#biden is the sitting president
qqueenofhades · 2 years
I should ask more specifically if you have any thoughts on Marianne Williamson's bid for the presidency and her campaign. She's a bit of a kook, but her PLATFORM seems really solid and definitely might appeal to the "vote republican for the economy!" moderates.
To be honest, I haven't looked up her platform or any of her policies, and I don't care if they appeal to the mushy middle who always wants an excuse not to vote for Democrats because they're "too socially liberal." Considering that whatever candidate the GOP runs, be it Trump or DeSantis or another of their terrible people, will be an unrepentant, unreconstructed, full-out fascist who can't be allowed to win at any cost, any person selfish enough to deliberately increase the odds of that candidate winning, as prominent third-party candidates always, ALWAYS hurt the Democrats, is not a serious figure or someone who should remotely be given any attention or artifical media prominence.
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majachee · 7 months
At this point, if you aren't looking into third party candidates or *anyone* who isn't Biden or Trump, what is wrong with you?
Biden funded the deaths of 30,000+ civilians, and continues to send money to Israel while he sits back and does nothing to help US citizens w/ inflation, high as hell rent rates, homelessness, etc. etc. Billions of dollars used to fund a genocide, money that could have been used for literally anything else.
"Four more years" - Good to know that an ongoing genocide that has killed 30k fucking people means nothing to you.
"Trump will make things worse" -> Cool, don't vote for Trump then. Don't vote for Biden. Vote for someone else. Stop acting helpless, do your goddamn research and actually do something instead of sitting on your ass and pretending you're being progressive. News flash, supporting Genocide Joe isn't progressive, you're actively supporting the genocide.
Also, the US vetoed the UN vote for ceasefire for the third time. Friendly reminder. The United States of fucking America vetoed a vote calling for a ceasefire. Because "duh Hamas" — uh huh, yeah sure. That's totally a valid reason to enable a genocide. Sure. Totally. Great.
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hotpinkcyanmillie · 8 months
Imo voting down ballot is more effective than being particularly picky about which genocidal president we pick
Neither Biden nor Trump can get much of anything done* without a stacked house and senate. Having a thin majority in the senate for example leads to shit like your rotating turncoat dems voting against their own party's platform for an entire administration. Likewise Trump was similarly foiled a few times by rogue Republicans he'd pissed off like McCain.
So yeah personally I don't give a crap who wins the presidency, because their ability to act on their party's agenda will be dependent on who you vote for the house and senate.
(EDIT: *Domestically. I will admit in terms of foreign policy, Biden isn't afraid to use the power of his office to bypass Congress and supply Israel with weapons to level Gaza.)
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abigailspinach · 2 months
History Will Know
In some quarters, Biden’s address might be dismissed as the self-justifications of a man who was on track to lose re-election, gussied up as self-sacrifice on behalf of a grateful nation. But that would be a grave mistake because it was the very threat of Trump that made forcing Biden out of the race even thinkable. Don’t confuse cause and effect.
As the standard-bearer for the broad anti-Trump coalition, Biden’s faltering on the June debate stage put everything at risk. His failure to rebound quickly or sufficiently enough from that setback prompted the coalition, including his own party and many longtime allies, to abandon him precisely because the stakes were so high.
Biden eventually came around, perhaps more under duress than by free will, but he was ultimately able see that his re-election bid was more than about just him: “Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”
For reasons that are probably peculiar to me, I have been focused to the point of borderline obsessiveness on helping to create a historical record that we didn’t just sleepwalk our way into authoritarianism. If we end up sliding over the cliff into a uniquely American form of fascism, I want it to be unmistakably clear to historians and everyone who comes after us that we knew what was happening. We saw it. We endeavored to prevent it, to arrest the slide, to warn of the perils. We had eyes wide open. We were not blindsided. If it happens, it happened despite our best efforts.
The warnings have come from sitting federal judges, from highly respected longtime Republicans cast out by their party, from conservatives who were previously villains in the progressive firmament, and now from President Biden sitting in the Oval Office having made a substantial personal sacrifice of his own as a way of further sounding the alarm.
History will show that we knew. Maybe that will erase the smugness of future generations that somehow they are immune. We are not, and neither are they.
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
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obsessed with them actually
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just-rogi · 4 months
#maybe I’ll make a legit post about this but I’m afraid of posting#a nuanced discussion on the pissing on the poor website#but…. white leftists have been getting awful entitled to the votes of black and brown people#and honestly? no. I’m sick and tired of white leftists telling black and brown people that we owe our votes to Jo fucking Biden#‘if you don’t vote for Biden just say you hate trans people’ yeah? what about all the Palestinian queer trans people#like…. actually I- a QUEER WOMAN - do not ‘owe’ my vote to anyone#I am Levantine arab American … i actually do not ‘owe’ my vote to a man who is trying to eradicate my culture#black and brown people are being massacred in this country and overseas and our blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.#for us it ISNT a lesser of two evils situation.. they are both slaughtering us#and I’m not saying that trump is better but I’m saying that I’ve SEEN what is happening to my black and Hispanic students I’ve SEEN the#inflated police budgets. I’ve SEEN my clulture on the news every fucking day for eight months being genocide#a fucking genocide of my people isn’t something you ‘get over’ because Joe Biden is the lesser of two evils for white momen and white queers#and if I do vote for him in September- which i probably will - then great. fantastic. but there is not a single person of color in this#country who is entitled to give that man their vote#every time I see one of my friends say they aren’t voting for either of them I say good fucking riddens.#white leftists need to sit down on this one. if you want our votes in November then tell your president to do something about it.#but dunking on cardi b on Twitter for saying she won’t endorse Biden isn’t the own you think it is#((I made a typo and said September not November)
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jvzebel-x · 11 months
#seeing idiots phrase things re:biden as 'bUt TrUmP wOuLd bE wOrSe' 'hEd dO tHe SaMe tHiNg BuT kIlL pPl hErE tOo--'#makes me feel filthy. just reading the thought process makes me feel like i bathed in blood.#remember when biden first took office&ppl (ESP ppl from places w history being torn the fuck apart by usamerican presidents+policy)#were openly trepidatious about it bc trump had gone thru 2 separate secretary of defenses (one of which was fucking mad dog mattis)#specifically bc hes a toddler who couldnt sit thru meetings about international policy#while biden already had A Lot of history that left international blood all over his fucking hands#&ppl SCREAMED about 'WUT ABOUT US???? SO YOU JUST THINK WE SHOULD ALL DIE??? YOU JUST THINK WE SHOULD LET TRUMP KILL US ALL???'#'WE'RE JUST TRYING TO SAVE OURSELVES--'#the selfishness was palpable&disgusting when it was happening&seeing ppl in real time transmit that feeling directly into#'yeah theres a genocide going on BUT THINK ABOUT WHAT WE HAVE TO GO THRU WHAT YOU THINK TRUMP WOULD BE BETTER???#YOU WANT US ALL DEAD??? YOURE ALL SO MEAN. >:('#makes me feel disgust that i usually reserve exclusively for pigs+billionaires.#im glad nothing ever disappears on the internet. i hope these cunts are haunted by their centrism in the times that come.#palestine will be free and when historical revisionism tries to make all these ppl feel better about themselves by downplaying#their complicity in this horror there will be no running from their own fucking record of selfishness.
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 8 months
i don't wanna see anyone talking about biden v trump like the primaries have already happened
i want both of them to lose their primaries by such an embarrassingly wide margin they both curl into balls like armadillos and roll down a hill never to be seen again
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stepfordgoth · 2 years
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favroitecrime · 2 months
I hate to break it to you, but that Project 2025 list is very much legit in its entirety and to imply that it’s not simply because it seems outlandish is irresponsible. Project 2025 calls the FBI a “bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization,” and wants to replace government employees with political appointees. There’s a lot of rhetoric about reviving traditional families and taking away financial and social support for single-parent families and redirect it towards “marriage education.” They explicitly talk about biblical marriage.
I understand where you’re coming from, but there’s really no need to downplay the severity of Project 2025. It really is just as bad as everyone says it is, and if anything on that list seems implausible to you, I suggest you fact check it yourself before spreading misinformation.
I didn’t spread misinformation. My questioning of the list doesn’t come from whether or not I think anything is going to happen, it stems from the disbelief that they’ll easily find a way to get rid of the FBI and Homeland Security. Like I said in my tags, there’s way too much to do in order to get stuff like that done anyhow.
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big-bird-nerd · 4 months
I think when talking with Americans who are convinced the world will burn alive if you dare question voting for Biden or whatever, it's important to address the strategy of inoculation when it comes to organizing. In particular, voting for Biden in no way guarantees Trump doesn't wind up winning anyway, so inoculation is doubly important, which is to say, these people need to be asked; what happens if Trump wins? They need to say these things out loud. Why is it that such things would happen? What forces that be allow for them? And with that, the question then needs to be asked, what will be done when this worst case scenario inevitably happens? Are they prepared? Because a vote for Biden still leaves the worst case scenario as fully and completely possible, and the "vote blue no matter who" crowd needs to be made aware that they cannot in any way rely on an unreliable and corrupt voting system to hold back the worst case scenario. After all, if you actually care about trans people and immigrants, then you should be doing more than just hoping people will vote, hoping the right old fart in the White House will protect you - you should be organizing your community to fight back against these constant attacks. People fall into this "vote blue no matter who" trap because their anxieties are used to blind them to the fact that they're being played. Inoculation is necessary to calm these anxieties and make it clearer that a vote is less than the barest of bare minimums to actually protecting your loved ones from the very real problems that are making people anxious.
Vote for whoever the fuck you want, I'm Canadian and I don't really care, but stop putting the focus on the vote and the vote alone and start talking with your community members about what you'll do if (and dare I say when) the worst case scenario happens and you have four years without a vote to rely on.
Also like, people are allowed to criticize any and all leaders. That is like, supposed to be the whole freedom of speech thing. If your candidates just suck so much shit that you can't give a reason to vote for them beyond "the other choice is worse," you aren't convincing anybody. Somebody who is not voting for the other option is not going to be convinced to vote differently if said option that they aren't voting for is worse. They will simply continue to not vote. It's not a convincing talking point. It is literally untrue that voting anything non-blue is a vote for red, that's not how politics works and you are sounding increasingly out of touch with reality and increasingly more like the qanon conspiracy guys.
Not sure where this post was going. Just sick of seeing the same cyclical talking points with no progress whatsoever and am dumping my own thoughts on this.
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lecoindecachou · 4 months
I see Ethel Cain will be getting a visit from the FBI real soon
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xtruss · 5 months
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Protests, Rallies, Sit-Ins, Marches and Disruptions are all Hallmarks of US History, often preceding the waves of change witnessed in the country. And just as much a part of that history is those same events being met with, condemnation, anger, calls to desist, and oftentimes, the use of law enforcement to make that happen.
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Pro-Palestine Encampments have sprung up across US universities over the past few weeks, and even spread worldwide, demanding institutions cut ties, economic or otherwise, with Israel and companies that support the brutal war on Gaza.
"Dissent is essential for democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder," President Genocidal Joe Biden and Scrotums Licker of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 said regarding the college protests, summing up the enduring national paradox. But disorder and disruptions are the very tools that have historically catalysed political change in American society, even if they were portrayed in a radicalised light such as The Civil Rights Movement.
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"Media covers Dr. Martin Luther King Junior with a lot of love and reverence. But we know: Back then, he was presented in the media as this anarchist disruptor," Celeste Faison, Movement for Black Lives co-national director says. "At the end of the day, we have a really bad pattern of defaming protesters when they're in the fight, and then celebrating protesters when they get the win or after they take the risk."
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So far, victories have been declared at Brown University, Northwestern University and the University of Minnesota due to the protests. All three colleges have agreed to reconsider ties to Israel in exchange for the activists removing the encampments. At Evergreen State College, administrators agreed to publicly call for a ceasefire in Gaza, and explore divestment from companies that profit from "the occupation of Palestinian territories."
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Charles McKinney, a Professor at Rhodes College, says it is an "Ideological Appropriation" When People Who Were Considered Radical or Crazy at the Time of Their Protests are Later Considered "on the Right Side of History." It reinforces the idea that the power of protest isn't necessarily in convincing people in the present, but in impacting the conversations in the culture.
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lunlumo · 6 months
I guess it just hit me that USA elections are this year and you guys (republicans) still haven't found a replacement for Trump. I was kinda under the impression that's the fastest (and most cringe) way to loose the race
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tidepoolalgae · 10 months
#the discourse with voting in american politics is so exhausting I really don't wanna have to see all that#considered blacklisting 'vote' and 'voting' for now and I might end up doing that but i also might miss some tumblr polls#and those are a fun thing#like vote for sure there's more than one issue but the meanness toward people for being angry at the current administration is so wack#'but remember to vote blue! the democrats are more likely to listen to you! we live in a two party system you have to be realistic!' okay??#federal dems are so annoying with their whole villain of the week charade and weaponized incompetence can you actually blame people?#imo you're better off convincing people to vote .period. instead of also taking time to shame them into voting blue#in the middle of a time where most americans disagree with the actions of the current administration#like.. is this gonna be the strategy forever?? it's exhausting to do the whole 'but the republican guy is worse!' every. single. time.#if the democrats continue to lose it will be their own fault for not choosing to stand for something#they can blame the voters all they want but maybe they should try wielding power they gain effectively? just a thought#it's tough because they do some good things but then they really drop the ball on others and you're left sitting there like wtf#luckily it does look like some people are putting their foot down.. look at that governor from kentucky that won recently#to be clear you SHOULD vote if you can it's one of your rights in this country and there's so much on ballots besides the presidential race#and it's not like who's president isn't important I'm just ranting because the 'vote blue no matter who' crowd gets on my nerves SO MUCH#the discussion IS worth having.. biden will be better on some things but also others won't change much between biden and trump#and you can't just glance over that stuff like democrats tend to do#the moral grandstanding can get so petty I'm just so tired of seeing dumb internet fights#hot take maybe idk#BLEH#I hate it here#😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫#vent#sorry if you read this and it doesn't make sense I've read too much about us politics to be normal about it
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sayruq · 7 months
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Biden will direct the U.S. military to undertake the mission alongside allies and humanitarian partners, a senior administration official said. The project will take “a number of weeks to plan and execute” and will involve forces already in the region or that will be there soon. Senior administration officials said the project will not require any U.S. boots on the ground in Gaza. Instead, the plan involves U.S. personnel on military vessels offshore who will not be required to go ashore to install the port. Initial shipments of supplies would come via Cyprus, enabled by the U.S. military and partners. Officials said the U.S. would work with the United Nations and other humanitarian partners to distribute aid across Gaza once it reaches the port.
There are thousands of aid trucks sitting at the Egyptian border that could be allowed in instead of this ridiculous convoluted plan which means
This is an excuse to officially send in US troops into Gaza where they will help the IDF continue their genocide in the name of aiding Palestinians
"The project will take “a number of weeks to plan and execute”" meaning there is no intention of ending the genocide any time soon
The last part is most important and the one that should scare us the most given the already horrific conditions of Northern Gaza
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