#bingqiu fic recs
wife-beam · 3 months
hi there do u have any recs for bingqiu or bingyuan fics w a happy ending (can be short ones or lengthy ones also do u have some cute ones too 😅)? and as always binghe being possessive & obsessive djdjdjd 😭😭
due to who i am as a person im not sure i have bingqiu recs that ARENT happy ending. im gonna throw some random ones your way! let me know later if these fit for what youre looking for haha. i kept it to canonverse...ISH
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https://archiveofourown.org/works/48327853/chapters/121887097 (have to be logged in)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46868560 (have to be logged in)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54776209/chapters/138833791 (have to be logged in)
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lifeofmysteries · 1 year
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Fic Recs - Bingqiu
Fic recs specifically for the ship Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan!Shen Qingqiu. Fell down a deep SVSSS hole for the past year and have read so many fics. SVSSS has so many amazing fic authors, I have never been so blessed with a fandom.
Fic recs under the read more
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless (14k, complete)
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
This is one of the most bookmarked fic in the SVSSS fandom so I don't technically need to rec it, but I will anyway because it's just that good. The angst is incredible. SQQ communicate properly challenge (he'll lose).
may-june relationship by kitschlet (1.2k, complete)
Luo Binghe rolls to his back, looking up at their bed’s canopy. “When you invited me to sit in your carriage... that was you?”
“Yes,” Shen Qingqiu says warily.
“I was fourteen,” Luo Binghe says. “But if Shen Qinqgiu’s body wasn’t your own, how old were you?”
Very funny and a quick read. Poor Binghe loses a kink.
wedding suprises: the bad, the worse, and the downright miserable by nyoomerr (17k, complete)
Fresh from the Abyss and having just gained a seat of power in the Demonic Empire, Luo Binghe arranges for a marriage between himself as the Heavenly Demon Lord and Shen Yuan as a representative of Cang Qiong. It will be perfect, and Shen Yuan will love him and the marriage just as much as Luo Binghe does, because there is no reason for Shen Yuan not to love Luo Binghe just as much as he had when Luo Binghe was just a human servant of Cang Qiong.
It will be so good, in fact, that Luo Binghe decides to make it a surprise - so Shen Yuan comes to the Demonic Empire having no clue that his fiance is Luo Binghe at all.
(Surprise! It doesn't go as smoothly as Luo Binghe had planned.)
Nyoomerr is one of my favourite authors in the SVSSS fandom for how they write the relationship between LBH and SQQ, they really capture that angsty miscommunication that hurts both of them without it feeling forced.
Keeping Secrets a.k.a HOT CULTIVATOR IMBIBES TRUTH POLLEN AND DIES (of mortification) (not clickbait) by cinnamonsnaps (3k, tagged as incomplete but reads as if complete IMO)
"I bet you would beg," Shen Qingqiu said with a snort, letting his eye slide shut. The following silence was somehow remarkably loud. He cracked his eye open again. Luo Binghe was staring at him, face flushed red, hands frozen on Shen Qingqiu's ankle. "... shizun?" 
Shen Qingqiu gets forced to tell the truth about a lot of things, unfortunately.
Very funny, always love truth serumed SQQ bc there are so many truths he doesn't acknowledge about himself that being truth serumed reveals. no hiding behind the metaphorical fan of his words anymore
speak your mind (not that much!) by nyoomerr (8.2k, complete)
Before the investigation in Jinlan City, Shen Qingqiu is hit by a curse that forces him to speak his mind. Unfortunately, this means that the first thing he does when he sees Luo Binghe for the first time in three years is to tell Luo Binghe that he's grown up to be really quite pretty.
Luo Binghe, not sure what's going on but absolutely enjoying the ride, abandons all his plans immediately. He has new priorities now, including but not limited to: 
- get his Shizun to call him 'pretty' again - steal his Shizun away from his (probably in existence) harem - ???
Nyoomerr u r the best <3. great miscommunication. lbh going through a rollercoaster of emotions
you are who you love by kitschlet (39k, complete)
Shen Qingqiu gets hit by an amnesia wife plot that selectively erases Luo Binghe from his memories. Luckily, the cure is simple: Luo Binghe just has to make him fall in love all over again.
Kitschlet another one of the SVSSS authors where you should read through every one of their works. Very funny seeing SQQ back in 'definitely straight' mode where everyone around him knows the opposite.
night of yearning by tagteamme (39k, complete)
Luo Binghe develops a gap in his memory, one that is shaped specifically like Shen Qingqiu.
“Binghe, speak to this master,” Shen Qingqiu says firmly, and Luo Binghe gives him a strange look. Shen Qingqiu can’t place it and he leans forward, intending to get closer to see better. But the hand around his wrist instantly tightens to the point where it hurts, and Shen Qingqiu lets out a squawk of pain. “Binghe—!” “Why do you keep calling me like that?” Luo Binghe returns, and Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widen at the way the words are devoid of any emotion. It is nothing though, compared to the force of what Luo Binghe says next. “Who are you?”
This is like the twin fic to go with Kitschlet's. Poor SQQ, not a fun situation for him. Tagteamme's fics are also rlly good, highly recommend going through their account
Plastromancy by x_los (16k, complete)
"One night, Luo Binghe notices something odd about the way his blood is pooling on the floor of the woodshed."
A twelve year old Luo Binghe meets his Other Shizun.
Forces you to confront the tragic realities of what transmigration means. Includes LBH being horrific. Love it
Futility in Practice by TGP (31k, complete)
When Luo Binghe is fourteen years old, his shizun suffers a terrible qi deviation and fever that completely changes who he is.
A time loop from the perspective of a the person outside of the loop. Some of the loops are very painful but the ending is so sweet.
prophets on hold by nex_et_nox (13k, complete)
Luo Binghe led the charge in the trial against Shen Qingqiu in < Proud Immortal Demon Way >. By all rights, the concept of a trial shouldn’t even be a glimmer in anyone’s eye until Shen Qingqiu’s blackened lotus has crawled his way out of the hell Shen Qingqiu tossed him in.
So why is Shen Qingqiu wrapped in immortal binding cables and locked away in the Huan Hua Water Prison?!
[or: Luo Binghe is precisely one (1) year late getting out of the Abyss. This does not put a halt on anyone else's plans.]
Damsel SQQ rights. LBH can't stay angry at such a pitiful figure
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aspiringjester · 3 months
out of all the possible configurations of binghe and shen qingqiu i think my favorite has to be bing(ge)yuan bc yes yes something about bingge being denied the kind shizun that bingmei has and literally crossing universes to find his own is all pretty and stuff
...BUT mostly becuase there's no fucking way mr peerless cucumber himself shen yuan doesn't see what appears to be luo binghe, assumes he's a cosplayer (logical??) and absolutely RIP this stranger to SHREDS over the "inaccuaracies" of his "costume" and leave bingge in a mix of "how DARE you" and "his sickly demeanor and bitchy attitude have captivated me"
and honestly it's the funniest thing in the world to me
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silentheiss · 14 days
“Five years?” Shen Qingqiu gasped. “I can’t see my husband for five years, because you can’t write a single fucking page of an adequate plot?”
Shang Qinghua took another step back. He’s been doing it every couple of minutes since he’s burst into Shen Qingqiu’s house, carrying the worst news ever.
“Well, to be completely fair, this particular plot line didn’t make it to the novel!” The hamster of a man squeaked. Shen Qingqiu knew he was making himself look pathetic on purpose. He took great satisfaction in knowing that it wouldn’t help him in the slightest.
“Oh! In such case it’s fine I guess! Your shitty novel didn’t suffer.” Shen Qingqiu snapped his fan open and took a step towards Shang Qinghua. “It’s only a small matter of my marriage, then.”
“Cucumber-bro,” Shang Qinghua pleaded. “I’m so, so sorry, but at least I got here in time, right? What’s five years for immortal cultivators? Painful death would be much worse.”
He was right about that, at least. Painful death that Shen Qingqiu was about to inflict on his ex-best-friend would be horrific.
“I will kill you now.” He said. “Don’t forget to tell me how painful it is.”
Shang Qinghua scrammed. Shen Qingqiu let him, but only because his knees were a little weak and he wasn’t about to embarrass himself by collapsing in the middle of murder attempt.
He took a careful breath and lowered himself on the nearest surface, which turned out to be the floor, but he was at his house and there was no one to witness that. He could sit on the floor all he wanted. Because his husband got himself cursed and wouldn’t be coming back home anytime soon — if at all.
Five years.
Shen Qingqiu sat on the floor of Bamboo House for what must’ve been a long time, because when Liu Qingge barged in it was already dark.
“Liu-shidi.” Shen Qingqiu blinked up at him. “Why are you here?”
“Your disciples worried.”
Ah, Ming Fan and his snitching habits.
“This master is fine.” Shen Qingqiu said. He didn’t try to stand up — his legs have long since gone numb.
“You don’t look fine, do you?”
Liu-shidi, since when are you so talkative?!
Shen Qingqiu frowned and decided not to deign his martial brother with an answer.
“Binghe got cursed.” His mouth said without his consent. “Eternal Heart-Penury Winds. In Lichen Caves. He forgot me and everything connected to me. It’s not for actual eternity, though, if I stay away from him for five years. If I fail, and he sees my face for even a second, then it’s for eternity. How’s that?”
Liu Qingge didn’t say anything. Which, of course he didn’t. What was Shen Qingqiu even thinking, talking to him about it? He knew his Shidi was allergic to feelings of any kind.
It’s just that he wouldn’t see Luo Binghe for five whole years. They’ve been married for four and a half. How was one supposed to react to such a thing?
“I’ll make you some tea.” Liu Qingge muttered and left the room. Shen Qingqiu stayed on the floor, mind just as numb as his body.
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anqelbean · 3 months
SVSSS finished fic recs
Weeeeeee, I have so many bookmarks, I gotta do something with 'em, hope you enjoy! Most are gonna be BingQiu/Yuan
two lonely souls at sunset by lilacbuddy
Rating: T; Words: 38,049; Main Pairing: BinggeYuan
“Who are you?” Luo Binghe asked coldly. Shen Yuan wanted to bury himself in the dirt. He couldn’t have made a bigger fool of himself. “I- This one is Shen Yuan, Lord Luo,” he hastily responded, dropping into a low bow to properly greet the emperor. Even after seven years in the palace, Shen Yuan still struggled with the formal speech of scholars and nobility. “Shen…” Luo Binghe whispered. Shen Yuan winced. Of course, Luo Binghe wouldn’t know who he was by name alone. “This one is Lord Luo’s fifth husband,” Shen Yuan answered. --- Or, Shen Yuan wants life to feel like an adventure, Luo Bingge wants someone to truly love him, and a magical road-trip will somehow solve both of their problems
The Employee of the Month is Actually a Virgin? by glowingreverie
Rating: G (though I'd argue it's T); Words: 2,993; Main Pairing: Bingqiu
"Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!" parody with Bingqiu. In which Luo Binghe is a sad virgin on his thirtieth birthday and Shen Qingqiu unknowingly makes him fall in love with him.
i'll be your boy backstage by nyoomerr
Rating: M; Words: 8,369; Main Pairing: BinggeYuan
Do obsessions from other worlds form a basis for a healthy relationship? Asking for a friend.
affections touching across time by miss_coverly
Rating: T; Words: 2,616; Main Pairing: BingYuan
At first glance, the most reasonable explanation was that Shen Yuan had transmigrated into some web novel set during the Feudal Era, but a quick pat down of his intact clothes and beating heart had confirmed that he was still alive. Alive—and still in his own body. He earned a lot of stares from villagers, who endlessly muttered about his odd clothes, his odd haircut. One comment always cut above the rest, though, something about looking so much like the old Peak Lord, it’s a bit unnerving. Shen Yuan wasn’t sure what to make of all that, and furthermore, the only thing he found truly unnerving was how Luo Binghe couldn’t stand him. (Inuyasha au)
Proud Immortal Dragon Way by glacierdust
Rating: T; Words: 7,408; Main Pairing: BingYuan
The day Shen Yuan found a dragon on the balcony of his apartment, surrounded by burnt vines and fire roasted tomatoes, was the day his life changed. In other words, the local disaster millennial who can’t even take care of himself adopts an injured dragon.
The Way I Dreamed Of You by straightforwardly
Rating: E; Words: 3,397; Main Pairing: BingQiu
The one in which Without A Cure turns out to have another side-effect as well. Cat ears, ahoy! Or: while trapped inside the Holy Mausoleum, Shen Qingqiu goes into heat.
Top Notes of Violence by zarasu
Rating: T; Words: 3,679; Main Pairing: BingYuan
Luo Binghe has been born with a scent defect; no matter his mood, he always smells aggressive. In a world where everyone relies on their sense of smell, this means Binghe can't catch a break. Until he meets Shen Yuan.
and in dreaming, I know you by PandaFlower
Rating: M; Words: 3,548; Main Pairing: BinggeYuan
Shen Yuan blinked, in the manner of a dreamer being both reeling with shock yet also numb to it. “Well, of course you are!” “Of course I am?” Luo Binghe parroted, arching one of his regal brows. “You’re exceedingly handsome,” Shen Yuan nodded sagely, this whole encounter made sense now, “and Luo Binghe is said to be the most attractive man in existence; naturally you must be him.” (In which Shen Yuan has a very strange dream.)
right from the start, I gave you my heart by nex_et_nox
Rating: T; Words: 11,322; Main Pairing: BingQiu
"Bro, you know how many words I wrote per day, and how many plants I created!” Shang Qinghua whines. "I can't remember them all, it's impossible." Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes. "It was used with Wife #418.” "That doesn't narrow it down any further. I'm not going to be able to guess it, so stop punishing me and just tell me how the flower nerfed you." Shen Qingqiu grits his teeth. Obviously he wants to draw this out to punish Shang Qinghua, but it kinda looks more like he's punishing himself. There's a muscle flexing in his jaw, and if he puts any more pressure on his fan's guard, it's going to snap. Uh, actually, Shen Qingqiu kind of looks like he's in pain— “A false dragonhead is also called an obedient plant. It’s in the name—the flower forces you to do whatever you're told," Shen Qingqiu spits out.
or: Shen Qingqiu runs afoul of one of Airplane's stupid wife-plot devices...just before a mission to Jinlan City.
The Short Way Home by zarasu
Rating: T; Words: 4,008; Main Pairing: BingQiu
After leaving the Abyss and joining Huan Hua Sect, Binghe decides to take a little trip to Qing Jing Peak. He puts his recently learned shape-shifting skills to good use and assumes the form of Ming Fan to just get a little peek at Shizun. What he finds there isn't quite what he expected. Shizun, a grieving widow?
Truly The Best Worst Timing by AceOfDivineChlorophyll
Rating: M; Words: 9,962; Main Pairing: BingQiu
So maybe taking a bath in a plague ridden city late at night after meeting up with your former disciple turned vengeful protagonist out to kill you wasn’t the brightest decision. Mu Qingfang insisted it would help relax him though! And in a way it did… just… after being jump scared by the vengeful protagonist.
Catboy Blues by posthumous_vigor
Rating: E; Words: 11,403; Main Pairing: BingYuan
Shen Qingqiu has a pet cat. The disciples dote on it, jokingly calling it “Shizun” because of the haughty way it carries itself and the green ribbon around its neck. Chief among its admirers is Luo Binghe, who treasures every moment of kindness shown to him. And the cat, with its sharp green eyes and human-like intelligence, is very kind to him. Meanwhile, Shen Yuan has some complicated feelings about being a catboy.
Cold Hands, Warm Heart by Zizzani
Rating: T; Words: 16,274; Main Pairing: MoShang
“If the body can’t warm up, then things get uh, b-bad?” Mobei-jun cuts him a look that’s made for slaughter. “What does that mean?” “A-ah, it’s called hypothermia, my king.” “And you die once it happens.” Again, not a question. “You can.” When Mobei-jun makes an absolutely terrifying face, Shang Qinghua hastens to add, “But not instantly! Y-you can actually recover from it, if the hypothermia doesn’t progress too far.” “How far?” Mobei-jun growls. “There are f-f-f-five stages,” Shang Qinghua shivers out, lips numb. “The fifth stage is death.” - Shang Qinghua and Mobei-jun have their spiritual powers sealed before getting dumped in a white-out snowstorm. Mobei-jun quickly learns that humans are far more susceptible to the cold than he thought.
so you have a bad day by tagteamme
Rating: E; Words: 30,999; Main Pairing: MoShang
Shang Qinghua is not stupid. It does not take a genius to know what it means when you ask a servant where your lord has left to and they readily supply the name of an exclusive brothel in between the two realms. Especially when it's after your utterly disastrous first time together. So he goes away for a bit to clear his head. And promptly gets kidnapped.
it's you I find like a ghost in my mind by nex_et_nox
Rating: M; Words: 20,751; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Luo Binghe doesn’t mean to reach out to Shen Qingqiu. It’s a combination of instinct, the force of habit, and sheer agonized longing that causes him to do it anyway. His physical body is safely ensconced in his rooms at Huan Hua Palace, where he has recently been accepted as a visiting disciple, but his mind— His mind is on Qing Jing Peak. He doesn’t even realize it isn’t one of his own dreams at first.
or: while at Huan Hua, Luo Binghe keeps sharing dreams with his shizun, and it doesn't take long to notice that there is something very, very wrong with Shizun's dreamscape
Immortal Lamb Crusader Way by Mikkeneko
Rating: T; Words: 15,181; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Shen Yuan finds himself transmigrated into the last video game he played before his death -- the dungeon-delving, cult-building anthro hit game of the year, Immortal Lamb Crusader Way. Much to his dismay he finds himself in the role of the BBEG, the God of Death, He Who Waits -- Shen Qingqiu! Is there any way he can guide the protagonist, Luo Binghe, to level-up and victory without falling victim himself to the Lamb Crusader's blade? And why does he want to pet the Lamb's fleecy head so badly? He's not a furry, okay! He's not!
The Black Lotus Lounge by honeylotus
Rating: E; Words: 10,633; Main Pairing: LesBingYuan
“I’m Luo Binghe. This is my place.” Shen Yuan’s eyes widen. Of all the people to take interest in her, ah!
continued by AMereDream
Rating: T; Words: 13,926; Main Pairing: BinggeYuan
> ... and also, you've started reusing old text again. Kudos to you for almost making it six chapters without using the copy/paste button! The way you described Luo Binghe reacting to AU!Shen Qingqiu is almost exactly the same as the way you described the wife of the Pale Moon Arc, Chapter 3425 to be specific. Is it really that hard to come up with another turn of phrase, or are you just that lazy? And furthermore... (Read More) >> O.o what if its deliberate tho... >> "...the same as the way you described the wife..." Uhhh Airplane? That was an accident, right? Airplane?? (or, several weeks after Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky had posted what he swore was the last chapter of Proud Immortal Demon Way, a new chapter was uploaded to the site.)
Liquid Truth by zarasu
Rating: T; Words: 5,217; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu have been married for almost four years, and Shen Qingqiu decides it's high time he told his husband his little secret. Binghe doesn't quite react as expected.
Can’t You Just Believe Me? by AceOfDivineChlorophyll
Rating: T; Words: 6,928; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Luo Binghe finally had Shizun where he couldn’t escape, tied up and at his mercy and still the man wouldn’t talk to him, wouldn’t answer any of his questions and instead kept accusing Binghe of things he didn’t do. Fine, Shizun doesn’t want to talk, Luo Binghe can fix that. He doesn’t want to believe Binghe, he can fix that too. After all, this truth serum was strong enough to work even on Heavenly Demons.
Life is (not) a Hallmark Movie by mellicindi
Rating: T; Words: 143,334; Main Pairing: BingYuan
Shen Yuan isn't lonely. He's just overseas in a new city, trying to muddle his way through a business degree, and dealing with the side effects of his stupid intestines trying to kill him. So, maybe he sometimes watches ASMR to cope with his too-quiet apartment. Maybe he has a little bit of a parasocial-relationship-thing going on with one particular cooking ASMR channel. It's 2016, who doesn't? The point is, he's content with his quiet life. And then Shang Qinghua strong-arms him into watching one Hallmark Christmas movie, and it all goes to hell. Or: Shen Yuan is a Hallmark movie protagonist, Luo Binghe is a Lifetime movie protagonist, and somehow they make it work.
instructions unclear, ghost husband obtained by aksnevv
Rating: T; Words: 25,449; Main Pairing: BingQiu
To make things clear: Shen Qingqiu doesn't believe in ghosts or spirits. At least, he didn’t. But alas, it all started when a strangely suspicious blog posted over ten years prior was read to him on one fateful day. Who knew that just five hundred poorly-typed words written in comic sans on a clearly outdated website would lead to Shen Qingqiu dragging around a living (questionable), handsome (unfairly so) ghost that happens to be the subject of the most notorious urban legend-- following him around like a lovesick puppy, cooking him breakfast and ironing his clothes? Definitely not Shen Qingqiu.
All We Can Do Is Try by corduroyserpent
Rating: G; Words: 2,962; Main Pairing: TianXi
Su Xiyan has no trouble taking deadly poison…it's parenting she's worried about.
How to Catch a Mer-Snake (No Net Required!) by corduroyserpent
Rating: G; Words: 7,522; Main Pairing: GongZhi
Zhuzhi-lang doesn’t get close—wary as he is of strangers—but he does gather the courage to sneak a tiny peek above the waves. He makes sure not to show too much of himself, only the very little needed to see what’s happening.  And what he sees is…well…it's a boy. Slightly older than Luo Binghe, with long dark hair tied back at the nape of his neck.  A human. - Was anyone going to tell Gongyi Xiao there was a whole boyfriend hidden under the ocean or was he just supposed to save a mer-snake's life and find out himself?
a touch of honey by goatpunch
Rating: G; Words: 5,366; Main Pairing: GongZhi
Zhuzhi-lang is trying to make it as a writer, but his life is interrupted by a certain (annoyingly handsome) barista at his favorite coffee spot. It doesn't help when his friends and family seem intent on setting the two of them up.
grow beyond by AMereDream
Rating: T; Words: 5,790; Main Pairing: QiJiu
It all began when Shen Qingqiu brought a baby to the twice-yearly Peak Lord Meeting. Or, perhaps it all started nine months before that, when Shen Qingqiu stumbled upon a very special plant.
some little nothings by tagteamme
Rating: E; Words: 6,986; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Luo Binghe has been acting a little strange. Well— not strange in the traditional sense. He’s not been acting moody, nor has he been acting irritable or rude or secretive. Instead, he’s been… respectful. In the way he talks, in the way he touches, in the distance that he keeps. And the fact that he’s keeping distance to begin with. While Shen Qingqiu theoretically should appreciate the breathing space, in reality it’s been sort of irritating. More than anything, he wants to know why Luo Binghe has stopped properly taking him to bed.
From the Heights by any_open_eye
Rating: E; Words: 9,222; Main Pairing: BingYuan
"Are you here to watch me bathe? That's rude." The dog huffs out a breath, sitting down in front of the bath. Shen Yuan can't resist reaching out to pat it on the head. It really is a handsome beast, once you get over the teeth and the rumbling growls. The strangely intelligent eyes. "Where do you come from, anyway? I've never seen anything like you." The dog licks his fingers. (Shen Yuan finds an injured monster high on the mountain. He brings it home.)
The Dumb Teacher Self-Saving System by Fluffy_Nightmare
Rating: G; Words: 4,263; Main Pairing: BingYuan
Luo Binghe had a hard time reading Shen Yuan. The youth's face appeared to be forged from pure and cold jade, not flesh and blood, as he never showed any emotions. From time to time the peak lord could spot disgust or contempt when the demon-king-to-be looked at him, but nothing beyond that. Shen Qingqiu never smiled, never shed a tear, but it was to be expected. After all, he was a scum protagonist of “The Bloody Path of the Immortal Demon” - a web novel written by a user Frost, the one containing more backstabbing, revenge plans and dead bodies than a history of the last hundred years of humanity. For him to show his weaknesses was unthinkable. Soon, it would change.
Welcome To My Table (Bring Your Hunger) by SpiritOfFox
Rating: M; Words: 50,442; Main Pairing: BingYuan
Shen Yuan died, woke up, then almost died again. Afraid for his life as a demon in the spirit caves of Cang Qiong he runs as far as he could... Only he didn't count on Peak Lord Luo chasing him down. AKA a role-reversal fic where Luo Binghe's secrets have secrets and Shen Yuan is in no way ready to live as a demon in the world of the hit stallion novel he transmigrated into.
the hands by which he fell by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer)
Rating: T; Words: 7,513; Main Pairing: BingQiu
But he didn’t run, and maybe that was more devastating. More devastating, more soul-crushing, more heart-shattering—because he flinched. The moment Luo Binghe lifted a hand to his face, inches from touching him, his shizun, Shen Qingqiu, poised and aloof and composed and fearless Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu, flinched. And, oh, if that didn’t hurt. Or Jinlan City but Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe actually talk.
residue of yesterday by el_em_en_oh_pee
Rating: E; Words: 8,928; Main Pairing: LesBingQiu
It took Shen Qingqiu an embarrassingly long time to realize that Luo Binghe was literally there in her dreams. Her first thought was, 'This didn't happen in Proud Immortal Demon Way?!' Her second thought was, 'Luo Binghe's clearly been practicing a lot... and making quite a bit of progress.' Her third thought was, frankly, embarrassing. But as a noted fan/hater of Proud Immortal Demon Way, it was just so cool to see the protagonist acquire new skills! Skills that, when fully blackened, would no doubt lead to Shen Qingqiu's undoing. Whoops.
A Guilty Conscience by Underworld_Melon
Rating: T; Words: 1,882; Main Pairing: BingQiu
“Shizun should know,” Binghe says, smoothly caressing his hair with the bloodied hand and a voice rich like honey, “that this heavenly demon knows ways to find out if one is lying.” or Shen Qingqiu is in the Huan Hua Palace. Binghe reads his mind. It all goes very well.
wonderstruck (blushing all the way home) by sweetdreamers
Rating: T; Words: 10,143; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Luo Binghe wants to combust. His professor should be illegal. Or at least labelled with a warning. Too much exposure to one (1) Shen Qingqiu will cause spontaneous combustion. Approach at your own risk. - or, slytherin!binghe pining after oblivious potions master!shen qingqiu
dirty imbecile by plutoisgay
Rating: E; Words: 11,559; Main Pairing: LesBinggeYuan
Shen Yuan never asked questions when customers came seeking her out, even as they increasingly asked for targeted death spells or life-long, horrid curses. It wasn’t any of her business, and she needn’t get involved with the carriage-wreck that was those revenge plots. Even when she had to etch the same words ‘icy river’ again and again into beautifully carved cutlery and plates and vases, as red-faced women reached her shop in swarms as the months passed by, asking for monstrosity inducing curses, for seals that cause the downfall of kingdoms, for targeted attacks against a woman who had a better life than any of those that slithered their way into Shen Yuan’s business. Shen Yuan became experienced in carving ‘Luo Binghe’ into the tiny spots of her work, hidden by a neat handle or painted design. She didn’t ask questions, even as word reached her city that a new demon had risen to power, quickly taking control of the two demonic realms and coming for the final one left untouched. - A mysterious cultivator stumbles across Shen Yuan's home, in dire need of nurture and care. Shen Yuan calls BS. Luo Binghe, as things will have it, is not a force to be trifled with.
Marriage By Proxy by x_los
Rating: M; Words: 5,464; Main Pairing: BingQiu
Peak lord Shen Qingqiu has been officially betrothed to the demonic prince Su Binghe via an intermediary. Prince Binghe's chamberlain is attentive, comely, and absolutely not the man Shen Qingqiu should be falling in love with.
murder cat sword only likes its wielder's boyfriend by PandaFlower
Rating: T; Words: 5,039; Main Pairing: BinggeYuan
Instead of being found by Huan Hua Palace disciples, Luo Binghe meets a Wan Jian disciple who instantly falls in love with his sword. No, not that sword. Xin Mo.
It's Just A Matter Of When by ritualist
Rating: T; Words: 4,326; Main Pairing: BingYuan
“So I’ll need to be direct,” Binghe says. “Got it. What else?” “I’m not helping you,” Shang Qinghua says. “You haven’t even got his number and you’re already being unbearable about this.”
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convenientalias · 2 months
SVSS Fic Rec List
I figured I'd make a fic rec list for the Scum Villain fics I've been reading lately, since that's been a large portion of my recent fic reading. It's 90% Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan, I am a simple woman. (I'm calling SQQ Shen Yuan for this list and original!SQQ Shen Jiu, to avoid confusion.)
Multichapter Fics:
Run For Cover--Modern setting, Shen Yuan summons a dangerous demon. Quite a bit of attempted murder!!! 56k.
If Marriage Was an Olympic Sport--Shen Yuan gets wifeplotted into a marriage hunt. Binghe, fresh out of the abyss, joins the fun. 34k.
Tarnished Gold--Binghe schemes against Gongyi-Xiao!Shen Yuan, and tries not to catch feelings. Immensely slow burn but I was living for it. 118k.
Heartbreak and Other Foreplay--Modern setting, Luo Binghe mistakes Shen Yuan for Shen Jiu and seduces him with revenge in mind. The misunderstanding doesn't last too long but it does cause some chaos. Also, this AU still has cultivation (and, notably, dual cultivation). 108k.
raised by winter winds--Shen Yuan transmigrates into a random Qing Jing disciple and becomes Shen Jiu's head disciple (their relationship is a complicated mess). When Luo Binghe arrives, he asks if he can take Luo Binghe as a pet. 35k.
you are who you love--Shen Yuan gets selective amnesia and forgets about Binghe post-canon. Binghe must seduce him in order to cure said amnesia the same way PIDW cures everything. 38k.
Tongfang--Shen Yuan transmigrates into a sickly young master who canonically is supposed to be a murder victim. Binghe is loaned out by Cang Qiong to work there seasonally. 24k.
Oneshots Or Short Enough I'm Pretending They're Oneshots:
Imposter Syndrome--Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua, Liu Qingge, and Yue Qingyuan run into a doppelganger situation (Dungeon Meshi style, apparently, but easy to understand if you haven't watched Dungeon Meshi--I haven't). 11k.
petal and vine--Plant!Shen Yuan with amnesia, after Huayue City. 5k.
right from the start, i gave you my heart--Jinlan City confrontations grow more complicated when Shen Yuan gets pollened by an obedience curse flower. 11k.
I Want You To Be Happier--Shen Yuan gets full blown amnesia in Jinlan City. Binghe claims they're married and runs away with him. 12k.
Medical Diplomacy--Post-Abyss Binghe finagles an arranged marriage with Shen Yuan, leveraging that he can cure Without a Cure. 12k.
Consanguine--Prince!Shen Yuan and now-Emperor!Luo Binghe (they're siblings... sort of) are reunited after some misunderstandings of the past.
suno to zaraa ye phoolon ki vaadi--Plant!Shang Qinghua after Shang Qinghua gets killed, but he starts out as a tiny small child due to some miscalculations. Rare Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua fic on this list!! 9k.
Cold Hands, Warm Heart--Unable to use spiritual power and stranded in the middle of nowhere, Mobei-jun has to watch while Shang Qinghua gets worsening hypothermia. The h/c is incredible. 16k. Once again MobeiShang!!! 16k.
Plastromancy--Shen Yuan is the Other Shizun in a sort of a Coraline AU. 16k.
I'd be interested in seeing recs from anyone else :D<3
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cocoacat323 · 10 months
Scum Villian Fic Recs
So, I've been reading fanfiction for a long ass time, longer than I've been on Tumblr and have always loved fic recs, and now I realize I can make my own(yay!), so here it is. None of these are explicit or anything, but they are super good.
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk Into The Bamboo House Summary:
Over a year after Shen Qingqiu's death, Luo Binghe consults his servant's servant, concurrently his disgraced martial uncle, for a way to bring the love of his life back. Shang Qinghua sends him in the direction of a certain time-traveling artifact, which supposedly brings one to the day they first met their soulmate. Odd, though, that the artifact ends up missing the destination by just a few years…
A story in which post-Abyss Luo Binghe relives his disciple days, while juggling his secrets, traumas, and some unexpected revelations about the man he loves on top of that.
Unveiling The Imposter Summary:
While tracking a suspicious fortune-teller, Shen Qingqiu falls unconscious. The fortune-teller extracts a glowing orb from his body, telling Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge that this Shen Qingqiu is an imposter, and they can see for themselves if they don't believe it.
Alternatively, the Demon Lord and Peak Lords watch Scum-Villain's Self-Saving System.
Characters Watch the Series fanfic. Post-Canon.
High Mountain, How I Long Summary: Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
meta madness Summary: Looking at SVSSS through the eyes of the universe left behind when Airplane and Cucumber died. (Note: Not a fic, but a series, but every fic in it is so good so definitely check it out.)
it's only shameless if you had any shame to loose in the first place Summary: They have not told anyone about their marriage, and at Shen Qingqiu's request, they will only do so once the wedding preparations are done. No one will have time to nag!
But in the meantime, Luo Binghe, demonic lord or not, is only an alpha. He must do something to show off his claim or he'll go insane, he really will. He'll qi deviate terribly, see if he won't.
Fortunately, as thin-faced as he is, his Shizun does not care much for proper dynamic etiquette...
love's worth running to Summary: “Shizun,” he purred, darkly calm despite the anger oozing out of his mock-respectful smile. Luo Binghe's grip on Xiu Ya's blade tightened, and he realised with belated horror that his blood was running down the sword and dripping by Shen Qingqiu's feet. His sword had to be held at an upwards angle now, to reach the place where he pierced him back then.
Shen Qingqiu felt sick. There was something wrong in this dream.
“I ask you again. Do you regret it, Shizun?”
Shen Qingqiu can't answer whether he regrets betraying him. Luo Binghe wants his Shizun to understand how he suffered, and drags Shen Qingqiu into his dreamscape of the Endless Abyss that night.
The only problem: Shen Qingqiu isn't waking up.
We Are Not Wise Summary:
When Shen Qingqiu drew Shen Yuan’s soul sword, it felt like being burned from the inside out. The fire wasn’t cruel, but it was still fire—hot and destructive, searing the softest pieces of him.
When Binghe’s fingers touch the hilt, he is ready for pain.
Transmigrated into a version of Proud Immortal Demon Way where cultivators manifest their own souls into spiritual weapons, Shen Yuan finds himself sort of kind of…accidentally blackmailing Shen Qingqiu into taking him on as a disciple before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
That should give Shen Yuan plenty of opportunities to make sure nothing goes wrong for his favorite protagonist, right? RIGHT!?
A story of twists, turns, hope, despair, and soul swords. Written for the Bingqiu Reverse Minibang 2023, illustrated and conceptualized by the incredible Suzu!
The Cultivating Force Summary: In which a Master and a Padawan run into a Shizun and a... Sith?
and judgement is just like a cup that we share Summary: The blob finished rotating into place in a way that wasn’t quite compatible with geometry as Shen Qingqiu understood it, and cleared a throat it didn’t seem to have.
“Greetings,” it said, somehow clearly addressing him in particular more than the room as a whole despite its total lack of features other than blueness and translucency. “I’m here on behalf of the Hyper-Celestial Peace and Order Enforcement Bureau. Crime scene secure, proceeding to interviews. Beginning with Subject One: You are Shen Qingqiu, formerly Shen Yuan, also known as Peerless Cucumber?”
"Proud Immortal Demon... Protection Squad?" Summary:
[ REWRITTEN 2023 ]
in which shen qingqiu, the nation's scum villain, doesn't perish from a qi deviation and instead, after dying tragically in his pathetic, sickly, 20 year-old body because he ate some definitely rotten yogurt he mistook for cream cheese like the absolute knob that he is, shen yuan wakes up to find himself in the body of a child, in the middle of a forest, and with absolutely no clue what world this shitty system had dropped him into. he decides to just go with the flow, one step at a time.
what could possibly go wrong?
(the answer is: everything)
(Shen Yuan Might Die Often but His) Old Habits Die Hard Summary: When Luo Binghe asks about his spiritual veins in the Holy Mausoleum, Shen Yuan's chest feels so funny that a lifetime of being chronically ill and reassuring his loved ones that, actually, he's fine kicks in. It is fine, really, because every problem in Airplane-bro's world can be solved by something that's penciled regularly into Shen Yuan's schedule at least eight times a week now.
Except the cure for Without a Cure doesn't work, and Shen Yuan's unlucky enough that Airplane-bro's plot device for winning over a tsundere via 'walking a mile in each others' bodies' hits him before he can figure out an alternative to telling Binghe that actually his five years of rebuilding Shen Qingqiu's spiritual veins diligently failed to cure him.
Luo Binghe is, of course, less than impressed to discover through personal experience what Shen Yuan, with his pain scale so skewed by years of chronic pain, never did during all his time poisoned: that, actually, having spiritual energy forming blockages and blood stagnating in your body hurts like hell.
Anyway, that's all that I've got for now. I hope that if you do take my recs you enjoy them, and remember to read all of the tags. Have fun reading!
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phoenixcatch7 · 28 days
Really interesting how, iirc, of all the crimes sj got charged with, being an (ex?) demonic cultivator wasn't one of them.
The child abuse and the brothel going, the vow breaking and murder and arson, none of those could be connected to lbhs behaviour (at the time he was still in disguise as a human cultivator).
But accusing him of demonic cultivation? Training under famous criminal wyz? That would have carried a much bigger weight in the cultivation world than one off instances he did as a kid before he joined the mountain decades ago. The rest of the stuff, yeah it's nasty, but it's not cultivation ruining in bed with demons blood drinking pagan rituals in their good Christian righteous jianghu taboo.
If airplane had wanted lbh would have found or faked all the evidence necessary, regardless of if lbh even thought sj actually had done it, just like the rest of his crimes.
It would have been pretty interesting, though, if sj had done it. Had learned demonic cultivation and kept learning it in secret for when his own crippled cultivation failed, giving him a huge edge just in understanding how the enemy thinks. Knowing their tactics, their average capabilities, how to fudge a talisman, how to draw out someone else's energy by force if necessary. (One of my favourite fics for this is The Original Goods does some Original Good, totally check it out. Spymaster Sqq ftw.)
Now, back in svsss canon, can you imagine if sy could do demonic cultivation?? After throwing lbh in the abyss for being a demon, after running from him, after xinmo, after marrying him. Wife plot twist! Damsel rushes to the aid of his heavily injured demonic husband, busts out some impossible demonic moves to save him!
Lbh would find that very validating, very confusing, and more than likely Really Quite Hot.
How sy would even know he could do demonic cultivation, I'll let you decide, but imagine if there was also a body swap later and sy used both demonic and human qi like he'd been doing it his entire life. (I will also rec Inappropriate Use May Result in Strange Side Effects because it is also really good!)
But the fact that Sqq has a history of demonic cultivation and then marries a half demon emperor who can use both naturally? And the way sy treated lbh supposedly because of his fear/hate of the demonic? Only for it to turn out that he himself had been using demonic energy before lbh had even been born?? But also the horrible things sj went through as a demonic cultivator 'in training' under wyz? Leaving 'Sqq' with that trauma? The potential fear that lbh would enact or even just catch Sqq in the blast radius of all of that again?
Sqq accidentally stumbling on a plausible reason to explain his meta knowledge panic without a system reveal? Demonic cultivation trauma? A way to relieve his husbands guilt and own lingering trauma of rejection?? To prove to him that the abyss wasn't his fault or of any innate disgust of his very being??? He'd be all over that like system on an ooc breach.
Also, it would be extremely cool.
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idlebeks · 9 months
Fresh SVSSS Fic Recs
Lotus Seeds by Anonymous
Upon transmigrating into the body of a xianxia antagonist destined to die after being gruesomely tortured, Shen Yuan decides he won't give in to the demands of the System to meekly accept his fate. Instead, he runs away. (WIP)
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
Tarnished Gold by Prim_the_Amazing
Becoming emperor of the cultivation world will start with a first step as small and basic as becoming Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace. For that, he must steal the position away from the current Head Disciple. Luo Binghe will sabotage, upstage, and completely and utterly best him.
The road to destroying everything and everyone who has ever wronged him, to becoming the highest ruler so that no one will ever have the right to control him ever again - it will start as simply as ruining Gongyi Xiao’s life.
Compared to everything else he’s already done, this should be easy.
Luo Binghe brings all his skills of cunning and brutality to bear on Gongyi Xiao, Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace Sect. It… doesn’t go too well for him.
prophets on hold by nex_et_nox
Luo Binghe led the charge in the trial against Shen Qingqiu in < Proud Immortal Demon Way >. By all rights, the concept of a trial shouldn’t even be a glimmer in anyone’s eye until Shen Qingqiu’s blackened lotus has crawled his way out of the hell Shen Qingqiu tossed him in.
So why is Shen Qingqiu wrapped in immortal binding cables and locked away in the Huan Hua Water Prison?! 
[or: Luo Binghe is precisely one (1) year late getting out of the Abyss. This does not put a halt on anyone else's plans.]
Starstruck by Camorra
His phone buzzes again and Shen Yuan scoops it up irritably. It’s another message from DemonHeart. DemonHeart: you seem to be a Luo Binghe fan DemonHeart: we can get you access to him Shen Yuan scowls. PeerlessCucumber: do I look like I was born yesterday? The response is instantaneous. A picture pops up on screen. Shen Yuan vaguely recognizes the woman that plays the drums, still in full stage makeup. Next to her, arm slung around her waist, is a face Shen Yuan would know anywhere. Luo Binghe, giving a wry smile to the camera. DemonHeart: he’s a fan, you know PeerlessCucumber: where exactly would we be meeting
Immortal Lamb Crusader Way by Mikkeneko Shen Yuan finds himself transmigrated into the last video game he played before his death -- the dungeon-delving, cult-building anthro hit game of the year, Immortal Lamb Crusader Way. Much to his dismay he finds himself in the role of the BBEG, the God of Death, He Who Waits -- Shen Qingqiu! Is there any way he can guide the protagonist, Luo Binghe, to level-up and victory without falling victim himself to the Lamb Crusader's blade? And why does he want to pet the Lamb's fleecy head so badly? He's not a furry, okay! He's not!
The Scum Villain's Second Save File by the-night-gods-moon (HelloMyNameIsAlias)
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua's shroom scheme falls through in a big way, and Shen Yuan is forced to re-transmigrate into another world that revolves around half-demons and messy, convoluted romances. Good thing he's an expert!
Can't we just skip to the end? by chaoticgoodlawyer When it was all said and done, Shen Qingqiu comforted himself that the end of the plot meant that, surely, all major events were out of the way. They were firmly in HEA territory and he could relax a little. Right? Right. A year and a half into his marriage to the protagonist, he cursed himself for a fool when he woke next to a Luo Binghe from ten years in the past. Meanwhile, a recently transmigrated Shen Yuan struggled to retain what little face he had when confronted with an overgrown, disturbingly gorgeous demon lord claiming to be his husband. Which is impossible, because he’s straight, the most hetero heterosexual to exist. System? A little help here?? Series
Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pamShang Qinghua, also known as Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, stared flatly at what had once been a field boasting near sect-level Feng Shui alignment, and the drowned, bloated remains of the Sun and Moon Dew Flower cuttings that had sprouted within it. Their plan was now quite literally a wash. If only he could consult Cucumber Bro on how to save Cucumber Bro! But in the absence of Cucumber Bro, he could but rely on the one plot coupon the infamous Peerless Cucumber had ever applauded.
Tongfang by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Shen Yuan is reincarnated as a cannon fodder character and eventual murder victim in one of the whodunnit arcs in Proud Immortal Demon Way. Things escalate quickly. Or: that one where young Luo Binghe’s career goal is ‘Bride’. --- Shen Yuan shut his eyes as a young man waiting to die in a hospital and opened them again as a wrinkly infant covered in substances best left unimagined. [Welcome to the System! The System is based on the concept ‘YOU CAN YOU UP. NO CAN NO BB.’ We hope to provide you with a rewarding experience. It is our sincere hope that during the course of your adventure, you can achieve your desire to transform a ‘Stupid Novel’ into a high-end and impressive classic. We pray for your happiness,] a mechanical and inflectionless voice announced over the general hubbub of the group of women handling him. Then it added, somewhat more worryingly, [Error.]
In Service by x_los
Emperor Luo Binghe goes looking for a Shen Yuan of his own. The one he finds has yet to fully ripen, but Luo Binghe is used to turning adversity into advantage.
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sophia-sol · 4 months
SVSSS fic recs
Shen Qingqiu's Harmony in the Workplace, by raitala
➤ svsss fic wherein sqq is an oblivious aroace who just wants to be left alone to enjoy his disciple's company in peace (binghe even does the voices when he reads aloud!) but other people in his sect keep bothering him by needing things
➤ sqq has no idea that his efforts to get people's problems dealt with results in impressively effective matchmaking
➤ cute and fun!
➤ 6k words in length
i could be your girl, by sixthmoon (seventhstar)
➤ a cute little modern au f/f bingqiu get-together!
➤ lbh comes over to sy's apartment to cook for her on a rainy day
➤ binghe is SO good at working around her yuan-jie's heterosexual hangups 🥰
➤ 2.5k words in length
Territorial, by acernor
➤ a fic that's doing very different things with a/b/o worldbuilding and it's so fun and funny
➤ sqq just wants to be able to talk monster lore with lqg and lbh without those two alphas getting all territorial at each other!
➤ meanwhile lbh and lqg..... figure out a way to resolve their differences
➤ bingliushen is definitely in their future
➤ I love them all
➤ 3.4k words in length
On Paper, by acernor
➤ svsss au fic where as part of peace efforts between the human and demonic realms, marriage has been arranged between lqg and lbh
➤ nobody's pleased with the thought of the marriage actually taking place and everyone expects a duel rather than a completed marriage ceremony
➤ stands alone as a fun glimpse into the world of this story, but author hints at the possibility of it being the first chapter in a longer fic (that would probably end up bingliushen)
➤ 1.7k words in length
somebody told me, by tshirt
➤ svsss fic where sqq transmigrated into one of original lbh's wives
➤ sqq proceeds to go on a gender journey. several gender journeys. it all seems very obvious to sqq!! nobody else gets it!
➤ including liu mingyan, who is honestly TOO supportive for what sqq is looking for!
➤ lbh very willing, meanwhile, to just roll with whatever is going on with his wife a-yuan
➤ I love sqq's baffling little mind. nobody does gender like her!
➤ 4k words in length
The More You Learn, by Neery
➤ svsss canon divergence au, focused on the dynamics between mbj and lbh, with background moshang and bingqiu
➤ I love mbj's pov omg. in his own head he's so straightforward! and just doesn't feel the need to explain himself most of the time
➤ mbj internally: alright sure I'm willing to be allies with this powerful young heavenly demon. mbj out loud to lbh: nothing
➤ also holy shit mbj's pov on sqh!!!
➤ 3k words in length
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lintwriting · 3 months
I’ve been reading a lot of bingqiu ghost aus recently and usually they have Binghe as the ghost because Binghe really works so well as a ghost.
You can do the ancient cultivator ghost set up (here's another) with a modern SY
you can give him the spooky-ness with ghost powers to make sure we don’t clip off Binghe’s incredibly unhinged demonic nature like people clip off the beautiful wings of a bird.
and make him into a sexy incubus type of ghost like the stallion he is.
And ghosts often serve as a wonderful metaphor for the way trauma traps you in the past or warps your personality, which works really well Binghe’s brand of always being steps away from snapping, the number of steps being inversely proportion to how many steps away Shizun is XD
But idk I’m kind of craving ghost SY. And he’s not like a movie idea ghost, where the ghosts are bombastic set-pieces like Binghe.
I mean like a made-for-TV ghost. He’s like an episode of the week type of ghost.
Underwhelming-side-plot character type of ghost,
some type of Ghost Stories type beat,
where the “unfinished business” is something as stupid as “wanting to eat a meatbun for the last time”
(And like, the episode’s resolving twist is that it turns out this is his dying wish... bc he died eating one …And eating it jogged his memories of his death, so now he can finally move on…
lol the ratings on that one would be show cancelling levels of bad lol)
Or like, maybe he died before he could find out the ending of his most hated web novel. So now his unfinished business is finishing the web novel.
Except it KEEPS updating every day, so he just keeps getting dragged out of the afterlife, wandering the earth in a fit of pique, because of course Airplane keeps beating his dead horse of a novel like he’s competing with SpongeBob or The Simpsons for deadest horse.
And here comes Binghe, Psychic Extraordinaire, a famous TV celebrity from his show where he solves unfinished business like it’s nobody’s business (that’s his catchphrase lol).
And he thinks he solves SY easy by just pulling up his laptop up to Zhongdian, like BOOM easy case, another one for his perfect record, complete with a beautiful scene of Shen Yuan sailing off into the sunset.
Only for SY to show up the next day, like “yeah yeah sorry about your perfect record, mister Psychic, but you can’t blame me for this! Blame that shitty author!!
And in this case, instead of ghosts being a metaphor for trauma, they're a metaphor for when a shitty show keeps getting renewed past its prime.
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mxtx-ships · 5 months
MXTX fanfictions I recommend!
Afternoon Delight by nuttinonice
It's hard for Wei Wuxian to catch his husband in a bad mood, but when he does, it's his mission to cheer him up again.
As Spring Will Surely Come by silver_sun
Now in their forth year of marriage Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are settled into their life together in the Cloud Recesses, looking forward to a quiet, cozy winter together in the Jingshi. A night hunt at a haunted water mill, old injuries and family illness make it a very difficult winter instead.
This Night Will Pass by Taer01
A night terror that felt all too real, picking at the scab wounds of Lan Wangji's heart in a horrifying way.
Wei Wuxian reassures his husband he is still there.
Does anyone even read work titles? idk what to call this by Nighttdust
"Why did I marry you?" he asks and Wei Wuxian laughs awkwardly and touches his neck and his heart beats fast, fast, fast and his throat dries up and-
"Lan Zhan, what do you mean?"
"Why did I marry you?" Lan Zhan repeats and he sounds so honest, so confused and it breaks Wei Wuxians heart. Again and again and again. Breaks and shatters and comes together again and shatters and again, again, again.
or. After 6 years of marriage Lan Wangji falls out of love with Wei Wuxian
my bones into your bones by butterflylungs
He would pour every bit of his own energy into Lan Zhan’s body if it meant saving him, but that’s the thing: he doesn’t know if it will save him. Still, Wei Wuxian will drain himself dry for the chance, even if it would be very inconvenient if he died before making sure Lan Zhan will be okay.
What was supposed to be a regular night hunt leaves Lan Wangji mysteriously ill and Wei Wuxian scrambling to save his life.
Wife Plots: SQH Approved, SQQ Beloathed by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer)
a sort of bonding experience by airplanelanding (TheCourtSorcerer)
“You’re wrong about many things, I need more than that,” he said flippantly.
Shang Qinghua took on a vaguely offended expression and his mouth opened, as if to retort, before he slowly shut it again after a moment of thought. Shen Qingqiu smirked behind his book.
"Ignoring that,” Shang Qinghua finally opted to say, clearing his throat.
Luo Binghe gets himself and his husband in a bit of a predicament when Shen Qingqiu wakes to find him a cat one morning. Luckily, Shang Qinghua is always available for Shen Qingqiu to force help out of when something goes wrong.
(aka Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua team up to make Luo Binghe not a cat again.)
sixty nine SEXY seductive ways to seduce your husband with your ankles (and more)!! by dearly_anonymous
Let Binghe go alone, defenseless, into the claws of the enemy? What if something happened and Luo Binghe fell into the demoness' ample cleavage? What if she, perish the thought, k-kissed Shen Qingqiu's husband?!!
Or, a diplomacy visit gone wrong. Also known as, Shizun Wears a Cheongsam for Airplane Bro Shitty Writing Reasons, the Fanfic.
eyes on me by orphan_account
Shen Qingqiu loves to travel with his sticky husband. The world of Proud Immortals Demon Way was full of wonders and monsters, and unfortunately, the rest of the Original Luo Binghe's many wives.
Luo Binghe pays these women no mind, especially with Shen Qingqiu by his side, but with one, his eyes begin to linger, and Shen Qingqiu takes matters into his own hands.
Shen Qingqiu will seduce his husband, and teach him a lesson.
Luo Binghe, eyes on me!!
5 Ways to make your Shizun pay attention to you! (Do not try at home, it doesn't work) by Shireyaki
Asking Shang Qinghua for dating advice was probably the worst thing Luo Binghe could have done.
Too bad he didn't know it yet.
.....or did it help after all?
(Shizun would say no.)
Hush darling, it's you that I love. by Ramune7655
SQQ's body gets de-aged on a monster hunt, to his distress. To save face, he leaves town with Binghe for a while, and of course, where there is not a sharp, elegant, and imposing adult SQQ beside Binghe, he will inevitably be swarmed with women.... Not a problem. Binghe is loyal, and he has no interest in others anyway. SQQ doesn't mind. That's right; he doesn't care at all....
(When Binghe's jealousy and insecurity accidentally caused SQQ's jealousy)
In Sickness and in Health by TheCaptinofSirius
In which Shen Yuan gets sick. He begins to worry that The System has somehow dragged his illness into this world. Binghe helps put his mind at ease.
End Racism in the OTW -- The Golden Furred Sword Trapper by pallas_rose
Post canon, Luo Binghe plans the perfect date: delicious food, beautiful scenery, and a rare Abyssal monster.
Little did he know that The System was also planning a celebration.
Can Shen Qingqiu avert disaster?
a separate homeward way by Miss_TeaDDK
"Luo Binghe has a dream that takes him to a black, shallow lake. Just as he starts to think he's alone, different versions of his husband start rising from the water and staring at him one by one, each body showing a different cause of death. As he hears these bodies calling for him, he starts having more and more trouble trying to return to the waking world."
When Shen Qingqiu is caught offhandedly expressing a longing for his unknown past, Luo Binghe fears that perhaps his Husband still does not consider him part of the home and future he himself has always dreamt of.
Husband to the Rescue by SheiraScar
Shen Qingqiu was assigned to an emergency mission to Haian city, a city with no cultivator and a huge trauma of demons. However, his-demon-lord-husband insisted on coming along. Ever so weak to his tears, Shen Qingqiu finally agreed. When things took unexpected turn and Luo Binghe was in danger, would Shen Qingqiu come to rescue him?
Lessons in possession by some_hag
But in the night time...
Oh, in the night time his face changes completely. His warmth turns into smoldering hot flames and sweet words are dripping with sin, he’s beautiful and blasphemous in a way that makes Shen Qingqiu’s face burn. (Shen Qingqiu tries not to think about it too often, but it’s just so much, too much, one does not simply push away vivid whole-body memories like that.)
A Vision Dressed In Red by straightforwardly
In which Luo Binghe is really, really hot for how Shen Qingqiu looks in red.
a silly question by azunshi
“Husband, do you love me?”
Sometimes, Luo Binghe needs a little reassurance that his husband loves him so.
Self-Care is Getting Bent over the Desk by your Demon Husband by TARDIStime
Being Qing Jing Peak Lord is a lot of work. However will Shen Qingqiu cope?
Binghe has an idea (or several).
Breaking The System by justkillthetitan
Shen Yuan is kicked back to his original world.
Luo Binghe wants to find his beloved Shizun.
lavender honey by forestsongs
"Binghe was so good to him, he thought. As caring and attentive as always, putting up with Shen Qingqiu’s fussy moods. Sometimes, Shen Qingqiu felt almost bad. Most of the time, it was Binghe touching him first, Binghe using his honeyed words to coax him into bed, Binghe taking place between his opened legs. What did he even get out of it?
It was unfair!"
or; Shen Qingqiu tries to be a good husband.
I can't say no when you look at me like this by Speechless_since_1998
“Shizun, no,” Binghe sighed wearily, while Shen Qingqiu held a demonic beast large enough to crush a child's head with its paw.
“But look at it, Binghe. It's a puppy!” he told him, showing him that horror in black fur and red eyes, which wagged its tail happily.
It must be said that, if he too were an animal, he would be more than happy to be in Shizun's arms. But that wasn't the point.
The demon said, “That is a hell tiger. It's not a puppy."
(In which Shen Qingqiu has a little too much fascination with monsters and the like and Luo Binghe can't resist her husband's puppy eyes.)
Can't Sleep Without Your Warmth Next To Me by HiyoriTomioka
For a while now, Shen Qingqiu had been wondering whether Luo Binghe would have fallen in love with him if he still looked like Shen Yuan, like his original body.
Familiar Stranger by GooseRot
After accidentally killing one of the most powerful criminals in the country in a tragic, ice cream related mishap, Shen Yuan is spirited away by witness protection to a foreign country.
There he meets a sweet stranger who, as the years pass, grows more and more familiar.
Or: Shen Yuan’s would-be assassin becomes his (extremely) overprotective boyfriend.
A Strong Need by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Yuan wakes up horny, and Binghe is aroused and confused. So are all of the other people in the throne room.
Red Robes by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Qingqiu braces himself for his wedding night. The next morning he is treated to warm cuddles with his new husband.
The Termination of Bliss by TheCaptinofSirius
"One word could bring disgrace and the termination of a bliss.”
― Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S
Shen Yuan snaps at Luo Binghe, and finds himself doing the chasing for once.
Still Beautiful to Me by TheCaptinofSirius
Shen Yuan was no stranger to body issues. After having his son, they return with a vengeance. Luckily Luo Binghe is there to help put his mind at ease.
Time Well Spent by TheCaptinofSirius (Added In Later)
Shen Yuan is the one hit by a fuck or die plot. He might as well get it over with.
what's your love language? by the_nerd_youre_looking_for (Added In Later)
5 times Shen Qingqiu shows his affection and 1 time he actually uses his damn words
i will wait for you by toaster_mommy
It was just a normal morning.
The night before went the same as usual, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian holding each other as they drifted to sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary.
They braided each other's hair before going to sleep, hopefully to eliminate wasted time in the morning spent brushing each other's hair.
Nothing new, nothing different. Just a normal day. That’s why Hua Cheng spent the majority of his morning watching his husband sleep.
He watched his beloved’s chest rise and fall. He caressed Xie Lian’s pretty face as he slept, thankful his husband was a heavy sleeper when they laid next to one another.
He was so entranced by his husband's beauty he didn’t even notice the absence of a certain piece of cloth over his non-existent eye.
Hua Cheng isn’t as sure of himself as he looks, and truly is just a coward that hides behind an eyepatch.
But his Gege is there to prove him wrong.
Why Worry When You Love Me? by Edward_The_Vampire
Xie Lian thinks about how lang waited so long for him and his devotion starts to feel unworthy. A new god ascends and is upset he is no longer pure and “princely” which makes him feel useless and unworthy of ruling the heavens as well. He forgets the day and ends up having a mental breakdown where Hua Cheng comforts him.
safe by iJoke
xie lian has a nightmare about his first banishment and hua cheng is there to help him through it
Next time, bring a napkin by beesonvenus
Pei Ming has a sudden urge to drink, and he goes to Ghost City to sate it. Something he will regret later on.
The Sun Behind My Eyes (And The Mouth On Mine) by starry_stan
Xie Lian gets kidnapped. When he thinks it can't get any worse, he's put in a situation that sends his mind straight back to being buried alive for 100 years. Luckily, he has a husband that would burn the world to save him, and save him he does.
The Exploits of a Prince, and His Forbidden Love Affair by debwriting
Prince Xie Lian and Royal Guard Hua Cheng have known each other since they were young. Though the two were raised in entirely different worlds, their connection deepens as they grow older. Until eventually, a simple crush transforms into an all-consuming love affair.
Watch the two lovers as they navigate their forbidden romance, and a war that threatens to sever them apart.
Unfold My Desire by nuttinonice
When a new god ascends, he's shocked to find that the pure and virginal Dianxia he once worshipped is now the very much sexually active husband of a demonic ghost king. Xie Lian deals with the fall out of being shamed for the sexual confidence he's worked so hard to build.
Alternatively, Xie Lian struggles to kickstart his slut era.
transfer my tragedy by nobirdstofly
Hua Cheng has had centuries to worship him, to show his devotion, but to see it reflected in Xie Lian’s eyes is staggering. Like this, Xie Lian is a barely leashed guard dog. A beast that smiles up at Hua Cheng with all the love in the three realms and blood in his teeth.
Xie Lian will do anything to protect Hua Cheng, and Hua Cheng can't help but be into that.
like sailors swimming in the sound of it, dashed to pieces by namelessflower
"Don't ever leave me again," Xie Lian whispers against Hua Cheng's lips, fists clenched in Hua Cheng's robe, voice quivering.
“I will never leave you,” Hua Cheng answers fiercely, with the ardent devotion of a lover, the unyielding conviction of a believer. “I will never, ever leave your side again, Dianxia, I swear it. Believe me.”
After Xie Lian has a nightmare about losing Hua Cheng for good, Hua Cheng holds him until he is able to fall asleep again.
Can’t Be Alone by Gigglemite
Hua Cheng has a bad morning. Xie Lian is more than willing to spend all day in bed cuddling his husband until he feels like he can get up.
nobody else but me by nikkiRA (Added in Later)
Often, if people were to stare, it would be at Hua Cheng (Xie Lian couldn't blame anyone for it—he understood). But today, perhaps amplified by the high quality clothes he was wearing, Xie Lian's beauty was shining through for everyone to see. And everyone did see; whether Xie Lian had noticed or not, people were staring.
Hua Cheng had certainly noticed.
come back to me by miska_kuura. (Added in Later)
When Hua Cheng catches a cold, Xie Lian is naturally worried and determined to take care of his husband. This time, however, it turns out some fever dreams can end up being a nightmare for both of them.
i feel you reflecting me by tiredjunkbag (Added In Later)
A hand slips up his neck to grasp roughly at his chin, tilting his head. “Look at yourself” Hua Cheng mouths into his shoulder. Xie Lian squirms, freezing in place. He can’t. It’s embarrassing, he won’t look, he-
he really wants to see.
Or: hualian try out a new bed.
There are mirrors.
Poison and Flame by DAY_DREAM
Buried feelings are brought to light when Mu Qing gets injured by a mysterious creature. Can love find its way through a vicious curse? Will it get burned by a flame of awakening desire?
Make Me Forget Myself by Gigglemite
“Tell me,” Feng Xin urged, the worry in his gut only building in intensity the longer he stares at such an emotionally raw Mu Qing. “Tell me what you need.”
Mu Qing’s eyes only opened wider at those words, more tears welling up. He couldn’t speak, he could barely even move from the position he had lodged himself into before going stock still.
“Mu Qing,” Feng Xin had to forcefully swallow down the words that almost spilled off the tip of his tongue. Saying, ‘I would give you anything you ask for’, probably would not go over too well in this situation. “What happened?”
“Am I unloveable?”
I've Got You by xiaaa101 (Added in Later)
Feng Xin was shaking. Violently shaking as he stood there, in Mt Tonglu watching the scene unfold. Xie Lian was to his right, being held back by Hua Cheng, his mouth open, screaming and screaming. But Feng Xin couldn't hear. His sound had become muffled, his eyes glued on what he saw before him. Mu Qing.
What did Mu Qing go through during the Xianle Trio separation?... What if White No-Face had come after Mu Qing?...
I Think I'd Die For You by dianxiasbussy (Added in Later)
Feng Xin and Mu Qing live in hiding and live like every moment might be their last. They kiss in the rain because it’s cliche. They fuck in the back of their car because it’s convenient, and most importantly they tell each other “I love you” every day in case they might not get to say it ever again.
bigger than the whole sky by sequinhaze (Added In Later)
“This is where I buried our daughter,” Mu Qing whispers.
Feng Xin’s entire world comes to a halt right then and there.
The Labor of Love Produces the Sweetest Fruits by foxfeast (Added In Later)
In the decades that had passed since the fall of White No-Face, Mu Qing had learned three things about Feng Xin:
One: Feng Xin was, apparently, in love with Mu Qing.
Two: Feng Xin was, apparently, very sexually frustrated.
Three: Feng Xin was, apparently, not interested in having sex with Mu Qing.
Thirteen years ago, Feng Xin confessed his love to Mu Qing. Thirteen years later, and they still hadn’t had sex. Mu Qing can only come to one conclusion:
Feng Xin is not sexually attracted to him.
Mu Qing’s solution? Seduce his partner.
love me even when it's terrible by luminvies (Added In Later)
“I’ve had a whole lot of experience of you being a fucking annoyance. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have stuck around for this long. Lucky for you," he leans back, bops Mu Qing's nose, and revels in the way his eyes go cross-eyed, "I've loved you for so long I don't know how else to feel."
In which Mu Qing is Feng Xin's favorite.
Can you tell who my favorite is??? I'm new to reading fanfiction of these characters so please give me recommendations as well!!
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Can I see hualesbians. Please. They are everything to me I’ve read every fic in the tag and if they lose I need some consolation
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so i cheated on these and did them in procreate !!!! cause!!
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silentheiss · 7 days
It happens on a regular morning. Luo Binghe is happily refilling Shen Qingqiu’s cup with tea, his beautiful face open and serene. Shen Qingqiu looks at him and his heart suddenly starts to ache.
His husband, so strong and yet fo fragile when it comes to him. So enduring, yet willing to give up all the poise when cradled in Shen Qingqiu’s arms.
He never asks for things he knows Shen Qingqiu is unwilling to give. He never got his truth.
Something hot and angry boils inside his chest. He can’t bare to hide a single thing from his husband anymore, no matter what it entails. Luo Binghe deserves to know he was never hated. He deserves to know he’d be loved in his every manifestation.
System, I’m going to tell him.
Welp, here goes nothing.
“Binghe.” Shen Qingqiu starts.
“Yes, Shizun?” Luo Binghe looks up, pitch-black eye gleaming and eager. He is precious.
“This master needs to tell you something important.” Shen Qingqiu falls silent for a moment, waiting for System to blow up with warning signs. And yet — nothing.
“Is- is everything alright?” Luo Binghe looks around the room, as if checking for threat.
“Yes.” Shen Qingqiu says. “It’s just that this husband has something to say. I haven’t been completely honest with Binghe, and it’s time to fix that.”
Luo Binghe visibly tenses.
“Is that safe?” He asks, carefully.
Ah, his perceptive, intelligent husband. Truly, his IQ is higher than the mountain they’re currently on.
“I don’t know.” Shen Qingqiu admits. “But I can’t stay silent on this matter any longer.”
Luo Binghe shakes his head, dropping his cup on the table. The tea spills across the wood. Neither of them pay it any attention.
“If Shizun’s wellbeing might be compromised, then I don’t want to know it.”
“Don’t you?” Shen Qingqiu asks. “Don’t you want to know why I did what I did?”
A breath Luo Binghe takes is a sharp little thing. Shen Qingqiu’s heart breaks for him, for the thousands time.
Suddenly, the weight of secrets is unbearably heavy on his shoulders. It’s a miracle he can still sit straight — he feels like any second now he’d get crushed into the floor.
“I don’t need to know it.” Luo Binghe relents.
“I think you do.”
And then, Shen Qingqiu starts to talk. He talks and talks, eyes never leaving his husband’s face, because if System decides to kill him after all, his Binghe’s face is what he wants to see last.
Luo Binghe listens. He’s not even crying, which is surprising, but Shen Qingqiu pushes himself to finish the monologue before reacting in any way. When he’s done, Luo Binghe takes a slow breath. Then another.
Then, he speaks.
“I am sorry.” He says.
What! He is sorry?
“Binghe!” Shen Qingqiu exclaims, heart in his throat. “What can you be possibly sorry about?”
“I failed you.” Luo Binghe
“What are you talking about?”
“I wanted to be stronger to protect Shizun, but failed to recognize that Shizun was under attack the whole time.” Luo Binghe looks bitter and ashamed, eyes downcast. “Begging Shizun for punishment.”
Shen Qingqiu is suddenly angry all over again. Punishment! He’s begging for punishment! Insufferable boy!
“You want me to punish you? For being a child who failed to recognize something this master has been purposely hiding?” He demands.
Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu’s eternal heartache, nods meekly.
“A child.” He says, slow and pained. “A bright, eager boy. Sweet, sticky, kind. A child who lived through so much pain, who suffered since the moment he was born yet he kept fighting, and trying, and being good. A child that I failed to protect. He deserves punishment?”
“Shizun.” Luo Binghe whispers. “Please.”
“Binghe.” Shen Qingqiu mirrors his husband. “Please. Please, never suggest you deserve anything but love from me. It’s not true. It’s never been true.”
Shen Qingqiu is ready for the table to topple over and Luo Binghe to fall on his lap. He catches him with shaky hands.
Cold tea spills all over the floor. Despite heavy weight on his lap, Shen Qingqiu’s heart, for the first time in forever, is light.
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xalatariel · 18 days
hello my fellow scummies i am looking for a fic i only somewhat remember ! pls help 🙏
it was either bingjiu or bing&jiu, possibly abo but not certain about that.
set when lbh is a disciple; sj falls ill (?) and lbh cares for him sweetly & innocently but really is actually slowly atticwifing sj to the point he is almost entirely reliant on lbh.
the big twist at the end is that this is actually bingge who has timetravelled/reincarnated and is intentionally manipulating sj.
if anyone has any leads pls let me know! the fic was incredible and i would love to read it again 🫡 i have been scouring ao3 for an hour with no success
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svsssficrecs · 6 days
. ݁ .𖥔 ˖๋࣭ 𝐑𝐞𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲
𝐑𝐞𝐜 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐝í𝐚˖๋࣭ ˖ ˖ ⭑⚝ .ᐟ.ᐟ
𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 .ᐟ.ᐟ
【 Name: open my lungs to let you in. 】
【 Autor: ghostybreads 】
【 Status: Complete. 1/1 】
【 Summary: Shen Qingqiu had a secret. So, naturally, it was only a matter of time before he was hit by a truth serum wife plot.
“How are you?”
“Horny. Kind of want Binghe to rail me, I guess. But it’s manageable.”
Liu Qingge’s hand on his forehead froze, and he was close enough that Shen Qingqiu could hear his breathing stop. He stared back expressionlessly, the mortification distantly crawling up the back of his neck. Honest One-Horned–
The frustrated scream that he usually vented in his head, came out straight from mouth.
【Ship: Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Qingqiu. Bingqiu. Bingyuan. 】
𝐄𝐬𝐩𝐚ñ𝐨𝐥 .ᐟ.ᐟ
〔Nombre: Abro mis pulmones para dejarte entrar. 〕
〔Traductor: traduyaban (yabancreations) 〕
〔Estado: Terminado. 1/1 〕
〔Resumen: Shen Qingqiu guarda un secreto. Por lo tanto, era solo cuestión de tiempo que se viera envuelto en un típico caso de suero de la verdad, originalmente diseñado para alguna esposa.
—¿Cómo te sientes?
—Caliente. Como que me gustaría que Binghe me diera cual cajón que no cierra, supongo. Pero puedo controlarlo.
De inmediato, la mano de Liu Qingge sobre su frente queda petrificada. Están lo bastante cerca como para que Shen Qingqiu oiga su respiración detenerse, también. Sin reaccionar, le devuelve la mirada mientras siente cómo la mortificación le sube por la nuca. ‘Sincero Pajarito Unicornio…’
El grito de frustración que normalmente resonaría solo al interior de su cabeza se le sale abruptamente por la boca.
〔Pareja: Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Qingqiu. Bingqiu. Bingyuan〕
Tag: Crack, comedia, identity reveal, suero de la verdad, truth serum.
. • 】LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37276570
. • 】LINK (Traducción): https://archiveofourown.org/works/45541537
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