#biochemistry major
girl-please-study · 8 months
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18/25 Days of Productivity
Shomu's biology is quite literally saving my life right now. One more unit and I'll be done with genetics 😭
Study Time : 3.5 hours
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biochemsitry · 2 years
How I got my blog name: website misspelled chemistry and I'm biochem major. That's it that's the story
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k12academics · 7 months
At Thiel College, our chemistry department prepares students to successfully tackle daunting challenges, think critically, and move into a career in their chosen field after earning their bachelor's degree. Chemistry majors will have hands-on experience utilizing modern instrumentation to explore fundamental concepts in the laboratory while gaining experience that will help them in their future jobs. What's more, majors will explore various career paths as they investigate how chemistry is applied in cutting-edge research and in healthcare.
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pinkblink · 1 year
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I just thought everyone would like this. The “default” human in my biochem class was a female body. It’s something so small but this Kinda thing matters. It’s so common that a male body is shown as the default when studying biology and anatomy, so it’s refreshing to recognize the inherent bias.
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calnexin · 1 year
Sidestep can actually do multivariable calculus but doesn't know because it's never come up before, and the scientists were like, of course that's a thing an average socialite knows
LMAO The idea that the scientists at the Farm were just cramming whatever they can fit into Sidestep’s little head just in case has so much potential
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Sidestep knows multivariable calculus but only knows how to use it in scenarios where math is not even remotely required
baking cookies or something idk Argent: hey how long do we leave it in the oven for Sidestep:
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Sidestep: 30 minutes
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Can you explain to me the chemistry behind the denaturation of enzymes and the process of allosteric and competitive inhibition?
First of all it's important to understand what an enzyme is. An enzyme is a protein, that catalyses reactions after binding to a substrate and then converts it or splits it. An enzyme has a very specific shape so it can bind to the substrate, it's like a key and a lock. The substrate binds to the binding site, and in the catalytic or active centre the reaction takes place.
This is important to understand denaturation: Proteins are made out of amino acids that are bound with peptide bonds. Proteins have several levels of structure: Their primary level is the sequence of amino acids, the secondary structures are folded structures due to interactions of the peptide backbones via hydrogen bonds, like alpha helices or beta sheets. The tertiary structure is folding of the peptides due to electrochemical interactions between different amino acids. Amino acids can have different charges due to their side chains, they can be positive, negative or neutral charged. So those charges will either attract or repel each other, putting the peptide chain in a certain three dimensional shape or conformation. In the quaternary structure several peptide chains come together to create a bigger functional unit (the enzyme) made out of subunits, they often also interact with ions (cofactors) as their catalytic centre where the catalysed reaction takes place. All those levels create the specific shape of the enzyme that is required to bind to their target substrate. So if those structures are changed in any way, it won't work anymore because it can't bind. Just reading it probably makes it difficult to understand, so here's a textbook graphic.
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This shape can be changed by denaturation. A protein can be denaturated by heat, or changed pH or high salinity and other not optimal conditions. During those conditions like changed pH the interactions between the molecules and side chains do not work anymore because pH can change the charges of the sidechains, so secondary, tertiary and quarternary structures will be changed. When those structures are changed the binding site will change too and not resemble the lock anymore where the key substrate can bind, so now the enzyme is inactivated/inhibited.
Enzymes can also be inhibited (or activated) by regulatory molecules binding to the enzyme, inhibitors or activators. This can be a competitive inhibition, when the inhibitor binds at the same binding and active site and blocking it, making the actual substrate that should be processed unable to bind there. Like a lock that already has a key stuck in it, you can't put another key in there. Allosteric inhibition is when the inhibitor binds at another site, not directly at the active site where the substrate binds. But by binding to the allosteric site the conformation of the enzyme gets changed by chemical interactions, changing the binding site so the substrate doesn't get recognised anymore. A key can't be insterted into a lock that has been changed.
Inhibtion can be irreversible (making the enzyme dysfuntional for the rest of it's existence until it is degraded) or reversible.
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sleepy-gardevoir · 1 year
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march 16, 2023 - thursday week 2
i have a quiz on the 20 canonical amino acids tomorrow, so i've been working some more on getting those memorized! i can draw almost all the structures from the name but i can't remember all the pKas of the sidechains 🙏 wish me luck!!
today, i stopped by the research lab to see if our quantum dots had formed, but no such luck. we're leaving the solutions in the oven for another day, so we'll see if we get results from that! hoping for the best so that we don't have to use all our sodium tungstate dihydrate before getting anything.
i also started rereading vicious by v.e. schwab and am more than 200 pages in... needless to say, i am enjoying it thoroughly.
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I completely forgot to share these pictures. I mostly completed the tasks of today. However, I still have so many things to do. I sometimes cannot stand having this much work and not seeing the end of the road.
Buuuut, anyways. We got this, we got this.
When everything is finalised, I want to proud myself. I just want prove myself that spending effort will bring the happiness and success.
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crisis-vision · 2 years
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realized my biochem lab instructor doesn’t actually care if we bring our phones in the lab, so here’s some pictures 🧪
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girl-please-study · 9 months
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16/25 Days of Productivity
Learned about various enzymes that are used in DNA replication, it's absolutely amazing how everything works in such marvelous co-ordination in our body — from our organs to dna just to keep us alive and healthy (as much as possible).
🎧 : Shot at the night, The Killers
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whatamessofwords · 8 months
all those sans the skeleton lovers/thirsters forgot one thing: he is a physics enjoyer which is unforgivable in every possible way
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k12academics · 10 months
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We offer a variety of apprenticeships across many of our sites in the US. The Apprentice Program offers you the chance to study fully funded towards nationally recognized qualifications while gaining valuable, paid work experience. We look for apprentices to join us who ideally live within a 60-minute commute of their chosen site. The types of apprenticeships we offer is dependent upon business needs, and the availability of roles will vary by GSK work site.
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As an Apprentice, you will study part time towards an Associate's degree (AAS) aligned to your program at one of GSK's partnering community colleges fully funded by GSK, with the potential to go on to further study.
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Upon completion of the program, you will also receive a Certificate of Apprenticeship Completion from the US Department of Labor, an industry issued, portable nationally recognized credential that certifies occupational proficiency
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Working with both your line and program manager we want to identify the right opportunities to help you succeed in the short term and throughout your career with us. You will also be assigned a buddy or a mentor who will be there to offer support and guidance throughout your apprenticeship.
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chuuyrr · 6 months
yk what.. i think i will write sumn chuuya or dazai smut after all lol and perhaps, put my chuuya ts fic on hold because i need to destress myself out—but i gotta finish my deadlines first ⊹.(づᴗ˂⁎)˚.
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-Due to the graphic nature of my blog, please do not interact if you are under 18. There is gore, sexual content, drug mentions, medical pictures, and other things that could be hurtful or triggering. I borderline romanticize disturbing topics too, you need to be in the proper headspace. So, proceed with caution and be 18+. Consent is key.-
💜You can either address me by my username or Zer (someone called me it from another username I use and I love it). If you wish to flirt, I can okay with being called Sir, Master, or Doctor, but no obligation by any means. Also I am a trans masculine nonbinary person that uses they/he/Zer/fae pronouns so keep that in mind.
💜Please know I am aroace as well. I will flirt and engage in kink, usually harder ones, but actual sex turns me off unless we've built a connection, so I fall closest to demisexual on the asexual spectrum. I do not mind the gender of anyone who flirts as it has little to no effect on me, just don't be a dick. I am fully aromantic too, so no conventional romance please! Think of it as more a look, don't touch ;)
💜I enjoy my own fantasies more in my head and through online flirting rather than doing meet ups. I am a switch but I will never likely sub for anyone and I am dom 90% of the time. I am both a sadist and masochist but the sadism tops me over more. I prefer being on top too. I find comfort in the macabre and sex is cannibalism as far as I'm concerned. But, ask nicely and I might negotiate.
💜 I am on the autism spectrum, so I am openly neurodivergent. I suffer from PTSD and C-PTSD as well, so, if I forget conversations, I apologize. I have been in recovery for Bulimia Nervous for around 2 years so I wish to refrain from weight discussion. I am physically disabled with fibromyalgia, benign hyper mobility syndrome, POTS, and a few other disorders. I use canes, braces, medications, and TENS units. I may be low on spoons so if I don't respond, that is likely it, I am not upset or ignoring you. If I'm pissed, I will tell you or just block you.
💜No racism, transphobia, enbyphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, antisemitism, sexism, and honestly any other bigotry or dick behaviors will be tolerated. You will be blocked fast.
💜I am in college to study for biochemistry, zoology, and anatomy/physiology. So, I am seeking my education and holding down a part time job, hence why I may not be active sometimes. I am a science major and that leaked over into me being an utter mad scientist.
💜My biggest special interest is anything animal related, specifically herpetology and entomology. Send me pics of reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, and insects!! I love them. I also gladly will take any ask relating to me, kink, my mad scientist persona, fandoms, etc. I don't bite unless you ask nicely.
💜I am the dad to 4 snakes, 2 turtles, and 2 guinea pigs. I foster animals when I can, but for now there is no room.
💜Parasites are another special interest and I collect them. I collect a lot of taxidermy and wet specimens. Heartworms are my favorite parasite and please tell me how they make you feel all squirmy inside.
💜I dress mostly goth or renfest when I can. I am a faerie, vampire, and mad scientist. I engage in tomfoolery and weird behaviors. May this blog be chaotic neutral and shitposty.
💜My fandoms are: mad father, witches house, misao, our flag means death, good omens, any V.C. Andrews, Stephen King books, IB, Charlie the unicorn, the Chucky franchise, saw, Bojack horseman, Hazbin hotel, Ethel Cain, Nicole Dollanganger, Schaffer The Darklord, Dr. Horribles sing along blog, Gravity falls, Moral Orel, I have no mouth and I must scream, don't hug me I'm scared, Gotham, Hannibal, Scrutinized, and many others! I kin a lot of characters too.
If you wish to support me/my health, my animals, being able to foster and engage in hyperfixations, or just give me kinky shit, here is my wishlist!
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Did I just become a consulting chemist instead of a consulting detective?
That makes me sound like a drug dealer. 
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sleepy-gardevoir · 1 year
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march 23, 2023 - thursday week 3
this is probably the calmest week 3 i've had since coming to college LOL. i don't have any tests (other than the take home one that opens on friday that we have a week to do), which is abnormal for my school! test weeks are generally weeks 3, 6, and 9, but i don't have an in-class test until monday of week 5.
we're doing a lot of protein related stuff in biochemistry and it's really interesting! i downloaded ucsf chimera and got to spin around some cool structures. i need to get a bit more fluent with knowing the amino acids but i think i'm definitely getting there.
looking forward to my two-class day tomorrow! i'm also going out with a friend and getting my doubles pierced, which is really exciting!
song of the day: the bidding by tally hall
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