
Despite Havik’s previous teasing, it seemed it was his turn to become somewhat impatient. At least, that’s what Bi-Han assumed, given just how hard his fingers were digging into his hips.
Bi-Han smirked slightly, reaching his hands behind him and placing them on Havik’s thighs. It gave him stability while also giving Havik a full view of his body. He lifted his hips slightly, biting his lip as he felt the cock slipping out of him. Lowering himself again, he let out a moan as Havik’s cock pressed against that one bundle of nerves inside him.
Bi-Han slowly began to repeat his movements, trying to get the angle just right. He licked his lips, staring down at Havik who looked up at him like he was a beautiful work of art. Something about the gaze emboldened him, and he started to speed up his movements. His hands clenched and he bit his lip to stop himself from moaning too much.
Suddenly, Havik jerked his hips upwards, making Bi-Han lose his balance slightly, but thankfully kept from slipping off his cock by Havik’s hands gripping him so tightly.
“Don’t hide your voice from me, Omega,” Havik growled, pulling Bi-Han all the way down and just keeping him there. “I want to hear your pleasure.”
To make his point, Havik bounced Bi-Han on his cock, making him groan loudly. Bi-Han settled himself again, before returning to his movements, only this time, he didn’t try to stop himself from making noise. Actually if anything he let his sounds become louder. His rhythm was steady, and he couldn’t help but look down at himself, watching his own cock bob with every movement he made.
“Havik,” Bi-Han groaned just as his ass hit Havik’s pelvis. He pulled himself up again, dropping down once more before he continued “Alpha.”
“So good for me,” Havik cooed, rolling his hips up into Bi-Han. “So good, Bi-Han, my Omega.”
Havik moved his hands ever so slightly, one reaching back around to grope at Bi-Han’s ass, while the other went around to his front. That one slipped up into Bi-Han’s shirt, slowly tracing along his abs. Bi-Han whined when the hand found one of his pecs. Havik’s fingers dug into the flesh, while he pressed his palm down against Bi-Han’s nipple.
Every time Bi-Han raised his hips, his nipple rubbed against Havik’s palm, making him shudder. He wanted to screw his eyes shut, but if he did, he wouldn’t see Havik’s adoring gaze any longer. He could feel his thighs quaking from pleasure, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.
“Alpha,” he whined, pressing himself down particularly hard.
The hand that had been groping at his ass moved, trailing towards his front as well. This one however went lower, as Havik took hold of Bi-Han’s cock. He began stroking it, only further fuelling Bi-Han’s desire. His movements became desperate, trying to keep the angle of Havik’s cock on that one spot, his body feeling electric each time it hit. Combined with Havik caressing his dick?
He didn’t want this feeling to ever end.
“Havik, please,” he begged, knowing he was absolutely not about to last.
“Come for me, my beautiful Omega,” Havik commanded, his thumb rolling his thumb across the head of Bi-Han’s cock. He hadn’t realised how much precum he’d leaked until Havik was smearing it along his shaft.
It didn’t take much more to send Bi-Han over the edge, it was one final drive of Havik’s cock inside him that had him throwing his head back, gasping in ecstasy as he felt pleasure run all up his spine. He clenched down on Havik, and felt his own cum dripping down his cock and all over Havik’s fingers.
As much as he wished to take a moment to bask in his orgasm, it seemed Havik had other ideas. Havik’s hands returned to his hips, and he held Bi-Han still as he began to piston his cock in and out. All Bi-Han could do was hold tight and let him have his way. It took an embarrassingly long amount of time to realise he could feel Havik’s knot catching against his hole.
Soon, he felt the pressure of it working its way into him, and with what felt like a pop, it managed to rest inside. Seconds later, Havik gave a satisfied groan, and Bi-Han felt himself being filled.
Bi-Han felt himself lose strength as he flopped forward to lay atop of Havik’s chest. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Havik’s neck, as he attempted to catch his breath. Havik meanwhile, hadn’t even worked up a sweat. He never did, not even when sparring. Show off.
“I missed you,” Bi-Han muttered, taking in a deep breath, and immediately comforted by Havik’s scent. Looking at Havik, most would not expect his scent to be so pleasant. It was like dark chocolate, and Bi-Han couldn’t get enough of it.
“Then stay with me a while,” Havik replied, wrapping his arms around Bi-Han’s torso, hugging him tightly. Havik dipped his head low, lightly nipping at Bi-Han’s earlobe. “Let us make up for lost time.”
Bi-Han chuckled, before mumbling “yes, Alpha.”
He just had to hope his absence wouldn’t be noticed for a little while longer.
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evilbihan · 7 months
A guide to writing Bi-Han
I've seen far too many fanfics/oneshots/headcanons and art pieces out there completely mischaraterizing Bi-Han to the point he becomes unrecognizable from who he is in canon. For fans who love Bi-Han as he is, it can be quite frustrating to see people misunderstand his character so much. This post is not meant to be criticism, but was rather made with the intention to sort out common misconceptions, educate and help creators of fanwork understand Bi-Han and his personality better.
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Bi-Han doesn't hate Tomáš. There's so much fanart out there depicting him as a bully or bad brother when that's as far from canon as it could be. You can read the in-depth analysis on their dynamic in the post I've linked, but to sum it up, Bi-Han had the option to pick any other Lin Kuei member to accompany him and Kuai Liang to the teahouse or the Ying fortress, but each time he picked Smoke. He could have chosen Sektor or Cyrax, both of which are more experienced and completely loyal to him, and yet he still chose Tomáš instead. He also appears worried when Smoke nearly dies after Nitara's attack. Yes, he snapped at Tomáš once, but siblings fight and say things to each other that are often uncalled for. The relationship between them cannot be meassured by one line that was said out of anger or the intro dialogues that are set after their falling out. According to Smoke himself, Bi-Han was always cold towards him, but that only suggests they were never close, not that there was ever any hostility between them or that Bi-Han was ever harsh/cruel towards him in the past. Tomáš also tries to reunite the brothers and doesn't want Bi-Han to be his enemy, even if he's disappointed in Bi-Han's actions. He even admits he used to look up to him. Some artworks, however, aim to make it look like Bi-Han is oh so mean to poor, sad Tomas, when that's a blatant mischaraterization of both of them, simultanously babying Tomas, a grown man, and demonizing Bi-Han, a tragic and traumatized character.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han used to be close. Kuai Liang knew about Bi-Han's frustrations, Bi-Han knows all of Kuai Liang's weaknesses, they trust each other enough to rely on each other in combat and both feel equally betrayed by the other because of the close brotherly bond they once shared and because of the trust that existed between them. Kuai Liang was Bi-Han's second in command, Bi-Han respected him. He's never once seen belittling or insulting Kuai Liang, not even after they're no longer on good terms with each other. By the time the story of MK1 starts, Bi-Han has already reached the peak of his frustration, which explains why he snaps at his brothers so often, especially when their father is brought up, but at no time was Bi-Han ever abusive towards Kuai Liang or Tomas. He seems to have put a lot of trust in both his brothers and in return, they trusted him too. If Bi-Han had ever been a violent person with little love and care for his family, Kuai Liang and Tomas wouldn't have been so shocked at the revelation that he let their father die.
There was always a side of Bi-Han that cared about his brothers and his choices indicate that he still does. Apart from the most obvious evidence for this, the scene where he checks on both of them to make sure they're unharmed, there are also other subtle clues that he cares about Kuai Liang and Tomas. In his chapter, Bi-Han is the one who fights off all threats (Nitara, Ermac...) while also giving the easier and less dangerous task of staying outside to Smoke, the least experienced one of the brothers, as he goes to capture Quan Chi himself with the help of Kuai Liang. While he says he wants Kuai Liang dead in some intros, his actions contradict his words. He had the chance to kill Kuai Liang at the Ying Fortress, but chose to spare him. SPOILERS: The leaks for the dlc claim that Bi-Han will be trying to capture his brothers alive. He seems to have no interest in actually harming either of them, just in making sure they can't get in the way of his plans.
Oftentimes, fanfics portray Bi-Han as this hot-headed guy with anger issues who is only capable of one emotion and it's rage. But Bi-Han's anger is not his most defining trait. There are so many more layers to his personality. Just because the story mode only showed us situations in which his anger is triggered doesn't mean that's all there is to him. He's not the kind of person to go around yelling at everyone he sees and getting angry out of nowhere. I also don't see Bi-Han cursing/cussing or insulting others. As grandmaster, Bi-Han represents the Lin Kuei and he's expected to act a certain way. @inflamedrosenkranz wrote a genius analysis on how out of character it would be for Bi-Han to curse and I strongly recommend reading it in addition to this post.
Bi-Han is not a mysogynist. This is something I see all too frequently in reader insert fanfics where Bi-Han is written as someone who doesn't take his s/o seriously or looks down at them because they're a woman. Meanwhile, Bi-Han shows nothing but respect and admiration for strong women. He seems to have looked up to his mother much more than to his father and just listen to his intros with Sindel or Kitana. He admires Sindel for her leadership and even encourages Kitana to take Outworld's throne. He also wouldn't have taken in Frost as his apprentice and wouldn't have allowed Cyrax into the Lin Kuei if he thought women weren't fit to be Lin Kuei warriors.
I know this will disappoint a lot of headcanon writers, but Bi-Han would never degrade/insult or otherwise humiliate his partner, be it through words or actions, especially not during intimate moments shared between them. His significant other directly represents him and his clan. He would not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards them, let alone disrespect them himself. If his partner were to ask him to degrade them, that would be an instant dealbreaker for Bi-Han. He would expect any potential partner to show the self-respect and dignity befitting of their role as the grandmaster's significant other.
I often see drunk!Bi-Han headcanons, but honestly, it would be out of character for Bi-Han to drink alcohol. First of all, he absolutely wouldn't be able to see the appeal of it and secondly, he would hate the way it makes him feel. I imagine he likes being in control of his own body, he likes knowing that he can rely on his reflexes should he need them and alcohol would practically render them useless. As grandmaster of his clan he needs to be an example for all the other Lin Kuei. He would also not want to take the risk of overinduldging and embarrassing himself in a drunken stupor.
People like to write Bi-Han as a grumpy and overly serious guy who can't crack a joke to save himself, but they forget he makes ice puns. Ice puns. Bi-Han definitely has a sense of humor. I just don't think he gets to show anyone that side of himself often.
Bi-Han is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. Yes, siding with Shang Tsung was a bad choice, but it was one he made out of dispair and his frustration played into it as well, clouding his judgement. The way Bi-Han tries to assess his opponents' weaknesses shows his strategic mind. He let himself be fooled once, but he's also young and still has a lot to learn as grandmaster. It's not a sign of him lacking intelligence, like some people claim.
While he's ambitious and wants to acquire power to some extent, Bi-Han is not the power-hungry and selfish character he's often wrongly depicted as. His intentions lie far beyond that and are much more noble. Bi-Han craves independence and freedom for the Lin Kuei. He wants his clan to get the respect and recognition they rightfully deserve after protecting Earthrealm for so many generations. He doesn't want to conquer all of Earthrealm and he has no interest in ruling other realms either. What he wants is a small portion of Earthrealm because he's convinced that the Lin Kuei deserve it. He wants a reward for all their years of loyalty and duty, not to become a tyrant.
To conclude this, I appreciate writers and artists who do their research before writing/drawing a character and I hope this analysis can be helpful to those unsure of how to correctly write Bi-Han.
If I can think of more examples to add to the list, I will make a part 2 of this post.
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woahiwrite · 9 months
Kuai Liang X F!Reader, Jealousy 18+
Content Warning: 18+ Minors imma reset your timeline. 5k words. Smut, jealousy, Harumi is mentioned but won't be making an appearance in this oneshot. I haven't written full on smut oneshots start to finish in so long so, we'll see how well this goes. Eating out(fem receiving), piv, multiple cream pies(wear protection unless you want some lil minions running around), multiple positions
  To my irls who requested I make Kuai Liang smut to feed his tag🤞🏾
"Lord Liu Kang." You greeted, bowing at the waist beside your husband as he did the same, both of you rising back up to look upon the God as he addressed you both with kind smiles.
  "I hope building up the Shirai Ryu hasn't been too difficult during my absence." Liu Kang hummed, beginning to walk forward between the both of you, making you fall into formation on either side of him. "Geras had informed me of another incursion on our timeline, it had to be dealt with quickly." He explained, his hands clasped together before him.
  Coming to a stop alongside him and Kuai Liang as you all looked upon the courtyard, you saw that only two individuals were training right then, their training overseen by Smoke. Hanzo, the young boy that Tomas had came across, and another young initiate, Kazuma. "It is no problem at all, Lord Liu Kang, you have more pressing matters to attend to than helping us with the Clan." Kuai Liang stated, gaze locked on the two boys sparring with one another. Hanzo has tenacity, and was like a ball of fire with the fury that resided within him. Luckily, he had pretty good control over it. Lest he become more of a threat than an ally.
  You nodded in agreement, though you too were more focused on watching the boys train than the words that had fallen from Liu Kang's lips. You both had had so many less than promising initiates that you were both proud of how far he had come and yet were also afraid to lose your most promising one due to his tenacity. Already Hanzo had been in plenty of fights against the Lin Kuei, and though he was skilled, the Lin Kuei were seasoned, you both didn't want him to grow cocky and arrogant. For that would be his downfall.
  "I am glad you both understand. It worries me when I am unable to provide aid for others for an extended amount of time, anything could happen." The fire God confessed, moving on to continue walking, "Though I guess these are unnecessary worries, for you both are well equipped to hold your own." He added.
   Before any of you could say anything more, the sound of materializing sand reached your ears and you all turned as Geras appeared. He greeted you and your husband with a head nod before looking to Liu Kang with a slightly concerned expression. "I'll be right back." Liu Kang stated, a seriousness dripping into his usually warm tone as he and Geras walked out of earshot.
  You looked at them for a moment, wondering what the issue may be, but your attention was pulled away by a warm hand taking yours. "I do hope things aren't getting too out of hand." Kuai Liang sighed, rubbing his thumb over the ring that was nestled onto your finger. With every pass of his thumb, the ring seemed to get warmer, not to a painful amount, but it was comforting.
  "Things seem to be spiraling as of late, though Lord Liu Kang always knows he can come to us for help. We are the protectors of Earthrealm, stopping these..invasions is a part of doing that." You stated, taking in a soft breath through your nose. There were so many things to worry about and so much to complete when it came to building the Shirai Ryu, it was stressful but you both had assured one another it would be completed together. You, Kuai Liang, and Tomas. That's the only way it would be done efficiently and to the best quality. It was a difficult task, but one that had to be done to take up the large gap created in Earthrealm's defense thanks to Bi-Han's betrayal.
  Already, you had lost one close to you all to Bi-Han, luckily it was only to be temporary. Harumi had nearly been killed by your shared husband's brother, and for her safety and for the best recovery, she had moved into a neighboring clan to hopefully stay under the Lin Kuei's radar. Bi-Han had told Kuai Liang himself that family was not off limits, the extent of his dangerous intent would not stop for anyone. "You-"
  "Mrs. Shirai." Turning your head to address Liu Kang, you kept your hand in Kuai Liang's hoping to provide him some comfort for the turmoil that he surely felt even more than anyone else. "I need to speak with you for a moment, in private, please."
  Kuai Liang didn't say anything, but he gave your hand a small squeeze before dropping his back to his side. You smiled at him, before nodding at Liu Kang and following behind him.
   "Is everything alright, Lord Liu Kang?" You asked, eyebrows raised slightly. You had a feeling you already knew the answer. Glancing to the side for but a moment to address a worker who had just finished repairs on a building, you didn't notice that Liu Kang had stopped walking. You nearly bumped into his chest as he turned around, and the speed at which you stopped and tried to take a step back almost made you stumble. Bringing a hand forward, Liu Kang steadied you with a respectful yet firm hold on your waist, before his hands came back to being held in front of him. "Sorry." You laughed lightly, and were pleased that he laughed as well.
  "It's alright, I probably should have said something." He waved off the accident, eyes kind as he addressed you. "On another note, though-" He began, "Geras has informed me of..yet another, invasion onto this timeline. I do not know how these other Titans keep getting through, but there has to be a reason."
   "Who is it this time?" You asked, knowing that one of the first to break through had been a Scorpion from a past timeline, Hanzo, the very same kid the Shirai Ryu had taken in and began to train. You had wondered if that may have meant something, but whenever you asked the God before you, he never gave you a definite answer.
  Arms crossed over his chest, Kuai Liang tried not to stare too hard at you and Liu Kang, but he was curious. Why did the God have to talk to you in private? If it was something serious, shouldn't he know too? His brows furrowed slightly, feeling an unusual feeling build within him. He watched as you both conversed, Liu Kang placing a hand on your shoulder. Had Liu Kang always been so touchy? Kuai Liang almost wanted to walk over and see what you two were talking about himself, but he knew better, he had been taught better. He may have been a Grandmaster now, but he knew that was not on the same level as Lord Liu Kang. He was a Titan, a Keeper of Time, he held more power than anyone could probably fathom.
   Shaking his head, Kuai Liang tried and failed to try to turn his attention onto something else. He couldn't stop looking at the interaction, taking in every glance, every touch. The way Liu Kang looked at you, was that too fond? The way he would smile at you, and you would smile back. Kuai Liang hadn't noticed his darkened expression until a familiar voice came from beside him.
  "Kuai Liang? Is everything alright?" Tomas seemed to appear beside him, glancing over towards where you stood with Liu Kang before looking back at the orange-clad ninja.
  It took a moment for Kuai Liang to register what Tomas was saying, and when he did, he finally looked over at him. "I'm fine, brother. Why do you ask?" Kuai Liang questioned, noticing the irritation seeping through his tone and trying to lighten it as he spoke. Tomas looked at him with a raised brow, clearly not convinced.
  "You look tense."
  "I'm fine. How were Hanzo and Kazuma?" Kuai Liang asked, trying to get his mind off of what was going on in front of him. Though he couldn't help but keep glancing back at the conversation, watching Liu Kang rub your arm.
  "They were pretty good, I think Kazuma is trying to keep up with Hanzo, and so they are pushing eachother to do better." Tomas explained, looking between Kuai Liang and you again, you finally had began to come back over. "I can tell you more later though." He stated, noticing something that Kuai Liang hadn't. Looking over at his younger brother, Kuai Liang furrowed his brows at the knowing look given to him before Tomas made his departure.
  A soft hand on his cheek made him look forward again, and he felt much better seeing you in front of him. Looking at him with a kind smile. When he glanced up, Kuai Liang could no longer see Liu Kang. That was fine, Kuai Liang didn't know what he would say if he talked to him right then. "What was that about?" Kuai Liang asked, bringing a hand up to grab yours and interlace your fingers with his.
   "Lord Liu Kang was just informing me on what Geras had told him." You stated, leaving it at that. Kuai Liang wasn't pleased with that answer though. If that was the case, what was all the touching and full smiles? What Geras had told Liu Kang certainly couldn't have been any good, so what else had you both talked about? He didn't want to interrogate you though, but at the same time, he had never felt so much..negative emotion towards Liu Kang like this before.
  "If it's important, shouldn't I know as well?" Kuai Liang asked. He could see the conflict in your eyes, the uncertainty.
   "Lord Liu Kang asked that I keep this to myself. At least until the situation worsens, which he told me it most likely wouldn't. So, it should be fine." You stated, offering your husband a small smile.
   Kuai Liang didn't know how he felt about it. He was the Grandmaster, shouldn't he know of all threats? But besides that, you were his wife, he didn't want you to be in harms way. He wanted to know the details, wanted to make sure you were safe and wouldn't head out somewhere on your own. He had already almost lost Harumi. Whatever you guys did, you swore you would do it together. Kuai Liang released your hand and instead brought his down to hold your waist, feeling the slightest of shivers from you. It was something you always did whenever he touched your waist, or held your hips. Did you do the same when Liu Kang held you there? He glanced up from where his hand held you to your eyes, and he saw the way you must've noticed the look in his own.
  "Kuai Liang-" You started, but got cut off as he pressed his lips to yours, albeit brief, it was passionate and filled with his frustrations. When you parted, you looked dazed.
  Before you knew it, Kuai Liang had led you to your shared room, laid on your bed, and you could feel his warm hands pressing heavy against your skin as he pushed open your robes and snaked beneath your undershirt. You could barely catch your breath as he pressed his lips against yours, every momentary separation being kept together by a string of saliva. You had never had him be so rough with you, and you had barely even done anything yet. He relished in every shiver you gave him, every gasping breath, your hands burying themselves into his hair that was freed of the bun he normally wore it in.
   "What's gotten into you?" You finally ask as he pulled away long enough for you to formulate a sentence, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Kuai Liang pulled away, sitting back and grabbing your hand to pull you up with him.
  "What is this?" Kuai Liang asked, running his thumb over the band of your wedding ring.
  "My ring?" You responded, brows furrowed in slight confusion.
  "Who put this on you?" He continued, pressing a few soft kisses along the tips of your fingers, though he didn't allow his gaze to break away from yours.
  "You did."
  "And what does that mean?"
  You didn't say anything for a moment, lost in the warm brown lust-filled eyes of your husband. He let out a huff, his hands warm on your skin, "What does that mean." He repeated, letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around your waist, moving you both around so he was seated in your spot and you rested in his lap. With his other hand, he held your jaw, tilting your head up to give him more space to lick and kiss along your neck.
  Shivering as he bit into your skin, nearly enough to draw blood, you let out a pleasured sigh as you answered, "I'm yours.."
  "That's right.." Kuai Liang pulled away from your neck so he could finish shedding you of your clothes, leaving you only in your pants and underwear since he couldn't do much else from this position. "You're mine."
  Placing his hands onto your hips, Kuai Liang began to grind your body down against his, not caring for the layers of clothes that still separate you there. You could feel how hard he had become, his erection pressed to you in all the right places. Your hands held tight on his shoulders as you moaned, though afterwards you were quick to try to get him free of his own clothes. You struggled as Kuai Liang didn't let up, but you managed to snake your hands inside the opening of his robe and inner shirt, tugging it apart and revealing more of his neck and chest to you. 
  Kuai Liang briefly relented in his motions only so that he could pull his arms through the articles of clothing, it all folding over against the belt around his waist, leaving his upper body bare to you as yours was to him. "Though you.." You began, running your hands over his broad shoulders, your left hand trailing up beforehand to run along the scorpion tattoo that ran across his upper arm. "You are mine as well." You stated, gasping out as Kuai Liang wrapped an arm around you again, turning his body and pressing you down against the bed as he ended up on top of you once more.
  Kissing you once, twice, before beginning to kiss down your body, Kuai Liang didn't seem to let up in his fervor, if anything, it served to grow even more. His hands were warm as they tugged down your pants and underwear and left you bare beneath him. Yes, he was yours and you were his, and though he knew neither of you needed to be reminded, a small refresher was never a bad thing. For his head could still not get rid of the sight of Lord Liu Kang's hand on your body, and for that he needed to let his mind be filled with memories of how you felt beneath his hands. His touch bringing those sounds he loved so much from you. Rather it be a moan, a laugh, or a contented sigh.
  Kissing down your stomach, Kuai Liang purposefully skipped over the place he knew you wanted him most to place kisses and bites along the insides of your thighs. Your legs came up to rest over his shoulders, heels pressing into his back in an attempt to pull him closer that only made him let out a small huff of a laugh as he continued to indulge himself. Though he knew prolonged time doing so sometimes caused you to become shy, Kuai Liang was always one to spend time appreciating your body before ever actually truly touching you. It was done for a short moment earlier when he had placed kisses along your fingers, but now that he had gotten you completely bare, he wanted to do more.
  Your thighs were his favorite, for when with you, in private, he spent a lot of time on them. You were always coaxing him to rest his head on your legs and let you run your fingers through his hair to relieve some stress from the day. He could spend all day on them, or between them.
  Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pressing his hands into your hips, Kuai Liang finally moved his face to be level with your most sensitive place. The jealousy that had plagued his thoughts began to give way to being focused entirely on you. Liu Kang could not and would not ever be graced with the sight of you like this. Wouldn't hear that delicious sigh you let out when he finally placed his mouth on your cunt, the way your body strained against his hands. Wouldn't feel your fingers running through his hair and tugging as he took to eating you out like it was the only task he had ever been given.
  No, you were his, and he was yours. "Pull your legs up." Kuai Liang huffed, licking his lips and tasting you on them, releasing the hold he had had on you so you could follow through with his command. You did as asked, and Kuai Liang smiled as he was on you once again. Like this, with your legs up and his arms keeping them pinned down, he could easily keep you still enough for him to indulge in you to the best of his capabilities. Licking a long stripe up your cunt, Kuai Liang did not let up as he slightly shook his head from side to side, putting a little more of his body weight down on you as you mewled and pushed up against him.
  "Kuai Liang~" You moaned above him, driving him to continue. He couldn't help but push his hips down against the bed in hopes of relieving himself of some of the pressure that had built up in the front of his pants. Kuai Liang groaned against you at the friction caused, and was answered with another moan from you at the added stimulation. He took to rutting his hips against the bed to keep himself sated whilst he focused on you, letting out a slight guttural groan as you tugged his hair and tried to grind your hips against his face the best you could. Adjusting his hold on you, Kuai Liang gripped you tighter, pressing you down so that you could only sit and endure the onslaught of pleasure.
Your moans were a delight to his ears, filling his head and swirling around in it until it was all he could think about. How as you grew closer, they grew in pitch, whining and crying out to him as you gave in to the feeling of it all. Even as you came on his tongue, your body shuddering against him, Kuai Liang didn't stop. He kept going, knowing that the grip he held on you would surely leave marks, but he liked that thought. Liked that you would have something that reminded you of him that only you and him would see. One of your hands came down to grip his forearm, nails digging into his skin as you came again, this one harder than the last.
  It was only then that he pulled away, his hands rubbing along your thighs and helping you bring your legs back down to rest along the sheets. "Are you alright?" He asked, watching you as your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. You looked over him with glazed over eyes, but you still were present enough to nod your head.
   "Good." Standing up, Kuai Liang began to undo the belt around his waist. "Because we aren't done yet."
   Talking off the belt, the clothes that had been bunched up around it fell, and he took a moment to kick off his pants as well. You looked to him with a gaze filled with intrigue and lust. Eagerly accepting the kiss he gave as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close. He hummed softly as he pulled away, before using that hold he had on you to easily flip you over. Letting go of you to grab onto one of the pillows on the bed, Kuai Liang sat back on his heels and patted the side of your ass. "Up." He ordered, waiting for you to lift your hips up enough for him to slide the pillow beneath them.
  Letting out a soft breath at the sight, Kuai Liang ignored the urge he got to indulge himself in the taste of you once again, and instead positioned his legs on either side of yours. Balancing his weight on one arm, Kuai Liang used the other to run his fingers along your slick folds, gathering the mixture of his saliva and your release that glistened with the light it would catch. "Kuai Liang.." You breathed out, wiggling your hips in an effort to get more stimulation. It made him smile.
   "Still want more? I thought you'd be more tired." He joked, knowing damn well after years of being married together that your stamina had grown to match his, and that no session you both had ended after just one round unless you were interrupted. You glanced back at him from over your shoulder, and he could catch a hint of the smile that you wore thanks to the way it reached your eyes.
  "I can take all that you give me."
  Kuai Liang's eyebrow jerked up slightly, rubbing his slick-covered hand along his cock to aid in making things as smooth as possible. "Is that so?" He questioned as he guided himself to your cunt, slowly pushing in. A soft moan left your lips as he slid further inside, pulling back for but a moment only to continue forward with a bit more force. Your walls enveloped him in a warmth that was different than the one he constantly lived in, and he found relish and comfort in it.
  You finally responded to his question with a hum of confirmation, arching your back a bit more and letting out a shaky breath at the added stimulation. Kuai Liang lowered himself down until he was resting on his forearms, snaking his hands under your arms so he could hold onto your shoulders to keep you in place as he began to grind his hips against yours. One of your hands came back to hold onto his thigh whilst the other gripped his arm, and he felt your hands clench as he began to actually thrust. It did not take him long to find a pace that worked for both of you but was faster than the slower one that he usually would go at. Kuai Liang had always taken it slow with you before, he liked to draw it out, to spend as much time with you connected as one as he possibly could.
   Though for once, he wanted more than that. He wanted to leave with you both covered in the marks of one another, and while he didn't like to think about others knowing what happens in his private life, he wouldn't mind anyone seeing the testaments to his love to you left on your skin or his. Just so they could make it clear in their heads that you were his wife and that you belonged to one another.
   You cried out beneath him as he continued to press against the most sensitive spot within you, driving you closer and closer to yet another orgasm. Your walls tightened sporadically around him as that peak began to draw near again. In this position, you almost felt overwhelmed with how much you could feel. So close like this, you could feel Kuai Liang's chest pressing against your upper back, your shins resting over his calves, feel his breath against your skin. His hands were tight on your shoulders as he fucked you into the mattress, the bed shifting with every thrust, your moans broken as your body jerked forward with each hit of his hips against your ass.
  The only thing on your mind was Kuai Liang.
  He knew it too, if the way his name fell from your lips like a mantra said anything.
  "Cl-mm-close..." You moaned, your nails digging into Kuai Liang's thigh as your other hand moved from his forearm to grip the bedsheets. Kuai Liang was too, you could tell in the way you could feel his cock twitch, and just how loud he had become. Usually, he was more quiet, merely huffing or groaning. Now, almost every thrust was accompanied by a grunt, and he moaned at the feeling your nails pressing into his skin, and he groaned as your walls squeezed him.
  With one final thrust, you both came at the same time. You felt as if you had never moaned so loud, body tensed as the moan came almost guttural. Your voice had been so loud in your ears you didn't even catch that Kuai Liang had finished too until you noticed his hands pressed against the bed rather than gripping your shoulders. You could hear the slightest of whines leave him, his arms shaking as he fought through his climax to keep himself from placing all of his body weight down onto you. His breathing was heavy, washing over your skin and making you shiver.
  Your lower stomach felt warm from him finishing inside, but your shoulders felt warmer. Sliding your hand over, you placed your hand on top of his, and you could feel just how hot his hands had grown. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you whimpered at the empty feeling as Kuai Liang pulled out. Moving the pillow from beneath your hips, you groaned as you flipped over onto your back, looking up at Kuai Liang now and taking in his disheveled state. His face was flushed, strands of hair sticking to his skin as he looked down at you with eyes darkened thanks to the dilation of his pupils. You always thought he looked so good like this.
  Bringing a hand over, you hummed at the warmth of Kuai Liang's palm as he pressed it against your cheek before leaning down and capturing your lips in his. The warmth was opposed by the coldness of his ring, and you found yourself being lost in the feeling of his mouth on yours. Tasting hints of yourself on his tongue. You hadn't even noticed him realigning himself with your entrance before he had began to push in again. You both moaned into the kiss, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer. He wasn't fully hard again, not yet, but he liked the warmth when being nestled into your cunt.
   It was warm, yet it was also messy, your shared ecstasy slathered along the front of his thighs and the inner sides of yours, sticky as it coated his cock. "Are you going to tell me what made you want to do this?" You asked after a moment of silence, easily following along with the motion of Kuai Liang rolling you both over so you could rest against his chest. Slightly rolling your hips so you could get more comfortable, you also did it to hear the hitched breath that came from him.
  "I..did not like seeing Lord Liu Kang touch you." Kuai Liang stated, running his hands along your sides and up and down your back, soothing the marks he had left behind.
  You rose an eyebrow as you planted your hands into the bed so you could push yourself up and look him in the eyes. "You were jealous? Kuai Liang-"
  "I know, it is a childish thought. But the way you both looked as you talked to one another, it made me think."
  Shaking your head, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away and carefully pushing yourself up into a sitting position, his hands sliding down your body to rest on your hips. "If you know it is childish then stop thinking about it. I am your  wife, Kuai Liang, and you are the only man who could ever make me feel the things you do."
  Grabbing his right hand, you placed yours over it and guided his hand up your body, leaning forward so your body was closer to his. Bringing his hand to your breast, you prompted him to squeeze it and run his fingers over your nipple. "No other man can touch me like this." You affirmed, brows furrowing slightly at the rush of pleasure from the attention to your chest before guiding his hand further up. "I'd let no other man touch me like this, unless they wished to lose their hands." You stated, seeing a flash of dark intrigue in his eyes. You didn't fail to notice over the years that your husband was one to get turned on by shows of your strength and battle prowess. You were rewarded in feeling his cock grow more erect within you.
   Guiding his hand up your neck, you parted your lips and took two of his fingers into your mouth, tasting a hint of the both of you on his fingers. You hummed around them as he pressed his fingers against your tongue before pushing himself up with his other arm so he could wrap it around your waist. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, Kuai Liang brought his hands to grip your ass, starting off slow in moving you up and down now that he was fully turned on again. "My beautiful wife.." Kuai Liang began, pressing kisses along your neck and shoulder, "My beautiful yet deadly wife." He hummed, leaving marks along your skin where your clothes would cover.
  His words did not match with the pace he came to set, as his hands forced you up and down on his cock at a pace that made your ass sting with the force of it hitting against his thighs. The room filled with sounds of your shared pleasure, a symphony of moans and proclamations of your love. The sticky slap of skin on skin, breathless moans and guttural groans, the slight creak of the bed as it followed the heavy motion of it all. Kuai Liang's hands were hot on your skin, but he kept himself under control, not letting himself grow too hot to leave burns. Your hands buried into his hair, grip tight on the dark brown tresses as your body gave in to the pleasure it was being given.
  Kuai Liang did not relent, did not stop as your walls squeezed him like a vice as you came once again, body shaking as your grip on him became near painful. He did not stop even as your body shuddered with the aftershocks, not slowing down until your nails dug into the scorpion tattoo on his bicep and let out a choked sob as you came yet again, this time pulling a moan from him as your cunt tightening around him pulled him over the edge with you. He slowed down your movements until you were both still, save for your shuddering breaths and shivering bodies. "You're alright..I've got you, just breathe." Kuai Liang huffed, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close to him.
  Your body grew heavier against him as all the energy you both had built up seemed to finally release, and he let out a small chuckle as you pressed your head into the crook of his neck. "I'll draw a bath." Kuai Liang stated, carefully pulling you off of his cock, biting his lip to hold back a sound at how sensitive he felt. You let out a tired hum, relaxing into the plush mattress as he pulled the blankets up over you.
  "I love you."
  He smiled a little lopsided at you, exhaustion wracking through his body as well, but he forced himself to get up so he could care for you. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, he brought his hand up to move some strands of hair from being in your face. "I love you too."
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koisuko · 11 months
Can you write bi han with a reader that likes stargazing? Maybe they make him go outside and point out constellations 🫶🫶
Note: this will be a reader who has a crush on bi-han, not an s/o, as thats my default heh, also reader will be semi shy since thats a cute dynamic with bi-han
fluff, gn reader, mean bi-han turned soft, semi shy reader, oneshot
here is the sequel
tw: none
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You and Bi-han had shared numerous encounters throughout your time in the Lin Kuei, whether on joint missions or during visits to the temple. Your attraction to the Grandmaster was undeniable from the moment you first met. His unwavering commitment to the clan, along with his formidable strength, were qualities that drew you in, not to mention he was quite the looker.
However, despite the time you had spent around him, you realized that you knew very little about the man behind the icy exterior. Bi-han always seemed intimidating, with a permanent mask of disdain for the world that left you feeling shy and hesitant. Your attempts at starting a conversation with him usually resulted in your own embarrassment and a quick retreat. Tomas, a close friend and confidant, took immense pleasure in teasing you about these encounters. "Ran into Bi-han again, I see, hmm?" he'd say with a sly smirk, poking fun at your ongoing struggle. You had opened up to Tomas about your feelings, seeking advice on how to melt Bi-han's icy exterior, but he too was at a loss, as the Grandmaster's heart was primarily devoted to the Lin Kuei.
And so, you found yourself setting up a cozy blanket not far from the temple, the calm starlit night serving as the backdrop for your plan. Your intention was to create a picnic beneath the celestial canvas, adorned with homemade dishes tailored to Bi-han's preferences. Unearthing his favorite foods had proven to be a challenging endeavor, but if it all went according to plan, it would be worth the effort.
Stargazing had been a beloved pastime of yours, a refuge from restless nights during your childhood. The twinkling flames above had a soothing effect, and you often buried yourself in books about stars and constellations. The patterns formed by the stars, creating beautiful, glowing images, never ceased to fascinate you. With this picnic, you hoped to share a moment of celestial beauty with Bi-han, a pause in the chaos of life to admire the universe's celestial artistry.
As Bi-han reached his private quarters after a tiring mission, you gathered your courage and stopped him in his tracks, bashfully approaching his towering form. He met your gaze with his usual intensity, although there was a hint of something unfamiliar in his eyes. "Bi-han, are you busy?" you asked, scratching the back of your neck as anxiety washed over you, causing your cheeks to flush under his gaze. For a moment, he remained silent, lost in thought due to your sudden intrusion. Taking his silence as a cue to continue, you added, "I-I wanted to show you something, but only if you're comfortable." Bi-han turned to face you fully, still staring with his characteristic intensity. To your surprise, his gaze softened slightly, replaced by a gentler yet emotionless expression. "Show me," he said in a blank tone. A small smile graced your features, and the excitement in your chest was palpable. You had successfully broken through a barrier, and you led the way to your surprise.
As you guided him, your increasing anxiety became evident. You began to focus on the stone path beneath your feet, and you couldn't shake the feeling of Bi-han's eyes on the back of your head. Did you have something in your hair? You were half tempted to turn around and meet his gaze, hoping to find the answer to your question through his expression. Although, given his expressions are usually unreadable, the attempt would likely be in vain.
Finally, you stopped near the small banquet you had carefully set up. There were a variety of dishes awaiting both of you, along with a small book by your chosen seat. You turned your attention to Bi-han, gauging his reaction to your endeavor. His expression wavered between subtle surprise and intrigue, and you could hear a slight inhale, presumably in response to the enticing aromas of the dishes you had worked so hard to perfect.
With a small smile, you approach the blanket, settling in your chosen spot before motioning for him to sit next to you. Bi-han maintained his look of confusion but complied, mirroring your seated position. "Feel free to eat anything; I made it all for you," you invited. Bi-han's gaze fell to the dishes, his eyes widening briefly, a reaction you couldn't help but notice. The dishes were a testament to your dedication. There was a platter of succulent grilled teriyaki chicken, marinated to perfection and glistening with a savory glaze. Alongside it was a bowl of fragrant jasmine rice, each grain distinct and fluffy, waiting to complement the flavors of the chicken. A bowl of miso soup, steaming and rich in umami, sat between the main dishes. The soup was a harmonious blend of seaweed, tofu, and the comforting warmth of the broth. "You made all of this?" he asked. You nodded, "Mhm." Pride welled up within you as he took a bite and emitted a faint, approving hum. 
In silence, you both continued to enjoy the meal. Each bite was a flavorful journey, and you couldn't help but steal glances at Bi-han, who seemed genuinely engaged in the experience. The small details, like the way his lips quirked in appreciation or how his gaze occasionally flicked towards the dishes, didn't go unnoticed. The shared meal created a comfortable bond, a connection that transcended words. You felt your anxiety ebb away as the two of you savored the dishes together. 
As you inhaled the crisp night air, a calmness washed over you, and you cherished this moment of revisiting your childhood with Bi-han. Sitting side by side, you both turned your gaze to the night sky, with its multitude of flickering stars. "Isn't it beautiful?" you finally said. Unbeknownst to you, Bi-han had shifted his attention from the sky to you, studying your features. Your face was delicately bathed in the moon's soft glow, filtered through the leaves of a nearby sakura tree. The light danced upon your hair, cascading in soft waves down your back. He would never admit it, but to him, your beauty challenged even that of a god. Bi-han nodded in agreement. "I used to do this a lot as a child, especially on sleepless nights," you confessed. You smiled, recalling those peaceful moments, blanketed by the darkness in a quiet serenity. Glancing over, you reached for the small book beside you, titled "The Stars Above." The book showed its age, with well-worn pages and a cover that had seen better days. The corners were slightly dog-eared, and the spine had creases from years of use. Gently caressing the weathered pages, you said to Bi-han, "I often lost myself in this book, spending hours on end flipping through the pages." It was a cherished possession, filled with your observations and love for the night sky.
You scooted closer to Bi-han, the brief touch of your arms sending shivers down your spine as you felt the cold radiating from his skin. He tensed slightly, unaccustomed to such close proximity, but he didn't pull away. Your eyes returned to the sky, and you pointed upward, tracing a pattern with your finger. "See how those stars form a pattern?" He nodded, and you continued, "That's the Corvus constellation." You found the matching page in the book as Bi-han leaned in for a better look. "Corvus represents the crow, a sacred bird of the Greek God Apollo," you explained. To your surprise, he appeared genuinely interested in your chosen topic. "In all the time I've seen the stars, I never looked long enough to see such pictures," he confessed. His voice was low and tinged with admiration. "Perhaps we should do this more often," you suggested, handing him the book. He looked down at it in amazement. "You'd offer me something you cherish so deeply?" he asked, surprised. You replied with a soft smile, nodding. He accepted the book, and your fingers brushed lightly during the exchange. He brushed over the worn pages and creased spine. "Take good care of it for me," you said softly, a hint of warmth in your voice. 
With the book now in his hands, you both returned your attention to the sky, a comfortable silence settling between you. And hidden behind his icy exterior, Bi-han harbored a faint pink blush, a sentiment he had yet to voice.
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itjazzbicch · 10 months
A Big Step In Life
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Pairing:  Husband!Bi Han x Pregnant!Wife!Fem Reader 
Summary: Going two days with a random sickness, Bi Han becomes impatient and wants to know what's causing his wife, the reader, to be ill, and is surprised when he gets the answer...
Requested by: @belle-oftheball34 (I hope you enjoyed it!)
Warnings:  N/A! (Just Fluff!)
Word Count: 0.6k 
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For the past two days, I had been waking up sick. It would fade away just to come back worse than before. I had an idea of what it could have been, but I wanted to be sure.
Unlike me, my husband, Bi Han, was somewhat worried and impatient to know the cause. It was rare for me to get sick, and to such intensity had him pacing back and forth:
"I am getting tired of waiting."
"Relax, Brother," Kuai sighed at him, only trying to help, "I am sure that Y/N will be fine."
"Don't tell me to relax," Bi Han growled at him, freezing and staring as the doctor stepped out of the room, whispering to Bi Han with a smile:
"She will be just fine, but she does have something to tell you. It's best if you hear it from her."
With the door open, I could see the confusion on his face. He marched into the room, shutting and locking the door.
"Don't look so stressed, Bi Han. I'm fine, I promise."
"Then why are you sick?" He groaned out of impatience, sitting at my side on our bed, growing serious as he asked, "The doctor told me that you had something to tell me. What is it?"
"I know why I've been dealing with this sickness," I smiled. My smile confused him till I took his hand, his eyes carefully following it as I placed his hand on top of my stomach.
His eyes shot over to mine quickly, knowing what was going on but needing to hear me say:
"You're going to be a father, Bi Han."
"I'm going to be a father," He repeated, smiling more with my nod:
"It's why my nausea was so strong, love."
"I'm going to be a father," He repeated again, his hand sliding under the blanket and under my shirt to feel my stomach.
I wasn't far along, but as his palm met my skin, there was this overwhelming happiness that washed over me; I sniffled as I nodded to him again:
"We're going to be parents, dear."
Seeing my swelled-up tears, he fixed me up a little so he could hug me, which only made that happiness stronger, squeezing him as he cooed to me:
"And we will be great parents."
"I'm so blessed to be your wife and the mother of your child," I sniffled, back to smiling as he wiped a tear from my cheek:
"There's no other in this world that I'd want to be that for me."
As our foreheads met and I stared into those brown eyes, I just knew our future was filled with even more joyful moments than this one, holding his face as he smiled at me softly, kissing him:
"You and our child are my whole world, Bi Han."
Kissing me back, he only turned away as there was a knock on the door, getting up to see Kuai and Tomas.
"I truly hate to interrupt brother-" Kuai began, just for Bi Han to immediately shut him down:
"Whatever it is, it can wait. I just learned that I'm going to be a father."
"But-" Tomas went to step in but stopped as he registered what Bi Han had said, "Wait a second. Y/N's pregnant?"
"Yes, she is," Bi Han clarified, shocked but smiles on their faces as they learned that they'd be uncles, Kuai congratulating us and making eye contact with me:
"That would explain why you've been sick. Congratulations. I'm happy for you two."
"As am I," Tomas bowed, saying quickly, "Sorry to disturb you, brother."
As they shut the door, Bi Han returned to me, his hand latched to my stomach again. I'd never get tired of that feeling, placing my hand on top of his, squeezing softly:
"I can't wait to meet our baby and be our own little family." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome. 
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mlmxreader · 9 months
My Love, My Beloved | Bi-Han x m!reader
↳ ❝ Could you do Bi-han with prompts 7 and 8 with a male reader? ❞
: ̗̀➛ Bi-Han isn't very happy with you, but you do try and make it up to him.
: ̗̀➛ swearing, jealousy
Bi-Han was not happy with you in the slightest; just the night before, he had caught you flirting with Kenshi Takahashi, and even worse, you were even touching him. He still hadn’t forgiven you for it, more grumpy than usual and constantly sighing and huffing.
Kuai Liang and Tomas had tried to talk him into actually telling you and communicating, but Bi-Han had no interest in it, and refused time and time again.
It wasn’t even until Kuai Liang spoke to you that you even had any idea that Bi-Han was upset; at first, admittedly, you were confused, but the more you thought about it, the more you understood. Bi-Han wasn’t exactly the warmest of people, but he also wasn’t the most communicative, either.
But then, he would also shut himself off emotionally, especially when he was upset.
You knew that you would have to make the first move, and although you spent much of the morning looking for him, you did eventually find him.
He was deep in the woods, sat with his legs folded as he clenched his jaw and glared at the other side of the river; everything around him was shades of blue and white, and when you sat down, you heard the crunch of ice and felt the cold creep up through your trousers.
You clenched your jaw, shivering a little as you nudged him gently. He only glared at you, huffing and shaking his head before turning his gaze back to the opposite side of the river. You sighed, swallowing thickly as you tried to ignore how cold it was.
“I missed you this morning,” you started, “as weird as it sounds, it was too warm without you there next to me… and I hate seeing you in such a massive strop, my beloved, you know that.”
He huffed in response, the short breath thick and grey as it left his nose.
You frowned. “I’m sorry for flirting with Kenshi. I didn’t mean to upset you, and it really was just a bit of banter… we’ve always been like that.”
He glared at you, and you could have sworn that you felt part of your heart freeze for a moment, your breath hitching.
“Bi-Han,” you grumbled, nudging him again. “C’mon, talk to me. Please?”
“You’re meant to be mine,” he hissed under his breath. “Only mine. And then I see you and Takahashi getting friendly at Madam Bo’s birthday, like it was fucking nothing!”
You hummed, leaning into him and resting your head on his shoulder. “It was nothing. Nobody could ever compare to you.”
Reluctantly, Bi-Han slung his arm around you to keep you close; clenching his jaw tightly as he scowled.
“I love you,” you told him earnestly, sincerely. “I said I’d be your husband one day, and I meant it… I didn’t mean to make you jealous, or feel like I didn’t want you anymore. I’ll always want you… it’s too warm without you.”
“Do you mean that?” He snapped. “Or is it another empty apology like when you stole my hairbands?”
“I bought you new ones, in all fairness,” you pointed out, making him laugh softly. “I got you laughing, Grandmaster.”
“Shut up,” Bi-Han huffed, rolling his eyes. Although he didn’t even try and bite back the smile budding across his lips.
“Not as grumpy as you wanna seem,” you sang softly, gently patting his knee to let him know to lean back. You sat yourself on his lap once he did, your hands on his chest.
He glared up at you, tilting his head to the side. “What are you doing?”
You shrugged, gently pushing him down and trying not to grin when he stretched his legs out, allowing you to straddle his waist properly. “Making a formal apology.”
He scoffed, quirking a brow. “Is that the best you can do?”
“For now,” you hummed. “Only because I thought you hated PDA.”
“I don’t see anyone around.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning down so that you could ghost your lips against his, making him lean up to try and kiss you. “Would you shut up and kiss me, you idiot?”
Bi-Han hated being told what to do, but he couldn’t resist as he grabbed the back of your neck with one hand, pulling you down as he let his other hand grab the side of your shirt; keeping you close as he kissed you harshly, revelling in how you kissed back.
It wasn’t that he was upset, it wasn’t that he was jealous, at least, he wasn’t anymore; your kiss was so warm, he couldn’t get enough, and when you pulled away, he pouted.
“Grandmaster Sub Zero,” you whispered against him. “I’m so sorry for making you feel unwanted and jealous. I promise that wasn’t my intention. Me and Kenshi are old friends, that’s all. We’ll never be anything but friends. Do I make myself clear?”
He nodded slowly, growling under his breath and grumbling for a moment. “You’re forgiven… only because you’ll be my husband.”
“That’s all I need to hear,” you laughed softly, collapsing against him and folding your arms against his collarbone. Resting your chin on your wrist. “I love you, too, y’know… I’m glad Tomas set us up all those years ago.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes at the mention of his brother’s name. “It’s the only thing he’s ever done right.”
“He admits it,” you beamed, teasing him as you raised your brows. “The stone cold Grandmaster admits he loves me!”
“Quiet before someone hears you,” he snapped, although you could tell from the glint in his dark brown eyes that he was only half-serious. 
“Make me,” you hummed, letting out a yelp and a soft laugh when he quickly pinned you beneath him, his hand slapped over your mouth.
“Shut up,” he hissed, glaring at you playfully.
You waited for him to pull his hand away as you grinned, licking your lips. “What are you gonna do if I don’t?”
“I’ll make you regret it,” Bi-Han warned, trailing his hand down to your chest and letting it rest against your heart. “My love.”
You copied him, letting your fingertips rest above his heart as you hummed. “Please do, my beloved.”
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dontbesoweirdkira · 27 days
Hey, hi! You have very cool works, I really like reading you and always wait for your works. Please, do not leave us here alone.
I have a question: what can you say about a reader in the Mortal Kombat world (yandere) who has absolutely no emotional intelligence (like me)? Which yandere would be the scariest for such a reader, and which ones are the softest?
I don't mean that the reader will be cruel or heartless, but he is simply not in tune with emotions and cannot understand what others are feeling. As someone who suffers from this, I can say that I often don't notice how someone falls in love with me, and sometimes this leads to awkwardness
P. S. Who is your favorite fighter, if it's not a secret?
A/N: aww thank you for requestinggg. This is so camp. I struggle with empathy and similar things too. I went a little more broad with it. Alsooolo between mk11 and Mk1 there’s a big personality jump with a lot of characters so my answer is different depending on the game. Hopefully I did this request some justice.
(P.S. Kung Lao is my 1 fave and then Johnny. For female characters it’s Mileena and then scarlett. I like them crazy lol.)
Characters: I only did the ones I actually care about lol.
Warnings: This is purely my opinion based off of my interpretation of yanderes. Please bear in mind that when I write Yandere, it’s at extremes.
Requests: always open
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Safe Zone
Mk11 Fujin, Kotal Khan, Night wolf, Kuai Liang, Jax , MK1 Reptile, Raiden, Smoke, Baraka, both Liu Kang, Kenshi, both gerases
While you maybe aren’t intentionally trying to discard them or hurt their feelings, it doesn’t seem like it at first. Why are you so blank? How can you just shrug off a confession like that? Do you hate them?
Once they get to know you better by studying and observing your habits, they realize that this is simply the way you are. They are compassionate enough where they don’t really let it bother them anymore.
They have not only a legitimate love for you (under their deranged behaviors), but a lot of emotional intelligence. At their core, they have a bit more maturity on things like this compared to their counterparts. Especially Fujin and Kotal Khan, they’ve been here for ages and have dealt with many different personalities before. You’re not really the first person who has been emotionally shut off like this. Besides, it’s not like you’re showing someone else more love or attention than them so..whatevs
(If you do discard them for another person tho, they will raise hell about it and retract their compassion.)
They will be more direct and intentional about what they want and their feelings so it's not so confusing for you. I can also imagine them guiding and helping you understand them more by maybe taking a different approach towards empathy? Emotional intelligence can be improved and I think they’d be rather good at this. You might not be fully there on everything (depending on where this is stemming from) but you’d have a better grasp at least.
I will say though that at times they might get sad when you don’t initiate affection or respond emotionally how they’d ideally picture it. Especially if there’s absolutely no improvement after a while, they’d get manipulative. They’d make you believe you feel something that you actually can’t. Also might get a bit frustrated by your impulsivity, outbursts and isolation.
Danger Zone
Mk11Shang tsung,Kano,Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Erron Black, Hanzo Hasashi, Kabal, Dark Raiden,Baraka, Noob Saibot, Shao Khan MK1 Bi-Han Johnny Cage, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, General Shao, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao
They. Do. Not. Care.
All of these men have a massive ego that needs to be stroked and inflated by you. They want praise, love and affection. They want 100% of you. Yes, that includes emotionally.
They really don’t care what the reason is for why you are ignoring their advances, you will reciprocate. Their demands will be met and you are in love with them. Fake it good!
I hope you’re a quick learner because you have to pick up on their cues. You should know exactly what they need and when they need it. Your words should be ever so carefully chosen and your actions should have much enthusiasm.
There is no room for your mistakes and accidentally offending them, you will be punished for it. Mood swings and impulsively can result in reactive behaviors on their end.
Don’t make any of your interactions with them awkward in front of others. It isn’t funny to embarrass your “lover” like this.
No. you can’t be self centered. They are the center of your life. No. You cannot hold grudges against them. You should always forgive their actions. Aaaaand no. You really cannot ignore/not listen to them. How dare you.
Wait…it almost sounds like they are just as emotionally immature. Nahhh. They’re worse.
Yeah there’s no room for your Low EL, they need you to be a stable sounding board or else this relationship is going to be far more toxic than anything you’ve ever seen.
They’re completely far gone, no amount of explanation can save you. They will use any means necessary to get something out of you that isn’t even there in the first place. You are going to be everything they imagined you to be and more.
Conflicting feelings
Ngl kinda wanted to put Mk11 Johnny up top because I just am stuck on the fact that MK1 Johnny is a far worse Yandere. Like MK1 Johnny is older, mellowed out and is very mature at this point…but then I remembered his younger self. His mk11 younger version would be far more menacing than MK1. Mk11 Johnny Cage’s younger self would come out of him during his obsession. He can’t help but be an absolute asshat and forget all about his growth when it comes to you. Once a playboy always a playboy.
Kinda wanted MK1 King Lao in the top category aswell but…do I have to further explain. He’s definitely not as cocky and arrogant as his MK11 counterpart but he’s young, immature and impulsive. I don’t think he’d understand your low EL. It would drive him insane thinking that his darling isn’t reciprocating. He’d become rather aggressive and an egotistical monsterrrr in the process.
Kotal Khan really got me too because like he’s absolutely a lover boy but his heart isn’t as warm as it used to be.😭😭 debated putting him in the danger zone because there is so much potential for him to be cray cray but rewatching him and Jade interacting with each other made me choose the softer route. I think once he realizes you are just emotionally immature he’s just unphased by you. Like I can’t see him being that upset by his darling or something like that?? He’d be patient and understanding. He might’ve once been just like you but with time and age, he changed. So can you. Maybe I’m just being too generous?
Dark Raiden. I mean Raiden himself isn’t very intelligent when it comes to emotions. He’s goal and logically focused so I think he’d understand you. BUT what made me change my opinion was that dark! Raiden is completely corrupted and so is his way of thinking. He’s twisted and probably can’t really register your low EL. I think he’d perceive it as you being purposefully defiant towards him.
Mk1 Kuai Liang. People make him super soft and cuddly but Idk I feel like if I’m putting Bi-Han in the danger zone that it makes sense for his brother to be. They grew up in the same environment and Kuai is shown having similar or even worse traits to him. I don’t think he’s a saint. Smoke stands out more to me as someone who’d be softer. His voice lines and personality reflects that.
How do I even tag this 😩
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mk-oc-imagines · 10 months
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Date Night
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Pairing: Bi-Han x Johnny Cage - ColdStar
Characters: Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Madam Bo - other characters mentioned
Warnings: None
Tags: Fluff and First Date Awkwardness, Perhaps OOC
Part: One - Shot
".." Dialogue | '...' Thoughts
'I hope this isn't a mistake.' Johnny rubbed the back of his neck as he stepped foot into Madam Bo's teahouse, looking around the lower floor that was quite full with patrons. 'Damn it...Perhaps I should have called in advance. Does Madam Bo have a phone here?"
"Ah, Johnny Cage!"
Johnny nearly jumped out of his skin as Madam Bo approached him, smile on her face. "What brings you to my teahouse?"
"Uhm...." Johnny cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his simple button up. "Is there any table for two, one that is secluded? With the most privacy?"
Madam Bo arched a brow, placing her hands on her hips. He did not answer her question and they both knew it, but Johnny did not want to talk about it to anyone. Not unless the other party agreed.
"Come with me." Johnny followed her onto the upper floor, where she led him into s far away corner that was bit in the shadows, far away from the rest which garnered no reason why would anyone look over.
"Thank you, Madam."
"It is my pleasure, Johnny Cage. Now, while I'm here with you, do you have anything in mind that I could make you?"
"Jasmine Tea for two and some snacks, please and thank you." Madam Bo gave him a smile, which he returned. Only when she walked away did he take a seat, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text message.
I'm on the upper floor, in a far corner. Found us something secluded. Text or call me when you get here so I could wait for you.
The response is quick, which makes Johnny grin.
Do not worry about me. I can find my way.
"Happy thoughts I take it?"
Johnny pocketed his phone and looked up at Madam Bo, who carried a tray with two tea cups, a steaming kettle and a plate full of sweet snacks, setting it on the table. "Yes, you can say that."
"Leave the tea sit for a little longer. This one is special type of Jasmine, reserved only for special moments."
"Madam Bo-"
Madam Bo tapped Johnny on the head, wagging her finger at him. "Now, now, I wasn't born yesterday. You, my dear, wear your emotions out in the open. An easy book to read if you will."
Johnny rubbed the back of his neck, flush to his cheeks. "That obvious?"
"Truly. I'll be tending to the rest of the patrons. If you need anything, wave me down or come find me."
With that, Madam Bo left Johnny alone and he had no idea what to do now. Nerves started to set in, his leg bounced and Johnny checkes his phone. No new message.
This was their first official date - Wait. Can he even call it official if no one knows about it? They both agreed to keep it under wraps for the time being. Johnny had to convince his manager that he wanted to take pictures of Fengjian for his upcoming project. Needless to say, she was a bit skeptical but let him go.
He wondered what kind of excuse Bi-Han had to do in order to get her. Johnny figured the Lin Kuei would not bat an eye st their Grandmaster leaving but Kuai and Tomas? They knew Bi-Han like the back of their hand.
Taking the sweet snack and nibbling on it in thought, Johnny thought he was going to bolt if he had to wait any longer.
"Dining without me?"
Jerking in his seat as if he was caught doing something illegal red handed, Johnny looked up at Bi-Han, who was wearing jeans and a hoodie, hair done into its usual bun.
Putting the entire snack into his mouth and chewing quickly and swallowing, wiping his hands on his trousers, Johnny stood up, smiling at Bi-Han awkwardly. "Sorry, I uh... Nerves got the better of me. How was the way here?"
They looked at each, awkwardness hanging in the air. Johnny usually greeted his date with kiss or a hug but he was unsure with Bi-Han.
"May I?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course!"
They took a seat across from one another, Bi-Han poured them both tea, sliding the cup towards Johnny, who raised it up in a toast, Bi-Han mimicking him with a quirked brow. "On our first date."
"On our first date."
They both took a sip, Bi-Han's brow furrowing slightly. "It is not often Madam Bo serves this type of tea. What exactly did you tell her?"
Johnny choked and coughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "Nothing really. She read me like and open book."
Bi-Han looks at him, then his lips pull into a small smile, shaking his head with a chuckle. "She is right about that. Before I agreed to have a date with you, you were obvious in your advances. Cyrax offered me to get rid of you permanently."
"Talk about your clan having your back."
"I am their Grandmaster, it is expected. Me, Cyrax and Sektor grew up together, for the three of us it is different kind of loyalty."
'Must be nice.' Johnny thinks. 'To have someone to be there for you trough thick and thin."
"What about you, Johnny?" Bi-Han spoke up, taking another sip of his tea. "How did you get into Fengjian?"
"Made up an excuse, that I need to take some pictures of scenery for my upcoming movie. I guess it wasn't easy for you too to get here?"
Bi-Han shook his head, taking one snack and taking a small bite. "Not really. Had a mission here. If I want to stay a few more days, it is my decision."
Taking a sip of his tea and a snack, Johnny drummed his fingers against the table, a pit growing in his stomach. "Do they... Do they..."
Bi-Han waited, running his finger over the rim of the cup. "Does Tomas and Kuai Liang know?" Johnny managed, nerves taking over once again. He can imagine how everyone else would react if they found out about the two of them but Tomas and Kuai Liang? They would probably hunt him down and make him 'disappear'.
"No. They do not. They were also aware of your advances. I do not think they would ever dream of us..." Bi-Han gestures and Johnny understands.
"I...have a hard time understanding too...Why?"
"Why did you agree?"
Bi-Han paused, looking into Johnny's eyes, searching, which made the latter swallow thickly.
"You are easy to talk to. For me, conversations do not come easy. When we started to exchange letters, it was a break from my Grandmaster duties I started looking forward to. All I wanted to say went on paper, without anyone else reading it, just the one who it is intended for. If it were not for those letters, I would not be speaking to you the way I do now. We would be only sitting in silence."
Lump got lodged in his throat and Johnny reached over, taking Bi-Han's hand into his own, Bi-Han going stiff, looking at their joined hands.
"I love hearing you talk. What else is there? Tell me?" Johnny spoke lowly and Bi-Han inhaled shakily, carefully holding Johnny's hand back.
"You are making jokes and making light of a situation that warrants in. But when it is serious, you get serious - as shown when we were thrown into Netherrealm. You fought well, saved my life and in turn, I saved yours. But ultimately, it was the letters that insinuated everything."
Nodding his head, Johnny pulled back with a smile, drinking his now lukewarm tea, pouring himself another cup.
For the rest of the evening, Johnny was the one who did the talking, less for himself, more for seeing Bi-Han's small smiles and chuckles.
Johnny was not used to silence but this was pleasant.
He and Bi-Han walked side by side down the dirt road, Bi-Han had his hands in his pockets, while Johnny was fidgeting with his.
They came to an intersection a small sigh leaving his lips. "I guess this is where we part ways." They turned to look at each other, Johnny noticing how Bi-Han's gaze was soft. "I enjoyed tonight. Thank you."
"I enjoyed tonight as well. Thank you, for... This experience."
Johnny laughed softly. Leave it to Bi-Han to make it formal. "See you soon? Also..."
"Can I get a hug?"
Johnny hoped he did not overstep. He promised Bi-Han to takes things slow, let them know each other first before doing anything. He was already pushing it back then when he held Bi-Han's hand unexpectedly at Madam Bo's -
"Come here."
At first, the hug was awkward, both of them tense, Bi-Han not knowing where to put his hands but then they eased into it and it was the warmest hug Johnny has ever received. "Thank you...." Bi-Han whispered into Johnny's ear. "For not giving up on me."
It was Bi-Han who pulled away, their touches lingering just a tad bit longer. "Well...um...See you soon?"
"Goodnight, Bi-Han."
They parted and Johnny couldn't help the fluttering in his stomach and the way his heart was beating rapidly.
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