#billy: i'm going BaLD ?????????
biillys · 1 year
this is how billy and max talk to each other btw
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Paradigm Shift 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you get transferred to a new position but it’s hardly a breath of fresh air. (plus!reader)
Characters: Loki, Bucky Barnes, this reader is known as Billie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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You finally get access to the calendars and set to work. Thor wasn’t exaggerating. Overlapping blocks, unanswered RSVPs, overdue items. You do your best to sort through it all, ignoring the ache in your knees until you have to reposition on the hard floor. You don’t think this is ergonomically safe work. 
When you get a handle on Laufeyson’s calendar and start on Barnes’ the door to your left swings open and before you can react, the box is on its way across the floor. You’re not quite sure how you managed it, but you saved your laptop before it could go with it. The contents scatter as you hold up the computer and puff out. 
Mr. Laufeyson steps back and huffs as he crosses his arms, “what are you doing on the floor?” 
“Well, sir, I tried to say something before but...” You brace the wall and stand, “I do need a desk--” 
“Yes, yes, find one,” he tries to shoo you with his long fingers. 
“I tried, sir. I don’t see any available down here--” 
“Have them bring your old one down,” he demands tersely. 
“Yes, sir, will do,” you frown. “And er, I’ve got your calendar figured out.” 
“Mm, do you now?” He challenges as his eyes drift by you. 
You turn and look down at your possessions as they lay strewn. Right. You turn and go about collecting it all and shove it back into the box. When you’re done, he’s gone. Great. 
You hitch up the box and stand, blowing out a breath. It’ll take some time to get movers to deal with your desk. Nothing ever happens in a timely manner around here. As you resign yourself to taking up space in the breakroom, Mr. Barnes’ door opens. 
You face him as you hug the cardboard, “sir, I'm working on your calendar. I just need to--” 
“You need a desk,” he says promptly. 
“Yes, sir, I was just going to call the movers--” 
“Nonsense,” he snaps his fingers and signals you to follow him. 
You shut your mouth and nod. You trail after him as he strides down the hall into the bullpen. His long brown hair flicks under his ears and away from his neck, a few strands caught in his collar. He stops and puts his hands on his hips, scanning the room. 
“Hackett,” he points without looking, “pack your stuff. You’re fired.” 
A man with a shining bald head grunt, “sir?” 
“You heard me. You missed that Southeast order. Won’t happen again. So leave.” 
“Mr. Barnes,” the man you assume is Hackett stands, “Southeast--” 
“Your paperwork is down with HR. You can get sorted there,” Barnes overrides him, “clear out your desk.” 
Hackett winces and looks down at his computer, defeated. You stand speechless as Barnes faces you, “there, you got a desk. You’re welcome.” 
“Sir, thank you,” you murmur. 
“Call the movers anyway, they’ll need to move it closer.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Actually, fuck it,” he jabs his finger in the air and marches away.  
You stand dumbly as you are as Hackett packs up and you try not to make eye contact. You hear Barnes low rumble from the hallway before he reappears with Laufeyson at his back. They approach Hackett and the latter swipes his arms to clear off the desk of the small bits and bobs. The terminated employee cries out in horror. 
Barnes rips out the extension cord from the wall and tucks it under. The two men each take an end and lift the desk, balancing the monitor and essentials on top as they carry it past the employees who try not to crane to see. You’re in disbelief, humiliated by the unnecessary scene of your transfer. You could’ve waited for the movers. 
You make yourself move and catch up to them as they plant your desk at the crux of the hallway. You’re the gatekeeping of the domain, sat right where everyone will have to walk by you. Great. 
The plunk it down and clap off their hands. You wonder how long it’s been since they did that amount of manual labour. Laufeyson nods and strides off as Barnes frames his hips triumphantly. 
“I’m a man that gets things done, doll,” he declares, “let that set the tone.” 
You attempt a smile but it probably just looks like a weird twitch, “yes, sir. I’ll have your agenda ready each day before you get here.” 
“You will,” he agrees, “before his.” 
He spins and stops before he can stride away, “coffee. That’s what I came out for. Dark roast, black.” 
“Sure thing, sir,” you set the box on the desk and go to step around it. 
“Ah, not that shit, Roasters’ down on King.” 
You take a breath and grab your purse from on top of the box, “dark roast, black.” 
“Good girl,” he caps off the conversation before he struts off, hands in his pockets. 
Right. They are both awful. This is going to be like pulling teeth. You already miss Odinson’s demands. At least he gave them. These two seem too far up their own asses to bother. 
You take out your phone and check the group chat. Ugh, yes. Drinks. You swear, if there isn’t alcohol at the end of this day, you’re going to cry. 
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passivenovember · 8 months
Billy's leg hair is soft. Like peach fuzz.
Steve touches it when Tommy convinces them to hop the pool's security fence one sweltering night in August even though Steve has a goddamn pool.
"Fuck off," Tommy says.
"Don't be a pussy," Tommy says.
"Leave him alone," Billy snaps, so Tommy does. Whatever Billy says. Always and forever.
So they go, even though Steve's got a pool and a baggie of Colorado weed at home. He thinks it might be a way to prove some sort of point, just for the thrill of it, and he almost says no, almost pussies out, until he sees the bright big smile on Billy's face, and. Well.
Steve's never claimed not to think with dick, so.
Billy's the first to go over. All teeth and bright blue eyes when he says, "I'm the one who fuckin' works here, I should scope it out first," and Tommy agrees because Billy's the pied fuckin' piper now. The King.
"You're a pal," Billy claps a hand on Tommy's neck. Squeezes. "Who's gonna get me over the ridge?"
"I will," Steve says quickly. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little, but. Fuck it. Tommy gets the smiles for operating as Billy's little fuckin' lapdog, but he doesn't get to touch Billy, Steve decides. "I'll lift you."
Billy smiles at him. Small and secret and just for them, "Alright, pretty boy. Gimmie a boost."
Tommy gets to hold Billy's cigarette and suck on the filter where those cherry red lips have been, but Steve gets to fold on one knee. Gets to feel the balding sole of Billy's sneaker press into his thigh. Gets to tangle is fingers in the thatches of hair along Billy's calf and just under the hem of his tiny green Hawkins High Phys Ed shorts, and.
Tommy's green with envy. Like Billy's shorts.
He chickens out just when Billy hoists himself onto Steve's leg, his perky little ass at eye level so they can both watch it jiggle while Billy tries to jam his sneaker toe into the chain link. They stare. Salivate. Catch each other staring and realize that they're competing for this. For Billy. Just like they did with Connie Mitchell in the first grade, and point guard all sophomore year.
Steve raises an eyebrow.
Billy may be the king now but that's only because Steve lets him. Only because Steve thinks of his dick first and only and seceded the throne in order to get at Billy's cock. Threw in the towel, y'know, small losses.
Point is, at the end of the day, Tommy's gone toe-to-toe with Steve Harrington enough to clock a lost cause when it presents itself, so.
He chickens out.
Billy gets his toe into the chain link and calls Tommy a pussy, treats them both to the fuckin' ace view of one ass cheek peeking out from the hem of his shorts before Tommy ducks across the parking lot with his tail between in his legs.
Once he's gone, Billy hops over the fence and lands grinning. Gorgeous. "Damn, been a while since I've climbed anything other than a pair of legs."
Somehow, his shirt is already off. What's left of Steve's brain goes out the window.
"Could use a swim," Billy says. The cicadas are loud as hell.
Sweat makes Steve's jeans stick to his legs. His mouth is dry. Can't goddamn take his eyes off the pink, tender swatch of Billy's nipples. "Totally," He says, lost.
"Hot out here."
"Mmm," Steve says. Losing his mind.
"Tommy took the hint. Nothin' to keep tabs on anymore," Billy tells him. He ducks, trying to catch Steve's eye. When he finally does Billy grins, slow and terrible. "You comin' over the wall, pretty thing?"
A skinny dip isn't the most sexual thing Steve's ever experienced, all things considered.
It's the before. The build up. Steve watches Billy undress, like a fuckin' creep hiding in the shadows with his eyes glued to the tanned curve of Billy's ass. He tugs his shorts down and Steve gets that he was commando that whole time.
Steve mourns what could've been if Billy's balls had slipped out of his shorts instead of his ass cheek ten minutes ago, pouting until Billy turns and says, "Race me?"
Before Steve can respond Billy's tucking his knees up under himself, slamming like a canon ball into the deep.
Steve struggles out of his clothes and runs toward the water, the soles of his feet burning on the pavement where it holds desperate to the heat of the day.
And the thing about Billy is that Steve's met his match finally. Has known since that first basketball practice last year, when Billy wouldn't stop frustrating the hell out of the other players.
It's like. Everything Billy does, everywhere he goes and everyone he meets is forced out of mediocrity. Forced to be better.
So, they play horse in the darkness. They dunk each other. Race back and forth across the entire length of the pool until Billy wins, even though Steve kept grabbing his ankle to slow him down.
"Damn, princess, that was tragic" Billy giggles, hoisting himself to sit on the edge of the pool and Steve gets a peek at his cock, soft and thick between his legs. "Lucky it was just me and the cicadas here to witness that. Anyone else would laugh you outta town."
"Who would boost you over fences?"
"Tommy Hagan."
Steve snorts, "Tommy Hagan is made of hamburger meat and boxed jello. He's all mass, he'd get too excited about finally being allowed to touch you and you'd fall right through him."
Billy giggles at that, again. High and bright like a church bell, and.
The thing about Billy is that he's gorgeous. Looks like one of those old ass Greek and Roman statues, slick with water that only makes him glow incendiary in the moonlight.
Steve paddles around just for something to do. Probably looks like a fuckin' dork and Billy will never let Steve touch him again--
"Shit, you're cute when you're jealous," Billy says, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Grins when he notices Steve watching him, "Could use a cigarette, Bambi. You got one?"
"No," Steve paddles toward the edge of the pool. "I think I killed a lung, anyway"
"Or two," Billy teases, spreading his thighs a little when Steve gets close enough, and.
That does nothing to help the situation. Steve's out of breath and hard at the way Billy's curls turn into lazy ringlets when they're full of chlorine. Hard at the obnoxious cut of his Superman abs. Hard at the way Billy's looking at him. So.
He can't catch his breath. His lungs burn.
Billy watches him for a moment, thoughtful, before he says, "I don't like Tommy Hagan at all."
Steve laughs. "Me neither."
"Why do you hang out with him?"
Steve shrugs, gripping the wall next to Billy's legs. "'Cause you do."
"Now that's just pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be the King around here?" Billy watches him so more and then grins, slow and terrible, "King Steve, right?"
"Ugh, shut up. I hate that."
"What, you're bored of your crown? You don't want it anymore, baby?"
Steve rolls his eyes, "No."
"What do you want then?" Billy asks. His gaze rests, heavy as a boulder, on Steve's face. His eyes burn a line down the bridge of Steve's nose, all but cutting his skull in half with their intensity.
Steve swallows. Thinks. They're sitting around naked at the public pool, for Christ Sake. Says, "I want you, Billy." and prepares for the sky to cave in around them.
Steve holds his breath.
Somewhere, behind the lifeguard station, an air conditioning unit disrupts the lazy summer air. Steve wills himself to keep steady, to stand his ground and hold Billy's gaze while a million different expressions shutter over him like sunlight.
Finally, Billy cracks. "Are you fucking with me, Harrington?"
"No," Steve says. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little but Steve thinks they may be beyond that, now. His knuckles turn white on the tile lip of the swimming pool, trying to keep the rest of him afloat, "I think. Ever since you got to town I've. Wanted you."
"Wanted me how?"
"I," Steve kicks his feet in the water, stomach swooping with lust and, fuckin'. Embarrassment. "I want--"
Billy cocks his head, considering. "Don't look like you've ever sucked anyone off, sweetheart."
"I haven't," Steve says. Feels a little like a school girl in a porn tape, looking up at Billy through his lashes while he admits to being a virgin, or something. Needing to be shown.
The thing is, Steve probably could've sucked guys off before, now that he's thinking about it. Tons of guys. Every guy on the basketball team, probably, but.
He doesn't say that.
The only guy he wants to suck off is Billy.
Billy smirks at him. Mean. "No shit?" But his cheeks are pink. Strawberry.
"No shit," Steve tells him. "I want to try, though. I want--"
"--You wanna suck my cock, baby?"
Steve flushes bright red, feels flame licking at his skin. No one's ever spoken to him like that, no one's ever--
Steve nods. Wets his lips, and. Billy tracks the whole thing, leaning back on his palms so his abs jump and strain. Fuckin' asshole.
"Say it," Billy demands, voice gruff.
Steve blinks, "Say...?"
"Tell me what you want," Billy tells him slowly, "Ask. And maybe I'll give it to you."
Steve's palms slip on the tile, slick with sweat. "Can I suck your cock, Billy? Will you show me?"
Billy exhales, sharp and fast, "You want to?"
"You're sure?"
"Why should I let you when Tommy Hagan would--"
"Tommy Hagan would use too much teeth," Steve says. When Billy blinks at him, eyebrows raised, he huffs, "Look, I said I've never sucked a guy off, not that a guy has never--"
"--Tommy Hagan sucked you off?"
"All summer between junior and senior year," Steve tells him. "Small towns are boring."
"That makes me a little jealous," Billy hums, "Why should I let you suck my cock? How do I know I'm not payback?"
"What, for Tommy Hagan?"
Billy shrugs. And Steve knows, alright? He gets it. Being an asshole is Billy's version of foreplay, but he snaps. Desperate. A little bit of a whore, but. Who gives a shit.
"Look, Hargrove, you want me to spell it out for you or something? Let me suck your dick, you fuckin' asshole, I'm not getting any younger--"
"--Gonna come in my pants if you keep talking like that, baby."
Steve swallows. "You're not wearing any pants."
Billy's smirk turns into an awful grin. He stares down at his thighs, spreading them until his cock bobs free, flushed head nodding at the moon. "Well. Would ya look at that."
It hangs in the air between them. Figuratively.
Billy grips the base of his cock, thighs spreading until his peachy leg hair grazes Steve's pinky finger, and Steve smirks. Kicks his feet. Swallows. Kicks his feet. "Ask me nicely and maybe I'll give it to you."
Billy exhales a laugh, "You're such a bitch."
"I'd let you come inside me."
Billy groans, "Fuckin' brat."
"Guess you're gonna have to shut me up, then," Steve says, more turned on than he's ever been in his life when Billy tangles his fingers in Steve's hair to pull him through the water.
"Jesus Christ," Billy breathes, shoving his fingers in Steve's mouth and pumping them in and out, in and out just to watch his lips blow fat around the digits. "I'm gonna fuck your face," Billy says, matter of fact, "Tap my thigh if you want me to--"
"Jesus Christ, are you gonna fuck me or not?"
Billy laughs again, a little winded, and forces Steve to take him to the root. And. Okay. Steve's never taken a cock down his throat before. It's nice, Steve likes the pressure and immediately he's addicted to the way it cuts off his air supply. He relaxes around Billy's length which is a fuckin' feat, because.
Steve doesn't remember this hanging between Billy's legs at school. He focuses on breathing when he can. Some poor pool boy is gonna have to use the net to scrape his come out of the water in the morning for $3.50 an hour.
He hopes it's Billy.
Thinks he'll have to use his father's name and make some calls to get it to happen.
And. Judging by the sounds Billy can't hold in, looks like he's met his match in Steve, too.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 19
I can't believe it, there is only one more chapter to go after this one and it'll be done. I'm really sad to see this one end. But as I've said in the past, I think it potential to be something more, so I'm having a good friend of mine read the story and let me know what she thinks.
We've got a lot of reveals to get through and a lot of twists to untwist. Buckle up, because the bumpy ride is ramping up.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
“Hello, Murray,” Billy said stepping out of the shadows of the woods into the small clearing. “Are you going somewhere?”
Keith hurried out of the trees to stand close to the Dominus.
“Billy!” the bald little man cried out. “Hey...so you survived. Again.”
Billy tilted his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m special like that. Someone’s been a bad dog. Am I going to have to get the newspaper?”
Keith giggled next to him.
Murray smiled tightly. “Uh-huh. Dog jokes. Very funny. Now if you’ll pardon me, I’ve got places to be and can’t stand to chat.”
Billy chuckled darkly and walked up to Murray. He picked the man up by shirt collar. “You think you frighten me? I have survived your little machinations twice.”
“You should be afraid of me,” Murray huffed without even batting an eyelid at Billy’s rough handling. “I’ve been pulling the strings in this town for almost two decades. You are who you are because of me.”
Billy threw back his head and laughed. “You think you gave me this unlimited power, this beautiful body, this charm? Because that’s what got me where I am today. Not you weakening this town until it was ripe for the taking. Because I could have taken out Dr. Brenner without all of that.”
Murray wriggled out of Billy’s grasp and straightened his shirt. “You’re just some washed up beach bum with delusions of grandeur.”
Billy transformed. His bat form large and imposing. His chest expanded and wings sprouted from his back. His feet and hands became clawed and terrifying. His eyes were black and his fangs extended below his lips, glinting in the low light.
Billy roared, but before he could leap at the cocky werewolf, the manticore leapt from behind Murray and straight for his throat.
Billy and the manticore fought, ripping and tearing at each other but before Keith could leap into action Murray stabbed him in the back with a yew stake.
“This was a little gift from my benefactor,” he whispered as blood pooled from Keith’s mouth. “I could only use it the once, but I think you’re perfect for its use. Don’t you?” Keith fell to ground, the yew stake evaporating like dust on the wind. “Of course you don’t.”
A small white cat appeared at Murray’s feet, entwining itself among his ankles.
Murray looked down at it. “Why are you here, Sorcha?”
The cat sìth leapt to his shoulder to watch the battle.
“Fine,” he huffed, “don’t tell me.”
Far too soon in Murray’s opinion the manticore ripped off Billy’s head clean off. The body of the Dominus slid to the ground as the manticore tossed his head behind it.
“Wow,” Murray said impressed. “That was actually grotesque.”
Sorcha jumped down and walked up to the head. She opened her mouth and inhaled. A silvery mist came out of the mouth of the corpse’s head into hers.
“It is done.”
Murray blinked at her and looked around in confusion. “What the fuck? What’s done, Sorcha?”
She ignored him and walked up to the manticore. “You have held up your end of the bargain and we will hold up ours. May the road rise up to meet you.”
“And to you as well,” the manticore growled.
“You both can talk?” Murray asked, rearing his head back in shock.
“Will you explain it to him?” Sorcha purred. “I must return home. I grow weak in this magic wasteland.”
“Of course,” the manticore grinned. “Well almost all of it.”
Sorcha chuckled. “But of course.” And then like she was mist herself, she dissolved and was gone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Murray asked in fear. This had really slowed down his getaway. Alexei was waiting for him at that drug lord’s house.
“I will explain on the way,” the manticore growled. “The alpha has scented the battle.”
Murray’s eyes went wide and he grabbed his things, moving toward path that would take him to his mate.
Once they were far enough away from the clearing the manticore spoke.
“Billy isn’t a true vampire no more than you are,” the beast growled.
“Just how does that even work?”
“There are only two ways to become a vampire,” the manticore explained. “Either have the good fortune to be born as one or be bitten. To die a painful death to never breathe again. To have unlimited power but to never reproduce or enjoy the fairer aspects of life.”
Murray’s expression twisted in disgust. “Yuck.”
The manticore chuckled. “Yes, Billy felt the same as you, but he wanted the power that came with vampirism. Weres don’t live long enough to tempt Billy Hargrove. Oh no.”
“Sounds like he was fucked,” Murray muttered, scenting the air. There was no smell or sound of anyone near them, but he couldn’t put away his unease that he was in danger.
But that didn’t make sense. The manticore was bound to him. The beast couldn’t even break a sweat without Murray telling him to. But the sense of danger only heightened with each step.
“He knew something most people in this modern age had long forgot,” the manticore said with a hint of laughter in his tone.
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“That real magic exists,” the manticore hissed gleefully. “He made a deal with Queen Titania. Serve her for one hundred years and he would be granted his wish. But Billy had no desire to actually be her slave. He managed to convince her to make him vampire first and then he’d serve her. He didn’t want to come out of the Seelie court in the year 2085 and not know anything.”
Murray shrugged. “Makes sense to me. I wouldn’t want to waste my life away in some Fairyland either.”
“Yes,” the manticore agreed. “But as soon as he got his power, he ran off to America outside of her power.”
“So she sent the cat sìth to hunt him down,” Murray guessed.
The beast nodded. “But by the time Sorcha found him he was too powerful to dislodge without some help.”
“So she enlisted you,” Murray concluded. “So what do you get out of this deal?”
The manticore merely grinned. “We’re here.”
Alexei popped his head up to the window and when he saw who it was, came running out, into Murray’s arms.
“We’re almost safe, my love,” Murray whispered. “Do you have the hostage?”
Alexei nodded. “She was too easy to catch.”
Murray chuckled. He had to give Steve props for tightening security but it’s a little hard to guard something you didn’t know could be taken.
“Go get her and bring her here,” he muttered. “I think we’re about to have company.”
Alexei nodded and trotted back to the boathouse. Murray pulled out a gun from his bag.
“Savage,” the manticore groused.
Murray chuckled. “I wouldn’t expect a beast like you to understand. You can’t change, you will always be what you are. A monster. But me? I use all the resources I have available to me. And that means guns and hostages.”
Murray grabbed the girl from Alexei’s grasp and pressed the barrel of the gun to her temple.
Then crashing out of the woods were Steve, Hopper, Jonathan, and Gareth. On Steve’s back was Tommy.
Tommy immediately leapt from Steve’s back as he suddenly transformed.
“Robin!” Steve called.
Once the fire had been put out and they took stock of who was wounded and who was just covered in someone else’s blood, Steve turned to find Tommy standing there, looking sheepishly at his feet.
“What are you doing here?” Steve growled. “I mean other than the obvious, spilling pack secrets.”
Tommy’s head shot up in shock. “You knew?”
“Since the town meeting.”
Tommy blinked at him a moment. “You never intended to mate with that vampire, did you?”
Steve scoffed. “It’s biologically impossible. You really should have paid more attention in school, Tommy.”
He cleared his throat and then kicked at the dirt. “I actually was trying to warn Billy that they were going to attack, but I was too late.”
“Explain,” Steve growled. “And be quick.”
So Tommy explained everything. The deal he made with Billy, the information he had sold to him, and the puppet master and all his machinations.
Just then Hopper and Jonathan came tearing up to them, Gareth easily keeping pace behind them.
“Robin’s been kidnapped!” Hopper bit out, panting for breath.
Steve stood up straight. “Where would he go?”
“The clearing I spotted them in was near Lover’s Lake,” Tommy said. “Maybe they have a safe house near there.”
“Reefer Rick’s,” Hopper said gruffly. “He’s the closest thing Hawkins gets to a drug lord, but he’s got a house out there on the lake. He gets supplies air dropped on the lake and then goes out and scoops them up.”
Steve nodded. “Let’s go.” He turned to Tommy. “You’re coming with. You’re the only one who’s scented the mate. Hopper, lead the way.”
The old wolf nodded and waited for Steve to transform. Jeff helped the keeper onto Steve’s back.
“I’m going to find out what’s keeping Eddie and Wayne,” Jeff said. “They should have been here by now. We’ll all meet up at the lake.”
Steve nodded and waited until Jeff had taken flight before the three werewolves and the gwyllgi took off, heading for Lover’s Lake.
Robin was struggling to stay on her feet, her height far greater than that of her captor caused her to almost have to kneel to avoid being choked by him.
“If Hopper had just removed Alexei’s banishment none of this would have happened!” Murray screamed. “He didn’t do anything wrong. Those weren’t kids they were Hunters!”
“He tore them to pieces, Murray,” Hopper said, shifting into a human. He held out his hand, trying to calm him. “It doesn’t matter who they were, or what they were planning. He should have gone to his alpha told him about the Hunters. Let the alpha deal with them. But he didn’t.”
The three vampires landed deftly behind the ring of Shifters.
“It was sadistic,” Wayne said with a sneer. “They were played with. Alexei isn’t well.”
“He didn’t have a drop of blood on him!” Murray protested.
Hopper stepped forward and Murray tightened his grip on Robin. “If you take one more step, Hop, I’ll blow her god damn brains out. I swear I will. If you move, her blood will be on your hands.”
Something thrummed deep inside of Steve. That was a call back to what he had told Hopper when Eddie had to use force to get Steve to come out of the compound all the way back to when this all started.
“You sent the Hunters after me,” he said coldly.
Murray sneered. “You alphas are always the same all brute and no intelligence. Yes, I did it all you dumb mongrel!” He pulled on Robin’s hair causing her to scream in pain. “All of it! Sara’s death by having Alexei tamper with her chemo, getting Hopper on as many drugs as possible, the murder of your grandfather and parents, Hopper’s kidnapping! But still you stupid alphas refused to see the truth! Alexei had been framed!”
Then a sleek, dark brown wolf oozed out of the forest, all danger and cunning. Nancy was one of the most beautiful purebred werewolves Steve had ever laid eyes on. She was everything that humanity had ever written on the subject of werewolves. He still loved her, because how could anyone not, but god he was glad he had Eddie now.
“He hasn’t been framed, Mr. Bauman,” she said her transformation even more fluid and graceful than Hoppers. “Not in the way you think. You two don’t belong here.”
“Nancy?” Wayne asked stepping forward. “What’s going on?”
“I belong here, you witch!” Murray screamed and Hopped instinctively took a step forward.
They all watched in horror and slow motion as he pulled the trigger, the muzzle flash, and the bullet striking Robin’s temple.
Then falling harmlessly to the ground.
Robin blinked a moment. “You aren’t using silver bullets?” she asked sheepishly.
Everyone was staring at her in shock, all but Steve who was chuckling.
“I wouldn’t use something that would accidentally get me killed!” he protested. “I’m not stupid.”
Robin grinned and then leapt out of his hold, bright and golden. A bitten werewolf. She turned in the air like she was made to be a werewolf. She was stunning.
She bounded straight for Murray’s throat and the gun went flying. She tore off a necklace he had around his neck and it too went flying the other direction.
“No!” Murray screamed. “Not that! You don’t know what you’ve done!”
The scorpion on the necklace began to pulse. Then it shattered in a blinding flash of light.
Standing in its place was the manticore. In all its freaky glory. The face of a human, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion.
The manticore stretched out its lithe body. “The cat sìth made good on their word. I will have to thank them.” He turned to the crowd. “After I eat all of you, of course. It’s been so long since I’ve had such a buffet of delights.”
But as it leapt into the air, another creature appeared in the air behind it. It too had a human face but the body of a bird.
It began to sing about being still and quiet and everyone froze. The manticore crashed to ground in a crumpled form.
The siren grabbed the manticore by the mane and lifted it up into the air. He tossed it into Lover’s Lake like a rag doll. The beast howled and snarled as it was ripped apart by...
Blood soaked the top of the water turning it dark red. Then one of the seals stepped out of the water and pulled back the seal’s head like the hood of a cloak. It revealed a red-headed girl with bright green eyes and freckles. Next to her the siren transformed into a chubby young man with wild hair.
“Barb?!” Nancy called out in amazement just as Jeff called out, “Brian!”
DUN! DUN! DUHHHHH! Hehehe. Cliffhanger!
Part 20
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @fullpoetrybread @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @thelittleclare
5- @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv
6- @fairytalesreality @anaibis @papergrenade @ravenfrog @blondie1006
7- @thedragonsaunt @sadisticaltarts @kultiras @blackpanzy @disrespectedgoatman
8- @kal-ology @w1ll0wtr33 @dreamercec
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inhibitionfreewriting · 11 months
Ludwig idea
He has a hair dying stream where you have a previously picked out color so you dye his hair and then reveal to him that you put matching colors in yours. I was thinking kinda like billie eilish style where the roots are a bright color so they can stay hidden under a hat until you reveal it on stream
reids my sweet. my love. one of my very first interactors. my darling dear. im so sorry this took so long ♥
this one is for you
Marbles was quite literally a gamble and that's what Ludwig liked about it. It could be anything. Another subathon, squats, pushups, wear your clothing for a stream, you impersonate each other for a stream, cooking stream, drunk stream and the list goes on and on and on. Lucky enough for you, and unlucky enough for him, it was to dye his hair and with you being there during this day, you were able to help champion for specific colors.
"No chat I'm NOT going to do 'Twitch Purple'," Ludwig groaned, shaking his head while you giggled, running a hand through his hair.
"I dunno, I think purple would look nice here... chat what about a really just bright orange? Or bright red?" It was so hard to sway chat from a shade similar to purple, but you ran your hand through his hair instead, messing with it. With purple staying at a steady near 80% of votes, Ludwig covered his face before throwing his hands up.
"FINE! Fine fine - we will do purple. Fuuuuckin' purple..." 
"It's okay chat, you can trust me. I'll get the right shade of purple. I'll make it if I have to." An affectionate wave of messages erupted in chat which made you smile as you leaned on Ludwig's head, wrapping an arm around him. "I can run to the store tomorrow and we can plan for like. Let's say Friday so I can fresh bleach your hair and then we can dye it on stream. How's that ludbuds? Can't do it all in one go, might turn him into Slime and bald him." You laughed and Ludwig shook his head, clapping and adjusting in his seat while you released him.
"Now that my fate has been decided, I suppose we should move onto what everyone is here for. Only Up."
A few days later, and after much trial and error, you managed to get a relatively close purple dye that would at least on first application be the right shade.  You knew that because you had decided to throw it in your own hair. There wasn't a better way of knowing it would come out right than trying on a test strand.
Now that your hair was mostly dry and tossed up into a beanie, you gathered your supplies and met him in the stream room. He was sitting and scrolling through Youtube shorts, turning to greet you when he sees your reflection. "You know we can back out of this hair dying thing at any point, they'll forget."
"Lud, I called you Slime once a year ago and they have not dropped it. People comment on pictures of us 'slime and his girlfriend' for fun." He barked a laugh.
"Okay, you're right."
"Usually. Can you turn around and turn your stream on already?" You giggled and wrapped a towel around his shoulders as he clicked to go live and started talking to chat. Just an easy stream, shooting the shit, dying his hair. Without thinking, Ludwig reached to the back of his head and before you could stop him, scratched and covered his fingers in dye. "You are so stupid, give me your hand."
> hes so fucking stupid lmao > u should literally tape his hands to his chair
"What are you- is that conditioner? That's not going to get this off my hand."
"Oh yeah because you're so beauty smart. It's always worked for me." You wiped at his hand with the towel and started to smear conditioner against his skin, pulling the dye out of it. Slowly it was erased and you shook your head, not realizing that you had been leaning close enough to get dye on your beanie.
> beanie ruined > they got purple on their forehead > 💀💀💀 they're perfect for each other
Ludwig started to laugh, using his clean hand to try to pick the dye off of her forehead, smearing it worse.
> STOP STOP > DUMBASS ALERT > they don't have a real job do they
"Huh?" Looking into the camera and glancing at the screen you groaned, wiping your hands on the towel. "This is why we can't have nice things." Without thinking about the fact that your hair was supposed to be a surprise, you took the beanie off and tried to pick up as much dye as you could off the fabric. There went your mint beanie, that was perfect and clean for a very long time, but now you'd have to painstakenly take purple hair dye out of it. Ludwig reached up with his clean hand and touched a part of your hair, seeing the purple halo of your roots.
"That's why you wouldn't let me in the bathroom," his voice was soft and probably a lot more affectionate than needed, but you could feel your cheeks heat up, did the mic catch that? "You look amazing..."
"That wasn't supposed to be the way the reveal went... I was going to pull it off at the end..." You took clean conditioner and rubbed it against your forehead, trying to get the other bits of dye off your skin.
> this is way too intimate for stream > get out get OUT GET OUT > GET A ROOM
"Okay chat chill, it's not that big of a deal, except it is because LOOK at how hot they are."
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rabidrabbit10 · 21 days
Here's what happens when I play with an incorrect quote generator
Huey: What's wrong?
Dewey: You look ten seconds away from ripping someone's throat out.
Louie: Webby, Lena and Violet were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again, last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their freaking chanting.
Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch: *Screaming*
Effie, running into the room: Katniss! Peeta! What's wrong!?
Haymitch: Wait, why are you asking Katniss and Peeta that when I'm also here?
Effie: Because Katniss and Peeta wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You scream whenever you get the chance.
Luz: No problemo!
Luz, internally: but it was all problemo.
William: What's up? I'm back.
Mike: I literally saw you die. You died. You're dead.
William: I always come back and death is a social construct.
Marcy: I got a random burst of energy, all of a sudden and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Stu: When I was a kid, Billy told me that the paper strips in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Tatum: They are!
Tatum: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Hiro: Count me in!
Karmi: Who the hell are you, loser?
Hiro: I'm Hiro Hamada. Have you heard of my brother, Tadashi?
Karmi: Oh yeah, I've heard of him. He's a huge inspiration for me, actually. How is he?
Hiro: Not too good. He's been dead for the past month.
Karmi: ...
Stan: You know, you were right.
Ford: About what specifically, Stanley? I'm right about a lot of things.
Charles: I'm scared that when you become rich and famous, you'll be embarrassed by me.
Gina: Oh Charles, I'm already embarrassed by you.
Dwight: I'm serious! They're watching me! They've even got an agent following me! Don't you believe me?
Michael: Look, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I believe you and I don't care.
Gemma: I'm going to ask you not to hurt anyone.
M3GAN: I will politely decline.
Andy, looking at a map: It's a barren, featureless wasteland out there.
Ann: Other side, Andy.
Lea: Sorry, I really flew off the handle back there, Sam. The handle was like a bald guy going really fast and I was his toupee.
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@thehaikuman here it is! Thank you again for agreeing to help me :]
All of what I translated so far under the cut
Bold text means I'm not sure of the word(s) I used (except for the 'bald', that one is on purpose bc it's funnier that way)
Asterisks mean it's an alternative; that I'm not sure between two translations
Slashes mean I don't know what to put, so I didn't put anything (for now)
01:17 – At last, after nearly 6 months of absence, they finally pull their fingers out
[NEWS: Those slacker from Re: Take are finally back · Diabl0x9: He’s finally back on OnlyFans]
01:21 – nobody believed in it anymore!
[NEWS: Those slacker from Re: Take are finally back · Diabl0x9: He’s finally back on OnlyFans]
01:22 – The big fat worm here, that’s me – Takemichi Hanagaki
[NEWS: JDGate: The corpse of the ex-body double of the man with the Hawaiian shirt found in a canal (reference to one of the most famous French youtuber, ‘Joueur du Grenier’ (‘player from the attic’) also known as ‘JDG’]
01:26 – 26, single, and invisible like air
01:29 – Now for the news,
[NEWS: St Valentine: if you want to spend the day with Leo TechMaker, does Leo ‘Take my heart’?]
01:31 – a huge ‘Serves you right!’ for the Tachibana family
01:32 – their daughter Hinata got fucked over really good as they say
[NEWS: “Do we hear me right in the sound controls? In how long are we live? Oh yes, I’d like a bit of water”, Emmanuel Macron’s declaration shocks the opposition]
01:34 – their daughter Hinata got fucked over really good as they say
[A NON-TACHIBANAL CASE: the chick is dead.]
01:36 – but it’s okay, at least no man died, it was a woman
[NEWS: The case of Feldup fell down: How did the young man trip up on his bathroom rug? (Feldup is a French youtuber)]
01:38 – we’re not going to make a big deal out of it.
01:39 – –Ah, wait!
[NEWS: Billy, the end of his carrier: Was this Arab truly so determined? (play of word bc his channel name can be translated as ‘DeterminedArab’)]
01:40 – someone tells me through the earpiece that her little brother, who’s a man, is dead
01:44 – In this case, it’s a tragedy – a national tragedy, the whole country is shaken
01:47 – We are truly distraught, we wish good luck to the Tachibana family
[ALERT: Takemichi elected the most beautiful ass of the year according to the last survey of IFOP (French Institute of Public Opinion(that’s a real institute))]
01:49 – – but also good riddance.
[ALERT: Re:Take followers elected best community in the world]
01:50 – (announcer voice) It was misogy-news!
01:51 – I feel deeply saddened.
01:53 – Is it because I watch right-wing news
[(the tv news was a parody of a real French tv news)]
01:54 – or because the only woman I’ve ever loved just got squashed in a wall by a 36-tons truck in a very graphic way?
01:59 – Where am I going? Where am I running-ing? Where is it leading me-ing?
02:01 – I’m really in a standstill. If only someone could push me to–
02:05 – I instantly regret choosing those words!
02:09 – Unbelievable. I’m not dead.
02:11 – Fuck it, what’s this look? I changed my mind actually I wanna die!
02:14 – Takemichi, you get your ass moving? –Ah? Yeah! Coming!
02:17 – If I understand correctly, I time jumped
02:19 – It’s 2005, 12 years into the past
02:20 – I’ll use the lotto numbers and become rich!
02:23 – No, I don’t have the lotto numbers
02:24 – Well scratch that. What striking thing happened in 2005?
02:32 – Right, make a fortune is out. But no big deal, everything was going well in 2005, I was the neighborhood king!
02:35 – You’re the neighborhood little bitch!
02:38 – So that’s what we call ‘selective memory’…
02:39 – Don’t make this face, Takemichi. It’s going to be okay.
02:42 – Thanks you, Akkun.
02:43 – I swear, you’re unique dude, there’s only one like you
02:45 – Stop it, you don’t mean it
02:47 – I do, I swear. You didn’t listen to what that guy said? You’re…
02:49 – The neighborhood little bitch!
02:52 – Takemichi, come back! We’re going to the cybercafe to pay a huge amount of money to spend 5 minutes on the Internet!
02:56 – What great times to live in!
02:58 – What shitty times. Except for the games and movies which came out this year
03:00 – Not kidding, I’m talking directly to the viewers: go check all the crazy stuffs that came out between 2004 and 2005. Even so –
03:05 – What shitty times.
03:06 – I should still take advantage of the situation to go see Hinata
03:09 – Hi, Takemichi. What’s wrong? You don’t look well.
03:11 – Forget it, Hinata. I think today is the worst day of my life
03:14 – You got hurt? Come here, I’ll kiss it all better.
03:17 – I have to save this girl, marry her, succeed my studies and buy a Honda
03:22 – Fuck, I’m so happy! I’m really starting to understand why my therapist told me I’m bipolar–
03:25 – And so it makes me sad.
03:26 – I feel deeply sad. I feel like my life is going nowhere
03:30 – Anyway, it was really nice to have offered to listen to me!
03:33 – I didn’t offer anything. I was swinging, you racketeered me ten bucks and you demanded that I listen to you or be subject to consequences
03:38 – You’re really a nice guy, Naoto.
03:39 – Leave me alone, please
03:41 – Listen closely, I have to tell you something. You’re about to die.
03:43 – No! Wait! I listened to you like you requested even if it was really fucking boring!
03:47 – I don’t have any money left but if you want I have a Chelsea bun crushed in my bag!
03:49 – That’s not what I meant to say!
03:51 – Wait, a Chelsea bun? Nobody eat Chelsea bun
03:53 – And what do you mean ‘fucking boring’?!
03:55 – Anyway.
03:56 – You’re Hinata’s little brother, right? In twelve years, your sister and yourself will be targeted by a gang and unfortunately, you both die
04:02 – That’s terrible!
04:03 – I know. And you believed me very easily.
04:05 – Naoto. You have to become a police officer, you’ll be capable of protecting your sister that way.
04:08 – Okay!
04:09 – You’re really believing me very easily
04:11 – Well then, make the most of it to become rich. Think about investing all your money in–
04:15 – Wait. Come closer. Invest all your money in *caws makes it impossible to hear what is being said*
04:18 – Ok, Takemichi.
04:19 – Great! Good luck, Naoto
04:22 – Takemichi. I did all of what you told me. Unfortunately, Hinata didn’t survive
04:25 – But I did it, I officially work for the police and we’re going to be able to work together to save my sister!
04:28 – That’s great news!
04:30 – And by the way, ‘investing all I have in sporks’? really?!
04:34 – You couldn’t have told me to buy BitCoin?!
04:35 – No, it pollutes
04:36 – Do you really want to become a megalomaniac multimillionaire?
04:38 – Yes.
04:39 – Who owns a luxury cars company?
04:40 – Yes!
04:41 – A space rockets company?!
04:42 – YES!
04:43 – I get it. I’m sorry, I didn’t know what BitCoin was…
04:45 – Mission: save Hinata
04:46 – Let’s recap the situation:
04:47 – The entire city is under the influence of the Tokyo Manji kai,
04:49 – a sprawling mafia whose bosses have eyes everywhere
04:51 – Don’t take it in the literal sense,
04:53 – they both only have two eyes.
04:54 – And by ‘them both’ I mean those two:
04:56 – His name is Manjiro Sano, also known under the name ‘Mikey’
04:58 – as for him, it’s Tetta Kisaki.
05:00 – Between us we’ll call him ‘fucking bastard, shitty low-down dog’
05:03 – Excuse me for that. I watched the rest of the series, and you’re going to understand –
05:05 – he’s a fucking bastard. – If you say so
05:06 – Before I explain my plan, do you have any question?
05:08 – I do.
05:09 – First, I love your skin texture, may you give me the name of your day cream?
05:12 – And, thennnnnnn
05:14 – How did you succeed to take pictures this close to them, no jokes?
05:16 – [Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:20 – I can see you.
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:21 – Ninja!
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:25 – I can see you!
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:31 – I can see you!
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:40 – I can see you.
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:45 – Dude, get the hell out of my house, for real.
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:46 – (muffled) Ninja!
[Reference to a running gag of the comedic duo ‘Palmashow’]
05:47 – I have my methods.
05:48 – Takemichi. You have to prevent Tetta Kisaki from corrupting the Tokyo Manji kai.
05:52 – You have to prevent him from meeting Mikey, no matter the cost.
05:54 – It’s because of
05:55 – – this fucking bastard –
05:56 – of Kisaki if the gang became that violent nowadays
05:58 – But how could I recognize him?
05:59 – Who is that, Kisaki?
06:00 – Don’t worry about it, you can’t miss him, you can smell the bastard at 20 miles
06:03 – Okay. We’ll do it, Naoto.
06:05 – We will save Hinata!
06:07 – See you 12 years ago!
06:09 – (whining) Oh no, damn it! My punchline was great, why isn’t it working?
06:12 – Your hands are really soft. Is it the same cream you use for your face?
06:15 – It was already awkward, you just made it worse
06:16 – Perhaps if you tighten your grip a bit more…
06:19 – Ouch! I say ‘a bit more’, you’re truly a jerk!
06:20 – (crowd shouting in the background)
06:21 – (crowd shouting in the background)
What did you sAY
06:23 – (crow shouting in the background)
You want me to smash your fACE IN?
06:24 – (crow shouting in the background)
You’re nuts!
Takemichi: oh, no… It looks like it’s gonna be a very long day…
06:27 – 🎶Takemitchi gets his ass beat all the time🎶
06:30 – 🎶It’s truly not pleasant🎶
06:33 – Kiyomasa: Can’t hear your bigmouth anymore, UH?
06:34 – 🎶Is this girl worth loosing one’s teeth?🎶
06:37 – 🎶Frankly, I would have scram a long time ago🎶
06:41 – So? Not so clever now, eh?
06:43 – In my opinion, you’re the one who’s not clever
06:44 – Wh– No, it’s him!
06:45 – Over there… There!
06:50 – Hi
06:53 – [Mikey
06:54 – What’s your name?
06:55 – Takemichi
06:56 – You sure have a good nerve, Takemibitch
06:58 – If you don’t laugh I’ll turn your mother into an NFT
06:59 – (forced laughter)
07:00 – Did someone already tell you you were the (both:) neighborhood little bitch?
07:03 – Yeah, yeah, I know
07:04 – Come with me, we’re going to do real Japanese thugs’ stuffs
07:06 – *ding-ding*
07:08 – You see it, all the violence? That’s what the real hood is about
07:11 – Wow, I’m bowled over by it (sarcasm)
07:12 – (reference to a French TV station)
(stereotypical voice-over) To go for a ride by the bank of a river
07:15 – (stereotypical voice-over) talking about friendship, wind in the hair
07:17 – (stereotypical voice-over) while admiring a setting-sun...
07:18 – (stereotypical voice-over) A real atmosphere of TERROR in the land of the raising sun.
07:22 – You know Takemiwhine, I respect you a lot
07:23 – (not believing it) Oh really?
07:24 – You’re someone admirable
07:25 – (still not believing it) Yeah?
07:26 – You’re like a brother to me
07:27 – uh-huh
07:28 – And in the gang, we brothers love each other very muchhhhhhhh
07:31 – (starting to get fearful) And what does that mean?
07:32 – Take out your takemidick
07:34 – eh?
07:35 – nooOOOOoooOOOOOOO
07:36 – It’s all good, Naoto! I did it!
07:37 – That’s great! So it’s over?
07:39 – Yeah, I did it, I screwed your sister!
07:41 – eh?
07:42 – You saved my sister
07:44 – I- s-
07:45 – saved.
07:46 – Yeah. Yeahyeahyeah
07:47 – I, I, I saved her. I saved her all properly.
07:51 – But I forgot my keys back there
07:52 – You can’t forget an object in a time travel!
07:53 – oh boy, I’m going to miss my time jump– (play of word with ‘sauter’=jump, screw. ‘I’m going to miss [the opportunity of] screwing your sister)
07:55 – [second take, let’s try again]
07:56 – Takemichi, you’re back?
07:57 – Yes. And I have bad news.
07:59 – First, Hinata is dead, that didn’t change
08:01 – And second, my keys are, oh my! completely lost (chuckles)
08:03 – True. Hinata’s still dead
08:05 – We don’t have the choice, we’re going to investigate
08:06 – Do you recognize him?
08:07 – Is that Akkun? What a huge pompadour
08:09 – Puberty doesn’t help everyone
08:11 – Oh fuck, it’s worse than on the picture I haven’t been that disappointed since my last Tinder date
08:13 – Excuse me?
08:14 – It’s not to me you own apologies.
08:16 – You own apologies to yourself to have inflicted this look on you
08:18 – excuse me?
08:19 – STOP apologizing all the time, it’s tiring
08:21 – Why are we on the roof?
08:22 – I’m sorry Takemichi.
08:26 – –I’m taking back what I said, apologize.
08:23 – Would you stop apologizing, dammit?!
08:25 – I’m the one who pushed you under the train
08:27 – It’s because of this Tetta Kisaki bastard. He forced me to do it
08:30 – What? He threatened your family?!
08:31 – Well there’s that…
08:32 – And he handed me a huge check
08:33 – I thought we were friends!
08:35 – Yeah, friends among other things…
08:37 – but you didn’t call often, the check was really big
08:39 – But since you busted me, I have remorse now
08:40 (sad music starts to play)
08:41 – Takemichi, I always loved my friends as if they were my brothers
08:43 – (sad music stops) ‘as if they were my brothers’ actual brothers, or…?
08:45 – (naive) like brothers.
08:46 – Whew.
08:47 – Do you want me to yell out my love for you?
08:49 – Yell out your love for me?
08:50 – Yeah.
08:54 – OH MY GOD
08:57 – MY CAR (starts crying)
09:00 – I think the investigation is going...
09:01 – -very fast?
09:02 – Not at all. I don’t know how you work things out. You’re the most incompetent man that I’ve never seen
09:04 – yipee…
09:05 – Okay, since visibly I’m talking to Einstein, I’ll explain everything to you again
09:08 – Mikey is being manipulated since Draken’s death
09:10 – He was the only one who succeeded to contain Mikey’s anger
09:12 – So, to avoid the corruption of the Tokyo Manji kai, you have to…
09:15 – sleep with your sister!
09:16 – There it goes…
09:17 – –what you shouldn’t be saying. Why?
09:19 – Well I don’t know
09:20 – When I, I do know
09:21 – I love Pierre Niney in ‘La Flamme’ [French reference. French actor & French comedic series – one of his line is “when I, I do know”]
09:22 – Let’s go, Takemichi! You have to go save Draken!
09:24 – Screw Draken!
09:28 – No.
09:29 – You’re not a fun person.
09:30 – If my intel is exact, exactly 12 years ago from now, Mikey and Draken got into a fight
09:35 – That’s probably what caused the split of the Tokyo Manji kai and soon after: Draken’s death
09:39 – Your mission if you accept it
09:40 – – and you don’t have any other choice –
09:41 – [gasp]
09:42 – It’s to go do everything you have to to avoid this dispute
09:43 – A street fight between two gang members, how does it look like?
09:46 – [western soundtrack] Well, well, well, isn’t it the little runt?
09:49 – It doesn’t smell too much like feet when you’re 110 centimeters tall?
09:51 – You speak a lot, tall string bean
09:52 – I spoke to your girl, it seems the dragon on your temple is to compensate for the one you don’t have in your pants?
09:56 – thEy’rE BLoWing a fUsE
09:58 – How violent! Someone call the police!
10:00 – Guys! Stop!
10:02 – Have you look at yourselves, really?
10:03 – You are slaves of a system where people see each other without looking at each other,
10:06 – hear each other without listening to each other!
10:07 – There’s only war and conflict. Always war!
10:10 – Couldn’t we just stop to fight each other for five minutes?!!
10:12 – Woaw, Takemichi, what you just said that’s…
10:15 – That’s so boring I forgot what we were yelling at each other
10:17 – Real. Let’s go drink a bier while smoking a good colombian cigarro
10:20 – We’re minors, dude
10:21 – Real. Let’s go drink a caprisun and eat cotton candy at the amusement park
10:24 – We’re in the hood, bro.
10:25 – I’m cold, Takemichi
10:26 – ah okay, without any transition
10:28 – Listen. I believe it’s the right time.
10:29 – If you have things to tell me, things to confess…
10:31 – Whatever you have in your heart, I’m ready to hear it
10:33 – Well, everybody insinuates you’re my girlfriend since the start, including in front of you, so… That’s not really a secret, is it?
10:38 – We all have secrets, Takemichi
10:39 – Yes, but that one is not one
10:41 – Kiss me.
10:42 – Oh my god, that’s real, that’s happening!
10:43 – And Naoto is only a little brat who can’t cockblock me!
10:45 – This time I’m going to s–
10:46 – [ringtone. The song is called ‘Time Time’ ;p]
10:48 – Hello?!
10:49 – [Naoto:] –ave. [Takemichi:] What?
10:50 – You’re going to sAVE her.
10:51 – Naoto, you’re calling me through time and space now?!!?!
10:52 – When it’s my sister we’re talking about, I don’t joke around at all, dude
10:54 – Alright…Saving Draken, not touching your sister
10:57 – THANK YOU.
10:58 – [jinggle] Particularly since she’s super minor
11:00 – Back to the mission, we’re going to save Draken!
11:02 – –Stab Draken.
11:03 – Dude, you already told me on the phone!
11:04 – Yeah? Well I say it again,
11:05 – in case an eventual watcher would want to make the intrigue of an anime in which he’s the protagonist going
11:09 – Uh… You’re asking yourself some really meta-physic questions, bro
11:11 – Yeah, I have anxiety disorders, I sleep bad at night, my hamster is sick, his name is Crumbs
11:15 – Okay, I have to follow those guys without getting caught
11:17 – Where I am, I’m literally undetectable
11:18 – All I have to do is remain discreet –
11:20 – Guys, I found a dude behind the poleeee
11:21 – Wuahhahahha
11:22 – Shitty pole, shitty Draken, everything’s shitty, I’m tired of this shitty life!
11:27 – Takemichi, is it you?
11:28 – Shitty Hinata!
11:29 – I love you, Takemichi
11:30 – Lovely Hinata.
11:31 – I saw what those boys did to you, it’s terrible
11:33 – I’m weak, Hinata…
11:34 – Takemichi, you know…
11:36 – It doesn’t matter if you’re not like Mikey and Draken
11:38 – True, they are…
11:40 – A lot more handsome, strong, smart, powerful, charismatic
11:42 – Great.
11:43 – Yeah, great, too
11:44 – Wondrous!
11:46 – It’s ‘wonderful’, dummie. And they are too, but you see Takemichi, the one I chose is you.
11:50 – I have a kink on ugly people.
11:51 – Ah.
11:52 – Huge victims, bleach blond guys who whine all the time, tied-up in the mud like big losers! I like that a lot!
11:57 – Uh… thanks a lot
11:58 – Really, what a loser.
11:59 – [Takemichi chuckles bitterly] What a sucker! [Takemichi: great!]
12:00 – What a failure [Takemichi: it’s getting long] Your mom have to regret you so much!
12:02 – Stop pushing it, shut up!
12:04 – Draken, beware those guys want to kill you!
12:06 – Is that so? They aren’t here to play Uno?
12:07 – What make you think that??
12:08 – The fact there’s fifty of them?
12:09 – the baseball bats?
12:10 – or the fact they already beat the shit out of me, ASSHOLE?!!??!?
12:12 – You just all collectively decided to bust my balls today or what?!!
12:14 – Don’t worry, I’m here!
12:16 – [Mikey
“Nobody has to worry, he’s here.”]
12:17 – And above all, I have a plan!
12:19 – [Mikey
“And above all, he has a plan.”]
12:20 – So you’re Mikey
12:21 – [tries to kick Hanma’s face, fails]
12:23 – OK, I don’t have a plan anymore!
12:24 – [Takemichi] Your plan was just to kick him in the jaw?!!?!
12:26 – [Mikey] I’m a lil vandal from the neighborhood, not a military strategist
12:28 – [Toman] Don’t worry, guys!
12:31 – [Takemichi] Oh wow! The Tokyo Manji kai is entirely here!
12:35 – Uh… And so? What do we do?
12:37 – [Mikey] Well I don’t know. Uh... There are rules to start? Or a turn of phrase that I could use to start this confrontation?
12:44 – Fuck ‘em up!!!
12:45 – Thanks, I’ll remember it!
12:49 – Wait I have another plan to stop this massacre!
12:51 – I’m going to show them my powers
12:54 – Come here, you
12:55 – Uh, what the fuck are you doing, let me go!
12:56 – Shhh, relax yourself, your eyelids are heavy
12:59 – What the fuck is he doing?
13:00 – Think of a sound that soothes you like…
13:01 – A fork scratching against a plate!
13:03 – It doesn’t relax me at all, I want to punch someone
13:05 – [Draken:] Mikey for the fiftieth time this week, you are not a hypnotist!
13:08 – Wait, I’m sure he’s thinking of the number 5!
13:10 – That’s mentalism, not hypnotism!
13:12 – Yeah, and sorry but I was thinking of the number 7
13:13 – Shit.
13:14 – I have to find Draken!
13:15 – I know my therapist tells me I’m paranoiac but I’m convinced that a protagonist from a manga published in the weekly shonen jump magazine is observing me.
13:21 – And so I’m going to announce out loud what I just did.
13:23 – I stabbed Draken~
13:25 – DRAKENNNN!!!!
13:27 – Well frankly I’m fine
13:28 – You must be joking, there was 2 litters of blood on the ground
13:30 – Well if there’s 2 out it leaves 3 inside
13:32 – It’s… Factually correct
13:34 – It’s more than enough to vascularize my two enormous balls
13:35 – …
13:37 – Okay.
13:38 – And when will you be able to walk again?
13:40 – Well here, right now
13:41 – Ah, great
13:42 – And you know what, the guy may have stabbed me in the stomach but my digestive system is still intact, watch this-
13:46 – Draken!
13:47 – One second- – Draken!
13:48 – Takemichi, you saved Draken!?
13:49 – I don’t know if that’s exactly like that I’d say it but–
13:52 – YOU SCREWED DRAKEN?!!???!
13:53 – That’s not what I meant!
13:55 – Either way, I have good news for you, Takemichi
13:56 – Hinata!
13:57 – Takemichi!
13:58 – Enjoy it! [whisper:] It’s not going to last
13:59 – What?
14:00 – Let’s go, it’s time for the date! Have a nice evening!
14:01 – [whispering] It’s going to be short [Hinata:] What?
14:02 – This date is so romantic
14:04 – I love being left to gather dust for thirty minutes alone in a car
14:07 – Well… I’m going to put some music…
[the soundtrack is a famous short French song where children ask their father to push on the ‘mushroom’/throttle pedal if he’s a ‘champion’]
14:14 – [GAME!]
14:16 – Hinata, NO!
14:17 – Quick, get out of here!
14:18 – I don’t get out of here before the release of What The Cut 38! [a series of videos well-known and legendary of French Youtube. Stopped years ago after episode 37. Some people are still asking for more despite the creator’s refusal]
14:20 – Hinata, you can’t reasonably stay in an ablaze car for eternity!
14:24 – Well if that’s the case, not before Michel Drucker’s death! [well-known French TV presenter. Has been doing his job for years, still isn’t retiring. French equivalent of Elisabeth II (until she died at least)]
14:25 – Be realistic, it’s never going to happen!
14:28 – He’s almost 80 years old! Maybe at the moment people are watching this video he’s already–
14:30 – Shh, shh, shh. Listen to me closely
14:32 – You speak ill of whoever you want, but not my Mich-Mich, ‘kay?
14:34 – [bored voice-over] We today weep for Hinata Tachibana’s death
14:36 – Well, you cry, I personally don’t give a shit
14:38 – [Takemichi thinking] I’m sure there was better picture of her
14:40 – Fate persists, I wonder what may have killed her
14:42 – Well the truck that charged into her, isn’t that what you told me?
14:45 – Ah, yeah, yeah, that, the truck… [the joke is that he choked her in the car for speaking ill of Michel Drucker]
14:46 – If Draken’s death isn’t the problem it means it comes from somewhere
14:49 – No kidding…
14:50 – We don’t have any choice left, we have to get rid of the source of evil, we have to stop of Tetta Kisaki
14:54 – How can we do that?
14:55 – Honestly,/
14:56 – Liar, you’re not even /
14:57 – I’m going to /
14:58 – That’s what is called a pleonasm,
14:59 – /
15:00 – Well, fuck it, I have no more idea, manage by yourself so Kisaki does not go up in the Tokyo Manji kai hierarchy.
15:06 – Congrats, Tetta Kisaki, you go up in Tokyo Manji kai hierarchy!
15:07 – [Takemichi] You must be kidding me!!!
15:09 – No, I’m not. For example, there I am: Where do biscuits go to dance?
15:13 – [random Toman member] To the bisco club!
15:14 – [Mikey, whining] That’s not fair, they already knew it…
15:15 – Tetta doesn’t seem to be joking around...
15:17 – He’s truly scary
15:18 – Murderous look, eyebrows shaped like devil horns, small earring…
15:21 – Dude’s well-groomed
15:22 – In reality I could go stab him right at this very moment and take care of the problem!
15:25 – [punch & pain sounds]
15:27 – But no! We are going to get into a ‘peace&love’ plot, without violence, without going overboard, without doing anything!
15:30 – It’s time to get crazily violent
15:32 – This bastard, Baji left to join Walhalla
15:34 – What? He died a true viking while doing honor to Odin?
15:36 – Not at all, that’s the name of the gang opposite
15:38 – It’s too complicated, there’s too many gang…
15:40 – It’s the series principle: war among gangs
15:41 – You think that’s what we call a ‘Gang Bang’?
15:45 – … Anyway, bring me Baji back
15:46 – Hi. Kazutora.
15:47 – What do you mean ‘Kazugotya’? Who’s he? He’s following me? Who’s that ‘Kazu’?
15:50 – Nah, that’s my name
15:51 – Your nana?!!
15:52 – You’re really gonna have to make an effort here, bro
15:53 – Uh, Where are you bringing me to?
15:54 – Don’t worry, we’re going to check on some friends
15:55 – [Chifuyu’s sounds]
15:58 – It… It does check hard
16:00 – Get in.
16:01 – No… Thanks
16:02 – Get in.
16:03 – [Takemichi whining+Chifuyu’s sounds]
16:04 – Do you know the shared trait between a magician with a cold and your mother last night?
16:07 – Both do extraordinary things and shout “Baji! Baji”! (‘magic! magic!’ But pronounced with a cold)
16:10 – [Chifuyu] He’s getting ratio-ed and he’s yelling ‘baji-baji’?
16:13 – Big flop!
16:15 – Baji! Uh… Come back?
16:17 – Don’t wanna
16:18 – Fuck, he’s good at this!
16:19 – [Chifuyu crying]
16:20 – Ah! You speak Crybaby too!?
16:21 – I’m not a crybaby, I just got my face bashed in
16:23 – Come on, please, to make me happy…
16:25 – Okay, alright…
16:26 – [(cry)baby language]
16:28 – What?!! I’ve never heard such shocking language!
16:30 – Is that so? And if I told you I had the key to who is hiding behind Valhalla gang?
16:32 – What key, that key?!! (*alternatively: A key? What key?)
16:33 – Ah, you knew it too?
16:34 – Well no, I’m asking you
16:36 – But you just said it
16:37 – Uh?
16:38 – Uh?
16:39 – Ohhhhhhhh!… No, I don’t get it
16:40 – Well, Key-that-key (*key-what-key) in one word it’s…
16:42 – A syntaxical mistake…
16:43 – That’s not– ‘Tetta’
16:44 – You, /
16:45 – Tetta Kisaki!
16:47 – Well, ‘Gesundheit’! What do you want me to say?!!!
16:48 – Kisaki is the one leading Walhalla
16:50 – wuHAT. Hell and damnation! I’m staggered!
16:52 – Draken – you are BALD?!!!????!
16:54 – [Draken] It’s him, I don’t have the shadow of a doubt
16:55 – Nor the shadow of a single hair!
16:56 – I have no idea on how to stop Tetta Kisaki
16:58 – With handcuffs? – Shut the fuck up
16:59 – By reading him his right…
17:01 – Why did I trust you… Give me a real idea!
17:03 – Okay, mark carefully everything I’m going to tell you
17:04 – On Halloween there’s going to be a real blood bath, a brawl between Walhalla and Toman. It’s the moment where Mikey is going to start to lose it. Because Baji is going to die and Mikey will take out his frustration on Kazutora until he dies. It’s easy: I need to prevent Baji’s death and avoid that Mikey flips out. What do you think?
17:18 – Two out of ten
17:19 – Uh?
17:20 – No, not ‘one’, two out of ten
17:21 – What are you talking about?
17:22 – Well you told me to mark everything you were telling me
17:23 – / Not like that, mark with a pen!
17:26 – Ah, well I can mark your grade on a sheet if you want but I don’t see where it leads us to
17:29 – Rrrrrrahhhhh
17:30 – Send me back!
17:31 – Uh… /
17:32 – Send me back in time!
17:33 – Listen, Kazutora, we have to start up anew with a healthy beginning
17:36 – You know, we were all tight-knight back then,
17:38 – and nobody understood why you’re that angry with Mikey
17:40 – That’s not difficult, I killed his brother
17:41 – You see, that’s precisely that nobody understands
17:43 – I killed this dude’s brother, I’m not going to FORGIVE him
17:46 – Do you listen to yourself when you talk? Do-Do you even understand yourself?
17:49 – I kill this dude’s brother and he’s there chill and he has the audacity to look at me in the eyes
17:52 – Mister, is there a medical history of strokes in your family?
17:54 – Time will probably do what it does. But if I kill his mom by then he’s going to hear me!
17:58 – Fuck it, you’re only taking shit!
17:59 – I got it, between us there won’t be any truce!
18:01 – Enough with the yakking, fuckers,
18:03 – This clash will be a logic test.
18:05 – Is that okay with you, Kazutora?
18:11 – Well, then we’ll do that by fighting
18:13 – oh fuck yeah.
18:14 – Hey, Mikey!
18:15 – Remind me: how do you start a clash, already?
18:18 – [inhale] FUCK ‘EM UP!!!!
18:19 – YEAH!!!!
18:22 – I warned you, Mikey!
18:23 – You can flee all you want
18:24 – – Kazutora-gotya!
18:25 – You wield the language great, but we’re going to see this
18:28 – MIKEY-KICK!
18:30 – Gabriel Chantouin, you are a physic professor at Sorbonne, what do you think about what we just saw?
18:36 – It’s shit
18:38 – [inhale]… Thank you, Gabriel Chantouin–
18:40 – Guys! Mikey is exhausted
18:41 – Time to beat the fuck out of him at 60 versus 1 with blunt objects while he has no way of retaliating!
18:47 – Like real men?!!
18:48 – Like real men!!!
18:49 – YEAH!!!
18:50 – No, MIKEYYYYYYY!!!
18:51 – Hold, stop!
18:52 – Wait, zoom?
18:53 – Oh wow
18:54 – WoaOOOAaooAAw
18:56 – Gabriel Chantouin, you are still a physic professor at Sorbonne
18:59 – What do you think about the prominence of the posterior of the young man we just saw?
19:03 – Like we said back in my days:
19:04 – it’s an ass for champions.
19:06 – …
19:07 – Thank you, Gabriel Chantouin–
19:09 – Baji, you shouldn’t do that alone!
19:11 – What are you talking about?
19:12 – Stop playing innocent,
19:13 – we’ll both say what we think at the same time!
19:15 – One, two, three!
19:17 – Baji: go out with Madison Beer
Chifuyu: Stop Tetta Kisaki!
19:18 – Madison Beer? But, what about Tetta Kisaki?
19:20 – Uh… Tetta Kisaki, yeah, yeah he’s my goal
19:22 – Well, no, not to go out with him, but stop him, I…
19:25 – Fuck.
19:26 – You have a plan of action?
19:27 – Yeah, first step is to type to survive
19:29 – AAaaaAAOUCH
19:40 – Hi.
19:41 – It’s the voice-over.
19:42 – I wasn’t there in the previous parody video
19:43 – It feels weird, doesn’t it?
19:44 – Yeah…
19:45 – And now, a brief sum up of episode 21:
19:47 – [Mikey machine-guns Kazutora]
19:48 – Wait, he’s going to kill him at this point
19:49 – [Mikey machine-guns Kazutora]
19:50 – Maybe we should separate them?
19:51 – [Mikey machine-guns Kazutora]
19:52 – So young and so dead!
19:53 – [Mikey machine-guns Kazutora]
19:54 – Why do none of these assholes lift a finger?!!
19:55 – [Mikey machine-guns Kazutora]
19:56 – Wait, I just got stabbed and nobody gives a shit?
19:58 – My natural need for attention is not met!
20:01 – GUYS!
20:02 – (ah, I stop moving)
20:03 – The samurai tried to commit seppuku
20:05 – But he failed,
20:07 – he didn’t have the guts to do it!
20:08 – Unlike me!
20:11 – (Woaw, awk–ward) (*the guy’s awkward)
20:13 – Repeat after me Kazutora, this is all…
20:16 – Baji’s fault?
20:17 – No! That’s not the right answer, Kazutora! Bad!
20:20 – It’s, it’s…
20:21 – The ice cream man’s fault!
20:22 – No, Kazutora! Very badly answered, bad boy! (*naughty boy=
20:24 – (whines)
20:25 – /
20:27 – /
20:28 – /
20:29 – /
20:30 – (whines)
20:31 – Go ahead and rot in jail, Crazytora
20:32 – Wuuhat?
20:34 – Welcome to your house, Master Takemichi!
20:36 – The timeline changed: I’m a high-ranking yakuza
20:38 – Which means…
20:40 – Which means!
20:41 – Hinata Tachibana is dead.
20:42 – I don’t give a single fuck! I’m rich!
20:44 – I can pay an escort twice as hot!
20:46 – I can finally live as I want to!
20:47 – You’re going to die here and now
20:49 – Who’s this guy!?
20:50 – Takemichi, times changed
20:52 – Nowadays I am at the top of a financial empire
20:54 – I have an army ready to kneel for me
20:56 – And contrary to the comedian voicing me,
20:58 – – I still have hair
20:59 – Eh!
21:02 – [moan]
21:03 – [through gritted teeth] Tetta… How do you do to--
21:05 – Have eyebrows this greatly trimmed?
21:06 – It’s two hours every week at the esthetician’s on Mondays at 2:30 pm,
21:10 – Sabrina truly has nimble fingers
21:11 – I was mainly wondering how you can sleep at night, you filthy monster!
21:14 – It’s easy really, 2 hours of ASMR nature sounds and chamomile tea
21:18 – He has such perfect answers I’d almost forgive him for the bullet he’s going to shoot in my head in a few seconds
21:21 – Oh, no, come on! You spoiled me!
21:24 – I myself wasn’t aware I was going to do it,
21:26 – I was enjoying hesitating, fUckk
21:29 – Well, when it’s time to go…
21:30 – [gunshot]
21:34 – Stop!
21:36 – I didn’t intend to shot, really
21:38 – It– It’s getting on my nerves!
21:42 – uuU? [Mikey mouse wannabe]
21:44 – Well, Big Bad Guy: introduction, done
21:45 – I didn’t tell you the plan but basically it’s world domination, there
21:48 – And, well, how do I conclude this,
21:50 – It’s always hard, so I…
21:52 – I don’t know,
21:53 – Should I shoot you in the head?
21:54 – Be a very big pathetic loser if you’re okay with it
21:56 – [pants]
21:57 – Okay, you’re okay with it, okay then that’s what we do, I love when business goes nicely like this when,
22:01 – when the agreement is, is mutual
22:03 – Farewell, Takemichi
22:04 – [gunshot]
22:06 – (“Crybaby” starts playing)
12 notes · View notes
sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
Sinful Sunday
You Know What They Say About Assuming
Chapter 12: Consolation Prize
Ships: Steddiegrove (Billy x Eddie x Steve), steddie, harringrove, mungrove
Rating: Explicit (sexual and adult content)
Word count: 50k+, WIP
Post kiss: Eddie & Billy
Eddie finds Billy right where he said he’d be, smoking through a cigarette on one of Tammy’s parents' patio chairs. He didn't acknowledge Eddie’s presence, so he made sure to take a seat right next to the blonde, stealing a cigarette from the box on the table and lighting it up. He takes two silent drags before stating,
“Fuck, I didn't even know I could get hard again that fast.” 
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“Shut the fuck up,” Billy laughs quietly, some of the wound-tight tension he was holding releasing with his exhale.
“I don't think I can after that man! I mean, that-, that was a statement!” The public orgasm and the kiss... 
“Mmm.” Billy nodded but said nothing for a moment, intent on smoking through another cigarette before attempting to touch that. “That right? What did I say?”
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“‘Don’t fuck around if you’re not ready to find out.’ Lucky for me I already know I can handle it.”
The side of Billy's mouth turned up in amusement and he finally, finally looked at him. 
“Think Steve could?”
Eddie tried to hold back his grin. He shrugged as casually as he could muster.  “Honestly. Probably not. But fuck, he’d die trying man.”
Post kiss: Steve & Robin
Steve is steadily speeding headfirst into a panic attack, and he's going to go bald if he keeps pulling at his hair like this, but he can’t help it. After that- whatever that was- what the hell else was he supposed to do?
His instinct said flee, so he did, right back into Tammy’s bathroom with the baby pink door. 
Robin’s knocking gently befire entering quietly, giving Steve plenty of space to speak first. 
“Robin what did I just do? Fuck, shit. Fuck fuck. Oh I’m so screwed.”
His hands are in his hair again, he's pulling at the locks and even the pain isn't enough to ease the suffocating pressure in his chest. 
“Hey hey, slow it down will ya? I know you and some people actually like this hair, so stop trying to yank it out.”
Steve's laugh was hysterical, borderline manic and Robin sighed, taking Steve’s hands in hers so he could at least stop pulling. She continued, “You just showed your hand, no worse than me. No worse than Billy, or Eddie, really any of us, and guess what Steve, nothing bad happened.”
Steve sputtered his disbelief. 
“I think that's pretty subjective don't you?”
She snorted, before nodding, 
“Yeah, I'm still having trouble accepting tonight is happening and we aren’t just trapped in some monsters lair in a blissful dream sleep while they slowly feed on our souls.” 
“Jesus Christ Robin you're not making me feel any better!!”
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71 notes · View notes
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Chapter seven: Out of the Woods —✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: cursing, mentions of pregnancy
Authors Note: This ones a shorter one, but I couldn’t think of how else to make this more South Park coded. Don’t forget to comment like and repost! Enjoy!
Chapter art by @silvell
DRIVING UP TO MARK AND VANESSA’S FELT LIKE A FEVER DREAM. Just imagining that in a few months it would be my kid here and not me. I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought. At least I knew they’d have a good life, a really really good life. They had such a nice yard where they could play, a beautiful living area where they’d grow up, and it was as far away from the chaos of South Park as possible.
“Juno, I didn't expect to see you here.” Mark said, greeting me at the door as I walked in, looking in as I took in the scenery.
“I have something really cool to show you guys. Is Vanessa here?” I asked, pulling my bag off and searching for the ultrasound photos.
“No. Actually, she's working late tonight. Trying to accrue as much time off as she can before the..” he gestured to my stomach, making me nod.
“Oh, right. I hear these are quite the time suck.” I say, placing my hands on my bump.
“Yeah. I'm just having a ginseng cooler. Would you like one?” I gave him a strange look, which he mocked as he looked back at me.
“What is it with you rich people and your herb-infused juices?” I asked, sitting back on their couch as if it were my own. My amazing ability to make any place feel like home. I kept looking through my bag, deciding to forgot about looking for the photo for a second.
“Something to do with those sporty four-packs they come in. They're not bad though. Did you say you had something to show me?” He asked, reminding me to look through my bag before I continued to grill him.
“Behold, good sir, your future child.” I said happily, pulling the ultrasound photo out of my pocket as Mark came to sit beside me on the couch.
“Hey, look at that.”
“I think it looks like my friend Kyle.” I couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It’s kinda weird actually, the baby wasn’t even here and I could already see the small curve in it’s nose that Kyle had. It kinda made this all a little bit easier, knowing that a little piece of him was along with me for the ride.
“Is he also bald and amorphous?” Mark teased, but I simply shook my head.
“No, he's the dad.” I explained, and he nodded. I think he understood that there must have been something sore there, a kryptonite of mine to bring up Kyle. He didn’t push that part any further.
“Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?
“I can't. The doctor can. But I kind of want it to be a surprise.”
“Well, it can only go one of two ways.”
“That's what you think.” I said laughing, shaking my head at him. “I mean, I drank tons of booze and smoked so much old weed from my dads farm. He has this thing called the pandemic special, shit goes crazy...You might end up with one of those scary neuter-babies born without junk.” I explained, taking a long swig from my water bottle while raising a brow at Mark.
“Junk, huh?” He asked, seeming confused.
“Yeah, you know, its parts.”
“We definitely want it to have some junk. Please.” Mark said with a sigh, and I pressed my lips together in a frown.
“You don't need to worry about a thing. My mom makes me eat super-healthy. You know, I can't stand in front of the microwave, and no red M&M's. I hope you're ready.” I explained, but Mark seemed to ignore the question. The song playing from the cd player seemed to catch his attention.
“You hear that?” He said, getting up as he turned the volume up.
“This is my favorite song. This is Sonic Youth doing "Superstar" by the Carpenters. What did you say your favorite band was?”
“Didn't. It's a three-way tie between Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana and Pink Floyd.”
There was a reason, of course there was. Though my favorite of all time was Billy Joel, but he asked about bands. When we were kids I don’t think I could survive without my earbuds in blasting any and all Billy Joel and Fleetwood Mac songs. Billy Joel was me and Kyle’s thing. The first day he got his license, he picked me up and blasted Billy Joel music as we drove around. Vienna must have played 20 times before we even got home. And Fleetwood Mac was Stan. Even as children, when my mom would sing us Landslide to help us fall asleep.
“I'm definitely making you some CD's. At least while my kid's in there.” He said, making me smile slightly.
AFTER LISTENING TO A FEW SONGS, and establishing a very important argument of 80s movies, we ended up on the couch watching Terminator. It had been an all out war, I had to defend my stand on Swayze for my life. It was nice, a cool way of getting away from the chaos of my life, no South Park, no Cartman, no Kyle, nothing. It was a nice quiet alternative to the craziness of my life.
“I’m sorry but I just can’t give you the win on this one. Dirty dancing will forever be the winner.” I said, shaking my head as he sighed.
“At Least it’s Dirty Dancing not some bouge remake.” He said, making me nod as I leaned back, a new movie now playing on tv.
“Have you guys thought of any names for the baby yet?”
“Sort of, yes. Vanessa likes Madison for a girl.” I looked over at Mark with furrowed eyebrows, not being able to help the dirty look I gave.
“Madison? Wait, hold on. Isn't that, like, a little gay?” I said rudely, earning a look in return from Mark.
“Wow, pretentious much? Should everyone just have a mysterious name like Juno? Isn’t your brother's name Stanley?” He argued, and I just shook my head.
“My dad went through this huge obsession with Roman and Greek mythology. You know, while he was high on weed. So he decided to name me after Zeus' wife.”
“I got it.”
“Zeus, he had tons of lays...But I'm pretty sure Juno was his only wife. And she was supposed to be, like, really beautiful but really mean. Like Diana Ross.” I explained, and he smiled at me as I rambled. It was strange, the way he smiled at me, but I didn’t think much of it. He was probably just trying not to laugh at my ridiculous talk.
“Well, that suits you.” He said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“You are something else.” I was about to make a comment before the front door opened. “There's Vanessa. You'd better go.”
“What? Why?” I asked, confused, considering I had come in the first place to show them their baby.
“She hates when I sit around and I watch movies and I don't "contribute."” He explained, getting up and clearing the sofa canes we had downed while here.
“No, I'll handle this. I'm really good at diffusing mom-type rage.” I explained, having handled mine and Kyle’s mothers for quite some time.
“Juno, seriously…”
“Mark, where are you? I got some stuff…” Vanessa said, the bags in her arms bouncing against her legs as she walked in.
“Hey, Vanessa.” I said cheerfully, though Vanessa seemed worried by my arrival.
“Juno. What's going on?” She asked, trying to see if she could find anything wrong.
“What's wrong?”
“I went to the doctor today.” I explained.
“Is something wrong?”
“The baby's great. It's the right size and everything. I even saw its phalanges today. Here. It's a baby. It's your baby. It kind of looks like it's waving, you know? Like it's saying, "Hey, Vanessa, will you be my mom?"”
When I showed Vanessa the picture there was a certain sparkle that seemed to form in her eyes, one I realized made her even more beautiful. She was so entirely happy, and in awe to see the baby, it made it all the more magical. It made me grateful to be able to say I was helping her.
“It kind of does.”
“Right?” I asked happily, smiling when Vanessa looked up at us.
“Juno was nice enough to bring that over for us.” Mark said, as Vanessa’s worry slowly faded.
“Yeah, I came as soon as I got that ultrasound goo off my pelvis. It was crazy, actually. My mom verbally abused… The ultrasound tech, and we got escorted off the premises. Wow, what kind of swag did you score? Mall madness, huh?” I rambled, looking down at the millions of bags in her hands.
“It's just some stuff I picked up for the baby.” She said.
“Don't you usually get all that stuff at a baby shower?”
“I doubt anyone's gonna throw us a shower.”
“Why wouldn't they throw you a shower?”
“I don't think people know how to feel about the situation…”
“Because it's not set in stone.”
I looked up to see both Mark and Vanessa looking down, as if mourning a past child they didn’t get to have. It broke my heart.
“What isn't set...? No. You don't think that I'm gonna flake out on you?” I asked, but Vanessa smiled sweetly.
“No, I don't, Juno. We went through a situation before where it didn't work out.” She explained, and Mark frowned beside her.
“Yeah, cold feet.”
“You should've gone to China. You know, because I hear they give away babies like free iPods. They just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.” I explained, pretending to shoot a canon around. Mark and Vanessa shared a look before looking back at me.
“Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”
“No. I'm already pregnant. So, what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? But I should probably bounce.” I said, grabbing my keys as I began heading out.
“Take care.”
“Bye now.”
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captainclickycat · 21 days
My actually-controversial internet opinion is that people need to stop being dicks about people who let their cats go outdoors. No, really.
So this isn't even me saying "don't try to persuade people to keep their cats indoors". I think educating people about that is absolutely a worthwhile goal. There are many good and solid reasons to keep your cat indoors. I also do not want to play a game of Traffic Roulette where I have to just accept that my little friend might one day just get hit by a car and die or wander off and disappear forever and I'm supposed to just be cool with that happening. And yeah, I fully agree that it's weird and annoying that this is somehow considered an unreasonable stance to take about your beloved pet. I also understand that concepts like domestic cats making a considerable dent in bird populations and potentially spreading viruses are issues that should be seriously taken into account and not just brushed off as "oh well, what can you do."
So first of all, let's imagine a scenario here. Let's say that someone sees all these arguments on the internet, and they think "hey yes, they have some very salient points. Maybe I should start keeping my cat indoors from now on."
...so they try to put this into practise. They make sure all the doors are shut, seal off all possible escape routes, and do their best to convey to little Billy that he doesn't get to play in the garden anymore, for his own safety.
And Billy doesn't like that. He gets stressed and bored and restless. He spends a considerable amount of time just standing in front of the door yelling his head off, obviously desperate to go out, even though they're doing their best to entertain him. He gains a troubling amount of weight. He starts over-grooming himself to the point where he has bald patches. They try putting him on a lead, but he obviously hates the lead and spends the whole time chewing on it or trying to wriggle out of it. It's clear that this transition is causing him a not-inconsiderable amount of distress.
So obviously, Billy's human is very concerned by this. They understand why it's not a good idea to go back to letting their cat roam around unsupervised outdoors, but they can also see their cat is severely stressed and struggling to adjust and they wouldn't have the first idea of how to make it better. Furthermore, this person has grown up with cats themselves, and the notion that it's unethical to let cats go outdoors is completely new to them. And it's not just a new idea, it's basically the antithesis to what they were always taught. From their point of view, for the vast majority of their life it was considered cruel, maybe even a little irresponsible, to not let your cat go outdoors.
As in, if you said to someone that you wanted to keep your cat indoors all the time, they would basically react in the same way they would if you said that you wanted to try to feed your cat a vegetarian diet. Like oh gosh, of course I respect your decision, but don't you think that maybe that's going against their nature and it would be a lot healthier for them if you let them go out. And as much as the judgemental Tumblr crowd don't like to admit it, those people also think they're looking out for the welfare of people's pets. They're not thinking "oh well, I'm just not going to bother doing the extra work it takes to look after an indoor cat; I'd rather just leave it all in god's hands and if something happens oh well", they're thinking "My cat's happiness and wellbeing matters more than my personal anxieties, that's why I'm not going to be overprotective and instead I'll let them have their outdoor enrichment time."
Anyway, sidenote...so I realise this has turned into a tediously long post, and I have a habit of rambing at length in a slightly annoying way when I latch on to a topic. That being said, in this case it really is important to me that people actually read the points I'm making before trying to debate my post with me. So I'm going to request that if anyone wants to argue or even just generally debate with me about this topic, they preface whatever they're saying with the word "Obelix". As in, "Obelix: I disagree with you because blah blah blah." I'm not promising I'll engage with you even if you say the code word, because that's not actually my job, but I'm definitely going to ignore you if you don't say Obelix. Also if you message me on anon. Sorry if you're just doing it because you're shy or whatever, but if I have no idea who you are I have no reason to assume good faith and I'm not going to listen to you.
Anyway! All that aside. When it comes down to it, transitioning from letting your cat roam to keeping them indoors is a big transition, and will involve some very specific - and potentially expensive - accommodations. That's not to say it's not a worthwhile endeavour, but as much as shouty motherfuckers on the internet might be loath to admit it, there's a lot more to it than just "Oh my god, if you would take the time to ACTUALLY TAKE CARE OF YOUR PET, this WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM!!"
And when you actually consult more official sources (such as your local vet, or registered animal welfare charities) the response you get is often liable to be a lot more even-handed. A lot of sources will outright advise you to let your cat have time outdoors if keeping them inside is proving stressful for them and all other possibilities have been exhausted.
And again, that doesn't mean that every argument for keeping them indoors is null and void, or that these issues can't be worked around or accommodated!
What it does mean though is that I think maybe it's time to ask yourself what you really hope to achieve by going on the internet to say over and over and over again that they're the scum of the earth, that they're a sadistic animal abuser, that they secretly hate their cat because they let it go outdoors. And, ultimately, to consider the possibility that when people are presented with the options of "listen to a professional vet, or registered animal welfare charity" or "listen to a snarky tumblr post written by some stranger", they're not actually being all that unreasonable if they choose the former.
If you want to persuade more people to keep their cats indoors, you can actually do the work involved in giving them the information and resources that might make it a feasible possibility. Talk them through the reasons for doing it in a level-headed way. Give them links to reliable sources and websites that talk them through all the ways that they might be able to make this a feasible possibility. Keep a clear head and take the time to patiently explain to them why it's a better option, even if it seems like it should be obvious, even if you feel strongly about it, even if you personally have been presented with these ideas and it seems a little unbelievable that it might be someone else's first time being presented with them. Yelling at people about how awful they are for not just knowing this from the beginning might feel cathartic for you, but there's no guarantee that it's going to have any concrete effect other than getting you written of as a judgemental arsehole.
Stop being a dick.
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kimberlyannharts · 10 months
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY - to the surprise of no one Sage finds out high school kind of sucks, especially high school that's training you to become......uh.......knights. sure. But luckily she's found that her dad is wrapped up in some sort of mystery and that's way cooler than learning physics.
It's Ranger Academy #3!
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= a whole team of ranger cadets and not ONE of them is a funny little monster, guys. It's the third issue and I'm sick of the lack of funny little monster representation amongst the cadets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I've said my piece about Yale so I won't repeat it here. Just know that I still find it annoying. Also making Kiya a teacher would have been way funnier
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= And I say this as the daughter and sister of librarians - "no such thing as a library emergency" is complete bullshit
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= okay so remember how I said in the first issue that later ones would point towards the narrative that Ranger Academy is great and there's nothing wrong with its system and Rhianth's just a quitter for not wanting anything to do with it? yeeeeeeeeeah. I'm not fully judging yet but it's still making it pretty clear what they're doing here
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= oh hey, Billy! You're looking.....much older than you did in the 30th anniversary story. I'm not even going to question the timeline of this. At least here the "Ranger cameos exist to say something smart and instructive and that's it" makes sense for the character they chose
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= NOPE, Lindy's smart, with a whole scene dedicated to her catching up Sage on her studies, so that automatically means she's slotted for blue. That's how this works, apparently
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= this is sad but also gay, the best possible combination
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= this is one of those things where I wish the alumni Rangers could be more than just cameos, because Sage bonding with the many Rangers that grew up alone would actually be charming and a good use of them beyond cameos that don't allow them to show off any individuality or personality
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= I don't blame you Sage, I'd run away too if I saw a vision of myself going bald
= but yeah, to no one's surprise, the school has a secret Green campus and Sage being able to open it and activate the stuff inside means she's most likely going to become a Green Ranger. (NOTE: i wrote this out before #4's cover dropped, so all I'll say is: ha.) I will say though the question of why they shut this down and why Tula is trying to investigate it is at least interesting
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= Jen don't you have anything better to do???????????????? Can we have a Katie cameo PLEASE
(another issue I have with the cameos is that so far they've all been characters we've seen in the comics plenty of times before this. Cruger Yale Billy Jen. Leo doesn't count as he didn't even get a line and I still don't know what was up with the Merrick conversation.)
But anyway: NEXT TIME: Rangers???? maybe????
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thegreatunifier · 2 months
stop (now a sad? one >:3)
It was all he could do to keep his wits about him. The sounds of battle ad war raged around him, beating against his skull like a war drum and yet he pushed past the pain, past the pressure and the exhaustion because there was something a hell of a lot more important that needed his attention. "Come on.... Come ON!" He pushed himself faster, his wings beating harder and harder to catch up to the being that was 100 feet below him and the distance was not lessoning. He couldn't be late, he wouldn't be too late. He had to get there in time or else....
There was no room for 'or else'. He gritted against the muscles screaming in his back, in his wings in his shoulders. Every cell cried for relief, just for a moment but he ignored it. 70 feet.
50 feet.
30 feet.
"Wiccan!" He was so close, and yet Billy had failed to regain consciousness. The energy blast had barely skimmed Teddy's shoulder but it was just enough to slam into the back of Billy's head right as the spell he was casting left his lips. He had already failed once. He wasn't going to do so again. 20 feet.
10 feet. He caught the very dregs of Billy's cloak and hurled him up and against his body with only one moment more to angle himself out of a direct nosedive. Pain exploded along his head, shoulders, back, the world nothing but blurs of color before it slowed and finally stopped. All he could hear was his heart, the breath tearing from his chest and for another long, agonizing moment, it was all Teddy could do but just let the pain wash over him. The second he felt his healing ability kick in he was moving, rolling so that Billy was laying down against the ground, shielded by Teddy's body. "Come on, Bee. You gotta wake up now okay?" His hand slid to the back of Billy's head and was only slightly relieved that there wasn't any blood. But a blast like that, with how hot he personally knew those chambers were, didn't mean much. It could have cauterized on contact, doing nothing to aid the wound behind it. "Bee...Billy. Please, love wake up. Please..." He shook him as much as he dared, ignoring the sounds of the raging and dying around him. This couldn't be it. This wouldn't be it. This was not how he was going to lose his husband.
"Not today, Death you bastard. Not Today. Come on, Billy..." He shook him once more, barely tapping the skin of Billy's cheek only to see the black eyelashes flutter and finally open. Every ounce of air left Teddy's lungs in a gush, and his head fell down to rest on Billy's shoulder. Thank the gods... Oh, he didn't care what he had to do to repay them, he would. Thank the Gods. "Unngh, what... What happened?" Billy's words were slurred, but they seemed to clear the more he came into awareness. Teddy pressed a kiss to Billy's neck, his chin and finally his lips before he pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "Someone got a lucky shot." He couldn't help the smile, the all out relief that made the pain, the fighting and world around them fall into the background. "But you're okay. Just might have a nasty bump after this." He leaned back, wings still curled around them both as Teddy helped Billy sit upright. Billy's hand moved to the back of his head, hissing when he felt the now obvious line of bald skin. "And a new hairstyle apparently." He looked up into Teddy's eyes, suddenly realizing how close the king was to breaking. "I'm okay, Tee. But we need to move, there are people who-" "No." The command came out harsher than he intended but he didn't back down. He saw the familiar stubbornness flash in Billy's eyes, but Teddy didn't let him continue the thought. "No, we're done. Lauri-Ell can handle things from here. You and I need to go."
"But Teddy we can't I mean, look around-" "Billy, stop." Teddy cupped his husband's cheeks, holding him still so he had nothing else to do but to look at him. "I'm exhausted, you damn near almost fell head first into the crust of this planet and I am not going to allow you to kill yourself when we have people who can help finish this." He rarely pulled rank, hated doing it, especially when it came to Billy. But the image of his lifeless body falling faster than Teddy could catch him would not leave his minds eye, and he doubted it would for a long, long time.
"Please... Our forces are pushing them back. I was about to tell you when someone got a lucky shot past me, okay? Let my Accuser handle this and let's go home." He could see Billy struggling, fighting against what he knew he could do and what he knew he should do. And just when Teddy thought he was going to have to haul his stubborn husband over his shoulder and take him home himself, he saw Billy slump in defeat. "Okay. Let's go home."
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 months
HELP is bald Ian already back at emmerdale.
If he is how are we are not going to be afraid that he SO going to make the new Sugden fuck Aaron when we were his enemies after the shit he pulled with his "inocent Rebbeca"
I'M GOING TO BE SO FUCKING MAD Because I know he detest Aaron but he wouid love to fuck with the Robron fans this way so much and Miller needs this job so bad that watch him do this on the fucking 10th anniversary of Robert return.
I don't think we have to worry about that. Iain is higher up the food chain now - he oversees both corrie and ED. We've got way more to fear from Laura Shaw and whatsherface that's joined her as producer now Kate's left too.
I think they learnt their lesson with Rebecca and I don't think there's an actor or actress out there who would willingly put themselves in the line of fire of (certain parts of) the robron fandom.
With Ethan, Nicky, Suni, and soon Nate leaving/having left they only have Mack, Matty, and Billy left in that age group and they're all married so they need a new single guy for the women to fight over (🙄)
I really don't think Iain thinks of us at all let alone as his enemies. And we know NOTHING about this new Sugden yet. He's not even officially been announced - and even the sun took down their article on it last night (you know it's all up in the air when the SUN is 'censoring' themselves).
So let's not panic until we actually know anything.
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Master List | Read on Ao3
Chapter Three is SFW content (though later there WILL be NSFW content, therefore, the 18+ label).
A/N: Here is CHAPTER FOUR!! Things are finally being set in motion in this long winded fic. I'm making the chapters a little shorter because it's easier for me to write and post at a more consistent pace, so I hope that's okay! Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading my work and interacting with me, I love you very much, and you make all of this work worth it!
The remainder of your walk beside Billy was mostly silent with the exceptions of the muffled booming of music coming from deep inside The Hideout and the click of your heels on concrete. Though Hawkins was a relatively small town, the night life had its own hours, and people were starting to stumble out of the woodworks and onto the streets to find the nearest place to grab a drink and get lost in some local musicians’ handiwork.
“A little late tonight, Miss?” Ray, the doorman of The Hideout always greeted you respectfully, and tonight was no different. His dark eyes and bald head glinted symmetrically with the dim glow of the outdoor lights.
“Hi, Ray. Yeah, Eddie’s gonna kill me for this one,” you replied with a toothy grimace. “Fifteen minutes isn’t too bad though. I guess it could be worse.”
“It could, indeed,” Ray agreed, eyeing Billy up and down with the intensity of an overalert bodyguard.
“It’s okay. He’s with me. Billy, this is Ray.” You introduced the two in an attempt to diffuse the tension and in hopes that Ray would let Billy in as a friend of the band. He knew your age, but he didn’t ask too many questions as business was exploding lately thanks to Corroded Coffin’s new set. Ray gave Billy another methodical once over with his almost-black eyes before nodding stoically and gesturing to the door.
“Break a leg, Miss,” he wished through a bright smile as you approached the doorway.
“Hey, what are you – don’t – HEY!” You only caught a few words before you felt a sharp blow to your sternum and the wind was completely knocked out of you. “I don’t even like beer! I just wanted to see the band!” You steadied yourself as the boy who had just body slammed into you turned around.
“Dustin?!” It was Dustin Henderson. “What are you doing here?!” You were too young to be at the bar, but you were also technically employed there. Dustin, on the other hand, was even younger, and you knew his mom would be worried sick if she had even an inkling of what he was doing right now.
“Hey! I was just, uh – you know, uh –”
“Dustin, where does your mom think you are right now?” Dustin’s braces shone as he kept his grin all through trying to stutter out some kind of excuse as to why he was trying to sneak into a bar after 9 p.m. on a school night. Realizing you weren’t going to accept anything other than the truth, he conceded with a sullen sigh.
“At Mike’s playing a campaign that ran late.” Dustin avoided your gaze, feeling slight guilt for creating another problem you felt responsible to solve.
“You need to get home. How did you even get here?”
“That’s not important. I wasn’t doing anything stupid. I just wanted to see the band play. I’ve never seen you guys live, and I’m always missing out,” he explained. Your expression softened at Dustin’s obvious want to support his friends.
“I hear you, and I get it. But this isn’t safe, okay? We’ll find a way for you to see a show soon at a different venue. I promise. But right now, we need to find a way to get you home.”
“Oof!” A man came stumbling out the door and barreled into the back of Dustin, creating a domino effect and knocking him into you yet again.
“Hey! Watch where you’re – Henderson?” Thank God it was Steve. “What the hell are you doing here?! Where does your mom think you are right now?” It was the most common question for any of your crowd to ask Dustin who was always into some kind of mischief due to his insatiable curiosity.
“It’s okay, Steve,” you assured. “His mom thinks he’s at Mike’s playing DnD.” Steve rested both of his hands on his hips and scowled at Dustin, incredulous.
“Well, this is just great,” Steve complained, turning to you. “I was high tailing it to hunt you down because Eddie is having a total diva meltdown over you being late. He’s really hard to handle when he gets like this, you know, and I can’t soothe diva Eddie, I just can’t –” Steve trailed off as both of the boys’ eyes locked on a target slightly behind you. Shit. You were hoping that the commotion of the moment would get you out of answering any questions about why Billy seemed to be escorting you to your show.
“Evening, gentlemen.” Billy’s voice slid out in deep, velvety tones, and you could tell he was putting on his best smooth guy ruse so as not to highlight the blatant awkwardness of the situation.
“What is with today,” Steve lamented, shaking his head, closing his eyes, and massaging the bridge of his nose, his opposite hand still perched firmly on his hip.
“As much fun as this has been, I really need to get going. Eddie will have my head already, I’m twenty minutes late, and the night isn’t getting any younger. Dustin, it’s time to go. Steve, make sure Dustin gets home safe, okay?”
“Oh, hold on, no, no, no,” Steve protested, holding up both hands in defiance.
“What other choice is there? He can’t get home on his own. It’s not safe for him to be out alone right now, especially in this part of town, and Billy can watch our table since Robin isn’t here yet. See? It all works out.” Steve gawked at you, neck flushing as his anger crept up on him. “I’ll see you when you get back,” you called over your shoulder as you rushed through the door with Billy hot on your heels.
“Unbelievable,” Steve muttered, turning to Dustin who was just as dumbfounded. “Always the goddamned babysitter.” Steve rolled his eyes, cupping Dustin’s shoulder and turning him to trudge across the parking lot to where his BMW was parked. “I can’t believe you thought this would work,” Steve scolded as he unlocked the driver’s side door. Faint bickering could be heard until the purr of the car’s engine overpowered all other sounds. Steve backed out of the parking lot and onto the main road, swearing Dustin’s ass would be grass if he ever pulled a stunt like this again.
Rushing around the crowd of showgoers, you led Billy to the table in the shadows closest to the backstage entrance. You shrugged off your jacket and draped it around the back of one of the chairs, tossing your bag onto the seat.
“Robin usually keeps guard of all of our stuff at the table, but she’s running late tonight. Do you mind filling in until she gets here? It shouldn’t be too much longer.” You had to yell over the metal music that seemed to suck all the air out of the room.  A smirk tugged at the side of Billy’s mouth, his cerulean eyes glued to you as you hastily checked your pockets for loose items, tossing your lighter and pocket change into your bag.
“I don’t mind at all,” he barked back over the crashing of a drum solo.
“Thanks. I promise it’s not usually this chaotic,” you belted, apologetic.
“Something tells me it is, but I’m not complaining.” He flashed you a smile, and your insides backflipped. You could tell he was truly amused, and there was something very satisfying about Billy Hargrove exhibiting genuine emotion that sparked a warmth behind your cheeks.
“I’d better get up there. Samantha should make her rounds for drink orders any minute. Feel free to put whatever you want on my tab. CC groupies drink for free,” you teased with a wink. Billy let himself laugh, his brilliant smile making a second appearance. In a fluid transition of emotion, his eyes trailed up behind you and widened. You whipped around to see Eddie staring directly at you from his spot onstage. Get up here NOW, he mouthed as his fingers worked the neck of his guitar at rapid speed. You nodded in response and gave Billy a quick pat on the forearm before bursting through the beaded archway to the backstage loading dock.
The sound of springy guitar strings tainted the entire space followed by a cacophony of “BOOs” from the front of the crowd. Eddie’s riff fell flat after being distracted by your fucking around with Billy while you should have been joining your bandmates onstage. You knew Eddie was already livid, but you would have to do your best to talk him down later. As the last chords of the song rang out and died down, you stepped your way onto the stage and took your place at the microphone, giving Eddie an apologetic smile, and gripping the stand.
“How are you feeling tonight, Hawkins?!” The sound of your voice resonated off of the back walls of the bar, and the crowd below you roared with excitement. This was a sizable turnout. There seemed to be more and more people on the floor each week since your new demo had been finalized, and you took full advantage of the audience participation. “Give it up one more time for Jeff!” The crowd obliged once more, monstrous cheers ringing throughout the venue. “We are Corroded Coffin, and this is what we’re all about. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!” The snare drum signaled the beginning of the song the waves of people in front of you went wild for.
Billy watched from your table in the darkness, never taking his gaze off of you. He could tell you were in your element, and he had never seen someone influence a room so effortlessly. He tapped his foot and nodded along to the beat of the song, a smirk plastered on his contemplative face. There was something about you he just couldn’t shake, and he was playing words over and over in his mind trying to grab at something he could say to you when you stepped off the stage and back into his world – some kind of compliment that would mean something. For that moment, all he could do was watch, and there was nowhere else he would rather be.
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ramblings-of-lola · 9 months
My thoughts on Stranger Things S3 E8
So I was watching the part when they cut into El's leg through my fingers that were covering my eyes because of the blood (I'm a bit of a wimp). Again, El was so brave to remove the piece of the Mind Flayer herself.
"Robin, you're not helping!" "Okay!" 😆
I was so glad Hop and Joyce were finally reunited with the kids
Erica interrupting the adults while they are trying to make a plan was hilarious
I loved Hopper's reaction to the suggestion that Dustin and Erica go with them to break back into where the Russians are trying to open the gate
Steve's reaction to the car Hop stole was so funny. "Oh screw Todd. Steve's her daddy now."
I internally panicked when the car wouldn't start and then Billy showed up
I thought it was a little funny while Murray and Hop ran into soldiers and Murray tried talking out of it but Hop just blasted them with his gun
I also laughed at the fact that Murray's codename was "Bald Eagle"
Loved that Steve rescued the group by ramming into Billy's car
The whole part with Suzie and Dustin on the radio was so cute!
It was terrifying when Billy got El and told her to be still like he did with Heather
I was glad that El brought Billy back by telling him the memories she saw but then he sacrificed himself!
Even though I didn't like Billy, I was sad for Max
Also, I think it would have been interesting to see how Billy changed after being under the control of Mind Flayer and doing horrible things because of that
I sobbed when Hopper died, but I think he survived because the Russians in the post-credit scene mentioned that they had an American that they had prisoner (this theory might be a stretch, but I'm holding onto any hope that Hop is alive)
The way Robin got Steve and her jobs at the movie store with Keith was funny
There's so much grief in the scenes that are 3 months later. Grief for Hop and Billy, as well as Byers and El leaving Hawkins
I did laugh when Max and Lucas teased Dustin by singing the song he sung to Suize and he flipped them off in response.
And El lost her powers!
When she started reading the speech Hop had prepared to share about her dating Mike, I started bawling
Why do the Russians have a demogorgon? Is it to only kill prisoners? How did they capture it? Does this mean the Upside Down is open again?
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twistedtummies2 · 8 months
Your TW OCs are going to the latest Avengers movie! Who do each of them cosplay as?
Well, because these bois all attend Night Raven College, I think it's fair that - if they're going to a Marvel Movie Event - they're going to cosplay as Marvel Villains. ;) I'm going to stick with villains who have appeared in the MCU, specifically, for various reasons. They can appear in the movies or in the TV shows, but they have to be from that universe. Nakoda = Kilgrave, a.k.a. The Purple Man. Because hypnotic abilities, plus it means putting Nako in a snazzy suit, PLUS I can make all the Doctor Who jokes I want. Mua ha ha. Billy = Doc Ock. Don't ask me how he manages the tentacles. Honestly, given his hefty gut, Billy would probably look even more like the Doc Ock from the comics than Alfred Molina does...mind you, he'd be EXCEPTIONALLY taller, but that's another story. XD Elias = Mysterio. Even if his origins are a bit different from the comics version (where the character is a former wannabe actor, among other things revolving around showbiz), I can't think of a better Marvel rogue that's appeared in the MCU for my over-the-top theatre pup to play. Reno = Yellowjacket. I would say Scorpion from Spider-Man, but a.) got a LOT of Spidey rogues here already, and b.) Gargan in the MCU has yet to premiere as the ACTUAL Scorpion. I wanted to stick with MCU characters. So I went with the next best bug. :P James = Loki. Because both are melodramatic hams, and the idea of James being forced through the "Puny God" scene is hilarious to me. In an evil way. >:) Smitty = Thanos. Because a friend suggested seeing a teeny-tiny, pudgy little Thanos next to James as Loki would be hysterical, on SO many levels, and I entirely and completely agree. XD Maelstrom = The Kingpin. Not sure if he shaves his head, wears a bald cap, or just decides to keep the hair and say "screw it," but seems appropriate for the big beefy guy. Theodore = The Green Goblin. Seems fitting for a character who flies around, has a maniacal laugh and sharp-faced features, and throws fiery spheres (be it fireballs or pumpkin bombs) at people. :P Grit = Baron Zemo. Specifically as he appears in "Falcon and the Winter Soldier," in full costume. Mask, trenchcoat, etc. I WAS going to go with Red Skull, because he's one of the greats in comics...but I don't like the thought of my rock boi being dressed as a Nazi. So, I felt Zemo was the next best choice. (I actually considered giving one of them to Elias, too, but then I remembered Mysterio. LOL )
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