#birds of a feather fight monsters together
whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Quetzalcóatl (pron. Quet-zal-co-at) or 'Plumed Serpent' was one of the most important gods in ancient Mesoamerica. Quetzalcóatl was the god of winds and rain, and the creator of the world and humanity. A mix of bird and rattlesnake, his name is a combination of the Nahuatl words quetzal (the emerald plumed bird) and coatl (serpent).
In Central Mexico from 1200, the feathered serpent god was considered the patron god of priests and merchants as well as the god of learning, science, agriculture, crafts and the arts. He also invented the calendar, was identified with the Morning Star Venus, the rising morning star, he was associated with opossums and even discovered corn (maize) with the help of giant red ant that led him to a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. He was known as Kukulkán to the Maya, Gucumatz to the Quiché of Guatemala, and Ehecatl to the Gulf Coast Huastecs.
Quetzalcóatl was the son of the primordial androgynous god Ometeotl. In Aztec mythology he was the brother of Tezcatlipoca, Huizilopochtli and Xipe Totec. He is the 9th of the 13 Lords of the Day and is often associated with the rain god Tláloc. The god was particularly associated with the sacred site of Cholula, an important place of pilgrimage from 1200, and all round buildings of the Aztec culture were dedicated to the deity.
A Creator God
In the Late Postclassical period (from 1200) in Central Mexico the god came to be strongly associated with the wind (in particular as a bringer of rain clouds) and as the creator god Ehecatl-Quetzalcóatl. In Postclassical Nahua tradition Quetzalcóatl is also the creator of the cosmos along with either his brother Tezcatlipoca or Huitzilopochtli and is one of the four sons of Tonacateuctli and Tonacacihuatl, the original creator gods. After waiting for 600 years this aged couple instructed Quetzalcóatl to create the world. In some versions of the myth Quetzalcóatl and Tezcatlipoca repeatedly fight each other and as a consequence the four ages are created and destroyed with each successive battle between the two gods.
In an alternative version of creation Quetzalcóatl and Tezcatlipoca are more cooperative and together they create the sun, the first man and woman, fire and the rain gods. The pair of gods had created the earth and the sky when they transformed themselves into huge snakes and ripped in two the female reptilian monster known as Tlaltcuhtli (or Cipactli), one part becoming the earth and the other the sky. Trees, plants and flowers sprang from the dead creature's hair and skin whilst springs and caves were made from her eyes and nose and the valleys and mountains came from her mouth. In some versions of the story the divine spirit of Cipactli was understandably upset to have lost her physical body in such a brutal attack and the only way to appease her was through the sacrifice of blood and hearts and so one of the more unpalatable practices of ancient Mesoamerican culture, the ritual of human sacrifice, was justified.
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fairsweetlonging · 29 days
Suppose Shen Jiu wasn't actually part crow demon, he was part crow yao!
Cultivators are still very suspicious of yao/untamed spiritual beasts, especially when their particular non-human species has a bad reputation, but they are also just respectable enough that cultivators will give them a pass as long as they behave. That would put Shen Jiu right in the sweet spot of being tolerable but untrustworthy.
Many cultivation novels also have cultivators use yao as servants/familiars/etc. which also makes for a nicely terrible parallel with Shen Jiu's past slavery. People side-eying Shen Qingqiu wondering why he is a peak lord, and rather then serving one, which would of course be more appropriate.
The yao and demon aspects could be combined too, if Shen Jiu's crow half had a little bit of demon-crow mixed in. Maybe demon and yao crows get along well enough to have children together relatively frequently (mixes being to the 'pure demons' and 'pure yao' what coywolves are to coyotes and wolves). Or maybe that's not actually true at all, but it's made out to be true by those blackening Shen Qingqiu's name.
nonnie you're killing me!!!! him being so similar to demons but having a different title/partial heritage that sets him apart and lets him stay in juuust the right spot to avoid most prejudice and intolerance that demons face is sooo good
and the yao/spiritual beasts being servents is suuuch a good parallel, maybe some particularly balsy people ask shen qingqiu who his master is, or demand he serve them "as is his job" (it does not go over well with the other peak lords), but it puts shen qingqiu in these bad situations where if he fights back, he'll be seen as a volatile and aggressive creature, but if he doesn't fight back they'll never respect his position. alsooo, the "clipped wing" comments when people see his lame wing, saying it's "good practice to keep a demon bird on the ground".
i can imagine so well how this would go down at jin lan city, with shen qingqiu being accused of causing the plague/sowing because he's part "demon" (he tries to argue he's yao, but they too have bad reputations of causing disease and inflicting harm, so that gets used against him), and then at the trial? oh boy. the old palace master would accuse him of every little thing, of mind control and poisoning and spreading disease and working with the demons, that he's always been untrustworthy and it's a disgrace that cang qiong mountain even allowed a monster to live there, let alone be a peak master!
if you want to make it really angsty, when shen qingqiu gets locked up in the water prison, they don't just tie him up with immortal binding rope and chains but they also damage his wings. they said they would just clip the feathers a bit so he can't fly, but they cut into the joint instead, pinioning him.
the mixed blood heritage is sooo interesting to consider too, him being a quarter bit of everything, with clear human heritage but also crow yao capabilities and demon crow features!
which brings me to your other ask!!
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there being TWO shen qingqiu's with each slightly different features and heritage would be amazing and hilarious, especially since they look alike so much! one is actually part human and the other one a cultivated form, yet they look like brothers! amazing!
thank you sosososoo much for the ask, it gave me so many ideas and brain bunnies i love it!!!
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howlonomy · 6 months
So, according to Martlet, monsters seem to be able to emanate the battle themes, and she's unsure of if Clover can here them. Since they're a monster now, what would their theme be? Would it be a regular "(blank) Approaching" or would it be more unique?
Obviously the easiest answer would be Enemy Retreating since that's the closest to a "Clover Battle Theme" that we're gonna get but uh, I don't think it would work for Monster Clover given the whole murder themes related to it.
Maybe it'd include a mix of Martlet, Starlo and Ceroba's themes (Protocol, Showdown!, Some Point of No Return, A Mother's Love)? Maybe Dalv's too?
I'm not asking you to make one, but I just wanna know how you think it'd probably sound. I'm definitely leaning more towards the mashup one since their Monster body is a mashup of their friends.
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oh this is such a fun question!!
i also think it would be a mashup! buuut i think the songs they would steal from would be birds of a feather, showdown, some point of no return, and vigorous terrain.
birds of a feather; one of martlets themes but it has a matching song as well (flock together). the saying fits the theme of friendship clover and martlet have!
showdown/some point of no return: the best starlo/ceroba themes that i think would fit
vigorous terrain: cowboy :]
i think some aspects of enemy retreating would stay; all the monsters themes usually have some kind of leitmotif that goes through ALL their songs no matter the route. so some of it would be in there!
i think it would be named something like “Harbringer of Justice”, but in a fun lighthearted way :]
iiiif there were a no mercy route, i think their theme names would be “All’s Fair” and “In Love and War”, and they would take motifs from trial by fury, retribution, justice (that was a rlly good idea i hadnt thought of!) and enemy retreating. but enemy retreating would be MUCH more prominent :) “All’s Fair” would be the first fight with them (normal form) and “In Love and War” would be a final battle with their Determined form!
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hi I love your work and omg I just can't stop reading it
Can I request yandere wild , time, twilight, four x harpy reader
Like they found her hurt but she try to get up but she can't cuz she hurt her wings which is her arms and they help her cuz they rember she help them once before and plus she keeps the cucos clam and not attack anyone
Nsfw breeding
I seen a lot of monsters moys but no monster reader
And can I be 🧜‍♀️ aron please
You absolutely can! I didn't know if you meant poly or not, so I went separate!
You can also be 🧜‍♀️anon! Welcome to the club! I'm happy to have you!
Smut so Minors DNI!
Smut CW: Breeding, Monster fucking, Reader is a harpy! Little bit of baby trapping.
Bird's eye view
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・❥・Wild had seen a lot in his time. But nothing quite like you.
・❥・Your gloriously bright feathers are what caught his eye first. You were caught in a hunter's snare when he came upon you, heaving with heavy pants and stained with blood. Whether it was yours or something else, he wasn't sure, which made him weary.
・❥・He did eventually approach you, cutting you down even if you scrambled away from him. He offered food in some sort of universal language, slowly coaxing you close enough he could look at your wounds.
・❥・It takes a shocking amount of apples, and hydromelons and other fruits to get you to trust him enough to bandage them. While his memory was fuzzy, he could remember a being, your same build and same beautiful feathers, hissing and screeching at a Lynel that had tried preying on him just days after he had woken up and was in no shape to fight.
・❥・He was certain you were the one that saved him that day and he was more than happy to finally be able to repay you.
・❥・He keeps you close while you heal, and when you bring up leaving after your healed, he quickly finds ways to shut that down. You two needed to be together. Couldn't you see that?!
・❥・Everyone else in his life had left him or died, and you couldn't! You just couldn't! He probably uses these very reasons to keep you tethered to him. That and the fact that cuccoos are terrified of you and stay away from him.
・❥・What better way to tether you to him than a baby? That would keep you and him tied for life. Did he know whether you and him could actually procreate? No, but he would love to try and find out.
Sweat dripped down from his temple and onto your shoulder as you laid prone beneath him, warbled cried weakly leaving your throat as numerous loads leaked out of your abused hole. You had long since given yourself to him wholly and completely and he was living for it.
He wanted to see you round and full, carrying his child for all the world to see. Grounding you to keep you in his reaches. Right where he wanted you.
Just the thought of you with a child of your own, cooing over it and caring for it was enough to have him groaning, filling you once more all over again. He was sure you had a small swell in your belly at this point, but it wasn't enough. He needed to ensure he got this right the first time, even as his muscles cried out from overstimulation. He needed to make su
re this worked. Needed this to be an all or nothing situation.
Who knows how much longer you would remain by his side? How much longer would you believe his little lies?
He doubted it would be long. But if he could effectively ground you, then you could be by his side forever.
You let out another whine underneath of him.
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・❥・Time is such a funny guy with this for one reason alone.
・❥・He had lost someone once because they flew away and left him behind.
・❥・That was when he met you! You had been nesting in a tree while he was mid-mourning over Navi. He was playing a song on the Ocarina, he couldn't even remember which one, and you began singing along calling his attention.
・❥・It was a slow thing, him getting you close enough he could run his fingers through your silky smooth feathers as you sniffed about him. You gave him a new out look on life in the time you spent together.
・❥・He thought that you had been lost to time during his journey, jumping around constantly and such.
・❥・But when he hears the familiar sound of your chirps, crying out for help, he lets himself feel a fragile flicker of hope. When he saw if was you, the flame grew just a bit more. And then you looked at him and smiled, recognition flashing across your features.
・❥・You were so happy when he freed you, feathers fluffing up around your arms as you wrapped your arms around him, chirping and clicking in a language foreign to him.
・❥・You had come back to him. You, perfect and angelic you, had come back to him when Navi had not. He knew you were the one for him. He just knew it.
・❥・That being said, he was not to keen on letting you go a second time.
Your feathers shined in the light of sunrise, letting the limited sunlight cascade through the gaps as your arms reached behind your head. You were such a picture of pure divinity. Like the golden three themselves had come down to bless you with beauty.
He wouldn't be surprised at this point. How he had managed to get you, gloriously free you, to give yourself to him was still a mystery. To him at least
You had come back to him, you had graced him with your presence once more. He had heard the saying, that if you love something, let it go, but you had come back. You and him were meant to be. You were meant to belong to him.
And he'd ensure it stayed that way.
You had come back, he had won. You were his. His to use and please and do with as he pleased. He had earned it. You had come back.
And if he put a baby in you, he'd ensure you stayed.
You wouldn't have the heart to keep him from his child, not that you ever would, but to give you a reminder of him every time you looked at that small child? It made his own heart thump wildly in his chest, matching in tempo to your bounces.
You had come back. You wouldn't leave a second time. He wouldn't let you.
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・❥・My notes for this literally state and I quote ' lmao twilight and his abandoment issues screaming into the void rn.' Just to set the scene.
・❥・Just like Time, he has also had someone walk out on him. and he does not intend on letting it happen a second time. No. He let Midna go too easily.
・❥・Ironically enough, he met you when Hryule was clouded with Twilight, your feathers a decaying black as your shrieked angrily at him, diving at him every time his beast form tried entering the sacred grove before it was clear.
・❥・When the twilight was lifted, he tried again, only to find your colors vibrant and electric. You were also much friendlier, landing in front of the entrance as if daring him closer, but not instigating anything.
・❥・When he did step closer you regarded him carefully before turning, dew shimmering on your feathers as you did, leading him into the holy grounds and to the Master Sword.
・❥・You stayed even as he returned to his human form, approaching him swiftly. Your claws pricked his cheek as you tilted his jaw, crooning softly when his lips lifted in a snarl, as if trying to calm him.
・❥・You acted as a sort of guide in the air, warning him of oncoming attacks and the such. While you kept your distance during his battle with Ganon, you closed it just as easily after the Mirror was shattered. You had been there when she left.
・❥・You refused to leave him, even in his deepest pits of grief, crooning at him softly constantly and shrouding him in your gorgeous feathers.
The feeling of your back pressed against his chest was truly euphoric as you heaved and cried out. His hands were clasped tightly around your hips, fingers digging bruises into the soft flesh there. The claws on your feet dug into the floor, scratching the wood as you rclung to the table you were bent over. Your feathers, as gorgeous as they were, were all askew, ruffled and scuffed, some scattered around the floor. Your hair was just as messy, especially as you threw your head back to try and look at him.
He kept his head burrowed in your shoulder, biting and nipping at your skin as his hips smacked rhythmically against your own, keeping a quick and harsh tempo. You had stuck by him. You remained by his side. You chose him. Midna chose her world. Fine. But you chose him. You watched the trials he faced, deemed him worthy and accepted him. You chose him.
So he had to return the favor. Obviously. So he would chose you to carry his young. To breed you over and over again until you had your own litter scrambling around your feet. It was the least he could do for you really.
You had chose him, and he would do everything in his power to make sure you didn't make the wrong choice.
You wouldn't have the time to think if you made the wrong choice or not if all your time was spent caring for his pups, right? All that mattered was that you stayed with him.
He already had one person walk out on it, and he would not let you do it as well.
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・❥・If you guys thought I knew little about Majora's mask, oh boy do I have some news for you-
・❥・Being able to turn into a Minish, one of the unseen dangers on his journey were birds.
・❥・Birds that swooped down, trying to eat the little creatures.
・❥・This extended to him.
・❥・A particularly large bird had once gotten it's sights on him, clawed feet reaching for him too fast for him to run away. He thought that was the end for him.
・❥・And then you, in all your glorious vengeance and fearless carelessness, stepped in. The bird was caught mid-swoop. Pinned with your own talons pinning them down.
・❥・You snarled in it's face, snapping your teeth in it's face with a sharp cry before letting it wobble away.
・❥・He thought you would take him for yourself, but you merely crouched down, leaning your chin on the ground and letting him place his little hands on your nose, gently crooning with a puff of feathers.
・❥・You remained his protector throughout his entire journey, his companion when he was back to his Hylian form. It became a joke throughout Hyrule that you would not have one without the other, the two of you never straying far.
・❥・And he'd keep it that way.
Your squawks did little to deter him as your taloned fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the golden strands as he pinned you to one of the random walls in his forge. He felt a bit bad, as he knew the heat wasn't good for your feathers, but he couldn't bring himself to care as he plunged deep into your core over and over again.
You feet clawed against his back as you clung to him, crooning and chirping as your head fell back. He adored you. Everything you did for him. The scars you obtained for his sake. And he would thank you in the best way possible.
He had watched the ways you cooed over the babies in town, using your feathers to call their attention and bring a smile to their face. Their giggles absolutely lit up your entire being making your giddily chirp as your feathers ruffled. He adored seeing it.
What better way to thank you for your service to him than to give you your own baby? A baby the two of you could share? One that was a piece of both you and him and would keep you tethered to him for the rest of your life.
It was the perfect plan really. He could care for his little family through his forge work and you would live happily ever after with the minish watching your little one.
His own perfect ending.
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monster-musings · 26 days
I'm not in touch with the YouTube Monster Hunter lore scene, people are smart enough to have made the distinction that the Guild classifications for monsters are not the same as scientific classifications right?
Guild classifications are purely practical, they're there to inform the hunter (player) what kind of fight they should expect from a monster based on its body type; by no means should every Flying Wyvern be actually lumped together on the family tree.
A prime example are Paolumu and Tigrex, both represent basal 'Flying Wyverns', but both are from two separate and distinct lineages. Paolumu represents a lineage descended from Bird Wyverns (its fur is actually feathers, synapomorphy with Pukei-Pukei), whereas Tigrex is clearly one descended from a Fanged Wyvern (or vice versa). How about the arbitration between Brute Wyvern and Bird Wyvern? Many of which are definitely theropods regardless of Guild classification.
Just some food for thought. Cladistics can be a messy thing, and I certainly wouldn't trust any official material on MH cladistics to do it justice.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Dropped Feathers
The first time Legend meets Wild, the kid nearly takes his head off.
The Chain comes through a portal near a particularly ugly stable and it’s the easiest place to start.
The group draws glances, but Legend wanders around the edge of the building, drinking in the new landscape. It’s here he bumps into a stranger, whose sword is out as he spins and points at Legend’s throat.
“What the hell!” He jumps back, wings puffing up in an unconscious threat display. Is it a bandit? Someone who means harm?
The stranger tilts his head but then puts his sword away. “You startled me.”
“I startled you? I’m not the one waving swords in people’s faces!”
The kid winces, but the wary, calculating look in his eyes doesn’t fade.
By the time they wrangle out that the stranger is Wild, a new hero to join them, Legend’s planted him firmly in the same category as Warriors: a loner.
Wild’s addition changes little of the group’s makeup. Wind and Sky, the two seabirds, stick together on the ground and glide happily alone. Twilight follows Time around like a lost dog, always eager to follow orders. Warriors prefers his alone time.
Four chatters enough to be multiple companions on his own, although Time and Twilight are the only two who indulge him on a regular basis. Legend likes Four’s company; if only it just came with a little more silence.
Despite his prickly attitude, Legend is a fairly social bird. Because of the attitude, it’s a rare indulgence.
Hyrule likes pairs and is perfectly happy to latch into Legend and stay there. Legend, for his part, delights in someone he hasn’t driven away.
Wild goes Warriors route of sticking to himself, but unlike the captain he doesn’t look happy about it. It’s closer to the feeling Legend has when he wants to join in with the others but holds back.
Twilight and Time make an effort to include the newest hero, so he’s not without chances to bond. He just…doesn’t take them.
When they preen in the evenings, even Warriors allows Time to help him with the feathers he can’t reach. Wild turns down help from all of them, including the captain’s offer.
Unable to reach all his feathers, the slightly dingy blue dull further. He can fly just fine but Legend catches Time throwing concerned looks in his direction.
“Aren’t magpies supposed to be social?” Legend stands, hands on his hips, blocking Wild’s path of slinking away to his own corner to eat again.
“Not up for company,” comes the mumble. His wings hunch into his back, making him look even smaller.
Legend isn’t falling for it. “C’mon, even Warriors eats with us and he loves his own company a little too much.”
“I heard that!”
The veteran ignores Warriors jibe.
Wild just shakes his head and edges around him. “Another time.” Then he ducks past and scrambles up into a tree, bowl still balanced in one hand.
“Let him go,” Time calls. He doesn’t look happy about it.
Wild continues to avoid the group, avoid preening, and thrashes through the air like an ungainly chick. Sometimes he’ll slide in behind someone and his flight stabilizes. Then, almost like his attention slipped, he ducks up or down and resumes the constant flapping.
They fight monsters and switch eras. The faint hope on Wild’s face dies as they enter another unfamiliar realm. His wings are getting rattier every day. Time tries both gentle and commanding, but Wild climbs a tree faster than Time can follow. A cloud of dirty feathers falls in his wake.
Time stands and glares are the pine for a long time.
Hyrule, gentle, attentive Hyrule, is taking an interest in the newest hero. Legend can’t help the slight jealousy as attention shifts away from him. Hyrule is a pair bird and Legend is the other half of that pair. While he might like some more social interaction, he won’t give up his closest friend.
Mostly, Hyrule watches Wild and Legend watches Hyrule. Soon, Legend is watching the champion, too, just to see what’s so fascinating.
It’s how he notices what Hyrule already saw; Wild attempting to preen and plucking ruined feathers. The shake of his fingers gets worse each time.
The feathers, poorly cared for, are coming out too fast for a molt. It’ll start affecting his flying soon.
Time stages an intervention when it becomes clear Wild isn’t going to give in on his own. He sits the champion down and explains how they understand worries about trust and safety. There’s no shame in accepting a little help from time to time.
Wild’s glare only grows with each word. “Don’t touch my wings.” Then he stalks off.
The intervention is a failure. Time grits his teeth and snaps for Twilight to come spar with him. The fury of the mock fight takes even the hawk off guard.
Read the rest here!
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rhinestonecowdoy · 2 years
I Will Banish Your Fears (Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader)
(never wrote Reader stuff before but I was viciously struck by this fluffy idea of Alcina cuddling her human and well, here we are 0_0. Uh....Enjoy!)
Alcina was unaccustomed to non-violent human contact. You noticed the hesitation early on in the relationship; a large hand reaching out to cup your face, only to pull back. Reassuring her that you were no fragile bird, you had plucked back her hand and let it settle on your face. Even through the cold leather of the glove, you felt the warmth of her love. 
From then on, she made more efforts to touch you; a finger idly curling a lock of your hair or the sweep of her palm against your back. She knew you weren't made of glass, but with her bloodthirsty ways, the fear was a constant reminder of what she could do.
Never once holding you in those powerful arms lest the love of her life be taken away by an accidental display of strength.
Even so, you continued to encourage her, drawing her out of her reticent shell. 
One night, while you lay bundled in her bed, you stare at the adjacent, empty pillow sleepily. What would it be like to have her giant frame pressed against you? How would it feel to be wrapped in her embrace; her breath and scarlet lips hovering against your neck? Alcina was such an intimidating woman to every human that unfortunately met their end at her claws. But in those same hands, you met your beginning. You turn in the bed, flopping your arm off the side of the bed, roiling with emotions. 
Every single day, she told you she loved you, and you without doubt, loved her but her fears kept her back. You chuckle slightly at the thought. Fear wasn't something the great Lady Dimitrescu grappled with externally. She was a strict, ferocious woman who only showed love to her daughters behind closed doors. 
But your brand of love drove a stake of worry into her heart; humans were easily broken and easily eaten. The nature of a vampiress was to consume, after all.
You hoped your dreams would be kinder to you and shower you with fanciful thoughts of being cuddled by a gentle monster. The mattress dips and you're jolted out of your pondering as you feel a large hand, devoid of a glove, slide down your arm with a feather-light touch. 
"Are you awake, my love?" the familiar, purring voice says quietly; hesitantly.
You mumble an agreement, smirking at the lack of social etiquette you displayed. Alcina preferred clarity and surety with all things; your hypocritical beloved showed none of those things in that moment. Electricity shoots down your spine as she leans down, brushing her lips against the curve of your ear before pressing a kiss on your temple. 
The confidence drained out of Alcina once again, you noticed and it hurt your heart to have such vulnerability taken away so quickly. Though you were much smaller than her, you knew yourself, knew your strengths and weaknesses. You also knew what to do next.
You count to three, readying yourself before grabbing the larger hand barely skating on your skin. Alcina gave the cutest yelp of surprise and you try to fight back blushing laughter as you lock that arm around your body, pushing yourself backwards into her own. Alcina doesn't fight it, laying there as if frozen, unsure of what to do next. With a smile, you lace your fingers together with her own, squeezing to reassure her that you would not fracture from her strength. 
And finally, she comes to terms with her love for you, allowing every fear within her mind to evaporate under your grip. Leaning her head down, she buried her nose in your hair, inhaling deeply before laying a soft kiss between the strands. Sleep came over you alot quicker than you thought as you snuggled into the spooning, feeling her cool skin against your back. 
The night drifts on as the two of you lay beneath the covers, indulging in these tender affections only available to you and you alone; her human, her beautiful human. 
However, with every pro, there's a con. When morning came around, you awoke first for once while Alcina still slept soundly. That same bestial strength was tamed but still showed as you tried to get out of being hugged so tightly. Alcina doesn't budge and neither could you apparently. Sighing dramatically, you lay back against Alcina, blushing at her refusal to let you go, even in her dreams.
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homelesstravelerssp · 2 months
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Aizawa Shouta Phoenix Fantasy Au!!
1. Aizawa Shota | Phoenix | Immortal | Moeru Sennin
2. 50049 years
3. In an era so ancient that the yellowed rustling pages are not able to capture, there lives a boy, just a teenager. A peasant, pointing his finger at everything outlandish, and running through ripe rice fields. His life is leisurely, monotonous, and calm. Until one day, running out to a loud bird cry, he stumbles upon something unclear, terrible and scary.
The immortal majestic Phoenix prepares for rebirth.
His feathers fall, turning to ash before they even touch the ground, he howls about his pain, burns to ashes, outside and inside, and along with him, an involuntary observer, an ordinary peasant boy, burns.
Thus a man was born, not born a phoenix, but becoming one.
The teenager does not immediately understand what has happened. Time leaves no trace on him, but takes his friends in exchange. The immortal learned, understood and accepted the unshakable laws of birth, life and death. And yet...
His body did not grow. He did not burn to ashes, receiving mortal wounds. When he was torn apart, his flesh and mind destroyed, he did not burn, did not reborn in ashes. Instead, he bled, unable to move, feeling endless pain, feeling how his skin knits together painfully slowly, how his bones line up into an understandable mechanism, and how muscles lick over them. Every part, every second he felt it. And it was not fast, like his birth, oh, no. The treatment remained ordinary, human, just stepped further, capable of restoring the impossible. He is not a real phoenix, and not a real man.
He watched an era die and a new one be born. He held the hands of a tentative but new beginning, only to watch it wave goodbye soon after. The world had not been kind to him. The world had not been kind to anyone. An immortal must fight over and over again, to protect himself, to protect someone else, so often that it is nothing more than another breath he takes.
He suffers many betrayals. Those who trust him most are wounded by him. He remembers all the good, and does not erase the bad. But everything has consequences. For every blow he missed, for every time he forgot himself and gave more than he had, his feathers scattered across valleys, across vast waters, across continents. And with them, he gave away precious memories. Of any and all friends long gone. Of the simple tune he whistled into a torn leaf as the page of history turned. Of the rare, quiet nights he spent with a full stomach at someone's hut.
The immortal considers himself an observer. Someone who carries the stories of the past within him, lives in the present, and moves into the future. There are no legends about him, he does not try to interfere with the course of events. He is a wanderer, a silent traveler who does not know the way. But he does not always remain so.
When a tiny life trembles, when motens knock and palms clap in confirmation of a contract, the immortal lets the fire flare up. His fiery fists tear, snatch a small man from the clutches of, no more and no less, human monsters.
He takes him. At first, Phoenix plans to simply take him to the nearest settlement, and leave him there, let kinder and more honest people take care of the child. And that's when he learns why the boy ended up where they met, and why no one else will take him in.
Shinso Hitoshi. A child the new world abandoned. And who is he to dictate fate?
Easier said than done. At first, Phoenix has no idea what to do with Shinso-kun. He's long forgotten what healthy food, a permanent home, and a sense of stability are, and now he must give them to someone else. Everything is tough, the immortal catches bugs, hunts game, and boils water with his hands, hiding from the world.
It gets better with time. He takes care of the boy, raises him, and tries to pass on the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years. This boy, who became his son, allowed him to catch a thin, taut thread, to fish out of memory a name that the phoenix thought had long since disappeared in one of the feathers in some valley.
Aizawa Shota. That was his name. That is his name.
The child grows. Aizawa learns tricks that used to seem stupid, but now seem like salvation. To pressure that older sorcerers probably go to bed on time to be strong. And they always wash themselves, because otherwise they will spoil the ingredients. And, of course, they eat all the things that are unpleasant for children. Aizawa learns to disguise himself with his son in order to take him to festivals, to allow him to grab at least a small piece of ordinary, green happiness, and hopes that he will not become a hermit like him.
It is Hitoshi who makes the immortal step towards the two boys, whose eyes are still barely shining with hope. It is so stupid, he is as old as this world, older than the dirt under their feet, but it is... refreshing. Allows him to vaguely remember the times when he carelessly carried water into barrels and seasoned fish with rice and salt for the winter. Friends. The concept is so distant, and so close.
But time flows, no matter how the immortal tries to stop it. His friend dies. And he is not a real Phoenix, he cannot grab and hold the fading life in his hands, force the soul to remain in the expiring body.
And so, he moves on.
The son grows up, learns new things (ah, it was embarrassing to find out that his training is out of date by... a couple of thousand years), becomes a full-grown adult. Of course, nothing compared to him, but now he is taller. Honestly, being taller than Aizawa is not difficult, because he is trapped in the body of a teenager, and yet. He already responds with sarcasm, enters the phase of teenage rebellion, comes out of it, and finds his business, his calling. The immortal is not sure if it is good by today's standards, but for now Hitoshi is happy, does it matter?
Meanwhile, another witch brings back to life the one Aizawa has already managed to let go. It is hard. It hits him. It pleases him.
Phoenix wants to stay in this time. But it is inexorable, and sooner or later, all this will become traces behind his back.
> Immortal. No wound can kill him. Regeneration at the speed of an ordinary person, does not rise from flame, does not dull the pain. Simply indestructible and self-healing.
> Perfect memory. To be immortal, Phoenixes needed this. To remember everything, to carry it on, to live with it. Otherwise, what else would they need immortality for?
> Flame. Able to create and control a small amount of flame. Not being a phoenix from birth, sooner or later the flame will burn him, and the amount he can summon is extremely limited. He prefers to strengthen his blows with it, nothing more. If he has to put in more than he can, he can increase the amount and heat of the fire he summons. Not for long, because in exchange he gives up his health, almost his life, and memories.
> He is unable to transform into a full-fledged phoenix. Instead, he is surrounded by feathers that contain his power. With their help, he can heal others (but not fatal wounds), or strengthen himself. In exchange, he gives up his precious memories. When a feather is used, it becomes useless, which is why his feathers are scattered all over the world. Their number is restored through regeneration, but extremely slowly.
> He looks like a teen-ager
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Concepts for the Pokemon x RC9GN AU
Alright, this is officially take two of my attempts to explain this... weird crossover no one asked for!
as for the descendant Randy AU, that's going to be done completely separately so, let's get right on to it!
General Infodump
The Pokemon AU takes place in a fictional region that is supposed to replace Norrisville- and Norrisville is one of the towns of said region, but we start off with our two title leads - Randy and Howard - about to head off on their journey to become Pokemon trainers. Randy's parents are a little bit miffed about it for undisclosed plot reasons, but they don't stop him when he does decide to leave. I like to think the Sorcerer isn't literally a disheveled frog-looking thing but more so something else (brain isn't brain'ing right now-)
McFist and Viceroy are both part of an organization that is a little like, say Team Rocket but with more merit to what they're doing- and are one of the many foes that Randy now has to face, but to add onto all of this-
I literally don't know how to incorporate the Ninja lore into this unless I decided to have the Ninja as this protector of the entire region, instead of just Norrisville. Thinking that the bond between the Ninja and their Pokemon team is going to be more... ahems, magical? No- a word I can't think of right now, fuck English right now
The tengu was either a legendary or mythical bird Pokemon, of course with an element of fire because hello? We can't have anything less, but moving on! The whole thing with the stone still went down though I'm still trying to tie this all together to say the least
Additional Lore Bits
Stanked monsters don't exist in the same way as the RC9GN canon- that's all I got right now to be honest
The group that McFist and Viceroy are a part of- their goals are wanting to use Pokemon as their own personal army, and make them stronger and better in order to take on the Ninja. What they don't realize, however, is that there's actual significance behind the Ninja's appearance (tying this into cultural aspects perhaps? we'll see how this works out later-)
So, how does the Ninja work in this, you ask? I like to think that there were always warriors protecting Norrisville from imminent danger but nothing was ever as strong and dangerous as the Sorcerer. When Finja and his clan came to be, the Sorcerer was utilizing dark relics in order to take over the entire region but of course, like anything- this began going south which led to the intervention from the Norisu 9. Unfortunately, this ended up going extremely dire and Finja was the only one left- no one quite managed to figure out what happened to everyone else but using the feathers of a legendary Pokemon, he managed to create something no one had ever managed to do before
Now to keep this from being too similar to the RC9GN canon, I'm not sure what to do after this- but I still want to reference some stuff honestly? I can't tell you what that is yet, this is all just a prototype idea for now but this is where things get a little interesting...
Finja and the Sorcerer face off in a great battle, and the Sorcerer meets his demise- imprisoned- but Finja is left horrendously weakened and injured, and his fate- for now- will remain undetermined
Skip to modern day, and this is where we're introduced to Randy and Howard, the pair are heading off on their Pokemon trainer journey- Randy wants the glory of being a trainer, but he also just feels he needs to do what's right and getting to face the gym leaders gives him that sensation; Howard is only going because he doesn't want to be alone hahah, he hasn't quite figured out what he wants to do yet
As their journey continues, Randy ends up catching a lot of fighting and fire types, including one that's a poison type while Howard's tend to be a little different- i'm thinking fire at the very least but there are others
i'm going insane trying to write this in a way that actually makes sense, was too focused on finding trainer card templates and now i have to pick their Pokemon and add it to the card-
but okay, let's move on
Character Concepts
Randy Cunningham: 14 years old. Randy's the son of a retired Pokemon trainer, though he knows nothing beyond that- coughs, and his mother's a nurse for Pokemon! He starts his Pokemon trainer journey a little bit late, but he's determined to take on the gym leaders, like it's something he has to do. As he and Howard embark on the adventure, they end up having to deal with a weird... metallic Pokemon, and Randy's kind of losing his marbles (but he also is weirdly ecstatic about the whole thing-). Sometime during this, he encounters an ancient relic which apparently is a book and has everything about how to be a better trainer, how to fight with your team, all of it. The author's not written anywhere in it but he eventually gets the hang of it- even if he constantly misinterprets the lessons and takes twice as long to figure it out.
The deal with this kid is he's extremely impulsive and likes to blindly rush at danger- also the fact he immediately jumps to conclusions when something happens, because he'll accidentally warp the lessons into something that benefits him. Though, his bond with his team continues to strengthen- and if he happens to accidentally realize exactly how he can utilize this to his advantage, well, let's just say something interesting is going to happen. (my current plan is that he create a link with the Pokemon and active their powers for him to be able to use as well-)
Howard Weinerman: Howard is around the same age as Randy. He's not very interested in a lot of things- but he despises being alone and decides to tag on Randy's trainer journey with him, embarking on the strangest adventure he's ever had. Unlike Randy, however, he only seems to care about things that benefit him which isn't entirely the case as he seems to also worry about Randy's safety- especially with the amount of times that his friend just blindly gets into a fight with their enemies. Howard is exceptionally stubborn, though at the end of the day, he manages to do what's right too- albeit a little reluctantly.
And yes, I'm going to link him to the tengu- things might work out a little bit differently in this version for obvious reasons, but I will manage a way for it to work.
Debbie Kang: Debbie Kang is one of the other Pokemon trainers that accompanies Randy and Howard on their journey- unlike the boys, she's not trying to take on the gym leaders and seems more interested in becoming a reporter, attempting to grab the latest scoop on things happening around the region. Unfortunately, she gets involved in the current ploy McFist and Viceroy are doing- and, well, Debbie has no idea what she's getting into and she and her liepard are about to uncover something much bigger is happening. She happens to be relentless in her endeavors, preferring the sense of danger but needing to reel herself back in or risk endangering the entire party. [Details are still pending]
Theresa Fowler: On the other hand, we have Theresa- unlike Debbie, who's completely willing to throw herself into a path of danger for a scoop, Theresa is a little more cautious. She worries constantly about her friends, not wanting to see them get hurt and sometimes acts as the voice of reason (Debbie can be, but she also wants to expose McFist and Viceroy, and that gets in the way at times-). She frets a lot, but she also is a good fighter and will intervene if the rest of her team is injured.
I like to consider these four as the title characters, and that the other Norrisville High students are more in the background- although I'm also trying to figure something out with Julian.
Undeveloped Ideas
The Nomicon is an ancient relic- as mentioned before, it's a training tool for the current Ninja, or whatever adjacent theme is being followed; unlike the canon, however, the book has more of a connection with the user and can interact with them even via dreams and has a human form (though this isn't something that happens too often-). [Details still pending!]
Tengu - Legendary Pokemon/Fire Type. The tengu was always more of a neutral party in all of this, but things changed... and this led to certain events taking place- even before Finja managed to infuse the tengu's feathers into... something.
Shadow Warrior's Temple - central theme to the storyline. details still in the works- potentially some of the things from it will be used by Randy, but this is about as far as I got.
Unfortunately, this is most what I have- the idea came to me out of nowhere and I need to develop it more because this sounds and looks like garbled nonsense- I kind of would like some thoughts on it-? Though this isn't inherently necessarily at the same time-
I'm going to be fleshing this out eventually, just please be patient! Because apparently, I don't know when to quit-
I'm kind of more excited for building the Pokemon teams than the lore though hahaha
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shorimochi · 2 years
I'm Saving The World (By Marrying the Villain)
(CW: mpreg)
Shen Yuan didn't mean for this to happen. In fact when he first befriended the villain, he never even thought they would become this close. All he wanted was to influence the villain to be better, fix the plot, and save the world (himself, including).
After finally accepting that he had been transmigrated into an NPC in PIDW, he decided to visit the brothel where the infamous Shen Qingqiu was said to frequent. Playing a spoiled rich young master who was there for some entertainment, he was hoping to form some companionship with Shen Qingqiu. Birds of the same feathers flock together, right?
He got kicked out by a furious Shen Qingqiu and the brothel madam that very same night, after his first attempt to get close. If only he could leave a review of the establishment. Zero star.
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At some point Shen Qingqiu must have caught on to his not-impure intention. After a fun drunken night and a game of weiqi, the peak lord suddenly began developing an interest in him.
Okay, Shen Yuan may have accidentally charmed him with his stories, but to be honest he never expected the plan to work. He should've known even in a xianxia world, of course everyone loved P*kemon! Shen Qingqiu happened to have profound interests in mythical creatures, just like him. It felt almost like he found a fellow nerd who was willing to listen to his long rants.
Somewhere along the line, a friendship was formed over many heated games of weiqi; Shen Yuan’s never-ending plagiarized tales; and Shen Qingqiu’s guilty pleasure of listening to Shen Yuan’s rendition of modern pop songs on the guqin. They both discovered that they enjoyed each other's company and now…
Shen Yuan blamed Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky. In one of his outings with his good bro - his good buddy Shen Qingqiu, they accidentally stumbled upon a field of venomous man-eating vines. Shen Qingqiu saved him from getting eaten alive by the monster plants, but during the fight he was doused in aphrodisiac pollen.
What was Shen Yuan supposed to do, not return the favor? When Shen Qingqiu had looked at him with those pitiful, pained eyes? Of course he had to help out a bro, okay?
He just happened to be a virgin in his past life, and Shen Qingqiu was just that beautiful - that Shen Yuan got a little too excited and came hard inside him. Multiple times.
He also forgot that this was a fantasy world where anything can happen with enough sex pollen. 
"I'm pregnant."
Shen Yuan pondered. Maybe if Shen Qingqiu became his partner, he wouldn't have time doing anything else, like joining a conference and pushing a half demon into the abyss. They could live together, talk about mythical creatures all day, and go on night hunts anytime they wanted. Oh wait, they were having a baby, so maybe when their child grows older? But what if they have a second or third?
No, no, what was he thinking, he wasn't ready to be a husband, let alone a father-
"Shen-lang," Shen Qingqiu suddenly called.
"Marry me," Shen Yuan blurted out.
As usual, Shen Qingqiu never failed to make him lose his mind.
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c-ndemned · 1 month
"Once upon a time, three happy birds lived in a warm and lush forest. The birds had no names, though the creatures of the forest would call them Big Bird, Long Bird, and Small Bird. Everyone lived freely and happily together in the peaceful forest. The birds wanted the forest to be safe more than anyone else, that way creatures from the outside could visit and have fun.
It was a warm and sunny afternoon when a stranger visited the peaceful forest. He was a traveler, pioneer, and prophet, but at the same time, he was a nobody. He wanted to enter the forest, but the birds found him suspicious, so they didn't let him in.
The stranger, angered, told the birds as he left: “Soon, a tragedy will befall the forest. It will be tainted with misdeeds and evil, and there will be constant conflict. The tragedies will only stop when a terrible beast appears and devours everything. The sun and moon will shine upon the forest no longer; the forest will never go back to what it was before.”
The birds worried about the prophecy. What if conflicts really break out and a beast shows up to harm the forest just like the man said? That's when the birds decided to become the guardians of the forest. They loved this forest more than anyone else did, so they wanted to protect the creatures living in the forest and keep the peace.
Big Bird, with its many eyes, decided to watch over the forest for intruders. For Big Bird's eyes could see very far, and see things we cannot see.
Then somebody said, “But what if the beast shows up in the middle of the night, when the sky is dark and everyone is asleep?”
Worried, Big Bird burned all of its feathers to make an everlasting lamp. Now the creatures of the forest were under Big Bird's constant watch, day and night. 
"Long Bird weighed the sins of creatures that enter the forest to keep peace. Long Bird's scales could measure every sins, and were fair and just."
Then somebody said, “But what if the scale doesn't tip in either direction someday?”
Worried, Long Bird made a scale that always tipped to one side. That way every judgement would yield a clear verdict.
Small Bird decided to punish the creatures' wrongdoings with its beak.
Then somebody said, “But your beak is so small, no one would find it hurtful.”
Worried, Small Bird tore its mouth wide so it could swallow any creature in one bite. 
No one could visit the forest anymore, and bad rumors about the forest began to spread outside.
“I heard terrible things happen to any creature that enters the forest.”
“The Big Bird is always watching the creatures of the forest, there's no freedom.”
“The Long Bird's scale isn't fair at all.”
“The Small Bird's punishment is so scary.”
The birds got upset.
“We work so hard to protect the forest; why doesn't anyone appreciate our effort?”
Fewer and fewer visitors came to the forest, more and more creatures were complaining, fights broke out daily, and yet the birds continued to work even harder to make the forest peaceful again, but...
“No, this forest is so vast and wide, the three of us aren't enough to protect all of it.”
“But there is no creature to protect this forest but us.”
“If we combined our power, we could be stronger.”
The day when Big Bird's eyes that could see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who could judge any sin, and Small Bird's mouth that could devour everything united into one, darkness fell upon the forest. Creatures screamed in terror and fear at the sight of the bird, and the forest soon fell into mayhem.
Then, in the middle of all the chaotic cries, someone shouted: “It's the monster! Big, terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!”
Monster? The three birds, now as one, looked around but there was no one to be seen. The bird began to prowl the forest, looking for the monster. The forest would be in trouble if the monster really showed up.
But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no beast. All that was left was just a bird and the black forest. Only cold, dark night continued from then.
Rumors say that there is a terrible monster in the black forest where nobody lives."
<Survivor Testimony>
"Every single light in the facility went crazy. They kept flickering and flickering. I couldn’t even use my lighter. Then, this warm light shone through it all. It looked like a waning twilight, or a growing sunrise. Though, as we all know, sunlight can’t make its way into our facility.
Everyone silently gazed at the light. Sudden darkness and a weird ray of light were enough reason to be frightened. It was scarier than anything gorey we’d seen here. It was a true fear of the unknown itself… (Omitted)
…Something from afar was coming our way. Incandescent lights like stars from outer space were marching towards us. It looked like Big Bird’s eyes, but it wasn’t that Abnormality. I could hear these long arms scratching the floor.
Someone broke the silence with a whisper: “That guy over there couldn’t run away in time...”  There was an employee kneeling on the floor; perhaps he couldn’t sense the danger approaching behind him, and once he noticed, it was too late. He couldn’t even scream.
Nobody would have been able to then. He just meaninglessly struggled to move his legs, desperate to run from the beast. There was no heroic act of someone standing up against the monster, not even a yell to warn him. Everyone was just watching him, waiting for the terrible thing that was about to happen.
Each step sent a tremor through the whole facility. The monster was moving with such slow steps, but it seemed so fast. In the blink of an eye, it devoured the nameless employee in one bite, and right after that everyone started screaming in chaos. I had gone through handling countless suppressions, but that day, for the first time, I regretted ever joining the company.
I was certain I wouldn’t get out of there alive. This helplessness overwhelmed me. I couldn’t even think about fighting back against the monster, and many others were feeling the same. I think I’m the only one who stayed sane enough to write this among all the survivors.
The company will never tell our newbies about the existence of that monster. However, I wanted to leave them a warning at the very least. That’s why I’m writing this."
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her whole body is on fire. Her bones snap and fuse back together. Someone is screaming.
She can't understand the voices. She knows them though. Who are they? Who's screaming?
Feathers burst from her skin. Her head molds itself into a birds skull. She's smaller. Much smaller. The screaming isnt human anymore. The other voices are.
They're fighting.
"What did you do! Youre a monster! Get the fuck out of my home!" A woman is yelling. She slams the door.
Someone is touching her. Someone is crying.
"It's ok baby, it's all gonna be ok, I can fix this, I have to fix this."
(( for time reference everything in this little gio arc is taking place BEFORE Hal got murdered. Also: @hallsjordanss @dont-hate-the-goatee :3))
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augment-techs · 9 months
Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers
As Writing Prompts~
wife, sister, virgin, whore
an incantation, a naming, a blessing, a curse
weavers, potters, cooks, and healers
flip to any page; follow your wyrd
conjurer of hurricanes, zombies, and tall tales
with each story, the basket gains an apple
alchymist of monsters, children, the living and the dead
a terrible baby, their very arrival a murder
even the freshest thing is mixed with rot
a painful tale about the creation of life and what happens to shunned, abandoned children
shaman of dew, hummingbirds, and mushroom language
could not read or write and lived in poverty on the mountains
healer and oral poet
hermit of hospitals, belonging, and lost souls
"You think you're the only one who doesn't belong?"
at least some creatures can find a home
receiving two hundred electroshock treatments and narrowly escaping a lobotomy
grand dame of trickery, murder, and teatime
"Most unpleasant."
a consolatory apricot biscuit
sibyl of masks, extraterrestrial eggs, and twisted fantasies
smashes the crystal ball on the ground
what remains--glass shards and a black, sticky substance
the room is clean and the crystal ball intact
madame of roses, geometry, and repetition
grow feathers, slink into worms, shrink into dragonflies--anything to get out
undine of introspection, opulent dreams, and voyages
some collect seashells, others chart the sun's movement
some keep house, make lace, pursue lovers
dakini of holy ecstasy, the dark one, and ankle bells
poison becomes ashamed
miraculously escaped their poisoning attempts twice
fantasma of silence, death, and lilacs
a bird of blue bones drops a piece of paper
the paper unfolds into a palace
step in through the door
the music hollows
cursed to hear it forever
give in, eat the bird whole
storyteller of rattlesnakes, turquoise, and the sacred desert
the drought has gone on too long
spider's silk holding all things together shines with the light
high priestess of scholars, volcanoes, and eros
a grim jewel of astronomical price
fondles their muscles over coffee and toast
sorceress of islands, venom, and histories
the soup boils down to a thick black sludge
soothsayer of utopias, creeping women, and evil wallpaper
the unseen fairy
the people must realize the changes for themselves
the disastrous, sexist "rest cure" prescribed for postpartum depression
sorceress of names, houses, and solitude
sometimes the mango is perfectly juicy, sometimes underripe, sometimes too sweet, or bruised
cigar in hand, walk into the jacaranda trees, hanging black bras off the branches
'Use this to climb out,' read the notes tied on with ribbon
guardian of the waters, the porcelain, and the lexicon
they love these puddles
they will not survive this one
wolf child fight their way to the bank of the river; they survive
after a lifelong struggle with mental illness
fairy godparent of bloody tales, the circus, and mirror
"Not another one."
doll in a red riding habit
and a bleeding wolf escapes from under the cloth
dark drops of blood sink into the soil and the roses bloom a deeper, more delicious red
sumptuous tapestries depicting sexual, violent scenes
ornamented with symbols and adjectives
warrior witch of otherness, bodies electric, and sisterhood
the sword is for slaying ghosts and demons along the way
lava filling their wounds
the coroner writes
populated with mothers, children, sisters, anger, cancer, the erotic, unicorns, snails eating dead snakes, witches, fire, and the importance of refusing silence
specter of windows, flies, and the unexpected
travels freely between the afterworld and this world
a white dress kneeling in the flowerbeds
rebel of sensual love, green gardens, and perfume
they never speak of it, but each man is haunted by his vision
withered leaves, wilted geraniums and lilacs
write explicitly about sexuality
siren of the lyre, honey, and ruins
the rest of the words are illegible
how seriously each child puts those wings on in the mirror
seer of peacocks, weird country people, and glass eyes
pray to see humanity clearly
the doors creak open
cosmic traveler of crows, horses, and survival
joy lies down in a field
the music is a spell
courageously survived an oppressive childhood, teenage pregnancy, and domestic abuse
koldunya of winter, endurance, and willows
the sodden papers become bandages for the wounded
rations of potatoes, cabbage, and milk
queen of miracles, generations, and memory
fury of motherhood, marriage, and the moon
dismembers mannequins with ferocious, precise claws
terrified into the thrill of living
enchantress of bitter love, treachery, and jewels
summons a moonbeam into a locked room
climb down to find an underground chamber
"I am the ruler of this prison."
locked up in the bedroom for six months
witch of villages, domestic horrors, and omens
rabid cats, poisoned beetles, blood-tipped needles
the ice cream section of the twenty-four-hour grocery store at three a.m.
doesn't need help finding anything
marries the ordinary with the supernatural
sower of strange seeds, species, and the future
mutating with violent need for food, power, and sex
covertly tosses seeds kept in pockets into the neighbors' yards
watcher of the moors, fantasy, and cruel romance
brushed the carpets and took walks in the hills
death of tuberculosis at thirty
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pri-rp · 3 months
A ZeldaTale Overview
So for a while now I have had a ZeldaTale crossover I just having put it into qords. This post is me making it public so I can write it with people. I am going to try and be cohesive and in order, but I highly reccomend asking any sort of clarification questions you have: Infact I yearn for you to do so.
As we all know, In the beginning the Goddesses made the land of Hyrule. Nayru Made the Law, Din made the Land, Farore made Life. This is a tale as old as Ocarina of time. Something else that seems pretty clear is, aside from Humanity, whom seems pretty much like Hylia's personal prefferred creation, each Golden Goddess has a race more directly attuned to them then any others.
The Grace and Order of the Zora, aligned with Nayru's thoughtful nature
The Strong and Honest Gorons, beating to their own drum with Din
The playful and adventurous Kokiri, Living fearlessly in a magic forest for Farore...
But what if that wasn't all?
The land existed before the war against demise. The world existed: Most importantly, people existed. The Races were much more intermingled, at first, differences not meaning much. But as time goes by, birds of a feather tend to flock together, and the tribes began to do their own thing. It is easy to gather with those who look more like yourself and have your similar needs; and it is easy to judge those who do not fit in the boxes society forms.
The goddesses tried not to interfere directly with their creation: They had already left a blessed power behind, but it was controlling to dictate what the people of the land should do. Farore was held back as she watched her first personal project be banished by those who could not abide different in her sisters creation.
Farore had made monsters, with the courage to be varied, and bravery to be kind. Hylia's Humans banded together exclusively, Nayru's Zora, though they were not known as such yet, were exclusive by nature of their aquatic lifestyle, and Din's unchanging Gorons, all ended up in conspiracy over this group that all looked so vastly different yet chose the same label. The Gorons found a place that did not suit them as well as the Volcano they now live, and spoke of it's caves to the humans. Perhaps they did not know what those caves would be used for then. The parella turned their backs when approached for sanctuary.
Humans lead the charge, fighting the Monsters they'd stopped trusting. It was the first war, and it was a short war, as Monsters where brave enough to be kind. Plenty escaped and found places to hide, some monsters of similar nature managing to clump together and later take on a new label as their offspring became more and more homogeneous. Some monster simply stuck to themselves and laid low, with small contact with others if any at all.
So many were trapped in that mountain the Gorons had found unfit, trapped by a Magic Barrier that kept them all in, protected by a shield they would never have asked for.
This war did not have time to become history, as the discord of it all was enough to draw Demise's desires out in the open. So many of the monsters who had not been sealed away were tricked under his wing, corrupted by choice or corrupted by force. they became what had been feared, and the strike back was fierce. Farore had watched the first war, held back by her sisters, and only able to add to the barrier to make sure her people were safe under that mountain.
Imagine her shock and outrage when a new war broke out, and Hylia herself stepped into action, making direct bonds with her creation, and subdueing the threat to them? How her sisters were silent when Farore spoke out against involvement, since this war was so clearly about the divine triangles, and not some 'trivial mortal matter'? The way the sacrifice of divinity to stop Demise was honored rather then condemned, all while Farore's people were the ones wiped out even further, or corrupted beyond recognition, or worst of all, copied as mindless minions without a soul to bolster the numbers.
A tiny sliver thanked the barrier, as at least some of her own were unchanged by this divine war. though trapped, at least they'd not been corrupted.
When all settled, Hylia's humans placed in the sky, and things settling... Farore's creations were the only one missing. there was some disguised resentment, and in pity for their sister, Nayru and Din decided she got a second chance to create. Not only would it help fill that gap the lack of 'normal' monsters left, but it would bring some light to a world crawling out of darkness.
So, with more thought then before, more uniformity, the kikwis were made. something of the forest, smart enough to not be so easily squished off, but lacking the courage of self that her original creations had been.
of course, the world was still changing. Things were flux. Nayru's Parella became the Zora, split evolution based on teh type of water they lived in. Din's Gorons didn't change much, but they became even more sturdy, until the majority where at an active volcano for living. Farore's Kikwis became more courageous with time, but still had a tendency to blend in. as humans repopulated the surface, they started mimicking people's form for security rather then their surroundings.
as society started growing, each of the golden goddesses gave their race a small boon. So that they'd not starve in their new landscape, Din gave Gorons the diet of the rocks they lived amongst, as she activated the volcano to help defend them beyond their strength. Nayru gave the Zora a guardian they tended to, a descendant of the leviathan of the sky designed for the water. Farore, having learned form before, gave her now-Kokiri a home and guardian where they could live eternally and freely.
Meanwhile, all that was left of Farore's original creation were hollow shells of senseless violence, unaware of the chaos that occurred on the land above. Aside from the barrier around the mountain to keep monsters in, there was a tribe, an offshoot of the sheikah that settled around the mountain as further guard. they remained even as the forest got thicker and more confusing with time, until they were basically as secluded by the lost woods as the monsters were by the barrier.
They still hold record and warning of the monster who killed a child in it's escape, though that's become more legend then history anymore. Some think the MOuntain is simply teh same as the woods- you enter, and you don't return, monsters or not.
Then one day... a child thought lost to the mountain returned, with news of how their legends were wrong, and a blessing non realized sepperate from the time wrapped around their soul.
Being trapped by a forest did not suit the Monsters any more then being trapped by a mountain, however. Thankfully, the Woods do have a means through, you simply need know the trick... or have a flower find it out for you. All that's left now is convincing people that the 'monsters' from beyond the wood aren't vicious violent beasts like Hyrule is used to. Perhaps a rebranding may be in order...
Good thing Frisk has a Goddess watching them and permitting the anomaly of time that had filled the barrier to persist even amongst the larger world, to a degree. The Kid so far had been responsible enough that the other goddesses hadn't raised concerns, at least...
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webnovel-deluxe · 1 year
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 7
'It was really fun.'
I frowned at the yellow fox on the desk, then began to open the letters I had delayed replying to over the holidays.
Most of them were letters of invitation to social gatherings or tea parties. Some came from the temple.
Looking at the seal and autograph, it was a letter from the Pope. Instead, there was a message asking you to visit the Heleia Dominion, where the temple is located.
“Ah, The temple has nothing to do with it, so where do i go?”
Not only the Pope's letter, but also all other letters were rejected. However, she could not write a reply of refusal to this blue-glossy letter.
'I have a loyalty.'
While I was procrastinating for a day or so because I felt burdened with socializing, I saw the letter from the 5th Princess and suddenly thought that I could not put it off any longer.
‘As long as I live as a vested-class family in Asteia, I have to keep fighting and frying with the nobles. '
If I have to resume social gatherings, I'm most attracted to starting over at a gathering hosted by the 5 Princesses.
I am a close friend who gave me full trust even before I awakened my divine power, and my perfect side who came to me even in battle, how can I refuse.
I picked up a quill and started writing a reply to the 5 princesses.
2. Deborah's Friends (?)
After the battle with the Great Demon, Princess Deborah became the most popular figure in the Empire in name and reality.
There were even aristocrats holding meetings on the subject of princesses, and the enthusiasm for her hardly ever stopped.
“Is there any news about Princess Deborah recently? I've heard of your betrothal to the Duke of Visconti, so let's move on. ”
The news of Deborah and Isidor's engagement was noisy for just one day.
To be honest, with eyes and ears, anyone would have expected it. On the contrary, there were people who asked if they had not yet been engaged.
It was still surprising and bewildering that Princess Deborah, rather than the saint, was incarnation. I understand with my head, but should I say that cognitive dissonance is coming.
“I want to see her.”
“I know, right. When I think of that time, my heart still rises even now. That godly and holy power that drove away evil demons...The word divinity is not worth it at all.”
“I saved my life thanks to her while fighting a monster. She is the life saver.”
“She has done such a heroic deed, she should be admired by everyone in the social world...”
But instead of enjoying explosive popularity, Princess Deborah chose to stop socializing and live quietly at home.
“I think the high-pressure and arrogant attitude of the princess was also an act to deceive the evil warlocks!”
“After all, Saint-sama first.”
While praising her modesty, everyone was in a state of disappointment, but news came that the princess, who had been ignorant, had accepted the invitation to a social gathering for the first time. It was a tea party held by the 5 princesses.
“After all, the closest to Princess Deborah was Princess 5.”
“I wondered why the two of them are close, but birds of the same feather gather together, and it seems that outstanding people instinctively recognize each other.”
The 5 Princesses, who helped get rid of demons with powerful fire magic, also enjoyed great popularity in the Empire.
The reason that the honor of the imperial family, which was tarnished by the 4th Empress, did not roll down to the bottom of the basement was because the Crown Prince and 5th Princess risked their lives to participate in the battle to establish the face of the imperial family.
“What other great people would you like to invite to this tea party, Princess 5?”
“Aren’t you going to be given the honor of attending that tea party?”
“This is the gathering you most want to be invited to in the new year.”
“Where is the best place for a tea party? I want to show the princess the glass cabinet where my magic tools collection is displayed.”
“Princess, it’s a shame, but how about some ordinary place other than the exhibition hall?”
“Hmm. There are only ordinary waiting rooms, so I can’t decide right away.”
Meanwhile, the 5th Princess was very excited that Princess Deborah was coming to the imperial palace. Although she had visited Seymour herself before, it was the first time that a princess had come to visit my palace.
She was so excited that she was preparing to welcome guests with the imperial court maids a week before the tea party.
“… what clothes do you wear? Studded with purple amethyst, how about this outfit? It's an expression of my affection for the princess.”
'Affection? You must have misunderstood friendship?'
“Does it suit you?”
“The princess really goes well with whatever clothes she wears.”
Every time the 5 princesses, who were tall and had a cool and cool appearance, changed their clothes, the maids trembled, saying they were cool.
“Princess, what kind of tea should I prepare?”
“Prepare the tea leaves I brought from the Principality of Miro last month. Desserts to go with it.”
She even robbed the precious tea leaves so that the emperor made a safe and managed it separately. She even called the chiefs of the imperial family and ordered her to make a seven-story cake.
On the other hand, the news that the 5th Princess is preparing a tea party with all her heart and soul has been like a rainstorm for the young girls of the capital's social circles.
Most of the high-ranking nobles and imperial officials were very busy with the aftermath of the Great Demon case, and the social circles led by the high-ranking nobles were also in stagnation.
By the way, what a tea party of saint and 5 princess!
Who will be invited to the tea party attended by the most popular people in the empire!?
5 The young girls who were close with the princess were inflated with anticipation.
'I can brag in front of others for the rest of my life! '
'The best network and opportunity to grow stronger!'
However, no matter how long they waited, the letter did not come to them.
“Vivien, the tea party you are preparing these days. Haven't you decided who to invite yet? It wasn’t on purpose.”
Upon hearing about my sister's grand tea party, the Crown Prince asked as if passing by, and the 5 Princesses smirked.
“I was just trying to get to know each other. When the hell did the rumors come out?”
All, alone?
The prince's pupils trembled without mercy.
“Hey there, brother. I don't want to pretend to be Isidor. He said he was my best friend before he was my political backer.”
“I should have a cup of tea, so why are you going so far? Do you think I should run with my gloves on and have a political battle with the Duke of Visconti?”
“Come on, wait. The fact that they tormented me for three days and three nights asking for a major overhaul of the biased empire's marriage law... I do not remember?”
The Crown Prince looked at my younger sister with his eyes like a bomb that was about to explode. anxious not knowing.
“Hmm! I'll take care of that as it is, and the princess... got engaged.”
“Um? I thought you wouldn't admit it.”
The prince thought it was a little surprising. It's because my younger brother always saw the end when he got stuck on something.
“Even though I have no back, I know how to keep the line in front of me.”
5 The princess replied calmly.
If it wasn't for Isidor, Princess Deborah's betrothed partner, it would have been difficult to accept. She's called Deborah because she's the most ecstatic person she's ever met.
He is a man who is willing to wear pink for his partner, so he gives up with a big heart.
'Actually, there was no room to intervene.'
Feeling bitter, the princess spoke softly.
“… Still, Princess Deborah's best friend is me.”
After the unfortunate incident of summoning demons. She was recognized by the aristocratic society thanks to the princess resuming her social life at a party I was holding. The two of us are best friends.
“By the way, who else does the princess have any friends other than you? Ugh!”
The princess suddenly closed her mouth, and the Crown Prince was unable to speak.
“She doesn't have any close friends other than me! That's right! How good is the princess's personality... Hmm? · It's cool. ”
“okay… ?”
My brother seemed to be very suspicious, so the 5th princess, who had an oval, impulsively raised a quill to write an invitation.
‘But, who else have you been friends with other than me? '
She squeezed her memory tight.
“kyaaa!! ”
“Uh, what’s going on? ”
“My sister Michelle said she received an invitation from the 5th Princess.”
That night, Michelle's shouts of joy echoed through the night in the writer's residence after Granbert Hu.
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feelingalive · 1 year
Feeling Alive
Takes place 2 years before Frisk falls down to the underground, doing a pacifist run.
(A tiny disclaimer to mention that this AU is not necessarily about Sans and papyrus but they are close friends with the protag)
And our lovely protagonist here is not a human, nor a monster, infact she's a star!, the save point of DETERMINATION who morphed into the form of a human just so she could have their shape, she doesn't classify as a human or a monster tho, she's just a star.
Before she even got to know our lovely monsters, she was in the void, a lonely star that could look into the underground through the save points, she saw their emotions and how they went happy, sad, angry, and specially, she saw their forms, irregular and in a variety of textures.
When she got to the underground, she started in the ruins, (the first save point), she felt it was right starting there just like the player, then she met Toriel!
Toriel (and later all the monsters) mistook her for a human but Paige explained that she's just a star, wanting to make friends!
Toriel and Paige became really close friends and baked together, until Paige said that she wanted to explore the rest of the underground, inviting Toriel with her, she declined saying that the monsters needed her there.
When Paige got to snowding (through the save points), she encountered Sans walking and befriended him very easily, eventually befriending papyrus and all monsters alike.
Her personality consist of being very social, kind and VERY curious, and an overall sweetheart to everyone
But here are some other facts about her!
• Her skin looks as if she was covered in glitter, it's really shiny, smooth and warm.
• She has no knowledge about what is okay or what isn't okay, she could hug without asking or brake something or ask innapropiate questions when it isn't the time, because , well,, she doesn't know it's not okay.
• She admires Undyne and did her hairstyle a ponytail just because of her.
• She learned to play the banjo/ guitar pretty easily.
• Whever she bakes cupcakes, they taste GOOD (she had a great teacher)
• Her "clothes" are actually part of her, like... literally, just like feathers are from birds, her clothes are from her (remember, she morphed into a humanoid form in the void)
• She is curious at heart, she will be asking a lot of questions (Alphys is always happy to answer).
• She actually knows how to fight, (although if you were to play and encountered her character you wouldn't be able to fight her, not in any route).
• She is a very touchy star, she likes hugs, she likes to be on the move and be able to touch anything she likes and sees, she is very energetic just as much as papyrus to a degree, (although she isn't very loud).
• I like to think her Battle theme is just like this one:
It's elegant and energetic and it encapsulates Paige really well!! (disclaimer i've never played Touhou, so sorry)
Another thing i like to think it's her voice; her voice sounds just like Kacey Musgraves!
Here's her voice!:
• Undyne teaches her how to use the sword and Paige teaches her how to use the bow (yes she has a bow)
• The star in her "stomach" is very sensitive, but if you managed to touch it... you could... weirdly save?????... she prefers if you didn't do that tho.
• She is asexual!! And even tho she has no biological sex she uses She/Her on herself purely :>
All of her interactions with every character are purely platonic (although you can go wild i guess)
• She is tall, like, she didn't changed height when she morphed, she is taller than Sans but shorter than Papyrus (she would just be in the middle honestly)
• She likes, no, LOVES to sing music, specially Country music (thank you Kacey) and even does little concerts sometimes, she even invites Shyreen to sing with her
•She likes everyone by default, no matter how you look, speak or act, she likes you!! and will want to be your friend
overall, Feeling Alive is the story of someone who wanted to be someone else, it's a story about discovering herself and how she feels about her new appearance and environments alike, she had it rough before, but now everything seems to go the way she always dreamed of, and that it's okay to be who you are and how you feel.
And... i think that's everything! Thank you for reading my ramblings!!!
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