#black house holds
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Unsolved Mysteries.
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stark-cregan · 30 days
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mlady-magnolia · 2 months
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Bellatrix “You Should See The Other Guy” Black not hesitating on throwing hands instead of spells
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wakandama2 · 3 months
Shouts out to Princess Jasmine for holding it down for the Black girls from 1992 to 2009, she knew we needed the rep while Tiana was done cooking.
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dandelion-roots · 6 months
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[ID: a pencil and ink drawing of dazai and chuuya from bungou stray dogs. dazai is sitting with one leg bent in front of him and the other bent on the floor. he's shirtless and has stylized top surgery scars and a variety of scars. his coat is draped over one shoulder and he's wearing his white pants and black shoes as well as bandages around his neck and visible arm. his head is tilted to the side and he's blushing and smirking as he looks at chuuya whose head is at dazai's shoulder. chuuya's right hand is holding dazai's hair and his other is holding dazai's forearm from where dazai is holding chuuya's shoulder. chuuya is also blushing and looks annoyed. he's wearing a shirt and black pants. the signature says dandelion-roots. end ID]
✨ a little 2 am trans dazai for your perusal~ ✨
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
firm believer that musician!eren definitely pulls signs from the crowd with LGBTQ+ or other important messages on them and holds them up while he’s performing. He makes it his mission for his shows to be a safe space and inclusive for everyone. He has a vest on it that says ‘Protect Trans Kids’ and ‘BLM’ that a fan painted for him and he will absolutely call out any asshole that’s been bigoted, racist or anything else. He would definitely use his platform to call out asshole politicians, screams ‘fuck the police’ every chance he gets and he’s radical as fuck in his music. Hates all authority and government. He just doesn’t play that ignorant shit at all. And he’ll definitely give speeches during his sets to his fans.
“You guys are my family. Without you, there’d be no me..never let some dumb motherfucker make you feel like you don’t have a place in this world. You matter, regardless of what you look like, what you are and where you come from. If nobody’s told you, I fucking love you. If you’re dealing with something and nobody knows, know that you’re not alone. You got me.”
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hajihiko · 8 months
I love how you display creepy stuff. With uncanny expressions, body horror, and even setting. The ship the survivors on must be so chilly and old, you could hear footsteps from one end of the ship and night terrors of your neighbor. Properly delightful.
thank u I try very hard! I think horror is one of those things that are insanely hard to nail so I'm super duper glad
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wedonthaveawhile · 10 days
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The Serpents Hold family tree.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Sanuso Modern AU in which Sanji works as a waiter at the Baratie and Zoro invites Usopp to have dinner with him because Usopp's art school is close to Zoro's dojo. And so Usopp assumes (biggest mistake. Don't assume anything when it comes to this green-haired dumbass) that Zoro has money and will be the one paying. So of course, when they finish eating and they actually have to pay, Zoro says that he doesn't have any money with him and just assumed (biggest mistake. Don't assume Usopp will ever willingly pay when he could just take advantage of his best friend) that Usopp had money with him.
So, of course, Zoro tells him to wait there at the table. His apartment is close and he can just go there and grab the money! Usopp's second biggest mistake: Don't ever let Zoro walk home alone. Don't ever let Zoro be responsible for money stuff, either.
But Usopp realizes that fairly late when an hour has passed already and the staff is looking at him weirdly. He keeps chewing on the bread they had left and drinking water to look less suspicious, but he's dying from anxiety and Zoro just won't pick up the phone!
They're getting ready to close the restaurant and of course, they just had to send someone to tell him to pay and fuck off or- Or go to jail? What- What do they do to you when you don't pay in a restaurant? Is it like stealing? Usopp is going to die. They're going to murder him with the same knives they used to cut the chicken he ate.
The guy who approaches him with the bill seems exhausted and uninterested and Usopp really, really doesn't want to look up. "Glad you liked our shitty restaurant, but it's time to hit the hay for some and my boss wants me to kick your ass as quick as possible. So why don't you make this easier for both of us and just pay already instead of licking bread like a starving orphan."
Usopp is visibly shaking when he speaks up. "Uh- Yeah! Of course! Can't- Can't you add it to my-"
"We don't do that here, smartass, try something else. Like paying."
"Yes. Of course. I- I'll have you know I am the son of a very rich owner of a conglomerate and I'm just waiting for my chauffeur to come pick me up and give me my credit card! I just forgot I left it on the back of the limousine, silly me!"
There's a silence after that. A long, uncomfortable, and anxious silence that's only filled with the sound of other waiters cleaning the tables and moving chairs.
Then, the guy sits right in front of him. "Your friend ditched you, didn't he?"
And Usopp can't keep lying anymore, so he sighs while he looks up at the guy in front of him. "Forgot the money. He probably got lost on his way home."
The guy frowns, and Usopp doesn't have enough time to process how hot and handsome and classy and effortlessly cute he looks right now. With his long (Yes, Sanji has long hair here) hair in a bun and his tie undone. "That's pretty messed up." And he's being so genuine and serious about it that it almost scares Usopp, thinking Sanji might have taken it the wrong way.
"No! No. He's just a dumbass. And he- He lives literally not even two blocks away. He just can't tell between right and left."
"He's just stupid, but don't ask him to spell anything, either. I actually think he should go get that checked, though?"
And that makes the guy laugh. Like- Smile. With teeth and everything. And for a moment, Usopp doesn't give a fuck about the money.
"Tried calling him?"
"A few times. Then my phone died. And here we are! Are- Are you going to..."
"Going to do what, handsome?"
Okay. No. This waiter is going to be the death of him.
"Uh- If- If he doesn't come here."
"What would you want me to do?" And he rests his chin on the palm of his hand and whispers that so lewdly that it almost makes Usopp have a stroke. But then he laughs again, and just looks around the room before resting his back on the sit. "What I'm going to do is give you a phone charger, first and foremost. And then I'll keep you company while the dumbass of your friend comes here. Worst case scenario, you stay with us for a week cleaning dishes."
Usopp is starting to wonder if that really would be the worst-case scenario.
Long story short, Sanji gives him a phone charger and they stay at that table together for a long, long while. The restaurant is pretty much closed already but Sanji (that's the waiter's name. Sanji. Sounds good on Usopp's lips) stays with him. He tells Usopp about how he wishes he could be a real cook instead of just a waiter, but his father (surprisingly the owner of the restaurant) won't let him actually be a cook for real until he says so. Which seems to frustrate him, but still he speaks about his father with endearment. Usopp tells him about Zoro being stupid and one thing leads to another and he's telling him about anecdotes of his friend group. Sanji mentions Luffy, a friend of his that always comes here to eat, and how he would probably get along with Zoro because they're both dumbasses.
And the night keeps going. And going. And going. And it doesn't seem like Sanji is staying only to keep an eye on Usopp. It almost looks like he's flirting, and Usopp, somehow, has enough confidence to flirt back.
But of course, they had to ruin it. Someone knocks on the door of the restaurant and they both assume it's Zoro, but it's actually Nami instead. Zoro called her and told her everything, yadda yadda. She's exhausted and by the looks of her outfit, she was probably out partying when this happened. Usopp kind of wants to tell her to go away and leave them alone, but he just can't do that with Sanji in front of them.
Whatever. She pays for him. Adds it to his and Zoro's debt. And walks away, waiting for Usopp outside.
They both want to see each other again, that much is clear. But they're both also stupid, so neither asks for the other's phone number. And Usopp goes away without saying a word besides "Sorry I made you spend a Friday night with a stranger. At work, of all places."
To which Sanji responds with: "Well, despite what I said before, I really like my work. And I really, really liked that stranger, Usopp."
And it ends there.
Or it doesn't, because at some point they see each other again. Whether it's because Usopp goes to the Baratie again or because Sanji shows up suddenly in Usopp's art school. I won't say because I have no idea and this is just a concept, but I found it sweet!!!
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basket-of-loquats · 1 month
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My take on post canon cross design!! Nobody ask me if I’m okay about the finale because I’m Not 👍 this is my coping mechanism
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goldenblu · 3 months
ohhh my gosh that whole mask sanji idea has me REELING. sanji gains emotions the hard way but he's constantly questioning if it's real or not, if it's still an act, if it has ever been an act, who is his loyalty to now, to his country or his crew? which family? and maybe stealth black has been a mask as well, maybe that cruel, apathetic assassin is a product of pretending for the vinsmokes- so is there anything left of him that is not hollow desire to play for affection?
even if there isn't. the strawhats will love every part of him they find. maybe it will be hard at first, maybe they will feel betrayed and lost and angry. but he is nakama, and a mask is still a product of skin and bone. he has always been capable of being sanji.
like no pressure to continue on this idea in fic form but my god, if you have any more thoughts on this or anything like it i would pay to see them <3 it's so beautiful
asdksfja;lksjf sanji realizes that he’s come to see the strawhats as something more than a target, a tool to use and then cast away.
(he doesn’t dare to think the word family because that would be a betrayal of his real family, wouldn’t it? it would be an admission of his failure, and he refuses to be a failure.)
it’s all part of the act, he tells himself. it doesn’t mean anything. it won’t last.
but it doesn’t change the fact that he remembers all the strawhats’ favorite foods, that he knows how tell when chopper needs a little hot chocolate pick-me-up, that fighting back to back with zoro feels in sync and familiar in a way that it shouldn’t. all of these useless pieces of information and instincts that he shouldn’t have but does anyway.
so sanji panics—and isn’t that a new experience for him, panicking. every time the strawhats look at him, they see someone who doesn’t actually exist, shouldn’t exist. it makes him feel some emotion that he’s never felt before and can’t identify. it’s terrible; he can’t stand to be this person he’s not for any longer.
maybe he’s the one to reveal his true identity and goal to the strawhats. because he knows he’s in too deep; he needs to cut these ties himself and finish the mission he should have finished long ago.
or maybe it’s not up to him at all, maybe judge sends one of his brothers to find him because he’s taking too long. ichiji or whoever shows up on the sunny, gets a laugh out of sanji trying to play house on a boat, and then announces that sanji doesn’t need to pretend anymore, it’s time to deal the finishing blow and return home with whatever information he’s acquired.
however it happens, sanji does the whole “my name is vinsmoke sanji” speech from wci except it’s real this time, and that’s how the truth comes out. which is fine, it doesn’t matter what the strawhats think of him. it’s better this way, it’s better that they know where sanji’s true loyalties lie: with germa.
(right? this has always been an indisputable fact. so why does he feel so conflicted about it now?)
i don’t know how the plot would play out from here but later, when push comes to shove, sanji realizes at the very last minute that all he’s doing is exchanging one mask for another. he can’t go back to how things were before—his father won’t like that one of his perfect sons is compromised with such weaknesses, but more than that, sanji doesn’t want to be the emotionless third prince of germa anymore.
(the thought he won’t allow himself to think: maybe he never did.)
he never realized before that it was possible to have the freedom to choose, but he does now. so he pulls an uno reverse card and instead of betraying the strawhats, he betrays the only life he’s ever known and saves the strawhats instead, very publicly turning his back on the vinsmokes. the details of how exactly this happens escape me but let’s assume he’s successful in telling germa to fuck off. (for now, at least. i imagine this doesn’t last since judge would be unimaginably angry and go after him, but that’s a problem for later sanji.)
regardless, when it’s all said and done, sanji doesn’t expect the strawhats to allow him back onto the crew. he’s not a good person, he’s deceived and killed hundreds of people in cold blood. he lied to them, betrayed them, pretended to be someone he’s not. the strawhats know that now. by all rights, they should want to kill him. most people would. sanji would.
but they don’t. sanji doesn’t know what they see in him, but whatever it is, it’s enough for luffy accept him even after everything he’s done. admittedly, the rest of the crew still has their reservations; it’s clear enough that they’re hurt and angry and wary of him.
you broke our trust, nami tells him.
i know. sanji hesitates, and then says, i’m sorry.
it’s new to him, this feeling of guilt eating away at him, and he almost stumbles over the words. he’s never had to apologize before, not genuinely. stealth black doesn’t apologize. stealth black doesn’t feel regret.
but he’s not stealth black anymore. he’s someone else. he doesn’t know who, exactly, but he does know who he wants to be. black leg sanji, the man who only existed on this ship for these past few weeks/months, the man who was capable of caring and being cared for—sanji wants that to be real.
luffy’s giving you a chance to rebuild it, nami says. so don’t waste it.
it’s hard, at first. sanji has never not had to play a role before so now he’s confronted with the question: what parts of him are the result of the persona he puts on and what parts are truly sanji? he’s worn a mask in some form or another for so long—certain things are so ingrained in him that he can’t tell the difference anymore.
the next time he cooks dinner, he wonders: is this desire to feed his the crew real, or is it a leftover habit from black leg sanji? the next time he kills someone for going after the strawhats, he wonders: this ruthless capacity for violence, does that come from himself or from vinsmoke sanji?
but maybe it doesn’t matter where it came from because he can make it his. because nothing can take away the fact that for the first time, sanji is doing what he wants to do and not just what he’s told to do.
he says as much to luffy, who smiles and responds, i always knew you could do it.
and over time, the strawhats begin to trust him again. usopp stops being quite so nervous around him. nami starts working on her maps in the galley again, and this time sanji doesn’t have to lie when she asks him questions about the islands he’s been to. zoro tells him that he’d better not hold back during their spars, so sanji stops trying to hide it and lets his sharp edges stay sharp and dangerous and deadly. chopper learns the truth about sanji’s physical enhancements but it doesn’t stop him from worrying over him anyway, which makes sanji’s chest feel warm for some reason.
(and that’s a whole other thing—now sanj has to figure out how the fuck he’s supposed to deal with having emotions because holy shit do you people feel this way all the time?? it’s so much, it’s overwhelming.
he keeps having to ask: what is this feeling or that feeling or that feeling?? and everyone teaches him: fear. sadness. happiness. all things that sanji once thought were impossible for him to feel.)
he still struggles to balance kindness and cruelty sometimes—though he’s capable of feeling compassion now, it’s mainly only ever for the strawhats, and he’s still merciless to anyone he considers an enemy. in any case, his crew is there to support him, to help him figure out: who is he in the absence of everything that’s defined the last nineteen years of his life?
the answer? the cook of the strawhat pirates, sanji. just sanji. that’s who he is and who he’ll always be.
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
Narcissa is one of the only people in her family to not be named after a star or constellation, her name is the female equivalent of Narcissus from Greek Mythology, and isn’t that poetic? Narcissa, who stuck to her family more than any of the others, was the only one to not be named from the family tradition.
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Narcissa as Narcissus
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ppeuppeuppeu · 2 years
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edit: here's one more.
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I think something about HOTD and it's framing is that it had the chance to do something beautiful, or more accurately, it did something beautiful and fascinating either on accident or with intentions that make it practically meaningless, and fucked themselves over with it cause now they can't use it.
the way the shows pacing, framing, and story writing is set, it is insanely easy to get caught up in the pro TB anti team green narrative, cause there is just so much information getting launched at you, you barely have enough time to understand what your seeing surface level, let alone processing it critically on your first watch.
but the more you watch it, the more you process it all, the more logically and critically you think about it, that pro TB narrative starts to lose standing. you see how flawed Rhaenyra is, you see the true situation the greens are in (between a rock [death] and a hard place [usurpation], to put i tot simply), you see the web of politics binding.
if the writers saw what they had done, they totally could have used it to their advantage, they could have used it to really beef up both sides in terms of characterization. or maybe they did realize it, maybe they did it intentionally (I can't tell if I think they're competent enough to do that, whether I like it or not, or incompetent enough to do it by accident and then fumble the bag with it...), maybe that was the intent overall, to destroy TG, not by making them actually awful (outside of what they did to Aegon), but to instead go so overboard you can't see anything else but their TB bullshit.
either way, it had so much potential and they just squashed it.
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larrylimericks · 1 year
Wake up, gays, we’re back in stunt hell; There’s a film and an image to sell, So a new stunt unfurls, Same old shit, different girl— Hey, DM, who’s Lou’s blonde personnel?
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dnangelic · 2 months
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the hollow nonviolence but nevertheless heavily palpable longing and empty vastness of daisuke's heart. post
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#full sincerity i do not mean this in an edgy oooh my cute moeblob's darkness(tm) his hidden evil side way#because this is dark's loneliness too. this is dark's wanting TOO#but dark's is daisuke's is dark's is daisuke's and they're both#the epitome of leroux's erik's description + christine's waved away loneliness too#a heart that could hold the entire empire of the world but has to content itself with a cellar#a child who's never taken seriously or properly respected despite his stubborn independent streak#or even the canon quote itself- it's enormous but empty. completely vacant. dark. there's nothing but a black pillar (themselves)#and 'nothing to satisfy someone-' i knoooow dai looks the way he does but oh my gooooodh -drags my hands down my face-#he's restless he's restless it's not blood guts violence edgy that his emptiness brings him#it's the heart of a thief someone who STEALS which is also why i abstain from too much hunger metaphor#because they DON'T want to devour they don't want to chew and swallow they want to KEEP!!!#they want to shelter and house and have something anything someone anyone they want to take care of it#BUT THE CURSE!!!!#what they do eat of is their own sin and fall; the apple. the fairy tale candy. the fairy table feast. the pomegranate#and once daisuke starts there's NOTHING left for him except to become the devil even if he's the innocent cherub!!#HE CAN'T RESIST THOSE TEMPTATIONS he can't resist the demands of his desires compassionate or not!!!#anyways i got sidetracked but i just think muses who ever see daisuke's heart#is it gentle? yes. is it warm? no. but it's a chill that makes a shared fireplace or someone's touch and blood warmer#it's lonely it's heavy it's grandiose and noble there are rooms waiting for you to walk in and spread light#candlelight starlight azumano's mock-gaslit lanterns!!!#everybody looks up 2 a rebel but nobody knows how isolating it is not just for dark as sb who decided to betray#and was therefore cast out alone left to bear enormous immense burdens all by himself ostracized and wounded#but for daisuke too caught in the shadow of dark's wings#u kno? ok. thats all
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