#blade runner fluff
castieltrash1 · 1 year
I'm desperate for any content with Driver or K, maybe just how'd they treat you as their partner? Love your work!!
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driver is a bit of a chameleon boyfriend. he’s used to blending in and attracting as little attention as possible, which extends to his personal life. whatever you’re interested in, so is he. if you like to eat somewhere, he’ll suggest that place every time you mention being hungry. as long as you are happy, that’s all that really matters to him. if you want to plan dates, he’ll follow your schedule down to the second. and if you’re more spontaneous, he’ll have his jacket and car keys nearby to take you wherever you want. 
he’s protective, of course, but he also loves seeing you be successful in whatever endeavors you pursue in life. whether that’s a mundane 9-5 or a niche passion that doesn’t pay the bills, he will cheer you on for every milestone you cross. ideally, he’d take care of you in every way that matters (financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, etc.) but he doesn’t want to stifle you, either. that doesn’t mean he won’t silently fix any of your problems behind your back, though! bitchy manager bothering you? you’ll never believe it, but she switched locations! low on rent? you must’ve forgotten those couple hundred dollar bills you left haphazardly tucked between your mattress! too tired to cook dinner? well, your boyfriend just texted saying he’s off work and would love to grab something and swing by your place to eat!
safe to say, one of his love languages is acts of service. including the ones you don’t know about, he takes care of every problem in your life. he’ll catch every bug, fix every leaky sink, install your new curtains, reconnect your router, change your oil, etc. speaking of cars, if you’re insistent on driving yourself everywhere, driver will check your car every five seconds to make sure it’s safe.
+ driver isn’t big on pda, but if you’ve just arrived or are leaving, he will pout without a kiss hello or goodbye. if you forget (or purposely avoid for the sake of teasing) either, he’ll follow you, grab your wrist, and use his other hand to hold your jaw steady while he kisses you. only then will he smile, let go, and pretend nothing happened.
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k can be insecure, sometimes. he knows it’s already hard enough dating a replicant, but his dangerous job doesn’t make it any easier. all he has to offer you is his plain apartment and the nights he’s not working, neither of which he finds particularly appealing. he’s not really sure why you like him, but he’ll be damned if he gives you any reason to break it off. every second that he can devote to you, he does. 
since he’s out in the city most of the time, k enjoys spending time indoors. of course, if you want to go anywhere while he’s home, he’ll be stuck to your side like glue, glaring at anyone who even gives you a second glance. but, what he loves most of all is curling up beside you and listening to the rainfall. nothing makes him feel more human than doing nothing for the sole purpose of it. he’s made to perform tasks, so there’s something rebellious about enjoying the silence of your apartment, counting each beat of your heart, and feeling the warmth of your skin against the synthetic of his. knowing that he doesn’t have to service you or offer anything for you to want to spend time with him makes him ecstatic.
while k can’t afford lavish gifts or, really, much at all, he does come into contact with a large collection of rare items at work. he’s always excited to bring evidence home since he knows you’ll get a kick out of seeing and touching a real flower or piece of wood. while the scarcity of the item intrigues him, he doesn’t have the same desire to connect to humanity’s past the way you, understandably, do. where he sees just another part of an ongoing case, you see years of ancestry and a forgotten world. secretly, the excited glint in your eyes has started to make him feel something similar.
+ k loves pet names. the first time you called him babe/baby, he stilled and stared at you in shock. he’d heard humans referring to other humans that way, but the names people usually called him were very different. whenever you call him a pet name, he smiles, almost unconsciously. he’s tried every combination of affection terms with you, but his favorites are the personalized ones that he knows no one else ever has or ever will call you. they remind him that, for now, at least, you’re entirely his. when you use them in return, he feels unique, like a human. he feels like he finally has a real name. out of the well-known ones, however, k’s favorites are sweetheart, dear, flower, and pretty. flower and other pet names based on things that are now rare feel especially fitting to him, since someone “as perfect as you is hard to find.”
gosling sleepover sunday
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sheikfangirl · 5 months
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Blade Runner 2049 redraw with a angsty Zelink twist, dedicated to @rottencandyapp1es! She also drew her take on that iconic scene, check it out if you haven't already! 🔥
I am obsessed with the idea of toxic Puppet Zelink haunting and torturing Link all the time😭 HDGDNGDHS !!!!! Like....REALLY OBSSESSED!
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teddybeartoji · 9 months
a heavy sigh falls from your lips.
"i'm jus' having a day."
satoru huffs. "you're telling me... that you're having a day... aaaaaaall by yourself, handsome?"
you don't need to look at him to know that he's wiggling his eyebrows. dummy. faintly shaking your head, you try to brush his stupid comment off but your lips have a mind of their own, so used to a smile that they're already twitching upward. and satoru being satoru, he takes it as a very good sign to continue. "i can't believe the love of my life is having a day – without me. betrayal, i tell you, absolute betrayal."
he throws himself onto the couch right next to you, thighs touching. no inches between you.
"stop..." you whine. "let me have my day..."
"no way, baby. we're having a day." tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and he whispers — "together."
when you turn to face him, your noses touch. he never did know what personal space is but it's not like you mind (you love it). he looks into your weary eyes, hiding his frown. he nudges his nose against yours and presses a quick kiss to it.
"so is it a 'quiet' day or a 'sleep' day or a 'bath' day or a 'film' day or a 'park' day or....?" his voice is so soft and sugary and warm and caring and you immediately get lost in your thoughts. he's so sweet. you're so grateful for him. if you told him to be quiet for the rest of his life, he'd do it. it'd be very fucking hard but for you – he'd do it without a second thought. and now he's here, asking you what kind of a day you're having. he would've probably wanted to play video games or make-out or go bully suguru but he won't even bring it up because he can see that it's not the right time for that. and you're so grateful. what did you do to deserve a boyfriend like this? a boyfriend who's so ready to put your needs above his, always and forever.
he observes you in your little mind palace, your eyes are little zoned out and it just might be the cutest thing. he places his hand on your thigh, gently pulling you back to him. he doesn't say anything, only giving you a reassuring smile. you love him.
"a 'quiet' day, i think." your head falls against his shoulder with a soft thump.
pressing his soft lips to your forehead, he draws hearts on your back.
a quiet 'sorry' tries to hide inside the crook of his neck, burrowing itself into his hoodie. he catches it, though. like always.
"sorry for what?"
a rumble in his chest, you feel it so clearly.
"you're sorry for having a day?"
an incoherent mumble is his answer.
craning his neck, he tries to look down on you. a finger finds your nose and boops! it, making you sink deeper into him.
"my baby."
it's like honey – the sweetest coo in the whole wide world. he pours it all over you, covering you in his love, sticking you to him. you don't mind (you love it).
"never ever ever ever apologize for that stupid shit again, though."
and there it is — a snicker. not a full laugh but it's enough.
"like - damn, you really are dense sometimes, baby." he whistles, earning him a punch to his chest. and a smile. he's getting there.
"what the fuck is wrong with you, satoru?" sitting up straight, you force your lips into a thin line (it's so hard to not smile around him). "i'm over here begging for mercy for being, oh, i don't know, vulnerable, and you tell me that i'm dense?"
hastily you stand from the couch, leaving satoru staring up at you with a big grin. "what a good boyfriend." you scoff. but your words mean absolute jack shit to him, it's like water off a goose. he's never been more in love. he sees another twitch of your lips and he knows he has you.
turning away, you're ready to make a bit of a scene, ready to stomp your feet, ready to forget everything about your day but you can't. an ungodly strength has you glued to your spot because satoru has other plans. his fingers wrap around your wrist, easily pulling you straight down onto his lap. he mumbles a quick 'the best boyfriend' before attacking you with a quick press of his lips to yours and a smirk and you know you're fucked. this wasn't your plan. this is bad. this is extremely bad. you know what he's gonna do and you can't do anything about it. no, no, no. you were supposed to stomp away and wait for him to come hug you from the back, being all cuddly and cute — this was not the plan.
it's his ultimate power move. tickles.
you hate him.
(you love him so much that you fear your heart will literally explode every time you're around him).
and then his fingers are running all over your sides, laughter bubbling from your throat, no matter how hard you try to hold it back. he manages to hold you down and torture you at the same time, it's unforgiving (and impressive but you won't tell him that). tears brim in your eyes and he can't stop looking at you.
this is how you should look all the time. not the tears in your eyes, of course, but the smile. oh, the smile. from one ear all the way to the other. the corners of your eyes crinkling. he can't wait to grow old with you and see the smile wrinkles, these'll definitely be one of his greatest achievements. he's so serious about it.
luckily, he doesn't keep it up for too long, letting you catch your breath – your head falling back onto his chest, right above his heart.
"you're such a dick."
"you love me so much, i'm surprised you haven't proposed yet."
another weak slap against his chest and he laughs. loud and full of love.
a comfortable silence. his hands rest on your waist, soaking in the feeling of your skin, the feeling of you on him, your heart so near his. you trying to get a grip and he's enjoying his time with you. he could be watching paint dry with you and he'd love it. he hopes you know that (he needs you to know that).
"we can still do a crying party... if you want." his breath tickles your ear. "i'll cry with you."
you're so grateful.
snaking your hands behind his neck, you pull him close. "thank you."
"anything for you. everything for you."
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ken-dom · 8 months
Take Me Home
Officer K x gn!reader
2.1k words
∘₊✧ Summary: K is learning to understand the new feelings you've brought into his life. There is one he quickly learns to understand completely. Understands, and needs.
∘₊✧ Author's notes: This was written for the Morning Sunshine Collab with my friends on Goosecord, and is dedicated to the anons who have been asking me for more K. Here he finally is! Thank you Lily for organising us, answering my K questions and coming up with the perfect name for his neon cum! Sascha, Tucker and Clam for giving me confidence to write him, and my bestie/sister K for, as always, being my sanity and my beta reader! Title from Home by Daughter.
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: NSFW, sleepy morning making out, blow job, Luminescum (like Ken's glizz but make it BR2049)
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K appreciates nothing more than these blissfully warm moments, waking up with you laid half on top of him, weighing him down like a… what was it you’d called it? Ah yes, a comfort blanket. And comfort, it most certainly was.
At first he’d likened being close to you with realising the sensation of snow against his skin was actually kind of pleasant if he paid attention to it. Both filled him with a soothing sort of wonder after an initial period of apprehension. The kind of feeling one might experience upon discovering there is more to life and being able to start actually experiencing and enjoying it.
But the longer this went on – that is, you, staying – the more it began to feel like something else that K couldn’t quite place. Over time, you’d helped him recognise that the new, satisfying feeling he was being faced with was called home. Feeling at home. He liked the sound of that. It sounded permanent. And safe.
And he does feel safe with you. He feels safe to explore who he is, rather than what he was expected to be. He feels safe sleeping with you pressed to him in only his underwear, otherwise exposed, yet waking up calm and relaxed as rain beats down against his windows, distorting the neon glow from the city outside that lights up his room far more than the dull glow of morning sun. He wishes these moments could last forever, and in some ways, he supposes, they do.
There were other feelings you’d helped him to fully grasp too, of course. Some of them were difficult to sit with, and K had been glad to put a name to them and to know he wasn’t alone in experiencing them, that you were there to support him. And some were rather more… physical. Thrilling. He was exceptionally glad you were there to help him explore those feelings too.
And sometimes, all these intense and newly tangible feelings combine into a rush of emotions and sensations and it’s the most alive K has ever felt.
This morning, he feels alive, too. And he feels content.
He’d slept as well as ever with you draped over him, his arms resting comfortably around your torso with one hand up in your hair, fingertips stroking soothing circles against your scalp as you fell asleep first and then, as your breathing slowed to a steady snore, he fell too.
He has no intention of rushing to do anything today, or of thinking ahead to what might need to be done. For now, K just wants to enjoy you. He absentmindedly begins to drag those affectionate fingertips in gentle patterns over your skin, unknowingly leaving shivers in their wake.
When you eventually stir against his chest, your fingernails scrape pleasantly at his sides – he feels alive, he thinks again – and you shift yourself to look up at him with a soft smile, he feels his heart beat just a little faster in his chest and his lips curl into a smile, too. He all but stops breathing when, without a word, you pull yourself up to press your lips to his, beginning what feels like a blissful eternity of slow, languid kisses and tender touches.
At some unknown point, his limbs and yours tangle, and your fingers find their way up to comb through his hair, too. You couldn’t be very much closer; K’s whole world spins and reduces to just this bed, just you, and him.
Something else K appreciates more than he could say is how there is so little need for words between the two of you. Especially since you’ve become a regular fixture in his life, he needs you more than he dares to ask. More than he dares to believe he was meant for. He tries not to think about that.
You understand him, you see, and he’s not sure if that’s unusual or not; whether other people in love (another new experience for him that he isn’t entirely sure he fully grasps yet) just get one another like that without a necessity for constant explanations. But he likes it because it only adds to that feeling of home, of being safe, and, he supposes, of being wanted.
When you kiss him, quick and chaste or intense and passionate or somewhere in between, his stomach seems to flip. Butterflies, you’d called it. You’d said it would probably subside over time and to enjoy it while it lasted, but it never did subside. Not yet anyway.
Your current kissing, although never reducing in intensity, slows gradually to an almost stop. In honesty, you’re still sleepy and not yet ready to face the day, but not tired enough to lie completely still either. And you can never resist him with his hair slightly mussed from sleep and that coy but loved up sparkle in his eyes.
Your lips break apart and you find yourselves face to face on one shared pillow that smells like him — lightly industrial like he carries the air of the city with him, a subtle hint of rain, and musk from the heat of your bodies pressed together while you slept. You take a deep breath to savour him while you’re laid here, just feeling one another’s hot breath against your damp, kiss-swollen lips.
K’s eyes slip closed as you lay tangled together and he feels a pang of embarrassment at the familiar heat pooling in his lower belly. He isn’t sure if you intended this to turn into anything more, and whilst he was truly and completely lost in the pure intimacy of it all, sometimes, he finds, he can’t quite control his arousal. You’ve assured him that it’s perfectly normal plenty of times, but he still feels his face heat up each time he recognises the signs.
You press forward and join your lips to his once again, with a little more vigour than before. Still, it’s semi-weightless and playful, and he feels your lips curl into a smirk against his.
He doesn’t close his eyes, just furrows his brow as concern begins to edge into the periphery of his conscience, ready to consume him. His cock stiffens some more against his will, too, and deep down he knows he can’t actually will his erection away. Especially not with you so close and relishing in him the way you do, lavishing him with affection.
You slide your lips to his jaw, and his eyes flick downward, almost suspicious, trying to follow your movements despite being mostly out of his field of vision, but they finally slip shut again when you move lower and suck lightly against the pulse point in his throat while your hand glides down from his shoulder, tingling over his bare arm and dropping to rest on the soft contour of his waist.
You shuffle yourself further down, beneath the duvet, just the top of your head exposed to him now as you circle a nipple with the tip of your tongue and, feeling his otherwise slow and steady breath catch in his chest, you smile up at him from beneath the quilt, biting your lip. Anticipation, and a question. Sheepishly, K nods, and you slide yourself lower still, hearing a quiet little, ‘Oh,’ escape his throat as you disappear beneath the covers.
It’s warm under here, and you feel the pull of sleep tugging at your consciousness, but you’ve no intention of succumbing to it. Instead you push his hips to position him on his back and settle between his thighs. It's an easy manoeuvre; muscle memory by now, but even so he’s trembling slightly, just like the first time. You can picture his face, burning with desire and uncertainty as to why you’d want to do this with him.
As your fingers curl around the elastic of his plain grey underwear, your eyes are drawn to the small luminous patch of blue that’s formed at the tip of his bulge, leaking beautifully through the thin fabric.
You’d never seen a replicants’ cum before K. He'd blushed profusely when you’d praised him for how pretty it was that first time you brought him off with your hand, pulling your sticky, wet palm out of his trousers with delight and awe written all over your face. When he caught his breath he ashamedly told you it’s a substance called Luminescum. A flavourless, harmless lubricant secreted during sexual encounters and ejaculated at the climax. Although all replicants are built with the ability to produce Luminescum, few ever actually use that ability – aside from pleasure models, of course.
You remember that night with a smile, planning to tell him how pretty it is again later. Maybe you’ll see if he’s got more than one orgasm in him this morning so you can stroke him to another release, talk him through his oversensitive pleasure and see that handsome blush colouring his cheeks again as his eyes squeeze shut and his body shakes through another release he doesn’t think he deserves.
But for now you lazily mouth at his length over the fabric in no hurry at all, taking your time just as you had when you’d made out in almost slow motion just minutes ago. And as much as K is on the same wavelength this morning, he can’t stop his hips bucking up in response to your warm tongue, or his breath turning heavy at the thrill running through him, or his cheeks feeling hot at how eager to please him you always are.
Pulling his underwear down, you clean up his pretty neon precum quickly with your tongue. Despite its impressive glow and colour it really does taste of relatively little. Slightly synthetic is the only way you can think to describe it, but you can never get enough all the same, because it’s him.
You hear him whimper as your palm slides down his length, muffled slightly by the duvet, and you feel him searching for you over it, fingers strong enough to tear the fabric if he wanted to. The thought causes a fresh wave of heat to rush to your core. He’s always so gentle when he touches you, so careful and tender, but he can fuck like a rabid animal when you ask for it, too; can make your toes curl with the snapping of his hips and his low growls and possessive, grabbing fingers.
You lick a warm, firm stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, eliciting another thick pump of that impressive blue, and then take him into your mouth, moaning around him as you suck, slow and steady.
K is feeling far from slow and steady above the covers, however, and he’s thankful you can’t see his face from where you are because he’s a mess; hair stuck to his sweaty forehead, cheeks flushed, mouth agape. He's sure you’d tell him he looks beautiful just like you always do, but it doesn’t stop embarrassment making his head spin. And he knows you can hear him gasping and humming and letting out choked little groans which only adds to the heat spreading over his cheeks.
He’s completely lost in a haze of pleasure until your tongue flicks so deliciously over his tip, and again, and again, before swallowing him back down, and as incredibly sensitive to your touch as he usually is, he just can’t hold off any longer.
He feels his muscles begin to tense and his hips, rolling in time with your movements, stutter, and with a desperate whine, he cums, lukewarm neon spilling down your eager throat as he writhes in the blissful agony of his release above you.
Devouring every last drop of his tasteless, harmless, gorgeous Luminescum, you tuck his softening cock back into his stained, glowing underwear with care, joining him back on the pillow where you immediately let out an involuntary moan at how gorgeously fucked out he looks, his palm still poised at his mouth where he’d bitten down on his knuckles at the height of his pleasure.
He averts his gaze when his eyes flutter open, timid under the heat of your gaze, and for the hundredth time you’re glad he’s not a pleasure model, because where would the fun be if he wasn’t so needy and receptive to you?
‘Good morning,’ you mutter sleepily, lips glowing with a tinge of neon blue that makes his heart race. 
He simply curls back into the warmth of your embrace without a word, your arms wrapping around him once again.
Safe and warm and sated. Home.
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soap-ify · 9 months
can I ask for some general fluff headcanons for our soapy boy?
AT YOUR SERVICE ANON!! i don't usually do hcs but i wanted an excuse to ramble about him. so i present you soap hcs that start off as general but gets oddly specific!
cw — very fluffy and mildly suggestive at some places.
˙ᵕ˙ (not so) general soap hcs !
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the most widely known thing is that johnny is clingy as hell. annoying but you really wouldn’t have it any other way. he is always holding onto you tight, never letting you go even if you’re desperate to get out of the bed for a shower or some breakfast. the only time he’d sometimes let you go is when you’re running late for work. he likes having his arm around your waist all the time, nuzzling his head into your neck and smothering you with kisses without any shame in front of others, especially the taskforce. is this his weird little way of marking you? maybe.
very open about how much he loves you. he’s always speaking his mind, telling you about every single thing he loves about you, all your quirks and habits.
can’t imagine this man ever being a cheater. i imagine him being raised by his mother quite well, and god forbid if he ever cheats, his mother is going to be so angry. he has been taught to treat his lovers in the best manner possible. and so he does. even if he is very playful and just awful at courting, always too eager, he still buys you lots of flowers and takes you on dates, giving you all the love that he has.
he likes hugging your leg. like actually. you’re laying down? he’s beneath you, arms wrapped around your legs, hugging it tight while his face is resting on your upper thigh. he can’t even explain why he does it.
he LOVES it when you press kisses on his crows feet. the same thing with the scar on his chin!
this man watched blade runner 2049 once and had an identity crisis for a whole week. you were concerned.
there is this very specific type of french fries that he likes with certain toppings that he can’t really find in any other fast food place and it annoys him to hell.
he begs you to match with him. it can be from watches that come in pairs for couples or maybe keychains! just match with him or else he’ll be pouty for the whole week.
once when johnny was drunk, he showed you his huge art journal. you weren’t even surprised to know that more than half of the pages were just drawings of you.
johnny loves having strangely deep and philosophical conversations with you late at night. sometimes he just can’t sleep, feeling too active and energetic. if you are luckily awake too, be prepared to question the meaning of life and the existence of everything around you both with him.
he is so disgusting when it comes to sending gym pics (you love it). all flushed and glistening with sweat, he’d be sending your mirror selfies while flexing his muscles, a proud happy grin always adorning your looks.
has a mole on his inner thigh and on his right shoulder! you love kissing them so much.
he bites. hide before he bites your tummy.
he loves taking you to snowy mountains and showing you around his homeland! expect to be attacked with lots of snowballs by him, he really doesn’t show any mercy.
loves drawing on your thighs if you’d let him. he would grab a marker or a paintbrush, drawing pretty things on your skin, loving the way you would giggle at the ticklish feeling. he might accidentally touch your other ticklish spots too just to hear you laugh.
i am a firm believer of johnny having sisters and being the only son in the family! he’d take you to meet his family once, and his sisters showed you all of his childhood pictures while telling you of his silly actions, all while johnny was in the back, face all red.
he can knit! learnt it from his eldest sister. he likes knitting you sweaters or gloves, always choosing your favourite colour.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Your writing is so pretty !! I really love your characterization ngl. I feel like you're great at keeping them in character! I was wondering if you could do some hcs of Blade, Dan Heng and Gepard having a crush on a more experienced/older member? For an example, Dan Heng having a crush on an experienced Nameless who was on the Express before him and sort of was the one who was more hands on with helping him learn the ropes. The same implies with the other two for their respective occupations. Idk, I see a lot of character x new member person but never the reverse. I think it's a little cute lol.
Thank you for reading and thanks double if you write it!!
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ seniority
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau, blade, dan heng ⊹ word count - 1.9k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluff, reader is a silvermane guard lieutenant (gepard)/a senior member of the stellaron hunters (blade)/a senior member of the Nameless (dan heng), reader pretty much implied to be older in these, at least in terms of like physical appearance/age
hi anon!!! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ I was a big fan of this req ever since you first sent it in! I agree, there's so many "omg reader is an inexperienced baby and the character helps them and falls for them<3" but where's my characters getting swept off their feet by READER who's the senior member fr?!?!? no hate to anyone who writes the former, but I really like strong and capable readers !!!!! enjoy the req <3
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⊹ Gepard Landau
Gepard pretty much knew you from the second he joined up with the Silvermane Guards.
As a Landau, it was always his duty, so he'd striven to do his best. However, just because it was his duty to stand at the top of the Supreme Guardian's defenses, doesn't mean he never looked up to anyone.
Despite being similar in age, you'd been a member of the guards far longer than he, enough to stand at the rank of Lieutenant before he had even joined.
At first, it really was just admiration. That, and a sense of seeking mentorship.
He'd follow you around like a lost puppy, the then-humble private Gepard trying to get any pointers he could from you
Would ask you to train with him now and then, or would ask how he can best show his dedication to the guards
Being so busy, however, you rarely had time to entertain these wishes.
Even as a Lieutenant and not a Captain, there were certain duties you had to uphold yourself. If you bowed to the whims of every Silvermane Guard, you'd be nothing more than an errand runner, or perhaps just a simple trainer.
You did notice him, though—how could you not?
He was the eldest son of the Landaus, of all families.
Not to mention, his achievements already far outweighed his ranking.
You only provided minimal guidance when he sought it, and yet here he was, smashing every expectation.
Gepard didn't of you as anything other than a superior, someone to strive after and look up to. Even as he took the ranking of Captain and rose above your station, he still deferred to you on many things.
He would seek your advice in handling situations, and the two of you began working closer every day.
Outside of normal duty, the two of you began talking as well—however, it was mostly about work.
Even with all of that, he still saw you as nothing more than someone to be respected. He still saw you as just a superior, surely. That's all it was.
Those fluttering feelings in his chest when you bested him in a spar? Pure awe at your superior strength and wit in battle.
The heating of his cheeks when you'd toss him your water flask, telling him to drink up and get back on his feet? Just a minor cold, he was sure of it.
Well, for a while, at least, he could justify it as such...
One day, he arrived to his greenhouse after work—a place for his lackluster hobby of keeping flowers—only to find you, the Lieutenant he admired, watering each bud and taking careful care of each petal.
"W-What are you doing here, Lieutenant Y/N?!"
"Ah, forgive me for intruding. Ms. Sergeyevna was unavailable, so Serval asked me to check on your flowers."
You then chuckled a bit.
"Also, you're above me in ranking now, Captain Gepard. No need for the formalities."
And when you smiled, it sent a bolt of lightning straight through Gepard's chest—something he couldn't brush off or ignore any more.
You looked radiant.
He had to get out of there quickly.
"W-Well, thank you for your help! I best be off..."
Before he left, though, he couldn't help but pause, fidgeting at the door.
"Something the matter?"
"Erm..." Gepard was stammering, ready to smack himself over the head for his blunder. "I-If there's no need for formalities, then there's no need for you to refer to me as 'Captain' outside of work, Lieute—" He cut himself off. "Y/N... So..."
You only smiled.
"Okay, Gepard."
When Gepard ran (or rather, stiffly marched) back home after that little exchange, he was beating himself up mentally for such a foolish request.
And yet, the red of his cheeks and the pounding of his heart never did quite dissipate.
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⊹ Blade
In Blade's mind, there wasn't much to say about you.
You were a fellow Stellaron Hunter—so?
He was mostly only assigned to Kafka thanks to her Spirit Whisper calming his mara.
Not to mention, the day he arrived to the Stellaron Hunters, you weren't even present. On a mission, as Elio had said.
However, the two of you would eventually cross paths when Kafka was assigned to a separate mission (after ensuring Blade would be stable during her absence, of course).
"This is Y/N. They have assisted the course of destiny for many years now. Be courteous to them."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Blade."
The first thing Blade noticed was how you were... warmer than he expected.
Kafka didn't have much to say on you other than non-answers (her usual go-to for any questions) and Silver Wolf had only mentioned you being scary.
Had she perhaps meant... in battle?
Surely the person before him wasn't scary in any capacity.
You were skilled, yes—once he went on jobs with you, he could easily tell why you were still a successful member of the Stellaron Hunters.
In any other situation, perhaps he would've said he admired your prowess.
However, you were still but an enigma, and for a long time, Blade didn't like that.
He chose to keep his distance where he could. While he would obey you in missions to assist Elio to his full capacity, he never actively hung around you if he didn't have to.
Despite this, you seemed to hang around him as much as you pleased, and against his obvious displeasure.
"Blade, would you like a snack? I brought plenty for this particular job, since it could get long."
"That coat can't be comfortable all the time. Why don't we go and get you a new one? It's not bad to have options."
"Is your hair getting in the way? I can braid it or tie it back."
He'd never answer you at first. Your kindness was uncomfortable.
However, one day, he did. And he still doesn't quite know why.
"Blade, your bandages are unraveling again. Should I rewrap them?"
"...If you must."
You had stopped at that. Blade actually answered you?
"Haha, I was beginning to wonder if you had a voice at all! C'mere, I'll do those right up for you."
The gentle feeling of your hands redoing the bandages across his battered body did not make Blade flush, nor did his heart rate accelerate.
But a fuzzy feeling had wormed its way into his chest, and he didn't want to think about what it could mean.
But even if he didn't think about its meaning, surely it wouldn't hurt to pursue it from time to time?
It certainly felt better than the agony of mara rife through his walking corpse of a body.
Blade began spending time with you, even outside of missions.
You were reading somewhere? He'd suddenly appear beside you, claiming to be at a loss for things to do, thus he decided to sit for a while.
You were in your room? He'd ask if he could sit in the corner and polish his sword—the lighting in your room was best for such care.
You were about to head out on a solo mission? He'd either ask Elio to accompany you and appear just as you were to head out, or if he was denied, he'd ask you to tie his hair back before he went in case he was called out—Kafka and Silver Wolf, he claimed, could never do it quite right.
It's honestly very endearing.
This big, scary beast of a man becomes a stubborn kitten in your presence, never willing to admit he desires your presence but seeking it out anyways.
And to Blade, that's fine.
He doesn't need words to tell you how he feels.
Hell, he'd probably be loathe to speak his feelings into existence himself. He's still in denial.
He'll continue to show you in just the way he always has—being as close by your side as he can.
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⊹ Dan Heng
Unlike with Blade, Dan Heng has some level of interest in you from the start.
You're there when Himeko brings him aboard, introducing him to her fellow Nameless as the newest member.
To be fair, though, he does have some sort of interest in every member of the Nameless, but something about you is a tad different.
You appear younger than Himeko or Welt, likely closer to his own physical age.
That alone makes you somewhat more approachable.
Not that Dan Heng is really approaching anyone on the express right away, though...
It definitely takes you stepping up and approaching him first for him to open up.
It probably starts with you helping him out.
He's always diligent about obeying your advice and help.
As independent as Dan Heng can be, he's respectful to your authority as a more experienced Nameless.
(Not that there's much of a hierarchy or seniority in the Nameless, but he respects you anyhow.)
He's having trouble compiling all the information for a certain entry? You're pointing out things he missed, sort of like a beta reader.
When the two of you are exploring the latest planet you've stopped by, you keep him safe against dangerous monsters (not that he's incapable of fighting, but he appreciates the assistance)
If he's looking for the next volume of a book he's been reading, you're the first to find and get it for him.
And if it's not on the Express, you fetch it for him elsewhere.
You're very open, which he's not used to—Himeko and Mr. Yang tend to leave him to his own devices, after all—but it's not a bad feeling, per se.
He begins to take notice of the ways you stand by him, help him, watch his back.
Not to mention, the manner in which you try to ensure he's welcome at every turn, considering your senior status as one of the Nameless and his relative recent arrival.
As you spend time with him, it's only a matter of time before you can nonverbally understand the quiet Xianzhou native.
"Hmm, I see. I'll go get you the latest volume, Dan Heng. I'm sure they sell it on this planet, too—I've been to their bookstores before."
Himeko and Welt don't really know quite what goes on when this happens.
Over time, you're always the first to communicate for Dan Heng if he isn't present, which he truly does appreciate.
"Dan Heng would like whatever, as usual. Can you prepare the breakfast I had last time, Pom-Pom? He seemed to enjoy it when he tried mine."
"Oh, Dan Heng won't be joining us. Said he needs to organize the archives."
To anyone else, it might just look like a senior Nameless taking the new guy under their wing, but Mr. Yang and Himeko both grew to know better.
They both saw the way that Dan Heng looked at you when he thought no one else was looking at him.
Or perhaps he just didn't care as long as you didn't see the way his eyes shone, an almost imperceptible affection shining behind them.
They both noticed how Dan Heng would go out of his way on planets you weren't exploring to buy you a souvenir, or get you a snack reminiscent of your favorites.
Even March—when you, along with the other Nameless, finally discovered her and rescued her from her ice-prison—as a relatively new member could catch on to how he felt in just a few short weeks.
"Hey, Y/N! Are you and Dan Heng dati—"
The pink-haired girl eventually had her curiosity sated every time she got to take a photo of Dan Heng's ever-slight smile at the sight of you returning to the Express.
493 notes · View notes
anniebeemine · 2 months
Blue Velvet- s.r.
bluer than velvet was the night
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summary: Spencer had no idea he could fall for a coworker, nor could he think straight at seeing her in that dress. Pure fluff and self indulgence. Inspired by the Lana Del Rey cover and I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon.
Word Count: ~4,802
Spencer weaved through the crowd gathered in the main ballroom. The annual FBI gala was the talk of the year. He never cared for it before, making excuses to avoid going, but he made a promise this year. It’s his tenth year anniversary since joining and he was going to be honored with a gift.
“Pretty boy, you clean up nice,” Derek chuckled as he caught Reid’s sleeve.
“Hardy, har, har,” he replied. “Where’s everyone else?”
David raised an eyebrow. “Looking for someone specific?”
“Someone named Y/N?”
“No!” Spencer said, a little too quickly. “Maybe. She said she was running late and I want to make sure she made it.”
There was no way in hell Spencer would stay for long if it wasn’t for you. During your time on the team, you’d grown close. It was on one of those rare quiet afternoons that you discovered your shared interest in the genre.
"Do you like science fiction movies?" you had asked one day, scrolling through the TV guide during a rare moment of downtime during a case.
Spencer had looked up from his research, his eyes lighting up with a hint of excitement. "Actually, yes. I find them fascinating—exploring hypothetical futures, advanced technology, and ethical dilemmas."
And so began your tradition of movie nights, where you'd take turns picking films from the vast world of science fiction. From classics like "Blade Runner" to newer releases exploring the complexities of artificial intelligence and space exploration, each movie sparked lively discussions that ranged from scientific theories to philosophical debates. On weekends when the BAU was quiet, you and Spencer ventured out beyond the confines of the office and his book-lined apartment. Running errands became a joint endeavor, transforming mundane tasks into opportunities for laughter and camaraderie. Grocery shopping turned into a quest to find the most obscure ingredients for Spencer's latest culinary experiment—often inspired by a scientific study or a quirky fact he'd read.
"I read that turmeric has potential neuroprotective properties," Spencer had mused one day in the spice aisle, carefully examining the labels on various jars.
"Does that mean you're going to start making brain-boosting curry?" you teased, looking at the options.
"Maybe I'll give it a try," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Switching up the recipe?"
You nodded. "Since we have dinner all the time, I thought I'd use you as a guinea pig for new recipes."
Spencer grimaced. "Anything for research, I guess."
You also discovered a shared love for exploring quirky bookstores tucked away in hidden corners of the city. Each visit was a treasure hunt for obscure novels, scientific journals, and occasionally, a rare first edition that would send Spencer into a state of quiet excitement. You'd spend hours browsing together, exchanging recommendations and discussing everything from literature to astrophysics. One particularly memorable afternoon, you stumbled upon a small independent bookstore that seemed frozen in time, its shelves packed with a dizzying array of books. Spencer had eagerly led the way to the science fiction section, his eyes alight with curiosity as he scanned the titles.
"This place is amazing," you murmured, running your fingers along the worn spines of old paperbacks.
"It really is," Spencer agreed, his voice tinged with genuine admiration. "I could spend hours here."
And spend hours you did, lost in the world of words and ideas, until the setting sun cast long shadows through the dusty windows, signaling it was time to reluctantly leave the sanctuary of books.
As the weeks turned into months, your friendship with Spencer unexpectedly deepened. Beyond the crime scenes and the high-stress situations, you found solace in each other's company, whether it was watching a thought-provoking sci-fi movie, embarking on an impromptu culinary experiment, or simply sharing a quiet moment of reflection in the presence of books. Spencer had spent the last few months avoiding questions about your friendship. The two of you would often text casually, making plans with each other more often than with the rest of the team. Prying eyes and curiosity had won over a team member or two. Your friendship had evolved into something deeper. You shared jokes and swapped books every few days. He’d spent hours thinking about his feelings. He dissected every time you’d touched.
The first time he felt a pang of the feeling he couldn’t describe was in Missouri.
The two of you were trying to navigate alongside a creek. Two campers had seen a canoe floating down the creek. The color matched a photo of the missing victim. Your boots crunched softly over the rotting leaves. The recent rainy weather made the ground unstable. According to park rangers, there’s usually an uptick in people slipping into the water. Spencer’s eye caught a flash of red amongst the brown and gray environment. You had gotten so caught up in the excitement for a clue that your foot teetered over a root. You began falling forward but Spencer was able to grab your arm. He attempted to brace himself, taking a step back. Instead, he took his own tumble, steadying himself against a tree. Your eyes had met for a moment. He could see the gratitude in your eyes.
“Thanks, Reid,” you murmured, brushing your hands off. You patted his arm in appreciation, turning back to the task at hand.
Spencer let you go slowly, the pat you’d given his arm still feeling heavy against his skin. You reached the canoe before he could properly think about it.
The second time he felt that dip was in New York City. A case had dragged them out to the city and the weather kept them there for an extra day. The BAU found a small restaurant around the corner from the hotel. You’d sat at other ends of the table, chattering with the team. At the end of the night, you’d psst at him to stay back.
“What?” He asked once the team had walked away.
“I got these tickets for you.” You held up two tickets to a theater in Lower Manhattan. There was a screening of a foreign film Spencer had spent weeks begging you to watch. You just couldn’t shell out the $14.99 to watch it at home.
“How did you get these? I checked earlier and they were sold out!”
You smiled. “I’m not going to lie, I had to beg for these from some lady on Craigslist.”
“Thank you!” He gushed. “Care to join me?”
His smile faltered for a second. “Yeah, Y/N. I don’t think anyone else would like it.”
After the film, hours slipped by as you talked about the film. The conversation flowed effortlessly, passionate about the film and it’s camerawork. Morning dawned and you’d woken up on the bed, facing the window. Spencer laid beside you, facing the opposite wary. You had plans to sightsee with Emily and JJ while Spencer wanted to visit a library or two.
A tap on the microphone on the small stage brought Spencer back to the gala. Derek chuckled, apparently having tried to pull him into the conversation with Rossi. The music resumed after the introductions. Spencer moved around the room, mingling with a few departments from the FBI. He caught sight of you through a few people. He began making his way towards you, stopping as he finally caught a full view of you.
He found himself speechless as the way the blue dress fell over your body. The thin straps and cowl neckline framed your face. Your hair fell elegantly, loose waves traveling down your shoulders. The deep blue fabric shimmered under the dim lighting. Spencer took note of how the dress complimented your figure, showing off every curve and bump. You were talking to a man, older. Spencer was completely mesmerized by how you listened so intently, brows furrow and making direct eye contact. So relaxed, yet so professional. The burning sensation in his stomach returned. Only now, he could pinpoint his feelings.
I’m in love with my best friend
Spencer took a deep breath, turning away. He found himself at the bar, a voice ordering for him. “Ice water!" Morgan clapped Spencer on the back. “Everyone saw that, lover boy.”
Spencer could feel his cheeks burning. Perhaps water would be better than alcohol. Taking the glass of ice water offered by the bartender, Spencer took a slow sip, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat and calming his nerves. He appreciated Derek's attempt to inject humor into the moment, yet beneath the surface, a storm of emotions churned—a turmoil he couldn't easily articulate.
Derek, sensing the shift in Spencer's demeanor, paused for a moment, his playful expression fading into one of concern. He studied Spencer intently, noting the furrow of his brow and the uncharacteristic quietness that had settled over him.
"Hey, man," Derek said softly, his tone gentle now, devoid of its earlier jest. "You okay?"
Spencer hesitated, the weight of his confession still heavy upon him. He glanced at Derek, grateful for the genuine concern mirrored in his friend's eyes. "I… I don't know," he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Derek nodded understandingly, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Talk to me, Reid," he encouraged, his voice low and supportive. "What's going on?"
Spencer took a deep breath, his thoughts racing as he struggled to articulate the tumultuous feelings swirling within him. "It's just… I've realized something," he began slowly, his words carefully chosen. "About Y/N." Derek waited patiently, sensing that this was more than just another case of Spencer overthinking. He knew that when Spencer spoke with this level of introspection, it meant something profound was at play. "I think… I think I'm in love with her," Spencer admitted quietly, his gaze dropping to his hands as he traced the rim of his glass. The admission hung between them, vulnerable and raw.
Derek's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Yeah, we know, kid.”
“Then why didn’t I?”
Morgan shrugged. “You like her, and you’re scared.” Derek leaned forward slightly, his voice low and earnest. "Listen, man," he began, his gaze unwavering. "You're a great guy. Smart, kind, thoughtful—you've got so much to offer. Y/N is lucky to have you in her life."
Spencer swallowed hard, the weight of Derek's encouragement settling warmly in his chest. He had always valued his friend's opinion and respected his insights. Hearing Derek affirm his worth, especially in the context of his feelings for you, gave him a newfound sense of courage.
"You've gotta man up, Spence," Derek continued his tone firm yet supportive. "Life's too short to hold back. You know what you want—now go out there and get your girl."
Spencer nodded, a determined spark igniting in his eyes. He knew Derek was right. It was time to confront his feelings head-on, to take the leap of faith he had been avoiding for too long. You deserved to know how he felt, and he deserved the chance to see where their relationship could go.
"Thanks, Derek," Spencer said sincerely, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I needed to hear that."
Derek clapped him on the shoulder, a reassuring smile spreading across his face. "Anytime, kid. Now go make a move before someone else beats you to it," he teased lightly, the familiar twinkle of mischief returning to his eyes.
Spencer waded through the crowd. He reached you almost immediately. You smiled, quietly stepping away from the conversation to talk with him. “I made it! Sorry for not telling you earlier that I was late. Time just got away from me.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here.”
You smiled, looking around. You swayed along to the music.
“Hey, Y/N.” He blinked momentarily, lost in your eyes. “I… I just wanted to-” he huffed. “I’m sorry I’m not making any sense.”
You shook your head. “Take your time,” you said softly. “We have all the time in the world.”
He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I wanted to say that… um, you know, I really enjoy working with you. And… and I value our friendship a lot." His words stumbled over each other, forming a disjointed confession that fell short of what he truly wanted to say.
Your expression softened, a gentle warmth in your eyes as you nodded. "I feel the same way, Spencer. You're a great colleague and friend."
Relief washed over him, mingled with a pang of regret at his inability to articulate his deeper feelings. "Thanks," he managed, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "I… I should go."
He was gone before you could respond. He sat down at the BAU table, trying to forget what just happened by half listening to a discussion over the appropriate level of drunk for a work function. As the evening progressed, Spencer found himself increasingly restless. The encounter with you replayed in his mind, each word scrutinized and analyzed. He was on the verge of getting up and leaving when the awards ceremony began. The room quieted as the host took the stage, announcing the start of the awards. Spencer shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the idea of being celebrated the furthest thing from his mind. He scanned the crowd, his eyes seeking you out, but you were nowhere to be seen.
"And now, for the recognition of ten years of service at the BAU, we honor Dr. Spencer Reid."
The applause was thunderous as Spencer's name was called. He stood, a mixture of surprise and pride swelling in his chest. His colleagues clapped enthusiastically, their faces beaming with admiration and support. He made his way to the stage, accepting the plaque with a humble smile.
As he stood there, the applause continued to fill the room, a tangible expression of the respect and camaraderie he had earned over the years. Looking out at the sea of familiar faces, he saw Derek, Hotch, JJ, Emily, Rossi, and even Garcia, all cheering him on. The moment was bittersweet, filling his heart with warmth and gratitude, yet tinged with the absence of the one person he longed to see.
He stepped down from the stage, the applause still echoing in his ears. As he returned to the BAU table, the sense of accomplishment was overshadowed by the lingering ache in his heart. He scanned the room once more, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, but you were still missing.
Derek leaned over, his voice low. "You did great up there, man."
"Thanks," Spencer replied, his voice distracted. "But I didn't see Y/N."
Derek's expression softened. "She's around here somewhere. Don't worry, man. You'll get your chance."
As he pressed the button and waited for the elevator, his mind was a chaotic blend of thoughts and feelings. He clutched the plaque, a tangible symbol of his dedication and hard work over the past decade. But his thoughts kept drifting back to you, the one person he hadn't seen since his awkward confession. The elevator arrived with a soft ding, and Spencer stepped inside, leaning against the cool metal wall. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady himself.
Just as the doors began to close, a familiar voice called out. "Hold the elevator!"
Spencer's eyes snapped open, and he instinctively reached out to press the 'Open' button. The doors parted again, and there you were, stepping inside with a grateful smile.
"Thanks, Spencer," you said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "I was starting to think I'd be stuck here all night."
Spencer's heart raced as he tried to compose himself. "No problem," he managed to say, his voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions swirling inside him.
The doors closed, and the elevator began its descent. The two of you stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sound the soft hum of the machinery.
"So, how did the rest of the night go for you?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"It was… nice," Spencer replied, his mind still processing the evening's events. "But I needed a break. It was a lot to take in."
You nodded in understanding. "Yeah, these events can be overwhelming. I get it." You fiddled with your dress. "Thank you for coming."
Spencer glanced at you, noticing the way the dim light of the elevator highlighted your features. He felt a surge of affection and determination. This was his chance to tell you how he felt, to finally be honest with himself and with you. Before he could gather the courage to speak, you looked at him with a hopeful expression. "Hey, do you think you could give me a ride home? I wasn't really in the mood to stay any longer, and I could use the company."
Spencer's heart swelled with relief and excitement. "Of course," he said, his voice warm. "I'd be happy to."
The elevator reached the ground floor, and the doors opened to the quiet lobby. The two of you stepped out together, walking side by side toward the exit. The cool night air greeted you as you left the building, a refreshing change from the warmth of the gala. Spencer led you to his car, unlocking it with a click of the remote. You both settled into the seats, the familiar scent of the car bringing a sense of comfort. As he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, Spencer stole a glance at you, his resolve strengthening.
The drive was mostly quiet, the city lights casting a gentle glow on the streets. Spencer's mind raced with thoughts of how to start the conversation, but every time he opened his mouth, the words seemed to vanish.
Finally, you broke the silence. "Spencer, I just wanted to say thank you for being such a good friend. You've been there for me in ways I can't even begin to describe."
Spencer's grip tightened on the steering wheel. This was his moment. He took a deep breath, summoning all the courage he could muster. “I really appreciate you too, Y/N.”
You grinned at him. “Take a left on Wilcox Ave.”
“Your apartment is a right turn?”
“Just do what I say,” you smiled.
Spencer followed your directions, curiosity piqued as he navigated the quiet streets. The city lights gradually faded, replaced by the serene darkness of a park. He parked the car, glancing over at you with a mixture of confusion and anticipation.
You stepped out of the car, taking off your shoes and feeling the cool grass beneath your feet. Spencer hesitated for a moment before following your lead. You wandered toward a pond, the full moon reflecting off the still water like a mirror. The air was crisp and refreshing, filled with the subtle sounds of nature.
"This is beautiful," Spencer murmured, taking in the tranquil scene. You smiled, looking around. "I come here when I need to think. It helps clear my mind."
Spencer watched as you walked closer to the pond, your silhouette framed by the moonlight. He felt a rush of affection, the moment surreal and perfect. You turned to him, your eyes reflecting the same light as the water.
"Do you remember that episode of Star Trek we watched last week?" you asked, your voice breaking the silence.
Spencer nodded, stepping closer. "Yeah, 'The City on the Edge of Forever.' One of my favorites."
You sighed, a small frown forming on your face. "I didn't really get the part where they had to let Edith die to restore the timeline. It seemed so cruel."
Spencer's heart ached at your words, understanding your confusion. "It's a pivotal moment in the series. It shows the complexity of time travel and the moral dilemmas that come with it. Sometimes, to preserve the greater good, difficult choices have to be made."
You nodded slowly, processing his explanation. "But still, it just felt so unfair. She was such a good person."
"She was," Spencer agreed. "And that's what makes it so impactful. The sacrifice was necessary, but it wasn't easy. It makes you question the cost of doing the right thing."
You sat down on the grass, looking out at the water. Spencer joined you, feeling the cool earth beneath him. The conversation flowed naturally, shifting from Star Trek to other shared interests. You laughed and debated, your voices mingling with the sounds of the night. As the time passed, Spencer felt a deep sense of contentment. This was what he cherished most about your friendship—the ability to connect on such a profound level. He glanced at you, your face illuminated by the moonlight, and felt a surge of emotion.
"Y/N," he began softly, his heart pounding. "I need to tell you something."
You looked at him, curiosity and warmth in your eyes. "What is it, Spencer?"
He took a deep breath, summoning all the courage he had. "I value our friendship more than anything, but I also have deeper feelings for you. I've been trying to sort through them, and I realized that I'm in love with you."
You paused, your eyes widening in surprise. Spencer's heart sank, misinterpreting your silence. "I-I'm sorry if I crossed a line," he stammered, his voice shaky. "I didn't mean to make things awkward. Forget I said anything."
Before he could turn away, you reached out, gently cupping his face in your hands. Without a word, you leaned in and kissed him softly. The world seemed to stop for Spencer, his mind reeling as he processed what was happening.
When you pulled back, your eyes were warm and tender. "I knew," you whispered, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Spencer blinked, his mind struggling to catch up. "You… you knew?" You nodded, your smile growing. "Yeah, I did. And I feel the same way."
A wave of relief and joy washed over Spencer. "But how did you know? And how did everyone else know before me?"
You laughed softly, the sound like music to his ears. "You're not exactly subtle, Spencer. The way you look at me, the little things you do… it was pretty clear."
Spencer felt his cheeks flush, a mix of embarrassment and happiness. "I thought I was being discreet."
You shook your head, still smiling. "Not at all. But it's okay. I like that about you."
Spencer's heart soared, the weight of his unspoken feelings finally lifting. He pulled you into a hug, holding you close as the moonlight bathed you both in its gentle glow. As the first light of dawn began to break, you stood up, brushing the grass from your clothes. "We should probably head back."
Spencer nodded, standing up and following you back to the car. The drive back was quiet, but this time the silence was filled with unspoken promises and a newfound understanding.
When you finally reached your apartment, you turned to him, your expression sincere. "Thank you for tonight, Spencer. And for being honest with me."
Spencer teetered on his toes. “Is it okay if I kiss you goodnight?”
You nodded, snaking your arms around his neck. His hands landed on your hips, lips catching yours. He pulled back. “That dress looks amazing on you.”
“Thank you,” you blushed. “Goodnight.”
Spencer let you go, taking a few steps backwards. “Goodnight.” You unlocked your apartment door, stepping in. You peeked through the door, watching Spencer push the elevator button. “Though,” you said, “I do need someone to help me take it off. Or else I might have to wear it to work on Monday.”
Spencer turned around, his eyes widening slightly. “It’d be a shame. You look amazing.”
You gave him a playful smile, opening the door a little wider. “Then come on in, Doctor.”
Spencer hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts. But the invitation in your eyes was clear, and the warmth in your smile reassured him. He stepped forward, crossing the threshold into your apartment.
The door closed behind him, shutting out the world and leaving just the two of you in the cozy, dimly lit space. The air was thick with anticipation, but also a comforting familiarity. You turned your back to him, sweeping your hair to one side. "The zipper's a bit tricky," you said softly.
Spencer approached slowly, his hands trembling slightly as he reached for the zipper. He carefully pulled it down, the sound loud in the quiet room. His fingers brushed against your skin, sending shivers down both your spines.
"There," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You turned to face him, the dress slipping slightly off your shoulders. "Thank you," you murmured, your eyes meeting his.
Spencer felt his breath catch in his throat, the moment charged with unspoken emotion. "You're welcome," he replied, his voice husky.
You took a step closer, closing the distance between you. "Spencer," you began, your tone serious now. "I meant what I said earlier. I do feel the same way about you. I just didn't know how to tell you."
He reached out, gently cupping your face in his hands. "I'm glad you did. And I'm glad I finally found the courage to tell you."
You smiled, leaning into his touch. "So what now?"
Spencer's heart raced, but he felt a newfound confidence. "Now, we see where this takes us. One step at a time."
You nodded, your smile widening. "I like that plan."
Spencer leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this perfect moment. When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, but filled with a sense of rightness.
"Stay?" you asked softly, your eyes searching his.
Spencer nodded, his heart swelling with affection. "I'd love to."
You led him further into the apartment, the future uncertain but promising, filled with the possibilities of love and discovery. As the night wore on, you both knew that this was the beginning of something beautiful and real.
Bonus: “She left without her purse?” Emily asked, slightly hungover from the night before. She squinted, holding a hand up to shield her from the sun.
Derek shrugged. “Reid didn’t answer this morning when I stopped by. He was a mess about Y/N and he just disappeared.”
“Do you think there’s something wrong?”
“Let’s find out.” Derek knocked firmly, but there was no answer. He knocked again, louder this time, but the silence from the other side of the door persisted.
Emily exchanged a worried glance with Derek. “Maybe she’s just asleep?” she suggested, though she didn’t sound convinced.
Derek sighed. “Or maybe she’s avoiding us. Either way, we need to make sure she’s okay.”
Just as they were about to knock again, Spencer swung the door open. hand. Before he could greet them, you came around the corner, your hair tousled and wearing one of Spencer’s oversized shirts.
“Is it the pancakes we ordered?” You asked cheerfully, but paused when you saw your guests.
Derek smirked, holding up the purse. “Nope, just your friendly neighborhood FBI agents, returning a forgotten item.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I completely forgot about it.”
You must have left it at the table when you spotted Spencer by the elevator.
Emily grinned, stepping forward. “Mind if we come in?”
Spencer hesitated for a moment before stepping aside. “Sure, come on in.”
They entered the cozy apartment, taking in the relaxed atmosphere and the aroma of fresh coffee. Derek and Emily exchanged amused glances at the sight of Y/N and Spencer clearly having spent the night together.
Emily nudged Derek with a knowing smile. “Well, this is cozy.”
You blushed but didn’t seem embarrassed. “We were just about to have breakfast. Would you like to join us?”
Derek shook his head, still smirking. “Thanks, but we’ve already eaten. Just wanted to make sure you got your purse back.”
Emily’s eyes twinkled as she looked at Spencer. “We also wanted to check on Reid. He kind of vanished last night.”
Spencer cleared his throat, trying to maintain his composure. “Yeah, sorry about that. It was a… complicated night.”
Derek chuckled. “No kidding. But it looks like it all worked out.”
You smiled, slipping your hand into Spencer’s. “It did. Thanks for bringing my purse, though. I would’ve been lost without it.”
Derek and Emily shared another glance, then Emily pulled out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to Derek with a smirk. She muttered something quietly.
Derek’s grin widened as he took the bill. “Make it ten.”
“Deal,” Emily replied, shaking his hand.
Spencer and you exchanged confused looks.
“What’s that about?” Spencer asked.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Derek said, still smirking. “Just make sure to invite us to the wedding.”
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tmntxthings · 1 year
heyy so I literally got this kind of idea like not really long ago, how about a donnie x reader fic/scenario/prompt where donnie makes a new AI hologram assistant (the reader) but ends up falling in love with them ?? (kind of blade runner 2049 inspired)
thanks ! luv your work (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
一∑ Dizzy・゜・。
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author’s notes: so this may not be exactly what you asked for, this donnie is a bit… cagey? protective? overbearing! but hopefully the ending is a good indication that he did indeed fall?? :D
warnings: fluff, platonic to romantic, cursing, very unedited, & super short >.<
word association: sentience, slight yandere!donnie, light projection, holograms, creation, possessive, obsessive, fluff, change, feelings
song: “ Round & Round by Selena Gomez ”
Donnie waited for you to appear in his vision as he was glued to a new construct. Both hands busy with small tools that required the utmost care and attention. And patience.
He waited a couple of more seconds before a crease appeared between his draw on brows.
Donnie shouted louder. There was no way you couldn’t hear him. He was this close to pushing up his goggles but like magic you apparated in his vision. A tiny version of yourself in the corner of his eyesight, “Yyyessss?”
You drawled, dipping forward dramatically but not obscuring his view of his hands so he could continue his work.
“Where are you?”
Habitually it seemed he had to ask you this. He was like this with Shelldon too. But ever since you started getting curious and venturing out of his lab, he just had to at least check in…
He would have just checked your holo-tracker but his hands were busy at the moment. So calling out your name was more efficient. His wrist tech was voice automated and connected to your system easily enough.
“And why did you ignore my first call?”
He questioned further, eyebrows still drawn. His tongue peeked out between his lips as he carefully pieced together two small bits in the right formation.
“I thought we agreed Donnie. If you didn’t need me, I could explore the perimeters!”
You glitched momentarily, moving from the corner to right in the center of his vision before going back to your original place with a raised brow.
“Yes yes. That was the agreement but addendum six was—“
You groaned.
“Y/n it’s been… how long has it been..?”
He just knew it had to be four or so hours since you last checked in. Which meant he could call! As per agreement! If you didn’t check in then he would worry and a time frame was even added into fine print for this very purpose! Donatello prided himself on thinking of every-little-thing!
“It’s been 30 minutes.”
His eyes widened. Looking at you now and squinting.
No way.
You sighed dramatically as you brought up the time. Sure enough. It was only 2:30 in the morning. Not 5.
“Ah, well my mistake.”
Donnie placed down the tools and pushed up his goggles. The zoomed in version of his project gone, as well as the time and your miniature self.
He could still hear you though with his headphones on.
“You didn’t answer my first question…”
He still wanted to know.
“I think that should be void considering you can just check now!”
Your voice was exasperated but it had a teasing quality.
“I’d rather you tell me,”
“With your brothers!”
No response. “Y/n?” No response still. He grumbled bringing his goggles back down and yep, you were gone. He shoved them back up and shot out of his chair.
Two years ago. Donatello went a step further from robots. A step further from Shelldon, definitely still a very proud achievement of his! You were a hologram program. One that connected just like Shelldon to all of Donatello’s devices and gadgets. But you didn’t have a physical body. You were a pure light so to speak. And while Donnie had agreed for you to explore…he hadn’t really disclosed another sentient being in the lab to his brothers.
Selfishly… Donnie had created you solely for him. While Shelldon had been sort of a prank but definitely for his brothers… you weren’t.
“Y/n.” Shelldon whispered harshly as he peeked out of the doorway from his lab. You were nowhere in the vicinity. He scowled. “If this is supposed to be funny, let me be very clear! It is not!” Then Donnie started to rush with his words while he crept further out into the lair.
“Those dumdums have no idea of your existence Y/n! For all we know they could— I don’t know! Attack?!”
You were radio silent. And it annoyed to Donnie to know end. You were ignoring him on purpose. Dragging him away from work to chase you down. And he would do the dragging this time, right back to his side if he must!
The further he went, the more apprehensive he felt. He could hear music. He could hear hollering. It was not the right cues that said ‘Y/n is just pranking me! They wouldn’t reveal themselves without my go-ahead! Surely!’ Yeah none of that was feeling close to happening right now. Donatello’s teeth ground together as he gave up being stealthy in favor of finally seeing what the fuck was happening.
And boy was he in for a shock.
As he cleared a corner that gave him a full view of the arcade that stretched down a distance away. The DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) was on, bass pumping throughout the room. A beautiful voice beckoning him closer like a siren’s song. Where Raph was dancing on one side. And you on the other.
Donnie stopped short. His breath catching as he watched your hologram dance, when your shoes met the correct arrows your whole body took on a glow of purple, blue, red, and yellow. It reflected throughout your entire being. You hit perfect after perfect, head tipped back in laughter as Raph started to trip up, losing his footing and sweating profusely. You on the other hand would never tire.
You were completely energized. You were having fun! It shined in your eyes. It reminded him of how you were when he first created you. When everything he introduced to you excited you.
Donnie felt like such an ass. Keeping you tucked away from the rest of the lair. From his brothers. From the world! As he watched you now he knew he was going to have to change. Because he surely wasn’t letting you go completely. But maybe he needed to loosen up, him and his contract.
Because he wanted you to be like this more. To smile more. To be exuberant and full of life! And he couldn’t stop smiling as you tilted your head towards him. You didn’t falter, you just smiled brighter and winked as the song came to a close and the points were tallied up.
Of course anything created by Donnie would be extraordinary at dancing. Therefore it didn’t surprise him one bit that you received a maximum score of 10,000,000. What did throw him off guard was the rapid pace of his heart. And maybe a bit dizzy? He hadn’t even been the one dancing!
Yeah this wasn’t good!
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alisonsfics · 1 year
caught in the rain
pairing: chris evans x reader
summary: your mischievous puppy is the reason you end up meeting your dashingly handsome neighbor
word count: 2.2k
warnings: swearing, lots of chris + dogs fluff
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“Duke, c’mon. Can we not stop to smell every blade of grass? Mommy doesn’t want to get caught in the rain” you asked, trying to put some pep in the step of your new dog.
You eyed the approaching storm clouds and prayed you could make it home before it started pouring; however, Duke had other plans. You had had Duke for about four months, but that didn’t stop him from smelling the same grass and trees every single day.
You normally weren’t in a rush and we’re down to enjoy a calm stroll with your pup, but now the weather had other plans.
You focused your gaze on the dark clouds and how fast they were moving. As soon as you looked away, Duke got distracted: a squirrel darting down the street.
Duke took off in pursuit of the small animal. Being an almost-forty-pound german shepherd, he quickly pulled the leash out of your hand.
You felt the burning in your hand as the leash was yanked out of your reach. You chased after Duke, who was currently sprinting down the street in the opposite direction of your house.
You silently cursed your decision to not buy a small dog like a pug; you could’ve caught up to a pug.
“Duke, come here” you screamed after your dog, but the command missed his attention. He had lost sight of the squirrel and was now just blissfully running in the breeze, unaware of his owner’s panic.
You continued to chase him down the sidewalk and began to feel the aching in your legs. “God, I knew I should’ve been working out more.” You mumbled to yourself.
If it was possible, Duke actually sped up.
A few houses up, you watched a car pull into their driveway. “Oh great, a neighbor to embarrass myself in front of.” You thought to yourself. You tried to run faster to make sure Duke didn’t jump in the way of the moving car.
You were so focused on Duke, you didn’t see the man step out of the car. “Duke,” you called again.
The stranger stepped out of his car and saw an unknown woman running down the sidewalk after her dog. He let out a small chuckle to himself at your predicament.
You finally noticed the man when he bent down and started clapping to call Duke. Duke, always a people person, ran right in the stranger’s arms. “C’mere bubba,” the man said, successfully grabbing his leash and petting the dog.
You stopped running and were about five or ten feet away from the man. “Oh thank you so much,” you said quickly, while bending over to catch your breath. Your sides were aching.
“Are you okay?” The man asked you, almost amused. You nodded, not fully answering yet.
“Just not a runner,” you said in between breaths. The man had Duke’s leash securely in his hand, so you could stop worrying about it for one second.
When you had finally caught your breath, you walked over to the man. He was still on his knees and playing with Duke. “Hi, pal,” he said, seeming just as excited as Duke was.
“I bet you’re a good boy, yeah? But you probably freaked your momma out.” He said, while scratching Duke's side.
“Thank you again.” You said, looking down at the man. He looked up to meet your gaze and nodded. You finally took in some of his features, and realized how handsome he was. “I’m Chris, by the way.” He introduced himself, holding out the hand that wasn’t holding the leash.
You smiled and introduced yourself. You reached out to shake his hand and felt a shiver run down your spine at how strong his hand felt.
He carefully took the leash off of his hand and helped wrap it around your hand. “He’s a gorgeous dog.” He said, bending down to pet Duke again.
“Thank you. He seems to really like you.” You told him as you looked at the giddy expression on Duke’s face.
“He reminds me of my dog, Dodger. They’re both just as hyper.” He told you, standing up to look you in the eyes again. You giggled to yourself. “What? I totally didn’t take you as a dog guy” you teased.
The joke caught Chris off guard. When it finally clicked what you had said, a giant laugh came out of his mouth, and he clutched his chest. “Guilty as charged,” he said, still laughing.
Neither one of you could get the smiles off of your face. You both seemed to be stuck giggling and looking into each other’s eyes.
Then, there was a loud crack of thunder and it began to downpour. You both jumped at the sudden cold rain pouring over your body. “Oh shit,” you swore to yourself. Duke began playing in the rain, trying to catch all the falling drops with his tongue. “C’mon,” Chris said, gesturing for you to follow him. You ran after him with Duke.
Chris pulled you both under his porch, saving you from the rain. “You wanna come inside and hang out til it stops?” Chris asked, having to yell over the rain.
You nodded your head and followed behind him. He opened his front door for you and let and Duke walk inside. You wiped your shoes off on the doormat and stepped inside. “Do you have a towel that I can wipe his feet off with? I don’t want him to ruin your carpet.” You asked, turning to Chris as he wiped the water droplets off his face.
“Yeah, of course,” He nodded and jogged towards another room. You waited there patiently. Chris came back with a grey towel in his hand. You took it from him and thanked him. “Is Duke good with other dogs? I can get Dodger and they could play together.” Chris suggested.
You quickly nodded and smiled at him. “That would great, Duke loves other dogs.” You told him.
When Chris came back, Dodger was slowly walking behind him. He seemed hesitant as he walked over to Duke. They both sniffed each other for a second, then Dodger jogged over to his basket of toys.
“Go see, Duke” you said, pointing over at Dodger. Duke followed after him and they quickly began playing tug of war. You and Chris both laughed at how quickly they had started playing.
“While the kids play, I have some beer the adults can have.” Chris said, looking towards you.
Your eyes lit up at his suggestion. “Oooo yes please,” you said, smiling. You followed him to the kitchen and waited as he grabbed two beers out of the fridge.
He opened a bottle for you and handed it to you, “here’s your prize for second place.” He said. You took the bottle from him, but furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Second place in what?” You asked taking a sip of the beer.
“That race down the street,” he said, chuckling. You clutched your mouth as you nearly spit out of your drink. “Way to hit a girl when she’s down” you joked, giggling over the joke.
“You’re right. You put in a lot of effort. Good job. Here’s to…” he said, trying to come up with something to drink to. Your mind automatically came up with an idea. “Getting caught in the rain,” you replied.
A smile grew on his face as he looked at you. “To getting caught in the rain,” he agreed.
You were already head over heels for this guy that you only known for less than an hour. It wasn’t something you would normally do, but he was charming and sweet and he even liked your dog.
You both clinked your glasses together. As you both took a sip, you held eye contact that lasted for longer than it should have. There was a glimmer in his eyes that mesmerized you.
“So, are you new to the neighborhood? I’ve never seen you around.” He asked, knowing he never could have forgotten seeing your face. You shook your head. “No, I’ve lived here for a few years now. I didn’t really walk around the neighborhood until I got Duke. I’m never at any of the neighborhood block party things though either, just not my scene. I would much rather hang out at home.” You replied.
He nodded his head along as you spoke. You had never had someone listen so intently to every word that came out of your mouth.
“Yeah, I’m with you on that one. I spent more nights home with Dodger than out partying. I go on walks with him sometimes or I’ll jog around the neighborhood, but that’s kinda it.” He told you.
You couldn’t help the fact that your imagination lingered to the thought of Chris shirtless and jogging past your house. Just the thought made you excited.
“I’ll have to keep an eye out.” You said, not being able to get rid of the smile on your face. Chris nearly choked on his beer when he heard what he perceived as a flirty comment. He almost thought he imagined the twinkle in your eyes when you said it. He was sure he was just overanalyzing though.
You guys kept talking for what felt like hours, getting to know each other. Clearly, Chris was charming, but he was also just a really nice guy.
Finally, you both looked over and noticed that Duke and Dodger were both laying on the floor panting and exhausted from their previous activities.
“Clearly, I need to come here everyday just to wear Duke out, so he doesn’t pull me down the street again.” You said, giggling and looking over at Chris. He jumped on the opportunity to spend more time with you.
“Dodger would love that. I’m sure he’d love a friend to play with. I wouldn’t mind the company either.” He said, testing the waters.
You felt your stomach do a flip. Did he really just say that?
“Oh, really?” You asked him, as you felt the butterflies swarming inside of you. Chris suddenly seemed shy as he smiled and looked at the ground.
“I’m not going to beat around the bush anymore. I think you’re really fun to be around, and you’re obviously drop dead gorgeous.” He said, matter-of-factly.
Before you could respond, Chris stepped closer to you and cupped your face with one of his hands. You felt jittery as you looked into his eyes right before closing your eyes and connecting your lips.
His lips were surprisingly soft against yours. You let him pull you closer to him, and your bodies became pressed up against each other. You rested your hands on his chest as you kissed him. His cologne filled your lungs and reminded you of pine forests.
You pulled away for a quick breath, and when Chris pulled you back into the kiss, he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You felt like the room was spinning.
The kiss got more and more heated since both of you couldn’t resist each other. You tugged against his shirt, keeping his close to you. His tongue lightly flicked against yours, teasing you. His free hand began to caress your side, drawing little circles with his fingers.
You both didn’t separate until Duke nudged his nose into the back of your knee, causing your knee to buckle. Chris wrapped his arms around your waist and kept you from falling.
“Hi, buddy,” Chris said, looking at Duke and then back at you, “he’s protective over his momma.” You giggled, nodding your head.
“So…” you said, referencing what you both had been doing before being interrupted. Chris chuckled to himself, and his cheeks turned a little red. “Yes, about that. How about I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?” He asked you, looking into your eyes with a hopeful look.
“I would really like that. I mean it’d be a shame after a kiss that good to not try this out.” You said, smirking to him. He let out another one of those full-body laughs that you saw earlier. “Yeah, it was a pretty great kiss.” He said, pecking your lips again.
Duke then nudged you again. “I think this guy would like to go home and take a nap. So, how about I give you my number and I see you tomorrow?” You suggested. Chris quickly nodded his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
You took the phone from his hand and opened up his contacts. “By the way, your picture of you and Dodger on your wallpaper is adorable.” You said, as you typed in your number. “Right? That’s what I said, and everyone else says it’s cheesy.” He agreed. You handed it back to him and smiled.
“You better call me. I know where you live.” You joked, still with a giddy smile on your face. He laughed at your joke, tucking his phone back in his pocket. “Oh, I promise I’ll be calling you. I’m not dumb enough to miss that opportunity.” He said, making your stomach flutter.
Chris walked you to the front door, where you hooked Duke back up to his leash. “Bye Dodger. It was nice to meet you.” You said, waving to the sleepy dog curled up on the couch.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said, smiling up at Chris. He leaned down to softly place a kiss on your lips. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” He replied.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @sunwardsss @studentville-struggles @impossibleapricotlampbat @infjkiki @k-k0129 @lickmymelaninn @hailey-a-s @andreasworlsboring101 @fanofalltheficsx @spiderstyles04 @madisondelstan @spookyparadisesheep @beyondthesefourwalls @basicfangirlx @gretavankleep37 @whorefire-club @blueeyeddemon1016 @bbl32 @escapingrealityagain @stressydepressyandlemonzesty @cherryyxbabyy @patzammit @harrysthiccthighss @darkjellyfishcoffee
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific characters/fandom!!
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noisyquokka · 1 year
Lifetimes Before
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PAIRING - Chan x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - Sometimes all your soul needs is a quiet night with your Lover, something that always feels familiar to you that you can't quite put a finger on.
WARNINGS - Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, dancing with this man under the stars? sign me up!!
A/N - I've had this idea stuck in my head for a while now, so I thought I'd finally get it out. Giggled, kicked my feet, twirled my hair whilst writing this and now I wish I could dance with my girlfriend... Anyway Happy Chan day, everybody!!🥰🎉
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The wood creaks beneath your weight as you descend the staircase, halting at the second-last step and leaning over the railing. You scan the open space in search of your Lover, ears perking at the melody floating about the first floor. Something far older than the two of you, with elements of blues, swing, big band. A man with the vocals of silk and lace, a warm embrace. Nat King Cole. It's a record you're familiar with, one you can imagine your grandparents listening to in their late 20s. It's something that fits a quiet Sunday evening, the spices from a homecooked meal wafting through the house as the family sits down to eat. Something that fits this quiet Sunday evening.
The chosen vinyl spins on the turntable, soundwaves moving you like nothing else can. You skip down the last few steps, turning towards the back patio with a furrowed brow. There's a faint glow shining through the door's glass, fighting its way through the sheer curtains hanging from them; a pathetic excuse for privacy. But you find the golden glow of a sunset too good to pass up most days, the rays bleeding through the hallway, running up the walls like untamed flames in a campfire.
Ah, that glow… one of crackling wood and all-encompassing heat.
A smile pulls at the corners of your lips, your slippers padding across the runner in the hall as you pull the door open. Chan's back is to you, tending to the fire in the freestanding pit. Daylight is fading, the tree tops along your property rimmed in the amber glow of late Summer. The northern breeze assaults the fabric on your person, greeting the bare skin beneath with a sweet kiss of chills. You step out anyway, patio bricks smooth underfoot, and clear your throat. The man's shoulders tense only for a moment, straightening up as he turns to you. That familiar look of affection adorns his face.
"So what's this, then?" You gesture to the fire, the buzzing stereo inside. It's romantic beyond measure, and even as you know the events that are about to unfold, you play coy. "You call me down here for what, exactly?"
"Leave the door open," He says, waving you over with a wag of his fingers. You oblige, unable to hold back your smile as you close in on the sight before you. The mess of curls atop his head move with him, his focus on nothing else but you as you cross the space from the entrance to the patio. The closer you get, the wider Chan's smile gets until you're greeted by those dimples, the fire light washing over the elusive divots as he turns back to the horizon awash in a blaze of vibrant hues. Orange, violet, yellowish-pink.
You stop behind him, feeling the warmth of the fire spill over the broadness of his shoulders. He chuckles when your arms slink around his waist, tightening as you rest your cheek at the space between his shoulder blades. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes. The patio door sways open further with the breeze, the sound of the stereo mingling with the crackles and pops of dry wood. It's almost like the sands in the hourglass stop out here, every single time. If only…
Chan's fingers slip under one of your hands, linking your fingers together to pull you around to his side. The song that's playing ends, and you recognize the next instantly. Those fingers squeeze around yours in a nonverbal question, and Chan follows up with a verbal one.
"May I?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
"I'm just being a gentleman." He insists, pulling you closer with a gentle hand. His other hand settles at your waist, taking the lead in this three-step on this chilly evening. And you follow with no complaints, bringing your opposite hand up to rest on his shoulder. Nat King Cole begins his silken performance from inside.
Three little words,
Oh what I'd give for that wonderful phrase,
To hear those three little words,
That's all I'd live for the rest of my days,
His grip on you is firm but comfortable, there to keep you close even as he knows you're not going anywhere. The two of you ease into that familiar swing and sway, so used to being soul partners in this backyard oasis where the only wandering eyes are the wildlife that slinks through the shadows and the stars that have yet to make their appearance tonight. Moving together as one, sharing the same space as Chan pulls you in so your back is to his chest.
And what I feel in my heart,
They tell sincerely,
No other words can tell it half so clearly,
His voice rumbles in his chest, swaying you back and forth as he softly serenades you in his arms. You're smiling, lashes fluttering at such a serene and calming voice, the lyrics carrying you on wings of sound as you step in time with the music. And oh, does that voice hold nothing but the strongest affection for the one he's singing to. It erupts butterflies within your chest.
Chan unfurls you from his embrace, your fingers interlocking again as you step backward, shifting your weight to your left foot and coming back to center. It's hard not to smile, something so natural to the both of you - a waltz between two Lovers in firelight as your bodies flow like a river - when you've been here a number of times. The instrumentals fill the air between you both, floating out of the warmly lit home and into the night. 
Three little words,
Eight little letters,
Which simply mean I love you.
Chan's voice fills your ears again as he spins you around the patio, the chill creeping under your shirt. Even so, you feel nothing but warmth radiating from the man that's swinging you around like this is the most fun he's had in all his lifetimes. He pushes you away, shifting his left foot back before strong arms are pulling you back into him. Your laughter echoes through the trees, and you let your head fall back in bliss. You bite your lip as he presses a kiss to your chin.
"Am I doin' this right?" His breath is soft on your neck, arms slipping to the small of your back while yours find their resting place at his shoulders. You're much too close to properly dance, so Chan guides you into a slow and simple sway, shifting your weight from your left foot to your right.
"You're the dancer, Christopher," You reply, tilting your head to lock eyes with the man, "shouldn't you know?" A soft smile takes over your lips as you let your eyes linger on his in the warmth of the fire.
"I was referring to my execution," He gestures to the romantic setting he'd created with a smirk. "but from the look on your face, I'm guessing I've done alright."
You chuckle, blinking as your fingers find the hair at the nape of his neck. Your gaze flits around the backyard, seemingly judging the choices he'd made. The wind kicks up now, rustling the changing leaves that sway along their branches with you two below. The flames crackle with the intrusive whispers of air, embers glowing as they travel on the wind's current like fireflies. Your focus come back to those warm amber eyes, licking your lips.
"I'd say so." You murmur, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Chan grins at that, lifting you with ease and twirling you around, the two of you moving in a smooth circle. You squeal at his movements, eyes wide for the slightest second as the pads of your fingers dig into his shoulders. But then you hear him giggle and you're being brought back down just enough that his lips can find yours. You hum contentedly into the kiss, lashes fluttering against your ever heating cheeks.
And what I feel in my heart,
They tell sincerely,
No other words can tell it half so clearly,
He sets you back to your feet and without missing a beat, you're back in step with little effort. Your body moves in time with Chan's and his with yours, each step blending into the next. The intuitive tells and the way you understand each other's bodies is an artform, with a level of cohesion that defies all logic. Like two halves of a whole, your souls intertwined in a way that's otherworldly. Attuned to the natural rhythm of one another, every step, every touch. It's something learned over lifetimes. It's an enchanting feeling; an experience you could live in for eternity if only you get to experience it with his soul in every single life beyond this one.
Three little words,
Eight little letters,
Which simply mean I love you,
He spins you away again, lyrics dancing on the tip of his tongue. The man's voice is like a soft, melodic lullaby, it's smooth and soothing tones washing over you. The breeze and the fire craft a tranquil and romantic atmosphere as you sway your hips with the music. The flames cast a glow across Chan's face, dancing over bare skin as he draws you back into him, foreheads bumping softly. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing fervently at the warm skin. Time moves slowly in this moment, lasting an eternity as you breathe each other in. You could've sworn this song is only about two minutes long.
"Simply mean I love you."
He sings the last line softly, a wide grin taking over his face. You mirror that grin, unable to hold back as your heart beats heavy in your chest. Two pairs of eyes stare for a long moment, taking in every feature, every imperfection, everything. Nothing but a heart palpitating love in those gazes, melting into one another. There's love.
"I love you."
It's said at the same time, soft chuckles vibrating through warm chests. His breath lightly fans over your cheeks, the hand at your back coming to rest at your hip. He tilts your head up just enough, the softness of his lips meeting yours in another gentle kiss. You're still slightly swaying as the next song plays in the background, your senses tuned into him as you feel the chill on your skin, the scent of burning wood, the taste of Chan's lips on yours.
You dance until the fire begins to die, your bodies intertwined and foreheads resting against each other. Until the vinyl is finished playing, giving way to the chorus of night insects that still sing this close to the start of Autumn. The embers burn away, cooling into white ash as starlight takes over, the moon's soft luminescence illuminating the two of you. And even after all is quiet, you stay in Chan's arms, the warmth of his skin and his voice a gentle comfort.
You know you have work in the morning, but enveloped in your Lover's arms, you don't see yourself finding the willpower to rush back inside to go to bed. Not when everything feels as it should. Heartbeats in sync, two souls sharing such a profound connection that poets of old could only weave into the fabric of humanity's web with their weathered scribes.
You see their gazes now, in the twinkling of the stars above, beautiful and serene. A creation all their own. The scene brings a smile to their shimmering faces, that you know every inch of the man beside you. Every inch of his body, every movement, every sound. There is nothing that Chan does that you don't already know. Your love runs deeper than flesh and bone, deeper than the vastness of galaxies. It's a love that runs to the very essence of your two souls. A love that has lasted lifetimes before this one and will last for lifetimes after.
The hours pass, but you don't rush back inside to sleep. There is no hurry, no need. 
You are where you're supposed to be, in the arms of the man you love.
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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spdrvyn · 1 year
do you think you'll be writing a part 3 to "i'll be lonely with you" ?? 👀 it's so good and i am invested
let's be lonely together — MIGUEL O'HARA
☆ there seems to be a spark growing between you and miguel, and you're forced to confront it when a heavy obstacle blocks your path.
minor angst. fluff. hurt/comfort. injuries. gn!reader. changed the formatting because it felt a little too clunky, hope you guys enjoy this one. school just started for me so i'll be getting a little busy T_T like the other "parts" in this, it can be read as stand alone.
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You were absolutely mortified when you heard the news.
Miguel getting injured was a rare phenomenon that you'd only ever see in your nightmares, however the multiverse would always find a way to make those dreaded dreams of yours become a reality.
You'd refused to believe at first, standing as still as a mannequin once Jess had informed you, but that realization had finally sunk in. Miguel was hurt, and you were away while it happened.
From what you've gathered, he got impaled. It wasn't in any fatal areas, but it's a gut-twisting incident nonetheless. You shuddered just thinking of Miguel covered in blood, but to think that a spear, a sharp piece of metal, a blade piercing through and sticking out of Miguel's side left you unsettled.
Of course, your first instinct was to visit him. No second thoughts.
God, even as you paced hurriedly to the infirmary which was all the way across headquarters, your mind ran like a coding sequence. Trying to compute what to even say once you see him.
Being too forward and asking questions straight away might get him overwhelmed, he is frail and you certainly don't need to weigh down on him even more. Yet, you also want to show him that you care, but how do you do that without confessing your feelings for him?
Oh, right. Your feelings for him.
Cross your heart and hope to die, it started out as a small crush. Very miniscule, very minute, but who could blame you? You hadn't been around for as long as Peter B., Ben, let alone Jess, but he was more than okay with your company. You considered that to be a great achievement, but you celebrated too hard on your newfound friendship. Letting it fester in your heart, boiling for more.
You had tried to embrace delusion, you had tried to be content in the illusion of simply being friends, however guilt crept up on you at every single possibility. Maybe you could push down your feelings, stay in denial, but it would be a wasted effort.
It was the little things. The ghost of a smile that you would see forming on his lips whenever you talked about your interests or practically anything not work-related, the way that his eyes relaxed whenever you came into sight, how he ran his hand through his hair during the times it had fallen unkempt to fix himself up just for you.
Although it wasn't just you who noticed his tiny habits, Miguel was ever the observant type as well. During conversations, he'd occasionally interrupt you with a detail from a discussion that you two had three months ago. You wouldn't be surprised if he knew bullshit like your mother's maiden name.
This showed up in presents too. When you just happened to be hungry, Miguel had pulled out a small box, well as small as it could get when in his hands, and handed it you. Once you'd open it, you were met with the smell of your favorite fast food place.
Even with the snarky comments about how he could easily replicate it with the ingredients he had at home, there was no ignoring the absolutely smitten smile that he wore as he watched you eat. Content, happy, and most of all: full.
You'd missed it, all of it. The adrenaline in your veins raced like a runner on a track, hand shaky as you raised it to knock on the door of his medical room. Sweat gathered at your forehead, you held your breath as it threatened to collapse. You knew had to do this.
Three knocks was all you needed, but before you could even get to the third rap, Miguel's voice spoke from inside. "Come in," it was low, but not menacing like it usually was. He no longer spoke like he was commanding a room, getting your undivided attention, low from the bottom of his heart with every word serving a purpose.
No. Right now? He spoke like he'd fallen into the pavement, instead trying to divert your attention, low from the deep pit of shame and embarrassment that he dug himself into.
Once you'd entered, Miguel looked just as sad as you thought he'd looked. Even if he still adorned the suit that made him particularly stand out from every other spider-person running in and out of this place, the suit that served as his captain's hat, the freshly patched wounds shined through it all.
"Miguel," You spoke, voice hushed as you rushed to his side. He flinches when you slam the door shut behind you before you grip the railings of his 'hospital' bed. "What even happened?"
Your eyes ran over his body, observing how the molecular fabric of his suit glitched and stuttered, the same way a TV would look if you pressed your hand against the screen too hard.
You wanted to get a good look of his injuries, to check for any sign of what the full story was, but before you could do more, Miguel brings the covers over the entire lower half of his body, including the surface of his abdomen. Looking away shamefully.
"I don't want to talk about it right now," He grumbles and you could barely even hear it, his words tore your heart apart piece by piece. Did he not trust you? Were your efforts to see something more in him for naught? "Why are you here?"
"Why else do you think I'm here, Miguel?"
The truth was that you weren't even mad at him, just disappointed. Numbers were too finite to count the amount of times you've limped into Miguel's office with a brand new injury from a mission, the amount of times you've explained to him that you'd go straight to the infirmary after, the amount of times he's demanded that you sit down as he patches up your wounds while you report said mission to him. 
Yet he was this ashamed to act so vulnerable in front of you, while you've looked even weaker in the past? It made you think, it really did. "I feel like you owe me some explanation, don't you?" You insisted, but he just shook his head.
"There's more important things to attend to right now," He begins, and it makes the blood pumping in your heart freeze over. "It's really not that big of a deal, it'll pass in a day, I promise." Lies. All of it. 
The frigidity of his words seeped from your chest down to your very fingertips, the steel railing of his bed practically turning to ice as the realization sunk in. He didn't want you to see him like this. He didn't trust you enough to see him like this. 
But why?
You wondered. So you asked him. 
"I just don't get it." One of your hands lets go of bars that way you could smooth your hair, probably the only not messy part about you right now. "I thought I was doing everything right, and it's still not enough, is it?" 
Miguel's face falls, the tense pout that he wore like a jacket being ripped to shreds as you further rambled. "Why are you shutting me out like this? What did I do wrong?" Fragile, delicate, creaking and cracking, all while on the verge of breaking. 
Was it your voice? Your tears? Your composure? No, everything. It was as if he had you in a chokehold, a slight pressure, and you could shatter in an instant. Your head immediately tilted down, facing the floor. You prayed, prayed, and prayed that he wouldn't take notice of the crystalline drops that fell from your eyes. 
But Miguel can't even bring himself to say anything and he hates himself for it, don't get him wrong though, he has so many thoughts, he's had so many thoughts about you. He felt like such an idiot for not saying them to you before, but he'd feel like even more of an idiot if he said them right now. 
That was mostly the self-defense talking, just look at you. Sure, he was the dumbass injured on the hospital bed, but you were an entirely different kind of pitiful. The strength that he'd built over the past year, to hurdle obstacles both physically and mentally, to be a leader, yet he couldn't even undo the repression of the feelings that he so coldly locked away. 
He wanted to try though. For you.
"It's— it's not for the reasons you think, okay?" Miguel stuttered, how he wanted you to look up that way he could wipe your tears, hush and reassure you, but he couldn't. Not in this moment at least. "I'm an idiot, I really am."
Now, that made you redirect your attention. A rarity it was to witness the proclaimed genius, leader of hundreds of Spider-people, to call himself fucking stupid. Your eyes were dry, but the puffiness of your lids said all it needed to. 
Miguel's face scrunches up a little, he had to be vulnerable, it was the least of many things that he owed you. "I just think you're too good for me sometimes," He sighs, 
leaning back against the pillow behind him. Gazing distantly into the small corner of darkness in the room, "Not sometimes. A lot of the time. Everyday."
A wave of warmth crashes over your chest, coursing through your icy veins as Miguel further digs himself into this hole. A hole that he'd most likely die in. "You're just so— so you, you know?"
He denotes your perplexed face and sucks in a sharp breath, bringing a hand out to rub the wrinkles on his forehead. "Fuck, just give me a second to think." He huffs in annoyance, there were often times where Miguel would be able to explain the full extent of canon evemts with no breaks in between when it came to something as simple as saying I like like you, he was more than clueless.
"I've seen this place come to fruition ever since I could even begin to fathom multiverse travel," He starts, Miguel had normally upkept the habit of keeping eye contact with those he spoke with, but right now he wanted nothing more than to keep looking away from you. "A year. A whole year."
Miguel was smart, that he could say with confidence. He was able to build machines that allowed him access to scientific discoveries that nobody else could attain, the same machines that are the foundation of everything he's built. 
However, it all really boiled down to the people. Each individual that he's recruited is special, he can't deny that. Their origins are the same, maybe their suffering alike, but it comes down to the soul, the core of their being. There's a specialty in every Spider-person that he's walked by in these hallowed halls.
Even after all of that, he just couldn't comprehend it. After seeing all of them get knocked down by the cruel humor of the multiverse, only to get back up and to keep preserving, he hasn't made a single realconnection. 
"You come in only a few months ago and it seems like everybody knows your name, knows who you are, your smile." Miguel talked and talked and talked, like you weren't even in the room. Like how he did whenever he'd come back to his office from a mission, a mission with you and Lyla would beg him for the details. 
"Yet, even when there's so many better versions of Spider-Man out there, more charming and more... likeable," Finally, finally he turns his head back to face you, trying to fight back the shame that makes him want to just shut the hell up. 
"You chose me." How could he even call himself a genius after all of this?
One of Miguel's worst fears nowadays was you being in his place, possibly worse. Dead on the dark floor an alleyway in some distant dimension, that idea terrified him a lot. He almost thought he killed you himself when you only seemed to just— stare at him, lips slightly parted and the only reassurance he received that you were still with him in this realm was the slow rise and fall of your chest. 
If this was how you felt everytime you had a personal discussion with him, he completely understood if you'd leave this room hating his guts. As each second passes at a snail's pace, that pit of anxiousness grows and grows until—
"Miguel," It's a single word, his name, his calling; the way you say it though, it makes his heart drop below freezer temperature. "Is that really what you think of yourself?"
"Here I thought that you were pissed at me this whole time," A dry, but short chuckle leaves your throat. The remnants of your sobs and previous cries still present in the way you spoke. "I don't hang around you just for some extra validation or because you're the boss, I stand you because I actually like you?"
"Have you actually never considered that? That I wanted to know you past a work basis?" You almost find the utter shock on his face humorous if it weren't how ridiculous his mindset was, how stupid he truly was. 
"I mean— I didn't—" Whatever was left of your tears seemed to dry out watching him like this, tripping and falling over his words. The walls that he so desperately tried to build up crumbling before you into pieces, these pieces that you'd admire and care for. "Fuck, I'm no good at this."
"Yeah, I can see that." All the worries that you've held so close to your heart were slowly starting to be ebbed away by the what he'd just said, maybe you were afraid, but he was to. "I can do the rest of the talking now." 
Even if he didn't make a single movement, you could tell that he agreed with you. 
His heart thumps competing the speed of a race car as you place your hand on top of his, running your thumb smoothly across his bruised knuckles. You delight in the way that subtle dark red hue settles on his cheeks. It's working. 
"I really, really like you. I like the way your hair moves, I like the way I can take a peek at your fangs when you laugh, I like the way that you roll your eyes when someone says something really stupid," It's a drawn out ramble, one that Miguel could get absolutely drunk on and result in a hangover the next morning. 
"You're not better or worse than me, we both carry our own flaws, have our own struggles," Time seems to come to a standing point when you bring his scathed hand to your heart, where he can feel how fast it's beating under his fingertips. 
"But what really matters to me is that we help each other change, to improve. You've done so much for me after all this time and I want to do the same for you ten-fold," You suck in a sharp breath. "Possibly even more." 
Miguel clearly couldn't bring himself to words right now. How could he after everything you've just confessed? Any sentence after that would make him sound like a caveman and it's not like he could afford to look like any more of a bumbling idiot in front of you after all that. 
Instead, he opts for something else. Slowly but surely, he drags his hand up to grip onto your shoulder, pulling you closer. Gently but closer. 
He notices the way that your body tenses in anticipation, your breath quickening when his gaze flickers down to your lips. 
"May I?"
Yes, please.
There was a certain softness to the way that Miguel kissed you, in a way that you'd never expect would come from him. However, the grip that he has on your shoulder tightens and surely, there's a certain desperation to how he holds you. 
He wants this. He needs this. 
You want to lean in closer. Maybe even climb onto the bed and straddle his lap so that things can go further deeper, all of these thoughts racing through your head come to an abrupt stop when Miguel hisses in pain pulling back. 
Excitement quickly contorts into concern when he retracts his hand from you to rub the crook of his neck. You swore you could see blood sprinkling the gauze that covered the wound there.
"Shit, I'm so sorry. You should—" Before you could even finish apologizing, he recovers. Practically grabbing you with so much force that your body slightly clashes against the metal of his bed, the cold steel in contrast to the warmth of his touch. 
God, kissing you felt like running a marathon or scaling a building as high as the Effeil Tower, but did Miguel care? No, he didn't. He didn't give a shit if he'd be ripping a stitch or causing a blood vessel to pop. You were all that mattered to him now. 
"Don't you dare apologize." He grits through labored breaths before continuing to kiss you with a newfound hunger and how could you not listen? 
No matter how many bandages, lectures, and battles Miguel had to go through each passing day. The isolation that had consumed his heart in a tar nobody could break, you did. When Miguel was there to save the multiverse, most of all, you would be there to save him. 
And he was more than okay with that. 
want to see more? here's my masterlist
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yo-yo-yeonkai · 1 year
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Kai x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Warning list: Royalty AU! Knight Kai, Princess Reader, Taehyun as a character, insecure Kai, confident reader, mention of battle, injury, pet names (love, sweetheart), fluff, bro they are so in love it hurts my head, oblivious, praise, slight perv Kai, titty sucking, short handjob and fingering, haven’t proof read
Word count: 5,734
Summary: Kai was a knight, not any old night, he was your knight. He was the best in his regiment, known as the perfect knight. He was what all the other knights wanted to be. Partly because he was close to you, but also because he was incredible. You were a princess, the very thing Kai vowed to protect, Which he thought he did with perfection. Except he couldn’t protect you from himself on that one perfect night.
Authors note: This was not my original work for Kai’s birthday, I wrote this over night as a replacement, and I still hate it. So I am very sorry, I’ll make sure my next piece is better :3
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His job was to ensure your safety. However, he was uncertain of whether he executed his duty flawlessly or failed miserably. He kept you away from all potential dangers except for himself.
Perhaps it would have been better if he had held back the night you ushered him to your room, claiming that someone had stolen something from you. He had entered, prepared to catch the thief, only for you to slide the shoulder of your nightgown down, possibly in an attempt to seduce him. "Kai~ it seems I wasn't entirely truthful," you tell him, taking a few gentle steps closer, but he remained still, waiting for an explanation. "You see, something was taken from me... but I don't want it back," you continue, now just a few steps away from Kai. He raises his hand and scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I don't quite follow. Why do you need my help if you don't want your stolen item back? And why wouldn't you want it back?" He questions you, unsure of what's going on in your head. You giggle and step so close to Kai that your chests press together. "I don't need your help, I just need you to hear the sentence I proposal," you giggle, causing Kai to nod and look down at you, trying to contain himself from making a move on you in the lack of distance between the two of you. "Sir Kai, I hereby find you guilty of stealing from me," you pout as you speak, but it's cute, so adorable that it takes a few seconds for Kai to process the words.
"I apologize, but I don't believe that's accurate, Your Highness. And I'm sure you don't even believe your own accusation," he says, eyebrows knitted together and nose scrunched in confusion. You chuckle at his expression and remind him, "I've told you before, please, call me by my name. I call you Kai, why can't you do the same for me?" You run your hand up his chest, causing him to shudder. He looks down and says, "I'd prefer not to. You know how it turned out last time," with a hint of bitterness in his voice, recalling past events.
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"Come on Kai don't be so sour, call me by my name. We've been friends forever, it's only right" you cheer, running through the glowing fields of bright colour and life. Each new dash of colour is a new world for you to draw, to capture the essence of. You simply loved life. The way each flower was hugged by blades of grass, how each tree stood tall with the help of the ground grasping its roots, the way the sun rose with orange hues and went down with pink ones, it was perfect.
It was your favourite place to be, the flower fields. The scent of nature's sweet perfume surrounded you as petals blew behind you, like a trail leading Kai in your direction. He wasn't a bad runner, he's a knight after all, but it didn't mean he wanted to spend his days chasing you. His legs carry him towards you, not letting you stray far away from him, as part of his duty as your knight. "Fine~," he reluctantly agrees, hoping you'll stop running, to make his job more relaxing.
You halt all movement and snap your head in his direction. You wonder if he'd really just agreed, after so many years of using your title, was he really going to say it? Could he really bring himself to break the rules like that? Well, your interest only grew at the thought of your perfect knight breaking the rules for you. "Say it~ say my name~" you chant, walking up to him. As the distance between your faces grows smaller and smaller, he mumbles "(Y/N) I really think it's best we head back to the palace, it's almost time for your evening classes" he reminds you, but most importantly he said exactly what you wanted to hear. "My name sounds so perfect when you say it. Never let me down Kai, always say it" You flushed, the corners of your lips turning up into a bright smile, rushing back towards the palace, trusting that Kai will always use your name.
And so, he never failed to address you by your name in private but always made sure to use your official title in public, particularly in the presence of His Majesty. However, one fated unfortunate mistake changed everything.
Kai was guarding the palace that evening, as the party lived on behind him. He overlooked the perimeter from the balcony carefully, determination to protect the kingdom he loved evident in his stance and gaze, nothing could distract him.
As if the world knew you were his only weakness you suddenly came running to him. "Kaiiii~" you cheered, heels clicking, dress flowing, hair bouncing. You stole his breath, you looked so stunning, a blue elegant ball gown hugging you so perfectly he swore he could see your body through it. Your hair bounced softly at each step you took closer to him, it must be soft. He'd caught himself daydreaming about running his hands through it, and that's when he realized he was being a pervert, so he squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to cleanse his brain and then gave his attention back to you.
Red-hot embarrassment climbs up his body at his thoughts of you. In an attempt to hide it, he let the smile that was already slipping onto his face turn into a wide grin, surely it looked natural. Fun fact, it did not! He should be concentrating, but now you were here, that had blown out the window. "What is it now?" He teased playfully, knowing you preferred it when he treated you like a friend and not a boss. "I was just coming to say that I wished you could join the party. It's a shame they shoved you out here... normally you'd be by my side. Don't you think that's where you belong?" You questioned, trying to hint at something, but you seemed to forget that Kai was oblivious. You wonder how he even got a job where perceptiveness was required when he couldn't even take a hint.
"I belong where I am sent (Y/N), you know this," he says, and that's when he hears your little brother gasp in surprise. Your brother rushes up to Kai's legs and pulls on them "Sir Kai, you have failed to address my sister correctly!" He complained, confused as to why a knight would ever break the rules. His Highness had never heard something so absurd... it was certainly a first. Kai flushes and goes to explain, but you quickly pull your brother away and out of sight. Hopefully, you could explain the situation to him and deter him from telling anyone
After two months had passed, he thought he had gotten away with it until he was called into the Throne room. Initially, he assumed it was for a new mission, but he was mistaken. It turned out to be something far different than what he had expected.
"His Majesty" Kai respectfully bows before the king and awaits his words. The king clears his throat and remarks "At least you still know how to address me, Sir Kai". It was then that Kai knew what had happened but decided to feign ignorance. "I apologize for my lack of understanding, but I'm not quite sure what Your Majesty is referring to. I always address people correctly, if I have failed to do so, please let me know of my shortcomings, and I will make sure the same mistake is not made again." Kai declared, so clearly that His Majesty had to think twice about what he was about to say.
"Sir Kai, I believe it was an unintentional error. As an honourable and chivalrous knight, I know you would not have meant it. However, my son overheard you addressing my daughter by her name instead of her title. I don't require an apology, but I do request that you refrain from doing it again. Failure to comply may result in your removal from your role as her knight. Kindly depart without any further conversation," commanded the King, and Kai respectfully bowed before departing.
The word utters through his brain again and again like a treacherous curse, compelling him to get as far away from the palace as he can. Admittedly, he didn't get very far... only to the knight's barracks, but that's probably for the best. His legs carry him in the direction of his room, where he knew Taehyun was resting after getting out of the hospital. Taehyun had been gone for a long time, and Kai was so glad he was back for this moment. He wouldn't be able to face it alone, he needed his friend by his side.
The knight sat there stretching his back out as Kai rushed through the door, closing it with a slam that shook the building. Stripping himself of his equipment he finally felt a bit lighter and collapsed onto the floor, groaning in pure frustration.
Taehyun knew Kai like the back of his hand and quickly clicked on that it was a noise of pain rather than a noise of joy. "Sir Kai?" He teased, patting his bed so Kai would get off the floor and get some rest. When Kai complied, it all came spilling out. "I'm so fucked. I called her Highness by her name, and His Highness overheard and then His Majesty found out. He knows thinks it was an accident, but it wasn't, he threatened to kick me off her service!!!" he groaned, speaking so fast his sentence might as have been one long word. Taehyun had to fight to decode it as Kai threw himself next to him.
The older patted the boy's back gently, in an attempt to calm him down so the next sentence wouldn't sound like nonsense. He chuckled "Where is the problem? I thought you hated being on her service. I thought you wanted to be on the front lines and fight for what the kingdom deserves, freedom. What happened to that?". Kai deadpans the ceiling as if it had just killed his family, but it truly wasn't capable of even breathing, let alone causing such harm. Realizing he's acting daft he groans again, partly at himself this time "I know, and I still want that, but I can't bare it..." he stops, but he doesn't continue, so Taehyun prompts him "Can't bare what?". Kai gasps as the truth finally dawned on him. He realizes why he threw out the rules for you, and why he gave up his original dream. Oh god, this is worse than he thought. Taehyun looks at the boy as tears threaten to slip from his eyes, but what was Taehyun meant to do, he had no clue why Kai started crying.
"Oh, Kai! What's wrong? Please talk to me... I won't tell anyone, you know I don't like the rumours around here anyways" Taehyun tells him, patting Kai's back as he looks up at Tae and sobs. "I- you can't tell anyone" Kai sobs, desperation plastered across his face and Taehyun nods, prompting Kai to continue "I fell in love with her". The confession makes him cry ten times harder and Taehyun holds the innocent male. Loving royalty when you are not feels like a crime, of the worst variety, so he can't imagine how Kai must really feel right now.
At that moment Kai decided he needed to be as far away from you as he could be, so he made a plan. Request a transfer to the front lines in a few months, and whilst he's away his feelings will wear off and he'll be able to do his job normally. When they ask him who will take his job, refer Taehyun because he will understand and needs a break anyway. But most importantly, Taehyun can protect you.
A few months later, Kai put his plan into action. When asked for the reason for his transfer he stated one of his true answers "As much as I do appreciate all the opportunities I get here. I would like to fight on the front lines for a while, it was my dream when I first signed up for the program as a young boy, and with His Majesty's permission I would like to fulfil my dream".
The king didn't even think it was strange, he was just amazed by how courageous Kai was, willingly going onto the front lines, dreaming of fighting for freedom.
When Taehyun found out, he thanked Kai, but he couldn't help the feeling of terror filling his stomach at the thought of Kai's innocence being broken by the sight of the front lines. He was sure Kai would come back a different man, but he'd be here for him when he did.
When Your Highness found out, it was already too late, Kai had gone that morning, and you'd found out in the evening when Taehyun was sent to accompany you on your evening walks. You questioned Taehyun the entire time.
"Your Sir Kai's friend, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am"
"You share a room?"
"Do you know why he left?"
"He got transferred."
"Did he say anything about how difficult I'd be?"
"Sir Kai never spoke about Her Highness".
"What do you mean? Kai never mentioned me?"
"Exactly what I say, Your Highness."
That's when Taehyun knew it. You were either a troublemaker who loved to break rules, or you loved Kai as well. And all because you didn't use his title. Oh, Taehyun you are so perceptive.
"Tell me seriously this time! Why did he leave?"
"I'm 100% serious. He got transferred."
"Where did he get transferred to?"
"The front lines"
"WHAT?!!" You bellowed; horror plastered across your face at the new information. Taehyun knew you'd react like this, and it only confirmed his theory, and even selected the correct option for him.
You were in love with Kai.
"I'm sorry you've only just found out Your Highness, but Sir Kai left to fulfil the original reason he joined the kingdom's military. He dreamed of fighting for freedom." He explained, urging you to continue walking so you do. "I know that. Kai always spoke about it. It was courageous, but now he's done it, I feel sick" you divulged, ignoring that Taehyun shouldn't know of your feelings. "I feel the same way, Your Highness. Though please don't forget that Sir Kai is the best knight in our regiment, and even got suggested for the rank of officer recently. He excels at all his missions and training and is the epitome of the perfect knight. I'm sure Your Highness is aware that his reputation proceeds him." Taehyun explains.
You hum and nod "I am aware. I enjoy keeping up with the achievements of our military and I've seen Kai's name a few times. Along with yours Sir Taehyun. You received an injury in battle that caused you to come off the front lines. That's why you've traded with Kai, no? A week before Kai gets called into the throne room, you come back, and only months later when you are finally ready for action again, Kai disappeared. Why wait so long, to the point you have recovered again?" You interrogated him. Taehyun sighed at your genius and explained "I have no intention of lying to Your Highness, so please hear me out. Sir Kai waited for me to recover so that I could take his position whilst he went to battle. He didn't want you to be appointed some, excuse my language, freak pervert.".
You expressed frustration, "He's clever and cunning, always one step ahead of me. It's alarming that he can maintain a facade in front of me while scheming like this." You quickened your pace as you both arrived at the palace. Taehyun hurried behind you, ensuring you made it to your room before he retired for the night. Unbeknownst to him, you were in a rush because Kai had already left and wouldn't return for some time, but now you knew his plan you could come up with your own plan to bring him back. Taehyun found your behaviour peculiar, but he could suddenly understand why Kai was drawn to you.
Kai came back after 5 months with a gash on his arm, but you were kept in the dark about it. All because your plan... had not worked. When you stormed into the throne room and accused Kai of scheming and explained his plan, your access to his regiment's records was revoked. As a result, you were unable to keep track of Kai's activities during those 5 months.
After recovering in the hospital, Kai returned to the barracks where he spoke with Taehyun about his experience. Taehyun was surprised to find that Kai didn't show any signs of trauma as he had expected. Instead, Kai was brimming with joy and seemed ecstatic.
When questioned, Kai rambled, "Tae, it's just as revolting as you described. It was truly awful and made me feel like throwing up when I arrived. However, as soon as I started fighting, I remembered the reason why I do what I do: to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to rescue families who long for better days, and to keep my loved ones safe. Taehyun, it was disgustingly perfect."
As Kai spoke, Taehyun couldn't help but give him a sceptical look. Kai was undeniably a unique specimen. Despite having stitches on his arm from a sword wound, he was still brimming with enthusiasm for the upcoming fight. Kai was definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Taehyun was instructed to keep Kai's return a secret, and he followed the rules accordingly. Despite the princess's persistent questioning, Taehyun remained tight-lipped, even though he was aware of the truth. How could he not be when every time he returned to the barracks Kai would blabber on about the fight.
When Kai finally graced your presence again it was at an award ceremony and Kai was being awarded for not only climbing to an officer rank, but then a commander rank, oh lord, what had Kai been up to? Then, just to top it off, an award for bravery in the face of battle. You applauded him enthusiastically from the royalties stands, and your father warned you "Stop clapping so enthusiastically for the commander, people will assume things". You didn't stop and your mother laughed, "darling, let her continue to clap! It's okay to be proud of her old knight".
Kai approached the family to offer his respects, but he did not acknowledge your presence. You may feel slighted by his lack of attention, but it is important to understand that Kai has a specific role to fulfil, and it doesn't involve being by your side at the moment. That is why Taehyun is standing next to your chair, protecting you. This is his duty, not Kai's, and Kai has other responsibilities to attend to.
As the award ceremony came to a close and the party began you and Taehyun watched as Kai mingled with many other guests, it was a party no ordinary knight would've ever been able to attend. You tutted at yourself "Commander? What in the world did he do to climb the ranks that much?". Taehyun explained, "You'd be surprised if you saw him in a battle Your Highness, he's a beast, and stupidly brave". You nodded in agreement and went to walk towards him, but Taehyun grabbed your wrist and held you back "I'm sorry your highness, but I'm saying this in your best interest. If you'd like the commander to serve you again, It would be best not to approach him. I can explain outside?" He spoke under his breath, not looking at you. He was pretending he wasn't saying anything at all, his lips barely moved. From his behaviour, you ascertain that you were being watched and Taehyun knew. You walked outside and Taehyun pretended to be confused and followed after you.
"I'm sorry Your Highness, I shouldn't have grabbed you. But you shouldn't approach Kai this evening, at least not in there. His Majesty is watching to see whether you do. I overheard that if you do, Kai won't be taking back his old job, and I'll continue to serve you. I've known you long enough now to know some things about how you feel about Kai, so I am advising you not to if you want to be near him again" he spoke, a matter of fact. You hummed and nodded "Thank you Taehyun. You didn't need to do that, but you did, so thank you. Don't worry about grabbing me, I understand the situation. Is there any way you could instruct Kai to come to the gardens this evening?" Taehyun thinks for a moment and nods "I can do that. But if anyone finds out, I never played a part in this. Is that a deal your Highness?". You nod at Taehyun and smile, you owed this man a lot.
That night, you went to your room and put your plan into action. You changed out of your ball gown and into an evening dress and waited for midnight to approach. Once the clock struck twelve, you slipped out of your window and made your way down to the gardens, after locking your bedroom door so nobody could even check if you were in there. As you were running through the garden you catch sight of his broad silhouette leaning on the pillar of the flowery gazebo. You were unsure how to act after being apart for five months. You approached him from behind, a giddy excitement flourishing inside of you, and tapped his back, giggling, "Guess who~". He spun to you, eyes twinkling like the universe was stored in his gaze. "Your Highness" he greets you, but he doesn't bow, he'd long grown out of that habit when you were in private, that's what had got him in this mess in the first place. You’d think he’d be smarter this time around. You blush a bright red "C- commander" you stutter slightly, and slap a hand over your mouth. You had never, in your life, stuttered. You'd never do something so ridiculous, but Kai's return had made you act in such a silly way.
Kai ushered you into the gazebo "How have you been?" He asks, leaning against the seat as he waits for your response. Answer honestly or lie. "I've been well thank you. I've become top rank In all my classes like I wanted. How about you Commander?" You question, still trying out his new title. He chuckles at your use of it and says "I've been well, I won't talk about the battle with her Highness, it isn't appropriate. My arm is better now though!" He cheers, but your eyebrow shoots up. "Hmm, what happened to your arm?" You pester, eyes flicking to look at his arms but you can't see anything through his shirt, that was maybe a bit too tight on his ever-growing muscles. He smiled "Ah my bad, I assumed you would've known because you keep up to date with the military files. I suppose you missed my one." He chuckles, but there is a sad tinge to it. You shake your head "No, Kai, it's not that I missed your file, I would never do that. I had your regiments files restricted from my access" you explain, accidentally using his name in a rush, but for some reason, Kai felt a weight off his shoulders at the sound of it.
"I'll explain to you then. I got a gash on my arm during battle. I'm lucky it didn't get infected, or go too deep, I needed stitches but it's practically better now" he explains, waving his arm around as if to prove it. You tut "I can't believe you did that, I hope it was worth it. I understand but... It was a shock" You pouted at the mere thought of him running away again. He instantly clicked onto what you meant and didn't respond, it didn't need a response. They stayed there for another hour conversing until they returned to their respective rooms.
Without hesitation, Taehyun immediately implemented his own plan, reinstating Kai to his former job and setting them both on the right path. It seems you make everyone around you forget about the rules because Taehyun couldn't care less for your royal status when he knew you two were both in love with each other. That's how things played out, and despite staying friends until the night in your room, he never uttered your name.
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"I know what happened last time Kai~ but it won't happen again~ just say it once for me?" You begged, pouting your lips as you ran your hands up his neck and hooked them around the back of it, hugging yourself to him. He was fighting with himself as your chest squished against his own. 'Don't touch her, don't touch her!' He chants internally, remembering he's just a commander at the end of the day, he had no rank compared to you.
"If I say it, will you tell me what I stole?" He challenged and you hummed in his ear, goosebumps shooting across his skin at the delicate sound against the hot air that fanned across his neck. This was the biggest challenge he'd been put through yet, and it was just a harmless person's presence. Kai should've been stronger than this, he knew he could've been, but you rendered him useless. Kai wouldn't be able to contain himself if this went on much longer.
"(Y/N)" he uttered. You replied with such a sultry voice, he nearly gave in, "Yes Kai?". His hands stammered up towards your hips and hesitated a second on whether to go through with his desires before he decided to retreat. "Can you tell me what I stole?" He requests, voice still successfully stable, though internally, he was stuttering and blubbering. You nodded swiftly, grasping his hands and leading them to your waist like he wanted to.
Then as you leant towards his face, you muttered each word. "You. Stole. My. Heart." and then your lips pressed together. Kai froze for a second, thoughts of how absolutely wrong it is swirling through his head and distorting his view of what was real. But one thought rang louder than the others: if it was so bad, why did it feel so good?
His lips moved against your soft ones, and when he squeezed your hips and a whimper slipped out of your lips and past his, he was gone. He'd lost control of himself.
You giggle as you escape his strong arms and run to lock your bedroom door, making a smirk spread across his face, pulling you towards him. "Kai~" you giggle in surprise as he kisses you harder than before and begins travelling down your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. He looks at you in the eye and confesses "I love you." kissing your lips like they were his new addiction, "I love you so fucking much Your Highness." he admits, a kiss in between each word. You groan at him "Don't call me that, or I'll start calling you commander again!". He hums in understanding, "I love you, (Y/N)." You smile and admit, "I love you too, Kai."
Now with a mutual understanding, Your fingers light touch trails along Kai's tight shirt, quickly undoing each button and sliding your hands along his bare skin. He'd never get over how your delicate touch contrasted with the filthy words you let out... no princess is expected to act like this.
He slides the other thin strap off your shoulder and pulls the dress down your body, leaving you in your underwear. Kai never even thought he'd get to see you like this, he didn't even dream of it it was just that far out of reach. but here you were, standing in front of him with your body exposed to his hungry gaze. Everything felt unreal. It simply had to be a dream. You go to slide his top off, but he quickly pulls it back over his scarred arm.
It takes only a second for you to realize what he'd done and why he'd done it, "Kai, you don't need to feel insecure with me. I love you so much. I think you are perfect no matter what. Please let me see you. If you aren't ready, you can keep it on tonight. I won't mind, I want you comfortable." You reassure him, kissing his lips a few times as he thought about it. Whilst your eyes were closed and your lips on his, he pulled the shirt off, hoping you wouldn't even notice, but he was wrong. You pulled away from him and peeked at it, the scar went all along his arm, and your heart ached at the sight, not because it was ugly, but because he'd been in all that pain once upon a time. You leave gentle kisses all along it and whisper, "My strong Kai, my courageous Kai, my Honorable Kai, you are so perfect."
He chuckles and smiles at your words, pushing you back onto your bed and leaning over you. "God, you know just what to say don't you" he teases, going to lean on the arm but realizing he can't so you flip him over. He looks thankful and begins kissing your neck once again as you fumble with his buckle, desperate to undo his trousers and feel him for the first time.
Whilst your attention was elsewhere, he undid your bra and moved your hands so he could pull it off you. After he'd done what he wanted your hands instantly returned to his trousers, hovering over his lap to pull them down his legs. The second your chest was in front of him he grabbed at it, intrigued at how it moved at each touch he made, like a filthy pervert, but you didn't seem to mind, in fact, you seemed to love it. He moves his mouth over one of your tits and licks your nipple, fascinated at how you may react. A soft whine fell from your mouth and he did it again, fingers rolling your other nipple. You reached under Kai's boxers and finally grasped him, pre cum leaking from his tip as you rubbed your thumb over it, groans already falling from his mouth. "Hmm~ yare you that sensitive Kai" you giggle, leaving sloppy kisses on his neck as you pumped your hand up and down him, his pre cum making it easier to glide.
"How can I not be when the woman I love is touching me so well~" he teases and reminds you of his feelings, pulling your panties to the side to see if you were ready for him. His fingers prod into your slit, greeted by a pool of hot desire for him in the form of your slick coating his fingers, and he quickly realizes you have been ready for a while. "Are you ready yet love?" He asks, slipping his fingers into your hole and searching for you to struggle as you respond. "Y-yes! Kai ple-ease!" You stutter, whines interrupting your words. He loves making you stutter because he's the only person that had ever made you stutter and he's proud. proud he can make the princess, a woman who was trained to be so civilised she would never stutter, a stupid mess. He brings your hips forward and lines himself up with your hole. When you are ready he guides you down onto him, being patient as you get used to the feeling, it took everything he had not to brutally fuck into you straight away, the way you gripped his cock was just too heavenly. His hands find purchase on your waist as you begin to bounce causing a moan to slip from both of you.
As he grows more desperate he begins thrusting up into you and pushing you further down on his cock, causing the motion to slap together in the middle, forcing his cock into the sweet spongey bit of you that made you throw your head back and moan his name. "Kai feels -s good!", head falling onto his shoulder as your body grows so tired that you can't even keep yourself up as he uses you. "I know sweetheart- I feel it too-" he grunts, kissing your temple and he thrusting even faster than before. God, your not sure if you love fucking a commander, or hate it. You'll be bruised in the morning let's just say that.
As he fucks you, the best you can do is kiss, lick and bite his neck, using it as a way of keeping your moans in. Pressure builds up in your body and you want to scream but instead, you bite into Kai's shoulder and he seems to understand "Me too love, I'm nearly there" he whines, his pace becoming more frantic as he chases his high. The feeling of his hot seed plastering your walls has your own high crashing down on you and practically sobbing into Kai's shoulder. "Well done my love" he praises, rubbing your back as he lies you both down on your sheets. Kai's stamina training was the only thing keeping him going right now, and you didn't want to imagine how much longer he could go on if he wanted.
It takes you a few minutes but you recover, and by now Kai has you cleaned up, and both of you dressed and laying in bed. Your eyes lock onto his as you smile, "Kai, I love you-" you confess another time, worried you still haven't told him enough. He blushes, shy as if he hadn't just fucked you, "(Y/N), I love you too". A soft giggle fills the room, his following soon after.
Is there a world where a princess and a commander could live happily ever after? I'm not sure... but Kai and (Y/N) we're surely going to find out.
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allfoolsinluv · 2 years
Love in Real Time
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!Reader
Summary: You spend a quiet morning with Javier in your new home.
Word Count: 1.5k
Rating: Mature, 18+ only. Minors DNI.
Warnings: established relationship, domestic fluff, implied + referenced sex, suggestive dialogue, food + alcohol mentions, soft!Javi, Javi is in loooooove, post-canon, giving Javi the life he deserves ❤️
A/N: written for the week 1 moodboard over at @wildemaven-prompts! 🥰 this is just pure, soft fluff. i had so much fun writing this one. title taken from the song 'love in real time' by the maine
It happens slowly.
The soft sound of rain against your bedroom window is the first thing you notice. It’s a light drizzle, the noise just loud enough to barely pull you from sleep and into consciousness. You shift a little, the feeling of your silky sheets against your bare skin waking you even further. Soft breaths fan out rhythmically across the nape of your neck—in, out, in, out—making goosebumps form all over and sending a shiver down your spine. The arm around your waist tightens, pulling you even further into its embrace. That is what finally makes your eyes blink open.
The sight of your surroundings momentarily disorients you. You don't see the same textured, off-white walls you’d grown accustomed to waking up to over the past few years. Your closet is no longer to the right of your bed, and the rickety standing fan is gone from the corner of the room. Instead, you wake to find smooth walls in a soft cream color. In the place where your closet should be is now a hand-crafted wood dresser, lined with a white lace runner and a small vase of flowers. There's a fan, its blades turning idly, hanging from the ceiling above your bed. Your face scrunches up in confusion at the fact that you are not in your apartment.
You smile, though, when you realize you are home.
The last of your and Javier’s belongings had finally been unpacked in your new home the night before. You’d celebrated being officially moved in with a pizza from your favorite restaurant and a bottle of wine at your dining table. After dinner had been cleared and the wine was nearly gone, Javieri led you upstairs to your bedroom and spread you out on your shared bed. He’d savored you slowly, taking his time to build you both up. By the time he was done, you were blissfully sated, nearly buzzing at how perfectly your first real night in your home together had been commemorated.
Behind you, Javier groans softly as he stretches, the arm draped along your body moving off of you so he can rub at his eyes. You take the opportunity to turn over onto your other side to face him. Once you’ve settled into place, tucked back underneath his arm, he smiles at you.
You lean up a little to nuzzle into his neck, tracing along the curve of it with your nose. He hums when you start to kiss softly up to his jaw. He angles his head down to capture your lips with his own. The kiss is lazy, neither of you in any rush to turn things into more than what they are now.  
“Good morning, mi amor,” he says softly after he pulls away, his voice still hoarse with sleep. You can’t help yourself, leaning up to steal another quick kiss with a quiet giggle.
“Good morning, handsome. Sleep good?”
“Mhmm,” he answers. “Slept great. I always do when you’re next to me.”
Even after nearly two years together, Javier still manages to give you butterflies with the things he says.
The two of you are slow to get out of bed, content to just relax in each other’s company. The prospect of coffee and breakfast pulls you both from bed, though, when your stomachs start to rumble. You put on a pair of panties and snag Javier’s discarded t-shirt from the night before, pulling it over your head as he dresses in nothing but a pair of sweats. When he sees you in his shirt, he smirks at you, unable to resist walking over and pulling you into his arms.
“You look much better in my clothes than I do,” he says.
“I know,” you tease back, “why do you think I keep stealing them?”
That earns you a light swat on the ass and a grumble under his breath as you throw your head back in laughter. He lets go of you and takes your hand in his, leading you out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. 
The two of you work in companionable silence to get coffee and breakfast going. Javier stands at the stove, scrambling together some eggs, while you move around him. You pop the bread into the toaster once the coffee pot rumbles to life, the rich smell of his favorite Colombian blend filling your home.
You butter the toast while he plates the eggs. He sets the table while you pour cups of coffee for the both of you—his straight black, yours doctored up with flavored creamer. He likes to tease you about how you take your morning drink, “A little coffee with your creamer, amorcito?” You’ve grown fond of his teasing after all this time, but you still roll your eyes and huff in exasperation at him. He always softens the jab with a sweet kiss on your cheek.
He pulls your chair closer to his as you eat, one of his hands idly stroking your bare thigh as he alternates between taking bites of his food and sips of his coffee. You chat about your weekend plans, but neither of you has much desire to do anything today. The weather has both of you feeling lazy, content to just hang out around the house with each other instead of going anywhere else. Javier suggests visiting the farmer’s market the next morning if the rain clears up, and the thought of it makes you smile.
After breakfast, Javier shoos you away when you try to help him clean up. You sit at the table, fresh cup of coffee in hand, and watch him fondly as he works. It doesn’t take him long, the dishes used to make and eat breakfast minimal. When he’s closed the dishwasher, he turns to you, his hip against the counter and his arms crossed over his chest. He smirks down at you, making you hide your own up-turned lips behind your cup.
“Shower?” he asks.
You’re up and out of your seat, mug abandoned on the table before the word is even fully out of his mouth. You hear him laugh, his footsteps not far behind yours. He catches up to you quickly on the stairs, his arms winding around your waist as the two of you stumble up the last few steps. He guides you to the bathroom, his hands gripping the hem of your—his—shirt, pulling it up and over your head. You turn in his arms, leaning up to kiss him while he blindly fumbles with the faucet, turning the shower on while he kisses you back.
The water runs ice cold by the time you get out and wrap yourselves up in towels. You and Javier had spent more time indulging in each other than actually showering. The water had become lukewarm by the time you got around to scrubbing yourselves down and was freezing when you rinsed yourselves off. It was worth it, though, the see the content smile on his face as the two of you stepped out of the stall.
After dressing in comfortable lounge clothes, Javier drags you back downstairs and to the living room. He plops onto the couch, resting his head on the arm of it, and pulls you down to join him, your back against his chest. You grab the blanket off the back of the couch and drape it over the two of you. When you cuddle back against his chest with a soft hum, he bends his head to place a soft kiss on the crown of yours.
You flick through the channels on the TV until you land on a movie you and Javier have seen countless times. It’s perfect for a day like today when neither of you is really focused on anything but each other. 
The soft sounds of the rain still falling outside and the familiar, comforting warmth of Javier’s body cuddled against yours work in tandem to make your eyes grow heavy. You shift a little, turning your body onto its side to rest your cheek against his chest. He moves with you, settling into a position that allows you both to lie back more comfortably. 
You can feel Javier’s breathing begin to even out, his hold on you relaxing just a tad. He’s close to falling asleep, too. When you first started seeing each other, you didn’t dare to imagine the two of you getting to this place—him getting comfortable enough in your presence to let his guard down, even a little bit. To allow himself to indulge in moments of peace. Laying there against him, knowing that he’s about to fall asleep just before you, fills you with an overwhelming feeling of love.
Just before you let your body succumb to sleep, the sound of Javier’s soft snores now mixing with the rain, you think that right now, in this very moment, you are the happiest you have ever been. You suspect the same is true for him, too.
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ken-dom · 9 months
can you write some fluff with Officer K? I’m desperate!! Nobody seems to post about him anymore sadly and you’re one of my favorite ryan gosling accounts !!
like his first time cuddling since he’s extremely touch starved
or first time trying a sweet
maybe playing in the snow
Thank you anon, that’s very sweet of you! I love a touch starved guy getting some fluff in his life so…
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K is frozen to the spot as your arms move forward and snake around his waist, hands gliding up his back, squeezing and caressing.
He isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. He knows the etiquette, but he can’t seem to translate that from knowledge to action. Not when it feels so…? Good?
He hears you sigh, feels you relax against his stiff frame, and he can’t stop his thoughts wandering to why you’d want this — with him, anyway. He sees the appeal of it, though, and he begins to crave more the longer you’re attached to him, but part of him is saying it’s not ok to reciprocate. You’re real. And he’s…
Well, he knows what he is. And he knows that you know what he is, so it circles back to, Why?
You break his thoughts with a whispered, ‘It’s ok.’
That’s all it takes, and suddenly the floodgates open and he knows what to do. His arms close around you more easily than he anticipated, he drops his head to yours and really lets himself feel.
It all happens so fast he thinks he might have hurt you, but you’re still comfortably pressed against his chest, breathing steadily, humming now and then at the closeness, and he hums too, following your lead.
It’s weirdly tingly and wonderfully soft, and it’s warm, and it’s safe.
He wonders if it’s normal to never want to let go, but as if you read his mind, you mumble that very same sentiment against his chest and it gives him the courage to ask if you’ll stay a while, hoping to lay on the sofa with you, or on the bed, just like this. Just feeling. Safe.
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬, 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 - 𝘼𝙗𝙗𝙮 𝘼𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙪
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wc: 2.1k
summary: You and Abby meet by chance in the WLF stadium, quickly becoming enamoured with each other. Little do you know, you had met a long time ago in similar circumstances.
tags: angst, slight fluff, suggestive themes, Abby is a soldier in this one, mentions of major character deaths, one use of y/n, previous life soulmates, badly proofread
a/n: as promised, this was the most asked fic from the voting pole - by the way, 250 is INSANE. It's incredible to see so many ppl engage engage with my work.
The title is a line from the Odyssey, bc these classes have to pay for themselves at some point. I listened to Rachel's Song from Blade Runner for about 100 times while writing it, and I suggest listening to it yourself to be fully immersed in the experience<33
Stay tuned bc the cuddling headcanons will drop a day after this one! And lmk if you'd like to see a pt 2 of this universe<3
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 The moonlight caressed your lover’s face gently, casting a serene glow over her as she laid next to you. You wondered whether she could feel your gaze on her, as her eyes were closed, appearing as though she was sleeping. You knew her better than that though, knew that whenever she slept, the banes of reality took over and she had a hard time enjoying her slumber. She rarely looked this peaceful.
 Suddenly, her eyes shot open and shot a playful, wicked look at you before grabbing you by the hips and flipping you, now laying on your back as she straddled you. You giggled as you felt her long, silky wisps of blonde hair tickling your neck. 
“Heeeyy” You groaned at her antics. You felt tired, unreasonably so, and perhaps another night you would’ve said nothing but curl next to her and fall asleep in her arms. Tonight though, you felt different, a deep seated instinct telling you to sit with her, cherish her, for you always had time for her but never enough.
“S’ wrong, babe? You looked pretty interested there, see something you like?” Her hands reached up and pinned your arms above the bed, her face mere inches away from yours. It would be pretty easy to reach up and steal a kiss from her pink, plump lips. 
“Of course, dear. I always do.” She lets go of your hands and helps you up, so you’re both sitting on the bed, bathed in the moonlight with the soft breeze that blows in through the window traversing through your hair. You wrap your arms around her waist and lean into her, basking in her pine scent and leaving soft, butterfly kisses on her neck. You feel her guttural sound of pleasure through her skin as she wraps her arms around your tighter.
“What’s on your mind, babe? Been acting weird all day.” She rubbed her hand down your back, as if encouraging you to go on, lay your frustration on her so she could console you with sweet words, then lie back down again and make you forget all about it. 
You visibly tensed up, feeling your hands curling into fists and your breath hitch. “You know what I’m talking about. We’ve talked about this before, dear.”
“Babe I’ve-”
“What you do isn’t safe.” You pull back to look her in the eyes, and her expression reveals it all; grief, regret, yearning. A frown had curled on her face at the mention of the job she had chosen back when she was younger and careless. “I-I know we’ve talked about this so much. But I’m scared of losing you more than I am of anything else. I’m not asking you to stay at home all the time, but I’d be happier knowing that you’re out of harm's way.”
Her career field was known for its heavy casualties-working for the military was no walk in the park, that’s for sure. Part of you wanted her to always be with you, remain in this room forever watching the sunrise and sunset, the season changing. You wouldn't yearn for anything else; just you and Her, intertwined so intimately with one another that your soul merged with hers into one. 
However, you knew that she also sought out the danger herself; she was an adrenaline junkie, and years of combat training had turned her into a genuine war machine, one that was highly requested on the battlefield. She couldn’t help it, to put it simply. To you however, she was the most loving, endearing wife you could ask for. You’d wait for millenia if you knew she’d come home to you, safe and unharmed, longing to cook her dinner and curl up on the couch together.
 Back in the present, you heard her sigh. The knot on your neck became more prominent, and you tried to mentally shoo it away. You’d hate yourself for crying. As she felt your distress, she reached to tuck you back into the space between her neck and her shoulder. 
“I know you’re scared for me, baby. I want you to know that I’ll never forgive myself for making you worry so much for me-you don’t deserve that. Please-please know I’ll always be alright.” She began to stroke your hair, trying to ease you out of your anxious state. She shifted with you in her arms, and you looked up at her in a deep state of thought, as if gathering the proper words for a confession. Finally, she gazed at you with a pained expression, cursing herself for bringing you in such obvious melancholy.
“I have something to tell you.”She uttered, inspecting your face for any sign of tears. Instead she found you looking composed, accepting even. Like whatever it was she was about to tell you, you had come to terms with it. Because you weren’t mad at her-heaven knows you never have been. Perhaps sullen at the cruel humor of fate and the games it had entangled you in.
“You’ve been deployed” You whisper softly, revealing her imminent departure like a well kept secret. She gasps, unsure of what to say. Her azure eyes start to swim in tears, confirming your words more than anything she could say. It wasn’t all that unfamiliar to you. Sooner all later, she would pack her things and travel to some vile hellhole, passing out orders and writing you letters that would be delivered within a month’s notice. And you’d always read them carefully, savoring any segment that was so very her like the finest of wines. You’d remind yourself to be patient, and that good things come to those who wait. 
“How did you find out?” She stumbles, seeking a way to comfort you, to let you know that everything’s gonna be alright even if it’s not.
“The-the letter that came in the mail yesterday. You left it on the coffee table and I-” You can’t bring yourself to go on. What’s done is done anyway. 
“Baby” She cups both your cheeks in her hands, trying to decipher your expression. “Are you angry at me?” You gesture no with your head, your eyes cast downwards in her chest, where a locket rested in between her breasts. 
“M’ not mad. Just, you know, I’ll miss ya.” You reach up to toy with the pendant, rubbing small shapes with your fingers on its cold, metallic surface. She flicks it open and a picture of your wedding day greets you, smiling fondly at the memory. 
“Hey” She starts, “I’ll be back before you know it.” She lies down on the bed, taking you with her, as you lay your face on her pillow, so close your noses bump in a small eskimo kiss. “Don’t I always come back to you?”
You inch closer to her, dipping your hand under her shirt to feel the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat. Right now, as she lied close to you, she had never felt more alive, more vibrant. No matter the circumstances, she always came back to you, one way or another.
“Yeah” You whisper, as you are lulled into a dreamless sleep. “Yeah, you do.”
The two aforementioned lovers never met again. For the rest of their lives, they remained in a constant state of yearning for one another, always looking out for the day they would rejoice and celebrate in each other’s arms. It seems however, that that day never came, and their souls couldn’t reconcile. Time after time, the story of the two lovers became partially forgotten, although as tragic as it was, it was no better than the condition of the rest of the world. And seemingly, one could even consider them lucky, for they never had to witness the Cordyceps pandemic of ‘13 and its hellish aftermath. All things considered, surviving in that kind of world would be easy, were they with each other. 
It was in this world that you and Abby met each other, having somehow persevered through all its trials and tribulations; you met her a year or so after she lost her father, and you had just joined the WLF. Somehow, your presence provided much needed comfort to the lone Wolf, and she made sure to look after you in return. The relationship was nothing short of a match made in heaven, as you and Abby understood each other perfectly, more than words could ever yearn to accurately express. 
Sooner or later, you fell into a routine; you would wake up alongside each other, usually laid bare due to last night’s amorous activities, and you’d make her coffee to earn her a few more precious moments of sleep. Once she was out and about, she’d tell you about her daily schedule, and take some time to complain about the endless workload Isaac had encompassed her in. You’d listen solemnly, telling her to stay safe during work and be mindful of her surroundings-you could never bring yourself to utter the famous WLF moto, especially not to her. It felt… strangely macabre.
 At nights, Abby would return, and you would take care of any fresh injuries, or changing the bandages in old ones, always leaving small kisses on them once healed because it elicited quiet giggles out of her. If she wasn’t too exhausted, you’d then make love, slow and passionate and relishing the moment of it all.
 You’d be forever grateful for finding Abby, as she filled you with so much endearment at the smallest gestures, like when she slow danced in the kitchen in the middle of the night with you or when she brought back an antique pendant found in one of her patrols. You kissed her thank you’s for the gift, and turned around so she could put it on you.
 “Lemme see” She muttered as you turned around, and she caught the sight of it between your breasts. “Hmm” She buried her face in the side of your neck. “Looks lovely on you, baby”.
 A couple of years into your relationship, you attended a celebration for the yearly harvest that had turned out exceptionally plentiful. You sat in one of the stadium seats, listening to Jordan and Manny recount a hilarious incident from patrol. You listened to their drunken jabbers, more amused in their hysterical antics than anything. 
Abby watched you from afar, pleased that you seemed content, sipping on some recently fermented beer someone in the stadium had made. It was pretty unpleasant and bitter, but it managed to get her buzzed. 
She suddenly sensed movement on her left and turned around abruptly, coming face to face with Owen. He gave her a noncommittal, friendly smile, holding a glass of something dark and sparkling himself. She smiled back nonchalantly, uninterested in striking a conversation with him. Although there was a part of her that loved him with a sense of brotherly affection, she was still hurt from the way he dealt with her while they were together, always treating her like some afterthought, the butt of a joke she wasn’t privy to. Still, it’s like they were friends.
 “Nice night tonight. Never seen so many people drinking together.” He commented and followed her gaze as she agreed absentmindedly-then followed her gaze back to you. Owen felt slightly resentful of the way she gazed at you, grinning at you enamored, spellbound. 
“You and y/n seem to be getting along well.” He muttered, reaching for a sip of his drink. “Never thought I’d see the day Abigail Anderson would end up whipped.” He joked, gauging for her reaction. Abby felt her face warm up at his words. She never hesitated to admit just how much she loved you, but she had never wondered what others thought of your relationship. 
“Yeah, I-I’m just, you know. It feels strange to me, too. Being so close to a person.” She stared straight ahead, watching as you laughed along with Manny at Jordan’s beer soaked face. She had no idea why she was confessing this to Owen, but he was one of the few people that knew her so well. “It just…comes very instinctively. I never thought I’d have something like that in me.” She gulped the last remnants of her drink from her cup. After her dad’s death, all Abby was filled with was pain and destruction. Your mere presence had been the antidote for her suffering. She’d never felt better.
“I guess we’ll never know where it comes from.” He shrugged casually, trying not to visibly react at her words. 
“Yeah” She muttered. “I guess.”
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philistiniphagottini · 2 months
Hello! Congrats on the follower milestone! That's exciting! If it's okay, can I request for your Domestic Bliss event, please?
Can I please request Yusei Fudo with 💬 late night conversations, please?
Thank you, thank you Anon for participating. I'm so happy you asked for yugioh because I absolutely adore writing for the characters and I always want more yugioh stuff to write. I hope you enjoy~
cw. fluff, gender neutral reader
Domestic Bliss
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“Hey Yusei, what did you think of me when we first met?”
Your unexpected question breaks the quiet atmosphere, the melody of your voice humming over the loud chirps of crickets and carrying on the gentle breeze. You lazed on a grassy hill in the middle of the night, the bright lights of Neo Domino City reaching for the skies above and dancing across your skin with an ethereal glow. The stars twinkled above as you stared absentmindedly at them for a moment longer before your gaze drifted to your partner laying beside you. 
“I thought to myself, I’m going to marry this beautiful person one day” Yusei confessed. 
Yusei tipped his head in your direction, long blades of grass tickling his cheek as wisps of his ebony hair caressed your warm skin. He hummed softly as he pondered your question, fingers intertwined with yours as he traced his thumb idly over the back of your hand. Both of you were having a fitful night's sleep so you both decided to take Yusei’s Duel Runner out for a spin and take it on a long drive to the grassy overlook that surveyed the bustling city below. It was so late into the night, or perhaps it was early morning already, with no one else around to disturb the peaceful serenity. It felt like everything else had melted away and you were the only two souls left up here to bask in the comforting silence of the night with the stars at your back. His blue eyes shimmered under the lights as he raised your hand, bringing his lips to the back of your hand as they ghosted along your skin. Your heart stammered as you felt his warm breath puffing against your skin, butterfly kisses trailing along your knuckles as he stared deep into your eyes. 
A loud snort was wrenched from your lips as you playful rolled your eyes in response. Your cheeks were burning with a furious heat as you shook your head, body turning towards him as a smile tugged at your lips. 
“Yeah right” you replied with a hint of sarcasm. “I bet you thought that.”
Yusei didn’t take offense to the playful bite in your tone, offering you a reassuring smile as his lips continued to plant firm kisses along your hand, making goosebumps prickle your flesh despite how warm it was. 
“It’s true” Yusei said. “I knew you were the one for me when I first lay my eyes on you.”
You hummed softly as you huddled closer into his side, seeking out the comforting embrace of his body as his lips pressed against the gold band wrapped snug around your ring finger. You threaded your fingers tighter with his, squeezing his hand as you lay your head on his chest to hear the thunderous beat of his heart.
“Love at first sight? How romantic” you cooed. 
A warm smile still painted Yusei’s lips as he reached up with his free hand to caress your face, cupping your round cheek as his warm touch made the tips of your fingers tingle. 
“And what did you think of me?” Yusei inquired. 
You propped your chin upon his chest as you took a brief moment to ponder. You had met him years ago, back in the slums of Satellite. Gods, it had honestly felt like a lifetime ago after all you had gone through with your ragtag group of friends. But you still remember the day you met him as well as you knew the back of your hand, the events of that day as clear as a crystal as you looked back on it. 
“Well I thought to myself, who is that handsome man riding that Duel Runner?”
Your response made Yusei’s cheeks feel warm, a tint of pink dusting high over his cheek bones as the tips of his ears burned red hot from your soft coos. A soft chuckle breezed past your lips as you continued to think, your eyes sparkling at the fond memories. 
“I thought you were quite cool, the way you duelled. Certainly left a lasting impression on me. And how kind you spoke to me. You charmed your way into my heart quite easily Mr. Fudo.”
You brought the back of his hand to your lips and placed a soft kiss to his skin, the spot lingering with warmth even after you pulled away. You took a deep breath before letting a sigh breeze past the seam of your lips. You continued to reminisce as you lay your head back on Yusei’s chest, your cheek squished into his collarbone as your eyes slipped close. Your mind was lulled to a serene haze as you felt Yusei’s hand rub along your back, fingers following the gentle curve of your spine as he gazed down at you with soft eyes. 
“Should we head back?” Yusei asked.
You shook your head with a soft groan. “Not yet. Wanna stay a little longer.”
“We have work in the morning.” Yusei pointed out.
Another disgruntled noise bubbled up your throat. “Let’s just pretend we don’t for the moment. Wanna talk all night like we used to.”
A warm chuckle rumbled in Yusei’s chest as he indulged you. “What do you want to talk about next?”
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