#bind correctly
dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
Mneh so I never was very good with my binding habits before surgery. Like, my dysphoria was so bad I wouldn't get out of bed if I wasn't putting a binder on, so I basically wore a binder every single day from dawn to dusk just so that I wasn't miserable and could actually enjoy my time.
And I don't regret it. Not at all. I never slept in my binder. I never double binded. I always wore the right size. But from the moment I woke up, I had to have one on or I was just constantly uncomfortable to an unbearable extreme. So I wore one, every single day, for 12 to 20 hours, for several years.
Sooo now I have flared ribs, and possibly slipping ribs syndrome.
But again. I don't regret it, because if I hadn't worn my binder the way I had, I would have spent a lot of those seven-ish years doing nothing but getting more and more depressed and sleeping. So it was essentially a trade off. Either bind improperly and develop some problems or bind properly but spend those years just sort of waiting for them to be over. That's why I honestly think maybe if people are asking for advice on how to bind unsafely but more effectively, it's probably more useful to list many options of varying levels of safe. If someone has to double bind or they're hate themselves too deeply to live with it, then I'd say it's best to try and find the safest way to get them as flat as possible, even if it isn't right way or the risk free way.
Anywho. That was all prerequisite to why I think I have slipping rib syndrome even though it seems to be fairly uncommon.
I haven't seen anyone about it yet, but my ribs get sore sometimes. Either from sitting weird, moving a lot, breathing hard, etc. They also just hurt when I'm tired sometimes. Aside from that, my lower back hurts often as well, but most pointedly, my ribs occasionally will just give me a random sharp pain.
I always thought it felt like they moved, like a rib would sort of shift into and awkward angle and that made it hurt, but I wasn't sure if my rib was actually moving or if that was just how I was interpreting the pain.
But now that I know about slipping rib syndrome I'm like 95% sure I have it. I got some rib pain at work and in the car today (it sounds worse than it is, many days they don't move at all, but today they just decides I have a party ig) and now that I'm looking for movement I'm like YEAH THAT MOVED.
TLDR; So basically my ribs are doing the electric slide all the time and risk assessment is important ig
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mrghostrat · 1 month
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my flawless bind is done!!! 🥹
this is my second ever hardcover, first ever faux leather, first ever metal corners, and first bind of my own fic!
featuring art by myself and @chernozemm , and a hand painted cover because i couldn’t figure out any other way to decorate it lmaoooo. now i just gotta do this three more times for mine, meg, and zemm’s copies 🤞
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buskingalbatross · 23 days
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decided to try and do something crazy with the phanfics i've written and posted this year. for posterity. updates to come.
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Remembered this song from a boss fight early on in NieR Automata, during which a cult of robots had come together to pantomime the concept of religion. (the robots in the game are all trying to strive for a sense of purpose in being alive by mimicking behaviour of humans who have by now gone extinct but there's not enough time to go into all of that here).
And this cult of robots come to the conclusion that their version of gods if they follow the human translation of the word is "the creator" which to them are organic beings. And so if they are pantomiming religion in an effort to find purpose in being alive, then through the practice of religion you are supposed to ascend to a higher state of being equal to that of the gods.
And so, if you are a robot and your creator is an organic being, what is it that separates you from your creator? That is of course the realities of being an organic being, and being tied to the reality that being organic means having to die one day.
And so this robot cult comes to the conclusion that to ascend to a higher state of being is to become as gods, and for a robot to become as a god, their creator, is to ascend to that of organic being, and to do so is to embrace what separates machine from organic which is death.
And therefore, to die is to become god.
And then they all attack you and this song plays called "become as gods". Which includes the robot cult chant of "We'll all die together and become as gods" while the choir chants in the fictional language of the NieR series which is its OWN separate dump of lore, but which is roughly labelled and understood as "The language of the gods". That being a weird translation of the GATTACA code which makes up human DNA.
NieR Automata is a good game. It's one of only 2 games that managed to make me bawl my eyes out at the end. Not for a story reason, but for how the game directly connects you with every other human being who has played the exact same game and the concept of sacrifice to help another in ways I don't want to spoil because if you've never played and finished the true ending of NieR Automata there is nothing in this world that will prepare you for its ending and I would not dare to spoil that for you.
Anyway I rambled a lot but it was needed to explain the full force of this song for you to understand why it's not only a banger but a banger with some deep fucking WEIGHT behind it.
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(btw this is genuinely unrelated I just remembered at time of post it's the Steam Summer Sale and Nier Automata is 50% off right now but that was not the point of this post)
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primarinite · 9 months
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redesigned my shiny ocs to have the shiny colour schemes of both sides of their lineage (so clover more muted colours like shiny nickit and mara has bright pinks and purples like shiny mienshao). also made apollo shiny because he's cunty like that.
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evolve-rat · 3 months
crazy idea but what if products for trans people actually worked
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buglover77 · 1 year
-I know this sucks, but if you will be getting sweaty, it’s best to avoid wearing it as much as you can. That sweat will CEMENT a binder onto you and makes compression tops VERY hard to get off. Obviously some places are hotter than others so this may not be a problem for you at all! But where I live it can be 115 degrees just on a casual summer Tuesday
-That said, if you’re wearing your binder out and getting sweaty, BABY POWDER WORKS WONDERS. No stinkum stinkum or chafing, dump that on in the whole thing, not just the paneling. HOWEVER it WILL NOT stop you from sweating. It WILL NOT stop the binder from sticking to you if it’s hot enough. But, it will keep the binder much fresher for much longer.
-Be VERY CAREFUL about overheating. It’s a compressive top. It’s not exactly meant to be breathable. The compression panel will not let in good airflow. If you’re binding even though it’s hot, PLEASE stay well hydrated with electrolytes.
-Part B of that: Strenuous activity is a no-go. I know some people will do a lot of physical activity in their binder (even when you aren’t supposed to!!!) but summer is NOT THE TIME to play with that boundary. You will overheat, and you will get sick.
-Dysphoria is a bitch, and not wearing a binder can really really super suck for some people, but oversized button downs really do help. Yes, I know it’s a stereotype. But it’s light weight with good airflow AND helps hide your shape. They’re also a kind of shirt that’s somewhat easier to get with a variety of budgets, as a lot of both firsthand and secondhand stores will have them.
In summary, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be safe out there. It gets hot. Be careful. Stay hydrated. Bind responsibly.
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surveillance-0011 · 1 year
I think I made a post about this before but I cannot stress how important the horsemen are as a part of TBoI and how they really are the harbingers to Isaac’s personal end. His innermost apocalypse if you will. Their presence - mainly their introduction and reintroduction - signals a reckoning, and they signal that things are gonna get pretty real.
You unlock them after beating Mom. This marks the beginning of the end and is the first hint that this isn’t just some game about a naked kid trying not to be killed by his mother or some basement dwelling monsters.
They are summoned during the Mega Satan fight. While not as crucial as the first or last instance, their presence adds to the challenge and helps cement the presumed finality of this fight. It seems between them, the sins and MS himself, Isaac is fighting off the biblical evils that haunt him and the world. Or. Something
Of course, they are also forms for Delirium. The nature of Delirium speaks for itself.
But the final battle. That’s the end that really ties it together. They are both one last hurdle before and a big component themselves of Isaac’s trauma that he must face. Of course, they are the harbingers of the Beast and signal that this is the end, for real this time. On top of this, though, when you think about it, they are aspects of life Isaac has had to come to terms with, too.
Famine? Starvation and financial instability, perhaps even a more emotional lack of companionship, comfort and joy.
Pestilence? Physical and mental illness, alongside the addictions that plagued his family.
War? The arguing and discontent that tore his family apart, the bullying, the abuse, the constant battles with himself as he struggled to find any peace or self worth.
And Death. Well. Between his pets, the end of his parents’ relationship and his own demise…
Only now that Isaac has defeated Dogma and made peace with the extreme teachings that contributed to his grief and downward spiral can he look these adversaries and struggles as they are and know that it isn’t his fault.
And, of course, the Beast, too, is dealt with as Isaac makes some resemblance of peace with all that has happened, that has lead up to this. It is no coincidence that it wears his mother’s dress. The same way it is no coincidence that Carla is the one on the violin for Death’s part of the theme. (And while I may be wrong I do believe the Horsemen’s voices are provided by Matthias!! Not to mention the fact Ridiculon has handled all of the music from this game past Danny!! )
It’s easy to overlook their importance. I wouldn’t blame anyone for it and I feel the subtlety is a component to their success as well. But God. The horseman mean so much to Isaac, both the boy and his story.
And to me.
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irlwolfdog · 6 months
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 11 months
it's probably not obvious but i'm giving game jaide and manga jaide a slight redesign in which i tweak some minor facial features :3
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One of my mutuals is silent hill posting atm and all I can think about is the fact I played the og game recently and immediately died from like...a pterodactyl or something. I couldn't figure out how to pull my gun out </3
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thatbigplanet · 1 year
i got my first binder like a week ago and i know it’s literally pressing on my chest and all but… i can finally fucking *breathe*
yknow what i mean?
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
to summarize a recent peach post: guess who was just asked if they’re a girl or a boy by a stranger WHILE WEARING A (GIRL) KURTA AND HIJAB <3
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hybrix-hidings · 2 years
being gendered correctly and still knowing you're being mispercieved is a whole new type of dysphoric
#heavy tag#like dont get me wrong!!! im insanely grateful that people are Trying#and that im lucky enough to have at least a side of my family that Does try#along with my immediate one#i Know thats lucky and im Grateful for it#but i Also know. that they dont actually see anything masculine when they look at me#they see me as an eccentric tomboy at Best#and a delusional little girl at Worst#and i KNOW theyre trying but it fucking! hurts!! that i can Tell they dint actually percieve me the way i percieve me#and it fucking sucks that theres Nothing i can do non-medically to convince them otherwise#my chest is too big to bind and I just end up being more dysphoric when i try (because it always fails)#theres Nothing i can do to flatten my hips without some kind of surgery#my vocal chords already dont function right; so trying to upkeep the tone direction is difficult#and just Sounds Outright like im Trying to deepen my voice#i just. i fucking hate it#i hate this fucking body and i love my family but i hate that they dont see me right#and i hate that ive Never been gendered correctly wjthout having to outwardly correct someone#and that even when someone meets me Knowing im a guy they still fuck up because i just Dont Present Enough as one#theres just. theres fucking nothing i can do until we start medical treatment#and even that can go wrong in so many ways#i dont Talk about my dysphoria much because talking about it makes it Worse how the fuck am i supposed to have enough 'documented'#that I can actually be cleared for testosterone?#and god knows we already have to cash out so much on my fucking Teeth so surgery isnt happening Any time soon probably#i just. im so tired#im so fucking tired
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Valantinez does smoke and drink but refrains from doing so too often cuz too much of that shit running through their system messes with their efficiency
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