#bic magic
gnot-art · 6 months
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Some 4 colour sketchamabobs
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faerieboyfixations · 1 year
I had thought I was courting Ser Maximilian or Abrams, but
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I guess I didn't miss my chance with Valmiro by not understanding gifts until he was ready to leave!
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One of the wonders of my childhood and early teens was the mail order catalogue.
In the 70s/80s these were a big thing in the UK. Basically a shopping mall in a book, where you could browse the aisles from your sofa.
When you decided what you wanted, all you had to do was fill out a lengthy form by hand, writing the long product codes with a bic biro, post it with a cheque for the total amount, and hey presto, in as little as two weeks, the postman would deliver your items to your door.
Hi tech magic!
Kays was one of the most popular catalogues, and my mother made sure we always had the latest edition in the house.
As far back as age 5 or 6, I remember spending hours looking at the girls clothes, thinking how pretty they were, imagining myself wearing them, and feeling sad that I couldn't. My parents were of their time and explained, kindly, that these were not the things that boys wore.
But I carried on. For years.
When I was older, I took more interest in the underwear and lingerie sections. A lot of my friends did the same, and for them, it was a bit of innocent naughty fun.
For me though, leafing through those pages was like coming to terms with the fact that this is what I wouldn't become. I would never have this kind of body and I would never get to wear this...stuff (Not true because of course I do now, but I couldn't foresee that back then).
The muted sadness of that was ever so slightly offset by the persistent glowing appreciation of the majestic women adorning those pages.
In my teens, I did find these images somewhat arousing too of course. Girls, women, females in general...they were 'other' in one sense. They weren't like me, they were magnificently mysterious creations and I loved the way they looked, dressed, sounded, moved, thought, smelled, gestured, held themselves and were regarded.
But in another sense, they were like me. Or rather, I was like them, inside myself, and that's where I had to keep it, hidden away. Learning to talk, act and even think like a 'proper' boy. Girl envy was a motif of my formative years; they had the girl bodies that allowed them to be the way they were, but I didn't.
I should say here that I did okay as a boy, and did not spend my life out of my skin 100% wishing I was someone else all of the time. This is the blessed curse of being non-binary - not resonating with your assigned gender but not being fully at odds with it either. It's exciting and confusing in equal measure.
Over the years, like many people, I started to come to terms with just how much of me was concealed by the male front. And I realised that wearing female clothes was indeed just one aspect of self expression I was denied.
And that's why now, along with dressing the way I want more and more, I'm enjoying letting more of my true female self come through in many other ways.
Annnnnwayyyy back to the catalogues.
Below is a selection of catalogue excerpts (mostly Kays) that were the staple of my childhood reading. And although they represent the frustration I felt, they were also a beautiful oasis for me, allowing an hour or so each week to take a well earned break from performative boyness.
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Yandere Theo & Enzo x male muggle reader
Where they both go out one night to see what the outside of the wizarding world is like and bump into a muggle (the reader) who lets them stay at his house and shows them around, thinking they’re tourists.
But they fall madly in love with him and now when they have to go back to hogwarts they kidnap him and take him with them.
The reader is stuck in their room, a spell cast where he can’t leave and he’s freaking out.
+ can they be like super touchy with him and affectionate and possessive and he’s just thinking that it’s like a normal thing from “whatever country they’re from”
T h a n k s (:
OH i wish i had a tenth of the imagination y’all have i mean cmon y’all be out here bringing the most well thought out ideas and my fics are all just like “l i ght hu ose 👍🥰👍”
oh also i don’t speak italian so if i fucked up that’s why lmfao i took fucking latin in high school, not anything actually useful 🥲
requests open!
BIC — yandere! enzo berkshire x male! muggle! reader x yandere! theodore nott
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warnings: kidnapping/abduction, infatuation (?), implied tobacco use
(also ik they wouldn’t be using US dollars but shhhh)
“Oh, Merlin, my father is going to kill me-”
“Relax,” Theo rolled his eyes, a bit winded from Apparating. “Think of it as just a… fifteen minute excursion. Tops.”
“Right, tops,” Enzo mumbled anxiously, rubbing his freezing hands together as another gust of snow blew past.
As he stamped his feet in an attempt to get feeling back into his frigid lower limbs, Enzo looked through the windows of the damned store Theo just had to show him. (There’s this one boy there, Enz, and he’s just gorgeous. You gotta see him.)
Large posters dominated most of the windows, advertising things Enzo had never heard of before, like whatever a ‘Monster Java’ and ‘Geekvape’ was. Stacked outside the store was an entire shelving unit of something called ‘propane’.
Through the windows, Enz could see rows upon rows of candy, chips, snacks, sodas, all in obnoxiously saturated colored packaging. A buzzing neon sign that hurt to look at flashed the word OPEN in blue and red.
This store was awesome.
Lorenzo looked up at the half burnt-out sign above the door that proclaimed this magically wonderful place to be the shop of ‘Jacksons’.
A small bell chimed when Theo pulled open the door, startling Enzo. He followed his much more confident friend inside the store, looking around with wide eyes.
Theodore stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
“Okay, the guy I was telling you about? He’s kind of under the impression that I’m like, a tourist from out of the country, and that’s why we’re so unfamiliar with their wares. If he asks, we’re Italian exchange students and only speak shitty English, got it?”
Enzo nodded. As if on cue, a ‘Jacksons’ employee popped up out of seemingly nowhere, startling the fuck out of him.
“Hiya, Theodore!”
The employee—a boy around their age, maybe seventeen at the most—was unusually chipper for 10PM on a Sunday.
This must be the guy.
“Who’s your friend here, Theodore?” You asked, smiling.
“Hello, Y/N! This is Lorenzo.”
“Hello,” Enzo greeted softly, his cheeks flushed pink from the snowstorm outside (and that’s the only reason, Theo, stop laughing.)
“Can I help you boys find anything or’re y’all just looking around?”
Enzo couldn’t look away from you. How small you seemed in comparison to his awkwardly lanky height, the way the harsh fluorescents cast dramatic shadows of your eyelashes across your cheekbones, the light blush on the tips of your ears as you looked at Theodore.
He’d said your name. You’d said his name. You knew each other?
How often does he fucking come here? Enzo wondered, a sharp stab of jealousy running through him.
“Cigarettes,” Theo said immediately, exaggerating his usually undetectable accent to an honestly ridiculous amount. Enzo bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at his friend’s ridiculousness.
You just smiled and ducked behind the counter. “Same as last time, or’re you trying something new?”
“Same, please. And un accendino, please,” Theo made a clicking motion with his thumb, indicating a lighter.
You nod, easily pulling down a pack of Marlboro Red without a second thought.
How often does he come here? Enzo wondered for a second time. Enough that you know his favorite kind of cigarette.
“Cheap lighter or d’you wanna go fancy?”
“Cheap, please.”
“Alrighty, one BIC lighter coming up for ya,” you grabbed a lighter off the back wall behind the counter, setting it down by the cash register.
Enzo couldn’t help himself as he stared at the bright blue chunk of… what did Muggles call it again? Plastic.
You glanced up at his timid voice, shooting him a grin that was just a bit friendlier than the classic customer-service smile. “BIC. It’s just the brand. They make cheap lighters and also pens, for some reason.”
Enzo wanted to ask what a ‘pen’ was, but he had a feeling that that was a terrible idea.
“$7.98. Cash, I assume?”
Theo, for the first time, genuinely faltered, cringing apologetically as he laid down the mess of all-identical green papers on the countertop.
You smiled patiently, plucking one paper out of the spread and pushing a few buttons on the cash register, then returning two papers and a handful of coins to a baffled Theo.
Fucking Muggles, with their impossible-to-memorize currency.
“Damn. It’s really coming down out there,” you shook your head as you peered out the front window of the store, waiting for the long white piece of paper to stop moving from the odd humming machine that sat next to the cash register. “Where’re y’all staying? I don’t think you guys should try to drive home in this.”
They follow your gaze, eyes widening when they see how high the snow has risen. The storm had gotten much, much worse.
“Hey- where is your car, anyway? The parking lot’s empty,” your eyebrows furrowed as you turned back to them with a quizzical face.
Enzo mentally panicked. He knew the word ‘car’—he probably heard it while only half-paying attention in Muggle Studies—but he couldn’t for the life of him remember what a ‘car’ was.
“We walked,” Theo said quickly, jumping in and taking hold of the conversation.
“You walked?” You asked, clearly horrified. “No, no. I can’t in good conscience let you two walk back in this. Haven’t you seen the weather? It’s supposed to be like, nearly a blizzard! Worst snowstorm of the decade!”
Lorenzo’s eyes widened.
Muggles could predict the weather? Holy Salazar, his parents might’ve been wrong about Muggles’ intelligence.
You misinterpreted the way his eyes widened. “Listen, this sounds crazy, but would you guys like, consider crashing at my apartment? Just for the night? Maybe the snow’ll clear up overnight.”
Theo opened his mouth to protest, no, really, we couldn’t take advantage of such hospitality, Y/N, but Lorenzo interrupted.
“We would much like that,” he said firmly. “If it is no problem for you.”
Staying at this hot guy’s apartment for the night? Duh, that’s an obvious yes.
“It’s no problem,” you wave off his concern. “‘sides, wouldn’t want a pair of pretty boys such as yourselves to freeze to death, now would I?”
Theo stiffened and blushed bright red at that, a dopey smile spreading across his face.
Oh Merlin, were you two flirting with each other? Enzo felt that sharp spark of jealousy flare up again in his chest, dampered only by the fact that it was Theo, and not anyone else.
“It’s just right across the street. Lemme close up shop for the night, and we can make a run for it,” you say with finality, ignore Theo’s weak protests.
They watched as you lock the cash register and counter with the practiced ease of someone who had done so many, many times.
You pulled the grate down over the cigarette shelves on the back wall, flicking off the overhead lights and tugging a tiny metal string that made the painfully bright OPEN sign go dark.
“Alright, let’s go,” you said, shooing them out onto the sidewalk, buttoning up your heavy winter coat, and locking the front door.
As you stuffed the keys back into your jeans pocket, Theodore rested his hand on the small of your back.
“Lead the way, bello,” he said with a charming grin. You nodded, smiling at the difference in cultures, wow! and motioning for them to follow you.
The boys followed you in a comfortable silence, shoulders hunched up as they braced themselves against the furiously icy wind.
You all crossed the street, Theodore and Enzo both baffled when a tiny light that looked like a person indicated it was safe to cross.
Your boots clanged on the shaky metal stairs up to the third floor of your apartment building, and your boys followed resolutely.
When they reached the landing, they were met by the image of your rather quaint front door, a tiny, clearly homemade wreath hanging on the center.
“This is it. Not much, I’m afraid,” you sighed, your freezing fingers fumbling with the key as you twisted it in the lock, opening the door for them. You flicked on the lights, illuminating the interior of the small apartment. “Do you guys want tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee, if y’all are psychopaths?”
“Perhaps it is a bit late for coffee,” Theo snickered at your dry humor as he stepped inside. “Tea, if it is not a hassle?”
“‘Course not. Make yourselves at home. My mother won’t be back for hours,” you chatted happily, setting a kettle of water on the stove to boil.
Theodore tentatively sat down at one of the kitchen chairs, looking around the small apartment in surprise. At your reassuring smile, Enzo sat down too, drumming his fingers against the table anxiously.
The kettle whistled after a few minutes, and you poured three mugs of tea, setting them on the table and settling down in one of the empty seats.
Theo reached for one, purposefully brushing his fingers against yours.
After that, it all goes blank.
Your eyes slowly cracked open, your head pounding and your stomach twisting and turning. You blinked away sleep, rubbing your eyes and yawning as you sat up in bed.
What happened last night?
You startled when your brain finally registers that you’re not in your apartment.
You sat up in a panic, looking around horrified when you don’t recognize your surroundings. The room itself was decorated with an honestly abhorrent amount of green and shiny silver. There were three other beds, identical to the one you were laying in, set up intermittently around the room.
A dorm? You wondered.
A huge window dominated the wall adjacent to the bed you were in, the view on the other side of it oddly distorted and warped.
You leaned in closer, confused, when a tiny yellow fish swam by.
You gasped, and put your hand on the glass to peer out even further.
Were you underwater?
Your amazement was interrupted by a large unidentifiable shadow filling the window. You frowned, your hand drawing back from the glass, when the shadowy shape moved, opening.
A giant fucking eye.
“Jesus fucking-”
You scrambled backwards, falling off of the bed with a yelp. While you fought with the blankets that seemed hell-bent on getting tangled around your legs, the giant eye slowly blinked before the shadowy form started moving again.
A giant squid, you thought with astonishment. There was a giant fucking squid outside of this dorm room’s window.
Finally wrenching yourself free of your blanket prison, you scrambled to your feet and sprinted towards the only door in the room. You jiggled the handle, cursing when it didn’t open.
There wasn’t even a lock, a keyhole, nothing.
How the hell was this door so firmly locked shut then?
Something tacked to the door- actually, there wasn’t a tack either. How was it stuck there?
But what caught your eye was a small scrap of… paper? Parchment? It looked like the paper your art teacher once showed you how to stain with tea.
Who the fuck still writes on parchment? You wondered, scrunching your eyebrows up in confusion as you examined the perfect swoops of calligraphy on the page.
Darling – We’re really sorry for taking you with us (please don’t hate us) and we'll be back here around noon Xoxo, Theo & Enzo (those actually are our real names we promise!!)
((we also might’ve made your mother forget about your existence so she doesn’t try to find you. you’re safe though, don’t worry!))
wow! people actually like my stuff enough that i now have a taglist??? (some of y’all weren’t showing up, so lmk if i need to troubleshoot 😭)
@gayaristocrat @slytherinboysappreciation @lemonaderiddle @h-------n @yournogoodalone @knave-hearts @schaebickel @lexacantsleep @big-brother-problems @darkcharmx @cyberbl4de @amandajonhsson @megannxn @catz-80 @ghostiesen @fruityfrog505 @coysa @fruitypebblesstuff @mildlyuninformative @glittervame @cayaevans1 @lizeylavender @cloudydaysinmydreams @ironickarkatlover @ahead-fullofdreams @tachyon-girl @jaythes1mp @lovelyfandomqueen @ashisgreedy
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sternar · 20 days
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A bunch of Witch Hat Atelier doodles as well as my shitpost wha OC Yerfiq, who lives below the Atelier in a cavern and draws magic circles with a BIC Cristal
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eiswolfzero · 7 months
Does the infection affect more than just the main Six? Like the princesses becoming more like a G1 princess? Or other characters being more like a G1 character? I wonder if the rest of the Apple family would get infected; with Big Mac being like a Big Brother pony
The infection goes further then the main 6!
As of now, Celestia too has certain issues but her immense amount of magic is working against it. It's unclear however if she's aware, ignoring or working on it (but an image with that might follow).
I haven't gotten further yet as I'm not sure what others might have been inspired by (I only knew of the main 6 and thanks to @/ksclaw about Celestia).
But the Big Brother pony thing sounds like a great way for Bic Mac!
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davycoquette · 3 months
Unusual Associations Tag
Thank you for the tag, @saturnine-saturneight! (I appreciate all the tags I've been getting in these games; some are just much easier for my pea brain to process than others and this is one of those times!) I'll do it for Shiloh, the "you" in #coyotebackstabby.
Seasoning - None. He eats to live; taste is beyond tertiary.
Weather - A Cabo Verde hurricane.
Color - Dark, dark blue.
Sky - Layer upon layer of stormclouds roiling into one another. It's senseless and not very pretty - not even memorable. But it's something. You might remark on it. You might sit and consider it a moment.
Magical power - Shapeshifting
Plant - Blue Larkspur
Weapon - Anything sharp within reach
Social media - Oldschool chatroom, shykitty86.
Makeup - He'd prefer not to, thanks.
Candy - Does yalla drink count? Sometimes he'll drink a battery acide flavored soda, but he's not a junk food kinda guy.
Fear - Dying without ever being loved.
Method of long distance travel - Roadtrip with a good buddy.
Art style - Mindless pen doodles, but make 'em just a tiny bit unsettling. You can't place your finger on why that is; something's just off.
Mythological creature - Ouroboros
Stationary - Gas station BIC pen and a legal pad.
Celestial body - Venus, the celestial body associated with his Chakra of choice.
I am going to leave this tag open because I can't check who hasn't gotten this one already at the moment & because tagging people in these is so scary for my shy ass! Also because a few of the people I'd like to tag don't have WIPs with OCs at the moment. If you do this because you saw my post, please tag me so I can read about your OC! Consider this me tagging the shit out of you. ❤
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pkpkenjoyer · 2 months
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“Such a beautiful sea, full of magic. As if I’m back in the Bic Ocean.”
pokkopiku x Ponyo on the cliff by the sea 🐠🪣🌊✨ [PT. 2]
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Eris Vanserra x Azriel Shadowsinger
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Spanking — KTober
Word Count: 1.4k
Includes: Spanking, Jealous Sex, Rough Sex, Anal, Anal Fingering, Overstimulation, Creampie, Daddy Kink, DDLG, Size kink.
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50942734
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1391100824-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐬-𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚-𝐱-𝐀𝐳𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥
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Eris’ hand lies on Thesan’s toned muscles, Eris’ tiny hand squeezing the flesh there. Thesan doesn’t seem to mind the fellow High Lords actions as he continues to speak with one of his guards.
The Inner Circle decided to bring Eris with them to the Dawn Court to strength the alliance between Courts—Tarquin was suppose to be here as well, the Summer, Dawn, Night, and Autumn’s bonds needed strengthened.
Rhysand and Cassian could smell the rage seeping off of Azriel, the jealous, lustful rage.
“Az.” Cassian calls out, the Shadowsingers eyes snap to the Illyrian General.
“What.” He snaps.
“Calm down.” Rhys chimes in, his hand gently resting on Azriel’s arm.
“We can smell the scent, it’s… disturbing.” Cassian smirks, Azriel only scoffs at his brothers words before his yellow eyes drift back to Thesan and his mate.
“And that is how my healing magic works, Eris.” Thesan states with a smile, the guard from before has long disappeared.
“That’s amazing, Thesan. My courts healing magic is much different.” Eris smirks, his hand creeps down Thesan’s arm and to his hand, intertwining their fingers.
Azriel growls at the sight, he stands from the table—the chair he was once in flying onto it’s back.
Eris doesn’t seem to mind, Thesan only glances up before meeting the Autumn Court’s High Lord again.
“Your court has healing magic?” Thesan questions, his eyebrow lifting.
“Partially, in the Autumn Court most of the healers know fire magic that can turn so thin it’s like thread—they use it to close wounds, the burning closes them in the process.” Eris explains, Azriel begins to approach the two High Lords.
“Burning? Does it hurt?” Thesan asks.
Eris nods. “Only a bit, I could give an example if you would like?”
Thesan nods in return, curious how the Autumn Court’s magic can be used in a healing light.
Eris moves his hand up Thesan’s arms, now on his forearm. His fire magic summons in thin ropes—like thread it wraps around the Dawn Court’s High Lord arm.
“Oh! Wow!” Thesan looks in complete awe as he uses the fire. “You’re right… it only stings a bit.”
Eris chuckles and nods. “Told you.” He smiles.
“You’re very… likable, Eris.” Thesan chuckles.
Eris halts for a moment. “As are you.”
That was Azriel’s last straw.
“Eris.” The spymaster snaps then looks to Thesan. “High Lord.” Azriel states, his tone still stern.
“Spymaster…” Thesan speaks slowly. “What is the issue?”
“Nothing.” He grabs Eris’ wrist and then drags him away from the Dawn Court’s High Lord.
Eris finally realizes the scent emitting from Azriel, the mix of rage and lust overwhelming his senses. Azriel drags him to his room before tossing the High Lord over his shoulder.
“Fucking, Thesan?” Azriel growls before throwing Eris on the bed, he crawls on top of him afterward. Azriel’s thighs pinning Eris to the bed, his bulge pressing against Eris’ ass as he lies on his stomach.
“I was talking with him.” Eris scoffs.
“Talking? Talking? You were flirting!”
Eris goes to speak again when a heavy hand meets his ass, causing a loud ‘smack’ to echo in the room.
“A-Azriel!” Eris shouts in surprise.
“Shut it.” He snaps. “Fucking flirting… this is the second time! First Tarquin…” Azriel hand connects with Eris’ ass again, a brutal, bruising smack. “Now Thesan?”
“I… wasn’t-“ Another harsh smack.
Azriel rolls his eyes, his shadows wrap around Eris’ wrist, yanking them across the bed, his ass now up in the air.
“Yes you were.” He growls. “Holding onto his bicep… showing him tricks that I taught you… holding his hand?” Azriel smacks Eris’ other ass cheek, his right red and bruised by the force.
“O-Okay!” Eris whimpers. “I’m sorry!”
“Sorry what?”
Eris hesitates, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson. “I’m sorry daddy…” He corrects.
Azriel smirks at the nickname, his cock throbbing in his pants. But, he can’t give in just yet, Eris has been… bratty.
“Prove it, little fox.”
Eris whimpers. “Can’t…” He motions to the shadows binding his wrists above his head.
“What a shame, Eris…” Azriel smirks before smacking his ass again. Eris whines.
“Daddy! Please, I can’t… it hurts so bad… make me feel good! Please!” The High Lord begs.
His eyes darken, eyes narrowing before he moves his head to the back of Eris’ neck. Azriel bites down, sucking a deep, love bite. Eris can feel the spymaster’s breath coast along his ear, his shoulder, his neck. It sends a chill down Eris’ spine.
Azriel grabs Eris’ ass. “No one is allowed to touch you here…” His scarred hands move to his leaking cock. “Here…” Azriel grabs Eris’ hands. “Or here, little fox.” He growls, a dominant tone in his voice.
Eris whimpers.
“I am a possessive man, Eris.” Azriel then shucks off Eris’ pants—tossing them somewhere behind them in the room. “And you are mine, all to myself, my little mate.” Azriel makes sure Eris knows who he belongs to, Eris grips his hips before leaning forward.
Azriel moves his index and middle fingers to Eris’ mouth, Eris complies and opens his mouth. He covers the fingers with saliva before Azriel retracts his hand before circling Eris’ rear, he soon shoves them up Eris’ tight arse.
“D-Daddy!” Eris moans.
Azriel smirks and begins to thrust his fingers in and out of the Autumn Court’s High Lord, fucking him with his hand at a relentless pace.
“I am going to destroy you, little fox. Mark and claim you with my lips, my marks, my cum.”
“Oh… fuck! Please, daddy!”
“When I saw you touching him… Thesan… Tarquin, those High Lord bastards…” Azriel begins to scissor Eris’ hole. “I wanted to take you in front of them, make them see the expression you make when I force you to cum on my cock.”
“Daddy… I-I would like that…” Eris whimpers as he continues to thrust his fingers.
“Would you now?” Azriel smacks his ass again, leaving a stinging feeling on Eris’ pale cheeks. “I could make that a reality, I’m sure they would like to see it…” Azriel bites on his neck again before kissing his spine. “But, I’m afraid you are mine, not theirs.” Azriel growls, emphasizing the word ‘mine’.
“Yes! Yours, only yours, daddy!” The ginger moans. “I need y-your cock!” He pleas.
Azriel finally complies, withdrawing his fingers before he slams his entire member into Eris’ rear. The smaller moans, practically screaming from the mix of pain and pleasure.
“My beautiful little mate…” Azriel hums, pumping his cock into the High Lord. “You’re so pretty from this side.” He grips Eris’ ass. “I love your ass, Eris.”
“Want to… see you.” Eris whines, his own cock leaking onto the bed.
“Do you?”
“Please, daddy!” He begs.
Azriel slides out, flipping Eris over before instantly sliding back in.
“Oh! Fuck!” Eris moans loudly, his legs locking around Azriel’s waist as the taller man continues to pound into him.
“Do you think I can make you cum without touching your cock, little fox?”
Azriel hums, his gaze dark and filled with lust as he continues to roughly pound into his mate. All the pent up anger from earlier completely disappeared into a need to claim.
“I think so too.”
The Illyrian picks up his speed, fucking into Eris as fast as he possibly could, hitting his prostate with every single thrust. Eris feels the building sensation build in his lower stomach, moaning through the pleasureful experience.
Soon, Azriel’s thrusts begin to be less strong, more lazy… he was close.
“Cum with me.” Azriel demands.
“Daddy!” Eris shouts as his cum shoots from his painfully hard cock, Azriel shoots his load deep inside of Eris’ arse, giving it one more spank before sliding out.
“My sweet, little fox, you did so well.” Azriel pecks Eris’ forehead before sliding under him. Eris now lying on his chest, his wings spread out before wrapping around Eris. “However…”
Eris looks up at this.
“If you ever fucking flirt with Tarquin or Thesan again…” Azriel’s hands move to cup Eris’ ass, squeezing it firmly. “I will tie you here, on our bed, with my shadows and edge you for hours, days even.”
“Sounds fun…” Eris chuckles, kisses Azriel’s chest as he comes down from his high.
“Does it?”
“Perhaps we could invite them as you said earlier.”
“Don’t start.” Azriel growls.
Eris chuckles and then kisses Azriel’s cheek. “I’m only joking, Az. I wouldn’t dare replace…” He grabs Azriel’s still hard cock. “This for anything.”
Azriel flips them again. “Good.” Is all he states before starting another round.
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tortoise-teapot · 4 months
ok this is embarrassing but also fucking wild
for like the past week solas has been in all of my dreams? like the dreams aren't ABOUT him he's just... there.
Like last night a Major Plot Point was i NEEDED to write something down but couldn't find anything to write with. magic elf shows up and hands me a bic. he disappears. i write down the steps to keeping your new cat from peeing on the floor. my neighbor is relieved. the day is saved.
my favorite though was a couple nights ago. i'm in my childhood home. i'm draped over the back of the couch, hugging it. "i miss this couch," i say.
"it's a nice couch," he agrees in a seinfeldesque cadence. he disappears.
just... what??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
dreaming is so integral to his character even my damn unconscious is like "lol. lmao. woe. solas be upon ye"
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Stretch Serrif
Oh my god I've had to sit down and stare at how he was characterized in 2016-2018 and I swear I actually wanted to just grab him and shake him because all there was to him was "omg I'm so hot" and "actually I'm a horrible person teehee" Swap Papyrus, you deserved better
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- Official height 6'3
- He/Him
- Terrible smoker, he would sneak them
- Drinks Honey
- Younger brother of Powder Serrif
- Does not remember Gaster except for in his dreams and faint recollections of his existence
- Loves engineering, since he loves to tinker with things. Kinda a collaboration of what the OG UT brothers hav
- Has an outrageous sweet tooth
- Loves video games, especially ones that he can play with others
- Highly perceptive, but he'll play it off and act like he doesn't know what you're up to until you slip up
- Likes to write fantasy sometimes, small hobby
- Sells corn dogs instead of hot dogs
- Draws as his #1 hobby
- Very handy, loves to tinker with machinery
- Comfortable with touch but can grow very bashful
- Suffers with insomnia
- Impatient at times, impulsive, smooth talker, imaginative, charming, charismatic, lazy, nerdy, intuitive, over-thinker, perceptive, shy, playful, considerate, kind, and unassertive
- Sceptical of humans, but willing to trust them if they show effort to be peaceful
- More of a prankster and loves jokes over puns, but enjoys a good pun because of his older brother. He will lose it if Powder keeps going though
- Protective of his brother, but worries about him. He sees how much his brother has on his shoulders, but he feels like he can't talk to him about not only the resets but also other things because he doesn't want to burden his brother. No one can talk shit about his brother though
- Good friends with Cash, Rus, and Coffee
- Avoids fighting almost at all costs, doesn't like violence unless necessary
- Dog person, but he hates that random dog that terrorizes him from time to time. How can Powder like that thing?
- Prefers edibles over other forms of cannabis, eats it with Cash and Rus
- Hardly curses because his brother would scold him for it, however Powder lets him from time to time. "Oh sugar honey iced tea!" Dork
- Did not get along with the SF!Purple brothers at first, but eventually was able to
- Magic smells of honey and magic tastes of butterscotch
- Best friends with Cash, who helps his confidence. He helps ground Cash
- uses BIC lighter to smoke
- Enjoys fantasy stories
- loves high fives, fist bumps, and hand shakes
- Calls Chara "Goofball"
- Owns a Bumblebee Keychain and phone charm
- Hyperventilates when crying, not too loud, a lot of strained hiccupped breathing
- Would call his lover Honey/Honeybee
- Has beef with Napstaton but mainly because his "smug aura" mocks him
- wore one of those Groucho Marx glasses when meeting Chara instead of a whoopie cushion
- He's good friends with Undyne, both can bond over memes and existential anxiety together
- Asgore's friend behind the Ruins, but he never knew till later on
- Keeps his knowledge of the Resets away from everyone, even when he tried to tell them about it when it first was happening
- He doodles on paper, desks, his shorts or pants, etc, when bored
- Has a lot of visible anxiety, but he tries to keep the facade of being relaxed constantly in front of others
- Loves sweets from Muffet's, he loves going there to get some good food
- He loves eating suckers, especially ones that remind him of bees or citrus
- Wonderful at making people relax despite his own anxiety, he learned from Powder
- Likes to help people, he wants to bring others joy
- His gaster blasters act like dogs, but rather goofy ones
- He doesn't have the most amazing control of his magic, especially compared to Powder
- Likes bragging about Powder to other people
- Drives a little tikes car
- Plays the xylophone because he can make puns about it
- Chaotic neutral to chaotic good
- slouches for Powder because he likes to remember when Powder was taller than him
- He loves to hear praise and he'll get all giddy when he gets it
- He feels unworthy in the face of those that do better than him or have "more trauma" than him. He bottles up a lot of his stress
- He tends to be lighthearted and goofy with his friends
- He's not used to people being sincere about their compliments to him despite being popular Underground. Small White lies to make him feel better
- When someone actually cares about what he likes, he's unsure of himself but he actually would love to ramble if he is given the chance
Closing Notes: He's a silly goofy dork y'all not some hot sexy smoker who's actually just a terrible person. I will die on this hill because what am I to do if I just live a life of mountains and choose to do nothing with it?
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dolores-hazy · 9 months
I was tagged by @poppiesandpromises to share my current top 10 songs. So here they are, not necessarily in order:
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trainingforfandom · 3 months
Asta (Black Clover)
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Asta is the kind of character everyone would love to be friends with, even if he is loud and a little much at times his heart shines through. He works hard with what little he has and makes the best of it. He is super ripped before the time skip, he mainly does high rep calisthenics (these build muscle, trust me I know a guy) and hard labor around the church (hence why even Yuno is considered physically strong). I don’t have much to say on Asta as he is a simpler character that manages to be engaging. He does get bigger after the time skip as a result of better nutrition swinging around a heavy sword and being really short. Although we don’t see him train I feel kind of bad about how short this is so I’m making 2 workouts: 
Calisthenics classic workouts
The hidden time skip mass builder (with swordwork considerations) 
I’ll try to stick to some bronze age bodybuilding, labor simulating, and minimal equipment techniques. Asta is a character whose training grows with him and evolves,based on his needs. 
Diet: POTATOES. The ones that grow in Hage village resemble red skinned sweet potatoes, or simply red potatoes. They might even have varieties! Potatoes are actually very good for you! However, potatoes are short on protein, and other vitamins and minerals. So please eat a balanced diet of which potatoes are a part of. 
Recovery/Programming: Asta works out until he literally can’t anymore. A lot of this stuff will be to failure especially the calisthenics and he works out MULTIPLE times a day. Since he lives in a church, we’ll call Sunday his day of rest. Knowing him, he’s not resting. I’ll be doing a 3 day cycle repeated 2x a week kind of thing, you could do only 1 cycle and be just fine. Measuring up to the character he’d do labor, his workout, cardio, and abs all in one day everyday, but we ain’t trying to die here so I figured something out. We don’t have access to recovery magic or potions or whatever he probably uses. So stretch up, eat well and rest plenty. 
Part 1 Calisthenics and Labor: When bodyweight becomes boring/easy add weight to simulate Asta getting his sword. 
Day 1: Legs  + Labor 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 10 Sandbag/Barbell Deadlifts (moving heavy-ish items) 
4 x 100 m Farmers Carry 
3 x 5 Sandbag/Atlas Stone (Pick Up and place onto waist height box, please research technique)  
4 x 100 m Sled Push/Pull 
Day 2: Push + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Push Ups 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure Handstand Progression/Pike Push Ups 
5 x 8 Overhead Press
3 x 20 Sec Isometric Plate Hold (Arms straight out, holding the plate parallel to hands, pushing together should be what’s holding the plate up) 
4 x 25 per side  Cable lateral raise 
4 x 10 Tricep Overhead Extensions
Day 3: Pull  + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Pull Ups 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
1 x Failure Rope Climb/ Pull sled with rope 
6 x 10 (or 3 x 100m ) Supinated Carry/Bicep Curls  (Bicep Curl with moderate/heavy weight, squeeze at the top and keep it there) 
4 x 10 Straight Arm Pushdown
Day 4: Legs + Abs + Cardio 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups (mind the lower back) 
2 x Failure Hanging Leg Raises 
2 x Failure Plank with alternating knee to elbow 
2000 m run (or any distance that forces endurance) 
Day 5: Push + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Push Ups Variety (each set should be different: diamond, archer, decline, staggered, pseudo planche etc..) 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Bicycle Crunches (Slow) 
2 x Failure In and Outs 
Stair Climbing/Hiking 
Day 6: Pull  + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Pull Ups (each set should be different: narrow, wide, archer, 21’s etc..) 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Windshield Wipers
2 x Failure Rotating Plank 
Interval Running (100 m Sprint, 200 m Jog x 5) 
Day 7: REST/ Cardio
-------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------------
So here we start his weighted training to get him big and beefy in the Heart Kingdom.
1. Asta will be eating more and have access to more state of the art equipment. To get bigger is to eat in a surplus mainly of protein.
2. He will still train 6 days a week, 4 with weights, 2 for his swordwork/fighting/anti-magic, 1 day off for Sister Lily. We'll do an Upper/Lower split as this is common with some of the strongest biggest folk I've seen.
3. He finally learned to prioritize efficiency and recovery over sheer volume. Burnouts are there for that 'going to failure feel'. Be warned that the form on these exercises might be a little 'advanced' for someone just stepping foot in the gym for the first time.
Upper 1
Warmup + (Program = 95% 1rm 5 x 2 -> 80% 1 x AMRAP -> 65% 1 x AMRAP) Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Barbell Bent Over Row
3 x 10 SkullCrushers
6 x 10 Curls 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row
Lower 1 
Warmup + (Program = Refer to bottom of the post) Squat
Warmup + (Program = Refer to the bottom of the post) Deadlift  
4 x 10 BB Alternating Lunges
3 x 10 each Quad + Ham 
4 x 10 + Burnout DB Lateral Raise
Upper 2 
Warmup + Program Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
4 x 8 Dips
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Smith BOR 
6 x 10 Curls  
4 x 10 + Burnout Machine Lateral Raise
Lower 2 
3 x 8 RDL’s (Light) 
Warmup + Program Squat 
4 x 10 light leg press (quad emphasis)
3 x 8 Heavy Calf Raise
4 x 10 Quad Ext 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row 
Calisthenics and Fight Training 1
Mace workout (for obvious reasons!) As a real person, I would suggest not doing this in public... it's a little awkward, maybe go to a class or hit a tire with a hammer... Where would you even get a mace anyway?
Here's one you can try to base yours off of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdatDbqb8TY
Calisthenics Portion Upper:
3 x Pushups to failure
3 x Inverted rows to failure
Train Pull-Ups AND Chin Ups, train to pull more weight or just rep out till you can't feel your lats with a band.
2 x to NEAR failure Dips, keep 1-2 reps in the tank
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Calisthenics and Fight Training 2
Mace workout/ Some kind of combat class
Calisthenics Portion Lower:
3 x 30 Jumping Squat
3 x 30 Jumping Lunges
3 x 10 Sissy Squats (assisted usually, these are hard)
Train shrimp/pistol squat to your skill level
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Squat Programming: I made this up myself and went from nearly dying under 135lb to repping 185lb. Be safe out there y'all!
Step 1: Pick a working weight, it should be REALLY HARD, but not your 1rm, it can look messy! but you will build strength and eventually the perfect form will follow.
It goes like this: the only thing that is included is the TOPSET with the working weight you picked, you must warm up and do back off sets too!
Week X: Session 1/ Session 2
2x2 / 3x2
4x2/ 3x3
1x4/ 2x4
1x6/ 1x8 (at this point pick a new weight and repeat the program with it. If you fail or feel like one of the sessions is too hard, repeat it until comfortable and then move onto the next rep/set scheme)
Deadlift Programming: This works! It got me from 225lb - 265lb on DL, thats 40lb! I do want to hit 315lb this year so I'm running the program again:
Oh my... how the hell did I used to spit these post out so often. This is my first post back, and it's SOOO LONG ... Anyway here it is. Enjoy!
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sweetbiku · 1 year
Nightmare Biku
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20years old. Paranoid, not patient, pedantic, smart, cunning, in rare resorts to manipulation.
Appeared thanks to Nightmer, who showed up in her AU, where there was no magic. Knight was interested in the power of her soul, which is why he captured her with a tentacle. Biku, in turn, tried to get out by biting off a small piece of the tentacle. After the star gang in the person of Ink and Dream scared Knight away, and they also left the AU, the girls woke up in the hospital and realized that they knew everything about these skeletons that Nightmer knew.
Realizing that now she can create organic objects out of slime, she decides to remake first the world in which she herself lives, and then she wants to meet the one who gave birth to her. Due to the fact that initially Biku is a pacifist unable to raise his hand against anyone on his own, he demands from his subordinate to rewrite her horakter with the help of his artifacts. She learns that as a creator, she can give strength, decides to give them to those whom she considered friends. Not satisfied with the unimpressive results, strive to find strength from outside their AU. Undoubtedly, this force immediately made it clear who should be taken.
Now Bic needs parts of the forces of Killer, Dust, Horror, Error and Ink. Changes the image to the most similar to Knight. Bick manages to get close to Nightmer, looking for a benefit in their acquaintance. Naturally, it is not significant due to the caution of the Boss. And even though she has a good relationship with Knight, she is not liked by other poor guys.
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nguyenfinity · 2 years
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Magical girl design partially inspired by @ophanem !!!! Bic is a tired art student doing her best
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theflagscene · 8 months
Jinta!! I was wondering when you’d show up! Lol, no, not the dating self-help books! Baby, no, step away from the book.
Ah yes, the product placement will absolutely help you if you’re having a mental break to the point of hallucinating full ass people! 🙄 They really should’ve gotten a pen company to sponsor this show, could you imagine Bic pens just randomly sponsoring a QL?
Min, what makes you think someone cringing that much when they see your face is a person that currently wants to speak to you?
The whistling sound effect! That’s my second favourite to the horse whinny sound effect for when they’re trying to insinuate that a male character is aroused lol!
Jinta, at least you’re honest honey. No social skills is right, zero romance level. Hey, Min can’t be disappointed if he was warned ahead of time.
Bookstore date! Only in a fantasy would a couple of people touching and thumbing through the books at a bookstore be allowed, in real life you’d have someone snapping at you that ‘this isn’t a library’ either buy something or get out.
Stop leaning on the books like that, were you all raised in a barn!?
Aww, Jinta, you fanboy! So sweet.
Lmao, the hug, he’s so overwhelmed that he didn’t even hear anything Min thought.
Back to poor depressed Achi.
Omg the amount of pens Karan has lol. Achi is finally realizing that Karan does for him as much as he does for Karan.
The magic pen! He saved it.
Oh, looks like it’s time for the classic Japanese BL chase scene, after the break. Also getting Pai involved is a very good idea, she won’t let anything stand in your way.
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