#rather than uwu youre not supposed to do that
dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
Mneh so I never was very good with my binding habits before surgery. Like, my dysphoria was so bad I wouldn't get out of bed if I wasn't putting a binder on, so I basically wore a binder every single day from dawn to dusk just so that I wasn't miserable and could actually enjoy my time.
And I don't regret it. Not at all. I never slept in my binder. I never double binded. I always wore the right size. But from the moment I woke up, I had to have one on or I was just constantly uncomfortable to an unbearable extreme. So I wore one, every single day, for 12 to 20 hours, for several years.
Sooo now I have flared ribs, and possibly slipping ribs syndrome.
But again. I don't regret it, because if I hadn't worn my binder the way I had, I would have spent a lot of those seven-ish years doing nothing but getting more and more depressed and sleeping. So it was essentially a trade off. Either bind improperly and develop some problems or bind properly but spend those years just sort of waiting for them to be over. That's why I honestly think maybe if people are asking for advice on how to bind unsafely but more effectively, it's probably more useful to list many options of varying levels of safe. If someone has to double bind or they're hate themselves too deeply to live with it, then I'd say it's best to try and find the safest way to get them as flat as possible, even if it isn't right way or the risk free way.
Anywho. That was all prerequisite to why I think I have slipping rib syndrome even though it seems to be fairly uncommon.
I haven't seen anyone about it yet, but my ribs get sore sometimes. Either from sitting weird, moving a lot, breathing hard, etc. They also just hurt when I'm tired sometimes. Aside from that, my lower back hurts often as well, but most pointedly, my ribs occasionally will just give me a random sharp pain.
I always thought it felt like they moved, like a rib would sort of shift into and awkward angle and that made it hurt, but I wasn't sure if my rib was actually moving or if that was just how I was interpreting the pain.
But now that I know about slipping rib syndrome I'm like 95% sure I have it. I got some rib pain at work and in the car today (it sounds worse than it is, many days they don't move at all, but today they just decides I have a party ig) and now that I'm looking for movement I'm like YEAH THAT MOVED.
TLDR; So basically my ribs are doing the electric slide all the time and risk assessment is important ig
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kriles summer trust top is kinda problematic tho... lalafell r smol and should be wholesome.
Aw, come on.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree because within the fiction, lalafell are just as mean, gross and horny as anyone else. Gegeruju is a perv, and the whole Ul'dah Syndicate is full of evil little bastards. On the good side, lala are just as complex and grown up as anyone else - Tataru courts followers and dances in a skimpy outfit in the Forgotten Knight, Giott is a roaring drunk stereotypical fantasy dwarf (not to mention whatever the heck is going on with the Tomra and Komra dwarves in general tbh :P). And Lamitt's story was sweet but it did involve her having adult feelings for Ardbert.
Like, really, I can only think of 4 completely wholesome lala out of a cast of hundreds, and they happen to mostly be the ones we've interacted with a lot (Nanamo; Pipin who is a Heroic Knight archetype; Papalymo, who was a grumpy old scholar man; Krile). But that's more about them being main characters serving roles in the narrative rather than indicative of how lalas behave as a whole. In fact after going through ARR, meeting Pipin and finding One Good Ul'dahn Lala is an enormous relief (since the other one is apparently dead now).
And Krile is a main character now so she's allowed to step out of the shadow of being uwu cat hoodie girl who wasn't written with much depth outside of being serious and earnest and rather spooky; she's actually 22 years old according to the first wiki I found - regardless of if that's totally accurate she's definitely meant to be a peer of the other adult Scions and they all treat her like an adult. Her introduction cutscene has her ribbing Alphy as an older friend laughing at how a much younger one used to behave, so we're supposed to immediately understand on meeting her that she's post-teen since she knew 11 year old Alphy and was of course older than him since he was a freak entry into the Studium at that age. Probably a necessary writing moment because establishing lala's age with hilarious moustaches or deep voices or whatever is a part of how the game has to present them.
Out of the fiction, I know lalas are part of a much wider trope that people do find problematic as a whole (e.g. just because in universe Tataru has babes across the globe and that's normal to everyone involved, who are consenting adults in a world which wholly understands Tataru as a consenting adult, is it actually really creepy that it's happening at all because her body type is toddler-esque? Is it weird in general that lala emotes are SO baby in the same way miqo emotes are SO kitty?
ffxiv definitely goes waaay further into borderline creepy territory than many games with smaller fantasy races in it, when it comes to how lala look, so yeah I know it's a fraught area and can be discomforting to see the game present child-shaped people as having adult desires and a thing some people understandably set aside along with other elements as things they're not happy with co-existing in the game with things they really love.) We can absolutely talk about that on a meta level of how we relate to the game and feel about it, just like things we find racist or uncomfortable in other ways e.g. eng translation Hien's treatment of Yotsuyu being a really problematic point.
But, that's one thing, versus talking about us here in fandom and how we relate to it, and I think your ask is, well, really not very deeply considered on any level, but I think is talking about how we as fandom relate to lalas, based on an inaccurate reading of them in the game, meaning you're really not even analysing a thing about it and therefore your ask comes more in the terms of policing how we should FEEL about Krile's beach outfit, and dictating that we SHOULD find lalas smol and wholesome, and that therefore there's an inherent problem in anyone reacting positively to the outfit, rather than critiquing its place in the game in the first place. Having hit a cognitive dissonance in seeing swimsuit Krile existing you've come to me to complain it's problematic rather than taking any actual meaningful action. Ergo, this is a fandom problem to you, not a game problem. WE should find it problematic and say so, you are implying, shocked that so many people looked at a post about the beach outfits and no one commented as such.
Aside from lalafell being fictional and at no point other than the visuals are they treated as children (and emotes aside, playing through the MSQ as a lala wol you easily fall into seeing them as an adult because of course all the cutscenes share the same level of gravitas no matter what you're playing or what clown costume you have on any player), there ARE actually real humans who are built somewhere closer to lala than not, and would be drawn to playing any of the smaller races in a game (like, gnomes in WoW, halflings in D&D, etc) because that's just their chance at representation. And because FFXIV doesn't have anything other than precious moments doll-shaped people the look might be great in the sense that they have the proportions of a cherub statue and it is a lot harder to meet in the middle than a halfling (notoriously hairy middle aged bastards and much easier to read as adult, though that doesn't exclusively represent people who've had growth developmental differences), that IS still the only representative option some people have in the game and if they want to indulge it rather than play something else with proportions forced on them by many games, then what the hell is wrong with that?
And they WILL go to bat for lalas and get upset when people say that they have to be precious baby characters who act like children. I've seen that on tumblr: there's a whole lala community who keeps kinda low key and away from everyone else by their own admission BECAUSE as soon as they get too much attention they're deluged with hate for playing characters who have adult desires and dress fancy - or, you know, like any other random slutty elf WoL. The fact I wandered onto lala blogs at random and saw that complaint on the first pages should speak to how often they have to deal with it. And, again, within the fiction of the game their characters are completely 100% normal and doing what other lalas who are written by the game do as well. I KNOW those blogs are out there and they'd be scared of getting this exact ask, and it would greatly upset them and ruin their day and put them off having any interaction with the community, which fucking sucks. We're here to have fun!
That said I'm not a weirdo anti all up in others' business, it's also fine to just like lalas and stuff without some huge circumstantial justification like "they look like me" - or - "my IRL wife" or whatever - you can also just play a lala or ship with one and it's like, your business. If that's all you're doing and it's not a hypothetical child molester who also has a whole gallery of lala porn that the cops find when they impound the computer full of REAL CHILDREN stuff as well it's never going to be anyone else's business anyway, ever, and that's like, one hypothetical awful person for a whole fandom of normies who are just surprised by how much idk Pipin's deep voice rocked their world and changed their whole perspective on what a hot character was.
Like, granted, that one HYPOTHETICAL weirdo will make everything rancid because there are people waiting to jump on people who like lalas, but also it still won't actually change what other people are doing into being Evil just because someone who actually hurts children found lalas attractive too. That, again, was the hypothetical awful person's problem and not theirs. And in no way can we just casually imply ALL people who like lalas are just inherently going to be dangerous, like real children, or enacting a private psychodrama teetering on the edge of all that.
They could in fact be completely average and boring psychologically and also have a crush on Tataru. Or, I guess, normal amount of weird for a fandom, but basically average XD In a fictional world where these characters are treated as adults, even normal people will naturally end up drawn to them as adults because, well, that's the story that's we're all engaging in. It's not inherently a thought crime to do so, because, weirdly, thought crimes don't exist.
Also, of course, people will literally discourse that hobbits are child-coded and shouldn't be shipped or seen as sexy, despite the most famous halflings, who made the entire halfling race as a generic brand, all being middle aged, hairy, smoking, drinking, guys with normal adult desires and mindsets. I mean yeah Elijah Wood was 18 when they started filming LotR (over several years so he was Krile's age by the end :P) but also Frodo celebrated his 40th birthday before setting off on the Ring Quest in the book and he was the baby of the group aside from Pippin.
In any case, there's no fucking winning and so I can understand completely that if a fucking Hobbit from Lord of the Rings gets shit for being short, and people are getting called a perv for fancying Sam Gamgee, then why not just embrace it with a Lalafell because you're literally damned no matter what in the eyes of someone who won't meet a LOTR HOBBIT where he stands as an adult man.
There's some DEEP puritanical brainrot going on online and I don't want to be a part of it whatsoever, so it means accepting lala likers for the sake of protecting Merry and Pippin's right to be seen as hot, than like, I know which side of of the line I'm dragging my beach chair. It's not even a question. I'm defending people who think lalas are appealing.
ANYWAY none of this is my business, I don't even find lalas sexy, I just think Krile looks nice in her cute summer top and it's lovely that she's getting fashion advice from her besties, and there's a million reasons to be happy about that and for her as a character, and only miserable bastard reasons to go "aurgh aurgh it's problematic" and condemn the game and everyone who plays it just for enjoying something. Lalas are NOT smol and wholesome, they're short and people, and that's fine.
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honeydazai · 2 months
hai! can I get 'doing their makeup for them' with nikolai pls?
Nikolai + 'doing their makeup for them'
milestone drabble event! 🪻
join my tag list here! 🪻
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“You have awfully pretty eyes.”
The words spill from your lips so very easily; after all, they're the truth. Leaning against him with one hand on his shoulder, your faces mere centimeters apart, you're able to get a particularly good look at just how stunning they are, shining in blue and yellow.
“Thanks.” Nikolai's smile is a little too wide, fraying at the edges. “You're supposed to concentrate on my makeup, though. Don't lose focus, now.”
You scoff. “I can multi-task just fine.” As if to prove your words, you add more mascara to his lashes, movements slow and gentle. “See?”
“I always do your makeup so carefully, though.” He pushes his lips forward into a pout, entirely too dramatic. “At least give the same effort back. Otherwise you're mean, you know?”
“I am making an effort”, you protest, eyebrows knitting together in mock unhappiness, “It literally looks so good. Take a look yourself if you don't believe me, but it's not like I didn't do just fine on your other eye.”
Nikolai merely hums in response — though that at least means he's not complaining anymore. Instead, the atmosphere shifts into something peaceful. Your palm cups his cheek, gently holding it to stop him from moving and messing your work up, and he leans into the touch, more cat than person.
Black goes with the colour scheme of his chosen outfit; it's a reasonable first guess, although Nikolai sighs as though it is not.
The quiet does not last for long; only until after you've peppered some glitter onto his lids.
“Quiz time”, Nikolai sing-songs, white bangs falling into his face as he moves, “What colour of eyeliner do you think I want to wear today?”
“Wrong. A shame. Ah, but — you know what? I'll let you guess again. Aren't I kind?”
“Very.” You squint at him, your head tilted to the side in a curious manner. It's not like there's an overwhelming amount of options; red and white are his other two most used colours, and white is closest. You pick mostly by random.
Nikolai makes a triumphant noise; before you're able to reach for the corresponding pen, he presses his lips to yours, the gloss on them sticky. You let out a soft noise, eyes fluttering shut, though he's already pulling back again, smirk mischievous.
“Continue, sweetheart.”
Still, you drag the felt tip over his eyelids, going for a cat-eye look; the very moment you're done, a mirror suddenly appears between the two of you, the power of The Overcoat, and Nikolai coos at his reflection, apparently in awe.
You try your best not to feel too smug. It's rather difficult when he's literally swooning. Then, sharp eyes snap back to you, determination sparking inside.
“Alright; it's my turn, now. Lean back, doll.”
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jamneuromain · 10 months
A Proper Nest
Steve Rogers x You (Reader)
Warning: Omega!Steve Rogers, Alpha!Reader, established relationship, smut, p in v, in heat, a lil breeding kink, sub-ish Steve, creampie if you squint
W/C: 2K
Summary: Steve wants to build a proper nest for his upcoming heat.
A/N: Gifting this fic as a bday present to @rogerswifesblog :3 Wish you all the best things in this world uwu
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It was the top secret that Steve was an Omega.
Which was a piece of frustrating news to the higher-ups.
They complained. Multiple times, about why Steve wasn’t one of the Omegas like in the ancient history, which could bear children so that the United States wouldn’t be in short supply of super soldiers.
No. Steve, rare as hen’s teeth, was born a male Omega. Meaning that he could not bear children, that he would suffer from Omega heat, and that he needed a comforting Alpha every six months when his heat would strike.
Waking up in modern days, however, does have its perks.
For example, a big online community focuses on male Omegas, though surprisingly, there were many male Omegas just like him.
For example, there are better scent blockers that will disguise him like a Beta in the crowd if he puts one on his gland.
For example… bonds are created between two loving mates, not forced upon them.
Love and attraction can stay well away from each other, or so he figures, when he is anxious about another upcoming heat that will land in a week, and that he has yet to finish his nest.
Steve presses his nose into your long silk robe, and inhales deeply.
The fresh scent of mint smells calming and comforting, with a hint of laundry detergent. He tucks the robe into the pile of clothes and blankets which he would use to build his nest.
He nuzzles his face with a blanket. The slight roughness irritates him, followed by his folding the blanket into a square and placing it on the floor. He has the decency to fold it now. Wait until it’s three days till the heat and he’d be throwing stuff on the floor, losing his temper, and rather stay inside his nest than do anything.
“Do you need anything, Stevie?” You ask him softly, standing by the door instead of by his side. As his Alpha, you know better than to poke your nesting mate right now.
Steve’s eyes scan your form with a warning glint. “Don’t touch my stuff.” He grumbles, picking up a cotton sheet of yours from the pile of fabrics and clothing he would use to build your nest, and splaying it in the middle of your shared bed.
It’s funny how he’d want you during heat, love you with or without your mutual bond, and also protect his nest like a hatching hen these days. Even from you.
Pouring some water into a glass, you carefully put the glass by the door, “You’re sweating, Stevie. Here’s some water for you, okay? I’ll be in the kitchen to count our stock for next week, give me a shout if you need anything.”
You have no doubt, that even the pile of clothes belongs to you, Steve would tear you down if you approached him without informing him first.
Steve nods somewhat hesitantly. With two pillows and the sheet in place, the basic structure of his nest is gradually forming. Though he would kill for a glass of water right now, the hindbrain urges him to build his nest for his safety and comfort.
The faint scent of mint ghosting the glass you prepared for him, making Steve downing the glass and sniffing it, running the cold glass over his gland.
Fuck. He wants it.
Steve lets out a whimpering noise in protest, but he goes through the pile, sniffing them to find if there is a stronger minty scent.
He needs your fucking scent when he has just driven you away because of his omega hindbrain.
His gland is burning, itching for your scent.
Steve throws the annoying pile – a second ago he wanted to make his nest properly, but nothing else matters more than a dose of your pheromone at this moment – onto the bed, roughly arranging them into the shape of a nest, and runs to the kitchen where you were supposed to be.
“… protein bars, check. Chocolate chip cookies, check. Three loaves of bread, check. Two cartons of milk, check.” You murmur to yourself, counting and putting the groceries in place.
Steve embraces you from behind, where he buries his face into the crook of your neck and takes a deep inhale. The wave of mint knocks his hindbrain out cold, a breeze of coolness to his heating body.
“Stevie?” You pat his arm that’s tightening around your waist, closing the refrigerator door, “You okay, baby?”
“Need your scent.” He whines, “Need you.”
The tremor over the bond you shared informs him that you are experiencing joy and somewhat – amusement, which he cannot comprehend.
Still, it doesn’t make the scene that a grown, beefy, 6’2’’ man whining like a big baby any less amusing for you.
“I hate you.” He whines again, all the while inhaling more of your scent.
“And I love you, baby.” You grin, “Do you want to take a shower? You are sweating a lot.”
“After I finish the nest.” He runs the tip of his nose over your gland, agreeing, before licking it. Once. Twice. Sucking on it.
Your gland is stimulated. Producing pheromones in large quantities that blend into the air around both of you. Although you grew up with this scent ever since you turned Alpha, the heavy and sharp smell of mint is a bit too much compared to the usual amount.
Through the bond, your body knows that your mate will be in heat soon, so it naturally tries to speed up the process – or comfort your mate, whichever comes first.
After he is finally satisfied with the amount of scent your gland produces, he kisses your cheek one last time. By this point, your thin sleeping gown is soaked with his sweat.
You turn around and gently wipe the sweat drops from his brows and his chin with the back of your hand, cupping his jaw, asking softly. “Better?”
“Nest and then shower, ‘kay? We need to cool you down a bit.”
“I’m fine.” Steve scrunches his nose. He doesn’t want your scent, your precious scent, going away and be replaced with stinky shampoo or body wash, even if he’s sweating like crazy right now.
“Stevie, please?”
“Ugh fine.” He pouts so visibly that you are certain you could hang a basket on his lips and it would stay still. Stomping like a kid, he returns to your bedroom, rummaging through the pile much faster.
You shake your head. A small smile hanging by your lips.
The way your Omega eventually agrees with you warms your heart (and your hindbrain). The Alpha in you takes pride in assisting your Omega, taking care of him in any way that’s possible – for example, reminding him to shower as he is too tied up to your nest to prevent himself from getting cold.
Technically, he can’t. But he sweats so much that he could dehydrate, or risk getting electrolyte disorder.
You finish counting the last few items on your list, before there is a light tug on your bond.
Enough to dawn on you that this house has been too quiet.
No ruffling clothes, no murmuring, no Steve walking on the floor barefoot. Not even the sound of distant showers running behind closed doors.
It is too quiet.
“Steve?” You drop the list and head to your bedroom immediately, as a harsher tug on the bond makes you wince.
Steve is entering his heat.
Right FUCKING now.
You slow down, approaching your bedroom. The scent of apple pie and cream hits you like a freight train bus, knocking nearly all of your senses out cold.
“Steve?” You push the door open, revealing a mess of clothing, sheets, blankets, comforters, and a writhing 6-foot naked man on your bed, lying in the middle of your clothes that could barely be called a nest.
“Alpha-” He whimpers, as your scent responds to his almost on instinct, battling for his sanity, “Alpha, please-”
Speed up the process, or comfort your mate – clearly, your pheromones decided on the first. Steve’s heat is at least five days earlier than it was supposed to be.
Letting go of your sleeping gown, you lie on the bed next to him, caressing his faint pink skin and the rising and falling of his chest, “Shh. It’s all good now. I’ve got you.”
Despite the flaming heat that swept over his body, and the tight coil in his guts, Steve grabs your hand and places it on his gland, pleading, both through his voice and your bond to soothe him from the pain.
You unleash your pheromones in a heartbeat. Hovering your body over his, you press a small kiss over his gland.
“Hurts- It hurts, Alpha, make it better-” Steve whimpers, his hand clenches on the back of your neck, urging you to take him, to bite him, to renew your mark again-
Your teeth sink into his skin, drawing out blood, and bite the most sensitive part of his body.
A cluster of pheromones his marked gland leaks reaches your tongue and throat as you lap on the wound to help it heal. Although you doubt it will stay healed for long, the heat will last roughly a week and the marking process will keep happening every time the pain returns to his body.
Swallowing his blood down your throat, it tastes like iron with a faint smell of warm apple pie.
He whispers your name, moaning, as he humps on your thigh. His thick girth chasing your body, wanting to be cooled down. “Want you to ride me,” Steve chokes out, “Y/N, Alpha, please…”
You snake a hand down, stroking his heavy cock, pushing the foreskin to reveal the reddening head. “Shhh,” You coo, “anything for my good boy.”
His cock slides into your weeping pussy with ease, he lifts his hips as you sit, his sweaty hands claw your back, desperate for his release.
You begin bouncing on his lap, moving your body in a steady rhythm, one hand on his abs, the other steadying yourself on the bedside post.
Lowering to kiss his plump lips, you can taste his willingness, his submission, and his unconditional love on the tip of his tongue, when he whines because of your retreating, swaying your hips to create more friction on your clit, clenching your walls as his orgasm arrives.
“Fuck.” He gasps, “Fuck I’m gonna-”
His soft golden strands stick to his forehead, his breath quickens, clinging to you with a firm grasp. He pushes his hip up one more time, veins bulging down his neck, pulsing pheromones to every cell in his body. The mighty super soldier now lying on your bed, almost helpless, begging with his pretty voice and his throbbing cock.
It makes the Alpha in you purr in excitement and satisfaction.
“Cum for me, pretty boy,” You whisper praises by his ear, your lips tracing his clean-shaven jaw, while your nails scratch his delicate gland, leaving a few crimson marks on his neck, “So good for me, Stevie, gonna give me pretty little babies and let me be a mommy, yeah?”
“Yes. Yes.” Steve snaps his hips up, his eyes roll to the back of his head.
A heavy load coats your tight walls. You reach your orgasm soon after, lying on top of him. The heating skin under your palm subdues, as Steve gains his senses back and buries his head in the crook of your neck again.
“… didn’t even build a proper nest.” He mutters. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You run your fingers down his arms fondly, pressing soft kisses to his collarbone, “We’ll build a better one next time.”
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ayyyez · 2 years
Headcanons on shisui, minato, and Yamato on how they'd react to their s/o (civilian shinobi or otherwise:)) getting attacked and almost dying? 😭 need the agnst in my life rn I love ur work ur iconic uwu
A/N: the angsssst! but it's okay I love angst it's what I do haha but mostly as long as it has a happy ending because we deserve that as a treat as do they. And aw thanks sm!
TAGS: angst, reader attacked/almost dies, sad characters, mini scenarios rather than headcanons, mentions of hospitals, mentions of wounds, mentions of being impaled, no graphic injuries, characters blaming themselves, long post under cut
CHARACTERS: Shisui Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, Yamato
Shisui is usually the calm and collected one no matter the situation. He can take out any enemy. Always has a plan and can lighten any situation with a lighthearted quip should it call for it.
But this, oh god nothing can prepare him for this.
You're not supposed to be able to get hit. Your entire jutsu is supposed to be impenetrable. More so than that, he's supposed to be your eyes in case things go wrong, your back up.
The enemy found a weak spot though—pulled a thread in the seam everything falls apart right in front of him.
Shisui feels so powerless as he calls your name.
'I've got you.' He says, catching you just before you hit the ground.
He ducks for cover as kunai come at him from all sides. The rest of the squad focus on the guy who got you. Taking down the rest of the enemies is a sinch in comparison. He can't even think about anything else except getting you out and alive.
When he makes it through the thick of the trees he feels you tremble in his arms.
'Shisui.' You call his name, same as you have a thousand times before but this time it's so quiet, almost ghostly.
Shisui is terried to look down but he has to. He can't let you down by betraying his fears. He needs to make you feel safe.
'H-hey.' He doesn't mean to let his voice slip and tremble as he sees how you don't look so good. 'It's going to be alright. We're almost there.'
You manage a nod.
By the time he makes it to the medics you begin to fade and he panics. They take you off his hands and into the tent to tend to your wounds.
Shisui spends the whole time pacing outside pale as a ghost.
He can't sit or stand still. He's a jolting mess. He can barely accept the water or food offered to him by his comrades.
It's the longest wait of his life waiting for you to wake up.
'Shisui.' Is the first thing you say as you come to.
He cries he's so overcome with emotion. Takes your hand and drops his face against it. Poor Shisui is so exhausted and has been so scared he just loves you so much.
Guilt overwhelms Minato as he sits in the hospital room waiting for you to wake up.
He wasn't there when you had been injured because he held so much faith in your ability to hold your own and now he can't help but blame himself for being so carless. He should have been there. He should have been with you.
It's not that now he believes you can't handle yourself, it's that he should have been there anyway. Anyone can slip up. Anything can happen. This is proof of that and he knows that now.
If he could go back and do things differently— 
No it's too late for that. He would do right and better by you now.
He stays by your side each day waiting for you to wake up. He speaks to you, tells you little things about each day that are trivial but also deep things like how much he cares for you.
'I'm sorry.' He whispers, stroking your hand. 'I love you, I'll be here when you wake up.'
He lets go of your hand and walks over to the window to look out onto the village below.
Everything seems smaller, holds less meaning without you here awake beside him. It's like something is missing. He's no longer quite whole.
There's a stiring behind him and Minato turns wide eyed to find you coming to.
He can't quite believe it when your eyes flutter open.
'Mmm.' You groan. 'Damn that hurts.'
A soft chuckle escapes him and then a few tears too. Just a flood of relief hits at the signs of you being there.
Then you turn to him, a little more awake.
'Hey.' You say. 'What are you doing all the way over there, huh?'
And that's all it takes for him to just crowd you in the tightest (but also careful) hug.
'I'm so glad you're awake.' He whispers. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Don't be sorry.' You assure him. 'I'm glad you're here though.'
He pulls away and looks you deep in the eyes. 'I love you.'
It's enough to take your breath away. 'I love you, too.'
The image of you jumping in front of him to protect him is something Yamato will never forget. He's not sure he can forgive you for it either if you don't wake up.
He knows neither of you had a choice but— 
Seeing you there impaled is just not something he can ever forgive.
You should have let it hit him. Village be damned he'd rather—okay he would not rather hundreds of other people die instead of you getting injured but that's besides the point! He should never of had to see you that way. If you didn't worm your way into his life and make him care then— 
Oh who is he kidding.
Yamato could never be mad at you.
He's mad at himself. He should never have agreed to put you in this situation in the first place. There should have been a better strategy. He should have thought up a better strategy.
'It was an impossible situation, stop beating yourself up over it and just be there instead.'
Yamato lifts his head.
'Kakashi.' He balls his fists against his pants then sighs unfurling them. 'I know it's just—'
'Just that you think you could have strategised yourself out of an impossible situation now that it's over.'
'This is different.'
'It's always different with the people we care about.' He gives him a knowing expression. 'With the people we love.'
'I don't need a pep talk right now.'
'No but you also don't need to sit here waiting for someone to scold you like you've done something wrong.'
Yamato gives him a doubtful look.
'You both did your duty and what you wanted to do so now you ought to both be together for the waking up part.' Kakashi sighs. 'Neither of you are dying today.'
Yamato takes a deep breath letting it settle in his lungs before he exhales again. Kakashi was right. He needs to be by your side.
'Okay.' Is all he says before he stands and heads to your room, leaving his senpai behind.
The tension is palpable as he enters your room. The machines beeping and your assisted breathing fill his ears. He sits beside you timid as he shifts closer.
'Sorry, I took so long.' Is all he whispers as he wakes for you to wake.
Your eyes flicker open a few moments later as if to let him know it's alright. He's not mad anymore, only relieved. Loved.
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guppyfish77 · 1 year
dropping in to let you know that I find your painting style verry pleasant uwu Do you have a technique or is it vibes only?
Thank you very much! Apologies for answering late, I'm happy to hear that you find my style pleasant :]
As for techniques... techniques... hmmmmmmm, my art process is very loose, so I suppose its mainly based on vibes, however there are a few techniques that I do use in my art process!
-Going Dark then Lighter
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Its easier for me to figure out where the light hits rather than where the shadows fall, for this reason I often start with a character or background a lot darker that they are supposed to be and then adding light to it, it is quite an effective technique for scenes that have dramatic lighting
Sometimes the "outlines" that appear are just me adding light and not quite allowing the light to touch the edges
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like this (not all outlines are because of this tho, some outlines I do add deliberately)
-Checking Values
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If you make a layer that is entirely white, put it on the very top, then set that layer's blending mode to Color, you will get a black and white version of your artwork! (blending modes Hue and Saturation also seems to work, I can't tell if there is a difference between the three, but I always usually go for Color) Its a quick way to check values and make sure that no colors are blending together
-The less layers the better!
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This is more of a personal preference but I absolutely hate managing a lot of layers, so I try to use as little layers as possible, characters are always rendered on a single layer, colors, shading, and all! If I use any blending modes such as Overlay or Multiply, I simply get the result that I want before combing the layers to continue working on it. The 2 brushes that I use has quite a nice blending to it and when worked on a single layer is what most likely what gives it the painterly quality.
Background layers are a bit more complicated because there are many elements to work with, but works somewhat similarly. Near the end of working on a piece I do an "overpaint" layer where go around the entire piece to touch up a few things, though I have to be careful not to add too many overpaint layers, it gets very chaotic that way
anywhos those are some of my techniques, I hope that you find it interesting or that it helps you! 👍
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Listen, Baldur's Gate got me in a chokehold especially with Astarion aaa! So here's a small fic with vampire spawn!tav x Astarion (note i mixed some vtm stuff hehe) totally welcome requests for him uwu
Rated: M
Warnings: mention of blood, manipulation, vampirism, and some trauma briefly
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The smile is practiced, clearly. You tilt your head ever so slightly to show interest but not too much as you want your prey to willingly chase after you.
Astarion hunts flawlessly; only those who have been around him, studied him, can see the tells of his performance.
You are no Astarion, tonight he feeds for two again. You hate bothering him about this, about how to be a vampire.
Your master had forced this gift upon you, to keep his bird in their cage to sing and play the instrument of his choosing. He forced you to consume the blood of his prey, you had no reason to learn how to be a hunter— In his eyes.
Astarion feeds you because of pity, or maybe he doesn't like seeing you in a bloodlust frenzy, especially during the day.
Hunting is hard despite the supernatural charms granted by this infliction... Two partners he leads outside, leaving you to continue the night in the tavern alone with your lute.
Later in the evening, when the night is slowly turning to day, outside the camp away from curious gazes; he teaches you how to not fear feeding.
"Such a little fledgling," The tone is mocking but the way his hand strokes your hair hints to his concern. You will not survive long like this, worm or no worm.
You shake as you open your mouth ready to bite his wrist but you stop midway and cower.
"You can't keep doing this. It's better to accept the situation and work with it."
Ten years. He laughed so bitterly when you told him how long you have been a vampire spawn. Ten years in a gilded cage to sing for your master; he made you want for nothing.
There is jealousy but pity, mostly envy for you were (in his eyes of anguish) not given a monster of a master like him.
"I'm sorry. Thank you." When you give thanks, it is when you bite down upon the pale elf's flesh. He grunts because you had to dig your fangs in, learning to let instinct guide you.
He drank enough for two as he finds him often doing; you are such a novice to the world of darkness and deception.
A bard with talents in the arcane. The leader of this band of weirdos, the glue of this group honestly.
Those red eyes stare, watching, as you feed slowly and try not to make too much sound.
Gale had been one to stop you from killing him when he first met you. Fangs and claws, ravenous, you apologized to him— No, you grovel to him back at camp for your unsightly reaction.
Water under the bridge, you had exposed your weakness to him.
Then he got desperate and attempted to feed on you. He foolishly thought you were feeding. No, you were feeding... On old blood, you stole before you ran away. Barely drinking much to stretch out the bottles.
That night he suppose you thought of him as kindred. Your unofficial sire and you his unofficial fledgling. Maybe that is correct, he just wants his spot in this group of wannabe heroes to be safe.
So long as you like him well he stays.
When the feeding is done, when you lick away the excess blood like a cat, you wrap his already healing wound. It's something he stopped bickering about with you, this symbolic gesture to further show your appreciation.
"Sex is a much better gift." Sighing as if bored, he is bored.
You laugh softly like the caress of a summer breeze warmth. The light is still in your eyes while his are completely snuffed out.
There are days and moments when you are too naive. Tonight you slip away back to your simple tent and he will remain in the outskirts of the camp to cool his head.
When it is time to hunt again, he has you feed on the Gur who was sent to capture him. This is a gift, the gift to taste blood directly rather than just from him.
Alone, this done alone with him holding the monster hunter as you tried to be gentle.
"Yes, drink deeply. Drain him dry." Your eyes closed, your grip on the hunter's shirt tightens as the hunger takes over.
But you are a mere child compared to your partner in sanguine hunger.
The need now is ten times stronger and with a bloodied mouth you kindly ask for more.
He will teach you to control some other time, right now he kisses you. Sharing this victory with kisses and hands on your body.
Heavy making out is all he gets for now, too shy to allow him to take you.
Properly corrupt you.
With both vampires fed, the fights with enemies are easier. Feeding on bandits or goblins, or whatever else dares to challenge the group against fate.
In the Underdark, it gets harder to feed. The small group of dark elves was helpful to stave off the hunger for a week or so.
Once more you go to him for guidance, no one else.
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
hello!! I enjoy your stuff!! I was wondering if request are open could you headcanons of the upper moons having a goth s/o ?
like imagine their partner having platforms, chokers, black lipstick, the dark clothing and tattoos uwu
I would really love to see how they would react to them 🫰
Requests open, don't worry. It's a lovely ask, I hope you like it. I am writting considering the context, most are demons in the XX century that have lived at least 100 years, all of them from JAPAN. If it wasn't because most of this guys are freaks, none of them would approve.
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How does the Uppermoons feel about your asthetic? Goth GN Reader.
Warnings: Kokushibou being a grampa 😂, Referenced sexual content, Sekido being emotional again, and Akaza has his implied angst (why almost everything in him has at least some hidden angst?).
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Gyutaro loves your asthetic, it's almost the opposite of the traditional japanese beauty standards and he's all for it. He thinks it suits you a lot and he is not bothered when you want to show off a inked skin or too much skin. (He specially loves tattoos, thinks it's genial that marks on the body can be artistic, he is always nervious to touch them but you can see he wants to).
If you want to share a t-shirt, lend him some jewelry, put a choker in his neck, paint his nails or make him a fake tattoo (his regeneration would ruin a real one), then he is reasy for you to dress him up. (Even the lipstick, he is all for messy kisses and the more the merrier) With you as a partner he would start to incorporate some of this things to his everyday style (and Daki would loath you for it.)
Gyokko is conflicted, he likes the gothic style, adores it even. The themes, the dark colors, the uniqueness, it's a great asthetic. But it's not his asthetic. He likes colors, soft patterns, brightness. And of course Gyokko can't have it if it's not about himself, not that he minds. "Some things must be loved from afar. It's like art, you are not supposed to interact or be part of it if you are not the artist. You are just supposed to appreciate it."
He fully supports the way you look, the way you dress, and he might try to wear dark make up every once in a while with you doing it as a bonding experience, if you have something really nice then jewelry is a must, specially the choker (he feels sexy with it)... but besides that, he would barely touch it. Also, you better keep your mouth away with that lipstick.
It suits you, he doesn't have any strong opinion about it besides that. If that is what you want to wear, please do. But he got to admit there are things he is rather intimidated by in your style, the dark colors everywhere and memento mori themes are one of those.
He would not let you near with any of your things, not even the nail painting. Still, he would be plainty supportive of you expressing yourself. He is ok with the lipstick, though, it causes no harm.
Sekido is ok with it, it's the way you express yourself and dress is none of his business. He doesn't really like it but still thinks it's much better than dressing like Karaku or Urogi. He doesn't mind anything you do tl yourself as long as you like it.
And if you ever think of lending him something... don't, at best he will not use it, at worst he will give it to Urogi or Karaku and you will never see that piece of clothing/jewelry again. And try to put any make up on him he will literally have you shocked untill you pass out. Also, please clean the lipstick off if you want a kiss, he doesn't like them that messy.
Karaku thinks it's beautiful and sexy, he loves it a lot and is unafraid to say it. The second he saw you he said "Damn, you're looking good, hot-stuff. Suits you so much I'm almost envy it." He falls in love with you again evertime you expose a tattoo (he will trail the drawing with his index as he whispers how much he loves it in yoour skin by your ear) or wear tight and black clothes.
Don't mind him matching your style every once in a while, when he gets the mood to fix himself. But now that you gave him the idea he is forever using a choker, best thing ever. Also, he loves the black lipstick, he is enamored with kissing you with both having some and creating a mess, also he likes it since is extremely visible in his unlike bitemarks (they heal), so he is all for you kissing anywhere you like with it.
Urogi adores it, he thinks it's unique. Really, he gets all over you and asks you things like "What is that?" "How did you get it?" "Is it uncomfortable?" He also comments how it looks good in you. This includes the tattos, he loves then, even licks them at times lnly to see if it rubs off and is always amazed when it doesn't, even if he ever licked that same spot a million times.
After a while you realize he started to steal your stuff, specially the jewelry. He doesn't even wears them, he just likes them a lot so he keeps them. You can't get him to wear anything at all, he will run away at the sight of you wanting to dress him up (like a dog realizing it's bath-day, maybe he does think you will force him into a shower cuz he stinks a bit and you would not want to wear a shirt that he just used).
Aizetsu likes it, he thinks you look nice in it, you look like yourself. Dark clothes fit anyone, he thinks, and damn him if he isn't attracted to the themes, specially the memento mori. The thing he loves the most are the tattoos, the fact that they are part of you. He asks about their meaning, of why did you choose certain design, of the experience, he uses them as a way to know you.
Now, he wouldn't actually wear that. While he also likes dark clothes, he uses only things that are comfortable for his skin and to do the katas with his spear. But... a little bullying and he will be willing to match with you for a while. Oh, and he looks adorable after a messy kiss with the lipstick. He loves it and hates it at the same time, since it's awful but he likes that you can leave a mark that won't heal so he doesm't want to clean it off.
Nakime is in love with your style, she doesn't understand it as much as she feels she should, since he also wears black. She likes the themes, adores the tattoos (even if she would die before letting a needle basically embroider ink into her skin), dies for the make up and jewelry, also the fact she literally fell in love with you when she saw you like that... she still hasn't managed to integrate herself fully into it. She adores it, yearns it, but it's not hers.
Still, Nakime does like when you lend her something, and she would use them from time to time as long as you guide her through the style. And she likes a lot to kiss if you are both wearing lipstick, even if she doesn't like to deal with the mess it leaves in the skin.
Akaza doesn't share the taste, but he is very supportive. He likes to see you dress up the way it makes you comfortable and happy, and he is not above gifting you a gothic piece of jewelry or cloth if that will make you happy. His biggest issue are the tattoos, for some reason they make him feel on edge (you are used to him being paranoid of you being hurt, but fearing it out of a tattoo?)
He would not wear none of those, never. Akaza loves you, but he is not comfortable with the idea of so much black in him. It's actually funny because he wears white and pink, so you give the Jade (you) and Kat (him) vibe from Victorious at first glance. Also, he is not going to stop you from kissing hin if you wear lipstick, but he is cleaning his mouth the second your lips leave his.
Douma literally doesn't care. You could both dress in the most expensive suit or a trash bag and the same reaction. "You look lovely in that!" But he says it mostly because it's the correct thing to say, since he doesn't have feelings on the matter. The only think he is curious about are the tattoos, but once he made some questions like "Did it hurt?" "Why this drawing?" "What if one day you don't like it anymore?" He starts losing interest.
He also doesn't care lf you put anything on him, you could give him a tattoo if you ever wanted. He doesn't care if the kisses might get messy with the lipstick or even if you want to put make up in him, at best he will think having his face "painted" is funny and at worst he will clean it off. Douma just doesn't care.
Kokushibou hates it, if he wasn't a demon he would have died from a heart attack everytime he saw you using a choker with black lipstick, visible tattoos, clothes too tight in your skin and/or too revealing (he thinks too revealing is showing your shoulders, thighs, any tiny bit of chest, waist, back and so) and way too many accesories for his liking. And don't get him starting with the memento mori themes (he's terrified by it).
This is a japanese traditional man, and what your style is almost the exact opposite of it. Still, he barely comments on it, he's a very quiet man, and he's so horrified he doesn't know how to approach because... you really like to be like that??? [Go to sleep gramps 😂] If you ever put anything gothic on him, no matter what, even if it's just the figure of your lips with the black lipstick, forget the canon timeline, he will die then and there. [Poor grampa, your youth is too much for him 🤣]
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
I honestly feel like Stolitz would be better as a psychological horror rather than a romance.
Especially with the caste system in place and Stolas’ creepy behavior. Not to mention the exploitive deal they have in place.
I’d watch a Helluva Boss that had Blitz slowly get a support system, rekindle his family relationships, whilst getting away from the creepy rich guy.
Based on what Viv and Brandon talked about in that panel, how Stolas was originally supposed to be "a much darker character," that was the original plan until Viv decided she wanted uwu soft yaoi childhood friends to lovers instead. I wish we would have gotten it too, it sounds chilling.
That said, since she did decide to go with uwu yaoi, I still say the best thing she can do for herself is retcon/rewrite Murder Family. When you've got a fly in your soup, you don't stand around insisting it's an olive and that anyone who points out the fly wings lacks media literacy...you fish it the fuck out.
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fetching-sketching · 3 months
Seeing your posts about BMC is always so interesting becauseI haven't revisted BMC in so long lol. Your rbs abt Michael are specificallly interesting because I definitely remember liking him a lot. I think, it's kind of "?" that people can't see that him and jeremy's conflict stems a lot from Michael not understanding what Jeremy's real problem is and Jeremy's, uh, less than stellar handling of the whole thing agsjalalqlqqkhsj from what I remember of course.
oh man i'm about to ramble a lot.
i think the interpersonal relationships of bmc are very interesting, both the explored and unexplored, so it's always such a pity when people reduce them so they can keep certain characters absolved of all wrongdoing. everyone in that show did something bad at some point or another and i like that! i like that no one is free of responsibility for what happened, it makes everything a lot more interesting.
tbh there's a lot of fanon interpretations of michael i just can't stand. a lot of people boiled him down to being sad and hopelessly in love with jeremy and that removes the best parts of his character. he's sassy and petty and over all pretty jubilant! mitb is a great song but had disastrous consequences for how people view michael as a character because it's supposed to be "out of character" for him. he's never affected by how people think of him so it's very serious when suddenly he is. he suddenly cares about how he's perceived. i think a lot of people took it the wrong way to mean 'oh, he's always been like this, he just hid it' rather than the opposite. not even in a way where he was always anxious about how people thought of him but where he's anxious of how just jeremy thinks of him because up until that point he clearly wasn't. what makes jeremy's betrayal so bad wasn't that michael always feared it, but because he never saw it coming. jeremy just wasn't on his radar of someone who he had to appeal to to be liked.
i don't care much for boyfs but it's always so wild to see these people scrub away what's objectively the most interesting part of the ship; these two people who thought they knew eachother inside and out having to come to terms that they weren't as in sync as they thought they were. it's a really good dynamic that could flesh out into a lot of other tropes if people really wanted to, but i haven't seen it explored a lot (although tbf i'm not exactly consuming a lot of boyfs content, most that i do see is virtue of it being the biggest ship in the fandom). fanon michael is kind of a tragedy because he really is an interesting character but if you want to make him an uwu soft sad gay boi you have to sacrifice those parts of him.
(also i personally think if michael was actually in love with jeremy he would just straight up tell him with zero fanfare, at least pre-squip lol)
thank you for this ask i have so much to say about michael actually
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LOOK, I don't know if this is gonna make sense, but it's cute to me, so here ya go just in case u like it
Glitchy Red x a Reader who's now trapped in the game after releasing him. Like, once they both were finally besties and Reader managed to help him... Now the tables have turned
So now it's time for our baby boy to help his friend >:3
I mean, he already has the knowledge, and now he also has the power since he's free, so I doubt it would be too difficult for him to save his friend (and possible love interest but that's another story-)
Btw this isn't supposed to be connected to my other Glitchy request, just saying in, just in case uwu
Finally, I don't have a pokemon quote but... Puns about Cubone are usually humerus (ba dum tsss)
- Fairy Anon 🧚🏻‍♀️
I am living for these requests, thank you. Also I hope this is okay/makes some sense
"Alright, Glitchy Red, are you ready to give this a try?"
"I'm ready when you are, Y/n." You nodded as you set your gameboy to the side. Ever since you received Glitchy Red's cartridge from a nearby game store which sold older games, and finding out about him and his past, you were determined to help him. Glitchy Red was unsure about this at first, considering he did not exactly trust you and had initially thought you were going to throw his cartridge away or give it up to someone else. However, when you did not do any of those things, he was actually quite relieved, and hopeful that you were going to help him like you had promised.
After two years of searching for answers, you two were pretty close to giving up, until you ended up finding a possible solution. You didn't want to get your hopes up too quickly, but you had written it down in a journal in your room, as well as saving the site you had gotten the information from, as a just in case it did actually work and you needed it again for whatever reason. How this person had an idea of what you were attempting, not even you knew. Hey, you can't be too careful. Now you two were going to give it a try, hoping that it would work.
"I hope this works..." You mumbled as you attempted a sequence of button presses and a few other things as you read the words you had written down on your journal. Once you were done, you looked back down at the screen of the gameboy to see if anything had changed.
"Anything?" You asked. Glitchy Red looked around, seeing no changes.
"No, nothing yet. Maybe we need to wait?"
"Oh, sure, let's give it a moment." You waited for a few moments to a few minutes, but still nothing.
"Damn, I really thought we were onto something there." You sighed softly, crossing your arms.
"I guess it's back to the drawing board- wait what is that?" You noticed the screen of the gameboy was glowing more so than usual, which was odd since this required the use of a flashlight to actually see the screen.
"I have no idea what you're seeing, but I feel... different, I can't explain it." Before you could say anything else, the whole room was filled with the same white light, causing you to shield your eyes. When you uncovered your eyes, however, you found yourself... not in your bedroom.
"Where the hell am I?" You rubbed your eyes, looking around the area, which looked rather familiar to you. It then hit you: where was Glitchy Red? "Glitchy Red?!" You suddenly called out, looking for your friend in a bit of a panic.
"Y/n?" You heard him, but you couldn't see him. That is, until you looked up towards the "sky" only to find that your little experiment worked!... sort of.
"Hey, you're finally out of the game!"
"That may be true, but now you're trapped inside." Glitchy Red sounded rather worried about this, not wanting you to be trapped inside the game like he had been.
"I... don't want you to be trapped in there because of me." He was thinking of the worst case scenarios, that you wouldn't be able to leave the game, that he would end up back in there with you, that-
"Red." He looked down at the screen. You only called him that when you were being serious or when you wanted to get his attention.
"Stop thinking like that. I'll get out of here, and I'm going to show you everything that I had promised to show you, and spend all the time with you that I possibly can! I got you out, didn't I?"
"Well, yeah, but now you're in the game."
"So? Now that we've figured out how to get you out, if we just do it again, then I should get out too!"
"and if we end up in this situation again? But I'm back in the game and we're back in our original situation?"
"Then we'll keep searching! We will keep looking until we're both out out there, together." Glitchy Red chuckled a bit, shaking his head.
"Alright, I trust you."
"Great! Now let me out of here! Look for my journal, I have it written in there." He nodded and looked around your room, which he had seen parts of here and there from when you carried your gameboy around to show him around. He looks around and finds your journal on the floor and picks it up.
"Alright, let's give this another try." You waited patiently as Glitchy Red input the button combination and other things you had done to get him out. Once he finished, he set the journal and gameboy down, waiting. After a few minutes of waiting, the bright white light filled the room once more, causing both of you to cover your eyes. After the light faded, you uncovered your eyes to find yourself back in your room, with Glitchy Red beside you.
"Y/n?" You heard him say before uncovering his eyes, which you couldn't really see from the shadow of his hat. You smiled and pulled him into a hug, which caused him to flinch in response as you had caught him off guard.
"I... I can't believe it worked." Glitchy Red hugged you back, a faint smile on his face.
"I'm glad it worked." You nodded in agreement, the two of you not letting go from the hug. You knew you would be like this for a while, but you didn't mind. You were happy that Glitchy Red was now out of the game and here with you, and vice versa.
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theycallmeratt · 3 months
Salazon Reference
Zhentarim wizard found booby-trapping the surface entrance to a Zhentarim hideout in Waukeen's Rest. He is initially intimidated by the player character (he thinks they're a Fist) and tries to sneak up on them, but warms up quickly.
Sal is the demolitions expert, according to dev notes. Presumably he is the one who masterminds the oil and smokepowder around the Zhent hideout, and the one who is meant to detonate it (he readies firebolt if threatened)
The dev notes also describe him as starting off panicked, frantic, nervous, etc, the (once you're friends) as chummy, sheepish.
Also, there's cut/bugged content around him. If you save Rugan and do not take the shipment, Rugan was supposed to show up in act 3 and tell you the rest of the group was framed and hung for the kidnapping of Duke Ulder.
Doesn't want to fight/die:
'Little serpent, long shadow.' Don't want to die. 'Little serpent, long shadow.' Just say it! - says this if you read his mind before giving the passcode. Dev notes say, "Frantically repeating this over and over in his mind - it's a pass phrase he is repeating in his head, willing us to say it so he doesn't have to fight"
B-burn, bastard! Zarys! / ZARYS, HELP! - says if a fight breaks out. Dev notes here say, "Now he's panicking and setting off a detonation" and "Calling to his boss for protection like a child"
If the player character tells him to wait, he freezes and waits
According to the BG3 wiki, he doesn't become hostile if you fight the Zhents in the basement
Dev note: "Frightened and pretending not to be, hearing us out. He doesn't want to fight really."
Apologies for, er, trying to kill you before. (Dev notes say, "Sheepish - he tried to blow you up a minute before, but knows you're a friend now and is glad you survived")
You're a friend of the family now. Just as well I didn't blow you up, eh? (Dev notes say, "Chummy - he was ready to kill you just a few moments before but knows you're an ally now")
Gah, Helm's orbs. Thought you were Flaming Fist. (Dev notes say, "He goes from jumpy to relieved - we know the pass phrase so he won't have to get in a fight")
Still a criminal (noting because I'm so tempted to write him as secretly uwu good, haha)
The player character can show him a rouge hand-sign for "profit" and he recognizes it and trusts you
Dev notes: "Realising we're from a similar criminal organisation - trusting us slightly more, but only about as much as one thief ever trusts another"
Better to the fire than the Fist - dev notes say, "He's sad to be leaving valuables behind, but he knows he's going to burn them rather than give them over to a rival faction"
If you free Rugan from Zarys, Sal will say, "He's legging it! After him!"
If you convince him to let you in to trade, he say, "I'm sure Zarys won't turn down a deal." He's wrong, she will turn it down if you don't persuade her.
ain't - "That ain't the pass phrase!" "Your timing ain't the best"
--, then
Right, look --
be about it
Let's say --
All right, --
--, didn't I?
--, I hope
Stupid thing to do sober.
Insults: None
Helm's orbs
Ilmater's broken bones - "What in Ilmater's broken bones are you doing here?"
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dextixer · 27 days
Yknow, at first i thought i would just make a thread telling everyone how manipulative this post about how "I dont hate critique but critique bad" is, to warn people about snakes in the FNDM hiding in the grass.
But then this utter clownshoes decided to invoke Monty, to talk about Montys wishes. To weaponize a dead person as a cudgel for a fucking internet argument.
This is why i hate most of the RWBY FNDM, because they are all sunshine and rainbows, all progressive, all nice people, or at least they portray themselves to be until they take off their fucking masks. And then all of these supposedly nice people reveal themselves to be manipulative ratfucks.
So, lets be very clear. If you invoke Monty in your shitty internet arguments, you are just a morally defunct person, you are lower than fucking trash. He is a deceased man. His corpse is not there for you to parade him like a fucking puppet for your own arguments.
The fact that it follows a fake ass "nice guy" facade is just the icing on the cake.
Despite the claims of the OP, they were not "suggesting that hate discourages people" they were being a snakey fuck by at first saying "Criticism isnt bad" and then outlining literally EVERY single tired anti-criticism buzzword phrase in existence. Everyone fucking knows that most of the time "Im not saying x is bad BUUUUUT" leads to the person revealing that, yeah, they are saying that X is bad. Its the most fucking elementary silencer for any argument in existence.
We have the ol reliables of
>"If you no like, just leave" >Conflating criticism with hate >Implying that people should not criticize passion projects >Implying that RWBY receives unique kind of criticism that no other thing does
Alongside that we also have some weird implications that RWBY is disliked for being "cringe" and of course, more instances of conflating criticism with "hate". If one pays attention they could easily spot a pattern, take a shot of your favourite drink anytime you see the word "hate" or its synonim when the supposed thread is supposed to be about criticsm.
As far as for the second part of the post that comes after my reply.
Criticism does not have to be constructive, its good when it is, but if a person can see something wrong, they can say its wrong without offering a solution. I dont need to be a professional doctor to see a bone sticking out where it shouldnt be etc.
And lets get back to the old sticking point "Oh, but why does RWBY have separate critic communities".
Because the fandom MADE it a fucking necessity! Just like with shows like Game of Thrones and many others! You think critic spaces or subreddits are some kind of never seen before thing before RWBY?!
The only reason RWBY has them is because of the fucking Fandom!
The RWDE tag on tumblr only exists because people were ASKED for criticism to be something that people could avoid, by tagging a post as RWDE anyone using this platform can easily blacklist the tag and NEVER see anything from it! And yet the Fandom instead of doing so CONSTANTLY comes into the tag, and then constantly bitches and whines about how criticism exists!
The critics subreddit exists because most people there were slowly pushed away from the main sub. It didnt START as that, but it became that when the mods of r/RWBY decided that instead of moderating discussions they would rather throw out all the critics because fans would NEVER behave in critical posts and would either mass report them or cause conflict!
Whether someone likes RWBY or not has NOTHING to do with personal morality. Its also extremelly ironic that there are constant "uwu, people say me bad because i like RWBY" claims with nothing to back them up while on places like twitter you can see RWBY twitter accounts say that anyone who dislikes RWBY is just a misogynist or the like.
I would rather take the most toxic critic foaming at the mouth about how RWBY is bad over people like op, ratfuck snakes who pretend to have no problem with criticism while sneaking in the same fucking anti-criticism shit into their threads.
I dont even criticize RWBY that much anymore and i mostly just tell the critics spaces to not even talk to the larger fandom, and its because of dipshits like the OP.
Because the RWBY FNDM is full of these nice presenting, nice writing manipulative jackasses who are just smiles and rainbows while saying the same tired bullshit as always. Just a reminder, just because someone is "polite" does not mean they are not full of shit.
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jodiellie · 4 months
Day 4: Born Day (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ (16/05/2024)
Water intake: 340mL (I totally forgot to monitor myself today because I kept trying to have fun on my birthday AAAAAAA)
Sleep: 3:00am - 11:30am (we slightly better 👀)
Daily vitamin C intake ❌
Allergy meds ❌
At least I did some stretches before I went to bed LORD
As usual, link will be linked below :> my hips and lower back were in a lot of pain so this rly helped! It's also a nice way to go to bed by relaxing your muscles first~
10-Min Bedtime Stretching Exercises — Pre-sleep Flow (beginners)
S3EP5 of Supernatural
Played Sky: Children of the Light the first time with my friend :3
My dad bought me The Tenants game for my birthday uwu so I played it asdjnsfnddf it's rly fun! Recommend it for people who enjoys tycoon, relaxing, and/or organizational games!
Lunch: Donut sandwich and three layered milk tea ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Dinner: Shakshuka, honey & banana porridge, pumpkin pasta, soju cake, ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ and chocolate (all of the food are shared with my family btw, I'm not inhaling full plates of it ASDJNSDNF)
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆
Crying because today is supposed to be my birthday and I spent a lot of time with my family and friends celebrating it to the point I ended up almost forgetting to take care of my needs? ASNNSDDNF I think it's mainly because I haven't make it a habit yet, after all it takes at least a month to make something a habit. Hopefully by the end of 30 days, I'll be able to make some of these stuff, like water intake and sleep, into a more habitual routine ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
***Emotional rant about birthday below (to log in my negative feelings about today but pls skip it if you're not comfortable)***
Other than that, emotionally I started feeling a little sad? I think it's because I wasn't celebrating my birthday with as much loved ones as I was last year. Mostly because of things that happened along the year that made me and my friends drifted apart. Idk, I think part of me is also saddened by a friend of mine that didn't give me a gift for my birthday? It's not really about the gift really because they did ask me what do I want and I said "i don't really know." I was more saddened at how they didn't seem to put in much effort into trying to celebrate my birthday? I've always gifted them things they like on theirs and try my best to spend a lot of time with them. But for me, it just feels like any other day and they dropped the question without giving me anything after I said idk what I want. Idk, maybe I'm just not seeing things in their pov and they're just a clueless dummy. They did tell me before how they've never rly gifted gifts to their loved ones other than me. And they've always just gift gifts randomly rather than on a special day. So idk, maybe I'm just not feeling well emotionally and this just clouded my judgement of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But looking at the more positive side, I have my family who's always there. No matter how much I might have disappointed them, they're still here for me. So honestly, that's good enough for me, even if it feels bittersweet.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I genuinely found Laudna’s whole “I’m with you no matter what you choose” deeply unsettling and not romantic or cute at *all*. I don’t care how much you love the other person, the appropriate response to “maybe the death cult that killed you has a point” is not “let’s cuddle”, it’s a major reality check and advocating for yourself and your needs. And the fact that Laudna either didn’t find it necessary to do that or wasn’t comfortable doing that speaks volumes.
I mean same; I'm happy to take more questions but I think I've said most of what I can reasonably say here, but yeah. I mean, I distinctly remember, the first week of Campaign 3 - when I was not shipping anything - unfollowing a few people I'd followed for C2 because they were with apparently no sense of reality or irony saying "omg so soft uwu codependent" as if that were a positive trait. And like, you can go back through my archives and essentially for the first six months of the campaign I was like "eh, I don't see anything real with this ship yet, but it does have potential" and my enjoyment of the gnarlrock fight was in fact because I was like oh finally, maybe Imogen and Laudna will have a meaningful conversation! Like, I genuinely thought that would be the point where I started actively shipping it. And then it fizzled out, and now they just keep silently permitting their ever-increasing problems with each other, and like, could you guys actually say anything to each other that isn't just an empty repetition of "I love you, I'm here for you". It all feels so rote and automatic, down to the "I get her a glass of water"; like, it's not the routine of a loving couple, it's two people going through stale patterns because they'd rather be miserable together than risk being alone.
I guess the last thing I'll say here, and then like...feel free to send me stuff but if it's not a question, I may read it and appreciate it but delete it, is that while (understandably) many people who ship this and find it deeply romantic do not follow me and probably have me blocked, a handful do. I had a tag on one post I reblogged about Ashton and Laudna that was like "well obviously I love imodna because imodna but this was a good conversation!" and like...that's it, isn't it? It's Imodna because Imodna. It's a tautology. It just feels so obligatory, like you're supposed to like this because...[footage not found], and if you say "uh...why though, Laudna isn't even comfortable enough to say hey don't get buddy-buddy with the cult that murders everyone, including me," you're met with blank stares. Like, again, I've been cold on it since the gnarlrock fight went nowhere, and more interested in both Imogen and Laudna's relationships, platonic or potentially romantic, with basically everyone else in the party, since then as well; but this episode was the point where I was like "literally, can we discuss that this emperor has no clothes." And again like. The emperor still could put on clothes at some point, but hasn't happened yet.
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rexcaliburechoes · 1 year
i don’t think diamant and alfred’s a-support is particularly out of character // literally no one asked
pardon for the typos and occasional salty tone; i really don’t have the energy to sift through every single line diamant says at 330 am, but i needed to get this out of my head because people in general seem to misunderstand why diamant says what he does and what his genuine intent is/could be and i think it deserves some expansion upon. thoughts under the cut:
i actually wanna start in their b-support because i think that adds some important context.
diamant: It's funny... I never thought I'd end up crossing swords with a rival prince outside of a battlefield. [...] It's nice to think that the two of us will come out of this war as friends. alfred: Hate to break it to you, but I'm not so sure that's possible. Things won't always be like this. diamant: They won't? alfred: Afraid not. By the time the war's over...we'll be even better buddies! diamant: Haha! I like the way you think, Prince Alfred.
i think it’s very important to note alfred’s response here. i don’t think he’s a stupid as fans tend to think he is. sure, he can be an airhead, and is definitely a muscle-focused brute, but he’s just as much the crown prince as diamant is. i see a lot of people, in general, downplaying how he actually behaves in game for the “cute uwu sunshine flower boi“ trope (this is a post for another time). “i’m not so sure [we’ll still be friends post-war] is possible“ is such a grounded in reality line. alfred is thinking forward to the future- a future where brodia and firene don’t consider each other allies. it’s possible he was alluding to his illness, as well, saying that “i will die before we truly consider each other best friends“ (this is another post for another time).
of course, he can see diamant’s concern, and recovers rather quickly.
to that end: we know that diamant is much more fragile than he really lets on. it’s emphasised throughout the game. there are so many examples of this textually- explicitly, even!- that are very obvious in his character traits.
diamant, to leif in their a-rank bond: The truth is, I’m not as confident as I may seem. I’ve never told anyone that─not even Alcryst. 
diamant, to ike in their a-rank bond: Improving my kingdom, surpassing my father as king… I’m not sure I can actually do all of that. 
diamant and lucina’s a-rank bond conversation quite literally outlines the anxiety he has in regard to his kingdom’s welfare:
diamant: If Brodia’s remaining forces fall, the kingdom could be destroyed. I can’t bear that thought. lucina: I know how hard it is to leave soldiers behind. For their sake, we must claim a swift victory. Brodia will not fall into ruin, Diamant. Never will you suffer the same anguish that I did. diamant: Thank you, Lucina. That’s reassuring. You may never claim a throne…but you are a great leader.
and that’s not even every single instance in his bond conversations with the emblems, or in his supports.
and... wait... doesn’t that remind you of something?
alcryst, in his c-support with diamant: I can't offer an even match—my skills pale in comparison to yours—but I'll learn what I can. How am I supposed to win against the prince of Brodia? Yes, I am a Brodian prince, but I'm not THE Brodian prince. I'm not you, Diamant.
gee, it’s almost as though the anxiety runs in the family.
but what does this have to do with his a-support with alfred?
well, if there’s one thing that seems to set his anxiety off (aside from his perceived perfection, which is a topic i’ve already covered enough as it is already), it’s the potential of war between the different countries of elyos, and how that directly conflicts with his moral statement on how war is bad and only profits those in power. he can’t help but harp on about it every chance he gets:
framme: Prince Diamant… You said you wanted to bring peace to the world, but… Is that really true? Then why does Brodia keep attacking Elusia? I read the histories of both kingdoms. There are helpless citizens in Elusia that fear Brodia. When you talk about ending war, do you really mean conquering Elusia? Is that peace? diamant: Brodia…is a kingdom of warriors. It does have a regrettable history of seizing territory by force. And it is true that some people in Elusia have been hurt by─and have grown to hate─Brodia. That’s an undeniable part of my kingdom’s past, but I won’t let it be part of our future. It may not be easy, but I mean what I say. There will be change.
timerra: Hey, between you and me…do you think peace is really possible? diamant: Ah. That’s a big question…and one I often worry about myself. Ultimately, as leaders, I think it’s our duty to believe that peace is possible. If we won’t fight to secure that kind of future for our people, who will? 
diamant: Brodia has a lot to answer for. Offering a token like that gem is the least I can do. ivy: It's true. Brodia has invaded our lands many times. I often wonder how my people would have fared without that suffering and bloodshed. diamant: My father was focused on our kingdom's affairs when he began expanding our territory by force. That singular focus is how things have always been done in Brodia...but that needs to change. My father is no longer here, but his influence remains. Change will take time. If there's an easier way, I haven't found it yet.
and so on.
okay, so why does he worry about breaking the non-aggression pact in the first place if he’s so adamant about keeping peace between the countries of elyos?? his support reads:
diamant: As you know, the kingdom of Brodia prioritizes military might above all else. Our kingdom is home to many ambitious people. That might explain those priorities. Our culture also teaches that it's honorable to gain things by force. Thanks to Queen Ève, our two kingdoms have signed a nonaggression pact. However... alfred: You're saying you can't promise it'll last. diamant: That’s right. alfred: What do you think will happen? diamant: I have my own hopes, but I won't just force them upon my kingdom. The will of my people must come first. I have to fight for whatever future serves them best. 
so what’s the big deal? he practically says “hey, uh, yeah, about that non-aggression pact... sorry, but we can’t promise we won’t try to attack you in the future“
but i ask for you, dear reader, who’s gotten this far, to turn your attention to his and citrinne’s support chain.
citrinne: [the nobles are] eager for a response. I've been sent here to ask you directly about your stance on future military campaigns. These nobles are acquaintances of my family. As a noble myself, I can't ignore their demands. diamant: ... [diamant’s textbox pauses here before continuing to the following text] War is profitable. The nobility is expecting to line their pockets for years to come. I, on the other hand, do not intend to wage any wars during my reign as king. citrinne: I'm so glad to hear that. The nobles won't like it, but you can leave them to me.
this ends up getting diamant (and citrinne) into hot water in their b-support:
citrinne: The nobles did not care for your response. I must be cautious in my exchanges with you. Rumors are quickly spreading that my family has been colluding with Brodia’s future king. 
naturally, this gets all nice and wrapped up in a cute little bow in their a-support:
diamant: Don’t panic. I didn’t mention you at all. I made it clear that I won’t wage any wars, but will prioritize a prosperous future for Brodia. That should put a stop to the rumors, right? No more whispers of collusion.
now, i know the focus here is on the accusation of collusion citrinne has levied at her, but i think it’s important to note that the nobles did not care for diamant’s response. furthermore, his end note explicitly discusses how the nobles dis not like diamant’s plan for brodia for the future:
As the new king of Brodia, Diamant ordered a halt to all invasions and worked to reform his people's attitudes on Elusia. Some nobles resisted Diamant at first, but his vision for the future earned their favor. By exporting ore, Brodia was able to shift to a booming, trade-based economy.
let me emphasise this: the nobility does NOT like diamant. at the very least, not at first. he even says how he regrets having to lean on the nobility for financial support... but unfortunately, he will have to burn that bridge when he gets there in terms of dealing with having this held over his own head as brodia’s crown prince.
diamant, to alfred in their c-support: I was drafting requests for funding to send to Brodia's nobles. Our military needs support. Any loans will be used as political leverage in the future. I'm worried...but out of options. 
through this series of textual evidence, we are presented with two facts:
diamant is just as anxious as alcryst about his rule as king and how he envisions fostering peace as his father’s son (he’s just much more apt at hiding it than alcryst).
the nobility does not like him, in spite of his status as crown prince.
so, inevitably, when alfred steps wrong as says “yeah... we’re not gonna be best friends forever“, diamant is very prone to going into overdrive and overthinking this singular sentence... which snowballs into “i don’t think brodia will honour the non-aggression pact“.
diamant’s thoughts and worries about if he will actually be able to lead brodia into a peaceful future- profitable for his country, without relying upon being aggressive in war- quickly spiral out of control because, even if he knows logically it is not true, it doesn’t mean that he recognises it emotionally. alfred tries to reassure him, and it works, actually! it works by breaking him out of that spiral and reminds him that “not everyone wants war, and there will be plenty of opportunities to be loved by your people in peace times, too.“
alfred: I understand. I'm in the same tight spot. That said, everything'll be fine. You've got nothing to worry about. diamant: How can you be sure? alfred: Well, I mean... Everyone from Brodia seems so nice. I can't speak for the whole kingdom, but all the Brodians I've met were nice enough. I don't think they'd want a war over nothing. I think things are gonna work out. I trust the good folks of Brodia that way. diamant: You trust in the goodwill of others? Even the citizens of neighboring kingdoms? alfred: People are people, no matter where they're from. Is trusting in them so bad? diamant: Haha. No, it's not bad at all. In fact, trust might be the most important quality for a leader to have.
"people" can mean "the common people", but given how diamant struggles with the noble court... he likely means the nobles that want to use his need for funding as leverage against him, who want to pit him and citrinne against each others, who don't share his profitable future without war.
alfred can recognise that diamant is having a tough time worrying over his status as prince- about if he'll be liked, if he will rule well, if anything fleeting will ever last- because he understands him as a crown prince to another crown prince. they may not have the same exact struggle, but alfred intimately knows the impermanence of promises, legally binding or otherwise (this is a post for another time).
this is not out of character in the slightest, for either of them. this is a layered interaction exploring the exact minutiae of how both of them perceive the world: one through fleeting impermanence and acceptance, and the other through anxiety and sheer stubbornness,
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