#birdy is quite happy today
jedi-bird · 1 year
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Day two goody haul @legendsconsortium plus photos from some of the panels we attended. I couldn't decide between the lightsaber and since it was a special day I gave in and got both. Got a few more books signed and bought some extra signed ones from the Mysterious Galaxy booth (and regret passing on one but can't do anything about that now). This was probably the most fun I've had at a convention in a while, and not just because it was my first one in four years. Everyone was awesome and made it so much fun. I'm looking forward to going again in the future.
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flowery-mess · 7 months
One of my boys
For my birdie anon🦜💚 I had fun writting this, thank you for your request! Also I don't know anynthing about birds, so of someting doesn't makes sense I'm sorry and feel free to correct me
Noah x reader
It goes without saying, this is work of fiction, don't mistake it for real story!
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You and Noah first met at Sumerian Christmas party last year where you talked for a bit, but that was it. Until just a few months ago.
You work at the Sumerian law department, so before their tour started you had to go through some papers with the band and their team. You never got to work together before, so you were happy you finally had a chance to meet with Noah again.
Even tho you expected Noah not to remember you. But he did. When you walked into room full of BO crew he said “Oh it’s you!” with more excitement than you would expect. He gave you a little wave before you went through the things you needed to.
After you were finished with them, everyone slowly started leaving the room as you were packing your papers and things you brought with you.
“I’m sorry for that earlier. I just didn’t expect to see you today. Actually I never saw you around I thought you maybe quit.” You heard Noah behind you when you were zipping your bag.
“Oh, quit my lovely 9 to 5 job, really?” You said with sarcasm in your voice. Even tho you like your job, working with musicians and doing law, it still was office job with lots and lots of papers. Noah just chuckled at your comment.
You two continued to talk for another 20 minutes before you excused yourself for having another meeting in a few minutes. You saw Noah’s face drop a little when you said that, much to your surprise.
“Yeah I wouldn’t want to make you late. I guess I see you around then.” He gave you same little wave as in the beginning of the meeting and left the room.
You felt the same feeling as you felt at the party. Another nice talk and nothing out of it. Girl can have dreams, right? And you kinda wanted to get to know Noah more. He was friendly, polite and hot… who wouldn’t want to get to know more of that.
Next morning you sat behind your desk with your favourite coffee from the coffee shop next to Sumerian. You did your morning routine to check and answer new emails. You had replied to 3 emails and opened the next one, surprised that this one had just two lines of text.
“Hi, I’m sorry for bothering your work email, but I didn’t know how to approach you. Would you be interested in dinner or movies sometimes? We could continue to discuss how monkeys aren’t really pets. Noah:)”
Oh. You didn’t realize that you were holding your breath in while reading that email. You didn’t expect that at all. And his comment about monkeys made you laugh, because that wasn’t even from yesterday’s conversation. You talked about pets and animals at the party, and you mentioned monkeys are cute.
Your reply said that you would love to discuss monkeys with him and you agreed on coffee in your favorite coffee shop. It was down the street you lived at, small and private space, because you know that Noah is more and more famous everyday, so you thought that this place will avoid anyone seeing you two together. You made reservation for booth at the back, where you two would have privacy.
Week before Noah had to leave for European tour, you had two coffee dates and dinner date at his place. You said it’s only fair to have dinner at your place next time.
You live in little cozy apartment by yourself. You have little bedroom, kitchen joined with living room and bathroom.
Well actually, not really by yourself. You have four little baby roommates.
You warned Noah that you have four little birds at home and made sure he’s okay with coming over. You thought about locking them up in their big cage in your living room for his visit, but decided against it. They are home and he is the guest, so you thought you’re gonna let him have a full experience.
You heard knock on your door as you were putting the meat in the oven. You decided for meat and vegetable mix for dinner, easy and delicious. You went to open the door just to see Noah standing there with flowers in his hands.
“Hello there.” You said with welcoming smile.
“Hi. These are for you as thank you for the dinner.” He handed you small bouquet of tulips, gerberas and other flowers you couldn’t name. He matched color of the flowers to your apartment very well. You had pretty colourful place, so those green and yellow flowers went with it so well. And it also matched your birds, which is Noah about to meet.
Talking about birds, one of them, Milo, sat on your shoulder staring at Noah, who was just taking his shoes of.
Noah stood up noticing this little friend on your shoulder.
“Oh hi there. Let me guess your name.” oh cute, he remembers names of your birds you mentioned the last time you saw each other.
“Hmm Simba?” Noah said that more as a question and got loud whistle as answer.
Before you had chance to correct him, Simba flew to your other shoulder.
“I hate to disappoint you, but this is Milo,” you pointed to your left shoulder “and this is Simba.” You pointed to your right shoulder.
“Nice to meet you guys, I guess.”
He earned one little squeeky “Hi” from Simba, but not from Milo. Let’s just say Milo is the most protective one and he takes the longest when it comes to meeting new people.
“Don’t worry, they’re gonna warm up to you. Milo is the hardest to win over, but he will come around. Come on in, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
You led Noah to your kitchen slash living room space. He was amused by the big cage you had in there.
“Wow. That thing is big.”
“Yeah, pretty expensive, but everything for those lil bitches you know.” You love them, but they can be annoying if the want to “Mavi, Kovu!” you called out.
They flew out from the bathroom, Mavi straight to Noah’s shoulder and Kovu to his head.
His face was priceless. He stood still, scared to move and scared they’re gonna bite him.
“Okay what do I do?” Noah asked with fear in his eyes.
“They like you! They are birds, they like heights and you are tall person. Those two are the easiest to get along with, obviously.” You laughed at the scene. Noah was like a statue scared for his life.
“And can I move?”
“Of course. If you don’t like them sitting on you, just tell me or you can tell them the word ‘leave’ and they should fly away. I don’t know if they’re gonna listen to you though.”
“Oh I don’t mind it, I want them to like me so I’m going to let them sit there for how long they want to.”
“Okay. Let me show you one more.” You lead Noah to your bedroom, but first you called Mavi and Kovu off Noah, because they can’t go in your bedroom for now.
“This is my foster baby bird that I took as a foster parent for now. Her wings are broken, so she can’t fly and she can’t hang around the boys, because they would take advantage of her state and probably attack her or something.” You explained Noah as you were both watching this little white baby in her cage.
“You took her in? That’s so nice of you. Poor baby, she’s so cute. I mean the boys with their colors are nice, but this is different, all white. Cute.” Noah studied her some more and you took that as a chance to study Noah’s face.
He was cute too. He was handsome and hot. And he was nice person, you liked hanging out with him. You didn’t really know where this was heading, because you haven’t been physical with each other yet. You planned on asking him, but didn’t want to make things between you weird.
“Yeah, we will see if she can heal. I am thinking of keeping her.”
“That’s really nice of you, really.” He said again and this time with his eyes on you, which made you blush a bit.
“Let’s go back, the dinner should be ready.” You went back to the living room and Mavi found his place on Noah’s shoulder again.
“I think he likes me the most so far.” Noah said with proud face on his face.
“Seems like it. He’s the friendliest so it’s no surprise.”
“Wow, way to make me feel special.” You both laughed at how your comment sounded ironic.
“Wow” Mavi talked back to us. I am used to them imitate me, but Noah isn’t and his face was priceless once again tonight.
“Did he just imitate me?”
“Yep he did.”
“Yep” another one of Milo’s words.
“And now he did imitate you.” Noah pointed at you.
“Yes. They do that. They can’t talk like parrots tho, but they can try and imitate what they hear.”
“Those are little interesting creatures.” It was funny watching Noah explore this kind of animals. Most people are amused when they meet them.
“They are, that’s why I picked them over typical cat or dog.” You smiled at the sight in front of you. You wanted to take picture of Noah and Mavi, but you didn’t know if Noah would be comfortable with that. “Let’s eat dinner Snow White.” You couldn't help with that little comment, he was looking like her and you bet his voice would have the same effect.
Just a few seconds after you dig into your food, four little creatures flew to the table.
Kovu, once again, on Noah’s head, Mavi on your right, Simba on your left shoulder and Milo sat on the table.
“I’m sorry I can put them in their cage so they don’t disturb us while we eat.” You said rushing from the table. You were used to their company while you eat, but not everyone has to like it.
“No that’s okay. I want them to like me, so I’m going to have dinner with them, maybe even Milo will crack up after this.”
“Oh, okay.” You sat back and started eating again.
After minute Milo hopped closer to Noah’s plate and started eating little piece of carrot.
“Milo!” you shouted at him, waving him back off of Noah’s plate, but Noah took it well and laughed it off.
“Don’t send him away! I’m going to share my dinner with him if it makes him like me, he can have it all.”
“Oh my god Noah. You don’t have to do that, he’s going to like you sooner or later.”
“Well it better be sooner, I don’t want any enemies.”
You couldn’t stop laughing at Noah’s attempts to make Milo like him. Because him letting Milo eat from his plate made others have a bite too. So the dinner was full with laughs and full bellies for all six of you.
As the night went on you and Noah sat at your sofa just talking about everything, while from time to time they boys made an appearance to make sure they don’t lose your attention.
At the end of the night even Milo sat on Noah’s head, which was like the biggest compliment Noah could get.
You had great time, so when Noah said he should leave you were a bit sad.
“We’re leaving in a week and I have a lot to do before the tour starts, but we can hang out again the next week?”
“Yeah sure, I’d like that. How about Wednesday?”
“That sounds fine with me, but I’ll make sure the boys won’t need me and let you know.”
You just nodded your head as Noah put his shoes back on.
When he stood up the silence fell over the two of you. You felt something change suddenly.
“Soo.” Noah said.
“Soo?” You didn’t really know what answer you should give him to that.
Before you noticed it, he was standing closer to you, his hand on your cheek.
“I had a great time tonight, thank you.” He whispered.
“Me too, I am glad you met my boys finally.”
“Yeah I think they gave me a pass to be one of your boys too actually.” He said with a smirk.
He leaned closer to your face, looking at your lips, then at your eyes looking for a sign if he could kiss you or not.
Well, before he could see anything in your eyes, Milo flew to you and started whistling at Noah. Which made him pull away with fear in his eyes.
“Milooo stop.” You chuckled. “I said he’s protective. Not sure about your pass though.”
“Yeah well how do you ask a bird for permission to ask his mum?” when he noticed what he just said you both started laughing.
“Maybe you don’t ask the bird, but ask the mum.” You sent Milo away and waited what’s going to happen now.
“Can I kiss you then?”
“Yes you can.”
So he did. And it was nice. And you wanted him to stay at your place and never leave. But you weren’t there yet.
“Good night Y/N.” he pulled away, placed last little kiss on your forehead and took his jacket.
“Good night Noah.” You watched him walk down the hall until he disappeared in the elevator.
You closed the door with hope that no one is going to need him on Wednesday because you needed to see him again before he leaves.
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wardenparker · 4 months
Hummingbird Has Landed, ch 16
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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After the debacle of his failed engagement and relocating to Washington to take charge of his task force, newly minted Special Agent Marcus Pike is ready to get back out into the dating pool once more. A slew of bad dates has him feeling a little down, and he takes an old friend up on an invitation to get away and get his head on straight. Imagine his surprise when he finds not only fresh air, but his soulmate as well - hiding in plain sight but in the unlikeliest of places.
Rating: M for Mature but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 10.6k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: occasional mention of American politics, pregnant character, food/alcohol consumption, mentions of clothing/regulated dressing for occasions, mentions of therapy because we believe in self care here, reader is in a previous relationship, love triangle, reader is mentioned as turning 30 during the course of the story, dom/sub dynamics* Tooth-decaying sweetness, talk of pregnancy/impregnation, fleeting mention of everyone's least favorite Pike cousin. Summary: A bridal shower, a night out, and an evening babysitting that all have surprises of their own. Notes: Happy pride month, Pedro Nation! We're edging closer to the end of this story at a brisk pace. Just a few more chapters before the epilogue 🧡✨
Ch1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15
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"Birdie, stop." The stern but loving words are an order as Sydney places both of her hands on your shoulders and demonstrates a slow, steady breath for you for the second time today. "Amelia and Sean have the whole party under control. Your wedding planner has done an immaculate job planning this bridal shower and my sous chef knows this menu like the back of his hand." Her thumbs press gently into your bare shoulders, the edges of your Jackie Kennedy-esque pastel 60s shift dress not quite covering your shoulders and making you feel much cooler on this hot July afternoon. You're both wearing white gloves, completing the ensembles you've chosen, but at this moment you're much less worried about propriety than other things. "It's going to be fun, you just have to chill out."
"I know." The closer the wedding gets the more anxious you get about absolutely everything, and you take a deep breath because Sydney is completely right. You need it. "Is it dumb to wish Marcus was here? I'm so jealous that the guys are all at a Nationals game today."
“I’m jealous too, but I also know that Marcus and Juan would love nothing more than to be right here.” She reminds you with a grin. “Firmly inserted up our asses, which is where they like to stay.”
"Only because you told Juan you wanted to wait for another baby," you snort under your breath, shaking your head at your best friend. "I think I just want everybody here and for things to be underway. Bridal showers can be brutally boring and I just don't want today to be like that for anyone."
“I didn’t mean like that.” She huffs, rolling her eyes and grinning at you. “Do you honestly think your bridal shower is going to be boring?” She asks, stepping back and gesturing to your outfits. “We are dressed up as famous women that have made significant contributions to our society, we are having our now famous tea service, and we have booze.”
It's true to say that this is not anyone's average bridal shower. The Famous Women of History theme had gone over wonderfully with guests and the tea service now being run each and every weekend by the inn has been written up in multiple publications all over the country. Even if you only had those two things going for you, you would be miles ahead of other parties. You soften into a smile, bolstered by her confidence. "Your Julia Child costume is immaculate, by the way."
Sydney immediately adopts the characteristic accent that Julia was so well known for. “Of course!” She agrees, grinning. “Who would not want to be me?”
Accents have never been your forte, but you aim for something vaguely Transatlantic and fall comically short when you reply: “No one I can think of, darling.”
Sputtering out a laugh, she grabs your hand. “Come on Jackie.” She teases. “We’ve got a party to go to.”
The gallery hall that has been rented for the party is stunning. Paintings hang immaculately on the wall and a baby grand piano sits at the ready, while small table for four or six guests each dot the area facing a larger, longer table. The pastel color palette is perfect, welcoming without being babyish, and you soften a little to look around and see flower petals sprinkled artfully over each table, brightening up the place settings and name cards. “No centerpieces, so we have room for the tea towers,” you hum, checking out each table. “It’s perfect, Syd.”
“I thought you would like that, letting the food decorate.” She beams at the compliment but she is more excited to celebrate you.
“I absolutely love it.” Simple and classy, that’s what the decor is, and you give your best friend a squeezing hug as people start to arrive.
The group is a mixture of family and friends. Everyone from Marcus’s side comes out, with the exception of one, which no one misses Hannah here if they were pressed for an opinion. The mood is festive and despite the invitation saying presents aren’t necessary, no one comes empty handed.
Your own side of the invitation list is a tad smaller, but no less enthusiastic. The girls from game night are all dressed as famous authors, including Sydney’s sister AnnaLeigh as Mary Shelley with a big heart necklace, and Selena is wearing a Rockford Peaches uniform for all the women baseball players she idolized growing up. Even Sydney and AnnaLeigh’s mother has come in from Philadelphia, dressed as Marie Curie with glowing jewelry to bring in the ‘radiation’ aspect.
It’s a given fact that your mother will always arrive last to any gathering, but she makes a hell of a splash arriving in her Votes for Women sash and the costume that she has worn for every Halloween party for your entire life. "Alice Paul." You laugh when she comes over to give you a tight hug. "I almost thought you might go for something else but it has to be Alice Paul. But I see you've gotten a new hat. It's perfect."
“Of course.” She snorts, grinning at you. “How could it be anything else? Birdie, this looks amazing.” She gushes. “Your bridal shower is gorgeous.”
"We said no gifts," you laugh half-heartedly, seeing the boxes and bags and assorted packages on the table by the door to the gallery. "I mean we knew most people wouldn't listen, but really it's so sweet of everyone."
“Honey, people are so happy for you and Marcus.” Your mother reminds you with a soft smile and a hug around your waist. “I’m sure that they just want you to know how loved you are.”
"We're very lucky." That is the least of it, but of course you're very lucky. Having the love of your life is about the luckiest thing you could possibly ask for in the world. Today is the icing on the proverbial tea cake, as far as you're concerned. But it's wonderful to get to see all the ladies of your family. "If you like what's been set up, then you should make Amelia Sharma your official event planner," you tell your mother, before seeing your sister spinning around the room like a whirlwind. "I think Junie likes it, too."
She hums as she looks over at your younger sister. “Is she— Jane Goodall?” She frowns slightly as she tries to understand the costume that she is wearing.
"Of course she is." It doesn't surprise you one bit, and you offer your mother a cheeky grin. "Her childhood hero. I would expect nothing less of Junebug."
“There was a time that your sister insisted that we adopt a gorilla.” Your mother snorts. “So I don’t doubt that at all.”
"Do you know why she stopped asking?" The smirk on your face is unapologetic, but considering you were not more than eleven or twelve at the time your baby sister insisted on wanting a gorilla for a sibling, you think it was still a clever comeback. "I told her we already had Alex."
Your mother rolls her eyes and sighs. “That’s why?” She huffs. “You always liked to try to rock the boat.” It’s an affectionate chiding and she is grinning while she delivers the chastisement.
"It only took her her entire childhood to be able to have a pet," you tease back. "Are you even the least bit surprised she named the rescue puppy Koko?"
“Not in the least.” Your mother admits with a wistful smile. “Just like I know Koko will go with Junie when she moves out.”
“All three of your kids have their soulmates, Ma.” You nudge her affectionately, and the warm and proud smile on her face grows with the reminder. “You might have a quiet White House next term if we all end up settled down and domestic.”
“All I’ve ever wanted was for the three of you to find your happiness.” She takes your hand and squeezes it. “My dreams and goals have never been any of yours, your paths are different from mine.”
“And we appreciate the fact that you recognize that. More than you could possibly know.” It would be easy for her to be blind to it, after all. Or to find the three of you unambitious because you don’t have goals as lofty as hers. But a small business owner, a future lawyer, and a future veterinarian are nothing to sniff at. You squeeze her hand back and tilt your head toward the other side of the room. “Come on, Mom. I sat you with Donna and with Syd’s mother. The Mom Table.”
“The Mom Table.” She hums. “I appreciate that. Donna and I have fabulous conversations.”
“It’s such a relief that you guys get along.” Of any two mothers in the world, you know your own mother and your future mother-in-law feel very strongly about wanting the best for their kids, so you’re glad they agree on what the definition of best is.
“I couldn’t imagine a world where we didn’t get along, to be honest.” Your mother admits. “I have been giving serious thought to having Donna appointed to a member of my cabinet.”
After staring at her for a few seconds you just blow a raspberry and shrug, letting out a small laugh. “I honestly can’t even tell if you’re joking.”
She frowns for a moment. “Why would I be joking?” She asks. “I don’t think that she accept Surgeon General, since we have a fantastic doctor in that role, but I think that she would be amazing at guiding our country forward through the mental health crisis that is emerging.”
You gape slightly, mouth open, and shut it again twice more like a fish before trying to talk again. “So you’re going to create a government position for a mental health professional alongside the Surgeon General…and offer it to Donna Pike?”
“Mental health is linked to physical health.” She has been considering this a lot and it’s the first time she’s mentioned it outside of her private office. “I think a practicing therapist and doctorate of physiology would understand the shortcomings of our current healthcare system and help put protocols in place to improve our mental health as a nation.”
“In no way do you need to convince me of the ongoing mental healthcare crisis in this country. I see my therapist every two weeks like clockwork.” Stopping in your tracks, you level your mother with a serious expression. “I think it’s a fantastic idea. Regardless of whether or not you appoint Donna, mental health needs to be made a more important conversation.”
“Absolutely.” She nods. “Would you mind if I broached the subject with her? Nothing would interfere with your wedding, or any wedding related activities.”
"Not at all." She doesn't need your blessing but it's nice of her to ask for it. "Why don't you guys have a walk around the gallery after tea? Talk all you like."
“After the party.” She won’t take away from this time for anything in the world, but your approval was important to her.
"In that case?" When you reach the table you show her which seat is hers and gladly accept another hug. "She's going to be in town all week. I bet she'd love some sweet tea on the White House lawn."
“I’ll have to have her put on my schedule then.” She shoots you a wink and sits down so you can focus your attention to other guests. “Go, mingle.”
There are a whole lot of people to mingle with. That was part of the point, of course, and getting to see more of the Pike family for the first time since April is a welcome occasion. When you eventually get to sit down at your table, it's a sigh of relief to be with your closest friends.
Champagne is distributed, although this isn’t supposed to be a boozy event. It is however a historical nod towards gilded age. The sous chef that is in charge of the menu starts to have the staff bring out the tiered tea service trays.
"So." When the tray for the six of you goes in the middle of the table between you, Sydney, Selena, AnnaLeigh, June, and Issy, you narrow your eyes at all of them. "When do I get to actually know something about my bachelorette party?"
“Nope.” Selena pops back, a grin on her face as she takes a demure sip of her drink. “Just that you are going to love it.”
"A hint?" You beg, trying to look suitably pathetic for your friends. You know it will be great, whatever they have planned, and you do love surprises. But they have been remarkably good at keeping this under their hats. "Are we talking a day? A night? Travel? Doing something at home?"
“It’s going to be fun.” Junie supplies unhelpfully with a knowing smirk. She knows how much you want to know about this and it’s been a huge planning event for all of them. They even created a group chat without you to organize it.
"Seriously, guys?" Snorting at them as you all start to pick through the assortment of finger sandwiches on the bottom tier of the tower, you just shake your head. "Fine. But be prepared for me to ask a million and a half questions while I'm trying to outfit plan."
“We’ve already got your outfit planned.” Sydney tells you. “Don’t worry. We will be bringing it when we get you.”
"You're kidding me?" They have been extremely thorough – extremely thorough – it seems, and you huff at the lot of them playfully. "You guys really thought of everything, didn't you?"
“It’s our chance to make sure that all you do is show up and enjoy yourself.” Anna Leigh snorts. “Even your bridal shower had you planning things. And you can’t tell me you didn’t because that would be a lie.”
"I like to plan things," you remind her, even to the point where you automatically pick up the teapot from beside you and start pouring for your friends. "I might not be as good as Juan, but it's fun."
“But there are times where you deserve to be treated.” Selena adds. “Your bachelorette party is one of them. We do promise that no scandals will erupt from the night. No strippers have been hired.”
"We will be saving that for Junie, I'm sure." It's really just to get a reaction out of your little sister and her face wrinkles immediately.
“Eeeew, no.” She snorts. “The last thing I want is for some strange, naked man to rub on me.”
"Couldn't agree more, baby sis." You fill up her teacup and hand it back across the table. "Could not agree more."
“No, I don’t think any of us would want that.” Selena huffs. “I think you would be too busy thinking about my cousin, as gross as that is.” She teases playfully.
"I could completely freak you out if I wanted to." The silent confirmation of that fact is the necklace you've worn almost every day since Valentine's Day, and you unconsciously touch the heart-shaped charm where it lies just under the collar of your dress and under the string of pearls that goes with your costumes. "Get all lovey-dovey and thoroughly gross you out."
“Please don’t.” She grimaces and everyone at the table laughs. “I am related to him, and despite what Hannah thinks, I don’t sleep with my cousins.” She snorts. “Just because I’m from Texas doesn’t mean I’m into that kind of crap.”
"Nobody reasonable thinks you do." It really is sort of a blessing that Hannah Pike couldn't come to DC this weekend, being stuck on a mandatory business trip. Keeping the bridal shower drama free is important to everyone. "For a fully different topic, did everybody bring their song request for the wedding band if you have one? I promised I would send the list of requests in this week."
The topic on much nicer things, the party goes into full swing and Sydney makes sure to glance around at the tables to see the reactions of the tea service.
"I'm calling it." Issy says, halfway through the tea service when the savory tea towers around the room are switched out with sweet options. "You're going to have at least three people wanting to reserve tables for afternoon tea at the inn after this party. Maybe up to five."
“It would be good.” Sydney hums. “The tea service has been good for business. The restaurant is now full most of the day. And guests at the inn have even requested tea trays to their rooms.”
"We're pretty much booked solid through to the end of the year." Which is startling considering it's only July, but the inn has been packed. "Tea service reservations have been filling up, too. Which reminds me," you glance around the table after snagging a teacup full of lemon tiramisu. "When we get back from the honeymoon, I want to take all of you guys and Alex and David out for a night. To say thank you for how much help you've all been and show my gratitude. And no protests, I know you've all put immense money and time into these wedding events. I'm grateful."
"I heard something about a special pianist?" Not knowing a whole lot about the classical music scene despite enjoying it, you had just smiled and nodded when your mother mentioned it.
“Yes, I’m sure he will be here soon.” Sydney smiles as she looks around the room. “I wonder how it will sound in here, I’m sure it will be gorgeous.”
“Will I get called cheesy if I say it’s just as perfect as everything else has been?” Of course there have been hiccups along the way — most notably the night of the engagement party — but they’ve been handled and haven’t affected how lovely the road to your wedding has been. It’s been an absolute fairy tale.
“Of course you will.” Junie grins. “But that’s okay, because you are cheesy.”
“You’ll be cheesy too,” you assure your little sister. “In a couple of years when we’re doing all this for you.”
“I don’t want a big wedding.” She shrugs. “I appreciate you doing this so I can claim that it was too much.”
“Glad to do my duty as your big sister.” That has you raising your teacup in salute, a gesture echoed around the table. “But things with Dylan are good?” Junie and her soulmate have been together just as long as you and Marcus, but you’re grateful to see them moving much slower. There’s no need to rush at their age.
“They are wonderful.” Instantly her grin softens and her eyes take on the moony quality she is constantly teasing you about. “Really, really good. His parents like me, so that’s a plus. His mom cried when she met me, happy that her son had finally found his soulmate.”
“Good.” Junie’s been so happy this last year and more. It’s been bleeding into every aspect of her life and you swear even her GPA is up just by proxy of being in a better mood so she’s less grouchy about studying. “Just as long as nobody’s pressuring you guys about moving faster than you’re comfortable with.”
“No, I think that Dylan wants to move in together soon.” She admits with a grin. “And I don’t mind that.”
The table going silent and still for a long moment before breaking out into squeaks of glee, each woman reaching for Junie or hugging her from the side as she expresses the sweetness and happiness of that news in her own words. “Our little Junebug is growing up,” you huff softly, carefully wiping away a sentimental tear so as not to smudge your makeup. “Whatever you need, you have all of us and Alex and David and Marcus and Mom and Dad—” The length of the list makes you pause, and laugh softly. “You have so many people who love you, Junie. And we’ll be here to help you with anything you need.”
“I know.” She does know that her family loves her, her given and made families. It’s something that gives her comfort and joy in knowing that she doesn’t have to be alone. “But right now, we have a bride to celebrate and that is my big sister.” She tells you. “A woman I have looked up to my entire life.”
“Well gosh.” You exaggerate the word and wipe your hands down your face like Goofy blushing in a Disney cartoon. “I love you too, Junebug. Being your big sister is a privilege.”
“I know.” She quips, making everyone laugh and distracting you as a man in a suit walks in and quickly strides to the piano to sit down.
“I don’t think I could eat another bite but I want to.” Selena sighs, and you hum your agreement with teacup in hand. The food, as is the custom for anything coming out of Sydney’s kitchen, has been both endless and utterly delicious.
No one notices him, except your mother, until the first sound of a key strike from the piano is heard. Conversation stops and heads turn as the broad-shouldered man starts to play, his back to his audience.
You recognize the song immediately. La Vie en Rose is the song that you played for Marcus the night you confessed that you had feelings for him and it has been your song for the entirety of your relationship. It's even what you have planned for your first dance at your wedding. So to hear it now brings a tear to your eye even before you look up to watch whatever mysterious musician your mother has hired.
Except you know those broad shoulders. The haircut he got barely a week ago. The cut of that suit. The charcoal suit that he likes to wear with a blue shirt to offset the dark tone. But since when does Marcus play piano?
Another man enters the room, a violin on his shoulder as he starts to slowly join in the song as Marcus plays. His shoulders move as his fingers caress the keys and pull the song out of them that has become so special to him.
One by one, a full band strolls into the room with their instruments to join the tune, and all you can do is try to ebb the flow of tears welling up in your eyes. By the time the song swells, there are six more musicians in the room with Marcus, and you're suddenly convinced that all those golfing trips with your father have been a cover for the time he must have spent learning piano for this moment.
The song comes together beautifully. The building design is actually perfect to echo the harmonious stringed instruments. Making Marcus smile as he works through the song.
You aren’t really sure at what point during the song you pushed away from the table, open mouthed shock in your face but with so much love and gratitude in your heart for this man that a few tears have spilled over while he plays. This is true proof, at least to you, of how thoughtfulness between partners can make moments that last a lifetime.
Marcus feels you staring at him, making him wonder if you recognize that it's him. He smiles softly as the song slowly starts to wind down after an extended verse, one he had added himself.
The whole room is on their feet with applause, but your feet are on a wholly different mission — carrying you forward through the gallery to throw your arms around Marcus’s neck almost the second he’s stood up from the piano bench. There are tears, of course there are, but they’re such joyful ones that when you sniffle in his ear and chastise him for keeping such a secret, he knows you don’t mean it.
Marcus holds you close and when you pull back just the tiniest bit, he is pressing his lips to yours. “Sorry for crashing your party, but I wanted to give you your wedding present early.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you insist, not quite understanding what he means but over the moon that he’s here. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He promises, admiring your outfit and reaching up and caressing your cheek. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Even more than I already was.” Kissing him again gets a soft Awwe! from your assembled friends and family and you fluster a little. “Are you staying for the rest?”
“I don’t want to take away from the festivities.” He winks at you. “Besides, I still have a game to go watch with the guys.”
A soft pout only makes him chuckle quietly, but it earns you another kiss so that will have to be enough for now. “Then I expect you to come pick me up so we can sort through all the shower gifts at home tonight. Deal?”
"I will be here." He promises with a small chuckle. "I want to see how adorably drunk you get while you are celebrating with your ladies."
“Just tipsy enough to be cute,” you promise him. But before he can wave to your friends and make his exit, you place one soft hand on his chest. “You changed the song,” you observe quietly, as though it has only just occurred to you.
He smiles, eyes lighting up as you recognize that the song was longer than it should have been. "I added a lyric." He admits. "You'll hear it," he promises as he takes your hand and bows slightly like a gentleman would as he kisses it. "It will be in my wedding vows to the most beautiful woman I know."
Rather than your usual self-deprecation or teasing Oh yeah? When do I get to meet her? you find it impossible to do anything but smile and moon at him with the most lovestruck expression on your face as he makes his exit.
"When did Marcus learn to play the piano?" Selena walks up to you, wide eyed and obviously impressed with the display and a little envious of the lengths that her cousin will go to in order to show you the depths of his love for you. She can only hope her own soulmate would be as equally devoted.
“My guess?” When you turn around to face Selena, she looks as dreamy as you feel. “The regular golfing trips with my dad have actually been piano lessons.”
"Oh...you think?" It's entirely plausible, especially because Marcus spends all his free time with you beyond the golfing trips. "That's probably the sweetest damn thing I've ever heard."
“That’s…” you sniffle, wiping away the last bit of sentimental water from your eye. “That’s Marcus.” Perfect, wonderful, sweet Marcus.
"You deserve everything wonderful." Your mother comes up, flanked by Donna. "Marcus wanted to surprise you and give you a...'grand gesture'?" She tilts her head curiously.
“Learning to play piano so he can play our song and write a new lyric for it definitely counts as a grand gesture.” If you’re smiling half as hard as you think you are, you must be beaming. “It’s…something I did for him. My grand gesture was when I told him I loved him for first time. This is his.”
It's very sweet and very on point for the two of you. Donna smiles softly. "Marcus must have love that. So often he is the one to give a grand gesture."
“That’s why I did it,” you admit, knowing that it makes you an incredibly sappy couple together. “Because he deserves just as much love as he gives.”
"You are perfect for him." She coos, making your mother smile and shake her head. "By the time the wedding comes around, you'll be asking for a fireworks airshow with the Blue Angels and the Marine Corp marching band." She teases.
“Oh gosh.” The sound of it is sweet and very grand, but you shake your head and laugh right along with both mothers. “I think that might be a bit much. Even for us.”
Everyone laughs and your mother smiles softly. "Well, how about we move on to your gifts?" She asks, turning towards the table that stacked with boxes and bags. "There's quite a few to go through."
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“There’s so many.” Unpacking the car with Marcus back at the house after the party is like unloading clowns from a Volkswagen Bug. “Didn’t we say that gifts weren’t necessary? We even listed a non-profit on the invitations for people to donate to instead.”
His eyes widen at the stack of gifts, and he chuckles, his hands on his hips as he determines the best way to attack the mound of boxes. "They love you. Or they just wanted to give you one hundred toasters." He glances back at you. "They aren't all toasters, are they?"
“Maybe,” you tease, looping your arm through the handles of all the gift bags on one half of the backseat. Just because you know what all the gifts are already doesn’t mean you’re going to spoil it for him. “I guess you’re just going to have to find out.”
"That's a lot of toasters." He huffs, shaking his head.
"Come on, baby." Leaning over, you smack a kiss to his cheek and grin, happy to be home. "Let's get this stuff inside and you can open everything while I enter who gave us what into a spreadsheet. I am not getting behind on thank you cards this early in the game."
Despite the fact that you no longer have to go up to the third floor or carry everything through the inn, it still takes several trips from the car to the house. "Did they buy out a Home Goods?" He grunts, finally bringing the last of the packages in.
"Two, I think." He's hauled everything into the living room, but you're in the kitchen grabbing drinks. "Do you want alcohol, caffeine, or to hydrate, babe?"
"I think we need to hydrate." His answer is slightly because of the heat, somewhat of how giggly you had been when you were picked up, and because it's too late for coffee.
"Two waters coming right up." You also grab your laptop from the kitchen table where you had left it this morning, and bring everything over to him on the big sectional sofa in the living room. "Where do you want to start, my love?"
"I honestly don't know." He huffs, "I guess we just go from one side of the room to the other?"
"Start with the thing closest to you, then." The spreadsheet is all made and ready to go, all you have to do is sit back and sip on your water as you enter data into it and Marcus marvels over the gifts that your friends and family decided would be perfect for your home. "The big box on your right is from your Aunt Clara."
"Okay, the big box." Marcus nods and moves towards it. "Have you already written down what everyone got us, or do you need to do that now?"
"Sydney did the typical bridesmaid with a notebook thing at the shower," you assure him. "Right now I'm just noting down if we have any specific reactions or ideas that I include in the thank you cards. Like 'Oh, Great-Aunt Martha, this electronic toaster is fantastic, we can't wait to make the fanciest grilled cheeses known to man.' Or whatever."
"Soooooo many toasters." He grunts, grinning at you before he opens the first box and finds the impressive looking espresso maker. "Huh...that's not going to toast bread, but I think I like it."
"It's definitely not." Giggling a little at how his eyebrows have raised, you tap the side of the box to draw his attention to the machine's advertised settings. "This is the model up from what we had on our registry. It's even fancier than what we picked out."
"Well damn Aunt Clara." He snorts, looking suitable impressed by the higher model machine. It will look good in the kitchen that currently sports a regular drip coffee pot. "We do have her sitting at a good table at the reception, right?"
"I think I have her at a table with David's parents because they're all scrapbook people." You glance up from your laptop and raise an eyebrow at him. "David's parents have already said they're making a scrapbook of the wedding, by the way."
"Interesting." He hums quietly, wondering if that will be something that you love or end up hating.
"However it ends up looking, it will be done with love." Pointing to the next bag to Marcus's right, you urge him on, trying to building momentum. "Next?"
He picks up at bag. "And who is this lovely gift from?" He asks, showcasing it playfully.
"That is from my baby sister." Scolding Junie had done no good, she just grinned at you and gleefully handed it over when it was time.
“Oh?” He hums as he opens it up and pulls out an organizer. “Ummmmm.”
“Flip it open,” you urge him, knowing that Junie put quite a lot of thought into the gift and he’ll like it once he realizes what he’s holding.
Once he opens it, he realizes what it is for. “Oh wow.” It’s an organizer, but it’s not for a single year. It’s for the two of you for your lifetime. Some pages are meant to be filled out separately, before your time together, but the majority is for you to record your major life events. Marriage, children, buying houses, moving. All organized into a beautiful leather binding that can be lovingly preserved for future generations.
“Our life together, between two covers.” Or, it will be, when you’re sitting together as old folks reminiscing as you fill the last pages. “Junie’s getting sentimental now that she has Dylan. It’s actually very sweet.”
“Dylan is showing her that emotional attachments are not just reserved for animals.” He has talked to the younger man several times and found him to be extreme nice and caring. That positive reinforcement has seemingly broken your younger sister out of her shell.
“Apparently they’re talking about moving in together.” It’s still a little unbelievable that you heard that out of your own sister’s mouth, but you absolutely couldn’t be happier for them Junie really does deserve the best and she’s been so happy since finding her soulmate.
"Oh yeah?" He looks both impressed and surprised. They are moving faster than he imagined, although it is still slow for some soulmates. "As long as they don't feel pressured."
“She said it was his idea and she seems so totally over the moon about it.” Flipping through the book together, there are some pages — engagement, moving in together, first house — that you can already fill out. “She thanked me for having the big public wedding so she doesn’t have to.”
That makes him laugh, a totally Junie thing to say since the younger sibling likes the spotlight even less that you do, although you handle it better. "I'm so glad we can help her out like that." He snorts. "I see Junie honestly doing a court house wedding with a small little family reception."
“I told both of my siblings when I bought the inn, that they just have to say the word and it’s their wedding site.” You shrug lightly and lean your head on Marcus’s shoulder. “I hope at least one of them takes me up on it, but we’ll see.”
"I think that it will be your brother." Marcus admits, shrugging slightly. "Whoever wants to use it, they will have a ton of help."
“Yes they will.” And it’s a comforting thought, considering how much work you now know a wedding to be. Marcus had tried to warn you, but you had been an enthusiastic new bride who dove in headfirst. Well, at least it’s been fun in addition to being a lot. “Want to open the next one?”
It takes forever to go through the stack of gifts, none of them were repeated surprisingly enough. It must have taken some behind the scenes coordination that you and Marcus weren't aware of. Maybe you should be considering everyone's love of surprises.
“If we recycle all this wrapping paper, we won’t have to buy more for a year.” Slumped back on the couch, both you and Marcus are boggled all over again by the amount of packages there were to open, but you made it.
“A year? Try three.” He jokes, shaking his head. “If you never knew how loved you are, you should know now.”
“This is for both of us,” you remind him, looking around at the piles of gifts you received today. Housewares, linens, gardening things, and decor amongst others.
"It's a bridal shower, not a groom's shower." He reminds you with a grin and drops a kiss on your nose. "You're loved, just admit it."
“I am loved.” That much you’ll agree to, dopey smile and all. “And I love you right back.”
He smirks and kisses your nose again. "Okay....we have our list, do you want to start messing with this stuff or tuck it away in that nice, empty storage room off the laundry room?"
“Why don’t we put each pile in the room where it belongs? It will be incentive to put it away.” You smirk at him and bop his nose with your finger. “Since you hate piles, it’ll bug you until we put everything away.”
"I feel like you are using that against me." He huffs, and shakes his head even as he starts to reach for the items to organize them for the rooms.
“Only in that it keeps me motivated too.” The pile for the kitchen is the largest so you move to that, first. “The fact that you’re happiest in a clean house makes me want to keep clean.”
“But if you’re tired, the dishes or laundry or whatever else can wait.” He promises. “Or I can do it my damned self if it’s bothering me that badly.”
“Oh, I’m not saying I feel pressured.” This stack is going to take several trips, you find rather immediately. The espresso maker is one trip in and of itself. “I’m saying you keep me honest, and I appreciate it.”
He chuckles and even though his hands are also full, he manages to shift everything to slap your ass as you pass by him. “Good to know.”
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“So where are we going?” June asks, though she and Dylan are following dutifully behind as the six of you — her and Dylan, you and Marcus, and Alex and David leave Friday night dinner together. David had invited the siblings and soulmates out someplace but she can’t remember where.
"It's a surprise." David throws her a cheeky grin and a wink. "It wouldn't be any fun if I told you were we were going."
"Well, whatever it is, he has the blessing of the Secret Service," you note, glancing around the group of six of you to see the three agents giving you all a wide birth as you walk out to your cars. "Or is that just because we have Marcus?"
"I would like to think I have a little pull." Marcus teases, tapping your hip as he guides you towards your car. "Maybe not as much as I give myself credit for. But Agent Bailey appreciates the security around the house."
"She also appreciates that you built her an office with a daybed," Alex points out, smirking a little as he leans into his soulmate's side.
"I figured it was the least we could do." Marcus huffs. "The house is completely secure and that way whoever is with us can catch a nap."
“Step up, little brother.” Teasing between the six of you is natural, but of course it’s heaviest between the three siblings. “When you move out of the White House, make sure you have an extra bedroom for your agent.”
Alex snorts and shakes his head. "I'm honestly hoping that by that time, I can opt out of agents."
“I have to be honest…” As you walk, you glance back at the lagging agents and back at your siblings. “I’m pretty sure Mom exaggerated the mandatory part of our protection detail to us. But a lot of people were mad about the first female President being elected and I get how she would want us protected.”
"Yeah, I know." Alex snorts, shooting you a grin. "I looked up the rules before the detail ever was assigned." He admits with a shrug. "It gives her peace of mind and it's one less thing she has to worry about while she's busy being the most important person in the U.S."
“Maybe we’ll ask her to ease up next term.” Junie theorizes, shrugging as the group of you reach your cars. “Maybe not. By then, Birdie and Marcus will have produced at least one or two First Grandbabies, so she might double down on them and let me and Alex off the hook.”
"No." Marcus shakes his head. "We aren't going to have agents follow the babies around. I don't even think that's allowed for a protection detail."
“He’s joking.” David assures him, nudging his soulmate toward the car with a dramatic roll of his eyes.
"Follow you?" Marcus asks Dave as he opens the passenger door for you. Agent Bailey had followed in her car since Marcus's car is a government vehicle with the appropriate plates. It gives you just a few more moments of privacy.
“Yup.” The younger man nods and then tilts his head to June and Dylan as well. “It’s not far. Be there in no time.”
As soon as Marcus climbs in beside you, he asks the question while he's buckling his seatbelt. "So where do you think we are going?" He asks. "It's odd, right? Going off after dinner like this?"
"It's a little weird," you admit, buckling in as Marcus pulls out of the White House driveway behind your brother and his soulmate. "But more like a callback than anything else. When we would have big family dinners back in Philly, sometimes we would all go out after and shoot the shit somewhere. Usually in somebody's backyard or we'd go out to the suburbs where we knew we could find a pond or something to sit and stargaze. Our parents never minded as long as we all stuck together and didn't do anything illegal."
He hums, wondering if Alex and David just want to have a moment with Alex's siblings and their soulmates. Maybe they wanted to plan something for your mom and dad's anniversary. He knows there's nothing malicious, so he just follows the car in front of him and snorts at the six car motorcade that is winding through the city.
The National Mall is largely deserted when your little parade arrives well after dark on this arbitrary August night. There are very few people around, and none at all at the base of the Washington Monument when David pulls his car to a stop and everyone else follows suit behind him.
"The Washington Monument?" Marcus puzzles as he puts the car into park and glances at you, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Interesting."
"Don't look at me," you shrug, but point out the windshield where David and Alex have climbed out of their car already. "This is it, though."
You and Marcus join and equally confused Junie and Dylan, unsure of what the plan is as David shuffles you all together and towards the monument.
"So..." Alex starts, looking around at the confused group of you with a grin. "You're probably wondering why we brought you out here at night instead of when the Monument is actually open, but I promise it makes sense."
“Marcus and Dylan are new to this." David acknowledges, looking at the other two men. The other two soulmates to the First Kids. His adopted brothers in arms in a way that no one else can ever quite understand. "But when we were growing up, we used to stargaze all the time. And a couple of weeks ago...the night after Birdie's bridal shower...we were sitting out here after dark and we got to talking."
Alex shuffles slightly and reaches for his soulmate's hand. "David and I have decided to come out, officially." He tells you, a small - but determined - smile on his face. He's nervous, of course he is, but he's also tired of denying his love for the boy he will spend the rest of his life with. It's not fair to either of them.
"Oh my god..." June breathes, lighting up just a split second before you squawk the same words in a much more exuberant, excited tone.
"Oh my god, oh my GOD!" Both sisters sprint forward to wrap their arms around Alex and David, squeaking and babbling and giggling in absolute glee. The thing that has made their brother unhappy the most consistently in his life is staying in the closet – and that time is finally ending.
Marcus and Dylan hang back, allowing the siblings to smother the couple in affection before moving in with hugs and handshakes of their own. "Congratulations on making that decision." Marcus murmurs, knowing that sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing. "We will be right there beside you, for anything you need."
"You guys have been dealing with plenty of media bullshit over the last year and a half." David shakes Marcus's hand gratefully. "Any advice you have would be appreciated and valued."
Marcus chuckles, knowing that is the absolute truth. "Anytime. I would be glad if you and Alex don't have to go through any of that bullshit."
"Whatever comes our way, we want to try to be the best examples we can be for other people who have been afraid to be themselves." For as long as David has been thinking about this, personally, he's grateful to be surrounded by so much support. "It's...it's a lot to think about. And to process. But I think we're finally ready."
"That is great." Marcus grins, loving how completely besotted you look at the two of them as you squeeze Alex again. You have worried about him, often sounding out those worries to Marcus and this has to be a relief for you.
"Oh god, are you crying?" Alex huffs at you, trying to diffuse his own emotional reaction by teasing you about yours. You're both wiping at your faces anyway so it's all even in the end. "Of course I am!" And you're not even sorry about it either, as you squeeze both of your brother's cheeks in your hands. "I'm so proud of you that I don't even know if I can think of an insult to temper it right now."
"I didn't think it would garner this dramatic of a reaction." David jokes, moving over to Alex and slightly pulling him away from you. "But since the tears have already started...." He grins and one hand flicks away the tears under his soulmate's eye and he sighs softly. "There's another reason why I brought you out here."
"Please tell me it's to teach my sister that tears are contagious," Alex jokes, not sensing the deep tonal shift that is rippling through the group, starting with David.
David laughs, once again struck by how perfect Alex is. His thumb rubs the back of his hand and he shakes his head. "No. Something more important than that." He reveals. He doesn't look around to make sure that no one is watching. The area is deserted and he knows that he would rather this moment be more about just pure love and joy than looking over his shoulder. He smiles as he shifts down to one knee in front of his soulmate. "I need to ask you a question."
"Oh my god." He might be the last of the three siblings to say the phrase in the last three minutes, but when Alex gasps his hand goes over his heart and he looks down at David in utter shock.
“We have know that we are soulmates for so long, long before I ever truly understood what the word meant.” David tells him. “You’ve been my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to cry on, my very best and worst secret. But there’s never been a day that I haven’t loved you.” Reaching into his pocket, David pulls out a ring box and opens it to show Alex a beautiful wood and tungsten ring that has a single diamond in the center. “Will you marry me?”
The air is sucked out of the whole group as Alex works to compose himself. You and June clutch each other's hands as well as your soulmates', and Alex gulps at least four times in a silence that draws longer and longer the more he tries to hold back tears and try to think of the right thing to say. Finally he just bursts out a "YES" and lunges for David, wrapping his soulmate up in his arms and claiming a kiss as he shakes with the joy and surprise of the moment.
David laughs into the kiss, holding Alex close and his own tears of joy slip out. He had honestly had thoughts at times that they would never be here and even if their parents aren’t, he had wanted to share this with you and Junie. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He always has. Since before Alex knew what love meant, he knew he was completed irrevocably by this boy — this boy who has grown up into a thoughtful and keen-minded man that he is proud of and hated having to deny. “I love you.” He repeats, the tears streaking down his face as they stand up together, still clinging to each other and the moment.
Marcus’s phone is used to capture the moment discreetly, having figured out what it was and pulled it out quickly. He knows that they will want it later on.
You and June are jittery on an inhuman level, practically dancing in place as David slides the ring onto Alex’s finger and steps back. He’s all laughs as the three of you fling your arms around each other and cling to each other in another moment of shared joy.
“You’re next.” Alex warns Junie, practically beaming bright enough to light up the night. “Only one of us left now.”
“We’ll let you two wackos get it out of the way first,” she laughs, sniffling as she squeezes both of her big siblings. “We’re just apartment hunting. No rings yet.”
“Apartments lead to sex on every surface. Sex on every surface leads to babies.” Marcus teases, grinning broadly.
“And they can have their life and as many babies as they want without getting married,” you remind him, smirking up at your fiancé and grinning. He’s so close to being your husband. Just a few more weeks until the wedding. “If that’s what they want. Just like we want to get married, and so do Alex and David.”
“Of course they can. Notice I didn’t say anything about marriage.” He teases right back and pulls you close. “Although I’m desperate to be married to you.”
“Four weeks.” The hum in your voice is practically a pure as you lean up to nudge his nose with yours. “Just one little month left.”
“And we still don’t have a single clue about our stag parties.” He huffs, cutting his eyes over at your sister and brother with their respective soulmates. Everyone is apparently in on the secrecy for both parties. He had laughed when you had pouted about not knowing and then he had found out that Juan wouldn’t say a thing about his own party.
“And you’re just as frustrated as I am, even after teasing me.” You tilt your head back and leave a kiss on his cheek, grinning the whole time. “Whatever they have planned, they’re keeping State secrets like pros.”
“CIA level secrets.” Marcus snorts. “Your mom I understand, but I don’t get why it’s so secret.”
"They're having fun with it." And given your love of secrets, you honestly are too. You may jokingly call it torture to be left out of the loop, but it's all in good fun. The playful delight of having absolutely no idea what it expect is actually pretty fun.
“Yes they are.” He grins as he enjoys the sparkle in your eyes. “We will be finding out soon.”
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"The thing is, sweet Con..." you have a tendency to talk softly to your goddaughter when you're carrying her around, and babysitting is a time when you frequently have her strapped to your chest as you pick up around Sydney and Juan's house so they can come home to an even cleaner place. Sometimes – like today – you'll do a bit of cooking or baking too. There's muffins in the oven so that your best friends can have snacks or breakfast ready and waiting for them when they have crazy mornings with their almost-one-year-old. "The thing is, midterm elections are stickier than your hands after you play in applesauce. So things are going to get very interesting."
“Hey babe, I’m back.” Marcus opens the door and lifts the bag, the diapers secured. There had been a recall on the ones his goddaughter wore and when Syd had called you, he had immediately gone out to get some new ones. “We can change diapers again.”
"Yaaaaayyyy!" You cheer in the most hushed tone possible, waving Constance's little hand in the air. She'd curled her fingers around one of yours and held on tight. "Thank you, love."
“No problem.” He grins and winks at both you and the baby. Constance likes Marcus and giggles when he comes closer. “Is she ready for one, or still good?”
"She's still good for now. No bombs while you were out, thank goodness." With her hand around your finger, you make Constance wave and the baby giggles again. She really does love Marcus.
“That’s good.” He lifts up the second bag. “I also picked up dinner. I know you are baking, but I figured we deserved some take out.”
"Ooo, what kind of take out?" With the baby held tight to your chest, you rock her a little bit as you follow Marcus into the kitchen and try to get a peek at the bag, but there is not a single logo in sight beyond the diapers.
“Figured we would change it up this time.” He waggles his brows. “Thai. And Chinese. They had this new fusion place that I saw.”
"I like that even when we change it up, we stick to Asian." While he starts unloading the bags, you keep your movement going, dancing around the room with Constance to keep her laughing. It's almost naptime, which is perfect timing. "Did I tell you I had a nightmare the other night where I couldn't tolerant Indian food while I was pregnant? Woke up terrified and craving tandoori lamb chops. Very confusing way to wake up."
“Ohhh is that why you begged me to pick up Indian on the way home on Wednesday?” He tilts his head and chuckles. “That is your version of hell.”
"It really is. Having food aversions to highly spiced foods or to chocolate will make me utterly miserable when the time comes." Constance pauses in her laughter to yawn and you look down at her, wrapping both hands around the baby at your chest. "I saw that sweet girl. Is it nap time, honey?"
“She’s so damn good.” He can’t help but melt at the sleepy baby, “why don’t I put her to bed and you can go through the food?”
"Perfect." It takes a little maneuvering to hand her over to Marcus, but she goes relatively easily. After her parents, you and Marcus are two of her favorite people. as her godparents you've been a constant presence in her life, two of her most regular babysitters, and two of the first faces that she learned. "I'll grab plates and we can load them up in here?"
“That works.” She snuggles into his chest and he sighs. Almost willing to suggest that you go off your birth control now even though you are only three weeks away from your wedding. “Come on, sweet girl.” He coos. “Let’s get you down for that nap.”
Five or so minutes later, Marcus is back downstairs with the baby cam link pulled up on his phone and Constance happily set down in her crib with her current favorite stuffed animal – the panda bear that Sydney's sister gave her when she was born.
“Why do I think that Constance is such a good baby, that Juan and Sydney will be trying for a sibling soon?” Marcus asks, patting your thigh as you watch the monitor for a moment with the most poignant yearning in your eyes.
“Syd wanted to wait a year before they tried again.” After the trauma associated with the birth of her first, you were honestly surprised Sydney only wanted to wait one year. “We’re almost to that mark, so I guess it could happen any time now.”
“Yeah.” He hums, hoping that the next one goes so much smoother for your best friend. Although, if it’s like last time, Juan has already said that will be the last child they have. He won’t risk his wife’s health anymore and Marcus can completely understand that.
“Let’s make our plates.” As much as you could sit here and stare at the baby monitor all evening, food is good and relaxing with Marcus is even better.
“Sure baby.” Since you are baby sitting, Marcus had forgone picking up a bottle of wine. While neither one of you had a problem with having some normally, it was better to be sober while caring for the little one. He stands up and offers you his hand. “Then we will stuff ourselves and find something to talk about.” He teases, knowing that it’s going to be wedding or honeymoon related. Both of you are way too excited to talk about anything else right now.
“Oh that will be so difficult to do,” you tease, happily accepting his hand and winding your own into it. “We never ever have anything to talk about.”
“Nothing at all.” He jokes. “No plans, no dreams, nothing.” The walk to the kitchen only takes a moment and he appreciates that you laid everything out. “Thanks babe.”
“You picked it up, this is the least I could do.” It only takes a few minutes to fill your plates and then you’re sitting down together at the neat little kitchen table with Marcus’s phone between you to keep an eye on the baby monitor. “I got an e-mail from the inn in Inverness, by the way.” Alright, apparently it’s honeymoon talk. “A little welcome note from the owner and suggestions of things to do or places to eat while we’re in town.”
“Oh?” He loves how accommodating they have been and he knows you will be thrilled to stay in a Scottish inn. “That is incredibly thoughtful of them. Any ideas you didn’t already have?” He smirks. “I know you want to go to those Outlander stones.”
“I got a few good ideas for visiting filming locations,” you admit, grinning at him guiltlessly. “And some recommendations for places the locals actually eat at, instead of all the tourist traps that I’ve been finding online.”
He snorts, knowing you have been doing a deep dive on where to go and what to see. It won’t be disappointing at all. “I know you will enjoy that. Taking lots of notes for Sydney.”
“I’m under orders.” Solemn ones, to take pictures and notes about foods you both try and fall in love with while you’re on your honeymoon. “Which reminds me, our dinner reservation at Shish Mahal is all set.” The Glasgow restaurant where tikka masala was first served had been declared a mandatory stop on your trip around Scotland.
“I know you are excited about that.” He grins. “Although I want to try Scottish pub food too.”
“That’s why I was glad to get the recommendations from the innkeeper.” You tell him excitedly. “So you can have plenty of old school Scottish food to feed your heritage.”
He nods, happy you are so excited about the honeymoon. It’s going to be an adventure for both of you. Despite his time in Europe, he’s never been to Scotland and neither have you, so it will be something you can both enjoy together.
“Can I…talk to you about something?” You glance over at him from watching the baby monitor, food almost entirely forgotten — almost, it smells and tastes amazing so you’re not going to forget it entirely.
“Absolutely.” Marcus knows that it won’t be anything bad. It’s just something that has obviously been milling around in your brain until you were ready to talk about it. “Hit me.”
It doesn’t require a deep breath, or concern, or any kind of worry. It’s just a gentle smile that creeps across your face like sun rays from behind a cloud. “I don’t want to wait anymore to start trying for a baby. The only reason I wanted to wait earlier was because my dress was fitted already…and we’re so close to the wedding. A few weeks won’t matter even if we’re lucky enough to get pregnant the first try.”
The food is forgotten and Marcus almost forgets how to breathe. “Are you sure?” He knows you are, but he always likes to double check. “I know I’m ready whenever you are.”
“I’ve been ready,” you admit, tucking your hand into his to hold onto him tightly. “I just didn’t want to throw a monkey wrench in our wedding when we’ve put so much work into the day.”
“Baby, I would not have cared if you were about to pop, but I know what you mean.” He rushes forward to kiss you. “When can you make the appointment?”
“I’ll call first thing in the morning and see when they can fit me in.” Of course he’s just as excited as you are. You didn’t expect anything less. “Hopefully it won’t take long.”
“The appointment or getting you pregnant?” He asks, smirking slightly at the activities that involve getting you to that condition.
“Yes.” You tease right back, poking Marcus in the side as you both laugh.
He waggles his brows playfully. “So that breeding kink can come out to play?”
“Full throttle.” And you won’t complain about it one single bit.
“Yesssssss.” He pumps a fist playfully even though he’s only half kidding. Just the idea of it has caused some extremely good nights rolling around in bed together.
“I didn’t think you would mind that.” You lift his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles and laugh again. “I’m excited, baby. And I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too.” Marcus promises softly. “And I’m going to love the day I call you Mrs. Pike almost as much as the day you tell me you are pregnant.” He smiles. “Our dreams are coming true Hummingbird.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
HHL: @haileymorelikestupid @anoverwhelmingdin @storiesofthefandomlovers @missladym1981 @babeincolor @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
My Masterlist!
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ghostofthemost141 · 10 months
Glass Eyes
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Pairing: Ghost x F!Reader, First POV, no use of (Y/N)
Word Count: 1,862
Themes: Angst and more Angst
About: You and Ghost are happily married, except you don't remember that. After a mission accident, you are having amnesia and Ghost wants you to remember the life you have.
Notes: Inspired by a TikTok I saw and decided to put it into word format. Nickname for this one is Birdie. And I have Ghost's thoughts jumbled in here so anything that is like this are his internal thoughts. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it! Enjoyy!
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“Yes?” Ghost called to me with a sour tone. 
“Did I do something wrong?” I ask. 
No, my Birdie. You did not. 
Ghost’s piercing blue eyes stared into my soul. When he came into our meeting room, he didn’t have his usual mask that obscured his entire face. I had never even realized his eyes were blue until he came in today with just a black jacket, his skull balaclava mask that revealed the upper part of his face, gray jeans, and blue converse shoes. Ever since I woke up from my injury, Ghost always looks at me with so much sadness. I don’t understand why he does that. 
“No.” He mumbled. 
I did not understand were this was all coming from. Everytime I ask, Soap, Gaz or Price, they just give me a ‘He is going through a lot right now’ but won’t tell me what. It was all confusing especially since he is giving me kind of the cold shoulder. 
If only you would understand, Birdie. Better yet, remember. 
I could look at Ghost and could see he was thinking, while staring at me. I feel like I should have a talk with him, especially when I haven’t done a damn thing wrong and yet he is treating me like this. He should know that I am one of the best fighters here besides him. Nevertheless, I need to continue this meeting as usual. 
“How is your head?” Gaz asked me. 
“Hurts, but manageable. I have been through worse.” I answer. 
It’s true. You were nearly shot to death when you first started and you still fought with the last bit of bloody strength you had in ya. You’re a fighter. A damn good fighter. 
“I feel like I know what’s coming.” I say. 
“Yeah, we are sending you home temporarily. You’ll be able to come back once your brain is healed.” Price informed me. 
What a relief. 
“I’ll miss y’all, but orders are orders.” I announce, turning to the guys. 
They were all smiling at me except for Ghost who, once again, had his eyes turned away from me. What the hell? 
“I guess I better go pack my things. Y’all don’t have too much fun in the field without me.” I joke, making the guys laugh. 
“Do you want some help, Birdie?” Soap offered. 
I wanted to accept his offer, but I also wanted to leave the door open for Ghost so I could talk with him. 
“I got it, but thank you Johnny.” I smiled at him and he did it back. 
Even though Ghost has a mysterious charm to him, Soap has always been so kind and friendly to me. He’s also quite the handsome devil. I wonder if he is single, I am just not the one to ask someone about their love life. Disbanding the meeting, I turned and walked to my room, getting ready to pack my belongings. Despite my love for being out in the field, I was lowkey happy to be sent home on temporary leave. Gaz told me that if I were to hit my head again, I could be rendered a vegetable so it’s best for me to be sent home so I can heal and be able to be back on the field. I stepped into my room, feeling a small wave of sadness. 
“I’m gonna miss ya.” I say to myself in my room. 
“You’re never coming back here.” 
“AHH! JESUS!!” I cried out, getting startled by Ghost’s sudden appearance. 
“Ghost, you scared me.” 
“Sorry.” He mumbled. 
As I was catching my breath, I had just realized what he said.
“You’re never coming back here.” 
“What did you mean by that?” 
“By what?” 
“You said I was never coming back here. What did you mean by that?” I ask, seeing he is beating around the bush. 
Ghost’s eyes pierced at me, as if I was his enemy. 
“You won’t be comin’ back here. They are just lettin’ you down easy. A head injury is basically a death sentence for being in the force.” Ghost told me. 
I felt my heart drop, hearing Ghost tell me that. 
“I..I don’t understand.” I mumbled. 
“Of course you don’t.” 
No fucking way. I shot my head up at him and walked up to him. 
“What’s your problem? Ever since I came out of my coma you’ve done nothing but give me the cold shoulder and as far as I know I haven’t done a damn thing to you! So what gives?” I exclaimed in near hysterics. 
“It’s nothin’.” Ghost sneered. 
“No it is, tell me now Lieutenant.” I sternly said. 
“Tell me now.” 
“Birdie, don’t.” 
“It’s something alright, just tell me.” 
I swear to God I am going to scream and I don’t want to do that to you, my love. 
“Tell me.” 
“Tell me.” 
“Tell me.” 
“Tell me.”
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me now.” 
“Tell me-” 
What? What did he just say? Ghost’s eyes were wide..I couldn’t even tell what it was. Was it anger? Was it sadness? Was it denial? I couldn’t tell.  
“What? What do you mean?” I asked Ghost, trying to reach for him but he just flinched away from me. 
“You..” Ghost paused as he tried to gather his words up, “you hit your head, Birdie. During a mission, someone snuck up behind you, and hit you in the head with the butt of their gun. Despite you passing out, you managed to kill the bloody bastard. But by the time I reached you, you were unconscious. We took you to the medic and we put you in a medical coma to give your brain time to heal. You were lucky to have no bleeding up in there, but they said the possibility of you having amnesia was high. I didn’t want to believe it..” 
What? Why did she call me that? She always calls me Simon. Birdie looked down to see me holding her hand. 
“I didn’t think you’d be so worried about me.” She joked with a smile. 
Does she not..
“Of course I would be, love.” 
“Love? Aw you don’t have to pretend you care so much, Ghost, it’s not like we are dating or anything.” 
Bloody fucking hell. This is not happening. I was about to speak when I saw the old geyser Price doing a frantic head shaking motion at me. What? What does that mean? 
“I was just..worried is all, Birdie. I’m glad you’re okay.” I say, letting go of her hand despite feeling heartbreak for the first time ever. 
“..until you said that. ‘It’s not like we are dating or anything’. That told me right there you don’t remember.” 
I could feel a heavy weight in my chest. This..this was all too much.  Why, why would Ghost be telling me this? I don’t understand. 
“Why would you be telling me this now?” I questioned. 
“Because I want you to remember.” 
For a split second, I swear I could hear Ghost’s voice breaking, as if he was going to cry. I have never heard Ghost cry, ever. But within that split second, he got his composure back. 
“You..you make me so happy, Birdie. I just want you to remember.” 
I thought about it. I mentally dug into my brain, to try and remember anything, something, any little thing that would indicate that Ghost and I were..together. But nothing came up. No memory or nothing. Just blackness. 
“I’m..I’m sorry Ghost. I don’t remember-” 
“Just pack your shiet and leave.” Ghost growled. 
“Ghost, I’m sorry I-” 
“Just..go. Now.” 
I have never heard Ghost get this intense nor scary. I didn’t know what to say. I felt bad for him that he supposedly had a life with me, but I just can’t remember it. I wanted to say something else, but I felt like anything I said would upset him. 
“Yes, sir.” I mumbled. 
Upon me saying that. Ghost immediately turned and walked out of my room. I wish I could remember. I have always had an infatuation for Ghost and the fact that he told me we are married, is an absolute shock to me. And I wish I could remember. 
Goodbye, my Birdie. 
One month later
My head didn’t hurt as much as usual today, which made me happy. Even though Price did eventually tell me I wouldn’t be able to come back to the field due to my head injury, he was happy to visit me once they got to go back home. Same with Gaz and Soap. The only one I haven’t heard from was Ghost. I wanted to reach out to him, but considering the last time we talked was a month ago and he ordered me to ‘pack my shiet and leave now.’ I get that he was upset, but I also wish he understood my point of view. I want to remember, trust me, but no matter how much I rack my brain, I can’t remember. I only remember me getting recruited and the day of my injury. Every once in a while, I will have a small flashback to a small thing that happened during my time on the field, but they are never about Ghost and I being together. None of this makes sense, but there is nothing I can do about it. I was at my dining table, stirring my coffee mug about to sip it and eat the french toast I made. 
Who could that be? I am not expecting anyone and Price didn’t tell me they would be coming home anytime soon. I got up, went up to the front door, and opened it, nearly fainting in response. 
“Hey, Birdie.” 
Ghost stood there at my doorway holding a bouquet of..
“Ghost, I uh..didn't expect you.” I admitted, considering how angry he was with me. 
“I know.” 
“Would you like to come in? I can make you some tea.” I offer. 
“I’m fine, I just wanted to come by and bring you these. They were your favorite. And to also apologize for how I treated you when you left. It wasn’t right. I’m sorry.” Ghost apologized. 
I don’t think I have ever heard Ghost apologize before and it was definitely genuine. 
“It’s okay, sir. I understand.” 
I understood where he was coming from. 
“Please, just Simon is alright.” He said. 
Simon? Simon..
Ghost then handed me the bouquet of sunflowers. They smelled so nice, so heavenly, so…
“Simon.. Do you really feel that way about me?” 
“I do, I love you, Birdie…” 
“How are we going to tell Price about us?” 
“I’ll figure something out, love. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about nothing…” 
“I love you so much, Birdie..You complete me.” 
“Birdie, will you marry me?” 
“Simon..yes. Yes I will.” 
I..I remember now. 
Simon’s eyes beamed up and were once again full of life again, hearing me utter his nickname I had for him. 
You’re back, my love. You’re finally back. 
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jeankluv · 6 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 03
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Words: 4,2k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
ac: _3aem (twt)
Warnings for this chapter: blood, abusive parents (Satoru’s parents are awful)
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
Author’s note: thank you so much to everyone who is liking, rebloging and commenting on this fic of mine, it makes me really happy. Thank you 💕
Materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Links to the fic: wattpad | ao3
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Two weeks had passed since you and Gojo became project partners, two weeks since the incident at the store, and two weeks since he offered to help you study. You initially refused, but things had changed quite a bit in those two weeks.
Gojo had remained as irritating as ever, but at times he showed a surprisingly kind side, making you doubt even of your own existence.
However, today, you had a strange sensation.
Observing the incessant glances and hushed whispers from the group in front, you felt an escalating desire to grab the stapler positioned before you and hurl it towards their heads, accompanied by a stern command to focus on their own affairs. The classroom atmosphere had been permeated by this spectacle for a good 20 minutes, and the source of their distraction was unmistakable – Satoru Gojo, seated right beside you, had become the center of attention.
Turning your attention away from the nosy group ahead, you focused intently on your screen, scouring for relevant information to contribute to the project. However, a gnawing unease prevented you from fully concentrating.
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Gojo diligently searching for information as well. To your surprise, Gojo appeared unusually serene and subdued today. He had even arrived with a portion of his work completed, a contrast that left you feeling somewhat embarrassed, considering you hadn't even begun your part.
In your defense you would say that you needed to prioritize other works, whose due date was earlier.
But back to the topic you suppressed a nervous impulse, taking a piece of paper from one of your notebooks, uncertain of how to proceed.
“I accept your deal”
You jotted down the note, folded it discreetly, and left it on Gojo's keyboard without meeting his gaze. Why did your heart race so intensely over a simple study proposal? It shouldn't be this complicated, so why were you feeling like that? You observed as Gojo picked up the paper, unfolding it. What expression adorned his face now? Likely one of his irritating, confident smiles. Pushing these thoughts aside, you attempted to refocus on your task—searching for project-related information.
“When would you like to meet?” A shock ran through your body when you felt Gojo's voice in your ear.
You turned your face to meet Gojo's, just inches from yours, he was close, too close. From that distance you could clearly see every detail of his skin, even admiring the blue of his eyes even more. Your breaths mixed with each other. You opened your mouth to close it again instantly, you were speechless at that moment and you felt immense heat on your cheeks.
Gojo moved his eyes watching you, as if he wanted to memorize every little detail of your face. And that was just causing your nerves to kick into high gear. Could he look away? Could he blink? Could he just not look at you?
“You…” You tried to formulate words but apparently your brain didn't want to work at that very moment. Why? You wanted to scream.
Gojo raised an eyebrow. "I…?"
“Too close.” You were able to finally say.
Gojo moved away a little but without stopping to look at you. “So when?”
You looked at him and away. “This… this Sunday? I don’t have work that day.”
“Okay, in my apartment then.” He stopped looking at you and went to his computer.
“Wait, what?” You tried not to say it out loud.
Gojo looked back at you. “You have a better place.”
No you didn’t, but his apartment? That was very intimate, wasn’t it? Shit you were getting nervous and your heart was pounding on your chest like crazy. Stop.
“No…” You said defeated. “Okay, at your apartment on Sunday.” You said quietly so that only he could hear you, you didn't want anyone else to be aware of that meeting.
Gojo nodded in acknowledgment and returned his attention to his work, his demeanor still serious and distant. Despite agreeing to study together, a sense of discomfort lingered in your stomach. Gojo seemed too reserved, too distant.
The sudden ring of the doorbell snapped you out of your reverie. Had the class already ended? Lost in your thoughts, you hadn't realized how quickly time had passed. Hastily, you began packing your belongings into your backpack, noticing Gojo rising from his seat and exiting the classroom.
You shouldn't have cared about him leaving without a farewell or any of his usual jokes. Since being paired up, you'd wished for some distance, yet now, as he reverted to his usual self, it bothered you—and the worst part was that peculiar feeling lingered.
Leaving the class with your backpack, you scanned both directions, searching for the tall figure with white hair. At the end of the hallway, you spotted him, hands in his pockets, head down, strolling away. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of something indescribable.
Your heart urged you to move, to step forward, yet your legs remained rooted to the spot, your mind screaming at you to be sensible and not be deceived. Despite your internal turmoil, you fixated your gaze on him once more, only to see him accompanied by a tall, slender girl who seemed to exude wealth from a distance. You rolled your eyes as you observed her clinging to Gojo, his smile directed at her with a gallant air.
Turning sharply on your heels, you set off in the opposite direction, relieved that you hadn't succumbed to the impulse to approach him like a desperate puppy. Perhaps you'd watched too many American films, constructing elaborate scenarios in your head, painting Gojo as the mastermind of a cruel game, indifferent to your feelings and merely toying with you.
But why should it matter if that were true? You'd never harbored any fondness for him anyway, so why should his intentions affect you?
Walking through the corridors of your faculty, you made a conscious effort to push those unsettling thoughts to the back of your mind. Your priority was to focus on your next class. Fortunately, you were scheduled to be with Kyoko, and it happened to be your favorite class: the laboratory. It provided a welcomed opportunity to unwind and engage in unhurried conversations with Kyoko throughout the hour.
Most days in the laboratory involved analyzing products provided by the teacher to observe their reactions to different mechanical effects and subsequently creating detailed reports. The benefit was the option to work in pairs, and naturally, you and Kyoko were like two magnets – inevitably sticking together.
Stepping into the familiar laboratory, the customary scent greeted your senses. Scanning the room, you spotted your best friend already donned in her gown and gloves. She greeted you with a smile, indicating the seat beside her. Grabbing your own robe and gloves, you approached her, exchanging cheerful waves. After placing your backpack under the table and laying your notebook on top, you shed your jacket and began to put on your robe.
“When are we going to your apartment to start getting your things from it?” She turned around to look at you.
“On Sunday…” You realized it that instant. “Fuck… I told Gojo we would be studying together on Sunday.” You closed your eyes.
You didn’t have a lot of things in your old apartment but you needed to clean it to leave it perfect so the owner wouldn’t complain.
“Suguru asked me out that day.” She whispered and you looked at her with your eyes wide open.
“What? And you were going to cancel it?”
“Yeah, I mean you asked me first for your help, it wouldn’t be fair for me to go out on a date after telling you that I was going to help you out, right?”
“Kyoko… sometimes you are just too good hearted. Listen.” You hold her hand. “I will try to find another moment to study with him. And you, my sunshine will go out on that date.” You smiled and she smiled back. “And you will have the best time.”
“I love you.” She said. “Sometimes I think we should get married.”
You throw your head backwards and laugh. “It’s almost like we are married. And I love you too.”
“By the way, you haven’t met Shoko right?” You tilted your head, Shoko? “Oh you will love her, she is friends with Suguru and Satoru.”
“She is the girl that was with you in the picture.”
Kyoko nodded. “She is studying medicine and she is really cool, you will like her.”
You hummed. “I’m going to get jealous if you keep talking like that about her.” You joked.
“You know you are my only one.” She hugged you in a dramatic way.
“Okay class!” The teacher entered the classroom, making you and Kyoko pay attention to her. “Today we will be…”
You and Kyoko got to work with what your teacher had sent you. While you did the necessary procedures, Kyoko took sketches and photos so he could make the report later.
You left the sample in front of Kyoko, so that she could take a photo of it, and you sat on the stool, removing the quanta that had left your sweaty hands. You grabbed your phone and went to chat with Gojo.
You to Pain in the ass
Gojo, I can’t meet up with you on sunday, we will need to reschedule it
I hope you understand it
Efficiently utilizing your time, you left your phone upside down and powered up your PC. With the tasks completed and photos transferred, you and Kyoko delved into crafting the report. By the time the class concluded, you had already covered more than half of the report, allowing you to ease into the remaining work after returning from work.
You walked besides Kyoko, while listening to her complaining about one of her teachers and how he wanted them to make an essay of at least 10 pages talking about liquid crystals. You knew the concept, you had shared the first year with her and some classes now. But Kyoko had chosen to continue studying modern physics, she was clear that she wanted to dedicate herself to education after this.
You, on the other hand, had opted for astrophysics, classic. But since you were little it was a topic that you had been passionate about, you have the vague memory of your mother talking to you about it and explaining concepts to you, which at that time you did not understand and seemed like fantasy to you.
It was over the years that you discovered that your mother had also studied astrophysics and that in fact she had become a good astrophysicist. But meeting your disgusting father and everything that happened afterward ended up sinking her. At least that's what your grandmother told you, but she had always been reluctant to talk about it, first with the excuse that you were too young to understand it and then telling you that it was better if you didn't know more.
You entered the cafeteria and went to get a coffee, today you couldn't eat with Kyoko, Haibara had asked you if you could go earlier to replace him.
You grabbed your coffees and sat down in your favorite place. You took a sip of your coffee and noticed Kyoko's gaze. You knew there was something strange about you and that the question was on the tip of his tongue.
“Nothing happens Kyoko.” You said before her saying anything. “I can tell you were about to ask me what’s going on and nothing is happening.”
“And I know clearly you are lying here.” She said, grabbing coffee.
You sighed defeated. “I hate you…”
“You don’t.” She smiled, showing her teeths. “Now what’s going on in your little head.”
You pursed your lips. "Gojo was strange today, that's what. But it doesn't matter and I don't care."
She leaned on her hand and looked at you with those eyes she had. "Are you sure you don't mind?" You nodded your head. "From the moment you entered the laboratory, you have been thinking about that." You turned your head to avoid her gaze. "I don't think you don't care."
You snort. “It doesn't matter, he just behaved again as if I didn't exist. He's probably with that long-haired girl who smiled so stupidly at him."
Kyoko looked at you with his mouth half open and whispered your name. "Are you jealous?"
Are you jealous? Those three words caused you to almost choke on your coffee, almost because you ended up spitting it all out on the cafeteria table.
“Kyoko! You are crazy?”
“I’m not the one that got jealous over another girl.”
“I was not jealous! I was angry because he was being a dick.”
“Sure and why does it matter to you?” She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “You couldn’t stand him.”
“I… ugh leave me alone Kyoko.” You were so frustrated, irritated and angry.
You were not jealous about Satoru Gojo, you just couldn’t. You were just worried, worried because he was your partner. That’s it, he was your project partner and you just were worried. Jealous? Please that's nonsense, you weren’t jealous over that tall, slim, beautiful woman, that was nothing like you. You weren’t, you weren’t.
“I’m leaving.” You stood up.
“You didn't get angry did you?”
“I could never get angry at you, Kyoko.” You reassured her and she smiled. “But never say that again, because I’m not jealous, it’s just that, my dislike for him is just a little bit smaller okay!?” Kyoko pouted and waved goodbye to you.
You took your phone out of your jacket and looked for your headphones in your backpack, you needed to listen to music and escape a little. When you turn on the phone, the notification jumps to a new message.
Pain in the ass
Where are you?
You rolled your eyes. What was what he wanted now?
You to Pain in the ass
Leaving the cafeteria. Why?
Not even 10 seconds passed when a new message appeared in the chat.
Pain in the ass
Wait there, I’m coming
Now he wanted to see you? You huffed and rolled your eyes, putting your phone back in your pocket. The question is, why did you stay and wait for him? You had agreed to meet Haibara in 45 minutes, if you didn't leave now, you would be late. But something prevented you from leaving. You hated it.
“Birdie!” The stupid nickname again.
“Stop calling me that Gojo.” You said with a serious face.
“Hello.” Suguru next to him greeted you with a smile.
“Hi Suguru.”
“Why do you call him by his first name and me?” You rolled your eyes and ignored him.
“Is Kyoko inside?” You nodded and he smiled. “Well, then I’m going in. Bye.”
“I will break his jaw if he ever makes Kyoko cry.” You said when he was gone.
Gojo laughed besides you, until he saw your annoyed face. “Yeah… mhm why can't we meet on Sunday?”
“I need to take care of something.”
“What thing?”
“Doesn’t matter.” You looked away from his gaze.
“I can help you and we can study while I help you.”
“I don’t think moving out of an apartment and cleaning it’s a very good place for a studying session.”
“I think it’s an excellent studying session.” He clapped. “Then I will see you on Sunday. We will clean and study.”
You sighed, suddenly you missed the Gojo from that morning. “Alright… Now I have to leave.” You turned around and started walking away from him.
“Wait!” You felt Gojo grabbing your wrist to which you immediately pushed her away. What was he doing? “Sorry.” He took his hand away and he scratched the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze. “I… just have a good day birdie.”
You nodded and thanked him. Surely he had hit his head today or something? First he comes to class with his spirits on the rocks and then he becomes a complete introvert?
Sat next to the window, on the bus, you pressed play on your playlist. You and Gojo had not even been companions for a week, but in this short time you had realized one thing and that was that it was extremely difficult to read. As much as he pretended to be extremely happy and always wanted to be laughing, there was something he was hiding. And today you had been able to read him a little, his blue eyes did not shine with the same intensity as other times, they were sad.
But why were you so intrigued to know what he was hiding? To know him more?
“What’s up with that face?” Haibara talked next to you.
“Nothing, just college things.”
He nodded. “Thank you again for coming earlier.”
“You know you don’t have to thank me.”
Haibara has been working here since before you arrived, the establishment belonged to his grandparents and since he was little he had been helping them on an ongoing basis, but when he entered university he decided to start working from time to time to help his parents cover college expenses. He had been the one who had taught you everything that had to do with the store and who had helped you balance your schedules. During the two years you had been there he had done a lot for you, which is why you didn't mind covering for him for a few hours from time to time.
“Then I will see you tomorrow.” He talked from the door. “Take care!”
“Bye!” You waved back at him.
Satoru Gojo pov
Satoru gripped the basketball tightly, but his heart wasn't in the game. Despite the sunny day and the familiar rhythm of the court, he couldn't shake off his low spirits. Following a visit to the grocery store, he returned to his parents' home, only to find his grandparents had departed. However, their absence didn't spare him from the impending lecture and ensuing conflict. It felt like déjà vu, as if he were six years old again, facing the consequences of breaking a plate. All he yearned for was the freedom to live life they way he wanted.
“You are acting strange today.” Suguru threw the ball back at him.
Satoru took it with both hands and sat on the ground, letting out a sigh. "I guess." He murmured. “Yesterday I was at my parents’ house again. I was there nearly two weeks ago and they called me again.”
“Ugh, I can imagine why you are like this.” Suguru sat next to her. “They are still beating you up for not having studied law? Or the fact that you are still single.”
“I guess both.” He laid down on the grass. “They want me to go with Utahime, as my date, to the charity dinner we are having next month.”
Suguru laughed. “Utahime would probably end it all rather than go with you somewhere as your date.”
“She would probably killed me.” He sighed. “Mei Mei approached me this morning, I also think her parents have told her something and she wants to be my date.”
“Well at least you know that with Mei Mei you wouldn't end up dead, maybe with less money.” Suguru joked.
Satoru grabbed his hair in resignation. “Ugh, just no. I don't want to go with anyone…”
“But there is someone.” Satoru looked at his friend.
Yeah, of course there was someone.
“Yeah… but if Utahime kills me, she would probably kill, revive me and then kill me again.”
“For how long have you been in love with her?”
“Suguru, shut up.” Satoru reproached him, closing his eyes. “To be in love is a big thing, I just have a crush on her.”
“You even used to say she was an angel.”
“And what did you want me to think if I was 6 years old and she disappeared so suddenly?” He opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky. “But…” He stood up and looked at his friend. “She doesn't seem to even remember me and for two years the only thing I've had from her has been to ignore me. The good thing is that she has accepted the deal I proposed. So I will try hard.”
“What deal?”
“She sucks in one of the subjects we share, and I am the best, of course.” He said arrogantly to which Suguru rolled his eyes. “I proposed teaching her for the exam that we have two weeks and if she passes, she would accept a date with me.”
“Are you telling me, she accepted that?”
“Of course she did. Look at my cute face.”
“More like your annoying ass.” Suguru pushed him back.
“So you and Kyoko are going out on a date right?” Satoru sat back and started playing with the ball.
“Yeah, I asked her out.” Suguru tried to hide the fact he was getting red but failed as his best friend started to laugh. “Satoru, don't make me punch.”
“Sorry sorry, but it’s kinda funny seeing you getting nervous over a girl.”
They both started to joke around as if they were 8 years old again, until Satoru's phone started ringing making them both sit back down on the grass. Satoru pulled the phone out of his pocket and groaned as he read the name on the screen.
Hearing his friend's growl, Suguru looked askance at his best friend's screen and understood his reaction. He patted him on the back, trying to calm him down but he knew that as soon as he took that call Satoru would probably lose his nerve.
“Hello father.”
“Son, you’re mother and I need to talk with you. Please come to our house.” And he hanged out.
Satoru looked at the screen of his phone without saying a word. He felt like a tool for his parents, nothing else than that, just a tool.
“Satoru…” He heard Suguru calling him, bringing him back to reality.
“Huh?” He looked at his friends and back at the phone. “I have… I have to go.” He stood up.
“Satoru, call me if anything happens. Okay?” He nodded at his friends and went straight at his car.
As he drove, Satoru secretly wished for endless traffic, hoping to delay his arrival at his parents' house. Yet, time slipped away unnoticed, and suddenly, he found himself standing before them. Avoiding eye contact, his family instructed him to sit down, signaling the impending discussion of serious matters.
“You will be dropping your degree as soon as this term is over.” His father spoke.
“What?” Satoru blurted out, trying not to sound too abrupt.
“What you heard son.” His mother took the cup in front of her to drink from it.
“I don’t want to.”
“It’s not about what you want or you don’t.”
His father spoke coldly. “If not, what our family needs. And what our family needs is an heir to take over the position that your grandfather will leave when he retires.” He looked at Satoru. “We were pretty good when you tricked us and signed up for that degree behind everyone's back. But it’s ending now."
“You can not do that! I’m an adult, you can’t not…”
“Son, don't raise your voice.” Her mother spoke. “How can you be so insolent? We have given you everything you have ever wanted since you were born and when we ask you to do this for YOUR family you refuse?”
“Everything I ever wanted?” Satoru laughed.
Satoru couldn’t help but laugh bitterly at the irony of the situation, what bad joke was that? He had been spoiled from the moment he came into this world, all the toys, all the clothes, everything he wanted he had. But when he wanted to have his parents there for him he didn't have that.
“What type of joke is that mother?” Satoru looked at her. “You have given me everything I wanted? Where were the loving parents, eh? Where? You filled me with consent and gifts but never with what a child really needed, which was his parents.” Satoru raised his voice.
“Insolent child, how dare you raise your voice like that at your mother.” His father got up from the couch and approached Satoru.
"Are you going to hit me like you did when I was little?" Satoru smirked. “I guess those were the only times I've felt any physical contact from you.” And the first slap came, making Satoru's face turn around.
“Dear…” She muttered to her husband.
“If he doesn’t understand it the good way, he’ll have to come to his senses the hard way.” He said and another punch fell on Satoru's face.
Satoru remained still, realizing that any action on his part would only escalate the situation further. He endured the onslaught of blows, each one landing with painful precision. Blood trickled from his lip and nose as the beating came to an end. Despite his mother's call for a servant to tend to him, Satoru rose from the ground, determined to leave.
“Son, as soon as this term is over it’s over and there is no way back.”
Satoru bit his lip. It hurt.
He left the house but not before hearing his mother's lament.
“If only we could have had another child.”
Satoru took his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to his best friend.
Satoru to Suguru 🐉
Let’s hang out !!
I need a drink
Suguru 🐉
You never drink
Did something happen?
Satoru sighed and looked at himself in the car mirror. It would leave a mark, for sure.
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Note: comment if you want to be added to the tag list
Tag list: @lavender-hvze, @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke, @faetoraa
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
@nburkhardt ;)
It is technically not Valentine's day for me anymore but it's still Valentine's day in other places so I'm writing it anyways.
Eddie walked into Family Video, shaking the snow out of his hair because he refused to wear a hat, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw the decorations. Hearts, pink and red and white hearts. Hearts on the counter and hanging from the ceiling.
Valentine's Day was coming.
"Hey, Eddie." He managed to snap himself out of his stupor to look at Steve. God, Steve. It really is unfair how pretty he is, even in a polo and his stupid work vest. Grinning, Eddie walked up to the counter and leaned his elbows on it, immediately grabbing a heart and glaring at it before tossing it over his shoulder.
"Hey, Stevie. I see Hallmark has sunk its claws into Family Video." He watched Steve get the most adorable frown on his face, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
"Hallmark, what-? Oh! The hearts, right?" Eddie grinned even wider, grabbing another heart and starting to rip little pieces off of it.
"Yeah, figures a movie store would buy into the capitalist propaganda though," Eddie groaned as he spoke, finally ripping the heart to pieces and scattering it on the counter. Steve was giving him a weird look that Eddie couldn't quite decipher but he was save from contemplating it by Robin stepping out from the back room.
"Oh joy, our most frequent and worst customer." Eddie stood up straight with a gasp, holding a hand over his heart.
"Birdie, you wound me. I am your best customer." She chucked a ball of paper at him, somehow managing to hit his chest with only a glance in his direction.
"You can't be our best customer when you barely buy anything and all you do is distract Steve from working." Eddie couldn't help but laugh when Steve yelled a noise of complaint. "What are you even doing here today, Eddie? Shouldn't you be out preparing a valentine for someone or something?"
"Ha! Me, participating it that sham of a holiday?" Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "Absolutely not, Bucks. Valentine's day is a corporate sham that preys on the lonely and not lonely alike. If you're in a relationship you get pressured into buying thoughtless gifts to show off how happy you are for a day. If you aren't in a relationship, then you just get crushed under all the pink and hearts and babies in diapers with arrows, and you get pushed into buying excessive amounts of booze and food so you feel a little less lonely for the day. I've never celebrated and I don't have any plans to any time soon." When he finished his speech he expected someone to say something, but it was completely silent. Robin had moved over to stand behind the counter with Steve and she was frowning at him (something he never liked because she only frowned at him when he was being really stupid and he usually couldn't figure out what he did). Steve was standing oddly still and he had that weird look on his face again. "You feeling okay, Stevie?"
"Oh, uh, yeah. Totally fine." They all lapsed into silence again before Robin cleared her throat.
"Well, I mean, it's not just about relationships it's also St-Ow!" Eddie turned fully to look at Robin who seemed to be leaning weirdly to one side.
"You good?" He watched as Robin and Steve had one of their silent conversations. He loved that they had each other but the silent talking did get annoying.
"...Yeah, slipped and stubbed my toe, that's all. But if you want to avoid Valentine's day you may want to run because we put out all the romcoms today so the crowds will be bad." Eddie wrinkled his nose in distate.
"Ugh, thanks for the warning, I'll see you guys around then?" He glanced between them, noticing that both of them were giving him a tight smile that didn't quite reach their eyes but he decided not to dwell on it. "I gotta catch up with Nance, someone does have a date and has asked her bestie to help her plan it. Any requests, Buckley?" Eddie was relieved when that did get Robin to blush, finally a normal reaction.
"Not really." Eddie just grinned, throwing up a two finger salute before heading back out into the snow to head to the Wheeler's.
"Nance, I promise you, Robin does not care how elaborate your date is, she will love it anyway because you planned it." Eddie was sprawled on Nancy's bed in her room, arms behind his head as Nancy paced in front of him.
"It's our first Valentine's day, I want it to be special." Eddie scoffed quietly. Nancy had already heard his anti-Valentine's day speech and while they didn't agree, they decided to just move past it. "Oh, right, I meant to ask. I know that you still refuse to ask Steve out, for reasons unknown-"
"They aren't unknown, Nance, we just don't know-"
"Hush. I know you won't ask him out, but are you at least planning something nice for his birthday? I don't know how much I'll be able to help you with since it's in two days-" Eddie suddenly sat up on the bed, staring at Nancy with wide eyes. She couldn't be saying what he thought she was saying.
"Nancy. I need you to not judge me right now when I ask you a question." He waited for her to nod at him, eyebrow already raised to judge him. "What day is Steve's birthday?"
"The fourteenth? Did he not tell you? Eddie? Why do you look so panicked?" He had collapsed back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling in horror. He had gone on and on about how much he hated Valentine's day and how he wasn't planning anything ever and... and he basically said that Steve's birthday was a day he hated. What kind of friend does that?
"I didn't know- Nance, I gave him the V-day speech-"
"Please tell me you are joking, Edward Munson, or so help me-"
"Nancy! Why would I joke about this! I just basically told the guy that I'm practically in love with that I hate his birthday! What do I do!" He was standing now, taking up Nancy's place and pacing the room until she grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look at her.
"Eddie, listen to me. You helped me plan my date, now I'm going to help you. Because there is no way I am letting you fix this without telling Steve that you love him, and there will be no arguments. You fucked up, not it's time to not run away and fix it."
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st6rly · 2 years
about us: valentine's day.
synopsis: love me, love me, love me, love me,love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more than you possibly can | wc — 0.5k
[ !! ] — masterlist.
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characters: alhaitham, childe, heizou, itto, kazuha, xiao x gn!reader
categories: fluff, fake voice lines
warnings: dearest used as a nickname, mentions of food
note: late valentine's day post. reblogs are greatly appreciated, more so than likes
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ALHAITHAM — “A day dedicated to love is quite a useless use of time. Enthusiasm towards a subject matter such as this one seems pointless. But, Kaveh kept going on about how special today is and that if he were me, he’d be working towards some grandiose display in the name of love. *scoffs* As if he’d ever have a stable enough income to do so in the first place. Now then, physical objects are not able to provide a suitable explanation for my affections so, you have my utmost attention in compensation. I believe a nice trip to the tavern is well overdue for the both of us, isn’t it?”
CHILDE — "Most joyous valentine's day, comrade! Say, what if you and I- … No, no, as much as I'd like to spar with you, a little birdie told me today is about spending time with your lover. While I believe a little play fighting is a perfectly fine thing between partners, I've been told otherwise. So, how about we go for a walk around the harbour instead, or maybe a nice dinner date! Anything you wish, dearest. Don’t let your guard down though, you never know what’s going to hit you.
HEIZOU — “Say, I have a new commission for you. …Don’t worry, it won't take up too much of your time. It’s a simple puzzle really; one could even say it’s an easy one out of love. There’s been a recent case that has popped up and it has me a little stumped. You see, it appears that a certain someone has stolen my heart and I’m not quite sure who it is exactly. They’re about this tall, have the best smile I’ve ever seen, and… mhm? …Oh, It’s you! See, dear partner? I knew you could do it, hehe.
ITTO — "It is I, Arataki “Numero Uno” Itto, and as the head honcho of the Arataki Gang, on this day of love, I would like to give you an offer you just can’t resist. So …*coughs* Imagine this: you, me, a day of relaxation, a beetle fighting tournament, us getting the grand prize and big champions feast, you winning the greatest meal of your life, and finally, me winning over your heart! Sounds great, right? Quite the irresistible deal, if I do say so myself, hehe.
KAZUHA — “Oh, you’re just the person I was looking for. I have found a wonderful spot to rest in and I have picked up a couple of those cakes you liked if you wish to join me. But before that, I’ve been practising my haikus as of late and I believe I have just the right one for today’s occasion. “You have struck my heart / the sun, the moon, even the stars / Your beauty outshines.” … Happy Valentine’s Day. Shall we head off now?
XIAO — “Here. Qixing flowers. ..tsk don’t act so surprised. It is a custom for mortals to fetch gifts for their loved ones on this day, is it not? .. If they aren’t to your liking then I will not mind having to take them bac- oh. You… enjoy my gift? *he clears his throat* I’m not one to partake in such… leisurely activities, ones by mortals especially, but I suppose… for you it is bearable.
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Consequences - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader (niece/daughter)
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 744
Summary: Y/n likes to learn how to defend herself, and her uncle Jaime wants to help. Bonding time with at least one of his secret children. But will it last?
Authors Note: I think Jaime was screwed over. He deserved a happy ending but they had him go back to Cersei! Thats fucked he desevered better. And he would’ve been a good father, poor guy.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“Now, what are you doing?” Jaime asked slightly amused at how he made the princess jump. He didn't mean to startle her, but he was curious when he saw her sneak off. So he followed his so called niece, to see what she was up to.
“Praciting.” Y/n answered her uncle not looking him in the eyes. She was ashamed, she knew she had no reason to be. But she wasn’t supposed to even be touching weapons. Her mothers orders. Y/n didn’t want to see the look of disappointment or appallment on his face that was on her mothers when she found out. “I’ll be going.”
“I didn’t say you had to leave.” Jaime spoke up confused on her actions, ready to flee as fast as possible.
Y/n turned around to face him, with a furrowed brow she asked. “Isn’t that why you followed me here?”
“No.” Jaime shook his head walking closer to her. “I just wanted to see what you were up to. I’m not telling you to stop, you were doing quite good with that sword.”
He couldn’t help but be proud of what he saw. She had no one to help or train her but she was good. He was definitely taking credit for it in his head. It’s in her blood.
“I’ve been told that if anyone found me here doing this again that I’d be punished.” Y/n grimaced remembering her mother’s exact words.
Jaime lifted her chin with his hand, making her look him in the eyes. He smiled hoping he could encourage her. “I won’t tell. Promise.”
With that Jaime decided that he was gonna help Y/n. He was going to be her teacher, he’d rather she know how to defend herself than not. It’s also an excuse for him to get to spend more time with y/n.
So from then on Jaime and Y/n would meet in the hidden quiet location they had found, and Jaime taught her how to use all kinds of weapons. Plus some hand to hand.
And it was all going well till a certain someone’s little birdies decided to tell the Queen. (Pyter Belish)
^     ^     ^ 
It was a cool day in KingsLanding, perfect for teaching Y/n some archery Jaime thought. He was on his way to her room to walk with her.
“So I was thinking today we could work on-” He stopped speaking as he shut the bedroom door behind him and didn’t see Y/n anywhere. “Y/n?”
“I don’t think it’s good for us to be doing this anymore uncle.” Y/n’s voice came out soft and Jaime swears he could hear it wobble as she spoke.
“But you love-” Jaime stopped in his tracks when he walked over to see her standing on the balcony. As she turned to look at him Jaime was floored. Looking at her face, seeing her split lip and bruised cheek, he was raging on the inside but he didn’t want to scare her so he approached her slowly. “What happened?”
Y/n could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t want her uncle to see her like this, that’s why she was hiding in her room. “I was spotted training the other day. . . Mother was not happy.”
Jaime cupped one side of her face gently. “Your mother did this to you?”
Y/n gave a stiff nod, biting her lip. “I do not want you to incur any punishment like I have or worse uncle Jaime. I think it best to not do the lessons anymore.”
Jaime pulled her into him, wrapping her up into a tight hug. Trying to comfort her, and make her feel protected. “No, no you love learning how to use a sword, throw knives, hand to hand combat, and I will not let you be defenseless or have something you love taken away from you.”
Y/n pulled back to look into Jaimes eyes worried for him. “What are you gonna do?”
Jaime smiled at her concern for him, brushing one hand through her hair. “Don’t worry about that, just let me take care of it. You just focus on what you wanna learn next.”
Y/n nodded resting her head against his chest. All the while Jaime was thinking about all the things he was gonna say, ripping into his sister. How dare she touch y/n like that. Jaime was not gonna let that slide.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld @starkleila
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can i get the first years with a reader who can understand animals and uses them to get dirt on other students? thank you!!
I like this concept! Also hi person that's in my discord server. :> ★彡["ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ'ꜱ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀ."]彡★
First Years x Reader who can understand animals Reader is implied to be Yuu/Ramshackle Prefect/magicless.
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"Have you guys heard? Apparently Vil's been getting pissed and Neige's existence again." you said randomly, in the midst of conversation. Today you were hanging out with your first year friends, and talking about random things, when a little birdie came up to you, and told you about some of nature's gossip. You decided to share it with your friends.
"Where'd you hear that, prefect?" Deuce asked you, tilting his head in confusion.
"A little birdie told me. Not figuratively, literally." you smiled, pointing at the little bird that was on your shoulder, the bird then started saying things, which, to the rest of the first years, sounded like just a bunch of chirps and tweets, but to you... "Also! Get this, human!" The birdie said, "Apparently..." The bird started whispering some more gossip about some other students in the school, some you know, some you don't. Then, you told your friends all of what the bird told you. "The bird seriously told you all that?" Epel asked, kind of shocked that you understood animals so well. "I never thought birds would be the type to gossip." The bird then gave Epel a dirty look, crossing its wings like how a human would cross their arms.
Ace was quite shocked when he found out you could understand animals so well like that... That means you get all the dirt he doesn't! No wonder you're so... in the know about things, even if you weren't even around to see it! He feels jealous... He wants the spicy gossip too! Don't leave him out on the fun! But his jealousy aside, he wants you to teach him how to understand animals, so he can hear the animals spill the tea too. You also kind of remind him of the many princesses, who were the enemies of the great seven in their stories, and how they could talk to and understand animals... maybe you are a Disney princess.
He was confused when you first said "A little birdie told me, not figuratively, literally.". He didn't know you could understand animals so well, he's pretty impressed... teach him already! He isn't exactly interested in learning how to understand animals for the gossip, he's more in it for... well... getting better grades. Animals are intelligent, right? Surely they'll know the answers to todays homework! Or at least be able to help him in some way... and it would also be useful in animal linguistics class, considering you have to study animal language in that class, he could just ask the animals for the answer to anything! Or is that cheating? Oh well..
He's more than impressed here. He never knew you could so easily understand them animals like that... not to mention how much gossip a single bird can have! He saw birds as innocent, kind little creatures, not tea spillers! But not that he's complaining, he loves hearing gossip, he just... didn't expect a bird to go around telling you about people's shenanigans, how someone got in trouble or expelled, or some people's love lives, or dramatic breakups that ended worse than his happiness did when he didn't get into Savanaclaw and ended up in Pomefiore with Vil of all people. He wants to learn it for Ace and Deuce's reasons. It's useful, and he wants to be all in the know about all the tea.
He can understand animals too, so he isn't really surprised. But only certain animals, like fellow wolves. But you seem to be able to understand all animals, considering you seem to be able to speak bird very well, and he's seen you talk to these huge predators sometimes, which scared the crap out of him the first time you approached a bear like it wasn't a scary beast that could very easily bite your face off, and just started speaking whatever language bears speak, and then somehow just ended up giving the bear therapy? You take being the therapist friend to the extreme... You're practically having a normal human conversation with the bird on your shoulder, which no one can decipher right now. the bird chirps a few times, you chirp back. You're fluent in the language of "Tweet tweet chirp chirp", I guess.
Bro's flabbergasted. How? He can probably understand certain types of animals too, like Jack, considering his lineage, but birds? what in WAKA SAMA's name?? How is it so easy to you? Aren't you magicless? He swore he thought that only people with magic could speak to animals for a moment, but you proved him wrong, it seems. You also seem pretty fluent in crocodile. One time you approached one randomly and started talking to it in crocodile language, which he slightly understood, but didn't hear the whole conversation. Something about the best flavors of meat and the best way to cook it? You and that crocodile talked about that for upwards of 60 minutes, and now here you are, having a full conversation with a tiny song bird on your shoulder... goodness, you are a strange human...
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seenoversundown · 1 month
End of Summer Blurb ; Sam & Willa ✧˚
Days like today are ones I cherish the most. Birdie has a show on the tv that I can’t quite recall the entire plot of. I nod my head along occasionally or laugh when she laughs. Her laugh. She throws her head back like a little kid every time she laughs hard. Clutching her stomach, as her fit goes on her laugh starts to go silent. Mouth wide open no sound coming out until she’s gasping in deep breaths and blinking rapidly to clear the happy tears from her eyes. Nearly sending me into my own at the sight of her. She calms herself down with a few deep breaths, her little “ahhs” as she relaxes out of it. That is until I give her a cheeky side eye and she’s right back at it again. 
At the rate she’s going, her dinner is going to get cold. Once the summer starts to wind down it takes the warmer weather with it prompting Birdie to request ramen to ‘warm me bones’ as she put it. You can’t take her word for it though because she’s always cold, but I obliged conveniently side stepping the joke I could make about her borrowing  Jake’s pirate accent. She might spend too much time at the bar when I’m away. But far be it from me to keep her from happiness in the form of asian cuisine. I could never rob her of such joy. 
“If you keep cracking up your noodles will get cold.” I point my chopsticks at her bowl. 
She resets her position and picks up her fork, never having been able to get the hang of using chopsticks no matter how many times I try to show her. 
“I could make it 5 second without laughing if you would stop looking at me like that.” she jests. 
“You callin me funny lookin?” quirking my eyebrow up at her and giving her another side glance. 
She gasps, resting a palm against her chest. “I would never, Samuel. You’re the most handsome man to ever handsome. No one in their right mind would ever call you funny looking.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, alright. Flattery won’t get you very far, little bird.” a smile starting to spread across my lips. “Eat your food, then we cuddle.”
Her eyes get wide and she picks up her bowl, the use of the magic word ‘cuddle’ leading her to comedically attempt to shovel the rest of her noodles in her mouth.
“That excited to cuddle and finish the show huh? Miss me that much?” I joke. 
“Sammy” she mumbles around a full bite. “I haven’t seen you in a week and a half.” She swallows. “I didn’t even wanna leave bed this morning, I just wanted to stay in bed and cuddle you forever.” 
Her words are a small punch to the gut. Our jobs make it hard for us to see each other consistently. One of us is usually gone on a trip, the other stays home and watches Penny so she’s not alone. We facetime as much as we can to try and keep the connection, both of us agreeing the second you start to get lazy and stop putting effort in the farther apart you grow. The thought of us losing our connection, of losing her, is enough for me to take extra measures to ensure that never happens. 
“Okay I’m done.” She says, saving me from internally spiraling down a path of delusional relationship destruction. “Cuddle time, Kiszka. Let’s go.” The smile on her face and the softness of her eyes helps bring me back to reality. Back to her. 
We pick up the remainder of our dinner and stash away the trays. I sit back down on the couch until I see her wandering around in circles looking confused. 
“.. you okay?” I question, my brows knitting together. 
“Can’t find the good blanket.”  A frown starting to play across her lips.
“OH!” my voice reaching an octave louder. I jump off the couch and hustle off to the back room. I turn off the dryer and grab the blanket from inside. No doubt the closing of the door caused her ears to perk up from the other room. 
When I round the corner back to the living room I say, “Little miss always cold needs a roasty toasty blanket to keep her warm. Comere.”
I sit back down on the couch and open my arm for her to settle into and she helps me spread the blanket across the two of us. She pulls it up to her chin and rests her head against my chest spreading her feet out over the remainder of the couch.
Her whole body shudders, “Oh yeah. Mhm, that’s the stuff.”
I let out a chuckle and place a kiss on her forehead. “Glad you approve” 
She starts to relax with each breath. Like clockwork I know she’ll fall asleep soon, and she’ll mumble and grumble as I direct us back to bed. In the morning I’ll gently roast her for it and she’ll blame it all on me because ‘You’re too comfortable Sammy. How am I supposed to stay away when you’re so cozy?’ These are the little things I miss when we’re apart. 
“I love you, Sammy,” she hums out our nightly routine. 
“I love you too, Bird”
“Promise, promise.” 
Yeah, days like today are the ones I cherish the most. 
You guys all earned a slightly longer blurb of Sam & Bird, I've missed them too. 🥹💕
Sparrow Of The Dawn Masterpost | Playlist
Join the taglist here !
@gvfsstardust @myleftsock @imleavingyoufornewyork @mindastreamofcolours-deactivate @dont-go-home-without-me
@literal-dead-leaf @lizzys-sunflower @mackalah
@klarxtr @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @i-love-gvf @takenbythemadness
@ladywhimsymoon @earthgrlsreasy @peaceloveunitygvf @gretavanfan @musicspeaks
@jazzyfigz @smoking-jakelane
@demonrat444 @hollyco @josh-iamyour-mama @wrldabomination @broken0mens
@whereiskeara @gvf-luna @lilbitx @gvfstuddedmajesty @katuschka @chloeshell1219
@scoreofinfantryvines @sanguinebats @anythingforjtk @ourlovesdesires
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eventinelysplayground · 6 months
Led Away
It's @judejazza birthday today so Happy Birthday to you! I wanted to write something to hopefully make you laugh/smile since I know you had some rough patches lately. I know absolutely 0 about Jude so unfortunately it's not a story with him but I asked a little birdie (@nightghoul381) and they gave me some suggestions for the fandoms I'm more comfy in and a version of this idea immediately popped into my head so hopefully we picked a good suitor even though it's not your hubby 🙂. I haven't written Arthur a lot but this was a great chance to get more comfy writing him. Arthur reminisces about one of Mitsuki's previous birthdays that didn't go as planned. WC approx 1862.
“What about right here?”
Mitsuki pointed to a fallen log while placing the picnic basket on the ground and Arthur laughed.
“If you say so, Love.”
Arthur passed Vic's leash to Mitsuki while readjusting the blanket he carried and got to work setting up their picnic. The trees weren't quite so dense in this area and just enough afternoon light came through so the whole place seemed to have an other worldly charm about it.
As Mitsuki wandered around the small clearing with Vic she turned over her shoulder to call to Arthur.
“Do you remember when we first found this place?”
“Of course I do, bloody wanker ruining my plans.”
“Arthur, don't talk about your best friend like that. Plus it all worked out in the end.”
“Luckily enough for him.”
*** About two years earlier ***
“It's Toshiko-sans birthday next week isn't it?”
Several of the mansion residents had been gathered around the dining table when Dazai entered through a window with that statement.
“Can't you use the door like the rest of us?”
“Ai-kun you seem to be in low spirits here, have this.”
Dazai put an apple down in front of Isaac causing him to grumble while Arthur laughed.
“I dare say that should cheer you up, Newt. As to your inquiry, it is indeed Mitsukis birthday next week and I've already planned quite the romantic day for her.”
“You should try to make Hondje happy on her birthday, not miserable like every other day.”
“Don't talk to your friends like that Theo. I'm sure Mitsuki will love whatever you've planned Arthur.”
“Thank you Vincent you're such an angel, hard to believe you're related to that devil.”
“Schei uit Theo.”
“As fun as it is to watch you scold Theo Vincent, I have a deadline soon and want to make sure I'm well ahead of schedule. Good day gents.”
Arthur left the dining room whistling a jaunty tune, not noticing Theo's devilish smirk.
So the days passed by until finally it was Mitsukis birthday. Arthur woke up bright and early and headed straight for the kitchen making a delightful breakfast that he carried up to Mitsukis room. He steadied the tray in one hand before patting his pocket and knocking on the door.
“It's me Love.”
“Arthur? Come in.”
Arthur entered the room and found Mitsuki still in her nightgown sitting on the edge of the bed. He noticed her eyes widening as she saw the breakfast tray and he couldn't help but smile at her.
“You made me breakfast?”
“Of course, it's the first part of my plan after all.”
“My plan for you to have a romantic birthday with me.”
Arthur and Mitsuki ate breakfast together as he explained his plan in greater detail. He could tell she was excited by the gleam in her eyes and hated to tell her the next part.
“I had originally planned to spend the whole day with you but unfortunately my publisher asked for a meeting this afternoon. I'll be back in time for the last parts of my plan though so don't fret.”
“It's okay, the day already sounds delightful and truthfully I feel very spoiled already. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble for me, thank you.”
“Balderdash! Of course I needed to make a big deal of your birthday, no thanks required.”
A charming smile crossed his lips and he moved the breakfast tray to the bedside table.
“Though if you really insist.”
Arthur leaned in and kissed Mitsuki trailing his hands along her curves. Their kiss deepend and he heard a sweet moan escape her lips before she pulled away.
“It's too…mmm early… for this sort of thing.”
Arthur had punctuated her sentence with kisses to her soft lips. He stopped looking at her and feigned a frown before moving in to kiss her neck.
“You're absolutely right. I suppose I'll have to content myself with this then.”
He brought his lips back to Mitsukis neck making sure to use enough pressure that when he pulled away a bright red mark was left behind.
Mitsuki brought her hand up to her neck to cover his handiwork.
“How am I supposed to cover this up?”
“Why with this of course.”
Arthur held up his hand palm down. Dangling from between his fingers was a choker, the band made from black velvet with a dainty sapphire charm hanging from its center.
“Arthur, it's beautiful.”
Silently he moved her hair out of the way and clasped the choker around her neck before kissing her on the cheek.
“This was part of your plan too wasn't it?”
“We really should get going, we have a busy day ahead of us.”
With another kiss to Mitsukis lips Arthur got up and left the room. The day went by like most other days did except for the big luncheon party to celebrate the day. Shortly afterwards Arthur snuck up on Mitsuki while she was dusting and stuck a bouquet of flowers under nose while wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I have to go now but as I told you this morning I'll be back in time for us to go out for dinner.”
Arthur leaned in closer and nipped her ear and she let out a tiny gasp.
“And for us to have dessert.”
He smiled at the way her cheeks and ears had gone red and left the mansion in high spirits anticipating what would be waiting for him when he got back. However when Arthur returned a few hours later he couldn't find Mitsuki anywhere. He asked the other residents that were home but none of them had seen her. After over a half hour and still not finding her he was becoming anxious. It may have been early spring but there was still a chill in the air and as the sun was starting to set it was only going to get cooler. At that moment Theo returned from a walk with King.
“Theo, have you seen Mitsuki?”
“You mean you haven't found her?”
“What the devil do you mean by that!?”
Theo coughed nervously as he explained what had happened. Apparently when Theo got home he decided to see if he couldn't ruin Arthur's plans by getting Mitsuki annoyed with him.
“All I did was tell her to get ready a bit early and meet you out in the gardens. Hondje should have been there waiting for you.”
“I checked the gardens, she wasn't there, she's not anywhere.”
“It's not like Hondje to go wandering off on her own. I'll help you look for her after I put King back in the kennel.”
“Don't you think you've done enough mate?”
“Arthur. Come on, you know-”
The two men were interrupted by Vic who had come dashing up to them barking furiously at them.
Arthur knelt down ruffling Vic's ears. He was covered in leaves and mud and his leash wasn't attached to him.
“He was in the kennel when I went and got King after talking to Hondje.”
“Likely she got bored while waiting and decided to take Vic for a walk. Something must have interrupted her though because his leash isn't attached and he's filthy.”
“You have a plan?”
“Vic came from that direction, let's start looking for her there.”
“I'll go get the others to help.”
Arthur and Theo set off in opposite directions, their dogs following them. As Arthur got further out and closer to the edge of the woods he spotted something in the grass. He bent down picking up Vic's leash.
“I dare say old boy she certainly came this way.”
Arthur attached Vic's leash to him and continued searching heading deep into the woods. He estimated he had been walking for at least a half hour when Vic started pulling at his leash. Arthur looked down at Vic and then in the direction he was pulling in.
“You think she's over that way?”
“Ruff Ruff Ruff!”
Arthur bent down ready to unclip Vic's leash.
“You better not get lost on me as well. I'm counting on you boy now go on, find her.”
As soon as the leash was off Vic took off in a mad dash with Arthur close behind him. The trees started to thin out and Vic ran faster. It wasn't long before Arthur heard Mitsukis voice.
“Vic! I'm so glad you're okay. Don't you ever run off like that again! I was worried about you.”
Arthur came to the edge of where the trees had thinned. In the center of a small clearing Mitsuki sat on the ground, her back to him and resting against a fallen log. There was just enough light from the moon let in to give the place an ethereal feel reminding him of a fairy circle. Mitsuki herself added to the atmosphere dressed in a gorgeous yet casual flowy dress.
“Did the fairies come to try and leed you away? Sorry to disappoint them if they did but I won't let them have you.”
Arthur made his way over to Mitsuki who was still sitting on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I'm so happy to see you! I got tired just waiting around for you so I decided to take a walk with Vic-”
“But he took off on you and you gave chase ending up here where you tripped on an exposed tree root and from the looks of it twisted your ankle quite badly.”
“How did you?”
“Theo was telling me what he'd done as Vic showed up without his leash, which I found outside the woods. The dirt over there near the base of that big tree is disturbed and you're knees are scraped, also you're still sitting on the ground leading me to the conclusion you can't move easily. Now let me take a better look at your ankle.”
Arthur gingerly examined her ankle and just as he had suspected she had twisted it badly enough to damage some of the muscles.
“I'm sorry Arthur. I know you had a whole romantic evening planned out for us and I ruined it.”
“It's true, if I had just been more-”
Just then Vic, who had been sitting with his head in Mitsukis lap, raised his head in rapt attention. Arthur and Mitsuki both followed his gaze and saw a huge rabbit sitting there.
“That's the same rabbit Vic took off after earlier!”
Arthur lunged for Vic's collar but the canine was faster and took off in a mad dash after the rabbit.
“He’s gone again. What do we do now?”
Arthur stood up then picked Mitsuki up in a princess carry, a wicked smile on his face.
“We’re going back to the mansion.”
“But what about Vic!”
“Theo can find him, punishment for what he did. Plus do you really think I'd pass up a chance to play doctor with you.”
Arthur laughed as Mitsuki whacked him lightly on the chest.
“You're incorrigible!”
“And I'll never deny it.”
Arthur leaned down and gave Mitsuki a passionate kiss.
“Happy Birthday Love.”
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mochiwrites · 2 years
a little kiss from me to you
a birthday fic for the wonderful 🍂 anon!!! heard from a lil birdie that today is your birthday and figured I’d write you a little something something <3 happy birf!!! and enjoy <3
cross posted on ao3.
Celebrating holidays is still something that’s relatively new to Grian. Of course he’s aware of the holidays, he used to celebrate them with Taurtis. But his time with the Watchers has ruined any traditions that he might have had before. He remembers a couple of things, specifically a memory of hiding under his blanket with Pearl and whispering Christmas stories to her.
But he never did anything beyond that. And as time went on, he honestly kind of just… forgot. The longer he was with the Watchers, the harder it was to keep track of time.
So you can imagine how jarring it is for Grian to experience the holidays.
Specifically with Scar and Mumbo.
“Uhhh what’s all this?” He questions, stepping into the hallway of the dining room. He’s managed to sleep in for once (a blessing all on its own, really), and was unfortunately the last to wake up. Really, it was quite sad; waking up alone in bed. There was a distinct lack of warmth on either side of him, and naturally Grian pushed himself out of bed to locate his boyfriends.
Which has led him to the dining room.
While wandering the halls, he had heard the soft murmurs of voices speaking. It drew Grian in, especially when he heard the warmth of Mumbo’s laughter. The sound was nearby, so Grian followed it.
Except now he stands in the doorway of the dining room, staring at both of his boyfriends. Scar is standing on a relatively tall ladder, with Mumbo at his side. He holds some golden garland in his hands, and he’s funneling it to Scar. Grian’s definitely concerned about Scar being up high with how clumsy he’s known to be.
Though what Grian’s eyes are focused on is the small plant hanging up in the doorway.
“Good morning G!~” Scar singsongs, seeming very energetic for ten in the morning. He twists on the ladder to wave at him.
Mumbo turns as well, shooting a warm smile at Grian. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
He takes a moment to look around the dining hall, seeing it full of decorations. There’s a tree tucked into the corner, though Grian isn’t sure if it’s real or not. It’s still bare, and he assumes it’s because the two are in the process of decorating the room itself.
“You’ve woken up just in time! Come help Mumbo and I decorate!” Scar says, still smiling and far too energetic for a grian who’s just rolled out of bed.
He looks back at his boyfriends with confusion, “Did I miss a special occasion or something?” He questions instead, though he does walk over to the pair.
“Uh, yeah! It’s December!” Scar answers, and he sways himself so intensely on the ladder that he loses his footing.
“Scar!” Grian and Mumbo call out simultaneously, though Mumbo is closer and quicker in catching the man as he topples off the ladder.
Scar lands right in Mumbo’s arms, a bridal style type carry. Grian laughs at their faces; Mumbo’s panicked yet flustered expression, and Scar’s smile of relief. “My hero!” Scar exclaims, leaning in to give Mumbo a kiss to express his gratitude. And then he’s hopping out of Mumbo’s arms, as if he hasn’t just fallen from a ladder.
“You’re seriously going to give one or both of us a heart attack one of these days.” Mumbo mutters, shaking his head.
“Seriously.” Grian nods his agreement. “But telling me it’s December isn’t all that helpful. Did you set up some kind of house party?” He asks, raising his brow.
“We’re getting ready for Christmas.” Mumbo explains for Scar, turning to Grian. “I told him we should wait for you, but he was too impatient.”
“Christmas? Oh!” Grian gasps as he remembers why December is such an important month for people. “Right, god I forgot all about it. It’s in December.”
“Mhm! And we’ve got some amayzin’ decorations to set up!” Scar’s muffled voice chimes in from where he’s now digging into a box. Grian hadn’t even realized he had walked off. Scar’s head pops up from the box, sparkling red garland hanging from his hair. “You wanna help?”
Grian snorts at him as Mumbo laughs. He walks over to Scar, plucking the garland from his hair before brushing it back. “Yes, you mad man. I’ll help you both put up decorations.” He chuckles, and Scar grins.
“Great! Well, then you go on and grab some of the big red ribbons from the box by Mumbo!” Scar suggests, and Grian fondly rolls his eyes before turning around.
As he does so, his eyes catch on that plant in the doorway again. “Scar, Mumbo,” He starts, turning to both of them. “What’s that plant hanging up?”
“Hm? Oh! That’s mistletoe.” Mumbo hums.
Grian blinks, “Is that also a part of the decorations?”
“Wait, Gri,” Scar asks, and he gets this look on his face that screams I’m planning something. “Do you not know about mistletoe?”
“Well I wouldn’t have asked if I did.” Grian retorts, and Scar grins.
Without saying another word, Scar grabs both Grian and Mumbo’s hands. He tugs them both over to the doorway, getting them to stand directly under the mistletoe. Grian looks at him, still feeling a bit confused. “I feel like I’m missing something else.” He says.
“Oh, don’t you worry, I’m getting to my point.” Scar replies, still grinning at him. And then, he gingerly cups Grian’s face in both his hands, leaning down to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. It surprises Grian at first, and he makes a little sound to express exactly that. But as all things with Scar, Grian leans into it. He presses his lips right back against his.
When they pull apart for air, “Your point is kissing me?” Grian’s nose scrunches.
“I figured it was better to show rather than tell.” Scar winks. “But if you really must know, it’s customary when you and another person are standing under mistletoe, you have to kiss. It’s a Christmas tradition!” He explains.
“Sounds like an excuse to kiss people to me.” Grian mumbles before turning to Mumbo and pulling him into a kiss. It’s Mumbo’s turn to be surprised, though he squawks right into the kiss. Though as soon as he meets Grian’s kiss, he’s wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer.
They pull back soon after, and Mumbo’s cheeks are flushed red. It makes Grian laugh at him. Scar decides to strike as well, though he seems to take a bit of mercy on Mumbo with a light but still loving kiss.
“See? It’s a great tradition!” Scar replies once he has access to his airways again.
“Right.” Grian agrees, though he still thinks it’s a bit silly. But he’ll keep that one to himself. “Now, about those decorations?”
“Scar’s lost his ladder privileges!” Mumbo calls as they make their way back to the boxes. Scar rushes ahead of them, lost in the excitement.
Grian can only smile.
Celebrating the holidays is still an adjustment. But he likes adjusting with Scar and Mumbo. The kisses are nice too.
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rozcdust · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: None
Genre: Darkfic
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Body horror, emetophobia, derealisation, delusions, worms
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You were never a horribly observant person. Not that you were stupid, of course, but something small, like a new haircut or a new piercing, simply escaled your perception, your mind refusing to find such things important enough to take note.
But today, you made sure to observe.
There is a crow.
Not particularly weird or malicious, after all, it was just a bird. Not peculiarly big or small, nothing amiss with the bird at all, the feathers just the right amount of shiny, just the right amount of black. Its beady eyes look at you almost politely, more akin to a puppy than a corvid.
Still, it was a little odd, to see one alone. Crows are sociable little birdies, sticking together always. Why would this one be alone?
You look around and find no more birds, but shrug it off. It’s just a bird, after all.
You’re already running late, but you can’t really tell by how much. Your watch isn’t working anymore and the clock in the wedding venue has stopped.
In retrospect, that didn’t mean anything - clocks do that sometimes, their battery runs out and people don’t notice nor care enough to change it until their eyes drift to observe their surroundings and the clock is still, or their ears pick up on the sudden silence, sudden lack of a small ‘tick-tock-tick-tick-‘.
The ceremony is beautiful, just the perfect mix of heartfelt and tear-jerking, Hinata and Takemichi look nothing short of ethereal as they say their vows, happier than ever.
You join the group crowding the happy couple, cheering and congratulating them, tears streaming down your face. Onto your tongue, coating it.
It tastes like pennies.
Hinata is crying too, still managing to look like a goddess even as her makeup smears. Takemichi is smiling, wide and happier than you’ve ever seen him.
You’re so, so happy for your friends. They deserve it.
You try to not look at the priest for too long. You saw something you didn’t quite like in his eyes a couple of moments before, and you’d prefer not to meet his eyes again. You couldn’t shake the feeling that they were more akin to the scratched eyes of taxidermy than those of a man.
You can see the smallest speck of crimson on the tablecloth covering the altar. You can’t tell if it’s blood or wine.
You ignore the nagging sensation at the back of your mind.
It feels like you missed something.
Kokonoi and you liked to read the fortune from cards, his speciality playing cards, your tarot, and it was all meant to be in good fun when the two of you offered the happy couple to do their reading at the reception, both of you theatrically pulling decks out of nowhere.
The couple laughed, and Koko offered to read Hinata’s future, while you took Takemichi, who asked how his marriage will go, smiling softly and joking around with the guys who came to watch.
Your hands brush Takemichi’s fingers as you hand him the deck, asking him to cut the cards, and you can’t stop the shiver creeping up your back.
His fingers feel waxy and cold when they brush against yours, as if they were covered by frostbite, and you try to contain the urge to recoil in disgust.
You’re missing something. A detail is escaping your perception, and the feeling is eating away at you, bit by bit.
You try to ignore the buzz in your ears, shaking your head and rolling your eyes as Ran decisively calls fortune-reading bullshit and asks to be next in the same breath.
There is a soft ‘tick-tock-tick-tick-tick’ filling the air now, hiding just underneath the cacophony of voices and music.
You glance at the clock. It’s still not working.
As Takemichi, grinning, pulls out three cards, handing them to you without looking, you can no longer hold back the dread clawing at your throat.
If only you could pinpoint what. Have you gone insane?
Reverse Magician. Upright Ten of Swords. Upright Tower.
Weddings aren’t the time for cards like these.
Illusions. Collapse of an established system. Disaster.
You swallow the bile rising up your throat, hard, and shaking your head, you smile, shoving the cards deep inside the deck and shuffling it again, spurting out an excuse for how it wasn’t properly shuffled.
Takemichi shrugs, and pulls out three cards again.
Reverse Page of Swords. Upright Eight of Cups. Upright Tower.
Deception. Leaving someone behind. Disaster.
You shove the cards under the deck and smile, hoping it doesn’t look too fake.
“You’ll love her until the day you die.” The lie rolls smoothly off your tongue, and Takemichi doesn’t seem to notice, thanking you as Ran shoves him out of his seat, demanding to go next.
You briefly glance at Kokonoi, just to check. Maybe your cards are wrong.
A look of the same confusion as was on yours is mirrored on his face, looking between Hina and the cards.
You look down at the cards.
Deceit. Danger. Cation.
Kokonoi’s saying she’s the happiest woman alive.
He’s lying as well.
Everyone is smiling, happy and content. Hard work finally paying off. Everyone is the best version of themselves possible. Everyone has fulfilled their life purposes and goals.
It’s just cards. It’s just a broken clock.
You’re missing something. You can’t tell if others are missing it too.
When Takemichi laughs, it feels like he has too many teeth. His eyes flicked to meet yours and his grin is soft and bright.
Were his teeth always that sharp?
You refuse to look anymore.
Mikey smiles at you, asking if you’re okay, politely.
You blame it on tiredness, after all, running your own business isn’t easy. He nods, laughs, pats your back and leaves.
Did he always have a tattoo on the back of his neck?
You blink, staring at the familiar design, unsure where have you seen it before.
Did Mikey’s hair always have a white sheen?
You blink once again and it’s gone.
You excuse yourself from a conversation with the Akashi siblings to go to the bathroom. You need to calm down.
Did Haruchiyo always have the smallest semblance of diamond-patterned scars on his cheeks?
Did he always have that manic glint in his eye?
His tongue peeks out to lick at the corner of lips.
When did he start bleeding?
You’ve missed something.
The inside of the bathroom stall has mold growing on the wall, thick and black with fungi and worms. The wall is crumbling. You know it wasn’t there an hour ago, it couldn’t have been, you would have noticed.
You can smell the rot and mildew, and it’s making you gag, tears gathering in the corner of your eyes.
Something sour and wet rises up your throat, and you can’t keep it down this time around.
You spit out the lump in the toilet bowl, the salty, slimy taste still engraved on your tongue, forcing you to gag some more, desperate to keep your food down.
You open your eyes, and regret that you did. You’re certain you’re loosing your mind now.
A reddened, murky eye with blue irises stares up at you.
It blinks without eyelids.
You slam the stall doors shut behind you, in a rush to get away, and find Takemichi on the other side, inquiring if you’re okay, inquiring if you need any assistance or to lay down.
You shake your head, no, rubbing your eyes, a lie that you perhaps had too much to drink slipping off your tongue, well practiced and sensical.
Takemichi laughs.
Your hand reaches out to pat his shoulder, and the skin underneath his suit feels like dough.
It feels like it’s rotting.
Takemichi’s smile looks like it hurts.
His teeth are stained red.
Is it from wine or blood? Why can’t you tell?
What did you miss?
Were his eyes always that misty, dull grey? Or were they blue before? Maybe even brown? Green, perhaps?
They’re clear and bright, looking at you.
The cogs in your brain set themselves into place.
It clicks.
You know what you missed now.
And you’ve missed something big this time.
“Who are you?”
He tilts his head, and even through the innocence of the gesture, it feels like a threat.
“What? Hey, Chifuyu, it’s me.” Worried now, Takemichi steps closer, his arms extending towards you, “You’re sure you’re okay? Want me to call Baji or Tora?”
You try to take a step back.
The thought of his cold, soft flesh touching yours again makes your skin crawl.
“Takemichi would never not cry at his own wedding. Who are you?” You demand, stepping back, still trying to escape his grasp.
His hands touch your forearms.
His skin is freezing cold. His hands are turning purple.
Why can’t you remember?
“Chifuyu, it’s me. Just Takemichi.” He grins.
He has too many teeth, and his eyes aren’t blue.
There is a maggot burrowing itself into his skin just underneath the collar of his shirt.
His face is slipping.
The thing in front of you isn’t your friend.
You’ve missed something again.
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@dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @graythecoffeebean @yukihime-mikeys-girl @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @luvjiro @sanchezbloodline @a-toxic-person @lostsomewhereinthegarden
a/n: the last chapter gave me appropriate horror vibes so had to go ahead
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thewiscryptid · 2 years
🇹‌🇮‌🇹‌🇦‌🇳‌ 🇦‌🇪‌ 🇸‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇪‌🇳‌🇨‌🇪‌🇸‌ (2000)
change any pronouns or words to suit your use! 
❛  My invention broke.  ❜
❛  No today, kid. We gotta go.  ❜
❛  We all have to go somewhere safe.  ❜
❛  Maybe when you're older, kid.  ❜
❛  I have to go away for awhile.  ❜
❛  It's not safe where I'm going.  ❜
❛  Take this. As long as you wear it, there's hope. I will see you again.  ❜
❛  No! It's not okay! It's not okay!  ❜
❛  Destroy the humans. Destroy them all.  ❜
❛  You can wait in line, I'm taking the express.  ❜
❛  I'm not asking for that much. I just want them to kill my food before serving it to me.  ❜
❛  Every day I wake up, it's still the present. The same, grimy present. I don't think this future thing exists.  ❜
❛  Ah ha! Just needed some love!  ❜
❛  We don't like your attitude.  ❜
❛  If you wanna hunt humans, remember we travel in packs.  ❜
❛  What I'm doing is, commonly known as, 'helping'.  ❜
❛  You've really changed me. Really, it's just beautiful. You've changed me.  ❜
❛  I don't need you or anyone. I don't need your 'mission'. And I don't need your help with these overgrown morons.  ❜
❛  Are we in good company?  ❜
❛  I think we've fallen in with a very bad crowd.  ❜
❛  I've spent the last 15 years looking for you.  ❜
❛  How do you know they want me dead?  ❜
❛  You should be bracing yourself.  ❜
❛  Please, tell me this pod has an eject.  ❜
❛  Is it dead? Can we eat it?  ❜
❛  Why you positively glow with maternal warmth. It’s very fetching. I must have you. ❜
❛  I must have you.  ❜
❛  For your information, I am humanity's last, one great hope.  ❜
❛  I weep for the species.  ❜
❛  Do you mind? Are we through pawing?  ❜
❛  This is ___, not a singles' bar.  ❜
❛  I never agreed to help you. What’s in this ‘great cause’ for me?  ❜
❛  Where are my pants?!  ❜
❛  You wanna watch who you're stepping on.  ❜
❛  Fight the good fight, precious!  ❜
❛  I will kill you, okay? I. Will. Kill. You.  ❜
❛  I am educated and well-read! I am not a mechanic! I HAVE MY PRIDE!  ❜
❛  I made it last night in my sleep.  ❜
❛  I put a button on it. I wish to press it but I do not know what will happen if I do.  ❜
❛  I’ll tell you a secret, this guy’s nuts!  ❜
❛  This isn’t a joyride, kid.  ❜
❛  It’s not about a good run. It’s about survival.  ❜
❛  I’m not keen on being caught with my trousers down.  ❜
❛  Yes, making progress. Yes! I’m making progress!  ❜
❛  Yes, caveman. ____, bad. We, good. Now go look at something shiny for awhile!  ❜
❛  What were you doing?! Taking a nap?!  ❜
❛  Let’s quit running our collective mouths and go get him.  ❜
❛  No matter how hard things got— no matter how hard— those memories kept me going.  ❜
❛  It’s not what we did. They’re afraid of what we’d become.  ❜
❛  Easy, big girl. This requires cunning and deception.  ❜
❛  Stop fidgeting, worm!  ❜
❛  Just out of curiosity, do we have a plan B?  ❜
❛  Hm. An intelligent guard. Didn’t see that one coming.  ❜
❛  The boy is not dead. That is cause for happiness.  ❜
❛  Aw, we were just about to rescue you.  ❜
❛  We got really lucky. But next time…  ❜
❛  Thank you for trying to find me. It’s more than my father ever did.  ❜
❛  You know, I— I miss him.  ❜
❛  That junk is all that’s left of the place we came from.  ❜
❛  You think this is some game? We had a deal!  ❜
❛  Look what I found: two little birdies, itching to fly.  ❜
❛  Everything was a lie? Everything you told me?  ❜
❛  The only thing that matters is grabbing what you can before somebody else does.  ❜
❛  Why they not say goodbye to ____?  ❜
❛  Uh, I’d lean back if I were you.  ❜
❛  What? Should I get out and push?  ❜
❛  I’m picking up a veritable cornucopia of nothing.  ❜
❛  I need one clear shot. Don’t lose ‘em.  ❜
❛  Watch the ship. I always watch the ship. Something doesn’t feel right.  ❜
❛  Is ____ right there with you? Tell him goodbye for me, would you?  ❜
❛  I can’t change the past but I hope I can give you a future.  ❜
❛  He always did talk too much.  ❜
❛  It wasn’t just the money that they were offering. It was the health plan. I get to live if they kill all of you.  ❜
❛  I’ll just take a little nap. Since I’m so… very sleepy.  ❜
❛  Oh, stop! There’s nothing more tiresome than last minute heroics!  ❜
❛  You’re not gonna shoot me, kid.  ❜
❛  Go. It’s better this way.  ❜
❛  Yeah. I’m going to call it… ‘Bob’.  ❜
❛  What? You’re the King of ____ now?  ❜
❛  I am never, ever….calling it that.  ❜
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breakerwhiskey · 3 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
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Okay, Birdie, we’ve gone North. We’ve gone so far North that we’re quite literally at the Canadian border. I’ve never been to Canada. Well, I guess I have now—the moment we got to the sign, I stopped the car and Harry and I both jumped out and ran for the other side of the border. One of those moments where we both had the exact same idea at the exact same time.
I missed that. The way that we can be in perfect sync. Sometimes on a job, we could communicate with just a look. The whole crew had that ability to some extent, but it always felt…you know. Better. With Harry.
Things have been…better. With Harry. I demanded she tell me anything else she’d left out about Pete and her snitching and…I think I know everything now. Even if I have no idea what to do with it. But it’s cleared the air some. Made me understand her a little more. Even if I’m still furious so much of the time…that fury is not aimed solely at her anymore.
It’s her birthday today. June 30th. She didn’t mention anything to me—it’s not like we’ve got a wall calendar hanging off the rearview mirror or anything, so it was only when I was doing my usual marking of my atlas that I realized.
I didn’t get her a gift, obviously. A trip to Canada, I guess. When I wished her a happy birthday, she just sort of…quietly said thank you and that was that.
We’re both a year older and not any wiser for it. We know more now, about the world, about each other. It doesn’t feel like—I’m not sure what other secrets we possibly would have to reveal to each other. And yet, I don’t feel like I actually understand anything. I’m still just…out to sea.
I don’t know. I miss Donnie. I wish I could talk to him about this stuff, I wish—I wish I could talk to him about Pete. I wish I could have someone else’s perspective on her. On us. And the real problem is that, despite everything, I still—
The look on her face when she got to the other side of the border. We were both out of breath and red faced, like kids who had raced to the front door. And she smiled so big and she looked at me and said “Didn’t I tell you once that I’d take you to another country someday?”
I honestly couldn’t believe that she remembered that. She said it one time, years ago. I remembered it of course, because at that time I was looking for any kind of scrap that she…
We were at a new exhibit at the Morgan Library—rare manuscripts, I think from the renaissance, I can’t really remember. Pete—(voice cracking) uh, Pete, um, loved—loved stealing manuscripts. They were hard to steal, because they had to be so delicately handled, but Harry knew how to do it, which gave Pete an advantage that most thieves didn’t have. With big exhibits of them, we could steal just one, not a whole collection, and still get a really good deal for them. Especially since there is always a wealthy person out there who wants to own one just for the sake of having something rare and won’t fuss too much about where it came from.
Anyway, we were casing the place, her and I, because Harry could spend hours looking at every corner of an exhibit and make it seem totally natural, like she was just looking at the art. She usually went alone, just to get the layout of the exhibits, but we’d never tried robbing the Morgan Library before, so I went with her to get a sense for the whole building’s security. And we…
We had a good time. We had a really good time. We laughed at all the weird margin drawings that the monks would leave in the books of hours, or whatever they were, and Harry would tell me about the history of when and where these things had been written and, if she’d been to the place herself, she’d talk a little bit about what it was like now. I’ve never been…anywhere. And when I told her that, she said, “I’ll take you someday. Everyone should leave the country at least once”.
Actually, I think she said “continent”. That’s…obviously not possible now. Well, I guess we could go to South America but…I’m just happy she remembers that conversation at all. I thought about it for weeks afterwards. What she meant by it. The implication that she would be with me if I traveled. That she’d be the one to take me.
You know, I could get her a rare manuscript for her next birthday—I could walk into any museum in this country and walk right out with one, just like I did with that painting in Santa Fe.
"Her next birthday”…guess I am thinking that we’ll still be, well, that we’ll still be alive and that we’ll still be together a year from now. But I really don’t know that for certain, do I?
Anyway, should we keep going North or…do you want to give us a little direction here? Literal direction, in this case.
[click, static]
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emma-m-black · 21 days
Sister Kent - Chapter Two
Ted Lasso/OC (Roy Kent's Little Sister) (FanFiction) - PG
Takes place in season one, the night the Roy goes to Ted's flat and talks to him (and gets offered peanut butter). Ted and Roy's little sister hit it off.
This is a rough draft as always and I wrote this to be 4 chapters. Hope you enjoy.
Author Master List
Read Chapter One
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Chapter Two:
Juliet was sitting in the office of one Rebecca Welton. "Thank you again so much for this opportunity."
"Of course, you came highly recommended and you have family here. Makes you less likely to take off at some point, and then I'm not stuck hiring my fifth physiotherapist in two and a half years." Said Rebecca as she leaned back in her seat.
Higgens when to open his mouth to speak when a knock came on the door. "Bing-bong! It's biscuits o'clock." Turning herself Juliet brought her eyes to see Ted standing in the doorway, backpack on and two small boxes and a to-go cup in his hands.
"Higgins! You're back!" Ted said cheerfully as he entered the room and came to stand in the empty space between Juliet and Higgins.
"Yeah!" Replied Higgins.
"All right. Well, hey, I know I may be a little too old-school for some folks but I'm gonan say it anyway. Hell to the yeah." Ted then carefully handed one box over to Rebecca. "Here you go, boss. Those are yours."
"Thank you, Ted."
"And these are for Higgins. I had a hunch you were gonna be here." Ted then handed the second box over to Higgins.
"Actually, those were for Trent Crimm's daughter. She turns three today. But it means more to me if you had 'em."
It took everything in her to not laugh as Juliet watched Higgin's face changed from one of happiness to horror. "What? No. No, no."
Ted waved his hand in the air and took a small step back. "No. It's okay. She won't remember."
From the little Juliet knew of Ted, she figured he had to be messing with Higgins, and that he would never deprive a little girl of cookies.
"Oh, Ted, you've already told her?" Said an exasperated but smiling Rebecca.
"Yeah, weeks ago. She's been looking forward to it. But she's three. She'll bounce right back. It'll be fine."
Higgins who was now shaking with fear looked to Juliet as if she was a life line. "No way. I can't."
Finally Ted let out a laugh and then the others followed. "I'm screwing with you. I'm just messing around." He patted Higgins shoulder. "I predicted this whole thing, and I made those myself for you."
An audible sigh left Higgins. "Oh. Thank you."
"Just like I predicted I should bring a cup of hot brown morning potion for Ms. Capulet." Ted held out the large cup to Juliet with a large smile. "A little birdy told me that you like one cream two sugar."
"Thank you, Montague." Juliet replied as she took the offered cup from Ted.
"What is happening?" Asked Rebecca, who was drifting her gaze between the two in question. "Do you two know each other?"
"I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Kent last night." Ted motioned to Juliet with a smile.
Juliet responded with a quite chuckle and then looked from Ted to Rebecca. "He let me stick my finger in his peanut butter."
Rebecca's eyebrow raised and she looked between the two trying to figure out what she was missing from the conversation and if peanut butter was a euphemism for something.
"Do you mind if I steal Juliet here, I promised her I'd give her the old Ted Lasso tour of the grounds?"
"I was gonna have Higgins show her around but by all means Ted go ahead. Just be sure to come back before the end of the day and we will finish out the rest of the paper work.
Juliet stood from her chair and looked to Rebecca. "Thank you once again for this opportunity." She gave her dress pants an unconscious smooth and reached down to pick up her backpack.
"I hope it works out, I'm really am getting tired of hiring new physiotherapists." Rebecca responded with a laugh.
"Here allow me Milday." Ted said while holding out a hand in the direction of Juliet's backpack.
Figuring he was not the type to argue with she held out the extremely worn leather bag. Once the strap was in his palm he took the weight of it and gave a grunt as he let himself fall towards the floor slightly, then stood back up with a laugh. "I'm just messing with ya." Ted gave a laugh and then motioned for Juliet to follow him. "I can't wait to introduce you to the rest of the team."
Once the two of them were out of the room, Higgins turned back to Rebecca. "We don't think..."
"No." Rebecca said quickly, picking up her box of biscuits. She looked sure in her answer until her eyebrows scrunched together and pursed her lips as she stared back at Higgins.
"Neah." They both quickly said.
Ted opened the door to the physio room and allowed Juliet to enter first. "So this will be your new home away from home. I thought for sure that Phillip, who replaced Gail, who replaced Susan, who replaced other Phillip, who replaced Michael, was gonna stick around. Heck, I figured about our little cleansing ritual we would have expelled any of that negative energy."
"Oh you guys cleaned out the place?' Asked Juliet as she looked around the room.
"No like for reals. The recovery room was cursed by the spirits of all these dead solders."
Juliet looked back to where Ted was stood in the entry to the room and shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps I need to sacrifice something to the Richmond spirits too."
A large smile appeared on Ted's face at the genuine response from Juliet. "Your office is just behind there." Ted pointed towards a door with a large glass frosted window. "Did you wanna leave your bag there for the meantime. Phillip already cleared out everything for you and plans on just working from in here for the last little bit."
"Oh, sure. That was nice of him."
Opening the door to the office Juliet found a decent sized wooden desk housing a computer and a few boxes of random office supplies. A row of filing cabinets along was sat along one wall, and a large x-ray film viewer across the other. "So how long have you been doin' this for?" Asked Ted who had come to stand next to her in the room now.
"I graduated two years ago. After I got my degrees I got hired on at the clinic I had been interning at." Juliet took her backpack from Ted and laid it down on the top of the desk.
"I have a degree in Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy. I originally wanted to get into orthopedic surgery, but then I realized I preferred being pro-active to re-active. I find my enjoyment out of helping to create long term solutions as apposed to just cutting into someone."
Juliet looked up to Ted with a smile on her face. "Maybe it's silly, but I want to make a difference with the people I help, work with them, as apposed to just slapping a solution on them and never seeing them again."
"I couldn't agree more Juliet." Said Ted softly.
Unzipping her backpack Juliet reached inside and pulled out a soft brown crocheted plushy. Juliet sat the object down on the edge of her desk and settled the bottom of it so that it rested upright. Ted tilted his head slightly to examine the object. "Is that a potato?"
"It's my emotional support potato. Phoebe got it for me. I had been talking with my sister about being conflicted on what I wanted to do, and how I thought she would be disappointed in me. Think I was quitting, before I had even really started."
Ted leaned down to examine the white card that the potato's tiny arms were holding. "I may be a tiny potato, but I believe in you. Go do your thing. Good words to live by." Said Ted as he straightened up. "Come on, let's get you introduced to the rest of the gang, and then the real tour starts."
"Oh, the real tour. Feel like you are about to show me some magical wardrobe that takes me to another world."
"More like a door that leads to a very stinky boot room." Ted's nose scrunched up imposing the unpleasant expertise she was sure to have in only moments. "Oh hey, wanna play like you don't know your brother plays here?"
A soft giggle left Juliet before she moved around the desk and both her and Ted exited the room.
Making their way down the hall, Ted led Juliet into the managers office. When they entered through the doorway Juliet immediately noticed a man sitting on a cabinet fidgeting with his hands, and another man sat with his feet propped up on the top of the desk, book in hand.
"Coach Beard, our Kit Man Nathan Shelley, I would like to introduce the newest member of our team. Staring in the role of team Physiotherapist, Ms. Juliet Kent."
The man with his feet up immediately dropped his book down from in front of his face and looked her over, with a slight squint. "Kent?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Said Juliet with a smile.
"Yup." Replied Ted.
"Kent..." The man in the desk said again as he pointed out into the locker room. "Like the footballer Roy Kent, of the Richmond Hounds, Roy Kent?"
"OH MY GOD, this is the Richmond Hounds isn't it? My bother plays here!" Juliet all but shouted, her hands came up to cover her mouth in surprise and her eyes went wide.
Ted let a laugh slip from his lips, and slowly Coach Beards face changed to that of realization. "I thought you were an Emergency Doctor?"
"That's the other sister." Said Juliet.
"I didn't know Roy Kent had another sister." Spoke Nathan from beside her. "Umm, Ted, can I talk to you a moment."
"Sure thing."
Ted and Nathan left the room, leaving Juliet alone with Beard. "So Coach Beard, before Ted get's back wanna make up a secret handshake?"
"You're crazy will fit in here just fine." Beard placed his book down on the desk and look at Juliet with an evil smirk. "And yes, always yes."
By the time Ted and Nathan had come back into the room, Beard and Juliet were putting the final touches on their handshake, and quickly separated once they had company. "Did yawl just make up a secret handshake already?"
"No." Replied Juliet and Beard at the same time.
"Hmm, I see how it is." Said Ted with a smirk.
Chapter Three
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