#binky fairy
theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
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We went on a little outing to a sunflower festival over the weekend! It was our first real outing as a fam of four, aside from trips to the playground. So fun.
Yesterday was a big day for Holden — he officially said bye bye to his binkies. We’ve been reading a “bye bye binky” book for a while and decided finally to just do it. The dentist told us the binkies are pushing his front teeth out and it’s true, I can see it. He had a really hard time adjusting to his first nap without a binky, which was hard for me too, but I stayed strong and we did it. After his nap he got a balance bike from the binky fairy, who took his binkies that we left out while he was sleeping. So cute. He’s uncomfortable on the balance bike for now but I hope he warms up to it. I can’t believe he’s such a big kid already!
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sounds-in-the-fog · 6 months
No matter who really knocks on your door - walrus or fairy - you will see nothing and probably think it's some kids ding dong ditching. Because fairies are not real and there is NO WAY walrus can get here. And humans are really good at not seeing things that shouldn't be there.
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Happy 36th Birthday, Mae Whitman!
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It's June 9, which means Mae Whitman is 36 years old! To celebrate her birthday, I drew April O'Neil from TMNT 2012, Amity Blight from The Owl House and Agent Xero from The Modifyers with swapped clothing.
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I also made a bonus drawing which features April O'Neil dressed as Lacey Shadows and Agent Xero dressed as Amity Blight getting kissed by Tinkerbell (because you know, she was voiced by Mae Whitman in the 2008 Tinkerbell film) with Binky and Bessie watching her (I made Binky and Bessie into fairies, and I also gave Fairy Bessie butterfly wings that are rainbow-colored). Looks like Fairy Binky is crying tears of joy, saying that Agent Xero and Tinkerbell are such a lovely duo (in Pig Latin language) and Fairy Bessie agrees with him. Anyway... Happy 36th Birthday, Mae Whitman. I hope you like these drawings I made for you.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash
🤎 Tan Train
(July 2016 - Ongoing)
"What have I told you about destroying my art? Look upon him! A masterpiece of expert vanishing cream, blush, foundation, gloss, and eyeliner! You cannot simply waste such perfection in your silly games! Find a clone that I did not spend my entire morning beautifying!" "Sploosh, sploosh!" "How can you even SAY that! He doesn't look anything LIKE Clone 99!" "Splurrrrsssh!" "Oh burn, oh man! Super Toilet, you rascal! You can't say that in front of little kids! Tone down the potty mouth… You and Jim-Jim are gonna land us a T rating."
- Mostly Fluff and Angst; potential Drama
- Prompts related to, well... everybody else!
The catch-all collection for 130 Prompts that don't fit the big story arcs... We've got Imaginary Gary, Flappy Bob, Jorgen, and lore from ancient times. These works are still under the Cloudlands AU umbrella, so Tan Train differs from Off the Rails, which contains only non-Cloudlands AUs.
Rated Gen and T
Read on FFN | Read these works on AO3
130 Sums | Full 130 Prompt Series (AO3) | Other Arcs
Cloudlands AU - Detailed warnings & other AU info
#130 arc guides - More posts like this
More Fairly OddParents 'fics
Highlights of this arc:
- 18-year-old Flappy Bob spends another birthday talking to police and ignoring magic seltzer bottles. - Young Sheldon Dinkleberg is oblivious. Especially at the funeral for Timmy's Dad's Mom. - Young Jorgen prepares to cut off his wings like the rest of his family. - Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy talk about kids... and what it means for their respective bloodline responsibilities. - Binky and Jorgen check up on Unwish Island. Come say hi to Nega-Timmy, Imaginary Gary, Timantha, Super Bike, Super Toilet… and Evil Jimmy Neutron.
Read on FFN | Read these works on AO3
"We gonna party; make this moment last forever! We gonna party like our life has just begun... I feel swagnificent!" (x)
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princesssoyeon · 1 year
NewJeans (뉴진스) 'ASAP' Official MV
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sunny44 · 3 months
Bye bye binky!!
Pairing: Lando Norris x Mom!Fem! Reader
Warnings: none I guess and English is not my first language
Summary: You and Lando are trying to get rid of your daughter’s binky.
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The Norris household was in constant motion as always. Lyla, at two years old, was a curious and energetic child, always running from one side to the other, dragging her toys and, of course, her inseparable pacifier.
For Lando and me, the mission to get her to stop using the pacifier was becoming a saga.
Lando was sitting at the kitchen table, looking pensively at a list of methods we had thought of.
“What else can we try? It seems like we’ve done everything.”
I stopped washing the dishes and sighed, looking at him.
“I think we’ve tried all the possible advice. Let’s review?” Lando picked up the list and started reading.
“First, we tried the pacifier fairy approach.”
The Pacifier Fairy
One quiet night, Lyla was getting ready for bed. I sat next to her with a storybook.
“Lyla, did you know there’s a pacifier fairy?” I said excitedly as she looked at me curiously.
“A pacifier fairy?”
“Yes,” I replied. “She visits big boys and girls and takes their pacifiers to babies who need them. In return, she leaves a special gift.”
Lyla’s eyes sparkled. “A gift?”
“That’s right. How about leaving your pacifier under the pillow tonight?”
Lyla hesitated but ended up placing the pacifier under the pillow. The next morning, she found a small new toy in place of the pacifier, but the magic didn’t last. When night came, Lyla cried for the pacifier, and Lando and I ended up giving it back to her.
The Reward Calendar
The second attempt involved a colorful calendar on the fridge. Each day Lyla went without the pacifier, she would get a star sticker. After a week, she would get a big prize.
“Lyla, look how many stars you’ve already earned!” Lando said, pointing to the calendar.
Lyla smiled proudly.
“Wow, and o get a prize?”
“Yes, if you keep it up!” I replied, excited.
But halfway through the week, Lyla had a crying fit so intense that we had to give in again, giving her the pacifier.
The Substitution
Trying a new method, we decided to buy several toys and stuffed animals to offer as new comfort items for her.
“Look, Lyla, a new teddy bear!” I said, showing the brown teddy bear.
Lyla took the teddy bear but quickly dropped it and went back to the pacifier.
“I want my binky, Mommy.”
We tried various different toys, but nothing seemed to offer the same comfort as the pacifier for Lyla.
The Gradual Approach
We decided to adopt a gradual approach.
“Let’s limit the use of the pacifier to just bedtime,” suggested Lando.
“Good idea,” I agreed. “That way, she can get used to it slowly.”
During the day, we put the pacifier away and distracted Lyla with games and activities. However, each night, the separation was met with tears and whining. Once again, we found ourselves giving the pacifier to calm her down.
The Distraction Tactic
The last attempt involved constant distractions. Whenever Lyla asked for the pacifier, we offered some fun activity.
“Let’s paint a picture, Lyla?” I suggested, holding a set of watercolors.
For a while, this worked, but Lyla soon began to insist on the pacifier, even in the middle of activities.
Lando sighed as he finished reading the list.
“None of this worked.”
I approached him, placing my hand on Lando’s shoulder.
“I think it’s time to try something new. Something that will really make Lyla want to say goodbye to the pacifier on her own.”
And that’s how we came up with the balloon idea. The hope was that by turning the farewell into a celebration, Lyla would better accept the change. With a final sigh of determination, Lando and I prepared for the final attempt.
“Tomorrow morning I’ll go out to buy donuts for breakfast, which she loves, and the balloon. Then we’ll do it,” Lando said, and I agreed, finishing organizing the kitchen so we could go to bed.
The morning sun lit up our house, and the day was perfect for a celebration. Lando and I were sitting on the floor, surrounded by toys and building blocks. Lyla was beside us, firmly holding her pacifier. We had already planned everything. I arranged the donuts on a tray so that when she let go and the pacifier was gone, she would have something she loved to eat and perhaps help her forget.
“Lyla, look!” Lando said, kneeling beside our daughter. “How about we send your binky to the sky? So it can travel around and see new places.”
Lyla looked at the balloon and then at the pacifier, holding it even tighter.
“Daddy, I like my binky.”
“I know, sweetheart,” Lando replied softly, stroking Lyla’s hair. “But you’re a big girl now. And big girls don’t need a binky, right? Besides, it’ll be so much fun to watch the balloon fly!”
Lyla hesitated, but the idea of seeing the balloon rise seemed interesting. Finally, she let go of the pacifier and allowed Lando to tie it to the balloon. Lando handed the balloon to Lyla and smiled.
“Ready to let go, Lyla?” Lyla held the balloon with both hands, her eyes fixed on it.
With one last look of hesitation, she let go of the balloon. We watched as it slowly rose higher and higher into the blue sky. For a moment, everything seemed fine, but then Lyla looked like she was about to cry—we could see her lips trembling. But then Lando and I started jumping and shouting with joy.
“Woohoo! Bye-bye, binky!” shouted Lando, raising his arms.
“You did it, Lyla! How amazing!” I shouted, clapping.
Lyla looked at her parents, surprised by their reaction. Slowly, a smile began to form on her face. She stood up and started jumping too, imitating her parents.
“Woohoo! Bye-bye, binky!” she repeated, laughing.
We continued to jump and laugh together, our joy spreading to Lyla. Gradually, she forgot about the pacifier and focused on the fun of the moment.
After a few minutes, we stopped to catch our breath, still laughing. Lando picked Lyla up and hugged her.
“I’m so proud of you, Lyla. You are very brave.” I joined the hug, kissing Lyla’s forehead.
“You did something amazing today, sweetheart. We are very happy.”
Lyla smiled, feeling proud.
“Does this mean I’m a big girl now?”
“Yes, you are,” Lando agreed, stroking her head.
After a few minutes, we went inside to eat the donuts and celebrate that we had finally said goodbye to the pacifier.
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Bonus scene!
Landonorris instagram stories
“Bye Bye Lyla’s binky”
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f10werfae · 2 years
What Binky Fairy?
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pairing: Dad!Husb!Chris x Wife!Mom!Reader
summary: Can you please write a one shot of Reader and Chris using the "binky fairy" to get the triplets to stop using their binkies? (requested by anon)
requests are open💌/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, full masterlist, taglist form
“Come on bubbies, you gotta stop using binkies” Chris said softly, sitting on the plush carpet with his three year old triplets, all their mouths cutely bopping with their binkies, their big eyes just staring up at him. His wife Y/n was on the couch breastfeeding their newest addition, a baby girl called me Lindsey. Isabella the youngest of the triplets simply made grabby hands for her father, Chris' heart instantly melting; his hands cuddling her into his chest.
“You wanna give dada your paci bella?” Chris cooed hooking his finger onto the binky and pulling it out, Bella’s eyes instantly widened before filling with tears, her lips jutting out into a tiny pout. Chris saw his wife in that moment, his wife was just divine, giving him his whole world in the form of three buggers
“b-but dada, bella binky” She whimpered watching her daddy put her binky on top of the coffee table, her eyes going straight to her momma for support, only to find her already shaking her head at the little girl. Y/n herself found it hard to say no, seeing as she tended to spoil them, but who could blame her? Three little Chris Evans ran her household, soon four
Both Noah and Jacob looked at each other realising they were the next targets, so they scrambled to their feet and darted for their momma, instantly shoving themselves into her side carefully so they wouldn’t disturb their baby sister.
“Come on boys, see Bella did it” Y/n cooed pulling her shirt back over her breast, and handing the calm Lindsey over to Chris, his smile widening as the baby let out small coos against her father’s chest; her tiny hand fisting onto his shirt adorably.
“Momma, m-miss binky” Jacob lisped around his pacifier, his tiny hands wrapping as far as they could around Y/n’s body, wanting nothing more than a hug from his mom. Y/n pouted now looking up at Chris who was giving her one hell of a stern look, “Honey. No.” Chris had to close his eyes next, knowing damn well her puppy look would have him folding within seconds
“But Chris what if they really need their binkies, I don’t wanna upset my babies” Y/n whined putting both of the boys onto her lap, both of them playing about with the pendant laced around her neck delicately. “Look clearly they don’t care about the binky fairy then” Chris said starting off his plan
“F-fairy, wha fairy” Isabella shouted getting excited, and stumbling over to the couch, Y/n and Chris chuckling watching the diaper clad toddler tumble her way up to her brothers.
“The binky fairy, needs more binkies so she can give it to smaller babies” Y/n explained, seeing how all three pairs of eyes looked at her in amazement at the mention of a supposed ‘binky fairy’
“L-like windsey” Noah asked looking at his father who was holding up their baby sister, who was now looking at them all with wide doe eyes, following the traits of her older siblings . “Mhm babies like Lindsey, so they can have binkies too”
“Hmm I dont know momma” Jacob said nervously, wrapping his arms around himself to imitate crossing his arms, his binky now hanging off the edge of his lips. Chris smirked seeing the cogs start to turn in Noah and Jacob’s head, watching as they both turned to each other before spitting out the binkies into Y/n’s hand.
“Good job, momma’s so proud of her little angels” Y/n cooed standing up and setting Isabella in the middle of her brothers, all of them watching on as Y/n collected the third binky from the table before walking off into the kitchen.
Chris then sat down onto the couch; Isabella, Noah and Jacob then crawled over to watch over their little sister, watching her tiny mouth let out the cutest noises as her hands reached out to latch onto anything.
“Windsey, you keep binky otay?” Isabella whispered, not so secretly as she thought
“What’re ya saying Bells?”
“Nofin dada, just love her so much” Bella smiled mischievously, before kissing Lindsey on the head
“You are such a good daddy to our kids, so smart and handsome too” Y/n whispered now that they were in bed; had tucked all the kids into bed, baby Lindsey sleeping peacefully in her bassinet in the connecting nursery.
“Yeah momma? ya think so?” Chris laughed feeling his wife’s hands rake up and down his shoulder, watching as she nodded bashfully, still not used to the way he called her after all these years. His hands dug up her shirt, resting on her warm back, giving it light sensual scratches
“Calm down Y/n/n, can’t have number five comin this soon” He smirked feeling her hand start to wander elsewhere…
“Alright fine” Y/n pouted turning around in the bed, leaving Chris gobsmacked and hating himself for being such an idiot, he just missed out on one hell of a good night.
“W-wait baby, maybe I was a bit too hasty”
Taglist Tags (form is up there^^): @ilovereadingfanfics @patzammit @pandaxnienke @stormcloudss @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @chrisevansdaughter @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @evanstanwhore @mirikusashes @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @mischiefsemimanaged @uwiuwi @thereisa8ella @bval-1 @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @ravenhood2792 @lastwandastan @feltonswifesworld87 @fdl305 @bluebellsn @mdpplgtz03 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @roofwitty779 @aerangi @s-void @oliviah-25 @nikkitc0703 @meetmeatyourworst @imboredat2am @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @adoreyouusugar @annajustwrites @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chrisevansangel @tinyelfperson @emvebee @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymomma @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @mrspeacem1nusone @ninasw0rld
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thecoolerliauditore · 21 days
whats ur scott/pearl dynamic... i agree people have got to be weirder about platonic relationships. they can just as insane as any other one and its delicious!
I'm so sorry anon scott/pearl is like. ethubs level insanity inducing for me I'm pre-emptively putting a cut here because I know it's gonna get horrid.
short answer is queerplatonic. medium length answer is that pearl desperately just wants a friend and scott is insane.
Gonna try doing this chronologically because otherwise I'll drive myself insane.
Last Life
LL Scott and Pearl is defined, to me, by a mixture of their genuine care for eachother and their very strange power dynamic. They are both aware that their team-up is born out of being mutually beneficial for the game rather than any sentimental reasons (a really nice contrast to FH) at least, in the beginning.
Pearl values Scott so much that she literally would give up her life (or, lives) for him as well as kill for him. Scott seems to believe for a good chunk of LL that what Pearl values him for is the labour he can perform for her (e.g. gathering resources and fighting alongside her) but I'd argue Pearl simply valued Scott as her friend above all else (Pearl desperately craving companionship above all else is going to be a massive running theme going onwards so I'd say it makes enough sense).
Even when it comes down to the final four and the two split up, with Pearl even saying that she "doesn't have to feel bad" about killing Scott, they have eachother on the mind.
I don't really know how to break this down without just linking the clip itself but:
Scott: Ren, stop running! Je-sus!
Ren: Leave me alone, go kill Martyn! Why are you going for me?!
Scott: I have to, you killed Pearl!
Pearl (ghost): Aww... Aw, that's sweet...
What bookends Scott and Pearl's LL relationship, to me, is Scott rescuing Binky the axolotl from Pearl's body after she died. Scott has always loved animals but he's also someone very meticulous about his inventory management and maximizing his chances at winning, and this final 1v1v1v1 was him at his sweatiest gameplay-wise.
There were much more useful things he could've chosen to loot but he chose to save Binky and even places him down in a pool of water in end to make sure he survived even after Scott himself dies (with the way he spoke, I think it's clear he was either ready to kill himself or knew Grian was about to smite him).
Other examples of their developing sentimentality and trust for eachother over the course of the season include Pearl catching a blue axolotl later on and remarking that it's "Scott's favourite colour", their stare-down routines for the boogey assignments (a really nice contrast to other alliances, like the fairy fort, who would literally scatter for the same thing) and, despite how I usually talk about this moment, Scott refusing to consider Pearl as a boogey-kill target (his refusal WAS because of gameplay purposes, but the fact that he never targetted Pearl, even when she had the most lives in the game, I think says something).
Scott's alliance with Pearl in LL is also unique in a lot of ways compared to other seasons. As mentioned before Scott does alot of things to powergame, and one of those is building his base in the corner of the map where it is harder to attack (he even says this outright in 3L). The Scottage, however, is dead centre in the LL map and causes him endless amounts of mostly southlander-induced grief. He also acts somewhat like he believes he is inferior to her on occasion (likely egged on by the previously mentioned power dynamic their alliance is built on), such as when he complains that people keep assuming Pearl built their house when he did (implying people believe Pearl is the more skilled builder), whereas Scott in other seasons very rarely ever shows any sign of insecurity.
Their relationship is not without a hint of darkness, as Pearl is essentially blind to Scott's feelings regarding her both positive and negative. In return, Scott is also unaware I'd argue to the end that Pearl valued him simply for him rather than what he could bring her, as I think that's a concept Scott struggles with in all of his relationships. Which leads to The Horrors.
TLDR; LL Scott/Pearl is awesome. Pearl is a wild card in Scott's life that changes up alot of things that are foundational to him. But I think that scares him because:
Double Life
Throws up. thinking about it.
I think this is where my thoughts on Scott/Pearl differ from a lot of people because I don't think Pearl feels anything more for Scott than a want to have back what they had in LL or at least closure for why he left her.
It's been awhile since I've watched her POV but I remember it being a big deal to me that Pearl never referred to Scott with any romantic terms. I think she says "soulmate" at some point but within the context of DL that word loses a lot of its connotation. Plus she was upset at Cleo too, although most of her ire was directed at Scott (imo because of the soulmate thing but also because they'd been allies for longer in LL).
Scott, on the other hand, outright accuses Pearl of "cheating" on him and starts to push the "crazy ex-girlfriend" angle onto her hard throughout the season. Despite Pearl never acknowledging anything resembling romantic in their relationship beforehand. At one point, Pearl breaks into his house and proclaims that she's just going to live there from now on, to which Scott says "this is why I'm gay."
The crazy ex/yandere thing was much more something Scott framed her as than anything she actually was, as her initial desire was to reunite with Scott AND Cleo and her insane giggly persona was something she adapted after Scott had started imposing that character onto her.
Adding to that, I do think if Pearl was actually romantically interested in Scott, she would've expressed it already during LL when the two were most close or even after DL when Scott gets a lot more brazen with the way he talks to Pearl. That isn't to say that she cares any less for Scott than he does with her, I just don't think the word "boyfriend" ever entered the equation for Pearl.
As for Scott, things get a little muddier. I think he's weird about Pearl because he's weird about romance and women in general. Scott has a very idealized vision of romance and operates under a certain belief system that he is doing everything with the goal of eventually achieving the happily ever after he desires (e.g. his 3L ending) - I think it's interesting how many times he emphasizes "fate" in 3L with him and Jimmy's relationship (as well as how that plays into other series, like esmp1).
With that in mind I think it's not too far a reach to say that Scott probably views the "soulmate" title differently to Pearl and sees the romantic connotations where Pearl doesn't. However he clearly isn't uncomfortable with a woman being his "soulmate" (despite the "this is why I'm gay" remark), as he calls Cleo his "chosen soulmate", so the issue is definitely with Pearl specifically. In my mind the key difference between Pearl and Cleo, in relation to Scott, is that the former acts to challenge Scott's beliefs about himself and the world whereas Cleo acts as a reinforcement. I can expand on that but this isn't the Scott/Cleo post and it's plenty long already so I'll spare you for now.
To clarify: I don't think I can definitively say Scott feels anything romantically for Pearl either. He definitely is stranger about her than she is to him, but his worldview regarding romantic attraction is very idealized to a point where it's hard to draw the line at where the performativeness begins and ends. e.g. I do think he loved Jimmy but I don't think he was initially romantically attracted to Jimmy.
Scott throws around romantic terms very liberally too, as seen in 3L when he referred to Scar as Grian's husband, so I think it's reasonable enough to assume that he just does that thing where he sees a relationship reach a certain level of fondness and assumes that it must be romantic and applies that to his own relationship with Pearl or assumes Pearl must operate by the same logic and so her pursuit of him must be romantic.
So, with that all being said: Pearl specifically having the "soulmate" title freaks Scott out because it makes his assumptions about his feelings for her real and acknowledging this would send him down an identity crisis spiral OR a worldview crisis spiral both of which would make him immediately explode. His relationship with Cleo is casual and alliance-y enough for him to not be uncomfortable with the same title being used for her.
As such, he abandons her, taking out the root cause of his discomforts and possibly projects his own feelings onto her through the "crazy ex-girlfriend" stuff. That second part I admit is a bit of a stretch and dubiously sourced but if anyone wants more about that ask me about Scott's views on women in general sometime.
Scott never actually hated Pearl, he hates himself but he doesn't allow himself to admit that so he has to hate Pearl for making him this way instead. Unfortunately Pearl lacks the tools and context to protect herself from him or help him, so she only ends up reinforcing what he believes.
Pearl's line at the end about how she forgives him is. Dubious at best to me. She certainly doesn't act like she has in the future and I think it was more born of her need to believe he still cared to some capacity, to the point where even that could be read as a sign of affection.
Limited Life
Limlife Scott/Pearl is hilarious because they're both very not over DL and while Scott does his thing where he likes to pretend none of his feelings from previous seasons carries over, Pearl is a little shit to him the whole time.
I honestly don't have a lot to say here other than that they're both very spiteful this season, Pearl more obviously than Scott, and Scott killing her in the end without a word is horror to me. I wrote a thing once about the part where Pearl says he looks like a rat if that's interesting.
It is a little bit sad to me how Pearl almost resembles her LL self at times despite claiming to be in red mode, very mischievously giggling to herself when she refuses to return the Mean Gills enchanter. Except this time Scott does not entertain her antics whatsoever and even feels victimized by them.
Side note I think Nosy Neighbours and Mean Gills are a great parallel to look at and I'm sad more people don't talk about the similarities between those two.
Secret Life
This is the season where Scott either lets the mental illness overtake him completely or acquires an entire new one because. jesus fuck.
Scott is still doing his thing where he pretends to not hold onto feelings from previous seasons and says - TO Pearl - that he and Pearl are over their differences.
Very early on in the series, Scott runs into Pearl and, after she's out of earshot, says to the camera "you guys are obsessed with flower husbands, when really it's just been me and Pearl," which is a very. Odd thing to say considering what's happened so far. Not only does it feel very out of character for him to even imply he's aware he never truly cared for Jimmy as a partner, this very casual outright acknowledgment of the perceived romantic tension he believes he has with Pearl, despite everything he did previously to fight it off, is so very strange. If it wasn't for this one line I don't think I'd feel as confident saying Scott feels more for Pearl than Pearl does for Scott, but he did say that and he's insane for it.
Not only that, right before that, Pearl (having just bumped into him) says something about it being strange that they keep finding eachother, to which Scott says that it must be "fate". Shudders.
He also waits for her to leave before saying the line comparing her to Jimmy, implying at least some level of self-consciousness. I guess he's ready to say those thoughts aloud to himself, but not directly to Pearl?
This isn't the only instance of Scott being strange about Pearl this season. Later, when Scott gets a task to get three people to say "love you" to him, he spends extra long trying to bait it out of Pearl, which is the same scene he says they're both over what happened in DL. He actually incorrectly uses the term "trauma bond" here, which is really funny to me but also very Freudian slip of him.
Pearl doesn't say it back and Scott teases her with this come the next episode where he playfully cites it as a reason he doesn't want her near his base, where Pearl finally entertains him with an equally playful "love you, Scott," which is apparently enough for him.
The Jimmy parallels continue here as well, since Scott also unsuccessfully tried to do the same thing with him in Limlife and, unlike all the other people who he didn't succeed getting those words out of as part of his task that episode, Jimmy and Pearl's rejections are the only ones he commented on afterwards.
There's smaller instances too, such as him chasing after Pearl on his horse throwing bread at her when Pearl baited him into helping her with her task or him being all too comfortable with having Pearl around his alliance despite acting antagonistic to her allies (snidely saying under his breath "she wants you to win..." when Bdubs mentions Pearl's promise to him, or refusing to take Joel in as an ally, are examples).
In my humble opinion. Scott is maybe overcorrecting. He probably does feel guilt for DL and LimL and desperately wants Pearl back, but he's allergic to self-reflection so his way of getting there is to write everything off as water under the bridge (we're cool now, Pearl! Right Pearl.Right Pearl. Right) and dive into trying to claw out any sign of affection from Pearl to confirm to himself that she still cares. Loves him, you could even say. I still don't really know what to make of that line where he compares their relationship to FH but. Whatever.
You might've noticed at this point that this section is very lacking in half of this duo. Where the fuck is Pearl. I haven't really talked about her because, in all honesty, I don't think she really cared that much for Scott this season.
She certainly still wants to be friends with him again, that much is evident by her entertaining his "love you" bullshit, but she was much more concerned about the Mounders and Gem that season. Scott trying to push him abandoning her back in DL to the side probably didn't sit right with her, since she actually agrees with him when he says that, but later hunts him down specifically saying that they had unfinished business from DL.
TLDR Pearl pretty much avoids any confrontation with Scott until she snaps at the end, but is still wrestling with her need to have him back.
I think it's super upsetting how, after all the clinging onto Pearl, Scott ends his season by murdering her friends and running away from her when she chases him down. He wants her back so desperately but he would literally rather die than have to deal with the confrontation.
Real Life
I don't count this one as canon.
If I have to say anything I'd say this is evidence Pearl has memory issues or murdered Scarlet Pearl in her sleep.
Uh yeah that's about it. Fellas is it gay to like a girl so much you have to kill yourself
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sweetsbfreex · 1 year
the binky garden (the binky fairy pt 2)
summary: part two of the binky fairy. "Steve tries to make it up to y/n but we aren’t letting up so easily and gives the silent treatment bc they were supposed to be a team but doesn’t let up for like a couple hours or until the next day and then just fluff ? Idk if that even makes sense" +
""okay but now we need to see steve grovel and work his ass off to please his wife and get out of the doghouse right? right??????"
in the dad!mafia!steve universe
pairings: dad!mafia!steve rogers x wife!reader
warning: none really
After an hour or so working in his office, Steve heads to bed.
The moment he becomes in close proximity to the bed, his eyes fall on your sleeping figure, and the alarms in his head go off. His wife is facing away from his side of the bed. He noticed the wrinkle between your pinched eyebrows. That’s never a good sign. She went to bed simmering.
Most nights, you and he cuddle face-to-face every night. His palm would spoon the back of your head, as you rested your head on his chest, and their legs tangled together. As long as you were close to each other, you both were happy. 
Steve sighs, strips off his shirt and sweatpants. Leaving him in his underwear for the night. He knows his wife in and out, and he couldn’t blame her stubbornness on this. He had fucked up exponentially and all on his own account. 
Once he’s set his watch, signet ring, and wedding ring on the matching dish y/n had made years ago. He’s able to relax under the soft duvet, his body is able to finally relax when it hits the luxurious, plush mattress. Then, he’s rolling over to cuddle his girl. He's as close as he can get. With his arm thrown over your waist and his nose pressed against the back of your neck. 
“Just because I am allowing you to cuddle with me doesn’t mean I'm no longer upset,” you mumble sleepily. 
“What?” Steve utters, propping his body up with his elbow. 
“You heard me,” you say sleepily. 
“Fine.” Steve replied curtly. He repositions himself, before placing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Don’t push it,” you tell him, bringing a hand to push his face back.
Not only does it hurt, but it fucking sucks. He doesn’t enjoy the fact that you’re so upset over this. Not even allowing a pert kiss on the cheek. But he loves you just as much as he respects you. 
What he hates most of all is how you wouldn’t look at him as you spoke, let alone open your eyes, as you feigned sleep. 
This was going to be one long, tortuous night. 
The next morning, you wake up alone in bed. Fortunately, you can’t help but think. It gives you the chance to avoid the elephant in the room a bit longer. 
You get yourself ready for the day. Your stomach in turns to be honest. You didn’t like fighting with Steve. You absolutely hated it. And unlike most, you could say it didn’t happen often between you two.
Nonetheless, you’re finally ready for the day. You walk down the extravagant staircase in mom jeans, sneakers, and one of Steve’s tee shirts (ironically enough). 
Elysia sits in her highchair. Her hair is in bunnies as she shrieks along to the Frozen soundtrack playing from Steve’s phone. 
Steve stands in the kitchen, cutting an apple for Elysia. 
You walk up to Elysia, hand cupping her cheek. 
“Good morning, baby.” 
You go to kiss her plump cheek, only to be met with a whine from your little one. Elysia shakes her head, pouts, and crosses her arms over her chest. 
“No! Mean mommy. Take away my binky,” she spouts, eyes closed as she looks away. 
You stood to your full height, mouth dropped in surprise. Your eyes tie to Steve’s distraught, surprised ones for a millisecond, before you turn back to the pouting (age)
You know your toddler has the dramatics of a soap opera. This wasn’t a small spiff of you having her use the potty in the morning, even though she didn’t want to. She truly was cross with you. In her eyes, you had taken a treasured item from her. This is exactly what you didn’t want to happen. 
“Honey, don’t you remember what we talked about? The fairies need them for the smaller babies who don’t have one.”
She keeps her pout, but you watch her resolve begin to break when she finally decides to face you. 
“I miss my binky.” she says solemnly, looking up at you with those big eyes. Eyes Steve could never hold out against.
You know exactly what she’s doing, but you won’t fall for it and give in. As much as you want to pinch her cheeks and pop her binky into her mouth, you don’t. 
You sigh, “Did I ever tell you about the really nice gifts the binky fairy leaves?”
She shakes her head with wide, eager eyes. Just waiting for you to spit it out!
Even though you had slowly broken Elysia’s resolve. The day continued with Elysia being slightly short with you. She didn’t prefer you to hold her, didn’t want you to feed her, and god forbid you try and play with her. She wouldn’t allow it without the promise of getting her binky back. For a two-year-old, she knew exactly how to play her cards.
It wasn't until a few hours later that Elysia toddles to you, her tail between her legs as she apologized. Or tries to, as the three of you have been working on it for a while. You know it’s for sure Steve's doing. 
In addition to Elyisa’s newfound attitude grew the tension between you and Steve. He was feeling guilty over the whole thing, and you didn’t feel any amount of remorse in that. 
At one point in the afternoon, you roll your eyes walking past the white roses spread about your bedroom. And two purses you’ve been eyeing for a while sitting pretty on your side of the bed. A lovely note attached to them. 
Currently, you’ve made your way to the kitchen and are rummaging through the fridge for you cranberry brie bites. 
Elysia was down for her nap so this would be the perfect time to go for the kill. Steve shadows over your hunched figure as you look for something in the fridge. His hand caressing your hip as he tried to get your attention. 
“Doll” his voice tender as he says your name. There’s a hint of desperation in his voice, you note.
You ignore him, continuing your search for the brie. Naturally, you can’t help the butterflies when Steve’s other hand moves your hair to the side, pressing light kisses to the back of your neck. 
“I’m upset with you. Did you forget?” You can continue your search, begging your voice to remain calm.
“What do I have to do to make you not so upset with me?” He strategically lowers his voice in that soft, sultry way. The one that makes you so weak that you end up falling in bed with him every time. 
You ignore him again, taking in his roaming hand.
“Hm?” He kisses between your shoulder and neck. 
“I don’t know,” you shrug. 
“There has to be something. Anything.” 
You turn abruptly, “All I know is: I’m still really pissed off and a little hurt. And I’m not being dramatic this time, you let me think I had finally weaned her off her pacifier, just for me to end up being the bad guy because you were sneaking it to her this whole time” you huff. “And you shoving yourself on me is not helping.”
“Shoving myself?” He sounds offended and taken aback at the last part of your vehement.  
Maybe shoving wasn’t the perfect word choice. 
“Okay.” He exhales, resting his hands on his hips. “I’ve let you simmer in your anger all day, I’ve given you your space, and I’ve been patient. But now we’re talking it out.”
“And if I don’t want to?,” You tell him, raising an eyebrow in challenge.  
But Steve has had it. His fingers gripping your chin gently as he turns your face, “Sit down, Y/n. I’m not asking again.” 
You’re taken aback by his gesture, but in a concerningly good way. You concede as you follow him to the main living room. You sit on the couch while Steve makes a point to sit on the center table, his knees brushing yours. 
“Why are you upset?” Is the first thing Steve says. 
“Oh my god, Steve. Why do you think?”
“Well obviously I understand the reason, I just don’t understand why. It’s just a pacifier, what's the big deal.”
She loves this man with her whole heart, but my god, could he be frustrating at times.
“Right now isn't just about a binky, then it’ll turn to curfews, deciding when she can date, when she can dye her hair— we’re supposed to be a unified front. And I don’t want us to do things behind each other’s backs because we disagree. and letting Lys see that too is another thing. I don’t wanna seem like a bad parent, Steve, and it sucks that you let me celebrate this milestone when you knew it wasn’t true.”
“Baby,” Steve breathes as he grasps your hand and pulls on your arm, tugging you onto his lap. When you’re seated, he caresses the cut of your jaw, kissing the corner of your lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see it that way and it wasn’t my intention to hurt you either. I promise it was only supposed to be one time, but it got out of hand when she kept pulling those damn puppy eyes.” 
You gently laugh at the last part. “She can be very convincing,” you tell him.
“She can…and I don’t want you to think I don’t respect any of the opinions you have towards Elysia.”
You smile at his admission, “I’m sorry for the way I acted.”
“It’s alright, I understand. And while we’re at it, I don't like you walking around as if i’m not here. I mean, not even a good morning?”
“I’m sorry. I’ll work on it, I promise.” You pull his face to yours. “Do you want a blowie to make up for it?” You mumble against his lips. 
Steve smirks at your proposal, dragging a hand down to squeeze your ass, “As long as I get to show you how sorry I am.”
“Deal.” you kiss his lips and before you know it, you’re being thrown back onto the couch. Steve hovers over you, his gold pendant resting against your collarbone. “Steve!” you laugh. 
Steve lifts himself up with one arm, while he turns the other to glance at his exorbitant watch, “We have about fifteen minutes until she wakes up from her nap.” Steve informs you, descending to place a peck on your lips before eagerly tugging your jeans down. 
It’s a bright and sunny day. The three of you are in your backyard, behind the gazebo where your flowers, fruits, and veggies stay.
You and Steve are knelt on either side of Elysia who stands with her bag of binkies clutched in her hands. 
“You ready?” You ask her softly, running your hand over her hair. 
“Will I get lots of stuff?” She looks up to you. 
“Lots and lots of stuff.” You promise. 
“Okay..” she’s still unsure about it, but the promise of new things was enough to reel her in. 
The three of you begin to shovel a hole big enough for the ziploc bag. When you're done, you all sit back. 
“Ready, babydoll?” Steve asks. He smiles when she nods her head. 
“I am so proud of you,” you praise your little one, kissing her cheek. 
Elysia smiles at the praise and quickly drops the ziploc bag into the hole, “We can cover it.”
So the three of you do just that and then she picks up her watercan to water the spot. 
The next morning is like christmas. Elysia comes running into your bedroom. The bed is still too high for her, so she stands at the end of the bed, jumping in her spot.
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”
“Lys,” you groan. 
“We have to go outside!” 
When Elysia’s contagious energy rubs off on you and Steve. The three of you finally make it outside. Pajamas and all. She was eager more than ever to make it outside. None of your voices had even settled before you got out here, voices still gravely and full of sleep. 
You and Steve each hold one of Elysia’s hands as you walk to the garden. She babbles on with excitement, trying to get her father to indulge in it too. Her father who trudged along and rubbed the scruff of his beard and eyes every five seconds. 
But when Elysia finally sees the flourished part of where her Binkys are planted, her small hands cover her mouth in surprise. She bounces in glee, running towards the patch. Her excited giggles fill the air and her eyes brighten, in awe at every gift. 
There’s a variation of sealed lollipops, sealed cake pops, and new fisher-price little people figures. Everything on sticks looks like they were grown from the ground. 
“Mommy! Daddy! Look, look, look” she points behind her. “I gots new stuff!”
a/n: after months of waiting, i hope you enjoyed it!!!! a lot of people asked for a part 2, so i hope i lived up to your expectations <333
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback 💐
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CRACKS MY KNUCKLES. fop characters as what wof tribes I think they'd be, on a separate post because I want to tag this post and let people see my insanity and nod and agree with me
info under cut @ilikemicrowaves
Og show
timmy - silk/sea (1/4th seawing due to ustinkistan stuff)
chloe - leafwing
Chester - sandwing
Aj - seawing
sanjay - nightwing
Elmer - skywing
trixie - icewing
Veronica - rainwing
vicky - sky/night
tootie - sky/night
mark - hivewing
crocker - ugly seawing
kevin - sand/sea
Remy buxaplenty - skywing (fireless)
Fairly odder
Viv - silk/sand
Roy - mudwing
Zina - nightwing
Nate buxaplenty - skywing (firescales)
Hazel - mud/night (moonwatcher cored, has mind reading)
jasmine - leafwing
winn - rain/hive
dev - skywing
trev - rainwing
bev - seawing
fred - sandwing
Jenkins - silkwing
Cosmo - leaf/rain
Wanda - silk
poof - leaf/rain/silk ... lol
juandissimo - sky/sea
Tooth fairy - icewing
cupid og - ice/rain
cupid ANW - icewing
nmusic pharie - silkwing
pepper - leaf/sky (firescales)
Goldie - silkwing
Sammy - rain/ice
binky - icewing
jorgen - mud/leaf
Cookie - night/sea
nick of time - sand/rain (not a fae but I'll be damned if I didn't include her)
anti Cosmo - hive/night
Anti Wanda - rainwing
foop - rain/hive/night
lezah - rain/sand
HP - ice/mud
Sanderson / every other pixie - icewing
Animus touched
Gary - night/hive
patty possom - mud/rain
I'll add more I can't think of anything
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cowboy-kidd · 3 months
。𖦹°‧ words/prompts ᡣ𐭩
- “Heyy kiddo, how's it goin?”
- “I missed you bub…”
- “No hugs? Hey! That's alright with me!”
- “You want the sippy or the binky? You can't put both in your mouth at the same time! Wait a minute..you can!?”
- “Cuddle time, little prince? C’mere..lemme love ya.”
- “Oh kid, its okay its okay, c’mon bud don’t cry, i’m here..”
- “Hey bud, lets take a break n get some water kay?”
- “Kid, you’ve been drinking a lot of juice lately, I know I know but before you get anymore I need you to drink this water okay?”
- “Oh love there's nothing wrong with you! Look at you! You're the cutest kid in the world,,just let bubby help you, okay?”
- “C’mon, you gotta brush your teeth if you want the tooth fairy to come!”
- “No big foods today? Alright bud, can you help me choose which snacks you wanna carry round today? Mhm, real food ain't got nothin on drinks!”
- “Is it time to take a nap, love?- oh big yawn hm? Yep! I think that means it's nap time.”
- “Yeah kid, I got you, I'm right here, let it out..”
- “Do you want strawberry or vanilla? Personally I like chocolate- oh yes yes I knoooow my little chocolate hater!”
- “Hey bud, watcha doin up so late? Mm your tum hurts? Want some rice n eggs? Or toast n honey? Both? You sure? How bout just one n we’ll go from there, mmhhmm…where's your sippy?”
- “Hey kid, watcha watchin? Woah! Batman? Psshht well, personally, I think the best superhero is Mr. Dad…what? That's not a real superhero? Whaddya mean? I'm right here!”
- “Hey you got it buddy, you're doin great…give it one more try for me okay? One good one.”
- “You did such a great job today kid, I'm so proud of you.”
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 month
FOP: A New wish e31-36
short bought here huh? that's what we get for a finale i guess. it's so weird having a whole season air in LESS THAN 2 YEARS. ahem, sorry about that ^^; lets get this party started (during a tornado watch!)...and finished a day later because i lost power with LITTERALLY 3 min left of the last episode
Episode 31: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
is the title a reference? i mean aside from multiverse shenanigans, because holy wow multiverse shenanigans??? i am excite! can i get a cameo?? (please note; this is a joke, i don't seriously think i'm cool enough to be on the creative team's radar*)
wait title cardTHAT is Jenkins?? the beanpole kid with the glasses?? i remember him from the zombie episode
haha Dev's causing trouble because he can, i'm betting Jenkins doesn't have a crush on Hazel at all...and maybe Dev told him the inverse so that's why he's gonna be after her
oh Father Time, because a do-over...like Deja-Vu...eh they're keeping consistent within itself, so i can't complain *glares at s9* hehe the clock poof said "wibbly wobbly"
so many time loops. Hazel is such a disaster girl lol. but those who don't eat the cereal, even the mystical, are affected by the loop, very interesting.
we keep mentioning the daylights savings (which is back an hour, so it's fall season??? what time is it????) at the start of each loop, so i'm sure that'll be a big deal
aww sweet in one loop the hijab girl gets a crush on Hazel
her middle name is Antoinette?
heh everything in the hallway was a metaphor for Hazel's problems. but she learns her lesson with minimal magic. and ha i called it, Dev made it up to annoy her.
so...it wasn't really a multiverse thing, more a time loop.
ah, well, still a good cute short story. we need fun light and easy too. good job.
Episode 32: Growing Pains
synopsis sounds like a standard aging up plot. lets do it
hi big brother. and yay Hazel's love of horror movies returns!
hey a canon teen Hazel, that saves me time. but lol "your neck is longer" way to call out the stylization lol
hey is that Dinkleberg as the theater cashier???? also Chinfinity War poster
but teenager shenanigans montage. ok cool. more punk goth girls, this time it's Hazel. huh
pasta puberty? o...kay...it's fairy puberty...o....kay...you guys never put any other godkid who wished up their ages through this
heh pads. this show is great
and her pasta pits are working like octo-legs. why does FOP have so many Spiderman connections/themes/allusions???
dawwww such a sweet comforting, realistic talk with her parent
and a gross button to end on. eh, not so bad.
this was another fun light episode. again, minimal magic to fix it, main character learns a growing up life lesson. good stuff.
Episode 33: Fairy for a Day
synopsis sounds like the episode where Tim wishes to be Cosmo and Wanda's fairy godparent who's title i can't seem to find right now...
old Jorgen design!! and Fairy Con??? but Cosmo Con said it was held every millennium...or was that only because of how long Binky was spinning?
i would want that shirt, not gonna lie
ah she's not being an actual fairy, she's cosplaying to sneak into a con. mkay
wow, we're actually bringing up magical backup...and death memorials...what are you show? (that third one isn't me right O.o no...that doesn't look like how i've ever drawn me, but the 8s....)
Hazel don't you know never to sign contracts with the fae?? now she's a real fairy...with starry glitter hair...huh *makes superverse notes* and kids can't wish to be fairies? uh yeah they have; is that another rule Tim had made?
Anti-Hazel???? cool! why she has a backwards name though, that was unique to Peri and Irep...but i guess since they were the first *new* fairies in a bazillion years, maybe the backwards names is what the newer gen of anti-fairies is doing.
i don't have much commentary on the magic battle to get the paper back, it's pretty ok. and everything is fixed and reset to one by the end. it's a fun magical romp, good one.
Episode 34: Stuck in my Head
synopsis sounds almost like parts of Imaginary Gary???
oh Hazel, it is just a silly internet quiz, don't sweat it ^^;
ok he inner mind is a museum. both works to info dump which is eth goal, but also since she's such a bookworm and organized, it also fits-
SHE WANTS TO CREATE A COMICBOOK SERIES????? and she writes poetry? Hazel, baby girl, i love you sweet child
why was Vizolia (sp?) here?
can't wish away Hazel's mindworm huh? can't remove her negativity huh? despite...having done that before with Tim in Emotion Commotion (not that it ended well sure, but still), or Vicky Looses Her Icky, or even earlier this season with Jasmine's fears in Fearless (though i guess it just manifested the fears she still had them)
but hey, defeating it with the power of positive thinking as taught by her mom, that's a good lesson to teach. good story.
Episode 35: Mind the Gap
oh boy Tooth returns. how's her design going to be wildly different like most of returning characters...
hey follow up on Patty Possum...well sort of, we got distracted lol
oh look, Tooth has no design change. weird since we changed everyone else that's reappeared
talking teeth...ok...who speak in teeth puns
haha the line! "How'd you do X-thing? "Uh...internet?" lol i love it, 10/10 A+
ah i think i see where this is going, Toothica, being an artificial tooth is just totally fake in all her actions/words
that joke wasn't funny...especially with the pause for laughter part...maybe that was the joke?
the logistics on how a tooth sets a mouth up as a rave and invite other teeth is...dumb to unravel. so let's just marvel that the colosseum setup in Fairy World still exists
of course the bad guy outs themself and the day is saved and we reset to one. it was an ok episode.
Episode 36: The Battle of Big Wand
a double (30 min) length episode for a finale huh? and the title does sound fitting for such an event. 1 millionth wish huh/ sounds almost like something muffin worthy....which yeah, why are there so many ways to get a rule free wish when they are so no-no?? (it's almost like fae rules make no sense lol)
heh they're padding her wish count to get her to hit the goal
new math thinking meme screencap please
heh 39-40 times, because it's episode 36
oooo evil-fied Fairy World looks cool
wait, did Dev take everything over OFF SCREEN?? please tell me they'll show us how as the ep progresses via flashback, because that's some really big development to do OFF SCREEN (*grumbles about Marvel*)
ok we are getting a montage explanation...sort of. i feel like Dev taking over ad teaming up with Irep could've been an episode in itself.
Dev misnamed Wanda Pam. funny...and kinda close to Pan, which i named Blonda "Panda" after Cosmo's datebook misnaming Wanda that in Dog's Day Out...hm....
oh he's evil gloating to the world. welp, you just revealed Fairies and magic to the world at large (heh Crocker cameo, also AJ), so if he wasn't in control of the Big Wand i'm sure he'd be loosing Peri and mind wiping right about now. Dev why you slide back so hard into antagonist? you were doing so well! another episode would've helped flesh that slide, just saying
hey Patty and not-Timmy too
heh Dale just praising Dev because he's the new overlord
oh we brought up magical backup because Peri is dying. wow
Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda!
Pet Cemetery joke??? O.o Show! i love you so much
pffft thank you! everyone DID notice the magical stuff and just didn't bother pointing it out. but they did think it was weird.
gotta make some calls for backup at the commercial break huh? you gonna call in the previous wishes? or are we gonna get Timmy...
oh back to the evil lair, guess we'll find out when they attack
see Dev isn't evil and wanted world domination, he just wanted to be noticed and validated, like always. Dale wanting world domination follows
ah yeah she called in all the wishes
Anti-Fairies should love broccoli, why is that a bad thing?
dawww Peri telling Dev he loves him, Dev gives the key. he is really a good kid, just like i've been saying he doesn't know what he wants so he can't be pleased. and Cosmo even said it! dawwww
magical backup was never that fast acting before...is it sped up because the Big Wand is off so there's no syphoning to help mitigate?
so...was restoring Fairy World her rule-free wish? since it was the next wish granted?
dawwww Dev willing to take responsibility and punishment. but he is mind wiped
oh no it wasn't the next wish was auto rule-free, you have to state you're using it. and it's to let her friends remember magic...huh, that could be an interesting dynamic for a s2, the only time we've had others remember magic were when they were antagonists (Remy) or co-protagonist (Chloe). plus, with Dev mind wiped, the chance for that to get undone is also looming. so we got plot threads we can follow up on
and yes Peri, a fart joke...i do hope for a s2 too because this series was actually very fun!
i think towards the start i said this was sort of a do-over for what they tried for Chloe, and to a degree...yeah still is. you can see the shared elements, but by removing Hazel from Timmy, it made it work so much better. as i say, i actually loved Chloe but she was a huge well of missed potential, and Hazel seems to have learned from that and made it work.
i am quite ok with New Wish being the prime timeline continuation, and i hope it continues to thrive...for at least another season (we don't wanna ram it into the ground repeatedly like we did the original series after all)
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carewyncromwell · 2 months
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Day 2 (Second Wizarding War) for @hphm-ship-week
"There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination: Living there, you'll be free If you truly wish to be --
Somewhere out there, If love can see us through, Then we'll be together... Somewhere out there, Out where dreams come true..."
~"Neverland Medley" by Kenny Loggins
The Second Wizarding War was a scary time. Many people throughout Wizarding Britain went into hiding, while still others were forced to cower in place, trying desperately to hold onto some stability for themselves and their loved ones in the midst of Voldemort and the Death Eaters' reign of terror.
One of those people in hiding was the Montrose Magpies' Captain and Star Chaser, Orion Amari, and his infant daughter, Eos.
Orion had become a single father on the eve of all-out War, when his girlfriend and Eos's mother Delilah Flint left them in favor of the safety of her pureblood family's home. Because Orion was an orphan with no concrete knowledge of his ancestry, he was inevitably going to be a target, and since he refused to put up little Eos for adoption, he ultimately had to find his own way into hiding with Eos on his own. Fortunately Orion must've had some kind of guardian angel watching over him, because even when he was caught by the Muggle-Born Registration Commission and he and Eos were dragged to the Ministry, he was smuggled out by several resistance members -- including a red-haired young woman he hadn't seen in person in six years...
Orion and Eos spent the remainder of their time in hiding at the home of an elderly Squib named Arabella Figg. It wasn't exactly a comfortable arrangement. The house was rather stuffy with ugly mustard-colored carpet and flower-patterned furniture; everything smelled strongly of cabbage thanks to the many anti-arthritis tonics brewed in the kitchen; and Orion and Eos had to share a small room with Eos sleeping in a padded dresser drawer in place of a crib. But fortunately Mrs. Figg had a collection of cat/kneazle hybrids living with her, all of which immediately took to Orion and would sit on his lap for hours, if he let them. They also seemed to sense that Eos was a "human kitten" in need of protection -- the oldest of them, a black-and-gray one named Tibbles, would often let Eos sit next to him on the floor and grab lightly at clumps of his fur while she watched Mrs. Figg's television.
On Boxing Day 1998, Eos had been sitting with Tibbles on the floor in front of the television, absently watching a car crash on the evening news, when Orion picked up the remote and switched the channel.
"Something a bit more peaceful, perhaps, little Mooncalf," he said, giving his daughter's head a light pat.
He flipped the channel, moving past a boxing match and a family sitcom, before landing on what looked like a fairy, hovering over a crying baby.
Orion couldn't help but pause. The baby crying on the television interested Tibbles -- the cat's ears perked up and his pupils became slits as he listened. Eos was rather oblivious: she'd started chewing on the binky in her mouth.
"Tink..." a man spoke in voice-over. "You came and you saved me. You brought me to Neverland. You taught me to fly..."
Orion slowly eased himself down onto the sofa, watching as the fairy on the television led the baby away through the sky.
The thing on television, it turned out, was an American film called Hook, a retelling of the story of Peter Pan, from the perspective of an adult Peter going back to Neverland to save his children from his old nemesis Captain Hook. Orion watched the movie with more interest even than Eos did, his black eyes softening as Peter moved to give the sleeping Moira a kiss and even more so when he saw the older Tink, with her red hair cut rather like that young woman he hadn't seen since Hogwarts, but who saved them from the Death Eater-controlled Ministry.
"I can see why you have trouble finding a happy thought...so many sad memories, Peter..."
"…Do you…not have a family, Orion?"
That girl who would become that woman's eyes had also been so sad, realizing this. As if she'd taken Orion's whole life into her own chest and felt the loneliness collected over eleven whole years all at once, in that one moment. As if for however much sadness she herself might've known, the thought of not having a family was so horrible to her, she could hardly fathom it...
"What's this that's playing?" asked Mrs. Figg as she came into the room with a tea service. After watching a bit, she smiled. "Oh, that's Robin Williams, isn't it? I remember him -- he was on that one episode of Happy Days, playing the alien. He's a funny Muggle..."
Orion nodded without really paying much mind. He was too focused on the television, and on the happy family scene of Peter holding his baby son Jack for the first time.
For a moment, he was back in that Healers' ward, holding Eos for the first time. Cradling a little bundle of sunshine he was terrified of holding wrong, but who somehow made him feel braver and stronger than he knew anyone could feel.
"I know why I came back -- I know why I grew up. ...I wanted to be a father..."
With a smile, Orion brought a hand up to wipe the moisture from his eyes before he leaned forward, scooping up Eos so he could bring her into his lap. He watched the rest of Hook with his infant daughter in his lap, a smile on his face and -- at least one more time, when all of the Lost Boys, Peter's children, and especially Tinker Bell spoke of their belief in Peter -- some more traces of tears.
"…Maybe you can’t believe in yourself yet…but I hope you know just how many people do believe in you."
Something about Tink in this movie really reminded Orion of her.
By the time the movie was finally over, Eos had fallen asleep in her father's lap. Orion picked up the remote and turned off the television, before scooping Eos up into his arms and heading to their room to lay her down for a nap in her comfy little dresser drawer bed.
Upon his return, Mrs. Figg poured Orion a cup of tea and the two talked a bit more seriously.
"I've not received much word at all from the outside," Mrs. Figg admitted somberly. "Save for some notes hidden in my usual package of baked goods...I really do hope I'll have the chance to thank Miss Flume for her kindness..."
"She sustains us with good food as well as news, and for that, we must be grateful," Orion agreed.
He glanced at the window. The blinds were just about always drawn these days -- Orion suspected Mrs. Figg was afraid her Muggle neighbors would catch wind of her and Eos staying there.
Mrs. Figg sipped her tea. "Yes...Miss Flume said that it has been difficult for her to obtain news about Hogwarts, but fortunately it sounds like her contact at the Ministry is still intact."
Orion perked up, interested. "At the Ministry? Do you mean Carewyn Cromwell?"
"Cromwell?" said Mrs. Figg, startled. "No, no — I believe it’s a Potterwatch correspondent, though I forget which one..."
"Ah, yes. Of course."
Orion wished he didn't feel quite so disappointed. He feigned nonchalance as he took another sip of his tea.
"I've heard of the name Carewyn Cromwell, though,” Mrs. Figg said thoughtfully. "I think Professor Dumbledore mentioned she was a lawyer at the Ministry..."
Orion nodded. "Carewyn Cromwell was meant to be an advocate. Since we first met, her thought has always been to support and help others…whether to replace an injured player on the pitch or to break curses plaguing a school."
Even if Carewyn would've undoubtedly been happier living a calmer, more peaceful life, she'd always placed others' needs first. Much like that red-haired fairy who loved the boy she'd rescued so much that she was willing to say goodbye to him forever, if it meant he and his family would be happy…
"Sounds like you greatly esteem her," Mrs. Figg said with a raised eyebrow.
Orion looked away to obscure his smile. "It'd be hard not to."
Tufty the cat "made biscuits" on Orion’s thigh as she settled into his lap. Orion gave the yellow Kneazle cat a light scratch under the chin.
"Arabella," Orion said after a long moment, "would it be possible for you to send a message back with Miss Flume, when she sends along her next package?"
Mrs. Figg blinked. "Well, I — I suppose." Her lips turned up knowingly. "…Do you wish to give her something to send along for Miss Cromwell?"
"There's nothing in particular I want to send," Orion said noncommittally. "I merely was contemplating the feasibility of the matter."
Mrs. Figg looked a bit skeptical as she rested down her empty cup down on her saucer.
"Yes, well, if you…change your mind on that, I daresay Miss Flume's contact would send something along, if you wanted. Goodness knows we all have felt a bit disconnected from the ones we love as of late…"
She got up from the sofa and headed to the kitchen with the remnants of her tea service, leaving Orion alone to finish his tea. Putting down his own cup, he glanced at the blind-covered window again, his hand absently ruffling the fur beside the purring Tufty’s ears.
It would be silly to reach out to Carewyn just because he was thinking of her, Orion told himself. He didn’t really know what he’d want to say, really — "I saw this character in this Muggle movie tonight and she made me think of you" seemed like a rather trite sentiment under the circumstances. If all it took was sending Carewyn an owl, then he would've thought nothing of it, but it was risky enough for Miss Flume and her contacts to send any messages at all, let alone for non-emergencies.
Still Orion couldn’t fully put the thought away as he sat alone in the living room, petting Tufty the Kneazle cat and sipping his tea.
That next week Talbott Winger dropped off a croissant wrapped in a napkin and a coffee on his friend Carewyn’s desk at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Inside the napkin was scrawled a doodle that resembled the Reparifarge wand movement.
When Carewyn closed her office door and unTransfigured the napkin, she was left with a small piece of yellow, flower-printed note paper with two short lines of messy, loopy handwriting on it.
I believe in you. Orion
Carewyn read it twice, and then a third time. Finally she took a heavy breath, and her red lips spread into a strained, emotional smile as she gently folded the note and tucked it away safely in her purse.
After a whole week of having to sit in on Umbridge's sham trials and not being able to stop them, knowing that there were people out there, even in hiding, who still had faith in her was a comfort Carewyn could hardly put into words.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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New Origin of the Pixies chapter today!
Chapter 40 - “Inner Workings”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
H.P. and associates visit the (very disorganized) Fire Temple catacombs and the Breath Temple's healing pools as they prepare to reverse engineer immortality. Sanderson faces another reminder of his mortal existence, Binky grows increasingly possessive of Jorgen, and H.P. and Anti-Bryndin start building a machine.
(First 1000 words under the cut)
Inner Workings
Summer of the Running Yale - Spring of the Crisp Whirlwind
A few days after the Seven Festivals wrapped up in Anti-Fairy World, High Count Anti-Bryndin came to see me. He brought Anti-Florensa with him, partly because she had family in Shadeblink and partly because she was his personal bodyguard and he was allowed to do that. Also, apparently she visits the Fire Temple every Saturday and has been doing this for a hundred thousand years or something, so I wasn't going to be the one to tell her "Nope."
We'd made arrangements with all the right people to ensure the travel validity checked out, but it didn't stop the Keepers from sending Adelinda's son, Jorgen von Strangle, right on his heels. Jorgen even had an escort of his own, but… I'll get back to that thought in a minute.
My visitors met me and Sanderson at the tram station on my border. Anti-Bryndin had tied his signature black scarf around his neck as usual, the beryl button gleaming, though he'd bundled it up in a way that covered his mouth and part of his nose. Between the scarf and his dark blue coat, he looked quite cozy despite the nippy teeth of Fairy World's slithering springtime wind. Actually, with his horns sticking out, he looked like he could pass as one of Santa's rain deer. I think he did that once, one year. He strung lights between the points.
Jorgen had bulked up in recent millennia, which finally granted him the appearance of someone who deserved to hold the massive star-tipped staff he'd been toting around for as long as I'd known him in the news. His pureblood heritage was undeniable in his staggering height. Still, youthful acne peppered his face like stars. His fluorescent orange escort vest didn't do him any favors. Ah, upper school days… That time of life makes twits of us all. I regarded him coolly, my hands folded behind my back. Technically, it's rude to tell a von Strangle they've "come into their adult wings." They slice theirs off while still young to signal utter devotion to the Fairy Elder.
"It's bold of you to come here right as your pheromones are showing potential," I'd have liked to tell him then. But I didn't. And that's because of the next member in our traveling party.
Bancroft "Binky" Abdul (Jr.) was a half-elf that I'd always known secondhand. I attended upper school with his father, and Abdul Sr. used to visit the Nightbloom family when I butlered for them Earthside. Their daughter became his wife only a dozen years after I began working there. It's actually because of that marriage that Cattahan moved out and I handed in my resignation to follow him to softer clouds. Or "greener pastures," as we said on Earth.
(Well. There was his sister's marriage, and Cattahan's parents cut him off after the whole, you know, "No counterpart consent, no forced honey-lock" protest thing, but the media has covered that spicy topic extensively and I digress.)
His sister did introduce us to each of the two Abdul sons after they were born, so the one who turned out to be a gyne had been on my radar for quite some time. I literally held him in my hands before his freckles even showed. So, suffice to say that I'd come to know Abdul Sr. quite well… from a distance, and usually several rooms apart. Cattahan always said he admired both my sassy remarks in private and my restraint in the presence of company, but he knew better than to let Abdul and I linger too long in the same room. Since he lived Earthside, I kept a closer tab on that drake than I did on gynes like Waterberry, Reddinski, and Cracklewings, but I'm far more acquainted with the father than the sons.
Jorgen and Abdul Jr. made for a peculiar pair. They lived two streets apart, yet I swear half of Fairy World knew what was going on between them. And the half that didn't was probably just being polite. From what I'd heard, the two fairies met in their younger years when both signed up for the border escort program for completely different reasons: Jorgen because he bored easily and would throw himself at any opportunity for structured work and tight deadlines, and Abdul because he genuinely liked getting to know Anti-Fairy travelers and visiting their temples alongside them. Jorgen had a sister, too. They get along well now, but in their younger years, he was scrawny and she was a wildcat. He needed a reason to get away.
And, well… Abdul Jr. never had been good with managing money. I'd seen evidence of that myself. Sometimes when I went into Faeheim, I saw him disappear down little streets, selling gemstones and bracelets in pawn shops and borrowing more than he could afford. He'd even tried to scrape a little cash off me in his younger years when I only had a few pixies to my name.
I suppose I can't blame him if he saw the need to compensate for "something." As gynes go, he'd always been a small one (though he did boast a heavy dusting of freckles on his cheeks and arms). I never did confirm why, though I assume being born and raised on Earth and its thin energy field instead of in the cloudlands will do that to a kid. Jorgen was actually the younger of the duo, though if you knew nothing about them beyond their looks, you probably wouldn't guess it. He still dwarfs Abdul completely to this day… which made their arrangement all the more eye-catching to those people - yours truly included - who were in the know.
Jorgen von Strangle is a drone. This is well-documented public knowledge in Fairy World today, so I'm not breaking Canterbury v. Oakwing in stating it, though I will point out he hadn't come out about it at the time. With his father barking orders to the Fairy militia every hour of the day and his mother constantly at the Fairy Elder's side, Jorgen was regularly cooped at home alone and unattended, and it was only after puberty that he realized what he was at all.
[Cnt'd - FFN and AO3 links above]
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pinbitch · 17 days
every day of my life i think about the official peter pan sequel where hook is made of wool, tootles is trans, the fairies are trapped in a colour based reenactment of the first world war, peter wears red now, michael is dead, and the twins’ names are marmaduke and binky
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (TV Shows)
Action Pack (2022)
Eon (Down Syndrome)
Adventure Time (2010)
Finn Mertens (Amputee)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
Akela Amador (Blind, Prosthetic User)
Daniel Sousa (Amputee, Crutch User)
Gordon (Blind)
Leo Fitz (Brain Damage)
Alladin (1994)
Mechanicles (Low Vision)
All The Light We Cannot See (2023)
Marie-Laure (Blind)
American Dragon: Jake Long (2005)
Peg Leg Pat (Amputee)
A Million Little Things (2018)
Eddie Saville (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Amphibia (2019)
Angwin (Blind)
Lysil (Blind)
Stumpy Stumpson (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Arrested Development (2003)
Buster Bluth (Amputee)
Jack Dorso (Paralyzed)
J. Walter Weatherman (Amputee)
Marky Bark (Prosopagnosia/Face Blindness)
Rita Leeds (Unspecified Intellectual Disability)
Arthur (1996)
Binky Barnes (Allergy - Food)
Buster Baxter (Asthma)
Carl Gould (Autistic)
Francis Haney (Dyslexia)
Fred (Colour Blind)
Fritz Langley (Arthritis)
George Lundgren (Dyslexia)
Jenna Morgan (Allergy - Food)
Jessica (Allergy - Food)
Keith Powers (Autistic)
Lydia Fox (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Maria Pappas (Stutter)
Marina Datillo (Blind)
Mr. Morris (Asthma, Allergies - Dust, Food, Pollen)
Nemo (Allergy - Food)
Nigel Ratburn (Hard of Hearing)
Pickles the Clown (Allergy - Animal)
As We See It (2022)
Harrison Dietrich (Autistic)
Jack Hoffman (Autistic)
Violet Wu (Autistic)
Atypical (2017)
Sam Gardner (Autistic)
Avatar: Legend of Korra (2012)
Ming Hua (No Arms)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Combustion Man (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Teo (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Toph Beifong (Blind)
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Felix Gaeta (Amputee)
Big City Greens (2018)
Bill Green (Amputee)
Big Mouth (2017)
Caleb Linden (Autistic)
Lars (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Breaking Bad (2008)
Walter White Jr. (Cerebral Palsy)
Bluey (2018)
Dougie (Deaf)
Bob's Burgers (2011)
Courtney Wheeler (Congenital Heart Condition)
Rudolph "Regular Sized Rudy" Stieblitz (Asthma)
Bones (2005)
Zack Addy (Autistic)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000)
Zeb Nebula (Amputee)
Call the Midwife (2012)
Sally Harper (Down Syndrome)
Chicago Med (2015)
Isidore Latham (Autistic)
Colin from Accounts (2022)
Colin (Wheelchair User)
Community (2009)
Abed Nadir (Autistic)
Jeremy Simmons (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Craig of the Creek (2018)
Jackie (Deaf)
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2012)
Chrissie (Unspecified Disability, Crutch User)
Daredevil (2015)
Matthew Murdock/Daredevil (Blind)
Stick (Blind)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Hercules (Unspecified Limb Difference)
Nora Khan (Autistic)
Zagan (Amputee)
Deca-Dence (2020)
Natsume (Amputee)
Dirty God (2019)
Jade (Facial Difference)
Doc McStuffins (2012)
Wildlife Will (No Legs)
Doug (1991)
Chad Mayonnaise (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Dragon Tales (1999)
Lorca (No Wings, Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
DuckTales (2017)
Black Heron (Amputee)
Della Duck (Amputee)
Elena of Avalor (2016)
Cristina (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Empire (2015)
Lucious Lyon (Amputee)
ER (1994)
Kerry Weaver (Congenital Hip Dysplasia)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
Woo Young-Woo (Autistic)
Extreme Ghostbusters (1997)
Garrett Miller (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fairy Tail (2009)
Gildarts Clive (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Family Guy (1999)
Joe Swanson (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fear the Walking Dead (2015)
Wendell Rabinowitz (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Fireman Sam (1987)
Hannah Sparkes (Unspecified Walking Disability, Wheelchair User)
Fish Hooks (2010)
Chief (Amputee)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004)
Wilt (Amputee)
Game of Thrones (2011)
Bran Stark (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Jaime Lannister (Amputee)
Tyrion Lannister (Dwarfism)
Gargoyles (1994)
Halcyon Renard (Unspecified Illness, Wheelchair User)
Glee (2009)
Artie Abrams (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Becky Jackson (Down Syndrome)
Glitch Techs (2020)
Miko Kubota (ADHD)
Goldie & Bear (2015)
Marian Locks (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Gravity Falls (2012)
Mr. Poolcheck (Amputee)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Arizona Robbins (Amputee)
Christina Yang (Dyslexia)
Lucas Adams (ADHD)
Nick Marsh (ADHD)
Virginia Dixon (Autistic)
Growing Up Fisher (2015)
Mel Fisher (Blind)
Hailey's On It (2023)
The Professor (Partially Blind)
Hamster & Gretel (2022)
Gretel Grant-Gomez (ADHD)
Harley Quinn (2019)
Barbara "Babs" Gordon/Batgirl (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sy Borgman (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Lute (Amputee)
Vaggie (Partially Blind)
Hawkeye (2021)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Deaf)
Maya Lopez/Echo (Deaf, Amputee)
Heartbreak High (2022)
Quinni Gallagher-Jones (Autistic)
Heartstoppers (2022)
Felix Britten (Wheelchair User)
House (2004)
Gregory House (Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Human Resources (2022)
Alice Wong (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Wheelchair User)
Inside Job (2021)
Andre Lee (Tourette's Syndrome)
Reagan Ridley (Autistic, Amputee)
In the Dark (2019)
Murphy Mason (Blind)
Jessie (2011)
(Future) Jessie Prescott (Partially Blind)
Kim Possible (2002)
Betty Director (Partially Blind)
Felix Renton (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Sheldon "Gemini" Director (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Land of the Dead (2005)
Charlie Houk (Intellectual Disability, Partially Blind)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003)
Clyde (Amputee)
Loudermilk (2017)
Roger Frostly (Limb Difference)
MacGyver (2016)
Matilda "Matty" Webber (Dwarfism)
Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series (1996)
Baron Von Licktenstamp (Amputee, Partially Blind)
Duke L'Orange (Partially Blind)
Miles From Tomorrowland (2015)
Gong Gong (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Mom (2013)
Adam Janikowski (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Mr. Munson (Blind)
Monster High (2022)
Deuce Gorgon (Dyslexic)
Finnegan Wake (Limited Mobility)
Meowlody (ADHD)
Twyla Boogeyman (Autistic)
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2023)
Eli (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (2010)
Kerfuffle (Amputee)
Scootaloo (Underdeveloped Wings, Limited Abilities)
Stellar Eclipse (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Twist (Speech Impediment)
NCIS (2003)
Carol Wilson (Dwarfism)
Delilah Fielding-McGee (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
NCIS: Los Angeles (2009)
Hetty Lange (Dwarfism)
Joelle Taylor (Amputee)
NCIS: New Orleans (2014)
Patton Plame (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Never Have I Ever (2020)
Rebecca Hall-Yoshida (Down Syndrome)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Elizabeth Wilder (Deaf)
Lauren Bloom (ADHD)
New Girl (2011)
Winston Bishop (Colour Blind)
Ninjago (2011)
Bob (Deaf)
Cyrus Borg (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Jacob Pevsner (Blind)
No-Eyed Pete (Blind)
Once Upon a Time (2011)
Blind Witch (Blind)
Seer (Blind)
Only Murders in the Building (2021)
Theo Dimas (Deaf)
Paulette (Wheelchair User)
Our Flag Means Death (2022)
Black Pete (Cleft Lip, Lisp)
Israel "Izzy" Hands (Amputee)
Panic (2022)
Dayna Mason (Wheelchair User)
Parenthood (2010)
Max Braverman (Autistic)
Paw Patrol (2013)
Rex (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Pelswick (2000)
Pelswick Eggert (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023)
Hephaestus (Unspecified Disability, Cane User)
Person of Interest (2011)
Harold Finch (Chronic Pain, Limited Mobility, Cane User)
Phineas and Ferb (2007)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Multi-Limb Amputee)
PJ Masks (2015)
Ivan/Ice Cub (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Polly Pocket (2018)
Lila Draper (Diabetes)
Rahim (Deaf)
Puppy Dog Pals (2017)
Lollie (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Pupstruction (2023)
Roxy (Amputee, Wheelchair User)
Raising Dion (2019)
Dion (ADHD, Asthma)
Esperanza Jimenez (Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Wheelchair User)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (2012)
S. Ward Smith (Blind)
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017)
Hook Foot (Amputee)
Hook Hand (Amputee)
King Edmund (Amputee)
Lord Demanitus (Partially Blind)
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Alex Manes (Amputee)
Sesame Street (1969)
Ameera (Spinal Cord Injury, Wheelchair/Crutches User)
Aristotle (Blind)
Julia (Autistic)
Katie (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Linda (Deaf)
Tarah (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Tyrone "Traction" "TJ" Jackson (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Sex Education (2019)
Aisha Green (Deaf)
Isaac Goodwin (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Shake It Up (2010)
Cecelia "CeCe" Jones (Dyslexia)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Entrapta (Autistic)
Tallstar (Amputee)
Silent Witness (1996)
Clarissa Mullery (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
South Park (1997)
James "Jimmy" Vulmer (Limited Mobility)
Timmy L. Burch (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Speechless (2016)
J.J. DiMeo (Cerebral Palsy)
Spirit Riding Free (2017)
Eleanor Kimble (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
Geordi La Forge (Blind)
Star Wars Rebels (2014)
Kanan Jarrus (Blind)
Station 19 (2018)
Robert Sullivan (Chronic Pain)
Stumptown (2019)
Ansel Parios (Down Syndrome)
Supernatural (2005)
Bobby Singer (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Eileen Leahy (Deaf)
Pamela Barnes (Blind)
Superstore (2015)
Garrett McNeil (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Nicki (Dwarfism, Wheelchair User)
S.W.A.T. (2017)
Dominique Luca (Dyslexia)
Teamo Supremo (2002)
Larry/Laser Pirate (Partially Blind)
The Baby-Sitters Club (2020)
Stacey McGill (Type 1 Diabetes)
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
Emily (Deaf)
Sheldon Cooper (Autistic)
The Casagrandes (2019)
Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. (Down Syndrome)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
James "Bucky" Barnes (Amputee)
The Flash (2014)
Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper (Deaf)
The Ghost and Molly McGee (2021)
Juniper "June" Chen (Autistic)
The Good Doctor (2017)
Shaun Murphy (Autistic)
The Lion Guard (2016)
Ono (Low Vision)
The Little Mermaid (1992)
Gabriella (Deaf)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1888)
Papa Heffalump (Allergies)
The Office (2005)
William "Billy" Merchant (Wheelchair User)
The Owl House (2020)
Dell Clawthorne (Partially Blind)
Eda Clawthorne (Amputee)
Hieronymus Bump (Low Vision)
Luz Noceda (ADHD)
The Proud Family (2001)
Bebe Winans (Autistic)
Johnny McBride (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
The Rookie (2018)
Tim Bradford (Unspecified Learning Disability)
The Sex Lives of College Girls (2021)
Jocelyn (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005)
Bob (Dyslexic)
The Walking Dead (2010)
Connie (Deaf)
Hershel Greene (Amputee)
The Wild Thornberrys (1998)
Bethany Gibson (Cerabral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
The 100 (2014)
Raven Reyes (Chronic Pain, Nerve Damage)
This Close (2019)
Kate (Deaf)
Michael (Deaf)
Thomas and Friends: All Engines Go (2021)
Bruno (Autistic)
Total Drama (Franchise)
Cody (Allergies)
Jay (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Mickey (Allergies, Lactose Intolerance)
Hezekias "Zee" (Limb Difference)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Amputee)
Years and Years (2019)
Rosie Lyons (Spina Bifida, Wheelchair User)
101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997)
Tripod (Amputee)
101 Dalmatian Street (2019)
Da Vinci (Autistic)
Dawkins (Autistic)
Delgado (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
9-1-1 (2018)
Christopher Diaz (Cerebral Palsy)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Mateo Chavez (Dyslexia)
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