#black butler x t/n
dianashiori · 6 months
¿Qué haría Sebastian Michaelis si su pareja tuviera depresión? / What would Sebastian Michaelis do if his partner had depression?
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PRECAUCIÓN: El contenido mostrado a continuación no es apto para personas con susceptibilidad a temas de salud mental. Si llegas a sospechar que padeces de problemas de salud mental, considera acudir a un especialista en salud mental para obtener una mejor orientación. / CAUTION: The content shown below is not suitable for people with sensitivities to mental health issues. If you suspect that you have mental health problems, consider seeing a mental health specialist for better guidance.
PRECAUCIÓN 2: Se hace mención acerca de actos sexuales, acoso, comentarios hirientes y autolesion. Contenido no apto para menores de edad o personas susceptibles al contenido. / CAUTION 2: Mention is made about sexual acts, harassment, hurtful comments and self-harm. Content not suitable for minors or people susceptible to the content.
Versión Español:
No es que Sebastian no se haya dado cuenta de que su amada era diferente al resto de humanos, aunque a la vez muy similar. Ha visto esa clase de padecimientos en muchos humanos, ha visto como poco a poco se rompen y hacen añicos a si mismos, como pierden el sentido de la vida y la capacidad de sentir placer se va disminuyendo al punto de llegar a sentirse anestesiados.
Pero cuando su humana especial comenzó a convivir con él, más de cerca, fue evidente que algo no iba del todo bien.
Siempre notaba tu perdida de apetito, bastante recurrente, también comenzó a sospechar que su constante ausencia de su hogar daba oportunidad a qué intencionalmente omitieras alimentarte. En un principio pensó que era una protesta por dejarte sola mientras él iba a trabajar de mayordomo con su amo todo el día, pero después comenzaste a dejar comida en tu plato y a veces manifestabas no tener hambre.
Comenzó a intentar alimentarte, lo intentaba con dulzura y paciencia, era un demonio, su paciencia y determinación eran superiores a las de los humanos. Pero sabía que intentar forzarte a comer sería muy agresivo para ti, por lo que tuvo que valerse de estrategias para hacerte probar bocado. No logro hacerte acabar la comida pero si hacerte comer más de la mitad.
También se dio cuenta de tu insomnio, no importa que tan quieta te quedarás o cuánto tiempo tuvieras los ojos cerrados, tu respiración y latidos no eran iguales estando despierta y dormida, por lo que supo enseguida que fingias dormir. Optó por preparar leche caliente, masajes, incluso provocarte orgasmos con sus dedos, boca y miembro, pero no había mucha mejoría, a excepción de unas noches donde lograbas dormir unas cuantas horas.
Él no necesita dormir y por unas noches pensó que era una excusa tuya para pasar más tiempo con él y que en la mañana cuando se fuera, tu dormirias, pero al notar tus ojeras crecientes y que estabas mucho más distraída y torpe que de costumbre, se dio cuenta que te habías pasado todo el día despierta.
Cuando se trataba de tu higiene, para él era más sencillo ayudarte, ya que desde que viven juntos, hicieron costumbre ducharse juntos, por lo que, aunque tú no tuvieras voluntad de ducharte, él era quien se encargaba. Al salir cepillaba tu cabello y aprovechaba para contarte cosas sobre su trabajo, como los casos que la reina encomendaba a su amo, las travesuras de los sirvientes o incluso los chistes e historias de Undertaker, pensó que si te decía esas cosas entonces tu también le dirías cosas de tu día a día otra vez.
Hubo ocasiones en las que tenías que salir de casa sola, en las cuales tratabas de esforzarte mucho por superar tu condición y hacer vida normal por unas horas, pero regresabas peor de lo que saliste, por ejemplo, un día tus mejillas estaban lastimadas por qué tus padres te habían abofeteado por decir que no pensabas volver a casa porque ya habías formado un hogar con tu novio mayordomo, tu vestido había sido rasgado a tirones por tus ex "amistades" debido a una discusión sobre rumores que escucharon sobre ti y tu extraño comportamiento "hermitaño".
Sin mencionar que las personas en el mercado hablaban muy cruelmente de ti: "Mira ese cabello tan opaco, se ve como una anciana", "Ese cuerpo tan delgado y frágil, como puede un hombre meter su miembro dentro de ese saco de huesos", "Tiene una mirada tan horrible, parece como si estuviera muerta".
Sebastian al llegar y observarte en tal estado, y verte inmóvil y completamente silenciosa, supo enseguida que el mundo no estaba dispuesto a cooperar para que tuvieras un momento de tranquilidad. Ya se encargaría en secreto de vengarse monstruosamente por lo que te habían hecho, pero esos días en que regresabas de una mala salida, eran los señalados para consentirte e intentar levantarte el poco ánimo que te quedaba del día.
Y hablando del sexo, ciertamente disminuyó, pero no fue porque Sebastian ya no quisiera tenerte tan seguido, sino que eras tú quién no tenía ánimos ni libido para desear llevar a cabo el coito. Sebastian aceptó esto, no siempre te negabas, había ocasiones donde aceptabas gustosa que él te poseyera, pero comparado al inicio de su vida juntos, esto había disminuido. Aunque cada vez que lograban llevar a cabo el acto sexual, Sebastian trataba de priorizar tu placer antes que el suyo y se aseguraba de que en todo momento estuvieras de acuerdo para continuar.
Esta condición no era algo común en la época, por lo que Sebastian desconocía muchas cosas acerca de los cuidados adecuados para ayudarte, por lo que a veces cuando volvía del trabajo podía percibir un ligero olor a sangre que provenía de tu boca. Al examinarte de cerca, observo que tenías pequeñas heridas en tus labios, y no solo eso, también tus rodillas y pies tenían moretones, como si hubieras pateado algo y te hubieras dejado caer. Esto no lo esperaba, sabía que algunos humanos lo hacían, pero jamás pensó que tú condición te arrastraría a esas acciones.
Cuando te encontraba con esas autolesiones, se encargaba de ponerte bálsamos en tus labios y en los moretones para que sanarán mejor y llevarte a la cama con él para besarte y darte todo el amor que necesitabas. Pero en momentos como esos, Sebastian reconocía que tus heridas eran solo un reflejo de un dolor aún más profundo, que sin duda costaría mucho tiempo sanar.
Esta clase de cosas solían suceder en temporadas muy cortas, podías estar bajo esa condición por uno o dos meses y poco a poco volverías a la normalidad. Había sus recaídas y a veces duraban más tiempo que la anterior o más corto, y sin medicamento eficaz en esa época, era complicado prevenir volver a ese abismo en el que te atrapabas. Pero eso no suponía una molestia para Sebastian, después de todo, eras su humana especial, era adicto a ti, eras su droga, así que si un día necesitabas de él para salir de esa pesadilla, con gusto acudiría a tu ayuda.
A veces Ciel notaba que su mayordomo estaba más relajado, desconociendo por completo que su mayordomo estaba ayudando a su pareja a pasar por un infierno personal, pero en esas épocas donde su demonio estaba apacible, le sugería, casi ordenándole, que trajera a su pareja a pasar la tarde en la mansión. Sebastian no lo consideraba como una buena idea, pero dado tu historial de malas experiencias con el mundo exterior, pensó que ayudarte a salir con personas más conscientes y menos críticas ayudaría a tu mejoría o aplazamiento de tus crisis depresivas.
Tal como Sebastian lo supuso, Ciel y el resto de sirvientes te hicieron sentir con tanta naturalidad que por un momento te sentiste mucho mejor que en días anteriores. El día avanzo con tanta calma y alegría que al final del día volviste a casa en los brazos de Sebastian. Se ducharon juntos y por último fueron a la cama, donde tuvieron una pequeña charla antes de que te quedarás dormida.
S: Hoy tuve doble recompensa.
(T/n): ¿A sí?
S: Si, porque mi amo estuvo de buen humor por tu presencia, así que no hubo reclamos por su parte, y mejor aún, tú estabas ahí conmigo y los demás sirvientes, y pude ver una de tus sonrisas espontáneas que hace semanas que no veía.
(T/n): Lamento haber sido una carga estos meses.
S: No fuiste una carga, no es tu culpa sentir que tú mundo se viene abajo y que nada tiene sentido, soy tu novio, y voy a estar para ti cuando me necesites.
(T/n): No quiero que digas eso, porque después puedes arrepentirte y abandonarme.
S: Jajaja, estoy loco por ti, todo aquello que involucré cuidar de ti para mí es un placer, no importa si los humanos se cansan y se arrepienten, yo no lo haré.
(T/n): Te amo.
S: Yo también te amo.
(T/n): No se escucha sincero si lo dices sujetando mis glúteos.
S: Jajaja, es mi forma de decirte que he estado impaciente por tocarte, desde que te vi pasear de un lado a otro por la mansión, tan curiosa y obediente de lo que otros decían.
Sin duda, esta noche eran de esas veces donde Sebastian y tú podían disfrutar de la calma después de la tormenta.
English Version:
It's not that Sebastian didn't realize that his beloved was different from other humans, although at the same time very similar. He has seen this kind of suffering in many humans, he has seen how little by little they break and shatter themselves, how they lose the meaning of life and the ability to feel pleasure diminishes to the point of feeling anesthetized.
But when his special human began to live with him more closely, it was evident that something was not quite right.
He always noticed your loss of appetite, quite recurrent, and he also began to suspect that your constant absence from your home gave you the opportunity to intentionally omit feeding. At first he thought it was a protest for leaving you alone while he went to work as a butler with his master all day, but then you started leaving food on your plate and sometimes you said you weren't hungry.
He began to try to feed you, he tried with gentleness and patience, he was a demon, his patience and determination were superior to those of humans. But he knew that trying to force you to eat would be very aggressive for you, so he had to use strategies to make you try a bite. I can't make you finish the food but I can make you eat more than half.
He also noticed your insomnia, no matter how still you stayed or how long you had your eyes closed, your breathing and heartbeat were not the same when you were awake and asleep, so he knew right away that you were pretending to sleep. She chose to prepare hot milk, massages, even make you orgasm with her fingers, mouth and member, but there wasn't much improvement, except for a few nights where you managed to sleep for a few hours.
He doesn't need to sleep and for a few nights he thought it was an excuse for you to spend more time with him and that in the morning when he left, you would sleep, but when he noticed your growing dark circles and that you were much more distracted and clumsy than usual, He realized that you had been awake all day.
When it came to your hygiene, it was easier for him to help you, since since you lived together, you made it a habit to shower together, so, even if you were not willing to shower, he was the one who took care of it. When he left, he brushed your hair and took the opportunity to tell you things about his work, such as the cases that the queen entrusted to her master, the pranks of the servants or even Undertaker's jokes and stories. He thought that if he told you those things then you would also tell him. you would say things about your everyday life again.
There were times when you had to leave the house alone, when you tried hard to overcome your condition and lead a normal life for a few hours, but you came back worse than you left, for example, one day your cheeks were hurt because why? your parents had slapped you for saying you weren't planning on coming home because you had already made a home with your butler boyfriend, your dress had been torn by your former "friends" due to an argument over rumors they heard about you and your stranger. "hermit" behavior.
Not to mention that the people in the market spoke very cruelly about you: "Look at that dull hair, she looks like an old woman", "That body is so thin and fragile, how can a man fit his member inside that bag of bones" , "She has such a horrible look, she looks like she's dead."
Sebastian, upon arriving and observing you in such a state, and seeing you motionless and completely silent, knew immediately that the world was not willing to cooperate so that you could have a moment of peace. He would secretly take charge of taking monstrous revenge for what they had done to you, but those days when you returned from a bad outing were the ones designated to pamper you and try to lift the little spirit you had left of the day.
And speaking of sex, it certainly decreased, but it wasn't because Sebastian no longer wanted to have you so often, but rather it was you who didn't have the courage or libido to want to have intercourse. Sebastian accepted this, you didn't always refuse, there were times where you gladly accepted him possessing you, but compared to the beginning of your life together, this had diminished. Although every time they managed to carry out the sexual act, Sebastian tried to prioritize your pleasure before his and made sure that at all times you agreed to continue.
This condition was not common at the time, so Sebastian did not know many things about proper care to help you, so sometimes when he returned from work he could smell a slight smell of blood coming from your mouth. Upon examining you closely, I noticed that you had small wounds on your lips, and not only that, your knees and feet also had bruises, as if you had kicked something and dropped. He didn't expect this, he knew that some humans did it, but he never thought that your condition would drag you to those actions.
When he found you with those self-harms, he was in charge of putting balm on your lips and on the bruises so that they would heal better and taking you to bed with him to kiss you and give you all the love you needed. But in moments like these, Sebastian recognized that your wounds were only a reflection of an even deeper pain, which would undoubtedly take a long time to heal.
These kinds of things used to happen in very short periods, you could be under that condition for a month or two and little by little you would return to normal. There were relapses and sometimes they lasted longer than the previous one or shorter, and without effective medication at that time, it was difficult to prevent returning to that abyss in which you trapped yourself. But that was not a bother to Sebastian, after all, you were his special human, he was addicted to you, you were his drug, so if one day you needed him to get out of that nightmare, he would gladly come to your help.
Sometimes Ciel noticed that his butler was more relaxed, completely unaware that his butler was helping his partner go through a personal hell, but in those times when his demon was peaceful, he would suggest, almost ordering him, that he bring his partner. to spend the afternoon at the mansion. Sebastian didn't consider it a good idea, but given your history of bad experiences with the outside world, he thought that helping you hang out with more aware and less critical people would help you improve or postpone your depressive attacks.
Just as Sebastian assumed, Ciel and the rest of the servants made you feel so natural that for a moment you felt much better than in previous days. The day progressed with such calm and joy that at the end of the day you returned home in Sebastian's arms. They showered together and finally went to bed, where they had a little chat before you fell asleep.
S: Today I had double reward.
(Y/n): Yes?
S: Yes, because my master was in a good mood because of your presence, so there were no complaints on his part, and better yet, you were there with me and the other servants, and I could see one of your spontaneous smiles that I haven't seen in weeks. saw.
(Y/n): I'm sorry for being a burden these months.
S: You were not a burden, it is not your fault to feel that your world is collapsing and that nothing makes sense, I am your boyfriend, and I will be there for you when you need me.
(Y/n): I don't want you to say that, because later you may regret it and abandon me.
S: Hahaha, I'm crazy about you, everything that involved taking care of you is a pleasure to me, it doesn't matter if humans get tired and regret it, I won't do it.
(Y/n): I love you.
S: I love you too.
(Y/n): It doesn't sound sincere if you say it while holding my buttocks.
S: Hahaha, it's my way of telling you that I've been eager to touch you, ever since I saw you walking around the mansion, so curious and obedient to what others said.
Without a doubt, tonight was one of those times where Sebastian and you could enjoy the calm after the storm.
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Black Butler Characters reacting to their S/O calling them beautiful!
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Ciel Phantomhive
He's immediately blushing and stuttering and fumbling over his words. He's not used to receiving compliments but one from you? There's no way he can play it cool and try to brush it off. He clears his throat, finally making eye contact and a small, kind of awkward "Uhm. Thank you." That is only just audible, leaves his lips.
Sebastian Michealis
He's a little taken back at first. He's awear this form and this act he puts up is extremely attractive and he's received countless compliments and praises for it but its rare someone calls him beautiful. He smiles softly and leans closer, taking you hand and placing a kiss on the corner of your lips. He leans close to your ear and whispers, "Nowhere as beautiful as yourself, dear." Before backing up again.
William T Spears
Although he's used to the constant flirting and compliments from Grell, a compliment from you? How is he supposed to be able to hide that red hue on his cheeks and the small flutter in his stomach. He stutters out a thank you before quickly taking his leave. Oh my you really do have an effect on him.
Grell Sutcliff
She does a slight double take. It's rare she receives compliments at all, much less one's that leave her feeling like this! A blush grazes her cheeks and she's only just able to keep the eye contact between the two of you. She takes your hand and plants a soft kiss on your cheek, her red lipstick leaving a small mark. She smiles and finally says, "Thank you, darling, although that sort of compliment suits you just as well."
Alois Trancy
A blush rushes to his cheeks and he looks in awe of you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling gently. He doesn't often receive compliments and a compliment from you means the world. He leans a little closer, "Thank you hunny." He says softly, kissing your hand.
Claude Faustus
Like Sebastian, he's a little suprised at first and takes a moment to process what you said. He smiles softly, an almost rare sight, and he takes your hand kissing it softly. "Thank you, dear." You set off an instant spark of love in his heart and although you can see his beauty to him nothing would ever compare to yours.
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Kinktober 2023: gang bang, Grim Reapers + Sebastian (gags, bondage, slight dub con and pact play)
The demon was on his back, tied up with chains, leaving him exposed. You’d removed his clothes as well and a blindfold adorning him. He had to awkwardly bite around the gag you had forced into his mouth.
You positioned yourself between his legs, leaning down to blow a puff of hot air onto his shaft. To your amusement it twitched excitedly, getting to half mass before your attention was diverted. A knock on the door has you sit up, watching as Sebastian tried to close his legs but couldn’t.
Another knock. “Biscuit? Are you ready?” You hum in response, you didn’t expect him to hear you but the door opens to your amusement. Undertaker was the first to enter, no hesitation to walk right up to you and Sebastian. “Oooh! Is this the gift you prepared for us? It looks exquisite!”
Sebastian growled, tugging at the restraints that left him so vulnerable. You ordered him not to break then, he’s at your mercy now…
Well more accurately, he’s at your mercy and the grim reapers.
Grell waltzed in, hurrying up to Sebastian’s side. She clearly peers at his twitching manhood before she flashes you a grin. “Do you mind if I take this for a bit? Just long enough to get a joy ride?” You nodded and watched her fondle Sebastian, though judging by how he was flinching, she was being a little rough.
You catch Grell flashing a toothy grin before she’s swallowing down his cock. Sebastian let’s out a muffled moan, it turned to a whine and with a glance you can see Grell swallow down his cock.
You slip out from your position and look to the door. “You two coming in or did you get cold feet?” Ronald waltz in with a slight smile, glancing to the little scene before him. “William?”
You stepped out of the room and see William. You grabbed his wrist, tugging him into the room. When you glance back, you see Sebastian’s gag had been removed, Ronald had shoved his cock in place. Grell had shoved herself into Sebastian.
Undertaker was riding Sebastian, none of them were even trying to match pace with each other. You heard the obscene noise coming from Sebastian as he choked on Ronald’s cock, whimpers and moans attempting to escape him.
“Grell, don’t…finish…inside him, ok, I don’t want your sloppy seconds….” William hissed out. Grell groaned in response, ignoring him in favor of bucking into Sebastian faster. Sebastian makes a muffled yelping sound earning a moan from Ronald.
“Do that again!” Ronald purred out, looking over to Grell. She purred back and adjusted her hips to piston into Sebastian, you hear a guttural cry escape Sebastian as she hits what’s undoubtedly the demons sweet spot.
You seat yourself beside Sebastian, leaning down to tease his nipples, flicking them lightly. William joins you on the opposite side of Sebastian, you both work in tandem to tease up and down Sebastian’s body. Undertaker hisses and freezes above Sebastian. “A-ah, he’s-he is certainly having a good time!” With a few more bounces, you understand what he means, given how Sebastian tries to tremble away, and there’s cum dripping from where he and Undertaker’s bodies met.
A heavy groan escapes Ron and with a few more thrust, he’s shoved his cock as far down Sebastian’s throat as he could. He holds himself there, trapping Sebastian there as well. After a few gasp, Ronald pulls back and to your amusement, some of his cum and Sebastian’s saliva spill onto his face.
Ronald steps away, tucking himself back into his pants and steps aside, seating himself to face the bed. William glances between you and Sebastian. You gesture for him to go ahead, you weren’t in the mood to be eaten out tonight.
William hesitantly took Ronald’s place and given Sebastian was panting, there was no resistance. A whine escaped the demon as he bucked up, earning a gasp from Undertaker. You tense up feeling something hot and wet land on the side of your face (and some in your hair) on instinct you tense and close your eyes.
You instantly feel what you know is Undertaker licking the substance off your face. Once your sure you won’t get any in your eyes, you get a bit of what’s left in your hand and open your eyes. You laugh a bit, knowing Undertaker had accidentally ‘finished’ on your face.
Tag list: @anxious-chick
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
Headcanons about Undertaker, William, and Lau with short gender neutral s/o?
Note: As always, thank you for the request!
Warning: Gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 439
He likes to make jokes here and there.
Might watch you struggle a bit to get a good laugh, but ends up helping you.
Does he change anything in his home to accommodate you?
Nah. He doesn't. 
He doesn't like changing too many things around, plus you know him and his obsession with laughing. 
Be aware that if someone else cracks jokes about you being short, he's going to laugh. 
Undertaker eventually apologizes and tells you that the only reason why some people might make fun of you is because they're jealous.
They're jealous that they don't fit perfectly in his arms the way you do and that he can easily kiss you when he's sitting while you're standing. 
If someone does take their teasing too far, he won't be laughing anymore. 
And you know that isn't a good thing.
Doesn't think much of it. 
Honestly forgets about yours and his height difference.
So when you're over his place, everything is set to his level.
William does eventually remember to put certain things at a more convenient placement. 
He's a serious man so he wouldn't be making any jokes about you being short.
But will poke a person with his shears if they offend you.
Treats you like an equal, but again, forgets that there are certain things you need help with. 
Like that time when he asked you to grab the tea from one of the cabinets and of course it happens to be at the highest point. 
When he comes to check what was taking a while, he sees you attempting to dangerously climb on a chair to reach the tea. 
Yeah, he wasn't going to let that happen again.
Also, when you're both cuddling, he secretly likes when you embrace him from behind. He's not sure why, but it feels comforting for him. 
Short people problems? What are those?
Lau made sure to make everything convenient to you.
He's had people readjust cabinets and shelves in yours and his home.
Even if something was out of reach, there was always someone nearby to help you. Lau's told you multiple times to use them so you didn't have to trouble yourself.
If you're both out in town, he has his assistants following you and him with the purpose of aiding you.
Lau tells you constantly to hold onto him whenever you're out together. 
Feels that people might take advantage of your height.
But he'd never allow it.
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
The Disability Library
I love books, I love literature, and I love this blog, but it's only been recently that I've really been given the option to explore disabled literature, and I hate that. When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be able to read about characters like me, and now as an adult, all I want is to be able to read a book that takes us seriously.
And so, friends, Romans, countrymen, I present, a special disability and chronic illness booklist, compiled by myself and through the contributions of wonderful members from this site!
As always, if there are any at all that you want me to add, please just say. I'm always looking for more!
Edit 20/10/2023: You can now suggest books using the google form at the bottom!
Updated: 31/08/2023
Articles and Chapters
The Drifting Language of Architectural Accessibility in Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris, Essaka Joshua, 2012
Early Modern Literature and Disability Studies, Allison P. Hobgood, David Houston Wood, 2017
How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult?, Elinor Greenburg, 2019
Making Do with What You Don't Have: Disabled Black Motherhood in Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents, Anna Hinton, 2018
Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2003 OR Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2019
Wasted Lives: Modernity and Its Outcasts, Zygmunt Bauman, 2004
Witchcraft and deformity in early modern English Literature, Scott Eaton, 2020
10 Things I Can See From Here, Carrie Mac
A Curse So Dark and Lonely, (Series), Brigid Kemmerer
Akata Witch, (Series), Nnedi Okorafor
A Mango-Shaped Space, Wendy Mass
Ancillary Justice, (Series), Ann Leckie
An Unkindness of Ghosts, Rivers Solomon
An Unseen Attraction, (Series), K. J. Charles
A Shot in the Dark, Victoria Lee
A Snicker of Magic, Natalie Lloyd
A Song of Ice and Fire, (series), George R. R. Martin
A Spindle Splintered, (Series), Alix E. Harrow
A Time to Dance, Padma Venkatraman
Bath Haus, P. J. Vernon
Beasts of Prey, (Series), Ayana Gray
The Bedlam Stacks, (Series), Natasha Pulley
Black Bird, Blue Road, Sofiya Pasternack
Black Sun, (Series), Rebecca Roanhorse
Blood Price, (Series), Tanya Huff
Borderline, (Series), Mishell Baker
Breath, Donna Jo Napoli
The Broken Kingdoms, (Series), N.K. Jemisin
Brute, Kim Fielding
Cafe con Lychee, Emery Lee
Carry the Ocean, (Series), Heidi Cullinan
Challenger Deep, Neal Shusterman
Cinder, (Series), Marissa Meyer
Clean, Amy Reed
Connection Error, (Series), Annabeth Albert
Cosima Unfortunate Steals A Star, Laura Noakes
Crazy, Benjamin Lebert
Crooked Kingdom, (Series), Leigh Bardugo
Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots, (Series), Cat Sebastian
Daniel, Deconstructed, James Ramos
Dead in the Garden, (Series), Dahlia Donovan
Dear Fang, With Love, Rufi Thorpe
Deathless Divide, (Series), Justina Ireland
The Degenerates, J. Albert Mann
The Doctor's Discretion, E.E. Ottoman
Earth Girl, (Series), Janet Edwards
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead, Emily R. Austin
The Extraordinaries, (Series), T. J. Klune
The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict, (Series), Trenton Lee Stewart
Fight + Flight, Jules Machias
The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix
Finding My Voice, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The First Thing About You, Chaz Hayden
Follow My Leader, James B. Garfield
Forever Is Now, Mariama J. Lockington
Fortune Favours the Dead, (Series), Stephen Spotswood
Fresh, Margot Wood
Harmony, London Price
Harrow the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Hench, (Series), Natalia Zina Walschots
Highly Illogical Behaviour, John Corey Whaley
Honey Girl, Morgan Rogers
How to Become a Planet, Nicole Melleby
How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager, (Series), D. N. Bryn
How to Sell Your Blood & Fall in Love, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Joy Demorra
I Am Not Alone, Francisco X. Stork
The Immeasurable Depth of You, Maria Ingrande Mora
In the Ring, Sierra Isley
Into The Drowning Deep, (Series), Mira Grant
Iron Widow, (Series), Xiran Jay Zhao
Izzy at the End of the World, K. A. Reynolds
Jodie's Journey, Colin Thiele
Just by Looking at Him, Ryan O'Connell
Kissing Doorknobs, Terry Spencer Hesser
Lakelore, Anna-Marie McLemore
Learning Curves, (Series), Ceillie Simkiss
Let's Call It a Doomsday, Katie Henry
The Library of the Dead, (Series), TL Huchu
The Lion Hunter, (Series), Elizabeth Wein
Lirael, (Series), Garth Nix
Long Macchiatos and Monsters, Alison Evans
Love from A to Z, (Series), S.K. Ali
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses, Kristen O'Neal
Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Never Tilting World, (Series), Rin Chupeco
The No-Girlfriend Rule, Christen Randall
Nona the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Noor, Nnedi Okorafor
Odder Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Once Stolen, (Series), D. N. Bryn
One For All, Lillie Lainoff
On the Edge of Gone, Corinne Duyvis
Origami Striptease, Peggy Munson
Our Bloody Pearl, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Out of My Mind, Sharon M. Draper
Parable of the Sower, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Parable of the Talents, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Percy Jackson & the Olympians, (series), Rick Riordan
Pomegranate, Helen Elaine Lee
The Prey of Gods, Nicky Drayden
The Pursuit Of..., (Series), Courtney Milan
The Queen's Thief, (Series), Megan Whalen Turner
The Quiet and the Loud, Helena Fox
The Raging Quiet, Sheryl Jordan
The Reanimator's Heart, (Series), Kara Jorgensen
The Remaking of Corbin Wale, Joan Parrish
Roll with It, (Series), Jamie Sumner
Russian Doll, (Series), Cristelle Comby
The Second Mango, (Series), Shira Glassman
Scar of the Bamboo Leaf, Sieni A.M
Shaman, (Series), Noah Gordon
Sick Kids in Love, Hannah Moskowitz
The Silent Boy, Lois Lowry
Six of Crows, (Series) Leigh Bardugo
Sizzle Reel, Carlyn Greenwald
The Spare Man, Mary Robinette Kowal
The Stagsblood Prince, (Series), Gideon E. Wood
Stake Sauce, Arc 1: The Secret Ingredient is Love. No, Really, (Series), RoAnna Sylver
Stars in Your Eyes, Kacen Callender [Expected release: Oct 2023]
The Storm Runner, (Series), J. C. Cervantes
Stronger Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
Tarnished Are the Stars, Rosiee Thor
The Theft of Sunlight, (Series), Intisar Khanani
Throwaway Girls, Andrea Contos
Top Ten, Katie Cotugno
Torch, Lyn Miller-Lachmann
Treasure, Rebekah Weatherspoon
Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
Unlicensed Delivery, Will Soulsby-McCreath Expected release October 2023
Verona Comics, Jennifer Dugan
Vorkosigan Saga, (Series), Lois McMaster Bujold
We Are the Ants, (Series), Shaun David Hutchinson
The Weight of Our Sky, Hanna Alkaf
Whip, Stir and Serve, Caitlyn Frost and Henry Drake
The Whispering Dark, Kelly Andrew
Wicked Sweet, Chelsea M. Cameron
Wonder, (Series), R. J. Palacio
Wrong to Need You, (Series), Alisha Rai
Ziggy, Stardust and Me, James Brandon
Graphic Novels:
A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability, (Non-Fiction), A. Andrews
Constellations, Kate Glasheen
Dancing After TEN: a graphic memoir, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Vivian Chong, Georgia Webber
Everything Is an Emergency: An OCD Story in Words Pictures, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Jason Adam Katzenstein
Frankie's World: A Graphic Novel, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The Golden Hour, Niki Smith
Nimona, N. D. Stevenson
The Third Person, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Emma Grove
Magazines and Anthologies:
Artificial Divide, (Anthology), Robert Kingett, Randy Lacey
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #175: Grandmother-nai-Leylit's Cloth of Winds, (Article), R. B. Lemburg
Defying Doomsday, (Anthology), edited by Tsana Dolichva and Holly Kench
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, (short story) (anthology), Seiko Tanabe
Nothing Without Us, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Nothing Without Us Too, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens, (Anthology), edited by Marieke Nijkamp
Uncanny #24: Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, (Anthology), edited by: Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Dominik Parisien et al.
Uncanny #30: Disabled People Destroy Fantasy, (Anthology), edited by: Nicolette Barischoff, Lisa M. Bradley, Katharine Duckett
We Shall Be Monsters, edited by Derek Newman-Stille
Perfect World, (Series), Rie Aruga
The Sky is Blue with a Single Cloud, (Short Stories), Kuniko Tsurita
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education, Jay Timothy Dolmage
A Disability History of the United States, Kim E, Nielsen
The Architecture of Disability: Buildings, Cities, and Landscapes beyond Access, David Gissen
Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism, Elsa Sjunneson
Black Disability Politics, Sami Schalk
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety, Dr. Elinor Greenburg
Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure, Eli Clare
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Disability, Barker, Clare and Stuart Murray, editors.
The Capacity Contract: Intellectual Disability and the Question of Citizenship, Stacy Clifford Simplican
Capitalism and Disability, Martha Russel
Care work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach, Dr Amitta Shah
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays, Esme Weijun Wang
Crip Kinship, Shayda Kafai
Crip Up the Kitchen: Tools, Tips and Recipes for the Disabled Cook, Jules Sherred
Culture – Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies, Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem, Moritz Ingwersen
Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition, Liat Ben-Moshe
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally, Emily Ladau
Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Disability Pride: Dispatches from a Post-ADA World, Ben Mattlin
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories From the Twenty-First Century, Alice Wong
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability and Making Space, Amanda Leduc
Every Cripple a Superhero, Christoph Keller
Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness and Liberation, Eli Clare
Feminist Queer Crip, Alison Kafer
The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes, and Mourning Songs, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Growing Up Disabled in Australia, Carly Findlay
It's Just Nerves: Notes on a Disability, Kelly Davio
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot
Language Deprivation & Deaf Mental Health, Neil S. Glickman, Wyatte C. Hall
The Minority Body: A Theory of Disability, Elizabeth Barnes
My Body and Other Crumbling Empires: Lessons for Healing in a World That Is Sick, Lyndsey Medford
No Right to Be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1840s-1930s, Sarah F. Rose
Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment, James I. Charlton
The Pedagogy of Pathologization Dis/abled Girls of Color in the School-prison Nexus, Subini Ancy Annamma
Physical Disability in British Romantic Literature, Essaka Joshua
QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology, Raymond Luczak, Editor.
The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability, Jasbir K. Puar
Sitting Pretty, (memoir), Rebecca Taussig
Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black & Deaf in the South, Mary Herring Wright
Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness: How to Stay Sane and Live One Step Ahead of Your Symptoms, Ilana Jacqueline
The Things We Don't Say: An Anthology of Chronic Illness Truths, Julie Morgenlender
Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability, Scott T. Smith, José Alaniz 
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman, (memoir), Laura Kate Dale
Unmasking Autism, Devon Price
The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe, Ellen Clifford
We've Got This: Essays by Disabled Parents, Eliza Hull
Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life, (memoir) (essays) Alice Wong
Picture Books:
A Day With No Words, Tiffany Hammond, Kate Cosgrove-
A Friend for Henry, Jenn Bailey, Mika Song
Ali and the Sea Stars, Ali Stroker, Gillian Reid
All Are Welcome, Alexandra Penfold, Suzanne Kaufman
All the Way to the Top, Annette Bay Pimentel, Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins, Nabi Ali
Can Bears Ski?, Raymond Antrobus, Polly Dunbar
Different -- A Great Thing to Be!, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
Everyone Belongs, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
I Talk Like a River, Jordan Scott, Sydney Smith
Jubilee: The First Therapy Horse and an Olympic Dream, K. T. Johnson, Anabella Ortiz
Just Ask!, Sonia Sotomayor, Rafael López
Kami and the Yaks, Andrea Stenn Stryer, Bert Dodson
My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay, Cari Best, Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship, Jessica Kensky, Patrick Downes, Scott Magoon
Sam's Super Seats, Keah Brown, Sharee Miller
Small Knight and the Anxiety Monster, Manka Kasha
We Move Together, Kelly Fritsch, Anne McGuire, Eduardo Trejos
We're Different, We're the Same, and We're All Wonderful!, Bobbi Jane Kates, Joe Mathieu
What Happened to You?, James Catchpole, Karen George
The World Needs More Purple People, Kristen Bell, Benjamin Hart, Daniel Wiseman
You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
You Are Loved: A Book About Families, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
The You Kind of Kind, Nina West, Hayden Evans
Zoom!, Robert Munsch, Michael Martchenko
Peeling, Kate O'Reilly
With an extra special thank you to @parafoxicalk @craftybookworms @lunod @galaxyaroace @shub-s @trans-axolotl @suspicious-whumping-egg @ya-world-challenge @fictionalgirlsworld @rubyjewelqueen @some-weird-queer-writer @jacensolodjo @cherry-sys @dralthon @thebibliosphere @brynwrites @aj-grimoire @shade-and-sun @ceanothusspinosus @edhelwen1 @waltzofthewifi @spiderleggedhorse @sleepneverheardofher @highladyluck @oftheides @thecouragetobekind @nopoodles @lupadracolis @elusivemellifluence @creativiteaa @moonflowero1 @the-bi-library @chronically-chaotic-cryptid for your absolutely fantastic contributions!
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writing-fanics · 1 year
| happiest I’ve ever been | Sebastian michaelis x f!reader
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| summary: love between butler and his mistress and where they are now |
warning: implied smut : child birth :
She giggled quietly, as her lover planted kisses on her neck. Gently, leaving behind love bites in the process. “My…darling..you..tasted..absolutely..exquisite,” Sebastian said between each kiss he planted on her neck. She smiled placing her hand on his bare chest.
He stared down at with a dastardly grin on his lips. His eyes almost seemed to pierce into her soul. “Admiring the view?” She asked, and he smiled leaning down to kiss her on the lips again.
She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, “My darling, sad to say but I must be returning to my duties,” He said, and she looked at him and pursed her lips.
She frowned, he leaned down planting a kiss on her forehead before kissing her on the lips again. “But, I would love to continue this later,” He said, and she smirked at him seductively before kissing him.
“Very well,” she said, she watched as he swiftly got out of bed and got dressed she smiled watching him get dressed. She’d never been this happy in her life since not before that fateful day. Then, Sebastian came along and as time went by she slowly developed feelings for the mysterious butler.
She didn’t know that it was fake, when she say Sebastian’s “dead” body on the ground. She couldn’t stop crying and seeing his dead body to help solve the mystery didn’t help at all. She took it upon herself to take care of the cats, inside the wardrobe.
She was an absolute wreck at the “funeral” but tried to stay strong for Ciel. But when the bell was rung she dropped whatever she was holding and immediately lunged at him as he emerged from the coffin. Sobbing and crying along with the other servants.
She was the one to take care of him once he along with Ciel and Snake, returned from the ship. Seeing that her aunt Angelina thought her how to suture up wounds she helped take care of Sebastian even though it wasn’t her job to do so.
She confessed her feelings to him, as she was bringing him back to health. She wasn’t bothered at all by the difference in their status, she cared for him and loved him and wanted to be by his side.
Sebastian at first found it highly inappropriate especially, with the fact her little brother is his master. As well on his mind the terms of the Faustian Contract, inevitably he’d consume her brothers soul and would presumably return to the demon realm.
He rejected her feelings saying that a butler and a master. Pursing a relationship would be highly inappropriate.
He watched as her smile faltered and she looked down, “V-Very, well I understand it would be inappropriate but that’s the thing I don’t really care.” She frowned, and then left his room so that he could rest.it was awhile before he eventually realized he too had feelings for her and they secretly pursued a relationship.
Our!Ciel quickly found out but was happy to see his older sister so happy for once.
( present )
“Why now?!” She screamed, in pain sweat running down her forehead as she pushed. Of all times for her to being going into labor why now?
When, the Real!Ciel revealed himself along with the Undertaker. And took his place as the rightful earl of Phantomhive. And when, Our!Ciel,Sebastian, Mey-Rin, Bard, Finny, and Snake. Are fugitives on the run.
Cries echoed throughout the room. Sebastian smiled, looking down at his wailing child. “Love, we have a beautiful baby girl.” He said, cradling the infant.
[Y/n] cried tears of joy seeing her newborn baby, her lovers arms. He placed the infant on her chest and she cooed over the baby.
“Lilith Angelina-Rachel Phantomhive,” She whispered, looking at her child. She had jet-black hair and (e/c) eyes and her fathers nose and ears she looked absolutely precious.
Sebastian and [Y/n], looked up hearing the commotion coming from outside the door. “Knock it off!” She heard, Our!Ciel shout at the servant wanting them to be quiet to let the two lovers quietly enjoy the birth of their newborn.
“I think they’ve waited long enough,” She said, gently rubbing her babies back. “Are you sure?” He asked, and she nodded looking at him.
She watched, as he walked towards the door opening. Everyone rushing into the room excitedly seeing the baby on [Y/n]’s chest. “Aw, look at her she’s so cute!” Finny cooed, looking at the baby.
“She looks just like Sebastian yes she does!” Mey-Rin cooed, and the baby slowly opened her eyes and admired the world around her.
“Would you like to hold her?” She asked, looking over at her little brother. He looked at her confused, “Why, would I want to hold your child?” He asked, and she smiled at him.
Eventually, he gave in and gently took the baby into his arms. She cooed and squirmed and he couldn’t help but stare down at his niece in awe. “What’s her name?” He asked, and she looked up at Sebastian and smiled.
“Lilith Angelina-Rachel Phantomhive,” She said, and he stared at her in absolute disbelief and then looked back down at his niece. She could’ve sworn she saw a single tear roll down the side of his cheek.
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
Can i request a smut fic of Cabernet (with fem reader) like Shizo's request/enemies to lovers??Im hella thirsty for this woman 😞😞
Im so sorry for taking so long but here it is~
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Cabernet x fem!reader
Type: Smut
When you got hired by the Franc family to be their personal chef, you didn't expect to work for such a spoiled and bratty heiress. Cabernet Franc had a God tongue, to say the least. Every meal in the house was personally tasted and approved by her, and nobody dared to change her choice. She was raised this way, surrounded with wealth that gave her anything she wanted. At first, you were honored to work for the Francs. It was terribly difficult to be hired, after all.
Cabernet had a knack for the littlest of things, she could recognize even 1g worth of shift in ingredients and would deem the dish not suitable for her distinguished self. You started to hate her, or at least get irritated by her constant tantrums over food. Despite all that, she was incredibly beautiful with her luscious crimson hair and figure-hugging black dress she wore all the time. It was alluring, you were tempted to feast on her.
"Ms Y/n, Ms Cabernet sent this back saying it lacks her favorite fruits." Cabernet's butler came to you carrying a tray of fruits you had prepared for her.
"The grapes? I don't have them anymore, and I had already conveyed that to another attendant who buys groceries."
The butler hummed, "I see. Then, Ms Cabernet will personally meet you in some time. Please wait for her before making any more dishes."
Your brow twitched but you nodded then let out a sigh. In a few moments, you heard the soft thumping of a familiar cane and readied yourself to meet your lady.
"Good evening, Ms Cabernet." you said respectfully with a bow while Cabernet stood in front of you, slightly leaning on her cane and twirling her hair with her fingers.
"Good evening, Ms Y/n. I have been informed you are out of my favorite grapes, is that right?"
"Yes ma'am. I apologise for not looking over the groceries more carefully—"
"It's okay, you are not at fault." Cabernet smirked then looked around the kitchen and nodded at her butler who bowed to both of you and walked out, closing the door behind him. You felt slightly nervous now being alone with Cabernet, your face heated up slightly looking at her seductive figure yet you were sure she was going to give you some impossible task as compensation for the grapes.
"You know, Ms Y/n...." Cabernet walked closer to you, her heels and cane tapping on the marble floor, "You have been keeping up with my appetite and preferences quite well since you joined, save for a few mishaps that I'm generous enough to look over."
"Thank you, ma'am."
Cabernet smiled and stood directly in front of you, inches away. You could smell her exotic perfume and shampoo and your eyes lingered over her tempting lips. Cabernet gazed into your eyes and was well aware of your thoughts, you were just that easy to read.
"Your soul must be delicious....~" Cabernet's voice suddenly brushed past your ear, you didn't notice when she leaned in so close to your neck and was breathing in your scent. You flinced away from her but her arm was quicker to grab you and keep you in place. Fear arose in you realizing the position you were in, it felt as if you were being preyed upon by a hungry beast in front of you.
"You get frustrated by my requests and tantrums so much, yet you keep working diligently and haven't spoken of quitting ever. An admirable soul you have~"
You would be a fool to quit such a high paying job, even if your employer was hard to deal with. Not to mention, you didn't particularly hate her, she was just annoying at times.
"I... I'm just doing my job, chefs always face the wrath of customers and employers in the kitchen. We have to be resilient. I like cooking, I feel satisfied when you approve my dishes."
Though, you wish she didn't have such a varying palette and complicated needs. Like these grapes she spoke of, you had no idea where they were acquired from but she absolutely relished them. You didn't mind challenges, but she gave far too many.
"Oh? Interesting reply, seems I don't have to force you then~"
"Force me to do what....?"
Cabernet smirked and you felt her hot tongue lick your neck, a shiver running down your body, "To eat you~"
Now you really felt like a prey in the clutches of a hungry predator. Cabernet's body engulfed you completely, leaning into you making you rest against the counter.
"W-What? Are you crazy?!" you blurted out and pushed her away to run but she firmly held your wrist and stopped you.
"Uh huh, you cannot run from me, my Y/n~"
"The hell!? Release me! Help!" you shouted but you knew nobody could hear you, kitchen was huge and you were far from the door.
Cabernet smirked and pulled you towards her, your body falling into her arms. She wrapped her arms around you snugly and breathed your scent in more, letting out a pleasured sigh which almost sounded like a moan.
"Now, don't be scared. Just let me have a taste and I'll stop, I'll give you more benefits if you comply right now~"
"S-Stop.... I hate you..."
"Hehe, I know~ That's why you are all the more delicious to me~"
That was a lie, you didn't hate her. But you didn't know what else to say, you mind was going blank. Cabernet pushed you against the counter once again and slotted her knee between you legs, lightly rubbing you clothed core.
"Stop struggling, I'll make it paineless for you. Just let me have a small bite of your soul, then you can do anything you want with me~"
"Of course, have I ever lied to you, my Y/n?~"
You bit you lip then nodded and Cabernet lunged at you like a crazed beast, pinning you down on the counter and practically ripping your shirt open. She gazed at you tempting skin with haphazard breaths, clearly aroused by your mere scent and appearance. She was hot and sweaty, staring down at you with hunger in her eyes.
"Ahhh, how long I have waited.... to cutivate you... to grow you.... You are perfect for me, Y/n~"
She spoke of you like you were a food ingredient to her, and perhaps you really were. Cabernet finally dived in and kissed your nape, her lips profusely sucking on your skin while her tongue licked it up. She didn't bite you, but her sucking was intense and you were sure her lips would leave a hickey. You felt aroused feeling her taste you this way, but you soon felt drained as well, drained of life.
Your consciousness was close to fading when Cabernet let go and leaned up, you could see a familiar looking grape held in her mouth that she slowly bit into and ate. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed it delicately, relishing the taste and sighing in pleasure. It was exactly the kind of grapes she loved, now you knew how they were produced....
"Ahhh~ I want to eat you all in one go but I'd rather save you and enjoy you slowly.... So delicious your soul is~" Cabernet slurried on her words as she licked her lips, tasting the residual juice of the grape. You were panting now beneath her, it felt as if your blood was sucked out but she didn't even pierce your skin.
"As promised, do anything you want with me~ Shall I remove my clothes to make it easy for you, hm?~"
You slowly regained your senses and energy, watching her discard her dress and stand in front of you completely naked. You gritted your teeth then grabbed her body and slammed to the opposite counter, holding her left leg up to your waist and rubbing your knee on her core. Cabernet moaned at your rough movement, but her hands possessively wrapped around you to keep you close.
"I don't hate you, Ms Cabernet. But you annoy me with your demands so much!"
Cabernet simply chuckled and treaded her fingers through your hair before grasping them and pulling your head back roughly, "And you are so adorable when you try hard for me~"
You clicked your tongue then plunged your hand between her legs and cirled her clit, a low gasp leaving her mouth. You rubbed her clit vigorously, pinching and rolling it with your fingers while your knee continued rubbing her slit.
"O-Oh.... this is good~ Give me more.... take out your frustration on me~"
You removed your own pants and underwear then spread Cabernet's legs and thrusted into her, your clit bumping against hers as you grinded your body together. All you thought was of the moments she annoyed you, made unreasonable demands and looked down at you. You thought of all that and rubbed against her, her legs wrapped around your waist and she pulled you closer, moaning in your ear.
She bucked her hips into you and you both sought your release, Cabernet clenched your shirt and tilted her head back as you kissed her neck. Your hips didn't stop at all, shaking and thrusting into her as if you were possessed. Wet sounds of your slick echoed in your ears as your clits rolled over, arousal dripping down your thighs.
"Yes! Yes! Faster~ Make me cum~ Aaaaahn!~" Cabernet let out a sultry moan as she released and practically squirted over you, you still grinded against her to chase your release and Cabernet's body shook with pleasure and overstimulation, her tongue lolling out and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"Ngh.... y-you are insufferable, Ms Cabernet!~"
Cabernet chuckled and bit on your shoulder, a low hiss leaving your lips as you felt her bite deep into you as if trying to draw out blood. You finally came and released against her slit, your juices mixing together. You panted out together as Cabernet embraced you like a lover, but you were aware she only thought of you as her possession now.
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Back to the Self Aware! BSD AU x Black Butler Crossover
Same voice actors time again.
While Ace didn't get into the Real World (I have an ask about him, that ask is in a process of being answered, and I am planning to write about his situation in the future [Somewhere after Fyodor's entry]), let's imagine, that he also got into the real world with the rest of the cast.
Ace didn't like GL. Mostly because GL didn't have anything good to say about Ace. Add Karma in top of it. He just keeps everything to himself, staying away from GL and BSD Cast.
So, after Black Butler get into the real world. And Reader are happy to see almost everyone from them. And form mutual respect with Sebastian...
Reader: Thank you, Sebastian, for helping with the dinner.
Sebastian: My pleasure, [Y/N].
Reader: You know, despite being a demon, you are a savior for this place. Helping to feed everyone and keeping the mansion tidy.
Sebastian: quiet chuckle
Reader: grinning Still can't believe it. Someone, I thought wasn't real, is in my house. And I can talk to them, and their voices are voices I get used to. No need to pay for VA's lines.
Ace: barging in Why you little?! This demon and I have the same voices! Why you have never complimented my voice? Am I not enough for you? What he has, that I don't have?
Reader: look between Ace and Sebastian Do you need the short list or the long?
If we count Season 2 characters
Alois felt jealous, because every demon (Sebastian, Claude, Hannah and Triplets) treat you with genuine respect. He was afraid, that you will steal Claude from him. You assured him, that you already have your own demon (*cough* Fyodor *cough*) and don't need any more demons.
William T Spears and Kunikida quickly became friends. Unfortunately for them, Dazai and Grell also became friends.
(Slightly) non-related idea. I have a feeling, that Grell will love Edna Mode from The Incredibles.
Undertaker made a new coffin for Bram. Many coffins. Because Bram was "that one client", who will always find something to complain about. Then Undertaker snapped.
*during dinner one day*
Undertaker: to Bram Just how big of a coffin you need? I have been redoing it for the fifth time already.
Bram: Big enough for two people to fit. I want our weekly cuddle time with My Little Bat, My Dear [Y/N] to be as comfortable as possible. Especially, when others cuddle with [Y/N] in beds during their cuddle time.
*Black Butler Cast froze. Lizzie dropped the teacup. You are covering your face with both hands. You felt like you will burn in a flame of embarrassment.*
/Next lesson of "How to live in this world and this age" for BB Cast was focused on explaining, what "polyamorous relationship is"./
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ornii · 2 years
Can I ask for a Wednesday Addams x Male Reader where he's a normie at the school but when Wednesday finds out Thornhill sent the Hyde after him, she finds him standing over a thoroughly ass-whooped Tyler? Just absolutely thrashed him and his only explanation is 'He found out.'
This Definitely sounds like if a Young Bruce Wayne grew up in Nevermore. Cause prep time of course, but he definitely sounds like a Young Dark Knight.
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Her Dark Knight
If there is one thing Normies despise, Is their own fraternizing with a Nevermore student, that is unfortunately how this dreadful tale began. It was at around one year to the date that the death of Mother and Father weighted heavy on (Y/n), as their murder was still fresh in his kind, but unbeknownst to many he began a plot of revenge to take back his life against the one to deal the fatal blow against his family, as there will be hell to pay.
(Y/n) Wayne entered the robust coffee shop at the rain, using a black umbrella he covered himself from said rain, entering the establishment he placed it away and walked calmly towards the counter, avoiding any contact with anyone who would even eye him, he stopped at the counter to Tyler, who was still there, oblivious to his presence; it was until he turns around and gets scared by the sudden appearance.
“Holy!— uh, Hey.” He says sheepishly and (Y/n) keeps a oddly calmly demeanor.
“Hello Tyler, the usual.” He said and hands him a platinum black card.
“Black, two sugars.” Tyler says taking the card and swiping, as he hands it back, (Y/n) notices something from the corner of his eye, a shadowy figure sitting at a table, rather indulge in whatever Nevermore has to offer he takes his coffee and leaves, as he exits back into the rain, his eyes turn to the window and he gets to finally spot the figure, a girl who seems so out of place, Wednesday Addams. His eyes meet with hers for a moment but it was only temporary before he walks off. That was the first time he met Wednesday Addams unofficially. The next time was much more, intimate.
During the Celebration of Nevermore, a statue erected in brass was shown, and funded by the Wayne family. You were unfortunately forced to attend from your butler’s request and the town. Standing there was more than boring it was agonizing. But something really livened up the celebration as Nevermore students gather, an explosion! The Statue itself, the water supply was changed with gasoline and the explosion ignited the statue ablaze, students ran and city officials were beside themselves. You stood there, watching the flames, until your ears catch the sound of a cello playing “Paint it black” so beautifully, turning around you notice who it was once more, Wednesday playing so vigorously. Her attention turns to You, as she sees your body perfectly backdropped by the flames dancing in the background. You knew that she had something to do with it, and you weren’t the only one.
“This is a…very Sensitive situation.” Weems said to you, as you stood in her office arms folded.
“A.. sensitive situation? Someone blew up a statue.. any idea who?” You ask, and Weems tries to save face.
“Well.. unfortunately there is, one person—“
“Wednesday Addams.” You say and Weems stops, coming to a quick realization you already knew.
“I’d like to speak with her.”
“I’m afraid I cannot—“
“You’ve allowed more… unless you want the school itself to pay for the statue.” You respond, Weems was in a deadlock.
“…You get ten minutes.”
“That’s all I need.”
Wednesday enters the room via the Authority of Weems, and to spot (Y/n), waiting.
“Took you long enough to show up.” He says, and Weems leaves, annoyed.
“What do you want?” She said and (Y/n) looks around the room.
“Did you know that my Ancestors, and my father, Thomas Wayne helped fund Nevermore and it’s activities? It’s a well known idea that the Wayne’s are an ally to Nevermore and all it’s Body. So, when one student decides to blow up the statue we’re erecting, an issue arises.. I think you know where I’m going with this.”
“I haven’t the faintest clue of your implications, my hands are clean. I suggest you turn your attention to your own, Normies aren’t always as accepting and vomit inducingly open as you seem to be.”
“You see, I had considered that, Nevermores never been as liked as I wish It was… but you, you stand out as much as you don’t want to, it’s obvious you’re hiding something.”
“And what would give you that impression?”
“I am the worlds greatest detective.”
“You’re a Teenager.”
“.. I’m Nevermores Greatest detective..So.. Ready to tell the truth?” He said, Wednesday stares daggers at him for what seems to be forever. Until she finally speaks up.
“Do you know a man named Rowan who went to Nevermore?”
“I cannot say that I do, why?”
“He was murdered two weeks ago and everyone seems to be under the impression he’s alive, but I have evidence to prove he’s dead and it’s all a cover up, his broken glasses were still there when I returned to where he died. He has no visible injures when I encountered him the next day.. doesn’t that seems suspicious?” Wednesday elaborates the tale to (Y/n) who rubs his chin.
“It’s… Hm.. I See, let’s say I believe this, but why cover this up?”
“To avoid a Scandal, the police and Nevermore are both complacent in the coverup.” Wednesday says and (Y/n) calmly walks up to her.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me, I know Jericho isn’t the best place and unfortunately, I believe they’d do something like this, so I’ll assist you, partners?” He says offering a handshake. Wednesday reluctantly shakes his hand.
“Partners.” She responds, with the deal made, the two depart and the investigation began. (Y/n) assists Wednesday in discovering the truth of Nevermore of Craackstone and most importantly, Tyler and Thornhill, and more importantly just what Tyler was.
(Y/n) awaits in the forest after messaging Tyler to meet him, which he arrives, a bit late.
“(Y/n)” Tyler said and he turns to face him, dawned by the moonlight and forest.
“Good, You’re here…”
“Yeah you Uh, Never really call and I was surprised you had my number.”
“I don’t, I just needed to ask around, and someone had it, thankfully it didn’t take long for you after almost killing Eugene.”
“Yeah I… what?”
“Don’t Play dumb, it was you, it was always you, the Hyde… the same hide that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne..” he says coldly, his voice growing in anger, Tyler’s fear slowly changed to annoyance.
“And you thought that, bringing me out to the forest in the middle of the night was going to help you?” Tyler said and (Y/n) faces him.
“Why? Scared vengeance is going to come and haunt you?”
“No… I get a chance to put the Wayne family in the dirt finally, it was your dad that cut Hyde’s out of Nevermores class, and how my mother ended up.. how she was, I see this is revenge.” Tyler said and (Y/n) watches as he transforms into the Hyde, the towering monsters Lanky and malformed body lurches towards (Y/n).
“Luckily, I had time to prep.” He reached into his pocket and hurls small black pellets, it hits the chest of the Hyde and do nothing, they suddenly bursts and explode into black dust clouds, blinding the Hyde for a moment, he swings the gas away and steps out, and sees (Y/n) running, he gives chase after the young man who’s set traps all around the first, he leaps over one and the Hyde runs straight into a snare, wrapping his leg and hanging him upset down, Tyler swings around trying to figure out where he is, suddenly a punch comes from behind, hitting him in the back of the head, he spins to swing to see nothing there. (Y/n) pelts him with punches and kicks that Tyler can’t predict anymore, one good punch to the throat catches him off guard, he was able to grab (Y/n) and toss him into a wall. Tyler claws the rope to get himself down and sees (Y/n) stand up and run again. He gives chase again to another trap. (Y/n) crawls into a log and Tyler does as well, using his claws to attempt to tear into the log, but what he saw was a small black device, which opens up to a painful high pitch sound. The ringing hits his ears and he reels back, holding his head. The ringing in his ears makes it impossible for him to hear.
(Y/n) crawls on top of a branch and leaps off, he lands on the shoulders of Tyler and jams something into his neck, the Hyde howls and grabs him, and slams him into the ground, he stumbles back as he begins to revert back to a more human form. (Y/n) sits up, and walks over to Tyler.
“An agent to nullify your transformation was hard to make. But it was worth it.” (Y/n) cocks back and rocks Tyler with a punch, slumping him down, he picks him up and begins to Ruthlessly beat Tyler to a pulp, he hurls him into a tree and kicks him while he’s down. Tyler throws measly punches that (Y/n) dodges, and continues his own assault.
“You attack Innocent students… murder innocent people… kill my mother and father, and you plan on executing Wednesday as well! You and Thornhill may be Normies, but your variations on the same egotistical cult are the same, monstrous power hungry monsters who wish to see people die for your own grotesque image… but in the end, all men like you eventually die.” (Y/n) drops Tyler down and grabs a heavy stone, and lifts it above him to crush his skull. Tyler can only laugh.
“Yeah… kill me, prove that you’re just as bad as everyone thinks the Wayne’s are…” he said though a bloody smile, deep angry breaths escape from (Y/n), and he just tosses the rock to the side and knocks him out cold, and hogtied him.
“You’re right, im not the Monster everyone thinks I am… you’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison.” He says, his attention was cut off suddenly by Wednesday approach.
“(Y/n)! I need to speak with you, Tyler—…” Wednesday stopped talking as she saw Tyler on the ground, a look of confusion and, pleasure was on her face.
“I found out and took care of it.” He responds and walks over to her, and hugs her.
“I’m… glad you’re safe.” He said, and for the moment Wednesday was taken aback, and slowly wrapped her arms around his lower back into her own, awkward hug.
“I.. I’m glad too..”
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Black Butler Characters Playing The Pocky Game
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Disclaimer! All of the characters that are cannonly minors are aged up!
My au can be seen in this post!
My grammar is awful, my apologies if there is mistakes!
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Summary: The pocky game everyone's heard of it and most people have played it! So why not introduce it to the Black Butler characters?
Modern or Victorian: This is set in the modern day.
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Apparently no matter the universe there exists a game involving stick-like biscuits covered in a delicious coating with all sorts of flavours. The pocky game, the game where you each place your lips on the end of the biscuit and slowly inch closer until one of you backs out or eventually your lips meet. No matter the universe, this game seems to follow you. Regardless of the game though, you had to admit that the treat was delicious and you couldn't deny the game was entertaining.
One lovely day while shopping you spotted the treat and bought a few boxes, slipping them into your bag and beginning to head home, pulling out your phone and messaging them to ask if they'd like to have some snacks and mabey play a game?
Once you got back you placed your bag down, sitting on the couch and pulling out your phone. You aimlessly scrolled through tiktok before getting a notification to let you know they were on their way. Perfect.
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Sebastian Michaelis
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Sebastian looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
"Hello dear." He said softly, looking to you and meeting your eyes with a small smile. "What exactly is this game then and these snacks, pocky?" Straight to the point, as usual. He walked in, shutting the door behind him.
You smiled, reaching into your bag and pulling out one of the boxes, passing it to Sebastian. "Mhm! They're just stick-like biscuits covered in chocolate but they come in all sorts of flavours, try one." You smiled, watching him closely, curious to see his reaction as you sat together. He carefully opened the box, taking one out and placing the rest to the side as he took a bite.
"Its nice, I suppose, you humans do have odd ideas for food." He said firmly causing you to look away, a little embarrassed that you'd forgotten he couldn't quite taste food or at least not the food you were used to. "So this game?" He raised an eyebrow and your head perked up again.
"Right the game!" You took another stick from the box. "Its simple, really, each person puts one end of the stick in their mouth, inching closer with small bites and the first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet. Make sense?" You asked gently, Sebastian nodding. "Perfect."
You placed your lips on one end, Sebastian following. Your eyes met his as you slowly inched towards each other, each taking small bites. You looked away from his eyes, you could feel his hot breath hitting your face.
After a moment, you felt your lips meet, Sebastian's hand on your cheek. He nibbled at your bottom lip, taking the last peice of the snack from you but he didn't pull away, and neither did you. Soft clicking and smacking noises filled the empty room before Sebastian slowly pulled away.
"I think I'd say I won that round." He had a sort of smug expression on his face that made you want to try again.
"Round two?" You suggested with a confident smile but he shook his head, his hand now on your waist.
"I think I have a different idea." He said softly, his lips meeting yours once again.
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Ciel Phantomhive
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Ciel looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
Ciel gave you a gentle nod to thank you for letting him in before sitting on the couch and looking up to you. You shut the door, pulling a box of pocky from the bag and sitting next to him.
"Pocky?" He looked up to you with an almost judging expression which you simply ignored.
"Mhm, just try it." You said firmly, Ciel's judging expression not leaving him. "You like sweet things, don't you?"
"I have to be in the mood-"
"Just try it." You interrupted causing him to roll his eyes and open the box, pulling one out and taking a bite. He finished it pretty quickly, looking to you. "Did you like it?"
Ciel sighed and nodded. "Yes, it was nice." He said firmly, "Now, you said something about a game? Care to tell me?" The expression on his face no longer judgemental but curious.
"Right, yes." You smiled. "The game is simple, really, we each attach our lips to opposite ends of the treat and take small bites. The first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet and you'll have to. Does that make sense?" Ciel sighed.
"Yes, that does."
"Perfect." You took another stick of pocky out of the box, attaching your lips to one end and Ciel doing the same. You inched closer, not keeping eye contact with him.
After a moment you could feel his gentle breath mixing with yours as he took the last bite, your lips meeting for a moment before you both, slowly, pulled away.
Ciel looked up to you with a blush, clearing his throat. "Uhm. I dont think either of us won that." He looked away. You shook your head, shuffling closer to him, placing your hand on his chin and kissing him softly, again, making eye contact. "No, we didn't..."
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Alois Trancy
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Alois looked to you with a soft smile "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
"Hello love!" He chirped, walking in as you shut the door behind him. "Its nice to see you again, it's been a while." You nodded, "Too long." Your tone was gentle, Alois smiling as you spoke.
You sat on the couch with him, your hands brushing against each other. Alois looked to the bag then back up at you. "Soooo what snacks did you get?" The curiosity and joy in his voice was rather sweet in a way.
You grabbed the bag, pulling out a box of pocky passing it to Alois. He examined it before just opening the box and pulling out a stick and taking a bite, his eyes sparkling as he did so. He quickly finished it, making eye contact with you. "These are great! Where'd you get them?" You couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Most grocery stores sell them, if you want to get the best ones there's that little shop in town that sells a bunch of Japanese snacks. The ones they sell in there are really good!" You beamed, Alois giggling softly at your slight ramble. He nodded, thanking you and taking out another stick of pocky and placing it into his mouth.
"There's also a game you can play with them that I wanted to show you!"
"A game?" You'd definitely peaked his curiosity.
You nodded, taking out a stick. "One player puts one end of the stick in their mouth and the other follows. You take small bites and the one who backs out first looses and if neither of you back out your lips will eventually meet." He said firmly.
"So it's a game of chicken?"
"Essentially, yeah!"
"Sounds fun!" Alois chirped. You nodded, placing one end of the stick in your mouth and signaling for the him to do the same which he happily did. You slowly inched towards closer and closer, you lips grazed against each other and before you could pull away Alois took the last bit from your mouth, his hand slipping into your hair. You slowly moved closer but Alois pulled away as you did so.
"Why did yo?-" He put a finger to your lips, pulling out another stick.
"Round two? I believe I won the first one." Alois said with a sort of cocky smirk. You nodded, placing your lips on one end of the stick and him following.
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Grell Sutcliff
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and Grell looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let her in.
"Hello, darling!" She walked in, shutting the door behind her, hugging you gently. She was in that red coat she always wore, her body heat mixed with yours in the embrace. After a moment, she let go, sitting on the couch with you.
You both made polite conversation for a while before you pulled a box of pocky out of your bag. Grell looked to the box in your hands; smiling, you passed it to her. "Pocky?" She looked up at you with a curious expression or was it confused? Mabey a little bit of both! You nodded, signaling for her to open the box. She did so, taking one out and starting to eat it. Grell looked to you with a smile as she finished it, "Those are really nice." She said gently, box still in hand.
You took one out and nodded. "They are." You said softly. "What's great about them is the game you can play, care to try?" Grell nodded and you smiled to yourself. "The rules are simple, each person places one end of the stick into their mouth and they get closer as they take small bites, first one to back out looses!"
"And if neither of you back out?"
"The person with the bigger peice at the end wins either way but if neither of you back out it'll end with your lips meeting. Does that make sense?" She nodded and you smiled. "Perfect!"
You attached your lips to one end of the stick, Grell doing the same. You both got closer and closer slowly, you could feel her breath against your lips and smell her red lipstick. After a moment, you lips met and Grell gently gripped your shirt, the other hand on your waist, as she pulled you closer. Soft smacking and clicking sounds filled the room, Grell not letting go for a little while.
Eventually, the two of you pulled away and you had a light blush grazing your cheeks, as did she. Red lipstick marked you lips, the taste of the pocky still in your mouth. Grell placed the box to the side, "Screw the game." She said softly, pulling you into another kiss, this one more passionate.
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William T Spears
After a few minutes you hear a knock at the door and quickly jump up to awnswer it, a small smile on your face as you did so. You swung the door open and William looked to you. "Hello!" You beamed, moving to the side to let him in.
Will walked in, shutting the door behind him with a sigh. "Hello, dear." He said firmly, it wasn't he didn't want to be there, he'd just finished working overtime curtsey of Grell. You sat him down, sitting across from him.
"How was overtime?" You asked, desperately trying not to giggle, he certainly wasn't amused by the teasing.
"Fine, thank you."
You sighed softly, pulling out a box of pocky and passing it to him. "Try one." Will sighed, opening the box and pulling a stick of pocky out, eating it and looking to you.
"Its not bad. Is this all you asked me to come over for?" He gave you a look but you knew he was being genuine.
"Mmm kind of! I also wanted to show you a game involving them!" You shuffled closer to him.
"Go on?"
"Ok! So!" You took out another stick. "Its simple, really, each person puts one end of the stick in their mouth, inching closer with small bites and the first person to back out looses. If neither of you back out eventually your lips will meet." You had an almost confident smile as you explained.
"Sounds like a waste of time." He sighed. "But if it'll make you happy." You nodded. "Alright then..."
You placed your lips on one end on the stick and Will followed, you both got closer slowly, bite after bite. As Will went to pull away, you took the last piece, your lips meeting. After a moment, he leant into it, his hand on your arm before slowly pulling away again. He cleared his throat and you pulled out another stick.
"Round two?"
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That's it for now! I may end up making another one if anyone has any other characters they'd like to see! If you do please let me know! <3
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From the start.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Summary: Austin was excited to go to the Oscars and possibly win a reward still a part of him felt saddened by Lisa Marie's absence, sure Kaia there helped but when he saw you, it was like an angel sent by Lisa found him and he promises himself he wouldn't let you slip away, and he doesn't care who he has to hurt to get you.
Warnings: mention of Lisa Marie's death, Kidnapping, Friends to lovers? Housewife kink, Toy Dildo, Vaginal Plug, Creampies, Fingering, Oral (Fem & Male), Dirty talk, Double penetration, Stockholm syndrome, Infidelity, Starvation, Knife kink, Yandere/Dark Austin, Forced Marriage, Pillow talk, Mention of murder, Filming, Spiked drink.
A/n: this was requested by @presleybbg and her beautiful ideas.
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All that Austin could remember was how much pain he was in, he felt like it was too soon to pretend everything was fine like he wasn't mourning. Lisa was like a second mother to him and like his real mother, she was gone too soon. He was getting ready for the Oscars, fixing his bow tie in the mirror and running his fingers through his hair "You sure you don't want me to come?" Kaia spoke up after watching him for a second, her voice filled with a little worried "I have to do this alone." he replied, "I got to go, see you soon." He kisses his girlfriend before leaving, he wanted to just get this over with.
After running the red carpet, he began the search for his seat. He sighed, walking around the small area where his seat would be but he was starting to think the person who told him where it was supposed to be was simply right, 'great' he groaned about to make his way back when a voice stopped.
He looked over his shoulder and his heart skipped a beat or two.
A woman waved eagerly to him with a smile "Over here!" she called and Austin follow her voice like a lost puppy "T-Thank you" he stuttered as he now stood in front of her "Your welcome." you smiled and walked past him just a little before he stopped you "let me thank you more? How bout some coffee or something?" he asked, pulling his hands in his pockets, trying to seem put together though everything wasn't, you looked him up and down, it wouldn't be bad right? And to be honest, it would be cool to have a rising new star as a friend "Okay, I'd like that Mr. Butler." you answered reaching your hand out for his phone "Here let me put my number in." Almost without absolute hesitation, he gave you his phone and you typed your number into his contacts "I'll see you around" you smiled "Good luck!" you called before disappearing into the crowd. All feelings of warmth are gone with you and the coldness that was there before returning, Austin still had a smile on, one that looked so real, he wasn't an amazing actor for nothing after all, the night proved to be long and fruitless. Sure Austin was happy for his fellow actor, but the only good thing that happened was he met his true soulmate, he eat with his girlfriend and her family that night, texting you under the table if you wanted to meet up tomorrow, smile growing bigger once you said yes.
Shortly after that coffee 'date' you and Austin became friends fast, dodging paparazzi like the Matrix, tonight you were gonna visit one of your favorite nightclubs, you weren't much of a party girl but it was fun to let loose, and besides Austin has been quite busy, he deserved a break. You decided on a thigh-length dress, the top of the dress was off-shoulder and a sequin silver, the skirt was a plain black, almost leather-looking material and you paired it off with sliver-colored heels with red bottoms, you did some light makeup and went in your way. The club bosted music, flashing lights, and grinding, sweaty bodies took up the space, your eyes searched for Austin, once your glaze glanced at the bar, there he was, shooting down what seems to be whisky, he leaned against said bar, he a green almost see through blouse that was unbuttoned down to the third button showing off his firm chest and a little of his torso, the shirt tucked in black jeans addressed his slim waist, rings and a sliver chain jeweled his body, to finish his look was dark green leather boots that looked more black in the light of the darkroom. As you checked out the handsome man, your tongue licked your lips without realizing it, and thoughts of how he would sound moaning, telling how good your lips felt around his cock stopped as his eyes looked up and met yours with a smile. He waved you over and turned to the bartender, holding two fingers to him before he looked back at you.
"Precious." he greeted, when you finally reached him, his raspy, deep voice granted your ears, and heat built up in your core from his little nickname for you. "Hey Aus, how are you this night?" you asked and sat on the stool beside him, grabbing the shot the bartender put in front of you, Austin looked away from your question before looking back at you with a sad haze, a frown on his enticing lips "Kaia and i..broke up." your eyes widen, you thought things were going good between the two "I'm sorry to hear that.." your heart ached for him "It's fine." he downed the shot of whisky, watching the people dancing showing off his capturing side profile. You didn't know if the alcohol in your system give you so much courage but you gently moved his head and kissed his plump lips, he didn't hesitate to lick your lips for access to your mouth, you did, and his tongue explored your mouth, battling your tongue with fervor. You pulled away and gripped his hand, rushing to the lady's restroom where you resumed the heated make out, your hands fumbled to unbuckle his belt, and once you slid it out of the hoops of his jeans, you hooked your fingers into his pants and underwear before dropping to your knees bring them down with you. His cock bounced against his stomach, it stood proud, long, and thick, the slit wept pre-cum so much it dripped on the tiles of the clean-smelling restroom, your lips engulfed his head, tongue swirling around the slit, tasting the not-so-bitter salt of his pre-come causing a delicious inhale from the man above, your month took inch upon inch until his member rested in your throat, your eyelashes flatter as you look into his blue orbs through them "Fucking damn!" he growled, his hands took hold of your head, he begins to thrust in and out of your throat, using it as his cocksleeve, fucking it like he would your slopping wet cunt, drool poured out your mouth, covering the base of his dick and his balls "Dirty girl, making such a mess on my cock." he grunted, your already wet underwear dripped your slick.
"Gonna cum, and you're gonna swallow isn't that right?" his voice deepened and looked down at you with a smirk. You nodded, moaning around his dick, body squirming in want and excitement, he cursed, head thrown back, his thrust quickened and with a deep groan, pushing his whole member back down your throat, pumping load after load, forcing you to swallow everything, You pulled back, breath heavy, and your saliva smeared across your chin "Let's get you cleaned up." Austin spoke softly as he helped you up, your knees shook for a bit before regaining their previous strength, he cleaned you up and bought you back to the party. Austin held onto your stumbling self to the door of your apartment, your keys already in his hand inserting them into the door knob but to his bewildered, the door shot open, and a man with 2000 hair, a band T-shirt, jeans, and a grey beanie. "Hey, you're Austin Bulter! I didn't believe my baby guess I was wrong, here let me help." the man's voice sounded like a teenager's voice but he was obviously 20 years old but was simply stuck in the 2000 style, "I'm Nathan by the way" 'Nathen' smiled and took you from Austin's arms, and lead you to the couch, Austin's nose wrinkled from the strong smell of weed on Nathen's breath and the room. Who was this man? Was he your boyfriend? This lame ass- bitch- ugly looking piece of shit was your boyfriend? No. No. He couldn't be. Austin held back a snarl as Nathen leaned down and kissed you this would do. Austin said a quick goodbye and derived home with white knuckles, he broke up with Kaia for you, and he didn't regret it of course, he spend the rest of the night thinking of what to do, getting no sleep. It was a few days when came up with a plan, it was wrong but he needed you, and you belonged to him you just don't know it yet, Austin slides into the open window, clad in black from head to toe, a backpack over his left shoulder, he looked back to the windows, oh precious girl didn't you know how dangerous that is? But don't worry it will change, he take good care of you and keep you safe.
Austin kneed down on your side of the bed you and your dick of a boyfriend slept in, he took a needle out of a safe plastic small bag, a fast-sleeping drug filled the glass medical needle, he gently pricked the side of your neck and pushed the drug into your veins.
"What the fuck!" Nathan screeched Austin simply looked at him with a smirk that spoke of danger.
Austin grunted as he carried you to his car, lay in his back seat, and then sat in the driver's seat he sighed, glancing at your sleeping form, he didn't want to get rid of your poor excuse ex-boyfriend, oh well it no use to get upset about spill blood. It took two-three months and a lot of patience, for you to fall for him, and five weeks to get you to trust him, he kept you well-fed, of course eating the food and drinking the water to show that it was okay, untampered with, after that was smooth sailing. Austin walked through the door of the house he shared with his love, the smell of clean products flowing around the enclosed air, leaving his shoes on the shoe rack, he followed the scent into the kitchen, and his cock stirred to life as he leaned against the kitchen's open door frame, you were simply wiping the stove down with an apron on, still lustful desires flow within him, just by you doing wife like duties, he had already made you his wife, with a friend's help you were married on a certificate, yet to have a wedding, he'll make that happen when the time was right. You had yelled and screamed at him once he revealed that certain knowledge to you, now though you were happy to be his wife. His fetching blue orbs stayed on your form like a man stoned by one of Medusa's glances, quietly he set the bag he brought on the island and walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his white Tank top from his recent photo shoot against your back "Why, Hello there precious." Austin smiled untieing your apron," I missed you." you spoke softly, turning around in his arms and allowing him to completely take off your favorite apron "I missed you too." he gently pecked your lips "I bought something we can have fun with, wouldn't you like that?" he said backing away and showcase the black plastic bag that read Spencer's on the front, you looked from the bag to your husband, if your core wasn't burning a scorching desire it was now, Austin's eyes were like a raging storm out in the open ocean with want, a mischievous smirk tugged at his lip, a hard bulge strained against its jeaned cage, you felt your cheeks grow heated as you nodded eye trained on the black baggie. Austin turned around and laid the items on the wooden island, "Come here baby." he called you over, stepping aside.
Your breath stopped, there sat a dildo that was roughly the size of your husband's length in the colors of glittery pastel blue, pink, and green with a pattern of tie-dye, beside it was a vaginal Plug the base color was black and was covered in royal purple paint splashes, the end was jeweled with amethyst and lastly, lube. Your pussy clenched around nothing thoughts of just what Austin could have in mind made your underwear soaked. "Undress precious. Slowly" Austin ordered, voice deeper with wanton dominance, resting his forearm on the wooden surface, your heart beat faster and you shredded each piece of clothing, pants, panties, shirt, and then bra all while trailing your hands on your body, the last article of your clothes dropped to the floor, and your lips locked together, his fingers squeezed your throat, enough to make you breathless and his rings cooled your feverish skin, your tongues swirled and licked crudely, the burning sensation lack of air pulled you both away, you look at each other, lidded eyes and panting. Austin took this time to truly appreciate your body "So goddamn beautiful." he breathed, helping you onto the kitchen countertop behind you, his lips latched on your neck as two of his fingers enters and pumps into your cunt roughly, his thumb rubbing at your clit with vulgar, a loud moan punched out of you as he began to scissor your pussy, stretching you open.
The edge of absolute paradise was ripped away, and you whimpered looking to Austin with betrayal "Patience." he chuckled, grabbing the lube and the over the top of the dildo "Open." he rested the rubber cockhead on your lips, slowly you part your lips and the toy, slides into your wet, hot maw, the rubber tasted like artificial strawberry, your eyes flattered close, the weight of the dildo was alike to your husband. You bobbed and sucked on it like it was, muffed moans and sounds of Austin's fingers fucking your weeping cunny "You like this baby? Sucking on a fake dick while I bring you to heaven and back?" Austin spoke in a trance as he watched you blow the toy like his first blowjob from you, you nodded sucking harder, your hips buck and your legs shook as your climax busted out. Austin gently pulled the colorful toy out then poured a generous amount of lube on it and his own "Ready?" he asked as he moved you to the cold tiled floor "I'm ready." you assured breathlessly, he rushed to push his jean, underwear completely and ripped his tank top off throwing somewhere to be picked up, you tried to relax as the toy dick was slowly pushed in, and Austin thrusted a back arching thrust, every inch of him was inside, his balls rest on the curve of your ass. The stretch was a sting burn, once your tense body relaxed, pangs of blissed-out pleasure shot throughout your body, and you felt so full! "Go." you smile as you saw the conflict on his face, "Yess." he hissed as he plowed into your cunt, each thrust forced the toy to box against your cervix, his balls wet from the lube and your juices, a wet smacking noise mixed with your loud moans, whines and Austins grunts, moans, and growls.
Your body jerked up, causing Austin's cock and the fake dick to come out little by little, Austin growled in frustration and slide you back to him, throwing your legs over his shoulders and holding down your thighs, resting them on his torso. He resumed pounding, your eyes rolled back, it was all too much the fast strokes of your husband's member up against the roof of your pussy while the dildo mini-strokes the bottom, his cum heavy balls spanking your ass no doubt leaving bruises from his hard treatment. Your legs began to shake, your back arching off the floor and your pussy gushing out your release Austin followed a little later, both of you gasped and panted for air, bodies covered in sweat, exhaustion heavy in the bones, you were on the edge of passing out when both lengths was pulled out, your eyes shot open and a whimper left your pouting lips "Sensitive." you muttered "I know precious, I just got to put this in you and I'll run us a bath." Austin chuckled as he gently put the plug in "Gonna need a wheelchair." you replied, his laugh was all you heard before you submitted to unconsciousness.
A week has passed since Austin had gone to another state to film, this was the first time he's been away for so long. The life before you had met him stuck in your mind like a core memory, being able to just go out to shop for simple things like grocery shopping and necessities, go to the park, and eat out, to feel the wind around you and the sun on your skin without asking for permission and being denied. You loved him, truly but the want, the desire become too much, and he would be gone for another week, so you packed a bag and some money and wrote a last goodbye note before escaping into the night. You couldn't go back home, despite the kidnapped you it would break your heart if he was arrested so you moved to another state away from California, far away. You got back on your feet, tried and failed to date no matter who you were with they weren't Austin, there was one time a man, a nice man fucked into you, he felt good but not like him, it didn't help that in the middle you moaned Austin's name, loudly. You decided that you were gonna go to a club, and you sat watching the crowd have the time of their life while the bartender made your order drink, your heart sped up for a second a split second you thought you saw Austin but when you glanced back he was gone, you shake your head and took a gulp of your drink before rushing to the restroom. You were listing your mind, he couldn't have found you this quick! It's only been three weeks, your classed the marble sink and looked up in the mirror, suddenly everything looked blurry and your head felt light, the last thing you heard was ladies' restroom door opening and footsteps then it went black.
You groaned as you came too, your head still felt fuzzy but not too much "Wakey, wakey precious." A familiar voice taunted venom laced, your eyes quickly opened "Austin." you muttered softly, Austin looked as good as he always had, though the closer you looked at him, he slightly had bags under his eyes, likely from searching for you "You know I thought everything was okay, I was happy, you were happy—well seemed to be." he hissed, his cold blues glared at you "I loved you. Did you even love me?" he asked, he started strong but at the end, his voice weakened "Of course I do!!" you reassured frantically, what have you done? "IF YOU DID YOU WOULDN'T HAVE RUN AWAY!!!" he screamed angrily, causing you to flinch, Austin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he got up and looked at you one last time before going. For two days you have been in the basement, without food or water, and yet you come to hate him, you missed more not that he was so close, you want to be in his arms, why did you leave? You had everything you could want, you perked out as you heard footsteps not before long Austin stood in front of you "Get up." he ordered, and you quickly obeyed "Fellow me." you followed him with your head down, was he gonna throw you? Was he done with you? Your heart ached at these thoughts, once you stepped out of the basement, the mouth-watering smell of food entered your nose "Go eat, I get you new clothes and run you a bath." he spoke, and in no time, you sat in down in the dining room and scarfed all the dish, drink all the water, you smiled, stomach full "it's ready" Austin said after finishing what he said he would do.
The warm water relaxed your tense muscles and the feeling of being completely clean, made you sigh with blissfulness, the clothes smell like roses and were soft against your skin, you were happy, and things almost seemed back to normal, almost.
Austin sat up against the backboard of the queen-sized mattress, his eyes boring into you, his phone and a knife on his bedside table "Strip and come here precious." he commanded, grabbing his phone, looking for something on it, you striped and hesitantly crawled on the bed stopping in front of him, slick already producing between your folds from the sheer dominance that radiant off your husband. He got off the bed and laid the phone beside the kitchen blade, he unbuckled his black belt, pushing his black jeans past his knees "Here's what's gonna happen, you are going to take what I give you and you're gonna like it, understand?" he pushed you to lay on the spot he was previously occupied, spread your legs and got in between them, his heavy member rest against your lips and clit "Answer." "Yes. I understand." Austin let out a pleased hum before grabbing his phone again and sliding right home inside of you, the stretch burned in the right way "Say hi to the camera." your eyes widen as his phone camera record your face and then shooting where you were one, he began to pound into you without remorse, his pubic bone smacked into your poor clit, the camera zoomed in recording, your cunt clenching hard on his cock almost slowing him down, growls and sexy huffs leave Austin no doubt enjoy your pussy, he fucked you as he missed it, the phone was suddenly was throw it to the side before grabbing the knife and held it to your neck, each jolt from his thrusting threatened to cut you, the feeling of the fear and danger of having such a dangerous woman that could hurt possibly end you filled you with excitement like a drug "Dose this turn my little wife on?" Austin chuckled darkly, moving the knife to your cheek, cutting a small line, a sharp hiss left you "Y-yes, so much!" you admitted, bucking your hips against his hips, Austin muttered a soft fuck and plowed you into the bed, pushing you both to the edge of pure paradise and bliss. You screamed as Austin stabbed the knife in the pillow beside your head, forcing an intense climax, Austin groaned as he pumped his cum into your weeping pussy.
"You. Are. Mine. Next, you try to leave I won't so nice." Austin pulled out of you and slammed the door on his way out, leaving you to your thoughts, his cum leaking out and the knife standing straight in the pillow. You sighed and closed your eyes, it would take some time for him to forgive you but you loved him, you need to show him that.
You sat up and walked through the door, planning on what would be done.
Taglist: @crash-and-cure, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @flwersgarden, @18lkpeters, @thegettingbyp2, @kendralavon7, @randomwhore4ever, @xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @depressedriches, @nayemendes, @livelaughelvis, @yynneessmon, @sunflower1990, @wolywolymoley, @pennyroyalcreep,@little-miss-naill, @arabellapresley, @satninangels @charlesswife, @austinbsblog, @richardslady121, @neptuneismysister, @misswede
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todoroki-waifu · 2 years
Headcanons about how Undertaker, William, and Lau would react if his gender neutral crush accidentally confesses to him?
Note: Thank you for the request! Really enjoying writing these. Hehe.
Warning: Gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 543
He laughs.
Laughs a lot until you get mad at him and attempt to walk away.
He grabs you before you can leave and attempts to apologize, but you don't seem convinced.
Undertaker doesn't truly believe you fell for someone like him. 
People tended to stay away from him because ...well...he deals with the dead! (It is his occupation, plus he's a shinigami) 
Once he sees how serious you are, he grins, pulling you close by your waist and holding up one of your hands as he starts to sway you into a slow waltz. 
Despite his long, silver bangs covering his eyes, there's a hint of happiness swirling in his green orbs. He feels somewhat alive again. You're bringing color to his dark, melancholy life.
Undertaker does warn you that his love for you will last even after death. There is no 'till death do us part'. 
Again, he's a shinigami, so he'll make sure that you two stay together.
Hate to say it, but he doesn't accept your confession at first. 
Feels as if it would interfere with his work. Believes love and business don't mix together.
Eventually changes his mind. He misses you so, so much. He misses how close you two used to be. 
Even Grell comments about how stupid he is (which William couldn't help but poke him with his shears). 
Grell only knew what was going on between the two of you through you after pestering noticing William's change in behavior. 
Takes William a while to apologize, but he's determined to put his pride to the side because being without you is worse than working overtime and he HATES working past his shift. 
Feels really silly about how he didn't think about balancing you and his work life. Not saying he enjoys work, but he is dedicated to it so why can't he be dedicated to both?
Probably a bit more dedicated to you now, but still. 
Although he is a bit aloof, he shows his love in his own way. Makes sure that you get enough rest for your job, eat enough for the day, staying hydrated, making dinner when he knows you've had a long shift, or actually takes off on important days/days that you are unwell or when he just wants to spend time with you. 
Lau pretends to be surprised when you accidentally confess to him, but admits that he's known for a while.
He knows a lot of people and people talk.
But he's also observant despite him acting oblivious most of the time. He did notice that you were a bit more fidgety around him.
After you confess, he's ecstatic, but a bit afraid. He has a lot of enemies and is concerned about them trying to use you against him.
But that's when he triples his security, especially when he couldn't be around you.
Lau not being around you is somewhat rare. He wants to bring you with him everywhere, especially to his birth country! 
He's considered high class in China (and in England) because of his occupation plus his ties with the Qing Bang. He's going to make sure you're treated extra special. 
You're with him now, so he'll be taking care of you.
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 6 months
First post on Tumbler! ^^
Hiya! I'm Inky! This is my introduction post, and at the time of posting, this is my first post on tumblr! but definitely not my first time on tumbler lol (I have a alt acc on my laptop)
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(just a random reminder that this blog will include oc x cannon, if you don't like that stuff please be respectful ignore my blog and proshipers, ped0s, homophobes, racist, zoophiles etc, dni with me or my blog.)
I'm probably going to be posting art and POSSIBLY writing some oc x cannon/x reader fics on here because yass👏👏Anyway here's just a summary of me but as one of my ocs profiles loll
Name: Inky
Nickname: Inks
Gender: Cis female
Species: Little sona gal
Nationality: England☕
Fandoms I'm in:
Animal crossing
Bendy and the ink machine
Black butler
Circus of wishes
casino cups
Charlie the union
Chicken nugget
Demon slayer
Dark deception
epithet erased
Far fetched
Glitter force
Garten of ban ban
Generation loss
Guardians of the Galaxy
Gravity falls
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Heart of Titans
Heart stopper
Hotel transylvania
Harry Potter
Indgo park
J:- none yet-
Komi can't communicate
Lamas in hats
Little nightmares
Little misfortune
Murder drones
Metal family
Mean girls
My little powny
My friendly neighbourhood
Monkey wrench
N:- none yet-
One piece
Obay me!
popee the performer
Perfect husbands
Poppy playtime
Purcy Jackson
Q: - none yet-
Royal high
rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Rise of the guardians
Spooky month
Sam and max
Sad ghost club
The amazing digital circus
Tokyo ghoul
Toilet bound Haiko-kun
U: - none yet-
Vampire series
Welcome home
Who framed Roger rabbit?
Wimpy witch
X: - none yet-
Y: - none yet-
Zipped up
There are probably SOOOO meny more I just can't think of rn :/
But yeah! That's me! Expect to see lots of art, mostly oc x cannon
I'm excited to start posting, until then bye!!
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krisstheidiot · 6 months
1-Character Intros 1.0
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A/N:- It's a lot but I thought this would be more of an effective background and context than in pics so yeah spare me guys I wrote this with half my usual braincell lol
@series directory
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Name: Y/N Holmes
Age: 18
Year: Freshmen (Fall Sem)
Major: Double major in Computer science and Film Studies with a minor in Fashion Design.
Extracurriculars: Student Rep in the student council, Tennis, Theatre, Writing.
Vibes: Chaotic Academia, Occasionally casual chic, Smiley, Crack most of the time, Spontaneous, Very Indecisive, Sarcasm goes undetected as jokes, Every word is laced with sarcasm so good luck, history is full of how to pull off crimes but its for research nothing much.
Background: Part French(Maternal) and part British-Korean(Paternal), Skipped two years when she was a kid but then took a gap before applying for college, met Seungmin and Han in 7th grade, Mom is a famous fashion designer, Dad a surgeon, during the gap she took she had gone on a trip around Europe with her mom and made friends in France during the month she stayed there.
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Name: Kim Seungmin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Journalism and Media Arts.
Extracurriculars: Treasurer(Student Council), Runs the campus newsletter, Photography club, Baseball.
Vibes: Smart Casual look, Citycore, Straightforward, does not believe in delulu, Sarcastic mean but funny in a way, will sassy shit on people who bother the people he cares about, pretty smile, is very sentimental inside, book boyfriend coded to the T. (*Mom I want one*)
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Name: Han Jisung
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Audio Engineering and Music Technology
Extracurriculars: Extra curriculars head(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks"
Vibes: Grunge, graphic tees with blazers, Beatles, Chaos, Very shinchan coded lol, Sirius black outfits, Emo boy x Indie, funny but the stupid kind, Will snort at a funeral, under the surface he is very feeling like very, likes anime, will force you to watch silent voice and then proceed to cry like a baby though ofc you would too, Taps his knee to calm his anxiety.
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Name: Bang (Christopher) Chan
Age: 22
Year: Senior
Major: Double major in Music Production and Audio Engineering.
Extracurriculars: President(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black, Casual Neat, Comfort is fashion core, Protective, Nice, sweet, Caring, will smile at you for no reason at all, Cry and the person who did it will be 6 feet under, Mans is a walking green flag y'all, Father of 7, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Kangaroo, Very huggable.
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Name: Lee Minho
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Major in Dance and Minor in Culinary Arts
Extracurriculars: Vice president(School council), Dance team, Volunteers at the animal shelter.
Vibes: Casual comfortable, does not like being extravagant, add cat fur on every piece of clothing, Convenient chic fashion, Sass in a very aggressive manner, Mans has evil written all over that attractive ass smirk on his face but in a good way ofc, Will not take anyone's shit, prefers cats to humans but honestly who doesn't, Cat butler to his three fur babies(we Stan).
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Name: Seo Changbin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Music technology and Production
Extracurriculars: Secretary(Student Council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black again, But make it more edgy, beanies, gym buddy, will fight someone for you, Mans is strong and fit, intimidating at first look but girl don't kid me he is the sweetest when you get to know him, Badtz Maru but slay, will bring you to eat with him because why the hell not.
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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Fine Arts and Dance.
Extracurriculars: Arts, Dance team, Soccer team.
Vibes: Artsy light academia, Fancy, luxury, part times as a model(flex), Sassy, Judgy sometimes, Side eye 10x, Fears Minho, Sad eater, Seungmin biased, Procrastinates too much, Laughs at every thing you say, Laughing while clapping 100x.
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Name: Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Culinary arts.
Extracurriculars: Gaming club, Dance team, E-culture club.
Vibes: Fancy, colourful, pastels, bright, Deep voice baby face, So sunshiney all the time that you might melt from the warmth he radiates, mans is fixated on levelling up in his games, will help you build your pc, rgb went brr, streams a lot on twitch, shouting ensues whenever he is playing headphones recommended to protect your eardrums.
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Name: Yang Jeongin
Age: 19
Year: Freshmen(Spring Sem)
Major: Fashion Design
Extracurriculars: Soccer team, Theatre(Costume design), Campus volunteer for extra merits.
Vibes: Modern chic, very stylish, ootd's all the time, very confident somehow and will judge people just because, Sass king, Baby bread, is very much the maknae on top even if he isn't the youngest in a setting, also models part time yay!, this guy will bully you about your height ofc in association with Seungmin.
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Name: Simon Daneu
Age: 25
Occupation: CEO of a company specialising in Games and Software called Solyx.
Background: Y/N's Cousin brother but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Formal casual, Polo shirts, Button ups, corduroy pants, very chic, very overprotective as well, will spoil with no hesitation, still will bully as well with no hesitation whatsoever, likes mocking his younger sisters and brother, will pull out his card even you need the most trivial things because with him no one pays.
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Name: Noelle Daneu
Age: 20
Occupation: Famous chef/baker, Owns a line of cafes and bakery/patisseries called 'The Dusk' around that are viral for their desserts and specials, also a model.
Background: Simon's younger sister, Y/N's cousin sister but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Light academia, Boss girl look, Is very funny, will spoil her younger sibs, Y/N is her baby sister and will be spoiled to bits, besties, Is very sassy which is very much a family trait honestly.
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Name: Theo Holmes
Age: 9
Background: Y/N's lil brother, is a elementary student, lives in Seoul, very much rich kid but the good kind.
Vibes: Whatever mom buys lol, acts way too smug for his won good, will get bonked if he doesn't behave, finds it funny when y/n is annoyed and it makes his life a bit better to see her irritated, will tease y/n and then will whine when faced with retaliation, fights like they were enemies and then the very next minute will be giggling around like idiots.
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Name: Amelia Wallis
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Confident, cool, fashionable, always looking out for y/n, will hit someone for her.
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Name: Mattheo Grey
Age: 20
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Dark academia, poems, research papers, theatre kid, Hamilton.
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Name: Elliot Wesley
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from London(met when y/n was on the Europe trip and then proceeded to become friends with Mattheo and Amelia)
Vibes: Smug, confident, bold, proud, country club fashion, tennis partners with y/n when she was in London, is very annoying when he wants to be.
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,......
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nbwriteschaos · 6 months
re: writing commissions.
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---- my writing commissions are OPEN! all info can be found within this post or in this google doc. please dm for any inquiry or request!!
!!!fiction, nonfiction, original works, smut, etc!!!
1 thousand words ♡ $10 USD
2 thousand words ♡ $12 USD
3 thousand words ♡ $15 USD
4 thousand words ♡ $20 USD
5 thousand to 10 thousand words ♡ starts at $25 USD
---- all payments are processed through paypal only. payments must be submitted first before i begin the commission. refunds are not available but i will rewrite a commission if you are not satisfied :)
more below ...
(this may format a little funny as i'm copying and pasting some info from my doc, sorry!!)
-- as for pricing
((I do not accept negotiations as far as pricing! I’ve priced my commissions based on what I think my time and effort is worth while also maintaining affordability. There are to be NO REFUNDS.  If you are unsatisfied with the result of your commission I am open to rewriting it once more to ensure your satisfaction. All payments are accepted through Paypal. I am working on opening some sort of website to provide the best experience for commissions as well, but for now, Paypal and Tumblr are the best I’ve got. 
Please let it be noted that although I am an experienced writer, I do not have the qualifications of a professional published author. I am simply a person at their laptop trying to build a future career as a writer :)
You will not be charged if I go over your paid word count!!
Custom word counts between 5k and 10k will be charged based on how I see fit. **It will not go over $60 USD** ))
-- as for boundaries
i will write mostly anything. even if it seems a little questionable, i'll probably do it. for example:
a super sad angsty character death probably nobody but yourself would want to read, that one coffee shop/tattoo artist au you've been wanting to read but can't find on ao3, or like, idk, a fantasy involving d*bcon, f*rry, p*ssplay, whump/whumpee, mpr*g, terat*philia (monster fucking), obscure s*xual organs, g*re (ask me about this one if you are looking for smut involving g*re), v*yeurism, size differences, or other common k*nks.
i do request some sort of age verification if you are commissioning for smut.
strict NOs:
No extreme depictions of SH or s*icide. No animal a*use, death or g*re. Nothing depicting extreme homophobia or transphobia. No politics or opinion-based pieces of writing. No depictions of child or adult a*use of any kind. No extreme drug use. No underage, fe*derism, sc*t/f*rts/underarms/feet/sneezing, be*stiality, n*ncon, age pl*y/massive age difference, inc*st.
i have a right to deny any commission for any reason!
-- as for fandoms
I can and will attempt to write for any fandom I am not familiar with so long as there is enough info that has been provided for it!! However, I can’t guarantee it will be perfect. Here are fandoms I am familiar with and will write for: 
Anime/Cartoons: Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Melody, Free!!!, Haikyuu!!!, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, JJBA, Black Butler, Bungou Stray Dogs, Yuri on Ice, Kakegurui, Attack on Titan, Noragami, Adventure Time, Steven Universe. Probably more, just ask! 
Books: The Raven Cycle, The Dreamer Trilogy, Simon Snow Trilogy, The Foxhole Court series. Monstrous Series. Anything more obscure check out my Goodreads profile!! 
I am 100% down to write your original characters and plots!! In fact, I encourage it! For maximum accuracy, please provide as much information as you can for each character, plot, setting, etc! 
if you have any other questions feel free to send a DM or an ask and i'll get back to you as soon as possible! you can also check out the doc to see if it is answered there!
if you read this far, please feel free to reblog just to spread the love. i'd really appreciate it! thank you!!!
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almost-peterparker · 22 days
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x reader
A/N: This will probably be on the longer side, I've been posting it on a03 as well.
Summary: //TW// abuse, strong language, violence, gore, etc. Also, the plot is going to be based on the manga! (Y/n) (L/n) was a relatively anti-social twenty-one-year-old. She had no real family, and she was really only close to one person, that person being Mara Kline. They were so close, in fact, that they did everything together. They would shop together, eat together, and most importantly (for Mara anyway), they watched Black Butler together. The two girls owned an apartment together, making this moderately easy. Mara had a very large hyper fixation on the anime, she was quite literally obsessed. One day, the two of them are riding around in Mara's vehicle. Mara, not paying quite as much attention as she should have been, allowed the two of them to get hit by another car. (Y/n) could have never imagined that this accident would cause the two of them to wake up in a familiar, yet unfamiliar setting. Nor could she have foreseen how it would change her life.
Word Count: 5475
Your eyes snap open as your alarm clock screams at you to get up after hitting snooze multiple times. Though, that wasn't what caused you to open your eyes. You had felt a weight on your bed. And as you squint through the sun's blinding rays, you can make out a silhouette. Mara is hovering over you holding a pillow as if she was going to smother you in your sleep, her dark hair dangling and framing her face as she eyed you. Her golden eyes were wide, apparently, she hadn't expected you to wake up before she ended your life. You groggily grab the pillow next to you, and you swing it blindly in the direction that you believe her to be in. You successfully nail her in the face with your pillow. You hear an "Oof!" as she backs away from your half-awake form. You sit up from your bed stiffly like a vampire from its coffin as you glare in her direction.
"Mara?" You question.
"Yes, (Y/n)?" She responds as if she had been doing nothing wrong.
"What the fuck?" You say as you finally blink the sleep from your eyes, staring at her. You can virtually see a halo over her head. "Well, you wouldn't quit hitting snooze on your alarms so, I only saw one reasonable solution." She smiles at you innocently. "Your reasonable solution was to just smother me in my sleep?" Your eyes narrow in her direction as she grins in response. 
This was the dynamic of your friendship. You could remember meeting Mara like it was yesterday. You had grown up in a pretty broken neighborhood, not many "good guys", so to speak. You weren't so good either. Whereas Mara was more fortunate and grew up pretty happy.
You had only met Mara about two years beforehand. The two of you met under some rather, unfavorable conditions. You grew up in a pretty shitty home, your father was a wanted murderer. Your parents were very neglectful; thus, you were always forced to sneak out of the house just to be free of them. By the age of seven, you became a great pickpocket due to your parents' neglect. You were rarely caught. Almost. The few times you had been caught ended up pretty ugly, you would end up being assaulted whether it be verbal or physical. You would acquire bruises and sometimes worse from the people you'd steal from. Worse treatment could be expected after your parents would find out. This worsened their neglect towards you as you essentially grew up without any form of love. You had plenty of scars and mental scars that you had acquired from your childhood. Though, you really just viewed them as growth points now. All of those experiences led you to the place in life that you were currently living in.
By the age of sixteen, you ran away. You began your own form of living. At this point, you were virtually undetected, you could steal from almost anyone and they never even noticed. You had become a great thief, so then, you can imagine how great you were by the age of eighteen. You were virtually undetectable now. And not to toot your own horn but, you were also considered quite the escape artist now if you ever were caught. You can get out of almost any situation now. 
But, back to Mara, the two of you still went to the same school but you were hardly ever present. You saw no point in attending. Though, your thievery was actually how you ran into Mara. As mentioned, she grew up rather well, meaning, she grew up with semi-wealthy parents who were never home. This naturally made her one of your targets at some point. She had just been jubilantly walking down the street, listening to music as she went. Though, she had been taking a different route home than normal, why? Her justification was a shrug and a simple 'I was bored, duh.' Anyhow, you had seen her inattentively making her way down the street. Mara was a very beautiful bronze-skinned woman, as aforementioned, she also had dark hair and golden eyes. She got quite a bit of attention.
Anyways, you'd noticed how well she was dressed and some of the items she had with her, as she went by, you also eyeballed a rather expensive necklace dangling from her pocket. Why? Again, the response to this after you'd asked her was a shrug, she said a guy she didn't much care for gave it to her, so she didn't care for it much either. This resulted in you snatching it from her pocket. But Mara was incredibly aware as she felt the weight of the necklace leaves her pocket. Though she didn't care for the necklace, she would be damned if she would allow someone to take something of hers. So, you briskly made your way down the street, not running, so as not to draw attention to yourself. Instead of calling for help a few minutes later as people typically did, you heard footsteps approaching you quickly. You spared a glance over your shoulder to see Mara charging full speed in your direction. You underestimated how fast this damn girl could run as you took off too. Mara was very well-versed in cardio and long-distance running.
You, however, were not.
Meaning, she caught up to you and practically tackled you to the ground. At the time, you'd been wearing baggy clothing and a hood over your head to make it incredibly difficult for others to determine your gender. Which seemed pretty important. Anyways, she had tackled you and flipped you over. You had expected her to start pummeling you the second she flipped you due to her weirdly strong nature. That wasn't the case because as soon as she pulled off your hood, she recognized you. "Hey...you're that girl from school. Don't we have a few classes together?"  So instead of calling the cops on you, like she probably should've, she told you that she wouldn't call them on one condition. That being that you had to tell her why you stole from others. Since you'd have rather not had the cops up in your business, you gave her a brief rundown, minus all the abuse and such. Anyway, this encounter somehow allowed the two of you to become friends. You believe it was because (F/n) pitied you, she disagrees though, she said she was just interested in you. 
This leads you to the point you're currently at, in your shared apartment as you glare at your friend for trying to assassinate you in your sleep over alarms.
You shake your head as you slide out of bed. "I was getting to it." You grumble as Mara just shakes her head, "You were not, you always say that. Anyways, you remember what today is, right?" She beams. "Of course, how could I forget?" You say while quirking a brow, "It's your birthday." That's right, it was Mara's birthday, meaning that she was now the same age as you. The two of you had roughly, a six-month age gap. So, nothing too large. "Meaning?" Mara questions excitedly.
"Meaning that just like the past two of your birthdays that I have spent with you, you're going to subject me to watching as much Black Butler as we can within a few hours while you fawn over Baldroy. Then, I'm going to take you to an anime merch store so you can find something either Black Butler related or just anime-related in general, that you absolutely need to have. So, then you can remind me that it is, in fact, your birthday so I can buy it for you." You state, smiling at her. The both of you only worked part-time due to Mara's parents literally paying for your apartment and virtually any essentials that either of you would need. So, your money was pretty much just "spending money", as Mara says.
She nods her head enthusiastically, you never understood how she could be so excited about doing the same thing that she does almost every day. You mentally shrug, not caring very much as long as she is happy. She quickly begins to move around your room, which was her preferred place to binge anime for some reason, as she sets things up for the two of you. As she was doing this, you went into the kitchen and proceeded to make yourself a bowl of cereal. When you arrived back at your room, the first episode was already on and paused. You walk in and you sit down next to her. She quickly, and rather excitedly hits play. You had watched this series enough times to practically be able to quote it. But who were you to deny (F/n) of this joy? As soon as Sebastian had started speaking on the screen, Mara said, "Hey, did you know that Sebastian's name is extremely similar to Sebastien Michaelis's, he was a French author from the 1600s who wrote a classification of demons in Hell." She always had some sort of fun fact for you as you watched.
After watching for about three hours, you had just finished the episode "His Butler, at the Funeral", Mara decided that was enough for the moment. She always hated seeing Madam Red die, it was one of her least favorite Black Butler moments. She rolls over on her bed and huffs before groaning. This causes you to raise an eyebrow at her. "What?" 
This causes her to turn to look at you, "They always kill my favorite characters." She says as she pouts. "Mara, you've seen the anime more times than I can count, you knew she died."
"I know...It's just sad. She didn't deserve it."
You shrug, "Well that's what happens when you start murdering people."
"She had a reason though!" Mara whined.
"Not a very good one, in my opinion. Now then," you say as you rise to your feet, "It's about midday now, do you want to go shopping? On our way back, we can get you a cake."
"Ice cream cake?" She asks as if you didn't already know that she wanted an ice cream cake rather than a regular cake.
"Yes. I will get you an ice cream cake, Mara." You respond while ushering her out of your room so that she can get changed.
The two of you get changed into more presentable clothing and then convene in the living room. "Oh! I wanna drive!" Mara smiles. "It's your birthday, shouldn't I be the one driving? You, letting you relax and such?" You respond, to which she replies with a shrug. "I just want to, you always drive. My birthday, my rules." She says grinning. You hold your hands up in mock surrender, "Whatever you say dude." 
You follow Mara out to her vehicle, she drives a black, 2011 Mustang. You loved her Mustang. It was just…nice. The two of you usually just shared her vehicle as well, other than work, you guys usually just traveled together. She hopped in the driver's seat, and she waited for you to follow suit. You climbed into the passenger seat and threw your seat belt on. “Alright, off we go,” Mara says, reversing. She whips her car out of the parking lot and drives down the street. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Mara drives like she is absolutely fucking crazy. It's a wonder that she has never gotten either of you killed. Hence why you typically choose to drive. It was better for your health. 
After a seemingly endless, dangerous drive to the mall, the two of you managed to make it in one piece. Mara pulled the Mustang into the mall's parking lot. After parking the car, the two of you proceeded to get out and walk into the mall. Mara was already vibrating with excitement. You always saved plenty of money for her birthdays. In your mind, it was somewhat like repaying her for pulling you onto this new path of life that you walked. Mara and you began to bounce between all the anime shops. She was like a kid in a candy store, her eyes were practically glowing. She ended up purchasing a Demon Slayer poster, a tiny Itadori Yuji plush from Jujutsu Kaisen, and she had somehow managed to find a Baldroy Figure. He was holding a flame thrower and grinning with a closed-eyed smile. If there was something that anyone needed to know about Mara, it was that she adored Baldroy. He was by far her favorite character. You thought it was cute. You, personally, didn't really have a character preference when it came to Black Butler. You loved the servants. But you could see the pros and cons of almost every other character and therefore chose to remain neutral with your character opinion. Now, you love anime too. You just couldn't say you love it as much as your friend here does.
After a while of walking, the two of you stopped to have a bite to eat at the food court, you chose to get Chinese. After eating, Mara demanded that you read the fortune from your cookie out loud to her. Her request caused you to roll your eyes, but she reminded you that it was her birthday and she deserved 'princess-like treatment.' You broke the cookie and skimmed it before reading it aloud, "'A life-changing event will occur soon and you will reap fruit from it.' There, happy now?"  She nods before also reading hers out loud, "'Land is always in the mind of flying birds.' I don't even know what that means." Mara mutters. "It means you never realize what you miss until you're flying away for it. Kind of like how your parents go on trips all the time but then complain that they miss home," You shrug, "They're all just generic fortunes anyways. I don't believe they have much relevance." 
After you both finished eating you decided it was time to make your way back home. Not before stopping to pick up the ice cream cake, you had ordered from a local shop first. Heading out of the mall, the two of you got back into Mara's car and after a short trip, you had arrived at the cake shop. You directed Mara to stay in her vehicle whilst you went in to grab the cake. You actually knew the owner of the shop fairly well, he was around your age, maybe a few years older. His name was Santos, a very tall, friendly man with quite a passion for baking. 
You went into the shop, making small talk with Santos for a few minutes before he made his way back to the shop's freezer to grab your cake. After a moment, he walks back to the register, setting the beautifully decorated cake down. You paid for the cake, thanking him before heading back out to Mara's car. 
She seems very delighted after seeing the cake. "It's so pretty! He always does such a great job!" She praised the baker. You agreed. Then, the two of you began your journey back to your shared apartment. As you approached a stoplight, the two of you had heard sirens, you really thought nothing of it. Again, you still lived somewhat close to a bad neighborhood. The light shifted from red to green. Mara, not thinking anything of it, drove forward, again, she is kind of a reckless driver. She pulled forward very quickly, your gaze quickly turned out the passenger window as you heard the sirens blaring again. However, now they sounded too close. As you turn your head you see a large red truck absolutely flying in your direction. You could now see where the sirens were coming from, your eyes widened in horror as you watched the truck approach you way too quickly. Before you could even utter anything, the large truck slammed into your side of the vehicle. This caused Mara's Mustang to actually roll due to the force and speed that came at it. Glass and pieces of the car flew everywhere, and you felt several pieces fly into you. You, somehow still conscious but very much in pain, looked down to see a large piece of glass embedded in your chest. That was the last thing you saw before the Mustang landed its final roll leaving the two of you suspended upside down.
You look around, only to see darkness. It felt almost as if you were floating. It was an endless void. Then suddenly, you can hear a multifarious voice whisper in your ear. 
This left you confused, as you couldn't make anything else out of it. But as suddenly as you heard it, it was gone. After what seemed like a few more minutes, you suddenly see a very bright light.
It felt like your head was splitting, causing you to groan, immediately registering the hard ground underneath you. You felt as if you didn't even have the energy to open your eyes. Therefore, you simply lay as you were for a moment. That was until you heard a very familiar voice groan as well. Mara. Suddenly, memories of the crash that you'd endured flash through your mind. Your eyes snap open, and you immediately sit up, looking down at your chest to see a fairly long vertical scar. "What's...going on...?" You mutter to yourself. "(Y/n)...?" You can hear Mara's question; you look around the room you're in only to realize you are in a cell... What the fuck? You see Mara lying across the cell from you. "Mara..." you say as you attempt to make your way to her only to realize that it feels like your body is made of Jell-O. She looks up after hearing your voice. She blinks a few times, apparently wondering the same thing as you.
"Yes, (Y/n)?"
"Why on god's glorious green planet are we in what really looks like a jail cell?"
"I would really like to give you an answer to that one. But unfortunately, I'm at a loss."
After a few minutes, you realize you can actually feel your limbs now. You stand and stretch, "You remember what happened too, right? I'm not crazy?" You turn towards your friend. She hesitantly nods, "No I definitely remember my beautiful baby flipping. I also distinctly remember bashing my head in. when it happened." This causes you to nod, "I had a huge ass piece of glass that went right into my chest, and now..." You paused momentarily, looking back down at your chest, "It's like it happened but...it didn't? I clearly gained a scar from it." You looked back to Mara, approaching her. "You say you hit your head, right?" You asked, to which she nodded. You move her hair to the side as you see a scar that honestly kind of looks like Tanjirou's scar. "Dude, you kind of look like a whole ass main character right now." You say, examining the newfound scar. It seemed that there were no other new scars that had appeared either. "Oh my god! (Y/n)!" Mara exclaimed suddenly.
"What?" You asked, startled. "We never got to eat my cake!"
You sigh rather loudly, "That is definitely not what you should be focused on right now."
"So how are we here then?" Mara questions after regaining composure over the lost treat. "Well, let's think logically here." You say, thinking of any possible way that you could be here.
"There is no logic in this situation (Y/n)." Mara deadpans. "Apparently we should be dead but yet here we sit in a prison cell! You don't think that..." She pauses, trailing her words. "Oh my god (Y/n), we're in Hell!" She jumps up, clinging to you and immediately wailing. It's honestly comical. Mara continues, "I thought you would end up here because you're an asshole but...me?! I'm too pretty for hell!" 
You swear that in this moment she almost looks like an anime character. Something was obviously super fucked up here. "What do you mean that you thought I would end up here?!" You exclaim, immediately shoving off your distressed friend.
Apparently, the two of you screaming at each other was considered obnoxious. You soon heard footsteps. A bearded man approached your cell, "Shut up you lot! You'll be interrogated soon enough." You noticed that the man was wearing a very old-fashioned policeman's outfit. Like the weird tall hat, the button-down jacket, and all. You also noted the strong seemingly British accent he had. Mara's sobbing was immediately halted and with that, he walked away. 
You slowly turned to her; she did the same. "What the actual fuck...!" You whisper-yelled. "He was dressed like an old cop dude!" Mara whisper-shouted back.  You both stared at each other for a moment, absolutely perplexed.  As you sat in silence, you heard another pair of footsteps approaching your cell. Scratch that, it sounded like at least two people walking. The two of you locked eyes and stayed silent. After a moment, two guards showed up. They unlocked your cell, immediately putting cuffs on you. This caused you to huff and roll your eyes. You definitely did not like being handcuffed and could easily get out of them. But you knew Mara couldn't, so you decided to play nice and just follow the apparent officers. "Hey, why are we under arrest?! We were never given our rights or a cause!" Mara exclaimed. The officers just acted as if she wasn't even speaking. This caused Mara to grumble something about 'shitheads' under her breath. They led the two of you into a relatively large room with a wooden table in the middle. There were three chairs currently set up, two on the side closest to you and adjacent one on the other two. The officers had the two of you sit in the two chairs and gave no instruction other than to wait because whoever you were apparently going to be talking to was due to arrive soon. 
After they left the room Mara turned to you, "So, does this bring back any fond memories?" She asked with a shit-eating smile on her face. "Oh ha. Ha. Good one Mara, you're really a comedic genius, ya know?" You said with a flat voice and no expression on your face. This made her laugh, it's crazy how even in the worst situations, the two of you couldn't be serious at all. "So, I know you can get out of cuffs, why didn't you? You could have totally kicked those guys asses." 
You shrug in response, "I'd have to leave your ass behind and if I ever came back for you, I would have never heard the end of it." Before Mara could even give some sort of a response back, the two of you could hear keys being inserted into the door that you'd previously entered through. The two of you stared at each other before slowly turning to the door. 
"Right this way sir, they're in here." You heard one of the officers say. You saw the door open, and the officer let the guy he was talking to in. Your jaw nearly hit the floor. You whipped around to Mara to see the actual stars in her eyes. You knew this place was off! Other than the obvious dying and awakening here, this place seemed strange. The Officer let in someone who looked dead onto Ciel Phantomhive. He was adorned in his top hat and his overcoat cape thing. Right behind him, his stoic butler. And may I just say DAMN. There was literally no reasonable explanation for what you were witnessing right now. This had to be some sort of a joke. But how could it be when you had felt yourself die?
The Ciel doppelgänger took a seat across from Mara and yourself as the officer left the room. You were honestly surprised Mara hadn't said anything yet, glancing at her, she seemed speechless. She probably couldn't think of anything to say. That's rare. You remained quiet as the kid's cyan eye scrutinized the two of you. You glanced at the butler behind him, seeing that he was indeed doing the same. You broke the silence after a moment, "So, uh, what the fuck is going on?" The boy and his butler looked taken aback by your language for a moment before doppelgänger Ciel responded, "Who are you and where do you come from?" 
Your eyebrows rose for a moment. You then narrow your eyes at the kid, "Uh-uh short stuff, I asked you a question first, you snooze you lose." This caused the boy to glare at you, not liking the perfectly suited nickname that was acquired. "I'm interrogating you; I'll be asking the questions." 
Mara piped up, "Well, she did ask first. She can be pretty persistent; I promise it's just safer if you answer her first. Trust me." "Ciel" glanced at his butler before he resumed glaring back at you. "The two of you are suspected of being foreign spies. You were discovered in an alleyway in London. You were speaking incoherently, and the authorities were called on you. You were assessed based on your clothing and the strange flat glass boxes found on you. They were assumed to be weapons and you were assumed to be foreign spies. Thus, we were called. I am Ciel Phantomhive, the Queen's Guard Dog. This is my butler, Sebastian Michaelis."
Flat glass boxes...? Oh my god, your phones. No way. 
"Now I've answered your question, you're required to answer mine."  You looked at Mara, wide-eyed. She looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel. "Um okay, but you probably won't believe us, we're-" You were cut off by Mara. "HOLY SHIT! ARE YOU REALLY CIEL PHANTOMHIVE?? THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"
This elicited a sigh from you, it was only a matter of time. She had been a ticking bomb since they'd walked in. "E-excuse me?" Ciel was taken aback by her sudden yelling. Sebastian seemed to feel similarly. You maneuvered your hands out of the cuffs you were wearing, unlocking with ease. You hadn't even realized you'd done it. You quickly slapped a hand on Mara's mouth, preventing any more shrieking.  Sighing again, you spoke, "See, I was getting to that part."
"How did you-" Ciel questioned astonished as he saw your currently free hands, Sebastian having his eyebrows raised as well. You cut him off by holding up a finger, "I'm gonna give you the run down, it's gonna sound crazy but at this point, I feel like I am. My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and my friend, Mara Kline, and I are seemingly from a universe that you don't technically exist in. You guys are fiction. Our universe or time period or whatever, I don't know, I'm not a scientist, is at least 120 years ahead of this one as well. We were in a fatal accident, at least that's how we remember it. We both remember dying. Then, like magic, poof! We wake up in the jail cell those assholes housed us in." You tried to make it as short and sweet as you possibly could. 
Ciel was silent, eye widened. He looked at his butler, Sebastian seemed fairly surprised as well, he looked like he wanted to say something. "Young master, if I may?" He asked for permission. Ciel nodded. "What evidence do you have to support this statement?" 
This caused you to quirk a brow as you locked eyes with the butler. "Really? The outfits aren't a giveaway? Neither are the accents and terminology that we've been using?" You heard Mara's muffled speaking coming from under your hand now as well. You turn towards Mara, "Alright, Mara, I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth now. No screaming, you got it?" You felt her nod in response. You slowly remove your hand. She takes a breath, "First of all, I can't believe I'm meeting you guys! It's a dream come true!" She exclaims while smiling, "Secondly, you mentioned, 'strange flat glass boxes', correct?" Ciel nodded in response. "Well, those will have all the proof you need. They're not weapons, they're our cell phones."
Ciel's brows furrowed as he looked at his butler, who also looked confused. "What is a... cell phone?" Ciel questions. "Well, the technical term is a mobile or portable phone. It enables a user to communicate almost anywhere in the world. They could be considered similar to how you use letters." You answer matter-of-factly. They still seemed lost. Mara sighed, having calmed, "Do you know where they are?"
"Yes, my lord." 
Sebastian pulled out your phones from one of his pockets before handing them to you. Mara attempted to grab hers, but she was still unfortunately handcuffed. She pouted. This left you to show your phone to the boy and his butler. They were astonished as soon as you'd turned it on. You explained a few simple concepts to them while allowing them to see and hold the device, proving that it wasn't a threat. 
They seemed content after a few minutes. Well, as content as anyone could be in their situation. Sebastian's eyes went down to your uncuffed wrists, and he said, "By the way, Miss, (Y/n), was it? Pray tell, how did you manage to get your handcuffs off?" 
"Oh right! That reminds me," You turned toward Mara, seemingly pulling the handcuff key from thin air, "Let me help you." You unlocked Mara's cuffs, and she immediately pocketed her phone, grateful they didn't see hers due to the amount of Black Butler content on it. Ciel, again, looked shocked, "How did you acquire that key." You shrug, "No one really pays enough attention." You responded. Mara grinned in response, "Who knew that your skills would help us one day?" 
That definitely piqued the Earl's interest. "Skills?" He inquired. "Oh, it's nothing." You respond. "Nothing?" Mara chimed, "Ol' (Y/n) here is a professional thief." This caused you to sigh and drag a hand down your face. 
"Yes, (Y/n)?" 
"Remember when I had a conversation with you explicitly saying that you probably shouldn't just tell people that?" 
Ciel had been having a silent conversation with his butler while your banter was occurring. He cleared his throat, causing the two of you to look at him. "I have decided that since the two of you are, in fact, not from this time period, nor this universe, you will be coming back to my manor with me." Mara almost lost it. She was pretty much bouncing in place. You sighed. 
"(Y/n), you will now be my 'self-defense' personal trainer from now on. Somewhat of a guard. If you can escape that easily while also being undetected, I want you to be with Sebastian and me on cases. And you, Mara, what can you do?" Ciel quirked his brow. Mara grinned, "I can cook really well!" You nodded in agreement to her statement. "Is that so?" Ciel asked, "Very well, you'll be assistant to the head chef."
Her eyes almost blew out of the socket. She'd be working with Bard. She looked at you, grinning and vibrating in place. 
"Good luck." You laughed at her condition while the other two looked rather concerned.
After this, Ciel asked what you knew about them. Mara and you had decided that it would be safer to not tell them that you knew everything that would happen if this world followed the anime. "Well, we know that Sebastian and you have a contract and that he's a demon," Mara stated, shrugging. Ciel nodded and then made sure that neither of you was going to spill that as soon as he took you away from here. You swore that you wouldn't, of course.
Ciel then ordered Sebastian to go inform the officers of what would be happening and for him to fetch the carriage. It took about twenty minutes but, you were finally able to leave. You stepped outside and took in your surroundings. Everything was vastly different from what you were used to. Sebastian assisted Ciel and Mara into the carriage, this nearly caused her to faint, of course. He offered you his hand, with his fake little closed-eyed smile. You had always found it slightly unnerving. You declined his offer and just hopped up into the carriage, taking your seat next to Mara. Your rejection had caused the butler's eyebrows to rise, but nothing more. He closed the door and then you were off. After about ten minutes, you were out.
You were awoken by Sebastian opening the door to the carriage. Also, Mara shaking you and completely freaking out. You looked to where she was looking, and your eyes widened as your jaw dropped. The manor was huge! Mara jumped out of the carriage before Sebastian could assist her, followed by you. You stood in awe as you took in the scenery. You couldn't help but think about how beautiful it was. Your thoughts were quickly broken by Sebastian, however. "Lady Mara, Lady (Y/n)."
"Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor."
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